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CTS Apti Question paper (Colour: Yellow) There are other three colours also.

We received only yellow Question papers. 1. If all the 6 are replaced by 9, then the algebraic sum of all the numbers from 1 to 100(both inclusive) varies by Ans: 330 2. he total no. of numbers that are divisible by 2 or ! bet"een 100 and 200(both inclusive) are Ans:67 hen the

!. #rom a pac$ of cards %ac$, &ueen, 'ing ( ace are removed. algebraic sum of rest of the cards is Ans:216 ).

he average temperature of days from *onday to +ednesday is !, degree -elsius and that of from uesday to hursday is !) degrees. he temperature of hursday is )./th of *onday. hen the temperature of hursday is Ans: 36 degrees /. 0"etha, ina, 1ma and 2idya are playing a gambling. In this different people lose in different games3in the reverse alphabetical order. he rule is that if one loses she should double the amount of others. 4t the end of )th game each of them have same amount of money (5s.!2). +hich one of them started "ith the least amount6 (6) +hich one of them started "ith the largest amount of money6 (,.) 4t the end of the 2nd game "hat is the amount of money "ith uma6 Ans: Vidya, Swetha, Rs.8 7. 4 cube of 12 mm is painted on all its side. If it is made up of small cubes of si8e !mm. If the big cube is spitted into those small cubes, the number of cubes that remain unpainted is Ans: 8 9. 9 is /0: faster than 4. If 4 starts at 9 4.*. and 9 starts at 10 4.*. 4 travels at a speed of /0 $ If 4 and 9 are !00 $ms apart, he time "hen they meet "hen they travel in opposite direction is Ans:12 noon 10. 4 graph "ill be there. Inside the graph sheet there "ill be a &uadrilateral. +e have to count the number of s;uares in the &uadrilateral.

11. <ou are having !1$g of rice. <ou are provided "ith a 1$g stone for "eighing. In ho" many "eights the !1$g of rice can be "eighed. 4ns= / 12. 4 starts at 11=004* and travels at a speed of )$ 9 starts at 1=00>* and travels at 1$ for the first 1hr and 2$ for the ne?t hr and so on. 4t "hat time they "ill meet each other. 4ns= 1!. here are 70 coins, among them one coin "eighs less compared to other. <ou are given a physical balance to "eigh. In ho" many "ieghings the odd coin can be found. 4ns= 1). @ia of the circle )cm. he shaded part is 1.! of the s;uare area. +hat is the side of the s;uare. 4ns= root of !pi 1/. 4,9,-, can do a "or$ in 7,1),16 days respectively. 4 does the "or$ for 2 days. 9 continues from it and finishes till 2/: of the remaining "or$. finishes the remaining "or$. Ao" many days "ould have ta$en to complete the "or$ 4ns= 16. 5aBa "ent to a beauty contest .his "ife "as eager to $no" the result he told that the lady "ear a yello" sari "as "inner. *iss. 4ndhra >radesh *iss. 1tter >radesh, *iss. *aharashtra, *iss. +est 9engal "ere the participants all the participants sat in a ro". he conditions are (4) he "oman "ore yello" sari "on the competition. (9) *iss. +est 9engal "as neither the runner3up or "inner.(-) *iss. +est 9engal "as not at either ends.(@) *iss. *aharastra "ore the "hite sari.(C) he "omen "ore "hite sari and yello" sari sat at e?treme ends.(#) he runner3up and "inner did not sit together. D his "as the passage given and the ;uestions "ere easyE 1,. 17. he ratio of "hite balls and blac$ balls is 1=2. If 9 gray balls is added it becomes 2=)=!. hen "hat is number of blac$ balls. 4ns=12 here are 10 coins. 6 coins sho"ing head. 4nd ) sho"ing tail. Cach coin "as randomly flipped (not tossed) seven times successively.after flipping the coins are / heads ) tails one is hided the hided coin "ill have "hat. "o cars are /00 cm apart. each is moving for"ard for 100 cm at a velocity of /0 cm.s and receding bac$ for /0 cm at 2/ cm.s at "hat time they "ill collide "ith each other.


20. >eople near the sea shore are leading a healthy life as they eat fish.but people at other part of the city are also healthy. Inference. 21. It is found from research that if u r a drun$en then u have a less chance for chronic heart diseases. Inference. 22. 439FcG4F93- i) 9 is Fve, ii) 9 is Hve "hen it "ill hold true. 2

2!. i) -.> is 5s 120 and profit is !0: ii) -.> is 5s 210 and profit is 20: "e can find the 0.> by using i)only ii)only both i (ii neither i(ii 2). Ao" "ill u find distance bet"een Iagpur and *umbai6 I too$ one hour more "hen I travel at 70 $ than at 90 $

2/. 100 coins "ere collected by four persons each collected more than 10 each collected a different number each "as an even number find "hat is the ma? possible no of coins, t"o more ;uestions based on the same passage. 26. 4 car travels from 9 at a speed of 20 $ he bus travel starts from 4 at a time of 6 4.*. here is a bus for every half an hour interval. he car starts at 12 noon. Cach bus travels at a speed of 2/ $ @istance bet"een 4 and 9 is 100 $m. @uring its Bourney , he number of buses that the car encounter is 2,. 27. he ratio of the ages of the father and the son is /=!, 4fter 10 years it "ill be in the ratio !=2. +hat "ill be their ages. /0 and !0 here "as a Island. In that Island there "as 5ubys and Cmeralds. hose "ere available in plenty. 0.! $g of ruby is ) la$hs and 0.) $g of emeralds is / la$hs. %ayanth is buying 12 $g of 5uby and emerald. -hoices "ill be given . %ayanth has to carry both ruby and emerald to the ma?imum profit. 2arun buys 7 boo$s,10 pens and 2 pencils and 9abu buys 6 boo$s, /pens and / pencils. 9abu pays /0: more than 2arun. +hat is the amount 2arun spends in buying pencils. >ra$ash and 5evathi rent a fancy shop. >ra$ash imposes the follo"ing restrictions on 5evathi for buying clips,stic$ers and lip stic$s. he number of clips is t"ice the no. of stic$ers. he no. of lipstic$s should be more than the sum of clips and stic$ers. -ost of clip is 1 rupee. -ost of lipstic$ is t"ice the clips. -ost of 1 lipstic$ is the cost of four stic$ers. hen +hat is the amount that >ra$ash spents for 5evathi. 4ns"er choices "ill be given.

29. !0.

CTS MODEL QUESTION 1. What is the greatest length which can be used t !easure the " ll wing lengths #a$ %& "eet #b$ 1' "eet (inch #c$ 1)"eet *inch #d$ %1"eet 'inch %. + gardener has a nu!ber " shrubs t ,lant h ri- ntall. in r ws. +nd "irst he tried t ,lant /0 then *0 then 1% in each r w 0but alwa.s had ne ,lant le"t. On 1' he had n ne le"t. 1ind the !ini!u! nu!ber " ,lants he had. '. + certain nu!ber " ,e ,le agree t subscribe as !an. ru,ees as the. are subscribers. I" the t tal subscri,ti n is %/2%33(. 1ind the n . " subscribers. 3

3. + general wishing t draw u, 1*1*& !en in the " r! " s lid s4uare " und that he had '1 !en le"t 5er. 1ind the n . " !en in the "r nt "ace. /. I" 678 stands " r 698 and i" 698 stands " r 6:8 and i" 6; 6 stands " r 678 and i" 6:8 stands " r 6; 6 then "ind < 2 7 % : 3 ; 12 9 %/ *. I" a . b = a > b ? a @ b = a : b ? a > b = a 7 b ? a 7 b = a @ b ? then "ind < 3 @ / 7 ) ; 2 . 3 ). In a class */A " students are b .s. On a ,articular da. 2&A " the girls were ,resent. What is the "racti n " b .s ,resent that da.0 i" 5erall ,ercentage " attendance is )&. 2. )/A " a nu!ber when added t )/ is e4ual t the nu!ber. What is the nu!berB (. + "racti n in it8s reduced " r! is such that when it is s4uared and it8s nu!erat r is reduced b. 1C'rd and den !inat r reduced b. 1C/th results in twice it8s riginal 5alue. 1ind the su! " nu!erat r and den !inat r. 1&. + Water !el n weighs/ Dgs. ((A " it is water. It is De,t in a r ! and a"ter s !eti!e it turns ut that it is nl. (2A " water b. weight n w. What is its weightB 11. I" the c !, und interest n a su! " r % .ears at 'A is ES.1&1./&. What w uld be the si!,le interestB 1%. +nand has Es.1& F Gindu has Ee 1. H w !uch +nand gi5e t Gindu in rder that he has Iust 3 ti!es that as Gindu has. 1'. Tw !en C and D start n a h lida. t gether. C has ES.'2 and D has ES.%%F C s,ent ES.3 ! re than D and at the end C had / ti!es as !uch as D. H w !uch d es each s,endB 13. I ha5e certain nu!ber " !arbles t di5ide e4uall. a! ng 12 b .s. I" the nu!ber " !arbles and the nu!ber " b .s were each increased b. %0 each b . w uld recei5e / !arbles less. H w !an. d I ha5eB 1/. / .ears ag adit.a8s age was twice ash D8s age. +"ter / .ears0 +dit.a8s age will be 3C' ti!es the age " ash D. What is adit.a8s ,resent ageB 1*. a "ew ticDets " a sh w are s ld at ES.1& and thers at ES.2 .. 1&/ ticDets were s ld and the a! unt c llected was ES.(%%. 1ind the nu!ber " ticDets s ld at ES.1&. 1). IN a sch l tri, students were acc !! dated in tw r !s + and G. I" / students are shi"ted "r ! + t G 0 then there will be e4ual nu!ber " students in b th the r !s. Gut i" / students are shi"ted "r ! r ! G t +0 + will ha5e d uble nu!ber " students than G. 1ind the t tal nu!ber " studentsB 12. In electi n " r the ,resident %*1 5alid 5 tes were cast " r / c ntestants. 1ind the least nu!ber " 5 tes a candidate w uld re4uire t win the electi nB 1(. The a5erage !arDs " 1/ students in a class is 13/ and the !aJi!u! !arD being %/&. i" the tw l west sc res are re! 5ed0 the a5erage increases b. /0 als the tw l west sc res are FFF!ulti,les " (.1ind the l west sc re in the class. %&. + !an l ses 1C'rd " his ! ne. and wins ES.1& and l ses 1C'rd " what he has n w and wins ES.%& and "inds that he has eJactl. what he had in the beginning. What a! unt did he ha5e riginall.B %1. The c st " the dia! nd 5aries as the s4uare " its weight. Dia! nd weighing 1& decigra!s c st ES.1*&&.. 1ind the l ss incurred0 when it breaDs int % ,ieces in the rati %<'B %%. Es.%2& is di5ided a! ng + 0 G 0 and C 0 s that " r e5er. % Es. + recei5es0 G gets Es./ and " r e5er. Es. ' G recei5es0 C recei5es Es.) . 1ind G8s shareB %'. The wages " lab urers in the "act r. is increased in the rati %%<%/ and there was a reducti n in the nu!ber " w rDers in the rati " 1/<11. 1ind the riginal wage bill i" the ,resent bill is ES./&&&. %3. +nnual inc !e " + and G is in the rati 3<'0 eJ,enses '<%0 sa5ings=ES.*&& each .ear. 1ind inc !e " eachB

%/. I" there are 32 "e!ales blue c llared w rDers 0 what is the di""erence between the !ale white c llared e!,l .ees and "e!ale blue c llared e!,l .ees. C nditi n< rati " white t blue c llared e!,l .ees is 2<'0 !ale<"e!ale=)<30 *&A " white c llarsFFFF. %*. + gr cer !iJes %2 Dg " tea " Es.1& with 1% Dg " tea " Es.1/ . 1ind the c st " !iJture. %). + !erchant has /& Dg " sugar0 ,art " which he sells at 2A gain and rest at 12A gain.his t tal gain is 13A. 1ind the 4uantit. " 12A ,r "it sugar. %2. Kessel + c ntains !ilD and water in the rati 3</. G c ntains in the rati /<1. In what rati sh uld + and G be !iJed s that "inal ,r , rti n is /<3. %(. + trader all ws /A disc unt n cash ,a.!ent. H w !uch ,ercentage ab 5e the c st ,rice !ust he !arD his g ds s that he !aDes a ,r "it " 1&A. '&. I b ught 2Dg " sugar " r Es.22 and s ld at a l ss " as !uch ! ne. as I recei5ed " r %Lgs.+t what ,rice did I sell the sugar. '1. The c st ,rice " 1& articles=the selling ,rice " ( articles. 1ind the ,r "it ,ercent. '%. + seller "iJes 2&A ! re than the c st ,rice " r his g ds0 but he all ws 1&A cash disc unt and 1/ articles t a d -enFFFFFFFFF. ''. Three bachel rs +0G and C rented a h use " r 1 .ear.+ le"t in 3 ! nths0 G in 2 ! nths and C sta.ed " r a .ear.I" the annual rent was Es.*&&&0"ind G8s share '3. I shall be 3&!ins late t reach !. ""ice0 i" I walD at 'D!,h.I shall be '& !in earl.0 i" I walD at 3D!,h. H w "ar is !. ""iceB '/. + !an tra5eling "r ! + t G at '!ilesChr taDes a M hr rest at G and then returns t + at /!,h.T tal ti!e is 'hr %*!ins.1ind the distance between + and G. '*. + train tra5eling at *&D!,h which is 11&! l ng taDes h w !uch t ,ass against a !an walDing at *D!,h '). I" the water current "l ws at %!,h0 it taDes !e 'hrs t r w (!iles u,strea!.H w l ng will it taDe " r the return I urne.. '2. + cheetah chases a deer 1&&! ahead0 the ti!e in which the deer taDes 1& lea,s0 cheetah taDes nl. * lea,s. One lea, " deer =1!?1 lea, " cheetah =%!.In h w !an. lea,s w uld cheetah catch u, deer. '(. In a race + beats G b. 3&! r b. )secs.1ind +8s ti!e " r the c urse. 3&. + runs 11 C2 ti!es "aster than G.+ gi5es G a start " 1%&!0 h w "ar !ust the winning , st be s that the. "inish t gether. 31. Tw !en + and G run a 3 D! race n a circular c urse " %/&!.I" their s,eeds are in the rati /<30 h w "ten d es + ,ass the therB 3%. In a sur5e. " 1&& students it was " und that /& use the c llege librar.0 3& ha5e their librar. and '& b rr wed b Ds. O" these %& used b th the c llege librar. and their wn.1/ use their wn librar. and b rr wed b Ds0 and 1& used the c llege librar. and b rr wed b Ds. H w !an. used all the three s urcesFFFFFFFFFFF.. 3'. In a gr u, " %& there 2 "e!ales0 ( literates and * "e!ale literates. 1ind the n . " illiterates in the gr u,. 33. + sur5e. " a s ciet. wh se residents are business !en sh w 1C*th wn their bungal ws0 1C3th wn their "lats and 1C2th wh wn bungal ws d es n t wn "lats. What "racti n s ciet. residents wn b th bungal ws and "latsB 3/. In h w !an. wa.s can 3 cards "r ! a ,acD " cards be selected s as t include at least 1 dia! ndB 3*. + candidate is re4uired t answer * ut " 1& 4uesti ns di5ided int % gr u,s " / 4uesti ns each. He is ,er!itted t atte!,t n t ! re than 3 4uesti ns "r ! each gr u,. H w !an. ch ices can he !aDeB 3).

AB=8;BC=12;angle ABC=150; Area ABC=?

32. 1ind the area " the shaded regi n i" Triangle +GC is an e4uilateral triangle " side *c!.

3(.G0 O0 N are centers " se!icircles +9C0 +OG and GPC res,ecti5el.. +C=13c!.1ind the area " the shaded regi n .

/&. 1r ! the t , " a hill the angle " de,ressi n " the t , and b tt ! " a t wer are bser5ed t be 3/degrees Q *& degrees res,ecti5el.. I" the height " the hill is 1&&R' !0 "ind the height " the t wer. S>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>S>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>S>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>S Paper 1

@iameter of circle is d, #ind length of string.(outer string that covers the circle) 4ns= d (pi F !) 2) @iamondJKs value is proportional to its "eight 2 .+hen the diamond bro$e "ts of pieces in ratio 1=2=!L)=/. otal loss in value is 7/,000.+hat is the value of the diamond t"ice the "t of the original diamond. 4ns = )/,000 !)>erson M Boin a Bob at 20 yrs.#irst ! years sal N10,000 p.a. 4fter"ards every year inc of 2,000 per year for 10 year. hen sal become const till retirement. at retirement avg sal is 2/,000. ( throKout career) "hat age he retires.6 ))In an island there r tribals "ho spea$ lang of atmost ) "ords.Oang consists of ) alphabets.Ao" many "ords can be formed in that language6 4ns !)0 /) It "as found that the cause for the malaria "as the s"amp marsh and so r s"amps "ere drained .*os;uito the real cause for malaria due to lac$ of breeding grounds (0"amps) also "as "iped out. +hat does this illustrate6 (4ns = (>ossible) "hen many conditions form a result eradication of one cause also eradicates the result) 6)4n officer $ept files on his table at various times in the order 1,2,!,),/,6 . ypist can ta$e file from top "henever she has time and type it.+hat order she cannKt type.6 (4ns = ),/,6,2,!,1) ,)4 and 9 r fighting .9 fires ! times as many missiles as 4. misses !/,.9Ks hits H 4Ks hits N 66.4Ks hits6 otal hits= total misses N 1., .9Ks

7))0 shots ta$en./0p for a hit.10p for a miss.(he have to give).#inally he has 5s./.Ao" many hits.6 4ns 1/ 9)#ind avg of a,b,c,d,e .Piven data = avg of any ) num Navg of any ! num 2)(aFb)Q N !6 +hich of the abv are sufficient6 10)+hat is the difference in times bt"n cl$ 1 ( cl$2. 1) both sho" same time 6 hrs bac$ 2 ) 1 cl$ gains 1 min an hr,cl$2 gains 2 min an hour. Oi$e abvR. 11)4 ta$es 9 strides to 9Ks , strides. 4 stride N 1meter.9 stride N1.2m 9 gets the start of 2)m.+hat dist should 4 travel to overta$e 96

12) ortoise gets 100 m head start. Aare is 10 times faster as tort. +hat is the dist traveled by hare to catch up tort.6 1!)) "eights r "eighed in pairs. +eights of pairs are determined as 10!,10/,106,106,10,,109 +hat is the min "t6 4ns /1 1)) -onstant cost N !00 and 1.,/ . copy. Ao" many copies should he sell at ,.,/ .copy to ma$e a profit. 1/)

#ind the perimeter 6 4Is 27 16) 20 members avg N10./. ! memb of 11./,12./,1!./ left and ! memb of 10./,12./,1)./ Boined along "ith a teacher of 21 yr.Io" avg N R.4ns 11. 1,)

#ind the area of shaded. 5adius of circle N 1cmR..4rcs r dra"n "ith center at circumference. 17)

#ind the area of the shaded portion6 19) 0olid cube of 6 S 6 S 6. his cube is cut into to 216 small cubes.(1 S 1 S 1).the big cube is painted in all its faces. hen ho" many of cubes are painted at least 2 sides. (4ns /6) 20) 4 9acteria is doubling at every ) min. 4fter )0 min 102) bact. hen 2/6 "henGR..6 4ns = !2 min 21) 4 bag contains ! balls of 11 different colors each. #ind the min no of chances to find at least ! balls of same color6 4ns = 2! 22) If ?Q T ) then 100.? isR.6 4ns = 100.? G /0 ( 100.? T 3/0. 2!) If D?E is the int less than ? and U?U is the abs val of ?. hen ma? of D?E.U?U is 4ns d)none 2)) 4 "or$ in 12 days b in 1/ days. #ind the no of days if they "or$ on alternate days. 4ns 1! V 2/) 4,9,- r positive int.Wut of them 2 r odd. hen /Qa F ( b3/)! (c3!)Q N 6 4ns = al"ays odd. 26) 4 s;uarer side is /cm.If a s;uare of side 10cm is hinged X the center of the prev s;uare. "hen they r rotated common area to both s;uares (4ns = @oes not change) 2,) !pQ F p; F /;Q is even. If a) b) c) d) If p is odd, ; is odd If p is even, ; is odd If p is odd ,p is even 4tleast one of p and ; is odd.

-hoices are given. 4ns = )) Ione of these 27) 4 lady has to feed a dog for the one "ee$ from *onday to 0unday .0he has food types *,I,W,>,&,5,0 . *IW> protein enriched 50 3 vitamin enriched. 2itamin enriched cannot be fed on consecutive days.

-onditions given = * should be fed before 0. * should be fed before &. 5 0hould be fed before 0. 9efore I and & there should be four types. ased on this ! 6s are as$ed.4ll r easy to ans"erR 29) 4 man bought at the cost of / plums a rupee and 2 oranges a rupee.Ae sells 10 plums and 6 oranges at the selling price of ) plums a rupee and ! oranges a rupee.+hat is his gain or loss6 4ns loss of /0p. !0) Wut of !2 boo$s the cost of 10 boo$s is 5s. /0 each and he got a profit of ):. Ae sells 1/ boo$s at a profit of !.7)61: on the selling price of 5s ,0. he remaining cost is /,6. he remaining boo$s are sold at 5s ,). +hat is his total profit. !1) "o solutions have mil$ ( "ater in the ratio ,=/ and 6=11.#ind the proportion in "hich these t"o solutions should 9e mi?ed so that the resulting solution has 1 part mil$ and 2 parts "ater6 a)!/=! b)21=!6 c)not possible 4ns =c #urther ;s are from reading comprehension.(verbal reasoning) 4ll are easy to ans"er if u read carefully. +e are not able to get the remaining ;uestions.

Paper !
CTS Apti Question paper 6. If all the 6 are replaced by 9, then the algebraic sum of all the numbers from 1 to 100(both inclusive) varies by Ans: 330 ,. 7. 9. he total no. of numbers that are divisible by 2 or ! bet"een 100 and 200(both inclusive) are Ans:67 #rom a pac$ of cards %ac$, &ueen, 'ing ( ace are removed. cards is Ans:216 hen the algebraic sum of rest of the

he average temperature of days from *onday to +ednesday is !, degree -elsius and that of from uesday to hursday is !) degrees. he temperature of hursday is )./ th of *onday. hen the temperature of hursday is Ans: 36 degrees 10. 0"etha, ina, 1ma and 2idya are playing a gambling. In this different people lose in different games3in the reverse alphabetical order. he rule is that if one loses she should double the amount of others. 4t the end of )th game each of them have same amount of money (5s.!2). +hich one of them started "ith the least amount6 (6) +hich one of them started "ith the largest amount of money6 (,.) 4t the end of the 2nd game "hat is the amount of money "ith uma6 Ans: Vidya, Swetha, Rs.8 7. 4 cube of 12 mm is painted on all its side. If it is made up of small cubes of si8e !mm. If the big cube is splitted into those small cubes, the number of cubes that remain unpainted is Ans: 8 9. 9 is /0: faster than 4. If 4 starts at 9 4.*. and 9 starts at 10 4.*. 4 travels at a speed of /0 $ If 4 and 9 are !00 $ms apart, he time "hen they meet "hen they travel in opposite direction is Ans:12 noon 2). 2/. 26. 4 graph "ill be there. Inside the graph sheet there "ill be a &uadrilateral. +e have to count the number of s;uares in the &uadrilateral. <ou are having !1$g of rice. <ou are provided "ith a 1$g stone for "eighing. In ho" many "eights the !1$g of rice can be "eighed. 4ns= / 4 starts at 11=004* and travels at a speed of )$ 9 starts at 1=00>* and travels at 1$ for the first 1hr and 2$ for the ne?t hr and so on. 4t "hat time they "ill meet each other. 4ns=


2,. 27. 29.

here are 70 coins, among them one coin "eighs less compared to other. <ou are given a physical balance to "eigh. In ho" many "ieghings the odd coin can be found. 4ns= @ia of the circle )cm. he shaded part is 1.! of the s;uare area. +hat is the side of the s;uare. 4ns= root of !pi 4,9,-, can do a "or$ in 7,1),16 days respectively. 4 does the "or$ for 2 days. 9 continues from it and finishes till 2/: of the remaining "or$. - finishes the remaining "or$. Ao" many days "ould have ta$en to complete the "or$ 4ns= 5aBa "ent to a beauty contest .his "ife "as eager to $no" the result he told that the lady "ear a yello" sari "as "inner. *iss. 4ndhra >radesh *iss. 1tter >radesh, *iss. *aharashtra, *iss. +est 9engal "ere the participants all the participants sat in a ro". he conditions are (4) he "oman "ore yello" sari "on the competition. (9) *iss. +est 9engal "as neither the runner3up or "inner. (-) *iss. +est 9engal "as not at either ends.(@) *iss. *aharastra "ore the "hite sari.(C) he "omen "ore "hite sari and yello" sari sat at e?treme ends.(#) he runner3up and "inner did not sit together. D his "as the passage given and the ;uestions "ere easyE he ratio of "hite balls and blac$ balls is 1=2. If 9 gray balls is added it becomes 2=)=!. hen "hat is number of blac$ balls. 4ns=12 here are 10 coins. 6 coins sho"ing head. 4nd ) sho"ing tail. Cach coin "as randomly flipped (not tossed) seven times successively.after flipping the coins are / heads ) tails one is hided the hided coin "ill have "hat. "o cars are /00 cm apart. each is moving for"ard for 100 cm at a velocity of /0 cm.s and receding bac$ for /0 cm at 2/ cm.s at "hat time they "ill collide "ith each other. >eople near the sea shore are leading a healthy life as they eat fish.but people at other part of the city are also healthy. Inference. It is found from research that if u r a drun$en then u have a less chance for chronic heart diseases. Inference. 439FcG4F93- i) 9 is Fve, ii) 9 is Hve "hen it "ill hold true. i) -.> is 5s 120 and profit is !0: ii) -.> is 5s 210 and profit is 20: "e can find the 0.> by using i)only ii)only both i (ii neither i(ii Ao" "ill u find distance bet"een Iagpur and *umbai6 I too$ one hour more "hen I travel at 70 $ than at 90 $


!1. !2.

!!. !). !/. !6. !,.


2/. 100 coins "ere collected by four persons each collected more than 10 each collected a different number each "as an even number find "hat is the ma? possible no of coins, t"o more ;uestions based on the same passage. 26. 4 car travels from 9 at a speed of 20 $ he bus travel starts from 4 at a time of 6 4.*. here is a bus for every half an hour interval. he car starts at 12 noon. Cach bus travels at a speed of 2/ $ @istance bet"een 4 and 9 is 100 $m. @uring its Bourney , he number of buses that the car encounter is !1. !2. he ratio of the ages of the father and the son is /=!, 4fter 10 years it "ill be in the ratio !=2. +hat "ill be their ages. here "as a Island. In that Island there "as 5ubys and Cmeralds. hose "ere available in plenty. 0.! $g of ruby is ) la$hs and 0.) $g of emeralds is / la$hs. %ayanth is buying 12 $g of 5uby and emerald. -hoices "ill be given . %ayanth has to carry both ruby and emerald to the ma?imum profit. 2arun buys 7 boo$s,10 pens and 2 pencils and 9abu buys 6 boo$s, /pens and / pencils. 9abu pays /0: more than 2arun. +hat is the amount 2arun spends in buying pencils. >ra$ash and 5evathi rent a fancy shop. >ra$ash imposes the follo"ing restrictions on 5evathi for buying clips,stic$ers and lip stic$s. he number of clips is t"ice the no. of stic$ers. he no. of

!!. !).


lipstic$s should be more than the sum of clips and stic$ers. -ost of clip is 1 rupee. -ost of lipstic$ is t"ice the clips. -ost of 1 lipstic$ is the cost of four stic$ers. hen +hat is the amount that >ra$ash spents for 5evathi. 4ns"er choices "ill be given.

Paper "
&uestions =)0 ime= 1Ar -orrect 4ns"er= 1*ar$

+rong 4ns"er= 0.2/ *ar$s


4 *an in Ais +ill 0tates that "hen he dies his "ife "ill get 1.! of the estate and 2.! "ill go to his son, only if a son is born. If a daughter is born "ife "ill get 2.! and daughter "ill get 1.! . he *an dies and his "ife gives birth to t"ins, one boy and one girl. he estate "as divided $eep the proportion as stated in "ill . a) 1./ b)2./ c)1., d)2., (chec$ it Wut) UMU ,U<U ,UM3<U ( UMU3U<U,+hich of the relation is correct ans= UMU3U<U TNUM3<U


!)MG0 and <G0 MF<T/ "hich is true a)2?F!yT1) b)!?F2yT17 c) d) )),291 "hat is the 1nit digit 4 man spend his 1.6 of life in childhood 1.12 in bachelor after five years of marriage he got a son "ho died four years before his father and his age half of his father age at the time of death /)"hat is the mans age ans 7) 6)4t "hat age did the man marry ,)age of son ans )2 4nalytical and verbal 9aron P5C "ill do. In 4nalytical &uestions >aragraph "ere given and find conclusion or >resuppositions (2ery 2ery easy) &)>ilot alone cannot be blamed for the accidents that are happening . he Investigators have to consider other RRR. 4ns)a &) he government is has raised the ta?es on alcohol and other such substances due to RRRRRR 4Is) o @iscourage their -onsumption >,&,5,0, "ere five sisters 4ge of s "as 6 years. 5Ks age "as sum of & and 0 . Ys age "as t"ice of the sum of & and 0. > is the Cldest RRRR.. (2ery 2ery easy) ) &uestions on the above >aragraph (very very easy) 7) 4n Ice -ream "ith a cone as the base and hemisphere on the top . 5adius 2./ and height of the cone 6 find the area of hemisphere 9) 4 s;uare is dra"n by Boining the midpoints of the sides of another s;uare . 4nother 0;uare is @ra"n in the similar fashion his is continued infinitely .If the side of the 0;uare is )cm otal area is6 (ans= 16s;cm) 10)In the 1, th -entury people some flo"erRRR.. "hy did they prefer a)0cent b)9eauty c)Clegance d)-olour


4ns =c 11)>ossible sum of all Iumber of ) digit numbers "ith digits 0,1,2,! no digit should repeat !,3)0) anN!nF1 and bnN!S2n ! &uestions based on this relationship (very very easy) &)! hree #riends (4,9,-) each brought tic$ets 9 brought t"ice that of - and 4 brought ! times that of 9 . Cach of their brothers also brought tic$ets RR. (2 ;uestions on the above para ) (2ery very easy) he >aper "as easy . Wut of !00 ,1!/ cleared the test and 6/ got selected. hey give great importance to 4cademic results. echnical Intervie"= 6 >anels , &uestions ranged from 4rea of interest to even >olitics and other general topic. 0ome >anel gave more importance to A5 &uestions especially 0uresh(one "ho did the >> ) 0tay -ool and be prepared for ;uestions in area of Interest(esp. W0 ,@9*0)

1. Some work is done by two people in 24 minutes. One of them can do this work alone in 40 minutes. How much time does the second person take to do the same work? Ans. 0min 2. A car is filled with four and half !allons of fuel for a round trip. "f the amount of fuel taken while !oin! is 1#4 more than the amount taken for comin!$ what is the amount of fuel consumed while comin! back? Ans. %. &he lowest temperature in the ni!ht in a city A is 1#% more than 1#2 the hi!hest durin! the day. Sum of the lowest temperature and the hi!hest temperature is 100 de!rees. &hen what is the low temp? Ans. 4. 'a(a!al decided to !o to weekend trip. He should not e)ceed * hours of dri(in! in a day. &he a(era!e speed of forward +ourney is 40 miles#hr. ,ue to traffic on Sunday- the return +ourney.s a(era!e speed is %0 m#h. How far he can select a picnic spot? a. 120 miles b. between 120 and 140 miles c. 1 0 miles Ans. /. A buildin! with hei!ht , casts a shadow up to 0. 1hat is the hei!ht of a nei!hborin! buildin! with a shadow of 2 feet? Ans. . A person was fined for e)ceedin! the speed limit by 10 mph. Another person was also fined for e)ceedin! the same speed limit by twice the same. "f the second person was tra(elin! at a speed of %/ mph$ find the speed limit. Ans. 3. A bus started from bus depot at *.00am$ and after a %0 minute halt at the destination$ it returned back to the depot. &he destination is 23 miles from the bus stand. &he speed of the bus is 1*mph. ,urin! the return +ourney bus tra(els /04 faster than the uphill speed. At what time does it return to the depot? Ans. *. "n a mi)ture$ 5 is 2 parts and S is 1 part. "n order to make S to 2/4 of the mi)ture$ how much of 5 is to be added? Ans. 6. 1ith a 4#/ full tank a (ehicle can tra(el 12 miles$ how far can it tra(el with a 1#% full tank Ans. 10. 7rs. 8 planted 2 saplin!s in her !arden. One !rows at a rate %#/ of the other in 4 years. "f the total !rowth of trees is * ft$ what is the hei!ht of the smaller tree after 2 years? Ans. 11. 5efer to the fi!ure below. A ship started from 9 and mo(es at a speed of 1 mile per hour and another ship starts from : and mo(in! with H miles per hour simultaneously. 1here do the two ships meet? ;;<<<!<<<;;<<<h<<<;;<<<i<<<;;<<<+<<<;;<<<k<<<;;<<<l<<<;; 90 H " ' = : are the (arious stops in between denoted by ;;. &he (alues !$ h$ i$ +$ k$ l denote the distance between the ports. Ans . 12. &here are 1/0 wei!hts .Some are 1 k! wei!hts and some are 2 k! wei!hts. &he sum of the wei!hts is 2 0.1hat is the number of 1k! wei!hts?


Ans. 1%. >A? mo(es % km east from his startin! point. He then tra(els / km north. @rom that point he mo(es * km to the east. How far is A from his startin! point? Ans. 14. &he sum of the di!its of a two di!it number is *. 1hen 1* is added to the number$ the di!its are re(ersed. @ind the number? Ans. 1/. &he cost of one pencil$ two pens and four erasers is 5s.22 while the cost of fi(e pencils$ four pens and two erasers is 5s.%2.How much will three pencils$ three pens and three erasers cost? Ans. 1 . @ather?s a!e is / times his son.s a!e. 4 years back the father was 6 times older than son. @ind the fathers. present a!e. Ans. 13. 1hat is the 12th term of the series 2$ /$ * ... Ans. 1*. "n a fraction$ if 1 is added to both the numerator at the denominator$ the fraction becomes 1#2. "f numerator is subtracted from the denominator$ the fraction becomes %#4. @ind the fraction. Ans. 16. "f 5s.12 0 is di(ided between A$ A and 2 in the ratio 2B%B4$ what is 2.s share? Ans. 20. A shopkeeper bou!ht a watch for 5s.400 and sold it for 5s./00.1hat is his profit percenta!e? Ans. 21. 0i(en that C means triplin! and 4 means chan!e of si!n then find the (alue of C4C <4C4 . Ans. 22. @ind the possible number of palindromes for the followin!. a. &D0HH&D b. &DHHH&DH Ans. 2%. 1hat is the number of faces$ (ertices and ed!es in a cube? Ans. 24. 1hat is the number of sEuares in a chess board? Ans. 2/. On my birthday " decided to distribute rice to 2// people. " ha(e plans to !i(e 1k! to the first person$ 2 to the second$ % to the third and so on up to 2//. " ha(e a wei!hin! scale and " am !oin! to use one side for the wei!hts and the other for the rice. 1hat is the minimum no. of standard wei!hts that " should ha(e? Also tell me the total amount of rice that " should posses? Ans. 2 . &o wei!h all wei!hts between 1 and 40 my friend says that he needs only 4 wei!hts$ usin! both pans of the wei!hin! scale. 2an you say what these wei!hts are? Ans. 23. A ball is dropped from a hei!ht of 12m and it rebounds half of the distance it falls. "f it continues to fall and rebound in this way$ how far will it tra(el before comin! to rest? Ans. 2*. @our years a!o$ a father was three times the a!e of his son. Fi!ht years hence$ the father will be twice the a!e of his son. 1hat is the present a!e of his son? Ans. 26. ,i(ide 5s. 3*4 into four parts such that 4 times the first part$ three times the 2 nd part and twice the third part are each eEual to twel(e times the fourth part. Ans. %0. A fli!ht takes off at 2 am from a place at 1*G 10F and landed 10 hours later at a place with coordinates % G 301. 1hat is the local time when the plane landed? HH"G&B F(ery 1 de!. :on!itude eEuals 4 minutes. Ans. %1. @ind the unitsB H7omentum I(elocityJ # HAcceleration I ,istanceJ Ans. %2. 1hat is the ma)imum possible % di!it prime number? Ans. %%. 1hat is the lar!est prime number that can be stored in a *<bit memory? Ans.


%4. "n the word &A&A2OGSK:&AG2D$ if the first and second$ third and fourth$ fifth and si)th letters are interchan!ed up to the last letter$ what would be the tenth letter from the ri!ht? Ans. %/. 1hat is the condition for a trian!le to e)ist !i(en its three sidesL Ans. % . 1hat is a sin!ular matri)? Ans. %3. 1hat are con+u!ate pairs? Ans. %*. 1hat are ortho!onal pairs? Ans. %6. Select the odd one out aJ.Get bJOffice 200% cJ89 dJ5ed Hat aJOracle bJSM: cJ:inu) dJ,A2 aJ:inu) bJ&i!er cJ1indows dJGetscape aJS7&9 bJ1A9 cJSA9 dJ A59 Ans. 40. 0i(en that 0 H0J N <1$0H1J N 1and 0HGJ N ; 0HG<2J O 0HG<1J ; find the (alue of 0H J. Ans. 41. "f >A0@F? is coded as >2@0,? write the code for >SA7SKG0? Ans. 42. 1hich shape is obtained usin! these (alues of ) and y H0$ .00001J H10$ 1.02J H100$ 1.32J H1000$ %.00J and H6666$ 4.32J Ans. 4%. 1hich !roup has the ma)imum ? aJ2$0$<2$2$0$<2 bJ2$2$2$2$2$2 cJ<2$<2$<2$<2$<2$<2 dJ2$<2$2$<2$2$<2 Ans. 44. 0an!lia?s a(era!e in the first /0 innin!s was /0. After the /1 st innin!s his a(era!e was /1. How much did he make in the /1st innin!s? Ans. 4/. 1hat is the number of Peroes at the end of the product of numbers from 1 to 100? Ans. 4 . A clerk multiplied a number by ten when it should ha(e been di(ided by 10. &he answer that he !ot was 100. 1hat should ha(e been the actual? Ans. 43. A number when multiplied by 3#1* instead of 3#* yields a result 330 less than the actual. @ind the ori!inal number. Ans. 4*. 1hen the len!th of the rectan!le is hal(ed and the breadth is made a Euarter of the ori!inal$ what is the chan!e in area? Ans. 46. 7r. 8 is placed 1%th from the first and 13th from the last in the rolls. "f he stands 1% th from the last and *th from the first in the passed candidates list$ then how many students failed in the e)aminations? Ans. /0. A rectan!le is to be stored in the memory. &he (ertices are H1$ 1J and H/$ 3J. Startin! address is 124/. 1hat is the address of H/$ 3J? Ans.


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