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Kinematics Extra Study Questions

Short Answer

1. Estimate the number of seconds in a year.

2. Estimate the volume of water in a round reservoir approximately 1 km in diameter, if the average depth of the
water is 15 m.

3. Approximately how many ping-pong balls with a radius of 1.8 cm could you put in a classroom whose
dimensions are 18 m 11 m 4 m?

4. A student measures the acceleration due to gravity and finds it to be 9.72 m/s
. What is his percent error, if the
accepted value is 9.81 m/s

5. You estimate that the maximum possible error of an equal-arm balance is 0.01 g. What is the possible percent
error when you use this balance to measure each of the following masses?
(a) 700 g
(b) 20 g
(c) 3 kg
(d) 1.0 g

6. When determining Plancks constant, a students measurements produce values of 5.78 10
Js and 7.29
Js. If the accepted value is 6.63 10
Js, what is
(a) the percent difference for the measured values?
(b) the percent error for each value?

7. A twelve-slit strobe disc is rotated at the highest stopping frequency for a vibrating object. The strobe is
rotated at 4.0 Hz.
(a) What is the period of the vibrating object?
(b) If every second slit is covered with tape, how fast would the strobe now have to be rotated to stop the
same object?

8. A disc stroboscope contains four open slits and is turned six times in 10 s. What is the interval between
successive glimpses, seen through the stroboscope?

9. An eight-slit strobe is rotated 20 times in 9.0 s, stopping the waves in a ripple tank.
(a) How would you check to make sure that you are rotating the strobe at the highest stopping frequency?
(b) What is the frequency of the waves?

10. A twelve-slit strobe stops the rotation of an electric drill when the strobe rotates 24 times in 10.0 s. If this is
the highest stopping frequency, what is the rate of rotation of the drill, in revolutions per minute?

11. A ten-slit stroboscope was rotated at a constant rate for 20.0 s. It was used to determine that the period of a
spinning motor shaft was 0.025 s. How many rotations did the stroboscope make during the 20 s interval?

12. A six-slit stroboscope is rotated at the highest stopping frequency of 2.5 Hz for the blade of a food
(a) What is the period of the processor blade?
(b) If every second slit on the strobe is taped closed, how fast must the strobe be rotated in order to be at the
highest stopping frequency for the same food processor table?

13. Determine the proportion for each of the following tables of values.
2 100
8 200
50 500
200 1000

3 120
6 60
9 40
12 30

2 90
54 270
16 180
250 450

6 5
12 20
18 45
42 245

7 800
35 32
28 50
70 8

2 3
4 24
6 81
8 192

14. In the following table of results, determine the relationship between F and r, using graphical techniques.
r 1 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0
F 10 6.9 3.1 1.7 1.1

15. A slider that starts from rest and slides down an inclined air track covers the distances d in the times t. Using
graphical methods, determine the relationship between d and t.
t 0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
d 0 12.8 20.0 28.8 39.2

16. An experiment is performed to find the relationship between two physical quantities, B and A. The following
data is obtained.
A 100 64 49 36 25 16
B 1.99 1.59 1.39 1.19 1.00 0.80

Determine the relationship between B and A.

17. The force of air resistance (F) on a moving body is related to the speed of the body (v) by the proportion F
. If the speed triples, how many times greater is the force?

18. A cylindrical water tank holds 1.0 10
L of water. How much would it hold if all of its dimensions were
doubled? The volume of a cylinder is given by .

19. The equation describing the displacement of a uniformly accelerating object starting from rest is d = 0.5 at
where d is the displacement, a is the acceleration, and t is the time interval. An object travels 100 m in 10 s
when its acceleration is 2.0 m/s
. What is its displacement if the acceleration is 0.50 m/s
and the time interval
is 40 s?

20. Write each of the following numbers in scientific notation.
(a) 27 600 (f) 297 10

(b) 0.000 45 (g) 0.043 10

(c) 538 000 (h) 0.689 10

(d) 0.39 10
(i) 860.3 10

(e) 84 10
(j) 0.000 000 079 36

21. Express each of the following in scientific notation in the basic SI unit.
(a) 5.00 10
mm (e) 55 MW
(b) 6.000 km (f) 2.61 kPa
(c) 25 nm (g) 102 MHz
(d) 55.00 min (h) 159 GHz

22. The wavelengths of red light is 6.5 10
m. How many wavelengths will fit along a line 1.0 cm long?

23. There are approximately 1.0 10
stars in our galaxy. If the average mass of a star and its planets is 2.0
kg, what is the approximate mass of our galaxy?

24. A thin film of rolled gold is used in Rutherfords scattering experiment. If the average thickness of the film is
1.0 10
m and the diameter of a gold atom is 2.5 10
m, approximately how many gold atoms make up
the thickness of the gold foil? Assume that the gold atoms are lined up in a straight line.

25. Electric current flows through a conductor at a rate of 2.50 C/s. If a coulomb is composed of 6.24 10

electrons, how many electrons will flow through the conductor in 10.0 min?

26. Three steel sections have the following dimensions:
strip 1 l = 148.2 cm w = 3.0 cm
strip 2 l = 102 cm w = 1.29 cm
strip 3 l = 142.73 cm w = 5.891 cm
Each of the numbers shows the precision with which the measurements were made.
Calculate the following, to the number of significant figures warranted by the information, and express your
answer in scientific notation.
(a) the total length of the strips joined end to end
(b) the total width of the strips joined side to side
(c) the area of strip 1
(d) the ratio for strip 3

27. Estimate, in seconds, the time you spend in school each month.

28. The total number of protons in the known universe is estimated to be about 10
, and the radius of a proton is
about 10
m. What is the order of magnitude of the radius of the sphere that would contain all of these
protons if they were tightly packed together? Give your answer in metres.

29. A student makes a movie with a Super-8 camera that can take pictures at different speeds. He wants to slow
down the action to one-quarter normal speed, when the final film is projected on the screen at 18 pictures/s.
At what speed will he set the camera to achieve the desired result?

30. In film animation, frames are created one at a time. If an animated film is projected at 24 frames/s, how many
pictures must be created for a 10 min cartoon?

31. A flying mosquito can beat its wings 1000 times/s.
(a) How many times do the wings move in a minute?
(b) What is the minimum period at which a strobe may flash to stop the wing motion?

32. A camera takes pictures of a rotating disc at the rate of 24 frames/s. A section of the resulting film is shown

(a) If the disc is moving counterclockwise, what is its minimum frequency?
(b) If the disc is moving clockwise, what is its minimum frequency?

33. A rotating spinning wheel with one dot on it appears stopped through a five-slit stroboscope rotating 16
times in 30 s. What are two possible rotational frequencies of the wheel?

34. A 12-slit stroboscope has a frequency of 2.0 Hz. If a vibrating bell clapper viewed through it appears as
illustrated, what is the minimum frequency of the bell clapper?

35. A spot on a rotating shaft is viewed through an eight-slit stroboscope. The maximum frequency of rotation of
the strobe for which the motion of the spot appears stopped is 40 revolutions in 10 s.
(a) What is the frequency of the shaft?
(b) What is the period of rotation of the shaft?

36. In an investigation, a hand stroboscope with 12 open slits was used to stop the motion of a bell clapper. The
time required for 20 rotations of the strobe was 4.0 s. This was the highest stopping frequency.
(a) What was the period of the clapper?
(b) What other strobe frequency would stop this motion?

37. A standard 60-cycle fluorescent light goes out every time the AC voltage passes through zero. A 33 r/min
record-player disc can have its speed checked by the stroboscopic action of such a light on a series of equally
spaced marks around its rim. What is the smallest number of marks that will permit a viewer to see the same
pattern for the moving disc that would be seen for a stationary disc?

38. A strobe light is set to a flashing rate of 600 flashes/min and is used to make a multi-flash photograph of a
swinging pendulum for one-half of a cycle. The resulting picture is shown below. Estimate the period of the

39. In each of the following cases, determine the relation that best describes the data and that would produce a
linear graph.
22.7 482.3
46.3 240.7
67.1 163.8
90.0 119.6

17.3 23.2
35.0 93.6
50.9 210.0
169.8 2298.0

5.3 173.5
21.7 351.5
127.4 847.4
527.9 1748.5

40. Here are three sets of experimental measurements. Find the relationship between each pair of variables.
v F
20 10
28 20
40 40
48 60

0.1 1.0
0.2 0.25
0.3 0.11
0.4 0.04

7.6 10
5.8 10

30 10
15 10

380 10
78 10

930 10
143 10

41. In a last-ditch attempt to increase their budget, physicists at a university cast small solid bronze busts of their
chairperson for sale to students as doorstops, boot-tracks, paperweights, boat anchors, etc. One order, in
suspiciously familiar handwriting, came in for a bust that would be identical except for scale: it was to stand
four times as tall as the standard model. How many of the small busts did the physicists have to melt down to
cast this big one?

42. Marshmallows are said to obey Boyles Law (volume pressure at constant temperature is constant). A
supply of such ideal marshmallows was shipped to a remote planet ( , to be exact) at the far end of
the galaxy, where the atmospheric pressure is only one-eighth of that on Earth, but the temperature is the
same. The marshmallows were cylinders 24 mm high and 30 mm in diameter on Earth. What would their
diameter be on , assuming uniform change? Answer in millimetres.

43. Given
What is the effect on F
of each of the following?
(a) increasing m by a factor of 3
(b) decreasing v to of its former value
(c) decreasing R to of its former value
(d) all of the above

44. (a) Find the periods corresponding to each of the following frequencies:
(i) 100 Hz
(ii) 0.60 Hz
(iii) 2.0 10

(b) Find the frequencies corresponding to each of the following periods:
(i) 0.10 s
(ii) 0.02 s
(iii) 1.0 s

45. Given the table of experimental results below, find the relationship between a and b.

b a
2.0 36
4.0 9.0
6.0 4.0
8.0 2.3
10 1.4

46. Express each of the following equations as proportions, using only the variables indicated.
(i) F
and v
(ii) F
and R

(i) F
and m

(ii) F
and R, where G is a constant

(d) R and T, where K is a constant

47. Given the relationship E mv
(a) If E is 98 units when m is 4.0 units and v is 7.0 units, express the proportion as an equation.
(b) What is the value of E when m is 10 units and v is 42 units?

x 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
y 200 50 22.2 12.5 8.0

(a) Determine the proportion relating y and x.
(b) Write an equation relating y and x.
(c) If x = 0.55, what is y, predicted from (b)?

49. Two neighbours have swimming pools with identical shapes. One pool holds 2.0 10
L of water. How many
litres will the second pool hold if all its dimensions are 1.6 times as large?

50. If a b
and a = 4.0 when b = 3.5, what is a when b = 7.0?

51. If light travels 3.00 10
m/s, estimate the number of kilometres to Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to our
solar system, if it is located 4.3 light-years from the sun.

52. The speed of sound was measured. Two values were calculated, 328 m/s and 336 m/s. The actual value was
342 m/s. Determine the percent difference for the measured values and the percent error for each.

53. A rotating bicycle wheel with a single white mark on its tire was observed by a student with a four-slit hand
stroboscope disc. At the highest stopping frequency, the student had to turn the strobe 25 times in 10 s.
What was the period of rotation of the bicycle wheel?

54. It can be shown that the kinetic energy E
of a moving car is proportional to the square of its velocity (i.e.,
). At 90 km/h, a certain cars E
is measured as 400 units.
(a) What is the cars E
at 270 km/h?
(b) What is the cars E
at 45 km/h?
(c) What is the cars velocity when its E
is 16 units?

55. The time required for a flower to open completely is 3.00 d. The opening of the flower is to be photographed
by time-lapse photography, to make a 30 s film projected at 24 frames/s. What should be the time interval
between photographs?

56. State the displacement of each of the following changes in position.
(a) 8 km to 2 km
(b) +2 km to 8 km
(c) 0 km to +8 km
(d) 8 km to +20 km
(e) +8 km to 8 km

57. The symbol has other uses. Find the change in each of the following.
(a) The temperature falls from +10C to 20C. Find t.
(b) The value of a stock increases from $12.00 to $17.50. Find $.
(c) A person on a diet goes from 60 kg to 55 kg. Express m.
(d) A ball falls from a point +20 m above the ground into a hole 10 m deep.
Find d.

58. What is the uniform velocity of an airplane that flies 602 m [E] in 2.50 s? Express your answer in metres per
second, and kilometres per hour.

59. The tine on a tuning fork moves 1.0 mm to the right in 4.0 10
s. What is the uniform velocity of the tine in
metres per second?

60. An electron travels at a uniform velocity of 1.30 10
m/s. How much time is required for a displacement of
1.00 m?

61. A spaceship travelled at a uniform velocity of 3.2 10
km/h for 2.7 d. What was the displacement of the

62. Find the velocity in each section of the following position-time graph.

63. A person walks 5.0 km towards the east in 2.00 h, then 1.5 km towards the west in 0.50 h, and finally 10.0 km
towards the east again in 2.25 h. What is the persons average velocity? Assume that vectors in the easterly
direction are (+), and those in the westerly direction are ().

64. A car is driven for 1.00 h with a velocity of 100 km/h towards the south, then for 0.50 h with a velocity of 50
km/h towards the north, and finally for 0.75 h with a velocity of 80 km/h towards the south. Find the cars
average velocity.

65. Find the average velocities for the intervals AB and BC.

66. Using the graph, determine the average velocity for each of the following sections.
(a) t = 0 s to t = 2 s
(b) t = 6 s to t = 12 s
(c) t = 6 s to t = 15.5 s

67. A hockey players slapshot averages 51.5 m/s on its flight from the blue line to the goal, 20 m away. How
long does the puck take to reach the goal?

68. Using the graph, determine the average velocity for these intervals.
(a) AB
(b) AD
(c) BD

69. On the following position-time graph, find the instantaneous velocities at points A, B, and C by finding the
slope of the tangent to the graph at each of the points.

70. Using the graph, determine each of the following.
(a) the average velocity for the first 2.5 s
(b) the average velocity for the interval 2.5 to 7.5 s
(c) the instantaneous velocity at the points A, B, and C
(d) the times at which the instantaneous velocity is approximately zero

71. The following graph is that of an object moving in a straight line. East is considered as the positive direction.
(a) Determine the position of the object at t = 7.0 s.
(b) The graph shows five distinct sections. Briefly, and in general terms, describe the motion of the object in
each of these sections.
(c) Considering the whole journey, calculate the average velocity.
(d) Find the instantaneous velocity at t = 13 s.
(e) Using an appropriate scale, draw a velocity-time graph from the position-time graph.

72. This graph describes the motion of an object moving in a straight line. At the beginning it is going east. From
the graph determine each of the following.
(a) the objects displacement in the first 3.0 s
(b) the objects displacement between t = 3.0 s and t = 5.0 s
(c) the total displacement of the object in 14 s
(d) the average velocity of the object from t = 0 to t = 8.0
(e) the d-t graph; use it to check your answers to parts (a) to (d)

73. Use this graph of the motion of a car to find the total displacement. (North is positive).

74. This graph illustrates the motion of two cars travelling due north. Assuming that both cars were at the same
position at t = 0, answer the following questions.
(a) At what time do both cars have the same velocity?
(b) At t = 0.4 h, which car is ahead and by how much?
(c) At t = 1.0 h, what is the distance separating the two cars?

75. From the v-t graph below, determine the total displacement of the object in the first 12 s.

76. These graphs represent the acceleration of two objects. Determine the acceleration of each object.

77. From this graph determine the acceleration for each interval, using the slopes.

78. A car accelerates uniformly from 10 m/s to 30 m/s in 10 s. What is its acceleration?

79. A ball thrown straight up in the air has an initial velocity of 40 m/s and final velocity of zero, 4.0 s later. Find
the acceleration of the ball.

80. A car decelerates at 2.0 m/s
. If the cars initial velocity is 40 m/s [E], what is its final velocity 3.5 s later?

81. A ball is rolled up a slope with an initial velocity of 6.0 m/s. The ball experiences an acceleration of 2.0
. What is its velocity after the following?
(a) 2.0 s
(b) 3.0 s
(c) 4.0 s

82. A gun shoots a bullet vertically upward with a velocity of 1200 m/s. How long will it take for the bullet to
have a velocity of 600 m/s on its way back down to Earth, if the bullet experiences an acceleration of 10.0

83. A dragster accelerates uniformly from rest to 56 m/s in 3.7 s. What is its acceleration?

84. A car accelerates at 2.0 m/s
. If its initial velocity is 24 m/s [E], what will its velocity be 8.0 s later?

85. A ball is thrown vertically into the air with a velocity of 30 m/s [up]. If the acceleration due to gravity is 10
[down], what will its velocity be after the following?
(a) 2.0 s
(b) 4.0 s

86. An arrow is shot straight up into the air at 40 m/s. As it falls back to Earth, acceleration due to gravity is 10
[down], and the final velocity is 40 m/s. How long does it take the arrow to come back to the ground?

87. A steel ball, starting from rest, rolls down one slope and up another. It takes 2.5 s to reach the bottom of the
first slope, at which point its speed is 5.0 m/s. If the magnitude of the acceleration on the second slope is
exactly one-half that on the first slope, how long will it take for the ball to come to a stop on the second

88. From this velocity-time graph, determine each of the following.
(a) the acceleration at any instant in the first 12 s
(b) the instantaneous acceleration at (i) t = 25 s and (ii) t = 40 s
(c) the average acceleration for the intervals (i) t = 0 to t = 25 s and (ii) t = 30 s to t = 50 s

89. Given the information on the v-t graph, draw the corresponding d-t and a-t graphs for the interval from t = 0
to t = 20 s. (Assume that d
= 0.)

90. From the v-t graph below, draw the corresponding d-t graph and a-t graph. (Assume that d
= 0.)

91. A ball rolls down a hill with a constant acceleration of 2.0 m/s
. If the ball starts from rest, consider the
(a) What is its velocity at the end of 4.0 s?
(b) How far did the ball move?

92. An electron is accelerated uniformly from rest to a velocity of 2.0 10
(a) If the electron travelled 0.10 m while it was being accelerated, what was its acceleration? (b) How long did
the electron take to attain its final velocity?

93. During a 30.0 s interval, the velocity of a rocket increased from 200 m/s to 500 m/s. What was the
displacement of the rocket during this time interval?

94. A bullet that is shot vertically into the air has an initial velocity of 500 m/s. The acceleration due to gravity is
10 m/s
(a) How long does it take before the bullet stops rising?
(b) How high does the bullet go?

95. A balloon is ascending at the rate of 9.0 m/s and has reached a height of 80 m above the ground when it
releases a package. How long does the package take to reach the ground? (a
= 10 m/s

96. A skier starts down a slope 0.50 km long at a velocity of 4.0 m/s. If he accelerates at a constant rate of 2.0
, find his velocity at the bottom of the slope.

97. Pressing on the brake pedal slows a car down from a velocity of 35 m/s to 20 m/s in 8.0 s. Assuming that the
acceleration is uniform, what is the displacement of the car?

98. A sports car starts from rest and has a uniform acceleration of 1.2 m/s
(a) What is its velocity after 30 s?
(b) How far does it go in that time?

99. An object dropped from a balloon descending at 4.0 m/s lands on the ground 10 s later. What was the altitude
of the balloon at the moment the object was dropped? (Use a
= 10 m/s

100. A ball thrown vertically upward returns to the ground 6.0 s later.
(a) How many seconds did the ball take to reach its highest point?
(b) How high did the ball go?
(c) With what velocity did it hit the ground? (Use a
= 10 m/s

101. A bullet leaves the muzzle of a gun with a velocity of 400 m/s. The length of the gun barrel is 0.50 m.
(a) Assuming that the bullet is uniformly accelerated, what is its average velocity inside the barrel?
(b) How long is the bullet in the gun after being fired?

102. An airplane travels from Calgary to Toronto in 4 h 20 min. Find the average speed if the distance between the
two cities is 4330 km.

103. An executive jet cruises at 700 km/h. If the winds are light, it consumes kerosene at the rate of 38.0 L/min. If
the jets fuel tanks contain 6840 L when full, what is its maximum range?

104. An earthquake created a succession of giant water waves, called tsunamis, off the coast of Japan. The waves
travelled at an average velocity of 800 km/h. If the distance from the source of the quake to the northern coast
of Australia was 8200 km, how long did it take the first wave to reach the Australian coast?

105. Using this graph of the motion of a car travelling in a straight line, determine the velocity of the car in each of
the intervals.

106. A train travels 58 km at an average velocity of 77 km/h [E], waits for 5.0 min at a station, and then runs for
half an hour at an average velocity of 64 km/h [E]. Find the following:
(a) the total displacement of the train
(b) the average velocity for the whole trip

107. (a) Which sections of this graph represent
(i) uniform velocity
(ii) the object at rest
(iii) acceleration
(b) What is the average velocity in the intervals
(i) t = 0 s to t = 5.0 s
(ii) t = 15 s to t = 20 s
(c) What is the instantaneous velocity at
(i) t = 3.0 s
(ii) t = 24 s
(iii) t = 8.0 s

108. A cart, starting from rest, slides down an inclined air-track and passes certain positions (d) in the time shown
(t). Using graphing techniques, show that the cart travels with uniform acceleration, and determine the value
of the acceleration in m/s

d (cm) 0 12.8 20.0 28.8 39.2 51.2 64.8
t (s) 0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

109. A balloonist jumped from a balloon at an altitude of 23 300 m and fell with an unopened parachute for 178 s.
The balloonist was travelling at 62.6 m/s when the parachute opened.
(a) What was the average acceleration?
(b) Why was the value of the average acceleration less than that for gravity?

110. An electric train initially moving at 25 km/h accelerates to 35 km/h in 20 s. Find its average acceleration in

111. A rocketship in space moves with a constant acceleration of 9.8 m/s
. If it starts from rest, how long will it
take to reach a velocity one-tenth that of light (v
= 3.00 10

112. A plane travelling at 200 km/h [N] accelerates at the rate of 5.0 km/h/s [N] for 1.0 min. What is its final

113. A train travelling at 100 km/h slows down with a uniform deceleration of 0.60 m/s
. How long does it take to

114. A motorist travelling at 90 km/h applies his brakes and comes to rest with uniform deceleration in 20 s.
Calculate the acceleration in m/s

115. The v-t graph on the next page represents the motion of a car. Assume that north is positive.
(a) In which interval(s) is the velocity uniform?
(b) In which interval(s) is the acceleration uniform?
(c) How far has the car travelled after (i) 11 s and (ii) 25 s?
(d) How far did the car travel in the 13th second?
(e) What is the acceleration (i) in the first 5.0 s and (ii) from t = 11 s to t = 14 s?
(f) What is the instantaneous acceleration at (i) t = 12.5 s and (ii) t = 22 s?

116. From the v-t graph, find the total displacement, using graphing techniques.

117. A ball rolls along the floor, up a sloping board, and then back down the board and across the floor again. The
graph below represents this motion.
(a) At what time is the ball at its highest point?
(b) What was the acceleration when the ball was (i) rolling up the board, (ii) rolling down the board, and (iii)
at rest at the top point?
(c) How far up the board did the ball go?
(d) What was the total displacement of the ball over the 9.0 s trip?

118. Two trains, A and B, are on separate, parallel tracks. Initially, train B is beside train A and passing it. The
graph describes their motions. Using the graph, answer the following questions:
(a) At t = 0.40 h, which train is ahead, and by how much?
(b) What is the average velocity of train A during the first 36 min?
(c) What is the instantaneous acceleration of train B at t = 0.30 h?
(d) What is the average acceleration of train A from t = 0.40 h to t = 0.70 h?
(e) Draw position-time and acceleration-time graphs for both train A and B.

119. This graph describes the motion of a car.
(a) What is the instantaneous acceleration at (i) t = 3.0 s, (ii) t = 7.0 s, and (iii) t = 11.0 s?
(b) How far does the car travel in the first (i) 5.0 s, (ii) 9.0 s, and (iii) 13.0 s?

120. Here is a v-t graph of two cars, A and B. At t = 0 s, A and B pass each other.
(a) Determine the acceleration of B during the final 3.0 s.
(b) Find the distance between A and B at t = 5.0 s.
(c) Find the average velocity of A in the first 5.0 s.
(d) Find the instantaneous acceleration of A at t = 7.0 s.
(e) Plot an acceleration-time graph for both A and B on the same sheet of graph paper. Assume that any
changes in acceleration occur instantaneously.

121. At t = 0, a stationary police car is passed by a speeding sports car. This occurs on a straight highway. Their
subsequent velocities are shown in a v-t graph. Use the graph to solve the following problems.
(a) Prove that the police car overtakes the sports car when t = 60 s.
(b) Determine the average velocity at which the police car travels during this 60 s time interval.
(c) Find the distance between the two cars when t = 30 s.
(d) Find the acceleration of the sports car when t = 30 s.

122. The below describes the motion of a capsule carried on a rocket fired vertically upward. The rocket ejected
the capsule at its highest point. The capsule fell freely with the rocket until its parachute opened at t = 300 s.
(a) At what time did the rocket reach its highest altitude?
(b) What was the maximum altitude of the rocket?
(c) What was the acceleration of the rocket during (i) the first stage and (ii) the second stage?
(d) What was the average acceleration of the capsule during the interval t = 100 s to t = 300 s?
(e) What was happening during the period t = 300 s to t = 400 s?
(f) What was the terminal velocity of the capsule just before splashdown?

123. An airplane taking off from an airfield has a run of 370 m. If it starts from rest, moves with constant
acceleration, and makes the run in 30 s, with what velocity, in kilometres per hour, does it take off?

124. A bobsled has a constant acceleration of 2.0 m/s
, starting from rest.
(a) How fast is it going after 5.0 s?
(b) How far has it travelled in 5.0 s?
(c) What is its average velocity in the first 5.0 s?
(d) How far has it travelled by the time its speed has reached 40 m/s?

125. A meson, a subatomic particle having a mass 250 times that of an electron, is shot with a constant speed of
5.00 10
m/s into a region where an electric field causes a deceleration of 1.25 10
m/ s
(a) How far does the meson travel before coming to rest?
(b) How long does it take the meson to come to rest?

126. A rocket-driven sled running on a straight, level track is used to investigate the physiological effects of rapid
accelerations on humans. One such sled can attain a velocity of 1600 km/h in 1.8 s, starting from rest.
(a) Assuming that the acceleration is uniform, what is its value in m/s
(b) Express the acceleration in (a) in terms of g, where g = 9.8 m/s
(c) Under the last 2.00 km of the track there is a trough of water. The brakes of the rocket consist of a scoop
that displaces water from the trough, stopping the sled. Assuming that the sled stops at the end of the trough,
what is the deceleration of the sled, expressed in terms of g?

127. An electron with an initial velocity of 1.0 10
m/s enters a region 1.0 cm long where it is electrically
accelerated. It emerges with a velocity of 4.2 10
m/s. What was its acceleration, assuming that it was
constant? (Such a process occurs in the electron gun in a cathode-ray tube, used in television receivers and

128. Suppose that you are called by a lawyer to give advice concerning the physics involved in one of her cases.
The question is whether a driver was exceeding the speed limit of 50 km/h before he made an emergency
stop, with brakes locked and wheels sliding. The length of the skid marks on the road was 5.85 m. A police
officer made the reasonable assumption that the maximum deceleration would not exceed that of gravity. On
the basis of the evidence, was the driver exceeding the speed limit before the brakes were applied?

129. A bullet is fired straight up with a muzzle velocity of 460 m/s. How long will it take to reach its highest point
and how high will that be? (The air resistance may be neglected.)

130. A stone is thrown straight down from the top of a cliff with an initial velocity of 6.0 m/s. It reaches the bottom
in 3.0 s. How high is the cliff?

131. (a) With what speed must a ball be thrown vertically upward in order to rise to a height of 16 m?
(b) How long will that same ball take to rise 16 m?

132. A ball is thrown vertically upward from a window at 10 m/s. It hits the ground 5.0 s later. What is the height
of the window from the ground?

133. A British Concorde (BC) and a French Concorde (FC) flew in opposite directions around the world, a
distance of 40 000 km. The BC covered half of its flight distance at a supersonic speed of 2500 km/h and the
other half at a subsonic speed of 1000 km/h. The FC spent half of its flight time at 2500 km/h and the other
half at 1000 km/h. Which Concorde completed the trip first, and by how many hours did it beat the other?

134. While driving her car, Mrs. Jones sees an obstruction in the road. It takes her 0.80 s to react and put her foot
on the brake. Her car is travelling at 25 m/s.
(a) How far will the car travel before she puts her foot on the brake?
(b) If, when the brake is applied, the car decelerates at a uniform rate of 9.3 m/s
, what is the total
displacement of the car?

135. For each of the following, perform the vector operation indicated to find either the sum or the difference
(a) Determine

(b) Determine

(c) Determine

(d) Determine

136. The vector is illustrated.

Draw the following vectors, to the same scale.

137. A car travels at 20 m/s [N35E] for 3.0 s. Draw its velocity vector, and then, using scalar multiplication, draw
the vector representing its displacement during this time interval.

138. An airplane is climbing at an angle of 15 to the horizon, with the sun directly overhead. Its shadow is
observed to be moving across the ground at 200 km/h.
(a) What is the actual air speed of the plane?
(b) How long does it take to increase the airplanes altitude by 1000 m?

139. A quarterback is running across the field, parallel to the line of scrimmage, at a constant speed of 2.5 m/s,
when he spots an open, stationary receiver straight downfield from him (i.e., in a line parallel to the sidelines).
(a) If he can throw the football at a speed of 8.0 m/s, relative to himself, at what angle, relative to the
sidelines, must he throw it in order to hit the receiver?
(b) How far downfield was the receiver, if the pass took 3.0 s to reach him?

140. From the following, find .

141. Using the following, find

142. A car turns a circular curve with a speed of 20 m/s. If the radius of the curve is 100 m, what is the centripetal
acceleration of the car?

143. A ball on a string swings in a horizontal circle of radius 2.0 m. If its centripetal acceleration is 15 m/s
, what
is the speed of the ball?

144. What is the centripetal acceleration of a stone being whirled in a circle, at the end of a 1.5 m string, on a
smooth sheet of ice, with a frequency of 1.25 Hz?

145. The planet Mercury moves in an approximately circular path around the sun at an average distance of
5.8 10
m, accelerating centripetally at 0.04 m/s
. What is its period of revolution around the sun?

146. What is the centripetal acceleration of a locomotive that travels around a circular curve of radius 250 m at a
constant speed of 70 km/h?

147. What is the centripetal acceleration of a small girl standing at the outer edge of a carousel 4.0 m in diameter,
which makes one complete rotation in 6.0 s?

148. Patrons on the midway ride called the Rotor stand with their backs against the wall of a revolving cylinder,
while the floor drops away from beneath them. To keep from falling, they require a centripetal acceleration of
about 25 m/s
. If the rotor has a diameter of 5.0 m, with what minimum frequency does it revolve? (The
vertical force required to support their weight is supplied by friction with the wall.)

149. An airplane flies in a horizontal circle of radius 500 m. If its centripetal acceleration is 20 m/s
, how long does
it take to complete the circle?

150. A helicopter rises with a uniform speed of 30 m/s at an angle of 50 to the horizontal.
(a) What are the vertical and horizontal components of its velocity?
(b) How long will it take to reach an altitude of 1.00 km?
(c) What horizontal distance will it have covered by that time?

151. A car, moving initially at 32 km/h [N], turns a corner and continues at 32 km/h [W]. The turn takes 3.0 s to
complete. Find
(a) the change in velocity
(b) the average acceleration during the turn

152. A car, travelling at 25 m/s around a circular curve, has a centripetal acceleration of 8.3 m/s
. What is the
radius of the curve?

153. What is the centripetal acceleration of a point on the rim of a bicycle wheel of radius 0.25 m, if the bicycles
speed is 5.0 m/s? (HINT: Take the acceleration relative to the bicycle frame.)

154. The moon, an Earth satellite with a period of about 27.3 d and a nearly circular orbit, has a centripetal
acceleration of 2.7 10
. What is the average distance from the Earth to the moon?

155. What is the centripetal acceleration due to the daily rotation of an object at the Earths equator if the
equatorial radius is 6.4 10

156. A biophysicist is able to separate very small subcellular particles, using an analytic ultracentrifuge. The
physicist must determine the amount of acceleration provided by the centrifuge at various speeds and radii.
(1g of acceleration is equal to the acceleration due to gravity (i.e., about 9.8 m/s
.) Calculate the number of
gs of acceleration at 8.4 cm from the centre of the centrifuge when it is spinning at 60 000 r/min.

157. This diagram shows a racing cars position at three equally spaced points in time. It also shows the cars
instantaneous velocity vectors at points 1 and 2. If the acceleration of the car is uniform, determine, using an
accurate vector diagram, the instantaneous velocity of the car at point 3.

Scale: 1 cm = 5.0 m/s.

158. A boat sails 8.0 km [S10E] through still water. What are the components of its displacement in each of the
following directions?
(a) [S]
(b) [E]
(c) [S20E]
(d) [E10N]

159. A newspaper boy throws papers sideways onto the porches of his customers while riding his bicycle along the
sidewalk. The sidewalk is 15 m in front of the porches. The boy throws the papers at the horizontal speed of
6.0 m/s relative to himself, and rides the bicycle at a speed of 4.0 m/s relative to the sidewalk.
(a) With what horizontal speed do the papers actually travel relative to the ground?
(b) How far in advance of a porch should the boy throw a paper, so that it lands on target?
(c) If he waits until he is directly opposite a porch, at what horizontal angle with respect to the sidewalk will
he have to throw the paper, to hit the porch?

160. A train has a speed of 20 km/h. Raindrops falling against its side windows makes traces inclined at 30 to the
vertical. We ignore air turbulence, and there is no wind.
(a) What is the horizontal component of a raindrops velocity with respect to Earth? With respect to the train?
(b) What is the velocity of the raindrop with respect to Earth? With respect to the train?


161. Find the order of magnitude of the number of basketballs required to fill a sphere of radius 6.4 10
km (the
approximate radius of Earth).

162. A spherical tank 30 m in diameter is full of water. Estimate the mass of the water (density of water = 1000

163. An experiment produced the set of values shown below for separation (d) and energy (E). A graph was drawn
of E versus d.

Separation, d (cm) Energy, E (J)
2.2 16.2
4.4 8.2
6.1 5.4
11.1 3.2

Determine an equation relating E and d. Explain how you obtained it.

164. When a mass is placed on the free end of a board, the end is deflected downward. The following table shows
the downward deflection (d) corresponding to various lengths of board, as measured in an experiment. Each
deflection was produced by the same mass.

Length of board (l) Downward deflection (d)
(m) (cm)
1.0 0.4
2.0 3.2
3.0 10.8
4.0 25.6
5.0 50.0

(a) Determine the relationship between d and l.
(b) Determine an equation relating d and l.
(c) Predict the deflection of the board when the length is 2.5 m, and when it is 6.0 m.

165. The resistance (R) of 1000 mm of nichrome wire is tabulated for various diameters (d). From the following
table, determine the mathematical equation relating electrical resistance and the diameter of a conductor.

d 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
R 130 33 14 8.1 5.0

166. Measurements are made of the resistance (R) and the power consumption (P) of a tungsten filament lamp,
with the following results.

Power (P), in watts 2.2 5.7 12.3 27.1 52.9
Resistance (R), in ohms 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.9 3.4

Show that the relationship between P and R is of the form P = aR
, and find the values of n and a. (Note that
the resistance (R) is the cold resistance and may vary as the filament heats up.)

167. The extra power required to overcome the drag produced on a car with its windows open is given by the
relationship P = cv
, where P is the extra power and v is the velocity of the car. The following table gives
values measured for a late model car.

velocity (km/h) 32 64 96.5 129 161
extra power (kW) 0.069 0.55 1.89 4.50 8.76

Determine the values of c and n.

168. The intensity of the light that falls on a certain area from a point source of light is inversely proportional to
the square of the distance from the source to the area.
(a) How far must a screen be placed from the source to have an intensity four times what it had when it was
placed 6.0 m from the source?

(b) Two identical light sources are placed 4.0 m apart. At a point between the two sources, their intensities are
measured and found to be in a ratio of 9 to 1. How far is each source from the point of measurement?

169. At the instant when the traffic light turns green, an automobile starts with a constant acceleration of 1.8 m/s
At the same instant a truck travelling with a constant speed of 8.5 m/s overtakes and passes the automobile.
(a) How far beyond the starting point will the automobile overtake the truck?
(b) How fast will the car be travelling at that instant?

170. A subway train starts from rest at a station and accelerates at the rate of 2.0 m/s
for 10 s. It runs at a constant
speed for 30 s, and then decelerates at 2.4 m/s
until it stops at the next station. Find the total distance between
the stations and the average speed of the train.

171. A boy in a wagon starts down a hill 90 m long with an initial velocity of 1.2 m/s, reaching the bottom of the
hill in 0.50 min. Calculate his acceleration (assumed to be uniform) and his velocity at the bottom of the hill.

172. An object starts from rest and accelerates at 3.0 m/s
for 4.0 s. Its velocity remains constant for 7.0 s, and it
finally comes to rest with uniform deceleration after another 5.0 s. Find the following:
(a) the displacement for each stage of the motion
(b) the average velocity over the whole time interval.

173. A Formula One car accelerates from rest uniformly at 2.40 m/s
for 15.0 s, then moves with a uniform
velocity for 200 s, and finally decelerates uniformly at 3.60 m/s
until it comes to a stop. How long will the
car be in motion, how far will it travel, and what will be its average speed?

174. A turtle is moving with a constant acceleration along a straight ditch. He starts his stopwatch as he passes a
fence post and notes that it takes him 10 s to reach a pine tree 10 m farther along the ditch. As he passes the
pine tree, his speed is 1.2 m/s. How far was he from the fence post when he started from rest?

175. Two trains, one travelling at 100 km/h and the other at 128 km/h, are headed towards one another along a
straight, level track. When the trains are 1.2 km apart, each engineer simultaneously sees the others train and
applies the brakes. Both trains have equal, constant decelerations of 0.9 m/s
. Will there be a collision?

176. A parachutist jumps from a height of 3.1 10
m and falls freely for 10 s. She then opens her parachute, and
for the next 20 s slows down with an acceleration of 4.5 m/s
. After that, she falls the rest of the distance to
the ground at a uniform velocity.
(a) What is her velocity just before the parachute opens?
(b) At what altitude does the parachute open?
(c) What is the velocity of the parachutist, just before she strikes the ground?
(d) Calculate the time required for the whole descent.
(e) From what height would she have to fall freely in order to strike the ground with the same velocity as she
does when wearing a parachute? (This is how parachutists are trained.)

177. A stone is dropped into the water from a bridge 44 m above the water. Another stone is thrown vertically
downward 1.0 s after the first was dropped. Both stones strike the water at the same time. What was the initial
velocity of the second stone?

178. A student is determined to test the law of gravity for himself. He walks off a skyscraper 320 m high,
stopwatch in hand, and starts his free fall (zero initial velocity). Five seconds later, Superman arrives at the
scene and dives off the roof to save the student. What must Supermans initial velocity be in order to catch the
student just before the student reaches the ground? (Assume that Supermans acceleration is that of any freely
falling body (i.e., g = 9.8 m/s

179. A convertible with its top down drove towards the entrance of an underground garage with a velocity of
24 km/h. A window cleaner on a scaffold directly above the entrance accidentally kicked a bucket of water off
a moving scaffold. The scaffold at that moment was 9.0 m vertically higher than the top of the car and the car
was 12 m from the entrance. The scaffold was moving up at 1.5 m/s. Did the driver get wet?

180. An efficient parcel service wants to speed up its deliveries by dropping parcels into moving trucks. An
employee is positioned on an overpass directly above a straight, level road to drop the parcels into the trucks
at just the right time. One day, a delivery truck starts from rest and drives along the road with a constant
acceleration of . A package is released at the correct instant to land in the truck. If the overpass was 30 m
above the truck and the truck started from a position 100 m from the point of impact, how long after the truck
started did the employee wait before dropping the parcel?

181. A rally driver completes three consecutive sections of a straight rally course as follows: section 1 (10 km) in
7.50 min, section 2 (18 km) in 14.40 min, and section 3 (9.8 km) in 5.80 min. What was the average velocity
for the three sections? (Assume no stop between sections.)

182. A car accelerates uniformly from rest at the rate of 2.0 m/s
for 6.0 s. It then maintains a constant velocity for
0.50 min. Finally, the brakes are applied, and the vehicles slows down at a uniform rate and comes to rest in
5.0 s. Find the following.
(a) the maximum velocity of the car
(b) the total displacement

183. A hockey puck hits the boards with a velocity of 10 m/s at an angle of 20 to the boards. It is deflected with a
velocity of 8.0 m/s at 24 to the boards. If the time of impact is 0.03 s, what is the average acceleration of the

184. A train moving at a constant speed of 100 km/h travels east for 40 min, then 30 east of north for 20 min, and
finally west for 30 min. What is the trains average velocity for the trip?

185. A man walks 600 m [E47N], then 500 m [N38W], then 300 m [W29S], and finally 400 m [S13E]. Find
his resultant displacement.

186. A snowmobile is being driven across a frozen lake, and in the diagram represent its velocity vectors at
two instants 3.0 s apart. The scale is 1 cm = 5.0 m/s. Using these vectors create an accurate vector diagram to
determine . What is the average acceleration of the snowmobile?

187. This diagram shows a racing cars position at three equally spaced points in time. It also shows the cars
instantaneous velocity vectors at points 1 and 2. If the acceleration of the car is uniform, determine, using an
accurate vector diagram, the instantaneous velocity of the car at point 3.

Scale: 1 cm = 5.0 m/s

188. The current in a river moves at 2.0 m/s [S]. How fast and in what direction must a swimmer move through the
water in order to have a resultant velocity relative to the river bank of
(a) 3.6 m/s[S]
(b) 3.6 m/s[N]
(c) 3.6 m/s[E]

189. A ball is thrown from the top of a building with a speed of 20 m/s and at a downward angle of 30 to the
horizontal, as shown. What are the horizontal and vertical components of the balls initial velocity?

190. A boat travelling at 3.0 m/s through the water keeps its bow pointing north across a stream that flows west at
5.0 m/s. What is the resultant velocity of the boat with respect to the shore?

191. A dog walks at 1.6 m/s on the deck of a boat that is travelling north at 7.6 m/s with respect to the water.
(a) What is the velocity of the dog with respect to the water if it walks towards the bow?
(b) What is the velocity of the dog with respect to the water if it walks towards the stern?
(c) What is the velocity of the dog with respect to the water if it walks towards the east rail, at right angles to
the boats keel?

192. An airplane maintains a heading due west at an air speed of 900 km/h. It is flying through a hurricane with
winds of 300 km/h, from the northeast.
(a) What is the planes ground speed?
(b) In which direction is the plane moving relative to the ground?
(c) How long would it take the plane to fly from one city to another 500 km away, along the path in (b)?

193. Two boathouses are located on a river, 1.0 km apart on the same shore. Two men make round trips from one
boathouse to the other, and back. One man paddles a canoe at a velocity of 4.0 km/h relative to the water, and
the other walks along the shore at a constant velocity of 4.0 km/h. The current in the river is 2.0 km/h in the
starting direction of the canoeist.
(a) How much sooner than the walker does the canoeist reach the second boathouse?
(b) How long does it take each to make the round trip?

194. A 70 m wide river flows at 0.80 m/s. A girl swims across it at 1.4 m/s relative to the water.
(a) What is the least time she requires to cross the river?
(b) How far downstream will she be when she lands on the opposite shore?
(c) At what angle to the shore would she have to aim, in order to arrive at a point directly opposite the starting
(d) How long would the trip in part (c) take?

195. An ocean liner is steaming at 18 km/h due south. A passenger strolling on the deck walks toward the rear of
the ship at 3.0 m/s. After walking for 12 s, he turns right and walks at the same speed towards the rail, 15 m
from his turning point.
(a) What is his velocity, relative to the water, while walking towards the rear? While walking towards the
(b) Draw a scale vector diagram, or make a sketch and use the mathematical approach, to determine his
resultant displacement relative to the water at the end of his walk.

196. A pilot maintains a heading due west with an air speed of 240 km/h. After flying for 30 min, he finds himself
over a town that he knows is 150 km west and 40 km south of his starting point.
(a) What is the wind velocity, in magnitude and direction?
(b) What heading should he now maintain, with the same air speed, to follow a course due west from the

197. The navigator of an airplane plans a flight from one airport to another 1200 km away, in one direction 30
east of north. The weather office informs him of a prevailing wind from the west, of 80 km/h. The pilot wants
to maintain an air speed of 300 km/h.
(a) What heading should the navigator give the pilot?
(b) How long will the flight take?
(c) How much time did the wind save?

198. An airplane flying at a constant speed of 1000 km/h executes a slow, level turn that changes its direction from
west to east. If the turn takes 80 s, calculate the planes average acceleration.

199. A traditional watch has a second hand 1.5 cm long, from centre to tip.
(a) What is the speed of the tip of the second hand?
(b) What is the velocity of the tip at 15 s? at 45 s? at 60 s?
(c) What is its change in velocity between 30 s and 45 s?
(d) What is its average acceleration during the same interval?

200. A puck sliding across the ice at 20 m/s [E] is struck by a stick and moves at 30 m/s, at an angle of 120 to its
original path. Find its change in velocity.

201. A batter strikes a baseball moving horizontally towards him at 15 m/s. The ball leaves the bat horizontally at
24 m/s, 40 to the left of a line from the plate to the pitcher. The ball is in contact with the bat for 0.01 s.
Determine the following.
(a) the change in velocity of the ball
(b) its average acceleration while being hit by the bat

202. A racing car starts into a circular portion of a Grand Prix course at 200 km/h [E], travelling in a clockwise
direction. By the time it is headed due south, its speed has increased to 240 km/h.
(a) If this took 12.0 s, find the average acceleration during the turn.
(b) Estimate the radius of the curve.

203. A person walks up a stalled escalator in a department store in 90 s. When standing still on the same escalator
in motion, he is carried up in 60 s.
(a) How much time would it take him to walk up the moving escalator?
(b) Could he walk down the escalator while it was moving up? If so, how long would that take?

204. A slightly disoriented homing pigeon flies the following course at a constant speed of 15 m/s:
(i) 800 m, 37 east of north,
(ii) 300 m due west, and
(iii) 400 m, 37 south of east
A crow flies in a straight line (as the crow flies) between the starting and finishing points. At what speed must
the crow fly if the birds leave and arrive together?

205. A power boat travels down the St. Lawrence River from Montreal to Quebec City, at full throttle. The trip
takes 3.0 h. The boat then heads back to Montreal, again at full throttle. This time, the trip takes 15 h. With no
gas left, the boat now drifts with a steady current back to Quebec City. How long does the third trip take?

206. Snoopy is flying his plane, the Sopwith Camel, in search of the Red Baron. He flies with a constant speed of
120 km/h relative to the air, and makes instantaneous turns, when necessary. He follows a perfectly square
path on the ground, using north-south and east-west roads as a guide for each of the 60 km sides. On a day
when there is a steady 60 km/h wind blowing diagonally across the square (say from the northeast) how long
does the trip take?

207. A sunbather, drifting downstream on a raft, dives off the raft just as it passes under a bridge and swims
against the current for 15 min. She then turns and swims downstream, making the same total effort and
overtaking the raft when it is 1.0 km downstream from the bridge. What is the speed of the current in the

208. Two boys are at point X on one side of a river, 40 m wide and having a current of 1.0 m/s, flowing as shown.
Simultaneously, they dive into the water in an attempt to reach point Y, directly opposite X. Both swim at 2.0
m/s relative to the water, but one directs himself so that his net motion corresponds to XY, while the other
keeps his body perpendicular to the current and consequently lands at point Z. After landing, he runs along
the shore to point Y at a speed of 6.0 m/s. Which boy arrives at Y first, and by how much time does he beat
the other?

209. A police cruiser chasing a speeding motorist travelled 60 km [S], then 35 km [NE], and finally 50 km [W].
(a) Calculate the total displacement of the cruiser.
(b) If the chase took 1.3 h, what was the cruisers (i) average speed and (ii) average velocity, for the trip.

210. An express bus travels directly from A-town to B-ville. A local bus also links these two towns, but it goes
west 30 km from A-town to C-city, then 30 km south to D-ville, and finally 12 km west to E-town and 30 km
northeast to B-ville.
(a) What is the shortest distance from A-town to B-ville?
(b) In what direction does the express bus travel?
(c) If the express bus takes 0.45 h to go from A-town to B-ville, and the local bus takes 3.0 h, calculate the
average speed and the average velocity for each bus.

211. A hiker walks 10.0 km [NE], 5.0 km [W], and then 2.0 km [S] in 2.5 h.
(a) What is the hikers displacement?
(b) In what direction must the hiker set out, in order to return by the most direct route to the starting point?
(c) If the hiker walks at a constant speed for the entire trip and returns by the most direct route, how long will
the total walk take?

212. A planes velocity changes from 200 km/h [N] to 300 km/h [N30W]. Find the change in velocity, . (Hint:

213. A car travelling at 15 m/s [N] executes a gradual turn, so that it then moves at 18 m/s [E]. What is the cars
change in velocity?

214. A plane is flying at 100 m/s [E]. The pilot changes its velocity by 30 m/s [E30N]. What is the planes final

215. The easterly and northerly components of a cars velocity are 24 m/s and 30 m/s, respectively. In what
direction and with what speed is the car moving? In other words, what is the cars velocity?

216. The displacement of an airplane from its starting point is 100 km [E30N]. Determine the components of its
displacement in the easterly and northerly directions.

217. A boat sails in a straight line 20 km [N30E]. What are the components of its displacement to the north and

218. A cannon fires a cannonball with a speed of 100 m/s at an angle of 20 above the horizontal. What are the
horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity of the cannonball?

219. A football player is running at a constant speed in a straight line up the field at an angle of 15 to the
sidelines. The coach notices that it takes the player 4.0 s to get from the 25 m line to the goal line. How fast is
the player running?

220. A girl swims at 3.0 m/s across a swimming pool at an angle of 30 to the side of the pool, as shown. What are
the components of her swimming velocity in each of the following directions?
(a) across the pool
(b) along the pools edge

221. The pilot of a light plane heads due north at an air speed of 400 km/h. A wind is blowing from the west at 60
(a) What is the planes velocity with respect to the ground?
(b) How far off course would the plane be after 2.5 h, if the pilot had hoped to travel due north but had
forgotten to check the wind velocity?

222. A canoeist paddles north across a river at 3.0 m/s. (The canoe is always kept pointed at right angles to the
river.) The river is flowing east at 4.0 m/s and is 100 m wide.
(a) What is the velocity of the canoe relative to the river bank?
(b) Calculate the time required to cross the river.
(c) How far downstream is the landing point from the starting point?

223. A pilot wishes to make a flight of 300 km [NE] in 45 min. On checking with the meteorological office, she
finds that there will be a wind of 80 km/h from the north for the entire flight. What heading and airspeed must
she use for the flight?

224. A helicopter travelling horizontally at 150 km/h [E] executes a gradual turn, and eventually is moving at 120
km/h [S]. If the turn takes 50 s to complete, what is the average acceleration of the helicopter?

225. A clock has a second hand that is 12 cm long. Find each of the following.
(a) the average speed of the tip of the second hand
(b) its instantaneous velocity as it passes the 6 and the 9 on the clock face
(c) its average velocity in moving from the 3 to the 12 on the clock face
Note: the circumference of a circle is .
Kinematics Extra Study Questions
Answer Section


1. ANS:

The comparable answer to four significant figures is 3.156 10

REF: K/U, I KEY: FOP 1.4, p.14 MSC: SP

2. ANS:

REF: K/U, I KEY: FOP 1.4, p.14 MSC: SP

3. ANS:

The estimated number of balls is

REF: K/U, I KEY: FOP 1.4, p.14 MSC: SP

4. ANS:

REF: K/U, C OBJ: Appendix A, 1.3 LOC: FM2.03
KEY: FOP 1.5, p.16 MSC: P

5. ANS:




REF: K/U, C OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.5, p.16

6. ANS:


REF: K/U, I OBJ: Appendix A, 12.1 LOC: ME2.01
KEY: FOP 1.5, p.16 MSC: P

7. ANS:
(b) Since every second slit is taped up, only six are open. To achieve the same look frequency, the strobe
would have to rotate to make
6 f = 48 Hz
f = 8.0 Hz

REF: I OBJ: 9.1 LOC: WA2.04 KEY: FOP 1.6, p.20

8. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 9.1 LOC: WA2.04 KEY: FOP 1.6, p.20

9. ANS:

Increase the rotation of the strobe. If it is the highest stopping frequency you will not be able to stop the
pattern without seeing multiple images.

(b) The frequency of the waves is equal to the frequency of the strobe at the highest stopping frequency.

REF: K/U, I OBJ: 9.1 LOC: WA2.04 KEY: FOP 1.6, p.20

10. ANS:

Look frequency = rotation rate of the drill = 28.9 revolutions/s

REF: K/U OBJ: 9.1 LOC: WA2.04 KEY: FOP 1.6, p.20

11. ANS:
Frequency of the motor shaft is determined by

Since 10-slot strobe is used the strobe would only have to rotate at to stop the motion of the
motor shaft. In a 20 s interval the strobe would rotate 4 20 = 80 times.

REF: K/U OBJ: 9.1 LOC: WA2.04 KEY: FOP 1.6, p.21

12. ANS:

(b) If every second slit closed, there will only be three open.

REF: K/U, I OBJ: 9.1 LOC: WA2.04 KEY: FOP 1.6, p.21

13. ANS:






REF: K/U, C OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.7, p.23

14. ANS:

1 0.69 0.31 0.17 0.11
r 1 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0
F 10 6.9 3.1 1.7 1.1

Therefore, .

REF: K/U, C OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.7, p.25

15. ANS:

0 0.64 1.0 1.44 1.96
t 0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
d 0 12.8 20.0 28.8 39.2

Therefore, .

REF: K/U, C OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.7, p.25

16. ANS:

10 8 7 6 5 4
A 100 64 49 36 25 16
B 1.99 1.59 1.39 1.19 1.00 0.80

Therefore .

REF: K/U, C OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.7, p.25

17. ANS:
Since F v

Fs multiplier = vs multiplier squared
F = F 3

or F = 9F (F means the new value of F)

Thus, if the speed triples, the force increases by a factor of nine.

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.8, p.28

18. ANS:
Since all of the linear dimensions (l) are doubled and is a constant, the equation may be expressed as a
proportionality (i.e., ).

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.8, p.29

19. ANS:
= 100 m
= 2.0 m/s
= 0.50 m/s

= 10 s
= 40 s
In this question, acceleration is multiplied by a factor of and time is multiplied by a factor of 4.
Since d at
(from the equation d = 0.5at
a is multiplied by a factor of
t is multiplied by a factor of 4 and
is multiplied by a factor of 16
so d
is multiplied by a factor of

Alternate Solution:

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A, 1.1 LOC: FM1.02
KEY: FOP 1.8, p.29 MSC: SP

20. ANS:
(a) 2.76 10
(f) 2.97 10

(b) 4.5 10
(g) 4.3 10

(c) 5.38 10
(h) 6.89 10

(d) 3.9 10
(i) 8.603 10

(e) 8.4 10
(j) 7.93 10

REF: K/U, C OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.35

21. ANS:
(a) 5.00 10
m (e) 5.5 10
(b) 6.000 10
m (f) 2.61 10
(c) 2.5 10
m (g) 1.02 10
(d) 3.3 10
s (h) 1.59 10

REF: K/U, C OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.35

22. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 9.1 LOC: WA1.01 KEY: FOP 1.10, p.35

23. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.35

24. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.35

25. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.35

26. ANS:
(a) 393 cm
(b) 10.2 cm
(c) 4.4 10

(d) 24.23

REF: K/U, C OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.36

27. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.36

28. ANS:
Ignoring the empty space, a volume of 10
times greater is required. Since the volume of an object is
proportional to it linear dimensions cubed ( ), the radius must be or 10
times larger. Since the
original radius was 10
m, the container must have a radius of (10
) = 10
m. (The empty voids
would put in an error of approximately a factor of two in volume and 30% in radius, so the estimation is still
quite good.)

REF: K/U, C OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.36

29. ANS:
At the speed there would be 4 times as many pictures required. Thus the speed of the camera must increase
to 4 18 f/s or 72 f/s.

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.36

30. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.36

31. ANS:


REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.36

32. ANS:
(a) One counter-clockwise rotation is completed in 8 frames.


(b) For clockwise rotation, one frame has a period of s and the object executes rotation in that time.

REF: K/U, I OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.37

33. ANS:

Other possible frequencies are 2.7n where n is an integer. Thus two possible frequencies are 2.7 Hz and 5.4

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.37

34. ANS:

But the bell clapper is stopped at each end which means the look frequency is twice the actual frequency. The
actual frequency is 24 Hz or 12 Hz.

REF: K/U KEY: FOP 1.10, p.37 MSC: P

35. ANS:


REF: K/U KEY: FOP 1.10, p.37 MSC: P

36. ANS:

(b) Another frequency which would stop the motion would be one-half the frequency of the strobe,
Another answer could be .

REF: K/U KEY: FOP 1.10, p.37 MSC: P

37. ANS:
Since the frequency of the fluorescent light is 60 Hz, the light flashes on 120 times/s. The frequency of the
turntable is 33 r/min or 0.55 r/s. So that the light flashes coincide with the marks on the rim of the turntable,
the number of marks must be

REF: K/U, I KEY: FOP 1.10, p.37 MSC: P

38. ANS:

Strobe period = 0.10 s

Analyzing the diagram in the margin, there are 16 time intervals between images for one complete vibration.
Thus the period of the pendulum is 16 0.10 s = 1.6 s.

REF: K/U KEY: FOP 1.10, p.38 MSC: P

39. ANS:
(a) x
(b) A B

(c) M

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.38

40. ANS:
(a) F v

(c) T
or T

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.38

41. ANS:
Changing the scale means uniformly altering all dimensions by the same factor. If the bust was four time as
tall, it is also four times larger in all its dimensions. Since volume increases as the cube of the linear
dimensions, that is V l
, the new volume will be 4
or 64 times larger. Thus 64 small busts will be required
to produce one large bust.

REF: K/U, C OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.40

42. ANS:
Boyles Law
Since the pressure falls by a factor of 8, the volume must rise by a factor of 8. But volume changes as the cube
of the linear dimensions, so the linear dimensions must double and the 30 mm diameter on Earth
increases to 60 mm on .

REF: K/U, C OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.40

43. ANS:




REF: K/U OBJ: 3.2 LOC: FM1.04 KEY: FOP 1.8, p.30

44. ANS:


REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.6, p.20

45. ANS:
Plotting a graph of a versus b, we discover from its shape that a is inversely proportional to .
Since , we assume the simplest value of n, that is, n = 1; and set up a column of values of . Then we
plot a versus .

0.50 36
0.25 9.0
0.17 4.0
0.13 2.3
0.10 1.4

Since the plot of a versus does not produce a straight line, we set up a column of values for and plot a
versus . As illustrated below, this plot does produce a straight line, and thus .

0.25 36
0.063 9.0
0.019 4.0
0.017 2.3
0.010 1.4

REF: K/U, I OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.7, p.24

46. ANS:
(a) V R

(b) (i)

(c) (i)


REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.8, p.30

47. ANS:


REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.8, p.30

48. ANS:


Therefore .

Note: In this example, any set of values for x and y gives the same value for k, that is 8. This is not a typical
case, especially when dealing with experimental data. Usually a number of calculations of k, using different
sets of values, would be necessary to obtain an average value for k.


REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.8, p.30

49. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.8, p.30

50. ANS:
There are two solutions to this problemone using proportioning techniques and one using an equation.

Solution 1 Proportional Techniques
Given that , if b increases from 3.5 to 7.0, a factor of 2, then a must increase by a factor of 2
or 8

Solution 2 Using and Equation
If , then a = kb

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.8, p.30

51. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 9.1 LOC: WA1.01 KEY: FOP 1.10, p.36

52. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.36

53. ANS:

Thus the period of the bicycle wheel is

REF: K/U KEY: FOP 1.10, p.37 MSC: P

54. ANS:



REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A, 4.2 LOC: EM1.01
KEY: FOP 1.10, p.39 MSC: P

55. ANS:

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.36

56. ANS:





There is a reference for this on page 43 of the FOP text.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.1, p.45

57. ANS:




REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 KEY: FOP 2.1, p.45

58. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.2, p.46

59. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.2, p.46

60. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.2, p.46

61. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.2, p.46

62. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.3, p.49

63. ANS:
total displacement

total time

which, since it is positive, represents an average velocity towards the east.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.3, p.51

64. ANS:
Let [N] be positive (+).

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.3, p.51

65. ANS:
Interval AB

Interval BC

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.3, p.51

66. ANS:



REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.4, p.52

67. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.4, p.52

68. ANS:



REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.4, p.52

69. ANS:
For point A:

For point B:

For point C:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.5, p.53

70. ANS:



(d) The instantaneous velocity is approximately zero when the slope of the d-t graph is approximately zero.
This occurs at t = 8.2 s, 12.5 s, 14.5 s.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.5, p.54

71. ANS:
(a) Position after 7.0 s is 10 m or 10 m [W].

(b) (i) t = 0 to t = 4.0 s
Uniform velocity of 2.5 m/s [W].

(ii) t = 0 to t = 7.0 s stopped.

(iii) t = 7.0 s to t = 9.0 s
Uniform velocity of 7.5 m/s [E].

(iv) t = 7.0 s to t = 11.0 s
Uniform velocity of approximately 1.3 m/s [W].

(v) t = 11.0 s to t = 14.0 s
Uniform acceleration in the easterly direction.



REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.6, p.56

72. ANS:

(b) Displacement = 0 m




REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.7, p.59

73. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.7, p.59

74. ANS:
(a) The graph intersects at t = 0.68 h. At this point, cars A and B will both have the same velocity.

(b) At t = 0.4 h, car A will be ahead of car B because the area under the curve for car A is greater than that for
car B. The difference in their positions can be calculated as follows:


REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.7, p.60

75. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.7, p.60

76. ANS:
acceleration = slope of v-t graph

acceleration = slope of v-t graph

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.8, p.61

77. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.8, p.62

78. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.8, p.63

79. ANS:
When the direction of the motion is not specified, it is necessary to designate one direction as positive and the
other negative. In cases involving motion near the surface of Earth, it is customary to define up as positive
and down as negative.

The negative sign in the acceleration indicates that the final velocity is less than the initial velocity. As the
ball moves up, its speed is decreasing. This situation is sometimes called deceleration, but, as this example
illustrates, deceleration may also be considered as a negative acceleration.

The word deceleration is discouraged in physics, because beginning students assume incorrectly that all
negative values of acceleration are decelerations.

A negative value of acceleration can mean one of these two things:
(i) The object moves in the original (positive) direction with a decreasing speed (commonly called
(ii) The object moves in the opposite (negative) direction with an increasing speed. (It makes no sense to call
this a deceleration.)
Which of the two conditions exists depends on the situation. In sample problem 2, negative acceleration
occurs because of the first condition. On the other hand, if the same ball is allowed to fall freely, it will move
down with an increasing speed, also exhibiting negative acceleration, since we defined up as positive.

REF: K/U, C OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.8, p.63

80. ANS:
For motion in a straight line, the motion can occur in only two directions. Thus, it is usually more convenient
to define one direction as positive and the other negative. Either of the following solutions is correct, but the
second solution is usually the preferred one.

Solution 1:

Solution 2:
Choosing directions so that east is positive (+) and west is negative (),

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.8, p.63

81. ANS:
Choosing directions so that up the slope is positive and down the slope is negative.



REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.8, p.64

82. ANS:

Note that has a positive value in this example. If is negative, a mistake has been made in one or more of
the quantities.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.3 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.8, p.64

83. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.9, p.65

84. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.9, p.65

85. ANS:
Up is (+), Down is ()



REF: K/U OBJ: 1.3 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.9, p.65

86. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.3 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.9, p.65

87. ANS:

Since the ball will decelerate on the second slope,

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.9, p.65

88. ANS:

(b) (i)


(c) (i)


REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.11, p.67

89. ANS:

REF: K/U, C OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.12, p.69

90. ANS:

REF: K/U, C OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.12, p.69

91. ANS:



REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.13, p.71

92. ANS:




REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.13, p.71

93. ANS:

= 200 m/s
= 500 m/s

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.13, p.72

94. ANS:
Choosing up as positive and down as negative,
= 500 m/s
= 10 m/s

= 0


(b) Solution 1:

Solution 2:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.3 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.13, p.72

95. ANS:
Choosing up as positive and down as negative,

Since time must be positive, .

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.3 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.13, p.72

96. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.13, p.73

97. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.13, p.73

98. ANS:



REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.13, p.73

99. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.3 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.13, p.73

100. ANS:
(a) by symmetry (takes as long up as down)



REF: K/U OBJ: 1.3 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.13, p.74

101. ANS:



REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.13, p.74

102. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.79

103. ANS:

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.79

104. ANS:

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.79

105. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.79

106. ANS:


REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.80

107. ANS:
(a) Uniform velocity A, B, D, E
At rest B
Acceleration C

(b) (i)

(c) (i) Since the graph is a straight line for this interval, the velocity is uniform and will have the same value
as (i) in part (b), that is, 1.4 m/s.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.80

108. ANS:
d (cm) 0 32 40 48 56 64 72
t (s) 0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

The slope of the v-t graph is the acceleration.

REF: K/U, C OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.80

109. ANS:

(b) Air resistance and the drag of the opening parachute would mean that the net acceleration would be less
than g (9.8 m/s

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 1.3 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.80

110. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.80

111. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.80

112. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.80

113. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.80

114. ANS:
90 km/h = 25 m/s

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.80

115. ANS:
(a) B, D

(b) A, C

(c) (i)


(d) From t = 12 s to t = 13 s

(e) (i)


(f) (i)


REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.80

116. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.81

117. ANS:
(a) 4.5 s



(d) Sum of areas = 0, thus the total displacement is zero

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.81

118. ANS:

B is ahead of A by 10.4 8.0 = 2.4 km





REF: K/U, C OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.82

119. ANS:
(a) (i) 0



(b) (i)



REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.82

120. ANS:


The distance between A and B is




REF: K/U, C OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.83

121. ANS:




REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.83

122. ANS:
(a) t = 200 s (velocity zero)


(c) First Stage:

Second Stage:


(e) Parachute opening decreasing velocity

(f) The terminal velocity is approximately 70 m/s, as read from the graph.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.83

123. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.85

124. ANS:




REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.85

125. ANS:


REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.85

126. ANS:



REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FMV.03 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.86

127. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FMV.03 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.86

128. ANS:
Assuming maximum deceleration of 9.8 m/s

The driver could not have been exceeding the speed limit of 50 km/h.

REF: K/U, I OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.86

129. ANS:

Note that this solution ignores air resistance.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.86

130. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.86

131. ANS:


REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.86

132. ANS:

The ground is 73 m below the window.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.86

133. ANS:
It should be obvious that the FC must beat the BC, since FC spent exactly half his time at the higher speed,
while BC spent less than half his time at the higher speed.

For BC:

For FC:

The French Concorde completes the trip first, and does so in 5.1 h less.

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.79

134. ANS:


REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.85

135. ANS:




REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 3.4, p.97

136. ANS:




REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 3.5, p.98

137. ANS:
1 cm = 5 m/s

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FMV.01 KEY: FOP 3.5, p.98

138. ANS:



REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.6, p.103

139. ANS:



REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.7, p.109

140. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.9, p.111

141. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.9, p.112

142. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 3.1 LOC: FMV.01 KEY: FOP 3.9, p.117

143. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 3.1 LOC: FMV.01 KEY: FOP 3.9, p.117

144. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 3.1 LOC: FMV.01 KEY: FOP 3.9, p.118

145. ANS:

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 3.1 LOC: FMV.01 KEY: FOP 3.9, p.117

146. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 3.1 LOC: FMV.01 KEY: FOP 3.9, p.118

147. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 3.1 LOC: FMV.01 KEY: FOP 3.9, p.118

148. ANS:

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 3.1 LOC: FM3.01 KEY: FOP 3.9, p.118

149. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 3.1 LOC: FMV.01 KEY: FOP 3.9, p.118

150. ANS:




REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.123

151. ANS:



REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.125

152. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 3.1 LOC: FMV.01 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.126

153. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 3.1 LOC: FMV.01 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.126

154. ANS:

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 3.1 LOC: FMV.01 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.126

155. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 3.1 LOC: FMV.01 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.126

156. ANS:

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 3.1 LOC: FM3.01 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.126

157. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.122

158. ANS:





REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.123

159. ANS:




REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.124

160. ANS:

(a) For the raindrop,
wrt Earth, v
= 0 km/h
wrt the train, v
= 20 km/h


REF: K/U OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.125


161. ANS:
Diameter of basketball 25 cm (approx.)

Given that

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.36

162. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.36

163. ANS:
From the slope of the graph, .
By analysis of the data, it is apparent that n = 1. Thus the equation is of the form E = . The value of k may
be determined as follows:

k = Ed

E d k
16.2 2.2 35.6
8.2 4.4 36.1
5.4 6.5 35.1
3.2 11.1 35.5

The average value of k is

The equation relating E and d is .

REF: K/U, C OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.38

164. ANS:
Graph of d vs. t

(a) As seen by the graphs, .

(b) Slope of d vs. l
graph is the constant k. That is,


(c) For


Note that in the latter case, the board could very easily have broken. Mathematical extrapolations may provide
answers that have no physical validity.

REF: K/U, I OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.39

165. ANS:

The equation would be .

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.39

166. ANS:

P = 0.31 R

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.39

167. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.39

168. ANS:



REF: K/U OBJ: Appendix A KEY: FOP 1.10, p.40

169. ANS:

The automobile will be 80 m beyond the starting point when it will overtake the truck.


The car will be travelling at 17 m/s at that instant.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.84

170. ANS:

Time for deceleration stage:

The distance between the stations is 783 m.
The average speed of the train is 16 m/s.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.84

171. ANS:

The boys velocity is 0.12 m/s
at the bottom of the hill.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.85

172. ANS:

Total displacement is 30 m.


The average velocity is 8.6 m/s.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.85

173. ANS:

The car will be in motion for 225 s.
The car will travel 7650 m.
The average speed of the car will be 34 m/s.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.85

174. ANS:
His average speed between post and tree was:

Since his average speed was 10 m/s and his final speed was 1.2 m/s, his initial speed must have been 0.80 m/s
(for uniform acceleration ).
Thus the acceleration was

The distance the turtle was from the post is determined from

He was 8 m from the fence post when he started.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.85

175. ANS:

But the trains were initially 1.2 km apart.
There is no collision and they will stop 1.2 km 1.1 km = 0.1 km apart.

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.86

176. ANS:

Her velocity is 98 m/s [down].


The parachute opens at 2610 m.


The velocity of the parachutist just before she hits the ground is 8 m/s [down].

(d) Displacement during deceleration:

Remaining distance to fall at a uniform velocity will be: 2610 m 1060 m = 1550 m

Time to fall 1550 m:

Time for total distance is: 10 s + 20 s + 194 s = 224 s

The time required for the whole descent is 224 s.

(e) Taking down as positive

She would have to fall from 3.3 m.

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 1.3 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.87

177. ANS:
Time for first stone to hit water:

Since the second stone is thrown 1.0 s later, it requires 2.0 s to reach the water.

The initial velocity of the second stone was 12 m/s.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.3 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.87

178. ANS:

Time to catch the boy is 8.08 s 5.0 s = 3.08 s

Superman would have to dive off the skyscraper with an initial speed of 89 m/s.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.3 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.87

179. ANS:
Time for the convertible to reach the scaffold:

Time for pail to fall:

The negative answer has no meaning in this question. Since the pail only requires 1.5 s to reach the ground
and the car requires 4.5 s to reach the scaffold, the driver does not get wet.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.3 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.87

180. ANS:
Time for the parcel to fall:

Travel time for truck:

Waiting time is:

The employee waited 3.9 s.

REF: K/U, I OBJ: 1.3 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.87

181. ANS:

The average velocity for the three sections is 82 km/h.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.4, p.52

182. ANS:


REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 2.15, p.81

183. ANS:

Using cosine law:

Using the sine law:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.8, p.113

184. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.122

185. ANS:
Using components in the x-y plane:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.122

186. ANS:

Scale: 1 cm = 5.0 m/s

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.122

187. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.122

188. ANS:




Using a vector diagram:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.123

189. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.4 LOC: FM1.03 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.123

190. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.123

191. ANS:



REF: K/U OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.123

192. ANS:

Using the cosine law,

(b) Using the sine law,


REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.123

193. ANS:
(a) Walker:


The canoeist arrives 5 min before the walker.

(b) Now for the canoeists return trip

So the total time for the canoeist is

The walker takes 30 min to make the trip. The canoeist takes 40 min to make the trip.

REF: K/U, I OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.124

194. ANS:



The angle with respect to shore is 90 35 = 55.


REF: K/U, I OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.124

195. ANS:


REF: K/U, I OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.124

196. ANS:

Using the cosine law,

(a) Using the sine law,

The wind velocity is 100 km/h [W53S], or [S37W].


Using the sine law,

The heading is [W19N].

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.124

197. ANS:

(a) Using the sine law,

The heading is [N17E].


The flight will take 3.6 h.

(c) Without wind,

The time saved by the wind is 0.4 h, or 24 min.

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.125

198. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.125

199. ANS:

(b) at t = 15 s, = 0.16 cm/s [D]
at t = 45 s, = 0.16 cm/s [U]
at t = 60 s, = 0.16 cm/s [R]


REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.125

200. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.125

201. ANS:



REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.125

202. ANS:

(b) To estimate the radius, consider it a circular path, so the is the centripetal acceleration.
Assume v
= 220 km/h.

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2, 3.1 LOC: FM1.02, FMV.01
KEY: FOP 3.11, p.125 MSC: P

203. ANS:
The length of the escalator is and the persons walking speed is v. All speeds and distances are relative to
the building and up is positive.

(a) The speed of the escalator is given by

When walking on the moving escalator the velocity is:

(b) When waking down the moving escalator,
This is positive, meaning he will be moving up.

REF: K/U, I OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.126

204. ANS:
Using components in the x and y directions, for the homing pigeon

Time for homing pigeon

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.126

205. ANS:
Let the speed of the boat in still water be x.
Let the speed of the current be y.

From Montreal to Quebec:

From Quebec to Montreal:

From Montreal to Quebec:

From (1) and (2)

Then, in (3)

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.126

206. ANS:
The pilot flies off course in such a way that, when the winds velocity is added to his, he is on the intended

For the northbound leg,

Virtually the same situation occurs on the westbound leg, and

For the southbound leg,

Again, the same situation occurs on the westbound leg, so that

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.127

207. ANS:
Let the swimmers speed in still water be x.
Let the speed of the current in the river be y.

The trip consists of 3 intervals:

For the sunbather swimming upstream

and swimming downstream

and for the boat drifting downstream

From (2) and (1)

From (3)


The speed of the current in the river is 2.0 km/h

Note: As an interesting alternative, go into the frame of reference of the water and raft. She swims away from
the raft for h, so must swim back to it in h. During her h swim, the raft drifts 1 km. Therefore the
speed of the current is 2 km/h.

REF: K/U, I OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.127

208. ANS:
Boy 1:

Boy 2:

Time to cross river

Time to run along the shore

Therefore, the time for boy 2 is 23.3 s.
Boy 1 arrives first by 0.2 s.

REF: K/U, I OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.11, p.127

209. ANS:

(a) Final displacement is AD.
AB = 60 km, BC = 35 km, CD = 50 km

If BC = 35 km, .

(b) (i)


REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.3, p.93

210. ANS:



(c) For the express bus,

For the local bus,

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.3, p.93

211. ANS:

(b) [S22W] (i.e., along DA in the opposite direction)


REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.3, p.93

212. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.4, p.97

213. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.4, p.97

214. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.4, p.97

215. ANS:
Mathematical Solution:

Graphical Solution:

Therefore, the car is moving in a direction 51 to the north of due east, with a speed of 38 m/s
( = 38 m/s [E51N]).

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.6, p.102

216. ANS:
Mathematical Solution:

Graphical Solution:

Therefore, the components of a displacement of 100 km [E30N] are 86.6 km [E] and 50.0 km [N].

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.6, p.101

217. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.6, p.102

218. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.6, p.102

219. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.6, p.103

220. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.6, p.102

221. ANS:



REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.7, p.109

222. ANS:


(b) The canoe crosses the river at

(c) The canoe moves downstream at

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.7, p.109

223. ANS:

Using cosine law,

Using the sine law,

REF: K/U, MC OBJ: 1.5 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.7, p.109

224. ANS:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.2 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.8, p.113

225. ANS:
(a) The tip of the second hand makes one complete revolution in 60 s.

(b) Since the speed is constant, | | = v = 1.3 cm/s

= 1.3 cm/s [left]

= 1.3 cm/s [up]

(c) The displacement of the tip of the second hand in moving from the 3 to the 12 may be found from the
following diagram:

Mathematical Solution:

Graphical Solution:

REF: K/U OBJ: 1.1 LOC: FM1.02 KEY: FOP 3.3, p.92

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