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C P Brown Academy
The Alpha Foundation
Hyderabad, India
(With transliteration and English translation)
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Let us speak in Telugu
telugulo matladukundam
Managing Editor: GRK Murty
Senior Consultant: M Hanumantha Rao
Original in Telugu: D Sujatha Devi
Translator: Y V Ramakotaiah
Editorial Support:
Y Anand, V Aruna Devi
Chief Visualizer: A Bangaru Babu
Cover Design and Illustrations: B Anjaneyulu
@ 2008 C P Brown Academy. All Rights Reserved.
Every effort has been made to make this book the most accurate, veritable and helpful means of its kind.
However, the publisher regrets any error that may yet have crept in. The information contained in this
book is merely for reference and must not be taken as having authority of or binding in any way on the
authors, editor, publisher or sellers.
Neither this book nor any part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are
used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe.
Only the publishers can export this book from India. Infringement of this condition of sale will lead to
civil and criminal prosecution.
First Edition: 2008
Printed in India
Published by
C P Brown Academy
The Alpha Foundation
Flat # 104, Nirmal Towers,
Megacity # 200, Dwarakapuri Colony,
Punjagutta, Hyderabad - 500 082, India.
Printed at:
M/s. ICIT Software Centre Private Ltd.
1, Technocrat Industrial Estate
Balanagar Cross Roads
Hyderabad-500 037, India.
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This is the fourth module in the series that is being brought out by CP Brown
Academy to facilitate self-learning of Telugu reading and writing through
Roman script. The first module in the series, Varnamala, taught how to identify
and write Telugu alphabet. The second module, Sabdamala, was about Telugu
words. In the third module, Vakyanirmanamu, framing of sentences using the
learnt words was discussed. Now, we are confronted with the most difficult
challenge that of the practice of talking in Telugu. So, let us practice it, for
nothing can ever be learned except by practice.
This module provides you with the basic approach and premise to converse in
Telugu. It provides you a template, around which you can weave your dialogue
that best suits the different contexts talking to people from within the family,
neighborhood, and perhaps, ultimately, from the society at large.
Learning is after all a personal experience. It can only be realised by ones own
effort by ones own practice. What this module can, at best, do is to provide
you with the rudimentary nuances and etiquettes associated with the usage of
language for maintaining beauty and grace in conversation.
Practicing conversation in Telugu, or for that matter in any language, essentially
calls for discipline. It calls for regular practice till at least the going gets good.
But beware that we, the modern men, as Erich Fromm said, are little self-
disciplined outside of the sphere of work.
Fear of making a joke of oneself by talking disjointedly is one syndrome that is
more likely to make a learner of any language give it up half the way. That is
where patience and perseverance become the deciding factors of learning.
Imagine the joy that one gets in communicating with ones kith and kin in a
language that is innate to them visualize the sense of belongingness that such
communication engenders. It would be a sheer delight to practice a language
that has most of its words ending in the sound oo, giving it a very sing-song like
It is our earnest hope that the series would facilitate easy learning of Telugu on
ones own. However, we solicit feedback on all these modules so as to make
them more user-friendly and effective in enhancing ones ability to communicate
in Telugu.
GRK Murty
Transliteration Scheme of Telugu Alphabet
Vowels (e.e: Acculu)
- . . V
. . . . a
. . . . =
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
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Consonants (. e e: Hallulu)
. . a o c
. . . .
o . : e .. ..
a a i i u u
ru ru .lu .lu e e
ai o o au am ah


k kh g gh n
c ch j jh n
t th d dh n
t th d dh n
p ph b bh m
y r l l v
s s s h ksh r

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e desamegina endukalidina
e pithamekkina evvaremanina
pogadara ni talli bhumi bharatini
nilupara ni jati nindu gauravamu.
This is a very popular Telugu song written by Rayaprolu Subba Rao
a famous poet of the 20
century. It says : Wherever you go and whatever position
you occupy, sing the praises of your glorious motherland and keep its flag flying aloft.
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telugulo matladukundam
= oa o oo = oo
Let us speak in Telugu
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munduga oka mata
oo a .- oo
A word in advance
caduvu kosamo, udyogam kosamo janmabhumiki duranga unnappudu akkada
e bhasa matladutaro a bhasa manam matladali. ala mana matrubhasanu
upayogincadam taggipotundi.
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When one proceeds to other lands, where one's mother tongue is not spoken, for
studies or for employment, willy nilly, one has to use the other languages to make
oneself understood. Occasions for the use of the mother tongue may become fewer.
kani telugu kutumbalu kalisinappudu telugulo matladukunte enta anandam!
anduku i pustakam upayogapadalani ma si. pi. braun akadami abhilasa. cadavandi,
mi pillalato cadivincandi.
.. - e :..e . .. . . - e . .: . .. ..- ... . ...
. . . . . . . .e. . . . .. ... . .. .. . . ... . . e e-
How wonderful would it be for the Telugu families to converse in Telugu when they
meet other Telugu speaking families on social occasions! C.P. Brown Academy,
Hyderabad, hopes and wishes that this book would be useful for such purposes. Read
this and get your children to read it.
idi ma lerning kitlo nalgava pustakam. modati mudu varnamalavarnamala vark
buk, sabdamala, vakyanirmanamu miru cadive untaru. i pustakamulo nitya
jivitamulo edurayye aneka sandarbhalalo e vidhamga matladutuntamo, cinna cinna
sambhasanala rupamlo ivvadam jarigindi. telugulo matladadaniki idi miku
upayogapadavaccu. prayatnincandi.
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This book is the 4
in our learning kit series. We presume that you might have read the
first three books Varnamalaworkbook on Varnamala, Sabdamala and
Vakyanirmanamu. It provides you with different model sentences that are useful in day-
to-day life in the form of short dialogues. If practised regularly, you will be fluent in Telugu.
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mana andariki oka illu untundi kada! a intlo evarevaru untaro miku telusu.
. ... .. .. -e .:.. . . . -.: .. ... .:. . - e.
We all have our homes, don't we? And you know who reside in them.
amma, nanna untaru, akka undoccu, celli undoccu.
.. . .:. .. ... . . ...
There will be mother and father.
There may be an elder sister or younger sister.
annayya, tammudu kuda undoccu.
.. - ... :. ...
There may be Annayya (elder brother) and Tammudu (younger brother), too.
mana illumana kutumbambandhuvulu
oo =o oo oooo ooo.o
Our homeour familyrelatives
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inka cala mandi intiki vastu potuntaru. vallanta mana cuttalu, snehitulu.
-.. .. ... -.: . .. .- .:. .. .- . . : e .. - e
In addition, many people visit our house. They are all our relatives and friends.
nanna valla amma, nanna manaku nanamma, tatayya avutaru.
. .. .. .. . .. -- . ..-.
Our fathers mother is nanamma (grandma), and his father is tatayya (grandpa)
amma valla amma, nanna manaku ammamma, tatayya avutaru.
.. .. .. .. . ... -- . ..-.
Likewise, our mothers mother is Ammamma (granny or grandmother) for us, and
her father is tatayya (maternal grandpa).
nannaku akka, celli unte vallu manaku atta avutaru.
vallanu menattalu antaru.
. .. . . .. .. . .- ..-.
.. . - e ..:.
If our father has elder and younger sisters, we call them 'attalu'.
They are also known as menattalu.
peddananna bharya peddamma avutundi. babayi bharya pinni avutundi.
.. . . . .. . ..- .. .... . . . . ..- ..
The wife of peddananna is peddamma, and babais wife is pinni.
nannaku annayya ayite peddananna, tammudaite cinnanna avutaru.
cinnannanu kondaru babai ani kuda pilustaru.
. .. ...- .. . - ... - .. ..-.
.. ... . ... .. :. . e .
Our fathers elder brother is Peddananna for us; and his younger brother is Chinnanna.
He is also called babai.
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atta bharta mamayya.
.- . . ...
The husband of atta(aunty) is mamayya.
amma valla akka kuda peddamma avutundi. cellelu pinni avutundi.
.. .. .. :. .. . ..- .. . . e . . ..- ..
Mothers elder sister is also called peddamma. Her younger sister is known as pinni.
amma valla annayya, tammudu mamayyalu avutaru.
vallanu menamamalu antaru
.. .. .. - ... ... e ..-.
.. . ..e ..:.
Mother's elder brother and younger brother are mamayyalu(uncles). They are also
known as menamamalu.
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mamayya bharya kuda atta avutundi.
... . . :. .- ..- ..
The wife of mamayya is also called atta(aunty).
inka mana tatayyalaku, annayyalu unte pedda tatayyalu, tammullu unte vallanta
manaku cinna tatayyalu avutaru.
-.. . -- . e .. e .. .. -- . e - ... .. .. .- .
. -- . e ..-.
If our tatayyalu (grandfathers) have elder brothers they are called elder grandfathers;
and if they have younger brothers they are called younger tatayyalu (grandfathers).
alage ammammaku, nanammaku akkalu, cellellu unte
vallanta manaku ammammalu, nanammalu avutaru
.. ... .. .. e . . . ..
.. .- . ...e ..e ..-.
So also, if ammamma (grandma) and nanamma (granny) have elder sisters and younger
sisters, they are all ammammalu (grandmas) and nanammalu (grannies)for us.
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evaraina iddaru krottavallu kalisinapudu valla sambhasanalo adige modati prasna
'mi peremiti?' ani. miraina krottavallanu kalisinapudu ade adugutaru kada!
.... . . .. .. , . c. .. . .. , . .. . -. e. . . .. : . . : ..::
e. :.. .. .. ,. . c. .. . e. e. . .. . .
Whenever two strange people meet the first question they ask is, "What is your
name?" Even when you meet a stranger, you too will ask him the same question.
ikkada amala, sita ela matladukuntunnaro cudandi.
. . e.. . . .. .:. .:.. . . ..
Look, how Amala and Sita are conversing :
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sita : na peru sita.
. . . .. . -
Sita : I am Sita.
amala : em caduvutunnavu?
e.. .. . . .- ..
Amala: What class are you studying in?
sita : mudava taragati.
. . .. . - . e
Sita : Standard III.
amala : e badilo caduvutunnavu?
e.. . .. . . . .- ..
Amala : What is the name of your school?
sita : sarada balika pathasala.
. . .. . ... .. .e
Sita : Sarada Balika Pathasala.
amala : na peru amala. nenu vivekananda vidyalayamlo nalugava taragati caduvutunna.
ni peremiti?
e.. . .. ..e . .. ... ..e. .. .e . - . e . . .- .
. . ..:
Amala: I am Amala. I am studying in Standard IV in Vivekananda Vidyalayam. May
I know your name?
"ni peremiti?" ani evarinaina adigetappudu mundu mi peru ceppadam manci paddhati
. ..:: e. ..:. . e. .:. . .... : .. . . . . ..o . . a
It is courteous to tell the other person your name before asking his or her name.
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mi intiki evaraina vaccinappudu sambhasana mamuluga ila undoccu:
iz : .: . .... .o.. . . .. . - ..-.. ... ...
When someone comes to your house, the dialogue may be somewhat like this:
ranga : randi. mamayya! kurcondi.
. .. . .. ... :...
Ranga: Come mamayya (uncle)! Please sit down.
mamayya : bavunnava? ranga !
... .... . .
mamayya : How do you do, Ranga?
ranga : bavunnanandi, attayya raledem?
. .. ..... .- . .. . .
Ranga : Fine, uncle. How is it that Attayya has not come?
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mamayya : mi attayyaku intlo pani undata, raledu. nuvvu baga caduvutunnava?
... . .- . -.: . . .. : .. . . . . . .- ..
Mamayya: You see, she has a lot of work at home. So, she could not come. How are
your studies going on?
ranga : i nela parikshalo nene fastu mamayya!
. .. . e . :. . . . . . ...
Ranga : I stood first in the examinations held this month, mamayya!
mamayya : alaga, mancidi. alage baga caduvuko.
... .. .... .. . . . ..
mamayya : Good! Keep it up.
ranga : sare mamayya!
. .. . . ...
Ranga : Okay, mamayya!
miru bayataku vellinapudu telisinavallu kanabadite sambhasana ila undoccu:
is :. .. : . :,.. . . c. ... , . ... . . .. . - ... ...
When you go out and meet someone you know, the conversation may be
somewhat like this:
ramana: raja! ela unnavu? ninnu cusi cala rojulaindi.
. .- .. .. .. . . . .. .~. ..
Ramana : Hello Raja! How do you do? It has been a long time since I last saw you.
raja : nuvvela unnavu? asalu ma intivaipu ravadam ledem?
.. . . .. .. e . -.: . . ... . . . .
Raja : How about you? How come you are not at all coming to our house?
ramana : vilu kavadam ledu. ninnu ikkada kalavadam naku cala santosanga undi.
. .- .e ... . . . . -. . . e.. . . .. . .-. . ..
Ramana : Of late, I am a bit busy. I am really happy to meet you here.
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mana samskruti
a. oo .o. ,o
Our culture
evarini noppincakunda matladadam vilainantavaraku mancidi.
..:. .. .. .. .:. . . :...... .. - ..o:
Remember, it is good to speak without hurting anybody's feelings.
mana pani manam cesukovali. itarulaku antarayam kalagakunda cusukovali.
.. . . ... . . ..c . . . e.. .. . . .. .. . . ..c
We should always mind our business and not disturb others.
edutivarito pani unte maryadaga anumati adagali.
.. : .:. . . .. ... . e..a e. .c
When we have any work with others, we should courteously ask for their permission.
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edaina pani unte adi ceyandi, idi ceyandi ani ajnapincagudadu.
.. . . . .. e: . . .. : . . .. e. e. . .. . . .
If you have any work to be done, don't dectate to others, 'do this, do that'.
vilaite cestara? ani adagadam baguntundi.
:.... . . e. e. . . . .. .:.:
The decent way to ask is : "Will you please do it?"
dayacesi, leka daya unci, ani cepite maryadaga untundi.
. . . . . . . . .o e. . . . ... . .:.:
Or "Kindly do it".
telugu sambhasanallo ekkuva upayogince mata, miremi anukokapote ani,
. .. . .. . -. . . . . ... .: :.: e... .. e.
In Telugu conversations, one frequently used expression is, If you dont mind.
emi anukokandi, marola bhavincakandi ani adagali
.: e... .. ... . :.. . .. e. e. .c
The variants are : Dont think otherwise; I hope you won't feel otherwise.
ala namrataga naducukovadame manci paddhati.
e. ... . .. . ... . ..o . . a
That is the best policy.
peru civara garu ani cercadam mana telugu vari paddhati.
.. o.. .. e. . . . . .. . .. .: . . a
In Telugu culture, garu is an honorific plural suffixed to a name. For instance,
Murti garu, itu randi.
.-:.. : . ..
Murty garu, please come here.
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vadinagaru, naku ti istara?
... . : - .
Vadina garu, (honoured sister-in-law), will you please give me some tea?
mamayyagaru, mi kosam evaro vaccaru.
... . . .. . ... ...
Mamayya garu (honoured father-in-law), someone has come for you.
attayyagaru, miru gudiki velle velaindi.
.- . . .. . . . . . . ....
Attayya garu (honoured mother-in-law), it is time for you to go to the temple.
ila peruku civara garu kaluputam. varasalato pilustu ila antam.
zi . .. o.. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . e.:.
The garu suffix is also used for older relatives .
sitagaru, a kitiki teravandi.
. - . . . : . - . ...
Sita garu, if you don't mind please open that window a little.
dayacesi okasari mi kalam istara?
. . . . .. . . . e. - .
Will you please give your pen for a moment?
alage tisukondi.
.. :. ...
Yes, you can take it.
zz ....
In the bank
idigondi mi kalam, na valla miku alasyamaindi.
-... . . e. . .e . .e. .....
Here is your pen, please take it back. Sorry, you are delayed on my account.
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miremi anukokapote a kitiki koncem mustara? naku caligali padadu.
. .. ... .- . . : . ... . . . . . .. . . .
If you don't mind, will you please close the window? I am susceptible to cold.
paravaledu. danikemundilendi.
. . .. . .. ...... ..
Never mind. What does it matter!
As you wish.
miku gali kavalemo, tisi uncana?
. . ... . :. .. .
I don't know, if you want breeze; shall I keep the window open?
parvaledandi, sarduku pogalanu.
. . .. . .. . . . e
Never mind; I can adjust.
ayyo! intamatranikena? em paravaledu.
.. -.- .-. .. .. . . .. .
This is such a simple thing. You should not take it as a favour.
miru enta mancivaru!
.. ..- .....
How nice you are!
railu pettelo
zs .. .. .
In the railway compartment
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evarintikaina vastamani ceppi vellalekapote a visayam vallaku ceppadam maryada.
z ..:.: .. ... . . . . ,. . .. e :. . . .. , . . . . ...
If we promise to visit somebodys house, and fail to do so, it will be courteous
to tell the reason.
ninna sayantram mi intiki vastanani ceppanu.
. . .- . . -.: . . . . .
I promised to visit your house last evening.
paravaledu. vilu kanappudu em cestam?
. . .. . .e .. . .. . .
Never mind. What can one do when something unforeseen happens?
kani ralekapoyanu. emi anukokandi.
.. .. . .. .. ... ..
But I could not make it. Don't think otherwise.
sarenandi. alage cebutanu.
. ... .. . .-
All right, I will tell her so.
rama intlo pujaku i roju ralenu. emi anukovaddani ceppandi.
. . -.: . . .~ .. .. .... . . . ..
I cannot attend the puja (worship) at Rama's house today. Please tell her not to take
it amiss.
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ni pustakam tisukuni samayaniki ivvalekapoyanu.
. . . . . :. . . .. .. -.. . ..
Sorry, I could not return your book on time.
nuvvu sare ante o visayam adugutanu.
. . . ... : .. . . .. -
If you don't mind, I would like to ask you one thing.
miru adigite kadantana !
.. .. - .. .:.
If you ask, can I say 'no'?
ayyo! srama emiledu. tappakunda istanu.
.. . . ... . - . .. -
No inconvenience at all. I will definitely give it.
srama anukokapote, i selavuciti ma badilo istara?
. . ... .- .e..: . .. . - .
If it is not inconvenient to you, will you please give this leave letter in our school?
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manam evarinuncaina sahayam korutunnappudu sambhasana i vidhanga untundi:
zs ... ..:... . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . - o :. .. .:.:
When we seek help from anybody, the conversation will be somewhat like this:
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ilanti vakyalanni vinayanni teliyajestayi.
..: .... :.. . . c. . ..
All such sentences denote modesty or propriety of conduct.
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evaraina manaku o pani cesi pettinapudu krutajnatalu teliyaceyadam mana
samskaranni teliyajestundi.
.... .. . . . . . .: .. . . . . . . . c. . . . . .. . ...
When anybody does a favour to us in any manner, we express our gratitude.
That shows our refinement.
atuvanti samskaranni miru alavatu cesukondi.
e:..: . ... :. e..: . . ...
Cultivate such refined qualities.
miru ekkada unna emi cesina mi mata tiru miku gauravam tecci pedutundi.
'noru mancidaite uru mancidi autunda'ni telugulo oka sameta undi.
:. .. . . .: . . . : .: a. : .. .. . o .. . .:
.. ..o. . e. ..o: r. .. . . .. . .. . . .:
No matter where you are, and what you do, your polite manner of speaking brings
you appreciation. This idea is well brought out in a Telugu proverb, "Tame your
tongue and the town will be nice to you".
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cinna cinna sambhasanalu
a. oo oo . oo ( =o
Short dialogues
sadharananga pratiroju matladukune matalalo pedda pedda vakyalu avasaram undadu.
cinna cinna matalato spastanga ceppavaccu.
. . . . e.~ .: . . .:.. .. .. ..e ... . . .. . .
. .:e- . . . . . ..
We do not use long sentences in day-to-day conversations. We express our ideas in
short and simple words.
nato itaku vastava? ani ni snehitudu adigite nito itaku vastanu ani ceppavalasina
avasaram ledu. vastanu leka ranu ani cebite calu.
.- - . . .. . .. - . .. - .- - . .. . . .e.
... . . . . . . . . .. . .- .e
If your friend asks you, "Will you come with me to swim", you need not say, "Yes, I will
come along with you for swimming". It is lengthy.
You can just say, "Yes" or "No".
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idigo, ila
-. -.
Here are some examples:
gopal : ninnati homvark cesava?
... .: . . .. . ..
Gopal : Did you do your yesterday's homework?
sarala : ledu.
. . . . .
Sarala : No.
gopal : repu parkuku veldama?
... .. .. ...
Gopal : Shall we go to the park tomorrow?
sarala: sare.
. . . . .
Sarala: Yes.
gopal : ticar galipatam gurinci adigite ceppaledenti?
... : . . .. :. ... .. - . . . . .:
Gopal : Why didnt you answer when the teacher asked you to tell something about
a kite?
sarala: baga gurtu ledu.
. . . . . . .
Sarala : I could not recollect the details.
gopal : ninnati nunci adokala unnavu. emaindi sarala?
... .: .. ... . .. .. .. . . .
Gopal : You have been looking rather dull since yesterday. What is the matter, Sarala?
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sarala : anta tivramaina visayam kadule gopal.
. . . ..- :.. .. . . .. . ..
Sarala : Nothing serious, Gopal.
gopal : srinivas intiki veldama? vadu vayolin konukkunnadata, cuddam.
... ... -.: . . . . .. .. .. . .. : . . .
Gopal : Shall we go to Srinivas house? It seems he has bought a violin. Let us go and
see it .
sarala : sare veldam pada.
. . . . . . . . . .
Sarala : Yes, let us go.
gopal : srinivas i madhya cala utsahanga untunnadu kadu?
... ... .. .. -. . .:.. . .
Gopal : Of late, Srinivas looks very enthusiastic, you know.
sarala : nenantaga gamanincaledu.
. . . . .- .... . .
Sarala : I didn't notice him much.
gopal : srinivas unnadandi ?
... ... ....
Gopal : Is Srinivas at home?
amma : unnadu, randi kurcondi.
e. .. . .. :...
Mother : Yes. Come in and sit.
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gopal : adigo srinivas vaccadu. are! vayolin kuda teccadu !
... .. ... ... . . .. .. :. - ..
Gopal : Look, here comes Srinivas. Good, he has brought his violin, too .
srinivas : naku telusu. miru vayolin cudadaniki vaccarani.
... . - e. .. .. .. . . ... ... .
Srinivas : I know, you have come to see my violin.
gopal : okasari vayincara!
... .. . ..... .
Gopal : Play on it once!
sarala : a ... telisindi. idi mana prardhanagitam kada!
. . . . - .. .. -. . .. .- . . .
Sarala : Ah! I know this is our prayer song, isn't it?
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srinivas : avunu.
... ..
Srinivas : Yes.
sarala : naku cupincava ela vayincalo !
. . . . . . .. . .. ......
Sarala : Please tell me how to play on it.
gopal : nenu nercukuntanura.
... . . . .:.
Gopal : I will also learn.
sarala : nenu kuda, edi? ekkada ela pattukovalo ceppu.
. . . . :. .: .. . .. . : ... . .
Sarala : I too. Show me how to hold the violin and the bow.
srinivas : ala radu. mundu sangita svaralu nercukovali.
... .. .. .... . .- . .e . . ...
Srinivas : You cannot play like that. We have to first learn the musical notes.
gopal : emiti! pata padakapote rada?
... ..: .: .. . .- ..
Gopal : What ! Cannt we learn it without knowing how to sing?
srinivas : patakadu; svaralu.
... .:.. . .e
Srinivas : Not the faculty of singing. You must know the notes of the musical scale.
sarala: alagaite sa, ri, ga, ma, pa, lu nercukovala?
. . . .. - . . . . e . . ...
Sarala : You mean to say we need to learn Sa, Ri, Ga, Ma, Pa?
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srinivas : avunu.
... ..
Srinivas : Exactly.
sarala : kani manaku vilavutunda? e velalo nercukovali?
. . . .. . .e.- .. . . . . . . ...
Sarala : Is it possible? At what time should we learn it?
gopal : srinivas nercukunnadu kada. alage.
... ... . . .. . . ..
Gopal : As Srinivas has learnt it.
sarala : ayite sare.
. . . ...- . .
Sarala : It is OK, then.
gopal : nako visayam telisindi sarala !
... .. .. . . - .. .. . . .
Gopal : I have realised one thing, Sarala !
sarala : emitadi? ceppu.
. . . ..:. . .
Sarala : What is it?
gopal : ante naku sontanga teliyaledanuko mamayya ceppadu.
... ... . .- . - .. . . . ... . ..
Gopal : I did not know it myself, mamayya (uncle) told me.
sarala : abba ! asalu sangati ceppu babu.
. . . .. .. e . . e . . ..
Sarala : God! Come to the point.
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gopal : mana pani manam saraina samayamlo cesina, edaina kotta visayam
nercukunna utsahanga untamata.
... . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . .- .. . . . . .
-. . .:.:
Gopal : When we finish our work on time, or learn a new thing we will be excited.
Sarala : nijamenemo.
... ... . .
Sarala : Maybe, true.
i roju sangitam nercukovalani anukuntunnanu kada, bhale santosanga undi.
.~ . .- . . . ..e. . .:. . . . . . .-. . ..
As I think of learning music today, I too feel very happy.
gopal : kani anukuntu unte caladu... nercukovali. sadhana ceyali.
... .. . .: .. .e. . . ... . . . .
Gopal : Just thinking is not enough. You must start learning, and practise studiously.
sarala : tappakunda cestanu. nuvvu custavuga.
. . . - . .. . . . .
Sarala : I will definitely do it. You will see it.
gopal : mancidi. nenu custanu.
... .... . .
Gopal : Good. I will be watching your performance.
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manam konni samayalalo ajnapurvakanga matladutam. manam ajnaluga
bhavincakapoyina avi ajnavacaka vakyale.
.. .. . .. e. .. . . . . .: . -. .. .. e . ... . ....
.. .. .. . ...
We sometimes speak with a certain amount of authority; or express commands. Though
they are not reckoned as serious commands, they are imperative in nature.
a. oa o
ajnalu : e. . Commands
Come here.
uda: . Eg :
- ~
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~ -
ikkada agu
-. . .
Stop here.
Do not talk.
idi tisuko
-. :. .
Take this.
adi ivvu
.. -.
Give it.
ceppina vidhangane ceyyi.
. . .. .. . ..
Do as you are told.
a kalam ivvu.
. . e. -.
Give me that pen.
stesanku velli tikketlu tisukura.
. . . . : : .: :. .
Go to the station and get the tickets.
ceppedi vinu.
. .. .
Listen to what I say.
ikkade undu.
-. . ..
Wait here only.
jagrattaga undu.
. - ..
Be careful.
nemmadiga matladu
. .. .: .
Speak in low tones.
i pani purtayye varaku
maro pani ceyaku.
. . . . . .. :
.. . . . .
Until this work is completed, do not take
up any other work.
rajuni rammani ceppu.
.~. . .. . .
Ask Raju to come.
akkadaku vellakandi.
.. . . . . ..
Dont go there.
a visayam naku ceppakandi.
. .. . . . . . . ..
Dont tell it to me.
mire alocinci oka nirnayam tisukondi.
. . ..... .. .. . . :. ...
Think over for yourself and take a decision.
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manam ajnapurvakanga kondariki ceppali. kani andariki kadu. anni samayallonu
miru avasaranni anusarinci pai vakyalaku dayacesi, koncem, mi istam, okasari,
emi anukokapote, ane matalu kalipi matladite avi abhyardhanalavutayi.
.. .. . . . . ... .. . .. .. ... .. .. .. . .. . ..
... .. .. ... . ..e . . . . ... . . -. . .. . ..
... .- .. .:e . .. .: . - .. .. . e.-..
We can command some people. Not all. Depending upon the context and necessity,
if you add such words as 'kindly', 'a bit', 'please', 'once', 'if you don't mind' either as
prefix or suffix to the foregoing expressions given under the title "Commands'', they
become requests or entreaties.
a. oo o oo
Requests or entreaties
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peddavallato matladetappudu civara andi kalapadam valana maryada iccinatlu,
gauravanga adiginatlu untundi. pai vakyalu miru ala marci palakandi, enta maryadaga
untundo mike telustundi.
.. .. - .: . :. . ... ... . e. . . .e ... -.: . ..
.. : .:.. . ..e .. .. .. . e. .. ..- ... .:..
. . - e. ..
When we speak to elders and respectable people, we must add "andi'' at the end of
the sentence to show our regard for them. Modify the commands mentioned earlier
by adding these words. You will know how polite and dignified they sound.
dayacesi a pandu ila ivvandi.
. . . . . . .. -. -...
Kindly give me that fruit.
koncem ikkada agandi
... . -. . . ..
Please wait a bit here.
dayacesi nemmadiga matladandi.
. . . . . .. .: . ..
Talk in low tones, please.
emi anukokunda a pani nenu ceppina vidhangane ceyandi.
.. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . ..
If you dont mind, do that work as I said.
koncem rajuni rammani cebutara?
... . .~. . .. . .-.
Would you mind asking Raju to come over here?
dayacesi a visayam naku ceppakandi.
. . . . . .. . . . . . . ..
For Gods sake, do not tell me that.
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mi istam, mire oka nirnayam tisukondi.
. -. . . . .. .. . . :. ...
Take your own decision, it is left to you.
oka mata cebutanu vintava?
.. .: . .- ..:.
Would you care to listen to what I say?
dayacesi naku ti ivvu.
. . . . . : -.
Please give me some tea.
* inati telugulo dayacesi ane mataku badulu plij ane inglishu padam vadatam
paripati aindi.
* .: - e . . . . . .. .: .. e . . .. -. . . . . . .. :. . ..:
(Note: Nowadays, the English word 'please' is preferred to the Telugu word
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konni visayalalo mana abhiprayalu vyaktaparustam. anaga prakatistam. konni
eduti varito cebutam. konni yathalapamga, anaga evarni uddesincakunda antam.
ave matalu cinna marputo prasnalaganu avutayi.
.. .. . e. . .. .. e .. . . . . . . : . .. .. :
..- . .-. .. . . .. . . ..: . :.. .. ..:. .. .:e
. .. - . . e ..-..
When we give our opinion on some matters, it means we proclaim or reveal. We just
tell something to others. Sometimes we casually say something without aiming at a
particular person. The same statements with minor changes can be converted into
interrogative sentences.
a. . - ooo . ~ o
Opinions questions
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kaphi tagadam mancidikadu.
.. - . . ......
It is not good to drink coffee.
a sinima bagundadu.
. . .. . .. .
That movie is not exciting.
kamala repu vastundi.
. .e .. .. ..
Kamala will come tomorrow.
ramani baga rastundi.
. . . .. ..
Ramani writes well.
vanalo tadiste jalubu cestundi.
.. - . . .e. . . ..
You will catch cold if you get drenched in rain.
. ~ o
kassepatilo vanakurustunda?
... : . . . . ..
Will it rain shortly?
kasepatilo vanakurustundi.
... : . . . . ..
It will rain shortly.
. - ooo
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vanalo tadiste jalubu cestunda?
.. - . . .e. . . ..
Will it cause cold if drenched to the skin?
pai abhipraya prakatanalu, cinna marputo prasnaluga marayi.
. e: .. . . :.. o. .. . . . .. ....
Thus the affirmative statements mentioned earlier have become questions with
some minor alterations.
prasnardhaka vakyalu rasinappudu civara prasnardhakam "?" cercali.
. .. . ..e .. . . ... . .. . . . ..
The interrogative sentences when written carry a quetion mark at the end.
matladetappudu manam palike tirulone prasna dhvanistundi.
.: . :. . .. . . . :. .. . . . .. ..
In speech, the question is expressed by means of intonation.
kaphi tagadam mancidi kada?
.. - . . .... ..
Is it not good to drink coffee?
a sinima bagundada?
. . .. . .. .
Is not that movie exciting?
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miru nercukunnavanni upayogistu galagala matladandi, naku vinalani undi.
kani miru galagala matladalante inka - konni sahayaka padalu nercukovali. avemitante
.. . . .. . . . e e .: . .. . ..e. ..
.. .. e . .: .e.. -.. .. . . . . . .e . . ...
.. .:..
I would like to hear when you speak fluently using what you have learnt.
But to speak fluently you need to learn some more helping words or auxiliary verbs.
-. oo = a o=t
Can you speak?
galanu, vaccu, kani, endukante, anduvalanaivanni miru nercukunnave
e .. .. ... . .. ... .e-.. .. . . .
You have already learnt about words like can, may, but, because, thereby..
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ayina ipudu matladi cudandi.
.... -. . .: . . . ..
However, you try to speak now.
i padalanu upayoginci ela matladalo telusukundama?
o . ... . . ..o .. .:.. . .. ...
Let us know how to speak using these words:
sita ! nuvvu mamidi kaya tinagalava?
. - . ... .. e e.
Sita ! Can you eat a mango?
sagam matrame tinagalanu. purtiga tinalenu.
. . .- . e e . . e.
I can only eat half of it. I cannot eat the entire fruit
ikkada tinu ane kriya taruvata 'galanu' ane padam kalipite adi
saktini teliyajestundi. 'lenu' ane padam ceriste asaktatanu teliyajestundi.
-. . e .. . . - . .- e .. . . . . .. - ..
. . . - .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. .. . - - .. . . ..
The auxiliary verb 'can' indicates ability or capacity; and 'cannot' indicates inability
or incapacity (a negative aspect).
lalita ! prarthanagitam padagalava?
e.- .. .- . .. e.
Lalita! Can you sing the prayer song?
ippudu padalenu.
-. . .. .
I cannot sing now.
ramu! nivu haki adagalava?
... .. . . .. e.
Ramu! Can you play hockey?
nenu futbal matrame adagalanu. haki adalenu.
. . : .. .- . .. e . . .. .
I can only play football, not hockey.
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lata! sayantram ma intiki ragalava?
e- . .- . . -.: . . e.
Lata ! Can you come to our house this evening?
sayantram ralenu. somavaram ragalanu.
. .- . .. ... . . e
I cannot come this evening. I can come on Monday.
ma intiki vastava? ani adigite, vastanu ani cebutam.
vilukakapote ranu ani cebutam.
. -.: . . . .. .. - . .. . .-.
.e.. .- . .. . .-.
When someone asks, Will you come to our house? you say I will.
If it is not possible, you say, ''I will not''.
(To know well, good at, happen, occur)
It is used with the auxiliary signifying permission, possibility or probability.
'vaccu' ane padanni mudu vidhaluga upayogincukovaccu.
.. e. . .. .-. :. .. . . ... ...
The word vaccu can be used in three ways :
1 mana saktini teliyajeyadaniki
2 auno kado anumanamga unnappudu
3 anumati adagadaniki.
. . . . - .. . . ...
z :. .. ... . .
: ..e .. ...
1. To express our ability or capacity
2. When in doubt yes or no.
3. To seek permission.
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naku lekkalu bagavaccu.
. . . e ...
I am good at mathematics.
naku bommalu veyadam kuda vaccu.
. ..e . . . . :. ..
I also know how to draw pictures.
niku telugu cadavadam vaccuna? ani adigite
o ! naku telugu cadavadam baga vaccu, ani cebutavu.
. - e . . .. . .. . .. .. -
: . - e . . .. . . .. .. . .-.
When asked, "Do you know how to read Telugu'',
you say, ''O, I know very well how to read Telugu".
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niku vaccunu kabatti ila cebutavu.
. .. ..: -. . .-.
You say that, since you know well.
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samardhyam teluputaku .. . . .. : To express competence
sumati repu ravaccu. miku anumananga unnappudu ravaccu ani cebutaru.
. .e .. ... . ... . . ... .. . .-.
Sumati may come tomorrow. You say that when you are not sure of her arrival.
i pani eppudu purti avutundi?
. . .. . . . ..- ..
When will this work be completed?
repatiki i pani purti kavaccu. ante kavaccu, kakapovaccu.
.. : . . . . . ... ... ... .. ...
It may be completed by tomorrow. It means it may or may not be completed.
rajani ippudu intlo untunda?
. .. -. . -.: .:..
Will Rajani be now at her house?
intlone undavaccu.
-.: . .. ..
Maybe, she is.
sumati repu vastundi. ante khaccitamga vastundani miku telusu.
. .e .. .. .. ... ..- . .. .. . . - e.
Sumati will come tomorrow. It means you know for certain that she will come
sayantram tvaraga vastava? nenu nito matladali.
. .- . - . . . . .- .: ..
Will you come early in the evening? I have to talk to you.
sayantram vana ravaccu, ane vakyamlo anumanam undi. khaccitamga ceppalemu.
. .- . . ... .. .. .. ... .. ..- . . . . ..
In a sentence like, It may rain in the evening; there is an element of doubt. We
cannot definitely say.
sayantram naku alasyam kavaccu.
. .- . . .e. . ...
I may be delayed in the evening.
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khaccitamga ceppalenappudu .o. .. . . . .. . When in doubt
Lakshmi pellilo kalusukundam.
e. .:. . e. ...
We shall meet at Lakshmis wedding.
nenu lakshmi pelliki rakapovaccu.
. e. .:. .. ...
I may not come for Lakshmis wedding.
galanu, vaccu ane padalalo unna cinna teda telustondi kada.
. .. .. e. . ... . o. . . . ..: . .
You must be knowing the little difference in the use of galanu and vaccu (can
and may).
ragalanu - anemata khaccitamga mi nirnayanni teliyaparustundi.
.. .. e. .: .o. .. : .. . . . c. . . . .:
Can come indicates a decisive reply.
ravaccu - ane mata ravaccu, rakapovaccu ane anumananni teliyajestundi.
... e. .: ... .. ... e. e.... . c. . . .:
The word Ravaccu (likely to come) indicates doubtmay come or may not come.
alage, ralenandi ani cepparanukondi. miru khaccitamga raru ane artham vastundi
e.. .. ... e. . .. .... :. .o. .. .. e. e. . .. .:
Similarly, if you say cannot come, you are sure you are not coming.
rakapovaccu ante prayatniste ragalanu ane artham teliyajestundi.
.. ... e.. . . a. .. .. e. e. . . c. . . .:
The term Rakapovaccu indicates I can come if I try. (or I may not come.)
anumati adagadaniki kuda i vaccu ane padam upayogistam.
e..a e. . ... -. o .. e. . . . . . ..
This word vaccu (may) can also be used to seek permission.
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ikkada raju teliphonulo ela matladutunnado vinandi.
. . .e . c. .. .. .:. . .. :...
Now hear Rajus telephonic conversation.
halo dayacesi ramananu pilustara?
. . . . . . . . . e .
Hello, will you please call Ramana?
memu vastunnam ani khaccitamga ceppadaniki, memu ravaccuna?
ani maryadaga adagadaniki cala teda undi.
. .. .. .. e. .o. .. . . ... . .. ... .
e. ... . e. . ... .. . . .:
There is a lot of difference between saying definitely We are coming and politely
asking May we come?
mirevaro telusukovaccuna?
. ... - e. ... .
May I know who is calling?
nenu raju nandi, ramana mitrudini.
. .~ .. . . .- . .
I am Raju; a friend of Ramana.
alaga! lainulo undandi pilustanu.
.. . . .. .. . e
I see! please hold the line.
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sabhyata . . . Etiquette
(ilanti sandarbhalalo dhanyavadalu teliyajeyadaniki thanks ane inglishu padam
upayogincadam manaku alavataindi).
,-..: . .. . e. . ..e - .. . . ... . .. .. -. . . . . .
. . .. . . . .e.:....
(In such contexts we are accustomed to using the English word thanks as a substi-
tute for Dhanyavadamulu.)
halo raju !
. . .~
Hello Raju!
halo ramana, ninna badiki raledem?
. . . . . .. . .. . .
Hello Ramana, why didnt you come to school yesterday?
jvaram vaccindira !
.. . .....
I had fever !
neni roju mi intiki ravaccuna?
. . .~ . -.: . ... .
May I come to your house today?
o ! tappakunda ra. ni kosam eduru custuntanu.
: - . .. . . .. . .. . . . .:
Yes, definitely; I will be waiting for you.
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alagenandi ! dhanyavadalu.
.. .. . ..e
OK ! Thanks.
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taksi !
Taxi !
vimanasryamlono, leka railu stesanlono digutaru.
mi kosam evaraina vaste anta bagane untundi.
varito kalasi vari intiki veltaru. rakapote mire vellali kada! appudu
:... . ... . . .. .. . .. :. ..
: .. . .... .. e.. ... .:.:
.:. . .. .: .: . . .. .. .. :. . .,c . . e. .
When you alight from an aeroplane or a train, if someone comes to receive you, it
will be nice. You can go along with him to his home. Otherwise, you have to man-
age on your own. Then :
railve stesan daggara
a. -oo .(= ao
Near the railway station
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enduku iravai rupayalu ekkuvivvali?
... -. . . .. e . ...
Why should I pay Rs. 20/- extra?
dari baga ledu.
.. . . .
The road is damaged.
lagej mari ekkuvunte inko iravai ivvali.
e . .: . ... -.. -. . -..
If you have more luggage, you have to pay Rs. 20/- more.
vaddule, inko taksilo veltanu.
.. . -.. :. . . .
No. I will engage another taxi.
randi randi... milanti varu ala ante ela babu?
. .. . .. ...: .. .. ... .. ..
Come sir, come....If people like you say like that how can we manage?
mitaru mida iravai ivvali.
.:. .. -. . -..
You have to pay Rs. 20 extra over the metrecharge.
.. .
memu ikkadi vallame. kotta mukhalu cusi intinta adagala ?
. . -. . .. . .- ...e . . -.e.- .. .
We belong to this place. Seeing new faces, you shouldnt ask for more.
ekkadiki vellali?
.. . . . ..
Where do you want to go?
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are ! dati vaccesam. venakku tippu.
. . .: .. .. . e.
My goodness ! We have crossed the house. Turn back.
ikkada venakku tiragakudadandi ! avatali sandulonci veldam.
-. . . e. :. . .. ..- . . .. ... . . .
Sir, we cannot turn back here! We have to go from the next lane.
sare pada.
. . . .
OK. Proceed.
a ! adigo a gulabi rangu meda daggara apu.
. .. . .. . . . . . . ..
Stop at that pink building.
samanu dincava ! idigo ni kirayi.
. .... -. . . ...
Have you put down the luggage? Take your fare.
idigondi cillara.
-... .e .
Please take this change.
paravaledu. uncuko.
. . .. . .. .
It doesnt matter. Keep it.
idigo inti nambaru. ikkada apu.
-. -.: ... -. . ..
Here is the House Number. Stop here.
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atta : vaccesava ramana! mi mamayya ni kosam stesanku vaccaruga kanabadaleda?
e. .. .. . . . ... . .. . . . . ... . .. . .
Atta (aunty) : How nice you have come, Ramana! Your mamayya (uncle) went to
the station to receive you. Didnt you see him?
selavulu kada! viparitamayina janam. kasepu nilabadi
mamayya kosam cudadanike vilu kaledu.
.e.e . . .. :- . .. ... .e..
... .. . . . .. . .e .. .
Holidays, you know! There was heavy rush of passengers. I could not wait and look
for mamayya.
ramana: ledatta ! nenu sarasari bayataku vacci taksi matladukunna.
. .- . . - . . .. . .. : .. :. .: . .
Ramana : No, Atta (auntie)! I straight away came out and engaged a taxi.
intiki vellaka, vallu manaku bandhuvulaina, snehitulaina mana atmiyatanu,
vallato manaku unna anubandhanni telipe vidhamga matladali.
-.: . . .. .. . ... .. . .. - . . . .:. -
.. - . .... . - .. .. . .: ..
After reaching home, we must talk to them with love and affection whether they are
relatives or friends, and move informally.
atta : kallu kadukkunira. ivigo mancinillu. kaphi ivvana, ti ivvana?
e. .. . . .. -. ..... .. -.. : -..
Atta : Have a wash. Here is drinking water. Would you like coffee or tea?
a. oo o.o=
With relatives
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ramana : mamayya rani atta, pillaleri?
. .- ... .. .- . e . :
Ramana: Let mamayya come, Atta. Where are the children?
ramana : eai cinna, itura ! nenu bavanira.
. .- .. .. -:. . ....
Ramana : Hey Cinna, come here. I am your Bava (brotherinlaw).
abbo papanu nenu cudane ledu. ni peremiti cinni? da...da..
.. .. . . . . . . . . ..: .. ..
O, I didnt notice papa (baby). What is your name, Cinni? Come..., Come....
atta: adigo a mula nilabadi tongi tongi custunnaru.
e. .. . .e .e.. -. -. . . ..
Atta : Look there. They are peeping from that corner.
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atta : dani peru rajesvari; raji ani pilustunnam ramana.
e. .. .. .. . . .. .. . e. .. . .
Atta : Her name is Rajeswari. But we call her Raji, Ramana.
ramana: peru bavundatta. mi tammudu ippudu e klasatta?
idivaraku selavulaku mi intiki vaccevadu kada?:
. .- .. .... - . - ... -. . . . . -
-... .e.e . -.: . .. .. . .
Ramana : The name is very good, Atta. In what standard is your brother studying?
Earlier he used to come to your house during the holidays, is that not so?
ramana: ayite na klase! nakanna peddvadanukunta?
. .- ...- . . . .. . .. .. .:
Ramana : That means we both are in the same standard. I think he is older than I am.
atta : vada? suryam. ippudu tommido taragati caduvutunnadu.
e. .. . . . -. . -.. - . e . . .- ..
Attha : Oh, that boy Suryam. Now he is in the 9th standard.
nuvvostunnavani telisi vadu vastunnadule.
.. ... - .. .. .. .. .
Coming to know of your visit, he is coming here.
ramana : a ! nijangana? bhale bhale. adigo mamayya vaccesaru.
. .- . .... . . . . .. ... .. ..
Ramana : Is it so ! Hurrah for Suryam. Very good. Look, mamayya has come back.
atta : peddavade kani, alasyanga ballo vesaru.
e. .. .. .. .e. . .. . ..
Atta: Yes, older. But he was admitted to school very late.
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mamayya: emra ramana ! ni kosam ippativaraku platform anta tiriganu.
ela vaccavu? illu teligga telisinda?
... ... . . . .. . -. : .. : . : . . . ..- e.
.. ... -e - . - .. ..
Mamayya : Hello Ramana ! I virtually rummaged the entire platform looking for you.
How did you come? Could you locate the house easily?
ramana : anta mandilo kanabadarani vaccesanu.
miru nakosam sramapadi antaduram vaccaru.
nenakkade undavalasindi. tappayindi.
. .- ..- .... . .. . . .. .
.. ... . . .. . ..- . . . ...
. . . .. .e. .. - . ....
Ramana : Thinking that it would be difficult to spot you in that rush, I came by a taxi car.
You have taken the trouble of going to the station all the way for me.
I made a mistake. I should have stayed there itself.
mamayya : parvaledu. isari vaccinappudu
nuvvu digina kampartumentu daggare undu.
... . . .. . . ... .
. . . ... . .: . . ..
Mamayya : It doesnt matter. When you come next time, stand near your compart-
ment after alighting.
atta : adigo ramana, suryanni adigavuga; vaccadu cudu.
e. .. . . . .. .. .; ... . .
Atta : Ramana, you have asked for Suryam; and there he is!
ramana: ra suryam ippude ni gurinci adugutunna. bavunnava?
. .- . . . . -. . . ... .. - . ....
Ramana : Hello Suryam, come on. We were just talking about you. How do you do?
- -
mamayya: emra ramana ! ni kosam ippativaraku platform anta tiriganu.
ela vaccavu? illu teligga telisinda?
... ... . . . .. . -. : .. : . : . . . ..- e.
.. ... -e - . - .. ..
Mamayya : Hello Ramana ! I virtually rummaged the entire platform looking for you.
How did you come? Could you locate the house easily?
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ramana : ikkadikostunte naku nuvvu baga gurtoccavu.
kani mi uru ravalante kastamayyedi. emaina nuvvu ravadam bavundi.
. .- -. . .. .. . . . . ..
.. . . ..e.. . . .. . .. . . ... . ....
Ramana : When I was coming here, I remembered you very much.
It would be difficult for me to come to your village. Whatever it is, your visit is quite
welcome, and most enjoyable.
suryam : a ! bavunnanu.
. . . . ...
Suryam : Fine !
suryam : nuvvostunnavani telisindi. vaccesanu.
sare gani ala totaloki veldama?
. . . .. ... - .. .. .. .
. . . .. -:.. . . .
Suryam : I came to know of your visit.
So I rushed off. That is all right. Shall we go into the garden?
ramana : pada pada!
. .- . . . .
Ramana : Let us go; don't tarry!
atta : ippudegadara vaccadu? appude totaloki vellala!
e. -. . . . ... .. . -:.. . ..
Atta : He has come just now! What is the hurry to go to the garden?
emaina koncem tini vellandi.
.. . ... . e. . . ..
Eat something and go.
ramana : ippude vastamatta. ra suryam.
. .- -. . . .- . . . .
Ramana : We will be back soon, atta. Come along, Suryam.
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sarvar : em kavalandi?
... .. ..e..
Server : What do you want, Sir?
balu : emunnayi?
.. ......
Balu : What is available to eat?
sarvar : idli, vada, dosa, upma, puri.
... -. .. .. . . .
Server : Idli, Vada, Dosa, Upma, Puri.
hotalku vellinappudu
:o. . oo = oo. .=
When you go to a hotel
balu : idli vediga unda?
.. -. . . ..
Balu : Is idli hot?
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sarvar : ledu. vada vediga undi.
... . . .. . . ..
Server : No. Vada is hot
balu : ayite okka pletu vada, rendu dosalu tisukura.
.. ...- .. . : .. ... .. e :. .
Balu : In that case, bring one plate Vada and Dosa two plates.
sarvar : dosalu koncem alasyamavutundandi.
... .. e ... . .e. ..- .. ..
Server : Dosa will take some time, Sir.
balu : anduke vada mundu tisukura!
.. ... . .. .... :. .
Balu : That is why bring Vada first!
anand : udayam vadina intlo vadale cesindira!
e... . . . .. -.: .. . . . ...
Anand : Vadina (sisterinlaw) prepared Vadas this morning.
balu : mari puri tindama?
.. .. . : e...
Balu : In that case shall we eat puri?
anand : ikkada upma cala bavuntundi.
e... -. . . .. ...:..
Anand : Upma is very tasty here.
balu : sare rendu upma tisukura.
.. . . ... . :. .
Balu : OK then, bring two plates of upma.
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anand : ikkada upma cala bavuntundi.
e... -. . . .. ...:..
Anand : Upma is very tasty here.
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miru konnisarlu postu aphisuki vellavalasi vastundi. postaphisu ante tapala
karyalayam. akkada nunci mana uttaralu batvada avutayi. mani ardar pampistamu
.. ... .. .. . . . . .e. .. .. . . . ... - .. ..e. .
.. . .. . - .e .:. ..-.. .. .. . . .. ..
Sometimes you may have to go to a post office. Post office is a place to arrange for
transport and delivery of letters, money orders etc.
anand : emandi nalugu kardulu, rendu inland kavarlu kavali.
e... .... .e .. e ... -. .. . .. ...
Anand : Hello, please give me four postcards and two Inland letters.
postaphiski vellinappudu
::. o..- =oo..=
When you go to the post office
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anand : alage revinyu stampulu aru kavali ivvandi.
e... .. .. .. e .. ... -...
Anand : Also give me six revenue stamps.
gumasta: revenyu stampulu staku ledu repurandi.
. . .. .. e . . .. . ..
Clerk : Revenue stamps are out of stock. Please come tomorrow.
anand : nakiroje kavali. poni evarinaina pedda postaphisuku pampinci teppincandi.
e... .. .. ... .. .... . .. . . . . .. .. - . .. ..
Anand: I need them today. If you don't mind, send someone to the head-post office
to bring them.
tappakunda teppincandi.
- . .. - . .. ..
Please get them without fail.
gumasta : alage.
. . ..
Clerk : Sure!
anand : sare, nenu kani ma annayya kani vastamu.
e... . . . .. . .. .. . ..
Anand : OK. I will try to come, or send my elder brother.
gumasta : ippudu bantrotu ledu.
atanu vaccaka pampistanu. oka ganta taruvata randi.
. . -. . ..:- . .
.- ... . .. .. .: - . .- . ..
Clerk : Office boy is not available now.
When he comes, I will send him. Please come after an hour.
gumasta : ivigo
. . -.
Clerk : Here they are.
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daggara bandhuvula intlo pellaite entaduramaina vellavalasinde kada!
pellipanditlo idigo ilanti sambhasanalu etu cusina vinabadatayi.
. . ... .e -.: .. ..- ..- . . . . . . .e. .. . .
.:. ..: -. -..: . .. . e .: . . . ... -..
If there is a wedding in the house of our near relation, we attend it wherever it is
celebrated. The guests indulge in this sort of conversation in the pandiri (Pandal or
maga pellivaridi e vuru?
. .:... . ..
To which place does the bridegroom's party belong?
pelliki vellinappudu
:a. .o- =oo..=
When you attend a wedding
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byank aphisar
... .. . .
He is a bank officer.
e vurilo?
. ...
. . . -. .
In Bangalore.
erpatlu ghananga unnayi.
..: . . ...
Arrangements are excellent.
pelli koduku em udyogam cestadu?
.: .. .. . . . .
What is the bridegroom?
intaku pelli enni gantalaku?
-.- : .: .. .:e
By the by, when is the Muhurtam?
ratri padi gantalaku.
.e . . .:e
At 10 P.M.
aunu. vantavallekkadi vallo gani vantalanni goppaga unnayi!
: ..:.. . . .. . ..:e. . ...
Yes. I do not know wherefrom the cooks have come, all the preparations are delicious!
cala ratravutundemo i cinna kanuka pellikuturiki iccesi vellipotanu.
.. .- .- .. . ... .: :- .. -. . . :.-
I am afraid it will be too late. I will give this little gift to the bride and go.
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sare vellandi. kani nenu untanu. na snehitulanta vastaru.
. . . . .. .. . .: . .. - e.- . .
OK, you can go. I will stay on; all my friends will come.
saroja ! nenu lakshmini; nannu gurtupattaleda?
. .. . e. . . . : . .
Saroja ! I am Lakshmi; didnt you recognise me?
nuvvu maripoyavule. mi cellelekkada undi?
. .... .. . . . . . . ..
You too have changed. Where is your younger sister?
e cellelu ratna, lalita?
. . . e . - e.-
Which oneRatna or Lalita?
ekkado cusinatle undi anukuntunna; baga maripoyavu?
.. . . . . .. . .:. . .... .
I am just thinking that I had seen you somewhere earlier. You have changed a lot!
lalitega natopatu cadivindi !
dani sangate adugutunnanu.
e.- .-.: . ....
.. . . - .. - .
I think it is Lalita who studied with me!
I am asking about her only.
adi deharadun skullo ticaruga panicestondi.
.. . . .. . . . : . . . .. ..
She is working as a teacher in a Dehra Doon school.
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manam enno panulu ceyalanukuntam. anna samayaniki purti ceyalemu. a mata
itarulaku artham ayela ceppadaniki kani, anduvalana ane padala sahayam tisukuntam.
.. .. . e . . e .:. . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .:
-- . e .. . .. . . . ... .. ... .e .. . .e . . . . :. .:.
We propose to do many things. We cannot complete them on time. To drive home
this point we use words like 'kani' and 'anduvalana'(but and thereby).
'kani' ane padam gurinci telusukundam
:a. -o o= . o a ooo = o. oo
Let us learn about the word 'kani' (but, thereby)
sayantram badi vadilaka kondaru snehitulu matladukuntunnaru. vinandi.
. .- . .. .... ... . .. - e .: . .:.. ...
After the school hours in the evening, some friends are conversing. Listen to it.
radha! ninna ma intiki vastanannavu kani raledu. enduvalana?
.. . . -.: . . .. .. .. . ... .e
Radha ! you said you would come to our house yesterday. But you did not, why?
ninna ade samayaniki kamala ma intiki vaccindi. anduvalana nenu raleka poyanu.
. .. . .. .. . .e . -.: . .... ... .e . .. . ..
At the same time yesterday Kamala came to our house. Thats why I could not make it.
ramu ! ninna sinimaku vellava ?
.. . . .. . ..
Ramu! Did you go to a movie yesterday?
vellalanukunnanu kani vana vaccindi. anduvalana vellalekapoyanu.
. .e . .. . .... ... .e . . . . ..
I thought of going, but it rained. So, I could not go.
rani ! ninna a patham cadivava?
. . . .. . . ...
Rani ! Did you read that lesson yesterday?
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ninna ma intiki cuttaloccaru. andukani caduvukovadam vilupadaledu.
. . -.: . . : ... ... . . . . .... . .e. . . .
Some relatives came to our house yesterday. So, it was not possible to read it.
sita! repu gudiki veldama?
. - .. . . . . .
Sita ! Shall we go to the temple tomorrow?
repu naku sangitam klasu undi. andukani ralenu.
.. . . .- . . . .. ... . . ..
I have a music class tomorrow. So, I cannot come.
raji ! repu nenu badiki ranu.
.. .. . .. . .
Raji ! I am not coming to school tomorrow.
... . .
Repu ma akka kuturi modati puttinaroju.
.. . .. :- . . .. : . : .~
Tomorrow is the first birthday of my elder sisters daughter.
aite mi akka vaccesinda?
...- . .. .. . ..
You mean, your sister has come?
raledu rijarvesan dorakaledu. repu vastundi.
.. . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. ..
No. She could not get her train ticket reserved for her journey. She will come tomorrow.
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papayi nadustunnada, rani?
.... . . . .
Is the baby walking, Rani?
inka ledu, i madhya daniki jvaram vaccindi.
-.. . . .. ... .. . ....
Not yet. She had fever recently.
puttina roju patalu niku vacca?
. : .~ .:e . ..
Do you sing birthday songs?
vaccu raji! kani repu padalenu. endukante padite daggu vastunnadi
.. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. - . .. .
Yes, Raji! But I cannot sing tomorrow. Because when I try to sing I get cough.
naku mi papanu cudadaniki ravalani undi kani ralenu.
. . .. . . ... ..e. .. .. ..
I would like to come and see your baby, but I cannot come.
enduku ralevu.
... .. .
Why cant you come?
repu mem uru veltunnam.
.. . . . . . ..
We are going to the village tomorrow.
edaina pani manaku vilukakapoina, okkokkappudu istam lekapoina cestam.
alanti sandarbhalalo - 'aina' ane padam upayogistam.
.. . . . .. :... .... ... . . . . . . .... . .
e..: . .. . .. e... e. . . . . . ..
We perform a certain task even if it is not convenient for us or if we are disinclined to
do it. In such cases we use the word Ayina (though, but, however).
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miku e sandarbhalalo 'aina' ane mata upayogapadutundo telustundi.
. . . .. . e. .... .. .: . . . . - .. - e. ..
You will know the contexts in which the word Ayina (however)can be used.
ranga ! raju intiki veldama?
. . .~ -.: . . . .
Ranga! Shall we go to Rajus house?
raju intiki ravadam nakistam ledu
.~ -.: . ... . .. . . . .
I dont like to go to Rajus house.
aina mirandaru veltunnarani vastunna.
.... .. .. . . . .. . .. .
However, since you are all going, I will go with you.
radha ninna bassulonci paddavataga, debba tagilinda?
.. . .. ... . . .: . . - ...
It seems you fell from the bus yesterday. Were you hurt?
avunu. kaliki debba tagilindi. aina alage badiki vaccanu.
.. ... . . - ... .... .. .. . ..
Yes. My leg was hurt. But I have somehow managed to come to school.
balu ninna pelliki vellava?
.e . .:. . ..
Balu! Did you attend the wedding yesterday?
kinda iccina sambhasanalu cadavandi.
. .. o. . .. . -. . . ...
Read the following conversations.
artharatri pelli ani amma nannu vaddannadi.
.. .e .: .. .. .. .
No. As the wedding was at midnight, my mummy did not allow me to go.
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nenu vellanu. baga nidra vaccindi. aina pelli cudadam kosam akkade unnanu.
. . . . .. .... .... .: . . . . .. . .. . .
I attended. Though I was very sleepy, I stayed there to witness the wedding.
i vidhanga miku naccani pani ceyavalasi vaste anduku karanalu alocinci mi mitrulato
.. . . . . . . . . .e. .. ... .. e .....
. .- e- .: . ..
Thus whenever you have to do something you dont like, think of the reasons for it
and converse with your friends.
ledu. vadikosam cusi cusi visigipoyanu.
. . .. .. . . . . . .. ..
No. I waited and waited for him and got vexed
ti ivvana?
: -..
Like to drink tea?
abbo! madhyahnam nunci ti tagi tagi virakti pudutondi.
.. .. . . .. : - - .. . . . -..
O no! Drinking tea after tea from noon onwards, I have developed an aversion to it.
ramu vaccada?
... ...
Has Ramu come?
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mana abhiprayam teliyajeyadaniki enno vidhalunnayi. matladutu unte
avi telustayi. kathalu caduvutunte telustayi. kinda iccina konni sambhasanalu cudandi.
kriyapadanni rendusarlu anadam valana a pani ento samayam tisukundane artham
. .. .. . - .. . . ... .. .. e... .: . - ..
.. - e .. . . e . . .- .. - e .. . .. -. .. . .. . e . . ..
. . . .. ... . .. . .e . . . ..- . .. . :. .. . .. . .. ..
There are many ways to express our opinion. As we speak, we come to know of them.
We also get to know them if we read stories. Read the following dialogues. Repetition
of the verb indicates the long time taken to finish the work.
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calu calu a katha vini navvi navvi kadupunoppi vastondi.
.e .e . . . .. . . . . . .. . ..
Enough, enough; listening to that story I had to hold my sides with laughter.
babu nidralecada?
.. .. . ..
Has the boy (babu) not woken up yet?
taruvati katha ceppana?
- . .e . . . . .
Shall I continue the story?
ranu; ippatike nadici nadici kallu noppipudutunnayi.
. -. : . . . . . .. .. . . - ...
No. My legs are aching having walked and walked till now.
mastaru ceppina padyalu rasava?
. . . . . .e ...
Did you write the poems the teacher told you to?
a, ippati varaku rasi rasi ceyi noppipudutondi.
. -. : .. : .. .. . .. .. . . -..
Yes. I wrote and wrote till now; and my hand started paining.
lalita intiki veltunnam, vastava?
e.- -.: . . . .. ..
We are going to Lalitas house. Would you like to come?
a ! ni kosam edci edci malli nidrapoyadu.
. . .. . .. .. .: .. .. .
No. Having cried and cried for you, he fell asleep again.
paina upayogincina kriyapadalaku dirgham ivvadam maro vidhamaina
bhavaprakatana. mi uddesyanni inka balanga cebutundi.
.. . . ..o. . . . .. :. . .. . .. :. . . . .. . :. : . .. ..
.... . .. .:
Another way of expressing our feelings and opinions is by ending the above verbs
with a long letter (consonant). That usage will emphasise the meaning.
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balu eppudu vaccadu?
.e .. . ...
When did Balu come"?
nuvvu ala vellavo ledo balu vaccadu.
. .. . .. . . .e ...
No sooner had you gone out than Balu arrived .
edaina oka pani manaku ascaryam kaligenta ventane jarigite
.. . .. . . .. e. . . . c... . .:. .:..
When something happens in quick succession
cusi cusi visigipoyanu. navvi navvi kadupu noppi vastondi.
. . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . ..
Having seen and seen (cusi, cusi) I am tired. Having laughed and laughed (navvi,
navvi), my stomach is aching.
edci edci nidrapoyadu. rasi rasi ceyi noppedutondi.
.. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. ... -..
Having cried and cried (edci, edci) he fell asleep. Having written and written (rasi,
rasi) my hand started paining.
railubandi saraina samayaniki vellinda?
. e... . . . .. .. . :..
Did the train leave the platform on time?
vallu railu ekkaro ledo railu kadilindi.
.. . e ... . . . e . ....
As soon as they boarded the train, it started.
ademiti, tadisi vaccaru? mi inti daggara vana kurustunnada?
.. .: - . . ... . -.: . . . . . .
How come, you are drenched! Was it raining in your area?
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randi bhojanam ceddam.
. .. . .. . . .
Come, let us have our lunch.
vaddu, ala tinnamo ledo ila vaccesam.
.. .. e.. . . -. .. ..
No. As soon as we finished eating, we came rushing.
pelliki vellava?
.:. . ..
Did you go to the wedding?
ila bayata adugu pettamo ledo vana pattukundi.
-. .. : .. .: . . . . . : ..
No sooner had we stepped out than it started raining.
miru tisuku vellakunda ela veltam?
.. :. . . .. .. . . .
How can we go without your taking us?
bhojanam cesara?
. .. . ..
Have you had your food?
nuvvu rakunda ela cestam!
. . .. .. . .
Without you, how can we eat!
. . . .
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edutivari pramukhyata teliyajeyadaniki
..:.: ..... .c......
To give due importance to the person spoken to
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matalni marci ceppadam
:a. ooo oo o . = o
Twisting the words
eppudu matlade matale cinna cinna marpulato veru veru arthalanu istayi. cudandi :
.. . .:. .:. o. o. .. .. . . . . e. .. ... . ..
The words we commonly use when twisted give a different meaning. Read the
following sentences :
"idi manci pustakam", ani mi abhiprayam cebutunnaru.
: ..o . . . . e. : e: .. . . .. ..
This is a good book. By this, you are expressing your opinion about the book.
"idi manci pustakamena?" ani mi mitrudi abhiprayam adugutunnaru.
: ..o . . . . . e. : :. . e: .. . e. . . ..
Is it a good book? By this you are asking your friends opinion.
identa manci pustakamo kada!
ante mi abhiprayamto mi mitrudini kuda kalupukuntunnaru.
. .. ..o . . . . . .
e.. : e: .. .. : :. . . -. . .. .:..
What a good book it is! By expressing your opinion thus, you are involving your
friend also.
i roju eppatiki marcipolemu, anedi mi abhiprayam.
o .e .. : . .:.. .. e. : : e: .. .
We will never forget this day'. This is your opinion.
i roju eppatikaina maruvagalama !
edutivarini kuda mito kalupukuni matladutunnaru.
o .e .. : .. .. .. ..
.. : .:. -. :. . .. . .:. . ..
Can we ever forget this day? By this you are involving others, too.
miku oka visayam patla khaccitamaina abhiprayam unnapudu ila ceppali.
: .. :. . . . : .o. . . e: .. . .. . . . .c
If you have a precise opinion about a thing, you should say:
uda . Eg.
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inka cudaledu, koncem sandeham undanukondi.
i tota bavuntunda?" ani adagali.
-.. . . . . ... . . .. . . .. ...
-: ...:.. .. .. .
Suppose you havent seen the garden yet, and have a doubt about its beauty, you
should say, Is this garden pleasant?.
"i tota bavundi"
-: ....
This garden is pleasant.
miku cala bavundi. mi mitrulaku kuda bavuntundani miku telusu. appudu
. .. .... . .- e :. ...:.. . . - e. .. .
You liked the garden. You know your friends also will find it good. Then you say,
"i tota enta bavundo kadu"! anali.
-: ..- .... . . ...
A nice garden, isnt it?.
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kani a sangati sarigga ceppamu.
.. . . . e . . . . ..
But we say it vaguely.
repu na puttina roju veduka, tappakunda ra antamu.
ekkadiki ravalo ceppadam marcipotamu.
.. . . : .~ . . . - . .. . ..:..
.. . . ... . . . . ...-..
Tomorrow is my birthday. Please come without fail.
By saying that, we clearly forgot to tell them when and where to come.
kanuka mukhyamaina visayam nokki ceppali.
. .. .... . :. . . .. . .c
Therefore we have to stress the important point.
ekkadiki ravalo ceppaledu. ceppakunda vallu ela vastaru?
.. . . ... . . . . . . .. .. .. . .
It is vague as it does not mention the time and place. How can they come, otherwise?
"adivaram, mana ramana intlo kaluddam".
.... . . . . -.: . e. .
We will meet at our Ramanas house on Sunday.
"repu tappaka ravali marcipovaddu".
.. - . . ... .....
Come tomorrow. Do not forget.
inko sangati emitante, oka visayam ceppalanukuni mitrudini kalusukuntam.
-.. . . e ..:.. .. .. . . . .e . .- . . . e. .:.
Another point is this. We meet a friend with the intention of telling him something.
enni gantalako ceppaledu. vallu e samayaniki vastaru?
.. .:e. . . . . .. . . .. .. . .
It is not proper as it does not mention time. At what time do they come?
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e visayamaina spastanga ceppali.
. :. . . . . . .. . .c
Be precise in your statements.
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" i roju sayantram aru gantalaku railve stesankura! maraci povaddu.
sarigga aru gantalaku". ila spastanga ceppali.
.~ . .- . .. .:e . . . . . . .. ...
. . .. .:e -. . . . . ..
Try to be precise in your statement :
Come to the railway station at 6 o clock this evening. Dont forget. At 6 p.m. sharp.
miru edaina ceppetappudu a visayam spastanga unnada, leda gamanincukondi.
.. .. . . .:. . . .. . . . . . . . . .... ...
So, when you say something, you should check if your statement is precise and very
manam matlade vidhananni batti arthalu maripotayi. manam e padanni nokki
cebutunnamo, vakyanni ekkada virici cebutunnamo, e padaniki pramukhyata
ivvakunda datavestunnamo telusukondi. kinda iccina vakyam cudandi:
.. .: . .. .. .: .. e ...-.. .. . . .. .. . .- ..
... ... ... ..-.. . .... ....- -... .:....
- e. ... . .. -. .. . . . ..
The meanings of sentences will change as per the manner in which we speak them.
When we speak we must know which word needs to be stressed, where we should
pause or break the sentence, and which word we are overlooking. Read the following
"a pani naku ceppaku".
. . . . . .
Dont assign me that work.
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'a' pani naku ceppaku.
'a' pratyekanga ceppadam valana a okka pani matram ceppavaddu, ani artham vastundi.
. . . . . .
. . - . . . . . . .e . .. . . .- . . . .. .. .. . .. ..
That work? Dont assign it to me.
By breaking the sentence, it means that Do not assign me that particular work.
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nokki ceppadam .. . . . . To stress a point
'naku' ane padanni pratyekanga ceppadam valana a pani inkevarikaina ceppu.
naku matram ceppaku.
. .. . .. . - . . . . . . .e . . . -. ... . . . .
. .- . . .
By mentioning the word 'me, particularly with a stress, it may mean assign that
work to anybody else, but not to me'.
inko udaharana cudandi:
.. .. . - . . ..
Take another example :
'nenu ninnu rammannana'!
. . . ...
Did I ask you to come!
nenu rammanaledu. inkevarannaro ane artham vastundi.
. . .. . -. ... .. .. .. . .. ..
It may mean, I did not ask you to come. I do not know who asked you.
nenu 'ninnu' rammannana?
. . . ...
Did I ask you to come?
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ninnu rammanaledu. inkokarini ane artham vastundi.
. . .. . -... .. .. .. . .. ..
It may mean, I did not ask you to come; but someone else.

miru mi snehitudi daggara o pustakam tisukuntaru. cadivi repu istanani cebutaru.
kani ivvaledu. appudu mirila anali.
:. : .. . . . . . . . . . . a. .:. . :: .. .. . ... .. .. .
e. . ::. e.c
You borrow a book from your friend. You promise to read and return it the next
day. But you fail to do so. Then you say like this:
sumati vaccinda?
. .e ....
Has Sumathi come?
vastundemo anukunnanu, inka raledu.
.. .. . . . -.. .. .
I thought she would come, but has not come yet.
i roju miru vakinguku vellaleda?
.~ .. .. . . . . .
Didnt you go for a walk today?
vana vastundemonani vellaledu.
. .. .. . . . . . .
Thinking that it might rain I did not go.
krusna vaccadani ceppavu, kani inka raledu?
. . ... . . .. .. -.. .. .
You said that Krishna had come, but he has not come till now.
chaduvagalanemo anukunnanu, kani caduvalekapoyanu. cadivi repu tappakunda
. . . e. . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. - . .. -
I thought I could read it; but faild to do so. I will read and return it tomorrow without
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anukunnatlu jaragakapote
e..: ......
If something does not transpire as intended
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sita intlo unnada?
. - -.: .
Is Sita in the house?
sita ledamma.
. - . . .
No. Sita is not in the house.
sita untundemonani vaccanu. inkosari vastanu.
. - .:.. . . .. -... .
I came thinking that she would be in the house. All right, I will come again.
i roje vastanannadu. vaccademo anukunnanu.
.. . .. ... . . .
He had said he would positively come today. That is why I thought he might have
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adagadaniki sandehiste mi anumanalu milone undipotayi. a prasnalaku
samadhanamulu eppatiki miku teliyavu. anduke adigi telusukondi.
.. ... . .. . . . ...e ... .. .-.. . . . e . .. ..e
.. : . . - .. . ... . .. - e. ...
If you hesitate to ask, you will never know the answers to your doubts. That is why
ask and get your doubts cleared.
:a. . ~ o
adigi telusukondi.
.. - e. ...
Ask and know.
miru edaina telusukovalante adagali.
.. .. ... - e. ..e.. .. .
You need asking to know anything.
i aidu matala upayogam telusukondi.
.... .:e . . . - e. ...
These are known as four Ws and H.
Now try to know their meanings and application.
ame evaru?
.. ...
Who is she?
ame anjali.
.. ....
She is Anjali.
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ekkada nunci vaccaru?
.. . .. ...
Where is she from?
rajamandri nunci vaccaru.
..... .. ...
She is from Rajahmundry.
akkada emi cestaru?
.. . .. . .
What does she do there?
yoga taragatulu nirvahistaru.
. - . - e .. . .
She conducts Yoga classes.
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edi emaina a pani jaragali ani ceppadaniki ila antamu:
.: .. . e . . .. .c e. . . ... . e.:..
To express the view Come what may, that should be done, we say:
unna adayamanta petti a billulu katteste migata kharculakem migulutundi?
... ..- .: . .e e . . . . - .. e .. . e- ..
If we spend all the income to pay the bills, what about the other expenses?
migilina, migalakapoina, manam tinna tinakapoina vallaku a dabbu kattali.
... . e. .... .. e. e. .... .. . . . . : .
We have to pay the bills whether something remains or not and whether we eat or
vadu ilanti pani cesadante nammalekapotunna.
.. -..: . . . .. .. .. . .- .
I could not just believe that he had done such a thing.
nuvvu nammina nammakapoina adi nijam!
. .. .. .... .. ...
Believe it or not, that is the truth!
nikem ennaina cebutavu. kani naku vilu padali kada!
. .. .... . .-. .. . .e . .. . .
You say so many things, what do you lose? But it should be convenient to me.
ikkadaku enduku vaccaru?
-. . ... ...
Why has she come here?
mana badilo yoga gurinci ceppadaniki.
. .. . . ... . . ...
To give a talk on Yoga in our school.
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niku vilu padina padakapoina, a pani ceyadam ni badhyata.
. .e . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . .. -
Convenient or not, it is your duty to do that work.
vallu vaccina rakapoina manam pilavali.
.. ... .. .... .. . e..
Whether they come or not , we have to invite.
akka ! nenu mi gruhapravesaniki ralenu.
.. . . . . . ... ..
Sister(Akka), I cannot attend your housewarming ceremony.
gruhapravesaniki rakapote rakapoyavu gani ammayi pellikaina ra!
. . . ... .. .- .. .. . . .... .: . . .
If you do not want to come for housewarming, dont come; but attend at least the
wedding of my daughter.
amma, naku akaliga ledu, annam tinalenu.
.. . .. . . . .. e.
Mummy, I am not hungry. I cannot eat food.
annam tinakapote tinakapoyavu gani palaina tagu.
.. e. .- e. .. . . .. . -
If you dont want to eat do not eat, but at least drink milk.
amma ! nenu sita intiki veltunna.
.. . . - -.: . . . .
Mummy, I am going to Sitas house.
velte vellavugani sayantraniki tirigi ra!
. . . ... . .-.. e. .
If you want to go you can go. But come back by evening.
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oka pani ceyalekapote kanisam marokataina ceyalane sandarbhamlo
.. . . . . . . .. . .. . ... . . . . .. . .. . ..
To do at least something else if onething cannot be done.
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ila ceppalante ilantivi enno andamaina vakyalu, arthavantamaina vakyalu mana
bhasalo unnayi. Telugu nercukuni, telugu pustakalu caduvutu unte, matladutu unte
miku anni baga telustayi.
-. . .e.. -..: . .. ... . ..e .. ..- . ..e . . . .
... - e . . . - e . . .e . . .- .. .: . - .. .
.. . - e ..
There are so many beautiful expressions in the Telugu language. Learn Telugu and
read Telugu books; and if you practise speaking in Telugu, you will know many things.
teta teta telugu mata tiyanaina telugu mata.
- : - : - e .: :. . - e .:
Telugu is lucid, Telugu is sweet.
manasara nercukondi. tanivi tira matladandi.
.. . . ... - .. :. .: . ..
Learn it earnestly and willingly. Speak in melodious Telugu to your heart's content.
telu gadela yanna, desambu telugenu
telugu vallabhunda, telugokanda,
yella nrupula goluva nerugave basadi
desabhasalandu telugu lessa.
- e . e . . . .. - e
- e .e . .. - e. ..
. e . e e. . - . ..
. . . . e.. - e . .
If you ask why Telugu, it is
the Telugu land,
I am a Telugu king, and a Telugu man;
Speak Telugu compelling
admiration of all kings;
Telugu is the sweetest of all
languages of the country.
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