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Instrumental Items choice of Woodwind, Brass, Strings, Piano, Recorder or Percussion Time limit 4 minutes
students, 5 minutes adults. With the exception of item 1, competitors may perform twice on two different instruments eg trumpet and recorder 1. A. Spirit of the Eisteddfod: Over 17yrs only for adult players with under 2 yrs tuition (Time limit- 4 minutes) (Non-competitive, no medal, certificate of participation only) 2. Instrumental Solo (school students with less than 12 months instrumental tuition first instrument) own choice music 3. Instrumental Solo (primary school students) own choice music. 4. Instrumental Solo (secondary school students) -own choice music. 5. Instrumental Solo (adults only not school students) own choice music. 6. Instrumental Duet (primary school students) own choice music. 7. Instrumental Duet (secondary school students) own choice music 8. Instrumental Duet (open all ages) own choice music. 9. Instrumental Duet Teacher & Student (student only adjudicated under three years tuition) own choice music.

Ensembles, Bands & Group Items (Bands own choice maximum 3 pieces, a competitor may enter a
particular Group band twice provided a different instrument is played for each performance eg. trumpet, trombone. Electronic instruments allowed but no sequenced or taped music.) 10. Small ensemble: Open (all ages maximum 10 musicians) own choice time limit 5 minutes 11 Group Bands Primary (no secondary students or adults) time limit 8 minutes 12 Group Bands Secondary (no adults) time limit 8 minutes 13 Group Bands Open (all ages) time limit 8 minutes 14 Group Entertainment Item (minimum of 3 people with at least 1 adult and 1 student) own choice time limit 5 minutes. See note - General Conditions #6

Vocal & Chorale Items ( Vocal Items time limit 3 minutes, Choral Items time limit 5 minutes)
15 Vocal Solo (primary school students) own choice 16 Vocal solo (secondary school students) own choice 17 Vocal solo (open adults only) own choice 18 Musical Theatre Vocal Solo (open all ages) own choice. See note General Conditions #6 19 Australian Country Music Solo (open all ages) own choice. See note General Conditions #6 20 Vocal/Music Solo -Sing & Play (open all ages) own choice 21 Large Schools Chorale Group (schools with more than 50 students) own choice 22 Small Schools Chorale Group (schools with less than 50 students) own choice 23 Chorale Group (open all ages) 2-4 voices own choice 24 Chorale Group (open all ages) More than 4 voices-own choice

ENTRY FEES Solo - $3.00 Duo - $6.00 Group - $10

Dance Items (Note: In items 38 41 Dancers may compete in more than 1 category) Solo time limit 3 minutes,
Group time limit 5 minutes 34 Ballet Solo: Novice - Less than 12 months tuition own choice 35 Ballet Solo: Primary own choice 36 Ballet Solo: Secondary - own choice 37 Ballet Solo: Open adults only - own choice 38 Jazz/Contemporary/Hip Hop: Novice - Less than 12 months tuition - own choice 39 Jazz/Contemporary/Hip Hop: Primary - own choice 40 Jazz/Contemporary/Hip Hop: Secondary - own choice 41 Jazz/Contemporary/Hip Hop: Open Adults only - own choice 42 Tap Solo: Novice Less than 12 months tuition - own choice 43 Tap Solo: Primary - own choice 44 Tap Solo: Secondary - own choice 45 Tap Solo: Open adults only - own choice 46 Dance Solo: Open Character/National all ages - own choice 47 Small Group Dance: Primary up to 4 dancers - own choice 48 Small Group Dance: Open all ages, up to 4 dancers - own choice 49 Large Group Dance: Primary 5 or more dancers - own choice 50 Large Group Dance: Open all Ages, 5 or more dancers - own choice 51 Nursery Rhyme: Six years and under (non-competitive)

ENTRY FEES Solo - $3.00 Duo - $6.00 Group - $10

Please Note: This information - Notes & Conditions, Sections, Items and Nomination Forms are available online at

2014 Notes and Conditions

ENTRY/EXIT Doors will be closed, and entry to or exit from the venue will not be permitted during performances. SILENCE Members of the audience are requested to maintain silence and to remain seated during performances, adjudications and announcements. PHOTOGRAPHY/RECORDING Under copyright law and child protection requirements, the use of cameras (including mobile phone cameras), video recorders and audio recorders is forbidden, unless specifically authorized by the Charleville Performing Arts Festival Committee for official or publicity purposes. MOBILE PHONES All mobile phones must be switched off or on silent.

At all times, Performers are expected to afford the same consideration to others as they would expect for themselves. Unsportsperson like behaviour is against the spirit of this Festival and will not be tolerated. Performers who show such behaviour will be disqualified immediately and members of the audience displaying inappropriate behaviour will be asked to leave the venue. To ensure that adequate consideration is given, please remember to Give due acclaim and encouragement to each other Remain seated while a performance is in progress Maintain silence during each performance

The Charleville Performing Arts Festival Association Inc supports a Dress Code for all performers throughout the Festival. All parents and teachers are urged to observe this standard of dress. Formal or Semi-Formal dress is encouraged where appropriate. Good casual is suitable for day competition; however jeans or joggers are not acceptable. Midriffs are not to be shown.

NOMINATION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE ON THE WEB PAGE OR CAN BE COLLECTED FROM YOUR TEACHER 1 Nominated entry fee listed for each item shall be payable with each nomination. 2 Late nominations will not be accepted except at the discretion of the committee. 3 Nominations will only be accepted on correct form (Solo, Duo, Group) 4 Adjudication reports may be obtained from the office after each session has concluded. There is no cost for report sheets 5 Competitors can only perform once in each solo section. (Except Instrumental Music sections where competitors can nominate to perform on different instruments in the same section and in Dance where different dance styles are in the same section and performers can nominate to dance different styles in the same section). 6 Costumes or clothes other than school uniforms may be worn in appropriate sections, but will have no bearing on final mark except for Sections 14, 18 & 19.

7 A competitor shall be deemed a certain age if their birthday occurs prior to 01/07/2014. Where age limits are set, no competitor may enter outside the age limit. 8 No competitor is allowed to rehearse in the Charleville Festival of Performing Arts venues. 9 No communication is to be made with the adjudicator at any time prior to or during the section. 10 The adjudicators decision is final. No correspondence may be entered into concerning an adjudicators decision. 11 No prize will be awarded without sufficient merit. Adjudicators have the right to withhold or divide prizes according to merit. 12 Competitors in each section must report to the compare before the commencement of their section.. 13 Suggestions must be in written form. A decision will be made in keeping with the rules and conditions of the Festival. 14 The stage and lighting presentation remains the responsibility of the Committee; no electrical devices or special lighting effects may be used. 15 All props and power leads on electrical items must be in good order and in a safe state of repair. (no naked flames e.g. Candles, lamps) 16 Disqualification may occur at the Adjudicators or Committees discretion where specified time limits are exceeded. 17 Competitors will be admitted to all sections free on their day of competition. 18 Adults, non-professionals and non-school students are eligible to enter in the appropriate age items. 19 A professional is defined as one whose principle source of income is derived from the exercise of their talent in a particular class for which they may have entered. 20 Therefore a professional is only eligible for the open items. School students are not eligible to enter open items unless otherwise specified in the item. 21 Adults and non-school students are eligible to enter the open items. 22 Please notify the committee ASAP if for any reason a competitor cannot perform in the items they have nominated in. There is no refund of nomination fees if competitors withdraw. 23 The Festival committee reserves the following rights To amend the programme as necessary To refuse any entry To ask any competitor to provide proof of age To appoint a substitute adjudicator To adjudicate on any misinterpretation of these rules To adjudicate on any issue not covered by these rules To divide an item if there are excessive entries To cancel an item if there are insufficient entries To combine age groups if there are insufficient entries The decisions of the Festival Committee are final and binding on all matters.

1. Solo, duo or trio dance time cannot exceed 3 minutes in duration. Group dance cannot exceed 5 minutes in duration. Times may be less than maximum times set. 2. Different dance competitors may perform the same choreography in solo items. 3. Dance music must be in a format to be loaded on to a laptop for playing. Playing facilities and personnel will be provided backstage for dance items. Music must be taken backstage to the music personnel in the break before the section starts. The music device must be clearly labelled with the following information: Competitors name, Item number and track title. No responsibility will be taken for fade and/or cut or for loss of property. 4. Performers need to have a backup copy of sound recordings 5. A competitor cannot dance the same routine twice. 6. Adults, non-professionals and non-school students are eligible to enter in the appropriate age items. A professional is defined as one whose principle source of income is derived from the exercise of their talent in a particular class for which they may have entered. A professional is therefore only eligible to nominate for the open items. 7. Dance students under 8 can be prompted from the wings of the stage only. 8 years and over are not allowed to be prompted.

1. In solo items, except beginners, all music that requires accompaniment must have accompaniment. For suggestions please see the web site 2. Piano accompaniment is preferred however recorded music may be used for accompaniment for soloists or choirs if desired (Please test these before your section commences).

3. Costumes or clothes other than school uniforms may be worn in appropriate items, but will have no bearing on final mark except for Items 14, 18 &19. 4. All competitors must perform from an original piece of music, or a licensed AMCOS copy. Photocopies must be handed to the compare prior to performing and then become the property of the Festival Committee, and will be destroyed at the conclusion of the Festival. Please write your section number and competitor number on the photocopy. 5. Competitors in Group & Duo items must enter the item that corresponds to the age of the oldest player. 6. If you require an Accompanist from Charleville, it is your responsibility to organize this prior to the Festival Weekend. 7. Piano may be included in ensemble and orchestral sections provided the pianist is of the required age for that section. 8. Transpositions are allowed for all vocal music. It is not the responsibility of the Committee to supply this service. Discuss this with your accompanist. 9. In vocal group items no competitor may compete more than twice in each item. 10. Students are able to play twice in any ensemble item. 11. In instrumental duo items, students may compete twice but must perform on different instruments. 12. Adults and non-school students are only eligible to enter in the open items . 13. Competitors are encouraged to announce the Title and Composer/Artist before commencing their performance (optional), otherwise this will be said by the Announcer. 14. Time limits apply to all items. 15. A competitor cannot perform the same item twice.

Breech of the rules will result in disqualification

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