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Affirmative Action
Amateur Athletics
American Military Policy
Animal Rights
Capital Punishment
Election Reform
Freedom of Speech
Gun Control
Immigration Policy
Legalizing Marijuana
Mandatory Military Service
Mental Health Reform
Physician-Assisted Suicide
Religion in Public Schools
Rights of Students
Search and Seizure
Smoking Bans
The Right to Privacy
Trial of Juveniles as Adults
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Kevin Hile
Alan Marzilli, M.A., J.D.
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CREATIVE MANAGER Takeshi Takahashi
SENIOR EDITOR Tara Koellhoffer
LAYOUT 21st Century Publishing and Communications, Inc.
2004 by Chelsea House Publishers,
a subsidiary of Haights Cross Communications. All rights reserved.
Printed and bound in the United States of America.
First Printing
1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hile, Kevin.
Animal rights/by Kevin Hile.
p. cm.(Point-counterpoint)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-7910-7922-8
1. Animal rightsJuvenile literature. [1. Animal rights.] I. Title.
II. Point-counterpoint (Philadelphia, Pa.)
HV4708.H55 2003
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Introduction 6
Authors Note 10
The Debate Over Animal Rights 12
Animals Are Worthy of
Certain Rights 26
Animals Are Not Worthy of
Rights Like Those of Humans 40
Animals Should Not Be Used
in Medical Research 52
Animals Serve a Useful Purpose
in Medical Research 70
Animals Should Not Be Used
for Food and Clothing 84
Animals Should Be Used for
Food and Clothing 100
Animals Should Not Be Used
for Entertainment 116
No Harm Is Done When Animals
Are Used for Entertainment 132
The Debate Continues 148
Notes 160
Resources 165
Elements of the Argument 172
Appendix: Beginning Legal Research 176
Index 180
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Alan Marzilli, M.A., J.D.
Durham, North Carolina
The debates presented in POINT/COUNTERPOINT are among the
most interesting and controversial in contemporary American
society, but studying them is more than an academic activity. They
affect every citizen; they are the issues that todays leaders debate
and tomorrows will decide. The reader may one day play a central
role in resolving them.
Why study both sides of the debate? Its possible that the
reader will not yet have formed any opinion at all on the subject
of this volumebut this is unlikely. It is more likely that the
reader will already hold an opinion, probably a strong one, and
very probably one formed without full exposure to the arguments
of the other side. It is rare to hear an argument presented in a
balanced way, and it is easy to form an opinion on too little
information; these books will help to fill in the informational
gaps that can never be avoided. More important, though, is the
practical function of the series: Skillful argumentation requires a
thorough knowledge of both sides though there are seldom
only two, and only by knowing what an opponent is likely to
assert can one form an articulate response.
Perhaps more important is that listening to the other side
sometimes helps one to see an opponents arguments in a more
human way. For example, Sister Helen Prejean, one of the nations
most visible opponents of capital punishment, has been deeply
affected by her interactions with the families of murder victims.
Seeing the families grief and pain, she understands much better
why people support the death penalty, and she is able to carry out
her advocacy with a greater sensitivity to the needs and beliefs of
those who do not agree with her. Her relativism, in turn, lends
credibility to her work. Dismissing the other side of the argument
as totally without merit can be too easyit is far more useful to
understand the nature of the controversy and the reasons why the
issue defies resolution.
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The most controversial issues of all are often those that
center on a constitutional right. The Bill of Rights the first ten
amendments to the U.S. Constitutionspells out some of the
most fundamental rights that distinguish the governmental
system of the United States from those that allow fewer (or other)
freedoms. But the sparsely worded document is open to inter-
pretation, and clauses of only a few words are often at the heart
of national debates. The Bill of Rights was meant to protect
individual liberties; but the needs of some individuals clash with
those of society as a whole, and when this happens someone has
to decide where to draw the line. Thus the Constitution becomes
a battleground between the rights of individuals to do as they
please and the responsibility of the government to protect its
citizens. The First Amendments guarantee of freedom of
speech, for example, leads to a number of difficult questions.
Some forms of expression, such as burning an American flag, lead
to public outragebut nevertheless are said to be protected by
the First Amendment. Other types of expression that most people
find objectionable, such as sexually explicit material involving
children, are not protected because they are considered harmful.
The question is not only where to draw the line, but how to do
this without infringing on the personal liberties on which the
United States was built.
The Bill of Rights raises many other questions about indi-
vidual rights and the societal good. Is a prayer before a high
school football game an establishment of religion prohibited by
the First Amendment? Does the Second Amendments promise
of the right to bear arms include concealed handguns? Is
stopping and frisking someone standing on a corner known to be
frequented by drug dealers a form of unreasonable search and
seizure in violation of the Fourth Amendment? Although the
nine-member U.S. Supreme Court has the ultimate authority
in interpreting the Constitution, its answers do not always
satisfy the public. When a group of nine peoplesometimes by a
five-to-four vote makes a decision that affects the lives of
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hundreds of millions, public outcry can be expected. And the
composition of the Court does change over time, so even a
landmark decision is not guaranteed to stand forever. The limits
of constitutional protection are always in flux.
These issues make headlines, divide courts, and decide
elections. They are the questions most worthy of national debate,
and this series aims to cover them as thoroughly as possible.
Each volume sets out some of the key arguments surrounding a
particular issue, even some views that most people consider
extreme or radical but presents a balanced perspective on the
issue. Excerpts from the relevant laws and judicial opinions and
references to central concepts, source material, and advocacy
groups help the reader to explore the issues even further and to
read the letter of the law just as the legislatures and the courts
have established it.
It may seem that some debates such as those over capital
punishment and abortion, debates with a strong moral component
will never be resolved. But American history offers numerous
examples of controversies that once seemed insurmountable but
now are effectively settled, even if only on the surface. Abolitionists
met with widespread resistance to their efforts to end slavery,
and the controversy over that issue threatened to cleave the
nation in two; but today public debate over the merits of slavery
would be unthinkable, though racial inequalities still plague the
nation. Similarly unthinkable at one time was suffrage for women
and minorities, but this is now a matter of course. Distributing
information about contraception once was a crime. Societies
change, and attitudes change, and new questions of social justice
are raised constantly while the old ones fade into irrelevancy.
Whatever the root of the controversy, the books in POINT/
COUNTERPOINT seek to explain to the reader the origins of the
debate, the current state of the law, and the arguments on both
sides. The goal of the series is to inform the reader about the
issues facing not only American politicians, but all of the nations
citizens, and to encourage the reader to become more actively
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involved in resolving these debates, as a voter, a concerned citizen,
a journalist, an activist, or an elected official. Democracy is based
on education, and every voice counts so every opinion must be
an informed one.
Since the dawn of history, humankind has depended upon other
animals for survival: meat for food, fur for warmth, and labor for
transportation and agriculture. However, many people have begun
to view this relationship as one of exploitation, pointing out that
people can survive on a vegetarian diet and wear clothing made
of synthetic materials. Even worse, they say, are activities such as
circuses and hunting, which use animals for entertainment and
sport. At the same time, humans are coming up with new uses for
animals, such as for biomedical research, a use that has facilitated
some important discoveries. While many people deny that animals
should have any rights beyond protection from abuse, some
activists believe that animals should have many of the same rights as
people. This volume examines the conflict in viewpoints among
animal rights activists, people who support the traditional use of
animals for food and clothing, the animal entertainment industry,
and proponents of medical research on animals.
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he subject of animal rights is multifarious. It encompasses disciplines
ranging from bioethics and politics to economics, religion, and the
law. While delving into the research for this book, I realized that it would
be impossible to write it in such a way that it would cover all the many
facets of the issue to everyones satisfaction. Therefore, the reader should
look to this publication as a good beginning overview on animal rights and
not the final word on the subject. Within these pages I have endeavored to
cover all of the central concepts that touch on animal rights; should the
reader wish to explore the subject further, I have provided a list of books
and organizations in the back of the book for further study.
Although there are, indeed, several other books that discuss the
modern animal rights movement, what makes this book particularly
unique is that it devotes much more attention to arguments against
animal rights than most of the other works Ive seen. It is my hope that
Animal Rights will therefore open readers eyes to the possibilities of both
sides of the issue. Armed with a more balanced perspective, readers will
be able to make better personal decisions about animal rights.
I would like to thank the following people for taking time out of their
busy schedules for the interviews published in Animal Rights:

Susan Bilsky, President of the Michigan Greyhound Connection

Andrew Butler, International Lecturer for People for the

Ethical Treatment of Animals

Fred Jacobs, Senior Director of Communications at Busch

Gardens Entertainment Corp.

Kay Johnson, Vice President of the American Agricultural


Ron Kagan, Director of the Detroit Zoological Institute

and Society

Crystal Miller-Spiegel, Outreach Director for the American

Anti-Vivisection Society
Authors Note
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Dan Murphy, Vice President for Public Affairs at the

American Meat Institute

Barbara Pflughaupt, National Representative for

Ringling Brothers

The Reverend William Renfrew, Deacon at St. Pauls

Episcopal Church, Lansing, Michigan

Nathan Runkle, Director of Mercy for Animals

Mike Severino, Ingham County, Michigan, Commissioner

Mary Stid, Ingham County, Michigan, Commissioner

Frankie Trull, President of the Foundation for

Biomedical Research
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The Debate Over
Animal Rights
A Local Debate Reflects National Concerns
n a sunny day in May in the town of Mason, Michigan,
a group of protesters gathered on the green lawn in
front of the Ingham County Courthouse. Many of them were
accompanied by pet dogs of various breeds; others, wisely,
carried signs with pictures of their pet cats rather than bringing
cats to a gathering where dozens of dogs were congregating.
Some signs declared that the protester had rescued an other-
wise unwanted pet from the local shelter; others protested
directly against the sale of shelter animals for research. On
the stairs, a microphone was set up and two Ingham County
commissioners, John Nevin of the Fourteenth District and
Mike Severino of the Fifteenth, who had organized the rally,
stepped up to speak. They explained the need for public
support against a policy they found abhorrent: the sale of
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abandoned cats and dogs from the county pound to Class B
dealers, who obtain the animals they sell from various
sources, rather than breeding the animals themselves.
animals were then destined to be sold at a profit to university
scientists for medical research.
At the time, Ingham was one of only eight counties in
Michigan that still allowed the sale of animals to Class B dealers,
and the pet owners gathered at the rally fervently believed that
research conducted on animals was inhumane and that the
practice should not be supported by their tax dollars. On
the other side of the argument, a majority of the countys
commissioners, as well as the director of the county pound,
explained that only a very few pets (47 animals in 2002) were
sold to Class B dealers, and then only when all other options
for finding them homes had run out. To put this into context,
in 2002, there were 8,521 animals taken in by the shelter.
Of these, 1,927 had been found homes and 1,433 had been
euthanized (put to death painlessly). The commissioners in
the majority reasoned that selling a few dozen animals at
about ten dollars each to Class B dealers would bring some
much-needed money to the shelter and also aid in medical
research; these animals would have been euthanized anyway,
the commissioners argued, so it wasnt as if they were killing
animals that could have been adopted out. As Mark Grebner,
an Ingham County commissioner from East Lansing, debates,
Is it better to destroy unwanted animals, or allow some to be
used in veterinary or medical research? The animal rights
activists mislead people into believing our choice is research
versus adoption into loving homes.
If you had a dog or cat that you couldnt keep anymore for
one reason or another, would you be willing to have your pet
used in a medical experiment that could lead to the creation
of an important drug? What if the pet belonged to someone
you didnt know?
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But Commissioner Mike Severino said there was more
going on at the shelter than most people knew about. Not
only were there options for finding these animals homes, he
maintained, but the animals werent even being given a chance
in the first place. He insists:
What the written policy is is often different from what actually
is being followed or executed. . . . The board of commissioners
had a written policy that this is the pecking order in terms of
how youre supposed to get rid of the animal: Your first effort
is supposed to be reuniting [the animals] with their owner,
and then setting them up for adoption. The reality was
completely different. I mean, we have documented cases of
animals being sold to research even before they were eligible
for being adopted. And then for [the other commissioners] to
argue that no one wanted to adopt these animals so we had to
sell them to research, thats a fraud on the public.
Fourteen of the sixteen commissioners on the board strongly
supported allowing the sales to Class B dealers to continue.
Severino and Nevin wondered why the other commissioners
refused to ban a policy that brought so little money to the shelter.
Severino even suspected that more than the number of animals
on public record were actually being sold, making it possible for
some officials to earn money under the table. I dont have any
evidence to substantiate that, he cautions, but generally in these
situations, I mean, not trying to cast any aspersions, but if you
follow the money you usually find your answer.
Some animals that are sent to shelters have handicaps, such
as a missing leg, blindness, or deafness. Many of the Ingham
County commissioners argued that these pets stood no chance
of finding a home, so it was okay to send them to medical
research facilities. Do you think shelters should not make
extraordinary efforts to find homes for handicapped animals?
Should only healthy animals be found homes?
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With continued public pressure being put on them, the
commissioners eventually backed down, and on June 10, 2003,
they signed a resolution banning the sale of animals from the
Ingham County shelter to Class B dealers. Severino and Nevin
were pleased. Although they knew this would not put an end to
the use of dogs and cats in research entirely (universities can still
buy animals directly from the shelter), their main goal had been
to stop their local government from being involved. Not everyone
was happy with the results, though. Three commissionersMary
Stid, Mark Grebner, and Debbie DeLeondissented from the
decision. As Severino and Nevin suspected that the commissioners
and county pound were misleading the public, Stid, for one, felt
that animal rights activists had also been less than honest about
how research causes pain for cats and dogs:
They pull [information] on research done on rats and monkeys
and everything else into cats and dogs. And primarily what we
are aware of in our cats and dogs going to Michigan State
[University] or the University of Michigan [is that] many of
those animalsIm not saying all, because I dont know, but
I have been to the facilitymany of those animals are used
for veterinarians surgeries. So the animal is anesthetized,
goes in for the surgery, and then is euthanized. They dont
suffer agony or pain; they dont feel it. And that helps
veterinarians be good veterinarians to take care of the
wanted pets. Im very disturbed that they [animal rights
groups] have spent so much time and money when they
should be using it for spaying and neutering programs.
Stid, who once suffered from a pancreatic illness that nearly
killed her, feels that she and numerous others have benefited
from medical research performed on animals. If youve ever
had a blood transfusion you have used animal research because
all of the work done with blood and transfusions came from
animals, she noted, adding that animal rights advocates will not
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stop with Class B dealers. Their ultimate goal is no animal
research, period.
That final step, if attainable, is many years
away. In the meantime, the debate in Ingham County has
inspired Senator Valde Garcia of Livingston County to introduce
Senate bills 542 and 543 in Lansing. The aim of the bills is to
In response to the protests of animal rights activists about conditions
in the dog breeding industry, the government has, over a period of
several years, enacted legislation to try to better protect the welfare
of animals. However, because the government does not regulate all
categories of breeders, animal rights activists complain that many
facilities are going unchecked.
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establish even more regulations against animals being used in
research laboratories.
The Ingham County debate illustrates only two issueshow
we deal with the problems of unwanted dogs and cats and the
ways in which we conduct medical researchin the far larger
debates on animal rights. Even so, it clearly demonstrates how
differing opinions on animal rights can ignite fiery passions.
What Do Animals Mean to Us?
Human beings owe a great deal to animals. Not only have they
been a source of food and clothing, but for thousands of years,
they have served as a labor force, pulling wagons, plows, chariots,
and early fire engines. Animals are an integral part of every
culture on the planet, appearing in our myths, legends, fables,
superstitions, songs, and modern literature. Dogs, cats, and other
species are our companions, comforting us when we are alone
or sick, or when we simply wish to go on a walk or relax with
a game of catch. In more recent times, they have been used
extensively in medical research, helping to develop drugs
through scientific experiments that have, in some cases, become
extremely controversial. Its safe to say that humanity would
not be what it is today if it were not for animals.
Yet despite the many obvious advantages of having animals
in our lives, the relationship between human beings and animals
has been a checkered one. At times, animals have been exalted. In
the days of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, cats were worshiped
as gods; in modern-day India, it is still forbidden to eat or harm
cattle, which are considered holy. In North America, many Native
American tribes revere and honor animals such as the wolf, eagle,
and bison. A less well-known example comes from the island of
Madagascar. Here, sifaka lemurs were once thought to be the
Animals are an important part of every culture on our planet.
How might human societies be different if animals were not
part of our history, agriculture, literature, and music?
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incarnation of the native peoples sun-worshiping ancestors
because of this animals habit of sunning itself in a position that
appears to imitate a meditating wise man.
But animals have been reviled over the ages, too. Cats were
once believed to be the demonic familiars of witches. And who
could forget that it was the devil in the form of a snake who
tempted Eve with the apple from the Tree of Knowledge in the
Garden of Eden? Superstitions and ignorance have led people to
persecute many animal species. In the United States, for example,
hunters once shot wolves until they almost became extinct, and the
U.S. government paid bounties to these hunters to encourage the
elimination of wolves. Similarly, prairie dogs have been regularly
shot and poisoned by ranchers who complain that cattle break
their legs by stepping in prairie dog holes. Today, wolves, prairie
dogs, and other species are protected in America by laws such as
the Animal Welfare Act of 1966 and the Endangered Species Act
of 1973. These and other laws, both in the United States and
abroad, are evidence that attitudes toward animals and how they
should be treated have been changing in recent years.
Early Attitudes Toward Animals
For the majority of the history of Western civilization, animals
have been viewed as tools and resources to benefit humanity.
This was considered ethical by most Christian theologians
because animals were not believed to have souls and were thus
not entitled to the same consideration as humans. The Book of
Genesis in the Bible, it was argued, supported the view that
animals were created by God to serve man. The Bible states:
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
Human beings often kill predatory animals, such as wolves and
lions, on sight. Today, there are many laws protecting these and
other species. Although people arent dependent on these
species for survival, why might they still be important to us?
Would it matter if, for example, wolves became extinct?
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and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the
fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and
over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
According to this reasoning, it was ethical to use animals for
food, clothing, labor, or anything else human beings needed
because God had given us the right to do whatever we wanted
with all other living creatures. St. Thomas Aquinas (c. 12241274)
further argued that animals would not go to heaven, since in
heaven people would not need to eat, make clothes, or do
any work, making animals unnecessary. On the other hand,
St. Francis of Assisi (11811226), who is considered the patron
saint of animals in the Roman Catholic Church, believed that
all animals should be treated with compassion.
Later, with the rise of the Age of Reason in Europe during
the eighteenth century, science began to take over the argument
from theologians. Still, the conclusions drawn continued to favor
humans over animals. Human beings, it was said, had intellect
and could reason, whereas animals could not. Furthermore,
it was believed that animals did not possess the capacity to
suffer from pain the way people did. For these reasons, other
species were not deserving of the same considerations given
to people.
Darwinisms Impact
An important shift in attitudes toward animals did not come
until the nineteenth century, as new ideas and social movements
began to change peoples feelings about animals. One of the
most influential events of this period was the publication of
The Origin of Species (1859) by British naturalist Charles Darwin
Some people believe in the theory of evolution, while others
call themselves Creationists and believe that animals were
created by God in their present forms. How might these
different beliefs affect how people feel about the importance
of animal life?
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(18091882), which argued that species evolve over time through
natural selection. Natural selection is a process by which animals
with certain physical or behavioral traits that are advantageous to
their survival will manage to reproduce more successfully than
other animals. Creatures without those traits will die off.
Darwin had formed his theories based on observations of
animal life on the Galapagos Islands chain in the Pacific Ocean.
He had traveled there aboard the H.M.S. Beagle in 1831, and
observed that animals that appeared to have originated from the
same species had developed certain physical adaptations that
made them more suited to different island environments. Over
time, this resulted in the rise of new species, while other species
that were not as well adapted to their environment eventually
became extinct.
The idea of evolution was not completely without prede-
cessors. For example, Darwins own grandfather, Erasmus
Darwin (17311802), had discussed evolutionary principles in
his Zoonomia; or, The Laws of Organic Life (1794), and Jean
Baptiste Lamarck (17441829) proposed in 1801 that environ-
mental pressures on animals could change their behaviors, and
that changing behaviors could lead to changes in anatomical
structures over time. He elaborated on this idea in his Zoological
Philosophy, which was published in 1809. Lamarck was perhaps
too far ahead of his time, however, and his theories were dismissed
by his colleagues. Darwins book, on the other hand, received
much more attention and had a major impact on society.
Theologically, the theory of evolution was controversial
because it contradicted the Bible, which says that animals were all
created by God in the same form in which they exist today (this
is sometimes referred to as Creationism). Sociologically speaking,
the repercussions of Darwinism provided ammunition against
compassion for animals. A contemporary of Darwins, English
philosopher Herbert Spencer (18201903), interpreted the idea
of natural selection in terms of what he called survival of the
fittest. This led to Social Darwinism, which, among other things,
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argued that since human beings were on the top of the food
chain, they were the most fit and therefore deserved to survive
more than other animal species did.
This conclusion had not been Darwins intention at all.
Another, more positive outcome of his theory was the idea that
other animals on the planet had more in common with humans
than had previously been thought. This meant that they
were deserving of more compassion. As Rod Preece and Lorna
Chamberlain write in their book Animal Welfare and Human
Values, Darwin was . . . responsible for creating the intellectual
climate in which humans would come to recognize their respon-
sibilities to animals, not as was customary as a consequence of
human benevolence to creatures different in kind but because
such beings were in all relevant respects similar to ourselves.
Animal Welfare Organizations and the
Anti-Vivisectionist Movement
At the same time that scientific and philosophical ideas about
animals relationship to people were changing because of
Darwinism, a new movement concerned with the welfare of
domestic animals was on the rise. The early 1800s saw the
beginnings of laws against cruelty toward animals in England.
Laws against cockfighting, dog fighting, and the abuse of other
domestic animals were passed. And in 1824, the Royal Society
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) was founded
by Richard Martin (17541834). The ideals of the RSPCA were
spread to the United States through the work of Henry Bergh
(18111888), who founded the American Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in 1866. The goal
of these organizations wasand isto ensure that pets and
animals used for domestic purposes are treated humanely. By
organizing various campaigns, the ASPCA has managed to get
laws passed making it illegal to abuse or neglect animals such as
dogs, cats, and farm animals.
Of particular concern to many of those in the growing
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animal welfare movement was the use of animals in scientific
experiments. Many of these animals were being operated on
while still alive and without the benefit of anesthesia. This is
known as vivisection, and the people opposed to it wereand
arecalled Anti-Vivisectionists. The first society organized
against vivisection was the Society for the Protection of Animals
Liable to Vivisection, founded in England by Frances Power
Cobbe (18221904). In 1883, Caroline Earle White (18331916),
who had been active in the Pennsylvania chapter of the ASPCA
and had headed its Womens Branch, founded the American
Anti-Vivisection Society (AAVS). Although the ASPCA was also
against vivisection, the AAVS focused on the issue exclusively.
The AAVSs efforts helped to pass some state laws banning
the use of live animals for experiments in schools. Because its
members were almost exclusively women, however, the AAVS
became an easy target for critics in the age before feminism. Some
scientists said the women in the group were overly emotional, to
the point of hysteria, about the treatment of animals. The activists
were considered well-meaning Christian women who nevertheless
didnt understand why research on animals was so necessary.
Because of such attitudes, the anti-vivisection movement
faltered and died by the end of the nineteenth century.
A New Era of Animal Rights Activists
After the decline of the AAVS, the animal rights movement was
relatively inactive until after World War II. The 1950s and 1960s,
however, saw the founding of the Animal Welfare Institute in
1951, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) in 1954,
the Friends of Animals in 1957, and the Fund for Animals in
1967, as well as many other local, national, and international
organizations that are too numerous to list. These and other
groups reenergized the fight to pass legislation for the humane
treatment of animals. Some of the most significant federal laws to
be passed at this time were the Humane Methods of Slaughter
Act of 1958, which demanded that animals used for food be
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stunned or anesthetized before they were slaughtered, and the
Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966, which said that animals
used for experiments must be provided with plenty of food,
water, and clean living conditions, and that laboratories that
worked with live animals must be licensed. The Laboratory
Animal Welfare Act later became known as the Animal Welfare
Act of 1970. The Act was revised in 1985 and again in 1990 to
include regulations that address the need for more intelligent
animals, like dogs and monkeys, to be provided with mental
stimulation, such as toys to play with and human interaction,
and physical exercise outside their cages.
The Debate Over Animal Rights 23
Federal Animal Welfare Act and Regulations
2131. Congressional statement of policy
The Congress finds that animals and activities which are regulated under this
chapter are either in interstate or foreign commerce or substantially affect such
commerce or the free flow thereof, and that regulation of animals and activities as
provided in this chapter is necessary to prevent and eliminate burdens upon such
commerce and to effectively regulate such commerce, in order
(1) to insure that animals intended for use in research facilities or for exhibition
purposes or for use as pets are provided humane care and treatment;
(2) to assure the humane treatment of animals during transportation in
commerce; and
(3) to protect the owners of animals from the theft of their animals by
preventing the sale or use of animals which have been stolen.
The Congress further finds that it is essential to regulate, as provided in this
chapter, the transportation, purchase, sale, housing, care, handling, and treatment
of animals by carriers or by persons or organizations engaged in using them for
research or experimental purposes or for exhibition purposes or holding them for
sale as pets or for any such purpose or use.
The Letter of the Law
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Although such regulations were a move in the right direc-
tion, many people believed that they did not go far enough. In
his famous 1975 book about animal rights, Animal Liberation:
A New Ethics for Our Treatment of Animals, philosopher Peter
Singer wrote that, although animals dont have the same intel-
lectual capacity as humans, cant speak, and dont experience
emotions the same way people do, their lives still have value.
Singer, a utilitarian philosopher, weighs the issue of right and
wrong in his book based on costs versus benefits. In the case
of animal rights (Singer does not actually use the word rights
because he believes that neither animals nor people intrinsically
possess rights), the life of an animal is worth more than the
benefits that people receive from activities that cause the animal
harm. Another prominent contemporary philosopher, Tom
Regan, who was an early advocate of vegetarianism, went further
and declared that animals lives do indeed have intrinsic value.
Together, Singer and Regan have been stalwart proponents for
animal rights for the last several decades.
Animal Rights vs. Animal Welfare:
Whats the Difference?
It should be noted at this point that there is a distinction to
be made between the terms animal welfare and animal rights.
The former is concerned with the well-being of all animals
and advocates that animals, especially those under human care,
should be well fed, provided with medical attention when
needed, and should never be subjected to physical or mental
abuse. The ASPCA is a good example of an animal welfare
organization. Animal rights groups, on the other hand, go a step
further and say that animals should not be used at all for labor,
agriculture, food, clothing, or entertainment. The most radical
Which is more important: the life of a human being or the life
of a chimpanzee? How about the life of a human versus that
of a dog? A human versus a squirrel? A human versus an ant?
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groups even argue against the use of animals as pets. In short,
animal rights supporters believe that other species should be
afforded the same considerations for life as people and should
not be enslaved in cages of any kind. The most prominent of
these animal rights groups in the United States today is People
for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). As PETA explains
on its Website, however, although animals deserve certain rights,
this does not necessarily mean that they have the same rights as
people in all cases:
Animals have the right to equal consideration of their interests.
For instance, a dog most certainly has an interest in not having
pain inflicted on him or her unnecessarily. We therefore are
obliged to take that interest into consideration and respect the
dogs right not to have pain unnecessarily inflicted upon him
or her.
However, animals dont always have the same rights as
humans, because their interests are not always the same as
ours and some rights would be irrelevant to animals lives. For
instance, a dog doesnt have an interest in voting and there-
fore doesnt have the right to vote, since that right would be as
meaningless to a dog as it is to a child.
Generally speaking, there are few people in the United States
today who are opposed to the idea that animals should be
treated humanely. It is therefore with the more controversial
concept of animal rights that this book will be concerned.
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Animals Are Worthy
of Certain Rights
t was not very long ago in the course of human history that
various races and ethnic groups within our own species were
considered inferior to people of European ancestry. Americans, of
course, are well aware of the history of white peoples treatment of
African Americans, including centuries of enslavement and the
denial of basic civil liberties even decades after blacks were officially
emancipated. Women of all races were also discriminated against
and were not allowed to vote until the addition of the Nineteenth
Amendment to the Constitution in 1920. These rights were denied
because those in powerwhite men, especially those who were
landownersconsidered other types of people inferior for various
cultural, religious, economic, and political reasons. In fact, for
many people, these prejudices continue today. Yet, in recent years,
Americans for the most part have become enlightened enough to
understand that we all belong to the human race, and we all deserve
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equal rights under the law. Might this consideration also be
extended to all living things, and not just Homo sapiens?
Whites once considered African Americans a separate
species not far advanced above lower animals; in another
example of prejudice, women were once thought too emotional
and not intelligent enough to be entrusted with the right to vote
for government officials. Both notions, of course, are now widely
considered ridiculous. Today, we have overcome many prejudices
(though certainly not all!) that are based on race and gender,
and we are in the midst of eliminating prejudices based on other
factors, such as sexual orientation, because we are slowly recogniz-
ing that all people share a common humanity. Although no one
is arguing for the right of animals to vote in elections, get married,
or hold a job, what animal rights groups do propose is that the
traits they feel nonhuman species share with usconsciousness,
emotions, the ability to experience sufferingentitle them to the
basic right to be free from the control of human beings. As Peter
Singer writes in his book Animal Liberation:
A liberation movement demands an expansion of our moral
horizons. . . . We need to consider our attitudes from the point
of view of those who suffer by them, and by the practices that
follow from them. If we can make this unaccustomed mental
switch we may discover a pattern in our attitudes and practices
that operates so as consistently to benefit the same group
usually the group to which we ourselves belongat the
expense of another group.
Animals are similar to people.
According to evolutionary theory, more intelligent animals, such as
dolphins, gorillas, and humans, evolve over time from less advanced
Do you believe that the struggle for civil rights is comparable
to the fight for the liberties of nonhuman species?
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species that go all the way back to the first single-celled life-forms.
If we go back far enough in time, we would find that all species
connect to a single common ancestor. Depending on how closely
we are related on the evolutionary family tree, some species have
more genes in common than others. For example, biologists believe
that the closest living relative to Homo sapiens is Pan troglodytes,
commonly known as the chimpanzee. According to Morris
Goodman of the Wayne State University School of Medicine,
99.4 percent of the genes in human beings are also present in
chimpanzees. We humans appear as only slightly remodeled chim-
panzee-like apes,
Goodman concludes about his recent study.
With only a 0.6 percent difference in genetic makeup
between a human and a chimp, certain questions arise: Couldnt
an animal so similar to us share many of the same traits that
make us human? And, if so, might they not deserve some of the
same basic rights? Scholars used to believe that what separated
humans from beasts was peoples ability to use tools. This was
proven to be an erroneous distinction when animal researcher
Jane Goodall discovered chimpanzees fashioning and using tools
in the wild. Since then, other animal species have been observed
using tools: Egyptian vultures will use rocks to break open
ostrich eggs; sea otters similarly use rocks to open oyster shells;
and woodpecker finches will make tools out of cactus needles to
extract grubs from tree branches. These are just a few examples.
Animals can also perform other tasks analogous to human
endeavors, including architecture (e.g., beavers building dams
and wasps constructing nests that can actually be air-conditioned)
and even agriculture (a species of ants has, in a sense, domesticated
aphids for a milk-like substance they produce).
Should the percentage of genes that humans have in common
with other animals be used as a barometer for their entitlement
to certain rights? For example, does an animal that shares
99 percent of our genes deserve more rights than one that only
has 80 percent or 70 percent?
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Animals have intelligence.
Humans might boast a large brain size, but brain volume in
itself doesnt indicate intelligence with any accuracy. Whales,
for example, have much larger brains than people, yet they are
not generally considered equally intelligent; chimpanzee brains
are also larger in proportion to their entire body mass than are
the brains of humans, but, again, they are not considered as
intelligent. On the other hand, whereas large brains dont
always equal intelligence, some animals with much smaller
brains have surprised scientists with their mental acuity. A
good example of this is the African Grey parrot, which has a
brain about the size of a walnut. In 1990, Dr. Irene M. Pepperberg
of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the
University of Arizona published a remarkable paper about
the communication abilities of an African Grey parrot named
Most people know that parrots can imitate sounds and
words very well, but scientists had been unsuccessful in showing
that parrots can understand and participate in a meaningful
dialogue before Pepperbergs work.
Pepperberg was able to demonstrate that parrots can use
words as labels to properly identify objects, colors, and shapes;
they can also use conjunctions, grasp concepts such as absence
and permanence, express desires verbally, and count (although
she cautions that Alex the parrot might have just been very good
at estimating numbers of objects and may not, in fact, have been
counting). Her work with parrots has led Pepperberg to believe
that parrots might think just like we do. Although their brains
are smaller, they are able to process information in ways that are
analogous to the workings of the human mind.
Better-known examples of animal communication involve
experiments with apes using symbols or American Sign
Language (ASL), the system of hand and arm gestures used
by the hearing impaired to communicate. Some of the earliest
experiments were conducted with chimpanzees. Drs. Allen
and Beatrice Gardner, for instance, managed to train a chimp
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named Washoe to use some sign language during the late 1960s
at the University of Oklahomas Institute of Primate Studies.
In another example, in research that was designed to develop
ways to improve the communications skills of mentally
handicapped children, Dr. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, a Georgia
State University professor at the Yerkes Regional Primate
Center, has worked with chimpanzees, orangutans, and
bonobos (a close relative of the chimp), training them over
the last several decades to use a computer keyboard that allows
them to synthesize spoken English. Koko, the now-famous
lowland gorilla, has learned many words in ASL. Koko,
who was born in 1971, has been the subject of years of study
at the Gorilla Foundation in Woodside, California. According
to the foundations Website, Koko has a working vocabu-
lary of over 1,000 signs. Koko understands approximately
2,000 words of spoken English. Koko initiates the majority
of conversations with her human companion and typically
constructs statements averaging three to six words. Koko has
a tested IQ of between 70 and 95 on a human scale, where
100 is considered normal.
With the many similarities between higher apes and people,
one might not be too surprised that chimps and gorillas can
learn to communicate with humans, at least on a basic level. But
should we define language ability exclusively in human terms?
Animals, research has shown, have developed very complex
forms of communication among themselves that suit their
own needs very well. For example, according to a Science World
article by Karen de Seve, New research shows that prairie dogs
use descriptive chirps to inform their colonies about predators
Is language a good indication of intelligence? There are many
ways that animals can communicatewith sounds, body
language, and smellsthat are not like human language.
Should animal communication skills be judged based on
how similar they are to human language?
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and intrudersa humans size, for example, the colors he wears,
how fast hes moving, even whether hes carrying a gun.
bees have developed an elaborate way of communicating the
location and quantity of food using dance-like movements that
are performed for other bees.
Animals do, indeed, seem capable of fairly sophisticated
language. Does this mean they should be treated like people,
though? After all, a robot can be programmed to act intelli-
gently, but it is only a machine. This question brings us to
animal emotions.
Animals may have emotions.
Perhaps a more difficult argument against the rights of animals
is that they are not capable of experiencing feelings or emotions
in the same way people do. Science has often reduced nonhuman
species to biological machines that merely adapt and react
according to instincts that have been programmed into them
through inherited traits. Explanations for animal behavior are
based on the idea that animals only do things that will help them
or their offspring survive and thus perpetuate their genes to
the next generation. Animals, the argument continues, favor
passing along their own genes over those of another within
their own species.
Many scientists caution against the hazards of anthropomor-
phismprojecting human traits, such as the ability to love, onto
animalsand feel that all animal behavior can be better explained
in unemotional terms. As psychoanalyst Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
writes in his book When Elephants Weep:
Comparative psychology to this day discusses observable
behavior and physical states of animals, and evolutionary
explanations for their existence, but shies away from the
mental states that are inextricably involved in that behavior.
When such states are examined, the focus is on cognition, not
emotion. The more recent discipline of ethology, the science
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of animal behavior, with its insistence on distinctions
between species, also seeks functional and causal, rather than
emotive, explanations for behavior. The causal explanations
center on theories of ultimate causationthe animal pairs
[mates] because this increases reproductive successas
distinguished from proximate causationthe animal pairs
because it has fallen in love. Although the two explanations are
not necessarily mutually exclusiveone of the best-known
figures of ethology, Konrad Lorenze, spoke confidently of
animals falling in love, becoming demoralized, or mourning
the field as a whole has continued to treat emotions as
unworthy of scientific attention.
Yet time and again biologists and other researchers have seen
human-like, often apparently emotional, behavior among animals.
For example, animal researcher Jane Goodall, in her autobiogra-
phy Reason for Hope, describes how her early observations of
chimpanzees revealed their surprising similarities to humans:
[T]here were the postures and gestures that complemented
the sounds they madetheir communication repertoire.
Many of these were common to human cultures around the
worldkissing, embracing, holding hands, patting one
another on the back, swaggering, punching, kicking, pinching,
tickling, somersaulting, and pirouetting. And these patterns
appeared in the same kind of contexts and seemed to have the
same kind of meaning as they do for us. I gradually learned
about the long-term affectionate and supportive bonds
between family members and close friends. I saw how they
helped and cared for each other. I also learned that they could
bear grudges that could last for more than a week. I found
that their society was complex.
Goodalls observations were initially dismissed by biologists
because she was not a formally trained scientist. Today, of
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course, she is considered a world authority on chimpanzees
and their behavior. Emotions are not limited to chimps, however,
as Masson has illustrated. When Elephants Weep includes numer-
ous examples of animals of all types of species exhibiting
everything from anger to affection. Do animals feel loneliness?
Masson offers the example of beavers that, if not provided with
a mate, will sometimes refuse to eat or move until they die.
Can animals mourn the death of another? Masson describes
an incident involving elephants:
An observer once came across a band of African elephants
surrounding a dying matriarch as she swayed and fell. The
other elephants clustered around her and tried mightily to get
her up. A young male tried to raise her with his tusks, put
food into her mouth, and even tried sexually mounting her,
all in vain. The other elephants stroked her with their trunks;
one calf knelt and tried to suckle. At last the group moved off,
but one female and her calf stayed behind. The female stood
with her back to the dead matriarch, now and then reaching
back to touch her with one foot. The other elephants called to
her. Finally, she walked slowly away.
Masson argues, too, that animals experience positive emotions,
such as friendship, love, and joy. Chimps and gorillas in captivity
have been given kittens as pets and appear to love and protect
them; geese and eagles form lifelong bonds with their mates and
often appear to grieve, sicken, and die when their mates die; river
otters are famous for their love of play, often making slides out
of snowy hillsides and playing on them for hours. Animal play,
in fact, has been one activity that has been subject to much
scientific inquiry. As Masson explains, scientists have proposed
that perhaps it is a form of practice, of learning to perform
tasks; . . . or perhaps it exercises developing social, neurological,
or physical capacities. Interaction between animals of the same
species can help form social bonds and physical coordination,
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both beneficial in the struggle for survival. Masson also notes,
however, that sometimes animals from different species play
together, and that this has been observed both in captivity and in
the wild. In one example, he tells of a dwarf mongoose that tried
to make friends with a lizard in Kenya. Its hard to find a reason
why the mongoose might think such behavior could help it
survive. Might it just be playing with the lizard for the fun of it?
The ideas of consciousness, self-awareness,
and the soul may be applied to animals.
An even more complex concept to grasp than animal intelligence
or emotions is whether animals are conscious and self-aware
Do you believe animals can experience emotions, or are
they just acting on instinct when they protect their young
or appear to mourn for their dead?
Animal Faithfulness: The Story of Two Geese in Love
One morning many years ago, a farmer living near Buenos Aires witnessed the
heart-rending tenacity of this love when he went riding on horseback and noticed
on the plain ahead of him two geese, a white male and a brown female, walking
in the distance. Drawing closer, he observed that the female was plodding steadily
southward. The male, greatly agitated, walked about forty or fifty yards ahead of
her, periodically rising into the air with forlorn cries. After flying a short way, the
gander turned back to rejoin his mate in her weary march. This pattern was
repeated again and again. The female had broken her wing and, unable to fly,
had set forth afoot on her fall migration to the Magellanic Islands. Driven by
his deepest instincts to fly south, the male nevertheless refused to abandon his
partner. He remained loyal to her in her hour of need, plaintively begging her to
spread her wings and join him in the long flight home. The pair was truly faithful
until death do us part.
Source: Gary Kowalski, The Souls of Animals, Walpole, NH: Stillpoint Publishing, 1991.
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the way human beings are. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philosophy,
Two ordinary senses of consciousness which are not in dispute
when applied to animals are the sense of consciousness
involved when a creature is awake rather than asleep, or in
a coma, and the sense of consciousness implicated in the
basic ability of organisms to perceive and thereby respond
to selected features of their environments, thus making them
conscious or aware of those features. Consciousness in both
these senses is identifiable in organisms [that] belong to a
wide variety of taxonomic groups.
What is more subject to debate is whether animals possess
self-consciousness, or the ability of an animal to be aware of
itself as an entity separate from its surroundings and other
living creatures, to be aware that it is a unique being. Some
studies seem to have shown that at least some animals possess
this quality. Chimpanzees and bottlenose dolphins, for
instance, are able to recognize themselves in a mirror and
distinguish themselves as separate from others of their own
kind. In the case of dolphins, self-consciousness was demon-
strated in an experiment performed by Diana Reiss at the
Wildlife Conservation Society in which the cetaceans bodies
were drawn on with odorless markers. After they were
marked, the dolphins immediately swam to mirrors to check
themselves out. Two reasons why this study was so significant
are that, first, dolphins were the first non-primate species
proven to have self-awareness, and, second, dolphins do not
have frontal lobes in their brains. The mental activity that
makes self-awareness in chimps and people possibly occurs in
the forebrain, but since dolphins dont have a forebrain and
can still recognize their own individuality, then it can no
longer be asserted that a frontal lobe is a prerequisite for self-
awareness. Perhaps, then, brain anatomy alone cant be used
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to make the argument that humans are the only species with
an advanced consciousness.
Another aspect of consciousness is called the theory of
mind, which is defined as the ability to recognize that other
creatures besides oneself have thoughts and feelings. In an article
published in Psychology Today, Clive Wynne relates that recent
experiments have shown that chimpanzees do possess theory of
mind. Wynne describes one such experiment:
[The chimpanzee] Sheba has been watching one trainer put
food into one of four cups. She cant see which cup because
they are hidden from her viewbut she can clearly see that
this trainer (well call him the knower) had some food and
put it in a cup. Now the knower comes back into the room
together with another trainer (a guesser). If Sheba has a
theory of mindan awareness that the trainers have a
conscious awareness of their ownshe should know that the
guesser did not see where the knower put the food.
The two trainers are in the room. The knower points to a
cup; the guesser points to a cup. The knower points to the cup
into which he had placed food earlier; the guesserwell, he
just guesses. What does Sheba do? She chooses the cup to
which the knower points.
Similarities between humans and the great apes (gorillas,
chimps, bonobos, and orangutans) are considered now to be so
striking that a group called the Great Ape Project has recently
been pressing the United Nations to grant apes rights that will be
internationally recognized.
The above examples seem to demonstrate that animals are
intelligent, have feelings, and have other abilities similar to those of
Is it possible to know for certain whether another animal
or even another human beingis self-aware without seeing
through the others eyes?
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human beings. One point animal rights groups stress regarding
these issues is that people cant say humans are more worthy
than animals to live freely because of their intelligence, ability
to speak, or other such factors. Such an argument can easily
be turned around. For example, many mentally handicapped
people have IQs that measure well below that of the average
gorilla; a human infant lacks language skills; patients who are
comatose are unable to express themselves at all; a homicidal
criminal shows less compassion for other people than a faithful
dog. Yet we dont judge such people to be unworthy of compassion
and justice. Why, then, do we do so for animals?
Humans are not superior to animals.
Although members of the animal rights movement will not
argue that animals are the equivalent of people in all ways,
that is really not the issue for them. Instead, what they argue
is that animals are more than just living machines that exist
for us to use however we please. According to rights advocates,
many people take the attitude that human beings are superior
to other animals. The word that describes this attitude, first
coined by Richard Ryder of the RSPCA in 1971, is speciesism.
Speciesism is the viewpoint that human needs take priority
over those of other species because we believe ourselves to
be superior, even if to fulfill our needs means exploiting
animals in ways that would be considered horrifying if
exercised against people. Michael W. Fox, a veterinarian and
vice president of the Humane Society of the United States,
feels that speciesism is a symptom of modern society because
of the beliefs that form the foundation of the American
economic system. American capitalism, he writes in his 1990
book, Inhumane Society: The American Way of Exploiting Animals,
is driven by an ideology that has come to place economic
interests and the iron law of supply and demand over the
autonomy, intrinsic value, and interests of the individual, be it
human or animal.
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Animal rights supporters point out that speciesism is
just another form of racism and is no better than our history of
prejudice against people of other races, ethnic groups, religions,
and gender. One thing that distinguishes speciesism from other
forms of prejudice, however, is that the victimsanimalscant
speak for or defend themselves. Andrew Butler, international
lecturer for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA),
explains the argument against speciesism this way:
Animal rights isnt necessarily about loving animals or even
liking animals. Its about something much more important
than that. . . . Its really about fighting against prejudice;
fighting against oppression wherever it occurs. It has many
parallels with other social justice movements. What were
dealing with really is a form of prejudice. Its speciesism. Not
valuing animals because we view them as somehow different
and inferior, as unworthy of respect. Its the same sort of mind-
set that has allowed the exploitation of others throughout the
ages. Its what allowed the Holocaust to happen. Its what
allowed Apartheid to take place in South Africa.
But really its just getting people to understand that animals are
made of flesh and blood just as we are. They have the capacity to
feel pain and stress just as we do, and for that alone animals are
deserving of our respect and they shouldnt be treated just as
meat-producing, milk-producing machines. They shouldnt be
treated just as test tubes with tails. These animals have worth in
and of themselves; they value their life; they care and nurture for
their young; they build communities amongst themselves. If you
look at the animal kingdom, theyre architects, theyre builders,
theyre fun seekers. Its not anthropomorphism, its just simple
common sense, simple observation that tells us this.
So when were talking about animal rights were not talking
Should attorneys be allowed to represent animals the same way
they might represent a person who cant speak for him- or herself?
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about the right to vote or to drive. That would be entirely use-
less to animals. But simply that we give equal consideration to
the needs of animals. . . . [They need a life] that is free, one
that they can live on their own terms.
Another term animal rights groups use is anthropocentrism,
which is basically the belief that human beings think the world
revolves around them and that the world should be interpreted
only in human terms. This can be a dangerous philosophy that
will harm not only animals but humans as well. As Gary Kowalski
writes in The Souls of Animals, the negative effects might even rob
us of our spirituality:
One might say that we de-humanize animals, but this would
not be accurate, since animals are not human. Rather, we
de-sacralize animalsrob them of their holy qualitiesand
in the process de-humanize ourselves. For animals cannot be
relegated to the status of objects. When we treat them as if they
were mere biological machinescollections of conditioned
reflexeswe injure both their nature and our own.
Even discounting the possibility that animals think, feel,
and perhaps have some kind of consciousness, the final question
for animal rightists is a moral one. British philosopher Jeremy
Bentham (17481832) is often quoted as summarizing this
position most succinctly: The question is not, Can they reason?
nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?
Because animals are extremely similar to human beings in a
number of ways, animal rights supporters argue that animals
should be granted certain rights, such as the right to life and
liberty, that are generally given to humans.
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hile current developments in animal research are indeed
revealing more and more similarities between humans
and other species, is it really only a matter of degree that sepa-
rates the species? Philosophers have debated this issue repeatedly
over the centuries. Aristotle (384322 B.C.), for instance,
asserted that animals exist for the sake of man.
Thomas Aquinas
(c. 1224 1274) and Ren Descartes (15961650) are often cited
as two famous thinkers of their respective times who felt that
animals were inferior to humansAquinas because they lacked
souls, Descartes because they could not think or experience
emotions in the same way people do. The eighteenth-century
philosopher Immanuel Kant (17241804) declared that animals
are not self-conscious (actively aware of their own individuality)
and exist merely as a means to an end. That end is man.
In the twenty-first century, progress in biology and animal
Animals Are
Not Worthy
of Rights Like
Those of Humans
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behavior sciences has made the boundaries between human and
animal much fuzzier. Animal rights groups have been quick to
note this in their arguments. They point to sciences inability to
document absolute differences between human and beast, Tim
Stafford writes in a Christianity Today article. But this hardly
suggests that we should treat animals well. Stafford reverses the
proanimal rights argument to reveal a flaw in its reasoning:
The animal-rights movement would like to raise animals to the
moral status of humans. It would be just as logical to lower
humans to the moral status of animals.
Some distinction must
be made, then, between animals and humans, because it is unlikely
that people will ever consider animals our moral equivalent.
Still, the difficulty remains to define what distinguishes us from
other species.
The human brain is unique.
Michael Allen Fox, writing in his The Case for Animal Experi-
mentation: An Evolutionary and Ethical Perspective, acknowledges
the similarities between humans and animals, but goes on to
assert that the differences are too pronounced to ignore. When
it comes to the human brain, for example, he points out that
brain size alone is not a reliable indication of intelligence. One
must consider other factors, such as the degree of convolution
and thickness of the cortical surface (neocortex) and the over-
all density of cerebral neurons.
That is to say, the number of
wrinkles in the human brain far exceeds that in other species,
with the possible exception of some cetaceans. This creates
more surface area and, consequently, more cerebral neurons,
allowing for increased brain activity. In addition, brain mass
not just volumemust be considered. Fox refers to a study by
Harry J. Jerison in which the scientist compared the brain
If animals were granted legal rights to liberty and self-
determination, might this in some way cheapen the value
of rights possessed by people?
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weights of animals with comparable overall body weights.
Using a formula he called the encephalization quotient, Jerison
found, according to Fox, that the actual brain size of humans
comes out to six times what should be expected of a typical
comparable mammal.
Human tool making and language are extremely
Fox continues to show significant differences between people
and animals in the areas of tool making and language. Yes, he
concedes, animals can make tools, but humans can design
and build much more sophisticated tools because of our highly
developed hands. A dolphin, despite its intelligence, couldnt
build an automobile even if it knew how because it has flippers
instead of hands. The importance of this capacity cannot be
overstated, says Fox, for because of it sophisticated exploratory
behavior, creative artistry/design, and technology become
possiblein short, our species adaptation to and high degree
of formative influence upon its environment.
Adding to this
advantage, human beings are the only animals on the planet to
have made use of fire.
Humans also are capable of much more advanced lan-
guage than even the higher primates, such as chimpanzees.
Chimps and other primates do not, for one thing, possess the
anatomy to produce the wide variety of sounds that humans
do; furthermore, their limited intelligence confines them to a
vocabulary that does not exceed that of a typical two-year-old
Dolphins have been judged to be extraordinarily intelligent,
yet they lack hands and fingers to build sophisticated tools.
Should tool-making skills, then, be one way that human beings
are judged to be unique and superior to other animals?
How much should intelligence alone be a factor in determining
the rights of a living creature?
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human child. Fox goes on to declare that many of the conclu-
sions reached by researchers such as Sue Savage-Rumbaugh
have led to misleading arguments about chimpanzees abilities.
Unfortunately, writes Fox, much of what has been reported
about chimpanzees language skills is inaccurate, leading to
exaggerated claims by popularizers of this research.
Rumbaugh herself, states Fox, once admitted that early
research methods had been defective and tainted by an inherent
bias toward a set of presumptions about the significance of
symbol manipulation formerly reserved for children.
A big
difference between human language capabilities and those of
chimpanzees and gorillas is the ability to discuss objects and
ideas that are not physically present (abstraction) and the
ability to syntactically organize words into complex sentences.
Humans are capable of both these skills, whereas animals,
to our knowledge, are not.
The problem with trying to teach animals human language,
say skeptics, is that language is an innately human (genetically
inherited) trait developed over the ages to aid in human survival.
To try to make an animal speak like a human being, therefore,
makes about as much sense as trying to teach a person to fly or
breathe underwater. We simply arent designed to do so. In an
article published in the London Guardian, Peter Jenkins wrote
about the work that was being done with chimps by researchers
at the University of Oklahoma. He noted that chimps were
capable of responding yes or no to questions, expressing
regret or gratitude, and making simple requests, such as asking
for food or a toy, but could do nothing much more sophisticated
than this. One might argue that the chimps behavior is a form
of crude language, but whether it is the equivalent of human
language depends, as Jenkins and several chimp researchers
point out, on ones definition of language. According to Jenkins,
famous linguistics expert Noam Chomsky once concluded,
human language appears to be a unique phenomenon, without
significant analogue in the animal world.
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Humans and animals are not morally equivalent.
Those who oppose the fundamental argument of animal rights
groups that peoples use of other animals for various purposes
is immoral speciesism will sometimes point out that animals
are often guilty of activities that most humans would consider
highly disturbing and immoral. Life in the animal kingdom
is far from an idyllic existence where each species treats the
others with respect. Even within species, animals are guilty
of what would be heinous crimes if perpetrated by human
beings. For example, a male African lion will slaughter the
cubs of other male lions in order to mate with the females of
a pride so that they will bear his cubs instead. Animal rights
groups have claimed that slaughterhouses where cattle are
bludgeoned to death before being processed are inhumane.
Yet is this more inhumane than what happens when a pack of
wolves catches a deer, tearing into its flesh and eating it while
it is still alive?
Animals, indeed, are capable of shocking behavior. In an
article published in Audubon magazine, Richard Conniff
provides some other examples. Noting one animal rights
protesters admonition that all animals should be free,
Conniff responds:
I wondered if making every creature on Earth free meant that
the speaker intended to restrain the copper-colored fly known
as Bufolucilia silvarum, which deposits its eggs in the nostrils
of toads and frogs. When the larvae hatch, they blind their
hosts and devour them. In the interest of preventing needless
slaughter, would she speak sternly to the great horned owl,
which may decapitate fifteen adult common terns but eat
just one? Would she admonish the mink, which is capable of
wiping out whole muskrat families in a senseless killing
frenzy? Would she issue sound dietary edicts to the bulimic
Adlie penguin, which sometimes causes itself to vomit, the
better to kill and consume more fish?
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It seems to opponents of animal liberation that such
behavior on the part of other animal species is just as cruelif
not more soas some of the acts that animal rights groups
condemn people for performing on animals. Animals can be
guilty of unnecessary killing, they murder members of their
own species, they cause severe torture, and primatologists have
even discovered that troops of chimpanzees will fight territo-
rial wars in the wild. If the logic of animal rights groups against
peoples treatment of animals is that we are capable of more
kindness than other species because we can stop ourselves from
eating, wearing, and experimenting on animals, then could this
not be seen as an implicit confirmation that human beings are,
indeed, superior to other animals, which are unable to express
such compassion?
Anthropomorphism warps the concepts of pain
and suffering.
Some people look at a pig in a pen and conclude that because it
doesnt have room to roam freely, it must be suffering, because,
after all, a human being would not wish to be held in a small
cage. However, this argument assumes that pigs think and feel
in the same way that human beings do. Researchers like those at
the Center for Food Animal Productivity and Well-Being at
Purdue University, for example, have suggested that sows may
be perfectly content in a small, confined space while they are
nursing their piglets and that there is no convincing evidence
that such quarters cause the pigs any psychological distress.
The way an animal experiences pain is also subject to
interpretation. It is a big leap in logic, say some, to conclude
Animals in the wild might be more concerned with their own
survival than how they treat other species. Does this justify
how humans treat other speciessince other animals kill for
food and other reasonsor should human beings consider
themselves morally superior and therefore be more compas-
sionate to other animals?
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that because animals are physically capable of feeling pain, they
are our emotional equivalents, making it immoral to, for example,
kill them for food. Stephen Budiansky feels that this is simply
not enough justification to change the current human-animal
One of the reasons I fundamentally disagree with the animal-
rights philosophy is that it seems to be based on the notion
that pain is the overriding factor in determining whether
an animal has rights. . . . The idea that because animals can
suffer pain they therefore deserve equal consideration is a
very limited view of the world. And even more than that,
sentience or consciousness is not the same as a moral capacity,
a capacity to anticipate the future, a capacity to have thoughts
about thoughts, a capacity to have an awareness of oneself as
an independent moral agent. These are things that result in
different experiences of the world, and I think they make it
perfectly valid and normal to make distinctions between us
and other animals.
[Gr.,=having human form], in religion, conception of divinity as being in human form
or having human characteristics. Anthropomorphism also applies to the ascription
of human forms or characteristics to the divine spirits of things such as the winds
and the rivers, events such as war and death, and abstractions such as love, beauty,
strife, and hate. As used by students of religion and anthropology the term is applied
to certain systems of religious belief, usually polytheistic. Although some degree
of anthropomorphism is characteristic of nearly all polytheistic religions, it is
perhaps most widely associated with the Homeric gods and later Greek religion.
Anthropomorphic thought is said to have developed from three primary sources:
animism, legend, and the need for visual representations of the gods.
Source: The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6
ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002.
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Legal rights are for people, not animals.
The idea that animals do not have legal rights in human society
goes back to the beginning of civilization. Animals have always
been considered property, and although the law usually dictates
that the owners of animals are entitled to compensation when
someone damages or destroys their animals, the animals them-
selves do not have any rights in court. As D. G. Ritchie put it back
in the nineteenth century, If rights are determined solely by
reference to human society, it follows that the lower animals, not
being members of human society, cannot have rights.
In more recent years, attitudes have changed somewhat, not
only among the public, but in the courts as well. There is more
of a sense that animals, legally speaking, lie somewhere between
inanimate objects and human beings. Nevertheless, rulings have
been based not upon how an animal itself has suffered but rather
on how an animals death or injury has affected its owner. Steven
J. Bartlett, a senior research professor of philosophy at Oregon
State University, comments on the Animal Law Website:
In legal discourse, there has been a gradual increase in
the number of cases in which the courts have ruled that an
animals value is not to be reduced and equated to property
value. In parallel, there has been some increase in the number
of successful claims for emotional distress for tortuous injury
or killing of nonhuman animals. . . . In many of these cases,
changes in human attitudes and laws relating to the legal
thinghood of nonhuman animals appear to be taking place.
However, we need to discern whether these cases truly
represent changes in the property status of animals, or whether
they instead merely reflect increasing judicial recognition
of human sentiment. . . .
The courts have sometimes been willing to take explicitly
into account a companion animals special value to the owner,
and in so doing they continue a pattern of establishing value
in homocentric terms. Seldom do courts consider nonhuman
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animals as ends in themselves, with interests of their own.
When attention has been directed in this way, it has been in
discussions that seek to situate the legal status of nonhuman
animals somewhere between property and legal personhood.
Bartlett then summarizes that the central legal issue in this
context and at the present time is therefore simply put: Animals
are not humans and are not inanimate objects. Presently, the law
has only two clearly separated categories: property or juristic
Because animals are not considered persons by
the courts, they cannot sue for any damages done to themeven
if they could speak. Animal rights advocates say that they take
their cases to the courts precisely because animals are incapable
of speaking on their own behalf. But they face an uphill battle,
not only because other species are not considered juristic
persons but also because the animal rights groups lack legal
standing. In the case of Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife in 1992,
the Supreme Court held that in order to sue on behalf of
endangered species, animal rights activists must:
Submit affidavits or other evidence showing, through specific
facts, not only that listed species were in fact being threatened
by funded activities abroad, but also that one or more of the
respondents members would thereby be directly affected
apart from their special interest in th[e] subject.
In simple terms, people cannot sue for the rights of animals,
but only for their own rights; therefore, they must prove that an
action harming animals causes some legally recognized form of
damage directly to the person bringing the lawsuit.
Perhaps the closest rights advocates have come to proving
that they had legal standing and, consequently, winning a case
came in 1998 with the Animal Legal Defense Fund v. Glickman
trial. Here, the ALDF sued Daniel Glickman, the secretary of
the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) at the time, for
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not setting strict enough laws for the treatment of animals in
exhibits. This resulted in an aesthetic injury to the public
viewing poorly treated primates at the Long Island Game Farm
Park and Zoo. Although the judge in the case originally agreed
that the plaintiff had legal standing in the matter, the final
ruling was in favor of Glickman because the judge concluded
that the USDAs regulations were consistent with the spirit of the
Animal Welfare Act. As the final resolution of the Animal Legal
Defense Fund v. Glickman case demonstrates, proving this type
of direct legal damage can be difficult.
While rights advocates are not seeking the equivalent legal
status of humans for animals in all cases (for example, voting
rights and drivers licenses), they do still seek the basic legal rights
a person has to life and freedom. To grant these rights, however,
the courts would have to recognize animals as persons, and this is
what they have been unwilling to do. In addition to the general
sentiment that human law is for human beings alone, those who
oppose the animal rights movement do so because they feel that
raising the status of animals would subsequently lower the status
of human beings by denying that we have qualities that set us apart
from other species. This would mean disregarding innate human
characteristics, the ability to express reason, to recognize moral
principles, to make subtle distinctions, and to intellectualize.
As Joseph Lubinski explains, The existence of rights, and the
extension thereof, is a human debate; one in which, by definition,
animals cannot have a voice.
The overzealous demand for animal rights may
lead to misanthropy.
Animal rights groups do not distinguish between humans
and animals, and this is what frustrates many who oppose their
Under U.S. law, the status of animals is somewhere between
property and people. How can this fact be used to argue for
or against animals rights?
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viewpoint. A now somewhat infamous quote made by PETA
president Ingrid Newkirk in 1983 is often used to represent how
animal rightists feel about their fellow human beings: [A]nimal
liberationists do not separate out the human animal, so there is
no rational basis for saying that a human being has special
rights. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. Theyre all mammals.
Some people have accused animal rights advocates out-
right of favoring animals over their own kind. For example,
Edwin A. Locke, a psychologist and professor emeritus at the
University of Maryland at College Park, has called PETAand
others in favor of animal rightsa group of misanthropes, or
haters of humankind. Citing a number of statements made by
PETA representatives, he says,
The granting of fictional rights to animals is not an innocent
error. We do not have to speculate about the motive, because
the animal rights advocates have revealed it quite openly.
Again from PETA: Mankind is the biggest blight on the face
of the earth; I do not believe that a human being has a right
to life; I would rather have medical experiments done on
our children than on animals. These self-styled lovers of life
do not love animals; rather, they hate men.
The moral issue involving animal versus human life is
probably the most difficult to answer. Is animal life really
equivalent to human life? If, for instance, the lives of a thousand
children suffering from cancer could be saved by research that
would result in the death of a thousand monkeys, would the
sacrifice be ethical? Many people would say yes. As Frankie Trull,
president of the Foundation for Biomedical Research, puts it:
Animals are partners, and they have been since the beginning
of time. Mans responsibility is to ensure that animals are
treated humanely and responsibly. I think because the vast
majority of us grew up with Mickey Mouse, sort of Disney
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characters, and our pets, because were such an urbanized
society now as opposed to people who grew up in the olden
days on farms, that we tend to anthropomorphize that
animals have the same characteristics as people. Animals want
to be cared for and housed properly; they want to be dry; they
want to be in a reasonable environmental temperature; they
want their food; they want their water. They dont need new
clothes and they arent people, but that doesnt mean we
shouldnt treat them with respect, and the fact that scientists
partner with animals in research is really a great privilege,
and it needs to be addressed that way. But Mans greatest
responsibility is to improve the quality of life of Man.
Traditionally, animals have been seen as something expressly
designed for the benefit of human beings. Those who oppose
animal rights argue that animals cannot truly be compared to
humans in terms of moral worth and the ability to reason.
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Animals Should
Not Be Used in
Medical Research
he debate over the use of animals in medical and other
types of scientific research and testing is a central issue in
the battle for animal rights. It is what gave rise to the first large
animal rights group in the United States, the American Anti-
Vivisection Society, and it has been a major campaigning issue
for many proanimal rights organizations ever since. Using
animals for medical research is a tradition that can be traced
back almost 2,500 years to the days of ancient Greece. The
first recorded use of animal experimentation, according to
Jordan Curnutt in his Animals and the Law: A Sourcebook,
occurred in about 450 B.C.E. when Alcmaeon of Croton
severed the optic nerve of a dog, and noted that blindness
Such experimentation continued throughout the
development of Greek and Roman civilization. This was long
before the creation of anesthesia, so animals were never given
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anything to ease their pain, and since these early scientists
often wished to observe the functions of a living body in
action, the animals were usually not killed before procedures
were performed. The fall of Rome and the onset of the Dark
Ages in around the fifth century A.D. saw such experimentation
disappear in Europe. However, it was revived with the Italian
Renaissance in the 1500s and 1600s as scientific inquisitiveness
flourished once again.
To say that early scientists were unconcerned that their
work inflicted pain on animals would not be entirely accurate,
though. Many, if fact, found such work repulsive, yet they
maintained that it was necessary in order to advance medical
knowledge. Some prominent voices of the time rejected even
this notion, however. As Curnutt noted, [S]uch noteworthy
scholars as Alexander Pope [16881744] and Samuel Johnson
[17091784] vehemently rejected vivisection as barbarous and
cruel, as inclining its practitioners to mistreating people, and
as advancing knowledge very little while failing to provide a
cure for anything.
Legislation has been passed to protect animals.
Protests such as this failed to make any changes until the rise
of the animal welfare movement in England in the nineteenth
century. In the United States, research animals would have to
wait until 1966s Laboratory Animal Welfare Act (LAWA) before
any major legislation would be passed in their favor. LAWA
might not have passed at all were it not for an expos published
in the February 1966 issue of Life magazine that detailed the
terrible conditions dogs were enduring at animal dealer facilities.
Revised in 1970 as the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), this law now
protects many warm-blooded animals being used in research,
with the notable exception of birds and rodents.
Does the fact that animal experimentation has been going
on for centuries justify its continuation? Why or why not?
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Cruel and unnecessary tests should be banned.
Despite the passage of the AWA, many standard tests continue
to be conducted that animal rights groups such as PETA believe
seriously abuse animals. Two of the most infamous of these are
the LD-50 and Draize tests.
Because there has been so much controversy over the use of
animal experimentation, the government is taking steps to
better monitor the use of animals in scientific and industrial
research. Facilities are now required to report how many
animals they use in their tests (excluding birds and
laboratory rats and mice, as well as certain farm animals
used in agricultural research), and also whether the
animals involved were subjected to pain and distress
and under what conditions. These graphs contain the
reported data from the fiscal year 2001.
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The LD-50 test was designed in 1927 by J. W. Trevan, a
British pharmacologist, to discover the levels at which certain
chemicals were lethal to animals. The name LD-50 refers to
the dosage level of a chemical that results in the deaths
(LD = lethal dose) of 50 percent of the test subjects, usually
rats. The rats that do not die from the test are later killed and
studied, too. The dosage that resulted in half the rats deaths
is carefully recorded and becomes the accepted standard of
what is considered an acutely toxic dose. Crystal Spiegel,
outreach director for the American Anti-Vivisection Society,
notes that the LD-50 test is being phased out by other
toxicological tests that are still lethal and harmful to animals,
but use fewer individual animals.
The Draize test was invented in the 1940s by John H. Draize,
who at the time was a scientist for the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration. This test was designed to measure the irritancy of
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cosmetics, cleaning products, and other commonly used house-
hold goods. To check whether something was an irritant, a sample
of the product is either put into a rabbits eye (New Zealand
white rabbits are usually used because they are very tame and
easy to buy) or is applied to a patch of shaved skin that has
been abraded. The rabbits, which are considered useful subjects
because they lack tear ducts that may rinse the chemicals away,
are restrained in a box or have their heads locked in stocks so they
cant scratch at or rub their eyes or skin. Scientists then observe
whether the test product causes the skin or eye to become
inflamed. In the case of skin tests, the procedure is often used to
see if a chemical is carcinogenic (causes cancer).
When animal welfare activist Henry Spira decided to target
cosmetics company Revlon in a campaign against the Draize
test in 1978, he managed to convince the company to stop the
practice. Slowly, other companies, such as Mary Kay Cosmetics,
Proctor & Gamble, and Gillette, have also stopped using the
Draize test. Other companies, however, such as the Dow
Chemical Company, Johnson & Johnson, and Colgate-Palmolive,
still use it, according to Curnutt.
Animal rights groups have argued that the LD-50, Draize,
and other tests were unnecessarily cruel, if they were even
necessary at all. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration
does not require that these tests be conducted to assure the
safety of chemical products for humans, although the gov-
ernment does require testing of some sort. At least, one might
argue, these experiments had a point, but as some activists have
complained, many studies performed on animals seem to have
no practical applications. A classic example involves Henry
Spira again, who discovered in the late 1970s that the American
Museum of Natural History was deliberately destroying parts
How can one balance the importance of keeping human
beings safe from faulty products against the fact that
animals suffer pain or death in tests of products?
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of the brains of living cats, which would result in the cats
trying to mate with a rabbit. The cats were mutilated in other
ways, too, such as having their sense of smell or sexual organs
destroyed; the researchers would then record how this affected
their sexual behavior. In Spiras view, these experiments were
absurd and pointless, but they were still being funded by the
U.S. government with grants of over $400,000. Through Spiras
efforts, the funding was cut off and the experiments stopped.
Animals Should Not Be Used in Medical Research 57
Military Testing on Animals
(From PETA)
News programs have been airing ghastly video footage from Afghanistan that
shows dogs dying agonizing deaths in al Qaeda military experiments. One tape
shows a dog trapped in a room with vapor rising. The dog begins licking his chops
(increased saliva is one of the first signs of poisoning), loses control of his
hindquarters, and is eventually seen lying on his back, moaning. However, these
cruel experiments are nothing newnor are they confined to Afghanistan. The
war on animals is an international one.
From Tel Aviv to Tehran to Texas, dogs and other animals are being poisoned and
otherwise tortured in chemical, biological, and conventional warfare experiments.
PETA has equally barbaric, secretly shot footage, from 1977, of Israeli soldiers
injectingand killingdogs with what appear to be nerve agents.
No matter where you stand on international conflicts, it is a painful fact that the
Israeli army has also blown up anaesthetized pigs with Scud missile explosives
and conducted other painful experiments on dogs, monkeys, doves, mice, toads,
and guinea pigs. An article in the March 17, 2000, issue of Haaretz, Israels most
respected daily newspaper, reported that experiments carried out by the Israel
Defense Forces on animals were so horrific that the soldiers forced to conduct the
experiments had to seek psychological counseling.
The United States military has a long history of conducting cruel animal
Uncounted Casualties
Each year, at least 320,000 primates, dogs, pigs, goats, sheep, rabbits, cats, and
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other animals are hurt and killed by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) in
experiments that rank among the most painful conducted in this country.
Because these figures dont include experiments that were contracted out to non-
governmental laboratories or the many sheep, goats, and pigs often shot in
wound experiments, the total number of animal victims is actually much higher.
The cost to taxpayers for these military experiments is estimated to be in excess
of $100 million annually.
Top Secret
Military testing is classified Top Secret,and it is very hard to get information about
it. From published research, we do know that armed forces facilities all over the
United States test all manner of weaponry on animals, from Soviet AK-47 rifles to
biological and chemical warfare agents to nuclear blasts. Military experiments can
be acutely painful, repetitive, costly, and unreliable, and they are particularly waste-
ful because most of the effects they study can be, or have already been, observed in
humans or because the results cannot be extrapolated to human experience.
Sample Experiments
Burns and Blasts: As far back as in 1946, near the Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific,
4,000 sheep, goats, and other animals loaded onto a boat and set adrift were
killed or severely burned by an atomic blast detonated above them. The military
nicknamed the experiment The Atomic Ark.
At the Armys Fort Sam Houston, live rats were immersed in boiling water for
10 seconds, and a group of them were infected on parts of their burned bodies.
In 1987, at the Naval Medical Institute in Maryland, rats backs were shaved,
covered with ethanol, and then flamed for 10 seconds.
In 1988, at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, sheep were placed in a
loose net sling against a reflecting plate, and an explosive device was deto-
nated 19 meters away. In two of the experiments, 48 sheep were blasted: the
first group to test the value of a vest worn during the blast, and the second to
see if chemical markers would aid in the diagnosis of blast injury (they did not).
Radiation: At the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute in Maryland, nine
rhesus monkeys were strapped in chairs and exposed to total-body irradiation.
Within two hours, six of the nine were vomiting, hypersalivating, and chewing. In
another experiment, 17 beagles were exposed to total-body irradiation, studied
for one to seven days, and then killed. The experimenter concluded that radiation
affects the gall bladder.
(Continued From page 57)
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Animals Should Not Be Used in Medical Research 59
At Brooks Air Force Base in Texas, rhesus monkeys were strapped to a B-52 flight
simulator (the Primate Equilibrium Platform). After being prodded with painful
electric shocks to learn to fly the device, the monkeys were irradiated with
gamma rays to see if they could hold out for the 10 hours it would take to bomb
an imaginary Moscow. Those hit with the heaviest doses vomited violently and
became extremely lethargic before being killed.
Diseases: To evaluate the effect of temperature on the transmission of the
Dengue 2 virus, a mosquito-transmitted disease that causes fever, muscle
pain, and rash, experiments conducted by the U.S. Army at Fort Detrich,
Maryland, involved shaving the stomachs of adult rhesus monkeys and then
attaching cartons of mosquitoes to their bodies to allow the mosquitoes
to feed.
Experimenters at Fort Detrich have also invented a rabbit restraining device
that consists of a small cage that pins the rabbits down with steel rods while
mosquitoes feast on their bodies.
Wound Labs: The Department of Defense has operated wound labs since
1957. At these sites, conscious or semiconscious animals are suspended from
slings and shot with high-powered weapons to inflict battle-like injuries for
military surgical practice. In 1983, in response to public pressure, Congress
limited the use of dogs in these labs, but countless goats, pigs, and sheep are
still being shot, and at least one laboratory continues to shoot cats. At the
Armys Fort Sam Houston Goat Lab, goats are hung upside down and shot in
their hind legs. After physicians practice excising the wounds, any goat who
survives is killed.
In 1992 and again in 1994, doctors with the Physicians Committee for Respon-
sible Medicine testified before Congress on military animal use and worked with
the General Accounting Office in an investigation of Michael Careys experiments
at Louisiana State University. Carey shot 700 restrained cats in the head to model
human injuries. As a result of the investigation, Careys cat-shooting experiments
were halted.
Other forms of military experiments include subjecting animals to decompres-
sion sickness, weightlessness, drugs and alcohol, smoke inhalation, and pure
oxygen inhalation.
Source:The Militarys War on Animals. Available online at
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But such successes have been a mere drop in the bucket.
Today, there are many ongoing research projects that animal
rights groups maintain are completely unnecessary. A massive
project started under the Clinton administration and spear-
headed by thenVice President Al Goreand continuing
todayis the Environmental Protection Agencys High
Production Volume Chemical-Testing Program (HPV). The
program was designed to test about 2,800 different chemicals
commonly used in industries to see how environmentally safe
they are. According to PETA, about one million animals will
lose their lives in HPV tests to be conducted over a five-year
period. Animals will be injected or fed chemicals, or will have
chemicals rubbed into their eyes or on their skin, to check their
reactions. Many of these chemicals are already known to be
toxic, but because they havent been run through the specific
tests required by the HPV program, they will be tested again,
even if animal research had been used in the past to determine
toxicity. As PETA explains,
Many animal tests performed in the past were conducted
following slightly different methods than those currently
required, which could mean that old test results will not be
accepted under the HPV program. In addition, chemical com-
panies are unlikely to submit data from previously conducted
animal tests that show their chemicals to be harmful. It is more
likely that companies will conduct new tests with the hope
that the results will be more positive this time around.
Another large-scale testing program that is similar to
the HPV program but even greater in scope is the Endocrine
Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP), which tests industrial
chemicals for the specific purpose of seeing how they affect
human hormones. When it is concluded, the EDSP will have
tested between 5,000 and 87,000 chemicals on literally millions
of lab animals.
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Animal rights advocates protest against lab experiments not
only because they find the tests cruel, but because they assert
that the experiments are unnecessary or cause undue pain.
Often, too, experiments that have already been conducted before
are repeated, as the HPV program demonstrates.
The Silver Spring Monkeys case exposes
laboratory conditions.
Laboratory conditions are another big concern for animal
rights groups. While many researchers keep clean labs and
properly feed their animals in accordance with the Animal
Welfare Act, this has not always been the case. An infamous
example of researcher abuse of animals has come to be
known as the Silver Spring Monkey Case. PETA cofounder
Alex Pacheco, who in 1981 was studying political science and
environmental studies at George Washington University,
decided to gain some laboratory experience by volunteering
at the Institute for Behavioral Research in Silver Spring,
Maryland. Here, various monkey species were having their
limbs deliberately injured by scientists in order to discover
new therapies for rehabilitating them that might eventually
be applied to human beings. What Pacheco discovered in the
labs, however, was shocking:
The smell was incredible, intensifying as we entered the
colony room where the monkeys were kept. I was aston-
ished as I began to comprehend the conditions before
me. I saw filth caked on the wires of the cages, feces
piled in the bottom of the cages, urine and rust encrusting
every surface. There, amid this rotting stench, sat sixteen
crab-eating macaques and one rhesus monkey, their
lives limited to metal boxes just 17 inches wide. In
their desperation to assuage their hunger, they were
picking forlornly at scraps and fragments of broken
biscuits that had fallen through the wire into the sodden
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accumulations in the waste collection trays below. The
cages had clearly not been cleaned properly for months.
There were no dishes to keep the food away from the
feces, nothing for the animals to sit on but the jagged
wires of the old cages, nothing for them to see but the
filthy, feces-splattered walls of that windowless room,
only 15 ft. square.
Pacheco further noted that medicines and sacks of food
used in the lab had all expired years beforesometimes
more than ten years before. He also observed the bizarre
behavior of the animals and that they had not received
proper medical treatment; sometimes, clearly visible injuries
had not been bandaged. To add insult to injury, the monkeys
were being put under the care of people with little or no
experience (Pacheco himself was put in charge of a project
even though he was just a college student with no laboratory
background whatsoever) and forced to endure apparently
pointless and cruel experiments. For example, Pacheco was
told to starve two of his monkey subjects and then taunt
them with food, which he would not be allowed to give them.
In another experiment, he was told to clamp a hemostat
(a device normally used to compress a bleeding vessel) onto
the testicles of a monkey and write down his observations as
the monkey reacted to the pain. The entire purpose of such
research, as far as he could gather from Dr. Edward Taub, the
head of the lab, was not to discover something useful but
simply to obtain grant money from the National Institutes
of Health.
After gathering data on the labs conditions and the
treatment of the animals, as well as getting a number of
witnesses to agree to help him, Pacheco took his case to the
police. It eventually went to trial, and in 1981, Taub was
found guilty of six counts of animal cruelty and denying his
animals proper veterinary care.
Taub took the case to the
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Maryland Court of Appeals, and although Maryland had
laws against animal cruelty, because Taub was working under
the auspices of a federal grant, the court decided that the
laws did not apply to him and reversed the earlier court
Despite the ultimate failure of the case, it helped
gain national attention for the animal rights movement.
Are conditions in all laboratories as awful as they were at
the Institute for Behavioral Research? Probably not, since the
AWA does seem to have improved the situation. However,
many animal rights activists assert that the improvements
made so far are not enough. As Michael W. Fox notes in
Inhumane Society, Todays standards do not consider the
animals social, emotional, and environmental needs.
Medical research on animals does not help science.
Not only are experiments on animals often painful and
sometimes not even designed to find cures for human ailments,
but even the studies directed at human applications are
misguided, according to some animal rights activists. C. Ray
Greek, a medical doctor, and Jean Swingle Greek, a veterinarian,
are cofounders of Americans for Medical Advancement.
In their book Sacred Cows and Golden Geese: The Human
Cost of Experiments on Animals, they note that because
animal and human biology are not the same, test results
from nonhuman species are not applicable to human beings.
Because a positive result in an animal might not produce the
same effect in a human, thousands of people get sick from
legal pharmaceuticals each year, they assert.
In addition,
nonhuman animals make poor test subjects because they
cant communicate effectively to researchers when they are
Some people have compared animal experimentation with
the Holocaust. Using the Silver Spring Monkeys case as a
model, how many parallels can one draw between these
two events?
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experiencing pain or other negative side effects from an
experiment. Thus, researchers only see an adverse result when
an animal is in such excruciating pain that the symptoms
become overt.
Even when animal testing is used, the next step in
researching a drug is always human testing. The Greeks
write, When compounds demonstrate therapeutic effect
on an animal, therapeutic effect without ill side effect, they
proceed to human clinical trials. There, very oftenour
research shows anywhere from 52 to 100 percent of the time
they fail, frequently by wounding or killing people. Animal
testing has made it look as if given compounds will not injure
humans, but they do.
The Greeks provide several examples of
drugs that were tested on animals but still produced acute negative
effects on humans. Diethylstilbestrol, for one, was a drug that
was supposed to prevent miscarriages in pregnant women, but
it actually had the opposite effect; thalidomide, another drug
used by pregnant women, caused birth defects; isoproterenol,
a drug for treating asthma, was toxic to humans; etanerecept,
used for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, caused infections
and, in some cases, death; perhexiline, a medicine for treating
heart disease, caused liver failure.
Sacred Cows and Golden Geese also makes interesting
observations about the other negative effects of the insistence
on animal testing in drug research. For example, not only
do drugs that were tested on animals and subsequently
approved for human use sometimes cause problems, but
the government also insists that drugs that appear to be
effective on people later be tested on animals. If they prove
Medical science is not an exact process. Mistakes
are frequently made, just as serendipitous discoveries
sometimes occur. How many risks should we take in order
to produce a new medicine or treatment that may save
human lives?
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to be harmful to other species, the drugs are withdrawn
from the market, thus denying people medications that
might have been helpful to them. That such logic can be
fallacious is demonstrated by the example of acetamino-
phen, the painkiller used in over-the-counter drugs such
as Tylenol. Millions of people use Tylenol regularly.
However, if a cat is given a single dose, it will probably die
of renal failure. The Greeks pursue this train of thought
further by asking,
Can we actually credit experimentation on animals as
having prevented the FDA from releasing a medication
that would have been dangerous to humans? This is
difficult to assess, obviously, since such drugs never
progressed to market. However, it is worth remarking that
countries that do not rely on animal testing have no
higher incidence of adverse-drug reactions than the
United States, and frequently have access to the latest
drugs years before we do.
There are alternatives to animal tests.
Not very many years ago, before the creation of crash-test
dummies, the automobile industry used live baboons to see
how safe their cars were in simulated accidents. As one might
imagine, putting a live primate in a car and hurling it toward
a wall at fast speeds resulted in serious injuries or death for
many baboons. Auto industry executives insisted that the
tests were necessary, however, to ensure that cars were meet-
ing government guidelines for consumer safety. When the
public protested the use of animals, however, the crash-test
dummy was invented as an alternative. Not only did the
invention of these dummies prevent animals from being
harmed, but researchers have actually found them to be more
useful than baboons for recording accurate data.
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Many animal liberationists assert that there are alternatives
that can replace live test subjects for medical research. For
example, with new advances in technology, mathematical
models can be created on computers (called in silico testing).
For example, a treatment for AIDS (acquired immuno-
deficiency syndrome) using what are called protease inhibitors
was developed largely through the use of computer models.
Computers cant perfectly duplicate what happens in a real
body, of course, but they are also not the only alternative.
Scientists use cell cultures in what is called in vitro testing,
or tests performed in test tubes or other containers. The
advantage here is that human cells can be used instead of
animal cells to see how they react to chemicals that are being
checked for toxicity or drugs being developed for medical
treatments such as cancer. For example, the infamous Draize
eye and skin tests can now be replaced with Irritection Assay,
an in vitro test that not only eliminates the need for animals
but can also produce results in about five hours, as opposed to
about two to three weeks for in vivo (live animal) tests. It is
also easier to reproduce results for verification with in vitro
than in vivo testing, and research has shown that Irritection
Assay is just as reliable as the Draize test.
Other tests available to researchers include the Ames
Test, which uses the bacteria Salmonella typhimurium to
check for chemical carcinogenicity (whether chemicals
cause cancer) and mutagenicity (whether they cause muta-
tions); the Hayes Test, which is similar to the Ames Test but
uses E. coli bacteria instead; and the Limulus amebocyte
lysate (LAL) test, which checks for endotoxins that may
cause fevers.
Still another alternative is the use of lower organisms,
such as plants or invertebrates, or the use of animal embryos.
Also, since most drug testing still requires human beings to be
tested at some point, people could be used more often than
they are now. This suggestion is not as inhumane as it might
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seem at first, since advances in technology have made it possi-
ble to perform tests on people noninvasively. Procedures such
as magnetoencephalography, positron emission tomography,
and nuclear magnetic resonance make it possible to perform
many experiments without harming people. Also, human cell
cultures can be grown in the lab; specialized human cells or
fragments of cells can be used for very specialized tests that
give accurate results for medical research, since they come
from people and not animals.
Where is animal experimentation going?
With advances in genetics, animal testing in recent years is
reaching levels once dreamed of only in science fiction. New
procedures are being created that might make it possible, for
example, to alter a pigs internal organs so that they resemble
those of a human being. The organs might then be extracted
from the pig and transplanted into a person in a process known
as xenotransplantation. In another case of genetic alteration,
researchers in South Dakota have created cows whose bodies are
being programmed to produce antibodies that treat infections
in human beings. If such research proves successful, we may
someday see the establishment of animal farms whose purpose
is not to produce meat or dairy products, but rather to grow
human organs and medicines.
The boom in the new field of genetic research is having
new and previously unimagined consequences for laboratory
animals. As Crystal Spiegel of the American Anti-Vivisection
Society notes:
Cloning and genetic research has resulted in a drastic
increase in the numbers of animals in laboratories,
especially mice, rats, and birds. Most of these animals
are killed (as laboratory waste) because they do not
exhibit desired traits. Animals who have been genetically
manipulated suffer in unknown ways, as they are unique
Animals Should Not Be Used in Medical Research 67
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creatures. I have heard veterinarians at scientific confer-
ences state that they do not know how to properly care
for them because the death rates are high and you never
know when their bodies will malfunction. Further-
more, researchers try to manipulate nonhuman animals
to carry human-specific diseases and other maladies. But
these are not the same as natural occurrences, especially
in another species altogether.
Even without genetic research, current methods in
traditional animal research are difficult to eliminate because
of the status quo. Peter Singer concludes that animal exper-
imentation continues for a number of reasons. First, he says,
speciesism in the scientific community is still common.
People still dont see animals and their suffering as being
as important as human needs. Second, experiments with
animals continue because researchers are familiar with them
and to change how they do their work would require a
special effort. As Singer writes:
Once a pattern of animal experimentation becomes
the accepted mode of research in a particular field, the
process is self-reinforcing and difficult to break out of.
Not only publications and promotions but also the
awards and grants that finance research become geared
to animal experiments. A proposal for a new experiment
with animals is something that the administrators of
research funds will be ready to support, if they have in
the past supported other experiments on animals. New
nonanimal-using methods will seem less familiar and will
be less likely to receive support.
Another reason for the continuation of in vivo testing is
simply the government bureaucracy. In vitro and other alter-
native testing methods have not yet been well established, and
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approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration takes
a long time. As Jordan Curnutt commented, Given the
decades-long emphasis on in vivo . . . testing found in federal
regulations, the development of alternatives has been stymied:
regulated industries and progressive biotech companies must
face laboring to develop in vitro and other options without an
established method for gaining governmental acceptance.
Animal rights supporters believe that animal research is inher-
ently cruel and should be replaced with other available forms
of testing. They argue that animals are generally too physically
different from human beings for the results of animal testing to
be accurate anyway.
Animal rights advocates often say that an ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure. Should the government and universities
put more work and money into emphasizing preventive measures
to disease, and, if they did, might this eliminate the need for
animal testing?
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or thousands of years, humanity was plagued by an insidious
virus that infected peoples nervous systems. It often caused
paralysis and even death. The disease was terrifying, feeding on
human civilization until the 1950s. Because it was easily spread
in community settings and children were particularly vulnerable,
parents often forbade their children to swim in public pools for fear
of acquiring this virus. But adults could contract it as well, including,
most famously, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was confined
to a wheelchair because of his illness, though he tried as much as
possible to hide his handicap from the public. The disease is known
as paralytic poliomyelitisor polio, for short. Before a cure was
found, many stricken children had to use crutches and leg braces
to walk, and hospital wards were full of patients who had to live out
their lives confined to a bed inside iron lungs that allowed them to
breathe. Tens of thousands of Americans were affected every year.
Animals Serve a
Useful Purpose in
Medical Research
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It was President Roosevelt who declared a war on polio, and
with the government funding he helped provide, Dr. Jonas Salk
discovered a vaccine in 1955. Thanks to his work, polio, which
was once rampant all over the world, has now been eliminated
in all but the poorest nations. How did Salk discover his
amazing vaccine? Through animal research. Dr. Alfred Sabin,
who also worked on the cure for polio, later commented, My
own experience of more than 60 years in biomedical research
amply demonstrate that without the use of animals and human
beings, it would have been impossible to acquire the important
knowledge needed to prevent much suffering and premature
death not only amongst humans but also amongst animals.
There are many other benefits to medical
research with animals.
Polio is not the only disease that was eliminated or significantly
reduced with the help of animal research, however. The extensive
list includes measles, smallpox (which has now been eradicated),
influenza (the flu), anthrax, tuberculosis, rabies, whooping cough,
infectious hepatitis, and diphtheria. Many advances in treatments
for diabetes (such as the use of insulin), arthritis, tuberculosis,
infertility, several forms of cancer, heart disease, and AIDS, among
other diseases, have been created thanks to animal research.
Modern-day surgical procedures such as organ repairs and
transplants, artificial knees, spinal cord repair, and genetic and
stem cell research are also the result of animal experimentation.
Prominent physicians have repeatedly upheld the necessity
of animal research in the area of medicine. For example, former
U.S. Surgeon General Everett Koop has asserted, We would be in
absolute, utter darkness about AIDS if we hadnt done decades of
Many cures for diseases have been discovered through animal
research. What do you think the world would be like today if
these discoveries hadnt been made? Would it have been worth
saving the lives of the animals that died in the research process?
Animals Serve a Useful Purpose in Medical Research 71
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basic research in animals . . . before we even knew there was
Nobel Prizewinner Sir John Vane further notes, The
medicines of tomorrow will depend upon research being done
today, for which animal experimentation is essential. Ignore the
need for that research and we shall lose the cures that we are
entitled to expect in the next 50 years for illnesses that afflict
hundreds of millions of people such as cancer, heart disease, viral
diseases, malaria, schistosomiasis and sickle cell anaemia.
world medical community has repeatedly acknowledged the value
of animal research by awarding about two-thirds of the Nobel
Prizes in physiology or medicine to researchers who made medical
advances through the use of animal experimentation. In a survey
of 39 Nobel laureates who received the prize in physiology or
medicine, 97 percent agreed with the statement that animal
research has been vital for the advancement of medicine in the
past; 92 percent further agreed that it still remains essential today.
Medical Advances Due to Animal Research

Antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial infections

Vaccines for smallpox, tetanus, diphtheria, polio, measles, lyme disease,

hepatitis B and chicken pox, gene therapy, insulin to control diabetes

Anticoagulants, anesthesia, and neuromuscular blocking agents

Chemotherapy for cancer patients

Pacemaker implants to treat cardiac patients

Discovery of the HIV virus and development of drugs to control the

progression of AIDS

Organ transplantation techniques

Source: Americans for Medical Progress
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As Frankie Trull, president of the Foundation for Biomedical
Research, asserts, without animal research we probably wouldnt
have [the possibility of] cures for Alzheimers disease, paralysis
(spinal cord injuries), diabetes, cystic fibrosis. A lot of diseases that
are still very prevalent in this society: certain types of cancer, heart
disease, most anything you can think of we probably wouldnt
have cures ever, or certainly during the next two lifetimes.
Animals are similar enough to humans to make
them useful in experiments.
One argument that animal rights groups make against animal
research is that dogs, cats, monkeys, rats, mice, and other animals
are different species and, therefore, what works for them will not
necessarily work for a human being. But while the differences
between the species are obvious to anyone, medical researchers will
say that they target the similarities in their studies. With advances
in genetic engineering, animals that carry human genes can be
bred in laboratories and then be used to produce results similar to
what they would be in human beings. According to a proanimal
research group known as the Incurably Ill for Animal Research:
There are over 250 diseases that are common to both humans
and animals. Many treatments are also the same in both
veterinary and human medicine. Diabetes occurs in cats, dogs,
monkeys and humans, and they all use insulin to control their
blood sugar levels. The same heart pacemakers that save
human lives also have saved many pet dogs. The polio vaccine
we use to protect our children is also given to chimpanzees in
the wild to control outbreaks of polio.
Scientists carefully choose animal models that are properly
suited to the condition being studied. For instance, dogs were
used in the development of pacemakers, bypass surgery and
balloon angioplasty (widening narrow arteries) because their
cardiovascular system is very similar to humans. Laboratory
mice may now be genetically engineered with human
Animals Serve a Useful Purpose in Medical Research 73
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characteristics. One strain actually has an immune system that is
identical to that of a human, offering researchers a great model
for studying various types of cancer and AIDS. When it comes to
disease processes, man and animals have many similarities.
Michael Allen Fox similarly asserts in The Case for Animal
Experimentation that there are many physiological and behav-
ioral similarities between animals and humans. If one accepts
the theory of evolution, that all animals descended from similar
ancestors millions of years ago, then it stands to reason that
many of our basic biological traits are shared. Fox uses the
example of hemoglobin in our red blood cells, which carry
oxygen through our bodies. Fox comments that though there
are many different hemoglobins in nature, the chimpanzees
is identical to our own,
and researchers have shown that
the proteins in our bodies are 99 percent identical to those in
chimps. These similarities dont just apply to other primates,
such as chimps, though. As Fox continues, Some animals as far
removed from humans as mice, hamsters, and guinea pigs
exhibit very similar physiological reactions; dogs share many of
the same diseases; and pigs have been noted to be strikingly like
humans physiologically and anatomically.
Besides the applications for drug and surgical procedure
development, animals are also used in behavioral research. Though
the benefits of this type of research might not be as evident
as research that produces drugs or surgical therapies, many
psychologists and psychiatrists attest to its importance. Such
lab research provides a scientific foundation for a variety of
behavioral treatmentspsychotherapy, assertiveness training,
meditation, and relaxation training with or without biofeedback,
according to experimental psychologist Neal Miller.
can be used in such research because many speciesand this is
where higher primates such as chimps and gorillas have proven
especially usefuldisplay attitudes, social relationships, and other
behaviors that are remarkably similar to those of humans.
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Because the benefits of doing research in which scientists
deliberately try to alter the behavior of animals is not always read-
ily apparent, psychological studies on animals is perhaps even
more controversial than medical research. Still, many proponents
assert that it is very important in finding treatments for people
who suffer from addictions and other behavioral problems. It
gets really tricky, admits Frankie Trull. But, she adds:
I think that people who have addictive problems, alcoholism,
whatever, psychiatric problems, still have a major issue in our
society, meaning we view these problems as human weak-
nesses. Science doesnt see it that way. First of all, the suffering
that these people go through is huge, the cost to society is huge,
and if research has to be done in behavioral areas then its still
going to be done in animal models. I think its much trickier
to explain . . . but that doesnt minimize the disease. And they
are diseases. Mental illness is a disease just like cancer. [With
animal research] thats where theyre doing a lot of neurological
studies where theyre studying the brain. They train animals to
have behavioral responses to certain things. Its tricky, but thats
the old rat through the maze.
Animals are needed for research duplication.
Another allegation that animal rights supporters make is that
researchers unnecessarily repeat experiments on animals just to
get more grant money. Research scientists respond to this accusa-
tion in several ways. First of all, results from a single experiment
are not sufficient proof that the data obtained are valid. In order
to be sure that the conclusions drawn are correct, accepted scien-
tific method dictates that experiments must be repeated and the
If the same animal research that benefits a human being also
benefits other animal species, wouldnt this help to justify
such experiments? Why or why not?
Animals Serve a Useful Purpose in Medical Research 75
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results duplicated. If the same results are duplicated by other
researchers, then it is generally agreed that no errors were made in
the original experiment. This is important so that, for example, a
drug is not created based on the results of a test that might be
erroneous, the consequences of which could be dangerous, if not
lethal. It is important to add, according to the Incurably Ill for
Animal Research, that while it may appear to a casual observer
that one experiment is like another, we must be very careful about
such observations. Small but very important differences in chem-
istry, for example, may be the difference between life and death.
As for the accusation that researchers repeat experiments as
part of their quest for grant money, the Incurably Ill for Animal
Research responds:
There is far less money available to fund research projects than
there are grant applications for that money. Therefore, compe-
tition eliminates marginal experiments as a matter of course.
For example, the National Institutes of Health, which funds
most biomedical research (about 90% of basic research and 2/3
of clinical research), has experts in every field to review grant
applications and recommend those worthy of funding. Of the
applications recommended for funding, they have money for
only about 25%. Reviewers are extremely careful to assure they
fund only those applicants who propose to explore the frontiers
of science, not those who propose to repeat history.
The belief that money is a main motivating factor for
people conducting animal research is not reflective of reality,
say research advocates. As the numbers above indicate, funding
from government resources is hard to come by, and there arent
How extensively should a drug be tested before it goes to
market? Can a drug ever be tested enough to ensure that it is
100 percent safe and effective? How long should disease sufferers
be expected to wait for a new drug that might save their lives?
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any scientists becoming fabulously wealthy from their grants
alone. Medical research scientists, for example, receive much less
pay than physicians who work in hospitals or private practice
caring for patients. As for the large pharmaceutical companies
that develop drugs for people, they can spend millions of dollars
and years of research just to create a single drug.
Some opponents of animal experimentation assert that
if more money were spent on preventive medicinesuch as
campaigns to encourage people to follow a healthier lifestyle
and, therefore, get sick less oftenthen we would be able to
significantly reduce or eliminate animal research entirely. Such
an argument, says Trull, is not realistic:
I think that it is an incredibly simplistic argument. Ive often
heard the animal rights people say, If we didnt drink alcohol,
smoke cigarettes, or eat red meat there would be no disease and
therefore we wouldnt have to do animal research. Would that
life were that simple. Of course prevention is important, and
thats a personal responsibility that people should take on, you
know, the big issue; the big public issue that everyone is talking
about is obesity, and it is a legitimate concern. That, for some
people, is completely self-driven, and for other people its
genetic. There are a lot of things that need to be learned about
obesity, and theyre studying that now in obese genetic animals.
But animal research for the foreseeable future is still pivotal.
Conditions in laboratories are not as bad as they
are depicted as being.
Much publicity in the campaign against animal research has been
devoted to the living conditions of animals in laboratoriesas
evidenced in the Silver Spring Monkeys case. Research advocates,
however, maintain that such examples of animal abuse are rare
and, with all the government legislation that is now in place,
unlikely to be repeated very often in the scientific community.
Animals Serve a Useful Purpose in Medical Research 77
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The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) regulates conditions in research
facilities that use animals; any lab that receives federal govern-
ment funding or that receives animals from another state is
subject to the AWA. As part of this, labs have to be licensed by
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are subjected
to inspectionsoften unannouncedby the Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service (APHIS). Laboratories have to report
the number and species of animals in their facilities; they have to
work with APHIS-licensed animal dealers; their animals have to
be checked by veterinarians on a regular basis; and researchers
and technicians have to be fully trained and qualified.
In addition, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has
published the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals,
which delineates standards for animal careincluding rodents
and birdsfor all federally funded laboratories in the United
States. Under the NIH guidelines, all labs must set up committees
that are responsible for overseeing animal care. The committee
must include a veterinarian and at least one person who is not
an employee at the research facility. Any violations of federal
or NIH guidelines that the committee members observe must
be reported to the NIH. This kind of oversight, say those who
support continued animal research, assures that lab animals are
provided with humane treatment. Trull adds:
There are a lot of reasons to care for laboratory animals. Obvi-
ously, there is the moral reason to care and the ethical reasons
to care, but also animals that are stressed provide unreliable
research results, so its a waste of everybodys time if you cant
keep this animal comfortable. The regulations that govern the
labs themselves are more restrictive than the regulations that
How many laws are necessary to protect the lives and safety
of animals? Should all these laws be compiled under the
Animal Welfare Act, or is it all right that some guidelines
are covered under other laws and regulations?
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govern human research. All research facilities operate under
whats called the Animal Welfare Act, which has standards for
the facilities themselves, like the HVAC systems and how many
air exchanges there have to be per minute. It gets actually quite
sophisticated and quite complicated, and its very expensive.
Proponents of animal testing also assert that animal rights
groups overemphasize the use of animals such as cats, dogs,
rabbits, and monkeys, which have much more sympathetic
appeal to most people. In fact, dogs and cats make up only about
one percent of the animals used yearly in laboratories, whereas
90 percent are rats or mice, with the remaining 9 percent being
primates and other species. Rats, mice, and birds are not covered
under the AWA, as specified in a regulatory definition issued by
the APHIS in 1972. This regulation was challenged by the
Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and the Animal
Legal Defense Fund (ALDF), which filed a lawsuit in the District
of Columbia Circuit Court against Mike Espy, who at that time
was the U.S. secretary of agriculture.
The court ruled against
the ALDF in this case. Nevertheless, this doesnt mean that
rodents and birds go unprotected. As Trull states:
The vast majority of rodents and birds are covered under other
things, like anybody who receives NIH fundingwhich is
almost all if not all of the academic institutions in the country,
so all the medical schools, the veterinary schools, the teaching
hospitalsthey have to comply with the NIH Guide for the Care
and Use of Laboratory Animals. Companies that are trying to get
products approved through the Food and Drug Administration
Do you believe that animal researchers intentionally harm or
abuse the animals in their laboratories? Is it possible that
animal rights groups focus only on a small minority of
wrongheaded researchers to make their case, or do you
think deliberate animal abuse is common?
Animals Serve a Useful Purpose in Medical Research 79
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have to comply with the Good Laboratory Practices Act. So a lot
of these animals are covered in duplicative ways, but the vast
majority are covered by one set of regulations or another.
For some research, there are no good alternatives
to animal experimentation.
Although new methods are becoming available to scientists,
animal testing advocates say that none of these alternatives can
fully replace the use of animals. This is because the newer tests
are done in isolation outside of a living body and, therefore, cant
indicate whether other unforeseen reactions might take place.
The physiology of any living organism is much more complex than
what can be duplicated in a test tube or Petri dish because animals
have numerous biological systems, including the immune system,
nervous system, and endocrine system, that interact with one
another. An in vitro test designed to examine the reaction of skin
tissue to a chemical, for example, might not foresee a reaction
within the nervous system of a living organism. Similarly,
computer modeling, while useful to a certain extent, necessarily
simplifies what actually occurs in organic systems. Thus far, these
alternative tests have not been successful in proving whether or
not a certain chemical will cause birth defects or cancer.
Researchers are glad to use these alternatives to animal test-
ing whenever possible, but they generally recognize that such
methods will never completely replace animals in the lab. Instead,
the accepted response to demands for the elimination of animal
experimentation is what has become known as the Three Rs:
replacement, reduction, and refinement. First proposed back in
1957 by W.M.S. Russell in his book The Increase of Humanity in
Experimentation, the Three Rs are guidelines for cutting back
the use of animals as much as feasible without sacrificing the
accuracy of tests. The first R, replacement, obviously refers to
using other testing methods, like those described above.
Reduction, the second R, refers to cutting back on unnecessary
waste. Reduction can be accomplished by using the same animals
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more than once. For example, if a researcher is about to perform
an in vivo procedure on the heart of an animal that will cause it
to die, he or she can inform colleagues beforehand so that if
another scientist was planning to perform an experiment on
another organ, such as a liver or kidney, the same animal could
be used. The British organization Fund for the Replacement of
Animals in Medical Experiments (FRAME) further recommends
that appropriate experimental design and appropriate analysis
of the resulting data . . . can increase the precision of the data
and at the same time enable fewer animals to be used for the
generation of these data.
FRAME goes on to suggest that
better upfront planning can reduce waste. For instance, a small
pilot study will indicate whether or not it is appropriate to
proceed to a major experiment.
Finally, the third R, refinement, refers to improving animals
living conditions throughout their time in the lab, including
providing them with more interesting surroundings (tubes for
mice to hide in, toys for dogs and cats) and interaction with others
of their own species or with people. This is not only kinder to the
animals but also results in better science, as FRAME points out:
The experience of pain and other stress is likely to result in physio-
logical changes which may increase the variability of experimental
This same logic applies when the time comes to actually
use an animal in a medical procedure. Whenever possible,
researchers use anesthetics or analgesics (painkillers that do not
cause the patient to lose consciousness) to minimize pain in their
test subjects. The use of painkillers is mandated by the AWA and
the NIH, except in those cases where it is necessary to withhold
medication, such as when a researcher is working to develop new
medicines to reduce pain or studying the effects of pain on behavior.
Is it enough for researchers to follow the Three Rsin reducing
potential harm on animals in experiments, or would it be better
to make a clean, abrupt break from animal research and hope
that alternatives will be enough to replace live animals?
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Other uses of animal experimentation may
be necessary.
Whereas the above discussion has focused on the use of animals
for medical tests, animal subjects are also used in the testing of
products such as cosmetics (the focus of many animal libera-
tionists who protest things such as the Draize test) and household
cleaners. Although it certainly cant be argued that a new brand
of oven cleaner is as important as a breakthrough drug that
will treat a deadly disease, new chemicals are nonetheless being
marketed every year for use in industry and households and all of
them must be tested for their safety, as mandated by government
regulations set down by the Food and Drug Administration, the
Environmental Protection Agency, and the Consumer Product
Safety Commission. The High Production Volume Chemical-
Testing Program, in which thousands of chemicals are being
retested for safety, is protested by animal rights groups because,
for one thing, many chemicals that are known to be toxic
(such as turpentine and arsenic) are being tested again on
animals. However, the point of these tests is not always to
show that certain chemicals are dangerous, but rather to show
how dangerous they are. Inevitably, many of these products are
going to leak out into the environment. The point of the HPV
program is to determine at what levels they will become a major
threat to human safety.
Another area not often addressed by animal rights groups,
according to those in favor of research, is that animal experimen-
tation has also been highly beneficial to veterinary medicine.
Without such research, treatments for common and serious
diseases, including feline leukemia, parvovirus, rabies, and
distemper, could not have been created; nor would medicines that
treat parasites such as ticks, fleas, heartworms, and hookworms,
which can be lethal to dogs and cats, have been developed.
Animals used in agriculture also benefit greatly from veterinary
research. Since the animals used in research in these cases are
the same species as those the tests are intended to benefit, it is
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particularly germane to this field of study. In addition, many
medicines originally developed for people have been found to
help animals as well.
Scientists fear that the progress that they have made
through the use of animal research will come to an end if
anti-vivisectionists and other animal rights groups have
their way. As Robert J. White concludes in an article for the
American Scholar:
At the urging of a small but determined group of antivivisec-
tionists, the United States Congress is constantly considering
legislation that, if enacted into law, will seriously restrict the
freedom of individual scientists participating in medical
research, in the same way that laws have so seriously hampered
similar research in Britain. . . . Unless American medicine and
its allied biological professions cast off their mantles of
detachment and undertake the responsibility of educating
through established lines of communication our citizens to the
necessities of medical research, the antivivisection movement
may eventually win the day.
Those who support animal research argue that past results,
such as the near-eradication of polio, demonstrate conclusively
that animal testing is highly accurate. They also believe that,
in situations where tests would be too dangerous for human
subjects, animals are the only reasonable alternative.
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Animals Should
Not Be Used for
Food and Clothing
lthough the use of animals in medical experimentation has
certainly received a great deal of press, the number of
animals exploited for food and clothing is many times greater
than the number used in research. Animal rights groups often
use lab experiments to illustrate animal abuse because the idea
of surgery and chemical tests creates vivid pictures of animals
in torment. Also, getting people to protest medical testing is
perhaps less difficult than getting them to give up eating meat
or drinking milk. People seeking more liberties for animals,
however, also strenuously emphasize what they see as the evils
of using animals in agriculture, of harvesting animals for their
fur and hides, and of hunting them with guns and traps. Peoples
habits of eating meat and wearing fur are not only exploitive of
animals, say rights advocates, but they are bad for our health and
for the environment.
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Modern farms are more like factories.
Because the U.S. population has become so urbanized in recent
decades, the majority of Americans are unaware of what life
on a modern farm is really like these days. We often picture a
farm as a pleasant house in the countryside with a barn for
the animals and a farmyard that provides plenty of space and
sunshine for them to enjoy. The farmer walks out in his overalls
and spreads feed out for his chickens and dumps slop into a big
trough for his pigs.
Today, however, the reality is very different. Because of
economic changes and the continued growth of human
populations, the majority of animals are now raised on a
few very large farms rather than on many small, traditional
farms. Pigs, chickens, and sometimes cattle are confined by
the thousands and even tens of thousands in one building
that allows very little freedom for movement. Many of these
buildings are remarkably high-tech. Automated methods
have been developed to feed and clean up after the animals,
which can spend their entire lives indoors without ever
having a chance to see a barnyard.
To keep them healthy and make them grow large and fat
in these cramped conditions, animals are given hormones and
antibiotics, which proanimal rights people say are then passed
along to humans when we eat hamburgers, steaks, pork chops,
and chicken nuggets made from these meats. Also, because there
is such a rush to get animals out to the slaughterhouse, cattle, pigs,
and chickens are at times shipped out to market even before they
reach full maturity. Administering hormones and force-feeding,
for example, make broiler chickens (those destined for the
slaughterhouse) large enough for shipping when they are only
seven to eight weeks old. Furthermore, chickens are made to
lay eggs at an extraordinary rate, and cows, especially those in
the dairy industry, are made to give birth over and over until
they are so physically exhausted that their lifespan is shortened
considerably, according to activists who protest such conditions.
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C. David Coats, writing in Old MacDonalds Factory Farm,
comments that sows (female pigs) can be made to produce 100
to 110 piglets in about four or five years, after which they are
so exhausted that they are no longer of any use for bearing
young. At that point, the sows are shipped to the slaughter-
house. Coats continues:
To be efficient as a reproductive unit, the sow must produce
the maximum number of live piglets in the shortest time. By
force-weaning piglets at an unnaturally early age, operators
can reimpregnate the sow sooner and accelerate the normal
reproductive cycle. No regard is paid for the distress and
suffering caused by these continual pregnancies, separations,
and frustrated maternal instincts.
Sows are placed in a gestation crate, where they are sometimes
chained as well, that measures about two feet wide by six feet long.
This provides no room for movement and forces the pig to eat,
sleep, urinate, and defecate all in the same place. Under such
conditions, the animals develop stereotypical behaviors, such as
swaying and bar chewing. According to research in Holland, says
Coats, these repetitive movements, or stereotypes, are coping
behaviorsindicators of psychological disturbance instinctively
developed to deal with the stress of understimulation and
Pigs that become neurotic because of their close
quarters will sometimes chew on each others tails. To prevent this,
the solution at factory farms has been to cut off their tails.
Similar treatment is given to cows and chickens. Cows are
confined to barns or in pens, where they spend their entire lives.
Factory farms are designed to produce the most meat, eggs, and
dairy products as efficiently as possible. How much more would
you be willing to pay at the grocery store to end factory farms
and current slaughterhouse methods and return to agricultural
methods that resemble early twentieth-century practices?
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The fate for dairy cows is in some ways even more drastic than for
an animal raised for meat. As Andrew Butler of PETA explains:
Most people surprisingly dont even realize that cows have
to be pregnant in order to produce milk just like all other
mammals. They dont just mysteriously and magically produce
milk. They suffer through a constant cycle of impregnation
and birth; cows that would normally live for 25 years or more
are worn out after this constant cycle after just five short years.
When their milk production drops, they are kicked and
prodded down the slaughter ramp just like all the other
animals and go through that whole hideous process.
Also, just like all other animals, cows give milk for their
babies, and they arent allowed to nurse their own young.
Instead, in the case of male calves . . . those calves are allowed to
nurse for a day, often no longer than that. Then theyre shipped
off to the veal crate, where theyll spend 17 weeks in intensive
confinement, unable to turn around, to lie down, or exercise in
any way in order to keep their muscles weak. Theyre fed a diet of
gruel other than their mothers milk in order to keep them anemic,
and then of course theyre slaughtered for veal. And most people
also dont know that those industries are so closely linkedthat
the veal industry, which is very widely regarded as a cruel one, is
part and parcel of the whole dairy industry.
The fate of veal calves has been more publicized than other
forms of meat, and, consequently, many Americans have refused
to eat veal. On the other hand, annual consumption of poultry in
the United States has skyrocketed from 40.3 pounds per person
in 1970 to 75.6 pound per person in 2001. Chicken factory farms
have grown accordingly.
On these farms, chickens are placed in such tight quartersin
buildings holding anywhere between 10,000 and 100,000 birds
that they sometimes become aggressive with each other. So that the
birds will not hurt themselves in fights, they endure a process called
Animals Should Not Be Used for Food and Clothing 87
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debeaking,in which part of each chickens beak is cut off. In what
animal rights people feel is another egregious abuse, hens that will
be used to lay eggs are artificially stimulated through the use of
lighting to begin laying before they have fully matured. Sometimes,
the result, as Michael W. Fox reports in Eating with a Conscience,
is what those in the industry call blowoutthe hens vents
(posteriors) burst, and they die.
There are many health concerns caused by the
use of animals.
There are many health concerns regarding animal farming, say
those who oppose it, both for animals and for people. Because
hundreds or thousands of animals live inside a single building,
gases and particles emitted by excrement are easily carried
through the air, making diseases such as respiratory ailments
a common concern. Fox adds, Once farmers push animals
productivity too far, disease incidence increases. Effects of over-
feeding high-energy concentrates to dairy cows and beef cattle
contribute significantly to a variety of health problems. These
include fatty liver disease, mastitis, crippling foot diseases, and
overall weakening of the immune system, which results in higher
incidence of infectious diseases.
Commenting on the health
issues for both people and animals, Butler asserts that:
A lot of meat is full of hormones and antibiotics because ani-
mals are given growth hormones in order to maximize profit,
and virtually everything that we [PETA] fight against is a result
of people trying to maximize their bottom line, maximize their
profits. And animals are bred to grow so large so fast that in the
case of chickens their legs cant support their weight and many
With most Americans living in the city or in suburbs, how much
do you think people are aware of what is occurring today on
farms? Do you believe that people are apathetic about farm
life since most have never experienced it firsthand?
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of those animals suffer from crippling leg deformities. They
also suffer from heart attacks, they suffer from lung collapse.
And because theyre kept in such intense confinement on
factory farms where in the case of chickens you see up to 10,000
animals warehoused in one system, then you see an enormous
increase in mortality and disease. And to compensate for that
chickens are fed seven times the amount of antibiotics that are
Animals Should Not Be Used for Food and Clothing 89
McLibel Case
In what became the longest-running legal trial in British history, fast-food company
McDonalds took two activists, Dave Morris and Helen Steel, to trial for distributing
fliers that made several claims against the food chain. These claims included
accusing McDonalds of promoting unhealthy foods, helping to destroy rain forests
for cattle grazing, exploiting children in their advertising, food poisoning, and
participating in the mistreatment of animals used in their food. Although when a
final ruling did come on June 19, 1997, three years after the case had first gone
to trial, the judge declared that the defendants had not proven many of their
allegations, the court did decide that McDonalds was guilty on several counts,
including falsely advertising that their food was healthy, exploitation of children,
antiunionism that resulted in low pay for workers, and being culpably responsible
for animal cruelty. However, Justice Bell, who presided over the case, concluded
that McDonalds had been libeled overall, and so Morris and Steel were ordered to
pay the company 60,000 (around $100,000), a claim McDonalds later dropped,
realizing Morris and Steel would never pay the sum.
Although feeling somewhat justified, Morris and Steel have not seen the end of
the case, which is slated to go before the British House of Lords and the European
Court of Human Rights. Nevertheless, the 1997 decision was devastating to
McDonalds public relations. The McLibel case, as it has come to be known, has
had implications in the United States, too. PETA, which had been supporting
Morris and Steels cause, put pressure on McDonalds to reform their treatment of
animals especially and made suggestions as to how the animals should be
treated. At first, McDonalds did not respond to letters from PETA, and this resulted
in PETAs launching a campaign against the fast-food chain. The campaign was
called off the next year when McDonalds began to comply with PETAs demands
for better farm animal care.
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fed to people or cows. So you do have this real problem with
hormones in chicken flesh, antibiotics in animal flesh, which is
passed on to us when we eat them.
Furthermore, factory farming is hazardous to the environ-
ment, say animal rights activists and environmentalists. Manure
from hog, poultry, and cattle farms has become an increasing
problem, as the waste from these animals flows in high concen-
trations into water systems. In the past, when farm animals and
plant crops were raised side by side in much less concentrated
environments, such waste was often used for crop fertilizer. Today,
most fertilizers are manufactured in chemical plants, and the
feces and urine that are produced in factory farms have nowhere to
go. Accumulated piles of animal excrement generate toxic fumes
composed of hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and
methane; in addition to bacteria from this waste, the hormones and
other medications given to the animals make their way into the
water system. Some 40 percent of the nitrogen and 35 percent of
the phosphates contaminating the nations rivers, lakes, and streams
come from livestock wastes and feed fertilizers,
says Fox, who also
notes that nitrates have been shown to cause cancer in humans.
The process of slaughter is unnecessarily cruel.
Its not only how animals are treated in factory farms that upsets
animal rights advocates, but how they are processed as well. The
transport of farm animals is largely done by truck, but, as Fox
notes, federal regulations only cover transportation by rail, and so
the farm industry is largely free to ignore the care of their animals
as they are shipped to the slaughterhouse. As a result, according to
Fox, about 7 to 9 percent of the livestock suffer bruises and other
injuries in transit, and some of the animals actually die before they
reach the processing plant. Ironically, this is not only bad for the
animals but it also undercuts profits. The livestock industry loses
$46 million annually from bruises on cattle and hogs, says Fox.
Federal inspectors condemn this bruised meat, enough to feed a
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large city, but only if they see it, during cursory visual inspection.
Fox also adds that another $32 million is lost each year from
hogs that become so stressed that they develop what is called
pale, soft, exudative (PSE) meat that is unfit for consumption.
If the costs are so high, though, why are these methods of
transportation used? According to a quote from one expert in
the hog industry, Death losses during transport are too high
amounting to more than $8 million per year. But it doesnt take
a lot of imagination to figure out why we load as many hogs on a
truck as we do. Its cheaper. So it becomes a moral issue. Is it right
to overload a truck and save $.25 per head in the process, while the
overcrowding contributes to the deaths of 80,000 hogs each year?
In the final step of the process, cattle, pigs, and chickens are
killed in the slaughterhouse. The Humane Methods of Slaughter
Act of 1978 (sometimes simply called the Humane Slaughter Act)
stipulates that this is to be done in a humane manner, meaning that
the animals should be given anesthesia and stunned before they are
killed. (However, restrictions provided by the law do not apply to
ritual slaughter, such as the killing of animals under Jewish kosher
law, because that would violate religious freedom.) Once, it was
workers wielding sledgehammers who stunned the animals; today,
the job is done through automation. The animals are hung upside
down by their hind legs on a moving rack, and then knocked
unconscious by a stunning machine; the carotid arteries in their
throats are then cut so they bleed to death in what would be a
gruesome process for the faint of heart. The problem is that this
assembly line can move so quickly (sometimes up to 250 cattle go
by per hour) that the blows to the animals heads sometimes miss.
Harried workers, who are supposed to ensure that the animals are
unconscious, often dont have time to check on the animals status.
How have demographics and economics changed the way
modern farms operate? Should the government offer more
subsidies and research grants to farmers and ranchers to
change current animal husbandry practices?
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Thus, many cattle have their throats cut, their limbs removed, and
their skin peeled back while they are still conscious.
The same fate awaits swine, but chickens are different.
Because bird species are not covered by federal regulations,
their method of death is not subject to federal guidelines.
Legally, the birds can be slaughtered while still conscious, but
processing plants still try to stun them so they arent struggling
when the mechanical blade cuts their throats. To immobilize
the chickens, their heads are submerged in electrified water;
however, to save energy costs, the current is sometimes too low
to actually stun the chicken. Thus, the birds are sometimes still
conscious when their throats are slit and their bodies are
dumped in boiling water. Inevitably, according to Mercy for
Animals, the blade misses some birds who then proceed to the
next station on the assembly line, the scalding tank. Here they
are submerged in boiling hot water. Birds missed by the killing
blade are boiled alive. This occurs so commonly, affecting
millions of birds every year, that the industry has a term for
these birds. They are called redskins.
If the conditions in factory farms are so appalling, as animal
rights groups maintain, why are these animals not protected by
the Animal Welfare Act, as laboratory animals are? As Nathan
Runkle, the director of Mercy for Animals, comments:
Farm animals are exempt from most cruelty laws . . . because
factory farms couldnt exist if the animals were covered under
the same laws that dogs or cats or other animals were. You
cant confine six cats, seven cats, eight cats in a cage so small
that they cant move. Youd be prosecuted for animal cruelty
Many people in the United States have stopped eating veal
because of publicity that shows how calves are treated to make
the meat tender; yet these people often continue to eat other
kinds of meat. At what point is it acceptable to eat animals, or
do you feel it is never justifiable?
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with that, so the cruelty codes specifically exempt animals
from such things as giving an animal wholesome air or
exercise, which is really why factory farms can exist. . . .
Anything that is considered standard agricultural practice is
exempt, so that accounts for some of the worst animal abuses
because these abuses are really standard.
Because animal rights groups view the gap between the treat-
ment of lab animals and pets versus the treatment of livestock
animals as hypocritical, animal husbandry and meat processing
have become one of their biggest concerns in recent years.
Hunting is a cruel activity.
Although the use of animals in agriculture has a long history,
hunting animals for their meat, hides, and fur goes back to the
very beginning of the human race. For centuries, hunting was
necessary for human survival. Today, however, animal rights
groups argue that the practice is no longer essential and, indeed,
is practiced purely for entertainment and the thrill of the hunt.
The result is that wildlife that should be allowed to roam free
without harassment is unduly stressed, maimed, and killed. Of
course, hunters have a different viewpoint. Daniel Cohen puts
their perspective under the light of the antihunting position:
Hunters say that their activity gives them a chance to get out
in the woods and enjoy nature, and to share the camaraderie
of their friends. Of course, hiking, birdwatching, or nature
photography could provide the same results. Hunters also
insist that what they do is a sport. That implies some sort of
equal competition. The competition between a man with a
high-powered rifle and a deer is hardly equal. If the man loses
he goes home; if the deer loses its dead.
Death from a bullet or arrow might be less gruesome than
processing in a slaughterhouse, but it can still result in a lot of
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pain for the animal. As Andrew Butler of PETA explains, Its cer-
tainly not a very sure way of taking that animals life. The animal
can be wounded and die slowly and painfully in the woods, or
it might take a couple of shots, they might be chased for hours
upon end, causing a great deal of stress to that animal.
Another argument against animal hunting is that wildlife is
often killed not for food but for trophies and other nonessential
purposes, such as the illegal medicines trade. When a bear is
killed, for example, the hunter will, in many cases, take it to a
taxidermist to have the head mounted, or sometimes the entire
body is stuffed and displayed. Certain bear organs, such as gall
bladders, are also used to create medicines that are popularly
sold in Asian countries. Bear bile is used in places such as China
as a substitute for over-the-counter drugs commonly used in
the United States that arent always available overseas, such as
Dristan and Viagra. Tiger bones and penises, to use two more
examples, are similarly turned into medicines that are supposed
to help improve virility and cure impotence.
Although many of these animal species are poached
(hunted illegally), even dealers in exotic animals have come to
realize that their wildlife supply will run out if such practices
continue. They have therefore resorted to raising exotics them-
selves. For instance, there are now many bear ranches in China.
As Alan Green writes in his revealing book Animal Underworld:
Some five hundred farms sequester thousands of bears in
warehouses [in China]. Each is outfitted with a metal girdle
that contains a pouch to collect bilethe substance coveted
by those in the East without ready access to Dristan, Viagra,
or hemorrhoid potions. According to the Chinese govern-
ment, the bile production from the seven or eight thousand
bears that are caged helps relieve the threats to the remaining
free-roaming bears, which would likely face slaughter for
their gall bladders. This way, Chinese officials argue, the
imperiled bear species are being saved.
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Such harvesting of animals is not limited to China, however.
Hunting ranches have become increasingly common in the
United States. These are places where both exotic and endemic
(native) species are kept within fenced areas. For a fee, which can
range up to several thousand dollars depending on the rarity of
the species, hunters are guaranteed the chance to shoot the animal
of their choice. Such ranches are becoming attractive to trophy
hunters who are unable to shoot species such as giraffes and
oryxes in Africa, where they are protected. Such huntssome-
times known as canned shootsare unfortunately still legal in
the United States. As a reaction to canned shoots, in 1995, the
Captive Exotic Animal Protection Act was proposed before the
U.S. House of Representatives to stop such hunting, but it has
failed to pass into law.
This is not to say that most hunters in the United States
approve of such practices, though. Indeed, Green notes that the
National Rifle Association (NRA) and Safari Club International
are opposed to canned shoots because they violate the idea of a
fair chase. Health officials also worry that the importation and
breeding of exotics can lead to the spread of diseases in both
animals and people. This potential threat was made more apparent
recently with the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome)
scare, in which the disease is believed to have originally been
transmitted to people in China who ate animals called civets.
Criticism of the practice has therefore caused hunting ranches to
be banned in some states, though it is still allowed in others,
especially in the western United States.
Even the hunting of common animals such as deer can have
negative consequences, however. As animal rights groups like to
point out, hunters pursue the most impressive animals for their
trophy collections. In the case of bucks (male deer), this means
Do you feel that hunting is more humane than animal
agriculture, since in hunting the animal is allowed to spend
its life in the wild?
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the animals with the largest antlers. Large antlers in deer indicate
the healthiest animals, too, and so when hunters shoot the
strongest bucks they are depleting the deer population of its
healthiest animals, thus weakening the genetic makeup of the
species as a whole. Still another problem comes with the type of
hunting methods used and the skill of the hunter. Even hunters
who use high-powered rifles can miss shooting an animals
internal organs, and when an animal is wounded, it can suffer for
days before dying.
Bow hunting is an even less certain way of killing wildlife,
and using dogs to catch species such as coyotes and foxes is a
practice widely decried by animal rights groups. In the United
States, coyotes, whose numbers are increasing because they are
so adaptable to environmental changes caused by humans, are
chased down by trained dogs that rip them to pieces. In the
United Kingdom, a movement to end fox hunting, where foxes
are chased down by dogs and armed men on horseback, is gaining
support. One group that is fighting the practice in England is
the Hunt Saboteur Association, whose members attempt to spoil
hunts by blowing horns and laying down false trails to confuse
the hunting dogs. In the United States, however, such practices
have been made illegal by the Recreational Hunting Safety and
Preservation Act of 1994.
Still another hunting methodtrappinghas also been
highly controversial. Traps, which are commonly used for smaller
animals such as beaver and fox, typically break bones while
keeping the animal alive and suffering. Some animals have been
known to chew off their own legs to escape rather than remain in
a trap. What is even sadder, say activists, is when an animal that
the hunter did not mean to catch is trapped. According to Cathy
Liss in Animals and Their Legal Rights, Non-target animals
caught in the traps include Bald and Golden Eagles, Great
Horned Owls, Red-tailed Hawks, calves, fawns, deer, colts,
lambs, goats, geese, and ducks.
Liss quoted one veterinarian
who had treated trap wounds as saying: Leghold traps inflict
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some of the worst, ugliest strangulation type leg wounds I see.
I cannot imagine any greater terror for an animal than to be
captured in one of these devices.
The fur and leather industry also exploit animals
for frivolous causes.
The fur industry has a long history of using traps to catch
beavers, muskrats, foxes, lynx, otters, and many other species
valued for their fur, which is then turned into clothing, such as
womens coats. Not only is this practice responsible for causing
great pain and suffering to wildlife, according to activists, but it
is also very wasteful. According to the authors of The Animal
Rights Handbook, an estimated 17 million raccoons, beavers,
bobcats, lynx, coyotes, muskrats, nutria, and other animals
are trapped each year in the United States for fur.
It doesnt
take just one animal to make an article of clothing, either:
To make a 40-inch coat, depending on the type, it takes
16 coyotes or 18 lynx or 60 mink, 45 opossums, 20 otters,
42 foxes, 40 raccoons, 50 sables, 8 seals, 50 muskrats, or
15 beavers.
This isnt including the number of trash animals
(those that werent intended to be caught), which is about
double the amount of the desired animals caught per coat.
Just as with the agricultural industry, those in the fur
industry have discovered that, in lieu of trapping, farms are a very
cost-effective way to raise animals that are valued for their fur.
Mink, chinchilla, and other types of fur farms are now a common
way of obtaining fur, and the conditions on them are just as bad
as on factory farms, say activists. Animals are kept in small cages
inside large buildings, and, in order to hold down costs and
protect the fur from damage, are killed in the least expensive way.
This typically involves breaking their necks, poisoning them with
gas, drowning or suffocating them, or the grisly practice of anal
electrocution, which, according to Nathan Runkle of Mercy for
Animals, is really the most common way of killing chinchillas
and its also pretty common for killing foxes. . . . [All of these
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methods] really disregard the welfare of the animals. He added,
The fur industry is really just a violent and bloody industry
that [exists] to produce a frivolous luxury item.
Many activists
feel the same way about the leather industry, which is part and
parcel of the institution of factory farming. The Animal Rights
Handbook further notes that leather is tanned with toxic
chemicals, which find their way into streams and rivers, polluting
them and killing wildlife.
Vegetarianism provides an alternative.
The solution to all of the above problems, say many animal
rights groups, is for people to change their lifestyles. Eliminating
the use of fur, leather, and wildlife trophies would be simple
enough if people changed their attitudes toward animals, since
these products are not essential to human survival. Food, on
the other hand, is a bigger problem. It is a daunting task to ask
people to give up steak, hamburgers, pepperoni pizzas, fish
sticks, pork chops, and innumerable other foods. But there are
several reasons why we should, say proanimal rights people,
many of which have been outlined above. Vegetarians dont
support the factory farm industry with their shopping dollars,
which may help reduce the demand for meat products and,
subsequently, eliminate the poor treatment of farm animals.
Getting rid of meat would also help the environment. Not
only would there be no more manure runoff seeping into the
water supply, but it takes much more acreage to support animal
agriculture than plant agriculture. Activists often point out that
the destruction of the Amazon rain forest is due largely to cattle
farmers who hack down trees to create pastures for their animals.
Because of the nature of rain forest soil, however, its fertility is
tapped out after only a few years, and so more forest is hacked
down. While crops such as corn and wheat also require space,
How is killing an animal for its fur different from killing an
animal for its meat? Is one more justified than the other?
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they need much less acreage than that used for grazing. As Bruce
Friedrich explains on the GoVeg Website:
[T]he average vegan uses about 1/6 of an acre of land to
satisfy his or her food requirements for a year; the average
vegetarian who consumes dairy products and eggs requires
about three times that, and the average meat-eater requires
about 20 times that much land. We can grow a lot more food
on an equal amount of land if were not funneling the crops
through animals.
Finally, a vegetarian or vegan diet is simply healthier than a
diet rich in meat. Typical Americans consume too much protein,
cholesterol, and fat because we eat so many burgers, steaks,
and chicken products. The result is an overweight nation that
suffers from a high rate of heart ailments and other diet-related
illnesses, including cancer. Vegetarians who eat no meat and
vegans who eat neither meat nor dairy products maintain that
they live healthier, longer lives that have less of a negative impact
on animals and the environment.
Many of the uses to which animals have been putas apparel
and even as foodare not truly necessary for the survival of
human beings. Because animals have the same desire to protect
their lives that humans have, animal rights activists believe it is
cruel to exploit them for frivolous uses.
Would you be willing to give up eating meat and dairy products
if it meant that no more animals would be harmed? Why or
why not?
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uman beings are omnivores, which means that our natural
diet includes a mix of food from animals and plants.
If one accepts the current theories of humankinds evolution,
Homo sapiens origins can be found in early primate species that
lived in trees in Africa. When climactic changes caused many of
those trees to be replaced with open savannahs, the diets of these
primates, which had been primarily vegetarian, began to incor-
porate meat as a matter of necessity. The result of this switch in
lifestyle was a dramatic impact on the course of evolution,
according to some scholars, who say that a meat diet helped
increase brain size in our ancestors and was the basis for new
social behaviors. As Craig B. Stanford asserts in his book The
Hunting Apes: Meat Eating and the Origins of Human Behavior,
The origins of human intelligence are linked to the acquisition
of meat, especially through the cognitive capacities necessary for
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Be Used for Food
and Clothing
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the strategic sharing of meat with fellow group members.
Studying other primates, such as chimps, and supplementing
this information with what anthropologists know about early
humans, Stanford theorizes that meat was the first object of
barter for early peoples: Underlying the nutritional aspect of
getting meat, part of the social fabric of the community is
revealed in the dominance displays, the tolerated theft, and the
bartered meat for sexual access. The end of the hunt is often only
the beginning of a whole other arena of social interaction.
Thus, say some, the introduction of meat into our diet
played a large part in forming early social structures, a cohesive
society. Later, as humanity developed agriculture, animals
became even more important. Domesticated animals were a
source of food and labor. Without animals, many people
believe, agriculture would not have come about, and, therefore,
human civilization would not have developed. Dan Murphy, a
former journalist who is now vice president for public affairs at
the American Meat Institute, further explains the importance
of animals in agriculture:
In any point in time, at any point in history, on any continent,
among any people that were aware of in the entire existence
of the human race [there was no group of people] who were
truly vegetarian. . . . From the days that people first crawled
out of the trees and started hunting and gathering to the
more advanced, agriculturally based societies in previous
millennia to virtually every indigenous group of people on
every continent and every time in history have used either
wild animals that were hunted or trapped, fished, netted,
captured, as supplement to their food base, or, in the more
advanced societies, animals were domesticated in a very
symbiotic way to not only provide the work as work animals
on farms but as food animals and as a readily available source
of fertilizer manure for the vegetable and grain crops that
were grown. That is universal. . . .
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In fact, one of the few examples where it wasnt the case
the aboriginal people of Australiathere really were no large
animals capable of being domesticated on that continent
because of their geologic isolation back how many millions of
years ago. They are the one race of people on Earth that never
progressed beyond the stone age. Think about it. Its not that
theyre unintelligent; its not that they were incapable of the
intellectual progress that you would say characterizes most
advanced societies we know about. The very simple, plain
truth is that all members of the aboriginal tribes had to spend
all of their time gathering and acquiring food for themselves.
They had no livestock which would allow them to do large-
scale farming. As a result there was never a food surplus, so
there could never be anyone in their society who could devote
themselves to arts or culture or science.
Modern agriculture helps society in many ways.
For thousands of years, animal farming existed in a virtually
unchanged form. Many people raised their own cattle, goats,
sheep, pigs, and poultry on private farms and then sold the
animals to their neighbors or at the marketplace. The livestock
grazed on open land or were fed by hand, and herds were small
by todays standards. This way of life continued through the early
twentieth century. However, after World War II, the agrarian
lifestyle began to change dramatically in industrialized nations
like the United States. More and more people began to move off
the farms and into cities and the growing suburbs, where jobs
were more plentiful. As one commentator on the issue wrote, It
is worth remembering that just before World War II one in four
Meat has always been part of the human diet, yet vegetarians
say we should abandon it completely. In what ways might
our world change if nobody ate meat any longer? Would
this change human civilization as well as the environment?
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of us lived on a farm; now it is one in 50. What do most urban
and suburban kids know about animals, other than what they
see in cartoons?
The worlds population also began to explode, and this
naturally brought about a sharp increase in the demand for food.
The rise of what animal rights activists label factory farms
what those in the industry simply call modern farmingreally
took off in the 1980s, when technology vastly improved the
efficiency of agricultural operations and made it possible for a
shrinking number of farmers to provide a growing number of
customers meat products at an affordable price. So, contrary to
the animal rights groups assertion that modern techniques are
motivated purely by money, farmers and ranchers would claim
that new methods have developed out of necessity.
Although animal rights advocates like to describe todays
modern agricultural facility as a factory farm, those in the
industry generally object to the term. Kay Johnson, vice president
of the American Agricultural Alliance, is one of them:
Let me just say that the term factory farm has become quite
a buzzword out there. It was created, Im sure, to conjure up
all sorts of negative ideas when you think of sweatshops
and people working hard and being treated poorly and so
forth. . . . Factory workers, factory farms, you have this image
of dirty and hard work and hot and sweaty. Its a buzzword
that basically was created to conjure up these same ideas about
animals that are raised for food today. Farming certainly has
changed over the years through science, through technology
also because of change in demographicsthroughout all of
our industries. Fewer and fewer people have wanted to work
on farms; more and more people have flocked to businesses
in cities and technology industries where they can make a
lot more money and have more defined hours and not be
committed to a lifestyle.
Through technology, we as an industryagriculture
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have had to learn how to do things differently. Theyve had to
learn how to apply technology to their industry, their busi-
nesses, in order to thrive and basically survive when its hard
to find employees who want to work and commit their
lifestyle to farms and food production. . . . We refer to it as
modern agriculture as opposed to factory farms. . . . The
image that I come up with when I think of factory farms is
that there are no people involved anymore, that animals are
just put into buildings, put into cages, put into systems, and
theres no longer human contact. That couldnt be farther
from the truth. There is still a huge amount of human contact
and commitment and responsibility and stewardship to these
animals by the people who not only own the animals but who
are also there working on a daily basis with the animals.
Animal rights activists also like to paint a picture of the
meat industry as a business that is primarily operated by large,
impersonal corporations. In reality, Johnson explains, U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) figures indicate that over
98.5 percent of the farms [in America] today are still owned by
families and that is a fact that gets lost and is never mentioned
by any of the activists.
Housing, care, and slaughter of animals for meat
is done humanely.
The animal liberationists argument that farmers and ranchers
are unconcerned about illness and suffering in their animals is
patently false, according to Murphy and Johnson, if for no other
reason than the fact that sick and stressed animals damage the
meat product and, therefore, the farmers bottom line. Even
With the huge explosion of the human population over the
last hundred years or so, do you feel that it is necessary for
the meat industry to become more efficient in order to meet
demands for food?
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stressed or bruised animals can be deemed unfit for market.
Stress in pigs, for example, results in PSEpale, soft, exudative
porkthat is not fit for human consumption, and DFDdark,
firm, dry meatcan occur in cattle that are mishandled. As
Murphy puts it:
So thats where we start on this whole issue, that there is in fact
a very clear and very powerful and very pervasive economic
incentive for farmers and ranchers and hog producers to take
care of their livestock and properly manage their animals
because thats how they make money. Any more than, lets say,
a farmer who has a citrus orchard and didnt bother irrigating
his trees and didnt prune them in the off season and didnt
bother managing the growth of underbrush and weeds so
that his trees got the maximum nutrients from the soil. Why
would you do that? Why would you be in business so that
you didnt try to maximize your return? Number one, you
wouldnt stay in business very long because you wouldnt be
competitive, and number two, it simply runs contrary to the
nature of any commercial enterprise. You dont do it if youre
not making money.
Murphy went on to note that cattle raised for their meat
spend all but the final 90 to 100 days of their lives grazing in
pastures. Their last months are spent in what is called a feedlot,
where, he maintains, the animals are given plenty of room
to move around. As he points out, You wouldnt want a 1,200
pound steer to be getting angry that they cant move around.
Pigs, he admits, do spend their entire lives indoors these days.
But the purpose of this is to keep the animals safer and better
How much loss of a product due to animals dying or becoming
too stressed would be acceptable to a farmer or rancher trying
to make a profit in his or her business? Is some sacrifice worth
it in order to make the business run more efficiently?
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cared for, especially pregnant sows and their piglets. By taking
good care of their pigs, hog farmers ensure that nearly 100 percent
of them survive, whereas if they were allowed to roam freely
there would be a much higher mortality rate, especially for
piglets. Murphy poses the question:
Would they be better off running around outdoors and many
of the piglets in every litter would end up dying? Is that better?
Is that natural? Those are almost philosophical questions that
are really different from asking the question [of whether]
todays farmers, ranchers, and livestock producers do the best
job with the systems they have in place designed for efficiency
and designed for maximum survivability of the animal. Do
they do the best job of maintaining the living conditions for
the animals in those systems? I think the answer is yes, on a
general basis.
As for poultrychickens, generally speakingthese birds
have been domesticated for so many centuries that they are
much more suited to life indoors than out, says Murphy.
Although he admits that laying hens are kept in cages, except
for some free-range hens whose eggs consequently cost more,
he adds that broiler chickens (those raised expressly for their
meat) are allowed to walk about in large indoor quarters. As
for practices such as tail-docking in pigs and debeaking for
chickens, these are practiced to a greater or lesser extent depending
on the farm. Tail-docking is done to keep pigs from getting infec-
tions after they bite each other on the tail, as sometimes happens,
and, as explained earlier, debeaking keeps chickens from pecking
and wounding one another while still allowing them to eat
normally. Though such operations might cause temporary
pain and stress to the animal, long-term health and safety is the
goal. As with any industry, there are sometimes unscrupulous
people whose farms are not clean and well maintained, but
they are in the minority, asserts Murphy.
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Overall, concludes Johnson, the agricultural industry is
doing what it can to ensure the welfare of farm animals and
is working all the time to improve conditions. She cautions,
too, that people should not anthropomorphize animals:
We should not think that because we might consider certain
living conditions uncomfortable for ourselves that the same
would be true for the animals:
You have a lot of science that goes into what has been the best
housing system to have the proper ventilation and to have the
proper disposal of waste and the proper space requirements
for each of these animals. When you and I look at these
animals we cant just apply our human feelings and say, Oh,
I dont know if Id like to live like that. Well, you know, many
of these animals live in groups, they live in flocks. Having
more space is not necessarily good, and thats where its
important that we look at what the science is. . . . We have to
apply science and not emotion.
Hunting is not the cruel practice opponents
claim it is.
Because it involves actively pursuing and killing an animal,
hunting can often be an even more emotional issue than meat
processing for many people. There are many people who have no
qualms about buying packaged meat in a grocery store, but ask
them to personally shoot and butcher a wild deer and they will
generally protest the idea vehemently. Animal rights activists
view hunters as more bloodthirsty because they are involved
firsthand in the killing, but hunters themselves take a very
If you were a farmer, would you believe the government
should be allowed to change your business practices for
the sake of animal rights? How much should government
be involved in your working life?
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different view. For them, hunting is a way of life, and it can even
have spiritual aspects. Hunting provides a sense of camaraderie,
even among those who dont know each other well but share
a mutual love of the sport. As one hunter comments, True
hunters, whatever their differences in geography, culture, gender,
or experience, are kindred spirits, a tribe united by a shared love
for what [conservationist and author] Paul Shepard, employing
double entendre, calls the sacred game. . . . Its a love, this
ancient game, that cuts so deep yet remains so inexplicable as
to seem almost instinctive.
Many hunters therefore cringe at
the thought of calling hunting just a sport or recreational
activity. It is much more to them, as one writer notes:
Hunting, however much a recreational activity, can only be fully
comprehended if it is understood as a complex cultural
phenomenon closely linked to naturalistic values, ones identity,
and the American family. To the nonhunter, hunting is often
viewed as just another recreational activity. But research clearly
indicates that there is something much deeper. Hunting is
an important social and psychological activity for hunters.
Hunting is a powerful and meaningful pursuit, seemingly above
and beyond other forms of recreational activities. . . . Hunting is
not just recreation.
Hunters also generally feel that they are more attuned to
nature than nonhunters are. Even the revered naturalist Aldo
Leopold seemed to appreciate this characteristic of the hunter,
writing in his well-known Sand County Almanac, The deer
hunter habitually watches the next bend; the duck hunter
watches the skyline; the bird hunter watches the dog; the non-
hunter does not watch. When the deer hunter sits down he sits
If you hunted and shot an animal for its meat, would you
appreciate the food you ate more than if you had bought it
in a supermarket?
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where he can see ahead, and with his back to something. The
duck hunter sits where he can see overhead, and behind
something. The nonhunter sits where he is comfortable.
It is
because they are more in sync with their natural surroundings
that hunters can appreciate nature more than most people do,
they maintain. For this reason, hunters claim that they have
become instrumental in protecting natural spaces for future
generations. This tradition goes back to the time of President
Theodore Roosevelt. An avid hunter himself, Roosevelt recog-
nized in the early 1900s that wild game was quickly disappearing
in the United States, and so he set aside huge tracts of land as
national forests to help provide space for these animals.
Today, many hunting organizations are more involved than
ever in wildlife conservation. For example, the Rocky Mountain
Elk Foundation (RMEF), an organization of elk (wapiti) hunters,
works with private landowners and government agencies to
protect land from development, is involved with education and
wildlife research projects to help people understand the needs
of elk and other animals, and also participates in wildlife and
habitat management. Understanding what the land needs is the
key to wildlife conservation, according to the RMEF. The Rocky
Mountain Elk Foundation cooperates with state and federal
agencies, other conservation groups and private industry to
discover not only what the habitat needs in order to sustain
healthy wildlife populations, but also how to provide it. RMEF
State Project Advisory Committees bring together representatives
of all these groups to recommend the highest priority conservation
projects for RMEF funding.
Just a few of the many other
groups that work toward the same goal include Ducks Unlimited, the
Mule Deer Foundation, the National Shooting Sports Foundation,
the National Wild Turkey Foundation, Safari Club International,
and the U.S. Sportsmens Alliance.
Such organizations maintain that hunting, far from being
unnecessary, is doing a great deal to ensure that wildlife will still
be around for future generations to enjoy. As for charges that
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hunting is a cruel sport for animals, many hunters would say
that it is no crueler than butchering cattle, pigs, or chickens at a
slaughterhouse. Trophy hunting, such as for deer antlers or large
bears, is viewed as acceptable as long as it is done in a way that is
as humane as possible and honors the law. On the other hand,
canned hunts on hunting ranches are excoriated by people
Safari Club International Conservation Program
In North America, SCI Foundation focuses on wildlife management for big game
species and wildlife habitat conservation. We help support excellent research,
science-based wildlife management practices, and conservation advocacy with
the federal and state governments.
In Alaska, the most difficult challenge is the decline in moose populations due
to lack of grazing areas and predation by black bears. Were working here to
support the development of private land wildlife management. More than
33 million acres of privately-held wildlife habitat are currently closed to sport
hunting and reserved only for subsistence hunting. Wildlife management
programs that generate significant income to landowners while conserving
wildlife and increasing hunting opportunities is a primary goal.
. . . Chronic Wasting Disease has become a concern and is a priority for SCI
Foundation. We support state and federal research, monitoring and manage-
ment programs and hunter education classes that encourage sportsmen to
participate in the surveillance efforts needed to protect deer and elk threat-
ened by CWD.
Mule deer populations are declining due to a number of complex wildlife
management issues. At our American Wilderness Leadership School near Jackson
Hole, Wyoming, SCI Foundation hosted a Western Association Mule Deer task
force workshop for state fish and wildlife agencies in 2002 and will do so again in
2003 to help them learn more about this problem and how to solve it.
In Mexico, SCI Foundation funded and managed the five-year jaguar initiative
that led to the landscape scale habitat management plan for jaguar in the Yucatan
Peninsula. This successful program is expanding into Belize and Guatemala.
Source: Available online at
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who consider themselves true hunters. David Peterson, for
one, asserts that shooting an animal on a ranch is in no sense
real hunting:
By self-definition, any hunt that requires no hunting is no
hunt at all. Yet the privatization of wildlife for profit
euphemized as alternative livestock ranching (or, in the
vernacular of some regions, game farming)is a boomer
growth industry. Moreover, its eagerly endorsed by state
departments of agriculture throughout Canada and the
American West (with the noble exception of Wyoming)
even as its decried on pragmatic as well as moral grounds by
ethical hunters, including a majority of trophy hunters and
professional wildlife managers.
People who shoot animals on such ranches are the ones who
do not appreciate or understand true hunting, and those who
consider themselves real hunters do not in any way wish to be
grouped with them. It is, many hunters admit, a real problem,
but it should not be used as an argument for the banning of all
hunting. Groups such as Safari Club International (SCI) also
resent being accused of killing off endangered species. As SCI
attests, animal rights groups such as PETA falsely [assert] that
hunters kill hundreds of rare, endangered and threatened
animals annually. Nothing could be further from the truth! Legal
hunting is done on a permit basis through which populations are
managed by government biologists.
Those who consider themselves environmentalists and
conservationists in the United States often laud and honor the
traditional way of life of Native American tribes, a lifestyle that
Do you feel hunting is a way of life that should be preserved,
or is it an antiquated hobby that encourages senseless killing?
How important is hunting in maintaining the balance of nature
in the wild now that many predator animals are gone?
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seemed to make it possible for people to live in balance with
nature. Yet one does not hear groups such as PETA attacking
Native Americans for their traditional practices of hunting
and fishing, eating meat, and wearing animal fur and leather.
It has apparently become politically correct for them to attack
modern-day Americans for the same activities, some hunters
complain. Properly done, hunting can be a humane activity that
can even benefit wildlife by preventing overpopulation and by
garnering the support of organizations that wish to pursue
hunting for generations to come.
The fur industry responds to critics.
Far from what animal rights activists say about the fur industry
destroying the environment and perpetrating various cruelties
on fur farms, those in the industry state that the opposite is true.
According to Fur Commission USA,
No furs from endangered species are sold in the United
States. Fur sold in the U.S. comes from one of two sources:
from fur farms or from trapping regulated by state govern-
ments. As wildlife habitat has given way to civilization, it has
become vital to manage animal populations not only for the
protection of people but for the survival of the animals
themselves. Thats why trapping is recognized, endorsed and
regulated by government as an important element in proper
wildlife management.
Fur is also a renewable resource that helps reduce human
waste because animals such as mink and fox eat by-products of
meat and grain that otherwise would have been thrown away as
unfit for human consumption. As for animals kept on fur farms,
they are treated as well as possible because, as any farmer involved
in the industry would agree, quality furs come only from the
healthiest animals. Americas family fur farmers have adopted a
rigorous program of humane care guidelines based on technical
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input from veterinarians, nutritionists, furbearer biologists and
animal scientists, according to Fur Commission USA. The fur
industrys Merit Award certification program requires veterinary
inspection of fur farms. Today more than 95% of domestic fur
production in the U.S. comes from certified farms which have
passed inspection by an independent licensed veterinarian.
Fur farmers further emphasize that fur is a natural substance
that does not harm the environment, whereas synthetic materials
that are in wide use today as substitutes for furs and leathers
cause a great deal of damage. As furrier Mark Schumacher notes,
If the planet Earth is going to be saved from destruction, we
cannot rely on synthetic clothing for our future existence. The
extraction of oil is killing the environment by the spilling of oil
and the taking of the animals habitat or home. The processing
plants used to make artificial fibers pollute the air (acid rain
and the depletion of ozone), streams and rivers and create
toxic waste. The clothing (fake furs, nylons, rayons, and
polyester) made from these synthetic products fill up our
landfills and is not biodegradable.
As for how the animals are killed on fur farms, although
groups like PETA shock the public with stories about anal
electrocution, the preferred method, say fur farmers, is actually
euthanasia through the use of carbon monoxide, which causes
the animal no stress and is as painless as putting a dog or cat to
sleep. Since the meat of animals such as mink and fox is not
Fur, say those in the industry, is a renewable resource, whereas
many manmade fiberssuch as rayon and Dacronuse
environmentally harmful chemicals in the production process;
even raising cotton can be harmful, since pesticides are used
on the crops. If animals such as mink are raised humanely with
little effect on the environment, how would you feel about
wearing a fur coat? Is wearing leather more or less moral than
wearing fur?
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palatable to people, it is instead sold to such places as zoos and
aquariums, or used as crab bait or to make fertilizer; mink oil
(which comes from the fat of the animal) can be used as a leather
conditioner or in cosmetics. So, although the primary goal of fur
farms is pelt production, no part of the animals raised is wasted.
Overall, those in the fur industry would argue that harvesting
fur is a clean and humane farming practice that is actually
beneficial to the environment.
Meat is an important part of our diet.
Biologically and physiologically speaking, human beings are by
nature omnivorous. This means that we have evolved to live on
a diet combining both meats and vegetables, and we have the
dentition to prove it. The canines and incisors in our mouths are
designed to tear into meat and not for chewing plants, which is
the job of our molars. Because we are omnivores, medical doctors
have long recommended that we eat a balanced diet that includes
some meat products, which are a good source of essential proteins.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, while promoting a diet high
in vegetables, fruits, and grains, also includes in its suggested diet
two to three servings of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, or beans and
nuts a day, as well as two to three servings of milk, yogurt, or
cheese, which are, of course, derived from animals. These foods
are important, according to the USDA, because they contain
B vitamins, iron, and zinc. The other foods in this groupdry
beans, eggs, and nutsare similar to meats in providing protein
and most vitamins and minerals.
While almost all doctors feel that eating meat and dairy
products is fine, some physicians have gone even further. The
most famous of these is the late Dr. Robert C. Atkins, whose
popular Atkins Diet recommends that people eat a diet rich in
meat proteins and low in carbohydrates. To Atkins, many peoples
health problems today are not the result of eating too many
meats but because people eat a lot of sugar, processed flour, and
junk foods. Because the body naturally burns off carbohydrates
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before other sources of energy, says Atkins, those who eat a lot
of them tend to be overweight. Eating meats, even those high in
fat, along with vegetables low in carbohydrates and a few fruits,
actually improves many peoples health. Im ready to tell you
that if you want to be slim and vigorous, Atkins writes, you can
eat like a king or queen. . . . On the Atkins diet, you can eat the
natural, healthy animal and vegetable foods that people ate and
grew robust on in centuries past. You dont have to be austere or
peculiar. You dont have to eat like a rabbit; you can eat like a
human being.
This is, essentially, the gist of what those who advocate meat
eating are saying: Eating animals is not inhumane or immoral.
Its natural.
Those who advocate ending the use of animals for food and
clothing are ignoring thousands of years of tradition. Human
beings have always been omnivorous and have always used
animals as a means to their own survival.
Do you feel more health problems in people are caused by
eating too much meat or by eating too many sugars and
processed food snacks?
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Animals Should
Not Be Used for
umanity has made use of all types of animals over the
millennia, but it is only in recent history that animals have
become performers, entertainers, companions, and objects for
display. Although dogs and cats have been domesticated for
centuries, for most of human history, they were viewed merely
as working animals. Dogs were bred to herd cattle, sheep, and
goats, and in some parts of the world, to haul small wagons;
cats were useful for getting rid of pests such as mice and rats,
and they generally stayed outdoors. It is a relatively recent
development in our culture that dogs, cats, birds, and even
fish, reptiles, and insects, have become our companions.
Exotic animals were largely ignored in the West, although
in some Eastern countries, animals that we might consider
exotic, such as the elephant, wereand still areused for labor.
It wasnt until the nineteenth century that circuses, zoos, and
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other entertainment venues began to use exotics to draw crowds
of paying customers. Animals dont always have to be exotic, of
course, to earn money for businesses. Rodeos, dog races, horse-
racing, and illegal dog fights and cockfights are also businesses
that animal rights groups say exploit animals.
Zoos do not let animals live as they would in
the wild.
The recorded history of zoos goes back to about 2300 B.C.
Archaeologists discovered a stone tablet in the remains of the
city of Ur, part of the Sumerian civilization, which describes
a collection of rare animals. Centuries later, it is known
that the Egyptian pharaohs also had such collections. These
menageries of interesting species were usually brought
back from conquests in foreign lands and presented for the
amusement of rulers from Rome to India to Europe. Access to
the animals was often restricted to members of royalty. By
Victorian times, England was seeing the creation of zoological
gardens, the first being the Regents Park Zoo in London, which
was opened by the Zoological Society of London in 1828. Zoos
became very popular and spread to the United States, where
the first zoo, the Philadelphia Zoo, opened in 1874. The Bronx
Zoo, the National Zoo, Zoo Atlanta, and the San Diego Zoo
followed in the early 1900s.
To fill the cages at these zoos with animals, trappers were
hired to capture live wildlife in Africa and other locations.
Animals were typically kept in stark cement cages surrounded
by metal bars, settings that were far less comfortable than their
original homes. But zoos were not overly concerned about the
comfort of their animals at the time. If a particular animal died,
they would simply retrieve another one from the wild. Problems
with this approach began to arise by the mid-twentieth century,
How do you think peoples attitudes about zoos have changed
over the last few decades?
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however, when the decreasing number of available wildlife
began to pose a supply problem. That was when captive breeding
programs began to take hold. Zoos cooperated with each other,
trading animals so that they could be bred with one another
and so the supply of exotics would be assured. This program
later evolved into the Species Survival Plan. Zoos also began to
realize that animals were more likely to breed if they were
housed in more natural enclosures. Exhibit design, led by
such people as Dr. Heini Hediger, who directed zoos in Basel
and Zurich, Switzerland, in the 1940s and 1950s, also became
important. Jon Coe and Grant Jones, who led the way in the
1970s in the creation of landscape immersion exhibits that
tried to make zoo visitors feel as if they were part of the exhibit,
became well-known exhibit architects.
Today, zoos accredited by the American Zoo and Aquarium
Association (AZA) aver that although they are still places for
public entertainment, their main mission is the conservation of
endangered wildlife and the education of the public about
wildlife concerns. To become accredited by the AZA, zoos are
inspected for their treatment, care, and housing of resident
species. Zoos are also subject to federal regulations set down by
the Animal Welfare Act. Despite such oversight, many animal
rights groups see a lot of problems with zoos, including limits
on the freedom of animals, which are confined to exhibit areas
much smaller than the spaces they would inhabit in the wild;
unsuitable living conditions; and zoo breeding programs that
are motivated by a desire to produce baby animals that will
attract more customers.
In Animal Equality: Language and Liberation, author Joan
Dunayer asserts that despite the insistence of zoos that their
exhibits now emulate natural living conditions, the enclosures
are far from adequate:
While zoo visitors experience what the industry calls habitat
immersion, the inmates experience exhibit imprisonment.
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Their worlds extend no farther than transparent plastic walls,
invisible electrified wire, or scarcely perceptible mesh. Cold
concrete walls [Dunayer is quoting an August 10, 1996,
Boston Globe article by Vicki Croke] surround the animals
kept inside the Tropical Forest at Franklin Park Zoo (Boston).
Beyond spectators view, conditions are worse. Hidden
behind exhibits with expansive names like African Plains,
youll find barred concrete cells.
Wild animals restricted to limited space, point out
activists, become vulnerable to psychological disorders caused
by boredom and lack of stimulation. Animals exhibit this
boredom in a way similar to animals confined to factory
farms: They pace, pull out their hair or feathers obsessively,
walk around in circles, bite the bars of their cages, or become
listless. This is true, says Vicki Croke in The Modern Ark,
The Story of Zoos: Past, Present and Future, even in the best-
designed zoos:
Zoo officials vehemently disagree, but according to a recent
survey conducted by the Born Free Foundation (a British
charity that monitors animals in captivity), mental illness
among zoo animals is rampant. Somewhat anecdotal, the
1993 study took three years to complete and involved one
hundred zoos. The group says it found a bulimic gorilla
in Barcelona, bulimic chimps in Sacramento, a psychotic
baboon in Cyprus and a bear that constantly pulled its
hair out in Rome. The director of the study said, Our
evidence confirms that deprived of their natural environ-
ment, social structures and outlets for many of the skills
for which they have naturally evolved, animals exhibit
abnormal behavior.
Michael W. Fox, writing in Inhumane Society, goes even
further in indicting the practice of confining animals to zoos:
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Regarding the claim that the best zoos are helping save species
from extinction by breeding them in captivity, it may be best to let
them become extinct if there is no place for them in the wild.
Perhaps the most damning condemnation of zoo breeding
programs came with the 1999 publication of Alan Greens
Animal Underworld: Inside Americas Black Market for Rare
and Exotic Species. In it, Green accuses zoos of selling off
surplus and otherwise unwanted animals to dealers, who
then sell them to roadside zoos (zoos not accredited by the
AZA and therefore not subject to rules about the care or
maintenance of their animals), hunting ranches, or auctions
that sell to private collectors who want exotic animals as pets.
An elaborate black market has sprung up in the United States,
according to Green, and zoos play an unwitting part in it.
When zoos have no room for an animal (a chronic problem
around the country), they advertise the animals either in a
trade journal called the Animal Finders Guide or the AZA
monthly newsletter Animal Exchange, which are read widely
by dealers in exotic animals.
Although zoos are supposed to sell their animals only to
accredited zoos or animal sanctuaries, this is not always what
happens. Disreputable dealers will participate in a kind of shell
game, selling and reselling animals at various destinations until
the paperwork becomes so convolutedor misplacedby
federal agents charged with tracking the trade of animals
across state lines, that the animals origins become a mystery
and they become victims of apparently legal sales to roadside
zoos or hunting ranches. Reports Green:
State veterinary officials estimate that only 10 to 15 percent
of nonfarm animals moving across state lines do so
Do you believe that a wild animal can be happy in a zoo if it is
given enough food, water, and shelter, or does it need to have
freedom in the wild to be truly content?
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legallythat is, with the proper import permits and truth-
ful health certificates. Its no secret that coyote pups are
paid for in cash and driven to places where their ownership
is prohibited. That truckloads of animals are delivered to
backwoods foxpens under the cover of darkness. That
venomous reptiles are sent via parcel carriers in boxes marked
glassware. That bears vanish. That giraffes disappear. That
mountain lions are sent to fictitious wildlife centers. That
tiny monkeys are hidden amid a bed of newspaper and
claimed as squirrels when passed through airline cargo
terminals. That animals travel with no paperwork, bogus
paperwork, or paperwork that intentionally obscures
details of the transaction.
Green, who spent years investigating the animal black
market, does not directly blame zoo officials for this black
market trade, saying that reputable zoos usually intend to find
good homes for their surplus animals. Rather, he asserts that
the illegal shenanigans of exotic animal dealers have become
so complex that it is difficult for anyone to find out what
happens to all the animals that leave zoos. Animal traders
routinely transport their charges through many states in
order to create a labyrinthine paper trail. Despite liberal
open-records laws in most states, he writes, collecting health
certificates was proving to be difficult, in some cases nearly
Sometimes he would run into state-employed
veterinarians who would refuse to produce documents because
they contained sensitive information.
Green further contends that animals that are not con-
sidered endangered, such as some species of common bears,
reptiles, and insects, are not treated as carefully by zoos.
These animals are considered nothing but seasonal props
disposable exhibits that in no way further the zoos stated
missions of conservation and education.
His research
revealed that exotic birds have been sold to casinos, reptiles
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Although animal rights supporters would argue that wild
animals, such as tigers, are inherently priceless, a thriving
black market is more than willing to put a price tag on
animalsor, more precisely, animal parts. As this Associated
Press chart indicates, the body of a single tiger, with its
parts distributed to the most lucrative market, can sell for
as much as $70,000a massive sum when one considers
that live tigers generally sell for only about $1,000.
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sold to pet stores, and zoo reindeer used by private companies
to promote Christmas sales. The result, as with the case of
the Little Rock Zoo in Arkansas, which was temporarily
suspended from accreditation by the AZA in 1999 for such
practices, is that some zoos are reprimanded. But the practice
still goes on in some cases.
Despite their declared mission to save endangered animals,
zoos violate the basic rights of animals to live freely in natural
environments as they were intended, say activists. For this
reason, zoos are not considered viable solutions for the cause
of wildlife conservation. However, as entertainment venues for
the public, they are still generally seen as better than some of
the alternatives.
Circuses and marine parks subject animals to
cruel treatment.
Vociferous campaigns against zoos are not too common these
days because they are widely regarded by the public to be at
least bearable homes for wildlife. Therefore, animal rights
groups such as PETA have devoted much more attention
to circuses and marine parks, such as Sea World and
Marineland, which deliberately train animals to perform
stunts for the publics entertainment with the intention of
making money. While its true that it was once common for
zoos to have performing chimps and birds as part of their
programs, this practice is generally not considered appropriate
at zoos today. On the other hand, a big part of what makes
a circus entertaining is the animal shows. To accomplish this,
animals such as elephants, lions, and tigers undergo months
of training under the guidance of animal trainers using,
according to PETA, unethically cruel methods. PETA says
If zoos were no longer places for the public to be entertained
but instead became more like animal reserves, would people
still support them?
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that trainers use ropes, chains, bats, whips, metal pipes,
muzzles, and bullhooks (also known as ankuses). (Bullhooks
are long metal devices with hooks on the end that are used
to beat and intimidate elephants into submission.) In some
cases, PETA claims, animals that have gone out of control
have been shot outright.
According to Mercy for Animals, investigations into
One Opinion on How to Train Elephants
In I Loved Rogues, elephant trainers George Slim Lewis and Byron Fish wrote:
Circus animals are performers, and training them depends on a certain
amount of rough treatment.
What is true of training for performance is even more true of the basic
discipline that must be established before an elephant can work or act. It
isnt kept in a cage, and, while it is chained much of the time, there are many
occasions when it walks at liberty with only the respect it pays its handler
to keep it in check. It is absolutely essential, therefore, that the animal must
have this respect for its handler; and to get down to blunt facts, this quality
begins with fear: fear of punishment and discomfort.
A good stout stick should be used, and it should have a sharp prod on
the end of it to keep the elephant from turning its head.
[Teaching an elephant to lie down is] done by gradually tightening the
chain, a few inches at a time, until the elephant is supporting its weight
entirely on the front and hind legs that are free. It is very tiring for a bull to
hold up its mass in this manner. When the handler sees it weakening, he
gives the command, Down! Come on down.
The command is repeated until the elephant obeys. Just before it gives
in, it will show signs of fear and defeat. Its eyes will bulge and its bowels
become loose and watery as they are emptied several times.
When the elephant finally surrenders and falls over on its side, it knows
it is comparatively helpless and that it has lost a psychological battle.
Source: Available online at
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circuses have revealed that physical punishment of animals is
Physical punishment has long been the standard training
method for animals in circuses. Some species are less able
to adapt to training techniques than others, and as a result
suffer great stress during training sessions. Some animals
are drugged to make them manageable, and some have
their teeth removed. The AWA [Animal Welfare Act] puts
no restrictions on what training methods may be used, and,
according to former animal trainer Pat Derby, After 25
years of observing and documenting circuses, I know there
are no kind animal trainers.
Living conditions for animals at circuses are also abysmal,
attest animal liberationists. Elephants are chained, tigers and
bears kept in small cages, and baby animals separated too early
from their mothers in order to begin training. Furthermore,
PETA has claimed that, unlike at zoos, many of the animals
used in circuses are still captured from the wild. The animal
slave trade from Africa still persists to this day, according to
Andrew Butler of PETA, where you have game dealers who
go out, they round up families of elephants, and then they
separate the babies from the rest of the herd and then try to
sell them to zoos and circuses around the world.
Finally, animal rights groups protest that the tricks and stunts
circus animals are made to do are unnatural and inhumane. In
the wild, bears dont ride bicycles, tigers dont jump through fiery
hoops, and elephants dont stand upright on their hind legs.
Circuses portray a distorted view of wildlife, comments PETA.
At circuses and marine parks, animals are made to behave in
ways that they never would in their natural environments.
How important is it for an animal in captivity to be allowed
to act as it would in the wild?
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Marine parks, where dolphins (including killer whales, or
orcas, which are a type of dolphin and not actually whales),
whales, seals, sea lions, walruses, seabirds such as puffins and
penguins, and other aquatic animals perform or go on display
for large audiences, are just as cruel as circuses, say animal
rights advocates. As with circuses, marine parks capture many
of their animals in the wild. Cetaceanswhales, dolphins, and
porpoisesare highly social creatures used to living in large
family groups, or pods. When members of these pods are
captured, it disrupts the entire social structure. To obtain a
female dolphin of breeding age, for example, according to
PETA, boats are used to chase the pod to shallow waters. The
dolphins are surrounded with nets that are gradually closed and
lifted into the boats. Unwanted dolphins are thrown back. Some
die from the shock of their experience. Others slowly succumb
to pneumonia caused by water entering their lungs through
their blowholes. Pregnant females may spontaneously abort
their babies.
Once in an exhibit, cetaceans, which typically travel dozens
of miles a day out in the open oceans, are restricted to an area
of only a few dozen square yardsand with water between
24 and 35 feet deep. The lifespan of these animals is often
shorter than it would be in the wild, according to PETA:
In the wild, dolphins can live to be 25 to 50 years old. Male
orcas live between 50 and 60 years, females between 80 and
90 years. But orcas at Sea World and other marine parks
rarely survive more than 10 years in captivity. More than
half of all dolphins die within the first two years of captiv-
ity; the remaining dolphins live an average of only six years.
One Canadian research team found that captivity shortens
an orcas life by as much as 43 years, and a dolphins life by
up to 15 years.
In order to maintain good public relations, accuses Joan
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Dunayer, marine parks try to hide the number of animals that
die under their care:
Because so many aquatic animals die prematurely in captiv-
ity, their captors conceal the toll in lives. Three days after the
Scott Aquarium opened at the Henry Doorly Zoo (Omaha),
all moon jellies (jellyfishes) in a tank died. The aquaprison
posted this sign at the tank: Animals temporarily off display.
At Sea World different orcas perform under the same name
(Shamu, Namu, or Baby Shamu); offstage, orcas such as
Orky and Corky bear the same names as predecessors. . . .
The practice presents a false picture of orca longevity. In its
annual reports to the National Marine Fisheries Service, Sea
World omits the personal names of nearly all its marine
mammal captives, making it difficult for outsiders to know
which of them have died.
Because the longevity of these animals is severely truncated
and their emotional and physical health compromised, accord-
ing to animal rights organizations, marine parks are one target
they aim at in the goal to restore freedoms to creatures that are,
in many cases, highly intelligent and social beings.
Rodeos and racetracks exploit animals for sport
and gambling.
While much of the abuse that takes place at zoos, circuses,
and marine parks goes on behind the scenes, the poor treat-
ment of animals is very public indeed at the popular American
event cal led the rodeo. Although animals arent kil led
outright, as they are in bullfighting, which is popular in
countries such as Spain and Mexico, bull and bronco riding
and cattle roping cause great distress to animals that even the
most casual spectator can easily witness. Horses and bulls are
choked with leather straps and shocked with electric prods
to get them to jump and kick as the rider hangs on; young
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calves are chased down by a cowboy on horseback with a
rope, lassoed, and then thrown to the ground and bound.
Because it is patently clear that these animals are not by any
stretch of the imagination having a good time, many activist
groups believe rodeos should be outlawed. However, since
this is not likely to happen any time soon, they instead
campaign and ask individuals, businesses, and organizations
to boycott rodeos.
With horse and dog races, it might appear as if the
animals are enjoying the exercise of running around a track.
In dog races, the caninesusually greyhoundschase a fake
rabbit around the track in what seems like a game for them;
similarly, horse jockeys and trainers will often say that their
horses eagerly participate in races. But, in addition to whip-
ping horses with crops to make them run faster, there may
be abuses that occur behind the scenes that may be damaging
the animals health. Much of this abuse involves surgeries
that are performed on horses in order to make them race
better. One such procedure is called tubing. A tube is stuck
into a hole in the horses neck to send more oxygen to the
bloodstream, which theoretically improves the horses
performance on the track. An old traditional therapy called
firing involves actually burning the skin of a horse with an
electric plate. The purpose of this is to inflame the area of an
injury in a temporary treatment that is supposed to prolong
a horses ability to run and jump in the short term. Similarly,
pin firing involves inserting a heated needle into a leg
tendon. According to the British organization Animal Aid,
research suggests that this method can actually aggravate
existing problems.
Rodeos and horseracing are cultural traditions in the United
States with a long history. How do you think people would
react if there were a ban on rodeos and races? Might people
still take part in them illegally?
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Racehorses are subject to a variety of illnesses that would
be less common in the wild, maintains Animal Aid, including
increased heart rates, bleeding lungs, bone damage, and
ulcerated stomachs. Rates for these afflictions range from
between 55 percent to, in the case of ulcerated stomachs,
100 percent. To combat these ills, veterinarians hired by horse
owners often inject the animals with painkillers. This doesnt
cure the problem, but it does allow the horse to keep on
racing. On top of this, racehorses suffer from psychological
problems because they are bred to run but spend much of
their time confined to stables. Everything we have done to
horses is unnatural to them, according to Margi Stickney,
a lecturer on horse psychology. Nothing we make them do
relates to what they were meant to be, a continuously grazing,
moving animal. . . . After horses come to racetracks, you see a
change in their personalities. Youve built this machine to
perform, but you keep it restrained for most of the time. . . .
Weve essentially put them in jail.
Because racehorses are very valuable to their owners
(proven winners can be worth millions of dollars as breeding
stock), it is important to maintain at least the more expensive
horses in healthy condition. The same, say activists, is not
necessarily true for greyhounds, which breed much more
readily than horses. Greyhound racing, which is currently
legal in only sixteen states in America, is infamous among
animal rights and welfare groups. When dogs between the ages
of two and five years were no longer fast enough to be raced,
they were once routinely killed. However, since the 1980s, a
variety of rescue organizations have sprouted up to save these
animals. Groups such as the Greyhound Protection League
and the Michigan Greyhound Connection take the dogs and
adopt them out as pets.
Back in 1989, noted Susan Bilsky, president of the Michigan
Greyhound Connection, about 46,000 greyhounds were killed
because they were no longer useful in racing. That number
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went down to about 19,000 in 2000, thanks to rescue groups.
That number, Bilsky says, is still too high, however, and includes
more than 7,600 puppies deemed unworthy for racing. Grey-
hounds are typically bred at greyhound farms (sometimes
called puppy mills) and sold to tracks. Those that are used
for racing receive a tattoo in one ear that indicates their racing
number, and a tattoo in the other ear that indicates their
birthdate. They are then raced until their performance level
wanes. Because greyhound females typically have fifteen
puppies in a litter, the dogs are easily replaced. For the same
reason, these dogs do not get enough veterinary care. According
to Bilsky, It all depends on the racetrack owner, of course,
and now that so much has come to light about these dogs some
of them have cleaned up their act. Its not as bad as it used to
be, but it can be bad. They are crated a lot of the time, and
injuries go without any vet care. We know that the dogs are
not inoculated in any way, no vaccines are given; thats even
at the best of tracks.
To Bilsky, greyhound racing is simply
a senseless sport that encourages abuse and needless death
for thousands of animals. We feel that dogs are exploited and
used for nobodys benefit, really, she concluded. Gambling is
not anything anyone needs anyway.
Although in the past, humans did not know enough about
science and species behavior to sufficiently care for the worlds
What are your feelings about the way some dogs and
cats are bred to enhance certain traits? Would you
prefer to own a purebred pet that might have some
inbred characteristics that could lead to future health
problems, or a scruffy-looking mutt? How important
are looks in a pet?
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animals, today, people are capable of putting a stop to traditional
exploitation of animals in entertainment venues, such as zoos
and circuses. Like humans, animals desire to live freely in their
own natural habitats and should not be taken from their homes
to bring human beings pleasure or profit.
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uman beings have had a close relationship with animals
over the centuries. That connection includes not only
using animals for food, clothing, and labor, but also as a
source of wonder, inspiration, and companionship. There
is something within most people that finds other species
fascinating and even lovable. Animals inspire artists to
compose books, poems, and music; they give us comfort,
and, according to some physicians, they even provide health
and psychological benefits. Because of our attraction to
animals, people often express a desire to see them firsthand.
As our world becomes increasingly urbanized and overpop-
ulated, however, and as habitats continue to be destroyed at
an alarming rate, the prospects of seeing unusual animals in
the wild becomes dim. Consequently, tourists flock to zoos,
circuses, and marine parks for the chance to see elephants, tigers,
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Are Used for
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and other exotic creatures. For most other people, owning a
pet such as a dog or cat affords the contact with animals that
we so often desire.
Zoos, circuses, and marine parks, like research laboratories,
are subject to the Animal Welfare Act, as well as other federal
regulations, such as the Endangered Species Act and the
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
(CITES). Local and state governments often have their own
laws that must be followed as well. Circuses face inspections
by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and zoos are also
inspected by the American Zoo and Aquarium Association
(AZA). Should the AZA refuse to accredit a zoo because of
a failure to meet guidelines regarding the health and safety of
the animals, the zoo will be denied the right to obtain and
house exotic and endangered species. Despite these regulations,
which are designed to ensure the safety and health of both
wildlife and the public, PETA and other animal rights groups
typically question the wisdom of having domestic and wild
species put on public display or even used for companion-
ship. The question then becomes whether it is realistic, in our
ever-shrinking world, to expect that we can sever all contact
with other species on the planet.
Zoos are a work in progress.
Zoos were once nothing more than entertainment venues
where people could go and look at exotic species, sometimes
even seeing them put on wildlife acts. In recent decades, that
has changed considerably. Zoos are now playing an increas-
ing role in the effort to preserve vanishing wildlife. For the
most part, animals are no longer captured in the wild, but
How important is it for people to see exotic species of wildlife
at zoos? Is it sufficient for us to watch nature programs on
television, or is there something important about seeing such
creatures live?
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are instead bred at zoos, which exchange them through the
Species Survival Plan (SSP) for breeding purposes. Exhibits
are being constructed to closely simulate natural surround-
ings, so that animals are more comfortable. Some zoos have
even become facilities for scientific research so that biolo-
gists can better understand different species needs. This,
in turn, helps conservationists decide which remaining
habitats are most critical to set aside for wildlife reserves,
and also help zookeepers and curators provide better care for
their animals.
Despite these efforts, animal rights activists describe zoos
as animal prisons, complaining that they dont provide enough
space, that the environment is artificial, and that animals are
subjected to abuse. In response, Dr. Ron Kagan, director of the
Now that their habitat is disappearing, is the only hope for
wild animals to have some of their kind living in zoos in order
to maintain the population?
Species Survival Plan
The Species Survival Plan began in 1981 as a cooperative population manage-
ment and conservation program for selected species in zoos and aquariums in
North America. Each SSP manages the breeding of a species in order to maintain
a healthy and self-sustaining population that is both genetically diverse and
demographically stable.
Beyond this, SSPs participate in a variety of other cooperative conservation
activities, such as research, public education, reintroduction and field projects.
Currently, 106 SSPs covering 161 individual species are administered by
the American Zoo and Aquarium Association, whose membership includes
accredited zoos and aquariums throughout North America.
Source: American Zoo and Aquarium Association. Available online at
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Detroit Zoological Institute and Society, admits that zoos are
not perfect, but these days, they are being designed more and
more to benefit animals and to change public attitudes toward
wildlife and the environment. As he states:
Theres a qualified defense of zoos in that sense. A great
zoo . . . potentially can have an impact in terms of helping
wildlife. But I think some of the traditional stated objec-
tives of zoos and aquariums as they relate to conservation
may be or not all that defensible. Clearly, just as the Nature
Conservancy will never be able to buy enough land to
really protect nature, zoos will never be able to save enough
individual animals to be able to save species. So I think its
important to not overstate what zoos and aquariums can
do. In terms of what they can do, obviously the issue of
direct conservation work either in the field or in captivity
is one element of it. Theres a limited amount, but certainly
significant things can and have been done. But secondarily,
clearly the biggest potential impact is an indirect one through
our direct connection with the public and interaction with
often millions of visitors.
Responding to those who say that animals are sometimes
harmed at zoos, Kagan states frankly that sometimes abuse
has occurred, but the fault is not inherent in zoos. Rather, the
blame should be placed with individual people:
Zoos dont abuse animals, people abuse animals. There
have been people who have worked in zoos who have
abused animals, and there are people in the rest of society
that have abused animals. As PETA is fond of quoting me,
anytime anyone physically abuses or hits an animal, in my
view they should be prosecuted for cruelty, and it doesnt
matter whether its somebody in a zoo or somebody on
the street.
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Speaking about Alan Greens book Animal Underworld, in
which the author documents cases where zoo animals were sold
to unscrupulous dealers, Kagan is blunt:
I think we know that historically some of it was true, and I
think the profession has a lot to answer for. Part of it, I think,
was reckless, part of it was just irresponsible people werent
really paying attention, people werent doing their job in a
very meticulous way, and I think part of it [was] that there are
people in this world who think that animals are commodities,
and so theyre bought and sold so whats the difference? That,
to me, is very alarming. I dont think there are many people
like that in the zoo community, and I think every day there
are fewer and fewer, but Im sure that some of what is in that
book is accurate.
But does this mean that zoos cant justify their existence?
Should we close down zoos around the country and around
the world because of errors that were made in the past?
Kagan, an indisputable realist about the present state of
wildlife in the world and the role zoos play in it, thinks not.
The condition of zoos in the United States is not ideal, but he
feels we are finally beginning to learn what zoos should be
in the future. In fact, he teaches a course on the subject at
Michigan State University. According to Kagan, if zoos of the
future are less concerned about trying to exhibit only the types
of animals that people want to see and instead restructure
themselves with the main goal of preserving animals species
and changing peoples attitudes about them, then there may
be hope:
At zoos, keepers often try to come up with toys and other
enrichment items for the animals to explore so that they
dont become bored. Couldnt the performance routines that
circus animals go through also be considered enrichment
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The problem is that in the old days the decisions were
simply, well we want to see this type of monkey or that type
of cat, or a curator likes that type of animal and thats why
an institution would have them. More and more theres a
lot more analysis to what we can deliver, whether weve got
a decent climate for the type of animal, whether we have
enough space, if weve got the right types of expertise. There
are a lot of considerations, and I think more and more of
them are playing out, and I think generally what we ought
to be seeing is less is more. In other words, we ought to be
seeing more and more zoos with fewer animals because
theyre giving much more space to different types of animals.
Not all need lots of space, but many do; and more resources
are given, and so youre focusing more on quality than
quantity, and that, I think, is a very positive thing.
With the present political, social, and economic state of the
world, in Kagans opinion, zoos will be unable to save the worlds
wildlife. However, that doesnt mean things wont change in the
future and that zoos should not make the effort. Some zoos
today are involved in initiatives to reintroduce animals to the
wild, and some limited success has been made, including
the reintroduction of Arabian oryxes, golden lion tamarin
monkeys, Przewalskis horses, black-footed ferrets, and California
condors, among others. Some institutions, such as the Cincinnati
Zoo, now have what are called frozen zoos, facilities that
cryogenically freeze the embryos and sperm of various endan-
gered species (freezing eggs so far has met with only very limited
success) in the hope that they may be used to produce young in
the future. If no female animals from a species are available to be
impregnated, sometimes other suitable species may be used for
gestation. For instance, at Cincinnati, an antelope species called
the eland was impregnated with the embryo of a rare bongo
and successfully gave birth to a bongo calf. Problems with this
method, however, include the fact that some animals need to
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acquire learned behaviors from their parents and may not have
that opportunity available to them.
But without enough habitat for these animals to live in,
such efforts are ultimately doomed to failure unless something
in peoples attitudes can be changed. Perhaps this is the most
important role zoos can play. Says Kagan:
I think we have to put our focus on helping to shape con-
structive values in society. Zoos really have always been about
people at least as much as theyve been about animals. Zoos
should take on a role of understanding that the real mission
is shaping attitudes about nature and about animals. That is
done in part through the interaction with animals, and also
that interaction is being redefined as we go along. It used to
be shows and now it isnt. There are other ways to interact
which are not harmful to animals. I do think, though, that
the biggest opportunity and the most important thing we can
be doing deals more with the interface with the public and
the interpretation of nature and the interpretation of whats
going on between us and nature, and ultimately offering
people some viable and reasonable, not fanatical, but rea-
sonable strategies that they can live their lives to not damage
nature but rather help it.
In the meantime, zoos will do all they can to keep our
remaining species from becoming extinct. There is a place
[for zoos], concludes Kagan, but that place would look
different than it does today. It would have nowhere near as
many animals. It would have things like we do [at the Detroit
Zoo], like simulators and other things so that there are certain
things that can be accomplished that dont require live animals.
A lot of theater, a lot of innovative, different types of inter-
pretive tools; the use of art, things like that. Im hoping that
the zoo at the end of the century looks very little like the zoo
of the last century.
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Circuses and marine parks can serve
valuable purposes.
More people are aware these days that zoos are involved in
wildlife conservation, but some might be surprised that marine
parks and circuses are also getting into the act of educating
the public and researching ways to protect endangered species.
SeaWorld/Busch Gardens, for example, runs a conservation
fund that partners with organizations around the world to help
protect aquatic species such as penguins, right whales, dolphins,
otters, seabirds, sea turtles, and sharks, as well as terrestrial
species, including African elephants, rhinos, tigers, cheetahs,
gorillas, orangutans, lions, hyenas, and hippopotami. Marine
parks are important, too, in helping the public learn more
about marine wildlife. As Fred Jacobs, senior director of
communications at Busch Gardens Entertainment Corporation,
insists, I dont think anyone would argue that visitors to a
SeaWorld park leave with a keener appreciation and respect
for the animals they have seen and a much greater likelihood to
preserve and protect them in the wild. There is no question that
a greater understanding and empathy for these animals exists
today than a generation ago.
Animal rights activists, as well as many other people, such
as Detroit Zoo director Ron Kagan, believe it is impossible to
provide a large cetacean with enough room in captivity. Jacobs,
however, refutes that notion:
People who make this claim invariably have no scientific
support for it. Our habitats for whales and dolphins are the
largest man-made bodies of saltwater ever constructed. Our
killer whale pools contain nearly seven million gallons of con-
tinually filtered and chilled seawater. The U.S. government
has established minimum standards for the size of marine
If you have ever visited a circus, marine park, or zoo, has this
changed your attitude about animals in any way? If so, how?
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mammal habitats and SeaWorld pools meet or exceed them
in every case. These standards are based on sound scientific
principles. We also house whales and dolphins with other
members of their species, give them regular veterinary exam-
inations and treatment, exercise and mental stimulation. As a
result, the health of our animals is exceptionally good, as is
our record of breeding success.
The issue of training these animals is similar to what goes on
in circuses. Jacobs points out that abuse is not only intolerable
but unwise. You do not abuse an animal that is capable of
tearing a bull sea lion in half and then enter the water with it,
he notes wryly. Training and performances are stimulating for
the marine animals, he maintains, and therefore beneficial:
There are two ways to think about this. First, what is the effect
on the animals and, second, what is the effect on the humans
watching? For the animal, a trained behavior is the result of a
long and stimulating process. Training at SeaWorld is based
entirely on positive reinforcement so a trusting relationship
between animal and trainer is essential. Then consider that
each animal will know anywhere from a few dozen to more
than 100 discrete behaviors and you get a sense of the depth
of that bond. For visitors, the effect can be just as profound.
Many of the people who work as SeaWorld educators, train-
ers, biologists, and veterinarians today were inspired by things
they saw at SeaWorld as children.
Some circuses, too, are very involved in conservation. For
example, Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circuses
has invested over $5 million to build the Center for Elephant
Conservation. Located in Florida, the facility is designed to help
preserve Asian elephants, whose numbers have declined in
recent years to fewer than 40,000 individuals in the wild. Because
of efforts like these, Barbara Pflughaupt, national representative
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for Ringling Brothers, bristles when asked about PETAs charges
of animal cruelty at circuses:
I cant speak for any other circuses, and wouldnt, but I can
speak for ours. We raise some of our own animals; we might
contract with individuals who have animals to come over
with a one or two year tour with their animals. The animals
we own and we keep and manage and take care of, are
elephants, horses, camels, and we buy them either from dealers
here, people that raise them, or we raise them ourselves. In
terms of elephants, whats important to note and what the
critics of circuses will tell you, quite frankly, is that we pull
them from the wild, we rip babies from their mothers. That
is completely incorrect and misinformation. At Ringling
Brothers we follow the CITES treaty that the United States is a
part of, and in the early 1970s CITES determined that taking
Asian elephants out of the wild was not something people can
do and we have not done that and we do not do that.
PETA has also publicized films that allegedly show elephants
and other animals being harmed with bullhooks or struck with
pipes and whips. Such abusive practices are categorically denied
by Pflughaupt, who comments that such film clips are years
out of date, are shown out of context, or werent filmed at
the circuses that PETA claims they were. [Animal abuse is]
intolerable at Ringling Brothers, she says. Any kind of mis-
treatment of our animals is against every policy that we have.
It is not something that we can condone in any way, shape, or
form, and we do not and we take immediate steps if there are any
accusations to look into the issue and make sure that nothing
is happening that is inappropriate.
PETA has said that trainers at circuses strike and other-
wise injure elephants, tigers, and other animals in order to
make them submissive so that they are easier to train.
Pflughaupt points out that negative reinforcement, as it is
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called, would not work in training an animal because instead
of learning to do a trick, the animal instead would cower
and cringe away from the trainer. The way we train is
with operant conditioning, she says, and the basic rules of
operant conditioning are that you reward positive behavior
and you ignore negative behavior. Most animals and human
beings will respond to reward for anything they do and they
notice that if theyre not getting rewarded for something they
stop doing it.
Indeed, she says, with humane treatment, elephants will
not only perform better but will also look forward to show-
time. I believe they enjoy their interactions with human
beings, says Pflughaupt. They are very curious animals, and
they seem to be as curious about me as I am about them. I
have a lot of elephant friends. Its really true; Ive spent 14 years
around them. They are very special animals, very individual.
Some are nicer than others, just like human beings. I believe
they exhibit behaviors that indicate that there is pleasure
involved in performing.
When circus animals arent performing, they are housed
in comfortable accommodations, says Ringling Brothers.
We pride ourselves on the level of care and the healthy
environment we provide for all our animal performers,
Ringling Brothers asserts on its Website. In arenas where
space permits, our animal facility is outdoors and in the full
view of the public. Each animal is groomed daily. The entire
stable area, as well as individual animal stalls, is kept clean
around the clock. We often provide guided tours of our facility
for animal experts and media.
Furthermore, when animals
travel on tours, they ride in custom-made traveling cars, are
Which method do you believe would be more effective in
training an elephant or tiger to obey commands: striking it
with a whip or bullhook, or coaxing it with food rewards
and affection?
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under constant care and supervision, and, on longer trips, are
given regular rest stops.
Pflughaupt feels that PETAs attacks on circuses are motivated
more by politics than by a genuine desire to see that animals are
cared for:
Quite frankly, most of our critics that harangue us the most
are people whose agenda is to end the use of all animals in
entertainment. Its not just about care. They spend none of
their money on the care of animals. We spend a great deal
of our money on the care of each and every animal we own.
If you investigate where the money for animal rights groups
goesand you can because the federal government makes
that available to the publicyoull see that 90 percent of
their money goes to fundraising efforts and advertising and
politically motivated campaigns. They dont give money to
shelters; they dont save individual animals. Their lawsuits
. . . take up the courts time and money.
Its . . . a political agenda. Its people who want to tell
Americans what to eat and what to wear and how they can
be allowed to spend their free time. If someone does not
agree with the idea of animals and humans working
together then they dont have to support it, but they should
not be in a position to make that decision for everyone, nor
should they be allowed to misinform and to manipulate
facts in order to raise money from people. I also believe
they should tell people their true agenda. There are organi-
zations that are animal rights organizations that never tell
you that if they have their way you would not own a horse
because you would have to train it and house it; we could
not have seeing eye dogs because they dont believe in train-
ing any animals for humans use; you would not be able to
have companion animals. If you look at [PETA president]
Ingrid Newkirk, certainly her position is that she does not
believe in companion animals either. Ultimately, she does
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not believe you should have a dog or live with a cat. She
believes you should only observe them from a distance. You
shouldnt go whale watching because you destroy [the
whales] environment.
Ultimately, asserts Pflughaupt, because of our shrinking
world we will have to learn to coinhabit this planet or risk
losing animals such as the elephant forever. Fortunately, in her
mind, it is possible for people and animals to live together.
She concludes:
We have to be aware that we are pushing species off
the face of the Earth and they will not be able to survive
without us. It is an ivory tower position to say that animals
should be left out in the wild. They cant be and survive. . . .
It wont be possible. I believe very strongly that good
working relationships between animals and humans are
the best way to save the planet and that any species that is
going to survive will have to adapt to changing conditions.
Asian elephants cannot live in their range states anymore,
and there are experts that say within 40 years they will
disappear, and there will only be elephants that are in
captivity because we are willing to put in what it takes to
take care of them.
The harm caused by rodeos and racetracks is
highly exaggerated.
Those who work with animals at various entertainment
venues usually respond to animal rights activists claims of
abuse and misconduct by saying that the activists are misrep-
resenting the facts, and the racing and rodeo industries are no
different. For example, according to the Greyhound Racing
Association of America (GRAA), the Pennsylvania Citizens
Against Greyhound Racing (PCAGR), an animal rights group,
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interpreted statistics released by the National Greyhound
Association (NGA) in a way that made it look as if greyhound
racing were responsible for the deaths of thousands of
dogs between 1989 and 1998. During this period, the PCAGR
estimates that 426,407 puppies were born but only 342,022
were registered by the time they were eighteen months old.
However, says the GRAA, records on the number of litters
whelped were not kept before 1995, so it is unclear where
the PCAGR obtained its figures. Furthermore, the PCAGR
estimates that 7,000 greyhound puppies disappeared in 1999
and that 20,000 adults were killed. This is based on the figure
that 27,000 dogs exited the system, 12,000 of which were
adopted. Here, states the GRAA, even the math is off.
If 12,000 were adopted out of 27,000 they assume exited
the racing system, that leaves 15,000. But they claim 7,000
disappeared and 20,000 were killed.
The GRAA also complains that animal liberationists make
other assumptions, do not cite actual printed reports, and
distort information to suit their needs. They have reviewed
statistics and found ways to twist them to make their twisted
point, says the GRAA. Where they cant twist statistics they
manufacture them. And most adoption groups will tell you the
dogs they get from the tracks, farms and trainers are in good
general health. There will always be exceptions, but abused,
sick, and injured dogs are NOT the rule.
Greyhounds live
in humane conditions and receive good care, insists the GRAA,
and when their racing careers are done, they are typically
adopted out.
A racing greyhound can cost an owner thousands of
dollars, but horses are even more expensive. A champion
racehorse can cost tens, even hundreds, of thousands of dollars.
Some of the most valuable horses have sold for millions.
Feeding, lodging, and providing veterinary care for a horse is
pricey as well. Most horse owners love their animals and would
not agree with accusations of abuse that the animal rightists aim
No Harm Is Done When Animals Are Used for Entertainment 145
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at them. Even if they didnt have an emotional attachment to
their horses, it would not make financial sense for those who
own racehorses to harm them. The same is true for rodeo
horses. Large animal veterinarian Dr. Susan McCartney backs
this up when she notes: Its really not economically feasible
for these stock contractors [people who raise animals for
rodeos] not to take good care of these animals, if for no other
reason but their resale value.
Accusations that horses, bulls, and calves are harmed at
rodeos are also greatly exaggerated, according to the Professional
Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA), which states:
Professional rodeos seven events are physically demanding
and, therefore, certainly not free of risk. But neither are
they as dangerous as rodeos critics claim. A 199899 survey
conducted at 19 PRCA rodeos indicated that the injury rate
for animals was so low it was statistically negligible. Of the
27,767 animal exposures, just 15 were injured, according to
the data compiled by on-site veterinarians. That translates
to an injury rate of five-hundredths of 1 percent.00054 to
be exact.
Although animals used in rodeos and horse and dog
racing are not covered in the United States under the Animal
Welfare Act, there are a variety of state and local regulations
that do protect them. Furthermore, the transportation of
animals is covered under the federal Twenty-Eight Hour Law
of 1994, which states that animals must be allowed to rest
periodically when being moved long distances. In some cases,
national associations such as the PRCA also oversee standards
of conduct that apply to all their members. Rodeo advocates
assert that these regulations, along with the animal owners
personal care for and vested financial interest in their animals,
are enough to make sure that sporting animals are treated well
and are happy.
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Entertainment venues that feature animals provide a valuable
means of educating people about different species and helping
to preserve wildlife around the globe. In the modern world, the
lives of animals and humans are far too intertwined to allow for
a reasonable separation to take place.
Is it all right for organizations like the Professional Rodeo
Cowboys Association and the Greyhound Racing Association
of America to set their own standards of animal care, or
should the government set strict regulations on rodeos
and racing?
No Harm Is Done When Animals Are Used for Entertainment 147
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The Debate
s modern science causing the Holocaust-like torture of
animal species in laboratories, or is animal experimentation
essential medical research that results in cures for deadly
diseases? Is the meat industry a money-grubbing business
that entails the barbaric confinement and slaughter of inno-
cent livestock for profit, or is it a humane and necessary
agricultural process that feeds the worlds hungry millions?
Do those who work at zoos, circuses, and entertainment
venues such as marine parks and rodeos simply want to use
animals as a way of making money without regard to the
creatures welfare, or do they really care about the animals
and want to do what is best for them? Both sides of these
arguments appear to be based on genuine concern for the
welfare of other species, but what the debate over animal
rights really comes down to is one question: Is it in the best
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interest of the planets animals to sever all ties with humanity
or not?
ProAnimal Rights Campaigns and Attitudes
Animal rights, in the purest definition of the term, concludes
that any animal involvement with people can only lead to the
pain and suffering of nonhuman species. The human-animal
relationship should therefore be put to an end. Organizations
that follow this credo have slowly been gaining members over
the last few decades. Vegetarianism, too, is on the rise. Andrew
Butler of PETA has compared the members of his group to those
who fought for the civil rights of African Americans in the 1950s
and 1960s, believing this cause is just as important and involves
the same issues of what is fair and right:
If anyone takes the time to actually come to the building to
see the work we do and find out the sort of people who work
here, youll see that by and large [these are] . . . people who
care about social issues across the board. Many of the people
here come from the environmental movement, they come
from the human rights movement, they come from areas
such as helping in soup kitchens and helping with homeless
projects in their areas. These are people who just care deeply
about equality; they fight against prejudice and oppression
wherever it occurs. This is an areaanimal rightswhich
really has a great deal of crossover to many of these other
areas. What we do to animals generally has a very negative
and direct effect on the environment, on our health, and a
whole range of other issues.
As part of its attempt to break ties between humans and
other species, PETA has resorted to various media-drawing
tactics in order to gain public attention for its cause. For
example, to protest circuses, PETA has organized the Crouching
Tiger, Hidden Cruelty campaign, in which naked women are
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painted to look like tigers and displayed in public before a
circus comes to town in order to protest what the group considers
cruelty in circuses. PETA members have also dumped huge piles
Striving to Reduce the Sum Total of Suffering
After 9/11
by Ingrid Newkirk
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals staff members were on the streets of
Manhattan soon after the attack on the World Trade Center. We arrived with fully
equipped rescue vans, introduced ourselves to the emergency personnel guard-
ing Ground Zero, and went to work helping reunite bereaved and shell-shocked
people with frightened animals locked without food or water in structurally
unsound blocks of apartments in the hot zone. Eight days after the attack, we
were still getting exhausted, dehydrated animals into waiting human arms.
Perhaps thats one reason why it was so hideous to us that columnist Andy
MacFarlane accused [PETA] of being supporters of terrorism. PETA does not
condone or commit violent acts, nor do we threaten anybody with violence
even those who make their livings committing violence against animals. Our
whole reason to exist is to combat violence to innocents: in the slaughterhouse,
the laboratory, on the fur farm, and behind the Big Top, among other places. The
accusation is an affront to us and to the victims of real terrorism in New York City
and elsewhere.
You could call us terra-ists.We value animal life, and more. We strive to reduce
the sum total of suffering, not only to people but to all other species, and the
earth. We oppose violence in the broadest sense, not in some mean, narrow
definition of it that excludes everyone who doesnt walk on two legs. We think
eating non-violently and behaving non-violently to animals benefits humans,
spiritually and physically.
Our goal is purely peacefulwe ask people to stop treating animals (and each
other) like objects without feelings. The most violent thing weve ever done
was to lob a bit of tofu creampie, vaudeville style, at a clothing designer who still
uses animal skins. We are devoted to getting ordinary people to help make a
difference, legally and peacefully, for the animals who cannot defend themselves.
We work every day to provide options to students and housewives, to people in
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of manure outside agricultural shows and have published
provocative ads, such as one in which cheerleader and actress
Bonnie-Jill Laflin poses topless on a pile of hay, to protest rodeos.
The Debate Continues 151
business and to shoppers. We also work with government agencies and law
enforcement to see that animal protection laws are enforced. We help people
understand that the choices we makewhat cosmetics we buy, what we eat
for dinner, what we wear and what amusements we choosecan either help or
hurt animals.
So much of what is done to animals occurs out of sight. Most people never know
about it until some brave soul blows the whistle, often by calling PETA. Once we
know where and how animals are suffering, we do whatever we canwithin the
bounds of the lawto draw attention to the abuse and stop it. A few examples:
At a pig breeding farm, workers mercilessly beat and kicked pigs, and even
butchered them alive; at General Motors, pigs were strapped into restraint devices
and their heads were pummeled with powerful hydraulic devices; in one research
laboratory, a technician beat rabbits to death with his fists; at another, experi-
menters sliced the toes off guinea pigs as a crude means of identification; at a
university, dogs covered with painful sores were left untreated to die in their
cages; on a fur farm, minks were killed with injections of weed killer.
Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg, but we did stop these atrocities, and
many more.They were stopped, not by terrorism, but because PETA filed complaints
with authorities, went to court or raised enough of a fuss that they ended. Even
McDonalds, Burger King and Wendys have agreed, following PETAs campaign, to
allow laying hens and sows more space, and to pay unannounced visits to their
slaughterhouses. Wed rather these places served only veggie burgers, and thats
all we ask people to buy but, for the animals, any misery ended is a help.
Each of us has the power to make simple changes in our lives so that we dont
support these cruelties. Sharing this peaceful message is PETAs mission.
Source: Available online at
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The caption next to Laflin reads: Nobody Likes an Eight-
Second Ride. The deliberately disgusting Milk Sucks campaign,
showing children afflicted with excess phlegm, pimples,
flatulence, and obesity, protests the dairy industry and asserts
that milk, contrary to the Milk Does a Body Good ads placed
by dairy producers, is actually harmful to peoples health.
Such campaigns, says Butler, are very very measured and
restrained responses in the face of the enormous suffering and
the enormous abuse that were combating.
The more radical Animal Liberation Front (ALF) has
pursued tactics that some, including the FBI, have labeled
terrorist acts, including burning or otherwise vandalizing build-
ings where animal research has taken place, destroying scientific
equipment, and raiding scientific laboratories and fur farms
to liberate the animal occupants. Members have also caused
destruction to homes, automobiles, and businesses in protest
against such issues as suburban sprawl and low-fuel economy
SUVs. ALF is not a formally organized group. Its members
include anyone who has conducted a raid against an animal
research or agricultural facility and announced in some way that
the act was committed on behalf of ALF. In the past, ALF has
provided videotapes to PETA showing animal cruelty. PETA,
however, denies having any formal affiliation with ALF or the
similar terrorist group known as the Earth Liberation Front
(ELF). Says Butler:
This is stemming from those who seek to undermine the good
work that we do, those who seek to continue to profit from
animal exploitation. In the early years of PETA there were
certainly instances where tapes and packages would arrive on
Do you believe that some of the promotional activities that
PETA has been involved in are too extreme, or are stunts such
as naked tiger women necessary for animal rights groups to
draw attention to their cause?
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our doorstep, and these packages . . . contained documents
and photographs and video footage taken from raids on
laboratories. In those instances we publicized simply what
was left on our doorstep, and I dont think that anyone could
deny that those sorts of things were actually instrumental in
exposing what went on behind the scenes in animal testing
laboratories. There were some very high profile cases which
led to PETA campaigns which were really groundbreaking,
such as exposing the crash tests that GM was taking part in
and getting those stopped. So there was that in the past, but I
think most people dont have a good grasp or understanding
of what these groups are. They are, by and large, autonomous
organizations; they have no real structural leadership.
This is not to say, though, that PETA has not found what
ALF has accomplished useful. According to PETA, ALF is a non-
violent group that conducts its raids not to cause harm but to do
what it can to save abused animals:
[ALF] breaks inanimate objects such as stereotaxic devices
and decapitators in order to save lives. It burns empty build-
ings in which animals are tortured and killed. ALF raids
have given us proof of horrific cruelty that would not have
been discovered or believed otherwise. They have resulted
in officials filing of criminal charges against laboratories,
citing of experimenters for violations of the Animal Welfare
Act, and, in some cases, shutting down of abusive labs for
good. Often ALF raids have been followed by widespread
scientific condemnation of the practices occurring in the
targeted labs.
Would you define the Animal Liberation Front as a terrorist
group? What are the goals of a terrorist organization, and
would ALF meet these conditions? Should the FBI treat ALF
the same way it would a group like Al Qaeda?
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In the final estimation of animal rights groups, human
exploitation of animals is a matter of peoples selfishness. Our
desires for food extracted from animals, research techniques
that use animals to develop or improve medical treatments,
and entertainment choices that make use of other species
are frivolous, say activists, when compared with the basic and
more important rights of animals to life and liberty. Alter-
natives to all of these practices, say animal liberationists, are
available to us and are, indeed, healthier for people and the
environment. As Peter Singer concludes in his book Animal
Liberation, our continuing practices of animal exploitation
are based on antiquated concepts that no longer apply to our
modern world:
The attitudes toward animals of previous generations are no
longer convincing because they draw on presuppositions
religious, moral, metaphysicalthat are now obsolete. . . . If,
then, we can see that past generations accepted as right and
natural attitudes that we recognize as ideological camouflages
for self-serving practices; and if, at the same time, it cannot
be denied that we continue to use animals to further our
own minor interests in violation of their major interests, we
may be persuaded to take a more skeptical view of those
justifications of our own practices that we ourselves have
taken to be right and natural.
Those who support animal rights but might find the
tactics of ALF and PETA too extreme have begun to gravitate
toward a new movement whose attitude lies somewhere
between animal liberation and animal welfare. New welfarism,
as it has been labeled by Gary L. Francione, is the idea that
If you agree with the mission of groups such as ALF and PETA,
do you feel that the ends justify the means? Are there limits
to what these groups should do for their cause?
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while animal rights should be the end goal, the present and
ongoing aim is to make strides forward in animal welfare in
the hope that this will eventually lead to a full liberation of
animals in the future. Even though the new welfarists hold the
same fundamental beliefs as PETA and ALF, their methods
more closely resemble those of animal welfare organizations
like the Humane Society.
A Final Counterargument
Debaters on the other side of the animal rights argument
typically characterize those in favor of animal liberation as
unrealistic idealists who often skew facts to suit their own
political agenda or use unscrupulous tactics to gain adherents
to their cause. Animal rights groups, they say, actively lie and
mislead the public about what is really going on in research
labs, farms, and entertainment venues in order to win support-
ers and funding. Should their agenda be carried out to its
fruition, say some, the end result would be detrimental to human
beings. As Frankie Trull of the Foundation for Biomedical
Research concludes:
I dont really sympathize with animal rights because the
way they operate is they have their opinion and if you
dont have their opinion then they become very hostile
and aggressive. And thats no way to address an issue.
Improving the quality of life of these animals, thats
animal welfare and thats our responsibility. And we
completely, 100 percent endorse that. Animal rights
[groups want] no animal research for any reason, which
the animal rights groups say all the time: Even if animal
research meant a cure for AIDS wed be against it. Thats
pretty drastic, I think.
Furthermore, say critics of ALF in particular, actions such as
releasing animals from labs and farms into the wild are not
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doing the animals any favors. Trull had some examples of these
exploits in mind:
[Im reminded] of a story where an animal rights group
broke into a research facility at the University of Minnesota
and let all the pigeons go. . . . They were part of a post-doc
study and the woman [researcher] had been working with
these birds for four or five years; I mean, they were her
family. So they let them lose and of course they all died
because they grew up in the lab. I mean, thats the other
thing. These animals view this as home. The animal rights
people liberate them and they die. Another storythis
happened some years ago in England at a big pharmaceutical
company. The animal rights people came in through the
skylights and let 90 beagles go. So of course they want to
escape this laboratory and be liberated, so the beagles take
off and its like a big, grassy campus. Anyway, the beagles
broke out at like four oclock in the morning. . . . Well, at five
oclock in the afternoon, here they all come [back] because
its dinnertime!
In another example, animal liberationists have released
hundreds of mink from fur farms in places like Michigan,
Wisconsin, and England. According to one account published
on the National Animal Interest Alliance Website, the release
of mink into the countryside caused a great deal of environ-
mental damage:
Terrorists in England added thousands of mink to an
environment already suffering from a large population of
these North American natives. Many of the released mink
Which is better for a laboratory animal: to remain in a
laboratory and be experimented on or to be suddenly
released into the wild where it will likely die?
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were killed on the roads; others, showing no fear of humans,
attacked pets, killed birds in a sanctuary, and entered homes
and other buildings. Angry British citizens armed themselves
with air guns and clubs to protect themselves and their
families from these voracious and curious predators.
Some anti-PETA, anti-ALF groups have also accused animal
liberationists of making patently misanthropic statements to the
press. On one Website,, a quote from an issue
of USA Today is cited in which ALF activist Vivien Smith says,
I would be overjoyed when the first scientist is killed by a
liberation activist.
More typically, however, the tactic used is dissimilation,
according to those who oppose PETA and ALFs agendas. For
example, Barbara Pflughaupt of Ringling Brothers notes that
PETA once claimed that the retailer Sears withdrew commercial
support for the circus because it became convinced that Ringling
Brothers was mistreating animals. The truth, however, was that
Sears stopped the advertising campaign simply because the con-
tract between the two businesses had, after a mutually beneficial
relationship, expired. As Sears community relations manager
John P. Connolly stated in a letter to PETA, PETAs news release
has caused confusion among the media. By stating that Sears has
pulled its sponsorship, you are creating the misperception that
Sears abruptly ended the sponsorship. This is not true, and quite
honestly, is damaging PETAs credibility with the media.
Other claims by PETA that Ringling Brothers violated USDA
and Animal Welfare Act laws and regulations have also been
refuted by representatives of the USDA in letters to PETA.
How can a person be sure that film clips and other information
about alleged animal abuses are accurate? When you hear
an animal rights group protest alleged animal mistreatment,
do you assume its members are telling the truth, or do you
explore the issue deeper before making a decision?
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Circuses, rodeos, zoos, farmers, ranchers, scientists, and
others who work daily with animals in their jobs say that they
are, indeed, concerned about animal welfare and that their work
not only benefits people but, especially through zoos and veteri-
nary medicine, animals as well. The modern world, the argument
goes, is very different from what it was a century or more ago,
when there were more wild spaces for animals to live in freely.
Today, habitat worldwide is succumbing to an ever-increasing
human population that, as of 2003, includes more than 6 billion
people. Many species will likely become extinct in the near future
if human beings do not intervene because there will simply be no
place for them to live. Other species, such as domesticated pets and
farm animals, have been so carefully bred to suit their functions in
human society for so many centuries that they simply could not
function outside of our care. For these reasons, say those who
are against the animal rights agenda, the complete disassociation
of all animals from people is just not possible.
Letter from USDA telling PETA that Ringling Bros. did
not violate the Animal Welfare Act
I am writing to allay your concerns expressed at numerous meetings with our
attorneys about the media reports surrounding the death on January 24, 1998, of
the juvenile Asian elephant known as Kenny and the complaint filed by the
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in AWA Docket No. 98-20.
As you are aware, certain media reports stated incorrectly that USDA had
charged Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus (Ringling Bros.) with a violation
of the Animal Welfare Act that resulted in the death of Kenny. Contrary to the
published reports, the complaint filed in AWA Docket No. 98-20 did not allege that
Ringling Bros. was responsible for or that its actions contributed to the death of
Kenny.Also, Ringling Bros. has never been adjudged to have violated the AWA or
the Regulations and Standards issued thereafter.
Source: Available online at
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Compromise and Changing Attitudes
The growth of the animal rights movement is a direct side effect
of changing public attitudes that have been greatly influenced by
evolving demographics in our country. Most Americans today
live in urban or suburban communities, where they have little
contact with wildlife or farms and, therefore, often rely on what
they see on television, in newspapers, and on the Internet for
their information about animal welfare and animal rights issues.
Without direct interaction with animals, it is easy to develop
misguided attitudes because, with the exception of our pets, we
lack firsthand experience. There are two possible consequences
of this: We may either become apathetic about how animals are
treated (for example, seeing meat merely as something we pick
up in the supermarket or elephants as beings created to entertain
us at zoos and circuses) or, influenced by fairy tales and the
talking cartoon animals to which we are exposed as we grow up,
we may anthropomorphize too much.
The fact that people need to recognize is that although
animals are not human beings, they are not commodities
either. There can be no doubt that, overall, humans have had
a profoundly negative impact on other species worldwide. The
question still remains, however, whether we are willing to take
full responsibility for this fact and, if we do, what exactly we
will do about it.
What do you think life will be like for wild animals fifty years
from now? How about a hundred years?
The Debate Continues 159
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The Debate Over Animal Rights
1 Class A dealers raise animals specifically
for the purpose of selling them to
researchers. Class B dealers buy their
animals from other sources, such as pet
stores or animal shelters, and then resell
them to researchers.
2 Mark Grebner, Ingham County Animal
Shelter Policies: What Were Really
Doing, Lansing State Journal, May 25,
2003, p. 11A.
3 Interview with Mike Severino, con-
ducted by Kevin Hile on June 23, 2003.
4 Ibid.
5 Interview with Mary Stid, conducted by
Kevin Hile, June 19, 2003.
6 Ibid.
7 Genesis 1:26.
8 Rod Preece and Lorna Chamberlain,
Animal Welfare and Human Values.
Waterloo, Canada: Wilfrid Laurier
University Press, 1993, p. 39.
9 Tom Regan, The Case for Animal Rights.
Berkeley, CA: University of California
Press, 1983, p. 142.
10 Frequently Asked Questions. Available
online at
fp/faq.html (July 27, 2003).
Point: Animals Are Worthy of
Certain Rights
1 Peter Singer, Animal Liberation: A
New Ethics for Our Treatment of
Animals. New York: Avon Books, 1975,
pp. xii xiii.
2 Chimps Should Be Part of Human
Genus, Scientists Say, Associated Press,
May 20, 2003.
3 Irene M. Pepperberg, Referential
Mapping: A Technique for Attaching
Functional Significance to the Inno-
vative Utterances of an African Grey
Parrot (Psittacus erithacus), 11
Applied Psycholinguistics, 22, 29
4 Kokos World. Available online at (July 27,
5 Karen de Seve, Animal Intelligence:
How Brainy Are They? Scientists Are
Learning How Animals Talk, Think, and
Feel. Science World, 56:6 (November 26,
2001), p. 8.
6 Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson and Susan
McCarthy, When Elephants Weep: The
Emotional Lives of Animals. New York:
Dell Publishing, 1995.
7 Jane Goodall and Phillip Berman,
Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey.
New York: Warner Books, 1999.
8 Masson and McCarthy, p. 95.
9 Animal Consciousness, Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Available
online at
(July 5, 2003).
10 Clive Wynne, Do Animals Think?
Psychology Today, 32:50 (November 1999).
11 Michael W. Fox, Inhumane Society: The
American Way of Exploiting Animals.
New York: St. Martins Press, 1990.
12 Interview with Andrew Butler con-
ducted by Kevin Hile on June 26, 2003.
13 Gary Kowalski, The Souls of Animals.
Walpole, NH: Stillpoint Publishing,
14 Jeremy Bentham, Introduction to the
Principles of Morals and Legislation.
Oxford, England: Clarendon Press,
1907 (originally published 1780).
Counterpoint: Animals Are Not
Worthy of Rights Like Those of
1 Aristotle, Politics, Book 1, chapter 8.
Available online at
2 Immanuel Kant, Lectures on Ethics,
trans. L. Infield, New York: Harper
Torchbooks, 1963.
3 Tim Stafford, Animal Lib, Christianity
Today, June 18, 1990.
4 Michael Allen Fox, The Case for Animal
Experimentation: An Evolutionary
and Ethical Perspective. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press, 1986,
p. 37.
5 Ibid., p. 38.
6 Ibid., pp. 3839.
7 Ibid., p. 39.
8 Ibid.
9 Peter Jenkins, Ask No Questions, The
Guardian, July 10, 1973.
10 Richard Conniff, Fuzzy-Wuzzy Think-
ing about Animal Rights, Audubon,
November 1990, p. 121.
CH.PCP.ARi.zBM.Final.q.Back 1/14/04 7:18 AM Page 160
11 Stephen Budiansky, The Animal Point
of View, Atlantic Unbound, December
9, 1998.
12 D.G. Ritchie, Natural Rights: A Criticism
of Some Political and Ethical Conceptions.
London: George Allen & Unwin, 1952,
p. 107.
13 Steven J. Bartlett, Roots of Human
Resistance to Animal Rights: Psycholog-
ical and Conceptual Blocks. Available
online at
arussbartlett2002.htm (July 18, 2003).
14 Ibid.
15 Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife (90-1424),
504 U.S. 555 (1992).
16 Joseph Lubinski, Introduction to
Animal Rights. Available online at
ddusjlibinski2002.htm (July 18, 2003).
17 Ibid.
18 David R. Schmahmann and Lori J.
Polacheck, The Case against Rights for
Animals, B.S. Environmental Affairs
Law Review. 22:747, 751 (1995).
19 Edwin A. Locke, Animal Rights versus
Mans Rights: Animal Rights Activists
Want to Sacrifice Mans Rights. Avail-
able online at
20 Interview with Frankie Trull conducted
by Kevin Hile on July 15, 2003.
Point: Animals Should Not Be Used
in Medical Research
1 Jordan Curnutt, Animals and the Law:
A Sourcebook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-
CLIO, 2001.
2 Ibid.
3 Interview with Crystal Spiegel con-
ducted by Kevin Hile on July 14, 2003.
4 Curnutt, Animals and the Law: A
5 Available online at
6 Alex Pacheco with Anna Francione,
The Silver Spring Monkeys, In
Defense of Animals, ed. Peter Singer,
New York: Basic Blackwell, Inc., 1985,
p. 136.
7 State v. Taub, 11848-81 (1981), Mary-
land District Court unreported case.
8 Taub v. State, 43 A.2d 819 (Md. 1983).
9 Michael W. Fox, Inhumane Society: The
American Way of Exploiting Animals.
New York: St. Martins Press, 1990,
p. 59.
10 C. Ray Greek and Jean Swingle Greek,
Sacred Cows and Golden Geese. New
York: Continuum International Pub-
lishing Group, 2000.
11 Ibid., p. 60.
12 Ibid., p. 67.
13 Interview with Crystal Spiegel con-
ducted by Kevin Hile on July 14, 2003.
14 Peter Singer, Animal Liberation: A New
Ethics for Our Treatment of Animals.
New York: Avon Books, 1975, p. 67.
15 Curnutt, Animals and the Law: A
Counterpoint: Animals Serve a
Useful Purpose in Medical Research
1 The Development of a Polio Vaccine,
The Biomedical Research Trust, Avail-
able online at
2 Richard Malvin, Animals Critical
to Better Research: Activists Provide
Distorted Picture of Research Results,
Lansing State Journal, November 19,
2002, p. 11A.
3 Seriously Ill for Medical Research
Website. Available online at
4 Ibid.
5 Interview with Frankie Trull conducted
by Kevin Hile on July 15, 2003.
6 Incurably Ill for Animal Research, Issues
and Answers. Available online at
7 Michael Allen Fox, The Case for Animal
Experimentation: An Evolutionary and
Ethical Perspective. University of Cali-
fornia Press, 1986, p. 33.
8 Ibid., p. 35.
9 Neal Miller, Understanding Psycho-
logical Man: A State-of-the-Science
Report, Psychology Today 16 (May
1982): 52.
10 Interview with Frankie Trull conducted
by Kevin Hile on July 15, 2003.
11 Incurably Ill for Animal Research, Issues
and Answers. Available online at
CH.PCP.ARi.zBM.Final.q.Back 1/14/04 7:18 AM Page 161
12 Ibid.
13 Interview with Frankie Trull conducted
by Kevin Hile on July 15, 2003.
14 Ibid.
15 American Legal Defense Fund v. Espy, 23
F.3d 496 (D.C. Cir. 1994).
16 Interview with Frankie Trull conducted
by Kevin Hile on July 15, 2003.
17 Alternatives, Fund for the Replacement
of Animals in Medical Experiments.
Available online at
Alternat.htm (July 2, 2003).
18 Ibid.
19 Robert J. White, Antivivisection: The
Reluctant Hydra, American Scholar, 40,
3 (Summer 1971).
Point: Animals Should Not Be Used
for Food and Clothing
1 C. David Coats, Old MacDonalds Factory
Farm. New York: Continuum, 1989.
2 Ibid.
3 Interview with Andrew Butler con-
ducted by Kevin Hile on June 26, 2003.
4 Michael W. Fox, Eating with Conscience:
The Bioethics of Food. Troutdale, OR:
NewSage Press, 1997.
5 Ibid.
6 Interview with Andrew Butler con-
ducted by Kevin Hile on June 26, 2003.
7 Fox, Eating with Conscience: The
Bioethics of Food.
8 Ibid.
9 Mercy for Animals Website. Available
online at
pork.asp (July 8, 2003).
10 Ibid.
11 Interview with Nathan Runkle con-
ducted by Kevin Hile on July 7, 2003.
12 Daniel Cohen, Animal Rights: A Hand-
book for Young Adults. Brookfield, CT:
Millbrook Press, 1993.
13 Interview with Andrew Butler con-
ducted by Kevin Hile on June 26, 2003.
14 Alan Green, Animal Underworld: Inside
Americas Black Market for Rare and
Exotic Species. New York: Public Affairs,
1999, pp. 163164.
15 Cathy Liss, Trapping and Poisoning, in
Animals and Their Legal Rights: A Survey
of American Laws from 1641 to 1990,
ed. Animal Welfare Institute, 1990.
16 Ibid.
17 The Animal Rights Handbook: Everyday
Ways to Save Animal Lives. Los Angeles,
CA: Living Planet Press, 1990.
18 Ibid.
19 Interview with Nathan Runkle con-
ducted by Kevin Hile on July 7, 2003.
20 The Animal Rights Handbook: Everyday
Ways to Save Animal Lives.
21 Bruce Friedrich, Vegetarianism in a
Nutshell. Available online at (July 8, 2003).
Counterpoint: Animals Should Be
Used for Food and Clothing
1 Craig B. Stanford, The Hunting Apes:
Meat Eating and the Origins of Human
Behavior. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 1999, p. 5.
2 Ibid., pp. 6566.
3 Interview with Dan Murphy conducted
by Kevin Hile on July 10, 2003.
4 Bernard E. Rollin, Animal Rights and
Human Morality. New York:
Prometheus Books, 1981.
5 Interview with Kay Johnson conducted
by Kevin Hile on July 10, 2003.
6 Ibid.
7 Interview with Dan Murphy conducted
by Kevin Hile on July 10, 2003.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid.
10 Interview with Kay Johnson conducted
by Kevin Hile on July 10, 2003.
11 David Petersen, Heartsblood: Hunting,
Spirituality, and Wildness in America.
Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2000.
12 Mark Damian Duda, et al. Wildlife and
the American Mind. Harrisonburg, VA:
Responsive Management, 1998.
13 Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac,
with Essays on Conservation from Round
River. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1966.
14 Conservation Activities. Available online
section.html (July 14, 2003).
15 David Petersen, Heartsblood: Hunting,
Spirituality, and Wildness in America.
Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2000.
16 PETA Way Off Target: What Else Is
New? Available online at
media/peta (July 14, 2003).
CH.PCP.ARi.zBM.Final.q.Back 1/14/04 7:18 AM Page 162
17 Real Fur and the Environment.
Available online at
html (July 14, 2003).
18 Ibid.
19 Fur Is Natural . . . and Environmentally
Sound. Available online at
htm (July 14, 2003).
20 The Food Guide Pyramid. Available
online at
(July 14, 2003).
21 Robert C. Atkins, Dr. Atkins New Diet
Revolution. Rev. ed. New York: Avon
Books, 1999, p. 21.
Point: Animals Should Not Be Used
for Entertainment
1 Joan Dunayer, Animal Equality: Language
and Liberation. Derwood, MD: Ryce
Publishing, 2001, p. 74.
2 Vicki Croke, The Modern Ark, The Story
of Zoos: Past, Present and Future. New
York: Scribner, 1997, pp. 3233.
3 Michael W. Fox, Inhumane Society: The
American Way of Exploiting Animals.
New York: St. Martins Press, 1990,
p. 151.
4 Alan Green, Animal Underworld: Inside
Americas Black Market for Rare and
Exotic Species. New York: Public Affairs,
1999, pp. 7677.
5 Ibid., p. 77.
6 Ibid., p. 78.
7 Circuses. Available online at
circuses.asp (July 9, 2003).
8 Interview with Andrew Butler con-
ducted by Kevin Hile on June 26, 2003.
9 Quick Facts. Available online at
(July 9, 2003).
10 Marine Mammal ParksChlorinated
Prisons. Available online at (July 9,
11 Ibid.
12 Joan Dunayer, Animal Equality: Language
and Liberation, p. 97.
13 Horse Racing Fact File: Welfare
Problems. Available online at
factfile/ (July 9, 2003).
14 Margi Stickney, The Observer, July 27,
1997, as quoted online at
15 Interview with Susan Bilsky conducted
by Kevin Hile on June 27, 2003.
16 Ibid.
Counterpoint: No Harm Is Done
When Animals Are Used for
1 Interview with Ron Kagan conducted by
Kevin Hile on July 14, 2003.
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid.
7 Interview with Fred Jacobs conducted
by Kevin Hile on July 15, 2003.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid.
10 Interview with Barbara Pflughaupt
conducted by Kevin Hile on June 20,
11 Ibid.
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid.
14 Amazing Animals: Get the Answers.
Available online at
(July 15, 2003).
15 Interview with Barbara Pflughaupt
conducted by Kevin Hile on June 20,
16 Ibid.
17 Greyt Lifestyle. Available online
greytlifestyle.htm (July 16, 2003).
18 Ibid.
19 Animal Welfare. Available online
Animals/7.welfarePubs.html (July 15,
20 Ibid.
The Debate Continues
1 Interview with Andrew Butler con-
ducted by Kevin Hile on June 26, 2003.
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.
4 Frequently Asked Questions. Available
online at
(July 17, 2003).
CH.PCP.ARi.zBM.Final.q.Back 1/14/04 7:18 AM Page 163
5 Peter Singer, Animal Liberation: A New
Ethics for Our Treatment of Animals.
New York: Avon Books, 1975.
6 Interview with Frankie Trull conducted
by Kevin Hile on July 15, 2003.
7 Ibid.
8 Terrorists Release Mink, Destroy
Records to Intimidate Fur Farmers
and Retailers. Available online at
archives/furterr.htm (July 17, 2003).
9 Home Page. Available
online at
quotes.cfm (July 17, 2003).
10 John P. Connolly, in a letter to PETA
dated January 25, 1999. Available
online at
11 Press Room. Available online at
pressroom.asp (July 29, 2003).
CH.PCP.ARi.zBM.Final.q.Back 1/14/04 7:18 AM Page 164
Cothran, Helen, ed. Animal Experimentation: Opposing Viewpoints.
Greenhaven Press, 2002.
Curnutt, Jordan. Animals and the Law: A Sourcebook. ABC-CLIO,
Day, Nancy. Animal Experimentation: Cruelty or Science? Rev. ed.
Enslow Publishers, 2000.
Guither, Harold D. Animal Rights: History and Scope of a Radical Social
Movement. Southern Illinois University Press, 1998.
Wand, Kelly, ed. The Animal Rights Movement. Greenhaven Press,
Williams, Jeanne. Animal Rights and Welfare. H. W. Wilson, 1991.
Woods, Geraldine. Animal Experimentation and Testing: A Pro/Con Issue.
Enslow Publishers, 2002.
In Favor of Animal Rights
Amory, Cleveland. Man Kind? Our Incredible War on Wildlife. Harper &
Row, 1974.
Animals and Their Legal Rights: A Survey of American Laws from 1641 to
1990. 4
ed. Animal Welfare Institute, 1990.
Coats, C. David. Old MacDonalds Factory Farm: The Myth of the Traditional
Farm and the Shocking Truth about Animal Suffering in Todays Agribusiness.
Continuum, 1989.
Cohen, Daniel. Animal Rights: A Handbook for Young Adults. Millbrook
Press, 1993.
Fox, Michael W. Eating with Conscience: The Bioethics of Food. NewSage
Press, 1997.
. Inhumane Society: The American Way of Exploiting Animals.
St. Martins, 1990.
Green, Alan. Animal Underworld: Inside Americas Black Market in Rare and
Exotic Species. PublicAffairs, 1999.
CH.PCP.ARi.zBM.Final.q.Back 1/14/04 7:18 AM Page 165
Greek, C. Ray, and Jean Swingle Greek. Sacred Cows and Golden Geese:
The Human Cost of Experiments on Animals. Continuum, 2001.
Harrison, Ruth. Animal Machines. Vincent Stuart, 1964.
Kowalski, Gary. The Souls of Animals. Stillpoint Publishing, 1991.
Mason, Jim, and Peter Singer. Animal Factories. Crown, 1980.
Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff, and Susan McCarthy. When Elephants Weep:
The Emotional Lives of Animals. Dell Publishing, 1995.
Newkirk, Ingrid. Free the Animals! Noble, 1992.
Phelps, Norm. The Dominion of Love: Animal Rights According to the Bible.
Lantern Books, 2002.
Regan, Tom. The Case for Animal Rights. University of California Press,
, and Peter Singer, eds. Animal Rights and Human Obligations.
Prentice-Hall, 1976.
Scully, Matthew. Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals,
and the Call to Mercy. St. Martins, 2002.
Singer, Peter. Animal Liberation: A New Ethics for Our Treatment of
Animals. Avon Books, 1975.
Wise, Steven M. Drawing the Line: Science and the Case for Animal Rights.
Perseus Publishing, 2002.
. Rattling the Cage: Toward Legal Rights for Animals. Perseus Books,
American Anti-Vivisection Society
One of the oldest animal rights groups in the country, the AAVS focuses
on eliminating the use of animals in laboratory research.
Animal Legal Defense Fund
A national organization of attorneys who fight for animal rights in the
courtroom, often on a pro-bono basis.
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Animal Liberation Front
A group of loosely organized citizens who actively release animals from
laboratories and farms and often commit acts of vandalism against
people they feel support injustices against animals. The FBI considers ALF
a domestic terrorist group.
An online resource for animal rights groups, this site was created
by the publishers of Animals Voice magazine and includes a rich
database of articles, images, interviews, and profiles concerning
animal rights issues.
Animal Welfare Institute
An animal rights group founded in 1951 that fights against inhumane
transport and the use of animals in research, farms, and hunting, among
other causes.
Fund for Animals
Founded by author Cleveland Amory in 1967, the Fund for Animals
motto is We speak for those who cant. The main focus of this organi-
zation is to fight against hunting practices nationwide, but it is also an
advocacy group for domestic animals.
Hunt Saboteurs Association
This British-based organization actively goes out into the field to
deliberately spoil and frustrate hunters who are in pursuit of animals.
International Vegetarian Union
An international organization founded in 1908 that promotes
League Against Cruel Sports
A British organization opposed to hunting, especially hunting with
the use of dogs.
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Mercy for Animals
An Ohio animal rights group fighting against the use of animals in
research, farms, circuses, rodeos, and more.
National Anti-Vivisection Alliance
Another organization similar to the AAVS that fights against the use of
animals in medical research, product testing, and education.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Probably the most prominent animal rights group in the United States
today, PETA raises funds for all types of proanimal rights causes and
runs numeroussometimes controversialmedia campaigns.
United Poultry Concerns
The UPC is solely concerned with the way people treat chickens,
turkeys, and other domesticated fowl in agriculture, science, education,
and entertainment.
Against Animal Rights
Arnold, Ron. EcoTerror: The Violent Agenda to Save Nature: The World of
the Unabomber. Free Enterprise Press, 1997.
Fox, Michael Allen. The Case for Animal Experimentation: An Evolutionary
and Ethical Perspective. University of California Press, 1986.
Gluck, John P., Tony DiPasquale, and F. Barbara Orlans. Applied Ethics in
Animal Research: Philosophy, Regulation, and Laboratory Applications.
Purdue University Press, 2002.
Leahy, Michael P. T. Against Liberation: Putting Animals in Perspective.
Routledge, 1991.
Orlans, F. Barbara. The Human Use of Animals: Case Studies in Ethical
Choice. Oxford University Press, 1998.
. In the Name of Science: Issues in Responsible Animal Experimentation.
Oxford University Press, 1993.
CH.PCP.ARi.zBM.Final.q.Back 1/14/04 7:18 AM Page 168
Peterson, David. Heartsblood: Hunting, Spirituality, and Wildness in
America. Island Press, 2000.
Stanford, Craig B. The Hunting Apes: Meat Eating and the Origins of
Human Behavior. Princeton University Press, 1999.
, and Henry T. Bunn, eds. Meat Eating and Human Evolution.
Oxford University Press, 2001.
American Meat Institute
A national organization of meat and poultry companies that educates its
members about safe handling procedures and government legislation,
protecting members interests and promoting their products at home and
Americans for Medical Progress
A nonprofit organization whose goal is to educate the public about the
importance of animal testing in medical research.
Animal Agriculture Alliance
Created to replace the now-defunct Animal Industry Foundation, the
AAA works to educate the public about the farm industry and build
support for farmers and ranchers.
A discussion group and site for resources offering information for the
argument against animal rights groups.
Part of the Center for Consumer Freedom, this site was created specifically
to debunk the claims of PETA and other animal rights groups.
Biomedical Research Education Trust
A British organization that provides speakers for secondary schools on
the subject of the benefits of animal research.
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Center for Consumer Freedom
Supported by food companies and restaurants, this nonprofit group
fights for the rights of people to eat and drink whatever they wish.
Delta Society
This proanimal welfare site promotes the health benefits of the human-
animal bond through pet ownership.
Foundation for Biomedical Research
Founded in 1981, this organization promotes and supports the use of
animals in scientific research, believing it will help both people and
Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (FRAME)
FRAME advocates the reduction of animals used in laboratories wherever
possible, but recognizes that some animal research is still necessary to
advance science.
Fur Commission USA
This is an organization of mink farmers who work together to promote
their industry and its benefits.
Incurably Ill for Animal Research
A national organization that promotes the benefits of using animals in
research, testing, and education.
National Animal Interest Alliance
An organization of various business and scientific interest groups that
promotes humane practices in using animals for food, clothing, research,
and companionship.
The Official Site of Ted Nugent
Rock star and Michigan native Ted Nugent has been a longtime advocate
of hunting. This site includes many of his views about hunting.
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Research Development Society
A British nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the benefits of
animal research in medicine.
Safari Club International
Promotes the benefits of hunting in our society and lobbies against
government regulations that would restrict hunting rights.
Seriously Ill for Medical Research
A British organization promoting the importance of using animals in
medical research and emphasizing the patients perspective on the issue.
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Legislation and Case Law
Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938, 16 U.S.C. 301-392
This broad piece of legislation includes many requirements and prohibitions
intended to improve the safety of manufactured drugs. Included in this legislation
is a provision that all pharmaceuticals must be tested on animals as part of the
Food and Drug Administration approval process.
Animal Welfare Act of 1970, 7 U.S.C. 2131-2157
Originally set up as the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966, the AWA set
minimum standards for laboratories and animal dealers for the care and transport
of dogs, cats, primates, rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters, and it required these
facilities to be licensed. Coverage expanded to all warm-blooded animals in 1970,
and the 1970 changes also required anesthetics, analgesics, and tranquilizers to be
used whenever possible during an experiment. The 1970 changes also covered
animals in pet stores and in exhibits, such as zoos. Amended again in 1972 by
the secretary of agriculture, rats, mice, and birds in laboratories, as well as farm
animals, horses, and animals exhibited at fairs and used in rodeos were specifically
excluded from protection under the AWA. Because farm animals are excluded, it is
permissible under the AWA for scientists to use farm animals for experiments in
any way they choose without violating the act. Changes made in 1976 stated that
research laboratories were subject to immediate finesrather than being warned
with a cease and desist order firstfor any violations to the AWA. In 1990, an
amendment was added that required shelters to hold animals for a minimum of
five days before selling them to research facilities. Most recently, in 2002, an
amendment was added under the Farm Bill that permanently excluded birds, mice,
and rats from being included under the AWAs protections.
Sierra Club v. Morton, 405 U.S. 727 (1972)
Although this case did not directly involve animals it helped define what legal
standing for other species might mean. The Sierra Club sued Secretary of the Interior
Rogers Morton for allowing development on land that was supposed to be
protected as national forest. The suit was rejected because the Sierra Club failed to
prove it had legal standing as a party that would be injured in some way by the
development project. However, in a dissenting opinion, Justice William O. Douglas
stated that natural objects, such as forestlands, could be considered to have legal
standing as things that could be injured.
Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544
Under this sweeping piece of legislation, the U.S. government agreed to protect
wildlife species that were in danger of becoming extinct by passing laws and
establishing treaties that would make killing such animals a crime. Also, federally
owned land that was considered critical to a species survival would be preserved
from development under the act, and all federal agencies and departments were
obligated to establish practices that would help protect endangered wildlife.
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Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wildlife
Fauna and Flora (1975)
This international treaty, commonly called CITES, controls the trade of endan-
gered plants and animals across international borders in an effort to prevent the
illegal sale of species on the brink of extinction. Today, the treaty covers more than
30,000 different species in 163 countries.
Humane Methods of Slaughter Act of 1978, 7 U.S.C. 1901-1906
Often shortened as the Humane Slaughter Act, this legislation was an important
step in making slaughterhouse practices more humane. Congress asserted that every
effort should be made during the slaughter process to prevent any unnecessary
suffering of the animals. The act covers cattle and hogs, but not poultry. However,
animals that are killed using ritual methodsmost specifically, in preparing
kosher foods for those of the Jewish faithare exempt from this act. Although
other religious faiths are not mentioned by name in the act, it is generally accepted
that rituals performed in other cases, such as halal slaughter practiced by Muslims,
are exempt as well.
State v. Taub, 11848-81 (1981), Maryland District Court unreported case
Dr. Edward Taub, head of the lab at the Institute for Behavioral Research in Silver
Spring, Maryland, was found guilty on six counts of animal cruelty for not provid-
ing adequate care to his research monkeys. The case is significant as the first instance
in which laboratory animal cruelty began to be taken seriously in the courtroom.
Taub v. State, 43 A.2d 819 (Md. 1983)
Dr. Taub appealed the earlier ruling in State v. Taub and in this case the judge ruled
that the experiments on the monkeys were justified. Nevertheless, the case brought
lab animal cruelty to the attention of the citizens of Maryland, and legislation was
passed in the state that clarified what would be considered animal cruelty.
Food Security Act of 1985, 7 U.S.C. 1631
The Food Security Act included a section called the Improved Standards for Labora-
tory Animals Act, which stated, among other things, that people handling animals in
labs must be fully trained; it created Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees,
strengthened standards for care, and mandated that dogs be exercised and better,
more stimulating environments be available for primates.
Animal Enterprise Protection Act of 1992, 18 U.S.C. 43
This law was passed as a reaction to the growing concern about acts of terror
committed by groups such as the Animal Liberation Front. The law makes animal
enterprise terrorismdefined as any act intended to cause physical disruption to
the functioning of an animal enterprisea federal crime. An animal enterprise is
defined as any commercial or academic enterprise that uses animals for food or
fiber production, agriculture, research, or testing.
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Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)
Considered the definitive decision on what merits legal standing for animals, this
case involved the Environmental Protection Agency, which was failing to require
that overseas business projects in which federal agencies were involved were not
endangering native wildlife. The U.S. Supreme Court eventually ruled against the
Defenders of Wildlife, saying that the plaintiffs lacked legal standing. The case has
often been cited in subsequent lawsuits involving animal rights.
Twenty-Eight Hour Law of 1994, 49 U.S.C. 80502
Designed so that farm animals are transported in ways that cause them less stress,
this law says that these animals must be given time to rest at least once every
twenty-eight hours while they are being transported to any location.
Recreational Hunting Safety and Preservation Act of 1994, 16 U.S.C. 48
Commonly known as the Hunters Rights Amendment, this legislation prevents
people from obstructing a lawful hunt in any way. Violating the law can result in
a $10,000 fine if hunt saboteurs threaten or harm a hunter or his or her property.
American Legal Defense Fund v. Espy I, 23 F.3d 496 (D.C. Cir. 1994)
The American Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) challenged the exclusion of mice, rats,
and birds from the Animal Welfare Act. In ALDF v. Espy I the court made a decision
contrary to the conclusions drawn in the earlier ALDF v. Yeutter and ALDF v.
Madigan cases, in which it was ruled that excluding these species was against the
spirit of the AWA, because, as established in Lujan, the animals did not have legal
standing because their danger was not imminent or impending.
American Legal Defense Fund v. Espy II, 29 F.3d 720 (D.C. Cir. 1994)
This lawsuit was instigated by the ALDFs dissatisfaction with the U.S. Department
of Agriculture, which was neglecting to set minimum standards for the psychologi-
cal welfare of animals in labs, zoos, circuses, and at animal dealer facilities. The court
ruled that the USDA had, indeed, failed to create these requirements as mandated
by Congress in 1985. However, on appeal, this decision was overturned because the
animals involved were not considered to have legal standing.
Animal Legal Defense Fund v. Glickman I, 154 F.3d 426 (D.C. Cir. 1998)
Because Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife made it so difficult to prove legal standing in
cases involving animal rights where those filing suits could not show they were
directly affected by the defendants acts against animals, the ALDF decided to file a
suit that involved animals on exhibits, such as zoos and circuses, where treatment
of animals could negatively affect the public (specifically, paying customers of an
enterprise) more directly. The lawsuit contended that the conditions of primates
maintained at the Long Island Game Farm Park and Zoo were so substandard as
to cause aesthetic injury to people observing the animals. Further, the injury
was the result of the USDAs failure to enforce minimum care standards for these
animals. The judges in the case ruled 74 in favor of the plaintiff that the ALDF
did, indeed, have legal standing in the case.
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Animal Legal Defense Fund v. Glickman II, 204 F.3d 229 (D.C. Cir. 2000)
ALDF v. Glickman I established only that the plaintiff had legal standing in the case.
In ALDF v. Glickman II, the ALDF actually sued Daniel Glickman, the secretary of
the USDA, asserting that the regulations established by his office were not lawful
because they did not protect the psychological well-being of the primates at the
Long Island Game Farm Park and Zoo. This time, however, the judges ruled in favor
of the defendant, saying that the regulations were consistent with the intentions of
the Animal Welfare Act.
Terms and Concepts
animal husbandry
endangered species
factory farm
genetic research
in silico
in vitro
in vivo
Social Darwinism
theory of evolution
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Beginning Legal Research
The goal of POINT/COUNTERPOINT is not only to provide the reader with an
introduction to a controversial issue affecting society, but also to encourage
the reader to explore the issue more fully. This appendix, then, is meant to
serve as a guide to the reader in researching the current state of the law as
well as exploring some of the public-policy arguments as to why existing laws
should be changed or new laws are needed.
Like many types of research, legal research has become much faster and
more accessible with the invention of the Internet. This appendix discusses
some of the best starting points, but of course surfing the Net will uncover
endless additional sources of informationsome more reliable than others.
Some important sources of law are not yet available on the Internet, but these
can generally be found at the larger public and university libraries. Librari-
ans usually are happy to point patrons in the right direction.
The most important source of law in the United States is the Constitution.
Originally enacted in 1787, the Constitution outlines the structure of our
federal government and sets limits on the types of laws that the federal
government and state governments can pass. Through the centuries, a
number of amendments have been added to or changed in the Constitution,
most notably the first ten amendments, known collectively as the Bill of
Rights, which guarantee important civil liberties. Each state also has its own
constitution, many of which are similar to the U.S. Constitution. It is
important to be familiar with the U.S. Constitution because so many of our
laws are affected by its requirements. State constitutions often provide
protections of individual rights that are even stronger than those set
forth in the U.S. Constitution.
Within the guidelines of the U.S. Constitution, Congress both the
House of Representatives and the Senatepasses bills that are either vetoed
or signed into law by the President. After the passage of the law, it becomes
part of the United States Code, which is the official compilation of federal
laws. The state legislatures use a similar process, in which bills become law
when signed by the states governor. Each state has its own official set of
laws, some of which are published by the state and some of which are
published by commercial publishers. The U.S. Code and the state codes are
an important source of legal research; generally, legislators make efforts to
make the language of the law as clear as possible.
However, reading the text of a federal or state law generally provides
only part of the picture. In the American system of government, after the
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legislature passes laws and the executive (U.S. President or state governor)
signs them, it is up to the judicial branch of the government, the court
system, to interpret the laws and decide whether they violate any provision
of the Constitution. At the state level, each states supreme court has the
ultimate authority in determining what a law means and whether or not it
violates the state constitution. However, the federal courtsheaded by the
U.S. Supreme Courtcan review state laws and court decisions to determine
whether they violate federal laws or the U.S. Constitution. For example, a
state court may find that a particular criminal law is valid under the states
constitution, but a federal court may then review the state courts decision
and determine that the law is invalid under the U.S. Constitution.
It is important, then, to read court decisions when doing legal research. The
Constitution uses language that is intentionally very general for example,
prohibiting unreasonable searches and seizures by the policeand court
cases often provide more guidance. For example, the U.S. Supreme Courts
2001 decision in Kyllo v. United States held that scanning the outside of a
persons house using a heat sensor to determine whether the person is
growing marijuana is unreasonableif it is done without a search warrant
secured from a judge. Supreme Court decisions provide the most definitive
explanation of the law of the land, and it is therefore important to include
these in research. Often, when the Supreme Court has not decided a case on
a particular issue, a decision by a federal appeals court or a state supreme
court can provide guidance; but just as laws and constitutions can vary from
state to state, so can federal courts be split on a particular interpretation of
federal law or the U.S. Constitution. For example, federal appeals courts in
Louisiana and California may reach opposite conclusions in similar cases.
Lawyers and courts refer to statutes and court decisions through a formal
system of citations. Use of these citations reveals which court made the
decision (or which legislature passed the statute) and when and enables
the reader to locate the statute or court case quickly in a law library. For
example, the legendary Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education has
the legal citation 347 U.S. 483 (1954). At a law library, this 1954 decision
can be found on page 483 of volume 347 of the U.S. Reports, the official
collection of the Supreme Courts decisions. Citations can also be helpful in
locating court cases on the Internet.
Understanding the current state of the law leads only to a partial under-
standing of the issues covered by the POINT/COUNTERPOINT series. For a fuller
understanding of the issues, it is necessary to look at public-policy arguments
that the current state of the law is not adequately addressing the issue. Many
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groups lobby for new legislation or changes to existing legislation; the
National Rifle Association (NRA), for example, lobbies Congress and the
state legislatures constantly to make existing gun control laws less restrictive
and not to pass additional laws. The NRA and other groups dedicated to
various causes might also intervene in pending court cases: a group such as
Planned Parenthood might file a brief amicus curiae (as a friend of the
court)called an amicus brief in a lawsuit that could affect abortion
rights. Interest groups also use the media to influence public opinion, issuing
press releases and frequently appearing in interviews on news programs and
talk shows. The books in POINT/COUNTERPOINT list some of the interest
groups that are active in the issue at hand, but in each case there are countless
other groups working at the local, state, and national levels. It is important
to read everything with a critical eye, for sometimes interest groups present
information in a way that can be read only to their advantage. The informed
reader must always look for bias.
Finding sources of legal information on the Internet is relatively simple
thanks to portal sites such as FindLaw (, which provides
access to a variety of constitutions, statutes, court opinions, law review
articles, news articles, and other resourcesincluding all Supreme Court
decisions issued since 1893. Other useful sources of information include the
U.S. Government Printing Office (, which contains a complete
copy of the U.S. Code, and the Library of Congresss THOMAS system
(, which offers access to bills pending before Congress as well
as recently passed laws. Of course, the Internet changes every second of every
day, so it is best to do some independent searching. Most cases, studies, and
opinions that are cited or referred to in public debate can be found online
and everything can be found in one library or another.
The Internet can provide a basic understanding of most important legal
issues, but not all sources can be found there. To find some documents it
is necessary to visit the law library of a university or a public law library;
some cities have public law libraries, and many library systems keep legal
documents at the main branch. On the following page are some common
citation forms.
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Sample Citation
Employment Division
v. Smith, 485 U.S. 660
United States v.
Lambert, 695 F.2d
536 (11th Cir.1983)
Carillon Importers,
Ltd. v. Frank Pesce
Group, Inc., 913
F.Supp. 1559
Thomas Jefferson
Commission Act, 36
U.S.C., 149 (2002)
Sterling v. Cupp, 290
Ore. 611, 614, 625
P.2d 123, 126 (1981)
Abortion Control
Act of 1982, 18 Pa.
Cons. Stat. 3203-
3220 (1990)
The U.S. Reports is the official
record of Supreme Court decisions.
There is also an unofficial Supreme
Court ("S.Ct.") reporter.
Appellate cases appear in the Fed-
eral Reporter, designated by "F." The
11th Circuit has jurisdiction in
Alabama, Florida, and Georgia.
Federal trial-level decisions are
reported in the Federal Supplement
("F.Supp."). Some states have
multiple federal districts; this case
originated in the Southern District
of Florida.
Sometimes the popular names
of legislationnames with which
the public may be familiarare
included with the U.S. Code citation.
The Oregon Supreme Court
decision is reported in both the
state's reporter and the Pacific
regional reporter.
States use many different citation
formats for their statutes.
of Law
U.S. Court
of Appeals
U.S. District
U.S. Code
Common Citation Forms
CH.PCP.ARi.zBM.Final.q.Back 1/14/04 7:18 AM Page 179
AAVS (American Anti-
Vivisection Society),
22, 55, 6768
acetaminophen, 65
addictive problems,
adoption versus
research, 13
African Americans
rights, 26, 27
African Grey parrots,
Age of Reason, 19
factory farming,
8593, 9798,
history of, 102103
incentives to care for
animals, 104107,
Agriculture, U.S.
Department of
(USDA), 4849, 133,
AIDS, 66, 7172
Alaska, 110
Alcmaeon of Croton,
ALF (Animal Liberation
Front), 152155
Al Qaeda, 57
American Agricultural
Alliance, 103105
American Anti-
Vivisection Society
(AAVS), 22, 55,
American Meat Institute,
101, 104105
American Museum of
Natural History,
American Scholar, 83
Americans for Medical
Advancement, 63
American Sign Language
(ASL), 2930
American Society for
the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals
(ASPCA), 2122, 24
American Zoo and
Aquarium Association
(AZA), 118, 123, 133
Ames Test, 66
anal electrocution,
9798, 113
anesthesia, 72
Animal Aid, 128129
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Service (APHIS), 78
Animal Equality (Joan
Dunayer), 118119
Animal Exchange, 120
animal experimenta-
tion. See behavioral
research; biomedical
research; chemicals
and chemical testing
Animal Finders Guide,
Animal Law Website,
Animal Legal Defense
Fund v. Glickman,
Animal Liberation: A
New Ethics for Our
Treatment of Animals
(Peter Singer), 24, 27,
68, 154
Animal Liberation
Front (ALF), 152155
animal research. See
behavioral research;
biomedical research;
chemicals and chemi-
cal testing
The Animal Rights
Handbook, 97, 98
Animal Underworld
(Allan Green), 94, 95,
120122, 136
Animal Welfare Act of
1970 (AWA)
circuses and, 125,
history of, 23, 53
regulation of research
facilities, 78, 7879
USDA filing clarifica-
tion, 158
Animal Welfare and
Human Values (Rod
Preece and Lorna
Chamberlain), 21
Animal Welfare Institute,
Animals and the Law:
A Sourcebook (Jordan
Curnutt), 52, 53, 69
Animals and Their Legal
Rights (Cathy Liss),
9697, 157
anthropocentrism, 39,
4546, 149
antibiotics, 72, 85,
anticoagulants, 72
Society, 22
Anti-vivisection move-
ment, 22, 53, 83
apes and sign language,
APHIS (Animal and
Plant Health Inspec-
tion Service), 78
aquatic animals,
Aquinas, Thomas, 19,
Aristotle, 40
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Armed Forces Radiobiol-
ogy Research Institute
(MD), 58
Asian elephants,
ASL (American Sign
Language), 2930
ASPCA (American
Society for the Pre-
vention of Cruelty to
Animals), 2122, 24
Atkins, Robert C.,
attitudes toward animals
dominion over,
1819, 2021
overview, 1718
respect for, 1920, 21
rights versus welfare,
Audubon, 44
AWA. See Animal
Welfare Act of 1970
AZA (American Zoo
and Aquarium Associ-
ation), 118, 123, 133
baboons, 65
Bartlett, Steven J.,
bears, hunting, 94
bees, communication
among, 31
behavioral research,
7475, 81
Bentham, Jeremy, 39
Bible, on mans domin-
ion, 1819
Bilsky, Susan, 129130
biomedical research
alternatives, lack of,
alternatives to, 6567
diseases cured with,
Draize test, 5556, 66
extent of, 54, 55, 79
futility of, 6365
history of, 5253
LD-50 test, 5455
military testing,
as partnership, 5051
birds. See also chickens
geese, mating of, 34
lack of protection
for, 5354, 7980,
releasing from
research facility,
black market in exotic
animals, 120123,
blast experiments, 58
Born Free Foundation,
bow hunting, 96
brains, anatomy of, 29,
3536, 4142
Brooks Air Force Base
(TX), 59
Budiansky, Stephen,
bulls. See cattle
burn experiments, 58
Butler, Andrew. See also
People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals
on circus animal
capture, 125
on conditions in
factory farms, 8890
on dairy cows and
veal calves, 87
on hunting, 94
on information from
ALF, 152153
on PETA personnel,
on speciesism, 3839
canned shoots, 95
captive breeding
programs, 118
Captive Exotic Animal
Protection Act, 95
Carey, Michael, 59
The Case for Animal
An Evolutionary and
Ethical Perspective
(Michael Allen Fox),
4142, 74
attitudes toward, 17,
domestication of,
obtaining for
research, 13, 15
research on, 5657,
Amazon forest
destruction and, 98
dark, firm, dry (DFD)
meat, 105
factory farming of,
85, 8687
research using, 67
in rodeos, 127128,
slaughter of, 9192
transportation of,
veal calves, 87
causation, ultimate
versus proximate, 32
Center for Elephant
Center for Food Animal
Productivity and
Well-Being, 45
cetaceans, 3536,
126127, 139140
Chamberlain, Lorna, 21
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chemicals and chemical
carcinogenicity and
mutagenicity of,
of consumer products,
research techniques
and repetition,
toxicity of, 5556,
chemotherapy, 72
care of, 106107
factory farming, 85,
8788, 8889
slaughter of, 92
communication skills
of, 2930, 4243
emotional responses
of, 3233
genetic similarity to
humans, 28, 74
self-awareness of, 35
territorial wars, 45
theory of mind and,
China, bears in, 94
Chomsky, Norm, 43
Christianity Today, 41
Chronic Wasting
Disease (CWD), 110
circuses, 123125,
CITES (Convention on
International Trade in
Endangered Species),
133, 141
civil rights, 26, 27
Class B dealers, 1316
cloning, 6768
Coats, C. David, 86
Coe, Jon, 118
Cohen, Daniel, 93
animals with humans,
animals with their
own species, 3132
computer modeling,
66, 80
Conniff, Richard, 44
Connolly, John P., 157
consciousness of
animals, 3437
conservation, wildlife,
109111, 118
Consumer Product
Safety Commission,
Convention on Inter-
national Trade in
Endangered Species
(CITES), 133, 141
court cases, 4849,
6263, 89
cows. See cattle
coyotes, 96, 121
crash tests, 65
Creationism, 20
Croke, Vicki, 119
Crouching Tiger, Hidden
Cruelty campaign,
Curnutt, Jordan, 52, 53,
CWD (Chronic Wasting
Disease), 110
dairy cows, factory
farming of, 8687
dark, firm, dry (DFD)
meat, 105
Darwin, Charles, 19
Darwin, Erasmus, 20
debeaking chickens, 88,
Defenders of Wildlife,
Lujan v., 48
Defense, U.S. Depart-
ment of (DoD), 58
Dengue 2 virus, 59
Descartes, Ren, 40
DFD (dark, firm, dry)
meat, 105
diabetes, 73
diethylstilbestrol, 64
diseases cured with
animal research,
diseases in farm animals,
DoD (U.S. Department
of Defense), 58
domestication of, 116
greyhounds, 128,
129130, 144145
hunting with, 96
obtaining for
research, 13, 15
releasing from
research facility, 156
research using, 57, 58,
dolphins, 35, 126127,
Draize, John H., 55
Draize test, 5556, 66
drugs tested without
ill-effect, 64
Dunayer, Joan,
118119, 126127
duplication of experi-
ments, 7577, 82
Earth Liberation Front
(ELF), 152
Eating with a Conscience
(Michael W. Fox), 88,
E. coli bacteria, 66
EDSP (Endocrine
Disruptor Screening
Program), 60
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elephants, 33, 124,
ELF (Earth Liberation
Front), 152
embryos, research using,
emotions of animals,
encephalization quotient,
Endangered Species Act
of 1973, 18, 133
Endocrine Disruptor
Screening Program
(EDSP), 60
entertainment, animals as
circuses, 123125,
marine parks, 123,
126127, 139140
overview, 116117,
130133, 147
racetracks, 128130,
rodeos, 127128,
zoos, 117123,
environment, 90, 98,
113, 156157
Environmental Protec-
tion Agency (EPA),
60, 82
etanerecept, 64
ethology, 3132
euthanasia of fur
animals, 113
evolution, 2021,
exotic animal dealers,
120123, 125
exotic animals, 95,
116117, 120123,
125, 140144
experiments, duplica-
tion of, 7577, 82
factors in animal rights
consciousness and
emotions, 3134
genetic differences
from humans,
genetic similarity to
humans, 2728,
intelligence, 2931,
legal rights, 4749,
moral status, 41,
4445, 5051
overview, 2627
pain, ability to feel,
4546, 53, 81,
speciesism, 3739,
44, 68
factory farming, 8593,
9798, 103104
feedlots, 105
financial incentives to
care for animals,
104107, 112113
Food and Drug Admin-
istration (FDA), 78,
7980, 82
Fort Detrich (MD),
Fort Sam Houston
(TX), 58, 59
Foundation for Bio-
medical Research, 50,
155. See also Trull,
Fox, Michael Allen,
4142, 74
Fox, Michael W.
on capitalism, 37
on confining animals
in zoos, 119120
on diseases from fac-
tory farming, 88
on standards for
research, 63
on transporting
animals, 9091
FRAME (Fund for
the Replacement of
Animals in Medical
Experiments), 81
Francione, Gary L.,
Francis of Assisi, 19
Fraser, Linda, 97, 98
Friedrich, Bruce, 99
Friends of Animals, 22
frozen zoos, 137138
Fund for the Replace-
ment of Animals in
Medical Experiments
(FRAME), 81
Funds for Animals, 22
Fur Commission USA,
fur industry, 9798,
game farming, 95,
110111, 120121
Garcia, Valde, 1617
Gardner, Allen, 2930
Gardner, Beatrice,
geese, mating of, 34
genetic differences of
animals, 4142
genetic engineering,
genetic research, 6768
genetic similarities of
animals, 2728, 74
gestation crates, 86
Glickman, Animal Legal
Defense Fund v., 4849
goats, research using,
58, 59
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Goodall, Jane, 3233
Good Laboratory
Practices Act, 80
Goodman, Morris, 28
Gorilla Foundation
(Woodside, CA), 30
gorillas, 30
GoVeg Website, 99
GRAA (Greyhound
Racing Association of
America), 144145
Great Ape Project, 36
Grebner, Mark, 13, 15
Greek, C. Ray, 6365
Greek, Jean Swingle,
Green, Alan, 94, 95,
120122, 136
greyhound farms, 130
Greyhound Protection
League, 129
greyhound racing, 127,
129130, 144145
Greyhound Racing
Association of America
(GRAA), 144145
Guardian, 43
Guide for the Care and
Use of Laboratory
Animals (NIH), 78
Haaretz, 57
habitat immersion,
handicapped animals, 14
Hayes Test, 66
health concerns, farming
techniques and, 8890
Heartsblood (David
Peterson), 111
Hediger, Heini, 118
hemoglobin, 74
High Production Volume
(HPV) Chemical-Testing
Program, 60, 82
hogs. See swine
homocentricism, 4748
hormones and force-
feeding, 85
hormones in meats,
horses, 127, 128130,
HPV (High Production
Volume) Chemical-
Testing Program, 60, 82
HSUS (Humane Society
of the United States),
22, 37
human cell cultures, 67
Humane Methods of
Slaughter Act of 1958,
2223, 9192
Humane Society of the
United States (HSUS),
22, 37
The Hunting Apes: Meat
Eating and the Origins
of Human Behavior
(Craig B. Stanford),
hunting ranches, 95,
110111, 120121
hunting wild game,
9397, 107112
Hunt Saboteur Associa-
tion, 96
immoral animal behav-
iors, 4445
The Increase of Humanity
in Experimentation
(W.M.S. Russell), 8081
Incurably Ill for Animal
Research, 7374, 76
Inhumane Society: The
American Way of Exploit-
ing Animals (Michael W.
Fox), 37, 63, 119120
in silico testing, 66
instinct, emotions or,
Institute for Behavioral
Research (Silver
Spring, MD), 6163
intelligence of animals,
2931, 4243
invertebrates, research
using, 66
in vitro testing, 66, 68
69, 80
in vivo testing, 66,
6869, 81
Irritection Assay, 66
isoproterenol, 64
Israel, 57
Jacobs, Fred, 139140
jaguar habitat manage-
ment, 110
Jenkins, Peter, 43
Jerison, Harry J., 41
Johnson, Kay, 103105
Johnson, Samuel, 53
Jones, Grant, 118
Kagan, Ron, 134138
Kant, Immanuel, 40
Kirkland Air Force Base
(NM), 58
Koko (gorilla), 30
Koop, Everett, 7172
Kowalski, Gary, 39
Laboratory Animal
Welfare Act of 1966
(LAWA), 23, 53. See
also Animal Welfare
Act of 1970
laboratory conditions
atrocities by humans,
151, 152153
improvement recom-
mendations, 81
regulation of, 7780
Silver Springs Monkey
case, 6163
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LAL (limulus amebocyte
lysate) test, 66
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste,
LAWA (Laboratory
Animal Welfare Act
of 1996), 23, 53. See
also Animal Welfare
Act of 1970
application of, 4849
against cruelty, 21
exemption of farm
animals from,
overview, 4749
against research on
dogs and cats,
1213, 1617
against vivisection, 22
laws passed. See also
Animal Welfare Act
of 1970
Animal Welfare Act
of 1970, 23, 53
Endangered Species
Act of 1973, 18, 133
Good Laboratory
Practices Act, 80
Humane Methods of
Slaughter Act of
1958, 2223, 9192
Laboratory Animal
Welfare Act of 1966,
23, 53
Puppy Protection Act,
Recreational Hunting
Safety and Preserva-
tion Act of 1994, 96
Twenty-Eight Hour
Law of 1994, 146
LD-50 test, 5455
leather industry, 9798
legal rights of animals,
4749, 9697
lemurs, attitudes
toward, 1718
Leopold, Aldo, 108
Life, 53
limulus amebocyte
lysate (LAL) test, 66
Liss, Cathy, 9697
Locke, Edwin A., 50
Lubinski, Joseph, 49
Lujan v. Defenders of
Wildlife, 48
phy, 67
manure runoff, 90, 98
marine parks, 123,
126127, 139140
Masson, Jeffrey Mous-
saieff, 3132, 33
mathematical models,
computerized, 66, 80
McCartney, Susan, 146
McDonalds, 89
McLibel case, 89
meat, importance of
eating, 100102,
meat production. See
cattle; chickens; swine
medical advances from
research, 7173
medical research. See
behavioral research;
biomedical research;
chemicals and chemi-
cal testing
mental illness of zoo
animals, 119120
Mercy for Animals,
9293, 124125
mice. See rodents
Michigan Greyhound
Connection, 129130
Michigan, laws against
research, 1217
military research,
Milk Sucks campaign,
Miller, Neal, 74
mink, releasing from
research facility,
misanthropy, 4951
The Modern Ark, The
Story of Zoos: Past,
Present and Future
(Vicki Croke), 119
money and research,
moose populations in
Alaska, 110
moral status of animals,
41, 4445, 5051
Morris, Dave, 89
diseases, 59
mule deer, 110
Murphy, Dan, 101102,
National Animal
Interest Alliance,
National Greyhound
Association (NGA),
National Institutes of
Health (NIH), 76,
National Rifle Associa-
tion (NRA), 95
Native American tribes,
natural selection, 20
neuromuscular block-
ing agents, 72
Nevin, John, 12, 15
Newkirk, Ingrid, 50,
143144, 150151
new welfarism, 154155
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NGA (National Grey-
hound Association),
NIH (National Insti-
tutes of Health), 76,
nitrates, contamination
from, 90
NRA (National Rifle
Association), 95
nuclear magnetic
resonance, 67
Old MacDonalds
Factory Farm (C.
David Coats), 86
omnivorous, defined,
operant conditioning,
orcas, 126, 127
organ transplantation
techniques, 72
The Origin of Species
(Charles Darwin),
pacemaker implants,
Pacheco, Alex, 6163
pain and suffering of
animals, 4546, 53,
81, 9394
pale, soft, exudative
(PSE) meat, 91, 105
paralytic poliomyelitis,
parrots, 29
PCAGR (Pennsylvania
Citizens against Grey-
hound Racing),
Pennsylvania Citizens
against Greyhound
Racing (PCAGR),
People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals
(PETA). See also
Butler, Andrew
campaign against
McDonalds, 89
on circuses, 123124,
125, 141144
on HPV tests, 60
as misanthropes, 50
mission statement,
people and tactics,
on Sears and Ringling
Brothers circus, 157
Website statement, 25
Pepperberg, Irene M.,
perhexiline, 64
PETA. See Butler,
Andrew; People for
the Ethical Treatment
of Animals
Peterson, David, 111
Pflughaupt, Barbara,
140144, 157
philosophy of animal
rights, 24, 40
Physicians Committee
for Responsible
Medicine, 59
pigs. See swine
plants, research using,
play, animal, 3334
poaching, 94
polio, 7071
pollution, factory farm-
ing and, 90, 98
polytheism, 46
Pope, Alexander, 53
porpoises, 126
positron emission
tomography (PET),
prairie dogs, 18, 3031
PRCA (Professional
Rodeo Cowboys
Association), 146
Preece, Rod, 21
prejudice, 2627, 38
preventive medicine,
primates. See also
apes and sign lan-
guage, 2930
gorillas, 30
Great Ape Project, 36
research using,
5759, 65, 7475
Silver Springs Monkeys
case, 6163
Professional Rodeo
Cowboys Association
(PRCA), 146
protease inhibitors, 66
protests, 1217, 89,
proximate causation,
PSE (pale, soft, exudative)
meat, 91, 105
psychology of animal
rights, 3132
Psychology Today, 36
puppy mills, 130
Puppy Protection Act,
rabbits, research using,
56, 57, 59
racehorses, 128129,
racetracks, 128130,
radiation experiments,
rats. See rodents
Reason for Hope (Jane
Goodall), 3233
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Recreational Hunting
Safety and Preserva-
tion Act of 1994, 96
reduction (Three Rs),
refinement (Three Rs),
Regan, Tom, 24
Regents Park Zoo
(London), 117
Reiss, Diana, 35
replacement (Three Rs),
research. See behavioral
research; biomedical
research; chemicals
and chemical testing
research funding/grants,
6869, 7577
research versus adoption,
rights versus welfare,
Ringling Brothers
Barnum & Bailey
Circuses, 140144,
157, 158
Ritchie, D. G., 47
roadside zoos, 120121
Rocky Mountain Elk
Foundation (RMEF),
lack of protection for,
5354, 7980
research using, 55, 67
68, 7374, 7980
rodeos, 127128,
Roosevelt, Franklin D.,
Roosevelt, Theodore, 109
Royal Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals (RSPCA),
2122, 37
Runkle, Nathan, 9293,
Russell, W.M.S., 8081
Ryder, Richard, 37
Sabin, Alfred, 71
Sacred Cows and Golden
Geese: The Human Cost
of Experiments on
Animals (C. Ray Greek
and Jean Swingle
Greek), 6365
sacred game (hunting),
Safari Club International
(SCI), 95, 110, 111
Salk, Jonas, 71
Salmonella typhimur-
ium, 66
Sand County Almanac
(Aldo Leopold),
SARS (severe acute res-
piratory syndrome),
Savage-Rumbaugh, Sue,
30, 43
Schumacher, Mark, 113
Science World, 3031
SCI Foundation, 110
SCI (Safari Club Inter-
national), 95, 110, 111
Scott Aquarium
(Omaha, NE), 127
Sears, 157
Sea World, 127,
self-awareness of animals,
Seve, Karen De, 3031
severe acute respiratory
syndrome (SARS), 95
Severino, Mike, 12,
sheep, research using,
58, 59
Shepard, Paul, 108
sifaka lemurs, attitudes
toward, 1718
Silver Springs Monkeys
case, 6163
Singer, Peter, 24, 27, 68,
slaughter of animals,
2223, 9093,
Smith, Vivien, 157
Social Darwinism,
Society for the Protec-
tion of Animals Liable
to Vivisection, 22
soul of animals, 34
The Souls of Animals
(Gary Kowalski), 39
sows, factory farming
of, 86
speciesism, 3739, 44,
Species Survival Plan,
118, 134
Spencer, Herbert,
Spiegel, Crystal, 55,
Spira, Henry, 5657
Stafford, Tim, 41
Stanford, Craig B.,
Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philosophy, 35
Steel, Helen, 89
Stickney, Margi, 129
Stid, Mary, 1516
suffering of animals,
4546, 53, 81, 9394
Supreme Court, 48
surgical procedures and
research, 71, 72
survival of the fittest,
CH.PCP.ARi.zBM.Final.q.Back 1/14/04 7:18 AM Page 187
survival of the fittest,
hunting versus, 9596
care of, 105106
factory farming of, 86
pale, soft, exudative
(PSE) meat, 91, 105
research using, 57
58, 67
transportation and
slaughter of, 9092
synthetic clothing,
argument against, 113
Taub, Edward, 6263
thalidomide, 64
theory of mind, 36
tigers, dead or alive, 122
tools, animals use of,
transportation of animals
to slaughter, 9091
trapping wildlife,
9697, 112
Trevan, J. W., 55
Trull, Frankie
on animal rights
groups, 155156
on anthropomorphi-
sizing, 5051
on care of laboratory
animals, 7879,
on cures from animal
research, 73
on necessity of
research, 75, 77
Twenty-Eight Hour Law
of 1994, 146
Tylenol, 65
ultimate causation, 32
USDA (U.S. Department
of Agriculture), 4849,
133, 158
usefulness of animals, 17
vaccines, 7172
Vane, John, 72
veal calves, 87
vegetarianism, 9899,
veterinary medicine and
research, 8283
vivisection, 22, 53, 83
welfare versus rights,
whales, 29, 126127,
When Elephants Weep
(Jeffrey Moussaieff
Masson), 3132, 33
White, Caroline Earle,
White, Robert J., 83
wild game
hunting, 9397,
ranches for, 95,
110111, 120121
wildlife conservation,
109111, 118, 137
wolves, shooting of, 18
womens rights, 26, 27
wound labs, 59
Wynne, Clive, 36
Zoological Philosophy
(Jean Baptiste
Lamarck), 20
Zoonomia; or, The
Laws of Organic Life
(Erasmus Darwin),
zoos, 117123, 133138
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16: Associated Press, AP
54: Courtesy of the Animal Welfare
Report, 2001
122: Associated Press, AP
190: Constance Wardell
Cover: Associated Press, AP
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KEVIN HILE is a freelance editor
and writer from Michigan, where
he lives with his wife, Janet. After
graduating from Adrian College
in 1988, he worked for ten years
as an editor for the Gale Group,
producing books for a number of
library reference series, as well as
a CD-ROM project. He was then employed briefly by ACMedia,
a publisher of college financial aid and travel guides; this was
followed by two years as a Website content director for American
Collegiate Marketing. In 2002, he decided to go freelance. Hile
has written for and edited projects on a wide variety of subjects,
including literary biography, science, film, education, college
financing, career opportunities, employment, travel, entertainment,
and juvenile crime. His biggest passion, however, is wildlife conser-
vation, and he currently volunteers at Potter Park Zoo in Lansing,
Michigan. He is also the author of Chelsea Houses Trial of Juveniles
as Adults and an as-yet unpublished fantasy novel.
ALAN MARZILLI, of Durham, North Carolina, is an independent
consultant working on several ongoing projects for state and federal
government agencies and nonprofit organizations. He has spoken
about mental health issues in more than twenty states, the District
of Columbia, and Puerto Rico; his work includes training mental
health administrators, nonprofit management and staff, and people
with mental illness and their family members on a wide variety of
topics, including effective advocacy, community-based mental
health services, and housing. He has written several handbooks and
training curricula that are used nationally. He managed statewide
and national mental health advocacy programs and worked for
several public interest lobbying organizations in Washington, D.C.,
while studying law at Georgetown University.
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