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STAK Pellet Mills

General Operating Handbook

STAK Properties, LLC
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This handbook is designed to serve as a general guideline
for all STAK pellet mills. Your partiular model ma! have
more or less features then are desribed in the follo"ing
te#t. The intention of this book is to provide a basi
understanding of all STAK pellet mills. $f !ou have a
%uestion onerning !our pellet mill that is not overed in
this manual please send a desriptive email to
Save harmless agreement
!ecause the use o" the aterials, instructions, and in"oration being sold is beyond our
control, the purchaser or user agrees, without reservation to save the seller, its agents,
distributors, resellers, consultants, prooters, advertisers or eployees harless "ro any and
all clais, deands, actions, debts, liabilities, #udgents, costs and attorney$s "ees arising out
o", claied on account o", or in any anner predicted upon loss o" or daage to property, and
in#uries to or the death o" any and all persons whatsoever, occurring in connection with or in
any incidental to or arising out o" the purchase, sale, viewing, trans"er o" in"oration and%or
use o" any and all property or in"oration.
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1. Introduction
2. Safety and operation
3. Application range and performance features
4. The factors which influence pellet quality
1. Raw materials
2. !perating and e"perience
3. Installation and spare parts
#. $lectric control circuit
%. &aintenance
'. Trou(leshooting
). *arranty
+. Sample drawing
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STAK Properties, LLC
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). $ntrodution(
&. 'hat is pelleti(ing)
Pelleti(ing is the process o" aking waste aterials into solid "uel. The pellets
are typically used "or burning purposes. *owever, pellets can be used in several
processes "ro aking anial "eed to electricity production.
+. 'hat aterials can be used "or aking pellets)
Pellets can be ade "ro any type o" Agro,Forestry waste. -ncluding but not
liited to wood, lea"s, grass, cornstalks, cardboard, switch grass, pinecones,
hay, nut,shells, corn cobs, tobacco waste, straw, anial waste, and so on.
!ioass is "ed to a press where it is s.uee(ed through a die that contains several
holes. The high pressure o" the press causes the teperature o" the bioass to
increase greatly. As the bioass is heated, the lignin /organic polyer "ound in
the cell walls o" plants0 plasti"ies "oring a 1natural glue2 that holds the pellet
together as it cools.
3. 4achine "unction
All STAK pellet ills are siple to operate, have e5cellent stability, low noise,
and great per"orance. STAK pellet ills operate by 1direct drive2 power
transission. The electric powered ills have no belts, which eans no
slipping. This is one o" the reasons why STAK pellet ills provide better power
transission than our copetitor$s achines. 6iesel engine powered ills are
also available.
The entire drive assebly is contained inside an oil "illed gearbo5. The gearbo5
housing is constructed o" cast iron.
The teplate and press rollers last 3,7 ties longer than the typical teplates
and rollers "ound on other pellet ills. 'hen properly aintained, STAK pellet
ills can last "or several years8
*. Safet! and Operation(
!e"ore operating, the operator ust "ailiari(e hisel" to the structure and
"unction o" the achine.
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'arning8 The achine has oving parts8 To avoid in#ury or daage to the
achine, never use your hands or other hard tools to clean the die or rollers. A
wood stick can be used to help "eeding the aterials.
The operator should never leave the achine unattended. 'hen operating, listen
"or any abnoral noise. Stop the achine iediately when a proble occurs.
Per"or troubleshooting then start it again.
-" the achine be driven by a diesel engine, the engine should be declutched
be"ore starting. Slowly engage the clutch a"ter the engine is started.
1. ,irst ma-e sure the ground wire is connected well. It is dangerous to start the
machine without connecting the ground wire.
2. *hen connecting the power supply and running the machine/ don0t touch any
electrical parts in the electrical control ca(inet and operation platform. 1oing so can
cause an electric shoc-.
3. To a2oid getting an electric shoc-/ do not operate the pellet mill with wet hands.
4. 1o not chec- and change the electrical parts while the power is connected. 1oing
so can cause electric shoc-/ (urns/ and possi(ly death.
#. To a2oid accidents/ only qualified indi2iduals with a strong mechanical aptitude and
-nowledge of electricity should perform maintenance on the machine.

%. *hen maintaining the machine/ the machine should (e loc-ed out and tagged out
34!T!5. If 4!T! is not possi(le to repair the machine/ the power supply must (e
within arms reach.
'. To a2oid se2ere in6ury/ ne2er use your hands to touch the mo2ing parts of the
). The wor-shop must ha2e good 2entilation and good lighting72isi(ility. The
wor-shop must (e -ept clean smo-ing should (e strictly prohi(ited to a2oid the
e"plosion of dust.
+. 8hec- the fire9protection and fire9proofing de2ices of your shop as well.
1:. To pre2ent se2ere in6ury/ ne2er allow children to come close to a running
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11. Add lu(ricating oil into the (earings of the roller when the machine runs for 12
12. *hen the operator turns the roller/ the machine should (e loc-ed out and tagged
out 34!T!5.
13. Indi2iduals who do not understand the performance of the machine should not
operate and maintain the machine. ;ew operators should re2iew this manual
thoroughly (efore operating. If possi(le/ new operators should ha2e close
super2ision when learning to operate a pellet mill.
14. The distance (etween roller and template should not (e less than :.1mm. *hen
the distance is less :.1mm/ it will hea2ily damage the roller and template.
+. Application range and performance features<
1. Application range
STA= >ellet mills can produce pellets from many forms of (iomass 3sawdust/ straw/
grass/ chopped leafs/ e"ec.5/ the raw materials may contain coarse fi(er up to ':?.
2. >erformance characteristics<
>ellet mills mainly consist of a gear9(o"/ flat die/ roller/ and lu(rication system.
3. ,eeding style<
,ull feeding under gra2ity.
3.3. ,lat 1ie
15. Raw material<
,lat dies are a2aila(le in two different high strength alloys. The a2aila(le alloys are a
medium car(on alloy steel and a stainless steel.
The medium car(on alloy steel has 2:8r&nTi/ 4:8r/ 3#8rmo/ and e"ec. The stiffness
and toughness are good. The Roc-well hardness after heat treating is @R8 ##9%%.
This alloy pro2ides good a(rasion resistance and a long lifespan.
The stainless steel alloy contains 48r13/ 38r13/ 28r13/ and e"ec. The Roc-well
hardness after heat treating is @R8 ##9%2.
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25. 8ompression ratio<
The flat die0s hole compression ratio depends on the raw material and the quality of
raw material. The general rate scope is 1<49).
3.4. 4u(rication
The oil le2el of the reducer should (e chec-ed frequently. ##A%#A hyper(ola gear oil
is recommended. After operating #::hours/ the oil should (e changed.
,. The factors which influence pellet quality<
). -a" materials(

1.1 The quantity and cu(age of raw material<
Benerally spea-ing/ the quantity of pellets produced depends on the cu(age of raw
material fed into the machine. @owe2er/ soft materials compress more than hard
materials. !ne cu(ic foot of grass will produce fewer pellets than one cu(ic foot of
sawdust. Additionally/ pellet mills will ha2e less output of pellets when using hard
materials as feed9stoc-s when compared to using soft materials.
1.2 &oisture content<
If the moisture content is high/ it can influence the quantity and quality of the pellets
produced. ,eeding materials with a high moisture content into a pellet mill can (e
difficult and can cause C(ridgingD or (loc-age. Benerally the moisture content should
(e (etween 1391%? for (est results.
*. Operating and e#periene
2.1 After mi"ing water and materials/ slowly (egin feeding the mi"ture into the

2.2 The distance (etween roller and die has a (ig influence on pellet quality. The
distance should (e (etween :.:# and :.3mm. *hen the distance is more than
:.3mm/ the material will not ha2e uniform distri(ution across the flat die. This will
decrease the quantity of pellets produced.
*hen it is less than :.:#mm/ machine damage can occur. *hen the distance
(etween the roller and die is less than :.:#mm/ the components can grind and cause
huge a(rasions.
Benerally spea-ing/ the easiest way to estimate the distance (etween roller and die
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is to monitor the temperature and sounds of the roller and die during machine
operation. Eou should listen carefully for the sound of metal components grinding
together. If these sounds are present/ more than li-ely the distance (etween the die
and roller is too close. If smo-e is present/ the die and roller may (e too hot. If the die
and roller (ecomes too hot/ it may (e due to the distance as well.
2.3 The surface finish quality of die holes<
The die should (e -ept oiled to pre2ent rust. If rust is present/ friction will increase. If
this occurs/ the quality and quantity of pellets will (e reduced. To remo2e rust/ the die
should (e a(rasi2e (lasted with 1:: grit or finer media.
If a(rasi2e (lasting equipment is not a2aila(le/ an alternati2e way of polishing
treatment is as follows<
15. Fsing a steel nail with a diameter less than the die holes/ remo2e the materials
that are 6ammed inside the die holes.
25. Apply grease on the feeding surface of the die and ad6ust the distance (etween
the roller and die.
35. &i" together 1:? fine sand 31:: grit or finer5 and ):? (iomass/ then add 1:?
grease. &i" these materials together to ma-e the polishing material.
Start the machine and feed in the polishing material. The polishing material should (e
continually fed into the machine for at least 4: minutes. *hen the surface finish
quality has impro2ed/ the pellets will (ecome loose and will not plug inside the die.
The die should ha2e more than +#? of the holes a2aila(le to produce pellets.
2.4. *hen starting the machine for the first time/ your materials should ha2e 1:?
grease added. After feeding the grease material mi"ture for # G 1: minutes/ you may
(egin feeding the main material. >ut aside the grease material mi"ture for future use.
2.#. Eou should chec- the ring die and use a steel nail to clean the holes e2ery wee-.
This will help to guarantee sta(le operation.
2.%. ;e2er o2erload the hopper. &aterials should (e added continuously as they are
consumed. &aterial inside the hopper should (e -ept to a minimum. !2erloading the
hopper can increase the force required to ma-e pellets. This can lead to machine or
motor damage.
2.'. 1ie holes may 6am due to (ad material/ improper polishing/ or when pelletiHing
without feeding the grease mi"ture through a new die. If a die hole is 6ammed/ you
should use a steel nail to open it.
2.). *hen the friction modulus is too small or too (ig/ the material will not force
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through the die/ reducing the pellet quality and quantity. If this pro(lem occurs/ you
must ad6ust the distance (etween the die and roller.
2.+. The operator should -now the moisture content of feeding material. If it is too
high or too low/ it can cause the die to clog. If the die clogs/ production should (e
stopped immediately.
!perating with a clogged die can (e dangerous. *hen the die is clogged/ the
temperature of the die will increase and can cause the material to (urn. If a machine
runs more than #minutes with clogged conditions/ the die and protecti2e co2er will (e
2ery hot. 1o not open the flat die protecti2e co2er to remo2e the clog until it is cool
enough to touch.
+. Mahiner! installation and spare part.s seletion
3.1. ,eeding (oard position<
If the feeding (oard position is incorrect/ the quality of pellets will (e reduced.
Additionally/ the motor could (e damaged. The proper installation distance is
(etween 1:93:mm 3:.4D 9 1.1D5 (etween the feeding (oard margin and flat die.
3.2. 8utter<
If the cutter is too close to the flat die/ it will influence the pellet siHe and capacity. It
should (e ad6usted properly.

STAK Properties, LLC
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3.3. Roller<
After installation/ you should fill the lu(ricate oiler with a grease gun.
3.4. The ad6ustment (etween roller and flat die<
As shown in the picture (elow/ the ad6ustment is cloc-wise. Ad6ust the spaces
(etween the roller and flat die and ad6ust the nut. Rotate with (alanced pressure
using a wrench.

3.#. Ad6ustment of distance (etween the roller and (earing<
A large distance (etween the roller and (earing will cause damage to the (earing/
roller oil seal/ and roller a"le. To pre2ent damage/ the distance (etween the roller and
(earing should (e chec-ed frequently. The distance (etween roller and (earing
should rotate easily with the smallest gap possi(le If the distance is too small/ the
roller will o2erheat and damage the (earing.
The distance (etween the roller and flat die can not (e less than :.1mm. If the
distance is too small/ the roller will contact the flat die directly and can cause
*hen you rotate the roller (y hand/ you must disconnect the power.
Eou should add grease to the roller and (earing at least e2ery 12 hours of operation.
3.%. Installation &ethod of Roller Iearings<

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/. $lectric control circuit<
1. Beneral STA= pellet mill electric circuit drawing

STAK Properties, LLC
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2. !perator Interface
2.1. $lectrical 8ontrol Ioard< 1. Frgent Stop 2. Joltage &eter 3. 8urrent &eter/
4. Temperature of >ellet >ress 81 #. Temperature of &otor 82 %. >ower !n7!ff =ey
'. Starting Iutton ). Stop Iutton +. >ower Indicator 1:. Running Indicator 11.
0. &aintenance<
Preventative aintenance should be done routinely. The achine operator
should check "or, and tighten any loose bolts be"ore starting the achine. This
step can help prevent achine daage and is necessary "or sa"e operation.
A"ter +99 hours o" use, disseble and check the a5le to see i" there is su""icient
pyro,lubricant. -" not, clean the a5le and add lubricant iediately. This will
prevent the a5le "ro drying and wearing due to "riction.
4ills powered by diesel engines should have the gearbo5 checked every si5
onths to ensure that it is well lubricated. Lubricant ust be added as needed
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and replaced annually.
Beneral &aintenance
1. The oil le2el of the reducer should (e chec-ed frequently. ##A%#A hyper(ola gear
oil is recommended. After operating #::hours/ the oil should (e changed.
2. The oil surface of gear reducer (o" should (e chec-ed periodically.
3. 8hec- the foundation (olts and connection (olts once per shift. If the (olts are
fle"i(le or loose they should (e repaired.
4. Always clean machinery after use.
#. Eou should often chec- the indicator lights and on7off. Replace if needed.
1. Troubleshooting(
Problem Potential cause
STAK Properties, LLC
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-t is di""icult to start the
&. Low voltage
+. !lown "use
3. Low oil in gear case
7. :verheated or bad relay
The otor is too hot &. 'rong si(e aterial "ed into achine
+. Plugged holes in die
3. 3 phase otor is only running with +
phase /not applicable to single phase or
diesel engine powered ills0
Pellets are not "oring
properly or achine can
not ake pellets
&. Clogged die
+. *igh oisture content
3. 6ry aterial
7. -nsu""icient binder /Soe aterials ay
re.uire a binder. Try adding soe water
and a binding agent like corn starch,
vegetable oil, "lour, wa5, gluten, distiller$s
grain, corn eal, corn, soybeans,
sun"lowers or e5perient with other
available aterials.0
The bearing is too hot &. Too uch or too little grease
+. !ad .uality grease
3. !ent a5is or ibalanced rotor
7. *opper is being over"illed when operating
;. 6ry aterial
<. Clogged die
The a5is leaks oil &. The oil level is too high
+. -proper oil type
3. !ad oil seal
Short bearing li"espan &. =sing iproper or low .uality bearings
+. =sing iproper grease
3. The "eed aterial has low oisture
7. Too high >P4 on diesel engine
Pellets solder in pellet
stove and do not burn
&. The oisture content is too high. Allow
pellets to dry longer be"ore using
Pellets coe out short
and in little pieces
&. 6ry aterial
+. -nsu""icient binder
3. -properly polished holes in die
STAK Properties, LLC
For the best alternative energy products available, visit us online at
Spare >arts 3STA=9S14:: as e"ample5<
?ae 4odel @$ty -nstallation Location
!earing 3+++A & =nder the ain sha"t
<3&< & Top o" the ain sha"t
39+&3 7 >oller
:il Seal A9B&&9B&+ + Pellet Press
: >ing C;B3 + >oller
Teplate 799 Pellet Press
Shell o" >oller + Pellet Press
4ain Sha"t STAK,S6799 & Pellet Press
>oller !racket STAK,S6799 & Pellet Press
:il Seal on >oller STAK,S6799 7 Pellet Press
STAK Properties, LLC
For the best alternative energy products available, visit us online at
2. 3imited "arrant!(
!ur pellet mills are warrantied against industrial defects for +: days upon deli2ery.
The warranty includes repair la(or cost. The warranty does not include Cconsuma(leD
wear items such as rollers and dies. Fsers are responsi(le for paying for the
replaced parts and relati2e charges. The warranty does not include costs associated
with the repair of damaged units determined to (e caused (y improper operation. If
any components are damaged during shipping/ please contact us immediately.
4. Sample 1rawing<
STAK Properties, LLC
For the best alternative energy products available, visit us online at
This operation manual ontains tehnial parameters of pellet
mahines5 "e reserve the right to revise all onerning information.
Save harmless agreement
!ecause the use o" the aterials, instructions, and in"oration being sold is beyond our
control, the purchaser or user agrees, without reservation to save the seller, its agents,
distributors, resellers, consultants, prooters, advertisers or eployees harless "ro any and
all clais, deands, actions, debts, liabilities, #udgents, costs and attorney$s "ees arising out
o", claied on account o", or in any anner predicted upon loss o" or daage to property, and
in#uries to or the death o" any and all persons whatsoever, occurring in connection with or in
any incidental to or arising out o" the purchase, sale, viewing, trans"er o" in"oration and%or
use o" any and all property or in"oration.
STAK Properties, LLC
For the best alternative energy products available, visit us online at

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