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Issue No. 3

Classes every Sunday held at Khalsa Primary
School, Norwood Green
For more information please contact us:
07941696607 (Sukhraj Kiran Kaur)
[email protected]

P2 Recent News
P4 Hemkunt Competition
P5 Special Mentions
P6 & 7 The Spirit of Vaisakhi
P8 Activities!


Sikhs in the Spotlight
We recently launched a new assembly item
called Sikhs in the Spotlight. Every week,
SSSEC pupils learn about the amazing things
todays Sikhs are achieving around the globe.
In previous weeks the children have learnt
about the first turbaned female pilot, the
Sikhnet Film Festival, and a Sikh scientist who
discovered a new layer of the eye, among
others. Please also remember that there will
be a quiz on this at the end of the year!

So much has happened in the last few months that
everyone seems to have been left in a daze!
But there was no break for the (sava lakh) editing
department, who had to quickly get to work putting
down all those SSSEC achievements into this newsletter:
February programme
On 9
February there was a whole-
school programme, including an
awards ceremony for those who took
music and Panjabi exams last summer.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the
event, praising the children on their
performance and behaviour. A big
thank you also goes to the parents and
teachers who helped prepare and run
the event it would not have been
such a success without your support!
Twitter account
Our twitter account has been providing
updates about the centres activities
since October. Photos of recent events,
as well as important letters (and
newsletters) are all available on the
account. Please follow us on @SSS_EC
(or simply check the page regularly
without creating a twitter account).


As the end of the summer term approaches, each class will carry out end-of-year internal
exams to see how far the children have come over the year. Pupils should make sure they
do not miss lessons, and revise what they have learnt. The top-scoring pupils will be given
a special prize in the Summer Programme. The formal music exams (Pracheen Kala
Kendra) will also take place in the summer. 25
May is the last date for entries. The Senior
Diploma exams will be on Sunday 31
August, and the Junior Diploma exams will be on
Sunday 7
Whole-school Trip
The annual whole-school trip will take place on Sunday 13
July. More information will
be given out after half term please remember to hand in the permission slips and money
on time so you dont miss out!
End of Year Events
This year the end-of-year programme will take place on Sunday 6
July. It will be based
on Punjabi language and culture. Families and friends of students are welcome to join us
in celebrating the achievements of the SSSEC pupils and staff. On the last day of term
July) there will be a picnic and activities to wind down for the holidays!
Gurmat Classes
Gurmat classes for parents are available every Sunday after assembly, from 11:00 12:00.
Currently, we are discussing the meanings of Japji Sahib, after which we will move on to
other banis. All parents are encouraged to join.
Dates for your diary
June half term break
June classes resume
July end of year programme
July whole-school trip
July last day of term picnic/activity day
September admissions for
new academic year 2014-15
September classes start
Letters Home
SSSEC pupils are regularly given
letters about upcoming events
and important information about
the classes. Parents should make
sure they are receiving and
reading these letters so they are
up to date with what is going on
at the centre.



March, April and May 2014 was once
again a tense time for many of our
students, as they battled it out to win a
chance to represent West London at the
international Hemkunt Symposium in the
The first round of the speech
competitions took place at Khalsa
Primary School on 30
March. Over one
hundred children from various centres
around London took part that day,
making it a very long one indeed!
Those who came first, second and third
from their centre in each age group then
competed against other centres at
Hounslow Gurdwara on 27
April. Those
who secured first place in their zone now
have the chance to travel to Philadelphia
to compete in the internationals!
Although every contestant did amazingly
well this year, we are especially proud of
the four participants from SSSEC who
have earned the chance to go to
The prize-giving ceremony was carried
out at Park Avenue Gurdwara on 4

May. The annual kirtan darbar was also
held on this date, with children from
both SSSEC and outside taking part.
We also need to thank those who
worked tirelessly behind the scenes,
spending extra hours preparing and
often staying long after the end of the
events to tidy up. We are lucky to have
such dedicated parents and teachers!


the parents who have been helping
out with lunch
There is now a dedicated team of
parents who help in preparing
sandwiches and milk for all the
students and staff of SSSEC every
Sunday. Thanks in particular to Kulbir
Singh for buying bananas every week,
and to the other mums and dads who
have taken on this (huge) seva.
the Hemkunt Symposium finalists
Four participants from our centre (two students and
two teachers) have made it to the international
stage of the competition! Congratulations and good
luck to Japsimar Singh, Avneet Kaur, Harpreet Kaur
and Gurleen Kaur.
Jasmehar Kaur
Jasmehar made this beautiful poster called I am a
Sikh girl. She has written some information about
Sikhs and also used lots of pictures to make a lovely
collage. It looks like she has put a lot of effort into it!
these boys who have been
wearing a dastaar to Sunday classes
We hope more students both boys
and girls will join them in proudly
wearing a dastaar (turban). If you
dont know how to tie it, just ask one
of the teachers to help you! Maybe
one day all SSSEC students will be
wearing the dastaar!


In April, millions of Sikhs around the
world celebrated Vaisakhi, one of the
most important days in the Sikh
During the festival of Vaisakhi in 1699,
Guru Gobind Singh Ji, our tenth Guru,
asked all the Sikhs in the land to gather
at Anandpur Sahib. One by one he asked
for the head of a Sikh. Each time, he took
the Sikh into a tent and returned with a
sword covered in blood. After having
taken five people into the tent, Guru ji
returned with all five Sikhs dressed in
identical banas. He then began to
prepare amrit. After the five Sikhs had
been baptised, Guruji asked them to
baptise him with amrit. Thus the first
ever amrit sanchar took place.
At Vaisakhi 1699, some important rules
were established; from then on, all Sikh
men took the surname Singh, and all
Sikh women took the surname Kaur; it
became mandatory for all amritdhari
Sikhs to wear the 5Ks; the system of Panj
Pyare was created.
However, if we look a little deeper, we
can start to see the real meanings behind
the events of that day. Read on to learn
more about the Spirit of Vaisakhi
Even the date is significant; Guru Nanak
Dev ji the founder of the Sikh faith
was born on 15
April, so at Vaisakhi it
is as though we have come a full circle
since his birth. The harvest festival of
Vaisakhi also holds importance. At this
time of year, the weather is pleasant
and it is a time of new birth, mirroring
the birth of the Khalsa.
The location chosen by Guru Gobind
Singh ji is also significant Anandpur
Sahib was a city built by Guru Teg
Bahadur ji. Anandpur means the city of
bliss, and so is a fitting place to hold
the first amrit sanchar. It is a peaceful
place for meditation yet also well
protected in case of attack, perfect for a
When choosing the Panj Pyare, Guru ji
asked for anyone willing to give their
head for their Guru. This shows the level
of trust we should have in our Guru. It
also demonstrates the humility and
courage of a true Sikh, who is willing to
sacrifice their life for their faith and
Guru without hesitation.
The Panj Pyare came from all walks of
life. They came from all over the
country and from various castes,
including the lowest. This is an example
of the core Sikh value of equality; Sikhs
should treat all people equally
regardless of gender, caste, race,
religion or any other difference, judging
them on their actions alone.


rH| 8U J IJ Il8U lH= U
lHH UH "U|, lHH "U|
3 HJ83 U| rHU| "U|,
HJ8H r =lJr!
rH| 8U J UH l3 U
lHH 8U U| U3 U
lIU5 HJ 8lUr,
3 H= " U| H "
H| lU lU "5lUr!
lHH H8J H" U J 35
H| HJ l"r,
3 H" U JJ lU =J U
J rI J Jlr!
U lU U =H|U
lU J" r J l=JH
| lH| H "U|,
3H| J U5 H JJ!
rU rH =| H J
rH| J" r| 8=H "U|U,
3 U lUH UJ 3
rU l" H|H "U|U!
JH|3 J lH
The above poem, written by our
A Level Punjabi teacher Ranjit
Kaur, talks about the need to
remember our history,
especially the sacrifices made
by our ancestors. One of the
greatest sacrifices was made by
Guru Gobind Singh ji, whose
whole family was martyred for
being a Sikh. Both courage and
sacrifice are vital parts of the
spirit of Vaisakhi.
When they came out of the
tent, the Panj Pyare wore
identical uniforms bana. This
included the 5Ks, which each
symbolise a different value
while also having a practical
function. Every amritdhari Sikh
wears the 5Ks as part of the
Sikh identity.
On Vaisakhi, Guru Gobind
Singh ji gave the surname
Singh to all Sikh men, and the
surname Kaur to all Sikh
women. This helped to further
promote equality by
preventing discrimination
based on surnames associated
with specific castes. It also
deepened the sense of
community between Sikhs.
Guru ji told us to only follow
the Guru Granth Sahib. We
should not worship or bow
down to anything or anyone
else. The Panj Pyare are
simply there to guide us. They
represent the views of the
sangat and offer guidance
when needed.
Guru Gobind Singh ji
demonstrated the highest level
of humility, by taking amrit
from the Panj Pyare. There is
no other example of a Guru
being baptised by their


If you want to submit
something for the
SSSEC newsletter,
please talk to your
teacher, or email us at
[email protected]
Punjabi Sudoku Rules:
Fill in each row, column and 3x3 square
with the numbers 1 to 9 in Punjabi.

H e r e a r e t h e a n s w e r s t o t h e p r e v i o u s p u z z l e !
H o w d i d y o u d o ?
J | 3 " H J
U | r H | U J J 5 I
H r = I J U J
l U = J 5 3 J |
" H U | H l
H l J F | J U | = l U
= U I 8 H |
8 U 3 l = J I
l U 8 | r = U
8 J U I " H

Happy (belated)
Vaisakhi! Do you
like my Bhangra?
\ \
= e \
= e
\ \ e
\ e \ =
e \ \
= e
\ e
\ \

Here is a conversion chart to help you
remember the Punjabi numerals:
1 =
2 =
= = 3
e = 4
= 5
= 6
= 7
\ = 8
\ = 9

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