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The Tongue Never Lies

Secrets Your Tongue Can Reveal
About the State of Your Health
(Includes Detoxification Diet and Liver Flush)


Author of Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body


Copyright MMVIII by PerioVentures LLC. All rights reserved. Printed in the
United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright
Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any
form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the
prior written permission of PerioVentures LLC.

The information herein is based on Dr Zeines clinical observations over the past
30 years and is based on the theories of Ayurvedic medicine and Chinese Tongue
Analysis. No independent studies have been done to evaluate the information

The material contained herein is strictly for informational purposes. It is not
intended to be medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for
professional consultation with a physician or other healthcare provider.
PerioVentures LLC and/or Dr. Zeines cannot be held responsible for any adverse
effects or consequences resulting from the use of this information. If you are
concerned about a disease or other medical condition, please consult a


The following photographs of tongues are from different people that Dr. Zeines
believes are out of balance. Dr. Zeines suggests that the thicker the coating, the
greater the imbalance. What does your tongue look like?

1 4 7

2 5 8

3 6 9

Heres a simple chart that highlights various tongue appearances and can give you an
idea of what you might be seeing.

Tongue Appearance Indicative of
Yellowish or yellow-green Liver or gallbladder imbalances.
Also possibly indicative of stomach and spleen imbalances due to poor digestive
function. If the yellow begins changing to green, this may indicate liver imbalances
could be indicated.
Gray or brownish-gray Stomach or intestinal imbalances.
According to Chinese Medicine, people with this color tongue usually have longer-
lasting colds and/or liver or spleen imbalances.
White Body releasing toxins.
Whitish tongues should not be confused with having a white coating. This
color may be caused by parasites, anemia, and malnourishment. It could
indicate kidney imbalances, unbalanced hormones, or low
adrenal function. This lack of color may also be due to a low or weak
blood supply, or poor circulation.

The information herein is based on Dr Zeines clinical observations over the past 30 years and is based
on the theories of Ayurvedic medicine and Chinese Tongue Analysis.
Vitamin Deficiencies

The color, coating, and cracks on your tongue can tell you whether or not you are
getting sufficient vitamins. One example:

Mineral Deficiencies

One possible sign of mineral deficiencies is the outline of the teeth at the side of
the tongue.

So Why Does My Tongue Look This Way?
Believe it or not, nearly everyone is nutritionally deficient. Its a sad but true fact
that nowadays were seeing an increase in diseases such as cancer, heart disease,
arthritis, chronic fatigue, and periodontal disease. In fact, today these diseases are
reaching nearly epidemic proportions.
Why is that? To me, the answer seems obvious. Its because we have gone
from being healthy homo sapiens foraging in the forests for natural foods to the pizza
and potato chip generation content to park ourselves all night in front of our television
sets watching videos or glued to our computers.
In addition, all kinds of pollutants are getting into our food. The additives, alone,
that food manufacturers use are enough to kill us. We have also begun to introduce
newly invented artificial compounds into our foods that have almost completely
unknown consequences for the biochemistry of the liver.
With this combination of poor nutrition, dangerous additives, and environmental
poisoning, its no wonder that doctors and dentists offices are jammed with patients.
We are a culture that is out of balance, and, Im afraid to say, things are not getting any
My patients often tell me, But I eat the right foods. I explain to them that even if
you have the best diet with no stress in your life and a pollution-free environment, the
question still remains: How old is the food you are eating?
The nutrient value of most food can diminish over time This is only the beginning
of what is causing our declining digestive health.

Another problem contributing to our decline in health is poor timing of

This is due to our not eating in tune to our bodys cycles. The body has three
different metabolic periods which cycle every 24 hours. Eating in compliance with these
cycles will afford better digestion, assimilation, cleansing and maintenance of the cells.
The bottom line is that by doing so you will just feel good. One important rule is that
breakfast should not be the biggest meal but the smallest!

What are These Three Eight-Hour Cycles?
They are:
Elimination and Maintenance Cycle: From 4 a.m. until noon. The cells of the body are
dumping waste products, and manufacturing or repairing cells. Thats why avoiding a huge breakfast is
Digestive Cycle: From noon until 8 p.m. The bodys metabolism is geared to eating for energy.
Assimilation Cycle: From 8 p.m. until 4 a.m. The body is sending nutrients to cells.

Since digestion of foods demands a tremendous amount of energy, it would
make sense to eat the biggest meal of the day between noon and 8 p.m. The earlier
you do so within this time frame the better. So what time was your dinner last night?
And what about tonight? Pay close attention to these cycles and you will be a
healthier you!

Cousens, Gabriel (1992). Conscious Eating. Santa Rosa, CA., Vision Books International pp. 101-102.
Finer print again.

Detoxification Cocktail
To help with the detoxification process, we suggest this cocktail every morning for a
full two weeks. Follow this cocktail with a glass of water or tea before having breakfast.
Start your day with the following, blended together until well-mixed.
-- Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, 2 tablespoons.
-- Juice with one large or two small lemons
-- Add one or two grapefruits
-- One to four garlic cloves
-- Dash of cayenne pepper


Note: Before making any changes to your diet or if you have any medical
conditions, you should consult with your primary care provider.
To help your body rid itself of toxins, follow this diet for two weeks. For optimum
health, you should do such a cleanse 2-3 times a year. This cleansing process may be
intensified by drinking at least 10 glasses of liquid each day.
While on a cleansing or detox diet, you may feel tired or like you have the flu or a
bad cold. This is part of the healing process, and not cause for alarm. After a cleanse,
its important to introduce foods slowly.
Follow this diet as closely as you can. If you need to add other foods its OK.

Breakfast - Eat a grapefruit or have a glass of fruit or vegetable juice.
Midmorning- Sprout snack (sprouts with tomatoes, onion, avocado, tamari sauce, olive
oil or lemons).
Lunch - Fresh fruit or vegetable salad. Do not mix. Cold-pressed oil, lemons or other
citrus fruits or herbs as dressings.
Midafternoon- Sprout snack
Dinner- -- Fruit or vegetable salad and/or baked or steamed vegetables. Try to keep
this meal smaller than lunch.
After Dinner-- Fruit or vegetable juice

Getting Healthy With Cleansing Diets and Vitamins
Here are some results from my patients doing our detox program and using
supplements after 30 days. Results will vary.

Before After

We thank you for participating in our program and wish you much success in
developing a healthier you!
Dr. Victor Zeines has been practicing Holistic Dentistry for
the past 30 years. He also received his Masters in Nutrition
in 1980 and combines dentistry and nutrition in his
Woodstock and New York City practices.

Dr. Zeines uses a combination of homeopathy, kinesiology,
nutrition and aromatic therapy along with bio-compatible
materials in a gentle relaxed atmosphere. Dr. Zeines uses
non-surgical techniques for treatment of periodontal
problems. His practice has been mercury free for twenty

Dr. Zeines is the author of Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body. He is also a contributing
writer for Rodale's The Herbal Drugstore and he makes regular appearances on
radio and television.
Dr. Zeines is a national lecturer on the topic of Healthy Mouth, Health Body.

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