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THIS MONTHS COLUMN is an attempt at
answering a question Im often asked, namely what I con-
sider to be the 10 strongest and most artistic card tricks.
Im also often asked which ones I perform regularly, for
what reason, and in which variant.
Umberto Eco in an interview stated that he considered
lists to be a literary genre and actually gave a lengthy lec-
ture on the subject of literary liststhis lecture has been
published in his book Confessions of a Young Novelist.
As a further proof of my humility I herewith publish my list
of what I consider the 10 best card tricks ever invented (in
alphabetical order) plus some comments on each:
Everybody who has performed even a rudimentary version
knows what a great impact it has on any lay audience. The
subtext of a card freeing itself from the restraints of the
mass (the pack) and rising to the top, thus liberating itself
and finding its place at the top of the crowd is strong and
its symbolic meaning universally appealing.
For study purposes I recommend Dai Vernons routine in
Stars of Magic, which is just magnificent.
Ive performed many variations of this routine, and you
can find one of the most elegant in Card College 2 in the
chapter on the Double Lift, Part 2.
The Ambitious Card is the ideal plot that allows for a lot
of improvisation, making it short or long, depending on
the situationand thats precisely one of its great assets.
Although the trick is almost an automatic pleaser, there
are several interesting problems to take care of. You must:
Arrange the sequences in an order in which the drama
increases with each repetition.
Maintain audience interest during the multiphase con-
struction without giving the audience the false impression
that the trick is over after the second repetition.
Find a good climax.
1 Eco, Umberto, Confessions of a Young NovelistThe Richard Ellmann
Lectures in Modern Literature, My Lists, Harvard University Press
This is arguably the best mental card trick. I prefer Paul Foxs
version where the reversed card is shown to have a different
colored back, as it eliminates the obvious solution laypeople
have in such situations, which is that the performer could
have secretly reversed the card as the deck is spread (this
would be the case in the classic Invisible Deck).
If well presented, the trick feels straightforward and
looks like the real thing. Furthermore it is immensely prac-
tical, as only one deck has to be carried and it plays well in
close-up as well as on a fairly large stage. In the latter case,
excellent lights are necessary and the staging and wording
need to be very well thought out.
My version is as yet unpublished, but you might have
seen me do it as I have presented it at several magic
conventions in the past 10 years, using a red card I place
in a glassthis turns out to be the card freely named by
the audience. The method is different, but the effect is the
same as Brainwave.
For many years I have also used Fred Kapss version,
were you use a sticky Joker with a different back, located
on the decks face. The named card is then placed on the
Joker and the double card shown to be the only card in the
deck with a different back.
This is a great method that can be adapted for birth-
days, as Edward Marlo did in one of his versions (Female
in Thirty-Five Years Later), or for companies by putting
their logo on the back of the card.
I hope to one day find the time to publish the version I
used to do in small theaters with a beautiful presentational
idea by Carlhorst Meier, where you have three roses in a
vase. You then throw the roses to three ladies, who make
up the identity of the card, which is then found to have a
red back. I can hear you thinking
This effect happens twice: the first time when it is per-
FEBRUARY 2013 17
formed, and the second time when the card on the wall
(or, even better, the ceiling) is seen and somebody tells
about the effectthis latter aspect is a feature which very
few tricks possess.
The first professional version to be described, as far
as I know, is in Henri Decremps book La magie blanche
dvoile (1785) and features Giuseppe Pinettis (the
Copperfield of the 18
century) version. Not very practi-
cal, but fantastic in effect.
The first version I ever performed was Matt Schuliens, as
it is described in Phil Willmarths book The Magic of Matt
Schulien. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is
interested in performing close-up magic for lay audiences.
For some time I performed Stuck-up Card, a handling
published by Don Alan (in Close-Up Time With Don Alan),
where there is a double-faced card on the face of the deck
that has the head of a thumb tack stuck to the side facing
the deck. A duplicate of the card is forced and lost in the
deck (best palmed out). You can then clearly show that the
selection is neither on the top or bottom. You then only
need to secretly fix a pellet of wax to the face card and
throw the deck toward the ceiling, where the bottom card
will stick, showing the duplicate face of the selection and the
tack. Beforehand youve shown a few thumb tacks, appar-
ently taken one but really none, and appear to have thrown
it into the air, where it has magically caught the selection.
Whatever version is done, in my opinion the thumb tack
or similar device is essential for it to be a real magical
effect. Personally I dont like the popular version where
you control the card to the top, band it, stick wax on its
back, then throw it at the ceiling. Any intelligent spectator,
as soon as he has recovered from the admittedly unusual
surprise, will merely ask: How did he get the chewing
gum on the card? I dont consider this a magic effect, but
I wont argue its effectiveness and marketing success.
This is one of the few really dramatic card effects. I wish
I could have seen Malini do it. But you can find good
versions in The Dai Vernon Book of Magic, in The Tarbell
Course, in Dai Vernons Tribute to Nate Leipzig, and many
other places.
For the past 20 years and more Ive been using a version
to close my parlor and stage actthats how highly I think
of it. Basically I use a wooden board and a newspaper to
cover the cards (rather than wearing a blindfold). This is
a method you can find in Tarbell, with an idea by Bob
Driebekhowever, in the many years Ive been doing it, I
have added many bits and pieces that make it the pice
de rsistance of my act. I could give a lecture just on this
one trick and have (but I could do this on most other
great tricks as well).
Along with Brainwave, this has to be the best mental
card trick. The effect is so incredible, the procedure so
clear, and the method(s) good enough, that it makes for
the almost perfect card trick. The only drawback is that it
isnt suitable for all occasions, since you need time and an
attentive audienceit requires a lot of common sense and
years of performing experience to know when to do this
and when not.
In the past Ive used dozens of versions with full or
partial decks, sleight-of-hand and self-working (see a nice
version in my Card College Light, where the synergy of a
routine is used to get into the necessary set-up).
The best version Ive ever seen is Juan Tamarizs,
although Michael Weber has also come up with sev-
eral very clever methods that will fool even well-informed
magicians. Paul Currys original is described in many
places, including Worlds Beyond.
This is perhaps the only trick category where the effect
is visually extended in time. All other card effects are
conceptual (which, of course, is their strength), needing a
longer dramatic construction to then culminate in a final
effect. Also, it falls in the category of animation, which
is used less often in card magic than in other types of
Generally I prefer routines where several cards rise, ide-
ally three.
Currently I have no version in my active repertoire
because I simply cannot do everything. But I used to do
the routine in Expert Card Technique with three cards, as
well as a version for stage that used Anverdis "Electronic
Jumbo Card Rise."
For close-up, Ive obviously used the Devano Rising
Cards for many years, which is superb, but also Ted Biets
gimmick, and routines using two cards connected with
an elastic band (at the moment I cant remember who to
credit for this idea). Dave Solomon makes and sells a good
gimmick for this with two Jokers and dental dam.
Dont disregard simple manual versions such as those
using the McMillen plunger principle, or Pinkie Does
it and the Pop-Up Card, both in Royal Road to Card
Magic. The latter two are especially good when used
within a series of revealing several selected cards.
A very good routine is Dr. Hookers, accurately described
by Jim Steinmeyer in an article in Genii, and inaccurately
elsewhere (such as in Greater Magic), and brought to life
again by John Gaughan and Jim Steinmeyer twice at the
Los Angeles Conference on Magic HistoryI had the
good fortune to see it, but thats another story.
The best practical professional routine Ive ever seen is,
again, by Juan Tamariz.
The topic, however, is worth a complete lecture, even a
As far as I know this has only been published in Spanish.
It starts out with the cards in new deck order. Then an
endless series of amazing tricks are performed, several
of which are the most astonishing gambling demonstra-
tions one could imagine, and at the endafter maybe 30
minutes of great card magicthe entire order is restored.
This was shown to me by Juan Tamariz, based on an
cuckoos nest
Magic Star
1/8 page
idea by Luis Garcia, over 20 years ago, and to this day it
is the best card routine Ive ever seen in my lifeand Ive
seen a few
Although everything was explained to me, I never dared
to do it (you would have to practice every other day just to
remember the handling).
I have a personal love affair with Ace assemblies and thats
enough for me to justify its inclusion in this list.
I cant count the versions Ive done in the almost 40
years Ive now been practicing and performing magic.
Certainly Ascanios versions, done by him, were something
to behold (see the books by Jesus Etcheverry The Magic
of Ascanio). Picasso Aces by Phil Goldstein (in Focus) is a
version in which the Aces have different colored backs than
indifferent cards to which I have added many details of
handling and which, for many years, was Lennart Greens
favorite. Each time we met he would say, Roberto, do the
off-color Ace assembly for me!
I also really like and have performed many times Dai
Vernons second method from Stars of Magic. And then
there is, of course the Hofzinser routine using double-
faced Aces now called by the misnomer MacDonalds
AcesIve done dozens of versions (one I liked very much
is in John Mendozas second book Verse Two by Mary Wolf).
Once again the ultimate version Ive ever seen is Juan
Tamarizs Slow Motion MacDonald and it should be
published in one of his forthcoming books (please dont
write me asking when it will come outnobody knows, but
when it is published youll see it advertised).
This trick is one of the masterpieces of card magic, espe-
cially when done by its inventor. It is, however, much more
difficult than it seems, particularly because the method is
basically self-working. Its major difficulty is the rhythm and
the ability to count cards several times without having the
spectators fall asleep.
Although I have Juan Tamarizs permission to do it pro-
fessionally, Ive never dared, as it is so much his. But I know
several top professionals are doing it with great success
recently Ive seen Steve Cohen close his Chamber Magic
show at the Waldorf Astoria with it, and he got a standing
ovation. It is described in Juans book Sonata.
I either do the original handling as described in Stars of
Magic or my handling described in Card College 3. In the
first volume of Revelations DVDs (highly recommended, but
difficult to watch), the trick is performed and discussed by
Dai Vernonhere he teaches an important lesson: every
trick needs a plot in order to have an emotional hook. A
card trick, or any magic trick for that matter, which doesnt
have an emotional hook is an inferior trick, a mere demon-
stration of how clever the performer is. Read what Vernon
has to say in Stars of Magic and use the text (patter) he
suggestsit is wonderfully simple, but converts what would
otherwise be just a trick into a performance piece.
To this list of 10 I would like to add as a bonus Matching
the Cards by Nate Leipzigthe version I described in my
Genii Session column in Genii, November 2005.
To close let me say that the reason I think these 10
tricks (plus one) are so good is that they are classics.
By definition this means that they have a clear plot, a
straightforward procedure, an impenetrable method, and
above all a subtext that clearly speaks to the audiences
subconscious and makes it fascinating, attractive, inter-
esting, symbolically meaningful, and therefore magical
and entertaining.
If you can master just one version for each item in the
list above, you could easily belong to the top 10 percent
of card magicians in the world. But even if you dont, sim-
ply by studying various versions you will have a wonderful
time, grow in the process, and have a feeling of great sat-
isfaction. Thats far more than many people can say from
their daily activities.

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