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JOHN DOE subscriber assigned IP address,

Case No. 1:14-cv-0223-MJG

Assigned to: Honorable Marvin J. Garbis
United States District Judge


JOHN DOE subscriber assigned IP address,

Case No. 1:14-cv-0257-CCB

Assigned to: Honorable Catherine C. Blake
United States District Judge


JOHN DOE subscriber assigned IP address,

Case No. 1:14-cv-0260-CCB

Assigned to: Honorable Catherine C. Blake
United States District Judge


JOHN DOE subscriber assigned IP address

Case No. 1:14-cv-0263-RDB

Assigned to: Honorable Richard D. Bennett
United States District Judge

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An identical version of this document is being filed concurrently in all cases identified on the caption.

JOHN DOE subscriber assigned IP address,

Case No. 1:14-cv-0660-GLR

Assigned to: Honorable George Levi Russell, III
United States District Judge

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(a) What Champerty Looks Like In The 21
Century .................................................................. 4
(b) Malibu Response On The Professional Conduct Rule 3.3(d) Issue: If My Boss In Miami Did
It, It Was Not Unethical, QED................................................................................................. 6
(c) International Men Of Mystery: Tobias Fieser, Michael Patzer, Daniel Macek, Patrick
Achache, Guardaley & The Shell Companies, And The Software With A Name Nobody
Seems To Know....................................................................................................................... 8
(1) Proceedings In The Elf-Man Case In The Eastern District Of Washington
Substantially Corroborate Movants Theory That Guardaley, IPP and Excipio Are
All Run By The Same Group Of People Engaged In A Global Shell Game............. 10
(2) There Is Also Other, New Evidence From A Malibu Case In Indiana Further Linking
IPP To Guardaley....................................................................................................... 13
(3) The Bellwether Trial Testimony Malibu Submitted In Support Of Its Opposition
Further Supports Movants Argument That There Is No Actual Difference Between
Any Of The German Computer Entities Malibu Pretends Are All Different ............ 13
(4) Fiesers Sworn Statement About What Software He Supposedly Used To Log The
Infringement In This Case Is Contradicted By Malibus Own Court Filings, And Is
Belied By Various Exhibits, Which Malibu Fails to Address Or Even Acknowledge
(5) Both Fieser And Patzer Should Be Precluded From Trying To Lay A Foundation For
The Tainted Data ....................................................................................................... 17
(d) For The Purposes Of This Motion, Which Seeks Exclusion Of Evidence Per se, It Does Not
Matter If Guardaley / IPP / Excipios Software Is Accurate Or Not ..................................... 18
(e) The Case From A District Court On The Seventh Circuit That Malibu Relies Upon Heavily
Applies A Minority View On Witness Contingency Agreements......................................... 20
(f) Malibu Fails To Distinguish Accrued Financial II, Which Clearly Controls ....................... 21
(g) Malibu Fails To Offer A Credible Reason Explaining Why Dismissal Of The 3024 Action
Was Not Pure Forum Shopping............................................................................................. 23
(h) An Order To Show Cause Is The Best Way To Proceed....................................................... 24
(i) If Malibus Response To The Order To Show Cause Confirms What Appears To Be True,
Then Dismissal Is The Appropriate Remedy......................................................................... 25
(j) Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 26

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In January, Malibus local counsel in Illinois, perhaps inadvertently, let slip that Malibu
compensated its key witness, IPP, pursuant to an oral contingency agreement. Exhibit B.
For the
nearly six months since then, plaintiff Malibu Media, LLC (Malibu) has steadfastly refused to provide
any further detail as to what that means, when such an agreement was in effect, or how large was IPP/
Guardaley/ Excipios contingent interest in the outcome of the litigation. Malibu admits that there was a
witness contingency agreement in place, but concludes that since it was abruptly terminated shortly after
it was revealed, the resulting prejudice to the defendants and to the judicial system should be completely
(a) What Champerty Looks Like In The 21
Malibus position is that [p]aying a service provider to record a computer transaction is not
grounds to exclude evidence or dismiss a case. But that is not a fair description of what appears to be
going on in these cases. Rather, here, the service provider, is in the business of recording computer
transactions, and, together with plaintiffs lawyers, they solicit clients to stir up litigation, in exchange
for a piece of the settlement action, in contravention of Marylands strong public policy against
champerty. According to testimony put on by Malibu at its much-ballyhooed bellwether trial in
Pennsylvania, IPP
has 150 servers (Ps Exh. I to Opp. at 20:17
) which it uses to continuously monitor

Unless otherwise noted, all references to Exhibits are to the Pietz Decl., filed initially in the lead cases on March
28, 2014, in support of this motion. Exhibits AA to EE are attached to the declaration of Morgan E. Pietz
submitted in support of this reply (Reply Decl.).
Although Michael Patzer testified at trial that the servers were IPPs, prior documents he filed in other cases
identify the servers as belonging to Guardaley (Exhibit Q) and the new story, since Malibus oral contingency
agreement with IPP came to light in January of this year, is that the servers belong to Excipio. Exhibit Z and Opp.
at 12 & fn. 12.
This refers to the exhibits to Malibus opposition to the instant Motion For An OSC. Page references to
Malibus exhibits refer to the ECF pagination in the top right.
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10,000,000 different files being shared using BitTorrent (Ps Exh. I to Opp. at 29:6). The computer
network traffic Guardaley/IPP/Excipio is in the business of monitoring, on a massive scale, is only
inherently valuable to the extent that it could serve as the basis for copyright infringement lawsuits for
statutory damages. Malibu again admits that the lawyers, not the client, choose who to sue in these
cases. Opp. at fn. 11. The decision about who to settle with and for how much is also delegated out, to
notorious settlement negotiators, who may well come as part of a package deal provided by
Guardaley/IPP/Excipio and/or the plaintiffs lawyers. Exhibit AA to Reply Decl., 712. In short,
these circumstances suggest that when it comes to this systematically opportunistic new business
model of using the federal courts subpoena power, the threat of high statutory damages, and the stigma
associated with pornography to leverage infringement settlements, the tail is wagging the dog.
As Judge Motz recognized, claim investigation and aggregation services are not necessarily
inappropriate, and can even provide an effective (and wholesome) deterrent against violating legal
obligations that are too-often ignored. See Accrued Fin. Servs., Inc. v. Prime Retail, Inc., 2000 WL
976800 at *3 fn. 3, (D. Md. No. 1:99-cv-2573, ECF No. 20, 6/19/00) (Accrued Financial I). While
nothing about Malibus teen pornography and the maze of German shell companies it relies upon to
perform unlicensed wiretapping electronic snooping on thousands of peoples online activities seems
wholesome, exactly, it is true that online piracy is a big problem, and Malibu has a right to sue for
infringement. It also has a right to hire an expert to assist in proving its cases. Movant does not dispute
any of that.
However, if Marylands strong public policy against the stirring up litigation or promoting
litigation for the benefit of the promoter rather than for the benefit of the litigant or the public is to have
any meaning, then the arrangement here cannot be tolerated. See Accrued Fin. Servs., Inc. v. Prime
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Retail, Inc., 298 F.3d 291, 300 (4th Cir. 2002) (Accrued Financial II). Malibu has admitted that
Guardaley/IPP/Excipio, the key witness on whose data the whole enterprise is founded, obtained a
contingent financial interest in the outcome of Malibus litigation,
which is prohibited by a variety of
different legal rules. Motion For An OSC at pp. 2334. Further, the facts suggest that
Guardaley/IPP/Excipio is the true promoter of this whole scheme, and that together with the plaintiffs
lawyers and the notorious settlement negotiators, they directly control who to sue, whether and when
to settle, and for how much. While courts and attorney regulatory bodies have been willing to tolerate
champerty insofar as contingent fee representation by lawyers and third-party lawsuit financing is
concerned, in order to increase access to justice, condoning the arrangements here would effectively
amount to a complete judicial abrogation of the doctrine of champerty. If this case and the kind of
systematic opportunism
it reflects is not modern champerty, then what is?
(b) Malibu Response On The Professional Conduct Rule 3.3(d) Issue: If My Boss In Miami Did
It, It Was Not Unethical, QED
Beyond champerty, plaintiff here had an affirmative duty to disclose material adverse facts when
it moved, on a pure ex parte basis, to obtain early John Doe discovery, without an opponent there to
object. See ABA Model and Maryland Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule, 3.3(d). If lawsuit
promoters are going to take near total financial interest in the outcome of the claim (via an assignment of
the whole copyright, as the lawyers did in Prenda) or a partial financial interest in the outcome of the
claim (via an oral contingency agreement of the sort Guardaley/IPP obtained here) then these
enterprises need to be forthright about what they are doing when they seek ex parte relief. Certainly, to

Exactly what cases were undergoing what Malibu calls the suit formation process (Opp. at 10) during the term
of this improper oral contingency agreement Malibu has not yet disclosed.
Matthew Sag, Copyright Trolling, An Empirical Study, (March 21, 2014). Iowa Law Review, Forthcoming.
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the extent such contingent financial arrangements are considered to be a material adverse fact, and
plaintiffs are routinely going into courts on a pure ex parte basis to seek John Doe discovery, the
plaintiffs lawyers have a duty to disclose all this. Malibu concedes that it did not so here, and counsel
on the pleadings here in Maryland concludes that there could not possibly be any kind of breach of this
duty because lead national counsel in Miami, not counsel here, negotiated the improper witness
contingency agreement. Regardless of what local counsel here did or did not know, lead counsel in
Miami, whose firm presumably authored the early discovery papers in the first instance, and who
participated in the consolidated proceedings in this district before Judges Titus and Grimm, had a duty to
make sure this fact was disclosed to the Courts here and across the country.
In deciding whether knowing that the witness on whose testimony all of these cases are based
was being paid on a contingent fee basis was the kind of material fact this Court should have been
appraised of during the ex parte proceedings, the Court should consider how this issue has been handled
since it first arose in January. If the payment arrangements Malibus counsel made with IPP were all
above board, why has Malibu spent the last six months fighting tooth and nail all attempts by defendants
to inquire into these arrangements? If there was and still is nothing to hide, why not fully explain how
the German computer guys are compensated, and who they really work for, in the opposition to this
motion? Such questions are routine for any expert who actually plans to testify. The fact that it was an
oral contingency agreement suggests counsel knew the arrangement was suspect, and that the decision
to omit mention of the contingent fee compensation paid to the declarants in the ex parte papers filed
across the country seeking leave to issue subpoenas was knowing and intentional. Further, the decision
to dismiss the 3024 Action before Judge Motz rather than risk getting into all this in his courtroom or
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providing discovery on these issues further suggests that Malibu and its counsel were withholding an
adverse fact that they knew was material.
(c) International Men Of Mystery: Tobias Fieser, Michael Patzer, Daniel Macek, Patrick
Achache, Guardaley & The Shell Companies, And The Software With A Name Nobody
Seems To Know
Beyond the affirmative duty to disclose material adverse facts, Malibus lawyers also had a duty
of candor that prohibits them from making intentionally misleading statements to the Court. The
statements made on the record here in the letter to Judges Titus and Grimm downplaying the links
between Guardaley and IPP (Exhibit S), and more recent statements by Malibu attempting to cast
Excipio as a different company (Opp.), free from the taint of Guardaleys unreliability and IPPs
contingent interest in these cases, also appear to come perilously close to affirmative misrepresentations.
Confronted with suggestions that the key witness, being paid on contingency, is merely a front
for the discredited German company Guardaley, Malibu argues that since Guardaley also continued to
exist as a separate entity, it would be wrong to consider IPP to be merely a front for Guardaley. Of
course, there is absolutely no reason that Guardaley cannot continue to exist on paper, and even in
practice, while at the same time clandestinely orchestrating everything done by its subsidiary or affiliate
IPP. Notably, Malibu does not actually go so far as to deny any of the facts linking IPP to Guardaley.
Instead, Malibu raises technical objections and offers a variety of carefully worded and
practically meaningless statements like [Fieser] does not have an ownership interest in IPP (Opp. at
10) and No one at Excipio has an ownership in [sic] IPP or vice versa. Mr. Patzer does not have an
ownership interest in Excipio. (Opp. at 12). Guardaley and/or the people behind it could own both IPP
and Excipio, and the foregoing sworn assertions would be perfectly correct. What would be far more
forthcoming than offering a variety of sworn statements about who does not own what would be to
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simply explain who really does own Guardaley, IPP, and Excipio, and detail the terms on which all of
these entities are compensated for their suit formation and unlicensed private investigation services.
Similarly, Malibu should explain the connection between the German computer guys generating these
lawsuits, and the Miami-based, non-lawyer settlement negotiators who are delegated authority by the
ostensible client to settle them.
Recently, at oral argument, Judge Sykes of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals remarked of
Prenda Law, that it seemed like there was a lot of shell game activity going on with respect to the
entities behind those cases.
That same concern was one of the reasons Judge Wright sanctioned Prenda
so roundly in the infamous Star Trek order. Ingenuity 13, LLC v. John Doe, 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS
64564 (C.D. Cal., May 6, 2013).
Here, the hacked emails from Guardaleys Patrick Achache quoted in the story
(Exhibit N) suggest that the shell game approach is actually a concerted strategy by Guardaley: for each
new client, and/or whenever they encounter a problem, this same group of computer guys, mainly based
in Karlsruh, Germany, just forms a new entity with a new mail drop forwarding address, so as to throw
both courts and defendants off the scent.
Since the publicly available facts detailing Guardaleys links to IPP were rounded up in the Pietz
Decl., submitted with the instant moving papers, others have found further examples of phony shell
companies, more fake addresses, more evidence that Guardaley, IPP and Excipio is all the same thing,
run by all the same people.

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(1) Proceedings In The Elf-Man Case In The Eastern District Of Washington Substantially
Corroborate Movants Theory That Guardaley, IPP and Excipio Are All Run By The
Same Group Of People Engaged In A Global Shell Game
Recent proceedings in Elf-Man, LLC v. Lamberson, E.D. Wa. No. 2:13-cv-395-TOR, ECF No.
50, 5/20/14, at 7:26 (attached to the Pietz Reply Decl. as Exhibit AA) corroborate Movants arguments
that Guardaley, IPP and Excipio is run by the same group of people playing a global shell game. In Elf-
Man, Michael Patzer and Daniel Macekthe very same computer witnesses Malibu talks about in the
instant oppositionwere caught red handed trying to hide behind yet another series of phony shell
companies. In addition, the proceedings also show how Patzer and Macek are trying to use the Hague
Convention so as to avoid being hailed into American courts to be deposed about their supposed
evidence of infringement.
Elf-Man, LLC is not a pornographer, but rather a maker of a flop B-movie,
that presumably lost
money for its investors via traditional means of monetization, so they decided instead to try and recoup
their losses through BitTorrent litigation. Somehow, Elf-Man, LLC got connected to the Guardaley
guys, or vice versa, and they began filing infringement lawsuit based on evidence provided by Michael
Patzer and Daniel Macek. According to the plaintiffs Rule 26 initial disclosures in Elf-Man, Daniel
Macek is plaintiffs primary investigator who oversaw the direct peer-to-peer connection with
Defendants IP address and confirmed the distribution of plaintiffs motion picture through defendants
IP address and is knowledgeable about associated records and activity observed. Exhibit BB to Reply
Decl. Michael Patzer is an author of software used by plaintiffs investigator and is knowledgeable
about peer-to-peer file exchanges and the veracity of plaintiffs investigations. Id. Having reviewed
Malibus opposition here, this should all be pretty familiar to this Court, only here, Tobias Fieser

8 (score of 14%).
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performs Daniel Maceks function. In fact, according to one of the transcripts Malibu attached to the
instant opposition, Fiesers direct testimony at the bellwether trial, in Pennsylvania, the same Daniel
Macek supposedly double-checks all of Fiesers work in the Malibu cases. Exh. C to Opp, ECF No. 20-
3 at 9:11. Thus, according to Fiesers testimony at the bellwether trial, he and Macek basically perform
the same job function using the same proprietary software tools at the same company (whatever that
company may be called at any given time). See id.
However, according to Elf-Man, Patzer and Macek work[] for Crystal Bay Corporation which
was supposedly retained by Anti-Piracy Management Company. Exhibit CC to Reply Decl. In Elf-
Mans Rule 26 disclosures, the same address in Stuttgart, Germany is given for both Patzer and Macek.
The defendant in that case began pressing to depose Patzer and Macek in Washington, and making
inquires to plaintiffs counsel about where these two could be located and how they could be served.
Defense counsel began investigating and pointed out to Elf-Man that most of the information provided
about Patzer and Macek about their supposed role in the litigation appeared to be pretty suspicious. The
plaintiffs lawyer derid[ed] the inquiry [about Patzer and Macek] as more like a conspiracy novel than
a legitimate request for additional discovery and refused to respond. Id. at p. 7.
That response should sound pretty familiar. As the Court will recall from the moving papers, as
well as Exhibit S thereto, when defense attorney Jason Sweet first pointed out to Judges Titus and
Grimm in early 2013 that it appeared that IPP did not really exist, but was merely Guardaley reinvented
with a new name, Malibus counsel here dismissed this suggestion in a signed pleading filed on the
record as conspiracy theories set forth with little evidence. Exhibit S, p. 17. Apparently then
conspiracy theory must be Guardaley et al.s standard line they tell their allied plaintiffs lawyers to
respond with whenever anyone starts inquiring about their various shell companies.
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As the defendants own investigation revealed in Elf-Man, Crystal Bay Corporation, the
company Macek (and Patzer?) supposedly worked for (Exhibit CC to Reply Decl., at p. 8) was a
defunct South Dakota corporation, apparently incorporated in 2012 by a disbarred lawyer who,
according to his website, now specializes in creating anonymous shelf corporations. Exhibit DD to
Reply Decl., at 5. The official address Crystal Bay Corporation registered with the South Dakota
Secretary of State? It belongs to a mail forwarding company, and it is the same address given for the
disbarred lawyers Agent Services company. Id. at 6. Same thing with the Stuttgart, Germany
address given for Patzer and Macek: it corresponds to an office building in Stuttgart that offers mail
drop services and short term office rents, even by the hour. Id. at 7. The Elf-Man defendant also
investigated the phone numbers given for Patzer and Macek. The regional code for Maceks number
corresponded to Karlsruhe, Germany.
The regional code for Patzer was for a suburb of Karlsruhe.
Exhibit EE to Reply Decl., at 7.
The coup de grace from Elf-Man: when defense counsel there recently called the (Karlsruhe)
phone number given for Macek in the initial disclosures in that case, the person on the other end of the
line answered it Guardaley. Exhibit EE to Reply Decl., at 8.
Guardaley / IPP / Excipio / Crystal Bay / Anti-Piracy Management Company / Whatever They
Want To Call Its effort to hide behind the Hague convention in Elf-Man is also illuminating. That is a
tactic, further to the general strategy of steadfastly refusing any discovery about the computer guys or
how their software works, that Malibu has absolutely employed in its litigation. If Guardaley wants to
provide ligation support services for thousands of U.S. lawsuits, in exchange for which they presumably
make millions of dollars (through some as-yet undisclosed mechanism) would it be too much to ask that

Karlsruhe, Germany appears to be Guardaley/IPP/Excipios main nerve center. See Pietz Decl. 32.
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they setup a real, formal office in the United States under their own name so that they will be clearly
subject to the jurisdiction of our federal courts? A declarant who simultaneously files numerous
declarations in U.S. federal courts but who also refuses to actually come to the districts where the cases
are pending to be deposed when defendants seek to examine the hearsay statements is not acting in good
faith and the court does not have to allow it.
(2) There Is Also Other, New Evidence From A Malibu Case In Indiana Further Linking IPP
To Guardaley
As explained in the supporting Declaration of Gabriel Quearry, which will be filed here, out of
an abundance of caution, under seal, at least until Malibu provides a compelling reason as to why it
should not become public, there is other evidence linking what is supposed to be IPP data to Guardaley.
This is being addresses separately, and under seal, at least temporarily.
(3) The Bellwether Trial Testimony Malibu Submitted In Support Of Its Opposition Further
Supports Movants Argument That There Is No Actual Difference Between Any Of The
German Computer Entities Malibu Pretends Are All Different
Malibu accuses defense counsel Pietz of himself attempting to mislead this Court by not
attaching certain portions of the transcript from the bellwether trial to the Colorado opposition filed as
Exhibit Z. Opp at 19. Malibu reasons that Patzers testimony from the bellwether trial shows that he
has been working with Malibu for a long time. Thus, according to Malibu, the assertion in the motion
that Malibu has tried to downplay Fieser and IPPs role, and instead pretend like Patzer and his new
company called Excipio are some different entity, is supposedly incorrect, and not including the trial
transcripts is evidence of an intent to deceive. In reality, Pietz did not attach the trial transcript exhibits
to Exhibit Z simply to cut down on space space.
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More importantly, the testimony Malibu complains Pietz omitted only further supports the
argument that Guardaley = IPP = Excipio, and that Patzer, Fieser, and Macek are all part of the same
organization. For starters, at the beginning of Patzers testimony, he first says yes when asked if he
works at IPP Limited. ECF No. 20-9 at 4:1118. Malibus counsel then asks him a leading question,
reminding him that you dont actually work for IPP, Limited. You said you work for a firm that
provides these services to IPP, Limted, correct? and Patzer confirms that. Id. However, throughout
Patzers testimony, he constantly refers to we when it is clear he is referring to IPP. None of that
suggests that Excipio is really a totally different company that should be credited as possibly more
trustworthy than Guardaley; it suggests Patzer thinks of himself as working with Fieser at IPP.
(4) Fiesers Sworn Statement About What Software He Supposedly Used To Log The
Infringement In This Case Is Contradicted By Malibus Own Court Filings, And Is Belied
By Various Exhibits, Which Malibu Fails to Address Or Even Acknowledge
Here is a simple and important question that Guardaley et al., computer guys seem to have a hard
time answering: exactly what is the name of the computer software used to log the data this lawsuit is
based upon? In each and every Fieser Decl. filed in the Malibu cases in Maryland,
Fieser avers, under
penalty of perjury, that he used forensic software named INTERNATIONAL IPTRACKER v 1.5 and
related technology to scan the BitTorrent network. Fieser Decl. 9.
Movant argued in the instant motion, that foregoing sworn assertion is contradicted by the
following confounding footnote, which has been Malibus party line since January, when the potential
contingency fee issue came to light and tainted the brand value of IPP:

Undersigned counsel confirmed around the time of the original instant motion papers being in 14-cv-223, that
Malibu had continued to file the exact same Fieser Decl. even in its newest cases, well into 2014. Undersigned
has not reviewed the most recent cases, filed since the instant motion, to see if the form Fieser Decl. has been
changed to reflect whatever the newest name that they are now calling the software.
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IPP used to maintain and operate and use its own system. At some time unknown to
Malibu, but well in advance of any of the infringement that was logged in this case, IPP
entered into a license agreement with Excipio to use its system. The two companies now
both compete with each other and are licensor-licensee. Under this arrangement, IPP
licenses the use of Excipios system and servers. Patzer, at 3. IPP adds value and
distinguishes itself by, inter alia, customer specific analysis tools and its client service.
Motion For An OSC at 53.

In reality, as Exhibit Q suggests INTERNATIONAL IPTRACKER was probably really
nothing more than a new brand name slapped on software that started out being called GUARDALEY or
GL OBSERVER. Exhibit Q, p. 4. The graphic on page 4, in what is supposed to be IPPs white paper,
identifies the server logging the infringement as GL Observer. Id. This suggests that the IPP white
paper was a cut and paste job originally derived from a Guardaley white paper. That proposition is
further confirmed by the Wired article, which quotes Guardaleys de facto sales agent in England,
somebody named Terence who was friendly as Patrick Achache, as explaining the way Guardaleys
services work to a potential customer as follows:
An independent experts report is in place for Guardaley, but your monitoring will be
done through a different legal entity, wrote Terence. This will mean that we will need
to get a new one created. There will be no problems, as the technology used will be
exactly the same as Guardaleys. Exhibit N, p. 9.

As further confirmed in Exhibit R, sometimes even the guys supposedly using this software have a hard
time keeping straight what they are supposed to be calling it at any given time.
In the instant opposition, Malibu argues that Fiesers declaration is not perjurious because the
Declaration of Tobias Fieser [] never states that the [INTERNATIONAL IPTRACKER] software
belongs to IPP. However, Fieser has sworn before that INTERNATIONAL IPTRACKER is IPPs
software suite. Exhibit Q (white paper, attached to Fiesers sworn declaration, explaining that the

Although Movant pointed out all the reasons this passage, which was originally from Colorado papers filed
months ago, is fairly confounding, Malibus opposition here just repeats the same footnote, and makes no attempt
to explain any further.
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software is IPP international IPTRACKER v1.2.1) (emphasis added). The Fieser Decl. submitted in
this case does not go so far as to say that this software suite belongs to IPP. However, Fieser did
effectively acknowledge that INTERNATIONAL IPTRACKER is IPPs software suite when he
attached Exhibit Q to his sworn declaration in a prior case. This is no secret; Fieser has acknowledge
this fact many times.
The foregoing proof of what Malibu and/or Guardaley / IPP has been doing is a bit subtle and
complicated. However, the bottom line is this: as soon as Jonathan Phillips filed a motion on the witness
contingency issue this last January that seemingly tainted IPP, Malibu changed it story and started
saying it was using Excipio software, not IPP software. According to the new story since January,
Malibu has been using new software licensed from Excipio software for some time now (exactly how
long Malibu does not know, yet Malibu is somehow sure it was before the infringement in this case),
and any possible problems with IPP do not matter, because IPP provided the old software. The Fieser
Decl. filed in this case says he was using IPPs old software. Malibus opposition says it used Excipios
new software. Thus, only one of two things is possible: (1) either Fiesers declaration here was false
when he swore he used IPPs old software, or (2) Malibu or someone was trying to mislead the Court in
the more recent filings wherein Malibu suggests that no, it was not using IPP software, but rather, it
switched over to use some kind of new, Excipio software for this case.
Of course, Malibus opposition completely ignores this logic, and refuses to pin itself down as to
what version of reality or what software trade name it wants to go with for now. The best and most
effective way to sort out this mess would be to simply dismiss any case Malibu filed which relied upon
the old version of the Fieser declaration, on the theory that either Malibu or Fieser was not being candid
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about what software was used, and either way that is a problem, and because IPP is fatally tainted by the
contingent fee agreement.

(5) Both Fieser And Patzer Should Be Precluded From Trying To Lay A Foundation For The
Tainted Data
Malibu argues that the data collected by their Internet observation systemwhatever its called
and whomever designed itis physical evidence that speaks for itself. Not really. Rather, the
evidence is a bunch of ones and zeroes on a built from scratch custom computer system. As noted,
four of the eight steps in describing IPP (or whomevers) system are described as proprietary. Given
the tit for tat nature of the BitTorrent network, it is unclear how IPP could obtain more than a
vanishingly small amount of any copyrighted work from a single peer in using BitTorrent. Regardless of
whether the court credits the Fieser Decl., where he avers to personally extracting the data from the
system, or the opposition, where Patzer is the only one who can testify to the chain of custody because
he restores the data, it does not matter, both are part of the same group. The whole group should be
precluded from testifying or laying a foundation in these cases in any case where Fieser averred that the
data was logged using the (supposedly) older IPP INTERNATIONAL IP TRACKER system. If Malibu
wants to move forward in the future with new experts, or with these experts in cases that were not
tainted by the contingency fee agreement, it can try again provided it supports its efforts with more
forthright declarations about who has an interest in the case and what software they used and when.
* * *
Malibu could have saved defense counsel, and the Court, a lot of time going through all the
somewhat tedious evidence linking Guardaley to IPP to Excipio by simply admitting, last year before
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Judges Titus and Grimm, or even in the instant opposition, that Guardaley, IPP and Excipio are all
closely related subsidiaries or affiliates run by the same group of people. That fact, in and of itself, is
questionable, but not necessarily inappropriate. Aside from the risk of alter ego liability if the entities
are under-capitalized, there is not necessarily anything wrong with using multiple corporate entities. As
in the Prenda case, the more troubling conduct is all of the obvious (albeit unsuccessful) efforts at
concealment, and, especially, the misleading statements made to the Court here (Exhibit S) designed to
hide who is really behind these lawsuit. The whole Crystal Bay front company used in the Elf-Man
case is really nothing more than another example of Guardaley running its standard shell company
playbook, as described by Patrick Achache in the Wired story. Exhibit N.
Does such a group of experts, who all have dubious qualifications to begin with, that is
engaged in a purposefully misleading and unfair business strategy, really have any business serving as
the sole factual foundation for literally thousands of lawsuits filed in the U.S. Federal Courts?
(d) For The Purposes Of This Motion, Which Seeks Exclusion Of Evidence Per se, It Does Not
Matter If Guardaley / IPP / Excipios Software Is Accurate Or Not
In the letter Malibu submitted to Judge Titus and Judge Grim last year, they argued that IPPs
proprietary software was literally infallible. Exhibit S at 18. In the opposition to the instant motion,
Malibu submits a declaration from Michael Patzer where he avers that the PCAPs recorded the IP
address 76.100.228 [sic] infringing Plaintiffs copyrights. That is incorrect. Mr. Patzer left out three
digits in that IP address. This simply goes to show that no matter how infallible Malibu and Patzer
think the software and corresponding proprietary system they designed may be, there is always room for
human error, at either the input stage, or the output stage.
In the opposition, Malibu suggests that Movant concedes the reliability of Patzers software
(whatever its called). Not so. Since Malibu refuses to provide meaningful discovery on these issues in
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all of its cases nationwide, there are few if any defendants who are really in a position to know whether
the software works or not.
Maybe this group of German computer guys has indeed improved their software substantially
since they sent out unjustified cease and desist letters, and the German court found credible the claim
that Guardaleys software was unreliable. Maybe the Guardaley Observer / IPP International IP Tracker
/ Whatever They Are Trying to Call The Software Now software suite really is super accurate and
reliable. Who knows.
However, for the purpose of the present motion, how well the software works is not all that
important. Relying on the courts inherent supervisory power, in Communist Party v. Subversive
Activities Control Board, 351 U.S. 115, 124 (1956), a civil case, the Supreme Court reversed an
administrative boards judgment because it was taint[edl by the testimony of three perjurious
witnesses, despite the fact that there was sufficient untainted evidence to uphold the boards judgment.
If the German computer guys are all indeed part of the same organization, and that organization had a
contingent interest in this litigation, then any data collected during the term of that contingent fee
agreement should be excluded per se, and cases based on such data should be dismissed.
The reason contingent fee witness testimony is excluded per se is not because such testimony is
necessarily going to be unreliable, incorrect or biased. It is excluded per se because the potential for
bias inherent in such a situation erodes the publics confidence in the judicial system, and risks seriously
prejudicing the other side. If the court opts for per se exclusion, then Patzers proprietary software is out
regardless of whether it is more reliable than DNA evidence, which seems unlikely.
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Thus, the rationale behind per se exclusion of contingent fee witnesses is similar to the rationale
for enforcing a Caesars wife type standard, where the mere appearance of bias is enough, when it
comes to judicial recusal. As stated with approval by the U.S. Supreme Court,
The goal of section 455(a) [the judicial recusal statute] is to avoid even the appearance
of partiality. If it would appear to a reasonable person that a judge has knowledge of facts
that would give him an interest in the litigation then an appearance of partiality is created
even though no actual partiality exists because the judge does not recall the facts, because
the judge actually has no interest in the case or because the judge is pure in heart and
incorruptible. Liljeberg v. Health Services Acquisition Corp., 486 US 847, 860 (1988).

Like perceived judicial bias, perceived witness bias in the form of [f]inancial arrangements that provide
incentives for the falsification and exaggeration of testimony threaten the very integrity of the judicial
process itself (Accrued Fin. Servs., Inc. v. Prime Retail, Inc., 2000 WL 976800 at *3 n. 3, (D. Md. No.
1:99-cv-2573, ECF No. 20, 6/19/00) (Motz, J.) affd by 298 F.3d 291, 300 (4th Cir. 2002)).
(e) The Case From A District Court On The Seventh Circuit That Malibu Relies Upon Heavily
Applies A Minority View On Witness Contingency Agreements
Malibu relies heavily upon Malibu Media, LLC v. Doe, N.D. Ill. No. 13-cv-8484, 2014 WL
1228383 (N.D. Ill. Mar. 24, 2014), where a court denied a motion to quash that raised some of the same
issues brought before this court, albeit in cursory fashion. What Malibu ignores, of course, is the
extensive discussion in Movants Motion For An OSC where Movant explains that there is a split
between the circuits as to what to do about contingent fee witnesses, and that the Seventh Circuit takes a
minority view, holding that such scenarios can be used for impeachment and sorted out by the jury,
while the Fourth Circuit, per Accrued Financial II, takes the majority view that contingent fee witnesses
should be excluded per se. Motion For An OSC at pp. 2830. Accrued Financial II is binding, while
the Seventh Circuit precedent relied upon by Judge Ellis in that Malibu case, which takes an opposite
view, is not. Moreover, for all of the reasons very persuasively explained by Judge Sninder of the
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Central District of California, who had her choice as to which approach to take, the Fourth Circuits
approach is the better one anyway. Since Malibu did not bother to seriously engage on this fairly
debatable issue in its brief, Movant will not belabor the point.
Moreover, Malibus counsel in the case in Illinois presumably did not make an affirmative
representation to the court there that IPP was not really just Guardaley in disguise, and counsel there
presumably did not dismiss a case rather than risk having a contingent fee witness issue decided by a
Judge it wanted to avoid.
(f) Malibu Fails To Distinguish Accrued Financial II, Which Clearly Controls
The first point Malibu makes in an attempt to distinguish Accrued Financial II is that Malibu
Media hired IPP for its specific purpose, to accurately record the IP addresses which infringe its
property. Opp at 27. Movant asked Malibu to clarify who approached whom. Malibu states in the
opposition Malibu Media sought IPPs aid in identifying the infringing IP addresses, not the other way
around. Opp. at 28. That particular assertion is not supported by a declaration. Id. However, Collete
Field, one of Malibus owners, does aver that Malibu Media engaged IPP. Field Decl. at 6. Malibu
admitted in its interrogatory responses from Illinois that the contact with IPP was made through lead
national counsel in Miami. Exhibit C. Presumably then Malibu means to argue that it directed its
counsel to hire IPP. In any event, regardless of who approached whom, the scenario presented here is
no different than the lease auditors performing claim investigation and aggregation services for
commercial tenants in Accrued Financial I and II. IPP plays a highly analogous role to lease auditors: it
uses special skill and knowledge to investigate and aggregate claims for lawsuits that might otherwise
go un-sued upon. Malibu may have a legitimate reason to seek suit, but so did the commercial tenants
being nickel and dimed for maintenance fees by their landords in Accrued Financial.
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The second way Malibu tries to distinguish Accrued Financial II is by arguing that the factors at
issue in Accrued were not present in this case. Opp. at 28. Malibu does not specifically point to any
factor from Accrued Financial that it believes is not present here. Instead, it supports this assertion with
a non-sequitur explaining why Malibu feels a need to sue thousands of people for online infringement.
However, as noted by Malibu, one of the key factors both Judge Motz and the Fourth Circuit
focused upon in Accrued Financial was the fact that the ostensible client there lost the right to control
its destiny in the litigation. Opp. at 27 citing Accrued Financial II, 298 F.3d at 298. However, as noted,
not only did Malibu confirm again in its instant opposition that the lawyers choose who to sue, but as
explained a while back in a declaration from an older case, there is this group of settlement negotiators
that decide who to settle these cases with and for how much. See Reply Decl., Exhibit AA, 712.
Malibu should be ordered to explain what role Elizabeth Jones, who admitted she is not an attorney or
employee of Malibu so there is no question of privilege, plays in overseeing Malibus settlements.
One point other courts have focused on in the past is the use by Malibu and other, similar
plaintiffs, of these so-called settlement negotiators to handle settlement negotiations with John Does.
In particular, in an early case sounding the alarm as to this kind of litigation, Magistrate Judge Gary
Brown of the Eastern District of New York had harsh words for settlement negotiators who worked
for a plaintiff called K-Beech, for their improper, boiler-room-style pressure tactics. In re: BitTorrent
Adult Film Copyright Infringement Cases, 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 61447 (E.D.N.Y. May 1, 2012) (No.
CV-11-3995). As it turned out, Malibu, K-Beech, and five other pornographers used the same
settlement negotiators, who were based out of Miami, where Malibus lead national plaintiffs counsel
is also located. The facts as to all this are explained in an old declaration undersigned filed in
California, which is attached to the Reply Decl. as Exhibit AA. While most of the issues from that
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declaration are no longer relevant these days, 712 thereto is relevant to showing that Malibu is not
actually in control of settling its litigation.
Malibus attempt to distinguish Farmer v. Ramsay, 159 F. Supp. 873, 883 (D. Md. 2001) is
similarly far wide of the mark. In Farmer, the court followed the Fourth Circuits binding precedent
from Accrued Financial II and applied the rule of per se exclusion to a contingent fee witness. Malibu
focuses on an independent reason the district court also gave for excluding the expert, namely that the
report was also just raw statistics that was not particularly probative. However, as noted, if the rule of
per se exclusion is applied, it does not matter if the evidence is good, bad, or in between. According to
Malibu, Patzer has independently verified IPPs evidence. That certainly sounds good, but what does
it really mean? Simply identifying the name of the software he supposedly used to do this
independent verification, and explaining how it differed from IPPs old software, or the Guardaley
software discredited in the German courts (which Patzer may also have designed), and why the
proprietary aspects of it are not subject to error, would be a good start towards making such an
assertion more credible.
(g) Malibu Fails To Offer A Credible Reason Explaining Why Dismissal Of The 3024 Action
Was Not Pure Forum Shopping
Although Malibu disputes what the motivation was for dismissing the 3024 Action before Judge
Motz, it is notable that its lawyer does not actually say that he did not read the brief he was sent citing to
Accrued Financial, or that this knowledge did not factor into his decision to dismiss the case. Further,
Malibus new assertion in the opposition that the Rule 4(m) deadline had already expired (Opp. at 30)
is plainly incorrect. The joint request to extend to the Rule 4(m) deadline to March 10, 2014, was
extended by paperless order of the Court on February 22, 2014. Malibu Media, LLC v. John Doe, D.
Md. No. 13-cv-3024, ECF Nos. 14, 15. The complaint was dismissed on March 6, 2014, thus, there
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were four days left. Moreover, defense counsel Pietz had already stipulated in writing and orally for a
second extension of the deadline.
(h) An Order To Show Cause Is The Best Way To Proceed
It seems clear that various rules and duties have been violated in this case: the rule against
contingent fee witnesses (which itself springs from multiple wellsprings of authority), the rule
mandating disclosure of material adverse facts in an ex parte, and the duty of candor to the court, among
others. The more difficult question is how important are the rules that have been violated, how willful
were the violations, and most importantly of all, what should the Court do about it?
As noted in greater detail Movants opposition to Malibus Motion to Strike the Pietz Decl., filed
initially on May 15, 2014 in the lead cases, there are several reasons why an order to show cause as to
dismissal is the best way forward at this point. Given the unique procedural posture of this case,
ordering Malibu to submit substantively responsive counter-declarations, and deeming as admitted
anything from the extensive Pietz Declarations that Malibu fails to credibly refute, makes a lot of sense.
See Hoffman on behalf of NLRB v. Beer Drivers & Salesmen's Local Union , et al.,536 F.2d 1268, 1277
(9th Cir. 1976) (district court was within its discretion to order the submission of counter-affidavits, to
narrow the issues in a contempt proceeding, and to consider as undisputed anything not refuted in the
counter-affidavits). This would be a prudent way to move the factual record forward on these issue,
which are common to all Malibu cases, in a coordinated way for all cases in this district.
If Malibus responses to an Order to Show Cause do not satisfy the concerns of the Court and
Movant, then the Court might also consider setting an evidentiary hearing, and vesting Movant with the
power to take limited discovery in advance of it.
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(i) If Malibus Response To The Order To Show Cause Confirms What Appears To Be True,
Then Dismissal Is The Appropriate Remedy
If what appears to be true so far is confirmed on the factual record here in Maryland, namely that
what Malibu calls the suit formation process for Movants case occurred during the term of the oral
contingency agreement Malibu had in place with IPP, then IPP, Fieser, Patzer, and everyone else
connected to IPP should be per se excluded, and the case should be dismissed with prejudice because
there is no foundation for any of it.
The Motion For An OSC argues in fairly comprehensive fashion why dismissal is the appropriate
remedy in this case, and makes the key point that the context of this kind of systematically
opportunistic litigation, should factor heavily into the Courts decision to opt for dismissal rather than a
lesser sanction. Motion For An OSC at pp. 37 51.
Malibu does not devote much effort to arguing the various Shaffer factors. Opp. at 3234.
On the first and second factors, culpability of the wrongdoer and client, Malibu concludes that
no wrong has occurred because no witness has been paid on a contingency basis as alleged by
Movant and the oral contingency agreement has since been replaced. According to Malibu, it and its
counsel are utterly blameless. However, as noted by Movant, Judge Snider who collected cases on both
sides of the issue, and opted for per se exclusion, concluded hat the fact [t]hat plaintiff and [the expert]
Dr. Keyes recently cancelled their contingency fee arrangement does not change the analysis.
Straughter v. Raymond, 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 53195, at *12 (C.D. Cal. May 9, 2011).
On the third and fourth factor, prejudice to the judicial process and the victim, Malibu concludes
that there has been no prejudice because Movant has not yet attempted to seek appropriate discovery
in this case. Aside from it being unclear how this point goes to prejudice, given a reality where Malibu
dismissed the 3024 Action, rather than provide any discovery on these issues, as well as Malibus
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history of stonewalling all meaningful discovery across the country, this argument is not just illogical, it
is also misguided.
On the fifth factor, availability of other sanctions, Malibu points out that dismissal is an extreme
sanction. True. However Malibu really offers no compelling reasons why dismissing dozens of
lawsuits filed by a champertous lawsuit mining outfit that will undoubtedly try and file hundreds more
cases again sometime soon should be viewed in a much different light that punishing a real client for
counsels mistake. This Court should absolutely be afforded broader discretion by the Fourth Circuit to
remedy the harms caused by the current situation given the significant aggregate impact that these cases
have on this Courts docket. See Malibu Media, LLC v. John Does 1-28, M.D. Fl. No. 8:12-cv-1667,
ECF No. 22, 12/6/12 (citing cases and noting the significant impact that Malibu cases have on the
courts docket and that District courts have unquestionable authority to control their own dockets.)
On the sixth factor, public interest, Malibu argues that dismissing its cases would abrogate the
Copyright Act. Obviously, that is not true. Malibu can continue filing copyright infringement lawsuits,
[h]owever they can do so without entering into contingency fee agreements, as Judge Motz put it.
Accrued Financial I, supra, at *3 fn.3.
(j) Conclusion
For all of the reasons detailed both in this reply, as well as in the initial Motion For An OSC,
Movant respectfully request that Malibu Media be ordered to show cause as to why all evidence from
IPP, Tobias Fieser, and their related persons and entities, should not be excluded and these cases
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Respectfully submitted,
DATED: May 31, 2014
/s/ Morgan E. Pietz

Morgan E. Pietz (Cal. Bar No. 260629)*
3770 Highland Avenue, Suite 206
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
[email protected]
Telephone: (310) 424-5557
Facsimile: (310) 546-5301
*Pro Hac Vice


John C. Lowe (Md. Bar No. 12409)
5920 Searl Terrace
Bethesda, MD 20816
[email protected]
Telephone: (202) 251-0437
Facsimile: (888) 595-6007
Local Counsel

Attorneys For Putative John Does Identified On The Caption


I hereby certify that on this date, I electronically filed the foregoing paper with the Clerk of the Court
using ECF, which will send notification of such filing to all attorneys of record.

/s/ Morgan E. Pietz
Morgan E. Pietz

DATED: May 31, 2014
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