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The Bylaws of the North Central Ohio

Scholastic Soccer Coaches Association

I. Bylaws are defined as rules adopted by the Association for the governance of its
members and the regulation of its affairs.

II. Player's Disclaimer Form

A. Players participating in an Association sponsored game shall sign a disclaimer
form before they are allowed to play in the game.

B. Players participating in an Association sponsored game shall submit an
emergency medical release form in order to be allowed to participate.

III. Dues structure

A. Full membership w/National Association (head coaches)--$100.00
$55.00 per year for National dues -
$20.00 per year for OSSCA dues
$25.00 per year for NCOSSCA dues

B. Full membership--$45.00
$20.00 per year for OSSCA dues
$25.00 per year for NCOSSCA dues

C. Auxiliary memberships (assistants, retired coaches, and coaches who are
members of another local association)
$20.00 per year for OSSCA dues
$5.00 per year for NCOSSCA dues (Assistants only)

IV. Benefits of Full Membership

A. The benefits of full membership are as follows:
Receiving full voting rights at the annual meetings
Receiving the coaches directory
Having players eligible for North Central honors
Having players eligible to play in the NCOSSCA Senior All-Star Game
Being eligible for the Coach of the Year Award and other coaching
awards sponsored by the Association

B. The benefits of auxiliary membership are as follows:
Receiving the coaches directory
Being eligible for the Assistant Coach of the Year Award and other
coaching awards sponsored by the Association
Providing the varsity team the option of naming a third player to the all-
district team
V. Elections

Elections shall be held in odd-numbered years.

VI. Meetings

There shall be at least one general membership meeting annually in October prior to
the OSSCA All-Ohio selection meeting. There may be an August meeting scheduled
concurrently with the local state rules interpretation meeting if applicable.

VII. Amendments

A. Amendments to these Bylaws may be made by a two-thirds majority vote of
the Association members attending a general-membership meeting.

B. Any member in good standing may submit an amendment to the Constitution
or Bylaws to the President and Executive Board by September lst. The
President shall include the proposed amendment in the agenda of the annual
October meeting.

VIII. All-District Honors

A. All-District Team

1. Each division (Boys - DI, DII, DIII, Girls - DI, DII, DIII) shall name its
own all-district team.
2. Full membership enables coaches to both nominate players and to vote for
the players to be named to the all-district team.
3. The fifteen players receiving the most points through weighted votes will be
named to the all-district team.
4. Full members may name up to two (2) players to the all-district honorable
mention team.
5. Teams whose full members also have auxiliary member(s) in good
standing may name a third player to the all-district honorable mention

B. Voting Guidelines
1. Only one voting representative per team will be permitted to speak during
the All-District selection process.
2. Teams may send observers to the All-District meeting; the observer must
attend a meeting in a different division from which they coach. Observers
may not have any discussion with the voting representative during the
3. The voting representative can read directly from a form or talk in general
about their players.
4. The representative can only discuss high school accomplishments. No
mention of college recruiting, verbal commitments or college scholarships
may be mentioned. There is also no mention of club soccer, ODP, or National
Team Service. If such is mentioned the representative will be stopped and can
no longer speak about the player.

5. Unethical voting or block voting may result in that voting representative no
longer being allowed to vote at All-District meetings.

a. Unethical voting may be considered voting many lower ranked players above
higher ranked players in order to promote ones own player. Block voting
may be considered as voting for all the players in ones area above all other

6. The top player per division will be named the District Player of the Year for
their respective division.

C. Seniors with a cumulative GPA of 3.7 (weighted or unweighted)
receive an all-academic award.

Last modified: 10/2013

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