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Synopsis of major project



(Computer Science)





Social network sites (SNSs) are increasingly attracting the attention of academic and
industry researchers intrigued by their affordances and reach. This special theme section of
the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication brings together scholarship on these
emergent phenomena. In this introductory article, we describe features of SNSs and
propose a comprehensive definition. We then present one perspective on the history of such
sites, discussing key changes and developments. After briefly summarizing existing
scholarship concerning SNSs, we discuss the articles in this special section and conclude
them with considerations for future research.


This is a great opportunity to acknowledge and to thanks all those people without whose support and
help this project would have been impossible. I would like to add a few heartfelt words for the
people who were part of this project in numerous ways.

I would like to thanks to my project guide MR. SANJEEV CHAUDHARY, for his indefatigable
guidance, valuable suggestion, moral support, constant encouragement and contribution of time for
the successful completion of project. I am very grateful to him, for providing all the facilities needed
during the project development.

With great pleasure and sincere gratitude I would thank the college , the entire IT Department Staff
and HOD of IT department Mrs. ANITA RANA for their constant encouragement and help during
the entire tenure of the course.

Last but not the least, I would like to acknowledge the immense support of my parents and my
family members, whose patience and encouragement during these long days and night have been
paramount in making this project a reality.

Thank you.




There are many different technologies available today for developing complex websites and web
applications, and with so many to choose from, its great that there is one technology in particular that
stand out from the crowd and it is such a joy to use PHP is a fantastic technology that enables you to
develop websites and applications which empowers business in an Open way. There is a real power
and depth to this technology that enables it to host even the most complex application available today.

My project is a result of the information technology revolution which has turned the universe into a
global village, and as computer have become an essential and integral part of our daily lives. This
process is advancing day by day and it is putting lot of challenges in front of us.

To look and understand these challenges which we have to face in future, our college provides an
opportunity for all its students to gain professional training and actual work environment for the
students. This knowledge will help us in our future prospects and skill development.

I have prepared this project report with great enthusiasm in the most practical way.

During this period, I get the first real world corporate experience on working, in an actual
environment with different technical skills which normally cannot be experienced by us in college
studies. Apart from this, I get an opportunity to learn the latest technologies, and gain insights into the
working of the system.

And most of all I observed how team effort is organized and integrated for the finished product to
take shape.




Introduction to the Project

Modules of the Project
User Section
Agents Section
Sellers section
Implementation Environment
Front End
Back End
Hardware and Software Requirements
Hardware Requirements
Software Requirements


Real Estate System

Application Overview, Scope & Objectives:

Real Estate web application will be useful tool for the general users who are interested in
sale and purchase of real estate properties. The web application is intended to provide a
platform for users to view a Real Estate Properties for sale and purchase. It is a system for
online handling all the commerce process likewise advertising, selling and buying.

Need for the Application:

The basic need for the application is to promote sales of real estate properties through the
website. The agent/seller will also play a vital role for promotion and sale/purchase.

Purpose of the Document:

The purpose of this document is to layout in detail the functional and other requirements.
This document contains the necessary information to meet the requirements set forth for
the completion of this application. The target audience of this document is Project Sponsor,
Project Managers, Developers, Designers, and QA Engineers. Now onwards, this document
will act as a portal of information during the whole development cycle and any change in the
functional or other requirements will be communicated.


Real Estate System Web Application will have the following modules:
I. User Section
II. Agents/Sellers Section
III. Administrator Section

I. User Section
Any user of the web site can see all property listings and can choose them according to their
need. User will be able to choose his required property category and choose the property
according to related category. If he wants to get any additional feature like contact numbers
of agents and other slideshows etc to view, then he has to register himself firstly.

User will have following features on the web site:
User can visit the site and see the property categories without register his own
account. He can visit on every property listing related to required categories. For this
a search is being integrated which can be done according to user needs to refine the
property listings.
The search for the property can be done with any field. There will be no restrition to
search the listings except the city.
Links for the most common cities will be given above the search pane on the home
page of the website to make the search easier for the user.
User will be able to see the complete property listing including location of the
property and budget also.
If the user is interested in some property mentioned in those listings, he will be able
to get contact number of the agent/seller and can view slideshows of that property
etc, but for that he will have to register himself with the website. This registration
process will be free of cost.
Once the user becomes registered user, he will be able to post any feedback
regarding the agent or property or website.
Registered User can view any property of his need on the google maps which is
integrated in it.
Registered User will be able to get newsletters, notifications about any new property
listing on the web site.
Registered User can post his queries to any particular agent and he can do live chat
with agents/sellers.
Account Registration/Login
User will be able to perform standard registration and login function. During
registration process, user has to fill his own all details. Forgot password functionality
will be there for users if they lost their password. They can retrieve their password by
entering their email address i.e. username and an email containing their password
will be sent to them.
Featured Item: The most featured property listings will be shown on the home page
with a little bit of details and blogs on it.
My Account
In this section user will be allowed to manage his profile, change password. Under My
profile user will be able to manage personal info. User will also be able to see details
of his posted blogs and notifications or newsletters.

II. Agents/Sellers Section

Agent or Seller on this web site will have following features:
Any agent or seller can post the property listings on the web site. But for that, he
have to register for the same. This registration process is paid one.
For this we have to integrate payement gateway into the web site through which
payement will be done securely and reliably.
The numbers of listings, an agent/ seller can post, will be limited as per his account
and payment type.
There will be three types of accounts for agents/sellers which are silver, gold and
platinum. Each of these accounts have different membership charges and different
number of listings that a user can post.
The listings posted by agents/sellers will remain visible in the web site for a fixed
interval of time. After that, the listing will be automatically removed from the web
site. So Agents/Sellers have to renew it after that time to show it in web site.
Account Registration/Login
Agents/Sellers will be able to perform standard registration and login function.
During registration process they have to fill their own all details. Forgot password
functionality will be there for them if they lost their password. They can retrieve their
password by entering their email address i.e. username and an email containing their
password will be sent to them.
My Account
In this section Agents/Sellers will be allowed to manage his profile, change password.
Under My profile they will be able to manage their personal information.
Agents/Sellers will be allowed to check the registered users interested for the
property listed by them and also the blogs on them. They are also allowed to make
modifications in the listings posted by them.

III. Administrator Section:

The administrator of the web site will have following features:
Manage Users:
Administrator will be able to manage users by adding new users, editing existing
users. He can also activate/deactivate and delete user. Admin will be able to sort and
search users from the list.
Manage Listings:
Admin will be able to add/ edit and delete listings of the properties.
Manage newsletters:
Admin will provide notifications and newsletters to the registered users.
Manage featured listings:
Admin can set any listing as featured listing and that listing will show on the home
page of the website.
Members management:
Admin will view them with their account details, listings, balance, disable their access,
add new user.
Manage CMS:
Administrator will be able to manage all static pages of the web site. Such as about
us, contact us, Terms and Conditions FAQs etc. Administrator will be able to add new
static page in the web site and that will be manageable through CMS tool.


FRONT-END: Android

It also includes capabilities for transparent encryption of data (TDE) as well as
compression of backups.
Run your most mission-critical applications on a highly secure, reliable, and scalable
Protect valuable information
Ensure business continuity
Enable predictable response
Reduce the cost of managing your data infrastructure while streamlining
development of data applications
Manage by policies
Simplify application development
Store any information
Integrate any data
Deliver relevant information


The system must have the following hardware requirements:
Pentium IV Processors
25GB of Hard Disk
Server Machine
Client Machine

The system must have the following software requirements:

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