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Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.
!"#$%&# '(%)
!"# $ %& #' (")* &" +#,-.
Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
Invent a New India Using Knowledge
/0)"1 &2 324 #' 5 *)6
Jawaharlal Nehru
Step Out From the Old to the New
7"#1 &" 8+9&"), 7:1 &" 8+9&")
Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan
The Right to Information, The Right to Live
!"# %& ;<" =7"#" > 72 &(: ?0)"@" #AB 7" <&*" A*
Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen
IS 2500-3 (1995): Sampling Inspection Procedures, Part 3:
Attribute Sampling Plans Indexed by Limiting Quality (LQ)
for Isolated Lot Inspection [MSD 3: Statistical Methods for
Quality and Reliability]
IS 2500 (Part 3) : 1995
IS0 2859-2 : 1985
Indian Standard
IS0 Title : Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 2 : Sampling
pians indexed by limiting quality ( LQ ) for isolated lot inspection ]
( First Reprint JULY 1997 )
ICS .No. 03.120.10
0 BIS 1995
NEW DELHI 110002
October 1995 Price Group 9

( Reaffirmed 2004 )
Statistical Methods for Quality and Reliability Sectional Committee, MSD 3
This Indian Standard which is identical with IS0 2859-2 : 1985 Sampling procedures for inspection by
attributes - Part 2 : Sampling plans indexed by limiting quality ( LQ ) for isolated lot inspection, issued
by the International Organization for Standardization ( IS0 ), was adopted by the Bureau of Indian
Standards on the recommendation of the Statistical. Methods for Quality and Reliability Sectional
Committee ( MSD 3 ), and approval of the Management and Systems Division Council.
This standard ( Part 3 ) is third in the series of Sampling Inspection Procedures. The other published
parts are as follows:
Part 1 Attribute sampling plans indexed by acceptable quality level ( AQL ) for lot-by-lot inspection
Part 2 Inspection by variables for percent defective
The text of IS0 2859-2 : 1985 has been approved as suitable for publication as Indian Standard without
deviations. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards. Attention
is particularly drawn to the following:
a) Wherever the words this part of IS0 2859 appear referring to this standard, they should be
read as this part of IS 2500.
b) Comma (J has been used as decimal marker while in Indian Standards the current practice
is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.
In the adopted standard, informative reference appears to IS0 2859/i Sampling procedures for
inspection by attributes -- Part 1: Sampling plans indexed by acceptable quality level ( AQL ) for lot-by-
lot inspection which has been adopted in foto as IS 2500 ( Part 1 ) : 1992 Sampling inspection
procedures: Part 1 Attribute sampling plans indexed by acceptable quality level ( AQL ) for lot-by-lot

IS 2500 (Part 3) : 1995
IS0 2859-2 : 1992
Indian Standard
0 Introduction
0.1 General
IS0 2859 comprises four parts:
Part 0: General introduction.
Part 1 : Sampling plans indexed by acceptable quality level
IAQL) for lot-by-lot inspection.
Part 2: Sampling plans indexed by limiting quality (LO) for
isolated lot inspection.
Part 3: Skip lot sampling plan.
IS0 2859/l sampling plans, indexed in terms of AQL, which is
defined as a process average, were primarily designed for the
assessment of a continuing series of lots. This enables
switchingrules to be employed which not only give protection
to the consumer (by the switch to tightened inspection and
discontinuation where necessary) but also provide an incentive
to the producer Iby the switch to reduced inspection) with a
reduction to test and inspection costs (when consistently good
quality is achieved). However, there is little doubt that in many
industrial situations today the switching rules are not applied
for a variety of reasons or excuses, not all of which may be
valid :
a) individual IS0 2859/l plans are used alone but AQL
protection is still claimed or AQL re-defined, to suit SO-
c&x! unique products;
b) our industry.. product is specia! so IS0 285911 stan-
dard plans need not apply to us;
c) production is intermittent (not continuous);
d) production is from several different sources in varying
quantities, i.e. job lots;
e) purchases are from stock-holders - no source data
f) lots are small (use of hypergeometric distribution re-
g) lots are isolated;
h) lots are resubmitted after initial rejection.
Consequently, in certain of the above cases consumer protec-
tion may need to be attained or measured by other methods.
This part of IS0 2859 uses the limiting quality to measure con-
sumer protection. It should be remembered, however, that
prior information on the suppliers quality assurance system
and its effectiveness may play a major part in deciding whether
or not to accept a single lot.
0.2 Objectives
In an attempt to reconcile the somewhat diverse requests for
assistance made over the past few years by committees of
international standardizing bodies representing various product
sectors, this part of IS0 2859 was drawn up in accordance with
the following principles:
a) the new LQ plans can be easily integrated with the
existing AQL plans in IS0 265911;
b) the LQ indexing uses a preferred series of values that
cannot be confused with the preferred series of AQL values;
c) the five basic numbers associated with a single sampl-
ing plan, i.e. lot size, sample size, acceptance number, AQL
(or quality accepted with probability 0,95) and LQ, appear in
the same table, whenever possible.
0.3 Summary
The problems associated with acceptance sampiing inspection
involve defining unambiguously the criteria used to judge
discrete individual items supplied in quantity, the quality level
expected from the manufacturing process, the discrimination
offered by the plans and the procedure to be followed when a
lot is not accepted. Above all, however, it is necessary to
design the sampling scheme so that it may easily be invoked in
a purchasing contract. The plans in this part of IS0 2859 make
maximum use of the established plans given in IS0 2859/l, so
that sub-clause 12.6 of IS0 2859/l (see 1.1) can be made
directly operational, by providing a rationalized series of plans
indexed in terms of limiting quality (LQ).

IS 25.00 (Part 3) : 1995
IS0 2859.2 : 1992
1 Scope and field of application
;.l Scope
This part of IS0 2859 establishes LQ sampling plans and pro-
cedures for inspection by attributes compatible with IS0 2859/l
that can be used when the switching rules given in IS0
2B59/lare not applied, for example, when lots are of an isolated
The plans in this part of IS0 2859 are indexed by a preferred
series of limiting qualities (LO) with a consumers risk usually
below 10 %, but always below 13 %. This method of indexing
permits the ad-hoc proceduret) mentioned in sub-clause
12.6 of IS0 2859/l to be implemented as a standard procedure.
NOTE - The plans in IS0 2859/l are indexed by a preferred series of
AQL values and inspection levels. During the inspection of a continu-
ing series of lots the application of switching rules helps to ensure that
the process average in that series of lots is kept below the specified
AQL. Limiting quality does not have the same direct relationship with
the process average (see 3.5.1 I.
1.2 Field of application
Alternative procedures are provided in this part of IS0 2859 to
cater for two situations often met in practice:
a) Procedure A, to be used when the supplier and con-
sumer both wish to regard ?he lot in isolation. The tables are
based on random sampling from finite lots for both con-
sumer and producer risks. This procedure shall be used
unless there is a specific instruction to use procedure 8.
b) Procedure 8, to be used when the supplier regards the
lot as one of continuing series but the consumer considers
the lot received in isolation. The tables are based on random
sampling from a finite lot for consumers risk at the limiting
quality, but random sampling from a process for the pro-
ducers risk and the tabulated values of the operating
characteristic (OC) curves. The plans used are a selection of
the plans available in IS0 2859/l so that a producer can
maintain consistent procedures for customers whether or
not they receive individual lots or a continuing series of lots.
This procedure is suitable for inclusion in product standards
or specifications that contain sampling clauses. The
manufacturer will be concerned withall of his production,
but the individual consumer only with the particularlot
The definitions given in IS0 2859/l shall apply.
3 Choice of sampling plan
3.1 Specifying a sampling plan
When reference is made to this part of IS0 2859 in a contract or
specification, it is necessary to specify the procedure to be
used (i.e. either A or Pr. In the absence of any reference to
either procedure, then procedure A shall be used.
3.2 Choice of sampling procedure
Although procedure A is based on the hypergeometric distribu-
tion for sampling results, this distribution is well approximated
by the binomial distribution for plans with non-zero acceptance
numbers in procedure A. Hence the OC curves for these plans
are well approximated by the tabulated performance of the
same plans in procedure B. However, procedure A uses plans
with acceptance number zero and with sample sizes based on
the hypergeometric distribution of sampling results while pro-
cedure B excludes accept zero plans, replacing them with
106 % inspection.
The choice between the procedures is dominated by the at-
titude towards accept zero plans. Procedure A uses accept zero
plans linking the sample size and the lot size by the
hypergeometric distribution until the proposed plan cor-
responds to the accept zero plan in IS0 2859/l corresponding
to that limiting quality. Thereafter the progression of sampling
size and acceptance number with lot size is based on the in-
spection levels available in IS0 2859/l. The overall effect of
procedure A resembles inspection level II for limiting quality
less than 8 % and level I for limiting quality greater than 8 %
with 8 % being intermediate between these levels.
Procedure B provides greater flexibility in the choice of inspec-
tion levels. The tabulated OC curves are based on the prob-
ability of producing a nonconforming unit so they are approxi-
mately correct for small sampling fractions but as the sampling
fraction increases the curves (and tables) underestimate the
probability of acceptance for good quality and underestimate
the probability of rejection for poor quality. For sufficiently
small lots, procedure B requires 100 % inspection.
Both procedures treat the limiting quality (LO) as the actual
percent nonconforming units in the submitted lots and the
probability of acceptance at this limiting quality can be found in
table Dl for procedure A and tables Bl to BlO for procedure B.
Procedure B is indicated as the appropriate procedure if the
manufacturer is concerned with a continuing series of lots;
whether or not these go to the same consumer. Procedure A is
indicated as the appropriate procedure when the lot is a single
lot and shall be used if accept zero plans are required to be part
of the sampling scheme.
3.3 Procedure A (use table A)
A plan is identified by the lot size and the limiting quality (LQ).
With the specified lot size and limiting quality as indexing
values, the sampling size (n) and acceptance number (AC) are
given in table A.
1) IS0 2859/l sub-clause 12.6.2, states: If the lot or batch is OT an isolated nature, it may be desirable to limit the selection of sampling plans to
those, associated with a designated AQL value, that provide not less than a specified limiting quality protection. Sampling plans for this purpose can
be selected by choosing a limiting quality (LO) and a consumers risk to be associated with it. Tables 6 and 7 give process levels for which the
probabilities of lot acceptance under various sampling plans are 10 % and 5 %, respectively. This part of IS0 2859 establishes preferred values for
the LQ and allows the consumers risk tc vary as indicated above.

Although the primary index to these tables is the limiting quality
(LQ), the producer/supplier needs guidance on the quality level
required if lots are to have a high probability of acceptance. In-
formation on the producers risk point is contained in table Dl.
Information on the probability of acceptance of relatively good
lots by accept zero plans is given in table D2.
3.4 Procedure B (use tables B)
A plan is identified by the lot size, limiting quality (LQ) and the
inspection level (unless otherwise specified, level II shall be
The specified limiting quality is used to select the appropriate
table from tables Bl to B10. Within each table the specified lot
size and inspection level indicate the appropriate sample size
(n) and acceptance number (AC). Although the primary index
to the table is the limiting quality (LQ), the producer/supplier
needs guidance on the quality level required if lots are to have a
high probability of acceptance. Each table gives information on
the equivalent AQL and details of the OC curves. The OC
curves are indexed by the sample size code letter used in
IS0 285911 and the acceptance number.
The OC curves given under tables Bl to BIO are based on the
Poisson/binomial distribution; the actual operating charac-
teristic will be more discriminating than these curves by accept-
ing with greater probability when the indicated probability
is > 0,90 and with a smaller probability when the indicated
probability is < 0,lO.
3.5 Choice of parameters for the sampling
3.5.1 Limiting quality (LQI
Unlike the AQL, which provides a guide for the producer on the
level or quality he needs to produce so that he can satisfy the
acceptance criteria (sampling clause) most of the time, the
limiting quality does not provide a reliable guide for the con-
sumer as to the true quality of the accepted lots. For this reason
the limiting quality should be chosen realistically at a minimum
of three times the desired quality.
This enables the producer/supplier to provide lots of the
desired quality and still have a reasonable probability of accep-
tance for the submitted lots, at least for acceptance numbers 3,
5, 10 and 18. For acceptance number 1 plans the lots have to
have a quality better than LQ,, and for acceptance number zero
plans the lots have to be perfect or nearly perfect before the
probability of acceptance rises to 0,95 or greater. The limiting
values are restricted to a set of preferred values and the plans
are intended to be used with these preferred values. If these
plans are introduced where a non-standard limiting quality is
already specified, the plans should be entered with the prefer-
red value (LO) corresponding to the interval containing the
non-standard value (L) listed in column 4 of table C. Columns 2
and 3 of table C contain information on the consumers risk
qualities (CRQ) found in tables Bl to BlO for consumers risks
of 10 % and 5 %.
IS 2500 (Part 3) : 1995
IS0 2859-2 : 1992
The limiting quality has previously been set at 3.5 %. This is
not a preferred value and the tables shall be entered by
using the nominal limiting quality LQ = 3,15 % since
3,5 % lies in the range 2,5 % < LO <4,0 %.
3.5.2 Inspection level
In the IS0 2859/l procedures, increased sample size cor-
responds to a greater protection for the consumer. In this part
of IS0 2859, consumer protection is held approximately cons-
tant and the effect of increasing sample size is to permit the
supplier greater latitude in the permitted process averages. If
the consumer is satisfied by the protection provided against an
occasional poor lot by the nominal limiting quality, then the in-
spection level is primarily of interest to the supplier, especially if
the costs of the sampling inspection are borne by him. A pro-
cess average well below the limiting quality (better quality)
would allow the use of smaller sample sizes. Conversely, if the
consumer is concerned with actual rather than limiting quality,
or if he pays for the sampling costs, then greater inspection
levels are not necessarily advantageous. For this reason, in-
spection level III provided by IS0 2859/l has not been incor-
porated in this part of IS0 2859 for limiting qualities greater
than 5 %. When sampie sizes have to be kept small and other
considerations are secondary, specifying level S-2 has the ef-
fect of providing a fixed sample size for all lot sizes, the sample
size depending only on the limiting quality.
4 Rules for acceptance and non-acceptance
4.1 Sampling
Once the sampling plan has been determined as in clause 3, the
specified sample units shall now be drawn at random from the
lot, and all units in the sample inspected.
4.2 Acceptance
If the number of nonconforming units, or the total number of
nonconformities, found in the sample is equal to or less than
the acceptance number (AC) specified in the plan, the lot shall
be accepted.
4.3 Nonconforming units
Notwithstanding that the lot is accepted, any nonconforming
units found during inspection, whether forming part of the
sample or not, shall be rejected.
4.4 Non-acceptance and resubmission
If the number of nonconforming units found in the sample is
greater than the acceptance number (AC), the lot is unaccep-
table. An unacceptable lot may not be resubmitted for inspec-
tion unless
a) the Responsible Autho* agrees, and
b) all units in the lot have been re-examined or retested
and all nonconforming units have been removed or replaced
by good units or nonconformities have been corrected.

IS 2500 (Part 3) : 1995
IS0 2859-2 : 1992
If the Responsible Authority agrees to the resubmission of an
unacceptable lot, he shall determine the method of acceptance
inspection to be applied (i.e. LO and/or inspection level) and
whether re-inspection shall include all types or classes of non-
conformities or only those that caused the initial rejection.
5 Double and multiple sampling plans
Tables D3 and D4 provide the sample sizes and acceptance pat-
terns for the double and multiple sampling plans in IS0 2859/l
equivalent to the single sampling plans given in tables 61 to
810. The sample size code agrees with that in IS0 285911 and
the acceptance pattern code is the acceptance number in the
correspondingsingle size plans. Since procedure A and pro-
cedure B plans have similar OC curves for non-zero acceptance
numbers, these double and multiple plans can also be used in
procedure A to replace the corresponding single sampling plan.
The user is referred to 11.1.2 and 11.1.3 in IS0 2859/l for the
operation of these double and multiple sampling plans.
6 Examples illustrating how to use this part
of IS0 2659
6.1 A consumer wishes to purchase prepacked sets of 10
screws to include in the self-assembly bookcase kits he plans to
sell. While he prefers each set to contain exactly 10 screws, he
can tolerate 1 % of packs with fewer screws but he does not
want to risk accepting a much higher percentage of deficient
packs. He plans to produce 5 000 kits in lots of 1 250.
The supplier agrees to use procedure A with nominal limiting
quality 3.15 %. For lots of size 1 250, the selected plan has
n = 125, AC = 1.
The supplier offers to provide the packs needed for all 5 000 kits
as a single lot. The new sampling plan has n = 200, AC = 3.
The single lot requires proportionately fewer tested items and
yet the sampling plan still provides a high probability of rejec-
tion for quality as poor as 3,15 %, while increasing the prob-
ability of acceptance for a lot of quality 1 % from O&l to 088.
6.2 The same consumer wishes to purchase the wooden
components of his self-assembly bookcase kit as standard-size,
plastic-faced chipboard panels. The supplier produces these
panels as part of his regular production and regards the 7 500
panels needed for each lot of 1 250 kits as single lots in the
general stream of supply to DIY shops. Scars to the plastic
facing occur with probability 0,025 according to quality control
checks. The consumer can tolerate some scarred panels since
these can be detected and set aside during the processing to
produce the bookcase kit, but he decides that if 5 % of the
panels were scarred this would present problems during the
The consumer and supplier agree that procedure B is ap-
propriate and select nominal limiting quality 5,0 % with inspec-
tion level S-4. The parameters of the sampling plan for a lot size
of 7 500 is n = 80, AC = 1. With this plan the probability of
acceptance with the current process average is less than 0,5. A
lot which is unacceptable has to be 100 % inspected before use
and this high probability of non-acceptance implies inspection
costs larger than desirable.
Inspection level III would have provided a sampling plan with
n = 315 and AC = 10. The current process average would
produce lots with a probability of acceptance greater than 080.
A supplier with a better process average, say 1 %, would ob-
tain a similar probability of acceptance with inspection level
S-4. This illustrates the ability of better suppliers to work with
smaller sample sizes whilst still meeting the same limiting qual-
ity criterion.
7 Compatibility with IS0 2659/l
7.1 General
Within the probability constraints inherent in attribute sam-
pling, the LQ indexed plans standardized in table A and
tables B provide a rationalized selection from the existing AQL
indexed plans of IS0 2859/l. Similar rules for acceptance and
non-acceptance and the IS0 2859/l lot size categories have
also been retained for compatibility. Significant deviations are
given in 7.2 and 7.3.
7.2 Procedure A (see table A)
For unique lots with a relatively high sample size/lot size ratio,
it becomes necessary to use the hypergeometric distribution.
Consequently, there are an additional 39 (AC = 0) plans in
table A for which operating characteristic (OCI curve data is
given in table D2. The remaining 80 plans of table A have been
taken from IS0 285911.
7.3 Procedure B (see tables B)
All the plans in tables B have been selected from IS0 2859/l by
using a sliding scale for the consumers risk (usually below
10 %) at the specified limiting quality (LO). IS0 2859/l inspec-
tion levels are also included (see 3.5.2) but AC = 0 plans have
not been included in tables B, as table A can be used, if
AC = 0 plans are considered essential.

IS 2500 (Part 3) : 1995
IS0 2859-2 : 1992
Tabl e A - Si ngl e sampl i ng pl ans i ndexed by l i mi t i ng qual i ty (LQ) (Procedure A)
Li mi ti ng qual i ty i n percent (LQ)
Lot si ze
0. 5 0, 8 1. 25 2. 0 3, 15 5. 0 8, O 12, 5 20 32
n 25" 17" 13 9 6
16to 25
AC + + +
0 0 0 0 0
n 50" 50" 28" 22 15 10 6
26to 60 + + +
AC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51to 90
" 90" 50 44 34 24 16 10 8
+ - +
AC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
" 150" 90 80 55 38 26 18 13 13
91 to 150
AC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
n 200" 170" 130 95 65 42 28 20 20 13
151 to 280
AC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
n 280 220 155 105 80 50 32 32 20 20
281to 500
AC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3
n 380 255 170 125 125 80 50 32 32 32
501 to 1200
AC 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 5
1201to 3200
n 430 280 200 200 125 125 80 50 50 50
AC 0 0 0 1 1 3 3 3 5 10
n 450 315 315 200 200 200 125 80 80 80
3201to 10000
AC 0 0 1 1 3 5 5 5 10 18
10001 to 35000
n 500 500 315 315 315 315 200 125 125 80
AC 0 1 1 3 5 10 10 10 18 18
35001 to150000
800 500 500 500 500 500 315 200 125 80
AC 1 1 3 5 10 18 18 18 18 18
150001 to500000
n 800 800 800 800 800 500 315 200 125 80
AC 1 3 5 10 18 18 18 18 18 18
> 500000
n 1250 1250 1 250 1250 500 500 315 200 125 80
AC 3 5 10 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
1) When n exceeds the lot size, use 100 % inspection with zero acceptance number.
+ Limiting quality implies less than one nonconforming item in the lot. Use first available plan for higher LQ.

Table Bl - Sampling plans for limiting quality 0.5 %
IS0 2859/l Tabulated values of submitted quality
Lot sizes for inspection levels Single sampling plan Code letter accepted with designated probabilities)
probabilities for
(Normal inspection) (quality as percent nonconforming)
S-l to s-3 s-4 I II III AQL n AC 0,95 0.90 050 0,lO 0,05 max. min.
> 80031 > 8003 > 8003) 8013 to 500 OOCI 8013) to 150 000 0,065 800 1 P 0,044 4 0,066 5 0,210 0,486 0,593 0,091 0,000
>500000 150 001
500006 0.10 1250 3 Q 0,109 0,140 0,294 0,534 0,620 0,129 0,129
>5OOOCO 0,lO 2600 5 R 0,131 0,158 0,284 0,464 0,526 0,966 0,666
1) Probability calculated by the Poisson approximation.
2) The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes are given for each plan.
31 For fewer than 801 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
Operating characteristic curves for single sampling plans
0 (Curves are identified by sample size code)
0,2 O/L 0,6 0,8
0,2 0,C 0,6 0,8
Quality of submitted lots (percent nonconforming)

Table &? - Single sampling plans for limiting quality 0,8 %
0.10 I 0,05 I max. j min.
IS0 285911 Tabulated values of submitted quality
Lot sizes for inspection levels Single sampling plan Code letter accepted with designated probabilities11
INormal inspection) (quality as percent nonconforming)
for limiting
s-1 to s-3 s-4 I II III AQL n AC 0,95 0.90 0.50
> 50031 > 50031 5013) 5013 501 3
to to
ot?l o,1c6 - o,336_
I Ti
150 001
500000 ) 0,171 1 0,218 / 0,459
0,778 0,949 0,091 0,000
I 1 I I
>500000 >15oooo 0.15 1250 5 Q 0,209 0,252 1 0,454
1 Probability calculated by the Poisson approximation.
0,835 0,969 0,118 0,115
0,742 0,841 0,066 0,066
21 The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes are given for each plan.
3) For fewer than 501 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
Operating characteristic curves for single sampling plans
(Curves are identified by sample size code)
Quality of submitted lots lpercent nonconforming)

Table 83 - Single sampling plans for limiting quality 1.25 %
IS0 285Wl
Lot sizes for inspection levels Single sampling plan
(Normal inspection)
S-l t3 s,
>31531 j >31531 3163 3163 31631
I It0 to / to
150001 1 35 001
1) Probability calculated by the Poisson approximation.
Code letter
Tabulated values of submitted quality
accepted with designated probabilitiesl
(quality as percent nonconforming)
probabilities for
0.95 0.90 09 0.10
0.05 max.
M 1.23 / 1,51 0,095
N 1.34 1.55 0,129
P 0,327 0,394 0,709 1,16 1,31 0.066
Q 0,494 0,562 0,853 1.23 1,36 0,089
2) The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes are given for each plan
3) For fewer than 316 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
Operating characteristic curves for single sampling plans
(Curves are identified by sample size code)
Quality of submitted lots (percent nonconforming)

Tal+ 84 - Single sampl i ng pl ans f or l i mi t i ng qual i t y 2.00 %
I S0 2959/l
Single sampling plan
(Normal inspection)
Code letter
Tabulated values of submitted quality
accepted with designated probabilities)
(quality as percent nonconforming)
probabilities for
Lot sizes for inspection levels
sl:,:,:r:,s AQL 1 n AC 0,95 s-4 I II III
> 20031 20131 20131 2013
1) Proba
3 201
10 CQO
10 oocl
10001 -
35 000
1 L 0,178
1 t --/
0,533 1,17 2.12 2,46 0,124 0,111
0,630 1,13 1,86 2.10 0,065 0,061
0,878 1.33 1,93 2.12 0,075 0,073
150 001
~-@j ;ljzz 1 ;ilI
ity calculated by the Poisson approximation.
N 0,523
0,771 P
21 The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes are given for each plan.
3) For fewer than 201 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
Operating characteristic curves for single sampling plans
(Curves are identified by sample size code)
1,o 2,0 3.0 L.0
Quality of submitted lots (percent nonconforming)

Table 87 - Single sampling plans for limiting quality 8.0 %
Lot sizes for inspection levels
IS0 2858/l
Single sampling plan
(Normal inspection1
Tabulated values uf submitted quality
accepted with designated probabilities)
(quality as percent nonconforming)
H 0,712 1.07 3.33 756 9.13 0,083 0,000
J 1.73 2.20 4,57 8,16 939 0,109 0,090
K 269 2,52 454 7.42 8.41 0,059 0,051
L 3.09 3.51 533 7.70 8.48 0,069 0,064
) Probability calculated by the Poisson approximation for code letters K and L. Binomial distribl an for code letters H and J.
21 The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes are given for each plan.
31 For fewer than 51 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
Operating characteristic curves for single sampling plans
(Curves are identified by sainpie size code)
0, 6
Quality of submitted lots (percent nonconforming)

Table 88 - Single sampling plans for limiting quality 12,5 %
S-1 to s-:
> 323
IS0 2869/l
Lot sizes for inspection levels single sampling plan Code letter
lcontrale normal)
s-4 I II III AQL n Ac-
3331 333) 333! 333
to to to to
5OOOQO 10 ooo 12lxl 280 1,5 32 1 G
~5OOooo 10001 1 201 281
to to to
35 ooo 3200 500 2,5 50 3 H
35 001 3 201 501
to to to
500000 10 000 1 200 2.5 80 5 J
>500000 >lOooo >1200 4.0 125 10 K
Tabulated values of submitted quality
accepted with designated probabilities11
(quality as percent nonconforming)
probabilities for
0,95 O,W 1 0,50
1.13 1.67 5.19
2,77 3.54 7.30
3.32 3.98 7,M
4.94 5,62 8,53
1) Probability calculated by the Poisson approximation for code letter K. Binomial distribution for code letters G, H and J.
2) The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes are given for each plan.
3) For fewer than 33 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
Operating characteristic curves for single sampling plans
(Curves are identified by sample size code)
Quality of submitted lots (percent nonconforming)

Table B9 - Single sampling plans for limiting quality 20.0 %
Lot sizes for inspection levels
S-1 to s-3 s-4 I II III
>203 213 213) 213 2131
to to to to
35 ooo 1200 500 150
35 001 1 201 501 151
to to to to
500000 10 000 1206 280
/>35OOc1 >32Ocl >500
1 I Probability calculated by the binomial distribution.
IS0 286!l/l
Single sampling plan
(Normal inspection)
Code letter
2.5 20 1 F
4,O 32 3 G
4.0 50 5 H
6,5 80 10 J
3) For fewer than 21 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
Operating characteristic curves for single sampling plans
(Curves are identified by sample size code)
Tabulated values of submitted quality
accepted with designated probabilities
(quality as percent nonconforming)
0,95 0.90 0.50 0,lO WJ5
probabilities for
max. min.
160 269 8,25 18,l 21.6 0,069 0,000
4.39 556 11.4 19.7 22.5 0,093 0,072
5.34 6.42 11.3 17.8 19.9 0,046 0,037
7.91 8.95 13.3 18.6 20.3 0,066 0,049
2) The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attainedfor permitted lot sizes are given for each plan.
Quality of submitted lots (percent nonconforming)

Table BlO - Single sampling plans for limiting quality 32.0 %
Lot sizes for inspection levels
IS0 2859/l
Single sampling plan
(Normal inspection)
Code letter
Tabulated values of submitted quality
accepted with designated probabilities
(quality as percent nonconforming)
probabilities for
S-l to s-3 S-4 I II Ill AQL II AC 095 0.90 0.50 0.10 0.05 max. min.
> 133 143 143 1431 143)
to to to to
3Mo 500 280 90 4.0 13 1 E 2.81 4.16 12.6 26,8 31.6 0,047 0,000
3201 501 281 91
to to to to
35000 1200 500 156 6.5 20 3 F 7.13 9.03 18.1 30.4 34.4 0,077 0,062
35 001 1 201 501 151
to to to to
500000 10 000 1200 280 6.5 32 5 G 8.5 10,2 17.5 27,l 30,l 0,031 0,022
>5OOooo >lOOOO >1200 >280 10.0 50 10 H 12.9 14.5 21.2 29.1 31,6 0,044 0,042
1 I Probability calculated by the binomial distribution.
2) The exact acceptance probabilities calculated from the hypergeometric distribution vary with lot size, the maximum and minimum values attained for permitted lot sizes are given for each plan.
3) For fewer than 14 in the lot, 100 % inspect the lot.
Operating characteristic curves for single sampling plans
(Curves are identified by sample size code)
Quality of submitted lots (percent nonconforming)

IS 2500 (Part 3) : 1995
IS0 2859-2 : 1992
Table C - Relation between limiting quality (LQ) and consumers risk quality (CRQ)
Preferred value of
limiting quality (LQ)
Corresponding range of CRQ
in tables Bl to BlO
(at 10 % consumers risk)
0,5 0.46 < CRQ < 054
0,8 0.74 < CRQ i 0.84
1.25 1.16 < CRQ < 1.34
2.0 166 < CRQ < 2.12
3.15 2.94 < CRQ < 3.34
5,O 4.64 < CRQ < 5,35
8.0 7.42 < CRQ < 8,16
12.5 11,3 < CRQ < 12.9
20.0 17,8 < CRQ < 19,7
32.0 26.8 < CRQ < 30.4
Corresponding range of CRQ
in tables Bl to BlO
(at 5 % consumers risk1
Corresponding interval)
for non-standard value
of limiting quality IL)
0.52 < CRQ < 0.62
0.84 < CRQ < 0,97
1.31 < CRQ < 1,55
2.10 < CRQ < 2,46
334 < CRQ < 3.88
5,26 < CRQ < 6.20
8.41 < CRQ < 9.39
12,7 < CRQ < 14.8
19.9 < CRQ < 22.5
30.1 < CRQ < 34.4
0.4 < L < 0.65
0,65<L< 1,0
1,0 < L < 1.6
1,6 < L < 2.5
2.5 < L < 4,0
4.0 < L < 6.5
6.5 < L < 10.0
10,o < L < 15,0
15,0 < L < 25,5
25,0 < L < 40,O
1) These plans are intende o be used with the preterred sehes of limlttng qualltres. If these plans are Introduced where a non-standard limiting
quality is already specified, the plans should be entered with the preferred value (LQ) corresponding to the interval containing the non-standard
value (Ll.

Table Dl .- Summary oi sampling plan properties for procedure A
Sample size/acceptance No. (~/AC)
Probability of acceptance at the limiting quality 1) (PLQ)
Percent nonconforming (p)
Probability of acceptance at quality (p)
Each cell in the table shows the consumers risk (PLQ) and the droducers risk point (p, P,).
151 to 293 I nspect 170/ o 0, 102 130/ O 0, 095 95/ o 0, 069 65/ O 0. 090 42/ O 0, 097 28/ O 0.0% 20/O 0,062 20/ l 0. 062 1311 0. 044
every i tem 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 1. 79 0. 96 296 0. 96
26ttom y/ o y, y y0 ; y A5670 yl i mpl o y$92 r/ o 0061 l ' . 50/ O 0067
l ' .
32/ o 0066 l ' . 3211 0, 071 20/ l 0. 065 Ml 3 0. 072
o o 1 o. 0. 97 166 0. 95 7. 20 0. 95
31to1200 380/ O 0. 101 256/ o 0, 098 im/o 0.100 125/ O 0, 069 12511 0, 061 @J / l 0, 079 50/ l 0, 078 32/ l 0, 075 3213 0. 090 3215 0, 029
o 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0, 250 0. 97 0, 417 0. 96 0, 667 0. 96 1. 06 0. 95 4. 42 0. 95 8. 50 0. 95
12cnto 430/ o 0, 099 260/ O 0, 635 2WO 0, 074 MO/ l 0. 083 12511 0, 088 12513 0, 119 69/ 3 0, 106 5013 0, 112 5015 0, 047 50/ 10 0, 042
3203 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0, 188 0. 95 0, 281 0. 95 1. 13 0. 95 1. 75 0. 95 2, 76 0. 95 538 0. 95 12. 9 0. 95
3201to 450/ o 0, 059 315/ o 0, 076 315/ l 0, 091 200/ l 0. 697 200/ 3 0, 120 2cKr/ 5 0, 061 125/ 5 0, 056 8015 0, 056 80110 0, 056 80/ 18 0, 041
10000 0, 010 0. 96 0, 010 0. 97 0, 110 0. 96 0, 180 0. 95 0, 690 0. 95 1. 32 0. 95 2. 12 0. 95 332 0. 95 7. 92 0. 95 16. 1 0. 95
10 001 to 500/ o o. OKJ 500/ l 0, 069 315/ l 0, 094 31513 0, 123 315/ 5 0, 066 315/ 10 0, 080 2al / l O 0, 069 125, ' l O 0, 077 125/ 18 0, 069 60118 0, 041
35000 0, 009 0. 96 0, 071 0. 95 0, 111 0. 95 0, 437 0. 95 0, 834 0. 95 1. 97 0. 95 399 0. 95 5. 01 0. 95 10. 2 0. 95 16. 1 0. 95
36001to 800/ l 0, 090 500/ l 0, 090 50013 0, 128 500/ 5 0, 665 500/ 10 0, 083 500118 0, 086 315/ 18 0, 077 260/ 18 0, 078 125118 0, 069 80/ 18 0. 04~
150000 0, 044 0. 95 0, 071 0. 95 0, 273 0. 95 0, 524 0. 95 1. 23 095 2. 50 0. 95 3. 99 096 6, 31 0% l o, 2 0. 95 16. 1 0. 95
156cQ1to am/ l 0, 091 80013 0, 118 609/ 5 0, 060 &Xl / 10 0, 075 800118 0, 062 500/ 18 0, 096 315118 0, 077 266118 0, 078 125118 0, 069 80/ 18 0. 041
500 WO 0, 044 095 0,170 0. 96 0, 328 0. 95 0, 771 0. 95 1. 56 0. 95 2, x 0. 95 399 0. 95 6. 31 0. 95 10. 2 0. 95 16. 1 0. 95
>500000 1250/ 3 0, 129 1250/ 5 0, 066 1250/ 10 0. 089 1250/ 18 0, 090 800118 0, 082 503/ 18 0. 086 315/ 18 0, 077 2@3/ 18 0, 078 125/ 18 0, 069 60118 0, 041
0, 109 0. 95 0, 209 0, s 0, 494 0. 95 1. 00 0. 95 1. 56 0. 95 2. 50 0. 95 399 0. 95 6. 31 0. 95 10. 2 0. 95 16. 1 0. 95
1) Thestated probabi l i tyof acceptancei sthe maxi mumf orl otsof l i mi ti ng qual i tyi nthesi ze rangeandthe mi ni mumf orl otswi th percent nonconforming p. These probabilities are based on the
hypergeometric distribution. The producers risk is (p, PJ, the consumers risk point is (LQ. PLQ).
21 No lot in this size range can be of limiting quality since this implies a fractional number of nonconforming.
91 to 150 inspect 90/O 80/ o 0, 099 55/ o 0, 103 38/ O 0, 103 26/ O 0, 092 18/ O 0, 077 13/ o 0. 046 13/ l 0, 041
every it&n 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 0 1. 0 2. 67 0. 96

IS 2500 (Part 3) : 1995
IS0 2859-2 : 1992
Table D2 - Selected hypergeometric data for OC cur&s for zero acceptance plans
A sample of size n is drawn from a lot containing R nonconforming items. The lot is accepted if there are nonconforming items in the
sample (AC = 0). the probability of acceptance for the lot (fs) is shown below for the minimum and maximum lot sizes in the lot size
range and the various sampling plans n/O (printed in bold type).
Lot size
601 l ax
R pa pa
0 1. 00 1. 00
1 0. 24 0. 66
2 0. 06 0. 47
3 0. 01 0. 32
4 0. 00 0. 22
5 0. 00 0. 15
6 0. 00 0. 10
6 0. 00 0. 05
Lot size
1201 32ul
f z pa pa
0 1. 00 1. 00
1 0. 64' 0. 67
2 0. 41 0. 75
3 0. 26 0. 65
5 0. 11 0. 49
7 0. 04 0. 36
16 0. 00 0. 10
21 0. 00 0. 05
Lot size
3201 1000
p pa pa
0 1. 00 1. M)
1 0. 66 0. 96
2 0. 74 0. 91
3 0. 63 0. 67
15 0. 10 0. 50
20 0. 05 0. 40
50 0. 00 0. 10
65 0. 00 0. 05
Lot size
10001 3500
R pa pa
0 1. 00 1. 00
1 0. 95 0. 99
2 0. 90 0. 97
3 0. 66 0. 93
45 0. 10 0. 52
58 0. 05 0. 43
El 0. 00 0. 10
06 0. 00 0. 05
3.15 5.0
Lot size Lot size Lot size
501 1200
R Pa Pa
0 1. 00 1. 00
1 0. 49 0. 79
2 0. 24 0. 62
3 0, 12 0. 49
4 0. 06 036
5 0. 03 0. 30
10 0. w 0. 09
13 0. w 0. 04
501 12a
s pa pa
0 1. 00 l . Oc
1 0. 66 0. 86
2 0. 44 0. 74
3 0. 29 0. 63
6 O, ul 0. 40
7 0. 05 0. 34
5 0. 00 0. 10
9 0. w 0. 05
- r-
501 1m
R pa pa
0 l . Gu 1. 00
1 0. 75 0. 90
2 0. 56 0. 80
3 0. 42 0. 72
6 0. 10 0. 41
10 0. 05 0. 33
20 0. 00 0. 11
27 0. W 0. 05
Lot size
1201 3200
R Pa Pa
0 1, ccl 1. 00
1 0. 77 0. 91
2 0;59 0.63
3 . 0. 45 0. 76
9 0. 09 0. 44
11 0. 05 0. 36
25 0. 00 0. 10
33 0. 00 0. 05
Lot size
3201 1om
R Pa Pa
0 1. 00 1. 00
1 0. 90 0. 97
2 0. 81 0. 94
3 0. 73 0. 91
22 0. 10 0. 49
29 0. 05 0. 39
72 0. 00 0. 10
93 0. 00 0. 05
Lot size
7 pa pa
0 1. 00 1. 00
1 0. 63 0. 94
2 0. 69 0. m
3 0. 56 0. 62
3 0. 09 0. 43
6 0. 05 0. 36
5 0, Ou 0. 10
6 0. W 0. 06
Lot size Lot size Lot size
91 150 91 150 91 150
t pa pa R pa pa R pa pa
0 1. 00 1. 00 0 1. 00 1. 00 0 1. 00 1. 00
1 0. 01 0. 40 1 0. 12 0. 47 1 0. 40 0. 63
2 0. 00 0. 16 2 0. 01 0. 22 2 0. 15 0. 40
3 0. 00 0. 06 3 0. 00 0. 10 3 0. 06 0. 25
4 0. 00 0. 02 4 0. 00 0. 05 4 0. 02 0. 16
5 0. 00 0. 01 5 0. 00 0. 02 5 0. 01 0. 10
6 0. 00 0. 00 6 0. 00 0. 01 6 0. 00 0. 06
7 0. 00 0. 00 7 0. 00 0. 00 7 u, Gu 0. 04
60/o 44/o 34/Q
Lot size Lot size Lot size
51 90 51 90 51 90
R pa pa R pa pa R pa pa
0 1. 00 1. 00 0 1. 00 1. 00 0 1. 00 1. 00
1 0. 02 0. 44 1 0. 14 0. 51 1 033 0. 62
2 0. 00 0. 19 2 0. M 0. 26 2 0. 11 0. 36
3 0. 00 0. 08 3 0. 00 0. 13 3 0. 03 0. 24
4 0. 00 0. 04 4 0. 00 0. 06 4 0. 01 0. 14
5 0. 00 0. 01 5 0. 00 0. 03 5 0. 00 0. 09
6 0. 00 0. 01 6 0. 00 0. 02 6 0. 00 0. 05
7 0. 00 0. 00 7 0. 00 0. 01 7 0. 00 0. 03
38/ Q
Lot size
91 150
R pa pa
0 1. 00 1. 00
1 0. 56 0. 75
2 0; 34 ok6
3 0. 19 0. 41
4 0. 11 0. 31
5 0. 06 0. 23
6 0. 01 0. 09
10 0. 00 0. 05
Limiting t quality (LQ)
Lot size
26 50
R pa pa
1 Ei
2 0: 19
3 0. 08
4 0. 03
6 0.01
s 0.00
7 0. 00
8,J 12.5
17/Q 13/o
Lot size Lot size
16 25 16 25
R Pa Pa R P, Pa
0 1. 00 0 1. 00 1. 00
1 0. 32 1 0. 19 0. 46
2 0. 09 2 0. 03 0. 22
3 0. 02 3 0. 00 0. 10
4 0. 01 4 0. 00 0. 04
z 0. 00 6 5 0. 00 0. 00 0. 01 0. 01
7 i . : 7 0. 00 0. M)
22/ o 15/O
Lot size Lot size
26 50 2% 50
R pa Pa R Pa "a
0 1. 00 1. 00 0 1. 00 1. 00
1 0. 15 0. 56 1 0. 42 0. 70
2 0. 02 0. 31 2 0. 17 0. 49
3 0. 00 0. 17 3 0. 06 0. 33
4 0. 00 0. 09 4 0. 02 0. 23
5 0. 00 0. 05 5 0. 01 0. 15
6 0. 00 0. 02 6 0. 00 0. 10
7 0. 00 0. 01 6 0. 00 0. 04
24/O 16/O
Lot size Lot size
51 90 51 90
R pa pa R pa pa
0 1. 00 1. 00 0 1. 00 1, oo
1 0. 53 0. 73 1 0. 69 0. 62
2 0. 26 0. 54 2 0. 47 0. 67
3 0. 14 0. 39 3 0. 31 0. 55
4 0. 07 0. 26 6 0. 09 0. 30
5 0. 03 0. 20 6 0. 04 0, l S
7 0. 01 0. 10 11 0. 01 0. 10
9 0. 00 0. 05 14 0. 00 0. 05
26/O 16/O
Lot size Lot size
91 150 91 150
R pa Pa R Pa Pa
0 1. 00 1. 00 0 1. 00 1. 00
1 0. 71 0. 63 1 0. 60 0. 66
2 0. 51 0. 66 2 0. 64 0. 77
3 0. 36 0. 56 3 0. 51 0. 66
7 0. 09 0. 26 10 0. 10 0. 27
6 0. 06 0. 21 13 0. w 0. 16
12 0. 01 0. 09 17 0. 02 0. 10
15 0. 00 0. 05 27 0. 00 0. 05
Lot size Lot size
16 25 16 25
R Pa Pa R "a Pa
0 1. 00 1. 00 0 1. 00 1. a
1 0. 44 0. 64 1 0. 63 0. 71
2 0. 16 0. 40
3 0. 06 0. 24
; $;
4 0. 02 0. 14 4 0: 12
; ;
, :
0. 3
5 0. 00 0. m 5 0. 06 0. z
6 0. 00 0. 05 7 0. 01 0. 11
7 0. 00 0. 02 9 0. 00 OS?!
10/O 6/O
Lot size Lot size
26 50 26 50
R Pa Pa R Pa Pa
0 1. 00 l sm 0 1. 00 1. a
1 0. 62 0. 80 1 0. 77 o, ti i
2 0. 37 0. 64 2 0. 56 0. 7
3 0. 22 0. 50 3 0. 44 0. 61
4 0. 12 0. 40 7 0. 12 0. 31
6 0. 03 0. 24 9 0. 05 0. a
9 0, Ou 0. 11 15 0. 00 0. v
12 0. 00 0. 05 19 0. 00 o, o!
IO/O 610
Lot size Lot size
51 90 51 90
R Pa Pa R Pa f ' .
0 1. 00 1. 00 0 1. 00 l . l n
1 0. 80 0. 99 1 0. 84 0. 9
2 0. 64 0. 79 2 0. 71 0, K
3 0. 51 0. 70 3 0. 59 0. 7!
10 0. 09 0. 29 12 0. 10 0. x
12 0. 05 0. 22 15 0. 05 0. 2
16 0. 01 0. 09 22 0. 01 O, l (
22 0. 00 0. 05 27 0. 00 O, O!
Lot size
. Sl 150
R Pa Pa
0 1. 00 1. 00
1 0. 55 0. 91
2 0. 73 0. 63
3 0. 63 0. 76
14 0. 10 0. 26
17 0. 05 0. 20
23 0. 02 0. 10
30 0. 00 0. 05

IS 2500 (Part 3) : 1995
ISO 2859-2 : 1992
Table D2 - Selected hypergeometric data for OC curves for zero acceptance plans (concluded)
Limiting quality (LQ)
0.5 O,8 1,25 2.0 3,15 5,O 8.0 12,5
17010 130/o 95/O 65/O 42/O 20/O M/O
Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size
151 260 151 280 151 280 151 2&l 151 280 151 280 151 280
R pa "a R Pa Pa R Pa pa R pa "a R Pa Pa R Pa Pa R f ' a Pa
0 1. 00 0 1. 00 1, oo 0 1. 00 1. 00 0 1. 00 1. 00 0 1. 00 l , oo 0 l , oo 1, oo 0 1. 00 1. 00
1 0. 33 1 0. 14 0. 54 1 0. 37 0. 66 1 0. 57 0. 77 1 0. 72 0. 65 1 0. 61 0. 90 1 0. 67 0. 93
: 0. 15 0. 06 2 3 0. 02 0. 00 0. 29 0. 15 2 3 0. 14 0. 06 0. 44 0. 29 2 3 0. 32 0. 18 0. 45 0. 59 2 3 0. 52 0. 72 2 3 0. 66 0. 61 2 3 0. 75 0. 66
0. 37 0. 61 0. 54 0. 73 0. 65 0. 80
4 0. 02 4 0, Gl J 0. 09 4 0. 02 0. 19 4 0. 10 0. 35 7 0. 10 0. 32 11 0. 10 0. 31 15 0. 11 0. 32
5 0. 01 5 0. 00 0. 04 5 0. 01 0. 12 5 o, ce 0. 26 9 0. 05 0. 23 14 0. 05 0. 22 20 0. 05 0. 22
6 0. 00 6 0. 00 0. 02 6 0. 00 0. 09 9 0. 01 0. 09 14 0. 01 0. 10 21 0. 01 0, l O 29 0. 01 0. 10
7 0. 00 7 0. 00 0. 01 7 0. M) 0. 05 11 0. 00 0. 05 18 0, oO 0. 05 27 0. 00 0, 05 36 0, OO 0. 05
280/O 220/O 155/o 105/O 80/O 50/O 32/O
Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size Lot size
281 500 261 5al 261 5co 281 500 261 500 261 5cm 261 mo
R pa Pa R Pa P, R Pa Pa R Pa pa R pa
Pa R P, Pa R Pa Pa
0 1, al 1. 00 0 1. 00 1. 00 0 l . oo 1. 00 0 1. 00 1. 00 0 1. 00 1. 00 0 l . oo 1. 00 0 1. 00 1. 00
1 0. 00 0. 44 1 0. 22 0. 56 1 0. 45 0. 69 1 0. 63 0. 79 1 0. 72 0, 64 1 0. 62 0. 90 1 0. 69 0. 94
2 0, Gu 0. 19 2 0. 05 0. 31 2 0. 20 0. 46 2 0. 39 0. 62 2 0. 51 0. 71 2 0. 66 0. 61 2 0. 76 0. 66
3 0, Gu 0. 08 3 0. 01 0. 17 3 0. 09 0. 33 3 0. 24 0. 49 3 0. 36 0. 59 3 0. 55 0. 73 3 0. 69 0. 62
4 0. 00 0. 04 4 OSQ 0. 10 4 0. W 0. 23 5 0. 09 0. 31 7 0. 09 0. 29 12 0. 09 0. 28 18 0. 11 0. 30
5 0. 00 0. 02 5 0. 00 0. 05 5 0. 02 0. 15 6 0. 06 0. 24 9 0. 05 0. 21 15 0. 05 0, 20 24 0. 05 0. x)
6 0. 00 0. 01 6 0. 00 0. 03 6 0. 01 0. 11 10 0. 01 0. 09 13 0. 01 0. 10 21 0. 01 0. 10 33 0. 01 0. 10
7 0. 00 0. 00 7 0. 00 0. 02 6 0. 00 0. 05 13 0. 00 0. 04 17 0. 00 0. 05 26 0. 00 0. 05 43 0. 00 0. 05
20,o 32,0

IS 2500 (Part 3) : 1995
IS0 2859-2 : 1992
Table D3 - Equivalent sample sizes for single, double and multiple sampling plans
l- Sample size code letter and cumulative sample sizes 1 in accordance with IS0 2959/l
1 000
1 500
2 000
3 500
1) For double and multiple sampling pians, the tabulated entries are the cumulative sample sizes. In each case the successtve stages ot sampkng take
a fresh sample equal in size to that taken in the first stage. This sample is aggregated with the samples from previous stages and the combined sample
is then tested by the criterion in table 04
Type of
sampling plan
13 20
1st 8 13
2nd 16 26
1st 3 5
2nd 6 10
3rd 9 15
4th 12 20
5th 15 25
6th 18 30
7th 21 35
80 125 200
315 500 800 1250
200 315
400 630
20 32 50 80 125
40 64 100 160 250
60 96 150 240 375
80 128 200 320 500
100 160 250 406 625
120 192 300 460 750
140 224 350 560 875
1 260
1 575
2 205
1 000
1 200
1 400
Table D4 - Equivalent acceptance numbers for single, double and multiple sampling plans
Type of
sampling plrin
Approximate relative
sample sizes
at each stage
1 18 19 1 2 3 4
0 2 1 4
1 2 4 5
2 0 3
0 2 1 4
0 3 2 5
1 3 3 6
1 3 4 6
2 3 6 7
9 14
23 24
4 0 5 1 8
1 5 3 8 6 12
2 6 6 10 11 17
3 7 8 13 16 22
5 8 11 15 22 25
7 9 14 17 27 29
9 10 18 19 32 33
Discrimination ratio
(Procedure B) P,,lP9,
Probability of acceptance at AQL
(Procedure BI
1) These relative samples are approximate only. The exact values are given in table D3 for each sample size code letter.
2) This acceptance number is only used in procedure A.
3) Acceptance of the lot is not permitted on the samples examined.

IS 2500 (Part 3) : 1995
IS0 2859-2 : 1992
Table D5 - Correspondence between lot sizes, AQL values in IS0 2669/l and LQ values
(Inspection levels I and II, procedure Bl
Lot size
Use Sample
code letter11 size
AQL values in IS0 2959/l for limiting qualities lLQl2
Li ng quality ILQI lmiti
1 :
3, i !
1 12,5 20.0 32.0
2 to 90
91 to 150
151 to 280
281 to 500
501 to 1 200
1 201 to 3 200
3 201 to 10 000
10 001 to 35 000
35001 to 15Oooo
150061 t0500000
0.15 0.40
1500 0.10 0.25 0.40
800 0.15 0,25 0.65
I 4.0
2.5 6.5
4.0 6.5
4.0 10.0
t 6.5
1.0 2,5
1.5 2.5
1.5 4.0
0.40 1.0
0.65 1.0
0.65 1.5
re and sample size is determined by the inspection level. The sample size code letter to use is indicated by the
given inspection level, usually up one row for level I and down one row for level Il.
1) The correspondence between
head of the arrow corresponding
2 When no AQL value appears in the table for a selected code letter and LQ value, an arrow will indicate that the sample size has to be increased if it
points downwards and decreased if it points upwards. The sample size and AQL value to be used correspond to the entrv at the head of the arrow
When thus sample size is greater than the lot size all items in the lot have to be inspected.
Table D6 - Correspondence between lot sizes and sample size code letters
(Inspection levels S-l to S-4 and I to III, procedure B)
Lot size
Special inspection levels General inspection levels
S-l and S-2 I s-3 I s-4 I I II I III
2 to 90 E E E E E F
91 to 150 E E E E F G
151 to 280 E E E E G H
281 to 500 E E E F H J
501 to 1200 E E F G J K
1201 to3200 E E G H K L
3 201 to 10 000 E F G J L M
10 001 to 35 000 E F H K M N
35001 to150000 E G J L N P
150001 to500000 E G J M P 0
>500000 E H K N Q R
NOTE - The sample size code letter indicates the appropriate row in table D5; it does not always indicate the sample size to be used directly since this
can depend on the limiting quality. Levels S-l and S-2, for example, give sample sizes independent of lot size but dependent on limiting quality.
ranging from 13 to 800.

Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of I ndian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality ccrtifidtion of goods, and
attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS.
Review of Indian Standards
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of BIS Handbook and Standards Monthly Additions.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot: No. MSD 3 (106)
Amend No.
Amendments Issued Since Publication
Date of Issue Text Affected
Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 Telegrams: Manaksanstha
Telephones: 323 0131,323 33 75,323 94 02 (Common to all offices)
Regional Offices: Telephone
*Central : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
NEW DELHI 110002
Eastern :
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323 76 17;323 38 41
337 84 99,337 85 61
337 86 26,337 9120
60 38 43
60 20 25
235 02 16,235 04 42
235 15 19,235 23 15
832 92 95,832 78 58
832 78 91,832 78 92
printed at Simco Printing Press, Delhi, India

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