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Subject: PTO Configuration Cycle In Order Management

Doc ID: 750059.1 Type: BULLTI!

Modified Date : "#$!O%$"00& Status: PUBLI'()
In t*i+ )ocument
Scope and Application
PTO Configuration Cycle In Order Management
Setup Steps
Create Items
Add the Items to a Price ist
Create stoc! for the options for a sufficient test "uantity
Create #ill Of Materials $#OMs%
Indented #OM & final result is as depicted belo'
Testflo' steps
Creation of a Sales Order and Configuration of the PTO Model
Pic! (elease the Sales Order
Ship Confirm the Sales Order
(un the )or!flo' #ac!ground Process
Accessing the (ecei*ables Interface to obser*e the Sales Order
Other (eferences
Applies to:
Oracle Order Management & +ersion: ,,-.-/ to ,0-1-2
Information in this document applies to any platform-
The purpose of this bulletin is to pro*ide Oracle Customers 'ith a good understanding and the to
build a test case for basic PTO Configurations
Scope and Application
This document helps the Support 3ngineers and Oracle Customers to understand the setup steps
'ith the rele*ant setup needed to create simple test case for PTO Configurations-
Screen shots of setups and test case in this note 'ere done in an (,0 instance on an Oracle
Internal Test Instance-
PTO Configuration Cycle In Order Management
Setup Steps
Responsibility : Manufacturing and Distribution Manager
Create Items
& Create PTO Model $PTO4MOD34)I5I% using the PTO Model item template and assign it to
organi6ation M,
3nsure that the #OM Item type is Model in the #ills of Material tab and the Pic! Components
chec! bo7 is chec!ed in the Order Management tab
& Create PTO Option Class $PTO4OC4)I5I% using the PTO Option Class item template and
assign it to organi6ation M,-
3nsure that the #OM Item type is Option Class in the #ills of Material tab and the Pic!
Components chec! bo7 is chec!ed in the Order Management tab
& Create 8 Items $PTO4IT3M9 PTO4IT3M4, : PTO4IT3M0% using the ;inished <oods Item
Template and assign it to M, Org
Add the Items to a Price List
& =a*igate to Oracle Pricing Manager responsibility9 "uery an Acti*e Price list and add the items
to the Price ist and mention a *alue for price
& =a*igation: Oracle Pricing Manager &>Price ists
Create stock for the options for a sufficient test quantity
& =a*igation: In*entory (esponsibility &>Miscellaneous Transactions &>Miscellaneous (eceipt
Create ill Of Materials !OMs"
?sing a #OM (esponsibility9 create the #OM for both Model and Option Class in +, Org and
then copy it to M,- O( create it in M, Org and ma!e it a Common #OM for +, org-
The #OM has to e7ist in both the O? $+alidation Org-% and the Shipping Org-
& Create Option Class #OM $#OM (esponsibility9 na*igate to #OM &> #ill Of Materials &>
& 3nter the ;inished <oods items $PTO4IT3M and PTO4IT3M4,% and mar! them as Optional
& Create #OM for the PTO Model $#OM (esponsibility9 na*igate to #OM &> #ill Of Materials
&> Define%
& 3nter the Option Class created abo*e and also an ;inished <ood included
item$PTO4OC4)I5I and PTO4IT3M0%
Indented OM # final result is as depicted $elo%
Testflo% steps
Creation of a Sales Order and Configuration of the PTO Model
& 3nter a Sales Order @eader
& 3nter PTO4MOD34)I5I as the Ordered Item and sa*e the Order ine
& Clic! on Configurator #utton and select the Options
Selection of the Mandatory Options satisfies the Configuration- Obser*e that the ?nsatisfied #o7
is empty - Clic! on ;inish to complete the Configuration
The cursor is bac! to the sales order entry form and the order can be boo!ed as the configuration
is complete-
=ote that the Options are in a status of A'aiting Shipping
Pick &elease the Sales Order
& =a*igation: Order Management&>Shipping&>Transactions&>Input the Order number&>Select
both the Options&>Actions&>aunch Pic! (elease
Ship Confirm the Sales Order
& =a*igation: Order Management&>Shipping&>Transactions&>Auery the Sales Order&>
& =a*igate to Deli*ery Tab&>Actions&>Ship Confirm&>Clic! O5
& =a*igate to Sales Order &>ines tab - The Options are in Shipped Status
The ines are in ;ulfill Deferred Status
&un the 'orkflo% ackground Process
& =a*igation: OM (esponsibility&>(e"uests&>(un (e"uests
After the abo*e program completes9 the Sales Order ines are in Closed Status
Accessing the &ecei(a$les Interface to o$ser(e the Sales Order
& =a*igation: Accounts (ecei*ables&>Control&>Auto In*oice&>Interface ines
Do a ;,,&>3nter the Order =umber&>Cntl ;,,
The Sales Order lines are no' in the auto in*oice interface table9 ready to be processed by
(ecei*ables - Obser*e that only components mar!ed as optional in #OM can be sho'n on
in*oice in addition to the PTO model-
&& This completes the steps for the PTO Configurations testflo'
Other &eferences
=ote 0/B,0B-, & CTO chec! before to log a #ug
=ote ,/110B-, & ;lo' for ATO Configurations (elease ,,i

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