Ciprofloxacin Induced Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2013 ISSN NO: 2231-6876

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Mir S Adil*
, Afroze F Farooqui
, S Iffat Yasmeen
, S Shaheen
, Amer K
, M Nematullah
, M
, Ihtisham S
Pharm.D, Deccan School of Pharmacy, Hyderabad 01, A.P.
M.B.B.S, Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad 58, A.P.

Corresponding author
Dr. Mir Shoeb Ulla Adil
Pharm D,
Deccan School Of Pharmacy, New Malakpet, Hyderabad 01, A.P. India
Email: [email protected]

Copy right 2013 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Indo American journal of Pharmaceutical
Research, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Article history
Received 20/08/2013
Available online

Systemic lupus erythematosus,
This is a case report of 13 year old female patient, who was on Ciprofloxacin and Piroxicam
tablets for the treatment of fever. Purpuric rash were developed all over the body on the 5

day from drug administration. The patient was then admitted to intensive care unit at a
hospital, where her condition was diagnosed as Idiopathic Thrombocytic Purpura (ITP) or
vasculitis. Later it was found that, the patient was suffering from Drug Induced Lupus
(DIL), and the drug behind the reaction was suspected to be Ciprofloxacin. The patient was
experiencing purpura rash all over the body and pustular rash all around the mouth with low
levels of platelets. Ciprofloxacin induced lupus is very rarely observed, the present ADR has
scored 5 on naranjo scale and is severe according to Hartwig and Siegel scale of causality
Please cite this article in press as Mir Shoeb Ulla Adil et al. Ciprofloxacin induced systemic lupus erythematosus. Indo American
Journal of Pharm Research.2013:3(9).

Vol 3, Issue 9, 2013. Mir Shoeb Ulla Adil et al. I SSN NO: 2231-6876

Among the numerous idiopathic immune-mediated diseases that can be drug-induced, such as pemphigus, psoriasis, lichen, etc, drug-
induced lupus is the most widely commented upon and investigated. The first report to link lupus with a medication-sulfadiazin dates
back to 1945. Morrow et al in 1953 were the first to describe a definite association between hydralazine and lupus.[1] It has been
estimated that 15,00030,000 cases of drug-induced lupus (DIL) occur in the United States every year.[2]

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a prototypic autoimmune disease characterized by the production of antibodies to components
of the cell nucleus in association with a diverse array of clinical manifestations.[3] Its cause is still unknown and genetic,
immunologic, hormonal and environmental factors have been implicated in its pathogenesis. The disease is more prevalent amongst
women of childbearing age.
SLE is one of the two sub types of Lupus Erythematosus (LE), the other being Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (CLE).Oral lesions
are present in 945% of SLE patients and in 320% of patients suffering from CLE. [4]
Over 80 drugs have been implicated in DIL, and the number is increasing constantly. The drugs that have been associated with DIL
differ widely in their pharmacological and chemical characteristics and therapeutic indications, as indicated by their belonging to at
least 10 major categories of drugs: antiarrhythmics, antihypertensives, antipsychotics, antibiotics, anticonvulsants, antithyroidals,
antiinflammatories, diuretics, cholesterol-lowering (statins), biologicals, and miscellaneous. [2]
DIL is probably under-reported since most cases are mild and self-limiting once the off ending drug is discontinued. [5]
Over the past five decades, it has been recognized that certain drugs may exacerbate underlying systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
or induce a lupus-like illness known as drug-induced lupus erythematosus (DIL) in patients with no prior history.[11]
Ciprofloxacin is a second generation fluoroquinolone, commonly used to prevent or cure bacterial infections. In the event of biological
warfare, ciprofloxacin may also be used to treat and prevent dangerous illnesses that are deliberately spread such as anthrax, plague,
tularemia, and anthrax of the skin or mouth.[6]
Ciprofloxacin is not recommended in pediatric population on account of its possible adverse effect on growing cartilage, however It is
being commonly used for treatment of variety of infections in children very little information is available on the risks involved in its
Although quinolones are well tolerated and relatively safe, certain adverse effects are common with all agents in this antibiotic
class. Gastrointestinal and central nervous system (CNS) effects are the most frequent adverse events, occurring in 2 to 20 percent of
patients treated with quinolones.[7] Ciprofloxacin is one of the drugs associated with Tendinopathy.[8] Rash, photosensitivity and
pruritus are the commonly observed adverse effects in dermatologic category.[7] Ciprofloxacin is a drug suggested to induce lupus.[1]
Musculoskeletal toxicity is the most frequently reported AE following the administration of ciprofloxacin.[10]
Quinolones rapidly suppress DNA synthesis by promoting cleavage of bacterial DNA in the DNA-enzyme complexes of DNA gyrase
and type IV topoisomerase, resulting in rapid lysis of bacteria. As a general rule, gram-negative bacterial activity corresponds with
inhibition of DNA gyrase, and gram-positive bacterial activity correlates with inhibition of DNA type IV topoisomerase.[7]
The absolute bioavailability of Ciprofloxacin is around 70% with no significant loss by first pass metabolism. Maximum serum
concentrations are achieved in 1 to 2 hours post oral dosing. The serum elimination half-life in subjects with normal renal function is
approximately 4 hours. 20 to 40% binding of Ciprofloxacin to serum proteins is seen, which is not likely to be high enough to cause
significant protein binding interactions with other drugs.[6]
Although there are currently no formal classification criteria for the diagnosis of DIL, it is widely accepted that DIL is defined as the
development of lupus-like symptoms (commonly fever, musculoskeletal involvement and serositis) that is temporally related to
continuous drug exposure (>1 month) which resolves with cessation of the offending drug. It is usually accompanied by serologic
findings of a positive antinuclear antibody (ANA) as well as anti-histone antibodies. Unlike idiopathic SLE, antibodies to dsDNA are
rare. [11]

Vol 3, Issue 9, 2013. Mir Shoeb Ulla Adil et al. I SSN NO: 2231-6876

Clinical signs and symptoms
The clinical abnormalities in DIL are usually milder than those seen in idiopathic SLE, although very severe cases, some with fatal
outcome, have been described (e.g., after statin therapy). Onset of symptoms can be abrupt, but more typically there are only a few
mild symptoms initially, with gradual worsening over a period of weeks or even months.

The most frequent clinical signs and symptoms of DIL are arthralgia, myalgia, arthritis, fever, malaise, anorexia, and weight loss.
Cutaneous manifestations, particularly the typical butterfly rash, are much less common than in SLE, with rash (erythematosus,
macular, maculopapular, urticarial, or vasculitic) being seen in540% of DIL patients depending on the inducing agent. Other
manifestations include pleuritis/pleural effusion, pericarditis, and hepatosplenomegaly.[2]
One of the most common laboratory findings in DIL is an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), occurring in up to 80% of
patients. C-reactive protein (CRP) is often normal, but is markedly increased in a vast majority (89%) of patients with minocycline-
induced lupus. Hematological involvement, in particular leukopenia and cytopenia, is present in 525% of DIL cases.
Thrombocytopenia is rare in DIL in general, but has been reported in 47% (9/19) of patients with quinidine-induced lupus17 and in 4
of 12 RA patients with anti TNF- associated lupus. Like idiopathic SLE, DIL is characterized by the presence of antinuclear
antibodies (ANA), and ANA positivity has been suggested as a prerequisite for the diagnosis of DIL.[2]
The estimation of the probability that a drug caused an adverse clinical event is usually based on clinical judgment. Lack of a method
for establishing causality generates large between-raters and within-raters variability in assessment.[12] There are several methods to
assess causality, which includes WHO probability scale, Naranjo's scale, Karch & Lasagna scale, Spanish quantitative imputation
scale, Kramer's scale, Jones scale, European ABO system and Bayesian system. The Naranjo's scale and the WHO scale of assessment
are the most commonly used scales.[13]
Oral consent was taken from the patient, prior to the study.
Figure 1: Rash on the limbs

A thirteen year old female patient was on Ciprofloxacin and Piroxicam tablets for the treatment of fever. On the fifth day from drug
administration, purpuric rash were developed all over the body, which were accompanied by 5 episodes of loose motions and 1
episode of vomiting. No similar history was observed in the past and the child was immunized as per schedule.
Before admission to the hospital, patient was receiving the following medications:
Tab. Cipmac 500mg (Ciprofloxacin)
Tab. Piroxicam 20mg dispersible
Tab. Voveled SR (Multi vitamin)

The patient was admitted to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at Princess Esra Hospital, Hyderabad with chief complaints of
purpuric rash, loose motions, vomiting, lower limbs pain and mild fever.
Vitals at the time of admission were:
Pulse rate -120/min
Respiratory rate - 30/min
Temperature - 99F
GRBS: 141mg/dL

Vol 3, Issue 9, 2013. Mir Shoeb Ulla Adil et al. I SSN NO: 2231-6876

On the first day, the patient was advised for CBP, CUE, ESR. and Serum electrolytes. On examination, per abdomen was found to be
soft, both heart sounds were heard, bilateral airway entry was observed and central nervous system was conscious/coherent. The list of
medications on the first day are depicted in table 1.
Table 2: Medications on day one
Sl. no. Drug Generic Name Dose Route Frequency
1 IVF RL Ringer lactate 500ml iv TID
2 Inj. Taxim Cefotaxime 1gm iv BD
3 Inj. Amikacin Amikacin 240mg iv BD
4 Inj. Zofer Ondansetron 2cc iv BD
5 Tab. Sporolac Lactic acid 1tab po TID
6 Rebalanz sachets ORS 1sachet po BD
7 Tab P
Paracetamol 500mg po TID/SOS
8 Inj. Pantop Pantoprazole 40mg iv OD

Complain of Hematochezia was observed on the second day. CVS, CNS and abdomen were found to be normal on examination with
bilateral airway entry. The CUE, serum electrolytes and CBP reports for the first day were received, which are represented in table 2,
3 and 4 respectively. Same therapy was continued on day 2 and the patient was advised for CT, BT, PT and PTT.

Table 3: CUE on day one
Parameter Lab value Normal range
Epithelial cells 2-3 0
Pus cells 5-6 0
RBC 2-3 0
Crystals nil nil
Albumin + 0
Sugar nil nil

Table 4: Serum Electrolytes
Parameter Lab value Normal range
Sodium 133 meq/L 130-150
Potassium 4 meq/L 3.5-5.5

Table 4: CBP
Lab values
Normal range
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
WBC 15.3 16.9 23.4 20 17.7 4x10
to 10x10

RBC 4.23 3.6 3.61 3.83 3.87 3.8x10
to 5.8 x10

Hemoglobin 12 10 10.3 10.8 10.9 11.5 g/dL to 16.0 g/dL
Hematocrit 34.6 29.2 30.1 31.2 31.4 37 L% to 47 L%
Platelets 114 62 87 127 148 150x10
to 500x10

On the third day, pustular rash all around the mouth were reported with pain notable to opening of mouth. The color of stool was
found to be dark green. No fresh Rash were observed on the body, patient was afebrile on examination. Diffuse tenderness in abdomen
and bilateral airway entry was seen with normal CVS and CNS functions. Plantars were 4/5 4/5, where as DTRS were 2+ 2+.
Reports of BT, CT, PT and PTT were received, which are depicted in table 5.

Vol 3, Issue 9, 2013. Mir Shoeb Ulla Adil et al. I SSN NO: 2231-6876

Table 5: Lab value and normal range.
Parameter Lab value Normal range
Bleeding Time 2:30 min 2-9 min
Clotting Time 4:15 min 5-8 min
Prothrombin Time 17.1 sec 10-20
Partial Thromboplastin Time 39 sec 20-34

Patient was referred to the Dermatologist, who has provisionally diagnosed the condition as Ciprofloxacin induced purpura after
observing multiple petechiae and lesions all over the body. The following drugs were added to the treatment by the Dermatologist:
Tab. Hicope 10mg/OD (Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride)
Aloekin lotion BD (Aloe Vera)
Mucopain oral gel TID (Benzocaine)
150ml of Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) was infused to cope up with the platelet count and CBP investigation was repeated.

On the fourth day, purpuric rash on extremeties were decreased and no fresh complains were observed. On examination, patient was
afebrile and both heart sounds were heard.

Patient was shifted to Pediatrics general ward (PGW) and the medications prescribed are given in table 6.
Table 6: Medications on day four
Sl. no. Drug Generic Name Dose Route Frequency
1 IVF RL Ringer lactate 500ml iv TID
2 Inj. Taxim Cefotaxime 1gm iv BD
3 Inj. Amikacin Amikacin 240mg iv BD
4 Inj. Zofer Ondansetron 2cc iv BD
5 Tab. Sporolac Lactic acid 1tab po TID
6 Rebalanz sachets ORS 1sachet po BD
7 Tab P
Paracetamol 500mg po TID/SOS
8 Inj. Pantop Pantoprazole 40mg iv OD
9 Zovelax Cream Acyclovir - dermal BD
10 Tab. Hicope Hydroxyzine Hcl 10mg po OD
11 Aloekin lotion Aloe Vera - dermal BD
12 Mucopain gel Benzocaine - mucous TID

CBP reports are in table 4 and it was again repeated.

Table 7: Medications on day seven
Sl. no. Drug Generic Name Dose Route Frequency
1 Inj. Taxim Cefotaxime 1gm iv BD
2 Inj. Amikacin Amikacin 240mg iv BD
3 Inj. Zofer Ondansetron 2cc iv BD
4 Tab. Sporolac Lactic acid 1tab po TID
5 Rebalanz sachets ORS 1sachet po BD
6 Tab P
Paracetamol 500mg po TID/SOS
7 Inj. Pantop Pantoprazole 40mg iv OD
8 Zovelax Cream Acyclovir - dermal BD
9 Tab. Polaramine Dexchlorpheniramine 2mg po BD
10 Flutibact cream Mupirocin - dermal BD
11 Mucopain gel Benzocaine - mucous TID

Vol 3, Issue 9, 2013. Mir Shoeb Ulla Adil et al. I SSN NO: 2231-6876

On the fifth day, lethargy, decreased appetite and myalgia were observed. CBP reports were received, as shown in table 7. Same
therapy was continued as that of day 4. On the sixth day, fever spikes, body pains and purpuric rash all over the body were observed.
Both heart sounds were heard, lungs were clear, abdomen was soft and no FND was observed. Same therapy was continued on day 6.
On the seventh day, vesicles over the lips and mouth were observed with pustular rash all over the body. Fever on/off with decreased
appetite and lethargy was reported. Dermatologist opinion was taken for the second time. It was suspected as Drug Induced
Vasculitis. Patient was advised to undergo ANA and dsDNA tests. Therapy on day seven is depicted in table 7.

On the next day, patient appeared dull with rashes, vesicular lesions and decreased appetite.
Same therapy was continued as that of day 7.

ANA and dsDNA reports were received on the ninth day, which were positive confirming the condition as Systemic Lupous
Erythematosus (SLE). The patient was then discharged and referred to a Rheumatologist for further treatment.

Ciprofloxacin is generally considered to be a safe and well-tolerated drug with mild side effects, but this is not the case in the present
report. Ciprofloxacin has caused a very severe reaction upon administration to this 13 year old patient. Drug induced Lupus (DIL) is
an ADR which can be experienced with drugs such as hydralazine, procainamide, isoniazid, etc. but ciprofloxacin induced lupus
erythematosus is a rare case, about which there may be hardly any reports. In this case, SLE was experienced by the patient after the
administration of ciprofloxacin. Earlier, this condition was diagnosed as Idiopathic thrombocytic purpura (ITP) and Drug induced
vasulitis, ultimately it was after ten days Drug induced Lupus was confirmed. Although the clinical manifestations of the case were
indicating SLE, but ANA and dsDNA played a vital role in confirming the condition as DIL. Even though the patient was recovering
slowly with discontinuance of ciprofloxacin, re-challenge with the drug was not performed for ethical reasons.

Hartwig and Siegel scale: On this scale, the present ADR is of level 5 or severe.
Naranjos Algorithm: The present ADR has scored 5, which indicates the reaction as Probable.

Moderate: Level 4 (b): The ADR is the reason for admission.
Severe: Level 5: Any level 4 ADR that requires intensive medical care.
Score in the range of 5 to 8: Probable

Generally, symptoms resolve within several days to weeks after ceasing the medication that caused the symptoms. NSAIDs are used
to treat pleurisy and arthritis.
Corticosteroid creams are used to treat skin rashes. Antimalarial drugs (hydroxychloroquine) are occasionally used for skin and
arthritis symptoms. Sensitivity to light is treated by protective clothing, sun-glasses, and sunscreen. Routine eye check-up is
recommended to detect eye complications in early stages.
Sometimes, the steroid prednisone is used to treat more severe cases, especially if the heart is involved. Very rarely, high doses of
steroids and strong medications that suppress the immune system, such as azathioprine or cyclophosphamide are used in severe drug-
induced lupus with cardiac involvement or significant kidney or neurologic disease. It is essential not to restart the culprit medication
at a later time, as symptoms will usually recur. [14]
Non-pharmacological methods should be identified for diseases, for instance dark chocolate appear to reduce risk factors for
cardiovascular diseases[9]. By this way, drug induced diseases can be minimized.

Data on Ciprofloxacin induced systemic lupus erythematosus is not reported in considerable studies. The findings of this case report is
new, which may help in the future for further studies to be carried out. Careful selection of drug and dose calculation should be done
before prescribing a drug to a pediatric patient to avoid any untoward reaction.

Authors state that there is no conflict of interest.

Vol 3, Issue 9, 2013. Mir Shoeb Ulla Adil et al. I SSN NO: 2231-6876

Most importantly we are thankful to the Almighty who is the lord of the worlds. We take this opportunity to express our deep sense
of gratitude, respect to Dr. S.A. Azeez Basha, Principal, Deccan School of Pharmacy, Hyderabad for encouraging us during the work.

Abbreviation Full Form Abbreviation Full Form
ANA Anti Nuclear Antibodies gm Gram
BD Twice a day GRBS Gross Random Blood Sugar
BT Bleeding time iv Intravenous
CBP Complete Blood Picture mg Milligram
CNS Central Nervous System O/E On Examination
CT Clotting time OD Once a day
CUE Complete Urine Examination ORS Oral Rehydration Salt
CVS Cardio Vascular System po Per oral
DIL Drug Induced Lupus PT Prothrombin time
dL Decilitre PTT Partial Thromboplastin Time
dsDNA Double stranded DNA RBC Red Blood Cell
DTRS Deep Tendon Reflexes Scoring RS Respiratory System
ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate SR Sustained Release
FND Focal Neurological Deficits TID Thrice a day


Vol 3, Issue 9, 2013. Mir Shoeb Ulla Adil et al. I SSN NO: 2231-6876

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