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United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund

Agenda 21


United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund

Sustainable Development
Agenda 21


Table of content
The background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The actors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Funds Agenda 21 principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Funds Agenda 21 action plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1. Environmental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1. Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2. Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3. Waste .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4. Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2. Social . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1. Health and security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2. Fatigue and stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3. Hygiene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4. Gender balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3. Economic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1. Balance budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2. Knowledge management and creativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3. Investment recommendations and report .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Reporting table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 11 Individual technical cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 - 36

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
The background

The United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund

Agenda 21
At the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro some 180 nations committed themselves to the principles of Sustainable development, and adopted an action plan for the XXI century referred to as Agenda 21. Since then and over the years this initiative was followed by numbers of public administrations and companies (e.g. Patagonia, the Body Shop, Nature et dcouvertes, etc..) which adopted their own Agenda 21. This strategy of management was further reinforced in 2000 when the United Nations dened the principles of the Global Compact with the private sector.

The principles
Sustainable development is development that meets the present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, encompassing the three main principles Environmental, Social and Economic - on the basis of which action plans are built up and targetted at: searching for a sound balance between economical efciency, social solidarity, environmental awareness accounting for essential needs of those who cannot express themselves (future generations, environment and all existing forms of life, excluded population,) limiting the use of natural resources to the level of its regeneration capacity limiting waste to the environmental capacity of its absorption.

Sustainable Development

As the oldest entity dening codes of conduct principles, in 1989, the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES), which regroups more than 70 non-governmental organizations, dened 10 principles as a framework for responsible environmental comportments; 1 - Biosphere protection, 2 - Sustainable use of natural resources, 3 - Waste reduction, 4 - Energy saving, 5 - Reduction of environmental and health risks, 6 - Reduction or elimination of products harmful for environment and health, 7 - Repairs of damage caused by pollution, 8 - Awareness raising, 9 - Sound management practices, 10 - Audit and reporting. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which was launched by CERES and UNEP in 1997, developed and disseminated globally applicable directives for the preparation of reporting guidelines for companies based on the following: 1 - Commitment of the Chief Executive Ofcer (CEO) 2 - Key performance indicators 3 - The company prole 4 - Management policy and charter 5 - Interaction with stakeholders 6 - General achievements of the company 7 - Specic performance in the 3 principles (social, environment and economic) 8 - Performance of the corporate products and their impact (social and environment) 9 - General review of the corporate strategy for sustainable development

The actors
Considering the world-wide recognized long-term risks for human kind (and other forms of life), promoting Sustainable development is the role and duty of everyone and every entity without exception. The United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) is hence a natural and unavoidable actor, which must participate and take the appropriate measures to protect the environment , motivate its staff, secure its long term viability and align its practices with the principles of the Global Compact .

Sustainable Development

The Funds Agenda 21 principles

Actions have to be realistic and clear, ambitious but feasible, and quantiable. Achievements should be reported upon. Everyone should be involved and encouraged to participate and formulate suggestions for the plan to be run as a team and Funds wide mission. The action plan should not be rigid but remain open and dynamic, for it to be enriched by ongoing innovations and suggestions. The action plan should be kept alive through dissemination of information and periodic discussions. The actions should be pursued internally within the Fund, but also outside the Fund with its many partners, to stimulate and generate ever more commitments to adopt sustainable management principles.

The Funds Agenda 21 Action plan

The proposed Funds Agenda 21 Actions plan below contains some 23 individual actions, falling under the three leading principles of sustainable development . Each action/sub-action is described in an individual Technical Card announcing the objective and designating;

a person/group a list of performance indicators a person in charge

in charge of pursuing enforcement of the action to measure actual achievements to coordinate and submit the periodic reporting.

A Reporting table is provided to reect actual achievement by action and sub/ actions. Different models have been used for presentation of actions and reporting. The present approach follows the model adopted by the Ville of Geneva for its Agenda 21 on the environmental program for the period 2003-2007. This approach has been retained in light of its detailed technical presentation compared to some other oriented more towards a description of the principles rather than an actual quantication.

Sustainable Development

E nvironmental
1. Paper:
Limit the negative impact of paper production on the ecosystem, e.g., forest destruction, use of chemical products 1. Limit the use of paper 2. Use recycled paper


Limit the negative impact on the ecosystem of energy production, e.g., exhausting natural petrol resources, radio active waste produced out of nuclear produced energy 1. Limit use of electricity


Waste :
Limit the negative impact on the ecosystem of waste production, e.g., unattended waste stocking area, toxic smoke generated by unsorted waste, etc.. 1. Rationalize handling of ofce waste


Limit the negative impact on the ecosystem of car pollution, limit use of non-renewable resources (petrol), improve health conditions (less pollution, more mobility (walking, cycling, etc.) 1. Promote use of public transport and of mobility (e.g., walking, cycling, etc)

Sustainable Development

1. Health and security
Promote development of the employees health by prevention and information (e.g., develop awareness of benets of good health), for employees own benet and long term gain for the organization. 1. Promote and provide drinking water to meet physiological needs 2. Promote ergonomic norms at work place 3. Ensure that employees are not exposed to undue risks


Fatigue and stress

Promote development of the employees health by prevention and information (e.g., develop awareness of benets of good health), for employees own benet and long term gain for the organization 1. Ease out handling of professional and private life constraints 2. Assist in setting a sound work schedule, e.g., exibility in working hours


Promote development of the employees health by prevention and information (e.g., develop awareness of benets of good health), for employees own benet and long term gain for the organization 1. Secure a clean ofce environment


Gender balance
Secure absence of discrimination by gender, at recruitment, and throughout employment conditions 1. Dene target ratio of gender balance 2. Secure that employment conditions sustain gender balance

Sustainable Development

1. Balance budget
Secure accountable nancial management of Funds approved resources 1. Monitor budget execution


Knowledge management and creativity

Secure permanent access to and develop knowledge of the organization to secure its competitiveness (best ratio cost/production) 1. Secure access to and development of knowledge


Investment recommendations and report

Promote the awareness of Global Compact by companies in which the Fund invests in or potentially invests 1. Incorporate Global Compact awareness of companies in which the Fund invests in or potentially invests into investment recommendations and reports by Investment Management Service (IMS).

The Funds Agenda 21 Reporting

The following pages 10 and 11 contain a Reporting table model to reect , for the years 2005 to 2007, achievements by action and sub actions. This reporting is also modeled on that adopted by the Ville of Geneva for its reporting period 2003 to 2007.

Technical cards
The following pages contain 22 technical cards as a guide for actions, sub-actions, performance indicators and reporting.

Sustainable Development

Reporting on
Action plan Nb Item Action

1. Environmental 1. Paper 1. Paper 1. Paper 1. Paper 1. Paper 1. Paper 2. Energy 3. Waste 4. Transport 1. Limit use of paper 1. Limit use of paper 1. Limit use of paper 1. Limit use of paper 2. Use recycle paper 2. Use recycle paper 1. Limit use of electricity 1. Rationalize handling of ofce waste 1. Promote use of public transport, mobility

2. Social 1. Health and security 1. Health and security 1. Health and security 1. Health and security 2. Fatigue and stress 2. Fatigue and stress 3. Hygiene 4. Gender balance 4. Gender balance 1. Facilitate drinking of water to meet physiological needs 2. Promote ergonomic norms at work place 3. Ensure that employees are not exposed to undue risk 3. Ensure that employees are not exposed to undue risk 1. Ease out handling of professional and private life constraints 2. Assist in setting a sound work schedule 1. Secure a clean ofce environment 1. Dene target ratio of gender balance 2 Secure that employment conditions sustain gender balance

3. Economic 1. Balance budget 2. Knowledge management and creativity 2. Knowledge management and creativity 3. Investment Recommendation & Report 1. Monitor budget execution 1. Secure access and development of knowledge 1. Secure access and development of knowledge 1. Incorporate Global Compact awareness into investment recommendations and reports by IMS (existing and potential new companies)


Sustainable Development

Agenda 21
action plan


1. Promote electronic document management 2. Use double side printers 3. Monitor number of printed copies of publications 4. Monitor number of photocopies 1. Introduce recycled paper in daily administrative process 2. Introduce recycled paper in Funds publications 1. Rationalize use of electricity 1. Secure proper sorting and handling of ofce waste 1. Encourage use of non or less polluting transport mode

1. Make available water fountain 1. Design and implement ergonomic norms at work place 1. Secure risk free material/equipment 2. Secure that employees do not carry heavy weights 1. Provide options of exibility in working hours 1. Inform and set technical keys gearing at dening an efcient work schedule 1. Secure respect of hygiene norms in ofce environment 1. Secure that new staff recruitments conform to gender balance target 1. Secure that employment conditions account for women specic needs

1. Maintain expenses within approved resources 1. Create and populate repository for existing knowledge 2. Secure ongoing development of existing knowledge 1. When constructing investment proposals and recommendations, investment ofcers provide a section for global compact comments and analysis


Sustainable Development


Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Action Nb: (1) Environmental

(1) Paper


Limit the negative impact of paper production on the ecosystem, e.g., forest destruction, use of chemical products

Action Sub-action

(1) Limit the use of paper (1) Promote electronic document management - pursuing electronic archiving of Pension Board documents - limit/stop distribution of paper copies - limit paper stock of sessionnal documents - review current documents still produced in paper form and plan their electronic management and draw up means and calendar for their electronic management (e.g., limit Annual Letter hard copy version). - paperless meetings to be scheduled to extent possible provided documents are sent electronically several days in advance of meetings. Use overhead at meetings to project documents. Senior Management Committee & Information Management Systems Service 2005 (a) Inventory of sessional documents not included yet in Knowledge Management (b) Share experience on distribution of 2004 documents to members, and 2003 & 2004 Annual Statements to ne tune and extend the process (c) Limit actual number of paper copies of sessional documents maintained in stock (d) Draw inventory of remaining paper documents produced in mass e.g., Annual letter, etc.. (e) Inventory of internal paperless meetings of senior management Ongoing since 2005 Sessions of Senior Management Committee Information Management Systems Service

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Action Nb: (1) Environmental

(1) Paper


Limit the negative impact of paper production on the ecosystem, e.g., forest destruction, use of chemical products

Action Sub-action

(1) Limit the use of paper (2) Use double side printers (this action reduces by half the volume of paper used in printers)

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

Information Management Systems Service & Geneva Ofce Acquisitions since 2005 (a) secure that new printer acquisitions are double side printers (b) set those printers with a by default option to print on both side

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group

Ongoing as from 2005 Sessions of Senior Management Committee Information Management Systems Service & Geneva Ofce


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Action Nb: (1) Environmental

(1) Paper


Limit the negative impact of paper production on the ecosystem, e.g., forest destruction, use of chemical products

Action Sub-action

(1) Limit the use of paper (3) Monitor number of printed copy of publications (in addition to the basic paper waste, the negative impact on environment of wasted publications copies is largely due to ink color used in the publications) - consider black and white publications - at seminars/training do not give out documents unless absolutely necessary encourage viewing on the web - boxes of booklets will be stored in new building in New York obviating need for storage costs Control and Clearance Unit (NY) & Geneva Ofce 2005 (a) Number: secure that number of copies dispatched are properly targeted at actual volume needs (b) Destination: secure that recipients needs are justied (c) Maintain a permanent inventory of each publication (including addresses and number of copy dispatched in mass mailing to serve at motivating recipients to rationalize their stock and call for replenishment) Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee Control and Clearance Unit (NY) & Geneva Ofce

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Action Nb: (1) Environmental

(1) Paper


Limit the negative impact of paper production on the ecosystem, e.g., forest destruction, use of chemical products

Action Sub-action

(1) Limit the use of paper (4) Monitor number of photocopies Reduce number of photocopies to actual needs: (e.g., encourage circulation of shared documents by soft copy, e.g., e-mail attachment (particularly for large documents) in lieu of providing a paper copy to each addressee.

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

New York and Geneva Ofces 2005 (a) Maintain record of volume of requisition of photocopy paper (b) Monitor the evolution of number of photocopy done through periodic checks of photocopier equipment meter (whenever available)

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group

Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee New York and Geneva Ofces


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Action Nb: (1) Environmental

(1) Paper


Limit the negative impact of paper production on the ecosystem, e.g., forest destruction, use of chemical products

Action Sub-action

(2) Use recycled paper (1) Introduce recycled paper in daily administrative processes (1) Request Procurement Section to provide recycled paper for outgoing correspondence (printers usage) (2) Signal use of recycled paper by apposing printed message signalling recycled paper on outgoing correspondence, as a means of generating readers commitment to sustainable development (3) Request Procurement Section to provide recycled paper for photocopier, if different from the printers usage (see above) (4) Request Procurement to provide recycled envelopes (5) Develop more automated systems that provide paperless communications. (6) Modify remaining paper-based automatic communication systems to reduce carbon separation sheets and all related chemicals. New York and Geneva Ofces 2005 (a) Verify that outgoing stock requisitions specify recycled paper and record evolution of volume of recycled paper, versus current paper, provided by Procurement (b) Verify that outgoing stock requisitions specify recycled envelopes and record evolution of volume of recycled envelopes, versus current envelope type, provided by Procurement (c) Verify reduction in paper-based communications. (d) Verify reduction of carbon separation sheets and all related chemicals used to create a copy impression on documents. Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee Information Management Systems Service & Geneva Ofce

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Action Nb: (1) Environmental

(1) Paper


Limit the negative impact of paper production on the ecosystem, e.g., forest destruction, use of chemical products

Action Sub-action

(2) Use recycled paper (2) Introduce recycled paper in Funds publications (1) Request Publishing Service to produce Funds publications on recycled paper (2) Signal use of recycled paper by apposing printed message signalling recycled paper on publications, as a means of generating readers commitment to sustainable development (3) Consider most efcient size of document in order to avoid excess paper.

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

(NY) for Annual letters & (Gva) for other publications 2005 (a) Record actual Publications produced on recycled paper

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group

Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee (NY) for Annual letters & (Gva) for other publications


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Objective Action Nb: (1) Environmental

(2) Energy Limit the negative impact on the ecosystem of energy production, e.g., exhausting natural petrol resources, radio active waste produced out of nuclear produced energy

Action Sub-action

(1) Limit use of electricity (1) Rationalize use of electricity - Switch off ofce and conference room lights (own ofce and other unattended ofces) for any prolonged absences (lunch break, end of day) - Shut down ofce computer at end of work day - Provide ofce wide facility (e.g., coffee machine) to replace individual electrical apparatus, securing higher security environment and lower electricity consumption - purchase energy efcient personal computers - purchase computer monitors that provide a standby switch as a feature.

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

Information Management Systems Service (NY) & Geneva Ofce 2005 (a) Reduction of number of individual/ad-hoc electrical apparatus and replacement by global facility (b) Reduction in the number of unattended lighted up ofces and meeting rooms. (c) Reduction in electricity attributed to personal computers and monitors. Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee Information Management Systems Service (NY) & Geneva Ofce

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Objective Action Nb: (1) Environmental

(3) Waste Limit the negative impact on the ecosystem of waste production, e.g., unattended waste stocking area, toxic smoke generated by unsorted waste, etc.

Action Sub-action

(1) Rationalize handling of ofce waste (1) Secure proper sorting and handling of office waste - Inquire and coordinate actions with the organization unit in charge of collecting waste to facilitate recycling of ofce waste - Based on above encourage each one to cooperate (e.g., throw waste paper in dedicated bin, removing staples and paper clip) - Use shredder for destruction of condential document producing recyclable out put - Isolate obsolete electronic spare parts (not subject to Inventory committee handling) and return to relevant unit for recycling. - Return empty print cartridges to manufacturers for recycling. Information Management Systems Service (NY) & Geneva Ofce 2005 (a) Availability of individual or group, dedicated paper bin (b) Collection of shredder output for recycling (c) Absence of unattended cartridges and electronic spare parts in waste containers Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee Information Management Systems Service (NY) & Geneva Ofce

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Objective Action Nb: (1) Environmental

(4) Transport Limit the negative impact on the ecosystem of car pollution, limit use of non-renewable resources (petrol), improve health conditions (less pollution, more mobility (walking, cycling, etc.) (1) Promote use of public transport and of mobility (e.g., walking, bicycling..) (1) Encourage use of non or less polluting transport mode - Promote use of public transports (including consideration of providing subsidy nanced out of garage and parking fee) - Facilitate car sharing (e.g., exibility in working hours allowing car sharing, make web site available to ease car pooling) - Encourage, mobility (e.g., bicycling, walking, et ..) - Coordinate with Medical Service to provide information on health benet from an increased mobility



Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

New York and Geneva ofces 2005 Reported facility made available in the respective domain

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group

Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee Geneva Ofce


Sustainable Development


Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Objective Action Nb: (2) Social

(1) Health and security Promote development of employees health by prevention and information (e.g., develop awareness of benets of good health), for employees own benet and long term gain for the organization.

Action Sub-action

(1) Facilitate drinking of water to meet physiological needs (1) Make available water fountain - Seek cooperation from Medical Service to collect and circulate information on medical recommendations and benets of drinking water in sufcient quantity (physiological needs equal 1,5 litre per day). - Encourage campaign by Medical Service - Make available water fountain or give easy access to drinking water for both Funds staff and visiting clients (participants and pensioners) New York & Geneva Ofces 2005 Facility made available in the respective domain Follow evolution of number of working days reported as sick leave absence. Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee New York & Geneva Ofces

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Action Nb: (2) Social

(1) Health and security


Promote development of employees health by prevention and information (e.g., develop awareness of benets of good health), for employees own benet and long term gain for the organization

Action Sub-action

(2) Promote ergonomic norms at work place (1) Design and implement ergonomic norms at work place - Design a standard ergonomic work place (e.g., seating positions in relation to PC screen, light condition, space surrounding work place, noise, temperature) - Survey current work place conditions, disseminate information on recommended standards - Adapt non standard work place to dene standard - Procure computing equipment that meets computer standards for heat and sound emissions. Monitors should meet anti-glare standards and have clear resolution. All computer keyboards should be adjustable. Information Management Systems Service (NY) & Geneva Ofce 2005 - Setting up and circulation of dened ergonomic work place requirements - Inventory of work places not in conformity with dened standard - Verify that computer equipment standards are followed Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee Information Management Systems Service (NY) & Geneva Ofce

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Action Nb: (2) Social

(1) Health and security Promote development of employees health by prevention and information (e.g., develop awareness of benets of good health), for employees own benet and long term gain for the organization. (3) Ensure that employees are not exposed to undue risk (1) Secure risk free material/equipment Install material/equipment with proper security device (e.g., power shut down on shredders and security in case of wrong handling


Action Sub-action

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

New York & Geneva ofces 2005 - Dissemination of prevention notice prior to ofce move and nomination of a person to ensure implementation of recommendations during ofce move Duration of the NY ofce move and during any move/removal of heavy parcels (publications, documents, etc..) Sessions of Senior Management Committee New York & Geneva ofces

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Action Nb: (2) Social

(1) Health and security Promote development of employees health by prevention and information (e.g., develop awareness of benets of good health), for employees own benet and long term gain for the organization. (3) Ensure that employees are not exposed to undue risk (2) Secure that employees do not carry heavy weights Use removal men to move heavy objects (e.g., dont let ofce employees carry heavy objects at risk of back pain)


Action Sub-action

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

New York & Geneva ofces 2005 - Dissemination of prevention notice prior to ofce move and nomination of a person to ensure implementation of recommendations during ofce move Duration of the NY ofce move and during any move/removal of heavy parcels (publications, documents, etc..) Sessions of Senior Management Committee New York & Geneva ofces

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Action Nb: (2) Social

(2) Fatigue and stress Promote development of employees health by prevention and information (e.g., develop awareness of benets of good health) , for employees own benet and long term gain for the organization. (1) Ease out handling of professional and private life constraints (1) Provide option of flexibility in working hours Make available alternative working hours schemes (e.g., staggered time, regular time off, exible working hours, part time employment , etc..) permitting employee to best respond to their potential conicting professional and private life demands and exigencies Executive ofce (NY) & Geneva Ofce 2005 - Distribute Information Note recalling and/or announcing options of exibility in working hours - Inventory of number of staff having opted for the various options Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee Executive ofce (NY) & Geneva Ofce


Action Sub-action

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Action Nb: (2) Social

(2) Fatigue and stress Promote development of employees health by prevention and information (e.g., develop awareness of benets of good health), for employees own benet and long term gain for the organization. (2) Assist employee in setting a sound work schedule (1) Inform and set technical keys in order to define an efficient work schedule Disseminate medical recommendations to set an individual efcient work time schedule, e.g., minimal lunch time break, maximum number of hours worked per day/week, exceptional nature of overtime (staff rule stipulations), etc. to prevent fatigue and stress resulting, e.g., from a too compact work schedule. Executive ofce (NY) & Geneva Ofce 2005 - Distribute Information on structure of an efcient work schedule - Inventory and circulation of the various options retained. Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee Executive ofce (NY) & Geneva Ofce




Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Action Nb: (2) Social

(3) Hygiene Promote development of employees health by prevention and information (e.g., develop awareness of benets of good health), for employees own benet and long term gain for the organization. (1) Secure a clean ofce environment (1) Secure respect of hygiene norms in office environment (1) Ensure that air conditioning operates in accordance with clean air norms (e.g., to prevent respiratory troubles) (2) Ensure that equipment providing or containing food and beverages (e.g., coffee machine, fridge, etc..) are maintained and cleaned in accordance with hygiene norms New York & Geneva ofces 2005 - Periodic technical visits and reports on air conditioning in Funds new premises - Periodic visits and reporting on food and beverage facilities. Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee New York & Geneva ofces




Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development


Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Action Nb: (3) Economic

(1) Gender balance Eliminate discrimination by gender, at recruitment , and throughout employment conditions


Action Sub-action

(1) Dene target ratio of gender balance (1) Secure that new staff recruitments conform to gender balance target (1) Ensure that a number of women are included amongst candidates for interview (2) Ensure that selection process effectively accounts for target ratio of gender balance Executive ofce (NY) & Geneva Ofce 2005 - Report on number of women and men interviewed for each vacant post - Report on actual evolution of gender balance ratio before and after each recruitment . Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee Executive ofce (NY) & Geneva Ofce

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21
Action plan Sustainable development principle Item Action Nb: (3) Economic

(1) Gender balance


Eliminate discrimination by gender, at recruitment , and throughout employment conditions


(2) Secure that employment conditions sustain gender balance


(1) Ensure that employment conditions account for women specific needs (1) Ensure that options in exible working hours account for breastfeeding (ST/SGB/2003/14) (2) Ensure that options in exible working hours account for school timetables Executive ofce (NY) & Geneva Ofce 2005 - Report on facilities dened to meet this sub-action - Report on number of employees who took advantage of such facilities Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee Executive ofce (NY) & Geneva Ofce

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator

Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21 Action plan Action Nb:
Sustainable development principle Item (3) Economic

(2) Balance budget


Ensure accountable nancial management of Funds approved resources

Action Sub-action

(1) Monitor budget execution (1) Maintain expenses within approved resources (1) Set budget management tables to secure that execution is conform to budget (2) Maintain expenses of discretionary items (items other than established posts) within approved resources (3) Maintain permanent analysis of variances between budget and execution Executive ofce (NY) & Geneva Ofce 2005 - Monthly expenditure report Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee Executive ofce (NY) & Geneva Ofce

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21 Action plan Action Nb:
Sustainable development principle Item (3) Economic

(3) Knowledge management and creativity Secure permanent access to and develop knowledge of the organization to secure its competitiveness (best ratio cost/ production) (1) Secure access to and development of knowledge (1) Create and populate repository for existing knowledge (1) Identify areas where knowledge is in possession of one or a limited number of employees (2) Ensure that individual knowledge is documented and shared through a repository (3) Promote team approach and collective mission vision, as a motivation to share individual knowledge (4) Encourage initiatives and innovations (5) Provide automated document repository with search engine and fully functional taxonomy. (6) Provide collaboration software for on-line real-time automated discussions Information Management Systems Service (New York) 2005 - Evidence of documented knowledge Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee Information Management Systems Service (New York)


Action Sub-action

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21 Action plan Action Nb:
Sustainable development principle Item Objective (3) Economic

(3) Knowledge management and creativity Secure permanent access to and develop knowledge of the organization to secure its competitiveness (best ratio cost/ production) (1) Secure access to and development of knowledge (2) Secure ongoing development of existing knowledge (1) Provide training for Funds internal applications (2) Encourage participation in the organization training programs on organization wide topics (e.g., communication, resolution of conict , ofce automation, etc..)

Action Sub-action

Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group

New York & Geneva ofces 2005 - Record of training courses (internal and organization wide) actually attended Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee New York & Geneva ofces


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development
UNJSPF Agenda 21 Action plan Action Nb:
Sustainable development principle Item (3) Economic

(4) Investment Recommendation & Report


To help promote the awareness of companies in which the Fund invests in, or potentially invests in, in the Global Compact . (1) Incorporate Global Compact awareness of companies in which the Fund invests in or potentially invests into investment recommendations and reports by IMS. (1) When drafting investment proposals and recommendations, investment ofcers provide a section for global compact comments and analysis Investment Management Service (IMS) 2005 Comments by Investment Ofcers on companies awareness and actions towards the Global Compact Ongoing Sessions of Senior Management Committee Investment Management Service / Ofcers



Action person/group Starting date of actions Performance indicator Duration of the action Reporting timing Reporting person/group


Sustainable Development

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