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Bellevue Tigers Bengal Tigers
Dayton Devils Dixie Raiders
Erlanger Lions Ludlow Panthers
Newport Wildcats NKY Bandits
South Kenton Nittany Lions Red Devils
Spartans Taylor Mill Eagles
Union Jaguars Union Raiders
WaltonVerona Bearcats

Final 04/09/14


Table of Contents
A. League Structure 3
B. Officers Duties and Responsibilities ... 3
C. Head Directors Duties and Responsibilities 5
D. Field Directors Duties and Responsibilities 6
E. Coaching Staffs Duties and Responsibilities .. 6
F. Organizations Duties and Responsibilities ......... 7
G. League Duties and Responsibilities 8
H. Organization Status 8
I. League Rules .. 8
1. Territorial Boundaries . 8
2. Organizations, Colors ...... 9
3. Recruiting . 9
4. Gray Areas 9
5. Hardships/Waivers 10
6. Scouting Other Teams ......... 10
7. Regular Season Scheduling . 10
g. Rained Out or Postponed Games . 10
8. Player Equipment . 11
9. Eligibility of Players 11
10. Contracts, Birth Certificates, Doctors Certificates 13
d. Official League Roster . 13
j. Official League WeighIns .. 14
11. Special League Game Rules ........ 15
1. 18 (24) Point Rule ... 15
2. Length of Games . 15
3. Tie Games ... 15
4. Footballs .. 16
5. Required Number of Players ... 16
6. Length of Fields .. 16
7. Coaches in Huddles . 16
8. Offense Starting List ... 16
9. Roving Spotters ... 16
10. Starting Practice .. 16
11. Explosive Device . 16
12. Divisions .. 16
13. Play Offs ... 16
A. Elimination Game .... 16
B. Game Clock Operators 17
C. PlayOff Sponsors ... 17
D. PlayOff Format and Schedule 17
E. Superbowl Teams .. 18
F. Post Season Games . 18
14. Ineligible Players or Cheating .. 18
15. Protest ... 18
16. Mandatory Playing Time .. 19
Rules for Starter Division ... 20
NKYFL Fund Raising 2014 2016 ... 20
NKYFL Code of Conduct .. 21


A. League Structure
1. The governing body of the League is the Board of Directors.
2. Officers are nominated to serve two (2) year terms, by the Board of Directors, at the first
meeting in November. Officers are elected in December and take office in January. The
Officers consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President and
Secretary shall begin their terms in oddnumbered years and the Vice President and
Treasurer shall begin their terms in evennumbered years.
3. The Board of Directors will consist of one (1) Head Director (or a designated
representative) from each organization with the power to vote.
4. Each organization may not have more than one vote. If unable to break the tie, the
President will be the tie breaking vote.
5. A Quorum will consist of one (1) more than half (1/2) of the voting directors (or
designated representatives) at a league meeting.
6. There will be at least one (1) meeting of the Board of Directors designated for every
month of every year at the date and time set by the President at each meeting.
7. All League expenses exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) must be approved by the
governing body by a majority vote.
8. No alcohol will be allowed after the start of any league meeting and will last until
9. NKYFL governs all organizational events that require insurance coverage.
10. No child fitting the age, territory and code of conduct will be denied the right to
participate in the NKYFL.
11. The Board of Directors will set all participation dates for football and cheerleading.
12. The Executive Board will be responsible for conducting the PreSeason Jamboree.
13. The Cheer Directors and Board report to the NKYFL Board of Directors.
B. Officers Duties and Responsibilities
1. President:
A. The President is elected to a two (2) year term of office by the Board of Directors.
B. The President shall preside at all meetings, appoint all committees, sign all checks
with the Treasurer, and perform all other duties of the office.
C. The President shall have served on the Board of Directors or as an officer of the
League for at least one (1) year.
D. The President shall be responsible for distributing (if requested) all information, such
as places, dates, and times of rescheduled, postponed, or rainedout games.
E. The President shall have the sole responsibility to determine when and what teams
play where, concerning rainedout Playoff and Super Bowl games, and will have the
responsibility to oversee that officials are assigned to all games.
F. The President shall have no voting powers unless he or she is the head director of a
member organization. If the Head Directors are unable to break a tie, the Presidents
vote will be the tie breaking vote.
G. The President, Vice President, and Treasurer shall conduct an annual League audit
and present to the League by the July meeting.
H. The President shall have full authority to settle any disputes or unpleasant uprisings
that may arise on or off the field of play, after which, any of the parties involved may
file a formal protest to the League within fortyeight (48) hours, and a hearing shall
take place to determine all facts involved for a final judgment.

I. The President shall have the authority to cancel any rained out games at Mills Road.
J. The President shall be responsible for filing the annual report to the Kenton County
Parks Board and for adhering to the terms and conditions of the lease agreement for
the Mills Road Park Football Fields.
K. The President shall serve as liaison to the cheer directors.
L. The President shall have the authority to select three (3) advisors who may attend
and participate in all board meetings but said advisors will not have voting rights.
2. Vice President:
A. The Vice President is elected to a two (2) year term of office by the Board of Directors.
B. The Vice President shall assist the President and shall preside in the Presidents
absence, and shall succeed the President if a vacancy should arise.
C. The Vice President shall have no voting powers, unless he or she is the Head Director
of a member organization.
D. The Vice President shall be present at the annual League Audit conducted by the
League Treasurer and President.
E. The Vice President shall have full authority to settle any disputes or unpleasant
uprisings that may arise on or off the field of play, after which, any of the parties
involved may file a formal protest to the League within fortyeight (48) hours, and a
hearing will take place to determine all facts involved for a final judgment.
F. The Vice President shall supply at early weighins, up to sixty (60) coaches passes to
each organization and distribute one (1) pass per approved background check. Each
organization will be charged $5.00 per pass. The money collected will go to the
Coaches Care program. Each organization will provide a list of names who has
coaches passes.
3. Secretary:
A. The Secretary is elected to a two (2) year term of office by the Board of Directors.
B. The Secretary shall record all minutes of the League meetings and distribute notice
of dates, times, and places of such meetings. Upon approval of the minutes, the
Secretary shall post the approved minutes on the Leagues website.
C. The Secretary shall file and maintain all league documents required by the League for
reference, such as roster copies, doctors certifications, waivers and League contracts,
League insurance policies and shall be responsible for the distribution of one (1) copy
of the Bylaws & one (1) copy of the league roster to each Head Director.
D. The Secretary shall have no voting powers, unless he or she is the Head Director of a
member organization.
E. The Secretary shall have full authority to settle any disputes or unpleasant uprisings
that may arise on or off the field of play, after which, any of the parties involved may
file a formal protest to the League within fortyeight (48) hours, and a hearing will
take place to determine all facts involved for a final judgment.
F. The Secretary shall be responsible for all of the Official League WeighIns (Early,
Regular, and Late).
G. The Secretary shall receive the roster information from each organization
electronically on League approved forms. The information will be distributed by the
September meeting.
4. Treasurer:
A. The Treasurer is elected to a two (2) year term of office by the Board of Directors.
B. The Treasurer shall maintain the League funds and prepare all checks to be signed by
both President and Treasurer.

C. The Treasurer shall submit a monthly report to the Board of Directors and submit the
books and records for an annual audit.
D. The Treasurer shall have no voting power, unless he or she is the Head Director of a
member organization.
E. The Treasurer may set up any system for handling financial matters concerning the
League, as long as the Board of Directors is informed and concurs prior to such action.
G. The Treasurer shall have full authority to settle any disputes or unpleasant uprisings
that may arise on or off the field of play, after which, any of the parties involved may
file a formal protest to the League within fortyeight (48) hours, and a hearing will
take place to determine all facts involved for a final judgment.
F. The Treasurer shall report any unpaid fines before each meeting.
G. The Treasurer shall be responsible for conducting the PreSeason Jamboree.
C. Head Directors Duties and Responsibilities
1. The Head Director shall be appointed by each active organization.
2. The Head Director shall be responsible for the administration of the entire League.
3. The Head Director shall have ONE (1) vote for their respective organization.
4. Head Directors shall attend or have a designated representative every meeting called by
the League. (If the above is not complied with, the organization will lose voting rights at
the following regularly scheduled board meeting
5. If a Head Director is a Head Coach, he or she may not settle a dispute during his or her
game, but a designated Field Director will assume his or her duties during that game. The
other Head Director must be notified prior to the game being played of the name of that
Field Director.
6. The Head Director shall be responsible for the appointment and coordination of Field
Directors within their organization.
7. The Head Director shall be responsible for the actions of all persons within their
8. The Head Director shall be responsible for the equipment required at home games as out
lined in page 6, 9.A thru F and the equipment facilities at Mills Road Park at home games.
(Home team directors are responsible for their fields).
9. Head Directors shall be responsible for the access and the preparation of all home and
back up fields to be used on the League Schedule, and that all necessary equipment is at
those fields.
10. Equipment required at games:
A. Cash Box (with change)
B. Game Balls in good condition.
C. Gate Admissions Sign
D. Downs Marker
E. Chains
F. Copy of ByLaws
G. Rosters of Players
11. Head Directors shall see that the gate is tended and the gate admission is collected (the
amount of admission will be set by the Board of Directors from yeartoyear).
12. Home Head Directors are responsible for the submission of scores to the Leagues website
no later than Monday.
13. Head Directors must conform to the financial system of the League, as set up by the
Treasurer and Board of Directors.

14. Head Directors shall contact the President of the League to advise of any changes of
regular scheduled games or changes, such as postponed or rainedout games, and provide
all new information required for rescheduling.
15. Head Directors and all League Officers shall have full authority to stop any dispute or
unpleasant uprisings (on or off the field) of a fan, player, coach, assistant coach or referee,
if, in their judgment, ones conduct is detrimental to the League. Said offenders will be
subject to action in accordance with the League Disciplinary policy Each organization
shall provide refreshments to officials and county workers at the game. Each
organization will absorb this cost.
16. Each host organization shall be responsible for payment to all referees by check including
all preseason, regular season and postseason games. Referees of the Jamboree will be
paid by the two organizations that split the gate and the organization that is designated
as concession host. Each organization shall pay onethird (1/3).
17. Head Directors shall be responsible for, the submission of background checks on anyone
in their organization including all coaches and other volunteers that are in contact with
the children.
18. Head Directors shall submit a list of coaches showing that they have passed an approved
background check. Any issues must be reported to the President of the NKYFL.
D. Field Directors Duties and Responsibilities
1. Field Directors fall under the supervision of the Head Directors.
2. Field Directors will be given the same authority as a Head Director, if appointed, by a
Head Director in his or her absence.
3. Field Directors have no voting power.
E. Coaching Staffs Duties and Responsibilities
1. Coaches will carry themselves above reproach and will be of the highest caliber.
2. Head Coaches are required to attend or send a designated representative from their
division to the Annual League Meeting dealing with the updated Kentucky High School
Rules and reading of the League ByLaws. No Exceptions! One (1) representative per
3. Coaches shall not use foul language, drink alcoholic beverages within fenced boundaries
of the field or display foul jesters as deemed by the League during any League scheduled
4. Coaches shall not recruit or solicit a player outside the organizations territory.
5. Head Coaches shall be responsible for the actions of all assistant coaches and players on
their teams, at all times.
6. Head Coaches shall be responsible for all the completed paperwork that must be
presented at the Official League WeighIn on the dates and times as designated by the
7. Coaches are permitted to attend any regular League meeting and can be heard at said
meeting, as long as they do not cause a disturbance in the judgment of the President. If so,
they will be asked to leave.
8. Head Coaches shall be fully aware of the League weight requirements for their particular
teams. (This League will not let the player participate for the year, if your player exceeds
the required weight limit on the day of your teams designated time of the official weigh
9. Immediately prior to the Commencement of the game, the Head Coach of each team, Head
Director, or Field Director shall submit to the Head Coach, Head Director, or Field Director
of the opposing team a written list of the names, numbers, and positions of the teams
starting offensive players, if requested.

10. Any coach found guilty of the above rules will face action in accordance with the League
Disciplinary Code.
The League recognizes that football is a highly emotional game and in no way are the
above rules intended to take away any of those emotions. The League demands that as
coaches, you do not allow your players, your coaches or your emotions to get out of hand.
F. Organizations Duties and Responsibilities
1. All Organizations agree to abide by all the rules and ByLaws set forth by the League.
2. Each Organization will appoint an active Head Director to represent it within the League.
3. Each Organization shall see that each team entered in the League will have coaches of the
highest caliber in every division.
4. Each Organization shall maintain the supervision of their crowds. In the event that a
problem exists, that is not in the best interest of the League, either Head Directors or any
League Officer will have the authority to stop the game until the problem is corrected or
persons removed from the premises.
5. Each Organization will have at least one (1) Field Director for each divisional team
entered in the League.
6. Any Organization withdrawing from the League shall forfeit all rights to all League
7. Each Organization must participate in the Group Medical and Liability Insurance
Coverage by the League.
8. If a team drops out, a fine of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) may be assessed. Each
organization must inform the league by a designated meeting date if it is unable to field a
team in any particular division.
9. All Organizations will lose voting rights for the meeting following any meeting that they
do not have a Head Director or an appointed representative present.
10. Organizations shall be responsible for all the game equipment and will keep all such
equipment in excellent working order. (See League Duties and Responsibilities to
Organizations for the list of equipment in rule H, below.)
11. Each Organization shall be responsible for the marking of fields (according to the Rules
of Football) with the exception of Mills Road which will be marked by the League.
12. No Team Sponsor may be affiliated with Alcoholic Beverages.
13. All Organizations shall be required to play all scheduled or rescheduled games at the
times and places designated by the Home Team and this time and place must also be
arbitrated by the President of the League, with a twentyfour (24) hour notice.
14. In the event of a forfeit, a fine of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per team can be
awarded to the organization affected by the forfeit, if, in the judgment of the Board of
Directors, the forfeit could have been avoided.
15. Any team failing to pay fines by the next regular League meeting will lose their voting
power until payment is made.
16. If a team requires the use of another field (outside their normal home field or territory),
it is required that you must contact the Head Director of that field or territory.
17. The league will have the option to implement an annual League Fee of at least Five
Thousand Dollars ($5,000) per team rather than having individual Organizations collect
the gate for the league at league games. The fee would be paid by each Organization on
or before October 1st of each year. Implementation and the fee amount will be decided
at a later time.


G. League Duties and Responsibilities

1. The League shall maintain and enforce all rules and ByLaws and shall provide uptodate
rules and ByLaws and rosters to all organizations in the League.
2. Each Organization shall be given a clear and visible map outlining their own recruiting
territories and will be advised of all areas that are open to them. (Official Map to be
updated and put in safety deposit box).
3. The League shall post the season schedule on the Leagues official website. Each
organization will be responsible for printing and distributing their own copies.
4. The League shall assign a representative(s) to address all League advertisements, scores
and weekly standings.
5. The League shall conduct and Official League WeighIn and shall provide any and all
necessary information to organizations for the Official League Weighin.
6. The League shall be responsible for conducting the PlayOffs and Super Bowl Programs
and shall provide the necessary personnel to conduct the full operation of the games. In
all playoff games including the Super Bowl, the higher seeded team must provide chain
crews and announcers.
7. The League shall provide two (2) Precision Scales, to be kept in good working condition.
8. The League shall purchase the trophies for the winners of each division and both Super
Bowl contenders of each division. The budget for trophies will be $4000. That will be for
10 Superbowl Champion, 10 Superbowl Runner up, and 10 Division Champions. A Grand
Champion Trophy will be awarded to the winner and will be a traveling trophy and is not
included in the budget.
9. The League shall retain One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) in the treasury for operating
funds for the following season. The disposition of any excess will be decided by a majority
vote of the Board of Directors.
10. The League shall be is responsible for creating a Game Day rule sheet that will be given
to the Head Official by the Head Directors. The Game Day rules are further set out in
these ByLaws.
H. Organization Status:
1. New Organizations may only be admitted into the League if twothirds (2/3) majority
vote of the existing organizations in the League is received, and provided that a vacancy
exists in the League, and that the League has the facilities to handle the new
organization(s), and provided that the proposed new organization does not intend to be
located nor draw players from the same territory as an existing organization in the
2. Removal from the NKYFL can occur if:
No representation for 6 meetings in one calendar year.
Financial obligations will not or cannot be met.
Cannot field teams in all divisions on a regular basis. (Football & Cheerleading inclusive.)
Organizational conduct detrimental to the NKYFL.
Removal requires at least a 2/3 vote (at least 10 votes) of all Head Directors.
I. League Rules:
1. Territorial Boundaries:
A. The Organizations in the League are limited to players whose primary residence on
the official weighin date is in the territory assigned to it by the League and designated
by the map furnished by the League. Primary Residence is defined as where the
player lives the majority of the time and where dispute arises as to where a player
lives the majority of the time, the school the player attends will determine primary

B. Any player living in a gray area may only play for a team bordering that gray area
without submitting a waiver request.
C. No territorial boundary should be adjusted without the agreement of all parties
involved, except where the majority of the Board of Directors determines that failing
to make a change would be harmful and not in the best interest of the League. A
majority vote can override the organizations involved.
D. Any forfeiture based on a challenge as to a rostered players eligibility must be
submitted at any time.
E. Any player found to have been improperly placed on an organizations roster will not
be permitted to continue to play for that organization unless granted permission
through proper League procedures.
2. Organizations Colors:
The following jersey colors of the respective teams as listed by seniority are hereby
established, and any teams wishing to change to another color must get approval of the
majority of the Board to do so. If 2 sets of uniforms are used, the numbers must be the
same on both sets by 2016.
Erlanger Lions Blue & White Jerseys
Red Devils Red & White Jerseys
Dixie Raiders (2 Sets) Silver, Black, White
Spartans Green Jerseys
Bengal Tigers Black Jerseys
Newport Wildcats White & Black Jerseys
Dayton Devils Green Jerseys
Bellevue Tigers (2 Sets) White Jerseys
Ludlow Panthers Red & White Jerseys
South Kenton Nittany Lions Navy Blue
Taylor Mill Eagles Royal Blue & Gray
Union Jaguars Maroon & Gold
Union Raiders Orange & Black
NKY Bandits Pewter, Red & White
Walton Verona Bearcats Royal Blue and White
3. Recruiting:
A. No coach, or anyone associated with an organization, shall recruit or solicit a player
outside the organizations territory.
B. Any player living in a territory in which there is an organizational team in the division
for which they are eligible must play for that organization.
C. If a rostered players family (Father, Mother or Legal Guardian) moves out of his
present teams territory the player may continue to play for the original organization,
or may move to the new organization where the player resides.
1. If the player chooses to remain with the current organization, then the player will
be treated as if the residence is still within that organizations territory.
2. The player will retain the option of moving to the new team for 2 seasons.
3. If he or she moves to the new organization, he or she may not return to the
original organization.
4. Gray Areas:
Any player who has played for a particular organization does not have the option to play
for another organization unless the player moves out of the gray area. If a previous
rostered player moves out of the League territory (Boone, Kenton, & Campbell Counties)

and continues to live outside the territory, the player may return only to their previous
rostered organization the following year. If a previous rostered player moves out of the
present area into a gray area, the player has an option, for one year, to play for the present
team or for any organization bordering the gray area. It shall be noted that a portion of
Boone County designated as the Boone County High School attendance area shall be a
gray area.
5. Hardships / Waivers:
A. Head Directors shall vote on all waivers. The decision will be made by a majority vote.
All ties will be broken by the vote of the President.
B. All hardships/waivers shall be discussed in a regular League meeting and the results
(including player names and team) will be recorded in the next League minutes.
C. The Head Directors shall meet in a closed meeting to decide the status of all waivers.
D. The Hardship/Waiver meeting shall take place the week leading up to the Jamboree
and subsequent waiver meeting shall occur before late weighin.
6. Scouting Other Teams:
A. Scouting is permissible by other teams.
B. Any video and movie filming of other teams games is allowed from the sideline stands
only. Filming will not be allowed from the field level, including end zones, by anyone
($500.00 Fine).
C. Except for League approved media coverage, identification is required for entrance.
7. Regular Season Scheduling:
A. The opening date for games in League competition shall be on a day and time set by
the Board from year to year.
B. The Regular season shall consist of a schedule as set by the Scheduling Committee,
appointed by the President. This committee will consist of three (3) members of the
Board from three (3) different organizations.
C. This same committee will be responsible for all regular and post season scheduling.
D. The prescribed format for regularly scheduled games will be as follows:
Day & Night Schedule
1st Game Starter Team
2nd Game Midget Team
3rd Game Peewee Team
4th Game Junior Team
5th Game Junior Youth Team
Game Senior Team
E. No organization will be allowed to schedule games outside our League on Saturdays
or Sundays during the regular season including post season and Super Bowl without
permission of Executive board with the exception of teams with bye dates. This does
not include preseason or scrimmages during the week.
F. Organizations shall not schedule games with organizations that are not on the League
Schedule where we are in direct competition for players and cheerleaders.
G. RainedOut or Postponed Games: Home Team Head Directors shall be responsible to
cancel game(s) and call the President of the League, the scheduler of the officials, and
the Head Director of the opposing team and advise them of the situation.
H. Home Teams shall be responsible to reschedule the games and notify the person
scheduling the officials. Visiting Teams must comply with the times, places, and setup,
as long as there is a minimum twentyfour (24) hour advance notice to the President
and the Visiting Teams Head Director.

I. If the game is changed to a different place, time, or day, the President of the League
and the person scheduling the officials, must be informed by the Home Team Head
Director in sufficient time for the relaying of this information to all Head Directors
and the officials.
J. When possible, rainedout or postponed games will be played the following Monday
at Mills Road, weather permitting.
K. If the Home Team does not have a firm schedule date by the following Tuesday, at
6:00pm, the option will be given to the Visiting Team or the League Officials to
reschedule the game no later than the following weekend.
L. The President shall make a final determination regarding all rescheduled games.
M. If games scheduled at Mills Road Park are cancelled due to field conditions and the
host team must arrange for use of another field, the League shall pay a reasonable
amount for such field use.
8. Player Equipment:
A. The players of each team competing in the League shall be required to wear the
following equipment when competing, in addition to regularly required football
1. Teeth Protector (Mouthpiece) which must be attached to helmet.
2. The official shoe worn by all teams will be a football/soccer style shoe without
metal tips or stems connected to shoe.
3. Helmet with bar across face. Helmet must be NOCSAE approved.
4. Jersey (numbered front and back).
5. Pants (with hip, knee and thigh pads).
6. Athletic supporter with cup (recommended, not required).
B. Each organization shall be required to certify that all helmets are within
manufacturers warranty.
9. Eligibility of Players:
1. Age No Player will be eligible to participate in this division who has or will reach
their fourteenth (14th) birthday prior to January 1
in the year which they play.
This applies to both football & cheerleading participants. Birthdate shall be on or
after 1/1/2000.
2. Weight A player may not exceed 180 pounds to be eligible to run or advance the
ball. Players whose weight exceeds 180 pounds must play on the line of
scrimmage, in a down stance, from end to end and may not run or advance the
ball. The League will dictate a form of identification for these players. The official
weighin shall be set by the League prior to the commencement of League
competition. The weight limit will be unlimited for end to end, on both sides of
the ball. The TightEnd can advance the ball in a passing situation beyond the
Line of Scrimmage. No EndArounds, Screen Passes, etc. to the TightEnd.
1. Age No Player will be eligible to participate in this division who has or will reach
their twelfth (12th) birthday prior to May 1
in the year which they play. Birthday
shall be on or after 5/1/2002.
2. Weight A player may not exceed 140 pounds to be eligible to run or advance the
ball. Players whose weight exceeds 140 pounds must play on the line of
scrimmage, in a down stance, from end to end and may not run or advance the
ball. The League will dictate a form of identification for these players. The official
weighin shall be set by the League prior to the commencement of League

competition. The weight limit will be unlimited for end to end, on both sides of
the ball. The TightEnd can advance the ball in a passing situation beyond the
Line of Scrimmage. No EndArounds, Screen Passes, etc. to the TightEnd.

Junior Youth Team Rules
1. Junior Youth will be a competitive division
2. In order to have a competitive team, you must have at least 27 players on
your Jr./Jr. Youth roster.
3. If you have 27, 28 or 29 players you may designate a floater(s) to reach a
total of 30. If you have 30 or more, you will have a competitive team.
4. If you have 26 or less players, the game will still be played. There will be NO
5. Floaters are described as:
a) cannot be a starter on the Junior team and
b) cannot play more than 6 quarters between both
6. Junior Youth roster must be declared by late weighin.
7. Junior Youth players must be at the Junior game by halftime.

1. Age No Player will be eligible to participate in this division who has or will reach
their tenth (10th) birthday prior to May 1st in the year which they play. Birthdate
on or after 5/1/2004.
2. Weight A player may not exceed 120 pounds (Midget) or 110 (Peewee) to be
eligible to run or advance the ball. Players whose weight exceeds 120 pounds
(Midget) or 110 (Peewee) must play on the line of scrimmage, in a down stance,
from end to end and may not run or advance the ball. The League will dictate a
form of identification for these players. The official weighin shall be set by the
League prior to the commencement of League competition. The weight limit will
be unlimited for end to end, on both sides of the ball. The TightEnd can advance
the ball in a passing situation beyond the Line of Scrimmage. No EndArounds,
Screen Passes, etc. to the TightEnd.

Midget/Peewee Team Rules
1. Peewees will be a competitive division
2. In order to have a competitive team, you must have at least 27 players on
your Midget/Peewee roster.
3. If you have 27, 28 or 29 players, you may designate a floater(s) to reach a
total of 30. If you have 30 or more players, you must have a competitive
4. If you have 26 or less, the game will still be played. There will NO BYES.
5. Floaters are described as:
a) cannot be a starter on the Midget team and
b) cannot play more than 6 quarters between both games.
6. Peewee roster must be declared by late weighin.
7. Peewee players must be at the Midget game by halftime.


Punt only from inside own 50 yard line. Simulated punt of 25 yards net, no rush, no
return, automatic fair catch.
Hardships made be made for 9 year olds to play at the Pee Wee level on a case by
case basis. These will be brought before the Executive Board by the August meeting
(early weighin) at the latest.
1 coach will be permitted in the huddle on both offense and defense, during the first
3 games of the season.

D . Teams may not add additional players after the official late weighin day.
E. Any change in weight limits for any division shall require a twothirds (2/3) majority
of the Board of Directors (10 votes).
10. Contracts, Birth Certificates, and Doctors Certificates:
A. All teams, through their coaches, managers, or sponsors, are required to file with the
League the following documents at the Official WeighIns. A list of these
requirements will be printed on all contracts.
1. A Leagueapproved contract for each player completed by parents or guardians,
and the coach of the team for which the player intends to play.
2. A Copy of the Birth Certificate for each player verifying the age of the player, or
any Legal Document stating such information.
3. A Current Medical Certificate for each player stating that the player is physically
fit to participate in athletics.
4. A Copy of a school picture must be attached to the contract, to represent the
player that is to weigh in.
B. No player will be eligible for competition unless a copy of their contract, doctors
certificate and birth certificate is filed with the League Secretary on the Official
WeighIn day. Medical Certificates must be on a doctors letterhead and signed by the
doctor. This will include team physicals.
C. All paperwork shall be presented at the time the player participates in weighin.
D. The Official League Roster to be Furnished by the League (on website) shall contain
the following information:
1. Jersey number Column
2. First and Last Name Column
3. Address (Actual city lived in) Column
4. Phone Number Column
5. Date of Birth Column
6. School Attending Column
7. Lives in Territory Yes / No Column
8. Waiver approved Column
9. Birth Certificate Column
10. Contract Complete Column
11. Physical Certificate Column
12. Weight OK Yes / No Column
13. NKYFL Certifying Officials Column
E. No player is permitted to be on more than one football roster within or with a team
outside the League.
F. Two copies of the Official League roster shall be submitted in typed format at the early
league weighin. A copy of the official league roster is available at A
complete electronic copy must be turned into the Secretary immediately after the late

G. Waivers to be kept on file and available at Jamboree.

H. Original and two copies brought to meeting one to league, one to affected
organization and one to the organization requesting the waiver.
I. Waivers MUST be brought to the weighin with the childs Jamboree packet
J. Official League WeighIns:
K. The Official PreSeason WeighIn will be conducted by the Officers of the League and
supervised by the Head Directors of each organization.
L. The PreSeason Official WeighIns, teams will be in Game Jersey only. No Equipment.
M. The teams weigh in times will be scheduled according to the schedule of the
N. Coaches will not be allowed to dispute any decision arrived at from any weighins
conducted by the league Officials or Head Directors.
O. All rosters turned in at the Official PreSeason WeighIns shall be completed and
typed, in numeric order, or they will not be accepted. Incomplete paperwork will
result in a fifty dollar ($50.00) fine per division roster. NOTE TO COACHES: This
League will not give any extra poundage allowance to anyone. It is in your best
interest to make sure your players qualify by weight before any of the Official League
P. The addition of players to rosters will be prohibited after the Late WeighIn.
Q. The Official PreSeason WeighIns will take place on the second (2nd) Weekend prior
to the opening game date set by the League each year. (Notice of times and places of
the WeighIns for all organizations will be given in ample time, so there is no
R. No organization or team will be permitted to participate in any preseason or preview
games that conflict with the weighin times provided by the League.
S. There will be a final late weighin to be held at a location designated by the League
during the first Saturday game (first game of regular season). Any player who has
failed to participate in the official Weighin cannot participate in any preview or
preseason games until that player has participated in the late weighin.
T. To prevent circumventing the Leagues weight rules, the League will set the early
weighin date on the second Wednesday following the official start of the practice
U. The Running Back Weight Limit for PreSeason WeighIns will be as follows and all
weights will be strictly followed:
a. Starter Division 90 Pounds
b. Pee Wee Division 110 Pounds
c. Midget Division 120 Pounds
d. Junior Division 140 Pounds
e. Senior Division 180 Pounds
V. Early WeighIn:
W. Players who are unable to attend the Official League Weighin, are required to weigh
in before the Official League WeighIns in the presence of at least two League Officers
(The Secretary, President, Vice President, or Treasurer) and the Head Director of the
organization involved.
X. The League will allow early weighins one hour before the August League meeting
with completed paperwork in hand (as long as teams showup with a completed
roster of the early weighins, all required paperwork) Note: If a physical isnt
scheduled yet is the only excuse concerning paperwork.

Y. If a player elects to weighin early, this will not be his/her official weighin, unless
player makes weight. He or She will be allowed to reweigh all the way to the late
weighin (all penalties apply). This will promote a healthier environment for the
player to make weight.
11. Special League Game Rules
A. League games shall be played according to the Official Kentucky Rules known as the
Kentucky High School Football Rules, except for the following special league rules
adopted by the league.
1. 18 (24) Point Rule All Divisions Except (24 points at the Senior Division):
a. If during the first 3/4 of a game, one team is ahead by eighteen points (24
points at the Sr. Division) at that time and immediately upon the eighteenth
(18th) (24 points at the Sr. Division) point advantage being scored, the
leading team shall substitute and take out of the game its entire offensive
starting players. Said starting players (offensive) shall not be eligible to
return to the game (offensively) until the point differential between the teams
is less than eighteen (18) (24 points at the Sr. Division) points at any point in
the first half. If an insufficient number of players are available to do this, all
remaining bench players must be substituted and the Offensive backfield
must be removed first. When the 18 (24) point is in effect no blitzing or
stunting is allowed by either team. Violation of this rule will incur an
ineligibility player penalty and will be considered by the League as
unsportsmanlike conduct. When the point spread is 32 or greater during the
second half, there will be a continuously running clock. This rule only applies
through round one (1) of the playoffs.
b. If at any time during the 4th quarter of a game, one team is ahead by 18 points,
(24 points at the Sr Division) and immediately upon the 18th (24th) point
advantage being scored, BOTH TEAMS shall substitute and take out of the
game ALL of their offensive & defensive starting players. Said starting players
shall not be eligible to return to the game (offensively & defensively) until the
point difference between the teams are less than 18 (24) points. The clock
during this time will run continuously. If an insufficient number of players
are available to do this, all remaining bench players must be substituted and
the offensive backfield must be removed first. Violation of this rule will incur
an ineligibility player penalty and will be considered by the League as
unsportsmanlike conduct.
c. 1(a) and 1(b) do not apply after the First Round of the PlayOffs or Super
COACHES: Coaches violating 1(a), 1(b), or 1(c) will be subject to action in
accordance with the League Disciplinary Policy.
2. Length of Games: The Following games will consist of:
a. Senior (4) Four (8) EIGHTMinute Quarters
b. Juniors (4) Four (8) EIGHT Minute Quarters
c. Midgets (4) Four (8) EIGHT Minute Quarters
d. Peewees (4) Four (8) EIGHT Minute Quarters
The length of halftime should not exceed 11 minutes, except for special
3. Tie Games: Any regular season, PlayOff, or Super Bowl game ending in a tie,
requires the toss of a coin to determine who has the choice of offense or defense.
The offensive team then gets the ball first and goal at the TEN (10) yard line.

The team, who outscores the other team, by any means, is the winner. If a tie
still results, the above should be repeated starting with a new toss of the coin.
Therefore, there will be NO TIES in the League.
4. Footballs: The official ball of the League shall be the Intermediate Size for Senior
Division and the Touch Size for the Junior & K2 for the Midget, Pee Wee &
Starter Divisions.
5. Required Number of Players: A minimum of fifteen (15) players must be
dressed for each regular season game at game time or the game will be forfeited.
6. Regular ONE HUNDRED (100) yard fields will be used in all games for all
divisions and all penalties shall be according to the Kentucky High School
Football Rules.
7. Coaches will be allowed in the huddle on the field during timeouts, but only
one at a time, according to KHSAA Rules.
8. Immediately prior to the commencement of each game, the coach of each team
shall submit to the opposing head coach of the game, a written list of the names
and numbers and positions of the teams starting offensive players, if requested.
9. A field without stands can have one (1) roving spotter per team, so designated
prior to the game (cannot be an active coach and cannot communicate with
anyone except the coaching staff of that team).
10. No one affiliated with an organization may start practice or have any organized
physical activity of players prior to the date of commencement of League
Insurance in any season. (There is a fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00) if
this rule is found to be abused by any organization.) Classroom (Skull Sessions)
are permitted by the League.
11. No team shall use any explosive device before, during, or after any League
Note: All Coaches should become acquainted with the above special league rules!

12. Divisions
A. All organizations will be divided and separated into two divisions (National and American).
B. The divisions will be decided based on the size of the organization (ie. number of rostered
players) and the prior years final season ranking.
C. For 2014, the divisions shall be as follows:
National American
Bengal Tigers Dayton Green Devils
Erlanger Lions Bellevue Tigers
Union Raiders Ludlow Panthers
Union Jaguars Newport Wildcats
Red Devils Taylor Mill Eagles
South Kenton Nittany Lions Dixie Raiders
NKY Bandits Walton Verona Bearcats
Spartans Union Jags 7th
D. The divisions for subsequent seasons can be determined based on the final season ranking.
Therefore, the overall highest ranked team in the American Division can move to the National
Division while the lowest ranked team in the National Division can move to the American
13. PlayOffs:
A. At the conclusion of the regularly scheduled games, an elimination game may or may not
be conducted under the supervision and auspices of the League.

B. Game clock operators will be assigned by the League by hiring an extra official for the
Second Round PlayOffs and Super Bowl.
C. In determining what organizations get to sponsor the PlayOff Programs, the following will
be the adopted format:
i. The list of all organizations that have not had a PlayOff at their fields will be filed
(and updated from year to year) with the League Secretary. These organizations
will be asked if they can accept PlayOffs for that year.
ii. Any organization that cannot accept the PlayOffs for reasons unknown will still
remain eligible for the PlayOffs until they use their turn.
iii. Once an organization does sponsor a PlayOff, they will be put at the bottom of
the PlayOff list and cannot sponsor a PlayOff until their turn comes around
again. (See attached PlayOff and Super Bowl Addendum.)
D. For the first round of the playoffs, 40 games will be played (4 games each in Peewee,
Midget, Junior Youth, Junior and Senior divisions). Five games will be played on each field at
Mills Road Park on both Saturday and Sunday (total of 20 games will be played at Mills Road
Park for the first round). Five games will be played at four other fields on both Saturday and
E. Playoff format will involve the top eight (8) teams in each division (except Starters), Seeds
are determined by best overall record in your division. The eight teams will be seeded in
numbers one through eight. In case of ties, tiebreakers will be as follows:
1. Head to Head Competition.
2. Where 3 or more teams are tied, and head to head cannot resolve the tie, the tied
teams will have their names entered into a drawing. The FIRST name drawn out
shall be the next highest placed seed. After this team is drawn and seeded, we
return to criteria 1) Head to Head Competition. Again, if this does not resolve the
tie, another drawing of the tied teams is held with the FIRST team drawn being
the next highest placed seed.
3. This process is followed until all eight teams are seeded.
Example: Lions 72 beat Newport (All are tied for first)
Newport 72 beat Red Devils
Red Devils 72 beat Lions
In this scenario, Head to Head will not resolve the tie. All are put in a drawing, and
Lions are drawn first. Lions become #1 seed. Of the two teams remaining tied, we
return to Head to Head competition, whereby Newport becomes the #2 seed due
to the fact that they beat Red Devils, who become the #3 seed.
F. Playoff pairings and schedule would be as follows:
Playoff games and times will be determined at the playoff meeting that will take place
after the last regular season game at a site to be determined.
Super Bowl (Saturday)
Field TBA
Pee Wee

Junior Youth

G. Superbowl Teams:
1. A Super Bowl will be conducted under the supervision and auspices of the league
the first Saturday and Sunday of November.
2. The winners of the Super Bowls in each division shall play in the Grand
Championship the second weekend of November.
3. Game clock operators will be assigned by the league. The two (2) teams in the
Grand Championship will be awarded trophies by the league, winner and runner
up. The League will reimburse each team a maximum of five dollars ($5.00) per
player and coach for team color patches. All receipts must be turned in to the
league. The League will provide trophies to all Grand Championship players.
H. PostSeason Games:
1. No teams in the league may participate in a post season game which conflicts with
the league scheduling of championship games.
2. There will be a five hundred dollar ($500.00) fine imposed on any organization
that fails to follow this rule.
14. Ineligible Players or Cheating:
A. All Head Coaches are responsible for reviewing each players contracts for accuracy
and validating proper addresses, territories in conformance with the league rules and
Note: Any violation proven after the start of the first game may result in the
organization to forfeit all games within that division and the head coach could be
suspended for a season.
B. Any team player or member of this league found to have an ineligible player or found
to be cheating the rules and ByLaws of this league, will forfeit all previous games won
(that resulted from this violation) and will be punished in accordance to the findings
of the Governing body. These findings could result in banishment from the league,
fines, or probation of any person or organizations affiliated with the league. (Any
player in question concerning address or territory, the League will require
verification of address and school attended, signed by the principal of that school).
15. Protests:
A. During a game, if a coach wishes to protest a call or ask for any explanations, it may
be done in the following manner:
1. The Head Coach may take a charged timeout to obtain an opinion from the official
or officials. But in any case, they will abide by that decision.
2. It is required that all coaches and their staffs conduct themselves professionally
and do nothing by their actions that might give a bad example to the players or
fans, nor bring disgrace upon the league.
B. The League, or any team in the league, through its duly authorized representative,
may protest the violation of the league rule or ByLaws by the league or a team coach,
player, or sponsor. The protest must only pertain to the protest and not to a
recommendation on the decision of the board. Protests concerning decisions on calls
will automatically be denied.
C. Protests shall be in writing within forty eight (48) hours of infraction and shall be
filed with the league Secretary and President. Upon receipt of a protest, the Secretary
and President of the league shall call a special meeting of the Board of Directors, to

hear the protest and make a ruling thereon. A fee of Twenty five dollars ($25.00) will
be charged to hear the protest. This Twenty five dollars ($25.00) fee will be refunded
if the protest is upheld.
D. The Board at its special meeting shall hear the protest, and a decision shall be made
by a majority vote of the Board present. The decision of the Board is final.
E. The Board may dismiss the filed protest, warn or censure a coach or sponsor, forfeit
a game or games involved in the protest, terminate a teams membership in the
league, prohibit an individual to be associated with a team in the league, declare a
player to be ineligible to play permanently or temporarily, or disqualify a team
F. The decisions of the Board shall be in writing and signed by all members of the Board
present and in agreement therewith. A copy of the decision shall be mailed to the
affected parties or coaches.
16. Mandatory Playing Time. All players in the Peewee, Midgets, Junior Youth, Junior and
divisions shall play at least eight (8) plays each game. The mandatory play requirement is
waived for sickness, injury, refusal to play or disciplinary violations. Any coach who violates
the mandatory playing time provision shall be reported to his or her Head Director and
handled internally within that affected organization. Playing time for all players is the
primary goal for all teams in the League. It is up to each coach
17. Final:
A. ByLaws and Rules cannot be altered or changed during the playing season.
B. Any changes made to these Rules and ByLaws must conform to Roberts Rules of
Order and any State Laws in effect at that time.
D. All of the above ByLaws are understood to also apply to all cheerleading squads &
cheerleaders in the League with the following exceptions and additions:
1. ByLaws also do not apply to cheerleaders when they are in conflict with the
approved Cheerleader ByLaws. When in question, the President decided which
ByLaw applies.
2. Cheerleaders may not at any time build or stunt on concrete, asphalt, or other
hard surface without the presence of mats.
E. The League Board of Directors will have final approval on any and all cheerleading
activities, including but not limited to the yearly Cheerleading Competition.

Note: When traveling outside the area, please notify leagues insurance agent.



Rules for NKYFL Starter Division

1. Eligibility:
A. Cannot turn 8 years old before May 1
B. Eligible for all rights and subject to all regulations in accordance with the leagues ByLaws
for the Midget Division except for the Running Back Weight Limit which is 90 pounds for the
Starter Division.
2. Games:
A. Games will be played before the Midget game.
B. Two (2) Twenty (20) minute halves with running clock.
C. Five (5) minute half.
D. Three (3) coaches allowed on the field for each team.
E. Scores will not be posted on the scoreboard.
F. No records will count, nor will a PlayOff or Super Bowl be held for this division.
G. One (1) adult coach from each team will be provided as a referee for this game.
H. The HOME team can decide the format of the game with the following choices
Dividing the field in half and playing two teams simultaneously.
Ten plays offense, ten plays defense (Scrimmage).
Normal Game Conditions.
Simulated punts of 35 yards regardless of field position or none at all. (In addition, there
will be no kickoffs in the Starter Division).
I. Only two substitutes on the field at one time.
J. Even Defense only, 62, No player over center.
K. No League awards for this division.
L. Allow PlayByPlay announcing from booth.
M. No Blitzing!
N. Coaches can instruct players anytime during a game, including moving players into position
when teams are on the line of scrimmage.
O. The Home Teams head coach will have a copy of the ByLaws on the field at every game.
P. An attempt will be made to split the field of play when both teams have sufficient numbers.
Q. All Starters will play at least one half of each scheduled game.

NKYFL Fund Raising
2014 2015
1. Cheer Competition Bengal Tigers Red Devils
2. Saturday Jamboree Gate (morning) Red Devils Erlanger
3. Saturday Jamboree Concession Erlanger Spartans
4. Saturday Jamboree Gate (afternoon) Spartans Dixie
5. Sunday Jamboree Gate (morning) Dixie Dayton
6. Double Playoff Dayton Bellevue
7. Double Playoff Bellevue Newport
8. SemiPlayoff Newport Taylor Mill
9. SemiPlayoff Taylor Mill Union Jaguars
10. Super Bowl Union Jaguars Ludlow
11. Sun Jamboree Concession Ludlow Walton
12. Sun Jamboree Gate (afternoon) Walton Union Raiders


NKYFL Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Policy

All individuals in attendance at League events or visiting the Leagues official website
( will adhere to the League conduct and disciplinary policy as noted below and in the
league contract. This includes any electronic communication. (IE: email, blog, message forum, etc.)
The League will not tolerate conduct by any director, coach, player, or parent (family) that is
considered by the Head Directors to be detrimental to the league. The following penalties may be
assessed for any such conduct occurring at any League game or function, or any conduct that in any
way effects the overall reputation, spirit, and best interests of all participants in the League. Any such
Will only be assessed following an official written complaint to the League President,
specifying the allegations and requesting action.
Will be decided by a majority vote of Head Directors at the next regularly scheduled league
meeting, or at a special meeting if necessary. The Head Directors will decide the severity
and/or duration of any penalty, and their vote is final.
Upon receipt of a protest against a penalty the President must notify all Head Directors within
48 hours of the receipt of the protest.
Will be specific to the various participants, as follows:
Any parent may be prohibited from attending any number of future League games.
The organization may be held accountable and fined up to $500 for the parents conduct,
if it is determined that the organization (or representatives of that organization) either
condoned or encouraged such conduct.
No penalty shall be levied against any other participant for a parents conduct.
Any player who is ejected from a League game is automatically suspended for their next
scheduled league game, to include PlayOff games, Super Bowl, & AllStar games. This
penalty will carry over from season to season.
Any player who is ejected from two games, in any given season is automatically
suspended for the remainder of that season, including PlayOff games, Super Bowl, & All
Star games.
Any coach who is ejected from a League game is automatically suspended for their next
game, to include PlayOff games, Super Bowl, & AllStar games. This penalty will carry
over from season to season.
A coach may be suspended for any number of future League games for any conduct
deemed unacceptable by the head directors. The number of games will be determined by
the head directors and will be based on the severity of the infraction.
Any coach may be suspended from attending any number of future league meetings. The
number of meetings will be determined by the head directors and will be based on the
severity of the infraction.
The organization may be held accountable and fined up to $500 for the coachs conduct,
if it is determined that the organization (or representatives of that organization)
tolerated, condoned, or encouraged such conduct.
Directors and Officers:
Any action against a director or officer (as a director or officer) will be decided by the
remaining directors, as per League ByLaws.

Any director or officer may be suspended from attending any number of future league
meetings. The number of meetings will be determined by the remaining head directors
& officers and will be based on the severity of the infraction.
The affected organization will be responsible for appointing a replacement for their head
director for any suspension period. Replacement of officers for any suspension period
will follow ByLaw procedures.
The applicable organization may be held accountable and fined up to $500 for the
directors conduct if it is determined that the organization (or representatives of that
organization) tolerated, condoned, or encouraged such conduct.

Rules at Mills Road Complex:
Tailgating is prohibited at the Mills Road Complex.
Alcohol is prohibited at the Mills Road Complex including the Football Parking Lot
during games.
The Host Team at Mills Road is responsible for the cleanup on Field 2, Field 2
Bleachers, Concession Stand and the Parking Lot.
The Home Team on Field 1 is responsible for the cleanup on Field 1 and the Field 1
The Host Team at Mills Road is responsible to signoff on the cleanup of all of the
Mills Road complex. The Field Maintenance Superintendent will verify that the clean
up has been performed satisfactorily. If the cleanup is not satisfactory, the Host
and/or Home Teams will be given an opportunity to cleanup again. If the cleanup
is not performed by Wednesday, then the Field Maintenance Superintendent will
perform the cleanup at a rate of $100 per hour to be charged to the Host or Home

The above listed policy is designed to protect the best interests of all participants in the
League. Any attempt to use it as a vehicle for any other purpose will be considered a gross violation
of the policy and will be dealt with severely. Any complaint that is filed that is considered to be
frivolous or not in the spirit of the policy can and will generate disciplinary action as outlined above.
Any appeals regarding any penalties or suspensions will be considered on a casebycase
basis. The head directors will rule on all appeals, by a majority vote, and their vote is final.


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