Peer Grading Rubric For Natural Science Biology Lab Presentations

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Name _______________________ Group Number ________________ Date ________________________

Group Presentation Rubric : Title __________________

Group Member Names: 1._______________2._______________3._______________4.______________5._____________ CATEGORY 5 Student is completely prepared and as ob!iously re earsed. 3 Student seems pretty prepared but mi" t a!e needed a couple more re earsals. 1 0


# e student is Student does not seem some$ at prepared% at all prepared to but it is clear t at present. re earsal $as lac&in".


Student is able to accurately e'plain t e topic to t eir classmates.

Student is able to Student is lac&in" in Student read t e slides% some$ at e'plain t e e'plainin" t e topic to and ( can)t tell i* t ey topic to t eir t eir classmates. understood t e topic. classmates.

Volume and Presentation Skills

+olume is loud enou" +olume is loud enou" +olume is loud enou" to be eard by all +olume o*ten too so*t to be eard by all to be eard by all audience members to be eard by all audience members at audience members at t rou" out t e audience members% and least -0. o* t e time% least /0. o* t e time% presentation% and student read directly and didn)t ,ust read and didn)t ,ust read didn)t ,ust read *rom po$erpoint. po$erpoint. po$erpoint. po$erpoint. Stays on topic all 0100.1 o* t e time% and presentation is $ell or"ani2ed. Stays on topic most Stays on topic some (t $as ard to tell $ at 0--3-0.1 o* t e time% 0/-.345.1 o* t e t e topic $as% and t e and presentation is time% and presentation presentation $as !ery or"ani2ed. is some$ at or"ani2ed. unclear or sloppy.

Sta s on Topic and appears or!ani"ed

#iolo! Content

5ompletely Some$ at Mostly demonstrated Did not demonstrated demonstrated $ y t is demonstrated $ y t is $ y t is $as an $ y t is $as an $as an appropriate $as an appropriate appropriate topic *or a appropriate topic *or a topic *or a biolo"y topic *or a biolo"y biolo"y presentation biolo"y presentation presentation presentation

Peer Gradin!

6ecei!ed mostly 4)s and 5)s *rom ot er "roup members

6ecei!ed mostly 3)s *rom ot er "roup members

6ecei!ed mostly 2)s *rom ot er "roup members

6ecei!ed mostly 1)s *rom ot er "roup members


#7#89 __________

Name _______________________ Group Number ________________ Date ________________________

7t er Group)s :resentations ; please $rite t e topic o* eac presentation and a *e$ interestin" points *rom eac presentation
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. <. 4. /.

Peer Gradin! ; =o$ $ell did your "roup $or& to"et er> 5 ? s ared responsibility $it $ ole "roup Name ________________________________ Name ________________________________ Name ________________________________ Name ________________________________ Name ________________________________ 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2

1 ? did not participate at all $OTES 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5

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