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Introduction to the
Standard Template Library


are evolution
> Standard templates
> Standard C++ library
> Containers
y Sequence containers
> Associative containers
> Derived containers
> Algorithms
> Iterators
y Function object
114.1 Introduction
We have seen how templates can be used
to create generic classes and functions that
could extend support for generic
programming. In order to help the C++
users in generic programming, Alexander
Stepanov and Meng Lee of Hewlett-
Packard developed a set of general-purpose
templatized classes (data structures) and
functions (algorithms) that could be used
as a standard approach for storing and
processing of data. The collection of these
generic classes and functions is called the
Standard Template Library (STL). The
STL has now become a part of the ANSI
standard C++ class library.

STL is large and complex and it is difficult to discuss all of its features in this chapter. We
therefore present here only the most important features that would enable the readers to
begin using the STL effectively. Using STL can save considerable time and effort, and lead
to high quality programs. All these benefits are possible because we are basically "reusing"
the well-written and well-tested components defined in the STL.
Key Concepts
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STL components which are now part of the Standard C++ Library are defined in the
namespace std. We must therefore use the using namespace directive
usi ng namespace st d;
to inform the compiler that we intend to use the Standard C++ Library. All programs in this
chapter use this directive.
114.2 Components of STL
The STL contains several components. But at its core are three key components. They are:
algorithms, and
These three components work in conjunction with one another to provide support to a
variety of programming solutions. The relationship between the three components is shown
in Fig. 14.1. Algorithms employ iterators to perform operations stored in containers.

A container is an object that actually stores data. It is a way data is organized in memory.
The STL containers are implemented by template classes and therefore can be easily
customized to hold different types of data.
An algorithm is a procedure that is used to process the data contained in the containers.
The STL includes many different kinds of algorithms to provide support to tasks such as
initializing, searching, copying, sorting, and merging. Algorithms are implemented by tem
plate functions.

Fig. 14.1 Relationship behiren the three STl. components
Introduction to the Standard Template Library
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list <list> ' Bidirectional
deque <deque> Random
set <set>
A dynamic array. Allows insertions and
deletions at back. Permits direct access to
any element
A bidirectional, linear list. Allows insertions
and deletions anywhere.
A double-ended queue. Allows insertions and
deletions at both the ends. Permits direct
access to any element.
An associate container for storing unique sets.
Allows rapid lookup. (No duplicates allowed)
An iterator is an object* like a pointer) that points to an element in a container. We can
use iterators to move through the contents of containers. Iterators are handled just like
pointers. We can increment or decrement them. Iterators connect algorithms with containers
and play a key role in the manipulation of data stored in the containers.
114.3 Containers
As stated earlier, containers are objects that hold data (of same type). The STL defines ten
containers which are grouped into three categories as illustrated in Fig. 14.2. Table 14.1
gives the details of all these containers as well as header to be included to use each one of
them and the type of iterator supported by each container class.

Fig-14.2 Three major categories of containers |
Table 14.1 Containers supported by the STL

f Contd)
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An associate container for storing non-unique
sets. (Duplicates allowed)
An associate container for storing unique
key/value pairs. Each key is associated with
only one value (One-to-one mapping). Allows
key-based lookup.
An associate container for storing key/value
pairs in which one key may be associated with
more than one value (one-to-many mapping).
Allows key-based lookup.
A standard stack. Last-in-firat- mtiLIFO).
A standard queue. First-in-first-out(FIFO).
A priority queue The first element out s
always tfce highest priority element.
No iterator
No iterator
No iterator

Each container class defines a set of functions that can be used to manipulate its contents.
For example, a vector container defines functions for inserting e'enents, erasing the contents,
and swapping the contents of tv/o vectors.
Sequence Containers
Sequence containers stora elements in a linear sequence, like a line as shown in Fig. 14.3.
Each element is related to other elements by its position along the line. They all expand
themselves to allow insertion of elements and a'l of them support a number of operations
on them.

Fig 14.3 <=> Elements in a stquerre con t liner
The STL provides three types of sequence containers:

Element 1

Element 2 j-
1 *

Element 0 -

multimap <map>
Last Element
Introduction to the Standard Template Library
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Elements in all these containers can be accessed using an iterator. The difference between
the three of them is related to only their performance. Table 14.2 compares their performance
in terms of speed of random access and insertion or deletion of elements.

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Table 14.5 Sorting algorithms

Conducts a binary search on an ordered sequence
Finds a subrange of elements with a given value
Merges two consecutive sorted sequences
Finds the first occurrence of a specified value
Makes a heap from a sequence
Merges two sorted sequences
Puts a specified element in its proper place
Sorts a part of a sequence
Sorts a part of a sequence and then copies
Places elements matching a predicate first '
Deletes the top element
Adds an element to heap
Sorts a sequence
Sorts a heap
Places elements matching a predicate first matching relative order
Sorts maintaining order of equal elements
Finds the last occurrence of a specified value
Table 14.4 Contd
fill_n( > Fills first n elements with u specified value
generate! ) Replaces all elements with the result of an operation
generate_n( ) Replaces first n elements with the result of an operation
iter_swap< ) Swaps elements pointed to by iterators
random shuffle! ) Places elements in random order
remove! ) Deletes elements of a specified value
rcmovc_copy( ) Copies a sequence after removing a specified value
remove_copy_ifl ) Copies a sequence after removing elements matching a predicate
removejlf > Deletes elements matching a predicate
replace< ) Replaces elements with a specified value
replace_copy( ) Copies a sequence replacing elements with a given value
replace_copy_ift ) Copies a sequence replacing elements matching a predicate
replacejfl ) Replaces elements matching a predicate
reverse! > Reverses the order of elements
reverse_copyl ) Copies a sequence into reverse order
rotate< ) Rotates elements
rotate_copy! ) Copies a sequence into a rotated
swap< ) Swaps two elements
swap_ranges< ) Swaps two sequences
transform! ) Applies an operation to all elements
unique! ) Deletes equal adjacent elements
unique_copy! ) Copies after removing equal adjacent elements
binary search! )
equal_range! )
inplace_merge< >
lower_bound( )
make_heap! )
nth.clemenU )
partial_sorf >
partiaLsort copyO
Partition* )
pop_heap< >
push_heap! >
sort! )
sort_heap )
stable partitionl )
stable sortl )
upper_bound( >
Introduction to the Standard Template Library
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Table 14.6 Set algorithms
includes* )
set_difference! >
set intersection! )
set union! )
Finds whether a sequence is a subsequence of another
Constructs a sequence that is the difference of two
ordered seta
Constructs a sequence that contains the intersection of
ordered sets
Produces a set which is the symmetric difference
between two ordered sets
Produces sorted union of two ordered sets

Table 14.7 Relational algorithms

equal! I
lexicographicaLcomparel 1
max! )
max element) )
mini )
min_elemenU )
mismatch! )
Finds whether two sequences are the same
Compares alphabetically one sequence with other
Gives maximum of two values
Finds the maximum element within a sequence
Gives minimum of two values
Finds the minimum element within a sequence
Finds the first mismatch between the elements in two

Table 14.8 Numeric algorithms

Accumulates the results of operation on a sequence
Produces a sequence from another sequence
Accumulates the results of operation on a pair of sequences |
Produces a sequence by operation on a pair of sequences

Iterators behave like pointers and are used to access container elements. They are often
used to traverse from one element to another, a process known as iterating through the
There are five types of iterators as described in Table 14.9.
Table 14.9 Iterators and their characteristics

Access method
Forward only
Forward only
Forward only
Forward and
Forward and backward
Read only
Write only
Cannot be saved
Cannot be saved
Can be saved
Can be saved
Can be saved
accumulate) )
adjacent_difference< )
inner_product( )
partial .sum! )
Direction of movement I/O capability Remark
410 -
Object-Oriented Programming with C++

Different types of iterators must be used with the different types of containers (See
Table 14.1). Note that only sequence and associative containers are traversable with iterators.
Each type of iterator is used for performing certain functions. Figure 14.4 gives the
functionality Venn diagram of the iterators. It illustrates the level of functionality provided
by different categories of iterators.
random access

The input and output iterators support the least functions. They can be used only to
traverse in a container. The forward iterator supports all operations of input and output
iterators and also retains its position in the container. A bidirectional iterator, while
supporting all forward iterator operations, provides the ability to move in the backward
direction in the container. A random access iterator combines the functionality of a
bidirectional iterator with an ability to jump to an arbitrary location. Table 14.10 summarizes
the operations that can be performed on each iterator type.

j 14.6 Application of Container Classes
It is beyond the scope of this book to examine all the containers supported in the STL and
provide illustrations. Therefore, we illustrate here the use of the three most popular
containers, namely, vector, list, and map.

Fig. 14.4 => Functionality Venn
Table 14.10 Operations supported by iterators
1 Iterator Element access Read Write
Increment Comparison
Input -> v*-p

+ BO, [-
*p = V
V = *p
*p = v ++ ==, !=
Bidirectional -> V = *p p = v ++. - - =-, !
Random acccw - >. 11 V * *P *P " V






+=. -= <=. >-
Introduction to the Standard Template Library
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The vector is the most widely used container. It stores elements in contiguous memory
locations and enables direct access to any element using the subscript operator 11. A vector
can change its size dynamically and therefore allocates memory as needed at run time.
The vector container supports random access iterators, and a wide range of iterator
operations (See Table 14.10) may be applied to a vector iterator. Class vector supports a
number of constructors for creating vector objects.

vector<int> vl;
vector<double> v2(10);
vector<1nt> v3(v4);
vector<int> v(5, 2);
// Zero-length int vector
// 10-element double vector
// Creates v3 from vA
11 5-element vector of 2s

The vector class supports several member functions as listed in Table 14.11. We can
also use all the STL algorithms on a vector.
Table 14.11 Important member functions of the vector class

Gives a reference to an clement
Gives a reference to the last element
Gives a reference to the first element
Gives the current capacity of the vector
Deletes all the elements from the vector
Determines if the vector is empty or not
Gives a reference to the end of the vector
Deletes specified elements
Inserts elements in the vector
Deletes the last element
Adds an element to the end
Modifies the size of the vector to the specified value
Gives the number of elements
Exchanges elements in the specified two vectors

Program 14.1 illustrates the use of several functions of the vector class template. Note
that, an iterator is used as a pointer to elements of the vector. We must include header file
<vector> to use vector class in our programs.
#1nc1ude <iostreair>
include <vector // Vector heoder f i l e
using namespace std;
void dlsplay(vector<1nt> Sv)
' Could)
at< )
backi )
begin! )
clear* )
empty* >
end* )
erase* )
insert! )
pop_back( )
push_back< >
resize* )
size* )
swap* )
412 -
Object-Oriented Programming with C++

for(1nt i
O;i<v.size();1++) . . .
I .
cout v[1l '
cout "\n";
} . -
1nt ma1n()
< ,
vector<1nt> v; // Create a vector of ty p e I n t
cout "Initial size " v.sizef) "\n";
// Putting values into the vector
int x;
cout "Enter five integer values:
for(1nt 1-0; 1<5; 1++)
c1n x;
v.push back fx);
cout "Size after adding 5 values:
cout v.size() "\n";
// Display the contents
cout "Current contents: \n";
// Add one more value
v.push_back(6.6); // float value truncated to Int
// Display size and contents
cout "\nS1ze * " v.s1ze() "\n"; ' . ' *
cout "Contents now: \n"; ...
display(v); '
// Inserting elements
vector<1nt> :: iterator 1tr = v.beg1n(); // Iterator
itr - itr 3; // itr points to 4th element
// Display the contents
cout "\nCont.ents after inserting: \n";
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11 Removing 4th and 5th elements
v.erase(v.begin()*3,v.begin()*5); 11 Removes 4th and 5th element
// Display the contents
cout "\nContents after deletion: \n";
cout "END\n";

Given below is the output of Program 14.1:
Initial size 0
Enter five integer values: 12 3 4 5
Size after adding 5 values: 5
Current contents:
1 2 3 4 5
Size - 6
Contents now:
1 2 3 4 5 6
Contents after inserting:
1 2 3 9 4 5 6
Contents after deletion:
1 2 3 5 6
The program uses a number of functions to create and manipulate a vector. The member
function sizeO gives the current size of the vector. After creating an int type empty vector
v of zero size, the program puts five values into the vector using the member function
push backO. Note that push. backO takes a value as its argument and adds it to the back
end of the vector. Since the vector v is of type int. it can accept only integer values and
therefore the statement
truncates the values 6.6 to 6 and then puts it into the vector at its back end.

The program uses an iterator to access the vector elements. The statement
vector<int> :: iterator itr - v.begin();
declares an itera tor itr and makes it to point to the first position of the vector. The statements
itr - itr 3;
inserts the value 9 as the fourth element. Similarly, the statement
v erase(v.begii()*3, v.begin()*5);
del 'te: 4
' i.nd >"' elements from the vector. Note that erase(m.n) deletes only n-m elements
sta tirg frcm ra
element and the n* element is not deleted.
The elements of a vector may also be accessed using subscripts (as we do in arrays).
Wc JCC the use of v[i| in the function display)) for displaying the contents of v. The call
v.ize<) in the for loop of dtoplftyO gives the current size of v.
T1 e li st is another container that is popularly used. It supports a bidirectional, linear list
and provides an efficient implementation for deletion and insertion operations. Unlike a
vc :toi, which support;; random access, a list can be accessed sequentially only.
Bidirectional iterators are used for accessing list elements. Any algorithm that requires
if. put, output, forward, or bidirectional iterators can operate on a list. Class list provides
n" any member functions for manipulating the elements of a list. Important member functions
o th? list class are given in Table 14.12. Use of some of these functions is illustrated in
Program 14.2. Header file <list> must be included to use the container class list.

' f . : i d e o s t r c a wy. yj j ' i f c
i ncl ude <cst dl i b> / / For using rond() function
usi ng namespace st di j j
voi d d1spl ay( 1i st <i nt > &l st )
list<int> :: iterator p;

Introduction to the Standard
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0. 184, 63.
L i s 12
265, 191, 157, 114, 293,
Now Listl
100, 0, 184, 63, 200,
Now List2
191, 157, 114, 293,
Merged unsorted lists
100, 0, 184, 63, 191, 157, 114, 200, 293,
Merged sorted lists
0. 63. 100, 114. 157, 184, 191. 200. 293.
Reversed merged list
293. 200, 191, 184, 157, 114, 100, 63, 0,
The program declares two empty lists, listl with zero length and list2 of size 5. The listl
is filled with three values using the member function push backO and math function
randO. The list2 is filled using a list type iterator p and a for loop. Remember that

// Sorting and merging
cout 'Merged sorted lists \n';

// Reversing a list
cout < "Reversed merged list \n";

V : )

Program 14.2

Output of the Program 14.2 would be:
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list2.begin!) gives Ihe position of the first element while Iist2.cnd() gives the position
immediately after the last element. Values are inserted at both the ends using push front()
and push_back() functions. The function pop_front(> removes the first element in the
list. Similarly, we may use pop_ backO to remove the last element.
The objects of list can be initialized with other list objects like
listA - listl;
listB 1ist2;
The statement
simply adds the list2 elements to the end of listl. The elements in a list may be sorted in
increasing order using sortO member function. Note that when two sorted lists are merged,
the elements are inserted in appropriate locations and therefore the merged list is also a
sorted one.
We use a display!) function to display the contents of various lists. Note the difference
between the implementations of display!) in Program 14.1 and Program 14.2.
Tabic 14.12 Important member functions of the list class

Gives reference to the last element
Gives reference to the first element
Deletes all the elements
Decides if the list is empty or not
Gives reference to the end of the list
Deletes element* as specified
Inserts elements as specified
Merges two ordered lists

Deletes the first element
Adds an element to the end
Adds an element to the front
Removes elements as specified
Modifies the size of the list
Reverses the list
Gives the size of the list
Sorts the list
Inserts a list into the invoking list
Exchanges the elements of a list with those in the invoking list
Deletes the duplicating elements in the list

back! )
begin* )
clear! >
empty* )
end( >
erase! )
insert* )
merge! )
pop^backl )
pop.front! )
push_back! )
push_front* )
remove* )
resize! )

sort! )
splice! >
swap* )
unique! )

A map is a sequence of (key, value) pairs where a single value is associated with each
unique key as shown in Fig. 14.5. Retrieval of values is based on the key and is very fast.
We should specify the key to obtain the associated value.

Fig. 14.5 The key-value pairs in a map
A map is commonly called an associative array. The key is specified using the subscript
operator (1 as shown below:
phonef "John" ] = 1111;
This creates an entry for "John" and associates!i.e. assigns) the value 1111 to it. phone is
a map object. We can change the value, if necessary, as follows:
phone[ "John" J 9999;
This changes the value 1111 to 9999. We can also insert and delete pairs anywhere in
the map using insert( ) and erase( ) functions. Important member functions of the map
class are listed in Table 14.13.

Program 14.13 shows a simple example of a map used as an associative array. Note that
<map> header must be included.
lay 1 ) ----------------------------------------- .
Value 1

") -----------
Value 2

. ^
Value N
Table 14.13 Important member functions of the map class
Function Task
begin* ) Gives reference to the first element
clear* ) Deletes all elements from the map
empty* ) Decides whether the map is empty or not
end* ) Gives a reference to the end of the map
erased > Deletes the specified elements
find* ) Gives the location of the specified element
insert! ) Inserts elements as specified
size* ) Gives the size of the map
swap* Exchanges the elements of the given map with those of the

invoking map
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Function objects are often used as arguments to certain containers and algorithms. For
example, the statement
sort(array, array+5, greater<int>());
uses the function object greater<int>( ) to sort the elements contained in array in
descending order.
Besides comparisons. STL provides many other predefined function objects for performing
arithmetical and logical operations as shown in Table 14.14. Note that there are function
objects corresponding to all the m^jor C++ operators. For using function objects, we must
include <functional> header file.

x ==y
x > y
x >= y
x < y
<= y
x && y
x 11 y
x - y
x % y
- x
x != y
x + y
Note: The variables x and y represent objects of class T
passed to the function object as
Program 14.4 illustrates the use of the function object greater<>( ) in sort( ) algorithm.
include <iostream>
include <algorithru>
include <functional>
using namespace std;
int ma1n()
int xD - {10,50,30,40,20};
int yO - {70,90,60,80};
Table 14.14 STL function objects in <functional>

divides<T> arithmetic
equal_to<T> relational
greater<T> relational
greater_equal<T> relational
less<T> relational
leaa_equal<T> relational
logical_and<T> logical
logical_not<T> logical
logical or<T> logical
minus <T> arithmetic
modulus<T> arithmetic
negate<T> arithmetic
not_equal_to<T> relational
plus<T> arithmetic
multiplies<T> arithmetic

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Output of Program 14.4:
50 40 30 20 10
60 70 80 90
50 40 30 20 10 60 70 80 90
------------------------------------ Mi# ---------------------------------------------
The program creates two arrays x and y and initializes them with specified values. The
program then sorts both of them using the algorithm sort( ). Note that x is sorted
using the function object greater<int>( ) and y is sorted without it and therefore the
elements in x are in descending order. .
The program finally merges both the arrays and displays the content of the merged array.
Note the form of merge0 function and the results it produces.
A collection of generic classes and functions is called the Standard Template
Library (STL). STL components are part of C++ standard library.
< The STL consists of three main components: containers, algorithms, and
<SS> Containers are objects that hold data of same type. Containers are divided into
three major categories: sequential, associative, and derived.

s or t ( x, x*5, gr eat er <i nt >( ) ) ;
Sor t ( y. y*4) ;
f or ( i nt 1- 0; i <5; i *+)
cout xTi ] '
cout " \ n
f or {i nt j=0; j<4; j++)
cout y[ j ]
cout " \ n
i nt z[ 9j ;
ner ge( x. x+5, y. y+4, z) ;
0; i<9; 1+0
cout z[ i ]
cout " \ n";
r et ur n( O) ; I

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| Review Questions
14.1 What is STL? How is it different from the C++ Standard Library? Why is it
gaining importance among the programmers?
14.2 List the three types of containers.
14.3 What is the major difference between a sequence container and an associative
14.4 What are the best situations for the use of the sequence containers?
14.5 What are the best situations for the use of the associative containers?
14.6 What is an iterator? What are its characteristics?
14.7 What is an algorithm? How STL algorithms are different from the conventional
14.8 How are the STL algorithms implemented?
14.9 Distinguish between the following:
(a) lists and vectors
<b> sets and maps
(c) maps and multimaps
(d) queue and deque
(e) arrays and vectors
14.10 Compare the performance characteristics of the three sequence containers.
14.11 Suggest appropriate containers for the following applications:
(a) Insertion at the back of a container.
(b) Frequent insertions and deletion at both the ends of a container.
(c) Frequent insertions and deletions in the middle of a container.
(d) Frequent random access of elements.
14.12 State whether the following statements are true or false.
(a) An iterator is a generalized form of pointer.
(b) One purpose of an iterator is to connect algorithms to containers.
(c) STL algorithms are member functions of containers.
(d) The size of a vector does not change when its elements are removed.
(e> STL algorithms can be used with c-like arrays.
(0 An iterator can always move forward or backward through a container.
sorting algorithms
templatized classes
stack Jl&r : ' -
standard C++ library
using namespace
standard template library
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(g) The member function end<) returns a reference to the last element in the
(h) The member function backt) removes the element at the back of the container.
(i) The sort() algorithm requires a random-access iterator.
(j) A map can have two or more elements with the same key value.
| Debugging Exercises
14.1 Identify the errror in the following program.
include <iostream.h>
include <vector>
define NAMESIZE 40
using namespace std;
class EmployeeMaster
char namefNAMESIZE];
int id;
strcpy(name, ");
id 0;
EmployeeMaster(char name[NAMESIZE], int id)
strcpy(this->name, name);
EmployeeMaster* getValuesFroml)ser()
EmployeeMaster 'temp - new ErrployeeMaster();
cout endl "Enter user name : ";
cin temp->name;
cout endl "Enter user ID : ";
cin temp->id;
return temp;
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void displayRecord()
cout endl "Name : ' name;
cout endl "ID : " id endl;
void main()
vector <EmployeeMaster*> emp;
EmployeeMaster *tenp = new EmployeeMaster();
emp[0]->di splayRecord();
delete temp;
temp new EmployeeMaster('AlanKay", 3);
14.2 Identify the error in the following program.
include <iostream>
include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector <int> vl;
vector <int> v2;
v 2 . p u s h _ b a c k ( 4 0 ) ;
cout"vectors are equal";
cout"vectors are unequal\t";
for(int y=0; y<vl.s1ze(); y++)
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COUt "V2*"v2[y]
return 0;
14.3 Identify the error in the following program.
* i n c l u d e < i o s t r e a m>
# i n c l u d e < l i s t >
void main()
list <1nt> 11;
| Programming Exercises
14.1 Write a code segment that does the following:
(a) Defines a vector v with a maximum sue of 10
(b) Sets the first element of v to 0
(c) Sets the last element of v to 9
(d) Sets the other elements to 1
(e) Displays the contents of v
14.2 Write a program using the find() algorithm to locate the position of a specified
value in a sequence container.
14.3 Write a program using the algorithm countO to count how many elements in a
container have a specified value.
14.4 Create an array with even numbers and a list with odd numbers. Merge two
sequences of numbers into a vector using the algorithm merged. Display the
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14.5 Create a student class that includes a student's first name and his
roll_number. Create five objects of this class and store them in a list thus creating
a phone Jit. Write a program using this list to display the student name if the
roll_number is given and vice-versa.
14.6 Redo the Exercise 14.17 using a set.
14.7 A table gives a list of car models and the number of units sold in each type in a
specified period. Write a program to store this table in a suitable container, and
to display interactively the total value of a particular model sold, given the unit-
cost of that model.
14.8 Write a program that accepts a shopping list of five items from the keyboard and
stores them in a vector. Extend the program to accomplish the following:
(a) To delete a specified item in the list
(b) To add an item at a specified location
(c) To add an item at the end
(d) To print the contents of the vector

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