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Submitted In Partia Fu !i ment "! t#e Re$uirement "! %a&#e "r "! %u'ine'' Admini'trati"n %ATC(-)*+,,-*+,-.

GUI/E/ %Y0 Mr1

SU%MITTE/ %Y0 %%A ) Genera .


This is to certify that the project entitled COMPARATIVE MARKET ANALYSIS OF SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS VIS- A- VIS ITS COMPETITORS carried out by Mr1 2 student of, is here by accepted and approved as a credible work, submitted in the partial fulfillment for the requirement of degree of BBA.


hereby declare that the project work entitled 3COMPARATIVE MARKET ANALYSIS OF SAMSUNG VIS-4-VIS ITS COMPETITORS ! submitted to the 5555555555551, is a record of an original work done by me under the guidance of Mr5555511 , "aculty #ember, $elhi nstitute %f &ural $evelopment, and this project work has not performed the basis for the award of any $egree or diploma' associate ship'fellowship and similar project if any.

555 6 ) 6 .

Mr1 5551


PARTICULARS Acknowledgment Abstract



(. ntroduction
a. b. c. d. %verview of the +onsumer durable sector +ompany profile +omparative analysis +onsumer perception


,.%bjective of &esearch ../imitation of the study


(.1ources of data collection ,.&esearch #ethodology


2 2

(. Analysis of $ealers 3uestionnaire on +T4 ,. Analysis of $ealers 3uestionnaire on A+ .. Analysis of sales $ata of 1amsung

(( (5 (0

(. "indings from the +onsumer 3uestionnaire ,. "indings of the &eport


,* ..

(. +onclusion Bibliography


3A::re&iati"n &an ma;e a da<2 e=en &#an>e a i!e1 Y"ur ?i in>ne'' t" :ut it int" ?"rd' i'

a t#at i' ne&e''ar<@1 would like to e7press my thanks and heartfelt gratitude to the Branch head of 1amsung ndia electronics private limited Mr1 655511 for allowing me to do my project in this organi8ation and for his constant help and assistance in all possible ways in completing this project successfully. would take this opportunity to e7press my sincere accolade to my faculty guide, 555555555112 for facilitating me at various phases of the project. $espite his demanding schedule, he bestowed every possible support to me, so as to carry on the project work without any hindrance. thank all the dea er'2 retai er' A &"n'umer' for sharing valuable information with me, which was very helpful for this project. . /ast but not the least9 thank m< :arent' and tea&#er' for bringing me up in a successful environment and teaching me all the basic etiquettes and ethics required for my growth in an organi8ation.


3All human actions have one of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion and desire. As a human being the major cause to take over this project was reason. The reason is to accomplish my task, aim, and motive of enhancing my knowledge and to know more about the consumer durable industry. +onsumer durables have become inseparable in this era of moderni8ation and thus influence even the common men:s life. This is one of the fastest growing industry with an growth of about 0; every year. nvention and the launch of new technology is the most important tool of this industry. To maintain the quality of products provided to the customers the companies dealing in the consumer durable products has to undergo e7tensive study and research work. This project work is a small attempt to understand the dealer, retailer as well as the consumer behavior in regards to the colour television < Air conditioners and to find out the position of 1amsung among its competitors. This 1 = project is being conducted on +onsumer durables i.e. +T4 < Air conditioner for >1amsung ndia ?lectronics private limited@, am focusing on C"m:arati=e Mar;et and &"n'umer be#a=i"r 'tud< "! &"n'umer durab e' "! Sam'un> =i'-B-=i' it' &"m:etit"r' i1e1 S"n<2 LG2 Vide"&"n2 (aier2 % ue'tar1 In CTV A A1C 'e>ment1 "or this the 1urvey was conducted with a set of questionnaire containing the questions which helped in obtaining the desired information from the dealers < retailers. n the ne7t segment of study the consumers has be targeted with a set of questionnaire for the desired information. Till date around 6A dealers And &etailers were approached in the Borth $elhi and surroundings. The information was obtained through questionnaire as well as by the interview method. The copy of questionnaire is being attached with this report. The method of personnel interview was also adopted for those who were unwilling to give any information in writing. At present around 6A of such interviews have been conducted keeping in mind the requirements of the survey being conducted. This report also includes the analysis of around (A year:s sales data. This data with the help of /e square method is used to predict the future demand as well as the sales of 1amsung.


A comparative marketing study of Samsung Electronics vis--vis competitors (L.G, !ideocon, "luestar, Sony # in t$e area of %ort$ &el$i and Surroundings'''''


CAll progress is born of inquiry. $oubt is often better than overconfidence, for it leads to inquiry and inquiry leads to investigation! &esearch inculcates scientific and inductive thinking and it promotes the development of logical habits of thinking and organi8ation. (esearc$ is a common parlance refers to a searc$ of kno)ledge. *$e advanced learners &ictionary of current Englis$ lays do)n t$e meaning of researc$ as a careful investigation or in+uiry especially t$roug$ searc$ for ne) facts in any ,ranc$ of -no)ledge .$at is comparative /arketing study? n comparative marketing research we take our competitor:s products and make comparison through consumer with our own products. .$y 0omparative /arketing study1 0omparative marketing study'research comprise one of the most important and fascinating task of marketing. t provides information for marketing decision making, any problem that are identified and investigated further by using problem solving techniques with the objective of arriving at solution. The most important innovation in the new approach is to study simultaneously different organi8ational forms of business interest representation. The aim of the study is to point out the best (in this respect) among the alternatives that are being studied. The final aim perhaps is not only to find the best, but also to improve it or similar objects later on.

O=er=ie? "! t#e C"n'umer /urab e Mar;et

The consumer durable market in ndia has seen a proliferation of brands and product categories in recent years.#ost major international brands from Dapan, Eorea, F1, ?urope and +hina have been launched in ndia with varying degrees of success. %ne of the largest barriers to entry for any brand in ndia is the distribution network.

The cost of servicing the network is huge for any brand. The consumer is aware of the cost) benefit, or value for #oney aspect. "inancing options are crucial in case of high)priced products. They increase the affordability for a Gider segment of population. /ike in any country, the consumer durable industry in ndia is largely dominated by colour televisions >+T4@, which account for 6*; of the consumer durables industry.

"ig) )+onsumer $urable #arket =ie n "inancial year

"ig) ) Hrowth of +onsumer $urable #arket

C"m:an< Pr"!i e "ounded in (2.0, 1amsung +orporation is one of Eorea:s most enduring and respected corporations, having stood behind the advancement of the national economy for more than three quarters of a century. At the origin of 1amsung Hroup, 1amsung +orporation was the trading arm of the group, epitomi8ing its vibrancy and dynamism in the area of global trade. ts designation in (2-6 as Eorea:s first)ever Heneral Trading +ompany marked a new chapter for its overseas operation, which since then grew into a scope truly worthy of a global trader. 1amsung +orporation:s entrepreneurship and achievement on the world scene have been a major inspiration for Eorea:s trading community.

n a continuing bid to e7pand its business area beyond the confines of international trade, in (22*, 1amsung +orporation merged with 1amsung +onstruction, and in (22-, launched into the retail business. +urrently, 1amsung +orporation is engaged in two major business areasI trading, construction. The organi8ation consists of two business groups, with the retail business headquarter under the trading group, and with the housing development headquarter under the construction group. T#e Tradin> Gr"u:, currently operating from its -( overseas offices, e7ports semiconductors, machinery, plants, iron < steel, chemical products and te7tile9 and imports energy, chemical products and machinery < equipment. n addition to trading, the Hroup carries out a variety of other projects including overseas investment, project organi8ing services and energy < natural resource development projects. T#e C"n'tru&ti"n Gr"u:2 a provider of construction and engineering services, is also a plant builder and housing developer. To date, the group has to its credit #alaysia:s =etronas building, the world:s highest edifice, 56,m high, boasting 2, stories aboveground9 Bew Busan =ort9 ncheon nt:l Airport9 Flchin Buclear =ower =lant9 and &aemian and Trapalace, the

apartment comple7es. "rom energy resources to housing, each of these projects is a powerful testimony to the group:s technological e7cellence. /ast year, the group entered into a contract to build the world:s highest building, Burj $ubai.

Botably, &aemian, one of 1amsung:s signature apartment comple7es is a remarkable triumph, hailed as new standard)setting lu7ury housing. The success of &aemian, topping the Bational +ustomer 1atisfaction nde7 >B+1 @ in the apartment category for eight consecutive years, has driven up our overall market share in housing development to the top of the scale as well. T#e Retai %u'ine'' is buoyant and thriving with 1amsung =la8a Bundang , a multi)feature shopping center, and 1amsung nternet 1hopping #all, familiarly referred to as C1amsung #all! as its two main platforms.

C"m:arati=e Ana <'i' A comparative Analysis of 1amsung ?lectronics vis)J)vis competitor:s >/H, Kaier, 4ideocon, 1ony, Bluestar@ in Borth $elhi .$at is comparative 2nalysis1 n comparative Analysis we take our competitor:s products and make comparison through consumer with our own products. Ghy +omparative AnalysisL +omparative Analysis comprises one of the most important tasks of marketing. t provides information for marketing decisions. =roblems are identified and investigated further by using problem solving techniques with the objective of arriving at solution. The most important innovation in the new approach is to study simultaneously different organi8ational forms of business interest representation. The aim of the study is to point out the best among the 4ariables that are being studied. The study will also include the survey which will be targeting about 6A dealers in the area of Borth $elhi. The main emphasis in the survey will be given on the sales of 1amsung in comparison to its competitors in +T4 < A+ segment, the consumer perception about the brand will also be taken into consideration while conducting this survey. The analysis of the buying behavior in respect to A+< +T4 will be another important

component of my study. Buying behavior of the consumer is a study of how individuals make decisions to spend their available resources >time, money < effort@ on consumption related items >what they buy, why they buy, where they buy, how often they buy and use a product or service@. The heterogeneity among people across the world makes understanding consumer buying behavior an intricate and challenging task. The consumers: identity, his beliefs, specific needs, attitudes and the kind of product and brand available in that product category influence his buying behavior. The marketing efforts of a firm have a profound impact on the buying decisions of customers. Therefore the attempt of my survey will be to obtain an in) depth knowledge of the customers buying behavior. The effect of e7ternal variables on purchasing pattern of customer will also be considered here the e7ternal variables refer to all those factors which will be affecting the consumer purchasing decisions, these can be price of the goods and on its attitude to respond to functional needs. The critical variable under this approach is the availability of adequate information about purchase alternatives >price, product functionalities@ to support the decisional process. The e7ternal conditioning approach, according to which the purchase decision is a response to e7ternal stimuli. The critical variable under this approach is which kind of e7ternal stimuli can influence purchase decision. The e7perience and the social interaction ) based approach, according to which the present consumer decision aims at the construction of personal identity. Another component of my study will be the analysis of the brand >1amsung@ on four =:s i.e. M M M M =roduct =ricing =romotion =lacement. These are the four factors which help an organi8ation to understand the market and help in taking future decisions relating to the launch < the strengthening of the market for the brand.

%ene!it t" &"m:an<0 ,1/i': a< S#are Tra&;in>0 information t will be used to revealed potential demand of each product. product and lowest selling product in the market. t will help in taking decision during the line e7pansion and line pruning. $isplay share tracking will help us to find out these

Gith the help of display tracking we will find out the highest selling

* 1C"n'umer :er&e:ti"n0 This is done with the aim of capturing the true words and emotions of consumer, and in turn using this information to improve or developed products or to determine people attitude toward the products. t will help company to get feedback from consumer. t will prevent the undervaluation of competitor and we can find the strength and Geakness of our product. This will help us to stay ahead in competition t will encourage value creating investment. t will help in ma7imi8ing the consistency of value creation

#easuring performance t will help us for market share analysis

C"n'umer :er&e:ti"n As it is well known proverb of marketing that C+onsumer is the king! it is mandatory for any researcher to know the opinion of the consumer regarding the products on which he is going to conduct the study. This research work will include a consumer questionnaire on the consumer goods which has been taken as the part of the study the questionnaire mainly aims at . Awareness of the consumer about the brand Kis decisions whether dependent or independent =urchase pattern Brand loyalty level +urrent consumer durables in home Ghat is the impression of consumer about 1amsung

This questionnaire will mainly help out in reaching at the actual consumer perception of the consumers about the brand. This is done with the aim of capturing the true words and emotions of consumer, and in turn using this information to improve or developed products or to determine people attitude toward the products.


The major objective of the study is to analy8e the position of 1amsung 4is)J)4is its competitors and to identify weak areas and provide recommendations for the sales. The consumer durable market has grown considerably in last few years in ndia. Gith the growth, the level of competition has grown as well. /iterally every day companies come up with new attractive offers to grab the better share of the market. The challenge is not only to get the new customer but also to continue with the e7isting customers. The objective of doing the project is toI ) dentify the $ealer and +onsumer perception about the 1amsung products with respect to its competitors in +T4 < A+ segment. ) To find out some differentiating strategies to stay ahead in competition in +T4< A+ segment. ) To identify the factor affecting the four =s i.e. E ample: 9#at are t#e :arameter' "n ?#i&# &"n'umer ma;e' #i' :ur&#a'e de&i'i"nC Parameter' % % % =rice =ackaging =roduct "eatures Ran; . . .. =roduct =ricing =romotion =lacement.

% % %

Brand Bame =roduct 3uality =roduct $esign

. . .

SCOPE OF STU/Y0 (. mpact of consumer durables >being taken in to the study@ on the consumers, retailers, dealers. ,. +omparison of 1amsung with other competitors.


The $ata collected from the $ealer might not be very accurate to obtain the desired information. The sample si8e taken is small to make a universal statement. The final conclusion can be also affected by some of the e7traneous variables. Though the study represents the position of 1amsung in Borth $elhi. $ue to small sample si8e, the finding may not be a true representative and it cannot be generali8ed. Biasness of the respondent. /ack of sufficient information /ack of the instruments to find out the reasonable outcome

$ifficulty in gathering the reasonable data t:s all about the future predictions and future is unsuitable


!econdary "ata: The secondary data for the project is collected from websites. The other data was collected from the offer document and informal discussion with company members. &eferences are also taken from search engines. #rimary "ata

The primary data is collected by interviewing the concerned persons. /ea er' Due'ti"nnaire2 C"n'umer Due'ti"nnaire is prepared to collect the data and this data will be analy8ed for studying the position of 1amsung in comparison to that of its competitors i.e. 1ony ./.H. Kaier, 4ideocon, Bluestar,

*1Re'ear&# Met#"d" "><

C&esearch is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific situation or problem!. The objective of this section is to describe the research procedure and methods that have been adopted for the achievement of the project objectives. a1 Re'ear&# /e'i>nI A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. #y research is comparative in nature. /e'&ri:ti=e re'ear&# de'i>n0 $escriptive research design describes attitudes, perceptions, characteristics, activities, and situations. These studies may describe the behavior of the targeted customers, characteristics of customers, or the market potential for specific products. 1imply stated, descriptive research e7amines who, what, when, where, why and how questions. t is performed after information needs have been entirely specified, the problem has been well defined, and tentative hypothesis have been generated. b1 Met#"d "! /ata &" e&ti"n0 n order to study the consumer perception regarding the uses of 1amsung =roducts with respect to other companies in Borth $elhi both primary and secondary data will be collected. The study proposed to collect =rimary data through questionnaire using survey method. 1o as to give a precise, accurate, realistic and relevant data. The 'e&"ndar< data as it has always been important for the completion of any report provides a reliable, suitable, equate and specific knowledge. The data will collect

from various maga8ines, fact sheets newspapers and websites published by the company . &1 Sam: in> Te&#ni$ue0 The study proposed to use convenience sampling. d1 Sam: e Area0 n order to make a comparative analysis study the consumer perception as

well as dealer < retailers perception of 1amsung products with respect to its competitor, the data for the study has been collected through a survey of $ealers'&etailers of Borth $elhi and surroundings.


"or this purpose

conducted a survey with the sample si8e of (AA. This sample includes the

dealers and the retailers in the area of Borth $elhi and surroundings. The questionnaire having 6 questions was prepared to obtain the desired information and the method of personnel interview was also adopted for those dealers who were not interested in filling the questionnaire and the data got is then analy8ed and following are the results for the same. The starting of my questionnaire with the question ,19#i&# "! t#e !" "?in> brand' "! CTV2 <"u are dea in> inC This question mainly gives the idea that how many dealers and the retailers are dealing in single and multiple brands "ig (.A shows that out of (AA dealers and retailers who were part of survey in Borth $elhi and surroundings where .0 were dealing in the single brand only and the others were dealing in multiple brands.

Dealers Ratio

Single brand 38%

singleBrand multiple Brand

Multiple brand 62%

"ig (.A *1 ("? man< m"de ' d" <"u di': a< !"r ea&# brandC #ainly the (6, ,(, ,2, /+$ < =/A1#A were considered for the brands 1amsung, 1ony, /H, Kaier, 4ideocon and the major dealers and the retailers were interested in keeping the brand most sold. The fig (., shows that out of the total survey the proportion. Average Proportion of Display at each Store $% 2%% 5#% 5% 1#%
15 Inch 21Inch 29 Inch LC !L"SM"

"ig (.( This question also bought up an idea that lower end markets have more proportion of (6, ,( inch display as compared to that of high end market. 71 9#i&# are t#e t?" #i>#e't 'e in> m"de ' "! ea&# &"m:an< in CTV A t#eir :ri&e'C The models that were sold more in comparison to others for the same brand in the +T4 segment are as follows.

T#e #i>#e't 'e in> M"de ' 1amsung /H Kaier 4ideocon 1ony ,(inch =lano) 8.A , N5. ,(inch "latron ),("$ ,&H) TO, ,("+0&H)AO ,(inch =latron) ,(",A, ,("2$ ,(inch +hallenger) ,(inch E4K#,(. #0A, E4"A ,(# 0.

-1 T" ?#at eEtent'2 !" "?in> brand' "! CTV are :re!erred b< &u't"mer'C This question was mainly asked to have an overview of how the customer responds to a particular brand and the results are shown in the fig (., Customer brand prefrence in 21 inch
#%% 35% 3%% 25% 2%% 15% 1%% 5% %% Samsung S&n' L( )ide&c&n *aier

"ig (., Average demand for the brand has been also estimated with the findings of the same question. Customer Prefrence for Brand

12% 22%


26% 32%

Samsung S&n' L( )ide&c&n *aier

"ig (..

81 9#at i' t#e :ri&e band !"r ?#i&# t#e &u't"mer "";' !"r ?#i e ma;in> :ur&#a'e de&i'i"nC Gith this question the major objective of my survey was accomplished it reveals what the consumer need in the particular segment as shown in the table below.

1egment (6 inch ,(inch ,2inch /+$ =/A1#A

Brand 4ideocon 1amsung'/H 1ony'1amsung 1amsung 1amsung'/H

=rice range 6AAA 2AAA (6AAA 5AAAA 66AAA


"or this purpose conducted a survey with the sample si8e of (AA. This sample includes the

dealers and the retailers in the area of Borth $elhi and surroundings. The questionnaire having 6 questions was prepared to obtain the desired information and the method of personnel interview was also adopted for those dealers who were not interested in filling the questionnaire and the data got is then analy8ed and following are the results for the same. The questionnaire with the question

,19#i&# "! t#e !" "?in> brand' "! AC2 <"u are dea in> inC This question brought the fact that how many dealers and retailers are dealing single and multiple brands of air conditioners this shown in the figI ,1,+

Dealer Ratio Multiple brand 32%

single Brand multiple brand

Single brand 68%

"ig (.2 D* ("? man< m"de ' d" <"u di': a< !"r ea&# brandC n this question mainly the (.A ton, (.6 ton and , ton capacity of both window split air conditioner category were considered and the models displayed at each counter on an average are as underI

Brand Bame
1amsung w's /H w's ,'( .'( ('( Bluestar w's ,'( ,', ('A ('( ('( ('A 4ideocon w's Kaier w's ('A ('( .6'A


( Ton (.6 Ton ,.A Ton

,'( .', ('(

D7 ?#i&# are t#e t?" #i>#e't 'e in> m"de ' "! ea&# &"m:an< in AC A t#eir :ri&e'C ?ach brand has its unique image for its product thus the highest selling models for each brand also vary according to the quality features as well as demand for the products the highest selling model for the each brand are as follows

%rand 1amsung /H 4ideocon Bluestar Kaier

M"de (03B G(0H, 1B(*A0 GA#(0(PB KG(,$O

D-1T" ?#at eEtent'2 !" "?in> brand' "! AC are :re!erred b< &u't"mer'C The major brands preferred by the customers according to the options given are as follows Brand Prefrence by customers
35% 3%% 25% 2%% 15% 1%% 5% %% Samsung L( )ide&c&n Bluestar *aier

"ig (.(A

D81 9#at i' t#e :ri&e band !"r ?#i&# t#e &u't"mer "";' !"r ?#i e ma;in> :ur&#a'e de&i'i"nC This question mainly brought out the conclusion of which price brand generally the customer looks for when he makes his purchase decision this is e7plained as under.

Se>ment (.A Ton (.6 Ton ,.A Ton

Pri&e %and (5AAA (0AAA ,6AAA

DF ?#at i' t#e eE:e&ted :er&enta>e "! &u't"mer' ?#" are ?i in> t" :a<1 =remium, or has

the /ow)end customers the analysis of the data reveals that the proportion of premium customers is around -0; as compared to that of low)end customers that comprise of only ,,; .

Proportion of Premium & o!"end Customers in #ar$et L&+,end cust&mers 22%

!remium Cust&mers $8%

"ig ,.A DG ?#at i' t#e annua e'timated 'a e' "! ACC After taking out the average of the low) end and premium markets the results obtained are that the average annual sales of the premium end market that comprises of $% dealers and retailers was as under this analysis work constitute the limited sample si8e and thus may no predict the correct figures. the word season means the month of #arch, April, #ay, Dune. %rand Name 1amsung /H Bluestar 4ideocon Kaier Annua a=era>e e'timated 'a e' ,*AAA pieces per season ,2AAApieces per season ,-,AApieces per season. (-AAApieces per season. 20AApieces per season.

DH1 9#i&# %rand <"u Re&"mmend and ?#<C As this was the last question the importance of this question was much more as people tried to ignore it but the information obtained from the analysis of this question are shown in the fig ,.-

Dealers Recommendation for the Brand

#%% 35% 3%% 25% 2%% 15% 1%% 5% %% Samsung L( Bluestar )ide&c&n *aier

"ig ,.6


The sales date collected from the sources has been used to predict the future 1amsung ndia private limited by using the /east 1quares #ethod EE: anati"n "! t#e Met#"d This method is widely used in =ractice. t is a mathematical method and with its help trend line is fitted to the $ata in such a manner that the following two conditions are satisfied >(@ Q>P)Pc@RA .e. the sum of actual deviations of the actual values of P and the computed values P is Nero >,@ Q >P)Pc@, is least .e. the sum of the squares of the deviations of the actual and computed values is least from this line and hence the name method of least squares. The line obtained by this method is known Cas the line of best fit C The method of least squares may be used either to fit a straight line trend or a parabolic

trend. The straight line trend is represented by the equation Y&I aJbK GhereI Y+ R is used to designate the trend 4alues to distinguish them from the actual 4alues of Y. a is the y intercept or the computed trend figure of the Y variable when K I + b represents the slope of the trend line or amount of change in Y variable that is associated with a change of one unit in K variable. The K variable in the time series analysis represents time. &east !'uares trend (ethod Fittin> "! 'trai>#t ine trend b< t#e met#"d "! ea't '$uare'

Pear ,AA( ,AA, ,AA. ,AA5 ,AA6 ,AA* ,AA,AA0 ,AA2 ,A(A

1ales $eviation "rom,AA6 >P@ >O@ A.6 (.A25-,5 (**.2-52 ,,0(A,2. ,-,.A2.2 ,55(2602 .A6(0,6* 5,.,(06, 6A2(((*5 *(050256 *.5-20.. QyR .6.,-6.55 QO

OP )5.6 )..6 ),.6 )(.6 )A.6 A.6 (.6 ,.6 ..6 5.6 R A )602,*,60 )60,.2(,, )6-A,6-.. )5A05*5A2 )(,,A2-26 (6,62(,0 *.50,--0 (,-,--2(A ,(*5-(.A0 ,06*62,52 QOPR 50A2A.A6-

O, ,A.,6 (,.,6 *.,6 ,.,6 A.,6 A.,6 ,.,6 *.,6 (,.,6 ,A.,6 QO, R 0,.6

The equation of the straight line trend is

a RQP' B R .6 .,-6.55'(A R .6.,-6.5.5 bR QOP' QO, R 50A2A.A6-'0,.6 R60,2(,-.2* PR .6.,-6.5.5 S 60,2(,-.2* O "or ,A(( O will be 6.6 I .6.,-6.5.5 S 60,2(,-.2* >6.6@ R .6.,-6.5.5 S .,A*A,A..-2 R *-.0--.0.(2 T Thus the estimated earnings for the year ,A(( are T*-.0--.0.(2


Ana <'i' "! t#e %rand' P":u arit< "n t#e ba'i' "! t#eir Ran;' +orrelation analysis is a statistical technique used to measure the magnitude of linear relationship between two variables +orrelation analysis cannot be used in isolation to describe the relationship between the variables. t can be used along with regression analysis to determine the nature of the relationship between two variables. The two frequently used correlation coefficients areI The =earson product moment correlation coefficient +harles 1pearman:s rank correlation

Ana <'i' b< t#e C#ar e' S:earmanL' ran; &"rre ati"n Met#"d Brand Bame 1amsung /H 1ony 4ideocon Kaier 6th 1ales in =ieces ,nd *(2, .rd 6*-* (st *-A0 5th ,60A (A., After sales 1ervices 5 . 6 5 . 6 6 5 6 5

3uality , ( , ( (

$esign . 5 . 5 .


=rice ( , ( , ,

EE: anati"n0 t is the technique of determining the degree of correlation between two variables incase of ordinal data where ranks are given to the different values of the 4ariables. The main objective of this coefficient is to determine the e7tent to which the two set of ranking are similar or dissimilar. This coefficient is determined as under.

T#e C#ar e' S:earmanL' ran; &"rre ati"n F"rmu a0

E$ue -1* S" uti"n0 Dua it< mea'ure

Brand Bame 1amsung /H 1ony 4ideocon Kaier nR6

&anks , . ( 5 6

3uality , ( , ( (

() $

d, A , A 5 ( 2 (* Qd, .A

)( . 5

1ubstituting the values in ?qu. 5., R R () *7.A 6>,6)5@


) A.6Answer

This indicates that there is a Begative correlation between 3uality and 1ales ranking i.e. when the quality of the product improves the 1ales ranking volume for the brands "all down.

/e'i>n mea'ure'

Brand Bame 1amsung () /H


&anks , . ( 5 6

$esign . 5 . 5 .

$ )( )( ), A ,

d, ( ( 5 A 5 Qd, (A

1ony 4ideocon Kaier nR6

1ubstituting the values in the ?qu 5., R *7(A 67,5

R )A.6A Answer This indicates that there is a =ositive correlation between $esign and 1ales ranking i.e. when the design of the product improves the 1ales ranking for the brands also increases.

Pri&e mea'ure' 1ubstituting the values in the ?que 5., () Brand Bame 67,5 1amsung
, ,

&anks , . ( 5 6

=rice ( , ( , ,

$ ( ( A , .

d, ( ( A 5 2 Qd, R(6

/H 1ony 4ideocon Kaier nR6 R *7(6

R A.,6 Answer This indicates that there is a =ositive correlation between =rice and 1ales ranking i.e. when the

=rice raises the 1ales ranking for the brands also rises for the product

Feature' mea'ure

Brand Bame 1amsung /H 1ony 4ideocon Kaier nR6

&anks , . ( 5 6

"eatures 5 . 6 5 .

$ ), A )5 A ,

d, 5 A (* A 5 Qd, R,5

1ubstituting the values in the ?qu 5., R ()


*7,5 67,5

R )A.,A Answer This indicates that there is a negative correlation between "eatures and 1ales ranking i.e. when the "eatures of the product improve the 1ales ranking for the brands fall down.

A!ter Sa e' Ser=i&e mea'ure

Brand Bame 1amsung /H 1ony 4ideocon Kaier nR6

&anks , . ( 5 6

After sales service 6 6 5 6 5

$ ). ), ). )( (

d, 2 5 2 ( ( Qd, R,5

1ubstituting the values in the ?qu 5., R ()


*7,5 67,5

R )A.,A Answer This indicates that there is a negative correlation between after sales services and 1ales ranking i.e. when the "eatures of the product improve the rank for the brands fall down. Thus it can be concluded from the above observation that only the price and the "esign affect the ran)s of the given brands in the positive manner and rest three variables have the negative effect on the ran)s of the brands *hich has been considered on their sales basis






"or this purpose

conducted a survey with the sample si8e of (AA. This sample includes

Businessman, Hovernment employees, =rivate ?mployees and Kousewives. This includes a questionnaire having (A questions and the data got is then analy8ed and following are the results for the same. ,. The first question is M?#i&# "! t#e !" "?in> %rand' dea in &"n'umer durab e'C L And as shown in the fig (.(, the response was (AA; positive

consumer durables

1%%% 1

Fi> *1N *. 1econd question is M("? d" <"u ma;e <"ur :ur&#a'e de&i'i"n'CL "ig (., interprets the result that 05; of the consumer makes their purchase decisions with the help of one or the other aided media. But at the same time around (*; go for unaided purchase decisions.

Purchase decision
16% 8#% aided

aided unaided

"ig ,.-

7. M9#i&# :ur&#a'e :attern i' !" "?ed at <"ur : a&eC This question tells about how many people really take the help of there near and dear ones while making the purchase decision and also helps the marketers to target the appropriate segment. The result shows that -0; of the consumers take the help of their family and around ,,; of the consumers go for the individual decision while making the purchase decision. As shown in fig (..

Purchase pattern of consumers




Fi> *1G

-. On ?#i&# "! t#e !" "?in> :arameter' <"u ma;e <"ur :ur&#a'e de&i'i"nC )Ran; t#em a&&"rdin> t" <"ur :re!eren&e. a. Pri&e d. %rand name b. :r"du&t e. Pa&;a>in> &. Dua it< !. Feature'

t tells about how many people out of the (AA consumers give more preference to the above mentioned options. The result shows that 5*; of the consumers give their ( st preference to price, *; to product,,,; to quality,,5; to brand name, A; to packaging,,; to "eatures the graphical representation in fig (.5, (.6, (.*, (.-, (.0, (.2. . Parameter' !"r :ur&#a'e de&i'i"n Ratin> Pri&e Pr"du&t Dua it< %rand name ( 5* * ,, ,5 , ,, (A (5 55 . (0 (* .0 (A 5 (A 0 ,A (5 6 A 60 5 * * 5 , , , Pa&;a>in > A ( , ( * 2A !eature' , 2 (* 5,* A ?7plains it more clearly

5% #% 3% 2% 1% % 1 2 3 # 5 6 $



Fi> *1H

8% 6% #% 2% % 1 2 3 # 5 6 $ ! r&duct


Fi> *1,+

1%% 8% 6% #% 2% % 1 2 !ac0aging



Fi> 71,

#% 35 3% 25 2% 15 1% 5 % 1 2 3 # 5



Fi> 71*

5% #% 3% 2% 1% % 1 2 3 # 5 6 . eatures


Fi> 717 F. /" <"u !ee i;e '#i!tin> t" '"me "t#er brand "r <"u are !u < 'ati'!ied ?it# t#e :re'ent "neC These three questions mainly bring out the picture how the consumers follow the trends in the industry these questions mainly emphasi8e on the &"n'umer "<a t< e=e 1 %ut of around (AA consumers 5,; continued with the same brand, .*; shifted to some other brand and around

,,; were planning to shift to some other brand. fig

shows the same in more appropriate

manner. The overall analysis shows that only 5, ; of the consumers are brand loyal while 60; of the consumers have the tendency of shifting to some other brand. C"n'umer "<a t< e=e
%rend in consumer durable industry

#5 #% 35 3% 25 2% 15 1% 5 %

c&ntinuing +ith same brand

Shi.ted t& s&me !lanning t& shi.t &ther brand

Fi> 71G.. P ea'e rate t#e !" "?in> brand' "! CTV "n t#e '&a e "! , t" 8C

This question is for those consumers who are well aware of the e7isting brands and have sufficient knowledge regarding each brand the consumers were asked to rate the given brands on the scale of (to 6 on the basis of their opinion for 3uality, features, $esign, 1creen resolution and efficiency. The results obtained for the quality rating for +T4 for 1ony, 1amsung, /H, Kaier, and 4ideocon. Are shown in the fig ,.A where .,; of the consumers have rated 6 1ony on the contrary 1amsung emerged as the leader in this segment with 50; of the consumers rating it on the scale of 6..

Consumer Rating Chart for C%&

6% 1ualit' /ating 5% #% 3% 2% 1% % S&n' Samsung *aier )ide&c&n L(

Fi> 718

DH1 P ea'e rate t#e !" "?in> brand "! A+ "n t#e '&a e "! , t" 8C ,here - mean poor service and $ mean e cellent service this question also tested the knowledge of consumers who are well aware of the e7isting brands of A+ and have sufficient knowledge regarding each brand the consumers were asked to rate the given brands on the scale of (to 6 on the basis of their opinion for 3uality, features, $esign, +ooling effect and efficiency. The results obtained for the quality rating for A+ 1egment for Bluestar, 1amsung, /H, Kaier, and 4ideocon. Are shown in the fig ,.( where 5,; of the consumers have rated 6 /H on the contrary 1amsung emerged as the leader in this segment with 5*; of the consumers rating it ma7imum on the scale of 6. "ollowed by the other brands.

Consumer Rating Chart for AC

5% #5 #% 35 3% 25 2% 15 1% 5 % Samsung L( )edi&c&n *aier Bluestar 1ualit' rating

"ig ..*


=rimary data collected through questionnaire, =ersonnel nterviews regarding the 1amsung and its competitors i.e. 1ony, /.H, 4ideocon, Kaier, bluestar And the Analysis of the data using &esearch #ethodology &eflects the following.

(. +onsumer $urables play a major role in the life of each individual. ,. The dealers are the inseparable pillar between the company and the ultimate consumer. .. &etailers can sell any thing to the consumers if rewarded with appropriate incentives. 5. $ealers are happy keeping the single brand. 6. &etailer like keeping variety brand so as not to let the consumer leave the counter until he affect sales. *. &etailers like to stock the most sellable models of the company rather than the display models being promoted by the company.. -. The percentage of premium end customers in posh areas is around 2A; as compared to of .A; in low end markets. 0. /ow end markets of Borth $elhi have very less market for (.6 < , ton Air conditioners. 2. The retailers in Kigh end #arkets are in a better position to tackle consumers as compare to that of other remote areas.

(A. $ealer disclosed the fact that appro7 06 percent customer come with =rior knowledge of product price, features, discount offer, e7change offer only (6 percent are unknown customer. ((. n +T4 segment .0 percent dealer recommend the 1amsung brand, ., percent dealer recommend /H, (0 percent recommend 4ideocon and (, percent recommend the


(,. A+ segmentI n A+ segment /H got the highest recommendation ., percent, 1amsung got .( percent, Kaier got (- percent and 4ideocon got the ,A percent recommendation. (.. The analysis of the sales data reflects that the sale of 1amsung is increasing year after year in comparison to its competitors.

(5. The ranking of the brands have the positive relation with design, price and others have the negative correlation.


"rom the study we can conclude that consumer durables play a major role in the day to day life of human beings . +onsumer durables are has taken place as a necessity now a day:s one finds it hard to survive without them . The comfort alone should not be considered as the basis of measurement of the performance of +onsumer $urable industry, it should also include the Becessity =art. 1amsung ndia electronics one of the leading +onsumer $urable provider should also concentrate on the research and development in the country itself so as to fulfill the demands of the local residents in the desired manner.

SUGGESTION0 The +ompanies should more concentrate on &<$ rather than wasting their money in various 1ales promotional techniques. #ost of the people feel that advertisement is not up to the mark i.e. it does not provide clear picture about the =roduct Being promoted and its schemes. 1o proper measure should be taken to make the advertisement more informative and creative. 1amsung ndia ?lectronics should also target the lower ?nd markets where their sale is very low due to the e7istence of the local players. 1amsung should make the market strategy keeping in mind both the lower)end as well as the premium markets. 1amsung should also concentrate on the product category gap between the branded and the local players to win the competition in the long run.


(. +.E.Eothari. >,AA,@. U&esearch #ethodolgyU methods and Techniques . $elhi. ,. +"A . >,A(A@. 30423 5ournal for /arket (esearc$ , pressno.,.

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