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International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 4 Issue 9Sep 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 Page 3200

Web data extraction using the approach of
segmentation and parsing

P. Singam
, Prof. P. Pardhi

1# Student M. Tech. ( Comp.Sci. & Engg), 2* Assistant Professor, Comp. Sci. & Engg. Deptt.
R.C.O.E.M., Nagpur (India)

Abstract Given the URLs, automatically extracting the data
from these result pages is very important for many applications,
such as data integration, which need to cooperate with multiple
web databases. In this paper we present a method which can
extract the data of our interest out of the identified data regions,
filter out the unwanted data records and finally put the extracted
data into the table or export to csv files. Extraction procedure
includes segmentation of contiguous as well as non contiguous
data region, filtration of noise, and applying parsers. The
implication of this is improved efficiency and better control over
the extraction procedure. Our experimental results confirmed

Keywords Data region, Data extraction, DOM structure,
Harvesting, Web data.
In the last few years, several works in the
literature have addressed the problem of data
extraction from web pages. The importance of this
problem derives from the fact that, once extracted,
the data can be handled in a way similar to instances
of a traditional database. With the explosion of the
World Wide Web, a wealth of data on many
different subjects has become available on line. This
has opened the opportunity for users to benefit
from the available data in many interesting ways.
Enormous amount of data is stored in open
databases. Most databases retrieve web pages with
structured data objects. The data is important and
useful for many applications: i)Price comparison
engines ii)Collecting individuals information etc..

There are roughly three knowledge discovery
domains that pertain to web mining [8]: Web
Content Mining, Web Structure Mining, and Web
Usage Mining. Web Content Mining is the process
of extracting knowledge from the content of
documents or their descriptions. Web Structure
Mining is the process of inferring knowledge from
the World Wide Web organization and links
between references and referents in the Web.
Finally, Web Usage Mining, also known as Web
Log Mining, is the process of extracting interesting
patterns in Web access logs.
In this paper we have considered web content
mining and addressed the problem of extracting
data from a Web page that contains several
structured data records. Web pages on many Web
sites are produced dynamically as structural records.
The Objective is to segment these data records,
extract data items or fields from them and put the
data in a database table.
There are two algorithms for the data extraction
i.e. Top-down, bottom-up algorithm. On the basis of
these two algorithms, there is a development of
Hybrid algorithm called Bi-Direction Data
Extraction. It can be able to extract and discriminate
the relevance of different repetitive information
contents with respect to the users visual perception
of the web page.
Another method to extract useful information
from web pages is, first, extract URLs from web
pages and then use these extracted URLs to retrieve
next pages via the HTTP request. If all pages are
accessed via URLs, such a data extraction model is
called the URL-oriented data extraction model.

In this paper we are presenting an approach for
automatic web data extraction from web pages for
given URLs .

A Types of Web Pages-

With respect to page content, there are basically
two kinds of pages: those containing semi
structured data and those containing semi structured
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 4 Issue 9Sep 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 Page 3201

text. For example consider the page presented in
figure 1 and 2, which are example of pages
containing semi structured data and semi structured
text, respectively. While pages of first type feature
data items (eg. Names, Price, Category, etc.)
implicitly formatted to be recognize individually
while pages of the second type being free text from
which data item can only be inferred.

Figure 1: Pages containing Semistructured Data

Figure 2: Pages containing Semistructured Text

Regions of the HTML file that contain
description of similar items (data records that
needed to be extracted) are called data region. Each
region doesn't necessary contain one data field and
it may consists of several data fields.

The paper has been organized as follows, section
2 related work section 3 discusses the approaches
and techniques carried out for data extraction,
section 4 gives the details of implementation,
section 5 discusses the result obtained and its
analysis, section 6 is conclusion and 7 is future
implementation followed by refrences.


In [1] this paper proposes a novel approach to
page segmentation, taking advantage of graph
grammars to provide robust page segmentation the
spatial graph grammar (SGG) is used in this
approach to analyze Web interfaces. This approach
interprets a Web page, or any interface page,
directly from its image Image-processing
techniques are used to divide an interface image
into different regions and recognize and classify
atomic interface objects, such as texts, buttons, etc.,
in each region..

In [2] this paper, the data extraction problem has
formulated as the decoding process of page
generation based on structured data and tree
templates. Author propose an unsupervised, page-
level data extraction approach to deduce the schema
and templates for each individual Deep Website,
which contains either singleton or multiple data
records in one Webpage. Authors schema called
FiVaTech, applies tree matching, tree alignment,
and mining techniques to achieve the challenging
task. FiVaTech contains two phases: phase I is
merging input DOM trees to construct the
fixed/variant pattern tree and phase II is schema and
template detection based on the pattern tree.

According to the Authors [3] investigations
development of a lightweight ontological technique
using existing lexical database for English
(WordNet) is able to check the similarity of data
records and detect the correct data region with
higher precision using the semantic properties of
these data records, for aligning iterative and
disjunctive data items. Tests also show that the
wrapper is able to extract data records from
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 4 Issue 9Sep 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 Page 3202

multilingual web pages and that it is domain

A novel data extraction and alignment method
called CTVS that combines both tag and value
similarity is presented [5]. CTVS automatically
extracts data from query result pages by first
identifying and segmenting the query result records
(QRRs) in the query result pages and then aligning
the segmented QRRs into a table, in which the data
values from the same attribute are put into the same

In [6] paper they introduce the webpage
understanding problem which consists of three
subtasks: webpage segmentation, webpage structure
labeling, and webpage text segmentation and
labeling. They segmented a webpage into semantic
blocks and label the importance values of the blocks
using a block importance model. Then the semantic
blocks, along with their importance values, are used
to build block-based Web search engines. These
entities and their relationships are automatically
mined from the text content on the Web.


A web page usually contains various contents
such as navigation, decoration, interaction and
contact information, which are not related to the
topic of
the web-page. Furthermore, a web page often
contains multiple topics that are not necessarily
relevant to each other. The problem of extracting
data from a Web page that contains several
structured data records. The Objective is to segment
these data records, extract data items or fields from
them and put the data in a database table.
We developed a method to extract data from a
given web page. The algorithm first finds regions of
the HTML file that contain description of similar
items (data records that needed to be extracted).
These regions are called data region record. The
second phase of the algorithm is to identify the
noisy data which is then filtered out by passing it
through three filters. The next phase is to identify
data fields in each extracted region. To be able to
find regions of the HTML file that contain a data
record, we first build a DOM tree from the input
HTML file. Then similar adjacent nodes in the
DOM tree are found. The similarity of two nodes is
measured using the number of child and their
structure. All the nodes that are classified as similar
and are adjacent in the DOM tree (i.e. have the
same parent) are considered as the same data region.
The next step of algorithm is to find data fields in
each extracted region. Each region doesn't
necessary contain one data field and it may consists
of several data fields. To be able to extract relevant
field in each region we have designed parsers.

Before performing the extraction process, this
tool turns the document into parse tree a
representation that reflects its HTML tag hierarchy
(DOM structure). Further extraction is done
automatically by applying extraction rule to the
DOM structure.

Figure 3: Segmented page and its equivalent DOM tree

The Document Object Model most often referred
to as DOM is a cross-platform and language
independent convention for representing and
interacting with objects in HTML. The DOM tree
defines the logical structure of documents and the
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 4 Issue 9Sep 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 Page 3203

way a document is accessed and manipulated. It is
constructed based on the organization of HTML
structures (tags, elements, attributes). The HTML
DOM views a HTML document as a tree-structure
(node-tree). Every node can be accessed through the
tree. Their contents can be modified or deleted.
New elements can also be created. In this paper, the
basic approach of web data extraction process is
implemented through the Document Object Model
(DOM) tree. Using a DOM tree is an effective way
to identify a list or extract data from the web page.
Anything found in an HTML document can be
accessed, changed, deleted or added using the DOM
tree. Fig 3. shows an Overview of the DOM Tree
depicting the set of nodes that are connected to one
another. The tree starts at the root node and
branches out to the text nodes at the lowest level of
the tree.

A Web data extraction-
By web data, we mean a content phrase in
HTML that contains the information like phone no,
E-mail address, price etc. when we search J ava on, we may get a simplified result
page like:
<tr><td>Java 2: A Beginner's Guide</td></tr>
<tr><td>Head First Java</td></tr>
<tr><td>[email protected]</td></tr>

The key phrases will be J ava 2: A Beginner's
Guide, Core Java, and abcd@hotmail We will
extract a phrase list for each site we searched.
While extracting the key phrases we faced certain
Issues. These are mainly:

1. Identify the data region.
2. Identify the boundary of data regions.
3. Non contiguous data region.
4. Noisy data regions.
5. Varying structure of web pages.

For handling each of these issues we have
Following Modules:
1. Data region processing.
2. Filtration of Unwanted data region.
3. Extract contents from data region.
4. Parsing the content.
5. Creating records.
Figure 4 below gives the architecture of proposed
model showing the purpose of the each module.

Fig4. Proposed Model


Now the algorithm is discussed here which we
have designed for the process of web data extraction
verifying with the experimental results. Our
algorithm relies on the DOM tree representation of
a web page, and traverses it in a bottom-up fashion
in order to find the data-rich nodes

A Data Region Identification-

For data region identification, objects (node) of
the DOM have considered. We first built the
Document Object Model, which is constructed out
of the body of the HTML page. While constructing
this tree we ignore head tags of the page, since data
is always arranged within the body tags. Each of
these nodes is maintained in a list. For identifying
Data Region
similar to [5] and [10], we compare tag strings of
individual nodes including descendants and
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 4 Issue 9Sep 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 Page 3204

combination of multiple adjacent nodes. Similar
nodes are labeled as data region. Generalized node
is introduced to denote each similar individual node
and node combination. Adjacent generalized nodes
form a data region. Gaps between data records are
used to eliminate false node combinations. It has
been observed that in many query result pages [5]
some additional item that explains the data records,
such as a recommendation or comment, often
separates similar data records. Hence to handle
noncontiguous regions we are maintaining a list of
regions where we are storing the start node and end
node exhibiting similar structure. We match each
node with its sibling, if the mismatch occurs the
next node is considered as the first node of the new
data region and an entry is register in the data
region list. Likewise all the complete page is
traversed and data regions are identified. The data
region identification algorithm discovers data
regions in a top-down manner. Starting from the
root node of resulting DOM tree of the query result
page, the data region identification algorithm is
applied to a node n and recursively to its children.

B Filtration of Unwanted data region.

After identifying the entire possible data region
some of the regions may not content data of our
interest, hence need to be filtered out. We have
designed 3 types of filters 1) Minimum Filter 2)
Blank Filter 3) Script Filters. After identifying all
possible data regions, these data regions are passed
through the filters which filters out unwanted/noisy
data region

Fig:5 Block Diagram for Filter Data Region

C Extract contents from data region and

The contents are then extracted from the
remaining data regions. These extracted contents
are then parsed to identify their labels and stored as
record in csv files. For experimentation we have
designed 3 parsers to identify 1)phone no 2)email id
For creating these parsers we have written regular
expressions which can automatically identify
extracted text as phone number or email id or
price. Similarly we can write regular expression
for identifying labels of other fields. We prefer to
use the natural text segments [5] of a web page as
atomic labeling units. The text features are very
effective in web entity extraction and they are
different for different entity types. For example, for
price entity extraction, below are two example text
the text fragment only contains RS/ $/INR[ and

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 4 Issue 9Sep 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 Page 3205

Fig:6 Block Diagram for Parser

D Algorithms

Web Data Extraction Algorithm
Step 1: Add URL in the list
Step 2: Select the URL from the List
Step 3: Find data regions
Algorithm to Find Data Region

Step 4: Filter out unwanted data regions
Step 5: Extract the contents of the data region
Step 6: Parse the content and assign the labels to
each field
Step 7: Store the extracted data


This section describes the data we used in our
experiments and reports results of the experiments.
The algorithm has been used to conduct
experiments on several sites. All experiments were
conducted on an Samsung Laptopsn equipped with
an Intel Pentium processor working at 2GHz, with
2GB RAM, running Linux and Java NetBeans IDE
We have given 11 sets of experiments. The goal
to examine time constraint of the web harvesting
process for 11 different URLs with varying size f
web pages. Our web harvesting algorithm identify
the data regions and extract phone numbers, email
id and price whichever is present. The experimental
results obtained are given in the table below. Also
we have shown charts for respective results.

File Size DataRegion Filtration Records Parsed Records Total time
(Size) Regions Time Region Time Records Time (seconds)
178658 129 0.692 82 0.003 14 0.052 0.747
209245 184 0.863 124 0.007 14 0.055 0.925
91386 28 0.187 21 0.003 3 0.03 0.22
90123 28 0.17 21 0.003 0 0.029 0.202
233703 111 0.813 75 0.003 14 0.033 0.849
214916 115 0.724 80 0.002 16 0.038 0.764
198625 58 0.466 43 0.001 15 0.02 0.487
349286 135 1.339 79 0.004 3 0.052 1.395
267721 70 0.89 58 0.003 24 0.045 0.938
215093 68 0.58 49 0.003 0 0.031 0.614
Table1:Analysis of performance of different processes with respect to time

Chart1: Showing the results of total time required for extracting data against
the file size.
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 4 Issue 9Sep 2013

ISSN: 2231-2803 Page 3206

Chart2: showing the results of time required for extraction of data region.

Chart3: showing the results of region filtration against required time
We propose a Extractor system which is
able to extract data from various web
sources continually by automating the
entire web data extraction process.
Our approach includes the DOM tree
generation, each time the web page is
traversed its object get created and is
stored in the list.
Since it traverse the entire web page and
stores only the start node and next node
entry, it considerably reduces the required
storage space.
Extractor system allow the users to
efficiently and effectively perform the
task of web data extraction through an
user interactive GUI.
Web harvester is working efficiently with
any varying structure of web pages.
Experimental results on real-life data-
intensive Web sites confirm the feasibility
of the approach.

The work can be extended for extracting
more fields from web pages.
In present approach we didnt consider the
image data we have addressed only text
data hence it can also be included as a part.
The extracted data can be used to populate
big databases.

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