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American Bureau of Shipping
Incorporated by Act of Legislature of
the State of New York 1862
Copyright 2005
American Bureau of Shipping
ABS Plaza
16855 Northchase Drive
Houston, TX 77060 USA

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2005 iii
Every LNG carrier, in service at the time of the issuance of this Guide, has been fitted with a steam
turbine powered propulsion plant. However, recently, many owners and shipyards, looking to improve
operational efficiency and reduce the size of the engine room to increase cargo carrying capacity have
selected propulsion plants alternatives to steam turbine
There are various proposed machinery arrangements being considered by the industry which include:
Direct drive slow speed diesel engine propulsion with a reliquefaction plant as the means to
dispose of the boil-off gas.
Direct drive slow speed dual fuel diesel engine(s) propulsion.
Electric propulsion with medium speed dual fuel diesel engines
Electric propulsion with dual fuel gas turbine(s) as the prime mover(s).
In some cases, with the combination of propulsion and power generation alternatives mentioned
above, there may be a need to also install a gas combustion unit to dispose of excess boil-off
It must be acknowledged that while the IMO IGC Code permits these various arrangements as
acceptable means for pressure / temperature control in the cargo tanks, it does not comprehensively
address propulsion systems other than steam turbine.
Accordingly, this Guide has been developed in order to provide guidance for the design and
construction of aforementioned propulsion solutions with particular attention to the safe utilization of
boil-off gas. The requirements in this Guide are consistent with the intent of the requirements of the
IGC Code and have been developed by extensive use of the risk based rule-making methodology, i.e.,
risk identification by a group of specialists and stipulation as to the means of mitigation of the risks
In all cases the requirements of this Guide is to supplement areas which are not addressed in the IGC
Code and is not intended to conflict or replace any of the requirements in the IGC Code.
It should also be noted that the requirements of the Guide will be subject of specific acceptance and
approval by the Flag Administration, prior to issuance of Certificate of Fitness on their behalf under
the authorization given to ABS.
This Guide has been developed for the propulsion system for LNG carriers. However, the Guide may
be applied to other types of vessels that utilize methane as fuel.
This Guide supersedes the ABS Guide for Design and Installation of Dual Fuel Engines, January
The applicable edition of the Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels is to be used in association
with the subject Guide.
This Guide becomes effective immediately upon publication.
We welcome your feedback. Comments or suggestions can be sent electronically to [email protected].

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2005 v

SECTION 1 General.................................................................................... 1
1 Definitions ..............................................................................1
1.1 BOG Utilization System..................................................... 1
1.2 Dual Fuel Diesel Engine.................................................... 1
1.3 Re-Liquefaction Unit.......................................................... 1
1.4 Gas Combustion Unit (or Thermal Oxidizer) ..................... 1
1.5 Dual Fuel Propulsion or Auxiliary Gas Turbine.................. 1
1.6 Normal Boil-off Gas Rate (NBOR)..................................... 1
1.7 Rules................................................................................. 2
1.8 MARVS ............................................................................. 2
2 Operating and Maintenance Instruction Manuals..................2

SECTION 2 Notations................................................................................. 3
1 Re-Liquefaction Unit ..............................................................3
2 Gas Combustion Unit.............................................................3
3 Dual Fuel Diesel Engine Power Plant....................................3
4 Dual Fuel Gas Turbine Power Plant ......................................3

SECTION 3 Boil-off Gas Utilization........................................................... 5
1 Utilization or Disposal of Boil-off Gas ....................................5
1.1 BOG Utilization Arrangement ............................................ 5
2 Supply of BOG to Utilization Units.........................................5
2.1 Automatic Gas Shut-off Valve........................................... 5
2.2 Automatic Purge................................................................ 6
2.3 Master Gas Valve.............................................................. 6
2.4 Pressure Surge Protection................................................ 6

SECTION 4 Re-liquefaction Unit ............................................................... 7
1 General ..................................................................................7
1.1 Capacity............................................................................ 7
1.2 LNG Return to Cargo Tanks ............................................. 7
1.3 Plans and Data to be Submitted........................................ 8

vi ABS

2 Cargo Vapor (BOG)/LNG Circuit ...........................................8
2.1 BOG Compressors ............................................................8
2.2 LNG Pumps.......................................................................8
2.3 Separation of Impurities.....................................................8
3 Refrigeration System.............................................................9
3.1 General..............................................................................9
3.2 Refrigerants.......................................................................9
3.3 Compressors/Expanders...................................................9
3.4 Cryogenic Heat Exchangers and Cold Box .......................9
4 Instrumentation and Safety Systems...................................10
4.1 General............................................................................10
4.2 Control and Monitoring System.......................................10
4.3 Safety Shutdown System................................................11
5 Electrical System .................................................................11
5.1 Motor Controllers.............................................................11
6 Location and Installation......................................................11
7 Mechanical Ventilation.........................................................11
8 Gas Detection System.........................................................12
9 Ancillary Systems.................................................................12
10 Piping System......................................................................12
11 Fire Extinguishing Systems..................................................13
12 Surveys During Construction...............................................13
12.1 General............................................................................13
12.2 Surveys at Manufacturers Facility...................................13
12.3 Surveys During Installation..............................................14
12.4 Surveys During Trials ......................................................14

TABLE 1 Instrumentation and Alarms in Centralized Control
Stations ......................................................................15
TABLE 2 Certification of Re-Liquefaction Units ........................15

SECTION 5 Gas Combustion Units/Thermal Oxidizers........................ 17
1 General ................................................................................17
1.1 Capacity ..........................................................................17
1.2 Plans and Data to be Submitted......................................18
2 Cargo Vapor (BOG) Circuit ..................................................18
2.1 Compressors...................................................................18
2.2 Heaters............................................................................18
2.3 Gas Fuel Supply to GCU.................................................18
3 Gas Burner Unit and Burner Management System.............19
4 Oil Pilot Burner/Electrical Ignition System...........................20
5 Forced Draft Fans and Dilution Fans...................................20
6 Combustion Chamber and Associated Refractory ..............20
7 Exhaust Gas Piping .............................................................20
8 Ventilation ............................................................................21


2005 vii
9 Gas Detection ......................................................................21
10 Automatic Shutdown System...............................................22
11 Fire Extinguishing System...................................................22
12 Surveys During Construction...............................................22
12.1 General ........................................................................... 22
12.2 Surveys at Manufacturers Facility .................................. 22
12.3 Surveys During Installation ............................................. 23
12.4 Surveys During Trials...................................................... 23

TABLE 1 Instrumentation and Alarms in Centralized Control
Stations for the GCU..................................................24
TABLE 2 Certification of Gas Combustion Units.......................24

SECTION 6 Dual Fuel Diesel Engines Propulsion System................... 25
1 General ................................................................................25
1.1 Condition......................................................................... 25
1.2 Application ...................................................................... 25
1.3 Plans and Data to be Submitted...................................... 26
2 Arrangement of Dual Fuel Engine Compartments with
Single Wall Fuel Gas Piping ................................................26
2.1 General ........................................................................... 26
2.2 Ventilation ....................................................................... 27
2.3 Gas Detection ................................................................. 27
2.4 Electrical Equipment ....................................................... 28
2.5 Access and Means of Escape......................................... 28
3 Gas Fuel Supply for Arrangements with Single Wall Fuel
Gas Piping ...........................................................................28
3.1 Piping System up to Engine Compartment ..................... 28
3.2 Block and Bleed Valves .................................................. 28
3.3 Gas Shut-off Valve.......................................................... 29
3.4 Manual Shut Off .............................................................. 29
3.5 Piping System in Engine Compartment........................... 29
3.6 Purging............................................................................ 29
3.7 Restoration of Gas Fuel Supply ...................................... 29
4 Gas Make-up Plant and Related Storage Tanks.................30
5 Dual Fuel Engines................................................................30
5.1 General ........................................................................... 30
5.2 Gas Fuel and Air Supply ................................................. 30
5.3 Protection of Crankcase.................................................. 30
5.4 Protection against Explosion........................................... 31
5.5 Engine Exhaust System.................................................. 32
5.6 Cooling Water Expansion Tank....................................... 32
6 Emergency Shutdown..........................................................33
6.1 Automatic Shut Off of Gas Fuel Supply........................... 33
6.2 Emergency Shutdown of the Dual Fuel Engine
Compartment .................................................................. 33
6.3 Power Management ........................................................ 33

viii ABS

7 Surveys During Construction...............................................34
7.1 General............................................................................34
7.2 Surveys at Manufacturers Facility...................................34
7.3 Surveys During Installation..............................................35
7.4 Surveys During Trials ......................................................35

TABLE 1 Monitoring and Safety System Functions for Dual
Fuel Diesel Engines ...................................................32
TABLE 2 Monitoring and Safety System Functions for Gas
Fuel Supply Systems .................................................33
TABLE 3 Certification of Dual Fuel Diesel Engines ..................36

SECTION 7 Dual Fuel Gas Turbine Propulsion System....................... 37
1 General ................................................................................37
1.1 Application.......................................................................37
2 Arrangement of Dual Fuel Gas Turbines.............................38
2.1 General............................................................................38
3 General ................................................................................38
3.1 Gas Turbine Propulsion System......................................38
4 Plans and Data to be Submitted..........................................38
5 Materials of Construction.....................................................39
6 Dual Fuel Propulsion Gas Turbines.....................................40
6.1 General............................................................................40
6.2 Gas Fuel Manifold ...........................................................40
6.3 Gas Fuel Control Valves..................................................41
7 Gas Turbine Enclosure ........................................................41
7.1 General............................................................................41
7.2 Construction ....................................................................41
8 Enclosure Air Intakes and Exhaust System.........................42
8.1 General............................................................................42
8.2 Combustion Air Intake System........................................43
8.3 Exhaust System ..............................................................45
9 Gas Turbine Enclosure Ventilation ......................................46
9.1 General............................................................................46
9.2 System Requirements .....................................................46
10 Fire and Gas Detection........................................................47
10.2 Gas Detection Set Point ..................................................47
10.1 Gas Detection System Requirements .............................47
10.3 Installation .......................................................................48
10.4 Periodic Maintenance and Testing ..................................48
11 Fire Protection and Fire Extinguishing System....................48
11.1 General............................................................................48
11.2 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems ...................................48
11.3 Portable Foam Applicators, Dry Material and Portable
Fire Extinguishers............................................................48
11.4 Fixed Local Application Firefighting Systems ..................48
11.5 Fire Detection System Requirements..............................48


2005 ix
12 Piping and Auxiliary Systems ..............................................49
12.1 General ........................................................................... 49
12.2 Gas Fuel Supply Piping System to Gas Turbine............. 49
12.3 Block and Bleed Valve Arrangement............................... 49
12.4 Gas Shut-off Valve.......................................................... 50
12.5 Gas Compressor ............................................................. 50
12.6 Pressure Vessels, Heat Exchangers and Coolers........... 50
12.7 Exhaust Gas Boilers........................................................ 50
12.8 In-duct Burner ................................................................. 50
13 Electrical, Automation, Instrumentation and Control
Systems ...............................................................................50
13.1 General ........................................................................... 50
13.2 Electrical Equipment ....................................................... 51
13.3 Alarm and Shutdown System.......................................... 51
14 Surveys During Construction...............................................51
14.1 General ........................................................................... 51
14.2 Surveys at Manufacturers Facility .................................. 51
14.3 Surveys During Installation ............................................. 52
14.4 Surveys During Trials...................................................... 52

TABLE 1 Monitoring and Safety System Functions for Dual
Fuel Gas Turbine Engines and Supply Systems .......53
TABLE 2 Certification of Dual Fuel Gas Turbines.....................53

SECTION 8 Surveys After Construction and Maintenance of Class ... 55
1 General ................................................................................55
1.1 Definitions ....................................................................... 55
1.2 Damage, Failure and Repair ........................................... 55
1.3 Modifications ................................................................... 56
2 Survey Intervals ...................................................................56
2.1 Annual Survey................................................................. 56
2.2 Intermediate Survey........................................................ 56
2.3 Special Periodical Survey ............................................... 56
2.4 Continuous Survey Program........................................... 57
2.5 Survey Based upon Preventative Maintenance
Techniques ..................................................................... 57
3 Surveys ................................................................................57
3.1 Annual surveys................................................................ 57
3.2 Intermediate Surveys ...................................................... 60
3.3 Special Periodical Survey ............................................... 60
4 Alternative Surveys..............................................................61
4.1 Inspection Plan................................................................ 61
4.2 Application ...................................................................... 61

APPENDIX 1 Certification of Pressure Vessels....................................... 63
TABLE 1 Certification of Pressure Vessels...............................63

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2005 1

S E C T I O N 1 General

This Guide has been developed to provide guidance for the design, construction and survey of
systems and arrangements provided for the propulsion system and for the safe utilization of boil-off
gas on LNG carriers.
1 Definitions
1.1 BOG Utilization System
A BOG (boil-off gas) utilization system is an arrangement of BOG consumers (e.g., dual fuel diesel
engines, dual fuel gas turbine(s), re-liquefaction units or gas combustion unit(s)), including piping
systems, electrical systems, control and safety systems, which are intended for controlling cargo tank
pressure and maintaining it below the maximum allowable relief valve setting.
1.2 Dual Fuel Diesel Engine
Dual Fuel Diesel Engines are diesel engines using BOG as fuel and also having the capability of
running on liquid fuel.
1.3 Re-Liquefaction Unit
A Re-liquefaction Unit is a system used for taking the boil-off gas from cargo tanks and condensing it
in a refrigeration system. LNG is then returned to the cargo tanks. A typical re-liquefaction plant will
comprise an electric motor-driven boil-off gas compressor, cryogenic heat exchangers, pre-coolers,
separator, nitrogen storage tanks, an LNG transfer system, electric-driven refrigeration compressors/
expanders with interstage coolers, a discharge cooler and associated control systems.
1.4 Gas Combustion Unit (or Thermal Oxidizer)
A Gas Combustion Unit (or Thermal Oxidizer) is a system used for controlling the pressure in the
cargo tanks by burning the excess boil-off gas from the cargo tanks inside an enclosed combustion
chamber under controlled and safe conditions.
1.5 Dual Fuel Propulsion or Auxiliary Gas Turbine
Dual Fuel Gas Turbine, Propulsion or Auxiliary is a gas turbine using boil-off gas as fuel and also
having the capability of running on liquid fuel.
1.6 Normal Boil-off Gas Rate (NBOR)
For the purposes of this Guide, the Normal Boil-off Rate is the specified BOR in the shipbuilding
contract, conforming to the design boil-off rate at the conditions as specified in the IGC code.

Section 1 General


1.7 Rules
The applicable edition of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels (Steel Vessel Rules).
Maximum allowable relief valve setting.
2 Operating and Maintenance Instruction Manuals
Detailed instruction manuals are to be provided onboard, covering the operations, safety and maintenance
requirements and occupational health hazards relevant to the use of gas as a fuel.
The manuals are to include, but not be limited to, the test procedure for the gas detection system,
safety shut-off system and the integrity of backup systems, with special attention given to the
periodical maintenance procedures for the gas detection system.
The manuals are to be submitted for review solely to ensure the presence of all the information
required by this Section.


2005 3

S E C T I O N 2 Notations
1 Re-Liquefaction Unit
Where a Re-Liquefaction Unit is designed, constructed and tested in accordance with Section 3 and
Section 4 of this Guide, the RELIQ notation will be assigned.
2 Gas Combustion Unit
Where a Gas Combustion Unit is designed, constructed and tested in accordance with Section 3 and
Section 5 of this Guide, the GCU notation will be assigned.
3 Dual Fuel Diesel Engine Power Plant
Where a dual fuel diesel engine power plant is designed, constructed and tested in accordance with
Section 3 and Section 6 of this Guide, the DFD notation will be assigned.
4 Dual Fuel Gas Turbine Power Plant
Where a dual fuel gas turbine power plant is designed, constructed and tested in accordance with
Section 3 and Section 7 of this Guide, the DFGT notation will be assigned.

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2005 5

S E C T I O N 3 Boil-off Gas Utilization
1 Utilization or Disposal of Boil-off Gas
1.1 BOG Utilization Arrangement
Unless the entire cargo system is designed to withstand the full gauge vapor pressure of the cargo
under conditions of the upper ambient design temperatures, as specified in 5-8-7/1.2 of the Steel
Vessel Rules, means are to be provided to maintain the cargo tank pressure below the MARVS by
safely utilizing or disposing of the natural LNG boil-off at all times, including while in port, while
maneuvering or standing by, as per Section 5-8-7 of the Steel Vessel Rules. Systems and arrangements
that may be provided for this purpose may include one or any combination of the following:
i) A steam boiler with a common propulsion steam turbine and steam dump system
ii) A dual fuel diesel engine plant for propulsion and power generation
iii) A gas turbine plant for propulsion and power generation
iv) A re-liquefaction system
v) A gas combustion unit
vi) Other approved BOG utilization units, such as an auxiliary steam boiler capable of burning
boil-off vapors
The aggregate capacity of the means provided for BOG utilization/disposal is to be not less than the
normal boil-off rate (NBOR).
2 Supply of BOG to Utilization Units
2.1 Automatic Gas Shut-off Valve
The BOG supply to each gas utilization unit as specified in 3/1.1 above, located outside the cargo area
is to be through its own individual gas shut-off valve arranged for automatic closure in accordance
with 5-8-16/3.7 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
In addition, there are safety features required in each individual Sections of this Guide for protection
of the equipment defined in these Sections, such as the re-liquefaction plant, gas combustion unit,
dual fuel diesel engines, gas turbine and associated installation. These safety features will require each
individual gas shut-off valve to close under emergency or fault conditions. Reference is to be made to
these requirements in each Section.
The automatic gas shut-off valves for each gas utilization unit required above is to be located outside
the space containing the gas utilization unit but it need not be located in the cargo area. However, if it
is located in an enclosed space such as a gas valve unit room, that space is to be protected against gas
leakage by another automatic shutdown valve arranged for closure in accordance with 5-8-16/3.7 of
the Steel Vessel Rules.

Section 3 Boil-off Gas Utilization Arrangement and Systems


2.2 Automatic Purge
Arrangements are to be provided such that upon closure of the automatic gas shut-off valve the piping
between the valve and the gas utilization unit will be automatically purged with inert gas.
2.3 Master Gas Valve
In addition to the automatic gas shut-off valve(s), a master gas valve is also to be fitted in the gas
supply line. The master gas valve is to be situated in the cargo area, and be capable of being remotely
closed from within any machinery space containing a fuel gas utilization unit and the cargo control
room. This master gas valve need not automatically close as required by 5-8-16/3.7 of the Steel
Vessel Rules, provided the requirements of 3/2.1 of this Guide above are complied with. However, it
is to automatically close in the event of the following:
High-High level in the cargo tank
Fire on deck or the compressor room
Fire in the area of the fuel gas line outside the accommodations
Low temperature in gas header to the engine room
2.4 Pressure Surge Protection
Where there is a risk of a pressure surge in a pipeline caused by an instantaneous closure of the gas
shut-off valve or shutdown of gas utilization unit (e.g., in the pipe downstream of the compressor), the
piping system is to be designed to withstand a surge of gas pressure.


2005 7

S E C T I O N 4 Re-liquefaction Unit
1 General
It is understood that the re-liquefaction unit is likely to be used under most modes of operation while
the vessel is at sea or in port.
The re-liquefaction system typically comprises:
i) Cargo vapor BOG/LNG (condensate) circuit, which is vapor from the cargo tanks and LNG
return to the cargo tanks.
ii) Refrigeration circuit for cooling down and re-liquefying the boil-off vapor.
1.1 Capacity
i) The capacity of the re-liquefaction unit is to be based on the requirements of 3/1.1 of this
ii) The re-liquefaction unit is to be capable of operating satisfactorily with a reduced rate of
boil-off gas, as may be the case during the ballast voyage when there is a residual amount of
LNG remaining in the cargo tanks.
iii) Where the re-liquefaction plant is the only means of satisfying 5-8-7/1.1 of the Steel Vessel
Rules, a complete standby unit will be required. This standby unit is to consist of a
compressor with its driving motor, control system and any necessary fittings to permit
operation independent of the normal service units. A standby LNG/refrigerant heat exchanger
will not be required. Other heat exchangers utilizing water cooling are required to have a
stand-by unit unless the heat exchanger has an excess capacity of at least 25% of the largest
required capacity.
iv) Where a re-liquefaction unit is provided as the means of disposing of excess energy, as
required by 5-8-7/1.1.2 of the Steel Vessel Rules, no standby unit will be required.
1.2 LNG Return to Cargo Tanks
i) The re-liquefaction system is to be arranged such that the LNG returned to cargo tanks can be
distributed in such a way so as not to cause the liquid level in any cargo tank to exceed that
permitted by 5-8-15/1.1 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
ii) Where it is proposed that LNG from the re-liquefaction system is returned without the use of
a pump, by way of a gravity return or pressure return system, pressure drop calculations for
the as-fitted system are to be submitted. The calculations are to consider ship motion and fluid
motion inside the cargo tanks.

Section 4 Re-liquefaction Unit


1.3 Plans and Data to be Submitted
Plans and specifications covering the entire installation with all of the accessories are to be submitted
(see 4-1-1/5 of the Steel Vessel Rules) and are to include:
General arrangement of re-liquefaction unit compartment, as applicable, including location of the
gas detectors, electrical equipment and lighting
Ventilation systems for re-liquefaction unit compartment
Fixed gas detection and alarm systems, and associated shut off and shutdown systems
Gas fuel piping systems including details of pipes and associated components, design pressures
and temperatures
Gas compressors
Gas heaters
Gas storage pressure vessels
Descriptions and schematic diagrams for control and monitoring system including set points for
abnormal conditions
Details of all electrical equipment in the re-liquefaction unit compartment
Electric bonding (earthing) arrangement
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) to determine possible failures and their effects in the
safe operation of the re-liquefaction unit [see 4/4.1ii) of this Guide]
Emergency shutdown arrangements (see Section 4, Table 1 of this Guide)
Forced boil-off gas supply system from the tanks to the consumers
Testing procedures during sea/gas trials.
2 Cargo Vapor (BOG)/LNG Circuit
2.1 BOG Compressors
i) Compressors for pressurizing the boil-off gas in the re-liquefaction system are to be
independent of all other gas duties associated with the cargo system.
ii) The compressors are to be designed in accordance with 5-8-16/4.2 of the Steel Vessel Rules,
except that the compressors are to be capable of being stopped locally and remotely from the
cargo control room and from the bridge.
iii) For pressure and temperature measurement and control, see Section 4, Table 1 of this Guide.
2.2 LNG Pumps
i) Where LNG pumps are used for the return of LNG to the cargo tanks, these pumps are to be
entirely independent of all other cargo pumps.
ii) Material used in the design of the LNG pumps is to be in accordance with 5-8-6/1.3 of the
Steel Vessel Rules.
2.3 Separation of Impurities
Impurities in the boil-off gas, as well as nitrogen, may be separated prior to the return of LNG from
the re-liquefaction plant to the cargo tanks. The separation of impurities may be through a separator or
by other approved means. Details of the separation system are to be submitted.

Section 4 Re-liquefaction Unit


2005 9
3 Refrigeration System
3.1 General
Refrigeration systems are to be provided with environmentally acceptable refrigerants. The use of
ozone depleting refrigerants and those refrigerants contributing to the global warming potential (ODP
and GWP), as defined by the 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, is
not acceptable.
3.2 Refrigerants
i) Refrigerants other than those referred to 6-2-6/3.1.6 of the Steel Vessel Rules, may be used,
provided they are considered to be adequate for use in shipboard applications in accordance
with national or international standards, international treaties adopted by the government(s)
and the Flag States or other similar legislation laid down by the Flag State. Details, such as
the chemical properties, toxicity and flammability, together with the supporting data, are to be
submitted for review.
ii) The refrigerant capacities are to be as follows:
Where nitrogen is used as the refrigerant supplied by the vessels nitrogen generation
system, there is to be a minimum of two independent units fitted, so that with any one
unit inoperative, 100% of the required capacity will be available.
Where a cascade system is fitted, there is to be a sufficient capacity of the refrigerant
onboard to recharge the system once.
iii) Where a cascade system is used requiring onboard storage of refrigerant, the refrigeration
system is to be fitted with a receiver capable of holding the complete charge of the
refrigerating units. Where each refrigeration unit is fitted with an individual receiver, the
capacity is to be sufficient to hold the charge of that unit.
iv) In the case of nitrogen, part of the charge may be discharged/vented to the atmosphere.
3.3 Compressors/Expanders
i) Air-cooled compressors are to be designed for an air temperature of at least 45C (113F).
Water-cooled compressors are to be designed for a water temperature of at least 32C (90F).
ii) Compressor vibration resulting from gas pressure pulses and inertia forces is to be taken into
account in the compressor design and mounting arrangement. Acceptable mounting arrangements
include resilient rubber mounts or springs.
iii) Material for housings, rotors and rotor casings is to be in accordance with the applicable
requirements of 6-2-6/7 of the Steel Vessel Rules. The compressor casing design is to be
suitable for the maximum design pressure of the high pressure side of the system.
iv) For instrumentation, monitoring and control system for the compressors, see Section 4, Table 1
of this Guide.
3.4 Cryogenic Heat Exchangers and Cold Box
i) The heat exchangers are to be designed, constructed and certified in accordance with Section
4-4-1 of the Steel Vessel Rules. If nitrogen refrigeration compressors are to be located in
gas-safe spaces to mitigate the risks of boil-off gas returning to the refrigeration compressors
through the refrigerant system, the pressure in the refrigerant circuit is to be maintained
greater than the pressure in the boil-off gas circuit at all times.

Section 4 Re-liquefaction Unit

10 ABS

ii) Piping inside the cold box is to be of all-welded construction. Where flanged connections are
essential, details indicating the necessity for this connection are to be submitted for approval
on a case-by-case basis.
iii) For pressure and temperature measurements and controls, see Section 4, Table 1 of this Guide.
iv) Where the heat exchanger is enclosed in a cold box, the following requirements apply:
a. The cold box is to be designed to withstand nitrogen purge pressures likely to be
encountered in service and is to be fitted with pressure and vacuum relief devices to
prevent over- and under pressurization.
b. To prevent overpressuring of the cold box by leaking nitrogen or BOG/LNG, a safety
relief valve is to be provided. The vent from the cold box safety relief valve is to be
led to the weather.
c. Means of detecting boil-off gas leakage within the cold box is to be provided. The
detection system is to give an audible and visual alarm at the cargo control station and
the bridge upon detection of gas leakage.
d. Where the cold box is insulated, means are to be provided for continuous purging of
the insulation spaces with nitrogen or other suitable inert gas.
4 Instrumentation and Safety Systems
4.1 General
i) The control system for the re-liquefaction unit may be connected to an integrated control
system or be a stand-alone system.
ii) An analysis is to be carried out for the re-liquefaction unit identifying component criticality.
iii) The overall system design is to be based on single-fault criteria. The system is to be designed
such that a single fault of a component will not lead to catastrophic consequences.
iv) Where the re-liquefaction system is the primary means of handling the boil-off gas, the
re-liquefaction system is to remain operational unless there is an imminent need to shut down
the vapor valves on cargo tanks, such as in the event of fire on deck or main power failure
causing a blackout.
4.2 Control and Monitoring System
i) Automatic control, alarm and safety functions are to be provided to ensure operations within
preset parameters in both laden and ballast conditions.
ii) The temperature and pressures in the re-liquefaction unit are to be controlled as follows:
a. A control and monitoring system is to be provided in the cargo control room.
Additionally, a motor control panel is to be provided in the vicinity of the boil-off gas
compressor and the refrigeration compressor motors.
b. The design of the control system is to be such as to ensure identification of faults in
the equipment, as well as the process system. The control and monitoring systems are
to comply with the requirements of 4-9-1/9 of the Steel Vessel Rules, as applicable.
c. Indications of parameters necessary for the safe and effective operation of the process
are to be provided, as per Section 4, Table 1 of this Guide.
d. All electrical control systems are to have two means of power supply and each is to
be individually monitored for faults.

Section 4 Re-liquefaction Unit


2005 11
e. All computer-based control systems are to comply with the applicable requirements
of Section 4-9-6 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
f. All electronic control equipment is to be performance tested in the presence of the
Surveyor or by a recognized testing laboratory, in accordance with the criteria of
4-9-7/Tables 9 and 10 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
iii) Gas compressor control and monitoring system is to include anti surge protection.
4.3 Safety Shutdown System
An independent shutdown system is to be provided. This safety shutdown system is to be based on the
following principles:
i) Means are to be provided to indicate the parameters causing shutdown.
ii) Upon activation of the safety shutdown system, alarms are to be given at the normal control
position and at the local control position.
iii) In the event where shutdown by the safety shutdown system is activated or where the
shutdown is initiated by the vessels emergency shutdown system (ESD), the restart should
not occur automatically, unless after the system is reset.
iv) The safety shutdown system is to be supplied by two sources of power.
v) Means are to be provided to evacuate LNG remaining in the system after a shutdown.
Safety shutdowns are to be in accordance with Section 4, Table 1 of this Guide.
5 Electrical System
The electrical systems intended for the re-liquefaction unit are to be designed, constructed, tested,
certified and installed in accordance with the requirements of this Subsection and Part 4, Chapter 8
and Section 5-8-10 of the Steel Vessel Rules, as applicable.
5.1 Motor Controllers
Means are to be provided to shutdown the compressor from outside space of the compressor room.
6 Location and Installation
i) The boil-off gas compressors, cryogenic heat exchangers, separator (where installed) and
LNG pumps are to be located in the cargo area.
ii) The refrigeration compressors/expanders, driving motors, and interstage/after coolers are to be
located in a gas-safe space within the deckhouse or in the main/ auxiliary machinery spaces.
iii) Structural details of the deckhouse, as well as the under deck strengthening in way of the
re-liquefaction units, are to be submitted, in accordance with Sections 3-2-7 and 3-2-11 of the
Steel Vessel Rules. Doors and openings to the deckhouse are to be in accordance with
5-8-3/2.4 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
7 Mechanical Ventilation
i) Ventilation arrangements for the spaces in the deckhouse containing boil-off gas compressors,
cryogenic heat exchangers and cold box, the separator where provided and LNG pumps are to
be in accordance with 5-8-12/1 of the Steel Vessel Rules.

Section 4 Re-liquefaction Unit

12 ABS

ii) Ventilation arrangements for the spaces in the deckhouse containing the electric motors are to
have a minimum capacity of eight (8) air changes per hour and be of the positive pressure type.
iii) Ventilation arrangements for spaces containing the refrigeration machinery are to be in
accordance with 6-2-6/11 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
8 Gas Detection System
The gas detection system for the spaces in the deckhouse containing boil-off gas compressors,
cryogenic heat exchangers and cold box, separator and LNG pumps and associated electric motors are
to be in accordance with 5-8-13/6 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
The spaces in the deckhouse containing the refrigeration equipment are to be fitted with a low oxygen
level detection system (see also Section 4, Table 1 of this Guide).
Where the refrigerant being used is considered to be toxic, an alarm system is to be fitted to detect
refrigerant concentration exceeding the time-weighted average to which personnel may be repeatedly
exposed in the space.
9 Ancillary Systems
Where cooling water is required in refrigeration systems, the cooling water supply is to be as follows:
i) A minimum of two pumps are to be provided, one of which is to be exclusively provided for
this duty.
ii) Where seawater is used, each pump is to have at least two sea suction lines, where practicable
leading from sea chests, one port and one starboard.
10 Piping System
i) Provision is to be made by the use of offsets, loops or bends to protect the piping and piping
system components from excessive stresses due to thermal movement. Mechanical expansion
joints for this purpose will be subject to special consideration. Where the use is permitted,
they are to be held to a minimum and are to be of the bellows type.
ii) Low-temperature piping is to be thermally isolated from the adjacent hull structure, where
necessary, to prevent the temperature of the hull from falling below the design temperature of
the hull material. Where cryogenic liquid leakage may be anticipated, such as at pump seals,
protection for the hull beneath is to be provided.
iii) Where piping containing boil-off gas or LNG is separated from the vessels structure by
thermal isolation, provision is to be made for electrically bonding the piping to the cargo
tanks. All gasketed pipe joints and hose connections are to be electrically bonded.
iv) All pipelines or components containing LNG, which may be isolated, are to be provided with
relief valves. Relief valves discharging LNG from the piping system are to discharge into the
cargo tanks. Alternatively, LNG vapors may be discharged to the cargo system vent mast, if
means are provided to detect and dispose of any boil-off gas which may flow into the vent
system. Relief valves on LNG pumps should discharge to the pump suction. Relief valves
discharging boil-off gas are to be connected to a vent piping system so designed as to
minimize the possibility of vapor accumulating on the decks, or entering accommodation
spaces, service spaces, control stations and machinery spaces, or other spaces where this may
create a dangerous condition.

Section 4 Re-liquefaction Unit


2005 13
v) The wall thickness of piping is to comply with 4-6-2/5.1 of the Steel Vessel Rules, except that
the wall thickness of piping for boil-off gas and LNG is to comply with 5-8-5/2.2 of the Steel
Vessel Rules. When the design temperature is 110C (166F) or lower, a complete stress
analysis is to be conducted in accordance with 5-8-5/2.5 of the Steel Vessel Rules. Materials
are to comply with 4-6-2/3 of the Steel Vessel Rules, except that materials used in the boil-off
gas and LNG piping system are to comply with 5-8-5/2.6 of the Steel Vessel Rules, and
materials used in the refrigerant piping system are to comply with the applicable requirements
of 6-2-6/7 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
vi) Valves and fittings are to comply with 4-6-2/5.9 of the Steel Vessel Rules, except that valves
and fittings used in the boil-off gas and LNG piping system are to be type tested in
accordance with 5-8-5/3 of Steel Vessel Rules, and valves and fittings used in the refrigerant
piping system are to comply with 6-2-6/23.5 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
vii) Pipe joints are to comply with 4-6-2/5.5 of the Steel Vessel Rules, except that pipe joints for
the boil-off gas and LNG system are to comply with 5-8-5/4 of the Steel Vessel Rules. The
re-liquefaction units nitrogen (or other gas) system is to be provided with a designated and
independent cooling water system.
viii) Machinery rooms containing cooling water piping are to be provided with a bilge alarm and
means of bilge water drainage.
11 Fire Extinguishing Systems
The deckhouse containing the equipment described in Subsection 4/6 of this Guide is to be provided
with fire extinguishing arrangements complying with 5-8-11/5.1 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
12 Surveys During Construction
12.1 General
This Subsection pertains to surveys during fabrication at the manufacturers facility and installation
and testing of re-liquefaction units onboard the LNG carrier. For surveys at the manufacturers
facility, the scope of the survey will be confined to only those items that are supplied by the
12.2 Surveys at Manufacturers Facility
See Section 4, Table 2 of this Guide for certification requirements of re-liquefaction units. Survey
requirements for equipment components and packaged units at the manufacturers facility are
summarized in relevant sections of applicable Rules/Guides.
Certification of the complete re-liquefaction unit cannot be accepted based only on the ABS Type
Approval Program, and therefore ABS Surveyors attendance is required during fabrication for unit
certification. However, component parts of the unit can be certified in accordance with ABS Product
Quality Assurance (PQA) Certification system outlined in Appendix 1-1-A3 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
When Surveyors attendance at the shop of the manufacturer and at the assembly site is required by
the applicable Rules or this Guide, the manufactured/assembled system components will be verified to
be satisfactorily in compliance with a recognized standard. Surveyors attendance is required typically
for the following purposes:
i) To confirm that the facility to manufacture, fabricate or repair re-liquefaction units or its
components do have and maintain a quality-control program effectively covering design,
procurement, manufacturing and testing, as applicable, and meeting the requirements of a
recognized standard applicable to their product.

Section 4 Re-liquefaction Unit

14 ABS

ii) To qualify or verify welders qualifications, welding procedure specifications and corresponding
weld procedure qualification records to the extent deemed necessary by the attending
iii) To verify material certificates/documentations, particularly for materials of piping, main
pressure retaining parts of valves, including safety valves that have flanged or threaded ends
or other specialty fittings. Witness of material testing where required by the Steel Vessel
iv) To survey final weldments.
v) To witness, as far as deemed necessary, weld nondestructive examination tests and to review
records of nondestructive examinations.
vi) To witness pressure and/or proof-load testing of equipment components and as a unit, as
applicable and as called for in the fabrication procedures.
vii) To witness testing of subassemblies and completed units as called for in the fabrication
viii) To verify all gas-safe systems, motor controllers, consoles and instrumentation and control
panels are in compliance with approved drawings.
ix) To carry out other inspections and to witness the final Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) as
agreed upon during prefabrication meeting.
12.3 Surveys During Installation
The following surveys are to be carried out to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor on the re-
liquefaction unit and associated systems during installation and testing:
i) Piping systems are to be visually examined and pressure-tested, as required by the Steel
Vessel Rules. Pressure tests conducted on Class I piping (see 4-6-1/Table 1 of the Steel Vessel
Rules) systems should preferably be recorded on test charts for the duration of their tests.
ii) Electrical wiring and connections are to be in accordance with Part 4 of the Steel Vessel Rules
and checked for continuity and proper workmanship.
iii) Instrumentation is to be tested to confirm proper operation as per its predetermined set points.
iv) Pressure relief and safety valves installed on the unit are to be tested.
v) Control system and shutdowns are to be tested for proper operation.
vi) The re-liquefaction unit is to be checked for proper operation in accordance with the
ABS-approved installation test procedure.
12.4 Surveys During Trials
During the initial gas trials, the re-liquefaction unit is to be confirmed for its satisfactory operation,
including associated controls, alarms and shutdowns. The tests are to be conducted in accordance with
ABS-approved testing procedure during gas trials. The re-liquefaction unit is to be run while the
vessel is underway at sea and the propulsion system operating over its full range of power,
demonstrating adequacy of the unit to deal with the defined NBOR.

Section 4 Re-liquefaction Unit


2005 15
Instrumentation and Alarms in Centralized Control Stations
Item Display
Shut Down
Flow rate X Low X (Low-Low)
Driving motors Running Stop
LO Temperature High
Separator level, if fitted X High
Suction line Pressure X High/Low X (High-High)
Temperature X High X (High-High)
X Low X (Low-Low) Discharge line Pressure
Temperature X High/Low X (High-High)
Gas Detection in cold box X (30% LEL) X (60% LEL)
BOG Compressor
Cryogenic heat exchanger inlet
X High X (High)
Lubricating oil Temperature X High X (High-High)
Driving motors Running Stop
Inlet Pressure X Low X (Low-Low)
Temperature X High/Low X (High-High)
X High X (High-High) Discharge line Pressure
Temperature X High/Low
Seal gas pressure X Low X (Low-Low)
Seal gas leakage expander
X High X (High-High)

Certification of Re-Liquefaction Units
This Table has been prepared for guidance only and annotated to agree with the Steel Vessel Rules, IMO IGC Code and other IMO
requirements. The list is not to be considered exhaustive; should additional equipment not listed is fitted onboard, same will be subject
to special consideration for compliance with the Steel Vessel Rules, the IGC Code and other IMO requirements. This list is not to be
considered as substitutive or integrative of the content of the Steel Vessel Rules and/or other applicable Regulations. In case of conflict
between the content of this list and the applicable Steel Vessel Rules and regulations, the latter are to be considered applicable.
Code Explanation
MD Manufacturers Documentation Manufacturer should supply documentation to guarantee that the material or the
equipment complies with an acceptable standard (e.g. standard tests reports, ex certification, etc.).
DR Design Review Design review required.
MT Material Testing Material testing is to be witnessed by the Surveyor.
MS Manufacture Survey Product is to be surveyed during fabrication stages by the Surveyor.
FS Final Survey Finished product is to be subject to final hydrostatic, nondestructive, operational testing, or any other
required tests, and witnessed by the Surveyor at manufacturers facility.

Section 4 Re-liquefaction Unit

16 ABS

TABLE 2 (continued)
Certification of Re-Liquefaction Units
Equipment MD DR MT MS FS
BOG compressors X X X
LNG pumps X X
Pump and compressor motors (rated at 100 kW and over) X X
LNG separators (where fitted) X X X
Refrigerant compressors/expanders X X
Cryogenic heat exchanger/cold box
Refrigerant/Sea water coolers
Refrigerant accumulators
LNG return to cargo tank piping system X X X
Re-Liquefaction control system X X
Gas detection system X X
Automatic shutdown and safety system X X
1 See Appendix 1, Table 1.


2005 17

S E C T I O N 5 Gas Combustion Units/Thermal
1 General
The Gas Combustion Unit (GCU) is to be available for disposal of boil-off gas that cannot be
otherwise utilized during all modes of operations satisfying the requirements of Subsection 3/1 of this
Guide and 5-8-7/1.1.2 of the Steel Vessel Rules. It is not envisaged that the GCU will be used as the
primary means of satisfying Subsection 3/1 of this Guide and 5-8-7/1.1 of the Steel Vessel Rules or to
consume flash gas during the loading operation.
A gas combustion unit system will generally contain the following major components:
i) Boil-off gas compressors
ii) Heaters
iii) Automatic gas shut-off valve (see 3/2.1 of this Guide) and associated pipe work
iv) Pipe work in way of the safe areas where the GCU is located aft of the cargo block
v) Gas valve enclosure and venting of the enclosure/hood
vi) Gas burner unit including oil pilot burner and burner management system
vii) Combustion chamber and associated refractory
viii) Forced draft fans, and where fitted, dilution fans
ix) Exhaust trunk from the GCU
1.1 Capacity
i) The capacity of the GCU system is to be based on the requirements of 3/1.1 of this Guide.
ii) The turn down ratio of the GCU burner system is to have the capability of handling boil-off
gas from cargo tanks, as well as operating satisfactorily with the reduced boil-off gas during
the ballast voyage when there is a residual amount of LNG remaining in the cargo tanks.
iii) The GCU is to be designed to function safely during inerting and purging modes of operations
if it is intended that the unit consume the gas displaced from the cargo tanks during these
iv) Documentation to show the control system operational capability for over the entire range of
operations envisaged is to be submitted.
v) Where the GCU is intended to be used under a free flow mode, design features such as pipe
sizing, electrical ignition system and oil pilot burner will be subject to special consideration.

Section 5 Gas Combustion Units/Thermal Oxidizers

18 ABS

1.2 Plans and Data to be Submitted
Plans and specifications covering the entire installation with all of the accessories are to be submitted
(see 4-1-1/5 of the Steel Vessel Rules) and are to include:
General arrangement of the GCU compartment, including location of the gas detectors, electrical
equipment and lighting
Ventilation system for the GCU compartment
Fixed gas detection and alarm systems, and associated shut-off and shutdown systems
Gas fuel piping systems including details of piping and associated components, design pressures
and temperatures
Burner management system
Gas compressors
Gas heaters
Gas storage pressure vessels
Descriptions and schematic diagrams for control and monitoring system including set points for
abnormal conditions
Details of all electrical equipment in the GCU compartment
Electric bonding (earthing) arrangement
Emergency shutdown arrangements (see Subsection 5/10 of this Guide)
Forced boil-off gas supply system from the tanks to the consumers
Testing procedures during sea/gas trials.
2 Cargo Vapor (BOG) Circuit
2.1 Compressors
Compressor intended to be used for sending the boil-off gas to the GCU may be also used for other
cargo duties.
The compressors are to be designed in accordance with 5-8-16/4.2 of the Steel Vessel Rules, except
that the compressors are to be capable of being stopped locally and remotely from the cargo control
room and from the bridge.
For pressure and temperature measurement and control, see Section 5, Table 1 of this Guide.
2.2 Heaters
The heaters are to designed, constructed and certified in accordance with Section 4-4-1 of the Steel
Vessel Rules.
2.3 Gas Fuel Supply to GCU
Gas fuel piping is not to pass through accommodation spaces, service spaces or control stations. Gas
fuel piping may pass through or extend into other spaces, provided the arrangements fulfill one of the

Section 5 Gas Combustion Units/Thermal Oxidizers


2005 19
i) Gas fuel supply piping is to be installed to comply with 5-8-16/3 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
ii) Alternatively, where the fuel gas supply piping system is a single wall design and the
associated valves including the burner gas fuel connection at the GCU are located inside a gas
tight compartment inside an engine room or other gas safe spaces, the arrangements are to be
as follows:
a. The pressure in the fuel gas supply line is not to exceed 10 bar (10.2 kgf/cm
, 145 psi).
b. The pipes are to be of all-welded construction with flange connections only at
connections to equipment.
c. This compartment is to have access to the open deck. Where this is not possible,
entrance and exits to this compartment from a gas safe space are to be through a
self-closing gas-tight door.
d. The compartment is to be fitted with a mechanical exhaust ventilation system
complying with Subsection 5/8 of this Guide.
e. The compartment is to be fitted with a gas detection system complying with
Subsection 5/9 of this Guide.
f. The gas supply pipes are to incorporate a block and bleed valve arrangement and
comply with the purging requirements, as referred to in 5-8-16/3.6 of the Steel Vessel
Rules and 6/3.2 of this Guide.
g. The alarms and shutdowns are to comply with Section 5, Table 1 and Subsection 5/10
of this Guide, respectively.
3 Gas Burner Unit and Burner Management System
i) The gas burner management control philosophy for all modes of operation, such as fully
loaded and ballast condition, is to be submitted. This should be accompanied by a safety
analysis identifying all modes of failures and shutdown and startup sequences of the system.
ii) Where free flow of BOG to the GCU is intended, the GCU control system is to be designed to
safely manage such mode of operation.
iii) Gas nozzles should be fitted in such a way that gas fuel is ignited by the flame of the oil pilot
burner described in Subsection 5/4 of this Guide or by an electrical ignition system.
iv) The gas burner is to be fitted with a flame scanner. The flame scanner is to be dual scanners
or a scanner of the self-checking type. The flame scanner control should provide for a
trial-by-ignition period of not more than ten (10) seconds, during which time gas fuel may be
supplied to establish a flame. If the flame is not established within ten (10) seconds, the gas
fuel supply to the burner is to be immediately shut off automatically. In the case of flame
failure, shut-off is to be achieved within four (4) seconds following flame extinguishment. In
the case of failure of the flame scanner, the gas fuel is to be shut off automatically.
v) After flame extinguishment, the gas burner supply piping and combustion chamber is to
undergo the purge sequences required by 5-8-16/5.4 and 5-8-16/5.6 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
vi) The burner management system is to be arranged such that the gas burner cannot be ignited
until forced draft and dilution air fan flow is established.
vii) The gas burner unit is to have the capability of automatic operation with manual local
A manually operated shut-off valve is to be fitted on the pipe of each gas burner.

Section 5 Gas Combustion Units/Thermal Oxidizers

20 ABS

4 Oil Pilot Burner/Electrical Ignition System
Each gas fuel burner unit is to be fitted with an oil pilot burner and/or electrical igniter. The
arrangements of the piping system, storage and heating of the fuel for the oil pilot burner are to be in
accordance with the applicable requirements of 4-6-4/13 and 4-6-6/7 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
The oil pilot burner is to be fitted with a flame scanner designed to automatically shut off the fuel
supply to the burner in the event of flame failure. The shut-off is to be achieved within six (6) seconds
following flame extinguishment. In the case of failure of the flame scanner, the fuel to the oil pilot
burner is to be shut off automatically.
5 Forced Draft Fans and Dilution Fans
There is to be a minimum of two forced draft fans for each gas combustion unit. Each fan is to be
sized such that the total capacity is not less than 100% of the total capacity required to support the full
rated capacity of the GCU with one fan kept in reserve. Forced draft fan motors are to be located in a
gas-safe space. Where operational or structural requirements are such as to make it impossible to
install the motors in the gas-safe space, the following certified safe type motors are to be provided:
Increased safety type with flameproof enclosure; or
Pressurized type
There is to be a minimum of two dilution fans provided. Each dilution fan is to be sized such that the
total capacity is not less than 100% of the total capacity required to support the full rated capacity of
the GCU with one dilution fan kept in reserve. Means are to be provided for measuring and
monitoring of air flow in the forced draft and the dilution air flow streams on the discharge side.
6 Combustion Chamber and Associated Refractory
i) The combustion chamber walls are to be protected with insulated fire bricks/refractory and/or
a cooling system. Hot surfaces likely to come in contact with the crew during operation are to
be suitably guarded or insulated.
ii) The combustion chamber and the refractory are to be designed to ensure that in the event of
failure of the dilution fans, the temperature of the casing, or the outer casing where double
casing is fitted, does not exceed 230C (446F).
iii) Where the casing of the combustion chambers is required to be cooled due to temperature
limitation of the material used, this may be achieved by dilution fans, as per Subsection 5/5 of
this Guide. Alternative means of cooling will be considered subject to approval of the details.
iv) The design is to take into consideration the expected frequency of operation of the GCU and
possible vibrations.
v) The design of the combustion chamber is to be such as to ensure that the flame length always
remains within the extent of the gas combustion unit under all modes of operation.
vi) The combustion chamber is to be of suitable form such as not to present pockets where gas
may accumulate.
7 Exhaust Gas Piping
i) Exhaust gas temperature at the discharge from the GCU is not to exceed 535C (995F)
during any operating mode.
ii) The requirements of 4-6-5/11 of the Steel Vessel Rules for exhaust gas piping of internal
combustion engines apply.

Section 5 Gas Combustion Units/Thermal Oxidizers


2005 21
8 Ventilation
Ventilation arrangements are to comply with 5-8-16/3 of the Steel Vessel Rules, except that where the
gas fuel supply pipe is a single wall design, as described in 5/2.3ii) of this Guide, the ventilation of the
spaces containing the gas combustion unit is to be in accordance with the following requirements:
i) The gas combustion unit compartment is to be fitted with a mechanical ventilation system
having a capacity of at least thirty (30) air changes per hour based on the gross volume of the
compartment. The ventilation system is to be provided with at least two fans. Each fan is to
be sized such that the total capacity is not less than 100% of the total capacity required with
one fan kept in reserve.
ii) Ventilation ducting is to be situated in the gas combustion unit compartment in such a manner
as to ensure immediate evacuation of the leaked gas from the entire compartment without the
possibility of pockets of gas remaining in isolated corners. Either a gas dispersion analysis or
a physical smoke test under all possible operating modes is to be conducted in order to prove
that the inlets in the ducting are strategically positioned for the effective removal of the leaked
gas from the compartment.
iii) The ventilation system in the gas combustion unit compartment is to be separate from those
intended for other spaces. The ventilation inlet and discharge are to be respectively from and
to a safe location.
iv) The ventilation fans are to be of non-sparking construction (see 5-8-12/1.9 of the Steel Vessel
Rules) and electric motors for these fans are to be located outside of the airflow stream.
9 Gas Detection
Gas detection arrangements are to comply with 5-8-16/3 of the Steel Vessel Rules, except that where
the gas fuel supply pipe is a single wall design as described in 5/2.3ii) of this Guide, the gas detection
arrangements are to be in accordance with the following requirements:
i) There are to be at least two independent fixed gas detection systems in the gas combustion
unit compartment for continuous monitoring of the presence of leaked gas.
ii) Each gas detection system is to be of the self-monitoring type.
iii) In the case that a detection system fault is detected by the self-monitoring functions, the
output of the detection system is to be automatically disconnected such that the detector fault
will not cause false emergency shutdown.
iv) Each gas detection system is to be so arranged that it provides functional redundancy when
either one of the systems fails.
v) Gas detection equipment is to be so designed that it may be readily tested.
Placement of the detectors is critical to the effectiveness of the gas detection. The exact location of the
gas detectors is to be determined taking into consideration the sensitivity of gas detectors under the
prevailing airflow. Arrangements will be subject to approval for each application based upon the gas
dispersion analysis or the physical smoke test.
When the GCU is fitted with a double casing, care is to be exercised to preclude the possibility of
gases leaking into and being trapped in pockets of the outer casing. Gas detection probes within the
casing and explosion-relief doors on the outer casing are to be provided.

Section 5 Gas Combustion Units/Thermal Oxidizers

22 ABS

10 Automatic Shutdown System
The monitoring and safety system functions for gas fuel supply systems are to be provided in
accordance with Section 5, Table 1 of this Guide. The alarms are to be provided at the engine control
station. In addition, a summary alarm is to be provided at the navigation bridge and the cargo control
room. Shutdown arrangements are to comply with 5-8-16/3 of the Steel Vessel Rules, except that
where the gas fuel supply pipe is a single wall design as described in 5/2.3ii) of this Guide, the
shutdown arrangements are to be as follows:
i) In the event of leakage of gas in the compartment, an alarm is to be given when the gas
concentration within the compartment reaches 30% of LEL by volume.
ii) If the gas concentration in the compartment continues to rise to 60% of LEL by volume, the
master gas valve is to close automatically, the block and bleed valves are to operate and all
non-certified electrical equipment within the compartment is to be isolated from their
electrical supply. The ventilation fans are to continue operating until the gas concentration in
the compartment has reached a safe level for entry.
iii) In the event of ventilation system failure in the compartment (see Subsection 5/8 of this
Guide), an alarm is to be given in the control center and on the bridge, the entire gas
combustion unit is to shut down and the gas shut-off valve is to close automatically.
11 Fire Extinguishing System
The compartment described in 5/2.3ii) of this Guide is to be provided with a fixed fire extinguishing
system complying with 4-7-2/1.1.1 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
12 Surveys During Construction
12.1 General
This Subsection pertains to surveys during fabrication at the manufacturers facility and installation
and testing of gas combustion units onboard the LNG carrier. For surveys at the manufacturers
facility, the scope of the survey will be confined to only those items that are supplied by the manufacturer.
12.2 Surveys at Manufacturers Facility
See Section 5, Table 2 of this Guide for ABS certification requirements of gas combustion units.
Survey requirements for equipment components and packaged units at the manufacturers facility are
summarized in relevant sections of applicable Rules/Guides.
Certification of the complete gas combustion unit cannot be accepted based only on the ABS Type
Approval Program, and therefore ABS Surveyors attendance is required during fabrication for unit
certification. However, component parts of the unit can be certified in accordance with ABS Product
Quality Assurance (PQA) Certification system outlined in Appendix 1-1-A3 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
When Surveyors attendance at the shop of the manufacturer and at the assembly site is required by
the applicable Rules or this Guide, the manufactured/assembled system components will be verified to
be satisfactorily in compliance with a recognized standard. Surveyors attendance is required typically
for the following purposes:
i) To confirm that the facility to manufacture, fabricate or repair gas combustion units or its
components do have and maintain a quality-control program effectively covering design,
procurement, manufacturing and testing, as applicable, and meeting the requirements of a
recognized standard applicable to their product.

Section 5 Gas Combustion Units/Thermal Oxidizers


2005 23
ii) To qualify or verify welders qualifications, welding procedure specifications and corresponding
weld procedure qualification records to the extent deemed necessary by the attending
iii) To verify material certificates/documentations, particularly for materials of piping, main
pressure retaining parts of valves, including safety valves that have flanged or screwed ends
or other specialty fittings. Witness of material testing where required by the Steel Vessel
iv) To survey final weldments.
v) To witness, as far as deemed necessary, weld nondestructive examination tests and to review
records of nondestructive examinations.
vi) To witness pressure and/or proof-load testing of equipment components and as a unit, as
applicable and as called for in the fabrication procedures.
vii) To witness testing of subassemblies and completed units as called for in the fabrication
viii) To verify all gas-safe systems, motor controllers, consoles and instrumentation and control
panels are in compliance with approved drawings.
ix) To carry out other inspections and to witness the final Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) as
agreed upon during prefabrication meeting.
12.3 Surveys During Installation
The following surveys are to be carried out to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor on the gas
combustion unit and associated systems during installation and testing:
i) Piping systems are to be visually examined and pressure-tested, as required by the Steel
Vessel Rules. Pressure tests conducted on Class I piping (see 4-6-1/Table 1 of the Steel Vessel
Rules) systems should preferably be recorded on test charts for the duration of their tests.
ii) Electrical wiring and connections are to be in accordance with Part 4 of the Steel Vessel Rules
and checked for continuity and proper workmanship.
iii) Instrumentation is to be tested to confirm proper operation as per its predetermined set points.
iv) Pressure relief and safety valves installed on the unit are to be tested.
vi) Control system and shutdowns are to be tested for proper operation.
vii) The gas combustion unit is to be checked for proper operation in accordance with the ABS
approved installation test procedure.
12.4 Surveys During Trials
During the initial gas trials, the gas combustion unit is to be confirmed for its satisfactory operation,
including associated controls, alarms and shutdowns. The tests are to be conducted in accordance with
ABS approved testing procedure during gas trials. The gas combustion unit is to be run whilst the
vessel is underway at sea and the propulsion system operating over its full range of power,
demonstrating adequacy of the unit to deal with the defined NBOR.

Section 5 Gas Combustion Units/Thermal Oxidizers

24 ABS

Instrumentation and Alarms in Centralized Control Stations for the GCU
Item Display Alarm
Gas detection 30% LEL 60% LEL
BOG flow rate X Low X (Low-Low)
BOG temperature X Low
Gas valves enclosure
Ventilation fan Running Stopped X (failure)
LD Compressor pressure X High X (High-High)
Gas valve train
Discharge line temperature X High/Low X (High-High)
Combustion Fan Running Stopped/standby auto start
Dilution fan Running Stopped/standby auto start
Flame scanner X Failed
Burner flame X Failed
Furnace temperature X High
Fire or high temperature in flue
gas section
X High X (High-High)
Gas fuel pressure Low X (Low-Low)
Oxidizing Unit and
burner casing
Gas fuel temperature High/Low X (HH/LL)
Control power supply Failed
Burner Management
and Control System
Emergency Shutdown X

Certification of Gas Combustion Units
This Table has been prepared for guidance only and annotated to agree with the Steel Vessel Rules, IMO IGC Code and other IMO
requirements. The list is not to be considered exhaustive; should additional equipment not listed is fitted onboard, same will be subject
to special consideration for compliance with the Steel Vessel Rules, the IGC Code and other IMO requirements. This list is not to be
considered as substitutive or integrative of the content of the Steel Vessel Rules and/or other applicable Regulations. In case of conflict
between the content of this list and the applicable Steel Vessel Rules and regulations, the latter are to be considered applicable.
Code Explanation
MD Manufacturers Documentation Manufacturer should supply documentation to guarantee that the material or the
equipment complies with an acceptable standard (e.g. standard tests reports, ex certification, etc.).
DR Design Review Design review required.
MT Material Testing Material testing is to be witnessed by the Surveyor.
MS Manufacture Survey Product is to be surveyed during fabrication stages by the Surveyor.
FS Final Survey Finished product is to be subject to final hydrostatic, nondestructive, operational testing, or any other
required tests, and witnessed by the Surveyor at manufacturers facility.

Equipment MD DR MT MS FS
Gas burner unit including oil pilot burner X
Burner management system X X
Combustion chamber and associated refractory X
Forced draft fans and dilution fans X
Exhaust trunk X
Combustion chamber cooling water pumps X X
Gas detection system X X
Automatic shutdown and safety system X X


2005 25

S E C T I O N 6 Dual Fuel Diesel Engines
Propulsion System
1 General
1.1 Condition
The requirements specified in this Section are additional to all other relevant requirements of the Steel
Vessel Rules.
1.2 Application
1.2.1 Double Wall Fuel Gas Piping
1.2.1(a) Medium Speed Four Stroke Engines. Where medium speed dual fuel engines are
provided with a double wall gas piping arrangement, the requirements of this Section are
applicable. However, the requirements of Subsections 6/2 and 6/3 of this Guide are
superseded by the requirements of 5-8-16/2 and 5-8-16/3 of the Steel Vessel Rules, and the
requirements of Subsection 6/6 of this Guide related to the engine compartment are not
1.2.1(b) Slow Speed Two Stroke Engines. Where slow speed dual fuel engines are provided
with a double wall gas piping arrangement, the engine room arrangement and safety in
accordance with criteria outlined in the IGC Code per Section 5-8-16 of the Steel Vessel Rules
1.2.2 Single Wall Fuel Gas Piping
The requirements of this Section are applicable to low pressure, 10 bar (10.2 kgf/cm
145 psi) or less, BOG fuel piping systems for medium speed, four stroke dual fuel diesel
engine(s) based on the following concept. The entire dual fuel engine compartment, which
only contains dual fuel engine(s) and minimum necessary equipment, is considered gas safe.
This is achieved by the adoption of redundant ventilation systems, gas detection systems and
associated safety shutdown systems, without the need for encased gas fuel supply pipes and
ventilation hood over the engine(s). In order to maintain propulsion capability in case a dual
fuel engine compartment is shut down, propulsion engines and necessary equipment need to
be located in at least two separate compartments. Arrangements based on this concept, as
detailed in this Section, are considered to be equivalent to the conventional gas fuel piping
system in accordance with the IGC Code, which relies on encased gas fuel pipes and a
ventilation hood over the potential sources of gas leakage.
1.2.3 Gas Valve Unit (GVU) Room
Where GVU is located in a dedicated compartment, the safety principles and arrangements of
that compartment (i.e., the forced ventilation, gas detection, automatic BOG shut-off
arrangements) are to be the same as those required for a dual fuel engine compartment with
single-wall gas piping in 6/2.2 through to 6/2.5 of this Guide.

Section 6 Dual Fuel Diesel Engines Propulsion System

26 ABS

1.3 Plans and Data to be Submitted
Plans and specifications covering the entire installation with all of the accessories are to be submitted
(see 4-1-1/5 of the Steel Vessel Rules) and are to include:
General arrangement of dual fuel engine compartment, including location of the gas detectors,
electrical equipment and lighting
Ventilation system for dual fuel engine compartment
Fixed gas detection and alarm systems, and associated shut-off and shutdown systems
Gas fuel piping system including details of pipes and associated components, design pressures
and temperatures
Gas compressors
Gas heaters
Gas storage pressure vessels
Descriptions and schematic diagrams for control and monitoring system including set points for
abnormal conditions
Details of all electrical equipment in the dual fuel engine compartment
Electric bonding (earthing) arrangement
Arrangement and details of crankcase protection (see 6/5.3 of this Guide)
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) to determine possible failures and their effects in the
safe operation of the dual fuel engines (see 6/5.4 of this Guide) for each engine type
Arrangement of explosion protection for air inlet manifolds and for exhaust manifolds including
design basis and size calculations (see 6/5.2.4 and 6/5.5.1 of this Guide)
Emergency shutdown arrangements (see Subsection 6/6 of this Guide)
Operating and maintenance instruction manuals (see Subsection 6/7 of this Guide)
Forced boil-off gas supply system from the tanks to the consumers
Testing procedures during sea/gas trials
2 Arrangement of Dual Fuel Engine Compartments with
Single Wall Fuel Gas Piping
2.1 General
The propulsion system is to be such that propulsion and maneuvering capability can be maintained in
the case of emergency shutdown of any one dual fuel engine compartment as per 6/6.2 of this Guide.
Under such a condition, the remaining power, which is to be arranged in a separate machinery space,
is to be sufficient to provide for a speed of at least 7 knots or half of the design speed, whichever is
the lesser.
The compartment is to be as small in volume as practicable without compromising maintainability, in
order to facilitate effective ventilation and gas detection.

Section 6 Dual Fuel Diesel Engines Propulsion System


2005 27
2.2 Ventilation
2.2.1 Capacity
Each dual fuel engine compartment is to be fitted with at least two mechanical ventilation
fans with a total capacity of at least 30 air changes per hour based on the gross volume of the
compartment, without taking into consideration the combustion air required for the engine(s)
in the compartment.
If one fan is out of service, the capacity of the remaining ventilation fan(s) is to be not less
than 100% of the total required.
2.2.2 Ducting
Ventilation ducting is to be situated in the dual fuel engine compartment in such a manner as
to ensure immediate evacuation of the leaked gas from the entire compartment without the
possibility of pockets of gas remaining in isolated corners.
Either a gas dispersion analysis or a physical smoke test under all possible operating modes is
to be conducted in order to prove that the inlets in the ducting are strategically positioned for
the effective removal of the leaked gas from the compartment.
2.2.3 System Requirements
The ventilation system in each dual fuel engine compartment is to be separated from those
intended for other spaces including other dual fuel engine compartments.
The ventilation inlet and discharge are to be respectively from and to a safe location.
The ventilation fans are to be of non-sparking construction (see 5-8-12/1.9 of the Steel Vessel
Rules) and electric motors for these fans are to be located outside of the airflow stream.
The ventilation system is to be always in operation when there is gas fuel in the piping while
in normal operation, as well as in purging operation prior to maintenance works.
2.3 Gas Detection
2.3.1 System Requirements
There are to be at least two independent fixed gas detection systems in each dual fuel engine
compartment for continuous monitoring of the presence of leaked gas.
Each gas detection system is to comply with the following requirements:
i) Gas detection system is to be of the self-monitoring type.
ii) In the case that a detection system fault is detected by the self-monitoring functions,
the output of the detection system is to be automatically disconnected such that the
detector fault will not cause false emergency shutdown as per Subsection 6/6.
iii) The gas detection system is to be so arranged that it provides functional redundancy
when either one of the systems fails.
iv) The gas detection equipment is to be so designed that it may be readily tested.
The gas detection system is always to be in operation when there is gas fuel in the piping
while in normal operation, as well as in purging operation prior to maintenance works.

Section 6 Dual Fuel Diesel Engines Propulsion System

28 ABS

2.3.2 Installation
Placement of the detectors is critical to the effectiveness of the gas detection system.
The exact location of the gas detectors is to be determined taking into consideration the
sensitivity of gas detectors under the prevailing airflow.
Arrangements will be subject to approval for each application based upon the gas dispersion
analysis or the physical smoke test, as required by 6/2.2.2 of this Guide.
2.3.3 Periodic Maintenance and Testing
The gas detection systems and the associated emergency shutdown systems are to be tested
and maintained to ensure their reliability during working conditions and are to be recalibrated
at regular intervals in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations given in the
maintenance and instruction manual.
Tests and maintenance procedures are to be documented and kept onboard for the crews use
(see Subsection 1/2 of this Guide).
Records of the maintenance and the testing are to be maintained onboard. The records will be
subject to ABS Annual Survey (see Subsection 6/8 of this Guide).
2.4 Electrical Equipment
Electrical equipment, which may create an electrical spark, such as magnetic contactors, circuit
breakers, motor starters, switchboards, slip rings or commutators, is to be located outside of the dual
fuel engine compartment.
Electrical equipment in the dual fuel engine compartment, which is intended to be operational after
the dual fuel engines have been shut down due to a gas leakage, is to be of the certified safe type.
2.5 Access and Means of Escape
The access to the dual fuel engine compartment is to be provided with a self-closing door with alarm
that would be initiated when the door remains open for more than 60 seconds.
Two means of escape are to be provided for machinery spaces of category A, as required by SOLAS
1974, as amended.
3 Gas Fuel Supply for Arrangements with Single Wall Fuel
Gas Piping
3.1 Piping System up to Engine Compartment
Gas fuel piping is to comply with 5-8-5/2 through 5-8-5/5 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
They piping is not to pass through accommodation spaces, service spaces or control stations.
It may pass through or extend into other spaces outside the dual fuel engine compartment, provided
one of the requirements in 5-8-16/3.1 of the Steel Vessel Rules is satisfied.
3.2 Block and Bleed Valves
The gas fuel supply piping to each dual fuel engine is to be provided with a set of three automatic
valves. Two of these valves are to be in series in the gas fuel pipe to the engine. The third valve is to
be in a pipe that vents that portion of the gas fuel piping between the two valves in series, to a safe
location in the open air or to an alternative acceptable location to safely dispose of the gas.

Section 6 Dual Fuel Diesel Engines Propulsion System


2005 29
These valves are to be arranged so that when automatic shut-off is initiated as per 6/5.4 or 6/6.1 of this
Guide, this will cause the two gas fuel valves, which are in series, to close automatically and the vent
valve to open automatically. Alternatively, the function of one of the valves in series and the vent
valve can be incorporated into one valve body so arranged that when one of the above conditions
occurs, flow to the engine will be blocked and the vent opened. The three shut-off valves are to be
arranged for manual reset either locally or remotely.
Where remote reset is fitted, the control system is to be arranged such that the dual fuel engine cannot
be made operational in the gas mode until the abnormal conditions that caused the shut-off of the
valves initially have been resolved and safe operation can be resumed.
The two block valves are to be of the fail-closed type and the bleed valve is to be of the fail-open
3.3 Gas Shut-off Valve
A gas shut-off valve for each dual fuel engine compartment is to be arranged so as to close automatically
in accordance with 6/6.1 of this Guide.
3.4 Manual Shut Off
The gas shut-off valve as per 6/3.3 for each dual fuel engine compartment that can be closed from
within the engine compartment, at the engine control station, at the cargo control room and at the
navigation bridge need not be provided within the cargo area if a master gas valve is provided in the
cargo area. See Subsection 3/2 of this Guide.
3.5 Piping System in Engine Compartment
3.5.1 Pressure
The pressure in the gas fuel supply system in the dual fuel engine compartment is not to
exceed 10 bar (10.2 kgf/cm
, 145 psi).
3.5.2 Design and Installation
Gas fuel piping is to comply with 5-8-5/2 through 5-8-5/5 of the Steel Vessel Rules, as far as
Joints are to be kept to a minimum and are to be of full penetration butt-welded type.
Where connections are needed for maintenance purposes, these are to be of the welded neck
flange type.
The welded connections are to be examined using 100% radiographic tests.
3.6 Purging
Provision is to be made for inerting and gas-freeing the gas fuel piping system. An automatic purge is
to be activated upon automatic closure of the gas shut-off valve
Discharges are to be led to a safe location in the atmosphere.
3.7 Restoration of Gas Fuel Supply
If a gas leak occurs, no attempts are to be made to resume operation of the engine(s) using gas fuel
supply until the leak has been found and repaired.
Instructions to this effect are to be placed in a prominent position in the dual fuel engine compartment.

Section 6 Dual Fuel Diesel Engines Propulsion System

30 ABS

4 Gas Make-up Plant and Related Storage Tanks
All equipment (heaters, compressors, filters, etc.) for making-up the gas for its use as fuel, the related
storage tanks and associated piping are to comply with the requirements in 5-8-16/4 of the Steel
Vessel Rules.
5 Dual Fuel Engines
5.1 General
Engines are to be of the compression-ignition, dual-fuel type using either oil fuel or gas fuel with pilot
oil fuel for ignition and arranged for rapid changeover to either fuel.
In the case of changeover to either fuel supply, the engines are to be capable of continuous operation
using the alternative fuel supply mentioned above without interruption to propulsion or power supply.
Only oil fuel is to be used prior to a normal stop, and when starting the engine.
5.2 Gas Fuel and Air Supply
5.2.1 Gas Fuel Supply
The installation arrangements of the gas fuel piping are to provide the necessary flexibility to
accommodate the oscillating movements of the engine without risk of fatigue failure in the
piping connections to the engine.
5.2.2 Starting Air
Starting air branch pipes to each cylinder are to be provided with flame arresters.
5.2.3 Air Intakes
Where air intakes are located inside the engine compartment, these are to be situated as far
apart as practicable from the gas fuel supply pipe such that, in the event of a gas leak, the risk
of the gas entering the intake is minimized.
5.2.4 Air Inlet Manifolds
An explosion relief valve or other appropriate protection against explosion is to be provided
on the air inlet manifolds.
The arrangement and location of the protection devices is to be such as to minimize the
dangers from the emission of flame.
Alternatively, documentation may be submitted for consideration showing that the system has
sufficient strength to withstand a worst-case explosion, or that the assumed possible gas
explosion in the air inlet manifold is not a plausible scenario due to the inherent design
5.3 Protection of Crankcase
5.3.1 Ventilation
Independent ventilation is to be provided for the crankcase of each engine.
Arrangements are to be made so that any blow-by gas may readily reach the vent.
The crankcase vent is to be led to a safe location in the weather through a flame arrester.

Section 6 Dual Fuel Diesel Engines Propulsion System


2005 31
5.3.2 Inerting
A means are to be provided for inerting and aerating the crankcase before opening the
crankcase doors for maintenance.
The crankcase is to be fitted with a gas sampling connection in order to allow the
measurement of the gas concentration by portable gas detection equipment.
5.3.3 Instrumentation
Instrumentation installed inside the crankcase is to be of the certified safe type.
The crankcase is to be protected by an oil mist detector and gas detecting or equivalent
equipment acceptable to the Bureau. Gas detectors are to be provided and may be located in
the crankcase vent pipe. The gas detector is to be provided with adequate arrangement to protect
it from oil mist contamination.
5.3.4 Warning Notice
The warning notice required by 4-2-1/7.13.1 of the Steel Vessel Rules is to include a caution
that the crankcase is not to be opened until adequate precautions have been taken to ensure
that no gas remains trapped in the crankcase.
5.3.5 Dry Lubricating Oil Sump
Where a dry lubricating oil sump is used, the vent from the lubricating oil tank is to be led to
a safe location in the weather through a flame arrester.
5.4 Protection against Explosion
In addition to the requirements in 4-2-1/7 of the Steel Vessel Rules, a Failure Modes and Effects
Analysis (FMEA) is to be carried out by the engine manufacturer in order to determine necessary
additional means of safeguards to address the hazard associated with the use of gas as a fuel.
The analysis is to identify all plausible scenarios of gas leakage and the resulting possible explosion.
Then the analysis is to identify necessary means to control the identified explosion hazards.
The FMEA is to be submitted to the Bureau for approval.
Unless the FMEA proves otherwise, the monitoring and safety system functions for the dual fuel
diesel engine are to be provided in accordance with Section 6, Table 1 of this Guide.
The alarms required by Section 6, Table 1 are is to be provided at the engine control station. In
addition, a summary alarm is to be provided at the navigation bridge.

Section 6 Dual Fuel Diesel Engines Propulsion System

32 ABS

Monitoring and Safety System Functions for Dual Fuel Diesel Engines
Monitored Parameters Alarm Automatic
Activation of
the Block and
Bleed Valves
Switching Over
to Oil Fuel Mode
Gas fuel injection systems malfunction X X X
Pilot oil fuel injection systems malfunction X X X
Exhaust gas after each cylinder, temperature high X X X
Exhaust gas after each cylinder, deviation from
average, temperature high
Cylinder pressure or ignition failure X X X
Oil mist in crankcase, mist concentration or bearing
temperature high
Engine stops any cause X X
Failure of the control-actuating medium of the
block and bleed valves

5.5 Engine Exhaust System
5.5.1 Explosion Protection
Explosion relief valves or other appropriate protection against explosion, such as burst discs
of an approved type, are to be provided on the exhaust manifolds.
The arrangement and location of the protective devices is to minimize the dangers from
emission of flame.
Alternatively, documentation showing that the system has sufficient strength to withstand a
worst-case explosion may be submitted for consideration.
5.5.2 Installation
The exhaust gas pipes from dual fuel engines are not to be connected to the exhaust pipes of
other engines or systems.
Installation arrangements are to have the exhaust pipes sloped upwards after the turbocharger
in order to avoid formation of gas pockets.
5.5.3 Purging
A manual purging connection is to be provided.
In the event that the dual fuel engine stops during the gas fuel mode of operation, the exhaust
system is to be purged for a sufficient time to discharge the gas that may be present.
5.6 Cooling Water Expansion Tank
To safely vent any fuel gas that may enter the dual fuel engine cooling water system, the cooling
water expansion tank vent is to be led through a flame arrester to a safe location in the weather.

Section 6 Dual Fuel Diesel Engines Propulsion System


2005 33
6 Emergency Shutdown
6.1 Automatic Shut Off of Gas Fuel Supply
The monitoring and safety system functions for gas fuel supply systems are to be provided in
accordance with Section 6, Table 2 of this Guide.
The alarms required by Section 6, Table 1 are is to be provided at the engine control station. In
addition, a summary alarm is to be provided at the navigation bridge.

Monitoring and Safety System Functions for Gas Fuel Supply Systems
Monitored Parameters Alarm Automatic Shut-off of
the Master Gas Fuel
Valve and Automatic
Activation of the Block
and Bleed Valves
over to Oil
Fuel Mode
Shutdown (see
6/6.2 of this
Gas fuel leakage detection at 30% LFL or lower X X X
Loss of ventilation, to the extent that the 30 air change
requirements as per 6/2.2.1 of this Guide are no longer
fulfilled, for the dual fuel engine compartment
Abnormal pressures in the gas fuel supply line X X X
Failure of the control-actuating medium of the master gas
fuel valve
Loss of pressure in the space between concentric pipes as
specified in 6/3.1 of this Guide, if fitted
Loss of airflow in the space between gas fuel pipe and
ventilated pipe or duct as specified in 6/3.1 of this Guide if
Fire detection in the dual fuel engine compartment X X
Gas fuel leakage detection before 60% LFL X X X

6.2 Emergency Shutdown of the Dual Fuel Engine Compartment
When a gas leakage is detected in a dual fuel engine compartment, and before the gas concentration
detected reaches 60% of the LFL, all the electrical equipment inside the compartment, other than
certified safe type, is to be automatically isolated from its electrical supply and all the engines in that
compartment are to be shut down. See Section 6, Table 2.
6.3 Power Management
Where dual fuel engines are used for electric propulsion power generation, a power management
system is to be provided to safeguard the power supply system from overloading, which may occur
due to the sudden shutdown of a dual fuel engine compartment.

Section 6 Dual Fuel Diesel Engines Propulsion System

34 ABS

7 Surveys During Construction
7.1 General
This Subsection pertains to surveys during fabrication at manufacturers facility and installation and
testing of dual fuel diesel engines onboard the LNG carrier. For surveys at the manufacturers facility,
the scope of the Survey will be confined to only those items that are supplied by the manufacturer.
7.2 Surveys at Manufacturers Facility
See Section 6, Table 3 of this Guide for ABS certification requirements of dual fuel diesel engines.
Survey requirements for equipment components and packaged units at the manufacturers facility are
summarized in relevant sections of applicable Rules/Guides.
Certification of complete dual fuel diesel engines cannot be accepted based only on the ABS Type
Approval Program, and therefore ABS Surveyors attendance is required during fabrication for unit
certification. However, component parts of the unit can be certified in accordance with ABS Product
Quality Assurance (PQA) Certification system outlined in Appendix 1-1-A3 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
When Surveyors attendance at the shop of the manufacturer and at the assembly site is required by
the applicable Rules or this Guide, the manufactured/assembled system components will be verified to
be satisfactorily in compliance with a recognized standard. Surveyors attendance is required typically
for the following purposes:
i) To confirm that the facility to manufacture, fabricate or repair dual fuel diesel engines or its
components do have and maintain a quality-control program effectively covering design,
procurement, manufacturing and testing, as applicable, and meeting the requirements of a
recognized standard applicable to their product.
ii) To qualify or verify welders qualifications, welding procedure specifications and corresponding
weld procedure qualification records to the extent deemed necessary by the attending
iii) To verify material certificates/documentations, particularly for materials of piping, main
pressure retaining parts of valves, including safety valves that have flanged or threaded ends
or other specialty fittings. Witness of material testing where required by the Steel Vessel
iv) To survey final weldments.
v) To witness, as far as deemed necessary, weld nondestructive examination tests and to review
records of nondestructive examinations.
vi) To witness pressure and/or proof-load testing of equipment components and as a unit, as
applicable and as called for in the fabrication procedures.
vii) To witness testing of subassemblies and completed units as called for in the fabrication
viii) To verify all gas-safe systems, motor controllers, consoles and instrumentation and control
panels are in compliance with approved drawings.
ix) To carry out other inspections and to witness the final Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) as
agreed upon during prefabrication meeting.

Section 6 Dual Fuel Diesel Engines Propulsion System


2005 35
7.3 Surveys During Installation
The following surveys are to be carried out to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor on the dual
fuel diesel engine and associated systems during installation and testing:
i) Piping systems are to be visually examined and pressure-tested, as required by the Steel
Vessel Rules. Pressure tests conducted on Class I piping (see 4-6-1/Table 1 of the Steel Vessel
Rules) systems should preferably be recorded on test charts for the duration of their tests.
ii) Electrical wiring and connections are to be in accordance with Part 4 of the Steel Vessel Rules
and checked for continuity and proper workmanship.
iii) Instrumentation is to be tested to confirm proper operation as per its predetermined set points.
iv) Pressure relief and safety valves installed on the unit are to be tested.
v) Control system and shutdowns are to be tested for proper operation.
vi) The dual fuel diesel engine is to be checked for proper operation in accordance with the ABS
approved installation test procedure.
7.4 Surveys During Trials
During the initial gas trials, the dual fuel diesel engine is to be confirmed for its satisfactory operation,
including associated controls, alarms and shutdowns. The tests are to be conducted in accordance with
ABS approved testing procedure during sea/gas trials. The dual fuel diesel engine is to be run whilst
the vessel is underway at sea and the propulsion system operating over its full range of power.

Section 6 Dual Fuel Diesel Engines Propulsion System

36 ABS

Certification of Dual Fuel Diesel Engines
This Table has been prepared for guidance only and annotated to agree with the Steel Vessel Rules, IMO IGC Code and other IMO
requirements. The list is not to be considered exhaustive; should additional equipment not listed is fitted onboard, same will be subject
to special consideration for compliance with the Steel Vessel Rules, the IGC Code and other IMO requirements. This list is not to be
considered as substitutive or integrative of the content of the Steel Vessel Rules and/or other applicable Regulations. In case of conflict
between the content of this list and the applicable Steel Vessel Rules and regulations, the latter are to be considered applicable.
Code Explanation
MD Manufacturers Documentation Manufacturer should supply documentation to guarantee that the material or the
equipment complies with an acceptable standard (e.g. standard tests reports, ex certification, etc.).
DR Design Review Design review required.
MT Material Testing Material testing is to be witnessed by the Surveyor.
MS Manufacture Survey Product is to be surveyed during fabrication stages by the Surveyor.
FS Final Survey Finished product is to be subject to final hydrostatic, nondestructive, operational testing, or any other
required tests, and witnessed by the Surveyor at manufacturers facility.

Equipment MD DR MT MS FS
Gas valve enclosure X X
Gas storage pressure vessels
Fuel gas piping system in engine room incl. block and bleed valves X
Dual fuel diesel engine
Crankcase, inlet manifold and exhaust manifold explosion protection systems
Engine compartment ventilation system X

Fuel gas piping ventilation system X

Gas detection system X X
Automatic shutdown system X X
1 See Appendix 1, Table 1.
2 Design verification only.
3 See Section 4-2-1 of the Steel Vessel Rules.


2005 37

S E C T I O N 7 Dual Fuel Gas Turbine Propulsion
1 General
1.1 Application
The requirements in this Section are applicable to LNG vapor and liquid fuel propulsion gas turbine
and piping systems based on the following concepts:
i) The dual fuel gas turbine is fitted in a gas-tight enclosure to minimize the risk associated with
gas leakage, fire and any other hazards associated with the use of gas and oil fuel.
ii) The entire gas turbine enclosure is to enclose the gas turbine(s) and, as a minimum, the
associated equipment necessary for starting and continuous operation. Even though the
internal space of the enclosure will contain the high pressure gas supply line, this space is
considered gas-safe. The gas-safe integrity is achieved by the required ventilation system, gas
detection systems and associated safety shutdown systems, as well as the fire protection and
firefighting systems which are equivalent to a localized protected space, as per Chapter II-2 of
SOLAS 1974 as amended. Because this enclosure is considered to encase the entire gas
turbine with all the necessary additional protection required by IGC code and Section 5-8-16
of the Steel Vessel Rules, the fuel gas supply line to the gas turbine need not be encased or
double walled as required by IGC Code and Section 5-8-16 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
iii) Dual fuel gas turbines intended for use as prime movers for propulsion (mechanical drive or
generator drive), electric power generation and auxiliary services equipment are to be
designed, constructed, tested, certified and installed in accordance with the requirements of
this Section, in addition to the requirements of Section 4-2-3 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
iv) Piping systems serving gas turbine engines, such as fuel oil, gas fuel, lubricating oil, starting
air/hydraulic and exhaust gas systems, are to be in compliance with Sections 4-6-5 and 5-8-16
of the Steel Vessel Rules.
v) Gas turbine(s) used for propulsion are to be designed to enable maneuvering from stop to full
ahead and vice-versa without a delay using either gas or liquid fuel. When changeover of fuel
is activated during all modes of operation, this should be smooth, without interruptions to the
power, as far as practicable.
The requirements as specified in this Section are additional to all other applicable requirements of the
Steel Vessel Rules.

Section 7 Dual Fuel Gas Turbine Propulsion System

38 ABS

2 Arrangement of Dual Fuel Gas Turbines
2.1 General
The dual fuel gas turbine power plant arrangement may consist of the dual fuel gas turbine as the
prime mover driving rotating equipment, such as generator(s), a gearbox, couplings and propulsion
shafting, together with associated equipment that may include; a starter, governor and fuel control,
enclosure, piping, and auxiliary systems and exhaust gas/waste heat recovery boilers and
instrumentation, monitoring and control systems.
Where the dual fuel gas turbine prime mover and the minimum associated equipment
necessary for its operation are fitted in an enclosure, this enclosure is to be of minimum size,
as far as practicable without compromising the accessibility, maintainability and operability.
This enclosure is to be provided with effective ventilation and gas detection systems to
maintain it as a gas safe enclosure.
Where the gas turbine and the associated high pressure gas piping are located in a machinery
space or located in a space containing other auxiliary machinery or other such equipment as
may constitute a source of ignition, the installation arrangements are to comply with Section
5-8-16 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
3 General
3.1 Gas Turbine Propulsion System
i) Gas turbine(s) use natural boil-off gas from cargo tanks or forced boil-off gas as fuel to drive
an electric generator(s) for generation of power, which in turn will drive the propulsion
shafting through a motor/gearbox configuration or mechanically driven propulsion shafting
through a gear box. The gas turbine will also have the capability of burning liquid fuel when
boil-off gas cannot be utilized.
ii) Both liquid fuel and boil-off gas may be used simultaneously, as applicable.
iii) Gas turbines are to be capable of operation with a range of gas composition mixtures
reflective of that likely to be encountered during service.
4 Plans and Data to be Submitted
In addition to the plans and particulars required as per 4-2-3/1.5 of the Steel Vessel Rules, the
following plans and particulars for dual fuel applications are also to be submitted:
General arrangements showing location of the power plant and individual items of machinery,
such as the gas turbine units(s), exhaust gas boilers, turbo generators(s), diesel generators and
other associated equipment (such as the gas combustion units(s), re-liquefaction plant and the gas
supply line to the consumers)
General arrangement of the gas turbine engine enclosure, including location of the gas detectors,
electrical equipment, lighting and ventilation, etc.

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Gas fuel manifold arrangement and details, including design pressure and temperatures, operational
schematics, material specifications and bill of materials
Enclosure, including size and dimensions, gas tightness, entrance and exits and other openings,
such as ventilation intakes and outlets
Ventilation systems details, including inlet cooling air calculations for the enclosure
Fixed gas detection and alarm systems, and associated shut-off and shutdown systems
Gas fuel piping systems, including details of pipes and associated components, design pressures
and temperatures, operational schematics, flange/joints loadings, material specifications and bill
of materials
Gas compressors, with details such as type, size, mechanical components, materials used and
details of alarms, indication, shutdown and control system.
Mist separators
Heat exchangers, including BOG heaters, BOG coolers, etc.
Pressure vessels, including recovery tanks, etc.
Descriptions and schematic diagrams for control and monitoring systems, including set points for
abnormal conditions together with control logic for the entire power plant and individual items in
the systems.
Details of all electrical equipment in the turbine engine enclosure
Failure modes, effects and criticality analysis
Electric bonding (earthing) arrangement
Emergency shutdown arrangements (see 7/13.3 of this Guide)
Operating and maintenance instructions manuals (see Subsection 6/7 of this Guide)
Schematic diagram showing gas and fuel supply lines from the source to the consumers for the
entire power plant system
Forced boil-off gas supply system from the tanks to the consumers
Testing procedures during sea/gas trials
5 Materials of Construction
i) Materials entering into the construction of gas turbine engine propulsion systems are to
comply with the requirements of Chapter 3 of the ABS Rules for Materials and Welding
Part 2 and 4-2-3/3 and 5-8-6/2 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
ii) Materials subjected to low temperatures are to comply with the requirements of Sections
2-3-2 and 2-3-13 of the ABS Rules for Materials and Welding Part 2.

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6 Dual Fuel Propulsion Gas Turbines
6.1 General
i) Gas turbines as components are to comply with the requirements of Section 4-2-3 and
5-8-16/8 of the Steel Vessel Rules. Gas-fired turbines also are to comply with the special
requirements of 5-8-16/6 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
ii) The gas turbine and driven equipment are to be assembled together on a rigid sub base where
required to maintain alignments. The sub base is to be designed to maintain alignment of
components within the manufacturers recommended limits, without permanent deformation
when subjected to accelerations. The design is also to avoid resonances between parts of the
gas turbine propulsion system as expected due to hull natural frequencies, propulsion system
vibrations and other dominant frequencies of the gas turbine system, and environmental
conditions including ship motions and ship inclinations.
iii) The gas turbine mounting is to consider blade out loads, mount stiffness, vibratory response,
engine thermal growth, mount link thermal growth, maintenance and over torque conditions.
iv) Drain pans shall be sloped to allow drainage under normal vessel operating conditions,
including maximum inclination conditions, as specified in 4-1-1/7.9 and 4-1-1/Table 7 of the
Steel Vessel Rules. The pan is also to meet the requirements of the enclosure.
v) The dual fuel gas turbine is to be fitted within an acoustic gas-tight enclosure providing
effective gas detection, fire protection, ventilation and cooling, as per the requirements given
in this Section. Alternatively, the gas turbines may be located in a space containing other
machinery, provided that the installation arrangements of the gas turbine are in compliance
with 7/2.1.2 of this Guide.
vi) The design of the gas fuel manifold and nozzles is to assure complete venting upon shutdown
to prevent gas leakage and fire, unless the manufacturer satisfactorily demonstrates by
satisfactory experience with similar installations or test data that the gas manifold evacuating
is not necessary.
vii) The design of the gas turbine is also to provide positive means of evacuating all unburned gas
from the combustor, turbine and exhaust collector.
viii) Gas turbine fuel oil piping system is to comply with the requirements of 4-6-5/3.7 of the Steel
Vessel Rules.
6.2 Gas Fuel Manifold
i) The gas fuel manifold fitted on the engine is to be designed for the maximum design
pressure, temperatures, thermal growth, dominant resonances and vibrations that may be
experienced after installation.
ii) The installation arrangements of the gas fuel manifold, piping and pipe fittings, joints, etc.,
are to provide the necessary flexibility to accommodate the oscillating movements of the
engine without risk of fatigue failure in the piping connections to the engine.
iii) The gas fuel manifold and piping configuration is to be approved and certified by the Bureau
as per the engine manufacturers design.
iv) All metallic gas fuel manifold/lines are to be of corrosion resistant steel.
v) All mechanical joints are to be of welded type, as far as practicable, and designed to prevent
accidental leakage onto hot engine parts and any other source of ignition. Shielding or other
means are to be provided to prevent this.
vi) Non-welded connections will be subject to special consideration.

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6.3 Gas Fuel Control Valves
i) Actuation is to be from the machinery control room, both at local and remote locations.
Where the source of power to the actuator is electrical, the electrical source should be from
the emergency power supply or provided with a backup power supply. All shut-off valves are
to close rapidly and completely. All shut-off valves are to be of fail-safe type.
ii) All internal elements of the gas fuel system are to be resistant to corrosion.
7 Gas Turbine Enclosure
7.1 General
i) The gas turbine is to be resiliently or rigidly mounted to a structural foundation within an
acoustically and thermally insulated enclosure.
ii) The enclosure design is to maintain all components within their safe working temperature
under all operating conditions to minimize the risk of fire from sources of ignition such as hot
spots. This is to prevent damage by heat to the adjacent components by providing effective
fire prevention, ventilation and cooling.
7.2 Construction
i) Unless the fuel gas piping up to the gas turbine inlet is of double wall design and in full
compliance with Section 5-8-16 of the Steel Vessel Rules, the enclosure is to be gas-tight.
ii) The enclosure is to be of steel construction and designed for removal of major components,
such as the generator, reduction gear (where fitted) or gas turbine. The manufacturer is to
identify maintenance access envelopes for removal of the above major components.
iii) The enclosure is to maintain structural integrity with the access panels removed.
iv) The enclosure is to be arranged such that if the removal of the access panels and doors while
the turbine may be operating causes an unsafe condition, than the access panels and doors are
to be provided with interlocks or other means to automatically secure the turbine prior to
removal of the access panel.
v) The enclosure, including enclosure cooling ducting, is to be designed as airtight, as required
by 7/7.2i) of this Guide, and capable of withstanding the pulsation pressure that emanates
from the gas turbine during operation.
vi) The enclosure is to be sized to allow for maximum deflection of the mounted equipment
without the equipment striking the enclosure.
vii) Where one enclosure serves two gas turbines, an internal wall is to be provided.
viii) Where a gas turbine is located inside a gas-tight acoustic enclosure, the internal space of the
enclosure is considered to be a Category A machinery space, hence, the separation of this
space from the adjoining spaces and fire protection of this space is to be in accordance with
the applicable requirements in the Steel Vessel Rules and SOLAS 1974, as amended.
ix) Each enclosure is to form a gas-tight seal at all piping, ducting and electrical connections that
penetrate the enclosure walls.
x) A suitable means of inspection such as a glass inspection window or a CCTV system is to be
installed in the enclosure such that it is possible for operators to observe the engine and its
major components, including gearbox accessories, intake, piping and instrumentation, during
operation looking for evidence of fluid leakage, fire, smoke or other abnormal operating
conditions without entering the enclosure.

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xi) The inspection windows may be installed in the enclosure access doors where the door
location meets the internal viewing requirements. Where the enclosure is considered a
category A machinery space, the windows are to be of the same fire rating as the bulkhead in
which they are installed.
xii) Interior lighting is to be provided in the enclosure to allow a clear view of all components
from the inspection windows. Enclosure access doors are to be provided in locations that will
allow maintenance personnel easy access to both sides of all major components within the
enclosure. Access to the air intake of the engine is to be provided.
xiii) The enclosure is to be sound and thermally insulated.
xiv) Thermal and acoustic insulating material is to be provided with protection to minimize the
possibility of absorption of oils, grease and moisture.
xv) Protective metal guards are to be provided to avoid wear or puncture of exposed insulated
areas subject to mechanical abrasion.
xvi) A temperature sensor is to be placed inside and adjacent to each gas turbine engine
compartment entry to indicate compartment internal temperature.
xvii) A placard stating necessary safety precautions to be taken by personnel is to be provided at
the engine space access if entrance to the engine compartment is required after gas turbine
engine shutdown.
xviii) A hazard label is to be placed on or adjacent to each access to the enclosure and internal to the
enclosure, located so as to be visible upon entry, and is to provide appropriate personnel
xix) Each base and enclosure is to be provided with floor drains to prevent the accumulation of
fluids. The floor drains are to be situated to negate any effect of base and enclosure
installation rake on drainage. Fluid drains are to be arranged so as to prevent migration of
fluids to the gas turbine exhaust area and hot section.
xx) Means are to be provided for drainage of the enclosure space in a safe manner. Where an
enclosure is fitted with a water-based fire protection system, a fixed permanently installed
bilge system for the enclosure is to be provided.
8 Enclosure Air Intakes and Exhaust System
8.1 General
i) The design and arrangement of the system is to minimize pressure drop and back pressure,
turbulence, noise and ingestion of water or spray.
ii) The systems shall be designed and supported to prevent stress loading of the flexible connections
and expansion joints.
iii) The design shall also minimize the transfer of vibration to the supporting structure and
withstand stresses induced by weight, thermal expansion, engine vibration, working of the
vessel and pressure thrust caused by the exhaust gas and intake air.
iv) The perforated plate interior surface of the exhaust ducts shall be held in place using retainer
clips welded to the duct structure.
v) All systems shall be designed to withstand dynamic forces encountered by motion of the
vessel at sea, as specified in 4-1-1/7.9 and 4-1-1/Table 7 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
vi) All sections of systems exposed to the weather shall be self-supporting without any wire, rope, etc.

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vii) Air intake and exhaust ducting is to be of welded construction as far as practicable and is to
be in accordance with the requirements of Sections 2-4-2 and 2-4-4 of the ABS Rules for
Materials and Welding Part 2.
viii) Cover plates for maintenance and access openings shall be bolted on and shall have handles
or other means to facilitate their removal. All cover plates shall open outwards.
ix) Flexible metal hoses or expansion joints of an approved type are to be used at the engine air
intakes, as well as at the exhaust outlets and elsewhere, as required for flexibility. The
flexible joints are to be provided with internal flow liners. The method of connecting these
flexible metal hoses or expansion joints to the gas turbines is to be in accordance with
builders and manufacturers recommendations.
x) Adjustments for misalignment through the use of expansion joints are not permitted.
xi) Provisions are to be made to allow for differences in expansion between the stack and the uptakes.
xii) Uptakes are to be fitted with expansion joints to allow for thermal expansion and to prevent
overstressing of the uptake plating and vessel structure.
xiii) The systems, including air filters, moisture separators, intake silencers, exhaust mufflers,
water traps and valves, are not to impose a pressure drop or back pressure which will exceed
the acceptable values as specified in the engine specifications.
xiv) The internal surface of ducting shall be as smooth as practicable. Strengthening members are
to be on the external surface of the duct.
xv) Where ducts are large enough to permit entry of personnel for inspection and maintenance
access, they are to be provided with removable cover plates and grab rods or access hatch.
xvi) Gas passages are to be free of internal obstruction, except that grab rods and ladder rungs are
to be installed for inspection and maintenance.
xvii) Ducts too small to permit entry of personnel are to be provided with openings and removable
cover plates at the ends of horizontally installed sections for cleanout.
xviii) The systems are to be provided with drains at the low points. Collected drainage is to be led
overboard, if environmentally safe and possible, or connected to a drain system.
xix) The intakes, cooling air and exhaust duct openings are to be located above the waterline and
positioned to minimize the probability of raw water entering the air inlet, cooling air and
exhaust systems. These are also to be located to minimize the probability of sea spray being
entrained in the air flow and carried into air inlets and cooling ducts.
xx) Air intake, cooling air and exhaust ducts are to be positioned and designed to minimize the
probability that exhaust gases from any engine or any other source are drawn into the air inlet
or cooling air duct of gas turbine.
xxi) The exhaust gases outlet from the gas turbine are to be clear of any ventilation system inlets.
8.2 Combustion Air Intake System
i) The air intake system is to consist of all devices from the weather to the front face of the gas
turbine, and is to be in accordance with requirements of this Section and 4-2-3/11.3 and
5-8-16/10.3 of the Steel Vessel Rules.

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ii) The engine manufacturer is to provide the following performance requirements for
compressor inlet airflow:
Inlet pressure loss (max.), in mm (inches) of H
Air compressor inlet flow distortion (max.), in percent. Alternatively, manufacturer is to
approve the design of the aerodynamics of intake.
Air compressor pre-swirl angle (max.), in degrees
Air compressor counter-swirl angle (max.), in degrees
Total pressure fluctuation (max.), in mm (inches) of H
Turbulence (max.) in percent, where turbulence is defined as the root mean square of the
fluctuating pressure level between 0.5 and 700 Hz as measured by a fast response
pressure transducer divided by the steady state (average) total pressure
iii) Each unit of installed equipment requiring combustion air is to have a separately ducted air
system from the weather directly to the gas turbine.
iv) Combustion air shall be ducted from the weather, through a separator system, directly to each
propulsion gas turbine.
v) The design is to be such that the pressure drop in the gas turbine combustion air intake does
not exceed that specified by the engine manufacturer.
vi) Gas turbine intake systems are to be designed to withstand compressor surging, as specified
by the gas turbine manufacturer.
vii) Ducting material for the gas turbine combustion air intake systems is to be corrosion-resistant
alloys or stainless steel.
viii) Fasteners inside duct assemblies exposed to the weather are to be corrosion resistant and to be
of material that will prevent a galvanic reaction with the surrounding material.
ix) A moisture separator, as described below, is to be installed, unless another effective arrangement
is approved. The moisture separator elements are to have separation efficiency, as required by
the gas turbine engine manufacturers. The elements are to be readily accessible for inspection
and easily removed manually for cleaning or replacement.
x) Each gas turbine engine intake is to consist of louvers or vanes, moisture separator water
wash manifold (if applicable to the moisture separator type).
The following items are also to be provided:
Moisture separator panels, differential pressure safety system to activate alarms and open
blow-in doors, intake support structure, drainage and discharge ducting.
The piping, wiring and fittings associated with the above are to be provided.
xi) Moisture separator filters are to be provided and are to be accessible for inspection and removal.
xii) The moisture separator is to have the capability of being cleaned, both manually or by the
moisture separator waterwash system.
xiii) Filter materials are to be fire resistant and of a consistent material density throughout.
Removable moisture separator filters are to be enclosed in a rigid, selfcontained frame
fabricated of corrosion resisting alloys or stainless steel.
xiv) The moisture separator filter assemblies are to meet or exceed the salt efficiency requirements
as specified by the gas turbine manufacturer.

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xv) A fresh water connection for cleaning the separator filter is to be provided to reduce the pressure
drop across the filter.
xvi) Differential pressure indicators for each intake system are to be provided.
xvii) The intake system is to withstand compressor surging, as specified by the engine manufacturer.
xviii) Splitters and turning vanes are to be provided as necessary to meet the engine manufacturers
performance requirements for compressor inlet flow as specified.
xix) Fasteners on the internal side of the intake system, such as nuts and bolts, are to be secured
with some type of locking device, such as lock wire or self-locking nuts, so as not to become
xx) The intake system is to be fitted with protective foreign object damage (FOD) screens to
prevent entrance of foreign objects. The screens are not to impede or limit the blow-in panels
from operating.
8.2.1 Anti-icing Systems
i) When the intake system is to include an anti-icing system that allows the gas turbine
to operate during cold weather conditions, the gas turbine manufacturers requirements
governing airflow temperature distortion, distribution and rate of change is to be
complied with in the design of the system that introduces thermal energy into the
ii) The cold weather protection system for the intake and its filtration system is to
provide sufficient thermal energy to prevent ice and snow accumulation from
occurring across the face of, and within, any weather opening protected by devices
such as louvers or the intakes filtration system, so as to preclude pressure drop growth.
iii) In addition, any filter drain troughs or drainage related mechanisms are to be heated
so that these devices continue to function as intended during cold weather operations.
iv) Temperature and humidity sensors and ice detection sensors are to be provided for
anti-icing control and to indicate an alarm condition in the machinery control system.
These sensors are to be installed near the weather entry to the gas turbine intakes, to
indicate the condition of the air entering. In addition, a temperature and humidity
sensor is to be located near the intake bellmouth to the gas turbine.
The temperature and humidity sensors are to indicate icing conditions whenever
ambient temperature is below 5C (41F) and the relative humidity is above
70 percent. The temperature and humidity sensors are to be capable of providing
continuous temperature and humidity readings.
8.3 Exhaust System
8.3.1 General
i) Each gas turbine unit is to have a separate exhaust system which ducts the gases to
the weather directly or through a waste heat recovery boiler.
ii) The exhaust gas outlets are to be located where the exhaust gases will not
contaminate ventilation or combustion air intakes, interfere with the vessels crew,
impinge on vessel equipment, or create a fire or explosion hazard. These are to be
designed to discharge gases clear of the vessel to the maximum extent practicable.
iii) Exhaust systems are not to run through accommodations or other spaces where such
may affect habitability. Where it is necessary to run the exhaust system through these
spaces, adequate insulation is to be provided and flanged joints are not to be installed
in such spaces. The piping and ducting are to be of all-welded construction.

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8.3.2 Gas Turbines
i) Gas turbine exhaust systems are to comply with the requirements of 4-6-5/11.5,
4-6-5/11.11 and 5-8-16/14 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
ii) Gas turbine uptakes are to be designed to function as self-supporting pipes.
iii) The exhaust systems are to include the expansion joints and thermal and acoustic
insulation, as required, unless arrangement to prevent return of gas to other engines.
iv) The exhaust system from gas turbine engines is not to be directly connected to the
exhaust systems of other engines.
v) Where the exhaust of a gas turbine is connected with another oil- or gas-fired unit,
such as a duct-fired/waste heat recovery boiler or similar device, means are to be
provided to prevent the back flow of combustible gases to the gas turbine. The
arrangement is to be provided with a positive means of closure to isolate the gas
turbine when not in use.
vi) Ducting material for the gas turbine and auxiliary equipment exhaust systems, which
is exposed to the internal gas flow, is to be fabricated from material suitable to satisfy
the design.
vii) Portable covers, including the means to lash down such covers, are to be provided.
9 Gas Turbine Enclosure Ventilation
9.1 General
In general, the ventilation systems are to comply with the requirements of 4-1-1/7.13, 5-8-16/2 and
5-8-16/15 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
9.2 System Requirements
i) Enclosures or spaces containing turbines using gas or fuel are to be fitted with mechanical
exhaust ventilation such that the pressure in the space containing the gas turbine remains
negative relative to the pressure in the adjoining spaces while the turbines are operating on the
gas mode.
ii) The ventilation fans are to be of non-sparking construction (see 5-8-12/1.9 of the Steel Vessel
Rules) and electric motors for these fans are to be located outside of the airflow stream.
iii) The ventilation system is to be designed in order provide effective air circulation and cooling
as specified by the turbine manufacturer but is not to be less than 30 air changes per hour
based on the volume of the space.
iv) The ventilation system is to be always in operation when the gas turbine is in the gas mode as
well as during purging operations prior to maintenance. The gas shut-off valve referred to in
Subsection 3/2 of this Guide is to close automatically if the required air flow is not established
and maintained by the exhaust ventilation systems.
v) The ventilation system is to be designed in such a way as to prevent the formation of dead
spaces, specifically in the vicinity of electrical equipment, hot surfaces or other potential
source of ignition.
vi) The ventilation system is to be entirely separate from all other ventilation systems.
vii) The gas turbine enclosure cooling and ventilation air is to be provided from the weather,
unless otherwise approved as per the design.

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viii) The cooling and ventilation air system is to be designed to meet the requirements as specified
in 7/7.2xiii) of this Guide.
ix) The inlet cooling and ventilation air calculations or modeling analysis are to be performed and
submitted for approval to demonstrate and verify that adequate ventilation capacity is
provided for the gas turbine enclosure.
10 Fire and Gas Detection
10.1 Gas Detection System Requirements
i) There are to be at least two independent fixed gas detection systems in each dual fuel turbine
enclosure for continuous monitoring of the presence of leaked gas.
ii) Each gas detection system is to comply with the following requirements:
a. Each gas detection system is to be of the self-monitoring type.
b. In the case that a detection system fault is detected by the self-monitoring functions,
the output of the detection system is to be automatically disconnected such that the
detector fault will not cause false emergency shutdown.
c. Each gas detection system is to be so arranged that it provides functional redundancy
when either one of the systems fails.
d. Gas detection equipment is to be so designed that it may be readily tested.
e. The gas detection system is to cover all areas of the enclosure or machinery space,
where gas is likely to accumulate or where air circulation may be reduced.
f. Failure of the gas detection system is to cause the gas turbine(s) to changeover to
liquid fuel and shutdown all gas fuel sources to the gas turbine engine automatically.
iii) The gas detection system is always to be in operation when there is gas fuel in the piping
system while in normal operation, as well as during purging operations prior to maintenance
iv) The gas detection system is to be interfaced with the emergency shutdown system as specified
in 7/10.2 and 7/10.3 of this Guide.
10.2 Gas Detection Set Point
i) Gas detection system is to be arranged such that at 5% of LEL in the space containing the gas
turbine, the gas supply is to be immediately stopped by closing the automatic gas shut-off
valve as in Subsection 3/2 of this Guide and the gas turbine is to be automatically changed
over to liquid fuel. An audible and visual alarm is to sound to indicate this fault.
ii) If the gas concentration inside the space containing the gas turbine reaches 10% of LEL, then
all the fuel supplies to the gas turbine are to be shut off and the space containing gas turbine is
to be electrically isolated such that all sources of vapor ignition is removed.
iii) An alternative level of gas concentration to that specified in 7/10.2ii) above may be
considered based on gas dissipation study inside the enclosure.

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10.3 Installation
Placement of the detectors is critical to the effectiveness of the gas detection system.
The exact location of the gas detectors is to be determined taking into consideration the sensitivity of
gas detectors under the prevailing airflow.
Arrangements will be subject to approval for each application based upon a gas dispersion analysis or
the physical smoke test, as required by 7/9.2ix) of this Guide.
10.4 Periodic Maintenance and Testing
The gas detection systems and the associated emergency shutdown systems are to be tested and
maintained to ensure their reliability and are to be recalibrated at regular intervals in accordance with
the manufacturers recommendations.
Tests and maintenance procedures are to be documented and kept onboard for the crews use.
11 Fire Protection and Fire Extinguishing System
11.1 General
Fire protection and extinguishing systems are to comply with the requirements of Part 4, Chapter 7,
and Section 5-8-11 of the Steel Vessel Rules, SOLAS Chapter II-2 and the following requirements:
11.2 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems
i) Spaces containing oil fired boilers, gas combustion unit, inert gas generators or oil fuel units
are to comply with 4-7-2/1.1.1 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
ii) Spaces containing internal combustion machinery, including duel fuel turbines are to comply
with 4-7-2/1.3 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
iii) Cargo compressor and pump rooms are to be provided with a CO
system complying with the
requirements of 5-8-11/5 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
11.3 Portable Foam Applicators, Dry Material and Portable Fire Extinguishers
These are to be in compliance with 4-7-2/1.1.2, 4-7-2/1.1.3 and 4-7-2/1.1.4 and the Table specified in
Section 4-7-2 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
11.4 Fixed Local Application Firefighting Systems
Machinery spaces of Category A above 500 m
(17,657 ft
) in volume are to be provided with an
additional water mist system, complying with the requirements specified in 4-7-2/1.11.2 of the Steel
Vessel Rules.
11.5 Fire Detection System Requirements
The fire detection system is to comply with the following requirements:
i) Fire protection arrangements for the one or more gas turbine enclosures or machinery spaces
are to be integrated with, and capable of, activation individually or at the same time as, those
covering the main machinery spaces.
ii) A fire detection in the gas turbine enclosure is to shut down gas or liquid fuel supply into the

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12 Piping and Auxiliary Systems
12.1 General
i) Piping systems serving the gas turbine, such as gas fuel, liquid fuel, lubricating oil, starting
air/hydraulic and exhaust gas systems are to be in compliance with 4-2-3/9, 4-6-5/3, 4-6-5/5,
4-6-5/7, 4-6-5/9, 4-6-5/11.11, 5-8-5/2 through 5-8-5/5 and Sections 5-8-6 and 5-8-16 of the
Steel Vessel Rules.
ii) Pipe fabrication, joining details and test requirements are to comply with Sections 2-3-12 and
2-3-13 of the ABS Rules for Materials and Welding Part 2 and Sections 5-8-5 and 5-8-6 of
the Steel Vessel Rules.
iii) Gas fuel piping is not to pass through accommodation spaces, service spaces or control
iv) All equipment (heaters, compressors, filters, etc.) for making-up the gas for its use as fuel, the
related storage tanks and associated piping is to comply with the requirements in Section
5-8-5 and 5-8-16/4 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
12.2 Gas Fuel Supply Piping System to Gas Turbine
i) High pressure gas supply lines outside the cargo block and up to the gas turbine or spaces
containing the gas turbine are to be of all-welded construction and adequately protected
against impact through falling objects, etc.
ii) Gas fuel piping may pass through or extend into other spaces outside the dual fuel gas turbine
enclosure or machinery space, provided they fulfill the requirements of 5-8-16/3.1 of the Steel
Vessel Rules.
iii) All gas lines are to be capable of being vented and subsequently purged with nitrogen. All
nitrogen connections to gas lines with pressures greater than that of the nitrogen purge system
are to employ a double block and vent valve arrangement to mitigate the risk of contamination
and overpressurizing the nitrogen system.
iv) Where reverse flow of gas supply from gas turbine is possible, a check valve with reverse
flow protection is to be provided. This check valve is to be located as close to the gas turbine
as practical.
v) If a gas leak occurs, the gas fuel supply should not be restored to that enclosure or machinery
space until the leak has been found and repaired.
vi) High pressure gas supply to consumers, such as the GCU, not designed for these pressures are
to be fitted with pressure reducing valves and pressure relief valves, as required in order to
protect the piping system on the low pressure side to the GCU. The relief valves in the gas
lines downstream of the reducing valve are to discharge to the weather in a safe manner.
12.3 Block and Bleed Valve Arrangement
The block and bleed arrangements are to comply with 5-8-16/3.6 of the Steel Vessel Rules.

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12.4 Gas Shut-off Valve
i) A gas shut-off valve for the gas turbine enclosure is to be arranged so as to close automatically
in accordance with 7/13.3 of this Guide
ii) The gas shut-off valve for the gas turbine enclosure that can be closed from the area outside
the dual fuel turbine engine enclosure, at the engine control station, at the cargo control room
and at the navigation bridge need not be provided within the cargo area if a master gas valve
is provided in the cargo area. See Subsection 3/2 of this Guide.
iii) After closure of the master gas valve, the block and bleed valve as per 7/12.3 of this Guide is
to activate.
12.5 Gas Compressor
i) The gas compressors for pressurizing the boil-off gas for the propulsion system are to be
designed in accordance with Section 4-4-1 and 5-8-16/4 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
ii) High pressure gas compressors are to be approved and certified by the Bureau.
12.6 Pressure Vessels, Heat Exchangers and Coolers
Pressure vessels, including storage tanks, separators, vaporizers, heat exchangers, and coolers, etc.,
are to be designed in accordance with Sections 4-4-1 and 5-8-16 and 5-8-16/5 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
12.7 Exhaust Gas Boilers
i) Exhaust gas boilers are to comply with the requirements of Section 4-4-1 of the Steel Vessel
ii) Where the exhaust gas boiler is arranged to burn fuel gas, it is to comply with the requirements
of 5-8-16/5 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
12.8 In-duct Burner
i) In-duct burners using gas and/or liquid fuels are to comply with the requirements of Section
4-4-1 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
ii) They are to be arranged such that the fired section of the ducting can be cleared of combustible
vapors and provided with suitable charge of air to support safe and efficient combustion prior
to operation.
13 Electrical, Automation, Instrumentation and Control
13.1 General
i) Electrical equipment for the dual fuel turbine gas propulsion system is to comply with the
applicable requirements of Part 4, Chapter 8 (in particular Section 4-8-3) and Section 5-8-10
of the Steel Vessel Rules.
ii) The instrumentation, monitoring and control systems for gas turbine engines are to comply
with the applicable requirements of Part 4, Chapter 9 (in particular 4-9-7) and 5-8-16/17 of
the Rules, and all associated electrical systems are to comply with the requirements of Section
5-8-10 of the Steel Vessel Rules.

Section 7 Dual Fuel Gas Turbine Propulsion System


2005 51
13.2 Electrical Equipment
i) Electrical equipment which may create an electrical spark, such as magnetic contactors,
circuit breakers, motor starters, switchboards, slip rings or commutators, is to be located
outside of the dual fuel gas turbine engine enclosure or machinery space containing the gas
turbine unless fuel gas piping is in full compliance with Section 5-8-16 of the Steel Vessel
ii) All electronic and electrical equipment in the dual fuel gas turbine enclosure, which is intended
to be operational after the duel fuel turbine engines have been shut down due to leakage is to
be of certified safe type.
13.3 Alarm and Shutdown System
13.3.1 Automatic Shut-off of Gas Turbine and Fuel Supply
i) The monitoring and safety system functions for duel fuel gas turbine and gas fuel
supply systems are to be provided in accordance with Section 4-2-3, 5-8-16/12.3 and
5-8-16/17 of the Steel Vessel Rules, and Section 7, Table 1 of this Guide.
ii) An alarm(s) is to be provided at the engine control station. In addition, a summary
alarm(s) is to be provided at the navigation bridge.
14 Surveys During Construction
14.1 General
This Subsection pertains to surveys during fabrication at manufacturers facility and installation and
testing of dual fuel gas turbines onboard the LNG carrier. For surveys at the manufacturers facility,
the scope of the survey will be confined to only those items that are supplied by the manufacturer.
14.2 Surveys at Manufacturers Facility
See Section 7, Table 2 of this Guide for certification requirements of dual fuel gas turbines. Survey
requirements for equipment components and packaged units at the manufacturers facility are summarized
in relevant sections of applicable Rules/Guides.
Certification of complete dual fuel gas turbines cannot be accepted based only on the ABS Type
Approval Program, and therefore Surveyors attendance is required during fabrication for unit
certification. However, component parts of the unit can be certified in accordance with ABS Product
Quality Assurance (PQA) Certification system outlined in Appendix 1-1-A3 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
When Surveyors attendance at the shop of the manufacturer and at the assembly site is required by
the applicable Rules or this Guide, the manufactured/assembled system components will be verified to
be satisfactorily in compliance with a recognized standard. Surveyors attendance is required typically
for the following purposes:
i) To confirm that the facility to manufacture, fabricate or repair dual fuel gas turbines or its
components do have and maintain a quality-control program effectively covering design,
procurement, manufacturing and testing, as applicable, and meeting the requirements of a
recognized standard applicable to their product.
ii) To qualify or verify welders qualifications, welding procedure specifications and corresponding
weld procedure qualification records to the extent deemed necessary by the attending

Section 7 Dual Fuel Gas Turbine Propulsion System

52 ABS

iii) To verify material certificates/documentations, particularly for materials of piping, main
pressure retaining parts of valves, including safety valves that have flanged or threaded ends
or other specialty fittings. Witness of material testing where required by the Steel Vessel
iv) To survey final weldments.
v) To witness, as far as deemed necessary, weld nondestructive examination tests and to review
records of nondestructive examinations.
vi) To witness pressure and/or proof-load testing of equipment components and as a unit, as
applicable and as called for in the fabrication procedures.
vii) To witness testing of subassemblies and completed units as called for in the fabrication
viii) To verify all gas-safe systems, motor controllers, consoles and instrumentation and control
panels are in compliance with approved drawings.
ix) To carry out other inspections and to witness the final Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) as
agreed upon during prefabrication meeting.
14.3 Surveys During Installation
The following surveys are to be carried out to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor on the dual
fuel gas turbine and associated systems during installation and testing:
i) Piping systems are to be visually examined and pressure-tested, as required by the Rules.
Pressure tests conducted on Class I piping (see 4-6-1/Table 1 of the Steel Vessel Rules)
systems should preferably be recorded on test charts for the duration of their tests.
ii) Electrical wiring and connections are to be in accordance with Part 4 of the Steel Vessel Rules
and checked for continuity and proper workmanship.
iii) Instrumentation is to be tested to confirm proper operation as per its predetermined set points.
iv) Pressure relief and safety valves installed on the unit are to be tested.
v) Control system and shutdowns are to be tested for proper operation.
vi) The dual fuel gas turbine is to be checked for proper operation in accordance with the ABS
approved installation test procedure.
14.4 Surveys During Trials
During the initial gas trials, the dual fuel gas turbine is to be confirmed for its satisfactory operation,
including associated controls, alarms and shutdowns. The tests are to be conducted in accordance with
ABS approved testing procedure during sea/gas trials. The dual fuel gas turbine is to be run whilst the
vessel is underway at sea and the propulsion system operating over its full range of power.

Section 7 Dual Fuel Gas Turbine Propulsion System


2005 53
Monitoring and Safety System Functions for Dual Fuel Gas Turbine
Engines and Supply Systems
Monitored Parameters Alarm Automatic Shut-off of the
Individual Gas Valve and
Automatic Activation of the
Block and Bleed Valves
over to Oil
Fuel Mode
Mach. Space
(see 7/13.3.2)
Gas Turbine High Exhaust Temperature X
Gas Turbine Bearing metal chip detector X
Gas compressors low lube oil level X
Gas fuel leakage detection at 5% LFL or lower X X X
Loss of ventilation for the gas turbine engine space X X X
Low pressures in the gas fuel supply line X X X
Failure of the control-actuating medium of the master/ESD
gas fuel valve
Failure of gas detection system X X X
Loss of airflow in the space between gas fuel pipe and
ventilated pipe or duct, as specified in 7/9.2, if fitted
Fire detection in the turbine engine space X X X
Gas fuel leakage detection before 10% LEL X X X
Vibration, High X
Vibration, High-High X

Certification of Dual Fuel Gas Turbines
This Table has been prepared for guidance only and annotated to agree with the Steel Vessel Rules, IMO IGC Code and other IMO
requirements. The list is not to be considered exhaustive; should additional equipment not listed is fitted onboard, same will be subject
to special consideration for compliance with the Steel Vessel Rules, the IGC Code and other IMO requirements. This list is not to be
considered as substitutive or integrative of the content of the Steel Vessel Rules and/or other applicable Regulations. In case of conflict
between the content of this list and the applicable Steel Vessel Rules and regulations, the latter are to be considered applicable.
Code Explanation
VD Vendor Documentation Vendor should supply documentation to guarantee that the material or the equipment
complies with an acceptable standard (e.g., standard tests reports, ex certification, etc.).
DR Design Review Design review required.
MT Material Testing Material testing is to be witnessed by the Surveyor.
MS Manufacture Survey Product is to be surveyed during fabrication stages by the Surveyor.
FS Final Survey Finished product is to be subject to final hydrostatic, nondestructive, operational testing, or any other
required tests, and witnessed by the Surveyor at manufacturers facility.

Section 7 Dual Fuel Gas Turbine Propulsion System

54 ABS

TABLE 2 (continued)
Certification of Dual Fuel Gas Turbines
Equipment VD DR MT MS FS
BOG compressors X X
BOG heaters
Master gas fuel valve and associated piping X
Gas storage pressure vessels

Gas valve enclosure X
Fuel gas piping system in engine room incl. block and bleed valves X X X
Fuel gas piping ventilation system X
Gas fuel manifold X X X
Gas turbine enclosure ventilation system X
Gas turbine enclosure fire fighting system X
Dual fuel gas turbine
Gas turbine combustion air supply ducting X

Gas turbine exhaust system X

Gas detection system X X
Gas turbine combustion control system X X
Automatic shutdown and safety system X X
1 See Appendix 1, Table 1.
2 Design verification only.
3 See Section 4-2-1 of the Steel Vessel Rules.


2005 55

S E C T I O N 8 Surveys After Construction and
Maintenance of Class
1 General
This Section pertains to periodical surveys after construction for the equipment described in Sections
1 to 7 of this Guide.
1.1 Definitions
For definitions related to the surveys of equipment covered by this Guide, see Section 1 of this Guide
and Section 7-1-1/3 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction Part 7.
1.2 Damage, Failure and Repair
1.2.1 Examination and Repair
Damage, failure, deterioration or repair of BOG (boil off gas) utilization systems and
associated components, which affects or may affect classification, is to be submitted by the
Owners or their representatives for examination by a Surveyor at first opportunity. All repairs
found necessary by the Surveyor are to be carried out to the Surveyors satisfaction. Where
repairs are planned in advance to be carried out, a complete repair procedure including the
extent of proposed repair and the need for Surveyors attendance is to be submitted to and
agreed upon by the Bureau reasonably in advance.
Note: The above applies also to repairs during voyage. See Appendix 7-A-2 of the ABS Rules for Survey After
Construction Part 7.
The above is not intended to include maintenance and overhaul in accordance with the
manufacturers recommended procedures and established marine practice and which does not
require Bureau approval. However, any repair as a result of such maintenance and overhauls
which affects or may affect classification is to be noted in the ship's log and readily available
to the attending Surveyor, when required.
Material, components and equipment used in the course of a repair for which the Guide/Rules
require vendor certification are to be provided with the required certificates/reports.
When a piece of machinery, piping or process equipment suffers a premature or unexpected
failure and is subsequently repaired or replaced without Surveyor attendance, details of the
failure, including damaged parts, where practicable, are to be retained onboard and presented
to the attending Surveyor during the next scheduled visit. Alternatively, the part(s) may be
landed ashore for further examination and testing, as required. If failures noted above are
deemed to be a result of inadequate or inappropriate maintenance, the maintenance and
inspection plan is to be amended and resubmitted for approval.

Section 8 Survey After Construction

56 ABS

1.2.2 Suspension of Classification
Failure to submit a damage, failure, deterioration or repair governed by 8/1.2.1of this Guide to
a Surveyor for examination at first opportunity, or failure to notify the Bureau in advance of
the repairs contemplated by 8/1.2.1 of this Guide, may result in suspension of the vessels
classification from the date of arrival at the first port of call after the initial damage, failure,
deterioration or repair until such time as the damage, failure or deterioration is repaired to the
Surveyors satisfaction, or the repair is redone or evidence submitted to satisfy the Surveyor
that the repair was properly carried out.
1.3 Modifications
When it is intended to carry out any modifications to the BOG utilization system and associated
components, which may affect classification, including substitutions of material differing from that
originally installed, the details of such modifications are to be submitted for review. If the Bureau
determines that the modification will affect classification, the affected system or component to be
modified will be subject to the review, testing and survey requirements in accordance with this Guide.
2 Survey Intervals
2.1 Annual Survey
An Annual Survey of a LNG carrier and installed classed systems covered by this Guide is to be
carried out within three (3) months before or after each annual anniversary date of the crediting of the
previous Special Periodical Survey or original construction date. For LNG carriers on Continuous
Survey, all Continuous Survey requirements for those parts (items) due are generally to be completed
each year. The Annual Survey will not be credited and the Certificate of Classification will not be
endorsed unless Continuous Survey items that are due or overdue at the time of the Annual Survey are
either completed or granted an extension.
2.2 Intermediate Survey
An Intermediate Survey of a LNG carrier is to be carried out either at or between the second and third
Annual Survey after Special Periodical Survey No. 1 and subsequent Special Periodical Surveys.
2.3 Special Periodical Survey
A Special Periodical Survey is to be completed within five years after the date of build or after the
crediting date of the previous Special Periodical Survey. The fifth Annual Survey must be credited as
a requirement of the Special Periodical Survey. The interval between Special Periodical Surveys may
be reduced by the Committee.
The Special Periodical Survey may be commenced at the fourth Annual Survey and be continued with
completion by the fifth anniversary date. Where the Special Periodical Survey is commenced prior to
the fourth Annual Survey, the entire survey is to be completed within fifteen (15) months if such work
is to be credited to the Special Periodical Survey.
A Special Periodical Survey will be credited as of the completion date of the survey but not later than
five years from date of build or from the date recorded for the previous Special Periodical Survey. If
the Special Periodical Survey is completed within three (3) months prior to the due date, the Special
Periodical Survey will be credited to agree with the effective due date. Special consideration may be
given to Special Periodical Survey requirements in unusual cases. Consideration may be given for
extensions of Rule-required Special Periodical Surveys under exceptional circumstances

Section 8 Survey After Construction


2005 57
2.4 Continuous Survey Program
At the request of the Owner, and upon approval of the proposed arrangements, a system of Continuous
Surveys may be undertaken, whereby the Special Periodical Survey requirements are carried out in
regular rotation to complete all of the requirements of the particular Special Periodical Survey within
a five-year period. The proposed arrangements are to provide for survey of approximately 20% of the
total number of survey items during each year of the five-year period. Reasonable alternate arrangements
may be considered as recommended by the manufacturer.
Generally each part (item) surveyed becomes due again for survey approximately five (5) years from
the date of the survey and the due parts (items) are generally to be completed each year. For
Continuous Surveys, a suitable notation will be entered in the Record and the date of the completion
of the cycle published.
The Bureau may withdraw its approval for Continuous Survey if the Surveyors recommendations are
not complied with.
2.5 Survey Based upon Preventative Maintenance Techniques
A properly conducted approved program of preventative-maintenance/condition-monitoring plan may
be credited as satisfying the requirements of Special Continuous Survey. This plan must be in
accordance with Appendix 7-A-14 Guide for Survey Based on Preventative Maintenance Techniques
of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction Part 7.
3 Surveys
3.1 Annual surveys
3.1.1 General
The following should be carried out during each Annual Survey of the BOG Utilization
System unless all the requirements of section 8/4 of this Guide are complied with:
i) General. The logbooks are to be examined with regard to correct functioning of the
BOG systems. The hours per day of the re-liquefaction plants or the boil-off rate are
to be considered.
ii) Operating and Maintenance Instruction Manual. The approved instructions and
manuals covering the operations, safety and maintenance requirements and
occupational health hazards relevant to the BOG utilization units and use of gas as
fuel, are to be confirmed as being aboard the vessel.
iii) Instrumentation and Safety Systems. Gas detection equipment in all compartments
containing BOG utilization equipment or components, including indicators and alarms,
is to be confirmed in satisfactory operating conditions. Verification of installed
interlocks in the gas detection system is to be verified in working condition. Any
piping of the gas detection system is to be visually examined for corrosion and
damage and the integrity of the line between suction points and analyzing units is to
be confirmed as far as possible. Recalibration of the gas detection systems should be
verified in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations.
iv) BOG Handling Piping and Machinery. All piping, hoses, emergency shut-down
valves, remote operating valves, machinery and equipment for BOG utilization such
as venting, compressing, refrigerating, liquefying, heating, cooling or otherwise
handling the liquefied gas or vapor is to be examined, as far as possible. Stopping of
pumps and compressors upon emergency shut-down of the system is to be confirmed.

Section 8 Survey After Construction

58 ABS

v) Ventilating System. Examination of the ventilation system is to be made for all spaces
containing BOG utilization units or components, including air locks, pump rooms,
compressor rooms, gas valve rooms, control rooms and spaces containing gas burning
equipment. All required portable ventilating equipment is to be examined. Provision
of spares for mechanical ventilation fans recommended by manufacturer is to be
confirmed. Where alarms, such as differential pressure and loss of pressure alarms,
are fitted, these should be operationally tested as far as practicable.
vi) Drip Trays. Portable and fixed drip trays and insulation for the protection of the deck
in the event of gas leakage are to be examined
vii) Sealing Arrangements. Sealing arrangements in way of openings and bulkhead
penetrations for the BOG system are to be examined
viii) Fire Protection and Fire Extinguishing Equipment. The required fire protection and
fire extinguishing system contained in areas and spaces where BOG utilization units
are fitted are to be examined and operationally tested, in so far as practicable.
ix) Electrical Equipment. Electrical equipment in gas-dangerous spaces or zones is to be
examined for continued suitability for their intended service and installation area.
x) Electrical Bonding. Electrical bonding arrangements, including bonding straps where
fitted, of the piping systems for BOG utilization systems located within cargo tanks,
ballast tanks, pipe tunnels, cofferdams and void spaces bounding cargo tanks are to be
3.1.2 Gas Combustion Unit (GCU)
The following are to be examined, so far as applicable during each Annual Survey:
i) The Gas Burning Unit during working condition.
ii) External examination of all pressure vessels in the system.
iii) Testing of burner management control system, and flame scanner and installed interlocks.
iv) External examination of the combustion chamber and associated refractory
v) External examination of exhaust gas piping/ducts.
vi) Testing of the remote and local closing of the installed Master Gas Valve and
Automatic Gas Shut-off Valve for each GCU compartment
3.1.3 Re-Liquefaction Plant (RELIQ)
The following are to be examined, during each Annual Survey so far as applicable. Insulation
need not be removed, but any deterioration or evidence of dampness is to be investigated:
i) The plant during working condition.
ii) External examination of all pressure vessels in the system
iii) External examination of relief valves, if fitted.
iv) The re-liquefaction/refrigeration plant spare gears as recommended by the manufacturer.
v) Testing of control, monitoring and shut-down systems as far as practicable, or
verification of set-points in accordance with approved test program
vi) Examination and testing of installed bilge alarms and means of drainage of the

Section 8 Survey After Construction


2005 59
3.1.4 Dual Fuel Diesel Engine Power Plant (DFD)
In addition to the Annual Survey requirements for liquid fuel diesel engines, the following are
to be examined, during each Annual Survey so far as applicable. Insulation need not be
removed, but any deterioration or evidence of dampness is to be investigated:
i) External examination of any pressure vessels, heat exchangers, compressors, filters
etc. for making-up the gas for its use as fuel.
ii) Operational test, as far as practicable of the power management system for the
emergency shutdown of the dual fuel engine compartments and testing of the
automatic shut-off of gas fuel supply.
iii) Where double wall fuel gas piping is provided, means for detecting any leakage should
be tested.
iv) Verification of redundancy and testing of gas detection system in engine rooms
together with any interlocks.
v) Testing of alarm for the access doors to the engine rooms.
vi) Testing of the remote and local closing of the installed Master Gas Valve and
Automatic Gas Shut-off Valve for each engine compartment.
3.1.5 Dual Fuel gas Turbine Power Plant (DFGT)
Gas turbines are to be opened and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations, as appropriate for the actual applicable operating conditions
Owners are to submit for approval maintenance schedules for the type of gas turbine in
service, specifying proposed intervals for combustion checks, hot-gas-path examinations and
major examinations, see also Subsection 7/4 of this Guide. Upon approval, the schedules will
become part of the Special Periodical Survey Machinery records; see 8/2.5 and 8/2.4 of this
At each Annual Survey, the attending Surveyor should examine, as far as applicable, the
i) Verify compliance with the approved maintenance schedule and manufacturers
recommendations, taken into consideration the in-service records for the unit and
applicable hours of running time for each type of fuel.
ii) Structural examination of the gas turbine enclosure and foundation.
iii) Verify satisfactory operation of any fitted interlocks on the gas enclosure.
iv) Verify air-tightness of the gas turbine enclosure or its capability of maintaining a
negative pressure inside the enclosure by means of testing of installed alarms if fitted.
v) Examination and testing of installed gas turbine enclosure ventilation and associated
vi) External examination of gas turbine enclosure air intakes, combustion air intake and
exhaust system and fitted dampers.
vii) Testing of the remote and local closing of the installed Master Gas Valve and
Automatic Gas Shut-off Valve for each dual fuel gas turbine.
viii) Testing of the control system for the gas turbine and associated alarms, change over
and shutdown functions.

Section 8 Survey After Construction

60 ABS

3.2 Intermediate Surveys
In addition to the applicable requirements contained in Section 8/3.1 of this Guide, the Intermediate
Survey is to be carried out in accordance with 7-3-2/3.15.1 of the ABS Rules for Survey After
Construction Part 7. Intermediate Survey of BOG utilization equipment should be in accordance
with section 7-3-2/3.15.1 of the ABS Rules for Survey After Construction Part 7 in addition to the
Annual Survey requirements contained in Section 8/3.1.1 of this Guide.
3.3 Special Periodical Survey
In addition to the items covered by the Annual Survey, listed in Section 8/3.1.1 of this Guide, the
Special Survey of the BOG utilization units and equipment is also to include the following:
i) BOG Handling and Piping Material. All piping, machinery and equipment for BOG
utilization, such as venting, compressing, refrigerating, liquefying, heating storing, burning or
otherwise handling the liquefied gas or vapor and liquid nitrogen installations are to be
examined including removal of insulation and opening for examination, as deemed necessary.
Where deemed suspect, a hydrostatic test to 1.25 times the Maximum Allowable Relief Valve
Setting (MARVS) for the pipeline is to be carried out. After reassembly, the complete piping
is to be tested for leaks. Where water cannot be tolerated and the piping cannot be dried prior
to putting the system into service, the Surveyor may accept alternative testing fluids or
alternative means of testing.
ii) BOG utilization valves. All emergency shut-down valves, check valves, block and bleed
valves, master gas valves, remote operating valves in the BOG utilization piping systems are
to be inspected and proven operable. The pressure relief valves are to be function-tested. A
random selection of valves is to be opened for examination and adjusted as necessary.
iii) Pressure vessels. Internal examination and thickness measurement of the fitted pressure
vessels in the BOG utilization units as deemed necessary by the Surveyor
iv) Electrical Equipment. Examination and testing of electrical equipment. This examination is
to include the physical condition of electrical cables and supports, intrinsically safe, explosion
proof, or increased safety features of electrical equipment, functional testing of pressurized
equipment and associated alarms, testing systems for de-energizing electrical equipment which
is not certified for use in gas-hazardous areas, and insulation resistance readings of circuits.
Where a proper record of testing is maintained, consideration may be given to accepting
recent readings.
v) Gas Combustion Unit. Internal examination of the gas combustion unit, combustion chamber
and associated refractory.
vi) Gas Turbines. For dual fuel gas turbine units in continuous service, at least one hot-gas-path
examination is to be scheduled each survey cycle and is to include an examination of turbine
rotors, fixed blading, combustors, inlet casings (including demisters and filters), exhaust
casing (including regenerator), air control valves and protective apparatus.
Other parts of the dual fuel gas turbine and associated equipment, as may be deemed necessary
by the attending Surveyor, are to be opened up for examination
Where units are arranged such that the unit is removed from the vessel in accordance with the
approved plans and the makers recommendations, and dismantled at another facility, the
internal examination may be carried out at the facility in the presence of the Surveyor. Upon
reassembly/reinstallation, all fuel lines, lube oil piping, the unit itself and exhaust system are
to be checked under full speed and its range of operational conditions for leakage.

Section 8 Survey After Construction


2005 61
4 Alternative Surveys
The Bureau is at all times ready to consider alternative survey arrangements which can be shown,
through either satisfactory service experience or a systematic analysis based on sound engineering
principles, to meet the overall safety, serviceability and standards of the Steel Vessel Rules and this
Guide. Alternative to requirements particularly contained in Subsection 8/3 of this Guide, an In-
Service Inspection Plan (ISIP) may be developed by the Owner and submitted to the Assistant Chief
Surveyors office for review. Stamped copy of the ISIP placed onboard the LNG carrier is to be
referenced during all of the scheduled surveys.
4.1 Inspection Plan
The ISIP is to utilize the technical information available in the Operating and Maintenance Instruction
Manuals that has been reviewed by ABS. The ISIP may contain, but not be limited to the following:
Maintenance records for BOG utilization equipment.
Operational Procedures of all BOG utilization equipment.
Details of the Continuous Survey Program.
Details of any Preventative Maintenance Program including manufacturer recommendations for
overhaul and condition monitoring.
Records of any Risk Based evaluations.
Details of maintenance agreements with sub-contractors.
A note in the vessels record will denote the approved survey plan and associated alternative survey
4.2 Application
Based on the information contained in the ISIP and any possible review of records of sister vessels in
the same fleet, the Bureau may consider special arrangements such as alternative survey techniques
and/or frequency of surveys, provided this is not less effective. These arrangements may also require
the approval of the Administration, in which case this must be included in the approved ISIP. A note
in the vessels record will denote the approved survey plan and associated alternative survey
requirements contained. The ISIP will no longer be valid if the vessel is sold or otherwise changes
owner or management.

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2005 63

A P P E N D I X 1 Certification of Pressure Vessels

Certification of Pressure Vessels
This Table has been prepared for guidance only and annotated to agree with the Steel Vessel Rules. The list is not to be considered
exhaustive; should additional equipment not listed is fitted onboard, same will be subject to special consideration for compliance with
the Steel Vessel Rules. This list is not to be considered as substitutive or integrative of the content of the Steel Vessel Rules and/or other
applicable Regulations. In case of conflict between the content of this list and the applicable Steel Vessel Rules and regulations, the
latter are to be considered applicable.
Code Explanation
VD Vendor Documentation Vendor should supply documentation to guarantee that the material or the equipment
complies with an acceptable standard (e.g. standard tests reports, ex certification, etc.).
DR Design Review Design review required.
MT Material Testing Material testing is to be witnessed by the Surveyor.
MS Manufacture Survey Product is to be surveyed during fabrication stages by the Surveyor.
FS Final Survey Finished product is to be subject to final hydrostatic, nondestructive, operational testing, or any other
required tests, and witnessed by the Surveyor at manufacturers facility.

Equipment VD DR MT MS FS
1 Containers for liquid whose pressure exceeds 41.4 bar or temperature exceeds
2 Containers for vapor or gas whose pressure exceeds 41.4 bar or temperature exceeds
3 Containers with pressure over 6.9 bar up to 41.4 bar , (with I.D. > 150 mm). X
4 Containers for other liquids whose pressure is over 1 bar up to 6.9 bar, with internal
volume exceeding 0.14 m
and temperature exceeding 149C.
5 Containers for steam, gas or vapors whose pressure is over 1 bar up to 6.9 bar, with
internal volume exceeding 0.14 m
and temperature exceeding 149C.
6 Containers not covered by 1 through 8 above. X
7 All fired heaters not covered by 1 and 2 above with maximum allowable pressure
above 1.0 bar.
8 Dearating heaters, condensers, fuel oil heaters, feed water heaters, evaporators and
feed water filters not covered by 1 through 4 and installed between the pumps and
the boilers.
1 If not tested and not stamped by an independent agency authorized by Flag Administrations.
2 Where not in compliance with a recognized Standard, refer to 4-6-7/3.5.5 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
3 Diameter limitation not applicable to hydraulic accumulators. Refer to 4-6-7/3.5.4 of the Steel Vessel Rules.

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