Effect of Blast Loading On CFRP-Retrofitted RC Columns - A Numerical Study

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8(2011) 55 81

Eect of blast loading on CFRP-Retrotted RC columns a

numerical study
This study aims to investigate the eect of blast loads gen-
erated as a result of explosive charges on the existing ex-
terior RC circular columns of a typical building in the city
of Riyadh. A procedure has been developed for evaluating
the dynamic characteristics of the circular column with and
without retrotting. A wide range of parametric studies have
been performed as part of this investigation to examine the
eects of stand-o distance, charge weight and the presence
of CFRP retrotting on the level of damage to the RC col-
umn. The nonlinear nite element analysis was carried out
using LS-DYNA software with explicit time integration al-
gorithms. Dierent charge weights of 100, 200, 500 and 1000
kg equivalent weight of TNT at stand-o distances of 1, 4
and 15 m were considered. Results described in this paper
indicate that CFRP strengthening could be an eective so-
lution to limit the damage caused by moderate explosions.
The stand-o distance was found to play a very important
role in mitigating the adverse eects of a blast. The re-
sults also indicate that the maximum lateral deection ex-
perienced by the column decreased exponentially with the
increase in the stand-o distance and also decreased for the
columns strengthened with CFRP, compared with the un-
strengthened columns.
blast loads, LS-DYNA, Finite element models, RC Columns,
CFRP strengthening .
H.M. Elsanadedy,
T.H. Almusallam, H. Abbas

Y.A. Al-Salloum and
S.H. Alsayed
Specialty Units for Safety and Preservation of
Structures, College of Engineering, King Saud
University, Riyadh 11421 Saudi Arabia
Received 1 Oct 2010;
In revised form 9 Feb 2011

Author email: abbas [email protected]

In the recent past, structures all over the world have become susceptible to the threat of terror-
ist attacks, accidental explosions and other unthought-of explosion related failures. Buildings
and critical infrastructure vulnerable to explosions include government buildings, embassies,
nancial institutions, densely populated commercial structures, and other buildings of national
heritage or landmarks. Consequently, a number of concerns have been raised on the vulnera-
bility and behavior of these structures under extreme loadings.
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56 H.M. Elsanadedy et al / Eect of blast loading on CFRP-Retrotted RC columns a numerical study
In a study carried out by Lan et al. [14], design techniques for reinforced concrete (RC)
columns which are capable of protecting them from the eects of close-in detonation of a
suitcase bomb have been described. LS-DYNA software [15] was used for the nite element
analysis of column using solid elements for concrete and beam elements for reinforcing bars.
The elements were allowed to erode at a principal tensile strain of 50%. It was shown that the
tie spacing plays an important role in the post-blast residual load capacity of columns. Buchan
and Chen [6] presented a state-of-the-art review on retrotting concrete and masonry structures
by FRP composites for blast protection. The advantages of FRP and polymer retrotting in
increasing its strength and ductility and reducing fragmentation were highlighted.
Muszynski et al. [20, 21] reported results from explosion experiments on RC columns
strengthened with GFRP and CFRP. However, during the tests, a previously tested wall became
detached and collided with the retrotted columns, shearing the top and the bottom. The
reason for the spoiled tests was a higher than predicted pressure from the explosive.
Crawford et al. [9] conducted experiments for studying the blast vulnerability of a 350mm
square column of a four story oce building. The column failed mainly in shear and the rupture
of longitudinal rebars accounted for the majority of the displacement. An identical column was
retrotted with six layers of horizontal CFRP wraps for shear enhancement and three vertical
layers for exural enhancement. The retrotted column under the same blast loading appeared
to be elastic with no permanent noticeable deformation. The static load testing of identical
columns was found useful in simulating the blast tests.
Crawford et al. [11] conducted numerical analyses of 1.10 m diameter circular RC column
from a multi-story building retrotted with CFRP composites to determine its vulnerability
to terrorist attacks. DYNA3D, a lagrangian FE code, was used to assess the performance of
the column against 682 and 1364 kg TNT charges at 3.05, 6.1 and 12.2 m stand-o distances.
Modeling challenges highlighted were the eect of connement on the concrete strength and
ductility, strain rate eects, direct shear response and determining loading on many structural
members. An explosive loading was applied and a pressure at the top of the column was used
to simulate the upper stories. The concrete volume was modeled with 8-node brick elements;
reinforcement bars were represented with truss elements and shell elements were used for the
oors and joists. All results showed that composite retrots could have a benecial eect on
the performance of the columns and therefore prevent progressive collapse. The retrotting
was shown to reduce the lateral displacement considerably.
In addition to 3D nite element models, single degree of freedom (SDOF) models [9, 10, 19]
have also been used to predict the response of FRP-retrotted columns against blast loads.
The predictions from such simple models were close to the observed displacement from the
explosive tests. Malhotra et al. [16] give a good overview of the method. Although these
simplied methods are quite useful, three-dimensional analysis, in contrast, provides a more
in-depth understanding by incorporating all aspects of the response of concrete structures
subjected to blast eects.
Riisgaard et al. [22] presented experimental and numerical results of two polymer reinforced
compact reinforced concrete (PCRC) columns subjected to close-in detonation. PCRC is a ber
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reinforced densied small particle system (FDSP) combined with a high strength longitudinal
exural rebar arrangement laced together in the out of plane direction, using polymer lacing to
avoid shock initiated disintegration of the structural element. The two columns were subjected
to 7.6 kg of Penta-Erythritol Tri-Nitrate (PETN) HE (85/15) at a stand-o distance of 0.4
m. For both the columns, the concrete matrix was damaged and both columns suered from
bending failure. The amount of aramid lacing was found to have a positive eect on the
Shi et al. [23] proposed a numerical method to generate pressureimpulse diagram for
RC column and developed analytical formulae for its development. Parametric studies were
also carried out to investigate the eects of geometric and material characteristics. In another
study, Shi et al. [24] modeled the bond slip between rebar and concrete using one-dimensional
slide line contact model in LS-DYNA. The parameters of the one-dimensional slide line model
were derived from common pullout test data. A comparison of numerical results is made with
experimental data. A case study was also carried out to investigate the bond-slip eect on
numerical analysis of blast-induced responses of a RC column.
Bao and Li [4] used LS-DYNA to provide numerical simulations of the dynamic responses
and residual axial strength of reinforced concrete columns subjected to short stand-o blast
conditions. The model is veried through correlated experimental studies. The eects of
transverse reinforcement ratio, axial load ratio, longitudinal reinforcement ratio, and column
aspect ratio were studied through parametric studies. A formula was proposed for estimating
the residual axial capacity based on the mid-height displacement.
King et al. [12] discussed typical building retrot strategies for load bearing and non-
load bearing structural members through strengthening, shielding, or controlling hazardous
debris. El-Dakhakhni et al. [26] developed a nonlinear strain rate dependent model to study
the response of blast-loaded reinforced concrete columns. The moment-curvature relationships
and force-moment interaction diagrams were used for the development of pressure-impulse
diagrams. The uncertainties associated with RC column reinforcement details and possible
increase of column axial load was also incorporated. Berger et al. [5] performed blast testing on
scaled reinforced concrete columns to study the behaviour of dierent types of strengthening of
Steel Reinforced Polymer (SRP), CFRP and SRP/CFRP hybrid combination. It was observed
that the SRP-strengthened columns were quite similar to those strengthened with CFRP. The
SRP was found to be an eective external strengthening material for increasing the resistance
of concrete components, providing similar performance to CFRP wraps at potentially lower
It is seen that the research carried out in the area is mostly qualitative and the behavior of
FRP-strengthened structures under blast loading is not well understood and no proper design
guidelines are available. The lack of understanding is primarily due to the complexity of the
problem where too many variables exist and experiments alone do not lead to eective design
methods. Instead, an in-depth understanding of the structural behavior and accurate modeling
of the dynamics of the structure under blast waves is required. In order to assess the possibility
of progressive collapse of the building, it is extremely important to study the eects of blast
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58 H.M. Elsanadedy et al / Eect of blast loading on CFRP-Retrotted RC columns a numerical study
loadings on the columns of the structure independently. The present study aims to analyze
a RC circular column for investigating the role of CFRP in improving the collapse behavior
thus avoiding the progressive collapse. The study considers dierent charge weights at varying
stand-o distances. The RC circular column considered for the present study was selected from
a real building located in Riyadh. A close inspection of the building premises revealed that the
stand-o distance was virtually zero, which allowed the placement of explosive at a minimum
stand-o distance of 1 m.
The column selected for the study is a typical circular column of 600 mm diameter and 4 m
high. The column is reinforced with 1616 longitudinal bars and 10@200 mm c/c as ties. The
concrete grade of the column is taken as M30. The clear concrete cover to the ties is taken as
30 mm, as shown in Fig. 1. The column represents a real life column of one of the reinforced
concrete structures in Riyadh.
(a) Column (b) Column cross-section
Figure 1 Cross-section for the RC column with reinforcing bars (All dimensions are in mm).
The eect of strengthening has been studied numerically by retrotting the column with
CFRP layers of 1 mm thickness per layer. Two layers of CFRP were thus applied as hoops for
enhancement of shear strength and concrete connement and two layers were provided along
the length of the column to increase its exural capacity. The properties of materials used are
given in Table 1.
2.1 Section properties
Considering a circular reinforced concrete column section of radius r and reinforced with n
longitudinal steel bars of diameter (area of steel = A
) as shown in Fig. 2. The section
has been retrotted for exural as well as shear strengthening with externally bonded layers
of CFRP along the longitudinal direction (thickness = t
) and along circumferential direction
(thickness = t
) respectively.
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Table 1 Material properties used in the analysis.
Concrete [1, 2]
Material Model
Type 072R3 (Karagozian &
Case Model)
Uni-axial compressive strength (MPa) 30
Uni-axial tensile strength (MPa) 3.0
Poissons Ratio
Reinforcing Steel
Material Model
Type 024 (Elasto-Plastic
Modulus of Elasticity (MPa) 200,000
Poissons Ratio 0.3
Yield Stress (MPa) 500
Failure Strain
Material Model
Type-054-055 (Enhanced
Composite Damage model)
Thickness of each layer (mm) 1.0
Youngs Modulus in Long. Dir. (MPa) 82000
Youngs Modulus in Transverse Dir. (MPa) 8200
Poissons Ratio 0.25
Longitudinal Tensile Strength (MPa) 834
Transverse Tensile Strength (MPa) 83.4
(a) Retrotted column section (b) Cracked transformed section
Figure 2 Cross-section of RC column considered in analysis.
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The properties of the gross transformed section are given by:
= r
+ (m
1) A
+ 2m

+ (m
1) r
+ m
gross transformed area of cross-section,
moment of inertia of gross transformed section,
radius of equivalent smeared ring for longitudinal steel,
= r d

clear cover to longitudinal reinforcing bars,
thickness of equivalent smeared ring for longitudinal steel,
modular ratio of reinforcing steel,
modular ratio of CFRP,
The depth of neutral axis (NA) of the section may be found by taking the moment of
eective transformed areas about NA, thus giving:
+ A
+ A
= 0 (3)
area of concrete in compression,
= r
{ sin () cos ()}
distance of centroid of the area of concrete in compression from NA,
sin () cos ()
r + y, = cos
area of smeared ring of steel in compression,
= 2 (m
1) r

distance of centroid of the smeared ring of steel in compression from NA,
= 2r
sin (
) r + y
area of smeared ring of steel in tension,
= 2m
) t
distance of centroid of the smeared ring of steel in tension from NA,
= 2r
sin (
) + r y
transformed area of CFRP in compression,
= 2m
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distance of centroid of the CFRP in compression from NA,
= 2r
sin () r + y
transformed area of CFRP in tension,
= 2m
r ( ) t
distance of centroid of the CFRP in tension from NA,
= 2r
sin ( ) + r y
The cracked moment of inertia of the section is given by:
sin () cos () + 2 sin
() cos ()
+ (m
1) r
+ sin (
) cos (
+ m
sin (
) cos (
)} A
+ m
{ + sin () cos ()}
+ m
{ sin () cos ()} A
= cos
2.2 Dynamic response
Considering a reinforced concrete column of length L and mass per unit length m, as shown in
Fig. 2. The mode shapes of vibration of an Euler column may be expressed as [8]:
(x) = A
cos(ax) + A
sin(ax) + A
cosh(ax) + A
sinh(ax) (5)
with the rst and second spatial derivatives given by:

(x) =
sin(ax) + A
cos(ax) + A
sinh(ax) + A
cosh(ax)} (6)

(x) =
cos(ax) A
sin(ax) + A
cosh(ax) + A
sinh(ax)} (7)
x distance measured from one end of column,
a eigen value parameter (unit: Length
) such that,
f natural frequency of column,
m mass per unit length of column
m = r

density of reinforced concrete,
modulus of elasticity of reinforced concrete,
= 4700

compressive cylinder strength of concrete,
I moment of inertia of column.
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In the beginning, when both ends of the columns are xed i.e. (c) =

(x) = 0 at x = 0
and at x = L, thus giving:

1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
cos(aL) sin(aL) cosh(aL) sinh(aL)
sin(aL) cos(aL) sinh(aL) cosh(aL)





Thus giving the characteristic equation as,
cos(aL) cosh(aL) = 1 (9)
The mass of the column being distributed along the length, there are innite sets of frequen-
cies and associated modes that satisfy the above equation. The rst few values are: aL = 4.7300,
7.8532, 10.9956, 14.1372, 17.2788 . . .
When the column is subjected to blast, plastic hinges may be formed at the ends thus the
boundary conditions get transformed to: (x) =

(x) = 0 at x = 0 and at x = L, thus giving


1 0 1 0
1 0 1 0
cos(aL) sin(aL) cosh(aL) sinh(aL)
cos(aL) sin(aL) cosh(aL) sinh(aL)





The characteristic equation obtained for the above is:
sin(aL) sinh(aL) = 0 (11)
The roots of the above equation are: aL = n, where, n = 1, 2, 3, . . ..
It may be noted here that the above analysis is based on the assumption of prismatic column
section and perfectly straight column axis. The exposure of column to blast may result in non-
uniform material erosion, permanent deformation in the column axis and the hinge action as
a result of damage may not occur at both ends or may be partial. It is due to these reasons
that the actual response of the column may dier from the analysis presented above.
2.3 Discussion
The section properties of the column taken in the study are given in Table 2. The fundamental
frequency and time period calculated based on these section properties and for the two end
conditions (i.e. both ends xed and both ends hinged) are given in Table 3. It may be noted
here that the section is considered to be prismatic. The variation in the natural frequency and
time period of the column has been plotted in Figs. 3 and 4 respectively.
It is observed from Table 2 that the spalling of cover, which is going to occur due to the
vibrations during the blast loading, reduces the cracked moment of inertia of the section by
25.2%. It is assumed that the concrete cover remains attached even after its spalling thus the
mass per unit length, which is taken to be uniform, remains unaected. The advantages of
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providing CFRP (longitudinal and circumferential) are two folds one of increasing the section
parameters (area and moment of inertia) and the other of preventing the spalling of concrete
cover by providing connement. The concrete cover which is otherwise brittle because of non-
connement becomes conned and adds to the ductility of the section. The provision of CFRP
enhances the cracked moment of inertia of the section by 34.6%. Further, if a comparison is
made with the moment of inertia of the section without cover then the enhancement is 79.9%.
Table 2 Section properties of column section.
S. No. Property Value
1. Radius, r (m) 0.3
2. Concrete grade, f
(MPa) 30
3. Reinforcement:
Longitudinal 1616 (A
= 32.17cm
, 1.14%)
Ties 10@200
4. Retrotting using CFRP
Longitudinal 2 layers of 1 mm each
Hoop 2 layers of 1 mm each
5. Gross transformed area, A
no retrotting 3077.4
with retrotting 3197.4
6. Gross moment of inertia, I
no retrotting with cover 0.007053
with retrotting 0.007594
7. Depth of NA of cracked section, y (mm)
no retrotting
with cover 155.1
without cover 146.2
with retrotting 172.8
8. Cracked moment of inertia, I
no retrotting
with cover 0.002373
without cover 0.001776
with retrotting 0.003195
It is observed from Table 3 and Figs. 3 and 4 that the change in the values of moment of
inertia of the section results in signicant change in the natural frequency of dierent modes
of the column.
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Table 3 Fundamental time period and frequency of dierent modes.
State of section
Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3 Mode-4
T f T f T f T f
(ms) (Hz) (ms) (Hz) (ms) (Hz) (ms) (Hz)
Both ends xed
No cracking
no retrotting 8.7 115 3.2 317 1.6 622 1.0 1028
with retrotting 8.4 119 3.0 329 1.5 645 0.9 1067
Cracked section
with cover 15.0 67 5.4 184 2.8 361 1.7 596
no retrotting
without cover 17.0 59 6.2 163 3.1 319 1.9 527
with retrotting 12.9 77 4.7 214 2.4 419 1.4 692
Both ends hinged
No cracking
no retrotting 19.7 51 4.9 203 2.2 457 1.2 813
with retrotting 19.0 52 4.7 211 2.1 474 1.2 843
Cracked section
no retrotting
with cover 34.0 29 8.5 118 3.8 265 2.1 471
without cover 38.4 26 9.6 104 4.3 234 2.4 416
with retrotting 29.3 34 7.3 137 3.3 308 1.8 547
Figure 3 Variation in frequency of dierent modes for moment of inertia varying from cracked to uncracked
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Figure 4 Variation in time period of dierent modes for moment of inertia varying from cracked to uncracked
LS-DYNA [15], a general purpose nite element program was used to develop the 3-D model
of the column. Two cases were considered in the modeling of the column. The rst case
involved the column to be modeled without any strengthening and the second case involved
strengthening of the column with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) sheets. Damping
has been ignored, as it has a negligible eect for short duration, impulsive loads.
3.1 Finite element mesh
Modeling of the column was rst completed using ANSYS-Version 11 as it has a very strong
graphical user interface and the le was then imported to FEMB (which is a preprocessor for
LS-DYNA) database for incorporating the dierent parts as well as the blast interface and
contact segments. A combination of eight and six node solid elements was used to model the
concrete volume. The longitudinal reinforcing bars and ties were modeled using 2-node Hughes
Lui beam elements. For the modeling of CFRP sheets, 4-node shell elements were employed.
Perfect bond was assumed between rebar elements and the surrounding concrete volume and
also between the FRP and the concrete substrate. Figure 5 details the mesh discretization for
the concrete elements, the CFRP elements and the reinforcing cage used in the study. In order
to study the eect of rening the mesh on the numerical results, another ne mesh was created
as shown in Table 4. A comparison of the two meshes used in the study is also detailed in the
table. The main dierence between the two meshes is in the number of concrete elements per
column section. The total numbers of elements in the model are 13472 and 18592 for Mesh 1
and Mesh 2 respectively.
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(a) Concrete solid
(b) CFRP shell elements (c) Reinforcing beam
Figure 5 Mesh discretization of column in LS-DYNA.
3.2 Material modeling
The Karagozian & Case (K&C) model [17], designated as Material type 072R3 in LSDYNA, was
employed to represent concrete for the column. The model is specially designed for predicting
the response of concrete under blast loads. It is a three-invariant model which uses three
shear failure surfaces and includes damage and strain rate eects. It also incorporates many
important features of concrete behavior such as tensile fracture energy, shear dilation and
eects of connement. The reinforcement was modeled using material type 024 to model the
elasto-plastic response with strain rate dependency. In order to model the CFRP material,
type 054-055 was utilized, which is capable of dening orthotropic material characteristics.
The material angles for the longitudinal and circumferential layers were specied as 0


respectively. The manufacturers data sheet for the CFRP material was used for dening
dierent material parameters. The laminated shell theory was used for the purpose of correcting
the assumption of a uniform constant shear strain throughout the thickness of the composite
shell, thus avoiding very sti results. The failure criteria of composite material used in the
analysis is the one proposed by Chang and Chang [7] with special features of compression
failure governed by the criteria of Matzenmiller and Schweizerhof [18]. A summary of material
properties used in the analysis are presented in Table 1.
3.3 Erosion
The erosion option provides a way of including failure to the material models. This is not a
material or physics-based property; however, it lends a great means to imitate concrete spalling
phenomena and produce graphical plots which are more realistic representations of the actual
events. By activating this feature, the eroded solid element is physically separated from the rest
of the mesh. This erosion model represents a numerical remedy to distortion, which can cause
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Table 4 Comparison between nite element meshes used in this study.
Parameter Mesh 1 Mesh 2
Finite element mesh of
column section
No. of concrete elements
per section
112 176
Total No. of concrete ele-
8960 14080
Size of concrete element ranges from 30 to 90 mm ranges from 30 to 50 mm
No. of beam elements for
longitudinal bars
1280 1280
Length of longitudinal bar
50 mm 50 mm
No. of beam elements for
transverse ties
672 672
Length of transverse tie el-
50 mm 50 mm
No. of FRP shell elements 2560 2560
Size of FRP shell element 50 59 mm 50 59 mm
Total No. of elements per
13472 18592
excessive and unrealistic deformation of the mesh. The application of erosion to the simulated
model requires calibration with experimental results; however in the absence of experimental
validation, the consequence of possible discrepancy in the erosion specied is limited. This is
because the damage level of the concrete material is basically governed by the material model
itself. In this study, the concrete elements in the RC column were allowed to erode when the
principle tensile strain reached 50% [14]. Column failure is characterized by the volume of
eroded concrete elements within a particular section with respect to the total elements in the
section, which will have an index about the axial load resistance of the column.
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3.4 Loading and boundary conditions
Fixed boundary conditions were assigned for the top and bottom nodes of the column. The
axial load acting upon the column due to dead plus live loads from upper stories was applied
as nodal loads at the column top. This axial load was applied as a ramp function over a period
of 0.5 s as shown in Fig. 6.
Dierent charge weights of 100, 200, 500 and 1000 kg equivalent weight of TNT at stand-
o distances of 1, 4 and 15 m were considered in the study. Both the un-strengthened and
CFRP- strengthened columns were subjected to these blast loads. The blast loads impinging
on the contact segments of the column were calculated by the software using ConWep [25].
The contact segments of the blast were the solid elements of the front face of the column which
were taken to be in contact with the blast. The vertical height of the charge was taken as 1.0
m above the base of the column because the explosive is assumed to be carried in a vehicle.
Thus, the shock transmitted to the column through ground gets diminished due to which it
has been ignored in the analysis. The blast loading was set to trigger at 0.5 seconds as shown
in Fig. 6.
Figure 6 Loading procedure for dead, live and blast loads on column.
3.5 Solution strategy
LS-DYNA uses explicit time integration algorithm for solving the problems, which is less sen-
sitive to machine precision than other nite element solution methods. The benets of this
are greatly improved utilization of memory and disk. An explicit FE analysis solves the in-
cremental procedure and updates the stiness matrix at the end of each increment of load (or
displacement) based on changes in geometry and material. The termination time of 1.5 s was
set in order to realize the complete blast related response of the column.
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3.6 Blast load
The reected pressure and positive phase duration found from ConWep for dierent charge
weights considered in the study are plotted in Fig. 7. ConWep calculates air blast parameters
using the equations found in Ref. [13] which is based on the data from explosive tests using
weights from less than 1kg to over 400,000 kg. It is found from the air blast parameters
calculation that ConWep may not be used for the explosion of 500 and 1000 kg charge weights
at 1m range. The minimum range for the applicability of ConWep for 500 and 1000 kg charge
weights is found as 1.42 and 1.79 m respectively. It is due to this reason that the column has
been analyzed for these charge weights (i.e. 500 and 1000 kg) at 2m range and found to have
completely destroyed. Thus obviously these charge weights at 1 m range would also destroy
the column. Though no analysis for these charge weights at 1 m range has been carried out
but the results reported latter for these cases are based on the results of analysis for 2 m range.
Figure 7 Reected pressure and positive phase duration for dierent charge weights.
4.1 Eect of mesh size
Two cases, one each from the un-retrotted and the retrotted column cases of blast scenarios
were used to compare the results of the two meshes considered above for the purpose of mesh
sensitivity analysis. Table 5 shows the results of the numerical convergence study. The numer-
ical convergence study showed that further decrease in the mesh size has little eect on the
numerical results but leads to the risk of computer memory overow and substantially increases
the computing time. In order to achieve maximum computing eciency and thereby reduce
the run-time, it was decided to use Mesh-1 for all parametric cases of blast loading simulation.
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Table 5 Results of mesh sensitivity analysis.
Column without FRP
(200 kg charge at 4m
stando distance)
Column with FRP (1000
kg charge at 4m stando
Mesh 1 Mesh 2 Mesh 1 Mesh 2
Peak lateral displace-
ment (mm)
41.05 43.23 124.98 123.40
Permanent lateral dis-
placement (mm)
20.39 23.21 103.14 101.78
Max stresses in longitu-
dinal bars (MPa)
512 508 623 606
Maximum stresses in
transverse bars (MPa)
510 545 701 708
4.2 Displacements and time period of vibration
The time history of maximum lateral displacement of column for two typical combinations
of charge weights and stand-o distances are shown in Figs. 8 and 9. The peak lateral and
permanent displacement of column for the blast scenarios considered in the analysis are given
in Table 6.
Figure 8 Lateral displacement of column subjected to blast due to 100kg charge at 15m stand-o distance.
The observations made from the displacement record are summarized below:
i) As stated previously, the charge weights of 500 and 1000 kg at a stand-o distance of
2.0 m completely destroyed both the columns with and without CFRP strengthening.
Accordingly, these charge weights at 1 m range would also destroy the columns. So it can
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 8(2011) 55 81
H.M. Elsanadedy et al / Eect of blast loading on CFRP-Retrotted RC columns a numerical study 71
Figure 9 Lateral displacement of column subjected to blast due to 100kg charge at 1m stand-o distance.
be assumed that the columns within the focus of a blast of this magnitude would be totally
destroyed and may not be protected by retrotting.
ii) The retrotted as well as un-retrotted columns subjected to the blast of 100 kg charge
weight at 15 m stand-o distance do not undergo any damage, thus the time period of
vibration for this load case (Fig. 8) at the close of the period of analysis when the vibration
is almost free should be the initial period of vibration of the column in the undamaged
state. Thus the time period of the column initially in the undamaged state obtained from
the free vibration response of column subjected to the least intensity blast (100 kg charge
weight at 15 m stand-o distance) obtained from the end of the period of analysis is 10.2
and 9.0 s respectively for the un-retrotted and retrotted columns (Fig. 8). A comparison
of these values with the analytically obtained time period (Table 3 and Fig. 4) shows that
the values lie between the time period calculated for the rst mode of the cracked and
uncracked state with both ends xed. This is due to the cracking of the column section
due to vibration. The predominant mode of vibration initially is thus mode number 1 for
both ends xed condition.
iii) The retrotting of column considered in the study results in 11.7% reduction in the initial
natural time period of vibration of the column as obtained from the free vibration response
of column subjected to the least intensity of blast (100 kg charge weight at 15 m stand-o
distance) obtained from the end of the period of analysis.
iv) The retrotting of column reduces the peak lateral displacement considerably. The retrotting
of column reduces the peak displacement by 21% when the damage to the column is almost
negligible i.e. when the intensity of blast is least severe (100 kg charge weight at 15 m
stand-o distance). A study of all blast cases considered indicates that the reduction of
peak displacement varies from 8% for 100 kg charge weight at stand-o distance of 4 m to
79% for 500 kg charge weight at a stand-o distance of 4 m.
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72 H.M. Elsanadedy et al / Eect of blast loading on CFRP-Retrotted RC columns a numerical study
Table 6 Peak and permanent lateral displacement of column for dierent blast scenarios

Peak displacement Permanent displacement
(mm) (mm)
d = 1 m d = 4 m d = 15 m d = 1 m d = 4 m d = 15 m
Column without retrotting
100 277.53 10.54 0.89 260.21 3.95 0.08
200 489.53 41.05 1.83 478.89 20.39 0.10
500 214.67 4.19 173.55 0.53
1000 474.85 8.39 465.95 0.33
Retrotted Column
100 61.32 8.87 0.70 53.67 2.04 0.13
200 314.91 16.27 1.36 294.87 6.42 0.24
500 45.00 3.50 30.56 0.47
1000 124.98 6.62 103.14 0.61

d: stand-o distance
v) There is exponential increase in peak lateral displacement as well as the permanent dis-
placement with the reduction in the stand-o distance.
vi) At 15 m stand-o distance, the blast of even 1000 kg charge weight does not cause any
signicant damage to the column even without retrotting. Considering 30 mm as the
acceptable permanent lateral displacement for the column, at 4 m stand-o distance, blast
of 100 kg charge weight may be resisted by the column even without retrotting, whereas,
200 and 500 kg charge weights may be resisted by the column after retrotting. Higher
charge weight of 1000 kg could not be resisted by the retrotting considered in the study.
At a stand-o distance of 1 m, the blast of even 100 kg may not be resisted by even the
retrotted column. The increase in the number of layers of CFRP may however help the
column to resist it.
vii) The time period of vibration gets elongated with cracking and damage to the column. The
amount of damage (concrete fracture and yielding/fracture of steel) caused to the column
increases with the increase in the intensity of blast, thus the time period of vibration also
increases with increase in the charge weight and/or reduction in the stand-o distance
(Figs. 8-9).
4.3 State of stress and consequent damage
Table 7 depicts the maximum tensile stress in the longitudinal as well as the transverse reinforce-
ment bars as a result of dierent blast scenarios for both the retrotted and the un-retrotted
columns. From the results in Table 7, it is noted that the maximum values of tensile stress for
the transverse reinforcing bars in some blast scenarios for the retrotted columns were found
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 8(2011) 55 81
H.M. Elsanadedy et al / Eect of blast loading on CFRP-Retrotted RC columns a numerical study 73
to be higher than the corresponding blast scenarios of un-retrotted columns. This is due to
the erosion of concrete in un-retrotted column which results in the release of stress in ties
because the stress in ties is mainly due to the presence of concrete; whereas, the retrotted
column concrete being conned concrete, erosion is less and hence the stress in ties is more.
For these cases it was also noticed that the un-retrotted column had failed as a result of direct
shear due to the proximity of the blast. However, the retrotting of the columns for these cases
improved the overall blast resisting capacity by increasing the shear capacity of the column.
Table 7 Maximum tensile stress in longitudinal and transverse reinforcement bars for dierent blast loading

Maximum Tensile Stress Maximum Tensile Stress
longitudinal reinforcement transverse reinforcement
(MPa) (MPa)
d = 1 m d = 4 m d = 15 m d = 1 m d = 4 m d = 15 m
Column without retrotting
100 591 473 119 497 510 8.4
200 665 512 193 638 510 40
500 F 577 294 F 515 222
1000 F 620 443 F 508 502
Retrotted column
100 502 417 88 667 477 15
200 726 492 138 700 502 38
500 F 516 246 F 518 127
1000 F 623 367 F 701 384

d = stando distance; F = Failed

Tables 8 to 13 report the results of analysis for some of the critical cases of blast for column
with and without CFRP strengthening. The results of analysis for 15 m stand-o distance
have not been reported in these tables because of almost insignicant damage to the column.
In addition, the results of 500 and 1000 kg explosive at 1.0 m stand-o distance have not
been listed as the column (with and without CFRP strengthening) has been assumed to be
completely destroyed as discussed earlier in Sec. 3.6 and 4.2. The nal deected shapes of
the columns are also included in these tables. As seen from these tables, it is clear that the
displacement experienced by the retrotted columns is much lower compared with the un-
strengthened columns. This demonstrates that CFRP strengthening might be a valuable tool
in protecting the service integrity of RC columns especially when the blast charge weights are
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 8(2011) 55 81
74 H.M. Elsanadedy et al / Eect of blast loading on CFRP-Retrotted RC columns a numerical study
Table 8 Damage of column due to 100 kg charge weight at 1 m stand-o distance.
Column status Damage description
Column without retrotting
Lateral displacement: The column was found
to have a maximum lateral peak deection of 277
Concrete: Concrete was completely destroyed
over the bottom one-third height. Severe dila-
tion of concrete at mid-height and slight dilation
near the top support of the column. The column
rendered inadequate for service.
Longitudinal reinforcement: No breakages
were found in the bars. Max. tensile stress in
the bars was 591 MPa.
Shear reinforcement: No breakages in the ties
were found. Max. tensile stress of 497 MPa was
observed suggesting yielding of the bars.
Retrotted column
With FRP
Lateral displacement: A maximum peak lat-
eral deection of 61 mm was observed.
Concrete: Damage to concrete was seen at the
bottom 0.5 m height of the column. The FRP
material protected the concrete from any severe
FRP material: Partial tear of the FRP mate-
rial was noticed at the bottom 1 m height of the
column, on the side facing the blast wave and
on the opposite face.
Longitudinal reinforcement: There was no
breakage in the steel bars but many bars were
bent. Max. tensile stress of 502 MPa was ob-
served suggesting yielding.
Shear reinforcement: No breakages were ob-
served in the ties. Tensile force data suggests
some of the bars might have yielded. Overall
the column might need some repairs for bring-
ing it back to service life.
Max. Tensile stress = 667 MPa
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 8(2011) 55 81
H.M. Elsanadedy et al / Eect of blast loading on CFRP-Retrotted RC columns a numerical study 75
Table 9 Damage of column due to 100 kg charge weight at 4 m stand-o distance.
Column status Damage description
Column without retrotting
Lateral displacement: A small lateral deec-
tion of 10 mm was observed.
Concrete: Minor dilation of concrete at the
bottom half meter height. Column seems to be
in good service condition.
Longitudinal reinforcement: Some of the
bars were found to be slightly bent without any
breakages. Max. tensile stress of 473 MPa was
Shear reinforcement: Max. tensile stress of
510 MPa was found suggesting that the tie bars
maybe close to yielding. However no breakages
were found in the tie bars.
Retrotted column
Lateral displacement: The lateral deection
of the column remains negligible (8 mm) in this
case suggesting good serviceable condition of the
column after the blast.
Concrete: No damage to concrete core or cover
was observed.
FRP material: Very slight distortion in the
material was seen in the top and bottom ends of
the column.
Longitudinal reinforcement: No breakages
were seen in the longitudinal bars, only some of
the bars were found to be bent. Max. tensile
stress of 417 MPa was found in the bars.
Shear reinforcement: No breakages in the tie
bars were observed. Max. tensile stress of 477
MPa was observed suggesting only a few bars
might be close to yielding.
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76 H.M. Elsanadedy et al / Eect of blast loading on CFRP-Retrotted RC columns a numerical study
Table 10 Damage of column due to 200 kg charge weight at 1 m stand-o distance.
Column status Damage description
Column without retrotting
Lateral displacement: Peak lateral deection
of 489 mm was found in the column.
Concrete: Concrete in the bottom half was to-
tally destroyed. The rest of the concrete was
severely dilated leaving the entire column inad-
equate for service.
Longitudinal reinforcement: Bars were
found to have severely deformed. No breakages
were detected. A maximum stress of 665 MPa
was found in the bars, suggesting denite yield-
ing of bars.
Shear reinforcement: Tie bars were also
severely bent. Max. stress of 638 MPa was
Retrotted column
Lateral displacement: A peak lateral deec-
tion of 314 mm was found.
Concrete: Concrete over the bottom third
height was critically damaged, however held to-
gether by the FRP. Spalling was also observed
at the top end of the column. The column might
have been rendered unt for use.
FRP material: Extreme damage and tearing
was noticed at the bottom one-third height, and
partial tearing at the top most part of the col-
Longitudinal reinforcement: Bars badly
bent out of shape at the blast height, and some
of the bars were fractured at the top and the
bottom ends of the column. Max. Tensile
Stress = 726 MPa.
Shear reinforcement: A few tie bars were
found to have fractured at the bottom 1m height
of the column. Max. Tensile Stress = 700 MPa.
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H.M. Elsanadedy et al / Eect of blast loading on CFRP-Retrotted RC columns a numerical study 77
Table 11 Damage of column due to 200 kg charge weight at 4 m stand-o distance.
Column status Damage description
Column without retrotting
Lateral displacement: Maximum Lateral de-
ection in the column was found to be approxi-
mately 41 mm.
Concrete: Dilation of concrete was found es-
pecially in the bottom one-third height of the
column. Minor dilation was found over the en-
tire length. Column might be good for service
loads after some repairs.
Longitudinal reinforcement: No breakages
in the bars, however the steel cage was bent
at the bottom one meter height. Max stress of
512 MPa for observed.
Shear reinforcement: No ties were broken.
Some of them were slightly bent.
Max. tensile stress = 510 MPa.
Retrotted column
Lateral displacement: Overall the column
seems to be in a good condition with a peak
deection of 16 mm.
Concrete: No major damage. Slight dilation
of concrete was noticed at the top end of the
column as well as on the blast face in bottom
1 m height.
FRP material: Slight distortion of the mate-
rial was noticed in the bottom 1m height of the
column on the blast face of the material. No
tearing of the material.
Longitudinal reinforcement: Bars were
found to be bent at numerous locations, how-
ever no breakages were found. Max. tensile
stress was 492 MPa, suggesting yielding in some
of the bars.
Shear reinforcement: Slight bending in some
of the bars at mid-height, but no breakage. Max.
tensile stress of 502 MPa suggesting some of the
bars might be close to yielding.
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 8(2011) 55 81
78 H.M. Elsanadedy et al / Eect of blast loading on CFRP-Retrotted RC columns a numerical study
Table 12 Damage of column due to 500 kg charge weight at 4 m stand-o distance.
Column status Damage description
Column without retrotting
Lateral displacement: The deection (215
mm) in the column might render it unable to
go on in service without major repairs.
Concrete: Considerable lateral deection in
the column was found at mid-height as seen in
the gure. Severe dilation in the concrete over
the entire length of the column.
Longitudinal reinforcement: The steel cage
was also found to be considerably bent. However
no breakages were detected. Max. tensile stress
of 577 MPa suggesting yielding of bars.
Shear reinforcement: Ties were found to be
bent at a few locations. No breakages found.
The axial force in the tie bars suggested denite
yielding of bars. Max. tensile stress of 515 MPa.
Retrotted column
Lateral displacement: It was found that the
column had deected at 1 m height by 45 mm.
Concrete: Damage compared with the column
without FRP got reduced. However no spalling
of cover was found and the concrete core was
FRP material: The distortion of FRP mate-
rial was more at the top and the bottom third
heights of the column suggesting severe strain
on the material at those locations. However no
tearing of material was noticed.
Longitudinal reinforcement: Slight deec-
tion was found in the entire steel cage suggest-
ing the column also had deected to an extent.
Max. tensile stress = 516 MPa.
Shear reinforcement: Tie bars had no break-
ages; however some of them were bent. Max.
axial stress of 518 MPa was observed suggesting
some of the bars had just yielded.
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Table 13 Damage of column due to 1000 kg charge weight at 4 m stand-o distance.
Column status Damage description
Column without retrotting
Lateral displacement: The column might have
been rendered unusable as a result of a max. peak
lateral deection of 475 mm.
Concrete: Severe concrete spalling found at a height
of 0.5m above base. Damage to concrete at the bot-
tom half of the column. Severe dilation over the en-
tire height of the column.
Longitudinal reinforcement: Bars were found to
be deected. No breakages were found however.
Max. axial stress of 620 MPa was found suggesting
bars have almost reached their tensile strength.
Shear reinforcement: Ties were also found to be
severely bent at more than a few locations. Tensile
stress of 508 MPa suggest denite yielding of some
of the bars.
Retrotted column
Lateral displacement: A max lateral displacement
of 125 mm was observed at the 1 m height of the
Concrete: Dilation of concrete was found over the
entire length. Concrete cover had spalled up to the
bottom 1m height on the side facing the blast. How-
ever concrete core was found to be intact.
FRP material: FRP material had torn up to the
bottom 1m height and at the top end as shown in the
Longitudinal reinforcement: The steel bars were
found to be bent at some locations, however no
breakage was found. Max. tensile stress of 616 MPa
was found suggesting yielding.
Shear reinforcement: The steel tie bars were cut
at four locations at the bottom third height speci-
cally where the blast took place. Major repairs might
be needed for the column in order to restore its ser-
vice state. Max. tensile stress = 700 MPa
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 8(2011) 55 81
80 H.M. Elsanadedy et al / Eect of blast loading on CFRP-Retrotted RC columns a numerical study
The major conclusions derived from the present study of un-retrotted RC column and the
lightly retrotted column using CFRP are given in the following:
i) The frequency/time period of vibration of circular column obtained analytically is found
to be close to the initial frequency/time period obtained through nite element analysis.
The retrotting of column considered in the study results in 11.7% reduction in the initial
natural time period of vibration of the column.
ii) The retrotting of column reduces the peak lateral displacement considerably, which varies
from 8% for 100 kg charge weight at stand-o distance of 4 m to 79% for 500 kg charge
weight at a stand-o distance of 4 m.
iii) There is exponential increase in peak lateral displacement as well as the permanent dis-
placement with the reduction in the stand-o distance. Thus, the stand-o distance plays
a very important role in mitigating the adverse eects of a blast.
iv) The charge weights of 200 and 500 kg at 4 m stand-o distance may be resisted by the
column after retrotting. However, the increase in the number of layers of CFRP may
help the column to resist even slightly more intense blasts.
v) The time period of vibration gets elongated with the amount of damage (concrete fracture
and yielding/fracture of steel) caused to the column; thus, the time period of vibration
increases with increase in the charge weight and/or reduction in the stand-o distance.
vi) A comparison of the retrotted RC column with un-retrotted column cases reveals that
even a light retrotting considered in the study provided considerable resistance to blast
loads, and thus contributed greatly to impeding the onset of progressive collapse for mod-
erate blasts. The nature of the failure for CFRP-wrapped columns was also less explosive,
thereby protecting loss of human life and property.
Acknowledgements: The authors gratefully acknowledge the support provided by the Spe-
cialty Units for Safety and Preservation of Structures and the MMB Chair of Research and
Studies in Strengthening and Rehabilitation of Structures, Department of Civil Engineering,
King Saud University.
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