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2007 Edusoft Ltd.

Explore Texts - Basic Two

2007 Edusoft Ltd.

English Discoveries

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2007 Edusoft Ltd.

2007 Edusoft Ltd.
Table of Contents

Basic 2.........................................................................................................................................................5
Buying & Selling..................................................................................................................................5
Healthy Eating ......................................................................................................................................7
Getting Help..........................................................................................................................................8
Sports ......................................................................................................................................................9
Enjoy Your Meal! ................................................................................................................................10
Family Life ............................................................................................................................................12
A Bad Day .............................................................................................................................................13

2007 Edusoft Ltd.
Basic 2

Buying & Selling

Hi, there! This is Chuck Wood calling from Working People Magazine.
We have something good for you today: our biggest sale of the year!
The price of our magazine was $2.50 each.
Now it's only $10 for ten magazines. That's $1 each.
Call now! The number is 555: 9663.
Don't forget! That number was 555: 9663.
Remember: Working People Magazine works for you!

Today Ms. Green was very late for work. She waited for the delivery of her new chair.
But the deliveryman brought the wrong chair. Ms. Green called the store manager.
I ordered a brown chair, she said, not green!
Don't be angry, said the manager. We all make mistakes, don't we?
Some people make bigger mistakes than others! Ms. Green answered. The manager
found her order. Ha, he laughed. Another customer, Mr. Brown, ordered a green chair
and got your chair instead. Isn't that funny?
No, it isn't. I want my chair. I paid enough money for it, said Ms. Green.
Come to the store now and get a different chair, he said.
But Ms. Green went to work instead. After work, she went to the store, but it was
already closed. A handsome young man was also there. I'm late, he said. Now I have
to wait until tomorrow for my green chair.
Are you Mr. Brown? she asked.
Yes, but
I can help you with your chair, said Ms. Green. And she smiled for the first time that
Phone Sales
Wrong Color
6 Explore Texts: Basic 2

2007 Edusoft Ltd.

- Mmm. What a lovely dress.
- Really? Do you like it?
- Of course. It's beautiful. Is it new?
- Yes. I bought it in Paris last week.
- Well, it's really nice.
- Thank you.
Dress From Paris
English Discoveries Online 7

2007 Edusoft Ltd.
Healthy Eating

ANNOUNCER: Welcome to Sheila's Kitchen. Today's program is about salads. Good
morning, Sheila.
SHEILA: Hello, Mike. And good morning to all our listeners. When I was young, we ate
green salads - lettuce or cucumbers - with some salt and a little lemon juice. My mother
served the salad with meat, chicken, and fish. But today, salads can be your meal.
Salads are healthy summer foods. And for dessert, some people like a fresh fruit salad.
And now, a few words about Durelle plates and dishes. You can cook in them, bake in
them, and freeze food in them, too. Buy Durelle products and enjoy them in the kitchen
and on your table. They are strong enough for cooking. They are pretty enough for
guests. Now let's return to our salads.

Kim Fit, the famous woman basketball player, introduced her Fit Feels Great diet book
three months ago. Thousands of people are already losing weight. They feel wonderful!
This diet is healthy and safe. You don't need to buy special foods. Anyone can use my
David Meals is a 42-year-old businessman. He's doing the Fit Feels Great diet.
Before, I only ate a piece of cake for breakfast. Now I understand that breakfast is the
most important meal of the day. The body needs energy after a long night without any
food, he explains.
Mr. Meals now eats some bread and some fat-free cottage cheese for breakfast. Rock
singer Maxi is doing Kim Fit's diet, too, and she feels terrific. Now, she never eats fried
foods. She eats a lot of turkey and chicken; they have less fat than ham and steak.
Maxi also doesn't use much salt. I look ten years younger, don't I? the superstar says.

- Would you like some cake?
- Ah, not right now, thanks.
- But it's really very good. Are you sure?
- Well, maybe just a small piece.
- Good. Here you are.
- Mmm. This is delicious.

Dieters Are Feeling Great!
Piece Of Cake
8 Explore Texts: Basic 2

2007 Edusoft Ltd.
Getting Help

PHIL: Can you give me directions? I don't know which street I'm in. But I'm standing
in front of a gift shop and a video shop. Uh-huh. Yes. Trenton Street to Leeds Road.
And right, up Leeds Road. Then, a men's shop next to the cinema. Then what? Left?
OK. Left at the men's shop? Wait a minute, I haven't got a pen. Excuse me. Have you
got a pen?
TEENAGER: Have you got a cigarette?
PHIL: Cigarette? No. No, I don't smoke. Sorry.
TEENAGER: Well, I don't write, so I haven't got a pen. Sorry.

Do you always have a lot of housework? Do you feel tired all the time? Call the Clean
House Agency. We go everywhere. We do everything! The Clean House Agency can help
you. Call 555: 1155 and ask for Mary. Dont wait! Do it now!

- Excuse me. Isn't there a train station near here?
- Ah, I'm not sure, sir. I'm new here.
- Do you sell maps?
- I don't think so.
- Are you sure? Please look.
- Well, I don't see any.
Clean-House Agency
English Discoveries Online 9

2007 Edusoft Ltd.

Good evening. This is Jack Hill, and here are todays sports!
First, baseball. Toronto is in first place. Sam Wilson says that his team is going to win
the championship this year. But, he says that every year. In soccer, Bill Brown had the
best game of his career. The Tour de France bicycle race started yesterday in Paris at 3
o'clock. Last year, Jacques Chardin won for France. Can he do it again? I don't know...
In California, the Children's Olympics started yesterday. Good luck to all the 600 boys
and girls. And, finally, tennis. Tonight is the big tennis game between rock star Maxi
and the famous actor, Peter Anson. This is Jack Hill, and that was the sports.

Why do people love to watch sports? Professor Len Sanders of Georgetown University
asks this question in his study, People and Sports. We can understand why people
like to play sports. It's good exercise and a lot of fun, says Professor Sanders.
But why do millions of people pay so much money to watch other people play?
Sports are good business. A winning team can make millions of dollars. A good athlete
or player can make a very large salary. For example, at the Wimbledon Tennis
Championships, the winner can make more than $500,000.
Shawn Bradley is a basketball player for the Philadelphia '76ers. He makes one of the
highest salaries in basketball. He earns about four million dollars every year.
Sports fans, the people who watch sports, often pay a lot of money for tickets to a
game. The Giants Football Stadium in New Jersey can hold 76,891 people.
Fans get very excited when their team wins. Professor Sanders now has the answer to
his question: People love the excitement of a good game.

- Let's go to the mall this afternoon.
- Ah... I don't think so.
- Why not?
- Well, I think John's going there today and I don't want to see him.
- Oh. Then why don't we go swimming?
- Oh, good idea. It's hot. Let's go.
Lets Go Swimming
People Are Crazy About Sports
10 Explore Texts: Basic 2

2007 Edusoft Ltd.
Enjoy Your Meal!

NICK: Ladies, your Coke and your coffee.
AMY: Do you have any sweetener?
NICK: Sure. Here's some.
KATIE: How are the hamburgers here? They're not very good? Hmm. How about some
NICK: I'm sorry we don't have any pizza, but our lasagna is excellent.
KATIE: OK. Sure.
AMY: I'd like a salad, please.
NICK: OK. Which one?
AMY: Are there tomatoes in the house salad?
NICK: Yes, there are.
AMY: Let me see. No, bring me the taco salad.
NICK: How about some chili with that?
AMY: No, only the salad.

Sale at Shopright Supermarket.
Make a fat: free dinner tonight!
3 cans of vegetables: 33 cents.
Delicious steak with onions from our chef: 1/2 price.
Try our salt-free turkey only: 99 cents a pound.
Buy a watermelon for $1.89.
Eat light! Save money!

- Pam! It's good to see you.
- Great to see you too, Paul.
- Look, do you have time for lunch?
- Aww... sorry. I can't. I'm in a hurry right now.
- Then how about a quick cup of coffee? Just 15 minutes, Okay?
- 15 minutes? Okay, sure. I'd love to.
Sale At Shopright
Good To See You
English Discoveries Online 11

2007 Edusoft Ltd.

SANDRA: Welcome to Meet the People. I'm Sandra Waters. My guest today is Larry
Patel. Larry is an inventor. His newest invention is the whistling wallet.
Good evening, Larry.
LARRY: Good evening, Sandra.
SANDRA: Larry, what is a whistling wallet?
LARRY: Well, it's a special wallet with a small battery inside. If you sing near it, the
wallet whistles. People often lose their wallets in their homes. Now they can
easily find them.
SANDRA: Do you need to sing a special song?
LARRY: No. Any song is OK.
SANDRA: Oh, great! It's easier to sing than to look all over the house. Where can I buy
the wallet?
LARRY: Well, I still have to work on it. I gave wallets to some of my friends. Now two
of them are angry with me. They went to a rock concert, and their wallets
made noise all the time. The people around them were very angry.

I always remember my mother saying, Wake up. Clean your room. Don't eat candy.
Hurry up. Do your homework. Be good. Don't run. Sit down. Stand up. Do this. Do
that. I always thought, Hmm, I like that job. Five years ago, I started the Clean:
House Agency. I put an ad in the newspaper. I answered all the telephone calls and
letters, and started my business.
I told all the new workers, Be quick, and be clean. I showed them how to clean
homes and offices. First, we all worked together. Now, they usually work alone.
Last night I showed my daughter how to make a cake. First, take four eggs from the
refrigerator and some sugar from the cupboard. Then, open the box...
Suddenly I had a wonderful idea: cookbooks! I'm starting a new business! With my
cookbooks, I can tell hundreds of people what to do!

- Isn't that Robert Richman, the movie star?
- Yes, you're right. I think he's the greatest.
- The greatest? He's the worst actor I know.
- What? But he won an Oscar for best actor last year.
- Yeah? Well, to me he's terrible.
- Well, I like him.
Do It!
Movie Star

12 Explore Texts: Basic 2

2007 Edusoft Ltd.
Family Life

TOM: Morning.
DIANA: Morning. Are you going to the office or the factory today?
TOM: I usually go to the factory on Tuesday, but I have some big meetings at the
office. I don't have time to go to Brooklyn. How's this tie? It's OK, isn't it?
DIANA: It's fine, dear. By the way, what's the time?
TOM: I don't know; I don't have my watch on. About seven, maybe.
DIANA: Uh: oh, I'm late.
TOM: You're beautiful!

Does your family have family reunions? Once a year, all my relatives meet for a family
picnic. We always meet in a park; aunts, uncles, and cousins, young and old. We talk,
eat, and have lots of fun. Last year, Uncle Seymour and Aunt Flo had a big fight. I still
remember it:
Seymour, where were you last night? You went to the basketball game, didn't you?
Where was I, Flo?
Where were you? I phoned home, and no one answered.
You phoned? I was at home all night!
Then someone started the food fight. It was so funny! There was potato salad
everywhere. Everyone laughed, even Uncle Seymour and Aunt Flo. Then we went
swimming. I love to swim. We swam for a long time.
Then my mother said, We have to go home now.
But, Mom, can't I stay? Do I have to go home with you? Aunt Muriel lives near us. I
can go home with her.
Finally she said yes. It was a wonderful picnic!

- Mom, can I go to see the trains?
- No, Tommy. I don't want you out there alone.
- Then is it OK if I play with that little boy?
- Well, all right. But stay near the door where I can see you.
The Family Picnic
Can I?
English Discoveries Online 13

2007 Edusoft Ltd.
A Bad Day

MICHAEL: Karen, what are you doing?
KAREN: I'm looking for the script. Michael, this is impossible. Your room is a mess!
I don't know where to look.
MICHAEL: It was on the desk. Maybe it's there.
KAREN: The desk. Right. I've got your script. Here is your script.
MICHAEL: Thanks. Where was it?
KAREN: It was on the desk. Well, some of the pages were on the desk, some were
on the chair, and some were on the floor, under the desk.

Dear Susan,
Hi! I have a summer job at Grumble's Department Store. I work on the fifth floor, in
the women's clothing department. The store is always crowded with a lot of customers.
I have to smile and say: Can I help you? I really want to say: Go home! I usually
have to stand all day, and I don't have any breaks.
I need a vacation!

- Peterson, what are you doing?
- Oh. Um. I'm writing a report.
- Well, don't put your feet on the desk.
- Yes, sir. Sorry.
- And tomorrow don't wear jeans. Put on a suit.
- A suit. Ah...sure.
Grumble's Department Store
Dont Do That

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