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RC BEAM ANALYSIS & DESIGN (EN1992-1) In accordance with UK national annex

TEDDS calculation version 2.1.13

Load Envelope - Com bination 1 853.504

0.0 mm A 3600 1 B

kNm -921.794

Bending Mom ent Envelope -921.8 -921.8

0.0 460.897 mm A 460.9 3600 1

kN 1536.315

Shear Force Envelope 1536.3


-1578.299 mm A 3600 1

-1578.3 B

Support conditions Support A Support B

Vertically restrained Rotationally restrained Vertically restrained Rotationally restrained

Applied loading Permanent self weight of beam 1 Span 1 loads Permanent UDL 400.000 kN/m from 0 mm to 3650 mm Variable UDL 200.000 kN/m from 0 mm to 3650 mm Load combinations Load combination 1 Support A Span 1 Support B Permanent 1.35 Variable 1.50 Permanent 1.35 Variable 1.50 Permanent 1.35


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Leytonstone School
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16/04/2014 Variable 1.50

Analysis results Maximum moment support A; Maximum moment span 1 at 1800 mm; Maximum moment support B; Maximum shear support A; Maximum shear support A span 1 at 939 mm; Maximum shear support B; Maximum shear support B span 1 at 2661 mm; Maximum reaction at support A; Unfactored permanent load reaction at support A; Unfactored variable load reaction at support A; Maximum reaction at support B; Unfactored permanent load reaction at support B; Unfactored variable load reaction at support B; Rectangular section details Section width; Section depth; b = 400 mm h = 1000 mm MA_max = -922 kNm; Ms1_max = 461 kNm; MB_max = -922 kNm; VA_max = 1536 kN; VA_s1_max = 735 kN; VB_max = -1536 kN; VB_s1_max = -735 kN; RA = 1536 kN RA_Permanent = 738 kN RA_Variable = 360 kN RB = 1578 kN RB_Permanent = 758 kN RB_Variable = 370 kN MA_red = -922 kNm; Ms1_red = 461 kNm; MB_red = -922 kNm; VA_red = 1536 kN VA_s1_red = 735 kN VB_red = -1536 kN VB_s1_red = -735 kN



Concrete details (Table 3.1 - Strength and deformation characteristics for concrete) Concrete strength class; Characteristic compressive cylinder strength; Characteristic compressive cube strength; Mean value of compressive cylinder strength; Mean value of axial tensile strength; Secant modulus of elasticity of concrete; Partial factor for concrete (Table 2.1N); Compressive strength coefficient (cl.3.1.6(1)); Design compressive concrete strength (exp.3.15); Maximum aggregate size; Reinforcement details Characteristic yield strength of reinforcement; Partial factor for reinforcing steel (Table 2.1N); Design yield strength of reinforcement; fyk = 500 N/mm2 S = 1.15 fyd = fyk / S = 435 N/mm2 C30/37 fck = 30 N/mm2 fck,cube = 37 N/mm2 fcm = fck + 8 N/mm2 = 38 N/mm2 fctm = 0.3 N/mm2 (fck/ 1 N/mm2)2/3 = 2.9 N/mm2 Ecm = 22 kN/mm2 [fcm/10 N/mm2]0.3 = 32837 N/mm2 C = 1.50 cc = 0.85 fcd = cc fck / C = 17.0 N/mm2 hagg = 20 mm


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Leytonstone School
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MC Nominal cover to reinforcement Nominal cover to top reinforcement; Nominal cover to bottom reinforcement; Nominal cover to side reinforcement; Support A


cnom_t = 35 mm cnom_b = 35 mm cnom_s = 35 mm

4 x 32 bars


4 x 10 shear legs at 200 c/c

4 x 20 bars 400

Rectangular section in flexure (Section 6.1) Minimum moment factor (cl.; Design bending moment; Depth to tension reinforcement; Percentage redistribution; Redistribution ratio; 1 = 0.25 M = max(abs(MA_red), 1 abs(Ms1_red)) = 922 kNm d = h - cnom_t - v - top / 2 = 939 mm mrA = 0 % = min(1 - mrA, 1) = 1.000 K = M / (b d2 fck) = 0.087 K' = 0.598 - 0.181 2 - 0.21 = 0.207 K' > K - No compression reinforcement is required Lever arm; Depth of neutral axis; Area of tension reinforcement required; Tension reinforcement provided; Area of tension reinforcement provided; Minimum area of reinforcement (exp.9.1N); Maximum area of reinforcement (cl.; z = min((d / 2) [1 + (1 - 3.53 K)0.5], 0.95 d) = 860 mm x = 2.5 (d - z) = 197 mm As,req = M / (fyd z) = 2465 mm2 4 32 bars As,prov = 3217 mm2 As,min = max(0.26 fctm / fyk, 0.0013) b d = 566 mm2 As,max = 0.04 b h = 16000 mm2

PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than area of reinforcement required Minimum bottom reinforcement at supports Minimum reinforcement factor (cl.; Area of reinforcement to adjacent span; Minimum bottom reinforcement to support; Bottom reinforcement provided; 2 = 0.25 As,span = 3217 mm2 As2,min = 2 As,span = 804 mm2 4 20 bars

Area of bottom reinforcement provided; As2,prov = 1257 mm2 PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than minimum area of reinforcement required Rectangular section in shear (Section 6.2) Design shear force at support A; Angle of comp. shear strut for maximum shear; Maximum design shear force (exp.6.9); VEd,max = abs(max(VA_max, VA_red)) = 1536 kN max = 45 deg VRd,max = b z v1 fcd / (cot(max) + tan(max)) = 1544 kN

PASS - Design shear force at support is less than maximum design shear force


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MC Design shear force span 1 at 939 mm; Design shear stress; Strength reduction factor (cl.6.2.3(3)); Compression chord coefficient (cl.6.2.3(3)); Angle of concrete compression strut (cl.6.2.3);

16/04/2014 VEd = max(VA_s1_max, VA_s1_red) = 735 kN vEd = VEd / (b z) = 2.136 N/mm2 v1 = 0.6 [1 - fck / 250 N/mm2] = 0.528 cw = 1.00

= min(max(0.5 Asin[min(2 vEd / (cw fcd v1),1)], 21.8 deg), 45deg) = 21.8 deg Area of shear reinforcement required (exp.6.13); Shear reinforcement provided; Area of shear reinforcement provided; Minimum area of shear reinforcement (exp.9.5N); Maximum longitudinal spacing (exp.9.6N); Asv,req = vEd b / (fyd cot()) = 786 mm2/m 4 10 legs at 200 c/c Asv,prov = 1571 mm2/m Asv,min = 0.08 N/mm2 b (fck / 1 N/mm2)0.5 / fyk = 351 mm2/m svl,max = 0.75 d = 704 mm PASS - Area of shear reinforcement provided exceeds minimum required PASS - Longitudinal spacing of shear reinforcement provided is less than maximum Crack control (Section 7.3) Maximum crack width; Mean value of concrete tensile strength; Stress distribution coefficient; Non-uniform self-equilibrating stress coefficient; 0.93 Depth of tensile zone; Area of concrete in the tensile zone; Adjusted maximum bar diameter (exp.7.6N); Maximum adjusted bar diameter; Tension bar spacing; Maximum tension bar spacing; Minimum allowable bar spacing; Maximum stress permitted (Tables 7.2N & 7.3N); hcr = h - x = 803 mm Act = hcr b = 321192 mm2 mod = top (2.9 N/mm2 / fct,eff) 2 (h - d) / (kc hcr) = 12 mm max = 32 mm sbar = (b - 2 (cnom_s + v) - top) / (Ntop - 1) = 93 mm smax = 300 mm smin = max(top, hagg + 5 mm, 20 mm) + top = 64 mm s = 240 N/mm2 wk = 0.3 mm fct,eff = fctm = 2.9 N/mm2 kc = 0.4 k = min(max(1 + (300 mm - min(h, b)) 0.35 / 500 mm, 0.65), 1) =

Minimum area of reinforcement required (exp.7.1); Asc,min = kc k fct,eff Act / s = 1442 mm2 PASS - Area of tension reinforcement provided exceeds minimum required for crack control PASS - Actual bar spacing exceeds minimum allowable Mid span 1

4 x 20 bars


4 x 10 shear legs at 200 c/c

4 x 32 bars 400

Rectangular section in flexure (Section 6.1) - Positive midspan moment Design bending moment; Depth to tension reinforcement; M = abs(Ms1_red) = 461 kNm d = h - cnom_b - v - bot / 2 = 939 mm


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Leytonstone School
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MC Percentage redistribution; Redistribution ratio;

16/04/2014 mrs1 = Ms1_red / Ms1_max - 1 = 0 % = min(1 - mrs1, 1) = 1.000 K = M / (b d2 fck) = 0.044 K' = 0.598 - 0.181 2 - 0.21 = 0.207 K' > K - No compression reinforcement is required

Lever arm; Depth of neutral axis; Area of tension reinforcement required; Tension reinforcement provided; Area of tension reinforcement provided; Minimum area of reinforcement (exp.9.1N); Maximum area of reinforcement (cl.;

z = min((d / 2) [1 + (1 - 3.53 K)0.5], 0.95 d) = 892 mm x = 2.5 (d - z) = 117 mm As,req = M / (fyd z) = 1188 mm2 4 32 bars As,prov = 3217 mm2 As,min = max(0.26 fctm / fyk, 0.0013) b d = 566 mm2 As,max = 0.04 b h = 16000 mm2

PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than area of reinforcement required Rectangular section in shear (Section 6.2) Design shear force at span s1; Angle of comp. shear strut for maximum shear; Maximum design shear force (exp.6.9); VEd,max = max(Vs1_mid, 0 kN) = 615 kN max = 45 deg VRd,max = b z v1 fcd / (cot(max) + tan(max)) = 1601 kN

PASS - Design shear force at support is less than maximum design shear force Design shear force Span 1 - 1080 mm to 2520 mm; VEd = max(Vs1_mid, 0 kN) = 615 kN Design shear stress; Strength reduction factor (cl.6.2.3(3)); Compression chord coefficient (cl.6.2.3(3)); Angle of concrete compression strut (cl.6.2.3); = min(max(0.5 Asin[min(2 vEd / (cw fcd v1),1)], 21.8 deg), 45deg) = 21.8 deg Area of shear reinforcement required (exp.6.13); Shear reinforcement provided; Area of shear reinforcement provided; Minimum area of shear reinforcement (exp.9.5N); Maximum longitudinal spacing (exp.9.6N); Asv,req = vEd b / (fyd cot()) = 634 mm2/m 4 10 legs at 200 c/c Asv,prov = 1571 mm2/m Asv,min = 0.08 N/mm2 b (fck / 1 N/mm2)0.5 / fyk = 351 mm2/m svl,max = 0.75 d = 704 mm PASS - Area of shear reinforcement provided exceeds minimum required PASS - Longitudinal spacing of shear reinforcement provided is less than maximum Crack control (Section 7.3) Maximum crack width; Mean value of concrete tensile strength; Stress distribution coefficient; Non-uniform self-equilibrating stress coefficient; 0.93 Depth of tensile zone; Area of concrete in the tensile zone; Adjusted maximum bar diameter (exp.7.6N); Maximum adjusted bar diameter; Tension bar spacing; Maximum tension bar spacing; Minimum allowable bar spacing; Maximum stress permitted (Tables 7.2N & 7.3N); hcr = h - x = 883 mm Act = hcr b = 353050 mm2 mod = bot (2.9 N/mm2 / fct,eff) 2 (h - d) / (kc hcr) = 11 mm max = 32 mm sbar = (b - 2 (cnom_s + v) - bot) / (Nbot - 1) = 93 mm smax = 300 mm smin = max(bot, hagg + 5 mm, 20 mm) + bot = 64 mm s = 280 N/mm2 wk = 0.3 mm fct,eff = fctm = 2.9 N/mm2 kc = 0.4 k = min(max(1 + (300 mm - min(h, b)) 0.35 / 500 mm, 0.65), 1) = vEd = VEd / (b z) = 1.722 N/mm2 v1 = 0.6 [1 - fck / 250 N/mm2] = 0.528 cw = 1.00


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Leytonstone School
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Minimum area of reinforcement required (exp.7.1); Asc,min = kc k fct,eff Act / s = 1359 mm2 PASS - Area of tension reinforcement provided exceeds minimum required for crack control PASS - Actual bar spacing exceeds minimum allowable Deflection control (Section 7.4) Reference reinforcement ratio; Required tension reinforcement ratio; Required compression reinforcement ratio; Structural system factor (Table 7.4N); Basic allowable span to depth ratio (7.16a); Reinforcement factor (exp.7.17); Flange width factor; Long span supporting brittle partition factor; Allowable span to depth ratio; Actual span to depth ratio; m0 = (fck / 1 N/mm2)0.5 / 1000 = 0.005 m = As,req / (b d) = 0.003 'm = As2,req / (b d) = 0.000 Kb = 1.0 span_to_depthbasic = Kb [11 + 1.5 (fck / 1 N/mm2)0.5 m0 / m + 3.2 (fck / 1 N/mm2)0.5 (m0 / m - 1)1.5] = 36.182 Ks = min(As,prov / As,req 500 N/mm2 / fyk, 1.5) = 1.500 F1 = 1.000 F2 = 1.000 span_to_depthallow = min(span_to_depthbasic Ks F1 F2, 40 Kb) = 40.000 span_to_depthactual = Ls1 / d = 3.834 PASS - Actual span to depth ratio is within the allowable limit

Support B

4 x 32 bars


4 x 10 shear legs at 200 c/c

4 x 20 bars 400

Rectangular section in flexure (Section 6.1) Minimum moment factor (cl.; Design bending moment; Depth to tension reinforcement; Percentage redistribution; Redistribution ratio; 1 = 0.25 M = max(abs(MB_red), 1 abs(Ms1_red)) = 922 kNm d = h - cnom_t - v - top / 2 = 939 mm mrB = 0 % = min(1 - mrB, 1) = 1.000 K = M / (b d2 fck) = 0.087 K' = 0.598 - 0.181 2 - 0.21 = 0.207 K' > K - No compression reinforcement is required Lever arm; Depth of neutral axis; Area of tension reinforcement required; Tension reinforcement provided; Area of tension reinforcement provided; Minimum area of reinforcement (exp.9.1N); Maximum area of reinforcement (cl.; z = min((d / 2) [1 + (1 - 3.53 K)0.5], 0.95 d) = 860 mm x = 2.5 (d - z) = 197 mm As,req = M / (fyd z) = 2465 mm2 4 32 bars As,prov = 3217 mm2 As,min = max(0.26 fctm / fyk, 0.0013) b d = 566 mm2 As,max = 0.04 b h = 16000 mm2


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Leytonstone School
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PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than area of reinforcement required Minimum bottom reinforcement at supports Minimum reinforcement factor (cl.; Area of reinforcement to adjacent span; Minimum bottom reinforcement to support; Bottom reinforcement provided; 2 = 0.25 As,span = 3217 mm2 As2,min = 2 As,span = 804 mm2 4 20 bars

Area of bottom reinforcement provided; As2,prov = 1257 mm2 PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than minimum area of reinforcement required Rectangular section in shear (Section 6.2) Design shear force at support B; Angle of comp. shear strut for maximum shear; Maximum design shear force (exp.6.9); Design shear force span 1 at 2661 mm; Design shear stress; Strength reduction factor (cl.6.2.3(3)); Compression chord coefficient (cl.6.2.3(3)); Angle of concrete compression strut (cl.6.2.3); = min(max(0.5 Asin[min(2 vEd / (cw fcd v1),1)], 21.8 deg), 45deg) = 21.8 deg Area of shear reinforcement required (exp.6.13); Shear reinforcement provided; Area of shear reinforcement provided; Minimum area of shear reinforcement (exp.9.5N); Maximum longitudinal spacing (exp.9.6N); Asv,req = vEd b / (fyd cot()) = 786 mm2/m 4 10 legs at 200 c/c Asv,prov = 1571 mm2/m Asv,min = 0.08 N/mm2 b (fck / 1 N/mm2)0.5 / fyk = 351 mm2/m svl,max = 0.75 d = 704 mm PASS - Area of shear reinforcement provided exceeds minimum required PASS - Longitudinal spacing of shear reinforcement provided is less than maximum Crack control (Section 7.3) Maximum crack width; Mean value of concrete tensile strength; Stress distribution coefficient; Non-uniform self-equilibrating stress coefficient; 0.93 Depth of tensile zone; Area of concrete in the tensile zone; Adjusted maximum bar diameter (exp.7.6N); Maximum adjusted bar diameter; Tension bar spacing; Maximum tension bar spacing; Minimum allowable bar spacing; Maximum stress permitted (Tables 7.2N & 7.3N); hcr = h - x = 803 mm Act = hcr b = 321194 mm2 mod = top (2.9 N/mm2 / fct,eff) 2 (h - d) / (kc hcr) = 12 mm max = 32 mm sbar = (b - 2 (cnom_s + v) - top) / (Ntop - 1) = 93 mm smax = 300 mm smin = max(top, hagg + 5 mm, 20 mm) + top = 64 mm s = 240 N/mm2 wk = 0.3 mm fct,eff = fctm = 2.9 N/mm2 kc = 0.4 k = min(max(1 + (300 mm - min(h, b)) 0.35 / 500 mm, 0.65), 1) = VEd,max = abs(max(VB_max, VB_red)) = 1536 kN max = 45 deg VRd,max = b z v1 fcd / (cot(max) + tan(max)) = 1544 kN VEd = abs(min(VB_s1_max, VB_s1_red)) = 735 kN vEd = VEd / (b z) = 2.136 N/mm2 v1 = 0.6 [1 - fck / 250 N/mm2] = 0.528 cw = 1.00

PASS - Design shear force at support is less than maximum design shear force

Minimum area of reinforcement required (exp.7.1); Asc,min = kc k fct,eff Act / s = 1442 mm2 PASS - Area of tension reinforcement provided exceeds minimum required for crack control PASS - Actual bar spacing exceeds minimum allowable

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