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Alcohol and Heart Disease

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Alcohol and Heart Disease
Edited bv
Ronald R. Watson
Division Health Promotion Sciences
Universitv of Ari:ona College of Public Health and School of
Tucson, Ari:ona, USA
Adam K. Myers
Department of Phvsiologv and Biophvsics
Georgetown Universitv Medical Center
Washington, DC, USA

London and New York
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First published 2002
by Taylor & Francis
11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE
Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada
by Taylor & Francis Inc,
29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001
Tavlor & Francis is an imprint of the Tavlor & Francis Group
This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2003.
2002 Taylor & Francis
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Every eIIort has been to ensure that the advice and inIormation in this book
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ISBN 0-203-21885-X Master e-book ISBN
ISBN 0-203-29510-2 (OEB Format)
ISBN 0-415-27347-1 (Print Edition)
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List of tables


List of figures


List of contributors




The editors


Alcohol and cardiovascular disease: large population studies


The alcoholic cardiomyopathies: genuine and pseudo


Wine and lifestyle: role in cardiovascular disease and premature death


Effects of gender on alcohol`s heart dysfunction


Alcohol and cardiac medications: interactions


Alcohol abuse and hemorrhagic stroke


Alcohol abuse and ischemic stroke


Alcohol consumption and the risk of stroke: the role of tobacco?


Alcohol, vascular cells and hemodynamic forces


Moderate alcohol exposure protects cardiac myocytes from ischemia-reperfusion injury

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Alcohol and smoking: synergism in heart disease?


Oxidative stress, cell damage and its possible prevention by alpha-tocopherol: cardiovascular
and other cells


Alcohol and platelet function


Fatty acid ethyl esters: role in alcohol cardiotoxicity


Alcohol and apolipoproteins


Alcohol and polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism in the cardiovascular system


Alcohol and heart muscle proteins: with special reference to measurement of protein synthesis
|n v|vo


Cocaethylene: immunologic, hepatic and cardiac effects


Cardiotoxicity of cocaine use by humans and rodents: synergisms of concomitant cocaine plus
alcohol exposure


Mechanisms of cocaine cardiotoxicity


Alcohol and reflex regulation of the cardiovascular system


Alcohol`s accentuation of AIDS` nutritional and immune damage, a cofactor in heart disease



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1.1 Large population studies examining alcohol intake and cardiovascular disease 2

Age-adjusted rates and Iully adjusted () relative risks Ior major CHD events and all cause
mortality Ior all men who drink and by type oI drink in 6860 men. Occasional drinkers are used as
the reIerence group within each alcohol-type category |20|


Type oI alcoholic drink and risk oI major CHD events and oI all cause and cardiovascular and non-
cardiovascular mortality in occasional or regular drinkers (N 6860 men). Beer drinkers used as
the reIerence group |20|

3.3 Personal, liIestyle and biological characteristics at screening by diIIerent types oI drinking |20| 24
4.1 Summary oI clinical studies oI AHMD in women 30
4.2 Clinical characteristics oI men and women with AHMD 34
4.3 Echocardiographic parameters in men and women with AHMD compared to healthy controls 34
4.4 Acute eIIects oI ethanol in male and Iemale papillary muscles 38
4.5 Echocardiographic parameters in male and Iemale control and ethanol-Ied animals 39
4.6 Comparison oI male and Iemale body weight and Lieber DeCarli diet consumption 43

Previously published and new case histories illustrating several diIIerent mechanisms that could
link alcohol abuse to an increased risk oI ischemic brain inIarct

12.1 Reactive oxygen species 121

Cardiac muscle protein synthesis in vehicle-injected and o-tocopherol-supplemented rats injected
with either saline or ethanol

17.1 Rate oI protein synthesis in various Iractions oI the rat heart 202

The chronic eIIect oI amlodipine treatment and alcohol on LV total and protein Iraction synthesis

17.3 The acute eIIect oI alcohol and propranolol on protein synthesis rates 206
18.1 Symptoms reported by cocaine and alcohol concomitantly using patients 213
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Survival curves oI cardiac deaths in male patients with alcoholic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM).
Solid line indicates patients with alcoholic DCM and alcohol abstinence, large dashed line indicates
patients with alcoholic DCM without abstinence and small dashed line indicates idiopathic DCM.
Used with permission Irom Fauchier etal. European Heart J. 2000; 21: 306314

4.2 Representative echocardiograms Irom control and ethanol-Ied Iemale rat 40
4.3 Representative echocardiograms Irom control and ethanol-Ied male rat 40
4.4 Lieber DeCarli diet consumption Ior two diIIerent Iemale cohorts 42
4.5 Lieber DeCarli diet consumption Ior two diIIerent male cohorts 42

Hemodynamic Iorces directly inIluence vascular cell biology. Fluid shear stress and/or pressure
(cyclic stretch) can modulate the production oI vasoactive mediators such as nitric oxide (NO),
prostacyclin (PGI
) and endothelin (ET) Irom the endothelium, which in turn inIluence smooth
muscle cell structure and Iunction


Shear stress stimulates nitric oxide (NO) production by endothelial cells. By a mechanism thought to
involve a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein (G) and a K

channel, shear stress stimulates nitric oxide

synthase (NOS) activity in endothelial cells. The resulting NO can stimulate soluble guanylyl cyclase
(GC) in adjacent smooth muscle cells, leading to increased levels oI cGMP and subsequent
vasorelaxation and inhibition oI proliIeration


The Iibrinolytic plasminogen activator system. The inactive proenzyme plasminogen is converted to
the proteolytic enzyme plasmin by urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) or tissue-type
plasminogen activator (tPA). The system is regulated by a series oI plasminogen activator inhibitors
(PAI), oI which PAI-1 is believed to be the most physiologically important. (* modulated by
hemodynamic Iorces)


The eIIect oI ethanol on pulse pressure-induced smooth muscle cell migration. Human smooth muscle
cells (HuSMC) in perIused transcapillary cultures were exposed to low or high pulsatile Ilow
conditions, in the absence or presence oI ethanol (20 mM). Cells were then harvested and their
migration assessed by Transwell assay. Ethanol inhibited the Ilow-induced
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increase in HuSMC migration. (Reproduced by permission oI Academic Press Irom Hendrickson et
al. (1999), |46|


The eIIect oI ethanol on smooth muscle cell proliIeration. Ethanol (24-h exposure) dose-
dependently inhibits (a) SMC
H-Thymidine incorporation, and (b) MAPK activity, determined by
measuring phosphorylated ERK-1 and ERK-2. (Reproduced by permission oI Elsevier Science
Irom Hendrickson et al. (1998), |59|)


Fatty acids (FA) are Iound linked to Iatty acid binding proteins (FABP) and are thereIore prevented
Irom entering the mitochondria. However, FA can react with ethanol (ETOH) to produce Iatty acid
ethyl esters (FAEE) via Iatty acid ethyl ester synthase. Once inside the mitochondria, FAEE can
cause direct damage, but also their hydrolysis to Iatty acids can lead to uncoupling oI oxidative


(A) Histopathological analyses oI control rat myocardium with 30 l phosphate-buIIered saline
(PBS) 0.01 dimethylsulIoxide. Sections stained with Mason trichrome. No cell damage is
observed (original magniIication 300). (B) Histopathological analyses oI rat myocardium injected
with 30 l oI 50 M FAEE. Sections stained with Mason trichrome. The signiIicant cell damage
was observed aIter 30 days. The cells were enlarged and irregular in shape (original magniIication

16.1 The structures oI some essential and non-essential Iatty acids commonly Iound in mammalian cells 181
16.2 Metabolism oI the n-3 and n-6 Iamilies oI essential Iatty acids 184

Schematic oI arachidonic acid (AA) mobilization Irom membrane phospholipids and metabolism
via cyclooxygenase (CO) enzymes to Iorm prostaglandins (PG) and lipoxygenase (LO) enzymes to
Iorm leukotrienes (LT)


Changes in precursor speciIic radioactivities in diIIerent methods Ior measuring protein synthesis in
vivo. The three methods oI measuring protein synthesis are (top) pulse injection oI a tracer amount
oI amino acid, (middle) constant inIusion oI a tracer amino acids and (bottom) injection oI a
Ilooding dose oI amino acid. Phase (a) and (b) are arbitrary assigned periods oI each method. For a
Iuller explanation see text. Adapted Irom works oI P.J. Garlick


Cardiac protein synthesis in response to acute alcohol. Rats were injected i.p. with 0.15 mol/l saline
(NaCl); or ethanol (75 mmol/kg body weight, i.p). All data are means + SEM oI 68 observations.
From |73|


Cardiac protein synthesis, ATP and plasma troponin-T in rats treated with alcohol. Data are mean +
SEM oI 49 observations in each group. Ethanol (75 mmol/kg body weight; i.p) was given with or
without cyanamide pretreatment (0.5 mmol/kg body weight; i.p.). Rats were killed 2.5 hours aIter
ethanol dosing. p values over histograms
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pertain to diIIerences Irom saline plus saline controls. (#) DiIIerence in ks between saline plus
ethanol and cyanamide plus ethanol, p 0.01. Data Irom various studies oI the authors and |73|


Bar graphs showing that ethanol (0.1, 0.5 and 1.0g/kg) produces graded decreases in regression
coeIIicient (baroreIlex slopes; beats/min/mmHg) in SO but not in aortic barodenervated (ABD)
rats. Values are expressed as mean + S.E.M.; *p 0.05 compared to base-line value. Number oI
rats in each group is shown in parentheses; with permission |28|


BaroreIlex curves relating decreases in HR to PE-induced elevations in BP obtained in conscious
Ireely moving ABD or SO rats beIore and aIter i.v. administration oI an anesthetizing dose oI
pentobarbital (30 mg/kg). In either group, pentobarbital produced a downward shiIt in the curve as
evident by a reduction in the regression coeIIicient (baroreIlex slope; inset). Values are expressed
as mean + S.E.M.; *p 0.05 compared to prepentobarbital values (ANOVA). Number oI rats in
each group is shown in parentheses; with permission |28|


The eIIect oI ethanol (1 g/kg) on baroreIlex curves relating changes in HR to rises in BP evoked by
PE in conscious unrestrained CBD and SO rats. Note that ethanol, but not saline, causes a
signiIicant (*p 0.05, ANOVA) downward shiIt in the baroreIlex curves in both groups oI rats as
compared to pre-ethanol values. Values shown are the regression coeIIicients oI baroreIlex curves
in beats per minute per millimeter oI mercury; the number oI rats in each group is shown in
parentheses; with permission |29|


Bar graphs showing the capacity oI ethanol (1 g/kg) to produce a signiIicant reduction in the
regression coeIIicient (baroreIlex slopes; beats/ min/mmHg) oI PE-baroreIlex curves. Values are
expressed as mean + S.E.M.; # and *p 0.05 compared to base-line and aIter-saline values,
respectively. CBD, carotid barodenervation. The number oI rats in each group is shown in
parentheses; with permission |29|


EIIect oI ethanol on depressor and bradycardic responses elicited by unilateral microinjection oI
graded doses oI NMDA into the NTS oI urethane-anesthetized rats. Ethanol was administered
either into the NTS (10 g, leIt panels) or systematically (1 g/kg, right panels). The values are
expressed as the mean + S.E.M. *p 0.05 (ANOVA) compared with corresponding pre-ethanol and
aIter-vehicle (ACSF or saline) values, respectively. The number oI rats in each group is shown in
parentheses; with permission |30|


Bar graphs showing the depressant eIIects oI ethanol (i.v., 1 g/kg; intra-NTS, 10 g) or respective
vehicle (saline, i.v.; ACSF, intra-NTS) treatment on hemodynamic responses elicited by NMDA
(25pmol) and non-NMDA (kainate, 3pmol and AMPA, 1 pmol (expressed as the percent reduction
in these responses compared with pretreatment responses. The values are the means + S.E.M. * and
#p 0.05 (ANOVA) compared with
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corresponding vehicle and NMDA (aIter ethanol) values, respectively; with permission |30| 244

Bar graphs showing the depressant eIIect oI ethanol on BRS (A/HR/AMAP) tested by i.v. PE (16
g/kg) in urethane-anesthetized rats. Ethanol was administered either unilaterally into the NTS (10
g) or systemically (0.1 or 1.0 g/kg). The values are expressed as the mean + S.E.M. * and #p
0.05 (ANOVA) compared with corresponding pre-ethanol and aIter intra-NTS ethanol values,
respectively; with permission |30|

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Abdel A. Abdel-Rahman
Department oI Pharmacology
The Brody Medical School
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858
Albert D. Arvallo
College oI Public Health
University oI Arizona
School oI Medicine
Tucson, AZ 85724-5155
Mary E. Beckemeier
Department oI Internal Medicine
Division oI Cardiology
St. Louis University Health Science Center
St. Louis, Missouri 63110
Puran S. Bora
Department oI Opthalmology and Visual Sciences
Kentucky Lions Eye Center
301 E Muhammad Ali
Louisville KY 40202
Paul A. Cahill
School oI Biotechnology
Dublin City University
Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Simon K.K. Cheung
Section oI Cardiology
UMDNJ, Department oI Medicine
185 S. Orange Avenue,
Newark NJ 07103-2714
1ules Constant
57 Tillinghast Place, BuIIalo
NY 14216
Richard Cooper
Department oI Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology
Loyola University Stritch
School oI Medicine
2160 South First Ave
Maywood, IL 60153
Kabita Das
Department oI Physiology & Biophysics
Georgetown University Medical Center
Washingtown, DC 20007
Mark Deeg
Indiana University School oI Medicine
Endocrinology (111E)
1481 W. 10th Street,
Indianapolis, IN 46202
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M.1. Dunn
Department oI Surgery
National Heart and Lung Institute
Imperial College School oI Medicine
Heart Science Centre, HareIield Hospital
HareIield, Middlesex UB9 6JH
Mary O. Gray
Department oI Cardiology
San Francisco Veterans AIIairs
Medical Center
4150 Clement Street
San Francisco, CA 94121
Matti Hillbom
Department oI Neurology
Oulu University Hospital
FIN-90220, Oulu
Leo Hsu
Veterans AIIairs Medical Center
GRECC Service
St. Louis, Missouri 63108
R. Hunter
Department oI Nutrition
School oI LiIe Sciences
King`s College
150 StamIord Street
London SE1 8WA
Seppo 1uvela
Associate ProIessor oI Neurosurgery
Department oI Neurosurgery
Helsinki University Central Hospital
Topeliuksenkatu 5
FIN-02600 Helsinki
1ohn W. Karanian
8401 Mirkurk Road
Laurel, MD, 20708
1aana M. Leppl
Department oI Public Health
11811 Venice Blvd Apt 315
Los Angeles
CA 90066-3944
Youlian Liao
Department oI Biometry and Epidemiology
Medical University oI South Carolina
135 Rutledge Avenue
Charleston SC 29425
D. Mantle
Department oI Neurochemistry
Regional Neurosciences Centre
Newcastle General Hospital
Newcastle Upon Tyne NE4 6BE
Daniel McGee
Department oI Biometry and Epidemiology
Medical University oI South Carolina
135 Rutledge Avenue
Charleston SC 29425
Daria Mochly-Rosen
Department oI Molecular Pharmacology
StandIord University oI Medicine
StandIord, CA
Adam K. Myers
Department oI Physiology & Biophysics
Georgetown University Medical Center
Washingtown, DC 20007
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Mariann R. Piano
Associate ProIessor
University oI Illinois at Chicago
College oI Nursing (MC 802)
845 S. Damen
Chicago, IL 60612
Victor R. Preedy
Molecular and Cellular
Protein Metabolism Laboratory
Department oI Nutrition and Dietetics
School oI LiIe Sciences
King`s College London,
StamIord Street
London SE1 8WA
Eileen M. Redmond
University oI Rochester Medical Center
Department oI Surgery
601 Elmwood Ave
Rochester, NY 14642-8410
Timothy 1. Regan
Section oI Cardiology
UMDNJ, Department oI Medicine
185 S. Orange Avenue
Newark NJ 07103-2714
P.1. Richardson
Department oI CardiologyKing`s College
School oI Medicine and Dentistry
Bessemer Road
London, SE5 9PJ, UK
Norman Salem
Laboratory oI Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
National Institutes oI Health
12420 Parklawn Drive
Rockville, MD 20852, USA
Helmut Seitz
Laboratory oI Alcohol Research
Liver Disease and Nutrition and
Department oI Medicine
Salem Medical Center
University oI Heidelberg
Zeppelinstr. 1133
HEIDELBERG 69121, Germany
R. Tomas Sepulveda
Arizona Prevention Center
University oI Arizona
College oI Public Health
Tucson, AZ 85724-5155, USA
A. Gerald Shaper
Department oI Primary Care and Pop. Sci.
Royal Free and Univ. College Med. Sch.
Rowland Hill St.
London, NW3 2PF
David Solkoff
Arizona Prevention Center
University oI Arizona
College oI Public Health
Tucson, AZ 85724-5155, USA
S. Goya Wannamettee
Department oI Primary Care and Pop. Sci.
Royal Free and Univ. College Med. Sch.
Rowland Hill St.
London, NW3 2PF, England
Ronald R. Watson
Arizona Prevention Center
University oI Arizona
College oI Public Health
Tucson, AZ 85724-5155, USA
S. Worrall
Alcohol Research Unit
Department oI Biochemistry
The University oI Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland
QLD 4072, Australia
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1in Zhang
Arizona Prevention Center
University oI Arizona
College oI Public Health
Tucson, AZ 85724-5155, USA
Qing-Hui Zhang
Department oI Physiology & Biophysics
Georgetown University Medical Center
Washingtown, DC 20007
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Alcohol research is in a golden era. With advances in molecular biology, the degree to which genetic makeup
predetermines susceptibility to alcohol abuse and alcoholism is being deIined. With more powerIul tools Ior
data collection and analysis and increased Iunding in this area, the epidemiology oI alcohol consumption and
alcohol-related health issues is being better elucidated. With the blossoming oI the Iield oI neuroscience,
neural mechanisms underlying alcohol addiction and appetitive behavior are being discovered. The importance
oI this expanding knowledge is underscored by the Iact that alcohol is one oI the most widely used and abused
drugs in most civilizations, and the health costs oI alcohol are so great that among drugs oI abuse, they are
rivaled only by those oI tobacco.
OI course, the consideration oI alcohol use and abuse presents special problems. Human-kind has had a
complex relationship with alcohol Irom the beginning oI recorded history. In most societies, some level oI
alcohol consumption is acceptable, and social and religious rites oIten incorporate drinking. That alcohol has
both detrimental and beneIicial eIIects has always been appreciated. Along with some oI the obvious negative
eIIects oI intoxication and chronic use, the preservative, antiseptic and anesthetic eIIects oI alcohol, Ior
example, have been known since ancient times. With the Ilourishing oI alcohol research, both the negative and
positive aspects are being better deIined, but alcohol is a true double-edged sword. Its use in medicine has
been invaluable over the centuries, but Iew health care practitioners today would recommend that a non-
drinker take up alcohol consumption Ior health purposes.
EIIects oI alcohol on the heart and cardiovascular system Iollow the same paradigm: its chronic abuse is
clearly associated with negative eIIects, such as hypertension, heart Iailure, bleeding disorders, atrial
Iibrillation and stroke. At the same time, it has long been suspected that moderate consumption might be oI
beneIit to cardiovascular health, and in Iact, recent, large scale epidemiological studies demonstrate that used
in moderation, it might protect against morbidity and mortality associated with coronary artery disease and
perhaps thrombotic strokes. Obviously, with coronary artery disease being the most prevalent cause oI death in
most Western societies, and with stroke also being high on that list, understanding how alcohol aIIects the
heart and blood vessels is an important goal. As alcohol research has gathered steam in recent years, so too has
research related to alcohol consumption and cardiovascular health and disease.
It is against this background that this volume was conceived and prepared. In it, leading scientists Irom across
the world and Irom a broad set oI scientiIic disciplines present the state oI knowledge on alcohol and heart
disease as well as related background material. The recent advances in the epidemiology oI heart disease and
drinking are considered, as are
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the multiple mechanisms underlying the negative eIIects oI drinking on cardiovascular health. Interaction oI
alcohol with other drugs aIIecting the heart and circulation is a medically important area that is also discussed.
From the public`s perspective, one oI the most interesting outcomes oI alcohol research has been the
demonstration that moderate alcoholic beverage consumption may protect against coronary artery disease and
associated mortality. SpeciIic components oI certain beverages, notably red wine, might have their own
beneIicial eIIects, as might ethanol itselI. This intriguing area is dealt with in a number oI chapters, Irom a
number oI perspectives. It is our hope that this volume highlights the excellent work being done in these
Iascinating areas and serves to stimulate Iurther research into important, related public health questions.
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The Editors
Ronald R. Watson, Ph.D., initiated the Specialized Alcohol Research Center at the University oI Arizona
College oI Medicine and had directed the center Ior 6 years. Dr. Watson has edited 50 books, including 10 on
alcohol abuse and 4 on other drugs oI abuse. He has worked Ior several years on research Ior the U.S. Navy
Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program.
Dr. Watson attended the University oI Idaho but graduated Irom Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah
with a degree in chemistry in 1966. He completed his Ph.D. degree in 1971 in biochemistry at Michigan State
University. His postdoctoral schooling in nutrition and microbiology was completed at the Harvard School oI
Public Health and included a 2-year postdoctoral research experience in immunology. He was an assistant
proIessor oI immunology and did research at the University oI Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson Irom
1973 to 1974. He was an assistant proIessor oI microbiology and immunology at the Indiana University
Medical School Irom 1974 to 1978 and an associate proIessor at Purdue University in the Department oI Food
and Nutrition Irom 1978 to 1982. In 1982, Dr. Watson joined the Iaculty at the University oI Arizona in the
Department oI Family and Community Medicine. He is also a research proIessor in the University oI
Arizona`s newly Iormed College oI Public Health. He is a member oI the Sarver Heart Center. He has
published 450 research papers and review chapters. Dr. Watson currently directs a National Institute oI Health
grant on alcohol`s eIIects on heart disease in AIDS, a NIDA supplement to it to understand the role oI cocaine
as a coIactor, and a National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute grant on AIDS and heart dysIunction in mice.
Adam Myers received his Ph.D. in Physiology at Georgetown University (Washington, DC), where he now
teaches cardiovascular physiology to medical and graduate students. Dr. Myers is ProIessor and Director oI
Graduate Studies in Physiology. His major research interests are in mechanisms oI cardiovascular disease and
thrombosis, areas in which he has published extensively. He has a long-standing interest in the eIIects oI
moderate alcohol consumption on platelets and thrombosis, which is the Iocus oI a chapter in this volume. Dr.
Myers is a member oI the Research Society on Alcoholism.
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Chapter 1
Alcohol and cardiovascular disease: large population
Youlian Liao, Daniel McGee and Richard Cooper
As early as the late 18th century, wine, spiritous liquors, and opium were described as the relievers Ior angina
pectoris |1|. In the early decades oI the 20th century, an inverse relation was Iirst observed between heavy
alcohol intake and atherosclerotic disease |2,3|. A series oI studies among alcoholics and problem drinkers
later suggested an excess risk oI coronary heart disease (CHD) |4,5|. However, problem drinkers are diIIerent
Irom other people in a number oI ways, making it diIIicult to generalize this association to the population
level. Clinical series and case-control studies collect data on alcohol intake aIter the outcome oI interest has
occurred. These studies oIten have limited data on other traits, which may be associated with developing the
end points and also with alcohol intake. AIter the mid 20th century prospective cohort studies began to be
established. Data on alcohol consumption were collected with varying detail at the baseline. This allowed
study oI the relationship between present alcohol intake and the Iuture occurrence oI cardiovascular disease,
even though this was not the major aim oI the original studies.
The large population prospective studies |635| oI alcohol and cardiovascular disease, including CHD and
stroke, are listed in Table 1.1. II a cohort reported results on the same topic more than once, the most recent
data are shown in the table. We excluded studies that described only the relationship between alcohol and total
mortality. All cohorts included had a sample size oI more than 4,000, the Cancer Prevention Study II oI the
American Cancer Society enrolling the largest number with nearly 490,000 participants |21|. The studies
presented in the table include general population samples Irom the local communities |611,30,32|, national
representative samples |23|, volunteers |20,21,33|, screenees or participants in clinical trials |24,25,31|,
special ethnic |8,9| or occupation groups |1219,29,35|, and persons Irom medical clinics |2628,34| or health
care subscribers |22|. The majority oI cohorts were observed Ior more than 10 years |610,1317,20,23,26
Alcohol and nonfatal myocardial infarction or incidence of CHD
Data on the incidence oI myocardial inIarction or CHD were available Ior about 40 oI the cited cohorts. It is
no longer disputed that drinkers as a group have a lower incidence oI
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Table 1.1 Large population studies examining alcohol intake and cardiovascular disease
Categories of
Yrs* Death
Death (N) Stroke
|6| Framingham
Heart Study
1950 Residents aged
2962 years in
MA at exam 2
4,745 0, 1, 23, 4
7, 819, and
20oz/ week
(men); 0, 1, 2
3, 49, and 10
24 1,490 ~400
|7| At exam 2 or
exam 7
4,625 oz per month 22 809 288
|8| Honolulu Heart
196568 Japanese
ancestry (men)
aged 45 and
older residing on
the Hawaiian
island oI Oahu
7,878 None, light
(114 oz/
moderate (15
39 oz/month),
and heavy
(_40 oz/
12 290
|9| 197174 Men who
survived to
exam 3
6,069 Abstainer,
light (114
moderate (15
39 ml/day),
and heavy
drinker (_40
15 819 132 70
|10| Puerto Rico
Heart Health
196568 Male residents
aged 3579
years Irom three
urban and Iour
rural areas oI
Puerto Rico
9,150 0, 114, 15
39, 4079,
and _80 g/day
12 1,383 164
|11| Yugoslavia
Disease Study
196465 Male residents
aged 3562
years living in
Bosnia and
11,121 monthly,
weekly to
daily, daily
but not drunk
last week, and
daily and
drunk last
7 164 95
|12| Nurses`
Health Study
1980 Female
registered nurses
aged 3459
living in 11
large states
87,526 0, 1.5, 1.5
4.9, 5.014.9,
and _25 g/day
4 200 141
|13| 85,709 0, 0.11.4,
1.54.9, 5.0
14.9, 15.0
29.9, and
_30.0 g/day
12 2,658 320
|14| Physicians
Health Study
198184 Male physicians
aged 4084
years in an
aspirin/ B-
randomized trial
21,530 1, 1, 24, 5
6 drinks/
week,1 drink/
day, and _2
11 1,368
690 (MI)

|15| 21,876 1, 1, 24, 5
6, 713, and
_14 drinks/
11 1,206 185 394
|16| 21,537 1, 1, 24, 5
6 drinks/wk,
1 drink/day,
and _2 drinks/
12 141

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|17| 21,870 1, 1, 24, 56
drinks/week, and
_1 drink/day
12 679
|18| Physicians
Health Study
enrollment cohort
Male physicians aged
4084 years who
responded to the
initial enrollment
89,299 rarely/never,13
drinks/month, 1,
24, 56 drinks/
week, 1 drink/
day, and _2
5 3,216 514(MI)
|19| Health
ProIessionals Follow-
up Study
1986 Male health
proIessionals aged 40
75 years
44,059 0,0.12.0, 2.1
5.0, 5.1
15.130.0, 30.1
50.0, and ~50.0
2 350
|20| American Cancer
Society Prospective
1959 White men volunteers
aged4059 years
276,802 None,
occasional, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5,6 drinks/
day, and
12 42,756 18,771 2,512
|21| Cancer
Prevention Study II
1982 Men and women
volunteers aged 30
years or older
489,626 None, less than
daily, 1 drink/
day, 23 drinks/
day, _4 drinks/
9 46,325 10,252 2,379
|22| Kaiser
Permanente Study
Men and women who
underwent health
examinations in a
prepaid health plan
128,934 LiIelong
abstainer, ex-
drinker, 1/
month, ~1/
month to 1/day,
12/day, 35/
day, and _6
8 4,503 940 1,685

Epidemiologic Follow-
up Study
Representative sample
oI the US resident
population aged 4075
6,788 LiIetime
abstainers, 2, 2
7, 814, 1528,
2942, and ~42
15 1,560 552
|24| Lipid Research
Clinics Follow-up
Men and women aged
30 years or older who
were screened in the
Lipid Research Clinics
Prevalence Study
7,461 0,19, 1019,
2029, and 30
9 91 178

|25| Post trial Iollow-
up oI the Multiple
Risk Factor
Intervention Trial
1982 Men at high risk Ior
developing CHD and
survived to the end oI
the Multiple Risk
Factor Intervention
11,688 0,17, 814, 15
21, and _22
4 190
|26| British Regional
Health Study
Men aged4059 years
drawn at random Irom
one general practice in
each oI 24 British
7,272 None, occasional
(1 unit/week),
light (115 units/
week), moderate
(1642 units/
week), and
heavy (_6 units/
17 1,308 901 445
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Sampling Method Sample
Categories of
Alcohol Intake
Yrs* Death
Death (N) Stroke
|27| 7,273 None,
drinker:12, 3
6, or ~6 drinks/
day, and
dailydrinker: 1
2, 36, or ~6
14 216
|28| 198385 Survivors at 5 yrs
aIter the initial
6,439 LiIelong
teetotaller, ex-
occasional (1/
week), light (1
moderate (16
42/week), and
heavy (~42
10 929 490 472

|29| British
1978 Male British
doctors who
replied to the 1978
12,321 None, 17, 8
14, 1521, 22
28, 2942, and
_43 units/week
13 3,328 1,061 380
|30| Social
Mobile Clinic
health Survey
197376 Men aged 4064
years in12 cohorts
drawn Irom 4
regions oI Finland
4,532 0, 200 g/
month, and
_200 g/month
5 314 140 89

|31| Finnish
198588 Male cigarette
smokers aged 50
69 years in a
primary cancer
prevention trial
26,556 nondrinkers,
light (_24.0 g/
day), moderate
(24.160.0 g/
day), and heavy
(~60.0 g/day)
6 960
City Heart
197678 Random, age
stratiIied samples
aged 3079 years
13,285 Never,
weekly, 12
drinks/day, and
35 drinks/day
11 2,229 1,119

|33| Swedish
196970 Military conscripts
aged 1721 years
49,618 0, 0.114.9, 15
30, and _30 g/
25 1,473 279 (MI) 233
|34| Eastern
France study
197883 Consecutive men
aged 4060 years
coming Ior a
health appraisal
34,014 0-occasion,1
21, 2232, 33
54, 5576, 77
128, and ~128
13 2,642 284 427

|35| Japanese
1965 Male physicians
Irom western
5,135 Nondrinker,
drinker, 54 ml/
day, and _54
19 1,283 184 525
*Length oI Iollow-up (years); Number oI incidence cases unless otherwise indicated; CHDcoronary heart disease;
CVDcardiovascular disease; NHANES Ithe First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
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acute myocardial inIarction or CHD than do non-drinkers. However, it is unresolved as to whether there is a
dose-response relation between increasing alcohol intake and decreasing incidence and whether there is an
increase in risk at the high end oI alcohol intake. An inverse relationship between alcohol intake and incidence
oI CHD was Iound in the Framingham Heart Study |7|, the Yugoslavia Cardiovascular Disease Study |11|, the
Physicians` Health Study |14|, the Health ProIessional`s Follow-up Study |19|, and in the middle-aged group
(5164 years) oI the Honolulu Heart Program |9|. A clear doseresponse relationship among drinkers was not
Iound in the British Regional Health Study |26,28|, the Nurses` Health Study |12|, and the First National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Epidemiologic Follow-up Study |23|. The Kaiser Permanente Study
oI alcohol intake and subsequent hospitalization Ior acute myocardial inIarction showed that compared with
liIelong abstainers, a lower risk oI hospitalization Ior CHD was present among those who took alcohol more
than monthly to _6 drinks per day |36|. There was no apparent diIIerence in the hospitalization rate among
the wide ranges oI alcohol intake. The majority oI studies did not Iind an increase in the incidence oI CHD at
the high end oI the drinking distribution |9,12,14,26,28,33|. However, among Iemales in the First National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Epidemiologic Follow-up Study |23|, an increased risk was Iound
above 28 drinks per week relative to abstainers. Among males in this study, no upturn in risk was revealed at
higher intake. The Honolulu Heart Study reported a higher risk oI incident CHD in heavy compared to light
male drinkers aged 65 to 75 years |9|.
Alcohol and CHD mortality
The observed relationship between alcohol intake and CHD death has been reported to be linear (direct or
inverse), L-shaped, U-shaped, or showing no relation. In the 5-year Iollow-up study oI 4,532 middle-aged
Finnish men |30|, non-drinkers had the lowest CHD mortality. Increased alcohol intake was associated with
increased age-adjusted CHD mortality, especially in men with prior CHD. The opposite was reported in the
post-trial Iollow-up oI the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial |25|. The original 5-year trial was to
determine the eIIects oI multiIactor intervention on death Irom CHD in a population oI high-risk men
randomly assigned either to a special intervention program or to their usual sources oI medical care in the
community. The post-trial Iollow-up was conducted in 11,488 men who did not develop CHD and survived to
the end oI the trial. A reverse doseresponse relationship between alcohol intake and CHD death rate was
Iound |25|.
Many studies have Iound an L-shaped pattern oI alcoholCHD relationship with mortality decreasing with
increasing consumption up to a point and then leveling oII. This pattern implies that there was no signiIicant
up-turn in the trends oI CHD mortality among heavy drinkers. These studies include the Framingham Heart
Study |6|, the Nurses` Health Study |13|, Cancer Prevention Study II |21|, the Eastern France Study |34|, a
study among the Japanese male physicians |35|, the Physicians Health Study enrollment cohort (death Irom
cardiovascular disease as the endpoint) |18|, males Irom the Kaiser Permanente Study |22|, males Irom the
First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Epidemiologic Follow-up Study |23|, and beer
drinkers in the Copenhagen City Heart Study |32|.
A U-shaped curve signiIies an initial decrease in the CHD death rate Iollowed by an increase at higher levels
oI alcohol consumption. This relationship was reported in the American Cancer Society Prospective Study
|20|, the Lipid Research Clinics Follow-up Study (death Irom cardiovascular disease as the endpoint) |24|, the
studies on male physicians in the
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US |15| and UK |29|, Iemales Irom the Kaiser Permanente Study |22| and Irom the First National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey Epidemiologic Follow-up Study (12), and spirits drinkers in the Copenhagen
City Heart Study |32|.
The British Regional Health Study Iound no convincing evidence that light or moderate drinking has a
protective eIIect on mortality Irom cardiovascular disease |28|. LiIelong teetotallers, light, moderate, and
heavy drinkers had similar age-adjusted cardiovascular death rates.
Alcohol and sudden cardiac death
Evidence Ior a strong association between alcohol and sudden death has been reported among problem
drinkers |37,38|. Findings among population studies published in the 1980s were, however, inconsistent. A
positive association between alcohol consumption and the incidence oI sudden coronary death was detected in
the cohort oI 4,532 Finnish men with or without prior CHD |30|. No association was Iound in the Puerto Rico
Heart Health Program |10|, the Yugoslavia Cardiovascular Disease Study |11|, and the Framingham Heart
Study |39|. The numbers oI sudden deaths were small in these reports, however. In the Physicians Health
Study, men who consumed light-to-moderate amounts oI alcohol (26 drinks per week) had a signiIicantly
reduced risk oI sudden cardiac death compared with those who rarely or never consumed alcohol |16|. Only
3 oI the physicians drank 2 or more drinks per day. Men in this open-end category had neither an increase
nor a reduction in risk. About 11 oI men in the British Regional Heart Study |40| were heavy drinkers who
drank more than 6 drinks per day and they had the highest incidence rate oI sudden cardiac death in this
cohort. This positive association between heavy drinking and the incidence oI sudden death was most apparent
in men without pre-existing CHD.
Alcohol and stroke
Alcohol was recognized as a possible risk Iactor Ior stroke as early as the 17th century |41|. Results gathered
Irom large prospective studies were not available until the late 1970s to early 1980s and the epidemiological
evidence has been highly inconsistent. Variations in the reported alcoholstroke relationship are much greater
than Ior the alcoholCHD relationship. Increasing alcohol consumption was related to an increased incidence
oI all strokes (Iatal and non-Iatal) in men Irom the Honolulu Heart Program |8|, in the Swedish conscripted
men |33|, and in the male smokers in the Finnish Cancer Prevention Study |31|. Alcohol intake was also
associated with an increased total stroke mortality in men Irom the Yugoslavia Cardiovascular Disease Study
|42| and the Japanese male physicians |35|. On the other hand, some studies |17,21| have reported an L-
shaped alcoholstroke relationship. The Cancer Prevention Study II |21| Iound that men who consumed
alcohol less than daily through 4 or more drinks per day had a similar stroke mortality that was lower than the
rates Ior non-drinkers. The Physicians Health Study reported that compared to men who had less than 1 drink
per week, those who drank more than this, including up to 1 or more drinks per day, had a reduced risk oI
stroke |17|. However, several studies |12,18,20,27,29| suggested a J-shaped relationship between alcohol and
stroke, i.e., light alcohol consumption may decrease the risk oI stroke, higher levels oI consumption may
increase the risk. The level oI alcohol intake at which the risk oI stroke increased ranged Irom 1 drink per day
(the Physicians` Health Study enrollment cohort) |18| to around 4
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drinks per day (the American Cancer Society Prospective Study) |20| and 6 drinks per day (the British
Regional Health Study and the British male physicians) |27,29|.
Stroke consists oI various subtypes and each stroke subtype has a distinct doseresponse relationship with
alcohol consumption. A positive linear association between alcohol intake and hemorrhagic stroke
(intracerebral hemorrhage or subarachnoid hemorrhage) has consistently been Iound |8,12,31,35|. The
Physicians Health Study is an exception in which no signiIicant relationship existed |17|. The epidemiologic
pattern oI ischemic stroke and alcohol consumption is uncertain. It has been described as inverse linear
|12,17|, J-shaped |31,35|, and showing no relationship |8|.
Inherent weakness in observational studies
Consistency is oIten cited as one oI the criteria making an observed association more likely to be causal.
However, results Irom studies with the same design can be wrong or arteIactual and remain consistent. Most
population studies rely on volunteers. This may bias the study samples toward cooperative persons, who are,
perhaps, more health conscious than nonparticipants. The heaviest drinkers are not likely to be included in the
large cohort studies and this may diminish the role oI heavier drinking in the overall results. Studies on the
highly educated and health conscious groups |1219,29,35| are more likely to miss the up-turn oI a J-shaped
relationship between alcohol and outcome. The most Iundamental weakness in the observational studies is that
the preIerence and quantity oI alcohol intake are entirely selI-determined by the participants. Hence, all reports
on the beneIit oI small-to-moderate alcohol consumption to cardiovascular disease reduction are reIerenced to
those who are selI-selected to consume small-to-moderate alcohol`.
Measurements of alcohol intake
Alcohol consumption based on selI-reported data consistently account Ior only 4060 oI alcohol purchases
|43|. The greatest problem Iacing alcohol research is the lack oI a reIerence standard with which to validate
selI-reported drinking. Collateral reports by signiIicant others do not necessarily provide better inIormation
|43|. Biochemical markers, which are useIul in the diagnosis oI alcoholism and recent drinking, cannot be
used to estimate absolute alcohol intake at an individual level. Most observational studies ask the respondents
to recall their usual intake over a long period oI time, say 1 month or 1 year. This approach is likely to yield
inIormation about modal Irequencies and quantities and thus underestimate average intake. On the other hand,
recalling the actual intake during all actual drinking occasions over a short period oI time (e.g., 24 hours)
ignores the day-to-day variations in alcohol consumption. Among the Iive main methods used to assess
alcohol intake i.e., quantity Irequency, extended quantity Irequency, retrospective diary, prospective diary, and
24-hour recalls, the mean level oI alcohol intake diIIers by 20 |44|. When researchers asked speciIically
about intake oI beer, wine, and liquor, this resulted in 20 higher estimates oI intake.
Under-reporting oI alcohol consumption by respondents is common in epidemiologic studies. II all
respondents underestimate their alcohol consumption proportionally, relative
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risk estimates Ior any given level oI alcohol use would be mislabeled but would have rank-order validity. The
hypothesized association between alcohol intake and cardiovascular disease would be Iound, but saIe levels oI
drinking could not be established since true drinking habits were not known. Alternatively, iI response error is
not proportional, this will not only aIIect the existence and the shape oI the association between alcohol and
health, but also the relative risk could be underestimated, overestimated, or completely spurious. The ultimate
eIIects oI response error are unknown, but this issue clearly represents an important potential limitation Ior all
epidemiologic research on alcohol.
The authors oI the various studies reported their Iindings variously in standard drinks`, grams, Iluid ounces,
or milliliters, which makes interpretation and comparison oI levels oI alcohol cited in the diIIerent studies
diIIicult. The amount oI alcohol in grams in each drink/unit varied Irom country to country, and study to
study, being 810 g in the United Kingdom, 913 g in the United States, 14 g in Canada, and 2128 g in Japan
|45|. Likewise, the quoted average alcohol content oI beer, wine, and spirits varied. Among the 4 studies (the
Framingham Study, the Honolulu Heart Study, the Third National Cancer Survey, and the British Regional
Heart Study), three drinks per day` means anything Irom 2448 g oI alcohol per day, depending on the
country as well as the assumptions made by the authors |45|.
Unhealthy abstainers question
A large proportion oI abstainers (non-drinkers) are ex-drinkers |46|. Men who were heavier drinkers are more
likely to reduce their alcohol consumption as they grow older |4648|. This is at least in part associated with
the accumulating burden oI ill-health and medication as people grow older |49|. The British Regional Health
Study suggested a strong downward driIt Irom heavy or moderate drinking to occasional drinking or
abstinence under the inIluence oI accumulating ill-health not necessarily related to alcohol intake |47|. Ex- and
never-drinkers were more Irequently unmarried and had the highest prevalence rates oI angina, ECG
abnormalities, elevated blood pressure, and several other chronic conditions |50,51|. Thus, abstainers may
constitute a misleading reIerence category Ior the analysis oI the relation between alcohol and disease, and Ior
the interpretation oI alcohol-related doserisk relations, leading to underestimates oI alcohol-related eIIects or
overestimates oI alcohol-related beneIits. Since investigating the alcoholhealth relationship might not be one
oI the original study aims oI the cohorts, complete alcohol intake histories are oIten not available. Only a Iew
studies could separate ex-drinkers Irom liIe-time abstainers |9,22,28,35|. Hence, many reports conducted
alternative analyses by excluding either non-drinkers or persons with pre-existing cardiovascular disease
Other confounders
The diIIiculty oI controlling completely Ior correlates oI alcohol use and oI cardiovascular disease is obvious.
For example, alcohol use is related to age, sex, race/ethnic background, geographical location, smoking, coIIee
use, educational attainment/socioeconomic status, marital status, adiposity, salt use and other dietary habits,
religious aIIiliation, social network, stress, psychological well-being, and physical activity. People who drink
(excluding heavy drinkers) had a better selI-perceived health status than did non-drinkers |52|. The diIIerences
in selI-perceived health status accounted Ior one-Iourth to one-third oI the lower risk oI
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subsequent mortality among alcohol drinkers |52|. Health status was also related to people`s preIerence Ior
diIIerent alcoholic beverages, such as red and white wine, beer, or liquor. Compared with persons who drank
no wine, selI-reported suboptimal health was less Irequent among both men and women who imbibed 14
drinks oI wine |53|. InIormation on many potential conIounders was either unavailable in many studies, or
very diIIicult to deIine, measure, and control.
Drinking patterns and beverage types
Drinking patterns have been studied surprisingly little. Yet, drinking patterns vary and are oI obvious health
relevance. The Irequency oI drunkenness, the Irequency oI hangover and morning drinking have been Iound to
be related to mortality Irom several causes |54|. Changes in drinking between years may inIluence mortality
|9,55|. Most reports classiIy participants using a total consumption variable (e.g., drinks per day) based on
estimates oI customary drinking Irequency and amount oI alcohol consumed on a typical occasion. This does
not quantiIy variability in drinking Irequency or amount consumed; binge drinkers may be classiIied with
controlled, regular drinkers on the basis oI their common average daily alcohol intake. Because the health
eIIects oI moderate drinking may depend on drinking pattern, Iailure to diIIerentiate between binge drinkers
and regular drinkers may obscure real associations. Type oI beverage may have a role even iI the amount oI
ethyl alcohol imbibed is the same. The epidemiological evidence Iavoring one type oI beverage over another is
inconsistent, possibly because oI large diIIerences in demographics, social habits, diet, smoking, personality,
liIestyle, and other behaviors among drinkers |6,19,56,57|. The beverage types diIIer not only in alcohol
concentration but also in the usual drinking pattern. Wine in particular is oIten taken with Iood, slowly and
with regularity.
What is moderate` drinking?
While it is generally agreed that we should do all things in moderation |58|, there is less agreement about the
precise deIinition oI moderate` drinking. Use oI diIIerent sets oI drinking categories in diIIerent reports has
resulted in diIIerent interpretations, and the number and boundaries oI categories appears to be determined by
the sample size available in the study. ClassiIication oI moderate alcohol consumption ranges Irom a halI a
drink per day (or less) in some studies, up to six drinks a day in others |59|. Data Irom the National Health
Interview Survey |52| demonstrated that people with diIIerent drinking habits perceived moderate` drinking
diIIerently. Only 25 oI men who drink 3 or more drinks per day, in comparison to 56 oI other men,
considered 2 or Iewer drinks per occasion as moderate. Likewise, only 6 oI the women who drink at least 2
drinks per day (vs. 27 oI other women) perceived moderate drinking as 1 drink or less per occasion. The
National Health and Medical Research Council |60| in Australia has recommended responsible, hazardous and
harmIul levels oI alcohol intake Ior the public. Not exceeding 4 standard drinks per day Ior men and 2 drinks
Ior women is recommended as saIe and responsible` drinking. In England, the Royal College oI Physicians,
Psychiatrists, and General Practitioners |61| advised a sensible` limit oI alcohol intake oI 21 units per week
(~16 drinks in the US) Ior men and 14 units (~11 drinks) Ior women. The US Dietary Guidelines Advisory
Committee |62| on the Dietary Guidelines Ior Americans deIined moderate drinking as no more than 2 drinks
per day Ior men and no more than 1 drink per day Ior women. There is a very high correlation
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between the mean level oI alcohol consumption in a community and the prevalence oI heavy drinkers, such
that an increase in consumption oI only 15 g per week might be associated with a 10 increase in the
prevalence oI heavy drinkers |63|. Hence, an appropriate deIinition oI the optimal level oI drinking has
important public health implications.
Some statistical issues
The non-continuous Ieature oI the measures oI drinking habit has limited studies on the alcoholhealth
relationship to categorical analyses. The categories selected, the number oI categories, and the distance
between the categories were determined by the available data, the sample sizes and number oI outcome events.
The clear demonstration oI a U- or J-shaped relationship requires a much larger amount oI data than is
generally appreciated. Some studies have combined all cardiovascular diseases or all types oI stroke as the
endpoint. This is oIten necessary because oI the small numbers oI cases Ior some oI the diagnostic endpoints,
but might result in partial cancellation oI positive and negative associations. Furthermore, as the result oI a
loss oI power in the categorical analysis, many reports drew conclusions based on visual observation on the
trends in relative risks by drinking categories and ignored the results oI Iormal statistical tests.
Another drawback oI the categorical approach is the inability to clearly deIine the alcohol intake level related
to minimum risk. On the other hand, treating alcohol intake as a continuous variable and Iitting a quadratic
Iunction Iorces the estimated relationship between alcohol and outcome to be symmetric. Over- or under-
estimation oI the optimal level will occur iI the true relationship is asymmetric.
In the study oI the alcoholhealth relationship, it is sometimes diIIicult to diIIerentiate a potential conIounder
Irom a mediator oI a causal outcome. Examples oI these Iactors are blood pressure, lipoproteins, hemostasis,
perceived health status, and other indicators oI current health. Control strategies in a data analysis initially
should not include risk Iactors that might serve as potential mediators lying in the pathway between alcohol
intake and outcome. Failing to control Ior conIounders may inIlate the potential beneIit oI alcohol intake. On
the other hand, improper control Ior mediators may spuriously deIlate the potential beneIit oI alcohol intake.
II, Ior example, alcohol use increases hemorrhagic stroke risk through alcohol-induced hypertension alone,
then control Ior blood pressure would produce a non-signiIicant association between alcohol consumption and
Two thirds oI Americans report using alcohol and since social drinking is a potentially modiIiable behavior,
the relation between alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease is a subject oI considerable importance.
Although the literature is not unanimous, evidence Irom large epidemiologic studies leads to the conclusion
that moderate alcohol intake decreases risk oI non-Iatal and Iatal CHD and ischemic stroke. The observed
diIIerences in the shape oI the relationship between various studies might be partly explained by varying
distributions oI other risk Iactors and partly by the variation oI alcohol intake in the study populations. II
heavy drinking was inIrequent in a study sample, an L-shaped relationship would be observed instead oI a J-
shape. II only abstainers and light drinkers were studied, an inverse linear association should appear. II the
study sample did not include abstainers, a positive linear trend could emerge.
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A randomized, controlled clinical trial is the gold standard to reveal whether the beneIicial eIIect oI moderate
alcohol intake is in Iact due to this alcohol intake or results Irom some unknown conIounding Iactor that no
cohort study, however large, could discover. However, such a trial is unlikely to be perIormed to establish a
direct link between alcohol consumption and health. Prospective observation oI representative samples is the
available method that comes closest to the ideal. A good start would be to design large cohort studies with the
express aim oI revealing the eIIects oI alcohol intake on health. The studies presently available have not been
designed primarily to this end. The problem oI conIounding, given the inter-correlation oI many liIestyle
practices and the imprecision with which they are measured, creates subtle and complex statistical challenges.
Several guidelines Ior saIe and sensible alcohol drinking have been suggested |6062|. However, individual
susceptibility varies with age, sex, drinking patterns, drinking situations, and even genetic and constitutional
backgrounds, so that a single guideline Ior all persons may not be appropriate. The relation between low levels
oI drinking and cardiovascular disease will vary depending on a person`s underlying (i.e., absolute) risk oI this
disease. The groups most likely to beneIit Irom drinking small amounts oI alcohol are those, such as older
people, at high absolute risk oI CHD and ischemic stroke and at low absolute risk oI injury, cirrhosis, and
other alcohol-related disease. As a group, young people have a very low absolute risk oI CHD and a high
absolute risk oI injury.
Populations with low mortality Irom CHD oIten have high death rates Irom hemorrhagic stroke, which is
strongly positively associated with alcohol consumption |64|. In these countries, saIe` limits would need to be
considerably lower than in most western countries |65|. With steep declines in cardiovascular mortality in
many countries, the protective eIIect oI alcohol may have decreased as well, and a downward shiIt oI the
optimal level oI intake may have occurred. Data Irom more recent cohorts are needed to answer this question.
Any advice about the consumption oI alcohol must take into account not only the relation between alcohol and
cardiovascular disease but also the well-known association oI heavy consumption oI alcohol with a large
number oI health risks. Public health policy concerning alcohol intake also requires consideration oI all
aspects oI the outcomes oI drinking, that is, mortality, morbidity and social, economic and criminal
consequences, as well as quality oI liIe.
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9 Goldberg RJ, BurchIiel CM, Reed DM, Wergowske G, Chiu D. A prospective study oI the health eIIects
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Chapter 2
The alcoholic cardiomyopathies: genuine and pseudo
Jules Constant
There is ample evidence that acute or chronic alcohol ingestion may be a myocardial depressant. There is also
evidence that acute or chronic alcohol ingestion may be a skeletal muscle depressant. In one study in
asymptomatic alcoholics, almost one third oI the men and halI oI the women showed histologic evidence oI
deltoid muscle myopathy with accompanying muscle weakness and depression oI ejection Iraction |1|. Low
doses oI ethanol, even as little as two cocktails, have been shown to be able to decrease myocardial
contractility in normal subjects |25|. II the subject is alcoholic or already has some cardiac muscle disease on
which alcohol is superimposed, the depressant eIIect oI acute alcohol ingestion is exaggerated |6,7|. Partly
responsible Ior the deleterious eIIects oI alcohol in patients who have cardiac disease is the Iinding that in such
patients alcohol acts as a vasoconstrictor |8|. However, when a decreased aIterload is necessary Ior improving
the Iunction oI a heart in Class 3 or 4 heart Iailure, the peripheral vasodilatory eIIects oI a Iew drinks oI a
moderate amount oI alcohol may not produce any hemodynamic deterioration |9|.
Chronic alcoholics without cardiac symptoms have been shown to have slightly depressed myocardial Iunction
as shown especially well by systolic time intervals and by the rise in pulmonary artery pressure and end-
diastolic pressure with exercise |1012|. Acute or chronic alcohol ingestion is Irequently associated with
conduction abnormalities and abnormal T waves, e.g., notched T waves, as well as arrhythmias, especially
atrial Iibrillation |1315|. This asymptomatic alcoholic type oI cardiomyopathy with slightly decreased
myocardial Iunction is not what is generally meant by an alcoholic cardiomyopathy even though in Iact it is
so. When nutritional deIiciencies together with heavy intake oI alcohol combine to produce overt congestive
heart Iailure, this produces a genuine type oI alcoholic cardiomyopathy known as beriberi heart disease, which
may be Iurther divided into two types, an acute hyperkinetic and an acute hypokinetic type. Both types
respond to stopping alcohol and taking thiamine and a nutritious diet |16|.
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Acute shoshin beriberi
The classic oriental shoshin beriberi (sho acute damage and shin heart) Iirst described by Aalsmeer and
Wenckebach |17| in 1929, is due to a lack oI thiamine. It maniIests as a hyperkinetic cardiovascular syndrome
with severe congestive Iailure, stocking-glove cyanosis, acidosis, vascular collapse and death |18|. However, it
has had to be modiIied Ior the occidental varieties because in the occident the thiamine deIiciency has usually
combined alcohol with general nutritional deIiciencies.
Thiamine deIiciency can be produced by either blockage oI absorption or excess excretion. Alcohol apparently
interIeres with thiamine absorption, while diuretics cause excess excretion |19|. Beriberi heart Iailure has been
produced by the long-term use oI Iurosemide which can deplete the body oI all water-soluble vitamins
including thiamine |20,21|.
The acute Iulminate variety has been called by the misleading oxymoron high output Iailure`. This is indeed
heart Iailure iI the Iailing heart is deIined as one whose Iunction is insuIIicient to supply the perIusion
requirements oI the body. With thiamine deIiciency there not only is a moderate degree oI myocardial
dysIunction but also intense vasodilatation, especially in muscles, creating the eIIect oI a total body AV Iistula
somewhat similar to that produced by amyl nitrite inhalation. Since the degree oI Iailure in beriberi depends
on the degree oI peripheral vasodilatation, acute Iulminant cases are oIten precipitated by excessive exercise in
hot weather or by Iever. The edema is presumably secondary to the increase in blood volume and venous
pressure necessary to increase the cardiac output and so Iill the expanded vascular bed. The increased venous
pressure and peripheral edema was given the misnomer oI right heart Iailure |22|.
The low peripheral resistance begins to return toward normal within 1 h oI the intravenous thiamine
administration and may be normal within a Iew weeks |17|. The return oI the aIterload to normal oIten
unmasks the accompanying myocardial dysIunction, because the response oI the myocardium to thiamine
seems to lag behind the response oI the peripheral vasculature |17|.
Low output hypokinetic beriberi
The chronic alcoholic with severe nutritional deIiciency Ior at least 3 months usually enters hospital with
severe reversible congestive heart Iailure aIter being on minimal Iood intake Ior about 1 week. AIter a Iew
weeks in hospital with abstention Irom alcohol and with good nutrition, especially with thiamine
supplementation, the heart usually returns to normal size and the congestive heart Iailure disappears without
the need Ior Iurther drug therapy |16,18|. The symptoms oI such patients may be a peripheral neuropathy or
Wernicke`s encephalopathy |23|.
Some low output reversible types oI alcoholic cardiomyopathies have been caused by toxic materials added to
the alcohol. For example, the Munich beer heart` was Iirst described in 1884. This alcoholic cardiomyopathy
was considered a mystery when it killed persons in Belgium, Quebec, Omaha and Minneapolis between 1964
and 1966. Disappearance oI the syndrome Iollowed almost immediately upon removal oI cobalt which had
been added to improve the head` |24|.
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Alcoholic versus viral or idiopathic chronic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)
The most prevalent conIusion with the alcoholic heart disease caused by thiamine and nutritional deIiciency is
with viral or idiopathic chronic DCM. Between 20 and 35 oI all cases oI DCM are thought to occur because
oI excessive ethanol intake |25|. However, in both alcoholic and idiopathic chronic DCM, the clinical picture
is similar. In the early stages oI both categories oI congestive heart Iailure, the patients oIten show some
response to bedrest, salt restriction, diuretics, and digitalis. AIterwards there is slight-to-moderate cardiac
dilatation. Still later the heart becomes markedly enlarged. Once cardiac Iailure appears, liIe expectancy can
be measured in months or, at the most, a Iew years. Death is usually Irom heart Iailure, uncontrolled
arrhythmias, or thromboembolism. In both, the electrocardiogram may show conduction disturbances,
nonspeciIic ST-T abnormalities, and even anterior inIarction.
The pathology oI the heart in alcoholic patients with chronic DCM is somewhat diIIerent Irom non-alcoholics
with chronic DCM. The alcoholics tend to have more myocardial hypertrophy, interstitial Iibrosis, and
electrical irritability |26,27|. Although gross microscopic examination has not been able to distinguish chronic
idiopathic DCM Irom the chronic DCM Iound in alcoholics |28|, electron microscopy has shown that patients
who have also been chronic alcoholics have swelling oI the sarcoplasmic reticulum which is more severe and
generalized rather than Iocal |29,30|. However, these diIIerences Irom the DCM in non-alcoholics do not
mean that the severe cardiomyopathy was caused by the alcohol but may only mean that the alcohol, in
addition to the other causes oI idiopathic DCM, can cause characteristic pathologic changes.
Likewise, even though it is true that patients with chronic DCM due to alcohol have less muscle strength and
more histologic Iindings oI skeletal myopathy than patients with idiopathic DCM, this does not prove that the
DCM was caused by alcohol |25|. The skeletal pathology may be the result oI a combination oI congestive
heart Iailure Irom any cause plus the alcohol.
That alcohol may not be entirely responsible Ior the chronic DCM in alcoholics is suggested by the lack oI
correlation between the quantity oI alcohol consumed and the development oI such DCM |31| and also by the
Iinding that most alcoholics who have been drinking heavily Ior at least 5 years show no clinical evidence oI
heart Iailure. The incidence oI chronic DCM in alcoholics is relatively low, at about 12 |25|.
AIter 4 months oI daily heavy drinking, an S3 and elevated venous pressure can develop, signs which can
revert to normal on stopping the alcohol iI this was the sole cause oI the Iailure |16,32,33|. However, many oI
those with the usual diagnosis oI alcoholic cardiomyopathy will not have their congestive heart Iailure signs
disappear merely on stopping the alcohol |34|.
There are studies that suggest that alcohol modiIies the incidence and course oI cardiomyopathies caused by
other agents, the most likely being viral |34,35|. It is probable that many cases oI so-called idiopathic DCM
are viral in origin. In one study oI non-alcoholic patients with idiopathic DCM, 30 showed enteroviral RNA
on endomyocardial biopsy |35|. Hibbs et al. |36| Iound that electron microscopic examination showed
evidence oI virus-like particles in the heart oI a patient who had an alcoholic cardiomyopathy. It is conceivable
that many alcoholics with DCM may have had a mild or Iorgotten viral inIection and their chronic DCM may
represent a modiIied Iorm oI burned out viral myocarditis |37|. About one third oI patients with a past history
oI proven Coxsackie viral myocarditis show a depression oI
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myocardial Iunction 25 years aIter the acute episode |38|. In India, about 15 oI patients with proven viral
myocarditis had persistent heart Iailure when seen 3 months later |39|.
The absence oI evidence oI a viral etiology is no prooI that the idiopathic chronic DCM was not viral in
etiology. Considerable evidence indicates that cardiac injury in clinical and experimental cardiotropic
Coxsackie B-3 virus-induced myocarditis is mediated by the immune system. In the murine inIection,
detectable virus is absent in the heart and body Iluids even when inIlammation and necrosis are maximum. In
addition, inoculation oI T-lymphocyte-deIicient mice with the virus does not result in signiIicant myocarditis
even when the virus is isolated Irom the heart |40|. This suggests that the virus initiates an immune response
which produces inIlammation and necrosis but the virus does not directly induce signiIicant cardiac injury. It
is possible that alcohol inIluences the myocardial immune response to produce more inIlammation and
Another clue to the possibility that alcoholics may have a viral pathogenesis Ior their chronic DCM is a little-
known experiment on viral myocarditis in mice. Morin et al. |41| administered Coxsackie B virus to 48 mice.
One halI received laboratory chow and alcohol and the other halI received laboratory chow and sweetened
water. At the end oI 5 weeks, 80 oI the alcohol group showed microscopic cardiac involvement. Only 30
oI the non-alcohol group had cardiac lesions (p 0.02). The cardiac involvement in the mice that received the
alcohol was not only more Irequent but also more severe than in the non-alcohol group |41|.
How the damage oI a viral attack on the myocardium can be augmented by alcohol is unknown, although there
are many possibilities. It has been suggested, Ior example, that it may be due to the loss oI potassium and
magnesium Irom the myocardium or the ability oI alcohol to inhibit the active transport oI cations across the
cell membrane |27,42|. An analogy may be made with the rather similar incidence oI liver cirrhosis in chronic
alcoholics (about 8) because this also points to the possibility that an inIection caused by a hepatotropic
virus may be made more damaging by the presence oI alcohol.
However, no matter what the reason Ior the synergistic eIIect oI alcohol with a viral cardiomyopathy, we are
not justiIied in using the term alcoholic cardiomyopathy` Ior the chronic DCM Iound in alcoholics that does
not respond within a Iew weeks to good nutrition and withdrawal Irom alcohol. That term suggests more than
we know since it may be a viral cardiomyopathy in an alcoholic. Although an alcoholic is no more likely to
have a myotropic viral inIection than a non-alcoholic, the virus may have much more chance oI producing
severe myocardial damage.
Thus, Ior those alcoholics with either an acute or chronic heart Iailure syndrome that responds to good
nutrition, thiamine, and a withdrawal Irom alcohol, the term alcoholic cardiomyopathy` is appropriate.
However, Ior the alcoholic with a chronic DCM that does not respond to good nutrition and alcohol
withdrawal, the preIerred terminology is idiopathic DCM in an alcoholic`.
1 Urbano-Marquez A, Estruch R, Fernandez-Sola J, Nocolas JM. The greater risk oI cardiomyopathy and
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Chapter 3
Wine and lifestyle: role in cardiovascular disease and
premature death
S. Gova Wannamethee and A. Gerald Shaper
Light and moderate drinking has consistently been associated with lower risk oI coronary heart disease |14|.
Several studies have suggested that speciIic types oI drink may have diIIerent eIIects on coronary heart disease
(CHD) |5,6|. In recent years, much research has Iocused on the question oI whether wines in particular have
speciIic qualities not associated with other types oI alcoholic beverage. Studies have suggested a possible role
oI antioxidants or bioIlavanoids |7,8| and oI antithrombotic and platelet activity in wine |9,10|. This has lead
investigators to postulate that the protective eIIect oI alcohol is only derived Irom wine drinking or that wine
consumption is most beneIicial |5,6|. However, a systematic review oI ecological, case-control and
prospective studies concluded that all alcoholic drinks were linked with lower risk oI CHD but there was no
consensus concerning the issue oI wine drinking being most beneIicial |11|. In many oI the study populations
reviewed, drinks are limited to one or two alcohol-types. Relatively Iew investigations have been able to
compare the eIIects oI diIIerent types oI drink within the same study population and not surprisingly the
Iindings have not been consistent |1220|. It is speculated that the apparent diIIerences in eIIects oI alcoholic
beverages may be due to diIIerences in liIestyle or behavioural and drinking patterns associated with beverage
type. In support oI this argument, data Irom the British Regional Heart Study, a large prospective study oI
7735 middle-aged men drawn Irom 24 towns, was used to examine the role oI liIestyle Iactors in the
diIIerential eIIects oI alcoholic beverages on CHD and mortality. In this chapter, we summarise our Iindings
on the relationships between beer, spirit and wine drinking and risk oI major CHD events and oI all cause
mortality, taking into account the diIIerences in liIestyle and personal characteristics associated with beverage
type |20|. We also attempt to evaluate the conIounding role oI liIestyle Iactors.
In 197880, research nurses administered to each man a standard questionnaire which included questions on
Irequency, quantity and type oI alcohol consumption, smoking habits and medical history. Several physical
measurements were made, and blood samples (non-Iasting) were taken Ior measurement oI biochemical and
haematological variables. All men were Iollowed up Ior all-cause mortality and cardiovascular morbidity |21|.
Analysis was restricted to men with no recall oI a doctor diagnosis oI CHD or stroke (N 7272 men) in
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whom there were 901 major CHD events and 1308 deaths Irom all causes (595 cardiovascular and 713 non-
cardiovascular) during a mean Iollow-up period oI 16.8 years. The men were classiIied into Iive groups
according to their estimated reported weekly intake: none, occasional (1 unit/week), light (115 units/week);
moderate (1642 units/week) and heavv (~42 units/day). One UK unit oI alcohol (one drink) is deIined as halI
a pint oI beer, a single measure oI spirits, or a glass oI wine (approximately 810 g alcohol). Heavy drinking
reIers to those drinking more than six drinks daily or most days. The men were asked to indicate which type oI
drink they usually took: (1) beer; (2) spirits; (3) mixed beer and spirits; (4) wine/sherry; or (5) mixed wine and
sherry, beer and spirits. In this cohort occasional drinkers, a large and relatively stable group, are used as the
baseline category as non-drinkers have been shown to be an inappropriate baseline group Ior studying the
eIIects oI alcohol on health and disease |22,23|.
Alcohol intake, type of drink and risk of CHD events and mortality
In Table 3.1, comparison is made between occasional drinkers and regular drinkers (light, moderate and heavy
combined) Ior all men who drank and within each oI the Iive alcohol-type intake categories. Consistent with
most other studies the BRHS has shown that all regular drinkers (light, moderate and heavy combined) have
signiIicantly lower risk Ior major
Table 3.1 Age-adjusted rates and Iully adjusted () relative risks Ior major CHD events and all cause
mortality Ior all men who drink and by type oI drink in 6860 men. Occasional drinkers are used as the
reIerence group within each alcohol-type category |20|
Tvpe of drink Mafor CHD events Total mortalitv
Rate/1000 person-vears Adfusted RR Rate/1000 person-vears Adfusted RR
Beer (N 4101)
Occasional 9.4 1.00 13.1 1.00
Regular drinkers 8.0 0.78 (0.63, 0.97) 12.2 0.84 (0.71, 1.01)
Spirits (N 741)
Occasional 13.6 1.00 13.9 1.00
Regular drinkers 7.9 0.57 (0.39, 0.85) 11.7 0.86 (0.61, 1.21)
Mixed beer and spirits onlv (N 983)
Occasional 10.8 1.00 11.2 1.00
Regular drinkers 8.0 0.75 (0.50, 1.10) 11.0 1.00 (0.69, 1.44)
Wine (N 500)
Occasional 6.0 1.00 7.7 1.00
Regular drinkers 5.8 0.92 (0.51, 1.67) 7.6 0.87 (0.51, 1.48)
Mixed wine/sherrv, beer and spirits (N 535)
Occasional 5.3 1.00 7.5 1.00
Regular drinkers 5.7 1.23 (0.54, 2.79) 6.6 1.09 (0.55, 2.14)
All Regular vs. occasional
0.77 (0.66, 0.90) 0.90 (0.79, 1.02)
adjusted Ior age, social class, smoking, physical activity, body mass index, lung Iunction evidence oI CHD on
questionnaire, diabetes and regular medication.
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CHD events than occasional drinkers, even aIter adjustment Ior potential conIounders (age, social class,
smoking, physical activity, BMI, lung Iunction, evidence oI CHD on WHO chest pain questionnaire, diabetes
and regular medication). There was little diIIerence in all cause mortality risk between regular drinkers and
occasional drinkers (Table 3.1) |20|. When examined by type oI drink(s) usually consumed, the lower risk oI
CHD was most apparent in beer and spirit drinkers and was not observed in wine drinkers or in mixed
drinking which included wine even aIter adjustment Ior conIounders. For all cause mortality, there was little
diIIerence in adjusted relative risk between occasional and regular drinkers within all alcohol-type drinking
categories (Table 3.1). However, all men who reported wine drinking (both occasional and regular drinkers)
had lower age-adjusted absolute rates oI both major CHD events and all cause mortality than non-wine
drinkers (beer, spirit and mixed beer and spirits drinkers).
Wine drinking
In Table 3.2, comparison is made between the major alcoholic type categories (three groups only) using beer
drinkers as the baseline category in assessment oI relative risk used to determine whether wine drinking
conIerred any additional beneIit on the risk oI CHD events or on all cause mortality compared with beer and
spirits. We compared the eIIects oI
Table 3.2 Type oI alcoholic drink and risk oI major CHD events and oI all cause and cardiovascular and
non-cardiovascular mortality in occasional or regular drinkers (N 6860 men). Beer drinkers used as the
reIerence group |20|.
Beer(N 4101) Spirits(N 1724) Wine(N 1035)
Mafor CHD events
Age-adjusted rates/ 1000 person-years 8.3 9.2 5.8
Age-adj RR 1.00 1.12 (0.96, 1.30) 0.69 (0.56, 0.87)
Adjusted RR () 1.00 1.07 (0.90, 1.26) 0.82 (0.64, 1.04)
All cause mortalitv
Age-adjusted rates/ 1000 person-years 12.4 11.7 7.3
Age-adj RR 1.00 0.94 (0.83, 1.07) 0.58 (0.47, 0.70)
Adjusted RR () 1.00 0.98 (0.85, 1.12) 0.80 (0.65, 0.98)
Cardiovascular mortalitv
Age-adjusted rates/ 1000 person-years 5.4 6.0 3.0
Age-adj RR 1.00 1.04 (0.86, 1.25) 0.54 (0.40, 0.73)
Adjusted RR () 1.00 1.02 (0.83, 1.25) 0.71 (0.52, 0.98)
Non-cardiovascular mortalitv
Age-adjusted rates/ 1000 person-years 6.8 6.0 4.2
Age-adj RR 1.00 0.86 (0.72, 1.03) 0.61 (0.47, 0.78)
Adjusted RR () 1.00 0.94 (0.78, 1.14) 0.87 (0.66, 1.14)
() adjusted Ior age, amount drunk, social class, smoking, physical activity, BMI, region oI residence, evidence oI CHD
on questionnaire, diabetes, lung Iunction and regular medication.
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Table 3.3 Personal, liIestyle and biological characteristics at screening by diIIerent types oI drinking |20|
Characteristics Beer Spirits Wine
Age 49.7 50.5 50.0
current smoker 45.2 42.7 24.9
manual 66.6 48.4 28.6
obese 19.6 20.0 15.1
active 36.9 39.6 42.2
inactive 8.6 8.4 6.1
heavy drinkers 13.9 9.9 5.1
heavy weekend 19.2 13.0 3.0
light drinkers 33.3 34.9 41.8
town oI residence in the south 25.8 31.0 45.0
Mean lung Iunction (FEV
) 3.31 3.33 3.49
CHD on questionnaire 9.5 11.8 9.1
recall HBP 11.9 12.1 10.4
diabetes 1.2 1.6 1.4
mean HDL-cholesterol (mmol/l) 1.17 1.17 1.17
the diIIerent types oI drink in occasional and regular drinkers using beer drinkers (Group 1) as the reIerence
group. All men who reported any regular wine drinking were combined (Groups 4 and 5) and similarly all
men who drank spirits were combined (Groups 2 and 3) and three mutually exclusive categories were used.
Men who reported wine drinking showed signiIicantly lower absolute rates oI major CHD events and all cause
mortality than beer drinkers. Spirit drinkers showed similar rates to beer drinkers (Table 3.2).
Lifestyle characteristics of wine drinkers
Wine drinkers in this study had multiple advantageous characteristics (Table 3.3). They were predominantly
non-manual workers, they had the lowest rates oI current smoking and obesity and were more likely to be
physically active and to be light drinkers. They were less likely to drink heavily when they did drink and were
more likely to live in the southern part oI the country which has the lowest mortality rates |24|. They also had
better lung Iunction (FEV
) and a lower prevalence oI CHD on WHO chest pain questionnaire. Adjustment Ior
these baseline characteristics markedly attenuated the decreased risk oI CHD associated with wine drinking
compared to beer drinking and the diIIerence was no longer signiIicant (Table 3.2). For all cause mortality the
decreased risk was markedly diminished but wine drinking remained associated with a signiIicant reduction in
risk even aIter adjustment, largely due to lower risk oI CVD mortality.
The present data Irom the British Regional Heart Study provide Iurther evidence that all regular intakes oI
alcoholic drinks are linked with lower risk oI CHD. Evidence that wine
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is most eIIective in reducing risk oI CHD comes largely Irom ecological studies which have considerable
limitations as they are based on population drinking habits and not on individuals |5,6|. In many oI the cohort
studies reviewed, drinks are limited to one or two alcohol-types and Iew prospective studies have compared
the CHD and mortality risk oI beer, spirits and wine drinkers within the same study population. OI those that
have, some have Iound little or no diIIerence between the eIIects oI beer, spirits or wine on CHD |13,15|,
while others (The Framingham and Copenhagen Studies) have suggested wine to be most protective |14,17|.
The Kaiser Permanente Study observed no diIIerence in relationship betweeen beverage choice (beer, spirits
and wine) and risk oI coronary artery disease hospitalisation |15| but observed a lower risk oI CHD mortality
and cardiovascular mortality in wine drinkers compared to spirit drinkers |16|. These Iindings are very similar
to those in the British Regional Heart Study. A recent study oI over 36,000 men in France showed that both
moderate intake oI beer and wine were associated with lower risk oI cardiovascular disease compared to
abstainers but only daily wine consumption was associated with lower all cause mortality than abstainers |19|.
In contrast, the Honolulu Study oI Japanese men living in Hawaii Iound beer |12| to be most protective and in
the US Health ProIessionals Follow Up Study spirits was Iound to be most protective |25|. However, in these
population studies no inIormation was provided on the proportion, personal characteristics or absolute risk in
the diIIerent beverage groups. The available evidence does not suggest a speciIic or greater beneIit Ior wine
compared with beer or spirits.
It has been suggested that diIIerences in Iindings regarding speciIic types oI drinks, and in particular the low
risk seen in wine drinkers compared to other drinkers, may be due to diIIerences in patterns oI drinking and to
diIIerences in risk traits between those choosing diIIerent beverages |11|. The Kaiser Permanente Study
observed wine drinkers to have the most Iavourable coronary risk traits and liquor (spirit) drinkers to have the
least Iavourable traits. Interestingly, the beneIicial eIIect oI alcohol on CHD was weakest in the liquor (spirits)
drinkers |18|. In this cohort oI British middle-aged men, about 15 reported wine drinking and these men had
many advantageous characteristics. In particular, they were Irom a higher socio-economic background, they
were more likely to be light drinkers and they had more Iavourable liIestyle patterns (less smoking, less
obesity, more physical activity) than beer and spirit drinkers. These beneIicial characteristics were to a
considerable degree responsible Ior the lower relative risk oI CHD and all cause mortality in wine drinkers
compared to beer drinkers, although a signiIicant reduction in all cause mortality largely due to cardiovascular
causes persisted aIter adjustment.
Adjustment in multivariate analyses is unlikely to Iully take into account the multiple advantageous liIestyle
characteristics oI wine drinkers. Furthermore, given that wine drinkers tend to come Irom a higher socio-
economic background, these men are likely to have other advantages not measured in this and other studies e.
g., healthier diet and better access to health care. It is a matter oI conjecture as to how much more oI the
remaining association could be due to residual conIounding. A cross sectional study conducted in
Copenhagen, comprising over 23,000 men and 25,000 women aged 5064 years showed wine drinkers to have
a healthier diet than non-wine drinkers |26|. It seems likely that the signiIicantly
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lower risk oI all cause and cardiovascular mortality seen in wine drinkers in this and other studies is a
consequence oI the multiple healthier liIestyle characteristics and higher socio-economic status in wine
drinkers resulting in lower Iatality, rather than the result oI a speciIic beneIit oI wine.
HDL-cholesterol cannot explain the lower absolute risk oI wine drinking compared to other types oI alcohol
drinkers as the doseresponse relationship between alcohol intake and HDL-cholesterol was similar in male
beer, spirit and wine drinkers |27| and wine drinkers showed identical levels oI HDL-cholesterol to non-wine
drinkers (Table 3.2).
While wine has been reported to contain antioxidants and substances which have eIIects on thrombosis, the
overall epidemiological evidence Irom studies in diverse populations suggests that all types oI alcoholic drinks
are associated with lower risk oI coronary heart disease. Although wine drinkers showed a lower risk oI CHD
events as well as cardiovascular and all cause mortality than beer and spirit drinkers, they have liIestyle
characteristics which are markedly advantageous and much iI not all oI the wine-drinker`s advantage can be
attributed to these characteristics.
1 Beaglehole R, Jackson R. Alcohol, cardiovascular diseases and all causes oI death: a review oI the
epidemiological evidence. Drug and Alcohol Review 1992; 11: 275290.
2 Marmot M, Brunner E. Alcohol and cardiovascular disease: the status oI the U-shaped curve. BMJ 1991;
303: 565568.
3 Maclure M. Demonstration oI deductive meta analysis: ethanol intake and risk oI myocardial inIarction.
Epidemiol. Rev. 1993; 15: 328351.
4 Shaper AG, Wannamethee G, Walker M. Alcohol and coronary heart disease: a perspective Irom the
British Regional Heart Study. Int. J. Epidemiol. 1994; 23: 482494.
5 St Leger AS, Cochrane AL, Moore F. Factors associated with cardiac mortality in developed countries
with particular reIerence to the consumption oI wine. Lancet 1979; i: 10171020.
6 Renaud S, de Logeril M. Wine, alcohol platelets and the French paradox Ior coronary heart disease.
Lancet 1992; 339: 15231526.
7 Frankel EN, Kanner J, German JB, Parks E, Kinsella JE. Inhibition oI oxidation oI human low-density
lipoprotein by phenolic substances in red wine. Lancet 1993; 341: 454457.
8 Maxwell S, Cruickshank A, Thorpe G. Red wine and antioxidant activity in serum. Lancet 1994; 344:
9 Demrow HS, Slane PR, Folts JD. Administration oI wine and grape juice inhibits in vivo platelet activity
and thrombosis in stenosed canine coronary arteries. Circulation 1995; 91: 11821188.
10 Seigneur M, Bonet J, Dorian B. EIIect oI the consumption oI alcohol, white wine and red wine on
platelet Iunction and serum lipids. J. Appl. Cardiol. 1990; 5: 215222.
11 Rimm EB, Klatsky A, Grobbee, StampIer MJ. Review oI moderate alcohol consumption and reduced
risk oI coronary heart disease: is the eIIect due to beer, wine, or spirits? BMJ 1996; 312: 731736.
12 Yano K, Rhoads GC, Kagan A. CoIIee, alcohol and risk oI coronary heart disease among Japanese men
living in Hawaii. New Eng. J. Med. 1977; 297: 405409.
13 Hennekens CH, Willett W, Rosner B, Cole DS, Mayrent SL. EIIects oI beer, wine and liquor in
coronary deaths. JAMA 1979; 242: 19731974.
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14 Friedman LA, Kimball AW. Coronary heart disease mortality and alcohol consumption in Framingham.
Am. J. Cardiol. 1986; 124: 481489.
15 Klatsky AL, Armstrong MA, Friedman GD. Relations oI alcoholic beverage use to subsequent coronary
artery disease hospitalisation. Am. J. Cardiol. 1986; 58: 710714.
16 Klatsky AL, Armstrong MA. Alcoholic beverage choice and risk oI coronary heart disease mortality. Do
red wine drinkers Iare best? Am. J. Cardiol. 1993; 71: 467469.
17 Gronbaek M, Deis A, Sorensen TIA, Becker U, Schnohr P, Jensen G. Mortality associated with
moderate intakes oI wine, beer, or spirits. BMJ 1995; 310: 11651169.
18 Klatsky AL, Armstrong MA, Friedman GD. Red wine, white wine, liquor, beer, and risk Ior coronary
artery disease hospitalization. Am. J. Cardiol. 1997; 80: 416420.
19 Renaud SC, Gueguen R, Siest G, Salamon R. Wine, beer and mortality in middle-aged men Irom
Eastern France. Arch. Intern. Med. 1999; 159: 18651870.
20 Wannamethee SG, Shaper AG. Type oI alcoholic drink and risk oI major coronary heart disease events
and all-cause mortality. Am. J. Pub. Health 1999; 89: 685690.
21 Walker M, Shaper AG. Follow-up oI subjects in prospective studies in general practice. J. R. Coll. Gen.
Pract. 1984; 34: 365370.
22 Wannamethee SG, Shaper AG. Men who do not drink: a report Irom the British Regional Heart Study.
Int. J. Epidemiologv 1988; 17: 307316.
23 Wannamethee SG, Shaper AG. LiIelong teetotallers, ex-drinkers and drinkers: mortality and the
incidence oI major coronary heart disease events in middle-aged British men. Int. J. Epidemiol. 1997; 26:
24 Pocock SJ, Shaper AG, Cook DG, Packham RF, Lacey RF, Powell P, Russell PF. British Regional
Heart Study: geographic variations in cardiovascular mortality, and the role oI water quality. BMJ 1980;
280: 12431249.
25 Rimm EB, Giovannuci EL, Wilett WC, Colditz GA, Rosner B, StampIer MJ. Prospective study oI
alcohol consumption and risk oI coronary disease in men. Lancet 1991; 338: 464468.
26 Tjonneland A, Gronbaek M, Stripp C, Overvad K. Wine intake and diet in a random sample oI 48763
Danish men an women. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 1999; 69: 4954.
27 Brenn T. The Tromso Heart Study: alcoholic beverages and coronary risk Iactors. J. Epid. Comm.
Health 1986; 40: 249256.
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Chapter 4
Effects of gender on alcohol`s heart dysfunction
Mariann R. Piano
In both men and women, long-term heavy alcohol consumption is associated with many adverse medical
consequences, including the development oI a dilated cardiomyopathy (herein reIerred to as alcoholic heart
muscle disease (AHMD)) |1|. In men, the associated clinical Ieatures oI AHMD include ventricular dilation
and mild hypertrophy, decreased systolic Iunction and impaired leIt ventricular (LV) relaxation |2,3|. Data
Irom recent studies indicate the Iemale gender may be a risk Iactor Ior the development oI AHMD |4,5|. This
is because women who have developed AHMD report a lower total liIetime dose oI alcohol compared to
alcoholic men with AHMD |4,5|. The aim oI this chapter is to review evidence that suggests gender
diIIerences in alcohol-related problems, speciIically myocardial dysIunction and the development oI AHMD.
Compared to men, women drink less and experience less alcohol-related medical problems |6|. However, one
third oI all alcoholics in the United States are women |6|. Over the last two decades, there is no evidence oI
any major increase in total alcohol consumption by women, however there has been an important change in
the drinking patterns and prevalence oI alcohol usage among women |7|. With regard to drinking patterns,
younger women report Irequent heavy drinking and Irequent bouts oI intoxication |8|. In addition, alcohol
usage has increased among women who are employed Iull-time in nontraditional settings and among those
who are unemployed and divorced |9|. This is oI concern, because oI the increase in the number oI women in
the work Iorce as well as the number oI women who are unemployed and divorced. ThereIore, in the Iuture,
more women may experience alcohol-related medical problems.
In the United States, long-term excessive alcohol consumption (oI any beverage type) in both sexes and in all
races, is the leading cause oI a nonischemic, dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) |10|. AHMD represents about
3.8 oI all cardiomyopathy cases and women represent approximately 14 oI these cases |10|. In all races,
death rates due to AHMD are greater Ior men compared to women. Death rates Ior AIrican-American women
with AHMD are two-Iold greater than Caucasion women with AHMD |10|.
In men, the prevalence oI AHMD is variable and in selected patient populations ranges Irom 37 to 40
|11,12|. The prevalence oI AHMD in women is lower, but is also variable
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depending on the setting and population sampled. For example, Fernandez-Sola et al. Iound the prevalence oI
AHMD in women was 0.43 (3/702) in an out-patient setting |5|. Gavazzi et al. Iound that in 113 women
with dilated cardiomyopathy, only one was an alcohol abuser |13|. In a larger case-control study, McKenna et
al. Iound that in women with dilated cardiomyopathy, 11 oI the cases were due to long-term alcohol
consumption, however 10 oI the randomly selected healthy control group were also alcohol abusers |12|.
These latter results suggest that in some ethnic populations, alcohol may be a contributing or aggravating
Iactor rather than a primary cause oI DCM.
To date, there are only a Iew studies that have speciIically examined sex-diIIerences in the susceptibility and
severity oI alcohol-induced leIt ventricular (LV) dysIunction or included women in the study oI AHMD. Prior
to the studies oI Kupari and Koskinen and Urbano-Marquez and colleagues, the prevailing notion was that the
Iemale myocardium was resistant to the adverse eIIects oI alcohol |4,14|. In a review by Fabrizio and Regan,
male gender and not Iemale gender was listed as a risk Iactor Ior the development oI AHMD |15|.
In this section, studies are reviewed which have investigated abnormalities in cardiac Iunction and structure in
women with a history oI alcohol abuse. In an early study, Wu et al. compared systolic time intervals (STI),
such as leIt ventricular ejection time (LVET), preejection period (PEP) and the PEP/LVET ratio in healthy
males/Iemales and alcoholic males/Iemales |16|. In brieI, STIs are indexes oI contractility and are measured
Irom simultaneous Iast-speed recordings oI an electrocardiogram, a phonocardiogram and arterial and external
carotid pulse tracings. In previous years, STIs were used as indirect measures oI leIt ventricular perIormance
in patients with LV dysIunction, however, these types oI measurements are outdated and are inIrequently used.
Wu et al. Iound no diIIerences in STIs between healthy volunteer Iemales (n 11) and alcoholic Iemales (n
14) with and without liver cirrhosis (Table 4.1) |16|. In this same investigation, a group oI healthy volunteer
males (n 11) and alcoholic males (n 22) were also studied |16|. In male alcoholics, the PEP/ LVET ratio,
PEP and preejection period interval values were signiIicantly greater compared to the healthy males (Table
4.1). Based upon these data, Wu et al. concluded that alcoholic males had abnormal myocardial Iunction,
whereas myocardial Iunction was preserved in alcoholic women |16|. These investigators suggested male sex
might be a risk Iactor Ior the development oI preclinical AHMD.
Sixteen years later, Kupari and Koskinen reported that preclinical AHMD does occur in women and occurs
aIter a shorter period oI alcohol consumption |14|. Using more reliable and sophisticated techniques (i.e., M-
mode echocardiography |echo| and Doppler ultra-sound) Kupari and Koskinen examined LV size, mass and
systolic Iunction in alcoholic women (n 14) and men (n 22) |14|. Kupari and Koskinen Iound Iemale
alcoholic patients had lower Iractional shortening values and increased wall thickness-to-chamber ratio
compared to healthy Iemale subjects (n 17). However, there were no appreciable changes in either the end
diastolic dimension (EDD) or end-systolic dimension (ESD) values between groups, indicating there was no
dilation oI the LV chamber. To evaluate diastolic Iunction, Doppler indexes oI LV Iilling, such as peak early
diastolic velocity (cm/s), peak atrial velocity (cm/s), early to atrial peak velocity ratio, relaxation time (ms),
acceleration oI early Ilow velocity (cm/s
), deceleration oI early Ilow velocity (cm/s
), and atrial Iilling
Iraction () were
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Table 4.1 Summary oI clinical studies oI AHMD in women
Investigation Subfects/Design Measures Results
Wu et al. 1976 Non random selection oI
male (n 22) and Iemale(n
14) alcoholicpresenting to
a hospital Ior alcohol-
related diseases
Patients were excluded iI
signs and symptoms oI
other CV diseases were
present, however patients
did not undergo cardiac
catheterization to rule out
Control (n 22)subjects
were volunteers
Prospective study witha
convenient sample selection
Measures oI
contractility were
obtained, by measuring
the Iollowing systolic
time intervals (STI): PEP/
LVET, PEP (msec), PEPI
(msec), LVETI (msec),
LVETI (msec), QS2I
Female and
malealcoholics were
oI similar age (35.7
vs. 39.4 years,
Mean duration
oIdrinking Ior males
was 15 + 1.4
yearscompared to 14.3
+ 1.4 yearsIor Iemales
alcoholquantity (oz/
day) Ior males was 16
+0 andIor Iemales
13.8 + 1.9

Females Males
PEP/LVET 0.3 +
0.3 +
0.3 +
0.4 +
PEP 93 + 3 90 + 4 92 + 4 107 +
PEPI 120 + 3 122 +
118 +
140 +
LVETI 409 + 6 411 +
401 +
397+ 5*
I 531 + 7 533 +
520 +
536 +
Kupari and
Koskinen, 1992
Non random selection oI
male (n 22) and Iemale(n
14) patients consecutively
admitted to a hospital Ior
detoxiIication. Patients
Two-dimensional and
echocardiography and
pulsed Doppler
recordings oI transmitral
Female alcoholics,
healthy Iemales and
alcoholic males were
oI similar ages (38,
37, 42 years

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were excluded iI
signs and symptoms
oI other CV
diseases were
present or had
Control Iemale (n
17) subjects were
Healthy Iemale subjects
consumed 10 g oI ethanol/day,
alcoholic Iemale patients had
median duration oI 5 years oI
heavy drinking compared to 19
years Ior alcoholic men
Daily ethanolconsumption Ior
women was 200 gcompared to 230
g/day Ior men

EDD (mm) 48 + 3f 46 + 4 48 + 5
ESD (mm) 32 + 3 32 + 4 35 + 5
FS () 34 + 3f 31 + 6 28 + 7
IVS (mm) 8 + 1f 10 + 2 11 + 2f
PWT (mm) 9 + 1 10 + 2 11 + 2
T:R ratio 0.37 + 0.05f 0.43 +
0.48 +
LV Mass (g) 120 + 22 126 +
163 +
PEDV 68 + 7f 45 + 11 47 + 12
PAV 44 + 7 40 + 10 45 + 10
EAPV 1.5 + 0.25 1.2 +
1.09 +
RT 172 + 18 178 +
178 + 27
AEFV 712 + 194f 476 +
548 +
DEFV 572 + 107f 274 +
292 +
AF 27 + 5 35 + 12 38 + 13
colleagues, 1995
Random sample oI
alcoholic Iemales (n
50) and males (n
100) seeking
assistance Ior
termination oI their
alcohol dependence
Skeletal muscle
Chest x-ray
Healthy Iemales, alcoholic
Iemales and alcoholic males were
oI similar age (37, 39, 39 years,

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Investigation Subfects/Design Measures Results
Patients were excluded iI they
had signs and symptoms oI other
CV diseases and underwent
treadmill exercise testing to rule
out other CV diseases
Control Iemales (n 50)were
Mean duration oI drinking
Iormales was 17.5 years com-
pared to 16.7 years Ior Iemales,
however total liIetime dose oI
ethanol was 14.2 kg/kg oI body
weight Ior Iemales and 23.1 kg/kg
oI body weight Ior males

EF () 65 + 4 59 + 7 58 + 8
FS () 38 + 6 34 + 4 33 + 6

EDD (mm/m
30 + 2 32 + 3 30 + 4

ESD (mm/m
18 + 2 21 + 3 20 + 4

LV mass (g/m
78 + 11 98 + 21 121 + 27
* Indicates male A group statistically diIIerent Irom male HC group
f Indicates statistically diIIerent Irom alcoholic Iemales (AF)
Indicates statistically diIIerent Irom AF and HCF
Indicates signiIicantly diIIerent Irom HCF group
Abbreviations used: HC Healthy Controls, A alcoholic, A alcoholic Iemales, HCF healthy control Iemales, AM
alcoholic males, CV cardiovascular, CAD coronary artery disease, LVET leIt ventricular ejection time, PEP pre-
ejection period, PEPI PEP 0.4 heart rate, LVETI LVET 1.7 heart rate, EDD end dia stolic dimension, ESD
end systolic dimension, IVS interventricular thickness, PWT posterior wall thickness, T:R thickness to radius
ratio, LV leIt ventricle, PEDV peak early diastolic velocity (cm/s), PAV peak atrial velocity (cm/s), EAPV early
to atrial peak velocity ratio, RT relaxation time (ms), AEFV acceleration oI early Ilow velocity (cm/s2), DEFV
deceleration oI early Ilow velocity (cm/s
), AFF atrial Iilling Iraction ().
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determined. As shown in Table 4.1, signiIicant diIIerences in several oI these Doppler parameters were Iound
between healthy and alcoholic Iemale subjects, indicating impaired LV Iilling and diastolic dysIunction in
alcoholic women |14|. When echo parameters were normalized to body index, no diIIerences were Iound
between alcoholic men and women, suggesting no sex-diIIerences or sex predisposition to the development oI
AHMD. These results suggest that aIter a relatively shorter duration oI ethanol consumption (median 5.0
years), alcoholic women demonstrate signs oI preclinical AHMD. This was exempliIied by mild systolic and
diastolic dysIunction (e.g., decreases in the Iractional shortening values and Doppler indices oI LV Iilling) and
these changes were accompanied by a disproportionate increase in LV wall thickness relative to LV
To date, the most comprehensive and largest study was perIormed by Urbano-Marquez and colleagues
|4|. These investigators evaluated nutritional status, skeletal muscle and cardiac Iunction in healthy
nonalcoholic women (n 50), alcoholic women (n 50) and alcoholic men (n 100). Even though alcoholic
women and men had the diagnosis oI AHMD, they did not have overt symptoms oI AHMD and thereIore were
designated as asymptomatic. Four percent oI the asymptomatic alcoholic women had evidence oI caloric
malnutrition and 51 had histological criteria Ior skeletal muscle myopathy. In alcoholic women the ejection
Iraction and shortening Iraction were signiIicantly less compared to the healthy control women, while LV
mass was signiIicantly greater in the alcoholic women compared to healthy volunteers (Table 4.1). The EDD
and ESD values were signiIicantly greater in alcoholic women compared to controls (Table 4.1) |4|.
Collectively, these data indicate that asymptomatic alcoholic women have evidence oI both systolic
dysIunction and cardiomyopathy. When compared to the alcoholic men in the same study, the mean liIetime
dose oI alcohol in Iemale alcoholics with cardiac and skeletal myopathies was 40 less compared to male
alcoholic subjects with a cardiac and skeletal myopathies (mean liIetime dose in women was 14.2 kg/kg oI
body weight compared to 23.1 kg/kg oI body weight in men). These data suggest Iemale alcoholic patients
drank less, but still developed a cardiomyopathy. These data, along with those oI Kupari and Koskinen
indicate Iemales are more susceptible to alcohol-induced cardiomyopathy |4,14|. However, it would be
interesting to determine iI men also developed AHMD at a lower level oI total liIetime dose oI ethanol (i.e.,
14.2 kg/ kg oI body weight). It would be diIIicult to determine this, unless one conducted a large prospective
study whereby cardiac structure/Iunction were evaluated serially over time.
Fernandez-Sola and colleagues examined the clinical characteristics oI alcoholic women with AHMD (n
10), who also had signs and symptoms oI heart Iailure |5|. For comparison, alcoholic males (n 26) were also
studied. Cardiothoracic ratios were similar between alcoholic men (0.58 + 0.04) and women (0.58 + 0.11) |5|.
As shown in Table 4.2, women with AHMD experienced similar heart Iailure signs compared to men,
however, some heart Iailure signs occurred more oIten in men. Interestingly, 50 oI the women were New
York Heart Association (NYHA) Iunctional class II, whereas the majority oI men in this sample had NYHA
class III or IV heart Iailure |5|. The NYHA classiIication system is one based on the degree oI physical
activity required to evoke symptoms. For example, NYHA Class I indicates greater Iunctional status and
patients are able to exert themselves without experi-
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Table 4.2 Clinical characteristics oI men and women with AHMD
Women (n 10) Men (n 26)
Signs oI right-sided Iailure 20 (2) 50 (13)
Presence oI S
or S
30 (3) 31 (8)
Signs oI pulmonary hypertension 40 (4) 85 (22)
Abnormal electrocardiogram 80 (8) 100 (26)
Atrial Iibrillation 10 (1) 27 (7)
Abnormal repolarization signs 50 (5) 77 (20)
Values are expressed as percent. Values in parentheses are number oI patients. Adapted and used with permission Irom:
Fernandez-Sola et al., Am. J. Cardiol. 1997; 80: 481485.
encing any symptoms oI heart Iailure, whereas NYHA Class IV heart Iailure patients have symptoms at rest.
Despite diIIerences between NYHA Iunctional class, both alcoholic men and women had markedly reduced
ejection Iractions (EF) compared to their respective control groups |5|. For example, the EF in the alcoholic
women was 36 compared to 65 in the control group and in alcoholic men the EF was 31 compared to
67 in the control group. In addition, Fernandez-Sola et al. Iound a similar degree oI LV dilation between
alcoholic women and men. However LV mass was much greater in the alcoholic men compared to alcoholic
women (Table 4.3) |5|. The total liIe time ethanol dose (kg/kg oI body weight) in women was 17 + 7
compared to 30 + 7 Ior men.
These Iindings support those oI others, which suggest women may be more sensitive to the cardiotoxic eIIects
oI ethanol. However, more alcoholic women had a better Iunctional status as indicated by their NYHA class
compared to men. It is possible that with continued drinking and a larger total liIetime dose oI alcohol, women
would develop more severe heart Iailure. In Iact, Urbano-Marquez et al. Iound women with AHMD that had
signs oI heart Iailure had a much higher total liIetime ethanol dose (25.8 kg/kg oI body weight) |4|.
The speciIic structural remodeling events associated with AHMD in women have not been studied. LeIt
ventricular remodeling is deIined as a change in LV geometry, mass and volume
Table 4.3 Echocardiographic parameters in men and women with AHMD compared to healthy controls
Healthv Controls Alcoholic
Women (n 20) Men (n 20) Women (n 10) Men (n 26)
LV shortening Iraction 38 + 6 38 + 4 15 + 8* 11 + 3
LV EDD (mm/m
30 + 2 27 + 2 36 + 8* 39 + 6
LV ESD (mm/m
18 + 2 16 + 2 28 + 10* 32 + 6
LV mass (g/m
78 + 11 106 + 20 128 + 28*f 211 + 71
* Indicates signiIicant diIIerences Irom control healthy Iemales t indicates signiIicant diIIerence Irom alcoholic men.
Indicates signiIicant diIIerence Irom healthy men. Abbreviations used: EDD end diastolic dimension, ESD end
systolic dimension, IVS interventricular thickness, LV leIt ventricle. Used with permission Irom Fernandez-Sola et
al., Am. J. Cardiol. 1997; 80: 481485.
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that occurs over a period oI time |17|. The overall shape oI the LV becomes more spherical with LV
elongation and thinning. Over time, LV hypertrophy develops with Iurther LV dilation and thinning and the
whole heart becomes more spherically shaped. Severely abnormal LV contours are an important determinate
oI patient outcome and the process oI LV remodeling contributes to the development oI heart Iailure |17|. The
process oI LV remodeling has been extensively studied in many animal models oI CV disease as well as in
patients post myocardial inIarction.
In terms oI AHMD, Mathews et al. using echocardiography investigated the myocardial structural
abnormalities in alcoholic men (n 33) |18|. Based upon the Iindings oI Mathews and colleagues there
appears to be two stages oI AHMD, asymptomatic and symptomatic, each oI which is associated with diIIerent
structural changes. Alcoholic patients were divided into two groups: those who were asymptomatic (i.e.,
symptoms oI heart disease) and those who were symptomatic (i.e., symptoms oI pulmonary systemic
congestion, dyspnea etc.). Not surprisingly, in all symptomatic patients, there was evidence oI cardiac
enlargement, pulmonary congestion, leIt ventricular dilation and ventricular hypertrophy. Most importantly,
there was a disproportionate increase in the radius oI the leIt ventricular (dilation) in relationship to the
increase in LV wall thickness. This leads to increases in wall tension and systolic dysIunction. These
investigators also Iound LV dilation and increased wall thickness in the asymptomatic group oI patients,
however, the LV dilation was proportionate to the increase in wall thickness. In this situation, wall tension is
usually unchanged or within normal limits.
Based upon the above Iindings, Mathews et al. proposed two models Ior the development oI AHMD |18|.
They suggested that patients who were more vulnerable` to Iurther progression oI AHMD had a
disproportionate increase in the radius oI the leIt ventricular (dilation) in relationship to the increase in LV
wall thickness, whereas those who were less vulnerable had a more proportionate LV dilation-to-LV wall
thickness change. With continued drinking, the Iormer group remains symptomatic and develops heart Iailure.
The progression oI AHMD in terms oI the progression Irom mild LV dilation to severe LV dilation and
dysIunction has not been evaluated in women.
Based upon their Iindings, Urbano-Marquez and colleagues have suggested that a 55 kg women who drinks
about 270 mL (9 oz) oI 86-prooI (43) spirits or about a liter oI wine a day Ior 20 years is a risk Ior the
development oI AHMD` |4|. These investigators also reported that, as in men, there was a positive correlation
between LV mass and liIetime alcoholic intake in women. This is in contrast to Manolio et al., who Iound
alcohol use (oI any beverage type) in men, but not women, was independently (as determined by multivariate
analysis) associated with an increase in LV mass as well as an increase in internal diastolic dimension
(ventricular dilation) |19|. However, when stratiIied by beverage type, beer and wine use in both men and
women and liquor use in men were positively correlated to LV mass. This study was conducted in 4491 people
(1790 years oI age), who were Iree oI cardiac disease in the Framingham oIIspring and cohort study. Total
weekly alcohol intake was estimated and correlated to LV mass and LV dimensions. It is important to note
that the patients studied in the Framingham cohort were not alcoholics and their cardiac Iunction was within
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normal limits. The Iindings oI this study are diIIicult to compare to those oI others, since weeklv rather than
total lifetime alcohol consumption was measured. Unlike many other studies reported in the literature, these
investigators also used multivariate regression analysis to control Ior the eIIects oI age, height, body mass
index, systolic blood pressure, history oI hypertension and cigarette smoking.
The results Irom this Framingham cohort suggest that changes in LV mass may depend on beverage type |19|.
In the Urbano-Marquez et al. investigation women consumed alcohol predominately in the Iorm oI wine, beer,
gin and anisette, rather than whisky or brandy |4|. With this limited amount oI inIormation, it is diIIicult to
speculate whether the development oI AHMD is beverage dependent.
To the author`s knowledge, there are no studies which have examined speciIic pharmacologic treatment
modalities, other than alcohol abstinence, in the setting oI AHMD. Patients with AHMD, presenting in heart
Iailure with systolic dysIunction, should be treated according to the Agency Ior Health Care Policy and
Research (AHCPR) and Heart Failure Consensus Recommendations |20,21|. These guidelines recommend
the use oI pharmacologic agents that inhibit the LV remodeling process, as well as treat the patient`s
symptoms. The diIIerent classes oI agents include diuretics, cardiac glycosides, angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors and beta-adrenergic blockers.
Recently, Fauchier et al. examined long-term outcomes in 50 patients with alcoholic CM and 84 patients with
idiopathic CM receiving ACHPR recommended pharmacologic therapies |11|. Men and women were included
in this sample. Four per cent oI the women had AHMD and 25 had idiopathic CM. All patients with AHMD
received dietetic and alcohol abstinence counseling. Most oI the patients were treated with angiotensin-
converting enzyme inhibitors (81), diuretics (70) and digoxin (61). Mean Iollow-up oI patients was 47 +
40 months. Ventricular ejection Iraction improved in alcoholic patients who remained abstinent and also in
those who did not remain abstinent. However, compared to patients with idiopathic CM, patients with
alcoholic CM without abstinence had a signiIicantly worse outcome (Figure 4.1). Furthermore, using
multivariate regression, it was determined in the entire cohort that lack oI abstinence, increased pulmonary
capillary wedge pressure, and decreased SDNN (a time domain analysis variable oI heart rate variability
(standard deviation oI all normal-to-normal electrocardiogram RR intervals)) were independent predicators oI
cardiac death. These results suggest that in the presence oI recommended heart Iailure pharmacologic
therapies, alcohol abstinence is very important.
Animal models oI alcoholism have revealed that long-term alcohol consumption is associated with numerous
histological and cellular changes in the myocyte. SpeciIic histological changes include myocyte loss and
disarray, interstitial and perivascular Iibrosis, deposition oI lipids with the myocardial tissue, accumulation oI
Iatty acid ethyl esters within intracellular organelles, and mitochondrial and sarcoplasmic reticulum
disorganization |2227|. In terms oI cell Iunction, there are reports oI altered mitochondrial and sarcoplasmic
reticulum Iunction, decreased
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Figure 4.1 Survival curves oI cardiac deaths in male patients with alcoholic dilated
cardiomyopathy (DCM). Solid line indicates patients with alcoholic DCM and
alcohol abstinence, large dashed line indicates patients with alcoholic DCM without
abstinence and small dashed line indicates idiopathic DCM. Used with permission
Irom Fauchier et al. European Heart J. 2000; 21: 306314.
myoIibrillar ATPase activity and decreased calcium sensitivity oI the myoIilaments |2832|. In animal
models, these changes oIten precede changes in cardiac structure and Iunction. These studies have been
exclusively perIormed in male animal models. The only exceptions are the studies reported by Lochner and
colleagues and Brown and colleagues |33,34|. ThereIore, the eIIects oI both acute and chronic alcohol
consumption on the Iemale myocardium are relatively unknown.
In the Lochner et al. study, Iemale albino Wistar rats were used to study the eIIects oI alcohol |33|. It appears
that a primary aim oI this study was to contrast the eIIects oI acute and long-term alcohol exposure on the
myocardium, rather than examine sex-related diIIerences. In long-term experiments, Iemale rats received 15
ethanol in their drinking water Ior 18 months. AIterwards, isolated LangendorII experiments were perIormed
to evaluate the eIIects oI long-term alcohol exposure as well as the eIIects oI acute alcohol exposure in the
chronically exposed alcoholic hearts. Measures oI contractility included peak height oI developed tension
(PHT), tension time index (TTI), tension time per minute (TTM), maximum rate oI rise oI tension (dp/dt
and time-to-and peak height oI developed tension (TPH). Except Ior TPH, all oI the these parameters were
lower in the alcoholic hearts compared to the control hearts, however, only the decrease in dp/dt
signiIicantly diIIerent Irom the control value. In the alcohol-exposed hearts, TPH was signiIicantly increased
compared to the control hearts. The acute administration oI ethanol (200 mM) markedly attenuated all oI the
aIorementioned contractility parameters. However, the degree oI attenuation ( reduction in
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Table 4.4 Acute eIIects oI ethanol in male and Iemale papillary muscles
Control 80 mg/dl 120 mg/dl 240 mg/dl 640 mg/dl
TPT (msec)
Male 113 + 2.3 112 + 2.2 112 + 1.5 108 + 2.1 100 + 1.5
Female 118 + 4.2 116 + 4.6 115 + 4.5 112 + 4.3* 103 + 3.9*
Male 191 + 15.1 192 + 17.5 179 + 12.5 167 + 10.7* 149 + 7.2*
Female 202 + 8.7 194 + 10.0 186 + 9.0 181 + 8.7* 156 + 5.7*
JT (g/sec)
Male 17.9 + 2.0 18.3 + 2.1 17.9 + 2.0 16.8+ 1.9 14.1+ 1.5*
Female 18.9 + 2.1 18.1 + 1.7 17.8 + 1.6 16.9+ 1.6 13.1+ 1.2*
JT (g/sec)
Male 11.0 + 1.9 11.1 + 2.2 11.2 + 1.8 10.8 + 1.7 8.7 + 1.2*
Female 10.3 + 1.6 10.2 + 1.4 10.0 + 1.3 9.9 + 1.2 8.1 + 0.9*
* Indicates signiIicant diIIerence Irom same sex control value. Abbreviations used: TPT time-to-peak tension, RT

time-to-90 relaxation, VT the maximum velocities oI tension developed and VT decline in tension.
Source: Adapted and used with permission Irom Brown et al. Basic Research in Cardiol. 1996; 91: 353360.
tension) was similar between the alcoholic and control hearts, indicating long-term alcohol exposure had no
additional adverse eIIect on contractility. These authors concluded that long-term alcohol administration had a
rather modest eIIect on myocardial perIormance, because oI the lack of statistical signiIicance. ThereIore,
these authors concluded that long-term ethanol administration had no eIIect in the perIused Iemale rat heart.
In a more recent study, Brown and colleagues examined the eIIect oI acute ethanol exposure on the Iemale and
male Wistar rat myocardium |34|. Using an isolated papillary preparation, diIIerent measures oI contractility
such as time-to-peak tension (TPT), time-to-90 relaxation (RT
), the maximum velocities oI tension
developed (VT) and decline in tension (VT) were measured aIter the addition oI increasing concentrations
oI ethanol (20640 mg/dl) to the perIusate solution. In both sexes, the addition oI ethanol exerted a
concentration-dependent negative inotropic eIIect and the magnitude oI the response was similar between the
sexes (Table 4.4). These data indicate that there was no sex-related diIIerence in the negative inotropic
response to acute ethanol exposure.
Our laboratory has been studying the eIIects oI long-term alcohol consumption in both Iemale and male rats.
Presented below is preliminary data Irom our laboratory. The primary aim has been to describe in an animal
model (male and Iemale rats) the evolution oI alcohol-induced changes in cardiac structure (hypertrophy and
dilation) that lead to the development oI a cardiomyopathy. The second aim has been to determine iI these
changes are associated with activation oI speciIic peptide and neurohormonal systems.
Preliminary experiments were conducted in male (n 5) and Iemale (n 5) Sprague-Dawley rats which
received the Lieber DeCarli liquid diet Ior 5 months |35|. In brieI and as previously described by this
laboratory, control (CON) and ethanol (ETOH) groups received
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the nutritionally complete control or ethanol liquid Lieber-DeCarli diet |31,32|. The males received an ethanol
diet (9 v/v), which provided up to 42 oI their total daily caloric intake or 13.0 gm ethanol/kg/day.
However, the Iemale group received a 6.7 v/v ethanol. We were unable to titrate Iemales up to the 9
ethanol concentration. In our laboratory and as discussed in more detail below, Iemale rats on average drink
less alcohol/day and a less concentrated (v/v ethanol) preparation oI the Lieber DeCarli diet. In the control
diet, maltosedextrin was substituted isocalorically Ior ethanol |35|. To maintain a similar liquid diet intake
between the CON and ETOH, the CON group was pair-Ied to the same sex ETOH group. Liquid diet
consumption was monitored daily and Iresh diet was provided each day between 4 pm and 6 pm. The animals
were weighed once a week. As previously reported, in male rats this ethanol consumption protocol was
associated with high blood ethanol levels (BELs) |31,32| that typically ranged Irom 160240 mg.
In both groups, echocardiograms were perIormed by the same experienced sonographer using the Sequoia
C256 Echocardiography System (Acuson Corporation, Mountain View, CaliIornia) and a 7.5 MHz transducer.
M-mode recordings were made by directing the ultrasound beam at the mid-papillary muscle level and echo
parameters were obtained aIter well-deIined, continuous interIace oI the anterior and posterior walls were
visualized. For all animals, three to Iour beats were recorded using the same transducer position. Mean values
were used Ior analysis. Echocardiograms were perIormed aIter 5 months oI ethanol consumption.
According to the methods oI the American Society oI Echocardiography and other investigators in animal
models, the end diastolic (EDD) and end-systolic dimensions (ESD), interventricular septum in diastole
(IVSD), and posterior wall in diastole (PWD) thickness were obtained with the leading-edge method |36|. All
parameters were measured with electronic calipers, and mean calculations obtained Irom three or more
consecutive cardiac cycles. All studies were recorded on a VHS videotape recorder. Intraobserver variability
Ior all echocardiographic parameters ranged Irom 010 (mean 7). The LV mass (gm) was calculated based
on the Iollowing echocardiogram parameters |37|: LV mass 1.04 |(EDD PWD IVSD)
As shown in Table 4.5, the EDD and ESD values in the male ETOH group were signiIicantly greater than
EDD and ESD values in the male CON group. No signiIicant diIIerences were Iound in IVS or PW thickness
between the male ETOH and CON groups. LV mass and HW:BW ratios were greater in the ETOH group,
compared to the CON group, however only the latter diIIerence was signiIicant (Table 4.5). In the Iemale
study, even though there was a trend Ior the EDD, ESD and PW thickness values to be greater in the ETOH
group compared to the CON group, no signiIicant diIIerences were Iound (Table 4.5). The EDD value in the
ETOH group was 42 higher than the EDD value in the Iemale CON group, however, as noted this diIIerence
was not statistically signiIicant, perhaps because oI the small sample size. The calculated LV mass and heart-
weight-to-body-weight ratios were greater in the ETOH Iemales, however only the latter diIIerence was
signiIicant. Representative echocardiograms are shown in Figures 4.2 and 4.3.
The Iemale rats in this study drank a 6.7 vol/vol concentration oI alcohol as compared to the males, which
drank 9 vol/vol concentration. ThereIore, even though the Iemale group consumed less alcohol (gm/day),
there were signs that LV dilation and hypertrophy were beginning. These results in an animal model are
comparable to those oI Urbano-Marquez et al. and oI Kupari and Koskinen, who Iound that the mean liIetime
dose oI alcohol in Iemale alcoholics with alcoholic cardiomyopathy was markedly less than male alcoholic
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Figure 4.2 Representative echocardiograms Irom control and ethanol-Ied Iemale rat.
Figure 4.3 Representative echocardiograms Irom control and ethanol-Ied male rat.
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Table 4.5 Echocardiographic parameters in male and Iemale control and ethanol-Ied animals
Males Females
Control Ethanol Control Ethanol
EDD (mm) 4.0 + 0.05 6.3 + 0.08* 3.9 + 0.04 5.5 + 0.02
ESD (mm) 1.3 + 0.04 2.8 + 0.05* 2.7+ 0.04 2.8 + 0.08
IVS thickness (mm) 2.5 + 0.02 3.0 + 0.02 2.5 + 0.02 2.1 + 0.02
PW thickness 2.2 + 0.02 2.5 + 0.02 2.0 + 0.01 2.2 + 0.01
LV mass (g) 0.76 + 0.09 1.5 + 0.38 0.6 + 0.13 0.8 + 0.17
HWBW ratio 2.4 + 0.14 2.9 + 0.06* 2.7 + 0.09 3.2 + 0.09*
All values are mean + SEM. Within group (same sex) statistical comparisons were made and an * indicates signiIicantly
diIIerent Irom control value as determined by the Student`s t-test. IVS and PW thickness measurements were obtained in
diastole. Heart weight-to-body weight (HWBW) was calculated as Iollows: wet heart weight (leIt and right ventricles)
(g)/body weight (g) 1000. LeIt ventricular (LV) mass was calculated using the equation indicated in text. Abbreviations
used: BW body weight, HWBW heart weight-to-body weight ratio, LV leIt ventricle, EDD end-diastolic leIt
ventricular dimension, ESD end-systolic leIt ventricular dimension, IVS interventricular septal, PW posterior wall.
subjects with alcoholic cardiomyopathy |4,14|. In addition, these preliminary Iindings are also supported by
Capasso et al. who evaluated changes in leIt ventricular chamber volume in Fisher 344 rats, by measuring long
and short leIt ventricular diameters and wall thickness oI the heart |22|. The rats received 30 ethanol in their
drinking water every day Ior 8 months. Capasso et al. Iound an increase in the volume oI the leIt ventricle
accompanied by a decrease in the thickness oI the leIt ventricular Iree wall |22|.
The preliminary studies Irom my laboratory were conducted Iollowing a short duration oI ethanol
consumption (5 months) and only included a small sample size (n 5). ThereIore, the results need to be
interpreted with caution. A larger study is underway to evaluate serial changes in cardiac structure and
neurohormonal levels in Iemale rats consuming alcohol Ior a longer period (8 months). A serial study oI this
nature will allow Ior evaluation oI cardiac structural changes with respect to body growth, age oI the animal
and diIIerent amounts oI alcohol consumption.
Female animal models oI alcoholism should be used to study the eIIects oI long-term alcohol exposure.
However, investigators need to consider variables such as the level/concentration oI ethanol intake, the pattern
oI weight gain as well as the absolute weight gain, and hormone levels. As noted above, we have Iound that
Iemale rodents drink less alcohol than male rodents (Table 4.6). Our Iindings diIIer Irom those oI others, who
have reported that Iemale rodents drink more than male rodents |38,39|.
We have also Iound that the pattern oI drinking and amount oI daily Lieber DeCarli ethanol diet consumption
is more variable among Iemale rats compared to male rats (Figures 4.4 and 4.5).
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Figure 4.4 Lieber DeCarli diet consumption Ior two diIIerent Iemale cohorts.
Figure 4.5 Lieber DeCarli diet consumption Ior two diIIerent male cohorts.
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Table 4.6 Comparison oI male and Iemale body weight and Lieber DeCarli diet consumption
Sex Drinking period Average bodv weight at the
end of the protocol
Ethanol Consumption
ml/dav gm/dav g/kg/dav*
5 526 + 82 82 + 2.7 5.6 + 0.68 10.7
8 477 + 74 70 + 2.1 4.9 + 0.70 10.2
5 393 + 65 68 + 2.4 3.4 + 0.50 8.6
8 282 + 21 60 + 1.6 3.1 + 0.47 10.9
Values are mean + SD. ml/day represents the average daily amount oI diet consumed and was calculated by averaging
how much animals drank every 10 days. Similarly, gm ethanol/day represents the average daily ethanol (gm/day) and
was calculated by averaging how much animals drank every 10 days.
* g/kg/day was calculated by dividing the average gm/day by the ending body weight.
In addition, the pattern oI drinking appears to be diIIerent between cohorts oI Iemale animals (Figure
4.4). Lieber DeCarli liquid diet intake is shown in Figure 4.4 Ior two diIIerent cohorts oI Iemale rats; one
group drank Ior 5 months (preliminary data above) and another drank Ior 8 months (ongoing studies). Similar
to others, we Iound that in both cohorts oI Iemale rats the average daily amount oI diet consumed was variable
|39|. However, the average daily ethanol intake (gm/day) in the 5-month cohort was signiIicantly greater than
in the 8-month cohort (3.4 + 0.50 vs. 3.1 + 0.47 gm ethanol/day, p 0.05). The end body weight oI the 5-
month cohort was 393 + 65 gm compared to the 282 + 21 gm body weight oI the 8-month cohort. However,
when ethanol intake was normalized to the end body weight, the 8-month cohort appeared to consume
comparatively more ethanol (Table 4.6). These are Iemale Sprague-Dawley rats, which are an outbred strain.
ThereIore, in this strain there may be more genetic variability, which may aIIect the ethanol preIerence and
daily ethanol intake. Investigators should careIully consider the strain oI Iemale rat to be used in alcohol
studies and choose a strain that exhibits less oI a variation in daily alcohol intake.
There have been many reasons postulated to explain the diIIerences between males and Iemales, in terms oI
sensitivity to alcohol-related medical consequences. Several oI the reasons are brieIly reviewed below. A more
comprehensive review is published elsewhere |40|.
Female alcoholics develop a multitude oI symptoms more rapidly than male alcoholics during the Iirst Iew
years oI drinking, a phenomenon which is reIered to as telescoping` |41,42|. Lewis et al. examined the eIIect
oI other co-morbidities on the rapid accrual oI symptoms in women and Iound that this rapid accrual was
independent oI the number oI co-morbidities |41|. Others have Iound that women are at greater risk Ior the
development oI alcoholic liver disease and brain damage |4345|. These data, along with the data reviewed in
this chapter, suggest that women are more vulnerable to the medical consequences oI alcohol.
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Putative gender-related eIIects may be due to sex-related diIIerences in alcohol pharmacokinetics which allow
women to achieve higher blood alcohol levels (BAL) compared to men, aIter consuming an equivalent amount
oI alcohol. Some reports suggested that higher BALs in nonalcoholic women were attributable in part to a
diIIerence in the Iirst-pass metabolism oI alcohol and the activity oI gastric alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH).
This is because Frezza et al. Iound no diIIerences in BALs between nonalcoholic men and women when
alcohol was administered intravenously, however aIter ingesting equivalent doses oI alcohol orally, BALs
were signiIicantly higher in women |46|. These same investigators reported that gastric ADH activity was
signiIicantly lower in nonalcoholic women (0.025 + 0.003 nmoles/min/mg protein) compared to nonalcoholic
men (0.046 + 0.005 nmoles/min/mg protein). A similar diIIerence in gastric ADH activity was Iound between
alcoholic men and women |46|. Others have also Iound that gastric ADH activity was lower in women
compared to men, but that this eIIect was only Iound in patients (men and women) less than IiIty years old and
aIter a high concentration oI ethanol was added to the gastric ADH assay (550 mM) |47|. In contrast, Yin et
al. did not Iind diIIerences in gastric ADH activity between men and women oI a similar mean age |48|.
Furthermore, in a recent study by Lucey et al. no diIIerences in BALs were Iound between age-matched men
and women |49|. In this investigation, BALs were compared Iollowing intravenous and oral alcohol
administration in both Ied and Iasted states. In the Iasted state, peak BALs were signiIicantly higher in the
elderly women compared to young women and young and old men. Similarly, peak BALs were signiIicantly
higher in the elderly women compared to young women and young and old men aIter administration oI
intravenous alcohol. Interestingly, this diIIerence disappeared when peak BALs were measured in the Ied state
aIter oral alcohol consumption |49|. The results oI this study suggest an age-dependent eIIect, rather than a
sex-dependent eIIect on peak BALs and this in turn is inIluenced by the Iasting or Ied state oI the individual.
A Iinal parameter related to alcohol pharmacokinetics is the elimination oI alcohol. Current evidence suggests
that women eliminate more alcohol per unit oI body mass, thereIore having a Iaster rate in the decline in their
blood alcohol level |40|.
In summary, it remains controversial as to whether women achieve higher BALs aIter consuming similar
amounts oI alcohol. There appears to be more agreement among studies with regard to alcohol elimination and
collectively these suggest women eliminate alcohol at a Iaster rate.
Similar to men, long-term heavy alcohol consumption in women is associated with the development oI a
dilated cardiomyopathy. The clinical Ieatures resemble those Iound in men and include a dilated LV, modest
degree oI hypertrophy and reduced systolic dysIunction. Most importantly, women appear to develop a
preclinical, asymptomatic Iorm oI this disease with less total liIetime exposure to alcohol, suggesting Iemale
gender may be a risk Iactor Ior the development oI AHMD. In terms oI the amount and duration oI alcohol
consumption correlated with the development oI AHMD, Urbano-Marquez and colleagues have suggested that
a 55 kg woman who drinks about 270 mL (9 oz) oI 86-prooI (43) spirits or about a liter oI wine a day Ior 20
years is a risk Ior the development oI AHMD |4|. In some individuals, their genetic background or
environmental exposure to other toxins may also play a role in
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the pathogenesis oI AHMD. The American Heart Association recommends that women drink no more than 1
standard drink per day (i.e., 12 Il oz regular beer, 5 Il oz wine, 1.5 Il oz 80-prooI distilled spirits and each oI
these contains approximately 12 g oI alcohol) |50|. This is because in women, the eIIect oI alcohol on
conditions other than cardiovascular disease needs to be considered. SpeciIically, alcohol intake between 30
and 60 g/d is associated with an increase in the relative risk oI breast cancer, whereas alcohol intake oI 10 g/d
was associated with a lower relative risk |51|. Women should be advised to discuss the potential risk-to-
beneIit ratio oI low to moderate drinking with their health care provider. Each woman, depending on their
personal history (e.g., Iamilial history oI breast cancer or ischemic heart disease), will have diIIerent risk
Iactors and should be advised accordingly.
Animal models oI alcoholism have contributed a great deal to our understanding oI the structural, histological,
subcellular and contractile changes associated with long-term alcohol consumption. Investigators need to
consider the strain oI Iemale rats. As noted above, in our laboratory, the pattern oI drinking and amount
consumed is variable among Sprague Dawley rats. However, Lancaster and Spiegel have Iound that Iemale
Long-Evans rats have a greater preIerence Ior alcohol compared to the male Long-Evans rat |38|. In Iact, the
Iemale Long-Evans drank 10 beer preparations, whereas, the male Long-Evans decreased their intake at this
Clearly, there is a need Ior more research in women with AHMD. There is no inIormation as yet regarding the
progression oI AHMD, in terms oI LV structural changes and contractile perIormance. The eIIects oI alcohol
abstinence on AHMD is unknown. In men with AMHD, alcohol abstinence is associated with a reversal oI the
dilated cardiomyopathy. As with all types oI cardiovascular studies, women should be well represented in the
study oI AHMD.
This work was supported by grant NIAAA 11112
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50 American Heart Association, Guide to preventive Cardiology in Women.
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Alcohol and breast cancer in women: A pooled analysis oI cohort studies. JAMA 1998; 279: 535540.
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Chapter 5
Alcohol and cardiac medications: interactions
Simon K.K. Cheung and Timothv J. Regan
In the US two-thirds oI the general population consume alcohol, and approximately 10 oI these are
considered heavy alcohol users. A majority oI these also use cigarettes which, in suIIicient quantity and
duration, can represent a signiIicant interaction aIIecting cardiac muscle Iunction and composition |1|. About
5 million Americans have coronary artery disease and approximately 50 million have high blood pressure |2|.
Treatment Ior these conditions may involve additive or synergistic eIIects when combined with ethanol and
result in mild transient eIIects or occasional serious consequences |3|. In Iact, Shinn et al. have reported the
interaction oI alcohol with about 150 medications, some oI which were prescribed Ior the treatment oI
cardiovascular disease |4|.
Although ingestion is the usual route oI intake, ethanol can enter the circulation by cutaneous absorption or
inhalation. Alcohol is also Iound as a solvent or an active ingredient in other commodities ranging Irom hair
styling products and mouthwashes to cough syrups and body rubs, etc. |5|.
Ethanol has long been recognized as a toxic agent aIIecting diIIerent organ Iunctions both acutely and
chronically |6|. A prospective study oI middle-aged Swedish males registered Ior alcohol addiction revealed a
two-Iold greater increase in the incidence oI clinical cardiac events than Ior liver cirrhosis |7|. Several Iactors
may be responsible Ior the deleterious eIIects oI alcohol on the myocardium, including (i) a direct toxic eIIect
oI ethanol or its metabolites; (ii) associated nutritional deIiciencies (i.e., thiamine); or (iii) direct toxicity oI
additives in the alcoholic beverage (i.e., lead or cobalt) |8|.
Social drinking is oIten associated with a small rise oI systolic blood pressure, which may have negligible
eIIects in healthy adults. Cardiovascular events such as hypertension, stroke, arrhythmia, heart Iailure, and
sudden death have been associated with heavy alcohol drinkers. In Iact, chronic alcohol ingestion is a major
cause oI nonischemic cardiomyopathy in the Western world with an incidence ranging Irom 2132 |9|. Most
common in middle-aged individuals who have consumed large amounts oI alcohol Ior more than 10 years
resulting in heart Iailure |10|, there is also an increased incidence oI sudden death that apparently peaks about
50 years oI age in the alcoholic population without heart Iailure.
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Acute ingestion oI ethanol resulting in blood levels oI approximately 100 mg , produces transient cardiac
dysIunction in normal non-addictive subjects. By contrast, in chronic ethanol abusers asymptomatic but stable
cardiac dysIunction has been observed Ior some years beIore evidence oI heart Iailure appeared |11|.
Early maniIestations oI the subclinical abnormality in chronic alcohol abusers include increased diastolic
stiIIness oI the leIt ventricle, as indicated by an elevated end-diastolic pressure and diminished end-diastolic
volume |1215|. This process has been attributed to increased interstitial Iibrosis. In a canine model without
other risk Iactors, diastolic dysIunction and interstitial Iibrosis were observed in studies lasting 6 months |1|.
Improved basal contractility was not observed until aIter a period oI 4 years consuming 36 oI calories as
ethanol |16|.
In chronic studies, ethanol causes a reduction in the amount oI contractile proteins, and two dimensional
protein proIiling implicates selective loss oI individual myocardial proteins. The diIIerential activities oI
lysosomal proteases may contribute to this patterned response. However, in chronic ethanol Ieeding, adaptive
mechanisms also become important, as the synthesis oI the myoIibrillary proteins increases |17|.
Ethanol has been shown to aIIect a number oI molecular processes in heart muscle, including neurotransmitter
receptors Ior amines, amino acids, and opioids and enzymes such as Na/K ATPase, acetylcholin esterase,
adenylyl cyclase, as well as ion channels involved in calcium transport |18|. In a chronic canine model,
increased concentrations oI norepinephrine have been observed in the coronary venous eIIluent associated
with a decrease in the ventricular Iibrillatory threshold |19|.
At the myocyte level, alcohol decreases the binding oI calcium by the sarcoplasmic reticulum and decreases
the sodium-potassium ATPase pump activity resulting in increased intracellular sodium, but these
abnormalities at the levels observed are insuIIicient to produce systolic dysIunction |16,20,21|.
Drug interactions can generally be classiIied as either pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic. Pharmacokinetic
interactions result Irom processes that lead to a change in the disposition oI one or more drugs and result in a
change in clinical response. The most common Iorm oI a pharmacokinetic interaction occurs when one drug
induces or inhibits the metabolism and/or elimination oI another, and the steady-state concentration oI a drug
is lowered or raised. Alcohol can aIIect many medications through competition Ior the same microsomal
oxidase system, involved in the metabolism oI various drugs |22|. Pharmacodynamic interactions result when
drugs have separate actions that are either augmented or antagonized when the drugs are used together.
Alcohol appears to enhance aspirin-induced gastric mucosal damage and aspirin-induced prolongation oI the
bleeding time. Alcoholdrug interaction varies greatly in the range between social drinkers and heavy chronic
drinkers. This phenomenon is also aIIected by the time elapsed between the alcohol ingestion and drug
administration |23|.
Ethanol is rapidly absorbed Irom the gastrointestinal tract, the main absorption occurring in the small intestine.
Some absorption oI ethanol, as well as 20 oI its Iirst-pass metabolism, takes place in the gastric mucosa
where drug-ethanol interactions may occur |24|. Pyloric spasm caused by irritating concentrations oI ethanol
can slow the absorption
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oI drugs and ethanol. During absorption, ethanol can improve the bioavailability oI certain drugs which
otherwise are poorly soluble or rapidly metabolized during their Iirst pass. These interactions depend greatly
on the drug concerned, but part oI the inhibition oI drug metabolism by ethanol results Irom the direct
depression oI the metabolic activity oI hepatocytes |22|.
The Iollowing discussion includes the major cardiovascular medications that can interact with ethanol.
Nitrates induce relaxation oI vascular smooth cells in both arteries and veins. At low concentration
venodilation predominates, but at higher concentrations arterial vasodilation is also produced. Hypotensive
reaction may result Irom the combination oI alcohol and nitroglycerin |25|. Unless the clinician is aware oI
this interaction, the hypotensive episode may be attributed to coronary insuIIicieny or occlusion |26|. Arterial
pressure and ventricular wall stress tend to be lower in subjects taking both nitroglycerin and ethanol
compared to either drug alone |27|.
Sympathetic antagonists (alpha-receptor blockers)
Alpha-adrenergic receptors mediate many oI the important actions oI endogenous catecholamines. Responses
oI particular relevance include alpha-1 receptor-mediated contraction oI arterial and venous smooth muscle.
Alpha-1 receptor antagonists eIIectively block the vasoconstricting eIIect oI catecholamines and vasodilation
may occur in both arteriolar resistance vessels and veins, potentially inducing postural hypotension and reIlex
tachycardia. They have not been as popular as many other classes oI drug in treatment oI essential
hypertension. Recently, however interest in these antagonists has surged due to their eIIicacy in treating
symptoms oI prostatic hyperplasia has become more evident.
Alpha-2 receptors suppress central sympathetic output, increase central vagal tone, Iacilitate platelet
aggregation, and inhibit the release oI norepinephrine and acetylcholine Irom nerve endings. These receptors
also regulate metabolic eIIects through suppression oI insulin secretion and inhibition oI lipolysis in adipose
Clonidine, a centrally acting antihypertensive agent, acts primarily within the rostral ventrolateral medulla to
reduce sympathetic outIlow through stimulation oI alpha 2 receptors thus increasing the negative Ieedback on
norepinephrine synthesis and release |28|. On the other hand, alcohol enhances sympathetic activity |19|. In
hypertensive rats, a dose oI clonidine Iollowed by intravenous alcohol in amounts similar to moderate drinking
reversed the clonidine induced hypotensive eIIect |29|. In another animal model with moderately high ethanol
blood levels, clonidine was administered intravenously. Both blood pressure and heart rate declined, indicating
a dominant eIIect oI the alpha 2 agonist |30|.
Alpha-2 receptor antagonists can increase sympathetic outIlow and potentiate the release oI norepinephrine
Irom the nerve endings, leading to activation oI alpha 1 and beta 1 receptors in the heart and peripheral
vasculature with a consequent rise in blood pressure |28|.
When alcohol is Ied to experimental animals, a transient alpha receptor blocking activity has been observed. A
single dose oI alcohol or chronic use decreased the sensitivity oI adrenergic receptors |31|. In chronic
alcoholism however, elevated norepinephrine levels and
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impaired arterial baroreceptors activity have been suggested as an underlying mechanism oI ethanol-induced
hypertension |32|.
Guanethidine inhibits the peripheral sympathetic nervous system activity by inhibiting the release oI
norepinephrine vesicles Irom the nerve endings. Intravenous administration oI acetaldehyde, a major ethanol
metabolite that enhances sympathetic activity, elicits a substantial increase oI blood pressure Iollowing a
single dose oI guanethidine. However, in animals receiving guanethidine long term, a low dose oI
acetaldehyde raised arterial pressure whereas a high dose oI acetaldehyde diminished the blood pressure |33|.
Reserpine depletes the postganglionic adrenergic neurons oI norepinephrine by inhibiting its uptake into
storage vesicles. Such an eIIect is intensiIied by alcohol use |34|, enhancing the negative inotropic action on
the heart.
Sympathetic antagonists (beta-receptors blockers)
Beta-receptor antagonist drugs have been Iound to be useIul in a wide variety oI clinical conditions and are
Iirmly established in the treatment oI hypertension, ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias, endocrinologic and
neurologic disorders. Short-term studies in normal subjects indicate that ethanol increases both the elimination
rate and bioavailability oI propranolol |35|. The plasma clearance rate oI propranolol, which is metabolized by
the liver, is increased and the blood pressure-reducing eIIect oI the drug is diminished. Ethanol and beta
blockade individually aIIect heart rate and arterial pressure in the opposite direction. The combination oI
ethanol and propranolol will produce eIIects that are dose dependent, but both produce negative inotropic
eIIects. Patients receiving propranolol should be dissuaded Irom adding more than one drink a day to their
regimen |36,37|. However, subjects in alcohol withdrawal can be therapeutically aIIected by beta-adrenergic
Renin-angiotensin system
Angiotensin II has been shown to inhibit voluntary consumption oI alcohol, an eIIect which is negated by
ACE-inhibitor |38|. Hypothetically, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-I) should exert an
opposite response to the alcoholangiotensin II eIIect. However, several investigators have reported that ACE-
I also reduced voluntary alcohol intake |39,40|. The receptor blocker losartan administered with ethanol also
blocks the intoxicating eIIect oI ethanol in a dose dependent manner |41,42|.
The reninangiotensin system is considered to have a signiIicant role in the development oI heart Iailure and
hypertension. The individual abusing alcohol with subclinical cardiac dysIunction responds to angiotensin
with a greater rise in the leIt ventricular end-diastolic pressure, without a signiIicant change oI the stroke
volume compared to the nonalcoholic subject |43|.
Calcium channel antagonists
Phenylalkylamine (verapamil), benzothiazepine (diltiazem), diarylaminopropylamines (bepridil), the Iirst
generation dihydropyridine (niIedipine, nimodipine, nitrendipine, isradipine), and second generation
dihydropyridine (amlodipine, Ielodipine) have diIIerent negative inotropic, vasodilatory, and A-V node
conduction eIIects on the cardiovascular system.
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Acute verapamil therapy has been Iound to potentiate negative inotropic and chronotropic eIIects oI alcohol in
animal models |44,45|. Consumption oI ethanol Iollowing the chronic administration oI verapamil results in
an increased ethanol concentration in blood with the potential Ior an increased level oI intoxication |46|.
Higher blood levels are thought to be related to reduced Iirst pass ethanol elimination in the presence oI
verapamil |47|. Perhaps as a consequence, rats treated with large doses oI ethanol combined with verapamil
have shown to have ultrastructural cardiomyocyte damage |48|. Chronic verapamil therapy diminished the
negative inotropic eIIect oI ethanol on diabetic myocardium |49|. In addition, restoration oI intracellular
calcium homeostasis has been reported to reverse structural, biochemical, and mechanical dysIunction in
diabetic myocardium |50,51|.
Chronic alcohol consumption up-regulates dihydropyridine-sensitive neuronal calcium channel binding sites.
Several dihydropyridine agents are reported to have protective eIIects against the ethanol withdrawal
syndrome. They promote the development oI tolerance to alcohol and perhaps promote consumption |52,53|.
Ethanol administration in healthy human volunteers resulted in a 53 increase in the niIedipine concentration-
time curve but the hypotensive eIIect oI niIedipine was not aIIected by ethanol |54|. Engel et al. reported that
niIedipine antagonized the stimulant eIIects oI ethanol on locomotion and Tuna and Eroglu Iound that
niIedipine reversed the inhibitory eIIects oI ethanol on locomotor activity |55,56|. In rats treated with ethanol,
niIedipine did not produce cardiomyocyte damage |57|.
The general anesthetic actions oI ethanol have been markedly enhanced by nitrendipine while nimodipine
potentiated the ataxic and hypothermic action oI ethanol |58|. By contrast, pretreatment with isradipine did not
signiIicantly alter the subject-rated or perIormance-impairing eIIects oI ethanol |59|.
Inotropic agents
Digitalis glycosides are the most commonly used inotropic agents in patients with congestive heart Iailure and
are also employed in patients with arrhythmias. SigniIicant acute interaction between ethanol and this agent
has not been reported. One study Iound that the digitalis Iailed to improve cardiac Iunction in alcoholic liver
disease patients |60|, which may be due to the state oI the cardiac tissue rather than a drug interaction.
Antiarrhythmic agents
Heavy ethanol consumption is a common cause oI atrial Iibrillation |61|. In general, most antiarrhythmic
agents in therapeutic doses depress the automatic Iiring rate oI spontaneously discharging ectopic sites while
minimally aIIecting the discharge rate oI the normal sinus node. Mechanisms by which diIIerent drugs
suppress normal or abnormal automaticity may not be the same.
(i) Amiodarone as a potassium channel blocker has both alpha- and beta-adrenergic blocking properties.
Filipek et al. reported that a low dose oI ethanol did not aIIect the antiarrhythmic eIIect oI amiodarone in
adrenaline-induced arrhythmias but large acute doses reduced eIIicacy |62|. Amiodarone decreased the
ethanol level in rats that received alcohol chronically but its antiarrhythmic action was impaired.
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(ii) Disopyramide blocks sodium channels, prolongs repolarization and has negative inotropic eIIect.
Concomitant disopyramide and ethanol administration had no eIIect on the total body clearance or halI-
liIe oI disopyramide in a study oI healthy volunteers |63|. The renal clearance oI disopyramide
signiIicantly increased, possibly Irom ethanol-induced diuresis |63|. Chronic ethanol consumption may
increase metabolism oI disopyramide through enzyme induction.
(iii) Phenytoin. At therapeutic dose, this agent eIIectively abolishes abnormal automaticity caused by
digitalis-induced arrhythmias. Since subjects consuming ethanol metabolize phenytoin more rapidly than
control subjects |64|, prolonged excessive ethanol ingestion could result in seizures in an epileptic patient
controlled on phenytoin. Whether a smaller amount oI ethanol would aIIect phenytoin metabolism is
unknown, but it is deemed unlikely |65|.
(iv) Procainamide has electrophysiologic and hemodynamic eIIects similar to quinidine except Ior weaker
anticholinergic eIIects and is devoid oI an alpha-adrenergic blocking eIIect. This agent has modest
negative inotropic properties that are, however, less than those oI quinidine. Although acute ethanol
ingestion increases the acetylation oI procainamide |66|, the clinical signiIicance oI this clinical
interaction is unknown. However, the acetylated metabolite (N-acetylprocainamide) may mitigate the
clinical impact oI this interaction, since its clinical activity is similar to the parent drug |67|. The patient
stabilized on procainamide should be monitored Ior an altered response Iollowing acute alcohol
ingestion. Since chronic alcohol use has been reported to aIIect the volume oI distribution oI the drug and
reduce the procainamide eIIectiveness |68|, the net eIIect would appear to be a reduced eIIicacy.
(v) Quinidine acts to inhibit sodium channel activity, blunt the rapid upstroke oI the action potential and
prolong its duration, and prolong the reIractory period oI the myocardium. In addition, vagal inIluence on
the heart is weakened. In a rat model, the combined eIIects oI ethanol and quinidine decreased the
papillary muscle tension. The quinidine-induced prolongation oI the absolute reIractory and relative
reIractory periods were also diminished |69|. As an additional interaction a syndrome oI cocktail purpura
has been reported in persons drinking a cocktail with quinine water |70,71|, analogous to the increased
bleeding tendency in patients taking oral quinidine while simultaneously using alcohol.
Coumadin and heparin (both Iractionated and unIractionated) are the two most commonly used anticoagulants.
Coumadin prevents the reduction oI vitamin K epoxide in liver microsomes and induces a state analogous to
vitamin K deIiciency by competitively inhibiting the eIIects oI vitamin K in the carboxylation oI the vitamin K
dependent plasma protein. Additionally, thrombin generation and clot Iormation are slowed by the biologic
activity oI the prothrombin complex proteins.
Ethanol-induced increases in the hypoprothrombinemic response to oral anticoagulants have been noted
clinically Ior many years. It is clear that most patients on oral anticoagulants are not aIIected by moderate
ethanol intake (e.g., 2 drinks per day or less) |72|. Further, daily ingestion oI 592 ml (20 oz) oI table wine or
296 ml (10 oz) oI IortiIied wine (20 alcohol) had no eIIect on the hypoprothrombinemic response to warIarin
in healthy subjects |73|. The ability oI acute ethanol intoxication to enhance the hypoprothrombinemic
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to oral anticoagulants may be due to inhibition oI the anticoagulant metabolism. The apparent increase in
warIarin metabolism in heavy drinkers when sober is presumed to be due to ethanol-induced stimulation oI
hepatic microsomal enzymes |74,75|. Finally, the late stages oI ethanol-induced hepatic damage can be
accompanied by reduced hepatic production oI vitamin K-dependent clotting Iactors |5,76|.
The interaction oI heparin with ethanol is not clearly deIined. The metabolite oI alcohol, acetaldehyde, was
shown to augment the anticoagulating activity oI heparin, but only when using an unphysiological dose oI
acetaldehyde |77|.
Antiplatelet agents
Aspirin irreversibly inactivates cyclo-oxygenase in circulating platelets, thereby interrupting the endoperoxide/
thromboxane A2 pathway.
Ethanol appears to increase the gastrointestinal bleeding produced by aspirin. Both aspirin and ethanol
individually damage the gastric mucosal barrier, and their combined use appears to result in additive or
synergistic eIIects. Also, the ability oI aspirin to prolong the bleeding time is enhanced by ethanol
administration |77|. No eIIect oI aspirin on the single-dose kinetics oI ethanol has been Iound, the peak
concentration oI aspirin being diminished by 25 |78|.
Ethanol is a commonly used agent that, when consumed in light to moderate amounts, may provide pleasure
without undesirable side eIIects. However, when pharmacologic agents are used at the same time side eIIects
may ensue. Such a response is largely dependent on the dosage oI alcohol and the treatment agents. Thus, the
physician prescribing treatment Ior cardiovascular disorders should be aware oI the potential interactions and
convey the appropriate message to his or her patient.
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Chapter 6
Alcohol abuse and hemorrhagic stroke
Seppo Juvela
Prognosis Ior both spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) |14| and aneurysmal subarachnoid
hemorrhage (SAH) |47|, despite improvements in medical and neurosurgical treatment, has largely remained
unaIIected. Outcome oI both these main hemorrhagic stroke subtypes, which together account Ior
approximately 20 oI all strokes, is still determined mainly by the severity oI bleeding, and overall case-
Iatality still reaches 4050 |2,3,7|. Hence, identiIication oI modiIiable risk Iactors Ior ICH and SAH as well
as Ior impaired outcome aIter these strokes has been important in order to inIluence the incidence and outcome
oI these stroke subtypes as well as to understand better the pathogenesis oI these hemorrhages.
Alcohol consumption has been shown to increase the risk Ior both ICH |4,814| and SAH |11,1517|.
Hypertension increases the risk Ior ICH |8,12,14|, but its signiIicance as a risk Iactor Ior SAH seems to be less
important than Ior other stroke subtypes |1618|. Cigarette smoking seems to increase the risk Ior SAH |16
19| but is less likely to increase the risk Ior ICH |8,12,14,19,20|.
Other potential risk Iactors Ior hemorrhagic stroke include anticoagulant treatment |2,3,14,21|, aspirin use
|14,17,22|, thrombolytic therapy |3,23|, and use oI amphetamines or cocaine |3,11,16|. These may also
synergize with each other, e.g., ethanol potentiates aspirin-induced prolongation oI bleeding time |24|, and
anticoagulant treatment increases the risk oI hemorrhage associated with thrombolytic therapy |23|. In
addition, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, hypertension, sex, and age are correlated either directly or
inversely with each other so that multivariate analyses must be used to reveal independent role oI each oI them
as a risk Iactor Ior hemorrhagic stroke subtypes |4,11|.
In most risk-Iactor studies, ICH and SAH have been combined to Iorm the category hemorrhagic stroke
|9,11,19,22,23|, which likely causes bias by either overestimation or underestimation oI the signiIicance oI
risk Iactors Ior diIIerent stroke subtypes. In addition, studies oI hemorrhagic stroke have also included
hemorrhages oI diIIerent etiologies, such as non-aneurysmal SAH, arteriovenous malIormation, unspeciIic
stroke or likely also brain injuries. It is recommended that spontaneous ICH and aneurysmal SAH should not
be combined in epidemiological and clinical studies because these hemorrhages have diIIerent risk Iactors as
well as age and sex distributions |4|.
This review deals with spontaneous ICH and aneurysmal SAH the two most common and severe Iorms oI
hemorrhagic stroke in regard to the modiIiable risk Iactors commonly associated with hemorrhagic stroke
and recovery aIter bleeding including alcohol
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consumption and other health-related habits, previous diseases, and use oI antithrombotic and other medicines.
Prevalence of intracranial aneurysms
Intracranial aneurysms in the general population have been studied mostly in autopsy series. Depending on
whether the aneurysms were sought or merely noted as incidental Iindings, prevalence appears to be 25
(range 0.29) |2527 |. More than halI oI these aneurysms were unruptured beIore death. On the other hand,
aneurysm size is at least 3060 greater beIore death than its size measured aIter death beIore Iixation |28|.
The prevalence oI small aneurysms may thus be greater than reported in autopsy series.
Reported Irequencies oI unruptured aneurysms in angiographic series range Irom 1.16.5 |26,27,29|. The
variance in prevalence has been explained by the age distributions oI the diIIerent series as well as by racial
diIIerences |25,26|. Incidence oI multiple aneurysms depends primarily on completeness oI diagnostic
procedures and can be estimated at about 30 |30,31|. Small aneurysms, which cannot be seen in
angiography, may also be observed during surgery.
Aneurysms seem to be acquired degenerative lesions as a result oI hemodynamic stress, but may sometimes be
Iamilial (c. 10 oI cases) or associated with connective tissue diseases |25,27,32|. Many Iactors may increase
the risk oI aneurysm Iormation or subarachnoid hemorrhage, mainly through unknown mechanisms. These
include hypertension, atherosclerosis, Iemale sex, aging, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, use oI oral
contraceptives, arterial deIiciency in collagen Type III, asymmetry oI the Circle oI Willis, cerebral
arteriovenous malIormations, viral inIections, pituitary tumors, and certain HLA-associated Iactors
|4,16,17,19,25,32,33|. Although age, sex, and hypertension may be risk Iactors Ior aneurysm Iormation, their
association with rupture oI the aneurysm itselI is unlikely |3437|.
Incidence of subarachnoid hemorrhage
Incidence oI SAH varies widely throughout the world, but 10/100,000/year is the generally accepted estimate
Ior western countries |3,25,38|, with the highest incidence rates (~13/ 100,000/year) Ior Finland and Japan
|7,25,26,39|. During last decades, the incidence oI SAH has declined somewhat |7,38,39|, which is mostly
explained by a greater proportion oI patients investigated with computerized tomography (CT) scan. However,
at least part oI this decline can be explained by a well-known decrease oI cigarette smoking and perhaps by
improved treatment oI hypertension.
Aneurysms develop during adulthood, risk Ior SAH increasing linearly with age |3,7,25,40|. Subarachnoid
hemorrhage also is the most common Iorm oI stroke and cause oI stroke mortality among young adults |40|.
Although the incidence oI SAH has been higher in women than in men overall |7,25,39|, its incidence among
young adults has been higher in men |7,17,25,40|. Proneness to SAH among young men might be partly
contributed by their heavier drinking and smoking habits |17|. In recent studies, the Iemale-to-male ratio has
been approximately one also among young adults |41|. This may be due to increased smoking among young
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Since Iemale preponderance Ior SAH is not signiIicant until the IiIth decade |7,25,41|, the overrepresentation
oI their aneurysm Iormation is thought to be secondary to hormonal Iactors |41|; it has been presumed that
estrogen has an inhibitory eIIect on aneurysm Iormation; cigarette smoking also has antiestrogenic properties.
The collagen content oI cerebral arteries may also diminish aIter menopause, Iavoring aneurysm Iormation
Risk factors for subarachnoid hemorrhage
Indisputable independent modiIiable risk Iactors Ior SAH seems to be only cigarette smoking, alcohol
consumption, and to a lesser extent, hypertension |4,16,17,19,33|. Risk Iactors may also diIIer according to
race and age, with young adults having risk Iactors diIIerent Irom those oI elderly people |17|.
Cigarette smoking is an independent and the most important risk Iactor Ior SAH, which has already been
proved in several cohort and case-control studies |4,1619,33,42,43|. In North America and Europe, the
prevalence oI smoking in SAH patients ranges Irom 4575, whereas in the general adult population it is only
2035. Men and younger age groups smoke more than others both in SAH patients and in general
populations |17,43|. Although cigarette smoking is decreasing in western countries, incidence oI SAH does
not necessarily change because oI improved diagnostic methods and aging oI populations. OI SAH cases, 38
48 can be attributed to cigarette smoking |16,17,42|. Smoking is also associated more strongly with SAH
than with other Iorms oI stroke |19|.
It is also well known that heavy smokers start smoking at an earlier age, have smoked longer, and have more
rarely ceased smoking than those who smoke only occasionally or less than 20 cigarettes per day |4446|. In
agreement with this, patients with SAH are more oIten heavy smokers |16,17|, had smoked longer |17|, and
had ceased smoking less oIten |17| than controls. In addition, cigarette smoking increases the risk Ior SAH in
a doseresponse manner |16,17,19|, but the mechanism by which smoking increases the risk has remained
Blood-pressure values are generally lower in smokers than in nonsmokers |19|, but smoking a cigarette causes
an acute increase in blood pressure Ior approximately three hours |16|. Transient increase in blood pressure
caused by smoking may cause rupture oI an aneurysm. It is also possible that long-lasting smoking can cause
aneurysm Iormation and growth by weakening the walls oI cerebral arteries. This can happen, Ior example, iI
increased amounts oI proteolytic enzymes are released into the systemic circulation by smoking |4,17|. This
concept is supported by some reports suggesting that Iormer smokers also have an increased risk, which is,
however, lower than that oI current smokers |16,19|.
DiIIerences between SAH patients either with a single aneurysm or with multiple aneurysms can also be risk
Iactors Ior aneurysm Iormation, since the presence oI multiple aneurysms does not seem to increase the risk
Ior rupture oI an aneurysm |34,35,37|. The risk Iactors Ior aneurysm Iormation may only be more augmented
in the patients with multiple aneurysms. OI several potential risk Iactors Ior multiple intracranial aneurysms,
only two studies have used multivariate statistics to reveal independent risk Iactors |30,31|. Cigarette smoking
|30,31|, Iemale sex |30,31|, and possibly also age |31|, but not hypertension, were independent risk Iactors Ior
multiple intracranial aneurysms and thus possibly also Ior aneurysm Iormation. The theory that cigarette
smoking causes Iormation oI aneurysms through atherosclerosis is unlikely because atherosclerosis-promoting
Iactors such as hypertension, and diabetes, as well as cardiovascular and ischemic cerebrovascular diseases, do
not correlate with multiple aneurysms |30,31|.
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AIter diagnosis oI an unruptured aneurysm, size oI aneurysm |34,35,37,47|, and possibly age inversely
|35,36,47| and cigarette smoking |47| are independent predictors Ior subsequent aneurysm rupture. Cigarette
smoking also seems to be the most important independent risk Iactor Ior subsequent rupture oI an unruptured
aneurysm, irrespective oI aneurysm size, oI gender, and oI age oI the patient at diagnosis |47|. The relative
risk oI cigarette smoking, tested as a time-dependent covariate in the Cox model, increased iI the patient
continued smoking during Iollow-up |47|.
In a recent study, cigarette smoking and Iemale gender were only signiIicant independent Iactors aIIecting
both aneurysm Iormation and growth (Juvela et al. Stroke 2001; 32: 485491). Women in particular were at
high risk Ior aneurysm Iormation, and cigarette smoking hastened aneurysm growth. These Iindings are
important since aneurysms grow beIore the rupture |35|. The Iaster the growth, the more likely is rupture.
Cigarette smokers` serum elastase/alpha-1-antitrypsin imbalance (i.e., increased elastase activity and/or
decreased alpha-1-antitrypsin activity) may contribute either to aneurysm Iormation or to SAH |48,49|.
Cigarette smoking has also been shown to increase elastase activity in the wall oI the rabbit aorta |50|. Perhaps
the strongest evidence is that topical application oI elastase (but oI neither collagenase nor papaverine)
experimentally to the artery wall has caused saccular aneurysm Iormation, growth, and even rupture |51|.
Thus, it is quite probable that regular cigarette smoking increases elastase activity in the artery wall, and this,
together with hemodynamic stress, can cause aneurysm Iormation and even hastens aneurysm growth, leading
to rupture.
The role oI alcohol as a risk Iactor Ior SAH has not been as well established as smoking. Several cohort and
case-control studies have shown that alcohol consumption increases independently oI cigarette smoking,
age, and history oI hypertension risk Ior both ICH |4,814| and SAH |11,1517,52|, even in women
|13,14,17,52|. In two studies |9,13|, alcohol consumption was associated with a signiIicantly increased risk Ior
ICH but not with an increased risk Ior SAH, while in another study |15| the situation was opposite. Long-term
heavy alcohol intake and problem drinking also are more inIrequent in SAH patients than in ICH patients |4|.
Approximately 13 oI subarachnoid hemorrhages could be attributed to recent heavy drinking |17|.
The risk Ior SAH seems to be increased when average alcohol intake is more than 150 g within a week,
obtained with use oI interview |11,1517,52|. Intake oI alcohol more than 40 g at a time increases the risk Ior
SAH during subsequent 24 hours |17|. Above these limits, alcohol intake increases risk Ior SAH in a linear
doseresponse manner, and especially binge drinking is more risky than intake oI corresponding amount oI
alcohol within a longer time period |16,17|. According to case-control studies |16,17|, those with a lower
alcohol intake than 150 g within a week do not seem to have an increased risk Ior SAH but cohort studies
suggest that they have |15,52|. AIter adjustment Ior cigarette smoking, the association oI heavy alcohol intake
with risk Ior SAH has not been shown to be signiIicant both by use oI laboratory markers oI alcohol intake and
by interview with CAGE questionnaire which relates not merely to amount oI alcohol consumed but also to
abnormal drinking behavior (e.g., drinking on waking) and alcohol-induced problems |17|. Use oI these
parameters oI alcohol intake also show that current and Iormer heavy drinking as well as problem drinking are
more common in ICH patients than in SAH patients |4,14,17|. Thus, it seems that moderate or high amount oI
alcohol intake has a relative short-time harmIul eIIect on risk Ior SAH.
In a recent study, alcohol consumption was not an independent risk Iactor Ior aneurysm growth or Iormation
(Juvela et al. Stroke 2001; 32: 485491). It was not even a signiIicant
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risk Iactor in univariate analysis, except Ior a correlation between number oI positive CAGE responses and
aneurysm growth rate, although alcohol consumption is known to correlate with smoking |4,16,17|. Alcohol
consumption is also not an independent risk Iactor Ior multiple aneurysms |30,31|. Thus, it is quite likely that
alcohol intake does not cause aneurysm Iormation.
Blood pressure is raised independently by age, body mass index, pulse rate, amount oI regular alcohol use, and
sodium intake |5357|. Daily drinking oI alcohol results in a dose-dependent gradual elevation oI blood
pressure within a Iew days to weeks |54,55|. AIter cessation oI drinking blood pressure is normalized.
Although short-term occasional drinking may not consistently elevate blood pressure, it has been reported that,
in normotensive subjects, acute consumption oI alcohol can transiently raise both systolic and diastolic blood
pressure |58,59|. The maximum response occurs at peak blood alcohol concentration. A reactive Iorm oI
hypertension associated with increased catecholamines and vascular hyperresponsiveness is a well-known
eIIect during alcohol withdrawal |60|. In social drinkers, binge drinking causes a transient increase in blood
pressure and pulse rate only during intoxication, since blood pressure values, but not pulse rate, are even
decreased aIter drinking and are normalized during hangover |59|. In heavy drinkers, a high variability oI
alcohol consumption (episodic drinking) seems to increase blood pressure values more than a low variability
oI alcohol intake |57|.
Blood-pressure levels, which are transiently increased during alcohol intake and withdrawal, may prove to be
an important mechanism Ior SAH |4,16,17|; such a transient increase in systemic blood pressure, together with
cerebral arteriolar vasoconstriction during alcohol exposure |61|, may contribute to rupture oI an existing
aneurysm without causing Iormation oI an aneurysm. Use oI illicit drugs amphetamines and cocaine may
increase risk Ior SAH by this same mechanism |11,16|, since presence oI multiple aneurysms does not
correlate with the use oI such drugs |30|.
History oI hypertension as a risk Iactor Ior SAH seems to be less crucial than Ior other stroke subtypes
|4,16,17,25,42|. The prevalence oI hypertension among SAH patients (2030) has been suggested to be only
slightly higher than in the general population; aIter adjustment Ior age, gender, cigarette smoking, and alcohol
consumption, history oI hyper-tension has not been shown in case-control studies to increase risk Ior SAH
|16,17|. Smoking and alcohol consumption have thus been considered to increase risk Ior SAH by
mechanisms other than chronic hypertension; hypertension does not even seem to increase risk Ior aneurysm
rupture |34,35,37,47|. In a recent study, patients with hypertension did not have de novo aneurysms or
aneurysm growth more oIten than did the non-hypertensive, nor did BP values correlate with aneurysm
Iormation or growth (Juvela et al. Stroke 2001; 32: 485491).
Recently, patients oI working age with hypertension also had more aneurysms than did the normotensive,
although prevalence oI multiple aneurysms has not been higher overall in hypertensive patients |31|.
ThereIore, patients with hypertension who are subject to intracranial aneurysm Iormation may more Irequently
have more than two aneurysms. The association oI hypertension with SAH could be due to study populations
including ICH patients been used in SAH studies |11,18,32,33|. This inclusion was possible especially in
studies perIormed beIore the CT era, and occurred because ICH is the more common type oI stroke in most
populations |2,3,7|.
Recently, Iamily history oI intracranial aneurysms has been suggested to be evidence Ior genetic causality oI
cerebral aneurysms |27,62|. However, cigarette smoking and other health-related habits should be analyzed as
a conIounding Iactor Ior this association since
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correlation oI these habits between Iamily members is higher than in the general population |62,63|. In
addition, 3848 oI subarachnoid hemorrhages can be attributed to current smoking |16,17,42|, whereas risk
attributable to aIIected Iirst-degree relatives accounts Ior only 5 |62|. Furthermore smoking and alcohol-
intake behaviors may even to some degree be inIluenced by genetic Iactors |63|, although tobacco-associated
premature death Irom lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases does not seem to be inIluenced by genetic or
Iamilial predisposition |64|.
Risk factors for poor outcome after subarachnoid hemorrhage
The outcome aIter aneurysmal SAH is determined by the severity oI bleeding assessed by the clinical
condition and amount oI subarachnoid, intracerebral, and intraventricular blood on the CT scan, as well as by
the occurrence oI rebleeding or delayed cerebral ischemia (symptomatic vasospasm) |6,6568|. Advanced age
seems to impair outcome independently oI Iactors mentioned above |67|.
The risk oI delayed cerebral ischemia is best predicted by the amount oI subarachnoid and intraventricular
blood amount |65,66,68|, as well as by previous hypertension |66,68|, irrespective oI clinical condition on
admission or hydrocephalus. Cigarette smoking has also been shown to increase the risk oI symptomatic
vasospasm |43| and oI cerebral inIarction aIter SAH |68|.
Alcohol consumption seems not to increase the risk oI death due to primary bleed although heavy drinking
may increase mortality and morbidity because oI severe rebleeding and delayed cerebral ischemia aIter SAH
|6|. Poor outcome in heavy drinkers is caused mainly by an increase in mortality and morbidity due to
rebleeding and delayed ischemia although Irequency and time oI onset oI rebleeding and delayed ischemia are
not aIIected by drinking habits |6|.
There can be several mechanisms by which heavy drinking and ethanol withdrawal can predispose to a severe
rebleeding or symptomatic vasospasm aIter SAH. These include the eIIects on blood pressure, platelet
Iunction, clotting Iactors, alcohol-induced cardiac arrhythmias, and changes in cerebral blood Ilow |6,10,54
60,69|. Long term severe heavy drinking can cause thrombocytopenia, reduced platelet aggregability and
thromboxane Iormation capacity, increase in prostacyclin production in the endothelium, and deIects oI
clotting Iactors |6,10|. In addition, cerebral autoregulation is impaired aIter SAH leading to an increase in
cerebral blood Ilow iI blood pressure is elevated |25|. Increase in blood pressure, together with cerebral
arteriolar vasoconstriction during alcohol exposure |61|, may increase blood pressure in large cerebral arteries.
All these Iactors together could explain the severity oI rebleeding and presence oI intracerebral hematoma in
heavy drinkers. Cessation oI alcohol abuse results in rebound thrombocytosis and increased thromboxane
Iormation by platelets within two weeks thus Iavoring thrombosis Iormation and severe delayed cerebral
ischemia |6,69|.
Incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage
Incidence oI spontaneous ICH also varies widely throughout the world being most common in Asia, but 15
30/100,000/year is the generally accepted estimate Ior western countries
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|2,3,39,70|. Although incidence oI ICH is higher than that oI SAH, the incidence oI SAH is higher in people
aged 60 or less, especially in Finland |2,7|. The incidence oI SAH increases linearly by age |3,7|, while that oI
ICH increases exponentially |2,3|. ICH also is clearly more common among men than among women.
Risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage
Most spontaneous hematomas are attributed to chronic arterial hypertension |14,8,12,14|. Other risk Iactors
Ior ICH include alcohol consumption |4,814|, anticoagulant treatment |3,4,14,21|, and to a lesser extent,
aspirin use |14,22|, thrombolytic therapy |3,23|, use oI amphetamines or cocaine |3,11|, and possibly also
diabetes mellitus |4|. These Iactors increase risk Ior ICH especially in young and middle-aged adult people,
whereas amyloid angiopathy is an important cause oI ICH in the older age groups. Cigarette smoking, which is
the most important risk Iactor Ior SAH, seems not to increase independently oI hypertension and alcohol
consumption the risk Ior ICH, although its prevalence may be higher among ICH patients than in the general
population |8,12,14,19,20|. Thus, ICH seems, contrary to SAH, to have a multiIactorial pathogenesis.
History oI hypertension as a risk Iactor Ior ICH is well known |14,8,12,14,20,70|. Its occurrence among ICH
patients varies Irom 4570, whereas the prevalence oI hypertension in the general adult population is about
20. The risk is even substantially higher among those who have ceased their antihypertensive therapy
|14,70|. Approximately 20 oI ICH patients had not used the hypertensive medicines, which were prescribed
to them beIore hemorrhage or these were stopped by a physician within Iew weeks to months beIore ICH |14|.
The mechanism is thought to involve a hypertension-induced degeneration oI the walls oI small arteries
(lipohyalinosis and Iibrinoid necrosis or microaneurysm) that leaves them prone to rupture. Both insulin-
dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus has been suggested, independently oI chronic
hypertension and other risk Iactors, to increase risk Ior ICH partly by this same mechanism: vasculopathy oI
perIorating cerebral arteries, the walls oI which are weakened by lipid and hyaline material (lipohyalinosis and
Iibrinoid necrosis), microaneurysm, and/or microangiopathy |4|.
Several studies have shown that alcohol consumption increases the risk Ior ICH in a dose response manner
independent oI chronic hypertension |4,814| even in women |13,14|. Evidence Ior this has been obtained
using diIIerent interview methods and laboratory markers oI alcohol intake |14|. Alcohol intake seems to be
more common among patients with spontaneous ICH than among those oI a similar age with aneurysmal SAH
|4,9,13|. The amount oI alcohol used within the previous 24 hours seems to be similar in both hemorrhage
types |4|. However, recent heavy drinking (~300 grams) within the previous week as well as problem drinking
are more common in male ICH patients than in male SAH patients independent oI their history oI
hypertension |4|. When the risk Ior SAH seems to be increased when average alcohol intake is more than 150
g within a week, risk Ior ICH seems to be increased already at lower levels oI alcohol intake |4,11,14,17|.
Average alcohol intake oI 100 g within a week |71| or oI less than 40 g at a time |14| seems to not increase
the risk.
This alcohol-associated risk Ior ICH is oI relative short duration. This theory is supported by the observation
that recent drinking, within 24 hours oI ICH, was more important as a risk Iactor than the amount oI alcohol
consumed within 1 week, and that previous drinking was not a risk Iactor |14|. The association oI recent
drinking and ICH is not inIluenced by
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sex, age, body mass index, smoking status, hypertension or other previous diseases, or by use oI nonsteroidal
anti-inIlammatory drugs or anticoagulants |14|.
The pathophysiologic mechanisms by which alcohol could contribute to ICH include hypertension |5460|,
impaired hemostasis |69,72,73|, decreased circulating levels oI clotting Iactors produced by the liver |72,74|,
excessive Iibrinolysis |75|, disseminated intravascular coagulation |10|, and changes in cerebral blood Ilow
|76|. Because even anticoagulant treatment with a low- or moderate-intensity warIarin regimen seems not to
increase the risk oI intracranial bleeding |77|, and the prevalence oI thrombocytopenia as a cause oI ICH
seems to be uncommon |14|, liver dysIunction or thrombocytopenia must be severe iI bleeding or clotting
disorders can be considered as the sole cause oI ICH. Clotting and bleeding disorders together with alcohol-
induced transient elevation oI blood pressure |5860| and plasminogen activator activity |75| could increase
the risk oI ICH |14|.
It is unlikely that chronic hypertension is the mechanism by which alcohol consumption increases the risk Ior
ICH, because the alcohol-associated risk has remained signiIicant aIter adjustment Ior hypertension
|8,9,12,13,14|. On the other hand, the transient increase in blood pressure during alcohol intake and
withdrawal may prove to be an important mechanism |14|. Such a transient increase in systemic blood
pressure |5860| together with cerebral arteriolar vasoconstriction |61| during alcohol exposure might
contribute to rupture oI small cerebral arteries. Since alcohol intake is more abundant in ICH patients than in
SAH patients |4,9,13|, it is possible that alcohol may increase the risk oI ICH also by other mechanisms than
only by a transient elevation oI blood pressure. Use oI illicit drugs amphetamines and cocaine may increase
risk Ior SAH by this same mechanism. During as well as aIter alcohol or drug intake, cerebral autoregulation,
especially in patients with hypertensive cardiovascular disease, may be altered leading to arteriolar dilatation
and increased cerebral blood Ilow even at moderately increased blood pressure levels. This may result in
vascular rupture(s) |11,76,78 |. Illicit drugs may also cause ICH by abrupt increase in blood pressure and by
vasculitis |14|.
Anticoagulant treatment has been shown to be a risk Iactor Ior ICH causing a low per cent oI cases
|4,14,21,77|. Intracranial bleeding caused by anticoagulant is more common in the elderly because they are
treated more oIten by anticoagulants. Risk oI hemorrhage is also directly associated with intensity oI
anticoagulation. Bleeding that occurs when the international normalized ratio (INR) is 3.0 is uncommon and
Irequently associated with an obvious underlying disease |14,77|.
Use oI aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inIlammatory drugs (NSAIDs) seems to increase somewhat risk Ior
ICH |14|. According to a meta-analysis oI aspirin trials |22|, although aspirin increases slightly (1.5-Iold) but
signiIicantly (p 0.05) the risk oI hemorrhagic stroke, which type oI hemorrhage it increases remained
unknown. It is likely that aspirin increases only the risk oI ICH, since most oI those SAH patients who had
used NSAIDs beIore hemorrhage had used those agents Ior symptoms consistent with minor leakage, which
have been suggested occurring in approximately 2030 oI SAH cases |4,5|.
The risk oI ICH associated with the use oI thrombolytic agents has been shown to be low aIter myocardial
inIarction. This low risk may be increased somewhat by use oI anticoagulants and among elderly people |23|.
Thrombocytopenia as a cause oI ICH also is uncommon |2,3,14|. These observations suggest that liver
dysIunction or hemostatic disorders must be severe iI bleeding or clotting disorders can be considered as the
sole cause oI ICH.
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Risk factors for poor outcome after intracerebral hemorrhage
The short-term outcome (30-day mortality) aIter ICH is determined independently by the severity oI bleeding
as assessed by the initial level oI consciousness, the volume oI hematoma and the presence oI intraventricular
blood |7984|; and the long-term Iunctional outcome also depends on location oI the hematoma, the age oI
patient, and the amount oI alcohol consumed within one week beIore ICH |81,83,84|. Hematomas, which are
outside the basal ganglia and brain stem are associated independently oI other Iactors with a better prognosis
than the central hematomas |84|.
Patients with a subcortical or cerebellar hematoma at least 3 cm in diameter and impaired consciousness are
generally considered to beneIit Irom surgical removal oI clot, which reduces both mortality and morbidity
|1,84|. Patients with the most common intracerebral hematomas, which are located in the putamen are not
generally accepted as candidates Ior surgery. Although surgery may reduce mortality oI stuporous or semi-
comatose patients it seems to leave these patients severely disabled |1,84,85|.
Alcohol intake is not associated with case Iatality due to initial bleeding but it is associated with long-term
outcome |84|. Poor outcome, as well as overall outcome, are directly associated with the amount oI alcohol
used within the last week beIore ICH as well as with a laboratory marker oI alcohol intake, erythrocyte mean
corpuscular volume (MCV), suggesting that both recent drinking and long-term heavy alcohol intake impair
outcome. At no level oI alcohol intake is the outcome better in users than in abstainers |84|.
Although alcohol intake and MCV were associated with variables predicting a Iavorable outcome (better
clinical condition, younger patient age, superIicial location oI hematoma), they are also associated directly but
non-signiIicantly with volume oI hematoma, especially MCV |84|. A possible reason Ior this is that patients
who are long-term heavy drinkers have cerebral atrophy |86|, rendering it possible that the hematoma must
enlarge more in them than in those with less alcohol intake to produce similar symptoms. This might later
cause more cerebral edema in heavy drinkers than expected on the basis oI clinical condition owing to both the
size oI hematoma and the cytotoxic metabolites released Irom it |87|.
Enlargement oI the hematoma or rebleeding, which impairs clearly the outcome, occurs in 1020 oI patients
when the initial CT scan is perIormed within 46 hours Irom the onset |84,85,88|. Enlargement oI hematoma
seems to be associated with initial volume oI hematoma, time period between the onset oI symptoms and Iirst
CT scan (inversely), heavy alcohol drinking, low level oI Iibrinogen, and elevated MCV |84,88|.
Presence oI cerebral atrophy or hematoma enlargement because oI liver dysIunction could, however, not
explain why patients with light or moderate recent alcohol intake have an increased risk oI impaired outcome.
CAGE positiveness (problem drinking), and heavy drinking were not important determinants oI outcome aIter
exclusion oI amount oI recent alcohol intake Irom the logistic models |84|. Cerebral atrophy as well as liver
dysIunction seem to be reversible, which could in part explain why previous heavy drinking does not seem to
impair outcome |84,86|.
Pathophysiologic mechanisms by which alcohol could contribute to impaired outcome include also the same
Iactors that increase risk Ior ICH: (transient) hypertension |5460|, impaired hemostasis |69,72,73|, decreased
circulating levels oI clotting Iactors produced by the liver |72,74|, excessive Iibrinolysis |75|, disseminated
intravascular coagulation |10|, and changes in cerebral blood Ilow |76|. Transient increase in blood pressure
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together with cerebral arteriolar vasoconstriction during alcohol exposure |61|, and/or impaired hemostasis
could cause additional ruptures oI small cerebral arteries causing enlargement oI hematoma.
Cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and hypertension are important modiIiable risk Iactors Ior
hemorrhagic stroke and impaired outcome aIter the bleeding. Cigarette smoking and moderate to heavy
alcohol consumption increase risk Ior SAH. Hypertension and alcohol consumption are risk Iactors Ior
spontaneous ICH. Cigarette smoking may impair somewhat the outcome aIter SAH but alcohol consumption
impairs Iunctional recovery both aIter SAH and aIter ICH. Thus, cessation oI smoking and avoiding heavy
alcohol drinking, in particular binge drinking, are important Iactors to reduce incidence and partly also
impaired outcome oI these severe Iorms oI hemorrhagic stroke.
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88 Fujii Y, Takeuchi S, Sasaki O, Minakawa T, Tanaka R. Multivariate analysis oI predictors oI hematoma
enlargement in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. Stroke 1998; 29: 11601166.
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Chapter 7
Alcohol abuse and ischemic stroke
Matti Hillbom
Alcohol consumption has been reported to show a U-shaped |1|, J-shaped |2| or linear |3| association with the
incidence oI total stroke, including ischemic stroke. A J-shaped association has also been observed between
alcohol intake and blood pressure, the major risk Iactor Ior ischemic stroke |4|. It now seems to be generally
accepted that light-to-moderate drinking does not cause any cerebrovascular harm and may even protect
against atherothrombotic stroke. However, heavy drinking clearly increases the risk oI both ischemic and
hemorrhagic stroke.
Alcohol abuse is known to cause both hypertension and atrial Iibrillation. Alcohol abuse shows a rather high
(530) estimated prevalence in the western industrialized countries, but only a modest increasing eIIect on
the risk oI ischemic stroke compared to hypertension and atrial Iibrillation |5|. The impact oI hypertension on
the incidence oI stroke is much greater than that oI alcohol |6,7|. The population-attributable risk Ior stroke
caused by hypertension has been estimated to be ten-Iold compared to that caused by heavy alcohol
consumption |7|. However, alcohol remains among the many risk Iactors oI ischemic stroke.
DiIIerent drinking habits certainly contribute to the diversity oI observations. For example, alcohol seems to
carry a much higher risk Ior deep cerebral inIarct (lacunar stroke) in Spain than in Finland |8,9|. Regular daily
drinking is much more common in the Mediterranian countries than in Scandinavia. However, the
Scandinavian pattern oI heavy binge drinking may be more hazardous Ior some other types oI ischemic stroke.
The aim oI the present chapter is to discuss the relationship between heavy drinking and several subtypes oI
ischemic stroke with particular reIerence to the drinking pattern. The nature oI the relationship will be
highlighted with case histories whenever possible. At the end oI the chapter, the possible protective eIIect oI
light alcohol drinking will also be discussed.
Stroke admission rates have been observed to be high among heavy drinkers |10|. Some studies also suggest
that alcohol abuse may associate with ischemic stroke recurrence |11,12|. A study on recent alcohol intake
showed that heavy drinking is an independent risk Iactor Ior most subtypes oI ischemic stroke and particularly
a risk Iactor Ior cardiogenic brain embolism |13|.
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Table 7.1 Previously published and new case histories illustrating several diIIerent mechanisms that could
link alcohol abuse to an increased risk oI ischemic brain inIarct
Cases [reference] Number of cases Tvpe of stroke Mechanism or underlving disease Drinking pattern
|14|* 1 Cardioembolic Alcoholic cardiomyopathy Regular
|18|* 1 Cardioembolic Atrial Iibrillation Binge
|19|* 1 Cardioembolic Atrial Ilutter Binge
Case 1 1 Cardioembolic Atrioventricular block Binge
Case 2 1 Cardioembolic Myocardial inIarct Binge
Case 3 1 Cardioembolic LeIt atrial thrombus Regular
Case 4 1 Cardioembolic Myocardial inIarct Regular
|22|* 1 Paradoxical Atrial septal deIect Regular
Case 5 1 Paradoxical Patent Ioramen ovale Binge
Case 6 1 Paradoxical Patent Ioramen ovale Binge
|23|* 1 Undetermined Rebound thrombocytosis Regular
Case 7 1 Tandem embolism Large-artery disease Binge
Case 8 1 Lacunar inIarct Small-vessel occlusion Regular
|37|* 1 Dissection Hypertension Binge
|22|* 1 Dissection Neck trauma Binge
|38|* 3 Dissection? Alcoholic stupor Binge?
|39|* 1 Dissection Vertebral occlusion Binge
|40|* 1 Compression Alcoholic coma Binge?
Case 9 1 Dissection Neck compression Binge
|41|* 2 Cryptogenic Unknown Binge
|42|* 1 Cryptogenic Unknown Binge
* See reIerence Ior details oI the cases. In case 23 investigations to detect cardiac and vascular abnormalities were not
The association between alcohol abuse with cardiogenic brain embolism suggests several mechanisms via
which heavy drinking could precipitate brain inIarct. First, there is the possibility oI alcoholic heart muscle
disease. Excessive chronic alcohol consumption leads to dilated cardiomyopathy, which oIten results in heart
Iailure. In some countries, alcohol is the identiIiable cause oI chronic heart Iailure in 23 oI cases.
Embolism to the brain is a Irequent complication oI the disease |14|. Although case histories are inIrequently
reported (Table 7.1), alcoholic patients with dilated cardiomyopathy are common. In Spain, where regular
daily alcohol intake is the prevailing drinking pattern oI heavy drinkers, alcoholic cardiomyopathy has been
observed in one-third oI both male and Iemale alcoholics |15|.
Atrial Iibrillation is certainly the commonest cause oI cardiogenic brain embolism, and about 0.4 oI the
population have atrial Iibrillation. The relative risk oI ischemic stroke in subjects with atrial Iibrillation is 5- to
7-Iold compared to subjects without this condition. Alcohol abuse has been estimated to account Ior a
substantial portion (30) oI the new-onset cases |16| and to precipitate atrial Iibrillation even in healthy
nonalcoholic subjects |17|. Alcohol-induced atrial Iibrillation |18| and atrial Ilutter |19| have been reported as
causes oI cardiogenic brain embolism in nonalcoholic young adults. These cases were young men with neither
cardiomyopathy nor coronary disease, and the strokes were precipitated by acute alcoholic intoxication.
Autopsy oI a patient who had two episodes oI embolic stroke, both precipitated by acute alcohol drinking, did
not show
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any cardiac abnormality |19|. These two cases illustrate that even occasional heavy drinking may precipitate
cardiac arrhythmias leading to stroke. The Iollowing case history conIirms that subjects prone to severe
cardiac arrhythmias should avoid drinking Ior intoxication.
Case 1
In June 1988, a 31-year-old nonsmoking man showed transient dysphasia shortly aIter having ingested several
glasses oI beer. Subsequent examinations suggested cardiogenic brain embolism. Computed tomography oI
the head showed a small leIt temporo-parietal brain inIarct. His heart was in a normal position, the leIt
ventricle was slightly enlarged (63/ 43 mm), and precordial echocardiography did not reveal any intracardiac
thrombi, but a 17-hour Holter monitoring revealed severe bradyarrhythmias (heart rate varying Irom 30 to 58
beats with several asystoles ~4 seconds), single ventricular extras and a third-degree atrioventricular block.
The diagnosis oI a congenital heart conduction deIect was made. The subject was put on continuous aspirin
On the aIternoon oI October 4th 1991, while working, the subject suddenly developed right homonymous
quadrantanopia and dysphasia. He had been taking aspirin regularly, but on the preceding evening he had
ingested a large amount oI alcohol (180 g ethanol). The short CAGE questionnaire |20| suggested that he was
a problem drinker, and his serum gammaglutamyl transIerase was clearly above normal. His total alcohol
intake during the preceding week amounted to 450 grams oI ethanol. He was a nonsmoker and had no other
risk Iactors Ior stroke except the previously diagnosed congenital heart conduction deIect and alcohol abuse.
The examination revealed a new leIt parietal brain inIarct, but transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)
showed no pathological Iindings. The patient was put on continuous anticoagulant treatment and warned
against drinking alcohol.
Other conditions, such as post-inIarct abnormalities oI the leIt ventricle and hypertensive heart disease have
also been observed in subjects with alcoholic ischemic stroke. The Iollowing three case histories suggest that
patients with these conditions should be warned against heavy drinking.
Case 2
In August 1992, a 57-year-old nonsmoking man, while trying to sleep aIter having ingested a large amount oI
alcohol (120 grams ethanol), suddenly became unconscious Ior a short moment and simultaneously developed
leIt hemiparesis. On admission into the local hospital, a couple oI hours later, his blood ethanol concentration
was 40 mmol/L. Subsequent examinations revealed a large right hemispheric brain inIarct (a dense media sign
was visible in the Iirst CT oI the head) together with severe brain edema and herniation. The patient, who was
used taking a binge once a month, died three days later. Autopsy was not perIormed. According to the hospital
records, he had hypertension, coronary artery disease and a large anterolateral myocardial inIarct resulting into
inIero-posterior and antero-apical hypokinetic segments. The patient had also Iallen down, because oI his
intoxication a Iew hours beIore going to bed. ThereIore, a traumatic carotid arterial dissection could not be
excluded, but cardiogenic brain embolism was also possible.
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Case 3
In April 1994, a 60-year-old nonsmoking man who had diabetes and untreated hypertension, but who did not
use any medication, suddenly developed right hemiparesis and a visual Iield deIect several hours aIter getting
out oI bed in the morning. He was an episodic heavy drinker and had ingested a large amount oI alcohol on the
preceding evening (150 g ethanol). His usual weekly alcohol intake averaged 300 g oI ethanol. On admission,
he had atrial Iibrillation. During the preceding month, he had both an upper respiratory inIection and a
bacterial dental inIection, and two weeks beIore the index stroke he experienced symptoms suggestive oI a
transient ischemic attack. A computed tomography head scan showed a new leIt temporo-occipital brain
inIarct and an older leIt deep capsular inIarct. Duplex imaging oI the carotid and vertebral arteries did not
suggest any signiIicant stenoses, but TEE showed an enlarged leIt atrium with a moving appendicular
Case 4
In March 1990, a 42-year-old man known to be an episodic heavy drinker and regular smoker suddenly
developed a right visual Iield deIect caused by a leIt occipital brain inIarct. A Iew weeks prior to the index
stroke he had an anteroseptal and inIerior myocardial inIarct, and aIter discharge Irom hospital, he had started
to drink large amounts oI alcohol daily. In April 1995, he developed a right occipital brain inIarct. This
accident` was again preceded by a drinking bout oI about two weeks (900 g ethanol per week). On admission,
clinical examination showed tubular vision. A computed tomography head scan revealed two separate inIarcts
located on the leIt and right occipital lobes. Duplex imaging oI the carotid and vertebral arteries showed
neither occlusions nor signiIicant stenoses, but transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) showed leIt ventricular
inIerior and anteroapical hypokinetic segments without any thrombi. Three days aIter the onset oI the latter
stroke, the patient`s platelet count amounted to 604, suggesting rebound thrombocytosis due to the recent
cessation oI prolonged heavy alcohol drinking. This patient was later diagnosed Ior a clinically deIinite
mitochondrial disorder, but the presumed etiology oI his strokes was probable cardiogenic embolism |21|.
Paradoxical embolism has also been reported as an apparent cause oI a brain inIarct in a heavy drinker |22|.
Two Iurther cases oI possible paradoxical embolism triggered in connection with binge drinking are described
Case 5
In July 1990, an obese 39-year-old man who was a smoker and inIrequent weekend drinker suddenly Ielt
severe headache and developed right hemiparesis together with right hemianopia shortly aIter getting up Irom
bed in the morning. He had been healthy and was not using any medication, although slightly elevated blood
pressure values had been measured. He had ingested a large amount oI alcohol (150 g ethanol) during the
preceding evening.
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On admission in the morning oI the stroke onset, his blood alcohol level was still 20 mmol/L. A computed
tomography head scan showed a leIt parietal subcortical brain inIarct. An arch angiogram revealed neither any
signiIicant stenoses nor other abnormalities in his arteries. TEE showed a slightly enlarged leIt atrium, no
thrombi, but a patent Ioramen ovale without any spontaneous right-to-leIt shunt. Venography showed a deep
venous thrombosis in his right leg.
Case 6
In March 1996, a 26-year-old healthy nonsmoking man who was an inIrequent weekend drinker woke up at 8
a.m., and three hours later, while jogging, suddenly developed a right visual Iield deIect. He had been drinking
alcohol during the preceding evening (alcohol intake amounted to 150 g oI ethanol), and had experienced
distinct signs and symptoms oI hangover and vomited that morning. An arch angiogram was normal, but TEE
showed a moderate-to-large patent Ioramen ovale, but not spontaneous right-to-leIt shunt. Venography was
not perIormed, but a hematologic examination revealed resistance to protein C (APC resistance, heterozygous
Ior the prothrombin gene).
The latter case suggests that paradoxical embolism could have been transported via a patent Ioramen ovale
during a Valsalva manouver precipitated by vomiting, a common consequence oI intoxication and hangover.
Thrombocytosis and associated platelet hyperactivity have been considered as contributing Iactors Ior alcohol-
induced ischemic strokes |22,23|. Case 4 and the case reported by Neiman |23| suggest a relationship between
alcohol-induced rebound thrombocytosis and the onset oI ischemic stroke. Although rebound thrombocytosis
coincided with the onset oI stroke in these cases, we still lack direct prooI oI a causal relation. Such Iactors as
rebound thrombocytosis, decreased Iibrinolytic activity, APC resistance, etc., could well be considered to
promote the development oI thrombi, but it has remained unclear whether any particular drinking pattern, such
as episodic heavy drinking, precipitates thrombus Iormation via these mechanisms.
It is generally thought that thromboembolic strokes are mainly caused by atherosclerotic disease.
Atherosclerotic disease is less prevalent among populations regularly consuming alcohol than among binge-
drinking populations. The high risk oI stroke in a population with a high alcohol intake does not seem to be
due to large-artery atherosclerosis |24|, but may be caused by other diseases promoting the onset oI stroke, i.
e., alcoholic cardiomyopathy. On the other hand, the age-adjusted relation between alcohol intake and carotid
artery atherosclerosis has been reported to be U-shaped, with light drinkers Iacing a lower atherosclerosis risk
than either abstainers or heavy drinkers |25|.
A strong positive relation between alcohol consumption and the risk oI mortality Irom stroke is apparent |26|.
In the Scandinavian countries, binge drinking has been observed to associate with both an increased risk Ior
ischemic stroke mortality |27| and the progression oI atherosclerosis |28|. It is thereIore not surprising that a
weak association has been observed even between large-artery atherosclerotic stroke and recent heavy
drinking |13|. An artery-to-artery embolism (tandem embolism) may easily be detached Irom an existing
thrombus attached to an atherosclerotic vessel wall because oI the abrupt increase in
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blood Ilow caused by acute alcoholic intoxication. The Iollowing case history suggests such a mechanism.
Case 7
In February 1996, a 66-year-old previously healthy, heavily smoking man suddenly developed dysphasia and
right hemiparesis while getting up Irom a couch in the aIternoon. He was an episodic drinker and had suIIered
Irom sleep apneas. He had been drinking since the preceding night, and the total amount oI alcohol ingested
during the index bout amounted to 150 g ethanol. On admission into hospital on the same evening, a computed
tomography head scan excluded the possibility oI hemorrhagic stroke, but did not show a leIt hemispheric
inIarct, either. His blood alcohol concentration was 30 mmol/L. He did not have atrial Iibrillation or any other
signs or symptoms oI cardiac disease (normal electrocardiogram), but an arch angiogram showed a major leIt
internal carotid arterial stenosis (80) with a rough atheromatous plaque. A diagnosis oI large-artery
atherosclerotic brain inIarct was made, and the patient was remitted Ior carotid endarterectomy.
Small-vessel occlusions, i.e., thrombosis oI a single perIorating cerebral artery, cause lacunar ischemic
strokes. A lacunar inIarct usually occurs in the internal capsule or thalamus and presents clinically as a pure
motor stroke, pure sensory stroke, sensomotor stroke, dysarthria clumsy hand or ataxic hemiparesis. Patients
with typical lacunar inIarct syndromes account Ior approximately 20 oI all ischemic strokes, and
hypertensive small-vessel disease seems to be the most important etiology |29|. Because heavy drinking oI
alcohol is a Irequent cause oI arterial hypertension, it is assumed to associate with small-vessel occlusion as
well. However, conIlicting observations have also been reported. Some studies have not shown alcohol to be a
signiIicant risk Iactor |2931|, whereas others have |9,32|. The study oI You et al. included a rather large
series oI young adults with lacunar inIarcts |33|. This study suggested that long-term heavy alcohol
consumption is a risk Iactor Ior ischemic brain inIarct, whereas recent heavy drinking is not. The Iollowing
case history suggests a relationship between alcohol drinking and the onset oI lacunar brain inIarct.
Case 8
In October 1994, a 55-year-old heavily smoking man with treated diabetes and hypertension suddenly
developed leIt sensomotor hemiparesis, while sitting at home in the evening. He was a habitual heavy drinker
with a regular weekly consumption oI 500 g ethanol. During the aIternoon preceding the onset oI stroke, he
had ingested 10 bottles oI beer (120 g ethanol) in a pub. On admission into hospital immediately aIter the
onset oI the stroke, his blood pressure was 110/75 mmHg and blood alcohol 20 mmol/L. Duplex imaging oI
the carotid and vertebral arteries did not show any signiIicant stenoses, and precordial echocardiography was
unremarkable. A computed tomography head scan later conIirmed the presence oI a small brain inIarct in the
area oI the right lentiIorm and caudate nuclei.
A Iew similar subjects with classical risk Iactors Ior lacunar stroke have been seen at our department during
the recent years. One patient had recurrent lacunar brain inIarcts
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during heavy binge drinking. Some recent reports oI interest should be mentioned here, because they may help
to orient Iuture investigations. First, apolipoprotein E phenotype seems to signiIicantly inIluence the blood-
pressure-increasing eIIect oI alcohol consumption |34| and the risk oI recurrent lobar intracerebral hemorrhage
|35|. Studies relating apolipoprotein E phenotype to the occurrence oI strokes triggered by heavy drinking are
not yet available. Second, a line oI experimental studies have demonstrated alcohol-induced cerebrovascular
spasms in relation to stroke-like events |36|. This mechanism oI probable importance has been described in
other chapters oI this book. Third, it could be possible that alcohol inIluences cerebrovascular autoregulation
in a manner that promotes the onset oI lacunar stroke. Further studies are needed to demonstrate such an
Cervical arterial dissection is probably one oI the most common causes oI ischemic stroke in young
subjects. It is diagnosed by imaging with conventional or MR angiography and typically occurs aIter major
trauma, but may also occur spontaneously or aIter trivial injury. Needless to say, alcoholic intoxication is a
major risk Iactor Ior all types oI trauma. ThereIore, it is not surprising that cervical arterial dissections have
also been described to have occurred in connection with alcohol abuse |22,37|. Some reports have emphasized
that extracranial vessel compression due to unusual posturing during alcoholic stupor or coma could also result
in a brain inIarct |3840|, but it has remained unclear whether cervical arterial dissection is the underlying
mechanism or not. In at least one oI the reported cases dissection was excluded |40|.
Surprisingly, case-control studies have not yet been able to prove alcohol as a risk Iactor Ior ischemic stroke
caused by cervical arterial dissection |13|. Injury oI the neck arteries may easily occur during a drunken Iight
or Ialling, but the onset oI ischemic stroke is oIten delayed. In Iact, the onset oI cervical trauma may have
occurred long beIore the onset oI stroke, and the relationship is thereIore diIIicult to establish. To show a
relationship, we will need to question the subjects with dissection about their experienced trauma and violence
oI all kinds as well as about alcohol drinking. The Iollowing case report illustrates the problem.
Case 9
One Friday evening in May 1993, a 36-year-old man, aIter having been drinking heavily (180 g ethanol),
started to wrestle with a drunken companion. During the Iight, this man was strangled, particularly on the right
hand side oI his neck. The man did not Ieel any symptoms immediately aIter the Iight, but later on he Ielt pain
on his right neck and got a headache. AIter a Iortnight, while turning his Iace to right, he suddenly developed a
right Horner`s sign and temporal hyperalgesia. AIter admission into hospital, an arch angiogram revealed a 3-
cm-long tight stenosis with aneurysms at both ends in the extracranial part oI his right internal carotid artery.
A diagnosis oI traumatic carotid arterial dissection was made. He was treated with anticoagulants and made
good recovery without any complications.
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Finally, ischemic brain inIarcts oI unknown origin (cryptogenic stroke) have also been described in connection
with heavy drinking oI alcohol |41,42|. Alcohol also has complex eIIects on cerebral blood Ilow and
autoregulation. Whether or not these mechanisms play a signiIicant role is unclear. Thus Iar, we have not
Iound an alcoholic binge to result in marked hypotension and watershed inIarcts. We believe that many oI the
cryptogenic ischemic brain inIarcts are due to emboli oI unknown origin.
Several studies have shown regular light (1020 g oI ethanol daily) or moderate (less than 300 g oI ethanol per
week) drinking to associate with a decreased risk Ior ischemic stroke oI atherothrombotic origin |4345|, but
the observations on the eIIects oI light and moderate alcohol consumption on stroke mortality have been
conIlicting |27,46,47|. For example, one study showed light-to-moderate drinking to be associated with a 36
reduction in deaths Irom ischemic heart disease, but had no eIIect on death Irom stroke |47|. A recent study
|48| reported that light-to-moderate alcohol consumption reduces the overall risk oI stroke and the risk oI
ischemic stroke in men. The beneIit was apparent with as little as one drink per week. More abundant
consumption, up to one drink per day, did not increase the observed beneIit.
Several possible mechanisms have been proposed to explain the beneIicial eIIect oI light-to-moderate alcohol
consumption |49|. However, almost all oI the proposed mechanisms are unable to explain a protective eIIect
with such small amounts oI alcohol as a Iew drinks per week. The only exception could be the increasing
eIIect oI alcohol on estrogen levels, which protects against atherogenesis. On the other hand, accurate and
reliable data on alcohol consumption are hard to Iind in epidemiological studies, because drinking patterns
have usually not been inquired.
In Iact, some investigators have pointed out that there is no convincing evidence to show that light or moderate
drinking is protective against stroke |50|. Nor does light-to-moderate drinking seem to protect against
mortality Irom stroke when compared with not drinking |47|. Although many studies have taken into account
several potential conIounding Iactors, others still exist. The ones that have been poorly controlled include
physical activity, psychosocial conIounders and dietary Iactors. For example, it has been observed that
moderate drinkers who do not smoke are more likely than nondrinkers to engage in regular leisure time
physical activity |51|. At the moment, we cannot recommend regular drinking oI small amounts oI alcohol Ior
the prevention oI ischemic stroke. We know that any increase in alcohol consumption in a population is
associated with a corresponding increase oI heavy drinking, which has untoward consequences.
Heavy drinking oI alcohol is a risk Iactor Ior brain inIarct. This has been observed particularly in young and
middle-aged men, who are Irequently heavy drinkers. In many cultures, women and elderly people do not
drink Ior intoxication and are seldom heavy drinkers.
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Although in some studies, adjustment Ior hypertension has abolished the independent role oI alcohol as a risk
Iactor, suggesting that the risk is increased through an elevated blood pressure, other studies have shown that
recent heavy drinking also increases the risk independently. The ultimate mechanisms leading to the increased
risk are still unclear. Several actions oI alcohol could explain why precisely recent heavy drinking increases
the risk oI ischemic stroke. Trauma to the neck, which Irequently occurs during alcoholic intoxication, is
certainly one reason. Another is alcohol-induced cardiac arrhythmias, which predispose to cardiogenic brain
embolism. Some oI the examples presented as case histories above may equally well suggest a coincidence as
a causal relationship. Several Iactors have been proposed to explain the beneIicial eIIect oI light-to-moderate
drinking seen in epidemiological investigations. However, direct prooI oI their signiIicance is still lacking, and
some counIounding Iactors have not yet been adequately controlled Ior.
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3 Leppl JM, Paunio M, Virtamo J, Fogelholm R, Albanes D, Taylor PR, Heinonen OP. Alcohol
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8 Caicoya M, Rodriquez T, Corrales C, Cuello R, Lasheras C. Alcohol and stroke: a community case-
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Chapter 8
Alcohol consumption and the risk of stroke: the role
of tobacco?
Jaana M. Leppl
Studies on alcohol and smoking are numerous and the epidemiologic evidence on their eIIects on
cardiovascular diseases is overwhelming. The knowledge oI their eIIects on diIIerent subtypes oI stroke has
cumulated as well, especially during the last decade, but the interaction between alcohol and tobacco with
respect to the risk oI stroke is mostly unexplored. This is the subject oI this chapter.
There is plenty oI evidence that heavy drinking (~60 g/day) is related to increased risk oI both hemorrhagic |1
9| and ischemic strokes |1,3,7,8,1012|. In contrast, light (24 g/day Ior men and 12 g/day Ior women) and
moderate (2560 g/day Ior men and 1348 g/day Ior women) drinking does not seem to increase and may even
decrease the risk oI stroke compared with non-drinking |7,13,14|. However, in order to understand the
relationship between alcohol and the risk oI stroke, one has to separately examine the eIIects oI alcohol on
each stroke subtype (i.e., subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage, and cerebral inIarction), the dose
response curve most probably diIIering Irom one subtype to another. The risk oI subarachnoid hemorrhage
seems to increase steeply with increasing alcohol consumption |7,15|. The relationship between alcohol and
the risk oI intracerebral hemorrhage is poorly known but may be U-shaped with lowest risk among light to
moderate drinkers |79|, and that oI ischemic stroke appears to be J-shaped, with non-drinkers and heavy
drinkers having a higher risk than light drinkers |7,8,15,16|.
Alcohol causes many changes in physiological Iunctions which may modiIy the risk oI stroke. It increases
blood pressure |1720| and serum HDL cholesterol levels |7,18,2026|, and there is some evidence that these
two Iactors mediate the eIIect oI alcohol on the risk oI stroke |7,15|. Alcohol seems to have a U-shaped
association with Iibrinogen levels |27|, moderate alcohol consumption increases |28| but ethanol intoxication
decreases |29| Iibrinolytic activity, and immediate heavy alcohol intake decreases platelet aggregation |30|
but, in binge drinkers and alcoholics, platelet aggregation is increased aIter alcohol withdrawal |30,31|.
Cerebral blood Ilow is increased immediately aIter alcohol intake |32|. In addition, ethanol has both anti- |33|
and pro-oxidant activity |34|, but it has been speculated that constituents other than alcohol (e.g., Ilavonoids
and hydroxystilbenes) might inIluence the
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development oI atherosclerosis |34,35|. Alcohol also interIeres with glucose metabolism, moderate alcohol
consumption being associated with a decreased risk oI diabetes |36|. Alcohol seems to increase insulin
sensitivity and glucose tolerance |26|, even though alcoholics are usually resistant to insulin |18,26|.
Heavy smoking (~20 cigarettes/day) increases both the incidence |3741| and mortality Irom stroke |40,41|.
Cigarette smoking is a major modiIiable risk Iactor Ior subarachnoid hemorrhage |4248|. In contrast,
evidence concerning the role oI tobacco in the risk oI intracerebral hemorrhage is still controversial, yet it
appears that heavy, but not light-to-moderate cigarette smoking, increases the risk |9,38,49,50|. Smoking is
dose-dependantly associated with the risk oI ischemic stroke |38,46|. Cessation oI smoking reduces stroke risk
|37,39|, with major reduction within 25 years aIter cessation |37,39,46|, indicating that part oI the eIIects oI
smoking is reversible. The risk oI stroke seems to return to the level oI never-smokers in light smokers, but
heavy smokers seem to retain an increased risk even though also they beneIit Irom cessation |37|.
There are several mechanisms by which smoking may cause stroke. Cigarette smoking causes an immediate,
yet reversible increases in blood pressure |42,5155| and cerebral blood Ilow |56|. In epidemiologic studies,
however, it has consistently been associated with reduced blood pressure in normotensive people |18,52,57
60|, although blood pressure has been elevated in diabetic |61| and hypertensive smokers |62|, and cerebral
blood Ilow has been decreased in chronic smokers |40| compared with respective nonsmokers. It is not
plausible that smoking decreases blood pressure, but smokers may initially have lower blood pressure than
those who remain nonsmokers |63|. They may also have a reduced white coat eIIect`, which would lead to
artiIicially low measurements oI blood pressure in clinics |59|. There is no evidence that smoking causes
hypertension, but in heavy smokers the rise in blood pressure may persist during waking hours because oI
Irequent smoking Iactually causing a hypertensive state |55|. Even though smoking may not be causally
related to hypertension, it clearly modiIies the eIIect oI hypertension on stroke |40,51| and other
cardiovascular risks |64| which are much higher in hypertensive than normotensive smokers.
Cigarette smoking is associated with reduced levels oI serum HDL cholesterol |18,20,51,57, 58,60,65,66| and
increased levels oI serum triglycerides |18,57,6567|. It increases platelet activity |51,53,68,69|, plasma
Iibrinogen levels |27,51,57|, hematocrit |57,65|, and blood viscosity |57|. It is also associated with endothelial
dysIunction |57,70,71|. Cigarette smoking increases the risks oI carotid stenosis |72,73| and diabetes |36|,
which both are risk Iactors Ior ischemic stroke.
Tobacco smoke has over 4000 compounds, the eIIects oI which are mostly unknown |51|. Many oI the eIIects
oI smoking are attributed to nicotine, which increases systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate in a
doseresponse manner |74,75|. Despite these hemodynamic eIIects, nicotine does not appear to enhance
thrombosis |75,76|, and the mechanism by which smoking is related to thrombogenesis is unclear. Besides
nicotine, carbonmonoxide is a potential mediator oI the eIIects oI tobacco smoke on cardiovascular diseases
|51,77|. It may injure the vascular endothelium |77| and thus promote atherogenesis. The causal role oI
smoking in the development oI atherosclerosis is plausible but so Iar unproven.
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There are only two epidemiologic studies on the eIIect modiIication oI alcohol by smoking and neither oI
them examines it in relation to the risk oI stroke. In a Japanese cohort oI 19,231 men, alcohol consumption and
all-cause mortality had a J-shaped association in nonsmokers but not in smokers |78|. In a cross-sectional
study oI 5,312 German men and women, the rise in blood pressure associated with drinking was higher in
smokers than in nonsmokers |79|. Some studies have instead examined the eIIect modiIication oI smoking by
alcohol. In a cohort oI 22,071 US male physicians, alcohol attenuated the linear eIIect oI smoking on the risk
oI total stroke |38|. In a Japanese cohort oI 1,775 men, a dose-dependent decrease in diastolic blood pressure
and serum HDL cholesterol by increasing cigarette smoking was evident in nondrinkers but not in drinkers
The eIIects oI both alcohol and tobacco are maniIold, which makes them complicated to examine and
understand. The eIIects may be additive or synergistic, or counteract each other either directly via the same
mechanisms or indirectly inIluencing the same phenomena but through diIIerent mechanisms. Both alcohol
intake and cigarette smoking increase blood pressure |1720,42,5155|, even though the relationship between
smoking and hypertension is controversial |18,52,55,5762|. Alcohol consumption increases serum HDL
cholesterol |17,18,2026| whereas cigarette smoking has been consistently associated with reduced levels oI
HDL cholesterol |18,20,51,57,58,60,65,66|. Alcohol decreases platelet activity and Iibrinogen levels and
increases Iibrinolysis |27,30|, whereas smoking increases platelet aggregability and Iibrinogen levels
|27,51,53,57,68,69|. It is very plausible that smoking substantially modiIies the eIIects oI drinking on stroke
risk, but it remains to be studied what the actual net eIIects oI all these physiological mechanisms involved are
and how smoking modiIies the doseresponse relationships between alcohol and each stroke subtype.
Studies on interactions between alcohol and tobacco are most challenging, not only because oI the complexity
oI the eIIects oI either Iactor, but also because oI many inherent methodological problems. Epidemiologic
studies on alcohol and tobacco are prone to imprecision in measurements and various biases, their interactions
thus being even harder to evaluate in a reliable and valid manner. Alcohol consumption and smoking are
usually selI-reported and the measurement oI either habit is susceptible to both recall and response bias. The
reporting oI alcohol use especially tends to be diIIerential, heavy drinkers more likely reporting themselves as
moderate-to-light drinkers than nondrinkers |24|. DiIIerential misclassiIication is likely to lead to biased
estimates oI relative risks, and the amount and direction oI such bias is hard to evaluate. Furthermore, the
classiIication oI alcohol intake and cigarette smoking, and the selection oI respective reIerence categories (e.
g., current nondrinkers vs. never-drinkers, and current nonsmokers vs. never-smokers) inIluence the risk ratios
and, consequently, the interpretations oI study results. DiIIerent category boundaries make it diIIicult to
compare studies with each other and drawing uniIorm conclusions becomes unsubstantial. Alcohol and
tobacco have both immediate and cumulative eIIects, the assessment and diIIerentiation oI which may be
diIIicult or even impossible. This is reIlected
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in the use oI composite indices such as pack-years oI smoking, such indices being appealing to use but causing
considerable problems in the causal interpretation oI results. There is no consensus on the most preIerable way
to simultaneously take into account both current use and the duration oI habit.
Alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking are both independent risk Iactors Ior stroke, and their eIIects seem
to vary by stroke subtype, the average daily amount oI drinking and smoking, and duration oI habit. It is likely
that smoking modiIies the eIIects oI alcohol on the risk oI stroke, depending on both stroke subtype and the
relative role oI each Iactor in the occurrence oI subtype in question. However, there are no studies that have
speciIically examined this interaction and the risk oI stroke, even though some studies have addressed this
issue with respect to some other cardiovascular diseases. This multi-Iaceted relationship between alcohol and
smoking clearly needs more research.
1 Donahue RP, Abbott RD, Reed DM, Yano K. Alcohol and hemorrhagic stroke. The Honolulu Heart
Program. JAMA 1986; 255: 23112314.
2 MonIorte R, Estruch R, Graus F, Nicolas JM, Urbano-Marquez A. High ethanol consumption as risk
Iactor Ior intracerebral hemorrhage in young and middle-aged people. Stroke 1990; 21: 15291532.
3 Gill JS, Shipley MJ, Tsementzis SA, Hornby RS, Gill SK, Hitchcock ER, Beevers DG. Alcohol
consumption a risk Iactor Ior hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic stroke. Am. J. Med. 1991; 90: 489497.
4 Longstreth WT Jr, Nelson LM, Koepsell TD, van Belle G. Cigarette smoking, alcohol use, and
subarachnoid hemorrhage. Stroke 1992; 23: 12421249.
5 Juvela S, Hillbom M, Numminen H, Koskinen P. Cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption as risk
Iactors Ior aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Stroke 1993; 24: 639646.
6 Juvela S, Hillbom M, Palomki H. Risk Iactors Ior spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. Stroke 1995;
26: 15581564.
7 Leppl JM, Paunio M, Virtamo J, Fogelholm R, Albanes D, Taylor PR, Heinonen OP. Alcohol
consumption and stroke incidence in male smokers. Circulation 1999; 100: 12091214.
8 Caicoya M, Rodriguez T, Corrales C, Cuello R, Lasheras C. Alcohol and stroke: A community case-
control study in Asturias, Spain. J. Clin. Epidemiol. 1999; 52(7): 677684.
9 ThriIt AG, Donnan GA, McNeil JJ. Heavy drinking, but not moderate or intermediate drinking, increases
the risk oI intracerebral hemorrhage. Epidemiologv 1999; 10: 307312.
10 Gorelick PB, Rodin MB, Langenberg P, Hier DB, Costigan J. Weekly alcohol consumption, cigarette
smoking, and the risk oI ischemic stroke: Results oI a case-control study at three urban medical centers in
Chicago, Illinois. Neurologv 1989; 39: 339343.
11 Palomki H, Kaste M. Regular light-to-moderate intake oI alcohol and the risk oI ischemic stroke. Is
there a beneIicial eIIect? Stroke 1993; 24: 18281832.
12 Numminen H, Hillbom M, Juvela S. Platelets, alcohol consumption, and onset oI brain inIarction. J.
Neurol. Neurosurg. Psvchiatrv 1996; 61: 376380.
13 Camargo CA Jr. Case-control and cohort studies oI moderate alcohol consumption and stroke. Clin.
Chim. Acta 1996; 246: 107119.
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Chapter 9
Alcohol, vascular cells and hemodynamic forces
Eileen M. Redmond and Paul A. Cahill
Over the past two decades important inIluences oI ethanol on the cardiovascular system have been recognized.
Several epidemiological studies have demonstrated a consistent doseresponse relationship between increasing
alcohol consumption and decreasing incidence oI coronary heart disease, despite an increase in mortality due
to a number oI other diseases |13|. More recently, in vivo animal studies have demonstrated an inhibitory
eIIect oI ethanol on neointimal Iormation Iollowing balloon injury |4,5|. These observations have prompted
Iurther investigation into the direct eIIect oI ethanol on vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cell Iunction.
In vivo, cells oI the blood vessel wall are continuously subjected to hemodynamic Iorces due to Ilowing blood
that are now recognized as eliciting critical biologic responses that result in modulation oI vessel Iunction and
structure |68|. Thus, it is important to consider these Iorces in any study oI ethanol and vascular cells. The
object oI this chapter is to Iocus on some key Iunctions oI vascular cells that are modulated by hemodynamic
Iorces (e.g., endothelial nitric oxide production; smooth muscle cell migration and proliIeration), and how
ethanol has been reported to aIIect these responses.
In vivo, cells oI the blood vessel wall are continuously subjected to mechanical Iorces associated with blood
Ilow. These hemodynamic Iorces can be resolved into two components; shear stress, the tangential Irictional
Iorce acting at the endothelial cell surIace, and pressure-stretch acting perpendicular to the vascular wall. In
the arterial circulation, where blood Ilow is pulsatile, the endothelial cell is the recipient oI most oI the shear
stress, whereas both the endothelial and smooth muscle cells, together with the underlying matrix, are
subjected to stretch (cyclic strain) |68|. It is now recognized that hemodynamic Iorces directly inIluence
vascular cell biology and play an important role in the acute control oI vascular tone, vascular remodeling and
the Iocal development oI atherosclerotic lesions |68|. A large number oI studies have veriIied the hypothesis
that mechanical stresses and strains contribute to the development oI vascular diseases. It has been
demonstrated that increased tensile stress and strain due to hypertension may induce and/or Iacilitate vascular
hypertrophy, whereas oscillatory low Iluid shear stress and/or altered shear gradients due to eddy blood Ilow
(typically near branches, biIurcations, regions oI arterial narrowings and curvature) may
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initiate or promote Iocal atherosclerosis and intimal hyperplasia |9|. In most large-size vessels, one can
estimate the magnitude oI the Iluid shear stress (t), t 4nQ/ar
(Hagen-Poiseuille law), as being proportional
to viscosity (n) and Ilow rate (Q) and inversely proportional to the third power oI the internal vessel radius (r).
This relation highlights the Iact that relatively small decreases in vessel diameter at constant Ilow can
markedly increase shear stress at the endothelial surIace.
The endothelium occupies a strategic location and acts as an interIace between the blood stream and the vessel
wall. Because oI this location, Iluid shear stress is one oI the most important mechanical Iorces acting upon
vascular endothelium. Shear stress can inIluence a variety oI endothelial cell Iunctions including the
production oI vasoactive mediators, activation oI transcriptional regulatory Iactors, and the expression oI
cellular adhesion molecules |6,10,11|. The molecular mechanism(s) responsible Ior transduction oI shear
stimuli and the relevant intracellular signalling pathways in endothelium are not Iully deIined, but likely
involve the activation oI integrins, guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G-proteins) and cascades oI protein
kinases |10,11|.
It is now well established that endothelial cells respond to increases in Ilow by modulating their release oI
vasoactive agents such as the vasorelaxants nitric oxide (NO) and prostacyclin (PGI
), and the vasoconstrictor
endothelin (Figure 9.1). Indeed, shear stress is thought to be the premiere physiological stimulus Ior NO |10|.
Nitric oxide is synthesized
Figure 9.1 Hemodynamic Iorces directly inIluence vascular cell biology. Fluid shear
stress and/ or pressure (cyclic stretch) can modulate the production oI vasoactive
mediators such as nitric oxide (NO), prostacyclin (PGI
) and endothelin (ET) Irom
the endothelium, which in turn inIluence smooth muscle cell structure and Iunction.
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Figure 9.2 Shear stress stimulates nitric oxide (NO) production by endothelial cells.
By a mechanism thought to involve a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein (G) and a K

channel, shear stress stimulates nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity in endothelial
cells. The resulting NO can stimulate soluble guanylyl cyclase (GC) in adjacent
smooth muscle cells, leading to increased levels oI cGMP and subsequent
vasorelaxation and inhibition oI proliIeration.
by the heme-containing enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS) Irom L-arginine in a reaction that produces
stoichiometric amounts oI L-citrulline |12|. Three isoIorms oI NOS have been identiIied by gene cloning. Two
are constitutively expressed and one, the inducible NOS (iNOS) is produced de novo in response to
inIlammatory cytokines |12|. Activation oI NOS and release oI NO results in stimulation oI a soluble guanylyl
cyclase leading to a proIound increase in intracellular cGMP levels within most target cells |12| (Figure 9.2).
NO is a multiIunctional molecule and plays a pivotal role in regulating blood Ilow by inhibiting smooth
muscle contraction as well as platelet aggregation and adhesion |12|. In addition, NO has been shown to
inhibit vascular smooth muscle cell proliIeration |13,14|. G-proteins Iunction as transducers oI signals across
the cell membrane by coupling diverse receptors to eIIectors and thus play a central role in signal transduction
and cell biology |15,16|. Recent evidence suggests that both inhibitory G-proteins (Gio1,2,3), which are
pertussis toxin sensitive, and Goq may play a role in both agonist- and shear stress-induced activation oI
constitutive NOS (eNOS) in EC |17,18|. Stimulation oI these G-proteins triggers a number oI signal
transduction cascades, including activation oI K

channels, phospholipase C, phospholipase A

, protein kinase
C and adenylyl cyclase. Interestingly, speciIic interaction oI ethanol with these signal transduction pathways
has been reported in several cell types; in particular, ethanol-induced changes in the expression oI G-proteins
coupled to adenylyl cyclase |19| and phospholipase C |20|.
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Previous studies, the majority in the central nervous system looking at iNOS, have provided data to support a
speciIic interaction between ethanol and the NOS/NO axis. Chen and LaBella demonstrated that alcohol
noncompetitively inhibited rat brain NOS activity |21|. Ethanol treatment blocked LPS-mediated induction oI
iNOS gene expression in the lung |22| while in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells ethanol potentiated
interleukin-1-stimulated iNOS expression |23|. More recently, investigators have examined the direct eIIect
oI ethanol on eNOS in cultured endothelial cells. An ethanol enhancement oI the NOS response to agonists
such as bradykinin has been reported in bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells |24|. In another study, the
ethanol augmentation oI NO production was associated with increased eNOS protein and mRNA expression
Because Iluid shear stress is such an extremely important physiological pathway Ior eNOS activation |6|, the
eIIect oI ethanol on Ilow-stimulated NOS has been investigated. In a series oI in vitro experiments,
Hendrickson et al. demonstrated that cultured endothelial cells exposed to either steady laminar Ilow or
pulsatile Ilow exhibited a Ilow- and time-dependent increase in eNOS activity |26|. Ethanol signiIicantly
enhanced basal and Ilow-induced eNOS activity. The enhanced eNOS activity was independent oI a change in
eNOS or iNOS protein expression but was dependent on activation oI an inhibitory guanine nucleotide binding
protein (Gi protein) inasmuch as ethanol treatment increased pertussis-catalyzed ribosylation oI Gio substrates
and pertussis toxin pretreatment inhibited eNOS activity in static and Ilow-stimulated cells aIter ethanol
treatment |26|. However, ethanol did not alter G protein (Gio 3, Gio12, Goq) expression in these cells |26|.
These data suggest an important role Ior ethanol-induced potentiation oI shear stress-stimulated eNOS activity
in vitro. They Iurther invite speculation that the beneIicial eIIects oI ethanol consumption on vascular Iunction
are mediated, at least in part, by ethanol-induced stimulation oI eNOS activity. Moreover, the augmentation oI
shear stress-induced eNOS activity by ethanol represents a potential mechanism whereby the protective eIIects
oI NO-mediated inhibition oI vascular smooth muscle cell proliIeration |27| and migration |28| are
potentiated. Further in vivo experiments using speciIic eNOS inhibitors will be required to elucidate the
importance oI these mechanisms.
The eIIects oI ethanol on PGI
, another endothelium-derived vasodilator and potent inhibitor oI platelet
aggregation, have also been investigated. Ethanol increased PGI
production in cultured human umbilical vein
endothelial cells and elevated plasma levels oI PGI
in volunteers administered ethanol |29|. Guivernau et al.
Iound that while ethanol did not aIIect vascular PGI
release in control rats, in aortas Irom alcohol-Ied animals
ethanol stimulated PGI
production |30|. These data imply that this response to ethanol may be altered by
chronic alcohol consumption. In any case, ethanol`s modulatory eIIect on endothelial PGI
production could
also contribute to its cardiovascular protective eIIects in vivo. As in the case oI NO, Iluid shear stress is an
important physiological stimulus Ior enhanced cyclooxygenase activity and subsequent PGI
release by
endothelial cells |10|. Moreover, agonist and shear stress induced PGI
release is dependent on activation oI
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an inhibitory guanine nucleotide binding protein (Gio protein) inasmuch as pertussis-catalyzed ribosylation oI
Gio substrates inhibits PGI
release in static and Ilow-stimulated cells |31|. Since ethanol increases endothelial
Gio Iunctionality in cultured endothelial cells |26|, and since PGI
release is shear stress-dependent, it is
tempting to speculate that ethanol may modulate shear stress induced activation oI endothelial PGI
release via
activation oI a pertussis toxin sensitive Gio protein. It would thereIore be oI interest to determine the speciIic
eIIect oI ethanol on Ilow-induced cyclooxygenase activity and PGI
production in endothelial cells. OI note,
ethanol has been shown to increase cyclooxygenase-2 expression in both brain and uterine tissues |32|.
Arterial SMC migration and proliIeration are two distinct processes that play an important role in the
pathogenesis oI atherosclerosis as well as in the normal development oI blood vessels and the arterial response
to injury (Ior review see |13,14|). In addition, accelerated SMC proliIeration and migration leading to
neointimal Iormation is a characteristic Ieature in arteries oI hypertensive patients and animals |33,34|. An
ethanol-induced reduction in neointimal Iormation Iollowing balloon injury has been reported in both rabbit
and pig models |4,5|. This inhibition oI intimal hyperplasia was observed Iollowing either local delivery oI
ethanol or alcohol Ieeding |4,5|. The preservation oI arterial lumen diameter was achieved by decreasing
neointimal proliIeration in part by decreasing LDL oxidation in these animals |4|. However, the primary
pathogenesis oI neointimal Iormation is SMC migration, proliIeration and extracellular matrix production and
these are thereIore likely targets Ior ethanol in inhibiting neo-intimal Iormation.
The accumulation oI SMC in the intima oI arteries is one oI the most prominent Ieatures oI the atherosclerotic
plaque and oI the intimal hyperplastic lesions which cause restenosis Iollowing angioplasty |35,36|. It is
increasingly recognized that migration oI SMC Irom the media is a key event in progressive intimal thickening
leading to atherosclerosis and restenosis |3537|. Consequently, there has been extensive interest in deIining
both positive and negative regulators oI this process and many Iactors have been identiIied that may play a
role. While ethanol has been shown in vitro to diIIerentially inIluence the migration oI neuronal cells |38| and
melanoma cells |39|, its eIIect on SMC migration has not been deIined until recently.
The Iibrinolytic plasminogen activator system (Figure 9.3) has been hypothesized to play an important role in
intimal thickening aIter various types oI vascular injury |40|. The inactive proenzyme plasminogen is
activated to the proteolytic enzyme plasmin by two plasminogen activators, tissue-type plasminogen activator
(tPA) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA). The system is regulated by a series oI plasminogen
activator inhibitors, the most important oI which is thought to be plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-
1). Several groups have reported the involvement oI the Iibrinolytic plasminogen system in SMC migration.
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Figure 9.3 The Iibrinolytic plasminogen activator system. The inactive proenzyme
plasminogen is converted to the proteolytic enzyme plasmin by urokinase-type
plasminogen activator (uPA) or tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA). The system
is regulated by a series oI plasminogen activator inhibitors (PAI), oI which PAI-1 is
believed to be the most physiologically important. (* modulated by hemodynamic
Clowes et al. have demonstrated that neointimal thickening post-vascular injury is associated with
upregulation oI both uPA and tPA |40|. Carmeliet et al. demonstrated that uPA null mice do not exhibit
exuberant thickening oI the intima aIter vascular injury |41|. PAI-1 has been shown to inhibit SMC migration
|42| and inactivation oI the PAI-1 gene results in abundant neointimal thickening |43|. Recently, it has been
demonstrated that pulse pressure due to pulsatile Ilow increases SMC migration in vitro via uPA- and
metalloproteinase (MMP)-dependent mechanisms |44|. Indeed, uPA gene deletion resulted in blunting oI
pressure-induced SMC migration despite the endogenous upregulation oI MMP |44|. A role Ior the
endothelium in protecting the underlying smooth muscle Irom hemodynamic Iorces and in playing a pivotal
role in hemodynamic Iorce-induced remodelling is underscored by the Iinding that endothelial cells prevented
Ilow-induced SMC migration |44,45|. It appears that, at least in vitro, Iluid shear stress induces endothelial
cell PAI-1 gene expression and activity and that this in turn inhibits the Ilow-induced SMC migratory response
|45|. Modulation oI vascular cell uPA and PAI-1 expression by pulse pressure and shear stress may thus
represent an important mechanism whereby hemodynamic Iorces regulate SMC migration and represent
potential targets Ior ethanol to mediate its vascular eIIects.
With this in mind, the direct eIIect oI ethanol on SMC migration in vitro has been investigated. Hendrickson et
al. pretreated cultures oI human smooth muscle cells (HuSMC) under static (no Ilow) or pulsatile Ilow
conditions in the absence or presence oI ethanol and then assessed their migration by Transwell assay. Ethanol
dose-dependently inhibited migration oI SMC Irom static cultures. Furthermore, ethanol inhibited the Ilow-
induced increase in SMC migration (Figure 9.4) in the absence oI any eIIect on uPA mRNA expression |46|.
Other mechanisms that are involved in the smooth muscle cell migratory response under basal and Ilow
conditions that ethanol may modulate include the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), tissue inhibitors oI
metalloproteinases (TIMPs), mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK), and calcium/calmodulin kinase (CaM
kinase II). The possible role oI these signaling pathways in pulse pressure-induced SMC migration and the
eIIect, iI any, oI ethanol on their Iunction and activity merits Iurther investigation.
There have been a number oI in vitro studies, using cells cultured under static (no Ilow) conditions, on the
molecular regulatory eIIects oI ethanol on endothelial cell-mediated Iibrinolysis. Laug demonstrated an
ethanol-induced increase in tPA secretion in cultured bovine
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Figure 9.4 The eIIect oI ethanol on pulse pressure-induced smooth muscle cell
migration. Human smooth muscle cells (HuSMC) in perIused transcapillary cultures
were exposed to low or high pulsatile Ilow conditions, in the absence or presence oI
ethanol (20 mM). Cells were then harvested and their migration assessed by
Transwell assay. Ethanol inhibited the Ilow-induced increase in HuSMC migration.
(Reproduced by permission oI Academic Press Irom Hendrickson et al. (1999),
aortic endothelial cells |47|. An increase in tPA and uPA mRNA and a simultaneous decrease in PAI-1
mRNA in cultured human endothelial cells, concomitant with increased surIace-localized EC Iibrinolytic
activity have been shown |48,49|. Miyamoto et al. reported that ethanol enhances agonist-stimulated cAMP-
dependent tPA gene transcription in human and bovine EC through diIIerential modulation oI a G-protein
|50|. These in vitro studies may explain the increased Iibrinolytic activity Iound in the plasma oI persons
consuming moderate amounts oI alcohol. As the Iibrinolytic plasminogen system is modulated by
hemodynamic Iorces it may be more physiologically relevant to study the eIIect oI ethanol on endothelial
Iibrinolytic activity in cells exposed to Iluid shear stress.
Excessive proliIeration oI arterial SMC plays an important role in the process oI atherogenesis and
hypertension |14|. ThereIore, inhibition and stimulation oI VSMC proliIeration may be crucial Ior preventing
and exacerbating, respectively, the development oI cardiovascular disease. One key regulatory enzyme
pathway Ior control points within the cell cycle has been identiIied as mitogen-activated protein kinases
(MAPKs) |51|. They are serine/threonine protein kinases that are activated by dual phosphorylation oI both
tyrosine and threonine residues. Highly conserved during eukaryotic evolution, they are rapidly activated in
response to ligand binding by both growth Iactor receptors with intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity, such as the
platelet derived growth Iactor (PDGF) receptor, and receptors that are coupled to G-proteins such as the
thrombin receptor |5153|. They are also activated by hemodynamic stimuli |11|. Members oI the MAPK
Iamily include the ERKs (ERK-1 and
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ERK-2) which are activated by MEK (also reIerred to as MAPK kinase). MEK itselI is activated by
phosphorylation on two conserved serine residues by Ser/Thr kinases such as RaI, Mos and Mek kinase
(MEKK) |54|. ERKs are dephosphorylated and inactivated by MAPK phosphatase-1 (MKP-1). Several studies
have provided compelling evidence Ior a role oI MAPKs in regulating SMC growth |55|. MAPK signaling, in
particular ERK activity, is increased in rat carotid arteries Iollowing balloon injury concomitant with enhanced
medial cell proliIeration |56|. Furthermore, inhibition oI MAPK signaling with PD 098059, a MEK inhibitor,
reduced medial cell replication Iollowing injury |56|. MKP-1 expression is high in normal arterial tissue,
whereas ERK expression is low |55,57|. However, Iollowing balloon injury the expression oI MKP-1
decreases dramatically, whereas that oI ERK is increased |57|. In proliIerating cells it has been postulated that
activated ERK-MAPKs phosphorylate speciIic cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins needed Ior passage through
certain checkpoints in the cell cycle (e.g., G1/S and G2/M) |58|.
The eIIect oI ethanol on MAPK in VSMC in vitro has been investigated and divergent eIIects reported.
Hendrickson et al. demonstrated that ethanol treatment (24 h), at physiologically relevant concentrations,
inhibited serum-stimulated growth and MAPK activity in cultured SMC in the absence oI any eIIect on cell
viability (Figure 9.5) |59|. The mechanism oI ethanol`s induced changes in smooth muscle MAPK signaling
and growth remain unclear. The decreased phosphorylation oI ERK-1 and ERK-2 by MEK in cells exposed to
ethanol suggests that MEK inhibition determines ERK inhibition by ethanol in these cells. Several studies
have demonstrated that ethanol can inhibit the proliIeration oI cells at the level oI growth Iactor receptor
expression |60|. Ethanol inhibited basic Iibroblast growth Iactor (bFGF)-induced proliIeration oI C6
astrocytoma cells |61|. In addition, ethanol markedly inhibited cell growth stimulation in response to insulin
like growth Iactor-1 (IGF-1) and depressed tyrosine phosphorylation oI the IGF-1 receptor |60|. Since ethanol
induces G1 phase arrest in SMC in vitro, it is possible that inhibition oI speciIic growth Iactor receptor
autophosphorylation may in part account Ior the antiproliIerative eIIects oI ethanol in SMC. However,
Sachinidis et al. demonstrated that ethanol had a diIIerent eIIect on SMC depending on the exposure time
used. In their hands, acute treatment oI VSMC with ethanol (35 min) led to a substantial increase in DNA
synthesis and stimulated the same intracellular signalling events (including PIP
hydrolysis, MAPK activation,
and stimulation oI c-Ios mRNA expression) associated with the potent growth Iactors PDGF-BB and
Angiotensin II, whereas more chronic treatment (~30 min) resulted in cell necrosis |62|.
Changes in intravascular hemodynamic Iorces that occur in disease states such as hypertension are proIoundly
associated with remodeling oI the vascular media. Several studies have conIirmed that subjecting SMC to
increased pressure and/or stretch, in the absence oI a Iunctional endothelium, can result in increased wall
thickness in vivo and proliIeration oI SMC in vitro |63,64|. Under normal circumstances in adult organisms,
the vascular system Iunctions in a relatively quiescent state despite these Iorces impacting on the vascular
smooth muscle |8|. In contrast, Iollowing vascular injury due to endothelial dysIunction or denudation, SMC
abandon their quiescent state and actively proliIerate under the inIluence oI mitogenic and other Iactors |65|.
Several studies have demonstrated a marked heterogeneity oI SMC phenotypes in rodents and humans |66,67|.
Intimal SMC associated with vascular remodeling Iollowing injury are phenotypically distinct Irom their
medial counterparts |66,67|. Characteristically, intimal cells resemble immature, dediIIerentiated SMC and
have lower levels oI contractile proteins, Iewer
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Figure 9.5 The eIIect oI ethanol on smooth muscle cell proliIeration. Ethanol (24-h
exposure) dose-dependently inhibits (a) SMC
H-Thymidine incorporation, and (b)
MAPK activity, determined by measuring phosphorylated ERK-1 and ERK-2.
(Reproduced by permission oI Elsevier Science Irom Hendrickson et al. (1998),
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myoIilaments and express a large number oI proteins involved in lesion development |66,67|. In contrast,
medial SMC express diIIerentiated cell markers associated with contractile Iunction (o-actin, myosin, calponin
and phospholamban) and the synthesis and maintenance oI extracellular components oI the vessel wall (e.g.,
osteopontin, elastin). Cappadona et al. demonstrated that SMC phenotype is a critical determinant oI the
proliIerative response oI SMC to hemodynamic Iorces |68|, in that phenotypically distinct cells respond
negatively to pulse pressure in a MAPK-dependent manner. Interestingly, in a recent study using rabbit iliac
arteries Iollowing balloon angioplasty, signiIicant inhibition oI SMC phenotype conversion Irom contractile to
synthetic was observed Iollowing ethanol treatment that was indicative oI an inhibition oI SMC proliIeration
|69|. Moreover, ethanol treatment at low concentrations results in inhibition oI SMC growth in a MAPK-
dependent manner |59|. Further investigation oI the eIIect oI ethanol on SMC phenotype and how the
diIIerentiation state oI these cells aIIect hemodynamic Iorce-induced signaling and growth in SMC is
The regular consumption oI alcohol in moderate amounts has been recognized as a negative risk Iactor Ior
atherosclerosis and its clinical sequelae: coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke and peripheral vascular
disease. Mortality and morbidity attributable to CHD are 4060 lower in moderate drinkers than among
abstainers. Among the mechanisms accounting Ior these reductions, increased circulating concentrations oI
HDL-cholesterol and inhibition oI blood coagulation appear to be paramount. However, additional beneIits
may be attributable to the direct eIIects oI alcohol on vascular Iunction and structure.
Mechanical Iorces that impact on vascular cells (shear stress and pulse pressure) are known to play a critical
role in determining vascular structure Iollowing endothelial dysIunction or denudation Iollowing injury by
modulating vascular smooth muscle cell proliIeration and migration. Ethanol, at physiologically relevant
concentrations, inhibits these processes in vitro and in vivo and thus may account, in part, Ior the protective
eIIect oI ethanol under both normal conditions and Iollowing vascular injury. The mechanisms involved in
mediating ethanol-induced inhibition oI pressure-induced SMC proliIeration and migration are currently under
investigation and include the eIIects oI ethanol on SMC signaling (MAPK, Cam Kinases, MMP`s and
TIMP`s). Ethanol may also be protective against neointimal Iormation and vascular remodeling in intact
vessels by potentiating the release oI the anti-migratory and anti-proliIerative substances, NO and PGI
, both
oI which are released Irom the endothelium in response to mechanical stimuli (shear stress and cyclic strain).
The ability oI moderate ethanol consumption to inhibit key steps in mechanical Iorce-induced changes in the
atherogenic process, at least in vitro, warrants Iurther investigation into whether these eIIects contribute to the
beneIicial eIIects oI moderate alcohol consumption on coronary artery disease.
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Chapter 10
Moderate alcohol exposure protects cardiac
myocytes from ischemia-reperfusion injury
Marv O. Grav and Daria Mochlv-Rosen
The eIIects oI ethanol on the cardiovascular system have long been oI interest to physicians, scientists, and the
public. Although certain genetic backgrounds or pre-existing cardiac disease may leave individuals more
vulnerable to ethanol toxicity, in general the detrimental eIIects oI alcohol on cardiac Iunction are linked to
heavy consumption and the cardioprotective eIIects to moderate consumption |1|. Moderate alcohol intake,
deIined as one drink or less per day Ior women and two drinks or less per day Ior men |2|, has been shown to
reduce coronary heart disease (CHD) in a large number oI observational studies |35|. The relationship
between alcohol intake and total mortality is usually reported as U- or J-shaped and represents the sum oI the
protective eIIect oI moderate consumption on CHD mortality and the detrimental eIIect oI heavy drinking on
other causes oI death |2|.
Recently, the South Bay Heart Watch (Torrance, CA) reported a study oI 1,196 asymptomatic subjects with
coronary risk Iactors who were assessed Ior alcohol consumption history and Ior the presence oI calcium
deposits in coronary atherosclerotic lesions as measured by electron beam computed tomography (EBCT).
Participants were Iollowed prospectively Ior 41 months Ior coronary events, deIined as the occurrence oI
myocardial inIarction or CHD death |6|. Subjects who drank alcohol had a relative risk oI 0.3 oI having a
coronary event compared with abstainers. The diminished risk oI myocardial inIarction or CHD death
associated with moderate alcohol consumption was independent oI serum HDL cholesterol levels, EBCT
coronary calcium scores, and all other coronary risk Iactors. Abstention Irom alcohol in this study was as
strong a predictor oI coronary events as diabetes, smoking, hypertension, and coronary calciIication |6|.
Also reported recently was an analysis oI the relationship between light-to-moderate alcohol consumption and
cause-speciIic mortality in the Physicians` Health Study enrollment cohort |7|. Participants in the study
(89,299 asymptomatic male physicians) were assessed Ior alcohol consumption history and other baseline
characteristics and then Iollowed prospectively Ior 5.5 years. Investigators observed signiIicant reductions in
mortality Irom myocardial inIarction oI 32 to 47 among participants who consumed one drink or more per
week |7|. Also observed in this cohort was a signiIicant decrease in total mortality among light-to-moderate
drinkers (2 drinks per day) aIter adjustment Ior age. Similar
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reductions in mortality were Iound Ior alcohol consumption between one and seven drinks per week, with a
slightly greater reduction in all-cause mortality at one drink per week. ThereIore, current studies oI risk Iactors
Ior coronary artery disease continue to support a beneIicial eIIect oI moderate consumption in decreasing the
risk oI myocardial inIarction and death.
Because no clinical trials actually test prospectively the relationship between alcohol consumption and
coronary heart disease, eIIorts to identiIy the mediators oI ethanol-induced cardiac protection in humans Iocus
on statistical modeling oI observational data. These analyses have identiIied increased HDL cholesterol levels
|8,9|, decreased platelet aggregation |10|, and increased expression oI tissue-type plasminogen activator |11|
as potential mechanisms underlying ethanol-induced cardiac protection. Moderate ethanol exposure may also
protect against CHD through direct eIIects on heart muscle. For example, AuIIermann et al. reported that
ethanol signiIicantly reduces the Iunctional and structural damage caused by one component oI ischemia-
reperIusion injury, the pathological inIlux oI Ca
into myocardial cells termed the calcium paradox injury
|12|. Using isolated LangendorII-perIused rat hearts, these investigators Iound that addition oI 2.5 (vol/vol)
ethanol to the perIusate protected against massive calcium overload in cardiac myocytes and greatly enhanced
hemodynamic recovery as measured by leIt ventricular developed pressure and end-diastolic pressure |12|.
The cellular mechanisms by which moderate alcohol exposure directly protects, or preconditions, cardiac
myocytes Irom ischemia-reperIusion injury are unknown. However, substantial experimental evidence
suggests that an intracellular signal transduction pathway common to several important Iorms oI cardiac
preconditioning involves activation oI protein kinase C |13|. Ischemic preconditioning, a protective
mechanism induced when the heart is exposed to brieI sublethal episodes oI ischemia, is the most potent
experimental means oI reducing cardiac myocyte damage during subsequent prolonged ischemia. Data Irom
clinical studies suggest that ischemic preconditioning occurs in humans |1416|. Speechly-Dick et al. have
reported an in vitro model in which isolated human right atrial trabeculae were subjected to a preconditioning
stimulus consisting oI 3 minutes oI simulated ischemia (hypoxic substrate-Iree superIusion combined with
pacing at 3 Hz) Iollowed sequentially by 7 minutes oI reperIusion, 90 minutes oI simulated ischemia, and 120
minutes oI reperIusion |17|. They Iound that ischemic preconditioning signiIicantly improved contractile
recovery compared with the non-preconditioned group (63.5 + 5.4 oI baseline developed Iorce vs. 29.5 +
3.6 oI baseline Ior controls, p 0.01). Furthermore, exposure oI trabeculae to the protein kinase C (PKC)
activator 1,2-dioctanoyl glycerol mimicked ischemic preconditioning, and treatment with the PKC antagonist
chelerythrine blocked the protective eIIect oI brieI simulated ischemia |17|.
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In studies oI rodent heart, PKC activation by transient ischemia or by pharmacological agonists also induces
protection against myocardial dysIunction and inIarction, and PKC antagonists inhibit cardiac preconditioning
|13|. Several laboratories have Iurther demonstrated a critical role Ior selective activation and translocation oI
the epsilon PKC isozyme in cardiac preconditioning. For example, in a conscious rabbit model, one to six
cycles oI 5 minute coronary occlusion induced protection Irom myocardial inIarction and caused dose-
dependent and selective translocation oI cPKC Irom the cytosolic to the particulate Iractions oI cardiac
myocyte preparations |18|. Our laboratory previously reported a neonatal rat cardiac myocyte culture model in
which hypoxic preconditioning produced resistance to subsequent prolonged hypoxia and glucose deprivation
as well as activation and translocation oI cPKC |19|. In this model, introduction into cardiac myocytes oI a
novel isozyme-selective peptide antagonist oI cPKC inhibited both cPKC translocation and the protection Irom
cellular injury during prolonged hypoxia |19|. More recently, we reported development oI a rationally
designed peptide that causes selective c protein kinase C translocation in both neonatal and adult cardiac
myocytes |20|. Acute introduction oI the cPKC agonist into isolated cardiac myocytes protected against cell
death induced by simulated ischemia, measured by abnormal uptake oI trypan blue or ethidium homodimer.
Furthermore, chronic postnatal expression oI the cPKC agonist in the hearts oI transgenic mice improved leIt
ventricular contractile recovery aIter 30 minutes oI global ischemia by 43 compared with nontransgenic
sibling controls and reduced by 61 the release oI creatine kinase into coronary eIIluent during 15 minutes oI
reperIusion |20|. ThereIore, activation oI epsilon protein kinase C appears to be both necessary and suIIicient
Ior the induction oI powerIul protective mechanisms against ischemia-reperIusion injury in rodent heart
In collaboration with Vincent Figueredo, we developed a guinea pig model oI chronic ethanol consumption to
test the hypothesis that moderate alcohol exposure also protects against ischemia-reperIusion injury via
selective activation oI cPKC in cardiac myocytes |21|. In this study, Hartley guinea pigs were Ied a
nutritionally supplemented liquid diet containing 15 or 0 ethanol-derived calories Ior 8 weeks. Hearts Irom
control and treated animals were isolated and perIused using a modiIied LangendorII method. AIter a 20
minute equilibration period, hearts were subjected to 45 minutes oI no-Ilow ischemia and 48 minutes oI
reperIusion. Serum ethanol levels were 10 + 2 mg/dL (2 mM) aIter 8 weeks oI Ieeding with 15 ethanol-
derived calories. Body weight, dry heart weight to body weight ratio, baseline leIt ventricular (LV) developed
pressure, coronary Ilow, and perIusion pressure were the same in control and ethanol-Ied animals. However,
hearts Irom control and ethanol-treated guinea pigs diIIered signiIicantly in their resistance to ischemia-
reperIusion injury. LV developed pressure recovered to 42 oI pre-ischemic levels in hearts Irom ethanol-Ied
animals compared to only 22 in controls (p 0.05). LV end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), an index oI
myocyte contracture and injury, was lower during reperIusion in hearts Irom ethanol-Ied animals compared
with controls. Creatine kinase release was also lower Irom hearts oI ethanol-Ied animals compared with
controls (260 + 40 vs. 469 + 74 units/mL/gdw, p 0.05). Importantly, protection obtained by chronic
moderate ethanol exposure in vivo was unchanged by termination oI ethanol exposure 16 hours prior to heart
isolation compared with termination immediately prior to isolation. These data suggested a sustained
cardioprotective eIIect due to ethanol exposure in vivo |21|.
Additional experiments were perIormed using chelerythrine chloride, a potent selective inhibitor oI the
catalytic domain oI PKC |22|, added to the perIusate 10 minutes prior to ischemia. Chelerythrine treatment
abolished resistance to ischemia-reperIusion injury in
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hearts Irom ethanol-Ied guinea pigs, supporting a critical role Ior PKC activation in ethanol-induced protection
|21|. Furthermore, selective activation oI the cPKC isozyme correlated with ethanol-mediated preconditioning.
Cardiac myocytes were isolated by perIusing hearts Irom control and ethanol-Ied animals with buIIer
containing collagenase B. Western analysis and immunoIluorescence staining were used to determine the
subcellular distribution oI oPKC, oPKC, and cPKC in control and ethanol-exposed cardiac myocytes. The
subcellular distribution oI oPKC and oPKC did not diIIer in cardiac myocytes isolated Irom control and
ethanol-Ied animals. In contrast, the ratio oI particulate to cytosolic cPKC was greater in myocytes Irom hearts
oI ethanol-Ied guinea pigs (2.7 + 0.1 vs. 1.5 + 0.4 Ior controls, p 0.05) as measured by western analysis |21|.
The percentage oI myocytes exhibiting activated cPKC in an activated, cross-striated pattern oI
immunoIluorescence was also greater in hearts Irom ethanol-Ied animals (61 + 3 vs. 22 + 5 Ior controls, p
0.05). These data support the hypothesis that moderate alcohol intake protects myocardium against
ischemia-reperIusion injury via chronic activation and translocation oI cPKC in guinea pig cardiac myocytes
We have subsequently developed an isolated mouse heart model that allows us to make detailed hemodynamic
measurements in wild-type and genetically altered mice |23|. C57BL/ 6 mice (3440 g) were preconditioned
by Ieeding with 18 ethanol (vol/vol) in their drinking water Ior 12 weeks. At the end oI the treatment period,
there were no diIIerences in body weight, heart weight, baseline LV developed pressure (LVDP), or coronary
Ilow between ethanol-Ied mice and age-matched controls. Serum ethanol levels were measured prior to each
experiment and averaged 31 + 4 mg/dL (6 mM). Hearts Irom control and treated mice were isolated and
perIused using a modiIied LangendorII method. AIter a 20 minute equilibration period, hearts were subjected
to 20 minutes oI no-Ilow ischemia and 30 minutes oI reperIusion. Ethanol preconditioning increased recovery
oI LVDP during postischemic reperIusion (64.8 + 7.3 oI baseline vs. 36.9 + 9.4 Ior control, p 0.05) and
lowered LVEDP (19 + 3.4 mmHg vs. 34 + 4.3 mmHg Ior control, p 0.05). Creatine kinase release was also
lower Irom the hearts oI ethanol-Ied animals compared with controls (0.28 + 0.04 vs. 0.51 + 0.08 U/min/gww,
p 0.05). Withdrawal oI alcohol Irom drinking water 16 hours prior to sacriIice lowered the mean serum
ethanol level to 3.2 + 1.3 mg/dL (0.6 mM) but had no eIIect on preservation oI LVDP, again supporting a
sustained cardioprotective eIIective due to moderate alcohol exposure in vivo |23|.
In our mouse model oI chronic moderate ethanol exposure, western analysis oI LV homogenates demonstrated
a 2.4-Iold increase in total cPKC expression in hearts Irom ethanol-Ied animals (96.3 + 13.3 vs. 39.5 + 2.2
density units Ior control, p 0.05) and an absolute increase in active cPKC localized to particulate Iractions
|23|. There was no change in the relative or absolute subcellular distribution oI oPKC, PKC, oPKC, or PKC,
the other isozymes present in mouse heart |24|. These data suggest a role Ior upregulation and activation oI
cPKC in the protective eIIect oI chronic moderate alcohol exposure in the mouse. Studies to determine
whether cPKC knockout mice |25| or transgenic mice with chronic postnatal expression oI cPKC antagonist
|26| develop cardiac protection in response to moderate alcohol exposure are currently underway in our
Guinea pig |21|, rat |27|, and mouse |23| models oI chronic ethanol Ieeding are important because they
validate the beneIicial eIIects oI moderate consumption observed in human epidemiological studies and
because they conIirm the greater contribution oI ethanol content over that oI nonalcoholic components oI
alcoholic beverages to the induction oI cardiac protection. However, the utility oI chronic Ieeding strategies in
the identiIication
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oI cellular preconditioning mechanisms is limited by several considerations. First, increased resistance to
ischemia-reperIusion injury in hearts isolated Irom ethanol-Ied animals strongly suggests but does not prove a
direct preconditioning eIIect oI ethanol on cardiac myocytes. Ethanol-mediated protection might instead
proceed via paracrine stimulation oI endothelial cells, Iibroblasts, or other nonmyocyte cells present in cardiac
tissue. For example, we recently reported a neonatal rat cell culture model in which angiotensin II stimulated
myocyte hypertrophy via paracrine release oI transIorming growth Iactor-1 and endothelin-1 Irom Iibroblasts
|28|. Second, although cPKC activation was detected in the guinea pig model oI chronic ethanol consumption
|21|, biochemical and histological analysis oI hearts isolated Irom chronically Ied animals may Iail to identiIy
the earliest signal transduction events required Ior ethanol-induced cardiac protection. Finally, some oI the
most powerIul experimental tools available Ior modulation oI proteinprotein interactions in intracellular
signaling |29|, including isozyme-selective agonists and antagonists oI protein kinase C |19,20,30|, are
currently active in isolated or cultured cells but not in intact heart.
We addressed these concerns by adapting an isolated adult myocyte model originally designed to assess
ischemic and pharmacological preconditioning in rabbit cardiac myocytes |31| Ior our study oI ethanol-
mediated cardiac protection |32|. Isolated adult rat hearts were perIused with collagenase on a LangendorII
apparatus. Ventricular myocytes were isolated by maceration oI collagenase-digested tissue and gentle
centriIugation oI the resultant cellular suspension. Cardiac ischemia was simulated by pelleting oI Ireshly-
isolated cells in microcentriIuge tubes, removal oI supernatant, and layering oI mineral oil or microballoons
over the packed myocytes to create an air-tight environment |32|. Samples were drawn Irom the myocyte
pellet at given time intervals and assayed Ior viability. We assessed ischemia-induced cell damage using an
osmotic Iragility test in which myocytes were incubated in a hypotonic (85 milliosmolar) trypan blue solution.
Cells that did not exclude trypan blue dye were considered nonviable because oI membrane Iragility |31|.
During simulated ischemia, myocytes became progressively more Iragile as evidenced by an increasing
percentage oI myocytes stained with trypan blue |32|. This in vitro model oI cardiac ischemia is a useIul
approach to identiIication oI cellular mediators oI preconditioning because it permits direct comparison oI
control and acutely treated myocytes obtained Irom the same animal without the complications oI other organ
We Iound that acute moderate alcohol exposure directly protected cardiac myocytes Irom ischemia-induced
damage |32|. Under normoxic conditions over 3 hours oI incubation, 10 oI cells demonstrated osmotic
Iragility, indicating that isolated myocytes remained healthy. Under simulated ischemic conditions over 3
hours oI incubation, 75 oI myocytes demonstrated osmotic Iragility. Ten minute exposure oI myocytes to 50
mM ethanol beIore, but not during, simulated ischemia reduced cell damage by 35. Exposure oI cardiac
myocytes to just 10 mM ethanol throughout simulated ischemia reduced cell damage by 56. Furthermore, 20
minute LangendorII perIusion oI isolated rat heart with 10 mM ethanol reduced creatine kinase release aIter 45
minutes oI ischemia and 30 minutes oI reperIusion by 70. ThereIore, brieI exposure to physiological levels
oI ethanol induced powerIul
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protective mechanisms against ischemia-reperIusion injury in both isolated cardiac myocytes and intact rat
myocardium |32|.
Three lines oI evidence support a critical role Ior cPKC activation and translocation in acute ethanol-mediated
preconditioning in this model. First, the presence oI the general PKC inhibitors chelerythrine or GF109203X
during ethanol pretreatment oI myocytes abolished protection during subsequent ischemia |32|. Second,
treatment oI cardiac myocytes with 1050 mM ethanol doubled the amount oI cPKC translocated Irom the cell
soluble to the cell particulate Iraction compared with controls |32|. Finally, the presence oI the cPKC-selective
inhibitor peptide, cV12 |19|, during ethanol pretreatment oI myocytes selectively abolished protection during
subsequent ischemia. In contrast, a peptide inhibitor oI the classical PKC isozymes, C24 |30|, had no eIIect
|32|. ThereIore, cardiac protection Irom ischemic injury Iollowing acute exposure to 10 mM ethanol not only
correlated with activation oI speciIic PKC isozymes but would not have occurred without activation oI cPKC
Because activation oI epsilon protein kinase C is a critical event in several important Iorms oI cardiac
preconditioning, interest in the Iield is now Iocused on uncovering the downstream mediators oI protection.
Exhaustive examination oI ischemic preconditioning in a conscious rabbit model by Ping et al. has identiIied
p44/p42 mitogen-activated protein kinases |33|, p46/p54 c-Jun NH2-terminal kinases |34|, and Src and Lck
tyrosine kinases |35| as downstream elements oI cPKC-mediated signal transduction. Studies to determine the
precise mechanisms linking cPKC to these signaling molecules, the requirement Ior their activation in other
Iorms oI preconditioning, and their own downstream cellular targets, are ongoing. Our laboratory has cloned
the anchoring protein or RACK (receptor Ior activated C-kinase) Ior activated cPKC, that was identiIied as the
COPI coatomer protein -COP |36|. The cPKC inhibitor peptide, cV12 |19|, acts by competing Ior binding
oI activated cPKC to '-COP |36| and selectively abolishes protection oI adult rat cardiac myocytes Irom
ischemic injury Iollowing acute exposure to ethanol |32|. Studies to determine the cPKC substrates
responsible Ior cardiac protection and the mechanisms by which RACKs Iacilitate their activation in response
to acute and chronic moderate alcohol exposure are currently underway in our laboratories.
One intriguing possibility is that moderate alcohol consumption protects cardiac myocytes Irom ischemia-
reperIusion injury by activating mitochondrial ATP-dependent K

) channels. Originally puriIied
Irom inner mitochondrial membranes in beeI heart, these channels are important regulators oI mitochondrial
matrix volume |37|. Opening oI cardiac mitoK
channels leads to membrane depolarization, matrix
swelling, and accelerated respiration |38|. Diazoxide has been identiIied as a selective mitoK
opener |39|, and diazoxide treatment oI both isolated cardiac myocytes |39| and intact myocardium |40|
induces protection against ischemia-reperIusion injury. Diazoxide also reduces calcium paradox injury in
isolated rat heart |41|, a protective eIIect comparable to that observed with acute ethanol exposure |12|. 5-
hydroxydecanoate (5-HD) has been identiIied as a selective inhibitor oI mitoK
channels |39|,
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and 5-HD pretreatment oI intact rat heart abolishes ischemic preconditioning |42|. Protein kinase C appears to
modulate mitoK
channel activity because treatment oI isolated rabbit cardiac myocytes with the PKC
activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) potentiates the eIIects oI diazoxide |43| and because
chelerythrine treatment oI isolated rat heart abolishes diazoxide-induced protection |40|. Importantly, ischemic
preconditioning was recently shown to redistribute c protein kinase C to mitochondria in rabbit myocardium
We recently completed a study in which we tested the hypothesis that chronic moderate alcohol consumption
reduces cardiac ischemia-reperIusion injury by activation oI mitoK
channels |45|. Adult male Sprague-
Dawley rats received a diet oI rodent chow and 18 ethanol (vol/vol) in their drinking water Ior 10 months, a
Ieeding schedule previously reported to induce cardiac protection |27|. At the end oI the treatment period,
there were no diIIerences in body weight, heart weight, baseline LV developed pressure, or coronary Ilow
between ethanol-Ied rats and age-matched controls. Serum ethanol levels were measured prior to each
experiment and averaged 15 + 1 mg/dL (3 mM) |45|. Hearts Irom control and treated rats were isolated and
perIused using a modiIied LangendorII method. AIter a 20 minute equilibration period, hearts were subjected
to 45 minutes oI no-Ilow ischemia and 48 minutes oI reperIusion. LV developed pressure recovered to 45 oI
pre-ischemic levels in hearts Irom ethanol-Ied animals compared to only 20 in controls (p 0.01). Creatine
kinase release was lower Irom hearts oI ethanol-Ied animals compared with controls (14 + 1 vs. 26 + 1 U/min/
gww, p 0.01). Treatment oI control hearts with 100 M 5-HD Ior 10 minutes immediately prior to ischemia-
reperIusion had no eIIect on subsequent recovery oI LV developed pressure or on creatine kinase release.
However, 5-HD treatment abolished resistance to ischemia-reperIusion injury in hearts Irom ethanol-Ied rats,
supporting a critical role Ior mitoK
channel activation in ethanol-induced protection |45|. Studies to
determine how moderate alcohol exposure modulates mitoK
channel activity are currently underway.
Numerous epidemiological studies support a beneIicial eIIect oI light-to-moderate alcohol consumption in
decreasing the risk oI myocardial inIarction and death due to coronary heart disease. In rodent heart models,
moderate ethanol exposure directly protects cardiac myocytes through signal transduction pathways involving
activation oI protein kinase C. Acute exposure oI hearts to low concentrations oI ethanol (10 mM) rapidly
induces powerIul protective mechanisms against ischemia-reperIusion injury. ThereIore, there may be
considerable therapeutic potential Ior the administration oI physiological concentrations oI ethanol to patients
prior to elective procedures that involve myocardial ischemia, such as coronary angioplasty and cardiac
surgery. Chronic exposure oI hearts to low concentrations oI ethanol induces sustained protection against
ischemia-reperIusion injury. Public health recommendations are designed to reassure current light-to-moderate
drinkers but do not encourage new drinkers because oI concerns regarding alcohol abuse and the exacerbation
oI co-existing medical conditions such as diabetes mellitus. Further examination oI the cellular mediators oI
ethanol-induced cardiac preconditioning may lead to the development oI novel therapeutic agents Ior the
prevention and treatment oI coronary heart disease.
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Studies in the authors` laboratories were supported by National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
grants #AA11147 (D.M-R.) and #AA11135 (M.O.G).
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Chapter 11
Alcohol and smoking: synergism in heart disease?
Jin Zhang and Ronald Watson
It is well known that cigarette smoking is a strong risk Iactor Ior developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) |1|.
Moderate wine drinking has cardioprotective eIIects while alcohol abuse causes cardiomyopathy, hypertension
and stroke in most cases. Epidemiologic studies suggest that current and Iormer alcoholic adults are at greater
risk Ior some deleterious health eIIects oI smoking, particularly cancer and cardiovascular disease, than are
members oI the general smoking and nonsmoking populations. More alcoholics die Irom tobacco-related
diseases than Irom alcoholism |2|. Although many studies have Iound individual eIIects oI tobacco smoke or
alcohol in promoting cardiovascular disease, Iew studies have investigated the synergisms during concomitant
use oI alcohol and tobacco. It is really very complicated and conditional since it depends on the dosage and
types oI alcohol and tobacco use, as well as other aspects oI health condition. Most heavy alcohol users also
smoke or have smoked superIrequently.
Cigarette smoking-related cardiovascular diseases have been described widely. However, the mechanisms oI
their eIIects on cardiovascular system were not totally clear. The eIIects oI nicotine and carbon monoxide on
blood vessel walls, unIavorable lipid proIiles, increased myocardial work and the decreased oxygen carrying
capacity oI the blood oI smokers contribute to the overall eIIect oI cigarette smoking on cardiovascular disease
|3|. OI the increased cardiovascular risk caused by smoking, it is estimated that approximately one-tenth oI
this is due to smoking-induced changes in serum lipid |4|. The majority oI studies indicate elevations in serum
cholesterol, phospholipids, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and increased hepatic lipase activity in
smokers, with decreased serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol |5|.
A mechanism to explain the link between smoking and some oI the observed changes in serum lipid and
lipoprotein concentrations includes the pharmacological eIIects oI nicotine in stimulating sympathetic nervous
activity and release oI catecholamines. Catecholamines mediate lipolysis, causing an increase in plasma
concentrations oI Iree Iatty acids and very low-density lipoprotein triglycerides. Free Iatty acids stimulate
hepatic secretion oI very low-density lipoprotein and hence triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein
concentrations vary inversely with low-density lipoprotein concentrations in serum |6|. On the other hand,
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smokers had higher levels oI Iibrinogen, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) activity and Iasting and
steady-state C-peptide levels during the clamp. They also showed insulin resistance and lipid intolerance with
an impaired triglyceride clearance aIter a mixed test meal. Insulin resistance is an important reason Ior
promoting the increased cardiovascular morbidity in smokers |7|.
OI thousands oI cigarette smoke compounds, many are capable oI generating reactive oxygen species (ROS)
during metabolism. ROS can initiate a serial oI cellular responses, such as activation oI nuclear Iactor kappa B
(NF-kB), which plays an important role in the proinIlammatory process. NF-kB can induce IL-1 beta, platelet-
activating Iactor (PAF) and tumor necrosis Iactor (TNF) |8|. IL-1 beta is well known as an inducer oI several
other proinIlammatory enzymes such as the inducible cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2); PAF is shown to beneIit
platelet aggregation. These are two Iactors involved in atherogenesis |9|. TNF may decrease myocardial
contraction through enhancing inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and nitric oxide (NO) production or by
inducing myocardial apoptosis |10|.
In addition, cigarette smoking is associated with unhealthy eating patterns, including increased intakes oI
alcohol, total Iat, cholesterol, saturated Iat, a lower consumption oI Ioods with Iibers such as Iruits and
vegetables that may lower cholesterol levels, as well as deIiciencies oI vitamin C, E and beta-carotene
|11,12|. These Iactors make smokers and heavy alcohol users more predisposed to cardiovascular disease.
There is evidence that moderate wine consumption protects against CAD. Two studies linked the beneIicial
eIIects oI moderate drinking only to wine |13,14|. Red wine contains several Ilavonoids and phenolic
compounds with signiIicant antioxidant properties. The protection eIIects against atherogenesis suggested that
antioxidants in wine might play a role through modiIication oI LDLs |15|. However, it seems unlikely that the
cardioprotective eIIects are due solely to the antioxidant properties oI these compounds, since the orally
ingested phenolic antioxidants may not reach suIIiciently high plasma levels to aIIect the oxidizability oI LDL
in humans |16|. Moreover, the majority oI epidemiological studies have shown that all alcohol beverage types
(beer, wine, and distilled spirits) conIer some cardioprotective eIIects |17|.
What is the mechanism oI alcohol cardioprotection? The beneIicial eIIects oI moderate drinking have been
addressed on Iactors involved in atherogenesis |17|. First oI all, alcohol increases plasma HDL level and
activity oI lipoprotein lipase, which showed an inverse relationship with the risk oI CAD. Secondly, in animal
models, ethanol reduced atherogenic plaques by inIluencing the inIlammatory process oI endothelial lesions.
Alcohol interIeres with the expression oI vascular adhesion molecules such as VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 by
inhibiting the transcription Iactor NF-kB |18|. Additionally, inhibition oI the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, a
key enzyme in the synthesis oI cholesterol, results in the reduction oI plasma cholesterol. Furthermore alcohol
has antithrombotic eIIects which could contribute to its cardioprotective eIIects. Possible Iactors responsible
Ior the eIIects oI moderate alcohol consumption on clotting include an increase in the prostacyclin/
thromboxane ratio, decreased platelet aggregability in response to most agonists, increased release oI
plasminogen activator, and lowered Iibrinogen levels |19|. Certainly, some alcoholic drinks, especially wine,
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supply phytochemical isoIlavenoids, vitamins which have powerIul antioxidant eIIects. These eIIects include
inhibition oI low-density lipoprotein oxidation as well as reduction in coagulation and improved thrombolysis.
Most importantly, the beneIicial protective eIIects oI a moderate alcohol intake are Iound only in non-smokers
Although there is considerable evidence that moderate drinking protects against mortality and morbidity Irom
coronary heart disease |21,22|, heavy consumption is shown to have deleterious cardiovascular eIIects. It
exerts its adverse eIIects by increasing the risks oI cardiomyopathy, hypertension, and stroke |23|. Chronic
ethanol consumption has been linked to the prevalence oI hypertension, which contributes to an increased
incidence oI stroke. Heavy drinkers have a 10 mmHg higher systolic blood pressure than non-drinkers even
though the relationship may diIIer between men and women |24|. Stroke is a leading cause oI death and
morbidity. Alcohol may increase the risk oI stroke through various mechanisms that include hypertension,
hypercoagulable states, cardiac arrhythmias, and cerebral blood Ilow reductions |25|. Hypertension, including
borderline hypertension, is probably the most important stroke risk Iactor based on degree oI risk and
prevalence. Furthermore, cardiac morbidity, cigarette smoking, diabetes, physical inactivity, and high levels oI
alcohol consumption are also strongly related to stroke risk |26|. Recently, chronic consumption oI alcohol has
proven detrimental to heart tissue and can lead to alcohol-induced heart muscle disease, a major cause oI non-
ischemic cardio-myopathy in Western society |27|. Alcohol-induced heart muscle disease yields abnormal
contractile Iunction and energy metabolism, sometimes resulting in arrhythmias, cardiomegaly, and congestive
heart Iailure. A molecular mechanism underlying observed alcohol-induced heart Iailure is a nonoxidative
pathway Ior alcohol metabolism in several target tissues including heart. Normally the mitochondria
manuIactures most oI the cell`s energy ATP via the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle), beta-oxidation oI
Iatty acids and oxidative phosphorylation. The very high-energy requirements oI heart muscle are mostly met
by beta-oxidation oI Iatty acids. Fatty acids bound to albumin or Irom chylonmicrons and very low-density
lipoproteins enter the myocyte where they are converted to acetyl CoA through beta-oxidation in the
mitochondria matrix. Acetyl CoA then enters the TCA cycle. The products oI TCA cycle will enter the
electron transport chain oI the inner mitochondrial membrane, where most oI the cell`s ATP is produced. In
alcoholics, it turns out that nonesteriIied Iatty acids are esteriIied with ethanol to produce Iatty acid ethyl esters
(FAEEs), which can attach to mitochondria and uncouple oxidative phosphorylation and disrupt the energy
process. Furthermore, electron-microscopic and histochemical analysis have revealed shrunken, disorganized
myocytes, loss oI myoIibrils, a dilated and disordered sarcoplasmic reticulum, excessive accumulation oI
lipids, and enlarged mitochondria with chaotic cristae. It has also been indicated that chronic alcohol
administration decreases activity oI the Na

-ATPase pump that Iunctions in providing the necessary ionic

concentrations Ior membrane potentials needed Ior cardiac muscle contraction. In animal models, several
weeks oI chronic alcohol consumption by rats demonstrated in the myocytes a leaky sarcolemma and increases
in cardiac intracellular calcium |28|.
Similarly, in the alcoholic person ethanol represents on the average 50 oI the total dietary energy intake |24|.
Consequently, alcohol consumption displaces many normal nutrients oI the diet, resulting in primary
malnutrition and associated symptomatology, Ioremost
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that oI Iolate, thiamine and other vitamin B deIiciencies. As alcohol impairs the activation and utilization oI
nutrients, secondary malnutrition may result Irom either maldigestion or malabsorption caused by
gastrointestinal complications associated with alcoholism, mainly pancreatic insuIIiciency. In the absence oI
severe liver injury, high alcohol intake results in increased levels oI HDL, primarily HDL
, but at that level oI
alcohol intake there is no evidence oI protection` against CHD. While alcohol consumption is associated with
severe liver disease, levels oI the HDL Iractions decrease. Thus, with higher alcohol intakes, adverse eIIects
Alcoholics are commonly heavy smokers. There is a synergistic eIIect oI alcohol consumption and smoking
on cancer development, with long term ethanol consumption enhancing the mutagenicity oI tobacco-derived
product |24|. The combined ingestion oI ethanol resulted in a signiIicant Iormation oI smoke-related DNA
adducts in the esophagus and in their Iurther, dramatic increase in the heart. Thus ethanol consumption
increases the bioavailability oI DNA binding oI smoke components in the upper digestive tract and Iavors their
systemic distribution. Formation oI DNA adducts in the organs examined may be relevant in the pathogenesis
oI lung and esophageal cancers as well as in the pathogenesis oI other types oI chronic degenerative diseases,
such as chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and cardiomyopathies |29|.
Numerous studies have indicated a correlation between ethanol intake and cigarette smoking in heavy drinkers
|30|. On a pharmacological basis, an ethanol-induced potentiation oI nicotinic currents may enhance the acute
positive reinIorcement associated with nicotine, increasing tobacco use during heavy ethanol intake. Ethanol
may enhance acute nicotine-mediated receptor activation. Moreover, the opposing eIIect oI ethanol on
nicotine-induced desensitization could account Ior the increased tobacco use observed with excessive drinking.
The dose relationship between the combined use oI these two social habits and the changes in serum lipids,
including high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and
triglycerides, has been investigated |31|. Both social habits raised serum cholesterol levels in a dose-related
manner; the more cigarettes a subject smokes and the more alcohol consumed, the higher the total serum
cholesterol |31|.
Both cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking are involved in lipid metabolism and proinIlammatory response.
They are also related to unhealthy eating patterns. Alcohol abuse can promote the Iormation oI smoke-related
DNA adducts distributed in organs including the heart, which may be responsible Ior cardiomyopathies.
Furthermore, ethanol intake has a correlation with nicotine addictive.
In conclusion, the abstinence oI cigarette smoking should always be appropriated Ior prevention oI heart
disease. Moderate alcohol drinking may be helpIul Ior protection oI the heart. However, individuals must
astain under special circumstances such as pregnancy or severe liver disorders. Cigarette smoking along with
heavy alcohol drinking must be
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discouraged, since it is hard to prevent their adverse eIIects through nutritional manipulation. As there is
limited research on the co-eIIect oI alcohol and smoking on CVD, advanced studies should be done in the
Iuture with the pathway oI these two Iactors interacting in the pathogenesis oI heart disease.
This work was supported by NIH grant HL 63667.
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Chapter 12
Oxidative stress, cell damage and its possible
prevention by alpha-tocopherol: cardiovascular and
other cells
Jictor R. Preedv and Helmut Seit:
In this review, we brieIly describe the nature and origins oI Iree radicals, and how these species cause
intracellular damage, especially during ethanol metabolism. We then describe how alpha-tocopherol (ATC)
has been employed in both experimental and clinical studies to reverse or ameliorate Iree radical-induced
tissue damage in a variety oI disorders. Most recent research data has Iocussed on the eIIects oI ATC on the
cardiovascular system, but as this review will illustrate, ATC has also been reported to have a protective role
in diseases aIIecting a variety oI tissues, including neurological disorders |16|. Thus, ATC can prevent
cellular damage induced by exposure oI rat cerebellar granule cells to cholesterol oxides in vitro |7|. However,
the relationship between ATC intake, overall antioxidant intake and diet quality is complex, Ior example being
related to social class |8|, dietary intake oI milk and Iruit sugar |9|, body mass index (BMI) and Iat intake
|10|. LiIe-style habits such as smoking also inIluence ATC status |11|, although some studies (with small
numbers oI observations) have shown no correlation |12|. Studies on vitamin supplementation in the elderly
have also shown that the physically active are more likely to take ATC (along with vitamin C and calcium)
than their non-physically active counterparts |13|. Overall, the data on the potential therapeutic beneIits oI
ATC intake suggest that even though it can increase anti-oxidant capacity and reduce lipid peroxidation in
vitro, it may not halt disease progression or inIluence indices oI tissue pathology in all instances. These
conIlicting Iindings probably reIlect the Iact that major diseases have complex etiologies in which Iree radical
damage and/or changes in antioxidant status may represent only a single Iacet oI the disease process. In many
studies, alterations in Iree radical levels and/or scavenging antioxidants are measured without consideration oI
their Iunctional eIIects. For example, dietary selenium deIiciency reduces muscle glutathione peroxidase
activity, but has no appreciable eIIects on endurance capacity in exercise, which triggers an increase in the
generation oI ROS |14|. We thereIore conclude that the therapeutic role oI this antioxidant is currently
In the ensuing review, ATC is used synonymously with vitamin E unless speciIic distinction has been made
between the tocopherol isomers. We propose that knowledge gained Irom understanding the eIIects and role oI
ATC in a variety oI tissues and disease processes may be useIul in devising novel therapeutic strategies, such
as ameliorating the eIIects oI excessive (i.e., greater than the moderate amounts deemed to be
cardioprotective) alcohol intake on the cardiovascular system.
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Free radicals are highly reactive transient chemical species characterized by the presence oI unpaired electrons
usually denoted by a point suIIix (

). They are involved in a variety oI metabolic and pathophysiological

processes including both beneIicial and detrimental reactions. They can be produced as by-products oI normal
metabolism, Ior example, in the mitochondrial electron transport system |15|. In biological systems, Iree
radicals may be typically centered on oxygen, nitrogen, carbon or sulIur atoms. Biologically important Iree
radicals include superoxide ( ), hydroxyl (OH

), alkoxyl (RO

) and peroxyl ( ) radicals and nitric oxide

(Table 12.1). Hydrogen peroxide (H
) is an oxidizing species and potential source oI Iree radicals, but is not
classiIied as a Iree radical since it contains no unpaired electrons; the species , OH


, and H

are thereIore conveniently classed as reactive oxygen species (ROS). In general, Iree radicals are continuously
Iormed in all cells as unwanted (and potentially damaging) by-products oI normal aerobic metabolism. In
some instances they may perIorm beneIicial actions e.g., generation during phagocytic action, and Nitric
Oxide in the regulation oI vascular tone. However, the beneIicial eIIects are comparatively Iew compared to
the damaging eIIects oI ROS. Included in the category oI ROS are singlet oxygen (
), ozone (O
) |16|.
Nitric oxide (NO

) is also a Iree radical and grouped with peroxynitrite (ONOO

) and nitrogen dioxide radical (

) as reactive nitrogen species (RNS:|16|). A principal source oI generation results Irom the leakage oI
electrons Irom the mitochondrial respiratory chain. It has been reported that the mitochondrial electron
transport system utilizes 85 oI the oxygen used by cells and 5 oI oxygen consumed by mitochondria are
converted to ROS |15|. In addition, are generated via the actions oI various oxidase enzymes (e.g.,
xanthine oxidase, monoamine oxidase, etc.). The main source oI OH

(the most reactive oI biological Iree

radical specises) results Irom the interaction oI H
and or H
with metal ions, such as Fe
or Cu
in the Fenton reaction: (Fe


). Normally, Fe
or Cu
are sequestered by binding
proteins in vivo. DNA, proteins and lipids are potential biomolecular targets Ior Iree radical attack, with lipids
being particularly susceptible to peroxidative chain reactions, resulting in damage to cell membranes and
subcellular organelles.
Cells are protected Irom Iree radical induced damage by a variety oI Iree radical scavenging antioxidants.
Antioxidants enzymes, which are capable oI eliminating Iree radical species that cause tissue damage, include
catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase (also termed preventative antioxidants |17|). Thus,
with regards the enzyme superoxide dismutase: . The hydrogen peroxide generated in
this or other reactions can be converted into water and oxygen (2H
) via catalase, whilst
glutathione peroxidase reduces peroxides (ROOH2GSHROHH
OGSSG). These
Table 12.1 Reactive oxygen species
Superoxide radical
Singlet oxygen

Hydrogen peroxide H

Hypochlorous acid HOCl
Alkoxyl radicals RO

Peroxyl radicals
Hydroxyl radical OH

Source: Adapted Irom |228|.
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enzymatic reactions contrast with the non-enzyme antioxidants such as urate, biothiols such as glutathione,
reduced coenzyme Q
, ascorbate, carotenoids, Ilavonoids, lycopenes and the tocopherols which have chain-
breaking or radical trapping properties and may also be capable oI directly repairing anti-oxidants |17|. Some
plasma proteins such as Ierritin and albumin can also be considered as antioxidants as they bind metal ions
such as Fe
and Cu
thereby minimizing the potential Ior OH

generation. Histidine-containing peptides,

such as the imidazole dipeptides carnosine, histidine and anserine, are also important antioxidants especially in
muscle-containing tissues, possibly via mechanisms involving metal ion-chelation or Iree radical scavenging
|18|. Lipids are major components in a variety oI cells and organelles and Ior this reason adverse lipid
peroxidation can be deleterious, leading to structure and Iunctional abnormalities. Target organelle includes
mitochondrion, lysosome or the sarcolemma, with implications Ior membrane permeability or Iragility |19|.
Most oI the data available with respect to the production oI ROS Iollowing ethanol administration have been
obtained Irom studies in hepatic tissue. However, since many oI the enzymes responsible Ior ethanol
metabolism are also present in extrahepatic tissues such as the gastrointestinal mucosa, ROS can also be
produced in these tissues. In the liver, alcohol consumption increases the amount oI reactive oxygen species by
several mechanisms:
(1) Cytochrome P450 2E1
(2) Mitochondria
(3) Xanthine oxidase and aldehyde oxidase
(4) KupIIer cells
Cytochrome P450 2E1
Alcohol consumption results in an induction oI cytochrome P450 2E1 associated with enhanced activity oI
NADPH oxidase which leads to an extensive production oI and H
|20,21|. Microsomes obtained Irom
chronically ethanol Ied rats are more active in producing , H
and OH

compared to microsomes Irom

control animals |22|. These microsomes have an enhanced susceptibility to lipid peroxidation. This can be
completely blocked by antibodies acting against cytochrome P450 2E1 |21|. NADH can replace NADPH as a
coIactor in the microsomal reaction. This is important, since during ethanol oxidation NADH is produced in
excess. In human hepatic microsomes, there is a signiIicant correlation between cytochrome P450 2E1 content
and NADPH oxidase activity |23|.
The metabolism oI ethanol via cytochrome P450 2E1 leads to the production oI 1-hydroxyethyl Iree radical
intermediates |24,25|. Increased production oI cytochrome P450 2E1 enhances the production oI hydroxyethyl
radicals and antibodies against cytochrome P450 2E1 inhibit the production oI these radicals |26|. In this
context, it is oI considerable importance that levels oI cytochrome P450 2E1 and the capacity oI microsomes
to generate hydroxyethyl radicals correlate signiIicantly when human hepatic microsomes are investigated. In
addition to the cytochrome P450-dependent pathway, ethanol can be oxidized by liver
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microsomes to acetaldehyde through a non-enzymatic pathway involving the presence oI hydroxyl radicals

) originating Irom iron catalyzed degradation oI H

Acute alcohol exposure increases superoxide production in the respiratory chain oI mitochondria, which may
be responsible Ior the damage to this subcellular organelle during alcohol consumption |27|. When hepatic
mitochondria Irom chronically ethanol Ied rats are incubated with NADH or NADPH in vitro, an increased
production oI ROS is observed |27|. It is noteworthy that ethanol stimulates the activity oI rotenone-
insensitive NADH cytochrome C-reductase, an enzyme oI the outer mitochondrial membrane |28|.
Xanthine and aldehyde oxidase
A variety oI studies have shown that acute and chronic ethanol administration Iavors the conversion oI
xanthine dehydrogenase to xanthine oxidase |29,30|. This is supported by the observation that alcohol
administration also leads to an increased Iormation oI xanthine and hypoxanthine because oI enhanced purine
degradation via xanthine oxidase. In this context, it is important to note that allopurinol, an inhibitor oI
xanthine oxidase, also inhibits lipid peroxidation in the liver oI ethanol-treated rats |31|. Xanthine oxidase and
aldehyde oxidase metabolizes acetaldehyde with the Iormation oI ROS. The importance oI these enzymes with
respect to acetaldehyde metabolism is still a matter oI debate, although it has been shown that low
acetaldehyde concentrations oI 100 M can induce the Iormation oI ROS by xanthine oxidase |32|. Also,
molybdenum containing aldehyde oxidase can produce superoxide anions and it is reported that its inhibition
leads to decreased lipid peroxidation in the liver |33|. A novel radical has been identiIied during acetaldehyde
oxidation by xanthine oxidase, namely methylcarbonyl species which covalently bind to proteins. This may
stimulate antibody production triggered by acetaldehyde alkylation, similar to the eIIects oI the hydroxyethyl
radical |34|.
In the isolated perIused canine pancreas exposed to acetaldehyde, ROS produced via the activity oI xanthine
oxidase might be responsible Ior pancreatic injury |35|.
Kupffer cells
Acute ethanol administration stimulates the production oI superoxide anions in the perIused rat liver |36|.
Studies in rats and mice suggest that KupIIer cells may be involved in this production oI Iree radicals |37|. It
seems that the release oI arachidonic acid metabolites is necessary to activate KupIIer cells by ethanol since
inhibition oI cyclooxygenase by ibuproIen inhibits superoxide anion production |36|.
Ethanol induces the generation oI a chemotactic Iactor Ior phagocytes which is Iormed in rat hepatocytes
exposed to alcohol |3841|. This requires Iree iron and depends on the oxidation oI unsaturated lipids by ROS
generated during acetaldehyde metabolism due to aldehyde oxidase or xanthine oxidase activities |41|. Other
studies have demonstrated that protein-derived and leucotriene-derived chemotactic Iactors are also produced
by liver cells |42,43|.
It is also important to note that alcohol interIeres with the expression oI leukocyte adhesion molecules by
endothelial cells, underlining the Iact that ethanol can directly stimulate
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granulocyte inIiltration oI the tissues where it is metabolized. Activated phagocytes may produce ROS and this
may not only be important in the liver, but also in the gastrointestinal tract.
From the aIorementioned section, it is clear that hepatic tissue is aIIected by ROS (see Ior example |4446|).
However, it is important to point out that virtually every mammalian tissue has the potential to be adversely
aIIected by Iree radical induced damage |47|. Target tissues Ior ROS-induced damage include the brain and
nervous tissue |4850|, eye |5154|, gastrointestinal tract |5557|, heart |58|, kidney |5961|, lungs |6265|
and testes and reproductive tissue |66|. For additional reviews on the pathogenic and chemical nature oI ROS
and ATC, see |16,17,6775|.
Vitamin E is a Iat-soluble vitamin, and compared to other Iat-soluble vitamins, appears to be the least toxic in
high doses. There are 8 diIIerent homologues (i.e., vitamers) oI vitamin E, comprising 4 tocopherols (namely,
D-alpha, D-beta, D-gamma and D-delta) and 4 tocotrienols (also D-alpha, D-beta, D-gamma and D-delta) |76|.
In broad terms, vitamin E is oIten used synonymously with alpha-tocopherol although strictly speaking it
encompasses all 8 vitamers. The tocopherols and tocotrienols diIIer with respect to their side chain; the Iormer
is saturated whereas the latter is unsaturated. II the biological activity oI alpha-tocopherol is assigned an
arbitrary value oI 1.00, then the beta, gamma and delta-tocopherols have a biological activity oI 0.49, 0.1 and
0.03 respectively |76|. 1 mg oI pure synthetic DL-alpha-tocopherol acetate has a relative biological activity oI
0.76, compared to 1.03 Ior both D-alpha-tocopherol acetate and D-alpha-tocopherol succinate |76|. One
international unit (IU) oI alpha-tocopherol is equated with 1 mg oI DL-alpha-tocopherol acetate. Thus, 1 mg oI
D-alpha-tocopherol is equivalent to 1.49IU. In terms oI molarity, the activity oI D-alpha-, D-beta-, D-gamma-
and D-delta-tocopherol are 642, 313, 63 and 20 IU/mmol |76|. Absorption oI dietary alpha-tocopherol occurs
via the lymphatic system though its eIIiciency is poor, in the region oI 2040 |76,77|. ATC is transported to
the parenchymal cells oI the liver via chylomicrons and then secreted via very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)
|77|. ATC-binding proteins may be involved in cellular accumulation within lipid membranes |78|. Uptake is
also related to the accumulation oI lipoproteins within tissues accounting Ior its diIIerential uptake between
diIIerent tissues in ATC dosage studies |79|. At the cellular level, incorporation oI ATC directly into
membranes oI subcellular organelles may be responsible Ior its potential to conIer protective properties such
as its ability to reduce hydrogen peroxide generation by mitochondria |15|. Both bile and pancreatic secretions
are necessary Ior absorption; hence, patients with biliary dysIunction have limited ability to absorb ATC.
ATC is able to prevent both the initiation and propagation oI lipid peroxidation via scavenging Iree radicals.
Two electrons are donated Irom each tocopherol molecule during its chain-breaking activities and it is
probably recycled by ascorbate |17|. Further details on the energetics oI membrane damage via the oxidation
oI polyunsaturated lipids have been
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described elsewhere |17|. Metabolites oI ATC, i.e., alpha-tocopheryl quinone and hydroquinone, are able to
exert potent anti-oxidant activity, albeit in the presence oI ATC |80|. Due to the practical diIIiculties involved
in directly obtaining organ biopsies, plasma levels oI ATC are Irequently used to indirectly reIlect tissue
levels. It is important to note that with regards body distribution, the most abundant reservoir source oI alpha-
tocopherol is skeletal muscle by virtue oI the Iact that this organ is a major component oI the body (i.e.,
contributing to 40 oI body weight |81|). Highest concentrations are in adipose and adrenal tissue. ATC
circulates in plasma bound to beta-lipoprotein and in red cells (20 oI plasma level). Levels increase in
hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus and hypercholestero-laemia, and are reduced in liver disorders and
malnutrition. Dietary requirements are in the order oI 1530 IU/day.
Chronic alcohol consumption produces an increased breakdown oI lipid-soluble vitamins such as hepatic
alpha-tocopherol, possibly secondary to a marked increase in the Iormation oI hepatic alpha-tocopherol
quinone, a metabolite oI alpha-tocopherol Iormed by Iree radical reaction |82|. Since chronic ethanol
consumption has been associated with compromised antioxidant status and an increase in lipid peroxidation,
the signiIicant decrease oI vitamin E compared to other lipid-soluble antioxidants may contribute, at least in
part, to enhanced hepatic lipid peroxidation seen in alcoholics. Besides vitamin E, other antioxidants such as
vitamin C, glutathione and selenium are also strikingly decreased Iollowing chronic ethanol ingestion |83|. It
is also interesting that chronic alcohol consumption signiIicantly alters the distribution oI alpha-tocopherol and
gamma-tocopherol not only in hepatic tissue but in extrahepatic tissues as well |84|.
A substantial body oI evidence exists to support the contention that ROS generated during ethanol metabolism
may be involved in the pathogenesis oI alcoholic liver disease (ALD). Decades ago, it was already emphasized
by Lieber that the induction oI cytochrome P450 is a critical event with respect to the development oI ALD
|85|. II Iree radical production and lipid peroxidation play a role in the development oI ALD, depletion oI
dietary antioxidants such as vitamin E or an increase in oxidants such as non-heme iron in the liver, should
enhance the ethanol induced liver damage. Indeed, a diet deIicient in vitamin E has been shown to reduce
hepatic vitamin E stores, increase lipid peroxidation and increase serum transaminase activities aIter alcohol
Ieeding in rats |86|. Furthermore, iron supplementation in the diet increases ethanol-induced serum
transaminase activities, lipid peroxidation and Iibrosis |41|. In addition, a signiIicant correlation between
hepatic lipid peroxidation, oxidative stress and hepatic morphology is observed with and without iron
supplementation |87,88|. Part oI the mechanism may be related to the ability oI ethanol-derived metabolites
such as malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxynonenal to directly stimulate Ito-cells to produce collagen |87|.
Further evidence Ior the involvement oI Iree radicals in alcoholic liver disease is supported by the Iact that
drugs which are metabolized by cytochrome P450 2E1 to Iree radicals enhance ethanol-induced liver damage.
This is seen with Isoniacide |89|. On the
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other hand, compounds which inhibit cytochrome P4502E1 such as chlomethiazol or diallyl sulIide |90,91|,
also inhibit lipid peroxidation, radical production and result in an improvement oI hepatic morphology.
Obviously, the degree oI induction oI cytochrome P4502E1 is oI predominant importance with respect to
ALD. It is, thereIore, concluded that the ROS produced by this pathway may be especially important. This
induction is diet dependent and enhanced with unsaturated Iatty acids such as corn oil and low carbohydrates.
In addition, iron, an important compound in the production oI ROS, plays a signiIicant role. Iron
supplementation increases liver disease and administration oI an iron chelator decreases ALD.
Although, the administration oI vitamin E to rodents inhibits ALD to some extent, data in humans are not very
encouraging. The approach oI administering vitamin E together with selenium and zinc to patients with
alcoholic cirrhosis did show an improvement in mortality, but the number oI patients was small |92|.
Injury to the pancreas has important metabolic consequences, due to its central role in endocrinological and
nutritional homeostasis. Susceptibility oI pancreatic tissue to damage by ROS may be due to the relatively low
activities oI endogenous antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase, and comparatively low cellular
levels oI ATC |93|. Certainly, pancreatic islet cells are proIoundly sensitive to vitamin E deIiciency, as
reIlected by reduced Mn-superoxide dismutase and increased CuZn-superoxide dismutase activities, coupled
with reduced insulin secretory Iunction |94|. Pancreatic atrophy due to dietary selenium deIiciency can be
reversed by high-dose vitamin E supplementation |93|.
Experimental pancreatic injury in laboratory animals induced by streptozotocin is a standard model oI
inducing diabetes. Streptozotocin-induced diabetes alters serum lipid proIiles |95|, increases markers oI lipid
peroxidation such as hepatic thiobarbituric acid reacting substances (TBARS) and conjugated dienes |9699|,
and raises serum antibodies against MDA-protein adducts |95|. In streptozotocin-induced diabetes, treatment
oI rats with Vitamin E reduces blood glucose levels and reduces lipid peroxidation |98,99|. At the subcellular
level, ATC supplementation improves the ability oI hepatic mitochondria to withstand ROS-induced damage
in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats |100|.
However, in diabetes, tissue damage is not solely conIined to the pancreas, and aIIected tissues include the eye
(both cornea as well as the retina |51|), and kidney |97|. Kidney malIunction in diabetes is associated with
increased diacylglycerol concentration and protein kinase C activation combined with albuminuria |97|.
Injection oI ATC into streptozotocin-induced diabetic animals impedes these changes, with improved rates oI
glomerular Iiltration and urinary albumin excretion rates |97|. However, ATC supplementation, whilst
increasing hepatic ATC content in mitochondria, does not increase kidney mitochondrial ATC |100|,
emphasizing the diIIerential uptake oI ATC by individual organs.
The therapeutic administration oI ATC to diabetic patients has been proposed |101|. Thus, insulin sensitivity
oI skeletal muscle, a key Ieature oI Type II diabetes, may be improved by ATC supplementation, as a
consequence oI its ability to increase diacylglycerol kinase, and reduce the phosphatidate phosphohydrolase
activity via protein kinase C |97,102|. Studies have shown that ATC supplementation Ior 3 months in diabetic
patients reduce plasma TBARS and lipid content |103|: improvements in glucose utilization and liver
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response to insulin in diabetic patients treated with ATC Ior 4 months have also been reported |104|.
The role oI ROS in alcohol-associated gastric mucosal injury is underlined by the Iact that oral administration
oI absolute alcohol to rats reduces glutathione and increases lipid peroxidation in the gastric mucosa |105|.
Antioxidants, superoxide dismutase and hydroxyl radical scavengers prevent gastric lesions caused by alcohol,
whereas inhibition oI superoxide dismutase results in a deterioration |105|. It is interesting to note that the
pretreatment oI rats with allopurinol, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor, protects against haemorrhagic lesions due to
alcohol which points to the involvement oI ROS produced by xanthine oxidase in the gastric mucosa
|106,107|. However, controversial results have also been published by using a stomach perIusion model with
30 alcohol |108|. In any event, cellular glutathione levels are believed to be indicators oI oxidative tissue
injury and it has been shown in experimental animals as well as in humans that alcohol decreases gastric
mucosal glutathione concentrations.
Chronic alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk oI cancer in the upper alimentary tract and
the colorectum |109|. It might be possible that the production oI ROS is involved in alcohol-associated
carcinogenesis since chronic alcohol consumption leads to an induction oI cytochrome P450 in the oral
mucosa in the esophagus and in the colon oI rodents |110,111|. Such an induction can also be demonstrated in
the human oral mucosa |112|. In addition, the presence oI xanthine oxidase has been located in the epithelial
cells oI the mouse and oI the esophagus |113|. In an experiment by Eskelsson and co-workers, it has been
shown that the number oI esophageal tumors induced by nitrosamines and stimulated by chronic alcohol
administration can be signiIicantly reduced by the concomitant application oI vitamin E |114|. Furthermore,
this reduction is associated with a reduction in lipid peroxidation products in the esophagus. This is indirect
evidence Ior the involvement oI ROS in alcohol associated esophageal carcinogenesis.
Mucosal hyperproliIeration due to alcohol is a premalignant condition and we have recently observed that
vitamin E supplementation to rats leads to a normalization oI colorectal cell regeneration |115|. Thus, there is
some indirect evidence that vitamin E supplementation, at least in rodents, may be helpIul in alcohol-
associated cancer prevention.
There are a substantial number oI large epidemiological studies examining the relationship between dietary
ATC intake and cardiovascular disease mortality (reviewed in |116118|). For example, studies carried out
two decades ago showed a correlation between higher than expected mortality and very low dietary ATC
intakes (as well as with very high ATC intakes |119|). The basis oI its cardioprotective eIIects is the ability oI
ATC to reduce damage caused by ROS in general, and speciIically to inhibit the oxidation and MDA-
modiIication oI unsaturated lipids in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles |116,120,121|. These oxidized
products oI LDL are highly damaging and initiate the Iormation oI atherosclerotic plaques
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and lesions and are related to the course oI myocardial inIarction |116,122|. However, atherosclerotic plaque
Iormation and the mechanisms Ior the ensuing increased morbidity and mortality are complex processes,
which involve, Ior example, the production oI superoxide by monocytes, and the Iormation oI autoantibodies
against oxidized LDL and MDA-LDL |123,124|. In aortic muscle or endothelial cells in vitro, oxidized LDL
can increase collagen and Iibronectin synthesis, apoptosis, intracellular calcium and TBA Iormation |122,125|.
Moreover, concomitant pathologies such as hypertension are additional risk Iactors Ior the etiology oI
atherosclerosis. For example, in hypertension, ATC status as reIlected by red blood cell (but not plasma),
concentrations is lower than that oI normotensive controls |126|. Age-related reductions in the anti-oxidant
capacity oI plasma, acting against peroxyl radicals, may also contribute to the atherosclerosis |127|. There is
also a tentative association between dietary ATC intake and increased (deemed to be cardioprotective) serum
HDL-cholesterol |128|.
Apoptosis induced in smooth muscle cells in vitro by oxidized-LDL can be prevented with anti-oxidants |122|.
ATC and Trolox (a water-soluble Iorm oI ATC), but not alpha-tocopheryl acetate or alpha-tocopheryl
succinate can ameliorate these adverse changes in the levels oI TBARS and intracellular calcium |125|. More
recently, the novel synthetic ATC-analogue IRFI005 (i.e., a metabolite oI IRFI0016) has been shown to
prevent the oxidation oI LDL |129|.
Monocytes are involved in the Iormation oI atherosclerotic plaque and lesions via their ability to generate ROS
(Ior example the superoxide radical) and cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1beta |123,124|. ATC treatment oI
these cells prevents IL-1-beta Iormation (a cytokine involved in atherosclerosis), and superoxide and hydrogen
peroxide production by monocytes in vitro when stimulated with lipopolysaccharide |123,124|. The
mechanism oI this protective eIIect appears to be related to the ability oI ATC to inhibit protein kinase C
activity |123|. Studies have also shown that alpha-tocopherol, but not beta-tocopherol, is able to reduce the
activation oI protein-kinase C by endothelin and thrombin |130|.
The potential signiIicance oI these in vitro data needs to be discussed in relation to the prevention oI
atherosclerosis by ATC in vivo, although consideration need to be given to the possibility that other
pharmacological preparations may be equally promising in reducing the oxidation oI LDL. Such candidates
include analogues oI tetronic acid (Ior example 4-(4'-chloro-1,1'-biphenyl)-2-hydroxytetronic acid), which are
able to inhibit hepatic membrane lipid peroxidation and LDL oxidation in vitro to a greater extent than Trolox
|131|. Some authors have questioned whether blood levels oI lipophilic antioxidants reIlect the development
oI atherosclerosis |132|. In a comparison between patients with coronary heart disease and controls, gamma-
tocopherol levels were signiIicantly lower in patients with coronary heart disease, although in contrast no such
diIIerences were observed Ior ATC |132|. In other studies, patients with coronary artery disease (Ior example,
angina or myocardial inIarction) were shown to have lower serum ATC compared to healthy controls
|133,134|. It is nevertheless important to consider that the deIense against ROS is represented by a number oI
antioxidants. Thus, alpha- and beta-carotene levels are reduced in subjects with coronary heart disease,
although levels oI ubiquinol-10 are not |132|. In another study oI 4,802 subjects aged between 5595 years,
the risk oI myocardial inIarction was higher in the low intake beta-carotene group although no association oI
myocardial inIarction with ATC (and vitamin C) intake was observed |135|. In an earlier study, antioxidant
levels were examined in a cohort oI patients with coronary heart disease, which were subgrouped into those
with stable and unstable angina pectoris |136|. Overall, these subjects had
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higher levels oI cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and lipoprotein(a) and lower HDL-cholesterol |136|. However,
total plasma ATC was comparable in all three groups (control, stable angina and unstable angina), except
when expressed per LDL particle, whereupon it was lower in patents with unstable angina pectoris. Values in
patents with stable angina pectoris were higher than the latter, but lower than controls |136|. Thus, it seems
that the type oI cardiovascular disorder needs to be deIined and careIul attention needs to be paid as to how
ATC levels are expressed. Internal Iactors relevant to the determination oI ATC status include triglycerides
and apoproteins |10|. However, geographical and cultural dietary habits Iurther compound the relationship
between ATC and the etiology oI heart disease. Whole grain intake and nuts correlate negatively with
coronary heart disease, which is not explained by the contribution oI ATC (nor Iiber, Iolate, vitamin B6)
|137,138|. Another example pertains to phenolic compounds which occur in wine and appear to be able to
increase plasma ATC levels and inhibit platelet aggregation |139,140|. Resveratrol, quercetin and other
phenolic compounds, which are oIten Iound in alcoholic beverages (particularly red wine) and other IoodstuIIs
are claimed to have antioxidant properties (which may be greater than ATC). This may contribute to the
French Paradox in which there is a reduced risk oI cardiovascular mortality due to moderate alcohol
consumption |141145|. However, many oI the studies on the role oI antioxidants in red wine in reducing
LDL oxidation in vivo have been questioned |146|. In a controlled study oI 25 subjects given either red or
white wine Ior 4 weeks, susceptibly oI LDL to oxidation in vitro was not altered and similar negative eIIects
were obtained Ior levels oI plasma ATC, urate, vitamin C, glutathione and ubiquinol-10 |146|.
It is clear that some epidemiological studies show beneIicial correlations between ATC intake and risk oI
cardiovascular disease, and laboratory studies demonstrate positive eIIects oI ATC in vivo and in vitro. These
data need to be interpreted in terms oI potential therapeutic beneIits oI ATC supplementation, and its use to
reduce overall mortality has been advocated |147|. Clinical studies have shown that oxidized serum lipids in
patients with hypercholesterolemia can be ameliorated with ATC |120|. In the CHAOS (Cambridge Heart
Antioxidant Study), 2,002 subjects with coronary atherosclerosis (conIirmed angiographically) were shown to
beneIit Irom ATC supplementation, via a reduction in the incidence oI non-Iatal myocardial inIarction, though
an increase in overall mortality (not achieving signiIicance) was reported |148|. In a study oI 11,178 subjects
aged between 67 and 105, ATC supplementation reduced overall mortality (relative risk: 0.66) and mortality
due to coronary disease (relative risk oI 0.37) |149|. In the GISSI (Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della
Sopravvivenza nell`InIarto miocardico) trial, over 11,000 subjects were recruited and supplemented with
either n-3 polyunsaturated Iatty acids, ATC, both ATC and n-3 polyunsaturated Iatty acids, or none |150|. n-3
polyunsaturated Iatty acids were Iound to be oI beneIit, in reducing mortality and cardiovascular death |150|.
However, ATC conIerred no such beneIit and the combined n-3 polyunsaturated Iatty acid and STC therapy
was similar to n-3 polyunsaturated Iatty acid alone |150|. Although, some oI these large studies were negative
in their Iindings, it is important to re-emphasize that ATC intake alone is not the only nutrient or Iactor that
correlates with reduced incidence oI coronary disease. For example, increasing intake oI dietary Iiber,
independent oI Iat intake, correlates with reduced incidence oI cardiovascular disease as does vitamin B6 and
Iolate |151,152|.
High Iat or high-cholesterol containing diets are oIten used in animal studies to promote atherosclerosis, as a
model Ior examining pathogenic mechanisms in the etiology oI
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cardiovascular disease in vivo. Animal studies have shown that ATC supplementation in rabbits Ied high
cholesterol containing diets results in reduced blood cholesterol levels |153|. A combination oI dietary ATC
and selenium supplementation is eIIective in reducing atherosclerotic lipid deposits in myocardial vessels, as
well as blood markers oI oxidative stress such as MDA |139,154|. Smooth muscle cells Irom aorta oI
cholesterol-Ied rabbits have increased protein kinase C levels, which are not signiIicantly ameliorated by ATC
treatment |155|.
Heart tissue is also impaired in diabetes, leading to contractile dysIunction that may also result Irom increased
cardiac lipid peroxidation and altered Iatty acid proIiles |98,156|.
Some clinical studies have suggested that dietary ATC does not reduce the risk oI stroke |157|. In the
aIorementioned study in the USA, 43,738 male subjects, (without cardiovascular disease or diabetes) aged
Irom 4075 years were examined, and aIter 8 years, 210 ischaemic strokes had occurred. However, the relative
risk Ior ischaemic stroke in the group with the top quintile with highest ATC intake (median 411 IU/d) was
1.18 compared to the group with the lowest intake oI ATC (5.4 IU/d), and there was no relation between the
dose or duration oI ATC and the risk Ior total or ischaemic stroke |157|.
Ethanol has important eIIects on the cardiovascular system and particularly on anti-oxidant systems (reviewed
in |75,158|). Although the relative incidence oI alcohol consumption reduces the overall risk oI
cardiovascular disease by a number oI mechanisms (Ior example, increasing HDL/LDL ratio, reducing platelet
Iunction and aggregation |140,159|) excessive alcohol is damaging and can lead to the development oI
alcoholic cardiomvopathv |160163|. Paradoxically, moderate alcohol consumption has been advocated to
reduce the incidence oI coronary artery disease, albeit within the conIines oI a multiIactorial approach |147|.
For example, an interaction between alcohol consumption and vitamin C has been proposed to account Ior the
reduced incidence oI angina in alcohol consumers |164|.
The situation regarding ATC status in alcohol studies is conIusing with some reports showing higher plasma
ATC in average drinkers |165| whilst others have shown reduced levels in heavy drinkers |166,167|.
Apart Irom Iunctional impairment, myoIibrillary damage is observed in alcoholic myopathy, ranging Irom
small, localized areas oI increased osmiIication to loss oI subcellular architecture |168|. Increased lipid
peroxidation suggests Iree radical-mediated damage may be involved in the etiology oI alcoholic
cardiomyopathy |169,170|. Increased myocardial lipopigmentation and diene conjugates are observed
consistent with ROS-induced damage |171|. In animal studies, cardiac lipid peroxidation increases Iollowing
alcohol dosage, as does the peroxidisability index oI the cardiac phospholipids (PI) and the percent content oI
tri-, tetra-, and hexaenoic Iatty acids |172176|. Cardiac glutathione content is also reduced |173| although
cardiac ATC has been reported to be unaltered in rats chronically administered alcohol |177|.
Despite, the suggestion that alcohol-induced pathologies may in part be due to the eIIects oI ROS and/or lipid
peroxidation, there is surprisingly very little inIormation on the
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therapeutic eIIects oI ATC supplementation in alcohol-exposed hearts. ATC treatment has been shown to
inhibit these changes in Iatty acid proIile and decrease oxidized lipids and diene conjugates in cardiac tissue
|173,176|. In the latter studies, ethanol Ieeding increased the percentage oI tri-, tetra- and hexaenoic acids but
were blocked by dietary ATC supplementation |176|. Glutathione content oI hearts Irom alcohol Ied rats also
increases upon ATC treatment |173|.
Phospholipid composition in the heart is impaired by alcohol exposure, leading to a marked increase in
lysophosphatidylcholine levels when hearts are perIused with alcohol with concomitant increases in
phospholipase A1 and A2 activities |178|. However, the presence oI ATC in the perIusate can abolish this
increase in cardiac lysophosphatidylcholine levels largely via inhibition oI phospholipase A activities |178|.
The synthesis oI tissue proteins is maintained at an optimal rate. For example, the renewal oI the contractile
proteins in cardiac tissue is necessary Ior mechanical activity, and enzymes need to be continually synthesized
Ior a variety oI metabolic Iunctions. Protein synthesis is thereIore a good parameter to assess tissue damage, as
it includes many hundreds oI steps, such as amino acid transport, post-receptor cascades, nucleotide
availability, etc. Reduced protein synthesis occurs in virtually all mammalian tissues in response to an acute
dose oI ethanol. The pathogenic mechanisms are unknown but a relationship with the enhanced generation oI
ROS and lipid peroxidation has been proposed. For example, the shellIish toxin okadaic acid reduces protein
synthesis in cultures oI vero cells, by a mechanism involving increased lipid peroxidation |179|. In
metabolically deranged neuronal and liver tissue in vitro, there are decreases in protein synthesis in response to
enhanced lipid peroxidation |180,181|. In all these three tissues, reductions in protein synthesis can be
prevented by ATC |179181|.
AIter acute ethanol administration, an increased generation oI ROS has been reported |37,182186|. It can
thereIore be inIerred that ATC-supplementation may also have an ameliorative eIIect on ethanol-induced
reductions in protein synthesis in cardiac muscle. For example, in the heart a single dose oI ATC is able to
attenuate myocardial ultrastructural damage and enzyme release into the blood, due to acute ethanol
administration over 24 hours |187|. However, in our hands supplementation oI rats with ATC Iails to prevent
the acute reduction in protein synthesis in vivo (Table 12.2). The Iailure oI ATC to ameliorate acute changes in
protein synthesis may reIlect the complex etiology oI alcohol-induced damage and more probably, the Iact that
ROS generation and subsequent damage is only one Iacet oI the disease process, as discussed previously.
Lipid peroxidation is increased during haemodialysis, because oI ROS generation |188190|. Paradoxically,
total antioxidant capacity increases in patients undergoing dialysis due to high serum urate levels, although
this decreases aIter dialysis, as does serum ATC |189|. Increased ROS generation has also been reported to
increase apoptosis in leukocytes |191|. Potentially, this oIIers the interesting possibility oI using either
treatment oI dialysis membranes with ATC
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Table 12.2 Cardiac muscle protein synthesis in vehicle-injected and o-tocopherolsupplemented rats injected
with either saline or ethanol
Group k
(/dav) Significance compared to corresponding saline (p)
Saline 21.4 + 0.5
Ethanol 18.1 + 0.8 p 0.05
Saline 21.4 + 0.7
Ethanol 19.4 + 0.6 p 0.05
Rats were administered o-tocopherol in intralipid (30 mg/kg body weight/day; i.p.) Ior 5 days and on the 6th day, they
were administered with acute (2.5 hour) doses oI either ethanol (75 mmol/kg body weight, i.p.) or saline (0.15 mol/l
NaCl). 150 minutes Iollowing acute i.p. bolus injections oI ethanol or saline, rats were injected with a Ilooding dose oI L-
|43H|phenylalanine (150 mmol/l, 1 ml/100 g body weight) via a lateral tail vein. Exactly 10 minutes aIter injection oI
isotope, rats were killed by decapitation and tissues dissected out and processed Ior determination oI tissue radioactivity.
Data are means + SEM (n 68). SigniIicance oI diIIerences between means was tested by using the pooled estimate oI
variance aIter ANOVA. From unpublished data oI the authors.
or inclusion oI ATC directly in the dialysate since atherosclerotic lesions are Irequently Iound in these patients
with concomitant increased oxidation oI LDL and LDL-MDA Iormation |191|. Coating the membrane
dialyser with ATC reduces oxidized products oI LDL |190|.
There is some evidence that adequate dietary ATC is necessary Ior the optimal development oI neurological
and other tissues, which may be compromised in the presence oI organ dysIunction such as liver disease |192
196|, also reviewed in |197,198|. Thus, in children with mental impairment due to neuronal ceroid
lipoIuscinosis, serum ATC levels are low compared to normal controls |192|. In chronic biliary atresia, serum
ATC levels are low |195,199|, with the mental development oI aIIected children correlating inversely with
reduced serum ATC levels |195|.
In childhood liver disease and post-natal oxygen toxicity, ATC supplementation has been advocated |200
203|. In chronic inIantile cholestasis, aIIected patients with concomitant ATC deIiciency and neurologic
impairment have been treated with ATC (orally and parenterally) |194|. Such treatment leads to reductions in
serum cholylglycine levels aIter 1.52.5 years without eIIects on other indices oI hepatic Iunction |194|.
Intramuscular administration oI ATC has also been assessed in cholestasis over 1.33.7 years with mixed
results, i.e., reported as cessation oI spinocerebellar degeneration without evidence oI improvement |196|.
Adverse eIIects have been observed in inIants receiving intravenous ATC supplementation |204|.
Studies into post-natal development and the inIluence oI ATC deIiciency and/or supplementation have been
largely carried out in animal studies due to obvious limitations in obtaining adequate human tissue. The
oIIspring oI diabetic rats have raised hepatic TBARS indicative oI tissue peroxidative damage by ROS |205|.
However, these increases in TBARS levels are
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reduced with maternal vitamin E supplementation in vivo |205|. Vitamin E protects against lipid peroxidation
during post-natal development oI rat erythrocytes and liver microsomes |206| and in brain oI chicks |207|.
Skeletal muscle oI chicks is also particularly sensitive to ATC deIiciency, exhibiting characteristic lesions oI
myoIibrillary degeneration |208|.
Skeletal muscle comprises about 40 oI mammalian body weight and as such, is an important contributor to
whole body physiology. Although, ATC concentration in skeletal muscle is lower than that oI liver, it has a
comparable (iI not higher) contribution to the whole body ATC pool |81|.
Various studies have shown that dietary ATC deIiciency induces myopathic lesions within muscle |209,210|.
Many oI these studies on muscle have combined ATC deIiciency with concomitant selenium deIiciency
|208,211|. In combined ATC-selenium deIiciency, ATC supplementation alone can ameliorate myopathic
lesions |212|.
ATC deIiciency alone causes lysis and disarray oI the myoIibrillary apparatus and sarcoplasmic reticulum
|209,210|. Swelling oI the mitochondria, and other matrix disruptions in skeletal muscle also occur |209|.
These lesions are observable at both the light and electron microscopic level.
Alcoholic myopathy is arguably the most prevalent skeletal muscle disease in the Western Hemisphere,
occurring in between 3060 oI all chronic alcohol misusers (see reviews in |213215|). In a UK study,
serum levels oI ATC were shown lower in alcoholics with skeletal muscle myopathy compared to those
alcoholics or non-alcoholic subjects without myopathy |166|. However, this has not been reproduced in
Spanish alcoholics, which may reIlect geographical or other diIIerences between the patient population and/or
nutritional intake |216|.
DeIiciencies oI either alpha-tocopherol or selenium also occur naturally leading to, Ior example, white muscle
disease which is seen in Iarm animals or horses where a combination oI inadequate soil selenium is combined
with poor dietary ATC |217226|. Concomitant changes in this disorder include reduced plasma glutathione
peroxidase activities and increased serum creatine kinase activities |221,227|.
ROS play a complex role in the etiology oI a number oI disorders in which ATC supplementation seems to
conIer therapeutic beneIits. Consideration should be given to the possibility that a Iailure to see beneIicial
eIIects Iollowing ATC supplementation may be a result oI its synergistic action with other antioxidants, and
thereIore provision oI one component oI the endogenous repair system will be ineIIectual |17|.
We are grateIul to Dr. D Mantle (Newcastle General Hospital) Ior a substantial body oI constructive help with
this review.
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ATC alpha-tocopherol
ROS reactive oxygen species
TBARS thiobarbituric acid reacting substances
MDA malondialdehyde

superoxide radical

hydroxyl radical

alkoxyl radical
peroxyl radical
hydrogen peroxide

singlet oxygen

nitric oxide

nitrogen dioxide radical
RNS reactive nitrogen species
LDL low density lipoprotein
ALD alcoholic liver disease
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Chapter 13
Alcohol and platelet function
Adam K. Mvers, Kabita Das and Qing-Hui Zhang
Coronary heart disease (CHD) and its maniIestations account Ior approximately halI a million deaths annually
in the United States, 25 oI the nation`s total mortality |1|. Much progress has been made in deIining the
mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis and progression oI CHD, devising new therapeutic approaches Ior
the treatment and prevention oI CHD, and identiIying Iactors that promote susceptibility to this disease.
Important liIestyle Iactors aIIecting CHD risk include exercise, smoking, diet and alcohol consumption |2|.
Moderate drinking reduces risk oI CHD mortality, and although it is generally accepted that about halI oI the
risk reduction might be due to a beneIicial eIIect oI moderate consumption oI alcohol or alcoholic beverages
on plasma lipids |35|, the eIIects oI alcohol on other parameters undoubtedly contribute. Although there are
many deIinitions oI moderate alcohol consumption` the United States Departments oI Agriculture and Health
and Human Services deIine moderate drinking as no more than one drink per day Ior women and no more
than two drinks per day Ior men` (a standard drink contains approximately 12 grams oI ethanol, which is the
amount present in a 12 oz bottle oI beer, a 5 oz serving oI table wine, or 1.5 ounces oI 80 prooI distilled
spirits) |6|. The eIIects oI alcohol on platelet aggregation and subsequent thrombus Iormation have been
studied by several laboratories including our own |714|, and is the topic oI the present review. Platelets are
oI substantial interest because oI their role in CHD-related mortality. Myocardial inIarction (MI) most oIten
results Irom thrombotic occlusion oI stenosed coronary vessels. In this scenario, the blockage is due to the
rupture oI an atherosclerotic plaque, which exposes a thrombogenic surIace to platelets. Adherence oI platelets
and subsequent thrombus Iormation eventually blocks Ilow through the aIIected coronary artery, causing
ischemia, acute MI and potentially death |15|. An inhibitory eIIect oI alcohol on platelet aggregation is
thereIore a potential Iactor in the reduced risk oI CHD-related death with moderate drinking. In addition,
studies have suggested that alcohol consumption might have a role in inhibiting the progression oI
atherosclerosis, a process that involves both plasma lipids and platelets |16|. While this chapter Iocuses mainly
on the possibly beneIicial aspects oI moderate alcohol consumption on the hemostatic system, it is recognized
that there are complex issues associated with drinking, which can vary Irom individual to individual. Some oI
these are discussed elsewhere in this volume.
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In order to consider the eIIects oI alcohol on platelet aggregation and their mechanisms, it is Iirst necessary to
provide a brieI background on the coagulation and Iibrinolytic systems responsible Ior normal hemostasis.
Vascular injury leads to activation oI platelets and adhesion to the vessel wall. Platelet receptors Ior
subendothelial components such as collagen, Iibronectin, or laminin promote adhesion to the injured vessel
wall; under high shear conditions, these interactions are not adequate and von Willebrand Iactor and its platelet
receptor are required Ior adhesion |17|. During primary hemostasis, this adhesion oI platelets to the vascular
wall produces activation, which is characterized by platelet morphological and biochemical changes,
aggregation oI platelets to each other, and the secretion oI platelet granule contents (the platelet release
reaction). The end result is the primary hemostatic plug. The subsequent Iormation oI Iibrin around the
primary platelet plug constitutes secondary hemostasis, and is the end result oI a series oI biochemical
reactions involving the coagulation Iactors oI plasma and the platelet surIace.
Stimulation oI platelets involves multiple pathways oI activation. One major biochemical pathway, which can
be activated by receptor binding oI several agonists including collagen, thrombin, platelet activating Iactor,
and thromboxane A2, is the phospholipase C-mediated second messenger system. Phosphatidylinositol (4,5)
bis-phosphate is broken down to inositol triphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol by phospholipase C when such
agonists bind to their receptors. IP3 causes an increase in cytosolic-Iree calcium, a central event in platelet
activation and aggregation, initially resulting in platelet shape change Irom a discoid-shaped Iormed element
to a spherical body with pseudopods. Diacylgylcerol activates protein kinase C directly, which in concert with
the elevated calcium is responsible Ior platelet aggregation and secretion oI granule contents. These granule
contents are numerous and serve a variety oI Iunctions, important among them support oI hemostasis and
vascular repair. Notably, amine storage granules release ADP, which is a platelet agonist and thereIore recruits
Iurther platelets Ior aggregation |17|.
A second major stimulatory pathway is mediated by phospholipase A2, an enzyme that is activated when
intraplatelet Ca
is elevated and to some extent by agonist-receptor interactions. This enzyme releases the
Iatty acid Irom the sn-2 position oI membrane phospholipids; when the Iatty acid is arachidonic acid, it is
metabolized rapidly in platelets to thromboxane A2 (TXA2), a potent platelet agonist. Thus, TXA2 ampliIies
platelet responses. Arachidonic acid can also be released subsequent to the activation oI phospholipase C, as a
result oI the breakdown oI diacylglycerol by diglyceride lipase, but this pathway probably contributes a minor
amount oI arachidonic acid compared to the phospholipase A2 pathway |18|.
Platelet activation can be inhibited by both the cAMP and cGMP signal transduction pathways. A major
physiological agonist Ior adenylyl cyclase activation and cAMP production in platelets is prostacyclin.
Although platelets do not synthesize prostacyclin, its production by vascular endothelium inhibits platelet
activation. Nitric oxide produced by vascular tissues activates guanylyl cyclase in platelets and stimulates
cGMP production; platelets can also directly produce nitric oxide as a negative Ieedback mechanism during
activation |19|. Interestingly, alcohol stimulates vascular prostacyclin synthesis under some experimental
conditions |20|, although the relevance oI this to the in vivo hemostatic system has not been adequately
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Regardless oI the mechanism or stimulus Ior platelet activation, the Iinal common pathway involves
expression oI glycoprotein (Gp) IIb-IIIa on the platelet surIace, which results in binding and cross-linking oI
platelets with Iibrinogen |17|. Activation also produces the expression on the platelet surIace oI binding sites
Ior coagulation Iactors and enzymes, accelerating the rate oI thrombin Iormation. Thrombin converts
Iibrinogen to Iibrin, which adheres to damaged surIaces oI blood vessels enmeshing platelets, blood cells, and
plasma to Iorm the secondary hemostatic plug. During the process oI platelet activation, the initial stage oI
aggregation (primary platelet aggregation) is reversible, but once platelets have undergone secondary
aggregation and release oI granule contents, the aggregation is irreversible.
The platelet-Iibrin plug can eventually be broken down and removed through the process oI Iibrinolysis, which
involves the plasmin/plasminogen system. Plasminogen is converted to plasmin by activators generated by
endothelial and smooth muscle cells: tissue type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and urokinase type plasminogen
activator (u-PA). Plasmin is a proteolytic enzyme resembling trypsin, which digests Iibrin Iibers as well as
Iibrinogen and clotting Iactors |21|. By secreting plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1), platelets serve to
protect the clot Irom degradation and inhibit Iibrinolysis.
Thus, many sites exist at which alcohol might interact with the hemostatic system, and possibly aIIect
parameters related to risk oI CHD. The Iollowing is an overview oI work done to date by our laboratory, as
well as a review oI the Iield in general. In many oI these studies, the primary methodology used was optical
density platelet aggregometry, in which platelet rich plasma or platelets resuspended in buIIer are stimulated
by agonists and changes in optical density oI the platelet preparation are measured as platelets become
activated and Iorm aggregates. In our own studies, we have also incorporated whole blood platelet
aggregometry. In this technique, whole blood is stimulated with a platelet agonist, and increased electrical
impedance is measured as platelets aggregate on a pair oI metal electrodes. SpeciIically, our interest has been
in the eIIects oI ethanol itselI on platelets, as opposed to eIIects oI other biologically active compounds
contained in various alcoholic beverages (the latter are considered elsewhere in this volume).
The immediate Iunctional eIIect oI ethanol usually observed under experimental conditions is inhibition oI
platelet aggregation in response to most agonists such as thrombin, ADP, epinephrine and collagen |79|. This
eIIect has been generally consistent across both animal and human studies in in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo
preparations with various methods oI ethanol administration. Despite such broad evidence, questions have
remained regarding the relevance oI the eIIect to moderate alcohol consumption in humans, due to the doses oI
alcohol used in those studies, the method oI administration, and various other Iactors. For this reason, our own
laboratory has sought to systematically evaluate the eIIects oI ethanol in animal and human studies, with both
in vitro addition oI alcohol and alcohol consumption, using multiple platelet agonists and multiple
concentrations oI alcohol. Here, we review our own Iindings, in the context oI the broader literature.
In vitro platelet studies in several species including man have generally |13,22,23| but not always |12,24,25|
demonstrated an inhibitory eIIect oI alcohol on aggregation or other measures oI activation. In the Iirst study
in our laboratory, we actually observed that alcohol could promote platelet aggregation under some
experimental conditions |12|. We made the
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serendipitous observation that when alcohol was added directly to whole blood but not platelet rich plasma
(PRP), it directly induced aggregation oI platelets at Iinal concentrations as low as 34 mM, as measured by
impedance aggregometry. This concentration is equivalent to blood alcohol oI 156 mg; lower concentrations
were not tested. Further experiments demonstrated that the pro-aggregatory action oI alcohol in whole blood
was dependent upon the direct injection oI ethanol into whole blood, achieving a locally high concentration oI
alcohol that produces lysis oI red blood cells. Consequently, the ADP released during hemolysis activates
platelets. Thus, that early study had limited relevance to health eIIects oI moderate alcohol consumption, but
may be related to the hematological abnormalities occurring as a result oI binge drinking and acute alcohol
toxicity |23|. Observations that alcohol might activate platelets in vitro under some circumstances have been
usually made when platelets were exposed to the ethanol in high Iinal concentrations (inconsistent with blood
alcohol levels attained during consumption) or, as discussed above, high local concentrations during alcohol
delivery |12,24,25|. When working with a multiIunctional and potentially toxic agent such as ethanol, careIul
interpretations oI results, taking into account the physiological and pharmacological relevance oI alcohol
concentrations and delivery modality, is obviously important.
Our subsequent study |13| is an example oI the more commonly observed, inhibitory eIIect oI in vitro alcohol
on platelets. We systematically examined a more physiologically relevant` range oI alcohol concentrations (1
85 mM, equivalent to 5391 mg), added as a dilute solution (7.8 w/v) to human and rat PRP and whole
blood. Aggregation responses to collagen, ADP and arachidonic acid were studied. Collagen-induced platelet
aggregation was inhibited by the short term exposure to alcohol, at concentrations as low as 4.25 mM (20 mg
) in rat whole blood (higher concentrations were required Ior signiIicant eIIects in human samples, perhaps
owing to the small sample size oI 6 in this study).
It is generally accepted that the major mechanism Ior the inhibitory eIIect oI ethanol (though not necessarily
Ior other components oI alcoholic beverages) on platelet aggregation involves inhibition oI phospholipase A2
and, as a result, inhibition oI thromboxane A2 synthesis |18,26|. For this reason, most studies, including ours
|13|, have observed a greater eIIect when secondary aggregation (which involves thromboxane A2 synthesis)
is induced, by agonists such as collagen or in human platelets, higher concentrations oI ADP. Alcohol does not
inIluence platelet shape change or primary aggregatory responses to ADP because these activities are not
closely associated with phospholipase A2 activity but rather with phospholipase C (in Iact, concentrations oI
ethanol well beyond physiological levels can actually induce shape change in human platelets) |25|. When
arachidonic acid is used as the platelet agonist, the phospholipase A2 step is bypassed and alcohol is a less
eIIicacious inhibitor |13|. An interesting possibility has been noted regarding the inhibition oI phospholipase
A2 activity by alcohol, in that increased membrane Iluidity could be a Iactor in this inhibition because this
enzyme is membrane bound. II increased platelet membrane Iluidity is associated with drinking |26|, this may
be especially beneIicial in subjects who consume a diet high in saturated Iats, contributing to the well-known
eIIects oI the French paradox oI low incidence oI CHD despite a diet rich in saturated Iats |7|.
Another platelet signal transduction system that is modulated in vitro by ethanol is the nitric oxide (NO)-
cGMP system. We originally perIormed studies based on the hypothesis that alcohol might inhibit platelet
aggregation and release reaction in part by enhancing cGMP production, but instead observed that platelet
guanylyl cyclase activity and cGMP
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production in response to the nitric oxide donor sodium nitroprusside is actually inhibited by alcohol |10|.
Such an action would theoretically potentiate platelet activation (contrary to the inhibition by alcohol actually
observed), suggesting that other actions oI ethanol in platelets (Ior example, inhibition oI phospholipase A2)
are Iunctionally more important, because the actual eIIect oI alcohol in vitro is to inhibit platelet activation.
In the next phase oI our systematic evaluation oI ethanol and platelet Iunction, our laboratory investigated the
eIIects oI acute, in vivo exposure oI rats to ethanol through inhalation |11|. We Iocused on eIIects on whole
blood platelet aggregation, based on the apparent sensitivity oI this technique in the earlier in vitro
experiments |13|. By varying alcohol delivery rate and time oI exposure, blood alcohol concentrations (BAC)
can be controlled. Ex vivo platelet aggregation tests were perIormed aIter animals had been exposed to a
speciIic atmospheric ethanol environment Ior either 3, 6, or 9 hours which produced to BAC oI 127 + 15, 259
+ 21 mg, and 453 + 16 respectively. At the highest BAC (453 + 16 mg), responses to three doses oI
collagen (1, 3 or 5 g/ml) were signiIicantly inhibited, with the eIIects oI the two lower concentrations being
inhibited by more than 50. At 259 + 21 mg/, responses to the two lower collagen concentrations were
inhibited, while at BAC oI 127 + 15 mg/, the response to the low collagen concentration was signiIicantly
attenuated. Results with ADP and arachidonic acid were less consistent and less marked. Thus, these results
illustrated that acute in vivo alcohol exposure had eIIects very similar to those observed with in vitro addition
oI alcohol to whole blood or PRP, although the BACs tested in our study are substantially higher than those
associated with moderate alcohol consumption in humans.
Littleton et al. had previously studied the chronic eIIects on ethanol vapor inhalation in rats |27|. When
ethanol was given to the rats over a period oI 57 days to attain plasma level oI 50 mM (230 mg) ex vivo
aggregation responses to collagen were reduced in PRP. More proIound platelet inhibition and
thrombocytopenia were observed aIter 30 days oI inhalation; plasma ethanol concentrations in those rats
ranged Irom 80120 mM (368552 mg). Although these early experiments oI Littleton et al. involved long-
term intoxication associated with high plasma alcohol levels, the general result (inhibition oI platelet
aggregation aIter in vivo alcohol exposure by various routes, particularly in response to collagen) has been
conIirmed in several studies including ours described above.
Ex vivo platelet aggregation measurements can be a simple and convenient surrogate Ior analysis oI thrombotic
tendency in vivo, but, importantly, studies on the eIIects oI alcohol consumption on aggregation have been
supported by results oI in vivo thrombosis models, Ior example, in a rabbit experimentally induced arterial
thrombosis model |28|. Rabbits were given alcohol by gastric intubation, resulting in blood levels oI 48 or 100
mM (221 or 460 mg), and a catheter was used to produce arterial wall injury to stimulate platelet activation
and thrombosis. The dry weights oI thrombi were reduced in alcohol-treated rabbits compared to controls. In
addition to testing the eIIects oI ethanol, Rand et al. in a previous study demonstrated that it is the aggregation
and not adhesion to the vessel wall that is inhibited by ethanol |22|.
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As discussed elsewhere in this volume, quite a Iew epidemiological studies have examined the association
between morbidity and mortality Irom CHD and moderate alcoholic beverage consumption, and an inverse
association has been established in studies involving nearly a million subjects |29|. One example oI such
reports is a study oI American Cancer Society volunteers, which showed that the rate oI death Irom all
cardiovascular diseases was 3040 lower among men and women who consumed at least one alcoholic drink
daily than among nondrinkers. While it should be emphasized that alcohol consumption is associated with
higher death rates Irom injuries, violence, suicide, cirrhosis, certain cancers and hemorrhagic stroke |30|, the
incidence oI death Irom heart disease is much greater compared to these other causes, making any role oI
platelets potentially important.
Cross-cultural studies have shed light onto the French paradox involving the Mediterranean diet. A
Mediterranean diet typically consists oI high Iruit, vegetable, and grain intake, while also including one to two
drinks per day. The daily intake oI Iats and meat is also higher among those who consume this type oI diet, but
yet, the rate oI coronary heart disease is low |31|. This has led to studies such as the Caerphilly Prospective
Heart Disease Study |32| oI 1600 men aged 4966 years. This study is particularly noteworthy in the present
context, because along with other parameters related to CHD risk, platelet responses in PRP were measured
using thrombin, collagen and ADP. There was a decreased CHD risk associated with increased alcohol
consumption, and secondary aggregation to ADP was the aggregation test most closely associated with the
occurrence oI MI. In contrast, there was no inhibitory eIIect oI alcohol against thrombin induced aggregation;
in Iact, Ior each level oI alcohol intake, the response oI platelets to thrombin was higher than in nondrinkers
|32|. The eIIects oI alcohol or drinking on thrombin-induced platelet aggregation are complex; withdrawal
Irom alcohol in alcoholics as well as binge drinking has been associated with a platelet-rebound eIIect |33,34|,
with hypersensitivity oI platelets to physiological agonists, particularly thrombin.
The rebound eIIect may explain the rate oI sudden death and ischemic stroke in this subset oI the population.
In a related animal study perIormed by RuI et al. |35|, rats drank diluted alcohol, and aggregation to thrombin
was reduced substantially. However, aIter deprivation oI alcohol Ior 18 hours, platelet activation by thrombin
was more than doubled compared to the original response. This was also observed among men in the
Caerphilly study, with the rebound eIIect also seen in ADP-induced aggregation one to two hours aIter
consumption oI alcohol.
The issue oI how drinking aIIects platelet Iunction is complicated even more by the Iact that the non-alcoholic
components oI alcoholic beverages may also have eIIects on platelets (this aspect is discussed more Iully
elsewhere). Among wine drinking Iarmers lower platelet response to thrombin was observed compared to non-
drinkers, even aIter alcohol deprivation Ior 10 hours |37|. Similarly, in rats, the rebound to thrombin-induced
aggregation does not occur when animals are Ied red wine as opposed to ethanol beIore deprivation |38|. This
may be related to a reduction in lipid peroxidation by grape tannins.
Pikaar and colleagues investigated the eIIect oI moderate red wine consumption on twelve male volunteers |5|.
Four standardized amounts oI wine were consumed during 5-week intervals in randomized order. The doses
consisted oI 0, 2, and 4 glasses oI red wine a day (corresponding to 0, 23, and 46 grams oI alcohol a day). The
eIIects oI binge drinking`
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were also tested (14 glasses consumed over three days). Little diIIerence was seen between binge and daily
drinking, but collagen-induced aggregation was reduced with wine consumption compared to abstention.
Some studies have speciIically examined the potential role oI red wine Ilavanoids such as quercetin and
resveratrol in platelet inhibition and potential reduction oI CHD risk by wine consumption, based in part on
the observation that the compounds may prevent lipid oxidation |37|. Bertellini et al. demonstrated a dose-
dependent inhibition oI collagen induced aggregation by in vitro exposure oI platelets to resveratrol |38|. The
mechanisms involved have been postulated to involve suppression oI TXA2 production by trans-resveratrol
and an inhibition oI phospholipase C by quercetin. The in vivo relevance oI various red wine components to
platelet Iunctional parameters is only now being sorted out, and is discussed in more depth elsewhere in this
From the Ioregoing, although it is clear that consumption oI alcoholic beverages inhibits platelet Iunction in
humans, several questions remain regarding the nature oI the eIIect. Duration oI the eIIect and doseresponse
relationships, Ior example, are not established, and even the Iundamental question oI whether ethanol itselI has
a direct role in the eIIects oI alcoholic beverages on platelet Iunction has not been suIIiciently investigated.
Thus, we recently perIormed a study in human volunteers, who consumed ethanol in the Iorm oI grain alcohol,
at doses equivalent to one or two alcoholic beverages (0.25 or 0.5 ml ethanol/kg, respectively)
|14|. Aggregation oI platelets was measured in both PRP and whole blood, collected beIore and one hour aIter
consumption, in response to ADP, arachidonic acid and collagen, with sample size oI at least 16 Ior each
statistical comparison. This study demonstrated that alcohol itselI, at levels relevant to moderate consumption,
dose-dependently inhibited platelet aggregation. The response was most pronounced when collagen was the
agonist and aggregation was measured in whole blood, at the higher alcohol dose (blood alcohol concentration
one hour aIter consumption was only 38 mg). Interestingly, we observed that the eIIects were more evident
in women than in men.
While these observations suggest that an anti-platelet eIIect oI ethanol could contribute to the reduced risk oI
CHD-related mortality in drinkers, it must be emphasized that any contribution oI a platelet action oI ethanol
must be viewed in the context oI other actions oI ethanol and alcoholic beverage components. Furthermore,
the duration oI the antiplatelet eIIect is not known, nor are the eIIects oI chronic vs. acute alcohol consumption
or pattern oI consumption (regular consumption vs. binge drinking). Nonetheless, this is the Iirst clear
demonstration oI dose-dependent, inhibitory eIIects oI acute, moderate alcohol consumption on platelet
An obvious question when considering eIIects oI drinking on platelet Iunction is whether the degradation
products oI alcohol, particularly acetaldehyde, have a role in the observed eIIects. InsuIIicient work has been
published to support Iirm conclusions, but some studies in rat and human suggest that acetaldehyde, like
ethanol, might reduce platelet responses to
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agonists |39,40|. We have been recently perIorming studies on acetaldehyde, and Iind little iI any eIIect oI
acetaldehyde, added in vitro, on human platelet aggregation at concentrations consistent with levels in humans
aIter ethanol consumption (unpublished data Irom our laboratory). More work is needed in this area.
Because a variety oI hemostatic Iactors beyond those associated with platelets also contribute to the
complications associated with coronary heart disease, it is important to consider the above inIormation on
platelets in the context oI some oI these other observations. One oI the strongest risk Iactors Ior myocardial
inIarction is elevated plasma Iibrinogen level |41|. The association oI Iibrinogen and alcohol consumption was
evaluated by Mennen and colleagues |42|. Alcohol consumption was associated with plasma Iibrinogen levels
in a U-shaped Iashion Ior men only, with Iibrinogen being the lowest in those subjects who drank 2059
grams oI alcohol per day. Fibrinogen levels were greater Ior nondrinkers and those who consumed over 60
grams oI alcohol per day. The type oI alcohol consumed also apparently played a role, with a lower level oI
Iibrinogen in those who drank wine and spirits as opposed to those who drank beer and cider (in which no
association was Iound).
Endothelial cells provide a stage Ior both coagulation and Iibrinolysis by synthesizing proteins involved in
both processes. With regard to other Iactors involved in hemostasis, an association has been observed between
alcohol exposure and the transcription oI t-PA, u-PA and PAI-1 |43|. It was demonstrated that a relatively low
concentration oI ethanol (0.010.10, v/v) increased surIace-localized Iibrinolytic activity, as well as t-PA
and u-PA antigen and mRNA levels, while decreasing PAI-1 antigen and mRNA levels. Pre-incubation oI
cultured endothelial cells produced time- and concentration-dependent eIIects; notably, increased Iibrinolytic
activity could be sustained Ior a Iull 24 hours aIter a brieI exposure oI endothelial cells to less than 0.1
ethanol. II this mechanism is operant in vivo, Irequent consumption oI a moderate amount oI alcohol could
result in a reduced risk oI vascular disorders by eIIects on the Iibrinolytic system.
In conclusion, a broad array oI circumstantial evidence now suggests that platelet inhibitory eIIects oI alcohol
might contribute to the reduced risk oI CHD mortality among moderate drinkers. This evidence includes
epidemiological data, in vitro data on eIIects oI alcohol on platelets, and studies on ex vivo platelet Iunction
aIter alcohol consumption in animal models and human volunteers. While the eIIects oI multiple components
oI alcoholic beverages might contribute, it is likely that ethanol itselI is partially responsible Ior the inhibition
oI platelet Iunction aIter consumption. The primary mechanism oI this inhibition likely involves eIIects oI
ethanol on platelet mediators and signaling, due to inhibition oI phospholipase A2, and consequently reduced
thromboxane synthesis.
Despite the circumstantial evidence, however, there is a need Ior deIinitive studies oI several aspects oI this
issue. SpeciIically, studies must be perIormed to more Iully deIine the time-action and dose-dependence oI
ethanol`s eIIects on the hemostatic system. Furthermore, the relative balance between platelet inhibition and
possible rebound eIIects
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aIter alcohol consumption should be Iully examined, and the role oI pattern oI drinking behavior must be
elucidated. Ultimately, there is a need Ior prospective human studies on the relationship between alcoholic
beverage consumption and CHD mortality and morbidity.
Finally, caution must be exercised in interpreting Iindings oI potential beneIits oI drinking. Risks associated
with alcohol consumption are substantial, and vary considerably between individuals and populations.
Although CHD-related risk is reduced in moderate drinkers, and although it is important to deIine the
mechanisms involved, development oI any speciIic recommendations regarding appropriate levels oI
individual alcohol consumption will be a diIIicult task.
1 American Heart Association. Heart and Stroke Facts. 1995 Statistical Supplement. American Heart
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2 Hennekens CH. Alcohol and risk oI coronary events. In Alcohol and the Cardiovascular Svstem,
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7 Renaud SC, RuI JC. EIIects oI alcohol on platelet Iunctions. Clin. Chim. Acta 1996; 246: 7789.
8 Rubin R. EIIect oI ethanol on platelet Iunction. Alcohol Clin. Exp. Res. 1999; 23: 11141118.
9 Rubin R, Rand ML. Alcohol and platelet Iunction. Alcoholism. Clin. Exp. Res. 1994; 18: 105110.
10 Dong QS, Wroblewska B, Myers AK. Inhibitory eIIect oI alcohol on cyclic GMP accumulation in
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17 Bennett JS. Mechanisms oI platelet adhesion and aggregation: an update. Hospital Practice 1992: 70
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18 Stubbs CD, Rubin R. EIIect oI ethanol on platelet phospholipase A
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19 Riddel DR, Owens JS. Nitric oxide and platelet aggregation. Jitamins Hormones 1999; 57: 2548.
20 LandolIi R, Steiner M. Ethanol raises prostacyclin in vivo and in vitro. Blood 1984; 64: 679682.
21 Kwaan HC. The biological role oI components oI the plasminogenplasmin system. Prog. in
Cardiovasc. Dis. 1992; 34: 309316.
22 Rand ML, Groves HM, Kinlough-Rathbone RL, Packham MA, Mustard JF. EIIects oI ethanol on rabbit
platelet responses to collagen in vitro and ex vivo and on platelet adhesion to de-endothelialized aortae in
vivo. Thromb. Res. 1987; 48: 379388.
23 Haut MJ, Cowan DH. The eIIect oI ethanol on hemostatic properties oI human blood platelets. Amer. J.
Med. 1974; 56: 2233.
24 Rubin R, Hoek JB. Alcohol-induced stimulation oI phospholipase C in human platelets requires G-
protein activation. Biochem. J. 1988; 254: 147153.
25 Rubin R, Ponnappa BC, Thomas AP, Hoek JB. Ethanol stimulates shape change in human platelets by
activation oI phosphoinositide-speciIic phospholipase C
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26 Rubin R. Ethanol interIeres with collagen-induced platelet activation by inhibition oI arachidonic acid
mobilization. Arch. Biochem. Biophvs. 1989; 270: 99113.
27 Littleton JM, Fenn CG, Ummney ND, Yazdanbakhsh M. EIIects oI ethanol administration on platelet
Iunction in the rat. Alcoholism. Clin. Exp. Res. 1982; 6: 512519.
28 Rand ML, Groves HM, Packham MA, Mustard JF, Kinlough-Rathbone RL. Acute administration oI
ethanol to rabbits inhibits thrombus Iormation induced by indwelling aortic catheters. Lab. Invest. 1990; 63:
29 Renaud S, Criqui MH, Farchi G, Veenstra J. Alcohol drinking and coronary heart disease. In Health
Issues Related to Alcohol Consumption, Verschuren PM (Ed.), ILSI Press, Washington DC 1993, pp. 81
30 Thun MJ, Peto R, Lopez AD, Monaco JH, Henley SJ, Heath CW, Doll R. Alcohol consumption and
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31 Rimm EB, Ellison RC. Alcohol in the Mediterranean diet. Amer. J. Clin. Nutr. 1995; 61: 1378S1382S.
32 Renaud SC, Beswick AD, Fehily AM, Sharp DS, Elwood PC. Alcohol and platelet aggregation: the
Caerphilly prospective heart disease study. Amer. J. Clin. Nutr. 1992; 55: 10121017.
33 Hillbom M, Kangasaho M, Kaste M, Numminen H, Vapaatalo H. Acute ethanol ingestion increases
platelet reactivity: is there a relationship to stroke? Stroke 1985; 16: 1923.
34 Hillbom M, Kangasaho M, Hjelm-Jager M. Platelet aggregation and thromboxane B2 Iormation aIter
ethanol abuse: is there a realtionship to stroke? Acta Neurol. Scand. 1984; 70: 432437.
35 RuI JC, Berger J, Renaud S. Platelet rebound eIIect oI alcohol withdrawal and wine drinking in rats.
Arterioscler. Thromb. Jasc. Biol. 1995; 15: 140144.
36 Renaud S, Dumont E, Godsey F, Supplisson A, Thevenon C. Platelet Iunctions in relation to dietary Iats
in Iarmers Irom two regions oI France. Thromb. and Haemostas. 1979; 40: 518531.
37 RuI JC. Wine and polyphenols related to platelet aggregation and atherothrombosis. Drugs Exper. Clin.
Res. 1999; 25: 125131.
38 Bertelli AAE, Giovannini L, De Caterina R, Bernin W, Migliori M, Fregoni M, Bavaresco L, Bertelli A.
Antiplatelet activity oI cis-resveratrol. Drugs Exper. Clin. Res. 1996; 22: 6163.
39 Zoucas E, Bengmark S. EIIects oI acetaldehyde on rat platelet aggregation in vivo and in vitro. Res. Exp.
Med. 1987; 187: 4348.
40 Spertini O, Hauert J, Bachmann F. Reaction oI acetaldehyde with human platelets. Thromb. Haemostas.
1992; 67: 126130.
41 Ma J, Hennekens CH, Ridker PM, StampIer MJ. A prospective study oI Iibrinogen and risk oI
myocardial inIarction in the Physicians Health Study. Journal of the Amer. Coll. Cardiol. 1999; 33: 1347
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42 Mennen LI, Balkau B, Vol S, Caces E, Eschwege E. Fibrinogen a possible link between alcohol
consumption and cardiovascular disease? Arteriosclerosis Thromb. Jascular Biol. 1999; 19: 887892.
43 Booyse FM, Aikens ML, Grenett HE. Endothelial cell Iibrinolysis: transcriptional regulation oI
Iibrinolytic protein gene expression (t-PA, u-PA, and PAI-1) by low alcohol. Alcoholism. Clin. Exp.
Res. 1999; 23: 11191124.
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Chapter 14
Fatty acid ethyl esters: role in alcohol cardiotoxicity
Leo Hsu, Marv E. Beckemeier and Puran S. Bora
Alcohol is the most Irequently used mind-altering drug except Ior caIIeine. HalI oI Americans, aged 12 years
and older, use alcohol on a regular basis and approximately 10 oI these Americans are regarded to be
alcoholics |1|. More pertinent to the heart, chronic alcohol abuse has been Iound to be the chieI source oI
secondary cardiomyopathy (termed alcoholic cardiomyopathy or alcohol-induced heart muscle disease) in the
Western world |2,3|. Furthermore, patients with alcohol-induced heart muscle disease who continue in chronic
alcohol abuse have 50 mortality rates |4|. Despite, the severity and prevalence oI alcohol`s role in
cardiotoxicity, research was previously hindered due to a lack oI knowledge oI any existing biochemical
mechanisms. The most commonly known catabolic pathway Ior alcohol is catalyzed by the enzyme alcohol
dehydrogenase (ADH) to the toxic metabolite acetylaldehyde. Although this mechanism may partially explain
liver damage associated with alcohol intake, it does not account Ior the presence oI extrahepatic damage. Only
the liver possesses this oxidative metabolic pathway to a suIIicient degree |5|.
A connection between extrahepatic organ damage and chronic abuse oI alcohol has been made with the
discovery oI a nonoxidative pathway Ior alcohol metabolism. This pathway has been identiIied in the heart,
pancreas, brain, and tissues such as blood |616|. Furthermore, the pathway creates a toxic metabolite named
Iatty acid ethyl ester (FAEE). FAEEs are neutral molecules that are thought to accumulate in the mitochondria
and have been shown to produce mitochondrial dysIunction in vitro in rabbit hearts, and in vitro and in vivo in
rat hearts. The uncoupling oI the mitochondria`s energy transduction process can result in an ineIIicient energy
production as well as cell damage, providing a link between ethanol ingestion and the subsequent development
oI alcohol-induced end-organ damage. In addition, the FAEEs are able to induce myocardial cell damage in rat
and rabbit hearts. |11,12,16,17|
The enzyme responsible Ior the production oI the potentially toxic ethyl esters, named Iatty acid ethyl ester
synthase (FAEES), exhibits its highest activity in heart, brain, and pancreas, those extrahepatic organs most
commonly damaged by alcohol abuse |18,19|. Four FAEESs, labeled synthase-I, synthase-II, synthase-III and
synthase/carboxylesterase have been puriIied to homogeneity and have also been characterized |610,12
14,20,21|. This chapter will discuss the potential toxicity oI FAEEs, and examine the role oI synthase/
carboxylesterase on cardiotoxicity and its genetics. Further inIormation on the other FAEESs can be Iound in a
recent review article |22|.
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The majority oI ingested alcohol is rapidly absorbed Irom the small intestine into the bloodstream, and is
distributed to tissues that possess high water content and blood Ilow, e.g., myocardium |5|. Once ethanol has
reached myocardium, it has been shown to aIIect both the sarcolemma (muscle cell membrane) and the
sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). In rat myocytes, chronic alcohol intake creates sarcolemma leaking along with
an intracellular calcium increase |23,24|. Several studies also exhibited decreased Ca
binding and uptake by
the SR |2529|. Normal Iunction oI these components is essential Ior proper contraction oI the heart. Indeed,
several investigators have reported depressed cardiac Iunction with acute and chronic exposure to ethanol
A decreased capacity to produce metabolic energy was observed in many investigations |3035|. It was noted
that ethanol increases basal metabolic rates and oxygen consumption |35|. Changes in phosphate/O
respiratory control ratios was also demonstrated with ethanol intake |30,3638|. In addition, mitochondrial
cristae disruption, swelling, and existence oI dense inclusion bodies was detected in laboratory animals
receiving chronic ethanol intake |26,3941|. The toxic metabolite acetylaldehyde does not appear to cause
these results Ior reasons discussed above. However, recent research on FAEEs may help elucidate the
mechanism Ior ethanol`s eIIect on the sarcolemma, SR, and cellular respiration.
It was previously thought that the heart was unable to metabolize ethanol. More recently, however, isolated
perIused hearts have exhibited a non-oxidative metabolism oI ethanol |16|. As shown in Figure 14.1, ethanol
(ETOH) is esteriIied with Iatty acids to produce the neutral molecule, FAEE. FAEE synthesis and
accumulation oI ethyl esters was observed in organs commonly damaged by chronic ethanol abuse |18|. This
putative toxic metabolite is produced in the myocardium, brain, pancreas and blood |616|. Furthermore,
uncoupling oI oxidative phosphorylation was shown to linearly decrease with concentrations oI ethyl oleate (a
FAEE) below 4050 M |17|.
Although Iatty acids are known uncouplers oI oxidative phosphorylation, they are usually bound to Iatty acid
binding proteins as seen in Figure 14.1. ThereIore, they are unable to produce the uncoupling eIIect under
physiological conditions. However, it was hypothesized that FAEEs act as a shuttle Ior the toxic Iatty acids to
reach mitochondria |17|. FAEEs are less likely to bind Iatty acid binding proteins compared to Iatty acids due
to their lack oI negative charge. Once the FAEEs are produced, they are believed to bind mitochondria. This is
supported by the Iinding that 72 oI the FAEEs produced intracellularly were bound to mitochondria |17|.
Furthermore, 60 minute incubation oI rabbit myocardium in ethyl |
H| oleate resulted in a linear increase in
mitochondrial binding oI the FAEE |11|.
AIter the FAEEs bind to mitochondria, they are thought to be hydrolyzed into Iatty acids. These Iatty acids
have been shown to uncouple oxidative phosphorylation in concentrations _5 M |17,42,43|. Bora et al. have
indeed demonstrated that when ethyl |
H| oleate was injected into rat myocardium, the ratio oI ethyl |
H| oleate (FAEE:FA) was 1:8. In addition, miniscule amounts oI |
H| oleate were Iormed in the
absence oI mitochondria |11|. These results were conIirmed by Szczepiokowski et al., who revealed that 90
oI FAEEs were hydrolyzed to Iatty acids in HepG2 cells |44|. ThereIore, it was concluded that the majority oI
the uncoupling eIIect was due to the Iatty acids, and that mitochondria possess an esterase that substantially
hydrolyzes FAEEs into toxic Iatty acids. Carboxylesterase was also noted to be partly responsible Ior this
hydrolysis |20|.
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Figure 14.1 Fatty acids (FA) are Iound linked to Iatty acid binding proteins (FABP)
and are thereIore prevented Irom entering the mitochondria. However, FA can react
with ethanol (ETOH) to produce Iatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE) via Iatty acid ethyl
ester synthase. Once inside the mitochondria, FAEE can cause direct damage, but
also their hydrolysis to Iatty acids can lead to uncoupling oI oxidative
To determine the accumulation oI FAEEs in the body, Lange et al. have measured the amount oI the ethyl
esters in autopsy samples |18|. They have reported FAEE concentrations ranging Irom 9115 M in human
leIt ventricles. The autopsy samples were taken Irom patients exposed to acute or chronic alcohol. In addition,
ventricles Irom patients that had abstained Irom alcohol contained no ethyl esters |45|. Presence oI FAEE
persisted in the autopsy samples despite undetectable alcohol levels in the blood. Furthermore, the biological
halI liIe (t
) has been estimated to be between 2024 hours |17|. ThereIore, FAEEs are thought to collect in
tissues, such as the heart, with chronic ethanol intake and may play a pathologic role. This has been Iurther
corroborated by Yamazaki et al.`s Iinding that heart FAEE concentrations in autopsy samples were higher in
alcoholics despite low blood ethanol concentrations |46|.
Besides its uncoupling eIIect, evidence oI FAEE`s toxicity has been reported by several other studies. One
such study revealed that FAEEs can be a direct cause oI membrane Iluidity aberrations |47|. In addition,
pancreatic lysosomes incubated with FAEEs have shown increased instability |48|. Decreases in protein
synthesis and cell Iormation were also observed in HepG2 cells which had taken in ethanol |44|. Histologic
changes were also observed by light microscopy just 4 days aIter 3050 L injections oI 50 M oleic acid
ethyl ester solution. 30 days aIter the injection, myocytes had Iurther increased in size and deIormity |11|
(Figure 14.2).
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Figure 14.2 (A) Histopathological analyses oI control rat myocardium with 30 l
phosphate-buIIered saline (PBS) 0.01 dimethylsulIoxide. Sections stained with
Mason trichrome. No cell damage is observed (original magniIication 300). (B)
Histopathological analyses oI rat myocardium injected with 30 L oI 50 M FAEE.
Sections stained with Mason trichrome. The signiIicant cell damage was observed
aIter 30 days. The cells were enlarged and irregular in shape (original magniIication
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Szczepiorkowski et al. reported a histologic distinction between human hepatoblastoma cells with and without
FAEEs |44|. In vivo damage to pancreatic tissue was also noted. FAEEs in reconstituted LDLs were inIused
intra-arterially to rats. Pancreatic injury Irom the inIused ethyl esters was indicated by pancreatic trypsinogen-
activation peptide increases, creation oI pancreatic edema, and acinar cell ultrastructural changes |49|. It is
important to point out, however, that no histological alterations or edema were observed in the myocardium.
These results may be conIounded due to the nonuse oI ethanol in the study. II ethanol was given to the rats, it
is reasonable to believe that FAEE concentrations would be signiIicantly higher due to endogenous synthesis
Although, the oxidative metabolite, acetylaldehyde, exists in low concentrations in blood |50|, notable
concentrations oI FAEEs have been located in human blood serum Iollowing ethanol intake |51|. In Iact,
FAEEs in the circulation have been commonly proposed as a marker Ior ethanol exposure. Furthermore, a
recent study suggests that plasma FAEEs are produced by lipoprotein lipase |52|, rather than in tissue or cells
as Doyle |51| and Gorski |15| hypothesize. Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) was previously reported to have Iatty
acid ethyl ester synthase (FAEES) capability |53|. AIter perIusion oI isolated rat hearts with chylomicrons (a
LPL substrate), Chang et al. observed that the majority oI the ethyl esters were Iound in the perIusate rather
than in the myocardium itselI. Apo CII (co-Iactor Ior LPL) levels were signiIicantly increased, supporting the
hypothesis that plasma FAEEs are synthesized by LPL |52|.
Serum FAEE appear to Iavor lipoprotein vs. albumin binding during increased concentrations oI the ethyl
esters. FAEEs also display a lack oI competition with Iree Iatty acids Ior albumin binding |54|. Gorski et al.
have shown that FAEES ability also exists within leukocytes. The highest synthase levels were measured in
the natural killer (NK) cells. CD4

T cells had 50 oI the FAEES levels as CD8

T cells |15|. Interestingly,

alcoholics were measured to have approximately halI the leukocyte FAEES levels as non-alcoholics. This may
suggest that alcoholics possess a genetic predisposition to chronic alcohol abuse due to a reduced ability to
produce toxic metabolites. An alternate conclusion, however, is that alcoholics possess a smaller FAEES
capability due to an adaptive response |15|.
As shown in Figure 14.1, FAEEs are produced by an enzyme named Iatty acid ethyl ester synthase (FAEES).
This enzyme has Iour Iorms, named synthase-I, synthase-II, synthase-III, and synthase/carboxylesterase. Each
oI these enzymes has been puriIied and characterized Irom human myocardium |610,1214,20,21|. FAEES
has also been reported in rat pancreas |55|, murine brain |47|, and rabbit myocardium |56,57|. These enzymes
have been extensively reviewed |614|. For Iurther details, please read the review |22|.
Dual activity of synthase/carboxylesterase
A FAEES enzyme puriIied Irom human heart exhibited FAEE synthesis as well as carboxylesterase hydrolytic
activity |20|. Homology between carboxylesterase and FAEES was Iound
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by Tsujita and Okuda |58|, who demonstrated that the FAEES obtained Irom adipose tissue, lung, and testis
possessed both hydrolytic and FAEE synthetic activities. Furthermore, a 62 Kda FAEES, isolated Irom human
heart by Bora et al. was revealed to have 88 homology to the Iirst 17 N-terminal residues in rat liver and
adipose tissue carboxylesterase |20|. The puriIied synthase/carboxylesterase demonstrated a PNPB-
hydrolyzing activity oI 620 mol/mg/h and a FAEES activity oI 3700 nmol/mg/h, providing evidence that this
human heart FAEES exhibits dual carboxylesterase and FAEE synthesis Iunctions |20|. In addition, a 62 KDa
synthase/carboxylesterase band was detected, via Western blot with antibody against pure human synthase/
carboxylesterase, in human heart cytosolic, microsomal and mitochondrial Iractions, which suggests that
synthase/carboxylesterase may be present in the human heart mitochondria. Furthermore, the FAEEs produced
are thought to be hydrolyzed to Iatty acids. As mentioned above, in vitro experiments show that Iatty acids are
known uncouplers oI mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation |11,42,17|. Hence, a mechanism Ior the onset
oI alcohol-induced cardiomyopathy via FAEE Iormation by synthase/carboxylesterase, has been provided. The
puriIied enzyme was designated FAEES/carboxylesterase, establishing a link between synthase/
carboxylesterase and alcohol-induced end-organ damage.
Structure of synthase/carboxylesterase
There are many structural Ieatures oI the amino-acid sequence that are highly conserved among most
carboxylesterase isoenzymes, such as the serine esterase active site discussed previously, an endoplasmic
reticulum-retention signal, and one Asn-Xxx-Thr site Ior N-linked carbohydrate addition. The primary
structure oI the carboxylesterase Iamily indicates that these proteins should be localized to the endoplasmic
reticulum, with most oI the hydrolytic activity occurring in the microsomal Iraction oI the liver |59|. Many oI
the carboxylesterases retained in the lumen oI the endoplasmic reticulum contain a hydrophobic signal peptide
sequence which will initiate a secretory pathway |60|. Yet, the retention oI some oI these proteins in the
endoplasmic reticulum, as suggested by Munro and Pelham, may be due to the C-terminal amino acid residues
|61,62|. The C-terminal dipeptide GluLeu was discovered in various carboxylesterases to be part oI a
directant Ior intracellular retention |6064|. A recent investigation by Potter et al. (1998) shows this same Glu
Leu dipeptide directant in two homologous carboxylesterase cDNAs |65|. The group truncated the C-terminal
and N-terminal ends, separately and together, oI rabbit liver and human alveolar macrophage
carboxylesterases. Through PCR-mediated mutagenesis oI the cDNAs and expression in Cos7 cells with
subsequent immunohistochemical localization, C-terminal residues, which include the characteristic GluLeu
dipeptide, were determined to prevent secretion oI the proteins Irom the cell.
The group also concluded that the hydrophobic 18-amino acid NH
-terminal end oI the carboxylesterase
cDNAs is responsible Ior the localization oI these proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum. Enzymatic activity
was lost when the N-terminal was truncated, yet activity could be detected in the culture media oI the C-
terminally truncated cells. When the investigators treated Cos7 cells expressing C-terminal truncated
carboxylesterase with breIeldin A, a Iungal derived antibiotic that causes reversible loss oI the endoplasmic
reticulum in mammalian cells, a prevention oI the secretion oI the carboxylesterases was observed. This
conIirmed that these carboxylesterase enzymes were processed and released Irom cells via
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exocytosis mediated by the endoplasmic reticulum. As the investigators pointed out, the data suggest that
modiIication by the endoplasmic reticulum may be required to generate active carboxylesterases, regardless oI
whether the enzyme is retained in the cell or secreted.
The important roles that have been established Ior the carboxylesterase enzyme Iamily have prompted a look
into its gene structure. IdentiIication oI the respective genes oI the carboxylesterase enzyme Iamily will oIIer
insight into the structural and Iunctional tenets oI its many enzymes as well as making it Ieasible to establish a
genetic link between alcohol abuse and alcohol-induced heart muscle disease.
Since, a large portion oI the carboxylesterase activity in the body occurs in the liver, numerous liver and liver
microsomal carboxylesterases have been puriIied and characterized by several investigators |6878|.
Furthermore, various carboxylesterase cDNAs have been puriIied Irom other tissues including human heart
|20|, human intestine |79|, rat adipose tissue |58|, and rat kidney |80| to name a Iew. Since key serine,
histidine, and glutamine residues have been conserved in the active sites oI the various carboxylesterases,
mutagenesis studies oI these particular residues have shown decreased enzyme activities |6871|.
Genetics of synthase/carboxylesterase
The determination oI the genetics underlying carboxylesterase enzyme Iamily Iunction has proven critical as
the complex and diverse substrate speciIicity oI the enzyme Iamily unravels. Studies have been completed on
various carboxylesterase substrates and inhibitors in order to create a library Ior characterizing the numerous
carboxylesterase enzymes present in mammalian tissues |81|. Carboxylesterase is a multigene Iamily
belonging to the serine esterase superIamily oI enzymes. To date, there have been numerous proteins identiIied
with amino acid sequences homologous with carboxylesterase. The serine esterase superIamily is
characterized by multigene Iamilies, such as carboxylesterase, or single-copy genes that have similar
sequences, but divergent Iunctions |82|. Shibata et al. (1993) in their isolation and characterization oI a human
carboxylesterase gene encoding a human liver carboxylesterase, put together a phylogenetic tree oI 12
mammalian members oI the esterase super Iamily. Analysis oI the sequence alignments oI these proteins,
including human carboxylesterase, revealed a separation oI these proteins as a possible result oI gene
duplications into at least 4 groups: thyroglobin, cholinesterase, lipase, and carboxylesterase |82|.
Shibata et al. Iurthermore examined the amino acid alignment oI eight diIIerent mammalian carboxylesterases,
including human carboxylesterase, rabbit liver 60 kD carboxylesterase 1 |83|, pig carboxylesterase, rat pI 6.1
esterase |84|, mouse carboxylesterase Es-N |85|, rat carboxylesterase E1, mouse esterase-22 (egasyn) |86|,
and rabbit liver 60kD carboxylesterase 2 |87|. Analysis oI this alignment allowed the investigators to put these
carboxylesterases into three groups. The characteristic C-terminal contained the amino acids HXEL in groups I
and III and TEHX in group II. A motiI oI tetrapeptides, more notably the E-L dipeptide, has been recognized
Ior endoplasmic reticulum retention. Since, group II does not exhibit this motiI it has been characterized as
secretory |88|. The researchers proposed that the data Irom the phylogenetic tree and the data Irom the
carboxylesterase amino acid alignment suggests that there are at least 2 types oI microsomal carboxylesterases
(group 1 and III) and one type oI serum carboxylesterase (group II) in various species oI mammals. The
determination oI the variant physiological roles oI serum and microsomal carboxylesterases is currently
IdentiIication oI the respective carboxylesterase genes will provide insight into the regulation and biosynthesis
oI this enzyme Iamily. Investigators have isolated a carboxylesterase
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gene, 31 kb in size with 14 exons and 13 introns |66,82|. Langmann and investigators examined the 5' Ilanking
sequence oI the carboxylesterase gene in order to identiIy sequences relevant Ior promoter activity. A
promoter region was identiIied in the 945-bp long DNA-sequence preceding the transcription start point. No
classical TATA box was located and the proximal region oI the carboxylesterase was revealed to be rich in
guanine and cytosine |66|. In the DNA sequence preceding the transcription start point, several potential
binding sites Ior various transcription Iactors were Iound. As the investigators point out, the nature oI the
promoter region is, thereIore, consistent with the broad distribution oI carboxylesterase expression in various
Previous research on ethanol`s eIIect on cardiotoxicity was hindered by a lack oI a known metabolic pathway
in the heart. Recent research, however, has revealed that ethanol can be metabolized with Iatty acids to
produce FAEEs. It has been observed that FAEEs may act as a toxic shuttle Ior Iatty acids to reach the
mitochondria within myocytes. These FAEEs may then be hydrolyzed into Iatty acids causing cellular and
tissue damage due to the uncoupling oI oxidative phosphorylation. The enzyme which catalyzes this reaction
(FAEES), has been puriIied and characterized in each oI its Iour Iorms: synthase-I, II, III, and synthase/
carboxylesterase. The discovery oI FAEEs in human myocardium, and the putative toxicity oI these molecules
has provided a model Ior ethanol`s damaging eIIect on the heart. Continued investigation on this non-oxidative
metabolic pathway oI ethanol will provide Iurther understanding to the ethyl ester`s role in cardiotoxicity.
It has been suggested that alcohol metabolism may be under genetic control and related to the presence oI
diIIerent amounts or types oI ethanol-metabolizing enzymes |89,90|. FAEES could be a likely candidate Ior
the underlying genetic vulnerability to the eIIects oI alcohol since no other signiIicant alcohol metabolizing
pathway is known to exist in the heart. This FAEES gene opens up new possibilities Ior mapping a gene Ior
alcoholism or alcohol-induced myocardial damage. Further sequence analysis oI this gene may provide insight
into the domain and Iunctional structure oI FAEES, oIIering promise Ior establishing a genetic link between
alcohol abuse and end-organ damage such as that observed in the heart.
The study was supported by V.A. Merit grant to PSB. We thank Gloria Skelton Ior the help in preparing this
book chapter Ior publication, Nicole Lee Ior the critical review and Samantha Son Ior the graphical design.
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Chapter 15
Alcohol and apolipoproteins
Mark Deeg
Moderate alcohol intake is associated with a reduction in cardiovascular events (see Part III oI this book).
Alcohol consumption has numerous eIIects on various risk Iactors Ior cardiovascular disease including
lipoprotein metabolism. Generally, alcohol consumption is associated with increased serum levels oI very low
density lipoproteins (VLDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL) |1,2|. The increase in HDL cholesterol has
been estimated to account Ior halI oI the beneIicial eIIects oI alcohol consumption on cardiovascular events
|3|. Lipoproteins consist oI lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids) and proteins. The proteins on
the surIace can serve as ligands or co-ligands Ior receptors, activators or inhibitors oI enzymes involved in
lipid metabolism. Other chapters address the eIIect oI alcohol intake on serum lipids and lipoproteins. This
chapter will review some oI the epidemiological studies on alcohol consumption and apolipoproteins as well
as the eIIect oI alcohol intake on the production and catabolism oI various apolipoproteins in humans and
various animal models.
Human and non-human primate studies
Apolipoprotein A-I is the most abundant protein in HDL and plays an important role in maintaining the
structure oI HDL and activating lecithin cholesterol acyltransIerase (LCAT), an enzyme involved in
converting cholesterol to cholesterol ester. HDL appears to be primarily cardioprotective by transporting
cholesterol Irom the periphery to the liver Ior export as bile acids. This process is termed reverse cholesterol
transport. From epidemiological studies, higher levels oI HDL cholesterol are associated with a decrease in
cardiovascular disease risk. Similar studies have shown that apolipoprotein A-I levels show a similar inverse
relationship with risk Ior cardiovascular disease |4|.
Consumption oI moderate amounts oI alcohol is associated with an increase in HDL cholesterol and
apolipoprotein A-I. The increases occur in a dose-dependent Iashion. As little as 15 g oI alcohol/day can
increase apolipoprotein A-I levels in humans |5|. Hojnacki et al. |6| examined the dose response oI alcohol on
lipids and apolipoproteins in male squirrel monkeys. Comparing diets containing 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36
oI calories derived Irom alcohol, there was a dose dependent increase in apolipoprotein A-I levels (and HDL
cholesterol) with a signiIicant increase detectable at 24.
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Acute administration oI alcohol has no or little eIIect on apolipoprotein A-I levels. Valimaki et al. examined
the time course oI 60 g/day oI alcohol (16 oI total calories were derived Irom alcohol) Ior 3 weeks in men on
total apolipoprotein A-I levels |7|. Apolipoprotein A-I levels did not increase until aIter 1 week oI alcohol
In contrast, in a study using young, healthy men consuming 160 g/day oI alcohol in three divided doses over
three days did not change total apolipoprotein A-I levels or total HDL cholesterol. However, there were
pronounced changes in the HDL subIractions. The apolipoprotein A-I content oI HDL
increased which was
mitigated by the decrease in apolipoprotein A-I content oI HDL
|8|. The lipid composition oI both
subIractions was characterized by a relative increase in phospholipids but decrease in cholesterol. These
changes in HDL composition likely have important eIIects on HDL Iunction, since the conIormation oI
apolipoprotein A-I on the surIace oI HDL is dependent upon the lipid composition oI the particle |9,10|.
Alcoholics (male and Iemale) also have increases in the apolipoprotein A-I and A-II oI HDL compared to
controls |11|.
Other environmental Iactors can inIluence the eIIect oI alcohol on apolipoprotein levels including level oI
physical activity |12| and diet. Rumpler et al. |13| examined the eIIect oI adding alcohol to the diet oI women
consuming either a high Iat (38 Iat calories) or low Iat (18 Iat calories). Alcohol (5 oI calories) only
increased HDL cholesterol while on the high Iat diet. This eIIect was conIined to the HDL
subIraction. Diet
inIluences the metabolism oI most apolipoproteins and is the major conIounding Iactor in interpreting the
eIIects oI alcohol on apolipoproteins in human and animals.
The steady state concentration oI apolipoprotein A-I is a balance between synthesis and catabolism. Alcohol
appears to aIIect both processes. In a study with healthy men consuming 6070 g/alcohol/day Ior two weeks,
alcohol increased apolipoprotein A-I synthesis by nearly 50 |14|. Apolipoprotein A-I is synthesized and
secreted primarily in the intestine and liver. No studies have examined the eIIect oI alcohol on apolipoprotein
A-I secretion in intestinal cells. In vitro, alcohol has been shown to stimulate apolipoprotein A-I secretion
Irom two human hepatoma cell lines, HepG2 and Hep3B |15|. As little as 10 mM alcohol (equivalent to 46 mg/
dl) stimulated apolipoprotein A-I synthesis and secretion in HepG2 cells |16|. This eIIect on synthesis appears
to be a post-translational eIIect, since alcohol has little eIIect on apolipoprotein A-I mRNA steady state levels.
The alcohol eIIect was not blocked by 4-methylphyrazole, an aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor, or
aminotriazole, a catalase inhibitor, but was inhibited by metyrapone, a microsomal alcohol oxidizing system
|15|. These results suggest that acetylaldehyde is responsible to this eIIect and that metabolism via cytochrome
P450 2E1 is required. However, the mechanism Ior this alcohol eIIect on apolipoprotein A-I synthesis and
secretion has not been elucidated. One possibility is that alcohol may increase the Iraction oI translatable
apolipoprotein A-I mRNA. This mechanism appears to account Ior the eIIect oI high Iat diets to increase
apolipoprotein A-I synthesis |17|.
In addition, alcohol also increases the catabolism oI apolipoprotein A-I. Consuming 6070 g/day in healthy
mean increased the Iractional catabolic rate oI apolipoprotein A-I by 30 |14|. Hence, there was an increase
in the turnover oI apolipoprotein A-I.
In contrast to humans, Ieeding male squirrel monkeys with a diet consisting oI 24 alcohol-derived calories
Ior 18 months had no eIIect on apolipoprotein A-I synthesis but decreased the FCR by nearly 50 |18|. It is
unclear whether this represents a diIIerence in time oI treatment and/or a species diIIerences in response to
alcohol Ieeding.
No published work has been done to determine the mechanism Ior alcohol increasing catabolism oI
apolipoprotein A-I. It is possible that the changes in lipid composition oI
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HDL induced by alcohol could increase the catabolism oI apolipoprotein A-I. In addition, no studies have
examined the eIIect oI alcohol on various HDL receptors including SR-B1 and cubulin.
In summary, the HDL raising eIIects oI alcohol consumption in humans appears to derive Irom an increase in
apolipoprotein A-I secretion Irom hepatocytes and decreased catabolism Irom serum.
Animal models
The eIIect oI alcohol consumption in various animal models can vary signiIicantly Irom the eIIect in humans.
In rats, like humans, alcohol consumption increases apolipoprotein A-I levels in serum. Lakshman et al. Ied
male Wistar rats a high Iat (40 oI calories) with or without high doses oI alcohol (36 oI total calories) |19|.
Over a 6 week Ieeding period, alcohol nearly doubled the total apolipoprotein A-I in serum. However, when
apolipoprotein A-I synthesis was examined in perIused liver, the alcohol-Ied rats had a 50 decrease in
apolipoprotein A-I synthesis. This suggests that apolipoprotein A-I catabolism must have also decreased to
account Ior the increase in serum apolipoprotein. In a study using rats, inclusion oI 35 ethanol-derived
calories on a high Iat diet (40) increases apolipoprotein A-I levels. However, when the Iat calories were
replaced with Iish oil (enriched in O-3 Iatty acids), the alcohol eIIect was blunted |20|.
Mice appear to have an entirely diIIerent response to alcohol than rats. Some, but not all studies in C57BL/6
mice have shown that including alcohol in liquid diets does not increase and may even decrease serum total
apolipoprotein A-I levels. The diIIerences likely represent diIIerences in the dietary components. C57BL/6
mice have become the standard strain Ior studying atherosclerosis, since this strain develops atherosclerosis
when Ied a high Iat diet containing cholate. The cholate in the diet results in a decrease in HDL cholesterol and
apolipoprotein A-I levels. This appears to occur by increasing the expression oI ARP-1, a repressor protein
that inhibits apolipoprotein A-I promoter activity |21|. C57BL/6 mice Ied a high Iat (34 Iat calories)
containing cholate have a decrease in HDL cholesterol compared to mice Ied a low Iat (12 Iat). In one study
utilizing a liquid diet based upon the classic Lieber-DeCarli diet which included moderate (18 oI total
calories) or high (36 oI calories) doses oI alcohol over 22 weeks, there was no eIIect on apolipoprotein
levels except at the highest dose oI alcohol in the high Iat group, where apolipoprotein A-I levels decreased
A second study with the same strain oI mice, but utilizing a modiIied AIN `76 liquid diet with 36 alcohol-
derived calories, showed that alcohol had no eIIect on apolipoprotein A-I levels |23|. This AIN `76 diet
diIIered Irom the Lieber-DeCarli diet in that it lacks essential Iatty acids and has approximately 2 oI the
vitamin A content. Since retinoic acid regulates apolipoprotein A-I expression |24|, it is conceivable that the
vitamin A content may modiIy the ethanol response, however this has not been examined.
Genetics may also play a role in the ethanol eIIect. LDL receptor knockout mice Ied the modiIied AIN `76 diet
Ior 6 weeks did demonstrate an approximate 50 decrease in apolipoprotein A-I levels |23|. However,
inclusion oI alcohol (36 oI calories) raised apolipoprotein A-I levels to control levels. This eIIect does not
appear to be secondary to an increase in hepatic apolipoprotein A-I synthesis (unpublished observation).
However, alcohol does not increase apolipoprotein A-I levels in these mice iI a diet containing essential Iatty
acids and vitamin A levels used in the classic Lieber-DeCarli diet (Yuan et al.,
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manuscript submitted). These studies emphasize that the alcohol eIIect on apolipoprotein levels can vary
depending upon dietary and genetic Iactors.
One possible site oI action that has not been examined is the eIIect oI alcohol on apolipoprotein A-I synthesis
Irom the intestine. Intestinal-derived apolipoprotein A-I may be important in the atherogenic protective eIIect
oI HDL; this is based upon the observation that staggerer mice (sg /sg), which lack the retinoic acid receptor-
related orphan receptor o (RORo), have an increased atherogenic response to a high Iat diet in association with
decreased levels oI apolipoprotein A-I |25|. RORo regulates apolipoprotein A-I expression within the intestine
but not the liver |26|. LDL receptor knockout mice Ied the modiIied AIN `76 diet show no change in steady
state levels oI apolipoprotein A-I mRNA (unpublished observation). However, this does not eliminate an
alcohol eIIect on synthesis as described above.
It is very interesting to note that although alcohol did not increase HDL cholesterol or apolipoprotein A-I
levels in the C57BL/6 mice Ied a modiIied Lieber-DeCarli diet, atherosclerotic plaque size decreased |22|.
Similarily, the LDL receptor knockout mice Ied either the modiIied AIN `76 or Lieber-DeCarli diet with or
without alcohol Ior 6 weeks showed that alcohol intake was associated with a decrease in atherosclerotic
plaque size aIter 6 weeks. However, iI the Ieeding on the modiIied AIN `76 diet was continued Ior an
additional 6 weeks (12 weeks total), the plaque size was comparable in the control and alcohol Ied animals
despite normal apolipoprotein A-I levels |23|. These data suggest that alcohol may inhibit plaque
development by Iactors other than raising HDL.
Apolipoprotein B is the major structural protein Ior triglyceride-rich particles including chylomicrons and very
low density lipoprotein (VLDL) as well as intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL) and low density
lipoproteins (LDL). VLDL is sequentially metabolized to IDL and LDL by hydrolysis oI the triglycerides.
There are two Iorms oI apolipoprotein B, apolipoprotein B100 and apolipoprotein B48. Apolipoprotein B48
derives Irom mRNA editing oI apolipoprotein B100 mRNA. In the intestine, where chylomicrons are Iormed,
apolipoprotein B48 is synthesized. In the liver, apolipoprotein B is produced and secreted as VLDL. In
humans, only apolipoprotein B100 is produced in the liver. The apolipoprotein B on these various lipoproteins
serves as the ligand Ior various receptors including the LDL receptor.
VLDL secretion Irom liver is regulated by a number oI Iactors including the availability oI lipid Ior packaging
and the production oI apolipoprotein B. II excess apolipoprotein B is produced, it is degraded. Microsomal
triglyceride transIer protein (MTP) assembles VLDL within the endoplasmic reticulum. MTP appears to
regulate the number oI apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins secreted and not the lipid composition.
Epidemiological studies in humans have shown that the eIIect oI alcohol consumption on total serum
apolipoprotein B is varied. This discordance may reIlect the Iact that total serum apolipoprotein B does not
diIIerentiate between apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins, i.e., VLDL-apolipoprotein B may increase
while LDL-apolipoprotein B decreases. In addition, dietary and genetic Iactors may inIluence the response to
alcohol. Like apolipoprotein A-I, the alcohol eIIect on total serum apolipoprotein B may be dose dependent. In
squirrel monkeys, total serum apolipoprotein B levels increase in a dose-dependent Iashion
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with signiIicant elevations seen when alcohol constituted 18 oI the calories consumed Ior 3 months.
VLDL apolipoprotein B
Human s|ud|es
Alcoholics have a higher VLDL protein mass than nonalcoholics |27|. However, this does not diIIerentiate
between the various apolipoproteins associated with VLDL, which include apolipoproteins B, E, and C`s.
During a Iour day abstinence, there was a downward trend oI VLDL mass toward nonalcoholic levels.
Whether these changes reIlect a change in synthesis and/or catabolism is unknown. Alcohol enhances the
production and catabolism oI VLDL triglycerides in chronic alcoholics |28|. However, the metabolism oI
VLDL triglycerides and apolipoprotein B may be regulated diIIerently |29|. Hence, alcohol eIIects on VLDL-
triglyceride may not apply to the protein portion oI this lipoprotein. Alcohol eIIects on VLDL apolipoprotein
B secretion have been examined in animal models but not humans.
In vitro studies have shown that alcohol increases apolipoprotein B secretion in a concentration-dependent
Iashion. At low concentrations oI alcohol (0.01 v/v), alcohol inhibits apolipoprotein B secretion Irom
HepG2 cells |30|. The eIIect oI alcohol appears to be related to a decrease in expression oI MTP via a negative
response element in the MTP promoter. Treating rats with 1 or 3 g/kg oI ethanol lowered hepatic expression oI
MTP. Other studies with higher concentrations oI alcohol have shown that incubating HepG2 and Hep3B with
increasing concentrations oI alcohol stimulates apolipoprotein B secretion with as little as 25 mM |31|. This
increase in secretion is associated with increases in intracellular accumulation oI apolipoprotein B as well
suggesting increased synthesis. Apolipoprotein B mRNA levels did increase |32|.
An|ma| mode|s
There are a number oI signiIicant diIIerences in apolipoprotein B metabolism in animals compared to humans.
The most pronounced diIIerences occur in rodents. In rats, both apolipoprotein B100 and B48 are secreted
Irom liver. VLDL apoB100 is converted to LDL but VLDL apolipoprotein B48 cannot be converted to LDL
|33|. Hence, considerable diIIerences in alcohol eIIects can be observed between animal models and humans.
In a rat model examining VLDL protein metabolism, consumption oI moderate amounts oI alcohol (3.6 oI
total calories) with a high Iat diet Ior 6 weeks had no eIIect on VLDL protein synthesis |19|. However,
increasing the alcohol content oI the diet to 36 oI total calories was associated with a 55 decrease in
synthesis. In addition, alcohol Ieeding is associated with a decrease in the catabolism oI VLDL and
chylomicrons proteins oI 28 and 47, respectively |34|. In contrast, in the cholesterol-Ied rabbit model,
including 30 oI calories in a liquid diet had no eIIect on VLDL apolipoprotein production or catabolism
In rodents, a signiIicant amount oI apolipoprotein B100 mRNA undergoes editing leading to secretion oI
VLDL with apolipoprotein B48. Rats Ied a nonalcoholic diet have about 50 apolipoprotein B100 mRNA and
about 50 oI the secreted apolipoprotein B is in the Iorm oI apolipoprotein B100. On Ieeding rats an alcohol-
containing liquid diet, the proportion oI apolipoprotein B48 mRNA increased to greater than 99 with
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synthesis oI only apoB48 Irom liver |36|. The mechanism Ior this alcohol eIIect has not been elucidated.
Apolipoprotein B mRNA editing is catalyzed the cytidine deaminase, APOBEC-1. In vitro studies with
primary rat hepatocytes and the rat hepatoma cell line, McArdle RH7777 cells, but not the human HepG2
hepatoma cell line also demonstrated an alcohol dose-dependent increase apolipoprotein B editing |37|. The
eIIect occurred without changes in the levels oI apobec-1 mRNA. This alcohol eIIect could derive Irom altered
mRNA synthesis or degradation and or changes in the proteins within the editsome.
Hence, alcohol may regulate most oI the steps involved in VLDL assembly: lipid synthesis, MTP expression
and apolipoprotein B expression and editing.
Another potential alcohol eIIect to alter lipoprotein metabolism is chemical modiIication oI the
apolipoproteins. Acetaldehyde-modiIied lipoproteins have been identiIied in alcoholics |38|. Acetaldehyde
modiIication oI VLDL proteins has a biphasic eIIect |39|. The metabolism oI VLDL modiIied with a range oI
acetaldehyde (28 mM) was examined in rabbits. With 2 mM acetaldehyde, a reduced conversion oI VLDL to
LDL was observed; in contrast, with high levels oI modiIication, increased conversion was seen. ThereIore, at
low levels seen in alcoholics, this might be one mechanism to explain the lower levels oI LDL seen in the
context oI higher VLDL levels.
LDL apolipoprotein B
Human and nonnuman pr|ma|es
Alcohol consumption is generally associated with decreases in LDL levels |2|. The etiology oI this eIIect is
unknown. In a study oI alcoholic patients, there was no diIIerence in the catabolism oI LDL apolipoprotein B
isolated during drinking or aIter 7 days oI abstinence |27|. This raises the possibility that in this group oI
patients, modiIications oI LDL with drinking do not account Ior the LDL eIIect. However, alcohol eIIects on
the removal mechanism cannot be eliminated. In another study oI LDL binding activity, LDL Irom heavy
drinkers had reduced binding aIIinity Ior LDL receptors |40|.
A study examining the kinetics oI LDL apolipoprotein B in healthy males consuming 6070 g/day oI alcohol
Ior two weeks resulted in a small increase in total serum apolipoprotein B levels. Alcohol consumption was
associated with both an increase in LDL-apolipoprotein B synthesis (which suggests increased conversion oI
VLDL-apolipoprotein B to LDL) and increased catabolism |14|. The mechanism Ior altered catabolism oI
LDL apolipoprotein B is unknown. One possibility is an eIIect on the LDL receptor. Feeding rats a diet
containing 36 oI calories as alcohol increases expression oI the LDL apolipoprotein B/ E receptor |41|.
Alternatively, modiIication oI the apolipoprotein B in LDL may aIIect its metabolism.
ModiIication oI apolipoprotein B in LDL with acetaldehyde resulted in a concentration-dependent increase in
LDL catabolism in humans. The degree oI LDL catabolism was positively correlated with the percentage oI
modiIied amino groups in LDL |42|. Alcohol itselI will incorporate into lipoproteins. Incubating LDL with
300 mM alcohol induces a conIormation in apolipoprotein B |38|. Whether with apolipoprotein B structure or
conIormation occurs in vivo and whether the catabolism via the LDL B/E receptor and/or scavenger receptors
is unknown.
When the kinetics oI LDL-apolipoprotein B were examined in the squirrel monkey model, consumption oI
alcohol with 24 oI calories Ior 18 months was associated with an increase
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in LDL levels with no change in LDL-apolipoprotein B synthesis and a decrease in LDL-apolipoprotein B
catabolism |18|.
An|ma| mode|s
In rabbits Ied a liquid diet containing 30 oI calories as alcohol, a 55 increase in LDL apolipoprotein B
production occurred |35|. This increase occurred in the presence oI no increase in VLDL apolipoprotein
production suggesting either reduced removal oI VLDL or increased secretion oI LDL directly Irom the liver.
Apolipoprotein E is synthesized primarily in liver and brain but is expressed in most cell types. In the liver,
apolipoprotein E is secreted with VLDL and plays a major role in catabolism oI VLDL by serving as a ligand
Ior various receptors that bind VLDL. As the triglycerides in the VLDL are hydrolyzed, the apolipoprotein E
and phospholipids redistributes to HDL. In addition, apolipoprotein E plays a role in reverse cholesterol
Human studies
Little inIormation is available about the eIIects oI alcohol consumption on apolipoprotein E metabolism in
humans. In one study, comparing apolipoprotein E levels among low (20 g alcohol/day), moderate (2050 g/
day), heavy (~50 g/day) and alcoholic (~100 g/day) drinkers showed no diIIerence in serum apolipoprotein E
levels between groups |43|. Conversely, other studies have shown that alcohol intake is associated with
increases or decreases in apolipoprotein E |11,44|. Interestingly, there may be a gender diIIerence in the
alcohol eIIect on apolipoprotein E in that male alcoholics have a higher level oI apolipoprotein E levels
compared to controls whereas this diIIerence does not exist between Iemale alcoholics and controls |11|. In
examining the distribution oI apolipoprotein E between VLDL and HDL, Lin et al. Iound that alcoholics have
a lower level oI VLDL apolipoprotein E and higher level oI HDL apolipoprotein E than controls |11|.
Animal models
In rats and mice, adding alcohol to a liquid diet does not change the total serum apolipoprotein E levels
|20,23|. Alcohol also reduces the secretion oI apolipoprotein E Irom hepatocytes both in vivo |19| and in vitro
|45|, suggesting that catabolism in serum also decreases to maintain steady state levels. Alcohol Ieeding has
no eIIect on steady state levels oI apolipoprotein E mRNA. However, alcohol Ieeding does reduce the
glycosylation oI apolipoprotein E resulting in increased degradation oI the synthesized protein |45|. The
apolipoprotein E that is secreted also has a decrease in sialylation content.
Alcohol decreases the expression oI sialyltransIerase in the liver and aIIects all sialylated proteins secreted
Irom liver including apolipoprotein J |45|. This same eIIect occurs in macrophages |45|. The decrease in
siaylation oI apolipoprotein E has two eIIects on the Iunction oI apolipoprotein E. First, a decrease in the
siaylation oI apolipoprotein E decreases the aIIinity oI apolipoprotein E Ior HDL |46|. This may explain the
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that although alcohol has no eIIect on total serum apolipoprotein E, the apolipoprotein E content oI VLDL
increases and HDL decreases in rats. The apolipoprotein E content oI HDL can be restored by adding small
amount oI O-3 Iatty acids (2.8 oI calories) to the diet |47|. Second, it decreases the ability oI HDL to bind to
the liver |48| and remove cholesterol Irom macrophages |45|. This is an important observation as this may be
one mechanism by which alcohol increases HDL cholesterol levels. It also raises the possibility that this HDL
may be dysIunctional` in that it cannot complete the Iirst step in reverse cholesterol transport. DysIunctional
HDL is associated with an increased risk oI atherosclerosis in both humans and animal models oI
atherosclerosis |49|. Clearly, this needs Iurther evaluation.
Apolipoprotein A-II
Apolipoprotein A-II is the second major protein present in HDL. Alcohol intake is associated with increases in
apolipoprotein A-II levels in a dose-dependent Iashion |7,11|. This may be secondary to a decrease in the
catabolism oI apolipoprotein A-II |50|.
Apolipoproteins C-II and C-III
Apolipoproteins C-II and C-III both play a major role in VLDL metabolism. Apolipoprotein C-II and C-III
stimulate and inhibit, respectively, lipoprotein lipase, the enzyme responsible Ior hydrolyzing the triglycerides
in VLDL. In one study comparing apolipoprotein E levels among low (20 g alcohol/day), moderate (2050 g/
day), heavy (~50 g/day) and alcoholic (~100 g/day) drinkers showed a signiIicant increase in serum
apolipoprotein C-III levels with increasing alcohol consumption |43|. Incubating human hepatoma cells with
alcohol with concentrations up to 50 mM had no eIIect on apolipoprotein C-II or apolipoprotein C-III
secretion |43|.
Alcohol consumption aIIects the metabolism oI most apolipoproteins resulting in changes in serum levels.
Most oI the eIIects appear to be post-transcriptional with eIIects on synthesis or secretion. Mechanisms
involving catabolism oI apolipoprotein degradation have not been elucidated. The response to alcohol can be
inIluenced by diet, liIestyle diIIerences, and genetics.
Studies conducted in the author`s laboratory have been supported by NIH grant AA06991.
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Chapter 16
Alcohol and polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism
in the cardiovascular system
John W. Karanian and Norman Salem
The role of fatty acids in cardiovascular disease
Much evidence has accumulated Irom various lines oI inquiry that indicates that the dietary Iatty acid intake
and lipid acyl composition oI tissues is a determinant oI many oI the chronic diseases prominent in the
Western World, notably cardiovascular disease. It has been appreciated since the 1950s that when dietary
polyunsaturated Iat intake is increased, a decrease in the total serum and lipoprotein cholesterol levels results
|1|. Bang and Dyerberg, in their study oI the Greenland Eskimos, a group in which CVD had an extremely low
incidence, made the ground breaking inIerence that the high dietary intake oI the long chain polyunsaturated
Iatty acids, eicosapentanoate and docosahexaenoate was responsible Ior this protection Irom disease |2|. More
recently, several epidemiological studies have reported a relationship between dietary n-3 polyunsaturates and
the risk oI CVD |38|. For example, Dolechek et al. Iound an inverse relationship between alpha-linolenate
and mortality Irom CVD, all CVD and on all cause mortality, however no relationships were Iound Ior
linoleate |3|. They also observed an inverse relationship oI Iish oil Iats with coronary heart disease, CVD, and
all cause mortality. In agreement with these Iindings was the study by Siscovick et al. who observed that a
level oI Iish Iats equivalent to about one meal a week was associated with a 50 reduction in the risk oI
primary cardiac arrest |4|. The n-3 Iatty acids have also been the subject oI large secondary prevention trials.
In the LYON Heart Study, deLorgeril et al. Iound that a diet enriched with alpha-linoleate was more eIIective
than other diets in use Ior this purpose Ior the secondary prevention oI coronary events and death |9|. Burr et
al. in the DART trial, Iound a 29 reduction in overall mortality aIter 2 years when a large group oI men
advised to consume Iish twice a week aIter surviving a heart attack |10|. Singh et al. reported a decline in
coronary heart disease events in patients with suspected myocardial inIarctions aIter one year oI consuming
either 2 g oI long chain n-3 Iatty acids or 2.9 g oI alpha-linolenic acid per day |11|. A very large trial (GISSI-
Prevenzionne) oI 11,324 patients demonstrated that 850 mg oI eicosapentaenoate/docosahexanoate per day led
to a 20 reduction in total mortality over a 3.5 year Iollow-up period in patients with a history oI CVD |12|.
McLennan et al. Iound that Iish oil Ied marmoset monkeys were resistant to cardiac arrhythmias |13|. Billman
et al. subsequently showed that dogs inIused with a Iish oil emulsion had a remarkable resistance to cardiac
arrhythmias induced by compression oI the leIt circumIlex artery |14|. Kang and LeaI, in a series oI
publications (Ior review, see |15|), demonstrated that DHA had the highest eIIicacy in heart and neuronal
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cells in causing a reduction in electrical excitability; this is the basis Ior the protective eIIects oI long chain
polyunsaturates against arrhythmias. Lands et al. proposed the uniIying concept that dietary supplementation
with n-3 Iatty acids leads to loss oI cellular arachidonate and increases in eicosapentanoate and
docosahexaenoate |16|. This then leads to a diminished eicosanoid response upon cellular stimulation due to
the decreased eIIicacy oI the n-3 eicosanoid analogues to the arachidonate-derived eicosanoids. Lands et al.
suggested that the percentage oI plasma phospholipid arachidonate is related to thromboxane generation and
platelet activation and thus to the risk oI cardiovascular deaths |16|. Harris, in his review, suggested that
increased long chain n-3 Iatty acid intake leads to decreases in plasma triglyceride levels due to decreased
hepatic synthesis and secretion |17|. A recent meta-analysis oI 17 studies involving over 46,000 men and
10,000 women suggested that the plasma triglycerides level is a risk Iactor Ior CVD that is independent oI
HDL-cholesterol |18|. In addition to the aIorementioned studies, Knapp et al. Iound an anti-hypertensive
eIIect oI Iish oil |19| and Christensen et al. a beneIicial eIIect on heart rate variability |20|. It should be clear
then that the balance oI dietary Iatty acids and the resulting tissue Iatty acid composition are critical
determinants oI cardiovascular Iunction and the predisposition to disease.
Fatty acid nomenclature
Essential Iatty acids (EFA) are oIten deIined metabolically; that is, they are the Iatty acids that cannot be
produced by de novo synthesis by a mammal. Both linoleic acid (LA) and alpha-linolenic acid (LNA) are the
key essential Iatty acids Ior mammals and must be supplied preIormed in the diet. Plants have the enzymes
necessary Ior total synthesis oI these Iats and provide Ior their origin in the Iood chain |21|.
Figure 16.1 The structures oI some essential and non-essential Iatty acids commonly
Iound in mammalian cells.
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The structures oI some oI the most common Iatty acids in biological organisms are presented in Figure 16.1.
Fatty acids are characterized by their chain length, number oI double bonds and the positions oI their double
bonds. A saturated Iatty acid, like palmitate, contains no double bonds. An unsaturate like oleic acid, contains
at least one double bond. A polyunsaturated Iatty acid (PUFA), like linoleic acid contains two or more double
bonds. Long chain polyunsaturates (LCP) are those Iatty acids that are 20-carbons in length or more and
contain multiple double bonds. Fatty acids are oIten abbreviated in the short-hand designation X:YnZ, where
X is the number oI carbons, Y is the number oI double bonds, and Z represents the number oI carbons
counting Irom the methyl end oI the molecule until the Iirst double bond is encountered. Thus, linoleic acid is
denoted as 18:2n6 and alpha-linolenic acid as 18:3n3. The principal LCPs in the n-6 and n-3 Iamilies are
arachidonic acid (20:4n6, AA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n3, EPA) or docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n3,
DHA), respectively (Figure 16.1). The Iatty acids with the n-3 or n-6 structures are reIerred to as Iamilies
because they are not metabolically inter-convertible in animals |21|.
Heart and smooth muscle
SigniIicant eIIects oI alcohol have been noted when 20-C and 22-C Iatty acid distribution/ content has been
determined in heart |22|, vascular smooth muscle |23| and platelet |24,25|. Reitz et al. |22| reported that both
AA and DHA declined signiIicantly in rat heart Iollowing alcohol in the drinking water Ior 1 month. Mice
exposed to ethanol vapors Ior 10 d showed an increase in 18:2n6 (LA) and a decrease in DHA |26|. Acute
inhalation was associated with a signiIicant loss oI heart DHA that was preventable by pretreatment with
vitamin E. Cunnane et al. |27| have shown a loss in AA and DHA in hearts oI hamsters given alcohol in their
drinking water Ior one year.
Blood components
Reductions in AA have also been observed in rodent red blood cells |2831|, platelets |25,32| and serum |33|
aIter alcohol administration. However, these results have also been inconsistent, since others have reported no
eIIect |34| or an increase in AA |35|. Moreover, no eIIect oI short-term alcohol administration on AA levels
has been Iound in mouse red blood cells |35|. Interestingly, these eIIects oI alcohol may be dependent on the
duration oI exposure, since longer-term alcohol administration (i.e., ~21 days) has been shown in rat red blood
cells |36| to result in reductions in AA. Consistent with this idea, the concentration oI DHA was reduced in
mouse blood Iollowing shorter-term (i.e., 7 day) alcohol administration |37|.
Horrobin and Manku |38| have observed losses in both the plasma and red blood cell (RBC) PE level oI AA
and DHA in alcoholics. Similarly, subjects with alcoholic liver disease show losses in RBC LA, AA and DHA
|39|. Glen et al. |40| reported a marked loss in all major RBC polyunsaturates with the exception oI AA in a
group oI 123 alcoholics. Others have also noted signiIicant declines in RBC AA and DHA in alcoholics
|41,42|. In addition, the plasma oI cirrhotic patients, oI which halI had an alcohol-related etiology, shows a
decline in AA and DHA |43|. Withdrawing alcoholics also show less AA in
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certain platelet phospholipid pools such as phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol |24|.
The diet as a source of fatty acids
It is well known that many alcoholics have a relatively poor diet (Ior general reviews, see |4448|). For
example, in a population oI middle-aged Scottish men who consumed a mean alcohol intake oI 66 g/d, it was
shown that they had a lower intake oI protein, Iat, polyunsaturated Iat and linoleic acid |49|. When the alcohol
intake increases, there is a decrease in the amount oI energy derived Irom macronutrients |50|. There is also a
decrease in the intake and tissue concentration oI many vitamins and minerals |51|. Alcoholism may also lead
to nutritional deIiciencies through decreased intestinal absorption, altered vitamin metabolism and reduced
storage oI ingested vitamins |5254|.
It may be hypothesized then, that a reduction in highly unsaturated PUFAs may also be Iound in the diets oI
alcoholics. As noted below, alcohol has direct eIIects on Iatty acid anabolism and catabolism, and these may
lead to a decrease in tissue PUFA levels. It may be surmised then that a reduction in dietary 18-carbon EFAs
and their longer chain metabolites, as well as the antioxidant vitamins and minerals that help to protect them,
will exacerbate the nutrient deIiciencies caused by the direct actions oI alcohol.
Fatty acid elongation/desaturation
Fatty acids can be interconverted through enzymatic reactions occurring primarily in the endoplasmaic
reticulum that lead to an extension oI the chain length, termed elongation, or introduction oI double bonds,
termed desaturation. Desaturation and elongation are oIten a concerted sequence oI reactions that leads to LA
or LNA being metabolized to their LCP Iorms, e.g., AA and DHA, respectively. The general pathway Ior the
elongation/desaturation oI the n-3 and n-6 Iamilies oI essential Iatty acids is presented in Figure 16.2.
It can readily be observed that LA is metabolized by desaturation to gamma-linolenic acid (18:3n6, GLA),
elongated to dihommo-gamma-linolenic acid (20:3n6, DGLA) and then desaturated to AA, where metabolism
oIten is terminated. However, metabolism may continue through elongation to docosatetraenoic acid (22:4n6,
ETA), elongation to 24:4n6, desaturation to 24:5n6 and peroxisomal retroconversion to 22:5n6 (DPAn-6,
|55|). Similarly, in the n-3 Iamily, LNA is desaturated to 18:4n3, elongated to (blank weeded) 20:4n3,
desaturated to 20:5n3 (EPA) and elongated to 22:5n3 (DPAn-3). The Iinal desaturation reaction occurs in a
manner analogous to that described above Ior the n-6 Iamily as Iollows: 22:5n3 is elongated to 24:5n3,
desaturated to 24:6n3 and then retroconverted to 22:6n3 (DHA).
Fatty acid metabolism in heart, blood cells and muscle
Although the primary site oI essential Iatty acid elongation/desaturation is in the liver and brain |5658|,
organs and cells oI the cardiovascular system may also participate in Iatty acid metabolism. Heart cells in
culture are known to possess the capability oI perIorming elongation
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Figure 16.2 Metabolism oI the n-3 and n-6 Iamilies oI essential Iatty acids.
and desaturation reactions |59| and also have a high level oI mRNA Ior delta-5 desaturase |58|. Skeletal
muscle and lung also contain mRNA Ior both delta-6 and delta-5 desaturase enzymes |57,58|. Erythrocytes
and plasma are probably devoid oI this activity although whole blood has been shown to incorporate
radioactivity Irom
C-acetate into AA and DHA |60|. Leukocytes and platelets are able to incorporate
radioactivity Irom acetate into complex lipids and Iatty acids |61,62|, but this activity represents primarily
chain elongation and not desaturation reactions |63|. However, there is a report oI apparent delta-6 and delta-5
desaturase activity in platelets |64|. Although the cardiovascular system is not known to be a major site Ior
EFA metabolism, the level oI activity and mRNA Ior the key desaturases in the heart in particular indicates
that it participates in Iatty acid anabolism.
Effects of alcohol on essential fatty acid metabolism
As established in a section above, alcohol lowers the levels oI LCPs in many tissues. It has long been claimed
that the mechanism underlying this change in Iatty acid composition is the inhibitory action oI alcohol on Iatty
acid desaturases |66|. This interpretation was based on a series oI in vitro experiments in which it was shown
that the addition oI ethanol to a tissue homogenate or subcellular Iraction led to a decrease in a radioactive
EFA substrate conversion to its more unsaturated Iorm |51,66,67|. For example, Nervi et al. demonstrated a
decrease in both delta-6 and delta-5 desaturases in rat liver microsomes |68|. Wang and Reitz Iound a
reduction in the delta-9, delta-6 and delta-5 desaturases in liver microsomes aIter animals were given either
acute or chronic exposure to ethanol |69|. Nakamura et al. Iound a marked loss oI delta-6 and delta-5
desaturase activity but no change in delta-9 desaturase activity in the minipig |70|.
More recently, Pawlosky et al. were able to develop methods Ior the in vivo determination oI overall Iatty acid
metabolism using the deuterated precursors deuterated-LA and
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deuterated-LNA |71|. This method does not measure single enzymatic steps but rather is the combination oI
elongation/desaturation rates coupled with the rates oI transport and minus the catabolic processes at each
stage; this is what is meant by overall accretion oI labeled metabolites. It should be recognized though that
overall accretion oI LCPs is more closely related to the LCP composition oI the tissue than is the measurement
oI desaturase activity in a liver homogenate or subcellular Iraction in vitro. Pawlosky et al. Iound a stimulation
oI deuterated 18-carbon EFA incorporation into plasma AA and DHA in both cats |73| and rhesus monkeys
|74| aIter chronic alcohol exposure. This is not consistent with the view that alcohol inhibits desaturases in
vivo, in Iact, a simpler explanation oI the data may be that alcohol stimulates desaturases.
Pawlosky et al. proposed the hypothesis that alcohol, through a peroxidative challenge, caused a marked
increase in EFA catabolism |7274|. This was evidenced, Ior example, in the rhesus work by a large increase
in plasma hydroxy-nonenal and an increase in isoprostanes |74|. The stimulation oI EFA metabolism may thus
be seen as an adaptive mechanism that attempts to maintain homeostasis in LCP composition during
accelerated EFA catabolism. Clearly then, the rate oI catabolism is dependent upon the degree oI oxidative
challenge Irom alcohol and this, in turn, is related to the dose, duration and Irequency oI alcohol consumption.
In the rhesus studies oI Pawlosky et al., the loss oI organ essential Iatty acids coupled with a diet low in EFAs
led to the development oI liver Iibrosis aIter 3 years oI alcohol consumption |74|. This is signiIicant, since
higher levels oI alcohol consumption in non-human primates have not led to liver Iibrosis in several studies
(Ior review, see |75|).
In support oI the view that alcohol stimulates EFA metabolism are our recent metabolic studies oI alcoholics
(Salem N., unpublished). Alcoholics showed marked increases in the amount and enrichment oI deuterium in
plasma DHA when given an oral dose oI deuterated-LNA. This study was perIormed on alcoholics during
alcohol withdrawal and so is not directly comparable to studies where alcohol is present in the circulation.
Nevertheless, the expected decline in deuterium enrichment oI DHA was not observed, providing no support
Ior the alcohol inhibits desaturase` hypothesis. Taken together with the two large animal studies reported
above, it is likely that an intense alcohol challenge, as is the case Ior alcohol abusers, leads to stimulation oI
both EFA anabolism and catabolism.
Effects of alcohol on essential fatty acid catabolism
In support oI the hypothesis that alcohol stimulates lipid degradation/peroxidation is a growing literature.
Lands et al. have recently reviewed the literature concerning the alcohol-induced decline in various vitamins
and antioxidants |51|. Alcohol may interact with Cytochrome P450 2E1 and produce hydroxy radicals that can
react with proteins, lipids and nucleic acids |76,77|. Polyunsaturated Iatty acids are susceptible to this attack
and undergo reactions with molecular oxygen to generate hydroperoxy compounds as well as a variety oI
aldehydic compounds such as malonyldialdehyde (MDA) and the hydroxyalkenals, 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE)
and 4-hydroxy-hexenal (HHE).
There have been several demonstrations that the in vivo level oI aldehyde increases due to alcohol exposure
|7881|. For example, the plasma concentrations oI HNE and HHE were increased, and markedly so in the
case oI HNE, in rhesus monkeys consuming alcohol |82|. Domestic cats also show a Iour-Iold increase in
brain HNE aIter six months oI daily alcohol exposure |72|. In Ietal liver mitochondria, HNE accumulates
during alcohol exposure oI the mother |83|. MDA increases in the bloodstream oI humans Iollowing alcohol
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|82|. Aldehydes generated subsequent to alcohol consumption react in a covalent manner with proteins |84
86|. Aldehydes like HNE may interact synergistically with MDA in that the covalent reaction oI HNE with
BSA increases several-Iold in the presence oI MDA |87|. Also, lipid peroxidation and aldehyde Iormation is
associated with a decrease in levels oI antioxidants. For example, the production oI MDA was linearly
correlated with the alcohol-induced decrease in liver alpha-tocopherol and glutathione |88|.
Another useIul marker Ior in vivo lipid peroxidation is the generation oI isoprostanes. These are non-
enzymatically produced Irom PUFAs |89|, typically Irom AA, as opposed to the eicosanoids that are
enzymatically produced by enzymes like cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase. For example, the isoprostane, 8-
epi-F2-alpha has been used as an index oI Iree radical mediated injury |90| and in vivo lipid peroxidation |91|.
Isoprostane-like compounds have also been observed Ior DHA both in vitro |92| and in vivo in Alzheimer`s
brain |93|. The F2-isoprostanes have also been observed in Alzheimer`s brain |94|.
Alcohol consumption increases isoprostane concentration in rat and primate liver |95,96| and in rat plasma
|97|. Pawlosky et al. correlated the level oI 8-isoprostane F2-alpha with the amount oI alcohol that individual
rhesus monkeys consumed when allowed to drink on an ad libitum basis |74|. The alcohol consumption
negatively correlated with plasma AA content indicating that AA catabolism was appreciable. Recently,
several groups have reported increased isoprostanes in alcoholics |98100|.
Polyunsaturated Iatty acids (PUFA) may also be metabolized to eicosanoids. These include potent biologically
active compounds such as prostaglandins (PGs) and leukotrienes (LTs). These compounds are produced Irom
20- and 22-carbon polyunsaturates by cyclooxygenase (CO) or lipoxygenase (LO) enzymes |101,102| and are
active in cardiovascular tissue such as platelets and smooth muscle. As depicted in Figure 16.3, acyl
hydrolases such as phospholipase A
) release AA Irom phospholipids, which can then be metabolized
by CO or LO to PGs and LTs, respectively. The activation oI phospholipases and the resulting generation oI
non-esteriIied AA is considered to be one oI the rate limiting steps in eicosanoid generation. Alcohol may
increase phospholipase activity thus increasing the availability oI precursor Iatty acids (e.g., AA) Ior
subsequent conversion to PGs or LTs by the PG/LT synthetase cascade oI enzymes |103|. The reported Iall in
PG Iormation (summarized below) as substrate stores become depleted is consistent with this concept. The
amounts oI AA released or accumulated may also be dependent on the activity oI the main catabolic enzymes,
dehydrogenases, and the rate oI PG release Irom the cell |103|.
Prostaglandins such as prostacyclin (PGI
) and thromboxane (TXA
) are involved in cardiovascular
homeostasis (Figure 16.3) and may play a role in the pathophysiology associated with alcohol consumption
|104,105|. Alcohol abuse may lead to an increased incidence oI hypertension, angina, myocardial inIarct and
stroke |106108|. Conversely, moderate consumption oI alcohol may produce qualitatively diIIerent eIIects in
the cardiovascular system than does high consumption. Postmortem and epidemiologic data suggest that
moderate consumption oI alcohol protects against atherosclerosis-related cardiovascular disease |109111|.
Animal data that is consistent with these observations have demonstrated that moderate alcohol inhibited
cholesterol- and saturated Iatty acid-induced atherosclerosis in rabbits |112,113|.
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Figure 16.3 Schematic oI arachidonic acid (AA) mobilization Irom membrane
phospholipids and metabolism via cyclooxygenase (CO) enzymes to Iorm
prostaglandins (PG) and lipoxygenase (LO) enzymes to Iorm leukotrienes (LT).
Effect of alcohol on eicosanoid metabolism
As summarized above, alcohol alters PUFA metabolism resulting in such eIIects as increased desaturase
activity |72,73|. In addition, PG metabolism is also altered by alcohol resulting in enhanced conversion oI
PUFAs such as DGLA and AA to PGs |114,115|. Thus, alcohol stimulation oI PUFA conversion to
eicosanoids may initially result in an enhancement oI the Iormation oI PGs and LTs. Given that precursor
stores are limited, this initial stimulation is likely to be Iollowed by a decrease in eicosanoid Iormation as the
available stores become depleted. Several studies have suggested that this alcohol-induced stimulation in
eicosanoid production may contribute to the decrease in tissue polyunsaturated Iatty acid levels associated
with chronic alcohol exposure |105,116|. However, the eIIects oI alcohol on Iatty acid catabolism described
above are expected to be oI a greater magnitude and oI greater relative importance in this regard.
Effect of alcohol on eicosanoid production and cardiovascular function
Horrobin and Manku |117| originally postulated that acute alcohol administration may increase the conversion
oI precursor Iatty acids such as DGLA to 1-series PGs such as PGE
, but that chronic exposure may cause PG
output to decrease subsequent to partial depletion
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oI the Iatty acid precursor |117|. PGE
may exert its eIIects on cardiovascular Iunction, albeit weak, via
inhibition oI platelet aggregation and decreased vascular smooth muscle tone. Pediconi et al. |118| reported a
decrease in the basal levels oI TXA
and PGI
metabolites (TXB
and 6-keto-PGF
, respectively), which are
capable oI regulating platelet and vascular smooth muscle activity, in rat cortex aIter acute or chronic alcohol
exposure. Conversely, it has been shown that alcohol exposure both in vivo |119| and in vitro |120| can
stimulate PGI
and PGI
-like production Irom rat aorta, respectively. Karanian etal. |121| described a
stimulatory eIIect oI alcohol on 6-keto-PGF
and TXB
production in rat aortic ring preparations, in vitro.
Moreover, alcohol has been shown to stimulate PGI
release Irom cultured human endothelial cells |122|. The
vasculature may be considered the most important producer oI PGI
|123| a principal contributor to the
maintenance oI vascular tone and reactivity |124,125|.
Effect of alcohol on vascular tone and platelet function
Data obtained Irom both humans and animals have demonstrated systemic administration oI alcohol may
induce vasoconstriction or biphasic eIIects on peripheral blood Ilow |126129|. Short-term alcohol has also
been shown to produce vasodilation and lower blood pressure, depending on dose |128, 130,131|. In addition,
alcohol has been shown to either enhance or depress vascular smooth muscle contraction in response to PGs
and catecholamines, depending on alcohol concentration and exposure time |132134|.
Furthermore, alcohol-induced changes in PG levels would be expected to alter platelet aggregability, thereby
altering blood Ilow with associated changes in blood pressure and its reactivity |135|. In particular, an increase
in the ratio oI PGI
to TXA
can cause inhibition oI platelet aggregation and reduced vascular tone. Acute
alcohol administration by inhalation has been shown to increase the PGI
ratio Iour-Iold, whereas
chronic exposure has been shown to decrease the PGI
ratio |105|. Human studies have demonstrated
impaired platelet Iunction and hemostasis related to alcohol consumption |136,137|. Similarly, chronic alcohol
administration has been shown to result in inhibition oI both platelet aggregation and the release oI TXA

|138|. These changes may be oI pathophysiologic signiIicance since the control oI platelet aggregation at the
aorta endothelial surIace is considered important in limiting damage at atherosclerotic sites |139|. These
changes in eicosanoid production are not speciIic to cyclooxygenase products alone since, Ior example,
marked stimulation oI platelet 12-lipoxygenase occurs aIter rats were exposed to 7 days oI ethanol inhalation
Mechanism of alcohol effect on eicosanoid production
The mechanism by which alcohol increases eicosanoid levels is not well understood, although several
possibilities exist. For example, alcohol induces an increase in membrane disorder |140,141| and the activity
oI membrane enzymes is dependent on the physical state oI the membrane |142,143|. More speciIically,
agents such as alcohol that alter acyl hydrolase activity (e.g., phospholipase A
) induce changes in membrane
physical properties including the introduction oI Iree volume into the membrane bilayer |144146|. In
addition, alcohol alters hydrophobic interactions in the membrane |147|, a common Ieature oI stimuli, such as
alcohol, that can cause synthesis and release oI eicosanoids |103|. Studies oI the modiIication oI responses to
alcohol by phospholipase inhibitors are consistent with a stimulatory
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eIIect oI alcohol on PLA
activity. For example, mepacrine has been shown to block alcohol-induced PG
release Irom isolated rat lung |115| indicating alcohol was acting through this mechanism. Thus, the observed
stimulatory action oI alcohol on eicosanoid production by vascular tissue probably occurs at least in part
through an increase in substrate availability in the presence oI alcohol.
The eIIects oI alcohol on eicosanoid production and the cardiovascular system oI mammals, in some cases,
have produced conIlicting results. This may be attributed in part to diIIerences in the dose oI alcohol, blood
level or duration oI exposure (e.g., unphysiologic levels), nutritional status, genetic predisposition, timing oI
measurements and the route oI administration. More precise means oI controlling alcohol exposure such as the
cycling inhalation method |148,149| in combination with more physiological means such as the oral route
|150,151| are required in order to better quantiIy alcohol exposure and eIIects.
Acutely, alcohol also leads to the stimulation oI eicosanoid production with an increased PGI
in decreased vascular tone and platelet aggregabilitity. Chronic alcohol exposure, on the other hand, leads to a
decrease in polyunsaturated Iats, especially in the AA and DHA components oI blood cells and vascular
smooth muscle. This LCP decrease is likely caused by a potent stimulation oI Iatty acid catabolism as reIlected
in lipid peroxides, aldehydes and eicosanoids as well as isoprostanes. Chronic alcohol exposure also leads to a
decreased eicosanoid production Irom platelets and smooth muscle resulting in a decreased PGI
and increased vascular tone. The losses in membrane phospholipid LCPs, the increases in Iatty acid
catabolites and the alteration in eicosanoid balance may underlie, in part, the pathophysiology associated with
alcoholism, including hypertension, angina, myocardial inIarct and stroke.
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Chapter 17
Alcohol and heart muscle proteins: with special
reference to measurement of protein synthesis |n v|vo
J.R. Preedv, M.J. Dunn, R. Hunter, D. Mantle, S. Worrall, P.J. Richardson
The ingestion oI alcohol in excessive quantities causes both metabolic and Iunctional abnormalities in the
heart, including diastolic dysIunction, atrial Iibrillation, myoIibrillary disarray and raised cardiac enzyme
activities |15|. LeIt ventricular hypertrophy or cardiomegaly may be present. As an approximation, alcoholic
cardiomyopathy (ACM) may be associated with an alcohol consumption oI 80 g ethanol/day, with a duration
oI continuous exposure in excess oI 10 years or more, or a cumulative ethanol ingestion oI 250 kg. Cumulative
alcohol intake correlates inversely with cardiac ejection Iraction and directly with leIt ventricular mass |4|. In
the latter study oI some 52 alcoholic subjects, regression analysis oI the author`s data showed that ejection
Iractions oI 55 or less were obtained when the total cumulative ethanol intake was approximately 1400 kg oI
ethanol (assuming that average body weight was 70 kg |4|). The proposition that cumulative (as opposed to
immediate) intake oI alcohol is important in the genesis oI alcoholic cardiomyopathy is supported by
observations showing that this disease entity is uncommon in subjects under 40 years oI age |6,7|. However, a
pre-clinical Iorm oI alcoholic cardiomyopathy may be apparent only aIter stress or additional
pathophysiological stimuli in some subjects |6,7|.
There is a considerable divergence in subject sensitivity to alcohol, suggestive oI a genetic element Ior
alcoholic cardiomyopathy. However, many studies have employed diIIerent criteria either to deIine ACM, or
have studied heart muscle in patients with diIIerent levels oI alcohol intake. To give just two examples oI such
study-variability, patients have been investigated with mean cumulative intakes oI 500 kg alcohol |8| or 2030
kg |9| (also reviewed in |10|). In another study, cumulative intakes ranged Irom 350 to 2800 kg ethanol |4|.
These disparities suggest that in order to study the detailed pathogenesis oI ACM, more consistency in
investigative processes is needed, which has led to the development oI suitable animal models oI alcohol-
induced heart muscle damage.
Histological Ieatures oI alcoholic cardiomyopathy have been described in detail in previous studies (see Ior
example, |4,1115|). Changes include Iibrosis and increased lipid deposits (with inIlammation in some
samples). Mitochondrial and sarcolemmal abnormalities have
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been described, though most pertinent to this chapter are the perturbations in myoIibrillary architecture (also
reviewed in |10|). At the light microscopic level, in alcoholic cardiomyopathy there are considerable size
variations between the myoIibrils, with concomitant loss oI cross striations, destruction, vacuolization and
oedema |15,16|. At the electron microscopic level, degenerative changes are apparent with disruption,
Iragmentation or loss oI the myoIibrils, loss oI structural arrangement, dissolution and rearrangement oI the
Iilamentous structures |1114|. Although many oI the histological Ieatures oI dilated cardiomyopathy and
alcoholic cardiomyopathy are traditionally thought to be indistinguishable |14|, subtle diIIerences have been
described |9|. Thus, in dilated cardiomyopathy the degree oI myocyte hypertrophy, Iibrosis and nuclear
alterations is greater than Ior corresponding measurements in myocytes Irom alcoholics |9|. The diIIerences
between these two disorders may result Irom speciIic and distinct etiological pathways.
Similar histochemical changes to those seen clinically above can be reproduced in animal models, including
myoIibrillary lysis, separation and disintegration, with scattered Ioci oI lesions (Iibrosis) and loss oI parallel
array |1719|. The severity oI these lesions worsen with increasing alcohol intake |20|. Overall, there are clear
indications that the contractile apparatus is perturbed via experimental alcohol Ieeding. In the chronic
alcoholic Ieeding model (using the Lieber-DeCarli Ieeding regimen), leIt ventricle weights are increased at 4
11 months, though no changes are seen at 2 months |21|. These changes are accompanied by Iunctional
deIects, such as reduced cardiac output |21|. The model employing 6 weeks alcohol Ieeding in a pair-Ieeding
regimen represents a transient phase in the development oI the cardiomyopathy, and hence provides a suitable
means oI studying the pathogenesis oI the disease process. The concepts oI pair-Ieeding in chronic alcohol
dosing studies have been described elsewhere |22,23|.
Changes in cardiac protein levels occur as a result oI perturbations in protein synthesis and/ or degradation.
Rates oI protein synthesis can be determined using labeled amino acids via measurement oI the rate oI their
incorporation into cardiac proteins. This necessitates characterization oI time-course changes in the speciIic
radioactivities oI the precursor, i.e., the amino acyl tRNA (S
), and the product, i.e., the labeled amino
acids in the tissue protein |24|. Whilst measuring the speciIic radioactivity oI the protein-bound amino acid
presents Iew practical problems, determining the speciIic radioactivity oI S
is more diIIicult to quantiIy
on a routine basis. This is because tRNA is extremely labile and occurs in low abundance, such that techniques
have been devised to approximate S
or determine its value indirectly. Frequently, S
is represented by
(i) the speciIic radioactivities oI the Iree amino acid in the intracellular pool (measured as the speciIic
radioactivity oI the Iree amino acid in the acid supernatants oI heart homogenates, i.e., S
), or;
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(ii) the speciIic radioactivity oI the Iree amino acid in the extracellular pool (measured as the speciIic
radioactivity oI the Iree amino acid in the acid supernatant oI the plasma, i.e., S
In animal studies, there are three methods Ior measuring protein synthesis in vivo, two oI which are reliable
and in current use. In the pulse tracer injection method, the isotope is injected in small quantities. Figure 17.1
shows that immediately aIter the pulse injection oI the tracer isotope in small laboratory animals, there are
complex changes in both S
and S
, which makes it diIIicult to deIine these curves especially in the initial
phase oI the radio-labeling period (Phase a). More subtle changes occur in the aItermath oI the initial injection
period (Phase b) compared to the more dynamic Phase a. However, accurate assessment oI protein synthesis
necessitates quantiIying the area under the entire curve Ior either S
or S
during the radiolabeling period. This
involves sacriIice oI a large number oI animals to characterize the curves Ior S
and S
. As a consequence oI
the practical constraints inherent in the method, the pulse injection technique is considered unreliable.
The constant infusion` method Iacilitates the measurement oI protein synthesis rates in single rats. In this
method, a tracer amount oI amino acid is inIused over a Iew hours (usually between 36 hours) in rats. The
speciIic radioactivities rise to a plateau in Phase a, whereas the speciIic radioactivities oI both S
and S
steady state values in the latter period oI Phase b. The disadvantage oI this method is that there are large
diIIerences between S
and S
Ior tissues with high turnover rates (such as liver and intestine). Furthermore,
animals have to be immobilized Ior up to 36 hours, which precludes the use oI this method in acute studies.
Because oI the complex time-course changes in protein turnover and its possible inIluence on S
and S
, the
derived value oI the Iractional synthesis rate (k
) may be in error. This is because, calculation oI k
depends on
the Iinal S
and S
values and the cumulative incorporation oI label into proteins, occurring over the 36 hour
inIusion period. For example, we have shown that the rates oI muscle protein synthesis in rats measured in the
morning (09:0012:00 hours) are higher than those in the aIternoon (15:0018:00 hours) |25|. This is not
easily discernible with the constant infusion method |25|.
In the flooding dose technique, now considered the gold standard` method Ior measuring protein synthesis,
the radio-label is injected with a large amount oI cold` amino acid. With this method there are small decreases
in both S
and S
, which can in practice be considered to be linear over short labeling periods, such as 10
minutes. In the heart, the changes in S
are quite small (approx. 5) over 10 mins, and rats are killed at one
time-point only. Thus, the Ieatures oI both Phase a and Phase b are identical. The flooding dose method
overcomes many oI the practical limitations inherent in the constant infusion method. For example, in tissues
with high protein turnover rates, the diIIerences between S
and S
are minimized with the flooding dose
method in contrast to the large diIIerences between S
and S
noted above. The flooding dose method has been
employed in over 600 studies to date, and investigation oI heart muscle protein changes include the eIIects oI
running, growth hormone, alcohol, intrauterine growth retardation and IGF-I dosage |2631|.
In the flooding dose method, animals are injected intravenously with phenylalanine (0.150 mmol per 100 g
body weight) and sacriIiced aIter 10 minutes |32|. Phenylalanine is chosen as this amino acid is (i) not
considered to be a regulator oI protein synthesis; (ii) it is very soluble; (iii) it occurs in very low concentrations
in the intracellular pool, thereby Iacilitating the Ilooding phenomena and rapid equilibration between
subcellular compartments; (iv) its speciIic radioactivity can be determined by test-tube techniques. Some
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studies have injected the labeled isotope intraperitoneally, but this is not recommended as ethanol aIIects the
partitioning oI phenylalanine between extracellular and intracellular compartments oI Iree amino acid pools
|33|. AIter intravenous injection and allowing a suitable radio-labeling period (usually 10 minutes) Iractional
rates oI cardiac protein synthesis (i.e., percentage oI the cardiac protein pool renewed each day, i.e., k
, per
Figure 17.1 Changes in precursor speciIic radioactivities in diIIerent methods Ior
measuring protein synthesis in vivo. The three methods oI measuring protein
synthesis are (top) pulse injection oI a tracer amount oI amino acid, (middle)
constant inIusion oI a tracer amino acids and (bottom) injection oI a Ilooding dose oI
amino acid. Phase (a) and (b) are arbitrary assigned periods oI each method. For a
Iuller explanation see text. Adapted Irom works oI P.J. Garlick.
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are calculated Irom the Iormula: k
100) /(S
t) |32|. Where, S
is the speciIic radioactivity oI the
labeled phenylalanine in cardiac protein; S
is the speciIic radioactivity oI the Iree amino acid in the
intracellular pool; t is the labeling period, in units oI a day, i.e., Ior a 10-min labeling period, 0.00694 days
Acute ethanol toxicity reduces cardiac protein synthesis in vivo |34|; the greatest decreases in protein synthesis
occur aIter 24 hours when all circulating ethanol has disappeared (Figure 17.2). The atria and ventricles
appear equally susceptible to ethanol-induced perturbations in protein synthesis |27|. Hypertension
exacerbates these regional eIIects oI ethanol on cardiac myoIibrillary protein synthesis |27,35|. It seems that
synthesis oI the major protein Iractions is decreased, including the myoIibrillary and mitochondrial proteins
(Table 17.1; |3537|).
Acetaldehyde is a potent inhibitor oI myocardial protein synthesis. Thus, when ethanol-dosed rats are pre-
treated with cyanamide (an inhibitor oI acetaldehyde dehydrogenase which elevates endogenous acetaldehyde
levels), the depression is approximately 80 compared to the approximately 1520 depression in k
with alcohol alone (Figure 17.3; |10,37,38|). Cardiac ATP content remains unaltered compared to saline or
ethanol-injected rats, even when ethanol-dosed rats are pre-treated with cyanamide (Figure 17.3; |38|).
Circulating cardiac Troponin-T, a marker oI cardiac damage, increases at 2.5 hours aIter an acute dose oI
alcohol and this eIIect is exacerbated with cyanamide pretreatment (Figure 17.3; |39|).
The precise mechanism whereby alcohol decreases protein synthesis is still unclear, as there are many steps
leading to the synthesis oI new proteins. Alcohol reduces the ability oI the sarcoplasmic reticulum to gain and
store Ca
, resulting in increased intracellular calcium
Figure 17.2 Cardiac protein synthesis in response to acute alcohol. Rats were
injected i.p. with 0.15 mol/l saline (NaCl); or ethanol (75 mmol/kg body weight, i.p).
All data are means + SEM oI 68 observations. From |73|.
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Table 17.1 Rate oI protein synthesis in various Iractions oI the rat heart
Jentricular k
Control Ethanol Difference as from
Protein Fraction
Total 22.4 + 1.5 17.8 + 1.3 21 0.01
Subsarcolemmal mitochondria 16.9 + 1.1 13.0 + 0.8 23 0.01
IntermyoIibrillary mitochondria 10.9 + 0.5 18.1 + 0.5 26 0.01
Nuclear Iraction 12.9 + 1.0 10.3 + 0.6 20 0.05
Male Wistar rats were injected with either 0.15 mol/l NaCl or isovolumetric solutions oI ethanol (75 mmol/kg body
weight, i.p.) 2.5 hours prior to the measurement oI protein synthesis with a flooding dose oI L-|4-
H|phenylalanine. All
data are mean + SEM oI 67 observations in each group. DiIIerences between means were assessed by Student`s t test,
using 2-tailed tables. SigniIicance was indicated when p 0.05. From |36|.
levels leading to metabolic derangements such as mitochondrial dysIunction, reductions in protein synthesis,
increased proteolysis and deIective energy-coupling |4048|. Increases in intracellular proteolysis may
derange subcellular organelles and/or cardiac architecture and indirectly inIluence k
|49|. OI additional
importance is a study showing that calcium channel blockade prevents coronary artery constriction due to
alcohol; this has particular relevance as the rise in circulating cardiac troponin-T in alcohol dosed rats may be
an ischaemic related event |50|. UnIortunately, investigations into alcohol and cardiac calcium homeostasis
have mainly been carried out in vitro, and there are no studies on the relationship between cardiac protein
synthesis and calcium homeostasis in vivo. However, both acute and chronic treatment with the
dihydropyridine calcium channel (L-type voltage dependent) antagonist amlodipine Iails to alter changes in
protein synthesis induced by alcohol (Table 17.2). It is possible that alcohol acts directly on a discrete
component oI protein synthesis in the myocardium, a supposition supported by studies in perIused heart
showing that alcohol and acetaldehyde (albeit, using supraphysiological concentrations) can reduce cardiac
protein synthesis in vitro |51|.
Changes in tissue protein content can be considered at either the total protein or the individual protein levels.
Analysis oI whole tissue protein content takes no account oI the potentially complex changes occurring in
diseased tissue in which individual protein levels may be increased, decreased, or unaltered. UnIortunately,
many studies using the Ilooding dose technique described above have analyzed whole tissue proteins or crude
protein Iractions such as the myoIibrillary (also termed contractile protein Iraction), sarcoplasmic (also termed
soluble or 33,000 g Iraction) and stromal Iractions (also termed the insoluble or collagen Iraction), which can
be separated using diIIerential solubility and high speed centriIugation techniques |5260|. Using these
techniques, we have shown
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Figure 17.3 Cardiac protein synthesis, ATP and plasma troponin-T in rats treated
with alcohol. Data are mean + SEM oI 49 observations in each group. Ethanol (75
mmol/kg body weight; i.p.) was given with or without cyanamide pretreatment (0.5
mmol/kg body weight; i.p.). Rats were killed 2.5 hours aIter ethanol dosing. p values
over histograms pertain to diIIerences Irom saline plus saline controls. (#)
DiIIerence in ks between saline plus ethanol and cyanamide plus ethanol, p 0.01.
Data Irom various studies oI the authors and |73|.
that the protein content oI the total (composite mixture oI sarcoplasmic, myoIibrillary and stromal proteins)
and myoIibrillary protein Iractions decrease in response to chronic alcohol Ieeding |56|. Using one-
dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), we have shown that
the reductions in total and myoIibrillary proteins are accompanied by a marked reduction in myosin heavy
chain content |61|. Recently, however, the approach oI proteomic analysis has been developed and applied to
the investigation oI the eIIects oI chronic ethanol Ieeding. In this method, individual proteins in whole tissues
or organs (particularly in small laboratory animals) are extracted,
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Table 17.2 The chronic eIIect oI amlodipine treatment and alcohol on LV total and protein Iraction
synthesis rates
Difference as from control
Statistical Significance (p)
Jentricular total k
1 Control (saline) 10.7 + 0.7
2 Alcohol 8.4 + 0.6 22 0.01
3 Amlodipine Saline 9.6 + 0.4 10 NS
4 Amlodipine Alcohol 8.0 + 0.6 25 0.01
Differences between 3 and 4, 17 , p 0.05
Jentricular k
(mg protein/dav/ mg RNA)
1 Control (saline) 12.3 + 0.8
2 Alcohol 9.6 + 0.7 23 0.01
3 Amlodipine Saline 11.0 + 0.6 11 NS
4 Amlodipine Alcohol 9.0 + 0.6 27 0.001
Differences between 3 and 4, 18 , p 0.05
Male Wistar rats were treated with either tap water or amlodipine 10 mg/day/kg body weight Ior 30 days Iollowed by an
acute i.p. dose oI either saline 0.15 mol/l (NaCl) or ethanol 75 mmol/kg body weight. All data are mean + SEM oI 78
observations. DiIIerences were assessed by Student`s t-test Ior unpaired samples using the pooled estimate oI variance
separated and identiIied |6269|. AIter an initial (Iirst-dimensional) separation by isoelectric Iocusing (IEF), a
second-dimensional separation using sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under
denaturing conditions is employed. Individual proteins can be tentatively identiIied aIter appropriate staining;
conIirmation oI protein identity is carried out by either immunoblotting, microsequencing, amino acid
composition or mass spectrometry (reviewed in |7072|). Using this approach, it has been shown that the
protein proIile oI rat heart is altered by Ieeding alcohol Ior 6 weeks |38|. Over 400 proteins have been
detected in rat heart and expressed in terms oI relative abundance, 7 oI these proteins are signiIicantly
increased whilst 3 are reduced aIter 6 weeks chronic alcohol exposure in vivo |38|. Heat Shock Proteins
(HSP) 60 and 70, actin, desmin and myosin light chain 2 are decreased whereas creatine kinase is increased
|38|. The latter Iindings are compatible with separate studies showing that cardiac creatine kinase activity is
increased in rats Ied alcohol Ior 6 weeks, albeit in the presence oI hypertension |73|. In contrast, there is little
or no change in total or subcellular protein content oI the heart in response to acute (Ior example, 2.5 hours)
ethanol dosage. The identities oI the other proteins altered Iollowing chronic alcohol dosage (and the
possibility that acute ethanol dosage aIIects the levels oI yet undeIined proteins), remains to be elucidated,
although Iurther studies are continuing in this area.
It is important to emphasize that changes in the heart protein content in response to alcohol exposure may arise
via a number oI mechanisms including:
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I. Perturbations in DNA structure and Iunction (via Iree radical damage or adduct Iormation);
II. Changes (increases and decreases) in mRNA level;
III. Protein adduct Iormation;
IV. Free radical induced protein damage;
V. Increased or decreased protease activities.
The liver is the main site oI alcohol-derived acetaldehyde production, an extremely reactive metabolite.
Acetaldehyde binds with proteins to Iorm protein-adducts which may induce auto-immunogenic responses (as
identiIied by raised serum antibodies) or render the aIIected protein Iunctionally inoperative |7482|. In rats
subjected to 6 weeks ethanol Ieeding, ELISA showed increased amounts oI reduced- and unreduced-
acetaldehyde protein adducts as well as malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde protein adducts (Worrall S, Richardson
PJ, Preedy VR, unpublished). However, there was no evidence oI increased malondialdehyde and o-
hydroxyethyl-protein adducts in hearts oI ethanol Ied rats compared to pair-Ied controls (Worrall S,
Richardson PJ, Preedy VR unpublished).
The increase in malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde protein adducts supports previous suggestions that alcohol
induces cardiac lipid peroxidation |83,84| concomitant with endogenous cardiac-derived acetaldehyde
Iormation, possibly via alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) or cytochrome P450 actions. However, although the
activity oI cardiac alcohol dehydrogenase is low, catalase may also generate acetaldehyde |8588|. The
importance oI these studies relates to the observation that malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde adducts are
cytotoxic, inducing the release oI TNF-alpha and up-regulating ICAM-1 in endothelial cells in vitro |89|.
Reactive oxygen Iree radical species may play a prominent role in alcohol-induced heart muscle damage.
Cardiac tissue Irom chronic alcohol misusers shows increased age pigments` indicative oI damage by reactive
oxygen species |90|. Involvement oI reactive oxygen species damage is also implicated by studies showing
that in alcohol-Ied rats, the resulting shiIt in Iatty acid proIile is inhibited by dietary alpha-tocopherol, a potent
anti-oxidant |91|. The decrease in cardiac enzyme activities such as creatine kinase aIter acute ethanol-dosage
is also ascribed to damage resulting Irom reactive oxygen species |92|. In addition, hydroxyl radicals change
the conIormational properties oI the contractile proteins, as determined by electrophoretic analysis |93|. In
acute alcohol toxicity, increases and subsequent oxidation oI circulating catecholamines may induce
myocardial damage via production oI superoxide Iree radicals |94|.
Acetaldehyde may induce myocardial ischaemia and coronary vasospasm |50|. Elevations in circulating
cardiac troponin-T occur aIter 2.56 hours in response to acute ethanol dosage in rats, suggestive oI a
membrane-mediated event |10,95|. We have recently examined the eIIects oI cyanamide, propranolol, and the
xanthine oxidase inhibitors allopurinol and oxypurinol on plasma cardiac troponin-T (Patel VB, Sherwood R,
Richardson PJ, Preedy VR, unpublished observations). Propranolol pre-treatment reduced the alcohol-induced
increase in plasma troponin-T. This may be due to the well-described beta-receptor blocking properties oI
propranolol or because it also has xanthine oxidase inhibiting properties |96|. However, pre-treatment with the
xanthine oxidase inhibitors allopurinol and oxypurinol was unable to reduce elevated troponin-T, suggesting
that the raised cardiac troponin-T levels in alcohol aIIected hearts may be due to beta-receptor stimulation
suggestive oI elevated catecholamines in alcohol-dosage. Whether this may involve increased Iree radical
Iormation and/or impairment oI antioxidant status remains to be
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Table 17.3 The acute eIIect oI alcohol and propranolol on protein synthesis rates
Difference as from control
Statistical Significance (p)
Jentricular total k
1 Saline Saline 17.6 + 0.6
2 Saline Alcohol 14.4 + 0.4 18 0.01
3 Propranolol Saline 18.9 + 1.2 8 NS
4 Propranolol Alcohol 13.7 + 0.8 22 0.01
5 Propranolol (10) Saline 16.9 + 0.7 4 NS
6 Propranolol (10) Alcohol 14.5 + 1.7 18 0.01
Differences between 3 and 4, 28, p 0.001, 5 vs. 6, 14, p 0.05
Jentricular k
(mg protein/dav/mg RNA)
1 Saline Saline 12.8 + 0.2
2 Saline Alcohol 10.7 + 0.3 18 0.01
3 Propranolol Saline 13.8 + 0.6 8 NS
4 Propranolol Alcohol 10.0 + 0.5 22 0.001
5 Propranolol (10) Saline 13.4 + 0.4 4 NS
6 Propranolol (10) Alcohol 11.6 + 0.4 18 0.01
Differences between 3 and 4, 28, p 0.001, 5 vs. 6, 13, p 0.025
Male Wistar rats approximately 150 g body weight were injected i.p. with either 0.15 mol/l saline (NaCl); ethanol 75
mmol/kg body weight; propranolol 5 mg kg body weight or the higher dose oI propranolol (10) 50 mg/ kg body weight.
All data are mean + SEM oI 68 observations. DiIIerences were assessed by Student`s t-test Ior unpaired samples using
the pooled estimate oI variance. From |73|.
determined |94|. Despite the Iact that ethanol-induced increases in troponin-T can be prevented by
propranolol, this agent does not prevent the ethanol-induced reduction in cardiac protein synthesis, suggestive
oI a complex aetiology in the pathogenesis oI alcohol-induced heart damage (Table 17.3; |73|).
In conclusion, alcohol aIIects the heart in a variety oI ways, changing both composition and protein synthesis.
Presently, however, there are no published studies on the eIIects oI Iree radical damage to cardiac enzymes
such as those involved in proteolysis, or studies showing how cardiac myoIibrillary enzymes are altered by
Financial support Irom the British Heart Foundation, The Medical Research Council and the JRC is
ACM alcoholic cardiomyopathy
ROS reactive oxygen species
speciIic radioactivity oI the Iree amino acid in the intracellular pool
speciIic radioactivity oI the Iree amino acid in the extracellular pool
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Chapter 18
Cocaethylene: immunologic, hepatic and cardiac
Albert D. Arvallo and Ronald R. Watson
Alcohol, the most consumed drug in the world, is oIten not recognized as a drug or addictive by the public and
the media, because oI its legal use and acceptance. The public, on the other hand, recognizes cocaine as an
addictive drug with traumatic eIIects on its users. Some users oI cocaine begin to mix cocaine with alcohol as
together they extend the euphoric sensation. Cocaine plus concomitant ethanol use results in cocaethylene, a
compound synthesized in vivo and only identiIied in 1979 |2|. It also has been named in the literature as
ethylcocaine, ethylbenzoylecgonine, and benzoylecgonine ethyl ester |2|. ThereIore, we will review eIIects oI
combined alcohol plus cocaine use as well as cocaethylene in use by 4.5 oI 1825 year olds in the USA in
1988 model studies. In 1990, an NIAAA Survey reported that 5.3 million Americans had used cocaine
concurrently (during the same period oI time) with alcohol, and 4.6 million simultaneously (on the same
occasion) with alcohol |10|. It is interesting to note that 90 oI cocaine users take ethanol
concomitantly. Ethanol enhances and prolongs the euphoric eIIects oI cocaine and lessens the dysphoria
associated with cessation oI cocaine use |9|. This, thereIore, is the rational Ior using ethanol simultaneously
with cocaine. Despite its prevalence, very little research has been aimed at identiIying the possible underlying
biological consequences resulting Irom the addictive drugs |5|. How do they aIIect key organ systems like the
heart and liver?
Ethanol and cocaine have opposite pharmacologic eIIects. Ethanol is a central nervous system depressant. Low
amounts oI alcoholic beverages increase sociability, while higher levels impair cognitive ability and depress
sensorimotor Iunction. The acute in vivo cardiovascular response to moderate levels oI ethanol intake involves
sympathetic activation, probably due to peripheral vasodilatation, and usually results in an increase in heart
rate and maintained or elevated cardiac output |3|. Cardiac arrhythmia seems to be more prevalent. Delbridge
et al.`s recent Iindings report identiIying ethanol at 0.05(v/v) as a modulator oI cardiac contractility. Kinetic
analyses indicate that the mechanism oI action involves disturbance oI sarcoplasmic reticulum Iunction and
this may contribute to arrhythmogenic vulnerability especially in an in vivo context oI heightened
compensatory sympathetic drive |3|. The study goes on to state that the stabilizing eIIects oI ethanol on
intracellular Ca
stores may be the cellular basis Ior the arrhythmogenic response to acute ethanol exposure
a response which is more evident in the normal than in the myopathic myocardium |3|.
Cocaine is a sympathomimetic agent with stimulant and local anesthetic properties |15|. The pathophysiology
oI cocaine-related myocardial ischemia and inIarction is probably multiIactorial and is due to one or a
combination oI (1) increased myocardial oxygen demand in the setting oI limited or Iixed supply; (2) marked
coronary arterial vasoconstriction; and
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(3) enhanced platelet aggregation and thrombus Iormation |11|. In eight healthy cocaine addicts receiving
intravenous cocaine (0.325 mg/kg or 0.650 mg/kg), it was noted that pulse and mean arterial pressure peaked 5
min post-cocaine injection and maximal response was sustained Ior a Iurther 15 min and 35 min aIterwards,
respectively. Cocaine administration had no signiIicant eIIect on peripheral oxygen saturation, and no
clinically signiIicant abnormalities oI rhythm or conduction were seen on the electrocardiogram. These doses
and method oI single-dose intravenous cocaine administration, and our procedures Ior cardiovascular
monitoring, appear relatively saIe Ior laboratory studies oI healthy cocaine addicts with no pre-existing
cardiovascular disease. Cocaine-taking resulted in a small but statistically insigniIicant improvement in
learning on the Digit Symbol Substitution Task |7|.
The eIIects oI individual and concurrent use oI alcohol and cocaine have been studied extensively, yet much
less is known about cocaethylene production and value in the eIIects oI dual drug use. Although, the
mechanism by which the combination oI cocaine and ethanol may be particularly deleterious to the
cardiovascular system is unknown, Pitt et al. propose two hypotheses: (1) It may markedly increase the
determinants oI myocardial oxygen demand and simultaneously diminish supply, leading to a marked supply:
demand imbalance. In human volunteers, the use oI both drugs produces a greater increase in heart rate than
either substance alone; (2) The concomitant ingestion oI cocaine and ethanol and may lead to the production oI
a metabolite which induces marked coronary arterial vasoconstriction, leading to myocardial ischemia,
inIarction, and/or sudden death |11|. Animal studies indicate that the combination oI ethanol with cocaine
increases the lethality oI cocaine |15|. Morishima et al.`s Iindings correspond with studies reported by other
investigators in conscious and anesthetized rats and monkeys in which cocaethylene produced eIIects similar
to those oI cocaine at approximately equivalent doses |8|. Whether cocaethylene induces coronary arterial
vasoconstriction in humans is unknown |11|. Incoming patients received into a hospital emergency department
in a lower-income area were drug screened with no standard criteria Ior benzoylecgonine ester (BE). II
positive Ior BE or cocaethylene, the patient was considered positive Ior cocaine use. Patients positive Ior drugs
in addition to BE and ethanol, except Ior acetaminophen or salicylate, were excluded. The
Table 18.1 Symptoms reported by cocaine and alcohol concomitantly using patients
Cocaine and Ethanol Cocaine Onlv
Higher incidence oI conIusion Higher incidence oI chest pain
Lower Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Lower incidence oI back and extremity pain
Lower BUN and Ph Higher body temperature and a higher incidence oI
hallucinations Non trauma patient heart rate higher
More oIten intubated and admitted to Intensive Care
Myocardial InIarction conIormed on 2 non-trauma patients
Higher mean number oI care days Cardiac arrhythmia in 15 patients
Myocardial InIarction conIirmed on 2 non-trauma
Non trauma patients heart rate lower
Respiratory Iailure
Cardiac arrhythmia in 15 patients hospitalized Muscle spasms, convulsions, and coma
Gastrointestinal complication
Greater mean total Creatine Kinase
modiIied Irom |10|
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incidence oI trauma was increased twoIold in the cocaine and alcohol using group compared with the cocaine
group (50 vs. 22, p ~ 0.001). The cocaine/alcohol group had a higher incidence oI violent trauma than the
cocaine patients did (37 vs. 17, p ~ 0.001) |15|. There were no diIIerences with regard to Irequency oI
laboratory tests, or the results oI determinations oI WBC count, hemoglobin, serum potassium, or blood
The combination oI cocaine plus alcohol use increases the heart rate 1.55 times more than with either
substance alone and produces a slight increase in blood pressure |15|. In this same study, 91 oI patients that
tested positive Ior BE and ethanol were positive Ior cocaine in the serum or cocaethylene in the urine or
serum. This indicates simultaneous use oI cocaine and ethanol (unpublished data). Concurrent abuse oI
cocaine and ethanol is very high. A 1995 study estimated that 6080 oI cocaine users consume ethanol
simultaneously |4|, and concluded:
1 Combined alcohol and cocaine use is the rule;
2 The Drug Abuse Warning Network has identiIied cocaine plus alcohol combination as the most prominent
substance abuse pattern among individuals presenting themselves to emergency rooms with abuse
3 With alcohol plus cocaine use, users can ameliorate the unpleasant physical and psychological sequel oI
cocaine ingestion primarily paranoia and agitation;
4 Combined abuse oI cocaine and alcohol results in alteration oI the metabolic proIile oI cocaine and the
Iormation oI the pharmacologically active metabolite, cocaethylene |4|.
In a more in depth report, nearly halI oI patients who tested positive Ior cocaethylene cited trauma as the
primary reason Ior reporting to the emergency |12|. Also 60 oI the postmortem human tissue examined had
cocaethylene. This led to the speculation that cocaethylene was, at least in part, responsible Ior the dramatic
increase in the risk Ior sudden death in persons combining cocaine and ethanol |12|. Although, the
mechanisms mediating the increased incidence oI sudden death oI the combined abuse oI cocaine and alcohol
are not identiIied, the Iormation oI cocaethylene and the inhibition oI cocaine metabolism are implicated |4|.
Studying the immune system and hepatotoxic eIIects oI cocaine and cocaethylene during HIV inIection among
intravenous cocaine users shows that simultaneous administration oI ethanol and cocaine potentiated the
immunosuppressive eIIects oI cocaine in mice |10|. Yet, this depended on the dose and the duration oI
administration. For example heroin addicts were given cocaine in small amounts which increased the
depressed percentage oI E-rosette Iorming T cells more than heroin alone. The study indicates that a 0.6 mg/kg
dose oI cocaine produced a three-to-Iour-Iold increase in natural killer cell activity in peripheral blood, and an
increase in circulating natural killer cells. A similar eIIect on NK cell activity was also demonstrated in mice
chronically treated with cocaine. Studies on isolated human T-Lymphocytes showed that cocaine in vitro acts
as an up-regulator oI CD2 antigen expression, suppressing the phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-induced
proliIeration oI T cells |10|. Cocaine also causes thrombocytopenia and the immune abnormalities observed
included antiplatelet antibodies oI the IgG and IgM type, disturbances in serum compliment levels and
extensive circulating immune complexes |10|. With cocaethylene in mice there are also variable
immunological eIIects. Just as there were opposite results
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depending on the doses and duration oI ethanol and cocaine, the results shown with cocaethylene alone
produced a signiIicant inhibition oI gamma-interIeron, tumor necrosis Iactor, and also interleukin-2 Iormation
by isolated splenocytes with a dose oI 20 mg/kg injected twice daily. Administration oI ethanol with
cocaethylene simultaneously resulted in a stronger decreased immunological eIIect |10|. Research was done
on conscious dogs to check Ior the eIIects oI ethanol and cocaethylene pharmacokinetics. Preliminary studies
indicate that the dog does not Iorm detectable quantities oI cocaethylene aIter co-administration oI cocaine and
intravenous ethanol |9|, while it was Iormed when cocaine and ethanol were consumed simultaneously in
humans, monkeys, and mice. Formation oI cocaethylene resulted Irom transesteriIication oI cocaine by hepatic
carboxylesterases in the liver. Lab studies oI human liver extracts indicate that inhibition oI hepatic
carboxylesterase mediated metabolism oI cocaine to benzoylecgonine in the presence oI ethanol |9|. It was
thought that ethanol may have contributed to the decrease in cocaine metabolism; it is possible that
cocaethylene inhibited cocaine`s metabolism. Early lab studies showed no signiIicant plasma concentrations oI
cocaethylene detected in the dogs when cocaine is given with intravenous ethanol. Interestingly enough,
researchers were not able to detect cocaethylene in measurable quantities (725 ng/ml) in the plasma oI
Sprague-Dawley rats aIter a single dose administration oI cocaine and alcohol in doses similar to the doses
used in the current study (unpublished observation) |4|. Not to Iind cocaethylene in the blood plasma in the
dog was unexpected, as smaller doses oI co-administered cocaine and cocaethylene given to human subjects
have been shown to result in measurable cocaethylene plasma concentrations |14|. Further studies must be
done in species that resemble humans to determine the pathways and signiIicance oI the cocaine and
cocaethylene combination. Studies on microsomial Iractions on rats, Beagle dogs, and humans suggest that
large interspecies diIIerences in hepatic carboxylesterase activity may exist |14|.
The in vivo studies oI dogs and humans show that cocaethylene Iormation is greater in humans, which is in
contrast to our in vitro incubation studies in hepatic microsomes that clearly demonstrate much greater
cocaethylene in the dog than human microsomial preparations. Hepatic drug metabolism, in vitro, has
successIully predicted in vivo metabolism oI drugs. However, cocaine is subject to extra hepatic hydrolysis in
the plasma and possibly other sites are not present in hepatic microsomal preparations. ThereIore, interspecies
diIIerences in extra hepatic cocaine metabolism could aIIect the correlation between in vitro and in vivo
metabolism |14|.
The toxicity Irom combined cocaine plus ethanol use is not due to enhanced sensitivity to alcohol in cocaine
abusers. The blunt response to alcohol in limbic regions and in cortical regions connected to limbic areas could
result Irom a decreased sensitivity oI reward circuits in cocaine abusers |16|. In rats, cocaethylene exposure
during the brain growth spurt period causes teratogenic eIIects slowing brain growth. Cocaethylene is a
neuroteratogen as indicated by altered concentrations oI catecholamines and indoleamines in developing
brains. There was a region-speciIic alteration in neurotransmitter levels in response to six days oI cocaethylene
exposure. It also seems that cocaethylene is more similar to ethanol than cocaine in terms oI neuroteratogeneis
|2|. Sobel and others studied the interaction oI cocaethylene and cocaine and oI cocaethylene and alcohol on
schedule-controlled responding in rats |13|. Their statement concerning blood levels was indicative that they
do not know the contribution oI cocaethylene to the eIIects oI cocaine and alcohol consumed concurrently. It
is their contention that blood levels oI
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cocaine, ethanol and cocaethylene must be directly and concurrently determined when cocaine and alcohol are
co-administered to begin to unravel the interaction oI cocaine and alcohol. It was thought that the doses oI
cocaethylene and cocaine and/or oI cocaethylene and alcohol may have contributed to the greater eIIects
produced by concurrent use oI cocaine and alcohol. Other research mentioned measured cocaine and
cocaethylene concentration in postmortem human cerebral cortex and showed that combined use oI cocaine
and ethanol increased the risk oI death 18-Iold |14|.
In the Iirst primate study, the eIIects oI intravenously administered cocaine on extracellular dopamine in the
primate were compared to the eIIects to those oI cocaethylene |6|. Here, numerous biochemical and
pharmacological diIIerences between primates, rodents and dogs that make it important to study primates iI
immediate extensions to clinical research studies are to be made. The results suggest that the reported
diIIerences in potency between cocaine and cocaethylene at producing euphoria in clinical research studies
may be due to decreased potency oI cocaethylene at blocking 5-HT and/or norepinephrine uptake |6|. Both
cocaethylene and cocaine are equipotent and were Iound to increase extracellular dopamine in the caudate
nucleus. Cocaethylene retains similar activity to cocaine, including inhibition oI the dopamine transporter
|14|. When a pleasurable event is occurring, it is accompanied by large increase in the amounts oI dopamine
released in the nucleus accumbens by neurons. In the normal communication process, dopamine is released by
a neuron into a synapse (the small gap between two neurons) where it binds with specialized proteins (called
dopamine receptors) on the neighboring neuron, thereby sending a signal to that neuron. Drugs oI abuse
interIere with this normal communication process. Cocaine, Ior example, blocks the removal oI dopamine
Irom the synapse, resulting in an accumulation oI dopamine. This buildup oI dopamine cause continuous
stimulation oI receiving neurons probably resulting in the euphoria commonly reported by cocaine abusers |1|.
In most case studies, the potentiality oI cocaine and cocaethylene seem to point to equal potency in vitro
experiments, by analyzing organs, or in vivo by measuring blood plasma and the drug concentrations. As yet,
there are discrepancies as to when the potency oI cocaine plus ethanol was stronger than cocaethylene eIIects
compared to cocaine or ethanol alone as various researches indicates. But it seems that when cocaine is abused
with alcohol, cocaine eIIects and toxicity can be increased Iurther because oI the Iormation oI cocaethylene. In
the organs oI 60 oI the addicts seeking medical attention in emergency rooms or human postmortem
specimens, the compound cocaethylene has been Iound. We still need to investigate the Iactors that aIIect the
inhibition oI cocaine metabolism by ethanol or that aIIect the Iraction oI cocaine dose metabolized to
cocaethylene. We also need to know how to determine how changes in the cocaine metabolic proIile and the
Iormation oI cocaethylene are reIlected in the pharmacological eIIects |4|.
Research supported by grant R25RR10163 (Ior Albert D. Arvallo) and an NIDA supplement to HL63667.
Thanks to Andrew Morrison Ior his editing and Manny Villa, Christopher Soto and Donna Sider Ior their
assistance. A special thanks to Mrs. Angelina Arvallo and Dr. R.R. Watson Ior all the moral support.
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1 Cocaine Abuse and Addiction. 1999. National Institute on Drug Abuse. p. 1 oI 4.
2 Chen W-JA, West JR. Cocaethylene exposure during the brain growth spurt period: Brain growth
restrictions and neurochemisty studies. Develop. Brain Res. 1997; 100: 220229.
3 Delbridge LM, Connell PJ, Harris PJ, Morgan TO. Ethanol eIIects on cardiomyocyte contractility.
Clinical Sci. 2000; 98: 401407.
4 Hedaya MA, Pan W-J. Cocaine and alcohol interactions in naive and alcohol-pretreated rats. Drug
Metabol. Disposi. 1996; 24: 807812.
5 Horowitz JM, Bhatti E, Devi BG, Torres G. Behavior and drug measurements in long-evans and Sprague-
Dawley rats aIter ethanol-cocaine exposure. Pharmacol. Biochem. and Behav. 1998; 62: 329337.
6 Iyer RN, Nobiletti JB, Jatlow PI, Bradberry CW. Cocaine and coaethylene: eIIects on extracellular
dopamine in the primate. Psvchopharmacol. 1995; 120: 150155.
7 Johnson B, Overton D, Wells L, Kenny P, Abramson D, Dhother S, Chen Y, Bordnick P. EIIects oI acute
intravenous cocaine on cardiovascular Iunction, human learning, and perIormance in cocaine addicts.
Psvchiatrv Res. 1998; 77: 3542.
8 Morishima HMD, Whittington RMD, Iso AMD, Cooper TBMA. The comparative toxicity oI cocaine and
its metabolites in conscious rats. Anesthesiol. 1999; 90: 16841690.
9 Parker RB, Williams CL, Laizure SC, Mandrell TD, Labranche GS. EIIects oI ethanol and cocaethylene
on cocaine pharmacokinetics in conscious dogs. Drug Metabol. Disposit. 1996; 24: 850853.
10 Pirozhkov SV, Watson RRP. Immunomodulalting and hepatotoxic eIIects oI cocaine and coaerthylene:
enhancement by simultaneous ethanol administration. Alcologia 1993; 5: 113116.
11 Pitts WR, Lange RA, Cigarroa JE, David HL. Cocaine-induced myocardial ischemia and inIarction:
pathophysiol, recognition, and management. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 1997; 40: 6575.
12 Signs SAP, Dickey-White HIM, Schechter MDP, Kulics ATP. The Iormation oI cocaethylene and
clinical presentation oI ED patients testing positive Ior the use oI cocaine and ethanol. Amer. Emergen.
Med. 1996; 14: 665670.
13 Sobel BF, Hutchinnson AC, Diamond HF, Etkind SA, Ziervogel SD, Ferrari CM, Riley AL. Assessment
oI cocaethylene lethality in long-evans Iemale and male rats. Neurotoxicol. Teratol. 1997; 20: 459463.
14 Song N, Parker RB, Laizure CS. Cocaethylene Iormation in rat, dog, and human hepatic microsomes.
Life Sci. 1999; 64: 21012108.
15 Vanek VWM, Howard I Dickey-White M, Signs SAP, Buss TP, Kulics ATP. Concurrent use oI cocaine
and alcohol by patients treated in the emergency department. Ann. Emergen. Med. 1996; 28: 508514.
16 Volkow ND, Wang G-J, Fowler JS, Franceschi D, Thanos PK, Wong C, Gatley SJ, Ding YS, Molina P,
Schlyer D, AlexoII D, Hitzemann R, Pappas N. Cocaine abusers show a blunted response to alcohol
intoxication in limbic brain regions. Life Sci. 1999; 66: 161167.
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Chapter 19
Cardiotoxicity of cocaine use by humans and
rodents: synergisms of concomitant cocaine plus
alcohol exposure
David Solkoff and Ronald R. Watson
As cocaine abuse has become widespread, the number oI cocaine related cardiovascular events, such as angina
pectoris, myocardial ischemia and inIarction, cardiac myopathy, leIt ventricular hypertrophy, and sudden death
has increased substantially |115|. These occur in young subjects, a signiIicant percentage oI whom had no
evidence oI atherosclerotic coronary artery disease on subsequent angiography |10,11,1821|. Twice as many
men as women experience cocaine related cardiac ischemic events, at least partly caused by a greater
Irequency oI cocaine use in men. The concomitant use oI cigarettes and/or ethanol is pervasive, with up to
75 oI cocaine users admitting to each. Although myocardial ischemia, inIarction, and sudden death are most
likely to occur in chronic cocaine users, they have been reported in Iirst time users as well. These events can
occur Irom any route oI administration and with a large or small amount oI the drug |3,4,8,9,2029|. It is
thought that the pathophysiology oI cocaine-related myocardial ischemia and inIarction is most likely
multidimensional, and that it is caused by individual and/or combined conditions including increased
myocardial oxygen demand in the setting oI limited or Iixed supply, marked coronary artery vasoconstriction,
and enhanced platelet aggregation and thrombus Iormation |1|.
These hypotheses are supported by a variety oI previous studies. In humans, the intracoronary inIusion oI
cocaine in amounts suIIicient to achieve a high drug concentration in coronary sinus blood causes a
deterioration oI leIt ventricular systolic and diastolic perIormance |30|. Even a small amount (2 mg/kg)oI
cocaine causes inappropriate` coronary arterial vasoconstriction, meaning that myocardial oxygen supply Iell
in the setting oI increased demand |31|. Cocaine-induced thrombosis is an important mechanism in the
development oI myocardial inIarction in the presence oI normal or diseased coronary arteries |32|. Autopsies
Iollowing cocaine-related deaths have complete thrombotic occlusions oI normal and atherosclerotic coronary
arteries |8,12,25,33|. Coronary artery thrombosis and subsequent ischemia in these cases may be attributed to
alterations in platelet and endothelial cell Iunctions |34|. Endothelial damage may occur at the site oI vascular
spasm resulting in thrombus Iormation, and cocaine may cause coronary artery thrombosis by initiating
coronary artery spasm |18,35,36|. In vitro studies have demonstrated that cocaine activates platelets, increases
platelet aggregation, and potentiates platelet thromboxane production |3739|. The idea that cocaine exerts
pro-coagulant eIIects is Iurther supported by Iindings oI combined protein C and antithrombin III depletion in
patients with cocaine-related
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arterial thromboses |40|. Levels oI both anticoagulants returned to normal Iollowing discontinuation oI
cocaine use. Similarly, cocaine users have increased risk oI developing upper extremity deep vein thrombosis
(Paget-Schroetter syndrome) |41|.
Cocaine causes central and peripheral adrenergic stimulation by blocking the presynaptic reuptake oI
norepinephrine and dopamine, thus increasing their postsynaptic concentrations |42|. The coronary arteries
have both o and -adrenergic receptors. Stimulation oI o-adrenergic receptors causes vascular smooth muscle
contraction, while -adrenergic stimulation induces the opposite. The cardiovascular eIIects oI cocaine are
partially mediated by o-adrenergic stimulation, since they were reversed by phentolamine, an o-adrenergic
antagonist |31|.
Some researchers have advocated the use oI -adrenergic blocking agents in patients with acute cocaine
ingestion |43,44|. Indeed, previous studies have shown that -adrenergic receptor antagonists such as
propranolol have been eIIective at lessening the pressor, positive inotropic, and heart rate responses to cocaine
intoxication |43,4550|. However, since -adrenergic stimulation causes coronary vasodilation, -adrenergic
blockade may allow Ior unopposed o-adrenergically mediated coronary arterial vasoconstriction. This
hypothesis has been vindicated in a previous study demonstrating that cocaine increases myocardial oxygen
demand while simultaneously reducing supply, as reIlected by a decrease in coronary sinus blood Ilow and
coronary arterial diameter. The study went on to describe how the cocaine-induced Iall in myocardial oxygen
supply is actually exacerbated by propranolol. ThereIore, -adrenergic blockade may actually increase the
magnitude oI cocaine-related myocardial ischemia, and thus should not be used in patients with cocaine
intoxication. We hypothesize, vis a vis the treatment oI cocaine intoxication in humans, it is more important to
reverse the vasoconstriction than it is to decrease heart rate, i.e., slow the heart down.
A signiIicant amount oI patients suIIering Irom cocaine-associated angina pectoris or myocardial inIarction
report the onset oI symptoms several hours aIter drug administration, when the blood concentration oI cocaine
is low or undetectable |3,51|. This delay in experiencing symptoms may be caused not by the cocaine itselI,
but by the drug`s major metabolites, benzoylecgonine and ethyl methyl ecgonine |52|.
Further study oI the cardiotoxic eIIects oI cocaine in humans, indicate that patients with atherosclerotic
coronary artery disease are probably at increased risk oI having an ischemic event in response to cocaine when
compared against patients not suIIering such malady. This may occur because diseased coronary arterial
segments usually exhibit pronounced endothelial dysIunction such as greatly impaired or absent production oI
endothelium-derived relaxing Iactors |53,54|.
A survey conducted in 1991, Iound that 9 million people in the US abuse cocaine and ethanol simultaneously
|55|. The combined use oI cocaine and ethanol appears to be associated with increased morbidity and
mortality over either drug alone. Their simultaneous use increased the risk oI drug-induced sudden death 18-
Iold |56|. Deaths due to drug overdose involving the use oI ethanol were associated with cocaine blood
concentrations that were lower than those measured in subjects dying oI cocaine overdose alone (900 vs. 2,800
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respectively) |57|. This is suggestive oI an additive or synergistic eIIect oI ethanol on cocaine-induced
catastrophic events |57|. Several hypotheses have been proposed to account Ior this synergistic eIIect. Since
the combined use oI both drugs in human volunteers produces a greater increase in heart rate than either
substance alone, the combination may do more than either oI its individual constituents to substantially
increase the determinants oI myocardial oxygen demand while at the same time reducing supply, thus leading
to a marked supply:demand imbalance |58,59|. While alcohol has been reported to induce coronary
vasodilation, it has the proven ability to cause intense vasoconstriction as well, thus compounding the
deleterious vasoconstriction caused by cocaine |6065|. Another possible explanation Ior the synergistic
cardiotoxic eIIects oI the ethanol cocaine combination may be Iound in the study oI cocaethylene, a unique
metabolite that is Iormed by hepatic transesteriIication aIter the concomitant ingestion oI cocaine and ethanol.
Cocaethylene is thought by some investigators to induce marked coronary arterial vasoconstriction leading to
myocardial ischemia, as well as inIarction and/or sudden death. Like cocaine, it blocks dopamine reuptake at
the synaptic cleIt. This compound is oIten detected in subjects who were determined to have died oI cocaine-
ethanol toxicity. Furthermore, in experimental animals, cocaethylene is more lethal than cocaine |6668|.
Regarding the management oI cocaine-induced myocardial ischemia and inIarction, recent evidence indicates
that in addition to avoiding the use oI -blockers in patients with cocaine-related chest pain (since -adrenergic
blockade may potentiate cocaine-induced vasoconstriction by allowing unopposed o-adrenergic stimulation),
the o-adrenergic blocker phentolamine should not be used either, since it usually causes a substantial Iall in
systemic arterial pressure |1,31,69|.
The present drugs oI choice Ior the management oI cocaine-associated chest pain are nitroglycerin and
verapamil, since they reverse the cocaine-induced increase in systemic arterial pressure and coronary arterial
vasoconstriction. Nitroglycerin causes direct vasodilation oI diseased and nondiseased coronary arterial
segments |70|. It has been shown to eliminate the coronary vasoconstrictor response to o-adrenergic
stimulation caused by smoking and exercise |12,34,71|. Nitroglycerin, administered in a dose suIIicient to
reduce mean systemic arterial pressure 1015, eIIectively alleviates cocaine induced coronary arterial
vasoconstriction |72|. Since cocaine may cause vasoconstriction by altering calcium transport in vascular
smooth muscle, in addition to o-adrenergic stimulation, the calcium channel blocker verapamil is also
recommended Ior the treatment oI cocaine-associated chest pain |73,74|. Verapamil is thought to work
because it may directly block the cocaine-induced increase in calcium concentration within vascular smooth
muscle cells, thereby preventing vasoconstriction. It may also block cocaine`s adrenergically mediated
vasoconstrictor eIIects, since the cocaine-induced release oI catecholamines Irom the presynaptic terminal is
calcium dependent. Studies in experimental animals have shown that calcium antagonists attenuate the
cocaine-induced elevation oI circulating catecholamines |75,76|. Calcium antagonists have also been shown to
bind vascular o-adrenergic receptors |77,78|, thus potentially preventing the cocaine-induced eIIects oI
catecholamines by blocking postsynaptic adrenergic receptors.
It has proved a diIIicult task to determine the long-term cardiovascular consequences oI cocaine use. One such
study that attempted to ascertain this inIormation was The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young
Adults(CARDIA)study | |79|. The purpose oI this study was to identiIy the distribution oI coronary heart
disease risk Iactors (including illicit drug use) among a randomly sampled, biethnic cohort oI men and women
(3,848 persons,
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2032 years oI age) oI varied socioeconomic status in 1987, and then to evaluate the relationship between
liIetime cocaine use in 1987 and cardiovascular disease risk Iactors 5 years later. The longitudinal design, the
cardiovascular Iocus oI CARDIA, and the inclusion oI essentially healthy individuals at baseline, provided a
unique opportunity to assess the cardiotoxicity oI chronic cocaine use. Results oI the CARDIA study indicate
that liIetime cocaine use experience in 1987, aIter adjustment Ior age, ethnicity, daily alcohol intake, cigarettes
smoked per day, body mass index, sum oI skinIolds, physical activity, and other illicit drug use, was not
related to blood pressure, blood pressure diIIerence, heart rate, or hypertension prevalence in cross-sectional
analysis in either men or women. Regarding the long-term, multivariate relationships between liIetime cocaine
use experience in 1987 and blood pressure, blood pressure diIIerence, and heart rate in 1992, the data Irom
CARDIA indicates that no relationship is evident between liIetime cocaine use experience and blood pressure
in men or women. Results oI the CARDIA study thus suggest that liIetime cocaine use among Black and
White men and women aged 2032 years is not associated with higher blood pressure, higher heart rate, or
increased prevalence hypertension cross-sectionally in 1987 or 5 years later. ThereIore, cocaine-induced
cardiovascular events or cardiac myopathy in this age group may not be strongly related to changes in
cardiovascular disease risk Iactors, but may instead be related to cardiotoxicity only via its acute eIIects
|14,15,80|. It should be noted however that the cocaine use data Iound in the CARDIA study was based on
selI-reported substance use, whose validity and reliability is open to question. Also, it may be that the 5-year
evaluation period was insuIIicient to detect important cocaine-related changes in the studied cardiovascular
disease risk Iactors.
The rat model continues to be one oI the primary models oI choice Ior the study oI the cardiovascular eIIects
oI cocaine. Recently, the rat model has been utilized to study the acute and chronic eIIects oI cocaine selI-
administration behavior on cardiovascular Iunction |81|. When rats were selI-administered injections oI
cocaine 0.5 mg/kg there was a signiIicant increase in blood pressure. Tolerance developed to this eIIect within
3 daily sessions. During saline-substitution sessions, a signiIicant (p 0.05) decrease in blood pressure and
heart rate was observed. When the injected doses oI cocaine were increased (1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 mg/kg per
injection)a dramatic increase in blood pressure or heart rate was not produced despite a substantial cumulative
cocaine intake(2027 mg/kg). It has thus been hypothesized that operant-conditioned behavior and/or the
direct reinIorcing eIIects oI cocaine modulate the cardiovascular eIIects oI cocaine. The results oI the just
described study are in agreement with previous reports oI acute tolerance to cardiovascular actions oI cocaine
in humans and rats |82,83|.
The rat model is also being used to increase understanding oI the pharmacodynamic action oI cocaine. The
cardiovascular and behavioral eIIects oI cocaine may be intricately connected with respect to their
mechanisms oI origination |84|. Recent behavioral and cardiovascular data indicate that cocaine elicits two
distinct and temporally separable eIIects in conscious rats |84|. The Iirst involves a sodium-channel-
independent, monoamine eIIect
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oI a rapid onset. This consists oI a brieI and intense behavioral arousal associated with rapid and large
increases in blood pressure and heart rate, i.e., abrupt hemodynamic stimulation. The second eIIect appears to
be a dopamine-mediated response oI a slower onset, whereby cocaine exerts an inhibitory eIIect on dopamine
reuptake in the brain. This is maniIested by prolonged and parallel increases in blood pressure, heart rate, and
The rat model has also been used to study cocaine`s alterations in myocardial cell structure. Several studies
have indicated that cocaine is directly toxic to myocardial cells. Cocaine altered cellular structure, producing
intracellular vacuolization and pseudopodia in cultured cardiomyocytes |85|. These morphological alterations
occurred as early as 1 h aIter exposure to cocaine, and were Iollowed by a clear indicator oI cytotoxicity, that
being substantial leakage oI lactate dehydrogenase aIter 24 h oI treatment |85|. In rats chronically treated with
cocaine, alterations oI cardiac mitochondria were observed, such as mitochondrial swelling, and disruption oI
intramitochondrial cristae |86|. Furthermore, a recent study conducted in order to evaluate the eIIect oI
cocaine on mitochondrial Iunction in cultured rat myocardial cells showed that cocaine may exert cardiotoxic
eIIects by compromising cardiac mitochondrial Iunction since not only was cellular ATP Iound to be
decreased by cocaine, but cocaine was also shown to dissipate the membrane potential (the driving Iorce
behind oxidative phosphorylation) in a dose and time dependent manner |87|.
The alteration oI cardiac gene expression in cocaine-induced cardiomyopathy has recently been investigated
using a rat model |88|. SpeciIically, the eIIects oI acute as well as prolonged administration oI cocaine were
studied with respect to the transcription oI atrial natriuretic Iactor (ANF) mRNAs as a marker oI acute
mechanical overload |8991|. Acute and prolonged dosing with cocaine was also investigated with respect to
the encoding oI myosin heavy chain mRNAs as markers oI prolonged mechanical overload |90,9294|.
Additionally, the study also sought to determine the eIIect oI acute and prolonged administration oI cocaine in
terms oI the transcription oI type I and III procollagens as markers oI active Iibrosis |91,95|. The study Iound
that acute injection oI cocaine induced ANF gene expression. Cocaine treatment during 28 days resulted in leIt
ventricular hypertrophy (20 aIter 24 days) with normal blood pressure, associated with an accumulation oI
mRNAs encoding ANF and type I and III collagens (66 and 55). This chronic treatment also induced a
shiIt in myosin heavy chain gene expression( 40 and 50). Results Iurther showed that plasma levels oI
triiodothyronine and thyroxine were lowered. Thus cocaine activates markers oI both hemodynamic overload
and Iibrosis. Such an activation may result Irom direct and/or indirect eIIects oI the drug such as myocardial
ischemia, mechanical overload, and/or hypothyroidism.
In contrast to the rat model, use oI the mouse to study cardiotoxic eIIects oI cocaine is practically nonexistent.
A review oI the biomedical sciences literature indicates that only one study has even remotely attempted to
speciIically ascertain cocaine-induced cardiovascular changes in non-Ietal, non-embryonic mice.
That study sought to determine the eIIect oI cocaine on heart rate in Iour diIIerent inbred mouse strains |96|.
At the highest dose studied(15 mg/kg), cocaine actually induced a small decrease only in the heart rate oI the
C3H mice. This is in agreement with other studies that at high doses, cocaine`s anesthetic eIIects on the heart
predominate, resulting in a reduction in heart Iunction (see mechanisms review, iI needed). This study noted
that the strain oI mice (among the 4 tested)Iound to be most resistant to cocaine-induced changes in heart rate
was C57BL/6I.
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Supported by NIDA supplement to grant HL63667.
1 Pitts WR, Lange RA, Cigarroa JE, Hillis LD. Cocaine-induced myocardial ischemia and inIarction:
Pathophysiology, recognition, and management. Prog. Cardiovasc. Dis. 1997; 40(1): 6576.
2 Kloner RA, Hale S, Alker K, Rezkalla S. The eIIects oI acute and chronic cocaine use on the
heart. Circulation. 1992; 85: 407419.
3 Isner JM, Estes NA, Thompson PD et al. Acute cardiac events temporally related to cocaine abuse. N.
Engl. J. Med. 1986; 315: 14381443.
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Chapter 20
Mechanisms of cocaine cardiotoxicity
David Solkoff and Ronald R. Watson
Cocaine abuse induces coronary vasospasm |15|, myocardial inIarction |68|, hypertension |9,10|, stroke
|7,11|, and Iatal cardiac rhythm disorders, including ventricular Iibrillation |1215|. Chronic cocaine abuse
has also been shown to cause dilated cardiomyopathy |16,17|, and leIt ventricular hypertrophy in
normotensive cocaine users |1820|. It is only since modern electrocardiographic techniques have come into
widespread use that the eIIect oI cocaine on cardiac rhythm has been eIIectively studied. These techniques
were the Iirst to demonstrate that cocaine produced severe intractable ventricular arrhythmias that resulted in
death during routine nasal surgery |21|.
Cocaine Iunctions as a strong cardiac stimulant that potentiates the actions oI the sympathetic nervous system
by inhibiting both peripheral and central neuronal catecholamine uptake |2224|. The resulting changes in
cardiac autonomic neural balance may signiIicantly contribute to the Iormation oI arrhythmias, since increased
sympathetic activity reduces cardiac electrical stability, thus exposing the heart to ventricular Iibrillation
|25,26|. ThereIore parasympathetic activation may oppose these sympathetic eIIects and thereby protect
against cocaine induced malignant arrhythmias |22,23|. Also, high doses oI cocaine have caused signiIicant
reductions in heart rate variability, which serves as a marker oI cardiac vagal tone |27,28|. These changes were
shown to be increasingly pronounced during myocardial ischemia, when cocaine exacerbated the autonomic
response to a coronary artery occlusion |29|. Post cocaine, myocardial ischemia elicited a signiIicantly
enhanced tachycardia, resulting Irom both enhanced sympathetic activation and an increased withdrawal oI
parasympathetic tone. Thus cocaine-induced changes in autonomic control oI the heart play a critical role in
the development oI ventricular Iibrillation during myocardial ischemia.
The previously mentioned cocaine-induced accumulation oI catecholamines can hyperactivate o- and -
adrenergic receptors, thus provoking coronary vasospasm (myocardial inIarction and ischemia), increased
contractile Iorce resulting in increased metabolic demand and cardiac arrhythmias |1|. -Adrenergic receptor
antagonists have been shown to lessen many oI the hemodynamic eIIects oI cocaine |3033|. Therapeutic
doses oI propranolol blunt the pressor, positive inotropic, and heart rate responses to cocaine intoxication |34
36|. Propranolol has also reduced the number oI cardiac arrhythmias induced by programmed electrical
stimulation aIter intravenous cocaine |37|. However, propranolol Iailed to alter the toxic actions oI high doses
oI cocaine |38|. Furthermore, propranolol increased, rather than reduced, the Iatal eIIects oI large doses oI
cocaine |33,39|. The conIlicting data suggest that additional mechanisms are needed to Iully explain the
arrhythmogenic action oI cocaine.
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In the myocardium, there are a large number oI o-adrenergic receptors |40|. Activation oI these receptors
increases cardiac myocyte calcium levels, triggers a delayed aIter-depolarization, and induces ventricular
arrhythmias |40,41|. ThereIore, cocaine-linked increases in catecholamines, which activate o-adrenergic
receptors, may cause ventricular arrhythmias. This hypothesis has received support Irom a study showing that
prazosin, an o
-adrenergic receptor antagonist, signiIicantly lessened the incidence oI malignant arrhythmias
induced by a cocaine, exercise, plus ischemia test |42|. In the same study WB4101, an o
-adrenergic receptor
antagonist, prevented cocaine-provoked arrhythmias. Other studies have shown that paradoxically, the non-
selective o-adrenergic receptor antagonist phentolamine augmented, rather than suppressed, the cardiotoxic
properties oI cocaine |33,4344|. When examined wholistically, these data inIer that cocaine-induced
activation oI adrenergic receptors may be responsible Ior the disruption in cardiac electrical stability that
results in ventricular Iibrillation and induction oI malignant arrhythmias.
The previously discussed hyperactivation oI o- and -adrenergic post-synaptic receptors by cocaine-released
catecholamines causes increases in intracellular second messengers. These intracellular Iactors may be
responsible Ior the cellular events that trigger arrhythmias. Adenylate cyclase is activated when myocardial -
adrenergic receptors are stimulated, and this results in elevated cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)
levels. This has the eIIect oI increasing calcium entry and calcium release Irom cytosolic stores |45,46|.
Similarly, o-adrenergic receptors activate the inositol triphosphate second messenger cascade, which also
increases cytosolic calcium |45,47|. o
-adrenrgic receptor stimulates the breakdown oI phosphoinositides via
a pertussin toxin-sensitive G protein, thus stimulating calcium inIlux |48|. It has thereIore been postulated that
o- and -adrenergic receptor stimulation acts synergistically to increase calcium entry and cytosolic calcium
levels. This mechanism represents the end oI the pathway that begins with a cocaine-mediated elevation in
catecholamine release, and Iinishes with ventricular Iibrillation.
Cardiac arrhythmias result Irom abnormalities in impulse conduction, impulse generation, or both. Previous
studies have shown that these abnormalities may be caused by alterations in cellular calcium |4950|. They
have also demonstrated that cocaine raises intracellular calcium levels |51|, and that it also stimulates the
release oI calcium Irom the sarcoplasmic reticulum |52|. Furthermore, Kimura et al. |53| have described
cocaine`s ability to prolong action-potential duration and to induce aIter-depolarization, thus triggering
extrasystoles in isolated Ieline cardiomyocytes. They demonstrated that these oscillatory aIter-potentials were
enhanced by catecholamines and suppressed by the calcium channel antagonist verapamil. When compared
against those who suIIered drug-related deaths not involving cocaine, the heart oI individuals who experienced
acute Iatal cocaine cardiotoxicity displayed myocardial contraction bands more Irequently. These pathological
changes are thought to indicate abnormalities in calcium homeostasis |49,54|. Thus, it has been hypothesized
that interventions resulting in a reduction oI elevated cytosolic calcium levels may protect against cocaine-
linked ventricular Iibrillation. Experimental evidence supporting this hypothesis includes a study which Iound
that cocaine-induced ventricular Iibrillation was prevented in 8 oI 12 animals treated with the intracellular
calcium-speciIic chelator BAPTA-AM |43|. The drug also signiIicantly lessened both the pressor and
inotropic response to cocaine. Similarly, a number oI organic (verapamil, niIedipine, diltiazem, and
Ilunarizine) and inorganic (magnesium) calcium channel antagonists eliminated cocaine-provoked ventricular
Iibrillation |55|. These antagonists, by suppressing the cocaine-induced accumulation oI cytosolic calcium,
may prevent
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oscillatory changes in membrane potential, thus preventing the trigger Ior malignant arrhythmias.
In addition to its sympathomimetic actions, cocaine has potent local anasthetic properties |22,23|. Cocaine
blocks sodium channels, thus inhibiting action-potential generation and conduction in both nerve and cardiac
tissue. Cocaine causes depression oI Purkinje cell automaticity as well as depressed phase 0 oI the cardiac
action potential (the rapid upstroke due to sodium inIlux) |56|. Cocaine blocks a calcium dependent potassium
channel thereby delaying repolarization |57|. When tested on intact animal preparations in a dose dependent
manner, cocaine has been reported to increase QRS duration, prolong P-R interval, and increase the H-V
interval on His bundle recordings |29,5860|. For high doses oI cocaine, conduction block and asystole have
also been reported |15,61|. Similarly, cocaine inhibits potassium channels thus prolonging repolarization oI
isolated cardiac tissue |62|, lengthening the duration oI QT interval in intact animals |29,60|. The resulting
conduction delays and inhomogeneities oI repolarization may contribute to the Iormation oI arrhythmias
|63|. This inhomogeneity exists when excitability in one area oI the heart returns beIore adjacent areas have
repolarized Iully. ThereIore, the tissue that has remained in a depolarized state longer than the surrounding
tissue may act to reexcite the Iully repolarized regions and generate a premature impulse. This inhomogeneity
oI repolarization has been reported Ior a variety oI local anesthetics |64| and plays an important role in the
induction oI ventricular Iibrillation |63|. These observations suggest that the local anesthetic properties oI
cocaine may also contribute to the Iormation oI malignant arrhythmias. With respect to the heart, the local
anesthetic eIIects oI cocaine are quite obvious Iollowing the administration oI large doses oI the drug.
These local anesthetic properties may also negatively aIIect cardiac mechanical Iunction. High doses oI
cocaine can exert a direct depression oI myocardial perIormance thereby contributing to its cardiovascular
mortality |65|. Fraker et al. |66| Iound signiIicant reductions in regional leIt ventricular ejection Iraction (as
measured by two-dimensional echocardiography) Iollowing the administration oI a large dose oI cocaine (4
mg/kg) to either conscious or pentobarbitol anesthetized instrumented dogs. Similar studies have shown that
cocaine inIusions caused signiIicant declines in the index oI contractility known as leIt ventricular dP/dT
|65,67|. This depression was partly normalized by niIedipine, a potent coronary vasodilator, suggesting that
the declines in mechanical Iunction may partially result Irom cocaine-induced reductions in coronary
In addition to its actions on cardiac muscle, cocaine can indirectly aIIect cardiac electrophysiological and
mechanical properties by inIluencing the coronary vasculature. In approximately one-third oI the patients
studied (myocardial inIarction cases resulting Irom the recreational use oI cocaine) the inIarction victims
possessed normal coronary vessels. The investigators concluded that the cocaine-induced myocardial
inIarction in these individuals probably involved adrenergically mediated increases in myocardial oxygen
consumption and vasoconstriction oI the coronary vessels. Thus, the increased release oI catecholamines
during cocaine intoxication, and the resulting activation oI o-adrenergic receptors located on coronary vascular
smooth muscle, may be responsible Ior a powerIul vasoconstriction. Many oI the Iatal consequences oI
cocaine, including ventricular arrhythmias, may thereIore arise secondarily Irom the resulting myocardial
ischemia and inIarction. Several previous studies Iurther demonstrate the coronary vasoconstrictive eIIects oI
cocaine |6874|. Cocaine produces a dose-dependent vasoconstriction oI the coronary vasculature in intact
dogs and conscious rats. These actions were prevented by calcium
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channel antagonists |67|, and o-adrenergic receptor blockade |71,72|. Vascular actions oI cocaine may create
an imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply (coronary vasoconstriction) and oxygen demand (increased
heart rate, arterial pressure, and inotropic state), thus increasing the likelihood oI ischemic events and the
associated reduction in cardiac electrical stability and mechanical perIormance. It is interesting to note that the
deleterious eIIects oI cocaine on myocardial oxygen supply and demand are exacerbated by concomitant
cigarette smoking |75|. This combination markedly increases the metabolic requirement oI the heart Ior
oxygen but simultaneously decreases the diameter oI diseased coronary arterial segments. As to whether
ethanol exacerbates the cardiotoxic properties oI cocaine, it has been reported that the combination oI
intranasal cocaine and intravenous ethanol causes an increase in the determinants oI myocardial oxygen
demand. At the same time, however, it also increases epicardial coronary arterial diameter |76|.
Supported by NIDA supplements to grant HL63667.
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Chapter 21
Alcohol and reflex regulation of the cardiovascular
Abdel A. Abdel-Rahman
There is considerable epidemiological evidence that suggests a positive relationship between ethanol
consumption and arterial blood pressure |15|. However, the mechanism by which ethanol elevates blood
pressure is not known. We have perIormed a number oI studies to test the hypothesis that ethanol-associated
hypertension may be a consequence oI ethanol-evoked attenuation oI baroreIlex activity. Our earlier Iindings
in animals |68| were the Iirst to describe the eIIect oI ethanol on the baroreIlex mediated bradycardic
response. An earlier clinical study showed that moderate amounts oI ethanol enhanced the reIlex tachycardic
response triggered by the Valsalva maneuver and body tilt |9|. This eIIect oI ethanol was observed in the
absence oI any change in blood pressure and in spite oI an increased basal heart rate |9|. In this chapter, we
will discuss the acute and chronic eIIects oI ethanol on baroreIlex activity in normotensive humans and rats.
Furthermore, based on our data and reported Iindings, we will identiIy the major neuroanatomical targets Ior
ethanol action on baroreIlexes and discuss a pivotal role Ior ethanol-evoked inhibition oI glutamatergic
neurotransmission in its depressant action on baroreIlexes.
The baroreceptor heart rate response, which has been used in experimental and clinical studies |7,1016| has
provided deIinitive evidence that this reIlex response is attenuated in the hypertensive state |15,16|. More
importantly, this attenuation precedes and may contribute to the development oI some Iorms oI hypertension
including ethanol-induced hypertension |7,8,1719|. Assessment oI the baroreceptor heart rate response can be
made either by the ramp or by the steady state method |14|. As discussed below, most oI the reported Iindings
on the eIIect oI ethanol on baroreIlexes were based on the ramp method.
Moderate amounts (0.11 g/kg) oI ethanol administered to anesthetized |6,2023| or conscious |2426| rats
caused little iI any change in baseline blood pressure. However, the associated heart rate response depended on
the route oI administration and varied Irom no change, Iollowing i.v. administration, to dose-related increases,
Iollowing oral or i.p. administration |7,20,22,27|. It is imperative to note that the eIIects oI ethanol on
baroreIlex sensitivity were investigated in the absence oI signiIicant changes in baseline blood pressure, which
rules out a potential conIounding Iactor Ior data interpretation. The Iirst Iinding that
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demonstrated a dose-related inhibition in baroreIlex sensitivity was obtained in anesthetized rats |22|.
Subsequent studies replicated this Iinding in conscious rats |26,28,29| and, thereIore, ruled out the possibility
that an additive or synergistic interaction between ethanol and the anesthetic contributed to the observed
attenuation oI baroreIlex activity. Nonetheless, it seems that an interaction between ethanol and the anesthetic
agent aIIected the responsiveness oI vascular o
-adrenergic receptor. In anesthetized rats, ethanol caused a
signiIicant rightward shiIt in the dosepressor response curve constructed with phenylephrine, which
suggested that ethanol exhibits alpha-receptor blocking activity |23|. Notably, this eIIect oI ethanol was absent
in conscious rats |22,26| and in normotensive humans |27|, which supports the notion that anesthesia alters the
eIIects oI ethanol on vascular reactivity.
It is important to highlight the clinical relevance oI our Iindings, which pertained to ethanol-evoked
attenuation oI the baroreIlex sensitivity. ThereIore, we investigated the eIIects oI moderate amounts (0.5, 1
and 1.5 g/kg) oI ethanol on baseline blood pressure and heart rate as well as on the baroreIlex-mediated
bradycardia in young human volunteers |27|. While none oI the doses oI ethanol signiIicantly aIIected
baseline blood pressure, a dose-related increase in heart rate was evident |27|. These Iindings are compatible
with reported observations |9,31|. The Iindings demonstrated, Ior the Iirst time, that ethanol caused a dose-
related attenuation oI the baroreIlex-mediated bradycardia when the ramp (bolus) method was used |27|. On
the other hand, when the steady-state (inIusion) method was used, the baroreIlex sensitivity (slope oI the
relationship between evoked increases in blood pressure and heart rate responses) was not inIluenced by
ethanol |27|. Nonetheless, it was noted that the baroreIlex curve generated aIter ethanol was shiIted to the
right, which suggested resetting oI baroreceptors by ethanol |27|. Interestingly, the magnitude oI resetting,
expressed as a shiIt in MAP
, was related to blood ethanol concentration |27|. Together these Iindings
suggest the Iollowing. First, the eIIect oI ethanol on baroreIlex sensitivity depends on the method oI
measurement oI the reIlex response. Since, the baroreIlex-evoked heart rate response observed Iollowing
abrupt increases in blood pressure (the ramp method) reIlects the vagal contribution more than does the steady
state method |11,14|, the Iindings suggest that ethanol attenuates the cardiac vagal component |27|. The
Iindings oI more recent studies, which employed power spectral analysis, |3135| support this conclusion.
Second, the similarity between the Iindings in humans and earlier Iindings in rats support the appropriateness
oI the rat as a model Ior mechanistic studies on the eIIects oI ethanol on baroreceptor Iunction.
In this series oI experiments, we addressed the question whether ethanol-evoked attenuation oI the baroreIlex
bradycardic response is dependent on either or both sets oI the baroreceptor aIIerents. In the Iirst study,
bilateral transection oI the aortic nerves in the cervical region,
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Figure 21.1 Bar graphs showing that ethanol (0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 g/kg) produces graded
decreases in regression coeIIicient (baroreIlex slopes; beats/min/mmHg) in SO, but
not in aortic barodenervated (ABD) rats. Values are expressed as mean + S.E.M.; *p
0.05 compared to base-line value. Number oI rats in each group is shown in
parentheses; with permission |28|.
or sham operation, was conducted under methohexital anesthesia. Post-operative care was perIormed as
described in accordance with the institutional guidelines |28|. Following a 23 day recovery, the baroreIlex
sensitivity was signiIicantly attenuated in aortic denervated as compared with sham operated rats |28|. As in
our previous studies |21,22|, ethanol caused a dose-related attenuation oI the baroreIlex-mediated bradycardia
in sham operated rats (Figure 21.1) |28|. However, such an eIIect oI ethanol was absent in aortic
barodenervated rats (Figure 21.1). These Iindings suggest that ethanol selectively acts on the aortic baroreIlex
arc to depress the baroreIlex-mediated bradycardia in intact rats |28|. It was important to consider the
possibility that consequent changes in body Iunctions caused by aortic
Figure 21.2 BaroreIlex curves relating decreases in HR to PE-induced elevations in
BP obtained in conscious Ireely moving ABD or SO rats beIore and aIter i.
v. administration oI an anesthetizing dose oI pentobarbital (30 mg/kg). In either
group, pentobarbital produced a downward shiIt in the curve as evident by a
reduction in the regression coeIIicient (baroreIlex slope; inset). Values are expressed
as mean + S.E.M.; *p 0.05 compared to prepentobarbital values (ANOVA).
Number oI rats in each group is shown in parentheses; with permission |28|.
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barodenervation may have contributed to the lack oI ethanol action on baroreIlexes in this animal model. An
expected eIIect oI aortic barodenervation is the increase in blood pressure, which we observed while the rats
were under anesthesia and Ior the Iollowing 24 hrs aIter recovery |28|. II it persisted, a higher blood pressure
in aortic barodenervated rats may have conIounded the data interpretation. However, by 4872 hrs aIter
barodenervation, the time at which the eIIect oI ethanol was investigated, blood pressure had subsided to
control levels |28|.
Another possibility that needed to be considered was the signiIicantly lower baseline baroreIlex sensitivity in
aortic barodenervated rats, which persisted even aIter blood pressure subsided to control levels |28|. The
depressant eIIect oI ethanol on baroreIlex sensitivity may be obscured by the lower baseline BRS value, which
may not be lowered any more by any intervention. To address this issue, an anesthetizing dose oI pentobarbital
was administered to aortic barodenervated and control rats. As shown in Figure 21.2, pentobarbital depressed
the baroreIlex sensitivity to a similar degree in both preparations |28|. These results ruled out the low
baroreIlex sensitivity, in aortic barodenervated rats, as a cause Ior the absence oI ethanol action. ThereIore, the
results oI this investigation, in conscious rats, suggest a major role Ior the aortic baroreceptors in the ethanol-
evoked attenuation oI baroreIlex sensitivity |28|.
Figure 21.3 The eIIect oI ethanol (1 g/kg) on baroreIlex curves relating changes in
HR to rises in BP evoked by PE in conscious unrestrained CBD and SO rats. Note
that ethanol, but not saline, causes a signiIicant (*p 0.05, ANOVA) downward
shiIt in the baroreIlex curves in both groups oI rats as compared to pre-ethanol
values. Values shown are the regression coeIIicients oI baroreIlex curves in beats
per minute per millimeter oI mercury; the number oI rats in each group is shown in
parentheses; with permission |29|.
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Figure 21.4 Bar graphs showing the capacity oI ethanol (1 g/kg) to produce a
signiIicant reduction in the regression coeIIicient (baroreIlex slopes; beats/min/
mmHg) oI PE-baroreIlex curves. Values are expressed as mean + S.E.M.; # and *p
0.05 compared to base-line and aIter-saline values, respectively. CBD, carotid
barodenervation. The number oI rats in each group is shown in parentheses; with
permission |29|.
Direct evidence was sought to Iurther support the pivotal role oI the aortic baroaIIerents in ethanol-evoked
attenuation oI baroreIlex mediated bradycardia. In this study, the rats were subjected to carotid
barodenervation and the aortic nerves were leIt intact |29|. Similar pressor and tachycardic responses to those
observed Iollowing aortic barodenervation were obtained during the Iirst 24hr |28,29|. These hemodynamic
responses subsided to control levels by 23 days aIter carotid barodenervation but the baroreIlex sensitivity
remained signiIicantly attenuated |29|. In eIIect, the latter was similar in magnitude to the level obtained in
aortic barodenervated rats |28,29|. In support oI the hypothesis, ethanol attenuated the baroreIlex sensitivity in
carotid barodenervated rats in spite oI the low basal value (Figures 21.3, 21.4) |29|. Taken together, these
Iindings provide evidence that implicates the aortic baroreceptors and their projections in the depressant action
oI ethanol oI baroreceptor-mediated bradycardia |28,29|.
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We have previously shown that systemically administered ethanol attenuated the bradycardic and depressor
responses to stimulation oI the aortic nerve in sinaortic denervated rats |36|. These Iindings provided indirect
evidence oI a possible ethanol-evoked impairment oI the central pathways that mediate the baroreceptor reIlex
control oI heart rate. In a subsequent study, we examined the eIIects oI microinjection oI ethanol in some CNS
sites that are possibly involved in the baroreceptor reIlex arc |20|. Since our previous Iindings also showed
that systemic ethanol administration augmented preganglionic sympathetic discharge |21|, we expanded our
study to include the eIIects oI centrally administered ethanol on the baroreceptor reIlex control oI heart rate
and sympathetic eIIerent discharge |20|. In this latter study, we identiIied the potential sites within the CNS at
which ethanol may inIluence cardiovascular variables controlled by baroreceptor reIlexes |20|. We initially
chose the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) because we have already shown that systemic ethanol administration
attenuated baroreceptor reIlex activity and because the NTS is the Iirst relay station in the baroreceptor reIlex
arc. The amounts oI ethanol microinjected were based on calculations oI the amount oI ethanol expected to
reach this area aIter systemic injection oI 0.33, 0.66, and 1 g/kg ethanol, which were administered systemically
in our previous studies |22,23,28|. Further, we microinjected ethanol into the anterior and posterior
hypothalamus and the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) to determine iI the eIIects oI ethanol were
speciIic to one or more oI these areas |20|.
Microinjection oI either artiIicial CSF or ethanol into the NTS, DMV, posterior hypothalamus, or RVLM did
not cause any change in baseline MAP or heart rate |20|. The only change was a 30 and 40 increase in
sympathetic eIIerent discharge that occurred at 12 and 20 minutes, respectively, aIter microinjection oI ethanol
into the RVLM |20|. Further, a 15 mmHg increase in MAP associated with a corresponding increase in
sympathetic eIIerent discharge when ethanol was microinjected into the anterior hypothalamus |20|. This
eIIect oI ethanol was related to the distance Irom the bregma where ethanol was injected |20|. Microinjection
oI 5.5, 11, or 16 g ethanol into the NTS produced a dose-related attenuation oI the baroreceptor heart rate
response but had no eIIect on the reIlex response oI the sympathetic eIIerent discharge to baroreceptor
activation |20|. Thus, Ior a comparable rise in MAP evoked by phenylephrine, the reIlex decrease in heart rate
was signiIicantly smaller aIter ethanol |20|. Microinjection oI artiIicial CSF into the NTS had no eIIect on the
reIlex responses oI heart rate and sympathetic eIIerent discharge |20| eliminating the possibility that the
changes observed were volume related. To eliminate the possibility that the observed changes were due to
leakage oI ethanol Irom the NTS or DMV, 16 g ethanol was microinjected 0.5 mm lateral to the NTS/DMV
complex. Ethanol microinjection outside oI the NTS had no eIIect on the baroreceptor reIlex variables |20|.
Routine histological veriIication oI the site oI injection showed that the DMV was stained by the dye
microinjected into the NTS |20|. Because oI the close proximity oI the NTS to the DMV and because the
DMV contributes to the control oI central vagal tone, we decided to investigate the eIIect oI low doses (6.4 g)
oI ethanol in the DMV. This dose produced a greater inhibition oI the baroreceptor heart rate response than did
the dose oI 16 g in the NTS |20|. This eIIect was solely due to ethanol since an equivalent volume oI
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artiIicial CSF had no eIIect on the baroreceptor reIlex control oI heart rate. Ethanol microinjected into the
DMV had no eIIect on the baroreceptor reIlex control oI sympathetic eIIerent discharge similar to the results
obtained when ethanol was administered into the NTS |20|. Similar Iindings were obtained when ethanol (6.4
g) was microinjected into the RVLM. However, the inhibition oI baroreceptor reIlex-mediated bradycardia
was much less than that obtained aIter microinjection oI the same amount into the DMV (90 vs. 62,
respectively). Finally, microinjection oI 16 g ethanol into the anterior or the posterior hypothalamus had no
eIIect on baroreceptor reIlex control oI heart rate or sympathetic eIIerent discharge |20|.
Ethanol microinjected into the RVLM also attenuated the baroreceptor heart rate response but did not aIIect
baroreceptor reIlex control oI sympathetic eIIerent discharge. These data suggest the involvement oI the
RVLM in the baroreceptor reIlex-mediated bradycardia observed aIter systemic administration oI ethanol
|20,26,28,29|. Injection oI ethanol into the anterior and posterior hypothalamus had no eIIect on baroreceptor
reIlex-mediated bradycardia. However, ethanol injection into the anterior, but not the posterior hypothalamus,
was associated with a modest but signiIicant increase in baseline MAP, which was associated with an
excitatory eIIect on sympathetic eIIerent discharge |20|. These data highlight the anterior hypothalamus as the
possible site oI action oI enhanced sympathetic eIIerent activity observed aIter systemic ethanol administration
|36|. This Iinding is consistent with a pressor eIIect oI ethanol oI central origin |20|. It is interesting that the
eIIect oI ethanol on baroreceptor reIlex-mediated bradycardia was speciIic to the medullary areas (NTS,
DMV, and the RVLM). However, since the baroreceptor reIlex control oI sympathetic eIIerent discharge was
not altered by ethanol |20|, the data suggest that the baroreceptor reIlex-mediated bradycardia did not involve
signiIicant changes in the sympathetic component oI the reIlex. ThereIore, this eIIect oI ethanol is mediated at
the NTS, the DMV, or the RVLM, or on interneurons that connect the areas and seems to involve the eIIerent
vagal component.
The selective action oI ethanol on baroreceptor reIlex control oI heart rate deserves a comment. First, leakage
oI ethanol to the DMV and nucleus ambiguous, which control central vagal tone, may explain the eIIect oI
ethanol on heart rate responses. However, the Iinding that ethanol increased sympathetic eIIerent discharge
aIter its administration into the anterior hypothalamus indicates its ability to interact with central sympathetic
structures as well. Second, it is possible that ethanol attenuates the baroreceptor reIlex control oI sympathetic
activity in some sympathetic nerves and not in others |20|. Other investigators have shown that the
baroreceptor reIlex control oI splanchnic nerve activity was preserved while that oI renal nerve activity was
impaired under the same conditions |37,38|. Third, the selective eIIect oI ethanol may suggest that potentially
diIIerent physiological processes be involved in the baroreceptor reIlex control oI heart rate and sympathetic
eIIerent discharge. These processes include transmitters or cotransmitters (e.g., glutamate and norepinephrine),
diIIerent receptors or subreceptor mechanisms, or a combination oI both. Finally, the results rule out the
possibility that ethanol-evoked nonspeciIic cell damage contributed to the observed eIIect. However, our data
could not determine whether ethanol acted on the cell bodies or the Iibers oI passage. The excitatory amino
acid, L-glutamate, has been shown to have a selective eIIect on cell bodies and not Iibers oI passage. Since an
ethanol eIIect was observed in those areas in which the excitatory amino acid L-glutamate produced the
expected cardiovascular responses, we believe that the eIIect oI ethanol is on cell bodies in the areas studied
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The Iollowing experiments addressed two questions that pertained to the hypothesis that ethanol impairs BRS
by blockade oI EAA receptors in the lower brainstem. First, does systemic administration oI ethanol
concomitantly attenuate the BRS and the hemodynamic responses elicited by L-glutamate microinjected into
the brainstem nuclei? Second, does ethanol-evoked attenuation oI BRS involve an interaction with the NMDA
receptor in the NTS? Evidence suggests selectivity oI ethanol toward NMDA receptors |39,40|. ThereIore, in
this study we examined the eIIects oI systemic and intra-NTS ethanol administration on NMDA and non-
NMDA mediated hemodynamic responses and on BRS in anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats |30|.
The base-line MAP and HR Ior all ethanol- and vehicle-treated groups were similar |30|. The site oI
microinjection within the NTS was chemically identiIied at the beginning oI each experiment by
microinjection oI a test dose oI L-glutamate (2 nmol). Depressor responses oI 20 to 40 mmHg were obtained
when the micropipette was placed in the caudal or intermediate regions oI the NTS, which was conIirmed by
post-mortem histological veriIication |30|. The hemodynamic responses evoked by ethanol varied and
depended on the dose used and the route oI administration. Systemic ethanol (0.1 g/kg) had no inIluence on
MAP but slightly increased the HR |30|. A higher dose, (1 g/kg) oI ethanol, modestly increased MAP and
decreased HR |30|. Intra-NTS ethanol (10 g) had no eIIect on MAP
Figure 21.5 EIIect oI ethanol on depressor and bradycardic responses elicited by
unilateral microinjection oI graded doses oI NMDA into the NTS oI urethane-
anesthetized rats. Ethanol was administered either into the NTS (10 g, leIt panels)
or systematically (1 g/kg, right panels). The values are expressed as the mean + S.E.
M. *and= p 0.05 (ANOVA) compared with corresponding pre-ethanol and aIter-
vehicle (ACSF or saline) values, respectively. The number oI rats in each group is
shown in parentheses; with permission |30|.
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or HR |20,30|. The blood ethanol concentration measured 10 min aIter i.v. administration oI 0.1 and 1.0 g/kg
oI ethanol was 14.7 + 2.8 and 174.2 + 16.8 mg/dl, respectively |30|.
We tested the hypothesis that ethanol attenuates the BRS by selective blockade oI the NMDA receptor in the
NTS. Our studies, thereIore, sought evidence to determine whether doses oI ethanol that attenuate BRS also
selectively attenuate the hemodynamic responses elicited by NMDA microinjected into the NTS. Reported
studies have implicated the EAA receptors in the NTS in BRS modulation |4143|. The doses oI ethanol used
Ior systemic and intra-NTS administration have attenuated BRS in reported studies |28,29,44|. The results oI
this study showed that systemic administration oI ethanol depressed the BRS and attenuated the hemodynamic
responses elicited by NMDA (Figure 21.5) and non-NMDA agonists but the eIIect was more evident on
NMDA-mediated responses |30|. Three Iindings established a link between ethanol-evoked attenuation oI
BRS and its selective blockade oI NMDA receptors in the NTS. First, intra-NTS ethanol attenuated BRS and
the hemodynamic responses elicited by NMDA but not non-NMDA (kainic acid or AMPA) agonists (Figures
21.6, 21.7). Second, intra-NTS microinjection oI the selective NMDA antagonist, AP-5, elicited similar eIIects
to those evoked by ethanol on BRS and the hemodynamic responses evoked by NMDA |30|. Third, a small
dose oI ethanol (0.1 g/kg i.v.) that had no eIIect on BRS did not inIluence the hemodynamic responses elicited
by NMDA |30|. The depressant eIIect oI systemically administered ethanol on BRS was associated with an
attenuation oI the depressor and bradycardic responses elicited by microinjection oI NMDA and non-NMDA
agonists into the NTS. These Iindings implicate the EAA receptors in the NTS in the depressant eIIect oI
ethanol on BRS |30|. However, because ethanol was administered systemically, it was not possible to
determine whether the ethanol-evoked attenuation oI BRS and the hemodynamic responses to EAA were
linked and involved local glutamatergic pathways in the NTS. The possibility had to be considered that the
actions oI ethanol on other brain areas |45| might have contributed to these eIIects. The Iinding that intra-NTS
ethanol caused a signiIicant attenuation oI the BRS (Figure 21.7) suggests that the NTS is involved, at least
partly, in this action oI ethanol |30|. Furthermore, the concomitant reductions by intra-NTS ethanol oI the
BRS and the NMDA but not on non-NMDA mediated responses (Figures 21.6, 21.7) implicated the NMDA
receptor in the depressant eIIect oI ethanol on BRS |30|. This notion was supported by the observation that the
selective blockade oI NMDA receptor by intra-NTS AP-5 attenuated BRS and the hemodynamic responses
elicited by NMDA but not L-glutamate |30|. It is important to note that the enhancement oI GABA receptor-
mediated responses in the NTS is also involved in the depressant eIIect oI ethanol the BRS |44|. It is possible
that ethanol induced inhibition oI BRS involves an interaction between glutamatergic and GABAergic
pathways. Consistent with this view is the Iinding that ethanol-mediated attenuation oI BRS was associated
with opposite changes in GABA (enhancement) and L-glutamate (attenuation)-mediated neuronal responses in
the rostral ventrolateral medulla |45|. Nevertheless, the nature oI such an interaction remains to be elucidated.
Reported studies including our own that dealt with the identiIication oI the neuroanatomical sites oI ethanol
action on baroreIlexes and the role oI the NMDA receptor in this action oI
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Figure 21.6 Bar graphs showing the depressant eIIects oI ethanol (i.v., 1 g/kg; intra-
NTS, 10 g) or respective vehicle (saline, i.v.; ACSF, intra-NTS) treatment on
hemodynamic responses elicited by NMDA (25 pmol) and non-NMDA (kainate, 3
pmol and AMPA, 1 pmol (expressed as the percent reduction in these responses
compared with pretreatment responses. The values are the means + S.E.M. * and # p
0.05 (ANOVA) compared with corresponding vehicle and NMDA (aIter ethanol)
values, respectively; with permission |30|.
ethanol were undertaken in anesthetized rats |20,30,4446|. Because anesthesia alters glutamatergic
neurotransmission and attenuates baroreIlexes |28,47|, it was imperative to rule out the possibility that the
interpretation oI our previous Iindings |20,30| was not conIounded by the presence oI anesthesia. Two studies
were perIormed to address this issue. We investigated the eIIects oI ethanol microinjection into the rostral
ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) on the glutamatergic modulation oI baroreIlexes in conscious rats |24|. An
important Iinding oI our studies was the clear cause-and-eIIect relationship between the level oI the
glutamatergic neurotransmission in the RVLM and baroreIlex sensitivity |24,48|. We demonstrated that intra-
RVLM microinjection oI the selective NMDA antagonist AP-5 produces signiIicant reductions oI the
hemodynamic responses elicited by NMDA microinjection into the same site and the baroreIlex sensitivity
|24|. Furthermore, simultaneous enhancements oI glutamatergic neurotransmission and baroreIlex activity
were caused by the inhibition oI L-glutamate uptake with p-chloromercuriphenylsulphonic acid (PCMS)
|24,48|. ThereIore, this model system allowed us to investigate the eIIects oI ethanol on the glutamatergic
(NMDA) neurotransmission and baroreIlex sensitivity at the basal as well as the stimulated conditions. The
Iinding that intra-RVLM ethanol attenuated the baroreIlex sensitivity and the NMDA-evoked hemodynamic
responses |24| conIirms and extends our previous Iindings on similar eIIects in the NTS oI anesthetized rats
|30|. Equally important, we demonstrated, Ior the Iirst time, that intra-RVLM ethanol counteracted the
enhancements oI the glutamatergic neurotransmission in the RVLM and the baroreIlex
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Figure 21.7 Bar graphs showing the depressant eIIect oI ethanol on BRS (A/HR/
AMAP) tested by i.v. PE (16 g/kg) in urethane-anesthetized rats. Ethanol was
administered either unilaterally into the NTS (10 g) or systemically (0.1 or 1.0 g/
kg). The values are expressed as the mean + S.E.M. * and # p 0.05 (ANOVA)
compared with corresponding pre-ethanol and aIter intra-NTS ethanol values,
respectively; with permission |30|.
sensitivity caused by the L-glutamate uptake blocker PCMS |24|. Together, these Iindings provide direct
evidence that implicates the NMDA receptor in the RVLM in ethanol-evoked attenuation oI the baroreIlex
sensitivity |24|. This evidence was obtained, Ior the Iirst time, in conscious unrestrained rats in the absence oI
the conIounding eIIects oI anesthesia |45,46|.
Our earlier studies Iocused on the role oI the brainstem EAA receptors in the depressant action oI ethanol on
baroreIlex sensitivity. Notably, ethanol gains access to all brain areas and may interact with diIIerent neuronal
signaling pathways. ThereIore, we sought evidence to support the hypothesis that ethanol-vasopressin (AVP)
interaction in the area postrema (AP) may contribute to the ethanol-evoked attenuation oI the baroreIlex
sensitivity |25|. The Iollowing Iindings provided the basis Ior this hypothesis: (i) Vasopressin, even when
administered systemically, activates neurons in the AP and causes enhancement oI baroreIlexes |49,50|; (ii)
Ethanol inhibits AVP release |51,52| and some oI its neurobiological actions |53|. ThereIore, the Iollowing
experiments were undertaken in conscious unrestrained rats to determine iI ethanol microinjection into the AP
will selectively inhibits the baroreIlex sensitivity measured by AVP |25|. Appropriate control groups were
included to support the selectivity oI ethanol-AVP interaction and to rule out the possibility that ethanol
diIIusion to the anatomically close NTS contributed to ethanol action. The data showed that intra-AP ethanol
(10 g) attenuated the baroreIlex sensitivity measured by AVP but not by phenylephrine |25|. Further, the
eIIect oI ethanol on AP neurons was replicated by a selective AVP antagonist and histological and Iunctional
evidence limited the action oI ethanol on AVP neurons to the AP |25|. These results highlight a new
neurobiological action oI ethanol that may contribute to its deleterious eIIects on central structures that control
blood pressure and cardiovascular reIlexes |25|.
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Very Iew studies dealt with the acute eIIects oI ethanol on cardiovascular reIlexes in the Iemale population.
Even when Iemale subjects were included |27|, the small sample size did not permit conclusions oI whether
the action oI ethanol on baroreIlexes is sexually dimorphic. Our recent studies have demonstrated that ethanol
causes a dose-related attenuation oI baroreIlex-mediated bradycardia in Iemale rats |54|, even though the
baseline baroreIlex sensitivity was signiIicantly lower in Iemale rats compared with age-matched male rats
|55|. These Iindings suggest that ethanol-evoked attenuation oI the baroreIlex-mediated bradycardia is
independent oI gender |54|. Interestingly, ethanol-evoked attenuation oI the baroreIlex sensitivity was
abolished in ovariectomized rats |54|. These latter Iindings suggest the dependence oI ethanol action on the
ovarian hormones |54|. Whether ethanol interacts with estrogen or progesterone to attenuate the baroreIlex
sensitivity in Iemale rats remains to be investigated.
Ethanol causes a dose-dependent attenuation oI baroreIlex sensitivity in both genders. The Iindings in rats are
consistent with clinical Iindings, which makes the rat an appropriate model Ior studies intended to delineate
the mechanisms that underlie the depressant action oI ethanol on baroreIlexes. Our results provided evidence
that suggests that ethanol interaction with the aortic baroreceptors or their central projections contributes to its
depressant action on baroreIlexes. We have identiIied the neuroanatomical targets Ior ethanol action on
baroreIlexes to be mainly located in the brainstem. In addition, we have established a causal role Ior the
disruption oI the glutamatergic (NMDA) neurotransmission in the nucleus tractus solitarius and the rostral
ventrolateral medulla in the depressant action oI ethanol on baroreIlexes. Another potential central site is the
area postrema in which ethanol selectively counteracts the Iacilitatory action oI vasopressin on baroreIlex
sensitivity. Finally, ethanol-evoked attenuation oI the baroreIlex-mediated bradycardia in Iemale rats involves
its interaction with the ovarian hormones or their receptors. The Iindings reported in this chapter have clinical
signiIicance because our earlier studies have suggested that the attenuation oI baroreIlex activity seems to be a
predisposing Iactor in ethanol-evoked hypertension.
Supplemented by NIH grants AA07839 and AA10257. The author thanks Ms. Barbara Davis and Ms. Rani
Vadlamudi Ior their excellent technical assistance.
MAP mean arterial pressure
HR heart rate
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BRS baroreIlex sensitivity
AP area postrema
NTS nucleus tractus solitarius
RVLM rostral ventrolateral medulla
CSF cerebrospinal Iluid
DMV dorsal motor nucleus oI the vagus
EAA excitatory amino acid
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Chapter 22
Alcohol`s accentuation of AIDS` nutritional and
immune damage, a cofactor in heart disease
R. Tomas Sepulveda and Ronald R. Watson
InIection with Human ImmunodeIiciency Virus (HIV) results, in the vast majority oI cases, in the
development oI the Acquired Immune DeIiciency Syndrome (AIDS). A great number oI papers have been
published that analyze the aIIect oI alcohol consumption on numerous aspects oI HIV inIection. Some oI the
questions examined have been: alcohol use and the likelihood oI sexual practices with high risk behavior Ior
HIV inIection; alcohol consumption and susceptibility to HIV inIection; and alcohol consumption and disease
progression in HIV inIected persons |1|. Also, the eIIect that micronutrient deIiciency has on immune system
development and viral disease progression is well known. In this chapter, we will examine a diIIerent
question: are the inIluences oI ethanol and micronutrients on HIV inIection merely deIined and distinct or do
they interact together to produce additive and/or synergistic eIIects on the immune system? Early studies in
vitro have shown that addition oI alcohol to lymphocyte cell cultures corresponding to intoxication levels in
vivo signiIicantly suppress the proliIeration oI HIV recombinant antigens |2|. Interestingly enough, the study
also indicates that while high levels oI ethanol will suppress proliIeration oI lymphocytes in healthy
individuals, it does not have the same eIIect in lymphocytes Irom AIDS patients. Lower levels oI ethanol
(EtOH) will suppress proliIeration oI lymphocytes Irom AIDS patients |2|. Studies have shown that
micronutrient deIiciencies are common during HIV inIection. InsuIIicient dietary intake, malabsorption,
diarrhea, excessive urinary secretion, impaired storage and altered metabolism oI micronutrients can
contribute to the development oI these deIiciencies. Low plasma or serum levels oI vitamins A, E, B6, B12
and C, carotenoids, Se, and Zn are common in many HIV-inIected populations. The eIIect oI micronutrient
deIiciencies is clearly seen in the increase in oxidative stress and this in turn may contribute to the
pathogenesis oI HIV inIection. Low levels or intakes oI micronutrients such as vitamins A, E, B6 and B12, Zn
and Se have been associated with a poor prognosis in the symptomology and progression oI HIV inIection,
and new studies are emerging which suggest that micronutrient supplementation may help reduce the
morbidity and mortality oI patients suIIering Irom this disease.
NK cells are important because they play a role in natural immunity against tumor and inIected cells. In Iact,
advanced aging is associated with Iunctional impairment oI NK cells
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and increased susceptibility to nutritional deIiciencies. Studies Irom human and experimental animals have
proven that EtOH acts as a co-carcinogen, and suppression oI the immune system has been considered as one
mechanism by which EtOH could increase the incidence or progression oI cancers |3|, like Kaposi`s sarcoma.
A recent report regarding HIV-related cancers compared cancer incidences in Zimbabwe, AIrica between
19901992 to those in 19931995. It showed an increase in the incidence oI Kaposi`s sarcoma with a doubling
oI the rates in both men and women. A signiIicant increase in the incidence oI squamous cell tumours, as well
as non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma in women was also observed |4|. Research shows a relationship between
increased ethanol levels and a decrease in natural killer cells. Decreased natural killer (NK) activity is
observed in cancer patients with EtOH consumption |5|. Animal models clearly support an important role Ior
NK cells in preventing the growth and metastasis oI several types oI cancers |6,7|. Substances like epinephrine
and norepinephrine, which are markedly increased in acute EtOH exposure, have also been associated with
suppression oI NK-cell activity |810|. Collectively, these observations suggest that NK cells may play an
important role in resistance to EtOH-related cancers in humans.
Micronutrients aIIect the Iunction oI NK cells as well. NK cell cytotoxicity is diminished in vitamin E and
ubiquinone-10 deIiciencies. Also, low plasma levels oI selenium and zinc have been associated with total
percentages oI NK cells |49|.
Alterations oI the immune system due to alcohol consumption have been a Iocus oI multiple studies that have
revealed impaired delayed-type hypersensitivity responses and ameliorated host deIense against inIections.
Acute alcohol use has been associated with increased susceptibility to inIections, posttrauma
immunosuppression, and a decrease in antigen-speciIic T-cell proliIeration response |13,16|. Malnutrition and
cirrhosis are two oI the conditions that develop with chronic ethanol consumption that aIIect the eIIiciency oI
the immune system to combat inIections |11,12|. Ethanol inIluences the Iunction oI lymphocytes, monocytes
and polymorphonuclear cells |1315|.
Lipid emulsions provided parentally have been associated with mononuclear phagocytic system Iunctional
changes. Supplementation with Iish oil increases macrophage numbers as well as phagocytosis |17|.
Glutamine-enriched diets inIluence the production oI TNF-o, IL-1, and IL-6. Studies in mice have concluded
that glutamine enriched diets enhance the ability oI macrophages to respond to cytokine stimulation, produced
via the autocrine system |18|.
There is abundant evidence that micronutrient deIiciencies can deeply aIIect immunity; micronutrient
deIiciencies are widely seen in HIV, even in asymptomatic patients. Direct relationships have been Iound
between deIiciencies oI speciIic nutrients, such as vitamins A and B12, and a decline in CD4 counts |2224|.
DeIiciencies in vitamin A inIluence vertical transmission oI HIV |2629| and may aIIect progression to AIDS
(vitamin A, B12, zinc). Correction oI deIiciencies has been shown to aIIect symptoms and disease
maniIestation (AIDS dementia complex and B12; diarrhea, weight loss, and zinc), and certain micronutrients
have demonstrated a direct anti-viral eIIect in vitro (vitamin E and zinc). Some studies suggest that
micronutrient deIiciencies probably have Iew direct eIIects on the Iunctioning oI immune cells. The main
eIIect appears to be a reduction in cell mass that may indirectly aIIect immune cell Iunction |42|. Although the
results published appear contradictory, some oI these
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inconsistencies may be accounted Ior by the Iact that the disease itselI may lower concentrations oI
micronutrients in plasma that may be misinterpreted as deIiciency due to intake. However, low plasma vitamin
A concentrations appear to aIIect immune responsiveness and has degenerative eIIects on membrane integrity
and mucosal immunity. Zinc may have similar eIIects on gut integrity. Low concentrations oI other nutrients
such as ascorbate and iron can aIIect cellular immune eIIector Iunctions involving cytokines and nitric oxide
|48|. Low plasma ascorbate increases the removal oI iron Irom plasma. These low iron concentrations appear
to increase the cvtotoxicitv oI macrophages |42|.
Individuals with HIV and patients with AIDS present a variety oI pathologic alterations that inIluence their
nutritional status during various stages oI the disease. Some studies have revealed a greater level oI
malnutrition and an elevated excretion oI vitamin A in the urine oI AIDS patients. Secretion oI vitamin A in
urine has been associated with inIection, Iever, and acute diarrhea. ThereIore, the monitoring oI nutritional
status, especially in relation to vitamin A is recommended Ior patients with HIV and AIDS. Studies show that
around 1040 oI HIV-positive women will give birth to children who are also inIected. However, the risk
Iactors Ior transmission Irom mother to child are not well understood and the eIIects oI maternal nutritional
status on Ietal transmission are unknown.Vitamin A is an essential micronutrient Ior normal immune Iunction.
Vitamin A deIiciency is common among HIV-inIected pregnant women and is associated with higher mother-
to-child transmission oI HIV-1 and increased inIant mortality. The biological mechanisms by which vitamin A
deIiciency could inIluence mother-to-child transmission oI HIV-1 include impairment oI immune responses in
both mother and inIant (speciIically the CD4 T cell count), abnormal placental and vaginal pathology, and
increased HIV viral burden in breastmilk and blood. Some clinical trials have demonstrated that daily
micronutrient supplementation, including vitamin A, should be considered during pregnancy to reduce mother-
to-child transmission oI HIV-1 |30|. Severe vitamin A deIiciency (20 micrograms/Dl) has been associated
with a 20-Iold increased risk oI having HIV-1 DNA in breast milk among women with 400 CD4 cells/mm

|28|. Women with CD4 cell depletion, especially those with vitamin A deIiciency, may be at increased risk oI
transmitting HIV-1 to their inIants through breast milk.
The relationship between ethanol and vitamin A has been clear Ior quite some time now. In adults, ethanol
ingestion appears to alter vitamin A metabolism and tissue distribution |31|. Associations have also been made
between Ietal alcohol syndrome and malIormations induced by toxicity and deIiciency oI vitamin A |32|.
One explanation Ior this may be the role alcohol plays in altering retinoic acid levels. Studies show that
retinoic acid appears to curb the adverse eIIects oI alcohol |31|. Ethanol has been Iound to inhibit alcohol
dehydrogenase, an enzyme that normally converts retinal to retinoic acid. The resulting decrease in retinoic
acid may negatively alter the development and maturation oI the immune system. The associations between
retinoic acid and alcohol are Iurther strengthened by other studies. Retinoic acid and ethanol reverse or block
each others eIIects in studies on isolated neuroblastoma cells |33|, and ethanol treatment has been Iound to
promote deIicits in vitamin A. Although these studies clariIy the eIIects oI ethanol on vitamin A levels, Iurther
studies are needed to determine how these Iactors
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contribute to immune system damage and an increased likelihood oI mother to child transmission oI HIV-1.
Excessive alcohol consumption is a major health problem in the United States. Prolonged consumption oI
alcohol results in alterations oI immune responses, ultimately maniIested by increasing susceptibility to
inIectious agents. Vitamin E supplementation has been associated with enhancement oI immune response and
improvement oI host deIense, and may provide a useIul therapeutic approach Ior treatment oI alcoholics to
improve host deIense |3438|.
Much literature has addressed the close relationship between cellular immunity and vitamins. In the case oI
water-soluble vitamins it is well known that a deIiciency induces a marked decrease in cellular immunity,
although supplementation oI these vitamins has little eIIect. In contrast, lipid-soluble vitamins such as vitamin
A and E markedly aIIect cellular immunity in both deIicient and excess state. Vitamin A supplementation
induces the enhancement oI cellular immunity such as phagocytic and tumoricidal activities in human
monocytes and mouse peritoneal macrophages. In the elderly, a high intake oI vitamin E is able to improve
decreased cellular immunity, which appears to be associated with production oI prostaglandin E2. In
summary, since vitamins are important to maintain and promote cellular immunity, the beneIicial use oI
vitamins to enhance the health oI humans should be seriously considered |40|.
Vitamin E supplementation has also been shown to improve some aspects oI immune Iunction in aged animals
and human subjects. The protective eIIect oI vitamin E against viral or bacterial inIections in experimentally
challenged young animals has been reported |41|. In a study with young and old animals supplemented with
vitamin E aIter injection with inIluenza, vitamin E young mice showed only a modest reduction in lung viral
titer, while supplemented old mice exhibited a high signiIicant reduction in the viral titer |41|.
Ethanol Ieeding markedly decreases both alpha- and gamma-tocopherol in the livers oI normal and vitamin E-
deIicient rats, but only decreases plasma levels oI tocopherols in normal rats. High serum levels oI the enzyme
transaminase in vitamin E-deIicient animals suggest that enhanced lipid peroxidation is associated with greater
severity oI liver injury induced by ethanol in vitamin E-deIicient rats |39|. Evidence is accumulating that
intermediates oI oxygen reduction may in Iact be associated with the development oI alcoholic liver disease. In
a study with rats Ied a diet deIicient or supplemented with vitamin E and treated with ethanol, chronic ethanol
Ieeding enhanced hepatic consumption oI vitamin E in both groups. Also, both EtOH-Ied groups exhibited
increased manganese superoxide dismutase gene expression, although the enzyme activity was enhanced only
in the vitamin E-deprived group oI EtOH-treated animals |50|. It seems that superoxide dismutase is produced
to counteract the eIIects oI oxidative stress induced by ethanol. ThereIore, vitamin E supplementation may
reduce the hepatotoxic eIIects oI ethanol. Previous studies have reported a reduction in plasma vitamin E
levels in patients is associated with a higher production oI Iree radicals |19,20|.
It has been reported that urinary excretion may play a signiIicant role in the reduction oI plasma vitamin E
levels. A group oI 16 patients with AIDS were measured by chromatography
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Ior their urinary and plasma vitamin E levels. Patients with AIDS presented reduced plasma vitamin E levels
as compared with HIV and controls, which correlated with a higher urinary excretion in the AIDS group.
Supplementation oI this micronutrient will be essential to avoid vitamin E deIiciency in AIDS patients |21,51|.
Selenium (Se) is required Ior the activity oI the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, and selenium deIiciency may
be associated with myopathy, cardiomyopathy and immune dysIunction including oral candidiasis, impaired
phagocytic Iunction and decreased CD4 T-cell counts. When a host is malnourished, the immune system is
compromised and there is an increased susceptibility to viral inIections. Research published points about the
importance oI host nutrition during a viral disease, not only Irom the perspective oI the host, but Irom the
perspective oI the viral pathogen as well. When a benign strain oI coxsackievirus B3 is injected into Selenium
(Se)-deIicient or vitamin E-deIicient mice, it evolves to become virulent. Studies have shown that in addition
to immunosuppression due to micronutrient deIiciency, the virus itselI becomes altered |43|. Beck et al. have
shown in a mouse model oI coxsackievirus-induced myocarditis, that host deIiciency in either selenium or
vitamin E leads to a change in viral phenotype such that an avirulent strain oI the virus becomes virulent and a
virulent strain becomes more virulent. The change in phenotype was shown to be due to point mutations in the
viral genome. Once the mutations occur, the phenotype change is stable and can now be expressed even in
well nourished mice. These results suggest that nutrition can aIIect not only the host, but the pathogen as well,
and show a new model oI relating host nutritional eIIects to viral pathogenesis |44|.
In a study done with AIDS patients, plasma and red blood cell levels oI Se were Iound to be less than halI oI
those in healthy individuals |45|. A correlation between Se and glutathione perioxidase and the total
lymphocyte count was also established. This occurred in both homosexuals and drug users with AIDS and was
irrespective oI the presence or absence oI diarrhea or GI malabsorption. Interestingly, cardiac tissue Se levels
in AIDS patients was also Iound to be low |45|.
One reason Ior the decreased selenium levels in HIV inIected patients may have to do with the virus itselI. The
virus uses selenoproteins to regulate its replication, which deplete the Se levels oI the host. Supplementation
trials with individual antioxidants have shown improvement in immunological parameters and decreased
evidence oI lipid peroxidation when selenium is added |46|. Recent investigations indicate that
supplementation with Se may help to increase the enzymatic deIense systems in HIV-inIected patients |47,48|.
These studies help support the assertion that increased Se levels help to decrease morbidity and prolong
survival in HIV inIected hosts.
Micronutrient deIiciency is common in HIV positive patients as documented by low plasma and red blood cell
levels oI Se, diminished activity oI glutathione peroxidase, and low cardiac Se levels in AIDS inIected hearts.
This worsens with time since AIDS patients tend to have more severe vitamin deIicits than those with earlier
stages oI HIV inIection. The Se deIicit in blood correlates with serum albumin levels and total lymphocyte
counts, which in turn accetuates the conditions to predispose the AIDS patients to secondary inIections.
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LP-BM5 Murine leukemia virus (MuLV) inIection oI C57BL/6 mice causes a disease that has many Ieatures
in common with human AIDS, in particular abnormal lympho-proliIeration and severe immunodeIiciency.
Thus, this murine AIDS (MAIDS) model is useIul Ior evaluation oI antiviral agents as well as deIiciency in
antioxidant micronutrients such as selenium (Se), vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc (Zn), cooper (Cu), and
glutathione. In one study using MAIDS, the eIIect oI Se as sodium selenite was used to evaluate
immunological and oxidative eIIects. The results indicated that Se treatment inhibited splenomegaly, which is
characteristic oI chronic murine AIDS. In addition to detecting abnormal immune Iunction, oxidative
imbalance possibly existed in the MAIDS model, as lipid peroxide increased signiIicantly in the spleen and
whole blood glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity decreased markedly. Se supplementation had a good
protective eIIect |54|. In another study using MuLV, ethanol administration signiIicantly increased Fe
concentration in the liver, yet signiIicantly decreased the concentration oI Cu in the heart. MuLV alone, which
had not proceeded to murine AIDS, resulted in a signiIicant increase in heart Cu and Zn concentration as
compared with uninIected mice. Retrovirus inIection in C57BL/6 mice signiIicantly increased Iron (Fe) and
Zn levels/g oI muscle. Early retrovirus inIection alters tissue micronutrient levels, and may thus contribute to
immunological changes |55|.
InIection by HIV is one oI the most aggressive pandemics oI our time, with high economical, social, and
health care costs. In the last Iew years the development oI new, highly eIIective therapies has made it possible
to change the prognosis, the quality oI liIe, and the survival oI many patients. However, nutrition has long
been known to aIIect the ability oI the host to respond to inIectious disease. Widespread Iamines are oIten
accompanied by increased morbidity and mortality due to inIectious diseases. The currently accepted view oI
the relationship between nutrition oI the host and its susceptibility to inIectious disease is one oI a direct
relationship with host immune status. That is, iI the host has nutrient deIiciencies, then the Iunctioning oI the
host immune system is compromised. This impairment oI the immune response will lead to an increased
susceptibility to inIectious disease. Clearly, the immune response has been shown to be weakened by
inadequate nutrition in many model systems and in human studies. In sub-Saharan AIrica, studies have shown
that 25 oI children with malnutrition have HIV inIection. Vitamin A, E, and B12 deIiciency accelerated the
development oI AIDS with low T cells, whereas their normalization retarded the development oI immune
dysIunction. Decreased cellular immunity with aging or during the development oI AIDS is markedly
improved by the intake oI micronutrients like vitamins E, A, and C, and minerals like Se and Zn. Also, vitamin
supplementation induces higher rates oI diIIerentiation oI immature T cells in the thymus which results in the
improvement oI cellular immunity in the aged, and the early recovery oI thymic atrophy Iollowing X-ray
irradiation. Taken together, micronutrients are an important Iactor maintaining the immune system, especially
in the aged and those suIIering Irom HIV inIection.
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Supported by NIH grant, HL63667.
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Abstainers, unhealthy 8
Acetaldehyde 152, 170
Acetaldehyde protein adducts 204
Adenosine triphosphate 116
AIDS, and micronutrients 251
Abuse 58, 72, 116
and cardiac medications 48
Consumption 28, 58, 61, 63, 64, 65, 72, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 146, 151, 169
Heavy 72
Light 79
Measurements 7
Moderate 104, 105
Patterns 9, 72
Statistical issues 10
EIIect on platelet Iunction 188
EIIect on vascular tone 188
and heart muscle proteins 197
and the immune system 250
In vitro 148
In vivo 150
and tobacco smoking 117
Alcohol cardiotoxicity
Role oI Iatty acid ethyl esters 157
Alcoholism 28, 29
Alpha-2 receptors 50
Alpha receptor blockers 50
Alpha-tocopherol 120
and prevention oI athersclerosis 128
and postnatal development 132
and skeletal muscle 133
Amiodarone 52
Angiotensin converting enzyme Inhibitors 51
Animal models 171
Antiarrythmatic agents 52
Anticoagulant treatment 65
Anticoagulation 53
Antioxidants 121
Antiplatelet agents 54
Apolipoproteins 169
A-1 169
A-II 176
B 172
C-II 176
E 175
and environmental Iactors 170
Apoptosis 128
Area postrema 243
Aspirin 54, 65
Atherosclerosis 76
Atrial Iibrillation 52, 73
Aortic 237
Cardiac 237
in rats 239
Aortic 236
BaroreIlexes 236
Sensitivity 238
Beta-adrenergic receptors 228
Beta receptor blockers 51
Beverage types 9, 21, 35
Blood pressure 62, 238
Brainstem microinjection 240
British regional heart study 21
Antagonists 220
Channel antagonists 51
Intracellular 229
Carboxyl esterase 163
Arrythmias 229
DysIunction 49
Function 29
Medication 48
Myocytes 104
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Page 260
Cardiac protein 198
Content oI 202
Synthesis oI 201
EIIect oI propranolol 206
and Ilooding dose technique 199
Cardiac vagal tone 228
Cardiogenic brain embolism 73
Alcoholic 130, 197
MyoIibrillary damage 130
Dilated 28, 29
Nonischemic 48
Cardiovascular disease 21, 114, 127 180
and alpha-tocopherol intake 127
Cardiovascular system 48, 235
Cervical arterial dissection 78
Cholesterol 114
HDL 169
Cocaethylene 212
Cardiac eIIects 212
Hepatic eIIects 212
Immunologic eIIects 212
Cocaine 212
Cardiotoxicity 218, 228
Cardiovascular eIIects in rodents 221
Mitochondrial Iunction 222
EIIects on cardiac mechanical Iunction 230
EIIects on coronary smooth muscle cells 230
EIIect on PR interval 230
EIIects in primate study 216
EIIect on QRS interval 230
EIIect on sympathetic nervous system 228
Hepatoxic eIIects 214
and local anasthetic properties 230
and toxicity 215
and ventricular arrythmias 228
Conscious rats 244
ConIounding Iactors 8
Coronary heart disease 1, 21, 146
Mortality 5
U-shaped curve 5
Coumadin 53
Diabetes 126
Streptozotocin-induced 126
Diastolic dysIunction 49
Digitalis glycosides 52
Dihydopyridine 51
Diltiazem 51
Disopyramide 53
DNA adducts 117
Drug abuse warning network 214
Drug interactions 49
Drug metabolism 50
Eicosanoids 186
Embolism, paradoxical 75
End diastolic pressure 49
End diastolic volume 49
Endothelin 92
Estrogen 246
Ethanol 212, 213, 219, 241, 245, 250, 251, 253
Acute exposure 108
Metabolism 122
and toxicity 215
Fatty acids 180
Essential 181
Fatty acid ethyl esters 157
Fatty acid ethyl ester synthase 161
Alcohol consumption 98
Heart 43
Free radicals 120, 204, 205
and alcoholic liver disease 125
Alkoxyl 121
Hydrogen peroxide 121
Hydroxyl 121
Peroxyl 121
Production oI 122
Superoxide 121
Gastrointestinal bleeding 54
Haemodialysis 131
Hemodynamic Iorces 91
Hemorrhagic stroke 58
Hemostasis 147
Heparin 53
HIV 250
Hypertension 64
Inotropic agents 52
Interstitial Iibrosis 49
Intracerebral bleeding
Spontaneous 58
Intracerebral hemorrhage 63, 64, 66
Cerebral 63
ReperIusion injury 104
L-Glutamate 242
Uptake blockade 245
LiIestyle 21, 24, 25
High-density 169
Low-density 115, 174
Very low-density 169, 173
Moderate drinking, deIinition 9
Mucosal hyperproliIeration 127
Page 261
Murine AIDS, and micronutrients 255
Myocardial dysIunction 28
Myocardial inIarction 1, 105
Myocardial remodeling 34
Natural killer cells 251
NiIedipine 51
Nitric oxide 92, 121
Nitric oxide-GMP system 149
Nitric oxide synthase 93
Nitroglycerin 50
NMDA 242
Nonsteroidal anti-inIlammatory drugs 65
Nucleus tractus solitarius 241
Ovarian hormones 246
Oxidative stress 120
Phentolamine 220
Phenylephrine 239
Phenytoin 53
Physicians` heart study 104
Plasminogen activator system 95
and acetaldehyde 152
Aggregation 146
Ethanol consumption eIIects 151
Function 151
In-vitro alcohol, eIIects on 148
Procainamide 53
Propranolol 228
Prostacyclin 92
Protein kinase
C 105
Mitogen activated 97
Protein synthesis 131
Quinidine 53
Reactive oxygen species 121, 205
Mechanisms oI production
Aldehyde oxidase 122, 123
Cytochrome P450 2E1 122
KupIIer cells 122, 123
Mitochondria 122, 123
Xanthine oxidase 122, 123
and gastrointestinal injury 127
and pancreatic injury 126
ReIlex regulation 235
Renin-angiotensin system 51
Rostral ventrolateral medulla 244
Selenium 254
Shear stress 91
Small vessel occlusion 77
Smoking, cigarette 58, 60, 61, 114
South bay heart watch 104
Stroke 6, 58
and alpha-tocepherol 130
Cryptogenic 79
Ischemic 72
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 59, 60, 63
Aneurysmal 58, 59
Sudden cardiac death 6
Sympathetic antagonists 50
Tangential Irictional Iorce 91
Triglycerides 172
Troponin-T 205
Vascular endothelial cell 91
Vascular smooth muscle cell 91
Migration 95
ProliIeration 95
Vasopressin 243
Verapamil 51
Vitamin A 250, 252
Vitamin E 120, 253
Wine 21, 23, 115
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