Maori Culture

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Alex Lewis

Culture Project
Basic: #s 1, 2, & 6
In the region of the Maori, the ten! to eat a lot of tro"ical foo!# In $ "re%i,
ou&ll see that the eat a lot of t"es of fish' li(e shell fish an! cra) an! lo)ster#
*he also li(e to eat +egeta)les' li(e "otatoes, an! a$s# *he Maori also ha+e
these uni,ue fruits calle! (ara(a )erries an! toroi#
In $ "re%i, I show a "icture of a Maori $ale an! his t"ical fro$ of !ress# *he
use the resources aroun! the$ to $a(e clothes# -o $ostl e+erthing the wear is
$a!e out of grasses an! tress# *he also li(e to use )ir! feathers an! the s(ins of
*he Maori now li+e in the countr of .ew /ealan! howe+er' the originate fro$
the Polnesian Islan!s# In $ "re%i ou&ll see a $a" of .ew /ealan! an! how the
Maori is s"rea! out# *heir language is calle! te reo# *heir religion is interesting#
*he )elief that the whole 0arth was $a!e through a slow "rocess an! as it grew
1o!s e$erge! to contri)ute to $a(ing of 0arth#
Behaviors: #s 1, 3, &4
Maoris greet each other with a nose to nose touch# In the "re%i there is a "icture of
a $an an! wo$an !oing a Maori greeting#
In the "re%i, I&ll show ou a "icture of a t"ical Maori house# *he are reall
frien!l so the wont interrogate ou with wea"ons# If ou were to go there, the
will gi+e ou a $aori greeting an! welco$e ou with foo!#
*here with )e a "icture of a newl we! $aori cou"le# 2or a we!!ing the groo$&s
$ale relati+e challenges the )ri!es father to a fight# If he acce"ts, then he will
earn the res"ect# 2or )irths, the wo$an controls e+erthing a)out the )irth# 2or
!eaths the cere$on en!s with a ha(a#
Beliefs: #s 1, 2, &5
*he $aori hierarch is )ase! off of the authorit an! "ower le+el# *he chief has
the highest ran( an! the $o(ai ha+e the lowest# 3ou&ll see the chart on the "re%i#
As gen!ers go, wo$en coul!n&t fight nor ha+e a full facial tattoo# As for $en the
coul! fight an! ha+e a full face tattoo#
*here will )e a "icture of an! el!er Maori an! the are "resu$e! to )e the wisest
of the tri)e# *he "eo"le treat the el!erl with the greatest of res"ect#
Deep Deep Beliefs: #s 1, 8, &10
In the "re%i, ou&ll see a "icture of a $aori tri)e# *he in!i+i!ualis$ of a $aori is
no were near i$"ortant as the grou" together# 0+erthing !one in the tri)e is
$ostl !one in a grou"#
4u$or !oesn&t reall ha""en 54/6# But, when it !oes ha""en it&s usuall !one
through a s"iritual "erfor$ance# *he $aori is +er s"iritual with e+erthing the
7hen it co$es to e+ents, the $aori is ten!e! to )e +er action oriente!# 8er
little things are conte$"lati+e#

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