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Chessmaster 2000, The

1986 The Software Toolworks

WHAT YOU SEE There are two types of display available. Menus, which include help screens, and chess boards. To switch between these screens, press the F1 key or ESC key. USING THE FEATURES The Chessmaster 2000 has many powerful features, such as teaching, replaying games, and more. Program features are activated by holding the Control Key (CTRL) down, and then typing another key. NOTE: Do not use the Control Key when using the features in the EXTRAS menu, SOLVE MATE, MATE LEVEL, PRINT GAME. CHOICES In the upper left hand window of the screen is the CHOICES display. Every feature is available through one of the CHOICES in this window. By pressing a Control-Keyed Letter, from the CHOICES display, a menu will appear in the lower left hand window. Press the appropriate Control-Keyed Letter for the lower left hand window to use the desired feature. CURRENTLY Some menu selections display specific information about the program in progress. This information is displayed under the CURRENTLY window in the lower right hand corner. WHITE-BLACK As the game progresses, the upper right hand window displays all the piece movement information. This is the "Move List." Under each player's heading, the move list is displayed in the algebraic format: Square moved FROM - and square moved to (xx-xx). If the dash is replaced with an asterisk (*), then the moving piece has just captured the piece occupying the square where it has landed. If a plus sign (+) appears to the right of a square, then the piece which occupies that square has placed his opponent's king in check. The player whose turn it is, is displayed at the bottom of this window. TO MAKE A MOVE The Chessmaster 2000 uses the standard algebraic notation method for piece movement. Type the letter and number of the square you wish to move from, followed by the letter and number of the square you wish to move to. (When typing in the letters for piece movement, do not use the Control Key as the Chessmaster 2000 will activate the menus.) With the 2D display active you will see number displayed along the sides of the board and letters along the top and bottom. Use these as a reference guide while making moves. TAKING BACK MOVES Press the Left Arrow Key, and the last move made by either side will be taken back. This maybe repeated until you reach the beginning of the game. NOTE: The left arrow key, on the 64/128 keyboard is located above the Control Key. NEWCOMERS EASY MODE ON (Control Key E), and a Play Level of 0 (Control Key D). CASTLING when legal, move your king to his destination square, into place automatically. The rook will move

ENPASSANT When legal, capture an opposing pawn after it moves out 2 squares on its first play, by moving ahead and diagonally behind it. The Pawn will be captured "in passing." PAWN PROMOTION If you move pawn to the eighth rank, The Chessmaster 2000 will wait for you to type a letter indicating to which piece you want the pawn promoted. To indicate the level of promotion, type the following: Q for Queen, Ro for Rook, B for Bishop and N for Knight. CHANGING SIDES You may change sides at any point in the game by pressing Return when it is your turn to move. The Chessmaster 2000 will then make your move, and wait for you to make a move, since you are now effectively playing black. (Pressing RETURN at any point in the play cycle will force The Chessmaster 2000 tomake the next move. Therefore, pressing return at the onset of the game creates a Chessmaster playing the white pieces scenario.)

LEVEL OF PLAY The following is a list of how many moves - and how long, approximately, The Chessmaster 2000 takes to make them, at differnet levels of play. The highter the level, the longer the Chessmaster 2000 has for its "thinking time," and the stronger its play will be. Level 0 makes 60 moves in 5 minutes. 1 move every 5 seconds. 1 40 5 7 2 60 10 10 3 60 30 30 4 60 45 45 5 60 60 1 minute. 6 30 60 2 minutes. 7 30 60 2 8 40 90 2.25 9 40 100 2.5 10 40 2 hours 3 11 40 2.5 3.75 Levels 12 through 14 take 3 times as long as levels 8 through 10. Levels 15 through 18 take 10 times as long as levels 8 through 11. level 19, the indefinite level, will make no move until the RETURN key is pressed or a checking sequence has been found. CLASSIC GAMES The 100 classic games are contained on the games disk included in the package (flip side of the program disk for Apple users). To replay these games, or any which you have stored, simply load the game you desire, fom disk, with the Load a Game feature (Control Y). Once loaded, yo may select the REPLAY feature. SAVING GAMES To save games, you must first create a game diskette by using your system's DOS to initialize the disk. When you insert the disk to save a game, answer Yes to the FORMAT DIRECTORY Y/N question. QUIT PROGRAM Press Control @ EASY REFERENCE GUIDE The following is a list of all of the The Chessmaster 2000's features: Many of these features "toggle" when selected. Choose the feature once and it is active. Choose it again and it is off. Remember, all features and menus are activated with control Keys. After you become familiar with the many features of The Chessmaster 2000, you will want to use them directly from the chess display or standard menu screen without first going through their related help window. For example: If you are viewing the 2D display and wish to switch to 3D, type Control P, and the 3D screen will appear. THE CHOICES A PLAYING Displays the menus for : NEW GAME, COFFEE HOUSE, PLAY LEVEL, EASY MODE, AND WHO PLAYS. B NEW GAME Select this and answer Y to start a new game. C COFFEEHOUSE When selected, The Chessmaster 2000 will play a more relaxed style of play, suitabel for casual, as opposed to tournament style. The moves will be more random - and perhaps easier. D PLAY LEVEL Selecting this feature allows you to type in a new play level for either a more difficult game or an easier one. This enhanced version of the Chessmaster 2000 has 19 levels of play. Levels are numgbered 0 through 19 with 0 being the easiest E EASY MODE By selectiong this feature, you alternately turn on, or off, the Chessmaster 20007s ability to think ahead while it is your turn. you will notice EASY MODE ON displayed under CURRENTLY.

When on,

F WHO PLAYS Pressing This Control Key will switch play between: Chessmaster vs. Chessmaster, You vs. Chessmaster, Player vs. Player (the Chessmaster referees the game.) G DISPLAY Displays the menus for: THINKING, HINT, TEACHING, and SOUND. I SHOW THINKING Select this to view the next move the Chessmaster 2000 is considering. As each best possibility is being analyzed, it will appeqr in the Chessmaster's move list, and finalized at the momve. Book refers to the Chessmaster's consideration of selections from the opening library when it is applicable. Search level (SL) shows how deeply into the possibilities

the Chessmaster 2000 is exploring at any given time. J SHOW HINT gives you a hint for your next move. K TEACHING When a piece is selected to move, a mark appears on all swuares to which that piece may legally move.

L SOUND This feature turns on or off the sounds (except for illegal moves) The Chessmaster 2000 creates to notify y9u of any move: Check, Checkmate, Stalemate, and a Draw. N CHESSBOARD Displays the menus for: ROTATE BOARD, CHANGE DIMENSION, COLOR, and BORDER. O ROTATE BOARD Select this to rotae the 2D display 180 degrees, or the 3D display 90 degrees. P CHANGE DIMENSION Select this to switch back and forth between a 2 and 3 dimensional graphic display of the chessboard. Q COLOR this selection switches between specifically designed chess pieces for color or monochrome monitors. Select which piece-set is appropriate for your system. U BORDER select this to switch between an alpha-numeric border on the 2D display (denoting the algebraic notations of the squares), or a border. R REPLAY GAME Once a game is underway, completed, or has been Control Y), it may be replayed from begining to and continued till check mate. A special REPLAY menu appears on themenu screen The Right Arrow Key, starts the game's replay. back moves as usual. CONTROL R START OVER CONTROL S SET REPLAY SPEED CONTROL X EXIT ANY KEY TO STOP RETURN FOR END Loaded from a disk (see end, stopped at any point, for this feature. The left Arrow Key, takes

To finish a LOADED game, you may replay to any point, the EXIT REPLAY and continue playing or replay to the end, EXIT REPLAY, then take back moves and continue from that point. Make sure to save any important games in progress to disk, before using this feature. (use a formatted disk). S SET-UP BOARD Use this feature to set pieces on the board in any legal fashin, such as the chess problems included in the accompanying Chessmaster 2000 booklet. A separate menu screen appears to display the current chess board configuration. Simply move the cursor to the line you wish to change or delete. Type in a new piece, or square, and switch to the chess board display (ESC or F1 key) Once yo have made the necessary changes, EXIT SET-UP (Control X) and continue playing chess. The following are some hints on using SET-UP BOARD. CONTROL X EXIT SET-UP Returns to normal play with the board set up as it was last displayed. CONTROL C CLEAR BOARD Removes all pieces from the board. CONTROL D DELETE PIECE Deletes the piece at which the cursor is pointing in the SET-UP BOARD menu screen. CONTROL N NORMAL SET-UP Sets the board up for a normal game of play. RETURN KEY Moves the cursor down to the next line in the SET-UP BOADR menu. LEFT ARROW KEY Moves the cursor up to the next line in the SET-UP BOARD menu.

RIGHT ARROW KEY Moves the cursor to the next word on a line. Once you have moved to a particular line and wish to type in, or change a piece or square, simply type in that information. Use the following keys as abbreviations of the full piece names. K King Q Queen R Rook W White B Bishop N Knight P Pawn B Black NOTE: once you change a line, you need to retype all piece and square information, even if one part of the line remains the same. T GAMES ON DISK Displays the menus for: CATALOG, SAVE A GAME, DELETE A GAME, and LOAD A GAME. V CATALOG Lists the games on your disk. L LOAD A GAME Loads previously saved games. Once LOADED, The Chessmaster 2000 automatically activates the REPLAY GAME feature. You may watch the game being replayed, or REPLAY it to a certain point and finish it yourself. W SAVE GAME once a game is undeway, or completed, use this feature to save it to disk. Z EXTRAS Displays the menus for: MATE LEVEL, SOLVE MATE, AND PRINT GAME. NOTE: These features are activated by punctuation marks not letters. not use the Control Key.


MATE LEVEL This allows adjustment of the number of moves ahead the Chessmaster 2000 search ahead for possible mate moves, when SOLVE MATE is active. Type the number in at the prompt on the screen. SOLVE MATE Select this to have the Chessmaster 2000 search ahead for possible mate moves. If no mate moves are found, SOLVE MATE beeps and shuts off. PRINT GAME Prints out the moes of a game in progress, or just played. no mate moves For more Amiga documents, visit

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