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Copyright 2007, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2007 SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference
and Exhibition held in J akarta, Indonesia, 30 October1 November 2007.

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Risers play an important role in the drilling, production, and
transportation of hydrocarbons and other fluids associated
with offshore oil and gas production. For a floating
production system, risers provide the link between the surface
facility and the subsea flowlines / pipelines that in turn link to
the oil/gas wells, and to the on shore storage and export

Risers are one of the most challenging aspects of deepwater
projects, and also have a direct influence on the selection and
design of both the floating facility and its mooring system.

There are a number of deepwater riser concepts. The most
economical solution is typically Steel Catenary Risers (SCR)
which are made up of welded rigid pipe sections. The main
advantages of SCRs is that the steel pipe has a relatively low
cost and there are relatively few other components to consider.
However, the construction and long term fatigue performance
of the SCRs present significant challenges to the engineer.

The environmental conditions in the deepwater areas of East
Kalimantan, Kutei basin can prove suitable for the application
of SCR riser concepts. The first application of SCRs in the
Kutei basin is on the West Seno Floating Production Unit
(FPU). This is also the worlds first application of SCRs
supported by a barge type floating structure.

This paper presents an overview of the application of SCRs in
the Kutei basin with reference to West Seno field experience.
The following areas are addressed:

Design and engineering;
Material selection;
Welding issues, qualification of welding
procedures and fatigue tests;
Construction, inspection, NDE, acceptance
Pre-installation, hook up and as installed
configuration verification
SCRs are primarily used with deepwater floating production
systems for the transportation of production and export fluids,
and other chemicals between the host platform and subsea
systems. SCRs are extremely sensitive to vessel motions, in
particular the heave at the SCR attachment point. The vessel
motions are a function of the floating system concept and site
environmental conditions. The application of the SCR concept
has been limited to heave restraint type floaters such as
Tension Leg Platforms (TLPs) and low heave response type
floaters such as Spars and deep draft semi-submersibles.

The West Seno Floating Production Unit (FPU) was installed
in 2003 in 1025m water depth, in the Makassar Strait, offshore
Indonesia. This is the first application of SCRs with a barge
type floating structure. The West Seno FPU is designed to
accommodate five SCRs; two 12inch diameter oil and gas
export lines and three future in-field production risers ranging
in size from 8 to 16 inches.

Each SCR consists of a single steel pipe suspended from the
FPU bow via a flexjoint. A flexjoint is required at the vessel
interface, while at the seabed the riser is welded directly to the

The SCR configuration is of relatively low complexity in
relation to many other riser systems. However it should be
noted that there are still many issues, such as fatigue caused by
Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV), riser motions at the touch
down point (causing fatigue), trench formation, and various
other riser-soil interaction mechanisms which require
considerable design effort.

The dynamics of the touchdown point are complex and
difficult to understand. The stiff nature of the pipe allows first
order vessel motions to be transmitted to the touchdown point
causing large motions and high peak stresses. Additionally, the
position of the touchdown point moves a considerable distance
along the pipe as the vessel moves about its mean position due
to second order drift motions. Key design considerations are
the extreme stress and long term fatigue damage.

SPE 109641
Design, Engineering, and Construction of Steel Catenary Risers for Indonesia
Deepwater Field Applications
J afar Korloo, Chevron Corporation and David Thomas Ryder Hunt International
2 SPE 109641
Engineering and Design
SCRs have also been referred to as Simple Catenary Risers.
This is due to the profile of the installed riser adopting that of
a free hanging simple catenary. However, referring to the SCR
as Simple may lead the designer or engineer into a false
sense of security allowing him to believe the design at hand
will be a simple task.

SCRs, whilst consisting of very few components and similarly
few interfaces, are complex structures where it is often
difficult to understand the response, or to determine the cause
of the riser behaviour. The engineer must therefore approach
the task of SCR design with an open mind, prepared to
identify and solve many issues.

The design process for the West Seno SCRs included:
Sizing the riser wall thickness;
Optimization of SCR hang-off location;
Determination and optimization of hang-off
Determining maximum stresses for normal,
extreme and survival conditions and
ensuring they do not exceed the allowable
Determining interface loads and deflections;
Strake coverage, type and efficiency, and
calculation of fatigue damage due to vortex
induced vibration;
Calculation of fatigue life due to 1
and 2

order motions;
Interference analysis to ensure sufficient
spacing between risers and adjacent
Fatigue weld qualification and weld fracture
mechanics (Referred to as ECA);
Construction, installation and hook-up
analysis and design.

West Seno SCR Design
In conducting the design of the West Seno SCRs it is found
that a number of iterations of the riser system configuration
are required to achieve an acceptable response. A number of
factors were optimized during the design of the SCRs.

Hang Off Location
The SCR hang off location on the floating facility may be
driven, at least in part, by proximity to topsides process
equipment and also by the required subsea layout (vessel
location and heading relative to subsea wells and / or export
pipeline routing). However, in some instances it may be found
that a particular riser hang off location is required in order to
achieve an acceptable riser response. The closer the riser hang
off is to the centre of gravity of the vessel the better the riser
response will be as the effective lever arm transferring the
vessel motions is reduced.

Whilst allowing the SCR response to dictate the hang off
location may lead to a less than optimum topside and or
subsea layout, the alternative may in some instances be to
change the riser concept to a significantly more costly system.
Considering the FPU design and field layout requirements
resulted in locating the riser terminations at the bow of the
FPU. From a vessel motions and riser fatigue point of view,
this is not the most optimum location. However, given the
mild environmental conditions, the decision was driven by the
field layout.

Top Angle
The nominal top angle of the SCR is typically in the range of
12 to 15 degrees to the vertical (Figure 1) although for small
diameter SCRs (less than 6inch diameter) the riser may have a
top angle as low as 4 degrees. The balance in selecting the
appropriate top angle is in minimizing the vertical drag on the
riser as the riser attachment point heaves, but also avoiding the
riser from being too close to vertical as this will tend to result
in excessive bending at the touch down zone. If the riser is too
vertical it may also result in compression loads just above the
touch down zone due to riser dynamics. The top angle may
also be varied from one riser to the next in order to help
separate the risers in the water column and minimize the
possibility of interference. It should also be noted that
reducing the top angle to the vertical also reduces the payload
on the vessel due to lower tension.

Riser Weight
If the SCR is too light the dynamic response can result in a
wave travelling down the length of the riser. As the vessel
heaves downwards, if the riser is not heavy enough to
overcome the vertical drag force acting on it, it will have a
smaller downward velocity than that of the vessel. This will
tend to induce a wave along the riser length that can travel
down the riser to the touch down zone. In some cases this can
result in an unstable response with compression and possible
buckling at the lower sections of the riser.

To overcome this issue during design the riser weight may
need to be increased. This can be achieved by increasing the
riser wall thickness, or if the riser is insulated increasing the
density of the insulation, or by the use of clump weights near
the base of the riser. For the West Seno SCRs weight
optimization was not required.

VIV Suppression
The required length of coverage by VIV suppression devices
on the SCRs is determined by VIV analysis. However, every
effort should be made to determine the length of coverage
early in the design process as the presence of the strakes on
any part of the SCR changes the drag coefficient and hence the
hydrodynamic forces acting on the riser. This will impact the
strength response, 1
and 2
order fatigue response and also
the interference analysis.

Riser Sensitivity Studies
Steel Catenary Risers are highly sensitive structures whereby
relatively small changes in the environment, vessel motions or
other design parameters can have a significant impact on their
response and hence the integrity of the design. It is therefore
important to ensure that sufficient sensitivity studies are
conducted in the early design stages to determine whether
SPE 109641 3
future changes in design parameters are likely to affect the
integrity of the system.

Sensitivity studies conducted for the design of the West Seno
SCRs included:
Environment Wave Height and Period,
and Current;
Riser hang off location the further from
the vessel centre of gravity the more
dynamic the riser response;
Riser weight variation due to fabrication
Drag coefficients for both bare sections of
the riser and those with VIV suppression
Soil properties variation in stiffness can
have a significant effect on riser fatigue

Design Summary
The layout of the West Seno FPU and SCRs is shown in
Figure 1. The design and engineering of the SCRs addresses a
number of challenges:

Depending on wave direction, the FPU natural
periods in heave, roll and pitch are near to the
extreme storm wave periods
Wave and VIV fatigue sensitivity
Riser interference
Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA) and
determination of acceptable weld flaw sizes
Installation and riser hook up requiring keel hauling
of the SCRs

FPU heading and Vessel Motions
Wave periods in the Makassar Strait typically have a period in
the 4 to 9 second range. During normal operating conditions
the wave periods are in the 4 second range while during
extreme storm events the periods are in the 8 to 9 second
range. The FPU natural periods in heave, roll and pitch are in
the 9 second range depending on the directionality of the
waves. To reduce the impact of the wave frequency motions,
the barge heading is optimized in relation to the dominant
wave directions. This results in the vessel being oriented with
a nominal heading of 6.5 from true north as shown in Figure

Wave fatigue
In terms of wave fatigue there are two critical locations in the
SCR; the first weld below the flexjoint, and the touch down
zone. The wave and slow drift fatigue analysis for the West
Seno SCRs showed an acceptable response for the entire
length of the SCR with the minimum fatigue life of 325 years
being found in the touch down zone of the 12inch oil export
riser, Table 1. The fatigue damage at the TDP is driven by
second order slow drift motions whilst the fatigue damage
near the top of the riser is largely driven by the 1
order wave

VIV fatigue
The current in the Makassar Strait is the dominant factor in the
design of deepwater structures and risers. The persistent
currents in the strait flow southward. However, due to the
presence of the Mangkalihat peninsula to the north of the West
Seno location, the currents are dominated by the eddy coming
from the shelf, Figure 2, resulting in a predominantly
northward current flow at the West Seno site.

The current characteristics are such that there is no physical
correlation between the surface and the submerged currents.
The submerged current typically peaks at 150m depth and
remains quite strong to about 450m depth. The speed of the
submerged current may be as high as 80% of the surface

The combination of the high current speeds and the fact that
they extend fairly deep below the surface subject the SCRs to
Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV) fatigue damage. West Seno
SCRs are analyzed for VIV using the commercially available
industry standard software, which is based upon empirical
type solutions. Current data used for the VIV analysis is based
upon one year of continuous through water column
measurements at the West Seno site. This gives in excess of
29,000 current profiles to be used in the VIV analysis. The
VIV analysis shows that, with 500ft of strake coverage at the
top of the SCRs both the risers have an acceptable VIV fatigue
response. The minimum VIV fatigue life for the oil and gas
export risers is 650 years and 790 years respectively, Table 2.

To ensure that the target design fatigue life of the SCRs is
achieved, fatigue damage due to 1
and 2
order motions is
combined with that from VIV. For both SCRs the point of
maximum damage is in the touch down region. Assuming that
this maximum damage occurs at the same point for 1
and 2

order fatigue and VIV results in minimum combined fatigue
life of 217 years and 386 years for the oil and gas export risers
respectively, Table 3.

Riser Interference
The nominal horizontal centre to centre separation between the
risers at the hang off location is 1.83m. With the risers in this
relatively close configuration, the possibility of riser
interference due to out of plane VIV motions, and differences
in relative deflection due to wake effects between the
downstream and upstream risers has to be considered.

In order to avoid interference between the SCRs the top angles
of the risers are staggered. The gas export hang off angle is 15
degrees to the vertical and the oil export hang off angle is 12
degrees. The azimuth angles of the risers are also set with a 3
degree spread between them. Setting the top angles and
azimuths in this manner results in the risers spreading away
from each other as they descend into the ocean. Interference
analysis shows that assuming the 100yr current profile acting
perpendicular to the plane of the risers the minimum clearance
between the risers is 0.8m at 60m depth.

4 SPE 109641
Fatigue Weld Qualifications
The West Seno SCR pipe is seamless, API 5L X65. The
manufacturing specifications, tolerances, and testing, are
particularly important for the design, weld qualification and
specification of acceptance criteria for flaws in the welds.

The objective of the weld qualification is to qualify the fatigue
performance of representative SCR girth welds that would be
used to construct the SCR. The SCRs are designed assuming
an API X

fatigue detail with an initially estimated Stress

Concentration Factor (SCF) of 1.18. The service life of the
SCRs is 20 years. With a factor of safety of 10, the design
target fatigue life for the SCRs is 200 years. To determine the
actual SCF and to qualify the welding procedures, to be used
during the SCR construction, fatigue qualification tests on full
scale specimens of 12-3/4 diameter pipe are carried out.
Welding of the West Seno export risers was based on utilising
an automated gas metal arc welding (GMAW) system.
The welded pipe-to-pipe joint is designed assuming an API X

S-N fatigue detail. Following design and engineering, it is
necessary to qualify the welding procedures and verify the
fatigue response experimentally.
Six pipe-to-pipe specimens and one pipe-to-forging specimen,
representing the SCR pipe to pipe welds and SCR pipe to the
flexjoint forging respectively, were prepared for qualification
tests by means of resonant fatigue tests. Fatigue test specimens
were instrumented (Figure 3) and subjected to cyclic fatigue
loading at three stress levels, Low, Medium and High.

In order to facilitate the complete assessment of its fitness for
purpose the welding and/or NDE specification must detail the
following allowable specifics of the welded joint:
Hi-Lo misalignment;
Has a direct impact on SCF.

Presence and extent of undercut;
The presence of undercut influences shape
imperfections that can develop into high SCFs. Weld
toe undercut should be controlled whereas undercut
in the root region requires complete weld cut out.
Cap profile and height limit;
Incorrect specification of cap profile and height limit
can result in high SCF around the circumference of
the pipe and weld.

Weld cap grinding;
This is generally to be avoided as it may result in
grinding of the pipe resulting in reduction of wall
thickness and the introduction of SCFs.

Surface flaw height vs. tolerated length dimension;

Embedded flaw height vs. tolerated length dimension;
The bulk of fatigue life is consumed in the crack
propagation phase in the weld toe due to
discontinuities in the weld which behave as pre-
existing cracks. Fatigue and fracture assessment
(ECA) is used to analyze the fatigue due to flaw sizes
and derive Flaw Acceptance Criteria.

Fatigue Tests
The tests were conducted in air at room temperature in
resonance fatigue machines (Figure 4). These impose a
rotating alternating bending moment at a 30HZ frequency with
zero mean stresses.

The target number of cycles for each of the stress ranges are
shown in Table 4. In the event that the target life was
achieved without failure, a run-out endurance (end of test) test
was conducted. The stress ranges used for the run out tests
were increased by a factor of 2.5 times for the low stress, 2.0
for the medium stress, and 1.25 for the high stress. This was
to ensure that the fatigue life was conservatively exceeded.

Each specimen was instrumented with sixteen single element
strain gauges; eight adjacent to each weld (Figure 3). Each
gauge is positioned 25mm from the weld toe. The strain
ranges experienced by each gauge are logged continuously
during the entire duration of the each test.

Qualification Criteria:
The weld acceptance criterion was to qualify to the API X S-
N curve. Because of the limited number of test data, the
qualification criterion requires a high level of confidence. In
order to achieve this the target S-N curve is set at the 95%
confidence level, equating to a factor of 5.11 times the API X
S-N curve.

Each set of four results at each of the three stress ranges was
treated independently. This ensures that any difference in the
slope of S-N curve for each test data compared to API X is
accounted for.

Fatigue Test Results
All the specimens exceed target fatigue life and achieved the
run-out life beyond the overrun targets as defined above.

The results are depicted graphically in Figure 5. The chart
illustrates the acceptance criteria line which is 5.11 times
above the API X S-N curve, and the test data points. For
comparison purposes DNV E, and API F2 curves are also
plotted. From this graph it is noted that all the test data are
well above the target limits.

Post testing Inspection
Upon completion of the fatigue tests, two 300mm long
sections containing the welds in the center of each sections
were cut from each specimen. Measurements of pipe wall
thickness either side of the weld, ovality and axial
misalignment in the root were taken.

The Stress Concentration Factor calculation
The actual wall thickness and misalignment measurements
were used to calculate the SCF according to Connelly and
SPE 109641 5
Zettermoyer (ref. 1):

4 . 1
7 . 0 1 6 . 2 1

+ + =

=Local Stress Concentration Factor
e =Eccentricity
, t
=Maximum and minimum wall thicknesses
either side of the weld

From the post test results the following were determined:

Root misalignment of 0.9 mm
Ovality in range of 0.07% to 0.32%
Highest Stress Concentration Factor was 1.09

Maximum Allowable Flaw Sizes
Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA) utilizes both fracture
mechanics and fatigue crack growth analyses to determine
maximum tolerable weld flaw sizes that may be present at the
start of the service life of the riser systems. The tolerable flaw
size determined is the maximum allowable to avoid both an
unstable fracture during an extreme event, such as a 100 year
storm, and a fatigue failure during the service life.

The objectives of ECA could be summarized as follows:

Failure caused by fracture and consequential plastic
collapse will not occur;
The established critical flaw sizes can be detected by
means of non-destructive; examination (NDE) such
as automatic ultrasonic testing (AUT);
Demonstrate that weld joints have adequate fracture
Define acceptable flaw sizes;

ECA was carried out at for three critical positions along the
riser; the touch down point, mid riser, and at the top of the
riser for the in-place riser condition. ECA analyses was also
carried out considering installation loads during riser
construction. The riser is constructed using an S-Lay barge.
The installation ECA analysis considered two locations, one at
the overbend (off the stinger) and secondly the sagbend at the
SCR touchdown zone. Figure 6 shows the results of the ECA
in terms of allowable flaw length versus depth.

Construction and Installation
The West Seno SCR is an extension of the pipeline which was
installed by utilizing an S-Lay type pipe-lay method. The
West Seno gas and oil export lines were laid from the beach to
the deepwater FPU installation site. Each pipeline/SCR was
constructed and laid on the seabed prior to arrival of the FPU.
Upon arrival of the FPU, the previously installed mooring legs
were picked up from the seabed, hooked up to the FPU, and
pretensioned to the design tensions with the FPU at its design
installation position.

The pre-laid SCRs were installed at the bow of the FPU
(Figure 7). The installed position of the FPU is such that it is
located longitudinally over the pre-laid pipelines/SCRs (Figure
7). To ensure a successful SCR hook up required analysis and
the development of a carefully monitored procedure. The
procedure includes SCR pick up, keel haul, hand-over to FPU
(weight transfer), and hang-off at the SCR porch.

The SCR is picked up using an Anchor Handling Tug (AHT
1). A second AHT (AHT 2) was dedicated for ROV
operations. The AHT 1 lifts the SCR by reeling in its tow wire
that is attached to the SCR flexjoint hookup structure, at the
same time moving back towards the FPU stern (Figure 8). To
avoid buckling at the touch down point this procedure required
a series of carefully planned and monitored steps in relation to
the position of AHT 1, the length of the overboard wire rope,
its tension and the position of the SCR top.

Once the AHT 1 is approximately 20m from the Stern of the
FPU, the pre-rigged FPU chain jack transfer chain was passed
from the FPU to the AHT 1. AHT 1 recovery wire rope and
the transfer chain are connected to one another using a tri-

The SCRs were transferred from AHT 1 to the SCR porch by
keelhauling them under the FPU. A chain jack was installed
over the SCR porch at the FPU bow for transfer of the SCR
from the AHT 1 to the FPU via a transfer chain, and for hang
off the SCR to the FPU porch. Each SCR was transferred
under the FPU to the FPU chain jack by paying out AHT1
wire rope while recovering the FPU transfer chain using the
chain jack.

The steps developed for the SCR handover to FPU and
keelhauling are illustrated in Figures 8 to 11.

When all the SCR weight has been transferred to the recovery
chain, the AHT1 wire rope was cut using an ROV. The SCR
recovery continues until the flexjoint is lifted clear of the FPU
bow receptacle for final alignment and positioning. It is then
lowered into the receptacle.

A safe operating envelop of position of the SCR flexjoint
(lifting head) was developed. This was based on allowable
SCR stress, AHT 1 offset, and its maximum bollard pull.
During this operation the SCR touch down point and the
position of the flexjoint were continuously monitored by
means of an ROV and a beacon installed at the SCR lifting
head. The trajectory of SCR flexjoint was plotted in real time
against the safe envelop.

Following installation of SCR an as built verification had to be
carried out to ensure the SCR hooked up configuration met the
design requirements and installation tolerances. This was
conducted by the following steps:

6 SPE 109641
Record position of the FPU
Measure the SCR touchdown distance from the FPU
SCR porch
Measure the SCR hang off angle

Based on the FPU position the theoretical distance to the TDP
and the riser top angle was determined and compared to the as
installed conditions. The West Seno SCRs as installed
conditions were all within the design and installation

Many significant challenges must be overcome during the
design, engineering, installation and hook up of SCRs:
SCRs are greatly influenced by the floating system
characteristics, the heading of the vessel, and the
mooring system design;
The understanding and interpretation of field
environmental data is of high importance, particularly
in areas that are dominated by persistent currents
through the water column;
In addition to designing for the in place operating
conditions, consideration must be given to the
construction and installation procedure. The loads
encountered during construction and installation can
drive the riser design;
SCR design can be optimized in a number of ways to
achieve acceptable strength and fatigue response;
Qualifying the weld procedures and completing
fatigue qualification testing is required to ensure that
the design fatigue requirements are achieved;
It is very common to decouple delivery of the floater
from the deepwater pipelay vessel, providing more
flexibility in installation and hook-up schedules. The
flowlines/SCRs are typically constructed and wet
stored on the seabed before arrival of the floater.
Design for hook-up becomes critical, as it is not often
economical to bring a heavy lift vessel to hook-up the
Engineering and design experience is of paramount
importance. A broad range of experience and
knowledge of all stages of the design process, from
analysis to hook up and commissioning, is required.
Despite the challenges faced in the design and engineering, the
West Seno SCRs are successfully designed, engineered and
installed and are shown to meet all the required design criteria.
This demonstrates that SCRs are a feasible solution for
deepwater developments in the Makassar Strait, offshore


1. L.M. Connelly and N. Zettlemoyer Stress
Concentration at Girth Welds of Tubulars with Axial
Wall Misalignment, Tubular Structures V M.G.
Goutie and G. Davies, 1993.

2. M. Campbell, S. J ones and J . Korloo The Role of
ECA in the Development of Dynamic Riser
Systems, OMAE, J une 2003.

3. J afar Korloo (Unocal), J ared Black (Unocal), Chunfa
Wu (SEA Engineering), Hans Treu (SEA
Engineering) Design and Analysis of West Seno
Floating Structures, 2004 OTC, Paper 16523

SPE 109641 7
Table 1: First and Second Order Fatigue Life
Minimum Unfactored 1
and 2
Order Fatigue Life (years) Riser
1.5m from Riser Top 3m from Riser Top Touch Down Zone
12inch Oil Export 922 2028 325
12inch Gas Export 1135 2240 755

Table 2: VIV Fatigue Life
Riser Location
Unfactored VIV Fatigue
Lfie (years)
TDP 651
Mid-Riser 31746 Oil Export
Top 77519
TDP 790
Mid-Riser 18762 Gas Export
Top 15314

Table 3: Total Combined Fatigue Life
Riser Oil Export Gas Export
Location on SCR TDP TDP
VIV Damage (1/yr) 1.54E-3 1.27E-3
and 2
Damage (1/yr)
3.08E-3 1.32E-3
Combined Damage
4.61E-3 2.59E-3
Combined Life (yr) 217 386

Table 4: Fatigue qualification test data
Samples Specimen Target N Recorded Stresses SCF
Run Out
Number of
Type Number Of End A End B End A End B
Cycles MPa MPa
Sample 1 Pipe to Pipe 12.5 ksi 3.87 x 10
101 100 1.036 1.060 8.2 x 10

Sample 2 Pipe to Pipe 8 ksi 20.5 x 10
66 64 1.072 1.043 25 x 10
Sample 3 Pipe to Pipe 15 ksi 1.96 x 10
120 118 1.047 1.029 8.5 x 10

Sample 4 Pipe to Pipe 12.5 ksi 3.87 x 10
102 101 1.060 1.029 11.6 x 10

Sample 5 Pipe to Pipe 8 ksi 20.5 x 10
65 65 1.033 1.063 26 x 10

Sample 6 Pipe to Pipe 15 ksi 1.96 x 10
118 116 1.079 1.024 12.3 x 10

Sample 7 Pipe to Forging 12.5 ksi 3.87 x 10
102 101 1.026 1.087 8.8 x 10

8 SPE 109641
Figure 1: Seno SCRs General Arrangement

SPE 109641 9
Figure 2: Current Flow through the Makassar Strait

West Seno Field
Eddies with predominant current in the
opposite direction to the main stream

10 SPE 109641
Figure 3: Specimen and Strain Gauges

2500 mm Pipe Section
Pipe or Forging
Mid Section
500 mm
2500 mm Pipe or Forging Section
Strain Gauges
Weld A Weld B
Drive End
Balance End

Figure 4: Resonance Tests Two Specimens

SPE 109641 11
Figure 5: Fatigue Test Results

Unocal West Seno Fatigue Quali fication Testing
12 3/4 - inch Pi pe - Pi pe Weld Fatigue Results
DNV S-N (Target) Fatigue Curves [i.e. N (mean) x 10^ (SD x (Log10 s / SQRT (n)))]
1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+07 1.0E+08 1.0E+09
Number of Cycles, N



E (Target) F2 (Target) X' (Target) 15 ksi (Reference) 12.5 ksi (Reference)
8 ksi (Reference) 15 ksi S# 6 P-P-P 15 ksi S# 3, P-P-P 12.5 ksi P-F-P
Target Curves based on the fol lowing:
(1) Mean DNV S-N Curve
(2) SCF = 1.18 for refernce points
(3) Lower 5% Confidence Interval
(4) Sample number (n) of 4 per stress range
(5) Target requirements as per TWI phil osophy

Figure 6: ECA Analysis Results - Allowable Flaw Sizes

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Maxi mum Al l owabl e Length (mm)



Touchdown Zone
12 SPE 109641
Figure 7 : FPU and Wet Stored SCRs

Pre-laid pipeline/SCR
Pre-laid pipeline/SCR





Figure 8: SCR Recovery

SPE 109641 13
Figure 9: Connection of FPU Chain Jack Transfer Chain AHT1 Wire Rope


Figure 10A : SCR Weight Transfer

Payout and Reduce
Tension Increase
SCR Transfer from AHT to FPU Chain Jack

14 SPE 109641
Figure 10B: SCR Weight Transfer

SCR Transfer from AHT to FPU Chain Jack
Minimum Tension
SCR Weight Transferred
to Chain Jack
SCR Weight Transferred
to Chain Jack

Figure 11: SCR Final pull by FPU Chain Jack

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