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Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 7 (2): 365-376, 2008

ISSN 1680-5194
Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2008
Igbo Traditional Food System: Documentation, Uses and Research Needs
E.C. Okeke , H.N. Eneobong , A.O. Uzuegbunam and A.O. Ozioko and H. Kuhnlein
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Department of Home Science, Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
Mcgill University, Canada
Abstract: The Igbos live in southeastern Nigeria and number over 23 million with population densities
ranging from 300 to over 1000 persons per kilometer, the highest in West Africa. As a first step towards
solving the problems of stunting and micronutrient deficiency, this study sought to document traditional foods
in terms of availability in seasons and their use in Igbo culture area. Eight communities selected from four
States were used for the study. Key informant interviews, focus group discussions and questionnaires were
used to document and ascertain use of local foods by households. About 294 species and over 400 varieties
of foods were documented. The results show that, for the Igbos, maize and rice are the major cereals
consumed. The foreign rice syndrome has in the recent past overtaken many households, especially in the
urban areas. Twenty one (21) species of starchy roots and tubers, 20 legumes, 21 nuts/seeds, 116
vegetables, 12 mushrooms and 36 fruits were documented of which 9, 3, 7, 12, 0 and 11 respectively were
found in food composition tables. Cereals, starchy roots and tubers are important food groups for the Igbo
people. They are available all year round but are more abundant during the harvest season. They form the
base of the diet of Igbo culture area. Most commonly consumed legume is the cowpea (Vigna unguiculata).
Local varieties of cowpea and other species of legumes are also available but not produced in large
quantities. The scientific names of most of the mushrooms have not been found. Fruits were not main parts
of the diet but were eaten outside regular meals. Two types of oil (red palm oil and vegetable oil) were
documented. A total of 21 condiments and spices were identified. Some of these condiments are soup
thickeners and are high in dietary fiber. Animal foods were about 27 species for meat/poultry/eggs, 12
species of fish and 3 species of insect/larvae were documented. Milk and milk products were not mentioned.
Availability and seasonality determined the consumption of these foods by the Igbo people. In all Igbo
communities, foods are eaten not only for their nutritional values but also for their medicinal and socio-
cultural significance.
Key words: Igbo culture area, traditional foods, uses and research needs
The Igbo culture area may be defined as an area
enclosed by an imaginary line running outside of the
settlements of Agbor, Kwalle (West Niger Igbo), Ahoada,
Diobu, Umuaboyi (Port Harcourt), Arochukwu, Afikpo,
Isiagu (Abakaliki area), Enugu Ezike (Nsukka area) and
Ebu (West Niger Igbo) (Onwuejiogwu, 1984) In this
culture area, the Igbo live in patrilineages called
Umunna. The patrilineages which are of variable size
and span, and of diverse origin federated to become
villages. Groups of villages federated to form towns
called Obodo. Permanent Igbo settlements are widely
distributed in six ecological areas within the Igbo culture
area. These comprise: the southern half of the scarp
lands of South Eastern Nigeria, the southern half of the
lower Niger basin, the Midwest lowland, the Niger Delta,
the Palm Belt of Southeastern Nigeria and the Cross
River Basin. The Igbos number about 23 million
(Ndiokwere, 1998). They have one of the highest
population densities in West Africa, ranging from 300 to
over 1000 persons per kilometer.
The diversities and variations that occur in the Igbo
culture area may derive to some extent from the differing
ecologies of many Igbo people. Generally, the Igbo
people share a common basic culture centered on a
common language, common institutions and common
religious and cosmological beliefs. This type of unity
within a variable cultural complex had full expression in
the area as in the kola-nut and white chalk customs, the
vigor in Igbo music and dance movements, their highly
developed arts of wall decoration and delicate body
paintings, their pottery designs, weaving, folklore, oral
literature, mmuo dances and drama and traditional
games and pastimes such as wrestling, acrobatics,
archery and fencing (Uchendu, 1965).
Agriculture is a heritage occupation of the Igbo people.
Notwithstanding, stunting and micronutrient deficiency
(vitamin A, iron, iodine and zinc) are prevalent. More
recently, there has been an increased incidence of non
communicable diseases among the Nigerian
population. The long-term malnutrition problem of the
poor nations cannot be solved by food aid or food trade
with the affluent countries but rather by the adequate
utilization of indigenous plant foods (Ihekoronye and
Okeke et al.: Igbo Traditional Food System
Ngoddy, 1985). This is because traditional food Umuahia town - Abia State: Ohiya community is located
resources can make substantial contribution in meeting in Umuahia Local Government Area in Abia State of
the nutritional needs of the population, especially the low Nigeria. Umuahia town, of which Ohiya community is a
income group and particularly in times of seasonal part, has a population of about 213, 630 (Federal Office
scarcity (Okigbo, 1986; FAO, 1987; Okeke et al., 1993). of Statistics Lagos, 1992). The vegetation and climate is
Characterization of species is the first and most deciduous in nature and the community is right inside
important step in understanding the entire traditional the hinterland. There is a small river nearby and as such
food system of indigenous peoples. Traditional food the people fish and grow vegetables around the river.
system has been defined as all food from a particular
culture available from local resources and culturally Entry into the communities: Contact persons were
accepted. It includes, socio-cultural meaning of food, identified for each of the towns visited. They were
acquisition, processing techniques, use, composition intimated with aims and objectives of the project and
and nutritional consequences for the people using the their cooperation sought and obtained. The contact
food (Kulnlein et al., 2004). This investigation therefore persons were then the links between the researchers
seeks to document these traditional foods, identify their and the chiefs and leaders of the communities.
uses and potentials with a view to reintroducing them Preliminary visits were arranged by the contact persons
into the fare of the population for health promotion. for the researchers, chiefs and community leaders.
Materials and Methods
Background of the communities studied
Ede-Oballa Town - Enugu State: Ede-Oballa community
is located at the heart of Nsukka Local Government Area
in Enugu State of Nigeria. It is not very far from the point
of collaboration, that is, the University of Nigeria, Nsukka
and it is within the deciduous forest area of Nigeria. Its
soil is very rich for the cultivation of legumes and
vegetables. Unlike the other communities studied, Ede-
Oballa appears to be one of the most fertile areas in the
South-East zone of Nigeria. It is also rich in bush meat
and cereals. Ede-Oballa has an estimated population of
12, 447 (Federal Office of Statistics Lagos, 1992) and by
1996, it was projected to 14, 368. From the 1991
Census Figs., the males were 5760 in number and the
females, 6687. These figures were projected to 9778
females in 2004.
Ezinifite town - Anambra state: Ezinifite is located at the
Aguata Local Government Area in Anambra State of
Nigeria. It is situated at the hinterland within the
deciduous forest. This influences their production,
consumption and preservation of foods. Ezinifite is
located in a valley around the erosion disaster area. The
risks of the erosion menace are a great problem to
The community has a population of 289, 049 (Federal
Office of Statistics Lagos, 1992).
Ubulu - Uku town: Delta State Ubulu-Uku is an Igbo
community in Delta State of Nigeria. It is located in the
river basin/belt of the Niger River that gave Nigeria its
name. This location explains why the members of the
community are mainly farmers. They produce and
consume a lot of cassava, yams, plantains and
cocoyams like most other Igbo communities. Palm oil is
produced in large quantities.
These meetings enabled the researchers to explain in
detail the purpose of the project and to solicit maximum
support and cooperation. During these meetings, the
research protocols were outlined.
Training of research assistants: Research assistants
within each community were recruited and trained. This
was done in order to overcome language barriers and
non acceptance of a foreigner. The assistants were
trained on how to fill the questionnaires and other
research methods used.
Sampling size and sampling procedure: One hundred
households were selected from each of the 8
communities. This gave a total of 800 households.
Kindred households were randomly selected from each
of the communities for the individual interviews. These
households were purposively selected based on the
presence of mother, children and/or infants.
Data Collection Methods
Key informants interviews: The chiefs of the
communities and elders were the major informants.
They gave the researchers information concerning the
structure of each of the villages. They also guided the
researchers on choosing knowledgeable people to be
used for focus group discussions and all other
information that the researchers required.
Focus group discussion: The focus group comprised a
small group of people usually of common age and
gender who are knowledgeable in a specific area. The
chiefs of the communities helped the researchers
gather groups of men and women (8-10 each) who were
farmers and capable of giving accurate information to
the researchers.
A focus group guide was developed for use during
discussions with the different groups. Issues raised for
discussion were based on the following topics: Foods
Okeke et al.: Igbo Traditional Food System
that are produced and consumed in the community; has a status symbol attached to it. It is a mans crop.
foods that are eaten and liked by season, by mothers Diji is a man who owns a certain number of yam barns
and children; foods that are minimally used or currently and is also a symbol of strength because it is the most
not in use and reasons for their disuse; patterns of food difficult crop to produce. Such a man commands respect
harvest; social and medicinal uses of food crops etc. in the society. Important festivals are linked to yam. For
Questionnaire: Questionnaires were distributed to communities and the ahajioku festival/lecture of Imo
hundred households in each community. Information State, Nigeria. Yams such as three leaf yam (D.
was collected on the following: dumentorum) and the aerial yam (D. bulbifera) as
1. free list record of community traditional foods, their shown in Table 1 are almost extinct. Children and the
local names, characteristics and frequency of use. younger generation do not know them or love them.
2. complete traditional food harvest calendar. Local legumes as shown in Table 2 abound in the Igbo
3. minimally used or unused expected micronutrient cultural food system. Unfortunately, many are becoming
foods. extinct. The most commonly consumed legume is the
4. taste appreciation of some traditional foods by cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) black - eyed bean. It has
children and mothers etc. both the white and brown varieties. However, there are
5. attributes attached to traditional foods. local varieties of cowpea (akidi ani and akidi enu/elu) -
Market Survey: A market survey was conducted in each quantities. Next to cowpeas in popularity are the pigeon
of the communities. This also helped to identify pea (Cajanus cajan), bambara groundnut (Vigna
traditional foods available in the markets. subterranean), the African yam bean (Sphenostylis
Data Analysis: Information from key informants and Soyabean is a new addition to the diet of the Igbos. It is
focus group discussants were recorded on the forms not indigenous to them but is now being consumed and
and also note books. In addition, the focus group especially used for complementary foods for infants and
sessions were taped in order to obtain verbatim children. The cowpea, pigeon pea, bambara groundnuts
responses. These were later transcribed and recorded. are most in abundance and can be available all year
Information on the traditional foods was then tabulated. round.
A total of 294 species and over 400 varieties of food
items were documented in this study (Fig. 1). Of these,
174 were documented with their scientific names and 77
were found in the food composition tables (FCTs)
currently in use in Nigeria. These Tables include the
Tables of Representative values of foods commonly
used in tropical countries (Platt, 1980) Food
Composition Tables for Use in Africa (FAO, 1968)
Nutrient composition of commonly eaten foods in
Nigeria: Raw, Processed and Prepared (Oguntona and
Akinyele, 1995). A total of 217 were missing in the FCTs.
An attempt was made by the project to analyze about 50
samples (mainly vegetables). This result will be
published in another paper.
The major cereals of the Igbo culture area are maize and
rice. There are the white, yellow-red and variegated
types. Rice is cultivated in swampy areas of the Igbo
culture area. Some are also cultivated in the upland
areas. Two major types were identified; Oryza sativa and
Oryza glaberrima.
A total of about 21 starchy roots, tuber and fruits were
documented by this project. These foods are available
all year round but are more abundant during the harvest
season. Apart from being sold for money, yams are
used as gifts to relations, loved ones and in-laws during
traditional marriage and other important celebrations. It
example the New Yam Festival is common to all Igbo
Vigna sinensis which are not produced in large
stencarpa) and groundbean (Kerstingeilla geocarpa).
Oil seeds and nuts are very important in the diet of the
Igbos as shown in Table 2.
Fruits abound in the Igbo culture area as shown in Table
3. Apart from conventional fruits, some traditional Igbo
fruits grow in the wild/forest and need domestication.
Fruits are generally regarded as food for children and do
not form a major part of meals. They are consumed
mainly as snacks.
One hundred and sixteen vegetables, including
mushrooms were documented in this study. Table 4
shows the most commonly consumed vegetables in the
Igbo culture area. However, some areas eat particular
vegetables more than the others. For example, Gnetum
africanum and Pennisetum purfereum are typical of
Igbos from Imo and Abia States, while bitter leaf
(Vernonia amygdalina) is most popular in Anambra
State. Interestingly, Table 5 shows a list of uncommon,
minimally used vegetables, some seeds and roots
identified in this study. These vegetables were found to
be consumed among the Delta Igbos. Some of the
vegetables even grow as weeds. Most are ground and
used in making soups and are said to have a variety of
medicinal values.
The mushrooms identified in Table 4 are also common
to all. They are eaten as delicacies or as meat
substitutes in soups. Much of the mushrooms are
obtained from the wild or homestead from tree trunks,
farmlands, rotten wood and anthills. Some are soft, hard
Okeke et al.: Igbo Traditional Food System
Table 1: Traditional cereals, starchy roots, tubers and fruits of the Igbo culture area
Foods Local name(s) Scientific name Attributes: uses, socio-economic, cultural and medicinal values R D
Cereals;Corn/maize Oka, azizi Zea mays White and yellow and variegated available. Eaten in fresh, dried forms in a variety of ways. Important in % %
feed population group, especially infants
Rice Osikapa Oryza sativa/ Cream colour local variety. Taste better than exotic ones. Production low %
Oryza glaberrima Reddish in colour, milled and used for rice fufu %
Tuber/Root/Fruits Jiocha,Ji igwe, Dioscorea Eaten frequently when in season; a prestige food used for festivals, given as gifts to in-laws and loved ones. % %
White yam Ji abi rotundata A big yam farmer is called Diji
Yellow yam Ji oku/okwu Dioscorea cayenensis Not so common as white yam but also a special yam called Oke ji. Can serve the same function as white yam. % %
Water yam Ji mbo, Dioscorea alata Not produced in large quantities. Has higher moisture, lower sugar and starch and so recommended for diabetics. % %
Ji abana,Ji mvula
Three leaf yam Ona,uno Dioscorea dumentorium Almost extinct. Used during the hungry season %
Aerial yam Adu, aduimu Dioscorea bulbifera Almost extinct, not loved by children %
Bitter yam Ji abi, okpuru Dioscorea prachensilis Said not to contain much starch. A wild type, almost extinct %
Cocoyam Ede ofe, Colocasia esculenta Used as soup thickener in some parts; can be made into chips for other food preparation. % %
Ngbowa Akikara
Ede oku, Xanthosoma maffafa Boiled and eaten like yam % %
edebuji, akpahuri
Akonoke Colocasia esculenta var Boiled and used to pound cassava %
Cocoindia Colocasia spp Introduce into Nigeria after the war. Boiled and eaten %
Nkpongnambing Colocasia spp For pounding mixed with cassava %
Okoroko ogoli Colocasia spp Big head; for pounding mixed with cassava. Inside soft as egg. Used during hungry season. Cooks two very big head. %
Cassava Jigbo, alibo, Manihot esculenta A very important staple. Eaten almost on a daily basis in one form or the other. Nicknamed man power; % %
Bitter type Akpunkola inu 6 to 6; No 1. Must be fermented before consumption. Can be used to produce dried or wet chips (abacha).
Sweet Potatoes Ji nwanu Ipomaea batatas Love mainly by children. Not produced in large quantities. %
Banana Unele, Ogedentiti Musa sapientum Said to have medicinal value %
Plantain Osukwu, Ogede Musa paradisiaca Eaten by many. Unripe plantain recommended for diabetics. Believed to be high in iron. Eaten in different forms;
nba, obughunu boiled, roasted, fried, made into flour etc. %
Bread fruit Ukwa bekee Artocarpus communis Used as food.
R = Rainy, D = Dry
or elastic and hard to chew. However, the scientific names of most of these important soup seasonings in different parts of Igbo land. A number of soup
mushrooms have not been identified. thickeners were identified in this group. They are typical of Igbos from Abia and
Condiments and species are shown in Table 6. Most of them are seeds except Imo States of Nigeria, while cocoyams and yams are used by others.
Obulumgbede (Hippocratea welwischtii - a root obtained from the wild and Animal foods abound as shown in Table 7. Apart from cow, sheep, goat,
ukpai (scientific name not yet known) - a tree bark. Some spices are quite hot chicken, turkey a lot of these are not being domesticated. They are still obtained
while others are very mild and flavourful. Most are said to have medicinal values from the wild. Unfortunately, they are consumed only when they are available.
and are used for treating such ailments as broken bones, loss of appetite and This is because of their high cost. Wild animals are also becoming scare
for pregnant and lactating mothers. The fermented products from Prosopsis because of deforestation. Certain parts of meat like the liver, tongue, heart,
africana, Ricinus communis, Parkia biglobosa and Citrullus vulgaris are lungs are generally regarded as special and may not be given to women
Okeke et al.: Igbo Traditional Food System
Table 2: Traditional legumes, nuts and seed of the Igbo culture area
Foods Local name (s) Scientific name Attributes: uses, socio-economic, cultural and medicinal values. R D
Cowpea Agwa Vigna unguiculata Has a white and brown variety. Not produced in any appreciable quantity but the most commonly consumed legume %
Cowpea Akidi ani/elu Vigna sinensis Akidi ani is obtained from the ground, while akidi elu is a climben. Eaten both as dried seed or fresh pods. %
Not produced in commercial quantities.
Pigeon pea Agbugbu, fiofio Cajanus cajan Comes in different colours. Dried seed can be boiled and eaten with cereals or starchyroots/tubers, or ground into %
powder and used to prepare sauce.
Bambara groundnut Okpa,Okpa abi Vigna subterranean Dried flour is used for a popular pudding Okpa eaten and enjoyed by many. Can also be boiled fresh and eaten or roasted. %
African yam Okpodudu, Sphenostylis Boiled and eaten with starchy, roots, tubers and fruit. Can be roasted and eaten with palm kernel as a snack. Said to have %
Ijiriji, Azama stenocarpa medicinal value. Used during hungry season. Well cherised in areas of production.
Ground bean Akidi-ana, akidi ani Kerstingeilla geocarpa Cooked and eaten with other foods. Used as complementary food in areas produced. %
Lima bean Okwe Nhaseolus spp %
Jack bean Akidi ofe Canavalia ensiformis %
Winged bean Agbara Mucuna pruriens A climber, grows wild, some cultivated. Has white and black cultivars. Eaten during periods of scarcity. %
Velvet bean Usually ground, roasted and used for making sauce.
Ground nut Opapa/Apapa Arachis hypogea Used in a variety of ways; boiled, roasted and eaten as snacks with banana, popcorn etc. % %
Roasted one used for peanut butter.
African oil bean Ugba Pentaclethra macrophylla Boiled and sliced and fermented. Used for local salad and for other food preparations. %
Beniseed Sesamum indicum Not popular. Ground and used for making soup %
Soyabean Glycine max Use mainly as dried powder for infant feeding, soybean. Not produced much. %
Melon seed Egusi Citrullus vulgaris Used as a major soup ingredient. Used to produce a meat substitute in some areas. %
Egusi soup is highly valued in some Igbo communities and used during major functions and festivals
Dika nut seed Ogbono/Agbono, Irvingia spp Used as a major soup ingredient. Highly viscous when mixed with hot water; recommended for diabetics. %
Bush mango Ugiri Important in some area of Igbo land.
Pumpkin seed Mkpuru ugu/ofi Telferia spp Boiled and eaten as snack %
Pumpkin seed Mkpuru anyu, Cucurbita spp Pulp used to eat yam or cocoyam %
Cotton seed Owo Gossypium arboreum Ground and used for soup %
Castor seed Ogiri/ogili Ricinus communis Fermented and used for flavouring soups - ogiri %
African bread fruit Ukwa Treculia africana A delicacy though becoming extinct due to deforestation. Boiled and eaten alone or with other foods. Roasted and
eaten with palm kernel or coconut as a snack. Expensive and good source of income. Recommended for diabeticsss %
Conophor Ukpa Tetracarpediu Boiled and eaten as a popular snack. Used for entertaining visitors %
Coconut Akuoyibo, Cocos nucifera Eaten with corn/maize, African bread fruit etc. Cocomilk is used in akubekee preparing dishes. Coconut
water is used as an antidote and also for oral rehydration therapy. % %
Palm kernel Aki Elaeis guineensis From palm fruit. Use to extract palm kernel oil used for cosmetics and traditional medicines. % %
Cashew nut Mkpulu/Mkpuru Anacardum Roasted and eaten as snack; good source of income %
cashew occidentalia
Kolanut Oji Awusa Oji Igbo Cola nitida Both are stimulants. Breaking of kola is an important part of any Igbo ceremony and ritual. Symbol of love, % %
Cola acuminate unity and welcome. C. nitida is preferred for these ceremonies. % %
Chewed fresh alone or with alligator pepper or peanut butter. Has economic value.
Bitter kola Ugoro, adu, akilu Garcinia kola Eaten for its medicinal value. Said to prevent malaria.
Used to drive away snakes around compound. Good source of income.
R = Rainy, D = Dry
Okeke et al.: Igbo Traditional Food System
Table 3: Common fruits of the Igbo culture area
Fruits Local name (s) Scientific name Attributes: uses, socio-economic, cultural and medicinal values. R D
Rubber plant Utu npiwa Lan dolphia owerensis A wild fruit, can be eaten with the seed %
Utu mmaeso Lan dolphia spp Larger in size. Has gummy exudates that traps birds %
Utu mmaenyi Lan dolphia spp Children love it and refuse to eat lunch/food %
Utu ubune Lan dolphia spp Very sweet, strong smell. Some white or red. %
Pear Avocado Ube Igbo Dacryodes edulis Oily fruit. Soften by putting in very hot water and eaten with fresh corn %
pear Ube Oyibo Persia Americana Tree crop. Large in size and eaten when ripened. % %
Ube Okpoko Canarium schweinfurthii Small size fruit with a hard inner seed. Soften with hot water only. %
Monkey apple Udala nwaenwe Pachystela brievipes Wild fruit from tree crop %
Bush apple Udala nkiti Chrysophyllum albidum Forest tree specie, large berry with sweet taste when ripe. Loved by all age groups. %
Bush mango Ugiri Irvingia spp Fleshy fruit eaten when ripe. Seed used for soup making. %
Pumpkin Anyu, ugboguru Curcurbita pepo Used to cook yam or cocoyam. Soften on cooking. High in B-carotene %
Garden egg Anara, afufa Solanum spp Popular fruit, used for entertaining guest. Eaten with spiced peanut butter. %
Other species are used for cooking.
Velvet tamarind Icheku Dialium guinense Wild fruit obtain from tree plant. Velvet seed by a black velvet coat. Loved by all, especially children. %
Pepper fruit Mmimi Dennettia tripetala Reddish when ripe, sweet pulp and hard peppery seed produces a very sweet taste when eaten with garden egg. %
Pawpaw Okwuru ezi Carica papaya Unripe pawpaw cut into pieces and eaten with vegetable seed/leaf is used for treating malaria. %
Mango Mangola Magnifera indica Edible sweet fruit; leaves cooked with other for the treatment of malaria %
Soursop Ananas muricarta Very juicy fruit; drives away cough. %
Pineapple Akwuolu, oku ocha Ananas comosus Grown little but a lot come from Delta State, Nigeria %
Orange Oloma, olome/oroma Citrus aurantium Eaten when in season %
Lime Olome/oroma nkirisi Citrus aurantifolia Highly medicinal eg. For malaria treatment; Also for cassava preparation. Used to wash snails. %
Cashew Cashew Anacardium Juicy fruit. Seeds roasted and sold as snack. Revenue yielding %
Guava Gova Psidium guajava Eaten when in season; loved by all %
Ujuju fruit Ujuju Myrianthus arboreus Not commom % %
Kola Oji ogodo Cola spp %
Rubber plant Akwari Landoiphia spp Found in the wild; loved by children %
Urumbia Icacinia spp Love by children. Also obtained in the wild %
Tomato Tomato Lycopersicum esculentum For making stews, salads etc. %
Kola (wild) Nkpuruamunwa ebunne Sterculia spp Not common %
Osusu Yet to be identified Seasonal, brownish and wild
Utaba efi Yet to be identified Not common
Bitter cola Akiilu, adu Garcinia kola Fruit eaten seed. Has serious economic value. %
Palm fruit Aku Elaeis guineensis Major source of cooking oil (Red palm oil). Major source of B-carotene. Very useful % %
fruit since every part is put to some use. Used for palm fruit soup Banga soup.
R = Rainy, D = Dry
and children. In the past, eggs were also not commonly consumed by women consumed fish is the crayfish which is ground and used in soups and
and children. contributes a lot to protein intake of the people. In the olden days, insects and
A lot of fish as shown in Table 8 is eaten by Igbos especially those in the larvae contributed much to the protein intake of the people. Although these are
riverine areas. They are eaten both in the fresh and dry forms in soups. Those still available, they are mainly regarded as childrens food and consumed as
who do not produce fish buy them from the market. The most commonly snacks as can be seen in Table 8.
Okeke et al.: Igbo Traditional Food System
Table 4: Traditional vegetables and mushrooms in Igbo culture area
Vegetables Local name (s) Scientific name Attributes: uses, socio-economic, cultural and medicinal values. R D
Bitter leaf Onugbu Venonia amygdalina Bitter, usually washed before use. Used in cooking soups and other dishes. Can be chewed % %
raw after washing. Use for the treatment of malaria and recommended for diabetics
Fluted pumpkin Ugu, akwukwo ofe Telferia occidentalis A climber, used for soup preparation. Washed extract is used in treating anemia. %
Water leaf Gbolidi Telinum triangulare Used mainly for soups. Contains a lot of water. %
Fever plant or Nchuanwu, Ashigbu, Ocimum viridis Has a strong smell. Has a lot of medicinal value for dysentery stomach upset. % %
Tea bush aluluishi
Africana salad Utazi, utazizi Gongronema latifolium Bitter leaf; Used for pregnant, lactating mothers and for sick people, used for making pepper soup. %
Black pepper Uziza Piper- giuneense Same as for Grongronema latifollum %
Pumpkin Ugboguru Cucurbita pepo Soft vegetable, cooked tenderly and used for soup %
Green Inine Amaranthus viridis Popular vegetable used for all type of food preparation especially vegetable yam ji obi bio %
African salad Okazi Gnetum africanum Not eaten by the Igbo from Delta. Cherished by those who eat it. % %
Indian Spinach Foreign but grown and eaten and used for stew
Curry leaf Curry leaf Used for stews as a flavouring %
Arira, Ahuhara Corchorus olitorius Used for soup and cooking yam pottage. %
Kerenkere Corchorus spp Viscous, used for soup and yam pottage %
Cam wood Oha, Ora Pterocarpus soyauxil Tender leaves used for making soups %
cocoyam Akanikwoede/Ogbora Colocasia spp Dried and used during the hungry season % %
Cocoyam (flower) Opi-ede Colocasia spp Used for cooking soup %
Okro Okwulu npiene Abelmoschus esculenta Used for soup making %
Atama Heinsia crinita Used for soup making like Gnetum africanum %
Grain millet Achara Pennisetum purfereum Tender shoots used for all types of soups. Highly fibrous loved by all. %
Nkanka Yet to be identified Used for soup like Gnetum africanum
Mushroom Ero/elo onyekamete Yet to be identified Used as meat substitutes in soups %
White mushroom Ero/elo ngbawa Yet to be identified Used as meat substitutes in soups %
Blue mushroom Ero nkpu Yet to be identified Used as meat substitutes in soups %
Tough mushroom Ero nku Yet to be identified Used as meat substitutes in soups %
Smooth mushroom Ero ubakiri Yet to be identified Used as meat substitutes in soups %
Black mushroom Ero nkwu Yet to be identified Used as meat substitutes in soups %
Soft mushroom Ero akuru Yet to be identified Used as meat substitutes in soups %
Purple mushroom Ero ububa Yet to be identified Used as meat substitutes in soups %
Naked mushroom Ero ikpikpa Yet to be identified Used as meat substitutes in soups %
Marked mushroom Ero chikirikwo Yet to be identified Used as meat substitutes in soups
Bright mushroom Ero awagaa Yet to be identified Used as meat substitutes in soups %
Sclerotium Osu/Usu Pleurotus tiber reguium Milled with melon seed and used in preparing soup. Can also be moulded into patties % %
cooked and used as meat substitutes or snacks.
R = Rainy, D = Dry
This study highlighted the existing gap in knowledge and the paucity of
published data on the composition of Nigerian foods. This is a serious
problem to Nutritionists, Dieticians and other health workers involved in the
assessment of dietary intake of population groups. Another problem
contributing to the existing gap is the inadequate research facilities and trained
personnel in our institutions of higher learning. It must be noted, however, that
individual analyses have been conducted on some of these foods but these are
all scattered in the literature. This calls for a compilation of such data that will
lay the foundation for the Food Composition Table of the Igbo Culture Area.
Okeke et al.: Igbo Traditional Food System
Table 5: Uncommon, little used vegetables, seeds and roots identified in the Igbo cultural area
Vegetables Local name (s) Scientific name Attributes: uses, socio-economic, cultural and medicinal values. R D
Water leaf Nti oke Portulaca Oleracca Cooked with other vegetables for treatment of malaria; helps to increase appetite %
Agbolukwu Brillantansia nitens Used for soup. Good for stomach problem % %
Ujuju Myranthus arboreus Becomes viscous when boiled and powdered. Used for soup (okro soup) or used alone. Cools the body. % %
Obiogbome Leptadenia spp For soup. Used to cure malaria and dysentery. % %
Anya-azu Psychotria spp Used for soup. Gives a very dark appearance to soup but delicious and cools the body. % %
Oboaka enwe Cissampelos spp Used for soup. Can be squeezed and extract mixed with chalk; cools the body and stomach when drunk. %
Flame tree Ulumili Spathodea campamulata Wild and also cultivated. Use for soups (pepper or white soup and Banga (palm fruit soup)]. % %
Awolowo weed Kpugbum Chromolaena Wild vegetable. Very good for stomach pain. Used in small quantity to cook. Has a laxative effect. % %
Alice mose Euphorbiaceae spp For soups. The leaves and seed are ground together seasoned and used to relieve after pain. %
Found in bush and homestead; cools the body
Ilenagbelde Polygalaceae spp A climber found in the wild. Used for soup, cools body and improve appetite. Can be used wet or dried. %
Senna plant Upulutu Senna alata Used for soup. Also acts as a laxative for children %
Ubofuncha Monodora spp Liquid extra mixed with chalk is used for stomach. Also used for malaria treatment. %
Bush marigold Anwiliwa ani Aspillia spp For soup (ose-ani) use for eating new yam. Used for clearing worms. %
Life plant Mgbidimgbi Bryophyllum pinnatum Warm on the fire, squeeze and in reducing cough
Hog weed Azu-igwe Boerhavia diffusa Used for soup. Root can be chewed to relieve stomach upset. %
Agili-ezi Merremia spp A climber found in home and bush. For after birth pains. For soups also. %
Isi udele Heliotropicum indicum Used in combination with other vegetables for treatment of malaria. %
Onunu uluoyibo Jatropha curcas Used for the treatment of malaria and improve appetite %
Ikpokpo Acanthaceae For soups; cools body and stomach
Lemon grass Achalla Oyibo Cymbogon citratus Used for white/pepper soup; Boil with sugar for malaria % %
Nigero plant Akpakamo/sigbunmuo Senna accidentalis Used with other vegetables for malaria and to increase appetite. %
Mint Aluluisi nmo Husulandia opprosita For malaria % %
Olili Merrmia spp For soup; cut in pieces and use on rice. Also used for stomach ache. %
Isii osisi Diospyros mespilifomis For malaria treatment and improvement of appetite. %
Azia Acanthacea spp For soups, malaria causes urination and removal of disease. %
Ogumakpe Acathacea spp Not used for soup. Mixed with palm kernel oil to treat convulsion. Given to infants to clear green feces (me conium) %
Goat weed Olulu ogwai Ageratum conyzoides For soups. Found in the homestead %
Cassava leaf Mpoto, ipoto Manihot esculenta Tender leaves steam, crushed and used for soup/ % %
Sand pepper Okpaokuko Uvaria chamae Wild vegetable for dry season use. Used for soup (white or pepper soup). Grows from an inedible tuber. % %
Njanja Piper umbellata The tuber is used for insect bite %
Seeded herb Okpokokwo egu Euphorbia hirta Add nzu (white chalk) and used in treating worms and dysentery. %
Jute plant Ayauma Grewia spp %
Ukpom Asystasia gangetica %
Seed/Roots Ohima Afromomum danielli Used for cooking soup for nursing mothers. Has a cleansing effect. A wild plant. % %
ukpai Net yet identified Used for white/pepper/Nsala soup to improve appetite. Found in the wild forest. scarce % %
Local onion Obulumgbede Hippocratea welwischtii Wild. It is a root that is scraped and used for cooking egusi and banga soups. Good for the stomach. % %
Use for treating fracture because of its heating sensation. When mixed with chalk can be used to relieve itching.
The leaf is used for malaria treatment.
Ifulunkpiri Verbenaceae spp Used for soup for pregnant and lactating women. %
ogbankwu Elaeis guineensis From palm tree. Squeeze and grind. Used for nursing mothers cleansing. A wild plant %
R = Rainy, D = Dry
Okeke et al.: Igbo Traditional Food System
Table 6: Igbo traditional condiments and spices of the Igbo cultural area
Traditional foods Local name (s) Scientific name Attributes: uses, socio-economic, cultural and medicinal values. R D
Uda Xylopia aethiopica A hot spice used for lactating mother and also for sick people clears womb. Can also be use to boil meat. % %
Black pepper Uziza Piper guineense A hot spice used for soup for lactating mother to clear womb. % %
Ehuru Monodora myristica Used in making soup for pregnant and lactating mothers. Flavourful used to flavour peanut butter % %
and other traditional foods.
Efu Monodora spp Also used for pregnant and lactating women % %
Alligator pepper/ Ose oji Afromomum melegueta A small, roundish hot seed. Used for eating kola nuts. % %
grain of paradise
Local onion Obulumgbede Hippocratea welwischtii A root obtained from a wild plant. The bark is scrapped and used for soup for all soups. % %
Good for the stomach. Also used to treat fracture because of its hot sensation.
Ushakirisha Vitex doniana Used in cooking white/pepper/Nsala soup. Impacts very good flovour to soups. % %
Olima Afromomum danielli Used for nsala and banga soups. A seed obtained from wild plant and used as a cleanser for lactating mothers. % %
Ukpai Not yet identified A tree bark, used for pepper soup to improve appetite % %
Pepper (Africana) Ose Igbo Capsicum frutescens Use for all preparation % %
Africana magi Okpei Prosopsis africana A fermented product for flavouring soups. Typical of the Nsukka area of Enugu State. % %
Castor oil Ogiri Igbo Ricinus communis A fermented product for soups and other preparations % %
Africana magi Ogiri ugba Parkia biglobosa A fermented product for soups % %
Melon seed Ogiri egusi Citrillus vulgaris A fermented product for soups % %
Velvet bean Ukpo, ibaa Mucuna flagellipes Used for thickening soup either as a wet paste or dry powder. Some red oil added to flour % %
Black timber Achi Brachystegia eurycoma Used for thickening soup. % %
Counter wood tree Akparata; Ojawala Afzelia Africana Soup thickener. % %
Tallow tree Ofo Detarium macrocarpum Soup thickener. % %
Pumpkin seed Nkpulu ugu/ofi Telferia occidentalis Used to thicken soup.
Okoho Soup thickener often used in place of ogbono (Irvingia gabonensis) %
R = Rainy, D = Dry
Cereals, starchy roots, tubers and starchy fruits are important food group for the ogbono soup). Yams such as three leaf yam (D. dumentorim) and the aerial
Igbo people. yam (D. bulbifera) are almost extinct. Children and the younger generation do
Although these local species are still available and preferred by some, the not know or love them.
foreign rice syndrome has in the recent past overtaken many households However, these (tubers) have been shown to be more nutritious and less
especially in the urban areas. Bags of foreign rice are sent to parents and loved sweet hence are recommended for diabetic patients and people with other
ones as present. This will have a way of limiting the demand of local rice which health conditions. With the emergence of non-communicable diseases, their
is believed to be more nutritious. With the movement of able bodied young men reintroduction in the fare of the people becomes absolutely necessary.
into the cities and the quest for foreign jobs, there is a high possibility of low Legumes are usually preserved for use during the hungry/lean seasons. They
production of the local rice. are eaten as complementary foods with other foods and are highly seasonal.
It is important to note that dishes are named after cereals and the starchy Oil seeds and nuts are very much in the diet of the Igbos. Our study of the
staples unlike in the western culture where dishes are named after the animal contribution of traditional foods showed that they make a significant contribution
food that is used. For example nni ji (yam fufu), nni akpu (cassava fufu), nni oka to the nutrient intake of the people even though they may be consumed in small
(maize/corn fufu) and their accompanying soups/sauces (also named after the quantities. Most members of this group are used in traditional soups/sauces
major leafy vegetable or ingredient used e.g. onugbu soup, okazi or egusi or (e.g. melon seed, beniseed, groundnuts, dikanut/bush mango and castor
Okeke et al.: Igbo Traditional Food System
Table 7: Meat/poultry/eggs, consumed in the Igbo culture area
Attributes: uses, socio-economic, -----------------
Food Meat Local name (s) Scientific name cultural and medicinal values. R D
Beef (cow) Efi, ehi Bos spp Native cow are available but are not eaten often % %
Sheep/mutton Atulu Eaten just like goat meat % %
Goat meat Ewu Capra cagagrus Eaten when available e.g. during festive occasions % %
Chicken meat Okuku, okuko Gallus gallus Local and exotic breeds are available. Local breed are
not so fleshy. Meat is tough. % %
Guinea fowl Ogazi, Ogazu Mumida meleagris Scare, eaten when available. % %
Turkey Tolotolo Meleagris galloparo Very expensive. Rarely eaten % %
Chicken eggs Akwa okuku Eaten when available. % %
Guinea fowl eggs Akwa-ogazi Mumida meleagris Seasonal, sold as snack/street food %
Turkey eggs Akwa-tolotolo Used mainly for commercial purposes % %
Snail eggs Akwa ejuna Achatina spp Not a popular egg. Not always available, loved by children. %
Local pigeon Ndo Eaten when available % %
Partridge wild pigeon Apa, okwa Tough meat % %
Intestine Ngiliafor anu Eaten when available % %
Liver Imeju anu Eaten when available % %
Lungs Okukume anu Eaten when available % %
Heart Obi anu Eaten when available % %
Tongue Ile anu Eaten when available % %
Tripe Towel Eaten when available % %
Cow skin Kanda/kpomo Eaten by many. Believed to be less fatty, % %
low in cholesterol etc. relatively cheap.
Duck Obogwu Anas spp Not a common meat and eaten by a few % %
Snail Ejuna Achatina spp Now a delicacy for some. Increase demand due to %
avoidance of red meat. Some domesticated staffed.
Snails are sacred in some places and so not eaten.
Rabbit Ewi Oryctolagus cuniulus Hunted by children in rural areas. Eaten by adults also. %
Squirrel Osa/Osia, Sciuridae spp Children set traps for it in rural areas. %
Uze, Ukpepe
Lizard Ngwele Eaten during the Nigeria/Biafra war; % %
some use it for marriage (Isiukwuato)
Dog Nkita Canis familiars Not eaten by all % %
Bush dog Nkita iku ofia/ohia Canis cupus Eaten by some when available %
Bush pig Ezi ofia/ohia Susscrata Preferred to the domesticated pig. Less fatty %
Pork meat Ezi Susscrata spp Eaten by some when available % %
Hyena Edi Hyaenidae Forbidden in some places. Not commonly eaten. Wild animal %
Antelope Ene Antilocarpa americana Forbidden by some game meat %
Deer Mgbada Duicker Eaten by some when available. game meat %
Porcupine Ebinitu Erethizontidae Eaten by some when available %
Snake Agwo Squamaita spp Not eaten by all. Eke ogba is used for medicine. % %
Some snakes are worshipped in some areas.
Aligator Crocodiles miussippiensis Eaten by some when available. %
Grass cutter Nchi A lot still obtained from the wild. A popular meat in beer
palours and food canteens. %
Tabooed for pregnant women
Monkey Enwe Not popular serves as game meat %
R = Rainy, D = Dry
seed), while others are consumed as snacks (pumpkin) Also among the nuts and seeds, the kola nut (Cola
(Telferia spp), cashew nuts, coconut, conophor etc).
Ugba, a fermented product from African oil bean seed
(Pentaclethra macrophylla) and Ukwa prepared with
the African bread fruit (Treculia Africana) are important
delicacies of the Igbo people. Both are served at
important ceremonies. However, the African bread fruit
is expensive and is becoming extinct as a result of
deforestation going on in rural areas. It is a very huge
tree plant that posses a threat to buildings close to it. It
is found more in forest areas or out field farms. Efforts
have been made to produce dwarf varieties for use in
home gardens (Okafor, 1979).
nitida) occupies a prominent position in the Igbo culture.
Breaking of kola is an important part of any Igbo
ceremonies and rituals. Prayers are said over kola nuts
during these ceremonies or functions. The kola nut in
Igbo culture is a symbol of love, unity and is used to
welcome visitors or guests. It is also believed that the
kola nut does not understand any other language except
the local one, Igbo. Although many fruits were
documented, most have not also been domesticated.
They are regarded as childrens food and may not form
part of the diet.
Okeke et al.: Igbo Traditional Food System
Table 8: Traditional fish, insects and larvae of the Igbo culture area
Attributes: uses, socio-economic, -----------------
Food Local name (s) Scientific name cultural and medicinal values. R D
Trunk fish Asa/Asia Gymnarchus nilotiais Very tasty fish, expensive. Eaten when available %
Snake-like fish Efi, azu agwo Chana obscurus Eaten when available %
Grass eater Ejo Distichodus rostratus Eaten when available %
Cat fish Ishi Eaten when available %
Elili Eaten when available %
Okpo Teteratis niloticus Eaten when available %
Iboboelem Eaten when available %
Bonga Eaten when available
Crayfish Isha/usha Astacus Eaten when available % %
Pii (oshaasa) Eaten when available %
Crab Igbeni, nshiko Cudanonantas Eaten when available %
Oshisho manu Eaten when available %
Beetle Ebe Coleopteran grylligaee Eaten by children %
Cricket Abuzu Eaten by chidren %
Termite Aku-mkpu Termitidae spp Fried or roasted and eaten. % %
Used to cook a type of corn pudding.
Termite Aku-mbe Termitidae spp Flies in the afternoon % %
Larvae (palm) Akpa-nkwu Larvae Fried and eaten as a delicacy % %
Larvae (raffia palm) Akpa-ngwo Larvae Fried and eaten as a delicacy % %
Larvae Nzam Larvae Found on fallen palm tree % %
Grasshopper Ukpana, owa/oshinaka Not too popular now % %
Locust Wewe, Igwuwe Used for eating abacha. % %
R = Rainy, D = Dry
Fig 1: Number of indigenous food groups documented have been found to be rich in dietary fiber (Ene-Obong
This calls for programmes for the modification of advantage, these foods need to be fully exploited for use
peoples behaviour and attitude towards the by diabetics and people with other health conditions.
consumption of fruits. This is because of their important Although a lot of animal foods were documented, their
role in providing antioxidant nutrients needed to consumption was relatively low due to cost and
counteract free radicals chain formations and their availability. In the past, women and children were
provision of ascorbic acid, a good iron absorption forbidden to eat certain parts of meat, egg and other
enhancer. There is also need to exploit their use for animal products. Thanks to the awareness of the meat
product development. Majority of the vegetables and meat products nutritional value being created by
identified or documented grow as weeds found in the health professionals. Some of these foods if they are
farms or around homesteads. available can now be consumed by women and
Emphasis was given on their medicinal values for all
sorts of ailments like malaria, dysentery, cough,
stomach upset. Some are said to have laxative effect,
ability to repel worms, improve appetite and act as a
cleanser (particular, for lactating mothers). There is
need for further studies on these vegetables and their
exploitation of nutriceuticals. A good many vegetables
are eaten fresh and are cultivated in homesteads; few
are dried for preservation to be eaten during the dry
Unfortunately, not much has been done with
mushrooms in this area in terms of their nutritional
qualities. However, they are eaten as delicacies or meat
substitutes in soups/sauces. Although most are not
domesticated, there are efforts to domesticate their
production and produce them in commercial quantities.
The thickeners, Mucuna flagellipes, Brachystegia
eurycoma, Afzelia africana and Detarium macrocarpum
and Carnovale, 1992). Because of their nutritional
Okeke et al.: Igbo Traditional Food System
children. There is still need to explore alternative and Okeke, E.C., B.N. Mbah and M.O. Nwosu, 1993. Field
cheap sources of animal proteins. Milk and milk
products do not form part of the food system of the Igbo
culture area. They are consumed sparingly and only
when they are available. This may pose a problem
on calcium intake. However, this calls for increased
consumption of green leafy vegetables, seeds and nuts.
Conclusion: The Igbo culture area is rich in nutritious
food plants. In recent decades, however, social and
economic changes have militated against their
propagation and use. Some of these foods are currently
very close to the point of extinction. Yet, these foods
possess the potentials and evidence of strength, healthy
living and long life. Hence, interventions are necessary
to enhance the sustainability of the indigenous foods in
Igbo culture area.
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