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A short time ago in a galaxy close,

close nearby
Part IV
A New Hope
It is a period of scientific war.
Rebel researchers, working
from a hidden basement, have
won their first victory
against the evil World
During the battle, rebel
spies managed to steal
secret plans to the Orders
ultimate disinformation campaign,
OD!R" #$%RO"O&, an armored
system of theory with enough
assumptions to destroy an entire
'ursued by the Orders sinister agents,
the ghost of (loyd 'ye
races home across the
cosmic sector, custodian of the
insider info that can save
humanity and restore
freedom to the gala)y*
Astronomy is backwards? Ridiculous! Well, it seems the situation is a bit worse than even Dewey
Larson realized, when he resented this backwards model o! stellar and "alactic evolution in his
book, %he +niverse of otion#
%his was discussed, alon" with the lanetary conse&uences thereo!, in
the !irst art o! this series# Larson(s model was based on conventional astronomical
data and the in!ormation resented in )art $ was a natural conse-uence o! that data# *ut what i! that
data is wron"? Well, not e+actly wron", but viewed throu"h a ma"ni!yin" "lass, makin" everythin"
appear a lot bi""er than it actually is, includin" the distances to other stars, the size o! stars,
themselves, and most imortantly, the size o! "ala+ies? What i! stars arent li"ht years away, but li"ht
weeks away? ,% hone home is no lon"er a lon" distance call, -ust a shout out the window#
$ Larson, Dewey *#, %he +niverse of otion, .orth )aci!ic )ublishers, $/01#
' )hoeni+ 222, Daniel, ,eochronology. /iding /istory in the 'ast.
All material aearin" in this ublication is in the ublic domain and may be reroduced or coied without ermission# Rev# $
' %he 0oloni1ation of %iamat
%his )aer, )art 1 o! the #nthropology $eries on the /idden Origins of /omo $apiens, is an analysis o!
the e+tra3terrestrial in!luences that made this lanet what it is today# %he concet is known as
Intervention %heory by the late Lloyd )ye,
seculatin" that our world has not only been visited by
other secies and civilizations, but it was actually commonplace5and they aear to have lacked 6tar
%rek(s rime directive o! non3inter!erence5they "ot their !in"ers in everythin"#
%he rimary ob-ection to 2ntervention %heory was that habitable star systems were -ust too rare and
distant !or all these visitors to be comin" to our world, known as %iamat
in the ancient te+ts# *ut what
i! that was not the case5what i! solar systems were common and close by, but -ust overlooked by
astronomers and misinterreted as somethin" else?
An accidental discovery
was made by Recirocal 6ystem researchers, while attemtin" to model the
stellar nei"hborhood usin" Larson(s concets o! progression and scalar motion# All the e&uations were
checked, entered, the data loaded and the simulation was ro"rammed to show the ni"ht sky5but
when the results came out, the sky was black5not a sin"le star, e+cet !or the oints o! li"hts
reresentin" the lanets# 8akes !or a very lonely 9niverse#
.o mistakes were !ound in the ro"ram code, but some debu""in" revealed the reason: all the stars
were outside the gravitational limit o! our sun# %he Recirocal 6ystem is based on discrete units o!
motion ;&uanta<# When a net motion like the ull o! "ravity dros below one natural unit, it becomes
1ero and disaears5there are no !ractional arts#
2n the R6, the reach o! "ravity is limited to that
distance5and no !urther# >ravity has no effect beyond this "ravitational limit#
Another conse&uence, documented by both Larson and )ro!# ?@? .ehru o! 2ndia, is that a
43dimensional coordinate system can only e+ist within the "ravitational limit# Ance you "o ast it, the
takes over and the loss o! dimension reduces sace to e&uivalent sace, a
'3dimensional, c
!orm o! sace that is analo"ous to hyersace in 6cience Ciction# What made the
stars disaear in the simulation was that the ro"ression is a scalar e)pansion at the seed o! li"ht5
and it "ot that label because the hotons were bein" carried by it, so when we measure the seed o!
li"ht we are actually measurin" the seed o! the outward ro"ression5the hotons do not move
relative to that ro"ression# %he li"ht !rom the other stars could not cross the ro"ressive void that
e+isted between the "ravitational limits o! the stars and the simulation determined that stars were out o!
visible ran"e and did not render them5resultin" in the black sky# %he lanets, bein" inside the
"ravitational limit, did render as oints o! li"ht, as did the sun#
Attemts to understand and solve this roblem led to the research o! the late *ehram ?atirai(s
Revolution in #stronomy# ?atirai, alon" with many amateur astronomers, wondered as to how we can
see the li"ht !rom ob-ects so incredibly distant# %o claim that the Andromeda "ala+y can be seen with
the unaided eye, some '#7 million li"ht years away, is counter3intuitive# )lain common sense says
there is somethin" wron" with this icture# We can barely see our own 8ilk Way "ala+y throu"h the
li"ht ollution o! the sky5can you ima"ine how bri"ht Andromeda must be, to be able to see it at that
4 )ye, Lloyd A# Dr#, died o! lymhoma cancer on December /, 'E$4#
1 %iamat, translation: the lace o! our love#
7 6ee: @isibility o! 6tars and )lanets ;)roblem< toic in the R6' !orum: htt:FF!ora#rs'theory#or"
= 2n conventional astrohysics, there is no limit to the ull o! "ravity5it -ust "ets smaller and smaller, all the way out to
B %he ro"ression is a scalar e+ansion o! sace that is actually reco"nized by conventional astronomy as the Gubble
0 ?atirai, *ehram, $/103'E$E#
Introduction 4
?atirai determined e)actly how !ar a human bein" could see, with or without the aid o! telescoes# Ge
!ocused on the Gubble 6ace %elescoe, concludin" that its ma+imum ran"e was a mea"er 47B#$1 li"ht
years# Recent u"rades, includin" di"ital ima"in", may have increased that distance $E3!old, but even
47B$#1 li"ht years is still !ar short o! ever bein" able to see "ala+ies that are millions or billions o! li"ht
years away5that is, unless those "ala+ies are a LA% closer than we think they are#
%hat is the conclusion that both ?atirai and the recent Recirocal 6ystem research into the "ravitational
limit o! stars has concluded: these "ala+ies !ar, !ar away are actually solar systems close, close
nearby# And !or those o! us that remain uncommitted investi"ators and are able to actually consider
this radically new concet5and the estimated 233 billion "ala+ies, a#k#a# solar systems within
ran"e o! our e+istin", 47B$ li"ht year telescoesH the imlications are sta""erin"#
Larson is not in!allible and took a short cut in his astronomical research, usin" the data rovided by
the astronomers o! the $/7Es to base is stellar calculations uon, rather than attemtin" to derive stellar
and "alactic "eometry directly !rom his hysics o! motion#
Lo"ically, his system works as e+lained#
Gowever, because he leaed !rom atomic data to stellar data in a sin"le bound, he skied over some
imortant, intermediary conse&uences that solve the uzzle o! what it is that we actually see in the
ni"ht sky# Larson(s entire theory is based on the concet o! scalar motion, and !unnily enou"h, his
mistake was one o! scale!
%he ori"inal roblem was this: the 9niverse is constantly e+andin"# >ravitation is the inverse o! that
%his Gubble ,+ansion
wants to ush everythin" aart at the seed o!
li"ht, whereas "ravitation wants to ull everythin" to"ether at the seed o! li"ht# 2n a "ravitationally3
bound system, there is a balance between the outward e+ansion and the inward comression, "ivin" us
our conventional, 4D re!erence system# *eyond the "ravitational limit, the outward e+ansion wins,
hands down# Ionsider the case o! an e+andin" balloon with sots drawn on it# As the balloon e+ands,
all the sots "et !urther aart !rom all the others5this is scalar motion, a change in scale# 2! you add a
sot in between, it still moves away !rom all the other sots and will never run into one# %his is the case
with hotons and the sace outside the "ravitational limit# %hey are -ust new hoton sots and are
movin" away !rom each other and all the stars5li"ht cannot cross that void#
%he way to !i+ the roblem was to eliminate the e+ansion zones between stars, which meant reducin"
the observed distances between stars5considerably# %his be""ed the &uestion o! why these
distances, ori"inally measured throu"h trian"ulation, were o!! by so much# %he trian"ulation method
was simle enou"h, measure the an"le between the 6un and the star to be measured# Wait = months
until we were on the oosite side o! the sun and take another measurement so you had a trian"le with
a known distance at the base ;' A9< and two an"les to the sides# Later on, stellar aralla+ was used,
which is a similar concet that measures chan"e relative to back"round stars ;that are assumed to be
stationary and that those stars are actually behind the star you are tryin" to measure<# %his is how we
obtained all our stellar and "alactic distances#
*ut the "ravitational limit, a concet unknown to modern astronomy, was not taken into account# 6ace
was assumed to be 4D and homo"eneous everywhere, which is actually not the case# 6tudies into
/ Larson did use his atomic hysics to determine that stellar evolution, and there!ore "alactic evolution, was backwards
because o! the nature o! the ener"y "eneration o! stars# Gis redshi!t work on &uasars and ulsars was also derived !rom
atomic hysics, since &uasars were not even discovered until the $/=Es, some $E years later#
$E >ravitation is inward in sace and because o! the recirocal relation, also outward in time# 2n the R6, all atomic
rotation is outward in time, and there!ore roduces an inward in sace "ravitation, directly !rom its structure#
$$ ?@? .ehru, %he >ravitational Limit and Gubble(s Law, Reciprocity $= J ' a"e $$#
1 %he 0oloni1ation of %iamat
"lobular clusters
and "ala+ies reveal that the system moves like a viscous li&uid or hot solid5not
ob-ects !loatin" around like "as molecules in a void# All the stars and nebula aear to be bound
to"ether, rather ti"htly# >ala+ies aear to have much the same structure and behavior as the resultin"
whirlool in your sink, when you ull the lu" on the drain#
%his observation rovides an oortunity to understand the e!!ect o! the "ravitational limit on what we
see# 2n essence, the 4D re"ion inside the "ravitational limit has a structure similar to a clear li&uid,
whereas the re"ion outside the limit is more like a "as# We now have a simle analo"y to understand
what is "oin" on: -um in a ond and look u at ob-ects in the air# 2! you(ve ever been divin" or
swimmin" o!! a boat, you may be !amiliar with the roblem o! the inde) of refraction#
2! you aroach a boat !rom underwater, reach out with your hand and try to "rab
a run" on the ladder on the side o! the boat5you miss, because the run" isn(t
where you see it# When li"ht moves between mediums o! di!!erent density, it
bends5re!racts5but your arm does not# %he same roblem occurs when tryin"
to catch !ish with your hands, standin" in water# Kou clearly see the !ish, "rab !or
it and miss5because the ima"e o! the !ish isn(t where the !ish actually is#
%his is e+actly what is haenin" between the 4D water sace inside the "ravitational limit, and the
'D air sace outside the limit# %he stars we see in sace aren(t where we think they are5the actual
ob-ect is much closer than we observe it to be, which has led to these miscalculations o! distance#
$' ?@? .ehru, %he Lar"e36cale 6tructure o! the )hysical 9niverse: %he Iosmic *ubbles, Reciprocity 'E J ' a"e 7#
$4 Accordin" to a story by Dewey Larson(s dau"hter, Linda, her !ather came to an understandin" o! "alactic rotation by
watchin" his shavin" cream and whiskers sin down into the drain o! his bathroom sink, realizin" that "alactic cores
were consuming stars5not creatin" them# ;Ireation was !rom "lobular clusters#<
Ialculated Location
o! star based on
unchan"in" satial medium
4D Ioordinate
'D ,&uivalent
2nde+ o! Re!raction at >ravitational Limit i"nored
6tar aears much !urther away than actually is

6tar Actual
#stronomy 4.3 7
Astronomy 2.0
6o where does that leave astronomy, i! what we(ve been told
is wron"? 2n essence, astronomers have been lookin" at the
9niverse throu"h a !ish3eye lens that has been ma"ni!yin"
thin"s out o! all roortion# Add that to the backwards
evolutionary rocesses and, well, you can see the trouble this
science is in#
*ut here is what we do know: the ob-ects within our solar
system have been measured to a reasonable de"ree o!
accuracy# 2n the Recirocal 6ystem, everythin" works the
same way, so what we see in our solar system is robably tyical o! other solar systems, as well as both
lar"er and smaller constructs# *y that, 2 mean i! you look at our solar system, you !ind a collection o!
lanets in a rou"hly lanar orbit, asteroid and ?uiner belts, and at a !ar distance, the Aort cloud
!ormin" a shere o! debris around the system# .ow comare that to Duiter5a miniature version o! a
solar system# A"ain, you have moons in a rou"hly lanar orbit, rin" systems that are belts, and at a
!ar distance, small asteroids and moonlets orbitin" around the lanet in a rou"ly sherical distribution#
%he Duiter system is -ust our solar system in miniature5a scaled3down version#
And this is the situation we !ind with the observed stars and "ala+ies# When we scale them down,
we !ind that stars are actually Duiter3class "as "iant planets, and "ala+ies are solar systems# As
revealed by Gubble hoto"rahs, the cores o! "ala+ies aear as single stars ;sometimes doubles or
multiles, mostly sin"le<# %he encirclin" cloud o! the 8ilky Way "ala+y is -ust the outer rim o! A9R
solar system5not an indeendent ob-ect# %his is also evidenced by the di!!icult time astronomers have
had, tryin" to find the core o! the 8ilky Way "ala+y# ,ventually, they decided it was in 6a"ittarius,
6"r3A, because that sot was lit u a bit more than the rest#
%ake a look at this artists concetion o! our solar system ;le!t<, then comare to an actual hoto o! the
6ombrero >ala+y ;ri"ht<:

2! you have never seen a icture o! the 6ombrero "ala+y be!ore and some came alon" and showed you
this hoto, statin" that the Gubble !ound a new solar system! H you(d robably believe it without
&uestion, because it looks e+actly like a solar system5not a "ala+y# *rin" u your !avorite search
en"ine and take a look at the Gubble 6ace %elescoe hoto"rahs o! "ala+ies, in all their remarkable
detail, then ask yoursel!, am 2 lookin" at a "ala+y, or a newly !ormin" solar system? Iheck the
detailsL the "alactic core looks like a sin"le sun, comlete with a de!ined disk# Asteroid belts are
commonlace, alon" with a lot o! dust and debris5what Larson says rovides the !uel to ower the
sun, throu"h atomic !ission# ;Aur sun is older than most o! these others, hence it has di"ested most o!
the debris that would be !ound between the lanets# A! course, the lanets also accumulate dust and
= %he 0oloni1ation of %iamat
debris# %he ,arth, alone, sucks in about $EE,EEE metric tons o! cosmic dust every year5and that is low
because most o! that dust and debris has already been catured#
Abservation has come a lon" way since the early, black and white hoto"rahs# As resolution imroves,
what was once thou"ht to be li"ht !rom millions o! stars is now seen as luminous "as cloudsL nebula
become shar and de!ined and the lar"e blob that was once the "alactic core has si"ni!icantly reduced
in size, to a small shere# As resolution imroves, the core will robably become smaller and more
de!ined, until it looks e+actly like the sun it may well be#
Andromeda ;circa $/7E< Andromeda ;Gubble<
%hese natural conse&uences create a very di!!erent icture o! the 9niverse in which we live# We are no
lon"er isolated and alone, but in the midst o! many thousands o! solar systems that all have similar
conditions to our own5li!e may not only e+ist out there, but in all robability, will be very abundant#
%his simler view o! astronomy solves a number o! roblems with both conventional theory and
2ntervention %heory:
$# %here are thousands, i! not millions, o! "alactic solar systems within ran"e o! our telescoes#
'# %hey are nearby and within ran"e o! Ark
technolo"y, as well as our own, electro"ravitic
sacecra!t# ;Re!raction3corrected aro+imations ut the Andromeda solar system a mere
three li"ht months away#<
4# 6uermassive black holes are no lon"er needed to hold to"ether billions o! stars in a "ala+y,
since it(s actually -ust a small, solar system like our own#
1# Wormholes and war drive become unnecessaryL travel between stars takes about the same
amount o! time the ancient mariners took to sail between ,uroe and America#
7# .o lon"er a need !or dark matter, to account !or missin" mass, because the scale was wron"
and there is no mass missin"#
=# .o need !or dark ener"y to ush thin"s aartL the ro"ression o! the natural re!erence system
already accounts !or that, in totality#
B# 8any oints o! li"ht we see in the sky are -ust asteroids bein" lit u by the sun, tyically hi"hly
re!lective "as "iants !ormed !rom the suernova debris !ield that created the solar system#
$1 %he Gubble 6ace %elescoe has hoto"rahed over 4EEE o! these solar system "ala+ies in -ust a small section o!
sace# ,+traolations run !rom millions to 7EE billion "ala+ies in observational ran"e#
$7 Arks are sacecra!t constructed !rom suernova asteroids, where the ultra3hi"h seed motion creates a hollow core,
similar to a Dyson shere on a smaller scale, that acts as a sel!3contained habitat !or lon" sace -ourneys# Aur moon and
the 8artian )hobos and Deimos are all Arks# %he Lunar Ark .ibiru was used to transort the Annunaki here#
#stronomy 4.3 B
0# What we now view as the ilky Way galaxy is -ust another solar system that is
"ravitationally bound to our own# 8any "ala+ies are in the same situationL see
.>I 1=B1 AM*, .>I B4$0 AM*, all the Antennae and 8ice "ala+ies#
%hey are -ust solar systems within the "ravitational limits o! each other#
/# Ather actual stars have been misidenti!ied as -uasars# Larson(s research into &uasi3stellar
ob-ects showed that the redshi!t measurements were !ud"ed by astronomers and the redshi!ts
indicated these ob-ects are actually &uite close5not at the e+treme limits o! the 9niverse#
$E# Real "ala+ies do e+ist, havin" been identi!ied as -uasar gala)ies ;"ala+ies made o! &uasars<#
When scaled down, the &uasars become the stars o! the "ala+y#
$$# %he e+treme orbital seeds o! e+olanets become scaled down to moons orbitin" Duiter3like
lanets at the normal seeds observed in our own solar system#
As an e+amle to item N$$, we can take a conventional star with known e+olanets, such as ?eler3
$E$, a sin"le sun with two lanets, $E$3b and $E$3c# $E$3b orbits this star in 4#1/ days, and $E$3c in
-ust =#E4 days# %he !astest lanet we have in our solar system is 8ercury, takin" 00 days# %hat(s a bi"
di!!erence# *ut what i! we scale the star ?eler3$E$ down to a Duiter3size lanet? Duiter has a bunch
o! moons and i! it is a Duiter3size lanet, $E$3b and $E$3c should show similar orbital properties as
some o! Duiter(s moons#
Duiter is rou"hly $F$E
the size o! the sun, so we can -ust ad-ust the orbital distance by a !actor o! $E:
$E$3b: E#E17 A9 F $E O E#EE17 A9#
$E$3c: E#E=10 A9 F $E O E#EE=10 A9#
6o, we are lookin" !or a coule o! moons at these distances, with similar orbital eriods ;the eriod is
not scaled as it is time, not satial distance<:
101-b: E#EE17 A9, 4#1/ days#
101-c: E#EE=10 A9, =#E4 days#
Lo and beholdH
Europa: E#EE17 A9, 4#77 days# Almost an e)act match to ?eler $E$3b#
Ganymede: E#EEB$= A9, B#$7 days# Dust a little !urther out than ?eler $E$3c#
%o arahrase Abi3Wan ?enobi, that(s no lanet, it(s a moon!
And a moon orbits a larger planet,
not a star# What they !ound are not e+olanets around stars, !ar, !ar away, but moons around lar"e
planets, close, close nearby#
As hard as it may be to believe, it looks like the e+erts did it a"ain and "ot everythin" wron"# 2
know how surrised you must be#
*ut with this new ersective o! Astronomy '#E, we actually live in a rather crowded section o! sace#
2nitial estimates lace over $'EE solar systems within a 7 year mission o! electro"ravitic shis ;shis
than can travel at near li"ht seed<# All these stories o! 9CAs and ,%s may well be true, and with the
otential o! hundreds o! di!!erent civilizations ayin" us a visit, it certainly e+lains the wide variety o!
di!!erent cra!t desi"ns#
Gowever, 2 still have my doubts about channelers, because 2 could not hel but notice that these
$= 6tar Wars, %hat(s no moon, it(s a sace station! uon aroach to the Death 6tar# Gowever, this &uote does aly to
many o! the moons in our solar system, which are dead Arks !rom other civilizations#
0 %he 0oloni1ation of %iamat
hyer3intelli"ent, an3dimensional bein"s never bothered to tell us that we(ve "ot our scale wron"
and that "ala+ies were actually solar systems# %hou"h it did aear that Ra, channeled throu"h Iarla
Rueckert and &uestioned by Don ,lkins in the $/0Es, made the attempt, but we were so ro"rammed
into the "ala+y3mode thinkin" that we never connected the dotsH
%he Ra aterial $=#47:
Ra: 2 am Ra# 2 see the con!usion# We have di!!iculty with your lan"ua"e# %he "ala+y term
must be slit# We call "ala+y that vibrational comle+ that is local# %hus, your sun is
what we would call the center of a gala)y# We see you have another meanin" !or this term#
Elkins: Would you de!ine the word "ala+y as you -ust used it?
Ra: 2 am Ra# We use that term in this sense as you would use star systems#
Ane also has to wonder why some o! the more oen3minded astronomers have not noticed that there is
somethin" wron" with the data concernin" &uasars, ulsars, "alactic motion and lon"3eriod comets,
since the values must aear a bit ridiculous# Larson noticed the &uasar redshi!t roblem some 7E years
a"o, !rom ublished redshi!t data# When checkin" u on his redshi!t sources, 2 !ound that the Gi"h
)riests o! Astronomy have changed the data, to !it their theories! All the early redshi!t data o! assumed3
to3be remote ob-ects had many o! them recedin" at several times the seed o! li"ht ;Larson documents
recession velocities o! u to si+ times the seed o! li"ht5imossible, in ,instein(s universe#< %his has
now all been ad-usted to hide that evidence#
6o 2 looked around !or other anomalies that may have been ublished by dee3sky researchers,
articularly those involved with measurin" "ala+ies and lon"3eriod comets ;that may well cross
between "ravitationally3bound solar systems<# Ran into a roblem, howeverH
8arc Aaronson, researcher into a"e and size o! 9niverse, killed by revolvin" dome o!
Iarol Ambruster, stellar researcher, murdered#
David *urstein, e+andin" universe researcher, dead !rom )ick(s disease#
Richard Irowe, co3!ounder o! Gilo(s astronomy ro"ram, killed in car accident#
%homas >old, researcher into be"innin"s o! li!e on ,arth, dead !rom heart !ailure#
Robert Garrin"ton, )lanet P researcher, dead !rom cancer#
Dohn Guchra, ublished aers on a di!!erent birth o! "ala+ies, dead !rom heart attack#
*rian 8arsden, comet and asteroid tracker, dead !rom cancer#
?oh32chiro 8orita, AL8A researcher, murdered#
6teven Rawlin"s, assistin" to construct the 6&uare ?ilometer Array, murdered#
Allan 6anda"e, attemtin" to measure the rate o! e+ansion o! the 9niverse, dead !rom cancer#
,u"ene 6hoemaker, cometary researcher, killed in car crash#
Walter 6tei"er, site mana"er o! the 6ubmillimeter Abservatory, killed in car crash#
Let(s -ust say it is a somewhat e+tensive list and !ew eole realize that lookin" throu"h a telescoe is a
very hi"h risk -ob! 6eculation went around rior to 'E$' that these eole had stumbled uon .ibiru
;)lanet P< and were silenced, but since P was a no3show and the ancient, historical records indicate
that the Annunaki arrived on our moon5that would indicate our own moon is the Ark .ibiru# 2
susect what these late astronomers !ound was bigger than that5that astronomy, as we are !orce3!ed it,
is totally wrong and we are !ar !rom alone# *ut as lon" as we feel isolated and cut o!! !rom the
9niverse, we are a lot easier to control#
5.6 7illion &ears #go* I think it was a %uesday* /
4.6 Billion Years Ago I think it as a !uesday
As discussed in ,eochronology, stars and lanets are no where near as old as astronomers say they are#
%he calculations o! )ro!# ?@? .ehru state, H indicates that a star o!, say, one solar mass would
condense in E#$40Q$E
;$4#0 million years<# Aur sun is one solar mass and would there!ore
be only about $1 million years old5not 1#= billion# Iorrectin" !or the backwards stellar evolution uts
the sun near the start o! its li!e, not the end, havin" an estimated li!e san o! about 0E million years#
When we look at the "eolo"ic and anthroolo"ic history o! our world, the time scales are
corresondin"ly e+a""erated# %his e+a""eration revents arm chair researchers !rom noticin" the
corresondences between thin"s, e!!ectively hiding history in the past# %his was the case with the Iro3
8a"non man# When the 7E,EEE *I time line o! their !ossil record was udated to about =,EEE *I, all
o! a sudden, Iro38a"non man aeared at e+actly the same time as the *iblical Adam and ,ve5
whom were creations o! the Annunaki5e+lainin" why Iro38a"non seems to have aeared out o!
>eolo"ic history is broken down into suereons, eons, eras, eriods, eochs and a"es# %he breaks
between them are usually indicative o! some kind o! "eolo"ical event, such as a solar chan"e or
lanetary e+ansion event# %he dates are wron", but the "rouin"s o! who and what was there tends to
be correct# %here are !our eons de!ined to section3out the 1#= billion years o! history ;let(s round u to
$7 million, !or some leeway in the correction<# %hey are ;times in millions o! years a"o<:
Eon Conventional Event Updated
Hadean 171E )ost3suernova, rimordial state o! lanetary
!ormation# 6un is basically a ball o! debris, so
system looks like a nebula#
Archean 1EEE @olcanic, Ilass 8 red "iant sun, little
atmoshere, no o+y"en, basic rokaryota li!e#
Proterozoic '7EE Irust !ormation and start o! lakesL eukaryotes
"eneratin" o+y"en, but hi"hly radioactive
sur!ace# 8any e+ansion eventsL Ilass ? sun#
Phanerozoic 71' Ilass > sunL habitable sur!ace# Arrival o! the
%he !irst three ,ons are not very si"ni!icant !rom the ersective o!
li!e# %he suernova e+losion created an enormous debris !ield that the
newly !ormin" lanets ;!rom the destruction o! the binary comanion<
would be lowin" throu"h !or some time#
>ravity eventually condenses the debris !ield back into a class 8 red
"iant then continues to comress it into the oran"e, Ilass ? sun#
*ecause o! the si"ni!icant &uantity o! debris, this rocess moves !airly
&uickly and be!ore lon", the new, oran"e sun has condensed and cooled su!!iciently, uttin" out about
B7R o! the ener"y that it does today, makin" the sur!ace o! the inner lanets, namely @enus, %iamat and
8ars, suitable !or li!e5and colonization#
*ut it is the )hanerozoic ,on where thin"s "et interestin"#
$B ?@?, .ehru, %he Lar"e 6cale 6tructure o! the )hysical 9niverse, 6ection /#' >lobular Ilusters, ,&uation '$#
$E %he 0oloni1ation of %iamat
Arri"al o# the $yclo%eans
*ased on our udated "eochronolo"y, virtually all historical data obtained !rom !ossil records has
occurred within the last two million years# %he start o! this ,on is re!erred to as the 0ambrian
e)plosion of life, because !rom out o! nowhere the lanet suddenly burst !ull o! diverse li!e# Reminds
me a bit o! how Iro38a"non man showed u out o! nowhere, -ust a!ter the Annunaki arrival# *ut it this
case it was another race o! "iants, re!erred to by >eor"e Gunt Williamson as the 0yclopeans#
%he Iycloeans
were a very advanced race o! eace!ul, interstellar e+lorers, havin" a reutation o!
bein" e+cellent builders and cra!tsmen# %hey had e+lored thousands o! solar systems ;"ala+ies< and,
like the Ancients o! the $targate !ranchise, reached a oint in their evolution that ut them on the oint
o! ascension5not to the ne+t density, but to the ne+t octave o! e+istence#
%hou"h the Iycloeans were not la"ued with the constant olitical trouble3makin" o! the Annunaki3
descended nobility o! humanity, they also !ound a need and desire to establish their version o! a
monastery, a lace o! sanctuary and re!u"e to !ocus on their research and ersonal evolution#
And that
is what brou"ht them to our newly3!ormin" solar system, some two million years a"o#
A simle way to understand what went on durin" this eriod is to look at the early, ,uroean settlers in
American history# %hey did not arrive in the new world with suercomuters, 2nternet and cell hones,
but with ba"s o! "rain, chickens, cows and horses5most o! which were not native to the new land# %he
Iycloean colonists did the same thin", arrivin" in our solar system, selectin" this 4
rock !rom the
sun as the site to build this sanctuary and started unloadin" their ba"s o! "rains5but !rom orbit,
seedin" the entire sur!ace o! the lanet with li!e suitable !or their needs# Cindin" !ertile, volcanic soil
and lenty o! moisture about, li!e e+loded across the lanet, coverin" the land and the seas, creatin"
!armland !or the Iycloean versions o! chickens and cows, -ust like the .ew ,n"land !armers did
a!ter arrivin" !rom the Ald World# And they named this new world, !ormed !rom the chaos o! a
suernova remnant, %iamat, the lace o! our love#
,very lanet has its own, uni&ue or"anisms and "enetic aths, and %iamat was no di!!erent# When
settlers arrived in America there was already stu!! "rowin" there# A!ter introducin" the seeds and
animals they brou"ht with them, hybridization occurred, much like the combination o! a horse and
donkey roducin" a mule# And that haened on %iamat with the Iycloean stock5an e+losion o!
diverse li!e, !rom the microscoic all the way u to many o! the creatures we !ind in the !ossil record#
With lenty o! !ood, beasts and buildin" material now available on the lanet, the Iycloeans started
buildin" their sanctuary# %hey were "iants in stature ;not &uiverin", urle tubes<, standin" some 73B
meters ;$73'E !eet< in hei"ht, so their constructions were megalithic by our modern standards# %heir
$0 Crom cyclopes, meanin" one3eyed# Williamson states in his books that the Iycloeans did have a sin"le eye, but it is
di!!icult to believe that such an advanced race would not have deth ercetion !rom the lack o! stereoscoic vision# A!
the survivin" icto"rahs, the Iycloeans are deicted as havin" one, lar"e eye, which uon e+amination, could have
easily been the visor o! a rotective helmet, much like our own ilots and astronauts use# %he lanetary environment was
rather unstable in those days, so rotective clothin" is de!initely a ossibility#
$/ 2n esoteric hilosohy, consciousness evolves throu"h a series o! densities ;levels o! comle+ity< throu"h the
ascension rocess# ,i"ht o! these densities !orm an octave, much like their musical counterart# We are currently in the
,ta Actave o! e+istence ;the B
<# %he Iycloeans were attemtin" to ascend to the !irst density o! the %heta Actave#
'E A similar, human e!!ort is bein" made by the Anti&uatis 2nstitute(s $anctuary 'ro8ect and 9heb onastery ;named a!ter
the ?heb re!erence in the $targate $,:2 eisode, 8aternal 2nstinctSthe lace where the Ancients le!t documentation
on how to ascend !or others that wished to !ollow the same ath#<
'$ .ames tend to be reused, over and over, as is the case with %iamat and the later alications !rom the 6umerian and
>reek mytholo"y# A Cord "ala+y has nothin" to do with what(s u in sace, thou"h they have the same label#
#rrival of the 0yclopeans $$
technolo"y, based on what we term vibratory physics, allowed them to maniulate inanimate structures
easily, such as dissolvin" rock or !usin" it into "lass much in the way that Dohn W# ?eely demonstrated
with his vibratory symathy machines o! the $/
century# %hey constructed their !acilities inside o!
mountains, oenin" assa"eways and !usin" the sides into black, obsidian "lass ;a hallmark o! their
handiwork<, connectin" the !acilities to"ether with hi"h3seed, under"round transit systems# 9on
comletion o! these world3wide !acilities, they were able to settle in and be"in their research on
ascension to the %heta Actave#
2n Iycloean days, %iamat was hysically about a !ourth the size that the
,arth is now, as it had yet to under"o any ma-or e+ansion events# Also,
bein" in a "ravitational lock with the new sun that was "ettin" hotter by
the year, the sur!ace was slit into three re"ions:
;spellsheimr, the hot, volcanically active re"ion !acin" the sun#
"iflheimr, the cold, dark side !acin" away !rom the sun#
the habitable zone where !ire met ice, havin"
reasonable temeratures, lakes and rivers#
2! you are !amiliar with Ald .orse mytholo"y, then you will realize that
there was a race o! ancient -Ttnar ;"iants< that sawned !rom ;colonized< >innun"a"a, the hr<m=ursar
;rime thurs, the >rost ,iants<#
Le"ends o! this !irst race, some o! whom were still around when the
%itans arrived to lunder the resources o! %iamat, are !ound in -ust about every mytholo"y on the lanet
with di!!erent names, usually translatin" as a re!erence to wise old ones, such as the ,lders, ,lder
Race or Anti&uus#

%hese Iycloean -Ttnar were a dedicated "rou that understood the ways o! .ature and natural
rocesses, which was the oint o! their study o! the %heta Actave and the ath that led to ascension to
it# %hey worked in harmony with the lanet and as a conse&uence o! that harmonic resonance, li!e
!lourished on %iamat, soon roducin" intelli"ent li!e# ;9nlike the Annunaki "enetic en"ineerin", it was
-ust the Iycloean presence that caused consciousness to evolve at an accelerated rate#<
As Larson mentions in 7eyond $pace and %ime, anywhere li!e can e+ist, li!e does e+ist# And
intelli"ent li!e sran" u all around the "lobe, on the land, in the sea, under the "round and in the air,
remembered today as the mytholo"ical creatures o! yesteryear# %hey evolved concurrently with the
Iycloean researchers, ickin" u many o! the same habitsL redominately the desire to work to"ether
as eace!ul e+lorers o! their world, livin" in harmony with nature and yin3based technolo"y to
improve the er!ormance o! nature ;!or e+amle, raisin" water tables to irri"ate cros throu"h !orest
mana"ement, rather than umin" water out o! the "round and distributin" it in ditches<#
Aver time, the natural rocesses o! the inner core o! the lanet and the sun caused many e+ansion
events, crackin" the sin"le, rocky mass into continents and e+andin" the rivers into lakes, the lakes
into seas and the seas into oceans# Li!e continued to adat to the new conditions, evolvin" and
becomin" more diverse# %he !ield o! consciousness "enerated by the Iycloean researchers tended to
'' ,innungagap, Ald .orse, meanin" ma"ical and creative, ower3!illed sace# 6norri 6turluson(s ,ylfaginning states,
Dust as !rom .i!lheim there arose coldness and all thin"s "rim, so what was !acin" close to 8usell was hot and bri"ht,
but >innun"a"a was as mild as a windless sky#
'4 %he hrUmVursar were later "iven a very bad reutation by the Wsir ;the @edic #sura or the 6umerian #nnunaki<, whom
sread rumors about how they killed the entire race5which was their way to e+lain why the race disappeared5
ascended, not killed# *ased in rivalry, the Wsir re!er a victory over a de!eat#
'1 Kmir, the ro"enitor o! the hrUmVursar, is known in the >reek as +ranus# 9ranus may be the ori"in o! the word +rantia
which has been also used as the name o! the lanet in early times#
$' %he 0oloni1ation of %iamat
mold the more advanced li!e into a similar, biedal !orm, "ivin" rise to a lar"e variety o! secies that
had the image o! the Iycloeans, but in miniature: the races known to the insider community as the
L38s, the Little 8en ;the mytholo"ical races o! srites, nymhs, !aeries, dwarves and their kin<#
2t is not known i! the L38s were -ust a natural evolution o! %iamat, i! they sawned !rom the li!e
brou"ht to the lanet by the Iycloeans or i! they were a hybrid o! the two# What is known is that the
L38s evolved !rom the lower !orms on the lanet# %his has an interestin" conse&uence that is
un!amiliar to humanity5the L38s develoed spiritually !rom the research drive o! the Iycloeans, but
lackin" a creator "od, never develoed the concet o! religion# .ot bein" engineered as a slave race,
they do not worship anythin", nor anyone# %heir sirituality is based on the evolution of consciousness,
which was how they came into bein", -ust as human sirituality is based uon worshi and servitude,
which is how humanity came into bein"# %o &uote 8r# 6ock, !ascinatin"#
%he Iycloeans, bein" the master builders o! the 9niverse ;2 susect Creemasonry has some o! their
concets !rom the Iycloeans, distorted by rivalry<, took advanta"e o! the e+andin" lanet and the
new territory bein" made available within the deths o! its interior# %he structure o! lanets is much
like that o! the Arks and white dwar! stars, havin" a hard, crustal shell then a diminishin" density
"radient with a hollow interior# *ut in the case o! lanets, which are livin" or"anisms, that hollow
center e+ists ast the ultra3hi"h seed ran"e described by Larson5it is cosmic, e+istin" in 4D time,
aearin" inside3out to 4D sace dwellers# 2! one were to enter the hollow core, they would actually
!ind themselves on the sur!ace o! the cosmic asect o! the lanet, it(s soul# And that(s what the
Iycloeans did, since their vibrational technolo"y allowed !or easy and comatible access to this
realm, bein" assisted by the L38s, whom were always interested in discoverin" new thin"s#
2t was within this hollow core, the sur!ace o! a cosmic world, that the Iycloeans constructed their
monastery and archiveL a record o! their -ourney across the cosmos and the ath to ascension out o! the
octave, as a le"acy !or the L38s ;and other li!e that may develo<# %his monastery, survivin" in
mytholo"ical records as #gartha, rotected by the ,lementals and under"round dwellin" L38s, became
the Iycloean(s !inal deartin" oint !or the %heta Actave#
%hey were in no rush to ascendL there was still a lot to learn in this Actave and, !or them, it was about
learnin", "rowth and the evolution o! consciousness# %he assa"e o! time did not matter to the
Iycloeans, as they had already evolved ast the need !or the cycle o! reincarnation ;e+cet in case o!
accidental death< and were technically immortal# 6o with cities in the mountains on the sur!ace and a
reository o! knowled"e and sanctuary dee in the hollow core o! the lanet, they had comleted this
research outost and could "et down to serious work, !or them, and their kin, many o! whom were still
scattered about the "ala+y#
*ut a mere million years into their research ro-ect, stran"e li"hts were seen in the sky5visitors !rom
another solar system, close, close nearby### the %itans had arrived#

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