Buying House in Greece

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Transaction Costs
Who Pays?
Transer ta! "# - $$# %&'(# )*T+ buyer
,egistration ees -.."/# %& 0$/+ buyer
1otary ees $.'# buyer
2egal ees $# - '# buyer
,eal Estate *gent 3ee $# - './#
$# - './#
Costs paid by buyer $-.45# - $".$5# %or old properties+
''.45# - '/.45# %or new properties+
Costs paid by seller $.'/# - (.--#
7ee 3ootnotes
7ource: Global Property Guide
How difficult is the property purchase process in reece!
E8 nationals can reely purchase property in Greece9 while there are a ew restrictions or
non-E8 nationals. *c:uiring property near military bases9 national borders ; mainly or
security reasons9 especially those close to Tur<ey - and in some islands re:uires special
permission rom the 2ocal =ouncil. 7uch permission is not granted to non-E8 nationals.
The importation o unds or real estate ac:uisition needs to be documented and re:uires the
permission o the Ban< o Greece. >ou will also need to secure a Ta! ,egistry 1umber rom
the ?nternal ,e@enue 7er@ice. ? you are a married couple planning to purchase property
Aointly9 you should each obtain one.
The irst step to purchasing property in Greece is to hire a real estate attorney. Be will be
responsible or perorming due diligence and ensuring the protection o your interests in the
Cnce you ha@e selected the property9 ma<e an oer to the seller. ? it is accepted9 your lawyer
will draw up an initial purchase agreement. Both parties will sign and you must pay a $-#
deposit to reser@e the property. Title search ollows. >our lawyer must chec< i there are any
charges on the property9 i the construction ollowed go@ernment planning regulations9 and
all ta!es due ha@e been paid by the seller. This can be accomplished at the ,egistry o
Dortgages. When the results are to your satisaction9 proceed to settling the remaining
balance and necessary go@ernment duties.
=losing usually ta<es our to si! wee<s. >ou must obtain copies o the
title rom the seller. ?t is your responsibility to hire a notary public to prepare the contract
deed9 ensure that it has been drawn up correctly9 and o@ersee the inaliEation o the purchase.
Both parties must sign the contract deed in the presence o the notary who will @eriy and
register the transaction in public records. This re:uires you to present a @alid passport9 your
Ta! ,egistry 1umber9 and a special permission to purchase %i necessary+.
?n addition to this9 the seller will also need to submit a BFTa! certiicate pro@ing he has a
clean record with the Bellenic 3iscus %ta! oice+. When this has been done9 the inal step
in@ol@es submitting copies o the deed and transer certiicate to the ,egistry o Dortgages to
change property ownership to your name.
* 1ational 2and ,egistry is still in the process o completion.
"ootnotes to Transaction Costs Table
The round trip transaction costs include all costs o buying and then re-selling a property ;
lawyersF ees9 notariesF ees9 registration ees9 ta!es9 agentsF ees9 etc.
Transfer Ta#$
Transer ta! or areas not co@ered by ire protection is "# or the irst 0$/9--- and 6# or
amount o@er 0$/9---9 plus municipal ta!. ? the area is co@ered by a ire protection ser@ice
the rate is higher9 6# or the irst 0$/9--- and $$# or amount o@er 0$/9---. Dunicipal ta!
is (# o the transer ta!. *reas with a ire protection ser@ice are popular among oreign
Transfer Ta# for Areas Not Co%ered &y "ire Protection
Property 'alue( ) T*G ,*TE
8p to 0$/9--- "#
C@er 0$/9--- 6#
Transfer Ta# for Areas Co%ered &y "ire Protection
Property 'alue( ) T*G ,*TE
8p to 0$/9--- 6#
C@er 0$/9--- $$#
? property was constructed on or ater -$ Hanuary '--49 $6# )*T is paid instead o transer
*and Re+istry "ees$
The property transer is registered in the =adastre. 2and registry ees include 0$/ or the
cadastral e!tract9 plus -.."/# o property @alue or registrarFs rights.
Notary "ees$
The sale and purchase agreement must be notariEed or it to be @alid.
*e+al "ees$
Buyer and seller share the costs. Employing the ser@ices o a lawyer is highly ad@isable to
a@oid the Iwho owns whatI mischie rampant in Greece. The lawyer will ma<e sure that the
land title is clear.
The Gree< law deines the minimum amounts o remuneration or any property transaction.
There is no ma!imum limitation and these shall be agreed by mutual consent between the
buyer and the lawyer.
,INI,U, *-A* "--S
P,CPE,T> )*28E 9 0 T*G ,*TE
8p to 0..9-'- $#
0..9-'- - 0$9.4"9(/$ -./# on band o@er 0..9-'-
0$9.4"9(/$- 0'96(.9"-' -..# on band o@er 0$9.4"9(/$
0'96(.9"-' ; 0/95469.-/ -.(# on band o@er 0'96(.9"-'
0/95469.-/ ; 0$.94"(9/$. -.'# on band o@er 0/95469.-/
0$.94"(9/$. - 0'69(."9-'5 -.$# on band o@er 0$.94"(9/$.
0'69(."9-'5 - 0/5946.9-/" -.-/# on band o@er 0/5946.9-/"
C@er 0/5946.9-/" -.-$# on band o@er 0/5946.9-/"
Real -state A+ent.s Co//ission$
Buyer and seller each pay $# to './# agentJs commission. 7ometimes an allowance is made
or this when setting the sale price9 so in eect the buyer pays

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