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JANUARY 21 UNTI L MAY 17, 2009


The Deutsches Filmmuseum in Frankfurt am Main is planning
an extensive, international exhibition on the flm design of
HR Giger, accompanied by a flm retrospective as well as an
exhibition catalogue.
1 Pilot in Cockpit, 100 x 140 cm, acrylic on paper, 1978
2 Giger working on Hieroglyphen, 200 x 140 cm, acrylic
on paper, 1978 3 Giger working on the Alien costume in his
atelier at Shepperton Studios. 4 Facehugger, Version IV,
70 x 100 cm, acrylic on paper, 1978
Within the world in which he moves, Giger occupies a unique place. His art is a category unto itself. The proof of this is in
the intensity of his creation and in the power of his imagination, the provocative and disturbing efect of which I can only
compare with the works of a Hieronymus Bosch or Francis Bacon. Ridley Scott
JANUARY 21 UNTI L MAY 17, 2009
The Swiss painter and sculptor HR Giger
(*5 February 1940 in Chur) is considered one of the most
important representatives of Fantastic Realism. Bio-
mechanoids, a term associated with him, are a recurring
theme in his works; they emphasise the mechanical in living
creatures. This along with the attendant sexual connota-
tions often has a disturbing efect on the viewer. Giger has
been working as an artist since the mid 1960s. His works
include drawings, oil and
airbrush paintings, sculptures,
furniture, designs for album
covers (including for Dead
Kennedys, Debbie Harry, and
Danzig) and flms.
Gigers most famous work for
flm is the monster that he
created for the classic movie
ALIEN (Ridley Scott, USA 1979).
He received a Best Achievement
for Visual Efects Academy
Award (Oscar) in 1980 for his
creation of the movies title
character and for the extraterres-
trial design. Designs for other
flms such as POLTERGEIST II
(Brian Gibson, USA 1986) and
SPECIES (Roger Donaldson, USA 1995), for which he
designed an extraterrestrial beauty named Sil, ensured his
reputation and have made him a leading fgure in science
fction and horror flm.
Yet Gigers flm career began earlier. In 1967, working with
Fredi M. Murer, he realised his frst flm projects, HIGH and
HEIMKILLER, which staged his own works. For SWISS-
MADE 2069 (CH 1968), Giger created
the frst monster costume from
polyester vinyl. In 1976, for DUNE, a
flm project planned by director
Alejandro Jodorowsky, he came up
with a variety of set designs, which,
however, were not incorporated in
the later flm version made by David
Lynch (USA 1984). Also never realised
were his fantastic designs for the
extraterrestrial creatures in the
horror flm project THE TOURIST
or for the Batmobile in BATMAN
FOREVER ( Joel Schumacher, USA
1995). David Finchers ALIEN
1992) returned to Gigers original
designs; the popular creature also lives
on in the numerous Aliens comics of
the American publisher Dark Horse.
How can I describe these scientifc precise chronicles, which are ripped of my body like single pages [...] Our prescientifc language
knows only few terms to convey the gruesome, awesome facts which Giger reveals to us. [...] Giger, you see more than we domestic
primates. Timothy Leary
The exhibition presents, for the frst time
worldwide, a comprehensive selection of the flm-related
works of HR Giger. The artist himself is closely involved in its
planning. In addition to numerous sketches and designs, the
show also includes sculptures such as Humanoid from
SWISSMADE and one of the Harkonnen chairs that Giger
designed for DUNE. Central areas of the show are dedicated
exhibition displays the most important design blueprints of the
5 Humanoid, polyester, metal,
leatherette, camera, 1968 6 Debbie I,
100 x 100 cm, acrylic on photo, 1981
Giger and Debbie Harry
at the set of the videoclip
Koo Koo
8 At Hansen Gallery,
New York, 1980
EXHIBITION flm creatures, which Giger generally executed in pencil, ink,
and acrylic. These will be supplemented with further works
by Giger which illustrate the genesis of central motives, in
particular of the Biomechanoids.
Other items in the exhibition document how the ideas were
implemented during the production of the flm: Photographs
show the construction of the settings and models for ALIEN,
and storyboards and excerpts from the screenplay illustrate
6 7
Batmobile, 29,7 x 20,5 cm, wax crayon and marker pen on paper,
1994 11 Dune IV, 70 x 100 cm, acrylic on paper and wood, 1976
12 The Tourist IX, Hanging Alien, 144 x 80 cm, acrylic on paper, 1982
9 Electronically operated
Sil- puppet, designed by
Steve Johnson (XFX)
the creative process. The visitor will also see impressive
three-dimensional special-efects props and parts of costumes,
including heads and models of the ALIEN creature, as well as
the suit and a transparent bust of Sil from SPECIES. Photos,
posters, reviews, fan letters, promotional material, comics and
merchandise articles illustrate the global reception of the
ALIEN design in particular.
Several video stations and wall projections are integrated into
the exhibition, allowing the visitors to see short flms and
excerpts from movies as well as documentary making-of
material. Created exclusively for this exhibition is a flm
interview with H. R. Giger, in which the artist comments on
the central exhibits.
The show is designed as a touring exhibition, and after
premiering in Frankfurt am Main will be presented at other
international museums and exhibition sites.
The exhibition is accompanied by a richly
illustrated publication, in which various authors consider the
work of H. R. Giger from the perspective of art history, flm
studies, and cultural studies. Individual essays examine the
historical connections to classics of Expressionist flm such as
DAS CABINET DES DR. CALIGARI (Robert Wiene, D 1919/20)
and NOSFERATU (Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, D 1921) and
present additional flms about hybrid or android lifeforms,
such as the replicants from BLADE RUNNER (Ridley Scott,
USA 1982), the cyborg ROBOCOP (Paul Verhoeven, USA
1987) or James Camerons TERMINATOR (USA 1984).
Further, the authors go into the relationship of Gigers work to
fantastic art, Surrealism and Symbolism, as well as considering
the infuences of modern developments in medicine and
biomechanics. A detailed appendix contains a biography,
bibliography and flmography, as well as a list of flm-related
works. The approximately 200-page catalogue will be
published in both a German and an English version.
The Deutsches Filmmuseum will host a
flm series to accompany the exhibition. All flms on which HR
Giger worked as a designer will be shown, as well as the
sequels to ALIEN and SPECIES, additional classics of horror
and science fction flm, and also movies which Giger says
inspired him, such as Jean Cocteaus LA BELLE ET LA BTE
(F 1946).
13 Harkonnen-Capo Chair, 180 x 100 x 65 cm, polyester,
metal, rubber, 1981 14 Draft for Table I+II, acrylic on paper,
1981 15 Alien III Modell, 1990 16 Draft for Alien III, 21 x
39,5 cm, indian ink, wax crayon and pencil on paper, 1981
Cover: Costume for Alien based on to HR Gigers design
Back: Sil, Stadium II, The Metamorphosis, 80,5 x 29,5 cm,
pencil on paper, 1994; HR Giger at Shepperton Studios
Deutsches Filminstitut/
Deutsches Filmmuseum
Hans-Peter Reichmann
Schaumainkai 41
60596 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 (0)69-961220-302
[email protected]
I see my work for flm as the continuation of the same creative process that also brings forth my art. [...]
It may surprise the people in Hollywood, but I have never seen myself as a monster maker. HR Giger

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