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NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

Workbook for
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1)
Certification Examination

National Institute of Securities Markets
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

This workbook has been developed to assist candidates in preparing for the National Institute
of Securities Markets (NISM) Level 1 Certification Examination for Investment Advisers.

Workbook Version: May 2013

Published by:
National Institute of Securities Markets
National Institute of Securities Markets, 2013
Plot 82, Sector 17, Vashi
Navi Mumbai 400 703, India

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publishers is strictly prohibited.

NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

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While the NISM Certification examination will be largely based on material in this workbook,
NISM does not guarantee that all questions in the examination will be from material covered
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

About NISM
In pursuance of the announcement made by the Finance Minister in his Budget Speech in
February 2005, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has established the National
Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) in Mumbai.
SEBI, by establishing NISM, has articulated the desire expressed by the Indian government to
promote securities market education and research.
Towards accomplishing the desire of Government of India and vision of SEBI, NISM has
launched an effort to deliver financial and securities education at various levels and across
various segments in India and abroad. To implement its objectives, NISM has established six
distinct schools to cater the educational needs of various constituencies such as investor,
issuers, intermediaries, regulatory staff, policy makers, academia and future professionals of
securities markets.
NISM brings out various publications on securities markets with a view to enhance knowledge
levels of participants in the securities industry.
NISM is mandated to implement certification examinations for professionals employed in
various segments of the Indian securities markets.

NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

This workbook has been developed by NISM in consultation with the Examination Committee
for NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination consisting of
industry experts. NISM gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the committee members.

About the Author
This workbook has been developed by the Certification Team of National Institute of Securities
Markets in co-ordination with Ms. Uma Shashikant of the Centre for Investment Education and

NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

About the Level 1 Certification Examination for Investment Adviser
The examination seeks to create a common minimum knowledge benchmark for all associated
persons registered as an investment adviser and partners and representatives of investment
advisers under SEBI (Investment Advisers) Regulations, 2013 and offering investment advisory
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination is the level 1
examination and NISM would also be launching the level 2 of the Investment Adviser
Certification Examination.
An associated person shall be required to pass both the levels (i.e. NISM-Series-X-A: Investment
Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination and NISM-Series-X-B: Investment Adviser (Level 2)
Certification Examination) to fulfill the requirements under Regulation 7(2) of the SEBI
(Investment Advisers) Regulations, 2013.
The certification aims to enhance the quality of investment advisory and related services in the
financial services industry.
Examination Objectives
On successful completion of the examination, the candidate should:
Know the basics of investment advisory, steps in the advisory process, making and
implementation of financial plan.
Understand how to evaluate different products, their suitability and how the
recommendation of the same can impact investment risks, returns and strategies in a
personal finance environment for investors and prospective investors in the market.
Get oriented to the Income tax, Wealth tax and legalities of Estate planning in personal
finance, and regulatory aspects underlying advisory.
Get acquainted with financial planning as an approach to investing, insurance, retirement
planning and an aid for advisers to develop long term relationships with their clients.

Assessment Structure
The examination consists of 100 questions of 1 mark each and should be completed in 2 hours.
The passing score on the examination is 60%. There shall be negative marking of 25% of the
marks assigned to a question.
How to register and take the examination
To find out more and register for the examination please visit
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination


CHAPTER 1: CONCEPT OF FINANCIAL PLANNING .................................................................... 9
1.1. Meaning of Financial Planning ......................................................................................... 9
1.2. Need for Financial Advisory Services ............................................................................. 10
1.3. Scope of Financial Planning Services .............................................................................. 11
1.4. Financial Advisory and Execution ................................................................................... 13
1.5. Financial Planning Delivery Process ............................................................................... 15
CHAPTER 2: MEASURING INVESTMENT RETURNS ................................................................. 25
2.1. Understanding Return .................................................................................................... 25
2.2. Understanding Return Concepts .................................................................................... 25
2.3. The Concept of Compounding ....................................................................................... 29
2.4. Real Rate of Return vs. Nominal Rate of Return ............................................................ 41
2.5. Tax Adjusted Return ....................................................................................................... 42
CHAPTER 3: MANAGING INVESTMENT RISK ......................................................................... 45
3.1. Define risk ....................................................................................................................... 45
3.2. Common Types of Risk ................................................................................................... 45
3.3. Measuring Risk ............................................................................................................... 50
CHAPTER 4: INVESTMENT VEHICLES ..................................................................................... 57
4.1. Small Saving Instruments ............................................................................................... 57
4.2. Fixed Income Instruments .............................................................................................. 61
4.3. Mutual Funds ................................................................................................................. 64
4.4. Alternate Investments .................................................................................................... 74
4.5. Direct Equity ................................................................................................................... 82
CHAPTER 5: ASSET ALLOCATION AND INVESTMENT STRATEGIES ......................................... 89
5.1. Asset Classes ................................................................................................................... 89
5.2. Portfolio Construction .................................................................................................... 91
5.3. Practical Asset Allocation and Rebalancing Strategies .................................................. 95
5.4. Portfolio Monitoring and Re-balancing .......................................................................... 98
CHAPTER 6: INSURANCE PLANNING .................................................................................... 101
6.1. Need for Insurance ....................................................................................................... 101
6.2. Requirements of an Insurable risk ............................................................................... 101
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

6.3. Insurance in Personal Finance ...................................................................................... 102
6.4. Steps in Insurance Planning ......................................................................................... 103
6.5. Insurance Products ....................................................................................................... 104
6.6. Riders ............................................................................................................................ 109
6.7. Non Life Insurance ........................................................................................................ 109
6.8. Life Insurance Needs Analysis ...................................................................................... 112
CHAPTER 7: RETIREMENT PLANNING .................................................................................. 117
7.1. Introduction to retirement planning process .............................................................. 117
7.2. Estimating the Retirement Corpus ............................................................................... 119
7.3. Determining the Retirement Corpus ............................................................................ 121
7.4. Retirement Products .................................................................................................... 127
CHAPTER 8: TAX AND ESTATE PLANNING ............................................................................ 141
8.1. Understand Income tax principles ............................................................................... 141
8.2. Tax aspects of investment products ............................................................................ 150
8.3. Wealth Tax Act and its implication for clients ............................................................. 158
8.4. Estate Planning ............................................................................................................. 160
CHAPTER 9: REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT AND ETHICAL ISSUES ......................................... 167
9.1. Regulation for Investment Advisers ............................................................................. 167
9.2. Regulatory System and Environment ........................................................................... 173
9.3. Role of Regulators ........................................................................................................ 174
9.4. Self-Regulatory Organizations (SRO) ............................................................................ 179
9.5. Code of Conduct and Ethics ......................................................................................... 180
9.6. Ethical Issues in providing Financial Advice ................................................................. 186
9.7. Investor Complaint redressal systems ......................................................................... 187

NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination


1.1. Meaning of Financial Planning
Financial planning aims at ensuring that a household has adequate income or resources to meet
current and future expenses and needs. Income for a household may come from a known
source such as profession, salary or business. The normal activities of a household and the
routine expenses are woven around the regular income. However, there may be unexpected
future expenses, high value future needs, and need for funding expenses when the income
slows down or completely stops as in retirement.
Financial planning refers to the process of taking complete control of the finances of the
household such that the income streams are organized to take care of both current and future
needs that require funding. Financial planning includes identifying the future needs, defining
them, assessing the actions to be taken, taking the appropriate actions, and ensuring that the
balance between current and future incomes and expenses is maintained well.
Vinod is 40 years old and earns Rs. 2 lakhs a month. He is able to save about Rs. 40,000 a
month after meeting all the routine expenses of his family, and paying the loans for his house,
car and other needs. How would financial planning help him?
The following are a set of indicative issues for Vinod:
a) How long does he plan to work? Is he the sole earning member of the family?
b) If he plans to retire when he is 60 years old, how will the expenses of the family be met
post that?
c) If Vinod has to earn an income from his investments, that replaces his regular salary
income, what is the investment corpus he should build before he retires?
d) What is the wealth Vinod has so far build from his savings and how does he intend using
e) How much should Vinod save each month to build adequate wealth for retirement? Is
he saving enough?
f) How should his saving be deployed? What kind of investments is suitable for Vinods
goal of saving for retirement?
g) How much of risk is Vinod willing and able to take with his investments? How would
those risks be managed?
h) How would future income, savings, and investment returns behave? How often should
the plan for Vinod be reviewed and revised?

A formal treatment of the issues Vinods faces will require a financial planning process to fund
Vinods retirement. We have to assess the current situation, identify the future needs, for
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

which some savings have to be set aside, put to work, monitored and revised for their
Financial planning is thus a process that enables better management of the personal financial
situation of a household. It works primarily through the identification of key goals and putting
in place an action plan to realign the finances to meet those goals. It is a holistic approach that
considers the existing financial position, evaluates the future needs, puts a process to fund the
needs and reviews the progress.
1.2. Need for Financial Advisory Services
The primary task of the financial adviser is to link the large range of financial products and
services to the specific needs and situations of the client. Not every product may be suitable to
every client; nor would a client be able to identify how to choose and use products and services
from a very large range. A financial advisor, who possesses the expertise to understand the
dynamics of the products on the one hand and the needs of the client on the other, is able to
enable using such products and services in the interest of the client.
The following are the primary reasons why financial advisers are needed:
a) Personal financial management requires time and attention to income and expense
patterns, estimates of future goals, management of assets and liabilities, and review of the
finances of the household. Many clients may not find time from their professional tasks to
focus on these key issues.
b) Estimating financial goals, finding suitable products and arriving at suitable allocations to
various assets require expertise in finance and math, which may not be available in most
c) Selecting the right investment products, choosing the right service providers and managers,
selecting insurance products, evaluating borrowing options and such other financial
decisions may require extensive research. A professional adviser with capabilities to
compare, evaluate and analyse various products enables making efficient choices from
competing products.
d) Asset allocation is a technical approach to managing money that requires evaluating and
monitoring asset classes and modifying the weights to each asset periodically. Advisers
with technical expertise enable professional management of assets.
e) Financial planning is a dynamic process that requires consistent attention to changing
market and product performances, dynamic changes in the needs and status of the client
and the ability to tune the process to these changes. It needs full-time professional
attention and the efficiencies of a disciplined and systematic process.
To choose a financial advisor is to engage a professional to devote time and apply expertise to a
process and result-oriented approach in managing personal finances.
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

1.3. Scope of Financial Planning Services
Financial advisors enable a household to manage its personal finances efficiently and in line
with the households short and long-term objectives. The following are elements of financial
advisory and planning services:
a) Personal financial analysis: An adviser assesses the financial position of a household by
bringing together its income, expenses, assets and liabilities. The sources of income, its
stability and growth, and the durability of a households income determine how a
household may be able to finance its future goals. For example, a sportsmans income
accrues over a short span of time, depending on his success in his chosen sport. The income
has to be allocated to his current goals of excelling in his chosen sport, which may need
significant investment, and the future goals of securing his living when his income from his
sport falls or stops altogether.
Current income is apportioned to current expenses and to saving for the future. The
decision to allocate between the two would determine if the household is able to secure its
lifestyle, fund its aspirations, and live comfortably. If current income is saved, assets can be
built with such savings, these assets generate income in the future when needed, or can be
sold to fund a future goal. An employed individual contributing to his provident fund is
setting aside a portion of his current salary to create a corpus that will be deployed to
generate income after his retirement.
If current expenses are higher than the income, a household borrows and spends its future
income today. Borrowings represent an easy option to fund a large scale current expense,
such as buying a car or a house. The repayment of the borrowing over a period in the
future reduces a part of the future income and apportions it to funding the asset that has
been bought with a loan. This will also directly impact the cash flows in the household to
meet other requirements. If a young earner invests too early in a residential property with a
loan, he may be allocating a large proportion of his earnings to repaying the loan. This may
leave him with lesser cash on a regular basis to meet any unexpected expense. The asset, in
which he has invested, is a house, which cannot be liquidated in parts to meet sudden
needs for funds. So a decision to acquire an asset with a loan, which looked like a
compulsory saving in a good asset, may deteriorate into a poor financial decision that
impacts his routine life.
A household has to evaluate what assets it needs when and how it can be funded and what
the future implications will be. Personal financial analysis provides a holistic view of how
these choices will impact the finances of a household. Financial advisers collect information
about the households finances, and analyse them in various ways to draw various
inferences about their financial position.
b) Debt counselling: Financial advisers help households plan their liabilities efficiently. It is
common for households to borrow in order to fund their homes, cars and durables. Several
households also use credit cards extensively. To borrow is to use tomorrows income today.
A portion of the future income has to be apportioned to repay the borrowings. This impacts
the ability to save in future and in extreme cases can stress the ability to spend on essentials
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

too. The asset being funded by borrowing may be a large-scale appreciating asset such as
property, which is also capable of generating rental income. Or the loan could be funding a
depreciating asset such as a car, which may require additional expenses on fuel and
maintenance, but provide better lifestyle and commuting conveniences.
Evaluating which assets or expenses can be funded by borrowings is a function advisers can
perform. They can advice households about how to finance their assets, how much to
borrow, how to provide for repayment, how to ensure that credit scores are not
unfavourably impacted. Sometimes, excessive borrowings may lead a household into a debt
trap. Such borrowers need counselling and handholding to be able to get out of debt.
Sometimes assets may have to be liquidated to pay off debts. Advisers help households to
deal with their borrowings taking into account their need and ability to repay debt.
c) Insurance Planning: Several unexpected expenses that can cause an imbalance in the
income and expenses of a household can be managed with insurance. Insurance is a risk-
transfer mechanism where a small premium payment can result in payments from the
insurance company to tide over risks from unexpected events. The temporary loss of
income from disabilities and permanent loss of income from death can be covered with life
insurance products. Health and accident insurance covers help in dealing with unexpected
events that can impair the income of a household, while increasing its expenses on health
care and recuperation. General insurance can provide covers for loss and damage to
property and other valuables from fire, theft and such events. Insurance planning involves
estimating the losses to the household from unexpected events and choosing the right
products and amounts to cover such losses.

d) Investment Planning and Asset Allocation: A crucial component in financial planning and
advisory is the funding of financial goals of a household. Investment planning involves
estimating the ability of the household to save, and choosing the right assets in which such
saving should be invested. Investment planning considers the purpose, or financial goals for
which money is being put aside. These goals can be short-term such as buying a car, taking a
holiday, buying a gift, or funding a family ceremony or can be long-term such as education
for the children, retirement for the income earners, or high-expense goals such as marriage
of children. An adviser helps with a plan to save for these goals, and suggests an
appropriate asset allocation to pursue. The adviser does not focus on the selection of stocks
or bonds, but instead takes a top down approach of asset allocation. The focus is on how
much money is invested in which particular asset class in order to deliver the expected
return within the risk preference of the investor. The advisers job is to construct a portfolio
of asset classes, taking into account the goals, the savings, the required return, and the risk
taking ability of the investor. This is one of the core functions of the adviser and many
specialise in asset allocation and investment planning.

e) Tax and Estate Planning: Income is subject to tax and the amount a household can save,
the return they earn on their investment and therefore the corpus they are able to build for
their future goals, are all impacted by the tax regime they fall under. A financial adviser
should be able to assess the impact of taxes on the finances of the household and advice
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

appropriate saving and investment options. The post-tax return of financial products will
have to be considered while choosing products and estimating holding periods. The
taxability of various heads of income such as dividends, rents and interest differ. The
treatment of return if accumulated, rather than paid out periodically, varies. The taxability
of gains differs based on the holding period. A financial adviser should bring in these aspects
while constructing a plan for the household.
Wealth is passed on across generations. This process of inter-generational transfer not only
involves legal aspects with respect to entitlements under personal law, but also
documentation and processes that will enable a smooth transition of wealth. Estate
planning refers to all those activities that are focussed on transfer of wealth to heirs,
charity, and other identified beneficiaries. There are several tools and structures to choose
from, in estate planning. Some choices such as gifts can be exercised during ones lifetime,
while choices such as wills come into play after death. Financial advisors help households
make these choices after considering all the implications, and help them complete the legal
and documentation processes efficiently.
1.4. Financial Advisory and Execution
Financial advisers may engage with their clients at various levels and the scope of services they
offer may vary depending on their skills, capabilities and business model. In several countries,
including India, there has been regulatory action in defining the role of various intermediaries
that deal with investors. When a relationship manager, financial advisor, wealth manager or
whatever the name that is used, sells financial products to a client as part of his defined role or
business, and earns a commission from the producer of the financial product, there is a
potential conflict of interest. The seller of the product may not act in the interest of the client,
but may push products that earn a higher commission. This may lead to mis-selling where a
product not suitable to the clients needs, or not in line with the clients risk preference may be
sold, and the holding period of the product may be modified in a manner harmful to the
customers interest.
One of the regulatory premises to prevent such mis-selling is to differentiate between providers
of advice and distributors of financial products, and to ask advisers to earn their revenue from
the client, and not from the producer. The distributor who executes the transactions in financial
products may earn a commission from the producer. The current regulatory regime for
financial advisors in India requires that any one offering financial advice for a consideration
should be registered with SEBI, and should not earn any income from the producer. There are
specific exemptions provided for those that offer advice incidental to a product they may sell.
The following are the various business models in the delivery of financial advice to clients:
a) Fee-only financial planners and advisers: Some financial advisers choose to earn a primary
component of their income from enabling clients to plan their finances in a comprehensive
manner. They engage closely with the client, offer advice on most if not all aspects of their
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

personal finance, and charge a fee for their services. The fee may be of various types and a
combination of the following:
One-time fee for a financial plan
Fee for on-going review and periodic revisions
Asset-based fee charged as a percentage of assets being advised
Referral fee for engaging experts to take care of specific aspects of the plan
Referral fee for execution of plan through other agencies
Selection and portfolio construction fees
Fees for assessment and analysis of financial position
Fee only financial advisers usually do not take on the execution of the plan or advice. They
refer the client to other agencies who may enable execution of the recommended
investment transactions. This is to ensure that the commissions earned on selling financial
products, does not influence their advice to their clients.
b) Fee-based financial planners and advisers: Some financial advisers offer all the above
services that are offered by a fee-only planner, but they also execute client transactions in
the financial products recommended by them. They may therefore earn both a fee income
for their advisory services and commissions and other incomes from the products that they
Such advisors let their clients know that they earn commissions by executing the
transactions for them; they also provide the client the option to execute their transactions
with other service providers.
The SEBI (Investment Advisers) Regulations, 2013 require that advisers who offer both
services need to keep an arms length between the two. Institutional advisers such as banks
and brokers, have to keep separately identifiable division or department (SIDD) that offers
financial advice, distinct from the pure execution services. Both business verticals need to
operate independently and with complete transparency and disclosure to clients.
Clients tend to choose their advisers to execute the transactions, when they trust the
adviser to offer products suitable to them, for the convenience of having all the information
about their wealth in one place. Execution services also help advisers to monitor, review
and revise financial decisions that were made earlier by a client, as the years go by.
c) Execution only services: Some advisers may not charge their clients for advice, if it is
incidental to their core function of distributing financial products. Their income comes from
the commissions from selling the product. They may also execute transactions advised by
another financial adviser. Such advisers may also distribute a range of products including
investment products, insurance products, banking and loan products, which are subject to
regulations by multiple regulators apart from SEBI.
Some firms may organise the execution only services into an aggregation model. The
aggregating entity has several distributors associated with it, who take a range of financial
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

products to clients. In this case, the company short-lists the products it would offer, based
on its selection criteria. It may also have a central advisory team that selects products after
research and data analysis. Those that like to offer these products to their clients, may
associate with such company, and share their revenue with the company for using their
research services, or execution platforms. Many aggregators offer a range of support
services to their associates, including training, development, customer relationship
management software, execution platforms and facilities that may be expensive to set up
on a standalone basis. The shared facility helps the distributors to scale up their business,
and pay the aggregator a share of revenue for the benefits offered.
d) Wraps and Platforms: Wraps and platforms are technology-based advisory solutions that
are standardised for execution. A client or an advisor associates with the platform, and can
offer its financial products as model portfolios that investors can buy. Advisors may also
choose these platforms to execute transactions in standardised model portfolios. Clients
can view how their portfolios are performing. Advisors can monitor and review the
portfolios and holistically manage the money of clients across multiple products.
Wraps and platforms may charge the client a fee and share this fee with the advisor who
executes the transactions using it. They may also enable the advisor to access clients using
their platforms, to sell financial advice to such clients, and charge a fee and share it with the
platform provider.
1.5. Financial Planning Delivery Process
Financial planning requires financial advisors to follow a process that enables acquiring client
data, and working with the client to arrive at appropriate financial decisions and plans, within
the context of the defined relationship between the planner and the client. The following is the
six-step process that is used in the practice of financial planning.
Financial planning thus involves the following steps:
a) Establish and define the client-planner relationship: The planning process begins when the
client engages a financial planner and describes the scope of work to be done and the terms
on which it would be done.
b) Gather client data, including goals: The future needs of a client require clear definition in
terms of how much money will be needed and when. This is the process of defining a
financial goal.
c) Analyse and evaluate financial status: The current financial position of a client needs to be
understood to make an assessment of income, expenses, assets and liabilities. The ability to
save for a goal and choose appropriate investment vehicles depends on the current
financial status.
d) Develop and present financial planning recommendations: The planner makes an
assessment of what is already there, and what is needed in the future and recommends a
plan of action. This may include augmenting income, controlling expenses, reallocating
assets, managing liabilities and following a saving and investment plan for the future.
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

e) Implement the financial planning recommendations: This involves executing the plan and
completing the necessary procedure and paperwork for implementing the decisions taken
with the client.
f) Monitor the financial planning recommendations: The financial situation of a client can
change over time and the performance of the chosen investments may require review. A
planner monitors the plan to ensure it remains aligned to the goals and is working as
planned and makes revisions as may be required.
1.5.1 Defining the Client-Planner Relationship
The terms of engagement between the client and the financial planner describes the scope of
services that a planner would offer, the fees that would be paid, and the rights and obligations
of both parties. The terms are usually spelt out in a legal agreement that is signed by both
It is important for the agreement to be compliant with the prevalent regulations. The SEBI
(Investment Advisers) Regulations 2013 require that the advisers disclose a defined list of
information about themselves, including their background, their track record in grievance
redressal and the services they would offer. Documentation of client information, risk profiling,
suitability tests of products being offered are all mandatory under the regulation. The terms of
engagement has to comply with these Regulations.
1.5.2 Understanding Clients Situation
Financial Planning is the exercise of ensuring that a household has adequate income or
resources to meet current and future expenses and needs. The income is primarily derived from
two sources:
Income from profession or business or employment undertaken
Income and earnings from assets or investments such as rent from property, interest from
bank deposits, dividends from shares and mutual funds, interest earned on debentures
Income from business or profession will be the primary source of income in the period when
the individual is capable of being employed and generate an income. When this period is over
the dependence for income from the assets and investments will increase. Assets and
investments as a source of income are typically built over a period of time from surplus income
after meeting expenses.
Current income is first assigned to meet current expenses. Surplus income available after
meeting expenses is called savings and it is used to create assets that will provide future income
or meet future expenses. Large ticket size assets, such as real estate, or, purchases that are not
amenable to being met out of regular income, such as buying a car, may require surplus income
to be accumulated over a period of time. Typically such assets are acquired with a combination
of own funds and loans. Loans result in a liability that has to be met out of current and future
Income is used to meet current expenses and create assets to meet future income needs
and expenses.
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

Expenses have to be controlled to fit into available income and to be able to generate
Savings are used to create assets that will generate income for the future needs.
Borrowings or loans may be combined with savings to acquire assets of a large value or
meet expenses.
Borrowings impose a liability to be met out of income to pay the cost and repay the loan.
Financial planning helps in understanding the relationship between the four elements of the
personal finance situation of an individual: income, expenses, assets and liabilities so that all
the current and future needs are met in the best way possible.
1.5.3 Identifying Financial Goals
Financial goal is the term used to describe the future needs of an individual that require
funding. It specifies the sum of money required in order to meet the needs and when it is
required. Identifying financial goals help put in place a spending and saving plan so that current
and future demands on income are met efficiently.
Goals described in terms of the money required to meet it at a point of time in future, is called
a financial goal. For example, Rs. Three lakhs required after five years for the college admission
for your son is a financial goal. Converting a goal into a financial goal requires the definition of
the amount of money required and when it will be required.
Rs. Two lakhs required each month after 10 years to meet household expenses in
Rs. Three lakhs required after 5 years for a foreign holiday
Rs. Seven lakhs required after three years as down payment for a house
Rs. One lakh required after 6 months to buy a car
As can be seen from the above examples, each financial goal contains two important
components: (a) value of the goal and (b) time to goal.
Goal Value
The goal value that is relevant to a financial plan is not the current cost of the goal but the
amount of money required for the goal at the time when it has to be met. The current cost of
the goal has to be converted to the value in future. The amount of money required is a function
Current value of the goal or expense
Time period after which the goal will be achieved
Rate of inflation at which the cost of the expense is expected to go up
The current cost of a college admission may be Rs. two lakhs. But after 5 years, the cost would
typically be higher. This increase in the cost of goods and services is called inflation. While
saving for a goal, therefore, it is important to estimate the future value of the goal because that
is the amount that has to be accumulated.
The future value of a goal = Current Value x (1+ Rate of Inflation) ^ (Years to Goal)
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In the above example, if the rate at which the cost increases is taken at 10% then the cost of
the college admission after 5 years would be:
Rs.200000 x (1+10%) ^ 5= Rs.322102.
This is the value of the goal which needs to be achieved by saving and investment.
Time to Goal or Investment Horizon
Financial goals may be short-term, medium-term or long-term. The term to goal refers to the
time remaining for the funds to be made available to meet the goals. The investment horizon
will determine the type of investment that will be selected for investing funds for the goal. If
the goal is short-term, low risk investments will be preferred even though the returns will be
low since the investor would not like to take a chance of losing the principle and return on the
amount invested. As the time available for the investment increases, the investor will be able to
take higher risks for better returns.
Farida (aged 35) is setting aside money to create an emergency fund and is also saving for her
retirement. She has the option of investing in a short-term debt fund or in an equity fund. What
will be the consequence of her decision?
A short-term debt fund may be ideal for her to hold her emergency fund since it has the twin
features of relatively safe returns and ability to draw the funds out whenever she requires. Her
retirement goal may see inadequacy of funds because the returns from short-term debt funds
are low and the amount she is investing may not be earning as well as it could.
If Farida invested in an equity fund, she may find that the value of her emergency fund has
gone down when she needs the money since the returns from equity will be volatile. This is a
risk she will be unwilling to take. On the other hand, her retirement corpus will benefit from the
higher returns from equity since she requires the funds only after a long period during which
the volatility in returns will be ironed out.
The term to the goal will keep reducing and the investments made for the goal has to align to
the new situation.
In the above example, as Faridas retirement comes closer she will need to move her
investments from equity to lower risk products.
1.5.4 Funding the goal
Once the financial goals have been identified, the next step is to evaluate to determine how the
goals will be met.
The ability to save for future goals will depend upon the current level of income and
Existing investments and assets that is available to meet future goals.
Liabilities of an individual are the obligations they have to meet out of their available
income. The current income of the individual will have to be used to meet the liabilities too.
The ability to take loans to acquire assets or meet expenses will depend upon existing
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The questions that help assess the ability to fund goals are:
What is the current income available to meet expenses?
What is the level of expenses?
What is the amount of income that can be saved?
What are the assets available that can be used to meet goals?
What are the liabilities existing that also have a claim on income?
The current financial position will determine which of the financial goals are achievable and
which may have to be postponed or given up till such time the savings improve.
Once the savings and investments available to meet the financial goals have been ascertained,
the next step is to assign the savings and existing assets to the goals so that the funds required
can be accumulated over time. It may not be possible to save and meet all the goals.
Prioritizing, or identifying the goals that are more important and urgent, and saving for them
first will be necessary. The amount of savings that will be apportioned to a goal will depend
upon the value of the goal, the time available to reach it and the type of investment selected to
invest the savings. If the time to the goal is longer or the investor is willing to invest in
investments with higher risk for better returns, then the amount of savings that needs to be set
aside will be lower.
Higher the return earned on investments, lower will be the current savings needed since the
higher returns earned will lead to the savings grow to a larger amount.
Longer the period available to accumulate the saving, lower will be the savings needed since
the savings have a longer time to earn returns and reach the required value.
Madhur is saving for a car and requires Rs.7 lakhs at the end of five years. He has the option of
investing the savings in equity which is expected to give him 15% return or a bank deposit that
will give him 8% return.
If he decides to invest in equity, he will require Rs.7902 to invest each month to be able to
accumulate the funds. If he chooses to invest in a bank deposit he will have to invest Rs. 9526
each month since the returns are lower.
If he increases the time available to 7 years, he will need Rs. 4757 only to invest each month in
equity and Rs.6243 if he chooses a bank deposit. This is because there is a longer time available
for the savings to appreciate to the required sum.
The selection of the right type of investment in which to park the savings will depend upon the
time available before the goal has to be met and the ability of the investor to take risks. If the
investment period is long enough then investments such as equity whose returns are high, but
are volatile in the short-term and requires time to smoothen out, can be selected for
A risk-averse investor may not be willing to invest in a risky investment even if it is suitable
given the time horizon available. For example, an investor may choose to park their savings for
long-term goals in bank deposits which they see as an investment with low risk. But they run
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the risk of not being able to accumulate the funds required in the time available. They will
either have to increase the amount they are saving for the goal or increase the time available
for reaching the goal to catch up with their goal value.
The existing investments of the individual will also be assigned to their goals by matching the
need of the goal to the features of the investment. If the investor has investments in bank
deposits, then it can be used for goals that are near-term or may require periodic fixed payout
such as education fees and expenses of children.
Assigning existing investments to a goal will bring down the savings to be set aside for the goal,
since these investments will also contribute to the targeted value of the goal.
In the above example, if Madhur had Rs. 100000 is equity mutual funds today which he assigns
to this goal, then the value that he is saving for will come down to the extent that this Rs.
100000 will gain in value over 5 years assuming the same return of 15%.
Value of the goal: Rs. 700000
Value of Rs. 100000 after 5 years: Rs. 201000 (Rs.100000 x (1+15%) ^ 5
Value to be met from other savings: Rs. 700000- Rs.201000=Rs.499000
Monthly saving to be invested: Rs. 5632 as against Rs.7902 if no existing
investment was assigned to the goal.
Note: The PMT function in excel can be used to calculate the periodic investments required.
The inputs required for the function are
Rate: the rate of return expected to be earned. This is divided by 12 if the investment is expected
to be made monthly
Nper: the number of periods (months/years) over which the investment will be made
Future value: the amount that has to be accumulated
1.5.5 Risk Profiling
Clients' financial risk tolerance - attitudes, values, motivations, preferences and experiences is
measured with a risk profile. The risk profile questionnaire helps in understanding the risk
tolerance levels of a client. Risk tolerance is the assumed level of risk that a client is willing to
Financial risk tolerance can be split into two parts:
Risk capacity: the ability to take risk
This relates to their financial circumstances and their investment goals. Generally speaking, a
client with a higher level of wealth and income (relative to any liabilities they have) and a longer
investment term will be able to take more risk, giving them a higher risk capacity.
Risk attitude: the willingness to take risk
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Risk attitude has more to do with the individual's psychology than with their financial
circumstances. Some clients will find the prospect of volatility in their investments and the
chance of losses distressing to think about. Others will be more relaxed about those issues.
Risk tolerance is typically measured using questionnaires that estimate the ability and
willingness to take risks. The responses of investors are converted into a score that may classify
them under categories that characterize their risk preferences. Consider the following
a. Conservative Investors
Do not like to take risk with their investments. Typically new to risky instruments.
Prefer to keep their money in the bank or in safe income yielding instruments.
May be willing to invest a small portion in risky assets if it is likely to be better for the
longer term.
b. Moderate Investors
May have some experience of investment, including investing in risky assets such as
Understand that they have to take investment risk in order to meet their long-term
Are likely to be willing to take risk with a part of their available assets.
c. Aggressive Investors
Are experienced investors, who have used a range of investment products in the past,
and who may take an active approach to managing their investments?
Willing to take on investment risk and understand that this is crucial to generating long-
term return.
Willing to take risk with a significant portion of their assets.
The risk preferences of the investor are taken into account while constructing an investment
1.5.6 Portfolio Construction
An individual creates a portfolio of investments to meet their various goals. The investments
selected have to balance the required return with an appropriate level of risk for each goal.
Assets and investments differ on their features of risk, return, liquidity and others.
An investor will have different requirements from their portfolio depending upon the goals they
are saving for. They may need growth for long-term goals, liquidity for immediate needs and
regular payouts to meet recurring expense. No one investment can meet all the requirements
for growth, liquidity, regular income, capital protection and adequate return. The investor will
have to create a portfolio of securities that has exposure to different assets which will cater to
these diverse needs.
Investment Objective Suitable Investment
Growth and appreciation in value Equity shares and equity funds, Real estate,
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Regular income Deposits, Debt instruments and debt funds,
Real estate
Liquidity Cash, Bank deposits, Short-term mutual fund
Capital preservation Cash, bank deposits, Ultra-short term funds

Consider the impact of the following investment decisions:
Jayesh invests only in real estate. He has an urgent need for funds but finds that he is not
able sell or take a loan quickly enough.
Kamal leaves all his money in his savings bank account which earns a very low interest. He
finds that he is not able to accumulate enough money required to meet his future expenses.
Latika invests all her money in equities. She finds that the value of her investment keeps
fluctuating and she is not sure if she will have the required funds when she needs it.
Harmeet has most of her money in gold jewellery. She finds that she is not able to generate
the income from her investments to meet her regular monthly expenses.
Gayatri has invested her money in bank fixed deposits. She is not able to manage her
expenses from the interest she receives because the interest is fixed but her expenses keep
on increasing.
The risk to the investors in the cases described above comes from the concentration of their
portfolio in one type of investment. When equity markets go down Latika will find that her
entire investment portfolio has gone down in value. If the real estate markets crash, Jayants
investment value will decline as will Harmeets investments when the price of gold falls. Instead
if they were holding some portion of the portfolio in different assets, a fall in one will be
cushioned by a rise in another since not all asset values rise or fall together. This process of
dividing the portfolio among different assets so that the overall portfolios return is protected
from the effect of a fall in one or few assets is called asset allocation.
The asset allocation that is suitable for a person will depend upon their specific situation. For
example, a person close to retirement will have a higher allocation to safer investments such as
debt and lower allocation to equity. On the other hand, an individual in the high income period
whose goals are far away will prefer to earn higher returns with assets such as equity rather
than lower risk assets with lower returns. The suitable asset allocation is a function of the
investment period available to the investor and their ability to take risk.
Asset allocation leads to different asset categories being included in a portfolio. This brings
diversification to the portfolio. Diversification means having a combination of investments in a
portfolio in such a way that a fall in the value on one or few will be made up by other
investments that are doing well. The benefit of diversification will be available to a portfolio
only if the selection of investments is done with care so that they do not rise and fall together.
Asset allocation and diversification reduces the risk of loss in a portfolio and stabilizes the
returns that the portfolio generates.
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1.5.7 Review and Rebalancing
The investments made for the goals will require to be reviewed periodically. The review is
necessary to answer the following questions:
Are the goals on target for achievement in the required time frame?
Are the investments performing as expected?
Do the investments need to be changed if it is no longer suitable for the goal?
For example, Jayant has been saving for the education of his children for the last 8 years by
investing in equity. The goal has to be met after 4 years now. Jayant would not want to leave
the funds that have been accumulated in equity any more since there is a risk that the
fluctuation in equity values will affect the amount that he has accumulated so far. Jayant would
be ready to move the funds to less riskier investments at this stage.
Review of the portfolio of investments has to be done at least once a year as part of the
financial planning process.

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Sample Questions
1. Which of the following is a financial goal?
a. Rs.6 lakhs required for sisters wedding
b. A sizable sum needed to buy a new car in two years time
c. Rs. 10 lakhs needed for purchasing a flat
d. Rs.5 lakhs needed after two years to pay childs tuition fees

2. Mr. Khanna requires Rs.10 lakhs in six months time to pay his sons admission fees. An
appropriate investment to set aside money for his goal would be
a. Equity shares of high-growth companies
b. Real estate
c. Short term debt fund
d. Long term corporate bond

3. Jaya needs Rs.5 lakhs urgently for an emergency medical procedure. Which
investment is she most likely to tap?
a. Shares of Hindalco Ltd
b. Bank deposit
c. Gold jewellery
d. 5-year bonds of a finance company

4. A conservative investor wants to accumulate Rs.20 lakhs in 3 years time. What would
be an appropriate investment option for him?
a. Shares of selected growth companies
b. Bank deposits and good quality bonds
c. Property
d. Gold funds

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2.1. Understanding Return
Return on investment is a basic computation made to assess how an investment is performing.
Every investment can be represented as a set of inflows and outflows. Return is the comparison
of the inflow and outflow and therefore the benefit to the investor from making the
investment. Returns can be positive or negative. A negative return means that the investment
has yielded losses rather than benefits. Consider these examples:
A plot of land was purchased for Rs.5 lakhs and sold for Rs. 4 lakhs
A debenture was bought for Rs.105 and sold for Rs.130
On basis of a comparison of inflows and outflows, clearly, the first investment has resulted in a
loss, whereas the second has yielded a profit. The first case represents negative return on
investment; the second is an example of positive return.
Return can be measured in two ways:
A. Comparing amount of inflows and amount of outflows on an investment in absolute terms
B. Computing a rate of return by comparing inflows and outflows.
Consider the following investments:
A. Purchase equity shares for Rs.23,000 and sell at Rs.28,000
B. Purchase equity shares for Rs.2500 and sell at Rs.3100
The net return in rupees earned on investment A equals Rs.5000 (28000 minus 23,000). The net
return in rupees earned on investment B equals Rs.600 (3100minus 2500). In rupee terms, it
appears that investment A has generated a much higher return as compared to investment B.
However, investment A requires higher initial outflow, so the return is earned on a much higher
base. It is not possible to compare only amount of return earned; instead, one has to compare
the amount of return relative to the initial investment (or starting value). This is done by
calculating the rate of return.
The rate of return is usually measured in percent terms. This means equalizing the amount
invested to Rs.100 so it represents the return that would be earned on a common investment
of Rs.100. This enables comparison of return across investments even if the amount invested is
different. Thus it is a better measure of return on investment.
The following sections describe different ways of calculating rates of return, depending on the
period of investment and nature of inflows.
2.2. Understanding Return Concepts
2.2.1 Absolute Return
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The absolute return on an investment is computed as:
((End Value Beginning Value)/Beginning Value) x 100
(Return on Investment/Original Investment) x 100
The rate of return is converted into percent terms by multiplying by 100.
In the above example the absolute returns on investment are:
Investment A: (28000-23000)/23000 = 21.74%
Investment B: (3100-2500)/2500 = 24.0%
So investment A has a higher amount of return in terms of rupees, but earns a lower rate of
return as compared to investment B.
The concept of absolute returns is widely used in financial markets. For example, absolute
returns of market indices such as the Sensex, or Nifty, are often used to assess the performance
of stock markets for periods less than one year (such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly
returns). The following extract from an article published in the Times of India on January 30,
2013 measures the return of 0.36% gained by the Sensex simply as the absolute return.
Sensex recovers over 72 points in early trade
MUMBAI: The BSE Sensex recovered by over 72 points in early trade today on emergence of
buying by funds and retailers amid a firming Asian trend. The 30-share barometer gained 72.48
points, or 0.36%, to 20,063.38. The index had lost almost 113 points in the previous two
Absolute returns are not appropriate for comparing the performance of investments made for
different periods of time. That is because the computation of absolute return does not take into
account the holding period of investment. Consider the following investments:
A. A house is purchased for Rs.20 lakhs and sold for Rs. 30 lakhs after 1 year.
B. A house is purchased for Rs.20 lakhs and sold for Rs.30 lakhs after 3 years.
The absolute return in both cases is ((30 lakhs 20 lakhs)/20 lakhs) x 100 = 50%. But common
sense tells us that option A is better than B, because the same rate of return has been earned in
a shorter period of time (1 year versus 3 years). In other words, earning a profit of Rs.10 lakhs in
one year is superior to earning it after 3 years. So there is a need to adjust absolute returns for
varying holding periods of investments. This leads to the concept of annualized returns.
2.2.2 Annualized Return
Annualized return is a standardized measure of return on investments in which the return is
computed as percent per annum (% p.a.). It is calculated as
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(End value - Beginning value)/Beginning value) x 100 x (1/ holding period of investment in
Measuring returns as percent p.a. is the accepted way to measure investment return. In the
example in section 2.2.1, the annualized return on the two investments is computed as:
A. Annualized return = ( (30 lakh-20 lakhs)/20 lakhs) x100 x(1/1)= 50%
B. Annualized return = ( (30 lakh-20 lakhs)/20 lakhs) x100 x(1/3)= 16.3%
As expected, investment B has a much lower annualized return, because the same absolute
return is earned over a longer holding period.
The purpose of annualizing is to standardize the investment period, as though each investment
was made only for one year. This enables easy comparison of investments across time periods.
All annualized returns are represented as % p.a. If the p.a. is missing, it is usually a simple
absolute non-annualized return.
To annualize, the absolute rate of return is multiplied by a factor such as:
365/number of days the investment was held
12/number of months the investment was held
1/number of years the investment was held
Consider the following examples.
1. Ram invests Rs.10,000 in a 6 month bank deposit that gives 8% p.a. What is the amount of
interest earned?
In this problem, the annualized return is given as 8%, and the holding period is years. So the
absolute return is 8 x = 4%. The interest earned equals 4% of 10,000 = Rs.400. Bank deposit
rates are quoted as annualized rates, but the actual interest that is credited for deposits less
than a year is calculated by adjusting the return for the fractional period. In general, for an n
month deposit, interest earned equals Principal x (rate) x (n/12).
2. Mrs. Kapoor has been accumulating mutual funds over the past two years. She decides to
sell her holdings on December 31, 2012, on which date the value of her investments is as
shown below. What is the annualized rate of return on her investments?

Purchase Date Purchase Cost (Rs) Market Value on
Jan 2, 2103 (Rs.)
Dec 10, 2010 10000 13000
May 15, 2011 15000 16000

The annualized return can be computed as:
Absolute rate of return x (365/holding period of investment in days)
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Date Purchase
Cost (Rs)
Value (Rs)
Return Absolute
Date of
Period in
= C - B (D /B) x 100 (F A) E x (365/G)
10,000 13,000 3,000 30% 31-Dec-12 752 15%
15,000 16,000 1,000 7% 31-Dec-12 595 4%

2.2.3 Total Return
Investments can give returns in different forms such as interest income (debentures, bank
deposits), dividend (mutual funds, equity shares) and profits on sale (capital gain on selling a
house). An investment could provide more than one type of return. For example, equity shares
can give dividend income, as well as profits on sale. A house property can yield rentals, and also
capital gains on sale. A complete measure of return should take all realized benefits from an
investment into consideration.
Total return is the return computed by comparing all forms of return earned on the investment
with the principal amount. Thus total return is the annualized return calculated after including
all benefits from the investment.
Total return can be positive as well as negative. The sign of total return depends on its
components and whether they are positive or negative. For example, consider an equity share
of face value Rs.10, which yields a dividend of 30%. The share is purchased for Rs. 200, but sold
for Rs.190 after one year.
Dividends earned= 30% of Rs.10 = Rs.3; Loss on sale= 10
Total return = 3 10 = -7 on investment of 200
Rate of return % p.a. = (-7/200) x 100 = -3.5%
In this example the loss component is greater than the positive dividend earned so the total
return becomes negative.
Consider the following examples:
1. Ajay bought an equity share whose face value is Rs. 10 for Rs. 250 and earned 50% dividend
in year 1, 60% dividend in year 2, and sold it off after three years for Rs. 300. What is the
return on his investment?
Ajay has earned two forms of returns from his equity share: dividends and gains from sale.
His total return computation will include both components.
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Ajays dividend incomes are as follows:
50% on Rs. 10 = Rs 5 in the first year
60% on Rs. 10 = Rs. 6 in the second year
Profit from selling off in the third year = Rs. 50
Total return = Rs. 61 on an investment of Rs. 250, over 3 years.
The rate of return per cent per annum is:
(61/250) x 1/3 x 100 = 8.13% p. a
2. An investor bought a house for Rs. 10 lakhs. He earned a monthly rental income of Rs. 3000
for 2 years. He then sold off the house for Rs. 12 lakhs. What is his total return?
Rental Income = 3000 x 24 = 72000
Profit from selling after 2 years = 200,000
Total return = 200,000+72000 = 272,000 on an investment of Rs.10,00,000
The rate of return per cent p.a. is:
(272000/10,00,000) x (1/2) x 100 = 13.6%
Total return adds up the periodic return component of an investment and the growth in its
value over the holding period. The break-up between these two return types varies between
different investment options.
An investment option that provides most of the return in the form of periodic returns is an
income-oriented investment. Examples include bank deposits, bonds and monthly income
scheme of post offices. In all these cases the principal invested is what is received on
redemption. There are no capital gains at maturity of the investment.
An investment option that provides most of its return from the growth in its value over time is a
growth-oriented investment. Such investments provide a smaller regular return, or none at all
(such as investment in gold) but offer the scope of capital gain from sale at a higher value on a
future date. Property, gold and equity are examples of growth-oriented investments.
2.3. The Concept of Compounding
Total return is a comprehensive measure of returns because it takes into account all the
benefits earned from an investment. However, the examples considered in Section 2.2.3 give
rise to some questions:
Ajay earns a dividend income of Rs.5 per share in the first year, and Rs.6 in the second year.
Suppose he invests the Rs.5 into a bank deposit that earns 6% p.a. Then by the end of the
second year, it would have earned Rs0.30, and his principal would have grown to Rs.5.30.
While computing total returns, we should then add up
(i) From the first year: Rs.5 which has grown to Rs.5.30
(ii) From the second year: Rs.6 as dividend and Rs.50 as profit
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(iii) Total amount of return is 61.30

An investor who earns a rental of Rs.3000 per month for two years before selling his house
could have invested the rentals to earn further returns. His total earnings from the house
property would be more than just Rs. 36000 per year (3000x12).
In both cases, by ignoring the possibility that cash flows received on an investment may be put
to work, we may end up underestimating the actual returns. This is the concept of re-investing,
or earning interest on interest. If we have an investment over a long period of time, it is logical
to look at its performance on a yearly basis, than simply compare the capital invested and the
current value of the investment. We may instead like to ask how the investment behaved each
year, and what if the returns earned each year were also put to work. This is the concept of
compounding. Compounded return is the standard method of looking at returns for periods
longer than one year.
2.3.1 Time Value of Money
Consider the following options, assuming there is no uncertainty associated with the cash flow:
A. Receiving Rs.100 now
B. Receiving Rs.100 after one month
All investors would prefer to receive the cash flow now, rather than wait for a month, though
the amount to be received has the same value. This preference is attributed to the following
Instinctive preference for current consumption over future consumption
Ability to invest the first Rs. 100 and earn a return so that it grows in value to more than 100.
Clearly, Rs. 100 available now is not equivalent to Rs. 100 received after a month. The value
associated with money received in earlier periods as compared to that received in later time
periods is known as time value. Since most decisions in finance involve cash flows spread over
more than one year, the time value of money is a key principle in financial decision-making.
Since money has time value, it is not possible to compare cash flows in different time periods.
Consider the above example: suppose the Rs.100 received now is placed in a one-month bank
deposit yielding 6.5 % p.a. After a month, the value would grow to Rs.100.54. If an investor has
to opt for receiving Rs.100 after a month, then he needs to be compensated by Rs.0.54, the
amount that has been foregone by waiting for a month. The two options will be equivalent
from the investors point of view if Rs.100 now is compared with Rs.100.54 after one month.
Thus the rate of return should also be adjusted for time value; this rate converts future flows
into present flows and vice versa.
When time values are taken into account, the following points need to be noted:
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Future inflows are discounted by a relevant rate to reach their present value; this rate is
known as the discount rate
Present inflows are increased at a relevant rate to reach their future values: this rate is
known as the compound rate.
The more in the future a cash flow is, the lower its time value. Rs.100 available after one
month is more valuable than Rs.100 available after one year, which is better than Rs.100
available after 5 years.
The higher the discount rate, the lower the present value of future cash flows. A higher rate
means that investors have to forego more returns by opting for future cash flows.
In any time value situation the important parameters are:
(i) Cash inflows or outflows: These could be either in the form of single period cash flow or in
the form of an annuity or a stream of uneven cash flows.
(ii) Rate of interest: Also known as compounding rate or discount rate
(iii) Time Period: This may be annual or any other fraction thereof
(iv) Frequency of cash flows, which may or may not be fixed
Financial problems involving time value of money are usually concerned with calculating one of
the above parameters.
2.3.2 Annuities
An annuity is a sum of money paid at regular periods, such as monthly, quarterly, annually. A
common example of an annuity is pension. Annuities can be of two types (1) Fixed annuity and
(2) Flexible annuity.
Fixed Annuity means that fixed returns are received at regular periods. For instance, the Senior
Citizen Saving Scheme pays 9.3% p.a. on the investment for a predetermined term assured (for
example, for the next 5 years).
Floating annuities are those in which the returns are benchmarked to inflation or index returns
or any other return as specified in the indenture agreement at the time of buying. So the
annuities paid are not fixed, but change in line with the chosen benchmark.
2.3.3 Compound Return
Compound return is earned when the interest earned in one period is added back to the
principal amount to generate a new principal on which interest is computed for the next period.
As a result, interest is reinvested in the asset so that interest is earned on interest.
The formula for compounding is
FV = PV (1+r) ^n
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FV= Future Value
PV= Present Value
r = rate of return for each compounding period
n = number of compounding periods
The future value of an investment can be easily computed in EXCEL using the FV function which
prompts the user to input the interest rate, the number of total periods in the investment, the
payment made each period, and whether payment is made at the beginning or end of the
This picture compares the value of a rupee when it grows at a simple interest of 10%, as against
a compounded annual rate of 10%. Note that with time, the difference between the two
options grows, as the power of compound interest kicks in.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Number of Years
The Power of Compounding
Compounded @10%
Simple interest @10%

To understand more about compound interest, consider the example of Mr. and Mrs. Mony,
both aged 30, who are making their respective retirement plans.
Mr. Mony plans to invest Rs. 100,000 every year starting from age 45 for 15 years (i.e. he
will withdraw the money at the age of 60) and he is expecting a return of about 12%
Mrs. Mony invests Rs. 100,000 every year starting from age 30 for 30 years (i.e. she will
withdraw the money at the age of 60) with a similar return expectation.
Note that both are planning to invest the same amount and expect the same rate of return, but
Mrs. Mony plans to keep her funds invested for double the time (30 years versus 15 years). The
retirement corpus of both can be calculated as follows.

Mr. Mony
Mrs. Mony
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Plan 1 R= 12%
N= 15 yrs/30 yrs
Amt.= 100000
37,27,971 2,41,33,268
Plan 2 R= 12%
N= 15 yrs/30 yrs
37,27,971 72,39,980
Plan 3 R= 12%
N= 15 yrs/30 yrs
74,55,942 72,39,980

In Plan 1, Mrs. Monys corpus has grown by more than 6.5 times than of Mr. Mony, due to the
longer compounding period. In fact, even if she reduces her annual investment to one-third of
the original, say Rs.30,000, her corpus is double that of Mr. Mony (Plan 2). For Mr. Mony to
grow his corpus at the same compound rate, given his shorter investment horizon, he needs to
double his investment (Plan 3). The power of compounding allows Mrs. Monys corpus to grow
more rapidly.
Various scenarios can be easily computed using EXCEL and an appropriate investment plan can
be generated based on investment horizon, expected rate of interest, and expected investment
2.3.4 CAGR and IRR
Concept of CAGR
In financial markets, the time value of money is always taken into account. It is assumed that if
an investment provides a series of cash inflows, they can be re-invested to earn a positive
return. Alternatively, an investment that does not have intermediate cash flows, is assumed to
grow at an annual rate each year, to be compounded every year to reach the final value.
The compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of an investment is the underlying compound
interest rate that equates the end value of the investment with its beginning value. Consider
the following formula we used earlier for FV:
PV (1+r) ^n = FV
A present value PV grows at a rate of r over a period n to become a future value FV. CAGR is
the rate r, which can be solved as:
r = ((FV/PV)^(1/n))-1
CAGR is computed using the above formula, given a beginning and end value for an investment
and the investment period in years.
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Since FV and PV represent end and beginning values of the investment for which CAGR is to be
computed, the formula for CAGR (in decimals, not %) can be written as:
CAGR = (End Value/Beginning Value) ^ (1/n) - 1
The resulting CAGR has to be multiplied by 100 to be expressed in percent terms. For example,
consider an investment of Rs.100 that grows to Rs.120 in 2 years. In this case
End Value (or FV) = 120
Beginning Value (or PV) = 100
No. of years n = 2
Substituting in the formula for CAGR we have:
120 = 100(1+r/100) ^ 2
We consider that Rs.100 has grown to Rs.120 over a 2 year period at CAGR of r.
Rearranging the terms and writing CAGR instead of r we get:
120/100 = (1+CAGR) ^ 2
CAGR = (120/100) ^ (1/2) - 1
CAGR = (1.2) ^ (1/2) - 1
= 1.095 1
= 0.095
= 9.5%
CAGR is the accepted standard measure of return on investment in financial markets, except in
case of returns that involve periods of less than one year. The following example shows how
CAGR is computed for a mutual fund investment.
Assume that Rs. 10.50 was invested in a mutual fund and redeemed for Rs. 12.25 at the end of
3 years. What is the compounded rate of return?
In this problem, Rs.10.50 grew at some compounded rate to become Rs.12.25 at the end of 3
years. To solve for the CAGR, we use the formula:
CAGR = (12.25/10.5) ^ (1/3) 1
= 5.27%
The same formula may be applied for fractional compounding periods. Consider this example:
An investor purchased mutual fund units at an NAV of Rs.11. After 450 days, she redeemed it at
Rs.13.50. What is her compounded rate of return?
In order to use the CAGR formula, period of 450 days has to be converted into years or 450/365
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CAGR = (13.5/11) ^ ( 365/450) 1
= 0.1807 = 18.07%
The above calculations may look very complicated, but we can use Microsoft Excel to do this in
a very simple manner. There are two options in Excel.
Insert the CAGR formula itself and calculate using Excel
Use the XIRR function to calculate CAGR

XIRR function in Excel
Consider the following problem.
An investor invested in a mutual fund on 21 July 2008 at a NAV of Rs. 10. 26. He wants to know
his return on 2 Jan 2011, when the value was 39. 71. What is the CAGR?
Instead of calculating the period, n in years, the XIRR function can be directly used as follows.
In Microsoft Excel, enter the two relevant dates and enter the NAV for each day against
them. The worksheet will have 21 July 2008 and 2 Jan 2011 in one column, NAV values in
the adjacent column against the respective dates.
Ensure that the format for the date column is set to date, otherwise the formula will not
Enter the first value 10. 26 as a negative value. Either put it in brackets or enter as 10. 26.
This is to indicate that this was the cash outflow.
Enter Rs. 39. 71 against 2 Jan 2011 as is the cash inflow. The formula will not work without
at least one negative number.
In a box below these values, click the button fix and a box will open up. Choose financial on
the left side and within, choose XIRR
The XIRR function will prompt for dates and values. Mark the cells in which the dates and
the values are entered. The guess box can be left empty. CAGR is the answer shown in the
box. If the enter key is pressed, CAGR is shown in the box. It can now be formatted as %
with required number of digits.
The picture below shows the screenshot of the process of computing CAGR using XIRR. In the
above problem, CAGR = 73.66%
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The XIRR function is particularly useful when CAGR has to be computed for a series of cash
flows, rather than with just a beginning and ending value of the investment.
CAGR for multiple cash flows
Consider the following problem in which an investor receives intermediate cash inflows as well
as final proceeds from the sale of his equity share.
An investor buys an equity share on 31 Jan 2004 for Rs. 150. He receives a dividend of Rs. 5 on
31 Mar 2004; Rs. 6 on 31 Mar 2005; Rs. 4 on 31 Mar 2006. He sells the share on 25 Jul 2006 for
Rs. 165. What is the CAGR of his investment?
This problem cannot be solved using the direct CAGR formula. The underlying CAGR for these
multiple flows has to be calculated by using XIRR function in Excel. The procedure stated in the
previous example can be followed here as well: separate columns should be created for
inputting dates and corresponding matching cash flows. A screen shot of the solution looks like

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As the box shows, the CAGR is 8.04%.

Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is an alternative way to express compounded return from an
investment. Assume that an investment has a number of cash inflows (returns) over a period of
time against a cash outflow (investments) made at the start. IRR is the inherent rate at which
all the cash outflows compound to become equal to the cash inflows. Or, it is the discount rate
at which the present value of future cash inflows from an investment exactly equals the value
of cash outflows.
Consider an investment with a time horizon t of n years. If the initial outflow of CO occurs at
the beginning (t = 0), and cash inflows CF occur in subsequent years (t = 1 to n), then the cash
flows may be represented as:
Time t Type of Cash Flow Symbol
t=0 Cash Outflow CO

t=1,2,3,,n Cash Inflow CF

This could easily be a bond, where an investment made at the start and a series of cash flows in
the form of period interest and repayment of principal come in later. Or it could be a loan, in
which a cash inflow happens at the start and there is a series of cash outflows of EMI (equated
monthly installments) happen every month.
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The IRR is the discount rate r that equates the cash outflow to the total present value of all cash
inflows. This implies that IRR is the r that solves the equation:
CO0 = CF1 /(1+r) + CF2 /(1+r)^2 + ..+ CFn / (1+r)^n
The computation of IRR requires that there should be at least one cash outflow, and at least
one cash inflow from the investment. In other words, at least one negative cash flow and one
positive cash flow are necessary.
IRR can be easily calculated in MS Excel by using the IRR function (for periodic cash flows) and
XIRR function (for non-periodic cash flows). Consider the following example.
An investment of Rs. 10,000 in a mutual fund yields a cash flow of Rs. 7,000 and Rs. 6,240
respectively at the end of year 1 and year 3. Calculate the IRR of the investment.
Cash flows can be arranged by year as follows:

The IRR function in Excel prompts the user to select the range of cells that contain the data for
which IRR has to compute. Once the appropriate column has been selected, and the enter key
is pressed, the IRR value is displayed. In the above example, the IRR is 16.21%, as the screen
shot below shows:
Time: t Cash Flow
0 -10,000
1 7000
2 0
3 6240
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IRR is widely used to evaluate investments. If the IRR is greater than or equal to a minimum
hurdle rate, the investment is considered to be financially worthwhile. This hurdle rate may be
a benchmark, or the investors cost of funds. For example, an investor may benchmark returns
on debt funds to bank fixed deposit rates. If the IRR earned on a fund does not beat the bank
deposit rate, then the investor may opt to stay with the bank deposit.
IRR is also the rate of return specific to an investment, or its own internal return. To understand
this, we can view the investment as a CAGR problem in which the initial outflow is invested for
n years, and each years inflows (CF1, CF2, CFn ) are re-invested at a rate equal to the IRR. In
this case, IRR represents a rate at which the investments cash flows grow in a compounded
What is the difference between CAGR and IRR?
Both CAGR and IRR can be computed using the XIRR function. Consider the example solved
earlier in this section:
An investor buys an equity share on 31 Jan 2004 for Rs. 150. He receives a dividend of Rs. 5 on
31 Mar 2004; Rs. 6 on 31 Mar 2005; Rs. 4 on 31 Mar 2006. He sells the share on 25 Jul 2006 for
Rs. 165. What is the CAGR of his investment?
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The CAGR value calculated using XIRR function in Excel is 8.04%. This is also the IRR generated
by this investment. When CAGR is computed for multiple cash flow situations, it is usually
equivalent to IRR. The key points to note when using XIRR and IRR functions are:
If an investment involves only one cash outflow/inflow and a series of future
inflows/outflows at periodic regular intervals, IRR can be used (bonds or loans for example)
If an investment involves multiple inflows and outflows, coming in at uneven time intervals,
CAGR can be used (equity shares, mutual funds)
However, there are two key differences between IRR and CAGR.
1. Conceptually, CAGR is a rate that measures how a value grows when it is growing at a
compounded rate. IRR is a tool to evaluate investment viability. So IRR always requires at
least one positive and one negative cash flow in the investment. On the other hand, CAGR
can be computed even for a series of all-positive cash flows. For example, suppose a
companys revenues were Rs.2 crore in 2000, and grew to Rs.5 crore in 2007. If we want to
find out the CAGR at which its revenues have grown during this period, then the formula
(end value minus beginning value/beginning value) ^ 1/7) -1 can be used. The CAGR so
calculated is 13.98%. IRR cannot be computed for this example, because there is no cash
2. In actual practise, CAGR is more commonly used for past period data, for which the inflows
and outflows are known. IRR tends to be used for evaluating investment viability, where
estimated future cash flows are used rather than actual values.
2.3.5 Holding Period Return
Holding period return is the return earned on an investment during a specific period when it
was bought and held by the investor. Such return computations use the portfolio value at two
chosen points. A simple formula for holding period return is:
HPR = Cash Inflows during the period + Capital gains during the period
Beginning Value of investment

HPR = Cash inflows + (Ending value Beginning value)
Beginning value of investment
This formula gives a simple absolute return, so it is appropriate for holding periods less than
one year. For holding periods higher than one year, CAGR returns have to be estimated.
HPR is a very popular method of computing portfolio returns. Mutual funds declare the HPR on
a regular basis for specific periods ending on the current date, as a representation of their
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Consider the returns of a mutual Fund below:

If an investor buys units on Sept 28, 2011, and sells out on Sept 28, 2012, then HPR is computed
One Year HPR = (276.571- 246.591)/246.591 = 12.16%.
For an investor who buys on Sept 28, 2010 and sells out on Sept 28, 2012, the HPR is calculated
as CAGR over the 2 year holding period
Two Year HPR = (276.571/ 298.261) ^ (1/2) - 1 = -3.70%
2.4. Real Rate of Return vs. Nominal Rate of Return
The return on an investment is usually expressed as a nominal rate. When the nominal rate is
adjusted for the effects of inflation, it is known as the real rate of return. Calculation of the real
rate of return on investments enables investors to understand the actual purchasing power of
their investment values. Consider the following example.
A bond pays 10% interest per annum. The inflation rate for that year is 5%. What is the real
Nominal rate of return= 10%
Inflation rate= 5%
Real rate of return = 10% - 5% = 5% (This is an approximate value. We will see more precise way
to calculate the real rate of return in the next page).
The nominal return is always a positive rate, because investors have to be paid a positive rate
to invest their money. But the real rate can be negative or positive. If inflation rate is higher
than nominal rates, then that results in a negative real return. A negative real return implies
that the return earned has been wiped out by rising prices! In financial advisory practice, we
use this reality is a more nuanced way to help investors deal with the risks of earning a high
nominal, but a low real return.
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We use the principle of time value of money to understand the effective real rate of return. If
an investment earns a nominal rate of return, that is the rate at which money is being
compounded. However, if inflation reduces the value of those investment cash flows, the value
of those returns is discounted by the rate of inflation. Therefore the real rate of return or
effective rate of return on an investment is:
= ((1+nominal rate) / (1+inflation rate)) 1
In the above example, the effective real rate is
= (1.10/1.05)-1
= 4.76%
This computation of real rate has several applications in insurance and retirement planning as
we shall see in the later chapters. While planning for retirement, advisers do not focus on a
corpus that can generate a fixed income after retirement. They instead take into account the
fact that inflation is a reality even post retirement, and estimate the effective real rate of
2.5. Tax Adjusted Return
Tax-adjusted return is the return earned after taxes have been paid by the investor. Since taxes
actually reduce the money in the hands for an investor, it is necessary to adjust for them to get
a realistic view of returns earned. Tax adjusted returns are lower than nominal returns because
tax payments lower the nominal value of returns.
Suppose an investor earns an interest of 10% on an investment of Rs.1000. If this interest is
taxed at 20%, then we calculate tax adjusted return as follows:
Nominal interest rate = 10%
Interest received = 10% of 1000 = 100
Tax payable = 20% of 100 = 20
Net interest received= 100- 20 = 80
Post tax return = 80/1000 = 8%
In general, post tax or tax adjusted return TR = NR * (1-tax rate)
TR: tax adjusted return
NR: nominal return
Consider the following example.
An investment earns a return of 11% p.a., but the income is taxable in the hands of the
investor. The investors marginal tax rate is 30%. What is his after tax rate of return?
In this investment, 30% of the income will be paid as tax, and only 70% will be available to the
Pre-tax rate of return = 11%
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Tax rate applicable = 30%
Tax adjusted rate of return = 11% x (1-.0.30) = 7.7%
Financial markets factor in the significance of tax by adjusting market rates for tax implications.
For example, the bond market has both tax-free and taxable bonds. Tax-free bonds are issued
by public sector units in the infrastructure sector. Since the interest paid on tax-free bonds is
not taxed in the hands of the investor, the bonds are issued at a lower interest rate as
compared to taxable bonds.
Tax adjusted returns are computed in two ways while comparing investments that have
different tax treatment of return:
a. Adjust the post-tax rate to compute actual post tax return
b. Adjust the pre-tax rate to compute effective nominal return
Consider the following example.
An investor is considering a tax-free bond that pays 8% p.a. and a taxable bank deposit that
pays 9% p.a. The tax bracket of the investor is 20%.
We can compare the two investments in two different ways. We can find out the post tax
return for both; or we can find a taxable equivalent in nominal terms for the tax-free rate.
Post tax return:
Interest on tax-free bond = 8%
Given 20% tax, effective return on the bank deposit is = 9 x (1-0.02) = 7.2%
Pre-tax nominal return:
Bank deposit = 9%
Tax free bond = 8 / (1-0.2%) = 10%
In this example, the tax free bond is a better choice, since it pays a better return of 8% after tax,
compared to the taxable bank deposit. The tax free bonds 8% return is equivalent to a taxable
rate of 10%. Or, the bank deposit should pay 10% pre-tax to be equivalent to the tax free bond
paying 8%.
Tax adjusted returns are used to compare two investments that may have a different tax
treatment. However, the effective return to the investors depends on their tax status and tax
rates applicable to them.

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Sample Questions
1. Investment A appreciates in value by 20% after one year. Investment B appreciates
by 40% after three years. Which gives a higher return?
a. Investment B, because it has a higher absolute return
b. Investment A, because it can be exited after just one year
c. Investment B, because it has a higher holding period
d. Investment A, because it has a higher annualized return

2. The concept of time value of money implies that
a. Money should be invested immediately without wasting time
b. Due to inflation, money has a lower purchasing value in future
c. The timing of investment influences final returns
d. Current cash inflows can be re-invested to earn a return that increases future

3. An investor in mutual funds typically enters the fund at a certain value, and exits
at another value after a specified holding period. The appropriate measure to
assess his return is
a. Absolute return
b. Annualized return
c. Holding Period Return
d. IRR

4. An investment in 7% tax free bonds is compared with an investment in a 9% bank
deposit where interest is taxable. Both have a one year investment horizon. Which
of the following is true?
a. The bond interest is tax free so it is better
b. For an investor who is not taxable, the bank deposit offers a better return
c. For an investor with a 30% tax rate, the bank deposit gives higher post tax
d. For an investor with a 10% tax rate, the bank deposit gives lower post-tax

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3.1. Define risk
Risk is usually understood as exposure to a danger or hazard. In investment decisions, risk is
defined as the possibility that what is actually earned as return could be different from what is
expected to be earned. For example, consider an investor who buys property after reading
about the huge returns made by property investors. He expects to earn at least 50% return in 3
years. But if property prices fall during that period, the investor could end up with a negative
return of 30%. This deviation between actual and expected returns is the risk in his investment.
If the return from an investment remains unchanged over time, there would be no risk. But
there is no investment of that kind in the real world. Even returns on government saving
products change. For example, consider the Public Provident Fund (PPF), which is a 15-year
deposit in which investors have to put in money at least once every year. This investment is
considered to be government- guaranteed and its returns are viewed as being very safe. The rate
of return on PPF was 12% in the year 2000. Consider the changes ever since:
Reduced to 11% in January 2000
Reduced to 9. 5% in March 2001
Reduced to 9 % in March 2002
Reduced to 8% in March 2003
An investor, who began to invest in 1999, hoping to earn 12% return, would have found that by
March 2003, the rate had come down to 8%. With effect from April 1, 2012, the rate of interest
is 8.8% (compounded annually). The unexpected change to investment return that impacts the
investors financial plans is the risk investors have to deal with.
Deviations from expected outcomes can be positive or negative: both are considered to be
risky. However, it is human nature to focus on negative deviations- or situations when actual
returns fall below the expected level.
The causes of risk depend on the uses to which the investment proceeds are put, and the
factors that influence them. For example, returns earned from investment in the equity shares
of a cement company depend on the performance of the company, which in turn is a function
of factors such as demand for cement, employee costs, prices of inputs, government duties,
competition from imports. The risk associated with investing in such a company would be
affected by all these factors that can cause returns to deviate from expected levels.
All investments are subject to risk, but the type and extent of risk are different. Thus it is
important to understand the common types of risk and evaluate investments with respect to
3.2. Common Types of Risk
There are several types of risk to which investments can be exposed.
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3.2.1 Inflation Risk
Inflation risk represents the risk that the money received on an investment may be worth less
when adjusted for inflation. Inflation risk is also known as purchasing power risk. It is a risk that
arises from the decline in value of securitys cash flows due to the falling purchasing power of
Consider a simple example. Asha has invested a lump sum in bank fixed deposits that yield her
about Rs.5000 per month. This is adequate to cover the cost of her household provisions.
Suppose that inflation rises to 10%, meaning that there is a general rise in prices of goods by
about 10%. Then Rs.5000 will no longer be enough to cover Ashas monthly provisions costs,
she would need 10% more, or Rs.5500. The purchasing power of her cash flows has declined.
Asha would have to manage her budget at a lower level, or reallocate her investments to earn
higher cash flows. Her investment, though in a reliable bank deposit, has been exposed to
inflation risk.
Inflation risk is highest in fixed return instruments, such as bonds, deposits and debentures,
where investors are paid a fixed periodic interest and returned the principal amount at
maturity. Both interest payments and principal repayments are amounts fixed in absolute
terms. Suppose a bond pays a coupon of 8% while the inflation rate is 7%, then the real rate of
return is just 1%. If inflation goes up to 9%, the bond may return a negative real rate of return.
Thus even while the investor is holding the bond, its real value has been eroded because of
changing inflation.
Inflation risk has a particularly adverse impact on retired persons, whose income flows tend to
be fixed in absolute terms. Consider an investor who is planning for his retirement years. He
plans to invest in debt instruments that earn about 6% -8% p.a. to meet his monthly expenses.
Suppose average inflation for the next 5 years is expected at least 9%. Clearly, the retiree is
likely to earn only -3% to -1% in real terms, so his investment will not earn enough to cover his
3.2.2 Default Risk
Default risk or credit risk refers to the probability that borrowers could default on a
commitment to pay their promised dues. Debt instruments are subject to default risk as they
have pre-committed payouts.
When investors buy a bond they lend to the issuer of the bond presuming that interest and
principal as promised would be paid on the due dates. The failure by a borrower to honor the
commitment to pay interest or principal or both, creates default risk for the investor.
The sovereign government has the highest credit worthiness in any market. It can always meet
payment obligations because it can impose taxes, raise international loans or even print money
as a last resort. Therefore government borrowings are considered safe from default risk. In
general, all borrowers other than the government are subject to credit or default risk.
The level of default risk associated with a debt instrument can be assessed through the credit
rating assigned to it. Credit rating agencies assign credit ratings for debt issuances after carrying
out a detailed analysis of the issuers financial ability to honor the payments on time. These
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ratings are in the form of alphanumeric symbols. Rating is given for an instrument and not a
firm; so two different instruments issued by the same firm can have different ratings. Higher is
the credit rating, lower is the default risk.
However, ratings do not guarantee credit quality. Rating agencies periodically monitor the
financials of the issuer company and can change the original ratings if necessary. Consider an
example. XYZ, an NBFC, issued a 10% annual bond maturing in 1 year. The bond was rated A
by credit rating agencies. After 1 year, the company faced a severe credit crisis and was not
able to pay interest and principal. The bond was classified as default and its rating reduced to
the lowest level D.
3.2.3 Liquidity Risk
Liquidity or marketability refers to the ease with which an investment can be bought or sold in
the market. Liquidity risk refers to an absence of liquidity in an investment. Thus liquidity risk
implies that the investor may not be able to sell his investment when desired, or it has to be
sold below its intrinsic value, or there are high costs to carrying out transactions.
For example, the market for corporate bonds in India is not liquid, especially for retail investors.
Investors who want to sell a bond may not find a ready buyer. Even if there were a buyer, the
price may be lower due to the lack of liquidity. Investments in property and art are also subject
to liquidity risk.
3.2.4 Re-investment risk
Re-investment risk arises from the probability that income flows received from an investment
may not be able to earn the same interest as the original interest rate. The risk is that
intermediate cash flows may be reinvested at a lower return as compared to the original
For example, consider an investment in a bond with a maturity of 5 years and interest income
at 12% per year. Each year Rs. 12 is received for every Rs. 100 invested. These cash flows have
to be reinvested at the rates that are prevalent at the time they are received, so they may not
earn 12%. The reinvestment rates can be high or low, depending on the situation at that time.
This is the reinvestment risk.
If Interest rate rises , reinvestment risk reduces, or is eliminated
If Interest rate falls, reinvestment risk increases
3.2.5 Business Risk
Business risk is the risk inherent in the operations of a company. It is also known as operating
risk, because this risk is caused by factors that affect the operations of the company. Common
sources of business risk include cost of raw materials, employee costs, introduction and
position of competing products, marketing and distribution costs.
For example, consider a company that manufactures jute bags. Suppose the cost of jute, which
is the key raw material, goes up. The company has to face higher operating costs, which it may
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or may not be able to pass on to its customers through higher selling prices. This is a risk
specific to businesses that use jute as an input.
3.2.6 Exchange Rate Risk
Exchange rate risk is incurred due to changes in the exchange rate of domestic currency relative
to a foreign currency. When a domestic investor invests in foreign assets, or a foreign investor
invests in domestic assets, the investment is subject to exchange rate risk.
It must be noted that
If domestic currency depreciates (falls in value) against foreign currency, the value of
foreign asset goes up in terms of domestic currency.
If domestic currency appreciates (increase in value) against foreign currency, the value of
foreign asset goes down in terms of domestic currency.
Example: An NRI based in the US invests $1000 in a bank deposit in India @10% for 1 year
when the exchange rate is Rs. 45 per US$. After one year, the rupee depreciates and the
exchange rate is Rs. 50 per US$. What is the risk to his investment if he decides to repatriate
the money back?
The value of his investment has increased in rupee terms and declined in dollar terms as the
rupee has depreciated against the dollar.
Initial Invested amount = US$1000 @ 45 Rs. per US$ = Rs.45000
Interest earned = 10% x 45,000 = Rs. 4500
Investment value after one year = 45000+4500 = Rs. 49,500
Investment value in dollar terms @ 50 Rs. per US$ = 49500/50 = $990
Loss in investment value = 1,000 - 990 = $10
Although the deposit paid a nominal return of 10%, there was a loss in investment value,
because the exchange rate depreciated by more than 10%.
3.2.7 Interest Rate Risk
Interest rate risk refers to the risk that bond prices will fall in response to rising interest rates,
and rise in response to declining interest rates.
Bond prices and interest rates have an inverse relationship. This can be explained with an
example. An investor invests in a 5-year bond that is issued at Rs.100 face value, and pays an
annual interest rate of 8%. Suppose that after one year, interest rates in the markets start
declining. New 5-year bonds are issued by companies with a similar credit rating at a lower rate
of 7.5%. Investors in the old bonds have an advantage over investors in the new bonds, since
they are getting an additional 0.5% interest rate. Since investors want to earn the maximum
return for a given level of risk, there will be a rush of investors trying to buy up the old bonds.
As a result the market price of the old bond will go up. The price will rise up to a level at which
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the IRR of the cash flows from the old bond is about 7.5%. This will take place for all bonds until
their yields are aligned with the prevailing market rate.
Suppose, instead, that interest rates have increased. New issuers of 5-year debt will be forced
to offer higher interest rates of, say, 9%. Now investors in the new bonds will earn more than
investors in the old bonds. The holders of the old bonds (which pay only 8% interest) will sell off
their holdings and try to buy the new bonds. This market reaction will push down the prices of
the old bonds up to the level at which the IRR of its cash flows exactly matches the market rate.
The relationship between rates and bond prices can be summed up as:
If interest rates fall, or are expected to fall, bond prices go up.
If interest rates rise, or are expected to rise, bond prices decline.
Bond investments are subject to volatility due to interest rate fluctuations. This risk also
extends to debt funds, which primarily hold debt assets.
3.2.8 Systematic and Unsystematic Risk
Total risk consists of two parts. The part of risk that affects the entire system is known as
systematic risk, and the part that can be diversified away is known as unsystematic risk.
Systematic risk or market risk refers to those risks that are applicable to the entire financial
market or a wide range of investments. These risks are also known as undiversifiable risks,
because they cannot be eliminated through diversification. Systematic risk is caused due to
factors that may affect the economy/markets as a whole, such as changes in government
policy, external factors, wars or natural calamities. Here are some examples.
The 2008 financial crisis affected economic growth and led to depressed equity prices
across all stocks.
The RBI increased interest rates sharply during 2010-11 in order to control inflation. This led
to a fall in the prices of all bonds during that period.
Unsystematic risk is the risk specific to individual securities or a small class of investments.
Hence it can be diversified away by including other assets in the portfolio. Unsystematic risk is
also known as diversifiable risk.
Inflation risk, exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and reinvestment risk are systematic risks.
Inflation risk affects all investments, though its highest impact is on fixed rate instruments. All
overseas investments are subject to exchange rate risk. Interest rate and reinvestment risk
impact all debt investments. Credit risk, business risk, and liquidity risks are unsystematic risks.
The following examples illustrate how an investment can be subject to both systematic and
unsystematic risk.
(i) Ajay invests in equity shares of an infrastructure company. He believes that the company will do
well because of the growing demand for infrastructure, and the companys strong technical and
managerial capabilities. Ajays investment is subject to two main risks- business risk and market
risk. Ajay can reduce his business risk by investing in other companies operating in different
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sectors. But an economic slowdown would reduce the profitability of all companies. This is the
market risk in equity investment that cannot be diversified.
(ii) Ashima is keen to invest in bonds issues. Her investment is subject to credit risk and interest
rate risk. She can reduce credit risk by increasing the proportion of highly-rated bonds in her
portfolio. However, if interest rates fall, then prices of all the bonds held by her will decline. This
is the interest rate risk which is common to all debt investments.
3.3. Measuring Risk
Risk is defined as deviation of actual returns from expected return. Hence measurement of risk
needs data for actual as well as expected returns. Thus, while evaluating the risk of an investment
two types of information are needed:
(i) Information on the future values of return from that investment and
(ii) The likelihood of occurrence, or probability estimate for each return value
However, in real life, we may not be able to estimate future returns, or even correctly decide
the range of values that returns could take. Nor can we assign accurate probabilities to each
one of these values. Investors only have a single series of past observations, from which both
actual and expected returns have to be extracted.
Since most investors tend to form expectations on the basis of historical performance of an
asset, it is common practice to represent expected returns by an average return. For example,
suppose the annual return from equities is measured over the last 30 years, and the average
return is found to be 15%. Then it could be said that a return of 15% is the expected return
from equity investment. If the observed return for each year was different from 15%, there is
risk in the investment.
Risk may be measured by estimating statistically, the variance, standard deviation and beta
coefficient of a return series. Other measures such as semi-variance, co-variance, correlation,
coefficient of determination are also used in measuring risk.
Variance and Standard Deviation:
As the name suggests, variance measures how much the actual returns vary from the average
(the mean is also the expected return if one uses the past returns as a guide). The returns from
an investment over the last several years can be used to estimate an average; but the actual
return for each year was different from this average. This tendency for actual return to be
quite different from the average, is a good description of risk, and can be measured statistically.
If one measured the difference between the actual and average over time, and added it all up,
such sum would be zero. This is so because the average has been computed by evening off
these values. Therefore variance is computed by squaring the difference between each value
and the average (square of a negative number is also a positive value) and then computing the
average of these divergences.
The higher the variance for an expected rate of return, the greater the dispersion of expected
returns and the greater the uncertainty, or risk, of the investment.
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Standard Deviation is the square root of variance and is more commonly used.
Both variance and standard deviation have to be computed for a larger number of observations of
return (typically more than 30 values) to be relevant. It is also important to know that estimates of
risk obtained from historical returns may not always hold good in the future.
3.3.1 Computing Standard Deviation and Variance
The standard deviation is the average deviation of observed returns from the average return
over a time period. It is computed using a statistical formula. To calculate standard deviation,
we do the following:
1. Calculate expected return, or the average return of the series for which standard deviation
is to be computed
2. Calculate deviations of each actual return value from the above average return.
3. Square this deviation
4. Add up all the squared deviations
5. Now take a square root of the sum of squared deviations (obtained in step 4)
6. Divide the square root obtained in step 5 by the square root of the number of observations
7. The number computed in step 6 is the standard deviation
At least 30 observations are required in the series in order to compute an accurate statistical
value of standard deviation. The variance is the square of the standard deviation. It can also be
obtained by taking value at (4) above and divide it by the number of observations.
MS Excel can be used to quickly compute standard deviation and variance. The function STDEV
returns the standard deviation of a selected series of data. The function VAR estimates the
variance of the selected values.
Standard deviation and variance are also called measures of dispersion, because they measure
the extent to which observed values are scattered away from the average. The higher the
standard deviation or variance, the more the dispersion of observed returns around the
average. Therefore, higher standard deviations are associated with higher risk. Consider the
following example:

An investor is choosing between two investment propositions A and B. The return from both
over the last one year is the same at 12%. But A has a standard deviation of 8% and B has a
standard deviation of 6%. Which of the two has a higher risk?
Clearly, investment A has a higher standard deviation and is associated with higher risk. This is
because the scatter of returns earned by A around its past average is more than the scatter of
returns earned by B. A is more volatile, and so more risky as compared to B.
The picture below depicts standard deviation graphically. The average return is shown by a
straight line. Actual returns vary around the average value. The standard deviation of the series
pictured here is 2.5%. If a series had a lower standard deviation, say, 1%, it would be less
scattered around the average line.
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Standard deviation is usually computed on the basis of a past series of returns. Since the
returns used are historical, the same level of risk may not apply in the future. This is because
risk is driven by a variety of factors and not all of them can be forecast accurately. Therefore
standard deviation is best used as an indicative rather than a conclusive number.
3.3.2 Relative Risk
Risk in an investment portfolio may be created due to the co-existence of the securities in the
portfolio, or the presence of common return factors that impact the total risk of the portfolio.
For example, assume that a portfolio holds stocks of a company making aluminum and another
company making beverage cans. Each of these stocks would have risks. That is, their returns
will move away, up or down, from the average or expected returns.
However, such movement, which we now know can be measured by variance or standard
deviation, might actually feature a trade-off that reduces the risk of the portfolio. If prices of
aluminum were to go up, the company making aluminum will benefit positively, as its revenues
and profits will go up; but the company making cans will be hurt negatively since its costs will
go up and profits will fall. Therefore, risk in a portfolio is not the weighted average sum of the
risk of the securities it holds, but a number that considers this trade-off. In the investing world,
this ability for securities to move in opposite directions, thus reducing overall risk, is called
diversification. The co-movement in two sets of returns, over a period of time, can be
measured in the following ways:
Covariance is an absolute measure of the extent to which two sets of numbers move together
over time, that is, how often they move up or down together. It is a measure of the degree to
which two variables move together over time relative to their individual mean returns. It can be
computed using the Ms Excel function Covar.
Correlation coefficient is a standardized measure of the relationship between two variables
that ranges from 1.00 to +1.00. This is a more intuitive measure of how two series of returns
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
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move over time. It can be computed using the MS Excel function Correl.
Interpretation of correlation coefficient
a. A correlation coefficient of +1 means that returns always change proportionally in the same
direction. They are perfectly positively correlated.
b. A correlation coefficient of -1 means that returns always move proportionally in the opposite
direction. They are perfectly negatively correlated.
A correlation coefficient of 0 means that there is no linear relationship between the two
securities returns i.e., they are uncorrelated.
When a security is added to a portfolio, its impact on the overall risk of the portfolio depends
on its covariance or correlation coefficient with the portfolio. For example, a global investor
who holds a dominant portion of the portfolio in US equity index would be interested in
investing in emerging markets such as India, if adding Indian stocks to the portfolio reduces the
overall risk. This is possible if the Indian equity index exhibits a correlation that is negative or
low positive. Consider these possibilities:
If the correlation between the two is -1, the investor gets the maximum benefit of
diversification. Whenever the US index moves up, the Indian index moves down, reducing the
risk almost completely.
If the correlation between the two is +1, there is no change in risk by including Indian stocks in
the portfolio. The two components move up and down, virtually together.
If the correlation between the two 0, there is no seeming sympathy between the two series.
It is only for correlation values greater then 0, less than 1 up to a value of -1, does risk of the
portfolio fall with the inclusion of India in the portfolio of a global investor in US stocks.
Beta Co-efficient
Risk in a series of return may not always be caused by factors specific to a stock, industry, or
sector. The risk of change in aluminum price, for example, impacted the aluminum producer
and can producer stocks differently. It is therefore a company-specific risk or unsystematic risk.
However, if the interest rates are increased, both aluminum and can producers will be
impacted. Such risks that can affect the returns of all securities irrespective of their specific
features, is called market risk or systematic risk. Market risk is, by definition not diversifiable.
It does not enjoy the set-off benefits that unsystematic risk has.
In order to measure the market risk, we use a measure called the beta coefficient or beta in
short. Beta is measured by using a market index to substitute for a market portfolio, and
measure how the security or a portfolio behaves with respect to the market returns, over a
period of time. A statistical technique called regression is used to estimate beta, such that for a
given return of the market portfolio, the return of the security or portfolio can be estimated.
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Beta of the market index is set at 1. Higher the beta, greater is the response of the security or
portfolio for a given movement in the market index.
Most risk measures are statistical. They are typically measured using historical data, or
estimated based on observations. Risk in an investment portfolio is also amenable to set-off
benefits, or diversification benefits. Therefore both absolute risk and relative risk are important
in investment portfolios.

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Sample Questions

1. A retired person is depending on a monthly annuity income to finance his expenses.
The greatest risk faced by his cash flows is
a. Business risk
b. Exchange rate risk
c. Interest rate risk
d. Inflation risk

2. Investment in a government security issued at a fixed interest rate is subject to
a. Credit risk
b. Business risk
c. Interest rate risk
d. Liquidity risk

3. An investor purchases equity shares of a cement manufacturing company. The returns
from his investment do not face
a. Interest rate risk
b. Credit risk
c. Business risk
d. Inflation risk

4. An investor holds a large portfolio of shares from different companies and industries.
Her portfolio is likely to be protected from
a. Credit risk
b. Inflation risk
c. Liquidity risk
d. Unsystematic risk

NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination


NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination


The primary function of a financial adviser with respect to investment planning is asset
allocation. While a fund manager or a portfolio manager engages in a bottom up activity of
selecting specific stocks and securities to construct a portfolio, the financial planner is not
involved in such activity of security selection. Financial advisory is a top-down function where,
based on the financial goals, expectations for return and risk preferences of the investor, an
appropriate asset allocation that satisfies the specified needs is recommended.
Financial plans are implemented and executed by using various financial products. The asset
allocation function in financial advisory services may be extended to recommend specific
products, if the adviser is also engaged in implementing the financial plan. In terms of the
current regulatory regime for advisors, they may execute a financial plan only if it is done
through an independent arm of their firm or by a completely different firm that they may own.
The distributors of financial products are required to undergo a comprehensive certification
covering the risk, return, holding period and operational details of the various financial and
investment products they choose to distribute to investors.
This chapter therefore focuses on the financial products used in investment planning and
provides a brief overview of their features. In order to acquire detailed knowledge, separate
certification exams for each category of products may be pursued.
4.1. Small Saving Instruments
The Indian government has instituted a number of small saving schemes to encourage investors
to save regularly. The main attraction of these schemes is the implicit guarantee of the
government, which is the borrower. These schemes are offered through the post office and
select banks.
The saving schemes currently offered by the government are:
Public Provident Fund (PPF)
Senior Citizens Saving Scheme (SCSS)
National Savings Certificate (NSC)
Post Office Schemes and Deposits
As per the decision of the Government on the recommendations of the Committee for
Comprehensive Review of National Small Savings Fund (NSSF), the rate of interest on small
savings will be dynamic and reflect the interest rates prevailing in the market. Hence, rates of
interest on small saving schemes will be aligned with G-sec rates of similar maturity with a
spread of 25 basis points (bps) and announced in April of every year. Also, the rate of interest
on an investment made in all schemes, except PPF, on a particular date remains unchanged for
the entire duration of the investment till maturity, irrespective of the revision in subsequent
years. In other words, the balances lying to the credit of the PPF account or the fresh
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contributions made to this account will bear interest as per the rates notified by the
Government from time to time.
4.1.1 Public Provident Fund
Instituted in 1968, the objective of the PPF is to provide a long term retirement planning option
to those individuals who may not be covered by the provident funds of their employers or may
be self-employed.
PPF is a 15-year deposit account that can be opened with a designated bank or a post office. A
person can hold only one PPF account in his or her own name or in the name of a minor child to
whom he or she is a guardian. Account can be opened by an individual for himself/herself, and
or on behalf of a minor of whom he/she is a guardian. HUFs and NRIs are not allowed to open
PPF accounts. If a resident subsequently becomes an NRI during the prescribed term, he/she
may continue to subscribe to the fund till its maturity on a non-repatriation basis. Joint account
cannot be opened, however nomination facility is available.
Regular deposits have to be made for a period of 15 years; penalties apply for skipping the
deposit. The account matures after expiry of 15 years from the end of financial year in which
the account was opened. For example if the account is opened in the financial year 2000-2001,
the account shall mature on 01 Apr 2016. In other words this is an instrument with a term of 16
Minimum amount that needs to be deposited in this account is Rs.500 and maximum amount
that can be deposited in a financial year in this account is Rs.1,00,000. Subscription should be
in multiples of Rs.5 and can be paid in one lump sum or in installments not exceeding 12 in a
financial year.
A maximum of 12 deposits can be made in a single year. Interest is calculated on the lowest
balance available in the account between 5
of the month and the last day of the month,
however, the total interest in the year is added back to PPF only at year end. Interest is
cumulated and not paid out.
One withdrawal in a financial year is permissible from seventh financial year from the year of
opening the account. Maximum withdrawal can be 50% of balance at the end of the fourth year
or the immediate preceding year, whichever is lower. The account can be closed in the
financial year or continued with or without additional subscription, for further blocks of 5
years. However, the continuation can be with or without contribution. Once an account is
continued without contribution for more than a year, the option cannot be changed.
Contribution to PPF is eligible for deduction under sec 80C of Income tax Act 1961. Interest is
completely tax free. Unlike other instruments which are eligible for tax deduction under Section
80C, PPF enjoys an exempt-exempt-exempt (EEE) status, where withdrawals are also not taxed.
A PPF account is not subject to attachment (seizure of the account by Court order) under any
order or decree of a court. However income tax authorities can attach PPF accounts to recover
tax dues.
4.1.2 National Savings Certificate (NSC)
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NSCs are like bonds, issued by the government for a specific period, and pay interest. They can
be bought from a post office and are usually held until maturity. NRI, HUF, Companies, trusts,
societies, or any other institutions are not allowed to purchase the NSCs. Premature
encashment is allowed only in case of death of the holder, forfeiture by a pledgee, or under
orders of court of law. Certificates are available in denominations of Rs. 100, 500, 1000, 5000,
and 10000.
Minimum investment is Rs. 500 without any maximum limit. It can be bought by an individual
or jointly by two adults. Nomination is possible. NSCs can also be bought in the name of minors.
The NSC VIII rules have been amended by the Government effective from 1 December, 2011. As
per the new rules, the certificates issued under NSC (VIII issue) Second Amendment Rules,
2011, will be for a maturity period of five years, commencing from the date of issue of the
certificate. The Central Government also introduced the National Savings Certificate IX, 2011,
effective from 1 December, 2011.
Both schemes enjoy tax benefits under section 80C of Income Tax Act, 1961. Interest on NSC
VIII is 8.5% p.a. compounded half yearly, which works out to be 8.68% p.a. Interest on NSC IX is
8.8% p.a., compounded half yearly, which works out to 9.00% p.a. Accrued interest is taxable,
but is deemed to be reinvested and therefore eligible for Section 80C benefits.
NSCs are not transferrable. However they can be redeemed at a discount in case of death of a
certificate holder, or by a pledge for invocation of a pledge. Pre-mature encashment is permitted
after a period of 3 years from the date of purchase at a discounted interest rate. The certificates
are also accepted as collateral for taking a loan. The government has recently enabled holding
NSCs in demat form.
4.1.3 Senior Citizens Saving Scheme (SCSS)
Only senior citizens of age 60 years or above, on the date of opening the account, are eligible to
open an account with Senior Citizens Saving Scheme. Proof of age and a photograph of account
holder are required. The age limit is reduced to 55 years in case of an individual retiring on
superannuation or otherwise, or under VRS or special VRS, provided the account is opened
within one month of date of receipt of retirement benefits. The retired personnel of Defence
Services, excluding Civilian Defence Employees, shall be eligible irrespective of age limit.
NRIs, PIOs and HUF are not eligible to invest in this scheme. The term for the scheme is 5 years.
A onetime extension of three years is allowed, if applied within one year of its maturity.
Maximum limit of investment is Rs.15 lakhs. However, in case of retirees before the age of 60
years the limit is restricted to retirement benefits or Rs.15 Lakhs, whichever is less. An investor
can open more than one account subject to the condition, that amount in all accounts taken
together does not at any point of time exceed Rs.15 Lakhs. Having said that, two or more
accounts cannot be opened during one month. Nomination facility is available even in case of
joint account. The investment is non transferable and non tradable.
The interest rate is 9.2% p.a. payable quarterly. Annualized equivalent is 9.53% p.a. assuming
the interest component is re-invested. The benefit of section 80C is available on investment but
interest is fully taxable.
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Premature closure is allowed after expiry of one year subject to following conditions-
After expiry of one year but before 2 years, 1.50 % of deposit shall be deducted.
After expiry of 2 years, 1% of the deposit shall be deducted.
No deduction is made in case of closure of account due to the death of the account holder.

4.1.4 Post Office Schemes and Deposits
Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS)
As the name suggests, this scheme provides a regular monthly income to the depositors. This
scheme has a term of 5 years (reduced from 6 years w.e.f 1 December, 2011).
Minimum amount of investment is Rs.1500, and maximum amount in case of single account is
Rs. 4.5 lakhs, and in case of joint account is Rs. 9 lakhs.
Interest rate is 8.4% p.a. payable monthly with no bonus on maturity. The earlier facility of
bonus of 5% payable on maturity stands withdrawn from 1 December, 2011. Nomination
facility is available.
Premature withdrawal of the invested amount is allowed after 1 year of opening the account. If
the account is closed between 1 and 3 years of opening, 2% of the deposited amount is
deducted as penalty. If it is closed after 3 years of opening, 1% of the deposited amount is
charged as penalty.
Also, the bonus amount (applicable for accounts opened before 1 December, 2011) is forfeited
when one closes the account early.
Post Office Time Deposits (POTD)
These are similar to fixed deposits of commercial Banks. Interest rates are calculated half-yearly
and withdrawals are permitted after six months. No interest is paid on closure of accounts
before one year, and thereafter the amount of deposit shall be repaid with interest @2% below
the corresponding time deposit rate for the completed number of years. Accounts can be
pledged as a security for availing a loan. Also nomination facility is available for this account.
The POTD is offered for various durations as mentioned in the below table:
Duration Interest rates (p.a.)
w.e.f 1 April 1, 2013*
One Year 8.2%
Two Year 8.2%
Three Year 8.3%
Five Year 8.4%
* These rates are subject to changes annually as indicated by the government.

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4.2. Fixed Income Instruments
The Indian debt markets are largely wholesale markets dominated by institutional investors.
There is however a few retail products that are offered from time to time. Some bonds are
offered to retail investors but do not have a liquid secondary market. Therefore retail investors
do not participate in such bond issues.
The following are the other bonds and deposits available to retail investors:
Government securities
Corporate bonds
Company deposits
4.2.1 Government Securities
Government securities (G-secs) are issued by the RBI on behalf of the government. G-secs
represent the borrowing of the government, mostly to meet the deficit. Deficit is the gap
between the governments income and expenditure. G-secs are issued through auctions that are
announced by RBI from time to time. Banks, mutual funds, insurance companies, provident fund
trusts and such institutional investors are large and regular buyers of G-secs. With a view to
encouraging retail participation, the government has reserved 5% of the auction amount in every
auction for non-competitive buyers, including retail investors.
In order to buy G-secs retail investors have to open a constituent SGL account with their bank
or any other holder of SGL (Securities General Ledger) accounts. The CSGL account is held as
parts of the accounts of the offering bank, in which the G-secs are held as electronic entries in
demat form. Investors can also hold G-secs in their normal demat account, after buying them.
The minimum investment amount is Rs.10,000. Investors can apply for buying G-secs through
their SGL-holding bank and make the payment through their bank. The price at which they will
be buying the G-secs will be determined at the end of the auction.
There is no cumulative option in a G-sec. Interest is paid out on pre-specified dates into the
designated bank account of the investor.
Interest is not subject to TDS but is fully taxable. Redemption proceeds are also paid into the
bank account. Though there is a retail debt market segment in which all issued G-secs can be
traded, there is no liquidity for small lots of G-secs. The institutional market where the trading
lot is Rs.5 crore is quite active. Retail investors may have to hold the G-secs to maturity.
G-secs can be offered as collateral for taking a loan from a bank. G-secs are benchmark
securities in the bond market, and tend to offer a lower interest rate compared to other
borrowers for the same tenor. This is because there is no credit risk or risk of default in a G-sec.
4.2.2 Corporate Bonds
Corporate bonds are debt instruments issued by private and public sector companies. They are
issued for tenors ranging from two years to 15 years. The more popular tenors are 5-year and
7-year bonds. Most corporate bonds are issued to institutional investors such as mutual funds,
insurance companies, and provident funds through private placement. Sometimes, there is a
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

public issue of bonds where retail investors are called upon to invest. Publicly issued bonds
tend to have a face value of Rs.10,000.
Bonds of all non-government issuers come under the regulatory purview of SEBI. They have to
be compulsorily credit-rated and issued in the demat form. The coupon interest depends on the
credit rating. Bonds with the highest credit rating of AAA, for example, are considered to have
the highest level of safety with respect to repayment of principal and periodic interest. Such
bonds tend to pay a lower rate of interest than those that have a lower credit rating such as
Bonds issued by companies in the financial sector tend to carry a higher coupon interest rate,
compared to those issued by companies in the manufacturing sector. This is also due to the
perception of higher risk, as companies in the finance sector tend to borrow more (as a
proportion of their equity capital) compared to companies in the manufacturing sector.
Corporate bonds can be issued using various cash flow structures. A plain vanilla bond will have
a fixed term to maturity with coupon being paid at pre-defined periods and the principal
amount is repaid on maturity. The bond is usually issued at its face value, say, Rs. 100 and
redeemed at par, the same Rs. 100. The simple variations to this structure could be a slightly
varied issue price, higher or lower than par and a slightly altered redemption price, higher or
lower than par. In some cases, the frequency of the interest payment could vary, from monthly,
to quarterly and annual. Apart from a regular fixed-interest-paying bond, the other types of
bonds issued are: zero coupon bonds, floating rate bonds and bonds with put or call options.
Convertible bonds, allow investors to convert the bond fully or partly into equity shares, in a
pre-determined proportion.
Corporate bonds offered to retail investors tend to feature various options, to make it
attractive to investors across tenors and frequency of interest payments.
Secondary market trading is usually concentrated among institutional investors and the market
is not very liquid for retail investors. Apart from credit risk, retail investors also bear liquidity
risk while buying these bonds. Interest is fully taxable.
4.2.3 Infrastructure Bonds
The government announces from time to time, a list of infrastructure bonds, investment in
which is eligible for deduction under Section 80C of the Income tax Act.
Bonds issued by financial institutions like the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), India
Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd. (IIFCL) and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD) are eligible for such deduction. The bonds are structured and issued by
these institutions as interest paying bonds, zero coupon bonds or any other structure they
prefer. For example, the IDBI Flexi Bonds have been issued in four different variations of zero
coupons, monthly income-paying, cumulative and regular interest paying bonds.
The terms of the issue such as tenor, rate of interest and minimum investment may differ
across the bonds. What is common is that these bonds have a minimum lock-in period (which
could be three years, or five years) and they cannot be transferred or pledged.
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Infrastructure bonds are compulsorily credit rated, and can be issued in the demat form.
Interest from these bonds is taxable. Infrastructure bonds do not carry any government
4.2.4 Bank Deposits
A bank fixed deposit (FD) also called as a term or time deposit, as it is a deposit account with a
bank for a fixed period of time. It entitles the investor to pre-determined interest payments and
return of the deposited sum on maturity. Fixed bank deposits offer higher returns than savings
accounts as the money is available for use by the bank for a longer period of time. Fixed deposits
are preferred by investors who like their money to remain with their bank and do not have an
immediate need for it.
Bank FDs are considered to be a safe investment option. This is because each depositor is insured
up to Rs.1 lakh by the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC). It includes all
deposits and interest on them, held across branches of a given bank.
A fixed deposit is created by opening an FD account with the bank which in turn issues an FD
receipt. Interest on an FD can be paid into the depositors savings bank account at a pre-
defined frequency, or accumulated and paid at the end of the term. On maturity, the lump sum
deposit amount is returned to the investor.
Investors can also choose to renew the deposit on the maturity date. The minimum deposit
amount varies across banks. The duration of deposits can range from 14 days to 10 years
though FDs longer than 5 years are not very common.
Interest Rates on FDs
Interest rates depend on the duration of deposit, amount deposited and policies of the bank. In
general, longer term deposits pay a higher rate than shorter term deposits. Banks also offer
special rates to senior citizens, defined as those who are over 60 years of age. Interest rates
also vary from bank to bank. The interest rate paid by a bank depends on its need for funds.
Interest rates do not remain unchanged. Deposit rates offered by banks for various tenors
change over time, depending on the economic cycle, their need for funds and demand for
credit (loans) from banks.
Having said that, an interest rate committed to be payable for a tenor, until maturity, does not
change even if market interest rates change. New rates usually apply only for fresh deposits.
Banks may also prescribe a minimum lock-in period during which funds cannot be withdrawn
from the FD account. They may levy a penalty on depositors for pre-mature withdrawals.
FD holders may enjoy additional benefits such as loan facility against the security of their FD
receipts, or cash overdraft facility.
Investment in specified (under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act) 5-year bank FDs are eligible
for tax deductions up to a maximum amount of Rs.1 lakh, along with other investment options
listed under the same section. These deposits are subject to a lock-in period of 5 years and have
to be added back to the taxable income in the year of redemption.
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4.3. Mutual Funds
Mutual funds offer a range of products to investors. These products are designed to meet
various investment objectives, which can be categorized in terms of:
Risk and return expectations
Investment horizon
Investment strategy
For example, investors who are willing to take higher risks for higher level of return, tend to
choose equity products. Investors who seek regular income and a lower level of risk, tend to
choose debt products. Long term investors may choose equity, while investors with short to
medium term horizons choose debt and debt-oriented products. Investors who anticipate an
appreciation in prices of equity shares may prefer equity products over debt products. Several
products may also seek to address multiple objectives. Investors with a short investing horizon,
unwilling to risk their principal, and thus prefer a high quality portfolio only short term money
market instruments, could find a liquid fund that meets all these objectives.
4.3.1 Equity funds
Equity funds invest in equity instruments such as shares, derivatives, and warrants.
Most equity funds, are created with the objective of generating long term growth and capital
appreciation. The investing horizon for equity products is also longer, given that equity as an
asset class may be volatile, in the short term.
Stocks are classified on the basis of market cap and industry.
Classification of equity funds is based on the type of stocks they invest in. Hence, equity funds
may be diversified funds, large cap funds; mid and small cap funds, sector funds, and thematic
funds, depending upon the sectors and the market segment that they invest in.

All equity funds are subject to market risk. Risk, is inherent, in equity markets, and therefore, an
investor investing in an equity funds must be prepared for some volatility. Performance of
different equity funds may vary depending upon their portfolio composition.
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Risk inherent in equity funds can be managed through portfolio construction strategy. This may
be accomplished through the extent of diversification, market segment selection, and fund
management style.
For example, an equity fund may be well-diversified in order to control risk. Similarly, large cap
funds are considered less risky, as compared to mid-cap and small-cap funds. Also, growth
funds are considered risky, aggressive funds, while value funds are considered less risky
conservative funds.
Diversified equity funds invest across various sectors, sizes and industries, with the objective of
beating a broad equity market index. These funds feature lower risk as the benefit of
diversification kicks in and are suitable for investors with long investment horizons.
Underperformance of one sector or stock may be made up for by the out-performance of any
one or more of the other sectors or stocks. For example, in case of a diversified fund, if the auto
sector underperforms due to rising interest rates, the same may be made up by the
performance of the technology sector, or the metals sector, or the telecom sector.
Thematic Equity Funds invest in multiple sectors and stocks pertaining to a specific theme.
Themes are chosen by the fund managers who believe these will do well over a given period of
time based on their understanding of macro trends and developments.
Funds may be based on the themes of infrastructure growth, commodity cycles, public sector
companies, multi-national companies, rural sector growth, businesses driven by consumption
patterns and service-oriented sectors.
These funds run a higher concentration risk, as compared to a diversified equity fund but are
diversified within a particular theme. Such fund offer a higher return if the specific theme they
focus on does better than the overall market. For example, Infrastructure funds did
exceptionally well during the 2006 to 2008 market cycle, as the Indian economy grew rapidly
and infrastructure-related companies out-performed. They underperformed during the period
2009-2011, when the infrastructure growth slowed down in India, due to slower economic
Sector funds are available for sectors such as information technology, banking, pharma and
FMCG. We know that sector performances tend to be cyclical. The return from investing in a
sector is never the same across time. For example, Auto sector, does well, when the economy is
doing well and more cars, trucks and bikes are bought. It does not do well, when demand goes
down. Banking sector does well, when interest rates are low in the market; they dont do well
when rates are high. An investor who invested in a sector fund, such as the technology fund,
would have made a high return in 2001, but made a negative return in 2002. Therefore, such
funds typically feature, high risk, and are unsuitable for a longer horizon.
Investments in sector funds have to be timed well. Investment in sector funds should be made
when the fund manager expects the related sectors, to do well. They could out-perform the
market, if the call on sector performance plays out. In case it doesnt, such funds could under-
perform the broad market. For example, an investor expecting the banking sector to out-
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perform as interest rates drop may incur a loss in a Banking sector fund, if the interest rates do
not fall, and the banking sector continues to under-perform. An investor expecting the
commodity sector to out-perform as economic growth picks up may incur a loss in a
commodity-based sector fund, if the economic growth does not rise as expected.
Value funds identify underpriced stocks that are not in focus but have the potential to do well
in the long run. Value strategy plays out over the long run and is potentially a low risk
Growth funds tend to focus on stocks, which show the potential for a higher earnings growth
compared to their peers. These funds are aggressive. It is therefore, obvious that growth funds
tend to do well, when the equity market is rising, when the companies are doing well, and their
earnings are high. Growth funds out-performed during the bull market cycle of 2005 till 2008.
On the other hand, value buying is patient, and conservative investment strategy. Hence, it may
under-perform, when markets are in a bull phase. However, they may out-perform growth
funds, when the markets are in a bear phase. For example, value funds out-performed growth
funds during the market fall of 2009 to 2011.
Index funds are passively managed, where the fund manager does not take a call on stocks or
the weights of the stocks in the portfolio, but simply replicates a chosen index. Replicating an
index means, holding all the same stocks, in exactly the same weightage as in the index.
Index funds could track the broader indices, such as Nifty and Sensex, or could track the sector-
specific indices such as BSE IT (Technology) or Bankex (Banking).
First time equity investors, who do not like to take a risk on the fund with respect to the
benchmark, are typically recommended index funds. Index funds will always deliver a return
equal to the return on the benchmark.
A slight difference in return could be attributed to the expense ratio which is charged by the
mutual fund. However, expense ratio on index funds is considerably lower that is 0.75% as
maximum, as compared to, 2.50% for actively managed equity funds.
Dividend yield funds invest in stocks that have a high dividend yield. Dividend yield is
computed as a ratio of dividend payout in rupee terms to the current market price. Dividend
received represents regular income from equity. Hence, such funds are also known as equity
income funds.
Stocks with high dividend yield tend to be less volatile compared to the regular equity growth
stocks as investors keep their focus on the regular dividend income coming from such stocks.
Special situations funds invest in stocks of companies undergoing special situations, such as, a
turnaround, merger and acquisition, takeover, and the like. The idea is to buy these companies
when they are under-valued, and make profits when the share price of such companies rises on
the occurrence of the special event. Dividend yield and special situation-based investing, is
conservative and may require patient, long investment horizon.
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Such strategies are defensive in nature and therefore, such funds may continue to do well when
aggressive growth funds are under-performing in a bear market situation.
Equity linked savings schemes (ELSS) is a special category of diversified equity funds designated
as ELSS, at the time of launch.
Investment in ELSS to the extent of Rs. 1 lakh in a year enjoys a tax deduction under Section 80C
of the Income Tax Act. Investors can buy the units to claim tax deduction at any time of the
financial year.
An ELSS can be offered as an open-ended scheme, in which case, a fund house can have only
one such scheme. Funds can also offer ELSS as a closed-end scheme.
Investment in both the open and closed end ELSS is subject to a 3-year lock-in. The lock-in
period will apply from the date of purchase of units.
During the lock-in period investors cannot sell, redeem, pledge, transfer, or in any manner alter
their holding in the fund.
An ELSS is required to stay invested, to the extent of at least 80% of its AUM in equity
In its management, an ELSS would be quite similar to a diversified equity fund.
Mutual funds launch funds, based on market cap, such as large cap, mid cap, small cap and
multi cap funds. Such funds represent a bias in terms of the stocks of companies that they
invest in.
Large cap funds are relatively low risk, low return investments (compared to other equity
funds), as large companies tend to be well established in their businesses with stable growth
and earnings. The smaller companies tend to exhibit higher growth on earnings, depending on
the business opportunity and their ability to grow. However, the risk is relatively higher as
smaller companies tend to also feature a higher risk of inability to withstand downturns and
lower liquidity in the stock market. These funds offer a higher-risk and higher-return variation
to large cap funds.
Risk and return of equity funds also varies depending upon market scenario. Large cap funds
out-perform mid cap funds in market fall and recovery, while mid-cap funds out-perform large
cap funds in upswing, and momentum. While Large-cap funds out-performed during the market
fall of 2009 and 2010 and the recovery in 2012, mid cap funds had significantly out-performed
large caps, during the upward momentum phase of 2006 till 2008.
Flexi-cap or vari-cap funds tend to exploit such opportunities. They switch between large and
midcap stocks based on the fund managers view of which style might outperform the
The Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme (RGESS) offers a rebate to first time retail investors
with annual income below Rs 10 lakhs. 50% of the amount invested (excluding brokerage,
securities transaction tax, service tax, stamp duty and all taxes appearing in the contract note)
can be claimed as a deduction from taxable income in a single financial year. Although any
amount can be invested in such scheme, the benefit is only available up to Rs. 50,000. Thus, the
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deduction is limited to 50% of Rs 50,000, i.e., Rs 25,000. Once an RGESS deduction is claimed in
a financial year, no further RGESS deduction can be claimed by that investor in any future years.
Mutual funds announce specific schemes that are eligible for the RGESS deduction.
4.3.2 Debt Funds
Mutual funds that invest in debt securities may invest in money market securities or in longer
term debt securities, or a combination of the two. The primary investment objective of liquid
and debt funds is regular income generation. However, since the longer term debt markets
offer the scope for capital growth, debt funds are offered along the yield curve, spanning very
short term to long term products.
Short Term Debt Funds
Money Market or Liquid Funds are very short term maturity. They invest in debt securities with
less than 91 days to maturity. However, there is no mark to market for securities less than 60
days to maturity.
The primary source of return is interest income. Liquid fund is a very short-term fund and seeks
to provide safety of principal and superior liquidity. It does this by keeping interest rate and
credit risk low by investing in very liquid, short maturity fixed income securities of highest credit
There are ultra short-term plans which are also known as treasury management funds, or cash
management funds. They invest in money market and other short term securities of maturity
up to 365 days. The objective is to generate a steady return, mostly coming from accrual of
interest income, with minimal NAV volatility.
Short Term Plan combines short term debt securities with a small allocation to longer term
debt securities. Short term plans earn interest from short term securities and interest and
capital gains from long term securities. The volatility in returns will depend upon the extent of
long-term debt securities in the portfolio.
Short term funds may provide a higher level of return than liquid funds and ultra short term
funds, but will be exposed to higher mark to market risks. Consider this example. XYZ and PQR
short term plans are holding 20% and 30% respectively in long term bonds. Interest rates in the
market have unexpectedly fallen sharply. Which one will show a better return? The answer to
this will be PQR short term plan, because it holds a higher proportion of long term securities.
This is beneficial in a falling interest rate environment.
Long Term Debt Funds
Long term debt funds are total return products. This means, the return is made up of both
interest income and capital appreciation or depreciation, depending upon profits or losses.
The value of bond held in a long term portfolio, changes with changes in interest rates. Since
market interest rates and value of a bond are inversely related, any fall in the interest rates
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causes a mark-to-market gain in a bond portfolio and vice versa. Therefore in a falling interest
rate scenario, when investors in most fixed income products face a reduced rate of interest
income, long term debt funds post higher returns. This is because they have augmented their
interest income with capital gains and made a higher total return.
The extent of change in market prices of debt securities is linked to the average tenor of the
portfolio - Higher the tenor, greater the impact of changes in interest rates. Long term debt
funds choose the tenor of the instruments for the portfolio, and manage the average maturity
of the portfolio, based on scheme objectives and their own interest rate views.
An income fund is a debt fund which invests in both short and long term debt securities of the
Government, public sector and private sector companies. An income fund may allocate a
considerable portion of the portfolio to government securities given the higher liquidity in the
g-sec markets. While Government securities provide safety from default and liquidity to the
portfolio, corporate debt securities enable higher interest income due to the credit spread over
Government securities. In the corporate bond market, an income fund tries to manage interest
income from buying bonds at a spread to Government securities and manages capital gains by
taking a view on the credit spread. Thus, income funds feature both interest rate risk and credit
risk and their performance depends largely on movements in interest rates and credit spreads.
Credit opportunity funds are another new category that has emerged among the debt funds in
India recently.
It is a variant of the Income fund, but comes at lower MTM risk.
The fund focuses on accrual income from corporate bonds of tenor 3 to 5 years. The investors
earn a high coupon owing to corporate spreads. It seeks to maintain high credit quality.
It is suitable for retail investors who:
Are looking for regular income from a debt fund. And,
Have at least 3 year investment horizon.
The investment strategy is primarily buy and hold as against active trading as is the case in an
Income Fund. Therefore, such funds do not take any exposure to government securities.
Gilt Funds invest in government securities of medium and long-term maturities. There is no risk
of default and liquidity is considerably higher in case of government securities. However, Prices
of government securities are very sensitive to interest rate changes. Interest rate risk is present,
depending upon maturity profile. Long term gilt funds have a longer maturity and therefore,
higher interest rate risk as compared to short term gilt funds. Gilt funds are popular with
investors mandated to invest in G-secs. Provident Fund or PF trusts are eligible to invest in gilt
funds as they have to declare annual interest income on the contributions made by investors.
Dynamic debt funds seek flexible and dynamic management of interest rate risk and credit risk.
That is, these funds have no restrictions with respect to security types or maturity profiles that
they invest in. Dynamic or flexible debt funds do not focus on long or short term segment of the
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yield curve, but move across the yield curve depending on where they see the opportunity for
exploiting changes in yields.
Duration of these portfolios are not fixed, but are dynamically managed. If the manager
believes that interest rates could move up, he would move the duration of the portfolio down.
When the managers believe that rates are likely to go down, he would increase the duration of
the portfolio.
Fixed maturity plans (FMPs) are closed-end funds that invest in debt securities with maturities
that match the term of the scheme. The debt securities are redeemed on maturity and paid to
investors. FMPs are issued for various maturity periods ranging from 3 months to 5 years.
Mutual fund companies typically keep FMPs in the pipeline, issuing one after another,
particularly depending upon demand from corporate investors in the market. The return of an
FMP depends on the yield it earns on the underlying securities. They typically invest only in
fixed income securities like debentures of issuers with a good credit rating. The investments are
spread across various issuers, but the tenor is matched with the maturity of the plan. An FMP
structure eliminates the interest rate risk or price risk for investors if the fund is held passively
until maturity. Therefore, even if the price of bonds held in the portfolio moves up or down, as
long as the fund receives the interest payouts and the original investment on maturity, the FMP
does not suffer significant risks. This makes FMPs the preferred investment in a rising interest
rate environment, as investors can lock into high yields.
4.3.3 Hybrid Funds
Mutual fund products invest in a combination of debt and equity in varying proportions.
Predominantly debt-oriented hybrids invest mostly in the debt market, but invest 5% to 35% in
equity. The objective in these funds is to generate income from the debt portfolio, without
taking on the risk of equity. A small allocation to equity provides a kicker to the overall return.
Predominantly equity-oriented hybrid funds have up to 35% in debt for income and stability. A
fund must have a minimum of 65% in equity in order to qualify for tax benefits as an equity-
oriented fund.
Equity-oriented funds have a small allocation to debt to reduce risk from equity. There are also
Dynamic asset allocation funds which have the flexibility to invest 0% to 100% in equity and
debt depending upon the fund managers view of the market scenario. Thus, these funds have
the ability to work as a 100% debt fund or a 100% equity fund, depending upon fund manager
Debt-oriented hybrids invest minimum of 70 to 95% in a debt portfolio.
The debt component is conservatively managed with the focus on generating regular income,
which is generally paid out in the form of periodic dividend. The credit risk and interest rate risk
are taken care of by investing into liquid, high credit rated and short term debt securities.
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The allocation to equity is kept low and primarily in large cap stocks, to enable a small increase
in return, without the high risk of fluctuation in NAV.
These attributes largely contribute accrual income in order to provide regular dividend for
Debt-oriented hybrids are designed to be a low risk product for an investor. These products are
suitable for traditional debt investors, who are looking for an opportunity to participate in
equity markets on a conservative basis with limited equity exposure.
Monthly income plan is a debt-oriented hybrid.
Though typically most debt-oriented hybrids invest maximum of 15% in equity, there are quite
a few variants. Aggressive MIPs invest up to 30% in equity, while conservative MIPs invest only
up to 5% equity.
Predominantly equity-oriented hybrids invest in the equity market, but invest up to 35% in
debt, so that some income is also generated.
Balanced funds are designed as equity-oriented funds.
Balanced funds are suitable to those investors who seek the growth opportunity in equity
investment, but do not have a very high risk appetite. Balanced funds typically have an asset
allocation of 65-80% in equity, and 20-35% in debt.
The proportions in equity and debt are managed tactically by the fund managers based on their
view of the markets. In an environment conducive to equity, balanced funds allocation to
equity may be raised to 80% in order to maximize returns. In a scenario where equity markets
are incurring losses, balanced funds minimize the extent of fall in the value of the portfolio by
reducing equity exposure and increasing debt exposure. Hence, it can be safely said that
balanced funds work like parachutes in a falling market.
4.3.4 Other Funds
A Fund of Funds (FoF) is a mutual fund that invests in other mutual funds. It does not hold
securities in its portfolio, but other funds that have been chosen to match its investment
objective. These funds can be either debt or equity, depending on the objective of the FoF. A
FoF either invests in other mutual funds belonging to the same fund house or belonging to
other fund houses. FoFs belonging to various mutual fund houses are called multi-manager
FoFs, because the AMCs that manage the funds are different.
A FoF is different from a mutual fund in its investment strategies. While mutual funds use
bottom-up stock selection, a FoF uses the top-down approach in selecting funds. It looks for
funds that fit the need and view that the FoF manager has. It specialises in analyzing funds,
their performance and strategy and adds or removes funds based on such analysis. An FoF
imposes additional cost on the investor, as the expenses of the underlying funds are built into
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their NAV. SEBI has imposed a ceiling of 2.50% for expense ratio of FoFs, which is the same as
expense ratio limit for equity funds.
The NAV of a FoF can be computed only after the NAV of the underlying funds is computed and
declared. FoFs are given time until morning of the next day, to announce their NAV. Also, note
that equity FoFs does not enjoy the tax concessions available to equity funds.
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) hold a portfolio of securities that replicates an index and are
listed and traded on the stock exchange. The return and risk on ETF is directly related to the
underlying index or asset. The expense ratio of an ETF is similar to that of an index fund.
ETFs are first offered in a New Fund Offer (NFO) like all mutual funds. Units are credited to
demat account of investors and ETF is listed on the stock exchange. On-going purchase and sale
is done on the stock exchange through trading portals or stock brokers. Settlement is like a
stock trade, and debit or credit is done to the demat account.
ETF prices are real-time and known at the time of the transaction, unlike NAV which is
computed end of a business day. Their value changes on a real-time basis along with changes in
the underlying index. First time equity Investors who do not wish to seek benefits of active
portfolio management strategy, and are satisfied with the returns linked to an index, are likely
to find ETFs suitable. Gold ETFs are most popular form of ETFs in India.
Gold ETF: This fund is a passively managed open-ended ETF, which invests in gold bullion and
instruments with gold as underlying, so as to provide investment returns that, closely track the
performance of domestic prices of Gold in the bullion market. Thus, rising gold prices would be
beneficial for the investor. Of course, the actual returns may be just a tad lower due to the
effect of expense ratio on fund management. When an investor invests in Gold ETF, the mutual
fund buys physical gold of 99.5% purity which is preserved safely by the custodian. Hence,
impurity risk in gold ETF is absent. Gold ETF allows investors to buy gold in quantities as low as
1gm. This is done in the form of demat units where each unit approximately represents the
value of 1 gm of Gold. Hence, investors can even use small amounts to invest in gold.

Source: Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund

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International funds invest in markets outside India, by holding certain foreign securities in their
portfolio. The allowable securities in Indian international funds include Equity of companies
listed abroad, ADRs and GDRs of Indian companies, Debt of companies listed abroad, ETFs of
other countries, Units of index funds in other countries, Units of actively managed mutual funds
in other countries. International equity funds may also hold some of their portfolios in Indian
equity or debt. They can also hold some portion of the portfolio in money market instruments
to manage liquidity. The overseas investment limit for resident individuals has gone up from
US$ 25,000 to US$ 2,00,000 per year.
The definition of equity-oriented funds in the Income Tax Act refers only to investment in
equity shares of domestic companies. If an international fund invests at least 65% of net assets
in domestic equity, and the rest abroad, only then it will be treated as an equity-oriented fund.
Therefore, international funds that invest in equity shares overseas, will not be classified as
equity-oriented funds for purposes of taxation.
Rewards Risks
Portfolio diversification from exposure to
global markets.

Political events and macro economic factors
cause investments to decline in value.

Benefits from investing in asset classes not
available domestically.

Investment's value will be impacted by
changes in exchange rates.

Opportunity to improve long-term portfolio
performance from picking global leaders.

Countries may change their investment
policy towards global investors.

Arbitrage funds aim at taking advantage of the price differential between the cash and the
derivatives markets. Arbitrage is defined as simultaneous purchase and sale of an asset to take
advantage of difference in prices in different markets. The difference between the future and
the spot price of the same underlying is an interest element, representing the interest on the
amount invested in spot, which can be realized on a future date, when the future is sold.
Funds buy in the spot market and sell in the derivatives market, to earn the interest rate
differential. For example, funds may buy equity shares in the cash market at Rupees 80 and
simultaneously sell in the futures market at Rs.100, to make a gain of Rupees 20. If the interest
rate differential is higher than the cost of borrowing there is a profit to be made. The price
differential between spot and futures is locked in if positions are held until expiry of the
derivative cycle. On settlement date both positions are closed at the same price, to realize the
difference. A completely hedged position makes these funds a low-risk investment proposition.
They feature lower volatility in NAV, similar to that of a liquid fund.

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4.4. Alternate Investments
Alternate investments refer to those investments which tend to have a higher risk and lower
liquidity, and may be differently structured compared to equity and debt securities. They do not
trade like other assets, have limited information available about them and could be linked to
the real economy more strongly than other financial instruments normally are. Some of the
alternate investments may require investing in physical assets.
Alternate investments typically exhibit a low correlation with traditional financial investments
such as stocks and bonds. They are relatively illiquid and therefore it is difficult to determine
the current market value of the assets. This also leads to limited historical data on performance
and a low concentration of analysts tracking alternates.
In general, alternate asset classes tend not to move in lock-step with traditional asset classes;
i.e., they have low correlations to stocks and bonds, which are reflected in the correlation
matrix. This lack of correlation is what makes them good diversifiers. Notice in the picture how
different asset classes perform in various phases of economic cycle.

Derivatives, structured products, real estate, gold, commodities, private equity and
art/collectibles are the most common alternate investments.
The allocation to alternate assets for most investors is primarily to take advantage of the
negative correlation it has with other assets. The overall risk of the portfolio comes down. The
recommended strategic allocation is usually 5-10%.
High net worth investors, who can bear higher risk, have longer time horizon and limited need
for liquidity, may have a higher strategic allocation of 30-40% in alternate assets.
4.4.1 Derivatives and Structured Products
A derivative refers to a financial product whose value is derived from another. A derivative is
always created with reference to the other product, also called the underlying.
A derivative is a risk management tool used commonly in transactions where there is risk due
to an unknown future value. For example, a buyer of gold faces the risk that gold prices may
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not be stable. When one needs to buy gold on a day far into the future, the price may be higher
than today. The fluctuating price of gold represents risk. Gold represents the underlying asset
in this case. A derivative market deals with the financial value of such risky outcomes. A
derivative product can be structured to enable a pay-off and make good some or all of the
losses if gold prices go up as feared.
Derivatives are typically used for three purposes:
a. Hedging
b. Speculation
c. Arbitrage

a. Hedging
When an investor has an open position in the underlying, he can use the derivative markets to
protect that position from the risks of future price movements.
Example: An investor has saved for the education of his child. The portfolio is made up of an
index fund that invests in the CNX S&P Nifty. The investor has been systematically investing in
this product over the last 15 years. In the next three months, the child would enter college and
the investor is keen to liquidate the investment to fund the education expense. The current
value of the investment is Rs.10 lakhs. The investor can enter into a contract to sell his portfolio
three months from now, at a price to be determined today.
b. Speculation
A speculative trade in a derivative is not supported by an underlying position in cash, but simply
implements a view on the future prices of the underlying, at a lower cost.
Example: A speculator believes that the stock price of a particular company will go up from Rs.
200 to Rs. 250 in the next three months and wants to act on this belief by taking a long position
in that stock. If he buys 100 shares of this company in spot market (delivery), he needs Rs.200 x
100 = Rs. 20,000 to enter into this position. If his prediction comes true and the stock price
moves up from Rs.200 to Rs.250, he will make a profit of Rs.50 per share and total profit of
Rs.50 x 100 shares = Rs.5,000 over an investment of Rs.20,000 which is a return of 25%.
Alternatively, he can take a long position in that stock through futures market as well. Suppose
he buys a three months futures contract of that stock (1 lot of 100 shares), he need not pay the
full amount today itself and pays only the margin amount today. If the margin required for this
stock is 10%, then he needs Rs.200 x 100 x 10% = Rs.2,000 only to take this long position in
futures contract. If the stock price moves to Rs.250 at the end of three months, he makes a
profit of Rs.50 x 100 = Rs.5,000 from this contract. Since his initial investment was only
Rs.2,000, his returns from the futures position will be 5,000/2,000 = 250%. This difference in
returns between the spot position and futures position is due to the leverage provided by the
futures contracts. This leverage makes the derivatives the favorite product of speculators.
However please note that the same leverage makes the derivatives products highly risky. If the
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market had moved against his prediction, he would have incurred huge losses compared to the
spot market position.
c. Arbitrage
If the price of the underlying is Rs.100 and the futures price is Rs.110, anyone can buy in the
cash market and sell in the futures market and make the costless profit of Rs.10. This is called
The Rs.10 difference represents the cost of buying at Rs.100 today, selling at Rs.110 in the
future, and repaying the amount borrowed to buy in the cash market with interest.
Arbitrageurs are specialist traders who evaluate whether the Rs.10 difference in price is higher
than the cost of borrowing. If yes, they would exploit the difference by borrowing and buying
in the cash market, and selling in the futures market at the same time (simultaneous trades in
both markets). If they settle both trades on the expiry date, they will make the gain of Rs.10
less the interest cost, irrespective of the settlement price on the contract expiry date, as long as
both legs settle at the same price.
After necessary approvals from SEBI, derivative contracts in Indian stock exchanges began
trading in June 2000, when index futures were introduced by the BSE and NSE. In 2001, index
options, stock options and futures on individual stocks were introduced. India is one of the few
markets in the world where futures on individual stocks are traded. Equity index futures and
options are among the largest traded products in derivative markets world over. In the Indian
markets too, volume and trading activity in derivative segments is far higher than volumes in
the cash market for equities. Other highly traded derivatives in global markets are for
currencies, interest rates and commodities.
A futures is a contract for buying or selling a specific underlying, on a future date, at a price
specified today, and entered into through a formal mechanism on an exchange. The terms of
the contract (such as order size, contract date, delivery value, expiry date) are specified by the
FUTIDX NIFTY 25 Oct 2012 is a futures contract on the Nifty index that expires on 25th
October 2012.
The value is 5600, which means a buyer or seller agrees to buy or sell Nifty for a delivery value
of 5600 on a future date.
It is available to trade from the date it is introduced by the exchange to its expiry date on 25
Oct 2012.
A futures contract can be bought or sold on the exchange, as orders placed by buyers and
sellers on the electronic trading screen are matched. The price of the futures contract moves
based on trades, just as it does in the cash or spot market for stocks.
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An important feature of an exchange-traded futures contract is the clearing-house. The
counterparty for each transaction is the clearing-house. Buyers and sellers are required to
maintain margins with the clearing-house, to ensure that they honor their side of the
transaction. The counterparty risks - are eliminated using the clearing-house mechanism.
Options are derivative contracts, which splice up the rights and obligations in a futures
contract. The buyer of an option has the right to buy (in case of call) or sell (in case of put)
an underling on a specific date, at a specific price, on a future date. The seller of an option has
the obligation to sell (in case of call) or buy (in case of put) an underlying on a specific date,
at a specific price, on a future date. An option is a derivative contract that enables buyers and
sellers to pick up just that portion of the right or obligation, on a future date.
A buyer of an option has the right to buy (in case of call) or sell (in case of put) the underlying at
the agreed price. He is however not under obligation to exercise the option. The seller of a call
option has to complete delivery as per the terms agreed. For granting this right to the buyer,
the seller collects a small upfront payment, called the option premium, when he sells the
A call option represents a right to buy a specific underlying on a later date, at a specific price
decided today. A put option represents a right to sell a specific underlying on a later date, at a
specific price decided today.
Option Terminology
Arvind buys a call option on the Nifty index from Salim, to buy the Nifty at a value of 5400,
three months from today. Arvind pays a premium of Rs 100 to Salim. What does this mean?
Arvind is the buyer of the call option.
Salim is the seller or writer of the call option.
The contract is entered into today, but will be completed three months later on the
settlement date.
5400 is the price Arvind is willing to pay for Nifty, three months from today. This is called the
strike price or exercise price.
Arvind may or may not exercise the option to buy Nifty at 5400 on the settlement date.
But if he exercises the option, Salim is under obligation to sell the Nifty at 5400 to Arvind.
Arvind pays Salim Rs.100 as the upfront payment. This is called the option premium. This is
also called as the price of the option.
On settlement date, Nifty is at 5700. This means Arvinds option is in the money. He can
buy the Nifty at 5400, by exercising his option.
Salim earned Rs.100 as premium, but lost as he has to sell Nifty at 5400 to meet his
obligation, while the market price is 5700.
On the other hand, if on the settlement date, the Nifty is at 5200, Arvinds option will be out
of the money.
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There is no point paying 5400 to buy the Nifty, when the market price is 5200. Arvind will not
exercise the option. Salim will pocket the Rs.100 he collected as premium.
Buy a Call option:
This gives the buyer of the option the right to buy a security on a specified date in future at the
specified price, also known as strike price. The buyer of option pays a premium to the seller of
option (also known as writer). The buyer exercises the right if on the specified date; the strike
price is lower than the market price (spot price) of the security.
Buy a Put option:
This gives the buyer of the option the right to sell a security on a specified date in future at the
specified price (strike price). The buyer of option pays a premium to the seller of option. The
buyer exercises the right if on the specified date; the strike price is higher than the market price
(spot price) of the security.
Sell a Call option:
This obligates the seller (writer) of the option to sell a security on a specified date in future at
the specified price (strike price), if the buyer of the option exercises the right to transact. The
seller of option receives a premium from the buyer of option. The buyer exercises the right if on
the specified date; the strike price is lower than the market price (spot price) of the security.
Sell a Put option:
This obligates the seller (writer) of the option to buy a security on a specified date in future at
the specified price (strike price), if the buyer of the option exercises the right to transact. The
seller of option receives a premium from the buyer of option. The buyer exercises the right if on
the specified date; the strike price is higher than the market price (spot price) of the security.
As seen from the above examples, option buyer has limited loss (premium paid) and unlimited
profit whereas option seller/writer has unlimited loss and limited profit (premium received).
4.4.2 Real Estate
Most investors tend to have a default alternate investment in the house in which they live in.
Research shows that about 50% of most investors wealth is in their homes. However, for
purposes of wealth management, we do not consider self-occupied house property as an
investment asset, for the following reasons:
Investors do not earn any income in the form of rent from the house they occupy. They
may instead incur expenses in upkeep and maintenance.
Investors are unlikely to sell a house they currently occupy, unless they reinvest the same to
move into a better property.
Since the scope for an income or capital gain is limited in a self-occupied property, it is not
considered as part of the investment portfolio.
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Real estate investments may be structured as income generating or growth oriented
investment. Income generating investments focus on rental income; while growth oriented
investments seek to benefit from value appreciation over time.
The opportunities in real estate investing have increased due to higher growth rates in
development and pre-sales across several locations. Real estate investing is primarily available
as private equity funds and PMS schemes, due to large fund outlay which generally corporates
and HNIs can make. Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are not yet allowed in India, while
Real estate mutual funds (REMFs) schemes have yet been not issued in India.
However, real estate growth is aligned to economic cycles, as real estate growth has a high
dependence on money supply and credit availability. Rental incomes are a hedge against
inflation, as rentals rise with inflation. Over valuation in bullish markets is a common feature, as
prices rise rapidly and hence, is a big risk. Therefore, the sector tends to suffer steep
corrections when the bubble bursts.
4.4.3 Gold
Indians are among the largest retail buyers of gold in the world. Gold is mostly bought by
central banks as part of the reserves they like to keep. Indians culturally buy gold jewellery as
gifts and give-away during weddings and religious ceremonies, gold coins as savings and long
term assets. Even lower income groups buy gold in small quantities, using them as collateral to
take loans when in need.
Traditional allocation to gold among even middle class households may be high due to the
purchase of jewellery. Gold jewels have limited investment value due to their high making
costs, no income-generating power, and limited sale to realize the gain due to the emotional
attachment to jewels. Jewels are usually recycled and sold to be reinvested in new jewels.
Investment in gold has the potential to beat inflation over a long period. It is a safe haven when
economic growth is slow and traditional asset classes such as equity and debt are under-
performing. As an investment, one can purchase it as coins, bars, jewellery, or through mutual
funds known as gold ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds).
However, the best way to invest in gold is using gold exchange traded funds. This route of
investment in gold decreases the cost and taxation, and gives safety against theft. The liquidity
and divisibility is good.
Though SIP is not possible in an ETF structure, there are three ways in which regular systematic
investment in gold may be possible:
1. Buy a gold savings fund. Gold Savings Fund is a fund of funds that holds ETFs. It gives
investors indirect way of investing through SIP in gold ETF. Even investors who do not have
demat accounts can take exposure in this way to a Gold ETF. Only drawback is the higher
expense ratio for the FoF structure.
2. Through SIP options provided by online brokers; for example Auto Invest by Kotak
Securities and Equity SIP by ICICI Direct.
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3. Setting up manual reminders.
Allocation to gold in a strategic portfolio should not be over 10%. It may be used primarily to
take advantage of its low correlation with other assets, and the ability to accumulate it in small
lots compared to other alternate assets.
Tactical allocation to gold goes up during times of risk and uncertainty when gold is seen as a
store of value.
4.4.4 Commodities
Commodities have gained acceptance in strategic asset allocation only in the recent years.
When investors seek to move beyond the traditional asset classes, they look for asset classes
with low correlation. They also seek hedge against inflation, attractive returns and
diversification benefits when traditional asset classes under perform. Commodities have
emerged as a sought after asset class in this context.
Commodities have an inherent return that is generated based on their demand and supply.
Investors can earn such returns both by a passive index replication and from active
management of a commodity portfolio.
Investing in commodities can be done using three routes:
investing in commodity indices or their ETFs
investing in commodity-based stocks, bonds or mutual funds
investing in commodity futures or hedge funds.
It must be noted that mutual funds in India are not yet allowed to invest in commodities
directly, except gold. Exposure to commodities through mutual funds is possible by investing in
commodity-based mutual funds, which invest in stocks and bonds of companies in the
commodity sector. For example, a commodity-based fund may take exposure to non-ferrous
and ferrous metals by holding shares of Hindalco and SAIL in its portfolio.
In 2002, a new set of commodity exchanges (Multi Commodity Exchange of India MCDEX and
National Commodity Exchange of India NCDEX) began operations in 2003. Both exchanges
deal in standardized futures contracts in commodities. New commodity exchanges have also
come up viz., Indian Commodity Exchange Limited, National Multi-Commodity Exchange of
India Ltd etc. The Forward Markets Commission is the regulatory authority for commodity
A popular way to invest in commodities is through commodity futures, which are agreements
to buy or sell a specific quantity of a commodity at a specific price at a future date. Commodity
exchanges are permitted to trade goods including agricultural produce (such as cotton, pulses),
precious metals (such as gold, silver, platinum) and industrial metals (such as zinc, copper, iron
ore, aluminium) and fossil fuels, including crude oil.

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4.4.5 Private Equity
Private equity consists of investors and funds that make investments directly into private
companies or conduct buyouts of public companies that result in a delisting of public equity.
Capital for private equity is raised from retail and institutional investors, and can be used to
fund new technologies, expand working capital within an owned company, make acquisitions,
or to strengthen a balance sheet.
While the company is relatively stable, it requires long term capital to scale up and grow in size.
Private equity investment managers screen such companies with significant growth potential
and provide them capital. Each private equity investment is backed by a strong investment
thesis which plays out over a 3 to 5 year time horizon. Each investment is preceded by
extensive business, legal and financial due-diligence and post investment the investment
managers exert significant influence on the company through shareholder rights and board
The subscription offer for investment into the fund is exclusively opened for a short period to a
select group of investors, including HNIs, body corporates, trusts, partnership firms, as the
threshold investment amount (ticket size) is typically high.
Investment can be done into a venture capital fund (SEBI Approved) or a PE structure.
Investments could be made into equity or debentures of unlisted entities. A share of the profits
of the fund's investments, called carried interest, is paid to the PE fund's management company
as a performance incentive, typically up to 20%. The remaining 80% of the profits are paid to
the fund's investors. A minimum rate of return (e.g., 812%) is fixed, which must be achieved
before the fund manager can receive any carried interest payments.
The investment approach is sector agnostic investments in various stages of growth. PE funds
may provide capital at various stages of the growth of the company starting with
seed financing which involves development of a new concept and start-up financing
(also known as early financing);
expansion financing (also known as second and third stage financing);
mezzanine financing, which is typically used for companies which are expected to go
public and may involve debt or equity.
Sometimes, PEs may fund a buyout or a merger/acquisition transaction.
PE funds adopt suitable exit mechanisms, in consultation with the promoters of the portfolio
companies, including public market exits through IPO, sale to financial / strategic investors or
buyback by the company / promoters.
4.4.6 Art and Collectibles
Art objects, collectibles and precious stones are costly and illiquid investments. These require
lot of knowledge in these products and one really has to know the market for these products to
be able to buy and sell these products. Chances of being cheated are high.
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4.5. Direct Equity
4.5.1 Benefits and Risk of Equity
Equity share capital has distinct features which define its risk and return. These features
determine the suitability of raising equity capital for the company over other sources of
financing such as debt. For the investors, the risk and return in the equity investment
determine whether such investment is appropriate for their needs.
Ownership Rights
Shareholders are the owners of the company and have the right to participate in its profits and
growth. Since equity shares are issued for perpetuity, the ownership claims are valid as long as
the issuing company exists. Shareholders exercise their ownership rights by voting on all major
resolutions of the company. The voting rights are in proportion to the number of shares held by
the shareholders and allow them to express their views by voting for or against a proposal.
In theory, shareholders can get rid of poorly performing management by voting in a new board
of directors which in turn can appoint a competent management team. In practice however,
public shareholders are too small or widely scattered and only institutional shareholders have
some influence on corporate governance.
Residual Claim
Shareholders hold two positions within a company. As investors, they are entitled to a return
on their investment. But as owners of the company they are obliged to pay off all the money
owed to external (non-owner) creditors first, before taking their return. This problem is
resolved by paying shareholders only after all operating expenses, depreciation charges,
interest costs and taxes are paid from the companys revenues. Thus the payment made to
shareholders is a share of profit after tax (PAT) in the form of dividends.
Shareholders are ranked last both for profit sharing as well claiming a share of the companys
assets. If a company goes bankrupt and has to be liquidated, the money generated from
converting assets into cash cannot be claimed by equity shareholders until creditors and
preference shareholders have been paid.
Reserves and Net Worth
Companies are not obliged to payout dividends every year, nor are dividend rates fixed or
pre-determined. If companies are growing rapidly and have large investment needs, they
may choose to forego dividend and instead retain their profits within the company. The
share of profits that is not distributed to shareholders is known as retained profits.
Retained profits become part of the companys reserve funds. Reserves also belong to the
shareholders, though it remains with the company until it is used in operations or
distributed as dividend. Reserves represent retained profits that have not been distributed
to the rightful owners of the same, namely the equity investors. They enhance the net
worth of a company and the book value of the equity shares.
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If the company is making losses and cannot pay interest (even from its reserve funds) then it is
not permitted to declare any dividend for its shareholders. As soon as it returns to profits, it
must first clear its interest dues before paying out dividend.
Limited Liability
Equity shareholders are owners of the company, but their obligation to the company is limited
to the amount they agree to contribute as capital. If a company falls into bad times and goes
bankrupt, and does not have adequate assets to cover its dues, equity shareholders cannot be
called upon to make good the shortfall. Their liability is limited to the amount they have agreed
to pay, to buy the equity shares of the company, when such shares were issued to them.
Returns are not fixed
Investment in equity shares does not come with a guarantee of income or security for the
investor. The income to the investor from equity is in the form of dividends and capital
appreciation that can be gained if the equity shares quote at prices that are higher than the
purchase price, in the equity market. Neither of these is guaranteed by the company or any
other entity. At the time of the issue of shares the company does not commit to pay a periodic
dividend to the investor or a pre-fixed date for payment of dividend, if any. The investor cannot
take any action against the company if dividends are not declared or if the share value
When a company has grown in operations and needs additional capital it typically approaches
public investors from whom it seeks equity capital. Such issue of capital to other investors
happens in the primary markets.
4.5.2 Market Indicators
Market Capitalisation refers to the market value of the outstanding share capital of a company.
The number of shares times the market price per share gives the market capitalisation. Market
cap is an indicator of the size of the company in terms of the current market price of its shares.
The largest companies by market cap represent blue-chip stocks that also enjoy a high level of
liquidity. Large cap stocks are the top rung of largest and most liquid stocks in the market. Mid
cap stocks refer to those that are the next rung, in terms of size. Small cap stocks are those that
are smaller in size and therefore do not enjoy much liquidity.
In terms of return performance, large cap stocks tend to be less volatile than mid-cap stocks. In bull
markets, mid caps tend to run ahead of large caps, and in bear markets, they tend to fall more than
large caps. If large cap stocks represent liquidity and stability, mid caps represent momentum and
opportunity. It is easier to use market indices to see how the market is segmented between large,
small and mid cap stocks.
A Stock Market Index tracks the performance of a section or the entire stock market by
measuring price movements of a chosen sample of shares. Widely tracked indices are made up
of the most actively traded and investible equity shares in the country.
Equity stock indices such as Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and S&P 500 (for USA); FTSE 100
(UK); Nikkei (Japan); Hang Seng (Hong Kong); and CNX Nifty and S&P BSE Sensitive Index (Sensex)
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(India) are considered to be representative indices. In addition, sector specific indices that focus on
shares from a specified industry; or size of market capitalization or any other grouping are useful for
sector analysis and investment. An index usually tracks the price of a chosen set of equity shares.
The components are chosen based on the focus of the index. Sensex and Nifty for example, track
the prices of 30 and 50 largest and most liquid equity shares, respectively.
The simplest way to compute an index is to add up the prices of constituent shares at a point of
time and divide by the number of shares to create an average. However, an index based only on
share prices would be heavily influenced by large price changes in a single stock, even if that
stock belongs to a company that is relatively smaller or less significant in the overall market. To
avoid such biases, share prices are weighted by market capitalization of the component stocks.
The index then represents the collective market capitalization of index stocks at a point in time.
An index is always calculated with reference to a base period and a base index value. This ensures
that trends in index movements are always measured relative to a base level.
A stock market index has several uses:
Indices are widely reported in the news, financial press and electronic information media
and thus real time data on market movements is easily available to the investing public.
The index value is a leading indicator of overall economic or sector performance and
effectively captures the state of financial markets at a point of time.
A representative index serves as a performance benchmark. The returns earned by equity-
linked mutual funds or other investment vehicles are often compared with the returns on
the market index.
The most widely tracked indices in India are the S&P BSE Sensitive Index (Sensex) and the CNX
Nifty (Nifty). The Sensex has been computed since April 1, 1979 and is Indias oldest and most
tracked stock index. The base value of the Sensex is 100 on April 1, 1979. The composition of
stocks in the Sensex is reviewed and modified by the BSE index committee according to strict
guidelines in order to ensure that it remains representative of stock market conditions. The
criteria for selection of a stock in the Sensex include factors such as listing history, trading
frequency, market capitalization, industry importance and overall track record.
The CNX Nifty is an index composed of 50 most representative stocks listed on the National
Stock Exchange. The base period for CNX Nifty is November 3, 1995, and the base value of the
index has been set at 1000. The selection of shares that constitute the index is based on factors
such as liquidity, availability of floating stock and size of market capitalization. The index is
reviewed every six months and appropriate notice is given before stocks that make up the index
are replaced.
The SX40 is composed of 40 most representative stocks listed on MCX Stock Exchange. The base
period for SX40 is March 31, 2010 and the base value of the index has been set at 10,000. SX40
is a free float based index consisting of 40 large cap liquid stocks representing diversified
sectors of the economy.
4.5.3 Fundamental Analysis and EIC Framework
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Theoretically, the fair value of a bond or an equity share is the sum of the discounted value of the
expected future cash flows. The valuation is simpler in a bond, because the cash flows are pre-
defined and end at a given point in time. Equity earnings are not pre-defined and equity is a
perpetual investment with no pre-set maturity date. The focus in equity valuation is on the future
earnings and the estimates of growth in earnings.
Fundamental analysis is based on the premise that fair value of an equity share can be
estimated from information about the company. Technical analysis is about looking for clues in
the share price itself, for its future behavior. Both approaches are widely used and are
complementary to each other. Better the quantitative and qualitative understanding of factors
impacting earnings, better the estimate of earnings and therefore price and value.
EIC framework is the commonly used approach to understand fundamental factors impacting
the earnings of a company, scanning both micro and macro data and information.
Analysts follow two broad approaches to fundamental analysis top down and bottom up.
Given that the factors to consider are economic (E) industry (I) and company (C) factors,
beginning at company-specific factors and moving up to the macro factors that impact the
performance of the company is called the bottom-up approach. Scanning the macro economic
scenario and then identifying industries to choose from and zeroing in on companies, is the top-
down approach.
Quantitative models are also used to estimate the current value of a share from the estimated
future earnings, using the discounted value of cash flows, or applying more complex valuation
models that consider the growth prospects, investments, cash flow and sustainability of
earnings growth. A simpler approach is to use financial ratios to estimate the value of a share.
4.5.4 Valuation Measures
Price Earning Multiple
The price-earnings ratio or the PE multiple is a valuation measure that indicates how much the
market values per rupee of earning of a company.
It is computed as:
Market price per share/Earnings per share
PE is represented as a multiple. When one refers to a stock as trading at 12x, it means the
stocks is trading at twelve times its earnings. The PEx based on historical earnings is of limited
value. The prices change dynamically, while the reported earning is updated every quarter.
Therefore prices tend to move even after the historical earning per share is known, in
anticipation of the future earnings.
If it is expected that earnings of a firm will grow then the market will be willing to pay a higher
multiple per rupee of earnings. The focus is therefore on prospective PE or how much the
current price is discounting the future earnings. For example, we hear analysts say that shares
of XYZ company is trading at 20 times its 2013 earnings, but is still about 15 times the 2014
earnings, given the state of its order book. What they are saying is that the growth in EPS is
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likely to be high, and therefore the current high PE based on historical numbers may not be the
right one to look at.
Most publications and reports show the PE using historical earning numbers from the latest
quarterly reports. Analysts estimates of future earnings are not widely available and they may
vary. Some publications report consensus view of prospective earnings.
It is common to look at the PE multiple of the index to gauge if the market is overvalued or
undervalued. The PE multiple moves high when prices run ahead of the earnings numbers and
the market is willing to pay more and more per rupee of earnings. Many would consider a
market PE of 22x or above as an overvalued zone (Please note that this varies from industry to
industry). When markets correct and uncertainty about future earnings increases, the PE
multiple also drops. A value investor, who would like to pick up stocks when they sell at lower
valuations, may be interested to purchase when PE is low.
Analysts also compare the PE of one company with another, to check the relative value. The PE
multiple of a stable, large and well known company is likely to be higher than the PE multiple
the market is willing to pay for another smaller, less known, and risky company in the same
Price to Book Value (PBV)
The PBV ratio compares the market price of the stock with its book value. It is computed as
market price per share upon book value per share.
The book value is the accounting value per share, in the books of the company. It represents
the net worth (capital plus reserves) per share. An important limitation of this number is that
most assets on the books of the company are shown at cost less depreciation, and not inflation
adjusted. Therefore the realizable value of the assets is not reflected in the book value.
However, in a company which has been building reserves from sustained profitability, the book
value is an important indicator of value. Since the book value considers the net worth of a
company, it is an important number in fundamental analysis.
If the market price of the stock were lower than the book value (i.e., the PBV is less than one),
the stock is deemed to be undervalued and undiscovered. Analysts would concur that the
market prices have fallen more than what is justified by the value of the stock, and would
consider the price attractive to buy. In a bullish market when prices move up rapidly, the PBV
would go up, indicating rich valuation in the market. However, please note that there may be
other reasons for a stock being sold for less than its book value such as the poor investments
made by the firm in the past which needs to be written down subsequently. Hence investors
should not rely only on PBV for their investment decisions and should understand that not all
stocks that trade at a discount on their book values are bargains (under-valued).
Dividend Yield
Value investors, who look for the opportunity to buy a stock at a price lower than its
fundamental or intrinsic value, prefer a combination of low PE, low PBV and high dividend yield.
Dividend yield compares the dividend per share to market price per share. A higher dividend
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yield would mean that the income potential of the share is not yet reflected in market prices. A
lower dividend yield is associated with a higher valuation for a share.
Dividend yields are also used as broad levels with which to measure market cycles. A bull
market will be marked by falling dividend yields, as prices move up. A bear market will have a
relatively higher and increasing dividend yields as prices tend to fall.
Some companies have a history of growing and consistent dividends. They are sought by
investors who seek a regular income. Public sector units, especially PSU banks, in India tend to
have a higher dividend yield.
4.5.5 Technical Analysis
Technical analysis involves studying the price and volume patterns to understand how buyers
and sellers are valuing a stock and acting on such valuation.
There are three essential elements in understanding price behaviour:
a. The history of past prices provides indications of the underlying trend and its direction.
b. The volume of trading that accompanies price movements provides important inputs on the
underlying strength of the trend.
c. The time span over which price and volume are observed factors in the impact of long term
factors that influence prices over a period of time.
Technical analysis integrates these three elements into price charts, points of support and
resistance in charts and price trends. By observing price and volume patterns, technical analysts
try to understand if there is adequate buying interest that may take prices up, or vice versa.
Technical analysts have also created a number of technical indicators which help them judge
the relative strength of buying and selling interest in the markets. For example, a moving
average constructed from prices over a span of many days helps compare where the current
prices are, compared to the average prices across the span. If the prices are above, say the 30-
day moving average, it is discerned that prices are in an uptrend, at a level higher than what
was seen on an average in the last 30 days.
Several other mechanical indicators such as rate of change in price, relative strength indicators
and moving-average convergence-divergence indicators are used in technical analysis. The
objective of these tools is to understand the underlying pattern in prices and judge the trend in
prices for its strength, persistence and possible reversal.

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Sample Questions
1. Interest on a NSC
a. Is paid out annually
b. Is compounded and paid out quarterly
c. Is accumulated and paid at the end of the term

2. Which of the following instruments under Section 80C enjoys an EEE status?
b. PPF

3. FMPs achieve lower mark-to-market risk by investing in
a. shorter term securities that mature before the tenor of the fund
b. floating rate securities with reset tenor less than six months
c. securities whose maturity matches that of the fund

4. Short term debt funds carry
a. High mark to market risk
b. Low mark-to-market risk
c. No mark-to-market risk

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5.1. Asset Classes
5.1.1 Asset Class
Every investment option can be described in terms of its risk and return characteristics. For
example, the returns on the equity shares of a company would depend upon the profits the
company makes and the business risks that the company faces. This translates into the
possibility of a higher long term return, but a good amount of short term volatility in returns.
The returns from bonds of a company would depend on the ability to generate enough cash to
pay interest, even if the company would make losses or a minimal profit. This translates into
steady periodic return, with limited possibility for capital appreciation.
Example: Debt vs. Equity
A company that makes garments for export finds that a large order has been cancelled and its
profits may decline. Let us discuss what effect this event will have on the lenders and owners of
the company.
The return to owners of a company depends upon the profitability of the company which is
expected to decline with the cancellation of the export order. Their returns will therefore, come
down. But the lenders will earn the fixed interest irrespective of the decline in profits.
Investment options with conceptually similar risk-return features can be clubbed together into
asset classes.
Owners of the company invest in equity; their returns immediately respond to profitability of
the company. Lenders to the company invest in debt; their returns are not immediately
affected, but any permanent drop in profits will impact them in the future. Therefore, equity is
one asset class; debt is another.
5.1.2 Broad Asset Classes
Based on the return and risk attributes, investment options can be broadly classified into the
following asset classes:
Equity as an asset class represents a growth-oriented asset. The major source of income to the
investor is growth in value of the investment over time. Debt as an asset class represents an
income-oriented asset. The major source of return from a debt instrument is regular income.
Cash and its equivalents are for parking funds for a short period of time and earning a nominal
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However, as investment options have extended beyond capital market products, these basic
categories have also expanded to include commodities, real estate and currency.
The risk and return features of each asset class are distinctive. Therefore, the performance for
each asset class may vary from time to time. For example, commodities as an asset class
perform well during inflationary times. Equity on the other hand, is impacted by inflation and
tends to correct down.
Following is the list of generally used asset classes and their risk-return attributes:

Generally required for meeting day to day and emergenc
Cash held holds negligible value in terms of returns and hence,
there is minimal risk.

Bonds provide fixed return in the form of coupon/interest income.
Bonds have the scope for capital appreciation when interest rates
fall, but may be subject to interest rate risk when interest rates
Corporate bonds are subject to credit risk of the issuer.
Government securities are considered to be risk-free as it is
believed that a Government will not default on its obligations
towards its own citizens.
Risk and return characteristics of bond are relatively lower than
equity and hence, suitable for an investor seeking regular income
flows with minimal risk.

A stock represents ownership in a company.
Empirical study suggests that this asset class provides higher
returns if invested for long run.
Volatility is higher in this asset class than cash and bonds as an
asset class.
Real estate

Real estate Involves investment in land or building (commercial as
well as residential), or Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT).
Real estate as an asset class presents a number of management
issues including tenancy management, property maintenance, legal
clearances, illiquidity etc.
metals such
as gold

Physical gold is preferred by Indian families as a secure and stable
investment and is also highly liquid.
Gold also provides as an option of asset class for diversification
within a portfolio of assets, being directly/ indirectly correlated
with other asset classes.
Gold is generally used as a hedge against inflation.
Investment in art/collectibles is being made for reasons which are
personal and emotional, generally deriving pleasure.
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in Art/

Art/collectibles have a very low correlation with other asset classes
and hence, have diversification benefits.
Fine art and other collectibles have a very subjective value. Hence,
there may be no exact measure for determination of the same.
This asset class comes with very low level of liquidity.

5.1.3 Asset Allocation
A portfolio is made up of several investment options across asset classes. The construction of
the portfolio involves allocating money to various asset classes. This process is called asset
In simple terms, asset allocation is the process of deciding how to distribute the investors
wealth among the various asset classes for investment purposes. It is this decision which
determines how much of the assets need to be distributed over the following asset classes with
different characteristics. Asset allocation also provides for a direction to the future income,
cash flows of the investor in terms of where he should invest to achieve his financial goals.
It is very difficult to determine in a year which particular asset class would be the best
performing one. Investing in only one class of asset could prove to be risky. A fundamental
justification for asset allocation is the notion that different asset classes offer returns that are
not perfectly correlated. Hence, diversification reduces the overall risk in terms of the
variability of returns for a given level of expected return. Therefore, having a mixture of asset
classes is more likely to meet the investor's expectations in terms of amount of risk and
possible returns.
5.2. Portfolio Construction
5.2.1 Asset Allocation Linked to Financial Goals
When a need can be expressed in terms of the sum of money required and the time frame in
which it would be needed, we call it a financial goal.
When a financial goal is set, its monetary value and the future date on which the money will be
required is first defined. This goal definition indicates the amount of investment value that
needs to be generated on a future date. It is normal to include assumptions for expected
inflation rate while defining a future goal. Then the return that the portfolio should generate to
achieve the targeted sum can be ascertained, after understanding how much the investor can
save for the goal.
Example: Arjun is 35 years old and intends to start saving for retirement. To begin with, he
needs to ascertain the amount or corpus required by estimating the amount he would require
to meet his post-retirement expenses. Hence, he may estimate the household expenses, travel
expenses and medical expenses, along with annual inflation rate over the next 25 years. By
taking all these into account, he would be able to ascertain the future value of the total amount
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he would require post-retirement. Thus, he would be able to ascertain the value of his
retirement corpus, as his financial goal.
Asset allocation linked to financial goals is the most appropriate form of asset allocation
strategy, as it links the asset allocation to the investors financial goals. The investment horizon
is a function of the investors financial goals, depending on when the money would be required
to fund some of lifes major events.
Consider the example above. Arjuns portfolio would need to be long-term oriented, with scope
for capital appreciation over an investment horizon of 25 years. Hence, his asset allocation
would be over-weight equity, as an asset class.
In case of other long-term goals, such as saving for a young childs education or for buying a
house, equity will be suitable as the predominant asset class. The invested amount requires
growth and capital appreciation and the investment horizon is long enough to mitigate short
term volatility in equity.
In case, an investor is saving for a short term goal, such as saving for buying a car, for a holiday
and for an older childs higher education, the portfolio would need to have debt as a
predominant asset class in order to enable a small but stable growth in the invested amount.
Further, a retired investor looking for a certain amount of regular monthly cash flow in the form
of a pension, will invest his retirement corpus in debt, as he cannot afford any capital erosion.
Again, an individual who has kept some funds aside as emergency funds would consider cash
and money market securities, as they are highly liquid and capital is preserved.
While implementing an asset allocation linked to the investors financial goals, an advisor may
consider the following steps:
Assessment of the investors risk profile based on ability and willingness to take risks
o Many advisors use various risk profiling tools to find out the risk profile of their clients.
Assessment of the needs
o The investors needs are essentially about answering the questions: how much money
would be required and when?
o Along with this, the advisor also assesses the available resources and matches the same
with the needs.
Arriving at recommendations based on the above two steps
o Most advisors arrive at an investment plan based on the above two steps. Often, both
the steps offer two different solutions. The advisor is then required to counsel the
investor and help arrive at a mutually agreed investment plan.
5.2.2 Asset Allocation Linked to Life Cycle Stages
The life cycle of any individual can be typically sub-divided into following stages:
Childhood Stage
Young Investor
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Young Couple in Mid 30s
Mature Couple with grown up children
Retired Couple
The age at which each stage of the life cycle starts may vary from one individual to another, but
in our society most people would fall into a standard cycle.
Childhood Stage
Childhood Stage is a period of dependency that usually lasts until children finish their full-time
education. In this stage, the financial needs are met by parents or guardians. Most general
financial needs for the parents would be to plan for their Education. The most ideal way to give
their children more privileged opportunities is to start investing money for this purpose when
their children are still young. The allocation for this purpose would be to start early with
aggressive portfolio allocation which would have equity allocation of around 80% and debt
allocation of around 20%. The allocation needs to be transferred to more conservative i.e. from
equity to debt when the goal is near approaching.
Young Investor
In this stage, the client is young, a single professional with long term focus of wealth creation
and investment horizon. Capital Growth is paramount. He seeks to accumulate as much wealth
over the next 30 years to retirement as possible and is happy to tolerate a high degree of
portfolio volatility.
The primary objective of this client is to maximize their opportunity for capital growth over a
10-year plus timeframe. The portfolio would typically comprise aggressive into equity and very
small portion into fixed income asset class.
Young Couple with Kids
In this stage, the client is married, has children and is in his mid-30s. He has long term focus and
capital growth is of paramount importance. They seek to accumulate as much wealth over the
next 20-25 years prior to retirement as possible, and would be ready to tolerate the portfolio
volatility, long term capital preservation for estate planning purpose is also important in this
The primary objective of this client is to generate long term capital growth with average
emphasis on current income and capital preservation. The investment time horizon would be
seven to ten years. In this stage also the equity would dominate the portfolio with some active
management of equity and fixed income assets to provide some degree of balance.
Mature Couple with Grown Up Children
In this stage, the clients are a couple with an age of around 45-50, who are looking to work for
another 10-15 years and then retire. They have responsibilities towards higher education of one
or two of their children. They seek to accumulate as much wealth for retirement as possible but
without taking excessive risk.
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The primary objective of such a client is to invest in a portfolio that is evenly split between
interest bearing securities and growth oriented investments, an exposure to a range of
investment sectors including cash, fixed interest and shares ensures the portfolio is truly
Retired Couple
In this stage, clients are retired couple; both aged 60 and above with independent children,
married and settled down comfortably. In their investment portfolio they are looking for
income as well as some capital growth. Capital preservation is important to them.
They dont mind a relatively small holding in growth assets. A high level of stable income is
sought by investing in fixed income securities with exposures to government bonds and
securities and other fixed income asset class. The client is also concerned about the underlying
liquidity in the portfolio and being able to access some or the entire money invested if required.
In conclusion, we can say that it is very important for an advisor to identify the client life cycle
and accordingly he should advise on the asset allocation based on his risk profile.
5.2.3 Portfolio Objectives and Constraints
The allocation of investible surplus to various asset classes is not merely based on the risk
return attributes of assets that lead to the risk and return characteristics of a portfolio.
Construction of a portfolio has to blend in the objectives and constraints of the investor. It also
depends upon the financial goals and objectives of the investor, the time horizon for which the
investment is being made and the risk-taking capabilities of the investor.
The investors needs dictate the objectives for portfolio construction. Consider the following
features of asset classes:
Asset Class Primary Objective
Short term bills Income
Long term bonds Income
Gold Growth
Commodities Growth
Large cap equity Growth
Mid cap equity Growth
Real Estate Growth
Asset classes like equity and real estate provide long term growth but come with short term
volatility. Asset classes like deposits, bonds and other fixed income securities provide income.
The allocation between growth and income depends on the investor needs, and therefore,
portfolio return is driven by the financial goals of the investor.

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The desired combination of assets cannot be chosen based on objective, or return
requirements alone. A financial goal that needs a return of 15% to meet the defined goal may
be unsuitable to an investor who is unwilling to allocate resources to risky assets. Risk tolerance
of an investor imposes constraints on portfolio construction.
Risk tolerance refers to the attitude towards risk. For example, an investor who is unwilling to
take on short-term risks for longer term gain in equity may choose a higher allocation to debt.
The investor may be willing to enhance the amount invested, rather than accept higher risk to
seek higher return.
Risk tolerance of an investor is a function of both willingness and ability to take risk. Ability to
take risk can be objectively measured by financial parameters such as total wealth, income,
saving ratio, net worth and time horizon. Willingness to assume risk is subjective and is
measured using psychometric testing of attitudes towards risk. The use of a questionnaire to
assess risk tolerance is the most commonly used approach.
5.3. Practical Asset Allocation and Rebalancing Strategies
5.3.1 Strategic Asset Allocation
Asset allocation that builds purely on the needs and preferences of the individual over the long-
term is called strategic asset allocation (SAA). SAA is a long-term strategy where the choice of
asset classes that will be part of the investment portfolio is usually based on the short-term and
long-term financial goals set in place by the investor. The goal is to generate the targeted return
while keeping the level of risk to the investor low. The portfolio construction process that we
described in section 5.2 is also the strategic asset allocation process - it is completely tuned to
the investor needs and constraints.
The proportional allocation to each asset class is driven by investor objectives and constraints
and is rebalanced to the asset allocation that was determined to meet the desired goal.
Strategic asset allocation may involve periodic rebalancing to restore the original proportions to
various asset classes.
Example: Strategic Asset Allocation
A portfolio is strategically allocated 60% to debt and 40% to equity. Equity market has
significantly risen in that year and when the portfolio was reviewed at the end of the year, it
was found that the debt now represents 50% of the total portfolio value and equity represents
50% of the portfolio value. How will the portfolio be rebalanced?
The portfolio will be rebalanced by selling equity to bring down the equity allocation to 40%
and using the funds to buy debt and increasing the debt allocation to 60%.
Strategic asset allocation may also entail a revision of the proportions, based on changes to the
investors situation. For example, an investor may decide to have 80% in equity and 20% in debt
when the plan to save for retirement was begun in early years. As the investor nears retirement the
desire would be to change the ratio in favour of debt over equity.
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Strategic asset allocation has its disadvantages. There is no change in the allocations to assets
based on market movements and therefore there is no active call about which asset class is
likely to out-perform or under-perform. Strategic portfolios can under-perform during bull runs
in certain assets, when it would systematically take out of a winning asset class and invest the
proceeds into a losing asset class to maintain a fixed ratio between the two asset classes.
5.3.2 Tactical Asset Allocation
If strategic asset allocation is need-based, tactical allocation is view-based. It brings in the
element of market timing to the asset allocation decision. We have seen that different asset
classes perform well at different times. If the portfolio is rebalanced based on a view about the
relative performance of asset classes, it may actively manage the risk and return, with the
objective of outperforming the asset class indices. This strategy is called tactical asset allocation
(TAA). Tactical asset allocation involves active portfolio management with the aim of adding
value through short term adjustments in asset allocation based on the view for relative asset
class performance.
If the expected returns for each asset classes are equal to their long-run expected returns, then
the portfolios strategic asset allocation will be stable. However, from time to time returns will
deviate from the long-run returns and create opportunities for value to be added by tactical
shifts in asset allocation. TAA involves tactically increasing a portfolios exposure to those assets
that are relatively attractive and reducing a portfolios exposure to overvalued assets.
TAA is a favored strategy among advisors and managers as it enables them to outperform
underlying benchmarks that are closely aligned to strategic allocations.
TAA involves rebalancing the portfolio based on the market view and may be done at three
levels. The investors may themselves take a call on the market performance and make changes
in the portfolio. The role of the advisor would be limited to executing the changes. In a more
involved advisory mode, the advisors may express their views on the market and recommend
over-weighting asset classes which they expect to perform well; under-weighting where they
expect under performance; and neutral-weighting where they expect no significant change in
performance. At the third level, the product provider, such as a mutual fund may make the
tactical shifts in the portfolio without recourse to the investor or advisor.
Example: Tactical Asset Allocation
Consider a portfolio that has a strategic allocation of 60% in debt and 40% in equity. In
response to expected continued good performance in equity markets the fund manager
increases the allocation to equity to 70% and decreases the allocation in debt to 30%. What is
the value add?
Assume equity markets gave a return of 18% and debt markets gave a return of 9%.
The returns from the tactically rebalanced portfolio would be:
30% x 9% + 70% x 18%=15. 3%
The returns from the original portfolio would have been:
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60% x 9%+40% x 18%= 12. 6%
The difference of 2.7% is the value added from tactical asset allocation.
5.3.3 Dynamic Asset Allocation
Tactical rebalancing made by a manager can add or reduce value to the portfolio, depending on
whether the call on the asset class performance was right or wrong. There is no formula to
market timing and asset class performance can vary dynamically and not always be amenable to
precise tactical calls. When markets crash unexpectedly, tactical asset allocation comes under
stress. In such situations, mechanical trigger-based on which changes to asset allocation can be
made, become popular.
Dynamic asset allocation (DAA) works on the basis of a pre-specified model which does a
mechanical rebalancing between asset classes.
The allocation to each asset class is not a fixed percentage, but varies depending on the
performance of chosen asset class variables. Several mathematical models have been proposed
and used in DAA. The main objective of these models is creating a mechanical system that
triggers asset allocation and rebalancing. Rebalancing may be done periodically on the
happening of an event such as the proportion of an asset class or level of a market going
beyond specified limits.
Example: Dynamic Asset Allocation
There are mutual fund products that feature changes to asset allocation triggered by a certain
target return being achieved by the portfolio. Some others offer a trigger-option to switch into
debt at a chosen level of the market index.
5.3.4 Model Portfolios
Advisors work with model portfolios, or portfolios that capture a standard set of risk, return,
liquidity and financial objectives. These model portfolios hold an indicative allocation that may
be suitable for investors who fit the indicative risk profile and investment objective. Apart from
understanding financial goals and risk preferences, advisors also look for qualitative indicators
of investor preferences for risk and return.
A common sense approach to understanding the differences in the risk and return preferences
of individuals is to look at the life cycle of the investor. An individuals pattern of earning,
spending, saving and acceptance of risk have been seen to follow the life cycle stages.
Younger investors seek growth from investments and can take a long-term view. They may
be willing to take risks.
Older investors may be unwilling to take risks, given their limited investing horizon and
dependence on investment income.
Another approach to understanding risk preferences is to consider where the individual stands in
terms of a defined need hierarchy. Individuals may take care of their basic survival needs first,
provide for contingencies next, and seek investment and speculative return after the basic needs
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are taken care of. The return requirements and the ability to bear risks will vary depending on the
stage the investor is in.
Investors are classified broadly into categories based on the risk and return profiles. An investor
with a short to medium term investing horizon, who is unwilling to take risks on capital and
likes regular income may be said to fit a conservative profile. An investor with a longer term
investment horizon, but with the need for both income and growth and a moderate level of risk
tolerance may be in a moderate profile. A risk-seeking investor with longer term investing
horizon, focus on growth and tolerance for short term losses may fit an aggressive profile.
Indicative portfolios for these profiles may be constructed as follows:
Conservative Moderate Aggressive
Short term bills 20% 10% 5%
Long term debt 60% 40% 10%
Gold 10% 10% 5%
Commodities 0% 0% 10%
Large cap equity 10% 30% 30%
Mid cap equity 0% 10% 20%
Real Estate 0% 0% 20%
Total 100% 100% 100%
Financial advisors may use a range of tools to construct a portfolio, from simple intuitive
models to sophisticated mathematical models.
A conservative investor likes income and therefore, holds more of income-oriented asset
classes; an aggressive investor prefers growth and therefore, holds more of growth-oriented
asset classes.
The three portfolios as above will have different levels of risk and return. They will also have to
be managed for risk, in terms of an appropriate investing horizon. An investor, who likes
income and needs it in the short term, should not choose an aggressive asset allocation. This
would expose the capital invested to short term risk and may not generate the income as
needed. An investor wary of any risk to capital may have to choose a conservative allocation
and settle for a lower level of return as well.
5.4. Portfolio Monitoring and Re-balancing
Monitoring portfolio is the ongoing process of reviewing and valuation of the portfolio
composition consisting of various asset classes.
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Meanwhile, portfolio rebalancing is the action of bringing a portfolio of investments that have
deviated away from the targeted asset allocation back into its original allocation.
Investors can rebalance their portfolios based either on the calendar or on the basis of
performance of the investments. Some experts recommend that investors rebalance their
portfolios on a regular time interval, such as every six or twelve months. The advantage of this
method is that the calendar is a reminder of when you should consider rebalancing.
Others recommend rebalancing only when the relative weight of an asset class increases or
decreases more than a certain percentage that the investor has identified in advance. The
advantage of this method is that the proportion of the investments in the portfolio will
indicate when to rebalance.
In either case, rebalancing tends to work best when done on a relatively infrequent basis.
There are various ways in which re-balancing may be achieved:
1. Investor can sell off investments from over-weighted asset categories and use the
proceeds to purchase investments of under-weighted asset categories.
2. Investor can purchase new investments of under-weighted asset categories.
3. If investor is making continuous contributions to the portfolio, he can alter the
contributions so that more investments go to under-weighted asset categories until the
portfolio is back into balance.
Before the investor rebalances the portfolio, one should consider whether the action will
trigger transaction fees or tax consequences. The role of a financial planner is to identify
ways to minimize these potential costs.

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Sample Questions

1. Which of these asset classes is most likely to meet the objective of generating regular
a. Equity
b. Cash and equivalents
c. Debt

2. Which of these asset classes is primarily used to meet regular needs for liquid cash?
a. Debt
b. Cash and equivalents
c. Equity

3. The long term goal of an investor is to build a corpus that is adequate to serve his
income needs after retirement. The portfolio when constructed, should have a higher
allocation to
a. Debt
b. Cash equivalents
c. Equity

4. An investor who seeks a high level of return and is willing to bear the risks of such
investments is likely to be recommended
a. Aggressive portfolio
b. Conservative portfolio
c. Moderate portfolio

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6.1. Need for Insurance
Insurance is a basic form of risk management which provides protection against the loss of
economic benefits that can be enjoyed from assets. These assets may be physical assets, such
as buildings and machinery, or they may be human assets. Assets are subject to the risk that
their ability to generate benefits could be lost or reduced due to unforeseen or unexpected
events. There is a financial or economic consequence to the risk, and insurance indemnifies or
protects against these consequences. For example, the ability of human beings to generate
income from occupation may be affected by illness, disabilities and death, factory buildings &
machinery may break down or destroyed leading to loss of output. The events themselves
cannot be avoided. The consequences of the loss of benefits can either be borne by the person
to whom the benefits accrue (risk retention) or they can be transferred to another (risk
Insurance enables risk transfer from the beneficiary (insured) to the insurance company
(insurer), which undertakes to indemnify the insured for the financial loss suffered. In return,
the insured pays a periodic fee, called premium, to the insurer to receive this protection. To be
insurable, the event being insured against, such as death, accident or fire must result in a
financial loss which can be quantified and insured against. The premium payable will depend
upon this expected loss and the probability of the event occurring during the period of contract.
For example, the premium payable on a health policy for an individual whose parents have a
history of ill-health that are considered genetic, such as ailment of heart, cancer or diabetes, is
much higher than that for an individual coming from health stock. This is because the chance
that the insurance company will be required to pay medical expenses in the first case is much
higher than what it is in the second case.
6.2. Requirements of an Insurable risk
There are certain requirements for a risk to be insurable.
Large number of exposure units: Large group of similar units, need not be identical, are subject
to the same peril or group of perils. An insurance company is able to offer the protection it does
because it operates a common pool in which only a few will suffer loss in any one year. The
entire pool pays premium but the liability for the insurance company will be only to a few in a
year. In the absence of a large number of people being exposed to the same risk, the premium
payable would be much higher and it would be unviable for the insurer and the insured.
Accidental and unintentional: Loss must be accidental, unintentional and uncertain. The only
exception is life insurance where the event being insured against, namely death, is certain.
However, the time of death is uncertain, which makes it insurable. Loss should be fortuitous
and outside the insureds control.
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Determinable and measurable: Loss should be definite as to cause and amount.
No prospect of gain or profit: A further characteristic of the insurable risk is that it does not
involve any prospect of gain or profit. This means that, if it was possible to insure against not
making a profit from selling goods in a shop, there would be very little incentive to try to sell
the goods if the owner knew the insurance company would step in and pay up anyway.
Chance of loss must be calculable: Insurer must be able to calculate with some accuracy,
average frequency and average severity of future losses.
Premium must be economically feasible: Premiums should not only be affordable but also far
less than the value of the policy.
6.3. Insurance in Personal Finance
Insurance removes the risks associated with loss of income, reduction in income or an
unplanned and unexpected charge on income which will upset the personal financial situation
of an individual. Consider the following situations:
Siddesh dies young leaving his dependent wife and kids without financial support.
Arushi is a CAD professional who meets with an accident that makes it difficult for her to sit
for long hours at the computer.
Sindhus car met with an accident and requires a large sum for repairs.
Mohit suffers from arthritis and has to spend a large sum each month on physiotherapy.
Jayants daughter is getting married in a few days. The house is full of gifts and valuables.
There is a burglary in the house and the valuables are stolen.
In all the situations described above, there is either a loss or reduction of income or a large
expense that has to be met out of available income. Income is at the base of all financial plans
and any event that will affect income of the individual will affect the achievement of the goals
that the financial plan seeks to achieve.
Insurance can be used to protect the income so that the financial goals are not at risk. If
Siddesh had a life insurance policy for a sum adequate to meet his familys financial needs and
goals then he would have protected them from the financial effects of his death. Similarly, a
personal accident insurance would have provided the income that Arushi required till she
recovered from her accident and a motor insurance policy would have covered the cost of
repairs to Sindhus car and her income would not have been affected. There are insurance
policies available to provide cover against most situations that can cause disruption to the
income and therefore the financial situation of the individual.
Insurance is also seen as a way to save and invest. Some insurance policies include a saving
component along with the risk protection. The type of savings envisaged will determine the risk
and return from the investment. The premium collected will be higher, with one portion
assigned for risk protection (Insurance component) and the other for the saving component
(Investment component).
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6.4. Steps in Insurance Planning
An essential part of financial planning is insurance planning. Just like financial planning,
insurance planning is also specific to the individual and their situation. The steps in insurance
planning include identifying the protection needs and quantifying them, buying the type of
insurance that suits the requirement and setting in place a review of insurance needs
1. Identify insurance need: Insurance is primarily a tool for protection from financial loss.
Identifying insurance needs therefore requires identifying all those situations that can result
in a loss of income or an unexpected charge on income. Insurance needs can be broadly
categorized as:
a. Income replacement needs in the event of risk to the life or earning ability of an asset,
which includes the life of an individual as an asset generating income. Life insurance,
insurance for the maintenance and replacement of plant and machinery, annuities, are
all examples of insurance products that meet this need.
b. Income protection needs which protect the available income from an unexpected
charge. Health insurance and motor insurance are examples of insurance products that
will take over such expenses if they occur, and thereby protect the income from a large
c. Asset protection needs which include the need to protect assets created, from theft or
destruction. Household insurance is one such product.
The type of insurance required depends upon the age and stage in the life of the individual.
Insurance implies a cost and buying insurance that is not required is a wasteful use of
A young individual without any dependents may probably need a personal accident
insurance policy that will give him an income in the event of him being incapacitated in an
accident, more than a life insurance policy. The life insurance policy will replace his income
in the event of his death, but since he has no dependents it may not be as relevant at this
stage in his life. For an individual with dependents, the primary need is income replacement
to support his family in the event of his death and therefore a life insurance policy that does
this will be more relevant. The personal accident insurance is usually available as an
addition to the life insurance policy.
2. Estimate the amount of insurance required: The purpose of insurance is to compensate
the financial loss suffered from a specified event. It is not to profit or gain from it. The
amount of insurance required must be calculated giving due consideration to factors such
as the future value of the costs being sought to be replaced, the period for which protection
is required and, the ability to bear the cost of insurance. Under-insurance will imply that the
beneficiary who is likely to suffer the loss is retaining a portion of the risk with them. Over-
insurance would imply that unnecessary costs are being incurred.

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3. Evaluate the type of policies available for their costs and features: Insurance products can
be differentiated on the basis of their features such as premium payment, nature of cover
provided, structuring of benefits and the like. A product should be chosen based on the
features that are applicable to the individual, and not merely on the basis of multiplicity of
features. The cost associated with the insurance is an important parameter while evaluating
insurance products. Insurance is a long-term commitment and exiting midway is difficult
and has financial implications. It is therefore essential to consider the suitability of the
product, features and cost before signing on.

4. Evaluate insurance needs periodically since needs keep changing: Every change in the
lifecycle of the individual will warrant a review of the adequacy and coverage provided by
insurance. These include change in status from single to married, having children,
approaching retirement. Similarly, changes in financial situations and commitment such as
income levels, purchase of home, all trigger an insurance review.
6.5. Insurance Products
Insurance products available to an individual to manage the risk in their personal financial
situation can be categorized as life insurance and non- life insurance. Life insurance products
provide cover for the life of the insured. Non-life insurance or general insurance includes all
the other types of insurance products such as health insurance, motor insurance, household
insurance, travel insurance and the like.
Death cover: Where the benefit is paid only on the death of the insured within a specified
period. If death does not occur, then no benefit will be paid.
Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IRDA)
is the regulator of the insurance business in India. All products and their specifications have to
adhere to the guidelines issued by IRDA.
6.5.1. Elements of Life Insurance Products
Life insurance products can be defined by the benefits that they provide to the insured. The
insured would get the following benefits from life insurance products:
Survival benefits: Where the benefit is paid when the insured survives a specified period.
Most insurance policies are a combination of the above two features. Policies with survival
benefits combine saving and protection benefits while policies with only death benefits are
pure protection products.
An insurance contract has the following several elements, the definitions of the key ones are as
Insured: This refers to the person whose life is being insured and can be individuals, minors or
joint lives. If the life being insured is different from the person buying the insurance policy, such
a buyer is called the proposer or policy holder and such person should have an insurable
interest in the individual being covered.
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Term of the contract: This is the period during which the insurance cover will be available to
the insured. In some cases, the insurance company may specify an upper age limit at which
the term of the policy would end.
Sum assured: This is the amount being insured. Some insurance policies may specify a
minimum or maximum sum assured. Some products feature sum assured as a multiple of
premiums paid. The insurance contract may also specify situations, if any, when the sum
assured will change. For example, if a term insurance is taken to cover outstanding
mortgage payments, the sum assured will decrease as the outstanding loan decreases.
Payment of sum assured: The payment of sum assured will be on the occurrence of a
specific event such as death or expiry of the term of the policy. The mode of payment of
the sum assured, whether in lump sum or as installments will be specified in the contract.
Premium payable: This will depend upon the sum assured and the term of the policy. The
mode of payment of premium, such as monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually will be
included in contract. Some policies involve the payment of a single premium at the start.
Non-payment of premium within the grace period allowed will make the policy lapse. The
policy can be revived during the reinstatement period by paying the pending premiums and
Bonus: Bonus is an amount that is added to the sum assured, announced periodically as a
percentage of the sum assured. It is paid out along with the maturity value or on the
occurrence of the insured event.
Guaranteed bonus: Guaranteed bonus is paid for the first few years of the policy period,
say, five years and is paid as a percentage of the sum assured. It forms part of the benefits
of the policy and is received at the end of the term.
Reversionary bonus: This is based on the performance of the insurance company and is
declared for policy holders at the discretion of the insurer. Reversionary bonuses are
declared after the completion of the guaranteed bonus period.
If the premium due on a policy is not paid, then the policy lapses and no claim is payable on
a lapsed policy. However a policy that has been in force for at least three years for
traditional policies, on which full premiums have been paid, may acquire a cash value or
surrender value. This value is returned to the policy holder. Surrender value is usually paid
out as a percentage (30% to 35%) of the premium paid minus the first years premium.
Along with this the insurers may also pay an amount based on the current value of the
assets held against the policy. In case of Unit linked plans, the policy as a lock-in of five
years and the surrender value is paid only at the end of the term. The insurance companies
offer the service of letting customers know the surrender value of a given insurance policy.
The other option when there is a lapse in premium is to make the policy paid-up. This
means the sum assured is proportionately reduced to the same proportion that the
number of premiums paid bears to total premiums due.
o For example, Surinder had taken a 25-year life insurance policy with a sum assured of
Rs. 1,000,000 with the premium being paid in a half-yearly mode. After paying the
premium for five years, Surinder is unable to continue paying the premium payment.
What happens to the policy?
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o In the above example the sum assured would be Rs.1,000,000 if premium is paid for 25
years. On half yearly basis, that would be 50 premium payments. Since 10 premiums
have been paid over a period of 5 years, the sum assured will be readjusted to:
= 1,000,000 x 10/50
= 200,000
Nomination is the right of a policy holder to identify the person(s) entitled to receive the
policy money in the event of the policy becoming a claim by death. The nomination can be
made at the time of taking the policy or subsequently at any time and can also be changed
any number of times.
6.5.2 Types of Life Insurance Policies
Traditional life insurance policies can be categorized based on the benefit patterns. The
payment of benefits from the policy at death or maturity is used to differentiate the policies.
a) Term insurance
b) Endowment insurance
c) Whole Life insurance

a) Term Insurance
Term insurance is a pure risk cover product. It pays a death benefit only if the policy holder dies
during the period for which one is insured. Term insurance generally offers the cheapest form
of life insurance. Term life insurance provides for life insurance coverage for a specified term of
years for a specified premium. The policy does not accumulate cash value. It is generally
considered pure insurance, where the premium buys protection in the event of death and
nothing else. Term insurance premiums are typically low because it only covers the risk of death
and there is no investment component in it.
The three key factors to be considered in term insurance are:
Sum assured (protection or death benefit),
Premium to be paid (cost to the insured), and
Length of coverage (term).
Various insurance companies sell term insurance with many different combinations of these
three parameters. The term can be for one or more years. The premium can remain level or
increase. A policy holder insures his life for a specified term. If he dies before that specified
term is over, his estate or named beneficiaries receive a payout. If he survives the term, there is
no maturity benefit.
Several variants of this are available in the market such as a term policy with return of
In this variant, normally the premium is higher than a regular term policy and if the insured
survives the term, the premiums paid is returned.
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b) Endowment
Endowment is a level premium plan with a savings feature. At maturity, a lump sum is paid out
equal to the sum assured plus any accrued bonus. If death occurs during the term of the policy
then the total amount of insurance and any bonus accrued are paid out. There are a number of
products in the market that offer flexibility in choosing the term of the policy; you can choose
the term from 5 to 30 years.
There are products in the market that offer non-participating (no profits) version, the premiums
for which are cheaper. Endowment policies are quite popular for their survival benefits. The
benefits are enhanced by guaranteed and reversionary bonus that is declared on policies. Some
policies pay compounded reversionary bonuses, where the bonus amount is added to the sum
assured every time it is declared, and subsequent bonus is computed on the enhanced sum
Money Back Insurance policies are a type of endowment policies that covers life and also
assures the return of a certain per cent of the sum assured as cash payment at regular intervals.
It is a savings plan with the added advantage of life cover and regular cash inflow. Since this is
generally a participating plan the sum assured is paid along with the accrued bonuses. The rate
of return on the policies is quite low.
c) Whole Life insurance
Whole Life insurance provides life insurance cover for the entire life of the insured person or up
to a specified age. Premium paid is fixed through the entire period. There are variations to the
whole life policy provided in the market such as shorter premium payment periods and return
of premium option. The primary advantages of whole life are guaranteed death benefits;
guaranteed cash values, fixed and known annual premiums. The primary disadvantages of
whole life are premium inflexibility, and the internal rate of return in the policy may not be
competitive with other savings alternatives. Whole Life insurance is mainly devised to create an
estate for the heirs of the policy holders.
6.5.3 Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIP)
ULIP is an insurance product that combines protection and investment by allowing the policy
holder to earn market-linked returns by investing a portion of the premium money in various
proportions in the equity and debt markets. The returns on ULIPs are linked to the
performances of the markets. The premium is bifurcated into the premium used for providing
the life cover and the rest is invested in the fund or mixture of funds chosen by the policy
holder. Since the fund chosen has an underlying investment either in equity or debt or a
combination of the two the fund value will reflect the performance of the underlying asset
classes. Each fund has its own risk and return profile based on the asset class that the fund has
invested in. The policyholder is also offered the option of choosing the fund mix based on his
desired asset allocation. Different insurers have different names for these funds to reflect their
return and risk characteristics. Investors are also given the option to switch between funds.
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ULIPs may offer a single premium option where a lump sum premium is paid once. They may
also feature limited premium payment period where the premium is paid only for a portion of the
term of the policy. The sum assured will be a multiple of the annual premium. Depending upon
the sum assured selected, a portion of the premium will be apportioned towards providing the
risk cover and the remaining is invested in the fund of choice. The allocation rate refers to the
portion of the premium that is invested. This rate tends to be low in the initial couple of years
when the charges are high and subsequently rises. In a unit-linked plan investors also have the
option to make additional premium payments in the form of top-ups which again gets
invested in the funds.
The ULIP provides both death and maturity benefits to the holder. At the time of maturity of
the plan, the policy holder will receive the value of the fund as on that date. The value of the
fund will be the number of units standing to the credit of the policy holder multiplied by the net
asset value of the fund as on the day. In the event the policy holder dies during the term of the
policy, the beneficiary will receive either the sum assured, the higher of the fund value and the
sum assured or the sum assured and the value of the fund, depending on the terms of the
policy. The policy may have guaranteed bonus especially in the initial years. The additions to
the benefits may also be in the form of loyalty bonus at the end of the term.
Insurance companies offer products to meet specific life cycle needs of the insured. This
includes products for:
a. Protection Needs
b. Saving Needs
c. Childrens Education
d. Investment Planning
e. Retirement Planning
These products may be broadly structured as either traditional products or unit-linked
products. The specific features may be tailored to meet the particular need of the policy holder.
For example, a childrens plan may either be a traditional money back policy or a unit-linked
plan that has periodic pay-outs from the fund value. The pay-out received will meet the need
for funds at various stages in the childs life.
Retirement Plans or Pension Plans are normally plans to which contributions are made till
retirement or for a specified period. All pension products are required to have a defined
assured benefit in the form of guaranteed return on the premiums paid or guaranteed
death/maturity/surrender benefit. One-third of the corpus accumulated can be commuted i.e.
withdrawn as a lump-sum. The remaining can be used to buy annuity that will make monthly
payments to the holder. The following are some of the annuity options available in the market.
1. Annuity for Life
2. Joint Life last survivor annuity
3. Annuity guarantee for certain periods
4. Life annuity with return of purchase price
5. Increasing annuity
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Loan Cover Policy covers the individuals home loan amount in case of an eventuality. In this,
the sum assured normally reduces along with the value of the loan. This plan provides a lump
sum in case of death of the life assured during the term of the plan. The lump sum will be a
decreasing percentage of the initial sum assured as per the policy schedule. Since this is a non-
participating pure risk cover plan, no benefits are payable on survival till the end of the term of
the policy.
6.6. Riders
Riders are add-ons to the basic insurance policy to supplement the insurance cover provided.
One can also combine a set of riders and append it to the main policy.
Some of the popular riders that are added to a basic insurance policy are:
Double sum assured rider, which provides twice the amount insured in case the death
happens due to the specific reason such as accidental death while the policy is in force.
Critical illness rider, which provides a sum that could be double the sum assured on
diagnosis of a life-threatening illness.
Accident or disability rider, which enables the insured to receive a periodic payout if
temporarily disabled, for a limited period of time.
Waiver of premium rider, which is triggered if there is a disability or loss of income that
makes it difficult to pay the premium.
Guaranteed insurability option rider, which enables enhancing the insurance cover without
further medical examination
The premiums will obviously be higher, depending on the rider or a combination of them
chosen. When combined, these riders provide the flexibility to customize a policy to one's
IRDA regulations lay down limits on the benefit of riders that can be availed as follows:
The premium paid for all health and critical illness riders in case of a term or group policy
should not exceed 100% of the premium paid on the base policy.
In case of all other riders it should not exceed 30% of the premium paid on the base policy.
The benefit from each rider cannot exceed the basic sum assured.
6.7. Non Life Insurance
Non-Life insurance provides risk cover against loss or destruction of assets created and to
provide for unexpected, large expenses that can affect the financial situation of the individual.
6.7.1 Elements of Non-Life Insurance Product
Sum insured is the amount specified in the policy which represents the insurers maximum
liability for claims made during the policy period. The minimum and maximum sum may be
specified by the insurer.
Term of the insurance is typically 1 year. In some cases, such as health policies, the term
may be two years.
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Premium payable is a function of the sum insured and the assessed risk. The risk will be
determined based on the cover being sought such as age, gender and health history for
medical cover, cubic capacity of the vehicle, place of registration and age of the vehicle,
among other factors. Premium is typically paid at the inception of the policy.
Deductible is the portion of the claim that is met by the insured.
No claim bonus is the benefit of lower premiums enjoyed in subsequent years for each year
of no claims being made.
6.7.2 Types of Non-Life Insurance Products Property Insurance
Property insurance provides protection against most risks to property such as fire, theft etc.
Property insurance generally means insuring the structure and the contents of the building
against natural and man-made disasters. Willful destruction of property, Loss/ damage due to
wear and tear and Art and antiques are typically not covered by property insurance. Health Insurance policy
Health insurance policies reimburse the medical expenses incurred for the policy holder and
identified family members who are covered under the policy. This policy provides for
reimbursement of hospitalization or domiciliary treatment expenses for illness or accidental
injury up to the sum insured under the policy. The expenses that can be claimed, such as
consultation fees, medicine and treatment costs, room costs, are specified in the policy and
sub-limits may be fixed for each head. Claim is typically allowed only for In-patient (patients
who are admitted in a hospital for treatment that requires at least overnight or 24 hours of stay
in hospital) treatments and domiciliary treatments (patients can be treated at home when they
are not in a condition to be moved to the hospital), according to the terms of the policy. Pre-
existing illnesses may be excluded from cover for a fixed period when insurance is being taken
for the first time or if it is being renewed after a lapse.
Health policies provide cashless facility too where the bills are directly settled with the hospital
and the insured is not required to pay upfront up to the sum approved for this facility. There is
also the option to take a family floater policy that will cover multiple family members under the
same policy up to the sum insured.
The premium payable on the policy is a function of the sum insured, age and medical history of
the insured, among others. Premiums may be adjusted for continued health cover and record
of no-claim. Portability of health policies has been introduced under which the benefits of no-
claim, bonus and time-bound exclusions for existing conditions can be transferred, if the
insured chooses to switch the insurance company. To benefit from portability, the previous
policy should have been maintained without a break. Motor Insurance
Under this Insurance the company indemnifies the insured in the event of accident caused by
or arising out of the use of the motor vehicle anywhere in India against all sums including
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claimants cost and expenses which the insured shall become legally liable to pay in respect of
(i) death or bodily injury to any person, (ii) damage to the property other than property
belonging to the insured or held in trust or custody or control of the insured. The insurance of
motor vehicles against damage is not made compulsory but the insurance of third party liability
arising out of the use of motor vehicles in public places is made compulsory. No motor vehicle
can be used in a public place without such insurance. Personal Accident Insurance
This type of policy provides that if the insured shall sustain any bodily injury resulting solely and
directly from accident caused by external violent and visible means, then the company shall pay
to the insured or his legal personal representative , as the case may be, the sum or sums set
forth, in the policy. Following types of disablement are covered under this policy:
(i) Permanent total disablement
(ii) Permanent Partial disablement
(iii) Temporary total disablement Critical illness insurance
This policy provides for a lump sum benefit to be paid if the named insured contracts certain
specified diseases such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure or multiple sclerosis. It
differs from life insurance in that there is no payment on death. Reimbursement is usually
subject to a minimum survival period of 30 days. The lump sum payment under the critical
illness policy can be used in whatever way the claimant chooses. It could be used for example,
for income, or for repaying a mortgage. Today, these are available either with life insurance
policies or as standalone policies and as many as 30 illnesses can be covered. Travel Insurance
Travel insurance provides medical, financial and other assistance in case of an emergency
during international travel. The cover will typically be provided for instances such as medical
help required, delay in baggage clearance, accident and any additional cover required. The
cover will be in the form of reimbursement up to the maximum mentioned in the policy. Travel
insurance may be mandatory for travel to some European countries. Liability Insurance
The purpose of liability insurance is to provide indemnity in respect of damages payable under
law for personal injury to third parties or damage to their property. This legal liability may arise
under common law on the basis of negligence or under statutory law on no fault basis i.e. when
there is no negligence.
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6.8. Life Insurance Needs Analysis
The amount of life insurance cover required depends upon the economic value that can be
attached to human life. This is called the human life value (HLV). This is the value that insurance
needs to compensate for, if there is a loss to the life or disability which results in a reduction in the
ability to generate income. There are different ways in which the life insurance needs can be
6.8.1 Human Life Value Approach
The human life value is the present value of the persons future earnings. This is a method of
calculating the amount of life insurance a family will need based on the financial loss that family
would incur if the insured were to pass away today. It is usually calculated by taking into
account a number of factors including but not limited to the insured individuals age, gender,
planned retirement age, occupation, annual wage, employment benefits, as well as the
personal and financial information of the spouse and/ or dependent children.
Information Required
The information required to calculate the same is as follows:
The number of years the individual is likely to earn (Retirement age less present age)
Average annual earnings during the earning years
Amount of personal expenses like taxes, personal costs, insurance premium which is
deducted from annual income to estimate the
Example: Siddhartha earns Rs.8 lacs p.a. He is 28 years old and would like to retire at age 55.
Calculate the insurance he needs as per Human Life Value if inflation is seen at 6% and return
on investment at 10%.
Method of calculation
The HLV is the present value of the expected income over the working life of the individual that
is available for the dependents. That is Human Life Value and would be the amount of
insurance required after considering the future value of assets already available that will
contribute to this value.
The present value function in excel can be used to calculate the HLV. The function requires the
following inputs
Rate: This is the discounting rate that will consider the rate of return on investment as well as
the inflation.
Nper: This is the period over which the income will be earned
PMT: This is the current income available to the dependents.
Number of years of work 27
=55-28. This is the

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Current income of the investor 800000
Given in the problem.
This is the PMT

Differential rate of growth in income 3.77%
This is the RATE

Present value of the future income

13,907,578 Use the PV formula

Human Life Value Rs. 13,907,578
Assumption: Income accrues at the beginning of the year.
6.8.2 Need Based Approach
This is a method of calculating how much life insurance is required by an individual or family to
cover their needs in the event of the demise of the earning member. These include things living
expenses, mortgage expenses, rent, debt and loans, medical expenses, college, child care,
schooling and maintenance costs, emergency funds.
The need based approach considers what is already available in the form of investments,
assets, and dues such as EPF, gratuity that will contribute to the corpus. Insurance will be taken
for the remaining value.
Anil currently has a monthly income of Rs. 150,000. He pays an insurance premium of
Rs.25,000 per month and an EMI of Rs. 32,000 on a loan of Rs. 40 lakhs that he has taken for
this house. His personal expenses are Rs.10,000. He wants to provide insurance protection for
his wife who is currently 49 years old and is expected to live till 80. If the expected inflation is
6% and return on investment is 8%, what is the insurance cover he should take? His current
insurance cover is for Rs. 1 Cr and he has other investments amounting to Rs. 50 lakhs. His
house is worth about Rs.50 lakhs.

Number of years of insurance 31 =80-49. This is the NPER
Current level of income for the family 83000
Given in the problem. We reduce
premium, EMI and personal expenses
from the current income =150000-
25000-32000-10000. This amount x 12
is the PMT.
Differential rate of growth in income 1.89% = ((1+8%)/(1+6%))-1. This is the RATE
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Present value of the future income 23,654,044 Use PV formula
Plus current liabilities 27,654,044 Add loan outstanding on the house
Less Current assets and investments 12,654,044
Less value of investments, excluding
house which we assume will be
retained, not sold
Estimated insurance need 12,654,044 Net amount

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Sample Questions
1. Which of the following products is a pure insurance product?
b. Money back policy
c. Term insurance policy
d. Whole life policy

2. In which of the following situations will the insured not have insurance cover?
a. Surrendered policy
b. Paid-up policy
c. Term policy
d. Both (a) and (b)

3. The premium payable on a ULIP is higher for the same sum assured as a term policy
a. The period of cover is shorter
b. A portion of the premium is used for investment
c. The pool of insured is smaller
d. The risk is higher

4. The term of insurance in non-life insurance is typically
a. Decided by the insured
b. Decided based on sum insured
c. One year
d. Flexible

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7.1. Introduction to retirement planning process
Retirement Planning is about ensuring that there is adequate income to meet the expenses in
the retirement stage of an individuals lifecycle. The primary income at this stage will be a
pension drawn from the employer or the passive income drawn from the retirement corpus
that has been created during the employed period of the individuals life or a combination of
the two. To be able to be adequately provided with income in retirement, a portion of the
current income has to be saved and invested over the working life of the individual to create
the corpus required. Retirement planning involves making an estimate of the expenses in
retirement and the income required to meet it, calculating the corpus required to generate the
income, assessing the current financial situation to determine the savings that can be made for
retirement and identifying the products in which the savings made will be invested so that
required corpus is created and in which the corpus will be invested to generate the required
income in retirement.
There are two distinct stages in retirement: the accumulation stage and the distribution stage.
The accumulation stage is the stage at which the saving and investment for the retirement
corpus is made. Ideally, the retirement savings should start as early as possible so that smaller
contribution made can grow to the corpus required with the benefit from compounding. In the
picture below, the light part is the compounded earnings while the dark part is contributions
made. Over time, the earnings form a greater proportion of the final value. This is the benefit of
compounding which accrues to an investment only with time.

The other benefit of starting to save early (in age) is that the amount which needs to be
contributed periodically to reach the retirement corpus is lesser. Take the case of two people
who have to save Rs. one crore each as their retirement goal (both wants to retire at the age of
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60). One starts at 25 years of age and the other at the age of 35. The contribution required is as
below if the rate of return is taken as 12% per annum.

By starting 10 years later, the contribution required to create the retirement corpus of Rs. One
crore was Rs. 16 lakhs while it was just Rs.6.5 lakhs if the savings were started at age 25. The
monthly contribution required in case of an early start was just Rs.1555 as compared to Rs.5322
for a late start.
If the same amount of Rs.5000 per month is saved by two people for their retirement at age 60,
but one starts at age 25 while the other at age 35, then the corpus created if the investment
earned 12% per annum is as below.

By starting 10 years early, the same amount saved and invested for a longer period grew to a
value of Rs 3.2 crores, while a later start meant a corpus that was only 1/3
Compute the retirement corpus required based on the estimation of expenses in retirement
or income at retirement.
of the other at Rs.
94 lakhs.
In the initial earning years it may be difficult to find adequate savings and there may be
immediate and closer financial goals that may take precedence over the retirement goal. The
savings plan for retirement should consider the overall financial situation and goals of the
individual. It may be necessary to start low and increase the savings as the income grows and
the ability to save increases.
Investments made in the accumulation stage should be growth-oriented since there is a long
investment horizon for the short-term volatility in return to smoothen out. There is generally a
greater ability to take risk and the portfolio should be invested to earn higher returns.
The distribution stage of retirement is when the corpus created in the accumulation stage is
employed to generate the income required to meet expenses in retirement. Investment made
at this stage is income-oriented primarily. The ability to take risks is lower since any erosion in
the capital created cannot be replaced.
Retirement planning involves the following steps.
Determine the periodic savings required to accumulate the retirement corpus
Analyse the current financial situation to determine the savings possible
Set in place a long-term savings plan based on the expected income
Identify the investment products in which the savings will be invested
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Monitor the performance of the investment and the growth of the retirement corpus
Review the adequacy of the retirement corpus whenever there is a change in personal
situation that has an impact on income or expenses.
Make mid-course corrections, if required.
Rebalance the portfolio to reflect the current stage in the retirement plan.
A good retirement plan provides adequate corpus for the sunset years without compromising
on the standard of living of the person. It also involves smart selection of retirement products
to not only save for retirement but also help save on taxes.
7.2. Estimating the Retirement Corpus
The retirement corpus that has to be created to provide retirement income will depend upon
the income that has to be generated from it to meet the expenses in retirement. There are two
questions that need to be answered by an individual planning retirement:
a. How much is the income required in retirement to maintain a given standard of living?
b. How much corpus should be build to be able to fund this income?
Estimating Income Requirement
There are different methods used to estimate the amount of income required in retirement.
The Income Replacement method and the Expense Protection Method are two of those
7.2.1 Income Replacement Method
The income replacement ratio is the percentage of the income just before retirement that will
be required by an individual to maintain the same standard of living in retirement. While
estimating this ratio, the current income has to be adjusted for a few heads of expenses that
may no longer be relevant in retirement. On the other hand there may be is a larger outlay on
medical and healthcare. Some people may like to have a higher discretionary income for travel or
entertainment. Some of the expenses that have to be reduced from the income include
The portion of the income that is being used towards paying taxes
The mandatory deduction from income being made, such as provident fund
The portion of income going to savings for goals
Employment related expenses, such as those related to transportation
Income replacement ratio is calculated as gross income after retirement / gross income before
Usually 70% - 90% of the income before retirement is required to maintain the lifestyle of the
individual after retirement. However, this number may be lower if a large part of the income was
going into savings. This is very likely the case with many individuals who hit a phase of high income
in their early 50s and with much of the large-ticket expenses already taken care of, a large portion
of the income may go into savings. In such a case, the income replacement ratio is likely to be much
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lower since the saving and probably tax component took a large part of the pre-retirement income.
In the initial years of planning when there is less clarity on the future income, it is more convenient
to go with thumb rules. But as the income and expense situation becomes clearer, especially in the
last 5-10 years before retirement, it is best to consider the particular situation of each individual
while determining the income replacement ratio.
The steps for estimating the income required in retirement under this method are:
Calculate the current income
Estimate the rate at which the income is expected to grow over the years to retirement
Calculate the years to retirement
Calculate the income at the time of retirement as Current value x(1+ rate of growth)^(Years
to retirement)
Apply the income replacement ratio to this income to arrive at the income required in
For example, Pradeep has a current annual income of Rs. 10,00,000. He is 30 years of age and
expects to retire at the age of 55. He also expects his income to grow at a rate of 10% and he
estimates that he will require an income replacement of 75%. What is the income required by
Pradeep in retirement?

Current Annual Income (Rs.) 1000000
Age 30
Retirement age 55
Years to Retirement 25 55-30
Annual Rate of Growth in Income 10%
Income at the time of Retirement 10834706 1000000*(1+10%)^25
Income Replacement Ratio 75%
Annual Income required in
Retirement 8126029 10834706*75%

7.2.2 Expense Protection Method
In the expense protection method, the focus is on identifying and estimating the expenses likely to
be incurred in the retirement years and providing for it. Typically, the expenses required by the
person on retirement is taken as a percentage of the expenses of that person just before
retirement the assumption being that ones post retirement expenses will not include certain
expenses such as transport, home loan EMI. On the other hand the expenses incurred on other
heads such as health, is likely to be higher.
Expense Protection is a slightly cumbersome method due to the detailed listing out of expenses
incurred for the things / services required post-retirement. Estimating this wrongly may make
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the determination of retirement corpus inaccurate. The process involves preparing a list of pre
and post-retirement expenses, and arriving at the total expense list. The expense so calculated
has to be adjusted for inflation over the period of time left to retirement to arrive at the
expense in retirement.
For example, Pradeep has a monthly expense of Rs. 50,000 of which 60% is for household
expenses. He is 30 years old and expects to retire at the age of 55. He expects to incur
additional expenses of Rs. 10,000 pm at current prices for discretionary expenses in retirement.
If inflation is seen at 6%, what is the expense that has to be met by retirement income?
Current Monthly Income (Rs.) 50000
Proportion of Household Expenses 60%
Current Household Expenses 30000 Rs. 50000 x 60%
Additional Discretionary Expenses 10000
Total Expenses in Retirement at Current
Prices 40000
Rs.30,000 + Rs.
Age 30
Retirement age 55
Years to Retirement 25 55-30
Rate of Inflation 6%
Expenses at the Time of Retirement (per
month) 171675
Rs.40,000 x

7.3. Determining the Retirement Corpus
The income required in retirement can be estimated using either of the two methods described
earlier. Once this has been done, the next step in retirement planning is to calculate the corpus that
will generate the income required in retirement. The variables in this calculation are
The periodic income required
The expected rate of inflation
The rate of return expected to be generated by the corpus
The period of retirement, i.e. the period for which income has to be provided by the corpus.
Impact of Inflation
Inflation is a general rise in prices of goods and services over a period of time. Over time, as
the cost of goods and services increase, the value of one unit of money will go down and the
same amount of money will not be able to purchase as much with that unit of money as he
could have purchased earlier i.e. last month or last year. Inflation eats away the purchasing
Inflation impacts retirement planning in two ways:
of money over time.
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1. At the time of calculating the income required, the value of the current expenses has to be
adjusted for inflation to arrive at the cost of the expense at the time of retirement. For
instance, if consumer goods prices rise 6% a year over the next 30 years, items that cost Rs
100 today would cost Rs 179 in 10 years, Rs 321 in 20 years and Rs 574 in 30 years.
2. This figure is true for the beginning of the retirement period. Over the retirement years, the
income required would not be constant but would go up due to inflation. The corpus
created to fund income during retirement will have to consider the escalation in cost of
living during the period in which pension is drawn. For example, in the previous example Rs.
17165 is the monthly expense at the time of retirement. However, this will not remain the
same throughout the retirement period but will increase over time, depending upon inflation.
The increase in expenses has to be considered while calculating the retirement corpus else
there is a risk of the retirement being under-funded. If you're planning to live on Rs 60,000 a
month during retirement, a 6% inflation rate means that in 10 years you would actually
need Rs 107,451 a month, and in 20 years you'd need Rs 192,428 a month to cover the
same expenses.
3. While the standard rate of inflation may be appropriate to calculate the future cost of living
expenses, other expenses such as health costs, travel typically increase at a higher rate.
The Expected Rate of Return
The corpus created to generate the retirement income has to consider that this corpus will be
invested to earn a return which will contribute towards the retirement income that the corpus has
to provide. The corpus that has to be in place at the start of retirement can be lower to the extent
that these funds will generate a return through the retirement period. Higher the rate of return that
the funds are expected to earn, lower will be the required corpus. However, a higher return will
come with a higher risk and the ability to take risk with the savings in the retirement stage will be
The rate of inflation and the expected rate of return on investments act in opposite ways on the
amount of retirement corpus required. While the rate of inflation pushes up the expenses and
therefore the amount of retirement savings required to fund the income in retirement, the return
that the investment will generate will reduce the savings required. The real or effective rate of
return that the investment will generate will then be the expected return adjusted for inflation.

Inflation Adjusted Rate or real rate of return is the periodic rate of return on an investment
after adjustment for inflation.

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Actual Return Method 1: Calculation is done on the basis of discounting the investment return
with the inflation rate (using the formula above).
Actual Return Method 2: Calculation is done by simply subtracting the inflation from the
expected return.
For example, if the rate of return on a bank fixed deposit is 8 % p.a. and the current inflation
rate is 6 % p.a., calculate the real rate of return on the bank FD.
Here, nominal rate of return is 8% p.a., inflation rate is 6 % p.a. using the above formula, and
we arrive at a real rate of return of 1.89% p.a.
Calculation of Retirement Corpus
Rani requires a monthly income of Rs. 35,000 by todays value for her retirement 25 years away at
the age of 60. She expects to live up to 80 years. What is the retirement corpus required if the
banks deposit into which she will invest her retirement savings is likely to yield 8% and the rate of
inflation is 6%?
Income required in retirement at current value : Rs. 35,000 per month
Period to retirement : 25 years
Inflation rate : 6%
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Expected Return 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0%
Inflation Rate 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0%
Actual Return - M1 3.8% 4.8% 5.8% 6.8% 7.8% 8.9%
Actual Return - M2 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0%


Inflation Adjusted Return
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The retirement corpus that Rani must create before retirement is one that will give her the income
required in retirement.

Income required in retirement after adjusting for inflation : Rs. 35,000 x (1+6%) ^ 25
: Rs. 1,50,215 per month

Period for which the income has to be provided : 20 years (80-60)
: 20 x 12= 240 months
Rate of return on the retirement savings : 8%
Inflation adjusted return : ((1+8%)/(1+6%))-1
: 1.89%
The value of the retirement corpus can be calculated using the PV formula in excel. The inputs
required are
1. Rate (inflation adjusted rate of return) : 1.89%/12
2. Nper (retirement period in months) : 240
3. PMT (inflation adjusted monthly income at retirement): Rs. 1,50,215
4. Type (whether income is required at the beginning or end
of each period) : 1 (i.e., at the beginning of the
The corpus required to generate a monthly income of Rs. 1,50,215 for 20 years is Rs. 30,048,832

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The corpus of Rs. 30,048,832 will be invested at Ranis 60
1. Rate (return on investment expected) : 12%/12
year at a rate of 8% to generate a
monthly income of Rs. 150215. The monthly income required will go up through the period of
retirement as a result of inflation. But this has been taken care of while creating the corpus, since
the calculation considered inflation adjusted return on investment. The income will be provided for
20 years required, after which it will be exhausted.
Saving & Investment Plan to Create Retirement Corpus
Once the retirement saving required is estimated, it has to be created over the working years of the
individual by setting in place a saving and investment plan. Retirement is one of the important goals
for which an individual saves. The amount of saving required will depend upon the corpus required,
the time available to accumulate the savings and the return that will be generated by the
investment avenue into which the savings being made will be channelized.
In the previous example, what is the monthly saving that Rani must make to create the retirement
corpus if she expects a return of 12% per annum on her investments?
The amount of monthly savings required can be calculated using the PMT function is excel. The
inputs required are
2. Nper (period in months available to create the corpus which is the : 300 months (25 x12)
period between now and retirement date)
3. Future Value (retirement corpus required) : Rs.30,048,832
4. Type (whether investment will be made at the beginning or end of :1
each month)

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The monthly savings required is Rs. 15,835. If this sum is invested at an annual rate of 12% for 25
years, then the savings will compound to a value of Rs. 30,048,832, which is the retirement corpus
What will be the effect if Rani had 30 years to save for the same amount? The amount of monthly
savings will come down to Rs. 8512 since there is a longer period over which Rani can make
contributions, and the money can be invested and grow to the corpus required.
Similarly, what will be the effect if Rani decides to invest in a lower yielding investment such as a
bank fixed deposit that generates a return of 8%? The monthly savings required will double to
Rs.31,387 to generate the same corpus since the funds saved will be earning at a lower level.
The monthly saving required is therefore a function of the corpus required, the period available for
saving and the return that the investments will earn. Each individual makes a trade-off between
these three factors depending upon their situation.
If Rani is unable to save the Rs. 15,835 required each month, she can choose to postpone her
retirement age to 65 instead of 60. This will give her 5 more years to contribute to the savings.
Income required at retirement will now be Rs.201022 since inflation would have pushed up costs
for another 5 years. The period of retirement is 15 years. The retirement corpus required will be Rs.
31,535,237. The monthly savings required over a period of 30 years, now that Rani has postponed
her retirement by five years, is Rs. 8934.
Rani can reduce the monthly saving required if she invests in an investment giving a higher yield
than the 12% she has currently estimated. For example, if she invests in an instrument which gives
her a 15% yield, then instead of the Rs.15,835 she needed to save, she now needs to save only
Rs.9150 each month over the 25 years to retirement. However, the higher return will come at a
higher risk and Rani should be able to find investments that will generate the yield she requires and
with a risk that she is comfortable with. Making unrealistic estimations of the return that can be
earned will result in the corpus growing at a lower rate, and Rani finding that her retirement savings
is not adequate when she is ready to retire.
Rani can also choose to reduce her income requirement in retirement so that the retirement corpus
required will come down and therefore the savings that she has to make too will reduce. But while
she may be able to cut down on her discretionary expenses in retirement, reducing her expected
expenses unrealistically will mean that she may not be able to live comfortably and will probably
find her retirement corpus inadequate. This is too big a risk to take in retirement and a better
option for Rani would be to find additional ways to save during her earning years or to postpone
her retirement.
Review and Monitoring
Retirement planning is an on-going process. The plan requires periodic review to make sure
that the estimates for income and expenses in retirement are relevant or need to be changed.
Typically, every time there is a significant change in current income and lifestyle or expenses
that are likely to continue into retirement, it is necessary to make changes to the plan. The
change in income or expense will imply a change in the retirement corpus being accumulated
and the periodic savings and investments that have to be made to achieve the new target.
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The performance of the investments that have been made also needs to be monitored to
ensure that the retirement savings are growing as expected. Unless a periodic check is made,
under-performance will not be detected early enough and making corrections may become
The allocation of the savings being made to various types of investment will depend upon the
age and stage of the individual. For example, in the accumulation stage, the focus will be on
growth-oriented products. As the individual comes closer to retirement the portfolio has to be
periodically rebalanced to shift away to less risky assets so that the corpus accumulated over
the years is protected from a fall in value when it has to be available for generating the
retirement income.
7.4. Retirement Products
Retirement products are used to invest the savings to create the retirement corpus in the
accumulation stage and to generate regular income in the distribution stage. The retirement
stage will define the type of retirement product suitable to the investor. In the accumulation
stage, the focus of the product should be on growth while it will be income in the distribution
Retirement products may be classified as Defined Benefit (DB) plans or Defined Contribution
(DC) plans. In a defined benefit plan, the pension amount or value of retirement benefit is
known before hand. Or, the formula based on which the pension amount would be calculated,
is known. A contribution is made by the employee, employer or both towards the benefits,
which is invested to generate returns. The investor is assured of the pension amount as
defined, irrespective of the returns that is generated by the pension fund.
In a defined contribution plan, the pension amount is not known beforehand. Also, there is no
fixed formula based on which it would be determined. In a DC, a defined amount is contributed
by employee, employer or both, towards a pension fund over a period, and is invested. The
final corpus of the pension fund determines the retirement benefit, which can be a lump sum
or an annuity paid by investing the fund, or both.
Conventional retirement products have been DB plans. The biggest risk a DB plan runs is that it
could become under-funded or unable to make the defined payments, if the portfolio in which
the contributions are invested does not generate the returns required to make the payments
over the retirement period. New pension products are DC plans, which are more flexible. Since
the pension depends upon the returns made on the investment, the individual usually gets some
say in the way the amount is invested.
There can be multiple options available like equity focused (high risk, high returns), debt
focused (low risk, low returns) or anything in-between (medium risk, medium returns). The
allocation of funds to various options and periodic re-allocation is usually done by the
individual. The retirement corpus of the individual depends on both the value of the
contributions made and the returns generated through their investment. A portion of this
(usually around one-third of the fund value) can be withdrawn as a lump sum. The remaining
portion is used to buy an annuity that provides a regular income through the retirement years.
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Retirement Products in the Accumulation Stage
Saving for the retirement can be done through mandatory saving avenues such as the
employee provident fund or through voluntary savings schemes such as the PPF, Mutual fund
schemes, and retirement products from insurance companies or a combination of the two.
7.4.1 Mandatory Retirement Benefit Schemes
The Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions (EPF & MP) Act of 1952 requires
employers covered under the act to offer the following schemes to the workers
a. Employees Provident Fund (EPF) Scheme, 1952
b. Employees Pension Scheme (EPS), 1995
c. Employees Deposit Linked Insurance (EDLI) Scheme, 1976

a. Employee Provident Fund Scheme
Under this scheme, the employee and the employer each contribute 12% (10% in some special
cases) of the basic emoluments to the employees EPF account. Employees can contribute over
and above the statutory rate of 12%. However, employers contribution is fixed at 12%.
Contributions are credited to individual employee accounts. Each year the government declares
the rate of interest applicable to the scheme. Annual statements which give information on the
opening balance, contributions during the year, interest credited at the end of the period,
withdrawals if any and closing balance is sent to each account holder through his/her employer.
Partial withdrawals are allowed to members for specified purposes, including housing and
marriage. The balance in the employees account is paid out as a lump sum on retirement, or
total and permanent disablement or death in service or early retirement.
b. Employee Pension Scheme
This scheme is run by the Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) and is guaranteed by
the government. 8.33% from the employers contribution of 12% to the Employee Provident
Fund is diverted to the EPS. The scheme provides pensions for life to members or their family
upon retirement at the age of 58. The central government also contributes one and one-sixth
percent of the wages.
c. Employee Deposit-Linked Insurance Scheme
Employer contributes 0.5% of the total wages. No contribution is made by the employee. The
benefit provided under the Employees' Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme is called assurance
benefit. On the death of the member while in service, the nominee or any other person entitled
to receive the provident fund benefits will, in addition to the provident fund, receive the
assurance benefit under Employees' Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme.
The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 requires gratuity to be paid to an employee at the time of
termination of employment where the employee has been in continuous service for not less
than five years. The condition of completion of five years continuous service is not applicable
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where termination is due to death or disablement. The benefit is paid in lump-sum. The
minimum benefit is approximately two weeks last drawn salary for each year of service with an
upper limit of Rs. 350,000. Gratuity received up to the limit of Rs. 350,000 is exempted from tax
under the Income Tax Act. The exemption is, however, not available for payment of gratuity
when the employee is still in service.
Superannuation Benefit
The existing mandatory retirement benefits are very often found to be insufficient to meet the
income replacement required at retirement. Employers provide superannuation plans to
augment the benefits available by contributing to a superannuation fund. The company has to
appoint trustees to administer the scheme and get the scheme approved by the Commissioner
of Income Tax.
A company can offer a group superannuation scheme in two ways:
Through the constitution of a trust fund where fund managers are appointed by the
trustees to manage the fund.
Through investment in a superannuation scheme from a life insurance company.
On retirement the employee is allowed to take one third of the accumulation in his account as
commutation. Commutation refers to the exercise of the facility of taking a portion of the
annuity corpus in a lump sum. The balance in the corpus is used to purchase an annuity. Apart
from LIC, all other life insurance companies allow its customers to purchase annuity from any
annuity provider. Income Tax rules restrict the employers contribution, whether to the PF or
superannuation fund or a combination of both, to 27% of the employees earnings.
7.4.2 Voluntary Retirement Schemes
The mandatory retirement benefits are available only to employees of covered establishments.
This leaves people in other establishments, self-employed persons and others out of the
coverage of the benefits. Retirement plans are available that an individual can subscribe to
independently. Such schemes can be used to save for retirement by people who do not have
mandatory cover and also by persons who are covered to augment their retirement benefits.
Voluntary retirement schemes include the New Pension Scheme, Public Provident fund,
Schemes of mutual funds and insurance companies.
a. New Pension Scheme (NPS)
The NPS is a defined contribution scheme launched in May 2009 by the government of India for all
citizens on a voluntary basis. The contributions made by an individual to the fund are managed to
create a retirement corpus. The NPS system consists of the NPS trust, central recordkeeping agency,
pension fund managers, trustee bank and custodian.
NPS Trust
A trust set up under the Indian Trusts Act, into which the contribution of subscribers is pooled
and held in their beneficial interest. The trust has the fiduciary responsibility for taking care of
the funds and protecting the subscriber interests.
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Points of Presence (PoPs)
A PoP is the first point of interaction between the subscriber and the NPS. Subscribers open
their NPS accounts by completing the documentation and formalities with the PoPs. 22
registered PoPs have been announced for the scheme and have authorized branches to act as
collection points and extend services to customers.
Central Record-keeping Agency (CRA)
The CRA is the back-office for maintaining subscriber records, administration and customer
service functions. National Securities Depository Ltd has been designated the CRA for the NPS.
Pension Fund Managers
These are professional fund managers appointed to invest the corpus in a portfolio of securities
and manage them. To begin with six fund managers have been appointed ICICI Prudential
Pension Fund Management Company Ltd., IDBI Pension Fund Management Company Ltd, Kotak
Mahindra Pension Fund Ltd., Reliance Capital Pension Fund Ltd., SBI Pension Fund Pvt. Ltd., and
UTI Retirement Solutions Ltd.
Trustee Bank
The trustee bank handles the funds side of the transactions between various entities. Bank of
India is the designated agency to facilitate fund transfers across subscribers, fund managers and
the annuity service providers.
The custodian handles the security side of the transactions. The securities bought for the NPS
trust are held by the custodian, who also facilitates securities transactions by making and
accepting delivery of securities. The NPS has appointed the Stock Holding Corporation of India
Ltd as the custodian.
PFRDA (Pension Funds Regulation and Development Authority) is the designated agency
responsible for the regulation and development of pension products.
Joining the NPS
Any Indian citizen not less than 18 years of age and not more than 55 years of age can join the NPS
by registering at any of the PoPs. On enrolling, the CRA (NSDL) will allot a Permanent Retirement
Account Number (PRAN) to the individual. The first contribution to the account has to be made at
the time of registration. The minimum amount per contribution is Rs. 500 and the minimum
contribution in a year is Rs. 6000. The minimum number of contributions in a year is 4. There is no
maximum limit. The contributions can be made by cash, local cheque, and demand draft or through
electronic transfer. If the minimum annual contribution of Rs.6000 is not made to the account, the
account becomes dormant. The account can be revived by depositing the minimum required
amount for each year of default along with the penalty specified from time to time.
There are two types of accounts that the NPS offers - Tier I account where the contribution
cannot be withdrawn and a Tier II account where the contribution can be withdrawn at
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anytime. To have a Tier II account the individual must have a Tier I account. The NPS offered
only the Tier I accounts to begin with.
NPS Investment Fund Options
The funds contributed will be managed according to the investment mix selected by the
contributor. The portfolio thus selected will be created and managed by the fund manager
selected at the time of registering from among the approved fund managers.
The fund options available are equity or E, credit risk-bearing fixed income instruments or C and
pure fixed investment products or G. A subscriber can choose to invest the entire corpus in C or
G. However investment in E is capped at 50 per cent. Any combination of the funds can be
chosen to apportion the corpus within the limits specified. Investors who cannot make the
choice between options can opt for the default option. The default option, called auto choice
lifecycle fund, will see the investment mix change according to the age of the subscriber.
Between the age group of 18 years and 36 years the funds will be allocated as 50% in E, 30% in
C and 20% in G. After 36 years, the ratio of investment in E and C will decrease annually, while
the proportion of G rises till it reaches 10% in E and C and 80% in G at the age of 55.
At present, the equity investment will include investment in index funds that track the BSE
Sensitive Index or the S&P CNX Nifty index. The C segment includes liquid funds, corporate debt
instruments, fixed deposits, public sector bonds, municipal bonds and infrastructure bonds. The
pure fixed investment instruments include state and central government securities.
Asset Allocation in the Life Cycle Choice

Age Asset Class E Asset Class C Asset Class G
30-35 years 50% 30% 20%
36 years 48% 29% 23%
37 years 46% 28% 26%
38 years 44% 27% 29%
39 years 42% 26% 32%
40 years 40% 25% 35%
41 years 38% 24% 38%
42 years 36% 23% 41%
43 years 34% 22% 44%
44 years 32% 21% 47%
45 years 30% 20% 50%
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Age Asset Class E Asset Class C Asset Class G
46 years 28% 19% 53%
47 years 26% 18% 56%
48 years 24% 17% 59%
49 years 22% 16% 62%
50 years 20% 15% 65%
51 years 18% 14% 68%
52 years 16% 13% 71%
53 years 14% 12% 74%
54 years 12% 11% 77%
55 years 10% 10% 80%

On reaching the fixed retirement age of 60 years, the contributor has to use at least 40% of the
accumulated corpus to buy an annuity. The remaining funds can be withdrawn as a lump sum
either at once or in a phased manner before 70 years. Any balance in the account on reaching
70 years of age will be paid-out as a lump sum. The annuity selected can be one that pays
survivor pension to the spouse. A subscriber can also choose to invest more than 40% in an
Exit before turning 60 years is possible through an option to withdraw 20 per cent of the
accumulated savings and compulsorily buy an annuity with the remaining 80 per cent. In the
event of the death of the subscriber, the entire corpus standing in the account will be paid-out
to the nominee(s) as a lump sum.
The NPS follows the EET regime for taxation. This means that the contribution made to the NPS
will receive tax benefits in the form of deduction from taxable income, the gains made in a year
will not be taxed in the year in which it is earned but the amount will be taxed at the time of
b. Public Provident Fund (PPF)
Instituted in 1968, the objective of the PPF is to provide a long term retirement planning option
to those individuals who may not be covered by the provident funds of their employers or may
be self-employed.
PPF is a 15-year deposit account that can be opened with a designated bank or a post office. A
person can hold only one PPF account in his or her own name or in the name of a minor child to
whom he or she is a guardian. Regular deposits have to be made for a period of 15 years;
penalties apply for skipping the deposit. A maximum of 12 deposits can be made in a single
year. Minimum deposit amount is Rs.500 and maximum Rs. 100,000 per year. Interest is
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

calculated on the lowest balance in the account on the 5
of the month, currently at 8.7% per
annum and credited to the account on 31
March. Interest is cumulated and not paid out.
One withdrawal in a financial year is permissible from seventh financial year from the year of
opening the account. Maximum withdrawal can be 50% of balance at the end of immediate
preceding year of withdrawal. The account can be closed in the 16
c. Pension Plans from Insurance Companies
financial year or continued
with or without additional subscription, for further blocks of 5 years.
Amount deposited in the PPF account is eligible for deduction up to Rs.1,00,000 per year under
Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Interest is completely tax free. Unlike other instruments
eligible for tax deduction under Section 80C, PPF enjoys an exempt-exempt-exempt (EEE)
status, where withdrawals are also not taxed.
Insurance companies offer individual pension plans both as traditional plans and as unit-linked
plans. In traditional plans, the sum assured is the corpus (along with additions and bonus,
whether guaranteed or otherwise) and is fixed at the time of taking the policy. In a unit-linked
pension plan the corpus would be the value of the fund. The value of the fund in turn, would
depend upon the type of fund (combination of equity and debt in various proportions) chosen
by the policy holder.
The pension plans are usually structured as deferred annuity plans where the policy holder
contributes premium over the term of the policy and the corpus so created is used to buy an
annuity on vesting. Depending upon the type of annuity purchased, the annuitant receives a
pension over their life time.
Apart from the elements of an insurance contract such as the sum assured, premium details,
the minimum and maximum age at entry into the plan, insurance companies specify the
minimum and maximum age at vesting. Vesting refers to the age at which the corpus has to be
used to buy the annuity. The policy holder has to decide the sum assured and the vesting age
that is required. Based on these factors and the age of the policyholder the applicable premium
will be decided in a traditional plan. In a unit-linked plan, the premium that the policy holder
can pay is decided first and is invested in the fund of choice to create the corpus. Unlike a
traditional plan, the value of the fund on maturity is not known in a unit-linked plan.
Death and Maturity Benefits
If the policy holder dies during the term of the policy when the corpus is being accumulated,
the death benefit would depend upon the terms of the policy. If the pension plan offers life
cover, the death benefits in case of a traditional policy will be the sum assured. In case of unit-
linked pension plans, the death benefit will be the higher of the sum assured and fund value,
only the fund value or fund value and sum assured, depending upon the terms of the policy. If
life cover is not offered then the insurance company will repay the premiums paid with interest.
The maturity benefit will be the sum assured along with benefits such as bonuses in case of
traditional plans and the value of the fund in case of a unit-linked plan. One-third or one-fourth
of the corpus may be withdrawn as a tax free lump sum. Commutation refers to the exercise of
the facility of taking a portion of the annuity corpus in a lump sum. The balance has to be used
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

to buy an annuity which will provide the pension. The guidelines issued by IRDA now require
that the annuity be bought from the same insurer with whom the accumulation of the corpus
was done.
If death occurs during the period when annuity is being drawn, then the benefit will depend
upon the type of annuity that has been bought. This can either be cessation of pension,
continuation of pension to spouse, repayment of annuity purchase price or a combination. If
the nominee is the spouse, then the death benefits may be taken as a lump sum or in
combination with an annuity. If the nominee is not the spouse, then the benefits are paid out as
a lump sum.
The premiums paid towards pension plans are eligible for benefits of deduction under Section
80C and 80CCC. Similarly, the amount received on commutation and other benefits received on
maturity or death is also subject to exemption under the Income Tax Act.
d. Pension Schemes from Mutual Funds
Investment in designated pension plans from mutual funds allows accumulating a corpus for
retirement. Currently there are two pension plans on offer: UTI Retirement Benefit Pension
Fund (RBPF) & Templeton India Pension Plan (TIPP).
Pension schemes work just like other mutual fund schemes. Funds contributed by different
investors are pooled together and invested in a portfolio of securities. The investors share of
the pool is determined by the number of units held. The fund will define the minimum
investment. The investment objective of the fund would be to build a retirement corpus for the
investor over a long period of time, by using a combination of equity and debt securities.
These funds differ in the exit options available to investors. Since the corpus is being
accumulated for retirement, mutual funds penalize withdrawals from the fund before the
assumed retirement age of 58 years. TIPP imposes a 3% exit load if funds are withdrawn before
this age.
After the specified age, the funds accumulated can be freely withdrawn. Investors can choose
to remain invested and receive a periodic payment in the form of dividend or redemption while
the rest of the funds continue to remain invested and grow. Or the corpus can be withdrawn to
buy an annuity. The returns from mutual fund schemes, including pension plans, cannot be
assured according to SEBIs guidelines.
Investments made into these funds are eligible for deduction from total income under section
80C of the Income Tax Act. At the time of redemption they will be subject to capital gains tax
applicable to debt-oriented funds.
The products described above are designed primarily for accumulation of the retirement
corpus. Apart from these products, an individual can also invest the savings being made
periodically for retirement into any other investment products discussed earlier in chapter 5
such as mutual fund schemes, equity shares, debentures and bonds, deposits with banks,
savings schemes of the government and create the corpus required.
7.4.3 Investment Products for the Distribution Stage
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In the distribution stage the individual requires the retirement corpus that has been
accumulated to generate the income required to meet expenses in retirement. The
investments must be primarily income-oriented and must feature a lower risk. This is because
the individual will not be able to take the risk of losing the corpus that has been accumulated.
The income needs, and risk and return requirements in retirement can be further divided into
two stages: the first 10 to 15 years of retirement where the retiree is expected to be active,
healthy and may have a higher lifestyle expenses on travel and such. They may also be
supplementing retirement income with income from some employment. At this stage in life,
some exposure to equity can be taken primarily to protect the investment corpus from higher
than expected inflation and higher than expected expenses. In the second stage of retirement,
the level of activity and lifestyle expenses significantly reduces. At this stage, the investor
prefers safe income generating investment avenues.
The retirement corpus should be distributed among different types of income generating
investments with different features. It is good for the retiral income to be generated from
multiple sources rather than just one. The features of risk, return, liquidity, flexibility and
taxability will be different in the different investment avenues. For example, Annuities
generate pre-determined income but the returns are low. The Post Office Monthly Income
Schemes and the Senior Citizens Savings Schemes generate guaranteed but lower returns.
Monthly Income Plans of mutual funds give higher returns with greater flexibility to manage the
investment and liquidity. But the risk is higher in mutual funds. At least that portion of income
required to meet the monthly expenditure must come from a source or investment where the
income is pre-defined and there is no uncertainty.
The taxability of the retirement income should also be considered while selecting the
investments to generate retiral income. Some, such as dividends from mutual funds are exempt
from tax while interest income earned on deposits and other investments are taxed at the
marginal rate of tax applicable to the individual.
a. Annuity
An annuity is special type of insurance contract under which a corpus sum is created either as a
lump sum or in installments over a period of time, in return for which the insurance company
undertakes to make a periodic payment to the purchaser of the annuity. An annuity is useful in
income and retirement planning as it can generate a regular income over a long period of time,
on investment of a corpus amount. The annuity paid will depend upon the annuity rate
applicable at the time of purchase of annuity. The annuity rate is guaranteed for the entire
period. The annuity rates are reviewed periodically with the approval of IRDA. The rates of
different providers need to be compared before buying an annuity.
The holder of the annuity, called the annuitant, can decide the mode of annuity payment. . The
options available are monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual mode. The annuity provider may
specify the minimum and maximum age of entry, minimum purchase price and the minimum
annuity payable
An annuity may be an immediate annuity or a deferred annuity. In an immediate annuity the
annuity payments begin immediately on purchasing the annuity depending upon the frequency
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

of payment chosen. In a deferred annuity the vesting age is some time away. In the deferment
period the corpus is built. The corpus is used to buy the annuity on the vesting age at the rates
applicable at the time of buying the annuity.
Fixed annuities are essentially debt instruments issued by the insurer. They are debt products
that provide guaranteed payments to the investor, which makes them popular among risk-
averse investors. However, fixed annuities, like any regular annuity, suffers from high surrender
charges that cut into its returns. Plus, another disadvantage of fixed annuity is that it doesnt
keep pace with inflation. As a result, the value of the money will decline over time.
Variable annuities are payments made depending upon the value of the underlying
security/instrument. An individual can choose from a basket of investments, and the insurer
makes payment as per the performance of the investments so chosen, unlike a fixed annuity,
which provides guaranteed pay-out.
A variable annuity, with an underlying instrument being equity, is more likely than a fixed
annuity to outpace inflation. However, higher returns mean higher risks too. For instance, if the
value of the underlying security declines, the value of the annuity will also decline - resulting in
lower pay-out.
Annuity providers offer various options for the pay-out which help to tailor the annuity to suit the
investors requirement. The annuity rate will depend upon the option chosen.
Some of the annuity options that are popularly offered are:
Annuity payable for remainder of life
Annuity payable for a guaranteed period (5/10/15/20 years) and life after that
Joint life and last survivor annuity to the annuitant and spouse under which annuity payable
to the spouse on death of the purchaser will be either 100% or some other fixed percentage
of the annuity payable to the annuitant.
Life annuity with a return of purchase price on death of the annuitant
Life annuity increasing at a specified simple rate every year

b. Senior Citizens Saving Scheme (SCSS)
This scheme has been announced by the Government of India for Indian citizens who are 60
years of age or more. It is a 5-year deposit on which interest is paid on a quarterly basis. On
maturity, the tenor can be extended by another 3 years. The maximum amount that can be
invested by an individual, singly or jointly with another holder, is Rs.15 lakh. The age restriction
applies only to the first holder of the account. The second holder has to be the spouse and can
be younger than 60 years of age.
Deposits have to be in lots (multiples) of Rs.1000. SCSS is also eligible for tax deduction under
Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. SCSS deposits can be opened by post offices or with
designated banks. Only resident individuals can invest. The deposits are not transferable. Pre-
mature withdrawal is possible after the completion of one year but with penalties. Interest is
paid on a quarterly basis, at 9.2%. Interest is paid out on the last dates of the calendar quarters
of March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31, every year. Interest is reset each year.
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

Interest can be paid out or accumulated to be paid at maturity. The reinvestment of interest
into the account also earns interest. Tax is deductible at source on interest paid on SCSS
deposits, if the amount of interest exceeds Rs. 5000. Declaration in Form 15H (senior citizens
aged 65 or more) or Form 15G (others) can be made to ensure payment of interest without
If a person is above 55 years and has received retirement benefits under a voluntary retirement
scheme, such retirement proceeds can also be invested in the SCSS by such persons. Retiring
personnel from defense services are eligible to invest, without any age limit, subject to other
conditions. SCSS deposits cannot be pledged or offered as loan collateral.
c. Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (MIS)
One of the more popular schemes of the post office the MIS offers a monthly interest at 8.4%
p.a. for deposits made with the POSB, from the second month after the deposit is made.
Minimum investment is Rs.1000 and maximum Rs.3 lakhs. The tenor of the scheme is six years.
MIS accounts can be opened jointly by a maximum of two depositors, in which case the
maximum amount permitted is Rs. 6 lakhs.
A depositor can have multiple accounts but the aggregate amount across all MIS accounts with
the post office cannot exceed the maximum prescribed limits. The interest payable on the
scheme is reset each year with reference to market rates. Interest is subject to tax.
d. Monthly income plans (MIPs)
MIPs of mutual funds seek to provide a regular monthly income (without any guarantee to
do so) by creating a portfolio that invests pre-dominantly in debt instruments. Childrens
education plans designed for older children whose educational goals are not too far away,
invest pre-dominantly in debt markets to protect the capital, and a small proportion in
equity to provide the benefit of growth.
The overall portfolio tends to feature a low level of risk. Debt-oriented hybrids are designed to
be a low risk product for an investor who likes to earn the short term debt market return -
enhanced by a small equity component that does not significantly add to the risk of the
Investors can structure the income from the mutual fund either as dividends received from the
scheme or by setting in place a systematic withdrawal of units. Dividend received is exempt
from tax in the hands of the investor. In case of withdrawal or redemption of units, the gains
made will be taxed as short-term or long-term capital gains.
e. Other Schemes of Mutual Funds
Investors willing to take more risk with their investments for better returns can look to invest in
other hybrid schemes of mutual funds which take greater exposure to equity. However, as the
equity component in the portfolio increases, the ability of the fund to generate regular periodic
income that may be required in the retirement stage will be lower, since equity investments
tend to be volatile in the shorter periods. Income funds of mutual funds also provide market-
linked yields. The drawback for a retired investor is that there is no assurance of the return or
income that they will receive and its periodicity.
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

f. Bank Deposits & Other Deposits
Bank deposits and other deposits will generate the regular income that will be required to meet
expenses. Since bank deposits are seen as risk-free institutions, there is a high degree of safety
in the investment and the returns committed. The drawback is that deposit products available
have a maximum tenor of 5 to 7 years after which the funds have to be re-invested at the rates
prevailing in the future. This may be lower or higher than current rates and this causes
uncertainty in the retirement income of the individual. Deposits, other than those with banks
and financial institutions, have a high degree of risk of default and must form a small part of the
portfolio. They are also highly illiquid. Interest received on deposits is taxed at the marginal rate
of tax applicable to the individual.
g. Debentures and Bonds
Debentures, bonds and other debt instruments of various issuers can be used to generate a
portion of the periodic income that will form part of the retiral income. The choice of the bonds
should be made with care to reduce the risk of default by the issuer. The interest earned will
depend upon the market rates at the time of issue and the default risk associated with the
borrower. The interest is typically paid annually or semi-annually and is taxed in the hands of
the investor.
h. Income from Real Estate
Rental income from real estate property held provide a source of income that is adjusted for
inflation. The income also has the advantages of being periodic and known in advance to plan
and use. Rental yield earned depends upon the price at which the property was purchased. If
the property that was purchased at a lower price earlier on is now generating good rental
income, it adds to the financial security of the individual. Real estate provides appreciation in
value as well as income. However, in the distribution stage of retirement, its ability to generate
good rental yields is what is important. The drawback of real estate comes from the low
liquidity that it has. If there is an emergency and funds are required immediately, it will be
difficult to liquidate the investment fast, though it is possible to get a loan against the property.
Real estate can be one more asset class for generating income in retirement provided the
investor has adequate investments in financial assets that are liquid and provide regular
The self-occupied home can also become a source of income in the extreme situation of the
retirement corpus being inadequate to fund a comfortable retirement. The reverse mortgage
scheme is offered by housing finance companies and banks.
The important features of Reverse Mortgage are summarized below:
1. In a typical mortgage, you borrow money in lump sum right at the beginning and then pay
it back over a period of time using Equated Monthly Instalments (EMIs). In reverse
mortgage, you pledge a property you already own (with no existing loan outstanding
against it). The bank, in turn, gives you a series of cash-flows for a fixed tenure.
2. Eligibility Criteria
Indian citizen of 60 years or more,
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination


Married couples will be eligible as joint borrowers for joint assistance. In such cases, the
age criteria for the couple would be at the discretion of the RML lender, subject to at
least one of them being above 60 years of age and the other not below 55 years of age.

Should be the owner of a residential property (house or flat) located in India, with clear
title indicating the prospective borrower's ownership of the property.

The residential property should be free from any encumbrances.

The residual life of the property should be at least 20 years. There is no minimum period
of ownership of property required.
The prospective borrower(s) should use that residential property as permanent primary
4. A reverse mortgage loan cannot be availed against commercial property.
The amount of loan available under RML depends on the age of the borrower, appraised
value of the house and the prevalent interest rates of the lending institution.
The maximum monthly payments under RML have been capped at Rs.50, 000/-. The
maximum lump sum payment shall be restricted to 50% of the total eligible amount of loan
subject to a cap of Rs. 15 lakhs, to be used for medical treatment for self, spouse and
dependants, if any. The balance loan amount would be eligible for periodic payments.
All receipts under RML shall be exempt from income tax under Section 10(43) of the
Income-tax Act, 1961.
The rate of interest and the nature of interest (fixed or floating) will be decided by the
The maximum tenure of an RML will be 20 years.
An RML will become due and payable only when the last surviving borrower dies or
permanently moves out of the house. An RML will be settled by proceeds obtained from
sale of the house property mortgaged. After the final settlement, the remaining amount (if
any) will be given to the borrower or his/her heirs/beneficiary. However, the borrower or
his/her heirs may repay the loan from other resources without bringing the property to
The borrower will remain the owner of the house property and need not service the loan
during his/her lifetime as long as the property is used as primary residence. Periodic
payments under RML will cease after the conclusion of the loan tenure. Interest will accrue
until repayment.
12. The borrower can opt for the frequency of EMI pay out (a monthly, quarterly, annual or
lump sum payments) at any point, as per his discretion.
The Reverse Mortgage loan can be prepaid at any time during the currency of the loan. On
clearance of all the dues, all the title deeds will be returned by the lender.
The physical and financial assets that are accumulated in the income earning years are used to
generate a passive income to support expenses in retirement. Planning early and executing the
plan in a way that considers changing situations ensures that the financial security required for
a comfortable retirement is achieved.
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

Sample Questions
1. Growth-oriented investments are suitable for which stage of retirement savings?
a. Accumulation stage
b. Distribution stage
c. Income stage
d. Investment stage

2. Inflation does which of the following to retirement planning?
a. Reduces the periodic savings required
b. Reduces the return generated by an investment
c. Increases the retirement corpus required
d. Increases the value of the corpus created

3. The retirement corpus may require review
a. Every year
b. Every time there is a significant change in financial situation
c. Closer to the distribution period
d. Not at all

4. Which of the following is a solution to manage inadequacy of retirement corpus closer
to retirement?
a. Invest in riskier assets
b. Postpone retirement
c. Reduce periodic savings
d. Increase corpus target

NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination


8.1. Understand Income tax principles

8.1.1 Heads of Income
An individual may have income from several categories, in a previous year. Income of an
individual that is chargeable to tax has to be classified under one of the following heads of
Income from salary: Salary income refers to remuneration received from the employer for
services rendered by the employee. In order to be treated as income from salary, it is
essential for an employer-employee relationship to exist. Salary is taxed in the year it is due
or received, whichever is earlier. Components of salary income include wages, annuity,
pension, gratuity, retirement benefits, fees, commissions and perquisites, profits in lieu of
salary, advances and allowance. Elements of salary income, which are exempt from tax, but
only up to a specific limit, are taxed to the extent that they exceed the exemption available.
Income from house property: Income under this head is taxable if the assessee is the owner
of a property consisting of building or land appurtenant thereto and is not used by him for
his business or professional purpose. Income earned from a house property is chargeable to
tax in the hands of the owner/ deemed owner under the head Income from house property.
It is therefore essential that the assessee should be the owner of the property. If a property
is transferred to a spouse or minor child, without adequate compensation, it is not valid.
The transferor is the deemed owner and income from property is taxable in his hands. The
income that is taxed will be computed as:
Gross Annual Value of the property
Less Municipal Taxes and Unrealized rent
=Net Annual Value
Less Standard deductions and/or interest payable
=Income from House Property
Profits and gains from business or profession: The income charged to tax under this head,
is not the income from business or profession, but, the profit or losses from business or a
profession, after deducting allowed expenses. Income from business or profession carried
on by an individual in a previous year, after adjusting for expenses, is chargeable to tax.
Income under this head includes interest, commission, salary, bonus received or accruing,
or profits earned from the business. The value of any benefits or perquisites arising out of
income or profession is also charged under this head. From the income thus computed,
expenses are deducted. The income tax act specifically indicates the expenses that are
expressly deductable, generally deductable and expenses that are not allowed to be
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

Capital gains: A capital asset may have changed in value over time, leading to a gain or loss
when it is sold. Any profit or gain from sale of a capital asset is subject to tax. The profits or
gains from the transfer of a capital asset is referred to as capital gain and is chargeable to
tax. Capital gains are charged to tax in the year of transfer. Capital asset includes movable
or immovable property but excludes personal assets except jewellery, paintings, sculptures
or works of art. Capital gains accrue when there is a valid transfer. This can be through sale,
exchange, relinquishment of right, or a compulsory acquisition under law. However,
transfer does not include the following:
Transfer under a will or irrevocable trust
Distribution of the assets of an HUF
Categorisation of Capital Gains: Capital gains are categorized, as short-term and long-term
gains based on the period, for which they were held before transfer. This is because; the tax
treatment differs based on the type of asset and the type of capital gains. If the asset has
been held for period not exceeding 36 months, immediately before transfer, the gains, if
any, is considered short-term in nature. For units of mutual funds, shares of companies
whether quoted or unquoted and quoted securities holding period of not more than 12
months is considered for short-term capital gains. Long-term capital gains is that which is
not short-term capital gains
Income from other sources: Income that cannot be categorized under any of the other
heads of income is accounted under this head. It includes the following:
Winnings from lotteries, races and other games of chance or skill
Contributions received towards PF, superannuation
Deemed gifts
Where the sum of money received without consideration exceeds Rs.50,000
Where the fair value of the movable or immovable property transferred without
consideration exceeds Rs.50,000
Gifts received from specified relatives or on the occasion of marriage or under a will or
inheritance is not taxed.
Total income for the purpose of tax, is computed by including the income under each of
these categories, to the extent, that they are taxable.
8.1.2 Exemptions and Deductions
Not all income earned by a person is taxable. Incomes described in section 10 of the Income
Tax Act, are not included in the calculation of total income of an individual, for the purpose of
determining tax liability. Section 10 of the IT Act lists out the sources of income that are exempt
from tax. Some important types of income exempt under Section 10 are produced as under:
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

Section 10(1) exempts agricultural income from tax. If the net income from agriculture
exceeds Rs. 5000 and the individual has taxable non-agricultural income, then incremental
tax has to be paid on agricultural income.
Section 10(2A) exempts the income representing the share of a partner in a firm from tax.
Section 10(5) exempts from tax concession received by an employee for proceeding on
leave to any part of India, subject to prescribed conditions.
Concession received for travel to any place following retirement or termination from service
is also exempt
Any amount received as retirement dues by way of gratuity, pension, leave encashment,
retrenchment compensation and voluntary retirement compensation is exempt. This
exemption will be up to prescribed limits. Any amount above the limits will be taxed under
the head Income from salary.
Section 10(10D) exempts from tax any amount received from an insurance policy, including
Section 10 (32) exempts from tax, the income of a minor child clubbed with that of the
parent, to the extent of the lower of Rs.1500 or actual income.
Dividends received from a company or mutual funds, on which dividend distribution tax has
already been paid, are exempt from tax in the hands of the investor.
Long-term capital gains realized from the sale of shares of a company or units of equity-
oriented mutual funds, are exempt from tax provided they are sold through a recognized
stock exchange and securities transaction tax (STT) has been paid as applicable.
The Income Tax Act allows certain deductions that can be claimed for certain expenses or
payments made by the assessee from his total income.
Section 80 C allows for expense incurred under certain heads or investments made to be
deducted from the total income. 100% of the amount invested or Rs.1,00,000, whichever is
less, is available as deduction from total income.
1) Life insurance premium paid towards life of self, spouse or any child in case of an
Individual and members in case of a Hindu Undivided Family.
2) Payment towards a deferred annuity contract on life of self, spouse or any child in case
of an individual.
3) Contribution towards statutory provident fund, recognized provident fund, approved
superannuation fund.
4) Contribution towards Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968 in the name of self, spouse
or any child in case of an individual or member in case of HUF.
5) Any sum deposited in a 10 year or 15 year account under the Post Office Savings Bank
(CTD) Rules, 1959.
6) Subscription to the NSC (VIII Issue).
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

7) Subscription to units of mutual fund Equity Linked Savings Scheme notified by the
central government.
8) Contribution by an individual to any pension fund set up by any Mutual Fund referred
u/s 10(23D).
9) Subscription to any such deposit scheme of National Housing Bank (NHB), or as a
contribution to any such pension fund set up by NHB as notified by Central Government.
10) Subscription to notified deposit schemes of (a) Public sector company providing long-
term finance for purchase/construction of residential houses in India or (b) Any
authority constituted in India for the purposes of housing or planning, development or
improvement of cities, towns and villages.
11) Tuition fees (excluding any payment towards any development fees or donation or
payment of similar nature), to any university, college, school or other educational
institution situated within India for the purpose of full-time education of any two
children of individual.
12) Towards the cost of purchase or construction of a residential house property (including
the repayment of loans taken from Government, bank, LIC, NHB, specified assessees
employer etc., and also the stamp duty, registration fees and other expenses for
transfer of such house property to the assessee). The income from such house property
should be chargeable to Tax under the head Income from house property.
13) Subscription to equity shares or debentures forming part of any eligible issue of capital
of public company or any public financial institution approved by Board.
14) Term Deposit (Fixed Deposit) for 5 years or more with Scheduled Bank in accordance
with a scheme framed and notified by the Central Government.
15) Subscription to any notified bonds of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD) (applicable from the assessment year 2008-09).
16) Account under the Senior Citizen Savings Schemes Rules, 2004.
17) Five year term deposit in an account under the Post Office Time deposit Rules, 1981.
Section 80CCC allows deduction from total income for contributions made to specified
pension funds. Deduction under this section is included in under the Rs. 100000 limit
specified under section 80C. Deduction under this section is available within the overall limit
of Rs. 1,00,000 available for sections 80C, 80CCC, and 80CCD.
Section 80CCG pertains to Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme, 2012 (RGESS). The scheme
allows retail investors who are investing for the first time to avail a tax benefit on 50% of
the investment made up to Rs.50, 000 directly into RGESS eligible securities.
Premium paid on health insurance policies is allowed as deduction from total income,
within the limits specified by section 80D.
Section 80DD allows deduction on expenses of maintenance of disabled persons up to a
limit of Rs. 50,000 or Rs. 1,00,000 depending upon the severity of disability.
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Section 80DDB allows deduction of the expenditure on medical treatment for specified
diseases such as Parkinson, up to a limit of Rs.60,000 for senior citizens and Rs.40,000 for
Section 80E allows the entire interest paid on education loan as deduction from the
assessment year relevant to the previous year in which the assessee begins paying interest
and seven subsequent years.
Section 80G allows all assessees to claim deduction up to specified limits for contributions
made to charitable organisations.
Section 80GG provides deduction to an assessee not receiving HRA for rent paid by him up
to specified limits.
Section 80U allows deductions for persons with disabilities of Rs. 50,000 for normal
disability and Rs. 1,00,000 for severe disability.

8.1.3 Types of Assessees
Individual and Institutional Investors
At a broad level, investors can be classified as individual and institutional Investors. Individual
investors are large in number, have a small ticket-size (amount invested per transaction) and
are spread out geographically. Issuers reach out to individual or retail investors through
distribution channels such as individual agents, advisors, banks and brokers.
Institutional investors such as companies, banks, institutions, trusts and societies, are large in
terms of ticket size, but smaller in number. They generally prefer to deal directly with the
issuers or work with a fewer number of large intermediaries. It is not uncommon for issuers to
offer special prices, services, and facilities to large institutional investors.
Few categories of individual investors require additional documentation and process, due to
their differential status with respect to taxation and mode of operation of investments or
restrictions on certain components of investment activity. The three categories that we will
discuss in this section are minors, Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs) and Non-resident Indians
Hindu Undivided Families
Hindu undivided family (HUF) is an Indian structure where the assets belonging to a family is
managed centrally. To form a HUF, ancestral property or specific income that can be
attributable to the HUF and not an individual, should be in existence to begin with. Other
assets including investments can then acquired by the HUF, using the funds at its disposal.
A HUF is defined under the Hindu Law as a family that consists of all persons lineally
descended from a common ancestor, including wives and unmarried daughters. The Karta is
the head of the HUF and has to be the senior-most male member of the family, unless he
gives up his right in favour of another senior male member of the family. The male members
of the HUF are called co-parceners and female members are called members.
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For purposes of taxation, an HUF is treated like an individual investor, provided it has at least
three co-parceners. The income of the HUF should accrue from its own assets. Any income
arising from assets transferred by a member or co-parcener will be clubbed to their
respective incomes and taxed as such. They will not be treated as the income of the HUF.
Problem: Viren Gupta is the Karta of a HUF. He runs the proprietary family business passed on
to him by his father. He has three sons who have chosen to take on salaried jobs outside the
family business. If Viren Gupta makes a profit on his business and the investments made from
the surplus. What are the tax implications?
Solution: Viren Guptas business and investment income are taxed as the income of the HUF.
The sons are taxed for their salaried income in normal course. The HUF can distribute to its
co-parceners and members, the post tax profits of the HUF. Such income is not taxable in
their hands, as it has already been subjected to tax.
Non Resident Individuals
An Indian citizen or a person of Indian origin who is residing outside India is called an NRI
(Non-Resident Indian). A resident is an Indian citizen, who has stayed in India for at least 182
days in a financial year.
Problem: Amit was deputed by his employer to Dubai for eight months from March 1, 2012
to October 31, 2012. He came back to India on November 1, 2012. Determine his tax status
for the financial year 2011-2012 and 2012-2013.
Solution: Amits tax status for the financial year 2011-2012 is resident, since he stayed abroad
only for 31 days in that year. For the financial year 2012-2013, Amit is non-resident as he has
stayed abroad for 214 days.
Person of Indian Origin (PIO)
An NRI under Indian Income Tax Act is defined as a Person of Indian Origin (PIO) if he or she:
Has held an Indian passport at any time, or
Is a grandchild of citizens of India, or
Is a spouse of an Indian citizen, or
Is a spouse of a person covered under the first two points above
NRIs have the option of being covered by the special provisions of unit XIII A of the Income Tax
Act, for investment income earned on assets. They do not have to file income tax return; if the
income covered under this head is the only income for the year. Interest earned on NRE
accounts, FCNR and RFC deposits are exempt from tax. If they acquire assets such as shares,
debentures, deposits, using convertible foreign exchange, long term capital gains are taxed at
20% for specified assets and at 10% for non-specified assets. Any investment income or long-
term capital gains from assets other than specified assets is taxed at 20%. Long-term capital
gains from specified assets is taxed at 10%
NRIs can choose not to be governed by the provisions of unit XIII A. They have to give a
declaration to this effect, along with the return of income. In this case, they will be assessed
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under the normal provisions of the Act. They will, however not be allowed deductions under
Section 80. They also will not be eligible for indexation benefits. However, Capital gains
exemption for investing in specific assets is available to them.
The special provisions applicable for NRI investors may continue to be available even after an
NRI becomes a resident, for specified assets, financed by convertible foreign currency.
Gross Total Income
The Gross Total Income of an individual comprises of the income under all the various heads.
After arriving at the gross total income, adjustments are made for set-off and carry forward
provisions as applicable. Section VI-A, of the Income Tax Act, specifies the deductions allowed
from the total income of an individual. These deductions are provided under sections 80C to
80U of the Income Tax Act. Such deductions are allowed only against specific expenditures and
payments made during the financial year. Deductions allowable under the Income Tax Act
cannot exceed the total income of the individual.
8.1.4 Rates of Taxation
After arriving at the net income liable to tax, after taking into account all deductions allowable,
one needs to apply the respective tax rate to arrive at the income tax payable. Rates of taxation
are different for different types of assesses and are declared each year in the Finance Bill which
is further approved and passed as the Finance Act. Income tax rates are structured slab wise,
based on lower tax for lower income and higher rate of tax for highest of income.
Rates applicable to Financial year 2013-14 are as follows:

Income Level / Slabs Income Tax Rate
i. Where the total income does not exceed Rs.
ii. Where the total income exceeds Rs.
2,00,000/- but does not exceed Rs.
10% of amount by which the total income
exceeds Rs. 2,00,000/-
iii. Where the total income exceeds Rs.
5,00,000/- but does not exceed Rs.
Rs. 30,000/- + 20% of the amount by which
the total income exceeds Rs. 5,00,000/-.
iv. Where the total income exceeds Rs.
Rs. 130,000/- + 30% of the amount by which
the total income exceeds Rs. 10,00,000/-.
Tax rebate of Rs 2,000 for income levels less than Rs 5,00,000.
10% surcharge for incomes above Rs 1 crore.
Education Cess: 3% of the Income-tax.
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II. Individual resident who is of the age of 60 years or more but below the age of 80 years at any
time during the previous year

Income Level / Slabs Income Tax Rate
i. Where the total income does not exceed Rs.
ii. Where the total income exceeds Rs.
2,50,000/- but does not exceed Rs.
10% of the amount by which the total
income exceeds Rs. 2,50,000/-.
iii. Where the total income exceeds Rs.
5,00,000/- but does not exceed Rs.
Rs. 25,000/- + 20% of the amount by which
the total income exceeds Rs. 5,00,000/-.
iv. Where the total income exceeds Rs.
Rs. 125,000/- + 30% of the amount by which
the total income exceeds Rs. 10,00,000/-.
Education Cess: 3% of the Income-tax.
III. Individual resident who is of the age of 80 years or more at any time during the previous

Income Level / Slabs Income Tax Rate
i. Where the total income does not exceed Rs.
ii. Where the total income exceeds Rs.
5,00,000/- but does not exceed Rs.
20% of the amount by which the total
income exceeds Rs. 5,00,000/-.
iii. Where the total income exceeds Rs.
Rs. 100,000/- + 30% of the amount by which
the total income exceeds Rs. 10,00,000/-.
Education Cess: 3% of the Income-tax.
B. Domestic Company
i. Income-tax: 30% of total income.
ii. Surcharge: The amount of income tax as computed in accordance with above rates, and after
being reduced by the amount of tax rebate shall be increased by a surcharge at the rate of 5%
of such income tax, provided that the total income exceeds Rs. 1 crore.
iii. Education Cess: 3% of the total of Income-tax and Surcharge.
8.1.5 Tax Payments
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The Tax liability of an assessee for a previous year has to be discharged during the relevant year
itself. The ITA provides for the following modes for collection of taxes:
Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)
Certain items of income (namely commission, interest, professional fees, rent, contractors
payments etc.) are liable for Tax deduction at the prescribed rates at the time of payment
thereof. In other words, the payers of such amount are responsible for deducting Tax in respect
of such payments and deposit the same in the Government treasury while the recipient avails
of the credit for the Tax so deducted against his/ her Tax liability.
Advance Tax
Every assessee should compute his/ her estimated Taxable income for the year and discharge
the Tax liability thereon (after considering the TDS credit, if any) in specified proportions, by
way of advance Tax payable on specified due dates. The due dates for payment of advance Tax
in case of non-corporate assessees are as follows:
Due Date Total amount payable
15 September At least 30% of the total estimated Tax liability for the
15 December At least 60% of the total estimated Tax liability for the
15 March Entire Tax liability for the year
Default in payment of advance tax attracts interest liability.
Self-assessment Tax
Where any tax is payable by the assessee on the total taxable income after taking into account
the TDS and advance tax, the same has to be paid by way of self-assessment, along with
interest, if any.
Return filing procedures
Section 139(1) of the ITA provides that every person shall furnish, on or before the due date, a
return of income in the prescribed form and manner. Due date for the purpose of filing the
return of income is as follows:
Assessee Due date
Companies 30 September of the assessment
Non-corporate under audit 30 September of the assessment
Non-corporate, non-audit 31 July of the assessment year
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Thus, for the financial year 2011-12 the due dates would be September 30, 2012 or July 31,
2012, as the case may be.
Belated return
In case the return is not filed within due date, a belated return can be filed at any time before
the expiry of 1 year from the end of the relevant assessment year.
Revised return
In case of any error or omission, the assessee is entitled to revise the return, provided the
return has been filed within the aforementioned due date.
Signing of return
The relevant provisions in relation to signing of a return are summarized below:
In case of an individuals return, by the individual himself/ herself; however in case s/he is
absent from India, by some person duly authorized in this behalf.
In case of a HUF, by the karta and in his absence by any other adult member
In case of a firm, by the managing partner and in his absence by any other partner not being
a minor
In case of a company, by the managing director and in his absence by any other director
8.2. Tax aspects of investment products
Income from investments is subject to tax as per the provisions of the Income Tax Act, as
amended from time to time. The following heads of income from investments are subject to
tax, unless specifically exempt:
Dividend income
Interest income
Realized capital gains
Dividends and interest are paid out by the issuers, while capital gain (or loss) is realized when
investors make the decision to sell or redeem their investment. If the sale or redemption is at a
price that is higher than the cost of purchase, there is a capital gain. If the redemption price is
lower than the cost, there is a capital loss.
Interest and dividend income is taxable as income from other sources. Realized gains are
taxable as capital gains. Bank and post office deposits, securities including bonds and shares,
and units of mutual funds are exempt from Wealth Tax in India.
8.2.1 Types of tax benefits on Investment products
The form in which a tax benefit may be offered can vary. The following are the three types of
tax benefits that have been offered on investments.
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Certain types of income are exempted from tax. In other words, one need not pay any tax on
such income. Dividend received from equity shares and mutual funds is fully exempt from tax.
Either the investment made, or the income received on the investment, or both, can be
deducted (usually up to a certain limit) from the taxable income. In other words, the income tax
one pays gets reduced, to the extent that some income or investment is deducted from the
amount that is subject to tax. There is a list of eligible investments provided under Section 80C.
Investments in these instruments made up to a maximum limit of Rs.100,000 in a financial year,
are available as deduction.
After income tax is computed, the actual tax payable is reduced, if a rebate is allowed on
account of specific investment that was made. In other words, based on a pre-defined formula,
the amount of tax payable is reduced, since the investor has made certain investments that are
eligible for such rebate.
Exempt-Exempt-Taxable (EET) Regime
Tax benefits are available to investors either on the amount of investment made, or on the
income earned from their investments, or both. In order to rationalize the tax benefits the
government has introduced a deferred taxation regime for several investments.
The logic is that investors would enjoy a tax deduction on their investments, earn a tax-free
income on the investment, but pay income tax on the investment when it is redeemed. Such a
tax regime would encourage long term saving, so that the incidence of tax is deferred or
postponed to a later date.
This regime is called EET, because:
Investment made is Exempt
Income earned is Exempt
Redemption or sale proceeds are Taxable
Marginal Rate of Tax
The First Schedule of Finance Act passed by the government every year (as part of the Union
Budget exercise) indicates the rate of income tax applicable to various categories of tax payers.
The income tax rates applicable to individuals, HUFs, NRIs, Indian and foreign companies may
vary, as these are recognized as different categories of tax payers.
Usually income tax rates are indicated in slabs. The marginal rate of tax refers to the rate
applicable at the highest slab, given the taxable income of the investor.
Problem: Aruns taxable yearly income is Rs.15 lakh. He is told that the interest income of
Rs.50,000 that he earned from his bank deposits will be taxed at the marginal rate of tax
applicable to him. What does this mean?
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Solution: Lets us assume that the income tax rates that apply to Arun is based on the
following slabs:

The Rs.50,000 of interest income earned by Arun cannot be added the first slab and considered
exempt, or subject to tax at 10% or 20%. If the interest income is taxable at the marginal rate, it
refers to the highest rate applicable for his level of taxable income.
Aruns marginal rate of taxation is 30%, which is the rate that will apply on his interest income
from bank deposits.
Effective Rates of Tax
The actual income tax to be payable may be increased by imposing a surcharge or a cess. The
effective rate of Income Tax goes up when such charges are imposed.
Problem: Amudha learns that she has to pay 30% of his interest income as tax. She is also told
that a surcharge at 10% and educational cess at 2% will also apply. What is the effective rate at
which her interest income will be taxable?
Solution: The base rate is 30%. The surcharge and cess will not be added to this rate. Assuming
that the effective tax rate is 30%+10%+2% is wrong. The surcharge and cess will apply as a
percentage of the base rate.
In Amudhas case, the base rate is 30%
Adding surcharge at 10% the effective rate will be
30% +10% of 30%
= 33%
Adding surcharge at 10% and cess at 3% the effective rate will be
Up to Rs. 1,50,000 Nil
> Rs.1,50,000 but < Rs. 3,00,000 10%
> Rs. 3,00,000 < Rs. 5,00,000 20%
> Rs. 5,00,000 30%
This means that Arun will pay the following amount as tax:
No tax on the first Rs.150,000 -
10% tax on the next Rs.150,000 15000
20% tax on the next Rs.200,000 40000
30% tax on the balance Rs.1,000,000 300,000

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= 33% +3% of 33% =33.99%
The same result can be obtained by doing
30 x (1.10) x (1.03) = 33.99%
The effective rate of taxation is 33.99%
8.2.2 Taxation of Dividends
Dividends are completely exempt from tax in the hands of the investor. They are however subject to
additional tax on dividends which is paid directly by the company or the mutual fund before it
distributes dividends to the investor. In case of dividends distributed by companies, it is called
Corporate Dividend Tax (CDT). The rate of CDT for companies is currently 15%. In case of dividends
distributed by mutual funds, it is called Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT). The rate of DDT differs for
different types of funds. The tax on dividends is paid directly by the company of the mutual fund
which declares the dividend. The impact on the investor is that the return would be lower to the
extent of the tax so paid.
Mutual funds offer both equity and debt funds. A mutual fund however pays no interest. All
distributions by a mutual fund to its investors are in the form of dividends. However, the source of
income from which such dividend is paid, may be interest or dividend. This means, technically a
mutual fund may earn interest income on its debt fund portfolio and pay it out as tax-exempt
dividend to its investors. This creates a tax-arbitrage for investors. Instead of investing in bonds and
earning taxable interest income, investors could buy debt funds. The debt funds in turn could invest in
the same bonds, earn and interest income, but distribute it to the investors as tax-exempt dividend.
The DDT payable by mutual funds will therefore depend on the type of fund and whether its chief
source of income is dividends or interest income.
For purposes of determining DDT, mutual funds are classified into three categories (Section
115R (2)):
a. Equity-oriented funds, having at least 65% of their assets in equity and equity-oriented
b. All other funds that are not equity oriented as per (a) above
c. Liquid funds, as defined by SEBI.
Equity-oriented funds are deemed to be receiving most of their income from dividends. These
dividends are paid by companies, which have already paid the corporate dividend tax.
Therefore equity-oriented mutual funds are not subject to DDT.
Other funds are deemed to be receiving most of their income as interest. They are subject to
DDT as follows:
- 25% if the dividend is paid to individuals or HUFs
- 30% if the dividend is paid to all other categories of investors
Liquid funds are subject to flat DDT of 25% irrespective of the tax status of the investor.
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Any profit or gain arising from the sale or transfer of a capital asset is taxable as capital gains. If
a sale or transfer of a capital asset results in a loss, such loss is called capital loss.
8.2.3 Interest Income
Income from an investment may be in the form of interest or dividend. The tax treatment for
both these types of income is different.
Interest is taxable, unless specifically exempt from Income tax. If a bond or deposit is
specifically issued as a tax-free instrument, the interest income may be exempt. Interest
income is taxable at the marginal rates of tax applicable to the investor. Sometimes specific
products are created for a certain category of investors who may earn a tax free interest.
Interest on bank deposits offered to NRI investors, for example, is exempt from tax, but interest
on bank deposits is taxable for all other categories of investors.
Interest may also be subject to tax deduction at source (TDS). TDS is collected to ensure that at
least a portion of income, which is subject to tax, is collected upfront. Whether an interest
income is subject to TDS is stated by the issuer. The rates at which TDS will apply are notified by
the government. The interest income is paid only after the deduction of TDS, where applicable.
TDS will apply only if the interest being paid out exceeds a minimum amount as indicated by
the government.
Section 197A of the Income Tax Act provides relief to individuals who can seek exemption from
deduction of tax at source. Such individuals have to submit a declaration in Form 15H (senior
citizens) or Form 15G (others) to the issuer. The income of such depositors in the previous year
has to be lower than the exemption limit. Form 15H and 15G are downloadable from websites
of banks. The issuer would not deduct TDS on interest paid in these cases.
8.2.4 Taxation of Capital Gains
Capital Assets
Capital asset is defined under Section 2(14) of the Income Tax Act as a property of any kind,
whether connected with the business or not, movable or immovable, tangible or intangible
except for the following, which are not capital assets:
Any stock-in-trade
Consumable stores or raw materials held for the purpose of business or profession
Certain personal effects that are movable and are held for personal use
Agricultural land in India
Certain gold bonds
Special bearer bonds issued in 1991
Investments in securities will classify as capital assets, as per the above definition. Gold,
jewellery, paintings, sculptures and immovable property are also classified as capital assets.
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A capital gain (or loss) from the sale or transfer of an asset can be a short term capital gain (or
loss) or long term capital gain (or loss) depending upon the period for which it was held by the
Short and Long Term Capital Gains
A capital asset held by an investor for not more than 36 months before sale is short term capital
asset. However, the following financial assets if held for less than 12 months are treated as
short term capital assets:
Equity or preference shares in a company
Securities listed in a recognized stock exchange in India,
Units of UTI and units of mutual funds specified under section 10(23D)
Zero coupon bonds issued on or after June 1, 2005.
A capital asset that is not a short term capital asset is a long term capital asset. If an investor
redeems or sells his investments in a mutual fund or equity or debt security, after a period of 12
months from the date of purchase, the capital gains are taxed as long-term capital gains (LTCG).
Any redemption or sale of such investments before a period of 12 months is over is treated
short term capital gains (STCG). The rates of taxation for the two are different.
Problem: Amrita invests in a equity-oriented mutual fund on January 31, 2008, buying 1000
units at Rs.10 each. The NAV of the fund on December 31, 2008 was Rs.15; and on December
31, 2009 it was Rs.25 per unit.
What is the nature of her gains if she sells the units in December 2008 itself, and if she sells the
units in December 2009?
Solution: If she sells the units on December 31, 2008, she will realize a capital gain of Rs.5000.
This is a short term capital gain.
If she sells her units on December 31, 2009 at Rs.25 per unit, she makes a long term capital gain
of Rs 15000.
Long-term capital gains are also subject to indexation. If investors held an investment for the
long term, they could claim that the increase in the price of the investment was from the effect
of inflation, and that no real gains have been made.
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) seeing the merit in this claim publishes a standard
indicator of inflation rate, called the Cost of Inflation Index (CII). An investor making a long term
capital gain can adjust the cost of acquisition for inflation using the numbers provided in the CII.
This process is called indexation. If the inflation is positive the CII will show an increasing trend.
Therefore adjusting the cost for inflation will increase the indexed cost of acquisition, thus
bringing down the long term capital gain that is subject to tax.
Indexed cost of a long term capital asset
= Cost of acquisition x (Index in the year of sale/Index in the year of purchase)
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Problem: Anil bought mutual fund units at Rs 10 in the year 2003 and sold them at Rs 12 in the
year 2006. If the cost of inflation index for 2006 was 450 and for 2003 it was 425, what is the
indexed cost for Anil?
Answer: The long term capital gain without indexation is
(Rs 12 Rs 10) = Rs 2 per unit.
The cost of acquisition adjusted for inflation is
= 10 x (450 /425)
= 10.58
His indexed capital gain is
Rs.12 Rs. 10.58
= Rs. 1.42
The long capital gain has come down from Rs 2 to Rs 1.42 due to indexation.
Double Indexation
The indexation of capital gains is a benefit that is available based on the CII, for all capital asset
transactions in a financial year. Therefore acquiring an asset at the end of financial year and
selling it at the start of the next financial year can create a double indexation benefit.
Computing Double Indexation Benefit
Problem: Anjali bought mutual funds at a price of Rs.24 in March, 2006 and sold them for Rs.30 in
April, 2007. How would her capital gains be indexed? The inflation index is as below:
2006-07: 519
2007-08: 551
Solution: Anjalis holding period is just a little over a year. The indexation factor will however
depend on the financial year in which she bought and sold.
Index in the year of purchase: 2005-06 = 497
Index in the year of sale: 2007-08 = 551
Cost of acquisition after indexation
24 x 551/497
= 26.60
Anjali has derived an indexation benefit as if she held the investment for two years. This is
called double indexation.
Rates of Taxation
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Short-term capital gains (STCG) for equity shares and equity-oriented funds are taxed at 15%
(Section 111A). In case of all other securities and funds, STCG is taxed at the applicable rate of
tax. STCG is added to the taxable income and taxed at the marginal rate applicable to the
investor's level of taxable income.
Long-term capital gains (LTCG) are exempt from tax in the case of equity shares and equity-
oriented funds (Section 10(38)). In the case of all other securities and funds they are taxed at
10% without indexation or 20% after indexation (Section 112). The rates of tax have to be
increased by surcharges and cess where applicable.
No TDS is deducted at source by mutual funds on capital gains of resident investors at the time
of redemption of units.
In the calculation of capital gains for tax, certain exemptions are provided by the Income Tax
Act. These exemptions are available as deductions from taxable income.
Section 54 exempts long-term capital gains from sale of residential house from tax to the
extent that the gains have been invested in another residential property. This exemption is
applicable only to individuals and HUFs. The other residential property should have been
purchased within six months of sale of the first residential house.
Section 54EC, exempts long-term capital gains on the transfer of any capital asset if they are
invested in bonds specified for this exemption. This exemption is available up to a limit of
Rs. 50 lakhs per financial year.
8.2.5 Set off and Carry forward of Losses
Set off refers to reducing the income of a year, with expenses or losses, as may be allowed by
the income tax act. Losses can be carried forward and set off against income from the same
head in a specified number of years after the previous year in which it was incurred. Losses
incurred in a previous year can be set off against income earned under the same head or other
heads of income, subject to rules. Losses can also be carried forward, to be set-off against
income from subsequent years.
Losses from house property can be set-off against income from other house properties or
other income for a period of 8 years.
Losses from business or profession can be set off against income from the same head or
other heads of income. Losses can be carried forward for a period of 8 years.
Losses from speculative business can be set-off against profits under the same type.
Set off of capital loss: Investors, who make a capital loss from their investments, are allowed to
carry forward the loss for eight years from the date of the loss. Investors can deduct the loss
that is carried forward, from the capital gains made in the subsequent years reducing the
capital gains tax. This act of reducing the capital gains by deducting the capital loss is called set
off. The rules for set off are as under:
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Loss arising from a short-term capital asset can be set off against the gains arising from the
sale of a long or short-term capital asset.
Loss arising from a long-term capital asset can be set off only against the gains from the sale
of long-term assets.
Any loss under the head capital gains, either short or long term, can be set off only against
income from the same head (capital gains).
Short or long term capital losses cannot be set-off against any other source of income.
Securities Transaction Tax
The exemption provided to long term capital gains from taxation led to the introduction of a
new tax for equity shares and equity-oriented mutual funds, called the securities transaction
tax (STT). STT is applicable on:
Purchase and sale of equity shares on the stock exchange @ 0.10% for deliver based
transactions and 0.025% by seller in case of an intra-day transaction.
Sale of an option in securities @ 0.017% payable by the seller.
In case of an option in securities, where option is exercised @ 0.125 payable by the
purchaser and 0.017% by seller on premium value.
Sale of futures in securities @ 0.01% payable by the seller.
Redemption and switch of units from equity-oriented schemes @ 0.01%.
STT is applicable irrespective of the tax status of the investor. It is computed on the amount of
redemption or sales value and is reduced from the redemption or sales proceeds paid to the
investor. STT is paid to the government and the redemption or sale proceeds are paid to the
8.3. Wealth Tax Act and its implication for clients
Income-tax being a charge on the income earned by an assessee, there also exists a charge on
the wealth of a person. Wealth Taxes are governed by the provisions of the Wealth Tax Act,
1957. This Act is also applicable to the whole of India.
Wealth Tax is charged for every assessment year in respect of net wealth of the corresponding
valuation date of every individual, HUF and company, at the rate of 1% on the amount by which
the net wealth exceeds Rs. 30,00,000/-.
Net Wealth: The difference between aggregate value of assets and the value of all the debts
owed by the assessee on the valuation date which have been incurred in relation to the said
Assets: Section 2(ea) means
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1. House: any building or land appurtenant thereto, whether used for residential or
commercial purposes or for the purpose of maintaining a guest house or a farm house in
an urban area.
Exceptions Houses which are:
a. Meant exclusively for residential purposes and which is allotted by a company to a
whole time employee (including officer or director in whole time employment),
having gross annual salary of less than Rs. 5 lac.
b. Stock-in-trade.
c. Occupied for business or profession of the assessee.
d. Residential property and which is let out for a minimum period of 300 days in the
previous year.
e. Commercial establishments or complexes.
2. Motor cars: except those used in the hiring business or as stock-in-trade.
3. Jewellery: except that which is used as stock-in-trade.
4. Yachts, boats and aircrafts: other than those used for commercial purposes.
5. Urban land: any land situated in urban area.
a. Land on which construction of a building is not permissible under any law.
b. Land occupied by any building which has been constructed with the approval of the
appropriate authority.
c. Unused land held for industrial purposes up to 2 years.
d. Land held as stock-in-trade up to 10 years.
6. Cash in hand: for individuals and HUFs, in excess of Rs. 50,000/- and in the case of any
other person, any amount not recorded in the books of account.
Valuation date means the last day of the previous year.
Clubbing of Assets (Section 4)
Section 4(1) (a) Analogous to Section 64 of the IT Act.
i. Assets transferred by the assessee to the spouse otherwise than for adequate
consideration Assets transferred in consideration or in connection with agreement to
live apart is excluded.
ii. Assets held by minor child other than minor married daughter or child suffering from
disability specified under section 80U of the IT Act. Assets acquired by minor child out of
income not clubbed under Proviso to Section 64(1A) to be excluded.
iii. Assets transferred to a person or an AOP for the immediate or deferred benefit of the
transferor, his or her spouse otherwise than for adequate consideration.
iv. Assets transferred under revocable transfers.
v. Assets transferred to sons wife for inadequate consideration.
vi. Section 4(1) (b) Partner of a firm or a member of an AOP Value of interest in the
assets of the firm or AOP computed in the manner laid down in Schedule III.
vii. Section 4(1A) Analogous to Section 64(2) of the I.T. Act Separate assets converted
by a member of an HUF into the property of the HUF.
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viii. Section 4(5) Assets transferred under an irrevocable transfer, would be included
when power to revoke arises.
ix. Section 4(6) Holder of an impartible estate.
x. Section 4(7)/(8) Analogous to Sections 27(iii)/(iiia) and (iiib) of the I.T. Act Deemed
owner of a house
Member of a co-operative society, company and AOP.
Property in possession of a person as referred to in Sec. 53A of Transfer of Property
Act, 1882 under part performance.
Lessee other than month-to-month lessee and as referred to in clause (f) of
Section 269UA of the I.T. Act.
Exemptions in Respect of Assets (Section 5)
1. Property held under trust for public purpose or a charitable or religious nature in India.
2. Interest in the Coparcenary property of an HUF of which he is a member.
3. Any one building occupied by a Ruler.
4. Jewellery in possession of a Ruler, recognized as his heirloom.
5. Assets acquired out of the moneys brought in by a non-resident Indian, who has
returned to India with an intention to permanently reside in India. The exemption is for
7 successive assessment years.
6. One house or part of a house or a plot of land not exceeding 500 sq. metre belonging to
an individual or a Hindu undivided family
7. A plot of land comprising an area of 500 square metres or less.
Valuation of Assets (Section 7)
Value of assets other than Cash shall be as determined in the manner laid down in Schedule III
to the Wealth Tax Act.
8.4. Estate Planning
Estate planning refers to the organized approach to managing the accumulated assets of a
person in the interest of the intended beneficiaries. Wealth may be accumulated with a specific
purpose of being passed on to heirs, to charity, or to any other intended purpose. Without
formal structures that ensure that these purposes are met, there could be disputes, conflicting
claims, legal battles, avoidable taxes and unstructured pay-offs that may not be in the best
interest of the beneficiaries.
Estate planning covers the structural, financial, legal and tax aspects of managing wealth in the
interest of the intended beneficiaries.
8.4.1 What constitutes estate?
The term estate includes all assets and liabilities belonging to a person at the time of their
death. This may include assets as well as claims a deceased is entitled to receive or pay. The
term estate is used for assets whose legal owner has deceased, but have not been passed on to
the beneficiaries and other claimants. Once transferred, the estate becomes the asset of a
beneficiary who has received the legal ownership. Estate can also be passed on to a trust and
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managed by trustees, in which case ownership is with a distinct entity, but periodical benefits
from the estate is passed on to beneficiaries.
8.4.2 Consequences of Dying Intestate
If person dies without making a will, he is said to have died intestate and in such case his
property will be inherited by his heirs in accordance with laws of succession applicable to him.
The end result may not be what the person would have chosen. If the dependents include
minor or incapacitated children, more than one spouse, elderly parents or in-laws, or siblings
and siblings-in-law, there may be disputes in distribution of property. Distribution of estate may
also suffer due to lengthy legal procedures and administration costs. This could add both
inconvenience and financial burden to the family. Succession is governed by personal laws,
which will apply in the case of intestate death. Different personal laws apply as follows:
The Hindu Succession Act, 1956
(Applicable to Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs)
Indian Succession Act, 1925
(Applicable to Christians, Jews and Parsis)
Mohammedan Personal laws
(Governing inheritance of Muslims)
The prolonged dispute, legal battles and costs can be avoided, if intestate death is prevented
through timely estate planning.
8.4.3 Elements of Estate Planning
Estate planning involves the following broad set of activities:
Identifying the beneficiaries and their claim to the estate through a comprehensive
documentation such as the legal Will.
Creating tax-efficient structures such as trusts to manage the estate and make periodic
payouts to beneficiaries.
Creating organizational structures including trustees, executors, guardians, power of
attorney to perform identified functions in administering, protecting and managing the
8.4.4 Tools for Estate Planning
Estate planning tools can be classified as those that take effect during the life of a person and
after death of a person.
During life:
Joint Holding
Family Settlement
Power of attorney
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After Death:
8.4.5 Wills
Will is defined in Section 2(h) of the Indian Succession Act 1925 to mean the legal
declaration of the intention of the testator with respect to his property, which he desires to be
carried into effect after his death.
The person making the will is the testator, and his rights extend to what are legally his own. The
will comes into effect only after the death of the testator.
The person who is named in a will to receive a portion of the deceased persons estate is known
as a legatee.
The person named in the will to administer the estate of the deceased person is termed as an
Essential Features of a Will
a. A testator can only dispose-off what he owns and what is essentially legally transferable.
Example: Arvind and his wife are joint owners of their house, funded by a joint loan. Arvind
wills the house to his only son, who asks his mother to vacate the house after Arvinds
death. Arvinds wife can contest this will on the grounds that she is the joint legal owner of
the house, having paid valid consideration. Arvind cannot bequeath to his son, what he
does not own.
A testator can change the contents of the will any number of times, before his death.
Such changes to the will are called Codicils. A will can also be revoked by the testator
at any time before his death.
A will can only be made by a person competent to make it (who is not a minor or of
sound mind). Only using the words will without making reference to disposal of
property upon death of testator is not a will.
A will has to be written and signed in the presence of two witnesses. However, subject
to certain conditions, persons working in the armed forces can make an oral Will.
Registration of Wills: It is not compulsory to register a will. However, it is usually a good
practice to register a will. A registered will cannot ordinarily be tampered with, destroyed,
mutilated, lost or stolen. If a will is registered, no person can examine the will and copy the
contents without an express permission in writing of the testator.
Probate: Probate is defined in section 2 (f) of the Indian Succession Act to mean the copy of a
will certified under the seal of a court or competent jurisdiction. A probate certifies that a
particular will was proved on a certain date and is given attaching copy of the will of which
probate has been granted.
8.4.6 Gifts
A gift is a transfer of movable or immovable property made voluntarily and without
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consideration. The person making the gift is called donor; the person receiving a gift is called
the donee. Any person capable of making a contract can make a gift. A gift is usually an
irrevocable transfer, but it can however be revoked if the donee agrees to do so.
Gifts are taxable as income from other source, subject to exemptions provided u/s Sec 56 (2)
(vii) of the Income Tax Act.
Gifts are routinely used to transfer wealth from donor to donee; especially where the
exemptions mentioned above would apply, thereby exempting the gift from tax in the hands of
the donee. However, any income earned from the gift after such transfer will be subject to tax
routinely in the hands of the donee.
8.4.7 Joint Holding
It may be procedurally easy to enable those specific family members such as the spouse or
children easily access assets, through the simple method of joint holding. Joint holding means
the property is held by more than one person and can be accessed by such joint holders subject
to the mode of operations. Bank accounts, property, demat accounts, shares, mutual funds and
specific saving schemes can be held jointly. The operation of a joint account can be jointly,
where all joint holders have to approve all transactions, or on either of survivor, or anyone or
survivor basis. The specific procedural aspects for joint holding, with respect to how many joint
holders are permitted, what kind of operational choices are available, and what type of
transactions need all joint holders assent, can vary across different types of assets. It is usually
the case that the first holder would be the registered holder of the asset and entitled to receive
information and benefits of holding the asset. The joint holders can, subject to terms of
holding, access the asset after the death of the first holder. The procedures for accessing the
asset are simpler in the case of a joint holding. However, it should be remembered that if there
is a legal contest among the heirs, joint holders right to the asset can be superseded by laws of
succession as they may apply.
8.4.8 Nomination
Nomination is the right conferred upon the holder of an investment product to appoint the
person entitled to receive the monies in case of the death. A nomination is seen as a formal
bequest authorized by the holder of the asset, though in the event of a dispute the nominees
position is reduced to being the trustee of the bequest, the final owners being decided
according to the applicable laws of succession.
Only an individual can nominate. Non-individuals including corporate bodies, partnership firms,
trusts, Kartas of Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs) and power of attorney holders, cannot
nominate. Nomination can be done either at the time of making the investment or entering
into an insurance contract or subsequently at any time. Nominations can be modified any
number of times.
Nominee can be an individual, company or Trust, depending on the terms of investment. A
minor can be a nominee, but a guardian will have to be named. Nominations to NRIs will be
honored subject to repatriation rules. Multiple nominees may be allowed, with percentage of
interest defined for each nominee.
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Different rules for nomination apply for different types of assets:
Purpose of nomination is simplification of payment process, not equitable distribution of estate.
Payment to nominee is valid discharge in case of all financial products. The onus of proving any
rights to legacy of the investment so transmitted is on those that contest such transmission. A
will supersedes a nomination, but the company or mutual fund can still make payment of
proceeds to the nominees. The nominee is not a legatee or beneficiary under the Indian
Succession Act. The nominee takes the amount subject to any claim or right of the owners/heirs
or other persons. The nominee may only receive the proceeds, but title to the assets is not
8.4.9 Family Settlement
Family Settlement is an instrument to achieve a larger purpose i.e. peace and harmony in
the family.
The object of an arrangement is to protect the family from long drawn out litigation and to
bring goodwill in the family.
A family settlement is entered into for achieving a superior purpose, viz., accomplishing
tranquillity and accord in the family.
A family settlement is treated differently from any other formal commercial settlement as such
a settlement in the eyes of the law ensures peace and goodwill among the family members
Advantages: Family arrangements are not treated as transfer and hence capital gains tax
will not arise.
It is not treated as a gift.
The clubbing provision will not be applicable.
Equitable distribution of the wealth instead of concentrating the same in the hands of a
8.4.10 Trusts
A trust is an obligation annexed to the ownership of property, and arising out of a confidence
reposed in and accepted by the owners, or declared and accepted by him, for the benefit of
another or of another and the owner. {Section 3 of Indian Trust Act, 1882}
Based on the constitution, trusts can be classified as public trust or private trust. Private trusts
are increasingly used as a tool for estate planning. No Probate required for assets transferred
through a Trust. Probate involves fees as a percentage of the assets.
Private Trust is a private document as compared to a Will which gets published in the news
papers when executed. Private Trust does not require any registration unless it involves any
immovable property. Private Trust offers an insolvency protection, provided it is an irrevocable
trust and assets are transferred to a Trust 2 years prior to insolvency and the trust is formed
with a genuine objective. Private Trust offers stepwise access to the family legacy.
8.4.11 Powers of Attorney
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A Power of Attorney (POA) is an instrument by which a person may formally authorize another
person to act on his behalf or as his agent on all matter or for a specific transaction or particular
types of transactions. There are two parties to a POA Donor and the Donee. Both the parties
to the POA should have attained majority, be of sound mind and competent to contract.
Types of POA:
i. General POA: Enables the donee to act on all matters for the donor. The general list of
matters covered in this category includes management of bank accounts, sale of property,
attending dealings in court, etc.
ii. Specific POA: Restricts the donees authority to act only on a specific transaction, e.g. POA
granted to a person to deal with the renting out of an apartment only.
8.4.12 Mutation
A property when acquired by a person and on becoming the rightful owner of the property
should ensure that all the titles of the property are transferred in his name. Mutation refers to
a significant alteration or substitution of the name of a person by the name of another in
relation to the record showing the right or title to the property. Mutation helps in proper
updation of the revenue records to ensure proper collection of revenue from the person who is
in possession of the property.

NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

Sample Questions
1. Commission received from business forms part of income from ___________.
a. Business and profession
b. Capital Gains
c. Salary
d. Other sources

2. Long term capital gain from sale of shares is ____________________.
a. Taxed at 10%
b. Exempt from tax
c. Taxed at 20%
d. Taxed at 15% with indexation

3. The Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme, 2012 allows exemption up to _______ for
investments made in eligible securities up to Rs. 50,000.
a. 100%
b. 50%
c. 40%
d. 60%

4. For a person to be qualified as a NRI, he must have stayed outside India for a
minimum period of _____ days in a previous financial year.
a. 365
b. 280
c. 182
d. 150

NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

9.1. Regulation for Investment Advisers
SEBI notified the SEBI (Investment Advisers) Regulation, 2013 in January 2013 with a view to
regulate the activity of providing investment advisory services in various forms by independent
financial advisors, distributors, banks, and other such entities. The said Regulations become
effective from April 2013.
9.1.1 Certificate of registration
Any person who proposes to provide investment advice as defined under the regulations or
who qualifies under the definition of Investment Adviser shall be required to obtain a
registration certificate from SEBI in order to continue to do this activity. A six month period has
been allowed for existing investment advisers to apply for certification. These investment
advisers may continue to provide advisory services till their application is processed. The
certificate of registration granted by SEBI is valid for a period of five years from the date of its
issue. An investment adviser needs to apply for renewal of his registration certificate, three
months before expiry of the original certificate of registration.
Investment advice and investment advisor
The term investment advice has been specifically defined under the regulations. It means any
form of advice provided in relation to investment, purchase, sale or dealing in securities or
investment products. It also includes advice on a portfolio of securities or investment products
and financial planning. Such advice may be provided as a written advice or an oral
recommendation or through any other mode such as email aimed at the benefit of the client.
However, advice that is widely available to the public through newspapers or internet or
magazines is not considered as investment advice under the regulations.
9.1.2 Exemptions
Any person who provides investment advice to his clients is known as an investment adviser.
However, the investment adviser regulations have exempted certain categories of persons from
the requirement of registration. These include:
Any person who gives general comments on financial trends, economic situation which is
not stock/product specific.
Insurance agents or brokers providing investment advice only in insurance products,
Pension advisors offering investment advice only on pension products,
Mutual fund distributor, who provides investment advice incidental to distribution of
mutual fund products
Advocates, Solicitors, member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, member of
Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India,
Actuarial Society of India or any other professional body providing investment advice
incidental to their professional service.
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

Stock broker or sub-broker, portfolio manager registered under SEBI (Portfolio Manager)
Regulations, 1993, merchant banker providing investment advice incidental to their primary
Fund managers of mutual funds, alternative investment funds.
A person providing investment advice only to clients based out of India, not being Non
Resident Indians or Persons of Indian Origin.
9.1.3 Qualification and Certification Requirements
Qualifications: The regulations specify certain minimum qualifications for a person to be eligible
to be known as an investment adviser. If an individual seeks registration as an investment
adviser, or a partner or representative of an investment adviser registered under the
regulations must possess these qualifications.
A professional qualification or a post graduate degree or post graduate diploma in finance,
accountancy, business management, commerce, economics, capital market, banking,
insurance or actuarial science from a university or an institution recognized by the central
government or any state government or a recognised foreign university or institution or
A graduate in any discipline with an experience of at least five years in activities relating to
advice in financial products or securities or fund or asset or portfolio management.
Certification: An investment adviser must obtain valid certification on financial planning or fund
or asset or portfolio management or investment advisory services from NISM or from any other
organization or institution including Financial Planning Standards Board India or any recognized
stock exchange in India provided that such certification is accredited by NISM.
Existing investment advisers seeking registration must ensure that their partners and
representatives obtain such certification within two years from the date of commencement of
the regulations.
Capital Requirement
In order to ensure financial stability of an investment adviser, the Regulations have mandated
that investment advisers must have net worth above a minimum threshold at all times. For
investment advisers which are body corporate, net worth of not less than Rupees Twenty Five
Lakhs has been stipulated rupees. Investment advisers who are individuals or partnership firms
shall have net tangible assets of value not less than Rupees One Lakh.
Investment advisers in existence before commencement of the regulations must comply with
the capital adequacy requirement within one year from the date of commencement.
9.1.4 Obligations and Responsibilities of Investment Advisers General Obligations
The nature of service that is provided by investment advisers is directly related to the financial
situation of their clients. The relationship between the investment adviser and client is that of
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trust and the investment adviser, while performing his role, should act in good faith in the best
interests of the client. The Investment Adviser Regulations have cast upon investment advisers
certain obligations and responsibilities while providing investment advisory services.
Conflicts of interest: It is imperative that the investment adviser discloses all conflicts of
interest to the client as and when they arise.
Only advisory income: An investment adviser must not receive any consideration or
remuneration from anyone except the client in respect of securities or investment products
for which he has provided advice.
Segregation of other activities: There must be segregation of other business activities from
investment advisory activity of the investment advisor. An arms length relationship must be
maintained between investment advisory activity and such other activities. If a conflict of
interest arises, the same shall be disclosed to the client.
Confidentiality: The investment adviser must maintain strict confidentiality with respect to
the information received from the client.
Own transactions: The investment adviser should not carry out transaction contrary to his
advice to clients on his own account unless 15 days have passed from the date of providing
the advice. However, during the 15 day period, if in the opinion of the adviser the situation
has changed, he should first make a revised assessment to client at least 24 hours before
carrying out such a transaction. An advisor must also not act on its own account, knowingly
to sell securities or investment products to or purchase securities or investment product
from a client.
KYC compliance: An investment advisor shall follow Know Your Client procedure as
specified by SEBI from time to time.
Code of Conduct: An investment adviser must abide by the Code of Conduct as specified in
Third Schedule of the Investment Adviser Regulations.
Reporting to SEBI: The investment adviser must file periodic reports or information to SEBI
as may be required from time to time and take prior approval from SEBI if there is a change
in control of the investment adviser.
Certification and Qualification: It shall be the responsibility of the Investment Adviser to
ensure that its representatives and partners comply with the certification and qualification
requirements stipulated by the Investment Adviser Regulations at all times.
There are specific areas in which an investment adviser needs to put systems and procedures in
place in order to comply with the responsibilities cast by the Regulations. Risk Profiling
The investment advice and asset allocation for an investor would have to be tweaked based
upon the ability and willingness of the investor to assume risk. This is determined by a risk
profiling exercise, which seeks to assess the attitude towards risk and possible loss in the
portfolio and the willingness to pursue an investment plan, after understanding the underlying
Information: It is the responsibility of the Investment adviser to ensure that he obtains from
the client, such information as is necessary for the purpose of giving investment advice. This
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information includes age, investment objective, investment horizon, income details, existing
assets and liabilities and risk appetite. Information provided by clients and their risk
assessment must be updated periodically.
Risk assessment: There must be a process in place for risk assessment assessing the risk that a
client is willing and able to take. Risk profile of the client must be communicated to the client
after risk assessment completed. Risk assessment includes the following aspects:
(i) assessing a clients capacity for absorbing loss;
(ii) identifying whether client is unwilling or unable to accept the risk of loss of capital;
(iii) appropriately interpreting client responses to questions and not attributing inappropriate
weight to certain answers.
Risk profiling tools: The investment adviser may use various tools such as surveys,
questionnaires, proprietary tools to generate risk appetite scores of clients. Where such tools
are used for risk profiling, the investment adviser must ensure that the tools are fit for the
purpose and any limitations have been identified and mitigated. Such tools should not be too
complex or misleading for the client to understand and express a fair opinion. Suitability
It is the responsibility of the Investment adviser to ensure the following:
Investment advice and related investments are appropriate to the clients risk profile.
The adviser has a documented process for selecting investments based on clients
investment objectives and financial situation.
The adviser must understand the nature and risks of products or assets selected for clients.
The adviser must have a reasonable basis for believing that a recommendation or
transaction entered into:
(i) meets the clients investment objectives;
(ii) is such that the client is able to bear any related investment risks consistent with its
investment objectives and risk tolerance;
(iii) is such that the client has the necessary experience and knowledge to understand the
risks involved in the transaction.
When an advice or recommendation is given to a client to purchase of a particular complex
financial product, such a recommendation or advice must be based upon a reasonable
assessment that the structure and risk reward profile of financial product is consistent with
clients experience, knowledge, investment objectives, risk appetite and capacity for
absorbing loss. Disclosures to Clients
It is the responsibility of the Investment Adviser to make certain disclosures to the client in
order for the client to take an informed decision whether or not to avail its services. These
disclosures include the following:
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Material information about the adviser, the business, history, terms and conditions,
affiliations with other intermediaries.
Consideration received/receivable by it or any of its associates from any distribution or
execution services for securities or products for which investment advice is provided.
Any consideration receivable by investment adviser on recommendation of a stock broker
or other intermediary to the client if the client decides to avail services of such entity.
Own holdings in respect of products or securities that are subject matter of advice.
Actual or potential conflicts of interest with issuer of product/security.
Material facts relating to key features of the products/securities, its performance track
record, warnings and disclaimers, and advertising material. Record Maintenance
An investment adviser is required to maintain the following records in physical or electronic
format for a minimum period of five years:
Know Your Client records of the client;
Risk profiling and risk assessment of the client;
Suitability assessment of the advice being provided;
Copies of agreements with clients, if any;
Investment advice provided, whether written or oral;
Rationale for arriving at investment advice, duly signed and dated;
A register or record containing list of the clients, the date of advice, nature of the advice,
products/securities in which advice was rendered and fee, if any charged for such advice.
The adviser must conduct yearly audit in respect of compliance with regulatory requirements
from a member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or Institute of Company
Secretaries of India. Segregation of execution services
Investment advisers which are banks, NBFCs and body corporate providing distribution or
execution services to their clients must keep their investment advisory services segregated
from such activities. Distribution or execution services can only be offered subject to the
The client is not under any obligation to avail the distribution or execution services offered
by the investment adviser.
The investment adviser maintains arms length relationship between its activities as
investment adviser and distribution or execution services.
All fees and charges paid to distribution or execution service providers by the client are paid
directly to the service providers and not through the investment adviser. Other responsibilities
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A compliance officer must be appointed by an investment adviser which is a body corporate
or a partnership firm for monitoring the compliance by the investment adviser in respect of
the requirements of the SEBI Act, Regulations and notifications issued from time to time.
The investment adviser must have an adequate client grievance redressal mechanism and
should redress client grievances promptly.
9.1.5 Code of Conduct for Investment Adviser
The SEBI (Investment Advisers) Regulations, 2013 has set out a code of conduct to be followed
by all Investment Advisers at all times. The provisions of this code of conduct state as follows:
(i) Honesty and fairness
An investment adviser shall act honestly, fairly and in the best interests of its clients and in
the integrity of the market.
(ii) Diligence
An investment adviser shall act with due skill, care and diligence in the best interests of its
clients and shall ensure that its advice is offered after thorough analysis and taking into
account available alternatives.
(iii) Capabilities
An investment adviser shall have and employ effectively appropriate resources and
procedures which are needed for the efficient performance of its business activities.
(iv) Information about clients
An investment adviser shall seek from its clients, information about their financial situation,
investment experience and investment objectives relevant to the services to be provided
and maintain confidentiality of such information.
(v) Information to its clients
An investment adviser shall make adequate disclosures of relevant material information
while dealing with its clients.
(vi) Fair and reasonable charges
An investment adviser advising a client may charge fees, subject to any ceiling as may be
specified by the Board, if any. The investment adviser shall ensure that fees charged to the
clients are fair and reasonable.
(vii) Conflicts of interest
An investment adviser shall try to avoid conflicts of interest as far as possible and when they
cannot be avoided, it shall ensure that appropriate disclosures are made to the clients and
that the clients are fairly treated.
(viii) Compliance
An investment adviser including its representative(s) shall comply with all regulatory
requirements applicable to the conduct of its business activities so as to promote the best
interests of clients and the integrity of the market.
(ix) Responsibility of senior management
The senior management of a body corporate which is registered as investment adviser shall
bear primary responsibility for ensuring the maintenance of appropriate standards of
conduct and adherence to proper procedures by the body corporate.

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9.2. Regulatory System and Environment
Regulation of the Securities Markets is motivated by the need to safeguard the interests of
investors. What is paramount is to ensure that investors make informed decisions about their
financial transactions on the basis of a fair understanding of various markets which engage such
financial transactions. This implies that the entities issuing securities and units ought to furnish
adequate disclosures on all relevant facts and the intermediaries selling/advising/distributing
such products execute the financial transactions in the most efficient manner while charging a
fair and appropriate cost of transaction.
There are many other issues, which warrant regulation. For example, deliberately engineered
speculative activities in the stock market or insider trading are undesirable as they can hurt
investors at large. Similarly, some mutual funds may take excessive risks, while some issuers of
debt securities may not care to provide adequate collateral. These are many instances of
unethical activities which can be detrimental to investors in general. These, if allowed to go
unchecked, will lead to a drying up of investment activity, which is the lifeblood of capital
formation in any economy.
The idea of regulating an industry is to optimize the benefits for all its stakeholders and at the
same time protecting the interests of the consumers. The financial sector in India is regulated
by several regulatory authorities. The Central Government has created separate entities to
regulate different sectors of the financial system.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) regulates commercial banks, the Securities and Exchange Board
of India (SEBI) regulates securities markets and responsible for its orderly growth and
protection of investors interests, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)
regulates insurance companies, the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
(PFRDA) regulates the pension sector, while the Forward Markets Commission (FMC) regulates
the commodities futures sector. The Central Government exercises a certain level of oversight
on these and other regulatory institutions.
Additionally, intermediaries representing some segment of the Securities Markets may form a
Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO). For recognition as an SRO by SEBI, certain conditions have
to be met as spelt out under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Self Regulatory
Organizations) Regulations, 2004. Ideally, an SRO will seek to uphold investors interest by
laying and maintaining high ethical and professional standards of conduct and encouraging best
practices among its members.
The ruling given by a regulator may be challenged by petitioning the prescribed authority. In
the case of SEBI, for example, the appellate authority is the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT).
Rulings of the SAT can be challenged in the Supreme Court of India. Importantly, no civil court
shall entertain any suit or proceeding relating to a matter which an adjudicating officer
appointed under the SEBI Act, or under a duly constituted SAT, is empowered under the said
Act to decide upon. Further, no injunction can be granted by any court or any other authority
with regard to any action taken or to be taken pursuant to any power conferred by the SEBI Act.
Role of Ministry of Finance and its Departments

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The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has a wide range of responsibilities. It has five departments
under it, whose roles are briefly described below:

a) Department of Economic Affairs is the nodal agency of the Central Government to
formulate and monitor Indias macroeconomic policies, covering monetary and fiscal policy
as well as the functioning of the Capital Market including stock exchanges. Other
responsibilities include the mobilization of external resources and issuance of bank notes
and coins.
b) Department of Expenditure is concerned with, among other things, the administration of
various financial rules and regulations including service conditions of all Central
Government employees. The department is also involved with matters such as financial
assistance to states and borrowings by states.
c) Department of Revenue exercises control over matters relating to direct and Indirect taxes
of the Central Government, through two statutory boards, viz., the Central Board of Direct
Taxes and Central Board of Excise and Customs.
d) Department of Financial Services administers government policies relating to:
Public sector banks.
Term-lending financial institutions.
Life Insurance and General Insurance.
Pension Reforms.
e) Department of Disinvestment oversees, among other things, all matters relating to the
disinvestment of Central Government equity from Central Public Sector undertakings. The
department is also concerned with the financial policy relating to the utilization of proceeds
of disinvestment.
f) The Ministry of Corporate Affairs is mainly concerned with the administration of the
Companies Act, 1956 and other allied acts, rules and regulations pertaining to the corporate
sector. The Ministry is also responsible for administering the Competition Act 2002 which is
to replace the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969. The Ministry also
supervises three professional bodies, viz., the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and the Institute of Cost and Works
Accountants of India. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs is also vested with the responsibility
of administering the Partnership Act, 1932, the Companies (Donations to National Funds)
Act, 1951 and Societies Registration Act, 1980.
9.3. Role of Regulators
Besides the Ministry of Finance, the financial sector in India is regulated by several regulatory
organizations. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) as the manager of Public debt, is responsible for
the primary issue of Government securities, all contracts involving such securities and money
market instruments The Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI), is the apex regulator of the
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

securities market and also responsible for its orderly growth and protection of the investors
interests. Other regulators such as the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA) and
the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) have been set up with the
specific mandate to regulate the functioning and growth of particular industries.
1. Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
RBI is the central bank of the country and is vested with the responsibility of administering the
monetary policy. Therefore, its key concern is to ensure the adequate growth of money supply
in the economy so that economic growth and financial transactions are facilitated, but not so
rapidly which may precipitate inflationary trends. This is borne out in its Preamble, in which the
basic functions of the Bank are thus defined: to regulate the issue of Bank Notes and keeping
of reserves with a view to securing monetary stability in India and generally to operate the
currency and credit system of the country to its advantage. In addition to the primary
responsibility of administering Indias monetary policy, RBI has other onerous responsibilities,
such as financial supervision.
RBIs functions are governed by the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934, whereas the financial
sector is governed by the Banking Regulation Act 1949. The main functions of RBI are:
1. As the monetary authority: To formulate, implement and monitor the monetary policy in a
manner as to maintain price stability while ensuring an adequate flow of credit to
productive sectors of the economy.
2. As the regulator and supervisor of the financial system: To prescribe broad parameters of
banking operations within which Indias banking and financial system functions. The
objective here is to maintain public confidence in the system, protect depositors interest
and facilitate cost-effective banking services to the public.
3. As the manager of Foreign Exchange: To administer the Foreign Exchange Management Act
1999, in a manner as to facilitate external trade and payment and promote orderly
development and maintenance of the foreign exchange market in India.
4. As the issuer of currency: To issue currency and coins and to exchange or destroy the same
when not fit for circulation. The objective that guides RBI here is to ensure the circulation of
an adequate quantity of currency notes and coins of good quality.
5. Developmental role: To perform a wide range of promotional functions to support national
6. Banking functions:
a) It acts as a banker to the Government and manages issuances of Central and State
Government Securities.
b) It acts as a banker to the banks by maintaining the banking accounts of all scheduled
The general superintendence and direction of RBIs affairs are looked after by a Central Board
of Directors (BoD) which is appointed by the Government of India. Further, each of the four
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

regions in the country is served by a Local Board which advises the Central Board on local issues
and represents territorial and economic interests of local co-operative and indigenous banks.
The Local Boards will also perform other functions as delegated by the Central Board.
RBI performs the important function of financial supervision under the guidance of the Board
for Financial Supervision (BFS) which was constituted in 1994 as a committee of the Central
Board of Directors. The primary objective of the BFS is to carry out consolidated supervision of
the financial sector consisting of commercial banks, financial institutions and non-banking
finance companies. The BFS oversees the functioning of the Department of Banking
Supervision, the Department of Non-Banking Supervision and Financial Institutions Division and
issues directions on regulatory and supervisory issues.
2. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India was established on April 12, 1992 in accordance
with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992. The Preamble of
the Securities and Exchange Board of India describes the basic functions of the Securities and
Exchange Board of India as " protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote
the development of, and to regulate the securities market and for matters connected therewith
or incidental thereto".
SEBI regulates capital market intermediaries such as stock exchanges, brokers, trustees of trust
deeds, merchant bankers, bankers to an issue, underwriters, portfolio managers, mutual funds,
depositories, depository participants, venture capital funds, and alternative investment funds,
Foreign Institutional Investors, custodians and Registrars & Transfer agents in the country.
Market intermediaries are regulated by SEBI by prescribing registration norms for
intermediaries, issue of regulations, notifications and circulars from time to time for compliance
by the intermediaries, calling for information from the intermediaries, carrying out inspections,
and taking action against non-compliance.
The website of SEBI ( holds updated and comprehensive list of regulations,
rules, circulars and notifications issued there under by SEBI. A useful download is a Master
Circular, which captures the essence of various circulars issued for a calendar year.
Functions of SEBI
The SEBI Act, 1992 spells out the functions that SEBI shall perform. These include the following:
Regulating and registration: SEBI regulates the business in stock exchanges and other
securities markets. It registers and regulates the working of intermediaries associated with
the securities market such as stock brokers, sub-brokers, share transfer agents, bankers to
an issue, trustees of trust deeds, registrars to an issue, merchant bankers, underwriters,
portfolio managers, investment advisers depositories, participants, custodians of securities,
foreign institutional investors, credit rating agencies, venture capital funds, collective
investment schemes, mutual funds and such other intermediaries as may be specified by
SEBI. SEBI is also involved in promoting and regulating self-regulatory organisations. The
regulations specify the net worth, experience, infrastructure and other requirements
necessary for an intermediary to be eligible for registration.
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Prohibition of unfair trade practices: An important function of SEBI is to prohibit fraudulent
and unfair trade practices relating to securities markets. SEBI also prohibits insider trading
in securities which is detrimental to the interests of the investors. Insider trading refers to
the dealing in securities by persons connected with a company having material information
that is not available to the public. Such persons include the directors and employees of the
company, associates such as bankers and tax consultants or government employees who
get sensitive information. The SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading Regulations), 1992 seeks
to prevent insider trading which erodes the confidence of the common investor in the
securities markets. SEBIs guidelines require companies to have comprehensive code of
conduct to prevent such activity. This includes appointing a compliance officer to enforce it,
ensuring periodic disclosure of holding by all persons considered as insiders and ensuring
data confidentiality and adherence to the requirements of the listing agreement on flow of
price sensitive information. If an insider trading charge is proved pursuant to SEBIs
investigation, the penalties include monetary penalties, criminal prosecution, prohibiting
persons from securities markets and declaring transactions as void.
Conduct inquiries/inspections: If SEBI is of the opinion that some intermediary is involved
in such activities, or is not complying with the SEBI regulations, it has the power to call for
information, undertake inspection, conduct inquiries and audits, summon witnesses from
such intermediaries. SEBI can take any of the following measures in the interest of
(i) Suspend the trading of any security in a recognized stock exchange;
(ii) restrain persons from accessing the securities market and prohibit any person
associated with securities market to buy, sell or deal in securities;
(iii) suspend any office-bearer of any stock exchange or self- regulatory organization from
holding such position;
(iv) impound and retain the proceeds or securities in respect of any transaction which is
under investigation;
(v) attach, after passing of an order on an application made for approval by the Judicial
Magistrate of the first class having jurisdiction, for a period not exceeding one month,
one or more bank account or accounts of any intermediary or any person involved.
(vi) direct any intermediary or any person associated with the securities market in any
manner not to dispose of or alienate an asset forming part of any transaction which is
under investigation:
SEBI is also involved in promoting investor education and training of intermediaries of
securities markets.
SEBI regulates substantial acquisition of shares and take-over of companies.
3. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)
IRDAs mission is to regulate, promote and ensure orderly growth of the insurance sector,
including the re-insurance business, while ensuring protection of the interests of insurance
policyholders. IRDA was constituted by an act of parliament and according to Section 4 of the
IRDA Act 1999 the Authority comprises ten members who are all government appointees.
The powers and functions of the authority include the following:
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1. Issuing a certificate of registration or renewing, modifying, withdrawing, suspending or
cancelling such registration.
2. Protecting the interests of policyholders in matters relating to assignment of policy,
nomination by policyholders, insurable interest, settlement of insurance claim, surrender
value of policy and other clauses of insurance contracts.
3. Spelling out the required qualifications, code of conduct and practical training for
intermediaries including insurance intermediaries and agents.
4. Specifying the code of conduct for surveyors and loss assessors.
5. Seeking information, undertaking inspection, conducting inquiries and investigations
including audit of the insurer, intermediaries and others.
6. To control and regulate the rates and terms and conditions that may be offered by insurers
with regard to general insurance, which are not covered by the Tariff Advisory Committee.
7. Regulating the investment of funds by insurance companies.
4. Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA)
PFRDA was first constituted by the Government of India in October 2003 with the following
1. To promote old age income security by establishing, developing and regulating pension
2. To protect the interests of subscribers to schemes of pension funds and related matters
It is an interim body, under the administrative control of the Ministry of Finance, pending
enactment of a comprehensive legislation. The Authority is to consist of a Chairperson and up
to five members.
The new pension system will be based on defined contributions. It will also offer a menu of
investment choices and Fund Managers. Though the new system is voluntary, it would be
mandatory for new recruits to the Central Government, except the armed forces. It will also be
available on a voluntary basis to all persons including self-employed professionals and others in
the unorganized sector. However, mandatory programmes under the Employees Provident
Fund Organization and other special provident funds will continue to operate according to the
existing system, under the Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952
and other special acts governing these funds.
Subject to the overall directions and guidelines of the government, the PFRDA shall:
a. Deal with all matters relating to the promotion and orderly growth of the pension market
b) Propose appropriate legislation for the purpose indicated above
c) Carry out such other functions as may be delegated to the authority
The PFRDA shall be free to determine its own procedures and will have powers to call for
records and other material relevant to its working, from official and non-official bodies and will
also hold discussions with them. The PFRDA will also submit periodical reports to the
government on various aspects of the pension sector and on matters required by the
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9.4. Self-Regulatory Organizations (SRO)
An SRO is a regulatory authority of an industry, appointed by the regulator to perform specific
functions. SRO in India is governed by the SEBI (Self Regulatory Organizations) Regulations,
2004. It is an organization of intermediaries which represents a particular segment of the
securities market and which is duly recognized by SEBI.
In the developed world, it is common for market players to create Self Regulatory
Organizations, whose prime responsibility is to regulate their own members. Wherever SROs
exist, the statutory regulatory bodies set up by the Government (like SEBI in India) only lay
down the broad policy framework, and leave the micro-regulation to the SRO. For example,
stock exchanges perform some of the regulatory functions on behalf of SEBI. The mutual fund
industry does not have an SRO, yet. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)
regulates its own members.
An amendment to the regulations in January 2013 has brought within its purview, an SRO
formed by distributors of mutual funds and portfolio management services.
An SRO needs to be registered and recognized by SEBI after following a registration process
that lays down norms for professional competence of the Board, infrastructure and capital
requirements. The SRO regulations lay down certain obligations and responsibilities on SROs.
An SRO must always abide by the directions of the SEBI and act in the best interest of investors.
It is responsible for specifying a code of conduct for its members and ensuring implementation
of the same. The SRO can also conduct inspection and audit of its members. It is bound to
report any violations or non-compliance by any of its members to SEBI. The SRO conducts
screening, certification tests and training programmes for its members and endeavours to
promote best business practices amongst its members.
Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002
Money laundering involves disguising financial assets so that they can be used without
detection of the illegal activity that produced them. Through money laundering, the launderer
transforms the monetary proceeds derived from criminal activity into funds with an apparently
legal source.
The Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA), is an act to prevent money-laundering
and to provide for confiscation of property derived from, or involved in, money-laundering and
for related matters. Chapter II, section 3 describes the offence of money-laundering thus:
Whoever directly or indirectly attempts to indulge, or knowingly assists or knowingly is a party
or is actually involved, in any process or activity connected with the proceeds of crime and
projecting it as untainted property shall be guilty of the offence of money-laundering.
Section 12 of PMLA stipulates that every banking company, financial institution and
intermediary shall maintain a record of all transactions, the nature and value of which may be
prescribed, whether such transactions comprise a single transaction or a series of transactions
integrally connected to each other, and where such series of transactions take place within a
month and furnish information of transactions and verify and maintain the records of the
identity of all its clients.
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Provided that where the principal officer of a banking company or financial institution or
intermediary, as the case may be, has reason to believe that a single transaction or series of
transactions integrally connected to each other have been valued below the prescribed value so
as to defeat the provisions of this section, such officer shall furnish information in respect of
such transactions to the Director within the prescribed time.
(2) The records referred to in sub-section (1) shall be maintained for a period of ten years from
the date of cessation of the transactions between the clients and the banking company or
financial institution or intermediary, as the case may be.
The offence of money laundering is punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term which
shall not be less than 3 years but which may extend to 7 years and shall also be liable to fine,
which may extend to Rs. 5 lacs.
Anti Money Laundering (AML) Measures
There are several ways to check money laundering. Given below are some of the measures that
a stock broking firm can adopt for anti money laundering:
Organizing training programs on anti money laundering for the staff , especially personnel
engaged in KYC, settlement, demat and account opening process
Verifying documents of clients during the account opening process
Personally interviewing clients who have declared wealth above Rs 10 lac or intend to trade
(intraday) above Rs 2 crore in a month or who have given initial margin of Rs 4 to 5 lac and
above in the form of monies or securities
Interviewing clients who are NRIs or corporate/trust who promote NRIs
Gauging the risk appetite of the client, as it helps in finding out any suspicious trading or
transactions in the future
Scrutinizing documents including income documents of the employee involved in
maintaining and updating critical information about the transactions of the client and also
of the employees who facilitate transactions of the clients like dealers, settlement officers.
9.5. Code of Conduct and Ethics

a. Securities and Exchange Board of India (Intermediaries) Regulations, 2008

a. Investors/Clients
Excerpts from the Code of Conduct

I. Investor Protection
Every intermediary shall make all efforts to protect the interests of investors and shall render
the best possible advice to its clients having regard to the clients needs and the environments
and his own professional skills.
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b. High Standards of Service
An intermediary shall ensure that it and its key management personnel, employees, contractors
and agents, shall in the conduct of their business, observe high standards of integrity, dignity,
fairness, ethics and professionalism and all Professional dealings shall be affected in a prompt,
effective and efficient manner. An intermediary shall be responsible for the acts or omissions of
its employees and agents in respect to the conduct of its business.
c. Exercise of Due Diligence and no Collusion
An intermediary shall at all times render high standard s of service, exercise due skill and
diligence over persons employed or appointed by it, ensure proper care and exercise
independent professional judgment and shall not at any time act in collusion with other
intermediaries in a manner that is detrimental to the investor(s).
d. Fees
An intermediary shall not increase charges/ fees for the services rendered without proper
advance notice to its clients/investors.
II. Disbursal of Amounts
An intermediary shall be prompt in disbursing dividends, interests or any such accrual income
received or collected by it on behalf of its clients/investors.
III. Disbursal of Information
a. An intermediary shall ensure that adequate disclosures are made to the clients/investors in
a comprehensible and timely manner so as to enable them to make a balanced and
informed decision.
b. An intermediary shall not make any misrepresentation and ensure that the information
provided to the clients/investors is not misleading.
c. An intermediary shall not make any exaggerated statement whether oral or written to the
client/investor, either about its qualification or capability to render certain services or its
achievements in regard to services rendered to other clients/investors.
d. An intermediary shall not divulge to anybody, either orally or in writing, directly or
indirectly, any confidential information about its clients/investors, which has come to its
knowledge, without taking prior permission of its clients/investors except where such
disclosures are required to be made in compliance with any law for the time being in force.

AMFI Code of conduct - Code of Conduct for Intermediaries of Mutual Funds
1. Consider investors interest as paramount and take necessary steps to ensure that the
investors interest is protected in all circumstances.
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2. Adhere to SEBI Mutual Fund Regulations and guidelines issued from time to time related to
distributors, selling, distribution and advertising practices. Be fully conversant with the key
provisions of the Scheme Information Document (SID), Statement of Additional Information
(SAI) and Key Information Memorandum (KIM) as well as the operational requirements of
various schemes.
3. Comply with SEBI guidelines / requirements issued from time to time in preparation of
sales, promotional or any other literature about any schemes. Performance disclosures
should also comply with the requirements specified by SEBI. Provide full and latest
information of schemes to investors in the form of SAI, SID, addenda, performance reports,
fact sheets, portfolio disclosures and brochures; and recommend schemes appropriate for
the investors risk profile and needs.
4. Highlight risk factors of each scheme, desist from misrepresentation and exaggeration and
urge investors to go through SAI / SID/ KIM before deciding to make investments.
5. Disclose to the investors all material information including all the commissions (in the form
of trail or any other mode) received for the different competing schemes of various Mutual
Funds from amongst which the scheme is being recommended to the investors.
6. Abstain from indicating or assuring returns in any type of scheme, unless the SID is explicit
in this regard.
7. Maintain necessary infrastructure to support the AMCs in maintaining high service
standards to investors, and ensure that critical operations such as forwarding forms and
cheques to AMCs/registrars and despatch of statement of account and redemption cheques
to investors are done within the time frame prescribed in the SID/SAI and SEBI Mutual Fund
8. Do not collude with investors in faulty business practices such as bouncing of cheques,
wrong claiming of dividend/redemption cheques, splitting of applications in the schemes to
circumvent regulations for any benefit, etc.
9. Do not undertake commission driven malpractices such as:
a. recommending inappropriate products solely because the intermediary is getting higher
commissions therefrom.
b. encouraging over transacting and churning of Mutual Fund investments to earn higher
c. Splitting of applications to earn higher transaction charges / commissions.
10. Abstain from making negative statements about any AMC or scheme and ensure that
comparisons, if any, are made with similar and comparable products along with complete
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

11. Intermediaries shall keep themselves abreast with the developments relating to the Mutual
Fund Industry as also changes in the scheme information and information on mutual fund /
AMC like changes in fundamental attributes, changes in controlling interest, loads, liquidity
provisions, and other material aspects and deal with the investors appropriately having
regard to the up to date information.
12. Maintain confidentiality of all investor details, deals and transactions.
13. Intermediaries shall keep investors interest and suitability to their financial needs as
paramount and that extra commission or incentive should never form the basis for
recommending a scheme to the investor.
14. Intermediaries shall not rebate commission back to investors and abstain from attracting
investors through temptation of rebate/gifts etc.
15. To protect the investors from potential fraudulent activities, intermediary should take
reasonable steps to ensure that the investors address and contact details filled in the
mutual fund application form are investors own details, and not of any third party. Where
the required information is not available in the application form, intermediary should make
reasonable efforts to obtain accurate and updated information from the investor.
Intermediaries should abstain from filling wrong / incorrect information or information of
their own or of their employees, officials or agents as the investors address and contact
details in the application form, even if requested by the investor to do so. Intermediary
should abstain from tampering in any way with the application form submitted by the
investor, including inserting, deleting or modifying any information in the application form
provided by the investor.
16. Intermediaries including the sales personnel of intermediaries engaged in sales / marketing
shall obtain NISM certification and register themselves with AMFI and obtain a Employee
Unique Identification Number (EUIN) from AMFI apart from AMFI Registration Number
(ARN). The Intermediaries shall ensure that the employees quote the EUIN in the
Application Form for investments. The NISM certification and AMFI registration shall be
renewed on timely basis. Employees in other functional areas should also be encouraged to
obtain the same certification.
17. Intermediaries shall comply with the Know Your Distributor (KYD) norms issued by AMFI.
18. Co-operate with and provide support to AMCs, AMFI, competent regulatory authorities,
Due Diligence Agencies (as applicable) in relation to the activities of the intermediary or any
regulatory requirement and matters connected thereto.
19. Provide all documents of its investors in terms of the Anti Money Laundering / Combating
Financing of Terrorism requirements, including KYC documents / Power of Attorney /
investors agreement(s), etc. with Intermediaries as may be required by AMCs from time to
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

20. Be diligent in attesting / certifying investor documents and performing In Person
Verification (IPV) of investors for the KYC process in accordance with the guidelines
prescribed by AMFI / KYC Registration Agency (KRA) from time to time.
21. Adhere to AMFI guidelines and Code of Conduct issued from time to time related to
distributors, selling, distribution and advertising practices.
22. Intimate the AMC and AMFI any changes in the intermediarys status, constitution, address,
contact details or any other information provided at the time of obtaining AMFI
23. Observe high standards of ethics, integrity and fairness in all its dealings with all parties
investors, Mutual Funds/ AMCs, Registrars & Transfer Agents and other intermediaries.
Render at all times high standards of service, exercise due diligence, and ensure proper
24. Intermediaries satisfying the criteria specified by SEBI for due diligence exercise, shall
maintain the requisite documentation in respect of the Advisory or Execution Only
services provided by them to the investors.
25. Intermediaries shall refund to AMCs, either by set off against future commissions or
payment, all incentives of any nature, including commissions received, that are subject to
claw-back as per SEBI regulations or the terms and conditions issued by respective AMC.
26. In respect of purchases (including switch-in's) into any fund w.e.f. January 1, 2013, in the
event of any switches from Regular Plan (Broker Plan) to Direct Plan, all upfront
commissions paid to distributors shall be liable to complete and / or proportionate claw-
27. Do not indulge in fraudulent or unfair trade practices of any kind while selling units of
Schemes of any mutual fund. Selling of units of schemes of any mutual fund by any
intermediary directly or indirectly by making false or misleading statement, concealing or
omitting material facts of the scheme, concealing the associated risk factors of the schemes
or not taking reasonable care to ensure suitability of the scheme to the investor will be
construed as fraudulent / unfair trade practice.
Note: SID should be read in conjunction with SAI, and not in isolation.

Norms by SEBI
Over the last few years, SEBI has been introducing new regulations and procedures to comply
with various regulatory requirements as well as those laid down under the Prevention of
Money Laundering Act, 2002. These new regulations are applicable to distributors registered
under AMFI as well as persons who wish to invest in Mutual funds.
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KYC for investors (Know your Client)
In order to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, strict norms were required for
identifying such people who enter into financial transactions under the Prevention of Money
Laundering Act, 2002. SEBI accordingly issued guidelines for financial institutions and financial
intermediaries (including mutual funds) to know their clients.
Every individual who wishes to invest in a mutual fund, whether lump sum or by SIP, has to be
KYC compliant. An individual has to provide personal details such as name, address, financial
status, occupation and other personal information in the prescribed KYC form. Along with the
same, individual investors are required to produce his Proof of identity and Proof of Address as
prescribed in the form. Non-individual investors are required to produce documents relating to
its constitution/ registration to fulfill the KYC process.
A centralized platform has been carved out to carry out the KYC procedures across all market
intermediaries. Various Points of Services (Pos) have been provided where the KYC application
forms along with the verification documents are accepted and the KYC acknowledgement is
provided to the investor. Once the KYC procedure is duly completed in all regards, the investor
needs to produce a copy of the acknowledgement when investing for the first time with a
mutual fund.
KYC is mandatory for all investors (individuals and non-individuals) in a mutual fund scheme,
irrespective of the amount invested. In case of joint applications for a fund, all the joint holders
need to be KYC compliant. For investments by a minor, the Guardian should be KYC compliant.
The minor, upon attaining majority, should immediately apply for KYC compliance in his/ her
own capacity and intimate the concerned mutual funds. Investors who wish to invest through a
Power of Attorney (PoA) holder have to ensure that both the investor and the PoA holder
should be KYC compliant.
KYC Registration Agencies
SEBI has issued the KYC Registration Agency Regulations, 2011 in exercise of the powers
conferred under the SEBI Act.
Under the said Regulations, a KYC Registration Agency (KRA) is a company formed and
registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and which has been granted a certificate of
registration under the regulations.
The KRA shall obtain the KYC documents of the client from the intermediaries. The KRA
maintains the KYC records of an investor centrally, on behalf of the capital market
intermediaries registered with SEBI. It is also responsible for retaining the original KYC
documents of investors in both physical and electronic form for the prescribed period.
KRA accepts the KYC forms and documents pertaining to proof of identity and proof of address
received from intermediaries. It scans, digitalizes the documents and thereafter issues
acknowledgements/ conveys rejections to the investor.
KYD for distributors (Know your Distributor)
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

Under SEBIs advice, AMFI had to review the existing registration procedure for Mutual Fund
Distributors and initiate necessary action to strengthen the same to ensure correctness of
information furnished in the registration application and also to have in person verification of
the ARN holders.
AMFI has therefore introduced the Know Your Distributor (KYD) process for the Mutual Fund
distributors with effect from September 1, 2010. The KYD procedure consists of document
verification and Bio-metric process. Every mutual fund distributor is therefore required to apply
for KYD simultaneously along with application for registration of the ARN code.
The KYD norms is similar to the KYC norms for investors, requiring the distributors to submit
mandatorily identity proof, address proof, PAN and bank account details with proof.
AMFI has engaged Computer Age Management Services Ltd. (CAMS) to carry out the KYD
process through their centres across the country. Once the said process is done, the distributor
would have to obtain the acknowledgement from CAMS confirming the completion of the KYD
9.6. Ethical Issues in providing Financial Advice
Financial Intermediary a Perspective
The main role of a financial intermediary is channelizing the domestic savings into various
investment vehicles available. On the one hand the intermediary helps the issuer in mobilizing
resources for development/implementation of projects while on the other hand he helps the
investor obtain a reasonable return on his investment. In the Indian financial market, there are
many products with complexities which the common man/the small investor may not
understand. It is the financial intermediary who should take the most suitable product to the
retail investor that would serve the needs of the investor best and help in fulfilling his financial
goals. The intermediary plays a key role in the successful achievement of financial goals of
many Indian families.

The financial intermediary should realize that he would be very successful if he focuses on his
clients and the clients needs rather than on his own needs. It would be useful for the
intermediary to keep in mind this following very famous quotation of Zig Ziglar, the world
renowned corporate motivator: You can have everything in life you want; if you will just help
other people get what they want.
The intermediary many times works on targets and goes about selling financial products
aggressively to achieve the targets with in a time frame. While doing this sometimes the
suitability of the product to the investor is lost sight of. The investor should be center of the
activity and his interest should be uppermost in the minds of the advisors. It is important for
the advisor/intermediary to nurture and take care of the financial well being of his clients to
reap long term benefits.
The main problems/investor grievance areas in the advisory business can be highlighted as
NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

1. Advisors lack of focus on understanding client specific situations so as to provide
appropriate advice.
2. Advisors lack of understanding of the financial product which he is selling
3. Advisors lack of information about overall market and other available financial products
4. Adopting wrong practices like frequent switching from one product to another just for the
same of commissions.
5. Not educating/informing the investor about risks; uncertainties about financial products
that are sold, while highlighting only the good features of the product.
6. Poor after sales service
9.7. Investor Complaint redressal systems
Different regulators have developed different systems and platforms to provide redressal
mechanism to investors for grievances that they may have against market intermediaries.
SEBI has developed a centralized web based system for lodging and tracking investor
complaints which is known as SCORES (SEBI Complaint Redress System). Any person, who has a
grievance against a listed company (e.g. non-payment of dividend or issues related to transfer
of securities) or against any market intermediary, can file a complaint using SCORES.
SCORES can accept complaint against any market intermediary that is registered with SEBI. This
includes R&T Agents, Portfolio Managers, Depositories and its participants, Debenture Trustees,
Credit Rating Agencies, Custodians, Stock Exchanges, Merchant Bankers, Asset Management
Companies, Collective Investment Schemes, Bankers to an Issue and Brokers.
A complaint registered on SCORES is scrutinized by SEBI to determine if the subject matter falls
under its purview. If it falls under SEBIs purview, it will forward the complaint to the concerned
entity/intermediary, with an advice to send a written reply to the investor. The entity or
intermediary also needs to file an action taken report in SCORES within a reasonable period, not
later than 30 days.
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) have launched an online
grievance redressal mechanism called the Integrated Grievance Management System (IGMS).
The facility can be used to register complaints against insurers, brokers, intermediaries and
others. The nature of complaints that can be registered include those relating to processing the
proposal, servicing a policy and claims. Complaints against life and non-life insurers can be
registered on the portal.
The National Pension Scheme (NPS) has a multi-layered Grievance Redressal Mechanism. A NPS
subscriber who is not satisfied with the services offered, or has any other grievance, can lodge
his compliant using the Central Grievance Management System (CGMS) for complaint
resolution and grievance redressal for NPS subscribers.
Customers of banks who face a deficiency of service can apply to the banking ombudsman for
redressal under the Banking Ombudsman Scheme of the RBI. The scheme covers customers of
scheduled commercial banks and primary cooperative banks if their complaints are not
addressed by the concerned bank or if they are unsatisfied with the response of the bank.

NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination

Sample Questions
1. Which of the following persons is expected to comply with registration requirement
under SEBI (Investment Advisers) Regulations, 2013:
a. Fund Manager of an AMC
b. A distributor of a mutual fund who only receives commission from the AMC.
c. An IFA who charges advisory fees to investors
d. A Chartered Accountant practicing his profession

2. The minimum tangible assets to be maintained by an individual investment adviser
are Rs. _______.
a. 1 lac
b. 25 lacs
c. 5 lacs
d. 10 lacs

3. Registration and regulation of securities market intermediaries is the function of
d. SRO

4. A person who has a complaint against an insurance company must lodge his complaint
d. RBI

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