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SHLOKAS FOR 6 8 YEAR OLDS...............................................................................

Shanti Mantra Om Sahana Vavatu............................................................................................................1 Ganesha Shlokams........................................................................................................................................2 Guru Shlokam...............................................................................................................................................3 Saraswathi Shlokams....................................................................................................................................4 Krishna Shlokams.........................................................................................................................................4 Vishnu Shlokam............................................................................................................................................5 Rama Shlokam..............................................................................................................................................5 Shiva Shlokam..............................................................................................................................................6 Maha Mrit!um"a!a Shlokam........................................................................................................................6 #ava$raha Shlokam......................................................................................................................................% Su&raman!a Shlokam...................................................................................................................................% 'evi('ur$a Shlokam....................................................................................................................................% )nna*oorna Shlokam...................................................................................................................................% +akshmi Shlokam........................................................................................................................................., -ulasi Shlokam............................................................................................................................................., .!a$reevar Shlokam...................................................................................................................................., )!!a**a shlokam........................................................................................................................................., .anuman shlokams......................................................................................................................................., Garu/a Shlokams..........................................................................................................................................0 +am* Shlokam ...........................................................................................................................................11 2ra&hata shlokam........................................................................................................................................11 3rie4 56*lanation....................................................................................................................................11 Other shlokas..............................................................................................................................................11 #amo7h7haran............................................................................................................................................11 Guru Shlokam.............................................................................................................................................13 Saraswati Shlokams....................................................................................................................................13 Shiva shlokam.............................................................................................................................................14 Rama Shlokam............................................................................................................................................14 'evi shlokams............................................................................................................................................14 5ka Shlokam Rama!anam..........................................................................................................................15 5ka Shlokam 3ha$avatam..........................................................................................................................15 Vishnu Sho/asha #ama Shlokam 816 names9............................................................................................16 Ganesha 'waa/asha #ama shlokam 812 names9.......................................................................................16 #ava$raha Sloka.........................................................................................................................................1, 'ashavathara Shlokam...............................................................................................................................10 #amaavali...................................................................................................................................................21 +OR' G)#5S.).................................................................................................................................21 +OR' V:S.#;.....................................................................................................................................21


8:n7lu/es shlokas tau$ht in the 3 5 7lass9 Shanti Mantra Om Sahana Vavatu Om Sahana Vavatu Sahanau 3hunaktu Sahaveer!am Karavavahai -e"as Vinavati -amastuma vi/hwishavahai Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi

Sanskrit to English Word Meaning Saha- both; nau-us; avatu- may he protect; bhunaktu-may he nourish; viryam karavavahai-may we acquire the capacity; tejasvi-be brilliant; nau-for us; adhitam- what is studied;astu-let it be; ma vidvisavahai-may we not argue with each other !ranslation May "e protect both of us May "e nourish both of us May we both acquire the capacity #to study and understand the scriptures$ May our study be brilliant May we not argue with each other %m peace& peace& peace 'rief e(planation )t the beginning of a class& the teacher and students generally recite this peace invocation together 'oth seek the *ord+s blessings for study that is free of obstacles& such as poor memory& or the inability to concentrate or poor health !hey also seek blessings for a conducive relationship& without which communication of any subject matter is difficult !herefore& this prayer is important for both the teacher and the student Ganesha Shlo ams Ga"ananam 3huta Ganathi Sevitam Ka*ittha <am&u 2alasara 3haksitam ;ma Sutam Shoka Vinasha Karanam #amami Vi$nesvara 2a/a 2anka"am
"e who has the face of an elephant& one who is worshipped by the 'hootha ganam& "e who eats the essence of kapitha and ,umbu fruits& "e who is the son of -ma .evi and "e who allieviates the ill feelings in us %/ *ord 0igneshwara who is an embodiment of all the above& we offer our 1amaskarams at your .ivine feet

Shuklam&ara 'haram Vishnum Shashivarnam =hatur 3hu"am 2rasanna Va/anam 'h!a!et Sarva Vi$no*a Santa!e Sanskrit to English Word Meaning Suklambaradaram-one who wears a white garmetn; visnum; all pervading; sasivarnam; who ahs a brilliant comple(ion; chaturbhujam-who had four hands; prasannavadanamwho has an ever smiling face; dhyayet- 2 meditate upon; sarvavighnopashantaye- for the removal of all obstacles !ranslation *ord 0igneshwara& who wears a white garment& who is all pervading& who has a bright comple(ion #like a full moon$& who has four hands #representing all power$& who has an ever-smiling face& upon that deity 2 meditate& for the removal of all obstacles 'rief E(planation

*ord 3anesha is the older son of *ord Shiva son 3oddess 4arvati "e is invoked before any undertaking for the removal of obstacles "e is also worshipped for knowledge and wisdom that he bestows upon devotees Sri Vakratun/a Mahakaa!a Koti soor!a sama*ra&ha #irvi$hnam kuru me 'eva Sarva kar!eshu Sarva/aa %& *ord 3anesha of the curved trunk and massive body& the one whose splendor is equal to millions of Suns& please bless me to that 2 do not face any obstacles in my endeavors. Mooshika vahana mo/aka hasta =hamara karna vilam&ita sootra Vamana roo*a Maheswara *utra Vi$na vina!aka *aa/a namaste "e who has the mouse as his vahana#vehicle$& "e who always keeps Modhakam #a traditional type of sweet$ "e who has ears that resemble a hand held fan& "e who wears a chain-like ornament around his waist& "e who is short in stature& "e who is the son of 4arameshwar& % *ord 0inayaka who is all the above and he who always removes our obstacles& We worship your .ivine 5eet Ga"avaktram Sura shreshtam Karna 7haamara &hooshitam 2aashaankusha /haram 'evam Van/eham Gana naa!akam
2 bow before that 3od& who is the leader of Shiva+s ghosts& whose face resembles that of an ele*hant Who is supreme among the deities& Who sports ears that look like fans and Who is armed with noose and goad

5ka/antam Mahaka!am +am&o/ara Ga"ananam Vi$na #ashakarma 'evam .e Ram&am 2rana Mam!aham 2 bow to that 3od& Who has one tusk& one Who has a large body& one Who has a big stomach& one Who has the face of an elephant; "e who destroys all obstacles and Who is also called "erambh #beloved of the Mother$ Guru Shlo am Gurur 3rahma Gurur Vishnu

Gurur 'evo Maheshvarah Guru Shakshat 2aram 3rahma -asmai Sri Gurave #amah
6now !he 3uru !o 'e 'rahma "imself "e 2s 0ishnu "e 2s )lso Shiva 6now "im !o 'e !he Supreme 'rahman& )nd %ffer !hy )/oration -nto !hat 4eerless 3uru

Saras!athi Shlo ams Saraswathi #amastu&h!am Vara/e Kamaru*ini Vi/!aram&am Karish!ami Si//hir 3havatu Me Sa/a Sanskrit to English Word Meaning Saraswathi- % 3oddess of 6nowledge Saraswathi& 1amstubhyam-salutatiosn to you; varade-one who gives boons; kamarupini- one who fulfills desires; vidyarambaham-to begin my studies; karisyami-2 am going; siddhirbhavatu-may there be accomplishment; me- for me; sada- always !ranslation % 3oddess Saraswathi; salutations to you& the giver of boons& the one who fulfills desires 2 shall begin my studies May there always be accomplishment for me 'rief E(planation !his prayer is chanted before beginning a class or at the beginning of one+s studies so that all learning may resolve in knowledge alone 2t is addresses to 3oddess Saraswathi& who symboli7es all forms of knowledge& including the knowledge of the performing arts 6nowledge is a fundamental pursuit of human life& and a life of study and learning provides nourishment and discipline to the human intellect 2n the 0edic culture& study is considered one+s duty Krishna Shlo ams Krishna!a Vasu/eva!a 'evaki #an/a #a!a7ha #an/a$o*a Kumara!a Sri Govin/a!a #amo #amaha
2 bow and pray to lord 6rishna& son of 0asudeva and .evaki& also the son of 1andagopa& who takes away sorrows& sufferings& pain and trouble

Vasu/eva sutam /evam Kamsa =hanoora mar/anam 'evaki *arama anan/am Krishnam van/e <a$at$urum

2 do vandana #glorification$ of *ord 6rishna& the resplendent son of 0asudev& who killed the great tormentors like 6amsa and 8hanoora& who is a source of greatest joy to .evaki& and who is indeed a world teacher Mookam karoti vaa7halam 2an$hum lan$ha!ate $irim >at kri*a tam aham van/e 2aramanan/a Ma/havam E(planation *ord 6risna is the avatara of *ord 0isnu who personifies ananda&joy "e established dharma and also gave us the teaching of the 'hagavad 3ita !ranslation Mukam#mute$ karoti#makes$ vacalam#eloquent$& 4angum#lame$ langhayate#cross$ girim#mountain$& yatkrupa #whose grace$ tamaham vande#2 salute "im$& paramananda #one whose form is ananda$ madhavam #*ord 6risna$ Vishnu Shlo am Shanta Karam 3hu"a$a Sha!anam 2a/mana&ham Suresham Vishva/haram Ga$ana Sa/rsham Me$ha Varnam Shu&han$am +akshmi Kantam Kamala #a!anam >o$i&hir 'h!ana Gam!am Van/e Vishnum 3hava 3ha!a .aram Sarva +okaiaka #atham 2 adore 0ishnu& the embodiment of 4eace& who sleeps on the serpent& Whose naval is the lotus of the -niverse Who is the *ord of the 3ods& who is the support of the -niverse& Who is in the form of Space #the %mnipresent$ Whose color resembles that of clouds& Whose body is auspicious Who is the *ord of *akshmi& whose eyes are like lotuses Who is attainable by 9ogis through meditation Who is the destroyer of the fear of birth and death )nd who is the %ne *ord of all the Worlds Rama Shlo am Rama!a Rama 3ha/ra!a Rama7han/ra!a Ve/hase Ra$hu #atha!a #atha!a Sita!ah 2ata!e #amaha !o :ama& :amabhadra& :aghunatha#!hese are different names of *ord :ama$& the *ord& the 8onsort of Seetha& our salutations to him

Sri Rama Rama Rameti Rame Raame Manorame Sahasra #ama -at -ul!am Rama #ama Varanane
*ord Shiva told this shloka to 4arvati 2 meditate upon Sri :am as Sri :ama :ama :ama& the thrice recital of :ama+s name is equal to :ecitation of the thousand names of *ord 0ishnu #0ishnu Sahasranama$

Shiva Shlo am Sivam Sivakaram Shantam Shivat Manam Sivottamam Shiva Mar$a 2ranetaram 2ranatosmi Sa/a Sivam Kar*oora $auram karuna avataram Samsara saaram 3hu"a$en/ra haaram Sa/aa vasantam .ri/a!a aravin/e 3havam 3havanee sahitam #amami 2 salute to that 2shwara along with 'havani #Shiva and parvati$ who is as white as 6arpur#camphor$& an incarnation of compassion& the essence of this world& who wears a bhujagendra#snake or serpent$ around his neck and is ever present in the lotus abode of our hearts Maha"Mrit#um$a#a Shlo am Om -ra!am&akam >a"amahe Su$an/him 2ushtivar/hanam ;rva rukamiva 3han/hanaat Mrit!or mukshi!a ma amritat Om Klim #ama Shiva!a Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthihi Sanskrit to English Word Meaning !ryambakam ; three-eyed; 9ajamahe ; worship; Sugandhim ; beautiful smelling; 4usti ; well nourished& #prosperity; 0ardhanam ; increaser; -rvarukam ; cucumber; 2ve ; like; 'andhana ; from bondage of worldly attachments; Mrtyor ; mortality; Muksiya ; may you liberate; Ma- me; )mrat ; for the sake of immortality !ranslation< We worship the three-eyed %ne #*ord Shiva$& Who is fragrant and Who nourishes all beings; may "e liberate me from death& for the sake of 2mmortality& even as the cucmber is severed from its bondage of the vine %m 4eace& 4eace& 4eace

%ava&raha Shlo am Om #amah Soor!a!a =han/ra!a Man$ala!a 3u/ha!a =ha Guru Shukra Shani&h!as7ha Raahave Ketave #amo #amaha
My Salutations to Soorya #Sun$& 8handra #Moon$& Mangala #Mars$ and 'udha #Mercury$ 2 also salute 3uru #,upiter$& Shukra #0enus$& Shani #Saturn$ as well as :ahu and 6etu

Su'raman#a Shlo am Sha/aananam Kumkuma rakta varnam Mahaama!am 'iv!a ma!oora vahanam Ru/ras!a Soonam Sura sain!a natham Guham Sa/aa Sharanam aham 2ra*a/!e 2 seek Sharan #refuge$ in 3uha #one who resides in the cave of the heart; another name for Subramanya$& Who has = faces& Who adorns the color of 6umkum or 'lood #red$& one Who is a great warrior #>$& one Whose vahana is the divine peacock& one Who is :udra+s #Shiva+s$ son& one Who is the leader of the army of devas Devi(Dur&a Shlo am Sarva man$ala man$al!e Shive Sarvaartha sa/hake Sharan!e -ra!am&ake Gauri #ara!ani #amostute E(planation 3oddess 4arvati is the consort of *ord Siva and is worshipped as Sakti !he 4uranic literature describes her as having many forms& including .urga& 8andi& 6ali and -ma While Siva symboli7es the efficient cause of the creation& Sakti symboli7es the material cause !ranslation !he one who is the auspiciousness of all that is auspicious #sarvamangalamangalye$& the consort of Siva #Sive$& who is the means of accomplishing all desires sarvarthasadhake$& who is the refuge of all #saranye$& the three eyed one#tryambake$&the fair comple(ioned one#3ouri$& Salutations to you& 1arayani#narayani namostute$ Salutations to the consort of Sri 1arayana #Sri *akshmi .evi$& who is all auspicisous& who is the Mastress of all& who blesses devotees succeed in their efforts and who is the refuge of all Anna)oorna Shlo am )nna*oorne Sa/a *oorne? Shankara 2ranavalla&he G!ana Vaira$!a Si/!artham? 3hikshaam 'ehi 7ha 2arvati Mata 7ha 2arvati 'evi? 2ita 'evo Maheswarah 3aan/ava Shiva 3hakt!as7ha? Sva/eso 3huvanatra!am )nnapoorne ; the wife of *ord Shiva; She who is full of food; Sadapoorne ; who is always full of resources; Sankara ; of *ord Sankara#Shiva$; 4rana ; the life-force; energy; 0allabhe ; the beloved; ,nana ; knowledge; 0airagya ; attitude of renunciation;

Siddhyartham ; to fulfill the purpose of; 'hiksham ; alms& food; .ehi ; giveus; 1amostute ; we bow down to 9ou % )nnapurna& Who art ever full& the beloved life-force of *ord Sankara #Shive& %+ 4arvathi ; grant me alms that 2 be firmly established in 6nowledge and :enunciation Mother is shakti& father is shiva& relatives are the devotees of shiva and own country is all the three worlds La shmi Shlo am >a 'evi Sarva 3hooteshu +akshmi Roo*ena Samsthita #amastas!ai #amastas!ai #amastas!ai #amo #amaha Salutations again and again to the .evi who abides in all beings in the form of good fortune *ulasi Shlo am >enmoole Sarvatheerthaani >enma/h!e Sarva/evatha >a/a$re Sarva Ve/aas7ha -hulaseem tham #amam!aham
2 bow down to the !ulasi at whose base are all the holy places& at whose top reside all deities and on whose middle are all the 0edas

H#a&reevar Shlo am 8-his sloka is to &e re7ite/ &e4ore 7hil/ren start their /ail! s7hool work(stu/ies9 G!aananan/ama!am 'evam #irmala S*a/ikakruthim )a/aram Sarva Vi/!anaam .!a$reevam ;*asmahe 0idyaarambam begins with a prayer to Sri "yagreeva #*ord with the "orse+s face$ "aya-horse; greeva-neck 9ou are the presiding deity for all knowledge We pray to you to bless us with all the knowledge A##a))a shlo am 3hoota natha Sa/aanan/a Sarva &oota 'a!aa*ara Raksha Raksha Maha &ahor Shastre tu&h!am #amo #amaha

Hanuman shlo ams 3u//hir 3alam >asho 'hair!am #ir 3ha!atvam )ro$ata )"at!am Vak 2atutvam =ha .anumat Smaranat 3havet

'y remembering "anuman& one can gain wisdom& strength& success& courage& fearlessness& lack of ill health& lack of sluggishness& and %ratory skills Mano" avam Maruti -ul!a Ve$am <iten/ri!am 3hu/hi mataam Varishtam Vaataatma"am Vaanara !oota mukh!am Sri Rama/ootam Sharanam 2ra*a/!e OR Sri Rama/ootam Shirasaa #amami 2 surrender to "anuman& the messenger of *ord :ama& whose speed is as swift as the mind and as swift as the wind& who has controlled his sense organs and is the most intelligent among the intelligent ones; who is the son of 0ayu and the chief of the monkey tribe )n"ane!am ati *aata lananam Kaan7hanaa/ri Kamanee!a Vi$raham 2aari"aata tarumoola vasinam 3hava!ami *avamana nan/anam )njana+s son& his face deep red& "is body shining like a golden mountain& .welling always at the root of the 4arijata tree& %n him& 2 meditate; the Wind-god+s son >atra !atra Ra$hunatha Keertanam -atra tatra Krita mastakan"alim 3haash*a vaari *ari*oorna lo7hanam Marutim nama/a rakshasa antakam
2n all those nooks and corners& where the lord of :aghunath #:ama$? is sung about& 2n all such nooks and corners is he #"anuman$& With tears flooding from the eyes& Salutations to my *ord Maruthi?& "e who saw the end of all evil ones

Garu+a Shlo ams Kumkum ankita Gaathraa!a Kun/en/u /havalaa!a 7ha Vishnu vahana #amastu&h!am Kshemam Kuru Sa/aa Mama Kal!anam avahatu Kaam!a*halam 'a/aatu Mishtaanam avahatu Mrut!um a*aakarotu 'ukhaani .antu 'uritaani #iraakarotu Gaam&heer!am avahatu Gaaru/a /arshanam Me %ne whose body adorns the color of 6umkum& one who shines like the bright moon 2 bow to the vahana of 0ishnu& please bring forth my welfare always 'less me with welfare& grant me my wishes 'less me with bountiful food& make me immortal .estroy sadness& remove my obstacles #worries$ 'less me with courage& "ey 3aruda& give me your darshan

Kumkumankitha Varna!a Kun/en/u 'avala!a7ha Vishnu Vahanamsthu&!am 2akshira"a!a -henamaha %ne who has the comple(ion of 6umkum& one who shines like the bright moon 2 pray to the 0ahana of 0ishnu& who is the king of the 'irds Lam) Shlo am 8-his sloka is to &e re7ite/ while li$htin$ lam*9 Su&ham Karoti Kal!anam )ro$!am 'hana Sam*a/ah Shatru 3u//hi Vinasha!a 'i*a <!otir #amostute Sanskrit to English Word Meaning Subham- auspiciousness; karoti ; which brings; kalyanam- prosperity; arogyam- good health; dhanasampadah- abundance of wealth; satrubuddhi- of the intellect+s enemy #ignorance$; vinasaya- for the destruction; dipajyotir- that lamplight; namosthuthe- 2 salute thee !ranslation 2 salute the %ne who is the lamplight that brings auspiciousness; prosperity& good health& abundance of wealth& and the destruction of the intellect+s enemy 'rief e(planation !his prayer is chanted before lighting the lamplight *ight is considered a symbol of auspiciousness& prosperity& and abundance in many cultures *ight brings with it brightness& but how does it destroy the intellect+s enemy> !he intellect+s enemy is ignorance& which is likened to darkness *ight removes the darkness and makes it possible to see things clearly 'ee*a"!othi 2ara&rahma 'ee*a"!othi <anar/hana 'ee*o me hara tu *aa*am 'ee*aa <!othir #amostute 2 salute the *ord& the sustainer of the creation& in the form of this light 2 salute this light #the *ord$& may "e destroy afflictions resulting from my omissions and commissions ,ra'hata shlo am Kara$re Vasate +akshmi Kara Mule Saraswathi Kara Ma/h!e -u Govin/ah 2ra&ate Kara 'arshanam Sanskrit to English Word Meaning


6aragre-on the tip of your fingers; vasate- dwells; *akshmi- the 3oddess of 4rosperity& *akshmi; karamule- on the base of your hands; Saraswathi- the 3oddess of 6nowledge Saraswathi; karamadhye- in the middle of your hands; tu-whereas; 3ovindah-the *ord 3ovindah; prabhate-in the morning; karadarshanam-look at your palm !ranslation %n the tip of your fingers is 3oddess *akshmi; on the base of your fingers is 3oddess Sarasvati; in the middle of your fingers is *ord 3ovinda 2n this manner& look at your palm 'rief E(planation !his is a Morning 4rayer called @karadarshanaA %ne begins the day with this prayer BkaraA means the palm of the hand and it stands for the five karmendriyas& or the organs of action While looking at the palm& one invokes the *ord in the form of various deities& thus sanctifying all the actions that will be done during the day 'y acknowledging the *ord as the giver of the capacity to perform actions and as the giver of the fruits of those actions& one sanctifies the actions !hus& one prays in the morning to reinforce the attitude that all actions are performed as a service to the *ord Other shlo as 3rahmaar*anam 3rahma .avir 3rahma$nau 3raahmanaa .utam 3rahmaiva -ena Gantav!am 3rahma Karma Sama/hina Sanskrit to English Word Meaning 'rahma- 'rahman; arpanam- the means of offering; havih-oblation; brahmagnau-unto the fire that is 'rahman; brahmana-by brahman; hutam- is offered; eva- indeed; tena- by him; gantavyam- to be reached; brahma-karma-samadhina-who is abiding in 'rahman !ranslation )ny means of offering is 'rahman& the oblation is 'rahman& the fire in which the offering is made is 'rahman& and the one who offers is 'rahman Such a person who abides in 'rahman indeed gains 'rahman 'rief E(planation !his verse from the 'hagavad 3ita #chapter C& verse DC$ and is traditionally chanted before meals 'rahman is the name of the *ord& the cause of the whole creation *ooking at the whole creation as an effect& 'rahman is seen as the cause of everything !he effect does not e(ist separate from its cause !his verse likens food that is eaten to an oblation poured into the fire during ritual 'y chanting this prayer before meals& the food that is eaten is offered to 'rahman& the *ord %amo-h-haran )sato Ma Sa/$ama!a -amaso Ma <!otir $ama!a


Mrit!orma )mritam $ama!a Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi Sanskrit to English Word Meaning asato-from unreal; ma-me;sad-to the real; gamaya ;lead; tamaso ; from darkness #of ignorance$& ma-me; jyothih-to light; gamaya-lead; mrtyoh- from death ; amrtamimmortality; gamaya ;lead to immortality !ranslation *ead me #by giving knowledge$ from the unreal to the real; from darkness #of ignorance$ to the light #of knowledge$; from death #sense of limitation$ to immortality #limitless liberation$ )chutananda 3ovinda& 1amoscharena 'eshajak 1ashyanti Sakalan :ogan& Satyam Satyam 0adamyaham 'y always chanting the name of the *ord& it will destroy all bad health and disease What 2 say is the truth -vameva Mata =ha 2ita -vameva -vameva 3an/hus7ha Sakha -vameva -vameva Vi/!a 'ravinam -vameva -vameva Sarvam mama 'eva 'eva % Supreme *ord #deva-dev& Master of all demigods$& 9ou are our mother& father& brother& and friend 9ou are the knowledge and 9ou are the only wealth 9ou are our everything Om 2oornama/ah 2oornami/am 2oornaat 2oornamu/a7h!ate 2oornas!a 2oornamaa/a!a 2oornameva Vashish!ate !hat is perfect - this is perfect What comes from such perfection truly is perfect What remains after perfection from perfection is yet perfect May there be peace& peace and perfect peace Sarve 3havantu Sukhinaha Sarve Santu #irama!ah Sarve 3ha/rani 2ash!antu Mas Kas7hi/ 'huka 3ha$ 3havet Sanskrit to English !ranslation Sarve-all; bhavantu-may be; sukhinah-happy; niramayah-free from disease; badraniprosprity; pashyantu- may enjoy; ma-not;kaschit- anybody; dukkshbhag-one who suffers; bhavet-may be


!ranslation< May all be happy May all enjoy health and freedom from disease May all enjoy prosperity May none suffer 'rief e(planation !hese are prayers for the prosperity and welfare of humanity !o achieve anything in life& one has to make an effort and await the results 2n addition& many unknown factors and laws influence the outcome of that effort 'y praying to the *ord& one acknowledges these laws as the natural order inseparable from the *ord& and one acknowledges the *ord as the giver of all results of actions Kaa!enavaa7ha Manasen/ri!erva 3u/h!a/manava 2rakrite Swa&havat Karomi >a/!at Sakalam 2arasmai #ara!ana!eti Samar*a!ami
-nto *ord 1arayana& 2 dedicate all the acts that 2 perform with my body& speech& mind& senses and intellect that are born of deliberation and natural tendencies

Guru Shlo am >as!a *rasaa/aat ahameva Vishnu@ Ma!!eva sarvam *arikal*itam 7ha :tham vi"aanaami sa/aatma roo*am -as!aamkhri *a/mam *ranatosmi nit!am "e by whose grace 2 came to know that 2 alone am the all-pervading divinity& and on Me alone is everything imposed !his knowledge was bestowed right here in this very life& to the lotus feet of that teacher 2 always love to do many namaskarams Saras!ati Shlo ams >aa kun/en/u -ushaara haara /havala >aa Shu&hra vastraavritaa >aa Veena vara/an/a man/itakara >aa Shwetaa 2a/maasanaa >aa 3rahmaa7h!uta Shankara 2ra&hriti&hihi 'evaihi Sa/a Van/itaa Saa maam *aatu Saraswatee 3ha$avatee #ih shesha "aa/!aa*ahaa 3oddess Saraswati 2s )ll White *ike !he 6unda 'lossom& !he Moon& Snow& )nd 4earl She 2s .ressed 2n 4ure White While !wo %f "er "ands 4lay !he 0eena& !he !wo %ther "ands )re 4oised !o 3ive 'oons& )nd )ward 4unishments )s 1eeded She 2s Seated %n


) White *otus She 2s Ever Worshipped 'y )ll !he 8elestials 2ncluding 'rahma& 0ishnu )nd Maheshwara May !his Saraswati :emove My %bstacles )nd 4rotect Me Shiva shlo am Kara7harana Krtam Vak Kaa!a"am Karma"am Va Sravana #a!ana"am Va Maanasam Va )*araa/ham Vihitam )vihitam Va Sarvame -at Kshamasva <a!a <a!a Karuna&/he Sri Maha 'eva Sham&o Sanskrit to English word meaning 6ara-hands; charana-feet& krtham-done; vak-organ of speech;kayajam-of the physical body;karmajam-born of the performace of actions; va-or;sravana-nayana-jam- born of eyes and ears; va- or; manasam- born of mind; va-or; aparadam- omissions and commissions; vihitam-enjoined acts; avihitam-prohibited acts; va-or; sarvametat- all these; kshamasva-forgive; jaya-glory; karunabdhe-ocean of kindness;sri mahadevagreat *ord Shiva; shambo-one hwo causes happiness& Smabhu-Shiva !ranslation *ord& kindly forgive all the omissions and commissions born of my eyes& ears& mind and organ of speech& or done by my hands and feet& and the omissions and commissions in the performance of my duties& wither enjoined or prohibited 3lory to you& Mahadeva& the one who is the ocean of kindness and the cause of happiness 'efore going to sleep& one ends the day with this prayer %ne asks the *ord for forgiveness for inappropriate actions that one may have knowingly or unknowingly done during the day % *ord& kindly forgive the wrong actions 2 have done knowingly or unknowingly& either through my organs of action#hands& feet& speech$ or through my organs of perception #ear& eyes$ or by my mind 3lory unto !hee& %h *ord& who is the ocean of compassion Rama Shlo am #eelam&u"a sh!amala komalaan$am Sita samaaro*ita vama&ha$am 2aanau mahaa saa!aka 7haru 7haa*am #amami Raamam Ra$hu vamsha naatham : /o namaskarams to +or/ Rama? who was the &est amon$st the $reat kin$s o4 Ra$hu kula? who wiel/s his $reat &ow an/ arrows? who has a 7om*le6ion an/ so4tness like that o4 a &lue lotus? an/ on whose le4t sits Go//ess Sita"i? his /ear 7onsort. Devi shlo ams Maanik!a veenam ;*alaala!anteem Ma/aalasaam Man"ula va$vilaasaam


Maahen/ra neela /!uti Komalaan$eem Maatan$a kan!aam Manasaa smaraami She who plays a 0eena? of emerald& She who is tired with activity& She who can talk honeyed words& She who is beautiful& She who is the daughter of Matanga?& She who is pretty beyond compare& 2 meditate on !hee ?0eena- a musical instrument ?Matanga- ) sage of ancient times =hatur&hu"e =han/ra kalavathamse Ku7honathe Kumkuma ra$a shone 2un/reshu 2ashaankusha 2ush*a&aana .aste #amaste <a$ate$a Mataha %h& you with the four arms& wearing the digit of the moon& With raised breasts& whost face is the color of kumkum& "olding the bow of sugar cane& the pasa& the ankusa and the five flower arrows 2 bown down to you& who are the %ne Mother of the -niverse E a Shlo am Rama#anam 2oorvam Rama ta*o vanaa/i $amanam .atva Mru$am Kaan7hanam Vai/ehee haranam <ata!u maranam Su$reeva sam&hashanam 3alee ni$rahanam Samu/ra taranam +anka*uri /aahanam 2as7haat Raavana kum&hakarna hananam 5tat/hi Rama!anam. *ord :ama went to the forest in order to fulfill the promise his father had given to one of his wives #6aikeyi$ 2n the forest& Seeta was attracted by the golden deer and :ama went after it )t that time& the wicked :avana kidnapped Seeta ,atayu tried to defend Seeta and save her& but was killed by :avana *ord :ama then befriended Sugriva and killed 0ali& the unrighteous "e crossed the ocean and entered the city of *anka "e then destroyed the city of *anka& killed the wicked demons :avana and 6umbhakarna and set Seeta free !his is the story contained in the :amayana

E a Shlo am .ha&avatam )a/au 'evaki/evi $ar&a "ananam Go*ee $rihe Var/hanam Maa!a *ootana "eeva ta a*a haranam Govar/hano/haaranam Kamsa7h7he/ana kauravaa/i hananam Kuntisutaa *aalanam


5tat 3ha$avatam 2urana ka/hitam SriKrishna leelamritam 2n the beginning& 6rishna was born from .evaki+s womb& he grew up in the house of 3opikas !hen he slayed Maya and 4ootana& sanctified 3ovardhana mountain "e slayed 6amsa& ended the 6auravas& took care of 6unti+s sons !his is the leela #>$ of 6rishna that is narrated in 'hagavatam in the 4uranas Vishnu Sho+asha %ama Shlo am /06 names1 !his sloka reveals the E= different names of 0ishnu that one must chant when doing different activities in one+s life )usha/he =hinta!At Vishnum 3ho"anA 7ha 2anar+anam Sha!ane ,a+mana'ham 7ha VivahA 7ha ,ra$a)atim While taking medication remember 0ishnu 8onsuming food ; ,anardana Sleeping remember ; 4admanabha& during wedding ; 4rajapati >u/he 3ha ra+haram 'evam 2ravase 7ha *rivi ramam %araa#anam -anur t!a$A Sree+haram 2ri!a san$amA )t war ; 8hakradhari& !ravel ; !rivikrama .eath bed ; 1arayana& when meeting loved ones ; Sreedhara 'u swa*ne Smara Govin+am Sankate Ma+husoo+anam Kaanane %aarasimham 7ha 2aavake 2alashaa#inam 'ad dreams remember 3ovinda& in troubled times ; Madhusoodana 2n a forest remember 1arasimha& 2n the midst of fire remember ,alashayina <alama/h!e Varaham 7ha 2arvate Ra&hunan+anam Gamane Vamanam 7haiva Sarva kaar!eshu Ma+havam 2n the middle of water #water activities or travel $ ; 0araha& %n a mountain #trekking$ ; :aghunandana #:ama$ !ravel by foot ; 0amana& when you start any deed remember Madhava Sho/ashaitaani #aamani 2rataru/ha!a !a@ *a/eth Sarva *a*a vinirmukhto Vishnu loke Mahee!ate %ne who reads these E= names every morning will be rid of all sins and will attain 0ishnu loka #Moksha$ Ganesha D!aa+asha %ama shlo am /04 names1 2ranam!a Shirasa 'evam Gauri*utram Vinaa!akam 3hakataavaasam Smare #it!am )a!ush Kaamartha Si//ha!e


Every day& 2 bow down to that *ord& the son of 3owri& the *ord one who lives in the heart of the devotees& blessing them always with good health and prosperity 2rathamam Vakratun/am =ha 5ka/antam 'witee!akam -hritee!am Krishna 2in$aaksham Ga"avaktram =haturthakam Starting from here the twelve names of 3anesha are mentioned and he is worshipped in those different forms !he first as the *ord with the curved trunk; second& as the one with only one tusk& third& as the one with black #redFbrown$ eyes& fourth& as the one with giant structure +am&o/aram 2an7hamaam =ha Shashtam Vikatameva =ha Sa*tamam Vi$hnaraa"en/ram 'hoomravarnam -athaashtamam 5ifth& as the one with a big #long$ stomach& si(& as the one with a huge body Seven& as the remover of obstacles& eight& as the one with smoke gray color #avamam 2haala7han/ram =ha 'asamam -u Vinaa!akam 5kaa/asam Gana*atim 'vaa/asam -u Ga"aananam 1inth& as the one with moon on the front of "is head& tenth& as the foremost leader& eleventh& as the leader of the ganas& twelfth as the one with elephant face 'vaa/asaitaani #aamaani -risan/h!am >ah 2athernnarah #a =ha Vi$hna 3ha!am -as!a Sarva Si//hikaram 2ra&ho )ny person& who remembers these twelve names of 3anesha& three times in a day& will have all their obstacles and fear removed and will attain success #!his group of verses is said to be sage 1aradaGs offering to *ord 3anesh $ Vi/!arthi +a&hate Vi/!aam 'hanaarthi +a&hate 'hanam 2utrarthi +a&hate 2utraan Mokshaarthi +a&hate Gatim


)nyone seeking knowledge #students$ will receive knowledge& one who seeks wealth will receive wealth& one who seeks progeny& will be blessed with offsprings& one who seeks moksha shall attain salvation <a*et Gana*ati Stotram Shat&hir masaihi 2halam +a&eth Samvatsarena Si/him 7ha +a&hate #a atra Samsha!aha 2f you recite 3anapathi+s Stotram& you will reap the fruits for all the seasons and within the year you will achieve& without doubt& what you desire )shte&h!o 3rahmane&h!as7ha +ikhitva !a@ Samar*a!et -as!a Vi/!a 3havet sarvaa Ganeshas!a 2rasa/ataha With the blessing of *ord 3anesha& %ne who gets this sloka written by eight 'rahmins& will be blessed with knowledge and power of learning forever :thi #ara/a 2urane Shri Ganesha Stotram Sam*oornam !hus ends the song of praise of *ord 3anesha composed by 1arada %ava&raha Slo a 8this is a /!ana shlokam 4or all #ava$rahas9 aaro$!am *ra/hathu noh /inakaraha 7han/roh !asho nirmalam &hoo/im &hoomisu/haha su/haam su/han!aha *ra$n!aam $urur $owravam kaan!a komala vaak vilaasa ma/hulam man/ho mu/ham sarva/ha ra$hur &haahu&alam viro/ha shamanam ketuhu kulas!ona/him *et us pray to *ord Surya who bestows well-being and health *et us pray to *ord 8handra to bestow eminence and recognition *et us pray to *ord 6uja to bestow opulence and prosperity *et us pray to *ord 'hudhan to bless us with astuteness and wisdom *et us pray to *ord 3uru for knowledge and good judgment *et us pray to *ord Shukra for graciousness and enhancement *et us pray to *ord Shanishwara for harmony and contentment *et us pray to *ord :ahu for vigour and valour *et us pray to *ord 6etu for progeny& kith and kin


Surya or Sun is the most powerful living 3od - whom everyone can see& perceive and pray !hough he is visible& he also has been presented in a variety of forms *ord of this planet is 3od Siva Chandra or Moon is a lovable 3od - 4leasing to the children as well as elders& universally appealing to everyone whatever may be the religion 3oddess 4arvathi rules the planet Angaraka or Mars is regarded as a 3od of martial character& red in every aspect Even the :omans held him as their 3uru "e is the Son of Earth and is ruled by *ord Subramanya Budha or Mercury is considered as the greatest among the wise !his .evata bestows wisdom and wealth on his devotees "e is ruled by *ord Maha 0ishnu Brihaspati is the Guru (Jupiter) "e results in a cure from ailments and helps one to ward off hisFher sins and gives strength& valour& longevity& etc "e grants the boon of fatherhood to the childless& good education #0idya$ "e is ruled by *ord .akshinamurthy Sukra or Venus is the bestower of long life& wealth& happiness& children& property and good education "e is ruled by 3oddess Mahalakshmi Saniswara or Saturn& is generally known to affect one adversely on occasions when he occupies certain positions in oneGs horoscope ) prayer to him& especially on Saturdays& is said to mitigate the hardships one will have to face during these periods Saniswara is considered equally a bestower of all benefits to the devotees who pray sincerely to him "e is ruled by *ord 9ama Rahu is instrumental in strengthening oneGs power and converting even an enemy into a friend "e is ruled by 3oddess .urga Ketu brings prosperity to the devoteeGs family "e grants good health& wealth& cattle and all around prosperity "e is ruled by *ord 3anesha and 2ndra Dashavathara Shlo am Ve/aanu//harate <a$annivahate 3hoo$olam ;/&i&hrate 'ait!am 'aar!ate 3alim =hhal!ate Kshatraksha!am Kurvate 2aulaast!am <a!ate .alam Kal!ate Kaarun!amaatnavate Mle7h7hhaan Moor7h!ate 'ashaakrutikrute Krishna!a -u&h!am #amah !he !en incarnations of *ord "ari are described in the above stan7a< 0edaanudharate ; Matsya; ,agannivahate ; 6urma; 'hoogolom udbibhrate ; 0araha; .aityam .aaryate ; 1arasimha; 'alim 8hhalyate ; 0amana; 6shatrakshayam 6urvate ; 4arashuraam; 4aulastyam ,ayate ; :ama; "alam 6alyate ; 'alarama; 6aarunyamaatnavate ; 'uddha; Mlechchhaan Moorchyate ; 6alki; !hese are the EH forms of 6rishna #*ord "ari$


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