Fire Zone Coverage

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Fire Zone teaching, we simply add the word Hot to alert each player to expect hot throws as a response to
the blitz. Because none of us want robots, we teach the three underneath defenders to align at a minimum
pre-snap depth of 6 yds or a maximum pre-snap depth of 8 yds. For us, the teaching must be flexible (i.e. a
Safety coming down to play Hot/Flat may be at 8 yds, where a drop DE may only get to 6) however, we stress
that no underneath defender should be less than 6 yds until the ball is thrown. The pre-snap alignment for
each defender directly corresponds with their route match rules, which we have found simplifies the post-
snap structure of the coverage. Hot/Flat defenders are taught to align inside #1, outside #2, and the Hot/Hook
defenders are taught to align inside #3 (between #3 & QB). Though a WR may begin as #1 and end as #3, or a
TE as #2 Strong and end as #2 Weak, etc., the principles and concepts remain the same in our teaching.


Hot/Flat Defenders
Our Hot/Flat defenders are taught to Key #2 on the snap and match inside the final #1, and outside the final #2
based on three rules:
(1) 2 Up = Hold vs a vertical release by #2, our Hot/Flat players are taught to sit on the vertical, make
the WR force you to give ground, and collision or funnel the vertical release to the Middle of the Field
Safety. Once a flat threat/crosser appears or the #2 vertical reaches 10 yds, the Hot/Flat player can
expand, read the intentions of the QB and break on the throw.
(2) 2 Out = Expand vs an outside release by #2, our Hot/Flat players are taught to widen with #2
maintaining 6-8 yd depth, while keeping their body in the Slant/Curl window until the QB turns his
shoulders parallel to the Line of Scrimmage indicating an outside throw. Parallel QB shoulders are the
Hot/Flat players trigger to drive the top shoulder of the outside route. We teach the drive to the top
shoulder to ensure a proper angle for an open-field tackle or to collision any Wheel route by #2. (Wheel
call to Corner Alerts Corner to Midpoint Deep 1/3)
(3) 2 In = Squeeze & Search vs an inside release by #2, our Hot/Flat players are taught to communicate
In, In, In, squeeze the release of #2 to the Hot/Hook defender and search for a new #2 to appear from
the backfield or opposite side of the field. If a new #2 appears, we will apply #2 Out rules, if no new 2
appears, we will sink, read the intentions of the QB and break on the throw.

Hot/Hook Defenders
Our Hot/Hook defenders are taught to Key #3 on the snap and match inside the final #3 (between #3 and the
QB) based on two rules:
(1) 3 Up/In = Hold (Same principles as Hot/Flat vs #2 Vertical).
(2) 3 Out = Expand vs #3 Out, the Hot/Hook defender must communicate Out, Out, Out, to the
Hot/Flat defender, expand to the new #3 and execute Hold technique. We teach our Hot/Hook players
that an In call from the Hot/Flat defender is an alert that his match is coming to him and no In
indicates he must go to his match. In the event of In calls from each Hot/Flat player, the Hot Hook
defender is taught to immediately sink, read the intentions of the QB and break on the throw.

3 Hot DE Dropping

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