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Volume 83, Number 6, November 1977
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Spacetimes
Chapter 3. Examples of spacetimes
Chapter 4. Measurements and particles
Chapter 5. Matter and electromagnetism
Chapter 6. The Einstein field equation
Chapter 7. Cosmology
Chapter 8. Chronology, singularities and black holes
Chapter 9. Conclusion
This survey is for mathematicians but is about physics. We have in mind a
reader who hasn't worked on physics since sophomore days but is familiar
with tensor algebra, differential topology and Riemannian geometry on the
introductory graduate level. The theory of Lie groups is needed for discussing
examples but not for the fundamental ideas*
This chapter gives some physics background. Chapters 2-6 discuss basic
general and special relativity, including a very brief introduction to the theory
of black holes. Chapter 7 gives a sample application, cosmology. We should
point out that 7.2 summarizes the basic facts of cosmology and is entirely
descriptive; it can be understood by a reader who ignores all but the basic
definitions of this survey. Chapter 8 gives some examples of mathematics
used in current research.
We concentrate on basic current physics at the textbook or folk theorem
level. Bibliographical references will be sparse. [14], [20] and [9] are physics
texts which give historical background and far more details. [18] is in the
same style as this article.
1.1. Conventions. We give a few examples of our notation and terminology.
Smooth means C
. For us, a manifold is paracompact, Hausdorff, real, finite
dimensional and smooth. M denotes a manifold throughout. TM is the
tangent bundle with projection TT; thus if M^ denotes the tangent space of M
Expanded version of invited address given by one of us (R. K. S) at the annual meeting of the
American Mathematical Society, January 24, 1975, in Washington, D. C. We are grateful to
many colleagues, especially J. Arms, J. Beem, K. Sklower and B. O'Neill for detailed comments;
received by the editors March 16, 1976.
AMS (MOS) subject classifications (1970). Primary 53C50, 53-02, 83C99, 83F05, 83-02;
Secondary 53C20, 53B30, 83C05, 85-02, 85A40.
Research of both authors partially supported by the National Science Foundation.
American Mathematical Society 1977
1102 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
at x, then TM = \J
. A tensor field on a manifold is by definition
smooth unless explicitly indicated otherwise. Let F be a vector field on M ;
thus V: M - TM such that m <> V = identity. The value of V at x G M is
denoted by Vx, or sometimes V(x); thus Kx G M
Let JV be a manifold and <J>: JV -> M be a smooth map. <J>* will denote the
pullback and <t>* the differential. <> is a homeomorphic imbedding iff <>, is
everywhere nonsingular and <J>: iV > </>(A0 is a homeomorphism with respect
to the topology induced on <f>(N) c M by that of M.
Suppose the dimension of M is at least two. A Lorentzian metric on M is a
symmetric (0, 2)-tensor field g on M such that, Vx G M, the quadratic form
gx on M
has signature ( + , + , . . . , + , ) . Thus gx is nondegenerate and
max (dim A\A is a vector subspace of M
and g|^ is negative definite} = 1.
Then (M, g) is a Lorentzian manifold. Suppose <J>: M - M is smooth. <J> is an
isometry for (M, g) iff <f> is a diffeomorphism and <*g = g. Define (M, g) as
time-orientable iff there is a vector field V on M such that g(F, K) < 0
everywhere; this key definition will be examined much more closely in 2.3.
Let y: F- M be a continuous cwn>e, i.e. F c R is a connected subset
which contains more than one point, y goes from x to y iff F = [a, 6], x = ya
eind y = y. Let y: F ^ M b e a smooth curve, y*: F-> FM will denote the
tangent vector field. For example, suppose y is a homeomorphic imbedding.
Then there exists a vector field V on M such that V y = y*, du and d/du,
respectively, denote the canonical 1-form and vector field on F c R. For
example, let </ > and N be as above, <o be a 1-form on M, y: F-> N be a
smooth curve. Then
"(( Y)*) = (4>*V)(Y*) = (y*<f>V)(</M): F^R.
For R" = R X X R, u
denotes the /th projection. Thus, on any open
submanifold of R
, (du
, . . . , du
) is a basis for the 1-forms. (3
, . . . , d
) will
denote the dual basis.
The rest of this chapter contains little mathematics and can be skimmed.
1.2. General relativity. General relativity is a theory of nature, especially of
gravity. Its central assumption is that space, time, and gravity are merely
three aspects of one entity, called spacetime, and modeled by a time-
orientable Lorentzian 4-manifold (M, g). General relativity analyzes space-
time, electromagnetism, matter and their mutual influences. The models deal
with the complete history of a physical process, viewed as a whole. For
example, a point particle is modeled by a curve which represents the past,
present, and future of the particle. Thus a point z G M represents, e.g.,
Now in microphysics, gravity counts as a very minor effect. For example,
the mutual gravitational attraction between two electrons is believed to be
smaller than their electrostatic repulsion by a factor of more than 10
. But
gravity is long-range and cumulative. In the realm of stars and galaxies, it can
dominate. For example, the discovery of pulsars has shown that there are
some stars which avoid gravitational collapse only by a last-ditch effort, at a
circumference of perhaps fifty miles. For such stars, and for the universe as a
whole, general relativity is the best available theory. In principle, it applies
throughout macrophysics, as we now discuss.
Newtonian physics can handle weak gravitational effects. It cannot ade-
quately handle very strong ones, nor the high-speed effects which occur when
relative speeds comparable to the speed of light are involved, nor quantum
effects. Here, and throughout, "quantum" is used loosely; it refers to the
"fuzzy, jumpy" behavior of small objects. Special relativity can handle high
speed and quantum effects, but not gravitational ones. Current general
relativity unifies Newtonian theory and nonquantum special relativity into
one theory which can handle both high-speed effects and strong gravitational
ones. Thus its one known limitation is that quantum effects cannot be
handled systematically; they must be neglected or incorporated ad hoc. In
particular, the only known interactions in nature are gravity, nonquantum
electromagnetism and certain quantum interactions [21]. Thus the only inter-
actions which current general relativity can treat in a fully systematic way are
nonquantum electromagnetism and gravity.
As just indicated, we presently have two fundamental physical theories:
general relativity for macrophysics and special relativistic quantum theory for
microphysics. No one really knows how to combine these, although many
attempts have been made.
1.3. Past, present and future. Nonquantum special relativity was introduced
around 1905 by Einstein, Lorentz, Poincar, Minkowski and others. Some ten
years later, Einstein introduced general relativity, generalizing from flat to
curved Lorentzian manifolds to include gravity. The Newtonian limit of
general relativity, special relativity and quantum theory have each been
checked literally billions of times. But for many years, only small and poorly
measured effects within the solar system indicated that general relativity gives
better answers than combining Newtonian physics and nonquantum special
relativity ad hoc.
Today, more accurate measurements within the solar system, the apparent
success of general relativistic models for white dwarf stars and neutron stars
(e.g. pulsars), the possible discovery of the black holes and perhaps even of
the gravitational radiation predicted by the theory, and the tentative success
of general relativistic cosmology have given the theory a somewhat firmer
empirical foundation (cf. [14], [20]). It will eventually be submerged in a
theory which somehow unifies microphysics and macrophysics. But its basic
ideas will probably be essential in formulating this more accurate theory.
1.4. Time and motion. We shall always use units such that the speed c of
light is the dimensionless number 1. Thus a distance L of 2 seconds means
L = 2 (light-) seconds ^ 6 x 10
We outline how some fundamental concepts of macrophysics have changed
during this century. For example, one used to model physical time by
Newton's absolute time. Around 1900, it was realized that this model is
inaccurate. Nowadays, a very private time called comoving or proper time,
modeled by arclength with respect to a Lorentzian metric, is the only
corresponding basic concept.
To see roughly what is involved, imagine in elementary Newtonian physics
a small body moving in a straight line. Suppose the motion is described by a
smooth function x: R -* R with x(t) the Euclidean position* x(t) the Newto-
nian velocity, and \x(t)\ the Newtonian speed for each Newtonian time
1ER. Assume gravity is negligible.
As in freshman calculus, the function x(t) can be analyzed to advantage
through its graph, i.e., the smooth curve y in R
such that y: R-R
yu = (x(u), u) Vu E R. The game is to supply R
with the Lorentzian metric
g = du
and then replace x by y up to certain reparame-
trizations of the domain R and up to isometries of the image space (R
, g)
(definitions as in 2.1 following).
, g) is time-orientable (1.1, 2.3). In the present context, time-orienta-
bility simply means that the following convention makes sense. For y E R
, a
vector V E (R
is future-directed iff both g(V, V) < 0 and du\V) > 0
hold; this convention then time-orients (R
, g). For example, if E R
, then
the vectors d
y and d
y + d[y are future-directed, but d
y + 23, ^ and
y are not.
Throughout the rest of this section, (R
, g), the time-orientation, x: R ~ R
and y (x, identity map of R) are as above. However, each formal definition
below generalizes automatically if (R
, g) is replaced by a spacetime (M, g) as
defined in 2.4 and y is replaced by a smooth curve into M; the definitions
thus apply throughout general and special relativity, y is future-directed iff
y+u is future-directed Vw E R.
Now, in our units, the Newtonian speed is no greater than the speed of
light iff \x\ < 1, where equality holds iff the Newtonian speed equals that of
light. On the other hand y*
(* 0>
s o
g(Y*> Y*) ~ *
"" ! Tlm
g(*> T*) < 0 iff the Newtonian speed is no greater than the speed of light.
This suggests, though it does not prove, how one can replace the criterion
|JC| < 1, which involves the physically inaccurate concept of Newtonian time.
Note that g(y*, y*) is a function R - R.
DEFINITION 1.4.1. y models motion at the speed of light (resp. at less than the
speed of light) iff y is future-directed and g(y*, y*) = 0 (resp.< 0) every-
Now, as long as R
is regarded concretely, replacing x by y as above still
does not excise Newtonian time t: if u
: R
-> R is regarded as a distinguished
function one can identify u
and t conceptually. But the crucial Definition
1.4.1 makes sense even if we regard R
merely as a manifold, with the C
structure, g, the above time-orientation, and the usual R
orientation as the
only given structures. One thus says that "the speed of light is absolute".
This shift to a basis-free viewpoint corresponds to genuinely new physics.
The natural automorphisms of (M, g) are now those isometries <f>: M -* M
which preserve the orientation and preserve the time-orientation, i.e. for every
vector V, <j>+ V is future-directed iff V is itself future-directed; note here that if
V is future-directed,
gfaV,*tV) - (**)(K, V) = g(K, V) < 0.
A standard computation shows that <f>: M ~ M is such a natural automor-
phism iff there exist a\a\ /? E R such that
l o
< A (a
\ . /cosh/? s i n h 0 \ /
i \
**} \a
) Uinh)8 c o s h ^ / U
In general, u
<> <f> =* u\ indeed <(>*du
* du
. Thus the phyisically inac-
curate concept of absolute time has been done away with thereby* One might
try the whole set {u
<^\a\ /? E R} as a replacement. This leads to the
standard effects discussed in elementary special relativity texts. For example,
if /? ^ 0, the level surfaces of u
<j> are not those of u
("relativity of
simultaneity"), and (<t>*du
) > du
) ("time dilation"). Similarly,
X9i)l > l^
(3i)l for $ * 0 ("Lorentz contraction").
But a different replacement for Newton's absolute time is the fundamental
one physically. Since arclengths are intrinsic, it makes mathematical sense to
define the proper time interval,
* - l
for y between yu
and yw
whenever y is a smooth future-directed curve which
models motion at a speed less than that of light (1.4.1). A proper time interval
is interpreted as time measured on any good clock moving with the body
modeled by y. This interpretation has been checked empirically very many
times; most of the checks are indirect; none is infinitely accurate; all have
yielded consistency (cf. 1.5).
Proper time intervals are conceptually very different from absolute time.
Suppose we have two curves y, f as above both of which model motion at a
speed less than the speed of light and intersect at exactly two points. Then the
two relevant arclengths, in general, differ ("one twin ages more than the
other"; in the early days of special relativity, this effect was regarded as
paradoxical by some people). In particular, suppose y is a geodesic of the
Levi-Civita connection of (R
, g), i.e. y is a straight line. Then y is not a
geodesic. A short calculation shows that y ages more than y (Riemannian
geometry here incorrectly suggests less). For each spacetime, this "twin
inequality" has an algebraic counterpart (2.2) and a global geometric one
Replacing the Newtonian concept of the speed of light by 1.4.1 and
replacing absolute time by arclengths as above were perhaps the most
important changes effected by relativity. But every other Newtonian concept
was either replaced by some intrinsic concept or dropped entirely. We give
one more example.
Imagine a small body falling in the earth's gravity. Suppose air friction,
changes in the gravity due to the body itself, etc. are negligible. Galileo and
Newton knew that the history of such a body is determined by an initial
position and an initial Newtonian velocity, independent of the body's mass,
composition, etc.-a bullet can have the same orbit as a spaceship. Einstein
perceived that geodesies have a similar property: given a point and a tangent
vector at the point, one gets a unique inextendible geodesic, independent of
mass, composition, etc. Thus in the current theory, one uses future-directed
geodesies of the Levi-Civita connection to model small bodies that are freely
falling. The physical interpretation of free fall is that the net external force
due to electromagenetism and quantum interactions is negligible, so that only
gravity is relevant. Using geodesies then makes gravity simply one aspect of
spacetime. For example, a short calculation shows y above is a geodesic iff
the Newtonian velocity x is independent of Newtonian time. The Newtonian
interpretation of x = constant (equivalently, x = 0, or no acceleration) is that
no net external force, gravitational or otherwise, acts on the body. The
relativistic interpretation is two-fold: y geodesic <- only gravity acts on the
body; gravity negligible <-> (R
, g) has zero curvature. Taken together, the two
relativistic interpretations are consistent with the Newtonian one.
1.5. Asides on physics vs. mathematics. "As far as the laws of mathematics
refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do
not refer to reality" (Einstein, as quoted in [14, p. 43]). For later reference we
mention some examples and implications of Einstein's comment.
To regard Definition 1.4.1 as a purely mathematical definition would be a
swindle, since "speed of light" has an empirical meaning; nature not being a
theorem, the empirical meaning can never be made fully precise mathemati-
cally. In what follows, definitions will be more important than theorems since
many will be, like 1.4.1, physical postulates in disguise. To handle the
extra-mathematical connotations, considerable discussion will be needed in
some cases.
The discussion above 1.4.1 does not in any sense prove 1.4.1. One reason,
among many, is that Newtonian physics was used and Newtonian physics is
inaccurate. Generally speaking, physical theories are guessed, not deduced. In
particular, general relativity cannot really be proved from anything simpler
than itself.
The physical interpretation of arclengths in 1.4 might be regarded as a
prescription for checking whether a Lorentzian metric really exists and
measuring if it does exist: sufficiently many such arclengths will determine
the Lorentzian metric uniquely. But there are many other ways to check for
the existence of, and measure, the Lorentzian metric in general relativity. The
real point is that one has an overall mathematical theory which is, by the skin
of its teeth, mathematically consistent. The theory has a rich supply of
extra-mathematical interpretations as in 1.4. These are at least sufficiently
precise so that one can check the theory as a whole against nature as a whole
a few billion times. In the absence of contradictions, the theory remains
We define the models for space, time and gravity, ignoring matter and
electromagnetism for the time being.
2.1. Lorentzian manifolds. Let M be an -manifold, n > 2. There exists a
Lorentzian metric g on M iff there exists a nowhere zero vector field on M.
(One direction is immediate: If V is such a vector field, we may assume that
F is a unit vector field relative to some Riemannian metric h on M. Let co be
the 1-form dual to V relative to h. Then g = / *-2<o( oi sa Lorentzian
metric. The converse assertion needs some algebraic topology.) In particular,
if M is connected and noncompact, there exists a Lorentzian metric on M.
Let (M, g) be a Lorentzian manifold, D be the Levi-Civita connection of g,
i.e. D
g = 0 and D
Y - D
X = [X, Y] for all vector fields X, Y on M. The
curvature tensor is the unique (1, 3)-tensor field R on M which obeys
/?(to,*, y, z ) = ^(DjJVY - z)
* - D
for each 1-form <o and all vector fields X, Y, Z on M. The Ricci tensor is the
symmetric (0, 2)-tensor field Ric defined by
Ric(*,r) S *(<o,*,*
, y),
a - 1
with (co
, . . . , co
) any local basis of 1-forms and (X
,..., A"
) the dual basis.
A basis (X
,..., X
) for A/
, x E M, is defined as (ordered and
Lorentzian) orthonormal iff the dual basis (co
, . . . , co") obeys
A 7 - 1
Let 7
be a (0, 2)-tensor field on Af. We define trace T as that smooth function
on M which obeys
(trace r ) - 2
( ^ */) - T(X
, X
), Vx E M
i - i
and for an orthonormal basis (X
. . . , X
) of M
; the definition is indepen-
dent of the choice of {X
}. The scalar curvature is s = trace Ric.
Asides (A) For Lorentzian manifolds, paracompactness need not be pos-
tulated independently; indeed the Lorentzian metric (or any affine connec-
tion) allows one to construct a Riemannian metric on the principal bundle.
(B) In classical notation: the Levi-Civita connection D is characterized by the
pair of equations
= 0 and X$Y
- Yf
= X$Y
- Y*X';
R is characterized by ^R^ = ij
- %.
\ (Ric)^ = R
by definition;
5 = (Ric)
' by definition; (X
. . . , A"
) is orthonormal iff
BitpXIiXi = = g^XJ^
1 g^XjfXZ,
and g^XfXf = 0 V/ ^y' . Though it happens to be best for relativity, we shall
not use this classical index notation at all.
2.2. Lorentzian algebra. Let (M, g) be a Lorentzian -manifold and suppose
x E M. We need many details about the vector space M
together with the
quadratic form gx on M
. Let A c M^ be a vector subspace. The crwsa/
character of A is: spacelike iff g|^ is positive definite, lightlike iff g|^ is
degenerate, timelike otherwise. The cawsa/ character of V E M
is that of
span V. Thus F is: timelike iff g(V, V) < 0; lightlike iff g(V, V) = 0 and
V = 0; spacelike iff g( V, V) > 0 or V = 0. F is azwstf/ iff F is timelike or
lightlike. For example, if V is causal, F ^ O.
The span of a causal vector corresponds to physically realizable motion
(1.4). We shall always assume no information can travel faster than the
speed of light. On this assumption, a nonzero spacelike vector is of little or no
physical interest.
The next two results can be obtained by standard, though slightly tedious
algebra. We shall use the standard notation:

={V EM
\g(V, W) = 0VWEA} VA C M
2.2.1. The wrong-way Schwarz inequality. Suppose V, W E M
are causal.
Then |g(K, W)\ > \\V\[||JF||, where equality holds iff span V = span W.
This implies: (A) a timelike vector V and a causal vector W are never
orthogonal, i.e. g(V, W) ^ 0; (B) two lightlike vectors are orthogonal iff they
are proportional (!); (C) A vector V is timelike iff the (n - l)-dimensional
subspace V
is spacelike; (D) V is timelike iff there exists an (ordered,
Lorentzian) orthonormal basis (X
. , X
V/\\ V\\).
2.2.2. Open solid cones. (A) The set

c M
of timelike vectors is open
and has two connected components, say 9J ; V E + iff ( - V) E ?Tj. (B)
Each connected component is a solid cone, i.e. a > 0, b > 0 and V, W E 9J
imply aV + bW E ?T^.
We illustrate the preceding with a figure, drawn for the case n = 3.
Locally and globally, physically and formally, this solid cone structure is the
heart of relativity, as we shall gradually explain. For example, the existence of
two connected components means one can draw a distinction, at least locally,
between "heading towards the future" and "heading towards the past"
(compare 1.4).
Combining 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 gives the following.
2.2.3. Wrong-way triangle inequality. Suppose V
W E ?T+. Then
where equality holds iff span V = span W. The same holds for V
W E ?T~.
2.3. Time-orientability. Let (Af, g) be a Lorentzian manifold, ?T =
{(JC, V) E TM\g(V, V) < 0} be the timelike subset of TM, supplied with
the induced topology. Thus ^ = (TT~
X) n 9\ Vx E M.
PROPOSITION 2.3.1. Suppose M is connected. (A) ?T is open; it has at most two
connected components; \/x E M, the intersection of TT~
X with any connected
component is nonempty. (B) ?T has exactly two connected components iff there is
an everywhere timelike vector field on M.
(A) follows from the algebraic counterpart 2.2.2 in a rather routine way on
using the bundle isomorphism \p: TM -> TM given by \p(x, V) = (JC, - V).
Now to prove (B), assume ?T has two connected components, say 5"* Then
Vx E M, there is a neighborhood %
and a vector field V
: 9l
-> 7 ^ n
. Let { ^} be a smooth partition of unity such that each <f>
> 0 and has
support in %<. Then V = 2</>
K, is a vector field with value in ?T
since the
solid cone property 2.2.2(B) holds pointwise. Thus an everywhere timelike
vector field V exists. Conversely, suppose such a V exists. Take ?T
{(x, W) E $]g(K, W) < 0} and ?T = ^?T+ for ^ as above. Then ?F
n 3"~
= 0. ?T
U ?T" = ?T, and each of 5* is open. Thus (B) holds.
By 1.1 and 2.3.1(B) (M, g) is time-orientable iff ?T has exactly two
connected components.
EXAMPLE 2.3.2. Let S
be the circle R/TTZ, and let M = R X S
. Let the
natural projections be w: M->R, <#>: Af -> 5
, where we regard 0 < <j> < n*
Thus </</> is a smooth 1-form on M. With g = du du - d$ d& (M, g) is
time - orientable. Now define
(o = cos </ > dw + sin <> rf</>, TJ = sin </ > du + cos <| > rf</>
on the open submanifold {<> 7* 0}. Take g = <oj + 7j<o and extend g to
a Lorentzian metric on all of M by continuity at </ > = 0. Then (M, g) is not
time-orientable. The following schematic diagrams illustrate both of these
(M,g) time-orientable (M,g) not time-orientable
In our later definition of a spacetime, we shall demand time-orientability.
This is standard: one is interested only in those universes whose beings can
distinguish between heading towards the future or the past (cf. [9] for more
detailed motivations).
Suppose (M, g) is time-oriented, i.e. (M, g) is time-orientable and one
component of 9" has been designated ?T
. Then V E M
is future-directed iff
V 7*= 0 and (x, V) E Closure ?T
. Thus a future-directed vector is causal, and
a causal vector is nonzero and either future-directed or past-directed. Here, as
elsewhere, we take for granted dual definitions and results concerning past
and future, e.g. the definition of past-directed. The terminology for vectors is
1110 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
carried over to vector fields and curves in the way indicated by the following
A smooth curve y: F-> M is causal iff y^u is causal Vw E F; a vector field
V is future-directed timelike iff Vx is future-directed timelike Vx E Af; etc.
Thus a geodesic y must be either timelike, lightlike or spacelike, but a general
curve need not have a well-defined causal character.
Asides. (A) If a manifold M admits a Lorentzian metric g, then it also
admits one, to be called g, such that (M, g) is time - orientable. (B) If a
Lorentzian manifold either has a lightlike vector field or is simply connected,
then it is time - orientable. (C) Neither converse of (B) holds. (D). Time-
orientability and orientability are independent conditions.
2.4. Spacetimes. We now give our key definition.
DEFINITION 2.4.1. A spacetime is a connected, oriented, time-oriented,
Lorentzian 4-manifold (M, g).
We mention some motivations (cf. 1.5). (A) Four dimensions, rather than
three, are needed to model a complete history since intuitively there are three
spatial dimensions and one time-dimension. In this context, "disconnected"
would connote "always has been, is, and always will be disconnected", so one
takes M connected. (B) Some physicists do not regard orientability as
essential, but most do. (C) By our definitions, M and g are smooth. As in
other physical theories, the motivation for assuming smoothness is obscure.
(D) The Lorentzian metric g plays many roles. Going from Newtonian
physics to relativity is mainly a matter of excising extraneous structures;
somehow g remembers just the right things (cf. 1.4). Concepts of time,
distance, gravity, speed of light, acceleration, rotation, causality, etc. are
modeled using g, to the extent that they are retained at all.
Literally thousands of modifications of general relativity have been sug-
gested; [14] and [20] discuss a few. Some of the modifications use a connec-
tion with torsion. We shall ignore all the modifications here. In particular, the
Levi-Civita connection (2.1) of a spacetime (M, g) will always be implied.
Henceforth, (M, g) is a spacetime. A geodesic y: F->M is complete iff
F = R; (M, g) is (geodesically) complete iff each inextendible geodesic is
complete. For an example of a complete spacetime, cf. 2.5 following. For an
example of an inextendible geodesic which is not complete, and thus also of a
spacetime which is not complete, cf. 3.1.5 following.
The spacetime equivalence class of (M, g) is the set [(Af, g)] =
{(AT, g')|(M', g') is a spacetime and there exists an orientation and
time-orientation preserving isometry between M and M' }. An essential
connotation of the word "relativity" is that [(M, g)], rather than (M, g)
viewed concretely, is the object of interest (cf. 1.4).
2.4.2. Isometry groups. Let (M, g) be a spacetime. The isometry group of M
M = [<f>: M -* M\<(> is an isometry}
(cf. 1.1). M is a Lie group of dimension less than or equal to ten (cf.
Kobayashi and Nomizu [12, p. 238]). Let # be a vector field on M, and L
the Lie derivative. K is Killing iff L
g = 0. Suppose K is complete. Then K is
Killing iff each element of its flow is an isometry. Suppose K is Killing and y:
F -* M is a geodesic. Then g(y*, K) is a constant, i.e. a constant function
from F to R.
If (M, g) is a really detailed, realistic model, then M simply consists of the
identity map, just as a faithful model for the surface of the earth, mountains
and all, would be a Riemannian 2-manifold without any nontrivial isometries.
S M is nontrivial iff some symmetry idealization-time independence, spherical
symmetry, spatial homogeneity, plane wave symmetry, etc.-is being used. For
example, suppose A' is a complete, future-directed timelike Killing vector field
on M. Imagine an observer whose history is modeled by an integral curve of
K. Since each element of the flow of K is an isometry, the observer "sees
nothing changing" in the geometry as he proceeds towards the future. A
spacetime is defined as time-independent ( = stationary) iff there is a timelike
Killing vector field on it. This corresponds to the Newtonian concept of a
time-independent gravitational field. Somewhat oversimplified in principle,
such symmetry idealizations are often essential in practice.
Let % c @M be a Lie subgroup and suppose x G M. The orbit of %
through x is {y G M\<j>x = y for some </ > G %}. An orbit is a submanifold:
indeed if % is the subgroup of % leaving x fixed, then the orbit of %
through x is diffeomorphic to the quotient manifold %/%.
2 A3. Physical equivalence. For each j> G M, let M* denote the dual tangent
space; gy then determines an isomorphism \p
: M
-* M* (the "index-lowering
map") via ( ^ V)( W) = g( V, W),\/V, W G M
. V and the covector ^ V are
by definition physically equivalent. The concept of physical equivalence ex-
tends in the natural way to tensor fields on M or on subsets of M, as
indicated by the following examples. Let 5" be a (1, l)-tensor field on M. The
unique (0, 2^-tensor field <$ physically equivalent to % is characterized by
#( K, W) = ^(xp
V, W\ \/y G Mjind V F, W G M
. The unique {2
field <$ physically equivalent to <$ is similarly characterized by ?F((o, rf) =
5"(I/JTV \p
ri), Vy G M, V(o, TJ G A/,?. If one tensor in a physical equiva-
lence class has a physical interpretation, e.g. as an electromagnetic field
(5.4), the same interpretation is assigned to all other members. For example,
suppose is a smooth function on M. Then the 1-form df is past-directed
timelike iff, Vy G M, the vector ^
[{df)y] is past-directed timelike.
2.5. Minkowski spacetime; special relativity. The most important spacetime
in physics is defined as follows.
M = R
, g = 2 du' <&' - </w
the orientation is determined by dw
A * ' * A du
and the time-orientation is
determined by requiring 3
to be future-directed. (M, g) is called Minkowski
spacetime. Let [(M, g)] be the spacetime equivalence class of Minkowski
spacetime. A spacetime (AT, g') is in [(M, g)] iff (M', g
) is simply connected,
is complete, and has zero curvature tensor. This occurs iff the isometry group
@M' is the Poincar group: a ten-dimensional Lie group with four connected
components which generalizes the natural automorphism group of 1.4, and
can be defined as the semidirect product of 0(3, 1) with the group R
the usual representation of O (3, 1) on R
t(Af, g)] models the trivial gravitational field: no gravity at all. One uses
[(M, g)] iff one is doing quantum or nonquantum special relativity. Note the
obvious fact that not every causal curve in M is a geodesic. Thus the
assertion, found in some popularizations, that special relativity cannot handle
accelerations is (grotesquely) false.
2.6. Elementary global properties. Recall that (M, g) is a spacetime.
Compact spacetimes are almost never used. One reason is this: Let M be a
compact spacetime. Then its universal covering M is a noncompact spacetime.
Here, the spacetime structure of M is obtained by pulling back from M the
Lorentzian metric, the orientation and the time-orientation via the covering
map. The following topological reasoning shows that M is not compact. If M
were compact, its first Betti number would vanish by simple connectivity, and
so would its third Betti number by Poincar duality. The Euler characteristic
of M would then be positive. Since M admits a Lorentzian metric, it has a
nowhere zero^vector field (cf. 2.1). This implies that its Euler characteristic is
zero so that M cannot be compact.
(M, g) is defined as maximal iff there is no spacetime (iV, h) such that M is
a proper subset of N and h\
= g. Suppose (Af, g) is not maximal and (N, h)
is as above. Then one can "see into or out of' M in the following sense: There
is a lightlike geodesic of N which intersects both M and N M. The proof,
here omitted, consists of choosing a point on the boundary of M and using a
local argument. In practice, this result gives a convenient way to check
spacetimes for maximality, as we shall see. In particular, note that a complete
spacetime is maximal.
Whenever possible, one uses maximal spacetimes. But sometimes one is too
lazy or insufficiently clever to work out a full model that is maximal. For
example, it is often convenient to model (the history of) the earth's exterior,
ignoring (the history of) the inside, which is much more complicated and to
some extent unknown. In such a case one uses a spacetime which is not
maximal (compare 3.2). Even a maximal spacetime is usually not complete.
Incompleteness of causal geodesies has rather deep interpretations and im-
plications (Chapters 3, 6 and 7). Incompleteness or completeness of spacelike
geodesies is not of much interest physically.
The global structure of spacetime is subtler than that of a Riemannian
manifold. Roughly, the key extra question is "who can communicate with
whom?" For example, in most cosmological models, not all of spacetime can
be observed from the point "here-now", even in principle. Roughly, looking
outward in space involves looking backward in time and we get no signals
from points which are too distant-late. It has turned out that to analyze such
questions, one needs two basic objects, a chronology relation and a chrono-
logical distance, which we now define. Henceforth, as a mnemonic device, the
use of the specific letter z E M is usually an invitation to interpret z
intuitively as here-now; then y E M will usually be "earlier" and x E M
"still earlier".
Suppose (x, z) E M X M.x chronologically precedes z iff there is a smooth,
future-directed, timelike curve y: [a, b] - M from x to z. Here, "chronologi-
cally" refers to the fact that the arclength of y models proper ("comoving")
time interval, as explained in 1.4. Define the chronology relation < by: x < z
iff x chronologically precedes z. We shall sometimes regard < as a subset of
M X Af. The chronological past of z is I ~{ z} s {x E M|JC < z}. As before,
the definitions of dual objects, e.g. the chronological future /
{z} of z, will
often be taken for granted.
EXAMPLE 2.6.1. Make Minkowski spacetime into a spacetime (N, g) such
that N is diffeomorphic to R
by identifying (H>, a) E R
with (w,
a 4- l)Vw E R
and Va E R. Then each point chronologically precedes every
point, in particular, itself. < is then all of M X Af, and Vz E M. 7~{ z} = M
+ {*}.
A spacetime obeys the chronology condition iff no point chronologically
precedes itself. Apart from the present example, we will in this article
consider only spacetimes which obey the chronology condition. One reason is
that physics would be very confusing if someone could in principle murder
his own ancestors. Thus the following comments are merely asides. (A) A
spacetime obeys the chronology condition iff each timelike curve is never
closed [16]. (B) No compact spacetime obeys the chronology condition [16].
(C) Certain spacetimes which model rotating black holes violate the chronol-
ogy condition [9]. (D) It seems clear that if one wants to impose the
chronology condition for physical reasons, one should go whole hog and
impose a more stringent condition (cf. Chapter 8).
We now consider chronological distance. Suppose x < z. Corresponding to
the wrong-way triangle inequality 2.2.3, short, smooth timelike curves from x
to z are a dime a dozen. The reader can check that by putting in enough
smooth wiggles one can reduce the arclength below any pre-assigned positive
value. But if there exists a longest such curve, the curve is a timelike geodesic,
by essentially the same argument as in Riemannian geometry.
Take (0, oo] as (0, co) u {oo} with the usual order, order topology and
addition; thus a + oo = oo Va E (0, oo]. Regard < as a subset of M X M as
before. The chronological distance function of spacetime M is </:<- (0, oo],
where d(x, z) = supremum {arclength y|y is a smooth, future-directed time-
like curve from x to z}, V(x, z) E <, In Example 2.6.1, d(x, z) = oo Vx,
z E Af, and d is useless. But we shall be mainly interested in cases where d is
much better behaved. For example, on Minkowski spacetime,
[</(*, z ) ]
- - 2 (
^ -
+ (
2 v
( * >
The chronology relation and chronological distance have as their basic
properties global versions of the algebraic properties 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. The
globalization of the solid cone property 2.2.2 (B) is that < is transitive. This
follows from a corner rounding argument [16]. So does the fact that d obeys
the global wrong-way triangle inequality: whenever x<&y < z, d(x, z) >
d(x, y) + d(y
z). Finally, recall that, Vz E Af, the set ?Tf of past-directed
timelike vectors is open. The global version is the following.
THEOREM 2.6.2 (PENROSE [16]). I~{z) is open Vz E Af.
Since the constraint that a curve be timelike is an open condition, the
theorem is plausible. However, some work is required because I~*{z) need
not be in the image of the exponential map exp
. The proof requires two
lemmas. Recall that a geodesically convex subset % c M is characterized by
the fact that Vx,.y E %, there is a unique geodesie in %, y: [0, 1] - 9l, from
x to j . Further, given .y E Af, a neighborhood % of ^ is called a normal
neighborhood iff the inverse exponential map restricted to %, exp^
]^ is a
well-defined smooth map.
LEMMA 2.6.3. Given y E Af, f/zere a geodesically convex open neighborhood
% # >> wA/cA w af the same time a normal neighborhood of each of its points.
This well-known lemma, due to Henry Whitehead, is valid not just for the
Levi-Civita connection but for every affine connection as well (cf. Helgason
[10] or Kobayashi and Nomizu [12]).
LEMMA 2.6.4. Let (%, g) be a geodesically convex spacetime such that % is
itself a normal neighborhood of each of its points. Let x,y E %. Then x <&y iff
the geodesic y: [0, 1] - % from y to x is past-directed timelike.
PROOF. It suffices to prove the "only if" part. Let exp^: & - % be the
exponential map, where & c ^ is the maximal domain of definition of exp
The assumption on % imply that exp |

is a diffeomorphism. Let 5^ c ^
be the two open solid cones of timelike vectors (2.2), and define %

(& n S'

) C $1. Then %
and %"" are open and disjoint since exp^ is a
diffeomorphism. Define the "square distance" function/: % - R by
fw = g(exp; -y exp"
w), Vw E %;
is smooth. Now fw < 0 if f w E <?L
u 91T, iff the geodesic from y to w is
timelike. Moreover, the vector field R physically equivalent to df is radial
[16]: V w % - {y}, Rw = a(aj), where a E (0, oo) and a: [0, 1] -* % is
the unique geodesic fromj> to w. In particular, Rw is past-directed timelike iff
w E %".
Now suppose x<&y. By definition there exists a smooth past-directed
timelike curve y: [0, 1] -> % from >> to x. A computation gives: ( o y)(0) =
0, d(f(yu))/du\
0, and rf
< 0. Thus there is an e > 0
so small that the image y[0, e] c %~. In particular, (ye) < 0. Now the point
is that y cannot escape from %" ; specifically, suppose yl 2 %~, and we will
derive a contradiction. There exists a u E (e, 1] such that /(yw) > 0. Thus
there is a u
E (e, u) such that yw
E %~ and df(y^u
) > 0. But R(yu
) and
y^Mo are both past-directed timelike, whence df(y*u
) = #(/?, y^w
) < 0
(2.2). Contradiction. Thus yl E %~, and the geodesic from y to x is
past-directed timelike.
PROOF OF THEOREM 2.6.2. This is now straightforward. Suppose x E I~{z)
and let % be a geodesically convex open neighborhood of x which is a
normal neighborhood of each of its points (2.6.3). Since there is a smooth
future-directed timelike curve from JC to z, there is a y on this curve which is
ll. Then x . y z . By Lemma 2.6.4, x E %~ where %~ is as in the
proof of that lemma. Thus %' is an open neighborhood of x in M. By
transitivity of <, w E I ~{z} \fw E %~. Hence <?L~ c / ~{z}.
2.6.5. Conformai invariance. Computing the chronology relation can often
be simplified by the following remark. Suppose : Af - (0, oo) is smooth and
tet o * /# Then (M, g
) is a spacetime in the natural way and clearly

= .
For physical purposes, one sometimes needs the causal past ("observable
past") of z EL M, defined as the set of those points from which there is a
smooth, future-directed causal curve to z together with z itself. Clearly I~{z}
is a subset of the causal past of z. Causal pasts are much clumsier than
chronological ones so one avoids them as much as possible. Fortunately they
are not much bigger:
THEOREM 2.6.6 [16]. If x is in the causal past of z, then x is in the closure of
the chronological past of z.
Asides (cf. [16]). Suppose z G M; let I~{z) be its chronological past and
J~{z) be its causal past. (A) / ~{ z} is perfectly open, i.e.,
Interior [Closure ( " { z})] = I~ { z}.
(B) It now follows from 2.6.6 that Closure ( ~{z}) = Closure (I~{z}), and
similarly for the interiors. (C) Sometimes J~{z] is closed, but in general it is
neither open nor closed. To get examples, remove one point from Minkowski
spacetime. (D) As one might have guessed, the boundary of / ~{z} contains
lightlike geodesies; however, their behavior is very tricky. (E) A smooth
timelike curve intersects the boundary of I~{z) at most once. (F) x E
Closure "{ z} iff I~{x) c / " { z}.
We discuss in this chapter the spacetimes which rank next to Minkowski
spacetime in importance.
3.1. Einstein-de Sitter spacetime. The spacetime used most often in current
cosmology concisely illustrates most of the points in Chapter 2. For the
moment we treat it mainly as a geometric example; a more detailed discus-
sion is given in Chapter 7. Let h be the ordinary Euclidean metric on R
Take M = R
X (0, oc), with projections p: M -^ R
and t: M-H (0, oo). Then
g = t
p*h dt dt is a Lorentzian metric on M. Orient M via
take tnat time-orientation for which 3, is future-directed, where 3, is defined
by p*3, = 0 and dt(d
) = 1. (M, g) will denote Einstein-de Sitter spacetime,
defined as above, throughout the rest of this section.
We will shortly show that t and 3, are intrinsically attached to the
Lorentzian metric and can therefore be defined without reference to the
explicit direct product representation of M as R
X (0, oc). In Chapter 7, we
will motivate the following interpretation rule: Ms a cosmological time,
increasing from t almost zero near the "big bang" (= the hypothetical
"moment of creation" of our universe, or the hypothetical hypersurface
{/ = 0} which is not in M) to a value of roughly 10
years at here-now;
moreover, the history of (the center of) any galaxy is modeled by an integral
curve of 3
Given these interpretations, the spacetime equivalence class [(Af,
g)] is a surprisingly accurate model for the history of our universe, at least
near here-now. We now consider [(M, g)] geometrically.
3.1.1. Another representation (Cf. 2.4). With M, p, /, h as above, we define a
new Lorentzian metric g = (t/3)\p*h dt 0 dt) and choose the orientation
and time-orientation in the obvious manner. Then (M, g) E [(M, g)]. To see
this, use the fact that f-/
1 / 3
is a diffeomorphism (0, oo)-*(0, oo) which
induces an isometry between (Af, g) and (A/, g).
All our subsequent discussion will refer to (M, g) rather than to (M, g)
unless otherwise specified. (Af, g) is sometimes useful for technical reasons;
compare 3.1.7.
3,1.2. Curvature, The Ricci tensor of Einstein-de Sitter spacetime (Af, g) is
Ric = (2/9t
Xg + 2dt <#) and the scalar curvature is s = (4/9f
). The
quickest proof consists of introducing the global, orthonormal basis
p*du\ t
, t
dt) of 1-forms. Then one can compute the
connection forms, curvature forms, curvature tensor, Ric and s much as in
Riemannian geometry (cf. 2.1), Note that / = | ^~
l / 2
, so that t is an
invariant of the Lorentzian metric, as mentioned earlier. Note also that the
scalar curvature obeys s - oo for t -* 0 ("big bang**).
Each level surface of s is a homeomorphically imbedded 3-manifold
diffeomorphic to R
. Let <J>: R
- M be such an imbedding; then <|>R
is a
level surface of t; <|>R
is called a space-slice. (R
, <J>*g) is isometric to
Euclidean 3-space (via u* ~ f
V, for / = 1, 2, 3); one thus sometimes says
the "spatial curvature" vanishes. Each space-slice corresponds to the popular
notion of "our physical universe at a given instant". Though very intuitive,
such space-slices are almost completely useless in analyzing actual data: given
z E M, e.g. z here-now, the space-slice through z is disjoint from the
chronological past of z (cf. 2.6). Note further that w'' <f> (i = 1, 2, 3) is not in
any sense a spatial distance.
>^ history of our galaxy
lightlike geodesic
/ 7 J Nat in/M / / / Bi g/ Bangi ^ 7
t = 0
FIGURE 3.1.3
EIKSTEIN-DE SITTER SPACETIME. TWO dimensions are suppressed. The closed shaded region,
corresponding intuitively to / < 0, is not in M. z models here-now. The other structures shown
are all described in the text. The fact that the big bang, which is not in M, does not look like a
point is consistent with such spacetime boundary constructions as that of Chapter 8. Intuitively,
the big bang here is best regarded as a copy of R
with zero first fundamental form and infinite
second fundamental form.
can be characterized intrinsically as the vector field physically equivalent
to dt. Moreover, let Z be a future-directed vector field such that:
( A) g ( Z, Z) - - 1 ;
(B) there exists a function /i: M - R such that Ri c^, Z) = ixg(X> Z) VX.
Then Z = 9,. This eigenvector characterization makes sense in more general
cases, e.g., those discussed in Chapter 7.
Fixing an integral curve y
of 9,, we shall briefly discuss the behavior of
nearby integral curves relative to y
. If M ( = R
X (0, oo)) is regarded as the
positive half-space {u
> 0} of R
, then the integral curves of 9, are just the
^-coordinate curves. Consider the following one-parameter family of integral
curves {y
\ < s < 1} containing y
Yo + s(a
where (a
, 0) is a fixed vector in the hyperplane {w
= 0} of R
, and
addition is in the sense of vector addition of R
. The transversal vector field Y
(= 2/.10/3,) is the infinitesimal version of {y
}; it enjoys the property that
along y
, g(Y
Y) is a monotone increasing function of /, namely, (2/a?)/
Recall that each integral curve of 9, is used to model the history of a galaxy.
As y
and (a
, a
, 0) are arbitrary, g(Y, Y) being monotone increasing
then implies that nearby galaxies (i.e., the y/s) are running apart. Very
loosely, one says "the universe is expanding". Note also that each such
integral curve is a geodesic but (g(Y, Y))
along such a curve is not a linear
function of arclength as it would be if the curvature tensor were zero. In fact
(g(Y, y))
has negative second derivative along an integral curve of 3
Intuitively: nonzero curvature <=> nontrivial gravity =>"slowing down of the
expansion rate" in our present case.
3.1.4. Isometry groups. Let S M be the isometry group of (M, g) (cf. 2.4.2),
be the usual six-dimensional isometry group of Euclidean 3-space. By
inspection of g, %M contains a subgroup isomorphic to OR
. Now by the
above, each isometry <J> must obey s ~ s and 0*9, = 9,. It follows that two
isometries which coincide on a level surface of s coincide everywhere and
then that the only isometries are the obvious isometries; thus M is isomor-
phic to R
("spatial homogeneity and isotropy").
3.1.5. Lightlike geodesies. Define a smooth curve : (0, oo)~~ M by Xu
( 3M
, / 5
, 0, 0, w
) Vw E (0, oo). A routine computation, e.g. using Killing
vector fields (2.4.2), shows X is a future-directed, inextendible lightlike geo-
desic. Moreover, X is fully representative: if X: F-Af is an inextendible
lightlike geodesic, there exists an isometry <> E %M and an affine reparame-
trization a: F- (0, oo) such that X = <j> X a.
PROPOSITION 3.1.6. (A) (Af, g) is maximal. (B) Each inextendible carnal
geodesic is incomplete.
PROOF. (A) By our criterion of maximality in 2.6 it suffices to consider
lightlike geodesies of M\ by 3.1.5 it suffices to consider X as in 3.1.5. X cannot
be extended beyond oo at the upper end. (Roughly: "Af cannot be extended
beyond f = oo"; this does not follow from the C
structure alone since (0, 1)
is diffeomorphic to (0, oo).) X cannot be extended to 0 at the lower end since
s o X -> oo as u - 0 ("M cannot be extended to include the big bang"). Thus
(Af, g) is maximal. (B) is fairly routine: every inextendible causal geodesic
approaches the big bang. Incidentally, (B) also holds for the spacelike
geodesies, but this fact is not of physical interest.
3.1.7. Chronology. The quickest way to analyze the chronology relation for
(M, g) is to use the representative 3.1.1 and conformai invariance (2.6.6).
Suppose z e M. The following hold. (A) t{z) is the chronological distance to
the big bang, i.e. t(z) = sup{rf(x, z)\x < z}. (B) I~{z} is the open dotted
region in Figure 3.1.3 bounded by lightlike geodesies. For example, if z =
(0, 0, 0, /(z)), then x E I~{z} iff
/ 3 \
1 / 2
(C) Vx < z, there is a unique timelike geodesic y: [0, 1] - M from JC to z, and
its arclength is d(x, z). This is a very special situation. (D) Let 8: (0, oo) -> M
be an inextendible integral curve of 9, such that z is not on the image of 8.
Thus with z = (here-now), (part of) 8 can model the history of some galaxy
different from our own. Then up to reparametrization, there is at most one
inextendible lightlike geodesic whose image intersects 8 and contains z; there
is exactly one iff the image of 8 intersects / ~{ z}. This is again very special.
Roughly, some galaxies are so distant that they have not yet had a chance to
signal z at all ("cosmological horizon").
We now have an example for each key definition and result in Chapter 2.
3.1.8. Generalizations. To study the universe, one needs some general
theorems and at least one very explicit spacetime; the reasons are outlined in
Chapters 7 and 8. Each explicit cosmological spacetime considered in this
article will be qualitatively very similar to Einstein-de Sitter spacetime. In
particular, each will be topologically trivial. Now the reader has probably
read about "closed universes", "spatial curvature", "ultimate collapse",
"rotating and shearing universes", "Mach's principle", the cosmological con-
stant, "variable gravitational constant" cosmologies, the steady state cosmol-
ogy, "tired light" cosmologies, "quantum cosmology", torsion in cosmology,
or other famous concepts (cf. [14] or [20]). Not one of these will be men-
tioned, let alone discussed, henceforth. We feel they are interesting, but are
neither basic nor needed to analyze the main features of the current empirical
data and have been grossly overemphasized. Einstein-de Sitter spacetime is
basic, very intuitive, mathematically instructive, as accurate physically near
here-now as any other explicitly known cosmological spacetime, and-mel-
lowed by 55 years of vigorous give-and-take-free of all inessentials. Regard-
ing it as an exact model of nature would be sheer nonsense (Chapter 7). But it
is a truly elegant zeroth order approximation.
3.2. Kruskal spacetimes; black holes. This section will not be needed until
Chapter 8, but it belongs here as it nicely illustrates most of the concepts
discussed so far.
In 1799, Laplace pointed out that a "heavenly body" might be so massive
and small that not even light can escape from the surface [9, appendix]; this
shows remarkable prescience. Nowadays, "black hole" is the term employed
to indicate a region of spacetime in which resides a gravitational field so
strong that it allows neither light, nor matter, nor a signal of any kind to
escape from the region. It is believed that certain stars with large masses
collapse in their final stage of evolution to create black holes. For empirical
evidence, pro and con, on whether black holes exist, compare [4] and [19], In
this section, we will give the exact definition of a spacetime which contains a
subregion from which future-directed causal curves cannot escape. Part of
this spacetime is used to model that part of any spherically symmetric
situation which is "vacuum", i.e. contains no matter or electromagnetism. A
more general and more formal definition of a black hole spacetime is
discussed in Chapter 8; there the special assumptions of spherical symmetry
and vacuum are unnecessary.
To analyze such a spherically symmetric black hole, or the sun, or a
spherically symmetric neutron star, etc., we now introduce a maximal space-
time, called Kruskal spacetime. Kruskal spacetimes will seem rather tricky
and rather anti-intuitive at first.
Let S
be the ordinary unit 2-sphere. Let h be the usual Riemannian metric
on S
induced from the Euclidean metric of R
. Each Kruskal spacetime is
diffeomorphic to R
. Specifically, u
< 1 defines an open subset
A c R
(Figure 3.2.1). We take M = A X S
, with projections a: M -+A and
a: Af-S
. Roughly, A will correspond to radius and time while S
correspond to angles. Note that M is connected, simply connected and
FIGURE 3.2.1
THE KRUSKAL DIAGRAM FOR A. The shaded regions, including the hyperbolae u
* 1, are
not in A. Every other point, including the origin, has as complete inverse image in M a copy of
. The figure shows the a-projections of the Schwarzschild black hole B, normal spacetime iV,
white hole W, and queer duplicate Q; each is defined in the text. Vz M, al
{z ) is to the
upper right as indicated.
Define v
= w'' a: M -> R for i = 1, 2. Suppose /A E (0, oo) is given; /i
will play the role of mass for our black hole, or neutron star, etc. There is a
unique, smooth, onto function r: M -> (0, oo) such that (r - 2/i)exp(r/2jw) =

because (JC exp(x/2]Lt)y > 0 VX E ( - 2 / A , OO). r is sketched in
Figure 3.2.3 below; for reasons to be discussed, it is called the area-type
radius on M. For the moment interpret r by: for r much bigger than 2JW, r is
not too different from Euclidean radius. The above properties of r imply that.
g s { -(16/ i
/ r)exp(-r/ 2fi )(*
+ dv
) + r
is a Lorentzian metric on Af. This strange form insures Ric = 0, as discussed
below. Let d
be the obvious vector field on A/, i.e. dv
) * 1, rf
(3j) = 0
= (7*9,. Then d
is lightlike and we time-orient M by taking 3, as future-di-
rected. The analogously defined 3
will also be lightlike and future-directed;
see Figure 3.2.1. Orient M in the natural way. (Af, g) then becomes a
spacetime, the Kruskal spacetime for mass 8TT/X. For the rest of this section,
(Af, g) will denote a Kruskal spacetime.
To indicate, in a preliminary way, how such spacetimes are used, we draw
some intuitive pictures, (a) indicates the region {r > | - lOfy, v
> 0} of Af.
(b) indicates roughly how this region is used, (c) indicates very roughly a
spherically collapsing star.
history outside
_^. the sun; S
/ - y;
/ history / /
inside;the /
sun ; M not
(a) M
r = 0
history outside
collapsing star;
open submanifold of
M used
r decreasing
These illustrate fairly well the not-so-simple relationship between the vari-
ous portions of Af and the corresponding real physical situation. The special
features of this relationship that are most likely to confuse may be roughly
summarized as follows. (A) Usually only a proper subset of Af can be used to
model a real physical situation; this is because M is a vacuum (cf. 6.2 and
3.2.4 following). (B) Only a part of any real physical situation can be modeled
by Af; this is again because where matter or electromagnetism is present,
Kruskal spacetime Af is not applicable.
Black hole theory is heavily concerned with who can communicate with
whom. Anticipating the fact that the subregion {v
> 0, v
> 0} of Af will be
used to model (the history of) a black hole, we start with a brief general
discussion of Kruskal spacetime from the viewpoint of 2.6. The full story is
quite complicated, but projecting with a gives very simple results. To see the
latter suppose y: [a, b] -> M is a smooth, future-directed timelike curve. Then
from the form of g, y = (a y, o{ya))\ [a, b]-+ A X 5
=*= M is also smooth,
future-directed and timelike, and we have a y = a <> f. Thus to judge the a
projections we can confine attention to curves which are "radial", i.e. a y -
constant (the North Pole, for instance). By virtue of our remark on conformai
factors in 2.6.6, this comes down to analyzing < for (A, du
+ du

), which is easy. One finds the following: Vz E M, the a projection of the
chronological future of z is the open upper right quadrant with vertex at az
(Figure 3.2.1); in particular, no signal can leave the quadrant aB and none can
enter the quadrant aW. In this sense B = {V > 0, v
> 0} is "black".
We next consider curvature. By a direct computation of the curvature
tensor R, one finds R ^ 0, Ric = 0 and the following convenient lemma, Let
C: M-+R be the "quadruple trace" of R R, where R (resp. R) is the (4,
0)-tensor field (resp. (0, 4)-tensor field) physically equivalent to R. Thus, if
{to**} and {X^} are dual bases a t wGM,
cw s 2 R K, '> A <0 ^ (*,> *,> x
> x , )
v,p,a 1
Roughly, C is the overall square curvature, though the fact g is Lorentzian
means that not every term in the sum is positive.
LEMMA 3.2.2. C = I44(i
Thus r is intrinsically defined. Note v
- 1 iff r -* 0, iff C - oo ("curva-
ture singularity"). C -* 0 iff r - oo ("spatial infinity"). From the lemma, we
find that (Af, g) is maximal. The proof is much as in 3.1, e.g. M cannot be
extended to r * 0 because C - oo there. We sketch r by showing the
projections of some level surfaces.
1122 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
3.2.4. Submanifolds. We now define some submanifolds of (M, g) which
have geometric, physical or historical interest. (A) The throat is the set of
points on which dr = 0; it is the 2-sphere of area-type radius r = 2/x repre-
sented by the origin in Figures 3.2.1 and 3.2.3. (B) The horizon is the set of
points on which dr is lightlike or zero. It corresponds to the axes in the figures
and thus to r * 2/x. Part of the horizon will be interpreted below. (C) The
normal Schwarzschild spacetime N is the complete inverse image under a of
the open upper left quadrant in the figures, i.e. N = {v
> 0} ~ {r >
2p, v
> 0}. Like the next three submanifolds, it is a spacetime in its own
right whose equivalence class was found by Schwarzschild in 1916; gluing the
four together took physicists nearly 50 years, mainly because the concept of
maximality was not well understood. (D) The Schwarzschild black hole B,
white hole W, and queer duplicate Q correspond to the remaining three
quadrants as indicated. The only intrinsic difference between W and B is
furnished by the time-orientation. N and Q are intrinsically identical. But B
and N are very different from each other, e.g. chronological futures are
trapped by B as above. (E) Having mastered the preceding, the reader will be
pained to learn that most physical models use still other submanifolds. For
example, let /x be the solar mass in the sense /x = (1/8TT) (Newtonian
gravitational constant)(mass of the sun as found in tables). Then, in our units
(1.4), /x is roughly \ 10"
seconds. The area-type radius r
of the sun's
actual surface is much bigger, about \ 10
/x. As the black hole B is defined
by r < 2/x, the sun is far from being a black hole. To model the history of the
outside of the sun, one uses merely that open submanifold of N on which
r > r
. This model is in rather good agreement with observations and
constitutes one of the main empirical checks in general relativity ([14], [20]).
W and Q are irrelevant to the model. (M, g) cannot be used at all to model
the inside of the sun since Ric = 0 corresponds to no matter (6.2). A model
valid for both inside and outside has to be more sophisticated.
Of the various pieces of (M, g), N, B and their common boundary are those
most often used. Indeed it is primarily via the effect of the curvature of N on
other nearby objects, e.g. a companion star, that one hopes to detect black
holes empirically. On N
especially for r 2/x, r has (to good approximation,
but not exactly) the properties Newtonian intuition assigns to radius in
addition to the exact property area = Amr
(see 3.2.5). By way of contrast,
is future-directed timelike. To have an area-type radius also act as a
kind of time, as r\
does in this case, is very different from anything
Newtonian intuition can handle.
The above interpretation for r\
is more evident in the Schwarzschild
representative (N, g) of [(N
g)]; this is the form of (N, g) discovered by
Schwarzschild and is the following. Take N = S
X (2/x, oo) X R with projec-
tions a: N -> S
, r: N - (2/x, oo) and t: N -> R. Let
. fVA + (l - y ^ ] drdr-(l-j^\dtdt,
where h is the usual metric on S
as before. Then <j<-a, ?<r*r and
f<->2/xln( v
) determine an isometry </>: N<r*N. r is then clearly dis-
played as a "radius" via </>. Moreover, Va 6 R, t -* t 4- a determines an
isometry N -> N. Let 3, be the corresponding vector field on N, i.e. a*</>*3, =
0 = dr(d
), dt(<f>*d
) * 1. By 2.4.2, 3, is Killing; 3, is also timelike. Thus (N, g)
is time-independent (2.4.2 again). The intrinsic characterization of 3, is the
following. Let K be the Killing vector field on M such that K\
is future-di-
rected, timelike and that g(K, K) - 1 at spatial infinity (i.e. for r -* oo).
* 3,.
3.2.5. Spherical symmetry. Let (M, g) be a Kruskal spacetime. By construc-
tion, the isometry group M contains at least one subgroup isomorphic to the
ordinary rotation group 0(3) since each isometry <j>: S
induces a
unique isometry <j>: M -> M which leaves A pointwise fixed, i.e. a ^ = a.
Call this subgroup %. Each orbit (2.4.2) of DC is a homeomorphically
imbedded 2-submanifold diffeomorphic to S
. Indeed the form of g implies
t}iat the orbit through x E M has the inner geometry of an ordinary 2-sphere
with area 47rr
(x); hence the name "area-type distance". (Actually the con-
nected component of the identity of S M is isomorphic to SO (3) X R, as a
result of the existence of the Killing vector field K in 3.2.4.) In general, a
spacetime (M
, g
) is called spherically symmetric iff M
contains at least one
subgroup 3Qj isomorphic to 0(3) such that no orbit of %Q is more than
2-dimensional and that each 2-dimensional orbit has the intrinsic geometry of
an ordinary 2-sphere. Thus Kruskal spacetime is spherically symmetric.
Newtonian intuition about a spherically symmetric spacetime such as radius
and angle is sometimes useful, but not always, as we have seen in 3.2.4.
Specifically, note in the case of Kruskal spacetime that no orbit of % is
merely a single point; intuitively speaking the geometry is so screwed up near
a black hole (the portion of M where r is small and therefore one expects to
find a point orbit oi %) that there are no centers of rotation, even though
there are rotations. Thus one certainly cannot interpret r as "distance from
the center".
The following characterization of Kruskal spacetime holds. As we have
discussed, Kruskal spacetime is not flat, is Ricci flat, maximal, simply
connected and spherically symmetric. Conversely, let (Af
, g
) be a spacetime
which is not flat, is Ricci flat and spherically symmetric; then there is exactly
one /A E (0, oo) such that (M
, g
) is locally isometric to the Kruskal spacetime
of mass 87771. Furthermore, if(M
, g
) is simply connected and maximal, then the
isometry is a global one [9]. We give an application of this characterization. It
was already mentioned in 3.2.4 that a Kruskal spacetime cannot be used to
model both the inside and the outside of a star. If one wants such an overall
model, one needs a different spherically symmetric spacetime for the inside,
as shown intuitively in the pictures (a)-(c) earlier in this section. However,
because of the preceding characterization of Kruskal spacetime (M, g), the
following makes sense for either the sun, or a star, or a star collapsing
towards a black hole. Whatever happens inside the star, Ric = 0 outside so
that the outside is always modeled locally by part of (M, g). Thus the star
leaves behind its outside gravitational field, like the grin of the Cheshire cat,
whenever the whole process is spherically symmetric.
3.2.6. The black hole B. In the opening paragraph of this section, we gave
some intuitive background information concerning black holes. We now
discuss some mathematical properties of the black hole spacetime B which
show that indeed B lives up to intuitive expectations.
1124 R. K, SACHS AND H. WU
It has already been shown earlier that no future-directed timelike curves
can escape from the black hole B; the same then holds for all causal curves,
by Theorem 2.6.6. By putting in more details, one can verify the following:
Suppose x E B; then r decreases along any future-directed causal curve from x ;
moreover, the chronological distance to the singularity {r ** 0}, i.e.,
s\x p{d(x
y)]x <y}
ex ists and is less then TTJUL For \x the solar value as in 3.2,4, the chronological
distance is about 10~
zr seconds. Finally, we remark that B is not time
independent (2.4.2); the K of 3.2.4 is spacelike on B.
Now imagine yourself as a future-directed timelike curve in B c M. You
notice "gravity is increasing": r is decreasing and the total square curvature C
(Lemma 3.2.2) increases. No matter how you twist and turn, you must head
for the future where infinite curvatures ( C- * oo) are waiting. You have at
most TT/ x seconds, e.g. less than 10~
seconds, of your own proper time to live
(cf. 1.4).
The boundary, {r 2/ut, v
> 0}, between N and B is part of the horizon.
Intuitively, this boundary models the history of the surface of the black hole
region in space. It can best be visualized by using the vector field K of 3.2.4.
On restricting to the boundary, one finds the integral curves of K lie within
the boundary and arc future-directed lightlike geodesies. One can regard
these integral curves as light signals "running outward as fast as anything
can" in a desperate attempt to escape the gravity; they "nonetheless just stay
in the same place" in the sense that each element of the flow of K is an
isometry. Intuitively, these light signals are trapped in the surface of the black
hole region (in space), forever marking time by keeping the same distance
from the center of the region. (But one should not push this intuitive
comment too far, in view of the remarks about r in B of the preceding
sections.) Thus imagine the boundary as the history of a 2-sphere which
expands at the speed of light but nevertheless retains constant area-type
radius 2/A!
It is fatally easy to fall into B. Indeed, if a spaceship hovering above the
North Pole of a black hole at r = 10ft turns off its motor, it will follow a
timelike geodesic y with an initial tangent y^O) f
which dr(yj = 0 =
<**(Y*)- Each such geodesic eventually enters B as one can see by a computa-
tion of the geodesies, e.g. via Killing vector fields (2.4.2). Figure 3.2.7
illustrates this situation.
Note that the line segments in aN or aB parallel to the coordinate axes in
are lightlike geodesies; this is a straightforward computation. Thus suppose
another spaceship f continues to hover above the North Pole of the black
hole at r = 10/x. Then the signal s
which y sends out at his proper time t
before falling into the black hole ("I seem to be in a funny gravitational
field.") will reach y in finite time, but the signal s
which y sends out at his
proper time t
after entering the black hole ("Help!") will never reach y. See
Figure 3.2.7.
Finally, we remark that signals can leave but not enter the white hole W
and that the queer duplicate Q has no known application other than simply
replacing N by Q.
FIGURE 3.2.7
Since general relativity is supposed to cover all of macrophysics, we
proceed to deal with observations, matter, and electromagnetism in this
chapter and the next. (M, g) is a spacetime (2.4.1) throughout.
4.1. Instantaneous observers. At one instant of her own proper time, an
actual observer in M not only determines a point z E M, but also determines
a timelike direction at M
tangent to her history as she heads towards the
future (cf. 1.4). Abstracting, and normalizing the direction for convenience,
suggests the following definition.
DEFINITION 4.1.1. An instantaneous observer (z, Z) on M is a point z E Af
and a vector Z E M
such that g(Z, Z) - -\ and Z is future-directed.
Note that then M
= (span Z) Z
-, with Z
3-dimensional spacelike
Let (Af, g) be Minkowski spacetime (2.5). A (global) inertial frame on
Minkowski spacetime is a vector field Z on M such that: (A) Vx E M,
(x, Zx) is an instantaneous observer; (B) Z is covariant constant, i.e.
Z = 0 V vector X. For example, 3
,^ f (53
+ 43,) and \(5d
*- 33
) are
global inertial frames on (M, g). If Z, Z are two such frames, there exists an
isometry ^>: Af-> M such that fy+Z = Z. The concept of an inertial frame
cannot be generalized to other interesting spacetimes; for example there is no
covariant constant nonzero vector field on Einstein-de Sitter spacetime or on
a Kruskal spacetime.
Minkowski spacetime together with a preassigned inertial frame Z
will be
denoted by (Af, g, Z
). The instantaneous observers (z, Z
z), Vz E M, are
called the inertial observers. Once an inertial frame Z
has been fixed on
(M, g), the resulting physics is extremely naive and harks back to Newton
and beyond. For instance, there will be absolute time, absolute rest and
absolute distance. To see this, let <o
be the 1-form physically equivalent to
; the simple-connectivity of M and the covariant constancy of Z
that co
= - dt for some t: M-R. t will then serve as a universal time
function for M. Each level hypersurface {t = t
for some t
E R} is then a
Riemannian manifold in the induced metric (2.2) and is "the universe at time
". Furthermore, a particle is at absolute rest iff its history is modeled by an
integral curve of Z
. It follows that a spatial distance between any two points
z' E M may be defined by: If t(z) = a and M
= {t = a}
let the integral
curve of Z
through z' intersect M
at z". The spatial distance between z, z' is
by definition the number d(z, z') = the Riemannian distance between z and
z" on M
. It is elementary to see that this is well defined.
Although (M, g, Z
) is too naive for doing honest physics, it can be used to
give intuitive motivation for some of the definitions in this chapter and the
4.2. Observations. Let (z, Z) be an instantaneous observer. How does (z,
Z) observe? Often he can measure "just as in special relativity" by "pretend-
ing part of M is part of (Af
, gz)". Indeed, (Af
, gz\ regarded as a spacetime,
is isometric to Minkowski spacetime used in special relativity (cf. 2.5). The
transition from (M, g) to a tangent space parallels the prescription in
Riemannian geometry for actually measuring, for instance, an angle between
two intersecting curves on a nonflat manifold. Postponing temporarily the
question of how measurements are made in special relativity, we give an
example of the transition (M, g) -* (Af
, gz). Thus given a neighborhood %
of z, we shall treat 9l as part of Minkowski spacetime (M
, gz) via the
exponential map exp
. Precisely, suppose % is so small that there is a
neighborhood & of 0 E M
such that exp
: 6 - % is a diffeomorphism; we
wish to replace all considerations in (9i, g) by those in ($, gz) via exp7
not being an isometry of (6, gz) onto (%, g), the amount of distortion
incurred in this process must be estimated. For this purpose, first consider the
Riemannian case. Suppose AT is a 2-dimensional Riemannian manifold,
x E N, and exp
: - T is a diffeomorphism of a neighborhood of
0 E N
onto a neighborhood T of x. Let C
c T be a rectangular strip and
C = C
. Further assume that x is (roughly) equidistant from the four
vertices of C
. A fairly precise estimate of the deviation of the region C in the
euclidean space N
from C
in the nonflat iV can be made via a detailed study
of curvature and Jacobi fields. Falling short of such a full analysis, one can
nevertheless make the rough estimate that if the Gaussian curvature AT of TV at
x is small in absolute value, and if the area A of C
is small, then C is
probably a good approximation to C
. Thus the product \Kx\A is a crude
numerical invariant to measure the deviation of C from C
: the smaller the
number |Ajc|i4, the smaller the deviation. Note that \Kx\A is independent of
units (cm , inches, . . . ).
To return to the original situation of exp
: &(c M
) 9l ( c M), consider
the case of observing a distant galaxy for T seconds by using a telescope of
length L seconds ( ~ 3 X 10
L meters). We will neglect the other dimensions
of the telescope. Thus the history of the telescope in T seconds is modeled by
a rectangular strip %> in the spacetime M with sides of roughly L units and T
units. Let us place z in the "center" of %> and assume %) c %. Let further
^ e ft be such that exp
6l = %>. HOW does one measure the deviation of
<3l from %>! Guided by the Riemannian case, we inspect the number \sz\LT,
where s is the scalar curvature of M. Note that, in drawing this analogy, we
have made two drastic simplifications: (1) instead of examining the behavior
of the sectional curvature of M near z, we merely use the scalar curvature,
and (2) to replace the area A above, we use the product LT because it
corresponds to the intuitive notion of the "area" of % in M. In any case, the
size of this dimensionless number | ^z| Lr will be used as an indicator whether
replacing %> by 61 would lead to catastrophic consequences: the smaller this
number, the safer the replacement. In practice, suppose L = 3 meters ^ 10"
seconds and T = 1 second. If (M, g) is a typical cosmological spacetime, then
\s\ at z here-now is about 10"
(cf. Chapter 7). It follows that
\sz\LT ~ 10"
, which is very small indeed. Thus for the purpose of analyz-
ing the actual measurement (though of course not for analyzing how the
light got from the distant galaxy to the telescope), the telescope can, and for
convenience should, be modeled by an object in the flat spacetime M
than in the curved spacetime M.
Such use of dimensionless numerics is a basic fact of life in physics.
Granting that measurements often in effect take place on M
rather than
M, how does (z, Z) measure special-relativistically? Until he learns his job
properly, he can often measure "just as in Newtonian physics" by "pretend-
ing (Z-
, g\
) is Euclidean 3-space". Indeed, (Z-
, g\
), regarded as a
manifold, is Euclidean 3-space. We give an example.
Suppose we have two future-directed lightlike vectors V, V E M
, due to
two light signals from two distant galaxies. Corresponding to M
= (span Z)
, there is an orthogonal projection/?: A/
- Z
. The Newtonian angle
(z, Z) measured between V and V is the ordinary Euclidean angle 9 between
pV andpV, i.e.,
co&O - g(pV,pV)/\\p^\\pV\\.
Of course 9 depends on Z and not just on V and K, an effect called aberration
by astronomers. To get at the intrinsic physics one must amputate Z. Thus a
really competent observer would try to tabulate V and V directly rather than
tabulating pV,pV, Z, coordinate components, or other nonphysical garbage.
Aside. The Z dependence above corresponds exactly to the set of confor-
mai transformations of the ordinary 2-sphere onto itself.
4.2.1. Asides on precision, the principle of equivalence, etc. The reader not
puzzled by the preceding example should omit these asides. (A) In any
discussion of actual measurements, the physics vs. mathematics problems
mentioned in 1.5 become acute. (B) In 4.2, a heuristic argument was given
for using the number | sz| Lr as a criterion for whether or not to neglect the
curvature of M near z. It was pointed out that this number is a very crude
estimate. Suppose in the same situation an instantaneous observer (z, Z) is
specified in advance. Then this "numerical criterion of empirical accuracy"
could be refined by replacing \sz\ with 6z, where bz is the maximum of the
absolute value of the sectional curvature of the 2-planes which are in Z -
which contain Z. In general, as soon as (z, Z) is given, this bz can be used in
1128 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
other situations to decide whether, empirically, local curvature can be ignored
and Minkowski spacetime be employed. When physics texts talk of "local
inertial frames", some such region of "negligible curvature" is involved. (C)
The principle of equivalence says, very roughly, that in an appropriate region
as above, special relativity holds to high accuracy. Attempting to make this
fully precise is not only hopeless but also tends to destroy the enormous
heuristic power of the principle. We shall not define, or explicitly use, the
principle of equivalence here.
43. Mass in general relativity. In Newtonian physics, the inertial mass of a
particle is measured by collision experiments which do not involve gravity [1].
The corresponding relativistic concept is that each particle is assigned a fixed
rest-mass m E [0, oo). For m ^ 0, the term "rest-mass" refers to one special
way of measuring m, i.e. in a collision where all relative speeds involved are
negligible compared to the speed of light. For m = 0, the term "rest-mass" is
rather misleading, as indicated in the next section.
In Newtonian physics, one also uses the active-mass O'gravity-pnxlw^g
mass"), conceptually independent of inertial mass [1], The corresponding
general relativistic concept has already been used in 3.2.
We shall henceforth use units in which the constant G of gravity has value
G = 1/8TT, in addition to c = 1 (1.4). Then each mass comes out in seconds.
For example, the active-mass of the sun is roughly 10~
seconds (3.2.4). For
translations of our units to more familiar, less convenient ones, cf. [20] or [14].
Asides. Newtonian physics even uses a third kind of mass, passive-mass
("gravity-responding mass"). But general relativity does not, since the geo-
desic law (1.4) already specifies how bodies respond to gravity. Older texts on
special relativity sometimes also talk of an "inertial mass which depends on
speed"; this concept is obsolete and will not be used.
4.4. Particles. To model the history of a small object, one needs a curve.
Specifically, a particle on spacetime is a smooth, future-directed curve y:
F-+ M such that, for some fixed m E [0, oo), g(y+, y*) = - m
, m is then
defined as the rest-mass of y (4.3). For example, suppose m * 0. Then
Vw E F, y^u is timelike.
The tangent vector field y* for a particle y is defined as the energy-momen*
turn of y. Energy-momentum replaces and unifies two Newtonian concepts,
namely, energy and momentum. To clarify this and other similar points, we
now introduce some auxiliary concepts by using instantaneous observers
(4.1). However, it will be useful to keep in mind that y
is the only basic
object involved and there is only one basic equation needed: g(y*, y*)
. The rest follows. It is therefore the energy-momentum y*, not the energy
defined below, nor the 3-momentum defined below, nor even the pair
(energy, 3-momentum), which models something present in nature even when
no observers are actually measuring.
Throughout the rest of this section, y: F-> M is a particle with rest-mass
m; c = 1 is the speed of light. For simplicity, assume y has no self-intersec-
tions, i.e. for t * t\ yt ^ yt'.
4.4.1. Auxiliary concepts and results. Let (z, Z) be an instantaneous ob-
server such that z yu for some u E F. Then we have the orthogonal
decomposition y
* Z + ; , R and/? E Z
(4.1). E is defined as the
energy (2, Z) measures for y; p is the 3-momentum (2, Z) measures for y. The
,s/?m/ <> y relative to (2, Z) is by definition the number v = \\p\\/E. Note that
the last is well defined because E > 0; this follows from the fact that both
y+u and Z are future-directed and Z is timelike and = ~ g(y*u, Z) (2.2).
In this paragraph and the next, we shall give an interpretation of the
preceding definitions using Minkowski spacetime together with the inertial
frame 3
, i.e. (M, g, 3
), where 3
is the fourth coordinate vector field on
M = R
(4.1). With w
as the universal time function associated with 3
, the
spatial distance between any z ,z ^ E M becomes simply
(4.1 again). Now let y: F~* M be a particle of mass m\ we may assume
0 6 F. At each yt E M, y is observed by the inertial observer 3
(yf); ia
particular, let y^O = E
z ) + PQ, where z = y0 and /?
E (3^)^, If we let
y" = u
y, a *= I,..., 4, then E
* y ^ and/?
= S^^y'0)3,2. Now using
Newtonian physics, the inertial observers would observe the following:
Between 2 = y0 and 2' s y/ (/ E F), y has travelled a distance of </(2, 2')
in the time interval (wV w
2). Thus the speed of y at t 0 is
.. <*(*>*) \\Po\\
lim 2 2
"T? '
z '~+z (iCz ' W 2) ^ 0
as a simple calculation shows. This then suggests the definition of v as above.
Let then v
= \\p
* assume v
< 1 (=
much smaller than 1). This
immediately implies \\p
\\ < E
and, from m
g(y*0, y
0) ^
, one gets m ~
. Thus,

- (
+ l!/MI
* ( i + (ll/'o||/')
~ m( l + (| | / ,
| | /
, / 2
=m(l +
, / 2
= m -f |i?o + 0(t>o) ~
mc 2 +
because in our units c = 1, and terms of order v$ or higher arc negligible
since v
< 1. This means if the speed v
is very small (domain of validity of
Newtonian physics), and if the inertial observer computes the Newtonian
kinetic energy and Newtonian rest-mass energy of y, he would come up with
the number E
. Similarly, v
< 1 implies
so that if the inertial observer computes the magnitude of the Newtonian
momentum of y, he would come up with the number \\p
\\ provided the speed
of y is very small. These give intuitive content to the foregoing definitions.
Returning to the genera! situation, one always has E
= m
-f \\p\\
(c = 1). Thus Einstein's famous formula E = mc
holds iff the 3-momentum
(2, Z) measures is zero. E
= m
+ \\p\\
also implies 0 < v < 1. Thus the
relative speed is less than the speed of light iff m ^ 0, iff y is timelike, iff y
1130 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
models motion at a speed less than the speed of light (1.4 and 2.3).
4.4.2. Photons. Two kinds of rest-mass zero particles have been found in
nature: photons ("particles of light") and neutrinos; in all likelihood a third
kind, gravitons, also exists (cf. [20]). We shall not need the latter two and thus
formally define y as a, photon iff m = 0. Thus for us y is a photon iff y models
motion at the speed of light (1.4.1), iff y is lightlike (2.3), iff y+u is lightlike
Vw E F, iff the speed of y relative to any instantaneous observer is the speed
of light (cf. 4.4.1; "even an instantaneous observer who runs as fast as he can
away from a photon still measures c as the overhauling speed"). Then no
instantaneous observer measures zero 3-momentum for y. Suppose y is a
photon, (z, Z) and E are as in 4.4.1 and h E (0, oo) is Planck's quantum
constant; in our units, h ~ (10~
, but this will not be relevant
except insofar as the ridiculously small value suggests that quantum effects
are not essential for large objects. Define the frequency (z, Z) measures for the
photon y as = E/h. The term "frequency" refers to the fact that waves can
also be used to model light (cf. 5.5), and this definition is motivated by the
quantum-theoretic equation E = hf for photons found by Planck and
Einstein. We shall make no attempt here to derive the latter (cf. [13]). Define
the wave-length (z, Z) measures for the photon y as X = l/f; this leads to the
standard relation Xf = wave speed = 1 in our units.
We discuss matter, electromagnetism, their mutual influences, and the
influence of spacetime on each. The main point will be that matter has a life
of its own, at least as rich and interesting as that of the spacetime it inhabits.
(M, g) is a spacetime throughout.
5.1. Divergence and integration. In analyzing a collection of many particles,
one needs appropriate integrals. The volume-form of spacetime M is the
unique 4-form on M such that Q(X
, X
, X
) = 1 for every consistently
oriented local orthonormal basis (X
. . . , X
Let r be a positive integer, T be an (r, 0)-tensor field on M. The divergence
of T is that (r 1, 0)-tensor field div T characterized by:
div T(^\ . . ., *' "
) - 2 (DxT)tt\ . . . , *' -
, >),
V local basis (X
. . . , X
) with dual basis (<o\ . . . , to
) and for all 1-forms
\P\ . . . , i//"
. Thus if T is antisymmetric, /(div T)ti = d[i(T)Q]
where i
denotes the interior product (cf. [18]).
A submanifold {N, \p) of (Af, g) consists of a manifold N and an immersion
\p: N -* M. (iV, \p) is spacelike iff yp*g is a Riemannian metric, iff $*(N
) is
spacelike Vx E N. When TV is homeomorphically imbedded in M (1.1) and
\p is the inclusion, we write simply: submanifold N c M. For the purpose of
integration, we now standardize the meaning of a compact submanifold with
boundary N c M: N is an oriented connected compact submanifold whose
boundary dN is a piecewise smooth manifold with the orientation induced
from that of N. If dim N = dim M, it is understood that the orientations in
M and N are consistent.
5.2. Particle-flows. Imagine an enormous number of particles each of the
same rest-mass. Suppose, intuitively speaking, the particles are "streaming
smoothly" with "no randomness" in their "velocity pattern". Examples are a
very cold gas streaming in space (rest-mass nonzero) or a laser beam (rest-
mass zero). Then the following is a useful idealization.
DEFINITION 5.2.1. A particle-flow (TJ, P) on spacetime M is particle density
TJ: M->[0, oo) and an energy-momentum vector field P on M such that, for
some fixed m E [0, oo), each integral curve y of P is a particle of rest-mass m.
m is the rest-mass of(y\, P).
Thus g(P, P)= - m
and P is future-directed (4.4).
The main idea here is that TJ specifies, in a "smoothed-out" way, how many
integral curves are actually occupied by particles. More explicitly, let L c M
be a 3-dimensional compact submanifold with boundary (5.1) such that each
integral curve of P intersects L at most once. Then one defines the total
number of particles for ("in", "going through") L as JV = |/^/(i?-P)Q|> notation
being as in 5.1. Thus N E [0, oo). One does not insist that N be an integer VL
since when using a particle-flow model, one has in mind situations where
N 1 VL of interest. Example 5.2.2 below might clarify TJ and N.
Let (TJ, P) be a particle-flow on M. Suppose that the particles in the flow do
not interact with each other via quantum forces, that electromagnetic effects
are negligible, and that there is no other kind of matter present. Then each
particle in the flow should be freely-falling (1.4) so one demands P be
geodesic, i.e. D
P = 0. One then further demands that particles be conserved,
i.e. for any 4-dimensional compact submanifold with boundary L c M,
i(y\P)Q = 0. By Stokes' theorem and a standard argument, this is equiv-
alent to demanding div(TjP) = 0 (5.1). Intuitively speaking, div(TjP) = 0 iff
particles in the flow are nowhere created, e.g. from
other kinds of particles, or
destroyed, e.g. by decaying into other kinds of particles.
EXAMPLE 5.2.2. Let (M, g, 3
) be Minkowski spacetime with inertial frame
(4.1), and TJ: M>[0, oo) be smooth. For m E (0, oo), (TJ, md
) is a
particle-flow with energy-momentum vector field P = m3
. Intuitively, the
particles are at absolute rest relative to the inertial observers. By 5.1,
/(TJP)B = t\mdu
A du
A du
. Thus one might call Tjm "the number of
particles per unit 3-volume", but TJ and N above are the more useful concepts
and are applicable to the rest-mass zero cases as well. A short calculation
shows that: D
P = 0; moreover div(TjP) = 0 iff 3
TJ = 0, iff TJ = TJ(W
, U
, U
"iff the number of particles in each spatial 3-volume is fixed for all time".
When one assumes D
P = 0 = div()JP), one can state in what sense initial
data determine the future for a particle-flow on a given spacetime. Suppose
the following data are given: m E [0, oo); a spacelike 3-dimensional homeo-
morphically imbedded submanifold N c M; a smooth function TJ
: JV-
[0, oo) and a future-directed vector field P
defined on N such that
, P
) = m
. Since N is spacelike, P
is nowhere tangent to iV (2.2 and
4.4). By the above restrictions on N, we can find an open connected
neighborhood U of TV in M and a geodesic vector field P on U such that
= P
and each inextendible integral curve of P in U intersects iV exactly
once (cf. [18]). (U, g\
) supplied with the induced orientation and time-orien-
tation is then a spacetime.
PROPOSITION 5.2.3. On U there is exactly one particle-flow (TJ, P) such that
- % P\N~
div(TjP) = 0.
1132 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
The proof consists of first showing uniqueness of P, e.g. by using the
geodesic spray, and then using standard results on first-order linear partial
differential equations to analyze div(jP) = 0.
53. Matter models and matter equations. A particle-flow (77, P) on M is an
example of a matter model 'fJH on M. D
P = 0 and div(rjP) = 0 are exam-
ples of matter equations.
Matter models are the heart of any physical theory. Unfortunately there is
no known, universal, overriding and precise macroscopic matter model from
which all others follow as limits or special cases. Instead one works with
many intuitively related, mathematically independent matter models; cf. 5.5,
[14], [18], or [20]. In lieu of precise, general definitions of "matter models"
and "matter equations", we make some general remarks and give some
precise examples.
Matter equations model the influence of spacetime, electromagnetism and
matter on matter. Sometimes, one can regard the spacetime M and an
electromagnetic field (5.5) on M as given a priori. Then the matter equations
become conditions on the matter model 9IL alone (cf. 5.2). But in general the
situation is more subtle (6.2). "Appropriate" matter equations, obtained by
analyzing the physics in sufficient detail, always lead to some "present
determines the future" theorem similar to Proposition 5.2.3. We now turn to
the key example of a matter model.
EXAMPLE 5.3.1. Let 911 = {(y\
, P
)\A = 1 , . . . , N) be a finite collection
of particle-flows on M; 91L is a matter model. In the absence of all interac-
tions other than gravity, appropriate matter equations for (M,
DIL) are the
following: D
= 0 = diy(rj
)VA. These matter equations are interpre-
ted via free-fall and particle number conservation as in 5.2.
EXAMPLE 53.2. Now suppose we have just a pair of particle-flows: 91L
{(77, P), (T), P)}. Suppose P = P/2 so that the rest-masses pbey m = m/2.
Then it may be appropriate to replace div(jP) = 0 = div(rjP) by the follow-
ing matter equations: div(i]P) = - kt\ = -2div(TjP), where k G (0, 00). In-
tuitively speaking, the rest-mass m particles are here decaying, e.g. by radio-
activity, to make some extra rest-mass m particles. From the definition of
total particle number, one can show that one here gets two of the latter for
one of the former, corresponding to m == m/2.
EXAMPLE 5.3.3. Though we shall not use it later, we give a more nearly
generic example. Suppose one has a hot gas and each particle in the gas has
rest-mass m,m G [0, 00). Since the temperature is nonzero, there will be some
"randomness" in the energy-momenta. To take this "randomness" into
account, one might use a large number of particle-flows, 9H = {(r)
, P
each having the same rest-mass. But usually one smooths out as follows. Let
9 be the following subset of the tangent bundle: $ = {(x, X) G TM\
X) = - m
, and X is future-directed}. One can check that ?T^ is a
smooth 7-dimensional submanifold of TM (cf. 2.2). Replace 911 = { (T^,
)} by a smooth function/: ?T+ -> [0, 00); the idea is (*, P
x). is a
matter model on M. Let L: TM - TTM be the geodesic spray [3]. On $+
is tangent to $+ [18] so df(L) = 0 makes sense; this is equivalent to saying
that restricted to the tangent vector field of each geodesic, is a constant.
This is called Liouville's equation and is a matter equation. Its interpretation
is that the gas is so dilute that collisions can be neglected despite the high
Other matter models, e.g. perfect fluids, will not be discussed in this article
except insofar as they may be regarded as abstractions of the model in
Example 5.3.1 when N becomes large.
5.4. Electromagnetism. Nonquantum relativistic electromagnetic theory is
perhaps the most elegant part of physics. The formal postulates are simple
and the practical applications are well-nigh endless. But we need it here only
for background and any attempt to sketch the very rich physics involved
would lengthen this article considerably. In this section, we thus proceed very
formally, leaving almost all motivations, interpretations, Newtonian ana-
logues, etc. to the references ([14], [18], [20]).
An electromagnetic field on spacetime M is a 2-form f on M. Throughout
the rest of this section, 3F is an electromagnetic field on Af, and is the
physically equivalent (2, 0)-tensor field on M.
Let 9!t be a matter model (5.3) on Af. Then 9H determines a "charge-cur-
rent density vector field" J on M (cf. [14], [18]); again, in place of a precise
definition of / , we illustrate with a concrete example. Thus in Example 5.3.1,
where one has a finite collection of particle-flows, suppose V^4, (v)
, P
models particles all of which have a given electric charge e
E R. Then
J * 2^!^t \
("additivity of electric charge").
The triple (M, <$, 9tl) obeys Maxwell's equations iff d^ = 0 and div 5" =
477/. The former equation replaces and unifies the classical equations
V - f i - 0 * V x + (l/c)dB/dt,
while the latter equation does the same to Coulomb's law and the Biot-
Savart-Maxwell law (see [14]). Since div div = 0, we have div J = 0 ("con-
servation of electric charge"). In general, Maxwell's equations interrelate (M
g), * and 9IL; they model the influence of matter and spacetime on
Sometimes (Af, g) and 91L are given ab initio. Then d*% = 0 and div <$ =
4<7TJ become conditions on 3F alone; we give an example. Let (Af, g, 3
) be
Minkowski spacetime with inertial frame 3
(4.1), and l et / : Af-R be
smooth. Then 3F = f du
A du
is an electromagnetic field on Af. The triple
(M, j ?, no matter at all) obeys Maxwell's equation iff d(fdu
A du
) = 0 =
div ". A computation shows that this is so iff 3j = 3
/ = 0 = 3
/ = 34/
Thus = B
A du
for some B
E R. For B
= 0, this 3F can be interpre-
ted by saying that each inertial observer 3
z, z E Af, would measure a
constant magnetic field of magnitude |Z?
|, and zero electric field; cf. 4.1 and
Let # be that (1, l)-tensor field on M which obeys 3F(co, X) $(Y
whenever X
Y are vector fields and co is the 1-form physically equivalent to
Y. Let y: F-> Af be a particle with electric charge e E R. Regarding <$ as a
linear map Af
-> M
Vw E F, we obtain a vector field ^y* along y, i.e.
t y*: F-+TM such that m 7^ = y. Similarly, with D the Levi-Civita
connection, we have the curvature (geometric acceleration) D
: F^ TM
of y. The triple (M, S", y) is said to obey the Lorentz force law iff e^y* =
1134 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
. The Lorentz force law replaces Newton's F= nia (in the specific form
+ ( 1 / C) X 2? = ma; cf. [14]). It models the influence of gravity and
electromagnetism on particles. Thus (M, f, y) is to obey the Lorentz force
law whenever external quantum influences on y can be neglected (1.3).
Suppose, in addition, f = 0. Then only gravity acts on y and we duly have
free fall, i.e. D
y* = 0.
The tensor defined by S(X, Y) = S * , , ^ , X)<$(X^ 7), V vector
fields, X, Y, and V dual local bases {co**} and {A^}, is a symmetric
(0, 2)-tensor field on M. Thus trace S (2.1) is a function and
T = (1/ 87T) { 5 - ^(trace S)g] is a symmetric (0, 2)-tensor field on M. T is
defined as the stress-energy density of the electromagnetic field Q
. A rather
detailed physical interpretation and a brief motivation are given in 6.1.
5.5. Models for light. Suppose one has many light signals. Then no less than
five models are available: photons (4.4); m = 0 particle-flows (5.3.1); the
tangent bundle model 5.3.3 for m = 0; an electromagnetic field (5.4) or a
"statistical superposition" of such fields; and a quantum electrodynamics
model. We shall here use only the first two; compare the remarks on matter
models in 5.3.
To complete the discussion of mutual influences in Chapter 5, we must
discuss the influence of matter and electromagnetism on spacetime (M, g).
6.1. Stress-energy density. Einstein suggested spacetime is influenced by the
stress-energy density of matter and electromagnetism. Now, formally, a
stress-energy density on M is simply a symmetric (0, 2)-tensor field T on M.
But physically, more is involved, as we now discuss.
6.1.1. Pre-relativistic concepts. Somewhat as energy-momentum unifies and
replaces the pair (energy, momentum) in 4.4, stress-energy density unifies
and replaces the following pre-relativistic quantities: Newtonian inertial mass
per unit R
-volume; electromagnetic and Newtonian kinetic energy per unit
-volume; electromagnetic momentum and Newtonian kinetic momentum
per unit R
-volume; flux of energy and of Newtonian inertial mass; and
momentum flux, which can be further split into a pressure and an anisotropic
stress (cf. [14]). Hence "stress-energy" as short for, e.g., "mass-energy-
momentum-pressure-stress". Around 1905, physicists noticed, with great glee,
that all these are merely different aspects of one thing, in the sense of the
following operational definition.
6.1.2. Measuring stress-energy. Let (z, Z) be an instantaneous observer
(Definition 4.1.1). Suppose he actually measures the total energy of matter
and electromagnetism in any unit volume of Z
(cf. 4.2 and 6.1.3 below).
He is then supposed to get T(Z, Z), where T is some stress-energy density on
M as formally defined above.
That the observations actually correspond to T(Z, Z), rather than, for
example, to some 5(Z, Z, Z) with S a continuous (0, 3)-tensor field, may be
regarded as a basic law of nature (cf. 1.5). We have uniqueness in the
following sense: Suppose T and T' both obey the formal defining conditions
for stress-energy density given above. Suppose T(Z, Z) * T'(Z, Z) for all
instantaneous observers (z, Z). Then T = T'. Indeed, the assumption implies
that T(X, X) = T\X, X)VX which is timelike. Since timelike vectors form
an open set of each tangent space while T and V are symmetric, necessarily
r= r.
Now the operational definition 6.1.2 is as general and precise as anything
else in nonquantum physics. But it refers to actual measurements and
therefore cannot be used in formal proofs (cf.1.5). But given a mathemati-
cally precise matter model 9H and an electromagnetic field on M, the
operational definition "leads to" a mathematically precise definition which
can then be used in formal proofs. We now illustrate with the one example
essential for later purposes. Let H = {(y\
, P
)\A = 1 , . . . , N) be a finite
collection of particle-flows on M (Example 5.3.1) and suppose *% = 0.
DEFINITION 6.1.3. The stress-energy density of 9H is T = S^r^co^, u
where u
is the 1-form physically equivalent to P
VA = 1 , . . . , N.
Motivation. T is a symmetric, (0, 2)-tensor field on M. We must examine its
relation to the measurements of 6.1.2. Let (z, Z) be an instantaneous
observer. \/A = 1 , . . . , N, he measures ener gy-g^, Z) for a particle in the
Aih particle-flow-by 4.4.1 and 5.2. Now suppose X
, X
span Z
. Let
be the Lorentzian volume form (5.1). Then the 3-volume of the parallelepiped
^ C Z
defined by {X
} is |fi(* X>, X
Z)\ > 0. Moreover, by the
definition and interpretation of number density r\
in 5.2, the y4th particle-
flow contributes N
= |S2(A^
, X
, rj
)\ particles in this parallelepiped,
where we have also made use of the comments in 4.2. "Since energy is
additive", the total energy in K is E = -S^
A^g( Z, P
). The energy per
unit 3-volume is '/|S2(A
, X
, X
, Z)|. Algebra gives for the energy per unit
3-volume: 2^
, Z)]
, which is duly independent of the particular
parallelepiped K used. By uniqueness (6.1.2) and the definition of physical
equivalence (2.4.3), we get T = 2^_XVA^A ^
a s w a s t 0
motivated. D
From the point of view of physics, the preceding pair, "Definition-Moti-
vation", corresponds to "Theorem-Proof.
Now we are back in business mathematically and can exemplify by a
theorem the key-properties which a stress-energy density enjoys in macro-
physics. So let 911 = { (r^, P
)} as before and T = l
= \y\
as in
Definition 6.1.3. By 2.1 and 5.2, trace T = -^
\ M-+( -oo, 0],
where m
G [0, oc) and is the rest-mass of the Ai particle-flow. Define the
symmetric (0, 2)-tensor W = T ^ (trace T)g; this tensor plays an im-
portant role in some of the "singularity theorems" (cf. 7.3, 8.3 and [9]).
Finally, let f be the (2, 0)-tensor field physically equivalent to T (2.4.3). The
matter equations in (C) below were discussed in 5.2 and 5.3.
THEOREM 6.1.4. (A) For any instantaneous observer (z, Z), T(Z, Z) > 0 and
Z) > 0, where either equality holds for one (z, Z) iff Tz = 0, ifft\
z = 0
VA. (B) Trace T < 0. (C) Suppose D
= 0 = div(>q
) \/A; then div f -
The proofs of (A) and (B) consist of chasing down earlier definitions and
using the algebraic results in 2.2. (C) follows from the linearity of div and
div(rj/> P) = t){D
P) + [div(y]P)]P,
which are easily verified using 5.1.
1136 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
Most nonquantum matter models are so similar to the finite collection of
particle-flows model above that one usually assumes that Theorem 6.1.4
generalizes "in the obvious way" when any other nonquantum matter model
91L is used or 5" T* 0. We give one more example and leave the rest to the
references ([9], [18]).
Let 9lt be as in 5.3.1 and 6.1.3, but assume #" = 0. Take T = T
+ T
where T
is the stress-energy density of 6.1.3 and T
is that of 3F (5.4); we
shall refer to this T as the stress-energy density of 9L and . Messy algebra
shows that 6.1.4(A) remains valid provided we replace "iff t\
z = 0 \fA" by
"iff i\
z 0 V^l and also #z =^0". Simple algebra shows that 6.1.4(B)
remains valid. The equation div t = 0 in 6.1.4(C) remains valid provided
Maxwell's equations hold and, in addition, appropriate matter equations
motivated by the Lorentz force law of 5.4 are used (cf. [14] or [18]).
Quite generally, one always demands div f = 0 whenever the contribution
from all forms of matter present and from electromagnetism have been
included in T. In special relativity this is equivalent to postulating the very
fundamental integral conservation laws for energy-momentum [14]. However,
one there uses the fact that on Minkowski spacetime there are appropriate
Killing vector fields in defining the relevant integrals. Thus, when gravity is
not negligible, this motivation for div T = 0 fails in an essential way. The
Einstein field equation of the next section provides an alternative motivation.
Theoretical motivations apart, one always does demand it on empirical
grounds. This identity div f = 0 is a powerful criterion for selecting ap-
propriate matter equations. Popularizations to the contrary, it usually does
not determine the full set of matter equations uniquely; 6.1.4(C) with N > 1
is one counterexample.
Because of 6.1.4(A) and its generalizations, one interprets T = 0 on an
open submanifold % Q M to mean % is a vacuum: no matter or electromag-
netism at all in % except perhaps "test" quantities which "respond but have
negligible influence".
6.2. The Einstein field equation. Let (M
g) be a spacetime and Ric and s be
the Ricci tensor and scalar curvature, respectively, as in 2.1. The Einstein
tensor of M is G = Ric - (sg/2); it is a symmetric (0, 2)-tensor field on M.
Let 9IL be a matter model on M, % be an electromagnetic field on M, and
T be the stress-energy density of 91L and ^F (cf. the end of 6.1). The triple
(Af, 3F, 9IL) obeys the Einstein field equation iff G = T. For example, suppose
M is Minkowski spacetime, 0 and 9lt is a single particle-flow (17, P). By
6.1.4(A), (M, 0, 9) obeys the Einstein field equation iff y\ = 0. The equation
G = T replaces Poisson's equation of Newtonian gravitational theory and
indicates how matter and electromagnetism generate gravity. Historical, for-
mal and empirical motivations for Einstein's field equation are given in great
detail in every reference, e.g. [14] and [20]. Assuming the reader has already
had enough of these, we henceforth focus on the actual content and implica-
tions instead. Suppose (M, ^F,
9It) obeys the Einstein field equation.
(A) Algebra gives trace G = - s. Thus Ric 0 iff G = 0, iff T = 0, iff we
have vacuum (6.1).
(B) Assume, for the reasons outlined in the previous section, that T obeys
the algebraic conditions in Theorem 6.1.4. Algebra shows that G(X, X) > 0
and Ric(A
, X) > 0 V causal vector X. This inequality on Ric is perhaps the
most important consequence of the Einstein field equation. Roughly, it states
that on balance gravity tends to pull things together rather than push them
apart. (The corresponding situation in Riemannian geometry is that nonnega-
tive Ricci curvature "on the average" pulls geodesies together; cf. the proof of
Myers' theorem.) It underlies the proofs of the singularity theorems in 7.3
and 8.3.
(C) Let f be the (2, 0)-tensor field physically equivalent to T. Then the
Bianchi identities for curvature imply div f = 0 (cf. [14]). Of course one has
reason for postulating div f = 0 in any case (6.1).
6.3. General relativistic models. A detailed, fully consistent general relativis-
tic model consists of a triple (M, 3F, 911) as in the last section such that:
(A) (M, ty, 9It) obeys appropriate matter equations (5.3).
(B) (M, 3F, 9lt) obeys Maxwell's equations (5.4).
(C) (M, $
9IL) obeys Einstein's field equation (6.2).
Sometimes one can regard at least one member of the triple as given ab
initio. For example, quantum complications apart, it is consistent to assume
no matter anywhere and also take $ = 0. Then Maxwell's equations and the
matter equations are vacuous and the stress-energy density vanishes. Thus the
problem collapses to finding a spacetime (M, g) such that G = 0. Such
space times exist; for example, a Kruskal spacetime has Ric = 0, whence
G - 0 .
However, when one is looking for a model to fit an actual physical
situation one often cannot regard 9H and as fully given ab initio. 7.3
following has been set up as an example of how this actually works in
practice. In such a case, one may need to use (A)-(C) jointly, together with
empirical arguments, heuristic idealizations, etc. (cf. the discussion at the
beginning of Chapter 7).
Aside. Is the Einstein field equation a condition on spacetime, a definition
of T, a provable law of nature, or some other darn thing? The last. T has an
independent definition (cf. 6.1). But one cannot assume T known ab initio, as
discussed above. Laws of nature cannot be proved (cf.1.5). Almost exactly
the same question can be asked of any other basic physical law. For example,
is Newton's F = nia a definition of F, a definition of Newtonian inertial
frames, a provable law of nature, or some other darn thing? Really, the last.
Chapters 1-6 cover the basic ideas of nonquantum relativity. As a sample
application, we discuss cosmology. The main purpose is to describe the
universe. As a byproduct we will get an example of how one builds a model
by interweaving the basic equations (6.3) of macrophysics, empirical data
and intuitive guesses. In practice, the construction of a cosmological model
goes roughly like this: The relativist confronts the known data, makes a guess
at a mathematical model that seems to be approximately consistent with the
data, uses the model to analyze the data more closely, correspondingly refines
his model, makes further adjustments if necessary when new data come in,
etc. When new data do come in, a model may sometimes be completely
discarded as beyond repair; often a model is kept but only with a specific
qualification of its range of applicability. In the latter case, new models must
1138 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
now be sought to accomodate data outside the range of applicability of the
old model, and the whole zig-zag process begins anew.
The presentation of this chapter intentionally parallels this construction
procedure as far as possible. Specifically, the reader will see that more than
one model is needed. A mathematician eager to find the most general model
applicable to the universe during all epochs from the big bang to the remote
future will be disappointed, but in physics this tentative groping character of
the models is a way of life.
The outline of this chapter is as follows. 7.1 discusses spatial isotropy. 7.2
outlines some observational results. Broadly speaking the data suggest two
things: near here-now, the universe seems to be simpler than was thought
likely ten years ago, so the classical cosmological spacetimes are probably
better than more sophisticated modern alternatives; but there probably is a
hot, dense, region in the history of the universe, "near the big bang", where
rather sophisticated matter models are needed. Though the universe's appar-
ent predilection for simple spacetimes and complicated matter strikes us as
misguided, 7.3 presents some models which respect it. 7.4 outlines the
relation of the models to observations; the last section concerns the early
(M, g) is a spacetime throughout; z E M connotes "here-now" as always.
Einstein-de Sitter spacetime (3.1) is the canonical example. In verbal com-
ments we shall for brevity sometimes take it for granted that there was a big
bang and that the chronological distance from here-now to the big bang is
well defined, as in 3.1.7 (cf. also 2.6), and is of order 10
7.1. Spatial isotropy. The concept of spatial isotropy plays a central role in
cosmology, though only as an idealization. Intuitively, spatial isotropy means
that any one spatial direction is on the same footing as any other. For
example, suppose that when you look due East you see the Earth's sky as a
certain shade of blue and when you look due West you see exactly the same
shade. Thus, for East and West, you observe spatial isotropy. The intuitive
concept is made precise in various ways. We give some examples.
EXAMPLE 7.1.1. Suppose (M, g) is Minkowski spacetime, z E M, E (0, oo)
and h is Planck's constant. Then Y

= hf(d
z d
z) determines two photon
energy-momenta at z (4.4). The instantaneous observer (z, 9
z) measures
frequency for both (4.4.2). In this sense, (z, 3
z) observes "East-West"
spatial isotropy.
7.1.2. Pointwise spatial isotropy. Let (z, Z) be an instantaneous observer in
spacetime M. Let 0
(3) be the rotation group for Z
c M
, i.e.
(3) = {<>: M
-* MJ<J>Z = Zmdg(<t>X,<l>X) = g(X,X)\/X E M
Then 0
(3) is isomorphic to 0(3) (= the rotation group in R
) and each
4> E 0
(3) is linear. Now suppose : M
R is a function, is (pointwise)
spatially isotropic for (z, Z) iff f(<j>X) = f(X) \/X E M
, and V<J> E 0
(3). In
particular, this definition applies to any symmetric (0, r)-tensor T at z, on
regarding T as a function with f(X) = T(X,..., A"). The extension to
other tensors at z is straightforward. For example, X E M
is (pointwise)
spatially isotropic for (z, Z) iff $X = X V</> E O
(3), iff X E span Z.
7.1.3. Global spatial isotropy. Let (x, X) be an instantaneous observer. Let
be the set of isometries of M (2.4.2) which leave (x, X) fixed, i.e.
=-={</> E M\<f>x = x and <j>*X = X}. M
is a subgroup of @M.
Spacetime is spatially isotropic for (x, X) iff M
is isomorphic to 0(3). For
example, Einstein-de Sitter spacetime is spatially isotropic for an instanta-
neous observer (x
X) iff X = d
x (cf. 3.1).
Let (M, g) be a spacetime such that, Vx E M, (M, g) is spatially isotropic
for exactly one instantaneous observer (x, X). Let T be a (0, r)-tensor field on
M. T is (globally) spatially isotropic iff <j>*T = T V<j> E M
V(x, * ) as
above. The extension of this concept to other tensor fields is again straight-
forward, e.g. a vector field Y is (globally) spatially isotropic iff </>
Y =* y V
such </>.
Suppose T is a (0, 2)-tensor field on Einstein-de Sitter spacetime. An
instructive computation shows that T is spatially isotropic iff T = \i{t)g +
*>(/)<# rff, where JU, J>: (0, oo) - R are smooth; for example, such a T cannot
be a nonzero 2-form. Let T be a spatially isotropic (0, 2)-tensor field on
Einstein-de Sitter spacetime; then Vx E M, T!x is pointwise spatially isotropic
for (x, d
x) (but the converse need not hold).
7.1.4. Uniqueness. Suppose T is as above, with v nowhere zero. By algebra,
one finds that T is spatially isotropic for (x, X) iff X = d
x. Thus T singles
out 3, as a distinguished vector field.
Generally speaking, spatial isotropy not only indicates some kind of
intrinsic symmetry but also selects distinguished instantaneous observers. For
example, in 7.1.1, (z, (coshj6)3
z + (sinh /i)d
z) is V/? E R an instantaneous
observer who measures frequencies (see 4.4.2)

= /(cosh ft + sinh /}) for

the two photons. Thus (z, 3
z) is the only member of the family who
measures "East-West" spatial isotropy. Similarly, in 7.1.2, one can check that
is spatially isotropic for at least one instantaneous observer (z, Z) iff there
are functions /i, v\ R -> R such that (X) = iig{X, X) + vg(X, Z) VX; then
is spatially isotropic for more than one instantaneous observer at z if f v = 0,
iff is spatially isotropic for every instantaneous observer at z, which is a very
special case. Similarly, in 7.1.2, suppose X ^ 0 is given. Then X is spatially
isotropic for at most one (z, Z), being spatially isotropic for exactly one iff X
is timelike.
7.2. Observational cosmology. Most of the data relevant to cosmology is low
precision, but so much is now available, owing mainly to work during the last
decade, that at least the spacetime region near here-now seems to be reason-
ably well understood. We summarize the most important empirical results.
[15], [17] and [20] contain more details on each topic discussed below.
In presenting data, astronomers normally use certain concepts naively:
"observable universe", "spatial isotropy", "recession speed", etc. Given a
detailed model, which is in any case sometimes needed to reduce the data
systematically, each such term can be assigned a formal meaning. For
example, if one assumes a spacetime without any piecewise smooth closed
causal curves, "observable universe" can normally be taken to mean the
causal past of here-now (as defined above Theorem 2.6.6). Since we don't yet
have a detailed model, and can't write one down ad hoc without giving a
misleading impression of how such models arise, we shall sometimes proceed
naively in this section.
1140 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
7.2.1. Galax ies. The observable universe contains about 10
Naively, imagine all these now distributed more or less uniformly within a big
sphere having here as center and a radius of about 10
(light-) years. There is
some clumping. The biggest clumps of galaxies seem to be about 10
years across and contain perhaps a million galaxies. Our own galaxy is part of
a small local group which in turn is part of a big clump. The "random
motion" of galaxies is rather small: a pair of nearest neighbors may have a
relative speed of up to 0.005 the speed of light but usually the number is
smaller. Thus we shall here ignore these random motions throughout. Quasars
are probably just unusual galaxies and we shall regard them as such.
The most important physical property of an individual galaxy is beauty;
the reader should look at some slides if he can. A typical galaxy has a
rest-mass of the order of 10
seconds in our units (4.3), and a diameter of
perhaps 50,000 years. It contains several billion stars, some gas, some dust,
and other constituents minor in the sense that their contribution to the total
test-mass is small. Whether a significant admixture of black holes is present is
not known. Hydrogen is the predominant element. But about 30% of the
rest-mass is in helium, which seems to be rather uniformly distributed, and
traces of most elements are present.
7.2.2. Actual observers. Thus our own galaxy is very small compared to the
observable universe. Moreover, the speed of the earth relative to the center of
our galaxy is less than 0.001 the speed of light. Thus we can and shall idealize
as follows. (z, Z) will denote an instantaneous observer on spacetime M, with
z interpreted not only as here-now but also as an appropriate point on the
history of the center of our galaxy; Z will be interpreted not only as tangent
to the history of an actual telescope but also to the history of the center of
our galaxy. We use (z
Z) or the heuristic phrase "actual observer" iff we
have this interpretation in mind.
7.2.3. Local physics there-then. Let x represent a moderately distant-early
point in the observable universe, e.g. x is \ or less of the way back in time
toward the big bang in the sense of Figure 3.1.3. There is considerable
evidence that the basic laws of local physics at x are the same as those at z
general relativity assumes this, as indicated by the fact that in stating the laws
we have never referred to a distinguished spacetime point; we assume it
7.2.4. The Hubble law and Hubble time. Suppose an actual observer
measures the wavelength \
of a photon from a distant galaxy as in 4.4.2.
Using 7.2.3 one can usually infer what wavelength X
an instantaneous
observer at x E M at rest with respect to the distant galaxy would have
measured for that same photon at the emission event x . One systematically
finds \ > X
. This is called a red shift since on the two ends of the visible
spectrum, red light has longer wavelength than violet light. Formally, define
the red shift ratio for the photon as r = \ / \ . We shall assume, and our
models will predict, r E (1, oo). In the references, r 1 is called the cosmo-
logical red shift', we regard r as "directly measurable" (but compare 1.5). On
a naive interpretation, r > I indicates that we and the distant galaxy are
running away from each other (the Doppler effect, see [14]). As a temporary
definition, call t> == (r
+ 1) the recession speed of the galaxy. Thus
v E (0, 1); for example, if one pretends spacetime is Minkowski spacetime
one can motivate the term recession speed [18].
In a similarly naive way one can assign a distance L to the galaxy by
observing its apparent brightness or the area it appears to subtend on the sky.
For example, on a naive view, apparent brightness is proportional to {(actual
}. Assuming the actual brightness known, e.g. by comparing
with nearby galaxies and assuming 7.2.3, this acts as a temporary definition of
L. Thus one can also assign a time T via L = vT; naively, T indicates how
long ago we and the distant galaxy were right on top of each other
The empirical Hubble law states that there is some single Hubble time
E (0, co) such that T = T
, to good approximation, for all moderately
distant-early galaxies. In particular, the pattern is spatially isotropic in the
sense that T does not depend very much on the direction from which our
photon comes. For technical reasons, the numerical value of T
is less
accurately known than the fact that there is just a single number involved.
Current estimates give, roughly, T
= 1.5 10
years 20%. Tjj
is known
as the Hubble constant.
7.2.5. Other time scales. One can obtain time scales by other methods:
radioactive dating of old rocks in the solar system; estimating the age of old
stars in our galaxy; applying a dimensional argument to the observed stress-
energy density discussed below; etc. Some of these measurements are very
difficult and controversial. However, each gives a time of roughly 10
so there is some kind of rough, overall consistency.
7.2.6. The microwave photons. We observe many photons with measured
wavelengths between 0.1 and 10 cm. These are called microwave photons*
They have three remarkable properties, whose discovery, interpretation, and
implications have been the focus of attention in cosmology during the last
decade. First, they do not come from identifiable discrete sources such as
stars or galaxies. Probably the ones we see were created no later than 10
years after a big bang. In this sense observing them probably involves looking
backward in time 99.999% or more of the way and thus also almost to the
very edge of the observable universe; compare Figure 3.1.3.
Second, the observed pattern is spatially isotropic to an accuracy of
considerably better than 0.1%. This counts as extremely high precision in
cosmology. In view of the first property, it seems to indicate a surprisingly
high uniformity of the whole observable universe.
Finally, the microwave photons have what is called a thermal spectrum.
The term refers to a result found by Planck in the days before relativity. He
considered a box containing gas molecules in complete thermal equilibrium at
some temperature T. He pointed out that there must then also be photons in
the box and discovered the following remarkable law, discussed in more
detail in, e.g. [20]. Suppose an observer at rest with respect to the box
measures the number N E [0, oo) of photons whose measured energy (4.4) is
greater than a given E E (0, oo) in any unit measured 3-volume of the box.
He finds a graph N(E
T) = T
6(w) du, where b(u) is a certain universal
function independent of the kind of gas present, the size of the box, the
temperature, etc.
Now when an actual observer measures the microwave photons and
constructs the corresponding graph he finds, to good approximation,
N(E, 2.7 Kelvin). Near here-now there seems to be no photon source
1142 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
sufficiently strong and close to thermal equilibrium to account for the fact
that the observed graph has the characteristic thermal ("Planck", "black
body") shape mentioned. However, big bang models can explain the shape in
a reasonably plausible way; 7.4 will give an example. ITius the observed
graph is generally regarded as the most nearly convincing of a number of
observational results which indicate that something like a big bang actually
7.2.7. Stress-energy density. Recall that it is the stress-energy density T of
matter and electromagnetism which governs their influence on spacetime
(Chapter 6). With (z, Z) as in 7.2.2 the observed value is about
T(Z, Z) = (10
in our units, or probably rather less. Here it is
understood that T(Z
Z) has been "averaged over a very small spacetime
volume, say 10
years across". The dominant contribution to the observed
T(Z, Z) comes from the rest-mass of the galaxies. The contribution of the
microwave photons is about 10"
of this galactic contribution. That of the
macroscopic electromagnetic field is likewise negligible. However, there may
be forms of matter, even near here-now, which cannot be directly detected at
present even if they contribute significantly to T(Z
7.2.8. The cosmological reference frame. Almost every current cosmological
model postulates a distinguished future-directed timelike vector field, to be
called the cosmological reference frame. For example, the vector field 3, in 3.1
is one such. The history of each galaxy is modeled by an inextendible integral
curve of this vector field with two qualifications: (A) when the galaxy is
regarded as an extended region, it is the history of its center which is
modeled; and (B) for very early times, it is the history of the (nebulous)
matter which will eventually form the galaxy that is modeled. The main
motivation for postulating such a vector field is the spatial isotropy observed
by an actual observer (z, Z) together with the uniqueness argument in 7.1.4
and the assumption that z - here-now is not very special. Other motivations
include the possibility of an eigenvector characterization as in 3.1.2.
73. Basic cosmological models. We need a spacetime (M, g), a matter
model 9IL on M and an electromagnetic field f onM such that (Af, ^,911)
approximates the history of our universe (6.3).
7.3.1. Strategy. We will first make some assumptions on M and $ moti-
vated by the data, leaving 9IL rather general. Then we work out the mathe-
matical consequences, mainly by using Einstein's field equation. Third, we
compare the resulting models to observations. Then we will have enough
information to formulate more specific assumptions on 911 and compare
again to the data in 7.2. This section is devoted to the first two steps; the
succeeding two sections deal with the third.
7.3.2. Assumptions. When large regions are concerned the overall influence
of f on M and 9IL seems to be negligible (7.2.7). Assume therefore: (a)
<$ = 0. Thus we only need a model (M, 91L). Assume further: (/?) (M, g) is
maximal (2.6).
We next make the assumptions: (y) 9IL consists of a finite, possibly very
large, collection of particle-flows (5.3.1). (This is very general; see 6.1.) (S)
Einstein's equation G = T holds, where T is the stress-energy density of 9H
(6.1.3). It will be convenient to assume also: (e) T is nowhere zero; this is
suggested, e.g. by Theorem 6.1.4 and by 7.2.7. At this stage, it would not be
appropriate to try to specify exactly which particle-flows are in 9It or specify
the matter equations in detail (cf. 7.4.3(C) below).
Up to this point, our assumptions are too broad to give a sharp confronta-
tion between observations and the model. We next make some very specific
assumptions on (M, g). The main idea is to insist on an isometry group large
enough to take into account the observed spatial isotropy (7.1 and 7.2). Other
assumptions could be made at this point (3.1.8). All have some drawbacks
(7.4.3 below).
Precisely, the remaining assumptions are: (f ) M = R
X F, with F c R , F
open and connected, (rj) g = $l
(t)f)*h - dt dt, where <3l: F-^O, oo) is
smooth, p: M - R
and t: M - F are the projections, and h is the Euclidean
metric on R
. Denote the first and second derivatives of SI by 4l and <3l.
Replacing <3l(0 by 9 t ( - 0 if necessary, we may assume: (9) <3l is somewhere
nonnegative. In a moment, we will use the Einstein field equation to get
information on F and <3l. But first orient M via p*(du
A du
A du
) A dt,
and time-orient (M, g) by defining a causal vector V to be future-directed iff
dt(V) > 0. This time-orientation insures we don't get a model which is,
intuitively speaking, everywhere contracting, in gross contradiction to the
observations 7.2.4 (see 7.3.4 below).
One can show that, together with any standard matter equations, our above
assumptions imply: (t) F is not bounded from above. To avoid a detailed
discussion of matter equations here we postulate (i) separately. In any case
the postulate concerns only the ultimate fate of the universe, which is (despite
the enormous fuss made about it in popularizations) irrelevant to a discussion
of the observable past of here-now.
Throughout the rest of this chapter, (M, 91L) will denote a basic cosmologi-
cal model, i.e., one which satisfies all the assumptions (a)-(0 above. We have
finished the first step of our overall plan 7.3.1 and we next turn to the second.
PROPOSITION 7.3.3. The Einstein tensor G of {M, g) is
G = -( 2 &/ &
/ ^ > * / * + 3(<&/<3l)
dt dt,
where the notation is as in (f ) and (TJ).
The proof is quite similar to that outlined in 3.1.2 and is thus omitted. The
following corollary places an immediate restriction on <3l. For its purpose and
for later purposes, let Z be the vector field on M physically equivalent to
-dt; equivalently, Z satisfies dt(Z) = 1 and p^Z = 0. Note that g(Z, Z) =
- 1 and Z is future-directed.
COROLLARY 7.3.4. <3l is everywhere positive.
PROOF. 3(#L/^l)
= G(Z, Z) = T(Z, Z) > 0, by assumptions ( YH? ) and
Theorem 6.1.4(A). Thus <3l is nowhere zero. By assumption (9), <3l > 0
Recall that g ** 9}{t)p^h - dt dt. 91 therefore measures the "spatial
size" of g. Since the preceding corollary says 91 is a strictly increasing
function of t, one interprets this to mean our model must always expand; see
7.2.4. The next theorem states roughly that our model must also have a big
1144 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
bang. For its statement, first define a future-directed causal geodesic y:
I -* M to be past-incomplete iff its domain of definition / is bounded from
below in R.
THEOREM 7.3.5. Each integral curve of Z is a future-directed timelike
geodesic which is past-incomplete.
If we regard M - R
X F as a subset of R
, i.e. M - {(a, t)\a E R
t E F), then the integral curves of Z are just the /-coordinate curves oriented
in the positive direction. Theorem 7.3.5 then implies that going in the negative
direction along each /-coordinate curve must end in a "singularity" after a
finite /-value. Thus according to assumptions (/) and (i)> we may, and will,
take F = (0, oo) without any loss of generality. The hypothetical hypersurface
R X {0} (not in M) then corresponds to the big bang (cf. 3.1). The preceding
theorem is an example of a singularity theorem under very special circums-
tances; a more general singularity theorem is given in 8.3.
PROOF OF THEOREM 7.3.5. In the above representation of M as a subset of
, we may write
g - &
(/) 2 du
- dt dt.
i = i
Each isometry a E R
(cf. 2.4.2) then extends to an isometry a E %M by
o(a, t) * (o(a), t) Va E R
. If y is the /-coordinate curve / -* (a, t) for a fixed
a E R
, let G be the subgroup of R
having exactly {a} as the set of fixed
points. Then yF is the set of fixed points of G = {\o EL G). The fixed-point
set of a group of isometries being a totally geodesic submanifold (cf.
Kobayashi and Nomizu [12, II, p. 61]), y is a geodesic. Equivalently, each
integral curve y of Z is a geodesic. The fact that y is future-directed and
timelike follows from the definitions.
To show that each integral curve y of Z is past-incomplete, we first make a
series of observations. The first one is a restatement of the preceding
Z = 0, ( Z, Z) = - 1 .
(ii) g(D
Z, W) = g(V, D
Z) V vector fields V, Worthogonal to Z.
We have
Z, W) = V[g(Z, W)] - g(Z,D
W) = -g(Z,D
and similarly g(V, D
Z) = - g(D
V, Z). Since D
W = D
V + [W, V\ it
suffices to show g(Z, [W, V]) = 0. This is so because V, W are everywhere
tangent to the hypersurfaces {/ = constant} and hence so is [V, W]. This
implies s( Z, [ F, W]) = 0.
(iii) Z(div Z) = -Ri c(Z, Z) - |(div Z)
. (Special case of Raychaudhuri's
This is a straightforward computation using (i), (ii) and the following
immediate consequences of the definitions:
d i v Z = 2 g(D
i = i
where {X
, X
, X
, Z} is locally an orthonormal basis (5.1, 2.1), and with the
same notation,
Ric(Z, Z) = 2 ~g(D
Z + D
Z, X

) (cf. 2.1).
(iv) Ric(Z, Z) > 0.
Indeed, by assumptions (y), (), Theorem 6.1.4(A) and remark (A) in 6.2,
0 < W( Z, Z) = r ( Z, Z) -^ ( t r a c e r ) g ( Z, Z)
= G( Z, Z) + (traceG) = G(Z,Z)-\s.
By the definition of G, this gives
0 < Ric(Z, Z) - \sg{Z
Z) -\s = Ric(Z, Z).
(v) div Z > 0.
As we observed in the proof of (iii), div Z = *2
Z, X^, where {X
, X
Z} is a local orthonormal basis. Using g(X
, X
) = 1, we get
g( 0j r Z, ^- g( Z>
X, +[ Jr , , Z] , *, )
= \Zg(X X,) + g([X Z], X
) - g([X Z], X,),
Thus div Z = S/gQA^, Z], A)). Letting {9
} be the usual coordinate vector
fields in R
, we choose X-
= (1/31)9,., i = 1, 2, 3. It follows that div Z
3^1/ %. By Corollary 7.3.4 and assumption (-q), we see that div Z > 0.
The proof of the theorem can now be simply completed. Let y:
( a, 0] - M be an integral curve of Z. We have to show - oo < - a. Let
(div Z) y ; then is a smooth function on ( -#, 0]. (iii)(v) now imply
< - fIX > 0.
Let = /(0). Then we will prove that (-3/b) < - a. For, letting g = 1//,
we have g > 0 and g > j from the above. Now take / E ( - a, 0]; integrating
this last inequality from t to 0 gives (1/6) - ( l / / ( 0) > - V
- Thus (/) >
3b/\3 + H If - a < -3 / 6 , then ( -3/ 6) should be well defined. But the
preceding inequality implies ( - 3 / b) = + oo, contradiction.
We make three observations about this proof: (A) T(Z, Z) = }(div Z)
This follows from the proof of step (v), Proposition 7.3.3 and assumption (8),
(B) div Z -^ oo as one goes backward in time along the integral curves of Z,
This follows from the last paragraph of the proof. (C) The instantaneous
observer (z, Zz), as he goes backward in time along any integral curve of Z
will observe infinite total energy in finite proper time. This follows from 6.1.2
and (A), (B) above,
EXAMPLE 7.3.6 (THE EINSTEIN-DE SITTER MODEL). We give the key example.
Suppose (M, g) is Einstein-de Sitter spacetime (3.1), i.e. <3l(/) = f
. We
take over the notation of 3.1 without comment. Let 91L consist of a single
particle-flow (17, P) with m = average rest-mass of a galaxy, 17 = 4t
M -> (0, 00), and P = md
Then (17, P) obeys the simple matter equations
div(rjP) = 0 = D
P, interpreted in 5.3. A short computation shows that (M
3IL) is in fact a basic cosmological model as defined above. (M, 91L) is called
the Einstein-de Sitter model.
Conversely, let (Af, 9IL) be a basic cosmological model and suppose 9R,
consists of a single particle-flow (TJ, P) with rest-mass m. We will show that
(M, 911) is essentially the Einstein-de Sitter model. Let <o be the 1-form
physically equivalent to P. By assumption (5) of 7.3.2, G = TJCO co (see
Definition 6.1.3). Comparison with Proposition 7.3.3 and elementary algebra
gives m\ = 3(<3l/ <&)
, 29161 + <3l
= 0, and x = - mdt. The first equation
and Corollary 7.3.4 imply m > 0 and TJ > 0. The second equation is equiva-
lent to 2(ln a)
+ (In %) = 0. Thus we obtain
<&(/) = kt
for some A: G (0, oo),
7} = 4/
and P = m3,.
Upon choosing m as the average galaxy rest-mass, we have an isometry of
(M, 91L) with the Einstein-de Sitter model. In this sense, a basic cosmological
model (Af, 91L) is the Einstein-de Sitter model iff 91L consists of a single
particle-flow which models the galaxies.
Apart from m above, which is irrelevant in many geometric arguments, the
Einstein-de Sitter model has exactly one adjustable parameter, namely the
time / assigned to z = here-now. Now, by 3.1, no star or rock at here-now
can have a proper age greater than t(z). On the basis of the data in 7.2.5, let
us agree to take t(z) = 10
years, as a specific value, when using the
Einstein-de Sitter model. Every other general-relativistic cosmological model
has more adjustable parameters. Next to vague philosophy, gratuitous adjus-
table parameters are the biggest curse of theoretical cosmology and a really
satisfying model should have none.
The next two corollaries of Proposition 7.3.3 apply to any basic cosmologi-
cal model. The ideas involved have already been discussed in 2.6 and 3.1
and 7.1.4; we omit the proofs. For the rest of this chapter, let 3, be the vector
field physically equivalent to dt; thus this is the same vector field as the Z
of Theorem 7.3.5.
COROLLARY 7.3.7. / is the cosmological distance from the big bang, i.e.,
Vy E M, t(y) = 1. u. b . {s(x, y)\x <^y) where s is the chronological distance.
COROLLARY 7.3.8. The isometry group M is isomorphic to R
homogeneity and isotropy"). (M, g) is spatially isotropic for an instantaneous
observer (x, X)iffX= d
Thus we shall take 3, as the cosmological reference frame, with galaxy
histories modeled by integral curves of Z (7.2.8). This is consistent with the
Einstein-de Sitter matter model (7.3.6).
7.4, Confronting the data. As an example of how a basic cosmological
model (M, g) can be compared to observations, consider the following
experiment. The red shift ratio r of a photon which comes to us from the
center of a moderately distant-early galaxy is measured as in 7.2.4. In
addition, suppose the galaxy appears as a slightly extended haze in the sky,
rather than merely as a point the way a star does. By direct observation, one
can assign a solid angle A to the galaxy (the actual measurement can be very
difficult, cf. [20]). Thus A E (0, 4TT) and corresponds to that portion of the
sky under observation. Doing this experiment for many different galaxies, one
obtains a graph (r, AS2} <- AS2(r). The job of our model is to predict this
To analyze the red shift ratio r, let \ : [a, b] -> M be the observed photon,
with z = Xb and emission point x = Xa E M. By 4.4, X is future-directed
and lightlike. One takes as a geodesic on the grounds that quantum
interactions are either negligible or would annihilate the photon before it
reaches us and electromagnetism is also negligible (both the electric charge
and <$ are zero). The energy measured at emission is g(d
x, X+a) and the
measured energy at here-now is -g(9, z, X^b); these results follow from 4.4
and 7.2.3 and our interpretation of 9, in the last section. By analyzing the
geodesies, e.g. by using Killing vector fields as in 2.4.2, one can compute the
red shift ratio to get:
7.4.1. r = ft(/(z))/&(/(jc)).
Since X is future-directed and 4L is everywhere positive (Corollary 7.3.4), we
have r E (1, oo), in qualitative agreement with the observations in 7.2.4 which
give systematic red shifts, rather than any shift to violet. Note here that the
more distant-early the emission point x, the bigger r. Textbooks thus refer to
the measured quantity (r - 1) as a "distance indicator".
The appropriate model for the measurement of Ml at here-now is the
following. Let S
be the celestial sphere in Z
, i.e.
= { f/ EZ

| g( f/ , f/) = l },
where (z, Z) = (z, 9,z) is an actual observer 7.2.2. Every photon from the
distant galaxy determines a point U on the celestial sphere, U = its direction,
via the orthogonal decomposition Y = E(Z - U) where Y is its energy-
momentum at here-now. Then AH is simply the 2-area of the interpolated set
{U E S
| /as above}.
Now let us assume the intrinsic 2-dimensional cross-sectional area kA of
the distant-early galaxy is somehow known, e.g. by comparing with nearby
galaxies and assuming 7.2.3; in practice this step can also be quite difficult.
M be the group of isometries of M leaving (z, Z) fixed, as in 7.1.3. Let
be the orbit of
M through x (2.4.2). In the figure below, one dimension
is suppressed. By the form of g, the homeomorphically imbedded 2-manifold
has the intrinsic geometry of an ordinary 2-sphere. Let A be its intrinsic
area. Since
M sends lightlike geodesies through z into the same, the
particular way S
corresponds to S
then implies that Afi/(47r) = LA/A. If
we can get A in terms of r, we are finished.
To take a specific example, suppose (M,
DH) is the Einstein-de Sitter model
(7.3.6) with t(z) = 10
years as before. Then we have the explicit formulas
for lightlike geodesies X as in 3.1.5. A computation gives
A = 47r{ 3(^(jc))[%
(/(z)) - <S0
= 47r[3/(z)(r"
- r "
) ]
Thus we have our desired prediction:
7.4.2. AS = A/[3t(z)(r~
- r"
We make some comments on the precision of this equation relative to the
data. (A) Naively, with &A and t(z) fixed, one expects A2 to decrease as r
increases. For r < 9/4, 7.4.2 duly predicts this ("the more distant-early a
galaxy is, the smaller it appears"). But for r > 9/4, AS2 is an increasing
function of r. The intuitive interpretation then is that gravity is focusing the
1148 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
light, so that the galaxy looks larger than it should. The actual observations
do not extend in any convincing way out to the break point r \. (B) For
smaller values of r, the curve 7.4.2 fits the data about as well as the curve
predicted by any other model. Neither the data nor the fit are high precision
in any case except for r 1 < 1. (C) In particular, working with a naive
definition of distance as discussed in 7.2.4, one would here define distance L
via AS2 == LA / L
. For r - 1 < 1, i.e. for rather nearby galaxies, comparison
with 7.4.2 gives a prediction for the naively defined Hubble time 7.2.4. By
using a Taylor expansion and 7.2.4, the reader can check that the predicted
value of the Hubble time is T
1.5 X 10
years. The exact agreement with
the measured value is spurious, in view of the observational uncertainties, but
the agreement in the order of magnitude is gratifying.
7.4.3. Others tests. A number of similar classical tests can be applied to the
basic cosmological models, as discussed in [15] and [20]. However, the one we
have discussed is typical in the following ways. First the data is low precision
and one does not get a high precision fit (of the model for the data). Second,
the fit is about as good as for any other models even though all the other
models have extra adjustable parameters. Third, on a qualitative level, the fit
is really very good. Many different kinds of data can be fitted in without
forcing or gross discrepancies. Then one has a simple overall context within
which to analyze each particular observation. These models really are basic.
7.4.4. Diseases. However, the models also have serious diseases. (A) The
universe has no exact symmetries; for example, there are fairly big clumps of
galaxies (7.2.1). In our basic models, however, %M is nontrivial. Every
explicitly known cosmological spacetime, general relativistic or not, suffers
from this deadly disease. No real cure is known. To analyze more nearly
generic models, one must use general theorems or linearization stability
results (cf. [6]). Then one has so much leeway in the models that the
comparison to observation becomes less tense and thus less interesting. The
next disease is also almost universal and is extremely interesting. (B) Our
models are self-defeating in the following sense: they predict a big bang
(Theorem 7.3.5), but no matter how one chooses the matter model and matter
equations one finds that sufficiently close to the big bang they become
unrealistic. For example, the Einstein-de Sitter model is probably quite good
near here-now and for, say, 90% of the time back to the big bang. But we
shall see in the next section that the Einstein-de Sitter model is self-defeating,
exactly in the sense just mentioned, for early times, e.g. for t < 10
Similarly, there is empirical evidence, discussed briefly in the next section,
that the basic cosmological models may be qualitatively correct for quite
early times, e.g. 1 second after the big bang. But if, as is frequently done
nowadays, one starts speculating on much earlier times still, e.g. 10~
seconds after the big bang (!), then the particle-flow model (7.3.2) itself
breaks down. If there was such an epoch, quantum theoretical matter models
must be used to analyze it.
This self-defeating disease is important because in trying to explain ob-
served phenomena near here-now, e.g. the microwave photons and helium
abundances mentioned in 7.2, one is sometimes driven back, willy nilly, to
earlier epochs. It is probably not a mortal disease: hopefully many features
near here-now are not too sensitive to the existence, let alone the details, of
an ultra dense epoch. Moreover, there is a reasonably straightforward stan-
dard cure. The further back in time one has to go, the more one refines the
matter model stepwise, using previous steps as a guide. Einstein-de Sitter is
here the 0th step; the next section briefly discusses the first.
In addition to these essentially universal diseases, the basic models (7.3.2)
have a special one: (C) They predict that the observed Hubble time T and
observed energy density (7.2.7) must be related by T(Z, Z) = (f)7# [17].
That the model interrelates these two different measurements is a virtue and
the prediction is barely consistent with current data, but a smaller predicted
value of T(Z, Z) would fit the data somewhat better.
Finally, if one wants to make theoretical cosmology seem harder, deeper,
and more accurate than it really is, the basic cosmological models are the
worst possible models to use.
7.5. The early universe. Let (M, g) be a basic cosmological model. We
briefly discuss here the microwave photons (7.2.6), the self-defeating disease
7.4.4(B), and the early universe.
By assumption (y) in 7.3.2, we must model our microwave photons by a
finite collection of particle-flows. Let (17, P) be one. Then P is lightlikc
future-directed and the rest-mass is zero (4.4 and 5.2). On the basis of the
argument used for the single photon A in the preceding section (cf. also 5.3
and 5.4), we assume P geodesie as before; thus D
P = 0. We shall here
assume photons are conserved, i.e. div(TjP) = 0. Probably this is a reasonable
assumption for times later than 10
years, though the arguments in support of
this are rather difficult and to some extent controversial ([15], [20]). For much
earlier times still, the matter equation div(jP) - 0 in turn becomes self-de-
feating, but we shall not explicitly go back that far here.
Since P is lightlike, we cannot insist on spatial isotropy (7.1) for the
individual particle-flow (17, P). However, since our large isometry group M
was in part motivated by the microwave photons we shall insist that (TJ, P)
has maximal symmetry, i.e. there is a subgroup % c 3M such that 17 <> <f> = 17
and </>*> = P V</> G %, with the dimension of % as large as possible. It turns
out that the relevant dimension is 4. Moreover, suppose N G (0, 00) and
E G (0, 00) are given; let r be the red shift ratio (7.4.1), i.e.
r = [ &(/ (z))/ & t] : M -* (0, 00).
rj = (N/E)r
:M->(0, 00),
P = >(3, +[l/<& o / ] 3 j ) : M^ r M.
Then (17, P) is a photon-particle flow of maximal symmetry and obeys D
P = 0
= div(i]P); conversely, if (ij, P) is a photon particle-flow of maximal symmetry
which obeys these matter equations and rj > 0, then there exists anjsometry
<t> G M and positive numbers N and P such that TJ = 17 <> <f> and P = <f>+P,
where 17 and P are defined in terms of N and E as above. Note that since r 1
at here-now, by 4.4 and 5.2, E is the energy measured at here-now for a
photon in the particle-flow (17, P); similarly, by 5.2, N has the interpretation
of number per unit 3-volume of Z
at here-now.
Now an observer at here-now measures many different energy-momenta, in
particular, many different energies, for the various microwave photons (7.2.6).
Thus we shall have to use many maximally symmetric particle-flows as above.
Ideally, one would like to insist on global spatial isotropy (7.1.3) at least for
the set as a whole. This cannot actually be achieved unless one uses an
"infinite" number, i.e. uses the tangent bundle model of 5.3.3. However, it
can be approximated to any desired degree of accuracy by using sufficiently
many. That will suffice for present purposes and the exact number used will
be irrelevant.
This model explains the observed thermal spectrum (7.2.6) as follows. Let
(17, P) be a photon particle-flow with maximal symmetry, N > 0. Suppose
x G M models an early point, i.e. t(x) < 10
years. Then a computation
using the definition in 4.4 and 5.2 shows that the number density N
energy E
measured by (x, d
x) are N
= N(r(x))
> N and E
= Er(x) >
E. Suppose (x, d
x) measures many such flows. Suppose his graph for N
does have the thermal form 7.2.6 with T
G (0, 00) as the temperature. Since
the situation near x is very dense (cf. the observations after the proof of
Theorem 7.3.5), assuming a thermal shape at x is quite possible (cf. [15] and
[20] for detailed arguments). Now our equations above show directly that at
here-now we must also observe a thermal spectrum equal to
N(E) = r-*N
) = r-*Tir bdu^^T b du
wi t hT
/ r <T
[This famous and beautiful argument does not explain the particular value
= 2.7K. By going back still further in time, and assuming the observed
helium abundance (7.2.1) is due to the creation of helium out of hydrogen at
early times, one can let a self-consistent explanation of the number 2.7K for
the temperature and the 30% figure quoted in 7.2.1 ([15], [20]). Since that
argument involves times of order 1 to 1000 seconds after the big bang it is
spectacularly correct if, as at present seems likely, it is correct.]
Finally, we analyze in what sense the Einstein-de Sitter model is self-defeat-
ing. Let (M, 9IL) be a basic cosmological model. Let T
be the galactic
contribution to the total stress-energy density T of 6.1, and let T
be the
microwave photon contribution. By 7.2.7, we take T
(Z, Z) = l O^r ^Z, Z),
i.e. the photons are negligible near (z, Z) = here-now. Now suppose T
spatially isotropic in the sense of 7.1.3. Since each particle-flow which
contributes to T
has zero rest-mass we find from 6.1 and 7.1.3 that
= (fi t)(g + Adt dt) for some smooth function (x: (0, oo) - [0, oc); by
using six or more particle-flows of maximal symmetry, one can construct a T
of this form. Using the Einstein-de Sitter matter equations for T
^and our
above matter equations for the photon particle-flows, one finds div T
= 0 =
div T
by Theorem 6.1.4(C). Explicit integration of these two equations now
gives r
(3 3,) = \0-
3,). Now r-* oo as / -0 because r = /(z)
/-2/3 j
n t
e c a s e 0
f Einstein-de Sitter. This means that for sufficient early
times, r
(3,, 3,) T
3,). This in turn means that the Einstein-de Sitter
model, which neglects the effect on spacetime of the photon particle-flows
entirely, becomes unrealistic at early times. The cure is merely to include the
photon particle-flows. Near here-now, it makes no essential difference; for
early times, it gives a more nearly realistic model. Thus we have given an
example of disease 7.4.4(B) and its stepwise cure. The next steps are dis-
cussed, e.g. in [15] and [20].
Summary. The actual universe is beautiful. Some of that rubs off on the
various models used in cosmology. But the models must be taken with a grain
or more of salt.
In current research in general relativity, the most interesting topic concept-
ually is that of combining the theory with quantum physics. Equally im-
portant is finding detailed models, especially matter models, for a variety of
observed astrophysical systems. Neither these nor many other physically
motivated current investigations as yet lend themselves readily to description
in reasonably precise mathematical terms. We will not discuss them.
Among relevant advanced mathematical topics, the study of the initial
value problem and linearization stability is one of the most important. In [6],
mathematicians should find discussions of these topics in terms that are
accessible. Also very important is the theory of causal vector fields; cf. [5].
However, lightlike vector fields are so anti-intuitive for anyone trained in
Riemannian geometry that we have here (somewhat artificially) avoided this
theory whenever possible and shall continue to do so. Leaving aside a host of
1152 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
minor topics, the third major mathematical area of current interest is chronol-
ogy theory (cf. 2.6). This chapter discusses some examples of it. Many of the
results are due to Geroch, Hawking and Penrose. [9] and [16] are the
canonical references*
For reasons of space, the presentation of this chapter has been made more
condensed than that of the preceding seven. As usual, (M
g) denotes a
8.1. Mean curvature. Let N c M be a 3-dimensional spacelike submanifold
of M (5.1). We define the mean curvature K: N -* R of N as follows. Given
x E N
let {X
, X
Z) be vector fields in a neighborhood % of x such
that Z is future-directed, at each y E N n ^l {X
Z) is an orthonor-
mal basis of N
consistent with the orientation of M, and {X
y, X
spans N
. Then by definition,
That this definition is independent of the choice of {X
Z} is a
standard calculation which we omit; this calculation is in fact implicit in the
proof of step (ii) in the proof of Theorem 7.3.5. The following observation
follows directly from the definition of the divergence of a vector field in 5.1
(see also the proof of step (iii) in the proof of Theorem 7.3.5): If Z is a unit
vector field, future-directed and orthogonal to JV at every point of N
T = di vZU.
The readers familiar with Riemannian geometry will recognize K as the
trace of the second fundamental form of N
and as such, this definition
coincides with the Riemannian definition of mean curvature (cf. Kobayashi
and Nomizu [12, II], p. 33). One has the following geometric interpretation of
K. Suppose N is, in addition, a compact submanifold with boundary (5.1).
Vx E N, let y
: [0, e] -> M be a future-directed geodesic orthogonal to N and
satisfying y^O = x and \\(y
)*\\ = 1. Also Vf E [0, e], define N
= {y
(t)\x E
N). If v(t) denotes the Riemannian volume of N'
then a straightforward
computation gives
i/(0) = fKQ
where i
denotes the Riemannian volume element of N. Thus K > 0 roughly
means that the future-directed geodesies orthogonal to JV are, on the average,
spreading out near N so as to increase the volume of N. The corresponding
interpretation f or K < 0 underlies the proofs of both singularity theorems of
this article (Theorem 7.3.5 and Theorem 8.3.2 following).
EXAMPLE 8.1.1. Suppose M = R
X (0, oo) and g = 2^
- du
. With the usual orientation and time-orientation, (M, g) becomes the
upper-half space of Minkowski spacetime. Define r: R
-> (0, oo) by r
2 a n d wr i t e
' = N
: M->(0, oo); then both are smooth positive
functions on Af. Let S c M be the unit hyperboloid defined by r
= t
- 1. S
is then a spacelike 3-dimensional submanifold of M. In the open neighbor-
hood U s= (r
< t
} of S
define a vector field Z by Z =
- r
u^d . Z satisfies g(Z
Z) = - 1 , is future-directed, and Z\
is everywhere orthogonal to S. Moreover, div Z = 3(/
- r
. Thus the
mean curvature of S equals K = div Z\
= 3.
Note that Z is just the restriction of the radial vector field of R
to M.
Consequently, its integral curves are just radial geodesies (= straight lines).
From the geometric interpretation of K given above, we expect from K = 3 >
0 that in following the geodesic integral curves of Z in the past direction they
should converge. Indeed, these geodesies converge at the origin (not in Af ),
thereby giving rise to a "singularity"; compare the proofs of Theorems 7.3.5
and 8.3.2.
In the figure below, the orthogonality of Z to S might look peculiar; it is
because g is Lorentzian.
8.2. Cauchy surfaces. The global structure of a spacetime (Af, g) can be
quite subtle. However, if there exists a Cauchy surface, as defined below, the
global structure is not really more complicated than that of a Riemannian
Let y: (a, b) - M be a continuous curve, where o o < a < fc < o o . An
x E M is an upper endpoint for y iff lim
yu * x, i.e. V neighborhood U of
x in Af, there exists a u
E (a, b) such that y(u
, b) c U. Intuitively: y
ultimately enters and stays in U. Lower endpoints are defined dually, y is
endless iff it has no endpoints.
EXAMPLES 8.2.1. (A) Let y: F-* M be an inextendible geodesic which is not
a constant map. Then y is endless; this follows from the existence of
geodesically convex neighborhoods (Lemma 2.6.3). (B) For any timelike
vector field A" on Af (which always exists by Proposition 2.3.1), the inextend-
ible integral curves of X are endless. (C) The existence of upper or lower
endpoints cannot be judged just by looking at the domain F. For example,
suppose Af = N X (0, oo) with N a 3-manifold, n E Af, F = (0, oo), and
yu = (n, tanh ) V e F. Then y has no lower endpoint and has an upper
endpoint (n
1), although the opposite is true of the canonical imbedding
Fc+R, (D) As always, causal curves (2.3) play a special role. For example,
1154 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
suppose y: (0, 1) -* M is smooth and the sequence y(^), y(f ), . . . converges
to x E M. Then if y is causal, a bounded variation argument shows x is an
upper endpoint for y; however, for a general y, x need not be an upper
Let C c M be a subset. C is defined as a Cauchy surface iff each smooth
endless timelike curve y: F-* M intersects C exactly once, i.e. there exists a
unique u
E. F such that yw
E C. This definition is conformally invariant in
the sense of 2.6.5 since a curve is endless timelike for (Af, ag) iff it is endless
timelike for (Af, g). A spacetime is globally hyperbolic iff there exists a Cauchy
EXAMPLES 8.2.2. (A) Let (M, g) be the upper-half space of Minkowski
spacetime (8.1.1). Define C as the level surface / = 2, a > 0. Then C is a
Cauchy surface, as an elementary argument shows. (B) Minkowski spacetime,
a Kruskal spacetime (3.2), any basic cosmological spacetime (7.3), and, in
particular, Einstein-de Sitter spacetime (3.1) are all globally hyperbolic. (C)
In (A), the Cauchy surface is smooth and spacelike. Neither condition holds
in general. For example, in the 2-dimensional Minkowski spacetime (R
- du
), the line indicated diagramatically below is a Cauchy
surface C:
Proposition 8.2.3 below usually obviates the need to worry about Cauchy
surfaces which are not smooth and spacelike. (D) Let TV c M be a 3-dimen-
sional spacelike submanifold and i: JV- M the natural injection. Then (N,
i*g) is a Riemannian manifold. Even if (N, i*g) is complete and (M, g) is
maximal, N need not be a Cauchy surface. For instance, let (M, g) be
Minkowski spacetime with the origin deleted, and let N be the hyperplane
= 1} in M. iV is not a Cauchy surface in (M, g). Now choose a positive
function a on M which is constant outside the Euclidean unit ball of
- {0} (= Af) such that (Af, ag) is (geodesically) complete. By the
conformai invariance of a Cauchy surface, N is still not a Cauchy surface in
the maximal spacetime (Af, ag) although (N
i*(ag)) is a complete
Riemannian manifold and Af is maximal.
PROPOSITION 8.2.3. Suppose M possesses a Cauchy surface. Then M possesses
a Cauchy surface N c Af which is a connected spacelike 'S-dimensional sub-
manifold of M.
This is one of the folk theorems of the subject. It is not difficult to prove
that every Cauchy surface is in fact a Lipschitzian hypersurface in M [16].
However, to our knowledge, an elegant proof that his Lipschitzian submani-
fold can be smoothed out to such an N above is still missing.
Now let N be as in Proposition 8.2.3 and let x E M - N.
THEOREM 8.2.4. (A) There exists at least one smooth timelike curve y:
[0, 1] -* M such that yO = x, yl G N, and the arclength ofy, /o||y*w|| du, is at
least as large as the arclength of any other smooth, timelike curve from x to {a
point in) N. (B) This y is a geodesic which hits N orthogonally.
We recall explicitly that ||y*w|| = { -g(y*w, y*)}
, so that the arclength
of y is positive. Proving part (A) requires considerable machinery. We here
remark only that the main step consists of showing (M, g) is globally
hyperbolic (i.e. possesses a Cauchy surface) iff it is globally hyperbolic in the
sense of Leray [16]. Part (B) follows directly from part (A) together with the
standard Riemannian argument and the wrong-way triangle inequality 2.2.3.
8.2.5. Spacetimes which have no Cauchy surface. To lend perspective, we
mention some cases where no Cauchy surface exists. (A) Suppose there exists
a piecewise smooth timelike curve y: F-+M which is closed. Then no
Cauchy surface exists. For by a standard "rounding the corner" argument,
one can smooth out y to a smooth closed timelike curve y: R -* M. Then y
intersects each set either infinitely many times or none at all. To get a
concrete example, use the 2-dimensional time-orientable Lorentzian manifold
in 2.3. (B) Amputate the origin from Minkowski spacetime as in 8.2.2 (D).
(C) Amputate the half-space u
< 0 from Minkowski spacetime. Then by a
conformai change of the metric as in 8.2.2(D), one can also get a geodesically
complete example.
Very roughly speaking, these three examples indicate the three main ways
in which a spacetime can fail to be globally hyperbolic: there are "causality
violations or near causality violations" (case (A)); there are "gaps" (case (B));
or "infinity has the wrong shape" (case (C)).
83. A Singularity Theorem. To have a detailed example, we shall prove one
of the simplest singularity theorems (Theorem 8.3.2); it is due primarily to
Hawking. The main physical motivation for discussing the theorem has in
effect been outlined in Chapter 7: one probably needs something like a big
bang to account for the observational data of cosmology (7.2ff.). The explicit
models which predict a big bang (e.g. Theorem 7.3.5) are all somewhat
suspect because such strong idealizations have been made (7.3.2). So one
wants some general results. In addition, Theorem 8.3.2 gives some insight into
the phenomenon of matter collapsing towards a singularity, e.g. a black hole;
this follows by merely reversing the time-orientation below. However, it
happens not to be among the more interesting theorems for this "time
reversed" situation.
8.3.1. Assumptions. Let (M, g) be a spacetime throughout. Assume: (A)
Ric(F, V) > 0 V causal vector V. The motivation has been discussed in
considerable detail in 6.2. Almost any nonquantum matter model implies
this condition via inequalities such as those in Theorem 6.1.4 on the total
stress-energy density of matter and electromagnetism and the Einstein field
equation (6.2). Thus, if assumption (A) breaks down, that in itself would
presumably indicate the existence of a very hot, dense region, and this would
be accomplishing the same purpose as a singularity theorem Note that
assumption (A) is merely an inequality on Ric and not something more
stringent, such as a partial differential equation.
Next we assume: (B) There exists a Cauchy surface for (M, g). Unfor-
tunately, this may well be an unrealistically strong assumption for our actual
universe. Thus many theorems use considerably weaker versions instead. But
then one necessarily gets entangled in Lorentzian subtleties as in the next
section. Making this assumption here will avoid lengthy explanations of such
points. It follows from assumption (B) that there exists a connected smooth
spacelike hypersurface N c M which is a Cauchy surface (Proposition 8.2.3).
Finally assume: (C) For one such Cauchy surface N
there exists a c > 0
such that the mean curvature of N obeys K > c (8.1). The motivation is
twofold. Almost all explicit cosmological models, in particular, all the basic
cosmological models of 7.3, imply this. (To see this for the basic cosmologi-
cal models, recall from the proof of step (v) in the proof of Theorem 7.3.5 that
div Z = 3<3l/<3l. One checks that for each b > 0, M
= {/ = b) is a Cauchy
surface. By 8.1, the mean curvature of M
is K = div Z\
= 3%(o)/?R,(fc).
Thus we may let c = 3<3l()/3l(), by Corollary 7.3.4.) Second, we are again
dealing merely with an inequality so the assumption is not too sensitive to
To state the theorem, we fix a smooth connected spacelike Cauchy surface
N whose mean curvature K > c for some positive constant c (assumptions
(B) and (C)). Recall from Theorem 7.3.5 that a future-directed causal geo-
desic y: F-> M is past-incomplete iff its domain of definition F is bounded
from below in R.
THEOREM 8.3.2. Every future-directed timelike geodesic which hits N orthogo-
nally is past-incomplete. In fact, if : ( w, 0) -* M is such a geodesic satisfying
IIJI - 1 and0 G N, then -u> -3 / c .
REMARKS. (1) Of course one has in mind the case where M is maximal. (2)
Unfortunately the theorem does not state that these geodesies are past-incom-
plete because when going backward in time, they would encounter infinite
curvature or infinite energy density, etc. The canonical examples, e.g. basic
cosmological models, do give such stronger statements (see the observations
after the proof of Theorem 7.3.5). This lack of a detailed description of the
precise nature of incompleteness for timelike geodesies is the main disease of
all the general singularity theorems. There should be stronger results one can
obtain without losing too much generality. (3) This theorem is atypical among
singularity theorems in that it predicts the incompleteness of many inextend-
ible time-like geodesies. In the more general theorems, one can only assert the
existence of one incomplete inextendible timelike geodesic.
PROOF OF THEOREM 8.3.2. We begin with some preliminary material. Let y:
[ a, 0] - M be a future-directed timelike geodesic hitting N orthogonally
such that yO = x G N
and | | yj | = 1; thus g(y
0, A) = 0 VA G N
. Define
a vector space T of vector fields along y by: X G T iff (i) Xt G M
\/t G[-a, 0], (ii) g(Xt, y ^ O- 0 Vt G [-a, 0], (iii) X0 G N
and (iv)
X ( a) = 0. Note that, in particular, T consists only of spacelike vector
fields along y. For convenience, we introduce the curvature transformation
: V vector fields X, Y
Z, R
2< is the unique vector field which satisfies
Z) = R(o>, Z, X, Y) V 1-forms <o, where the right-hand side is the
curvature tensor as in 2.1. Now we define a quadratic function /: T - R by
I{X) =
~ * Kr > *)(')} dt+ g{D
X, Y,0),
where the last term is understood in the sense that if X is any extension of X0
in the Cauchy surface N, then
X, y,0)

= g(DiX, y.O).
This definition is independent of the particular extension so specified and
depends solely on X0, as a calculation shows. In the Riemannian case, I(X )
is, of course, the quadratic form associated with the Morse index bilinear
form on N-vector fields along y (cf. Bishop and Crittendon [2, 11.2];
Kobayashi and Nomizu [12, II, pp. 71-88]; Hicks [11, 10.0-10.2]).
Suppose X E Sf. Let T: [ -#, 0] X [0, e]-> M be any smooth map such
that: (1) y coincides with the curve r
: [~a, 0] - M given by r
(/) = r(/, 0);
(2) r(0, S) E NVS E [0, e]; (3) Vt E[-a, 0], */ is equal to the initial tangent
vector of the curve : [0, e] - M defined by s = T(J, S); and (4) Vs E [0, c],
the curve r,: [ -a, 0] - Af given by r
(t) = r(^, ^) is timelike and future-di-
rected. Then we call r a rectangle which induces X. The last requirement (4) is
not crucial because it can always be satisfied if we take e sufficiently smalL
Then, just as in the Riemannian case, one proves:
(a) \fX E T, there exists a rectangle which induces it.
Now let y, X, r be as above, and let /: [0, e] -> R be the arclength function:
/(*)- f|(o*(')|K
Then 1(0) = arclength of y. Again, carrying over the Riemannian proof
except for sign changes, we have:
(($) If T is a rectangle which induces an A" G % then the second derivative
of the arclength function at 0 is given by / (0) = I(X).
We can now give the proof of the theorem proper. Suppose : ( - w, 0] - M
is a future-directed timelike geodesic which hits TV orthogonally and satisfies
IIJI = 1 and 0 G N. Let - v E ( - u, 0], and let (-1;) = z E M. Theorem
8.2.3 implies that there is a future-directed timelike geodesic y: [ a, 0] > M
hitting N orthogonally such that y(-tf) = z, yO E N, ||y
|| = 1 and the
arclength of y maximizes those of all the smooth timelike curves from z to N.
In particular, since the arclength of y is a and the arclength of lf-^o] is t>>
w e
a > v.
We now carry over the notation of the initial segment of the proof. Let (Y
, y
) be parallel vector fields along y (i.e. D
Y, = 0 V/) such that
Vt E[-a, 0], (y,/, y
/, y
/, y*/) is an orthonormal asis of M
If {X
) are
the vector fields along y defined by X
t = ((a + t)/a)Y
V/ E [ -a, 0] and
Vi = 1, 2, 3, then each X
E T. By (a) and (ft) above and the choice of y, we
1158 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
have I(X

) > O V*. Since D

= (l/a)Y
one obtains
o < 2 nx
- f -/_J 2 s K , > *,)(')} dt+ 2 g(^,y,o).
However, it follows from the definitions in 2.1 that
2 S ( / ^ Y x,)(t) = ( ^ ) 2 g(Rr
u, Y,)(t)
- ((a + 0/ a)
Ric(y^, Y*0 > 0,
where the last inequality is by assumption (A) on (M, g). Thus 0 < (3/a) +
We now estimate the last sum. Note that (Xfi, X
0, X
0, y^O) is an
orthonormal basis of M
which may be assumed to be consistent with the
orientation of M, and (X
0, X
0, X
0) spans N
. Extend (Xfi,..., y^O) to
vector fields (X[, X^ X'
Z) in a neighborhood of x in M such that at each
y E N inside the neighborhood, (X[y, X
y, X
y, Zy) is an orthonormal basis
of M
and N = span{A
/^}. Thus, according to 8.1,
2 8{D
7,0) = 2 *( V A 7*0) - - 2 g(X
', D
Z)(x) - - Ax,
where K is the mean curvature of N. By assumption (C), K < c. Thus
0 < (3/a) + S. gC^^. , yjd) < (3/a) - c=> -( 3/ c) < - a. Together with
the inequality a > v above and the fact that ( v) in ( , 0] is arbitrary, we
have -( 3/ c ) < - w.
8.4. Black holes in general. The chronology relation of 2.6 is used in a
number of ways: proving singularity theorems; defining and analyzing black
holes; defining and analyzing spacetime boundaries with special reference to
the concept of asymptotic flatness; discussing naked singularities; generating
thesis problems for relativists who like global arguments; etc.
We now indicate how it is used in analyzing black holes. Again the attitude
is that explicit spacetimes, such as those of 3.2, are very useful for detailed
discussions but may not give adequate insight into the general case. For
example, the assumption of spherical symmetry is very special, and the
assumption of Ricci flatness means one cannot directly discuss collapsing
matter at all (6.2).
We thus start by discussing how the definition of the black hole region B in
a Kruskal spacetime (3.2) can be reworded so that it makes sense, formally,
in any spacetime. Roughly speaking, the essential property of B that we shall
use is the fact that light signals cannot escape from B to infinity.
Let (M, g) be a spacetime with chronology relation < (2.6). We define the
chronological past of a curve : F'-* M by 7~X= U
{x <\u}. Recall
that a future-directed lightlike geodesic X: F> M is future-complete iff its
domain of definition F is not bounded from above in R.
Define C = Interior(M - 0\<=
I~A), where A is the collection of future-
directed, future-complete lightlike geodesies in M. Roughly, speaking, the
definition means C is a region in which all light signals are trapped and
short-lived. We give two examples.
In Minkowski spacetime, every inextendible geodesic is complete. It follows
that C is empty.
On the other hand, in Kruskal spacetime (3.2), C is simply the black hole
B. For example, consider a point z in the normal Schwarzschild submanifold
N of Kruskal spacetime M. To show that z is not in C, refer to Figure 3.2.1.
By confining attention to points and lines which have the same angles as z
(i.e. have the same o projection) we may regard A in the figure as a
2-dimensional submanifold of M and regard the projection <xz as z itself.
Choose an x in al
{z) n OLN.

I ' * . * *
Consider the vertical line A directed toward the top of the page, starting at x.
is lightlike (3.2). A short computation shows that, suitably parameterized, X
is a future-directed, future-complete lightlike geodesic. By construction z E
". Thus z is not in C. Similar arguments show no point in N
W, or Q is in
C. On the other hand, a separate computation shows that every future-direc-
ted lightlike geodesic which intersects B is future-incomplete. Since B is open,
and contains the chronological future of each of its own points (3.2), the
definition of C now implies B c C. Since M = B u Closure(JV \J W Q)
we thus have B = C as claimed.
If one insisted on having available a definition of black hole region
applicable to every spacetime, C above might be the most reasonable candi-
date. However, in physics one usually takes the view that the concept of a
black hole should be introduced only for spacetime which "obey suitable
causality conditions" and are "asymptotically flat" [9]. It is then also more
appropriate to replace A in our definition above by a suitable subset of A,
consisting, roughly speaking, of those lightlike geodesies which actually
"escape to infinity" rather than merely being future-complete. The next two
sections indicate some of the methods involved.
Aside. In the above definition, one can show
Closure C = Closure! M - I J I'Al
V AeA /
in particular, C is nonempty if M UxeA^ ~^ *
- I
this sense, the fact that
"Interior" has been inserted into the definition makes no essential difference;
it is done for technical convenience.
8.5. Stable causality (cf. [9]). Empirically, there are no known violations of
the chronology condition (2.6). Many physicists feel that one should impose
the chronology condition, or some very similar requirement, as a basic
physical requirement on all spacetimes considered. However, merely imposing
1160 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
the chronology condition would still allow a certain marginal cases, such as
that given in Example 8.52 below. We now define a more stringent restric-
tion, which is generally regarded as being more plausible, mainly because it
also excludes all such marginal cases.
Recall that (M, g) is a spacetime. A Lorentzian metric g
on M is defined
as wider than g iff each vector W which is causal for (M, g) is timelike for
(M, g
), i.e. g
(W, W)<0 whenever W ^ 0 and g(W, W) < 0; intuitively,
the lightcones for (M, g
) are then wider than those for (M, g) (cf. 2.2). A
narrower Lorentzian metric is defined dually.
8.5.1. REMARK. Given (M, g) there exists a spacetime (M, g
) with g
than g. For let F be a vector field with g(V
V) < 0 everywhere (cf. 2.3.1).
Let o) be the 1-form physically equivalent to V via g (2.4.3). Define g
= g ~
co co. By algebra (e.g. by using at a given point x a basis for M
, orthonor-
mal with respect to g, whose fourth vector is proportional to V) one finds g
is a Lorentzian metric on Af. Moreover, if W is causal with respect to g,
u(W) 7* 0 (2.2); it follows that g
is wider than g. g
(V, V) < 0 so (M, g
) is
time-orientable (2.3). Time orienting gives the required spacetime (M, g
(M, g) is defined as stably causal iff there is a spacetime (M, g
) which
obeys the chronology condition (2.6), with g
wider then g. Thus a stably
causal spacetime obeys the chronology condition. But, intuitively speaking,
the point is that, in addition, any "sufficiently small" perturbation of g in a
stably causal spacetime will lead to a Lorentzian metric which is also
narrower than g
and thus to a spacetime which is again stably causal; in this
sense the restriction of stable causality has an agreeable stability which
analogous restrictions lack. An example may clarify the point.
EXAMPLE 8.5.2. On the 2-dimensional version of Minkowski spacetime, (R
- du
), let L, and L
be two infinite horizontal straight
lines. Take two points A and B between L, and L
lying on a lightlike
geodesic (= straight line with a 45 slant). We construct a new (2-
dimensional) spacetime by identifying , and L
, and further deleting the
closed semi-infinite line segments emanating from A and B, as shown:
A .

The resulting 2-dimensional spacetime obeys the chronology condition. But if
is any Lorentzian metric on the manifold such that g
is wider than g, then
there are closed curves through p, timelike with respect to g
. Thus the
2-dimensional spacetime is not stably causaL
THEOREM 8.5.3. (M, g) is stably causal iff there is a smooth, real valued
function h on M such that dh is everywhere timelike.
In one direction the proof is simple. Suppose such an h exists. Take <o in
8.5.1 to be co = dh and let V be physically equivalent to w as before. Then
) is a spacetime, with g
wider than g. Algebra shows dh is timelike with
respect to g
. Thus if y is a curve in M such that y is timelike with respect to
, then dh(y+) == ((y*) * 0 (cf. 2.2). This implies y is one-one. Thus (M, g
obeys the chronology condition. Thus (M, g) is stably causal. For the idea of
the (harder) proof of the converse, see [9].
Any function h which obeys the conditions of Theorem 8.5.3 is called a
global time function. Usually, when discussing black holes, one assumes
spacetime is stably causal. Theorem 8.5.3 indicates one way in which stable
causality can then be applied: even though h is not canonically determined,
the existence of at least one global time function means it makes sense to
speak of a black hole being created at some time: e.g. one could assume that
C in 8.4 is nonempty but that h\
> t
for some t
in the image of h ("at
times earlier than /
, there was no black hole"). In the absence of a global
time function such concepts need not make sense, as Example 8.5.2 perhaps
suggests. We now turn to another way in which the assumption of stable
causality can be used when analyzing black holes
Aside. A globally hyperbolic spacetime is stably causal but the converse
need not hold.
8.6. Causal boundaries. We now indicate roughly how, in a stably causal
spacetime, one can replace A in the construction of 8.4 by a more ap-
propriate subset of A, consisting of those lightlike geodesies which, physically
speaking, actually escape to infinity. The method to be used also gives some
idea of current activities in attaching boundaries to spacetimes. One main
idea is to assign a future "ideal endpoint" to each endless causal curve,
thereby grouping such curves into the equivalence classes of curves which
have the same ideal endpoint. We start with a simple observation about the
chronological pasts of points of an arbitrary spacetime (M, g) (cf. 2.6 for
terminology and notation).
LEMMA 8.6.1. Suppose z G M. Then I~{z} has the three properties: (A) it is
nonempty; (B) if y G I~{z], then I~{y) C I ~{z}; (C) if x, w G I~{z), then
there exists y G I~{z) such that both x>w G I~{y).
(B) is equivalent to the transitivity of <, and (C) is proved by noting that
I*{x) n /
{w} is an open neighborhood of z (cf. Theorem 2.6.2_and its
proof). The lemma suggests that we investigate the following subset M of the
power set of M : P G M iff
(A) P is nonempty.
(C) x, w G P => there exists y G P such that both x
w E_I {y}.
From Theorem 2.6.2 and (B) and (C), we know Jhat M consists of open
sets. Moreover, Lemma 8.6.1 imp]ies that I ~{z) G M Vz G M. We therefore
have a natural mapping f : M - M defined by fz * I " {z} Vz G M.
Throughout the remainder of this section, we assume (M, g) is stably
1162 R. K. SACHS AND H. WU
causal. The relevant consequence is that then the mapping f above is one-one.
Indeed, suppose I~{q) = /~{p}- Then p G Closure I"{q) and q G
Closure I~{p} (2.6). If p ^ q this clearly implies p < q and q <p for any
spacetime (M, g
) with g
wider than g; thus assuming/? = q contradicts the
fact that (Af, g) is stably causal. Thus J is one-one and we shall agree
henceforth to identify_M with f M c M. We define the future causal boundary
of M to be M
= Af M. M
is intuitively the ultimate future of M and is
nonempty (cf. Example 8.6.2 below). Thus a consequence of stable causality
is that it allows M to be naturally imbedded in a bigger space with a future
We now define a causal structure on Af. \/Q G Af, we shall define its causal
past " { Q} and its chronological part / " { Q} (see end of 2.6):
P E J~{Q} iff P e g ,
P G I~{Q) iff there exists JC G g_such that P c / " { * } .
One can check that each I " { Q} c Af enjoys the three properties of Lemma
8.6.1, and that I~{Q) C J~{Q) V(? G Af. Moreover, this chronology rela-
tion, i.e. P < Q iff P G ~{ }, extends that of M; in other words, Vx,
^ G M, x < j> in M if f x < j> in M. We shall also need the following
characterization of M
before we can outline the standard definition of a
black hole. For a proof, see [9].
LEMMA 8.6.2. P G M
iff P = I~y for some smooth future-directed causal
curve y in M which has no upper endpoint {cf. 8.2).
To pin down the various concepts introduced above, we give a simple
EXAMPLE 8.6.3. Consider the 2-dimensional version of Minkowski space-
time (N, h) = (R
, du
- du
). Let a G R be arbitrary; using
Lemma 8.6.2 one can show that N
consists of the following elements:
(= I ~y, where y is any complete future-directed timelike geodesic).
= {(u\ u
- u
< a] (= I"Aj, where \
is the complete lightlike
geodesic / -^( M, M + ) VI / GR ) ,
= {(w
, w
+ w
< a) (= I~A
, where \
complete lightlike
geodesic u ~> ( - w, w + ) Vw G R).
Note that, with A, as above, ~A, (= R
) also equals "y^ where y, is the
endless future-directed timelike curve u-*(u, u e~
+ a) Vw G R. Thus
the causal character of the y guaranteed by Lemma 8.6.2 is not unique.
One sees directly from the definition that JV is in one-one correspondence
with the causal past / " {0} of the origin 0 in N, i.e.
/ - {0} = [(u\ u
< 0, (w
- (w
> 0}.
The tip of this solid cone J ~ {0} corresponds to R
, and the rest of the
boundary of J " {0} corresponds to the future lightlike infinity of JV, i.e. the
points R
and L
, Va G R, of N
. Moreover this correspondence between the
boundary of J "{ 0} and N
preserves the causal structure, in the sense that,
just as in J ""{0}, every point of N
is in / "{ R
} but not in / "{ R
}, and if
a < b, R
G J-{R
) - I-{R
} (resp. L
} - /"{ L, }).
Returning to the case of a general stably causal spacetime we remark that,
given Af
, it is possible to identify which points of Af
, if any, are genuinely
at infinity. A necessary condition for P E M
to be at infinity is that
P = / ~X for some future-complete lightlike geodesic X. In our above Exam-
ple 8.6.1, this is also sufficient, so infinity consists of all of M
with the
exception of the single element R
EA/ " \ For necessary and sufficient
conditions in the general case, cf. [9].
We thus get the desired subset A' of A mentioned in 8.4, namely A' = (A:
X is a future-directed, future-complete lightlike geodesic and P * I "X for
some P E M
which is at infinity}. We thus also arrive at the most nearly
standard definition of a black hole in a stably causal spacetime: there is a
black hole iff M U\
AI~X is nonempty and then the black hole region B
in M is the interior of M - Ux
' /~A. For the case of a Kruskal spacetime
this general definition again coincides with the definition of 3.2.
Under appropriate restrictions, the most important of which are the Ein-
stein field equation (6.2) and inequalities on the stress-energy density ap-
propriate for nonquantum matter (cf. Theorem 6.1.4), one can prove a
number of theorems on black holes as defined above [9].
For example one can prove a result interpreted as saying that, in the
absence of quantum effects, a black hole cannot disappear. More specifically
the area is a nondecreasing function of time in the following sense. Let h be
any global time function, S
be the level surface h = a, 2
be a connected
component of the intersection of Boundary B with S
; here we assume
B n S
is nonempty. One shows S
is a C 2-submanifold with a well-de-
fined 2-dimensional area A
. Moreover if b > a and b is in the image of h
then there is a corresponding connected component
in the level surface
h = b and the area A
of 2
obeys A
> A
. For the detailed statement and
proof see [9]. In our example, Kruskal spacetime (3.2), A
is 4TTJU,
, indepen-
dent of h and of a, as is perhaps plausible from the fact that Boundary B
contains integral curves of a future-directed Killing vector field (K in 3.2)
and can be checked by a direct computation.
Similarly, one can prove a theorem interpreted as saying that, in the
absence of quantum effects, a black hole can never bifurcate, though coales-
cence with another black hole is allowed [9].
Einstein's theory has severe limitations. In its current form, it is at best only
a nonquantum approximation. Even within macrophysics, only its Newtonian
limit and the nonquantum special relativity subcase have the kind of over-
whelming empirical support one demands of a fundamental theory. As with
other current physical theories, trying to regard it as pure mathematics results
at best in piecewise clumsy and piecewise ill-motivated pure mathematics.
But it is a genuine bridge between mathematics and nature. These are both
beautiful; both have "less is more" as a motto. Often the theory reflects the
beauty of one or the other. Then it really comes to life. For sixty years, it has
stood basically unaltered as the fundamental theory of macrophysics.
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