American Values

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Influence of Culture on Consumer Behavior LEARNING OBJECTI E! After studying this chapter students should be able to understand: 1. What culture is and how it impacts consumer behaviors. 2. How culture acts as an invisible hand that guides consumption!related attitudes" values and behavior. #. How culture sets standards for what satisfies consumers$ needs. %. How culture is learned and e&pressed in language" symbols" and rituals. 5. How consumers are always adapting to culture!related e&periences. '. How the impact of culture on consumer behavior is measured. (. How core cultural values impact American consumers. ). How the American culture became a shopping culture. CHAPTER !"##AR$ *he study of culture is the study of all aspects of a society. +t is the language" ,nowledge" laws" and customs that give society its distinctive character and personality. +n the conte&t of consumer behavior" culture is defined as the sum total of learned beliefs" values" and customs that serve to regulate the consumer behavior of members of a particular society. -eliefs and values are guides for consumer behavior. customs are unusual and accepted ways of behaving. *he impact of culture is so natural and ingrained that its influence on behavior is rarely noted. /et" culture offers order" direction" and guidance to members of society in all phases of human problem solving. 0ulture is dynamic" and gradually and continually evolves to meet the needs of society. 0ulture is learned as part of social e&perience. 0hildren ac1uire from their environment a set of beliefs" values" and customs that constitute culture 2i.e." they are encultured3. *hese are ac1uired through formal learning" informal learning" and technical learning. Advertising enhances formal learning by reinforcing desired modes of behavior and e&pectations. it enhances informal learning by providing models for behavior. 0ulture is communicated to members of the society through a common language and through commonly shared symbols. -ecause the human mind has the ability to absorb and process symbolic communication" mar,eters can successfully promote both tangible and intangible products and product concepts to consumers through mass media.

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1' All the elements of the mar,eting mi& serve to communicate symbolically with the audience. 6roducts pro8ect an image of their own. so does promotion. 6rice and retail outlets symbolically convey images concerning the 1uality of the product. *he elements of culture are transmitted by three pervasive social situations: the family" the church" and the school. A fourth social institution that plays a ma8or role in the transmission of culture is the mass media" both through editorial content and through advertising. A wide range of measurement techni1ues are used to study culture. *he range includes pro8ective techni1ues" attitude measurement methods" field observation" participant observation" content analysis" and value measurement survey techni1ues. A number of core values of the American people are relevant to the study of consumer behavior. *hese include achievement and success" activity" efficiency and practicality" progress" material comfort" individualism" freedom" conformity" humanitarianism" youthfulness" and fitness and health. -ecause each of these values varies in importance to the members of our society" each provides an effective basis for segmenting consumer mar,ets. CHAPTER O"TLINE INTRO%"CTION
1. *he study of culture is a challenging underta,ing because its primary focus is on the broadest

component of social behavior in an entire society. 2. +n contrast to the psychologist" who is principally concerned with the study of individual behavior" or the sociologist" who is concerned with the study of groups" the anthropologist is primarily interested in identifying the very fabric of society itself. &&&&&Use Figure #11.1 Here&&&&& 'HAT I! C"LT"RE(
1. 9iven the broad and pervasive nature of culture" its study generally re1uires a detailed

e&amination of the character of the total society" including such factors as language" ,nowledge" laws" religions" food customs" music" art" technology" wor, patterns" products" and other artifacts that give a society its distinctive flavor. 2. +n a sense" culture is a society$s personality. :or this reason" it is not easy to define its boundaries. #. Culture is the sum total of learned beliefs" values" and customs that serve to direct the consumer behavior of members of a particular society. %. -eliefs consist of the very large number of mental or verbal statements that reflect a person$s particular ,nowledge and assessment of something.
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5. ;alues also are beliefs" however" values differ from other beliefs because they must meet the

following criteria: a3 *hey are relatively few in number. b3 *hey serve as a guide for culturally appropriate behavior. c3 *hey are enduring or difficult to change. d3 *hey are not tied to specific ob8ects or situations. e3 *hey are widely accepted by the members of a society. '. +n a broad sense" both values and beliefs are mental images that affect a wide range of specific attitudes that" in turn" influence the way a person is li,ely to respond in a specific situation. (. Customs are overt modes of behavior that constitute culturally approved or acceptable ways of behaving in specific situations. a3 0ustoms consist of everyday or routine behavior. b3 Although beliefs and values are guides for behavior" customs are usual and acceptable ways of behaving. c3 An understanding of various cultures can help mar,eters predict consumer acceptance of their products. &&&&&Use Key Term culture Here; Use Learning Objective #11.1 Here; Use Discussion Question #1 Here; Use E ercise #! Here&&&&& THE IN I!IBLE HAN% O) C"LT"RE
1. *he impact of culture is so natural and automatic that its influence on behavior is usually

ta,en for granted.

2. <ften" it is only when we are e&posed to people with different cultural values or customs that

we become aware of how culture has molded our own behavior.

#. 0onsumers both view themselves in the conte&t of their culture and react to their

environment based upon the cultural framewor, that they bring to that e&perience. 7ach individual perceives the world through his or her own cultural lens. %. 0ulture can e&ist and sometimes reveal itself at different perceived or sub8ective levels. 5. *hose interested in consumer behavior would be most concerned with three levels of sub8ective culture: a3 =upranational level > reflects the underlying dimensions of culture that impact multiple cultures or different societies. b3 ?ational level factors > such as shared core values" customs" personalities" and predispositional factors that tend to capture the essence of the national character of the citi@ens of a particular country. c3 9roup Aevel factors > are concerned with various subdivisions of a country or society. *hey might include subcultures$ difference" and membership and reference group differences. &&&&&Use Learning Objective #11." Here# Use Tab$e #11.1 Here; Use Figures #11." %n& #11.! Here&&&&&
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1) C"LT"RE !ATI!)IE! NEE%!

1. 0ulture e&ists to satisfy the needs of people within a society.

+t offers order" direction" and guidance in all phases of human problem solving by providing tried and true methods of satisfying physiological" personal" and social needs. b3 =imilarly" culture also provides insights as to suitable dress for specific occasions 2e.g." what to wear around the house" what to wear to school" what to wear to wor," what to wear to church" what to wear at a fast food restaurant" or a movie theater3. 2. 0ultural beliefs" values" and customs continue to be followed as long as they yield satisfaction. #. +n a cultural conte&t" when a product is no longer acceptable because it$s related value or custom does not ade1uately satisfy human needs" it must be modified. %. 0ulture gradually evolves to meet the needs of society. &&&&&Use Learning Objective #11.! Here; Use Figure #11.' Here; Use Discussion Question #1 Here; Use E ercise #! Here&&&&& C"LT"RE I! LEARNE%
1. At an early age we begin to ac1uire from our social environment a set of beliefs" values" and


customs that ma,e up our culture. 2. :or children" the learning of these acceptable cultural values and customs is reinforced by the process of playing with their toys. a3 As children play" they act out and rehearse important cultural lessons and situations. &&&&&Use Learning Objective #11.' Here&&&&& Ho* Culture Is Learne+
1. *here are three distinct forms of learning: a3 :ormal learningBadults and older siblings teach a young family member how to

behave. +nformal learningBa child learns primarily by imitating the behavior of selected others. *echnical learningBteachers instruct the child in an educational environment as to what" how" and why it should be done. 2. Advertising and mar,eting communications can influence all three types of cultural learning.. a3 +t most influences informal learning by providing models of behavior to imitate. b3 *his is especially true for visible or conspicuous products that are evaluated in public settings" where peer influence is li,ely to play an important role. #. *he repetition of advertising messages creates and reinforces cultural beliefs and values.
b3 c3

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%. 0ultural meaning moves from the culturally constituted world to consumer goods and from

there to the individual consumer by means of various consumption!related vehicles 2e.g." advertising or observing or imitating others$ behavior.3 &&&&&Use Discussion Question #" Here &&&&& %oes A+vertisin, Reflect Culture( 1. Dany mar,eters and advertisers share the view that advertising mirrors the values and needs of society" and therefore the claims andEor appeal contained in ads reflect the behavior or aspirations of potential customers. 2. A study conducted in ?ew Fealand came to a different conclusion" stating that many of the changes in advertising styles or appeal that occur over time may primarily be the result of an internally 2industry3 driven Gfashion$ andEor Ginvestment$ cycle" rather than the commonly held notion that advertising is society driven. #. Enculturation an+ Acculturation
1. *he learning of one$s own culture is ,nown as enculturation. 2. *he learning of a new or foreign culture is ,nown as acculturation. #. A consumer can be a foreigner in his or her own country.

&&&&&Use Key Terms acculturation an+ enculturation Here &&&&& Lan,ua,e an+ !-m.ols
1. *o ac1uire a common culture" the members of a society must be able to communicate with

2. #. %.


each other through a common language. a3 Without a common language" shared meaning could not e&ist and true communication would not ta,e place. -asically" the symbolic nature of human language sets it apart from all other animal communication. A s-m.ol is used to convey desired product images or characteristics. A symbol is anything that stands for something else. a3 =ymbols can be verbal or nonverbal. b3 =ymbols may have several" even contradictory" meanings. c3 Dar,eters use symbols to convey desired product images or characteristics. 6rice and channels of distribution are also significant symbols of the mar,eter and the mar,eter$s product. a3 *he type of store where the product is sold is also an important symbol of 1uality.

&&&&&Use Key Term s-m.ol Here; Use E ercise #1 an& #' Here; Use Figure #11() Here&&&&& Bran+s as !-m.ols
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25 1. -rands are symbols of the popular culture as well as e&pressions of management or ad agency strategy. Ritual
1. A ritual is a type of symbolic activity consisting of a series of steps occurring in a fi&ed

se1uence and repeated over time.

2. Hituals e&tend over the human life cycle from birth to death.

*hey can be public or private" elaborate" religious" or civil ceremonies" or they can be mundane. b3 +t is often formal and scriptedBi.e." proper conduct is prescribed. #. +mportant to mar,eters" rituals tend to be replete with ritual artifacts 2products3 that are associated with" or somehow enhance" performance of the ritual. %. Hitualistic behavior is any behavior that is made into a ritual. &&&&&Use Key Term ritual Here; Use Tab$es #11." an& #11.! Here; Use E ercise #" Here&&&&& Culture Is !hare+
1. *o be considered a cultural characteristic" a particular belief" value" or practice must be


shared by a significant portion of the society. 2. 0ulture is often viewed as group customs that lin, together members of society. #. ;arious social institutions transmit the elements of culture and ma,e sharing of culture a reality. a3 :amilyBthe primary agent for enculturation > passing along of basic cultural beliefs" values" and customs to society$s newest members. i3 A vital part of the enculturation role of the family is the consumer sociali@ation of the young. b3 7ducational institutionsBcharged with imparting basic learning s,ills" history" patriotism" citi@enship" and the technical training needed to prepare people for significant roles within society. c3 Houses of worshipBprovide religious consciousness" spiritual guidance" and moral training. d3 Dass mediaBis a fourth and often overloo,ed transmitter of culture. i3 +t disseminates information about products" ideas" and causes. ii3 We have daily e&posure to advertising" and through those ads" receive cultural information. e3 ;irtual communities > is a fifth and somewhat more recent social institution for sharing cultural values. i3 +t has been estimated that over %5 million consumers" worldwide" participate in such communities. C"LT"RE I! %$NA#IC
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1. 0ulture continually evolves. therefore" the mar,eter must carefully monitor the sociocultural

environment in order to mar,et an e&isting product more effectively or to develop promising new products. a3 *his is not easy because many factors are li,ely to produce cultural changes within a given society. 2. *he changing nature of culture means that mar,eters have to consistently reconsider: a3 Why consumers are now doing what they doI b3 Who are the purchasers and the users of their productsI c3 When they do their shoppingI d3 How and where they can be reached by the mediaI e3 What new product and service needs are emergingI #. Dar,eters who monitor cultural changes often find new opportunities to increase corporate profitability. &&&&&Use Learning Objective #11.) Here/ Use Discussion Question #' Here***** THE #EA!"RE#ENT O) C"LT"RE
1. *here are a variety of measures of culture: pro8ective tests" attitude measurement techni1ues"

content analysis" consumer fieldwor," and value measurement instruments. &&&&&Use Learning Objective #11.+ Here&&&&& Content Anal-sis
1. Content anal-sis focuses on the content of verbal" written" and pictorial communications. a3 +t is a relatively ob8ective means for determining social and cultural changes have


occurred in a specific society or as a way of contrasting aspects of two different societies. +t is useful to mar,eters and public policy ma,ers interested in comparing advertising claims of competitors within a specific industry" as well as for evaluating the nature of advertising claims targeted to specific audiences. .

&&&&&Use Key Term content anal-sis Here; Use E ercise #' Here&&&&& Consumer )iel+*or0
1. When e&amining a specific society" anthropologists fre1uently immerse themselves in the

environment under study through consumer fiel+*or0.

2. Hesearchers are li,ely to select a small sample of people from a particular society and

carefully observe their behavior.

#. -ased on their observations" researchers draw conclusions about the values" beliefs" and

customs of the society under investigation.

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%. )iel+ o.servation has a number of distinct characteristics:

a3 +t ta,es place within a natural environment. b3 +t is performed sometimes without the sub8ects$ awareness. c3 +t focuses on observation of behavior. 5. +nstead of 8ust observing behavior" researchers sometimes become 1artici1ant2o.servers. a3 *hey become active members of the environment they are studying. '. +n addition to fieldwor, methods" depth interviews and focus!group sessions are also 1uite often employed by mar,eters to get a first loo, at an emerging social or cultural change. (. +n the relatively informal atmosphere of focus group discussions" consumers are apt to reveal attitudes or behavior that may signal a shift in values that" in turn" may affect the long!run mar,et acceptance of a product or service. &&&&&Use Key Terms consumer fiel+*or03 fiel+ o.servation3 an+ 1artici1ant2o.servers Here&&&& alue #easurement !urve- Instruments
1. Anthropologists have traditionally observed behavior and inferred dominant or underlying

2. #.



values. a3 Hecently there has been a gradual shift to directly measuring values by means of survey research. ;alue instruments as, people how they feel about such basic personal and social concepts as freedom" comfort" national security" and peace. A variety of popular value instruments have been used in research: a3 *he Ho,each ;alue =urvey b3 Aist of ;alues 2Aov3 c3 ;alues and AifestylesB;AA= *he Ro0each alue !urve- is a self!administered value inventory" which is divided into two parts. a3 6art one consists of 1) terminal value items" designed to measure the relative importance of end!states of e&istence 2personal goals3. b3 6art two consists of 1) instrumental value items" designed to measure the basic approaches an individual might ta,e to reach end!state values. *he A<; is a related instrument. a3 +ts scale as,s consumers to identify their two most important values from a nine!value list.

&&&&&Use Key Term Ro0each alue !urve- Here; Use Discussion Question #! Here&&&&& A#ERICAN CORE AL"E!
1. +dentification of core values is a very difficult tas, for several reasons.

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2# *he Jnited =tates is a very diverse country consisting of a variety of su.cultures" each of which interprets and responds to society$s basic beliefs and values in its own specific way. b3 Also" rapid technological change has occurred in the Jnited =tates" and in itself ma,es it difficult to monitor changes in cultural values. c3 :inally" the e&istence of contradictory values in American society is somewhat confusing. 2. When selecting specific core values researchers are guided by three criteria: a3 *he value must be pervasiveBaccepted and used by a significant portion of the American people b3 *he value must be enduringBinfluencing the actions of Americans over an e&tended period of time c3 *he value must be consumer!relatedBproviding insights that help mar,eting people understand the consumption actions of the American people. &&&&&Use Key Terms core values an+ su.cultures Here; Use Learning Objective #11., Here; Use Discussion Question #' Here; Use E ercise #! Here&&&&& Achievement an+ !uccess
1. *hese values have historical roots in the traditional 6rotestant wor, ethic" which considers


wor, to be wholesome" spiritually rewarding" and an appropriate end in itself. a3 :urthermore" research shows the achievement orientation is closely associated with the technical development and economic growth of the American society. 2. +ndividuals who consider a sense of accomplishment to be an important personal value tend to be achievers who strive hard for success. a3 Although closely related" achievement and success are different. i3 Achievement is its own direct rewardBit is satisfying to the achiever. ii3 Success implies an e&trinsic rewardBfinancial or status improvements. iii3 +t is the widespread embracing of achievement and success that has led to the great success and progress of the Jnited =tates. iv3 -oth achievement and success influence consumption. *hey often serve as social and moral 8ustification for the ac1uisition of goods and services. &&&&&Use Discussion Question #' Here&&&&& Activit1. Americans feel is it important to be active or involved. 2. Keeping busy is widely accepted as a healthy and even necessary part of the American

lifestyle. a3 *his can have both a positive and negative effect on products. &&&&&Use Discussion Question #' Here&&&&&
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2% Efficienc- an+ Practicalit1. +n terms of efficienc-" Americans admire anything that saves time and effort. 2. +n terms of 1racticalit-" Americans are generally receptive to any new product that ma,es

tas,s easier and can help solve problems.

#. Americans also attach great importance to time and punctuality. %. Americans seem to be convinced that time waits for no one" which is reflected in their

habitual attention to being prompt. 5. Americans place a great deal of importance on getting there first. on the value of time itself. on the notion that time is money. on the importance of not wasting time. and on identifying more time. '. *he fre1uency with which Americans loo, at their watches and the importance attached to having an accurate timepiece tend to support the American value of punctuality. &&&&&Use Discussion Question #' Here&&&&& Pro,ress
1. Pro,ress is lin,ed to the values reviewed earlier and the central belief that people can always

improve themselvesBthat tomorrow will be better than today. 2. 6rogress often means the acceptance of changeBnew products or services designed to fulfill previously under! or unsatisfied needs. &&&&& Use Discussion Question #' Here; Use Figure #11(+ Here&&&&& #aterial Comfort
1. *o most Americans" material comfort signifies the attainment of the good life. 2. +t is a relative view. satisfaction with the amount of material goods comes in terms of how

they compare to others. #. Daterial comfort has often been associated with bigger 1uantities of things or more of something. %. Hecently" however" there has been a noticeable shift away from such a more is better viewpoint to a better is better visionBone that stresses better 1uality and better design. &&&&&Use Discussion Question #' Here&&&&& In+ivi+ualism
1. Americans want to be themselves. a3 =elf!reliance" self!interest" self!confidence" self!esteem" and self!fulfillment are all

e&pressions of individualism.
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2. =triving for individualism seems to be lin,ed to the re8ection of dependency. that is" it is

better to rely on oneself than on others. #. 0onsumer appeals fre1uently ta,e the form of reinforcing the consumers$ sense of identity with products that both reflect and emphasi@e that identity. &&&&&Use Tab$e #11.' Here; Use Discussion Question #' Here&&&&&

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2' )ree+om
1. *o the mar,eter" free+om of choice means the opportunity to choose from a wide range of

alternatives. 2. *his preference is reflected in the large number of competitive brands and product variations that can be found on the shelves of the modern supermar,et or department store. #. *here are decision!ma,ing situations when consumers are faced with too many choices. &&&&& Use Discussion Question #' Here&&&&& E4ternal Conformit1. E4ternal conformit- is a necessary process by which the individual adapts to society. 2. 0onformity ta,es the form of standardi@ed goods and services. #. *he availability of a wide choice of standardi@ed products allows the consumer to be: a3 +ndividualisticBselecting products that close friends do not have. b3 0onformingBpurchasing products similar to those their friends do have. i3 *here is a ping!pong relationship between these two values.

&&&&&Use Discussion Question #' Here&&&&& Humanitarianism

1. Americans tend to be charitable and willing to come to the aid of people less fortunate. 2. 0onsumer researchers have validated two scales that deal with attitudes toward helping

others and attitudes toward charitable organi@ations.

#. -eyond charitable giving" other social issues have an impact on both what consumers buy

and where they invest.

%. Dany companies try to appeal to consumers by emphasi@ing their concern for environmental

and social issues. &&&&&Use Discussion Question #' Here; Use Tab$e #11.) Here&&&&& $outhfulness
1. Americans tend to place an almost sacred value on youthfulness. 2. *his emphasis is a reflection of America$s preoccupation with technological development"

and new and improved.

#. /outhfulness should not be confused with youth" which describes an age grouping.

/outhfulness is loo,ing and acting young regardless of chronological age. it is a state of mind and a state of being. %. A great deal of advertising is directed to creating a sense of urgency about retaining one$s youth and fearing aging.
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2( &&&&&Use Discussion Question #' Here&&&&& )itness an+ Health

1. Americans$ preoccupation with fitness and health has emerged as a core value. 2. *his value has manifested itself in a number of ways" including tennis" rac1uetball" bi,ing"

and 8ogging" and the continued increases in sales of vitamins.

#. :itness and health are becoming lifestyle choices for many consumers. %. Although there is no denying the fitness and healthy living trend in American society" there is

evidence that consumers find it difficult to be good in terms of their personal health. &&&&&Use Discussion Question #' Here; Use Figure #11., Here; Use E ercise #! Here&&&&& Core alues Are Not Onl- An American Phenomenon
1. 0ultural values are not all uni1ue or originally American.


=ome were borrowed" particularly from 7uropean society.

&&&&&Use Tab$e #11.+ Here&&&&& TO'AR% A !HOPPING C"LT"RE

1. +t appears that the role that shopping plays in the American life has been elevated to the point

that the American culture has become a shopping culture.

2. <ne authority has even noted that shopping has remade our culture and now defines the way

we understand the world around usBshopping is what we do to create value in our lives. #. Da,ing this possible is the reality that great shopping e&periences are no longer 8ust for the rich" as consumers from all wal,s of life can en8oy the low prices found in discount stores. %. Duch of this shop Gtill you drop mentality has propelled shopping to the All American past time. a3 *his obsession is driving increasing numbers of Americans to be in credit card debt. &&&&&Use Learning Objective #11.- Here&&&&&

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2) %I!C"!!ION 5"E!TION! 16 %istin,uish amon, .eliefs3 values3 an+ customs6 Illustrate ho* the clothin, a 1erson *ears at +ifferent times or for +ifferent occasions is influence+ .- customs6 Beliefs consist of the very large number of mental or verbal statements that reflect a person$s particular ,nowledge and assessment of something. alues are also beliefs" however" values differ from other beliefs because they must meet certain criteria: 2a3 they are relatively few in number" 2b3 they serve as a guide for culturally appropriate behavior" 2c3 they are enduring or difficult to change" 2d3 they are not tied to specific ob8ects or situations" and 2e3 they are widely accepted by the members of a society. Customs are overt modes of behavior that constitute culturally approved or acceptable ways of behaving in specific situations. =tudents$ answers on clothing will vary based on their e&periences. Aisten for se&ist or ethnic stereotyping as students share their opinions. 76 A manufacturer of fat2free ,ranola .ars is consi+erin, tar,etin, school2a,e chil+ren .1ositionin, its 1ro+uct as a health-3 nutritious snac0 foo+6 Ho* can an un+erstan+in, of the three forms of cultural learnin, .e use+ in +evelo1in, an effective strate,- to tar,et the inten+e+ mar0et( Anthropologists have identified three distinct forms of cultural learning. formal learnin," in which adults and older siblings teach a young family member how to behave. informal learnin,3 in which a child learns primarily by imitating the behavior of selected others such as family" friends" *; heroes. and technical learnin," in which teachers instruct the child in an educational environment about what should be done" how it should be done" and why it should be done. A mar,eter might target the child$s parents with informativeEeducational advertising so that they would tell their child the food is acceptable. *hey might use superhero role models from *; programs" en8oying the snac, food and showing how it helps them defeat the bad guys. *he mar,eter might use scenario or slice!of!life commercials to show the child how to use the product. 86 The Citrus Gro*ers of America are 1lannin, a 1romotional cam1ai,n to encoura,e the +rin0in, of oran,e an+ ,ra1efruit 9uices in situations *here man- consumers normallconsume soft +rin0s6 "sin, the Ro0each alue !urve- :researcher i+entif-; <familsecurit-= :1rovi+in, for love+ ones; as 1romisin, <terminal value= an+ <honest= :trust*orth- or .elieva.le; as a li0el- <instrumental value= to stress in their future a+vertisin, cam1ai,n for citrus 9uices as an alternative to soft +rin0s6 'hat are the im1lications of these values for an a+vertisin, cam1ai,n +esi,ne+ to increase the consum1tion of citrus 9uices( *erminal values are designed to measure the relative importance of end states of e&istence or personal goals. +nstrumental values measure basic approaches 2means3 an individual might ta,e to reach end!state values. Advertisers need to emphasi@e" by using symbols" that serving citrus drin,s are a way to best provide for loved ones. *hey need to do so in an honest" trustworthy and believable way.
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2C *he instructor should stress that there are lin,s between cultural" consumption!specific" and product!specific values. *he attitudes and values toward soft drin,s and citrus 8uices are culturally derived" and given the popularity and diverse usage of soft drin,s" the 0itrus 9rowers of America are going to have difficulty luring consumers away from them. *he 0itrus 9rowers of America organi@ation must convey the notion that the product!specific values of drin,ing citrus 8uices are congruent with consumption!specific and cultural values. *hus" the association should consider the lin,s between culture and consumption of 8uices and soft drin,s. =ome of these possible lin,s are: 0ultural ;alues LAn e&citing and active life L:reedom L6leasure L:riendship 0onsumption!=pecific ;alues Lphysical health Lwell being Lself identity Lnonconformity Len8oying life Lbeing with others 6roduct!=pecific ;alues Lnatural drin, Lthe vitamins in the 8uice Lnutritional content Lbe different from the crowd Lcitrus 8uices are not only for brea,fast Lrefreshing taste Lcool Ldrin, 8uices with others

>6 )or each of the follo*in, 1ro+ucts an+ activities liste+ .elo*? a6 I+entif- the core values most relevant to their 1urchase an+ use6 .6 %etermine *hether these values encoura,e or +iscoura,e use or o*nershi16 c6 %etermine *hether these core values are shiftin,3 an+ if so3 in *hat +irection6 The 1ro+ucts an+ activities are? 16 %onatin, mone- to charities 76 %onatin, .loo+ 86 Com1act +isc 1la-ers >6 Tele1hone ans*erin, machines @6 Tooth1aste A6 %iet soft +rin0s B6 )orei,n travel C6 !untan lotion D6 Cellular 1hones 1E6 Interactive T home2sho11in, services 116 )at2free foo+s 176 Pro+ucts in rec-cla.le 1ac0a,in, *he following chart can be used as a guide for the classroom discussion. +nstructors are encouraged to add products and services to the list" and invite students to do the same. 6roduct or 0ore Activity ;alue2s3 Monating money Humanitarianism 7ncourages or Miscourages 7ncourages Mirection of =hift ?o shift

0opyright 4 2515 6earson 7ducation" +nc. publishing as 6rentice Hall

#5 to charities Monating blood 0ompact disc players 6hone answering machine *oothpaste Humanitarianism 7fficiency" 6racticality Daterial 0omfort 7fficiency" 6racticality 7ncourages 7ncourages 7ncourages 7ncourages 7ncourages 7ncourages 7ncourages 7ncourages 7ncourages 7ncourages 7ncourages 7ncourages 7ncourages 7ncourages ?o shift ?o shift Jp ?o shift Jp ?o shift Jp Jp Jp Jp Jp Jp Jp Jp

7&ternal 0onformity Miet soft drin, :itness and Health. 7&ternal 0onformity :oreign travel +ndividualism. :reedom =untan lotions /outhfulness. :itness and Health 0ellular phones 7fficiency" 6racticality +nteractive *; 7fficiency" 6racticality home shopping 6rogress :at!free foods :itness and Health Hecyclable 7cological concern pac,aging EFERCI!E!

16 I+entif- a sin,er or sin,in, ,rou1 *hose music -ou li0e an+ +iscuss the s-m.olic function of the clothes that 1erson :or ,rou1; *ears6 +nstructor$s Miscussion *his e&ercise will illustrate how nonverbal symbols communicate cultural values. Mepending on your current taste in music you might want to pic, a couple of students to be the monitors of the accuracy of the students$ analysis. <r" videotape selected presentations on D*; or the li,e" show the clips in class" and have the students comment. 76 Thin0 of various routines in -our ever-+a- life :such as ,roomin, or foo+ 1re1aration;6 I+entif- one ritual an+ +escri.e it6 In -our vie*3 is this ritual share+ .- others( If so3 to *hat e4tent( 'hat are the im1lications of -our ritualistic .ehavior to the mar0eter:s; of the 1ro+uct:s; -ou use +urin, -our routine( +nstructor$s Miscussion 6repare to share a couple of your own or family rituals to prime the pump. =tudents$ responses will vary based on their bac,grounds. *his can be an e&ercise that provides students insights into how others live.
0opyright 4 2515 6earson 7ducation" +nc. publishing as 6rentice Hall

#1 86 a6 !ummariGe an e1iso+e of a *ee0l- television series that -ou *atche+ recentl-6 %escri.e ho* the 1ro,ram transmitte+ cultural .eliefs3 values3 an+ customs6 .6 !elect an+ +escri.e three commercials that *ere .roa+cast +urin, the 1ro,ram mentione+ in 8a6 %o these commercials create or reflect cultural values( E41lain -our ans*er6 +nstructor$s Miscussion +n advance of the class" the professor should assign a *; program that all students must watch and analy@e. *he discussion of the programs$ content and commercials provides an e&cellent illustration of utili@ing content analysis to e&plore cultural beliefs" values" and customs. > a6 )in+ t*o +ifferent a+vertisements for +eo+orants in t*o ma,aGines that are tar,ete+ to +ifferent au+iences6 Content2anal-Ge the *ritten an+ 1ictorial as1ects of each a+3 utiliGin, an- core values +iscusse+ in this cha1ter6 Ho* are these values 1ortra-e+ to the tar,et au+iences( .6 I+entif- s-m.ols use+ in these a+s an+ +iscuss their effectiveness in conve-in, the +esire+ 1ro+uct ima,e or characteristics6 +nstructor$s Miscussion *his e&ercise provides students with an opportunity to identify the presence of cultural values in advertising and analy@e the ways that manufacturers of various brands within the same product category often employ different cultural values in their promotional efforts. !6TA6R6 PROJECT! Ethical Issues in Consumer Behavior ..T.%./. 0roject #1 Mo a search of popular maga@ines that carry a number of clothing and consumer products ads. =elect maga@ines that are clearly targeting an Anglo mar,et" an African!American mar,et" and a Hispanic mar,et. 0ompare the ads in the different maga@ines for similarities and differences. How are the beliefs" values" and customs of the three American!cultural groups different andEor similarI What different symbols are used to convey messages within the different maga@inesI Are the predominant color schemes differentI <nce the preceding analysis is completed" comment on any ethical issues that you have observed during your research. Write a short paper that summari@es your findings.

0opyright 4 2515 6earson 7ducation" +nc. publishing as 6rentice Hall

#2 +nstructor$s Miscussion *his e&ercise as,s students to review contemporary maga@ines and use these publications to observe cultural differences between the three primary ethnic subcultures in our society. 6ic, the best of the short papers and discuss the results with the class. 7specially focus on any discovered ethical issues. ..T.%./. 0roject #" Heview the material found in the chapter and in *able 11!' on American 0ore ;alues. As you read about the general features and relevance to consumer behavior of the American 0ore ;alues" consider the ethical responsibility that mar,eters must have when directing promotional efforts toward these values. Write a short paper that e&presses what you perceive these ethical responsibilities to be. /ou may pic, a particular company or product to use as an e&ample or may discuss the issues generally. -e sure to consider using illustrations 2advertisements3 of your thoughts or position. +nstructor$s Miscussion *he primary purpose of this e&ercise is to get students to review material in the chapter on American 0ore ;alues. *he e&ercise will give them the opportunity to once again review the material found in *able 11!' Additionally" the e&ercise as,s students to consider the values in light of ethical responsibility. :or e&ample" individualism 2free speech3 may give one the right of e&pression but it does not guarantee racism" bigotry" or harmful actions toward others. <r consider that although material comfort is great" everyone cannot afford this. What problems might be encountered by those that feel slighted by promotions that stress material ac1uisitionI !mall Grou1 Pro9ects ..T.%./. 0roject #! *he learning of one$s own culture is called enculturation. How do we learn this cultureI Dembers of society learn a great deal through communication in a common language. /our group$s assignment is to e&amine three different age groups with respect to communication. 7&amine children 2aged 5>)3" teens 2aged 1#>1'3" and young adults 2aged 1C>223 with respect to their slang language and symbols that convey messages. Mevise a table that describes at least ten 2153 language or symbols for communication illustrations for each group. Write a short paper that discusses what you have done and conclusions on the differences and similarities found. 6resent the information in class. +nstructor$s Miscussion *his e&ercise as,s students to review three stages that they should have some familiarity with because each has been through these stages or is currently in the last stage. =lang language is an interesting cultural e&pression because it not only identifies age groups but ethnic formations as well. 6ut the best of these lists on the board and discuss how mar,eters might use this information.
0opyright 4 2515 6earson 7ducation" +nc. publishing as 6rentice Hall

## ..T.%./. 0roject #' We all live in tribes. Well" maybe not all of us" but those on the hit 0-= *; series =urvivor certainly do 2see /our group$s assignment is to e&amine tribal 2ritual3 behavior and its impact on consumer behavior. -egin the assignment by e&amining the =urvivor *; show$s history found on the 0-= Web site. ?e&t" do secondary research on tribal behavior 2rituals3. :or e&ample" review rituals in the military" sports" fraternities" sororities" clubs" and organi@ations and how these rituals are transferred to consumptive behavior. <nce this has been completed" write a short position paper that summari@es your findings and indicates what you have learned about the relationship between tribal 2ritual3 behavior and consumer behavior. +nstructor$s Miscussion Dost students really en8oy considering tribes and rituals. After reviewing the material in the chapter" most will have a good basis on which to build this pro8ect. -y going to the 0-= Web site" students can trace the history of the survivor series by going to the select a show feature and scrolling to the =urvivor series. "sin, the Internet to !tu+- Consumer Behavior ..T.%./. 0roject #) Advertising symbols are important ways that companies communicate with consumers. We all ,now the logos for Kellogg$s" 0hevrolet" and +-D. /our assignment in this 1uestion is to play a symbols game and see how you score. Dr. Noey Kat@en has developed an e&cellent symbols recognition game to be found at www.8oey,[email protected]. *he Retail Alphabet Game ta,es letters 2symbols3 from well!,nown retail names or phrases and as,s you to identify them. *his trivia game helps us to understand how important symbols and names are to the mar,eting and communication effort. 6lay the game and tell us how you scored. What did you missI What did you get rightI What conclusions can you draw about your ability to recogni@e symbolsI Write a short paper that e&presses your thoughts. +nstructor$s Miscussion *he game is fun and informative. *he students can play historical versions of the game at no cost. Dr. Kat@en only charges for the most recent version. *he Web site is also an e&cellent download site. Have fun with this one. ..T.%./. 0roject #+ <ne of the easiest ways to e&amine one$s values is to observe how they dress. =pecifically" 8ewelry says a lot about the man or woman. /our assignment is to find four 2%3 wrist watch Web sites and review the products found on these Web sites. *a,ing the American 0ore ;alues discussed in the chapter 2see *able 11!'3" write a short paper about how the companies you investigated appeal to American 0ore ;alues. -e sure to include e&amples to illustrate your feelings. Aastly" comment on how the opening Web pages of the sampled sites set the stage for value transmission to the consumer. What specific devices are used by the site mar,etersI
0opyright 4 2515 6earson 7ducation" +nc. publishing as 6rentice Hall

#% +nstructor$s Miscussion =tudents will find several illustrations in the chapter that can be used to begin the search 2such as 0iti@en and Hole&3. =tudents should ne&t carefully e&amine *able 11!' and the values included. Moes the wrist watch appeal to the efficiency and practically value or the individualism valueI -e sure that students are clear as to their conclusions. *his sub8ect is an easy one to discuss in class. *ry pulling up several Web sites to illustrate. CA!E CO##ENT! Case One? #- Taco Has Ho* #an- Calories( *he primary core value that this case refers to is fitness and health. :or some time now" a number of the menu items offered in fast!food restaurants has been partially blamed for the increasing number of overweight children and adults in America. +ndeed" in some diners and restaurants" the average portion si@e served is really double or even triple the portion si@e that a nutritionist would recommend. Case T*o? Privac-? A Ne* )acet of American Culture( 0ertainly" the 1uestion could be argued either way. *he chapter states that culture is dynamic and this could be perceived to be a change in the American culture. <n the other hand" Americans have always considered their personal information to be 8ust thatBpersonal" and so this may be 8ust the application of an e&isting cultural value to a different medium.

0opyright 4 2515 6earson 7ducation" +nc. publishing as 6rentice Hall

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