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Lightmeter Leningrad 2 - Manual
Photoelectric lightmeter Leningrad 2 is intended for definition of exposures and a diaphragm at photographing on
black and white and color negative materials. Light meter can be applied also at filmings. With light meter it is
possible to work at bright solar and artificial light, on open air and in a room.
Photoelectric lightmeter is consist of a selenic photo cell, the microammeter the measuring mechanism! and the
report device . Light through a window of light meter gets on a photo cell. "nder the action of light in a circuit of a
photo cell, which is connected to the microammeter, the current is appearing. With increase of light exposure of a
photo cell a current grows, owing to what the deviation of arrows of the microammeter increases. #he exposures
are defined with the help of report device which is consist of two disks $ top and bottom. %n the top disk the scale of
diaphragms from &,' to 22 and a scale of a photosensitivity from && to ()) units of *%+#. ,ntermediate divisions
into a scale of photosensitivity meet to values &-, .2, -/, &.), 2/) and /)) units of *%+#. %n the bottom disk the
scale of exposures from &0&))) to &/ sec. is put, and shares of seconds are designated by integers, i.e. instead of
&02 sec., is written 2, etc. #he +ign 1 designates the whole seconds. %n the same disk there is a scale of exposition
light! numbers from & to &/. +ome cameras with central shutter, for example, ,skra and +mena$2 have a similar
scale. #he watching index which moves at turn of a disk is connected to the bottom disk. Light meter meets the
re3uirements of *%+# 42/&$-&.
&. 5 scale of exposures
2. 5 scale of diaphragms
.. 5 scale of exposition numbers
'. 5 scale of a photosensitivity of a negative material
/. 6otary board $ at turn of board the photo cell clockwise is
against the stop put forward
-. 5n arrow of the measuring mechanism
(. #he watching index connected to the bottom disk of
measuring device
#here are two basic methods of definition of exposures by light meter7
1. A meth"d "# re#le$ted light at which light meter measures light reflected by ob8ect of shooting in the
camera. 5t definition of exposure by this method a window of light meter is necessary to direct from a place
of shooting on shooting ob8ect, and the photo cell should be sunk.
2. A meth"d "# #alling light at which the light meter measures light falling on shooting ob8ect. 5t definition of
exposure by this method the window of light meter is necessary to direct from the location of shooting
ob8ect on to the camera. #he photo cell should be sunk, and dairy glass is inserted into a window. ,f the
deviation of an arrow will be small, it is necessary to remove dairy glass from a window and to put forward
a photo cell.
#he light meter will give wrong indications if to insert into a window dairy and to put forward a photo cell. 9or
promotion of a photo cell it is necessary to turn board against the stop clockwise and to drown a photo cell in the
case, it is necessary to turn board also against the stop, but counter$clockwise
&. :y turning of the top disk to establish in a window of board, against red risks, the size of a photosensitivity
of negative material.
2. ;epending on a method of definition of exposure, to direct the light meter or on shooting ob8ect, or on the
camera and turn of the bottom disk to combine the center of the watching index with an arrow of the
measuring mechanism.
.. 5gainst the chosen value of a diaphragm to read size of exposure or, on the contrary, against the chosen
size of exposure to read value of a diaphragm. %n the cameras of old releases the scale of exposures and
diaphragms can differ from scales of exposures and diaphragms on light meter. ,n this case it is necessary
to establish exposures or the diaphragm nearest to determined on light meter. ,f on the camera there is a
scale of exposition numbers the size of this number can be defined on light meter in notch the top disk
against a triangle!. 5t filming with speed of &- frames in a second the report of value of a diaphragm is
made against a point under number .) of the bottom disk, at shooting with fre3uency .2 frames in a
second under number -) fre3uency of the frames is proportional to numbers on a scale of exposures!.
#hat light of the sky at natural shootings did not bring a mistake in definition of exposure by a method of reflected
light, it is recommended to incline the window of light meter to the ground. ,n some cases, for example at shootings,
against light, on a snow, on the sea, in mountains, at work with optical filters, at non$uniform illumination, etc., in the
exposure determined with light meter, the correction factor should be entered. ,n more detail 3uestions of a choice
of a method of definition of exposure and also values of correction factors are stated in the literature on a photo.
Lightmeter Leningrad 2 is the high$sensitivity measuring device demanding care. ,t is necessary to protect light
meter from sharp pushes and impacts. ,t is recommended to use lightmeter, not taking out it from a case.
Periodically, before the beginning of work with the device, it is necessary to check zero position of an arrow of the
microammeter. 9or this purpose it is necessary to take out light meter from a case, to turn the watching index
against the stop to the right and turn of the screw of the proof$reader located in bottom of the case, to establish an
arrow of the measuring mechanism so that its right side it was combined with the right side of the watching index.
#he window of light meter thus should be densely closed by any opa3ue material. 5t temperature higher </)=> the
photo cell can leave out of operation. ,t should be meant in conditions of a hot climate. ,t is not recommended to
hold a photo cell under a direct sunlight. 5t long influence of bright light the time change of instrument readings can
be observed, therefore at bright light opens a case of light meter follows only for a while, necessary for definition of
exposure. #he light meter is recommended to keep in the closed case? the photo cell should be sunk in the case. ,f
dairy glass or safety glass in a window of light meter will become soiled, it is necessary to wipe it with clean and
smooth matter. 5t the bottom of the case there is a table of translation of values of photosensitivities in accordance
with *%+# in systems 5+5 and ;,@. 6epair of light meters can be made only in workshops.
&& &. &2
&- 2) &'
22 2/ &/
.2 ') &(
'/ /) &2
-/ 2) 2)
4) &)) 2&
&.) &-) 2'
&2) 2)) 2.
2/) .2) 2-
./) ')) 2(
/)) -/) 24
()) 2)) .)

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