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d/b/a ZIOSK


Civil Action File No: ______________



COMES NOW Plaintiff SecuredPay Solutions, Inc. (SPS) and hereby
states its Complaint for Patent Infringement against Defendant TableTop Media
LLC, doing business as Ziosk (Defendant) as follows:

1. This is an action for patent infringement arising under the patent laws
of the United States, Title 35, United States Code.
2. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over all causes of action set
forth herein pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1331 and 1338(a) because this action arises
under the patent laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C. 1 et seq.
2014 May-08 PM 04:34

3. Venue is proper in this judicial district and division pursuant to 28
U.S.C. 1391(b) and (c) and 1400(b) in that Defendant does business in this
District, is registered with the state of Alabama and has a registered agent in
Alabama, has committed acts of infringement in this District, and/or continues to
commit acts of infringement in this District, entitling SPS to relief.
4. SPS is an Alabama corporation with a principal place of business at
11119 County Road 88, Pisgah, AL 35765, which is within this District and
5. SPS is the owner, by assignment, of all right, title, and interest in and
to the following United States Patents, including the right to bring suit for patent
infringement: United States Patent No. 8,490,878 (the 878 patent); United
States Patent No. 8,356,754 (the 754 patent); United States Patent No.
8,011,587 (the 587 patent); and United States Patent No. 7,721,969 (the 969
patent). The 878 patent, the 754 patent, the 587 patent, and the 969 patent are
referred to herein collectively as the patents-in-suit.
6. Upon information and belief, Defendant is a limited liability
company, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, with a
principal place of business at 12404 Park Central Drive, Suite 350, Dallas, Texas

75251, and with an agent for service at 2 North J ackson Street, Suite 605,
Montgomery, AL 36104.
7. Upon information and belief, Defendant is subject to personal
jurisdiction in this Court because it maintains continuous and systematic contacts
with customers in this district and division; sells infringing products and/or
provides infringing services to customers in this district and division; and
purposefully avails itself of the privilege of conducting activities within Alabama
as demonstrated by its registration as a foreign corporation with the Alabama
Secretary of State, thus invoking the benefits and protections of Alabama law.

8. SPS realleges and incorporates herein the allegations of paragraphs 1
through 7 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
9. On J uly 23, 2013, United States Patent No. 8,490,878 (the 878
patent) was duly and legally issued for Portable Handheld Device for Wireless
Order Entry and Real Time Payment Authorization and Related Methods. SPS
holds all rights and interest in the 878 patent. A true and correct copy of the 878
patent is attached hereto as Exhibit A.
10. Defendant had actual notice of the 878 patent at least as early as the
date of the filing of this complaint.

11. Upon information and belief, Defendant has directly infringed and
continues to directly infringe the 878 patent by making, offering to sell, selling
and using Defendants Ziosk system for purposes of wireless order entry and real
time payment authorization, which use practices the devices, systems and/or
methods of the 878 patent in the United States.
12. Upon information and belief, Defendants customers have infringed
and continue to directly infringe the 878 patent by using Defendants Ziosk
solution in its intended manner and as instructed by Defendant, for purposes of
wireless order entry and real time payment authorization, which use practices the
devices, systems and/or methods of the 878 patent in the United States.
13. Upon information and belief, Defendant, with actual notice of the
878 patent, has and continues to contribute to the direct infringement by its
customers by providing its customers with the Ziosk solution, which has no
substantial non-infringing uses.
14. Upon information and belief, Defendant, with actual notice of the
878 patent, has and continues to induce the direct infringement by its customers
by providing the Ziosk solution to its customers and assisting and/or instructing
them to use the same for purposes of wireless order entry and real time payment
authorization, which use practices the devices, systems and/or methods of the 878
patent in the United States.

15. The acts of direct and indirect infringement of the 878 patent by
Defendant have caused damage to SPS, and SPS is entitled to recover from
Defendant the damages sustained by SPS as a result of such infringement in an
amount subject to proof at trial.

16. SPS realleges and incorporates herein the allegations of paragraphs 1
through 15 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
17. On J anuary 22, 2013, United States Patent No. 8,356,754 (the 754
patent) was duly and legally issued for Portable Handheld Device for Wireless
Order Entry and Real Time Payment Authorization and Related Methods. SPS
holds all rights and interest in the 754 patent. A true and correct copy of the 754
patent is attached hereto as Exhibit B.
18. Defendant had actual notice of the 754 patent at least as early as the
date of the filing of this complaint.
19. Upon information and belief, Defendant has directly infringed and
continues to directly infringe the 754 patent by making, offering to sell, selling
and using Defendants Ziosk system for purposes of wireless order entry and real
time payment authorization, which use practices the devices, systems and/or
methods of the 754 patent in the United States.

20. Upon information and belief, Defendants customers have infringed
and continue to directly infringe the 754 patent by using Defendants Ziosk
solution in its intended manner and as instructed by Defendant, for purposes of
wireless order entry and real time payment authorization, which use practices the
devices, systems and/or methods of the 754 patent in the United States.
21. Upon information and belief, Defendant, with actual notice of the
754 patent, has and continues to contribute to the direct infringement by its
customers by providing its customers with the Ziosk solution, which has no
substantial non-infringing uses.
22. Upon information and belief, Defendant, with actual notice of the
754 patent, has and continues to induce the direct infringement by its customers
by providing the Ziosk solution to its customers and assisting and/or instructing
them to use the same for purposes of wireless order entry and real time payment
authorization, which use practices the devices, systems and/or methods of the 754
patent in the United States.
23. The acts of direct and indirect infringement of the 754 patent by
Defendant have caused damage to SPS, and SPS is entitled to recover from
Defendant the damages sustained by SPS as a result of such infringement in an
amount subject to proof at trial.



24. SPS realleges and incorporates herein the allegations of paragraphs 1
through 23 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
25. On September 6, 2011, United States Patent No. 8,011,587 (the 587
patent) was duly and legally issued for Portable Handheld Device for Wireless
Order Entry and Real Time Payment Authorization and Related Methods. SPS
holds all rights and interest in the 587 patent. A true and correct copy of the 587
patent is attached hereto as Exhibit C.
26. Defendant had actual notice of the 587 patent at least as early as the
date of the filing of this complaint.
27. Upon information and belief, Defendant has directly infringed and
continues to directly infringe the 587 patent by making, offering to sell, selling
and using Defendants Ziosk system for purposes of wireless order entry and real
time payment authorization, which use practices the devices, systems and/or
methods of the 587 patent in the United States.
28. Upon information and belief, Defendants customers have infringed
and continue to directly infringe the 587 patent by using Defendants Ziosk
solution in its intended manner and as instructed by Defendant, for purposes of
wireless order entry and real time payment authorization, which use practices the
devices, systems and/or methods of the 587 patent in the United States.

29. Upon information and belief, Defendant, with actual notice of the
587 patent, has and continues to contribute to the direct infringement by its
customers by providing its customers with the Ziosk solution, which has no
substantial non-infringing uses.
30. Upon information and belief, Defendant, with actual notice of the
587 patent, has and continues to induce the direct infringement by its customers
by providing the Ziosk solution to its customers and assisting and/or instructing
them to use the same for purposes of wireless order entry and real time payment
authorization, which use practices the devices, systems and/or methods of the 587
patent in the United States.
31. The acts of direct and indirect infringement of the 587 patent by
Defendant have caused damage to SPS, and SPS is entitled to recover from
Defendant the damages sustained by SPS as a result of such infringement in an
amount subject to proof at trial.

32. SPS realleges and incorporates herein the allegations of paragraphs 1
through 31 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
33. On May 25, 2010, United States Patent No. 7,721,969 (the 969
patent) was duly and legally issued for Portable Handheld Device for Wireless
Order Entry and Real Time Payment Authorization and Related Methods. SPS

holds all rights and interest in the 969 patent. A true and correct copy of the 969
patent is attached hereto as Exhibit D.
34. Defendant had actual notice of the 969 patent at least as early as the
date of the filing of this complaint.
35. Upon information and belief, Defendant has directly infringed and
continues to directly infringe the 969 patent by making, offering to sell, selling
and using Defendants Ziosk system for purposes of wireless order entry and real
time payment authorization, which use practices the devices, systems and/or
methods of the 969 patent in the United States.
36. Upon information and belief, Defendants customers have infringed
and continue to directly infringe the 969 patent by using Defendants Ziosk
solution in its intended manner and as instructed by Defendant, for purposes of
wireless order entry and real time payment authorization, which use practices the
devices, systems and/or methods of the 969 patent in the United States.
37. Upon information and belief, Defendant, with actual notice of the
969 patent, has and continues to contribute to the direct infringement by its
customers by providing its customers with the Ziosk solution, which has no
substantial non-infringing uses.
38. Upon information and belief, Defendant, with actual notice of the
969 patent, has and continues to induce the direct infringement by its customers

by providing the Ziosk solution to its customers and assisting and/or instructing
them to use the same for purposes of wireless order entry and real time payment
authorization, which use practices the devices, systems and/or methods of the 969
patent in the United States.
39. The acts of direct and indirect infringement of the 969 patent by
Defendant have caused damage to SPS, and SPS is entitled to recover from
Defendant the damages sustained by SPS as a result of such infringement in an
amount subject to proof at trial.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff SPS prays that the Court enter judgment in its favor
and against Defendant as follows:
A. That the Court enter judgment of infringement against Defendant;
B. That Defendant be ordered to pay damages adequate to compensate
SPS for its acts of infringement, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 284;
C. That the Court find that this case is exceptional and award SPS its
reasonable attorneys fees pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 285;
D. That Defendant and its officers, agents, employees, and those acting
in active concert or participation with them, be permanently enjoined from further
infringement, contributory infringement, and/or inducing infringement of the 878,
754, 587, and 969 patents, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 283;

E. That Defendant be ordered to pay prejudgment and post-judgment
F. That Defendant be ordered to pay all costs associated with this action;
G. That SPS be granted such other and additional relief as the Court
deems just, equitable, and proper.

Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 38(b), SPS demands a trial by jury of all issues
triable of right by a jury.
This 8th day of May, 2014.

/s/ David W. Holt
Frank M. Caprio
David W. Holt
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP
200 Clinton Avenue West
Suite 900
Huntsville, AL 35801
Telephone: (256) 517-5100
Facsimile: (256) 517-5200
[email protected]
[email protected]


Dan R. Gresham
Georgia Bar No. 310280
N. Andrew Crain
Georgia Bar No. 193081
Eric G. Maurer
Georgia Bar No. 478199
400 Interstate North Parkway, SE
Suite 1500
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Telephone:(770) 933-9500
Facsimile: (770) 951-0933
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Attorneys for Plaintiff SecuredPay Solutions, Inc.

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