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Ahrimans Prophecy (version 2) Strategy Guide

-By: Mike Leach ([email protected]) -My website: -Last update: August 12, 2005 -Version: 1.01

===Table Of Contents===
Part 1: The Basics Introduction Game Controls Exploration Attacking Monsters The Menu System Buying & Selling Leveling Your Character Part 2: The Walkthrough Chapter 1: Elden Chapter 2: Prophecy Chapter 3: Devenshire Chapter 4: Bat Cave Chapter 5: Rescue Chapter 6: Haunted Chapter 7: Candar Chapter 8: Prince Edwards Ball Chapter 9: Witchwood Chapter 10: Ahrimans Prophecy Chapter 11: Underworld Chapter 12: Animalville Chapter 13: Glenvale Chapter 14: Mysten Far Chapter 15: Bleached Tooth Desert Chapter 16: Return to Witchwood Swamp Chapter 17: Dwarf Mines Chapter 18: Tar Vendron Chapter 19: Passion Cave Chapter 20: Curse of the Black Witch Chapter 21: Tar Vendron Desert Chapter 22: Fire Cave Chapter 23: Detective Talia and the Case of Sir Tevad's Death Chapter 24: Venwood Chapter 25: Werewolves in London Chapter 26: Faiara Chapter 27: The Water Cave Chapter 28: Nest of the Harpy Queen Chapter 29: Dream World Chapter 30: Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall Chapter 31: Final Confrontation Part 3: Lists Shop Merchandise List Equipment List

Magic Spell List Item List Value List List of Side Quests List of sealed vats and locked chests List of Important People Bestiary (list of monsters) Part 4: Miscellaneous Explanation of the locations Differences between Version 1 and Version 2 Things I wish somebody wouldve told me but didnt Weird things that Ive found in the game Future additions Credits

===Part 1: The Basics===

Introduction Welcome to my Ahrimans Prophecy Strategy Guide! Hope you enjoy playing this wonderful game as much as I have. The first thing you should do is download and print the Players Guide from the main Ahrimans Prophecy site (that is, if you havent already). That provides a hard copy reference to most of the data that I have here, such as defensive values of shields. I got a lot of my data from this guide, and simply copied it here. Im very long-winded by nature I explain how to stuff with enough detail that anybody can understand. Im also very descriptive, since I dont include very many graphics here. I may use simple ASCII graphics to illustrate a point or two, like where the Glass Key goes to open up the Glass Coffin. I tend to write in a narrative style, so that the walkthrough part of this strategy guide is more like a story than anything else. I think thats the best and easiest way to understand the small details of the game without giving out too many spoilers. There are various cut scenes in this game, like miniature movies. I basically just say go through the cut scene instead of giving out spoilers. Id much rather that you experience the fun of going through such a scene than telling you what happens. The cut scenes make the game more enjoyable, but mostly they tell you what you will be doing next, or in the near future. Pay attention to what goes on! I place a version number on my guide for one purpose only - to indicate how far I am (or how far I think I am) in completing it. Know that my latest guide will be the one with the largest version number. For those who are looking for the latest and greatest, I add a line where I keep up with the last date where I added or changed anything. So, the most recent date indicates the most up-to-date version of my guide. I dont include a version history section, since who cares about that? Game Controls

You move with arrow keys on the keyboard. The easiest way to do that is to turn off Number Lock and use the number pad. 8 moves up, 4 moves right, 2 moves down, 6 moves left. Simple. If you dont want to use Number Lock, then you can use the arrow keys. They are packed together a bit too much for comfortable play (unless, like me, you grew up playing Heretic and Ultimate Doom), but its your choice. You cant beat the game by simply moving. You need to perform some actions. Basically, any action you take is with the Spacebar or Enter. Both will confirm your choice, attack, open, examine, or whatever. To bring up the main menu, press Escape. Navigate with the number pad (or arrow keys), confirm your choice with Spacebar or Enter. Cancel with Escape. The menu system gets some getting used to, but its not too hard once you get the hang of it. Its actually quite intuitive and rather unique. Bring up the save menu with 1 (use the numbers below the function keys not the key pad keys). You can save anytime that youre not in a menu, including during a battle. Use this to your advantage. Saving is simple. Select which slot (slot one all the way to slot fifteen) and hit Enter or Spacebar. The 15 slots I think is direct influence from the PlayStation memory card, which also has 15 slots. Dont just use one slot. Save with different slots, and take a radical route. If you screw up, restart from another save slot. If the game crashes (which is bound to happen sooner or later), you also have more save points so that you dont have to redo as much. During a battle, you may want to use a skill, e.g. Sword Technique, or use an item. Hit Escape when near an enemy. This brings up the Battle Menu. The game pauses while here, so you will not get attacked, despite being a real-time game. Take your time, make your selection, and confirm. Not all items are available in the Battle Menu, namely restorative items. Annoying, but nobody said that this game was fair! You cannot restore your health during a battle, so make sure that youre strong attempting to battle. You can also use restorative magic during battle. Or, if you prefer, walk a distance away, hit Escape, and cure your party before going for round two. You cant run away during a boss fight, so be warned. Ahrimans Prophecy supports joysticks, so your favorite controller may be used here. I like Graviss GamePad Pro, more because it was cheap, about ten bucks, and most resembled a PlaySation controller. You can do everything in the game with a controller, except save. There isnt any customizing controls (setting which button does what), so you learn one way of controlling the game. This makes learning how to play Ahrimans Prophecy a little easier. Exploration Theres no penalty for examining everything in the game, so do it. Most spots wont do anything, but some do. Bookshelves, for example, nearly always contain information. Keep a lookout for chests, pots, vats, barrels, or anything that looks like it might hold treasure. If it says that its sealed or locked, then you need the assistance of a thief to open it.

Number one rule in RPGs: talk to everybody. By talking to everybody, looking at everything, you may learn some details in the game early. You will also learn about some of the history of the various towns and the people. Also, by talking to everybody, youll have a better understanding of what do to, and wont have to wonder around aimlessly. Get a good feel of each town you come to. Find out where the shops are, as well as the inns. If thats too hard, then draw a simple map of each town and label the houses, inns, shops, and whatever. Its always nice to know where you are in a town, and where it is you are going! Later, in the future, I *may* use screen caps to piece together a map, then simplify it, as well as shrinking it. Attacking Monsters Monsters are not ever in towns, so you are safe. However, you have to brave the outside world, and, in doing so, are susceptible to attack. The current health and mana of ever member in your party is represented by a bar on the lower right corner of the screen. Keep in mind that the bar shows how much health and mana you have compared to the maximum. So, half a bar of health could mean that you could have 15 health left, or 200. A half bar simply means that you have 50% of your health left. The same concept applies to the mana bar. Attacking monsters is relatively easy: mash the spacebar while facing an adjacent enemy. However, there are lots of tips and tricks that will help you out. First, know that you cant attack any monster that is not adjacent and facing your character. However, some spells and weapons, when targeted on a monster will damage nearby enemies as well. Monsters are free to move about during a fight, just as you are. Sometimes, they will move about, and try to flank you. Other times, they back off for a second, and then come back. Do you stand there and wait for them to come back or go after them? Its up to you. Youll fight enough monsters that you can try out both methods and decide which one you like best. Monsters can damage your character while adjacent or diagonal (one space up and one over) to you, and doesnt have to be facing you. Keep this in mind the next time you want to slip past a monster, but get damaged along the way by a monster that is facing away from you. Heres an illustration: MM P Both monsters (the Ms) can attack the player (the P), but the player can only attack monster to the north, not the one to the northeast.

To skirt monsters, keep your distance and make sure that you have at least a couple of spaces between you and it. By the way, you can damage any adjacent monster thats facing you, even if you are on top of a hill, and they are not. However, you cannot search the corpse unless you can stand on top of it. Heres a quick trick when fighting monsters: mash the spacebar repeatedly for successive hits. You may get in two or three hits for every one that a monster hits you. Use this to your advantage, especially when fighting stronger monsters.

When you defeat a monster, the amount of experience everybody (dead or alive) receives is flashed briefly (you may miss it most of the time) in green. Fight stronger monsters to earn experience faster. The damage you inflict on a monster is flashed in the same way, but in red. Damage you receive is also flashed similarly (but you should be paying more attention to your health bar more than the damage you receive). If you land a critical hit (one that damages more than usual), the monster will briefly flash white. If you receive a critical hit, youll flash white. Keep this in mind the next time you find your health way down after only a single hit! Heres a quick trick when fighting monsters: use the landscape to your advantage. Remember that a monster cant attack you unless it gets right next to you (or diagonal from you). You can wait behind an object, e.g. rock, and wait for a monster to come near. You receive the first attack more often when you let the enemy come to you. Also, if you find yourself between two obstacles with a space in between, know that you cannot get attacked from either side (only from behind and front). You can use the landscape then to protect some of your sides, and control when and where you attack the enemy from. Here are a few illustrations showing just what I mean: || Here, you ('P') can wait for the monster (M) to come down and around the |__|M corner of a rock (the box) while you wait and get to attack as soon as it P !-" gets close enough. ||P|| The player waits while the monster comes into the path, and cant flank | | | | or skirt the player, only advance and attack. Meanwhile, the player gets |_|#|_| first attack when the monster gets close enough. M-" As a general rule for leveling up (training your party to increase their class), fight as many monsters as you can. There will never be more than four enemies at once. Each screen has up to four enemies in it, and whenever you go from one screen to another (indicated by a brief pause in the game), the monsters are reset, meaning that they are reborn. This means that you can fight more enemies by going back and forth between an edge of a screen, killing a monster, and then resetting the screen by crossing the border and going back. I do not go too much into using attack magic during a battle since I do not use magic during a battle (Im sword over sorcery). However, the concept is similar: confirm the attack spell, the target, and off it goes. The target receives damage, and its the next persons turn. The monsters will sometimes move off, drawing you away, especially toward other monsters. This sometimes gets you in the middle of a group of monsters, so be careful! Monsters will also sometimes step aside a space or two, and sit there. This happens when the monster is low on health. Youll have to chase it down and finish it off. If you are fighting a monster, it will nearly always face you. However, sometimes it faces another direction, turning toward you only when you hit it. This happens when the monster wants to go somewhere else, but your attacks keep it in one spot. The monster, while doing this, will not attack as often (sometimes not at all), making it an easy fight.

The Menu System Hitting Escape brings up the Main Menu. You have a few options for each character; each option serves a specific purpose. The bag icon, the first one from the left, represents your item inventory. Use this menu to use items, look at what you have, or read your Journal. The sword icon, the middle icon, represents your equipment inventory. Use this menu to manage your equipment. A third icon may appear on the selected character. This represents that characters Skills. Use this menu to use skills, or to see what that character can do. These menus are intuitive, but cumbersome. You cannot, for example, use more than one item at a time. Lets go over the Item Menu first. Select the person to use an item, and then select the item icon (the bag, remember?). Youll see your inventory laid out, with each item taking up a space. Navigate to the desired item, read the description that comes every time, and use the item. Repeat the process for each item, and then repeat the whole process for each character. A second screen of your item inventory contains items that are not readily usable. These items will be used when the appropriate time comes. Strangely enough, if you have people who are with you, they appear here. Wonder how they fit in your backpack? Magic, I suppose. Read your Journal for a list of current tasks, and when you want to know what to do next. The tasks here are vague, so keep track of the specifics yourself (or read my guide!). Next, the Equipment Menu (sword icon). This menu operates the same way as the Item Menu, but a little differently. You must choose which type of equipment you want to work with. The sword represents weapons, shields shields, armor armor, hat helmets, necklace Trinkets. Not everybody can wear everything (Devin cant wear a Dress, for example). If it doesnt work the first time, then it wont ever work. When you select an item, a description is given, and you can equip that item on that character. Pretty easy. Itll all become second nature after a while. The Skill Menu works similarly. For example, Talias skill is Magic. She can cast restorative spells only from this menu, one spell at a time. Her attack spells are only available in the Battle Menu when its her turn. The description given for each spell doesnt need an explanation. Devins skill is Sword Techniques. He learns them as he advances in classes. They increase his attack power, and he deals more damage at a cost of mana. Jacks skill is thievery. He can steal from enemies (Ive only ever gotten a few gold pennies or a small item, e.g. Bread) and open up locked chests. If you steal from a monster it wont (at least I dont think it will) drop treasure and/or gold. Jack doesnt learn anything more skills. Fredricks skill is Shapeshifting. The available shapes will be here, and he can shapeshift into any one of them (he has to turn back into his own self before he can shapeshift into something else). Fredrick doesnt learn any new shapes by simply going up in classes, but rather by fighting the type of monster that the shape is for. Fredrick can also learn shapes if somebody were to teach him. Heres a list of what shapes Fredrick can shapeshift in to: jelly thing, lion, unicorn, dragon, and bee. I

think Im forgetting one, but theres not many. Alicia (snobby princess) doesnt have any skills. Neither does Hadaan (the dwarven mercenary). Highlight the question mark on the main menu for a brief tutorial, as well as a small bit of self-advertising. You can exit the menu by pressing Escape, but only on a character thats alive. Unfortunately, there isnt any sort of help system to explain anything, unless you count the description of the item/spell. However, I try to explain what every item does, although most are quite easy (e.g. the Aloe Leaf restores 15 HP every time). Remember that you cant save while in the main menu (maybe thatll change in Ahrimans Prophecys sequel?). Instead, press 1 while not in any menu. Itll bring up the Save Menu. Select the slot to save in, confirm. The only way to figure what your current class is to save, then go back, make like you are going to save again (but dont) and see what your class is. This only shows Talias class, but everybody elses is about the same. Buying & Selling The buying/selling system is easy to figure out as well. All merchants and shopkeepers are willing to sell you stuff, but some wont buy. When you talk to a merchant, you are sometimes presented with a choice of what kind of merchandise you want. Be sure to check out everything. Select your item, and when youre in the how much do you want to buy part, press up and down to change the number by one, left and right to change it by ten. Final Fantasy Tactics also uses this same method of modifying the number. Anyway, you cant buy more than what you can pay for, and the most of any item you can carry is 99. When purchasing items, a description is given for anything highlighted at the top. Read this description to make sure that its the item you want. When purchasing equipment, you can see, on the upper left hand corner, which characters can equip the item (theyre in color, and animated) and which cannot (theyre in greyscale, and still). Also, a thin spinning star indicates that the item is not stronger; a fat star is an upgrade. An E indicates that youve already got that item equipped. A dot indicates that everybody can equip it (applies mainly to Trinkets). Use this system to determine whether or not the item is an upgrade. When selling equipment, the same information is given in the same spot, so you can determine whether or not you should sell it or whether or not the item is an upgrade to what youve already got (but havent equipped). It doesnt make any sense to purchase lots of any piece of equipment (like ten or more), but that concept doesnt apply to items. Buy as many as you want. All merchants will always have the same selection all the time, with only one exception. An exotic fruit seller eventually gets a new shipment of a new fruit. Beware of selling once you confirm the sale, youve lost the items! Not all restorative items have the same value. For example, Bread costs 5 gold and restores 5 HP, but Aloe Leaves costs 18 gold each and only restores 15 health. Why, then, buy Aloe Leaves when Bread has a better value? Well, when you factor in that you cant use but one restorative item at a time, it can get tedious to use nine breads to restore 45 health, when it wouldve only taken three Aloe Leaves.

In general, items that restore health are cheaper than items that restore the same amount of mana. Keep the same value concept in mind the next time you want to buy restorative items. Overall, a good-valued restorative item is Fish. It restores 50 health and 10 mana at a cost of 25 gold. Nice, but useful only in the earlier levels! Leveling Your Character Training your character is easy to understand: fight lots of monsters and your class goes up. The secret, then, is to fight lots of monsters in a short period of time. Doing this requires that you know a little about how the game works. First, there are no more than four monsters in any screen (the screen concept is sort of the same as in the Zelda series). Every time you come to a new screen, the monsters reset, meaning that they all come back, no matter how they were before. With this unlimited number of monsters, training is then a matter of patience (how long are you willing to play the game to train your characters as opposed to furthering it). Occasionally, you may notice a brief lapse in the game while traveling. More than likely, this come from one screen loading and the monsters resetting themselves. If you find a monster near the edge of a screen, kill it, go off to the next screen and come back, youll find that monster there again, ready to be killed. This is a good way to train your characters killing a monster, resetting it, then killing it again. Another way to train is to wonder around the maps killing everything you see. This is how I typically train my characters. Since you dont know how much experience (the amount you earn after killing a monster is briefly flashed in green above the current party leaders head) it takes to go up a class, the best thing to do is not worry about what your class is, but rather how you fare against the monsters. If they whup you every time, and you find it hard to keep your characters alive, its time to fight weaker monsters (ones that you dont have a problem killing) until you go up a class or two. If, however, you find that you kill everything in one shot, and grow bored, move on to stronger monsters. Youll increase your class a lot faster by fighting stronger monsters. Remember to keep your characters health at least 50% to reduce the chance of a critical hit killing that character. Its really expensive to revive a character, and not nearly so to keep healthy, so dont be frugal with restorative items! Terminology: Heres a sticky topic that often raises many questions and starts arguments. In Ahrimans Prophecy, cure indicates the relief of a status change, e.g. curse, while heal indicates an increase in lost health and/or mana. I try to say heal when I mean to restore your health or mana, and cure when I mean to remove a status ailment. As an example, the Priestess spell, Cure removes all status ailments from a character, but does not restore any health. In this case, cure had nothing to do with health. When it comes to the quantitative measure of your life (how much you have), Ill either use HP (which is the generic RPG term for health) or Health. Ill typically use them

interchangeably (Ill use one or the other just as much). HP is short for health points. Should your HP drop to zero, you die. As for magic, your ability to cast magic is measured in MP (again, the generic term for your magic casting ability) or Mana. MP is short for both magic points and mana points. Should your MP drop to zero, you wont be able to cast any magic spells until you restore some back. In a lot of RPG games, leveling up completely refills your HP and MP, but Im glad to see that Ahrimans Prophecy doesnt act like that. That leaves the healing of your party as your responsibility, not worrying about going up to the next class for a free refill. That reminds me, the concept of levels is the same in Ahrimans Prophecy, but theyre called classes instead. If Talia is at class 26, then thats similar as being on level 26. Ill try to stick to the games terminology (primarily to avoid any confusion), but sometimes Ill slip and use the generic RPG terms instead. Youll also see that I name all the monsters differently than how other people do it. I try to name the monsters so that theres no question or doubt which one Im talking about. As for anything else, I think that I use the games terminology. Let me know if anything confuses you! :)

===Part 2: The Walkthrough=== Chapter 1: Elden

Treasure: Important items: Milk pail, Journal, Carrot, Feather Common items: Marsh Tea, Bread x3, Hand Dagger, 2 gold pennies Side quests: Get named by Avrail, get milk from Farmer Gubbins, and find Herbert a new quill Recommended Class: 1 Begin a new game, and go through the introductory animation, which explains part of the storyline. You begin the actual game inside of your house, in bed. A short introduction talks about the character you are playing, Talia. Shes a 13 year-old girl who lives in the small town of Elden (population: less than 30). Today is the day that Talia is going to be named by Avrail. Naming is when Avrail tells you what your profession is going to be. Go through the Tutorial for an overview of basic game controls. After that, you gain control of your character. You can sleep in your bed anytime you need a rest for free (most of the time, you sleep at an Inn for a fee). Talk to your grandmother in the next room. Shell tell you to go to Avrail to be named. But first, she also wants you to go over to Farmer Gubbins and fill up a milk pail with milk. She hands you the milk pail and sends you on the way. Talk to her again, and shell tell you that Farmer Gubbins is north of Elden. You also need your Journal, in which you keep track of various tasks that you are doing. Look at the portrait to the left of your bedroom door for a painting of your mother.

Search the left half of the bookshelf for some information on basic game controls. Your Journal is on the right half of the bookshelf. You cant leave without your Journal. Outside is the town of Elden. Take note of the garden to the left of your house. Pick up the carrot and ignore the other vegetables (I assume that the white vegetables are turnips rather than white carrots). You might need it with the task involving Farmer Gubbins cow. Nows a good time to save, so that you dont have to go through the introduction part of the game again. Go down the stairs, and go to the west. There is the Hungry Boar Tavern. Not much interest for a 13 year-old girl, right? Normally not, but it doesnt hurt to talk to everybody and get a mental map of the area. Go inside and youll see a big room with three tables. The woman in a pink dress and apron is Geneva. The man in a blue shirt and leather apron is Alden, who really likes meat pies. The older woman in a yellow dress is Gretchen. Her husband is sitting across from her, wearing a green jacket. Gretchens husband, Jevon, likes to play on peoples generosity to get free meals. The bard playing music is Rertwoth. The man in a red vest walking around is Derk, who is waiting for Kenia. The man behind the counter is the barkeeper, Renald. The only door here is on the middle right part of the room, but is locked. Members only! says Renald. Hmm Wonder whats in there? The fact that its restricted only makes it more intriguing! Go back outside, and go west. The woman in a green dress and apron is Mildrea, whos waiting for the ferry to come back from the mainland for an important package. The black-haired boy with a yellow shirt is Devy. He misses his friend Ralphie. Both of them usually chase the chickens around. Just to the north, on a ledge, are two houses. The first (from the left) is empty. The second is Gennas, your best friend. Shes already been named as a seamstress (read the letter on the table). Go back down and go west. Youll come to a bridge. Cross it, and go northeast. Dont go past the wooden sign, which says that youre in Elden. Instead, go north, then northeast. Across another bridge is a little girl in a white dress Tamma. She wants to play with Devy, but he wont let her. Keep going northwest, and youll come to a set of stairs. To the south is the towns graveyard. Climb the stairs and read the sign. It says that the graveyard is to the south, and the Smithery is to the east. Go north to the well, and then go all the way west (past the shed). You should find yourself in a secret tunnel inside of the forest. Follow it southwest, then south. Youll come to a clearing with a man with a purple hat lying in the middle. Hes Whiskey Jack, the town drunk. Just a little southeast of Whisky Jack is a chest with two pennies. Now youve got some cash (although not much). An interesting side note: the game says that hes sleeping even though his eyes are wide open (until you examine him). How does he sleep with both eyes open? Go back to the shed, and walk along the left side of it going north. Youll come to a corral, in which are two mules and a goat. The fly buzzing that you hear indicates that its filled with piles and probably stinks. Its hard to simulate odors in the game, but the buzzing of the flies is a nice effect. Go back south to the shed. Go inside and youll see that its a storage shed.

Examine the yellow vats (they look more like pots to me) and the barrels for some treasure. Open the chest for more treasure. Be sure to equip any newfound equipment (as long as its an upgrade). Go back outside, and go west a bit. The next house over belongs to the World Renown Writer. Go inside, and youll meet Herbert. Hes busy writing down the history of Elden. Unfortunately, his quill broke, and he needs a new one. Sounds like another side quest! The quill hes looking for is purple. Be on the lookout for it. Also, be sure to examine any bookshelves, vats, pots, barrels, or chests you come across. The bookcase next to Herbert tells you of some basic game controls outside of town. Outside, near the well, is a girl in a red and white dress. This is Lidia Perry, the girl that your Genna was telling you gives you a hard time and to ignore her. Lidia acts snobbish, like shes better than anyone else. Take Gennas advice and ignore her, and go west, crossing the bridge. The first house you come to is Ralphies house. His mom, Georgia, is taking care of him. She says that Ralphie was playing outside in the rain, again, and got sick. The house in the very northeast corner of Elden is the shop, which is run by Reeda. Reeda will sell you bread and some equipment. Her prices are quite reasonable, but her inventory is quite limited. Make sure that you pick up a Hat and a Practice Sword for Talia (and later Devin) before you leave. You dont have enough to buy anything but come back when youve got some cash. South of Reedas shop is the Smithery. Nothing there but some blacksmiths busy working (and creating a lot of noise). Its a good idea to talk to everybody, and explore everywhere (especially the first time through), so go on inside. The kid with green hair and a yellow vest is Jered. The kid that looks like Derk from the Hungry Boar Tavern is Billy. The kid with blue hair and a grey vest is Devin. Devin is a lot nicer than the other blacksmiths, and is even willing to joke with you. The man in a leather vest (banging on a piece of metal) is Barbar, the head blacksmith. Nothing is in any of the barrels, but you can search anyway (if you dont believe me). One of the barrels is sealed, and you cant open it. Come back when you acquire the ability to unseal sealed barrels and vats. Thats it for the tour of Elden. The purple feather usually ends up on the bottom part of Elden, although it has also landed near the well where Lidia is playing. Whenever you pick it up and give it to Herbert, hell reward you with five pennies. Youve started your collection of cash, but its still not much. The best way to get money is to defeat monsters, then inspect the corpses. Also be sure to sell off extra equipment and items, but make sure that they are extra before selling them! Be sure to save before venturing out into the unknown (in this case, anywhere outside of Elden). Use the fact that you can save anywhere to do so often, especially if you dont know what lies ahead. Next stop, Farmer Gubbins!

Chapter 2: Prophecy

Treasure: Important items: Milk pail (filled with milk), Bottle of mead, Letter Common items: 6 gold pennies, Bread x2, 3 gold pennies Side quests: Get named by Avrail, get milk from Farmer Gubbins, get Mead from Whiskey Jack, and find Master Gerrith at the Collegium of War and Magick in Thais, get Georgias note to Heraald Recommended Class: 1

From Eldens exit, head north. Youll come to a field with a Dragonfly and a bridge at the very top. You can kill the Dragonfly in one shot. Cross the bridge. Head north, then northwest. Youll come to a dirt path, which leads to Farmer Gubbins place. Follow it, and talk to Farmer Gubbins. Hell tell you that his cow, Old Bessy, has wondered off again. Talia suggests that shes probably north, in Avrails herbs. Head out of Farmer Gubbins place, and head north. A Green Snake is west of here, but ignore it. It can kill you in one shot! After a bit north, theres a clear path to the east. Follow it, and youll find Bessy in the middle of a field. Examine her, and Talia will pull the carrot that she took from her garden and offer it to Bessy. The cow, who loves carrots, eagerly follows you. By the way, if you didnt pick up the carrot, then Bessy wont follow you, but will run away. Be sure that you have the carrot when examining Bessy. Lead Bessy down to Farmer Gubbins place (again, ignoring the Green Snake) and youll give your carrot to Bessy. Farmer Gubbins will fill your milk pail with milk, and send you off. Go inside of Farmer Gubbins house, and check the yellow vat for six gold pennies. Bring the milk (which doesnt spill, no matter how much you move) to your grandmother. Shell fix up a cup of tea (with some milk) and you both will enjoy your morning tea. Then, shell instruct you to go and get named. Next stop, Avrails cave! From Eldens exit, head north. Again, cross the bridge, and head north, then northwest (like youre going to Farmer Gubbins place). Then, go north a whole lot, all the way to the top of the map. Then go west. Youll see a path going south, and a tiny clearing to the northwest. A Dragonfly lives here. Go south, and save whenever you come to the river. Ill tell you why in a moment. Follow the river, being wary of the Green Snake that lives on the bridge. Since he can kill you in one shot, you might have to restart your game a few times before you make it across (which is why I told you to save when I did). Once you finally make it across the bridge, save (unless you want to go through all of that trouble again). Avrails cave is south of here. Another Green Snake lives on the other side of the bridge, along with a Dragonfly to the south. The sign in front of the entrance to Avrails cave says No Trespassing!! I guess she doesnt want visitors! Well, you gotta trespass, so go inside of the cave. Youll automatically move next to Avrail. Annoyed, Avrail will ask you what you want. You tell her that youve come to get named. Avrail explains that she doesnt want to keep naming the children, and moved way out of the middle of nowhere in an effort to stop the Eldens children from coming to her to get named. She asks for your name, but doesnt care what it is. She tells you to look into the pool of water. When you do, a sequence will follow. Youll see the main baddie doing his evil deeds with his evil friend. Raising a great evil entity to conquer the earth from the dead? Hes got to be a warlock or something. When the sequence is over, Avrail will tell you that youre not to be named today. Instead, youre to go to Thais, over on the mainland. There, youll look for the Collegium of War and Magick. Inside, youll ask for Master Gerrith.

Head outside and save. Head back home, and talk to your grandmother. Tell her the truth, and shell insist that you bring along somebody for protection. She tells you to go over to the Smithery and ask Barbar for an apprentice. Nobody there volunteers, except for Devin. He sees the importance of escorting a lady through a tough area and agrees to come with you. If you take a look at Devin (on the main menu), youll see that he quite a bit stronger than you are. Its a good thing, too, because you need somebody to take care of those mean Green Snakes that youve been hassled with so far. Be sure to buy him a Practice Sword (he cant equip daggers) so that he has something to attack with. Go back home and talk to your grandmother. Shes satisfied that Devin will protect her granddaughter, and gives you two loaves of bread and a Good Luck Charm (a Trinket that can be equipped). Equip the Good Luck Charm on Talia (the only one who can wear it) and head over to the tavern. Talk to Renald, and ask him about how business is going. Hell tell you that Whiskey Jack has stolen some booze, and he wants it back. Go over to Whiskey Jack, and search his body. Youll find a full bottle of mead. Bring it back to Renald, and hell thank you and gives you a loaf of bread. Be sure to stop by Ralphies house before you leave for the mainland. Georgia (Ralphies mother) will give you a letter to give to her husband Heraald in Devenshire. Before you ride the ferry to the mainland, its time to train and scour the countryside for free treasure. The only chest is north of Elden. From the exit, head north. Again, cross the bridge. Immediately head west, all the way to the river. Then go south. Next to the waterfall is a chest with three gold pennies a loaf of bread. Well, thats it for the treasure, but you still need to get stronger. Kill the dragonflies you come across, and tackle the Green Snakes. Devin can sometimes kill them in one shot! Collect the loot (dragonflies often drop bread, which helps heal the damage you may receive). Keep fighting Dragonflies until youre at class 3, and then take on the Green Snakes. The Green Snakes are slightly stronger, but only give you three experience compared to the Dragonflys two. They also give slightly more gold, about two to three, compared to the Dragonflys one. Then, head back to town. Rest, save, and pick up some supplies. By now, youll probably have plenty of bread (at least ten or so), so you dont need any more of them. Instead, buy Talia a Practice Sword, and both Talia and Devin a Hat. With that, youve got the best equipment that money can buy. Make sure that you have enough fare for the ferry (26 gold pennies) before heading to the mainland (the dock is south of Elden: go south, then west, cross the bridge, kill the Dragonfly, and then south. A sign is right there to direct you in case you get lost. Nine times out of ten, following a dirt path will get you (eventually) to where you need to go. In this case, you can follow the dirt path from Elden to the docks without a problem. It might be a good idea to level up until Talia is class four or five. Thatd make everything a lot easier in the next area, where the monsters are a bit tougher (and take four or five shots to kill). Make sure that youve got a good supply of bread before leaving Elden (about twenty or so should be enough).

Rest up (if necessary), save, and youre ready for the mainland! By the way, once youre on the mainland, and want to go back, the fares free, but itll be another 26 pennies to go back. Even though you can rest in Talias bed for free, it costs 26 gold to head back. However, the inn in Devenshire only costs 15, so theres no reason to head back unless you find that the monsters in Devenshire are too strong. Make sure that youre at class four or five before heading to Devenshire!

Chapter 3: Devenshire
Treasure: Important items: none Common items: Practice Sword, Aloe Leaf, Oak Shield, 26 gold pennies Side quests: find Master Gerrith at the Collegium of War and Magick in Thais, give Georgias note to Heraald Recommended Class: 4 When you first arrive on the mainland, youll see that youve come to a forested area. Youll also hear (adding to the authenticity) sounds of the forest, such as birds chirping and insects droning. Follow the dirt path a little and youll come to a corral with three mules in it. The man next to the corral offers to take you to Thais for 50 gold. Thais isnt nearby, and, of course, you cant just ride a mule all the way there. Youve got to get there on foot. At least the first time. After getting there on foot, you can revisit the towns and cities via Mule Express for a small fee. The sign next to the man says Mule Express. Remember where this is, because itll save you time should you want to come back. The sign to the left will give you general directions to cities and points of interest. Thais, it says, is to the northwest. Devenshire, the nearby city, is north. Thats where to go next. Avoid the nearby Raccoon (itll kill Talia in one shot, Devin in two or three) and follow the dirt path north. In Devenshire, youll see four kids running around, playing tag. Sooner or later, youll get tagged because all four want to tag you. Ignore them because you cant play (getting tagged means nothing, since you cant play). However, it still gives me a small thrill to pretend to play anyway. The women in bonnets can give you lore about the city and its history, as well as helpful information about Thais and getting there. The building to the north (across the canal) is Herberts house (not Herbert from Elden). Herberts wife has died recently, and her sister is taking care of him and his blue-haired son. Herberts son doesnt like his aunt, claiming that shes mean to him. Mavra is Herberts wifes sister, the one taking care of Herbert and his son. Talk to her, and itll sound like she killed her sister to get Herbert. Not very nice. Back outside, head over to the house to the north. Another goodwife is wondering outside. Inside the house, a man says that hes found a scroll with strange markings on it. Come back and talk to him should you become an apprentice magic user. The treasure chest contains a Practice Sword. Examine the bookcase for a conspiracy on fishing. Read the note on the table for information on digging up graves. Back outside, head back down to the bottom part of the city (crossing the tiny bridge along the way). The house to the west belongs to a man who thinks he knows where Thais is, but doesnt. A sealed vat is in the corner, but you cant open it. Maybe you can

use the help of a thief? Head back outside, and climb the stairs to the left. The inn is just ahead (you cant hardly miss the word INN above the door). You can sleep here for 15 gold. Examine the vat inside for an Aloe Leaf. A chest between two beds contains an Oak Shield. Between the vat and the nearby table is the dinner menu (on the wall). The Oak Shield would be better on Talia, since shes got less defense than Devin. Thisll even things out a bit. Behind the inn is Ralphies father, Heraald. Heraald is here, working (he doesnt look too busy just standing there, but whatever). Talk to Heraald, and give him his wifes letter. Hell leave for Elden, and give you 26 gold pennies as a reward (for giving him the letter). Youll also earn a merit point. Interestingly enough, the fare to ride the ferry from Elden to here is 26 pennies. Wonder if that means anything Follow the street north and the first building youll come to (with a sword icon above the door) is the weapon shop. Well, technically, its the weapon/armor/helmet/shield shop. Lets call it the Weapon Shop for future reference. The merchant here is Arvard, wholl sell you some stronger equipment. Its a bit expensive, but worth it. Come back once youve collected some more loot. The girl wondering outside of Arvards weapon store says that her dad has found a scroll with strange markings on it. Just whats the girl doing so far from home? Cross the tiny bridge, and the item shop is right there (with a jug or something like that above the door). The shopkeeper (dont know her name) will sell you a greater selection of supplies than Reeda from Elden. The girl inside of the shop says that shell never grow up. I suppose she likes being a kid. The man wondering outside the item shop doesnt offer any useful information. Thats it for the tour of Devenshire. Exit the town, and save. Make sure that Talia is the party leader, and go attack the Raccoon near the mule corral. Talia will attack, then the Raccoon will attack (Devin receives the damage). Attack with Devin and back up. Heal as necessary with Bread, and repeat the process. You shouldnt have too much trouble once you go up a class (it might take three or four Raccoons to do it). Rest at the Inn as necessary. By the time you reach class 6, the Raccoons shouldnt pose any real threat. When that happens, start attacking the Wild Boars. Theyre stronger, and sometimes leave behind meat. Use the meat only when you need it (use Bread for any minor healing) and keep fighting. By the time you reach class 8, the Wild Boars shouldnt pose any real threat, and you should be able to kill a Raccoon in one or two shots. Keep making trips back to town, restocking up on supplies, sleeping at the Inn as necessary, and slowly upgrading your equipment. Neither the Wild Boars nor the Raccoons give you very much cash. Once youve got a good supply of restorative items (including Marsh Tea), and neither the Wild Boars nor the Raccoons give you any trouble, then its time to explore the area. Dont wonder off too far, or you might not be able to make it back to town. If somebody gets killed, its best to simply restart the game, and make sure that you keep your health up. Upgrading your equipment will be a slow process, because neither the Wild Boars nor the Raccoons give you much money. You can, however, sell the muttons (whenever the Wild

Boars no longer pose any threat) for some extra cash. Just keep some for yourself. You might start stocking up on Aloe Leaves, as well. Theyll help when you run out of meat to heal your damage. By now, Bread doesnt heal enough to make it worth it to carry around. Itll take a half dozen to cure some heavy damage. Dont bother stocking up on it. The Bastard Sword is slightly better than the Oak Staff for Talia, although the Oak Staff has a small defense boost. Its up to you whether or not the small defense boost is worth the decrease in attack power. Heres a rule of thumb that might help with the decision: if the defense boost is more than ten percent of your defense, then its worth it (in another words, if the defense boost increases your defense by more than 10%, then its worth it). The Doublet is better than the Leather Armor, whenever you can afford it. Unfortunately, there arent any Trinkets for Devin to wear. Dont sell the Good Luck Charm, because you dont have anything better to replace it with. The 100 gold pennies you receive from selling it isnt worth it. You should reach class 8 whenever you can fight the wild animals here without any problem. At that point, you should probably move on. Dont actively hunt them down, but kill any you come across (e.g. without going out of your way). The next step is getting to Thais (remember?), but youll have to go through a lot first. It is a long journey, but you can do it!

Chapter 4: Bat Cave

Treasure: Important items: Fishing Pole Common items: Cassia Leaf, Fish x6, Mercenary Sword, 10 gold pennies, Aloe Leaf, Marsh Tea x2, Leather Armor, 56 gold pennies, Fire Amulet, Oak Staff, Bastard Sword, Loaf of Bread x2 Side quests: find Master Gerrith at the Collegium of War and Magick in Thais, find Tuckers fishing pole Recommended Class: 9 Fighting Wild Boars and Raccoons for money takes a long time to accumulate any wealth. A much better place to rack up loot is ahead. But first, how bout exploring the area for free treasure? From the entrance of Devenshire, head south to the sign, then west, then northwest. Youll come to a bridge, but dont cross it just yet. Instead, head northeast, around the groove of trees. Follow the path, and you come across a group of barrels. Check them for a Cassia Leaf. Youll also notice that youre right behind Devenshire. Head back to the bridge, and cross it. A Raccoon guards the sign, which tells you the general direction of several points of interests. The fishery is to the south. Head there first. Youll have to go up some stairs, and then go southwest. Youll come across to a bridge, but dont cross it yet (sorry for the pattern, here). Instead, go southeast. Youll see a chest to the south, in the lower level of the map. Cross the bridge, the go north, between the edge of the trees and the edge of the ground. Youll find yourself on the lower level via secret path. Neat, huh? Go northeast, kill the Raccoon, and search the barrels for a dried fish. Then, go south to the chest.

Open it for a Mercenary Sword. Now, head back to the upper level through the secret path. Ready for another secret path? Go west until you get to the river. Go north, up a tiny path between the edge of the trees and the riverbank. Again, youll find yourself on the lower level. Head back to the upper level and take the stairs down. Cross the bridge, and keep a lookout for Purple Snakes. These are poisonous, unlike their green cousins in Elden. Keep going south, and youll come to a small clearing with a shack to the north and a man fishing. Talk to the man, and youll find out that hes Tucker and that hes lost his favorite fishing pole. It seems as if he was attacked by monsters while fishing at his favorite spot. Sounds like a sidequest! Head back north, to the sign (guarded by the Raccoon). Head northwest, then north. Then go east, climb the stairs, and go west. Go north, cross the bridge, and keep going north. Youll come across a locked chest, which is guarded by a Wild Boar. Youll need the help of a thief to pick the lock and open the chest later. If you go east, youll come to a dead end. Instead, head back south to the bridge and go east. Follow the river to the next screen. Keep going east, then north at the next bridge. Head east and youll see a cave. Save, and enter the cave. Inside, youll find a pair of bats hovering near the entrance. These are great monsters for giving you lots of gold, and enough Bat Meat (yuck!) to cure any damage. The whole cave is shaped like an upsidedown U. Just beyond the pair of bats is another bat guarding a chest with 10 pennies in it. Follow the path around the bend, and save before getting near the grey dog. When you get near, the dog attacks. If it doesnt, then you need to talk to Tucker about his Fishing Pole. Go back and do so. You should now be able to fight the dog. Interestingly enough, if you come back and complete this sidequest late in the game (after Talia grows up) instead of now, then Talias graphic shows up as her younger self rather than the young adult that she is. Behind the dog is Tuckers fishing pole, along with another chest. The dog takes a beating, but goes down easy. Take Tuckers fishing pole, and open the chest for an Aloe Leaf. Head back outside, and back to the bridge. Head south and youll come to an area with a few purple snakes. Head east, past the small field, then north to the waterfall. Go east, and youll see a path to the south, and a treasure chest on the next level up. Navigate behind the trees (to the east) and climb the ladder thats almost hidden with growth. The chest to the west (the one you saw just before) has two Marsh Teas. The chest to the east (go behind the waterfall, and keep following the path) has a Leather Armor (ignore what it says its really Leather Armor). Head back to the lower level. South is a large field with a couple of purple snakes. Other than that, theres nothing there. Take Tuckers pole back to Tucker. Hell give you five fish for your good deeds, and offer to sell some fish that hes caught. Buy some fish 25 gold for a fish that heals 50 HP damage is a better deal than anything youve seen so far. Tuckerll also buy some of your extra inventory, which saves you from going back to Devenshire to sell your excess inventory. Head back to the sign (guarded by a Raccoon) and go west, then north, then west. Youll come across a Purple Snake. Southwest of it is a swampy area with a Cassia Leaf in the

only barrel (guarded by two more Purple Snakes). Head back to where the first Purple Snake was, and follow the dirt path to the entrance of another cave. The sign in front says that its the Thial Mountain Pass. This leads to Thais. The cave is infested with Red Bats, two of which hover near the entrance. Like I mentioned earlier, these beasts drop lots of cash, and enough Bat Meat to keep you going. Go a little northwest, and then head west. Climb the stairs, go north, and climb another set of stairs. A chest to the northwest has 56 gold pennies in it. Head east, cross the bridge, and youll come to a dead end with three or four bats and two chests. One of the chests is locked, but the other has a Fire Amulet in it. Remember the location of these locked chests should you recruit the help of a thief. Then, go back and see what youve missed. For your convenience, Ive listed the locations of all locked chests and sealed vats until you have the opportunity to recruit a thief. After that, I assume that youve got the thief in your party and wont keep track of their locations (but still mention them in the walkthrough). Head back to the entrance of the cave (the pair of Red Bats should be back) and go north. Cross the bridge, kill the two bats, and climb the stairs to exit. Outside, youre on the mountain pass. Thais is just ahead. Go west, and youll come to an open area with two Lizards crawling around. These guys are easy to kill, and give you twice the experience that the bats do. They only drop Aloe Leaves, but you shouldnt have any problem with them. Since they give you more experience, and are easier to kill, they are quite ideal for leveling up. On top of the level to the north is a locked chest guarded by a Gryphon. These guys take a beating, are fast, and like to fly around. This makes them harder to kill, but they shouldnt pose much of a problem. The sign at the left edge of the screen says that Thais is to the west. Dont go there yet. Instead, explore the lower levels of this half of the mountain pass. You should come across a Gryphon on the bottom level, as well as an Oak Staff in the chest inside of the cave. Head back to the third floor (the one with the sign) and go west. Take the first ladder (before the bridge) for a battle with a Lizard and a loaf of bread. Head back to the top and cross the bridge. This area is pretty simple, and hard to get lost. Take all ladders, check for chests, and check all vats. Youll end up with a Bastard Sword and a loaf of bread before going inside of the cave at the bottom (next to the waterfall), which leads to Thais. The cave is small, so follow it to the end. Youll end up in a new forested area. A set of stairs takes you to the ground level. A hermit in a blue garb is there, guarding the exit. Hes quick, takes a beating, and likes to cast Fireball on your characters. However, he gives you as much experience of a Gryphon or a Lizard. Sometimes, hell drop a pile of change, an Oak Staff, or Juneberries. Head west until you come across a sign. Read it, and it says that Thais is to the north. Head north, and into Thais.

Chapter 5: Rescue
Treasure: Important: none

Common: Mysterious Scroll Side quests: find Master Gerrith at the Collegium of War and Magick in Thais, rescue Princess Alicia Recommended Class: 12 The first house along the bottom row is the orphanage. The woman in a blue dress and white apron says that you can bring any kids her way for a reward. I assume she means to take care of the orphans, not eat them (like a witch I know who lives in a gingerbread house). A sealed barrel is in the kitchen. The orphans inside want you to take them with you, despite that request being against the rules (the sign between the clock and stove). Some orphans tell you that they havent seen their parents, and dont know who they are (guess thats why theyre orphans, huh?). The orphan children will slowly follow you, as if they want you to take them with you. Head back outside. The woman wondering outside the orphanage explains that the lower class people live in the south part of Thais, while the upperclassmen people live in the northern part. To the west (along the same row of buildings) is the local pub. In front of the pub is a woman wondering around, who wants to be a famous warrior someday, like Eliza Stoneheart. The nearby bard, like the bards in this city, wont say anything. Walk inside the pub. Youll see lots of people, nobody of any real importance. A treasure hunter is in the northeast corner and is looking for the legendary Glass Key, which he says is in Wyrmwood Forest. A man with a dark brown robe (though he looks like his robe is a dark green on screen, his robe is dark brown from his picture) has deadly poison for sale. The chef is working in the kitchen, cooking up the meals. Talk to her, and shell offer you a drink. An older (older than he is now) Devin will think about it. Interesting A sealed vat is to her right. Remember the poison merchant, who will come in handy later on. Go back outside and go east to the far door. This is a gentlemans club, as far as I can tell. Rita, the woman in a blue dress and apron, runs the place. There is a woman here whos a customer (not an employee), but still gets hit upon by a guy. You cant get a girl, so just go back outside. Go north to the next row of houses. Go west, to the citys walled edge, and youll see the inn. The innkeeper says that there arent any vacancies. The library has some interesting reading. The guestbook has the names of the current guests and where theyre from. Im not sure about the distance measurement. I believe that is step count. Upstairs are the beds. Oddly enough, the people there sleep in the bed for the duration of the entire game. The woman in the northeast corner, Livia Meeks, says that shes here to visit the palace which she hears is spectacular. Go back outside and go east to the next house. Inside is a man who will rent you one of his three houses. Pick Key 2 (if you want the best deal) and go back outside. Your rented room is among the row of buildings to the north. Room 1B is the first one, Room 2B is the middle one, and Room 3B is the last one. Your rental agreement will never expire, so come here and rest as often as you want for free. When you walk inside of your place, you find a chest with 200 gold pennies in it! Free house! Woo hoo! Sleep, save, and go back outside.

Climb both sets of stairs to the west, and youll come to the northern part of Thais. The left group of buildings has two residences and a locked shop. The residence on the ground floor has a man inside, but nothing of interest. The residence on the second floor has the towns baker. She says that there are some tasty mushrooms growing in Northern Pass. A part of a recipe is in the cookbook (bookshelf). The right group of buildings has two shops and a locked door. By the way, youll never be able to get into a locked door, even with the help of a thief. The shop on the left sells items and supplies. The one on the right sells weapons and armor. Refer to Part 3 of this strategy guide for lists of what every shop sells, stats for each item, and what each item does. Go north, between the small corridor. Youll see a pond of water. A child playing nearby says that she likes to play in the water. Gabrielle (who looks an *awful* lot like General Beatrix from Final Fantasy 9) is to the west and says that she trains warriors in the Collegium of War and Magick. Sounds like its very close! A bit north of the pond stands some guards, who guard the entrance of the palace. Ignore them (for now), and instead go west. Youll see storage sheds all locked. Go south (through the entryway) and youll come to the upper class part of the town. There are a few upperclassmen here (including a pair of ladies walking up and down the pathway between the U building and the fountain). Talk to them. Now, go all the way south (to the fountain), and go inside the house to the left (the one on the right is locked). Inside is a big house. The maid in the entry room says that the master is away, and to come back later. The kitchen/dining area is to the west. A servant is scurrying about, setting the table. You can find tonights menu (which never changes) on the wall with the stoves. Nothing else of interest there, so head back to the entry room go around the grandfather clock, then north to the fireplace, then west to the library. Lots of stuff to read here. When youre finished, head back to the entry room, and climb the stairs to the north to the second floor. Upstairs are where the bedrooms for everybody in the whole house. The woman with green hair is the masters wife, who says that shes the fourth cousin of the prince almost royalty! The bedroom in the lower left-hand corner has a locked treasure chest in it. The room in the upper left-hand corner has a missing wall on the west side. The bedroom in the upper right-hand corner had an empty treasure chest (somebody beat you to the contents!). Nothing else of interest here, so explore to your satisfaction, and leave the house. The house to the right is locked, as is the U shaped house north of the pond. Go all the way north, to the building behind the U building. This is the Collegium of War and Magick. Master Gerrith is the man just west of the entrance. Talk to him, and hell set you up with your training, but tells you to start in the morning. Walk back to your rented house. Get a good nights sleep (I really love the Final Fantasy Inn sound!). In the morning, save, and go back to Master Gerrith. Talk to him, and hell set you up with masters to train under. Go through the sequence where your three years of training are reduced to a few seconds. Your graduation party with the King and Queen is cut short with bad news: Princess Alicia, the King and Queens daughter has been kidnapped by Lord Zorom, who was headed for the Thial Mountains (the mountain

pass you went through to get here). You (or at least I did) gain five classes. I was at class 14 when I went through the training and 19 when it was finished. Sounds like a sidequest! Of course, you and Devin volunteer to go and rescue the princess. Who wouldnt? Rescuing a princess could have some good cash rewards! No, youre rescuing her because thats the right thing to do, right? When youve gained control of your characters, take a look at your stats. Youll see that youve gone up a few classes. Youll also notice that Talia now has magic spells that she can cast. However, the spell system for Ahrimans Prophecy is a bit confusing, and its really faster to just use your weapons. Plus, you cant cast curative spells in battle, so any battles you fight, you have to finish before you can cure your characters. Still, Talias curing magic will spread out the usefulness of your curative items. Be sure to use up all of her mana before sleeping! To learn a spell, equip the spellbook/scroll as her Shield and wait. You dont have to do anything (or even leave the menu). After a few minutes, youll learn the spell. The Spellbook has six spells. After Talia learns all six, she discards it, and you can give her a more useful shield. Go back to your rented room and sleep (gaining classes doesnt restore your health it just increases their maximum values). After a good nights sleep, save, stock up on any needed supplies, and prepare to rescue the princess! From the towns entrance, go west (kill the hermit in blue) and climb the stairs. Go inside the cave, navigate to the end, and make your way east to the next screen. Take the first ladder down, and follow the path to the bottom of the mountain. You might remember the cave, which had an Oak Staff in it. Lord Zorom is just to the east, so save. Confront him. A dark priest is trying to forcefully marry Alicia and Zorom. When Alicia refuses, Devin steps in, and threatens to take Alicia back by force. Zorom, enraged, challenges your party. Zorom is tough itll take twelve or fourteen shots at least to kill him. Try to last that long. If you cant seem to beat him, then go train on the Lizards and Gryphons until youre stronger. Zorom casts lots of Fireball spells. Hes also very strong, and three or four hits on Talia, and shes gone. No matter how hard I try, Talia always dies in this battle. Devin, however, with the Fire Amulet, can withstand the Fireball spells and Zoroms physical attacks with his superior defense. He should survive the battle. Heres a tip on fighting bosses: mash the spacebar like mad! Be sure to bring along Cassia Leaves to revive the dead you cant exit the menu while youre on a dead person, and if everybodys dead (and its not game over this will only happen after this fight, where Talia must be alive to go through a sequence), then youve got to reset the game! When you defeat Zorom, he and the dark priest will retreat into the nearby cave (not sure how they escape a dead end cave, but anyway). Youll escort Alicia directly to the castle (no having to go there the long way). The King and Queen will thank you, as will Alicia, who says she owes you a favor. What? No monetary reward?! Thats OK. This was about doing the right thing, and not for any reward! Devin will walk off to the Collegium to practice. Save, and buy a Cassia Leaf from the shop (if you dont have one already) and revive Talia, whos probably dead. Interestingly enough, the Cassia Leaf will change your health to five, even if it was higher than that before. Its not a healing item! Talia will have a strange dream. Go through the sequence, the go seek out Devins help

(despite what youve been told). You need to get to Dyuti Shrine, which is a LONG way off. Theres no way you can get there by yourself. Devin will insist on coming with you, bringing up the fact that he promised your grandmother that hed see to your safety. Reluctantly (even though you really need his help), you agree (youre supposed to go alone). Talias torn between obeying the command of a dream, and common sense. Common sense wins! When you walk down the corridor next to the shops, youll get mugged. Jack (the thief from the Wanted signs) runs off with your money (every last penny), and then disappears. Hes hiding west of the storage buildings. Threaten to take him to the authorities, and Jack will plead for mercy. Hell make you a deal: dont turn him in, and hell give your money back as well as go with you and open up sealed vats and locked chests. If you reject his offer, youll get 200 gold from the Constable, earn a merit point, but lose Jack as a playable character. If you take him on his offer, youll lose a merit point, but get to add him to your party. The meager reward is not worth the potential treasure that he can unlock (remember the sealed vats and locked chests? He can open them!). If you kill him, or bring him to the authorities, you cant go back and recruit him later on. Its always better to have an extra person along anyway. By the way, if you havent read any of the Wanted posters (only once is enough), then this sequence wont happen. Remember that you havent trained in this area, and you dont have enough cash to upgrade your equipment to the best that money can buy. Go back to Devenshire and look for sealed vats and locked chests. Jack can always open the sealed vats, but the locked chests can give him problems. His success depends on how many times hes attempted to pick the locks, not his class. Just keep trying, and youll be able to open up all locked chests as you come to them. If you want a list of missed treasure that Jack can get, refer to the proper section in Part 3 of this strategy guide: Jack. When youre done with that, go train on the Lizards and Gryphons that live in the mountains. Whenever you can beat them without any problems, then move on to stronger monsters the wolves in Thais. The grey wolves are easier than the orange ones, but both can take a beating. They also bite strong, so youll need the meat that they drop. When youre done training, its time to explore this area for free treasure and unknown places. Remember to head back to Devenshire and pick up the Mysterious Scroll, as well as claiming the locked treasure and sealed goodies that were unavailable before. For your convenience, Ive listed all of such occurrences in a separate section toward the end of this guide. All future instances of locked chests and sealed vats will not be overly set aside, as I assume that youll take Jack along and pick up the treasure. Unfortunately, Jacks dagger is so pitifully weak and his defense was always petty that I (for the longest time regretted taking him along, and thought about having him killed, and simply keep him dead). But dont worry hell acquire a nice weapon that makes it all worth it! Hell also get some good upgrades shortly. Ready for the next part of the game? How about a haunted village, full of ghosts?

Chapter 6: Haunted

Treasure: Important: Jug Common: Cassia Leaf, Aloe Leaf, Ruby x2, Iron Staff Side quests: go to Dyuti Shrine, get Blessed Water for Tree Spirit Recommended class: 16 Head back into Thais, and go to the northern part of town. Hiding in the trees is Henry. Hes run away from the orphanage because the foster mother was so mean. He was also kidnapped when he was younger (even more than he is now) from his mother. Sir Tevid is back home (his house is left of the fountain). Talk to him, and hell ask that you ask Baron Pellad to pay back the money he owes. Pellad is outside, just southeast of the fountain. He doesnt want to pay up and stumbles with excuses. Now leave Thais. Head southwest, then east at the intersection. Youll come across the Mule Express in Thais (along with a Lizard crawling around, so watch out). South is Thais Dock. Useful should you come across an opportunity to ride in a boat (like the ferry that goes to and from Elden and Devenshire Port). Right now, because youve already been to Devenshire, you can get to Devenshires Mule Express for a small fee. You can also come back here from Devenshire. This makes traveling between towns much faster, but youll miss out on the opportunity to gain some experience fighting the monsters between the cities. You might want to take the long way a few times, until the monsters between dont pose any threat (you can kill them in one shot). At that point, the monsters arent really worth the effort. Go back west to the intersection. Go south, then east, and south some more. Youll see a man standing there. He says that a haunted village is south and that he thinks theres gold buried there. Two grey wolves and an orange wolf are west of this man. Go south, to the bottom of the screen. Another grey wolf lives around here. Go west, then north. The sign is overgrown with foliage and cannot be read. It marks the entrance of the haunted village (by name, if it had one). Its haunted, its a village, so creativity says that its a haunted village. A good enough name for it. Go north into the haunted village. Youll find yourself in a dark forest. Itll rain. A lot. Go east of the entrance, and youll find a poisonous Forest Spider (small chance of getting poisoned with their bites, like one in eight so bring along some Marsh Tea). Forest Spiders are quick, and make a beeline straight for you. West of here is a Light Sprite (what are they gonna do, sprinkle you with fairy dust until you sneeze?). Well, they do like to sprinkle you with fairy dust. It hurts, and you cant defend against it. Grin and bear it. They also like to dance around, making them difficult to hit. Go north, across both bridges, and up the stairs. Go inside the first house and explore. A barrel with a Cassia Leaf is in the back of the house. Go north, to the next house. Youll find an Aloe Leaf in one of the barrel, and a boatmaker wondering around. He seems to be a ghost. Go inside to the house to the east and youll find a Jug inside. Nothing much to this village, except for the ghostly inhabitants. Go east, past the houses. Youll come to an area with the swampy water to the south, a Forest Spider and a Light Sprite wondering around. A cave is to the north. Go inside.

Youll find yourself in an area with lots of cliffs. Take the stairs up, and onto the first platform. Another Forest Spider is here, ready to bite you. Take the stairs to the right, battle the Light Sprite, and search the crevice for two rubies! Nice! Take the left stairs (they go up a long way), and keep going up the left stairs. Search the crevice for an Iron Staff for Talia. Battle the Light Sprite guarding it and head back down. By now, the Forest Spider should be a lot closer, and probably climbing up the stairs. Kill it, and take the right stairs. It goes up a long way. On the platform, youll see the top of the cliff to the north. Save, and heal your party. Then, climb the last set of stair up. Go through the sequence, fight the girl (shes pretty easy), then the Dark Sprite (annoying like the Light Sprite, only its much stronger). The Tree Spirit will tell you a sob story and say that only the Blessed Water will save her and the people in this village. Glad you picked up that Jug! You cant very well carry Blessed Water with your hands, can you? :) Youll have to talk to the Tree Spirit again to be able to climb the stairs down. Revive and heal your party as necessary, and then save. Head back down the cliff, and out of the village. Once youre back into Thais Forest, head west (kill the Grey Wolf on the way), then north to the treasure hunter. Kill the two Grey Wolves and Orange Wolf, and go west. Just on the riverbank is a chest with a Black Oak Staff (not quite as good as an Iron Staff). Head back to Thais, sell your excess inventory (including the rubies) and you should have a big pile of cash. Fully upgrade your equipment (Light Helmet, Iron Shield, Chain Armor, & Iron Staff for Talia, Light Helmet, Iron Shield, Chain Armor, Steel Sword for Devin, Light Helmet, Iron Shield, Chain Armor, & Hand Dagger for Jack). Stock up on supplies, sleep in your rented room, and save. Right now, the best item for restoring health and mana are fish. Tucker sells them (remember the guy who lost his pole?). Head back and get a good supply of fish (about 25 or 30 will do for a long while). With this much fish, you can train on stronger enemies for a while. Use the fish on Talia mostly, because it restores mana, which Talia can use to cast Minor Heal on everybody else. However, a Fish only restores 10 mana, so dont be afraid to use one on Devin or Jack. Itll extend the length of time you can spend training before you have to go sleep again. Next stop: Grunwich Vineyard!

Chapter 7: Candar

Treasure: Important: none Common: Cassia Leaf, Chain Mail, Firefly Spell Side quests: go to Dyuti Shrine, get Blessed Water for Tree Spirit Recommend Class: 18 From Thaiss entrance, go southwest, south, south at the intersection, west, north at the sign, up the stars, and north into Grunwich Vineyard. The only house here is to the north. Climb the stairs, and go inside. A Cassia Leaf is in a sealed vat just on the right wall just inside the entrance. Go north, but not up the stairs. Theresa is to the left. Shes the mother of the girls around the house.

Now go up the stairs to the second floor. At the very top of this floor is a brown book (near the table). Read it for some information on the Glass Key Legend. Head upstairs to the third floor. A snobby seamstress with green hair is here. Her name is Linnia. Nothing else of interest is in this house, so explore, talk to the girls, and head back outside when youre done. From the door, hug the lower rail, and youll find yourself on the grass, in a secret area! Nothing to do here, so just head back to Thais Forest. Head south and youll see a Blue Hermit guarding a cave to the west. Kill him and check the cave out. Youll find an empty cave that looks like a big, upside down U. Follow it to the end. You come to an area with a pack of wolves. To the northwest is another cave, the entrance marked with posts (on either side). This is the Glass Key Cave. At the very end is the legendary Glass Key. Before going inside, make sure that youve got lots of Marsh Tea, since there are poisonous monsters inside. Head inside, and youll find only two types of monsters here: Purple Frogs, and Evil Butterflies. The Purple Frogs are poisonous, and will track you down with speed and accuracy. The Evil Butterfly will kind of lazily wonder towards you, attacking you much the same way the Light Sprites did from the Haunted Village. The Purple Frogs hit pretty hard, and poison you an awful lot. Youll go through a good supply of Marsh Tea before youre finished here! To the west is a tiny platform a level above the floor. Take the stairs up, and open up the chest in the middle for two Aloe Leaves. Climb back down, and follow the wooden bridge almost directly south of the entrance. Another Purple Frog guards a tiny island, with another wooden bridge leading east. Kill the frog, and follow the second bridge east. The next area has a set of stairs leading to the lower floor. Instead of taking the stairs, go west. A locked chest, guarded by an Evil Butterfly, has 40 gold pennies in it. Loot the chest, and take the stairs down. Follow the path to the next area. To the east is a chest with Chain Armor (again on a tiny platform with stairs). The other chest has a Firefly Spell in it. The Glass Key is all the way south, then west. Youll come to a bright room with flowers, a butterfly, and a swan. The Glass Key is on the pedestal, hovering about. If youve got enough Merit Points (from doing good deeds) then youll be able to take the key. The amount of Merit Points you currently have determines what the pedestal says. As you earn more, it says that your heart is purer and youre less selfish. Come back when youve done more good deeds and pick up the key. Heres what it says, depending on your merit points (many thanks to the Masterguide): No merit points: One so selfish as be you shall never touch this key so true. One merit point: Though unselfish you are, this key is still far. Two merit points: Though unselfish you are, this key is not far. Three merit points: Your merit is good, yet for thy key it not stood. Four merit points: Saintly you are; pure of heart is not far. Five merit points: Your heart is pure; take this key and endure.

You can see how far you have to go before you can take the Glass Key from what it says, and how many merit points you have. Exit, leave the cave. Its a pretty simple cave, and hard to get lost in. Once or twice is all you need to go through it to be able to describe how to go anywhere inside. Head back past the pack of wolves, through the tiny cave, past the Blue Hermit, and south into Thais Forest. No more treasures here, or secrets, so explore on your own, stock up on supplies, train, or whatever. When youre ready, cross the bridge (its fixed now) and follow the path to the sign, which says that the cave is Wyrmwood Pass. No monsters inside, so explore away. Only two points of interest: the exit to the northwest, and the old man to the northeast. The old man has a bunch of molding cheese that hes currently studying. Hell also sell you Holy Tonics for a good price, but only one at a time. You dont need them yet (but buy a few anyway). Head out of Wyrmwood Pass and youll come to the kingdom of Candar! Watch out for tiny Giant Rats, Red Hermits, and Goblins that live here. They are much stronger than anything youve faced so far! It might be best to ignore them, and head directly to Candar (to upgrade your equipment to better handle these stronger foes). Follow the dirt path to the bridge, then west to Candar (youll see a yellow wall at the entrance). Now youre in Candar, the city of love! Awww!

Chapter 8: Prince Edwards Ball

Treasure: Important: none Common: Alder Root, Chain Helmet, Holy Pendant x2, Distillate of Alnus, Red Ring, Ruby x3, Tinctura Ankh Side quests: go to Dyuti shrine, get Blessed Water for Tree Spirit, find gown for Ella, return Henry home Recommend Class: 20 So much to see! So much to explore! How will you be able to see it all? Well, youll need to explore in a systemic manner (same thing youve been doing so far!) to ensure that you dont miss anything. Youll notice that therere a few girls singing, a few throwing flowers, and a general atmosphere of peace, tranquility, and kindness. Its truly a city of love! Go inside the first house to the northwest. Talk to the girl in the upper right corner. This is Ella, who is very unhappy. Shes heard that Prince Edward (the Prince of Candar) is hosting a ball, and will marry one of the girls attending. She so desperately wants to go, but doesnt have anything to wear. Her stepmother doesnt help. The stepmothers daughters all are getting dolled up to go, each hoping to be the one Prince Edward marries. You need to get Ella a gown for the ball! This quest is often referred to as the CinderElla Quest (pun was intended, he he) with the similar aspects to the fairy tale. Exit the house, circle around, and have Jack open up a sealed barrel behind the house for an Alder Root. Head back in front of the house, go northwest, across the metal bridge, and west. Go to the western end of the park, and a sealed barrel near the statue has a Holy Pendant (cast Healing Ultivus outside of battle).

Head back east, and then north and into the next screen. Youll come across Candar Castle, in all its grandeur (Ive been reading a dictionary, he he). Head inside the castle. Inside, the castle isnt very big, compared to what it looks like inside. Go north from the entrance to see Prince Edward, unhappy. Hes looking for a bride, and will marry the most beautiful girl attending the ball hes hosting. Head up the stairs to the left and to the second floor. The first room has two people, merchants, who will sell you stuff. The man on the right will sell you from the royal armory. The equipment here is EXPENSIVE, but worth it. Buy a Templar Sword at the first opportunity its good enough to last you through the end of the game. Come back when youve got lots more cash for a good upgrade. The merchant on the left will sell you other items, including Poison Rings. Buy Poison Rings for everybody, because it protects you against poison. Very handy, because poison is by far the most common status ailment. You can also pick up a couple of spells for Talia. The room to the right is Prince Edwards bedroom. Nothing of interest here, so head back downstairs. Go east (youll have to go almost outside) and then north. Youll find the main dining hall, with maids scattered about. Head downstairs. Heres the royal treasury. A good place for some good stuff, but you must have the key to open it. Prince Edward has the key, but wont give it to you unless you find him a good bride (Ella, perhaps? [hint, hint] ;) ). Exit the castle, and cross the bridge. Go southeast and into the house with vines growing on it. A lock chest has a Chain Helmet in it. Head back outside and south to the next building. The first two doors are locked, but the third is unlocked. Inside, youll find a distressed Gwyneth, whos lost her child Henry. You might remember Henry from Thais, the small, black-haired boy who ran away from the orphanage who kidnapped him. Well, lets go bring Henry home! Leave Candar, and head south. A Goblin is near the tree further south, but ignore him. Talk to the guy in front of the mules. Take the Mule Express to Thais, and go talk to Henry. Hes still at the top of town, just east of the entrance to the castle. Hell go with you. Head back to Candar (Mule Express saves a lot of time!) and bring Henry home. Gwenythll thank you, and youll get a merit point. One point closer to the Glass Key! Now, to explore the rest of Candar. Go west of Gwyneths house. The open door is the Armor Shop. Nice stuff there. The two doors on either side are locked. Go to the house to the west. A Distillate of Alnus is in a pot in the corner. Read the novel on the floor, and youll see that it appears to be a bit steamy. You blush and put it down. Go outside and head north (along the dirt path between the buildings). The inn is here, clearly marked above the door. Its only 30 gold pennies to sleep here! What a deal! Go back outside, and head west. Climb the stairs, and youll see a row of buildings. The item shop is to the straight ahead, the weapon shop is to the right. Head back down the stairs, go north, then west. Cross the metal bridge, and go inside the house. Another Holy Pendant is in here. Head back outside, and search the barrels. A sealed one will have a Red Ring. Go west, right

above the barrel next to the dirt path. If youre sharp, youll notice that a light path goes through the column of trees. There is a secret path, and itll lead to the Inn without having to cross the metal bridge. Nothing big, but hey, its a secret! Head back east, to the central pool. The girl on the northwest corner is selling flowers. Wonder if somebody has played Final Fantasy 7? There was a girl in that game that sold flowers, too. Anyway, back to the tour. Head south, and down the stairs. Go inside the house just to the left of the stairs. Darryl lives there. His wife is a witch living in Witchwood. Read the note even though youre not supposed to. Darryl will put a charm on your party, the first step toward getting Devin married. Funny to see Talia and Devin to talk all mushy! Apple red lips indeed! By the way, I assume that you want Devin to marry Talia, but if you want him to marry Alicia instead, then dont read the note until youve had the chance to recruit her into your party. If read the note, but dont have her in your party, then its too late! Getting married doesnt do anything, or have any effect on the game. You do, however, receive some nice gifts from friends and family. Darryl has some interesting books in his bookshelf, if youre interested. You should read them at least once. Leave, and go south to the next building. Its empty, save a locked chest with rubies in it. No big deal. I mean, rubies?! Cool! Sell em for enough cash to upgrade your party with new equipment (Templar Sword, hint, hint). By the way, the rubies and diamonds that youll come across dont do anything but get you cash when you sell them, so dont hold on to them hoping that they serve some purpose! Sell! Head back outside and go west, all the way. The very last barrel next to the water is sealed and has a Tinctura Ankh. Go back east and go inside the first house. A minister is inside, just inching to marry someone. The caf is to the right. Go inside, and in the door. Youll come to an outside area. Limfit, a mini dwarf is to the northwest. Talk to him, and youll find that hes here to get some moldy cheese (?). Maybe if you had some he might be of some use The man sitting at the table below Limfrit looks just like the equipment merchant from Thais. Interesting Thats it for Candar! Go back and talk to Ella. She wants to go to the ball, but doesnt have a dress. You pity her, and decide to find one for her. Well, lets go get Ella that dress! Head outside, and ride the Mule Express to Thais. Head north, and into the castle. Havent had a tour, have we? Well, the room to the left of the entrance is where the King and Queen sit, guarded by guards. To the right is a pair of statues. In the middle is the stairs leading to the second floor. Climb the stairs. The room to the left has a dining hall, busy maid, and two noble women talking. The room to the right is Alicias room. A door in the back leads to an outside area (just like the outside area in the caf). Alicia is usually at the very back, near the bench. Talk to Alicia, the princess you rescued earlier. Shes going to the ball, but doesnt want to get married (though her parents want her to marry Prince Edward). Alicia will give you directions to make a splendid gown. Seeing how you cant make a gown, you need to give the directions to somebody who can. Remember the seamstress in Grunwich Vineyard? She might be able to make the gown! Head over there and see.

She can indeed help, but needs time to make it. Exit Grunwich Village (all the way to the forest) and go back. Linnia should be finished (dang, the fastest seamstress Ive ever seen!). Take the gown back to Ella. Shell immediately get dressed, and disappear (to the ball). The ball wont be over until later in the game, after youve gotten your first relic (one of six, in fact) so dont expect it to be over very quick. Thats it for the CinderElla Quest. Not very hard, but amazingly, lots of questions about it. Just follow the directions carefully, and, more importantly, dont skip steps! If youve still got questions, then feel free to drop me a line Ill be glad to help. Take the time to explore Candar on your own, talk to the citizens, and upgrade your equipment. The best that you can get are as follows: Talia: Iron Staff, Steel Armor, Chain Helmet, Iron Shield; Devin: Templar Sword, Ruby Shield, Steel Armor, Chain Helmet; Jack: Dagger (no upgrade yet), Steel Armor, Iron Shield, Chain Helmet. You *can* get the Gold Armor, but its waaaaay too expensive! You wont be able to afford it until much later in the game! Go train on the Mutant Rats, Red Hermits, and Goblins. There are also Ogres wondering around, usually with Goblins. Everybody here is tough, and youll have to level up quite a bit to be able to fight them for money rather than experience. The Mutant Rats sometimes drop Bread, which is a bummer, because they can also drop a decent pile of change instead. The Red Mage drops magic-restoring items, and staffs. The Goblins and Ogres drop equipment. You should train until you reach class 22 or 24 at least, even with Devins Templar Sword (which helps A LOT, but is probably too expensive right now). Probably the first thing to do is head over to Witchwood, which has an upgrade for Jacks Dagger (among other things). Next stop, the swamp! One last thing before you go: make sure that you have either lots of Marsh Tea or Poison Rings from Candar Castles Shop. The swamp should be called Poison Swamp with all the poisonous enemies in it. Ill probably call it Witchwood Swamp because Witchwood is the town in it (just like I call the forest surrounding Thais Thais Forest). Ready for a hot, muggy, insect-ridden swamp?

Chapter 9: Witchwood Swamp

Treasure: Important: none Common: Marsh Tea, Ankh Major, Poison Ring Side quests: go to Dyuti Shrine, get Blessed Water for Tree Spirit Recommended Class: 23 From the entrance of Candar, follow the dirt path south and across the bridge. Keep going south, and youll come to a sign next to a tree and a small pool of water. The sign says that Witchwood Swamp is to the southwest, Dyuti Shrine to the east, and Bleached Tooth Desert to the southeast. Dyuti Shrine? That name sounds familiar Oh yea, thats the shrine that youre supposed to go to! Well, first things first more training and upgrades in Witchwood Swamp.

Take the left fork and follow the path southwest. The path splits a little ways in. One path leads to the west to Dyuti Shrine. Dont take the fork just yet, and keep going southwest. Youll end up in a dark, humid swamp, complete with the droning of insects. I especially like this effect. Right near the entrance are two Swamp Toads (brown frogs). They are tough and poisonous, but drop lots of cash (52 gold at a time) or Marsh Tea. Tackle them if only if you have a means of either curing poison with Marsh Tea or preventing it with Poison Rings. Follow the stone path southwest to the bridge. In this area is a Swamp Hag. She looks like an old lady in a black cowl. She likes nothing else than to curse your whole party (halves defense and attack, and makes you very vulnerable to critical attacks). Ignore her unless you have a stash of either Holy Tonics to cure the curse, or Charmed Necklaces to prevent it. In that case, she drops Bone Rapier or cash. What? You can only protect against poison or curses? Well, you have to choose Poison Rings to protect against poison, or Charmed Necklaces to protect against curses. However, its unlikely that youll have even seen a Charmed Necklace, so dont worry about it. Besides, you can pick them up in Witchwood later on. Keep following the winding stone path across bridges and tiny islands until you come to a bridge going east. On the other side, it looks like a town of some kind. This is Witchwood. There are three ways in: one to the north, one kind of in the middle, and one on the southern part of town. Go inside of Witchwood, and lets begin our tour. Go inside the house with a sheet hanging out on a line. Here, youll find the towns inn. For 50 gold, you can rest here. The prices go up with every town! Sigh Loot the inn for a Marsh Tea. Head back outside, and circle around to the house with a well in the yard (the well will be a little northeast of the house). Inside, youll find Grisilda, who has lost her broom and cannot go to school without it. Sounds like a sidequest! Now, all you have to do is find out who took it, where that person is and take it back. A Poison Ring is here, if youre willing to pilfer it (I dont think looting peoples houses/castles makes any difference to your merit points. Its a matter of moral values. Head back outside, and go into the house just east of the well (you have to cross the bridge to get there). This is where Hilda lives. You remember her name in a note on Darryls table in Candar, dont you? Hilda is just itching to get back at Darryl for hexing her. There isnt anything else of interest here, so head back outside. Head south to the house with a warlock wondering nearby. Go inside to find Gavril, who has noticed some supplies missing from the school. Interestingly enough, there is a cat here which doesnt meow or move or anything. Maybe its a statue? Or, it could be a witch who was bad and has to take a time out as a cat! Head back outside, and youll notice a bunch of wondering broomsticks to the south. This is Witchwoods MuleerBroomstick Express. Use this service to get to Witchwood and to go to another city. They work just the same as the Mule Express in the other towns. Well, back to the tour. Youll have to leave town to get to there (although its not a long walk, now that you know its just south of Witchwood). Only two houses left to explore. Head all the way to the north part of town. Go inside the building to the right. On the first floor (where youre at right now), youll see wondering

broomsticks, and a stray cat. Head up the stairs to the second floor. Here, if you talk to the witch, shell tell you that she suspects that the old swamp witch is responsible for stealing the supplies. She also mentions that this mean witch has stolen before. Climb the stairs to the third floor. The bookshelves to the south will tell you what to do to maintain a witchs lifestyle. The witch to the north will let you join the witchs guild, but only if you beat her. Be warned that once you join a guild, you cannot join any others. It might be best to wait until you see what kind of guilds there are before making your mind. Besides, the witch will whup you at this point, hands down! Head back down to the first floor, and outside. Now, go inside the tower to the left. The first floor is the school. A witch is teaching a group of apprentice witches. Head up the stairs to the second floor. The witch here is a merchant, and will sell you various goods, categorized into three types. Be sure to check out her wares in all three types to find out what she has to offer. Also make sure that you pick up a Serphent Dagger for Jack his first weapon upgrade. The Serphent Sword is also pretty good for Devin, if you dont have the Templar Sword. Get Talia the Black Robe, and Iron Staff. Well, Im sure that you can handle your own upgrading. Ill just mention any significant upgrades from here on out. Im also sure that you understand the symbols below a character and what they mean, e.g. which one means upgrade and which one means already equipped. If not, let me know, and Ill explain it. Also, be sure to pick up Poison Rings and Charmed Necklaces, if you havent already, and buy a good supply of Holy Tonics. The Bone Rapiers the Swamp Hags drop can be sold for a good pile of change. Use the Holy Tonics to cure the curses that shell do on you. Equipping the Charmed Necklace, by the way, prevents Curse, but not Poison. Whichever one you wear is up to you. An Ankh Major is in one of the vats, should you be interested. When youre finished, head up the stairs to the third floor. The witch here mentions that shes scared of the mean ol witch to the west. Its sounding more and more like this swamp witch is responsible for stealing Grisildas broom. This swamp witch is also out of your league right now, but come back later on, and take her out. Equipping a Charmed Necklace will make you nearly invulnerable to her. All you have to worry about is her whacking you on the head with her knotted cane! Thats it for the tour of Witchwood. By now, youre probably short on cash, and could use some to finish upgrading your equipment. Well, the Swamp Toads and Swamp Hags are a bit tougher than the monsters in Candar, but drop more cash. I dont believe that the Swamp Frogs drop enough Marsh Tea to get by on what they drop. Better have a small supply, or just equip Poison Rings on everybody. Train, upgrade your equipment, and steadily build up your cash. When you get bored (it doesnt take long), head north back to Candar, and on to Dyuti Shrine. Wonder what this shrine can do about the upcoming prophecy?

Chapter 10: Ahrimans Prophecy

Treasure: Important: Blessed Water, Canoe Common: Lightning Ring, 750 gold pennies, 2 Juneberries, Marsh Tea

Side quests: go to Dyuti Shrine, get Blessed Water for Tree Spirit, bring back Grisildas boom Recommended Class: 26 When you arrive in Dyuti Shrine, you find yourself in the ruins of what once was a great shrine. A few bluebirds are wondering around, the only sign of life. On the western edge is the dead body of a priestess. Examine her to find that shes carrying a note: The Fist of Light has perishedcorruption in this placeAwhren must be foundwarn Seafall It seems as if this Awhren character would be an important person to talk to. And, just what happened to Dyuti Shrine? It mustve been an awesome force to cause such rampant damage! Its also apparent that this prophecy is not something to be taken lightly! Seafall is a long ways off, well west of the Witchwood Swamp. If you havent already, make sure that you have a good supply if items: Marsh Tea, Holy Tonics, Auquifolium and Cassia Leaves. As for equipment, heres the best available so far: Talia: Chain Helmet, Iron Shield, Black Robe, Iron Staff Devin: Chain Helmet, Iron Shield, Steel Armor, Serphent Sword Jack: Chain Helmet, Iron Shield, Steel Armor, Serphent Dagger If you can afford it (I couldnt at this time), get Devin a Templar Sword, which is good enough to keep for the rest of the game. The Ruby Shields and Gold Armors are simply out of the way as far a price (40,000 for a single piece of equipment?! Its worth it, once you have the cash). Charmed Necklaces also help, as well as Poison Rings. The Chain Helmet doesnt get any more upgrades (other than the rare helm that is only wearable by certain characters, e.g. Antlers). The Plate Helmet doesnt exist in version two. I initially mentioned it in the lists below because it was mentioned in the Players Guide. I have looked, and looked, but never could find it anywhere, and believe that its not here. OK. Fully rested, fully stocked supplies, and good equipment. Its off to Seafall Shrine! From Witchwood, basically, go south to the very bottom of the map, then east to Seafall Shrine. Theres no easy way there, but just remember: south to the edge of the map, then east to Seafall Shrine. Seafall Shrine is a bright, grassy area. A big contrast from the darker atmosphere of the swamp. In this area are two monsters, neither of which are dangerous. There are three points of interest: the Seafall Shrine to the north, an unlocked treasure chest to the northeast, and a house north of the treasure chest (or west of Seafall Shrine). Both the shrine and the house are on top of a hill, with stairs going up a cliff. First things first: warn Seafall about the destruction of Dyuti. From the entrance, a path leads to the north. Follow it a bit, and you'll come to a sign, pointing out that Seafall Shrine is to the north. Keep following the path to the very end, and you'll come to a set of stairs going up a cliff. Take them, and then follow the top of the cliff to the east.

You'll see another sign that says you've arrived at the Seafall Shrine. Take the stairs and keep going north. Ignore the bluebirds wondering about. Inside the shrine, you'll notice three figures, and a big pool of water. The water is the Blessed Water. If you remembered to bring your Jug from the Haunted Village, you can fill it up with Blessed Water. No jug? No problem! Drink the water for a nice 20 HP heal on your party! Drink multiple times to completely refill your health. Actually, youll need to go back and pick up the Jug if youre going to save the inhabitants of Haunted Village. The Priestess in blue tells you that the water has been blessed, and holds healing properties. The Priestess in green is the head priestess here. Tell her of what you saw at Dyuti, and about the note. She'll reluctantly grant you access to the basement, where your answer lies. Head down to the basement. It's a very dark area. The only exit is guarded by a skeleton. A ghost is wondering about in this room, too. Ignore her. Instead, talk to the Skeleton. He'll ask you for your Death Certificate. What? You don't have one? Well, he'll go over what they are, whether or not you need one, how to get one, and what he's guarding. First, a Death Certificate is what you get when you die. Second, you need one to get by him. Third, to get one, you have to "die you fool"! Well, there has to be an easier way. Fourth, he's guarding the entrance to the underworld. Apparently, the answers you need about Ahriman's Prophecy, which is starting to come to pass, is deep inside the Underworld. Indeed, it is. You need pick up the Death Relic deep inside (after you beat a boss, of course). Well, how to get a Death Certificate. There's two ways of getting one - one is easy, but takes a lot of walking. The second is easy, and takes a lot of walking. Neither is more difficult than the other, so the deciding factor is what you can get out of picking up a Death Relic. Well, if you go pick one up in Grunwich Vineyard, you might be able to give it to the skeleton guard, then get Stella's (the ghost wondering about in this room) and keep it as a memento. Wonder if you get a second one when you die? Or will Stella get another one when she dies again? All this talk about death is depressing, so lets move on. Head back outside, and make your way to Grunwich Vineyard. The easiest way is to take the Broomstick Express to Candar, and then the Mule Express to Thais, then go west to Grunwich Vineyard. Once you get there, talk to Theresa (the lady with red hair and an apron). She'll mention about a problem she's having with her daughters. Offer to help her out. You'll need to wait until nightfall to do so, however. I couldn't go up the stairs, but after examining the invisible blockage, nighttime fell. Now, you'll see all six daughters sleeping in bed, with an extra one next to the wall. Climb into bed, and examine the wall (Talia'll pretend to fall asleep). When the opportunity comes, climb down the stairs, and navigate your way through the dark cave (there's only one way through, so you can't get lost). You'll end up in another dark area with water surrounding a stone pier of some kind. You'll also see the daughters dancing with some gentlemen. Do you see a piece of paper near the western edge? Pick it up. It's Sir Wesley Newthorn's Death Certificate. Well, don't have to die to get one, do we? Sir Newthorn is standing near the northern edge. He's wearing a cape, and looks *a lot* like Lord Zorom. He welcomes you to his kingdom.

The man next to him is simply a warlock prince, probably looking for one of the daughters to marry. Talk to the figure near the eastern edge. The "Dark Mother" will tell you about what she's doing, and how she's gotten away with it for so long. When you're ready, head back to the bedroom, and go to sleep. When morning comes around, talk to Theresa, and tell you what you saw. Since youre already here, why not use the Blessed Water and heal the tree spirit in the Haunted Village? Simply navigate through the village, scale the cliffs (use the same directions from before) and examine the tree spirit. Devin will pour the blessed water on her, and heal the poison. Shell thank you. Head back down the cliff, and talk to the villagers. Theyre no longer ghosts, but real people! Talk to the boatman and hell thank you by handing you a canoe. Im not sure if you actually carry the canoe in your backpack, but it sits at the very end of the river (the one you passed on the way here). When you're finished with that, head back to Seafall Shrine (ignore the canoe for now). But before heading back down to the underworld, why not loot this place? Head east, then southeast to the eastern coastline. A treasure chest is between a tree and the coast and contains a Lightning Ring. Head north, climb the stairs, and go inside the house along the northern edge. Inside, you'll meet George (wonder if he's related to Curious George? Sorry, I couldn't help it!). George wants to move to the city, finding the country life here too quiet. The chest next to his bed has 750 gold pennies in it. The sealed two vats along his eastern wall have two Juneberries and a Marsh Tea. When you're finished, head back outside, then west to the Seafall Shrine. Drink the Blessed Water if necessary, and then head down to the basement. Show the skeleton the Death Certificate, and he'll let you pass. You now have access to the underworld. Before you head off to conquer it, talk to Stella, the ghost wondering about. She'll tell you about a wrongful deed that brought her here, and to tell her husband Herbert in Devenshire about the truth. She'll give you her Death Certificate for your efforts. Once again, head back outside, and this time to Devenshire (Broomstick Express to Candar, Mule Express to Thais, Mule Express again to Devenshire). Remember where Herbert lives? In the house right across the river. Tell him what Stella told you and then head back to Stella. It's getting costly to keep taking the Mule Express/Broomstick Express trips, isn't it? Anyway, when you get to Stella, tell her that you told Herbert what she told you to tell him (confused yet?). She'll give you another Death Certificate. Now you have a Death Certificate as a memento! Imagine showing all your friends a Death Certificate that you got without dying! The skeleton guard won't take a second Death Certificate, the first one being good enough to grant you unlimited access to the underworld. Before you take on the underworld, make sure you have a good supply of items, upgraded equipment, and a healthy party. Here's where I was at this time:

Talia: Class 28, 267/267 Health, 187/187 Mana, 166 Attack, 233 Defense, wore a Chain Helmet, Iron Shield, Black Robe, Iron Staff, and Poison Ring. Devin: Class 28, 269/269 Health, 57/57 Mana, 234 Attack, 235 Defense, wore a Chain Helmet, Iron Shield, Steel Armor, Serphent Sword, and Poison Ring Jack: Class 28, 237/237 Health, 0/0 Mana, 146 Attack, 195 Defense, wore a Chain Helmet, Iron Shield, Steel Armor, Serphent Dagger, and Poison Ring It might be a spelling error, or intentional, but "serpent" was spelled "serphent" with regards to the two weapons my guys equipped. I also had a good stash of Aquilfolium 20. As you can tell, I was not able to purchase Devin a Templar Sword, although the Serphent Sword is a good upgrade from the Steel Sword, and poisons monsters to boot (just like Jack's Serphent Dagger). This is your first dungeon, so be prepared. Make sure that youve got enough supplies to last you for a long time. You can also fight lots of monsters inside and gain three, four, even five classes, if you want. Ready to take on the underworld?

Chapter 11: Underworld

Treasure: Important: Death Relic, Death Certificate, Application Common: Unholy Shield, 200 gold pennies, Myrica Infusion x2, 2000 gold pennies, Lightning Ring x2 Side quests: bring back Grisildas boom, find the pirate a house Recommended Class: 28 Past the skeleton (the one which required that you had a Death Certificate to pass) is the underworld. It's quite dark, and full of coffins (check them for potential treasure). On this first floor, you'll find Grey Blobs and Yellow Bats. There's not much here, nor is there any big way to get lost. From the entrance, head west, north to a lighted room, north some more, and east along a long hallway. A set of stairs leads to the south, to a room filled with coffins. Check them for an Unholy Shield (an upgrade from Devin's Iron Shield) and 200 gold pennies. Head back out of this room, up the stairs, and go east. Follow the hallway to the end. The first intersection south leads to a room with a geometric symbol (looks like a Star of David, but it's not). This symbol doesn't have any religious meaning, so don't get bent out of shape trying to figure it out. Also dont get all uppity when you realize that its also a satanic symbol, too. Its simply there, and has a different meaning in the world of Ahrimans Prophecy then it does here. The next hallway leading south ends up in a small room with a set of stairs leading to the second floor of the basement. When you climb them down, you'll see a small room with two flashing symbols. These symbols are teleporters, and take you to another teleporter somewhere else. In all, there are nine separate rooms with a total of twenty-five teleporters. The number of possibilities is endless, but I'm here to help. I found it easiest to simply label each room with a letter, e.g. "A", and tag with it a description that marks it from other rooms. In this room, Room A, there are two teleporters, one to the west, and one east. Here's a

rundown of the rooms, what they have in them, and where every teleporter goes (don't ask me why, but there isn't any Room D I simply left it out I guess):

Room A -2 teleports, W, E -no monsters Room B -4 teleporters, NW, NE, SW, SE -no monsters -can't see anything any edge Room C -4 teleporters, NW, NE, SW, SE -Monster: Ghost -can see something in the NW and SE corners

W->Room B E->Room C

NW->Room NE->Room SW->Room SE->Room


NW->Room NE->Room SW->Room SE->Room


Room E -2 teleporters, W, E W->Room F -Monster: Ghost E->Room C -has a door leading to a room but doesn't have anything inside Room F -2 teleporters, W, E -no monsters -has a door leading to a room with coffin (Myrica Infusion inside)

W->Room E E->Room C

Room G -2 teleporters, W, E W->Room C -no monsters E->Room A -has a door leading to a room with an empty coffin -can see something in NW and NE corners Room H -4 teleporters, NW, NE, SW, SE -Monster: Glove -can't see anything from any corner or edge Room I -4 teleporters, NW, NE, SW, SE -Glove monster -can see something on northern

NW->Room NE->Room SW->Room SE->Room


NW->Room H NE->Room C SW->Room J

edge and SW corner Room J -1 teleporter, NW -set of stairs leading down -no monsters -end of "Teleport Maze"!

SE->Room A

NW->Room I

Rather than tell you where to go, it's easier to tell you what each room looks like (first column) and where each teleporter goes (second column). If you hurry through this part, all you're missing is a Myrica Infusion (which always crashed the game whenever I tried to use one), and fights with a few monsters. For the quick way though, here's where to go: Room A->West->SE->NE->SW->SE and down the stairs. Once you reach the third basement floor, you're almost there. Here's a big room with almost no way to get lost. The only treasure here is a weak Black Dagger, which isn't as strong as the Serphent Dagger found in Witchwood. OK, on with the tour. From the entrance, head west to the edge, south, then east at the intersection. Then head north, climb up the stairs, a little west, and inside the room. The room's interesting, but doesn't have any treasure. Head back out, south down the hallway, down the stairs, and then west. Take a north at the intersection, then east, and south at the next intersection. Ignore the first path east, and keep going south. Head east at the end, and go inside the first room. Inside is a coffin with the Black Dagger. Now head back outside, go east, south along the edge, west along the bottom and north. Head west at the intersection. The room is Awhren's lair. Be sure to heal your party and equip Charmed Necklaces on everybody before going inside. Also be sure to save, too. Take out Awhren (which shouldn't take long), and go through the sequence. She'll tell you a little about the relics, and then give you the Death Relic. You ask her to grant life to Stella, who gave you her Death Certificate. Awhren does so, and then leaves. I assume that Stella will get a second one once she dies (hopefully of natural causes this time) the second time. I dont mean to sound hateful, but thats really her problem. If she doesnt get another Death Certificate youll give her her old one back, right? In any case, leave the Underworld. When you get to Room J, remember to take the only teleporter, then take the southeast one. You'll end up directly in Room A. Climb the stairs and head back out of the Underworld. Be sure to drink the Blessed Water and heal your party before you leave Seafall Shrine. So, how was the first Relic quest? It wasn't too bad, but remember that that was the first one, and they'll only get harder from here on out. By now, you should be at class 30, or so (you would be if you had to try out all the teleporters and come up with that nice list above, he he). I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but with the Death Relic in your possession, most of the game opens up, and the game becomes a lot less linear. So, what should you do

first? Well, why not check on Ella in Candar? See how she likes Prince Edward. The Ball should be long over by now. She's still at the castle, by the way, and probably married Prince Edward. Talk to Prince Edward and he'll give you the key to his treasure room out of gratitude. Well, what are you waiting for? Go loot his treasure room! Inside there you'll find 2000 gold pennies, another Myrica Infusion, and two Lightning Rings. Not bad! When you're finished, head over to Thais, and talk to Rita about her business. She says that her best girl has left, and business has slumped. Now head toward the northern section of Thais. You'll hear a scream when you try to walk past the pub. Go check it out (the scream came from the girl near the stairs). You'll find the girl, who's surrounded by three thugs, looking for a "good time", so to speak. Take care of them (boy, don't the dead bodies look a lot like Jacks hair?) and ask the girl what happened. She (Ninia's her name) tells you that she left Rita and wants to clean up her act and live a decent life. Well, Rita doesn't like that. Go talk to Rita, and she'll say that she'll let her go if you agree to pay the difference in business she supposedly lost since Ninia's disappearance 1000 gold. Pay her (grr just got 2000 gold and now youve got to give half of it away), and go talk to Ninia again. She'll thank you and give you a shovel out of gratitude. With the shovel, youll be able to pilfer graves and maybe find some treasure (no, you wont be able to find any sort of flute with the shovel). Well, there's so much else to do, now that you've gotten the Death Relic! You could go over to Candar and find out what the password is to the Dwarven Mines, or see what that pirate wants, who's standing just south of the Mule Express in Candar. Oh, and with that Canoe you got in Haunted Village (you did fill the Jug with Blessed Water and poured it on the tree spirit, didn't you?), you can go explore more of Thais Forest (by rowing the canoe upstream). Oh, the possibilities! Do you remember the guy in the house to the west of Seafall Shrine? He wants to move to the big city, finding the country life too quiet. Hop a broomstick to Candar and youll notice that a pirate is standing there. Talk to him and he wants to settle down and move into a nice, quiet house by the sea. We know where a house like that is! Head back over to the house by Seafall Shrine, and the guys gone. Hes place applications to purchase his house on the table. Pick one up. Head back to Candar (youll appreciate the services offered by the Mule/Broomstick Express very quick, if not already). Give the pirate the application. Hell thank you. Head back to the house by Seafall Shrine. The pirates there, having got there before you (how did he do that?) and buying the house. He offers his pirate ship for a mere 10,000 gold. Buy it when you can, but its highly unlikely you wont have the cash right now. Even with the heavy-duty training I did, I still only had 3500 gold! For no particular reason, lets use the canoe and explore more of Thais Forest. Maybe therell be some treasure!

Chapter 12: Animalville

Treasure: Important: none Common: Brass Shield, Snow Pendant, Hammer

Side quests: bring back Grisildas boom, find Fredricks brother, find the rest of the relics (Earth, Passion, Fire, Dream, Water) Recommended Class: 30 Row the canoe upstream, and youll see that youve got access to areas that were unavailable before. Ride the canoe (actually, youre rowing the canoe, but anyway) upstream until you come across a fork. Between the fork is a treasure chest with a Brass Shield in it. The fork to the right doesnt lead anywhere new, so take the fork leading to the right. Continue to row upstream until you come across a break in the trees, and a clearing to the left. Get off the canoe (examine the bank of the river where you want to get off) and head west along the newly accessible path. Take a few sets of stairs north, and youll be in a new area. One of the first things that youll notice that its a forest, but different than Thais Forest or Devenshire Forest. Youll also notice that it rains quite often. Examine the first sign (next to the ladder) and youll read: Beware of man eating bats. Ive never heard of man-eating bats, have you? It looks like whoever lives here doesnt want visitors (sort of like an elderly woman I know who names the children of Elden). Ignore the sign, and climb the ladder to the second level of the forest. Next to the stairs leading to a third level is another sign: Chickens of Hell ahead! Save your soul and turn back! What can a chicken do to you, cluck you to death? Ha ha ha! Take the stairs up to the third level, and read the next sign: Stinkweed Farm! Leave unless you want to stink for a week! I cant imagine who in their right mind would want to harvest stinkweed! Head east and cross the rope bridge to the next area. Another sign is to the north (oh, goody another sign with an ominous warning!). Read it and it says that Welcome to Animalville! Animals only! What? What happened to the mythical things to watch out for? Instead of climbing the ladder to Animalville, head south. A man is crouching near the ground, pretending to be a bird. What a loon (no pun intended)! Go inside the nearby building, and hope that the man doesnt try anything dangerous (like pretending that he can fly and running off the edge of a cliff flapping his arms)! Inside is the inn for Animalville. Its run by a cow, Virginia. Like most of the residents of Animalville (as youll soon find out), she doesnt like humans, and simply wants you to leave. There is some animal-related literature in the bookshelves to the northwest, the only thing of interest here. When youre done exploring, head back outside. Nows the time to climb the ladder, and take a tour of Animalville. At the intersection, head right, then up a bit. Talk to the sheep. Hes the mayor of Animalville, and wants you to conduct your business here and leave. Dont you feel all warm and fuzzy inside with all the love these guys are sharing? :) Circle around the path and talk to the pig toward the other side. He likes the natural feel of not wearing clothing, although some animals prefer to wear clothes. We could

have talking pigs around the farm and not even know it! Wait a minute, wasnt Babe a talking pig? Anyway, back to the tour. Head southeast, and talk to the bird. He says that animals created a world away from humans to live in peace (it sounds just like what the Wingleys did in The Legend of the Dragoon). Circle around the path, and go inside the building (which is almost directly north of the ladder). Its a School of Shapeshifting, which teaches animals to shapeshift into something else. The room to the left is Shapeshifting 101, shapeshifting for beginners. The room on the right is Shapeshifting 201, shapeshifting for advanced students. The main character you want to talk to is the green guy in a navy cape. Hes Fredrick, and wants to know where his brother is, who hasnt been in class in a few days. Fredrick described his brother as green and full of warts. It sounds like hes a toad! The pig next to Fredrick cant see over his desk. The teacher thinks you did a nice job shapeshifting into a human. Roll your eyes, and move on to the Shapeshifting 201 room. A cat there says that hes really a dog, but likes being a cat. The teacher also congratulates you on a successful shapeshifting. Read the books in the bookshelves for some shapeshifting-related material. When youre finished, head back outside. Head west, going along the narrow path. Talk to the grumpy goat for some more Animalville love. The house to his north is unlocked, but empty. Keep going to the west, and talk to the very skittery chicken. The sky is falling! The sky is falling! says Chicken Little. The second (from the edge) house is locked, but the first one isnt. Inside is a cow whos lost her cowbell. Nothing else of interest is in here, so it wont take you long to explore everything. With that last house ends the tour of Animalville. No treasure to loot, nothing of any great interest (although the pig in the School of Shapeshifting and Chicken Little were pretty funny). When youre finished with Animalville, head back out and into Thais Forest. Get back into your canoe and row it further upstream. The next screen takes you to a snowy area (the snow effect stays, even while youre in the menu! Nice!). Keep going upstream until you come to an intersection. Head west at the intersection, and get off along the northern shore of the small lake. Head north some more, and youll come across a treasure chest with a Hammer in it. By the way, you can also loot treasure from the logs. When youre finished, head back down, and keep going upstream. This time, go all the way up. At the very end, youll come across a cave blocked by a ram who says No humans beyond this point! Perhaps a citizen of Animalville can help you get past him? Ill get to that later on. For now, head downstream. Keep going until you see a break in the trees to the left. Get off, and head north until you see a treasure box. Open it for a Snow Pendant.

Head west, then follow the paw prints to the northeast. Youll go between a break in a fence, then a Mule Express (way up here in the snowy north?) run by a girl in a snowsuit. This Mule Express will only take you to Candar. Ignore it, and go east. Follow the paw prints southeast. A snowman with a nice red hat is sitting next to a sign which says that Glenvale is to the east. Its a good thing, too. After the trip through the Underworld, my supplies are running low. Nows a good time to take a break, rest, stock up on supplies, and upgrade your equipment. On to Glenvale!

Chapter 13: Glenvale

Treasure: Important: none Common: Tinctura Ankh, Aloe Leaves x2, 120 gold pennies, Iron Staff, Bread, Snowball Scroll Side quests: bring back Grisildas boom, find Fredricks brother, escort priestess to Mysten Far, find the rest of the relics (Earth, Passion, Fire, Dream, Water) Recommended Class: 31 Glenvale, as you may notice, is completely snowed in, with snow falling constantly. Climb the stairs, and read the sign: Glenvale The city of snow. A miner in a blue snowsuit is wondering near the sign. I wonder why hes not out mining something? Head west and go inside the house. Another miner lives here. Read his bookshelf for some lore on the history of Glenvale. Theres nothing else of interest here, so head back outside. Head north. Behind the miners house are two more buildings. The one on the right is the inn. The one on the left belongs to a woman. Go inside the inn. Here, the Sleepy Bear Inn, you can rest for 100 gold. Theres nothing else of interest (other than the sign near the entrance to the bedrooms upstairs that tells you when you need to be asleep), so head back outside. Go inside the building on the left (next to the inn). Inside lives a woman, who likes the quite life of Glenvale, but not so much the harsh winters. Examine the vat in the corner for a Tinctura Ankh. Read some information on miners in her bookshelf. When youre finished, head back outside. Instead of taking the stairs to the second part of town, head north and up that set of stairs. A treasure chest is behind the building containing two Aloe Leaves. Go inside the building to find that yet another miner lives here, this one in a red snowsuit. With all the miners that live here, maybe they should call Glenvale the city of miners rather than the city of snow! The miner mentions that the mountain animals have been acting rather evil as of late. Could they be referring to the Snow Wolves that you met before? Maybe he just needs a good sword, armor, helm, and shield and go after them! Theres nothing else here, so head back outside. Take the stairs back down, and head south. Now take the stairs up to the second part of the city. A boy is wondering near the snowman. He is surprised to see visitors and asks you if you like his snowman. Head south, and go inside the building.

Inside live a couple. Have Jack open up the barrel for a loaf of bread (although its not really worth it). Talk to the husband and hell say that priestesses frequently come through here on the way to Mysten Far. That Mysten Far sounds like another city, one of priestesses. Why not stop there after were finished here? The wife invites you to sample her soup, which doesnt do anything. When youre finished, head back outside, then go north. The last building on our tour is the merchants building. The sign in front says that its the Village Marketplace. Head inside. Youll see two merchants on either side of the room, a priestess warming herself by the fire, and a clown (?). The merchant on the right is a weapon seller Snowdog Weapons and Armor. He doesnt sell much, but the Plate Armor is definitely worth buying. The Ice Sword isnt as strong as the Templar Sword, and more expensive. Stick with the Serphent sword until you can upgrade it to the Templar Sword. The Plate Armor, however, is an upgrade even to Talias Black Robe! I didnt have the cash to upgrade everybody, and I think you wont either. Come back when youve got the money and buy a Plate Armor for everybody. The merchant on the left sells items Mindys Cures and Ointments. Refer to the section on Glenvale at the end for an alphabetized listing of the wares sold here. She does sell a nice spell for Talia, though. Talk to the priestess and shell gush over how noble and sacred this city is. Talk to the clown and hell tell you that nobody appreciates a clown in a town like this. Poor Jenkle! Well, thats it for Glenvale. Nows a good time to earn some cash and pick up a Plate Armor for everybody by fighting some Snow Wolves. It wont take long to earn some cash and complete the upgrades. Selling extra meats helps, too. When youre finished, head over to Mysten Far. From the entrance to Glenvale, circle around the trees, past the Mule Express, and south. Follow the paw prints past the fence, and south, then southwest. When the paw prints go south, you should see a clearing to the west. Head west (being wary of the four Snow Wolves), and head north. Follow the new path of paw prints. Before you get to the bridge, youll see that the paw prints head west. Follow them through the trees. Youll come to a large clearing in the trees. A lone priestess is standing on the edge of a frozen lake. Talk to her, and she will say that she wants to get over to Mysten Far. Offer to escort her. Head southwest and youll see a treasure chest with 120 gold pennies in it. Now head back to the bridge, and cross it. Head northwest, being wary of another group of Snow Wolves. There is a partially hidden treasure chest along the way which contains an Iron Staff. A sign is next to the entrance of a cave says: Northern Pass. Go inside. Youll find (in the only occurrence that I can think of) that youll be on the world map, but not riding in a boat. Head one step west, and one north (to the thing that looks like an icething its a teleporter). Itll teleport you further north. Take a few steps west, and youll be in Mysten Far. The instant you arrive, the priestess will thank you, hand you a Snowball Scroll, and leave. Its a pretty nice spell, and up to you whether to sell it or learn it. Well, on to Mysten Far!

Chapter 14: Mysten Far

Treasure: Important: none Common: none Side quests: bring back Grisildas boom, find Fredricks brother, find the rest of the relics (Earth, Passion, Fire, Dream, Water) Recommended Class: 33 Mysten Far, as you will soon see, is quite peaceful (not to mention way out of the way). Head north and up the stairs to the main part of town. Follow the brick path west, and head inside the large building which looks like a huge church. A statue lies in the middle of a lake to the south of the church. Inside the church youll find a large group of priestess doing what appears to be some kind of bizarre dance. Talk to any of them and theyll say that theyre doing their morning devotions. Wow. Head west and into the next room. Here is a large room with a checkerboard tiled center. To the north is an elaborate area with a lone priestess sitting in a throne. She appears to be the head priestess. Talk to her, and you find out that shes Gevolda. Shell ask you about your travels, and youll tell her a little about what youve done, starting with your visit with Awhren. Youll also mention that Awhren instructed you to collect all six relics and bring them to her. Gevolda will see that the prophecy is coming to pass, and tells you to hurry and that shes got work to do. Head into the room to the west. Inside is a priestess whos willing to let you join the Priestess Guild if you can beat her in combat (one-on-one with Talia, I think). Dont do it, because you dont know what other kinds of guilds there are, and maybe the Priestess Guild isnt the best choice for you. However, the last time I fought her, I won (its easy, since a Priestess cant cast offensive magic to the living, nor can they cast healing magic during battle) and it brought my partys class up to the maximum of 75. That was annoying, and I assume it was a bug that has long since been patched. Leave the room, and head east to the next room. Inside is a large library. Read the books at least once because they contain good information about a variety of subjects. The girl with pink hair and a red ribbon is an apprentice Priestess. Shell tell you a little about the known guilds there are, and that there are probably others that she doesnt know about because theyre hidden. When youre finished, leave the building and head back outside. Take the stone path east. The tall, skinny building is locked. Keep going east and go inside the building at the end. A priestess is there, willing to sell you a Holy Pendant for more than 1600 gold. Its up to you, but thats the only one thats available for purchase in the whole game. Head back outside and go north. Behind the church is a cave sitting next to a waterfall. A sign in front says Monster Hideout. Go inside the cave. Inside are friendly monsters, none of which will attack you. There are only four rooms here, so its really hard to get lost. Talk to the monsters and theyll tell you a little about

this place, which is a kingdom of sorts, a Monster Kingdom, if you will. Go inside the first room (directly north of the entrance). Inside is a small library. Read the books for more information about this Monster Kingdom and its history. Head back outside and go east. Go inside the second room (near the monster with a pumpkin head). Inside lives a friendly monster wholl tell you that the prophecy appears to be coming true, for better or worse. Head back outside and go north to the second row of rooms. Go inside the one next to a potted plant. Inside lives a blob monster who mentions that humans have killed off most of his kind. Head outside and into the last room. Inside are two merchants. The one with a kantana and a sword on the table sells weapons and equipment. The one with red bottles on the table sells a couple of items. The weapon merchant doesnt have anything decent for sale. The item merchant only has two items: Jars of Balm and Aquifolium. Since the Aquifolium is only ten gold more but heals all of your HP, buy some. Its better than anything you can find, and for what it does, cheap too. Well, thats it for the tour of Mysten Far and the Monster Kingdom. Neither one is very big, and neither one has an inn. If you are like me, I was in pretty big need of a rest. Instead, I drank some Aquifolium instead. Three of them healed my whole party, although it cost me 300 gold. Head back to Candar, and take the dirt path south. Cross the bridge, and at the sign, head southwest. Follow the dirt path to the Bleached Tooth Desert, a fine change from all this snow!

Chapter 15: Bleached Tooth Desert

Treasure: Important: none Common: Lightning Ring Side quests: bring back Grisildas boom, find Fredricks brother, find the rest of the relics (Earth, Passion, Fire, Dream, Water), take the skeleton home Recommended Class: 34 This desert, while it doesnt have any monsters in it, is quite large. It is essentially one huge room. On the western and southern sides is the ocean. An oasis and a traveling circus are in the center. Head there and see what its all about. There is a unicorn-girl to the north of the oasis, claiming to be able to shapeshift into various animals. Riiiight. To her southeast is a woman merchant willing to sell you a few wares. When you are finished with her, head south a bit, and notice the various stands and displays. One of the signs says that this is Limbarchs Traveling Circus. South of the oasis is a man with a red beard and a frog. The man, Master Gaston, says that the frog next to him can talk. The frog simply says Ribbot. Some talking that frog does! Come to think of it, that frog looks like Fredricks brother Thats the important stops to this circus. Be sure to check out the rest of the displays. When you are finished, head southeast, toward the shore. Youll come across a skeleton wondering about wearing an orange cape. Talk to him, and hell tell you that he wants to

go home. Offer to take him, and hell reward you with his treasure. He lives in Tar Vendron, which is currently not accessible at this time (its across the ocean to the west). Head back to Animalville and tell Fredrick that you mayve seen his brother. He says that learning how to shapeshift into a chicken isnt all that interesting and agrees to go with you. Take him back to Bleached Tooth Desert and show him the frog. It is indeed Fredricks brother, who was captured by the carnivalagain. Talk to Master Gaston and offer to buy the frog. Master Gaston refuses, saying that this act isnt for sale. Tell him that if you can find a replacement act would he consider an exchange. Master Gaston says that hell consider it. Now, what is this circus missing? How about a clown (hint, hint)? Didnt we see a clown in Glenvale a while back? His name was Jenkle, if I remember correctly. Well, head over to Glenvale and tell Jenkle that we may have found a place that would appreciate his talents. Jenkle agrees to accompany you to Bleached Tooth Desert. Bring him back, and exchange him for Fredricks Brother. Out of gratitude, Fredrick will stay with you, joining your party permanently. You will also earn a merit point for your efforts. OK. Fredricks a shapeshifter, but what can he do right now? If you look at his abilities, all it says (well, its actually pictures representing the shapes that Fredrick has learned to shapeshift into) are Chicken and normal self (a picture of Fredrick). Turn Fredrick back into himself by simply selecting his picture from this menu. You dont have to shapeshift into his regular self to change into something else. Talk to the unicorn-girl and shell teach him the Lion form. Change Fredrick into a lion and go fight. Youll notice that the damage he deals rivals Devin with a Templar Sword! Nice! Much better than his old self, thats for sure. How about learning more shapes for Fredrick to change into? Head over to the Apple Orchard (north of Candar), and talk to the lady inside. Dont know how to get there? Well, thats OK. From Candars entrance, head north (past the sign), and keep going north. Go north at every opportunity, until you reach a waterfall. From there, head east. Youll pass the Dwarf Mines from above. Circle around the path and the Orchard is just around the corner. Her name is Lyla and she runs the orchard. Ask her about current news and shell say that everything was going great until a swarm of bees moved in and refuse to leave. Go outside, into the orchard, and all the way north. Youll notice a small beehive lying on the ground. Have Fredrick attack it (even as a lion it takes a few hits) until you kill it. When you do, hell learn the Bee shape. Talk to Lyla after you take care of the beehive, and youll earn a merit point. As a Bee, Fredrick can fly, but is still limited to the areas that he could go before (another words, his flying ability doesnt mean anything). The Bee form is not as good as the Lion form, so change back to the lion form. A little south of the orchard is a treasure chest with a lightning ring. Now, head over to Monster Kingdom and talk to the blue slime monster (second row of rooms, the one on the left (or, the northeast one in relation to the center of the cave)). Hell teach Fredrick the slime shape. As with the Bee shape, the Slime shape isnt as strong as the Lion shape. Its kinda funny, though, to walk around as a Slime! Change back into a Lion and get ready for more action.

As a lion, you may notice that training is a lot easier, since you kill monsters faster. If youve lacked in your training, go play catch up, using the Lion form to speed things along. Also, if you havent already, pick up four Charm Necklaces, and a fourth Poison Ring for Fredrick. You may also notice that Fredrick already has the Plate Armor, which saves you 3500 gold. Youll still need to purchase three more to upgrade your armor for everybody. And with four Charmed Necklaces, thats another 2800 gold. Youll be busy building up your gold for quite a while! With three suits of Plate Armor and three Charmed Necklaces (assuming that you picked up the one from before), itll cost you more than 11000 gold! Well, with Devins Templar Sword and Fredricks lion shape both doing 300-320 damage (at least that was what they were doing when I fought), it wont take long at all! When youve finally upgraded everybodys armor to Plate Armor and picked up four Charmed Necklaces, head over to Witchwood Swamp. Well need the Shovel that we got a while back to loot the swamp of treasure (which is buried in graves). Well also need to take back the broom stolen from Grisilda. Remember the two types of monsters here poison you and curse you. You cant protect yourself against both, so youve got to choose. A good strategy would be to equip two with Poison Rings and two with Charmed Necklaces. That way, you wont have to worry too much about curing them of the status ailments. Just be sure to bring along 20 Holy Tonics and 20 Marsh Teas! Well, on to Witchwood Swamp!

Chapter 16: Return to Witchwood Swamp

Treasure: Important: Grisildas Broom Common: Unholy Shield, Auquifolium Side quests: bring back Grisildas boom, find the rest of the relics (Earth, Passion, Fire, Dream, Water), take the skeleton home Recommended Class: 36 From the entrance (coming in from Candar), follow the path south, then east, and south (just like you were on your way to Witchwood). Cross the bridge and go south. Cross the bridge west and head northwest. North of the empty barrel is a tiny piece of land that will bring you to the next area. Cross it, and head southwest. Youll come to a grave. Dig it up to find an Unholy Shield. Only Devin can wear it, and as you found one in the Underworld earlier and you dont need a second one, just sell it. Head west, a little north, and west some more. When you get the chance, head north. A small path (like the one earlier, one block wide) leads to another area with a grave. Dig up the grave for the Winged Sandles. Wear them to move a lot faster (twice as fast), but vulnerable to poison and curses, as it takes up your Trinket slot. Still, it's a good thing to use when you want to skirt monsters and go after the treasure. Head back to the first grave (the one with the Unholy Shield that was in it), and go south from the grave. Navigate your way through the area, going east. Youll pass a tree, and finally get back onto the path. Follow it south, cross the tiny bridge, and follow the path

southwest. Youll notice that Witchwood is to the west. Keep following the path south until the path turns east. At that point, head west. Head northwest, then north. A lone Swamp Hag guards a sealed vat with a vile of Auquifolium in it. Head back to the stone path (to the point where I told you to go west when it turned east), and follow it east. Youll notice that Witchwoods Broomstick Express is to the north. Head south, cross the long bridge west, and go west. Go west until you reach the end of the screen (you only have to go as far as the empty barrel). Head north until you see a cottage. A nearby grave is empty. Before you go inside, equip everybody with a Charmed Necklace. Head inside. The witch in the center is the one who stole Grisildas broom, and doesnt feel any remorse for stealing the broom or anything else she stole. Tell her to give it back now or youll take it back by force. Of course, the witch refuses, so youll have to fight her. She goes down easy. In fact, she hardly put a scratch on me, with the Charmed Necklace protecting you against most of her attacks. Defeated, she swears revenge and reluctantly gives you Grisildas broom. Put Poison Rings back on, and head back to Witchwood. Give Grisilda her broom back. Another merit point! Oddly enough, Grisilda was late because her broom was stolen, but now that youve gotten it back, she never makes it to class. Interesting By the way, if the Wicked Witch from the West tells you to go away, then you need to talk to somebody in Witchwood. Start with Grisilda. Make sure that your party knows that somebody stole the broom. The witches in the classroom suspect this witch (the one that told you to go away). The witch on the third floor of the merchants tower says that this witch is a mean ol witch and she scares her. Now go back and take out the witch. With another merit point under your belt, youre one step closer to being able to obtain the Glass Key. However, when I went to the cave and tried to get it, it said that I was saintly and close (but not quite there) to being pure enough to acquire the key, but not quite there. Come back after we do some more sidequests and maybe we can get it (finally)! Remember to save your cash, and rake up 10000 gold to buy the pirates ship. With that, youll be able to sail around the world at your leisure. By the way, no monsters while you sail the world in the pirates ship! Next thing were going to take out is the Dwarf Mines, but youll need to prepare first its no pushover! Youll need a good supply (20-30) of Auquifolium (by now, the Jars of Balm are starting to become obsolete, and Talias Heal Minor has long since become useless). If you rely on magic heavily, then pick up some mana restoring items, too. You should also train a bit, seeing how easy it is with Fredrics Lion form! I wondered between a three-area spot, killing about ten monsters in a round: the area that splits off to the southwest to Bleached Tooth Desert and southeast to Witchwood Swamp has three monsters in it. The area that leads to Bleached Tooth Desert has four more (which is reset by simply walking through the fence). The area that leads to Witchwood Swamp has three monsters easily attackable, the fourth is out of the way (toward the path leading to Dyuti Shrine). I typically ignore him, since I can get three more by simply heading north. Again, whenever you go through the fence (from either side), the

monsters reset. Soon youll be killing monsters like mad! I was able rack up nearly 4000 gold (selling the Leather Armors, Brass Shields, Meats, and Alderwood Roots whenever I needed to sleep at the Inn) in thirty minutes, while boosting my class to 40! Keep the Alderwood Roots if you use magic youll only get 20 gold for each one, so youre not missing much. Trust me when I say boosting your class a bit really helps. Not only do you get a HP/MP max boost, youll get an increase in attack and defense! O.K. Gotten to class 38-40? And a good supply of Auquifolium? Lets go wipe out the Dwarf Mines (youll get another relic the Earth Relic here too)!

Chapter 17: Dwarf Mines

Treasure: Important: Earth Relic, Moldy Cheese Common: 50 gold, Chain Mail, Meat, Aloe Leaves x2, Iron Sword, Distillate of Alnus, 230 gold, Snow Pendant Side quests: find the rest of the relics (Earth, Passion, Fire, Dream, Water), take the skeleton home, get the password to the Dwarf Mines Recommended Class: 38 From the entrance of Candar, head north. Read the sign to find out where the Dwarf Mine is: east. Head a bit north, east, around the tree, across the bridge, north (dont climb the stairs, which leads to the Apple Orchard), and head east. Youll see a whitehaired dwarf guarding the entrance of the Dwarf Mines. Hell ask you for a password before you can get in. Well, you dont have a clue what that is, and wont sit there all day guessing (like trying to guess Rumpelstiltskins name (geez, spelling thats a doozy) in the classic fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm). Head back to Candar, and inside the caf. Talk to the mini dwarf, wholl tell you that he wants some moldy cheese. Head back outside, and into Wyrmwood Cave (the cave that connects Thais to Candar). Talk to the old man, then examine his cheese wheel. Hell say that its going out with the next days trash. Ask him if you can have it, and hell let you take it. It must smell so wonderful in your backpack! Its a good thing that skeleton thats in there now doesnt have a sense of smell, or hed leave! Take the cheese back to Limfit and bribe him for the password. With your new-found knowledge, gain access to the Dwarf Mines. Its surprising how many questions I get on how to get into the Dwarf Mines! Well, now that its in my guide, that should answer most of them. If you still have questions, let me know, and Id be glad to help! As you can see, I do not give what the password is. Therere two reasons for that: one, it doesnt matter, since you cant guess the password; two, it takes away from the enjoyment of finding it out yourself. Again, like always, I leave the experience to you, and simply provide a handrail for guidance! Be sure to save often while youre in here because the monsters are a step above anything youve seen so far (however, stronger monsters make for better and faster training) O.K., this is going to be a loooong trip, but Ill help you through it. Theres also a lot of treasure here, most of it probably will be sold when you make a return trip to Candar and rest up and restock on supplies.

There are three types of monsters in here: Goblins, Mutant Rats, and Mutant Beetles. Refer to the bestiary for more general information about these or any other monsters mentioned. Anything specific to watch out for, Ill let you know as we come to it. You should also remember that there are always four monsters in every screen and that whenever the screen resets, so do the monsters. Well, here in the Dwarf Mines, the screen is considerably smaller than usual, and so the monsters regenerate to provide endless monsters at every twist and turn! In the very beginning, youll meet up with Goblins and Mutant Rats the Mutant Beetles are deeper inside the mines. The Goblins arent too much trouble, nor are the Mutant Rats. Both take a heavy beating before going down, even with Devins Templar Sword and Fredricks Lion shape. Keep whacking at them because they give 50% more experience than the monsters youve faced so far, as well as LOTS of gold and equipment. The Goblins, for example, drop so much equipment that they seem like theyre walking blacksmiths! The Goblins will fight to the death, and dont back off. The Mutant Rats, however, will sometimes back off, seemingly encouraging you to chase them down. When theyre very low on health, one more shot to kill them, they will sometimes move off a few steps to the side and sit there. Youll have to chase them down and deal the deathblow if you want to kill them. Anyway, back to the tour. This first floor is relatively easy to navigate. Theres only one way through, so head west, circle around, then follow the path to the end. Take the stairs into the next area. Head north. A treasure chest right next to a set of stairs has 50 gold in it. If youve fought the monsters already, you know that 50 gold is about half of what they monsters typically drop. However, free money is always welcome! Head west, all the way to the edge, and youll see a small room to the north. Inside are four monsters (which regenerate each time you try to leave or come into the room) guard a locked treasure chest with a suit of Chain Mail. Too bad, since the Chain Mail isnt as good as the Plate Armor that you should be wearing already. Head back east, to the set of stairs next to the treasure chest that had 50 gold in it and take them and head north. Theres nothing here, except for another door leading to another area to the north. If you walk into the water, youll find yourself half covered! Its a pretty nice effect! Head into the door and into the next area. Youll be glad that there arent any monsters here. Instead, heres a sort of dwarf city, although there arent many who live here. Head inside the room to the left (of the two rooms on this floor). Inside is another guildmember, ready to test your skills. Hes an Earth Mage. Fight him and win to join that guild. Or, if youre like me, stick around and see what the other two are (youve already seen three of the five Priestess, Witch, and Earth Mage). Head back outside. The room to the right is completely empty and barren. Climb the stairs to the next area of this dwarf city. A set of stairs leading down is to the northeast. Take those when were finished here. Inside the room just to the north has four mini dwarves skittering about. There are also large stockpiles of gold, none of which you can take! So much gold and not a bit you can have! Head back outside and into the room to the west of here.

Inside is Hadan, a mercenary dwarf. Hell sell you his services for 600 gold, but I dont think its worth it (unless you need a fourth person). If you already have four (which I did at this point), then youll need to dump somebody to take in Hadan. If you dump Jack, hell run off with all of your cash. Youll have to trade him back (hes in Thais) before hell give you your money back. If you dump Fredrick (why, since Fredricks very strong as a Lion, and Hadan isnt any stronger than that), hell simply return to Animalville. Again, youll have to head back there to trade him. If you end up dumping Hadan, hell come back here. Itll cost you another 600 for him to join your party. Its up to you whether or not to have him in your party. Hadan, by the way, uses a hammer as a weapon. You might recall finding a Hammer in a treasure chest a long time ago, and a War Hammer for sale (14400 gold). Head back out, and then south into the last room. Inside is Adaak (nice blue hair). He says that his workshop is a complete mess. I havent found anything for him to do (like build us an Airship or something). Oh well. Blue-haired dwarves are rare, though. Head back out, and take the stairs down to the lower levels of the Dwarf Mines. Youll find that the Goblins have disappeared, replaced with Mutant Beetles. The Mutant Beetles like to hit you with powerful earth magic. Earth magic is my favorite element of magic, since you cant defend against it (you or the enemy), so its always going to deal full damage! For that reason, I typically join the Earth Mage guild, even though I dont use the magic spells. Fire Amulets protect against fire (the main element in one of the two remaining guilds), Snow Pendants protect against Water/Ice magic, Unholy Shields protect against the undead, holy magic isnt offensive (the element of a Priestess), and Charmed Necklaces protect against curses (the type of magic of Witches). Whats left? Earth magic! No protective items for earth magic! O.K. This next area is really complicated, but essentially one big room. Head north, then west. Climb up the stairs and head north. A treasure box is in the corner with a unit of Meat in it. Take it and keep going north. Up toward the northwest corner of the room is another treasure chest. Open it for two aloe leaves. Ready for two more treasure chests? Go inside the door and into the next area. Youll find a small room (no monsters, indicated by the lack of your health/mana bars) with two treasure chests. One, unlocked, has an Iron Sword in it. The other, locked, has a Distillate of Alnus (100% mana recharge) in it. Four treasure chests in such a short period of time! Granted, its not much, but anything free is always good! Head back up the stairs, and go west (you came from the south). Youll find another set of stairs going deeper inside the Mines. Take them. Youll find yourself in a nice area (no monsters! whoo hoo!) with a bridge leading west. This area is so starkly different from the rest, that it makes you wonder what the dwarves are using it for? Take the bridge, and then the stairs going up. Were almost finished with the Dwarf Mines (well, you still gotta go back out)! Youll find yourself in a smaller room, a watery path leading to the main part of the room. Follow the path, and youll see more mini dwarves skittering about. More stockpiles of untouchable gold, as well as lots of gemstones lying on the floor (also untouchable). A golem is standing to the north. Equip everybody with Charmed Necklaces, heal everybody, save, and talk to the Golem. Hes got the Earth Relic, but wont give it up unless you beat him. If thats the way he wants it! Take him out. He

takes a really good beating and makes the monsters in this mine seem like the Dragonflies in Elden! You might have to try a few times (with the equipment I had you upgrade before, and the training I had you go through before, you should be fine) before you win. He gives you the Earth Relic, and disappears. Only more area left to explore. Head back out of this room, take the water path to the stairs. Take the stairs down, cross the bridge, and take the stairs at the end up. Head all the way east (to the edge of the map) and north (up the tiny set of stairs). Youll find a treasure chest with 230 gold in it, as well as a door to the north. Go inside the door and into the next room. Inside is another treasure chest with a Snow Pendant in it. Well, thats it for the Dwarf Mines! Now that youve clean it out, you wont need to come this deep into it (only the first area for training purposes). Be sure to keep training on these difficult monsters, as they drop lots of gold and equipment. In fact, I had a little more than 4000 gold going in, and almost 9000 coming out! Yes, I did fight lots of monsters rather than running by them. After heading back to Candar and selling the extra items, I had more than 11000 gold! Almost half of what I need to buy the Ruby Shield! Well, dont worry about the Ruby Shield. Have you noticed that you can accumulate gold easier and easier as you progress through the game? Later, youll fight really, really strong monsters that drop diamonds and rubies! Well, Ill get to that when the time comes. For now, Ill assume that youve got at least 10000 gold. If you dont, rest up in Candar, replenish your supplies, and head back to the Dwarf Mines and rack up gold until you have 10000. With that much gold, youve got enough to buy the pirates ship (which is essential to the completion of the game, so might as well buy it now). Head over to the pirates place, and buy his pirate ship. Itll appear on the docks just to the east of his house. With the pirate ship, you can sail anywhere you want in the world, but can only dock on the piers of major cities. There are a *few* places where you can park your pirate ship that doesnt require a port, but Ill get to that in the Weird things that Ive found in the game section of this guide. Refer to it for more information. With two relics down, theres only four to go! With the pirate ship, youve got so freedom that you wont know what to do with it! Whats next? Well, you still have a skeleton in your backpack, who wants to go home to Tar Vendron. Why not stop there, and see if you can find any equipment upgrades? Theres also the skeletons promised treasure! Could it be gold? Diamonds? Rubies? A lifetime of riches? Next stop, Tar Vendron!

Chapter 18: Tar Vendron

Treasure: Important: none Common: 2350 gold, lightning ring, Templar Sword, Cassia Leaf Side quests: find the rest of the relics (Passion, Fire, Dream, Water), take the skeleton home Recommended Class: 40

O.K. Getting to Tar Vendron is easy, except for the first time. After the first time, it is west of Candar. Well, the pirate ship starts out at Seafall Shrines port (where the pirate got off to purchase the house. Get onto the pirate ship (press the spacebar while facing it). Head north, always following the shoreline. Youll soon come across the port near Witchwood (which means no more Mule/Broomstick Express ride the pirate ship to the proper port and get off). Thats where you dock the pirate ship for a quick walk there. North of the port is a tiny island. Ignore that. Keep following the coastline. A little north of Witchwoods port is another port, this one for Thais. Again, dock here when you want to get to Thais. Keep following the coastline, and youll come across yet another port, this one for Devenshire. Just to the east of Devenshires port is one for Elden (no more Ferry rides either!). Continue to follow the coastline (of the continent that Devenshires on, not Eldens). Youll come across the snowy north, and a port that near a very tiny village. Ignore that for now (Ill get back to that later), and keep following the coastline. Hey, this is kind of like a tour of the world! Anyway, youll come to the dock near Mysten Far (which is really on its own little island). Follow the coastline south, and youll come to the dock for Candar (where you first met the pirate). Nows the easy part: Tar Vendron is west of Candar. So, sail west. Its not more than a few steps and youll see a port, a desert, and a city in the middle of it. Thats Tar Vendron the desert city. Dock the pirate ship and get off (press spacebar while facing the dock). Be sure save because the monsters here are out of your league! Dont even bother to try to fight them ignore them instead. Were here for three reasons: one, to bring the skeleton home, two to claim his treasure for a reward, and three, to upgrade our equipment using the skeletons treasure. Youll find a stone path leading to the west. Again, be very careful of the monsters here! The Sand Scorpions sting like crazy, inflicting Critical Poison (youll glow red rather than green, and the poison takes off more health)! Even though my characters health at this time was between 400 and 450, they still could die in two or three hits! When you see a set of stairs to the south, take them (youll have to get off the path to do so). Head all the way south, skirting the Evil Roadrunner. All the way to the south, youll see a lone tree. Dig by the roots (if you dont have the shovel, youll simply use your hands) for five rubies and two diamonds! Thats the skeletons treasure! Now, to fulfill your end of bargain taking the skeleton home. Climb up the stairs, and get back on the path. Follow it west, until it turns north. Then follow it north, climbing the stairs, and keep going north. Youll pass a rather large city wall, where the path turns east. A sign near the end says Tar Vendron The city of excitement! Head inside Tar Vendron, and lets begin our tour of the city of excitement! Follow the path a little east, then north to the first building. A sign on the outside of the wall says Mayors Villa. Head inside the mayors villa. Youll have to cross a moat (hopefully not getting eaten by sharks or whatever animals the mayors got swimming in

there (dont worry Im being facetious)). The mayors standing in the middle of a rather large, ornate rug. He welcomes you to Tar Vendron. The chancellor nearby (wearing a white robe) says that he oversees all fights that happen in the coliseum. The room to the northwest belongs to the mayors wife, who welcomes you to Tar Vendron. A treasure chest at the foot of her bed has 2350 gold pennies in it. Theres nothing else here, so head back outside when youre done exploring. Head east (not going back to the main path by the entrance of Tar Vendron, but rather east from the entrance to the mayors villa), and circle around the city wall and across the bridge. Youll come to a rather large, empty area with a house to the northeast. Head inside, and step toward the middle of the room. The skeleton recognizes it as his, and asks that you drop him here. Do so, and hell tell you about his promised treasure (which we already got). If you skipped that part, then go back and claim the treasure five rubies and two diamonds are too good to pass up! Youll earn a merit point for bringing the skeleton home. Now you can head back to the main path to the city, and head east. The woman there wearing a purple robe says that she doesnt often see people from the mainland. Theres a merchant to the southeast, selling good, but expensive armor. Come back when youve got the cash and upgrade. Another merchant further south sells items (neither of the two merchants so far will purchase extra items from your inventory). Keep going south, to the edge of town. To the west are two buildings, like halves of one single building. Head inside the right half. Youll find a woman there, who says that theres a woman hermit who can make excellent armor, the best in Tar Vendron. A vat to the northeast has a Lightning Ring in it. Head back outside. The room on the left, as youll find out, is locked. Like all other locked doors, Jack wont be able to pick the locks. Head east. The man in a black robe asks you if youve been to the coliseum. Keep going east, to the edge. The house in the southeast part of town is empty, and unlocked. Head inside for any possible treasure to loot. There is a single treasure box with a Templar Sword in it! Nice! If youve been using the Serphent Sword so far, by all means equip Devin with the Templar Sword its good enough to use for the rest of the game (but not the strongest or best weapon there is). Head back outside, and go north. The warrior from Thais (General Beatrixs twin sister) is there, probably wanting to fight in the coliseum. A little north is the coliseum itself. Nearby is an older dwarf who says that hes on vacation. Read the sign on the outside of the coliseum: Tar Vendron Grand Central Coliseum / Gladiators Wanted!! You are nowhere strong enough to fight here, but lets go have a look-see anyway. The woman at the counter welcomes you, telling you that the games will begin shortly (they dont in fact, they never happen). The man with a red coat (who looks like Sir Pellad from Thais) says that hes waiting for the games to start. A guard in a black robe is blocking the entrance of the coliseum, saying Gladiators Only!. Climb down the stairs thats between the two statues.

Youll find a prison of sorts, with three cells. Therere people in all three cells. Nothing else here, so head back upstairs. Head east, past the woman at the counter. The armored guy with a blue cape says that hes Herman the Terrible, and hasnt been defeated in combat. Head north, into what appears to be a small casino. The woman sitting by the blackjack table says that she likes this game. The male server (wearing a green cap and matching green uniform) asks you if you would like a cocktail. Doesnt he look an awful lot like Darryl from Candar? Well, anyway. The man sitting by the other blackjack table (who also looks like Darryl) says that hes winning. The female server (the only other person whos moving) also asks you if you want a cocktail. Toward the northern edge, a man facing west says that hes out of money. It looks more like hes gazing at the nude (albeit heavily pixilated and cant see anything) painting! The other guy, looking out of the window doesnt say anything. He appears to be deep in thought. Better leave him alone. Well, theres nothing else of interest here until we get strong enough to maybe be able to fight in the coliseum, so head back outside. Head north. The merchant standing just above the oasis is selling spices, urns, and jewelry. You dont have any practical use for any of these so Talia wont bother to engage in a business transaction with him. A man with a black robe (standing near a nice looking double-headed axe) sells weapons. He will purchase your excess inventory. By all means sell your rubies and diamonds! I got nearly 20000 gold from them! With that cash, I picked up the Paladin Armor for Devin (from the armor merchant to the west) and a Tanto Knife (from him) for Jack, which is only a hair stronger than the Serphent Dagger, but every bit helps! Then I was broke, having blown 20000 gold on two pieces of equipment. Oh well. Well be back, thats for sure! Well, only one more area left to explore! Further north are three more buildings. The one to the northwest is locked. A sign by the door says that its for sale. The building in the middle has an item merchant (a second one). She sells Auquifolium Grande (100% cure for everybody), which is by far the best healing item money can buy! The house to the northeast is the towns inn the Oasis Bed & Breakfast. For 199 gold (what an odd amount to charge!), you can fully rest everybody. East of the inn is a woman, who seems to have been robbed one too many times. She asks you what you want, probably expecting you to rob her. Its too bad we cant comfort her. One of the barrels is sealed, containing a Cassia Leaf. Well, thats it for Tar Vendron! Head back to your pirate ship, and to Candar. If you got hit either on the way to or from Tar Vendron, then you know that these monsters are tough and you need some heavy-duty training! Well, the Dwarf Mines has weaker monsters (than those found in Tar Vendron Desert), so lets go train! After a bit of that, well go see if we can finally pick up the Glass Key. If we can, then well go after another relic the Passion Relic. Dont worry no boss fight for the Passion Relic! Next stop, Dwarf Mines!

Chapter 19: Passion Cave

Treasure: Important: Glass Key, Passion Relic Common: Nymph Crystal, 356 gold pennies, Snow Pendant, Side quests: find the rest of the relics (Passion, Fire, Dream, Water)

Recommended Class: 41 Train in the Dwarf Mines until you reach class 42 or so. After that and I sold all of the extra equipment, I had more than 11000 gold, a good down payment on future upgrades! I stayed in the first area, going along the first path, then up the track a bit until the monsters to the south reset, then came back and wiped the four out, returning to the reset spot and repeating the process. By then, the monsters werent that difficult, but still took maybe five shots to kill. When you are finished, head back to Glass Key Cave, to see if you can finally claim the key. If you had completed everything up to now, you should be able to. When I was there, and able to claim the key, it said Your heart is pure / take this key and endure Finally! The Glass Key is ours! Now, as promised, another relic (this one is by far the easiest one of the six no boss fight). Remember that cave blocked by a ram in the snowy north? If you dont remember how to get there, ride the canoe all the way north, to the very end (or, rather, beginning) of the river. With Fredrick assuring the ram that its OK, youll gain access. The ram will move out of the way. Enter the Passion Relic Cave. First, know that this part of the cave is a one-time deal once you rescue the maiden at the end, you wont be able to go back and pick any treasure that you missed, so be sure to get it your first time here! This cave, like the Glass Key Cave, isnt all that complicated. The first thing I noticed was that this cave is quite beautiful, with crystalline walls, blue flames for light, and an overall icy feel to it. Head west, and north (though the gate). There will be a pedestal near the gate with some very strange markings on it. I havent found any use for it, so I assume that it is simply part of the background and to provide visual interest to the cave. I had initially thought that these were markers of your current floor, and as you went up/down floors, the markings would change to reflect it. However, they stay the same throughout the cave, so I believe that theyre just there. The monsters in here are the same ones as in the Glass Key Cave Purple Frogs and Evil Butterflies. Since I assume that youve already had Poison Rings equipped, I wont bother to tell you that the Poison Frogs are poisonous and to be careful if you dont have Marsh Tea or Poison Rings. At the intersection, head northwest. Two Purple Frogs and two Evil Butterflies guard a chest. Defeat them, and open the chest for a Nymph Crystal. Its the only one like it in the world, but a very good item to have. Equip it on Talia (whom I believe is the only one who can wear it). Head back southeast, to the intersection. With a bit of exploring, youll find only one more path to take, the one northwest. Take it, circling around to the end. Youll end up one floor above, and a little east of the gate. Take the cave and into the next area. In here is one, large room. Im not sure if this looks this way to you, but there were large patches of blank white spots all around the room. There isnt anything here, so head north, up the stairs. Follow the path north and into the next area. By the way, the

area next to the path (in the middle part) also had large blank spots, only they were a faded blue color. The next room is a rather large labyrinth. Its not hard to get around, since there arent too many dead ends. Simply follow my directions to clean out the treasure in one fell swoop, and move on to the next area. Head east, then north. At the intersection, head a little east, then north. Youll see a path leading west. Take the first room north. Inside is a treasure chest with 356 gold pennies in it. Head back south, then follow the path west. Oh, rats! A dead end! Backtrack, following the path east, then south. At the intersection, head east. Head south, through both gates (the path to the east (between the gates) is a dead end) and then east. Head north into the first room. Inside is a locked chest with a Snow Pendant in it. Head back south to the path, and continue going east. Head north, all the way up, and into the next room. Youre almost at the end! The next room is a U shaped cave of sorts and that looks just like the Underworld. Follow it to the end, and into the last room. Inside are two items of interest: a ball thing floating on a pedestal, and a crystal coffin. Examine the ball thing. Itll say that its a glass globe with a tiny castle inside. Next comes the coffin. O.K. This is tricky (Ive gotten quite a few questions about this part). Maybe a nice graphic should help?

I apologize for the small graphic, but thats what I can do in paint (my drawing skills are still quite primitive on the computer, but quite advanced on paper) I also dont want to bloat up the file size of this document with graphics. That coffin is a simple monochrome (black and white only) GIF taking up less than 170 bytes. Still, itll do the job, since it looks like the coffin, and you should also know what Im talking about based on my masterpiece. O.K. letters represent spots where you can examine the coffin. Only one of them is the right spot. If you examine in spots A, B, C, or F, then you get You see a glass coffin with a maiden inside. You see a tiny keyhole on the other side. If you examine the coffin on spot D, then youll get You see a glass coffin with a maiden inside. You see a tiny keyhole on your left. If you examine the coffin on spot E (the right spot), Talia will notice the tiny keyhole, and that the recently acquired Glass Key just so happens to be small enough to fit. She tries it, it works, and she unlocks the coffin, freeing the maiden. The maiden, Serenia, tells about how she got in there, then invites you to her kingdom. Out of gratitude, she hands you the Passion Relic (what? no fighting?). Dont worry the other three relics all require boss fights (well, there is an alternative to the Water Relic, but Ill get to that later).

There isnt anything in her kingdom, so leave (simply by walking to any edge). Youll find yourself at the entrance of the cave. The rams gone, probably nearly frozen to death guarding the cave all this time! Youre free to enter the cave as you please from here on out (with or without Fredrick). Well, its quite likely that the ram left for Animalville (how he got there without a canoe is beyond me). Why not head over there and see if anythings changed? You have, after all, done a good deed to an animal; they should like you for it! Visit Virginias inn first. With a little assurance from Fredrick, shell open it up for you and only charge a mere 500 gold. Thats outrageous! For five hundred gold, you can buy an Auquifolium Grande and have the same effect! Well, dont rest there. In Animalville, youll see that absolutely nothings change they are just as wary about humans now as they were before. Oh well. Maybe someday you can change their mind! O.K., what next? Were still too weak for the Fire Relic, Water Relic, or Dream Relic, as well as the coliseum. We got to train a whole lot, then! But first, why not take a cruise on the pirate ship and see what kind of merit quests we can do next?

Chapter 20: Curse of the Black Witch

Treasure: Important: Lock of Hair, Green Ribbon, Strands of Gavails Hair, Rotwart Moss Common: 400 gold Side quests: find the rest of the relics (Fire, Dream, Water), find the owner of the lock of hair, show the old man the ribbon Recommended Class: 42 Remember that dock I told you to ignore (it was in the snowy north)? Well, head back there. Its southeast of Mysten Far. Dock and youll see that its not a tiny village but rather a single house. Head inside, to find an old man living there, all alone. Talk to him and hell say that hes looking for his lost love. Hell ask you if you travel the world, and youll say that you do. Hell give you a lock of hair belonging to his love. He asks you to give it to the person who recognizes it. Without trying to ruin the fun of guessing, youll need to head over to Elden, then to the woman living in a cave far off in the middle of nowhere. Show her the lock of hair, and shell recognize it as hers. She thinks that youve found her lost love, but wants to make sure. Shell give you a green ribbon that she wore long ago, and tells you to go show it to the man who gave you the lock of hair. Head back to the old mans house, and show him the Green Ribbon. Hell recognize it as the one belonging to his lost love. Hell disappear, on his way to his love (how he gets there without a ship is quite interesting). Search the barrels in his house. One of them has 400 gold in it. Talia makes a comment that its probably his life savings. Well, hes abandoned his building, as well as his loot! Too bad we cant take the house and sell it to somebody Youve earned a merit point for reuniting the lost lovers. O.K. Get on your ship and head east. Youll come across a tiny island with a port and a spiral tower in the center. Mountains surround the tower on all sides but the front. Dock

and head inside the tower. Youll find a retired treasure hunter who lives there, Hepbert. Hes acquired quite a few rare treasures over the years of his treasure hunting. Talia immediately eyes a mirror. Hepbert says that its one of his most valuable possessions. Talia wants it, but the Hepbert wont give it up or sell it for any price. Maybe if you brought something equally valuable and offered a trade? If you try to take it, Hepbert will reach for his blade, with a threatening look. Apparently, he really cherishes this mirror! Well, head back outside. Remember to keep an eye on something as extraordinary as Hepberts truth mirror. Head back to Witchwood, and see what those witches are up to. Youll find that nothings changed, but there are two feuding witches who want revenge on each other Hilda and Gavail. Each one will reward you with a curse if you help them put a hex on the other. You will lose merit points for helping the witches out, since youre not doing good deeds, but bad ones. However, since weve already gotten the Glass Key (and used it), it doesnt matter. You can be as evil as you want and it wont matter! First, talk to Hilda. Shes no longer wanting to get revenge on her lover Darryl for hexing her, but wants to put a hex on Gavail. Helping feuding witches with their hexes is usually not a good idea, since things can easily get out of control. However, why not take a chance and do it anyway? Hilda wants a lock of Gavails hair for her hex. Head to Gavails house (to the south), and youll find her conveniently sleeping (usually shes awake). Take a few strands of her hair, and bring them back to Hilda. Shell thank you, and hand you a Decay Curse for your reward. Youll lose a merit point for cutting Gavails hair, however. Now head back down and talk to Gavail. Shes awake and irritated at Hilda for hexing her. She wants revenge. And so begins the cycle of revenge. She asks you to get her some rotwart for her hex. Head northeast, to the grave that you couldnt dig (even with a shovel). Theres a tree nearby with a crow in it, as well as a cat wondering about. Talia will decide to dig there, and youll find the rotwart moss. Bring it back to Gavail, and shell thank you, handing you a Hemlock Shower Curse for your reward. Head back north to Hildas house and see what the hexes did. Hilda says that her skin is starting to rot, and wants revenge! She doesnt ask you for help this time. Shell probably do it herself. Actually, its a good idea to say out of the way of feuding witches with their hexes and curses! I sold both curses for a total of 1600 gold. Or you can learn them, if you like. Refer to the spells section toward the end of this guide for more information on what the two curses do, e.g. casting cost. Well, lets see. Whats next? By now, you should be around class 44, and probably strong enough to take on the monsters in Tar Vendron. For your convenience, Ive listed the stats/equipment of my party for you to compare (note: I dont have the best equipment, since I never have enough cash): Talia: Health 495/495 Devin: Health 497/497

Mana 351/351 Attack 288 Defense 428 Helmet Fury Turban Shield Iron Shield Armor Plate Armor Weapon Iron Staff Trinket Nymph Crystal Fredrick: Health 484/484 Mana 00/00 Attack 335 Defense 363 Helmet Chain Helmet Shield Iron Shield Armor Plate Armor Weapon Animal Sword Trinket Poison Ring

Mana 105/105 Attack 460 Defense 481 Helmet Chain Helmet Shield Unholy Shield Armor Paladin Armor Weapon Templar Sword Trinket Poison Ring Jack: Health 446/446 Mana 00/00 Attack 251 Defense 329 Helmet Chain Helmet Shield Iron Shield Armor Plate Armor Weapon Tanto Knife Trinket Poison Ring

Gold: 9114 Items: Auquifolium x20, Myrica Infusion x2, Holy Tonic x2 Next stop, Tar Vendron Desert for training!

Chapter 21: Tar Vendron Desert

Treasure: Important: none Common: Distillate of Alnus, War Hammer, Disruption Ring, Lightning Ring Side quests: find the rest of the relics (Fire, Dream, Water) Recommended Class: 44 O.K. The last time we were here, it was a quick in and out to bring the skeleton home, claiming his treasure on the way. This time, now that were a little stronger, well take these monsters on. The Sand Scorpions inflict Critical Poison, so either carry lots of Marsh Tea or simply equip Poison Rings on everyone (Nymph Crystal on Talia). From the entrance of the desert, head northwest. In the corner is a treasure chest with a Distillate of Alnus in it. The main path I follow to train here is to follow the path toward Tar Vendron, then back toward the pier. Ill go back and forth, killing the monsters I see. The Sand Scorpions are slightly easier than the Evil Roadrunners, which have a small chance of inflicting a critical hit on you (200-300 HP damage). Heres some conventions that I follow when training: I keep my health at or above 75%, and heal when necessary. I also save right after I heal my party. By now, Talias Heal Minor spell has long since become obsolete, and I dont even bother with it. Instead, use Auquifolium whenever it will heal 300 or more health (300 should be around 75% of your health at this time). Dont bother with any other healing items,

since they either cost more or dont heal as much. Auquifoliums are the best overall (and most economical) healing item. Always carry a good supply (20-30) of them. Compared to the monsters in the Dwarf Mines, the ones here give more experience and gold. It wasnt long before I had enough cash to buy Talia a Fury Turban and Tivanna Robe. However, even with the gold that the Sand Scorpions and Evil Roadrunners drop, the Dragon Scale Shields are simply too expensive. Well, nows a good time for some more detailed information on the two monsters. The Sand Scorpion drops gold and Poison Stingers. The Poison Stingers can inflict Critical Poison on an enemy, but the damage done by the poison by the time you kill the monster is 40-50 at the most. Considering that the monsters have a couple of thousand HP, its not worth it. Unfortunately, you can only sell them for five gold. The Evil Roadrunners, like Ive mentioned before, can inflict a critical hit on you. Jack dies if he gets hit twice like this. The Evil Roadrunners are slightly tougher than the Sand Scorpions. They drop meat (it says Roadrunner Legs) and gold (sometimes both). The meat is by far not enough to keep you going, so dont rely on them. Its probably better to simply sell them. Keep training on the monsters until you reach class 44-46. At that time, youll be strong enough to take on the stronger monsters in this area. When youve reached this point, youre ready for the upper part of the desert (the second floor, not the northern part). From Tar Vendrons entrance, head south, crossing the bridge. Head east. When you see a way to go south, head south. Its to the west of the oasis that had the skeletons treasure. Circle around to the end of the path, and take the stairs up. This is what Im talking about when I say the upper part the second floor. Two new monsters here Salamanders and Bull Demons. The Salamanders are pretty tough, and always drop a single Salamander Skin. The Bull Demons are really tough (they can kill Jack in one shot), but drop Hammers, Plate Armors or around 500 gold. Dont try to take them on until you reach class 47 or 48 or youll regret it! Be sure to kill as many Salamanders as you can, collecting the Salamander Skins. Dont pick up more than 12, however. Ill tell you why later on. Head west, past the Sand Scorpion stuck in the bush, and across the bridge. Head northwest, north, and northeast at the split. The path doesnt split again, so follow it to the end. At the very end (youll pass Tar Vendron to the south on the lower level and a waterfall a little later on), youll find a locked treasure chest with a War Hammer in it. Head back to the spit, and take it northwest. Head north, to the top of the map. Next to a waterfall is a treasure chest with a Disruption Ring in it. Im not sure what it does, so I simply sold it. Head south, and down the stairs. In this area is a huge lake, and a bridge to the west. Head south a bit, and next to a tree is a treasure box with a Lightning Ring in it. Either circle around the lake, or take the bridge west to the next area. Head north to the end of the path. Youll see a cave. Head inside. A hermit woman lives here, and will buy your Salamander Skins for 50 gold each (a good thing, too, since nobody else will!) I only had 11 at the time, but youll need to sell her a

total of 12 before shell make the Salamander Skin Armor and sell it to you for 12,000 gold (you didnt think shed give you enough cash from the Salamander Skins to be able to purchase the Salamander Skin Armor from her, did you?). After she sells you the Salamander Skin Armor, the Salamander Skin count resets, so sell her only 12 skins at a time. Be sure to pick one up, and give it to Jack, who so desperately needs a defense boost. When I finally did that, he had about 475 defense, while everybody else had 500575. Jack is still short on defense, even with the Salamander Skin Armor, but it sure helps. I didnt have the cash to buy the armor, but did have an awful lot of equipment that I picked up from killing Bull Demons. Head back to Tar Vendron and sell your excess inventory. When I did that, I had nearly 35,000 gold! You should have at least enough to pick up a Salamander Armor (which takes priority over giving Devin and Fredrick a Dragon Scale Shield or Talia the Fury Turban and Tivanna Robe). With a little more training, you should be able to earn enough gold to upgrade Talias equipment (the two items I mentioned earlier, the Fury Turban and the Tivanna Robe), as well as a Dragon Scale Shield for both Devin and Fredrick. By this time, you should be around class 48 or 49, strong enough for a coliseum fight. Head to Tar Vendrons coliseum, and prepare for a fight! By the way, if you dont have Jack in your party, or you handed him to the authorities in Thais, then skip the first part in the next chapter, the part about the fight in the coliseum, and start where it begins from the entrance to Tar Vendron (on the way to the Fire Cave).

Chapter 22: Fire Cave

Treasure: Important: Fire Relic Common: Charmed Dagger, Auquifolium, Fire Amulet, meat, Auquifolium Grande, Flame Sword, Dragon Scale Armor Side quests: find the rest of the relics (Fire, Dream, Water) Recommended Class: 48 Head downstairs and talk the black-haired pigtailed girl wearing a red uniform and a white headband, Vel. Shes in the first cell from the right. Shell want your help getting out. Jackll recognize her as an old friend who disappeared a while back. Jack and Vel will chat for a bit, catching up on old times. When theyre finished, Vel will ask you to take her place in the arena. Do so, and a guard will come in and haul you off to the coliseum. This will be the one and only time you can fight in here, so enjoy it! Four monsters are dropped in. You should recognize one as a Bull Demon. Since you dont see the other three monsters anywhere else, I wont bother to give them a name (like I usually do). Tackle them one at a time, ignoring the others. Immediately examine the corpses, then take on the next one. The black dog thing drops a Charmed Dagger. Be sure to pick that up (you might want to fight it first to ensure that you dont miss it). When you clean out all four monsters (youll probably need to use two or three Auquifoliums), then Velll be free to go.

Head back outside, and youll see Vel outside the coliseum. Talk to her, and shell offer to take Jack with her. Refuse the offer, since his Charmed Dagger makes him a valuable (and powerful) member of the team. When you equip Jack with the Charmed Dagger, youll see that hes now the strongest one of all! He does three times the damage as Talia, and twice that of either Fredrick or Devin. Thats it, for the coliseum, so head back out of Tar Vendron. ===== End of the coliseum part ===== First, make sure that youve got a good supply of Auquifolium, even more than usual. I had sixty, and nearly used them all by the time I was finished with the Fire Cave! Also be sure to bring along a dozen or so Cassia Leaves, since the monsters here are a bit too strong, and will most likely kill you, a lot. Try to give both Devin and Fredrick a Dragon Scale Shield, since that protects against fire (fire, Fire Cave), as well as Jack with the Salamander Skin Armor. From the entrance of Tar Vendron, head south, across the bridge. Head east a bit, then south when you get the chance. Head up the stairs to the upper part of the desert. Head west, past the Sand Scorpion, and across the bridge. Head southwest, then west. Climb the narrow stairs, then head northwest. The cave you see is the Fire Cave. Heal your party (use an Auquifolium Grande to make it easy), and save, then head inside. Its quite dark inside, and two new monsters show up. The blob-looking ones are Red Slimes. They are quite poisonous, so be sure to equip the Nymph Crystal on Talia and Poison Rings on everybody else. The red demon things are Fire Demons. Both monster drop lots of gold and valuable equipment. This place is, in my opinion, the best place to train. Youll see why toward the end of the chapter. Climb the stairs down, and head inside the cave nearby. Inspect the bones for an Auquifolium. Head back out, and down the stairs. Head in the nearby cave. Inspect the bones (see a pattern here?) for a Fire Amulet. If you were to head west, up the stairs, and into the cave thats just west of the entrance, youd find that theres nothing inside. So, instead head south across the bridge to the second half of this area. Youll see lava on either side, with a path leading off to the south. Follow it to the next area. Head east and up the stairs. Cross the bridge north, and keep going north. Head west and into the cave. Inspect the bones for a ham (meat). Head back outside, east, and south. Cross the bridge, and head east, across that bridge. Head a little northeast and north across the stairs. Head a little northwest and north across the bridge to the next area. Along the way, youll pass the area you got the meat below. The next area has two new monsters Fire Elementals and Flaming Bats. Both like to use a fire attack (exclusively, if Im not mistaken), so equip Charmed Necklaces and Fire Amulets. It seems like the Fire Amulets dont work as well as the Charmed Necklaces, but use both and see what works better. The fire-resistant armor helps a lot here! You may recall, a while back, that you had the opportunity to purchase an Ice Sword. Well, wouldnt an ice sword work well in a fire cave, since theyre opposite elements?

Well, yes. The problem is that the Ice Swords damage isnt as high as the Templar Sword, despite the bonus damage from the ice. Anyway, back to the tour. Head west at the intersection, and follow the path to the end. A treasure box there contains an Auquifolium Grande (full heal on everybody). Head back east, then north. Head east across the bridge, and go north. Head west across the bridge and north at the intersection. Follow the path to the end to find a treasure chest with a Ruby Shield in it! Its resistant to fire, but not as good as the Dragon Scale Shield. Equip it if you dont have a Dragon Scale Shield (its a big improvement over Devins Unholy Shield, thats for sure). Head back, past the intersection, and go east, crossing the bridge. Keep going east and cross the next bridge. Head north, then east to the next area. Take the first set of stairs north (they go up the cliffs quite a bit), then take the next set of stairs further north. Head inside the cave and examine the bones for a Poison Ring. Head back down both sets of stairs to the bottom, and head east to the edge. Climb the stairs, and go inside the cave. Examine the bones for two diamonds! Head back out, and down the stairs. Climb the stairs to the west (the middle set of stairs, relative to this bottom floor). Head inside the cave between the stairs and the bridge. Inspect the bones for a Flame Sword. This may sound obvious, but dont use the flame sword in the Fire Cave, even though its twice as strong as the Templar Sword. Again, the fire-resistant monsters here will take less damage from the Fire Sword than it would with the Templar Sword. However, use the Fire Sword once you leave Tar Vendron Desert (the monsters in the desert are also fire-resistant). Keep the Templar Sword so you can switch between them for a more effective attack. There isnt anything to the north, so cross the bridge east, then across the second bridge to the next area. Youll notice that your health & mana bars are gone, indicating that this is a town (or, at the least, a monster-free area). The dragon with orange wings says that no human has ever came this far and left alive (which is where the skeleton bones you got the treasure came from). What an ominous thing to say! Well, we dont intending on dying in here, do we? Go inside the first cave (from the right). Inside lives a dragon historian. Be sure to avoid walking on the orangish ground fire-hot coals will hurt your party. Exit, and head to the next cave. Inside lives Dragher, who says that hes lost his fire. I assume that means his ability to breathe fire, not his courage. Head back out, and talk to the blue dragon to the north. Hell say that youre brave for making it this far into the mountain (Fire Cave). Head north, across the bridge. Talk to the purple dragon, and hell ask you if youve come to become a Dragon Lord. Perhaps this is another magic guild? Hmm Head inside the first cave (from the right). Inside is the Dragon Lord, wholl test your ability to join the Dragon Lord guild. Dont do it until youve seen the fifth (and final) guild before you make up our mind. Exit, and go inside the next cave (from the right). There are dragon statues near the entrance. Inside lives the Dragon King, Lehvus. Hell ask you what business you have here, and youll say that youre looking for the Fire

Relic. Lehvusll laugh, saying that HEs the Fire Relic. That probably means that youll have to kill him in order to get the relic. Hell ask you if you know anything about the history of dragons, and youll say no. Theres something in the history of dragons that you need to know before you can challenge him. Head back out, and into the last cave. Inside lives a lightning dragon (I like the effect the white has on his skin!). Exit, and talk to the dragon historian. Ask him about the Fire Relic, and hell give you a lecture. Sleep through it, then save and heal your party. Now go take on the Dragon King. Hes tough, and will probably beat you the first time. It took me a few tries, even though I was at class 53 at the time! Keep at it, and youll eventually win. When you do, youll obtain the Fire Relic, as well as his Dragon Scale Armor. Equip the armor on Devin (Jack and Talia cant wear it, and Devin had less defense than Fredrick at the time) or Fredrick if hes got the smaller defensive value. Fredrick will also learn the dragon form to shapeshift into. Change into a dragon, and go fight. Youll love the nova spell he casts, dealing heavy duty damage! It is by far better than his lion shape. Hes even stronger than Jack with his Charmed Dagger! Head back to Draghars cave (the one whos lost his fire) and let him use the Fire Relic to get it back. You wont lose Fire Relic, so dont worry. When youre finished, head back out of the Fire Cave, relishing in your victory over the Dragon King. I dont know about you, but I was tingling for quite a while! Head over to Tar Vendron and sell your excess inventory, then replenish your supplies. When I had sold all of my extra inventory, I had more than 70,000 gold! With this wealth (see why I like the Fire Cave as my favorite spot to train?), I upgraded everybodys equipment. Devins defense skyrocketed to more than 700! Four relics down, two to go. Well, what to do next? How about visiting Thais? You havent been there in a while. Lets go there and see whats new.

Chapter 23: Detective Talia and the Case of Sir Tevad's Death

Treasure: Important: none Common: none Side quests: find the Dream and Water Relics, prove the maids innocence, take care of the hunter Recommended Class: 54 Head up to the upper part of Thais, where the noble's live. Head south of the locked "U" shaped building, and into the house to the west of the fountain. When you get there, you'll notice that somebody got stabbed, and a group of people are next to the body, talking. Talia will automatically move over there, and ask what's going on. The maid says, between sobs, that somebody has murdered her master. Doesn't the bloody body look an *awful* lot like Jack? Pretend that it's not its Sir Tevad. The Constable immediately has the maid arrested, accusing her of the murder. The maid is speechless. Talia asks what evidence the Constable has that the maid did it. The

Constable says that she was there at the time of the murder, so that must mean that she's guilty. Isn't it a good thing that justice doesn't work that way? Well, in order for the Constable to let the innocent maid go, you'll have to find evidence that proves her innocence (such as who really did it, and evidence to prove that). He shoos you off, saying that this is the city's problem, not yours. Well, I have a problem with them blaming an innocent maid simply because she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. An apothecary (basically a chemist) in front of the Constable says that the man was poisoned. Surely the maid didn't have access to poison! Talk to the maid, and she will adamantly assert her innocence, saying that "I didn't do it!". Head upstairs, keeping a sharp eye out for clues to this "whodunit". Lady Theresa is crying, weeping at the loss of her beloved husband. Does she have motive? Not really. She loved her husband, and didn't have any reason to poison him. Wonder about the rooms and you'll see that the only thing that's different is a piece of paper next to a quill on a desk in a back room of the bedroom on the lower left part of the floor (dang, thats a lot of prepositional phrases, isnt it?). Examine it, and you'll see that there were a few people owed Sir Tevad money. Sir Pellad owes him a considerable sum, and it's past due. It also says that Sir Pelled's estate is to be confiscated if he doesn't pay the debt today. That gives Sir Pellad motive. Well, out of the entire city, the only person with any motive to murder Sir Tevad is Sir Pellad. Head back downstairs, and out of the house. Talk to Sir Palled, who seems to be saddened by Sir Tevad's murder. He claims that he was like a brother to him, or even closer. Riiiiight. Speaking of poison, didn't we run into a poison merchant in the pub, the Golden Boar Tavern? He was wearing a brown robe, if I remember. Head down to the pub, and ask him about any recent customers that he's had. It's quite likely that he sold the poison to the person who murdered Sir Tevad. The poison merchant will mention that business has been slow, but a nobleman purchased some poison to take care of a rodent problem. Ask him what that person looked like. His description of his customer matches Sir Pellad's description. Head back to Sir Tevad's mansion, and tell the Constable about what you've found. It's not much, but the evidence so far seems to point to Sir Pellad. The Constable orders the soldiers to search Sir Palled's estate. The guards return shortly, saying that they found a suspicious vial. The apothecary recognizes it as a vial that held poison, the same poison that killed Sir Tevad. The Constable orders the soldiers to let the maid go, and to arrest Sir Pellad. He also orders the body be removed. When the Constable, chemist, and soldier leave, the maid simply stands there. She is probably shaking with fear, and says that her life won't be the same without her master. Youll also earn a merit point for your work in proving the maids innocence.

By the way, if you talked to the Constable while you only examined Sir Tevad's records or talked to the poison merchant, then the Constable will say that you don't have enough evidence to go after a nobleman. Be sure to do both before you talk to the Constable. Well, another case solved by the famous Detective Talia! Head back outside, and you'll notice that Sir Pellad is gone. What to do next? Head over to Animalville, and see what you can do about the hunter (the guy pretending to be a bird). Talk to the mayor, and tell him about the hunter pretending to be a bird. The mayor says that the "bird" looked too strange to be a bird and wants you to kill him. Talk to the hunter, and he'll say that he'll pay you 500 gold to kill the mayor. Well, even though the mayor isn't offering you any reward, kill the hunter anyway. The animals here want to be left in piece, not hunted. You can't examine the hunter's corpse (probably because he was a human, not a monster). Talk to the mayor and he'll be as stiff-necked as ever toward humans. He doesn't even acknowledge your good deed! Oh well. Maybe Animalville is doomed to distrust humans for all eternity! Youll lose a merit point for killing the mayor. O.K. Whats next? How about a new continent to explore? Head back to the dock by Thais and hug the shoreline south until you get to the dock by Seafall Shrine. Then head east until you come to a new continent. Dock by the desert (the southern part of the continent), and youll find yourself in some sort of a bazaar.

Chapter 24: Venwood

Treasure: Important: none Common: Apple, Grapes Side quests: find the Dream and Water Relics Recommended Class: 54 A sealed vat near the canoe has five apples in it. Head past the two people standing in the way (who are haggling over a box of pears) and read the sign (next to the sheet on the clothesline flowing in the breeze): Tulzine Bazaar. Of the three stands here, two of them are open for business. The first one is just north of the sign. Buckets of fish sit near the merchant, indicating that hes a fish merchant. Read the sign next to him, and itll confirm it. He sells you fish at 25 gold a piece, just like Tucker did. However, since the fish only heal 50 HP, theyre not worth it they have long since become obsolete. Northeast of the fish merchant is another stand where exotic fruits are available for sale. The merchant doesnt have anything real exotic. Devin will ask him where his exotic fruits are. He says that hes run out, and that youll have to wait until the next shipment arrives. Maybe this exotic fruit will be enough for Hepbert to trade for the mirror? Neither merchant here will buy your excess inventory, although you shouldnt have any at the moment. Head northwest (of the exotic fruit merchant), and north to the next area.

Youll find yourself in a forested area with two new monsters: the Tar Man and Forest Centaurs. Both arent too bad, after the monsters in the Fire Cave, although youll need lots of Auquifolium to heal yourself. Both also drop various fruits and gold. They also give about the same experience as the Salamanders, but are harder to kill. However, with Fredrick as a dragon, Jack with his Charmed Dagger, and Devin with his Flame Sword, they dont take long to defeat. Head north, and northeast at the intersection. Head north some more, and youll end up in the elven city of Venwood (the sign in front marks the entrance to the city). Head north, just past the sign, and into the item shop. The merchant there will have a large inventory of items for sale, catagorized into three types. Be sure to check out all three types to see what kinds of wares he has. Head back out, and go east and into the weapon shop. The weapon merchant isnt there. Instead, a note is on the table explaining that hes out sick for the day and to come back tomorrow (which means later in the game, not after a rest in the inn). You will want to come back later with lots of cash because his inventory is quite superior to your current equipment, if expensive. Head back out, and go west. The elf near the entrance asks you if youve been to their library, the oldest in all the kingdoms. Head inside the building. Inside lives an elf who says that its dangerous to go outside at night. Perhaps there is a wild animal that is harassing the people in this village? Head back outside, and go north the intersection. Follow the path past the park bench, and to the black statue. Examine the black statue, and youll find out that its a statue of King Loniel. Upon closer inspection, youll find that its not a statue of King Loniel, but King Loniel himself, frozen. The blonde elf nearby is a beggar. He wants 5000 gold that he says will help him find food and lodgings for the next few days. Its a lot of money, but give it to him anyway. Talk to him again, and youll see that hes blown it getting drunk. Oh well, at least you tried! You still earn a merit point for your efforts, though. The green-haired elven child says that youre big (actually, shes small, but anyway). Head west at the intersection below the statue. Youll find the towns inn here, where you can rest for 500 gold. The elf outside the Inn says that something is coming out at night, terrorizing the villagers. Well, two elves have mentioned it, so there has to be some truth to it. Maybe this something is a problem for you to solve? A sidequest, perhaps? Head back out, and then go west. Youll find the towns library here, marked with a sign near the entrance. Inside are plenty of books to read, as well as a blonde elf, Lydia. She says to be quiet because the books are sleeping. Tiptoe back outside (dont want to wake up the sleeping books, do we?), and head north, past the statue. Here are two buildings, one directly north of the statue, and one to the northeast. Head inside the building to the north first. Inside lives an elf that says that elves descended from an ancient, noble race. Head back out, and head east. The woman near the building says that she traveled the world when she was young, and that shes now 639 years old. Obviously elves dont age quite like other races! Head inside the house. Inside live two

elves, a child and an adult woman. The child is surprised to see a real live human!. The elven adult suggests that you go visit the queen, who likes to hear about he goings-on in the world. Be sure to read the note on the table in the northwest part of the house. Its a letter address to Lydia, describing the death of an elf from this nocturnal creature and that a clue mightve been found in the library, and a meeting has been called tonight. Head back out, and go west, northwest, then north to the next area. Youll find yourself outside a large castle, probably belonging to the queen. The black-haired elf is surprised to see humans here. Apparently, they dont have too many visitors! Head inside the castle. The blonde elf near the entrance will describe how the castle was centuries ago, filled with laughter and full of life, and that now its all quiet and empty. Head north, following the purple carpeted path. At the top of the room sits a beautiful whitish blue-haired elf on a throne. Talk to her, and she introduces herself as the queen of Venwood, Queen Vlissre. Ask her about recent news, and shell tell you that her son, Prince Lahr, has recently fallen ill to some strange disease, and that her kingdom has become possessed by some strange magic. Ask her about the elves, and shell give you a little information about the elven race in general. Ask her about the Golden Statue (that we havent seen yet) to the south, and shell say that it blocks the entrance to the Fairy Kingdom, and that only the Fairy Key will grant you access. Shell also mention that the fairies rely on the elves to protect them from the world, and that they are rarely seen outside the forest. Apparently, there is a pull that comes from the forest that keeps them there (sort of like the Wingleys in The Legend of the Dragoon). Head south, and take the western set of stairs down to the lower floor. Youll find Princess Bette, Prince Lahrs sister. She says that her mom is worried about her brother. Head a little north, and search the vat next to the bed for an apple. Keep going north, and youll find Prince Lahr. He says that he hasnt been feeling well lately, and that sometimes he finds himself in the forest but doesnt know how he got there. Maybe hes this something that has been terrorizing the villagers at night? Whatever illness Prince Lahr has, it might be responsible for the recent attacks. To his west is a tiny library, which has information about Love Charms and Soul Amulets, although they say pretty much the same thing as the description youll read when you select the items in your inventory. The Love Charm makes the monster fall in love with you (itll simply follow you like a lost puppy). Im not sure about the Soul Amulet. Whenever I used it, it killed that character instead of doing something to the monster. Head back south, and up the stairs. Head east, and take the other set of stairs down to the lower floor. Search the sealed barrel next to the entrance for some grapes (one unit). The elf to your west is happy to have guests. The black-haired elf to the north (near the dining table) is Ophilia, and says that something has been attacking the villagers at night.

Well, thats three accounts of nighttime attacks, so there is definitely something happening at night! What (or who) is responsible for these attacks? These nighttime attacks are apparently a big problem for the people of Venwood! Leave the castle, and when you try to leave for town, night will fall. Nows your opportunity to check out this problem of theirs, and maybe help them out!

Chapter 25: Werewolves in London

Treasure: Important: Strange Book, Library Key, Silver Chain, Fairy Key Common: Soul Amulet Side quests: find the Dream and Water Relics, put the necklace around the werewolfs neck Recommended Class: 55 If you try to go inside any of the buildings, youll find that theyre locked from the inside, an obvious defense against this nighttime creature that has been terrorizing the villagers. This creature is, thankfully, nowhere to be found. The only unlocked building is the one with the note. Head inside, and youll find a small group of elves huddled around the fireplace. This is apparently the meeting that was called in the letter. Talk to the elves, and theyll tell you about their plan. One elf, Tailor, seems to be the leader. He asks for a volunteer to head over to the library, and retrieve a mythical book that is supposed to help them with their problem. Volunteer to go (itll be the only choice), but watch out! The creature is out, and hes fast! If he touches you, its instant death! Dont even try to fight him, or youll lose every time (you wont even get a chance to attack him). The Winged Sandles help here, but theyre not necessary. When you see the creature, run (toward the library, unless hes coming from that way). He looks like a werewolf. Maybe the moonlight is causing him to go crazy every night? Anyway, if this werewolf is in your way (of getting to the library), lure him toward the statue, and circle around him, then to the library. Before you go, Tailor will give you the key to the library (its south of here). Skirt around, and hurry to the library. Quickly examine the door, and youll unlock it and slip inside. A beam of moonlight is shining through the window to the west, along with a book. Pick up the book, and bring it back to the house. Again, dont get caught by the werewolf, or its game over! I dont know about you, but my heart was pounding like mad whenever I got into the library, only barely escaping the clutches of the werewolf. It was an awesome feeling that I dont experience too often, like watching a good horror movie. When I made the mad dash back to the house, my heart was pounding even harder. I barely made it both times! Im glad that there isnt another spot like this in the game, but at the same time saddened that Ill never experience it again unless I load the game later on just to do it again, and again. This is one of the few times that I saved in a different spot, and dont overwrite it so I can go back whenever I want and do this all over again. Anyway, give the book to Tailor, wholl open it. Its written in a strange language, but Lydia can read it. The book has a little information relevant to this current predicament.

Inside the book is a silver chain, which is supposed to go around the werewolfs neck. Nobody volunteers to do the job, so volunteer (its the only choice, once again). Arent you lucky that you get to do all the life-threatening jobs? Now, instead of running away from the werewolf, youre going to run toward the him. It seems like the werewolf is running away from you this time, probably knowing that hes about to get caught and that his days are over. Simply examine the werewolf, and youll slip the chain around the neck before he kills you. With some nice animation, the werewolf changes (permanently, this time) into Prince Lahar. The Prince is dazed and confused, not knowing how or why hes here. Youll escort him to the castle, where his mom will put him up in bed. By solving this mystery and helping the villagers of Venwood, you earn a merit point. Talk to the queen, and shell thank you for saving her son. Out of gratitude, shell grant you one request. Talia will tell her of your quest for obtaining all six relics to form Agea, when Devin says that he doesnt like sharing their secret mission to other people. Talia says that she trusts the queen. The blood runs from the queens face when Talia mentions the word Agea, fear evident in her features. The queen asks what do we want with something that should be forgotten. Talia says that she needs the relics to form Agea and have a chance on stopping Ahrimans Prophecy from coming to pass. Talia will also tell the queen that she suspects the fairies are guarding one of the relics, and that we need access past the Golden Statue to obtain it. The queen confirms Talias suspicions, and says that the fairies do indeed guard one of the six relics. She reluctantly hands you the Fairy Key, which hangs from her neck on a necklace. She tells you to go see the fairy queen and ask to see the dreamer. If you look at the description of the Fairy Key, it says A key to the fairy relm. The alternate spelling of realm as relm (I assume) is intentional, like Serphent Sword/Serphent Dagger (serpent) and the Collegium of War and Magick (magic). The Fairy Kingdom has two parts to it, and youll need lots of Auquifolium. Be sure to increase your inventory to at least 50 or 60 of them, as well as 10 or 20 Auquifolium Grandes. The weapon merchant, unfortunately, is still sick. Rest up, save, and leave Venwood. Before we enter the kingdom of the fairies, we still need to explore the other half of Venwood Forest. Exit Venwood, and head south. At the intersection, head northwest at the intersection. Head northwest, and when you get to the intersection by the lake, head northeast. At the very top of the map is a treasure chest with a Soul Amulet in it, the only treasure in this whole forest. You can explore the rest, but theres nothing else here, but more monsters. It might be beneficial to explore a little bit and find the western entrance to Venwood Forest. The next stop is that golden statue the queen told us about. Head south, past the lake, and then southeast. Head west at the intersection (the bazaar is to the south), and youll see the golden statue. Its quite large, and depicts a robed woman with wings and a sword.

Examine the statue, and youll use the Fairy Key to open it. Youll have access to the Fairy Kingdom for the rest of the game (indicated by the statue disappearing it wont come back). Ready for the Fairy Forest? Head inside.

Chapter 26: Faiara

Treasure: Important: none Common: Tinctura Hypericum Side quests: find the Dream and Water Relics Recommended Class: 56 There are two monsters here, both of which have (literally) thousands of HP. Theyre also very strong, and will knock you out fast. Ignore everything, and come back later to train (when youve reached class 60 or so). They are the ULTIMATE things to train on, since they drop diamonds and rubies! The Evil Sparklers are the ones that look sparkly and change color (to tell the difference between them and the passive ones that simply follow you). Theyre the ones that drop the gemstones. The Dark Sprite, you may remember seeing before. You faced one as a boss fight during your visit to the Haunted Village. They only drop cash, but it could be as much as 2400 gold! Head west, north, then east. When you see a dirt path (a very small dirt path) leading into the trees. Follow it. Youll end up in the fairy town of Faiara. Talk to the first fairy, and shell warn against eating the mushrooms of the forest, unless you want to sleep for 1000 years. Its never a good idea to eat wild mushrooms anywhere! Head inside the purple mushroom house. The fairy inside says that the fairy queen lives under the waterfall. Head back outside. Head a little west, and talk to the yellow-winged fairy. Shell ask you how you got here. Head west, and into the blue mushroom house. The fairy inside says that fairies cant say away from the forest too long, because it calls them back. Head back out, and then go west. Head inside the half-hidden, two-storied purple mushroom house. Check the vat for a Tinctura Hypericum, the only treasure in this village. The fairy here suggests that you talk to Nino, who lived with humans for a while. The sparkly thing will teleport you to the upstairs, which doesnt have anything of interest in it. Head back out, and take the stairs to the second floor of Faiara. Talk to the blue-winged fairy, who says that they stay away from the human world and feel that their forest is safer. Head inside the door. Follow the strange path to the end. A lone fairy sits there, an Enchanter. Talk to her, and shell tell you the same thing the other guildmasters told you. Challenge her and win and youll join the Enchanters guild. This is the fifth and final guild. Now that youve seen all five, you can make up your mind as to which one you would like to join. Head back out, and then go east. Talk to the white winged fairy, Nino. Shell ask you what part of the world youre from. You tell her that youre from Elden, and shell say that her stay with humans was in Elden. She says that she took a husband, and had a child. She tried to stay, but the pull of the forest was too much. Youll find out how

Ninos related to Talia. Nino tells you to leave as soon as possible, because the longer you stay in the forest, the harder it is to leave, until you cant. Head inside Ninos house. There isnt anything on the first floor. Take the sparkly teleporter to the second floor. Talk to the orange-haired fairy, Sija, and shell say that the fairy children are missing. It sounds like a sidequest! Read the red book on the table for some information on the whereabouts of the missing children, and who the fairies suspect did it. Head back outside, west, and down the stairs. Head east, to the waterfall, and go inside the second door from the waterfall. Inside is an item merchant with various items for sale. She wont purchase your excess inventory, however. Head back out, and go inside the door next to the waterfall. Head north, and talk to the first fairy. She will give your party a full heal with fairy dust for 500 gold (HP & MP). Keep going north. The fairy in the corner (by the bed) welcomes you to the queens chambers. Head east, and talk to the fairy standing in the middle of the flowers. Shell introduce herself as the queen of the fairies, and welcomes you to her kingdom. She will also tell you that she knows what you are searching for, and that youll find your answer in the Dream World (she says its the Guardian of Dreams). But first, she wants you to bring back the fairy children, and maybe then youll get onto her good side. If you do that, maybe shell let you into the Dream World. By the way, the queen has the relic, but wont give it up until you complete her two tasks (getting the children back, and helping out the Guardian of Dreams problem). Talk to her once you do, and shell give you the relic. After some consideration, Ive decided that taking out the Harpys Nest, then finishing the Guardian of Dreams is a bit too hard right now. If youve tried to fight the monsters in the Fairy Forest, then you know that theres no way you can win! What we need to do is a little training, maybe six or eight classes. Its no fun to simply fight the monsters in Venwood for days on end, so why not go after another relic instead the Water Relic. The monsters there arent that hard (for a change). All rested up, and with a full stock of supplies? All right. Next stop the Water Cave

Chapter 27: The Water Cave

Treasure: Important: Water Relic, Titans Trident Common: diamond, Auquifolium, Fury Turban, 2000 gold Side quests: find the Dream and Water Relics, find the Fairy children, gain access to the Guardian of Dreams Recommended Class: 56 From the entrance of Faiara, head west, south, southwest, and east (basically, the reverse order that you took to get here). Exit the Fairy Forest, and you'll be in Venwood Forest, right where the Golden Statue used to be. See how it's still gone? You can come and go into the Fairy Forest freely now.

Head east, north, and east through the narrow passage through the trees. Head south and southeast back to Tulzine Bazaar. Head south to your pirate ship and board it. Head east, then north, following the shoreline of Venwood's continent. Keep following the shoreline, past the dock, until you're at the northern part of the continent. You should see a very narrow, winding river with the entrance near the northern tip of the continent. Your pirate ship can squeeze along this river, although barely. Follow it to the end, where you'll see a tiny cave, the Water Cave. Examine the cave, and you'll head inside. Unlike version 1 of Ahriman's Prophecy, where you rode the pirate ship all the way through the cave, you'll navigate your way on foot, using the pirate ship to leave once you've gotten the Water Relic. There are two types of monsters inside here, Water Worms and Nagas. The Water Worms have an ugly green body with red tentacles near the mouth. The Naga look like half snakes and half blue-haired women with lavender shawls. Neither monster should pose any real threat. Both monsters, however, have a few thousand HP, so they'll take a beating before going down. Fredrick's Dragon Form deals 1700 HP damage to all nearby (about a four block radius from the target), so that helps a bunch. Jack's Charmed Dagger was dealing about 900 HP damage for me at this time, Talia doing around 350 HP damage, and Devin around 700 HP damage. Too bad Fredrick can't keep attacking by himself! He can more than take these guys out in two or three shots! To the north is a set of stairs leading down, guarded by a Water Worm. Take the stairs down, and you'll find yourself inside a small room, with a twisted path leading to a treasure chest with a diamond in it. Pick it up, and head back out. Head west, across the narrow bridge, then north across the small bridge and into the next area. Climb the stairs, head northeast, and then cross the rope bridge north. You'll see a treasure box to the west, but it's not easily accessible. Try as you might, you will not be able to open it just yet. How frustrating! Head east, up to the platform, and east across the rope bridge to the next area. Don't take the stairs down yet, but head north. You'll come across a treasure chest with an Auquifolium in it. Head south, and take the stairs down, then circle around the platform, going north. Head east, then up the stairs to the platform, then down the stairs to the northeast. You'll find yourself right next to that treasure box that we couldn't get to before. It's locked, but have Jack pick it, and you'll find a Fury Turban inside. If you go east or west while you're standing on the stone stairs, you'll be able to walk under the cliffs, but won't be able to walk across the water. You're not supposed to be able to do this (but do it once, just for fun). I'd advise against doing it too much or the game might crash. Head back down the stairs, then head southwest, down to the lower level, and down the stairs to the south to another set of stairs, which sits in the water. When you get to the next area, you'll see another stone stairs, and another opportunity to walk under the cliffs. Again, I'd advise against doing it, since you might crash the game, but be sure to do it once, just for fun!

Head north, and down the set of stairs to the northeast. You'll find yourself in a tiny island, in the middle of the water. The only other way to go is a bit south, and down the set of stairs. You'll find yourself in a new area, complete with a different look. Head south, and you'll find a locked treasure chest with 2000 gold in it. Head back north, to the bridge. You'll see that some spikes block your way to the north, so take the rope bridge east. You'll notice a city down below, which I'd guess is Venwood. On the other side of the bridge, head all the way south, to the next area. The lavender stone block to the west says "To raise the succubus, place the Titan's Trident here." Where is this 'Titan's Trident'? Examine the switch to the east, and it will flip. The screen will shake, indicating that something happened. Head back north, and into the next area. Maybe we can find something that is different? Nothing is different until you head north, west across the rope bridge, and see that the spikes that were to the northwest are missing, leaving you a space to get through. Head north, and explore this newly accessible area. We still need to find this so-called Titan's Trident, too! By the way, if the spikes are still there, then you've probably hit the switch twice. Simply head back and hit it again, the come back. The spikes will be gone. You'll see something behind a Naga, who doesn't move. She appears to be guarding that object. Defeat her, and examine the object to find that it's the Titan's Trident. Grab the Titan's Trident (how does that thing fit into your backpack without poking a huge hole in it?), and take it to that stone block. Place the Titan's Trident on the block (examine it), and you'll raise the succubus. Make sure that you use an Auquifolium Grande and save before doing anything to the Succubus! Be warned, though - once you insert the trident into the stone, you won't be able to take it out (not that you'd need it anyway). The Succubus appears as a bluish figure facing north (at the end of the rope bridge going south). Talk to her. She asks why you have summoned her, and you explain why. She'll question your worth, asking you to prove it to her. You ask her what she wants you to do, and she suggests that you sacrifice one of your party members, then she'll give you the relic. Here's your chance to get rid of somebody! If you dislike Jack, then sacrifice him, and he'll be gone for the end of the game. She'll give you the Sea Relic, then disappear. If you try to sacrifice anybody else, Devin will stop the sacrifice, and instead want to fight her for the relic. She's pretty tough, so watch out! She casts weak ice magic, which shouldn't be any problem. With Devin's Flame Sword, and Fredrick's Dragon Form, she goes down easy. With her defeat, she gives you the relic, then disappears. With another relic under your belt, there's only one left! And with that last relic, you'll be almost finished with the game! But remember, this last relic, the Dream Relic, is the hardest one of all. The monsters inside the Fairy Kingdom should be evidence of the difficulty. Make sure you train here for a bit. The Auquifoliums and Cassia Leaves that the monsters drop should keep you going. You should be O.K. once you've reached at least class 60 (I know, that's a lot of training, but trust me, it helps).

Once you've trained to class 60 or 62, head back out, and onto the world map. Ride your pirate ship to Venwood for a rest and restock your supplies. If you head into the weapon shop, you'll find that the merchant has gotten over his sickness, and is selling really good equipment. I blew more than 100,000 gold here simply upgrading everybody's equipment! With all this money hes making, its no wonder that he'll buy your excess inventory. My personal favorite of his inventory is the Spike Sword for Devin - it'll push his Attack to 999 easy! I'm not sure, but it might even be better than Thor, another weapon for Devin. The Trident Rapier is the best weapon for Alicia (as in Princess Alicia). You can tell from the prices that it's quite easy to spend 100,000 gold within seconds! Well, I'm sure you'll be hungry for cash, so go kill a lot of Tar Men and Forest Centaurs, and sell the fruits they drop and finish upgrading everybody. You'll need all the training you can get, and all the equipment you can have for this last relic! I wasnt able to afford the Aegis Robe for Talia, but I was able to pick up everything else.

Chapter 28: Nest of the Harpy Queen

Treasure: Important: none Common: Love Charm, Star Amulet Side quests: find the Dream Relic, find the Fairy children, gain access to the Guardian of Dreams Recommended Class: 62 Head back to the Fairy Forest, and try fighting the monsters. See how much easier they are? Since they no longer pose any threat, how about cleaning out this forest of is treasure before we take on the Harpy Queen? From the entrance, head west, then north. Youll pass a blue flower (the only one in this forest, as far as I can tell), then come to a lake. Head west, all the way to the edge of the map. Youll come to a treasure chest with a Love Charm in it (with five charges). Head east, back to the lake, then all the way north. Next to the waterfall is a treasure chest with a Star Amulet in it (also has with five charges). Thats it for the free treasure here, so head east, all the way to the edge of the map. Youll see a tiny dirt path leading into the trees. Take it to the next area. Youll see a large group of fairy children standing behind the green-skinned harpy queen. When you walk up a bit, you catch her preparing to eat the fairy children, and the children saying Dont eat me!. You announce your presence, which causes the harpy queen to turn around. She sees you, and thinks that shes got more food. She steps forward and attacks you. Beat her (its not hard, though shes got quite a few HP), and shell disappear. Talia will tell the fairy children to go home, and the children will thank you, and disappear. There isnt anything here, so head back outside. Go south, then west, to the lake (near where you found the Star Amulet), and head south. You come across another lake (the treasure chest that had the Love Charm is to the west), and head south, past the blue

flower. Head east, past the entrance to this forest, then north. At the tree, head east, to the edge of the map. Youll see the entrance to Faiara. Head there. Talk to the Queen Fairy, and shell thank you for saving the fairy children. She also says that shes in your debt. In order to pay you back, she grants you access to the Dream World, telling you to head into the cave to the north (its actually northeast, the red door). Talk to the fairy children (pink hair and goldenrod wings), and theyll thank you for saving them. I only counted four fairy children, even though there were more that you saved. Well, no matter. They are probably deep in the forest, with their parents. Im sure (if youve fought the monsters in the Fairy Forest) that youve accumulated a stash of rubies and diamonds. Head back to Venwood and sell them to the weapon merchant, and finish upgrading your equipment. I had 120,000 gold after selling the gemstones and my excess inventory! With an excellent set of equipment (the best that money can buy), your defense should be quite high. At this time, Talia had 999 defense, Devin 999 (I had purchased a Golden Armor for him, and gave the Dragon Scale Armor to Jack), Fredrick 961, and Jack 714. With such high defensive values, its no wonder that the monsters in the Fairy Forest dont pose any problem! The equipment available in the Candar Castle Armory is only for Devin, unfortunately, who, by now, has either better equipment or already has it equipped. Get some rest, replenish your supplies of Auquifolium and Auquifolium Grandes, save your game, then head inside the red door thats northeast of Faiara. Youre about to enter the Dream World! Once youre inside, and leave, you cannot go back, so make sure to clean it out while youre here. Also, make sure to bring Fredrick along, since he learns his sixth, and final shapeshift form. Next stop, the Dream World!

Chapter 29: Dream World

Treasure: Important: Dream Relic Common: Thor, Anedem, Tivanna Robe, Star Amulet, Holy Pendant Side quests: find the Dream Relic, take care of the nightmare Recommended Class: 64 Head back to Fairy Forest, then head east, north, a little northwest, then north to the red door. Heal your party and save before heading inside. The inside looks similar to the area in the basement of the house in Grunwitch Vinyard, which you saw while you completed the worn slipper quest. Head east, and youll find some writing on a wall, with tall skinny statues on either side. Read the writing: Beware of the dreamer sleep. Lest she wake, the nightmare shall walk upon us. I wouldnt want to have to deal with this nightmare creature!

Head north, and youll see a golden statue (smaller than the one that guarded the Fairy Kingdom) that depicts an elven woman wearing a cape, kneeling in a prayer position. Talk to the fairy on the west of the statue, who says that the guardian has been restless lately, and that she can hear her anguish. Talk to the fairy to the east of the statue, who asks you what brings you here. Talia will say that youre here to speak with the Guardian of Dreams and that the Queen Fairy gave you permission to do so. Using some sort of built-in lie detector, the fairy says that she can tell that you are telling the truth, and teleports you to the Dream World. Youll find yourself in a darkened area; a lone bright blue figure in front of you. Talk to her, the Guardian of Dreams. Shes Vesipia, the one who has the Dream Relic. She asks you what you what you are doing in her kingdom, and Talia says that shes here to acquire the Dream Relic, asking her if shes got it. Vesipia doesnt say, but asks Talia if the cycle has begun again (perhaps she is referring to Ahrimans Prophecy?). Talia will explain that Zorom is trying to raise Ahriman from the dead, and Gevolda has sent her to obtain all the relics. Vesipia recognizes the quest, apparently having helped previous generations of heroes. She says that shell help, but only if you take care of a nightmare that has been released into her dreams. Sighso we have to deal with this nightmare creature afterall! The Dream Relic in exchange for slaying the nightmare. Well, if weve got to slay the nightmare, then the least she can do is let us clean out her kingdom of treaure, right? Head south, and into the next area. Youll come across two new monsters here: Dream Sprites and Dream Harpies. The Dream Sprite isnt that difficult, but drops diamonds, rubies, gold, and Auquifolium. The Dream Harpies, also not difficult, drops gold, sometimes as much as 2500 pieces! Head west, to the waterfall, across the bridge, and then north. A hidden entrance to a gladed area (youll notice a few spots of navy blue water) is to the northeast. Head inside, to find a ring of flowers surrounding a treasure chest. Open it to find Thor, arguably Devins best weapon. Ive tried both, Thor and the Spiked Sword, and Thor is a little stronger, but is two-handed. Still, even without a shield, Devin had more than 900 defense. Try them both in combat and see which one you like better. Remember that if you sell Thor, you cant get another one, but you can always buy another Spiked Sword! Head back south, then east, to the edge. Head south (youll be going down the path thats southwest of the tree), and follow it to the end. Youll see a locked treasure chest with Anedem in it, a helm for Talia. Its got excellent defense, but doesnt provide the attack boost that the Antlers provide. Its up to you which one to use. Head back north, then west, and south (youll go down the path thats southwest of the tree). Follow it and youll come across a six-way intersection. The path thats to the northwest and west are both dead ends (you can try them, if you dont believe me). Take the southeastern path, and follow it south. Youll come across a large area, with a river to the east. Head north (toward the six-way intersection), and youll come up the southern path. The southeastern path is also a dead end, so essentially, there is only one way to go.

Head back to the large area, and go east. Cross the bridge, and continue east, then north. Youll come to a split in the path. Head south, and youll come to an even larger clearing, this one with a large lake in the middle. There isnt any treasure here, so head south, and circle around the lake to the northern part of the area. You should see a navy blue water path leading to the east. Follow it to a small area. Inside is a purple horse with a black horn out of its forehead. Thats the nightmare. Come back and take it out once weve cleaned out this place of treasure. Head back out, circle around the lake, and head north. At the intersection, head northeast, then north. Youll see another water path leading north. Take it to another small area with two treasure chests. One of the chests is next to the tree, the other is near the waterfall. Open them both up for a Tivanna Robe and a Star Amulet. Head back out, and follow the path to the northwest. Head northwest at the intersection, and follow the path to the end. Youll come across a treasure chest with a Holy Pendant in it, the last treasure in the Dream World. Head back to the nightmares lair, and slay him. Hes not a boss, as youll find that you can simply walk away from him (and hell walk away from you). Use this to your advantage to keep yourself healed. His attacks are quite weak, but hes got a LOT of HP. When you finally kill him, his body disappears, but Fredrick learns the sixth and final shape Unicorn. The Unicorn shape is a lot stronger than the Dragon Shape, but doesnt have splatter damage. Instead, youll perform a nice ice attack. Experiment with both forms, and use the one that you like best. With the nightmare gone (boy, wouldnt want to meet a pack of those things!), talk to Vesipia. Shell notice that the nightmares gone (and so is her nightmare, no pun intended) and hands you the Dream Relic. Leave the Dream World (youll be given the opportunity to stay, but there isnt anything else here) and relish in the fact that youve acquired the sixth, and final relic. If, however, you forgot something, and you wanted to go back and pick it up, tell her that you want to stay, pick up the treasure, then leave. If you head back to Faiara and talk to the Queen, shell ask you if you found what you were looking for. Instead, head back to Venwood, and sell off your large supply of rubies and diamonds, as well as your other excess inventory. I had 300,000 gold after doing this, and not a thing to spend it on! Well, filthy rich, and possessing all six relics, whats next? We need to talk to Gevolda, and see if she can take the relics and form Agea from them. Next stop, Mysten Far!

Chapter 30: Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

Treasure: Important: Agea, Exotic Fruit, Truth Mirror Common: none Side quests: bring Gevolda the Relics to form Agea, bring Hepbert some exotic fruit, obtain Hepberts truth mirror Recommended Class: 66

Head over to Mysten Far and talk to Gevolda. She asks if you have all the relics, and you say that you do. She sounds unusually greedy when you tell her that you have the relics. Both Talia and Devin think somethingsdifferent about her. They tell Gevolda that theyve got another one to get, and theyll be back when they acquire it. Gevolda slips again when she acts frustrated that shes got to wait some more, then corrects herself when she acts like the old Gevolda, telling you to hurry up. Something is definitely wrong with her Well, we need to see the truth to Gevoldas personality, because we assume that its not her. Maybe shes possessed? Well, didnt we see an item that reveals the truth about somebody? A mirror, perhaps? (hint, hint) Head over to Hepberts house, then ask him about the truth mirror. Hell explain that it reveals the true form of whoever looks into it and that its great for seeing through enchntments. It sounds just what we need! Maybe itll be good to see through a possessed soul, too? Ask him about other things and hell say that hes got an intense craving for exotic fruit, but is afraid to leave his house unattended, lest a thief comes in and robs him while hes away. Perhaps you can find some exotic fruit and trade it for the truth mirror? That reminds me, wasnt there an exotic fruit merchant somewhere? I seem to recall that there was also a fish merchant nearby, too. Oh, yea, in that bazaar south of Venwood Forest, Tulzine Bazaar! Head over there, and talk to the exotic fruit merchant. He says that a new shipment of exotic fruit has arrived, and to buy some before he runs out! Hepbert only needs one, but buy two one for Hepbert, and one for us, as a momento. Head back to Hepberts cabin, and hell immediately recognize that youve got some exotic fruit. He asks you how much you want for it? Well, with more than 300,000 gold, we dont need any money. Talia suggests a trade the exotic fruit for the mirror. Hepbert is reluctant to give up his beloved truth mirror, but his craving for the exotic fruit is quite strong. Devin becomes a little pushy, insisting that he makes up his mind quickly. Hepbert caves in, and agrees to the trade. Take the truth mirror back to Mysten Far and talk to Gevolda, who asks if youve brought the relics. You say that you have, but you want a favor first. Impatient, (the real Gevolda wouldve probably done the favor gladly, but whoever is possessing her is rather in a hurry), she agrees. You say that youve brought a lovely mirror, and would like her to see her reflection. You are trying to appeal to her vanity, and it works. Gevolda takes the mirror, and admires her beautiful reflection. With a flash of light, Lord Zorom suddenly replaces Gevolda, the one whos possessed her. Angry, Lord Zorom asks what youve done to him, then demands that you give him the relics. Talia, not wanting to resort to violence, tries a diplomatic approach. She accuses Lord Zorom of raising Ahriman. Lord Zorom laughs, saying that with the relics, he can finish and hell be in control of Ahiman! Nobody can stop him! Talia says that nobody can

control Ahriman, but Lord Zorom scoffs. He has become corruped with his new powers. He attacks your party (a very dumb move). His attacks are purely magical, but quite weak. He casts an earth-based attack, an ice attack, and a fire-based attack. All three took off between 50-60 (guessing here) HP of damage, while you deal 650 HP damage (with Talia) to 2600 HP damage (with Fredrick as a Unicorn). Hes got a lot of HP, but theres no contest. Youll get 300 experience when you defeat him, and he disappears. Gevolda, no longer possessed, is dazed and confused. She asks whats happened and where she is? Then she gathers her senses and describes how she came to become possessed. Talia mentions to her that shes got all six relics. Gevolda takes them, and starts performing the Agea ritual. She summons Awhren, Succubus, the Golem, King Levhus, and Vesipia. When she fuses the relics into Agea, she hands it to you. Its described as a clear stone, but when you look at in your inventory, its a solid flashing stone. Well, no matter. Its a powerful tool either way! She tells you that Agea will reveal the secret location of Lord Zoroms castle, and to go and take him out. Now where can this secret location be? This shouldnt be too hard, so lets think this one out. It cant be in any town or village, since theres people around, and theyd eventually discover the entrance and Lord Zorom will be revealed. It cant be in any of the areas surrounding the towns (e.g. the forests or deserts), since the monsters could reveal the secret location (or somebody coming home to town). This also eliminates the dungeons and caves, too, since the guardians would take care of Lord Zorom if he decided to put his castle there. As far as I can tell, this leaves two spots: Thail Mountain Pass, and the Dyuti Shrine. O.K., lets take the Thial Mountain Pass first. Thats where, if youll remember, Lord Zorom tried to have the Dark Priest marry him and Alicia before Devin stopped it. Lord Zorom and the Dark Priest escaped through the cave. That would be too obvious, right? It wouldnt be a secret if they came back to the same location. That leaves the Dyuti Shrine, the most likely canidate for the secret entrance to Lord Zoroms castle. Head over there, and youll see the door has been cleared! Well, rest up, make sure that youve got a good stock of supplies, save, then its off to Lord Zoroms Castle!

Treasure: Important: none Common: none Side quests: take out Lord Zorom, then his Dark Priest, and lastly Ahriman! Recommended Class: 66 Head inside of the Dyuti Shrine, and youll end up on the world map, on a tiny island without any ports. Head southeast, and into the cave. Follow the stairs to the next area. Head north, and finally into the castle!

Chapter 31: Final Confrontation

The first floor is simple a ring around a central room, which has four sets of stairs. There are two new monsters here (a total of eight for the whole castle): Giant Eyeballs and Crooked Demons. Head east, north, then into the central room. Take the northwestern set of stairs. Youll see the Wicked Witch of the West there, the one who stole Grisildas broom. Ignore her, since shell curse you, even if you have Charmed Necklaces equipped. Head back down, and up the northeastern stairs. A large room is here, with two new monsters: Castle Ghosts and Kobolds. You may notice the monsters in this castle give a lot more experience than anything youve fought so far (except for that last fight with Lord Zorom, but that was a boss fight). Its a good thing to train on these guys until youre class 70-75. None of the suits of armor do anything. Take the stairs going up to the third floor. Youll see yet two more new monsters: Wicked Warlocks and Scrawny Werewolves. Other than these four monsters, the room is empty. Head back down to the first floor, and take the southeastern set of stairs. You come to a room with some piles of bones and more monsters. The bones dont have anything of value in them, so head back downstairs, and take the southwestern set. Youll be in the main part of the second floor. Head a little east (ignore the first path leading south its a dead end), south, west, and into the set of stairs going up. Youll be in a safe room (your health/mana bars have disappeared), a library of sorts. Be sure to read the books for some interesting reading. Head back downstairs, and then go east, south, west, and up the set of stairs leading up to the third floor. There are two new monsters here, Viking Guards and Dark Elementals. Judging by the looks of this room, the door to the north leads to the final battle. Dont go inside just yet. There are still a few things left to do before finishing the game, such as getting Devin married and joining a guild (which I hadnt at this time, and I assume that you probably havent either). First, lets get Devin married. You can either have Devin marry Talia or Princess Alicia. There is a problem that comes up later. I have never been able to get married, so I do not know what the marriage ceremony is like.

==Instructions for marrying Princess Alicia==

Head over to Venwood and purchase a Trident Rapier (for Alicia) and spend as much of your money buying inventory. Youll know why a little later. Now, head to Thais, and talk to Alicia. Shell mention that shes glad that she doesnt have to marry Prince Edward, and then demands that you take her with you on your travels. Shes kind of bossy, one excellent fighter. Take her, but youll have to dump either Jack or Fredrick. I went for Jack, since Fredricks far stronger. Jack will steal all of your money (good thing you spent it first, eh?), then disappear. Alicia then joins your party. Head over to Candar, and read Darryls note (which I told you to ignore the first time you came across it). Darryl will put a love hex on your party, and thats the first step.

Then, buy Alicia a flower from the merchant. Then, head over to the Candar Castle Armory, and buy Alicia a Golden Armor and Ruby Shield (after selling the items you purchased before), and give her the Trident Rapier. She should have 999 defense and attack. Now head over to Thais, and buy her a drink from the pub. Now head over to the Passion Cave, and get a blessing from Serenia. The game always crashes whenever I try to do this, so Ive never gotten married (and experienced the ceremony). I assume that these instrutions will work, but Im not positive. With the blesing, head over to Candar, and talk to any of the priests to get married. Im not sure what happens next, but Im pretty sure that you have a ceremony, and the king & queen gives you gemstones for your wedding present (during the ceremony).

==Instructions for marrying Talia== The instructions are exactly the same for Talia as they are for Alicia except for a few differences: one, read Darryls letter and get hexed before recruiting Alicia. Then buy Talia the flower and drink. You still get the blessing from Serenia in the Passion Cave, then head over to Candar to get married. Talias grandmother gives you your wedding present. I do not think getting married has any affect on the game, unless you count the wedding presents or the change in dialogue from some of the people. O.K., to join a guild. Ill add a more detailed section on the various guilds (Ive joined them all and tried them out at one point or another), but for now, heres a quick rundown: Priestess: very little offensive magic, excellent restoring magic. Healing Cloud is the best 300 HP heal vs. everybody for 120 mana! Youll also learn a nice spell that works great against the undead (*cough* Ahriman *cough*). The weapon you get, the Healing Staff, gives Talia a +10 HP heal every time she hits with it, but deals regular damage vs. monsters. To join, go to Mysten Far. Witch: excellent offensive magic, though its mostly status-based. The weapon, the Thistle, looks pretty nice, and its pretty strong. Most of the spells are curses, and one of them is costly, but drains a bit of HP & MP from your target, restoring Talia (though not enough to justify casting it). To join, go to Witchwood. Earth Mage: good all-around magic and cannot be defended against. The best (in my opinon) overall, with average qualities all around and no weakness. The weapon of an Earth Mage is the Earth Wand. To join, go to the Dwarf Mines. Fire Lord: excellent fire-based magic, which works well on monsters that arent fire-resistant, such as those in Tar Vendron Desert or the Fire Cave. The spells deal heavy-duty damage, and are among the strongest spells in the game. The weapon of a Fire Lord is the Fire Whip. To join, go to the Fire Cave.

Enchanter: I didnt play much with this guild, though the most powerful magic spell, Fairy Fury, is an Enchanter spell. Their weapon, the Mystic Staff, is the most powerful weapon Talia can use (but has to become an Enchanter to receive it). To join, go to Faiara. I joined the Priestess guild, so I can learn Healing Cloud and give my whole party a 300 HP heal with one spell. Speeds up healing! Now, go take out Lord Zorom, then the Dark Priest, and lastly, Ahriman. Enjoy the ending! You can use Agea once during the fight against Ahriman, so use it wisely. It deals heavy damage to Ahriman, and heals your party.

===Part 3: Lists===
Shop Merchandise List. Name of item on the left, cost on the right, alphabetized and sorted by town (also in ABC order): Animalville [No shops of any kind] Sleep: 500 (Virginias Inn) [after you recruit Fredrick permanently and come back] Bleached Tooth Desert Item Merchant Aquifolium Jar of Balm Marsh Tea Tinctura Hypericum Sleep: no inns Candar Candar Castle Armory Golden Armor Ruby Shield Templar Sword Candar Castle Item Shop Energy Swarm Spell Firefly Spell Lightning Ring Poison Ring Candar Armor Shop Chain Helmet Chain Mail Iron Shield Light Helmet Steel Armor

100 90 14 200

40000 32000 10500 2000 2000 150 500 503 324 227 242 912

Candar Item Shop Ankh Major Cassia Leaves Jar of Balm Marsh Tea Mutton Tincture Ankh Candor Weapon Shop Barbarian Sword Iron Staff Iron Sword Steel Sword War Hammer Sleep: 30 (Inn)

200 50 90 14 35 90 252 692 538 219 14400

Devenshire Arvards Equipment Shop Bastard Sword 53 Doublet 147 Leather Armor 95 Leather Helmet 34 Mercenary Sword 75 Oak Shield 74 Oak Staff 52 Item Shop Aloe Leaf Bread Cassia Leaf Marsh Tea 18 5 50 14

Tuckers Fish Shop [not technically in Devenshire but a ways off in the forest] Fish 25 Sleep: 15 (Inn) Dwarf Mines [no shops of any kind] [no inns of any kind] Elden Reedas Shop Bread Hand Dagger Hat Practice Sword

5 7 8 20

Sleep: Free (Talias bedroom) Faiara Item Shop Ankh Major Auquifolium Grande Distillate of Alnus Cassia Leaves Marsh Tea Mutton Sleep: 500 (fairy dust) Glenvale Snowdog Weapons and Armor Ice Sword 12300 Iron Staff 692 Iron Sword 538 Plate Armor 3500 Mindys Cures & Ointments Aloe Leaf 18 Ankh Major 200 Bread 5 Cassia Leaves 50 Ice Amulet 600 Ice Rain Spell 3500 Jar of Balm 90 Marsh Tea 14 Mutton 35 Tinctura Ankh 90 Sleep: Sleepy Bear Inn 100 Monster Kingdom Weapon Shop Ice Amulet Ice Sword War Hammer Item Shop Jar of Balm Aquifolium Sleep: no inns Mysten Far A priestess will sell you a holy pendant for 1600 gold, but only once Sleep: no inns

200 500 300 50 14 35

600 12300 14400 90 100

Tar Vendron Armor Merchant Dragon Scale Shield Fury Turban Paladin Armor Plate Armor Tivanna Robe Item Merchant #1 Fire Amulet Lightning Ring Tornado Field Spell Tornado Ring Weapon Merchant Great Sword Tanto Knife Templar Sword War Hammer Item Merchant #2 Auquifolium Grande Auquifolium Banana Bread Cassia Leaves Grapes Jar of Balm Marsh Tea Mutton

23500 12500 18000 3500 16000 170 150 10000 860 15000 5000 10500 14400 500 100 80 5 50 150 90 14 35

Sleep: Oasis Bed & Breakfast 199 Thais Item Shop Alderwood Sap Aloe Leaf Cassia Leaves Jar of Balm Marsh Tea Tinctura Ankh Weapon Shop Barbarian Sword Black Oak Staff Brass Armor Brass Shield Chain Mail Doublet Iron Shield

40 18 50 90 14 90 252 230 257 152 324 147 227

Leather Helmet Light Helmet Mercenary Sword Steel Sword

34 116 75 219

Sleep: Free (after you rent a room for 200) Tulzine Bazaar Fish Merchant Fish


Exotic Fruit Merchant [exotic fruit comes after youve gotten all six relics] Bananas 80 Juneberries 70 Pineapple 200 Exotic Fruit 500 Sleep: no inns Venwood Item Merchant Ankh Major Apple Auquifolium Grande Auquifolium Cassia Leaves Distillate of Alnus Firefly Charm Juneberries Bread Love Charm Mutton Soul Amulet Tinctura Hypercum

200 200 500 100 50 300 200 70 5 300 35 700 200

Weapon Merchant [available after you obtain the Water Relic] Ageis Robe 56000 Antlers 28000 Great Hammer 28000 Trident Rapier 35000 Spike Sword 25000 Sleep: 500 (Inn) Witchwood Tower merchant Ankh Major Auquifolium Black Robe Bone Rapier

200 100 4230 516

Charm Necklace Distillate of Alnus Holy Tonic Marsh Tea Poison Ring Serphent Dagger Serphent Sword Sleep: 50 (Witch's house) Equipment List Item Aegis Robe Anadem Animal Sword Antlers Barbarian Sword Bastard Sword Black Dagger Black Oak Staff Black Robe Blessed Shield Bone Rapier Book of White Magic Brass Armor Brass Helmet Brass Shield Chain Helmet Chain Mail Charm Necklace Charmed Dagger Decay Curse Diadem Disruption Ring Doublet Dragon Scale Shield Dragon Scale [Armor] Dragon Scroll Dress Earth Spellbook Earth Wand Energy Swarm Spell Fire Amulet Fire Axe Firefly Spell Flame Sword Flame Whip Fury Turban Golden Armor Good Luck Charm

700 300 80 14 500 635 814

Att 0 0 56 120 22 10 12 16 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 322 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 0 0 253 0 230 140 0 0 0

Def 432 300 0 230 -3 0 0 6 54 45 5 0 17 9 6 13 25 0 30 0 18 0 10 143 270 0 3 0 20 0 0 -10 0 5 40 28 432 0

Notes Fredricks only weapon 2-handed; decreases Defense

Learn Priestesss spells

Protection vs. Curse Damages nearby enemies too Learn Decay spell Learn Disruption spell

Learn Fire Lord spells Learn Earth Mage spells Learn Energy Swarm spell Protection vs. Fire magic 2-handed; decreases Defense Learn Firefly spell Adds Fire damage Adds Fire damage Raises evade, protection vs. critical hits

Great Hammer Great Sword Hammer Hand Dagger Hat Hemlock Shower Ice Amulet Ice Rain Spell Ice Sword Iron Shield Iron Staff Iron Sword Leather Armor Leather Helmet Light Helmet Mercenary Sword Mysterious Scroll Mystic Staff Nymph Crystal Oak Shield Oak Staff Paladin Armor Plate Armor Poison Ring Poisonwood Scroll Practice Sword Rapier Ruby Shield Serphent Dagger Serphent Sword Shirt Snowball Spell Spike Sword Staff Of Healing Steel Armor Steel Sword Strange Ring Tanto Knife Templar Sword Thistle Thor Tivanna Robe Tornado Field Trident Rapier Unholy Shield Unholy Sword War Hammer Winged Sandals Salamander Skin Armor

489 132 80 2 0 0 0 0 87 0 21 28 0 0 0 15 0 150 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 5 35 0 30 38 0 0 500 50 0 18 0 44 103 108 500 0 0 476 0 75 160 0 0

20 -50 15 0 1 0 0 0 5 9 12 0 7 3 6 -2 0 30 50 3 2 120 62 0 0 0 5 87 0 5 3 0 15 30 40 0 0 0 20 0 0 98 0 15 23 0 -20 0 120

2-handed 2-handed; decreases Defense 2-handed Learn Hemlock Shower spell Protection vs. Ice magic Learn Ice Rain spell Adds Ice damage

2-handed; decreases Defense Learn Tornado Field spell Protection vs. Curses, Poison, Fire, & Water

Protection vs. Poison Learn Witchs spells Damages nearby enemies Poisons target Poisons target Learn Snowball Devins ultimate weapon +5 HP to user per hit ??? Increased defense against elemental magic 2-handed sword Learn Tornado Field spell Damages nearby enemies Protection vs. undead 2-handed; decreases Defense Increases speed of wearer Increases defense vs. Fire

Magic Spell List Spell Acid Ailment Astral Rip Bale Whip Bear Trap Blessing Brimstone Call Of Darkness Cocoon Create Food Cure Decay Curse Disruption Spell Dissimilation Earth Fist Enchantment Energy Swarm Spell Entangle Exorcism Fairy Fury Filibuster Fire Burst Fire Elemental Fire Enchantment Fireball Firefly Spell Flame Lash Frog Curse Great Ward Healing Cloud Healing Ultivus Hemlock Shower High Exorcism Ice Rain Spell Illusion Impale Land Mine Lava Flow Light Blade Love Sick Minor Healing Parasite Rebirth Ritual Rock Slide Sand Storm Shockwave Silver Bullet

Mana 90 85 50 40 35 65 120 90 70 30 75 50 ?? 20 55 90 30 80 60 120 100 40 100 60 20 33 35 75 100 120 40 50 120 60 60 65 90 120 50 80 25 120 65 35 90 75 60 35

Guild Fire Lord Priestess Sorceress Witch Earth Mage Priestess Fire Lord Witch Sorceress None Priestess None None None Earth Mage Sorceress None Sorceress Priestess Sorceress Sorceress Fire Lord Fire Lord Fire Lord None None Fire Lord Witch Witch Priestess Priestess None Priestess None None Earth Mage Earth Mage Earth Mage Priestess Sorceress None Witch Priestess Witch Earth Mage Earth Mage Earth Mage Witch

Effect 3219 HP damage + Absorb vs. target 2412 HP damage + Critical Poison vs. target 908 HP damage vs. target 520 HP damage vs. target 300 HP damage + Trap vs. target 1642 HP damage + Numb vs. targets 140 HP damage vs. targets 2200 HP damage vs. targets 1481 HP damage vs. target Magically creates one loaf of bread Heal all ailments vs. allies 300 HP damage vs. target Add: Silence vs. target 200 HP damage vs. target 608 HP damage vs. target 2928 HP damage vs. target 120 HP damage vs. targets 2521 HP damage vs. targets 820 HP damage vs. target 4769 HP damage vs. targets 3319 HP damage vs. target + Numb 401 HP damage vs. target 3614 HP damage + Numb vs. target 812 HP damage vs. target 150 HP fire damage vs. target 100 HP damage vs. targets 320 HP damage vs. target Add: Frog vs. target 3200 HP damage vs. target 300 HP cure vs. allies 150 HP cure vs. ally 300 HP damage + Critical Poison vs. all targets 180 HP damage vs. target 250 HP ice damage vs. targets Makes target run away 2182 HP damage vs. target 3020 HP damage vs. target 130 HP damage vs. targets 500 HP damage + Silence vs. target 2648 HP damage + Attraction vs. target 25 HP cure vs. ally 130 HP damage + Critical Poison vs. targets Raise dead ally + 200 HP cure vs. ally 300 HP damage vs. target 2630 HP damage vs. targets 2200 HP damage vs. targets 1102 HP damage vs. targets 260 HP damage vs. target

Sleep Snowball Spell Source Flare Star Fire Static Shock Stone Demon Tar Pit Tornado Field Spell Unholy Wave Vamp Blade Wild Fire Wind Trick Item List Item Alderwood Sap Aloe Leaf Ankh Major Apple Auquifolium Auquifolium Grande Banana Bread Carrot Cassia Leaves Death Certificate Diamond Distillate of Alnus Exotic Fruit Firefly Charm Fish Fishing Pole Grapes Holy Pendant Holy Tonic Ice Amulet Ice Rain Spell Jar of Balm Journal Jug Juneberries Letter Lightning Ring Love Charm Marsh Tea Mead Meat/Mutton Milk pail Pineapple Poison Stinger

40 55 70 90 75 100 50 70 120 55 75 25

None None Fire Lord Fire Lord Fire Lord Earth Mage Earth Mage None Witch Witch Fire Lord None

Adds: Sleep vs. target 300 HP ice damage vs. target 1219 HP damage vs. target 2828 HP damage vs. targets 2501 HP damage vs. target 3582 HP damage vs. target 382 HP damage vs. targets 2000 HP damage vs. targets 2730 HP damage + Silence vs. targets 988 HP damage; Caster absorbs HP or MP 2332 HP damage vs. targets 160 HP damage vs. target

Effect Recovers 25 MP Recovers 15 HP Recovers 100 MP Recovers 100 HP & 100 MP Recovers all HP Recovers all HP for everybody Recovers 90 HP Recovers 5 HP Tasty treat for cows Raises dead character to life to 5 HP Get one when you die Clear gemstone (go ahead and sell it) Recovers all MP Treasure hunter wants one Invokes Firefly spell Recovers 50 HP & 10 MP Tuckers favorite fishing pole Recovers 130 HP Restores 150 HP via Healing Ultivus spell Cures Curse Increases defense vs. Ice magic Learn Ice Rain Recovers 80 HP Keeps track of your sidequests Useful for holding liquids Recovers 30 HP & 10 MP Note from Georgia to Heraald Invokes lightning spell (use during battle menu) Invokes love spell (use during battle menu) Cures poison (all kinds) Bottle of booze Recovers 25 HP Holds milk Recovers 200 HP Poisons enemy (use during battle menu)

Red Ring Red Slime Rotwart Moss Ruby Shovel Snow Pendant Soul Armlet Star Armlet Tinctura Ankh Tinctura Hypericum Tornado Ring

Invokes Fireball spell Add: Critical Poison to enemy Witches use it for their hexes Red gemstone (go ahead and sell it) Dig with it Invokes Snowball spell Invokes soul song spell (use during battle menu) Invokes Star Fire spell Heals 50 MP Treats Paralysis Invokes tornado spell (use during battle menu)

Value List Note: value is how much gold it would take to buy the item. Items that you cant buy have a value of 0, even though you can sell them for more. Items that you cannot sell, e.g. Important Items have a value of 0 as well. Item Aegis Robe Alderwood Sap Aloe Leaf Anadem Animal Sword Ankh Major Antlers Apple Auquifolium Auquifolium Grande Banana Barbarian Sword Bastard Sword Black Dagger Black Oak Staff Black Robe Blessed Shield Bone Rapier Book of White Magic Brass Armor Brass Helmet Brass Shield Bread Carrot Cassia Leaves Chain Helmet Chain Mail Charm Necklace Charmed Dagger Death Certificate Decay Curse Diadem Value 56000 40 18 0 0 200 28000 200 100 500 80 252 53 0 230 4230 0 516 0 257 0 152 5 0 50 503 324 700 0 0 0 0

Diamond Disruption Ring Distillate of Alnus Doublet Dragon Scale [Armor] Dragon Scale Shield Dragon Scroll Dress Earth Spellbook Earth Wand Energy Swarm Spell Exotic Fruit Fire Amulet Fire Axe Firefly Charm Firefly Spell Fish Fishing Pole Flame Sword Flame Whip Furry Turban Golden Armor Good Luck Charm Grapes Great Hammer Great Sword Hammer Hand Dagger Hat Hemlock Shower Holy Pendant Holy Tonic Ice Amulet Ice Rain Spell Ice Sword Iron Shield Iron Staff Iron Sword Jar of Balm Journal Jug Juneberries Leather Armor Leather Helmet Letter Light Helmet Lightning Ring Love Charm Marsh Tea Mead

0 0 300 147 0 23500 0 0 0 0 2000 1000 170 0 200 2000 25 0 0 0 12500 40000 0 150 28000 15000 0 7 8 0 1600 80 600 3500 12300 227 692 538 90 0 0 70 95 34 0 116 150 300 14 0

Mercenary Sword Milk pail Mutton (Meat) Mysterious Scroll Mystic Staff Nymph Crystal Oak Shield Oak Staff Paladin Armor Pineapple Plate Armor Poison Ring Poison Stinger Poisonwood Scroll Practice Sword Rapier Red Ring Red Slime Rotwart Moss Ruby Ruby Shield Salamander Skin Serphent Dagger Serphent Sword Shirt Shovel Snow Pendant Snowball Spell Soul Armlet Spike Sword Staff Of Healing Star Armlet Steel Armor Steel Sword Strange Ring Tanto Knife Templar Sword Thistle Thor Tinctura Ankh Tinctura Hypericum Tivanna Robe Tornado Field Spell Tornado Ring Trident Rapier Unholy Shield Unholy Sword War Hammer Winged Sandals

75 0 35 0 0 0 74 52 18000 200 3500 500 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 32000 0 635 814 0 0 0 0 700 25000 0 0 912 219 0 5000 10500 0 0 90 200 16000 10000 860 35000 0 0 14400 0

List of Sidequests Note: locations are where you get the quest. Locations in parenthesis are where it is completed. Animalville Find Fredricks Brother (Bleached Tooth Desert) Take care of the hunter (Animalville) Apple Orchard Take care of the bee infestation (Apple Orchard) Bleached Tooth Desert Escort skeleton home (Tar Vendron) Find a replacement act (Glenvale) Candar: Find Ella a ball gown (Thais, Grunwich) Bring Henry Home (Thais) Find the pirate a house to retire to (Seafall Shrine) Devenshire: Find Tuckers fishing pole (Devenshire Forest) Dream World Take care of the nightmare (Dream World) Dwarf Mines Get the password to the Dwarf Mines (Candar, Wyrmwood Pass) Dyuti Shrine: Warn Seafall Shrine of the upcoming prophecy (Seafall Shrine) Elden: Get milk from Farmer Gubbins (Elden) Find Herbert a new quill (Elden) Get named by Avrail (Elden) Get a bottle of Mead from Whiskey Jack (Elden) Give Georgias note to Heraald (Devenshire) Find Bessy (the cow), and lead her back to Farmer Gubbins (Elden) Faiara Find the Fairy Children (Fairy Forest) Gain access to the Guardian of the Dreamer (Faiara) Fire Cave Help get Draghers fire back (Fire Cave) Glenvale [none] Grunwich Solve the mystery of the worn out slippers (Grunwich) Haunted Village: Get Blessed Water for Tree Spirit (Seafall Shrine) Monster Kingdom [none] Mysten Far Escort priestess to Mysten Far (Mysten Far) Old Mans House Show lost love the lock of hair (Elden) Show lost love the green ribbon (Old Mans House) Passion Cave Rescue the maiden in the glass coffin (Passion Cave)

Seafall Shrine Talk to Awhren about the prophecy (Underworld) Obtain Death Relic (Underworld) Take the application back to the pirate (Candars Mule Express) Thais: Find Master Gerrith at the Collegium of War and Magick (Thais) Rescue Princess Alicia (Thial Mountains) Go to Dyuti Shrine (Dyuti) Prove the maids innocence (Thais) Help the prostitute clean her life (Thais) Take Henry home (Candar) Underworld Obtain the relics: -Death (Underworld) -Passion (Passion Cave) -Earth (Dwarf Mines) -Fire (Fire Cave) -Dream (Dream World) -Water (Water Cave) Venwood Get the book from the library (Venwood) Help the beggar with money (Venwood) Get the necklace around the werewolfs neck (Venwood) Witchwood: Get Grisildas broom back (Witchwood Swamp) Get a few strands of Gavails hair for Hilda (Witchwood) Get Rotwart Moss for Gavail (Witchwood) List of sealed vats and locked chests Note: I go up to Thais, at which point you can recruit Jack. After that, I assume you have him in the party, and will mention the treasure in the walkthrough. Elden: sealed vat in Barbars Smithery Devenshire: sealed vat in mans house in south part, sealed vat in northeast corner of town, locked chest (start at the sign near the first bridge, then go northwest, then north, then east, climb the stairs, go west, then north, cross the bridge, then go north) Bat Cave: locked chest (from the entrance, go west, north, east a bit, cross the bridge, east) Thial Mountains: locked chest (from the entrance (Bat Cave side): go west to the edge of the screen, climb the ladder, east) Thais: sealed vat (kitchen area inside of orphanage), locked chest (inside of house to the left of the fountain: go upstairs, circle around the wall, and go inside the bedroom on the lower left-hand corner) List of Important People People who help you in some way Person Importance Whiskey Jack Eldens town drunk Arvard Runs Weapon/Armor shop in Devenshire Avrail Names children in Elden Awhren She holds the Death Relic deep in the Underworld Barbar Eldens chief blacksmith

Darryl Devin Ella Fairy Queen Farmer Gubbins Gabrielle Gavail Genna Georgia Gevolda Grandmother Grisilda Hadan Hepbert Heraald Herbert (1) Herbert (2) Hilda Jenkle Lehvus Lehvus Limfit Linnia Lord Zorom Mavra Ninia Nino Pirate Haddock Prince Lahr Princess Alicia Queen Vlissre Ralphie Reeda Renald Rita Serenia Stella Succubus Talia Theresa Tucker Vesipia

Hexed his lover Hilda, hoping to bring her to him Escorts Talia to mainland, then stays with her Needs beautiful gown to Prince Edwards Ball Queen of the fairies Provides Elden with fresh milk Trains warriors in Collegium of War and Magick Feuding witch with Hilda Talias best friend Ralphies mother, Heraalds wife Head priestess in Mysten Far Talias grandmother Lost her broom Mercenary dwarf for hire A retired treasure hunter living in the Snowy North Georgias husband, Ralphies father Writing history of Elden down Stellas husband in Devenshire Darryl hexed her and she wants revenge A clown in Glenvale Dragon King in the Fire Cave; has the Fire Relic Dragon King who has the Fire Relics Mini dwarf who knows password to Dwarf Mines Seamstress living in Grunwich Vineyard Kidnapped Princess Alicia; raising Ahriman from the dead Killed Stella to get Herbert husband Cleaned up her act after leaving Rita's establishment Talias Fairy mom Old pirate looking to settle down in a house by the seashore Queen Vlissres son, whos recently became ill Princess to kingdom of Thais Queen of the elves; has the Fairy Key Boy who gets sick in Elden Runs Eldens General Store Runs tavern in Elden Maintains a brothel in Thais Has the Passion Relic, but sleeps in a glass coffin Killed by her sister Mavra Has the Water Relic Main character in game Mother of girls living in Grunwich Vineyard Provides world with fish The Dream Guardian; has the Dream Relic

Bestiary (list of monsters) Monster: Bull Demon Description: huge, heavily muscled, reddish skin, white toga, horns Location: Tar Vendron Desert Drops: Plate Armor, Hammer, gold Difficulty: 7/10

Monster: Castle Ghost Description: floating bluish ethereal-looking gastly figure Location: Lord Zoroms Castle Drops: gold Difficulty: 8/10 Monster: Crooked Demon Description: looks like a Fire Demon, only with two sets of horns and taller Location: Lord Zoroms Castle Drops: gold Difficulty: 8/10 Monster: Dark Elemental Description: looks like the fire elemental, only its inky black Location: Lord Zoroms Castle Drops: gold, Auquifolium Difficulty: 8/10 Monster: Dark Sprite Description: Light Sprite, only darker, meaner, and stronger Location: Boss in Haunted Village, monster in Fairy Forest Drops: gold Difficulty: 8/10 Monster: Dragonfly Description: Slow, flying insect Location: Elden Drops: Bread, gold Difficulty: 0/10 Monster: Dream Harpy Description: green-haired ballerina with purple skin and webbed wings Location: Dream World Drops: gold Difficulty: 6/10 Monster: Dream Sprite Description: looks like the Light Sprite, only slightly darker Location: Dream World Drops: rubies, diamonds, gold, Auquifolium Difficulty: 6/10 Monster: Evil Butterfly Description: large, mutant, ugly butterfly Location: Glass Key Cave Drops: gold Difficulty: 4/10 Monster: Evil Roadrunner

Description: smallish, brown skinned Location: Tar Vendron Desert Drops: meat, gold Difficulty: 7/10 Monster: Evil Sparkler Description: sparkly, floats, changes colors Location: Fairy Forest Drops: gold, rubies, diamonds, Auquifolium Difficulty: 8/10 Monster: Fire Demon Description: pinkish red skin, horns, green beady eyes Location: Fire Cave Drops: Barbarian Sword, gold, Plate Armor Difficulty: 7/10 Monster: Fire Elemental Description: fiery, has a feminine figure Location: Fire Cave Drops: Cassia Leaf, gold, Auquifolium Difficulty: 7/10 Monster: Flaming Bat Description: small, red-winged red-eyed flying animal Location: Fire Cave Drops: Cassia Leaf, gold, Auquifolium Difficulty: 7/10 Monster: Forest Centaur Description: armored centaur Location: Venwood Forest Drops: gold, grapes Difficulty: 7/10 Monster: Forest Spider Description: poisonous small spider Location: Haunted Village Drops: gold Difficulty: 3/10 Monster: Ghost Description: um...a ghost Location: Underworld Drops: Meat, gold Difficulty: 5/10 Monster: Giant Eyeball Description: huge, floating eyeball Location: Lord Zoroms Castle

Drops: gold Diffficulty: 8/10 Monster: Giant Rat Description: small field mouse with a strong bite Location: Candar Drops: Bread Crumbs, gold Difficulty: 4/10 Monster: Goblin Description: long spindly legs and arms, long pointed nose, short, hunchbacked Location: Dwarf Mines Drops: Bastard Sword, Brass Helm, Chain Mail, gold Difficulty: 5/10 Monster: Glove Description: think Mickey Mouse's gloves dancing Location: Underworld Drops: gold Difficulty: 6/10 Monster: Goblin Description: small, green-skinned goblin with metal helmet Location: Candar Drops: Light Helmet, gold, Leather Armor, Aldewood Sap Difficulty: 4/10 Monster: Green Snake Description: slow moving green snake; not poisonous Location: Elden Drops: gold Difficulty: 1/10 Monster: Grey Blob Description: opaque grey blob of...slime? Location: Underworld Drops: Meat (?), gold Difficulty: 4/10 Monster: Grey Wolf Description: wolf with grey fur Location: Thais Forest Drops: gold, meat Difficulty: 3/10 Monster: Gryphon Description: flying gryphon Location: Thial Mountain Pass Drops: Meat, gold Difficulty: 4/10

Monster: Kobold Description: short, armored, carries a large double-bladed axe Location: Lord Zoroms Castle Drips: gold Difficulty: 8/10 Monster: Light Sprite Description: pointy-eared creature with a fat belly and red eyes Location: Haunted Village Drops: gold Difficulty: 3/10 Monster: Lizard Description: small green lizard Location: Thial Mountain Pass, Thais Forest Drops: Aloe Leaves, gold Difficulty: 2/10 Monster: Mutant Beetle Description: brown beetle with a sword in one hand, claws in the other Location: Dwarf Mines Drops: gold Difficulty: 6/10 Monster: Mutant Rat Description: huge, ugly black rat with beady red eyes Location: Dwarf Mines Drops: gold, meat Difficulty: 5/10 Monster: Naga Description: half snake, half blue-haired woman with a purple shawl Location: Water Cave Drops: Cassia Leaves, gold, Auquifolium Difficulty: 6/10 Monster: Ogre Description: large one-eyed ogre Location: Candar Drops: Meat, gold, Brass Shield Difficulty: 5/10 Monster: Purple Snake Description: slow poisonous purple snake Location: Devenshire Forest Drops: Marsh Tea, gold Difficulty: 2/10 Monster: Purple Frog

Description: small, quick, poisonous frog with purple skin Location: Glass Key Cave Drops: Marsh Tea, gold Difficulty: 4/10 Monster: Raccoon Description: wild raccoon Location: Devenshire Forest Drops: gold Difficulty: 2/10 Monster: Red Bat Description: flying bat with red on its wings; some are fast, most are slow Location: Thial Mountain Pass, various caves Drops: Meat, gold Difficulty: 3/10 Monster: Red Hermit Description: old man with red cloak and staff Location: Candar Drops: Alderwood Sap, gold Difficulty: 4/10 Monster: Red Slime Description: poisonous opaque, reddish slime Location: Fire Cave Drops: Red Slime, gold Difficulty: 6/10 Monster: Red Wolf Description: wolf with reddish orange fur Location: Thais Forest Drops: Meat, gold Difficulty: 4/10 Monster: Salamander Description: looks like the Lizard, only with pinkish skin Location: Tar Vendron Desert Drops: Salamander Skin Difficulty: 6/10 Monster: Sand Scorpion Description: poisonous large, red scorpion Location: Tar Vendron Desert Drops: Poison Stinger, gold Difficulty: 6/10 Monster: Scrawny Werewolf Description: thin, scraggly werewolf wearing tattered clothes Location: Lord Zoroms Castle

Drops: gold Difficulty: 8/10 Monster: Swamp Hag Description: old lady in a black cowl Location: Witchwood Swamp Drops: Bone Rapier, Holy Tonic, gold Difficulty: 6/10 Monster: Swamp Toad Description: poisonous small brown frog Location: Witchwood Swamp Drops: Marsh Tea, gold Difficulty: 6/10 Monster: Tar Man Description: looks like the Swamp Thing Location: Venwood Forest Drops: gold, pineapple Difficulty: 7/10 Monster: Viking Guards Description: short, armored vikings Location: Lord Zoroms Castle Drops: gold Difficulty: 8/10 Monster: Water Worm Description: green worm with red tentacles Location: Water Cave Drops: Auquifolium, gold Difficulty: 6/10 Monster: Wicked Warlock Description: blue cloak, green skin, horns Location: Lord Zoroms Castle Drops: gold Difficulty: 8/10 Monster: Wild Boar Description: wild pig with tusks and a black mark on its side Location: Devenshire Forest Drops: Meat, gold Difficulty: 3/10 Monster: Yellow Bat Description: Bat with yellow wings that flits about Location: Underworld Drops: Meat, gold Difficulty: 4/10

===Part 4: Miscellaneous=== Explanation of the locations

Animal Kingdom the small cave north of Mysten Far that has a few friendly monsters who want to get away from the hostile world and form a kingdom of their own Animalville the town of animals and the hometown of Fredrick Apple Orchard an apple orchard run by Lyla Bat Cave the cave full of nothing but bats that connects Thais Forest with the Thail Mountain Pass Bleached Tooth Desert The desert south of Candar where youll find Limbarchs Traveling Circus Candar the city of love, home of Prince Edward (his castle is in the northern part of Candar) Devenshire a small town just inside the mainland, when you take the ferry from Elden Forest to Devenshire Forest Devenshire Forest The forested area that surrounds Devenshire Dream World the world inside the head of the Guardian of Dreams Dwarf Mines the mines used by dwarves to mine gold and gemstones and home of a golem, who has the Earth Relic Dyuti Shrine a small shrine ruined by evil Elden a small village thats the hometown of Talia and Devin Elden Forest the forested area surrounding Elden Faiara the town of fairies, guarded by a Golden Statue whose queen has the Dream Relic Fairy Forest the forested area outside Faiara Fire Cave the cave full of fire element monsters and home of the Dragon King, who has the Fire Relic Glass Key Cave the cave with the Glass Key at the very end, in a lighted, but secluded glen Glenvale a town north of Candar, home of many miners Grunwich Vineyard the vineyard that exports the worlds supply of wines and home of the Linnia, the worlds best seamstress Haunted Village the village in the southeast part of Thais Forest whose inhabitants are under a spell, and appear as ghosts Mysten Far the holy city of priestesses, and home of Gevolda Passion Cave the cave in the Snowy North guarded by a ram and home of Serenia, who is sleeping in a glass coffin and has the Passion Relic Seafall Shrine the only shrine left in the world, whose basement is the Underworld and has the only supply of Blessed Water Snowy North the area north of Candar that is always snowing Tar Vendron the city of excitement and home of the only coliseum in the world Tar Vendron Desert the desert area surrounding Tar Vendron

Thais the large city thats home of the Collegium of War and Magick and hometown of Princess Alicia Thais Forest the forested area surrounding Thais Thial Mountain Pass the mountainous area that connects the Bat Cave with Thais Forest The Underworld the place where the dead return to after death, and home of Awhren, who has the Death Relic Venwood the city of the elves with the oldest library in the world Venwood Forest the forested area surrounding Venwood Water Cave the cave thats home of the Succubus who has the Water Relic Witchwood the city of witches Witchwood Swamp the swampy area surrounding Witchwood Wyrmwood Pass the small cave that connects Thais Forest with the kingdom of Candar Zoroms Castle the final place where youll go to finish the game, after beating Zorom, his aide, and whatever evil he conjured up
Differences Between Version 1 And Version 2 There are many differences between the two versions of Ahrimans Prophecy, enough that I consider both to be (more or less) different games. In case you are confused as to which one you have, the biggest differences can clear up that confusion. If you fight monsters in a turn-based system, rather than real-time, then you are playing version 1. If you can walk on the world map, then you are playing version 1. If your item inventory has two screens (accessible with the arrow), then you are playing version 2 (version 1 has a single screen for your item inventory). If you can use the same item multiple times in succession, then you are playing version 1 (version 2 is slightly different, with one item used one at a time). If you can see your current experience, and the amount you need to reach to go up a class, then you are playing version 1. Overall, the same things happen the same way. However, some of the maps are so starkly different that a second walkthrough would be necessary to cover that. Maybe when I get done with this one, Ill start one for version 1. I believe that I list a more detailed comparison of version one and version two on my website (on my Ahrimans Prophecy page) Things I wish somebody wouldve told me but didnt: Equipping a Poison Ring after youre poisoned will not cure the poison, but will stop the poison from damaging you until you can cure it with Mash Tea. Once you join a Guild, you cant join a second one, nor can you change guilds. I found out this limitation after Talia became a priestess (the first guild that I came across), and discovered that I lacked any decent attack magic (not that I used magic anyway). A priestess has nice restorative spells. However, there isnt anything that a priestess can do with a spell that you cant do with an item. The only real benefit of becoming a priestess is that they can deal HEAVY damage to the undead (which includes the final boss).

Examining a corpse for treasure makes you vulnerable to enemy attack, so be forewarned. Same thing then a small screen comes up informing you that somebody went up a class. Reading that also makes you vulnerable to enemy attack. Weird things that Ive found in the game If a character dies, then s/he shouldnt be able to fight, right? And that person shouldnt be able to earn experience, either? Well, thats not true. This might be because I have an older unpatched version of Ahrimans Prophecy (I downloaded it just weeks after it was released), so dont expect everything I mention here to apply to you. First, when a character dies, they sometimes fight in battle anyway, as if their death means nothing. They also gain experience and classes. They dont, however, receive damage. To use a dead character (see them fight rather than just the damage they do), heal them with magic. You cant heal a dead person with items magic only. Resting at an Inn with a partially healed dead character will reduce their health to one, the value it should be. Using a Cassia Leaf to heal a living person is a bad idea. In some RPG games, using a raise item or spell will often provide a full heal on that character. However, it will only reduce that persons HP to five, ignoring what it was before. Learning spells is easier when you go up a few classes and equip Talia with the spellbook. Open up the menu, and wait. Shell learn the spells based on real time, rather than game time. If she doesnt learn anything after a while, shes either not ready for the next spell, or there isnt any anything else to learn. This applies to scrolls, spellbooks, and any other item that teaches Talia spells. This also allows Talia to use a shield in battle, and only briefly use the spellbook to learn spells. There are a few spots on the field maps (e.g. when youre not on the world map) that are blocked for no apparent reason. For example, a few spots in the river in Devenshire are blocked, but dont appear to have anything in them. In addition to these odd spots, there are a few spots where you can walk into when you shouldnt be able to, e.g. into a house from the outside. This is probably more to do with not setting the value of the edge of the house tiles to block rather than normal (you cant walk through them) than anything else. Monsters will often try to flank you, causing you to either chase them down (give them an extra attack or two) or to stand there, waiting for them to come back. Monsters with very low health will sometimes run off to try and save their skin. O.K., this one is after you purchase the pirate ship. Know how you can only land on the ports? Well, Ive found a few other spots where you can walk around on the world map, no ports needed! Wherever you see forest meeting the ocean shoreline, you can park your pirate ship, and wonder around. Youre still limited to the areas you can wonder around, but its still kind of neat. You wont be able to do anything, or get anything, however. By a stroke of bad luck, Jack died in battle (fully healed, killed in one shot by a Bull Demon). Instead of restarting the game (like I usually do when somebody dies), I decided to use a Myrica Infusion to revive him. Well, it did heal his health to max, but

didnt remove the dead status effect. He could fight like normal, but I couldnt exit the menu while I had him selected. Figuring that I was dangerously close to the game crashing, I let him die, and used a Cassia Leaf to revive him. I then sold the rest of my Myrica Infusions. I used an Auquifolium Grande to heal everybody's health, and it also restored everybody's mana, too! So far, it's happened every time. I seldom use mana, but it might be helpful for those who use magic heavily! It's easier to take an Auquifolium Grande than it is an Auquifolium and a Distillate of Alnus! Future additions Id like to add yet another list that gives information on who can equip which item. Id also like to be able to compile the equipment lists together into one, or at the most, two parts. Maybe I could create a more complicated table? Or abbreviate everything to a few letters to shorten up the columns? Id like to also consolidate the town lists so that each town has the sidequests that you get from each one (with where you finally go to complete it (if its a multi-part merit quest) in parenthesis ( ), as well as the items/equipment available from all the merchants. As you can probably tell, I consolidated the merchant inventories to one list, even if they sold the items by categories. Maybe in the future Ill split them up into the appropriate categories to make it easy to find an item, and to know exactly what to expect. Id like to expand the bestiary section to include more information (rather then the vague descriptions that I have there right now). Id like to include attacks, spells they cast, items they drop, and fighting style. Most enemies dont have any weakness, so the strategy for going after any monster is to face it, and mash the spacebar until it dies. Ill probably end up removing the strategy part of each monster, and simply include any important information in the other sections. Maybe sometime in the future, Id like to include the merit (a.k.a. sidequests) quests in a separate section, along with which ones decrease your merit points, which one increase your merit points, and which ones dont have any effect on them. Id probably also add a reference chapter for more information (so that the user can look up the sidequest they want to know about, then find it in the appropriate chapter so they can complete it). Its a far shot, but I might add a general index at the end, with reference chapters to common items of interest. Id use page numbers, only I doubt anybodys going to keep the margins/font the same as the original (that is why I offer this guide as a doc file, rather than a PDF to let anybody edit it as they see fit). The chapters arent more than a few pages a piece, so that should be good enough. When I get finished with this guide, Ill probably split it into chapters, save it as plain text, then zip them all together for easier downloading. Ideally, itd end up being about half the size as this document, or even less. Id also like to convert this document into web pages, also split into chapters. Id provide links to the chapters throughout the guide, as well as in the table of contents. Itll be a

lot of work, but should be a convenient option besides the plain text and document format of this guide, and the PDF format of my guide thats found on the main AP site. Id like to add a section on the guilds, weighing the pros and cons of each, and to add some advice that can only come from experience. Id like to add hyperlinks from within this document to quickly navigate (from the table of contents) to any chapter. That shouldnt be too hard, as long as its done in the same way as doing it in a web page. Credits Many thanks to the people who pointed out gaping flaws, and showing me that I am not perfect. My thanks also go to those who suggested improvements, things they liked, things they didnt like, and things theyd like to see in my next version. Enough of the general thanks. Its time for the specific ones: Patrick Mehaffey for suggesting that I should include cities with the side quests, and a few other minor details that I wouldnt have otherwise thought of. Maren for compiling the Masterguide. I borrowed some of the information from that document to add some additional detail to my guide. Be sure to check it out if you have any questions on the various sidequests! You can download the Masterguide as a plain text file from my website. The final thank you comes from the Players Guide, from which I copied most of the data (I did verify it as I progressed through the game, however).

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