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by Peter Benchley
Sceny Bookz Etext Version 1.0
The great fish moe! silently thro"gh the night #ater$ %ro%elle! by short s#ee%s of its
crescent tail. The mo"th #as o%en &"st eno"gh to %ermit a r"sh of #ater oer the gills.
There #as little other motion' an occasional correction of the a%%arently aimless co"rse
by the slight raising or lo#ering of a %ectoral fin (( as a bir! changes !irection by !i%%ing
one #ing an! lifting the other. The eyes #ere sightless in the black$ an! the other senses
transmitte! nothing extraor!inary to the small$ %rimitie brain. The fish might hae been
aslee%$ sae for the moement !ictate! by co"ntless millions of years of instinctie
contin"ity' lacking the flotation bla!!er common to other fish an! the fl"ttering fla%s to
%"sh oxygen(bearing #ater thro"gh its gills$ it s"rie! only by moing. )nce sto%%e!$ it
#o"l! sink to the bottom an! !ie of anoxia. The lan! seeme! almost as !ark as the #ater$
for there #as no moon. All that se%arate! sea from shore #as a long$ straight stretch of
beach (( so #hite that it shone. *rom a ho"se behin! the grass(s%lotche! !"nes$ lights cast
yello# glimmers on the san!. The front !oor to the ho"se o%ene!$ an! a man an! a
#oman ste%%e! o"t onto the #oo!en %orch. They stoo! for a moment staring at the sea$
embrace! +"ickly$ an! scam%ere! !o#n the fe# ste%s onto the san!. The man #as !r"nk$
an! he st"mble! on the bottom ste%. The #oman la"ghe! an! took his han!$ an! together
they ran to the beach.
,*irst a s#im$, sai! the #oman$ ,to clear yo"r hea!.,
,*orget my hea!$, sai! the man. -iggling$ he fell back#ar! onto the san!$ %"lling
the #oman !o#n #ith him. They f"mble! #ith each other.s clothing$ t#ine! limbs
aro"n! limbs$ an! thrashe! #ith "rgent ar!or on the col! san!. After#ar!$ the man lay
back an! close! his eyes. The #oman looke! at him an! smile!. ,/o#$ ho# abo"t that
s#im0, she sai!.
,1o" go ahea!. 2.ll #ait for yo" here.,
The #oman rose an! #alke! to #here the gentle s"rf #ashe! oer her ankles. The
#ater #as col!er than the night air$ for it #as only mi!(3"ne. The #oman calle! back$
,1o".re s"re yo" !on.t #ant to come0, B"t there #as no ans#er from the slee%ing man.
She backe! "% a fe# ste%s$ then ran at the #ater. At first her stri!es #ere long an!
gracef"l$ b"t then a small #ae crashe! into her knees. She faltere!$ regaine! her footing$
an! fl"ng herself oer the next #aist(high #ae. The #ater #as only "% to her hi%s$ so
she stoo!$ %"she! the hair o"t of her eyes$ an! contin"e! #alking "ntil the #ater coere!
her sho"l!ers. There she began to s#im (( #ith the &erky$ hea!(aboe(#ater stroke of the
A h"n!re! yar!s offshore$ the fish sense! a change in the sea.s rhythm. 2t !i! not
see the #oman$ nor yet !i! it smell her. R"nning #ithin the length of its bo!y #ere a
series of thin canals$ fille! #ith m"c"s an! !otte! #ith nere en!ings$ an! these neres
!etecte! ibrations an! signale! the brain. The fish t"rne! to#ar! shore.
The #oman contin"e! to s#im a#ay from the beach$ sto%%ing no# an! then to
check her %osition by the lights shining from the ho"se. The ti!e #as slack$ so she ha!
not moe! "% or !o#n the beach. B"t she #as tiring$ so she reste! for a moment$ trea!ing
#ater$ an! then starte! for shore.
The ibrations #ere stronger no#$ an! the fish recognize! %rey. The s#ee%s of its
tail +"ickene!$ thr"sting the giant bo!y for#ar! #ith a s%ee! that agitate! the tiny
%hos%horescent animals in the #ater an! ca"se! them to glo#$ casting a mantle of s%arks
oer the fish.
The fish close! on the #oman an! h"rtle! %ast$ a !ozen feet to the si!e an! six
feet belo# the s"rface. The #oman felt only a #ae of %ress"re that seeme! to lift her "%
in the #ater an! ease her !o#n again. She sto%%e! s#imming an! hel! her breath.
*eeling nothing f"rther$ she res"me! her l"rching stroke.
The fish smelle! her no#$ an! the ibrations (( erratic an! shar% (( signale!
!istress. The fish began to circle close to the s"rface. 2ts !orsal fin broke #ater$ an! its
tail$ thrashing back an! forth$ c"t the glassy s"rface #ith a hiss. A series of tremors shook
its bo!y.
*or the first time$ the #oman felt fear$ tho"gh she !i! not kno# #hy. A!renaline
shot thro"gh her tr"nk an! her limbs$ generating a tingling heat an! "rging her to s#im
faster. She g"esse! that she #as fifty yar!s from shore. She co"l! see the line of #hite
foam #here the #aes broke on the beach. She sa# the lights in the ho"se$ an! for a
comforting moment she tho"ght she sa# someone %ass by one of the #in!o#s.
The fish #as abo"t forty feet from the #oman$ off to the si!e$ #hen it t"rne!
s"!!enly to the left$ !ro%%e! entirely belo# the s"rface$ an!$ #ith t#o +"ick thr"sts of its
tail$ #as "%on her.
At first$ the #oman tho"ght she ha! snagge! her leg on a rock or a %iece of
floating #oo!. There #as no initial %ain$ only one iolent t"g on her right leg. She
reache! !o#n to to"ch her foot$ trea!ing #ater #ith her left leg to kee% her hea! "%$
feeling in the blackness #ith her left han!. She co"l! not fin! her foot. She reache!
higher on her leg$ an! then she #as oercome by a r"sh of na"sea an! !izziness. 4er
gro%ing fingers ha! fo"n! a h"b of bone an! tattere! flesh. She kne# that the #arm$
%"lsing flo# oer her fingers in the chill #ater #as her o#n bloo!.
Pain an! %anic str"ck together. The #oman thre# her hea! back an! screame! a
g"tt"ral cry of terror.
The fish ha! moe! a#ay. 2t s#allo#e! the #oman.s limb #itho"t che#ing.
Bones an! meat %asse! !o#n the massie g"llet in a single s%asm. /o# the fish t"rne!
again$ homing on the stream of bloo! fl"shing from the #oman.s femoral artery$ a beacon
as clear an! tr"e as a lightho"se on a clo"!less night. This time the fish attacke! from
belo#. 2t h"rtle! "% "n!er the #oman$ &a#s aga%e. The great conical hea! str"ck her like
a locomotie$ knocking her "% o"t of the #ater. The &a#s sna%%e! sh"t aro"n! her torso$
cr"shing bones an! flesh an! organs into a &elly. The fish$ #ith the #oman.s bo!y in its
mo"th$ smashe! !o#n on the #ater #ith a th"n!ero"s s%lash$ s%e#ing foam an! bloo!
an! %hos%horescence in a ga"!y sho#er.
Belo# the s"rface$ the fish shook its hea! from si!e to si!e$ its serrate! triang"lar
teeth sa#ing thro"gh #hat little sine# still resiste!. The cor%se fell a%art. The fish
s#allo#e!$ then t"rne! to contin"e fee!ing. 2ts brain still registere! the signals of nearby
%rey. The #ater #as lace! #ith bloo! an! shre!s of flesh$ an! the fish co"l! not sort
signal from s"bstance. 2t c"t back an! forth thro"gh the !issi%ating clo"! of bloo!$
o%ening an! closing its mo"th$ seining for a ran!om morsel. B"t by no#$ most of the
%ieces of the cor%se ha! !is%erse!. A fe# sank slo#ly$ coming to rest on the san!y
bottom$ #here they moe! lazily in the c"rrent. A fe# !rifte! a#ay &"st belo# the
s"rface$ floating in the s"rge that en!e! in the s"rf.
The man a#oke$ shiering in the early morning col!. 4is mo"th #as sticky an!
!ry$ an! his #akening belch taste! of Bo"rbon an! corn. The s"n ha! not yet risen$ b"t a
line of %ink on the eastern horizon tol! him that !aybreak #as near. The stars still h"ng
faintly in the lightening sky. The man stoo! an! began to !ress. 4e #as annoye! that the
#oman ha! not #oken him #hen she #ent back to the ho"se$ an! he fo"n! it c"rio"s that
she ha! left her clothes on the beach. 4e %icke! them "% an! #alke! to the ho"se.
4e ti%toe! across the %orch an! gently o%ene! the screen !oor$ remembering that
it screeche! #hen yanke!. The liing room #as !ark an! em%ty$ littere! #ith half(em%ty
glasses$ ashtrays$ an! !irty %lates. 4e #alke! across the liing room$ t"rne! right !o#n a
hall$ %ast t#o close! !oors. The !oor to the room he share! #ith the #oman #as o%en$
an! a be!si!e light #as on. Both be!s #ere ma!e. 4e tosse! the #oman.s clothes on one
of the be!s$ then ret"rne! to the liing room an! s#itche! on a light. Both co"ches #ere
There #ere t#o more be!rooms in the ho"se. The o#ners sle%t in one. T#o other
ho"se g"ests occ"%ie! the other. As +"ietly as %ossible$ the man o%ene! the !oor to the
first be!room. There #ere t#o be!s$ each obio"sly containing only one %erson. 4e
close! the !oor an! moe! to the next room. The host an! hostess #ere aslee% on each
si!e of a king(size be!. The man close! the !oor an! #ent back to his room to fin! his
#atch. 2t #as nearly fie.
4e sat on one be! an! stare! at the b"n!le of clothes on the other. 4e #as certain
the #oman #asn.t in the ho"se. There ha! been no other g"ests for !inner$ so "nless she
ha! met someone on the beach #hile he sle%t$ she co"l!n.t hae gone off #ith anyone.
An! een if she ha!$ he tho"ght$ she %robably #o"l! hae taken at least some of her
)nly then !i! he %ermit his min! to consi!er the %ossibility of an acci!ent. Very
+"ickly the %ossibility became a certainty. 4e ret"rne! to the host.s be!room$ hesitate!
for a moment besi!e the be!$ an! then softly %lace! his han! on a sho"l!er.
,3ack$, he sai!$ %atting the sho"l!er. ,4ey$ 3ack., The man sighe! an! o%ene! his
eyes. ,5hat0,
,2t.s me. Tom. 2 hate like hell to #ake yo" "%$ b"t 2 think #e may hae a
,5hat %roblem0,
,4ae yo" seen 6hrissie0,
,5hat !o yo" mean$ hae 2 seen 6hrissie0 She.s #ith yo".,
,/o$ she isn.t. 2 mean$ 2 can.t fin! her.,
3ack sat "% an! t"rne! on a light. 4is #ife stirre! an! coere! her hea! #ith a
sheet. 3ack looke! at his #atch. ,3es"s 6hrist. 2t.s fie in the morning. An! yo" can.t fin!
yo"r !ate.,
,2 kno#$, sai! Tom. ,2.m sorry. 7o yo" remember #hen yo" sa# her last0,
,S"re 2 remember. She sai! yo" #ere going for a s#im$ an! yo" both #ent o"t on
the %orch. 5hen !i! you see her last0,
,)n the beach. Then 2 fell aslee%. 1o" mean she !i!n.t come back0,
,/ot that 2 sa#. At least not before #e #ent to be!$ an! that #as aro"n! one.,
,2 fo"n! her clothes.,
,5here0 )n the beach0,
,1o" looke! in the liing room0, Tom no!!e!. ,An! in the 4enkels. room.,
,The 4enkels. room8,
Tom bl"she!. ,2 haen.t kno#n her that long. *or all 2 kno# she co"l! be a little
#eir!. So co"l! the 4enkels. 2 mean$ 2.m not s"ggesting anything. 2 &"st #ante! to check
the #hole ho"se before 2 #oke yo" "%.,
,So #hat !o yo" think0,
,5hat 2.m beginning to think$, sai! Tom$ ,is that maybe she ha! an acci!ent.
9aybe she !ro#ne!.,
3ack looke! at him for a moment$ then glance! again at his #atch. ,2 !on.t kno#
#hat time the %olice in this to#n go to #ork$, he sai!$ ,b"t 2 g"ess this is as goo! a time
as any to fin! o"t.,
6ha%ter :
Patrolman ;en 4en!ricks sat at his !esk in the Amity %olice station$ rea!ing a !etectie
noel calle! Deadly, I'm Yours. At the moment the %hone rang the heroine$ a girl name!
5histling 7ixie$ #as abo"t to be ra%e! by a motorcycle cl"b. 4en!ricks let the %hone
ring "ntil 9iss 7ixie castrate! the first of her attackers #ith a linole"m knife she ha!
secrete! in her hair.
4e %icke! "% the %hone. ,Amity Police$ Patrolman 4en!ricks$, he sai!. ,6an 2
hel% yo"0,
,This is 3ack *oote$ oer on )l! 9ill Roa!. 2 #ant to re%ort a missing %erson. )r
at least 2 think she.s missing.,
,Say again$ sir0, 4en!ricks ha! sere! in Vietnam as a ra!io man$ an! he #as
fon! of military terminology.
,)ne of my ho"se g"ests #ent for a s#im at abo"t one this morning$, sai! *oote.
,She hasn.t came back yet. 4er !ate fo"n! her clothes on the beach.,
4en!ricks began to scribble on a %a!. ,5hat #as the %erson.s name0,
,6hristine 5atkins.,
,2 !on.t kno#. 3"st a secon!. Say aro"n! t#enty(fie. 4er !ate says that.s abo"t
,4eight an! #eight0,
,5ait a min"te., There #as a %a"se. ,5e think %robably abo"t fie(seen$
bet#een one t#enty an! one thirty.,
,6olor of hair an! eyes0,
,;isten$ )fficer$ #hy !o yo" nee! all this0 2f the #oman.s !ro#ne!$ she.s
%robably going to be the only one yo" hae (( at least tonight$ right0 1o" !on.t aerage
more than one !ro#ning aro"n! here each night$ !o yo"0,
,5ho sai! she !ro#ne!$ 9r. *oote0 9aybe she #ent for a #alk.,
,Stark nake! at one in the morning0 4ae yo" ha! any re%orts abo"t a #oman
#alking aro"n! nake!0,
4en!ricks relishe! the chance to be ins"fferably cool. ,/o$ 9r. *oote$ not yet.
B"t once the s"mmer season starts$ yo" neer kno# #hat to ex%ect. ;ast A"g"st$ a b"nch
of faggots stage! a !ance o"t by the cl"b (( a n"!e !ance. 6olor of hair an! eyes0,
,4er hair is... oh$ !irty blon!$ 2 g"ess. San!y. 2 !on.t kno# #hat color her eyes
are. 2.ll hae to ask her !ate. /o$ he says he !oesn.t kno# either. ;et.s say hazel.,
,)kay$ 9r. *oote. 5e.ll get on it. As soon as #e fin! o"t anything$ #e.ll contact
4en!ricks h"ng "% the %hone an! looke! at his #atch. 2t #as <'10. The chief
#o"l!n.t be "% for an ho"r$ an! 4en!ricks #asn.t anxio"s to #ake him "% for something
as ag"e as a missing(%erson re%ort. *or all anybo!y kne#$ the broa! #as off h"m%ing in
the b"shes #ith some g"y she met on the beach. )n the other han!$ if she #as #ashe! "%
some#here$ 6hief Bro!y #o"l! #ant the #hole thing taken care of before the bo!y #as
fo"n! by some nanny #ith a co"%le of yo"ng ki!s an! it became a %"blic n"isance.
3"!gment$ that.s #hat the chief ke%t telling him he nee!e!= that.s #hat makes a
goo! co%. An! the cerebral challenge of %olice #ork ha! %laye! a %art in 4en!ricks.
!ecision to &oin the Amity force after he ret"rne! from Vietnam. The %ay #as fair' >?$000
to start$ >1<$000 after fifteen years$ %l"s fringes. Police #ork offere! sec"rity$ reg"lar
ho"rs$ an! the chance for some f"n (( not &"st th"m%ing "nr"ly ki!s or collaring !r"nks$
b"t soling b"rglaries$ trying to catch the occasional ra%ist @the s"mmer before$ a black
gar!ener ha! ra%e! seen rich #hite #omen$ not one of #hom #o"l! a%%ear in co"rt to
testify against himA$ an! (( on a slightly more eleate! %lane (( the o%%ort"nity to become
a res%ecte!$ contrib"ting member of the comm"nity. An! being an Amity co% #as not
ery !angero"s$ certainly nothing like #orking for a metro%olitan force. The last !"ty(
relate! fatality of an Amity %oliceman occ"rre! in 1?<B #hen an officer ha! trie! to sto%
a !r"nk s%ee!ing along the 9onta"k 4igh#ay an! ha! been r"n off the roa! into a stone
4en!ricks #as conince! that as soon as he co"l! get s%r"ng from this -o!(forsaken
mi!night(to(eight shift$ he #o"l! start to en&oy his #ork. *or the time being$ tho"gh$ it
#as a !rag. 4e kne# %erfectly #ell #hy he ha! the late shift. 6hief Bro!y like! to break
in his yo"ng men slo#ly$ letting them !eelo% the f"n!amentals of %olice #ork (( goo!
sense$ so"n! &"!gment$ tolerance$ an! %oliteness (( at a time of !ay #hen they #o"l!n.t
be oertaxe!.
The b"siness shift #as C'00 A.9. to D'00 P.9.$ an! it calle! for ex%erience an!
!i%lomacy. Six men #orke! that shift. )ne han!le! the s"mmertime traffic at the
intersection of 9ain an! 5ater streets. T#o %atrolle! in s+"a! cars. )ne manne! the
%hones at the station ho"se. )ne han!le! the clerical #ork. An! the chief han!le! the
%"blic (( the la!ies #ho com%laine! that they #ere "nable to slee% beca"se of the !in
coming from the Ran!y Bear or Saxon.s$ the to#n.s t#o gin mills= the homeo#ners #ho
com%laine! that b"ms #ere littering the beaches or !ist"rbing the %eace= an! the
acationing bankers an! brokers an! la#yers #ho sto%%e! in to !isc"ss their ario"s
%lans for kee%ing Amity a %ristine an! excl"sie s"mmer colony. *o"r to mi!night #as
the tro"ble shift$ #hen the yo"ng st"!s from the 4am%tons #o"l! flock to the Ran!y
Bear an! get inole! in a fight or sim%ly get so !r"nk that they became a menace on the
roa!s= #hen$ ery rarely$ a co"%le of %re!ators from E"eens #o"l! l"rk in the !ark si!e
streets an! m"g %assersby= an! #hen$ abo"t t#ice a month in the s"mmer$ eno"gh
ei!ence haing acc"m"late!$ the %olice #o"l! feel oblige! to stage a %ot b"st at one of
the h"ge #aterfront homes. There #ere six men on fo"r to mi!night$ the six largest men
on the force$ all bet#een thirty an! fifty years ol!.
9i!night to eight #as "s"ally +"iet. *or nine months of the year$ %eace #as
irt"ally g"arantee!. The biggest eent of the %reio"s #inter ha! been an electrical
storm that ha! set off all the alarms linking the %olice station to forty(eight of Amity.s
biggest an! most ex%ensie homes. /ormally !"ring the s"mmer$ the mi!(night(to(eight
shift #as manne! by three officers. )ne$ ho#eer$ a yo"ng fello# name! 7ick Angelo$
#as no# taking his t#o(#eek leae before the season began to s#ing. The other #as a
thirty(year eteran name! 4enry Fimble$ #ho ha! chosen the mi!night(to(eight shift
beca"se it %ermitte! him to catch "% on his slee% (( he hel! a !aytime &ob as a barten!er
at Saxon.s. 4en!ricks trie! to raise Fimble on the ra!io (( to get him to take a #alk along
the beach by )l! 9ill Roa! (( b"t he kne# the attem%t #as ho%eless. As "s"al$ Fimble
#as so"n! aslee% in a s+"a! car %arke! behin! the Amity Pharmacy. An! so 4en!ricks
%icke! "% the %hone an! !iale! 6hief Bro!y.s home n"mber.
Bro!y #as aslee%$ in that fitf"l state before #aking #hen !reams ra%i!ly change
an! there are moments of bleary semiconscio"sness. The first ring of the %hone #as
assimilate! into his !ream (( a ision that he #as back in high school gro%ing a girl on a
stair#ell. The secon! ring sna%%e! the ision. 4e rolle! oer an! %icke! "% the receier.
,6hief$ this is 4en!ricks. 2 hate to bother yo" this early$ b"t GH
,5hat time is it0,
,;eonar!$ this better be goo!.,
,2 think #e.e got a floater on o"r han!s$ 6hief.,
,A floater0 5hat in 6hrist.s name is a floater0,
2t #as a #or! 4en!ricks ha! %icke! "% from his night rea!ing. ,A !ro#ning$, he
sai!$ embarrasse!. 4e tol! Bro!y abo"t the %hone call from *oote. ,2 !i!n.t kno# if yo".!
#ant to check it o"t before %eo%le start s#imming. 2 mean$ it looks like it.s going to be a
nice !ay.,
Bro!y heae! an exaggerate! sigh. ,5here.s Fimble0, he sai! an! then a!!e!
+"ickly$ ,)h$ neer min!. 2t #as a st"%i! +"estion. )ne of these !ays 2.m going to fix that
ra!io of his so he can.t t"rn it off.,
4en!ricks #aite! a moment$ then sai!$ ,;ike 2 sai!$ 6hief$ 2 hate to bother...,
,1eah$ 2 kno#$ ;eonar!. 1o" #ere right to call. As long as 2.m a#ake$ 2 might as
#ell get "%. 2.ll shae an! sho#er an! grab some coffee$ an! on my #ay in 2.ll take a look
along the beach in front of )l! 9ill an! Scotch$ &"st to make s"re yo"r .floater. isn.t
cl"ttering "% somebo!y.s beach. Then #hen the !ay boys come on$ 2.ll go o"t an! talk to
*oote an! the girl.s !ate. 2.ll see yo" later.,
Bro!y h"ng "% the %hone an! stretche!. 4e looke! at his #ife$ lying next to him
in the !o"ble be!. She ha! stirre! #hen the %hone rang$ b"t as soon as she !etermine!
that there #as no emergency$ she la%se! back into slee%.
Ellen Bro!y #as thirty(six$ fie years yo"nger than her h"sban!$ an! the fact that
she looke! barely thirty #as a so"rce of both %ri!e an! annoyance to Bro!y' %ri!e
beca"se$ since she looke! han!some an! yo"ng an! #as marrie! to him$ she ma!e him
seem a man of excellent taste an! s"bstantial attraction= annoyance beca"se she ha! been
able to kee% her goo! looks !es%ite the strains of bearing three chil!ren$ #hereas Bro!y ((
tho"gh har!ly fat at six(foot(one an! t#o h"n!re! %o"n!s (( #as beginning to be
concerne! abo"t his bloo! %ress"re an! his thickening mi!!le. Sometimes !"ring the
s"mmer$ Bro!y #o"l! catch himself gazing #ith i!le l"st at one of the yo"ng$ long(
legge! girls #ho %rance! aro"n! to#n (( their "ntethere! breasts bo"ncing beneath the
thinnest of cotton &erseys. B"t he neer en&oye! the sensation$ for it al#ays ma!e him
#on!er #hether Ellen felt the same stirring #hen she looke! at the tanne!$ slim yo"ng
men #ho so %erfectly com%lemente! the long(legge! girls. An! as soon as that tho"ght
occ"rre! to him$ he felt still #orse$ for he recognize! it as a sign that he #as on the
"nfort"nate si!e of forty an! ha! alrea!y lie! more than half his life.
S"mmers #ere ba! times for Ellen Bro!y$ for in s"mmer she #as tort"re! by
tho"ghts she !i!n.t #ant to think (( tho"ghts of chances misse! an! lies that co"l! hae
been. She sa# %eo%le she ha! gro#n "% #ith' %re% school classmates no# marrie! to
bankers an! brokers$ s"mmering in Amity an! #intering in /e# 1ork$ gracef"l #omen
#ho stroke! tennis balls an! enliene! conersations #ith e+"al ease$ #omen #ho @Ellen
#as conince!A &oke! among themseles abo"t Ellen She%her! marrying that %oliceman
beca"se he got her %regnant in the back seat of his 1?DC *or!$ #hich ha! not been the
Ellen #as t#enty(one #hen she met Bro!y. She ha! &"st finishe! her &"nior year
at 5ellesley an! #as s%en!ing the s"mmer in Amity #ith her %arents (( as she ha! !one
for the %reio"s eleen s"mmers$ eer since her father.s a!ertising agency transferre!
him from ;os Angeles to /e# 1ork. Altho"gh$ "nlike seeral of her frien!s$ Ellen
She%her! #as har!ly obsesse! by marriage$ she ass"me! that #ithin a year or t#o after
finishing college she #o"l! #e! someone from a%%roximately her o#n social an!
financial station. The tho"ght neither !istresse! nor !elighte! her. She en&oye! the
mo!est #ealth her father ha! earne!$ an! she kne# her mother !i! too. B"t she #as not
eager to lie a life that #as a re%etition of her %arents.. She #as familiar #ith the %etty
social %roblems$ an! they bore! her. She consi!ere! herself a sim%le girl$ %ro"! of the
fact that in the yearbook for the class of 1?<I at 9iss Porter.s School she #as ote! 9ost
4er first contact #ith Bro!y #as %rofessional. She #as arreste! (( or$ rather$ her
!ate #as. 2t #as late at night$ an! she #as being !rien home by an extremely !r"nk
yo"ng man intent on !riing ery fast !o#n ery narro# streets. The car #as interce%te!
an! sto%%e! by a %oliceman #ho im%resse! Ellen #ith his yo"th$ his looks$ an! his
ciility. After iss"ing a s"mmons$ he confiscate! the keys to Ellen.s !ate.s car an! !roe
them both to their res%ectie homes. The next morning$ Ellen #as sho%%ing #hen she
fo"n! herself next to the %olice station. As a lark$ she #alke! in an! aske! the name of
the yo"ng officer #ho ha! been #orking at abo"t mi!night the night before. Then she
#ent home an! #rote Bro!y a thank(yo" note for being so nice$ an! she also #rote a note
to the chief of %olice commen!ing yo"ng 9artin Bro!y. Bro!y tele%hone! to thank her
for her thank(yo" note.
5hen he aske! her o"t to !inner an! the moies on his night off$ she acce%te! o"t
of c"riosity. She ha! scarcely eer talke! to a %oliceman$ let alone gone o"t #ith one.
Bro!y #as nero"s$ b"t Ellen seeme! so gen"inely intereste! in him an! his #ork that he
eent"ally calme! !o#n eno"gh to hae a goo! time$ Ellen fo"n! him !elightf"l' strong$
sim%le$ kin! (( sincere. 4e ha! been a %oliceman for six years. 4e sai! his ambition #as
to be chief of the Amity force$ to hae sons to take !"ck(shooting in the fall$ to sae
eno"gh money to take a real acation eery secon! or thir! year.
They #ere marrie! that /oember. Ellen.s %arents ha! #ante! her to finish
college$ an! Bro!y ha! been #illing to #ait "ntil the follo#ing s"mmer$ b"t Ellen
co"l!n.t imagine that one more year of college co"l! make any !ifference in the life she
ha! chosen to lea!.
There #ere some a#k#ar! moments !"ring the first fe# years. Ellen.s frien!s
#o"l! ask them to !inner or l"nch or for a s#im$ an! they #o"l! go$ b"t Bro!y #o"l!
feel ill at ease an! %atronize!. 5hen they got together #ith Bro!y.s frien!s$ Ellen.s %ast
seeme! to stifle f"n. Peo%le behae! as if they #ere fearf"l of committing a fa"x %as.
-ra!"ally$ as frien!shi%s !eelo%e!$ the a#k#ar!ness !isa%%eare!. B"t they neer sa#
any of Ellen.s ol! frien!s any more. Altho"gh the she!!ing of the ,s"mmer %eo%le,
stigma earne! her the affection of the year(ro"n! resi!ents of Amity$ it cost her m"ch that
#as %leasant an! familiar from the first t#enty(one years of her life. 2t #as as if she ha!
moe! to another co"ntry.
Jntil abo"t fo"r years ago$ the estrangement ha!n.t bothere! her. She #as too
b"sy$ an! too ha%%y$ raising chil!ren to let her min! linger on alternaties long %ast. B"t
#hen her last chil! starte! school$ she fo"n! herself a!rift$ an! she began to !#ell on
memories of ho# her mother ha! lie! her life once her chil!ren ha! beg"n to !etach
from her' sho%%ing exc"rsions @f"n beca"se there #as eno"gh money to b"y all b"t the
most o"trageo"sly ex%ensie itemsA$ long l"nches #ith frien!s$ tennis$ cocktail %arties$
#eeken! tri%s. 5hat ha! once seeme! shallo# an! te!io"s no# loome! in memory like
At first she trie! to re(establish bon!s #ith frien!s she ha!n.t seen in ten years$
b"t all commonality of interest an! ex%erience ha! long since anishe!. Ellen talke! gaily
abo"t the comm"nity$ abo"t local %olities$ abo"t her &ob as a ol"nteer at the
So"tham%ton 4os%ital (( all s"b&ects abo"t #hich her ol! frien!s$ many of #hom ha!
been coming to Amity eery s"mmer for more than thirty years$ kne# little an! care!
less. They talke! abo"t /e# 1ork %olities$ abo"t art galleries an! %ainters an! #riters
they kne#. 9ost conersations en!e! #ith feeble reminiscences an! s%ec"lations abo"t
#here ol! frien!s #ere no#. Al#ays there #ere %le!ges abo"t calling each other an!
getting together again.
)nce in a #hile she #o"l! try to make ne# frien!s among the s"mmer %eo%le she
ha!n.t kno#n$ b"t the associations #ere force! an! brief. They might hae en!"re! if
Ellen ha! been less self(conscio"s abo"t her ho"se$ abo"t her h"sban!.s &ob an! ho#
%oorly it %ai!. She ma!e s"re that eeryone she met kne# she ha! starte! her Amity life
on an entirely !ifferent %lane. She #as a#are of #hat she #as !oing$ an! she hate!
herself for it$ beca"se in fact she loe! her h"sban! !ee%ly$ a!ore! her chil!ren$ an! ((
for most of the year (( #as +"ite content #ith her lot.
By no#$ she ha! largely gien "% actie forays into the s"mmer comm"nity$ b"t
the resentments an! the longings lingere!. She #as "nha%%y$ an! she took o"t most of
her "nha%%iness on her h"sban!$ a fact that both of them "n!erstoo! b"t only he co"l!
tolerate. She #ishe! she co"l! go into s"s%en!e! animation for that +"arter of eery year.
Bro!y rolle! oer to#ar! Ellen$ raising himself "% on one elbo# an! resting his
hea! on his han!. 5ith his other han! he flicke! a#ay a stran! of hair that #as tickling
Ellen.s nose an! making it t#itch. 4e still ha! an erection from the remnants of his last
!ream$ an! he !ebate! ro"sing her for a +"ick bit of sex. 4e kne# she #as a slo# #aker
an! her early morning moo!s #ere more cantankero"s than romantic. Still$ it #o"l! be
f"n. There ha! not been m"ch sex in the Bro!y ho"sehol! recently. There sel!om #as$
#hen Ellen #as in her s"mmer moo!s.
3"st then$ Ellen.s mo"th fell o%en an! she began to snore. Bro!y felt himself t"rn
off as +"ickly as if someone ha! %o"re! ice #ater on his loins. 4e got "% an! #ent into
the bathroom.
2t #as nearly K'I0 #hen Bro!y t"rne! onto )l! 9ill Roa!. The s"n #as #ell "%.
2t ha! lost its !aybreak re! an! #as t"rning from orange to bright yello#. The sky #as
Theoretically$ there #as a stat"tory right(of(#ay bet#een each ho"se$ to %ermit %"blic
access to the beach$ #hich co"l! be %riately o#ne! only to the mean(high(#ater mark.
B"t the rights(of(#ay bet#een most ho"ses #ere fille! #ith garages or %riet he!ges.
*rom the roa! there #as no ie# of the beach. All Bro!y co"l! see #as the to%s of the
!"nes. So eery h"n!re! yar!s or so he ha! to sto% the s+"a! car an! #alk "% a !rie#ay
to reach a %oint from #hich he co"l! s"rey the beach.
There #as no sign of a bo!y. All he sa# on the broa!$ #hite ex%anse #as a fe#
%ieces of !rift#oo!$ a can or t#o$ an! a yar!(#i!e belt of sea#ee! an! kel% %"she!
ashore by the so"therly breeze. There #as %ractically no s"rf$ so if a bo!y #as floating on
the s"rface it #o"l! hae been isible. 2f there is a floater o"t there$ Bro!y tho"ght$ it.s
floating beneath the s"rface an! 2.ll neer see it till it #ashes "%.
By seen o.clock Bro!y ha! coere! the #hole beach along )l! 9ill an! Scotch
roa!s. The only thing he ha! seen that str"ck him as een remotely o!! #as a %a%er %late
on #hich sat three scallo%e! orange rin!s (( a sign that the s"mmer.s beach %icnics #ere
going to be more elegant than eer.
4e !roe back along Scotch Roa!$ t"rne! north to#ar! to#n on Bayberry ;ane$
an! arrie! at the station ho"se at B'10.
4en!ricks #as finishing "% his %a%er #ork #hen Bro!y #alke! in$ an! he looke!
!isa%%ointe! that Bro!y #asn.t !ragging a cor%se behin! him. ,/o l"ck$ 6hief0, he sai!.
,That !e%en!s on #hat yo" mean by l"ck$ ;eonar!. 2f yo" mean !i! 2 fin! a bo!y
an! if 2 !i!n.t isn.t it too ba!$ the ans#er to both +"estions is no. 2s Fimble in yet0,
,5ell$ 2 ho%e he isn.t aslee%. That.! look &"st !an!y$ haing him snoring a#ay in a
co% car #hen %eo%le start to !o their sho%%ing.,
,4e.ll be here by eight$, sai! 4en!ricks. ,4e al#ays is.,
Bro!y %o"re! himself a c"% of coffee$ #alke! into his office$ an! began to fli% thro"gh
the morning %a%ers (( the early e!ition of the /e# 1ork Daily News an! the local %a%er$
the Amity Leader, #hich came o"t #eekly in the #inter an! !aily in the s"mmer.
Fimble arrie! a little before eight$ looking$ a%tly eno"gh$ as if he ha! been
slee%ing in his "niform$ an! he ha! a c"% of coffee #ith 4en!ricks #hile they #aite! for
the !ay shift to a%%ear. 4en!ricks. re%lacement came in at eight shar%$ an! 4en!ricks #as
%"tting on his leather flight &acket an! getting rea!y to leae #hen Bro!y came o"t of his
,2.m going o"t to see *oote$ ;eonar!$, Bro!y sai!. ,1o" #ant to come along0
1o" !on.t hae to$ b"t 2 tho"ght yo" might #ant to follo# "% on yo"r... floater., Bro!y
,S"re$ 2 g"ess so$, sai! 4en!ricks. ,2 got nothing else going to!ay$ so 2 can slee%
all afternoon.,
They !roe o"t in Bro!y.s car. As they %"lle! into *oote.s !rie#ay$ 4en!ricks
sai!$ ,5hat !o yo" bet all aslee%0 2 remember last s"mmer a #oman calle! at one
in the morning an! aske! if 2 co"l! come o"t as early as %ossible the next morning
beca"se she tho"ght some of her &e#elry #as missing. 2 offere! to go right then$ b"t she
sai! no$ she #as going to be!. Any#ay$ 2 sho#e! "% at ten o.clock the next morning an!
she thre# me o"t. .2 !i!n.t mean this early$. she says.,
,5e.ll see$, sai! Bro!y. ,2f really #orrie! abo"t this !ame$ they.ll be
The !oor o%ene! almost before Bro!y ha! finishe! knocking. ,5e.e been
#aiting to hear from yo"$, sai! a yo"ng man. ,2.m Tom 6assi!y. 7i! yo" fin! her0,
,2.m 6hief Bro!y. This is )fficer 4en!ricks. /o$ 9r. 6assi!y$ #e !i!n.t fin! her.
6an #e come in0,
,)h s"re$ s"re. 2.m sorry. -o on in the riing room. 2.ll get the *ootes.,
2t took less than fie min"tes for Bro!y to learn eerything he felt he nee!e! to
kno#. Then$ as m"ch to seem thoro"gh as from any ho%e of learning anything "sef"l$ he
aske! to see the missing #oman.s clothes. 4e #as sho#n into the be!room$ an! he
looke! thro"gh the clothing on the be!.
,She !i!n.t hae a bathing s"it #ith her0,
,/o$, sai! 6assi!y. ,2t.s in the to% !ra#er oer there. 2 looke!.,
Bro!y %a"se! for a moment$ taking care #ith his #or!s$ then sai!$ ,9r. 6assi!y$ 2
!on.t mean to so"n! fli% or anything$ b"t has this 9iss 5atkins got a habit of !oing
strange things0 2 mean$ like taking off in the mi!!le of the night... or #alking aro"n!
,/ot that 2 kno# of$, sai! 6assi!y. ,B"t 2 really !on.t kno# her too #ell.,
,2 see$, sai! Bro!y. ,Then 2 g"ess #e.! better go !o#n to the beach again. 1o"
!on.t hae to come. 4en!ricks an! 2 can han!le it.,
,2.! like to come$ if yo" !on.t min!.,
,2 !on.t min!. 2 &"st tho"ght yo" might not #ant to.,
The three men #alke! !o#n to the beach. 6assi!y sho#e! the %olicemen #here
he ha! fallen aslee% (( the in!entation his bo!y ha! ma!e in the san! ha! not been
!ist"rbe! (( an! he %ointe! o"t #here he ha! fo"n! the #oman.s clothes.
Bro!y looke! "% an! !o#n the beach. *or as far as he co"l! see$ more than a mile
in both !irections$ the beach #as em%ty. 6l"m%s of sea#ee! #ere the only !ark s%ots on
the #hite san!. ,;et.s take a #alk$, he sai!. ,;eonar!$ yo" go east as far as the %oint. 9r.
6assi!y$ let.s yo" an! 2 go #est. 1o" got yo"r #histle$ ;eonar!0 3"st in case.,
,2.e got it$, sai! 4en!ricks. ,1o" care if 2 take my shoes off0 2t.s easier #alking
on the har! san!$ 2 !on.t #ant to get them #et.,
,2 !on.t care$, sai! Bro!y. ,Technically yo".re off !"ty. 1o" can take yo"r %ants
off if yo" #ant. )f co"rse$ then 2.ll arrest yo" for in!ecent ex%os"re.,
4en!ricks starte! east#ar!. The #et san! felt cris% an! cool on his feet. 4e
#alke! #ith his hea! !o#n an! his han!s in his %ockets$ looking at the tiny shells an!
tangles of sea#ee!. A fe# b"gs (( they looke! like little black beetles (( skittere! o"t of
his %ath$ an! #hen the #ae#ash rece!e!$ he sa# min"te b"bbles %o% aboe the holes
ma!e by san!#orms. 4e en&oye! the #alk. 2t #as a f"nny thing$ he tho"ght$ that #hen
yo" lie all yo"r life in a %lace$ yo" almost neer !o the things that to"rists go there to !o
(( like #alk on the beach or go s#imming in the ocean. 4e co"l!n.t remember the last
time he #ent s#imming. 4e #asn.t een s"re he still o#ne! a bathing s"it. 2t #as like
something he ha! hear! abo"t /e# 1ork (( that half the %eo%le #ho lie in the city neer
go to the to% of the Em%ire State B"il!ing or isit the Stat"e of ;iberty.
Eery no# an! then$ 4en!ricks looke! "% to see ho# m"ch closer he #as to the
%oint. )nce he t"rne! back to see if Bro!y an! 6assi!y ha! fo"n! anything. 4e g"esse!
that they #ere nearly half a mile a#ay.
As he t"rne! back an! starte! #alking again$ 4en!ricks sa# something ahea! of him$
a cl"m% of #ee! an! kel% that seeme! "n"s"ally large. 4e #as abo"t thirty yar!s a#ay
from the cl"m% #hen he began to think the #ee! might be clinging to something.
5hen he reache! the cl"m%$ 4en!ricks bent !o#n to %"ll some of the #ee! a#ay.
S"!!enly he sto%%e!. *or a fe# secon!s he stare!$ frozen rigi!. 4e f"mble! in his %ants
%ocket for his #histle$ %"t it to his li%s$ an! trie! to blo#= instea!$ he omite!$ staggere!
back$ an! fell to his knees.
Snarle! #ithin the cl"m% of #ee! #as a #oman.s hea!$ still attache! to sho"l!ers$
%art of an arm$ an! abo"t a thir! of her tr"nk. The mass of tattere! flesh #as a mottle!
bl"e(gray$ an! as 4en!ricks s%ille! his g"ts into the san!$ he tho"ght (( an! the tho"ght
ma!e him retch again (( that the #oman.s remaining breast looke! as flat as a flo#er
%resse! in a memory book.
,5ait$, sai! Bro!y$ sto%%ing an! to"ching 6assi!y.s arm. ,2 think that #as a
#histle., 4e listene!$ s+"inting into the morning s"n. 4e sa# a black s%ot on the san!$
#hich he ass"me! #as 4en!ricks$ an! then he hear! the #histle more clearly. ,6ome
on$, he sai!$ an! the t#o men began to trot along the san!.
4en!ricks #as still on his knees #hen they got to him. 4e ha! sto%%e! %"king$ b"t his
hea! still h"ng$ mo"th o%en$ an! his breathing rattle! #ith %hlegm.
Bro!y #as seeral ste%s ahea! of 6assi!y$ an! he sai!$ ,9r. 6assi!y$ stay back
there a secon!$ #ill yo"0, 4e %"lle! a%art some of the #ee!s$ an! #hen he sa# #hat #as
insi!e$ he felt bile rise in his throat. 4e s#allo#e! an! close! his eyes. After a moment
he sai!$ ,1o" might as #ell look no#$ 9r. 6assi!y$ an! tell me if it.s her or not.,
6assi!y #as terrifie!. 4is eyes shifte! bet#een the exha"ste! 4en!ricks an! the
mass of #ee!. ,That0, he sai!$ %ointing at the #ee!. Reflexiely$ he ste%%e! back#ar!.
,That thing? 5hat !o yo" mean it.s her0, Bro!y #as still fighting to control his stomach.
,2 think$, he sai!$ ,that it may be %art of her.,
Rel"ctantly$ 6assi!y sh"ffle! for#ar!. Bro!y hel! back a %iece of #ee! so
6assi!y co"l! get a clear look at the gray an! ga%ing face. ,)h$ my -o!8, sai! 6assi!y$
an! he %"t a han! to his mo"th.
,2s it her0,
6assi!y no!!e!$ still staring at the face. Then he t"rne! a#ay an! sai!$ ,5hat
ha%%ene! to her0,
,2 can.t be s"re$, sai! Bro!y. ,)ffhan!$ 2.! say she #as attacke! by a shark.,
6assi!y.s knees b"ckle!$ an! as he sank to the san!$ he sai!$ ,2 think 2.m going to
be sick., 4e %"t his hea! !o#n an! retche!.
The stink of omit reache! Bro!y almost instantly$ an! he kne# he ha! lost his
str"ggle. ,3oin the cro#!$, he sai!$ an! he omite! too.
6ha%ter I
Seeral min"tes %asse! before Bro!y felt #ell eno"gh to stan!$ #alk back to his car$
an! call for an amb"lance from the So"tham%ton 4os%ital$ an! it #as almost an ho"r
before the amb"lance arrie! an! the tr"ncate! cor%se #as st"ffe! into a r"bber bag an!
ha"le! a#ay.
By eleen o.clock$ Bro!y #as back in his office$ filling o"t forms abo"t the
acci!ent. 4e ha! com%lete! eerything b"t ,ca"se of !eath, #hen the %hone rang.
,6arl Santos$ 9artin$, sai! the oice of the coroner.
,1eah$ 6arl. 5hat hae yo" got for me0,
,Jnless yo" hae any reason to s"s%ect a m"r!er$ 2.! hae to say shark.,
,9"r!er0, sai! Bro!y.
,2.m not s"ggesting anything. All 2 mean is that it.s conceiable (( &"st barely ((
that some n"t co"l! hae !one this &ob on the girl #ith an ax an! a sa#.,
,2 !on.t think it.s a m"r!er$ 6arl. 2.e got no motie$ no m"r!er #ea%ons$ an! ((
"nless 2 #ant to go off into left fiel! (( no s"s%ect.,
,Then it.s a shark. An! a big bastar!$ too. Een the scre# on an ocean liner
#o"l!n.t hae !one this. 2t might hae c"t her in t#o$ b"t...,
,)kay$ 6arl$, sai! Bro!y. ,S%are me the gore. 9y stomach.s none too hot
,Sorry$ 9artin. Any#ay$ 2.m going to %"t !o#n shark attack. 2.! say that makes
the most sense for yo" too$ "nless there are... yo" kno#... other consi!erations.,
,/o$, sai! Bro!y. ,/ot this time. Thanks for calling$ 6arl., 4e h"ng "%$ ty%e!
,shark attack, in the ,ca"se of !eath, s%ace on the forms$ an! leane! back in his chair.
The %ossibility that ,other consi!erations, might be inole! in this case ha!n.t
occ"rre! to Bro!y. Those consi!erations #ere the to"chiest %art of Bro!y.s &ob$ forcing
him constantly to assess the best means of %rotecting the common #ealth #itho"t
com%romising either himself or the la#.
2t #as the beginning of the s"mmer season$ an! Bro!y kne# that on the s"ccess or
fail"re of those t#ele brief #eeks reste! the fort"nes of Amity for a #hole year. A rich
season meant %ros%erity eno"gh to carry the to#n thro"gh the lean #inter. The #inter
%o%"lation of Amity #as abo"t 1$000= in a goo! s"mmer the %o%"lation &"m%e! to nearly
10$000. An! those ?$000 s"mmer isitors ke%t the 1$000 %ermanent resi!ents alie for the
#hole year.
9erchants (( from the o#ners of the har!#are store an! the s%orting goo!s store
an! the t#o gas stations to the local %harmacist (( nee!e! a boom s"mmer to s"%%ort
them thro"gh the #inter$ !"ring #hich they neer broke een. The #ies of car%enters$
electricians$ an! %l"mbers #orke! !"ring the s"mmer as #aitresses or real estate agents$
to hel% kee% their families going oer the #inter. There #ere only t#o year(ro"n! li+"or
licenses in Amity$ so the t#ele #eeks of s"mmer #ere critical to most of the resta"rants
an! %"bs. 6harter fishermen nee!e! eery break they co"l! get' goo! #eather$ goo!
fishing$ an!$ aboe all$ cro#!s.
Een after the best of s"mmers$ Amity #inters #ere ro"gh. Three of eery ten
families #ent on relief. 7ozens of men #ere force! to moe for the #inter to the north
shore of ;ong 2slan!$ #here they scratche! for #ork sh"cking scallo%s for a fe# !ollars a
Bro!y kne# that one ba! s"mmer #o"l! nearly !o"ble the relief rolls. 2f eery
ho"se #as not rente!$ there #o"l!n.t be eno"gh #ork for Amity.s blacks$ most of #hom
#ere gar!eners$ b"tlers$ barten!ers$ an! mai!s. An! t#o or three ba! s"mmers in a ro# ((
a circ"mstance that$ fort"nately$ ha!n.t occ"rre! in more than t#o !eca!es (( co"l! create
a cycle that co"l! #reck the to#n. 2f %eo%le !i!n.t hae eno"gh money to b"y clothes or
gas or am%le foo! s"%%lies$ if they co"l!n.t affor! to hae their ho"ses or their a%%liances
re%aire!$ then the merchants an! serice firms #o"l! fail to make eno"gh to ti!e them
oer "ntil the next s"mmer. They #o"l! close !o#n$ an! Amity.s citizens #o"l! start
sho%%ing else#here. The to#n #o"l! lose tax reen"e. 9"nici%al serices #o"l!
!eteriorate$ an! %eo%le #o"l! begin to moe a#ay.
So there #as a common$ tho"gh tacit$ "n!erstan!ing in Amity$ born of the nee! to
s"rie. Eeryone #as ex%ecte! to !o his bit to make s"re that Amity remaine! a
!esirable s"mmer comm"nity. A fe# years ago$ Bro!y remembere!$ a yo"ng man an! his
brother ha! moe! into to#n an! set themseles "% as car%enters. They came in the
s%ring$ #hen there #as eno"gh #ork %re%aring ho"ses for s"mmer resi!ents to kee%
eeryone b"sy$ so they #ere #elcome!. They seeme! com%etent eno"gh$ an! seeral
establishe! car%enters began to refer #ork to them.
B"t by mi!s"mmer$ there #ere !is+"ieting re%orts abo"t the *elix Brothers.
Albert 9orris$ the o#ner of Amity 4ar!#are$ let it be kno#n that they #ere b"ying
chea% steel nails instea! of galanize! nails an! #ere charging their c"stomers for
galanize!. 2n a seasi!e climate$ steel nails begin to r"st in a fe# months. 7ick S%itzer$
#ho ran the l"mberyar!$ tol! somebo!y that the *elixes ha! or!ere! a loa! of lo#(gra!e$
green #oo! to "se in some cabinets in a ho"se on Scotch Roa!. The cabinet !oors began
to #ar% soon after they #ere installe!. 2n a bar one night$ the el!er *elix$ Arman!o$
boaste! to a !rinking b"!!y that on his c"rrent &ob he #as being %ai! to set s"%%orting
st"!s eery sixteen inches b"t #as act"ally %lacing them t#enty(fo"r inches a%art. An!
the yo"nger *elix$ a t#enty(one(year(ol! name! 7anny #ith a st"bborn case of acne$
like! to sho# his frien!s erotic books #hich he bragge! he ha! stolen from the ho"ses he
#orke! in.
)ther car%enters sto%%e! referring #ork to the *elixes$ b"t by then they ha! b"ilt
eno"gh of a b"siness to kee% them going thro"gh the #inter. Very +"ietly$ the Amity
"n!erstan!ing began to #ork. At first$ there #ere &"st a fe# hints to the *elixes that they
ha! o"t#orn their #elcome. Arman!o reacte! arrogantly. Soon$ annoying little misha%s
began to bother him. All the tires on his tr"ck #o"l! mysterio"sly em%ty themseles of
air$ an! #hen he calle! for hel% from the Amity -"lf station$ he #as tol! that the air
%"m% #as broken. 5hen he ran o"t of %ro%ane gas in his kitchen$ the local gas com%any
took eight !ays to !elier a ne# tank. 4is or!ers for l"mber an! other s"%%lies #ere
inex%licably mislai! or !elaye!. 2n stores #here once he ha! been able to obtain cre!it he
#as no# force! to %ay cash. By the en! of )ctober$ the *elix Brothers #ere "nable to
f"nction as a b"siness$ an! they moe! a#ay.
-enerally$ Bro!y.s contrib"tion to the Amity "n!erstan!ing (( in a!!ition to
maintaining the r"le of la# an! so"n! &"!gment in the to#n (( consiste! of s"%%ressing
r"mors an!$ in cons"ltation #ith 4arry 9ea!o#s$ the e!itor of the Amity Leader,
kee%ing a certain %ers%ectie on the rare "nfort"nate occ"rrences that +"alifie! as ne#s.
The %reio"s s"mmer.s ra%es ha! been re%orte! in the Leader, b"t &"st barely @as
molestationsA$ beca"se Bro!y an! 9ea!o#s agree! that the s%ecter of a black ra%ist
stalking eery female in Amity #o"l!n.t !o m"ch for the to"rist tra!e. 2n that case$ there
#as the a!!e! %roblem that none of the #omen #ho ha! tol! the %olice they ha! been
ra%e! #o"l! re%eat their stories to anyone else.
2f one of the #ealthier s"mmer resi!ents of Amity #as arreste! for !r"nken
!riing$ Bro!y #as #illing$ on a first offense$ to book him for !riing #itho"t a license$
an! that charge #o"l! be !"ly re%orte! in the Leader. B"t Bro!y ma!e s"re to #arn the
!rier that the secon! time he #as ca"ght !riing "n!er the infl"ence he #o"l! be
charge!$ booke!$ an! %rosec"te! for !r"nk !riing.
Bro!y.s relationshi% #ith 9ea!o#s #as base! on a !elicate balance. 5hen
gro"%s of yo"ngsters came to to#n from the 4am%tons an! ca"se! tro"ble$ 9ea!o#s #as
han!e! eery fact (( names$ ages$ an! charges lo!ge!. 5hen Amity.s o#n yo"th ma!e
too m"ch noise at a %arty$ the Leader "s"ally ran a one(%aragra%h story #itho"t names or
a!!resses$ informing the %"blic that the %olice ha! been calle! to +"ell a minor
!ist"rbance on$ say$ )l! 9ill Roa!.
Beca"se seeral s"mmer resi!ents fo"n! it f"n to s"bscribe to the Leader year(ro"n!$
the matter of #intertime an!alism of s"mmer ho"ses #as %artic"larly sensitie. *or
years$ 9ea!o#s ha! ignore! it (( leaing it to Bro!y to make s"re that the homeo#ner
#as notifie!$ the offen!ers %"nishe!$ an! the a%%ro%riate re%airmen !is%atche! to the
ho"se. B"t in the #inter of 1?KC sixteen ho"ses #ere an!alize! #ithin a fe# #eeks.
Bro!y an! 9ea!o#s agree! that the time ha! come for a f"ll cam%aign in the Leader
against #intertime an!als. The res"lt #as the #iring of the forty(eight homes to the
%olice station$ #hich (( since the %"blic !i!n.t kno# #hich ho"ses #ere #ire! an! #hich
#eren.t (( all b"t eliminate! an!alism$ ma!e Bro!y.s &ob m"ch easier$ an! gae
9ea!o#s the image of a cr"sa!ing e!itor.
)nce in a #hile$ Bro!y an! 9ea!o#s colli!e!. 9ea!o#s #as a zealot against the
"se of narcotics. 4e #as also a man #ith "n"s"ally keen re%ortorial antennae$ an! #hen
he sense! a story (( one not s"sce%tible to ,other consi!erations, (( he #o"l! go after it
like a %ig after tr"ffles. 2n the s"mmer of 1?B1 the !a"ghter of one of Amity.s richest
families ha! !ie! off the Scotch Roa! beach. To Bro!y$ there #as no ei!ence of fo"l
%lay$ an! since the family o%%ose! an a"to%sy$ the !eath #as officially liste! as
B"t 9ea!o#s ha! reason to beliee that the girl #as on !r"gs an! that she #as
being s"%%lie! by the son of a Polish %otato farmer. 2t took 9ea!o#s almost t#o months
to get the story$ b"t in the en! he force! an a"to%sy #hich %roe! that at the time she
!ro#ne! the girl ha! been "nconscio"s from an oer!ose of heroin. 4e also tracke! !o#n
the %"sher an! ex%ose! a fairly large !r"g ring o%erating in the Amity area. The story
reflecte! ba!ly on Amity an! #orse on Bro!y$ #ho$ beca"se seeral fe!eral iolations
#ere inole! in the case$ #asn.t een able to re!eem his earlier inso"ciance by making
an arrest or t#o. An! it #on 9ea!o#s t#o regional &o"rnalism %rizes.
/o# it #as Bro!y.s t"rn to %ress for f"ll !isclos"re. 4e inten!e! to close the
beaches for a co"%le of !ays$ to gie the shark time to trael far from the Amity
shoreline. 4e !i!n.t kno# #hether or not sharks co"l! ac+"ire a taste for h"man flesh @as
he ha! hear! tigers !oA$ b"t he #as !etermine! to !e%rie the fish of any more %eo%le.
This time he #ante! %"blicity$ to make %eo%le fear the #ater an! stay a#ay from it.
Bro!y kne# there #o"l! be a strong arg"ment against %"blicizing the attack. ;ike
the rest of the co"ntry$ Amity #as still feeling the effects of the recession. So far$ the
s"mmer #as sha%ing "% as a me!iocre one. Rentals #ere "% from last year$ b"t they #ere
not ,goo!, rentals. 9any #ere ,gro"%ers$, ban!s of ten or fifteen yo"ng %eo%le #ho
came from the city an! s%lit the rent on a big ho"se. At least a !ozen of the >B$000 (
>10$000(a(season shore(front ho"ses ha! not yet been rente!$ an! many more in the
><$000 class #ere still #itho"t leases. Sensational re%orts of a shark attack might t"rn
me!iocrity into !isaster.
Still$ Bro!y tho"ght$ one !eath in mi!(3"ne$ before the cro#!s come$ #o"l!
%robably be +"ickly forgotten. 6ertainly it #o"l! hae less effect than t#o or three more
!eaths #o"l!. The fish might #ell hae !isa%%eare! alrea!y$ b"t Bro!y #asn.t #illing to
gamble lies on the %ossibility' the o!!s might be goo!$ b"t the stakes #ere %rohibitiely
4e !iale! 9ea!o#s. n"mber. ,4ey$ 4arry$, he sai!. ,*ree for l"nch0,
,2.e been #on!ering #hen yo".! call$, sai! 9ea!o#s. ,S"re. 9y %lace or
S"!!enly Bro!y #ishe! he ha!n.t calle! at mealtime. 4is stomach #as still
groaning$ an! the tho"ght of foo! na"seate! him. 4e glance! "% at the #all calen!ar. 2t
#as a Th"rs!ay. ;ike all their frien!s on fixe!$ tight incomes$ the Bro!ys sho%%e!
accor!ing to the s"%ermarket s%ecials. 9on!ay.s s%ecial #as chicken$ T"es!ay.s lamb$
an! so forth thro"gh the #eek. As each item #as cons"me!$ Ellen #o"l! note it on her
list an! re%lace it the next #eek. The only ariables #ere bl"efish an! bass$ #hich #ere
inserte! in the men" #hen a frien!ly fisherman !ro%%e! his oerage by the ho"se.
Th"rs!ay.s s%ecial #as hamb"rger$ an! Bro!y ha! seen eno"gh cho%%e! meat for one
,1o"rs$, he sai!. ,5hy !on.t #e or!er o"t from 6y.s0 5e can eat in yo"r office.,
,*ine #ith me$, sai! 9ea!o#s. ,5hat !o yo" #ant0 2.ll or!er no#.,
,Egg sala!$ 2 g"ess$ an! a glass of milk. 2.ll be right there., Bro!y calle! Ellen to
tell her he #o"l!n.t be home for l"nch.
4arry 9ea!o#s #as an immense man$ for #hom the act of !ra#ing breath #as
exertion eno"gh to ca"se %ers%iration to !ot his forehea!. 4e #as in his late forties$ ate
too m"ch$ chain(smoke! chea% cigars$ !rank bon!e! Bo"rbon$ an! #as$ in the #or!s of
his !octor$ the 5estern #orl!.s lea!ing can!i!ate for a h"ge coronary infraction.
5hen Bro!y arrie!$ 9ea!o#s #as stan!ing besi!e his !esk$ #aing a to#el at
the o%en #in!o#. ,2n !eference to #hat yo"r l"nch or!er tells me is a ten!er stomach$,
he sai!$ ,2 am trying to clear the air of essence of 5hite )#l.,
,2 a%%reciate that$, sai! Bro!y. 4e glance! aro"n! the small$ cl"ttere! room$
searching for a %lace to sit.
,3"st thro# that cra% off the chair there$, 9ea!o#s sai!. , &"st goernment
re%orts. Re%orts from the co"nty$ re%orts from the state$ re%orts from the high#ay
commission an! the #ater commission. They %robably cost abo"t a million !ollars$ an!
from an informational %oint of ie# they !on.t amo"nt to a c"% of s%it.,
Bro!y %icke! "% the hea% of %a%ers an! %ile! them ato% a ra!iator. 4e %"lle! the
chair next to 9ea!o#s. !esk an! sat !o#n.
9ea!o#s roote! aro"n! in a large bro#n %a%er bag$ %"lle! o"t a %lastic c"% an! a
cello%hane(#ra%%e! san!#ich$ an! sli! them across the !esk to Bro!y. Then he began to
"n#ra% his o#n l"nch$ fo"r se%arate %ackages #hich he o%ene! an! s%rea! before
himself #ith the loing care of a &e#eler sho#ing off rare gems' a meatball hero$ oozing
tomato sa"ce= a %lastic carton fille! #ith oily frie! %otatoes= a !ill %ickle the size of a
small s+"ash= an! a +"arter of a lemon mering"e %ie. 4e reache! behin! his chair an!
from a small refrigerator #ith!re# a sixteen(o"nce can of beer. ,7elightf"l$, he sai! #ith
a smile as he s"reye! the feast before him.
,Amazing$, sai! Bro!y$ stifling an aci! belch. ,Absof"ckinl"tely amazing. 2 m"st
hae ha! abo"t a tho"san! meals #ith yo"$ 4arry$ b"t 2 still can.t get "se! to it.,
,Eeryone has his little +"irks$ my frien!$, 9ea!o#s sai! as he lifte! his
san!#ich. ,Some %eo%le chase other %eo%le.s #ies. Some lose themseles in #hiskey. 2
fin! my solace in nat"re.s o#n no"rishment.,
,That.ll be some solace to 7orothy #hen yo"r heart says$ .That.s eno"gh$ b"ster$
,5e.e !isc"sse! that$ 7orothy an! 2$, sai! 9ea!o#s$ filtering the #or!s thro"gh
a mo"thf"l of brea! an! meat$ ,an! #e agree that one of the fe# a!antages man has
oer other animals is the ability to choose the #ay to bring on his o#n !eath. *oo! may
#ell kill me$ b"t it.s also #hat has ma!e life s"ch a %leas"re. Besi!es$ 2.! rather go my
#ay than en! "% in the belly of a shark. After this morning$ 2.m s"re yo".ll agree.,
Bro!y #as in the mi!st of s#allo#ing a bite of egg sala! san!#ich$ an! he ha! to
force it %ast a rising gag. ,7on.t !o that to me$, he sai!.
They ate in silence for a fe# moments. Bro!y finishe! his san!#ich an! milk$
#a!!e! the san!#ich #ra%%er an! st"ffe! it into the %lastic c"%. 4e leane! back an! lit a
cigarette. 9ea!o#s #as still eating$ b"t Bro!y kne# his a%%etite #o"l!n.t be !iminishe!
by any !isc"ssion. 4e recalle! a time #hen 9ea!o#s ha! isite! the scene of a bloo!y
a"tomobile acci!ent an! %rocee!e! to interie# %olice an! s"riors #hile s"cking on a
cocon"t Po%sicle.
,Abo"t the 5atkins thing$, Bro!y sai!. ,2 hae a co"%le of tho"ghts$ if yo" #ant
to hear them., 9ea!o#s no!!e!. ,*irst$ it seems to me that the ca"se of !eath is c"t(an!(
!rie!. 2.e alrea!y talke! to Santos$ an! GH
,2 !i!$ too.,
,So yo" kno# #hat he thinks. 2t #as a shark attack$ clear an! sim%le. An! if yo".!
seen the bo!y$ yo".! agree. There.s &"st no ((,
,2 !i! see it.,
Bro!y #as astonishe!$ mostly beca"se he co"l!n.t imagine ho# anyone #ho ha!
seen that mess co"l! be sitting there no#$ licking lemon(%ie filling off his fingers. ,So
yo" agree0,
,1es. 2 agree that.s #hat kille! her. B"t there are a fe# things 2.m not so s"re of.,
,;ike #hat0,
,;ike #hy she #as s#imming at that time of night. 7o yo" kno# #hat the
tem%erat"re #as at aro"n! mi!night0 Sixty. 7o yo" kno# #hat the #ater tem%erat"re
#as0 Abo"t fifty. 1o".! hae to be o"t of yo"r min! to go s#imming "n!er those
,)r !r"nk$, sai! Bro!y$ ,#hich she %robably #as.,
,9aybe. /o$ yo".re right (( %robably. 2.e checke! aro"n! a little$ an! the *ootes
!on.t mess #ith grass or mescaline or any of that st"ff. There.s one other thing that
bothers me$ tho"gh.,
Bro!y #as annoye!. ,*or 6hrist.s sake$ 4arry$ sto% chasing sha!o#s. )nce in a
#hile$ %eo%le !o !ie by acci!ent.,
,2t.s not that. 2t.s &"st that it.s !amn f"nny that #e.e got a shark aro"n! here #hen
the #ater.s still this col!.,
,2s it0 9aybe there are sharks #ho like col! #ater. 5ho kno#s abo"t sharks0,
,There are some. There.s the -reenlan! shark$ b"t they neer come !o#n this far$
an! een if they !i!$ they !on.t "s"ally bother %eo%le. 5ho kno#s abo"t sharks0 2.ll tell
yo" this' At the moment 2 kno# a hell of a lot more abo"t them than 2 !i! this morning.
After 2 sa# #hat #as left of 9iss 5atkins$ 2 calle! a yo"ng g"y 2 kno# "% at the 5oo!s
4ole )ceanogra%hic 2nstit"te. 2 !escribe! the bo!y to him$ an! he sai! it.s likely that only
one kin! of shark #o"l! !o a &ob like that.,
,5hat kin!0,
,A great #hite. There are others that attack %eo%le$ like tigers an! hammerhea!s
an! maybe een makos an! bl"es$ b"t this fello# 4oo%er (( 9att 4oo%er (( tol! me that
to c"t a #oman in half like that yo".! hae to hae a fish #ith a mo"th like this, (( he
s%rea! his han!s abo"t three feet a%art (( ,an! the only shark that gro#s that big an!
attacks %eo%le is the great #hite. There.s another name for them.,
,)h0, Bro!y #as beginning to lose interest. ,5hat.s that0,
,9an(eater. )ther sharks kill %eo%le once in a #hile$ for all sorts of reasons ((
h"nger$ maybe$ or conf"sion or beca"se they smell bloo! in the #ater. By the #ay$ !i!
the 5atkins girl hae her %erio! last night0,
,4o# the hell #o"l! 2 kno#0,
,3"st c"rio"s. 4oo%er sai! that.s one #ay to g"arantee yo"rself an attack if there.s
a shark aro"n!.,
,5hat !i! he say abo"t the col! #ater0,
,That it.s +"ite common for a great #hite to come into #ater this col!. Some years
ago$ a boy #as kille! by one near San *rancisco. The #ater tem%erat"re #as fifty(seen.,
Bro!y s"cke! a long !rag from his cigarette an! sai!$ ,1o".e really !one a lot of
checking into this$ 4arry.,
,2t seeme! to me a matter of (( shall #e say (( common sense an! %"blic interest
to !etermine exactly #hat ha%%ene! an! the chances of it ha%%ening again.,
,An! !i! yo" !etermine those chances0,
,2 !i!. almost nonexistent. *rom #hat 2 can gather$ this #as a real freak
acci!ent. Accor!ing to 4oo%er$ the only thing goo! abo"t great #hites is that
scarce. There.s eery reason to beliee that the shark that attacke! the 5atkins girl is long
gone. There are no reefs aro"n! here. There.s no fish(%rocessing %lant or sla"ghterho"se
that !"m%s bloo! or g"ts into the #ater. So there.s nothing at all to kee% the shark
intereste!., 9ea!o#s %a"se! an! looke! at Bro!y$ #ho ret"rne! his gaze silently. ,So it
seems to me$ 9artin$ that there.s no reason to get the %"blic all "%set oer something
that.s almost s"re not to ha%%en again.,
,That.s one #ay to look at it$ 4arry. Another is that since it.s not likely to ha%%en
again$ there.s no harm in telling %eo%le that it !i! ha%%en this once.,
9ea!o#s sighe!. ,3o"rnalistically$ yo" may be right. B"t 2 think this is one of
those times$ 9artin$ #hen #e hae to forget the book an! think of #hat.s best for the
%eo%le. 2 !on.t think it #o"l! be in the %"blic interest to s%rea! this aro"n!. 2.m not
thinking abo"t the to#ns%eo%le. They.ll kno# abo"t it soon eno"gh$ the ones that !on.t
kno# alrea!y. B"t #hat abo"t the %eo%le #ho rea! the Leader in /e# 1ork or
Phila!el%hia or 6leelan!0,
,1o" flatter yo"rself.,
,Balls. 1o" kno# #hat 2 mean. An! yo" kno# #hat the real estate sit"ation is
like aro"n! here this s"mmer. right on the e!ge$ an! other %laces are$ too$ like
/ant"cket an! the Vineyar! an! East 4am%ton. There are %eo%le #ho still haen.t ma!e
their s"mmer %lans. They kno# they.e got their %ick of %laces this year. There.s no
shortage of ho"ses for rent... any#here. 2f 2 r"n a story saying that a yo"ng #oman #as
bitten in t#o by a monster shark off Amity$ there #on.t be another ho"se rente! in this
to#n. Sharks are like ax(m"r!erers$ 9artin. Peo%le react to them #ith their g"ts. There.s
something crazy an! eil an! "ncontrollable abo"t them. 2f #e tell %eo%le there.s a killer
shark aro"n! here$ #e can kiss the s"mmer goo!(by.,
Bro!y no!!e!. ,2 can.t arg"e #ith that$ 4arry$ an! 2 !on.t #ant to tell the %eo%le
that there is a killer shark aro"n! here. ;ook at it from my %oint of ie#$ &"st for a
secon!. 2 #on.t !is%"te yo"r o!!s or anything. 1o".re %robably right. That shark has
%robably gone a h"n!re! miles from here an! #on.t eer sho# "% again. The most
!angero"s thing o"t there in the #ater is %robably the "n!erto#. B"t$ 4arry$ there.s a
chance yo".re #rong$ an! 2 !on.t think #e can take that chance. S"%%ose (( &"st s"%%ose ((
#e !on.t say a #or!$ an! somebo!y else gets hit by that fish. 5hat then0 9y ass is in a
sling. 2.m s"%%ose! to %rotect %eo%le aro"n! here$ an! if 2 can.t %rotect them from
something$ the least 2 can !o is #arn them that there is a !anger. 1o"r ass is in a sling$
too. 1o".re s"%%ose! to re%ort the ne#s$ an! there.s &"st no +"estion b"t that someone
kille! by a shark is ne#s. 2 #ant yo" to r"n the story$ 4arry. 2 #ant to close the beaches$
&"st for a co"%le of !ays$ an! &"st for ins"rance sake. 2t #on.t be a great inconenience to
anybo!y. There aren.t that many %eo%le here yet$ an! the #ater.s col!. 2f #e tell it
straight$ tell %eo%le #hat ha%%ene! an! #hy !oing #hat !oing$ 2 think #e.ll
be #ay ahea!.,
9ea!o#s sat back in his chair an! tho"ght for a moment. ,2 can.t s%eak for yo"r
&ob$ 9artin$ b"t as far as mine is concerne!$ the !ecision has alrea!y been ma!e.,
,5hat !oes that mean0,
,There #on.t be any story abo"t the attack in the Leader."
,3"st like that.,
,5ell$ not exactly. 2t #asn.t entirely my !ecision$ tho"gh 2 think that generally 2
agree #ith it. 2.m the e!itor of this %a%er$ 9artin$ an! 2 o#n a %iece of it$ b"t not a big
eno"gh %iece to b"ck certain %ress"res.,
,S"ch as0,
,2.e gotten six %hone calls alrea!y this morning. *ie #ere from a!ertisers ((
one resta"rant$ one hotel$ t#o real estate firms$ an! an ice cream sho%. They #ere most
anxio"s to kno# #hether or not 2 %lanne! to r"n a story on the 5atkins thing$ an! most
anxio"s to let me kno# they felt Amity #o"l! best be sere! by letting the #hole thing
fa!e +"ietly a#ay. The sixth call #as from 9r. 6oleman in /e# 1ork. 9r. 6oleman #ho
o#ns fifty(fie %er cent of the Leader. 2t seems 9r. 6oleman ha! receie! a fe# %hone
calls himself. 4e tol! me there #o"l! be no story in the Leader."
,2 !on.t s"%%ose he sai! #hether the fact that his #ife is a real estate broker ha!
anything to !o #ith his !ecision.,
,/o$, sai! 9ea!o#s. ,The s"b&ect neer came "%.,
,*ig"res. 5ell$ 4arry$ #here !oes that leae "s0 1o".re not going to r"n a story$
so as far as the goo! rea!ers of the Leader are concerne!$ nothing eer ha%%ene!. 2.m
going to close the beaches an! %"t "% a fe# signs saying #hy.,
,)kay$ 9artin. That.s yo"r !ecision. B"t let me remin! yo" of something. 1o".re
an electe! official$ right0,
,3"st like the Presi!ent. *or fo"r thrill(fille! years.,
,Electe! officials can be im%eache!.,
,2s that a threat$ 4arry0,
9ea!o#s smile!. ,1o" kno# better than that. Besi!es$ #ho am 2 to be making
threats0 2 &"st #ant yo" to be a#are of #hat yo".re !oing before yo" tinker #ith the
lifebloo! of all those sage an! !iscriminating so"ls #ho electe! yo".,
Bro!y rose to go. ,Thanks$ 4arry. 2.e al#ays hear! it.s lonely here at the to%.
5hat !o 2 o#e yo" for l"nch0,
,*orget it. 2 co"l!n.t take money from a man #hose family #ill soon be begging
for foo! stam%s.,
Bro!y la"ghe!. ,/o #ay. 4aen.t yo" hear!0 The great thing abo"t %olice #ork is
the sec"rity.,
Ten min"tes after Bro!y ret"rne! to his office$ the intercom b"zzer so"n!e! an! a
oice anno"nce!$ ,The mayor.s here to see yo"$ 6hief.,
Bro!y smile!. The mayor. /ot ;arry Va"ghan$ &"st calling to check in. /ot
;a#rence Va"ghan of Va"ghan L Penrose Real Estate$ sto%%ing by to com%lain abo"t
some noisy tenants. B"t 9ayor ;a#rence P. Va"ghan$ the %eo%le.s choice (( by seenty(
one otes in the last election. ,Sen! his honor in$, Bro!y sai!.
;arry Va"ghan #as a han!some man$ in his early fifties$ #ith a f"ll hea! of salt(
an!(%e%%er hair an! a bo!y ke%t trim by exercise. Tho"gh he #as a natie of Amity$ oer
the years he ha! !eelo%e! an air of "n!erstate! chic. 4e ha! ma!e a great !eal of money
in %ost#ar real estate s%ec"lation in Amity$ an! he #as the senior %artner @some tho"ght
the only %artner$ since no one ha! eer met or s%oken to anyone name! Penrose in
Va"ghan.s officeA in the most s"ccessf"l agency in to#n. 4e !resse! #ith elegant
sim%licity$ in timeless British &ackets$ b"tton(!o#n shirts$ an! 5ee&"n loafers. Jnlike
Ellen Bro!y$ #ho ha! !escen!e! from s"mmer folk to #inter folk an! #as "nable to
make the a!&"stment$ Va"ghan ha! ascen!e! smoothly from #inter folk to s"mmer folk$
a!&"sting each ste% of the #ay #ith grace. 4e #as not one of them$ for he #as technically
a local merchant$ so he #as neer aske! to isit them in /e# 1ork or Palm Beach. B"t in
Amity he moe! freely among all b"t the most aloof members of the s"mmer
comm"nity$ #hich$ of co"rse$ !i! an immense amo"nt of goo! for his b"siness. 4e #as
aske! to most of the im%ortant s"mmer %arties$ an! he al#ays arrie! alone. Very fe# of
his frien!s kne# that he ha! a #ife at home$ a sim%le$ a!oring #oman #ho s%ent m"ch of
her time !oing nee!le%oint in front of her teleision set.
Bro!y like! Va"ghan. 4e !i!n.t see m"ch of him !"ring the s"mmer$ b"t after
;abor 7ay$ #hen things calme! !o#n$ Va"ghan felt free to she! some of his social
scales$ an! eery fe# #eeks he an! his #ife #o"l! ask Bro!y an! Ellen o"t to !inner at
one of the better resta"rants in the 4am%tons. The eenings #ere s%ecial treats for Ellen$
an! that in itself #as eno"gh to make Bro!y ha%%y. Va"ghan seeme! to "n!erstan! Ellen.
4e al#ays acte! most gracio"sly$ treating Ellen as a cl"bmate an! comra!e.
Va"ghn #alke! into Bro!y.s office an! sat !o#n. ,2 &"st talke! to 4arry
9ea!o#s$, he sai!.
Va"ghan #as obio"sly "%set$ #hich intereste! Bro!y. 4e ha!n.t ex%ecte! this
,2 see$, he sai!. ,4arry !oesn.t #aste any time.,
,5here are yo" going to get the a"thority to close the beaches0,
,Are yo" asking me as the mayor or as a real estate broker or o"t of frien!ly
interest or #hat$ ;arry0,
Va"ghan %resse!$ an! Bro!y co"l! see he #as haing tro"ble controlling his
tem%er. ,2 #ant to kno# #here yo".re going to get the a"thority. 2 #ant to kno# no#.,
,)fficially$ 2.m not s"re 2 hae it$, Bro!y sai!. ,There.s something in the co!e that
says 2 can take #hateer actions 2 !eem necessary in the eent of an emergency$ b"t 2
think the selectmen hae to !eclare a state of emergency. 2 !on.t imagine yo" #ant to go
thro"gh all that rigmarole.,
,/ot a chance.,
,5ell$ then$ "nofficially 2 fig"re it.s my res%onsibility to kee% the %eo%le #ho lie
here as safe as 2 can$ an! at the moment it.s my &"!gment that that means closing the
beaches for a co"%le of !ays. 2f it eer came !o#n to cases$ 2.m not s"re 2 co"l! arrest
anyone for going s#imming. Jnless$, Bro!y smile!$ ,2 co"l! make a case of criminal
Va"ghan ignore! the remark. ,2 !on.t #ant yo" to close the beaches$, he sai!.
,So 2 see.,
,1o" kno# #hy. The *o"rth of 3"ly isn.t far off$ an! that.s the make(or(break
#eeken!. 5e.! be c"tting o"r o#n throats.,
,2 kno# the arg"ment$ an! 2.m s"re yo" kno# my reasons for #anting to close the
beaches. 2t.s not as if 2 hae anything to gain.,
,/o. 2.! say +"ite the o%%osite is tr"e. ;ook$ 9artin$ this to#n !oesn.t nee! that
kin! of %"blicity.,
,2t !oesn.t nee! any more %eo%le kille!$ either.,
,/obo!y else is going to get kille!$ for -o!.s sake. All yo".! be !oing by closing
the beaches is initing a lot of re%orters to come snoo%ing aro"n! #here they !on.t hae
any b"siness.,
,So0 They.! come o"t here$ an! #hen they !i!n.t fin! anything #orth re%orting$
they.! go home again. 2 !on.t imagine the /e# 1ork Times has m"ch interest in coering
a lo!ge %icnic or a gar!en(cl"b s"%%er.,
,5e &"st !on.t nee! it. S"%%ose they !i! fin! something. There.! be a big to(!o
that co"l!n.t !o anybo!y any goo!.,
,;ike #hat$ ;arry0 5hat co"l! they fin! o"t0 2 !on.t hae anything to hi!e. 7o
,/o$ of co"rse not. 2 #as &"st thinking abo"t... maybe the ra%es. Something
,6ra%$, sai! Bro!y. ,That.s all %ast history.,
,7ammit$ 9artin8, Va"ghan %a"se! for a moment$ str"ggling to calm himself.
,;ook$ if yo" #on.t listen to reason$ #ill yo" listen to me as a frien!0 2.m "n!er a lot of
%ress"re from my %artners. Something like this co"l! be ery ba! for "s.,
Bro!y la"ghe!. ,That.s the first time 2.e hear! yo" a!mit yo" had %artners$ ;arry.
2 tho"ght yo" ran that sho% like an em%eror.,
Va"ghan #as embarrasse!$ as if he felt he ha! sai! too m"ch. ,9y b"siness is
ery com%licate!$, he sai!. ,There are times 2.m not s"re 2 "n!erstan! #hat.s going on.
7o me this faor. This once.,
Bro!y looke! at Va"ghan$ trying to fathom his moties. ,2.m sorry$ ;arry$ 2 can.t.
2 #o"l!n.t be !oing my &ob.,
,2f yo" !on.t listen to me$, sai! Va"ghan$ ,yo" may not hae yo"r &ob m"ch
,1o" haen.t got any control oer me. 1o" can.t fire any co% in this to#n.,
,/ot off the force$ no. B"t beliee it or not$ 2 !o hae !iscretion oer the &ob of
chief of %olice.,
,2 !on.t beliee it.,
*rom his &acket %ocket Va"ghan took a co%y of the cor%orate charter of the to#n
of Amity. ,1o" can rea! it yo"rself$, he sai!$ fli%%ing thro"gh "ntil he fo"n! the %age he
so"ght. ,2t.s right here., 4e han!e! the %am%hlet across the !esk to Bro!y. ,5hat it says$
in effect$ is that een tho"gh yo" #ere electe! to the chief.s &ob by the %eo%le$ the
selectmen hae the %o#er to remoe yo".,
Bro!y rea! the %aragra%h Va"ghan ha! in!icate!. ,2 g"ess yo".re right$, he sai!.
,B"t 2.! loe to see #hat yo" %"t !o#n for .goo! an! s"fficient ca"se..,
,2 !early ho%e it !oesn.t come to that$ 9artin. 2 ha! ho%e! this conersation
#o"l!n.t een get this far. 2 ha! ho%e! that yo" #o"l! go along$ once yo" kne# ho# 2
an! the selectmen felt.,
,All the selectmen0,
,A ma&ority.,
,;ike #ho0,
,2.m not going to sit here an! name names for yo". 2 !on.t hae to. All yo" hae to
kno# is that 2 hae the boar! behin! me$ an! if yo" #on.t !o #hat.s right$ #e.ll %"t
someone in yo"r &ob #ho #ill.,
Bro!y ha! neer seen Va"ghan in a moo! so aggressiely "gly. 4e #as
fascinate!$ b"t he #as also slightly shaken. ,1o" really #ant this$ !on.t yo"$ ;arry0,
,2 !o., Sensing ictory$ Va"ghan sai! eenly$ ,Tr"st me$ 9artin. 1o" #on.t be
Bro!y sighe!. ,Shit$, he sai!. ,2 !on.t like it. 2t !oesn.t smell goo!. B"t okay$ if
it.s that im%ortant.,
,2t.s that im%ortant., *or the first time since he ha! arrie!$ Va"ghan smile!.
,Thanks$ 9artin$, he sai!$ an! he stoo! "%. ,/o# 2 hae the rather "n%leasant task of
isiting the *ootes.,
,4o# are yo" going to kee% them from shooting off their mo"ths to the Times or
the News?"
,2 ho%e to be able to a%%eal to their %"blic(s%irite!ness$, Va"ghan sai!$ ,&"st as 2
a%%eale! to yo"rs.,
,5e !o hae one thing going for "s. 9iss 5atkins #as a nobo!y. She #as a
!rifter. /o family$ no close frien!s. She sai! she ha! hitchhike! East from 2!aho. So she
#on.t be misse!.,
Bro!y arrie! home a little before fie. 4is stomach ha! settle! !o#n eno"gh to
%ermit him a beer or t#o before !inner. Ellen #as in the kitchen$ still !resse! in the %ink
"niform of a hos%ital ol"nteer. 4er han!s #ere immerse! in cho%%e! meat$ knea!ing it
into a meat loaf.
,4ello$, she sai!$ t"rning her hea! so Bro!y co"l! %lant a kiss on her cheek.
,5hat #as the crisis0,
,1o" #ere at the hos%ital. 1o" !i!n.t hear0,
,/o. To!ay #as bathe(the(ol!(la!ies !ay. 2 neer got off the *erg"son #ing.,
,A girl got kille! off )l! 9ill.,
,By #hat0,
,A shark., Bro!y reache! into the refrigerator an! fo"n! a beer. Ellen sto%%e!
knea!ing meat an! looke! at him. ,A shark8 2.e neer hear! of that aro"n! here. 1o" see
one once in a #hile$ b"t they neer !o anything.,
,1eah$ 2 kno#. 2t.s a first for me$ too.,
,So #hat are yo" going to !o0,
,Really0 2s that sensible0 2 mean$ isn.t there anything yo" can !o0,
,S"re$ there are some things 2 co"l! !o. Technically. B"t there.s nothing 2 can
act"ally !o. 5hat yo" an! 2 think !oesn.t carry m"ch #eight aro"n! here. The %o#ers(
that(be are #orrie! that it #on.t look nice if #e get all excite! &"st beca"se one stranger
got kille! by a fish. #illing to take the chance that it #as &"st a freak acci!ent that
#on.t ha%%en again. )r$ rather$ #illing to let me take the chance$ since it.s my
,5hat !o yo" mean$ the %o#ers(that(be0,
,;arry Va"ghn$ for one.,
,)h. 2 !i!n.t realize yo" ha! talke! to ;arry.,
,4e came to see me as soon as he hear! 2 %lanne! to !ose the beaches. 4e #asn.t
#hat yo".! call s"btle abo"t telling me he !i!n.t #ant the beaches close!. 4e sai! he.!
hae my &ob if 2 !i! !ose them.,
,2 can.t beliee that$ 9artin. ;arry isn.t like that.,
,2 !i!n.t think so$ either. 4ey$ by the #ay$ #hat !o yo" kno# abo"t his %artners0,
,2n the b"siness0 2 !i!n.t think there #ere any. 2 tho"ght Penrose #as his mi!!le
name$ or something like that. Any#ay$ 2 tho"ght he o#ne! the #hole thing.,
,So !i! 2. B"t a%%arently not.,
,5ell$ it makes me feel better to kno# yo" talke! to ;arry before yo" ma!e any
!ecision. 4e ten!s to take a #i!er$ more oer(all ie# of things than most %eo%le. 4e
%robably !oes kno# #hat.s best.,
Bro!y felt the bloo! rise in his neck. 4e sai! sim%ly$ ,6ra%., Then he tore the
metal tab off his beer can$ fli%%e! it into the garbage can$ an! #alke! into the liing room
to t"rn on the eening ne#s.
*rom the kitchen Ellen calle!$ ,2 forgot to tell yo"' yo" ha! a call a little #hile
,5ho from0,
,4e !i!n.t say. 4e &"st sai! to tell yo" yo".re !oing a terrific lob. 2t #as nice of
him to call$ !on.t yo" think0,
6ha%ter D
*or the next fe# !ays the #eather remaine! clear an! "n"s"ally calm. The #in! came
softly$ stea!ily from the so"th#est$ a gentle breeze that ri%%le! the s"rface of the sea b"t
ma!e no #hiteca%s. There #as a cris%ness to the air only at night$ an! after !ays of
constant s"n$ the earth an! san! ha! #arme!.
S"n!ay #as the t#entieth of 3"ne. P"blic schools still ha! a #eek or more to r"n
before breaking for the s"mmer$ b"t the %riate schools in /e# 1ork ha! alrea!y
release! their charges. *amilies #ho o#ne! s"mmer homes in Amity ha! been coming
o"t for #eeken!s since the beginning of 9ay. S"mmer tenants #hose leases ran from
3"ne 1< to Se%tember 1< ha! "n%acke! an!$ familiar no# #ith #here linen closets #ere$
#hich cabinets containe! goo! china an! #hich the eery!ay st"ff$ an! #hich be!s #ere
softer than others$ #ere alrea!y beginning to feel at home.
By noon$ the beach in front of Scotch an! )l! 9ill roa!s #as s%eckle! #ith
%eo%le. 4"sban!s lay semi(comatose on beach to#els$ trying to gain strength from the
s"n before an afternoon of tennis an! the tri% back to /e# 1ork on the ;ong 2slan! Rail
Roa!.s 6annonball. 5ies leane! against al"min"m backrests$ rea!ing 4elen 9ac2nnes
an! 3ohn 6heeer an! Taylor 6al!#ell$ interr"%ting themseles no# an! then to %o"r a
c"% of !ry ermo"th from the Scotch cooler.
Teen(agers lay serrie! in tight$ symmetrical ro#s$ the boys en&oying the sensation
of grin!ing their %elises into the san!$ thinking of %"!en!a an! occasionally stretching
their necks to catch a brief glim%se of some$ ex%ose!$ #ittingly or not$ by girls #ho lay
on their backs #ith their legs s%rea!.
These #ere not A+"arians. They "ttere! none of the %latit"!es of %eace or
%oll"tion$ or &"stice or reolt. Priilege ha! been bre! into them #ith genetic certainty.
As their eyes #ere bl"e or bro#n$ so their tastes an! consciences #ere !etermine! by
other generations. They ha! no itamin !eficiencies$ no sickle(cell anemia. Their teeth ((
thanks either to bree!ing or to ortho!ontia (( #ere straight an! #hite an! een. Their
bo!ies #ere lean$ their m"scles tone! by boxing lessons at age nine$ ri!ing lessons at
t#ele$ an! tennis lessons eer since. They ha! no bo!y o!or. 5hen they s#eate!$ the
girls smelle! faintly of %erf"me= the boys smelle! sim%ly clean.
/one of #hich is to say that they #ere either st"%i! or eil. 2f their 2Es co"l! hae
been teste! en masse$ they #o"l! hae sho#n natie ability #ell #ithin the to% 10 %er
cent of all mankin!. An! they ha! been$ #ere being$ e!"cate! at schools that %roi!e!
eery !isci%line$ incl"!ing ex%os"re to minority(gro"% sensibilities$ reol"tionary
%hiloso%hies$ ecological hy%otheses$ %olitical %o#er tactics$ !r"gs$ an! sex. 2ntellect"ally$
they kne# a great !eal. Practically$ they chose to kno# almost nothing. They ha! been
con!itione! to beliee @or$ if not to beliee$ to senseA that the #orl! #as really +"ite
irreleant to them. An! they #ere right. /othing to"che! them (( not race riots in %laces
like Trenton$ /e# 3ersey$ or -ary$ 2n!iana= not the fact that %arts of the 9isso"ri Rier
#ere so fo"l that the #ater sometimes ca"ght fire s%ontaneo"sly= not %olice corr"%tion in
/e# 1ork or the rising n"mber of m"r!ers in San *rancisco or reelations that hot !ogs
containe! insect filth an! hexachloro%hine ca"se! brain !amage. They #ere in"re! een
to the economic s%asms that #racke! the rest of America. Jn!"lations in the stock
markets #ere n"isances notice!$ if at all$ as occasions for fathers to bemoan real or
fancie! extraagances.
Those #ere the ones #ho ret"rne! to Amity eery s"mmer. The others (( an!
there #ere some$ maericks (( marche! an! bleate! an! &oine! an! signe! an! s%ent their
s"mmers #orking for acronymic social(action gro"%s. B"t beca"se they ha! re&ecte!
Amity an!$ at most$ sho#e! "% for an occasional ;abor 7ay #eeken!$ they$ too$ #ere
The little chil!ren %laye! in the san! at the #ater.s e!ge$ !igging holes an!
flinging m"ck at each other$ "nconscio"s an! "ncaring of #hat they #ere an! #hat they
#o"l! become.
A boy of six sto%%e! skimming flat stones o"t into the #ater. 4e #alke! "% the
beach to #here his mother lay !ozing$ an! he flo%%e! !o#n next to her to#el. ,4ey$
9om$, he sai!$ limning aimless !oo!les #ith his finger in the san!.
4is mother t"rne! to look at him$ shiel!ing her eyes from the s"n. ,5hat0,
,2.m bore!.,
,4o# can yo" be bore!0 2t isn.t een 3"ly.,
,2 !on.t care. 2.m bore!. 2 !on.t hae anything to !o.,
,1o".e got a #hole beach to %lay on.,
,2 kno#. B"t there.s nothing to do on it. Boy$ am 2 bore!.,
,5hy !on.t yo" go thro# a ball0,
,5ith #ho0 There.s nobo!y here.,
,2 see a lot of %eo%le. 4ae yo" looke! for the 4arrises0 5hat abo"t Tommy
, not here. /obo!y.s here. 2 s"re am bore!.,
,)h$ for -o!.s sake$ Alex.,
,6an 2 go s#imming0,
,/o. 2t.s too col!.,
,4o# !o yo" kno#0,
,2 kno#$ that.s all. Besi!es$ yo" kno# yo" can.t go alone.,
,5ill yo" come #ith me0,
,2nto the #ater0 6ertainly not.,
,/o$ 2 mean &"st to #atch me.,
,Alex$ 9om is %oo%e!$ absol"tely exha"ste!. 6an.t yo" fin! anything else to !o0,
,6an 2 go o"t on my raft0,
,)"t #here0,
,3"st o"t there a little #ays. 2 #on.t go s#imming. 2.ll &"st lie on my raft.,
4is mother sat "% an! %"t on her s"nglasses. She looke! "% an! !o#n the beach.
A fe# !ozen yar!s a#ay$ a man stoo! in #aist(!ee% #ater #ith a chil! on his sho"l!ers.
The #oman looke! at him$ in!"lging herself in a +"ick moment of regret an! self(%ity
that she co"l! no longer shift to her h"sban! the res%onsibility of am"sing their chil!.
Before she co"l! t"rn her hea!$ the boy g"esse! #hat she #as feeling. ,2 bet 7a!
#o"l! let me$, he sai!.
,Alex$ yo" sho"l! kno# by no# that that.s the #rong #ay to get me to !o
anything., She looke! !o#n the beach in the other !irection. Exce%t for a fe# co"%les in
the !im !istance$ it #as em%ty. ,)h$ all right$, she sai!. ,-o ahea!. B"t !on.t go too far
o"t. An! !on.t go s#imming., She looke! at the boy an!$ to sho# she #as serio"s$
lo#ere! her glasses so he co"l! see her eyes.
,)kay$, he sai!. 4e stoo! "%$ grabbe! his r"bber raft$ an! !ragge! it !o#n to the
#ater. 4e %icke! "% the raft$ hel! it in front of him$ an! #alke! sea#ar!. 5hen the #ater
reache! his #aist$ he leane! for#ar!. A s#ell ca"ght the raft an! lifte! it$ #ith the boy
aboar!. 4e centere! himself so the raft lay flat. 4e %a!!le! #ith both arms$ stroking
smoothly. 4is feet an! ankles h"ng oer the rear of the raft. 4e moe! o"t a fe# yar!s$
then t"rne! an! began to %a!!le "% an! !o#n the beach. Tho"gh he !i!n.t notice it$ a
gentle c"rrent carrie! him slo#ly offshore.
*ifty yar!s farther o"t$ the ocean floor !ro%%e! %reci%ito"sly (( not #ith the
sheerness of a canyon #all$ b"t from a slo%e of %erha%s ten !egrees to more than forty(
fie !egrees. The #ater #as fifteen feet !ee% #here the slo%e began to change. Soon it
#as t#enty(fie$ then forty$ then fifty feet !ee%. 2t leele! off at a h"n!re! feet for abo"t
half a mile$ then rose in a shoal that neare! the s"rface a mile from shore. Sea#ar! of the
shoal$ the floor !ro%%e! +"ickly to t#o h"n!re! feet an! then$ still farther o"t$ the tr"e
ocean !e%ths began.
2n thirty(fie feet of #ater$ the great fish s#am slo#ly$ its tail #aing &"st eno"gh
to maintain motion. 2t sa# nothing$ for the #ater #as m"rky #ith motes of egetation.
The fish ha! been moing %arallel to the shoreline. /o# it t"rne!$ banking slightly$ an!
follo#e! the bottom gra!"ally "%#ar!. The fish %erceie! more light in the #ater$ b"t
still it sa# nothing.
The boy #as resting$ his arms !angling !o#n$ his feet an! ankles !i%%ing in an!
o"t of the #ater #ith each small s#ell. 4is hea! #as t"rne! to#ar! shore$ an! he notice!
that he ha! been carrie! o"t beyon! #hat his mother #o"l! consi!er safe. 4e co"l! see
her lying on her to#el$ an! the man an! chil! %laying in the #ae#ash. 4e #as not
afrai!$ for the #ater #as calm an! he #asn.t really ery far from shore (( only forty yar!s
or so. B"t he #ante! to get closer= other#ise his mother might sit "%$ s%y him$ an! or!er
him o"t of the #ater. 4e ease! himself back a little bit so he co"l! "se his feet to hel%
%ro%el himself. 4e began to kick an! %a!!le to#ar! shore. 4is arms !is%lace! #ater
almost silently$ b"t his kicking feet ma!e erratic s%lashes an! left s#irls of b"bbles in his
The fish !i! not hear the so"n!$ b"t rather registere! the shar% an! &erky im%"lses
emitte! by the kicks. They #ere signals$ faint b"t tr"e= an! the fish locke! on them$
homing. 2t rose$ slo#ly at first$ then gaining s%ee! as the signals gre# stronger.
The boy sto%%e! for a moment to rest. The signals cease!. The fish slo#e!$
t"rning its hea! from si!e to si!e$ trying to recoer them. The boy lay %erfectly still$ an!
the fish %asse! beneath him$ skimming the san!y bottom. Again it t"rne!.
The boy res"me! %a!!ling. 4e kicke! only eery thir! or fo"rth stroke= kicking
#as more exertion than stea!y %a!!ling. B"t the occasional kicks sent ne# signals to the
fish. This time it nee!e! to lock on them only an instant$ for it #as almost !irectly belo#
the boy. The fish rose. /early ertical$ it no# sa# the commotion on the s"rface. There
#as no coniction that #hat thrashe! aboe #as foo!$ b"t foo! #as not a conce%t of
significance. The fish #as im%elle! to attack' if #hat it s#allo#e! #as !igestible$ that
#as foo!= if not$ it #o"l! later be reg"rgitate!. The mo"th o%ene!$ an! #ith a final s#ee%
of the sickle tail the fish str"ck.
The boy.s last (( only (( tho"ght #as that he ha! been %"nche! in the stomach.
The breath #as !rien from him in a s"!!en r"sh. 4e ha! no time to cry o"t$ nor$ ha! he
ha! the time$ #o"l! he hae kno#n #hat to cry$ for he co"l! not see the fish. The fish.s
hea! !roe the raft o"t of the #ater. The &a#s smashe! together$ eng"lfing hea!$ arms$
sho"l!ers$ tr"nk$ %elis$ an! most of the raft. /early half the fish ha! come clear of the
#ater$ an! it sli! for#ar! an! !o#n in a belly(flo%%ing motion$ grin!ing the mass of flesh
an! bone an! r"bber. The boy.s legs #ere seere! at the hi%s$ an! they sank$ s%inning
slo#ly$ to the bottom.
)n the beach the man #ith the chil! sho"te!$ ,4ey8, 4e #as not s"re #hat he ha!
seen. 4e ha! been looking to#ar! the sea$ then starte! to t"rn his hea! #hen an "%roar
ca"ght his eye. 4e &erke! his hea! back sea#ar! again$ b"t by then there #as nothing to
see b"t the #aes ma!e by the s%lash$ s%rea!ing o"t#ar! in a circle. ,7i! yo" see that0,
he crie!. ,7i! yo" see that0,
,5hat$ 7a!!y$ #hat0, 4is chil! stare! "% at him$ excite!.
,)"t there8 A shark or a #hale or something8 Something h"ge8,
The boy.s mother$ half aslee% on her to#el$ o%ene! her eyes an! s+"inte! at the
man. She sa# him %oint to#ar! the #ater an! hear! him say something to the chil!$ #ho
ran "% the beach an! stoo! by a %ile of clothing. The man began to r"n to#ar! the boy.s
mother$ an! she sat "%. She !i!n.t "n!erstan! #hat he #as saying$ b"t he #as %ointing at
the #ater$ so she sha!e! her eyes an! looke! o"t at sea. At first$ the fact that she sa#
nothing !i!n.t strike her as o!!. Then she remembere!$ an! the sai!$ ,Alex.,
Bro!y #as haing l"nch' bake! chicken$ mashe! %otatoes$ an! %eas. ,9ashe!
%otatoes$, he sai! as Ellen sere! him. ,5hat are yo" trying to !o to me0,
,2 !on.t #ant yo" to #aste a#ay. Besi!es$ yo" look goo! ch"nky.,
The %hone rang. Ellen sai!$ ,2.ll get it$, b"t Bro!y stoo! "%. That #as the #ay it
"s"ally ha%%ene!. She #o"l! say$ ,2.ll get it$, b"t he #as the one #ho got it. 2t #as the
same #hen she ha! forgotten something in the kitchen. She #o"l! say$ ,2 forgot the
na%kins$ 2.ll get them., B"t they both kne# he #o"l! get "% an! fetch the na%kins.
,/o$ that.s okay$, he sai!. ,2t.s %robably for me any#ay., 4e kne# the call #as
%robably for her$ b"t the #or!s came reflexiely.
,Bixby$ 6hief$, sai! the oice from the station ho"se.
,5hat is it$ Bixby0,
,2 think yo".! better come !o#n here.,
,5hy.s that0,
,5ell$ it.s like this$ 6hief... , Bixby obio"sly !i!n.t #ant to go into !etails.
Bro!y hear! him say something to someone else$ then ret"rn to the %hone. ,2.e got this
hysterical #oman on my han!s$ 6hief.,
,5hat.s she hysterical abo"t0,
,4er ki!. )"t by the beach.,
A t#inge of "nease shot thro"gh Bro!y.s stomach. ,5hat ha%%ene!0,
,2t.s..., Bixby faltere!$ then sai! +"ickly. ,Th"rs!ay.,
,;isten$ asshole..., Bro!y sto%%e!$ for no# he "n!erstoo!. ,2.ll be right there., 4e
h"ng "% the %hone.
4e felt fl"she!$ almost feerish. *ear an! g"ilt an! f"ry blen!e! in a thr"st of g"t(
#renching %ain. 4e felt at once betraye! an! betrayer$ !eceie! an! !eceier. 4e #as a
criminal force! into crime$ an "n#illing #hore. 4e ha! to take the blame$ b"t it #as not
rightly his. 2t belonge! to ;arry Va"ghan an! his %artners$ #hoeer they might be. 4e
ha! #ante! to !o the right thing= they ha! force! him not to. B"t #ho #ere they to force
him0 2f he co"l!n.t stan! "% to Va"ghan$ #hat kin! of co% #as he0 4e sho"l! hae
close! the beaches.
S"%%ose he ha!. The fish #o"l! hae gone !o#n the beach (( say$ to East
4am%ton (( an! kille! someone there. B"t that #asn.t ho# it ha! #orke!. The beaches
ha! staye! o%en$ an! a chil! ha! been kille! beca"se of it. 2t #as as sim%le as that. 6a"se
an! effect. Bro!y s"!!enly loathe! himself. An! &"st as s"!!enly$ he felt great %ity for
,5hat is it0, aske! Ellen.
,A ki! &"st got kille!.,
,By a go!!amn sonofabitch of a shark.,
,)h no8 2f yo" ha! close! the beaches..., She sto%%e!$ embarrasse!.
,1ea$ 2 kno#.,
4arry 9ea!o#s #as #aiting in the %arking lot at the rear of the station ho"se
#hen Bro!y !roe "%. 4e o%ene! the %assenger(si!e !oor of Bro!y.s ear an! ease! his
b"lk !o#n onto the seat. ,So m"ch for the o!!s$, he sai!.
,1eah. 5ho.s in there$ 4arry0,
,A man from the Times, t#o from Newsday, an! one of my %eo%le. An! the
#oman. An! the man #ho says he sa# it ha%%en.,
,4o# !i! the Times get hol! of it0,
,Ba! l"ck. 4e #as on the beach. So #as one of the Newsday g"ys. both
staying #ith %eo%le$ for the #eeken!. They #ere onto it #ithin t#o min"tes.,
,5hat time !i! it ha%%en0, 9ea!o#s looke! at his #atch. ,*ifteen$ t#enty
min"tes ago. /o more.,
,7o they kno# abo"t the 5atkins thing0,
,2 !on.t kno#. 9y man !oes$ b"t he kno#s eno"gh not to talk. As for the others$ it
!e%en!s on #ho they.e been talking to. 2 !o"bt onto it. They haen.t ha! any
!igging time.,
,They.ll get onto it$ sooner or later.,
,2 kno#$, sai! 9ea!o#s. ,2t %"ts me in a rather !iffic"lt %osition.,
"You! 7on.t make me la"gh.,
,Serio"sly$ 9artin. 2f somebo!y from the Times gets that story an! files it$ it.ll
a%%ear in tomorro#.s %a%er$ along #ith to!ay.s attack$ an! the Leader #ill look like hell.
2.m going to hae to "se it$ to coer myself$ een if the others !on.t.,
,Jse it ho#$ 4arry0 5hat are yo" going to say0,
,2 !on.t kno#$ yet= as 2 sai!$ 2.m in a rather !iffic"lt %osition.,
,5ho are yo" going to say or!ere! it h"she! "%0 ;arry Va"ghan0,
,/o$ no. 2.m not going to say anybo!y or!ere! it h"she! "%. There #as no
cons%iracy. 2.m going to talk to 6arl Santos. 2f 2 can %"t the right #or!s in his mo"th$ #e
may all be s%are! a lot of grief.,
,5hat abo"t the tr"th0,
,5hat abo"t it0,
,5hat abo"t telling it the #ay it ha%%ene!0 Say that 2 #ante! to close the beaches
an! #arn %eo%le$ b"t the selectmen !isagree!. An! say that beca"se 2 #as too m"ch of a
chicken to fight an! %"t my &ob on the line$ 2 #ent along #ith them. Say that all the
honchos in Amity agree! there #as no %oint in alarming %eo%le &"st beca"se there #as a
shark aro"n! that like! to eat chil!ren.,
,6ome on$ 9artin. 2t #asn.t yo"r fa"lt. 2t #asn.t anybo!y.s. 5e came to a
!ecision$ took a gamble$ an! lost. That.s all there is to it.,
,Terrific. /o# 2.ll &"st go tell the ki!.s mother that terribly sorry #e ha! to
"se her son for chi%s., Bro!y got o"t of the car an! starte! for the back !oor of the station
ho"se. 9ea!o#s$ slo#er to extract himself$ follo#e! a fe# %aces behin!. Bro!y sto%%e!.
,1o" kno# #hat 2.! like to kno#$ 4arry0 5ho really ma!e the !ecision0 1o" #ent along
#ith it. 2 #ent along #ith it. 2 !on.t think ;arry Va"ghan #as een the act"al g"y #ho
ma!e the !ecision. 2 think he #ent along #ith it$ too.,
,5hat makes yo" think so0,
,2.m not s"re. 7o yo" kno# anything abo"t his %artners in the b"siness0,
,4e !oesn.t hae any real %artners$ !oes he0,
,2.m beginning to #on!er. Any#ay$ f"ck it... for no#., Bro!y took another ste%$
an! #hen 9ea!o#s still follo#e! him$ he sai!$ ,1o" better go aro"n! front$ 4arry... for
a%%earances. sake.,
Bro!y entere! his office thro"gh a si!e !oor. The boy.s mother #as sitting in front
of the !esk$ cl"tching a han!kerchief. She #as #earing a short robe oer her bathing s"it.
4er feet #ere bare. Bro!y looke! at her nero"sly$ once again feeling the r"sh of g"ilt.
4e co"l!n.t tell if she #as crying$ for her eyes #ere maske! by large$ ro"n! s"nglasses.
A man #as stan!ing by the back #all. Bro!y ass"me! he #as the one #ho
claime! to hae #itnesse! the acci!ent. 4e #as gazing absently at Bro!y.s collection of
memorabilia' citations from comm"nity(serice gro"%s$ %ict"res of Bro!y #ith isiting
!ignitaries. /ot exactly the st"ff to comman! m"ch attention from an a!"lt$ b"t staring at
it #as %referable to risking conersation #ith the #oman.
Bro!y ha! neer been a!e%t at consoling %eo%le$ so he sim%ly intro!"ce! himself
an! starte! asking +"estions. The #oman sai! she ha! seen nothing' one moment the boy
#as there$ the next he #as gone$ ,an! all 2 sa# #ere %ieces of his raft., 4er oice #as
#eak b"t stea!y. The man !escribe! #hat he ha! seen$ or #hat he tho"ght he ha! seen.
,So no one act"ally sa# this shark$, Bro!y sai!$ co"rting a faint ho%e in the back
of his min!.
,/o$, sai! the man. ,2 g"ess not. B"t #hat else co"l! it hae been0,
,Any n"mber of things., Bro!y #as lying to himself as #ell as to them$ testing to
see if he co"l! beliee his o#n lies$ #on!ering if any alternatie to reality co"l! be ma!e
cre!ible. ,The raft co"l! hae gone flat an! the boy co"l! hae !ro#ne!.,
,Alex is a goo! s#immer$, the #oman %roteste!.
,)r... #as... ,
,An! #hat abo"t the s%lash0, sai! the man.
,The boy co"l! hae been thrashing aro"n!.,
,4e neer crie! o"t. /ot a #or!.,
Bro!y realize! that the exercise #as f"tile. ,)kay$, he sai!. ,5e.ll %robably kno#
soon eno"gh$ any#ay.,
,5hat !o yo" mean0, sai! the man.
,)ne #ay or another$ %eo%le #ho !ie in the #ater "s"ally #ash "% some#here. 2f
it #as a shark$ there.ll be no mistaking it., The #oman.s sho"l!ers h"nche! for#ar!$ an!
Bro!y c"rse! himself for being a cl"msy fool. ,2.m sorry$, he sai!. The #oman shook her
hea! an! #e%t.
Bro!y tol! the #oman an! the man to #ait in his office$ an! he #alke! o"t into
the front of the station ho"se. 9ea!o#s #as stan!ing by the o"ter !oor$ leaning against
the #all. A yo"ng man (( the re%orter from the Times, Bro!y g"esse! (( #as gest"ring at
9ea!o#s an! seeme! to be asking +"estions. The yo"ng man #as tall an! slim. 4e #ore
san!als an! a bathing s"it an! a short(sleee! shirt #ith an alligator emblem stitche! to
the left breast$ #hich ca"se! Bro!y to take an instant$ instinctie !islike to the man. 2n his
a!olescence Bro!y ha! tho"ght of those shirts as ba!ges of #ealth an! %osition. All the
s"mmer %eo%le #ore them. Bro!y ba!gere! his mother "ntil she bo"ght him one (( ,a
t#o(!ollar shirt #ith a six(!ollar lizar! on it$, she sai! (( an! #hen he !i!n.t fin! himself
s"!!enly #ooe! by gaggles of s"mmer %eo%le$ he #as h"miliate!. 4e tore the alligator
off the %ocket an! "se! the shirt as a rag to clean the la#n mo#er #ith #hich he earne!
his s"mmer income. 9ore recently$ Ellen ha! insiste! on b"ying seeral shifts ma!e by
the same man"fact"rer (( %aying a %remi"m they co"l! ill affor! for the alligator emblem
(( to hel% her regain her entree to her ol! milie". To Bro!y.s !ismay$ one eening he
fo"n! himself nagging Ellen for b"ying ,a ten(!ollar !ress #ith a t#enty(!ollar lizar! on
T#o men #ere sitting on a bench (( the Newsday re%orters. )ne #ore a bathing
s"it$ the other a blazer an! slacks. 9ea!o#s. re%orter (( Bro!y kne# him as /at
something or other (( #as leaning against the !esk$ chat( ting #ith Bixby. They sto%%e!
talking as soon as they sa# Bro!y enter.
,5hat can 2 !o for yo"0, Bro!y sai!.
The yo"ng man next to 9ea!o#s took a ste% for#ar! an! sai!$ ,2.m Bill
5hitman$ from the /e# 1ork Times."
,An!0, 5hat am 2 s"%%ose! to !o0 Bro!y tho"ght. *all on my ass0
,2 #as on the beach.,
,5hat !i! yo" see0,
)ne of the Newsday re%orters interr"%te!' ,/othing. 2 #as there$ too. /obo!y
sa# anything. Exce%t maybe the g"y in yo"r office. 4e says he sa# something.,
,2 kno#$, sai! Bro!y$ ,b"t he.s not s"re &"st #hat it #as he sa#.,
The Times man sai!$ ,Are yo" %re%are! to list this as a shark attack0,
,2.m not %re%are! to list this as anything$ an! 2.! s"ggest yo" !on.t go listing it as
anything$ either$ "ntil yo" kno# a hell of a lot more abo"t it than yo" !o no#.,
The Times man smile!. ,6ome on$ 6hief$ #hat !o yo" #ant "s to !o0 6all it a
mysterio"s !isa%%earance0 Boy lost at sea0,
2t #as !iffic"lt for Bro!y to resist the tem%tation to tra!e angry ironies #ith the
Times re%orter. 4e sai!$ ,;isten$ 9r. (( 5hitman$ is it0 (( 5hitman. 5e hae no
#itnesses #ho sa# anything b"t a s%lash. The man insi!e thinks he sa# a big siler(
colore! thing that he thinks may hae been a shark. 4e says he has neer seen a lie
shark in his life$ so that.s not #hat yo".! call ex%ert testimony. 5e hae no bo!y$ no real
ei!ence that anything iolent ha%%ene! to the boy... 2 mean$ exce%t that he.s missing. 2t
is conceiable that he !ro#ne!. 2t is conceiable that he ha! a fit or a seiz"re of some
kin! an! then !ro#ne!. An! it is conceiable that be #as attacke! by some kin! of fish
or animal (( or een %erson$ for that matter. All of those things are %ossible$ an! "ntil #e
The so"n! of tires grin!ing oer grael in the %"blic %arking lot o"t front sto%%e!
Bro!y. A car !oor slamme!$ an! ;en 4en!ricks charge! into the station ho"se$ #earing
nothing b"t a bathing s"it. 4is bo!y ha! the mottle! gray(#hiteness of a Styrofoam
coffee c"%. 4e sto%%e! in the mi!!le of the floor. ,6hief...,
Bro!y #as startle! by the "nlikely sight of 4en!ricks in a bathing s"it (( thighs
flecke! #ith %im%les$ genitals b"lging in the tight fabric. ,1o".e been swimming,
,There.s been another attack8, sai! 4en!ricks.
The Times man +"ickly aske!$ ,5hen #as the first one0,
Before 4en!ricks co"l! ans#er$ Bro!y sai!$ ,5e #ere &"st !isc"ssing it$ ;eonar!. 2
!on.t #ant yo" or anyone else &"m%ing to concl"sions "ntil yo" kno# #hat yo".re talking
abo"t. *or -o!.s sake$ the boy co"l! hae !ro#ne!.,
,Boy0, sai! 4en!ricks. ,5hat boy0 This #as a man$ an ol! man. *ie min"tes
ago. 4e #as &"st beyon! the s"rf$ an! s"!!enly he screame! bloo!y m"r!er an! his hea!
#ent "n!er #ater an! it came "% again an! he screame! something else an! then he #ent
!o#n again. There #as all this s%lashing aro"n!$ an! bloo! #as flying all oer the %lace.
The fish ke%t coming back an! hitting him again an! again an! again. That.s the biggest
f"ckin. fish 2 eer sa# in my #hole life$ big as a f"ckin. station #agon. 2 #ent in "% to my
#aist an! trie! to get to the g"y$ b"t the fish ke%t hitting him., 4en!ricks %a"se!$ staring
at the floor. 4is breath s+"eeze! o"t of his chest in short b"rsts. ,Then the fish +"it.
9aybe he #ent a#ay$ 2 !on.t kno#. 2 #a!e! o"t to #here the g"y #as floating. 4is face
#as in the #ater. 2 took hol! of one of his arms an! %"lle!.,
Bro!y sai!$ ,An!0,
,2t came off in my han!. The fish m"st hae che#e! fight thro"gh it$ all b"t a
little bit of skin., 4en!ricks looke! "%$ his eyes re! an! filling #ith tears of exha"stion
an! fright.
,Are yo" going to be sick0, sai! Bro!y.
,2 !on.t think so.,
,7i! yo" call the amb"lance0,
4en!ricks shook his hea! no.
,Amb"lance0, sai! the Times re%orter. ,2sn.t that rather like sh"tting the barn !oor
after the horse has left0,
,Sh"t yo"r mo"th$ smart ass$, sai! Bro!y. ,Bixby$ call the hos%ital. ;eonar!$ are
yo" "% to !oing some #ork0, 4en!ricks no!!e!. ,Then go %"t on some clothes an! fin!
some notices that close the beaches.,
,7o #e hae any0,
,2 !on.t kno#. 5e m"st. 9aybe back in the stock room #ith those signs that say
.This Pro%erty Protecte! by Police.. 2f #e !on.t$ #e.ll hae to make some that.ll !o "ntil
#e can hae some ma!e "%. 2 !on.t care. )ne #ay or another$ let.s get the go!!am
beaches close!.,
9on!ay morning$ Bro!y arrie! at the office a little after seen. ,7i! yo" get it0,
he sai! to 4en!ricks.
,2t.s on yo"r !esk.,
,-oo! or ba!0 /eer min!. 2.ll go see for myself.,
,1o" #on.t hae to look too har!.,
The city e!ition of the /e# 1ork Times lay in the center of Bro!y.s !esk. Abo"t
three +"arters of the #ay !o#n the right(han! col"mn on %age one$ he sa# the hea!line'
S4ARF F2;;S T5) )/ ;)/- 2S;A/7
Bro!y sai!$ ,Shit$, an! began to rea!.
By 5illiam *. 5hitman
S%ecial to The /e# 1ork Times
A92T1 ;.2. 3"ne :0 (( A six(year(ol! boy an! a K<(year(ol! man #ere
kille! to!ay in se%arate shark attacks that occ"rre! #ithin an ho"r of each
other near the beaches of this resort comm"nity.
Altho"gh the bo!y of the boy$ Alexan!er Fintner$ #as not fo"n!$
officials sai! there #as no +"estion that he #as kille! by a shark. A
#itness$ Thomas 7ag"erre$ of /e# 1ork$ sai! he sa# a large siler(
colore! ob&ect rise o"t of the #ater an! seize the boy an! his r"bber raft
an! !isa%%ear into the #ater #ith a s%lash.
Amity coroner 6arl Santos re%orte! that traces of bloo! fo"n! on
shre!s of r"bber recoere! later left no !o"bt that the boy ha! !ie! a
iolent !eath.
At least fifteen %ersons #itnesse! the attack on 9orris 6ater$ K<$
#hich took %lace at a%%roximately : %.m. a +"arter of a mile !o#n the
beach from #here yo"ng Fintner #as attacke!.
A%%arently$ 9r. 6ater #as s#imming &"st beyon! the s"rf line
#hen he #as s"!!enly str"ck from behin!. 4e calle! o"t for hel%$ b"t all
attem%ts to resc"e him #ere in ain.
,2 #ent in "% to my #aist an! trie! to get to him$, sai! Amity
%olice officer ;eonar! 4en!ricks$ #ho #as on the beach at the time$ ,b"t
the fish ke%t hitting him.,
9r. 6ater$ a &e#elry #holesaler #ith offices at 1::D Aen"e of the
Americas$ #as %rono"nce! !ea! on arrial at So"tham%ton 4os%ital.
These inci!ents are the first !oc"mente! cases of shark attacks on
bathers on the Eastern Seaboar! in more than t#o !eca!es.
Accor!ing to 7r. 7ai! 7ieter$ an ichthyologist at the /e# 1ork
A+"ari"m at 6oney 2slan!$ it is logical to ass"me (( b"t by no means a
certainty (( that both attacks #ere the #ork of one shark.
,At this time of year in these #aters$, sai! 7r. 7ieter$ ,there are
ery fe# sharks. 2t.s rare at any time of year for sharks to come so close to
the beach. So the chances that t#o sharks #o"l! be off the same beach at
irt"ally the same time (( an! #o"l! each attack someone (( are
5hen informe! that one #itness !escribe! the shark that attacke!
9r. 6ater as being ,as large as a station #agon$, 7r. 7ieter sai! the shark
#as %robably a ,great #hite, (ar!harodon !ar!harias", a s%ecies kno#n
thro"gho"t the #orl! for its oracio"sness an! aggressieness.
2n 1?1K$ he sai!$ a great #hite kille! fo"r bathers in /e# 3ersey on
one !ay (( the only other recor!e! instance of m"lti%le shark(attack
fatalities in the Jnite! States in this cent"ry. 7r. 7ieter attrib"te! the
attacks to ,ba! l"ck$ like a flash of lightning that hits a ho"se. The shark
#as %robably &"st %assing by. 2t ha%%ene! to be a nice !ay$ an! there
ha%%ene! to be %eo%le s#imming$ an! he ha%%ene! to come along. 2t #as
%"re chance.,
Amity is a s"mmer comm"nity on the so"th shore of ;ong 2slan!$
a%%roximately mi!#ay bet#een Bri!geham%ton an! East 4am%ton$ #ith a
#intertime %o%"lation of 1$000. 2n the s"mmer$ the %o%"lation increases to
Bro!y finishe! rea!ing the article an! set the %a%er on the !esk. 6hance$ that
!octor sai!$ %"re chance. 5hat #o"l! he say if he kne# abo"t the first attack0 Still %"re
chance0 )r #o"l! it be negligence$ gross an! "nforgiable0 There #ere three %eo%le
!ea! no#$ an! t#o of them co"l! still be alie$ if only Bro!y ha!...
,1o".e seen the Times," sai! 9ea!o#s. 4e #as stan!ing in the !oor#ay.
,1eah$ 2.e seen it. They !i!n.t %ick "% the 5atkins thing.,
,2 kno#. Fin! of c"rio"s$ es%ecially after ;en.s little sli% of the tong"e.,
,B"t yo" !i! "se it.,
,2 !i!. 2 ha! to. 4ere., 9ea!o#s han!e! Bro!y a co%y of the Amity Leader. The
banner hea!line ran across all six col"mns of %age one' T5) F2;;E7 B1 9)/STER
S4ARF )** A92T1 BEA64. Belo# that$ in smaller ty%e$ a s"bhea!' /"mber of
Victims of Filler *ish Rises to Three.
,1o" s"re get yo"r ne#s "% high$ 4arry.,
,Rea! on.,
Bro!y rea!'
T#o s"mmer isitors to Amity #ere br"tally slain yester!ay by a man(
eating shark that attacke! them as they frolicke! in the chill #aters off the
Scotch Roa! beach.
Alexan!er Fintner$ age K$ #ho lie! #ith his mother in the -oose
/eck ;ane ho"se o#ne! by 9r. an! 9rs. Richar! Packer$ #as the first to
!ie (( attacke! from belo# as he lay on a r"bber raft. 4is bo!y has not
been fo"n!.
;ess than half an ho"r later$ 9orris 6ater$ K<$ #ho #as s%en!ing
the #eeken! at the Abelar! Arms 2nn$ #as attacke! from behin! as he
s#am in the gentle s"rf off the %"blic beach.
The giant fish str"ck again an! again$ saaging 9r. 6ater as he
crie! for hel%. Patrolman ;en 4en!ricks$ #ho by sheer coinci!ence #as
taking his first s#im in fie years$ ma!e a aliant attem%t to resc"e the
str"ggling ictim$ b"t the fish gae no +"arter. 9r. 6ater #as !ea! by the
time he #as %"lle! clear of the #ater.
The !eaths #ere the secon! an! thir! to be ca"se! by shark attack
off Amity in the %ast fie !ays.
;ast 5e!nes!ay night$ 9iss 6hristine 5atkins$ a g"est of 9r. an!
9r. 3ohn *oote of )l! 9ill Roa!$ #ent for a s#im an! anishe!.
Th"rs!ay morning$ Police 6hief 9artin Bro!y an! )fficer
4en!ricks recoere! her bo!y. Accor!ing to coroner 6arl Santos$ the
ca"se of !eath #as ,!efinitely an! incontroertibly shark attack.,
Aske! #hy the ca"se of !eath #as not ma!e %"blic$ 9r. Santos
!ecline! to comment.
Bro!y looke! "% from the %a%er an! sai!$ ,7i! Santos really !ecline to
,/o. 4e sai! nobo!y b"t yo" an! 2 ha! aske! him abo"t the ca"se of !eath$ so he
!i!n.t feel com%elle! to tell anybo!y. As yo" can see$ 2 co"l!n.t %rint that res%onse. 2t
#o"l! hae %inne! eerything on yo" an! me. 2 ha! ho%e! 2 co"l! get him to say
something like$ .4er family re+"este! that the ca"se of !eath be ke%t %riate$ an! since
there #as obio"sly no crime inole!$ 2 agree!$. b"t he #o"l!n.t. 2 can.t say 2 blame
,So #hat !i! yo" !o0,
,2 trie! to get hol! of ;arry Va"ghan$ b"t he #as a#ay for the #eeken!. 2 tho"ght
he.! be the best official s%okesman.,
,An! #hen yo" co"l!n.t reach him0,
2t #as "n!erstoo!$ ho#eer$ that Amity %olice an! goernment officials
ha! !eci!e! to #ithhol! the information in the %"blic interest. ,Peo%le
ten! to oerreact #hen they hear abo"t a shark attack$, sai! one member
of the Boar! of Selectmen. ,5e !i!n.t #ant to start a %anic. An! #e ha!
an ex%ert.s o%inion that the o!!s against another attack #ere
,5ho #as yo"r talkatie selectman0, aske! Bro!y.
,All of them an! none of them$, sai! 9ea!o#s. ,2t.s basically #hat they all sai!$
b"t none of them #o"l! be +"ote!.,
,5hat abo"t the beaches not being close!0 7i! yo" go into that0,
"You !i!.,
,2 !i!0,
Aske! #hy he ha! not or!ere! the beaches close! "ntil the mara"!ing
shark #as a%%rehen!e!$ 6hief Bro!y sai!$ ,The Atlantic )cean is h"ge.
*ish s#im in it an! moe from %lace to %lace. They !on.t al#ays stay in
one area$ es%ecially an area like this #here there is no foo! so"rce. 5hat
#ere #e going to !o0 6lose the Amity beaches$ an! %eo%le #o"l! &"st
!rie "% to East 4am%ton an! go s#imming there. An! there.s &"st as
goo! a chance that they.! get kille! in East 4am%ton as in Amity., After
yester!ay.s attacks$ ho#eer$ 6hief Bro!y !i! or!er the beaches close!
"ntil f"rther notice.
,3es"s$ 4arry$, sai! Bro!y$ ,yo" really %"t it to me. 1o".e got me arg"ing a case
2 !on.t beliee$ then being %roe! #rong an! #or!ed to !o #hat 2 #ante! to !o all along.
That.s a %retty shitty trick.,
,2t #asn.t a trick. 2 ha! to hae someone gie the official line$ an! #ith Va"ghan
a#ay$ yo" #ere the logical one. 1o" a!mit that yo" agree! to go along #ith the !ecision$
so (( rel"ctantly or not (( yo" s"%%orte! it. 2 !i!n.t see any %oint in airing all the !irty
la"n!ry of %riate !is%"tes.,
,2 s"%%ose. Any#ay$ it.s !one. 2s there anything else 2 sho"l! rea! in this0,
,/o. 2 &"st +"ote 9att 4oo%er$ that fello# from 5oo!s 4ole. 4e says it #o"l! be
remarkable if #e eer hae another attack. B"t he.s a little less s"re than he #as last
,7oes he think one fish is !oing all this0,
,4e !oesn.t kno#$ of co"rse$ b"t offhan!$ yes. 4e thinks it.s a big #hite.,
,2 !o$ too. 2 mean$ 2 !on.t kno# from #hites or greens or bl"es$ b"t 2 think it.s one
,2.m not s"re$ exactly. 1ester!ay afternoon 2 calle! the 6oast -"ar! o"t on
9onta"k. 2 aske! them if they.! notice! a lot of sharks aro"n! here recently$ an! they
sai! they ha!n.t seen a one. /ot one so far this s%ring. 2t.s still early$ so that isn.t too
strange. They sai! they.! sen! a boat !o#n this #ay later on an! gie me a call if they
sa# anything. 2 finally calle! them back. They sai! they ha! cr"ise! "% an! !o#n this
area for t#o ho"rs an! ha!n.t seen a thing. So there s"re aren.t many sharks aro"n!. They
also sai! that #hen there are sharks aro"n!$ mostly me!i"m(size! bl"e sharks ((
abo"t fie to ten feet (( an! san! sharks that !on.t generally bother %eo%le. *rom #hat
;eonar! sai! he sa# yester!ay$ this is no me!i"m(size! bl"e.,
,4oo%er sai! there #as one thing #e co"l! !o$, 9ea!o#s sai!. ,/o# that yo".e
got the beaches close! !o#n$ #e co"l! ch"m. 1o" kno#$ s%rea! fish g"ts an! goo!ies
like that aro"n! in the #ater. 2f there.s a shark aro"n!$ he sai!$ that #ill bring him
,)h$ great. That.s #hat #e nee!$ to attract sharks. An! #hat if he sho#s "%0 5hat
!o #e !o then0,
,6atch him.,
,5ith #hat0 9y tr"sty s%inning ro!0,
,/o$ a har%oon.,
,A har%oon. 4arry$ 2 !on.t een hae a %olice boat$ let alone a boat #ith har%oons
on it.,
,There are fishermen aro"n!. They hae boats.,
,1eah$ for a h"n!re! an! a half a !ay$ or #hateer it is.,
,Tr"e. B"t still it seems to me..., A commotion o"t in the hall sto%%e! 9ea!o#s
in mi!(sentence.
4e an! Bro!y hear! Bixby say$ ,2 tol! yo"$$ he.s in conference., Then a
#oman.s oice sai!$ ,B"llshit8 2 !on.t care #hat he.s !oing. 2.m going in there.,
The so"n! of r"nning feet$ first one %air$ then t#o. The !oor to Bro!y.s office
fle# o%en$ an! stan!ing in the !oor#ay$ cl"tching a ne#s%a%er$ tears streaming !o#n her
face$ #as Alexan!er Fintner.s mother. Bixby came "% behin! her an! sai!$ ,2.m sorry$
6hief. 2 trie! to sto% her.,
,That.s okay$ Bixby$, sai! Bro!y. ,6ome in$ 9rs. Fintner., 9ea!o#s stoo! an!
offere! her his chair$ #hich #as the closest one to Bro!y.s !esk. She ignore! him an!
#alke! "% to Bro!y$ #ho #as stan!ing behin! his !esk.
,5hat can 2 !o..., The #oman sla%%e! the ne#s%a%er across his face. 2t !i!n.t
h"rt Bro!y so m"ch as startle him (( es%ecially the noise$ a shar% re%ort that rang !ee%
into his left ear. The %a%er fell to the floor.
,5hat abo"t this0, 9rs. Fintner screame!. ,5hat abo"t it0,
,5hat abo"t #hat0, sai! Bro!y.
,5hat they say here. That yo" kne# it #as !angero"s to s#im. That somebo!y
ha! alrea!y been kille! by that shark. That yo" ke%t it a secret.,
Bro!y !i!n.t kno# #hat to say. )f co"rse it #as tr"e$ all of it$ at least technically.
4e co"l!n.t !eny it. An! yet he co"l!n.t a!mit it$ either$ beca"se it #asn.t the #hole tr"th.
,Sort of$, he sai!. ,2 mean yes$ it.s tr"e$ b"t it.s (( look$ 9rs. Fintner..., 4e #as
%lea!ing #ith her to control herself "ntil he co"l! ex%lain.
,1o" kille! Alex8, She shrieke! the #or!s$ an! Bro!y #as s"re they #ere hear!
in the %arking lot$ on the street$ in the center of to#n$ on the beaches$ all oer Amity. 4e
#as s"re his #ife hear! them$ an! his chil!ren.
4e tho"ght to himself' Sto% her before she says anything else. B"t all he co"l! say
#as$ ,Ssshhht,
,1o" !i!8 1o" kille! him8, 4er fists #ere clenche! at her si!es$ an! her hea!
sna%%e! for#ar! as she screame!$ as if she #ere trying to in&ect the #or!s into Bro!y.
,1o" #on.t get a#ay #ith it8,
,Please$ 9rs. Fintner$, sai! Bro!y. ,6alm !o#n. 3"st for a min"te. ;et me
ex%lain., 4e reache! to to"ch her sho"l!er an! hel% her to a chair$ b"t she &erke! a#ay.
,Fee% yo"r f"cking han!s off me8, she crie!. ,1o" kne#. 1o" kne# all along$
b"t yo" #o"l!n.t say. An! no# a six(year(ol! boy$ a bea"tif"l six(year(ol! boy$ my
boy..., Tears seeme! to %"lse from her eyes$ an! as she +"iere! in her rage$ !ro%lets
#ere cast from her face. ,1o" kne#8 5hy !i!n.t yo" tell0 5hy0, She cl"tche! herself$
#ra%%ing her arms aro"n! her bo!y as they #o"l! be #ra%%e! in a strait&acket$ an! she
looke! into Bro!y.s eyes. ,5hy0,
,2t.s . . ., Bro!y f"mble! for #or!s. ,2t.s a long story., 4e felt #o"n!e!$
inca%acitate! as s"rely as if he ha! been shot. 4e !i!n.t kno# if he co"l! ex%lain no#. 4e
#asn.t een s"re he co"l! s%eak.
,2 bet it is$, sai! the #oman. ,)h$ yo" eil man. 1o" eil$ eil man. 1o"...,
,Sto% it8, Bro!y.s sho"t #as both %lea an! comman!. 2t sto%%e! her. ,/o# look$
9rs. Fintner$ yo".e got it #rong$ all #rong. Ask 9r. 9ea!o#s.,
9ea!o#s$ transfixe! by the scene$ no!!e! !"mbly.
,)f co"rse he.! say that. 5hy sho"l!n.t he0 4e.s yo"r %al$ isn.t he0 4e %robably
tol! yo" yo" #ere !oing the right thing., 4er rage #as mo"nting again$ floo!ing$
res"scitate! by a ne# b"rst of emotional am%erage. ,1o" %robably !eci!e! together. That
makes it easier$ !oesn.t it0 7i! yo" make money0,
,7i! yo" make money from my son.s bloo!0 7i! someone %ay yo" not to tell
#hat yo" kne#0,
Bro!y #as horrifie!. "No! 6hrist$ of co"rse not.,
,Then why? Tell me. Tell me #hy. I'll %ay yo". 3"st tell me #hy8,
,Beca"se #e !i!n.t think it co"l! ha%%en again., Bro!y #as s"r%rise! by his
breity. That #as it$ really$ #asn.t it0
The #oman #as silent for a moment$ letting the #or!s register in her m"!!le!
min!. She seeme! to re%eat them to herself. She sai!$ ,)h$, then$ a secon! later$ ,3es"s.,
All of a s"!!en$ as if a s#itch ha! been t"rne! some#here insi!e her$ sh"tting off %o#er$
she ha! no more self(control. She sl"m%e! into the chair next to 9ea!o#s an! began to
#ee% in gas%ing$ choking sobs.
9ea!o#s trie! to calm her$ b"t she !i!n.t hear him. She !i!n.t hear Bro!y #hen
he tol! Bixby to call a !octor. An! she sa#$ hear!$ an! felt nothing #hen the !octor came
into the office$ listene! to Bro!y.s !escri%tion of #hat ha! ha%%ene!$ trie! to talk to her$
gae her a shot of ;ibri"m$ le! her (( #ith the hel% of one of Bro!y.s men (( to his car$
an! !roe her to the hos%ital. 5hen she ha! left$ Bro!y looke! at his #atch an! sai!$ ,2t.s
not een nine o.clock yet. 2f eer 2 felt like 2 co"l! "se a !rink... #o#.,
,2f yo".re serio"s$, sai! 9ea!o#s$ ,2 hae some Bo"rbon back in my office.,
,/o. 2f this #as any in!ication of ho# the rest of the !ay.s going to go$ 2 better not
f"ck "% my hea!.,
,2t.s har!$ b"t yo".e got to try not to take #hat she sai! too serio"sly. 2 mean$ the
#oman #as in shock$ for one thing.,
,2 kno#$ 4arry. Any !octor #o"l! say she !i!n.t kno# #hat she #as saying. The
tro"ble is$ 2.! alrea!y tho"ght a lot of the things she #as saying. /ot in those #or!s$
maybe$ b"t the tho"ghts #ere the same.,
,6ome on$ 9artin$ yo" kno# yo" can.t blame yo"rself.,
,2 kno#. 2 co"l! blame ;arry Va"ghan. )r maybe een yo". B"t the %oint is$ the
t#o !eaths yester!ay co"l! hae been %reente!. 2 co"l! hae %reente! them$ an! 2
!i!n.t. Perio!.,
The %hone rang. 2t #as ans#ere! in the other room$ an! a oice on the intercom
sai!$ ,2t.s 9r. Va"ghan.,
Bro!y %"she! the lighte! b"tton$ %icke! "% the receier$ an! sai!$ ,4i$ ;arry. 7i!
yo" hae a nice #eeken!0,
,Jntil abo"t eleen o.clock last night$, sai! Va"ghan$ ,#hen 2 t"rne! on my car
ra!io !riing home. 2 #as tem%te! to call yo" last night$ b"t 2 fig"re! yo" ha! ha! a
ro"gh eno"gh !ay #itho"t being bothere! at that ho"r.,
,That.s one !ecision 2 agree #ith.,
,7on.t r"b it in$ 9artin. 2 feel ba! eno"gh.,
Bro!y #ante! to say$ ,7o yo"$ ;arry0, 4e #ante! to sera%e the #o"n! ra#$ to
"nloa! some of the ang"ish onto someone else. B"t he kne# it #as both "nfair to attem%t
an! im%ossible to accom%lish$ so all he sai! #as$ ,S"re.,
,2 ha! t#o cancellations alrea!y this morning. Big leases. -oo! %eo%le. They ha!
alrea!y signe!$ an! 2 tol! them 2 co"l! take them to co"rt. They sai!$ go ahea!'
going some#here else. 2.m scare! to ans#er the %hone. 2 still hae t#enty ho"ses that
aren.t rente! for A"g"st.,
,2 #ish 2 co"l! tell yo" !ifferent$ ;arry$ b"t it.s going to get #orse.,
,5hat !o yo" mean0,
,5ith the beaches close!.,
,4o# long !o yo" think yo".ll hae to kee% them close!0,
,2 !on.t kno#. As long as it takes. A fe# !ays. 9aybe more.,
,1o" kno# that the en! of next #eek is the *o"rth of 3"ly #eeken!.,
,S"re$ 2 kno#.,
,2t.s alrea!y too late to ho%e for a goo! s"mmer$ b"t #e may be able to salage
something (( for A"g"st$ at least (( if the *o"rth is goo!.,
Bro!y co"l!n.t rea! the tone in Va"ghan.s oice. ,Are yo" arg"ing #ith me$
,/o. 2 g"ess 2 #as thinking o"t lo"!. )r %raying o"t lo"!. Any#ay$ yo" %lan to
kee% the beaches close! "ntil #hat0 2n!efinitely0 4o# #ill yo" kno# #hen that thing.s
gone a#ay0,
,2 haen.t ha! time to think that far ahea!. 2 !on.t een kno# #hy it.s here. ;et me
ask yo" something$ ;arry. 3"st o"t of c"riosity.,
,5ho are yo"r %artners0,
2t #as a long moment before Va"ghan sai!$ ,5hy !o yo" #ant to kno#0 5hat
!oes that hae to !o #ith anything0,
,;ike 2 sai!$ &"st c"riosity.,
,1o" kee% yo"r c"riosity for yo"r &ob$ 9artin. ;et me #orry abo"t my b"siness.,
,S"re$ ;arry. /o offense.,
,So #hat are yo" going to !o0 5e can.t &"st sit aro"n! an! ho%e it #ill go a#ay.
5e co"l! stare to !eath #hile #e #aite!.,
,2 kno#. 9ea!o#s an! 2 #ere &"st talking abo"t o"r o%tions. A fish(ex%ert frien!
of 4arry.s says #e co"l! try to catch the fish. 5hat #o"l! yo" think abo"t getting "% a
co"%le of h"n!re! !ollars to charter Ben -ar!ner.s boat for a !ay or t#o0 2 !on.t kno#
that he.s eer ca"ght any sharks$ b"t it might be #orth a try.,
,Anything.s #orth a try$ &"st so #e get ri! of that thing an! go back to making a
liing. -o ahea!. Tell him 2.ll get the money from some#here.,
Bro!y h"ng "% the %hone an! sai! to 9ea!o#s$ ,2 !on.t kno# #hy 2 care$ b"t 2.!
gie my ass to kno# more abo"t 9r. Va"ghan.s b"siness affairs.,
,4e.s a ery rich man. /o matter ho# long this shark thing goes on$ he #on.t be
ba!ly h"rt. S"re$ he.ll lose a little !o"gh$ b"t he.s taking all this as if it #as life an! !eath
(( an! 2 !on.t mean &"st the to#n.s. 4is.,
,9aybe he.s &"st a conscientio"s fello#.,
,That #asn.t conscience talking on the %hone &"st then. Beliee me$ 4arry. 2 kno#
#hat conscience is.,
Ten miles so"th of the eastern ti% of ;ong 2slan!$ a chartere! fishing boat !rifte!
slo#ly in the ti!e. T#o #ire lines traile! lim%ly aft in an oily slick. The ca%tain of the
boat$ a tall$ s%are man$ sat on a bench on the flying bri!ge$ staring at the #ater. Belo#$ in
the cock%it$ the t#o men #ho ha! chartere! the boat sat rea!ing. )ne #as rea!ing a
noel$ the other the /e# 1ork Times.
,4ey$ E"int$, sai! the man #ith the ne#s%a%er$ ,!i! yo" see this abo"t the shark
that kille! those %eo%le0,
,2 seen it$, sai! the ca%tain.
,1o" think #e.ll r"n into that shark0,
,4o# !o yo" kno#0,
,2 kno#.,
,S"%%ose #e #ent looking for him.,
,5e #on.t.,
,5hy not0,
,5e got a slick goin.. 5e.ll stay %"t.,
The man shook his hea! an! smile!. ,Boy$ #o"l!n.t that be some s%ort.,
,*ish like that ain.t s%ort$, sai! the ca%tain.
,4o# far is Amity from here0,
,7o#n the coast a #ays.,
,5ell$ if he.s aro"n! here some#here$ yo" might r"n into him one of these !ays.,
,5e.ll fin! one another$ all right. B"t not to!ay.,
6ha%ter <
Th"rs!ay morning #as foggy (( a #et gro"n! fog so thick that it ha! a taste' shar% an!
salty. Peo%le !roe "n!er the s%ee! limit$ #ith their lights on. Aro"n! mi!!ay$ the fog
lifte!$ an! %"ffy c"m"l"s clo"!s ma"n!ere! across the sky beneath a high blanket of
cirr"s. By fie in the afternoon$ the clo"! coer ha! beg"n to !isintegrate$ like %ieces
fallen from a &igsa# %"zzle. S"nlight streake! thro"gh the ga%s$ stabbing shining %atches
of bl"e onto the gray(green s"rface of the sea.
Bro!y sat on the %"blic beach$ his elbo#s resting on his knees to stea!y the
binoc"lars in his han!s. 5hen he lo#ere! the glasses$ he co"l! barely see the boat (( a
#hite s%eck that !isa%%eare! an! rea%%eare! in the ocean s#ells. The strong lenses !re#
it into %lain$ tho"gh &iggly$ ie#. Bro!y ha! been sitting there for nearly an ho"r. 4e trie!
to %"sh his eyes$ to exten! his ision from #ithin to !elineate more clearly the o"tline of
#hat he sa#. 4e c"rse! an! let the glasses !ro% an! hang by the stra% aro"n! his neck.
,4ey$ 6hief$, 4en!ricks sai!$ #alking "% to Bro!y.
,4ey$ ;eonar!. 5hat are yo" !oing here0,
,2 #as &"st %assing by an! 2 sa# yo"r car. 5hat are yo" !oing0,
,Trying to fig"re o"t #hat the hell Ben -ar!ner.s !oing.,
,*ishing$ !on.t yo" think0,
,That.s #hat he.s being %ai! to !o$ b"t it.s the !amne!est fishing 2 eer sa#. 2.e
been here an ho"r$ an! 2 haen.t seen anything moe on that boat.,
,6an 2 take a look0, Bro!y han!e! him the glasses. 4en!ricks raise! them an!
looke! o"t at sea. ,/o%e$ yo".re right. 4o# long has he been o"t there0,
,All !ay$ 2 think. 2 talke! to him last night$ an! he sai! he.! be taking off at six
this morning.,
,7i! he go alone0,
,2 !on.t kno#. 4e sai! he #as going to try to get hol! of his mate (( 7anny
#hat.s(his(name (( b"t there #as something abo"t a !entist a%%ointment. 2 ho$e to hell he
!i!n.t go alone.,
,1o" #ant to go see0 5e.e got at least t#o more ho"rs of !aylight.,
,4o# !o yo" %lan to get o"t there0,
,2.ll borro# 6hickering.s boat. 4e.s got an A+"aS%ort #ith an eighty(horse
Einr"!e on it. That.ll get "s o"t there.,
Bro!y felt a shimmy of fear skitter "% his back. 4e #as a ery %oor s#immer$ an!
the %ros%ect of being on to% of (( let alone in (( #ater aboe his hea! gae him #hat his
mother "se! to call the #im#ams' s#eaty %alms$ a %ersistent nee! to s#allo#$ an! an
ache in his stomach (( essentially the sensation some %eo%le feel abo"t flying. 2n Bro!y.s
!reams$ !ee% #ater #as %o%"late! by slimy$ saage things that rose from belo# an!
shre!!e! his flesh$ by !emons that cackle! an! moane!. ,)kay$, he sai!. ,2 !on.t g"ess
#e.e got m"ch choice. 9aybe by the time #e get to the !ock he.ll alrea!y hae starte!
in. 1o" go get the boat rea!y. 2.ll sto% off at hea!+"arters an! gie his #ife a call... see if
he.s calle! in on the ra!io.,
Amity.s to#n !ock #as small$ #ith only t#enty sli%s$ a f"el !ock$ an! a #oo!en
shack #here hot !ogs an! frie! clams #ere sol! in car!boar! sleees. The sli%s #ere in a
little inlet %rotecte! from the o%en sea by a stone &etty that ran across half the #i!th of the
inlet.s mo"th. 4en!ricks #as stan!ing in the A+"aS%ort$ the engine r"nning$ an! he #as
chatting #ith a man in a t#enty(fie(foot cabin cr"iser tie! "% in the neighboring sli%.
Bro!y #alke! along the #oo!en %ier an! climbe! !o#n the short la!!er into the boat.
,5hat !i! she say0, aske! 4en!ricks.
,/ot a #or!. She.s been trying to raise him for half an ho"r$ b"t she fig"res he
m"st hae t"rne! off the ra!io.,
,2s he alone0,
,As far as she kno#s. 4is mate ha! an im%acte! #is!om tooth that ha! to be
taken o"t to!ay.,
The man in the cabin cr"iser sai!$ ,2f yo" !on.t min! my saying so$ that.s %retty
,5hat is0, sai! Bro!y.
,To t"rn off yo"r ra!io #hen yo".re o"t alone. Peo%le !on.t !o that.,
,2 !on.t kno#. Ben al#ays bitches abo"t all the chatter that goes on bet#een boats
#hen he.s o"t fishing. 9aybe he got bore! an! t"rne! it off.,
,;et.s go$ ;eonar!$, sai! Bro!y. ,7o yo" kno# ho# to !rie this thing0,
4en!ricks cast off the bo# line$ #alke! to the stern$ "ncleate! the stern line$ an!
tosse! it onto the !eck. 4e moe! to the control console an! %"she! a knobbe! han!le
for#ar!. The boat l"rche! ahea!$ ch"gging. 4en!ricks %"she! the han!le farther for#ar!$
an! the engine fire! more reg"larly. The stern settle! back$ the bo# rose. As they ma!e
the t"rn aro"n! the &etty$ 4en!ricks %"she! the leer all the #ay for#ar!$ an! the bo#
!ro%%e! !o#n.
,Planing$, sai! 4en!ricks.
Bro!y grabbe! a steel han!le on the si!e of the console. ,Are there any life
&ackets0, he aske!.
,3"st the c"shions$, sai! 4en!ricks. ,They.! hol! yo" "% all right$ if yo" #ere an
eight(year(ol! boy.,
5hat breeze there ha! been ha! !ie!$ an! there #as little cho% to the sea. B"t
there #ere small s#ells$ an! the boat took them ro"ghly$ smacking its %ro# into each
one$ recoering #ith a sh"!!er that "nnere! Bro!y. ,This thing.s gonna break a%art if
yo" !on.t slo# !o#n$, he sai!.
4en!ricks smile!$ relishing his moment of comman!. ,/o #orry$ 6hief. 2f 2 slo#
!o#n$ #e.ll #allo#. 2t.ll take "s a #eek to get o"t there$ an! yo"r stomach #ill feel like
it.s f"ll of s+"irrels.,
-ar!ner.s boat #as abo"t three +"arters of a mile from shore. As they !re#
nearer$ Bro!y co"l! see it bobbing gently in the s#ells. 4e co"l! een make o"t the black
letters on the transom' *;26FA.
,4e.s anchore!$, sai! 4en!ricks. ,Boy$ that.s some lot of #ater to anchor a boat
in. 5e m"st hae more than a h"n!re! feet o"t here.,
,S#ell$, Bro!y sai!. ,That.s &"st #hat 2 #ante! to hear.,
5hen they #ere abo"t fifty yar!s from the %li!&a, 4en!ricks throttle! !o#n$ an!
the boat settle! into a slo# si!e(to(si!e roll. They close! +"ickly. Bro!y #alke! for#ar!
an! mo"nte! a %latform in the bo#. 4e sa# no signs of life. There #ere no ro!s in the
ro!(hol!ers. ,4ey$ Ben8, he calle!. There #as no re%ly.
,9aybe he.s belo#$, sai! 4en!ricks.
Bro!y calle! again$ ,4ey$ Ben8, The bo# of the A+"aS%ort #as only a fe# feet
from the %ort +"arter of the %li!&a. 4en!ricks %"she! the han!le into ne"tral$ then gae it
a +"ick b"rst of reerse. The A+"aS%ort sto%%e! an!$ on the next s#ell$ nestle! "%
against the %li!&a's g"n#ale. Bro!y gabbe! the g"n#ale. ,4ey$ Ben8,
4en!ricks took a line from the lazaret$ #alke! for#ar!$ an! ma!e it fast to a cleat
on the bo# of the A+"aS%ort. 4e loo%e! the line oer the railing of the other boat an!
tie! a cr"!e knot. ,1o" #ant to go on boar!0, he sai!.
,1eah., Bro!y climbe! aboar! the %li!&a. 4en!ricks follo#e!$ an! they stoo! in
the cock%it. 4en!ricks %oke! his hea! thro"gh the for#ar! hatch. ,1o" in there$ Ben0,
4e looke! aro"n!$ #ith!re# his hea!$ an! sai!$ ,/ot there.,
,4e.s not on boar!$, sai! Bro!y. ,/o t#o #ays abo"t it.,
,5hat.s that st"ff0, sai! 4en!ricks$ %ointing to a b"cket in the corner of the stern.
Bro!y #alke! to the b"cket an! bent !o#n. A stench of fish an! oil fille! his
nose. The b"cket #as f"ll of g"ts an! bloo!. ,9"st be ch"m$, he sai!. ,*ish g"ts an!
other shit. 1o" s%rea! it aro"n! in the #ater an! it.s s"%%ose! to attract sharks. 4e !i!n.t
"se m"ch of it. The b"cket.s almost f"ll.,
A s"!!en noise ma!e Bro!y &"m%. ,5hiskey$ zebra$ echo$ t#o$ fie$ niner$, sai! a
oice crackling oer the ra!io. ,This is the 'retty (elle. 1o" there$ 3ake0,
,So m"ch for that theory$, sai! Bro!y. ,4e neer t"rne! off his ra!io.,
,2 !on.t get it$ 6hief. There are no ro!s. 4e !i!n.t carry a !inghy$ so he co"l!n.t
hae ro#e! a#ay. 4e s#am like a fish$ so if he fell oerboar! he #o"l!.e &"st climbe!
back on.,
,1o" see a har%oon any#here0,
,5hat.s it look like0,
,2 !on.t kno#. ;ike a har%oon. An! barrels. S"%%ose!ly$ yo" "se them as floats.,
,2 !on.t see anything like that.,
Bro!y stoo! at the starboar! g"n#ale$ gazing into the mi!!le !istance. The boat
moe! slightly$ an! he stea!ie! himself #ith his right han!. 4e felt something strange
an! looke! !o#n. There #ere fo"r ragge! scre# holes #here a cleat ha! been. The
scre#s ha! obio"sly not been remoe! by a scre#!rier= the #oo! aro"n! the holes #as
torn. ,;ook at this$ ;eonar!.,
4en!ricks ran his han! oer the holes. 4e looke! to the %ort si!e$ #here a ten(
inch steel cleat still sat sec"rely on the #oo!. ,1o" imagine that #hat #as here #as as
big as the one oer there0, he sai!. ,3es"s$ #hat #o"l! it take to %"ll that mother o"t0,
,;ook here$ ;eonar!., Bro!y ran his in!ex finger oer the o"ter e!ge of the
g"n#ale. There #as a sear abo"t eight inches long$ #here the %aint ha! been scra%e!
a#ay an! the #oo! abra!e!. ,2t looks like someone took a file to this #oo!.,
,)r else r"bbe! the hell o"t of it #ith an a#f"l tight %iece of heay ro%e.,
Bro!y #alke! oer to the %ort si!e of the cock%it an!$ aimlessly$ began to feel his
#ay along the o"ter e!ge of the g"n#ale. ,That.s the only %lace$, he sai!. 5hen he
reache! the stern$ he leane! on the g"n#ale an! gaze! !o#n into the #ater.
*or a moment$ he stare! !"mbly at the transom$ "nseeing. Then a %attern began to
take sha%e$ a %attern of holes$ !ee% go"ges in the #oo!en transom$ forming a ro"gh
semicircle more than three feet across. /ext to it #as another$ similar %attern. An! at the
bottom of the transom$ &"st at the #ater line$ three short smears of bloo!. Please$ -o!$
tho"ght Bro!y$ not another one. ,6ome here$ ;eonar!$, he sai!.
4en!ricks #alke! to the stern an! looke! oer. ,5hat0,
,2f 2 hol! yo"r legs$ yo" think yo" can lean oer an! take a look at those holes
!o#n there an! try to fig"re o"t #hat ma!e them0,
,5hat !o yo" think ma!e them0,
,2 !on.t kno#. B"t something. 2 #ant to fin! o"t #hat. 6ome on. 2f yo" can.t !o%e
it o"t in a min"te or t#o$ #e.ll forget abo"t it an! go home. )kay0,
,2 g"ess so., 4en!ricks lay on the to% of the transom. ,4ol! me tight$ 6hief...
Bro!y leane! !o#n an! grabbe! 4en!ricks. feet. ,7on.t #orry$, he sai!. 4e took
one of 4en!ricks. legs "n!er each arm an! lifte!. 4en!ricks rose$ then bent oer the
transom. ,)kay0, sai! Bro!y.
,A little more. /ot too m"ch8 3es"s$ yo" &"st !i%%e! my hea! in the #ater.,
,Sorry. 4o#.s that0,
,)kay$ that.s it., 4en!ricks began to examine the holes. ,5hat if some shark
came along right no#0, he gr"nte!. ,4e co"l! grab me right o"t of yo"r han!s.,
,7on.t think abo"t it. 3"st look.,
,2.m looking., 2n a fe# moments he sai!$ ,Sonofabitch. ;ook at that thing. 4ey$
%"ll me "%. 2 nee! my knife.,
,5hat is it0, Bro!y aske! #hen 4en!ricks #as back aboar!.
4en!ricks "nfol!e! the main bla!e from the bo!y of his %ocket knife. ,2 !on.t
kno#$, he re%lie!. ,Some kin! of #hite chi% or something$ st"ck into one of the holes.,
Fnife in han!$ he allo#e! Bro!y to lo#er him oer the rail again. 4e #orke! briefly$ his
bo!y t#isting from the effort. Then he calle!' ,)kay. 2.e got it. P"ll.,
Bro!y ste%%e! back#ar!$ hoisting 4en!ricks oer the transom$ then lo#ere!
4en!ricks. feet to the !eck. ,;et.s see$, he sai!$ hol!ing o"t his han!. 2nto Bro!y.s %alm
4en!ricks !ro%%e! a triangle of glistening #hite !enticle. 2t #as nearly t#o inches long.
The si!es #ere tiny sa#s. Bro!y scra%%e! the tooth against the g"n#ale$ an! it c"t the
#oo!. 4e looke! o"t oer the #ater an! shook his hea!. ,9y -o!$, he sai!.
,2t.s a tooth$ isn.t it0, sai! 4en!ricks. ,3es"s 6hrist Almighty. 1o" think the shark
got Ben0,
,2 !on.t kno# #hat else to think$, sai! Bro!y. 4e looke! at the tooth again$ then
!ro%%e! it into his %ocket. ,5e might as #ell go. There.s nothing #e can !o here.,
,5hat !o yo" #ant to !o #ith Ben.s boat0,
,5e.ll leae it here till tomorro#. Then #e.ll hae someone come get it.,
,2.ll !rie it back if yo" #ant.,
,An! leae me to !rie the other one0 *orget it.,
,5e co"l! to# one of them in.,
,/o. 2t.s getting !ark$ an! 2 !on.t #ant to hae to fool aro"n! trying to !ock t#o
boats in the !ark. This boat.ll be all right oernight. 3"st go check the anchor "% front an!
make s"re it. s sec"re. Then let.s go. /o one.s going to nee! this boat before tomorro#...
es%ecially not Ben -ar!ner.,
They arrie! at the !ock in late t#ilight. 4arry 9ea!o#s an! another man$
"nkno#n to Bro!y$ #ere #aiting for them. ,1o" s"re hae goo! antenna$ 4arry$, Bro!y
sai! as he climbe! the la!!er onto the !ock.
9ea!o#s smile!$ flattere!. ,That.s my tra!e$ 9artin., 4e gest"re! to#ar! the
man besi!e him. ,This is 9att 4oo%er$ 6hief Bro!y.,
The t#o men shook han!s. ,1o".re the fello# from 5oo!s 4ole$, Bro!y sai!$
trying to get a goo! look at him in the fa!ing light. 4e #as yo"ng (( mi!(t#enties$ Bro!y
tho"ght (( an! han!some' tanne!$ hair bleache! by the s"n. 4e #as abo"t as tall as
Bro!y$ an inch oer six feet$ b"t leaner' Bro!y g"esse! 1B0 %o"n!s$ com%are! to his o#n
:00. A mental reflex scanne! 4oo%er for %ossible threat. Then$ #ith #hat Bro!y
recognize! as &"enile %ri!e$ he !etermine! that if it eer came to a face(off$ he co"l!
take 4oo%er. Ex%erience #o"l! make the !ifference.
,That.s right$, sai! 4oo%er.
,4arry.s been ta%%ing yo"r brain long(!istance$, Bro!y sai!. ,4o# come yo".re
9ea!o#s sai!$ ,2 calle! him. 2 tho"ght he might be able to fig"re o"t #hat.s going
,Shit$ 4arry$ all yo" ha! to !o #as ask me$, sai! Bro!y. ,2 co"l! hae tol! yo".
1o" see$ there.s this fish o"t there$ an!... ,
,1o" kno# #hat 2 mean.,
Bro!y sense! his o#n resentment at the intr"sion$ the com%lication that 4oo%er.s
ex%ertise #as bo"n! to a!!$ the im%licit !iision of a"thority that 4oo%er.s arrial ha!
create!. An! he recognize! the resentment as st"%i!. ,S"re$ 4arry$, he sai!. ,/o
%roblem. 2t.s &"st been a long !ay.,
,5hat !i! yo" fin! o"t there0, 9ea!o#s aske!.
Bro!y starte! to reach in his %ocket for the tooth$ b"t he sto%%e!. 4e !i!n.t #ant
to go thro"gh it all$ stan!ing on a !ock in near !arkness. ,2.m not s"re$, he sai!. ,6ome
on back to the station an! 2.ll fill yo" in.,
,2s Ben going to stay o"t there all night0,
,2t looks that #ay$ 4arry., Bro!y t"rne! to 4en!ricks$ #ho ha! finishe! tying "%
the boat. ,1o" going home$ ;eonar!0,
,1eah. 2 #ant to clean "% before 2 go to #ork.,
Bro!y arrie! at %olice hea!+"arters before 9ea!o#s an! 4oo%er. 2t #as almost
eight o.clock. 4e ha! t#o %hone calls to make (( to Ellen$ to see if the !inner leftoers
co"l! be reheate! or if he sho"l! %ick "% something on the #ay home$ an!$ the call he
!rea!e!$ to Sally -ar!ner. 4e calle! Ellen first' %ot roast. 2t co"l! be reheate!. 2t might
taste like a sneaker$ b"t it #o"l! be #arm. 4e h"ng "%$ checke! the %hone book for the
-ar!ner n"mber$ an! !iale! it.
,Sally0 This is 9artin Bro!y., S"!!enly he regrette! haing calle! #itho"t
thinking the call thro"gh. 4o# m"ch sho"l! he tell her0 /ot m"ch$ he !eci!e!$ at least
not "ntil he ha! ha! a chance to check #ith 4oo%er to see if his theory #as %la"sible or
,5here.s Ben$ 9artin0, The oice #as calm$ b"t %itche! slightly higher than
Bro!y remembere! as normal.
,2 !on.t kno#$ Sally.,
,5hat !o yo" mean$ yo" !on.t kno#0 1o" #ent o"t there$ !i!n.t yo"0,
,1es. 4e #asn.t on the boat.,
,B"t the boat #as there.,
,The boat #as there.,
,1o" #ent on boar!0 1o" looke! all oer it0 Een belo#0,
,1es., Then a tiny ho%e. ,Ben !i!n.t carry a !inghy$ !i! he0,
,/o. 4o# co"l! he not be there0, The oice #as shriller no#.
,2... ,
,5here is he0,
Bro!y ca"ght the tone of inci%ient hysteria. 4e #ishe! he ha! gone to the ho"se
in %erson. ,Are yo" alone$ Sally0,
,/o. The ki!s are here., She seeme! calmer$ b"t Bro!y #as s"re the calm #as a
l"ll before the b"rst of grief that #o"l! come #hen she realize! that the fears #ith #hich
she ha! lie! eery !ay for the sixteen years Ben ha! been fishing %rofessionally (( closet
fears shoe! into mental recesses an! neer "ttere! beca"se they #o"l! seem ri!ic"lo"s
(( ha! come tr"e.
Bro!y !"g at his memory for the ages of the -ar!ner chil!ren. T#ele$ maybe=
then nine$ then abo"t six. 5hat kin! of ki! #as the t#ele(year(ol!0 4e !i!n.t kno#.
5ho #as the nearest neighbor0 Shit. 5hy !i!n.t he think of this before0 The *inleys.
,3"st a secon!$ Sally., 4e calle! to the officer at the front !esk. ,6lements$ call -race
*inley an! tell her to get her ass oer to Sally -ar!ner.s ho"se right no#.,
,S"%%ose she asks #hy.,
,3"st tell her 2 sai! to go. Tell her 2.ll ex%lain later., 4e t"rne! back to the %hone.
,2.m sorry$ Sally. All 2 can tell yo" for s"re is that #e #ent o"t to #here Ben.s boat is
anchore!. 5e #ent on boar! an! Ben #asn.t there. 5e looke! all aro"n!$ !o#nstairs an!
9ea!o#s an! 4oo%er #alke! into Bro!y.s office. 4e motione! them to chairs.
,B"t #here co"l! he be0, sai! Sally -ar!ner. ,1o" !on.t &"st get off a boat in the
mi!!le of the ocean.,
,An! he co"l!n.t hae fallen oerboar!. 2 mean$ he co"l! hae$ b"t he.! get right
back in again.,
,9aybe someone came an! took him off in another boat. 9aybe the engine
#o"l!n.t start an! he ha! to ri!e #ith someone else. 7i! yo" check the engine0,
,/o$, Bro!y sai!$ embarrasse!.
,That.s %robably it$ then., The oice #as s"btly lighter$ almost girlish$ coate! #ith
a eneer of ho%e that$ #hen it broke$ #o"l! shatter like ice! crystal. ,An! if the battery
#as !ea!$ that #o"l! ex%lain #hy he co"l!n.t call on the ra!io.,
,The ra!io #as #orking$ Sally.,
,5ait a min"te. 5ho.s there0 )h$ it.s yo"., There #as a %a"se. Bro!y hear! Sally
talking to -race *inley. Then Sally came back on the line. ,-race says yo" tol! her to
come oer here. 5hy0,
,2 tho"ght ((,
,1o" think he.s !ea!$ !on.t yo"0 1o" think he !ro#ne!., The eneer shattere!$
an! she began to sob.
,2.m afrai! so$ Sally. That.s all #e can think at the moment. ;et me talk to -race
for a min"te$ #ill yo" %lease0,
A co"%le of secon!s later$ the oice of -race *inley sai!$ ,1es$ 9artin0,
,2.m sorry to !o this to yo"$ b"t 2 co"l!n.t think of anything else. 6an yo" stay
#ith her for a #hile0,
,All night. 2 #ill.,
,That might be a goo! i!ea. 2.ll try to get oer later on. Thanks.,
,5hat ha%%ene!$ 9artin0,
,5e !on.t kno# for s"re.,
,2s it that... thing again0,
,9aybe. That.s #hat trying to fig"re o"t. B"t !o me a faor$ -race. 7on.t
say anything abo"t a shark to Sally. 2t.s ba! eno"gh as it is.,
,All right$ 9artin. 5ait. 5ait a min"te., She coere! the mo"th%iece of the
%hone #ith her han!$ an! Bro!y hear! some m"ffle! conersation. Then Sally -ar!ner
came on the line.
,5hy !i! yo" !o it$ 9artin0,
,7o #hat0, A%%arently$ -race *inley trie! to take the %hone from her han!$ for
Bro!y hear! Sally say$ ,;et me s%eak$ !amn yo"8, Then she sai! to him$ ,5hy !i! yo"
sen! him0 5hy Ben0, 4er oice #asn.t %artic"larly lo"!$ b"t she s%oke #ith an intensity
that str"ck Bro!y as har! as if she #ere yelling.
,Sally$ yo".re ((,
,This !i!n.t hae to ha%%en8, she sai!. ,1o" co"l! hae sto%%e! it., Bro!y
#ante! to hang "%. 4e !i!n.t #ant a re%etition of the scene #ith the Fintner boy.s mother.
B"t he ha! to !efen! himself. She ha! to kno# that it #asn.t his fa"lt. 4o# co"l! she
blame him0 4e sai!$ ,6ra%8 Ben #as a fisherman$ a goo! one. 4e kne# the risks.,
,2f yo" ha!n.t ((,
,Sto% it$ Sally8, Bro!y let himself stam% on her #or!s. ,Try to get some rest., 4e
h"ng "% the %hone. 4e #as f"rio"s$ b"t his f"ry #as conf"se!. 4e #as angry at Sally
-ar!ner for acc"sing him$ an! angry at himself for being angry at her. 2f$ she ha! sai!. 2f
#hat0 2f he ha! not sent Ben. S"re. An! if %igs ha! #ings they.! be eagles. 2f he ha! gone
himself. B"t that #asn.t his tra!e. 4e ha! sent the ex%ert. 4e looke! "% at 9ea!o#s.
,1o" hear!.,
,/ot all of it. B"t eno"gh to gather that Ben -ar!ner has become ictim n"mber
Bro!y no!!e!. ,2 think so., 4e tol! 9ea!o#s an! 4oo%er abo"t his tri% #ith
4en!ricks. )nce or t#ice$ 9ea!o#s interr"%te! #ith a +"estion. 4oo%er listene!$ his
ang"lar face %laci! an! his eyes (( a light$ %o#!er bl"e (( fixe! on Bro!y. At the en! of
his tale$ Bro!y reache! into his %ants %ocket. ,5e fo"n! this$, he sai!. ,;eonar! !"g it
o"t of the #oo!., 4e fli%%e! the tooth to 4oo%er$ #ho t"rne! it oer in his han!.
,5hat !o yo" think$ 9att0, sai! 9ea!o#s.
,2t.s a #hite.,
,4o# big0,
,2 can.t be s"re$ b"t big. *ifteen$ t#enty feet. That.s some fantastic fish., 4e
looke! at 9ea!o#s. ,Thanks for calling me$, he sai!. ,2 co"l! s%en! a #hole lifetime
aro"n! sharks an! neer see a fish like that.,
Bro!y aske!$ ,4o# m"ch #o"l! a fish like that #eigh0,
,*ie or six tho"san! %o"n!s.,
Bro!y #histle!. ,Three tons.,
,7o yo" hae any tho"ghts abo"t #hat ha%%ene!0, 9ea!o#s aske!.
,*rom #hat the chief says$ it so"n!s like the fish kille! 9r. -ar!ner.,
,4o#0, sai! Bro!y.
,Any n"mber of #ays. -ar!ner might hae fallen oerboar!. 9ore likely$ he #as
%"lle! oer. 4is leg may hae gotten tangle! in a har%oon line. 4e co"l! een hae been
taken #hile he #as leaning oer the stern.,
,4o# !o yo" acco"nt for the teeth in the stern0,
,The fish attacke! the boat.,
,5hat the hell for0,
,Sharks aren.t ery bright$ 6hief. They exist on instinct an! im%"lse. The im%"lse
to fee! is %o#erf"l.,
,B"t a thirty(foot boat...,
,A shark !oesn.t think. To him it #asn.t a boat. 2t #as &"st something large.,
,An! ine!ible.,
,/ot till he.! trie! it. 1o" hae to "n!erstan!. There.s nothing in the sea this fish
#o"l! fear. )ther fish r"n from bigger things. That.s their instinct. B"t this fish !oesn.t
r"n from anything. 4e !oesn.t kno# fear. 4e might be ca"tio"s (( say aro"n! an een
bigger #hite. B"t fear (( no #ay.,
,5hat else !o they attack0,
,3"st like that. Anything.,
,Pretty m"ch$ yes.,
,7o yo" hae any i!ea #hy he.s h"ng aro"n! here so long0, sai! Bro!y. ,2 !on.t
kno# ho# m"ch yo" kno# abo"t the #ater here$ b"t...,
,2 gre# "% here.,
,1o" !i!0 2n Amity0,
,/o$ So"tham%ton. 2 s%ent eery s"mmer there$ from gra!e school thro"gh gra!
,Eery summer. So yo" !i!n.t really gro# "% there., Bro!y #as gro%ing for
something #ith #hich to re(establish his %arity #ith$ if not s"%eriority to$ the yo"nger
man$ an! #hat he settle! for #as reerse snobbism$ an attit"!e not "ncommon to year(
ro"n! resi!ents of resort comm"nities. 2t gae them armor against the contem%t they
sense! ra!iating from the rich s"mmer folk. 2t #as an ,2.m all right$ 3ack, attit"!e$ a
social ma!hismo that e+"ate! #ealth #ith effeteness$ sim%licity #ith goo!ness$ an!
%oerty @"% to a %ointA #ith honesty. An! it #as an attit"!e that$ in general$ Bro!y fo"n!
both re%"gnant an! silly. B"t he ha! felt threatene! by the yo"nger man he #asn.t really
s"re #hy (( an! the sensation #as so alien that he ha! reache! for the most conenient
cara%ace$ the one 4oo%er ha! han!e! him.
,1o".re %icking nits$, 4oo%er sai! testily. ,)kay$ so 2 #asn.t born here. B"t 2.e
s%ent a lot of time in these #aters$ an! 2 #rote a %a%er on this coastline. Any#ay$ 2 kno#
#hat yo".re getting at$ an! yo".re right. This shoreline isn.t an enironment that #o"l!
normally s"%%ort a long stay by a shark.,
,So #hy is this one staying0,
,2t.s im%ossible to say. 2t.s !efinitely "ncharacteristic$ b"t sharks !o so many
"ncharacteristic things that the erratic becomes the normal. Anyone #ho.! risk money ((
not to mention his life (( on a %re!iction abo"t #hat one big shark #ill !o in a gien
sit"ation is a fool. This shark co"l! be sick. The %atterns of his life are so beyon! his
control that !amage to one small mechanism co"l! ca"se him to !isorient an! behae
,2f this is ho# he acts #hen he.s sick$, sai! Bro!y$ ,2.! hate to see #hat he !oes
#hen he.s feeling fine.,
,/o. Personally$ 2 !on.t think he.s sick. There are other things that co"l! ca"se
him to stay here (( many of them things #e.ll neer "n!erstan!$ nat"ral factors$ ca%rices.,
,;ike #hat0,
,6hanges in #ater tem%erat"re or c"rrent flo# or fee!ing %atterns. As foo!
s"%%lies moe$ so !o the %re!ators. A fe# s"mmers ago$ for exam%le$ a com%letely
inex%licable %henomenon took %lace off the shore of %arts of 6onnectic"t an! Rho!e
2slan!. The #hole coastline #as s"!!enly in"n!ate! #ith menha!en (( fishermen call
them b"nker. 4"ge schools. 9illions of fish. They coate! the #ater like an oil slick.
There #ere so many that yo" co"l! thro# a bare hook in the #ater an! reel it in$ an!
more often than not yo".! catch a menha!en by fo"l(hooking it. Bl"efish an! bass fee!
on menha!en$ so all of a s"!!en there #ere masses of bl"efish fee!ing in schools right
off the beaches. 2n 5atch 4ill$ Rho!e 2slan!$ %eo%le #ere #a!ing into the s"rf an!
catching bl"efish #ith rakes. -ar!en rakes8 3"st shoeling the fish o"t of the #ater. Then
the big %re!ators came (( big t"na$ fo"r$ fie$ six h"n!re! %o"n!s. 7ee%(sea fishing boats
#ere catching bl"efin t"na #ithin a h"n!re! yar!s of the shore. 2n harbors sometimes.
Then s"!!enly it sto%%e!. The menha!en #ent a#ay$ an! so !i! the other fish. 2 s%ent
three #eeks !o#n there trying to fig"re o"t #hat #as going on. 2 still !on.t kno#. 2t.s all
%art of the ecological balance. 5hen something ti%s too far one #ay or the other$ %ec"liar
things ha%%en.,
,B"t this is een #eir!er$, sai! Bro!y. ,This fish has staye! in one %lace$ in one
ch"nk of #ater only a mile or t#o s+"are$ for oer a #eek. 4e hasn.t moe! "% or !o#n
the beach. 4e hasn.t to"che! anybo!y in East 4am%ton or So"tham%ton. 5hat is it abo"t
,2 !on.t kno#. 2 !o"bt that anyone co"l! gie yo" a goo! ans#er.,
9ea!o#s sai!$ ,9innie El!ri!ge has the ans#er.,
,Balls$, sai! Bro!y.
,5ho.s 9innie El!ri!ge0, aske! 4oo%er.
,The %ostmistress$, sai! Bro!y. ,She says it.s -o!.s #ill$ or something like that. being %"nishe! for o"r Sins.,
4oo%er smile!. ,Right no#$ any#ay$ that.s as goo! an ans#er as 2.e got.,
,That.s enco"raging$, sai! Bro!y. ,2s there anything yo" %lan to !o to get an
,There are a fe# things. 2.ll take #ater sam%les here an! in East 4am%ton. 2.ll try
to fin! o"t ho# other fish are behaing (( if anything extraor!inary is aro"n!$ or if
anything that sho"l! be here isn.t. An! 2.ll try to fin! that shark. 5hich remin!s me$ is
there a boat aailable0,
,1es$ 2.m sorry to say$, sai! Bro!y. ,Ben -ar!ner.s. 5e.ll get yo" o"t to it
tomorro#$ an! yo" can "se it at least "ntil #e #ork something o"t #ith his #ife. 7o yo"
really think yo" can catch that fish$ after #hat ha%%ene! to Ben -ar!ner0,
,2 !i!n.t say 2 #as going to try to catch it. 2 !on.t think 2.! #ant to try that. /ot
alone$ any#ay.,
,Then #hat the hell are yo" going to !o0,
,2 !on.t kno#. 2.ll hae to %lay it by ear.,
Bro!y looke! into 4oo%er.s eyes an! sai!$ ,2 #ant that fish kille!. 2f yo" can.t !o
it$ #e.ll fin! someone #ho can.,
4oo%er la"ghe!. ,1o" so"n! like a mobster. .2 #ant that fish kille!.. So go get a
contract o"t on him. 5ho are yo" going to get to !o the &ob0,
,2 !on.t kno#. 5hat abo"t it$ 4arry0 1o".re s"%%ose! to kno# eerything that
goes on aro"n! here. 2sn.t there any fisherman on this #hole !amn islan! e+"i%%e! to
catch big sharks0,
9ea!o#s tho"ght for a moment before he s%oke. ,There may be one. 2 !on.t
kno# m"ch abo"t him$ b"t 2 think his name is E"int$ an! 2 think he o%erates o"t of a
%riate %ier some#here aro"n! Promise! ;an!. 2 can fin! o"t a little more abo"t him if
yo" like.,
,5hy not0, sai! Bro!y. ,4e so"n!s like a %ossible.,
4oo%er sai!$ ,;ook$ 6hief$ yo" can.t go off half(cocke! looking for engeance
against a fish. That shark isn.t eil. 2t.s not a m"r!erer. 2t.s &"st obeying its o#n instincts.
Trying to get retrib"tion against a fish is crazy.,
,;isten yo"..., Bro!y #as gro#ing angry (( an anger horn of fr"stration an!
h"miliation. 4e kne# 4oo%er #as right$ b"t he felt that right an! #rong #ere irreleant
to the sit"ation. The fish #as an enemy. 2t ha! come "%on the comm"nity an! kille! t#o
men$ a #oman$ an! a chil!. The %eo%le of Amity #o"l! !eman! the !eath of the fish.
They #o"l! nee! to see it !ea! before they co"l! feel sec"re eno"gh to res"me their
normal lies. 9ost of all$ Bro!y nee!e! it !ea!$ for the !eath of the fish #o"l! be a
catharsis for him. 4oo%er ha! to"che! that nere$ an! that inf"riate! Bro!y f"rther. B"t
he s#allo#e! his rage an! sai!$ ,*orget it.,
The %hone rang. ,2t.s for yo"$ 6hief$, sai! 6lements. ,9r. Va"ghan.,
,)h s#ell. That.s &"st #hat 2 nee!., 4e %"nche! the flashing b"tton on the %hone
an! %icke! "% the receier. ,1eah$ ;arry.,
,4ello$ 9artin. 4o# are yo"0, Va"ghan.s oice #as frien!ly$ almost eff"siely
so. Bro!y tho"ght$ he.s %robably ha! a co"%le of belts.
,As #ell as co"l! be ex%ecte!$ ;arry.,
,1o".re #orking %retty late. 2 trie! to get yo" at home.,
,1eah. 5ell$ #hen yo".re the chief of %olice an! yo"r constit"ents are getting
themseles kille! eery t#enty min"tes$ that kin! of kee%s yo" b"sy.,
,2 hear! abo"t Ben -ar!ner.,
,5hat !i! yo" hear0,
,That he #as missing.,
,/e#s traels %retty fast.,
,Are yo" s"re it #as the shark again0,
,S"re0 1eah$ 2 g"ess so. /othing else seems to make any sense.,
,9artin$ #hat are yo" going to do?" There #as a %athetic "rgency in Va"ghan.s
,That.s a goo! +"estion$ ;arry. !oing eery( thing #e can fight no#. 5e.e
got the beaches !ose! !o#n. 5e.e ((,
,2.m a#are of that$ to say the ery least.,
,5hat.s that s"%%ose! to mean0,
,4ae yo" eer trie! to sell healthy %eo%le real estate in a le%er colony0,
,/o$ ;arry$, Bro!y sai! #earily.
,2.m getting cancellations eery !ay. Peo%le are #alking o"t on leases. 2 haen.t
ha! a ne# c"stomer in here since S"n!ay.,
,So #hat !o yo" #ant me to !o0,
,5ell$ 2 tho"ght... 2 mean$ #hat 2.m #on!ering is$ maybe oerreacting to
this #hole thing.,
,1o".re ki!!ing. Tell me yo".re ki!!ing.,
,4ar!ly$ 9artin. /o# calm !o#n. ;et.s !isc"ss this rationally.,
,2.m rational. 2.m not s"re abo"t yo"$ tho"gh.,
There #as a moment of silence$ an! then Va"ghan sai!$ ,5hat #o"l! yo" say to
o%ening the beaches$ &"st for the *o"rth of 3"ly #eeken!0,
,/ot a chance. /ot a f"cking chance.,
,/o# listen...,
,/o$ yo" listen$ ;arry. The last time 2 listene! to yo"$ #e ha! t#o %eo%le kille!. 2f
#e catch that fish$ if #e kill the sonofabitch$ then #e.ll o%en the beaches. Jntil then$
forget it.,
,5hat abo"t nets0,
,5hat abo"t them0,
,5hy co"l!n.t #e %"t steel nets o"t to %rotect the beaches0 Someone tol! me
that.s #hat they !o in A"stralia.,
4e must be !r"nk$ Bro!y tho"ght. ,;arry$ this is a straight coastline. Are yo"
going to %"t nets o"t along t#o an! a half miles of beaches0 *ine. 1o" get the money. 2.!
say abo"t a million !ollars$ for o%eners.,
,5hat abo"t %atrols0 5e co"l! hire %eo%le to %atrol "% an! !o#n the beaches in
,That.s not goo! eno"gh$ ;arry. 5hat is it #ith yo"$ any#ay0 Are yo"r %artners
on yo"r ass again0,
,That.s none of yo"r !amn b"siness$ 9artin. *or -o!.s sake$ man$ this to#n is
,2 kno# it$ ;arry$, Bro!y sai! softly. ,An! as far as 2 kno#$ there.s not a !amn
thing #e can !o abo"t it. -oo! night., 4e h"ng "% the %hone.
9ea!o#s an! 4oo%er rose to leae. Bro!y #alke! them to the front !oor of the
station ho"se$ As they starte! o"t the !oor$ Bro!y sai! to 9ea!o#s$ ,4ey$ 4arry$ yo" left
yo"r lighter insi!e., 9ea!o#s starte! to say something$ b"t Bro!y ste%%e! on his #or!s.
,6ome on back insi!e an! 2.ll gie it to yo". 2f yo" leae it aro"n! here oernight$ it.s
likely to !isa%%ear., 4e #ae! to 4oo%er. ,See yo".,
5hen they #ere back in Bro!y.s office$ 9ea!o#s took his lighter from his %ocket
an! sai!$ ,2 tr"st yo" ha! something to say to me.,
Bro!y sh"t the !oor to his office. ,1o" think yo" can fin! o"t something abo"t
;arry.s %artners0,
,2 g"ess so. 5hy0,
,Eer since this thing began$ ;arry has been on my ass to kee% the beaches o%en.
An! no#$ after all that.s &"st ha%%ene!$ he says he #ants them o%en for the *o"rth. The
other !ay he sai! he #as "n!er %ress"re from his %artners. 2 tol! yo" abo"t it.,
,2 think #e sho"l! kno# #ho it is #ho has eno"gh clo"t to !rie ;arry b"llshit. 2
#o"l!n.t care if he #asn.t the mayor of this to#n. B"t if there are %eo%le telling him #hat
to !o$ 2 think #e o"ght to kno# #ho they are.,
9ea!o#s sighe!. ,)kay$ 9artin. 2.ll !o #hat 2 can. B"t !igging aro"n! in ;arry
Va"ghan.s affairs isn.t my i!ea of f"n.,
,There.s not a #hole hell of a lot that is f"n these !ays$ is there0,
Bro!y #alke! 9ea!o#s to the !oor$ then #ent back to his !esk an! sat !o#n.
Va"ghan ha! been right abo"t one thing$ he tho"ght' Amity #as sho#ing all the signs of
imminent !eath. 2t #asn.t &"st the real estate market$ tho"gh its sickness #as as
contagio"s as small%ox. Eelyn Bixby$ the #ife of one of Bro!y.s officers$ ha! lost her
&ob as a real estate agent an! #as #orking as a #aitress in a hash ho"se on Ro"te :B.
T#o ne# bo"ti+"es that #ere sche!"le! to o%en the next !ay ha! %"t off their
!eb"ts "ntil 3"ly I$ an! the %ro%rietors of both ma!e a %oint of calling on Bro!y to tell
him that if the beaches #eren.t o%en by then$ they #o"l!n.t o%en their stores at all. )ne of
them #as alrea!y looking at a site for rent in East 4am%ton. The s%orting goo!s store ha!
%oste! signs anno"ncing a clearance sale (( a sale that normally took %lace oer the ;abor
7ay #eeken!. The only goo! thing abo"t the Amity economy$ as far as Bro!y #as
concerne!$ #as that Saxon.s #as !oing so ba!ly that it lai! off 4enry Fimble. /o# that
he !i!n.t hae his barten!ing &ob$ he sle%t !"ring the !ay an! co"l! occasionally s"rie
thro"gh a shift of %olice #ork #itho"t a na%.
Beginning on 9on!ay morning (( the first !ay the beaches #ere close! (( Bro!y
ha! %oste! t#o officers on the beaches. Together$ they ha! ha! seenteen confrontations
#ith %eo%le #ho insiste! on s#imming. )ne #as #ith a man name! Robert 7exter$ #ho
claime! a constit"tional right to s#im off his o#n beach an! #ho allo#e! his !og to
terrorize the officer on !"ty$ "ntil the co% %"lle! his %istol an! threatene! to shoot the
!og. Another !"st"% took %lace on the %"blic beach$ #hen a /e# 1ork la#yer starte!
rea!ing the Jnite! States 6onstit"tion to a %oliceman an! a m"ltit"!e of cheering
Still$ Bro!y #as conince! that (( so far$ at least (( no one ha! gone s#imming.
)n 5e!nes!ay$ t#o ki!s ha! rente! a skiff an! ro#e! abo"t three h"n!re! yar!s
offshore$ #here they s%ent an ho"r la!ling bloo!$ chicken g"ts$ an! !"ck hea!s
oerboar!. A %assing fishing boat s%otte! them an! calle! Bro!y ia the marine o%erator.
Bro!y calle! 4oo%er$ an! together they #ent in %li!&a an! to#e! the boys to shore. 2n
the skiff the boys ha! a flying gaff attache! to t#o h"n!re! yar!s of clothesline$ sec"re!
to the %ro# by a s+"are knot. They sai! they %lanne! to hook the shark #ith the gaff an!
go for a ,/ant"cket sleigh ri!e., Bro!y tol! them that if they eer trie! the st"nt again$
he.! arrest them for attem%te! s"ici!e.
There ha! been fo"r re%orts of shark sightings. )ne ha! t"rne! o"t to be a floating
log. T#o$ accor!ing to the fisherman #ho follo#e! "% the re%orts$ #ere schools of
&"m%ing bait fish. An! one$ as far as anyone co"l! tell$ #as a flat nothing.
)n T"es!ay eening$ &"st at !"sk$ Bro!y ha! receie! an anonymo"s %hone call
telling him that a man #as !"m%ing shark bait into the #ater off the %"blic beach. 2t
t"rne! o"t to be not a man$ b"t a #oman !resse! in a man.s raincoat (( 3essie Parker$ one
of the clerks at 5al!en.s Stationery Store. At first she !enie! thro#ing anything into the
#ater$ b"t then she a!mitte! that she ha! tosse! a %a%er bag into the s"rf. 2t containe!
three em%ty ermo"th bottles.
,5hy !i!n.t yo" thro# them in the garbage0, Bro!y ha! aske!.
,2 !i!n.t #ant the garbage man to think 2.m a heay !rinker.,
,Then #hy !i!n.t yo" thro# them in someone else.s garbage0,
,That #o"l!n.t be nice$, she sai!. ,-arbage is... sort of %riate$ !on.t yo" think0,
Bro!y tol! her that from no# on$ she sho"l! take her em%ty bottles$ %"t them in a
%lastic bag$ %"t that bag in a bro#n %a%er bag$ then smash the bottles #ith a hammer "ntil
they #ere gro"n! "%. /obo!y #o"l! eer kno# they ha! been bottles.
Bro!y looke! at his #atch. 2t #as after nine$ too late to %ay a isit to Sally
-ar!ner. 4e ho%e! she #as aslee%. 9aybe -race *inley ha! gien her a %ill or a glass of
#hiskey to hel% her rest. Before he left the office$ he calle! the 6oast -"ar! station at
9onta"k an! tol! the !"ty officer abo"t Ben -ar!ner. The officer sai! he #o"l! !is%atch
a %atrol boat at first light to search for the bo!y.
,Thanks$, sai! Bro!y. ,2 ho%e yo" fin! it before it #ashes "%., Bro!y #as
s"!!enly a%%alle! at himself. ,2t, #as Ben -ar!ner$ a frien!. 5hat #o"l! Sally say if she
hear! Bro!y refer to her h"sban! as ,it,0 *ifteen years of frien!shi% #i%e! o"t$ forgotten.
There #as no more Ben -ar!ner. There #as only an ,it, that sho"l! be fo"n! before it
became a gory n"isance.
,5e.ll try$, sai! the officer. ,Boy$ 2 feel for yo" g"ys. 1o" m"st be haing a hell
of a s"mmer.,
,2 only ho%e it isn.t o"r last$, sai! Bro!y. 4e h"ng "%$ t"rne! o"t the light in his
office$ an! #alke! o"t to his car.
As he t"rne! into his !rie#ay$ Bro!y sa# the familiar bl"e(gray light shining
from the liing room #in!o#s. The boys #ere #atching teleision. 4e #alke! thro"gh
the front !oor$ fli%%e! off the o"tsi!e light$ an! %oke! his hea! into the !ark liing room.
The ol!est boy$ Billy$ lay on the co"ch$ leaning on an elbo#. 9artin$ the mi!!le son$ age
t#ele$ lo"nge! in an easy chair$ his shoeless feet %ro%%e! "% on the coffee table. Eight(
year(ol! Sean sat on the floor$ his back against the co"ch$ stroking a cat in his la%. ,4o#
goes it0, sai! Bro!y.
,-oo!$ 7a!$, sai! Bill$ #itho"t shifting his gaze from the teleision.
,5here.s yo"r mom0,
,J%stairs. She sai! to tell yo" yo"r !inner.s in the kitchen.,
,)kay. /ot too late$ Sean$ h"h0 2t.s almost nine(thirty.,
,)kay$ 7a!$, sai! Sean.
Bro!y #ent into the kitchen$ o%ene! the refrigerator$ an! took o"t a beer. The
remains of the %ot roast sat on the kitchen table in a roasting %an$ s"rro"n!e! by a sc"m
of congeale! gray. The meat #as bro#nish(gray an! stringy. ,7inner0, sai! Bro!y to
himself. 4e checke! the icebox for san!#ich makings. There #as some hamb"rger$ a
%ackage of chicken legs$ a !ozen eggs$ a &ar of %ickles$ an! t#ele cans of so!a %o%. 4e
fo"n! a %iece of American cheese$ !rie! an! c"rle! #ith age$ an! he fol!e! it an! %o%%e!
it into his mo"th. 4e !ebate! heating "% the %ot roast$ then sai! alo"!$ ,The hell #ith it.,
4e fo"n! t#o %ieces of brea!$ s%rea! m"star! on them$ took a caring knife from a
magnetic boar! on the #all$ an! slice! a thick slab of roast. 4e !ro%%e! the meat on one
of the %ieces of brea!$ scattere! a fe# %ickles on to% of it$ coere! it #ith the other %iece
of brea!$ an! mashe! the san!#ich !o#n #ith the heel of his han!. 4e %"t it on a %late$
%icke! "% his beer$ an! climbe! the stairs to his be!room.
Ellen #as sitting "% in be!$ rea!ing osmo$olitan. ,4ello$, she sai!. ,A to"gh
!ay0 1o" !i!n.t say anything on the %hone.,
,A to"gh !ay. That.s abo"t all haing these !ays. 1o" hear! abo"t Ben
-ar!ner0 2 #asn.t really %ositie #hen 2 talke! to yo"., 4e %"t the %late an! the beer on
the !resser an! sat on the e!ge of the be! to remoe his shoes.
,1es. 2 got a call from -race *inley asking if 2 kne# #here 7r. 6raig #as. 4is
serice #o"l!n.t say$ an! -race #ante! to gie Sally a se!atie.,
,7i! yo" fin! him0,
,/o. B"t 2 ha! one of the boys take some Seconal oer to her.,
,5hat.s Seconal0,
,Slee%ing %ills.,
,2 !i!n.t kno# yo" #ere taking slee%ing %ills.,
,2 !on.t$ often. 3"st eery no# an! then.,
,5here !i! yo" get them0,
,*rom 7r. 6raig$ #hen 2 #ent to him last time abo"t my neres. 2 tol! yo".,
,)h., Bro!y tosse! his shoes into a corner$ stoo! "%$ an! took off his tro"sers$
#hich he fol!e! neatly oer the back of a chair. 4e took off his shirt$ %"t it on a hanger$
an! h"ng it in the closet. 2n T(shirt an! "n!ershorts he sat !o#n on the be! an! began to
eat his san!#ich. The meat #as !ry an! flaky. All he co"l! taste #as m"star!.
,7i!n.t yo" fin! the roast0, sai! Ellen.
Bro!y.s mo"th #as f"ll$ so he no!!e!.
,5hat.s that yo".re eating$ then0,
4e s#allo#e!. ,The roast.,
,7i! yo" heat it "%0,
,/o. 2 !on.t min! it like this.,
Ellen ma!e a face an! sai!$ ,1ech.,
Bro!y ate in silence$ as Ellen aimlessly t"rne! the %ages of her magazine. After a
fe# moments$ she close! the magazine$ %"t it in her la%$ an! sai!$ ,)h$ !ear.,
,5hat.s the matter0,
,2 #as &"st thinking abo"t Ben -ar!ner. 2t.s so horrible. 5hat !o yo" think Sally
#ill !o0,
,2 !on.t kno#$, sai! Bro!y. ,2 #orry abo"t her. 4ae yo" eer talke! money #ith
,/eer. B"t there can.t be m"ch. 2 !on.t think her chil!ren hae ha! ne# clothes
in a year$ an! she.s al#ays saying that she.! gie anything to be able to affor! meat more
than once a #eek$ instea! of haing to eat the fish Ben catches. 5ill she get social
,2.! think so$ b"t it #on.t amo"nt to m"ch. There.s #elfare.,
,)h$ she co"l!n.t$, sai! Ellen.
,1o" #ait. Pri!e is something she #on.t be able to affor!. /o# there #on.t een
be fish any more.,
,2s there anything #e can !o0,
,Personally0 2 !on.t see ho#. not exactly in fat city o"rseles. B"t there
may be something the to#n can !o. 2.ll talk to Va"ghan abo"t it.,
,4ae yo" ma!e any %rogress0,
,1o" mean abo"t catching that !amn thing0 /o. 9ea!o#s calle! that
oceanogra%her frien! of his !o#n from 5oo!s 4ole$ so he.s here. /ot that 2 see #hat
goo! he.s going to !o.,
,5hat.s he like0,
,4e.s all right$ 2 g"ess. 4e.s yo"ng$ a !ecent(looking g"y. 4e.s a bit of a kno#(it(
all$ b"t that.s not s"r%rising. 4e seems to kno# the area %retty #ell.,
,)h0 4o# so0,
,4e sai! he #as a s"mmer ki! in So"tham%ton. S%ent all his s"mmers there.,
,2 !on.t kno#$ liing #ith the %arents %robably. 4e looks to be the ty%e.,
,5hat ty%e0,
,Rich. -oo! family. The So"tham%ton s"mmer ty%e. 1o" o"ght to kno# it$ for
-o!.s sake.,
,7on.t get angry. 2 #as &"st asking.,
,2.m not angry. 2 &"st sai! yo" o"ght to kno# the ty%e$ that.s all. 2 mean$ yo".re the
ty%e yo"rself.,
Ellen smile!. ,2 "se! to be. B"t no# 2.m &"st an ol! la!y.,
,That.s a crock$, Bro!y sai!. ,/ine o"t of ten of the s"mmer broa!s in this to#n
can.t !o #hat yo" can for a bathing s"it., 4e #as ha%%y to see her fishing for
com%liments$ an! ha%%y to gie them to her. This #as one of their rit"al %rel"!es to sex$
an! the sight of Ellen in be! ma!e Bro!y yearn for sex. 4er hair h"ng !o#n to her
sho"l!ers on both si!es of her hea!$ then t"cke! in#ar! in a c"rl. 4er nightgo#n #as c"t
so !ee%ly in front that both her breasts #ere isible$ all b"t the ni%%les$ an! #as so
!ia%hano"s that Bro!y #as s"re he co"l! act"ally see the !ark flesh of the ni%%les. ,2.m
going to br"sh my teeth$, he sai!. ,2.ll be right back.,
5hen he ret"rne! from the bathroom$ he #as t"mescent. 4e #alke! to the !resser
to t"rn o"t the light.
,1o" kno#$, Ellen sai!$ ,2 think #e sho"l! gie the boys tennis lessons.,
,5hat for0 4ae they sai! they #ant to %lay tennis0,
,/o. /ot in so many #or!s. B"t it.s a goo! s%ort for them to kno#. 2t #ill hel%
them #hen go#n("%. 2t.s an entree.,
,To #hat0,
,To the %eo%le they sho"l! kno#. 2f yo" %lay tennis #ell yo" can #alk into a cl"b
any#here an! get to kno# %eo%le. /o#.s the time they sho"l! be learning.,
,5here are they going to get lessons0,
,2 #as thinking of the *iel! 6l"b.,
,As far as 2 kno#$ not members of the *iel! 6l"b.,
,2 think #e co"l! get in. 2 still kno# a fe# %eo%le #ho are members. 2f 2 aske!
them$ 2.ll bet they.! %ro%ose "s.,
,*orget it.,
,/"mber one$ #e can.t affor! it. 2 bet it costs a tho"san! b"cks to &oin$ an! then
it.s at least a fe# h"n!re! a year. 5e haen.t got that kin! of money.,
,5e hae saings.,
,/ot for tennis lessons$ for 6hrist sake8 6ome on$ let.s !ro% it., 4e reache! for the
,2t #o"l! be goo! for the boys.,
Bro!y let his han! fall to the to% of the !resser.
,;ook$ not tennis %eo%le. 5e #o"l!n.t feel right there. 2 #o"l!n.t feel right
there. They !on.t #ant "s there.,
,4o# !o yo" kno#0 5e.e neer trie!.,
,3"st forget it., 4e s#itche! off the light$ #alke! oer to the be!$ %"lle! back the
coers$ an! sli! in si!e Ellen. ,Besi!es$, he sai!$ n"zzling her neck$ ,there.s another s%ort
2.m better at.,
,The boys are a#ake.,
, #atching teleision. They #o"l!n.t kno# it if a bomb #ent off "% here.,
4e kisse! her neck an! began to r"b his han! in circles on her stomach$ moing higher
#ith each rotation.
Ellen ya#ne!. ,2.m so slee%y$, she sai!. ,2 took a %ill before yo" came home.,
Bro!y sto%%e! r"bbing. ,5hat the hell for0,
,2 !i!n.t slee% #ell last night$ an! 2 !i!n.t #ant to #ake "% if yo" came home late.
So 2 took a %ill.,
,2.m going to thro# those go!!am %ills a#ay., 4e kisse! her cheek$ then trie! to
kiss her mo"th b"t ca"ght her in mi!(ya#n.
,2.m sorry$, she sai!. ,2.m afrai! it #on.t #ork.,
,2t.ll #ork. All yo" hae to !o is hel% a little.,
,2.m so tire!. B"t yo" go ahea! if yo" #ant. 2.ll try to stay a#ake.,
,Shit$, sai! Bro!y. 4e rolle! back to his si!e of the be!. ,2.m not ery big on
scre#ing cor%ses.,
,That #as "ncalle!(for., Bro!y !i!n.t re%ly. 4e lay on his back$ staring at the
ceiling an! feeling his erection !#in!le. B"t the %ress"re insi!e him #as still there$ a !"ll
ache in his groin.
A moment later$ Ellen sai!$ ,5hat.s 4arry 9ea!o#s. frien!.s name0,
,/ot 7ai! 4oo%er.,
,/o. 2 think his name is 9att.,
,)h. 2 #ent o"t #ith a 7ai! 4oo%er a long$ long time ago. 2 remember..., Before
she co"l! finish the sentence$ her eyes sh"t$ an! soon she sli%%e! into the !ee% breathing
of slee%.
A fe# blocks a#ay$ in a small cla%boar! ho"se$ a black man sat at the foot of his
son.s be!. ,5hat story !o yo" #ant to rea!0, he sai!.
,2 !on.t #ant to rea! a story$, sai! the boy$ #ho #as seen. ,2 #ant to tell a story.,
,)kay. 5hat.ll #e tell one abo"t0,
,A shark. ;et.s tell one abo"t a shark., The man #ince!. ,/o. ;et.s tell one
abo"t ... a bear.,
,/o$ a shark. 2 #ant to kno# abo"t sharks.,
,1o" mean a once("%on(a(time story0,
,S"re. ;ike$ yo" kno#$ once "%on a time there #as a shark that ate %eo%le.,
,That.s not a ery nice story.,
,5hy !o sharks eat %eo%le0,
,2 g"ess they get h"ngry. 2 !on.t kno#.,
,7o yo" blee! if a shark eats yo"0,
,1es$, sai! the man. ,6ome on. ;et.s tell a story abo"t another kin! of animal.
1o".ll hae nightmares if #e tell abo"t a shark.,
,/o$ 2 #on.t. 2f a shark trie! to eat me$ 2.! %"nch him in the nose.,
,/o shark is going to try to eat yo".,
,5hy not0 2f 2 go s#imming 2 bet one #o"l!. 7on.t sharks eat black %eo%le0,
,/o# sto% it8 2 !on.t #ant to hear any more abo"t sharks., The man lifte! a %ile of
books from the be!si!e table. ,4ere. ;et.s rea! 'eter 'an."
6ha%ter K
)n her #ay home *ri!ay noon$ after a morning of ol"nteer #ork at the So"tham%ton
4os%ital$ Ellen sto%%e! at the %ost office to b"y a roll of stam%s an! get the mail. There
#as no home mail !eliery in Amity. 2n theory$ only s%ecial !eliery mail #as bro"ght to
the !oor (( any !oor #ithin a mile ra!i"s of the %ost office= in fact$ een s%ecial !eliery
mail @exce%t that clearly labele! as sent by the *e!eral -oernmentA #as ke%t at the %ost
office "ntil someone calle! for it.
The %ost office #as a small$ s+"are b"il!ing on Teal Street$ &"st off 9ain. 2t ha!
<00 mailboxes$ ID0 of #hich #ere rente! to Amity.s %ermanent resi!ents. The other 1K0
#ere allotte! to s"mmer %eo%le$ accor!ing to the #hims of the %ostmistress$ 9innie
El!ri!ge. Those %eo%le she like! #ere %ermitte! to rent boxes for the s"mmer. Those she
!i!n.t like ha! to #ait in line at the co"nter. Since she ref"se! to rent a box to any
s"mmer %erson on a year(ro"n! basis$ s"mmer %eo%le neer kne# from one year to the
next #hether or not they #o"l! hae a mailbox #hen they arrie! in 3"ne.
2t #as generally ass"me! that 9innie El!ri!ge #as in her early seenties$ an! that
she ha! someho# conince! the a"thorities in 5ashington that she #as #ell "n!er
com%"lsory retirement age. She #as small an! frail(looking$ b"t !ece%tiely strong$ able
to h"stle %ackages an! cartons nearly as +"ickly as the t#o yo"ng men #ho #orke! in the
%ost office #ith her. She neer s%oke abo"t her %ast or her %riate life. The only common
kno#le!ge abo"t her #as that she ha! been born on /ant"cket 2slan! an! ha! left
sometime soon after 5orl! 5ar 2. She ha! been in Amity for as long as anyone liing
co"l! remember$ an! she consi!ere! herself not only a natie$ b"t also the resi!ent ex%ert
on the history of the to#n. She nee!e! no %ro!!ing at all to embark on a !isco"rse abo"t
Amity.s e%onym$ a seenteenth(cent"ry #oman name! Amity 4o%e#ell #ho ha! been
conicte! of #itchcraft$ an! she took %leas"re in reciting the list of ma&or eents in the
to#n.s %ast' the lan!ing of some British troo%s !"ring the Reol"tion in an ill(fate!
attem%t to o"tflank a 6olonial force @the Britons lost their #ay an! #an!ere! aimlessly
back an! forth across ;ong 2slan!A= the fire in 1C:I that !estroye! eery b"il!ing exce%t
the to#n.s only ch"rch= the #reck of a r"mr"nning shi% in 1?:1 @the shi% #as eent"ally
refloate!$ b"t by then all the cargo off(loa!e! to make the shi% lighter ha! anishe!A= the
h"rricane of 1?IC$ an! the #i!ely re%orte! @tho"gh neer f"lly ascertaine!A lan!ing of
three -erman s%ies on the Scotch Roa! beach in 1?D:.
Ellen an! 9innie ma!e each other nero"s. Ellen sense! that 9innie !i!n.t like
her$ an! she #as right. 9innie felt "neasy #ith Ellen beca"se she co"l!n.t catalog"e her.
Ellen #as neither s"mmer folk nor #inter folk. She ha!n.t earne! her year(ro"n!
mailbox$ she ha! marrie! it.
9innie #as alone in the %ost office$ sorting mail$ #hen Ellen arrie!.
,9orning$ 9innie$, Ellen sai!.
9innie looke! "% at the clock oer the co"nter an! sai!$ ,Afternoon.,
,6o"l! 2 hae a roll of eights$ %lease0, Ellen %"t a fie(!ollar bill an! three ones
on the co"nter.
9innie %"she! a fe# more letters into boxes$ set !o#n her b"n!le$ an! #alke! to
the co"nter. She gae Ellen a roll of stam%s an! !ro%%e! the bills into a !ra#er. ,5hat.s
9artin think he.s going to !o abo"t that shark0, she sai!.
,2 !on.t kno#. 2 g"ess they.ll try to catch it.,
,6anst tho" !ra# o"t leiathan #ith a hook0,
,2 beg yo"r %ar!on0,
,Book of 3ob$, sai! 9innie. ,/o mortal man.s going to catch that fish.,
,5hy !o yo" say that0,
, not meant to catch it$ that.s #hy. being rea!ie!.,
,*or #hat0,
,5e.ll kno# #hen the time comes.,
,2 see., Ellen %"t the stam%s in her %"rse. ,5ell$ maybe yo".re right. Thanks$
9innie., She t"rne! an! #alke! to#ar! the !oor.
,There.ll be no mistaking it$, 9innie sai! to Ellen.s back.
Ellen #alke! to 9ain Street an! t"rne! right$ %ast a bo"ti+"e an! an anti+"e sho%.
She sto%%e! at Amity 4ar!#are an! #ent insi!e. There #as no imme!iate res%onse to the
tinkle of the bell that the !oor str"ck as she o%ene! it. She #aite! for a fe# secon!s$ then
calle!$ ,Albert0,
She #alke! to the back of the store$ to an o%en !oor that le! to the basement. She
hear! t#o men talking belo#.
,2.ll be right "%$, calle! the oice of Albert 9orris. ,4ere.s a #hole box of them$,
9orris sai! to the other man. ,;ook thro"gh an! see if yo" fin! #hat yo" #ant.,
9orris came to the bottom of the stairs an! starte! "% (( slo#ly an! !eliberately$
one ste% at a time$ hol!ing on to the banister. 4e #as in his early sixties$ an! he ha! ha! a
heart attack t#o years earlier.
,6leats$, he sai! #hen he reache! the to% of the stairs.
,5hat0, sai! Ellen.
,6leats. *ella #ants cleats for a boat. Size he.s looking for$ he m"st be the ca%tain
of a battleshi%. Any#ay$ #hat can 2 !o for yo"0,
,The r"bber nozzle in my kitchen sink is all cracke!. 1o" kno#$ the kin! #ith the
s#itch for s%raying. 2 #ant to get a ne# one.,
,/o %roblem. "% this #ay., 9orris le! Ellen to a cabinet in the mi!!le of
the store. ,This #hat yo" ha! in min!0, 4e hel! "% a r"bber nozzle.
,Eighty cents. 6harge or cash0,
,2.ll %ay yo" for it. 2 !on.t #ant yo" to hae to #rite "% a sli% &"st for eighty
,5ritten .em a lot smaller .n that$, sai! 9orris. ,2 co"l! tell yo" stories that.! set
yo"r ears to ringing.,
They #alke! across the narro# store to the cash register$ an! as he rang "% the
sale on the register$ 9orris sai!$ ,;ots of %eo%le "%set abo"t this shark thing.,
,2 kno#. 1o" can.t blame them.,
,They think the beaches o"ghta be o%ene! "% again.,
,5ell$ 2...,
,1o" ask me$ 2 think f"ll of (( %ar!on the ex%ression (( b"ll. 2 think
9artin.s !oing right.,
,2.m gla! to kno# that$ Albert.,
,9aybe this ne# fella can hel% "s o"t.,
,5ho.s that0,
,This fish ex%ert from "% 9assach"setts.,
,)h yes. 2 hear! he #as in to#n.,
,4e.s right here.,
Ellen looke! aro"n! an! sa# no one. ,5hat !o yo" mean0,
,7o#n cellar. 4e.s the one #ants the cleats.,
3"st then$ Ellen hear! footste%s on the stairs. She t"rne! an! sa# 4oo%er coming
thro"gh the !oor$ an! she s"!!enly felt a s"rge of girlish nero"sness$ as if she #ere
seeing a bea" she ha!n.t seen in years. The man #as a stranger$ yet there #as something
familiar abo"t him.
,2 fo"n! them$, sai! 4oo%er$ hol!ing "% t#o large stainless(steel cleats. 4e
#alke! oer to the co"nter$ smile! %olitely at Ellen$ an! sai! to 9orris$ ,These.ll !o
fine., 4e %"t the cleats on the co"nter an! han!e! 9orris a t#enty(!ollar bill.
Ellen looke! at 4oo%er$ trying to !efine her reminiscence. She ho%e! Albert
9orris #o"l! intro!"ce them$ b"t he seeme! to hae no intention of !oing so. ,Exc"se
me$, she sai! to 4oo%er$ ,b"t 2 hae to ask yo" something.,
4oo%er looke! at her an! smile! again (( a %leasant$ frien!ly smile that softene!
the shar%ness of his feat"res an! ma!e his light bl"e eyes shine. ,S"re$, he sai!. ,Ask
,1o" aren.t by any chance relate! to 7ai! 4oo%er$ are yo"0,
,4e.s my ol!er brother. 7o yo" kno# 7ai!0,
,1es$, sai! Ellen. ,)r rather$ 2 "se! to. 2 #ent o"t #ith him a long time ago. 2.m
Ellen Bro!y. 2 "se! to be Ellen She%her!. Back then$ 2 mean.,
,)h s"re. 2 remember yo".,
,1o" !on.t.,
,2 !o. /o ki!!ing. 2.ll %roe it to yo". ;et me see... 1o" #ore yo"r hair shorter
then$ sort of a %ageboy. 1o" al#ays #ore a charm bracelet. 2 remember that beca"se it
ha! a big charm that looke! like the Eiffel To#er. An! yo" al#ays "se! to sing that song
(( #hat #as it calle!0 (( .Sh(Boom$. or something like that. Right0,
Ellen la"ghe!. ,9y heaens$ yo" hae +"ite a memory. 2.! forgotten that song.,
,2t.s scre#y the things that im%ress ki!s. 1o" #ent o"t #ith 7ai! for #hat (( t#o
,T#o s"mmers$, Ellen sai!. ,They #ere f"n. 2 ha!n.t tho"ght abo"t them m"ch in
the %ast fe# years.,
,7o yo" remember me0,
,Vag"ely. 2.m not s"re. 2 remember 7ai! ha! a yo"nger brother. 1o" m"st hae
been abo"t nine or ten then.,
,Abo"t that= 7ai!.s ten years ol!er than 2 am. An( other thing 2 remember'
Eerybo!y calle! me 9att. 2 tho"ght it so"n!e! go#n("%. B"t yo" calle! me 9atthe#.
1o" sai! it so"n!e! more !ignifie!. 2 #as %robably in loe #ith yo".,
,)h0, Ellen re!!ene!$ an! Albert 9orris la"ghe!.
,At one time or another$, sai! 4oo%er$ ,2 fell in loe #ith all the girls 7ai! #ent
o"t #ith.,
,)h., 9orris han!e! 4oo%er his change$ an! 4oo%er sai! to Ellen$ ,2.m going
!o#n to the !ock. 6an 2 !ro% yo" any#here0,
,Thank yo". 2 hae a car., She thanke! 9orris$ an!$ #ith 4oo%er behin! her$
#alke! o"t of the store. ,So no# yo".re a scientist$, she sai! #hen they #ere o"tsi!e.
,Fin! of by acci!ent. 2 starte! o"t as an English ma&or. B"t then 2 took a co"rse in
marine biology to satisfy my science re+"irement$ an! (( bingo8 (( 2 #as hooke!.,
,)n #hat0 The ocean0,
,/o. 2 mean$ yes an! no. 2 #as al#ays crazy abo"t the ocean. 5hen 2 #as t#ele
or thirteen$ my i!ea of a big time #as to take a slee%ing bag !o#n to the beach an! s%en!
the night lying in the san! listening to the #aes$ #on!ering #here they ha! come from
an! #hat fantastic things they ha! %asse! on the #ay. 5hat 2 got hooke! on in college
#as fish$ or$ to be really s%ecific$ sharks.,
Ellen la"ghe!. ,5hat an a#f"l thing to fall in loe #ith. 2t.s like haing a %assion
for rats.,
,That.s #hat most %eo%le think$, sai! 4oo%er$ ,B"t #rong. Sharks hae
eerything a scientist !reams of. bea"tif"l (( -o!$ ho# bea"tif"l they are8
like an im%ossibly %erfect %iece of machinery. as gracef"l as any bir!. as
mysterio"s as any animal on earth. /o one kno#s for s"re ho# long they lie or #hat
im%"lses (( exce%t for h"nger (( they res%on! to. There are more than t#o h"n!re! an!
fifty s%ecies of shark$ an! eery one is !ifferent from eery other one. Scientists s%en!
their lies trying to fin! ans#ers abo"t sharks$ an! as soon as they come "% #ith a nice$
%at generalization$ some( thing shoots it !o#n. Peo%le hae been trying to fin! an
effectie shark re%ellent for oer t#o tho"san! years. They.e neer fo"n! one that really
#orks., 4e sto%%e!$ looke! at Ellen$ an! smile!. ,2.m sorry. 2 !on.t mean to lect"re. As
yo" can see$ 2.m an a!!ict.,
,An! as you can see$, sai! Ellen$ ,2 !on.t kno# #hat 2.m talking abo"t. 2 imagine
yo" #ent to 1ale.,
,)f co"rse. 5here else0 *or fo"r generations$ the only male in o"r family #ho
!i!n.t go to 1ale #as an "ncle of mine #ho got thro#n o"t of An!oer an! en!e! "% at
9iami of )hio. After 1ale$ 2 #ent to gra!"ate school at the Jniersity of *lori!a. An!
after that$ 2 s%ent a co"%le of years chasing sharks aro"n! the #orl!.,
,That m"st hae been interesting.,
,*or me it #as %ara!ise. 2t #as like giing an alcoholic the keys to a !istillery. 2
tagge! sharks in the Re! Sea an! !oe #ith them off A"stralia. The more 2 learne! abo"t
them$ the more 2 kne# 2 !i!n.t kno#.,
,1o" !oe #ith them0,
4oo%er no!!e!. ,2n a cage mostly$ b"t sometimes not. 2 kno# #hat yo" m"st
think. A lot of %eo%le think 2.e got a !eath #ish (( my mother in %artic"lar. B"t if yo"
kno# #hat yo".re !oing$ yo" can re!"ce the !anger to almost nil.,
,1o" m"st be the #orl!.s greatest liing shark ex%ert.,
,4ar!ly$, 4oo%er sai! #ith a la"gh. ,B"t 2.m trying. The one tri% 2 misse! o"t on$
the one 2 #o"l! hae gien anything to go on$ #as Peter -imbel.s tri%. 2t #as ma!e into a
moie. 2 !ream abo"t that tri%. They #ere in the #ater #ith t#o great #hites$ the same
kin! of shark that.s here no#.,
,2.m &"st as gla! yo" !i!n.t go on that tri%$, sai! Ellen. ,1o" %robably #o"l! hae
trie! to see #hat the ie# #as like from insi!e one of the sharks. B"t tell me abo"t
7ai!. 4o# is he0,
,4e.s okay$ all things consi!ere!. 4e.s a broker in San *rancisco.,
,5hat !o yo" mean$ .all things consi!ere!.0,
,5ell$ he.s on his secon! #ife. 4is first #ife #as (( maybe yo" kno# this (( Patty
,S"re. 2 "se! to %lay tennis #ith her. She sort of inherite! 7ai! from me. That.s a
nice #ay of %"tting it.,
,That laste! three years$ "ntil she latche! onto someone #ith a family b"siness
an! a ho"se in Antibes. So 7ai! #ent an! fo"n! himself a girl #hose father is the
ma&ority stockhol!er in an oil com%any. She.s nice eno"gh$ b"t she.s got the 2E of an
artichoke. 2f 7ai! ha! any sense$ he #o"l! hae kno#n #hen he ha! it goo! an! he
#o"l! hae hel! on to yo".,
Ellen bl"she! an! sai! softly$ ,1o".re nice to say it.,
,2.m serio"s. That.s #hat 2.! hae !one if 2.! been him.,
,5hat !i! yo" !o0 5hat l"cky girl finally got yo"0,
,/one$ so far. 2 g"ess there are girls aro"n! #ho &"st !on.t kno# ho# l"cky they
co"l! be., 4oo%er la"ghe!. ,Tell me abo"t yo"rself. /o$ !on.t. ;et me g"ess. Three
chil!ren. Right0,
,Right. 2 !i!n.t realize it sho#e! that m"ch.,
,/o no. 2 !on.t mean that. 2t !oesn.t sho# at all. /ot at all. 1o"r h"sban! is (( let.s
see (( a la#yer. 1o" hae an a%artment in to#n an! a ho"se on the beach in Amity. 1o"
co"l!n.t be ha%%ier. An! that.s exactly #hat 2.! #ish for yo".,
Ellen shook her hea!$ smiling. ,/ot +"ite. 2 !on.t mean the ha%%iness %art$ the
rest. 9y h"sban! is the %olice chief in Amity.,
4oo%er let the s"r%rise sho# in his eyes for only an instant. Then he smacke!
himself on the forehea! an! sai!$ ,5hat a !"mmy 2 am8 )f co"rse. Bro!y. 2 neer ma!e
the connection. That.s great. 2 met yo"r h"sban! last night. 4e seems like +"ite a g"y.,
Ellen tho"ght she !etecte! a flicker of irony in 4oo%er.s oice$ b"t then she tol!
herself$ 7on.t be st"%i! (( yo".re making things "%. ,4o# long #ill yo" be here0, she
,2 !on.t kno#. That !e%en!s on #hat ha%%ens #ith this fish. As soon as he leaes$
2.ll leae.,
,7o yo" lie in 5oo!s 4ole0,
,/o$ b"t not far a#ay. 2n 4yannis%ort. 2 hae a little ho"se on the #ater. 2 hae a
thing abo"t being near the #ater. 2f 2 get more than ten miles inlan!$ 2 begin to feel
,1o" lie all alone0,
,All alone. 2t.s &"st me an! abo"t a h"n!re! million !ollars. #orth of stereo
e+"i%ment an! a million books. 4ey$ !o yo" still !ance0,
,1eah. 2 &"st remembere!. )ne of the things 7ai! "se! to say #as that yo" #ere
the best !ancer he eer #ent o"t #ith. 1o" #on a contest$ !i!n.t yo"0,
The %ast (( like a bir! long locke! in a cage an! s"!!enly release! (( #as flying
at her$ s#irling aro"n! her hea!$ sho#ering her #ith longing. ,A samba contest$, she
sai!. ,At the Beach 6l"b. 2.! forgotten. /o$ 2 !on.t !ance any more. 9artin !oesn.t !ance$
an! een if he !i!$ 2 !on.t think anyone %lays that kin! of m"sic any more.,
,That.s too ba!. 7ai! sai! yo" #ere terrific.,
,That #as a #on!erf"l night$, Ellen sai!$ letting her min! float back$ %icking o"t
the tiny memories. ,2t #as a ;ester ;anin ban!. The Beach 6l"b #as coere! #ith cre%e
%a%er an! balloons. 7ai! #ore his faorite &acket (( re! silk.,
,2 hae it no#$, sai! 4oo%er. ,2 inherite! that from him."
,They %laye! all those #on!erf"l songs. .9o"ntain -reenery. #as one. 4e co"l!
t#o(ste% so #ell. 2 co"l! barely kee% "% #ith him. The only thing he #o"l!n.t !o #as
#altz. 4e sai! #altzes ma!e him !izzy. Eerybo!y #as so tan. 2 !on.t think there #as any
rain all s"mmer long. 2 remember 2 chose a yello# !ress for that night beca"se it #ent
#ith my tan. There #ere t#o contests$ a charleston that S"sie Fen!all an! 6hi% *ogarty
#on. An! the samba contest. They %laye! .Brazil. in the finals$ an! #e !ance! as if o"r
lies !e%en!e! on it. Ben!ing si!e#ays an! back#ar! like crazy %eo%le. 2 tho"ght 2 #as
going to colla%se #hen it #as oer. 1o" kno# #hat #e #on for first %rize0 A canne!
chicken. 2 ke%t it in my room "ntil it got so ol! it began to s#ell an! 7a!!y ma!e me
thro# it a#ay., Ellen smile!. ,Those #ere f"n times. 2 try not to think abo"t them too
,The %ast al#ays seems better #hen yo" look back on it than it !i! at the time.
An! the %resent neer looks as goo! as it #ill in the f"t"re. 2t.s !e%ressing if yo" s%en!
too m"ch time reliing ol! &oys. 1o" think yo".ll neer hae anything as goo! again.,
,2t.s easy for me to kee% my min! off the %ast.,
,Really0 5hy0,
,2t &"st #asn.t too great$ that.s all. 7ai! #as the first( born. 2 #as %retty m"ch of
an aftertho"ght. 2 think my %"r%ose in life #as to kee% the %arents. marriage together.
An! 2 faile!. That.s %retty cr"mmy #hen yo" fail at the first thing yo".re s"%%ose! to
accom%lish. 7ai! #as t#enty #hen the %arents got !iorce!. 2 #asn.t een eleen. An!
the !iorce #asn.t exactly amiable. The fe# years before it #eren.t too amiable$ either.
2t.s the ol! story (( nothing s%ecial (( b"t it #asn.t a lot of f"n. 2 %robably make too m"ch
of it. Any#ay$ 2 look for#ar! to a lot of things. 2 !on.t look back a lot.,
,2 s"%%ose that.s healthier.,
,2 !on.t kno#. 9aybe if 2 ha! a terrific %ast$ 2.! s%en! all my time liing in it.
B"t... eno"gh of that. 2 sho"l! get !o#n to the !ock. 1o".re s"re 2 can.t !ro% yo"
,Positie$ thank yo". 9y car.s &"st across the street.,
,)kay. 5ell ..., 4oo%er hel! o"t his han!. ,2t.s been really great to see yo" again$
an! 2 ho%e 2.ll see yo" before 2 go.,
,2.! like that$, sai! Ellen$ shaking his han!.
,2 !on.t s"%%ose 2 co"l! get yo" o"t on a tennis co"rt late some afternoon.,
Ellen la"ghe!. ,)h my. 2 haen.t hel! a tennis racket in my han! since 2 can.t
remember #hen. B"t thanks for asking.,
,)kay. 5ell$ see yo"., 4oo%er t"rne! an! trotte! the fe# yar!s !o#n the block to
his car$ a green *or! Pinto.
Ellen stoo! an! #atche! as 4oo%er starte! the car$ mane"ere! o"t of the %arking
s%ace$ an! %"lle! o"t into the street. As he !roe %ast her$ she raise! her han! to her
sho"l!er an! #ae!$ tentatiely$ shyly. 4oo%er st"ck his left han! o"t of the car #in!o#
an! #ae!. Then he t"rne! the corner an! #as gone.
A terrible$ %ainf"l sa!ness cl"tche! at Ellen. 9ore than eer before$ she felt that
her life (( the best %art of it$ at least$ the %art that #as fresh an! f"n (( #as behin! her.
Recognizing the sensation ma!e her feel g"ilty$ for she rea! it as %roof that she #as an
"nsatisfactory mother$ an "nsatisfie! #ife. She hate! her life$ an! hate! herself for hating
it. She tho"ght of a line from a song Billy %laye! on the stereo' ,2.! tra!e all my
tomorro#s for a single yester!ay., 5o"l! she make a !eal like that0 She #on!ere!. B"t
#hat goo! #as there in #on!ering0 1ester!ays #ere gone$ s%inning eer farther a#ay
!o#n a shaft that ha! no bottom. /one of the richness$ none of the !elight$ co"l! eer be
A ision of 4oo%er.s smiling face flashe! across her min!. *orget it$ she tol!
herself. That.s st"%i!. 5orse. 2t.s self(!efeating.
She #alke! across the street an! climbe! into her car. As she %"lle! o"t into the
traffic$ she sa# ;arry Va"ghan stan!ing on the corner. -o!$ she tho"ght$ he looks as sa!
as 2 feel.
6ha%ter B
The #eeken! #as as +"iet as the #eeken!s in the late fall. 5ith the beaches close!$ an!
#ith the %olice %atrolling them !"ring the !aylight ho"rs$ Amity #as %ractically !eserte!.
4oo%er cr"ise! "% an! !o#n the shore in Ben -ar!ner.s boat$ b"t the only signs of life he
sa# in the #ater #ere a fe# schools of baitfish an! one small school of bl"efish. By
S"n!ay night$ after s%en!ing the !ay off East 4am%ton the beaches there #ere cro#!e!$
an! he tho"ght there might be a chance the shark #o"l! a%%ear #here %eo%le #ere s#im(
r"ing (( he tol! Bro!y he #as rea!y to concl"!e that the fish ha! gone back to the !ee%.
,5hat makes yo" think so0, Bro!y ha! aske!.
,There.s not a sign of him$, sai! 4oo%er. ,An! there are other fish aro"n!. 2f there
#as a big #hite in the neighborhoo!$ eerything else #o"l! anish. That.s one of the
things !iers say abo"t #hites. 5hen aro"n!$ there.s an a#f"l stillness in the
,2.m not conince!$, sai! Bro!y. ,At least not eno"gh to o%en the beaches. /ot
yet., 4e kne# that after an "neentf"l #eeken! there #o"l! be %ress"re (( from
Va"ghan$ from other real(estate agents$ from merchants (( to o%en the beaches. 4e almost
#ishe! 4oo%er ha! seen the fish. That #o"l! hae been a certainty. /o# there #as
nothing b"t negatie ei!ence$ an! to his %oliceman.s min! that #as not eno"gh.
)n 9on!ay afternoon$ Bro!y #as sitting in his office #hen Bixby anno"nce! a
%hone call from Ellen.
,2.m sorry to bother yo"$, she sai!$ ,b"t 2 #ante! to check something #ith yo".
5hat #o"l! yo" think abo"t giing a !inner %arty0,
,5hat for0,
,3"st to hae a !inner %arty. 5e haen.t ha! one in years. 2 can.t een remember
#hen o"r last one #as.,
,/o$, sai! Bro!y. ../either can 2., B"t it #as a lie$ 4e remembere! all too #ell
their last !inner %arty' three years ago$ #hen Ellen #as in the mi!st of her cr"sa!e to re(
establish her ties #ith the s"mmer comm"nity. She ha! aske! three s"mmer co"%les.
They #ere nice eno"gh %eo%le$ Bro!y recalle!$ b"t the conersations ha! been stiff$
force!$ an! "ncomfortable. Bro!y an! his g"ests ha! searche! each other for any
common interest or ex%erience$ an! they ha! faile!. So after a #hile$ the g"ests ha! fallen
back on talking among themseles$ self(conscio"sly %olite abo"t incl"!ing Ellen
#heneer she sai! something like$ ,.)h$ 2 remember him8, She ha! been nero"s an!
flighty$ an! after the g"ests ha! left$ after she ha! !one the !ishes an! sai! t#ice to
Bro!y$ ")asn't that a nice eening8, she ha! sh"t herself in the bathroom an! #e%t.
,5ell$ #hat !o yo" think0, sai! Ellen.
,2 !on.t kno#. 2 g"ess it.s all right$ if yo" #ant to !o it. 5ho are yo" going to
,*irst of all$ 2 think #e sho"l! hae 9att 4oo%er.,
,5hat for0 4e eats oer at the Abelar!$ !oesn.t he0 2t.s all incl"!e! in the %rice of
the room.,
,That.s not the %oint$ 9artin. 1o" kno# that. 4e.s alone in to#n$ an! besi!es$ he.s
ery nice.,
,4o# !o yo" kno#0 2 !i!n.t think yo" kne# him.,
,7i!n.t 2 tell yo"0 2 ran into him in Albert 9orris.s on *ri!ay. 2.m sure 2
mentione! it to yo".,
,/o$ b"t neer min!. 2t !oesn.t make any !ifference.,
,2t t"rns o"t he.s the brother of the 4oo%er 2 "se! to kno#. 4e remembere! a lot
more abo"t me than 2 !i! abo"t him. B"t he is a lot yo"nger.,
,Jh(h"h. 5hen are yo" %lanning this shin!ig for0,
,2 #as thinking abo"t tomorro# night. An! it.s not going to be a shin!ig. 2 sim%ly
tho"ght #e co"l! hae a nice$ small %arty #ith a fe# co"%les. 9aybe six or eight %eo%le
,7o yo" think yo" can get %eo%le to come on that short notice0,
,)h yes. /obo!y !oes anything !"ring the #eek. There are a fe# bri!ge %arties$
b"t that.s abo"t all.,
,)h$, sai! Bro!y. ,1o" mean s"mmer %eo%le.,
,That.s #hat 2 ha! in min!. 9att #o"l! certainly feel at ease #ith them. 5hat
abo"t the Baxters0 5o"l! they be f"n0,
,2 !on.t think 2 kno# them.,
,1es$ yo" !o$ silly. 6lem an! 6ici Baxter. She #as 6ici 7aen%ort. They lie o"t
on Scotch. 4e.s taking some acation no#. 2 kno# beca"se 2 sa# him on the street this
,)kay. Try them if yo" #ant.,
,5ho else0,
,Somebo!y 2 can talk to. 4o# abo"t the 9ea!o#s0,
,B"t he alrea!y kno#s 4arry.,
,4e !oesn.t kno# 7orothy. She.s chatty eno"gh.,
,All right$, sai! Ellen. ,2 g"ess a little local color #on.t h"rt. An! 4arry !oes
kno# eerything that goes on aro"n! here.,
,2 #asn.t thinking abo"t local color$, Bro!y sai! shar%ly. , o"r frien!s.,
,2 kno#. 2 !i!n.t mean anything.,
,2f yo" #ant local color$ all yo" hae to !o is look in the other si!e of yo"r be!.,
,2 &now. 2 sai! 2 #as sorry.,
,5hat abo"t a girl0, sai! Bro!y. ,2 think yo" sho"l! try to fin! some nice yo"ng
thing for 4oo%er.,
There #as a %a"se before Ellen sai!$ ,2f yo" think so.,
,2 !on.t really care. 2 &"st tho"ght be might en&oy himself more if he ha! someone
his o#n age to talk to.,
,4e.s not that yo"ng$ 9artin. An! not that ol!. B"t all right' 2.ll see if 2 can
think of somebo!y #ho.! be f"n for him.,
,2.ll see yo" later$, Bro!y sai!$ an! he h"ng "% the %hone. 4e #as !e%resse!$ for
he sa# something omino"s in this !inner %arty. 4e co"l!n.t be s"re$ b"t he beliee! ((
an! the more he tho"ght abo"t it$ the stronger the belief became (( that Ellen #as
la"nching another cam%aign to re(enter the #orl! he ha! taken her from$ an! this time
she ha! a leer #ith #hich to &immy her #ay in' 4oo%er.
The next eening$ Bro!y arrie! home a little after fie. Ellen #as setting the
!inner table in the !ining room. Bro!y kisse! her on the cheek an! sai!$ ,Boy$ it.s been a
long time since 2.e seen that siler., 2t #as Ellen.s #e!!ing siler$ a gift from her
,2 kno#. 2t took me ho"rs to %olish it.,
,An! #ill yo" look at this0, Bro!y %icke! "% a t"li% #ine glass. ,5here !i! yo"
get these0,
,2 bo"ght them at the ;"re.,
,4o# m"ch0, Bro!y set the glass !o#n on the table.
,/ot m"ch$, she sai!$ fol!ing a na%kin an! %lacing it neatly beneath a !inner fork
an! sala! fork.
,4o# m"ch0,
,T#enty !ollars. B"t that #as for a #hole !ozen.,
,1o" !on.t ki! aro"n! #hen yo" thro# a %arty.,
,5e !i!n.t hae any !ecent #ine glasses$, she sai! !efensiely. ,The last of o"r
ol! ones broke months ago$ #hen Sean ti%%e! oer the si!eboar!.,
Bro!y co"nte! the %laces set aro"n! the table. ,)nly six0, he sai!. ,5hat
,The Baxters co"l!n.t make it. 6ici calle!. 6lem ha! to go into to#n on some
b"siness$ an! she tho"ght she.! go #ith him. s%en!ing the night., There #as a
fragile lilt to her oice$ a false inso"ciance.
,)h$, sai! Bro!y. ,Too ba!., 4e !are! not sho# that he #as %lease!. ,5ho.! yo"
get for 4oo%er$ some nice yo"ng chick0,
,7aisy 5icker. She #orks for -ibby at the Bibelot. She.s a nice girl.,
,5hat time are %eo%le coming0,
,The 9ea!o#s an! 7aisy at seen(thirty. 2 aske! 9atthe# for seen.,
,2 tho"ght his name #as 9att.,
,)h$ that.s &"st an ol! &oke he remin!e! me of. A%%arently$ 2 "se! to call him
9atthe# #hen he #as yo"ng. The reason 2 #ante! him to come early #as so the ki!s
#o"l! hae a chance to get to kno# him. 2 think they.ll be fascinate!.,
Bro!y looke! at his #atch. ,2f %eo%le aren.t coming till seen(thirty$ that means
#e #on.t be eating till eight(thirty or nine. 2.ll %robably stare to !eath before then. 2
think 2.ll grab a san!#ich., 4e starte! for the kitchen.
,7on.t st"ff yo"rself$, sai! Ellen. ,2.e got a !elicio"s !inner coming., Bro!y
sniffe! the kitchen aromas$ eye! the cl"tter of %ots an! %ackages$ an! sai!$ ,5hat are yo"
,2t.s calle! b"tterfly lamb$, she sai!. ,2 ho%e 2 !on.t !o something st"%i! an!
botch it.,
,Smells goo!$, sai! Bro!y. ,5hat.s this st"ff by the sink0 Sho"l! 2 thro# it o"t
an! #ash the %ot0,
*rom the liing room Ellen sai!$ ,5hat st"ff0,
,This st"ff in the %ot.,
,5hat (( omigo!8, she sai!$ an! she h"rrie! into the kitchen. ,7on.t yo" !are
thro# it o"t., She sa# the smile on Bro!y.s face. ,)h$ yo" rat., She sla%%e! him on the
rear. ,That.s gaz%acho. So"%.,
,Are yo" s"re it.s still okay0, he tease!. ,2t looks all slimy.,
,That.s #hat it.s s"%%ose! to look like$ yo" clot.,
Bro!y shook his hea!. ,)l! 4oo%er.s going to #ish he ate at the Abelar!.,
,1o".re a beast$, she sai!. ,5ait till yo" taste it. 1o".ll change yo"r t"ne.,
,9aybe. 2f 2 lie long eno"gh., 4e la"ghe! an! #ent to the refrigerator. 4e
r"mmage! aro"n! an! fo"n! some bologna an! cheese for a san!#ich. 4e o%ene! a beer
an! starte! for the liing room. ,2 think 2.ll #atch the ne#s for a #hile an! then go
sho#er an! change$, he sai!.
,2 %"t clean clothes o"t for yo" on the be!. 1o" might shae$ too. 1o" hae a
hi!eo"s fie o.clock sha!o#.,
,-oo! -o!$ #ho.s coming to !inner (( Prince Phili% an! 3ackie )nassis0,
,2 &"st #ant yo" to look nice$ that.s all.,
At B'0<$ the !oor bell rang$ an! Bro!y ans#ere! it. 4e #as #earing a bl"e ma!ras
shirt$ bl"e "niform slacks$ an! black cor!oans. 4e felt cris% an! clean. S%iffy$ Ellen ha!
sai!. B"t #hen he o%ene! the !oor for 4oo%er$ he felt$ if not r"m%le!$ at least o"tclasse!.
4oo%er #ore bell(bottom bl"e &eans$ 5ee&"n loafers #ith no socks$ an! a re! ;acoste
shirt #ith an alligator on the breast. 2t #as the "niform of the yo"ng an! rich in Amity.
,4i$, sai! Bro!y. ,6ome in.,
,4i$, sai! 4oo%er. 4e exten!e! his han!$ an! Bro!y shook it.
Ellen came o"t of the kitchen. She #as #earing a long batik skirt$ sli%%ers$ an! a
bl"e silk blo"se. She #ore the string of c"lt"re! %earls Bro!y ha! gien her as a #e!!ing
%resent. ,9atthe#$, she sai!. ,2.m gla! yo" co"l! come.,
,2.m gla! yo" aske! me$, 4oo%er sai!$ shaking Ellen.s han!. ,2.m sorry 2 !on.t
look more res%ectable$ b"t 2 !i!n.t bring anything !o#n #ith me b"t #orking clothes. All
2 can say for them is that clean.,
,7on.t be silly$, sai! Ellen. ,1o" look #on!erf"l The re! goes bea"tif"lly #ith
yo"r tan an! yo"r hair.,
4oo%er la"ghe!. 4e t"rne! an! sai! to Bro!y$ ,7o yo" min! if 2 gie Ellen
,5hat !o yo" mean0, Bro!y sai!. 4e tho"ght to himself$ -ie her #hat0 A kiss0
A box of chocolates0 A %"nch in the nose0
,A %resent. 2t.s nothing$ really. 3"st something 2 %icke! "%.,
,/o$ 2 !on.t min!$, sai! Bro!y$ still %er%lexe! that the +"estion sho"l! hae been
4oo%er !"g into the %ocket of his &eans an! %"lle! o"t a small %ackage #ra%%e!
in tiss"e. 4e han!e! it to Ellen. ,*or the hostess$, he sai!$ ,to make "% for my gr"bby
clothes., Ellen tittere! an! caref"lly "n#ra%%e! the %a%er. 2nsi!e #as #hat seeme! to be
a charm$ or %erha%s a necklace %en!ant$ an inch or so across. ,2t.s loely$, she sai!.
,5hat is it0,
,2t.s a shark tooth$, sai! 4oo%er. ,A tiger(shark tooth$ to be more s%ecific. The
casing.s siler.,
,5here !i! yo" get it0,
,2n 9acao. 2 %asse! thro"gh there a co"%le of years ago on a %ro&ect. There #as a
little back(street store$ #here an een littler 6hinese man s%ent his #hole life %olishing
shark teeth an! mol!ing the siler ca%s to hol! the rings. 2 co"l!n.t resist them.,
,9acao$, sai! Ellen. ,2 !on.t think 2 co"l! %lace 9acao on a ma% if 2 ha! to. 2t
m"st hae been fascinating.,
Bro!y sai!$ ,2t.s near 4ong Fong.,
,Right$, sai! 4oo%er. ,2n any eent$ there.s s"%%ose! to be a s"%erstition abo"t
these things$ that if yo" kee% it #ith yo" yo".ll be safe from shark bite. Jn!er the %resent
circ"mstances$ 2 tho"ght it #o"l! be a%%ro%riate.,
,6om%letely$, sai! Ellen. ,7o yo" hae one0,
,2 hae one$, sai! 4oo%er$ ,b"t 2 !on.t kno# ho# to carry it. 2 !on.t like to #ear
things aro"n! my neck$ an! if yo" carry a shark tooth in yo"r %ants %ocket$ 2.e fo"n!
yo" r"n t#o real risks. )ne is that yo".ll get stabbe! in the leg$ an! the other is that yo".ll
en! "% #ith a gash in yo"r %ants. 2t.s like carrying an o%en(bla!e knife aro"n! in yo"r
%ocket. So in my case$ %racticality takes %rece!ence oer s"%erstition$ at least #hile 2.m
on !ry lan!.,
Ellen la"ghe! an! sai! to Bro!y$ ,9artin$ co"l! 2 ask a h"ge faor0 5o"l! yo"
r"n "%stairs an! get that thin siler chain o"t of my &e#elry box0 2.ll %"t 9atthe#.s shark
tooth on right no#., She t"rne! to 4oo%er an! sai!$ ,1o" neer kno# #hen yo" might
meet a shark at !inner.,
Bro!y starte! "% the stairs$ an! Ellen sai!$ ,)h$ an! 9artin$ tell the boys to come
As he ro"n!e! the corner at the to% of the stairs$ Bro!y hear! Ellen say$ ,2t is s"ch
f"n to see yo" again.,
Bro!y #alke! into the be!room an! sat !o#n on the e!ge of the be!. 4e took a
!ee% breath an! clenche! an! "nclenche! his right fist. 4e #as fighting anger an!
conf"sion$ an! he #as losing. 4e felt threatene!$ as if an intr"!er ha! come into his
home$ %ossessing s"btle$ intangible #ea%ons he co"l! not co%e #ith' looks an! yo"th an!
so%histication an!$ aboe all$ a comm"nion #ith Ellen born in a time #hich$ Bro!y kne#$
Ellen #ishe! ha! neer en!e!. 5here %reio"sly he ha! felt Ellen #as trying to "se
4oo%er to im%ress other s"mmer %eo%le$ no# he felt she #as trying to im%ress 4oo%er
herself. 4e !i!n.t kno# #hy. 9aybe he #as #rong. After all$ Ellen an! 4oo%er ha!
kno#n each other long ago. Perha%s he #as making too m"ch of t#o frien!s sim%ly
trying to get to kno# one another again. *rien!s0 6hrist$ 4oo%er ha! to be ten years
yo"nger than Ellen$ or almost. 5hat kin! of frien!s co"l! they hae been0
Ac+"aintances. Barely. So #hy #as she %"tting on her s"%erso%histicate! act0 2t
!emeane! her$ Bro!y tho"ght= an! it !emeane! Bro!y that she sho"l! try$ by %ost"ring$
to !eny her life #ith him.
,*"ck it$, he sai! alo"!. 4e stoo! "%$ o%ene! a !resser !ra#er$ an! roote!
thro"gh it "ntil he fo"n! Ellen.s &e#elry box. 4e took o"t the siler chain$ close! the
!ra#er$ an! #alke! into the hall. 4e %oke! his hea! into the boys. rooms an! sai!$ ,;et.s
go$ troo%s$, an! then he #alke! !o#nstairs.
Ellen an! 4oo%er #ere sitting at o%%osite en!s of the co"ch$ an! as Bro!y #alke!
into the liing room$ he hear! Ellen say$ ,5o"l! yo" rather that 2 not call yo" 9atthe#0,
4oo%er la"ghe! an! sai!$ ,2 !on.t min!. 2t !oes sort of bring back memories$ an!
!es%ite #hat 2 sai! the other !ay$ there.s nothing #rong #ith that.,
The other !ay0 Bro!y tho"ght. 2n the har!#are store0 That m"st hae been some
conersation. ,4ere$, he sai! to Ellen$ han!ing her the chain.
,Thank yo"$, she sai!. She "nclas%e! the %earls an! tosse! them onto the coffee
table. ,/o#$ 9atthe#$ sho# me ho# this sho"l! go., Bro!y %icke! the string of %earls
off the table an! %"t them in his %ocket.
The boys came !o#nstairs single file$ all !resse! neatly in s%ort shirts an! slacks.
Ellen sna%%e! the siler chain aro"n! her neck$ smile! at 4oo%er$ an! sai!$ ,6ome here$
boys. 6ome meet 9r. 4oo%er. This is Billy Bro!y. Billy.s fo"rteen., Billy shook han!s
#ith 4oo%er. ,An! this is 9artin 3"nior. 4e.s t#ele. An! this is Sean. 4e.s nine...
almost nine. 9r. 4oo%er is an oceanogra%her.,
,An ichthyologist$ act"ally$, sai! 4oo%er.
,5hat.s that0, sai! 9artin 3"nior.
,A zoologist #ho s%ecializes in fish life.,
,5hat.s a zoologist0, aske! Sean.
,2 kno# that$, sai! Billy. ,That.s a g"y #ho st"!ies animals.,
,Right$, sai! 4oo%er. ,-oo! for yo".,
,Are yo" going to catch the shark0, aske! 9artin.
,2.m going to try to fin! him$, sai! 4oo%er. ,B"t 2 !on.t kno#. 4e may hae gone
a#ay alrea!y.,
,4ae yo" eer ca"ght a shark0,
,1es$ b"t not one as big as this.,
Sean sai!$ ,7o sharks lay eggs0,
,That$ yo"ng man$, sai! 4oo%er$ ,is a goo! +"estion$ an! a ery com%licate! one.
/ot like a chicken$ if that.s #hat yo" mean. B"t yes$ some sharks !o hae eggs.,
Ellen sai!$ ,-ie 9r. 4oo%er a chance$ boys., She t"rne! to Bro!y. ,9artin$
co"l! yo" make "s a !rink0,
,S"re$, sai! Bro!y. ,5hat.ll it be0,
,A gin an! tonic #o"l! be fine for me$, sai! 4oo%er.
,5hat abo"t yo"$ Ellen0,
,;et.s see. 5hat #o"l! be goo!. 2 think 2.ll &"st hae some ermo"th on the
,4ey$ 9om$, sai! Billy$ ,#hat.s that aro"n! yo"r neck0,
,A shark tooth$ !ear. 9r. 4oo%er gae it to me.,
,4ey$ that.s really cool. 6an 2 look0,
Bro!y #ent into the kitchen. The li+"or #as ke%t in a cabinet oer the sink. The
!oor #as st"ck. 4e t"gge! at the metal han!le$ an! it came off in his han!. 5itho"t
thinking$ he %egge! it into the garbage %ail. *rom a !ra#er he took a scre#!rier an!
%rie! o%en the cabinet !oor. Vermo"th. 5hat the hell #as the color of the bottle0 /obo!y
eer !rank ermo"th on the rocks. Ellen.s !rink #hen she !rank$ an! that #as rarely$ #as
rye an! ginger. -reen. There it #as$ #ay in the back. Bro!y grabbe! the bottle$ t#iste!
off the ca%$ an! sniffe!. 2t smelle! like one of those chea%$ fr"ity #ines the #inos bo"ght
for sixty(nine a %int. Bro!y ma!e the t#o !rinks$ then fashione! a rye an! ginger for
himself. By habit$ he began to meas"re the rye #ith a shot glass$ b"t then he change! his
min! an! %o"re! "ntil the glass #as a thir! f"ll. 4e to%%e! it off #ith ginger ale$ !ro%%e!
in a fe# ice c"bes$ an! reache! for the t#o other glasses. The only conenient #ay to
carry them in one han! #as to gri% one #ith the th"mb an! last three fingers of his han!
an! then s"%%ort the other against the first by sticking his in!ex finger !o#n the insi!e of
the glass. 4e took a sl"g of his o#n !rink an! #ent back into the liing room.
Billy an! 9artin ha! cro#!e! onto the co"ch #ith Ellen an! 4oo%er. Sean #as
sitting on the floor. Bro!y hear! 4oo%er say something abo"t a %ig$ an! 9artin sai!$
,4ere$, sai! Bro!y$ han!ing the for#ar! glass (( the one #ith his finger in it (( to
,/o ti% for yo"$ my man$, she sai!. ,2t.s a goo! thing yo" !eci!e! against a career
as a #aiter.,
Bro!y looke! at her$ consi!ere! a series of r"!e remarks$ an! settle! for$ ,*orgie
me$ 7"chess., 4e han!e! the other glass to 4oo%er an! sai!$ ,2 g"ess this is #hat yo"
ha! in min!.,
,That.s great. Thanks.,
,9att #as &"st telling "s abo"t a shark he ca"ght$, sai! Ellen. ,2t ha! almost a
#hole %ig in it.,
,/o ki!!ing$, sai! Bro!y$ sitting in a chair o%%osite the co"ch.
,An! that.s not all$ 7a!$, sai! 9artin. ,There #as a roll of tar %a%er$ too.,
,An! a h"man bone$, sai! Sean.
,2 sai! it looke! like a h"man bone$, sai! 4oo%er.
,There #as no #ay to be s"re at the time. 2t might hae been a beef rib.,
Bro!y sai!$ ,2 tho"ght yo" scientists co"l! tell those things right on the s%ot.,
,/ot al#ays$, sai! 4oo%er. ,Es%ecially #hen it.s only a %iece of a bone like a
Bro!y took a long s#allo# of his !rink an! sai!$ ,)h.,
,4ey$ 7a!$, sai! Billy. ,1o" kno# ho# a %or%oise kills a shark0,
,5ith a g"n0,
,/o$ man. 2t b"tts him to !eath. That.s #hat 9r. 4oo%er says.,
,Terrific$, sai! Bro!y$ an! he !raine! his glass. ,2.m going to hae another !rink.
Anybo!y else rea!y0,
,)n a #eek night0, sai! Ellen. ,9y.,
,5hy not0 2t.s not eery night #e thro# a no(ki!!ing$ go(to(hell !inner %arty.,
Bro!y starte! for the kitchen b"t #as sto%%e! by the ringing of the !oorbell. 4e o%ene!
the !oor an! sa# 7orothy 9ea!o#s$ short an! slight$ !resse!$ as "s"al$ in a !ark bl"e
!ress an! a single stran! of %earls. Behin! her #as a girl Bro!y ass"me! #as 7aisy
5icker (( a tall$ slim girl #ith long$ straight hair. She #ore slacks an! san!als an! no
make"%. Behin! her #as the "nmistakable b"lk of 4arry 9ea!o#s.
,4ello$ there$, sai! Bro!y. ,6ome on in.,
,-oo! eening$ 9artin$, sai! 7orothy 9ea!o#s. ,5e met 9iss 5icker as #e
came into the !rie#ay.,
,2 #alke!$, sai! 7aisy 5icker. ,2t #as nice.,
,-oo!$ goo!. 6ome on in. 2.m 9artin Bro!y.,
,2 kno#. 2.e seen yo" !riing yo"r car. 1o" m"st hae an interesting &ob.,
Bro!y la"ghe!. ,2.! tell yo" all abo"t it$ exce%t it #o"l! %robably %"t yo" to
Bro!y le! them into the liing room an! t"rne! them oer to Ellen for
intro!"ction to 4oo%er. 4e took !rink or!ers (( Bo"rbon on the rocks for 4arry$ cl"b
so!a #ith a t#ist of lemon for 7orothy$ an! a gin an! tonic for 7aisy 5icker. B"t before
he fixe! their !rinks$ he ma!e a fresh one for himself$ an! he si%%e! it as he %re%are! the
others. By the time he #as rea!y to ret"rn to the liing room$ he ha! finishe! abo"t half
his !rink$ so he %o"re! in a genero"s s%lash of rye an! a !ash more ginger ale.
4e took 7orothy.s an! 7aisy.s !rinks first$ an! ret"rne! to the kitchen for
9ea!o#s. an! his o#n. 4e #as taking one last s#allo# before re&oining the com%any$
#hen Ellen came into the kitchen.
,7on.t yo" think yo" better slo# !o#n0, she sai!.
,2.m fine$, he sai!. ,7on.t #orry abo"t me.,
,1o".re not being exactly gracio"s.,
,2.m not0 2 tho"ght 2 #as being charming.,
4e smile! at her an! sai!$ ,To"gh shit$, an! as he s%oke$ he realize! she #as
right' he ha! better slo# !o#n. 4e #alke! into the liing room.
The chil!ren ha! gone "%stairs. 7orothy 9ea!o#s sat on the co"ch next to
4oo%er an! #as chatting #ith him abo"t his #ork at 5oo!s 4ole. 9ea!o#s$ in the chair
o%%osite the co"ch$ listene! +"ietly. 7aisy 5icker #as stan!ing alone$ on the other si!e
of the room$ by the fire%lace$ gazing abo"t #ith a s"b!"e! smile on her face. Bro!y
han!e! 9ea!o#s his !rink an! strolle! oer next to 7aisy.
,1o".re smiling$, he sai!.
,Am 20 2 !i!n.t notice.,
,Thinking of something f"nny0,
,/o. 2 g"ess 2 #as &"st intereste!. 2.e neer been in a %oliceman.s ho"se before.,
,5hat !i! yo" ex%ect0 Bars on the #in!o#s0 A g"ar! at the !oor0,
,/o$ nothing. 2 #as &"st c"rio"s.,
,An! #hat hae yo" !eci!e!0 2t looks &"st like a normal %erson.s ho"se$ !oesn.t
,2 g"ess so. Sort of.,
,5hat !oes that mean0,
She took a si% of her !rink an! sai!$ ,7o yo" like being a %oliceman0, Bro!y
co"l!n.t tell #hether or not there #as hostility in the +"estion. ,1es$, he sai!. ,2t.s a goo!
&ob$ an! it has a %"r%ose to it.,
,5hat.s the %"r%ose0,
,5hat !o yo" think0, he sai!$ slightly irritate!. ,To "%hol! the la#.,
,7on.t yo" feel alienate!0,
,5hy the hell sho"l! 2 feel alienate!0 Alienate! from #hat0,
,*rom the %eo%le. 2 mean$ the only thing that &"stifies yo"r existence is telling
%eo%le #hat not to !o. 7oesn.t that make yo" feel freaky0,
*or a moment$ Bro!y tho"ght he #as being %"t on$ b"t the girl neer smile! or
smirke! or shifte! her eyes from his. ,/o$ 2 !on.t feel freaky$, he sai!. ,2 !on.t see #hy 2
sho"l! feel any more freaky than yo" !o$ #orking at the #hatchamacallit.,
,The Bibelot.,
,1eah. 5hat !o yo" sell there any#ay0,
,5e sell %eo%le their %ast. 2t gies them comfort.,
,5hat !o yo" mean$ their %ast0,
,Anti+"es. bo"ght by %eo%le #ho hate their %resent an! nee! the sec"rity
of their %ast. )r if not theirs$ someone else.s. )nce they b"y it$ it becomes theirs. 2 bet
that.s im%ortant to yo"$ too.,
,5hat$ the %ast0,
,/o$ sec"rity. 2sn.t that s"%%ose! to be one of the heay things abo"t being a
Bro!y glance! across the room an! notice! that 9ea!o#s. glass #as em%ty.
,Exc"se me$, he sai!. ,2 hae to ten! to the other g"ests.,
,S"re. /ice talking to yo".,
Bro!y took 9ea!o#s. glass an! his o#n into the kitchen. Ellen #as filling a bo#l
#ith Tortilla chi%s.
,5here the hell !i! yo" fin! that girl0, he sai!. ,Jn!er a rock0,
,5ho0 7aisy0 2 tol! yo"$ she #orks at the Bibelot.,
,4ae yo" eer talke! to her0,
,A little. She seems ery nice an! bright.,
,She.s a s%ook. She.s &"st like some of the ki!s #e b"st #ho start smart(mo"thing
"s in the station., 4e ma!e a !rink for 9ea!o#s$ then %o"re! another for himself. 4e
looke! "% an! sa# Ellen staring at him.
,5hat.s the matter #ith yo"0, she sai!.
,2 g"ess 2 !on.t like strange %eo%le coming into my ho"se an! ins"lting me.,
,4onestly$ 9artin. 2.m s"re there #as no ins"lt inten!e!. She #as %robably &"st
being frank. *rankness is in these !ays$ yo" kno#.,
,5ell$ if she gets any franker #ith me$ she.s gonna be o"t$ 2.ll tell yo" that., 4e
%icke! "% the t#o !rinks an! starte! for the !oor.
Ellen sai!$ ,9artin . . ., an! he sto%%e!. ,*or my sake... %lease.,
,7on.t #orry abo"t a thing. Eerything.ll be fine. ;ike they say in the
commercials$ !alm down."
4e refille! 4oo%er.s !rink an! 7aisy 5icker.s #itho"t refilling his o#n. Then he
sat !o#n an! n"rse! his !rink thro"gh a long story 9ea!o#s #as telling 7aisy. Bro!y
felt all right (( %retty goo!$ in fact (( an! he kne# that if he !i!n.t hae anything more to
!rink before !inner$ he.! be fine.
At C'I0$ Ellen bro"ght the so"% %lates o"t from the kitchen an! set them aro"n!
the table. ,9artin$, she sai!$ ,#o"l! yo" o%en the #ine for me #hile 2 get eeryone
,There are three bottles in the kitchen. A #hite in the icebox an! t#o re!s on the
co"nter. 1o" may as #ell o%en them all. The re!s #ill nee! time to breathe.,
,)f co"rse they #ill$, Bro!y sai! as he stoo! "%. ,5ho !oesn.t0,
,)h$ an! the tire*+ou!hin is on the co"nter next to the re!.,
,The #hat0,
7aisy 5icker sai!$ ,2t.s tire*+ou!hon. The corkscre#.,
Bro!y took engef"l %leas"re in seeing Ellen bl"sh$ for it reliee! him of some of
his o#n embarrassment. 4e fo"n! the corkscre# an! #ent to #ork on the t#o bottles of
re! #ine. 4e %"lle! one cork cleanly$ b"t the other cr"mble! as he #as #ith!ra#ing it$
an! %ieces sli%%e! into the bottle. 4e took the bottle of #hite o"t of the refrigerator$ an!
as he "ncorke! it he tangle! his tong"e trying to %rono"nce the name of the #ine'
9ontrachet. 4e arrie! at #hat seeme! to him an acce%table %ron"nciation$ #i%e! the
bottle !ry #ith a !ish( to#el$ an! took it into the !ining room.
Ellen #as seate! at the en! of the table nearest the kitchen. 4oo%er #as at her left$
9ea!o#s at her right. /ext to 9ea!o#s$ 7aisy 5icker$ then an em%ty s%ace for Bro!y at
the far en! of the table$ an!$ o%%osite 7aisy$ 7orothy 9ea!o#s
Bro!y %"t his left han! behin! his back an!$ stan!ing oer Ellen.s right sho"l!er$
%o"re! her a glass of #ine. ,A glass of 9o"nt Ratchet$, he sai!. ,Very goo! year$ 1?B0. 2
remember it #ell.,
,Eno"gh$, sai! Ellen$ ti%%ing the mo"th of the bottle "%. ,7on.t fill the glass all
the #ay.,
,Sorry$, sai! Bro!y$ an! he fille! 9ea!o#s. glass next.
5hen he ha! finishe! %o"ring the #ine$ Bro!y sat !o#n. 4e looke! at the so"% in
front of him. Then he glance! f"rtiely aro"n! the table an! sa# that the others #ere
act"ally eating it' it #asn.t a &oke. So he took a s%oonf"l. 2t #as col!$ an! it !i!n.t taste
anything like so"%$ b"t it #asn.t ba!.
,2 loe gaz%acho$, sai! 7aisy$ ,b"t it.s s"ch a %ain to make that 2 !on.t hae it
ery often.,
,9mmm$, sai! Bro!y$ s%ooning another mo"thf"l of so"%.
,7o yo" hae it ery often0,
,/o$, he sai!. ,/ot too often.,
,4ae yo" eer trie! a - an! -0,
,6an.t say as 2 hae.,
,1o" o"ght to try one. )f co"rse$ yo" might not en&oy it since it.s breaking the
,1o" mean eating this thing is breaking the la#0 4o#0 5hat is it0,
,-rass an! gaz%acho. 2nstea! of herbs$ yo" s%rinkle a little grass oer the to%.
Then yo" smoke a little$ eat a little$ smoke a little$ eat a little. 2t.s really #il!.,
2t #as a moment before Bro!y realize! #hat she #as saying$ an! een #hen he
"n!erstoo!$ he !i!n.t ans#er right a#ay. 4e ti%%e! his so"% bo#l to#ar! himself$
scoo%e! o"t the last little bit of so"%$ !raine! his #ine glass in one !raft$ an! #i%e! his
mo"th #ith his na%kin. 4e looke! at 7aisy$ #ho #as smiling s#eetly at him$ an! at
Ellen$ #ho #as smiling at something 4oo%er #as saying.
,2t really is$, sai! 7aisy.
Bro!y !eci!e! to be lo#(keye! (( a"nc"lar an! nonetheless annoye!$ b"t lo#(
keye!$ so as not to "%set Ellen. ,1o" kno#$, he sai!$ ,2 !on.t fin!...,
,2 bet 9att.s trie! one.,
,9aybe he has. 2 !on.t see #hat that...,
7aisy raise! her oice an! sai!$ ,9att$ exc"se me.,
The conersation at the other en! of the table sto%%e!. ,2 #as &"st c"rio"s. 4ae
yo" eer trie! a - an! -0 By the #ay$ 9rs. Bro!y$ this is terrific gaz%acho.,
,Thank yo"$, sai! Ellen. ,B"t #hat.s a - an! -0,
,2 trie! one once$, sai! 4oo%er. ,B"t 2 #as neer really into that.,
,1o" m"st tell me$, Ellen sai!. ,5hat is it0,
,9att.ll tell yo"$, sai! 7aisy$ an! &"st as Bro!y t"rne! to say something to her$
she leane! oer to 9ea!o#s an! sai!$ ,Tell me more abo"t the #ater table.,
Bro!y stoo! "% an! began to clear a#ay the so"% bo#ls. As he #alke! into the
kitchen$ he felt a slight r"sh of na"sea an! !izziness$ an! his forehea! #as s#eating. B"t
by the time he %"t the bo#ls into the sink$ the feeling ha! %asse!.
Ellen follo#e! him into the kitchen an! tie! an a%ron aro"n! her #aist. ,2.ll nee!
some hel% caring$, she sai!.
,)key!oke$, sai! Bro!y$ an! he searche! thro"gh a !ra#er for a caring knife
an! fork. ,5hat !i! yo" think of that0,
,)f #hat0,
,That - an! - b"siness. 7i! 4oo%er tell yo" #hat it is0,
,1es. That #as %retty f"nny$ #asn.t it0 2 m"st say$ it so"n!s tasty.,
,4o# #o"l! yo" kno#0,
,1o" neer kno# #hat #e la!ies !o #hen #e get together oer at the hos%ital.
4ere$ care., 5ith a t#o(tine sering fork$ she hefte! the lamb onto the caring boar!.
,Slices abo"t three +"arters of an inch thick$ if yo" can$ the #ay yo".! slice a steak.,
That 5icker bitch #as right abo"t one thing$ Bro!y tho"ght as he slashe! the
meat' 2 s"re as shit feel alienate! right no#. A slab of meat fell a#ay$ an! Bro!y sai!$
,4ey$ 2 tho"ght yo" sai! this #as lamb.,
,2t is.,
,2t isn.t een !one. ;ook at that., 4e hel! "% the %iece he ha! slice!. 2t #as %ink
an!$ to#ar! the mi!!le$ almost re!.
,That.s the #ay it.s s"%%ose! to be.,
,/ot if it.s lamb$ it isn.t. ;amb.s s"%%ose! to be cooke! thro"gh$ #ell !one.,
,9artin$ beliee me. 2t.s all right to cook a b"tterfly lamb sort of me!i"m. 2
%romise yo".,
Bro!y raise! his oice. ,2.m not gonna eat ra# lamb8,
,Ssshhh8 *or -o!.s sake. 6an.t yo" kee% yo"r oice !o#n0,
Bro!y sai! in a hoarse #his%er$ ,Then %"t the go!!am thing back till it.s !one.,
,2t.s !one8, sai! Ellen. ,2f yo" !on.t #ant to eat it$ !on.t eat it$ b"t that.s the #ay
2.m going to sere it.,
,Then c"t it yo"rself., Bro!y !ro%%e! the knife an! fork on the caring boar!$
%icke! "% the t#o bottles of re! #ine$ an! left the kitchen.
,There.ll be a slight !elay$, he sai! as he a%%roache! the table$ ,#hile the cook
kills o"r !inner. She trie! to sere it as it #as$ b"t it bit her on the leg., 4e raise! a bottle
of #ine oer one of the clean glasses an! sai!$ ,2 #on!er #hy yo".re not allo#e! to sere
re! #ine in the same glass the #hite #ine #as.,
,The tastes$, sai! 9ea!o#s$ ,!on.t com%lement each other.,
,5hat yo".re saying is$ it.ll gie yo" gas., Bro!y flie! the six glasses an! sat
!o#n. 4e took a si% of #ine$ sai!$ ,-oo!$, then took another si% an! another. 4e refille!
his glass.
Ellen came in from the kitchen carrying the caring boar!. She set it on the
si!eboar! next to a stack of %lates. She ret"rne! to the kitchen an! came back$ carrying
t#o egetable !ishes. ,2 ho%e it.s goo!$, she sai!. ,2 haen.t trie! it before.,
,5hat is it0, aske! 7orothy 9ea!o#s. ,2t smells !elicio"s.,
,B"tterfly lamb. 9arinate!.,
,Really0 5hat.s in the marina!e0,
,-inger$ soy sa"ce$ a #hole b"nch of things., She %"t a thick slice of lamb$ some
as%arag"s an! s"mmer s+"ash on each %late$ an! %asse! the %lates to 9ea!o#s$ #ho sent
them !o#n an! aro"n! the table.
5hen eeryone ha! been sere! an! Ellen ha! sat !o#n$ 4oo%er raise! his glass
an! sai!$ ,A toast to the chef.,
The others raise! their glasses$ an! Bro!y sai!$ ,-oo! l"ck.,
9ea!o#s took a bite of meat$ che#e! it$ saore! it$ an! sai!$ ,*antastic. 2t.s like
the ten!erest of sirloins$ only better. 5hat a s%len!i! flaor.,
,6oming from yo"$ 4arry$, sai! Ellen$ ,that.s a s%ecial com%liment.,
,2t.s !elicio"s$, sai! 7orothy. ,5ill yo" %romise to gie me the reci%e0 4arry #ill
neer forgie me if 2 !on.t gie this to him at least once a #eek.,
,4e better rob a bank$, sai! Bro!y.
,B"t it is !elicio"s$ 9artin$ !on.t yo" think0,
Bro!y !i!n.t ans#er. 4e ha! starte! to che# a %iece of meat #hen another #ae
of na"sea hit him. )nce again s#eat %o%%e! o"t on his forehea!. 4e felt !etache!$ as if
his bo!y #ere controlle! by someone else. 4e sense! %anic at the loss of motor control.
4is fork felt heay$ an! for a moment he feare! it might sli% from his fingers an! clatter
onto the table. 4e gri%%e! it #ith his fist an! hel! on. 4e #as s"re his tong"e #o"l!n.t
behae if he trie! to s%eak. 2t #as the #ine. 2t ha! to be the #ine. 5ith greatly
exaggerate! %recision$ he reache! for#ar! to %"sh his #ine glass a#ay from him. 4e sli!
his fingers along the tablecloth to minimize the chances of knocking oer the glass. 4e
sat back an! took a !ee% breath. 4is ision bl"rre!. 4e trie! to foc"s his eyes on a
%ainting aboe Ellen.s hea!$ b"t he #as !istracte! by the image of Ellen talking to
4oo%er. Eery time she s%oke she to"che! 4oo%er.s arm (( lightly$ b"t$ Bro!y tho"ght$
intimately$ as if they #ere sharing secrets. 4e !i!n.t hear #hat anyone #as saying. The
last thing he remembere! hearing #as$ ,7on.t yo" think0, 4o# long ago #as that0 5ho
ha! sai! it0 4e !i!n.t kno#. 4e looke! at 9ea!o#s$ #ho #as talking to 7aisy. Then he
looke! at 7orothy an! sai! thickly$ ,1es.,
,5hat !i! yo" say$ 9artin0, She looke! "% at him$ ,7i! yo" say something0,
4e co"l!n.t s%eak. 4e #ante! to stan! an! #alk o"t to the kitchen$ b"t he !i!n.t
tr"st his legs. 4e.! neer make it #itho"t hol!ing on to something. 3"st sit still$ he tol!
himself. 2t.ll %ass.
An! it !i!. 4is hea! began to clear. Ellen #as to"ching 4oo%er again. Talk an!
to"ch$ talk an! to"ch. ,Boy$ it.s hot$, he sai!. 4e stoo! "% an! #alke!$ caref"lly b"t
stea!ily$ to a #in!o# an! t"gge! it o%en. 4e leane! on the sill an! %resse! his face
against the screen. ,/ice night$, he sai!. 4e straightene! "%. ,2 think 2.ll get a glass of
#ater., 4e #alke! into the kitchen an! shook his hea!. 4e t"rne! on the col!(#ater ta%
an! r"bbe! some #ater on his bro#. 4e fille! a glass an! !rank it !o#n$ then refille! it
an! !rank that !o#n. 4e took a fe# !ee% breaths$ #ent back into the !ining room$ an! sat
!o#n. 4e looke! at the foo! on his %late. Then he s"%%resse! a shier an! smile! at
,Any more$ anybo!y0, sai! Ellen. ,There.s %lenty here.,
,2n!ee!$, sai! 9ea!o#s. ,B"t yo".! better sere the others first. ;eft to my o#n
!eices$ 2.! eat the #hole thing.,
,An! yo" kno# #hat yo".! be saying tomorro#$, sai! Bro!y.
,5hat.s that0,
Bro!y lo#ere! his oice an! sai! graely$ ,2 can.t beliee 2 ate the whole thing.,
9ea!o#s an! 7orothy la"ghe!$ an! 4oo%er sai!$ in a high falsetto #hine$ ,/o$
Ral%h$ I ate it., Then een Ellen la"ghe!. 2t #as going to be all right.
By the time !essert #as sere! (( coffee ice cream in a %ool of creme !e cacao ((
Bro!y #as feeling #ell. 4e ha! t#o hel%ings of ice cream$ an! he chatte! amiably #ith
7orothy. 4e smile! #hen 7aisy tol! him a story abo"t lacing the st"ffing at last
Thanksgiing.s t"rkey #ith mari&"ana.
,9y only #orry$, sai! 7aisy$ ,#as that my mai!en a"nt calle! Thanksgiing
morning an! aske! if she co"l! come for !inner. The t"rkey #as alrea!y ma!e an!
,So #hat ha%%ene!0, sai! Bro!y.
,2 trie! to sneak her some t"rkey #itho"t st"ffing$ b"t she ma!e a %oint of asking
for it$ so 2 sai! #hat the heck an! gae her a big s%oonf"l.,
,By the en! of the meal she #as giggling like a little girl. She een #ante! to
!ance. To ,air yet.,
,2t.s a goo! thing 2 #asn.t there$, sai! Bro!y. ,2 #o"l! hae arreste! yo" for
corr"%ting the morals of a mai!en.,
They ha! coffee in the liing room$ an! Bro!y offere! !rinks$ b"t only 9ea!o#s
acce%te!. ,A tiny bran!y$ if yo" hae it$, he sai!.
Bro!y looke! at Ellen$ as if to ask$ 7o #e hae any0 ,2n the c"%boar!$ 2 think$,
she sai!.
Bro!y %o"re! 9ea!o#s. !rink an! tho"ght briefly of %o"ring one for himself. B"t
he resiste!$ telling himself$ 7on.t %ress yo"r l"ck.
At a little after ten$ 9ea!o#s ya#ne! an! sai!$ ,7orothy$ 2 think #e ha! best take
o"r leae. 2 fin! it har! to f"lfill the %"blic tr"st if 2 stay "% too late.,
,2 sho"l! go$ too$, sai! 7aisy. ,2 hae to be at #ork at eight. /ot that selling
ery m"ch these !ays.,
,1o".re not alone$ my !ear$, sai! 9ea!o#s.
,2 kno#. B"t #hen yo" #ork on commission$ yo" really feel it.,
,5ell$ let.s ho%e the #orst is oer. *rom #hat 2 gather from o"r ex%ert here$
there.s a goo! chance the leiathan has left., 9ea!o#s stoo! "%.
,A chance$, sai! 4oo%er. ,2 ho%e so., 4e rose to go. ,2 sho"l! be on my #ay$
,)h$ !on.t go8, Ellen sai! to 4oo%er. The #or!s came o"t m"ch stronger than she
ha! inten!e!. 2nstea! of a %leasant re+"est$ they so"n!e! a shrill %lea. She #as
embarrasse!$ an! she a!!e! +"ickly$ ,2 mean$ the night is yo"ng. 2t.s only ten.,
,2 kno#$, sai! 4oo%er. ,B"t if the #eather.s any goo! tomorro#$ 2 #ant to get "%
early an! get into the #ater. Besi!es$ 2 hae a car an! 2 can !ro% 7aisy off on my #ay
7aisy sai!$ ,That #o"l! be f"n., 4er oice$ as "s"al$ #as #itho"t tone or color$
s"ggesting nothing.
,The 9ea!o#s can !ro% her$, Ellen sai!.
,Tr"e$, sai! 4oo%er$ ,b"t 2 really sho"l! go so 2 can get "% early. B"t thanks for
the tho"ght.,
They sai! their goo!(bys at the front !oor (( %erf"nctory com%liments$ re!"n!ant
thanks. 4oo%er #as the last to leae$ an! #hen he exten!e! his han! to Ellen$ she took it
in both of hers an! sai!$ ,Thank yo" so m"ch for my shark tooth.,
,1o".re #elcome. 2.m gla! yo" like it.,
,An! thank yo" for being so nice to the chil!ren. They #ere fascinate! to meet yo".,
,So #as 2. 2t #as a little #eir!$ tho"gh. 2 m"st hae been abo"t Sean.s age #hen 2
kne# yo" before. 1o" haen.t change! m"ch at all.,
,5ell$ you'-e certainly change!.,
,2 ho%e so. 2.! hate to be nine all of my life.,
,5e.ll see yo" again before yo" go0,
,6o"nt on it.,
,5on!erf"l., She release! his han!. 4e sai! a +"ick goo! night to Bro!y an!
#alke! to his ear.
Ellen #aite! at the !oor "ntil the last of the ears ha! %"lle! o"t of the !rie#ay$
then she t"rne! off the o"tsi!e light. 5itho"t a #or!$ she began to %ick "% the glasses$
coffee c"%s$ an! ashtrays from the liing room.
Bro!y carrie! a stack of !essert !ishes into the kitchen$ set them on the sink$ an!
sai!$ ,5ell$ that #as all right., 4e meant nothing by the remark$ an! so"ght nothing
more than rote agreement.
,/o thanks to yo"$, sai! Ellen.
,1o" #ere a#f"l.,
,2 #as0, 4e #as gen"inely s"r%rise! at the ferocity of her attack. ,2 kno# 2 got a
little +"easy there for a min"te$ b"t 2 !i!n.t think ((,
,All eening$ from start to finish$ yo" #ere a#f"l.,
,That.s a lot of cra%8,
,1o".ll #ake the chil!ren.,
,2 !on.t gie a !amn. 2.m not going to let yo" stan! there an! #ork o"t yo"r o#n
hang("%s by telling me 2.m a shit.,
Ellen smile! bitterly. ,1o" see0 There yo" go again.,
")here !o 2 go again0 5hat are yo" talking abo"t0,
,2 !on.t #ant to talk abo"t it.,
,3"st like that. 1o" !on.t #ant to talk abo"t it. ;ook... okay$ 2 #as #rong abo"t
the go!!am meat. 2 sho"l!n.t hae blo#n my stack. 2.m sorry. /o#...,
,2 sai! 2 !on.t #ant to talk abo"t it8,
Bro!y #as rea!y for a fight$ b"t he backe! off$ sober eno"gh to realize that his
only #ea%ons #ere cr"elty an! inn"en!o$ an! that Ellen #as close to tears. An! tears$
#hether she! in orgasm or in anger$ !isconcerte! him. So he sai! only$ ,5ell$ 2.m sorry
abo"t that., 4e #alke! o"t of the kitchen an! climbe! the stairs.
2n the be!room$ as he #as "n!ressing$ the tho"ght occ"rre! to him that the ca"se
of all the "n%leasantness$ the so"rce of the #hole mess$ #as a fish' a min!less beast that
he ha! neer seen. The l"!icro"sness of the tho"ght ma!e him smile.
4e cra#le! into be! an!$ almost sim"ltaneo"s #ith the to"ch of his hea! to the
%illo#$ fell into a !reamless slee%.
A boy an! his !ate sat !rinking beer at one en! of the long mahogany bar in the
Ran!y Bear. The boy #as eighteen$ the son of the %harmacist at the Amity Pharmacy.
,1o".ll hae to tell him sometime$, sai! the girl.
,2 kno#. An! #hen 2 !o$ he.s gonna go b"llshit.,
,2t #asn.t yo"r fa"lt.,
,1o" kno# #hat he.ll say0 2t m"st hae been my fa"lt. 2 m"st hae !one
something$ or else they #o"l! hae ke%t me an! canne! somebo!y else.,
,B"t they fire! a lot of ki!s.,
,They ke%t a lot$ too.,
,4o# !i! they !eci!e #ho to kee%0,
,They !i!n.t say. They &"st sai! they #eren.t getting eno"gh g"ests to &"stify a big
staff$ so they #ere letting some of "s go. Boy$ my ol! man is gonna go right thro"gh the
,6an.t he call them0 4e m"st kno# somebo!y there. 2 mean$ if he says yo" really
nee! the money for college...,
,4e #o"l!n.t !o it. That.! be begging., The boy finishe! his beer. ,There.s only
one thing 2 can !o. 7eal.,
,)h$ 9ichael$ !on.t !o that. 2t.s too !angero"s. 1o" co"l! go to &ail.,
,That.s +"ite a choice$ isn.t it0, the boy sai! aci!ly. ,6ollege or &ail.,
,5hat #o"l! yo" tell yo"r father0,
,2 !on.t kno#. 9aybe 2.ll tell him 2.m selling belts.,
6ha%ter C
Bro!y a#oke #ith a start$ &olte! by a signal that tol! him something #as #rong. 4e thre#
his arm across the be! to to"ch Ellen. She #asn.t there. 4e sat an! sa# her sitting in the
chair by the #in!o#. Rain s%lashe! against the #in!o#%anes$ an! he hear! the #in!
#hi%%ing thro"gh the trees.
,;o"sy !ay$ h"h0, he sai!. She !i!n.t ans#er$ contin"ing to stare fixe!ly at the
!ro%s sli!ing !o#n the glass. ,4o# come yo".re "% so early0,
,2 co"l!n.t slee%.,
Bro!y ya#ne!. ,2 s"re !i!n.t hae any tro"ble.,
,2.m not s"r%rise!.,
,)h boy. Are #e starting in again0,
Ellen shook her hea!. ,/o. 2.m sorry. 2 !i!n.t mean anything., She seeme!
s"b!"e!$ sa!.
,5hat.s the matter0,
,5hateer yo" say., Bro!y got o"t of be! an! #ent into the bathroom.
5hen he ha! shae! an! !resse!$ he #ent !o#n to the kitchen. The boys #ere
finishing their breakfast$ an! Ellen #as frying an egg for him. ,5hat are yo" g"ys gonna
!o on this cr"mmy !ay0, he sai!.
,6lean la#nmo#ers$, sai! Billy$ #ho #orke! !"ring the s"mmer for a local
gar!ener. ,Boy$ !o 2 hate rainy !ays.,
,An! #hat abo"t yo" t#o0, Bro!y sai! to 9artin an! Sean.
,9artin.s going to the Boys. 6l"b$, sai! Ellen$ ,an! Sean.s s%en!ing the !ay at the
,An! yo"0,
,2.e got a f"ll !ay at the hos%ital. 5hich remin!s me' 2 #on.t be home for l"nch.
6an yo" get something !o#nto#n0,
,S"re. 2 !i!n.t kno# yo" #orke! a f"ll !ay 5e!nes!ays.,
,2 !on.t$ "s"ally. B"t one of the other girls is sick$ an! 2 sai! 2.! fill in.,
,2.ll be back by s"%%ertime.,
,7o yo" think yo" co"l! !ro% Sean an! 9artin off on yo"r #ay to #ork0 2 #ant
to !o a little sho%%ing on my #ay to the hos%ital.,
,/o %roblem.,
,2.ll %ick them "% on my #ay home.,
Bro!y an! the t#o yo"nger chil!ren left first. Then Billy$ #ra%%e! from hea! to
foot in fo"l(#eather gear$ bicycle! off to #ork.
Ellen looke! at the clock on the kitchen #all. 2t #as a fe# min"tes to eight. Too
early0 9aybe. B"t better to catch him no#$ before he #ent off some#here an! the chance
#as lost. She hel! her right han! o"t in front of her an! trie! to stea!y the fingers$ b"t
they +"iere! "ncontrollably. She smile! at her nero"sness an! #his%ere! to herself$
,Some s#inger yo".! make., She #ent "%stairs to the be!room$ sat on the be!$ an!
%icke! "% the green %hone book. She fo"n! the n"mber for the Abelar! Arms 2nn$ %"t her
han! on the %hone$ hesitate! for a moment$ then %icke! "% the receier an! !iale! the
,Abelar! Arms.,
,9r. 4oo%er.s room$ %lease. 9att 4oo%er.,
,3"st a min"te$ %lease. 4oo%er. 4ere it is. *o"r(oh(fie. 2.ll ring it for yo".,
Ellen hear! the %hone ring once$ then again. She co"l! hear her heart beating$ an!
she sa# the %"lse throb in her right #rist. 4ang "%$ she tol! herself. 4ang "%. There.s
,4ello0, sai! 4oo%er.s oice.
,)h., She tho"ght$ -oo! -o!$ s"%%ose he.s got 7aisy 5icker in the room #ith
Ellen s#allo#e! an! sai!$ ,4i. 2t.s me... 2 mean it.s Ellen.,
,)h$ hi.,
,2 ho%e 2 !i!n.t #ake yo".,
,/o. 2 #as &"st getting rea!y to go !o#nstairs an! hae some breakfast.,
,-oo!. 2t.s not a ery nice !ay$ is it0,
,/o$ b"t 2 !on.t really min!. 2t.s a l"x"ry for me to be able to slee% this late.,
,6an yo"... #ill yo" be able to #ork to!ay0,
,2 !on.t kno#. 2 #as &"st trying to fig"re that o"t. 2 s"re can.t go o"t in the boat
an! ho%e to get anything !one.,
,)h., She %a"se!$ fighting the !izziness that #as cree%ing "% on her. -o ahea!$
she tol! herself. Ask the +"estion. ,2 #as #on!ering..., /o$ be caref"l= ease into it. ,2
#ante! to thank yo" for the bea"tif"l charm.,
,1o".re #elcome. 2.m gla! yo" like it. B"t 2 sho"l! be thanking yo". 2 ha! a goo!
time last night.,
,2 !i!... #e !i!$ too. 2.m gla! yo" came.,
,2t #as like ol! times.,
/o#$ she sai! to herself. 7o it. The #or!s s%ille! from her mo"th. ,2 #as
#on!ering$ if yo" can.t !o any #ork to!ay$ 2 mean if yo" can.t go o"t in the boat or
anything$ 2 #as #on!ering if... if there #as any chance yo".! like to... if yo".re free for
,1es. 1o" kno#$ if yo" hae nothing else to !o$ 2 tho"ght #e might hae some
,5e0 1o" mean yo" an! the chief an! me0,
,/o$ &"st yo" an! 2. 9artin "s"ally has l"nch at his !esk. 2 !on.t #ant to interfere
#ith yo"r %lans or anything. 2 mean$ if yo".e got a lot of #ork to !o...,
,/o$ no. That.s okay. 4eck$ #hy not0 S"re. 5hat !i! yo" hae in min!0,
,There.s a #on!erf"l %lace "% in Sag 4arbor. Banner.s. 7o yo" kno# it0, She
ho%e! he !i!n.t. She !i!n.t kno# it$ either$ #hich meant that no one there #o"l! kno#
her. B"t she ha! hear! that it #as goo! an! +"iet an! !ark.
,/o$ 2.e neer been there$, sai! 4oo%er. ,B"t Sag 4arbor. That.s +"ite a hike for
,2t.s not ba!$ really$ only abo"t fifteen or t#enty min"tes. 2 co"l! meet yo" there
#heneer yo" like.,
,Any time.s all right #ith me.,
,Aro"n! t#ele(thirty$ then0,
,T#ele(thirty it is. See yo" then.,
Ellen h"ng "% the %hone. 4er han!s #ere still shaking$ b"t she felt elate!$ excite!.
4er senses seeme! alie an! incre!ibly keen. Eery time she !re# a breath she saore!
the smells aro"n! her. 4er ears &ingle! #ith a sym%hony of tiny ho"se so"n!s (( creaks
an! r"stles an! th"m%s. She felt more intensely feminine than she ha! in years (( a #arm$
#et feeling both !elicio"s an! "ncomfortable.
She #ent into the bathroom an! took a sho#er. She shae! her legs an! "n!er her
arms. She #ishe! she ha! bo"ght one of those feminine hygiene !eo!orants she ha! seen
a!ertise!$ b"t$ lacking that$ she %o#!ere! herself an! !a"be! cologne behin! her ears$
insi!e her elbo#s$ behin! her knees$ on her ni%%les$ an! on her genitals.
There #as a f"ll(length mirror in the be!room$ an! she stoo! before it$ examining
herself. 5ere the goo!s goo! eno"gh0 5o"l! the offering be acce%te!0 She ha! #orke!
to kee% in sha%e$ to %resere the smoothness an! sin"o"sness of yo"th. She co"l! not
bear the tho"ght of re&ection.
The goo!s #ere goo!. The lines in her neck #ere fe# an! barely noticeable. 4er
face #as "nblemishe! an! "nscarre!. There #ere no !roo%s or sags or %o"ches. She stoo!
straight an! a!mire! the conto"rs of her breasts. 4er #aist #as slim$ her belly flat (( the
re#ar! for en!less ho"rs of exercise after each chil!. The only %roblem$ as she assesse!
her bo!y critically$ #as her hi%s. By no stretch of anyone.s imagination #ere they girlish.
They signale! motherhoo!. They #ere$ as Bro!y once sai!$ bree!er.s hi%s. The
recollection bro"ght a +"ick flash of remorse$ b"t excitement +"ickly n"!ge! it asi!e. 4er
legs #ere long an! (( belo# the %a! of fat on her rear (( slen!er. 4er ankles #ere !elicate$
an! her feet (( #ith the toenails nearly %r"ne! (( #ere %erfect eno"gh to s"it any
She !resse! in her hos%ital clothes. *rom the back of her closet she took a %lastic
sho%%ing bag into #hich she %"t a %air of bikini "n!er%ants$ a bra$ a neatly fol!e!
laen!er s"mmer !ress$ a %air of lo#(heele! %"m%s$ a can of s%ray !eo!orant$ a %lastic
bottle of bath %o#!er$ a toothbr"sh an! a t"be of tooth%aste. She carrie! the bag to the
garage$ tosse! it into the back seat of her Volks#agen beetle$ backe! o"t of the !rie#ay$
an! !roe to the So"tham%ton 4os%ital.
The !"ll !rie increase! the fatig"e she ha! been feeling for ho"rs. She ha! not
sle%t all night. She ha! first lain in be!$ then sat by the #in!o#$ str"ggling #ith all the
t#istings of emotion an! conscience$ !esire an! regret$ longing an! recrimination. She
!i!n.t kno# exactly #hen she ha! !eci!e! on this manifestly rash$ !angero"s %lan. She
ha! been thinking abo"t it (( an! trying not to think abo"t it (( since the !ay she first met
4oo%er. She ha! #eighe! the risks an!$ someho#$ calc"late! that they #ere #orth
taking$ tho"gh she #as not entirely s"re #hat she co"l! gain from the a!ent"re. She
kne# she #ante! change$ almost any change. She #ante! to be ass"re! an! reass"re! that
she #as !esirable (( not &"st to her h"sban!$ for she ha! gro#n com%lacent abo"t that$ b"t
to the %eo%le she sa# as her real %eers$ the %eo%le among #hom she still n"mbere!
herself. She felt that #itho"t some reme!y$ the %art of herself that she most cherishe!
#o"l! !ie. Perha%s the %ast co"l! neer be reie!. B"t %erha%s it co"l! be recalle!
%hysically as #ell as mentally. She #ante! an in&ection$ a transf"sion of the essence of
her %ast$ an! she sa# 9att 4oo%er as the only %ossible !onor. The tho"ght of loe neer
entere! her min!. /or !i! she #ant or antici%ate a relationshi% either %rofo"n! or
en!"ring. She so"ght only to be serice!$ restore!.
She #as gratef"l that the #ork assigne! her #hen she arrie! at the hos%ital
!eman!e! concentration an! conersation$ for it %reente! her from thinking. She an!
another ol"nteer change! the be!!ing of the el!erly %atients for #hom the hos%ital
comm"nity #as a s"rrogate (( an!$ in some cases$ final (( home. She ha! to remember the
names of chil!ren in !istant cities$ ha! to fashion ne# exc"ses for #hy they ha!n.t
#ritten. She ha! to feign recollection of the %lots of teleision sho#s an! s%ec"late on
#hy s"ch(an!(s"ch a character ha! left his #ife for a #oman #ho #as %atently an
At 11'D<$ Ellen tol! the s"%erisor of ol"nteers that she !i!n.t feel #ell. 4er
thyroi! #as acting "% again$ she sai!$ an! she #as getting her %erio!. She tho"ght she.!
go lie !o#n for a #hile in the staff lo"nge. An! if a na% !i!n.t hel%$ she sai!$ she.!
%robably go home. 2n fact$ if she #asn.t back on the &ob by 1'I0 or so$ the s"%erisor
co"l! ass"me she ha! gone home. 2t #as an ex%lanation that she ho%e! #as ag"e
eno"gh to !isco"rage anyone from actiely looking for her.
She #ent into the lo"nge$ co"nte! to t#enty$ an! o%ene! the !oor a crack to see if
the corri!or #as em%ty. 2t #as= most of the staff #ere in$ or on their #ay to$ the cafeteria
on the other si!e of the b"il!ing. She ste%%e! into the corri!or$ close! the !oor softly
behin! her$ an! h"rrie! aro"n! a corner an! o"t a si!e !oor of the hos%ital that le! to the
staff %arking lot.
She !roe most of the #ay to Sag 4arbor$ then sto%%e! at a gas station. 5hen the
tank #as f"ll an! the gas %ai! for$ she aske! to "se the la!ies. room. The atten!ant gae
her the key$ an! she %"lle! her car aro"n! to the si!e of the station$ next to the la!ies.
room !oor. She o%ene! the !oor$ b"t before going into the la!ies. room she ret"rne! the
key to the atten!ant. She #alke! to her car$ remoe! the %lastic bag from the back seat$
entere! the la!ies. room$ an! %"she! the b"tton that locke! the !oor.
She stri%%e!$ an! stan!ing on the col! floor in her bare feet$ looking at her
reflection in the mirror aboe the sink$ she felt a thrill of risk. She s%raye! !eo!orant
"n!er her arms an! on her feet. She took the clean "n!er%ants from the %lastic bag an!
ste%%e! into them. She shook a little %o#!er into each c"% of the bra an! %"t it on. She
took the !ress from the bag$ "nfol!e! it$ checke! it for #rinkles$ an! sli%%e! it oer her
hea!. She %o"re! %o#!er into each of her shoes$ br"she! off the bottom of each foot #ith
a %a%er to#el$ an! %"t on the shoes. Then she br"she! her teeth an! combe! her hair$
st"ffe! her hos%ital clothes into the %lastic bag$ an! o%ene! the !oor. She looke! both
#ays$ sa# that no one #as #atching her$ then ste%%e! o"t of the la!ies. room$ tosse! the
bag into the car$ an! got in.
As she !roe o"t of the gas station$ she h"nche! !o#n in her seat so the atten!ant$
if he sho"l! chance to notice her$ #o"l! not see that she ha! change! clothes.
2t #as 1:':0 #hen she arrie! at Banner.s$ a small steak(an!(seafoo! resta"rant
on the #ater in Sag 4arbor. The %arking lot #as in the rear$ for #hich she #as gratef"l.
)n the off(chance that someone she kne# might !rie !o#n the street in Sag 4arbor$ she
!i!n.t #ant her car in %lain ie#.
)ne reason she ha! %icke! Banner.s #as that it #as kno#n as a faorite nighttime
resta"rant for yachtsmen an! s"mmer %eo%le$ #hich meant that it %robably ha! little
l"ncheon tra!e. An! it #as ex%ensie$ #hich ma!e it almost certain that no year(ro"n!
resi!ents$ no local tra!esmen$ #o"l! go there for l"nch. Ellen checke! her #allet. She
ha! nearly fifty !ollars (( all the emergency cash she an! Bro!y ke%t in the ho"se. She
ma!e a mental note of the bills' a t#enty$ t#o tens$ a fie$ an! three ones. She #ante! to
re%lace exactly #hat she ha! taken from the coffee can in the kitchen closet.
There #ere t#o other cars in the %arking lot$ a 6herolet Vega an! a bigger car$
tan. She remembere! that 4oo%er.s car #as green an! that it #as name! after some
animal. She left her car an! #alke! into the resta"rant$ hol!ing her han!s oer her hea! to
%rotect her hair from the light rain.
The resta"rant #as !ark$ b"t beca"se the !ay #as gloomy it took her eyes only a
fe# secon!s to a!&"st. There #as only one room$ #ith a bar on the right as she #alke! in
an! abo"t t#enty tables in the center. The left(han! #all #as line! #ith eight booths.
The #alls #ere !ark #oo!$ !ecorate! #ith b"llfight an! moie %osters.
A co"%le (( in their late t#enties$ Ellen g"esse! (( #as haing a !rink at a table by
the #in!o#. The barten!er$ a yo"ng man #ith a Van!yke bear! an! a b"tton( !o#n shirt$
sat by the cash register rea!ing the /e# 1ork Daily News. They #ere the only %eo%le in
the room. Ellen looke! at her #atch. Almost 1:'I0.
The barten!er looke! "% an! sai!$ ,4i. 6an 2 hel% yo"0,
Ellen ste%%e! to the bar. ,1es... yes. 2n a min"te. B"t first 2.! like... can yo" tell
me #here the la!ies. room is0,
,En! of the bar$ t"rn right. *irst !oor on yo"r left.,
,Thank yo"., Ellen #alke! +"ickly !o#n the length of the bar$ t"rne! right$ an!
#ent into the la!ies. room.
She stoo! in front of the mirror an! hel! o"t her right han!. 2t tremble!$ an! she
clenche! it into a fist. 6alm !o#n$ she sai! to herself. 1o" hae to calm !o#n or it.s no
"se. 2t.s lost. She felt that she #as s#eating$ b"t #hen she %"t a han! insi!e her !ress an!
felt her arm%it$ it #as !ry. She combe! her hair an! s"reye! her teeth. She remembere!
something a boy she ha! once gone o"t #ith ha! sai!' /othing t"rns my stomach faster
than seeing a girl #ith a big %iece of cr"! bet#een her teeth. She looke! at her #atch'
She #ent back into the resta"rant an! looke! aro"n!. 3"st the same co"%le$ the
barten!er$ an! a #aitress stan!ing at the bar$ fol!ing na%kins.
The #aitress sa# Ellen come aro"n! the corner of the bar$ an! she sai!$ ,4ello.
9ay 2 hel% yo"0,
,1es. 2.! like a table$ %lease. *or l"nch.,
,*or one0,
,/o. T#o.,
,*ine$, sai! the #aitress. She %"t !o#n a na%kin$ %icke! "% a %a!$ an! #alke!
Ellen to a table in the mi!!le of the room. ,2s this all right0,
,/o. 2 mean$ yes. 2t.s fine. B"t 2.! like to hae that table in the corner booth$ if yo"
!on.t min!.,
,S"re$, sai! the #aitress. ,Any table yo" like. not exactly f"ll., She le!
Ellen to the table$ an! Ellen sli%%e! into the booth #ith her back to the !oor. 4oo%er
#o"l! be able to fin! her. 2f he came. ,6an 2 get yo" a !rink0,
,1es. A gin an! tonic$ %lease., 5hen the #aitress left the table$ Ellen smile!. 2t
#as the first time since her #e!!ing that she ha! ha! a !rink !"ring the !ay.
The #aitress bro"ght the !rink$ an! Ellen !rank half of it imme!iately$ eager to
feel the relaxing #armth of alcohol. Eery fe# secon!s$ she checke! the !oor an! looke!
at her #atch. 4e.s not going to come$ she tho"ght. 2t #as almost 1:'D<. 4e got col! feet.
4e.s scare! of 9artin. 9aybe he.s scare! of me. 5hat #ill 2 !o if he !oesn.t come0 2
g"ess 2.ll hae some l"nch an! go back to #ork. 4e.s got to come8 4e can.t !o this to me.
The #or! startle! Ellen. She ho%%e! in her seat an! sai!$ ,)h8,
4oo%er sli! into the seat o%%osite her an! sai!$ ,2 !i!n.t mean to scare yo". An!
2.m sorry 2.m late. 2 ha! to sto% for gas$ an! the station #as &amme!. The traffic #as
terrible. An! so m"ch for my exc"ses. 2 sho"l! hae left more time. 2 am sorry., 4e
looke! into her eyes an! smile!.
She looke! !o#n at her glass. ,1o" !on.t hae to a%ologize. 2 #as late myself.,
The #aitress came to the table. ,6an 2 get yo" a !rink0, she sai! to 4oo%er.
4e notice! Ellen.s glass an! sai!$ ,)h$ s"re$ 2 g"ess so. 2f yo" are. 2.ll hae a gin
an! tonic.,
,2.ll hae another one$, sai! Ellen. ,This one.s almost finishe!.,
The #aitress left$ an! 4oo%er sai!$ ,2 !on.t normally !rink at l"nch.,
,/either !o 2.,
,After abo"t three !rinks 2 say st"%i! things. 2 neer !i! hol! my li+"or ery
Ellen no!!e!. ,2 kno# the feeling. 2 ten! to get sort of...,
,2m%et"o"s0 So !o 2.,
,Really0 2 can.t imagine yo" getting im%et"o"s. 2 tho"ght scientists #eren.t eer
4oo%er smile! an! sai! histrionically$ ,2t may seem$ ma!am$ that #e are #e! to
o"r test t"bes. B"t beneath the icy exteriors there beat the hearts of some of the most
brazen$ ra"nchy %eo%le in the #orl!.,
Ellen la"ghe!. The #aitress bro"ght the !rinks an! left t#o men"s on the e!ge of
the table. They talke! (( chatte!$ really (( abo"t ol! times$ abo"t %eo%le they ha! kno#n
an! #hat those %eo%le #ere !oing no#$ abo"t 4oo%er.s ambitions in ichthyology. They
neer mentione! the shark or Bro!y or Ellen.s chil!ren. 2t #as an easy$ rambling
conersation$ #hich s"ite! Ellen. 4er secon! !rink loosene! her "%$ an! she felt ha%%y
an! in comman! of herself.
She #ante! 4oo%er to hae another !rink$ an! she kne# he #as not likely to take
the initiatie an! or!er one. She %icke! "% one of the men"s$ ho%ing that the #aitress
#o"l! notice the moement$ an! sai!$ ,;et me see. 5hat looks goo!0,
4oo%er %icke! "% the other men" an! began to rea!$ an! after a min"te or t#o$
the #aitress strolle! oer to the table. ,Are yo" rea!y to or!er0,
,/ot +"ite yet$, sai! Ellen. ,2t all looks goo!. Are yo" rea!y$ 9atthe#0,
,/ot +"ite$, sai! 4oo%er.
,5hy !on.t #e hae one more !rink #hile looking0,
,Both0, sai! the #aitress.
4oo%er seeme! to %on!er for a moment. Then he no!!e! his hea! an! sai!$ ,S"re.
A s%ecial occasion.,
They sat in silence$ rea!ing the men"s. Ellen trie! to assess ho# she felt. Three
!rinks #o"l! be a fairly heay loa! for her to carry$ an! she #ante! to make s"re she
!i!n.t get f"zzy(hea!e! or f"zzy(tong"e!. 5hat #as that saying$ abo"t alcohol increasing
the !esire b"t taking a#ay from the %erformance0 B"t that.s &"st #ith men$ she tho"ght.
2.m gla! 2 !on.t hae to #orry abo"t that. B"t #hat abo"t him0 S"%%ose he can.t... 2s there
anything 2 can !o0 B"t that.s silly. /ot on t#o !rinks. 2t m"st take fie or six or seen. A
man has to be inca%acitate!. B"t not if he.s scare!. 7oes he look scare!0 She %eeke! oer
the to% of her men" an! looke! at 4oo%er. 4e !i!n.t look nero"s. 2f anything$ he looke!
slightly %er%lexe!.
,5hat.s the matter0, she sai!.
4e looke! "%. ,5hat !o yo" mean0,
,1o"r eyebro#s #ere all scr"nche! "%. 1o" looke! conf"se!.,
,)h$ nothing. 2 #as &"st looking at the scallo%s$ or #hat they claim are scallo%s.
The chances are flo"n!er$ c"t "% #ith a cookie c"tter.,
The #aitress bro"ght their !rinks an! sai!$ ,Rea!y0,
,1es$, sai! Ellen. ,2.ll hae the shrim% cocktail an! the chicken.,
,5hat kin! of !ressing #o"l! yo" like on yo"r sala!0 5e hae *rench$
Ro+"efort$ Tho"san! 2slan!$ an! oil an! inegar.,
,Ro+"efort$ %lease.,
4oo%er sai!$ ,Are these really bay scallo%s0,
,2 g"ess so$, sai! the #aitress. ,2f that.s #hat it says.,
,All right. 2.ll hae the scallo%s$ an! *rench !ressing on the sala!.,
,Anything to start0,
,/o$, sai! 4oo%er$ raising his glass. ,This.ll be fine.,
2n a fe# min"tes$ the #aitress bro"ght Ellen.s shrim% cocktail. 5hen she ha! left$
Ellen sai!$ ,7o yo" kno# #hat 2.! loe0 Some #ine.,
,That.s a ery interesting i!ea$, 4oo%er sai!$ looking at her. ,B"t remember #hat
2 sai! abo"t im%et"o"sness. 2 may become irres%onsible.,
,2.m not #orrie!., As Ellen s%oke$ she felt a bl"sh cra#l "% her cheeks.
,)kay$ b"t first 2 better check the treas"ry., 4e reache! in his back %ocket for his
,)h no. This is my treat.,
,7on.t be silly.,
,/o$ really. 2 aske! yo" to l"nch., She began to %anic. 2t ha! neer occ"rre! to
her that he might insist on %aying. She !i!n.t #ant to annoy him by sticking him #ith a
big bill. )n the other han!$ she !i!n.t #ant to seem %atronizing$ to offen! his irility.
,2 kno#$, he sai!. ,B"t 2.! like to take you to l"nch.,
5as this a gambit0 She co"l!n.t tell. 2f it #as$ she !i!n.t #ant to ref"se it$ b"t if he
#as &"st being %olite...
,1o".re s#eet$, she sai!$ ,b"t...,
,2.m serio"s. Please.,
She looke! !o#n an! toye! #ith the one shrim% remaining on her %late. ,5ell ...,
,2 kno# yo".re only being tho"ghtf"l$, 4oo%er sai!$ ,b"t !on.t be. 7i!n.t 7ai!
eer tell yo" abo"t o"r gran!father0,
,/ot that 2 remember. 5hat abo"t him0,
,)l! 9att #as kno#n (( an! not ery affectionately (( as the Ban!it. 2f he #as
alie to!ay$ 2.! %robably be at the hea! of the %ack calling for his scal%. B"t he isn.t$ so all
2 ha! to #orry abo"t #as #hether to kee% the b"n!le of money he left me or gie it a#ay.
2t #asn.t a ery !iffic"lt moral !ilemma. 2 fig"re 2 can s%en! it as #ell as anyone 2.! gie
it to.,
,7oes 7ai! hae a lot of money$ too0,
,1es. That.s one of the things abo"t him that.s al#ays baffle! me. 4e.s got eno"gh
to s"%%ort himself an! any n"mber of #ies for life. So #hy !i! he settle on a meatball
for a secon! #ife0 Beca"se she has more money than he !oes. 2 !on.t kno#. 9aybe
money !oesn.t feel comfortable "nless it.s marrie! to money.,
,5hat !i! yo"r gran!father !o0,
,Railroa!s an! mining. Technically$ that is. Basically$ he #as a robber baron. At
one %oint he o#ne! most of 7ener. 4e #as the lan!lor! of the #hole re!(light !istrict.,
,That m"st hae been %rofitable.,
,/ot as m"ch as yo".! think$, 4oo%er sai! #ith a la"gh. ,*rom #hat 2 hear$ he
like! to collect his rent in tra!e.,
That might be a gambit$ Ellen tho"ght. 5hat sho"l! she say0 ,That.s s"%%ose! to
be eery schoolgirl.s fantasy$, she ent"re! %layf"lly.
,5hat is0,
,To be a... yo" kno#$ a %rostit"te. To slee% #ith a #hole lot of !ifferent men.,
,5as it yo"rs0,
Ellen la"ghe!$ ho%ing to coer her bl"sh. ,2 !on.t remember if it #as exactly
that$, she sai!. ,B"t 2 g"ess #e all hae fantasies of one kin! or another.,
4oo%er smile! an! leane! back in his chair. 4e calle! the #aitress oer an! sai!$
,Bring "s a bottle of col! 6hablis$ #o"l! yo" %lease0,
Something.s ha%%ene!$ Ellen tho"ght. She #on!ere! if he co"l! sense (( smell0
like an animal0 (( the initation she ha! exten!e!. 5hateer it #as$ he ha! taken the
offensie. All she ha! to !o #as aoi! !isco"raging him.
The foo! came$ follo#e! a moment later by the #ine. 4oo%er.s scallo%s #ere the
size of marshmallo#s. ,*lo"n!er$, he sai! after the #aitress ha! left. ,2 sho"l! hae
,4o# can yo" tell0, Ellen aske!. 2mme!iately she #ishe! she ha!n.t sai!
anything. She !i!n.t #ant to let the conersation !rift.
, too big$ for one thing. An! the e!ges are too %erfect. They #ere
obio"sly c"t.,
,2 s"%%ose yo" co"l! sen! them back., She ho%e! he #o"l!n.t= a +"arrel #ith the
#aitress co"l! s%oil their moo!.
,2 might$, sai! 4oo%er$ an! he grinne! at Ellen. ,Jn!er !ifferent circ"mstances.,
4e %o"re! Ellen a glass of #ine$ then fille! his o#n an! raise! it for a toast. ,To
fantasies$, he sai!. ,Tell me abo"t yo"rs., 4is eyes #ere a bright$ li+"i! bl"e$ an! his li%s
#ere %arte! in a half smile.
Ellen la"ghe!. ,)h$ mine aren.t ery interesting. 2 imagine &"st yo"r ol!
r"n(of(the(mill fantasies.,
,There.s no s"ch thing$, sai! 4oo%er. ,Tell me., 4e #as asking$ not !eman!ing$
b"t Ellen felt that the game she ha! starte! !eman!e! that she ans#er.
,)h$ yo" kno#$, she sai!. 4er stomach felt #arm$ an! the back of her neck #as
hot. ,3"st the stan!ar! things. Ra%e$ 2 g"ess$ is one.,
,4o# !oes it ha%%en0,
She trie! to think$ an! she remembere! the times #hen$ alone$ she #o"l! let her
min! #an!er an! con&"re the carnal images. Js"ally she #as in be!$ often #ith her
h"sban! aslee% besi!e her. Sometimes she fo"n! that$ #itho"t kno#ing it$ she ha! been
r"bbing her han! oer her agina$ caressing herself.
,7ifferent #ays$, she sai!.
,/ame one.,
,Sometimes 2.m in the kitchen in the morning$ after eerybo!y has left$ an! a
#orkman from one of the ho"ses next !oor comes to my back !oor. 4e #ants to "se the
%hone or hae a glass of #ater., She sto%%e!.
,An! then0,
,2 let him in the !oor an! he threatens to kill me if 2 !on.t !o #hat he #ants.,
,7oes he h"rt yo"0,
,)h no. 2 mean$ he !oesn.t stab me or anything.,
,7oes he hit yo"0,
,/o. 4e &"st... ra%es me.,
,2s it f"n0,
,/ot at first. 2t.s scary. B"t then$ after a #hile$ #hen he.s...,
,5hen he.s got yo" all... rea!y.,
Ellen.s eyes moe! to his$ rea!ing the remark for h"mor$ irony$ or cr"elty. She
sa# none. 4oo%er ran his tong"e oer his li%s an! leane! for#ar! "ntil his face #as only
a foot or so from hers.
Ellen tho"ght' The !oor.s o%en no#= all yo" hae to !o is #alk thro"gh it. She
sai!$ ,1es.,
,Then it.s f"n.,
,1es., She shifte! in her seat$ for the recollection #as becoming %hysical.
,7o yo" eer hae an orgasm0,
,Sometimes$, she sai!. ,/ot al#ays.,
,2s he big0,
,Tall0 /ot..., They ha! been s%eaking ery softly$ an! no# 4oo%er lo#ere! his
oice to a #his%er. ,2 !on.t mean tall. 2s he... yo" kno#... big0,
,Js"ally$, sai! Ellen$ an! she ch"ckle!. ,4"ge.,
,2s he black0,
,/o. 2.e hear! that some #omen hae fantasies abo"t being ra%e! by black men$
b"t 2 neer hae.,
,Tell me another one.,
,)h no$, she sai!$ la"ghing. ,/o# it.s yo"r t"rn.,
They hear! footste%s an! t"rne! to see the #aitress a%%roaching their table. ,2s
eerything all right0, she sai!.
,*ine$, 4oo%er sai! c"rtly. ,Eerything.s fine., The #aitress left.
Ellen #his%ere!$ ,7o yo" think she hear!0,
4oo%er leane! for#ar!. ,/ot a chance. /o# tell me another one.,
2t.s going to ha%%en$ Ellen tho"ght$ an! she felt s"!!enly nero"s. She #ante! to
tell him #hy she #as behaing this #ay$ to ex%lain that she !i!n.t !o this all the time. 4e
%robably thinks 2.m a #hore. *orget it. 7on.t get sa%%y or yo".ll r"in it. ,/o$, she sai!
#ith a smile. ,2t.s yo"r t"rn.,
,9ine are "s"ally orgies$, he sai!. ,)r at least threesies.,
,5hat are threesies0,
,Three %eo%le. 9e an! t#o girls.,
,-ree!y. 5hat !o yo" !o0,
,2t aries. Eerything imaginable.,
,Are yo"... big0, she sai!.
,Bigger eery min"te. 5hat abo"t yo"0,
,2 !on.t kno#. 6om%are! to #hat0,
,To other #omen. Some #omen hae really tight ones.,
Ellen giggle!. ,1o" so"n! like a com%arison(sho%%er.,
,3"st a conscientio"s cons"mer.,
,2 !on.t kno# ho# 2 am$, she sai!. ,2 haen.t anything to com%are it to., She
looke! !o#n at her half(eaten chicken$ an! she la"ghe!.
,5hat.s f"nny0.$ he aske!.
,2 #as &"st #on!ering$, she sai!$ an! her la"ghter b"ilt. ,2 #as &"st #on!ering if ((
oh$ ;or!$ 2.m getting a %ain in my si!e (( if chickens hae...,
,)f co"rse8, sai! 4oo%er. ,B"t talk abo"t a tightie8,
They la"ghe! together$ an! #hen the la"ghter fa!e!$ Ellen im%"lsiely sai!$
,;et.s make a fantasy.,
,)kay. 4o# !o yo" #ant to start0,
,5hat #o"l! yo" !o to me if #e #ere going to... yo" kno#.,
,That.s a ery interesting +"estion$, be sai! #ith mock graity. ,Before
consi!ering the #hat$ ho#eer$ #e.! hae to consi!er the #here. 2 s"%%ose there.s al#ays
my room.,
,Too !angero"s. Eerybo!y kno#s me at the Abelar!. Any#here in Amity #o"l!
be too !angero"s.,
,5hat abo"t yo"r ho"se0,
,;or!$ no. S"%%ose one of my chil!ren came home. Besi!es...,
,2 kno#. /o !esecrating the con&"gal sheets. )kay$ #here else0,
,There m"st be motels bet#een here an! 9onta"k. )r een better$ bet#een here
an! )rient Point.,
,*air eno"gh. Een if there.s not$ there.s al#ays the car.,
,2n broa! !aylight0 1o" do hae #il! fantasies.,
,2n fantasies$ anything is %ossible.,
,All right. That.s settle!. So #hat #o"l! yo" !o0,
,2 think #e sho"l! %rocee! chronologically. *irst of all$ #e.! leae here in one
car. Probably mine$ beca"se it.s least kno#n. An! #e.! come back later to %ick "% yo"rs.,
,Then #hile #e #ere !riing along... no$ een before that$ before #e left here$ 2.!
sen! yo" into the la!ies. room an! tell yo" to take off yo"r %anties.,
,So 2 co"l!... ex%lore yo" #hile on the roa!. 3"st to kee% the motors
,2 see$, she sai!$ trying to seem matter(of(fact. She felt hot$ fl"she!$ an! sense!
that her min! #as floating some#here a%art from her bo!y. She #as a thir! %erson
listening to the conersation. She ha! to fight to kee% from shifting on the ;eatherette
bench. She #ante! to s+"irm back an! forth$ to moe her thighs "% an! !o#n. B"t she
#as afrai! of leaing a stain on the seat.
,Then$, sai! 4oo%er$ ,#hile #e #ere !riing along$ yo" might be sitting on my
right han! an! 2.! be giing yo" a massage. 9aybe 2.! hae my fly o%en. 9aybe not$
tho"gh$ beca"se yo" might get i!eas$ #hich #o"l! "n!o"bte!ly ca"se me to lose control$
an! that #o"l! %robably ca"se a massie acci!ent that #o"l! leae "s both !ea!.,
Ellen starte! to giggle again$ imagining the sight of 4oo%er lying by the si!e of
the roa!$ stiff as a flag%ole$ an! herself lying next to him$ her !ress b"nche! "% aro"n!
her #aist an! her agina ya#ning o%en$ glistening #et$ for the #orl! to see.
,5e.! try to fin! a motel$, sai! 4oo%er$ ,#here the rooms are either in se%arate
cabins or at least not b"tte! fight "% against each other$ #all to #all.,
,/oise. The #alls are "s"ally ma!e of Fleenex an! s%it$ an! #e #o"l!n.t #ant to
be inhibite! by the tho"ght of a shoe salesman in the next room %ressing his ear to the
#all an! getting his kicks listening to "s.,
,S"%%ose yo" co"l!n.t fin! a motel like that.,
,5e #o"l!$, sai! 4oo%er. ,As 2 sai!$ in a fantasy anything is %ossible.,
5hy !oes he kee% saying that0 Ellen tho"ght. 4e can.t really be %laying a #or!
game$ #orking "% a fantasy he has no intention of f"lfilling. 4er min! scramble! for a
+"estion to kee% the conersation alie. ,5hat name #o"l! yo" register "s "n!er0,
,Ah yes. 2.! forgotten. These !ays 2 can.t conceie of anyone getting "%tight abo"t
something like this$ b"t yo".re right' #e sho"l! hae a name$ &"st in case #e ran into an
ol!(fashione! innkee%er. 4o# abo"t 9r. an! 9rs. Al Finsey. 5e co"l! say #e #ere on
an exten!e! fiel! tri% for research.,
,An! #e.! tell him #e.! sen! him an a"togra%he! co%y of o"r re%ort.,
,5e.! !e!icate it to him8,
They both la"ghe!$ an! Ellen sai!$ ,5hat abo"t after #e registere!0,
,5ell$ #e.! !rie to #hereer o"r room #as$ sco"t aro"n! to see if anyone
seeme! to be in the rooms nearby (( "nless #e ha! a cabin to o"rseles (( an! then go
,An! then0,
,That.s #hen o"r o%tions broa!en. 2.! %robably be so t"rne! on that 2.! grab yo"$
let yo" hae it (( maybe on the be!$ maybe not. That time #o"l! be my time. 1o"r time
#o"l! come later.,
,5hat !o yo" mean0,
,The first time #o"l! be o"t of control (( a slam(bam(thank(yo"( !eal.
After that$ 2.! hae more control$ an! the secon! time 2 co"l! %re%are yo".,
,4o# #o"l! yo" !o that0,
,5ith !elicacy an! finesse.,
The #aitress #as a%%roaching the table$ so they sat back an! sto%%e! talking.
,5ill there be anything else0,
,/o$, sai! 4oo%er. ,3"st the check.,
Ellen ass"me! that the #aitress #o"l! ret"rn to the bar to total the bill$ b"t she
stoo! at the table$ scribbling an! carrying her ones. Ellen sli! to the e!ge of the seat an!
sai! as she stoo! "%$ ,Exc"se me. 2 #ant to %o#!er my nose before #e go.,
,2 kno#$, sai! 4oo%er$ smiling.
,1o" !o0, sai! the #aitress as Ellen %asse! her. ,Boy$ that.s #hat marriage #ill
!o for yo". 2 ho%e nobo!y eer kno#s me that #ell.,
Ellen arrie! home a little before D'I0. She #ent "%stairs$ into the bathroom$ an!
t"rne! on the #ater in the t"b. She took off all her clothes an! st"ffe! them into the
la"n!ry ham%er$ mixing them #ith the clothes alrea!y in the ham%er. She looke! in the
mirror an! examine! her face an! neck. /o marks.
After her bath$ she %o#!ere! herself$ br"she! her teeth$ an! gargle! #ith
mo"th#ash. She #ent into the be!room$ %"t on a fresh %air of "n!er%ants an! a
nightgo#n$ %"lle! back the be!clothes an! climbe! into be!. She close! her eyes$ ho%ing
that slee% #o"l! %o"nce "%on her.
B"t slee% co"l! not oer%o#er a memory that ke%t sli!ing into her min!. 2t #as a
ision of 4oo%er$ eyes #i!e an! staring (( b"t "nseeing (( at the #all as he a%%roache!
climax. The eyes seeme! to b"lge "ntil$ &"st before release$ Ellen ha! feare! they might
act"ally %o% o"t of their sockets. 4oo%er.s teeth #ere clenche!$ an! he gro"n! them the
#ay %eo%le !o !"ring slee%. *rom his oice there came a g"rgling #hine$ #hose tone
rose higher an! higher #ith each frenzie! thr"st. Een after his obio"s$ iolent climax$
4oo%er.s co"ntenance ha! not change!. 4is teeth #ere still clenche!$ his eyes still fixe!
on the #all$ an! he contin"e! to %"m% ma!ly. 4e #as obliio"s of the being beneath him$
an! #hen$ %erha%s a f"ll min"te after his climax$ 4oo%er still !i! not relax$ Ellen ha!
become afrai! (( of #hat$ she #asn.t s"re$ b"t the ferocity an! intensity of his assa"lt
seeme! to her a %"rs"it in #hich she #as only a ehicle. After a #hile$ she ha! ta%%e!
him on the back an! sai! softly$ ,4ey$ 2.m here too$, an! in a moment his eyeli!s close!
an! his hea! !ro%%e! to her sho"l!er. ;ater$ !"ring their s"bse+"ent co"%ling$ 4oo%er
ha! been more gentle$ more controlle!$ less !etache!. B"t the f"ry of the first enco"nter
still lingere! !ist"rbingly in Ellen.s min!.
*inally$ her min! gae in to fatig"e$ an! she fell aslee%.
Almost instantly$ it seeme!$ she #as a#akene! by a oice that sai!$ ,4ey there$
are yo" okay0, She o%ene! her eyes an! sa# Bro!y sitting on the en! of the be!.
She ya#ne!. ,5hat time is it0,
,Almost six.,
,)h(oh. 2.e got to %ick "% Sean. Phyllis Santos m"st be haing a fit.,
,2 got him$, sai! Bro!y. ,2 fig"re! 2.! better$ once 2 co"l!n.t reach yo".,
,1o" trie! to reach me0,
,A co"%le of times. 2 trie! yo" at the hos%ital at aro"n! t#o. They sai! they
tho"ght yo".! come home.,
,That.s right. 2 !i!. 2 felt a#f"l. 9y thyroi! %ills aren.t !oing #hat they sho"l!. So
2 came home.,
,Then 2 trie! to reach yo" here.,
,9y$ it m"st hae been im%ortant.,
,/o$ it #as nothing im%ortant. 2f yo" m"st kno#$ 2 #as calling to a%ologize for
#hateer 2 !i! that got yo" "%set last night.,
A t#inge of shame str"ck Ellen$ b"t it %asse!$ an! she sai!$ ,1o".re s#eet$ b"t
!on.t #orry. 2.! alrea!y forgotten abo"t it.,
,)h$, sai! Bro!y. 4e #aite! a moment to see if she #as going to say anything
else$ an! #hen it #as clear she #asn.t$ he sai!$ ,So #here #ere yo"0,
,2 tol! yo"$ here8, The #or!s came o"t more harshly than she ha! inten!e!. ,2
came home an! #ent to be!$ an! that.s #here yo" fo"n! me.,
,An! yo" !i!n.t hear the %hone0 2t.s right there., Bro!y %ointe! to the be! table
near the other si!e of the be!.
,/o$ 2 ..., She starte! to say she ha! t"rne! the %hone off$ b"t then she
remembere! that this %artic"lar %hone co"l!n.t be t"rne! off all the #ay. ,2 took a %ill.
The moaning of the !amne! #on.t #ake me after 2.e taken one of those %ills.,
Bro!y shook his hea!. ,2 really am going to thro# those !amn things !o#n the
&ohn. 1o".re t"rning into a &"nkie., 4e stoo! an! #ent into the bathroom.
Ellen hear! him fli% "% the toilet seat an! begin to "rinate (( a lo"!$ %o#erf"l$
stea!y stream that #ent on an! on an! on. She smile!. Jntil to!ay$ she ha! ass"me!
Bro!y #as some kin! of "rinary freak' he co"l! go for almost a !ay #itho"t "rinating.
Then$ #hen he !i! %ee$ he seeme! to %ee foreer. ;ong ago$ she ha! concl"!e! that his
bla!!er #as the size of a #atermelon. /o# she kne# that h"ge bla!!er ca%acity #as
sim%ly a male trait. /o#$ she sai! to herself$ 2 am a #oman of the #orl!.
,4ae yo" hear! from 4oo%er0, Bro!y calle! oer the noise of the en!less
Ellen tho"ght for a moment abo"t her res%onse$ then sai!$ ,4e calle! this
morning$ &"st to say thank yo". 5hy0,
,2 trie! to get hol! of him to!ay$ too. Aro"n! mi!!ay an! a co"%le of times !"ring
the afternoon. The hotel sai! they !i!n.t kno# #here he #as. 5hat time !i! he call
,3"st after yo" left for #ork.,
,7i! he say #hat he #as going to be !oing0,
,4e sai! . . . he sai! he might try to #ork on the boat$ 2 think. 2 really !on.t
,)h. That.s f"nny.,
,5hat is0,
,2 sto%%e! by the !ock on my #ay home. The harbor master sai! he ha!n.t seen
4oo%er all !ay.,
,9aybe he change! his min!.,
,4e #as %robably shagging 7aisy 5icker in some hotel room.,
Ellen hear! the stream slo#$ then !#in!le into !ro%lets. Then she hear! the toilet
6ha%ter ?
)n Th"rs!ay morning Bro!y got a call s"mmoning him to Va"ghan.s office for a noon
meeting of the Boar! of Selectmen. 4e kne# #hat the s"b&ect of the meeting #as'
o%ening the beaches for the *o"rth of 3"ly #eeken! that #o"l! begin the !ay after
tomorro#. By the time he left his office for the to#n hall$ he ha! marshale! an!
examine! eery arg"ment he co"l! think of. 4e kne# his arg"ments #ere s"b&ectie$
negatie$ base! on int"ition$ ca"tion$ an! an abi!ing$ gna#ing g"ilt. B"t Bro!y #as
conince! he #as right. )%ening the beaches #o"l! not be a sol"tion or a concl"sion. 2t
#o"l! be a gamble that Amity (( an! Bro!y (( co"l! neer really #in. They #o"l! neer
kno# for certain that the shark ha! gone a#ay. They #o"l! be liing from !ay to !ay$
ho%ing for a contin"ing !ra#. An! one !ay$ Bro!y #as s"re$ they #o"l! lose.
The to#n hall stoo! at the hea! of 9ain Street$ #here 9ain !ea!(en!e! an! #as
crosse! by 5ater Street. The b"il!ing #as a cro#n at the to% of the T forme! by 9ain
an! 5ater streets. 2t #as an im%osing$ %se"!o(-eorgian affair (( re! brick #ith #hite trim
an! t#o #hite col"mns framing the entrance. A 5orl! 5ar 22 ho#itzer sat on the la#n in
front of the to#n hall$ a memorial to the citizens of Amity #ho ha! sere! in the #ar.
The b"il!ing ha! been gien to the to#n in the late 1?:0s by an inestment
banker #ho ha! someho# conince! himself that Amity #o"l! one !ay be the h"b of
commerce on eastern ;ong 2slan!. 4e felt that the to#n.s %"blic officials sho"l! #ork in
a b"il!ing befitting their !estiny (( not$ as ha! been the case "ntil then$ con!"cting the
to#n.s b"siness in a tiny s"ite of airless rooms aboe a saloon calle! the 9ill. @2n
*ebr"ary$ 1?I0$ the !istra"ght banker$ #ho ha! %roe! no more a!e%t at %re!icting his
o#n !estiny than Amity.s$ trie!$ "ns"ccessf"lly$ to reclaim the b"il!ing$ insisting he ha!
inten!e! only to loan it to the to#n.A
The rooms insi!e the to#n hall #ere as %re%ostero"sly gran!iose as the exterior.
They #ere h"ge an! high(ceilinge!$ each #ith its o#n elaborate chan!elier. Rather than
%ay to remo!el the interior into small c"bicles$ s"ccessie Amity a!ministrations ha!
sim%ly &amme! more an! more %eo%le into each room. )nly the mayor #as still
%ermitte! to %erform his %art(time !"ties in solitary s%len!or.
Va"ghan.s office #as on the so"theast corner of the secon! floor$ oerlooking
most of the to#n an!$ in the !istance$ the Atlantic )cean.
Va"ghan.s secretary$ a #holesome$ %retty #oman name! 3anet S"mner$ sat at a
!esk o"tsi!e the mayor.s office. Tho"gh he sa# her sel!om$ Bro!y #as %aternally fon! of
3anet$ an! he #as i!ly mystifie! that (( age! abo"t t#enty(six (( she #as still "nmarrie!.
4e "s"ally ma!e a %oint of in+"iring abo"t her loe life before he entere! Va"ghan.s
office. To!ay he sai! sim%ly$ ,Are they all insi!e0,
,All that.s coming., Bro!y starte! into the office$ an! 3anet sai!$ ,7on.t yo" #ant
to kno# #ho 2.m going o"t #ith0,
4e sto%%e!$ smile!$ an! sai!$ ,S"re. 2.m sorry. 9y min!.s a mess to!ay. So #ho is
,/obo!y. 2.m in tem%orary retirement. B"t 2.ll tell yo" one thing., She lo#ere!
her oice an! leane! for#ar!. ,2 #o"l!n.t min! %laying footsie #ith that 9r. 4oo%er.,
,2s he in there0,
3anet no!!e!.
,2 #on!er #hen he #as electe! selectman.,
,2 !on.t kno#$, she sai!. ,B"t he s"re is c"te.,
,Sorry$ 3an$ he.s s%oken for.,
,By #ho0,
,7aisy 5icker.,
3anet la"ghe!.
,5hat.s f"nny0 2 &"st broke yo"r heart.,
,1o" !on.t kno# abo"t 7aisy 5icker0,
,2 g"ess 2 !on.t.,
Again 3anet lo#ere! her oice. ,She.s +"eer. She.s got a la!y roommate an!
eerything. She.s not een A6(76. She.s &"st %lain ol! 76.,
,2.ll be !amne!$, sai! Bro!y. ,1o" s"re !o hae an interesting &ob$ 3an., As he
entere! the office$ Bro!y sai! to himself' )kay$ so #here the hell #as 4oo%er yester!ay0
As soon as he #as insi!e the office$ Bro!y kne# he #o"l! be fighting alone. The
only selectmen %resent #ere longtime frien!s an! allies of Va"ghan.s' Tony 6atso"lis$ a
b"il!er #ho looke! like a fire hy!rant= /e! Thatcher$ a frail ol! man #hose family ha!
o#ne! the Abelar! Arms 2nn for three generations= Pa"l 6onoer$ o#ner of Amity
;i+"ors= an! Rare ;o%ez @%rono"nce! loa$s", a !ark(skinne! Port"g"ese electe! to the
boar! by$ an! a ocal !efen!er of$ the to#n.s black comm"nity.
The fo"r selectmen sat aro"n! a coffee table at one en! of the immense room.
Va"ghan sat at his !esk at the other en! of the room. 4oo%er stoo! at a so"therly
#in!o#$ staring o"t at the sea.
,5here.s Albert 9orris0, Bro!y sai! to Va"ghan after %erf"nctorily greeting the
,4e co"l!n.t make it$, sai! Va"ghan. ,2 !on.t think he felt #ell.,
,An! *re! Potter0,
,Same thing. There m"st be a b"g going aro"n!., Va"ghan stoo! "%. ,5ell$ 2
g"ess all here. -rab a chair an! %"ll it oer by the coffee table.,
-o!$ he looks a#f"l$ Bro!y tho"ght as he #atche! Vanghan !rag a straight(back
chair across the room. Va"ghan.s eyes #ere s"nken an! !ark. 4is skin looke! like
mayonnaise. Either he.s got some fierce hangoer$ Bro!y !eci!e!$ or else he hasn.t sle%t
in a month.
5hen eeryone #as seate!$ Va"ghan sai!$ ,1o" all kno# #hy here. An! 2
g"ess it.s safe to say that there.s only one of "s that nee!s conincing abo"t #hat #e
sho"l! !o.,
,1o" mean me$, sai! Bro!y.
Va"ghan no!!e!. ,;ook at it from o"r %oint of ie#$ 9artin. The to#n is !ying.
Peo%le are o"t of #ork. Stores that #ere going to o%en aren.t. Peo%le aren.t renting
ho"ses$ let alone b"ying them. An! eery !ay #e kee% the beaches close!$ #e !rie
another nail into o"r o#n coffin. saying$ officially$ this to#n is "nsafe' stay a#ay
from here. An! %eo%le are listening.,
,S"%%ose yo" !o o%en the beaches for the *o"rth$ ;arry$, sai! Bro!y. ,An!
s"%%ose someone gets kille!.,
,2t.s a calc"late! risk$ b"t 2 think (( #e think (( it.s #orth taking.,
Va"ghan sai!$ ,9r. 4oo%er0,
,Seeral reasons$, sai! 4oo%er. ,*irst of all$ nobo!y.s seen the fish in a #eek.,
,/obo!y.s been in the #ater$ either.,
,That.s tr"e. B"t 2.e been on the boat looking for him eery !ay (( eery !ay b"t
,2 meant to ask yo" abo"t that. 5here #ere yo" yester!ay0,
,2t raine!$, sai! 4oo%er. ,Remember0,
,So #hat !i! yo" !o0,
,2 &"st..., 4e %a"se! momentarily$ then sai!$ ,2 st"!ie! some #ater sam%les. An!
,5here0 2n yo"r hotel room0,
,Part of the time$ yeah. 5hat are yo" !riing at0,
,2 calle! yo"r hotel. They sai! yo" #ere o"t all afternoon.,
,So 2 #as o"t8, 4oo%er sai! angrily. ,2 !on.t hae to re%ort in eery fie min"tes$
!o 20,
,/o. B"t yo".re here to !o a &ob$ not go galaanting aro"n! all those co"ntry cl"bs
yo" "se! to belong to.,
,;isten$ mister$ yo".re not %aying me. 2 can !o #hateer the f"ck 2 #ant8,
Va"ghan broke in. ,6ome on. This isn.t getting anybo!y any#here.,
,Any#ay$, sai! 4oo%er$ ,2 haen.t seen a trace of that fish. /ot a sign. Then
there.s the #ater. 2t.s getting #armer eery !ay. 2t.s almost seenty no#. As a r"le (( 2
kno#$ r"les are ma!e to be broken (( great #hites %refer cooler #ater.,
,So yo" think he.s gone farther north0,
,)r o"t !ee%er$ into col!er #ater. 4e co"l! een hae gone so"th. 1o" can.t
%re!ict #hat these things are going to !o.,
,That.s my %oint$, sai! Bro!y. ,1o" can.t %re!ict it. So all yo".re !oing is
Va"ghan sai!$ ,1o" can.t ask for a g"arantee$ 9artin.,
,Tell that to 6hristine 5atkins. )r the Fintner boy.s mother.,
,2 kno#$ 2 kno#$, Va"ghan sai! im%atiently. ,B"t #e hae to !o something. 5e
can.t sit aro"n! #aiting for !iine reelation. -o! isn.t going to scribble across the sky$
.The shark is gone.. 5e hae to #eigh the ei!ence an! make a !ecision.,
Bro!y no!!e!. ,2 g"ess. So #hat else has the boy geni"s come "% #ith0,
,5hat.s the matter #ith yo"0, sai! 4oo%er. ,2 #as aske! for my o%inion.,
,S"re$, sai! Bro!y. ,)kay. 5hat else0,
,5hat #e.e kno#n all along. That there.s no reason for that fish to hang aro"n!
here. 2 haen.t seen him. The 6oast -"ar! hasn.t seen him. /o ne# reef has %o%%e! "%
from the bottom. /o garbage sco#s are !"m%ing st"ff into the #ater. /o extraor!inary
fish life is aro"n!. There.s &"st no reason for him to be here.,
,B"t there neer has been$ has there0 An! he #as here.,
,That.s tr"e. 2 can.t ex%lain it. 2 !o"bt if anyone can.,
,An act of -o!$ then0,
,2f yo" like.,
,An! there.s no ins"rance against acts of -o!$ is there$ ;arry0,
,2 !on.t kno# #hat yo".re getting at$ 9artin$, sai! Va"ghan. ,B"t #e.e got to
make a !ecision. As far as 2.m concerne!$ there.s only one #ay to go.,
,The !ecision.s been ma!e$, sai! Bro!y.
,1o" co"l! say that$ yes.,
,An! #hen someone else gets kille!0 5ho.s taking the blame this time0 5ho.s
going to talk to the h"sban! or the mother or the #ife an! tell them$ .5e #ere &"st
%laying the o!!s$ an! #e lost.0,
,7on.t be so negatie$ 9artin. 5hen the time comes (( if the time comes$ an! 2.m
betting it #on.t (( #e.ll #ork that o"t then.,
,/o#$ go!!ammit8 2.m sick of taking all the shit for yo"r mistakes.,
,5ait a min"te$ 9artin.,
,2.m serio"s. 2f yo" #ant the a"thority for o%ening the beaches$ then yo" take the
res%onsibility$ too.,
,5hat are yo" saying0,
,2.m saying that as long as 2.m chief of %olice in this to#n$ as long as 2.m s"%%ose!
to be res%onsible for %"blic safety$ those beaches #ill not be o%en.,
,2.ll tell yo" this$ 9artin$, sai! Va"ghan. ,2f those beaches stay close! oer the
*o"rth of 3"ly #eeken!$ yo" #on.t hae yo"r &ob ery long. An! 2.m not threatening. 2.m
telling yo". 5e can still hae a s"mmer. B"t #e hae to tell %eo%le it.s safe to come here.
T#enty min"tes after they hear yo" #on.t o%en the beaches$ the %eo%le of this to#n #ill
im%each yo"$ or fin! a rail an! r"n yo" o"t on it. 7o yo" agree$ gentlemen0,
,*"ckin. A$, sai! 6atso"lis. ,2.ll gie .em the rail myself.,
,9y %eo%le got no #ork$, sai! ;o%ez. ,1o" !on.t let them #ork$ yo".re not gonna
Bro!y sai! flatly$ ,1o" can hae my &ob anytime yo" #ant it.,
A b"zzer so"n!e! on Va"ghan.s !esk. 4e stoo! "% angrily an! crosse! the room.
4e %icke! "% the %hone. ,2 tol! yo" #e !i!n.t #ant to be !ist"rbe!8, he sna%%e!. There
#as a moment.s silence$ an! he sai! to Bro!y$ ,There.s a call for yo". 3anet says it.s
"rgent. 1o" can take it here or o"tsi!e.,
,2.ll take it o"tsi!e$, Bro!y sai!$ #on!ering #hat co"l! be "rgent eno"gh to call
him o"t of a meeting #ith the selectmen. Another attack0 4e left the room an! close! the
!oor behin! him. 3anet han!e! him the %hone on her !esk$ b"t before she co"l! !e%ress
the flashing b"tton to release it from ,hol!$, Bro!y sai!$ ,Tell me' 7i! ;arry eer call
Albert 9orris an! *re! Potter this morning0,
3anet looke! a#ay from him. ,2 #as tol! not to say anything abo"t anything to
,Tell me$ 3anet. 2 nee! to kno#.,
,5ill yo" %"t in a goo! #or! for me #ith -ol!en Boy in there0,
,2t.s a !eal.,
,/o. The only ones 2 calle! #ere the fo"r in there.,
,P"sh the b"tton., 3anet %"she! the b"tton$ an! Bro!y sai!$ ,Bro!y.,
2nsi!e his office$ Va"ghan sa# the light sto% flashing$ an! he gently ease! his
finger off the receier hook an! %lace! his han! oer the mo"th%iece. 4e looke! aro"n!
the room$ searching each face for a challenge. /o one ret"rne! his gaze (( not een
4oo%er$ #ho ha! !eci!e! that the less he #as inole! in the affairs of Amity$ the better
off he #o"l! be.
,2t.s 4arry$ 9artin$, sai! 9ea!o#s. ,2 kno# yo".re in a meeting an! 2 kno#
yo".e got to get back to it. So &"st listen. 2.ll be brief. ;arry Va"ghan is "% to his tail in
,2 !on.t beliee it.,
,;isten$ 2 sai!8 The fact that he.s in !ebt !oesn.t mean anything. 2t.s #ho he.s in
!ebt to that matters. A long time ago$ maybe t#enty(fie years$ before ;arry ha! any
money$ his #ife got sick. 2 !on.t remember #hat she ha!$ b"t it #as serio"s. An!
ex%ensie. 9y memory.s a little hazy on this$ b"t 2 remember him saying after#ar! that
he ha! been hel%e! o"t by a frien!$ gotten a loan to %"ll him thro"gh. 2t m"st hae been
for seeral tho"san! !ollars. ;arry tol! me the man.s name. 2 #o"l!n.t hae tho"ght
anything abo"t it$ b"t ;arry sai! something abo"t the man being #illing to hel% o"t
%eo%le in tro"ble. 2 #as yo"ng then$ an! 2 !i!n.t hae any money either. So 2 ma!e a note
of the name an! st"ck it a#ay in my files. 2t neer occ"rre! to me to look it "% again "ntil
yo" aske! me to start snoo%ing. The name #as Tino R"sso.,
,-et to the %oint$ 4arry.,
,2 am. /o# &"m% to the %resent. A co"%le of months ago$ before this shark thing
eer began$ a com%any #as forme! calle! 6askata Estates. 2t.s a hol!ing com%any. At the
beginning$ it ha! no real assets. The first thing it bo"ght #as a big %otato fiel! &"st north
of Scotch Roa!. 5hen the s"mmer !i!n.t sha%e "% #ell$ 6askata began to b"y a fe#
more %ro%erties. 2t #as all %erfectly legitimate. The com%any obio"sly has cash behin!
it (( some#here (( an! it #as taking a!antage of the !o#n market to %ick "% %ro%erties
at lo# %rices. B"t then (( as soon as the first ne#s%a%er re%orts abo"t the shark thing
came o"t (( 6askata really starte! b"ying. The lo#er real estate %rices fell$ the more they
bo"ght. All ery +"ietly. Prices are so lo# no# that it.s almost like !"ring the #ar$ an!
6askata.s still b"ying. Very little money !o#n. All short(term %romissory notes. Signe!
by ;arry Va"ghan$ #ho is liste! as the %resi!ent of 6askata. The exec"tie ice(%resi!ent
of 6askata Estates is Tino R"sso$ #ho the Times has been listing for years as a secon!(
echelon cr"mb in one of the fie 9afia families in /e# 1ork.,
Bro!y #histle! thro"gh his teeth. ,An! the sonofabitch has been moaning abo"t
ho# nobo!y.s been b"ying anything from him. 2 still !on.t "n!erstan! #hy he.s being
%ress"re! to o%en the beaches.,
,2.m not s"re. 2.m not een s"re he.s still being %ress"re!. 4e may be arg"ing o"t
of %ersonal !es%eration. 2 imagine he.s #ay oerexten!e!. 4e co"l!n.t b"y anything more
no matter ho# lo# the %rices go. The only #ay he can get o"t #itho"t being r"ine! is if
the market t"rns aro"n! an! the %rices go "%. Then he can sell #hat he.s bo"ght an! get
the %rofit. )r R"sso can get the %rofit$ ho#eer the !eal.s #orke! o"t. 2f %rices kee%
going !o#n (( in other #or!s$ if the to#n is still officially "nsafe (( his notes are going to
come !"e. 4e can.t %ossibly meet them. 4e.s %robably got oer half a million o"t no# in
cash !o#n %ayments. 4e.ll lose his cash$ an! the %ro%erties #ill either reert to the
original o#ners or else get %icke! "% by R"sso if he can raise the cash. 2 !on.t imagine
R"sso #o"l! #ant to take the risk. Prices might kee% going !o#n$ an! then he.! take a
bath along #ith Va"ghan. 9y g"ess is that R"sso still has ho%es of big %rofits$ b"t the
only #ay he has a chance of getting them is if Va"ghan forces the beaches o%en. Then$ if
nothing ha%%ens (( if the shark !oesn.t kill anybo!y else (( before long %rices #ill go "%
an! Va"ghan can sell o"t. R"sso #ill take his c"t (( half the gross or #hateer (( an!
6askata #ill be !issole!. Va"ghan #ill get #hat.s left$ %robably eno"gh to kee% him
from being r"ine!. 2f the shark !oes kill someone else$ then the only one #ho gets
scre#e! is Va"ghan. As far as 2 can tell$ R"sso !oesn.t hae a nickel in cash in this o"tfit.
2t.s all ((,
,1o".re a go!!amne! liar$ 9ea!o#s8, Va"ghan.s oice shrieke! into the %hone$
,1o" %rint one #or! of that cra% an! 2.ll s"e yo" to !eath8, There #as a click as Va"ghan
slamme! !o#n the %hone.
,So m"ch for the integrity of o"r electe! officials$, sai! 9ea!o#s.
,5hat are yo" going to !o$ 4arry0 6an yo" %rint anything0,
,/o$ at least not yet. 2 can.t !oc"ment eno"gh. 1o" kno# as #ell as 2 !o that the
mob is getting more an! more inole! in ;ong 2slan! (( the constr"ction b"siness$
resta"rants$ eerything. B"t it.s har! as hell to %roe an act"al illegality. 2n Vanghan.s
case$ 2.m not s"re there.s anything illegal going on$ in the strict sense of the #or!. 2n a
fe# !ays$ #ith a little more !igging$ 2 sho"l! be able to %"t together a %iece saying that
Va"ghan has been associating #ith a kno#n mobster. 2 mean a %iece that #ill hol! "% if
Va"ghan eer !i! try to s"e.,
,2t so"n!s to me like yo".e got eno"gh no#$, sai! Bro!y.
,2 hae the kno#le!ge$ b"t not the %roof. 2 !on.t hae the !oc"ments$ or een
co%ies of them. 2.e seen them$ b"t that.s all.,
,7o yo" think any of the selectmen are in on the !eal0 ;arry loa!e! this meeting
against me.,
,/o. 1o" mean 6atso"lis an! 6onoer0 &"st ol! b"!!ies #ho o#e ;arry a
faor or t#o. 2f Thatcher.s there$ he.s too ol! an! too scare! to say a #or! against ;arry.
An! ;o%ez is straight. 4e.s really concerne! abo"t &obs for his %eo%le.,
,7oes 4oo%er kno# any of this0 4e.s making a %retty strong case for o%ening the
,/o$ 2.m %retty s"re he !oesn.t. 2 only #ra%%e! it "% myself a fe# min"tes ago$
an! there are still a lot of loose threa!s.,
,5hat !o yo" think 2 o"ght to !o0 2 may hae +"it alrea!y. 2 offere! them my &ob
before 2 came o"t to take yo"r call.,
,6hrist$ !on.t +"it. *irst of all$ #e nee! yo". 2f yo" +"it$ R"sso #ill get together
#ith Va"ghan an! han!%ick yo"r s"ccessor. 1o" may think all yo"r troo%s are honest$
b"t 2.ll bet R"sso co"l! fin! one #ho #o"l!n.t min! exchanging a little integrity for a fe#
!ollars (( or een &"st for a shot at the chief.s &ob.,
,So #here !oes that leae me0,
,2f 2 #ere yo"$ 2.! o%en the beaches.,
,*or -o!.s sake$ 4arry$ that.s #hat they #ant8 2 might as #ell go on their
,1o" sai! yo"rself that there.s a strong arg"ment for o%ening the beaches. 2 think
4oo%er.s right. 1o".re going to hae to o%en them sometime$ een if #e neer see that
fish again. 1o" might as #ell !o it no#.,
,An! let the mob take their money an! r"n.,
,5hat else !an yo" !o0 1o" kee% them close!$ an! Va"ghan.ll fin! a #ay to get
ri! of yo" an! he.ll o%en them himself. Then yo".ll be no "se #hateer. To anybo!y. At
least this #ay$ if yo" o%en the beaches an! nothing ha%%ens$ the to#n might hae a
chance. Then$ maybe later$ #e can fin! a #ay to %in something on Va"ghan. 2 !on.t kno#
#hat$ b"t maybe there.ll be something.,
,Shit$, sai! Bro!y. ,All right$ 4arry$ 2.ll think abo"t it. B"t if 2 o%en them$ 2.m
gonna !o it my #ay. Thanks for the call., 4e h"ng "% an! #ent into Va"ghan.s office.
Va"ghan #as stan!ing at the so"therly #in!o#$ his back to the !oor. 5hen he
hear! Bro!y #alk in$ he sai!$ ,The meeting.s oer.,
,5hat !o yo" mean$ oer0, sai! 6atso"lis. ,5e ain.t !eci!e! a f"ckin. thing.,
Va"ghan s%"n aro"n! an! sai!$ ,2t.s oer$ Tony8 7on.t gie me any tro"ble. 2t.ll
#ork o"t the #ay #e #ant. 3"st gie me a chance to hae a little chat #ith the chief.
)kay0 /o# eerybo!y o"t.,
4oo%er an! the fo"r selectmen left the office. Bro!y #atche! Va"ghan as he
"shere! them o"t. 4e kne# he sho"l! feel %ity for Va"ghan$ b"t he co"l!n.t s"%%ress the
contem%t that flo#e! oer him. Va"ghan sh"t the !oor$ #alke! oer to the co"ch$ an! sat
!o#n heaily. 4e reste! his elbo#s on his knees an! r"bbe! his tem%les #ith his
fingerti%s. ,5e #ere frien!s$ 9artin$, he sai!. ,2 ho%e #e can be again$,
,4o# m"ch of #hat 9ea!o#s sai! is tr"e0,
,2 #on.t tell yo". 2 can.t. S"ffice it to say that a man once !i! a faor for me an!
no# he #ants me to re%ay the faor.,
,2n other #or!s$ all of it.,
Va"ghan looke! "%$ an! Bro!y sa# that his eyes #ere re! an! #et. ,2 s#ear to
yo"$ 9artin$ if 2 ha! any i!ea ho# far this #o"l! go$ 2.! neer hae gotten into it.,
,4o# m"ch are yo" into him for0,
,The original amo"nt #as ten tho"san!. 2 trie! to %ay it back t#ice$ a long time
ago$ b"t 2 co"l! neer get them to cash my checks. They ke%t saying it #as a gift$ not to
#orry abo"t it. B"t they neer gae me back my marker. 5hen they came to me a co"%le
of months ago$ 2 offere! them a h"n!re! tho"san! !ollars (( cash. They sai! it #asn.t
eno"gh. They !i!n.t #ant the money. They #ante! me to make a fe# inestments.
Eerybo!y.! be a #inner$ they sai!.,
,An! ho# m"ch are yo" o"t no#0,
,-o! kno#s. Eery cent 2 hae. 9ore than eery cent. Probably close to a million
!ollars., Va"ghan took a !ee% breath. ,6an yo" hel% me$ 9artin0,
,The only thing 2 can !o for yo" is %"t yo" in to"ch #ith the 7.A. 2f yo".! testify$
yo" might be able to sla% a loan(sharking ra% on these g"ys.,
,2.! be !ea! before 2 got home from the 7.A..s office$ an! Eleanor #o"l! be left
#itho"t anything. That.s not the kin! of hel% 2 meant.,
,2 kno#., Bro!y looke! !o#n at Va"ghan$ a h"!!le!$ #o"n!e! animal$ an! he
!i! feel com%assion for him. 4e began to !o"bt his o#n o%%osition to o%ening the
beaches. 4o# m"ch of it #as the resi!"e of %rior g"ilt$ ho# m"ch fear of another attack0
4o# m"ch #as he in!"lging himself$ %laying it safe$ an! ho# m"ch #as %r"!ent concern
for the to#n0 ,2.ll tell yo" #hat$ ;arry$ 2.ll o%en the beaches. /ot to hel% yo"$ beca"se 2.m
s"re if 2 !i!n.t o%en them yo".! fin! a #ay to get ri! of me an! o%en them yo"rself. 2.ll
o%en the beaches beca"se 2.m not s"re 2.m right any more.,
,Thanks$ 9artin. 2 a%%reciate that.,
,2.m not finishe!. ;ike 2 sai!$ 2.ll o%en them. B"t 2.m going to %ost men on the
beaches. An! 2.m going to hae 4oo%er %atrol in the boat. An! 2.m going to make s"re
eery %erson #ho comes !o#n there kno#s the !anger.,
,1o" can.t !o that8, Va"ghan sai!. ,1o" might as #ell leae the !amn things
,2 can !o it$ ;arry$ an! 2 #ill.,
,5hat are yo" going to !o0 Post signs #arning of a killer shark0 P"t an a! in the
ne#s%a%er saying .Beaches )%en (( Stay A#ay.0 /obo!y.s going to go to the beach if it.s
cra#ling #ith co%s.,
,2 !on.t kno# #hat 2.m going to !o. B"t something. 2.m not going to make beliee
nothing eer ha%%ene!.,
,All right$ 9artin., Va"ghan rose. ,1o" !on.t leae me m"ch choice. 2f 2 got ri!
of yo"$ yo".! %robably go !o#n to the beach as a %riate citizen an! r"n "% an! !o#n
yelling .Shark8. So all right. B"t be s"btle (( if not for my sake$ for the to#n.s.,
Bro!y left the office. As he #alke! !o#n the stairs$ he looke! at his #atch. 2t #as
%ast one o.clock$ an! he #as h"ngry. 4e #ent !o#n 5ater Street to ;oeffler.s$ Amity.s
only !elicatessen. 2t #as o#ne! by Pa"l ;oeffler$ a classmate of Bro!y.s in high school.
As Bro!y %"lle! o%en the glass !oor$ he hear! ;oeffler say$ , a go!!am
!ictator$ if yo" ask me. 2 !on.t kno# #hat.s his %roblem., 5hen he sa# Bro!y$ ;oeffler
bl"she!. 4e ha! been a skinny ki! in high school$ b"t as soon as he ha! taken oer his
father.s b"siness$ he ha! s"cc"mbe! to the terrible tem%tations that s"rro"n!e! him for
t#ele ho"rs of eery !ay of eery #eek$ an! no#a!ays he looke! like a %ear.
Bro!y smile!. ,1o" #eren.t talking abo"t me, #ere yo"$ Pa"lie0,
,5hat makes yo" think that0, sai! ;oeffler$ his bl"sh !ee%ening.
,/othing. /eer min!. 2f yo".ll make me a ham an! S#iss on rye #ith m"star!$
2.ll tell yo" something that #ill make yo" ha%%y.,
,That 2 hae to hear., ;oeffler began to assemble Bro!y.s san!#ich.
,2.m going to o%en the beaches for the *o"rth.,
,That makes me ha%%y.,
,B"siness ba!0,
,B"siness is al#ays ba! #ith yo".,
,/ot like this. 2f it !oesn.t get better soon$ 2.m gonna be the ca"se of a race riot.,
,5hat !o yo" mean0,
,2.m s"%%ose! to hire t#o !eliery boys for the s"mmer. 2.m committe!. B"t 2
can.t affor! t#o. ;et alone 2 !on.t hae eno"gh #ork for t#o$ the #ay things are. So 2 can
only hire one. )ne.s #hite an! one.s black.,
,5hich one are yo" hiring0,
,The black one. 2 fig"re he nee!s the money more. 2 &"st thank -o! the #hite one
isn.t 3e#ish.,
Bro!y arrie! home at <'10. As he %"lle! into the !rie#ay$ the back !oor to the
ho"se o%ene!$ an! Ellen ran to#ar! him. She ha! been crying$ an! she #as still isibly
,5hat.s the matter0, he sai!.
,Thank -o! yo".re home. 2 trie! to reach yo" at #ork$ b"t yo" ha! alrea!y left.
6ome here. E"ick., She took him by the han! an! le! him %ast the back !oor to the she!
#here they ke%t the garbage cans. ,2n there$, she sai!$ %ointing to a can. ,;ook.,
Bro!y remoe! the li! from the can. ;ying in a t#iste! hea% ato% a bag of
garbage #as Sean.s cat (( a big$ h"sky tom name! *risky. The cat.s hea! ha! been t#iste!
com%letely aro"n!$ an! the yello# eyes oer( looke! its back.
,4o# the hell !i! that ha%%en0, sai! Bro!y. ,A car0,
,/o$ a man., Ellen.s breath came in sobs. ,A man !i! it to him. Sean #as right
there #hen it ha%%ene!. The man got o"t of a car oer by the c"rb. 4e %icke! "% the eat
an! t#iste! its hea! "ntil the neck broke. Scan sai! it ma!e a horrible sna%. Then he
!ro%%e! the cat on the la#n an! got back in his car an! !roe a#ay.,
,7i! he say anything0,
,2 !on.t kno#. Sean.s insi!e. 4e.s hysterical$ an! 2 !on.t blame him. 9artin$ #hat.s
Bro!y slamme! the to% back on the can. ,-o! !amn sonofa+it!h!" he sai!. 4is
throat felt tight$ an! he clenche! his teeth$ %o%%ing the m"scles on both si!es of his &a#.
,;et.s go insi!e.,
*ie min"tes later$ Bro!y marche! o"t the back !oor. 4e tore the li! off the
garbage can an! thre# it asi!e. 4e reache! in an! %"lle! o"t the cat.s cor%se. 4e took it to
his car$ %itche! it thro"gh the o%en #in!o#$ an! climbe! in. 4e backe! o"t of the
!rie#ay an! screeche! a#ay. A h"n!re! yar!s !o#n the roa!$ in a b"rst of f"ry$ he
t"rne! on his siren. 2t took him only a co"%le of min"tes to reach Va"ghan.s ho"se$ a
large$ T"!or(style stone mansion on S%rain 7rie$ &"st off Scotch Roa!. 4e got o"t of the
car$ !ragging the !ea! cat by one of its hin! legs$ mo"nte! the front ste%s$ an! rang the
bell. 4e ho%e! Eleanor Va"ghan #o"l!n.t ans#er the !oor.
The !oor o%ene!$ an! Va"ghan sai!$ ,4ello$ 9artin. 2...,
Bro!y raise! the eat an! %"she! it to#ar! Va"ghan.s face. ,5hat abo"t this$ yo"
cocks"cker0, Va"ghan.s eyes #i!ene!. ,5hat !o yo" mean0 2 !on.t kno# #hat yo".re
talking abo"t0,
,)ne of yo"r frien!s !i! this. Right in my front yar!$ right in front of my ki!.
They m"r!ere! my f"cking cat8 7i! yo" tell them to !o that0,
,7on.t be crazy$ 9artin., Va"ghan seeme! gen"inely shocke!. ,2.! neer !o
anything like that. /eer.,
Bro!y lo#ere! the cat an! sai!$ ,7i! yo" call yo"r frien!s after 2 left0,
,5ell... yes. B"t &"st to say that the beaches #o"l! be o%en tomorro#.,
,That.s all yo" sai!0,
,1es. 5hy0,
,1o" lying f"ck8, Bro!y hit Va"ghan in the chest #ith the cat an! let it fall to the
floor. ,1o" kno# #hat the g"y sai! after he strangle! my eat0 1o" kno# #hat he tol!
my eight(year(ol! boy0,
,/o. )f co"rse 2 !on.t kno#. 4o# #o"l! 2 kno#0,
,4e sai! the same thing yo" !i!. 4e sai!' .Tell yo"r ol! man this (( ,Be s"btle., .,
Bro!y t"rne! an! #alke! !o#n the ste%s$ leaing Va"ghan stan!ing oer the gnarle!
b"n!le of bone an! f"r.
6ha%ter 10
*ri!ay #as clo"!y$ #ith scattere! light sho#ers$ an! the only %eo%le #ho s#am #ere a
yo"ng co"%le #ho took a +"ick !i% early in the morning &"st as Bro!y.s man arrie! at
the beach. 4oo%er %atrolle! for six ho"rs an! sa# nothing. )n *ri!ay night Bro!y calle!
the 6oast -"ar! for a #eather re%ort. 4e #asn.t s"re #hat he ho%e! to hear. 4e kne# he
sho"l! #ish for bea"tif"l #eather for the three(!ay holi!ay #eeken!. 2t #o"l! bring
%eo%le to Amity an! if nothing ha%%ene!$ if nothing #as sighte!$ by T"es!ay he might
begin to beliee the shark ha! gone. 2f nothing ha%%ene!. Priately$ he #o"l! hae
#elcome! a three(!ay blo# that #o"l! kee% the beaches clear oer the #eeken!. Either
#ay$ he begge! his %ersonal !eities not to let anything ha%%en.
4e #ante! 4oo%er to go back to 5oo!s 4ole. 2t #as not &"st that 4oo%er #as
al#ays there$ the ex%ert oice to contra!ict his ca"tion. Bro!y sense! that someho#
4oo%er ha! come into his home. 4e kne# Ellen ha! talke! to 4oo%er since the %arty'
yo"ng 9artin ha! mentione! something abo"t the %ossibility of 4oo%er taking them on a
beach %icnic to look for shells. Then there #as that b"siness on 5e!nes!ay. Ellen ha!
sai! she #as sick$ an! she certainly ha! looke! #orn o"t #hen he came home. B"t #here
ha! 4oo%er been that !ay0 5hy ha! he been so easie #hen Bro!y ha! aske! him abo"t
it0 *or the first time in his marrie! life$ Bro!y #as #on!ering$ an! the #on!ering fille!
him #ith an "ncomfortable ambialence (( self(re%roach for +"estioning Ellen$ an! fear
that there might act"ally be something to #on!er abo"t.
The #eather re%ort #as for clear an! s"nny$ so"th#est #in!s fie to ten knots.
5ell$ Bro!y tho"ght$ maybe that.s for the best. 2f #e hae a goo! #eeken! an! nobo!y
gets h"rt$ maybe 2 can beliee. An! 4oo%er.s s"re to leae.
Bro!y ha! sai! he #o"l! call 4oo%er as soon as he talke! to the 6oast -"ar!. 4e
#as stan!ing at the kitchen %hone. Ellen #as #ashing the s"%%er !ishes. Bro!y kne#
4oo%er #as staying at the Abelar! Arms. 4e sa# the %hone book b"rie! beneath a %ile of
bills$ note %a!s$ an! comic books on the kitchen co"nter. 4e starte! to reach for it$ then
sto%%e!. ,2 hae to call 4oo%er$, he sai!. ,1o" kno# #here the %hone book is0,
,2t.s six(fie(fo"r(three$, sai! Ellen.
,5hat is0,
,The Abelar!. That.s the n"mber' six(fie(fo"r(three.,
,4o# !o yo" kno#0,
,2 hae a memory for %hone n"mbers. 1o" kno# that. 2 al#ays hae.,
4e !i! kno# it$ an! he c"rse! himself for %laying st"%i! tricks. 4e !iale! the
,Abelar! Arms., 2t #as a male oice$ yo"ng. The night clerk.
,9att 4oo%er.s room$ %lease.,
,1o" !on.t ha%%en to kno# the room n"mber$ sir0,
,/o., Bro!y c"%%e! his han! oer the mo"th%iece an! sai! to Ellen$ ,1o" !on.t
ha%%en to kno# the room n"mber$ !o yo"0,
She looke! at him$ an! for a secon! she !i!n.t ans#er. Then she shook her hea!.
The clerk sai!$ ,4ere it is. *o"r(oh(fie.,
The %hone rang t#ice before 4oo%er ans#ere!.
,This is Bro!y.,
,1eah. 4i.,
Bro!y face! the #all$ trying to imagine #hat the room looke! like. 4e con&"re!
isions of a small !ark garret$ a r"m%le! be!$ stains on the sheets$ the smells of r"t. 4e
felt$ briefly$ that he #as going o"t of his min!. ,2 g"ess on for tomorro#$, he sai!.
,The #eather re%ort is goo!.,
,1eah$ 2 kno#.,
,Then 2.ll see yo" !o#n at the !ock.,
,5hat time0,
,/ine(thirty$ 2 g"ess. /obo!y.s going to go s#im( r"ing before then.,
,)kay. /ine(thirty.,
,*ine. )h hey$ by the #ay$, Bro!y sai!$ ,ho# !i! things #ork o"t #ith 7aisy
Bro!y #ishe! he ha!n.t aske! the +"estion. ,/othing. 2 #as &"st c"rio"s. 1o"
kno#$ abo"t #hether yo" t#o hit it off.,
,5ell... yeah$ no# that yo" mention it. 2s that %art of yo"r &ob$ to check "% on
%eo%le.s sex life0,
,*orget it. *orget 2 eer mentione! it., 4e h"ng "% the %hone. ;iar$ he tho"ght.
5hat the hell is going on here0 4e t"rne! to Ellen. ,2 meant to ask yo"$ 9artin sai!
something abo"t a beach %icnic. 5hen.s that0,
,/o s%ecial time$, she sai!. ,2t #as &"st a tho"ght.,
,)h., 4e looke! at her$ b"t she !i!n.t ret"rn the glance. ,2 think it.s time yo" got
some slee%.,
,5hy !o yo" say that0,
,1o" haen.t been feeling #ell. An! that.s the secon! time yo".e #ashe! that
glass., 4e took a beer from the refrigerator. 4e yanke! the metal tab an! it broke off in
his han!. ,*"ck8, he sai!$ an! he thre# the f"ll can into the #astebasket an! marche! o"t
of the room.
Sat"r!ay noon$ Bro!y stoo! on a !"ne oerlooking the Scotch Roa! beach$
feeling half secret agent$ half fool. 4e #as #earing a %olo shirt an! a bathing s"it' he ha!
ha! to b"y one s%ecially for this assignment. 4e #as chagrine! at his #hite legs$ nearly
hairless after years of chaffing in long %ants. 4e #ishe! Ellen ha! come #ith him$ to
make him feel less cons%ic"o"s$ b"t she ha! begge! off$ claiming that since he #asn.t
going to be home oer the #eeken!$ this #o"l! be a goo! time to catch "% on her
ho"se#ork. 2n a beach bag by Bro!y.s si!e #ere a %air of binoc"lars$ a #alkie(talkie$ t#o
beers$ an! a cello%hane(#ra%%e! san!#ich. )ffshore$ bet#een a +"arter an! half a mile$
the %li!&a moe! slo#ly east#ar!. Bro!y #atche! the boat an! sai! to himself' At least 2
kno# #here he is to!ay.
The 6oast -"ar! ha! been right' the !ay #as s%len!i! (( clo"!less an! #arm$
#ith a light onshore breeze. The beach #as not cro#!e!. A !ozen teen(agers #ere
scattere! abo"t in their rit"al ro#s. A fe# co"%les lay !ozing (( motionless as cor%ses$ as
if to moe #o"l! !isr"%t the cosmic rhythms that generate! a tan. A family #as gathere!
aro"n! a charcoal fire in the san!$ an! the scent of grilling hamb"rger !rifte! into Bro!y.s
/o one ha! yet gone s#imming. T#ice$ !ifferent sets of %arents ha! le! their
chil!ren to the #ater.s e!ge an! allo#e! them to #a!e in the #ae#ash$ b"t after a fe#
min"tes((bore! or fearf"l (( the %arents ha! or!ere! the chil!ren back "% the beach.
Bro!y hear! footste%s crackling in the beach grass behin! him$ an! he t"rne!
aro"n!. A man an! a #oman in their late forties$ %robably$ an! both grossly oer#eight ((
#ere str"ggling "% the !"ne$ !ragging t#o com%laining chil!ren behin! them. The man
#ore khakis$ a T(shirt$ an! basketball sneakers. The #oman #ore a %rint !ress that ro!e
"% her #rinkle! thighs. 2n her han! she carrie! a %air of san!als. Behin! them Bro!y sa#
a 5innebago cam%er %arke! on Scotch Roa!.
,6an 2 hel% yo"0, Bro!y sai! #hen the co"%le ha! reache! the to% of the !"ne.
,2s this the beach0, sai! the #oman.
,5hat beach are yo" looking for0 The %"blic beach is ((,
,This is it$ a#right$, sai! the man$ %"lling a ma% o"t of his %ocket. 4e s%oke #ith
the "nmistakable accent of the E"eensboro"gh /e# 1orker. ,5e t"rne! off T#enty(
seen an! follo#e! this roa! here. This is it$ a#right.,
,So #here.s the shark0, sai! one of the chil!ren$ a fat boy of abo"t thirteen. ,2
tho"ght yo" sai! #e #ere gonna see a shark.,
,Sh"t "%$, sai! his father. 4e sai! to Bro!y$ ,5here.s this hotshot shark0,
,5hat shark0,
,The shark that.s kille! all them %eo%le. 2 seen it on TV (( on three !ifferent
channels. There.s a shark that kills %eo%le. Right here.,
,There #as a shark here$, sai! Bro!y. ,B"t it isn.t here no#. An! #ith any l"ck$ it
#on.t come back.,
The man stare! at Bro!y for a secon! an! then snarle!$ ,1o" mean #e !roe all
the #ay o"t here to see this shark an! he.s gone0 That.s not #hat the TV sai!.,
,2 can.t hel% that$, sai! Bro!y. ,2 !on.t kno# #ho tol! yo" yo" #ere going to see
that shark. They !on.t &"st come "% on the beach an! shake han!s$ yo" kno#.,
,7on.t smart(mo"th me$ b"!!y.,
Bro!y stoo! "%. ,;isten$ mister$, he sai!$ %"lling his #allet from the belt of his
bathing s"it an! o%ening it so the man co"l! see his ba!ge. ,2.m the chief of %olice in this
to#n. 2 !on.t kno# #ho yo" are$ or #ho yo" think yo" are$ b"t yo" !on.t march onto a
%riate beach in Amity an! start behaing like a b"m. /o# state yo"r b"siness or beat it.,
The man sto%%e! %ost"ring. ,Sorry$, he sai!. ,2t.s &"st after all that go!!am traffic
an! the ki!s screaming in my ear$ 2 tho"ght at least #e.! get a look at the shark. That.s
#hat #e come all the #ay o"t here for.,
,1o" !roe t#o an! a half ho"rs to see a shark0 5hy0,
,Something to !o. ;ast #eeken! #e #ent to 3"ngle 4abitat. 5e tho"ght maybe
this #eeken! #e.! go to the 3ersey Shore. B"t then #e hear! abo"t the shark o"t here.
The ki!s neer seen a shark before.,
,5ell$ 2 ho%e they !on.t see one to!ay$ either.,
,Shit$, sai! the man.
,1o" sai! #e.! see a shark8, #hine! one of the boys.
,Sh"t yo"r mo"th$ Benny8, The man t"rne! back to Bro!y. ,2s it okay if #e hae
l"nch here0,
Bro!y kne# he co"l! or!er the %eo%le !o#n to the %"blic beach$ b"t #itho"t a
resi!ent.s %arking sticker they #o"l! hae to %ark their cam%er more than a mile from the
beach$ so he sai!$ ,2 g"ess so. 2f somebo!y com%lains$ yo".ll hae to moe$ b"t 2 !o"bt
anyone #ill com%lain to!ay. -o ahea!. B"t !on.t leae anything (( not a g"m #ra%%er or
a matchstick (( on the beach$ or 2.ll sla% a ticket on yo" for littering.,
,)kay., The man sai! to his #ife$ ,1o" got the cooler0,
,2 left it in the cam%er$, she sai!. ,2 !i!n.t kno# #e.! be staying.,
,Shit., The man tr"!ge! !o#n the !"ne$ %anting. The #oman an! her t#o
chil!ren #alke! t#enty or thirty yar!s a#ay an! sat on the san!.
Bro!y looke! at his #atch' 1:'1<. 4e reache! into the beach bag an! took o"t the
#alkie(talkie. 4e %"she! a b"tton an! sai!$ ,1o" there$ ;eonar!0, Then he release! the
2n a moment the re%ly came back$ ras%ing thro"gh the s%eaker. ,2 rea! yo"$ 6hief.
)er., 4en!ricks ha! ol"nteere! to s%en! the #eeken! on the %"blic beach$ as the thir!
%oint in the triangle of #atch. @,1o".re getting to be a reg"lar beach b"m$, Bro!y ha!
sai! #hen 4en!ricks ol"nteere!. 4en!ricks ha! la"ghe! an! sai!$ ,S"re$ 6hief. 2f yo".re
going to lie in a %lace like this$ yo" might as #ell become a bea"tif"l %eo%le.,A
,5hat.s "%0, sai! Bro!y. ,Anything going on0,
,/othing #e can.t han!le$ b"t there is a little %roblem. Peo%le kee% coming "% to
me an! trying to gie me tickets. )er.,
,Tickets for #hat0,
,To get onto the beach. They say they bo"ght s%ecial tickets in to#n that allo#
them to come onto the Amity beach. 1o" sho"l! see the !amn things. 2 got one right
here. 2t says .Shark Beach. A!mit )ne. T#o(fifty.. All 2 can fig"re is some shar%ie is
making a %retty fine killing selling %eo%le tickets they !on.t nee!. )er.,
,5hat.s their reaction #hen yo" t"rn !o#n their tickets0,
,*irst$ ma! as hell #hen 2 tell them they.e been taken$ that there.s no
charge for coming to the beach. Then they get een ma!!er #hen 2 tell them that$ ticket
or no ticket$ they can.t leae their cars in the %arking lot #itho"t a %arking %ermit. )er.,
,7i! any of them tell yo" #ho.s selling the tickets0,
,3"st some g"y$ they say. They met him on 9ain Street$ an! he tol! them they
co"l!n.t get on the beach #itho"t a ticket. )er.,
,2 #ant to fin! o"t #ho the hell is selling those tickets$ ;eonar!$ an! 2 #ant him
sto%%e!. -o to the %hone booth in the %arking lot an! call hea!+"arters an! tell #hoeer
ans#ers that 2 #ant a man to go !o#n to 9ain Street an! arrest that bastar!. 2f he comes
from o"t of to#n$ r"n him o"t of to#n. 2f he lies here$ lock him "%.,
,)n #hat charge0 )er.,
,2 !on.t care. Think of something. *ra"!. 3"st get him off the streets.,
,)kay$ 6hief.,
,Any other %roblems0,
,/o. There are some more of those TV g"ys here #ith one of those mobile "nits$
b"t not !oing anything exce%t interie#ing %eo%le. )er.,
,Abo"t #hat0,
,3"st the stan!ar! st"ff. 1o" kno#' Are yo" Scare! to go s#imming0 5hat !o
yo" think abo"t the shark0 All that cra%. )er.,
,4o# long hae they been there0,
,9ost of the morning. 2 !on.t kno# ho# long they.ll hang aro"n!$ es%ecially since
no one.s going in the #ater. )er.,
,As long as not ca"sing any tro"ble.,
,/o%e. )er.,
,)kay. 4ey$ ;eonar!$ yo" !on.t hae to say .oer. all the time. 2 can tell #hen
yo".re finishe! s%eaking.,
,3"st %roce!"re$ 6hief. Fee%s things clear. )er an! o"t.,
Bro!y #aite! a moment$ then %"she! the b"tton again an! sai!$ ,4oo%er$ this is
Bro!y. Anything o"t there0, There #as no ans#er. ,This is Bro!y calling 4oo%er. 6an
yo" hear me0, 4e #as abo"t to call a thir! time$ #hen he hear! 4oo%er.s oice.
,Sorry. 2 #as o"t on the stern. 2 tho"ght 2 sa# some thing.,
,5hat !i! yo" see0,
,/othing. 2.m s"re it #as nothing. 9y eyes #ere %laying tricks on me.,
,5hat !i! yo" thin& yo" sa#0,
,2 can.t really !escribe it. A sha!o#$ maybe. /othing more. The s"nlight can fool
,1o" haen.t seen anything else0,
,/ot a thing. All morning.,
,;et.s kee% it that #ay. 2.ll check #ith yo" later.,
,*ine. 2.ll be in front of the %"blic beach in a min"te or t#o.,
Bro!y %"t the #alkie(talkie back in the bag an! took o"t his san!#ich. The brea!
#as col! an! stiff from resting against the ice(fille! %lastic bag that containe! the cans of
By :'I0$ the beach #as almost em%ty. Peo%le ha! gone off to %lay tennis$ to sail$
to hae their hair !one. The only ones left on the beach #ere half a !ozen teen(agers an!
the family from E"eens.
Bro!y.s legs ha! beg"n to s"nb"rn (( faint re! blotches #ere s"rfacing on his
thighs an! the to%s of his feet (( so he coere! them #ith his to#el. 4e took the #alkie(
talkie o"t of the bag an! calle! 4en!ricks. ,Anything ha%%ening$ ;eonar!0,
,/ot a thing$ 6hief. )er.,
,Anybo!y go s#imming0,
,/o%e. 5a!ing$ b"t that.s abo"t it. )er.,
,Same here. 5hat !o yo" hear abo"t the ticket seller0,
,/othing$ b"t nobo!y.s giing me tickets any more$ so 2 g"ess somebo!y ran him
off. )er.,
,5hat abo"t the TV %eo%le0,
, gone. They left a fe# min"tes ago. They #ante! to kno# #here yo"
#ere. )er.,
,5hat for0,
,Beats me. )er.,
,7i! yo" tell them0,
,S"re. 2 !i!n.t see #hy not. )er.,
,)kay. 2.ll talk to yo" later., Bro!y !eci!e! to take a #alk. 4e %"she! a finger
into one of the %ink blotches on his thigh. 2t t"rne! stark #hite$ then fl"she! angry re!
#hen he remoe! his finger. 4e stoo!$ #ra%%e! his to#el aro"n! his #aist to kee% the
s"n from his legs$ an!$ carrying the #alkie(talkie$ strolle! to#ar! the #ater.
4e hear! the so"n! of a car engine$ an! he t"rne! an! #alke! to the to% of the
!"ne. A #hite %anel tr"ck #as %arke! on Scotch Roa!. The black lettering on its si!e
sai!$ ,5/B6(TV /e#s., The !rier.s !oor o%ene!$ an! a man got o"t an! tr"!ge!
thro"gh the san! to#ar! Bro!y.
As the man !re# closer$ Bro!y tho"ght he looke! ag"ely familiar. 4e #as
yo"ng$ #ith long$ c"rly hair an! a han!lebar mo"stache.
,6hief Bro!y0, he sai! #hen he #as a fe# ste%s a#ay.
,That.s right.,
,They tol! me yo".! be here. 2.m Bob 9i!!leton$ 6hannel *o"r /e#s.,
,Are yo" the re%orter0,
,1eah. The cre#.s in the tr"ck.,
,2 tho"ght 2.! seen yo" some#here. 5hat can 2 !o for yo"0,
,2.! like to interie# yo".,
,Abo"t #hat0,
,The #hole shark b"siness. 4o# yo" !eci!e! to o%en the beaches.,
Bro!y tho"ght for a moment$ then sai! to himself$ 5hat the hell' a little %"blicity
co"l!n.t h"rt the to#n$ no# that the chances of anything ha%%ening (( to!ay$ at least (( are
%retty slim. ,All right$, he sai!. ,5here !o yo" #ant to !o it0,
,7o#n on the beach. 2.ll get the cre#. 2t.ll take a fe# min"tes to set "%$ so if yo"
hae something to !o$ feel free. 2.ll gie a yell #hen rea!y., 9i!!leton trotte! a#ay
to#ar! the tr"ck.
Bro!y ha! nothing s%ecial to !o$ b"t since he ha! starte! to take a #alk$ he
tho"ght he might as #ell take it. 4e #alke! !o#n to#ar! the #ater.
As he %asse! the gro"% of teen(agers$ he hear! a boy say$ ,5hat abo"t it0
Anybo!y got the g"ts0 Ten b"cks is ten b"cks.,
A girl sai!$ ,6ome on$ ;imbo$ lay off.,
Bro!y sto%%e! abo"t fifteen feet a#ay$ feigning interest in something offshore.
,5hat for0, sai! the boy. ,2t.s a %retty goo! offer. 2 !on.t think anybo!y.s got the
g"ts. *ie min"tes ago$ yo" #ere all telling me there.s no way that shark.s still aro"n!
Another boy sai!$ ,2f yo".re s"ch hot shit$ #hy !on.t yo" go in0,
,2.m the one making the offer$, sai! the first boy. ,/obo!y.s gonna %ay me ten
b"cks to go in the #ater. 5ell$ #hat !o yo" say0,
There #as a moment.s silence$ an! then the other boy sai!$ ,Ten b"cks0 6ash0,
,2t.s right here$, sai! the first boy$ shaking a ten(!ollar bill.
,4o# far o"t !o 2 hae to go0,
,;et.s see. A h"n!re! yar!s. That.s a %retty goo! !istance. )kay0,
,4o# !o 2 kno# ho# far a h"n!re! yar!s is0,
,-"ess. 3"st kee% s#imming for a #hile an! then sto%. 2f it looks like yo".re a
h"n!re! yar!s o"t$ 2.ll #ae yo" back.,
,1o".e got a !eal., The boy stoo! "%.
The girl sai!$ ,1o".re crazy$ 3immy. 5hy !o yo" #ant to go in the #ater0 1o"
!on.t nee! ten !ollars.,
,1o" think 2.m scare!0,
,/obo!y sai! anything abo"t being scare!$, sai! the girl. ,2t.s "nnecessary$ is all.,
,Ten b"cks is neer "nnecessary$, sai! the boy$ ,es%ecially #hen yo"r ol! man
c"ts off yo"r allo#ance for blo#ing a little grass at yo"r a"nt.s #e!!ing.,
The boy t"rne! an! began to &og to#ar! the #ater. Bro!y sai!$ ,4ey8, an! the
boy sto%%e!.
Bro!y #alke! oer to the boy. ,5hat are yo" !oing0,
,-oing s#imming. 5ho are yo"0,
Bro!y took o"t his #allet an! sho#e! the boy his ba!ge. ,7o yo" #ant to go
s#imming0, he sai!. 4e sa# the boy look %ast him at his frien!s.
,S"re. 5hy not0 2t.s legal$ isn.t it0,
Bro!y no!!e!. 4e !i!n.t kno# #hether the others #ere o"t of earshot$ so he
lo#ere! his oice an! sai!$ ,7o yo" #ant me to or!er yo" not to0,
The boy looke! at him$ hesitate! for a moment$ then shook his hea!. ,/o$ man. 2
can "se the ten b"cks.,
,7on.t stay in too long$, sai! Bro!y.
,2 #on.t., The boy scam%ere! into the #ater. 4e fl"ng himself oer a small #ae
an! began to s#im.
Bro!y hear! footste%s r"nning behin! him. Bob 9i!!leton !ashe! %ast him an!
calle! o"t to the boy$ ,4ey8 6ome back8, 4e #ae! his arms an! calle! again.
The boy sto%%e! s#imming an! stoo! "%. ,5hat.s the matter0,
,/othing. 2 #ant to get some shots of yo" going into the #ater. )kay0,
,S"re$ 2 g"ess so$, sai! the boy. 4e began to #a!e back to#ar! shore.
9i!!leton t"rne! to Bro!y an! sai!$ ,2.m gla! 2 ca"ght him before he got too far
o"t. At least #e.ll get some+ody s#imming o"t here to!ay.,
T#o men came "% besi!e Bro!y. )ne #as carrying a 1K mm. camera an! a tri%o!.
4e #ore combat boots$ fatig"e tro"sers$ a khaki shirt$ an! a leather est. The other man
#as shorter an! ol!er an! fatter. 4e #ore a r"m%le! gray s"it an! carrie! a rectang"lar
box coere! #ith !ials an! knobs. Aro"n! his neck #as a %air of ear%hones.
,Right there.s okay$ 5alter$, sai! 9i!!leton. ,;et me kno# #hen yo".re rea!y.,
4e took a notebook from his %ocket an! began to ask the boy some +"estions.
The el!erly man #alke! !o#n to 9i!!leton an! han!e! him a micro%hone. 4e
backe! "% to the cameraman$ fee!ing #ire off a coil in his han!.
,Anytime$, sai! the cameraman.
,2 gotta get a leel on the ki!$, sai! the man #ith the ear%hones.
,Say something$, 9i!!leton tol! the boy$ an! he hel! the micro%hone a fe#
inches from the boy.s mo"th.
,5hat !o yo" #ant me to say0,
,That.s goo!$, sai! the man #ith the ear%hones.
,)kay$, sai! 9i!!leton. ,5e.ll start tight$ 5alter$ then go to a t#o(shot$ okay0
-ie me s%ee! #hen yo".re rea!y.,
The cameraman %eere! into the eye%iece$ raise! a finger$ an! %ointe! it at
9i!!leton. ,S%ee!$, he sai!.
9i!!leton looke! at the camera an! sai!$ ,5e hae been here on the Amity beach
since early this morning$ an! as far as #e kno#$ no one has yet !are! ent"re into the
#ater. There has been no sign of the shark$ b"t the threat still lingers. 2.m stan!ing here
#ith 3im Prescott$ a yo"ng man #ho has &"st !eci!e! to take a s#im. Tell me$ 3im$ !o
yo" hae any #orries abo"t #hat might be s#imming o"t there #ith yo"0,
,/o$, sai! the boy. ,2 !on.t think there.s anything o"t there.,
,So yo".re not scare!.,
,Are yo" a goo! s#immer0,
,Pretty goo!.,
9i!!leton hel! o"t his han!. ,5ell$ goo! l"ck$ 3im. Thanks for talking to "s.,
The boy shook 9i!!leton.s han!. ,1eah$, he sai!.
,5hat !o yo" #ant me to !o no#0,
,6"t8, sai! 9i!!leton. ,5e.ll take it from the to%$ 5alter. 3"st a see., 4e t"rne!
to the boy. ,7on.t ask that$ 3im$ okay0 After 2 thank yo"$ &"st t"rn aro"n! an! hea! for the
,)kay$, sai! the boy. 4e #as shiering$ an! he r"bbe! his arms.
,4ey$ Bob$, sai! the cameraman. ,The ki! o"ght to !ry off. 4e can.t look #et if
he isn.t s"%%ose! to hae been in the #ater yet.,
,1eah$ yo".re right$, sai! 9i!!leton. ,6an yo" !ry off$ 3im0,
,S"re., The boy &ogge! "% to his frien!s an! !rie! himself #ith a to#el.
A oice besi!e Bro!y sai!$ ,5hat.s goin. on0, 2t #as the man from E"eens.
,Teleision$, sai! Bro!y. ,They #ant to film somebo!y s#imming.,
,)h yeah0 2 sho"l! of bro"ght my s"it.,
The interie# #as re%eate!$ an! after 9i!!leton ha! thanke! the boy$ the boy ran
into the #ater an! began to s#im. 9i!!leton #alke! back to the cameraman an! sai!$
,Fee% it going$ 5alter. 2r$ yo" can kill the so"n!. 5e.ll %robably "se this for B(roll.,
,4o# m"ch !o yo" #ant of this0, sai! the cameraman$ tracking the boy as he
,A h"n!re! feet or so$, sai! 9i!!leton. ,B"t let.s stay here till he comes o"t. Be
rea!y$ &"st in case.,
Bro!y ha! become so acc"stome! to the far(off$ barely a"!ible h"m of the
%li!&a's engine that his min! no longer registere! it as a so"n!. 2t #as as integral a %art of
the beach as the #ae so"n!. S"!!enly the engine.s %itch change! from a lo# m"rm"r to
an "rgent gro#l. Bro!y looke! beyon! the s#imming boy an! sa# the boat in a tight$ fast
t"rn (( nothing like the slo#$ ambling s#ee%s 4oo%er ma!e in his normal %atrol. 4e %"t
the #alkie(talkie to his mo"th an! sai!$
,1o" see something$ 4oo%er0, Bro!y sa# the boat slo#$ then sto%.
9i!!leton hear! Bro!y s%eak. ,-ie me so"n!$ 2r$, he sai!. ,-et this$ 5alter.,
4e #alke! to Bro!y an! sai!$ ,Something going on$ 6hief0,
,2 !on.t kno#$, sai! Bro!y. ,That.s #hat 2.m trying to fin! o"t., 4e sai! into the
#alkie(talkie$ ,4oo%er0,
,1es$, sai! 4oo%er.s oice$ ,b"t 2 still !on.t kno# #hat it is. 2t #as that sha!o#
again. 2 can.t see it no#. 9aybe my eyes are getting tire!.,
,1o" .get that$ 2r0, sai! 9i!!leton. The so"n! man shook his hea!' no.
,There.s a ki! s#imming o"t there$, sai! Bro!y.
,5here0, sai! 4oo%er.
9i!!leton shoe! the micro%hone at Bro!y.s face$ sli!ing it bet#een his mo"th
an! the mo"th%iece of the #alkie(talkie. Bro!y br"she! it asi!e$ b"t 9i!!leton +"ickly
&amme! it back to #ithin an inch of Bro!y.s mo"th.
,Thirty$ maybe forty yar!s o"t. 2 think 2 better tell him to come in., Bro!y t"cke!
the #alkie(talkie into the to#el at his #aist$ c"%%e! his han!s aro"n! his mo"th$ an!
calle!$ ,4ey o"t there8 6ome on in8,
,3es"s8, sai! the so"n! man. ,1o" !amn near ble# my ears o"t.,
The boy !i! not hear the call. 4e #as s#imming straight a#ay from the beach.
The boy #ho ha! offere! the ten !ollars hear! Bro!y.s call$ an! he #alke! !o#n
to the #ater.s e!ge. ,5hat.s the tro"ble no#0, he sai!.
,/othing$, sai! Bro!y. ,2 &"st think he.! better come in.,
,5ho are yo"0,
9i!!leton stoo! bet#een Bro!y an! the boy$ fli%%ing the micro%hone back an!
forth bet#een the t#o.
,2.m the %olice chief$, Bro!y sai!. ,/o# get yo"r ass o"t of here8, 4e t"rne! to
9i!!leton. ,An! yo" kee% that f"cking micro%hone o"t of my face$ #ill yo"0,
,7on.t #orry$ 2r$, sai! 9i!!leton. ,5e can e!it that o"t.,
Bro!y sai! into the #alkie(talkie$ ,4oo%er$ he !oesn.t hear me. 1o" #ant to toot
in here an! tell him to come ashore0,
,S"re$, sai! 4oo%er. ,2.ll be there in a min"te.,
The fish ha! so"n!e! no#$ an! #as mean!ering a fe# feet aboe the san!y
bottom$ eighty feet belo# the %li!&a. *or ho"rs$ its sensory system ha! been tracking the
strange so"n! aboe. T#ice the fish ha! risen to #ithin a yar! or t#o of the s"rface$
allo#ing sight an! smell an! nere canals to assess the creat"re %assing noisily oerhea!.
T#ice it ha! so"n!e!$ com%elle! neither to attack nor moe a#ay.
Bro!y sa# the boat$ #hich ha! been facing #est#ar!$ s#ing to#ar! shore an!
kick "% a sho#er of s%ray from the bo"ncing bo#.
,-et the boat$ 5alter$, sai! 9i!!leton.
Belo#$ the fish sense! a change in the noise. 2t gre# lo"!er$ then fa!e! as the
boat moe! a#ay. The fish t"rne!$ banking as smoothly as an air%lane$ an! follo#e! the
rece!ing so"n!.
The boy sto%%e! s#imming$ raise! his hea!$ an! looke! to#ar! shore$ trea!ing
#ater. Bro!y #ae! his arms an! yelle!$ ,6ome in8, The boy #ae! back an! starte! for
shore. 4e s#am #ell$ rolling his hea! to the left to catch a breath$ kicking in rhythm #ith
his arm strokes. Bro!y g"esse! he #as sixty yar!s from shore an! that it #o"l! take him
a min"te or more to reach the beach.
,5hat.s goin. on0, sai! a oice next to Bro!y. 2t #as the man from E"eens. 4is
t#o sons stoo! behin! him$ smiling eagerly.
,/othing$, sai! Bro!y. ,2 &"st !on.t #ant the boy to get o"t too far.,
,2s it the shark0, aske! the father of the t#o boys.
,4ey$ neat$, sai! the other boy.
,/eer min!8, sai! Bro!y. ,3"st get back "% the beach.,
,6ome on$ 6hief$, sai! the man. ,5e !roe all the #ay o"t here.,
,Beat it8, sai! Bro!y.
At fifteen knots$ it took 4oo%er only thirty secon!s to coer the co"%le of h"n!re!
yar!s an! !ra# near the boy. 4e sto%%e! a fe# yar!s a#ay$ letting the engine i!le in
ne"tral. 4e #as &"st beyon! the s"rf line$ an! he !i!n.t !are go closer for fear of being
ca"ght in the #aes.
The boy hear! the engine$ an! he raise! his hea!. ,5hat.s the matter0, he sai!.
,/othing$, sai! 4oo%er. ,Fee% s#imming.,
The boy lo#ere! his hea! an! s#am. A s#ell ca"ght him an! moe! him faster$
an! #ith t#o or three more strokes he #as able to stan!. The #ater #as "% to his
sho"l!ers$ an! he began to %lo! to#ar! shore.
,6ome on8, sai! Bro!y.
,2 am$, sai! the boy. ,5hat.s the %roblem$ any#ay0,
A fe# yar!s behin! Bro!y$ 9i!!leton stoo! #ith the micro%hone in his han!.
,5hat are yo" on$ 5alter0, he sai!.
,The ki!$, sai! the cameraman$ ,an! the co%. Both. A t#o(shot.,
,)kay. 1o" r"nning$ 2r0,
The so"n! man no!!e!.
9i!!leton s%oke into the micro%hone' ,Something is going on$ la!ies an!
gentlemen$ b"t #e !on.t kno# exactly #hat. All #e kno# for s"re is that 3im Prescott
#ent s#imming$ an! then s"!!enly a man on a boat o"t there sa# something. /o# Police
6hief Bro!y is trying to get the boy to come ashore as fast as %ossible. 2t co"l! be the
shark$ b"t #e &"st !on.t kno#.,
4oo%er %"t the boat in reerse$ to back a#ay from the #aes. As he looke! off the
stern$ he sa# a siler streak moing in the gray(bl"e #ater. 2t seeme! %art of the #ae(
motion$ b"t it moe! in!e%en!ently. *or a secon!$ 4oo%er !i! not realize #hat he #as
seeing. An! een #hen the realization str"ck$ he !i! not see the fish clearly. 4e crie!$
,;ook o"t8,
,5hat is it0, yelle! Bro!y.
,The fish8 -et the ki! o"t8 E"ick8,
The boy hear! 4oo%er$ an! he trie! to r"n. B"t in the chest(!ee% #ater his
moements #ere slo# an! labore!. A s#ell knocke! him si!e#ays. 4e st"mble!$ then
stoo! an! leane! for#ar!.
Bro!y ran into the #ater an! reache! o"t. A #ae hit him in the knees an! %"she!
him back.
9i!!leton sai! into the micro%hone$ ,The man on the boat &"st sai! something
abo"t a fish. 2 !on.t kno# if he means a shark.,
,2s it the shark0, sai! the man from E"eens$ stan!ing next to 9i!!leton. ,2 !on.t
see it.,
9i!!leton sai!$ ,5ho are yo"0,
,/ame.s ;ester Fraslo#. 1o" #ant to interie# me0,
,-o a#ay.,
The boy #as moing faster no#$ %"shing thro"gh the #ater #ith his chest an!
arms. 4e !i! not see the fin rise behin! him$ a shar% bla!e of bro#nish gray that hoere!
in the #ater.
,There it is8, sai! Fraslo#. ,See it$ Benny0 7aey0 2t.s right there.,
,2 !on.t see nothin.$, sai! one of his sons.
,There it is$ 5alter8, sai! 9i!!leton. ,See it0,
,2.m zooming$, sai! the cameraman. ,1eah$ 2.e got it.,
,4"rry8, sai! Bro!y. 4e reache! for the boy. The boy.s eyes #ere #i!e an!
%anicke!. 4is nostrils flare!$ b"bbling m"c"s an! #ater. Bro!y.s han! to"che! the boy.s$
an! he %"lle!. 4e grabbe! the boy aro"n! the chest$ an! together they staggere! o"t of
the #ater.
The fin !ro%%e! beneath the s"rface$ an! follo#ing the slo%e of the ocean floor$
the fish moe! into the !ee%.
Bro!y stoo! in the san! #ith his arm aro"n! the boy. ,Are yo" okay0, he sai!.
,2 #ant to go home., The boy shiere!.
,2 bet yo" !o., Bro!y starte! to #alk the boy to #here his frien!s #ere stan!ing$
b"t 9i!!leton interce%te! them.
,6an yo" re%eat that for me0, sai! 9i!!leton.
,Re%eat #hat0,
,5hateer yo" sai! to the boy. 6an #e !o that again0,
,-et o"t of my #ay8, Bro!y sna%%e!. 4e took the boy to his frien!s$ an! sai! to
the one #ho ha! offere! the money$ ,Take him home. An! gie him his ten !ollars., The
boy no!!e!$ %ale an! scare!.
Bro!y sa# his #alkie(talkie #allo#ing in the #ae#ash. 4e retriee! it$ #i%e! it
free of #ater$ %"she! the ,talk, b"tton$ an! sai!$ ,;eonar!$ can yo" hear me0,
,2 rea! yo"$ 6hief. )er.,
,The fish has been here. 2f yo".e got anybo!y in the #ater !o#n there$ get them
o"t. Right a#ay. An! stay there till #e get relief for yo". /obo!y goes near the #ater.
The beach is officially close!.,
,)kay$ 6hief. 5as anybo!y h"rt0 )er.,
,/o$ thank -o!. B"t almost.,
,)kay$ 6hief. )er an! o"t.,
As Bro!y #alke! back to #here be ha! left his beach bag$ 9i!!leton calle! to
him$ ,4ey$ 6hief$ can #e !o that interie# no#0,
Bro!y sto%%e!$ tem%te! to tell 9i!!leton to go f"ck himself. 2nstea!$ he sai!$
,5hat !o yo" #ant to kno#0 1o" sa# it as #ell as 2 !i!.,
,3"st a co"%le of +"estions.,
Bro!y sighe! an! ret"rne! to #here 9i!!leton stoo! #ith his camera cre#. ,All
right$, he sai!$ ,go ahea!.,
,4o# m"ch hae yo" got left on yo"r roll$ 5alter0, sai! 9i!!leton.
,Abo"t fifty feet. 9ake it brief.,
,)kay. -ie me s%ee!.,
,5ell$ 6hief Bro!y$, sai! 9i!!leton$ ,that #as a l"cky break$ #o"l!n.t yo" say0,
,2t #as ery l"cky. The boy might hae !ie!.,
,5o"l! yo" say that.s the same shark that kille! the %eo%le0,
,2 !on.t kno#$, sai! Bro!y. ,2 g"ess it m"st be.,
,So #here !o yo" go from here0,
,The beaches are close!. *or the time being$ that.s all 2 can !o.,
,2 g"ess yo".! hae to say that it isn.t yet safe to s#im here in Amity.,
,2.! hae to say that$ that.s right.,
,5hat !oes that mean for Amity0,
,Tro"ble$ 9r. 9i!!leton. 5e are in big tro"ble.,
,2n retros%ect$ 6hief$ ho# !o yo" feel abo"t haing o%ene! the beaches to!ay0,
,4o# !o 2 #eel? 5hat kin! of +"estion is that0 Angry$ annoye!$ conf"se!.
Thankf"l that nobo!y got h"rt. 2s that eno"gh0,
,That.s &"st fine$ 6hief$, 9i!!leton sai! #ith a smile. ,Thank yo"$ 6hief Bro!y.,
4e %a"se!$ then sai!$ ,)kay$ 5alter$ that.ll #ra% it. ;et.s get home an! start e!iting this
,5hat abo"t a close0, sai! the cameraman. ,2.e got abo"t t#enty(fie feet left.,
,)kay$, sai! 9i!!leton. ,5ait.ll 2 think of something %rofo"n! to say.,
Bro!y gathere! "% his to#el an! his beach bag an! #alke! oer the !"ne to#ar!
his car. 5hen he got to Scotch Roa!$ he sa# the family from E"eens stan!ing besi!e
their cam%er.
,5as that the shark that kille! the %eo%le0, aske! the father.
,5ho kno#s0, sai! Bro!y. ,5hat.s the !ifference0,
,7i!n.t look like m"ch to me$ &"st a fin. The boys #as kin! of !isa%%ointe!.,
,;isten yo" &erk$, Bro!y sai!. ,A boy almost got kille! &"st no#. Are yo"
!isa%%ointe! that !i!n.t ha%%en0,
,7on.t gie me that$, sai! the man. ,That thing #asn.t een close to him. 2 bet the
#hole thing #as a %"t(on for them TV g"ys.,
,9ister$ get o"t of here. 1o" an! yo"r #hole go!!am broo!. -et .em o"t of here.
Bro!y #aite! #hile the man loa!e! his family an! their gear into the cam%er. As
he #alke! a#ay$ he hear! the man say to his #ife$ ,2 fig"re! all the %eo%le #o"l! be
snot(noses o"t here. 2 #as right. Een the co%s.,
At six o.clock$ Bro!y sat in his office #ith 4oo%er an! 9ea!o#s. 4e ha!
alrea!y talke! to ;arry Va"ghan$ #ho calle! (( !r"nk an! in tears (( an! m"ttere! #il!ly
abo"t the r"ination of his life. The b"zzer on Bro!y.s !esk rang$ an! he %icke! "% the
,*ello# name! Bill 5hitman to see yo"$ 6hief$, sai! Bixby. ,Says he.s from the
/e# 1ork Times."
,)h$ for... )kay$ #hat the hell. Sen! him in.,
The !oor o%ene!$ an! 5hitman stoo! in the !oor#ay. 4e sai!$ ,Am 2 interr"%ting
,/othing m"ch$, sai! Bro!y. ,6ome on in. 1o" remember 4arry 9ea!o#s. This
is 9att 4oo%er$ from 5oo!s 4ole.,
,2 remember 4arry 9ea!o#s$ all right$, sai! 5hitman. ,2t #as thanks to him that
2 got my ass che#e! from one en! of *orty(thir! Street to the other by my boss.,
,5hy #as that0, sai! Bro!y.
,9r. 9ea!o#s coneniently forgot to tell me abo"t the attack on 6hristine
5atkins. B"t he !i!n.t forget to tell his rea!ers.,
,9"st hae sli%%e! my min!$, sai! 9ea!o#s.
,5hat can #e !o for yo"0, sai! Bro!y.
,2 #as #on!ering$, sai! 5hitman$ ,if yo".re s"re this is the same fish that kille!
the others.,
Bro!y gest"re! to#ar! 4oo%er$ #ho sai!$ ,2 can.t be %ositie. 2 neer sa# the fish
that kille! the others$ an! 2 !i!n.t really get a look at the one to!ay. All 2 sa# #as a flash$
sort of silery gray. 2 kno# #hat it #as$ b"t 2 co"l!n.t com%are it to anything else. All 2
hae to go on is %robability$ an! in all %robability it.s the same fish. 2t.s too far(fetche! ((
for me$ any#ay (( to beliee that there are t#o big man(eating sharks off so"thern ;ong
2slan! at the same time.,
5hitman sai! to Bro!y$ ,5hat are yo" going to !o$ 6hief.0 2 mean$ beyon!
closing the beaches$ #hich 2 gather has alrea!y been !one.,
,2 !on.t kno#. 5hat !an #e !o0 6hrist$ 2.! rather hae a h"rricane. )r een an
earth+"ake. At least after they ha%%en$ oer an! !one #ith. 1o" can look aro"n!
an! see #hat.s been !one an! #hat has to be !one. eents$ something yo" can
han!le. They hae beginnings an! en!s. This is crazy. 2t.s as if there #as a maniac
r"nning aro"n! loose$ killing %eo%le #heneer he felt like it. 1o" kno# #ho he is$ b"t
yo" can.t catch him an! yo" can.t sto% him. An! #hat makes it #orse$ yo" !on.t kno#
#hy he.s !oing it.,
9ea!o#s sai!$ ,Remember 9innie El!ri!ge.,
,1eah$, sai! Bro!y. ,2.m beginning to think she may hae something$ after all.,
,5ho.s that0, sai! 5hitman.
,/obo!y. 3"st some n"t.,
*or a moment there #as silence$ an exha"ste! silence$ as if eerything that nee!e!
to be sai! ha! been sai!. Then 5hitman sai!$ ,5ell0,
,5ell #hat0, sai! Bro!y.
,There m"st be some%lace to go from here$ something to !o.,
,2.! be ha%%y to hear any s"ggestions. Personally$ 2 think f"cke!.
going to be l"cky if there.s a to#n left after this s"mmer.,
,2sn.t that a bit of an exaggeration0,
,2 !on.t think so. 7o yo"$ 4arry0,
,/ot really$, sai! 9ea!o#s. ,The to#n s"ries on its s"mmer %eo%le$ 9r.
5hitman. 6all it %arasitic$ if yo" #ill$ b"t that.s the #ay it is. The host animal comes
eery s"mmer$ an! Amity fee!s on it f"rio"sly$ %"lling eery bit of s"stenance it can
before the host leaes again after ;abor 7ay. Take a#ay the host animal$ an! like
!og ticks #ith no !og to fee! on. 5e stare. At the least (( the ery least (( next #inter is
going to be the #orst in the history of this to#n. going to hae so many %eo%le on
the !ole that Amity #ill look like 4arlem., 4e ch"ckle!. ,4arlem(by(the(Sea.,
,5hat 2.! gie my ass to kno#$, sai! Bro!y$ ,is #hy "s0 5hy Amity0 5hy not
East 4am%ton or So"tham%ton or E"og"e0,
,That$, sai! 4oo%er$ ,is something #e.ll neer kno#.,
,5hy0, sai! 5hitman.
,2 !on.t #ant to so"n! like 2.m making exc"ses for mis&"!ging that fish$, sai!
4oo%er$ ,b"t the line bet#een the nat"ral an! the %reternat"ral is ery clo"!y. /at"ral
things occ"r$ an! for most of them there.s a logical ex%lanation. B"t for a #hole lot of
things there.s &"st no goo! or sensible ans#er. Say t#o %eo%le are s#imming$ one in front
of the other$ an! a shark comes "% from behin!$ %asses right besi!e the g"y in the rear$
an! attacks the g"y in front. 5hy0 9aybe they smelle! !ifferent. 9aybe the one in front
#as s#imming in a more %roocatie #ay. Say the g"y in back$ the one #ho #asn.t
attacke!$ goes to hel% the one #ho #as attacke!. The shark may not to"ch him (( may
act"ally aoi! him (( #hile he kee%s banging a#ay at the g"y he !i! hit. 5hite sharks are
s"%%ose! to %refer col!er #ater. So #hy !oes one t"rn "% off the coast of 9exico$
strangle! by a h"man cor%se that he co"l!n.t +"ite s#allo#0 2n a #ay$ sharks are like
torna!oes. They to"ch !o#n here$ b"t not there. They #i%e o"t this ho"se b"t s"!!enly
eer a#ay an! miss the ho"se next !oor. The g"y in the ho"se that.s #i%e! o"t says$ .5hy
me0. The g"y in the ho"se that.s misse! says$ .Thank -o!..,
,All right$, sai! 5hitman. ,B"t #hat 2 still !on.t get is #hy the shark can.t be
,9aybe it can be$, sai! 4oo%er. ,B"t 2 !on.t think by "s. At least not #ith the
e+"i%ment #e hae here. 2 s"%%ose #e co"l! try ch"mming again.,
,1eah$, sai! Bro!y. ,Ben -ar!ner can tell "s all abo"t ch"mming.,
,7o yo" kno# anything abo"t some fello# name! E"int0, sai! 5hitman.
,2.e hear! the name$, Bro!y sai!. ,7i! yo" eer look into the g"y$ 4arry0,
,2 rea! #hat little there #as. As far as 2 kno#$ he.s neer !one anything illegal.,
,5ell$, sai! Bro!y$ ,maybe it.s #orth a call.,
,1o".re &oking$, sai! 4oo%er. ,1o".! really !o b"siness #ith this g"y0,
,2.ll tell yo" #hat$ 4oo%er. At this %oint$ if someone came in here an! sai! he #as
S"%erman an! he co"l! %iss that shark a#ay from here$ 2.! say fine an! !an!y. 2.! een
hol! his !ick for him.,
,1eah$ b"t...,
Bro!y c"t him off. ,5hat !o yo" say$ 4arry0 1o" think he.s in the %hone book0,
,1o" really are serio"s$, sai! 4oo%er.
,1o" bet yo"r s#eet ass. 1o" got any better i!eas0,
,/o$ it.s &"st... 2 !on.t kno#. 4o# !o #e kno# the g"y isn.t a %hony or a !r"nk or
,5e.ll neer kno# till #e try., Bro!y took a %hone book from the to% !ra#er of
his !esk an! o%ene! it to the Es. 4e ran his finger !o#n the %age. ,4ere it is. .E"int..
That.s all it says. /o first name. B"t it.s the only one on the %age. 9"st be him., 4e
!iale! the n"mber.
,E"int$, sai! a oice.
,9r. E"int$ this is 9artin Bro!y. 2.m the chief of %olice oer in Amity. 5e hae a
,2.e hear!.,
,The shark #as aro"n! again to!ay.,
,Anybo!y get et0,
,/o$ b"t one boy almost !i!.,
,*ish that big nee!s a lot of foo!$, sai! E"int.
,4ae yo" seen the fish0,
,/o%e. ;ooke! for him a co"%le times$ b"t 2 co"l!n.t s%en! too m"ch time
looking. 9y %eo%le !on.t s%en! their money for looking. They #ant action.,
,4o# !i! yo" kno# ho# big it is0,
,2 hear tell. Sort of aerage! o"t the estimates an! took off abo"t eight feet. That.s
still a %iece of fish yo" got there.,
,2 kno#. 5hat 2.m #on!ering is #hether yo" can hel% "s.,
,2 kno#. 2 tho"ght yo" might call.,
,6an yo"0,
,That !e%en!s.,
,)n #hat0,
,)n ho# m"ch yo".re #illing to s%en!$ for one thing.,
,5e.ll %ay #hateer the going rate is. 5hateer yo" charge by the !ay. 5e.ll %ay
yo" by the !ay "ntil #e kill the thing.,
,2 !on.t think so$, sai! E"int. ,2 think this is a %remi"m &ob.,
,5hat !oes that mean0,
,9y eery!ay rate.s t#o h"n!re! a !ay. B"t this is s%ecial. 2 think yo".ll %ay
,/ot a chance.,
,5ait a min"te8 6ome on$ man. 5hy are yo" hol!ing me "%0,
,1o" got no %lace else to go.,
,There are other fishermen.,
Bro!y hear! E"int la"gh (( a short$ !erisie bark.
,S"re there are$, sai! E"int. ,1o" alrea!y sent one. Sen! another one. Sen! half a
!ozen more. Then #hen yo" come back to me again$ maybe yo".ll een %ay tri%le. 2 got
nothing to lose by #aiting.,
,2.m not asking for any faors$, Bro!y sai!. ,2 kno# yo".e got a liing to make.
B"t this fish is killing %eo%le. 2 #ant to sto% it. 2 #ant to sae lies. 2 #ant yo"r hel%.
6an.t yo" at least treat me the #ay yo" treat reg"lar clients0,
,1o".re breaking my heart$, sai! E"int. ,1o" got a fish nee!s killing$ 2.ll try to
kill it for yo". /o g"arantees$ b"t 2.ll !o my best. An! my best is #orth fo"r h"n!re!
!ollars a !ay.,
Bro!y sighe!. ,2 !on.t kno# that the selectmen #ill gie me the money.,
,1o".ll fin! it some#here.,
,4o# long !o yo" think it.ll take to catch the fish0,
,A !ay$ a #eek$ a month. 5ho kno#s0 5e may neer fin! him. 4e may go
,7on.t 2 #ish$, sai! Bro!y. 4e %a"se!. ,)kay$, he sai! finally. ,2 g"ess #e !on.t
hae any choice.,
,/o$ yo" !on.t.,
,6an yo" start tomorro#0,
,/o%e. 9on!ay.s the earliest. 2 got a %arty tomorro#.,
,A %arty0 5hat !o yo" mean$ a !inner %arty0,
E"int la"ghe! again$ the same %iercing bark. ,A charter %arty$, he sai!. ,1o"
!on.t !o m"ch fishing.,
Bro!y bl"she!. ,/o$ that.s right. 6an.t yo" cancel them0 2f %aying all that
money$ it seems to me #e !esere a little s%ecial serice.,
,/o%e. reg"lar c"stomers. 2 co"l!n.t !o that to them or 2.! lose their
b"siness. 1o".re &"st a one(shot !eal.,
,S"%%ose yo" r"n into the big fish tomorro#. 5ill yo" try to catch him0,
,That #o"l! sae yo" a lot of money$ #o"l!n.t it0 5e #on.t see yo"r fish.
going !"e east. Terrific fishing !"e east. 1o" o"ghta try it sometime.,
,1o" ha! it all fig"re! o"t$ right0,
,There.s one more thing$, sai! E"int. ,2.m gonna nee! a man #ith me. 2 lost my
mate$ an! 2 #o"l!n.t feel comfortable taking on that big a fish #itho"t an extra %air of
,;ost yo"r mate0 5hat$ oerboar!0,
,/o$ he +"it. 4e got neres. 4a%%ens to most %eo%le after a #hile in this #ork.
They get to thinking too m"ch.,
,B"t it !oesn.t ha%%en to yo".,
,/o. 2 kno# 2.m smarter .n the fish.,
,An! that.s eno"gh$ &"st being smarter0,
,4as been so far. 2.m still alie. 5hat abo"t it0 1o" got a man for me0,
,1o" can.t fin! another mate0,
,/ot this +"ick$ an! not for this kin! of #ork.,
,5ho are yo" going to "se tomorro#0,
,Some ki!. B"t 2 #on.t take him o"t after a big #hite.,
,2 can "n!erstan! that$, sai! Bro!y$ beginning to !o"bt the #is!om of
a%%roaching E"int for hel%. 4e a!!e! cas"ally$ ,2.ll be there$ yo" kno#., 4e #as shocke!
by the #or!s as soon as he sai! them$ a%%alle! at #hat he ha! committe! himself to !o.
,1o"0 4a8,
Bro!y smarte! "n!er E"int.s !erision. ,2 can han!le myself$, he sai!.
,9aybe. 2 !on.t kno# yo". B"t yo" can.t han!le a big fish if yo" !on.t kno#
nothing abo"t fishing. 6an yo" s#im0,
,)f co"rse. 5hat has that got to !o #ith anything0,
,Peo%le fall oerboar!$ an! sometimes it takes a #hile to s#ing aro"n! an! get to
,7on.t #orry abo"t me.,
,5hateer yo" say. B"t 2 still nee! a man #ho kno#s something abo"t fishing.
)r at least abo"t boats.,
Bro!y looke! across his !esk at 4oo%er. The last thing he #ante! #as to s%en!
!ays on a boat #ith 4oo%er$ es%ecially in a sit"ation in #hich 4oo%er #o"l! o"trank him
in kno#le!ge$ if not a"thority. 4e co"l! sen! 4oo%er alone an! stay ashore himself. B"t
that$ he felt$ #o"l! be ca%it"lating$ a!mitting finally an! irreocably his inability to face
an! con+"er the strange enemy that #as #aging #ar on his to#n.
Besi!es$ maybe (( oer the co"rse of a long !ay on a boat (( 4oo%er might make a
sli% that #o"l! reeal #hat he ha! been !oing last 5e!nes!ay$ the !ay it raine!. Bro!y
#as becoming obsesse! #ith fin!ing o"t #here 4oo%er #as that !ay$ for #heneer he
allo#e! himself to consi!er the ario"s alternaties$ the one on #hich his min! al#ays
settle! #as the one he most !rea!e!. 4e #ante! to &now that 4oo%er #as at the moies$
or %laying backgammon at the *iel! 6l"b$ or smoking !o%e #ith some hi%%ie$ or laying
some -irl Sco"t. 4e !i!n.t care #hat it #as$ as long as he co"l! kno# that 4oo%er ha!
not been #ith Ellen. )r that he ha! been. 2n that case... 0 The tho"ght #as still too
#retche! to co%e #ith.
4e c"%%e! his han! oer the mo"th%iece an! sai! to 4oo%er$ ,7o yo" #ant to
come along0 4e nee!s a mate.,
,4e !oesn.t een hae a mate0 5hat a half(asse! o%eration.,
,/eer min! that. 7o yo" #ant to come or not0,
,1es$, sai! 4oo%er. ,2.ll %robably lie to regret it$ b"t yes. 2 #ant to see that fish$
an! 2 g"ess this is my only chance., Bro!y sai! to E"int$ ,)kay$ 2.e got yo"r man.,
,7oes he kno# boats0,
,4e kno#s boats.,
,9on!ay morning$ six o.clock. Bring #hateer yo" #ant to eat. 1o" kno# ho# to
get here0,
,Ro"te :B to the t"rnoff for Promise! ;an!$ right0,
,1eah. 2t.s calle! 6ranberry 4ole Roa!. Straight into to#n. Abo"t a h"n!re!
yar!s %ast the last ho"ses$ take a left on a !irt roa!.,
,2s there a sign0,
,/o$ b"t it.s the only roa! aro"n! here. ;ea!s right to my !ock.,
,1o"rs the only boat there0,
,)nly one. 2t.s calle! the .r!a."
,All right. See yo" 9on!ay.,
,)ne more thing$, sai! E"int. ,6ash. Eery !ay. 2n a!ance.,
,)kay$ b"t ho# come0,
,That.s the #ay 2 !o b"siness. 2 !on.t #ant yo" falling oerboar! #ith my
,All right$, sai! Bro!y. ,1o".ll hae it., 4e h"ng "% an! sai! to 4oo%er$
,9on!ay$ six A.9.$ okay0,
9ea!o#s sai!$ ,7o 2 gather from yo"r conersation that yo".re going$ too$
9artin0, Bro!y no!!e!. ,2t.s my &ob.,
,2.! say it.s a bit beyon! the call.,
,5ell$ it.s !one no#.,
,5hat.s the name of his boat0, aske! 4oo%er.
,2 think he sai! .r!a," sai! Bro!y. ,2 !on.t kno# #hat it means.,
,2t !oesn.t mean anything. 2t is something. 2t.s a killer #hale.,
9ea!o#s$ 4oo%er$ an! 5hitman rose to go. ,-oo! l"ck$, sai! 5hitman. ,2 kin!
of eny yo" yo"r tri%. 2t sho"l! be exciting.,
,2 can !o #itho"t excitement$, sai! Bro!y. ,2 &"st #ant to get the !amn thing oer
At the !oor$ 4oo%er t"rne! an! sai!$ ,Thinking of orca remin!s me of something.
1o" kno# #hat A"stralians call great #hite sharks0,
,/o$, sai! Bro!y$ not really intereste!. ,5hat0,
,5hite !eath.,
,1o" ha! to tell me$ !i!n.t yo"0, Bro!y sai! as he close! the !oor behin! them.
4e #as on his #ay o"t #hen the night !esk man sto%%e! him an! sai!$ ,1o" ha!
a call before$ 6hief$ #hile yo" #ere insi!e. 2 !i!n.t think 2 sho"l! bother yo".,
,5ho #as it0,
,9rs. Vanghan.,
"/rs. Va"ghan8, As far as Bro!y co"l! remember$ he ha! neer in his life talke!
to Eleanor Vanghan on the tele%hone.
,She sai! not to !ist"rb yo"$ that it co"l! #ait.,
,2.! better call her. She.s so shy that if her ho"se #as b"rning !o#n$ she.! call the
fire !e%artment an! a%ologize for bothering them an! ask if there #as a chance they
co"l! sto% by the next time they #ere in the neighborhoo!., As he #alke! back into his
office$ Bro!y recalle! something Va"ghan ha! tol! him abo"t Eleanor' #heneer she
#rote a check for an een(!ollar amo"nt$ she ref"se! to #rite ,an! 00M100., She felt it
#o"l! be an ins"lt$ as if she #ere s"ggesting that the %erson #ho cashe! the check might
try to steal a fe# cents.
Bro!y !iale! the Va"ghans. home n"mber$ an! Eleanor Va"ghan ans#ere! before
the %hone ha! r"ng once. She.s been sitting right by the %hone$ Bro!y tho"ght. ,9artin
Bro!y$ Eleanor. 1o" calle!.,
,)h yes. 2 !o hate to bother yo"$ 9artin. 2f yo".! rather ((,
,/o$ it.s %erfectly okay. 5hat.s on yo"r min!0,
,2t.s... #ell$ the reason 2.m calling you is that 2 kno# ;arry talke! #ith yo" earlier.
2 tho"ght yo" might kno# if... if anything.s #rong.,
Bro!y tho"ght' She !oesn.t kno# anything$ not a thing. 5ell$ 2.m !amne! if 2.m
going to tell her. ,5hy0 5hat !o yo" mean0,
,2 !on.t kno# ho# to say this exactly$ b"t... #ell$ ;arry !oesn.t !rink m"ch$ yo"
kno#. Very rarely$ at least at home.,
,This eening$ #hen he came home$ he !i!n.t say anything. 4e &"st #ent into his
st"!y an! (( 2 think$ at least (( he !rank almost a #hole bottle of #hiskey. 4e.s aslee%
no#$ in a chair.,
,2 #o"l!n.t #orry abo"t it$ Eleanor. 4e.s %robably got things on his min!. 5e all
tie one on no# an! then.,
,2 kno#. 2t.s only... something is #rong. 2 can tell. 4e hasn.t acte! like himself for
seeral !ays no#. 2 tho"ght that %erha%s... yo".re his frien!. 7o yo" kno# #hat it co"l!
4is frien!$ Bro!y tho"ght. That.s #hat Va"ghan ha! sai!$ too$ b"t he ha! kno#n
better. ,5e "se! to be frien!s$, he ha! sai!. ,/o$ Eleanor$ 2 !on.t$, he lie!. ,2.ll talk to
him abo"t it$ tho"gh$ if yo" like.,
,5o"l! yo"$ 9artin0 2.! a%%reciate that. B"t... %lease... !on.t tell him 2 calle! yo".
4e.s neer #ante! me to me!!le in his affairs.,
,2 #on.t. 7on.t #orry. Try to get some slee%.,
,5ill he be all right in the chair0,
,S"re. 3"st take off his shoes an! thro# a blanket oer him. 4e.ll be fine.,
Pa"l ;oeffler stoo! behin! the co"nter of his !elicatessen an! looke! at his #atch.
,2t.s +"arter to nine$, he sai! to his #ife$ a %l"m%$ %retty #oman name! Rose$ #ho #as
arranging boxes of b"tter in a refrigerator. ,5hat !o yo" say #e cheat an! close "%
fifteen min"tes early0,
,After a !ay like to!ay 2 agree$, sai! Rose. ,Eighteen %o"n!s of bologna8 Since
#hen hae #e eer moe! eighteen %o"n!s of bologna in one !ay0,
,An! the S#iss cheese$, sai! ;oeffler. ,5hen !i! #e eer r"n o"t of S#iss
cheese before0 A fe# more !ays like this 2 co"l! "se. Roast beef$ lier#"rst$ eerything.
2t.s like eerybo!y from Brooklyn 4eights to East 4am%ton sto%%e! by for san!#iches.,
,Brooklyn 4eights$ my eye. Pennsylania. )ne man sai! he ha! come all the #ay
from Pennsylania. 3"st to see a fish. They !on.t hae fish in Pennsylania0,
,5ho kno#s0, sai! ;oeffler. ,2t.s getting to be like 6oney 2slan!.,
,The %"blic beach m"st look like a !"m%.,
,2t.s #orth it. 5e !esere one or t#o goo! !ays.,
,2 hear! the beaches are close! again$, sai! Rose.
,1eah. ;ike 2 al#ays say$ #hen it rains it %o"rs.,
,5hat are yo" talking abo"t0,
,2 !on.t kno#. ;et.s close "%.,
6ha%ter 11
The sea #as as flat as gelatin. There #as no #his%er of #in! to ri%%le the s"rface. The
s"n s"cke! shimmering #aes of heat from the #ater. /o# an! then$ a %assing tern
#o"l! %l"nge for foo!$ an! rise again$ an! the #aelets from its !ie became circles that
gre# #itho"t cease.
The boat sat still in the #ater$ !rifting im%erce%tibly in the ti!e. T#o fishing ro!s$
in ro!(hol!ers at the stern$ traile! #ire line into the oily slick that s%rea! #est#ar! behin!
the boat. 4oo%er sat at the stern$ a t#enty(gallon garbage %ail at his si!e. Eery fe#
secon!s$ he !i%%e! a la!le into the %ail an! s%ille! it oerboar! into the slick.
*or#ar!$ in t#o ro#s that %eake! at the bo#$ lay ten #oo!en barrels the size of
+"arter kegs of beer. Each #as #ra%%e! in seeral thicknesses of three(+"arter(inch
hem%$ #hich contin"e! in a h"n!re!(foot coil besi!e the barrel. Tie! to the en! of each
ro%e #as the steel hea! of a har%oon.
Bro!y sat in the s#iele! fighting chair bolte! to the !eck$ trying to stay a#ake.
4e #as hot an! sticky. There ha! been no breeze at all !"ring the six ho"rs they ha! been
sitting an! #aiting. The back of his neck #as alrea!y ba!ly s"nb"rne!$ an! eery time he
moe! his hea! the collar of his "niform shirt rake! the ten!er skin. 4is bo!y o!or rose
to his face an!$ blen!e! #ith the stench of the fish g"ts an! bloo! being la!le! oerboar!$
na"seate! him. 4e felt %oache!.
Bro!y looke! "% at the fig"re on the flying bri!ge' E"int. 4e #ore a #hite T(
shirt$ fa!e! bl"e(&ean tro"sers$ #hite socks$ an! a %air of graying To%(Si!er sneakers.
Bro!y g"esse! E"int #as abo"t fifty$ an! tho"gh s"rely he ha! once been t#enty an!
#o"l! one !ay be sixty$ it #as im%ossible to imagine #hat he #o"l! look like at either of
those ages. 4is %resent age seeme! the age he sho"l! al#ays be$ sho"l! al#ays hae
been. 4e #as abo"t six feet fo"r an! ery lean (( %erha%s 1C0 or 1?0 %o"n!s. 4is hea!
#as totally bal! (( not shaen$ for there #ere no telltale black s%ecks on his scal%$ b"t as
bal! as if he ha! neer ha! any hair (( an! #hen$ as no#$ the s"n #as high an! hot$ he
#ore a 9arine 6or%s fatig"e ca%. 4is face$ like the rest of him$ #as har! an! shar%. 2t
#as r"le! by a long$ straight nose. 5hen he looke! !o#n from the flying bri!ge$ he
seeme! to aim his eyes (( the !arkest eyes Bro!y ha! eer seen (( along the nose as if it
#ere a rifle barrel. 4is skin #as %ermanently bro#ne! an! crease! by #in! an! salt an!
s"n. 4e gaze! off the stern$ rarely blinking$ his eyes fixe! on the slick.
A trickle of s#eat r"nning !o#n Bro!y.s chest ma!e him stir. 4e t"rne! his hea!$
#incing at the sting in his neck$ an! trie! to stare at the slick. B"t the reflection of the s"n
on the #ater h"rt his eyes$ an! he t"rne! a#ay. ,2 !on.t see ho# yo" !o it$ E"int$, he
sai!. ,7on.t yo" eer #ear s"nglasses0,
E"int looke! !o#n an! sai!$ ,/eer., 4is tone #as com%letely ne"tral$ neither
frien!ly nor "nfrien!ly. 2t !i! not inite conersation.
B"t Bro!y #as bore!$ an! he #ante! to talk. ,4o# come0,
,/o nee! to. 2 see things the #ay they are. That.s better.,
Bro!y looke! at his #atch. 2t #as a little after t#o' three or fo"r more ho"rs
before they #o"l! gie "% for the !ay an! go home. ,7o yo" hae a lot of !ays like this0,
The excitement an! antici%ation of the early morning ha! long %asse!$ an! Bro!y #as
s"re they #o"l! not sight the fish that !ay.
,;ike #hat0,
,;ike this. 5hen yo" sit all !ay long an! nothing ha%%ens.,
,An! %eo%le %ay yo" een tho"gh they neer catch a thing.,
,Those are the r"les.,
,Een if they neer get a bite0,
E"int no!!e!. ,That !oesn.t ha%%en too often. There.s generally something that.ll
take a bait. )r something #e can stick.,
,5ith an iron., E"int %ointe! to the har%oons on the bo#.
4oo%er sai!$ ,5hat kin!s of things !o yo" stick$ E"int0,
,Anything that s#ims by.,
,Really0 2 !on.t ((,
E"int c"t him off. ,Something.s taking one of the baits.,
Sha!ing his eyes #ith his han!$ Bro!y looke! off the stern$ b"t as far as he co"l!
see$ the slick #as "n!ist"rbe!$ the #ater flat an! calm. ,5here0, he sai!.
,5ait a secon!$, sai! E"int. ,1o".ll see.,
5ith a soft metallic hiss$ the #ire on the starboar! fishing ro! began to fee!
oerboar!$ knifing into the #ater in a straight siler line.
,Take the ro!$, E"int sai! to Bro!y. ,An! #hen 2 tell yo"$ thro# the brake an! hit
,2s it the shark0, sai! Bro!y. The %ossibility that at last he #as going to confront
the fish (( the beast$ the monster$ the nightmare (( ma!e Bro!y.s heart %o"n!. 4is mo"th
#as sticky(!ry. 4e #i%e! his han!s on his tro"sers$ took the ro! o"t of the hol!er$ an!
st"ck it in the s#iel bet#een his legs.
E"int la"ghe! (( a short$ so"r yi%. ,That thing0 /o. That.s &"st a little fella. -ie
yo" some %ractice for #hen yo"r fish fin!s "s., E"int #atche! the line for a fe# more
secon!s$ then sai!$ ,4it it8,
Bro!y %"she! the small leer on the reel for#ar!$ leane! !o#n$ then %"lle! back.
The ti% of the ro! bent into an arc. 5ith his right han!$ Bro!y began to t"rn the crank to
reel in the fish$ b"t the reel !i! not res%on!. The line ke%t s%ee!ing o"t.
,7on.t #aste yo"r energy$, sai! E"int.
4oo%er$ #ho ha! been sitting on the transom$ stoo! "% an! sai!$ ,4ere$ 2.ll tighten
!o#n the !rag.,
,1o" #ill not8, sai! E"int. ,1o" leae that ro! alone.,
4oo%er looke! "%$ be#il!ere! an! slightly h"rt.
Bro!y notice! 4oo%er.s %aine! ex%ression$ an! he tho"ght' 5hat !o yo" kno#0
2t.s abo"t time.
After a moment$ E"int sai!$ ,1o" tighten the !rag !o#n too far an! yo".ll tear the
hook o"t of his mo"th.,
,)h$, sai! 4oo%er.
,2 tho"ght yo" #as s"%%ose! to kno# something abo"t fishing.,
4oo%er sai! nothing. 4e t"rne! an! sat !o#n on the transom.
Bro!y hel! on to the ro! #ith both han!s. The fish ha! gone !ee% an! #as
moing slo#ly from si!e to si!e$ b"t it #as no longer taking line. Bro!y reele! (( leaning
for#ar! an! cranking +"ickly as he %icke! "% slack$ ha"ling back#ar! #ith the m"scles
in his sho"l!ers an! back. 4is left #rist ache!$ an! the fingers in his right han! began to
cram% from cranking. ,5hat the hell hae 2 got here0, he sai!.
,A bl"e$, sai! E"int.
,4e m"st #eigh half a ton.,
E"int la"ghe!. ,9aybe a h"n!re! fifty %o"n!s.,
Bro!y ha"le! an! leane!$ ha"le! an! leane!$ "ntil finally he hear! E"int say$
,1o".re getting there. 4ol! it., 4e sto%%e! reeling.
5ith a smooth$ "nh"rrie! motion$ E"int s#"ng !o#n the la!!er from the flying
bri!ge. 4e ha! a rifle in his han!$ an ol! army 9(1. 4e stoo! at the g"n#ale an! looke!
!o#n. ,1o" #ant to see the fish0, he sai!. ,6ome look.,
Bro!y stoo!$ an! reeling to take "% the slack as he #alke!$ he moe! to the si!e
of the boat. 2n the !ark #ater the shark #as acrylic bl"e. 2t #as abo"t eight feet long$
slen!er$ #ith long %ectoral fins. 2t s#am slo#ly from si!e to si!e$ no longer str"ggling.
,4e.s bea"tif"l$ isn.t he0, sai! 4oo%er.
E"int flicke! the rifle.s safety to ,off$, an! #hen the shark moe! its hea! to
#ithin a fe# inches of the s"rface$ he s+"eeze! off three +"ick shots. The b"llets ma!e
clean ro"n! holes in the shark.s hea!$ !ra#ing no bloo!. The shark sh"!!ere! an!
sto%%e! moing.
,4e.s !ea!$, sai! Bro!y.
,Shit$, sai! E"int. ,4e.s st"nne!$ maybe$ b"t that.s all., E"int took a gloe from
one of his hi% %ockets$ sli%%e! his right han! into it$ an! grabbe! the #ire line. *rom a
sheath at his belt he took a knife. 4e lifte! the shark.s hea! clear of the #ater an! bent
oer the g"n#ale$ The shark.s mo"th #as o%en t#o or three inches #i!e. 2ts right eye$
%artly coere! by a #hite membrane$ gaze! blankly at E"int. E"int &amme! the knife
into the shark.s mo"th an! trie! to %ry it o%en farther$ b"t the shark bit !o#n$ hol!ing the
bla!e in its small triang"lar teeth. E"int %"lle! an! t#iste! "ntil the knife came free. 4e
%"t it back in its sheath an! took a %air of #ire c"tters from his %ocket.
,2 g"ess yo".re %aying me eno"gh so 2 can affor! to lose a hook an! a little
lea!er$, he sai!. 4e to"che! the #ire c"tters to the lea!er an! #as abo"t to sni% it.
,5ait a min"te$, he sai!$ %"tting the c"tters back in his %ocket an! taking o"t his
knife. ,5atch this. This al#ays gies the folks a boot., 4ol!ing the lea!er in his left
han!$ he hoiste! most of the shark o"t of the #ater. 5ith a single s#ift motion he slit the
shark.s belly from the anal fin to &"st belo# the &a#. The flesh %"lle! a%art$ an! bloo!y
entrails (( #hite an! re! an! bl"e (( t"mble! into the #ater like la"n!ry falling from a
basket. Then E"int c"t the lea!er #ith the #ire sni%s$ an! the shark sli! oerboar!. As
soon as its hea! #as beneath the #ater$ the shark began to thrash in the clo"! of bloo!
an! innar!s$ biting any morsel that %asse! into its ma#. The bo!y t#itche! as the shark
s#allo#e!$ an! %ieces of intestines %asse! o"t the hole in the belly$ to be eaten again.
,/o# #atch$, sai! E"int. ,2f l"cky$ in a min"te other bl"es.ll come aro"n!$
an! they.ll hel% him eat himself. 2f #e get eno"gh of them$ there.ll be a real fee!ing
frenzy. That.s +"ite a sho#. The folks like that.,
Bro!y #atche!$ s%ellbo"n!$ as the shark contin"e! to nibble at the floating g"ts.
2n a moment he sa# a flash of bl"e rise from belo#. A small shark (( no more than fo"r
feet long (( sna%%e! at the bo!y of the !isembo#ele! fish. 2ts &a#s !ose! on a bit of
fla%%ing flesh. 2ts hea! shook iolently from si!e to si!e$ an! its bo!y tremble!$
snakelike. A %iece of flesh tore a#ay$ an! the smaller shark s#allo#e! it. Soon another
shark a%%eare!$ an! another$ an! the #ater began to roil. *lecks of bloo! mingle! #ith
the !ro%s of #ater that s%lashe! on the s"rface.
E"int took a gaff from beneath the g"n#ale. 4e leane! oerboar!$ hol!ing the
gaff %oise! like an ax. S"!!enly he l"nge! an! &erke! back#ar!. 2m%ale! on the gaff
hook$ s+"irming an! sna%%ing$ #as a small shark. E"int took the knife from its sheath$
slashe! the shark.s belly$ an! release! it. ,/o# yo".ll see some( thing$, he sai!.
Bro!y co"l!n.t tell ho# many sharks there #ere in the ex%losion of #ater. *ins
crisscrosse! on the s"rface$ tails #hi%%e! the #ater. Ami! the so"n!s of s%lashes came an
occasional gr"nt as fish slamme! into fish. Bro!y looke! !o#n at his shirt an! sa# that it
#as s%attere! #ith #ater an! bloo!.
The frenzy contin"e! for seeral min"tes$ "ntil only three large sharks remaine!$
cr"ising back an! forth beneath the s"rface.
The men #atche! in silence "ntil the last of the three ha! anishe!.
,3es"s$, sai! 4oo%er.
,1o" !on.t a%%roe$, sai! E"int.
,That.s right. 2 !on.t like to see things !ie for %eo%le.s am"sement., E"int
snickere!$ an! 4oo%er sai!$ ,7o yo"0,
,2t ain.t a +"estion of liking it or not. 2t.s #hat fee!s me.,
E"int reache! into an ice chest an! took o"t another hook an! lea!er. The hook
ha! been baite! before they left the !ock (( a s+"i! ske#ere! an! tie! to the shaft an!
barb of the hook. Jsing %liers$ E"int attache! the lea!er to the en! of the #ire line. 4e
!ro%%e! the bait oerboar!$ fe! o"t thirty yar!s of line$ an! let it !rift into the slick.
4oo%er res"me! his ro"tine of la!ling ch"m into the #ater. Bro!y sai!$ ,Anybo!y
#ant a beer0, Both E"int an! 4oo%er no!!e!$ so he #ent belo# an! took three cans from
a cooler. As he left the cabin$ Bro!y notice! t#o ol!$ cracke!$ an! c"rling %hotogra%hs
th"mbtacke! to the b"lkhea!. )ne sho#e! E"int stan!ing hi%(!ee% in a %ile of big$
strange(looking fish. The other #as a %ict"re of a !ea! shark lying on a beach. There #as
nothing else in the %hotogra%h to com%are the fish to$ so Bro!y co"l!n.t !etermine its
Bro!y left the cabin$ gae the others their beers$ an! sat !o#n in the fighting
chair. ,2 sa# yo"r %ict"res !o#n there$, he sai! to E"int. ,5hat are all those fish yo".re
stan!ing in0,
,Tar%on$, sai! E"int. ,That #as a #hile back$ #hen 2 !i! some fishing in *lori!a.
2 neer seen anything like it. 5e m"st hae got thirty$ forty tar%on (( big tar%on (( in fo"r
nights. fishing.,
,An! yo" ke%t them0, sai! 4oo%er. ,1o".re s"%%ose! to thro# them back.,
,6"stomers #ante! .em. *or %ict"res$ 2 g"ess. Any#ay$ they !on.t make ba!
ch"m$ cho%%e! "%.,
,5hat yo".re saying is$ more "se !ea! than alie.,
,S"re. Same #ith most fish. An! a lot of animals$ too. 2 neer !i! try to eat a lie
steer., E"int la"ghe!.
,5hat.s the other %ict"re0, sai! Bro!y. ,3"st a shark0,
,5ell$ not 0ust a shark. 2t #as a big #hite (( abo"t fo"rteen$ fifteen feet. 5eighe!
oer three tho"san! %o"n!s.,
,4o# !i! yo" catch it0,
,2rone! it. B"t 2 tell yo", (( E"int ch"ckle! (( ,for a #hile there it #as a +"estion
of #ho #as gonna catch #ho.,
,5hat !o yo" mean0,
,7amn thing attacke! the boat. /o %roocation$ no nothing. 5e #ere sitting o"t
here min!ing o"r o#n b"siness$ #hen #hamo8 2t felt like #e #as hit by a freight train.
Fnocke! my mate right on his ass$ an! the c"stomer starte! screaming bloo!y m"r!er
that #e #ere sinking. Then the bastar! hit "s again. 2 %"t an iron in him an! #e chase!
him (( 6hrist$ #e m"st hae chase! him half#ay across the Atlantic.,
,4o# co"l! yo" follo# him0, Bro!y aske!. ,5hy !i!n.t he go !ee%0,
,6o"l!n.t. /ot #ith that barrel follo#ing him. They float$ 4e !ragge! it !o#n for
a little #hile$ b"t before too long the strain got to him an! he came to the s"rface. So #e
&"st ke%t follo#ing the barrel. After a co"%le ho"rs #e got another t#o irons in him$ an!
he finally came "%$ real +"iet$ an! #e thro#e! a ro%e ro"n! his tail an! to#e! him to
shore. An! all the time that c"stomer.s going b"llshit$ .ca"se he.s s"re sinking an!
gonna get et "%.
,1o" kno# the f"nniest thing0 5hen #e got the fish back an! #e #as all tie! "%
safe an! so"n! an! not likely to sink$ that !"mb f"ck of a c"stomer comes "% to me an!
offers me fie h"n!re! b"cks if 2.ll say he ca"ght the fish on hook an! line. 2ron holes all
oer it$ an! he #ants me to s#ear he ca"ght it on hook an! line8 Then he starts giing me
some song an! !ance abo"t ho# 2 o"ght to c"t my fee in half beca"se 2 !i!n.t gie him a
chance to catch the fish on hook an! line. 2 tol! him that if 2 ha! let him try$ 2.! be o"t
one hook$ three h"n!re! yar!s of #ire line$ %robably one reel an! one ro!$ an! !efinitely
one fish. Then he says #hat abo"t all the al"able %"blicity 2.ll be getting from a tri% he's
%aying for. 2 tol! him he co"l! gie me the money an! kee% the %"blicity an! try to
s%rea! it on a cracker for himself an! his #ife.,
,2 #on!ere! abo"t that hook(an!(line b"siness$, sai! Bro!y.
,5hat !o yo" mean0,
,5hat yo" #ere saying. 1o" #o"l!n.t try to catch the fish after on a hook
an! line$ #o"l! yo"0,
,Shit$ no. *rom #hat 2 hear$ the fish that.s been bothering yo" makes the one #e
got look like a %"%.,
,Then ho# come the lines are o"t0,
,T#o reasons. *irst$ a big #hite might &"st take a little s+"i! bait like that. 2t.! c"t
the line %retty +"ick$ b"t at least #e.! kno# he #as aro"n!. 2t.s a "sef"l telltale. The other
reason is$ yo" neer kno# #hat a ch"m slick #ill bring aro"n!. Een if yo"r fish !oesn.t
sho# "%$ #e might r"n into something else that.ll take the bait.,
,;ike #hat0,
,5ho kno#s0 9aybe something "sef"l. 2.e ha! s#or!fish take a !rifting s+"i!$
an! #ith all the fe!eral b"llshit abo"t merc"ry no one.s catching them commercially any
more$ so yo" can get t#o fifty a %o"n! for broa!bill in 9onta"k. )r maybe &"st
something that.ll gie yo" a boot in the ass to catch$ like a mako. 2f yo".re %aying fo"r
h"n!re! b"cks$ yo" might as #ell hae some f"n for yo"r money.,
,S"%%ose the big #hite !i! come aro"n!$, sai! Bro!y. ,5hat #o"l! be the first
thing yo".! !o0,
,Try to kee% him intereste! eno"gh so he.! stick aro"n! till #e co"l! get at him.
2t.s no big trick= %retty st"%i! fish. 2t !e%en!s on ho# he fin!s "s. 2f he %"lls the
same cra% the other one !i! an! attacks the boat$ #e.ll &"st start %"m%ing irons into him
as fast as #e can$ then %"ll a#ay from him an! let him #ear himself !o#n. 2f he takes
one of the lines$ there.ll be no #ay to sto% him if he #ants to r"n. B"t 2.ll try to t"rn him
to#ar! "s (( tighten the !rag #ay !o#n an! take the risk of tearing loose. 4e.ll %robably
ben! the hook o"t %retty +"ick$ b"t #e might get him close eno"gh for an iron. An! once
2.e got one iron in him$ it.s only a matter of time.
,9ost likely$ the #ay he.ll come #ill be follo#ing his nose (( right "% the slick$
either on the s"rface or &"st belo#. An! that.s #here #e.ll hae a little tro"ble. The s+"i!
isn.t eno"gh to kee% him intereste!. *ish that size.ll s"ck a s+"i! right !o#n an! not een
kno# he.s et it. So #e.ll hae to gie him something s%ecial that he can.t t"rn !o#n$
something #ith a big ol. hook in it that.ll hol! him at least "ntil #e can stick him once or
,2f the hook.s too obio"s$, sai! Bro!y$ ,#on.t he aoi! the bait altogether0,
,/o. These things !on.t hae the brains of a !og. They eat anything. 2f
fee!ing$ yo" co"l! thro# a bare hook !o#n at .em an! they.ll take it if they see it. A
frien! of mine ha! one come "% once an! try to eat the o"tboar! motor off his !inghy. 4e
only s%at it o"t .ca"se he co"l!n.t get it !o#n in one s#allo#.,
*rom the stern$ #here he #as la!ling ch"m$ 4oo%er sai!$ ,5hat.s something
s%ecial$ E"int0,
,1o" mean that s%ecial treat he can.t t"rn !o#n0, E"int smile! an! %ointe! to a
green %lastic garbage can nestle! in a comer ami!shi%s. ,Take a look for yo"rself. 2t.s in
that can. 2.e been saing it for a fish like the one after. )n anything else it.! be a
4oo%er #alke! oer to the can$ fli%%e! the metal clas%s off the si!es$ an! lifte!
the to%. 4is shock at #hat he sa# ma!e him gas%. *loating ertically in the can f"ll of
#ater$ its lifeless hea! s#aying gently #ith the motion of the boat$ #as a tiny bottle(
nose! !ol%hin= no more than t#o feet long. Sticking o"t from a %"nct"re on the "n!ersi!e
of the &a# #as the eye of a h"ge shark hook$ an! from a hole in the belly the barbe! hook
itself c"rle! for#ar!. 4oo%er cl"tche! the si!es of the can an! sai!$ ,A baby.,
,Een better$, E"int sai! #ith a grin. ,Jnborn.,
4oo%er gaze! into the can for a fe# more secon!s$ then slamme! the to% back on
an! sai!$ ,5here !i! yo" get it0,
,)h$ 2 g"ess abo"t six miles from here$ !"e east. 5hy0,
,2 mean ho# !i! yo" get it0,
,4o# !o yo" think0 *rom the mother.,
,1o" kille! her.,
,/o., E"int la"ghe!. ,She &"m%e! into the boat an! s#allo#e! a b"nch of
slee%ing %ills., 4e %a"se!$ #aiting for a la"gh$ an! #hen none came he sai!$ ,1o" can.t
rightly b"y them$ yo" kno#.,
4oo%er stare! at E"int. 4e #as f"rio"s$ o"trage!. B"t he sai! only$ ,1o" kno# %rotecte!.,
,5hen 2 fish$ son$ 2 catch #hat 2 #ant.,
,B"t #hat abo"t la#s0 7on.t ((,
,5hat.s yo"r line of #ork$ 4oo%er0,
,2.m an ichthyologist. 2 st"!y fish. That.s #hy 2.m here. 7i!n.t yo" kno# that0,
,5hen %eo%le charter my boat$ 2 !on.t ask +"estions abo"t them. B"t okay$ yo"
st"!y fish for a liing. 2f yo" ha! to #ork for a liing (( 2 mean the kin! of #ork #here
the amo"nt of money yo" make !e%en!s on the amo"nt of s#eat yo" %"t in (( yo".! kno#
more abo"t #hat la#s really mean. S"re$ those %or%oise are %rotecte!. B"t that la# #asn.t
%"t in to sto% E"int from taking one or t#o for bait. 2t #as meant to sto% big(time fishing
for them$ to sto% n"ts from shooting them for s%ort. So 2.ll tell yo" #hat$ 4oo%er' 1o"
can bitch an! moan all yo" #ant. B"t !on.t tell E"int he can.t catch a fe# fish to hel% him
make a liing.,
,;ook$ E"int$ the %oint is that these !ol%hins are in !anger of being #i%e! o"t$
exting"ishe!. An! #hat yo".re !oing s%ee!s "% the %rocess.,
,7on.t gie me that horseshit8 Tell the t"na boats to sto% snaring %or%oise in their
nets. Tell the 3a% longliners to sto% hookin. .em. They.ll tell yo" to go take a flying f"ck at
the moon. They got mo"ths to fee!. 5ell$ so !o 2. 9ine.,
,2 get yo"r message$, sai! 4oo%er. ,Take it #hile yo" can$ an! if after a #hile
there.s nothing left$ #hy$ #e.ll &"st start taking something else. 2t.s so st"%i!8,
,7on.t oerste%$ son$, sai! E"int. 4is oice #as flat$ toneless$ an! he looke!
!irectly into 4oo%er.s eyes.
,7on.t go calling me st"%i!.,
4oo%er ha!n.t inten!e! to gie offense$ an! he #as s"r%rise! to fin! offense
taken. ,2 !i!n.t mean that$ for -o!.s sake. 2 &"st meant...,
)n his %erch mi!#ay bet#een the t#o men$ Bro!y !eci!e! it #as time to sto% the
arg"ment. ,;et.s !ro% it$ 4oo%er$ okay0, he sai!. , not o"t here to hae a !ebate on
,5hat !o yo" kno# abo"t ecology$ Bro!y0, sai! 4oo%er. ,2 bet all it means to
yo" is someone telling yo" yo" can.t b"rn leaes in yo"r back yar!.,
,;isten$ yo". 2 !on.t nee! any of yo"r t#o(bit$ rich( ki! b"llshit.,
,So that.s it8 .Rich(ki! b"llshit.. That rich(ki! st"ff really b"rns yo"r ass$ !oesn.t
,;isten$ !amn yo"8 o"t here to sto% a fish from killing %eo%le$ an! if "sing
one %or%oise #ill hel% "s sae -o! kno#s ho# many lies$ that seems to me a %retty
goo! bargain.,
4oo%er smirke! an! sai! to Bro!y$ ,So no# yo".re an ex%ert on saing lies$ are
yo"0 ;et.s see. 4o# many co"l! hae been sae! if yo".! close! the beaches after the...,
Bro!y #as on his feet moing at 4oo%er before he conscio"sly kne# he ha! left
his chair. ,1o" sh"t yo"r mo"th8, he sai!. Reflexiely$ he !ro%%e! his right han! to his
hi%. 4e sto%%e! short #hen he felt no holster at his si!e$ seare! by the s"!!en realization
that if he ha! ha! a %istol he might hae "se! it. 4e stoo! facing 4oo%er$ #ho glo#ere!
back at him.
A +"ick$ shar% la"gh from E"int broke the threa! of tension. ,5hat a %air of
assholes$, he sai!. ,2 seen that coming since yo" came aboar! this morning.,
6ha%ter 1:
The secon! !ay of the h"nt #as as still as the first. 5hen they left the !ock at six in the
morning$ a light so"th#est breeze #as blo#ing$ %romising to cool the !ay. The %assage
aro"n! 9onta"k Point #as cho%%y. B"t by ten the breeze ha! !ie!$ an! the boat lay
motionless on the glassy sea$ like a %a%er c"% in a %"!!le. There #ere no clo"!s$ b"t the
s"n #as !"lle! by a heay haze. 7riing to the !ock$ Bro!y ha! hear! on the ra!io that
the %oll"tion in /e# 1ork 6ity ha! reache! a crisis stage (( something abo"t an air
inersion. Peo%le #ere falling sick$ an! of those #ho #ere sick alrea!y$ or ery ol!$ some
#ere !ying.
Bro!y ha! !resse! more sensibly to!ay. 4e #ore a #hite$ short(sleee! shirt #ith
a high collar$ light cotton tro"sers$ #hite socks$. an! sneakers. 4e ha! bro"ght a book
along to %ass the time$ a sex mystery borro#e! from 4en!ricks$ calle! The Deadly
Bro!y !i! not #ant to hae to fill time #ith conersation$ conersation that might lea!
to a re%eat of yester!ay.s scene #ith 4oo%er. 2t ha! embarrasse! him (( 4oo%er$ too$ he
tho"ght. To!ay they sel!om s%oke to one another$ !irecting most of their comments at
E"int. Bro!y !i! not tr"st himself to feign ciility #ith 4oo%er.
Bro!y ha! obsere! that in the mornings$ E"int #as +"iet (( tight an! resere!.
5or!s ha! to be #r"ng from him. B"t as the !ay #ore on$ he loosene! "% an! became
more an! more lo+"acio"s. As they ha! left the !ock that morning$ for instance$ Bro!y
ha! aske! E"int ho# he kne# #hat s%ot to %ick to #ait for the fish.
,7on.t$, sai! E"int.
,1o" !on.t kno#0,
E"int moe! his hea! once from left to right$ then back again.
,Then ho# !o yo" choose a %lace0,
,3"st choose one.,
,5hat !o yo" look for0,
,1o" !on.t go by the ti!e0,
,5ell$ yeah.,
,7oes it matter #hether the #ater.s !ee% or shallo#0,
,4o# so0,
*or a moment$ Bro!y tho"ght E"int #o"l! ref"se to ans#er. 4e stare! straight
ahea!$ eyes fixe! on the horizon. Then he sai!$ as if it #ere a s"%reme effort$ ,Big fish
like that %robably #on.t be in too shallo# #ater. B"t yo" neer kno#.,
Bro!y kne# he sho"l! !ro% the s"b&ect an! leae E"int in %eace$ b"t he #as
intereste!$ so he aske! an( other +"estion. ,2f #e fin! that fish$ or if he fin!s "s$ it.ll be
l"ck$ #on.t it0,
,Sort of.,
,;ike a nee!le in a haystack.,
,/ot +"ite.,
,5hy not0,
,2f the ti!e.s r"nning goo!$ #e can %at o"t a slick that.ll coer ten miles an! more
by the en! of the !ay.,
,5o"l! it be better if #e staye! the night o"t here0,
,5hat for0, sai! E"int.
,To kee% the slick going. 2f #e can s%rea! ten miles in a !ay$ #e co"l! make it
more than t#enty miles long if #e staye! o"t all night.,
,2f a slick gets too big$ it.s no goo!.,
,-ets conf"sing. 2f yo" staye! o"t here a month$ yo" co"l! coer the #hole
f"ckin. ocean. /ot m"ch sense in that., E"int smile!$ a%%arently at the tho"ght of a ch"m
slick coering the #hole ocean.
Bro!y gae "% an! rea! The Deadly 1irgin.
By noon$ E"int ha! o%ene! "%. The lines ha! been in the slick for oer fo"r
ho"rs. Tho"gh no one ha! s%ecifically assigne! him the task$ 4oo%er ha! taken "% the
ch"m la!le as soon as they began to !rift$ an! no# he sat at the stern$ metho!ically
scoo%ing an! !"m%ing. At abo"t ten o.clock$ a fish ha! taken the starboar! line an! ha!
ca"se! a fe# secon!s of excitement. B"t it t"rne! o"t to be a fie(%o"n! bonito that co"l!
barely get its mo"th aro"n! the hook. At ten(thirty$ a small bl"e shark took the %ort line.
Bro!y reele! it in$ E"int bro"ght it to gaff$ slit its stomach o%en$ an! release! it. The
shark nibble! feebly at a fe# %ieces of itself$ then sli%%e! into the !ee%. /o other sharks
came aro"n! to fee!.
At a little after eleen$ E"int s%ie! the scythe! !orsal fin of a s#or!fish coming
to#ar! them "% the slick. They #aite! silently$ begging the fish to take a bait$ b"t it
ignore! both s+"i! an! cr"ise! aimlessly sixty yar!s off the stern. E"int &iggle! one of
the baits (( t"gging the line to make the s+"i! moe an! seem alie (( b"t the s#or!fish
#asn.t im%resse!. *inally$ E"int !eci!e! to har%oon the fish. 4e t"rne! on his engine$
tol! Bro!y an! 4oo%er to reel in the lines$ an! !roe the boat in a #i!e circle. )ne
har%oon !art #as alrea!y attache! to the thro#ing %ole$ an! a line(coere! barrel stoo!
rea!y at the bo#. E"int ex%laine! the %attern of attack' 4oo%er #o"l! !rie the boat.
E"int #o"l! stan! at the en! of the %"l%it in the bo#$ hol!ing the har%oon oer his right
sho"l!er. As they came "%on the fish$ E"int #o"l! %oint the har%oon left or right$
!e%en!ing on #hich #ay he #ante! the boat to t"rn. 4oo%er #o"l! t"rn the boat "ntil the
har%oon #as again %ointing straight ahea!. 2t #as like follo#ing a com%ass hea!ing. 2f all
#ent #ell$ they #o"l! be able to cree% "% on the fish$ an! E"int co"l! %l"nge the iron off
his right sho"l!er (( a thro# of abo"t t#ele feet$ almost straight !o#n. Bro!y #o"l!
stan! at the barrel$ making s"re the line #as ke%t clear as the fish so"n!e!.
All !i! go #ell "ntil the last moment. 9oing slo#ly= #ith the engine so"n!
barely aboe a m"rm"r$ the boat close! on the fish$ #hich lay resting on the s"rface. The
boat ha! a sensitie helm$ an! 4oo%er #as able to follo# E"int.s !irections %recisely.
Then$ someho#$ the fish sense! the %resence of the boat. 3"st as E"int raise! his arm to
east the iron$ the fish l"rche! for#ar!$ thr"st its tail$ an! !arte! for the bottom. E"int
thre#$ yelling$ ,Prick8, an! misse! by six feet.
/o# they #ere back at the hea! of the stick again.
,1o" aske! yester!ay if #e hae many !ays like this$, E"int sai! to Bro!y. ,2t.s
not often #e string t#o of them together. 5e sho"l! of at least ha! a b"nch of bl"e
sharks by no#.,
,2s it the #eather0,
,6o"l! be. 9akes %eo%le feel shitty eno"gh. 9aybe fish$ too.,
They ate l"nch (( san!#iches an! beer (( an! #hen they #ere finishe!$ E"int
checke! to see if his carbine #as loa!e!. Then he !"cke! into the cabin an! ret"rne!$
hol!ing a machine Bro!y ha! neer seen before. ,Still got yo"r beer can0, E"int aske!.
,S"re$, sai! Bro!y. ,5hat !o yo" #ant it for0,
,2.ll sho# yo"., The !eice looke! like a %otato(masher han! grena!e (( a metal
cylin!er #ith a han!le at one en!. E"int %"she! the beer can !o#n into the cylin!er$
t"rne! it till there #as a click$ an! took a .:: blank cartri!ge from his shirt %ocket. 4e
sli%%e! the blank into a small hole at the base of the cylin!er$ then t"rne! the han!le "ntil
there #as another click. 4e han!e! the !eice to Bro!y. ,See that leer there0, he sai!$
%ointing to the to% of the han!le. ,Point the thing "% to the sky$ an! #hen 2 tell yo"$ %"sh
that leer.,
E"int %icke! "% the 9(1$ release! the safety$ raise! the rifle to his sho"l!er$ an!
sai!$ ,/o#.,
Bro!y fli%%e! the leer. There #as a shar%$ high re%ort$ a mil! kick$ an! the beer
can #as la"nche! from his han! straight "% into the air. 2t s%"n$ an! in the bright s"nlight
it shone like a s%arkler. At the height of its track (( the s%lit(secon! %oint #hen it h"ng
s"s%en!e! in air (( E"int fire!. 4e aime! lo#$ to catch the can as it starte! !o#n$ an! he
hit its bottom. There #as a lo"! whang, an! the can cart#heele! !o#n into the #ater. 2t
!i! not sink imme!iately$ b"t floate! at a cockeye! angle$ bobbing on the s"rface.
,5ant to try0, sai! E"int.
,1o" bet$, sai! Bro!y.
,Remember to try to catch it right at the to% an! lea! it a little bit lo#. 2f yo" go
for it in f"ll rise or f"ll fall$ yo".e got to lea! by a #hole lot$ an! it.s m"ch har!er. 2f yo"
miss it$ !ro% yo"r sights$ lea! it again$ an! s+"eeze off another ro"n!.,
Bro!y exchange! the la"ncher for the 9(1 an! statione! himself at the g"n#ale.
As soon as E"int ha! reloa!e! the la"ncher$ Bro!y sho"te!$ ,/o#8, an! E"int release!
the can. Bro!y fire! once. /othing. 4e trie! again at the to% of the arc. /othing. An! he
le! it by too m"ch as it fell. ,Boy$ that.s a bitch$, he sai!.
,Takes some getting "se! to$, sai! E"int. ,See if yo" can hit it no#., The can
floate! "%right in the still #ater$ fifteen or t#enty yar!s from the boat. 4alf of it #as
ex%ose! aboe #ater. Bro!y aime! (( conscio"sly a hair lo# (( an! s+"eeze! the trigger.
There #as a metallic $lo$ as the b"llet hit the can at the #ater line. The can anishe!.
,4oo%er0, sai! E"int. ,There.s one can left$ an! #e can al#ays !rink more beer.,
,/o thanks$, sai! 4oo%er.
,5hat.s the %roblem0,
,/othing. 2 &"st !on.t #ant to shoot$ that.s all.,
E"int smile!. ,1o" #orrie! abo"t the cans in the #ater0 That.s an a#f"l lot of tin !ro%%ing into the ocean. Probably r"st an! sink to the bottom an! cl"tter "%
eerything !o#n there.,
,That.s not it$, sai! 4oo%er$ caref"l not to rise to E"int.s bait. ,2t.s nothing. 2 &"st
!on.t feel like it.,
,Afrai! of g"ns0,
,Afrai!0 /o.,
,Eer shot one0,
Bro!y #as fascinate! to see E"int %ress$ an! %lease! to see 4oo%er s+"irm$ b"t he
!i!n.t kno# #hy E"int #as !oing it. 9aybe E"int got ornery #hen he #as bore! an!
#asn.t catching fish.
4oo%er !i!n.t kno# #hat E"int #as !oing either$ b"t he !i!n.t like it. 4e felt he
#as being set "% to be knocke! !o#n. ,S"re$, he sai!. ,2.e shot g"ns before.,
,5here0 2n the serice0,
,/o. 2...,
,5ere yo" in the serice0,
,2 !i!n.t think so.,
,5hat.s that s"%%ose! to mean0,
,6hrist$ 2.! een bet yo".re still a irgin.,
Bro!y looke! at 4oo%er.s face to see his res%onse$ an! for a s%lit secon! he
ca"ght 4oo%er looking at him.
Then 4oo%er looke! a#ay$ his face beginning to re!!en. 4e sai!$ ,5hat.s on yo"r
min!$ E"int0 5hat are yo" getting at0,
E"int leane! back in his chair an! grinne!. ,/ot a thing$, he sai!. ,3"st making a
little frien!ly conersation to %ass the time. 9in! if 2 take yo"r beer can #hen yo".re
thro"gh0 9aybe Bro!y.! like to take another shot.,
,/o$ 2 !on.t min!$, sai! 4oo%er. ,B"t get off my back$ #ill yo"0,
*or the next ho"r they sat in silence. Bro!y !oze! in the fighting chair$ a hat
%"lle! !o#n oer his face to %rotect it from the s"n. 4oo%er sat at the stern$ la!ling an!
occasionally shaking his hea! to kee% a#ake. An! E"int sat on the flying bri!ge$
#atching the slick$ his 9arine 6or%s ca% tilte! back on his hea!.
S"!!enly E"int sai! (( his oice flat$ soft$ matter(of(fact (( ,5e.e got a isitor.,
Bro!y sna%%e! a#ake. 4oo%er stoo! "%. The starboar! line #as r"nning o"t$
smoothly an! ery fast.
,Take the ro!$, E"int sai!. 4e remoe! his ca% an! !ro%%e! it onto the bench.
Bro!y took the ro! o"t of the hol!er$ fit it bet#een his legs$ an! hel! on.
,5hen 2 tell yo"$, sai! E"int$ ,yo" thro# that brake an! hit him., The line
sto%%e! r"nning. ,5ait. 4e.s t"rning. 4e.ll start again. 7on.t #ant to hit him no# or he.ll
s%it the hook., B"t the line lay !ea! in the #ater$ lim% an! "nmoing. After seeral
moments$ E"int sai!$ ,2.ll be go!!amne!. Reel it in.,
Bro!y cranke! the line in. 2t came easily$ too easily. There #as not een the mil!
resistance of the bait.
,4ol! the line #ith a co"%le fingers or it.ll snarl$, sai! E"int. ,5hateer that #as
took the bait gentle as yo" %lease. 9"st hae kisse! it off the line.,
The line came clear of the #ater an! h"ng at the ti% of the ro!. There #as no
hook$ no bait$ no lea!er. The #ire ha! been neatly seere!. E"int ho%%e! !o#n from the
flying bri!ge an! looke! at it. 4e felt the en!$ ran his fingers aro"n! the e!ges of the
break$ an! gaze! o"t oer the slick.
,2 think #e.e &"st met yo"r frien!$, he sai!.
,5hat0, sai! Bro!y.
4oo%er &"m%e! !o#n off the transom an! sai! excite!ly$ ,1o".e got to be
ki!!ing. That.s terrific.,
,That.s &"st a g"ess$, sai! E"int. ,B"t 2.! bet on it. This #ire.s been che#e! clean
thro"gh. )ne try. /o hesitation. /o other marks on it. The fish %robably !i!n.t een kno#
he ha! it in his mo"th. 4e &"st s"cke! the bait in an! close! his mo"th an! that !i! it.,
,So #hat !o #e !o no#0, sai! Bro!y.
,5e #ait an! see if he takes the other one$ or if he s"rfaces.,
,5hat abo"t "sing the %or%oise0,
,5hen 2 kno# it.s him$, sai! E"int. ,5hen 2 get a look at him an! kno# the
bastar!.s big eno"gh to be #orth it$ then 2.ll gie him the %or%oise. garbage(eating
machines$ these fish$ an! 2 !on.t #ant to #aste a %rize bait on some little r"nt.,
They #aite!. There #as no moement on the s"rface of the #ater. /o bir!s !ie!$
no fish &"m%e!. The only so"n! #as the li+"i! %lo% of the ch"m 4oo%er la!le!
oerboar!. Then the %ort line began to r"n.
,;eae it in the hol!er$, sai! E"int. ,/o sense in getting rea!y if he.s going to
che# thro"gh this one too.,
A!renaline #as %"m%ing thro"gh Bro!y.s bo!y. 4e #as both excite! an! afrai!$
a#e! by the tho"ght of #hat #as s#imming belo# them$ a creat"re #hose %o#er he
co"l! not imagine. 4oo%er stoo! at the %ort g"n#hale$ transfixe! by the r"nning line.
The line sto%%e! an! #ent lim%.
,Shit$, sai! E"int. ,4e !one it again., 4e took the ro! o"t of the hol!er an! began
to reel. The seere! line came aboar! exactly as ha! the other one. ,5e.ll gie him one
more chance$, sai! E"int$ ,an! 2.ll %"t on a to"gher lea!er. /ot that that.ll sto% him if it.s
the fish 2 think it is., 4e reache! into the ice chest for another bait an! remoe! the #ire
lea!er. *rom a !ra#er in the cock%it he took a fo"r(foot length of three(eighths(inch
,That looks like a !og.s leash$, sai! Bro!y.
,Jse! to be$, sai! E"int. 4e #ire! one en! of the chain to the eye of the baite!
hook$ the other to the #ire line.
,6an he bite thro"gh that0,
,2 imagine so. Take him a little longer$ maybe$ b"t he.! !o it if he #ante! to. All
2.m trying to !o is goose him a little an! bring him to the s"rface.,
,5hat.s next if this !oesn.t #ork0,
,7on.t kno# yet. 2 s"%%ose 2 co"l! take a fo"r(inch shark hook an! a length of no(
shit chain an! !ro% it oerboar! #ith a b"nch of bait on it. B"t if he took it$ 2 #o"l!n.t
kno# #hat to !o #ith him. 4e.! tear o"t any cleat 2.e got on boar!$ an! "ntil 2 see him
2.m not going to take a chance an! #ra% chain aro"n! anything im%ortant., E"int fli%%e!
the baite! hook oerboar! an! fe! o"t a fe# yar!s of line. ,6ome on$ yo" b"gger$, he
sai!. ,;et.s hae a look at yo".,
The three men #atche! the %ort line. 4oo%er bent !o#n$ fille! his la!le #ith
ch"rn$ an! tosse! it into the slick. Something ca"ght his eye an! ma!e him t"rn to the
left. 5hat he sa# s"cke! from him a throaty gr"nt$ "nintelligible b"t eno"gh to !ra# the
eyes of the other t#o men.
,3es"s 6hrist8, sai! Bro!y.
/o more than ten feet off the stern$ slightly to the starboar!$ #as the flat$ conical
sno"t of the fish. 2t st"ck o"t of the #ater %erha%s t#o feet. The to% of the hea! #as a
sooty gray$ %ocke! #ith t#o black eyes. At each si!e of the en! of the sno"t$ #here the
gray t"rne! to cream #hite$ #ere the nostrils (( !ee% slashes in the armore! hi!e. The
mo"th #as o%en not +"ite half#ay$ a !im$ !ark caern g"ar!e! by h"ge$ triang"lar teeth.
*ish an! men confronte! each other for %erha%s ten secon!s. Then E"int yelle!$
,-et an iron8, an!$ obeying himself$ he !ashe! for#ar! an! began to f"mble #ith a
har%oon. Bro!y reache! for the rifle. 3"st then$ the fish sli! +"ietly back#ar! into the
#ater. The long$ scythe! tail flicke! once (( Bro!y shot at it an! misse! (( an! the fish
,4e.s gone$, sai! Bro!y.
,*antastic8, sai! 4oo%er. ,That fish is eerything 2 tho"ght. An! more. 4e.s
fantastic8 That hea! m"st hae been fo"r feet across.,
,6o"l! be$, sai! E"int$ #alking aft. 4e !e%osite! t#o har%oon barbs$ t#o barrels$
an! t#o coils of ro%e in the stern. ,2n case he comes back$, he sai!.
,4ae yo" eer seen a fish like that$ E"int0, sai! 4oo%er. 4is eyes #ere bright$
an! he felt eb"llient$ ibrant.
,/ot +"ite$, sai! E"int.
,4o# long$ #o"l! yo" say0,
,4ar! to tell. T#enty feet. 9aybe more. 2 !on.t kno#. 5ith them things$ it !on.t
make m"ch !ifference oer six feet. )nce they get to six feet$ tro"ble. An! this
sonofabitch is tro"ble.,
,-o!$ 2 ho%e he comes back$, sai! 4oo%er.
Bro!y felt a chill$ an! he sh"!!ere!. ,That #as ery strange$, he sai!$ shaking his
hea!. ,4e looke! like he #as grinning.,
,That.s #hat they look like #hen their mo"ths are o%en$, sai! E"int. ,7on.t make
him o"t to be more than he is. 4e.s &"st a !"mb garbage b"cket.,
,4o# can yo" say that0, sai! 4oo%er. ,That fish is a bea"ty. 2t.s the kin! of thing
that makes yo" beliee in a go!. 2t sho#s yo" #hat nat"re can !o #hen she sets her min!
to it.,
,4orseshit$, sai! E"int$ an! he climbe! the la!!er to the flying bri!ge.
,Are yo" going to "se the %or%oise0, sai! Bro!y.
,/o nee!. 5e got him on the s"rface once. 4e.ll be back.,
As E"int s%oke$ a noise behin! 4oo%er ma!e him t"rn. 2t #as a s#ishing noise$ a
li+"i! hiss. ,;ook$, sai! E"int. 4ea!ing straight for the boat$ thirty feet a#ay$ #as a
triang"lar !orsal fin more than a foot high$ knifing the #ater an! leaing a ri%%le! #ake.
2t #as follo#e! by a to#ering tail that s#atte! left an! right in tight ca!ence.
,2t.s attacking the boat8, crie! Bro!y. 2nol"ntarily$ he backe! into the seat of the
fighting chair an! trie! to !ra# a#ay.
E"int came !o#n from the flying bri!ge$ c"rsing. ,/o f"cking #arning this
time$, he sai!. ,4an! me that iron.,
The fish #as almost at the boat. 2t raise! its flat hea!$ gaze! acantly at 4oo%er
#ith one of its black eyes$ an! %asse! "n!er the boat. E"int raise! the har%oon an! t"rne!
back to the %ort si!e. The thro#ing %ole str"ck the fighting chair$ an! the !art !islo!ge!
an! fell to the !eck. "6ocksu!&er!" sho"te! E"int. ,2s he still there0, 4e reache! !o#n$
grabbe! the !art$ an! st"ck it back on the en! of the %ole.
,1o"r si!e$ yo"r si!e8, yelle! 4oo%er. ,4e.s %asse! this si!e alrea!y.,
E"int t"rne! back in time to see the gray(bro#n sha%e of the fish as it %"lle!
a#ay from the boat an! began to !ie. 4e !ro%%e! the har%oon an!$ in a rage$ snatche!
"% the rifle an! em%tie! the cli% into the #ater behin! the fish. ,Bastar!8, he sai!. ,-ie
me some #arning next time., Then he %"t the rifle !o#n an! la"ghe!. ,2 s"%%ose 2 sho"l!
be gratef"l$, he sai!. ,At least he !i!n.t attack the boat., 4e looke! at Bro!y an! sai!$
,-ae yo" a bit of a start.,
,9ore .n a bit$, sai! Bro!y. 4e shook his hea!$ as if to reassemble his tho"ghts
an! sort o"t his isions. ,2.m still not s"re 2 beliee it., 4is min! #as f"ll of images of a
tor%e!o sha%e streaking "%#ar! in the blackness an! tearing 6hristine 5atkins to %ieces=
of the boy on the raft$ "nkno#ing$ "ns"s%ecting$ "ntil s"!!enly seize! by a nightmare
creat"re= an! of the nightmares he kne# #o"l! come to him$ !reams of iolence an!
bloo! an! a #oman screaming at him that he kille! her son. ,1o" can.t tell me that thing.s
a fish$, he sai!. ,2t.s more like one of those things they make moies abo"t. 1o" kno#$
the monster from t#enty million fathoms.,
,2t.s a fish$ all right$, sai! 4oo%er. 4e #as still isibly excite!. ,An! #hat a fish8
7amn near megalodon."
,5hat are yo" talking abo"t0, sai! Bro!y.
,That.s an exaggeration$, sai! 4oo%er$ ,b"t if there.s something like this
s#imming aro"n!$ #hat.s to say megalodon isn.t0 5hat !o yo" say$ E"int0,
,2.! say the s"n.s got to yo"$, sai! E"int.
,/o$ really. 4o# big !o yo" think these fish gro#0,
,2.m no goo! at g"essing. 2.! %"t that fish at t#enty feet$ so 2.! say they gro# to
t#enty feet. 2f 2 see one tomorro# that.s t#enty(fie feet$ 2.ll say they gro# to t#enty(fie
feet. -"essing is b"llshit.,
,4o# big do they gro#0, Bro!y aske!$ #ishing imme!iately that he ha!n.t sai!
anything. 4e felt that the +"estion s"bor!inate! him to 4oo%er.
B"t 4oo%er #as too ca"ght "% in the moment$ too fl"she! an! ha%%y$ to be
%atronizing. ,That.s the %oint$, he sai!. ,/obo!y kno#s. There #as one in A"stralia that
got snarle! in some chains an! !ro#ne!. 4e #as meas"re! at thirty(six feet$ or so sai!
the re%orts.,
,That.s almost t#ice as big as this one$, sai! Bro!y. 4is min!$ barely able to
com%rehen! the fish he ha! seen$ co"l! not gras% the immensity of the one 4oo%er
4oo%er no!!e!. ,-enerally$ %eo%le seem to acce%t thirty feet as a maxim"m size$
b"t the fig"re is fancy. 2t.s like #hat E"int says. 2f they see one tomorro# that.s sixty feet$
they.ll acce%t sixty feet. The really terrific thing$ the thing that blo#s yo"r min!$ is
imagining (( an! it co"l! be tr"e (( that there are great #hites #ay !o#n in the !ee% that
are a h"n!re! feet long.,
,)h b"llshit$, sai! E"int.
,2.m not saying it.s so$, sai! 4oo%er. ,2.m saying it co"l! be so.,
,Still b"llshit.,
,9aybe. 9aybe not. ;ook$ the ;atin name for this fish is ar!harodon
!ar!harias, okay0 The closest ancestor #e can fin! for it is something calle!
ar!harodon megalodon, a fish that existe! maybe thirty or forty tho"san! years ago.
5e hae fossil teeth from megalodon. six inches long. That #o"l! %"t the fish at
bet#een eighty an! a h"n!re! feet. An! the teeth are exactly like the teeth yo" see in
great #hites to!ay. 5hat 2.m getting at is$ s"%%ose the t#o fish are really one s%ecies.
5hat.s to say megalodon is really extinct0 5hy sho"l! it be0 /ot lack of foo!. 2f there.s
eno"gh !o#n there to s"%%ort #hales$ there.s eno"gh to s"%%ort sharks that big. 3"st
beca"se #e.e neer seen a h"n!re!(foot #hite !oesn.t mean they co"l!n.t exist. They.!
hae no reason to come to the s"rface. All their foo! #o"l! be #ay !o#n in the !ee%. A
!ea! one #o"l!n.t float to shore$ beca"se they !on.t hae flotation bla!!ers. 6an yo"
imagine #hat a h"n!re!(foot #hite #o"l! look like0 6an yo" imagine #hat it co"l! !o$
#hat kin! of %o#er it #o"l! hae0,
,2 !on.t #ant to$, sai! Bro!y.
,2t #o"l! be like a locomotie #ith a mo"th f"ll of b"tcher knies.,
,Are yo" saying this is &"st a baby0, Bro!y #as beginning to feel lonely an!
"lnerable. A fish as large as #hat 4oo%er #as !escribing co"l! che# the boat to
,/o$ this is a mat"re fish$, sai! 4oo%er. ,2.m s"re of it. B"t it.s like %eo%le. Some
%eo%le are fie feet tall$ some %eo%le are seen feet tall. Boy$ #hat 2.! gie to hae a look
at a big megalodon."
,1o".re o"t of yo"r min!$, sai! Bro!y.
,/o$ man$ &"st think of it. 2t #o"l! be like fin!ing the Abominable Sno#man.,
,4ey$ 4oo%er$, sai! E"int$ ,!o yo" think yo" can sto% the fairy tales an! start
thro#ing ch"m oerboar!0 2.! kin! of like to catch a fish.,
,S"re$, sai! 4oo%er. 4e ret"rne! to his %ost at the stern an! began to la!le ch"m
into the #ater.
,1o" think he.ll come back0, sai! Bro!y.
,2 !on.t kno#$, sai! E"int. ,1o" neer kno# #hat these bastar!s are going to
!o., *rom a %ocket he took a note %a! an! a %encil. 4e exten!e! his left arm an! %ointe!
it to#ar! shore. 4e close! his right eye an! sighte! !o#n the in!ex finger of his left
han!$ then scribble! something on the %a!. 4e moe! his han! a co"%le of inches to the
left$ sighte! again$ an! ma!e another note. Antici%ating a +"estion from Bro!y$ E"int
sai!$ ,Taking bearings. 2 #ant to see #here #e are$ so if he !oesn.t sho# "% for the rest of
to!ay$ 2.ll kno# #here to come tomorro#.,
Bro!y looke! to#ar! Shore. Een sha!ing his eyes an! s+"inting$ all he co"l! see
#as a !im gray line of lan!. ,5hat are yo" taking them on0,
,;ightho"se on the %oint an! the #ater to#er in to#n. They line "% !ifferent #ays
!e%en!ing #here yo" are.,
,1o" can see them0, Bro!y straine! his eyes$ b"t he sa# nothing more !istinct
than a l"m% in the line.
,S"re. 1o" co"l! too$ if yo".! been o"t here for thirty years.,
4oo%er smile! an! sai!$ ,7o yo" really think the fish #ill stay in one %lace0,
,2 !on.t kno#$, sai! E"int. ,B"t this is #here #e fo"n! him this time$ an! #e
!i!n.t fin! him any#here else.,
,An! he s"re as hell staye! aro"n! Amity$, sai! Bro!y.
,That.s beca"se he ha! foo!$, sai! 4oo%er. There #as no irony in his oice$ no
ta"nt. B"t the remark #as like a nee!le stabbing into Bro!y.s brain. They #aite! for three
more ho"rs$ b"t the fish neer ret"rne!. The ti!e slackene!$ carrying the slick eer
At a little after fie$ E"int sai!$ ,5e might as #ell go in. 2t.s eno"gh to %iss off
the -oo! 4"mor man.,
,5here !o yo" think he #ent0, sai! Bro!y. The +"estion #as rhetorical= he kne#
there #as no ans#er.
,Any#here$, sai! E"int. ,5hen yo" #ant .em$ neer aro"n!. 2t.s only
#hen yo" !on.t #ant .em$ an! !on.t ex%ect .em$ that they sho# "%. 6ontrary f"ckers.,
,An! yo" !on.t think #e sho"l! s%en! the night$ to kee% the slick going.,
,/o. ;ike 2 sai!$ if the slick gets too big$ it.s no goo!. 5e !on.t hae any foo! o"t
here. An! last b"t not least$ yo".re not %aying me for a t#enty(fo"r(ho"r !ay.,
,2f 2 co"l! get the money$ #o"l! yo" !o it0,
E"int tho"ght for a moment. ,/o%e. 2t.s tem%ting$ tho"gh$ .ca"se 2 !on.t think
there.s m"ch chance anything #o"l! ha%%en at night. The slick #o"l! be big an!
conf"sing$ an! een if he came right "% alongsi!e an! looke! at "s$ #e #o"l!n.t kno# he
#as there "nless he took a bite o"t of "s. So it.! be taking yo"r money &"st to let yo"
slee% on boar!. B"t 2 #on.t !o it$ for t#o reasons. *irst off$ if the slick !i! get too big$ it
#o"l! scre# "s "% for the next !ay. Secon!$ 2 like to get this boat in at night.,
,2 g"ess 2 can.t blame yo"$, sai! Bro!y. ,1o"r #ife m"st like it better$ too$ haing
yo" home., E"int sai! flatly$ ,-ot no #ife.,
,)h. 2.m sorry.,
,7on.t be. 2 neer sa# the nee! for one., E"int t"rne! an! climbe! the la!!er to
the flying bri!ge.
Ellen #as fixing the chil!ren.s s"%%er #hen the !oor( bell rang. The boys #ere
#atching teleision in the liing room$ an! she calle! to them$ ,5o"l! somebo!y %lease
ans#er the !oor0,
She hear! the !oor o%en$ hear! some #or!s exchange!$ an!$ a moment later$ sa#
;arry Va"ghan stan!ing at the kitchen !oor. 2t ha! been less than t#o #eeks since she
ha! last seen him$ yet the change in his a%%earance #as so startling that she co"l!n.t hel%
staring at him. As al#ays$ he #as !resse! %erfectly (( a t#o( b"tton bl"e blazer$ b"tton(
!o#n shirt$ gray slacks$ an! -"cci loafers. 2t #as his face that ha! change!. 4e ha! lost
#eight$ an! like many %eo%le #ho hae no excess on their bo!ies$ Va"ghan sho#e! the
loss in his face. 4is eyes ha! rece!e! in their sockets$ an! their color seeme! to Ellen
lighter than normal (( a %asty gray. 4is skin looke! gray$ too$ an! a%%eare! to !roo% at
the cheekbones. 4is li%s #ere moist$ an! he licke! them eery fe# secon!s.
Embarrasse! #hen she fo"n! herself staring$ Ellen lo#ere! her eyes an! sai!$
,;arry. 4ello.,
,4ello$ Ellen. 2 sto%%e! by to..., Va"ghan backe! "% a fe# ste%s an! %eere! into
the liing room. ,*irst of all$ !o yo" s"%%ose 2 co"l! hae a !rink0,
,)f co"rse. 1o" kno# #here eerything is. 4el% yo"rself. 2.! get it for yo"$ b"t
my han!s are coere! #ith chicken.,
,7on.t be silly. 2 can fin! eerything., Va"ghan o%ene! the c"%boar! #here the
li+"or #as ke%t$ took o"t a bottle$ an! %o"re! a glass f"ll of gin. ,As 2 starte! to say$ 2
sto%%e! by to say fare#ell.,
Ellen sto%%e! sh"ffling %ieces of chicken in the frying %an an! sai!$ ,1o".re
going a#ay0 *or ho# long0,
,2 !on.t kno#. Perha%s for goo!. There.s nothing here for me any more.,
,5hat abo"t yo"r b"siness0,
,That.s gone. )r it soon #ill be.,
,5hat !o yo" mean$ gone0 A b"siness !oesn.t &"st go a#ay.,
,/o$ b"t 2 #on.t o#n it any more. 5hat fe# assets there are #ill belong to my...
%artners., 4e s%at the #or! an! then$ as if to cleanse his mo"th of its "n%leasant resi!"e$
took a long s#allo# of gin. ,4as 9artin tol! yo" abo"t o"r conersation0,
,1es., Ellen looke! !o#n at the frying %an an! stirre! the chicken.
,2 imagine yo" !on.t think ery highly of me any more.,
,2t.s not "% to me to &"!ge yo"$ ;arry.,
,2 neer #ante! to h"rt anybo!y. 2 ho%e yo" beliee that.,
,2 beliee it. 4o# m"ch !oes Eleanor kno#0,
,/othing$ %oor !ear. 2 #ant to s%are her$ if 2 can. That.s one reason 2 #ant to moe
a#ay. She loes me$ yo" kno#$ an! 2.! hate to take that loe a#ay... from either of "s.,
Va"ghan leane! against the sink. ,1o" kno# something0 Sometimes 2 think (( an! 2.e
tho"ght this from time to time oer the years (( that yo" an! 2 #o"l! hae ma!e a
#on!erf"l co"%le.,
Ellen re!!ene!. ,5hat !o yo" mean0,
,1o".re from a goo! family. 1o" kno# all the %eo%le 2 ha! to fight to get to
kno#. 5e #o"l! hae fit together an! fit in Amity. 1o".re loely an! goo! an! strong.
1o" #o"l! hae been a real asset to me. An! 2 think 2 co"l! hae gien yo" a life yo"
#o"l! hae loe!.,
Ellen smile!. ,2.m not as strong as yo" think$ ;arry. 2 !on.t kno# #hat kin! of...
asset 2 #o"l! hae been.,
,7on.t belittle yo"rself. 2 only ho%e 9artin a%%reciates the treas"re he has.,
Va"ghan finishe! his !rink an! %"t the glass in the sink. ,Any#ay$ no %oint in
!reaming., 4e #alke! across the kitchen$ to"che! Ellen.s sho"l!er$ an! kisse! the to% of
her hea!. ,-oo!(by$ !ear$, he sai!. ,Think of me once in a #hile.,
Ellen looke! at him. ,2 #ill., She kisse! his cheek. ,5here are yo" going0,
,2 !on.t kno#. Vermont$ maybe$ or /e# 4am%shire. 2 might sell lan! to the skiing
cro#!. 5ho kno#s0 2 might een take "% the s%ort myself.,
,4ae yo" tol! Eleanor0,
,2 tol! her #e might be moing. She &"st smile! an! sai!$ .5hateer yo" #ish..,
,Are yo" leaing soon0,
,As soon as 2 chat #ith my la#yers abo"t my... liabilities.,
,Sen! "s a car! so #e.ll kno# #here yo" are.,
,2 #ill. -oo!(by., Va"ghan left the room$ an! Ellen hear! the screen !oor close
behin! him.
5hen she ha! sere! the chil!ren their s"%%er$ Ellen #ent "%stairs an! sat on her
be!. ,A life yo" #o"l! hae loe!$, Va"ghan ha! sai!. #hat #o"l! a life #ith ;arry
Va"ghan hae been like0 There #o"l! hae been money$ an! acce%tance. She #o"l!
neer hae misse! the life she le! as a girl$ for it #o"l! neer hae en!e!. There #o"l!
hae been no craing for rene#al an! self(confi!ence an! confirmation of her femininity$
no nee! for a fling #ith someone like 4oo%er.
B"t no. She might hae been !rien to it by bore!om$ like so many of the #omen
#ho s%ent their #eeks in Amity #hile their h"sban!s #ere in /e# 1ork. ;ife #ith ;arry
Va"ghan #o"l! hae been life #itho"t challenge$ a life of chea% satisfactions.
As she %on!ere! #hat Va"ghan ha! sai!$ she began to recognize the richness of
her life' a relationshi% #ith Bro!y more re#ar!ing than any ;arry Va"ghan #o"l! eer
ex%erience= an amalgam of minor trials an! tiny tri"m%hs that$ together$ a!!e! "% to
something akin to &oy. An! as her recognition gre#$ so !i! a regret that it ha! taken her
so long to see the #aste of time an! emotion in trying to cling to her %ast. S"!!enly she
felt fear (( fear that she #as gro#ing "% too late$ that something might ha%%en to Bro!y
before she co"l! saor her a#areness. She looke! at her #atch' K':0. 4e sho"l! hae
been home by no#. Something has ha%%ene! to him$ she tho"ght. )h %lease$ -o!$ not
She hear! the !oor o%en !o#nstairs. She &"m%e! off the be!$ ran into the hall an!
!o#n the stairs. She #ra%%e! her arms aro"n! Bro!y.s neck an! kisse! him har! on the
,9y -o!$, he sai! #hen she let him go. ,That.s +"ite a #elcome.,
6ha%ter 1I
,1o".re not %"tting that thing on my boat$, sai! E"int.
They stoo! on the !ock in the brightening light. The s"n ha! cleare! the horizon$
b"t it lay behin! a lo# bank of clo"!s that to"che! the eastern sea. A gentle #in! ble#
from the so"th. The boat #as rea!y to go. Barrels line! the bo#= ro!s stoo! straight in
their hol!ers$ lea!ers sna%%e! into eyelets on the reels. The engine ch"gge! +"ietly$
s%"ttering b"bbles as tiny #aes #ashe! against the exha"st %i%e$ co"ghing !iesel f"mes
that rose an! #ere carrie! a#ay by the breeze.
At the en! of the !ock a man got into a %ick"% tr"ck an! starte! the engine$ an!
the tr"ck began to moe slo#ly off !o#n the !irt roa!. The #or!s stencile! on the !oor
of the tr"ck rea!' 5oo!s 4ole )ceanogra%hic 2nstit"te.
E"int stoo! #ith his back to the boat$ facing Bro!y an! 4oo%er$ #ho stoo! on
each si!e of an al"min"m cage. The cage #as slightly oer six feet tall an! six feet #i!e
an! fo"r feet !ee%. 2nsi!e$ there #as a control %anel' ato% #ere t#o cylin!rical tanks. )n
the floor of the cage #ere a sc"ba tank$ a reg"lator$ a face mask$ an! a #et s"it.
,5hy not0, sai! 4oo%er. ,2t !oesn.t #eigh m"ch$ an! 2 can lash it !o#n o"t of the
,Take "% too m"ch room.,
,That.s #hat 2 sai!$, sai! Bro!y. ,B"t he #o"l!n.t listen.,
,5hat the hell is it any#ay0, sai! E"int.
,2t.s a shark cage$, sai! 4oo%er. ,7iers "se them to %rotect themseles #hen s#imming in the o%en ocean. 2 ha! it sent !o#n from 5oo!s 4ole (( in that tr"ck
that &"st left.,
,An! #hat !o yo" %lan to !o #ith it0,
,5hen #e fin! the fish$ or #hen the fish fin!s "s$ 2 #ant to go !o#n in the cage
an! take some %ict"res. /o one.s eer been able to %hotogra%h a fish this big before.,
,/ot a chance$, sai! E"int. ,/ot on my boat.,
,5hy not0,
,2t.s foolishness$ that.s #hy. A sensible man kno#s his limits. That.s beyon! yo"r
,4o# !o yo" kno#0,
,2t.s beyon! any man.s limits. A fish that big co"l! eat that cage for breakfast.,
,B"t would he0 2 !on.t think so. 2 think he might b"m% it$ might een mo"th it$
b"t 2 !on.t think he.! serio"sly try to eat it.,
,4e #o"l! if he sa# something as &"icy as yo" insi!e.,
,2 !o"bt it.,
,5ell$ forget it.,
,;ook$ E"int$ this is a chance of a lifetime. /ot &"st for me. 2 #o"l!n.t hae
tho"ght of !oing it "ntil 2 sa# the fish yester!ay. 2t.s "ni+"e$ at least in this hemis%here.
An! een tho"gh %eo%le hae filme! great #hites before$ no one.s eer filme! a t#enty(
foot #hite s#imming in the o%en ocean. /eer.,
,4e sai! forget it$, sai! Bro!y. ,So forget it. Besi!es$ 2 !on.t #ant the
res%onsibility. o"t here to kill that fish$ not make a home moie abo"t it.,
,5hat res%onsibility0 1o".re not res%onsible for me.,
,)h yes 2 am. The to#n of Amity is %aying for this tri%$ so #hat 2 say goes.,
4oo%er sai! to E"int$ ,2.ll %ay yo".,
E"int smile!. ,)h yeah0 4o# m"ch0,
,*orget it$, sai! Bro!y. ,2 !on.t care #hat E"int says. 2 say yo".re not bringing
that thing along.,
4oo%er ignore! him an! sai! to E"int$ ,A h"n!re! !ollars. 6ash. 2n a!ance$ the
#ay yo" like it., 4e reache! into his back %ocket for his #allet.
,2 sai! no8, sai! Bro!y.
,5hat !o yo" say$ E"int0 A h"n!re! b"cks. 6ash. 4ere it is., 4e co"nte! fie
t#enties an! hel! them o"t to E"int.
,2 !on.t kno#., Then E"int reache! for the money an! sai!$ ,Shit$ 2 !on.t s"%%ose
it.s my b"siness to kee% a man from killing himself if he #ants to.,
,1o" %"t that cage on the boat$, Bro!y sai! to E"int$ ,an! yo" !on.t get yo"r fo"r
h"n!re!., 2f 4oo%er #ants to kill himself$ Bro!y tho"ght$ let him !o it on his o#n time.
,An! if the cage !oesn.t go$, sai! 4oo%er$ ,2 !on.t go.,
,*"ck yo"rself$, sai! Bro!y. ,1o" can stay here$ for all 2 care.,
,2 !on.t think E"int #o"l! like that. Right$ E"int0 1o" #ant to go o"t an! take on
that fish #ith &"st yo" an! the chief0 1o" feel goo! abo"t that0,
,5e.ll fin! another man$, sai! Bro!y.
,-o ahea!$, 4oo%er sna%%e!. ,-oo! l"ck.,
,6an.t !o it$, sai! E"int. ,/ot on this short notice.,
,Then the hell #ith it8, sai! Bro!y. ,5e.ll go tomorro#. 4oo%er can go back to
5oo!s 4ole an! %lay #ith his fish., 4oo%er #as angry (( angrier$ in fact$ than he kne#$
for before he co"l! sto% himself$ he ha! sai!$ ,That.s not all 2 might... )h$ forget it.,
*or seeral secon!s$ a lea!en silence fell oer the three men. Bro!y stare! at
4oo%er$ "n#illing to beliee #hat he ha! hear!$ "ncertain ho# m"ch s"bstance there #as
in the remark an! ho# m"ch em%ty threat. Then s"!!enly he #as oercome by rage. 4e
reache! 4oo%er in t#o ste%s$ grabbe! both si!es of his collar$ an! ramme! his fists into
4oo%er.s throat. ,5hat #as that0, he sai!. ,5hat !i! yo" say0,
4oo%er co"l! har!ly breathe. 4e cla#e! at Bro!y.s fingers. ,/othing8, he sai!$
choking. ,/othing8, 4e trie! to back a#ay$ b"t Bro!y gri%%e! him tighter.
,5hat !i! yo" mean by that0,
,/othing$ 2 tell yo"8 2 #as angry. 2t #as something to say.,
,5here #ere yo" last 5e!nes!ay afternoon0,
,/o#here8, 4oo%er.s tem%les #ere throbbing. ,;et me go8 1o".re choking me8,
,5here #ere yo"0, Bro!y t#iste! his fists tighter.
,2n a motel8 /o# let me go8,
Bro!y ease! his gri%. ,5ith #ho0, he sai!$ %raying to himself$ -o!$ !on.t let it be
Ellen= let his alibi be a goo! one.
,7aisy 5icker.,
,;iar8, Bro!y tightene! his gri% again$ an! he felt tears begin to s+"eeze from his
,5hat !o yo" mean0, sai! 4oo%er$ str"ggling to free himself.
,7aisy 5icker.s a go!!am lesbian8 5hat #ere yo" !oing$ knitting0,
4oo%er.s tho"ghts #ere fogging. Bro!y.s kn"ckles #ere c"tting off the flo# of
bloo! to his brain. 4is eyeli!s flickere! an! he began to lose conscio"sness. Bro!y
release! him an! %"she! him !o#n to the !ock$ #here he sat$ s"cking air.
,5hat !o yo" say to that0, sai! Bro!y. ,Are yo" s"ch a hotshot yo" can f"ck a
4oo%er.s min! cleare! +"ickly$ an! he sai!$ ,/o. 2 !i!n.t fin! it o"t "ntil... "ntil it
#as too late.,
,5hat !o yo" mean0 1o" mean she #ent #ith yo" to a motel an! then t"rne! yo"
!o#n0 /o !yke is gonna go to any motel room #ith yo".,
,She !i!8, sai! 4oo%er$ !es%erately trying to kee% %ace #ith Bro!y.s +"estions.
,She sai! she #ante! ... that it #as time she trie! it straight. B"t then she co"l!n.t go
thro"gh #ith it. 2t #as a#f"l.,
,1o".re b"llshitting me8,
,2.m not8 1o" can check #ith her yo"rself., 4oo%er kne# it #as a #eak exc"se.
Bro!y co"l! check it o"t #ith no tro"ble. B"t it #as all he co"l! think of. 4e co"l! sto%
on the #ay home that eening an! call 7aisy 5icker from a %hone booth$ beg her to
corroborate his story. )r he co"l! sim%ly neer ret"rn to Amity (( t"rn north an! take the
ferry from )rient Point an! be o"t of the state before Bro!y co"l! reach 7aisy 5icker.
,2 #ill check$, sai! Bro!y. ,1o" can co"nt on it.,
Behin! him$ Bro!y hear! E"int la"gh an! say$ ,That.s the f"nniest thing 2 eer
!i! hear. Trie! to lay a lesbian.,
Bro!y trie! to rea! 4oo%er.s face$ searching for any( thing that might betray a lie.
B"t 4oo%er ke%t his eyes fixe! on the !ock.
,5ell$ #hat !o yo" say0, sai! E"int. ,5e going to!ay or not0 Either #ay$ Bro!y$
it.ll cost yo".,
Bro!y felt shaken. 4e #as tem%te! to cancel the tri%$ to ret"rn to Amity an!
!iscoer the tr"th abo"t 4oo%er an! Ellen. B"t s"%%ose the #orst #as tr"e. 5hat co"l!
he !o then0 6onfront Ellen0 Beat her0 5alk o"t on her0 5hat goo! #o"l! that !o0 4e
ha! to hae time to think. 4e sai! to E"int$ ,5e.ll go.,
,5ith the cage0,
,5ith the cage. 2f this asshole #ants to kill himself$ let him.,
,)kay by me$, sai! E"int. ,;et.s get this circ"s on the roa!.,
4oo%er stoo! an! #alke! to the cage. ,2.ll get in the boat$, he sai! hoarsely. ,2f
yo" t#o can %"sh it oer to the e!ge of the !ock an! lean it to#ar! me$ then one of yo"
come !o#n into the boat #ith me$ #e can carry it oer into the corner.,
Bro!y an! E"int sli! the cage across the #oo!en boar!s$ an! Bro!y #as s"r%rise!
at ho# light it #as. Een #ith the !iing gear insi!e$ it co"l!n.t hae #eighe! more than
t#o h"n!re! %o"n!s. They ti%%e! it to#ar! 4oo%er$ #ho grabbe! t#o of the bars an!
#aite! "ntil E"int &oine! him in the cock%it. The t#o men easily carrie! the cage a fe#
feet an! %"she! it into a corner "n!er the oerhang that s"%%orte! the flying bri!ge.
4oo%er sec"re! it #ith t#o %ieces of ro%e.
Bro!y &"m%e! aboar! an! sai!$ ,;et.s go.,
,Aren.t yo" forgetting something0, sai! E"int.
,*o"r h"n!re! !ollars.,
Bro!y took an enelo%e from his %ocket an! han!e! it to E"int. ,1o".re going to
!ie a rich man$ E"int.,
,That.s my aim. Jncleat the stern line$ #ill yo"0, E"int "ncleate! the bo# an!
mi!shi%s s%ring lines an! tosse! them onto the !ock$ an! #hen he sa# that the stern line
#as clear$ too$ he %"she! the throttle for#ar! an! g"i!e! the boat o"t of the sli%. 4e
t"rne! right an! %"she! the throttle for#ar!$ an! the boat moe! s#iftly thro"gh the calm
sea (( %ast 4icks 2slan! an! -off Point$ aro"n! Shag#ong an! 9onta"k %oints. Soon the
lightho"se on 9onta"k Point #as behin! them$ an! they #ere cr"ising so"th by
so"th#est in the o%en ocean.
-ra!"ally$ as the boat fell into the rhythm of the long ocean s#ells$ Bro!y.s f"ry
!"lle!. 9aybe 4oo%er #as telling the tr"th. 2t #as %ossible. A %erson #o"l!n.t make "% a
story that #as so easy to check. Ellen ha! neer cheate! on him before$ he #as s"re of
that. She neer een flirte! #ith other men. B"t$ he tol! himself$ there.s al#ays a first
time. An! once again the tho"ght ma!e his throat tighten. 4e felt &ealo"s an! in&"re!$
ina!e+"ate an! o"trage!. 4e ho%%e! !o#n from the fighting chair an! climbe! "% to the
flying bri!ge.
E"int ma!e room on the bench for Bro!y$ an! Bro!y sat !o#n next to him. E"int
ch"ckle!. ,1o" boys almost ha! a no(shit %"nch("% back there.,
,2t #as nothing.,
,;ooke! like something to me. 5hat is it$ yo" think he.s been %oking yo"r #ife0,
6onfronte! #ith his o#n tho"ghts state! so br"tally$ Bro!y #as shocke!. ,/one
of yo"r !amn b"siness$, he sai!.
,5hateer yo" say. B"t if yo" ask me$ he ain.t got it in him.,
,/obo!y aske! yo"., Anxio"s to change the s"b&ect$ Bro!y sai!$ ,Are #e going
back to the same %lace0,
,Same %lace. 5on.t be too long no#.,
,5hat are the chances the fish #ill still be there0,
,5ho kno#s0 B"t it.s the only thing #e can !o.,
,1o" sai! something on the %hone the other !ay abo"t being smarter than fish. 2s
that all there is to it0 2s that the only secret of s"ccess0,
,That.s all there is. 1o" &"st got to o"tg"ess .em. 2t.s no trick. st"%i! as
,1o".e neer fo"n! a smart fish0,
,/eer met one yet., Bro!y remembere! the leering$ grinning face that ha! stare!
"% at him from the #ater. ,2 !on.t kno#$, he sai!. ,That fish s"re looke! mean yester!ay.
;ike he meant to be mean. ;ike he kne# #hat he #as !oing.,
,Shit$ he !on.t kno# nothing.,
,7o they hae !ifferent %ersonalities0,
,*ish0, E"int la"ghe!. ,That.s giing them more cre!it than !"e. 1o"
can.t treat .em like %eo%le$ een tho"gh 2 g"ess some %eo%le are as !"mb as fish. /o.
They !o !ifferent things sometimes$ b"t after a #hile yo" get to kno# eerything they
!an !o.,
,2t.s not a challenge$ then. 1o".re not fighting an enemy.,
,/o. /o more .n a %l"mber #ho.s trying to "nstick a !rain. 9aybe he.ll c"ss at it
an! hit it #ith a #rench. B"t !o#n !ee% he !on.t think he.s fighting somebo!y.
Sometimes 2 r"n into an ornery fish that gies me more tro"ble than other ones$ b"t 2 &"st
"se !ifferent tools.,
,There are fish yo" can.t catch$ aren.t there0,
,)h s"re$ b"t that !on.t mean smart or sneaky or anything. 2t only means not h"ngry #hen yo" try to catch .em$ or too fast for yo"$ or yo".re "sing
the #rong bait.,
E"int fell silent for a moment$ then s%oke again. ,)nce$, he sai!$ ,a shark almost
ca"ght me. 2t #as abo"t t#enty years ago. 2 ha! a fair(size bl"e shark to gaff an! he gae
a big yank an! ha"le! me oerboar! #ith him.,
,5hat !i! yo" !o0,
,2 come "% oer that transom so fast 2 !on.t think my feet to"che! anything
bet#een #ater an! !eck. 2 #as l"cky 2 fell oer the stern$ #here it.s fairly lo# !o#n$ near
the #ater. 2f 2.! of fallen oer ami!shi%s$ 2 !on.t kno# #hat 2 #o"l!.e !one. Any#ay$ 2
#as o"t of that #ater before the fish een kne# 2 #as in it. 4e #as b"sy trying to shake
the gaff.,
,S"%%ose yo" fell oer #ith this fish. 2s there anything yo" co"l! !o0,
,S"re. Pray. 2t.! be like falling o"t of an air%lane #itho"t a %arach"te an! ho%ing
yo".ll lan! in a haystack. The only thing that.! sae yo" #o"l! be -o!$ an! since 4e
%"she! yo" oerboar! in the first %lace$ 2 #o"l!n.t gie a nickel for yo"r chances.,
,There.s a #oman in Amity #ho thinks that.s #hy haing tro"ble$, sai!
Bro!y. ,She thinks it.s some sort of !iine retrib"tion.,
E"int smile!. ,9ight be. 4e ma!e the !amn thing$ 2 s"%%ose 4e can tell it #hat to
,1o" serio"s0,
,/o$ not really. 2 !on.t %"t m"ch stock in religion.,
,So #hy !o yo" think %eo%le hae been kille!.,
,Ba! l"ck., E"int %"lle! back on the throttle. The boat slo#e! an! settle! in the
s#ells. ,5e.ll try to change it., 4e took a %iece of %a%er from his %ocket$ "nfol!e! it$
rea! the notes$ an! sighting along his o"tstretche! arm$ checke! his bearings. 4e t"rne!
the ignition key$ an! the engine !ie!. There #as a #eight$ a thickness$ to the s"!!en
silence. ,)kay$ 4oo%er$, he sai!. ,Start ch"ckin. the shit oerboar!.,
4oo%er took the to% off the ch"m b"cket an! began to la!le the contents into the
sea. The first la!lef"l s%attere! on the still #ater$ an! slo#ly the oily smear s%rea!
By ten o.clock a breeze ha! come "% (( not strong$ b"t fresh eno"gh to ri%%le the
#ater an! cool the men$ #ho sat an! #atche! an! sai! nothing. The only so"n! #as the
reg"lar s%lash as 4oo%er %o"re! ch"m off the stern.
Bro!y sat in the fighting chair$ str"ggling to stay a#ake. 4e ya#ne!$ then recalle!
that he ha! left the half(rea! co%y of The Deadly 1irgin in a magazine rack belo#. 4e
stoo!$ stretche!$ an! #ent !o#n the three ste%s into the cabin. 4e fo"n! the book an!
starte! to%si!e again$ #hen his eye ca"ght the ice chest. 4e looke! at his #atch an! sai!
to himself$ the hell #ith it= there.s no time o"t here.
,2.m going to hae a beer$, he calle!. ,Anybo!y #ant one0,
,/o$, sai! 4oo%er.
,S"re$, sai! E"int. ,5e can shoot at the cans.,
Bro!y took t#o beers from the chest$ remoe! the metal tabs$ an! starte! to climb
the stairs. 4is foot #as on the to% ste% #hen he hear! E"int.s flat$ calm oice say$ ,There
he is.,
At first$ Bro!y tho"ght E"int #as referring to him$ b"t then he sa# 4oo%er &"m%
off the transom an! hear! him #histle an! say$ ,5o#8 4e s"re is8,
Bro!y felt his %"lse s%ee! "%. 4e ste%%e! +"ickly onto the !eck an! sai!$
,Right there$, sai! E"int. ,7ea! off the stern.,
2t took Bro!y.s eyes a moment to a!&"st$ b"t then he sa# the fin (( a ragge!$
bro#nish(gray triangle that slice! thro"gh the #ater$ follo#e! by the scythe! tail
s#ee%ing left an! right #ith short$ s%asmo!ic thr"sts. The fish #as at least thirty yar!s
behin! the boat$ Bro!y g"esse!. 9aybe forty. ,Are yo" s"re it.s him0, he sai!.
,2t.s him$, sai! E"int.
,5hat are yo" going to !o0,
,/othing. /ot till #e see #hat he !oes. 4oo%er$ yo" kee% la!ling that shit. ;et.s
bring him in here.,
4oo%er lifte! the b"cket "% onto the transom an! scoo%e! the ch"m into the
#ater. E"int #alke! for#ar! an! fastene! a har%oon hea! to the #oo!en shaft. 4e %icke!
"% a barrel an! %"t it "n!er one arm. 4e hel! the coile! ro%e oer his other arm an!
cl"tche! the har%oon in his han!. 4e carrie! it all aft an! set it on the !eck.
The fish cr"ise! back an! forth in the slick$ seeming to search for the so"rce of
the bloo!y miasma.
,Reel in those lines$, E"int sai! to Bro!y. ,They #on.t !o any goo! no# #e.e
got him "%.,
Bro!y bro"ght in the lines one by one an! let the s+"i! bait fall to the !eck. The
fish moe! slightly closer to the boat$ still cr"ising slo#ly.
E"int set the barrel on the transom to the left of 4oo%er.s b"cket an! arrange! the
ro%e besi!e it. Then he climbe! "% on the transom an! stoo!$ his right arm cocke!$
hol!ing the har%oon. ,6ome on$, he sai!. ,6ome on in here.,
B"t the fish #o"l! come no closer than fifty feet from the boat.
,2 !on.t get it$, sai! E"int. ,4e sho"l! come in an! take a look at "s. Bro!y$ take
the c"tters o"t of my back %ocket an! cli% off those s+"i! bait an! thro# .em oerboar!.
9aybe some foo!.ll bring him in. An! s%lash the hell o"t of the #ater #hen yo" thro#
.em. ;et him kno# something.s there.,
Bro!y !i! as he #as tol!$ sla%%ing an! roiling the #ater #ith a gaff$ al#ays
kee%ing the fin in sight$ for he imagine! the fish s"!!enly a%%earing from the !ee% an!
seizing him by the arm.
,Thro# some other ones #hile yo".re at it$, sai! E"int. , in the chest
there. An! thro# those beers oer$ too.,
,The beers0 5hat for0,
,The more #e can get in the #ater$ the better. 7on.t make no !ifference #hat it is$
so long as it gets him intereste! eno"gh to #ant to fin! o"t.,
4oo%er sai!$ ,5hat abo"t the %or%oise0,
,5hy$ 9r. 4oo%er$, sai! E"int. ,2 tho"ght yo" !i!n.t a%%roe.,
,/eer min! that$, 4oo%er sai! excite!ly. ,2 #ant to see that fish8,
,5e.ll see$, sai! E"int. ,2f 2 hae to "se it$ 2 #ill.,
The s+"i! ha! !rifte! back to#ar! the shark$ an! one of the beers bobbe! on the
s"rface as it slo#ly fa!e! aft of the boat. B"t still the fish staye! a#ay.
They #aite! (( 4oo%er la!ling$ E"int %oise! on the transom$ Bro!y stan!ing by
one of the ro!s.
,Shit$, sai! E"int. ,2 g"ess 2 got no choice., 4e set the har%oon !o#n an! &"m%e!
off the transom. 4e fli%%e! the to% off the garbage can next to Bro!y$ an! Bro!y sa# the
lifeless eyes of the tiny %or%oise as it s#aye! in the briny #ater. The sight re%elle! him$
an! he t"rne! a#ay.
,5ell$ little fella$, sai! E"int. ,The time has come., *rom the lazaret he took a
length of !og(leash chain an! sna%%e! one en! of it into the hook eye %rotr"!ing from
beneath the %or%oise.s &a#. To the other en! of the chain he tie! a length of three(+"arter(
inch hem%. 4e "ncoile! seeral yar!s of the ro%e$ c"t it$ an! ma!e it fast to a cleat on the
starboar! g"n#ale.
,2 tho"ght yo" sai! the shark co"l! %"ll o"t a cleat$, sai! Bro!y.
,2t might &"st$, sai! E"int. ,B"t 2.m betting 2 can get an iron in him an! c"t the
ro%e before he %"lls it ta"t eno"gh to yank the cleat., E"int took hol! of the !og chain
an! lifte! the starboar! g"n#ale an! set it !o#n. 4e climbe! onto the transom an! %"lle!
the %or%oise after him. 4e took the knife from the sheath at his belt. 5ith his left han! he
hel! the %or%oise o"t in front of him. Then$ #ith his right$ he c"t a series of shallo#
slashes in the %or%oise.s belly. A rank$ !ark li+"i! ooze! from the animal an! fell in
!ro%lets on the #ater. E"int tosse! the %or%oise into the #ater$ let o"t six feet of line$
then %"t the ro%e "n!er his foot on the transom an! ste%%e! !o#n har!. The %or%oise
floate! &"st beneath the s"rface of the #ater$ less than six feet from the boat.
,That.s %retty close$, sai! Bro!y.
,4as to be$, sai! E"int. ,2 can.t get a shot at him if he.s thirty feet a#ay.,
,5hy are yo" stan!ing on the ro%e0,
,To kee% the little fella #here he is. 2 !on.t #ant to cleat it !o#n that close to the
boat. 2f he took it an! !i!n.t hae any r"nning room$ he co"l! thrash aro"n! an! beat "s
to %ieces., E"int hefte! the har%oon an! looke! at the shark.s fin.
The fish moe! closer$ still cr"ising back an! forth b"t closing the ga% bet#een
itself an! the boat by a fe# feet #ith eery %assage. Then it sto%%e!$ t#enty or t#enty(
fie feet a#ay$ an! for a secon! seeme! to lie motionless in the #ater$ aime! !irectly at
the boat. The tail !ro%%e! beneath the s"rface= the !orsal fin sli! back#ar! an! anishe!=
an! the great hea! reare! "%$ mo"th o%en in a slack$ saage grin$ eyes black an! abysmal.
Bro!y stare! in m"te horror$ sensing that this #as #hat it m"st be like to try to
stare !o#n the !eil.
,4ey$ fish8, E"int calle!. 4e stoo! on the transom$ legs s%rea!$ his han! c"rle!
aro"n! the shaft of the har%oon that reste! on his sho"l!er. ,6ome see #hat #e.e got for
*or another moment the fish h"ng in the #ater$ #atching. Then$ so"n!lessly$ the
hea! sli! back an! !isa%%eare!.
,5here.! he go0, sai! Bro!y.
,4e.ll be coming no#$, sai! E"int. ,6ome$ fish$, he %"rre!. ,6ome$ fish. 6ome
get yo"r s"%%er., 4e %ointe! the har%oon at the floating %or%oise.
S"!!enly the boat l"rche! iolently to the si!e. E"int.s legs ski!!e! o"t from
"n!er him$ an! he fell on his back on the transom. The har%oon !art se%arate! from the
shaft an! clattere! to the !eck. Bro!y t"mble! si!e#ays$ grabbe! the back of the chair$
an! t#irle! aro"n! as the chair s#iele!. 4oo%er s%"n back#ar! an! slamme! into the
%ort g"n#ale.
The ro%e attache! to the %or%oise ta"tene! an! shiere!. The knot by #hich it #as
sec"re! to the cleat tightene! so har! that the ro%e flattene! an! its fibers %o%%e!. The
#oo! "n!er the cleat began to crack. Then the ro%e sna%%e! back#ar!$ #ent slack$ an!
c"rle! in the #ater besi!e the boat.
,2.ll be f"cke!8, sai! E"int.
,2t #as like he kne# #hat yo" #ere trying to !o$, sai! Bro!y$ ,like he kne# there
#as a tra% set for him.,
,-o!!ammit8 2 neer hae seen a fish !o that before.,
,4e kne# if he knocke! yo" !o#n he co"l! get to the %or%oise.,
,Shit$ he #as &"st aiming for the %or%oise$ an! he misse!., 4oo%er sai!$ ,Aiming
from the o%%osite si!e of the boat0,
,5ell$ it !on.t make no neer(min!$, sai! E"int.
,5hateer he !i!$ it #orke!.,
,4o# !o yo" think he got off the hook0, sai! Bro!y. ,4e !i!n.t %"ll the cleat
E"int #alke! oer to the starboar! g"n#ale an! began to %"ll in the ro%e. ,4e
either bit right thro"gh the chain$ or else... "h(h"h$ that.s #hat 2 fig"re!., 4e leane! oer
the g"n#ale an! grabbe! the chain. 4e %"lle! it aboar!. 2t #as intact$ the cli% still
attache! to the eye of the hook. B"t the hook itself ha! been !estroye!. The steel shaft no
longer c"rle!. 2t #as nearly straight$ marke! by t#o small b"m%s #here once it ha! been
tem%ere! into a c"re.
,3es"s 6hrist8, sai! Bro!y. ,4e !i! that #ith his mo"th0,
,Bent it o"t nice as yo" %lease$, sai! E"int. ,Probably !i!n.t slo# him !o#n for
more than a secon! or t#o.,
Bro!y felt light(hea!e!. 4is fingerti%s tingle!. 4e sat !o#n in the chair an! !re#
seeral !ee% breaths$ trying to stifle the fear that #as mo"nting insi!e him.
,5here !o yo" s"%%ose he.s gone0, sai! 4oo%er$ stan!ing at the stern an! looking
at the #ater.
,4e.s aro"n! here some#here$, sai! E"int. ,2 imagine he.ll be back. That %or%oise
#asn.t any more to him than an anchoy is to a bl"efish. 4e.ll be looking for more foo!.,
4e reassemble! the har%oon$ recoile! the ro%e$ an! set them on the transom. , &"st
gonna hae to #ait. An! kee% ch"mming. 2.ll tie "% some more s+"i! an! hang .em
Bro!y #atche! E"int as he #ra%%e! t#ine aro"n! each s+"i! an! !ro%%e! it
oerboar!$ attache! to the boat at cleats$ ro!(hol!ers$ an! almost anything else aro"n!
#hich he co"l! tie a knot. 5hen a !ozen s+"i! ha! been %lace! at ario"s %oints an!
ario"s !e%ths aro"n! the boat$ E"int climbe! to the flying bri!ge an! sat !o#n.
4o%ing to be contra!icte!$ Bro!y sai!$ ,That s"re !oes seem to be a smart fish.,
,Smart or not$ 2 #o"l!n.t kno#$, sai! E"int. ,B"t he.s !oing things 2.e neer
seen a fish !o before., 4e %a"se!$ then sai! (( as m"ch to himself as to Bro!y (( ,b"t 2.m
gonna get that f"cker. That.s one thing for s"re.,
,4o# can yo" be s"re0,
,2 kno# it$ that.s all. /o# leae me be., 2t #as a comman!$ not a re+"est$ an!
tho"gh Bro!y #ante! to talk (( abo"t anything$ een the fish itself$ as long as he co"l!
steer his min! a#ay from the image of the beast l"rking in the #ater belo# him (( he sai!
nothing more. 4e looke! at his #atch' 11'0<.
They #aite!$ ex%ecting at any moment to see the fin rise off the stern an! c"t
back an! forth thro"gh the #ater. 4oo%er la!le! ch"m$ #hich so"n!e! to Bro!y$ eery
time it hit the #ater$ like !iarrhea.
At eleen(thirty$ Bro!y #as startle! by a shar%$ resonant sna%. E"int lea%e! !o#n
the la!!er$ across the !eck$ an! onto the transom. 4e %icke! "% the har%oon an! hel! it at
his sho"l!er$ scanning the #ater aro"n! the stern.
,5hat the hell #as that0, sai! Bro!y.
,4e.s back.,
,4o# !o yo" kno#0 5hat #as that noise0,
,T#ine sna%%ing. 4e took one of the s+"i!.,
,5hy #o"l! it sna%0 5hy #o"l!n.t he che# right thro"gh it0,
,4e %robably neer bit !o#n on it. 4e s"cke! it in$ an! the t#ine came tight
behin! his teeth #hen he close! his mo"th. 4e #ent like this$ 2 imagine, (( E"int &erke!
his hea! to the si!e (( ,an! the line %arte!.,
,4o# co"l! #e hear it sna% if it sna%%e! "n!er #ater0,
,2t !i!n.t sna% "n!er #ater$ for 6hrist sake8 2t sna%%e! right there., E"int %ointe!
to a fe# inches of lim% t#ine hanging from a cleat ami!shi%s.
,)h$, sai! Bro!y. As he looke! at the remnant$ he sa# another %iece of t#ine (( a
fe# feet farther "% the g"n#ale (( go lim%. ,There.s another one$, he sai!. 4e stoo! an!
#alke! to the g"n#ale an! %"lle! in the line.
,4e m"st be right "n!erneath "s., E"int sai!$ ,Anybo!y care to go s#imming0,
,;et.s %"t the cage oerboar!$, sai! 4oo%er.
,1o".re ki!!ing$, sai! Bro!y.
,/o$ 2.m not. 2t might bring him o"t.,
,5ith yo" in it0,
,/ot at first. ;et.s see #hat he !oes. 5hat !o yo" say$ E"int0,
,9ight as #ell$, sai! E"int. ,6an.t h"rt &"st to %"t it in the$ #ater$ an! yo" %ai!
for it., 4e %"t !o#n the har%oon$ an! he an! 4oo%er #alke! to the cage.
They ti%%e! the cage onto its si!e$ an! 4oo%er o%ene! the to% hatch an! cra#le!
thro"gh it. 4e remoe! the sc"ba tank$ reg"lator$ face mask$ an! neo%rene #et s"it$ an!
set them on the !eck. They ti%%e! the cage "%right again an! sli! it across the !eck to the
starboar! g"n#ale. ,1o" got a co"%le of lines0, sai! 4oo%er. ,2 #ant to make it fast to
the boat., E"int #ent belo# an! ret"rne! #ith t#o coils of ro%e. They tie! one to an after
cleat$ one to a cleat ami!shi%s$ then sec"re! the en!s to the bars on to% of the cage.
,)kay$, sai! 4oo%er. ,;et.s %"t her oer., They lifte! the cage$ ti%%e! it back#ar!$ an!
%"she! it oerboar!. 2t sank "ntil the ro%es sto%%e! it$ a fe# feet beneath the s"rface.
There it reste!$ rising an! falling slo#ly in the s#ells. The three men stoo! at the
g"n#ale$ looking into the #ater.
,5hat makes yo" think this.ll bring him "%0, sai! Bro!y.
,2 !i!n.t say ."%$., sai! 4oo%er. ,2 sai! .o"t.. 2 think he.ll come o"t an! hae a look
at it$ to see #hether he #ants to eat it.,
,That #on.t !o "s any !amn goo!$, sai! E"int. ,2 can.t stick him if he.s t#ele
feet "n!er #ater.,
,)nce he comes o"t$, sai! 4oo%er$ ,maybe he.ll come "%. not haing any
l"ck #ith anything else.,
B"t the fish !i! not come o"t. The cage lay +"ietly in the #ater$ "nmoleste!.
,There goes another s+"i!$, sai! E"int$ %ointing for#ar!. ,4e.s there$ all right.,
4e leane! oerboar! an! sho"te!$ ,-o! !amn yo"$ fish8 6ome o"t #here 2 can hae a
shot at yo".,
After fifteen min"tes$ 4oo%er sai!$ ,)h #ell$, an! #ent belo#. 4e rea%%eare!
moments later$ carrying a moie camera in a #ater%roof ho"sing$ an! #hat looke! to
Bro!y like a #alking stick #ith a thong at one en!.
,5hat are yo" !oing0, Bro!y sai!.
,2.m going !o#n there. 9aybe that.ll bring him o"t.,
,1o".re o"t of yo"r go!!am min!. 5hat are yo" going to !o if he !oes come
,*irst$ 2.m going to take some %ict"res of him. Then 2.m going to try to kill him.,
,5ith #hat$ may 2 ask0,
,This., 4oo%er hel! "% the stick.
,-oo! thinking$, E"int sai! #ith a !erisie cackle. ,2f that !oesn.t #ork yo" can
tickle him to !eath.,
,5hat is that0, sai! Bro!y.
,Some %eo%le call it a bang stick. )thers call it a %o#er hea!. Any#ay$ it.s
basically an "n!er#ater g"n., 4e %"lle! both en!s of the stick$ an! it came a%art in t#o
%ieces. ,2n here$, he sai!$ %ointing to a chamber at the %oint #here the stick ha! come
a%art$ ,yo" %"t a t#ele(ga"ge shotg"n shell., 4e took a shotg"n shell from his %ocket
an! %"she! it into the chamber$ then re&oine! the t#o en!s of the stick. ,Then$ #hen yo"
get close eno"gh to the fish$ yo" &ab it at him an! the shell goes off. 2f yo" hit him right ((
in the brain.s the only s"re %lace (( yo" kill him.,
,Een a fish that big0,
,2 think so. 2f 2 hit him right.,
,An! if yo" !on.t0 S"%%ose yo" miss by &"st a hair.,
,That.s #hat 2.m afrai! of.,
,2 #o"l! be$ too$, sai! E"int. ,2 !on.t think 2.! like fie tho"san! %o"n!s of
%isse!(off !inosa"r trying to eat me.,
,That.s not my #orry$, sai! 4oo%er. ,5hat concerns me is that if 2 miss$ 2 might
!rie him off. 4e.! %robably so"n!$ an! #e.! neer kno# if he !ie! or not.,
,Jntil he ate someone else$, sai! Bro!y.
,That.s right.,
,1o".re f"cking crazy$, sai! E"int.
,Am 2$ E"int0 1o".re not haing m"ch s"ccess #ith this fish. 5e co"l! stay here
all month an! let him eat yo"r bait right o"t from "n!er "s.,
,4e.ll come "%$, sai! E"int. ,9ark my #or!s.,
,1o".ll be !ea! of ol! age before he comes "%$ E"int. 2 think this fish has yo" all
shook. 4e.s not %laying by the r"les.,
E"int looke! at 4oo%er an! sai! eenly$ ,1o" telling me my b"siness$ boy0,
,/o. B"t 2 am telling yo" 2 think this fish is more than yo" can han!le.,
,That right$ boy0 1o" think yo" can !o better .n E"int0,
,6all it that if yo" #ant. 2 think 2 can kill the fish.,
,*ine an! !an!y. 1o".re gonna get yo"r chance.,
Bro!y sai!$ ,6ome on. 5e can.t let him go in that thing.,
,5hat are you bitchin. abo"t0, sai! E"int. ,*rom #hat 2 seen$ yo" &"st as soon he
#ent !o#n there an! neer come "%. At least that.! sto% him from ((,
,Sh"t yo"r mo"th8, Bro!y.s emotions #ere &"mble!. Part of him !i!n.t care
#hether 4oo%er lie! or !ie! (( might een relish the %ros%ect of 4oo%er.s !eath. B"t
s"ch engeance #o"l! be hollo# (( an! +"ite %ossibly$ "nmerite!. 6o"l! he really #ish a
man !ea!0 /o. /ot yet.
,-o on$, E"int sai! to 4oo%er. ,-et in that thing.,
,Right a#ay., 4oo%er remoe! his shirt$ sneakers$ an! tro"sers$ an! began to %"ll
the neo%rene s"it oer his legs. ,5hen 2.m insi!e$, he sai!$ forcing his arms into the
r"bber sleees of the &acket$ ,stan! "% here an! kee% an eye. 9aybe yo" can "se the rifle
if he gets close eno"gh to the s"rface., 4e looke! at E"int. ,1o" can be rea!y #ith the
har%oon... if yo" #ant to.,
,2.ll !o #hat 2.ll !o$, sai! E"int. ,1o" #orry abo"t yo"rself.,
5hen he #as !resse!$ 4oo%er fit the reg"lator onto the neck of the air tank$
tightene! the #ing n"t that hel! it in %lace$ an! o%ene! the air ale. 4e s"cke! t#o
breaths from the tank to make s"re it #as fee!ing air. ,4el% me %"t this on$ #ill yo"0, he
sai! to Bro!y.
Bro!y lifte! the tank an! hel! it #hile 4oo%er sli%%e! his arms thro"gh the stra%s
an! fastene! a thir! stra% aro"n! his mi!!le. 4e %"t the face mask on his hea!. ,2 sho"l!
hae bro"ght #eights$, sai! 4oo%er.
E"int sai!$ ,1o" sho"l! hae bro"ght brains.,
4oo%er %"t his right #rist thro"gh the thong at the en! of the %o#er hea!$ %icke!
"% the camera #ith his right han!$ an! sai!$ ,)kay., 4e #alke! to the g"n#ale. ,2f yo".ll
each take a ro%e an! %"ll$ that.ll bring the cage to the s"rface. Then 2.ll o%en the hatch an!
go in thro"gh the to%$ an! yo" can let the ro%es go. 2t.ll hang by the ro%es. 2 #on.t "se the
flotation tanks "nless one of the ro%es breaks.,
,)r gets che#e! thro"gh$, sai! E"int.
4oo%er looke! at E"int an! smile!. ,Thanks for the tho"ght.,
E"int an! Bro!y %"lle! on the ro%es$ an! the cage rose in the #ater. 5hen the
hatch broke the s"rface$ 4oo%er sai!$ ,)kay$ right there., 4e s%at in the face mask$
r"bbe! the salia aro"n! on the glass$ an! fit the mask oer his face. 4e reache! for the
reg"lator t"be$ %"t the mo"th%iece in his mo"th$ an! took a breath. Then he bent oer the
g"n#ale$ "nlatche! the to% of the hatch an! fli%%e! it o%en. 4e starte! to %"t a knee on
the g"n#ale$ b"t sto%%e!. 4e took the mo"th%iece o"t of his mo"th an! sai!$ ,2 forgot
something., 4is nose #as encase! in the mask$ so his oice so"n!e! thick an! nasal. 4e
#alke! across the !eck an! %icke! "% his tro"sers. 4e r"mmage! thro"gh the %ockets
"ntil he fo"n! #hat he #as looking for. 4e "nzi%%e! his #et(s"it &acket.
,5hat.s that0, sai! Bro!y.
4oo%er hel! "% a shark.s tooth$ rimme! in siler. 2t #as a !"%licate of the one he
ha! gien Ellen. 4e !ro%%e! it insi!e his #et s"it an! zi%%e! "% the &acket. ,6an.t be too
caref"l$, he sai!$ smiling. 4e crosse! the !eck again$ %"t his mo"th%iece in his mo"th$
an! kneele! on the g"n#ale. 4e took a final breath an! !oe oerboar! thro"gh the o%en
hatch. Bro!y #atche! him go$ #on!ering if he really #ante! to kno# the tr"th abo"t
4oo%er an! Ellen.
4oo%er sto%%e! himself before he hit the bottom of the cage. 4e c"rle! aro"n!
an! stoo! "%. 4e reache! o"t the to% of the hatch an! %"lle! it close!. Then he looke! "%
at Bro!y$ %"t the th"mb an! in!ex finger of his left han! together in the okay sign$ an!
!"cke! !o#n.
,2 g"ess #e can let go$, sai! Bro!y. They release! the ro%es an! let the cage
!escen! "ntil the hatch #as abo"t fo"r feet beneath the s"rface.
,-et the rifle$, sai! E"int. ,2t.s on the rack belo#. 2t.s all loa!e!., 4e climbe!
onto the transom an! lifte! the har%oon to his sho"l!er.
Bro!y #ent belo#$ fo"n! the rifle$ an! h"rrie! back on !eck. 4e o%ene! the
breach an! sli! a cartri!ge into the chamber. ,4o# m"ch air !oes he hae0, he sai!.
,2 !on.t kno#$, sai! E"int. ,4o#eer m"ch he has$ 2 !o"bt he.ll lie to breathe
,9aybe yo".re right. B"t yo" sai! yo"rself yo" neer kno# #hat these fish #ill
,1eah$ b"t this is !ifferent. This is like %"tting yo"r han! in a fire an! ho%ing yo"
#on.t get b"rne!. A sensible man !on.t do it.,
Belo#$ 4oo%er #aite! "ntil the b"bbly froth of his !escent ha! !issi%ate!. There
#as #ater in his mask$ so he tilte! his hea! back#ar!$ %resse! on the to% of the face%late$
an! ble# thro"gh his nose "ntil the mask #as !ear. 4e felt serene. 2t #as the %erasie
sense of free!om an! ease that he al#ays felt #hen he !ie!. 4e #as alone in bl"e
silence s%eckle! #ith shafts of s"nlight that !ance! thro"gh the #ater. The only so"n!s
#ere those he ma!e breathing (( a !ee%$ hollo# noise as he breathe! in$ a soft th"!!ing of
b"bbles as he exhale!. 4e hel! his breath$ an! the silence #as com%lete. 5itho"t
#eights$ he #as too b"oyant$ an! he ha! to hol! on to the bars to kee% his tank from
clanging against the hatch oerhea!. 4e t"rne! aro"n! an! looke! "% at the h"ll of the
boat$ a gray bo!y that sat aboe him$ bo"ncing slo#ly. At first$ the cage annoye! him. 2t
confine! him$ restricte! him$ %reente! him from en&oying the grace of "n!er#ater
moement. B"t then he remembere! #hy he #as there$ an! he #as gratef"l.
4e looke! for the fish. 4e kne# it co"l!n.t be sitting beneath the boat$ as E"int
ha! tho"ght. 2t co"l! not ,sit, any#here$ co"l! not rest or stay still. 2t ha! to moe to
Een #ith the bright s"nlight$ the isibility in the m"rky #ater #as %oor (( no
more than forty feet. 4oo%er t"rne! slo#ly aro"n!$ trying to %ierce the e!ge of gloom
an! gras% any slier of color or moement. 4e looke! beneath the boat$ #here the #ater
t"rne! from bl"e to gray to black. /othing. 4e looke! at his #atch$ calc"lating that if he
controlle! his breathing$ he co"l! stay !o#n for at least half an ho"r more.
6arrie! by the ti!e$ one of the small #hite s+"i! sli%%e! bet#een the bars of the
cage an!$ tethere! by t#ine$ fl"ttere! in 4oo%er.s face. 4e %"she! it o"t of the cage.
4e glance! !o#n#ar!$ starte! to look a#ay$ then sna%%e! his eyes !o#n again.
Rising at him from the !arkling bl"e (( slo#ly$ smoothly (( #as the shark. 2t rose #ith no
a%%arent effort$ an angel of !eath gli!ing to#ar! an a%%ointment foreor!aine!.
4oo%er stare!$ enthralle!$ im%elle! to flee b"t "nable to moe. As the fish !re#
nearer$ he marele! at its colors' the flat bro#n(grays seen on the s"rface ha! anishe!.
The to% of the immense bo!y #as a har! ferro"s gray$ bl"ish #here !a%%le! #ith streaks
of s"n. Beneath the lateral line$ all #as creamy$ ghostly #hite.
4oo%er #ante! to raise his camera$ b"t his arm #o"l! not obey. 2n a min"te$ he
sai! to himself$ in a min"te.
The fish came closer$ silent as a sha!o#$ an! 4oo%er !re# back. The hea! #as
only a fe# feet from the cage #hen the fish t"rne! an! began to %ass before 4oo%er.s
eyes (( cas"ally$ as if in %ro"! !is%lay of its incalc"lable mass an! %o#er. The sno"t
%asse! first$ then the &a#$ slack an! smiling$ arme! #ith ro# "%on ro# of serrate
triangles. An! then the black$ fathomless eye$ seemingly riete! "%on him. The gills
ri%%le! (( bloo!less #o"n!s in the steely skin.
Tentatiely$ 4oo%er st"ck a han! thro"gh the bars an! to"che! the flank. 2t felt
col! an! har!$ not clammy b"t smooth as inyl. 4e let his fingerti%s caress the flesh ((
%ast the %ectoral fins$ the %elic fin$ the thick$ firm genital clas%ers (( "ntil finally @the
fish seeme! to hae no en!A they #ere sla%%e! a#ay by the s#ee%ing tail.
The fish contin"e! to moe a#ay from the cage. 4oo%er hear! faint %o%%ing
noises$ an! he sa# three straight s%irals of angry b"bbles s%ee! from the s"rface$ then
slo# an! sto%$ #ell aboe the fish. B"llets. /ot yet$ he tol! himself. )ne more %ass for
%ict"res. The fish began to t"rn$ banking$ the r"bbery %ectoral fins changing %itch.
,5hat the hell is he !oing !o#n there0, sai! Bro!y. ,5hy !i!n.t he &ab him #ith
the g"n0,
E"int !i!n.t ans#er. 4e stoo! on the transom$ har%oon cl"tche! in his fist$
%eering into the #ater. ,6ome "%$ fish$, he sai!. ,6ome to E"int.,
,7o yo" see it0, sai! Bro!y. ,5hat.s it !oing0,
,/othing. /ot yet$ any#ay.,
The fish ha! moe! off to the limit of 4oo%er.s ision (( a s%ectral siler(gray
bl"r tracing a slo# circle. 4oo%er raise! his camera an! %resse! the trigger. 4e kne# the
film #o"l! be #orthless "nless the fish moe! in once more$ b"t he #ante! to catch the
beast as it emerge! from the !arkness.
Thro"gh the ie#fin!er he sa# the fish t"rn to#ar! him. 2t moe! fast$ tail
thr"sting igoro"sly$ mo"th o%ening an! closing as if gas%ing for breath. 4oo%er raise!
his right han! to change the foc"s. Remember to change it again$ he tol! himself$ #hen it
B"t the fish !i! not t"rn. A shier traele! the length of its bo!y as it close! on
the cage. 2t str"ck the cage hea! on$ the sno"t ramming bet#een t#o bars an! s%rea!ing
them. The sno"t hit 4oo%er in the chest an! knocke! him back#ar!. The camera fle#
from his han!s$ an! the mo"th%iece shot from his mo"th. The fish t"rne! on its si!e$ an!
the %o"n!ing tail force! the great bo!y farther into the cage. 4oo%er gro%e! for his
mo"th%iece b"t co"l!n.t fin! it. 4is chest #as con"lse! #ith the nee! for air.
,2t.s attacking8, screame! Bro!y. 4e grabbe! one of the tether ro%es an! %"lle!$
!es%erately trying to raise the cage.
,-o! !amn yo"r f"cking so"l8, E"int sho"te!.
,Thro# it8 Thro# it8,
,2 can.t thro# it8 2 gotta get him on the s"rface8 6ome "%$ yo" !eil8 1o" %rick8,
The fish sli! back#ar! o"t of the cage an! t"rne! shar%ly to the right in a tight
circle. 4oo%er reache! behin! his hea!$ fo"n! the reg"lator t"be$ an! follo#e! it #ith his
han! "ntil he locate! the mo"th%iece. 4e %"t it in his mo"th an!$ forgetting to exhale
first$ s"cke! for air. 4e got #ater$ an! he gagge! an! choke! "ntil at last the mo"th%iece
cleare! an! he !re# an agonize! breath. 2t #as then that he sa# the #i!e ga% in the bars
an! sa# the giant hea! l"nging thro"gh it. 4e raise! his han!s aboe his hea!$ gras%ing at
the esca%e hatch.
The fish ramme! thro"gh the s%ace bet#een the bars$ s%rea!ing them still farther
#ith each thr"st of its tail. 4oo%er$ flattene! against the back of the cage$ sa# the mo"th
reaching$ straining for him. 4e remembere! the %o#er hea!$ an! he trie! to lo#er his
right arm an! grab it. The fish thr"st again$ an! 4oo%er sa# #ith the terror of !oom that
the mo"th #as going to reach him.
The &a#s !ose! aro"n! his torso. 4oo%er felt a terrible %ress"re$ as if his g"ts
#ere being com%acte!. 4e &abbe! his fist into the black eye. The fish bit !o#n$ an! the
last thing 4oo%er sa# before he !ie! #as the eye gazing at him thro"gh a clo"! of his
o#n bloo!.
,4e.s got him8, crie! Bro!y. ,7o something8,
,The man is !ea!$, E"int sai!.
,4o# !o yo" kno#0 5e may be able to sae him.,
,4e is !ea!.,
4ol!ing 4oo%er in its mo"th$ the fish backe! o"t of the cage. 2t sank a fe# feet$
che#ing$ s#allo#ing the iscera that #ere s+"eeze! into its g"llet. Then it sh"!!ere! an!
thr"st for#ar! #ith its tail$ !riing itself an! %rey "%#ar! in the #ater.
,4e.s coming "%8, sai! Bro!y.
,-rab the rifle8, E"int cocke! his han! for the thro#.
The fish broke #ater fifteen feet from the boat$ s"rging "%#ar! in a sho#er of
s%ray. 4oo%er.s bo!y %rotr"!e! from each si!e of the mo"th$ hea! an! arms hanging
lim%ly !o#n one si!e$ knees$ cales$ an! feet from the other.
2n the fe# secon!s #hile the fish #as !ear of the #ater$ Bro!y tho"ght he sa#
4oo%er.s glaze!$ !ea! eyes staring o%en thro"gh his face mask. As if in contem%t an!
tri"m%h$ the fish h"ng s"s%en!e! for an instant$ challenging mortal engeance.
Sim"ltaneo"sly$ Bro!y reache! for the rifle an! E"int cast the har%oon. The target
#as h"ge$ a fiel! of #hite belly$ an! the !istance #as not too great for a s"ccessf"l thro#
aboe #ater. B"t as E"int thre#$ the fish began to sli!e !o#n in the #ater$ an! the iron
#ent high.
*or another instant$ the fish remaine! on the s"rface$ its hea! o"t of #ater$
4oo%er hanging from its mo"th.
,Shoot8, E"int yelle!. ,*or 6hrist sake$ shoot8,
Bro!y shot #itho"t aiming. The first t#o shots hit the #ater in front of the fish.
The thir!$ to Bro!y.s horror$ str"ck 4oo%er in the neck.
,4ere$ gie me the go!!am thing8, sai! E"int$ grabbing the rifle from Bro!y. 2n a
single$ +"ick motion he raise! the rifle to his sho"l!er an! s+"eeze! off t#o shots. B"t
the fish$ #ith a last$ acant gaze$ ha! alrea!y beg"n to sli% beneath the s"rface. The
b"llets %lo%%e! harmlessly into the s#irl #here the hea! ha! been.
The fish might neer hae been there. There #as no noise$ sae the #his%er of a
breeze. *rom the s"rface the cage seeme! "n!amage!. The #ater #as calm. The only
!ifference #as that 4oo%er #as gone.
,5hat !o #e !o no#0, sai! Bro!y. ,5hat in the name of -o! can #e !o no#0
There.s nothing left. 5e might as #ell go back.,
,5e.ll go back$, sai! E"int. ,*or no#.,
,*or no#0 5hat !o yo" mean0 There.s nothing #e can !o. The fish is too m"ch
for "s. 2t.s not real$ not nat"ral.,
,Are yo" beaten$ man0,
,2.m beaten. All #e can !o is #ait "ntil -o! or nat"re or #hateer the hell is
!oing this to "s !eci!es #e.e ha! eno"gh. 2t.s o"t of man.s han!s.,
,/ot mine$, sai! E"int. ,2 am going to kill that thing.,
,2.m not s"re 2 can get any more money after #hat ha%%ene! to!ay.,
,Fee% yo"r money. This is no longer a matter of money.,
,5hat !o yo" mean0, Bro!y looke! at E"int$ #ho #as stan!ing at the stern$
looking at the s%ot #here the fish.s hea! ha! been$ as if he ex%ecte! it to rea%%ear at any
moment cl"tching the shre!!e! cor%se in its mo"th. 4e searche! the sea$ craing another
E"int sai! to Bro!y$ ,2 am going to kill that fish. 6ome if yo" #ant. Stay home if
yo" #ant. B"t 2 am going to kill that fish.,
As E"int s%oke$ Bro!y looke! into his eyes. They seeme! as !ark an! bottomless
as the eye of the fish.
,2.ll come$, sai! Bro!y. ,2 !on.t g"ess 2 hae any choice.,
,/o$, sai! E"int. ,5e hae no choice., 4e took his knife from its sheath an!
han!e! it to Bro!y. ,4ere. 6"t that cage loose an! let.s get o"t of here.,
5hen the boat #as tie! "% at the !ock$ Bro!y #alke! to#ar! his car. At the en!
of the !ock there #as a %hone booth$ an! he sto%%e! besi!e it$ %rom%te! by his earlier
resole to call 7aisy 5icker. B"t he s"%( %resse! the im%"lse an! moe! on to his ear.
5hat.s the %oint0 he tho"ght. 2f there #as anything$ it.s oer no#.
Still$ as he !roe to#ar! Amity$ Bro!y #on!ere! #hat Ellen.s reaction ha! been
#hen the 6oast -"ar! ha! calle! her #ith the ne#s of 4oo%er.s !eath. E"int ha! ra!ioe!
the 6oast -"ar! before they starte! in$ an! Bro!y ha! aske! the !"ty officer to %hone
Ellen an! tell her that he$ at least$ #as all right.
By the time Bro!y arrie! home$ Ellen ha! long since finishe! crying. She ha!
#e%t mechanically$ angrily$ grieing not so m"ch for 4oo%er as in ho%elessness an!
bitterness at yet another !eath. She ha! been sa!!er at the !isintegration of ;arry
Va"ghan than she #as no#$ for Va"ghan ha! been a !ear an! close frien!. 4oo%er ha!
been a ,loer, in only the most shallo# sense of the #or!. She ha! not lo-ed him. She
ha! "se! him$ an! tho"gh she #as gratef"l for #hat he ha! gien her$ she felt no
obligation to him. She #as sorry he #as !ea!$ of co"rse$ &"st as she #o"l! hae been
sorry to hear that his brother$ 7ai!$ ha! !ie!. 2n her min! they #ere both no# relics of
her !istant %ast.
She hear! Bro!y.s car %"ll into the !rie#ay$ an! she o%ene! the back !oor. ;or!$
he looks #hi%%e!$ she tho"ght as she #atche! him #alk to#ar! the ho"se. 4is eyes #ere
re! an! s"nken$ an! he seeme! slightly h"nche! as he #alke!. She kisse! him at the !oor
an! sai!$ ,1o" look like yo" co"l! "se a !rink.,
,That 2 co"l!., 4e #ent into the liing room an! flo%%e! into a chair.
,5hat #o"l! yo" like0,
,Anything. 3"st so long as it.s strong.,
She #ent into the kitchen$ fille! a glass #ith e+"al %ortions of o!ka an! orange
&"ice$ an! bro"ght it to him. She sat on the arm of his chair an! ran her han! oer his
hea!. She smile! an! sai!$ ,There.s yo"r bal! s%ot. 2t.s been so long since 2 to"che! yo"r
bal! s%ot that 2.! forgotten it #as there.,
,2.m s"r%rise! there.s any hair left at all. 6hrist$ 2.ll neer be as ol! as 2 feel
,2.ll bet. 5ell$ it.s oer no#.,
,2 #ish it #as$, sai! Bro!y. ,2 tr"ly !o #ish it #as.,
,5hat !o yo" mean0. 2t is oer$ isn.t it0 There.s nothing more yo" can !o.,
, going o"t tomorro#. Six o.clock.,
,1o".re ki!!ing.,
,2 #ish 2 #as.,
,5hy0, Ellen #as st"nne!. ,5hat !o yo" think yo" can !o0,
,6atch the fish. An! kill it.,
,7o yo" beliee that0,
,2.m not s"re. B"t E"int beliees it. -o!$ ho# he beliees it.,
,Then let him go. ;et him get kille!.,
,2 can.t.,
,5hy not0,
,2t.s my &ob.,
,2t is not yo"r &ob8, She #as f"rio"s$ an! scare!$ an! tears began to #ell behin!
her eyes.
Bro!y tho"ght for a moment an! sai!$ ,/o$ yo".re right.,
,Then why?"
,2 !on.t think 2 can tell yo". 2 !on.t think 2 kno#.,
,Are yo" trying to %roe something0,
,9aybe. 2 !on.t kno#. 2 !i!n.t feel this #ay before. After 4oo%er #as kille!$ 2
#as rea!y to gie it "%.,
,5hat change! yo"r min!0,
,E"int$ 2 g"ess.,
,1o" mean yo".re letting him tell yo" #hat to !o0,
,/o. 4e !i!n.t tell me anything. 2t.s a feeling. 2 can.t ex%lain it. B"t giing "% isn.t
an ans#er. 2t !oesn.t %"t an en! to anything.,
,5hy is an en! so im%ortant0,
,7ifferent reasons$ 2 think. E"int feels that if he !oesn.t kill the fish$ eerything he
beliees in is #rong.,
,An! yo"0,
Bro!y trie! to smile. ,9e$ 2 g"ess 2.m &"st a scre#e!("% co%.,
,7on.t &oke #ith me8, Ellen crie!$ an! tears s%ille! o"t of her eyes. ,5hat abo"t
me an! the chil!ren0 7o yo" #ant to get kille!0,
,/o$ -o! no. 2t.s &"st...,
,1o" think it.s all yo"r fa"lt. 1o" think yo".re res%onsible.,
,Res%onsible for #hat0,
,*or that little boy an! the ol! man. 1o" think killing the shark #ill make
eerything all right again. 1o" #ant reenge.,
Bro!y sighe!. ,9aybe 2 !o. 2 !on.t kno#. 2 feel... 2 beliee that the only #ay this
to#n can be alie again is if #e kill that thing.,
,An! yo".re #illing to get kille! trying to ((,
,7on.t be st"%i!8 2.m not #illing to get kille!. 2.m not een #illing (( if that.s the
#or! yo" #ant to "se (( to go o"t in that go!!am boat. 1o" think 2 like it o"t there0 2.m
so scare! eery min"te 2.m o"t there 2 #ant to %"ke.,
,Then why go?" She #as %lea!ing #ith him$ begging. ,6an.t yo" eer think of
anybo!y b"t yo"rself0,
Bro!y #as shocke! at the s"ggestion of selfishness. 2t ha! neer occ"rre! to him
that he #as being selfish$ in!"lging a %ersonal nee! for ex%iation. ,2 loe yo"$, he sai!.
,1o" kno# that... no matter #hat.,
,S"re yo" !o$, she sai! bitterly. ,)h$ s"re yo" !o.,
They ate !inner in silence. 5hen they #ere finishe!$ Ellen %icke! "% the !ishes$
#ashe! them$ an! #ent "%stairs. Bro!y #alke! aro"n! the liing room$ t"rning o"t lights.
3"st as he reache! for the s#itch to t"rn off the hall light$ he hear! a ta% on the front !oor.
4e o%ene! it an! sa# 9ea!o#s.
,4ey$ 4arry$, he sai!. ,6ome on in.,
,/o$, sai! 9ea!o#s. ,2t.s too late. 2 &"st #ante! to !ro% this by., 4e han!e!
Bro!y a manila enelo%e.
,5hat is it0,
,)%en it an! see. 2.ll talk to yo" tomorro#., 9ea!o#s t"rne! an! #alke! !o#n
the %ath to the c"rb$ #here his ear #as %arke!$ lights on an! motor r"nning.
Bro!y sh"t the !oor an! o%ene! the enelo%e. 2nsi!e #as a %roof of the e!itorial
%age of the next !ay.s Leader. The first t#o e!itorials ha! been circle! in re! grease
%encil. Bro!y rea!'
A /)TE )* S)RR)5 . . .
2n the %ast three #eeks$ Amity has s"ffere! thro"gh one horrible trage!y
after another. 2ts citizens$ an! its frien!s$ hae been str"ck !o#n by a
saage menace that no one can !eter$ no one can ex%lain.
1ester!ay another h"man life #as c"t short by the -reat 5hite
Shark. 9att 4oo%er$ the yo"ng oceanogra%her from 5oo!s 4ole$ #as
kille! as he trie! to kill the beast singlehan!e!ly.
Peo%le may !ebate the #is!om of 9r. 4oo%er.s !aring attem%t.
B"t call it brae or foolhar!y$ there can be no !ebate abo"t the motie that
sent him on his fatal mission. 4e #as trying to hel% Amity$ s%en!ing his
o#n time an! money in an effort to restore %eace to this !es%airing
4e #as a frien!$ an! he gae his life so that #e$ his frien!s$ might
. . . A/7 A V)TE )* T4A/FS
Eer since the mara"!ing shark first came to Amity$ one man has s%ent his
eery #aking min"te trying to %rotect his fello# citizens. That man is
Police 6hief 9artin Bro!y.
After the first attack$ 6hief Bro!y #ante! to inform the %"blic of
the !anger an! close the beaches. B"t a chor"s of less %r"!ent oices$
incl"!ing that of the e!itor of this ne#s%a%er$ tol! him he #as #rong. Play
!o#n the risk$ #e sai!$ an! it #ill !isa%%ear. 2t #as #e #ho #ere #rong.
Some in Amity #ere slo# to learn the lesson. 5hen$ after re%eate!
attacks$ 6hief Bro!y insiste! on kee%ing the beaches close!$ he #as
ilifie! an! threatene!. A fe# of his most ocal critics #ere men
motiate! not by %"blic(s%irite!ness b"t %ersonal gree!. 6hief Bro!y
%ersiste!$ an!$ once again$ he #as %roen right.
/o# 6hief Bro!y is risking his life on the same ex%e!ition that
took the life of 9att 4oo%er. 5e m"st all offer o"r %rayers for his safe
ret"rn... an! o"r thanks for his extraor!inary fortit"!e an! integrity.
Bro!y sai! alo"!$ ,Thank you, 4arry.,
Aro"n! mi!night$ the #in! began to blo# har! from the northeast$ #histling thro"gh
the screens an! soon bringing a !riing rain that s%lashe! on the be!room floor. Bro!y
got o"t of be! an! sh"t the #in!o#. 4e trie! to go back to slee%$ b"t his min! ref"se! to
rest. 4e got "% again$ %"t on his bathrobe$ #ent !o#nstairs to the liing room$ an! t"rne!
on the teleision. 4e s#itche! channels "ntil he fo"n! a moie (( )ee&end at the
)aldor#, #ith -inger Rogers. Then he sat !o#n in a chair an! %rom%tly sli%%e! into a
fitf"l !oze.
4e a#oke at fie$ to the #hine of the teleision test %attern$ t"rne! off the set$ an!
listene! for the #in!. 2t ha! mo!erate! an! seeme! to be coming from a !ifferent +"arter$
b"t it still carrie! rain. 4e !ebate! calling E"int$ b"t tho"ght$ no$ no "se' #e.ll be going
een if this blo#s "% into a gale. 4e #ent "%stairs an! +"ietly !resse!. Before he left the
be!room$ he looke! at Ellen$ #ho ha! a fro#n on her slee%ing face. ,2 !o loe yo"$ yo"
kno#$, he #his%ere!$ an! he kisse! her bro#. 4e starte! !o#n the stairs an! then$
im%"lsiely$ #ent an! looke! in the boys. be!rooms. They #ere all aslee%.
6ha%ter 1D
5hen he !roe "% to the !ock$ E"int #as #aiting for him (( a tall$ im%assie fig"re
#hose yello# oilskins shone "n!er the !ark sky. 4e #as shar%ening a har%oon !art on a
6arbor"n!"m stone.
,2 almost calle! yo"$, Bro!y sai! as he %"lle! on his slicker. ,5hat !oes this
#eather mean0,
,/othing$, sai! E"int. ,2t.ll let "% after a #hile. )r een if it !oesn.t$ it !on.t
matter. 4e.ll be there.,
Bro!y looke! "% at the sc"!!ing clo"!s. ,-loomy eno"gh.,
,*itting$, sai! E"int$ an! he ho%%e! aboar! the boat.
,2s it &"st "s0,
,3"st "s. 1o" ex%ecting somebo!y else0,
,/o. B"t 2 tho"ght yo" like! an extra %air of han!s.,
,1o" kno# this fish as #ell as any man$ an! more han!s #on.t make no
!ifference no#. Besi!es$ it.s nobo!y else.s b"siness.,
Bro!y ste%%e! from the !ock onto the transom$ an! #as abo"t to &"m% !o#n to
the !eck #hen he notice! a canas tar%a"lin coering something in a corner. ,5hat.s
that0, he sai!$ %ointing.
,Shee%., E"int t"rne! the ignition key. The engine co"ghe! once$ ca"ght$ an!
began to ch"g eenly.
,5hat for0, Bro!y ste%%e! !o#n onto the !eck. ,1o" going to sacrifice it0,
E"int barke! a brief$ grim la"gh. ,9ight at that$, he sai!. ,/o$ it.s bait. -ie him
a little breakfast before #e hae at him. Jn!o my stern line., 4e #alke! for#ar! an! cast
off the bo# an! s%ring lines.
As Bro!y reache! for the stern line$ he hear! a car engine. A %air of hea!lights
s%e! along the roa!$ an! there #as a s+"eal of r"bber as the car sto%%e! at the en! of the
%ier. A man &"m%e! o"t of the car an! ran to#ar! the .r!a. 2t #as the Times re%orter$
Bill 5hitman.
,2 almost misse! yon$, he sai!$ %anting.
,5hat !o yo" #ant0, sai! Bro!y.
,2 #ant to come along. )r$ rather$ 2.e been or!ere! to come along.,
,To"gh shit$, sai! E"int. ,2 !on.t kno# #ho yo" are$ b"t nobo!y.s coming along.
Bro!y$ cast off the stern line.,
,5hy not0, sai! 5hitman. ,2 #on.t get in the #ay. 9aybe 2 can hel%. ;ook$ man$
this is ne#s. 2f yo".re going to catch that fish$ 2 #ant to be there.,
,*"ck yo"rself$, sai! E"int.
,2.ll charter a boat an! follo# yo".,
E"int la"ghe!. ,-o ahea!. See if yo" can fin! someone foolish eno"gh to take
yo" o"t. Then try to fin! "s. 2t.s a big ocean. Thro# the line$ Bro!y8,
Bro!y tosse! the stern line onto the !ock. E"int %"she! the throttle for#ar!$ an!
the boat ease! o"t of the sli%. Bro!y looke! back an! sa# 5hitman #alking !o#n the
%ier to#ar! his car.
The #ater off 9ontank #as ro"gh$ for the #in! (( from the so"theast no# (( #as
at o!!s #ith the ti!e. The boat l"rche! thro"gh the #aes$ its bo# %o"n!ing !o#n an!
casting a mantle of s%ray. The !ea! shee% bo"nce! in the stern.
5hen they reache! the o%en sea$ hea!ing so"th#est$ their motion #as ease!. The
rain ha! slacke! to a !rizzle$ an! #ith each moment there #ere fe#er #hiteca%s t"mbling
from the to% of #aes.
They ha! been aro"n! the %oint only fifteen min"tes #hen E"int %"lle! back on
the throttle an! slo#e! the engine.
Bro!y looke! to#ar! shore. 2n the gro#ing light he co"l! see the #ater to#er
clearly (( a black %oint rising from the gray stri% of lan!. The lightho"se beacon still
shone. , not o"t as far as #e "s"ally go$, he sai!.
,5e can.t be more than a co"%le of miles offshore.,
,3"st abo"t.,
,So #hy are yo" sto%%ing0,
,2 got a feeling., E"int %ointe! to the left$ to a cl"ster of lights farther !o#n the
shore. ,That.s Amity there.,
,2 !on.t think he.ll be so far o"t to!ay. 2 think he.ll be some#here bet#een here
an! Amity.,
,;ike 2 sai!$ it.s a feeling. There.s not al#ays a #hy to these things.,
,T#o !ays in a ro# #e fo"n! him farther o"t.,
,)r he fo"n! "s.,
,2 !on.t get it$ E"int. *or a man #ho says there.s no s"ch thing as a smart fish$
yo".re making this one o"t to be a geni"s.,
,2 #o"l!n.t go that far.,
Bro!y bristle! at E"int.s sly$ enigmatic tone. ,5hat kin! of game are yo"
,/o game. 2f 2.m #rong$ 2.m #rong.,
,An! #e try some#here else tomorro#., Bro!y half ho%e! E"int #o"l! be
#rong$ that there #o"l! be a !ay.s re%riee.
,)r later to!ay. B"t 2 !on.t think #e.ll hae to #ait that long., E"int c"t the
engine$ #ent to the stern$ an! lifte! a b"cket of ch"m onto the transom. ,Start ch"mmin.$,
he sai!$ han!ing Bro!y the la!le. 4e "ncoere! the shee%$ tie! a ro%e aro"n! its neck$
an! lay it on the g"n#ale. 4e slashe! its stomach an! fl"ng the animal oerboar!$ letting
it !rift t#enty feet from the boat before sec"ring the ro%e to an after cleat. Then he #ent
for#ar!$ "nlashe! t#o barrels$ an! carrie! them$ an! their coils of ro%es an! har%oon
!arts$ back to the stern. 4e set the barrels on each si!e of the transom$ each next to its
o#n ro%e$ an! sli%%e! one !art onto the #oo!en thro#ing shaft. ,)kay$, he sai!. ,/o#
let.s see ho# long it takes.,
The sky ha! lightene! to f"ll$ gray !aylight$ an! in ones an! t#os the fights on the
shore flicke! off.
The stench of the mess Bro!y #as la!ling oerboar! ma!e his stomach t"rn$ an!
he #ishe! he ha! eaten something (( anything (( before he left home.
E"int sat on the flying bri!ge$ #atching the rhythms of the sea.
Bro!y.s b"tt #as sore from sitting on the har! transom$ an! his arm #as gro#ing
#eary from the !i%%ing an! em%tying of the la!le. So he stoo! "%$ stretche!$ an! facing
off the stern$ trie! a ne# scoo%ing motion #ith the la!le.
S"!!enly he sa# the monstro"s hea! of the fish (( not fie feet a#ay$ so close he
co"l! reach oer an! to"ch it #ith the la!le (( black eyes staring at him$ siler(gray sno"t
%ointing at him$ ga%ing &a# grinning at him. ,)h$ -o!8, Bro!y sai!$ #on!ering in his
shock ho# long the fish ha! been there before he ha! stoo! "% an! t"rne! aro"n!. ,There
he is8,
E"int #as !o#n the la!!er an! at the stern in an instant. As he &"m%e! onto the
transom$ the fish.s hea! sli%%e! back into the #ater an!$ a secon! later$ slamme! into the
transom. The &a#s close! on the #oo!$ an! the hea! shook iolently from si!e to si!e.
Bro!y grabbe! a cleat an! hel! on$ "nable to look a#ay from the eyes. The boat
sh"!!ere! an! &erke! each time the fish moe! its hea!. E"int sli%%e! an! fell to his
knees on the transom. The fish let go an! !ro%%e! beneath the s"rface$ an! the boat lay
still again.
,4e #as #aiting for "s8, yelle! Bro!y.
,2 kno#$, sai! E"int.
,4o# !i! he ((,
,2t !on.t matter$, sai! E"int. ,5e.e got him no#.,
")e'-e got him? 7i! yo" see #hat he !i! to the boat0,
,-ie it a mighty goo! shake$ !i!n.t he0,
The ro%e hol!ing the shee% tightene!$ shook for a moment$ then #ent slack.
E"int stoo! an! %icke! "% the har%oon. ,4e.s took the shee%. 2t.ll be a min"te
before he comes back.,
,4o# come he !i!n.t take the shee% first0,
,4e got no manners$, E"int cackle!. ,6ome on$ yo" motherf"cker. 6ome an! get
yo"r !"e.,
Bro!y sa# feer in E"int.s face (( a heat that lit "% his !ark eyes$ an intensity that
!re# his li%s back from his teeth in a crooke! smile$ an antici%ation that str"mme! the
sine#s in his neck an! #hitene! his kn"ckles.
The boat sh"!!ere! again$ an! there #as a !"ll$ hollo# th"m%.
,5hat.s he !oing0, sai! Bro!y.
E"int leane! oer the si!e an! sho"te!$ ,6ome o"t from "n!er there$ yo"
cocks"cker8 5here are yo"r g"ts0 1o".ll not sink me before 2 get to yo"8,
,5hat !o yo" mean$ sink "s0, sai! Bro!y. ,5hat.s he !oing0,
,4e.s trying to che# a hole in the bottom of the f"cking boat$ that.s #hat8 ;ook in
the bilge. 6ome o"t$ yo" -o!forsaken sonofabitch8, E"int raise! high his har%oon.
Bro!y knelt an! raise! the hatch coer oer the engine room. 4e %eere! into the
!ark$ oily hole. There #as #ater in the bilges$ b"t there al#ays #as$ an! he sa# no ne#
hole thro"gh #hich #ater co"l! %o"r. ,;ooks okay to me$, he sai!. ,Thank -o!.,
The !orsal fin an! tail s"rface! ten yar!s to the right of the stern an! began to
moe again to#ar! the boat. ,There yo" come$, sai! E"int$ cooing. ,There yo" come.,
4e stoo!$ legs s%rea!$ left han! on his hi%$ right han! exten!e! to the sky$ gras%ing the
har%oon. 5hen the fish #as a fe# feet from the boat an! hea!ing straight on$ E"int cast
his iron.
The har%oon str"ck the fish in front of the !orsal fin. An! then the fish hit the
boat$ knocking the stern si!e#ays an! sen!ing E"int t"mbling back#ar!. 4is hea! str"ck
the footrest of the fighting chair$ an! a trickle of bloo! ran !o#n his neck. 4e &"m%e! to
his feet an! crie!$ ,2 got yo"8 2 got yo"$ yo" miserable %rick8,
The ro%e attache! to the iron !art snake! oerboar! as the fish so"n!e!$ an! #hen
it reache! the en!$ the barrel %o%%e! off the transom$ fell into the #ater$ an! anishe!.
,4e took it !o#n #ith him8, sai! Bro!y.
,/ot for long$, sai! E"int. ,4e.ll be back$ an! #e.ll thro# another into him$ an!
another$ an! another$ "ntil he +"its. An! then he.s o"rs8, E"int leane! on the transom$
#atching the #ater.
E"int.s confi!ence #as contagio"s$ an! Bro!y no# felt eb"llient$ gleef"l$
reliee!. 2t #as a kin! of free!om$ a free!om from the mist of !eath. 4e yelle!$ ,4ot
shit8, Then he notice! the bloo! r"nning !o#n E"int.s neck$ an! he sai!$ ,1o"r hea!.s
,-et another barrel$, sai! E"int. ,Bring it back here. An! !on.t f"ck "% the coil. 2
#ant it to go oer smooth as cream.,
Bro!y ran for#ar!$ "nlashe! a barrel$ sli%%e! the coile! ro%e oer his arm$ an!
carrie! the gear to E"int.
,There he comes$, sai! E"int$ %ointing to the left. The barrel came to the s"rface
an! bobbe! in the #ater. E"int %"lle! the string attache! to the #oo!en shaft an! bro"ght
it aboar!. 4e fixe! the shaft to the ne# !art an! raise! the har%oon aboe his hea!. ,4e.s
coming "%8,
The fish broke #ater a fe# yar!s from the boat. ;ike a rocket lifting off$ sno"t$
&a#$ an! %ectoral fins rose straight from the #ater. Then the smoke(#hite belly$ %elic
fin$ an! h"ge$ salamilike clas%ers.
,2 see yo"r cock$ yo" bastar!8, crie! E"int$ an! he thre# a secon! iron$ leaning
his sho"l!er an! back into the thro#. The iron hit the fish in the belly$ &"st as the great
bo!y began to fall for#ar!. The belly smacke! the #ater #ith a th"n!ero"s boom$
sen!ing a blin!ing fall of s%ray oer the boat. ,4e.s !one8, sai! E"int as the secon! ro%e
"ncoile! an! t"mble! oerboar!.
The boat l"rche! once$ an! again$ an! there #as the !istant so"n! of cr"nching.
,Attack me$ #ill yo"0, sai! E"int. ,1o".ll take no man #ith yo"$ "%%ity f"ck8,
E"int ran for#ar! an! starte! the engine. 4e %"she! the throttle for#ar!$ an! the boat
moe! a#ay from the bobbing barrels.
,4as he !one any !amage0, sai! Bro!y.
,Some. ri!ing a little heay aft. 4e %robably %oke! a hole in "s. 2t.s nothing
to #orry abo"t. 5e.ll %"m% her o"t.,
,That.s it$ then$, Bro!y sai! ha%%ily.
,5hat.s #hat0,
,The fish is as goo! as !ea!.,
,/ot +"ite. ;ook.,
*ollo#ing the boat$ kee%ing %ace$ #ere the t#o re! #oo!en barrels. They !i! not
bob. 7ragge! by the great force of the fish$ each c"t thro"gh the #ater$ %"shing a #ae
before it an! leaing a #ake behin!.
,4e.s chasing "s0, sai! Bro!y.
E"int no!!e!.
,5hy0 4e can.t still think foo!.,
,/o. 4e means to make a fight of it.,
*or the first time$ Bro!y sa# a fro#n of !is+"iet on E"int.s face. 2t #as not fear$
nor tr"e alarm$ b"t rather a look of "neasy concern (( as if$ in a game$ the r"les ha! been
change! #itho"t #arning$ or the stakes raise!. Seeing the change in E"int.s moo!$ Bro!y
#as afrai!.
,4ae yo" eer ha! a fish !o this before0, he aske!.
,/ot like this$ no. 2.e ha! .em attack the boat$ like 2 tol! yo". B"t most times$
once yo" get an iron in .em$ they sto% fighting yo" an! fight against that thing stickin. in
Bro!y looke! astern. The boat #as moing at mo!erate s%ee!$ t"rning this #ay
an! that in res%onse to E"int.s ran!om t"rning of the #heel. Al#ays the barrels ke%t "%
#ith them.
,*"ck it$, sai! E"int. ,2f it.s a fight he #ants$ it.s a fight he.ll get., 4e throttle!
!o#n to i!ling s%ee!$ &"m%e! !o#n from the flying bri!ge an! "% onto the transom. 4e
%icke! "% the har%oon. Excitement ha! ret"rne! to his face. ,)kay$ shit(eater8, he calle!.
,6ome an! get it8,
The barrels ke%t coming$ %lo#ing thro"gh the #ater (( thirty yar!s a#ay$ then
t#enty(fie$ then t#enty. Bro!y sa# the flat %lain of gray %ass along the starboar! si!e
of the boat$ six feet beneath the s"rface. ,4e.s here8, he crie!. ,4ea!ing for#ar!.,
,Shit8, sai! E"int$ c"rsing his mis&"!gment of the length of the ro%es. 4e
!etache! the har%oon !art from the shaft$ sna%%e! the t#ine that hel! the shaft to a cleat$
ho%%e! !o#n from the transom$ an! ran for#ar!. 5hen he reache! the bo#$ he bent
!o#n an! tie! the t#ine to a for#ar! cleat$ "nlashe! a barrel$ an! sli%%e! its !art onto the
shaft. 4e stoo! at the en! of the %"l%it$ har%oon raise!.
The fish ha! alrea!y %asse! o"t of range. The tail s"rface! t#enty feet in front of
the boat. The t#o barrels b"m%e! into the stern almost sim"ltaneo"sly. They bo"nce!
once$ then rolle! off the stern$ one on each si!e$ an! sli! !o#n the si!es of the boat.
Thirty yar!s in front of the boat$ the fish t"rne!. The hea! raise! o"t of the #ater$
then !i%%e! back in. The tail$ stan!ing like a sail$ began to thrash back an! forth. ,4ere
he comes8, sai! E"int.
Bro!y race! "% the la!!er to the flying bri!ge. 3"st as he got there$ he sa# E"int
!ra# his right arm back an! rise "% on ti%toes.
The fish hit the bo# hea! on$ #ith a noise like a m"ffle! ex%losion. E"int cast his
iron. 2t str"ck the fish ato% the hea!$ oer the right eye$ an! it hel! fast. The ro%e fe!
slo#ly oerboar! as the fish backe! off.
,Perfect8, sai! E"int. ,-ot him in the hea! that time.,
There #ere three barrels in the #ater no#$ an! they skate! across the s"rface.
Then they !isa%%eare!.
,-o! damn!2 sai! E"int. ,That.s no normal fish that can so"n! #ith three irons in
him an! three barrels to hol! him "%.,
The boat tremble!$ seeming to rise "%$ then !ro%%e! back. The barrels %o%%e! "%$
t#o on one si!e of the boat$ one on the other. Then they s"bmerge! again. A fe# secon!s
later$ they rea%%eare! t#enty yar!s from the boat.
,-o belo#$, sai! E"int$ as be rea!ie! another har%oon. ,See if that %rick !one "s
any !irt "% for#ar!.,
Bro!y s#"ng !o#n into the cabin. 2t #as !ry. 4e %"lle! back the threa!bare
car%et$ sa# a hatch$ an! o%ene! it. A stream of #ater #as flo#ing aft beneath the floor of
the cabin. sinking$ he tol! himself$ an! the memories of his chil!hoo! nightmares
lea%e! into his min!. 4e #ent to%si!e an! sai! to E"int$ ,2t !oesn.t look goo!. There.s a
lot of #ater "n!er the cabin floor.,
,2 better go take a look. 4ere., E"int han!e! Bro!y the har%oon. ,2f he comes
back #hile 2.m belo#$ stick this in him for goo! meas"re., 4e #alke! aft an! #ent
Bro!y stoo! on the %"l%it$ hol!ing the har%oon$ an! be looke! at the floating
barrels. They lay %ractically still in the #ater$ t#itching no# an! then as the fish moe!
abo"t belo#. 4o# !o yo" !ie0 Bro!y sai! silently to the fish. 4e hear! an electric motor
,/o s#eat$, sai! E"int$ #alking for#ar!. 4e took the har%oon from Bro!y. ,4e.s
bange! "s "%$ all right$ b"t the %"m%s sho"l! take care of it. 5e.ll be able to to# him in.,
Bro!y !rie! his %alms on the seat of his %ants. ,Are yo" really going to to# him
,2 am. 5hen be !ies.,
,An! #hen #ill that be0,
,5hen he.s rea!y.,
,An! "ntil then0,
,5e #ait.,
Bro!y looke! at his #atch. 2t #as eight(thirty.
*or three ho"rs they #aite!$ tracking the barrels as they moe!$ eer more slo#ly$
on a ran!om %ath across the s"rface of the sea. At first they #o"l! !isa%%ear eery ten or
fifteen min"tes$ res"rfacing a fe# !ozen yar!s a#ay. Then their s"bmergences gre# rarer
"ntil$ by eleen$ they ha! not gone "n!er for nearly an ho"r. By eleen(thirty$ the barrels
#ere #allo#ing in the #ater.
The rain ha! sto%%e!$ an! the #in! ha! s"bsi!e! to a comfortable breeze. The sky
#as an "nbroken sheet of gray.
,5hat !o yo" think0, sai! Bro!y. ,2s he !ea!0,
,2 !o"bt it. B"t he may be close eno"gh to it for "s to thro# a ro%e .ro"n! his tail
an! !rag him till he !ro#ns.,
E"int took a coil of ro%e from one of the barrels in the bo#. 4e tie! one en! to an
after cleat. The other en! he tie! into a noose.
At the foot of the gin %ole #as an electric #inch. E"int s#itche! it on to make
s"re it #as #orking$ then t"rne! it off again. 4e g"nne! the engine an! moe! the boat
to#ar! the barrels. 4e !roe slo#ly$ ca"tio"sly$ %re%are! to eer a#ay if the fish
attacke!. B"t the barrels lay still.
E"int i!le! the engine #hen he came alongsi!e the barrels. 4e reache! oerboar!
#ith a gaff$ snagge! a ro%e$ an! %"lle! a barrel aboar!. 4e trie! to "ntie the ro%e from the
barrel$ b"t the knot ha! been soake! an! straine!. So he took his knife from the sheath at
his belt an! c"t the ro%e. 4e stabbe! the knife into the g"n#ale$ freeing his left han! to
hol! the ro%e$ his right to shoe the barrel to the !eck.
4e climbe! onto the g"n#ale$ ran the ro%e thro"gh a %"lley at the to% of the gin
%ole an! !o#n the %ole to the #inch. 4e took a fe# t"rns aro"n! the #inch$ then fli%%e!
the starter s#itch. As soon as the slack in the ro%e #as taken "%$ the boat heele! har! to
starboar!$ !ragge! !o#n by the #eight of the fish.
,6an that #inch han!le him0, sai! Bro!y.
,Seems to be. 2t.! neer ha"l him o"t of the #ater$ b"t 2 bet it.ll bring him "% to
"s., The #inch #as t"rning slo#ly$ h"mming$ taking a f"ll t"rn eery three or fo"r
secon!s. The ro%e +"iere! "n!er the strain$ scattering !ro%s of #ater on E"int.s shirt.
S"!!enly the ro%e starte! coming too fast. 2t fo"le! on the #inch$ coiling in
snarls. The boat sna%%e! "%right.
,Ro%e break0, sai! Bro!y.
,Shit no8, sai! E"int$ an! no# Bro!y sa# fear in his face. ,The sonofabitch is
coming "%8, 4e !ashe! to the controls an! thre# the engine into for#ar!. B"t it #as too
The fish broke #ater right besi!e the boat$ #ith a great r"shing #hoosh of noise.
2t rose ertically$ an! in an instant of horror Bro!y gas%e! at the size of the bo!y.
To#ering oerhea!$ it blocke! o"t the light. The %ectoral fins hoere! like #ings$ stiff
an! straight$ an! as the fish fell for#ar!$ they seeme! to be reaching o"t to Bro!y.
The fish lan!e! on the stern of the boat #ith a shattering crash$ !riing the boat
beneath the #aes. 5ater %o"re! in oer the transom. 2n secon!s$ E"int an! Bro!y #ere
stan!ing in #ater "% to their hi%s.
The fish lay there$ its &a# not three feet from Bro!y.s chest. The bo!y t#itche!$
an! in the black eye$ as big as a baseball$ Bro!y tho"ght he sa# his o#n image reflecte!.
,-o! !amn yo"r black so"l8, screame! E"int. ,1o" s"nk my boat8, A barrel
floate! into the cock%it$ the ro%e #rithing like a gathering of #orms. E"int grabbe! the
har%oon !art at the en! of the ro%e an!$ #ith his han!$ %l"nge! it into the soft #hite belly
of the fish. Bloo! %o"re! from the #o"n! an! bathe! E"int.s han!s.
The boat #as sinking. The stern #as com%letely s"bmerge!$ an! the bo# #as
The fish rolle! off the stern an! sli! beneath the #aes. The ro%e$ attache! to the
!art E"int ha! st"ck into the fish$ follo#e!.
S"!!enly$ E"int lost his footing an! fell back#ar! into the #ater. ,The knife8, he
crie!$ lifting his left leg aboe the s"rface$ an! Bro!y sa# the ro%e coile! aro"n! E"int.s
Bro!y looke! to the starboar! g"n#ale. The knife #as there$ embe!!e! in the
#oo!. 4e l"nge! for it$ #renche! it free$ an! t"rne! back$ str"ggling to r"n in the
!ee%ening #ater. 4e co"l! not moe fast eno"gh. 4e #atche! in hel%less terror as E"int$
reaching to#ar! him #ith gras%ing fingers$ eyes #i!e an! %lea!ing$ #as %"lle! slo#ly
!o#n into the !ark #ater.
*or a moment there #as silence$ exce%t for the s"cking so"n! of the boat sli%%ing
gra!"ally !o#n= The #ater #as "% to Bro!y.s sho"l!ers$ an! he cl"ng !es%erately to the
gin %ole. A seat c"shion %o%%e! to the s"rface next to him$ an! Bro!y grabbe! it.
@,They.! hol! yo" "% all right$, Bro!y remembere! 4en!ricks saying$ ,if yo" #ere an
eight(year(ol! boy.,A
Bro!y sa# the tail an! !orsal fin break the s"rface t#enty yar!s a#ay. The tail
#ae! once left$ once right$ an! the !orsal fin moe! closer. ,-et a#ay$ !amn yo"8,
Bro!y yelle!.
The fish ke%t coming$ barely moing$ closing in. The barrels an! skeins of ro%e
traile! behin!. The gin %ole #ent "n!er$ an! Bro!y let go of it. 4e trie! to kick oer to
the bo# of the boat$ #hich #as almost ertical no#. Before he co"l! reach it$ the bo#
raise! een higher$ then +"ickly an! so"n!lessly sli! beneath the s"rface.
Bro!y cl"tche! the c"shion$ an! he fo"n! that by hol!ing it in front of him$ his
forearms across it$ an! by kicking constantly$ he co"l! stay afloat #itho"t exha"sting
The fish came closer. 2t #as only a fe# feet a#ay$ an! Bro!y co"l! see the
conical sno"t. 4e screame!$ an e&ac"lation of ho%elessness$ an! close! his eyes$ #aiting
for an agony he co"l! not imagine.
/othing ha%%ene!. 4e o%ene! his eyes. The fish #as nearly to"ching him$ only a
foot or t#o a#ay$ b"t it ha! sto%%e!. An! then$ as Bro!y #atche!$ the steel(gray bo!y
began to rece!e !o#n#ar! into the gloom. 2t seeme! to fall a#ay$ an a%%arition
eanescing into !arkness.
Bro!y %"t his face into the #ater an! o%ene! his eyes. Thro"gh the stinging
salt#ater mist he sa# the fish sink in a slo# an! gracef"l s%iral$ trailing behin! it the
bo!y of E"int (( arms o"t to the si!es$ hea! thro#n back$ mo"th o%en in m"te %rotest.
The fish fa!e! from ie#. B"t$ ke%t from sinking into the !ee% by the bobbing barrels$ it
sto%%e! some#here beyon! the reach of light$ an! E"int.s bo!y h"ng s"s%en!e!= a
sha!o# t#irling slo#ly in the t#ilight. Bro!y #atche! "ntil his l"ngs ache! for air. 4e
raise! his hea!$ cleare! his eyes$ an! sighte! in the !istance the black %oint of the #ater
to#er. Then he began to kick to#ar! shore.

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