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SOAP Note S: JCR is a 73 year old, divorced, Caucasian female.

Chief Complaint: Pt presents with painful rash on right side. History of present illness: Beginning 2 days ago, pt noticed burning pain to right side. Awoke today with red rash with blisters to same site. Pain at the site of the rash is described as a severe sharp, burning pain. The pain is constant. Pt applied ice to site with little to no pain relief. No known aggravating factors. Denies associated signs/symptoms including fever, SOB, difficulties swallowing, or pruritus. No history of similar rashes. Had chickenpox as a child. Lives at Alexian Village, a retirement community. No recent travel or exposures to chemical irritants. No recent vaccinations or new medications. Has not received shingles vaccine. No known drug allergies. Past medical history: Current medications: Lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide 20/12.5 daily. Omeprazole 20mg daily. Potassium chloride 20 mEq daily. Loratadine 10 mg daily. Allergies: No known drug allergies Surgical history: Total hysterectomy, Caesarian section x2 Childhood illnesses: Chickenpox Immunizations: Did receive influenza vaccine this year, pneumonia vaccine within the past 3 years. Has not received shingles vaccine. Family history: Both parents deceased, mother at age 87 with no major medical problems, father at age 68 with history of CVA and MI. No siblings. One son, age 49 and one daughter, age 46 with no history of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, or cancer. Social history: Divorced 30+ years ago. Retired, lives in retirement community. Denies ETOH, tobacco, or drugs. Participates in walking club at retirement community to stay active and to socialize. States she has been very stressed lately due to family issues and daughter currently going through a divorce. Review of Systems:

Constitutional symptoms: Appears stated age and in good health. Denies fever, fatigue or difficulties with ADLs. Eyes: Wears glasses, last eye exam this year. No current problems with vision, pain, or excessive tearing. Ears, nose, mouth and throat: No difficulties hearing, no pain or discharge from ears. No sinus congestion, nasal pain or discharge. Wearing well-fitting dentures, no complaints. Denies sore throat or dysphagia. Cardiovascular: Walks daily with walking club at her residence. Recent lipid panel and EKG normal. No chest pain, palpitations or edema. Respiratory: Denies SOB, cough or wheezing. Gastrointestinal: History of reflux. Denies current abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation. Genitourinary: Hysterectomy, 2 prior c-sections. Denies dysuria, incontinence or vaginal discharge. Musculoskeletal: Denies neck or back pain, joint pain, muscle pain, or difficulties in ROM. Integument: Positive for erythema and rash. Denies pruritus or bruising. Neurological: Denies headache, weakness, syncope, or memory loss. Psychiatric: Denies mood changes, depression, anxiety, or insomnia. Endocrine: Denies thyroid problems, polydipsia, polyphagia, or polyuria. Hematological/lymphatic: No history of anemia or previous blood transfusions. Denies bruising, fatigue, or unusual bleeding. Allergic/immunologic: Positive for seasonal allergies. Immunized against influenza and pneumonia. No immunization against shingles. O: Constitutional: Alert and oriented, no acute distress, appears well-nourished. VS: Temp-97.9, BP-126/78, Pulse-89, H-55, W-165. Eyes: PERRLA, EOM intact, eyelids, sclera, and conjunctiva normal. Vision grossly intact. ENT/Throat: Nasal and oral mucosa pink and moist. No nasal discharge noted. Throat without erythema, inflammation or exudate. Cardiovascular: Regular rate, S1, S2, no murmur. Respiratory: Clear to auscultation bilat, no wheezes.

Gastrointestinal: BS normal. Soft, non-distended, non-tender. No masses. Genitourinary: No complaints, not fully assessed. Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory, normal gait. No edema or deformities. Skin: Tender, erythematous vesicular rash distributed on right trunk following dermatome T7. Neurologic: A+O, MAE, cranial nerves 2-12 intact. Psychiatric: Normal affect, follows commands, answers questions appropriately. Hematologic/lymphatic/immunologic: No adenopathy, no abnormal bruising. A: 1. Herpes Zoster- 053.9 2. Ineffective health maintenance- Lack of shingles vaccination 3. Hypertension- 401.9- Well-controlled 4. Hypokalemia- 276.8- Resolving 5. GERD- 530.81- Well-controlled P: 1. Acyclovir 800 mg PO 5x/day x7 days Indication: Herpes Zoster treatment to prevent complications MOA: Inhibits DNA polymerase; Incorporates into viral DNA. Usual dose: Varies depending on treatment indication. Usual dosage for Herpes Zoster is 800 mg PO 5x/day x7 days. Available as: Both brand name and generic Cost: (for generic, 200 mg, 140 tablets) Walmart Pharmacy (on $4 list) $20. Target Pharmacy (on $4 list) $20. Walgreens $12 Educated patient on expected course of shingles and possible complications. Advised use of OTC acetaminophen/ibuprofen for pain relief. Educated on preventing secondary infection by not scratching area. Pt encouraged to follow up in 1 week for recheck and to ensure no complications. 2. Well-controlled, tolerating medications, continue current treatment.

3. Resolving, recheck electrolytes with next visit. Continue current medication. 4. Well-controlled, tolerating medications, continue current treatment.

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