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Conditions of Employment
Hours of Work
SECTION 1. General statement on
coverage. The provisions of this
Rule shall apply to all employees in
all establishments and undertakings,
whether operated for profit or not,
except to those specifically exempted
under Section 2 hereof. cralaw

SECTION 2. Exemption. The

provisions of this Rule shall not apply
to the following persons if they
qualify for exemption under the
conditions set forth herein:
(a) Government employees whether
employed by the National
Government or any of its political
subdivision, including those
employed in government-owned
and/or controlled corporations;
(b) Managerial employees, if they
meet all of the following conditions:
(1) Their primary duty consists of the
management of the establishment in
which they are employed or of a
department or sub-division thereof. cralaw

(2) They customarily and regularly

direct the work of two or more
employees therein. cralaw

(3) They have the authority to hire

or fire employees of lower rank; or
their suggestions and
recommendations as to hiring and
firing and as to the promotion or any
other change of status of other
employees, are given particular

(c) Officers or members of a

managerial staff if they perform the
following duties and responsibilities:
(1) The primary duty consists of the
performance of work directly related
to management policies of their
(2) Customarily and regularly
exercise discretion and independent
judgment; and
(3) (i) Regularly and directly assist a
proprietor or a managerial employee
whose primary duty consists of the
management of the establishment in
which he is employed or subdivision
thereof; or (ii) execute under general
supervision work along specialized or
technical lines requiring special
training, experience, or knowledge;
or (iii) execute, under general
supervision, special assignments and
tasks; and
(4) Who do not devote more than 20
percent of their hours worked in a
work week to activities which are not
directly and closely related to the
performance of the work described in
paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) above. cralaw

(d) Domestic servants and persons in

the personal service of another if
they perform such services in the
employer's home which are usually
necessary or desirable for the
maintenance and enjoyment thereof,
or minister to the personal comfort,
convenience, or safety of the
employer as well as the members of
his employer's household. cralaw

(e) Workers who are paid by results,

including those who are paid on
piece-work, "takay," "pakiao" or task
basis, and other non-time work if
their output rates are in accordance
with the standards prescribed under
Section 8, Rule VII, Book Three of
these regulations, or where such
rates have been fixed by the
Secretary of Labor and Employment
in accordance with the aforesaid

(f) Non-agricultural field personnel if

they regularly perform their duties
away from the principal or branch
office or place of business of the
employer and whose actual hours of
work in the field cannot be
determined with reasonable
certainty. cralaw

SECTION 3. Hours worked. The

following shall be considered as
compensable hours worked:
(a) All time during which an
employee is required to be on duty
or to be at the employer's premises
or to be at a prescribed work place;
(b) All time during which an
employee is suffered or permitted to

SECTION 4. Principles in determining

hours worked. The following
general principles shall govern in
determining whether the time spent
by an employee is considered hours
worked for purposes of this Rule:
(a) All hours are hours worked which
the employee is required to give his
employer, regardless of whether or
not such hours are spent in
productive labor or involve physical
or mental exertion.

(b) An employee need not leave the

premises of the work place in order
that his rest period shall not be
counted, it being enough that he
stops working, may rest completely
and may leave his work place, to go
elsewhere, whether within or outside
the premises of his work place. cralaw

(c) If the work performed was

necessary, or it benefited the
employer, or the employee could not
abandon his work at the end of his
normal working hours because he
had no replacement, all time spent
for such work shall be considered as
hours worked, if the work was with
the knowledge of his employer or
immediate supervisor. cralaw

(d) The time during which an

employee is inactive by reason of
interruptions in his work beyond his
control shall be considered working
time either if the imminence of the
resumption of work requires the
employee's presence at the place of
work or if the interval is too brief to
be utilized effectively and gainfully in
the employee's own interest. cralaw

SECTION 5. Waiting time. (a)

Waiting time spent by an employee
shall be considered as working time
if waiting is an integral part of his
work or the employee is required or
engaged by the employer to wait. cralaw

(b) An employee who is required to

remain on call in the employer's
premises or so close thereto that he
cannot use the time effectively and
gainfully for his own purpose shall be
considered as working while on call.
An employee who is not required to
leave word at his home or with
company officials where he may be
reached is not working while on call. cralaw

SECTION 6. Lectures, meetings,

training programs. Attendance at
lectures, meetings, training
programs, and other similar activities
shall not be counted as working time
if all of the following conditions are
(a) Attendance is outside of the
employee's regular working hours;
(b) Attendance is in fact voluntary;
(c) The employee does not perform
any productive work during such
attendance. cralaw

SECTION 7. Meal and Rest Periods.

Every employer shall give his
employees, regardless of sex, not
less than one (1) hour time-off for
regular meals, except in the following
cases when a meal period of not less
than twenty (20) minutes may be
given by the employer provided that
such shorter meal period is credited
as compensable hours worked of the
(a) Where the work is non-manual
work in nature or does not involve
strenuous physical exertion;
(b) Where the establishment
regularly operates not less than
sixteen (16) hours a day;
(c) In case of actual or impending
emergencies or there is urgent work
to be performed on machineries,
equipment or installations to avoid
serious loss which the employer
would otherwise suffer; and
(d) Where the work is necessary to
prevent serious loss of perishable

Rest periods or coffee breaks running

from five (5) to twenty (20) minutes
shall be considered as compensable
working time. cralaw

SECTION 8. Overtime pay. Any

employee covered by this Rule who
is permitted or required to work
beyond eight (8) hours on ordinary
working days shall be paid an
additional compensation for the
overtime work in the amount
equivalent to his regular wage plus
at least twenty-five percent (25%)

SECTION 9. Premium and overtime

pay for holiday and rest day work.
(a) Except employees referred to
under Section 2 of this Rule, an
employee who is permitted or
suffered to work on special holidays
or on his designated rest days not
falling on regular holidays, shall be
paid with an additional compensation
as premium pay of not less than
thirty percent (30%) of his regular
wage. For work performed in excess
of eight (8) hours on special holidays
and rest days not falling on regular
holidays, an employee shall be paid
an additional compensation for the
overtime work equivalent to his rate
for the first eight hours on a special
holiday or rest day plus at least thirty
percent (30%) thereof. cralaw

(b) Employees of public utility

enterprises as well as those
employed in non-profit institutions
and organizations shall be entitled to
the premium and overtime pay
provided herein, unless they are
specifically excluded from the
coverage of this Rule as provided in
Section 2 hereof. cralaw

(c) The payment of additional

compensation for work performed on
regular holidays shall be governed by
Rule IV, Book Three, of these Rules. cralaw

SECTION 10. Compulsory overtime

work. In any of the following
cases, an employer may require any
of his employees to work beyond
eight (8) hours a day, provided that
the employee required to render
overtime work is paid the additional
compensation required by these
(a) When the country is at war or
when any other national or local
emergency has been declared by
Congress or the Chief Executive;
(b) When overtime work is necessary
to prevent loss of life or property, or
in case of imminent danger to public
safety due to actual or impending
emergency in the locality caused by
serious accident, fire, floods,
typhoons, earthquake, epidemic or
other disaster or calamities;
(c) When there is urgent work to be
performed on machines, installations,
or equipment, in order to avoid
serious loss or damage to the
employer or some other causes of
similar nature;
(d) When the work is necessary to
prevent loss or damage to perishable
(e) When the completion or
continuation of work started before
the 8th hour is necessary to prevent
serious obstruction or prejudice to
the business or operations of the
employer; or
(f) When overtime work is necessary
to avail of favorable weather or
environmental conditions where
performance or quality of work is
dependent thereon. cralaw

In cases not falling within any of

these enumerated in this Section, no
employee may be made to work
beyond eight hours a day against his
Hours of Work of Hospital and Clinic
SECTION 1. General statement on
coverage. This Rule shall apply to:
(a) All hospitals and clinics, including
those with a bed capacity of less
than one hundred (100) which are
situated in cities or municipalities
with a population of one million or
more; and
(b) All hospitals and clinics with a
bed capacity of at least one hundred
(100), irrespective of the size of the
population of the city or municipality
where they may be situated. cralaw

SECTION 2. Hospitals or clinics within

the meaning of this Rule. The
terms "hospitals" and "clinics" as
used in this Rule shall mean a place
devoted primarily to the maintenance
and operation of facilities for the
diagnosis, treatment and care of
individuals suffering from illness,
disease, injury, or deformity, or in
need of obstetrical or other medical
and nursing care. Either term shall
also be construed as any institution,
building, or place where there are
installed beds, or cribs, or bassinets
for twenty-four (24) hours use or
longer by patients in the treatment
of disease, injuries, deformities, or
abnormal physical and mental states,
maternity cases or sanitorial care; or
infirmaries, nurseries, dispensaries,
and such other similar names by
which they may be designated. cralaw

SECTION 3. Determination of bed

capacity and population. (a) For
purposes of determining the
applicability of this Rule, the actual
bed capacity of the hospital or clinic
at the time of such determination
shall be considered, regardless of the
actual or bed occupancy. The bed
capacity of hospital or clinic as
determined by the Bureau of Medical
Services pursuant to Republic Act No.
4226, otherwise known as the
Hospital Licensure Act, shall prima
facie be considered as the actual bed
capacity of such hospital or clinic. cralaw

(b) The size of the population of the

city or municipality shall be
determined from the latest official
census issued by the Bureau of the
Census and Statistics. cralaw

SECTION 4. Personnel covered by

this Rule. This Rule applies to all
persons employed by any private or
public hospital or clinic mentioned in
Section 1 hereof, and shall include,
but not limited to, resident
physicians, nurses, nutritionists,
dieticians, pharmacists, social
workers, laboratory technicians
paramedical technicians,
psychologists, midwives, and
attendants. cralaw

SECTION 5. Regular working hours.

The regular working hours of any
person covered by this Rule shall not
be more than eight (8) hours in any
one day nor more than forty (40)
hours in any one week. cralaw

For purposes of this Rule a "day"

shall mean a work day of twenty-four
(24) consecutive hours beginning at
the same time each calendar year. A
"week" shall mean the work of 168
consecutive hours, or seven
consecutive 24-hour work days,
beginning at the same hour and on
the same calendar day each calendar
week. cralaw

SECTION 6. Regular working days.

The regular working days of covered
employees shall not be more than
five days in a work week. The work
week may begin at any hour and on
any day, including Saturday or
Sunday, designated by the
employer. cralaw

Employers are not precluded from

changing the time at which the work
day or work week begins, provided
that the change is not intended to
evade the requirements of this Rule.cralaw

SECTION 7. Overtime work.

Where the exigencies of the service
so require as determined by the
employer, any employee covered by
this Rule may be scheduled to work
for more than five (5) days or forty
(40) hours a week, provided that the
employee is paid for the overtime
work an additional compensation
equivalent to his regular wage plus
at least thirty percent (30%) thereof,
subject to the provisions of this Book
on the payment of additional
compensation for work performed on
special and regular holidays and on
rest days.

SECTION 8. Hours worked. In

determining the compensable hours
of work of hospital and clinic
personnel covered by this Rule, the
pertinent provisions of Rule 1 of this
Book shall apply. crala w

SECTION 9. Additional compensation.

Hospital and clinic personnel
covered by this Rule, with the
exception of those employed by the
Government, shall be entitled to an
additional compensation for work
performed on regular and special
holidays and rest days as provided in
this Book. Such employees shall also
be entitled to overtime pay for
services rendered in excess of forty
hours a week, or in excess of eight
hours a day, whichever will yield the
higher additional compensation to
the employee in the work week. cralaw

SECTION 10. Relation to Rule I. All

provisions of Rule I of this Book
which are not inconsistent with this
Rule shall be deemed applicable to
hospital and clinic personnel.
Night Shift Differential
SECTION 1. Coverage. This Rule
shall apply to all employees except:
(a) Those of the government and any
of its political subdivisions, including
government-owned and/or controlled
(b) Those of retail and service
establishments regularly employing
not more than five (5) workers;
(c) Domestic helpers and persons in
the personal service of another;
(d) Managerial employees as defined
in Book Three of this Code;
(e) Field personnel and other
employees whose time and
performance is unsupervised by the
employer including those who are
engaged on task or contract basis,
purely commission basis, or those
who are paid a fixed amount for
performing work irrespective of the
time consumed in the performance

SECTION 2. Night shift differential.

An employee shall be paid night shift
differential of no less than ten per
cent (10%) of his regular wage for
each hour of work performed
between ten o'clock in the evening
and six o'clock in the morning.

SECTION 3. Additional compensation.

Where an employee is permitted
or suffered to work on the period
covered after his work schedule, he
shall be entitled to his regular wage
plus at least twenty-five per cent
(25%) and an additional amount of
no less than ten per cent (10%) of
such overtime rate for each hour or
work performed between 10 p.m. to
6 a.m.cralaw

SECTION 4. Additional compensation

on scheduled rest day/special
holiday. An employee who is
required or permitted to work on the
period covered during rest days
and/or special holidays not falling on
regular holidays, shall be paid a
compensation equivalent to his
regular wage plus at least thirty
(30%) per cent and an additional
amount of not less than ten (10%)
per cent of such premium pay rate
for each hour of work performed. cralaw

SECTION 5. Additional compensation

on regular holidays. For work on
the period covered during regular
holidays, an employee shall be
entitled to his regular wage during
these days plus an additional
compensation of no less than ten
(10%) per cent of such premium rate
for each hour of work performed. cralaw

SECTION 6. Relation to agreements.

Nothing in this Rule shall justify an
employer in withdrawing or reducing
any benefits, supplements or
payments as provided in existing
individual or collective agreements or
employer practice or policy.
Weekly Rest Periods
SECTION 1. General statement on
coverage. This Rule shall apply to
all employers whether operating for
profit or not, including public utilities
operated by private persons. cralaw

SECTION 2. Business on
Sundays/Holidays. All
establishments and enterprises may
operate or open for business on
Sundays and holidays provided that
the employees are given the weekly
rest day and the benefits as provided
in this Rule.cralaw

SECTION 3. Weekly rest day.

Every employer shall give his
employees a rest period of not less
than twenty-four (24) consecutive
hours after every six consecutive
normal work days. cralaw

SECTION 4. Preference of employee.

The preference of the employee as
to his weekly day of rest shall be
respected by the employer if the
same is based on religious grounds.
The employee shall make known his
preference to the employer in writing
at least seven (7) days before the
desired effectivity of the initial rest
day so preferred.cralaw

Where, however, the choice of the

employee as to his rest day based on
religious grounds will inevitably
result in serious prejudice or
obstruction to the operations of the
undertaking and the employer cannot
normally be expected to resort to
other remedial measures, the
employer may so schedule the
weekly rest day of his choice for at
least two (2) days in a month. cralaw

SECTION 5. Schedule of rest day.

(a) Where the weekly rest is given to
all employees simultaneously, the
employer shall make known such
rest period by means of a written
notice posted conspicuously in the
work place at least one week before
it becomes effective. cralaw

(b) Where the rest period is not

granted to all employees
simultaneously and collectively, the
employer shall make known to the
employees their respective schedules
of weekly rest through written
notices posted conspicuously in the
work place at least one week before
they become effective. cralaw

SECTION 6. When work on rest day

authorized. An employer may
require any of his employees to work
on his scheduled rest day for the
duration of the following emergencies
and exceptional conditions:
(a) In case of actual or impending
emergencies caused by serious
accident, fire, flood, typhoon,
earthquake, epidemic or other
disaster or calamity, to prevent loss
of life or property, or in cases of
force majeure or imminent danger to
public safety;
(b) In case of urgent work to be
performed on machineries,
equipment or installations to avoid
serious loss which the employer
would otherwise suffer;
(c) In the event of abnormal
pressure of work due to special
circumstances, where the employer
cannot ordinarily be expected to
resort to other measures;
(d) To prevent serious loss of
perishable goods;
(e) Where the nature of the work is
such that the employees have to
work continuously for seven (7) days
in a week or more, as in the case of
the crew members of a vessel to
complete a voyage and in other
similar cases; and
(f) When the work is necessary to
avail of favorable weather or
environmental conditions where
performance or quality of work is
dependent thereon. cralaw

No employee shall be required

against his will to work on his
scheduled rest day except under
circumstances provided in this
Section: Provided, However, that
where an employee volunteers to
work on his rest day under other
circumstances, he shall express such
desire in writing, subject to the
provisions of Section 7 hereof
regarding additional compensation.cralaw

SECTION 7. Compensation on rest

day/Sunday/holiday. (a) Except
those employees referred to under
Section 2, Rule I, Book Three, an
employee who is made or permitted
to work on his scheduled rest day
shall be paid with an additional
compensation of at least 30% of his
regular wage. An employee shall be
entitled to such additional
compensation for work performed on
a Sunday only when it is his
established rest day.

(b) Where the nature of the work of

the employee is such that he has no
regular work days and no regular
rest days can be scheduled, he shall
be paid an additional compensation
of at least 30% of his regular wage
for work performed on Sundays and

(c) Work performed on any special

holiday shall be paid with an
additional compensation of at least
30% of the regular wage of the
employees. Where such holiday work
falls on the employee's scheduled
rest day, he shall be entitled to
additional compensation of at least
50% of his regular wage. cralaw

(d) The payment of additional

compensation for work performed on
regular holiday shall be governed by
Rule IV, Book Three, of these
regulations. cralaw

(e) Where the collective bargaining

agreement or other applicable
employment contract stipulates the
payment of a higher premium pay
than that prescribed under this
Section, the employer shall pay such
higher rate. cralaw

SECTION 8. Paid-off days. Nothing

in this Rule shall justify an employer
in reducing the compensation of his
employees for the unworked
Sundays, holidays, or other rest days
which are considered paid-off days or
holidays by agreement or practice
subsisting upon the effectivity of the

SECTION 9. Relation to agreements.

Nothing herein shall prevent the
employer and his employees or their
representatives in entering into any
agreement with terms more
favorable to the employees than
those provided herein, or be used to
diminish any benefit granted to the
employees under existing laws,
agreements, and voluntary employer
Holidays with Pay
SECTION 1. Coverage. This rule
shall apply to all employees except:
(a) Those of the government and any
of the political subdivision, including
government-owned and controlled
(b) Those of retail and service
establishments regularly employing
less than ten (10) workers;
(c) Domestic helpers and persons in
the personal service of another;
(d) Managerial employees as defined
in Book Three of the Code;
(e) Field personnel and other
employees whose time and
performance is unsupervised by the
employer including those who are
engaged on task or contract basis,
purely commission basis, or those
who are paid a fixed amount for
performing work irrespective of the
time consumed in the performance

SECTION 2. Status of employees

paid by the month. Employees
who are uniformly paid by the
month, irrespective of the number of
working days therein, with a salary
of not less than the statutory or
established minimum wage shall be
paid for all days in the month
whether worked or not. cralaw

For this purpose, the monthly

minimum wage shall not be less than
the statutory minimum wage
multiplied by 365 days divided by
twelve. cralaw

SECTION 3. Holiday Pay. Every

employer shall pay his employees
their regular daily wage for any
worked regular holidays. cralaw

As used in the rule, the term 'regular

holiday' shall exclusively refer to:
New Year's Day, Maundy Thursday,
Good Friday, the ninth of April, the
first of May, the twelfth of June, the
last Sunday of August, the thirtieth
of November, the twenty-fifth and
thirtieth of December. Nationwide
special days shall include the first of
November and the last day of
December. cralaw

As used in this Rule legal or regular

holiday and special holiday shall now
be referred to as 'regular holiday'
and 'special day', respectively. cralaw

SECTION 4. Compensation for

holiday work. Any employee who
is permitted or suffered to work on
any regular holiday, not exceeding
eight (8) hours, shall be paid at least
two hundred percent (200%) of his
regular daily wage. If the holiday
work falls on the scheduled rest day
of the employee, he shall be entitled
to an additional premium pay of at
least 30% of his regular holiday rate
of 200% based on his regular wage

SECTION 5. Overtime pay for holiday

work. For work performed in
excess of eight hours on a regular
holiday, an employee shall be paid
an additional compensation for the
overtime work equivalent to his rate
for the first eight hours on such
holiday work plus at least 30%

Where the regular holiday work

exceeding eight hours falls on the
scheduled rest day of the employee,
he shall be paid an additional
compensation for the overtime work
equivalent to his regular holiday-rest
day for the first 8 hours plus 30%
thereof. The regular holiday rest day
rate of an employee shall consist of
200% of his regular daily wage rate
plus 30% thereof. cralaw

SECTION 6. Absences. (a) All

covered employees shall be entitled
to the benefit provided herein when
they are on leave of absence with
pay. Employees who are on leave of
absence without pay on the day
immediately preceding a regular
holiday may not be paid the required
holiday pay if he has not worked on
such regular holiday. cralaw

(b) Employees shall grant the same

percentage of the holiday pay as the
benefit granted by competent
authority in the form of employee's
compensation or social security
payment, whichever is higher, if they
are not reporting for work while on
such benefits. cralaw
(c) Where the day immediately
preceding the holiday is a non-
working day in the establishment or
the scheduled rest day of the
employee, he shall not be deemed to
be on leave of absence on that day,
in which case he shall be entitled to
the holiday pay if he worked on the
day immediately preceding the non-
working day or rest day. cralaw

SECTION 7. Temporary or periodic

shutdown and temporary cessation of
work. (a) In cases of temporary or
periodic shutdown and temporary
cessation of work of an
establishment, as when a yearly
inventory or when the repair or
cleaning of machineries and
equipment is undertaken, the regular
holidays falling within the period
shall be compensated in accordance
with this Rule.

(b) The regular holiday during the

cessation of operation of an
enterprise due to business reverses
as authorized by the Secretary of
Labor and Employment may not be
paid by the employer. cralaw

SECTION 8. Holiday pay of certain

employees. (a) Private school
teachers, including faculty members
of colleges and universities, may not
be paid for the regular holidays
during semestral vacations. They
shall, however, be paid for the
regular holidays during Christmas
(b) Where a covered employee, is
paid by results or output, such as
payment on piece work, his holiday
pay shall not be less than his
average daily earnings for the last
seven (7) actual working days
preceding the regular holiday;
Provided, However, that in no case
shall the holiday pay be less than the
applicable statutory minimum wage

(c) Seasonal workers may not be

paid the required holiday pay during
off-season when they are not at
work. cralaw

(d) Workers who have no regular

working days shall be entitled to the
benefits provided in this Rule. cralaw

SECTION 9. Regular holiday falling

on rest days or Sundays. (a) A
regular holiday falling on the
employee's rest day shall be
compensated accordingly. cralaw

(b) Where a regular holiday falls on a

Sunday, the following day shall be
considered a special holiday for
purposes of the Labor Code, unless
said day is also a regular holiday. cralaw

SECTION 10. Successive regular

holidays. Where there are two (2)
successive regular holidays, like Holy
Thursday and Good Friday, an
employee may not be paid for both
holidays if he absents himself from
work on the day immediately
preceding the first holiday, unless he
works on the first holiday, in which
case he is entitled to his holiday pay
on the second holiday. cralaw

SECTION 11. Relation to

agreements. Nothing in this Rule
shall justify an employer in
withdrawing or reducing any
benefits, supplements or payments
for unworked holidays as provided in
existing individual or collective
agreement or employer practice or
Service Incentive Leave
SECTION 1. Coverage. This rule
shall apply to all employees except:
(a) Those of the government and any
of its political subdivisions, including
government-owned and controlled
(b) Domestic helpers and persons in
the personal service of another;
(c) Managerial employees as defined
in Book Three of this Code;
(d) Field personnel and other
employees whose performance is
unsupervised by the employer
including those who are engaged on
task or contract basis, purely
commission basis, or those who are
paid a fixed amount for performing
work irrespective of the time
consumed in the performance
(e) Those who are already enjoying
the benefit herein provided;
(f) Those enjoying vacation leave
with pay of at least five days; and
(g) Those employed in
establishments regularly employing
less than ten employees. cralaw

SECTION 2. Right to service

incentive leave. Every employee
who has rendered at least one year
of service shall be entitled to a yearly
service incentive leave of five days
with pay.cralaw

SECTION 3. Definition of certain

terms. The term "at least one-year
service" shall mean service for not
less than 12 months, whether
continuous or broken reckoned from
the date the employee started
working, including authorized
absences and paid regular holidays
unless the working days in the
establishment as a matter of practice
or policy, or that provided in the
employment contract is less than 12
months, in which case said period
shall be considered as one year. cralaw

SECTION 4. Accrual of benefit.

Entitlement to the benefit provided in
this Rule shall start December 16,
1975, the date the amendatory
provision of the Code took effect. cral aw

SECTION 5. Treatment of benefit.

The service incentive leave shall be
commutable to its money equivalent
if not used or exhausted at the end
of the year. cralaw
SECTION 6. Relation to agreements.
Nothing in the Rule shall justify an
employer from withdrawing or
reducing any benefits, supplements
or payments as provided in existing
individual or collective agreements or
employer's practices or policies.
Service Charges
SECTION 1. Coverage. This rule
shall apply only to establishments
collecting service charges such as
hotels, restaurants, lodging houses,
night clubs, cocktail lounge, massage
clinics, bars, casinos and gambling
houses, and similar enterprises,
including those entities operating
primarily as private subsidiaries of
the Government. cralaw

SECTION 2. Employees covered.

This rule shall apply to all employees
of covered employers, regardless of
their positions, designations or
employment status, and irrespective
of the method by which their wages
are paid except to managerial
employees. cralaw

As used herein, a "managerial

employee" shall mean one who is
vested with powers or prerogatives
to lay down and execute
management policies and/or to hire,
transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall,
discharge, assign, or discipline
employees or to effectively
recommend such managerial actions.
All employees not falling within this
definition shall be considered rank-
and-file employees. cralaw

SECTION 3. Distribution of service

charges. All service charges
collected by covered employers shall
be distributed at the rate of 85% for
the employees and 15% for the
management. The 85% shall be
distributed equally among the
covered employees. The 15% shall
be for the disposition by
management to answer for losses
and breakages and distribution to
managerial employees at the
discretion of the management in the
latter case.

SECTION 4. Frequency of
distribution. The shares referred to
herein shall be distributed and paid
to the employees not less than once
every two (2) weeks or twice a
month at intervals not exceeding
sixteen (16) days. cralaw

SECTION 5. Integration of service

charges. In case the service
charges is abolished the share of
covered employees shall be
considered integrated in their wages.
The basis of the amount to be
integrated shall be the average
monthly share of each employee for
the past twelve (12) months
immediately preceding the abolition
of withdrawal of such charges. cralaw

SECTION 6. Relation to agreements.

Nothing in this Rule shall prevent
the employer and his employees
from entering into any agreement
with terms more favorable to the
employees than those provided
herein, or be used to diminish any
benefit granted to the employees
under existing laws, agreement and
voluntary employer practice. cralaw

SECTION 7. This rule shall be without

prejudice to existing, future collective
bargaining agreements. cralaw

Nothing in this rule shall be

construed to justify the reduction or
diminution of any benefit being
enjoyed by any employee at the time
of effectivity of this rule.
SECTION 1. Definition of Terms. As
used in this Rules
a) "Act" means Republic Act No.
b) "Commission" means the National
Wages and Productivity Commission;
c) "Board" means the Regional
Tripartite Wages and Productivity
d) "Agriculture" refers to all farming
activities in all its branches and
includes among others, the
cultivation and tillage of the soil,
production, cultivation, growing and
harvesting of any agricultural or
horticultural commodities, dairying,
raising of livestock or poultry, the
culture of fish and other aquatic
products in farms or ponds, and any
activities performed by a farmer or
on a farm as an incident to or in
conjunction with such farming
operations, but does not include the
manufacturing and/or processing of
sugar, coconut, abaca, tobacco,
pineapple, aquatic or other farm
e) "Plantation Agricultural Enterprise"
is one engaged in agriculture within
an area of more than 24 hectares in
a locality and/or which employs at
least 20 workers. Any other
agricultural enterprise shall be
considered as "Non-Plantation
Agricultural Enterprises";
f) "Retail Establishment" is one
principally engaged in the sale of
goods to end-users for personal or
household use;
g) "Service Establishment" is one
primarily engaged in the sale of
service to individuals for their own or
household use and is generally
recognized as such;
h) "Cottage/Handicraft
Establishment" is one engaged in an
economic endeavor in which the
products are primarily done in the
home or such other places for profit
which requires manual dexterity and
craftsmanship and whose
capitalization does not exceed
P500,000, regardless of previous
registration with the defunct
i) "National Capital Region" covers
the cities of Kalookan, Manila, Pasay
and Quezon and the municipalities of
Las Pias, Makati, Malabon,
Mandaluyong, Marikina, Muntinlupa,
Navotas, Paraaque, Pasig, Pateros,
San Juan, Taguig and Valenzuela;
j) "Region III" covers the provinces
of Bataan, Bulacan, Nueva Ecija,
Pampanga, Tarlac, and Zambales
and the cities of Angeles,
Cabanatuan, Olongapo, Palayan and
San Jose;
k) "Region IV" covers the provinces
of Aurora, Batangas, Cavite, Laguna,
Marinduque, Occidental Mindoro,
Palawan, Quezon, Rizal and Romblon
and the cities of Batangas, Cavite,
Lipa, Lucena, Puerto Princesa, San
Pablo, Tagaytay and Trece Martires;
l) "Department" refers to the
Department of Labor and
m) "Secretary" means the Secretary
of Labor and Employment;
n) "Basic Wage" means all
remuneration or earnings paid by an
employer to a worker for services
rendered on normal working days
and hours but does not include cost-
of-living allowances, profit sharing
payments, premium payments, 13th
month pay or other monetary
benefits which are not considered as
part of or integrated into the regular
salary of the workers on the date the
Act became effective."
o) "Statutory Minimum Wage" is the
lowest wage fixed by law that an
employer can pay his workers;
p) "Wage Distortion" means a
situation where an increase in
prescribed wage rates results in the
elimination or severe contraction of
intentional quantitative differences in
wage or salary rates between and
among employee groups in an
establishment as to effectively
obliterate the distinctions embodied
in such wage structure based on
skills, length of service, or other
logical bases of differentiation;
q) "Capitalization" means paid-up
capital, in the case of a corporation,
and total invested capital, in the case
of a partnership or single
Wage Increase
SECTION 1. Coverage. The wage
increase prescribed under the Act
shall apply to all workers and
employees in the private sector
regardless of their position,
designation or status, and
irrespective of the method by which
their wages are paid, except:
a) Household or domestic helpers,
including family drivers and workers
in the personal service of another;
b) Workers and employees in
retail/service establishments
regularly employing not more than
10 workers, when exempted from
compliance with the Act, for a period
fixed by the Commission/Boards in
accordance with Section 4 (c) of the
Act and Section 15, Chapter 1 of
these Rules;
c) Workers and employees in new
business enterprises outside the
National Capital Region and export
processing zones for a period of not
more than two or three years, as the
case may be, from the start of
operations when exempted in
accordance with Section 5 of the Act
and Section 15, Chapter I of these
d) Workers and employees receiving
a basic wage of more than P100.00
per day.cralaw

SECTION 2. Effectivity. The Act

takes effect on July 1, 1989, 15 days
following its complete publication in
two newspapers of general
circulation on June 15, 1989
pursuant to Section 15 thereof. cralaw

SECTION 3. Amount of Minimum

Wage Increase. Effective July 1,
1989, the daily statutory minimum
wage rates of covered workers and
employees shall be increased as
a) P25.00 for those in the National
Capital Region;
b) P25.00 for those outside the
National Capital Region, except for
the following:
P20.00 for those in plantation
agricultural enterprises with an
annual gross sales of less than P5
million in the fiscal year immediately
preceding the effectivity of the Act;
P15.00 for those in the following
1. Non-plantation agriculture
2. Cottage/handicraft
3. Retail/Service regularly employing
not more than 10 workers
4. Business enterprises with a
capitalization of not more than
P500,000 and employing not more
than 20 workers. cralaw

SECTION 4. When Wage Increase

Due Other Workers. a) All workers
and employees who, prior to July 1,
1989, were already receiving a basic
wage above the statutory minimum
wage rates provided under Republic
Act 6640 but not over P100.00 per
day shall receive a wage increase
equivalent to that provided in the
preceding Section. cralaw

b) Those receiving not more than the

following monthly basic wage rates
prior to July 1, 1989 shall be deemed
covered by the preceding subsection:
(i) P3,257.50 where the workers
and employees work everyday,
including premium payments for
Sundays or rest days, special days
and regular holidays.cralaw

(ii) P3,041.67 where the workers

and employees do not work but
considered paid on rest days, special
days and regular holidays. cralaw

(iii) P2,616.67 where the workers

and employees do not work and are
not considered paid on Sundays or
rest days.

(iv) P2,183.33 where the workers

and employees do not work and are
not considered paid on Saturdays
and Sundays or rest days. cralaw

c) Workers and employees who, prior

to July 1, 1989, were receiving a
basic wage of more than P100.00 per
day or its monthly equivalent, are
not by law entitled to the wage
increase provided under the Act.
They may however, receive wage
increases through the correction of
wage distortions in accordance with
Section 16, Chapter I of these Rules. cralaw

SECTION 5. Daily Statutory Minimum

Wage Rates. The daily minimum
wage rates of workers and
employees shall be as follows:
Sector/Industry Under
R. A. 6640 R. A. 6727
(Effective (Effective
Dec. 14, July 1,
1987) 1989)
Non-Agriculture P64.00
Plantation 54.00
Non-Plantation 43.50
Employing more than 30
workers 52.00 77.00
Employing not more than
30 workers 50.00
Private Hospitals
With bed capacity of more
than 100 64.00 89.00
With bed capacity of 100
or less 60.00 85.00
Employing more than 15
workers 64.00 89.00
Employing 11 to 15
workers 60.00 85.00
Employing not more than
10 workers 43.00 68.00
Non-Agriculture 64.00
Plantation with annual gross
sales of P5M or more
54.00 79.00
Plantation with annual gross
sales of less than P5M
54.00 74.00
Non-plantation 43.50
Employing more than
30 workers 52.00 67.00
Employing not more
than 30 workers 50.00
Private Hospitals 60.00
Cities w/ population of more
than 150,000
Employing more than
15 workers 64.00 89.00
Employing 11 to 15 workers
60.00 85.00
Employing not more than
10 workers 43.00 58.00
Sugar Mills
Plantation w/ annual gross
sales of P5M or more 48.50
Plantation w/ annual gross
sales of less than P5M 48.50
Non-plantation 43.50
Business Enterprises w/
of not more than P500,000 and
employing not more than 20
Non-Agriculture 64.00
Agriculture Plantation
Products Other than Sugar
54.00 69.00
Sugar 48.50 63.50
Private Hospitals 60.00
Cities w/ population of more
than 150,000
Employing more than
15 workers 64.00
Employing 11 to 15 workers
60.00 75.00
Municipalities and Cities
w/ population of not more
than 150,000
Employing more than 10
workers 60.00
SECTION 6. Suggested Formula in
Determining the Equivalent Monthly
Statutory Minimum Wage Rates.
Without prejudice to existing
company practices, agreements or
policies, the following formula may
be used as guides in determining the
equivalent monthly statutory
minimum wage rates:
a) For those who are required to
work everyday including Sundays or
rest days, special days and regular
Equivalent Applicable daily wage rate
(ADR) x 390.90 days
Monthly =

Rate (EMR) 12
Where 390.90 days =
302 days Ordinary working days
20 days 10 regular holidays x 200%
66.30 days 51 rest days x 130%
2.60 days 2 special days x 130%
390.90 days Total equivalent number
of days.
b) For those who do not work but
considered paid on rest days, special
days and regular holidays:
ADR x 365 days
Where 365 days =
302 days Ordinary working days
51 days Rest days
10 days Regular holidays
2 days Special days
365 days Total equivalent number of
c) For those who do not work and are
not considered paid on Sundays or
rest days:
ADR x 314 days
Where 314 days =
302 days Ordinary working days
10 days Regular holidays
2 days Special days (If considered
paid; If actually worked,
this is equivalent to 2.6 days)
314 days Total equivalent number of
d) For those who do not work and
are not considered paid on Saturdays
or rest days:
ADR x 262 days
Where 262 days =
250 days Ordinary working days
10 days Regular holidays
2 days Special days (If considered
paid; If actually
worked, this is equivalent to 2.6
262 days Total equivalent number of
Note: For workers whose rest days
fall on Sundays, the number of rest
days in a year is reduced from 52 to
51 days, the last Sunday of August
being a regular holiday under
Executive Order No. 201. For
purposes of computation, said
holiday, although still a rest day for
them, is included in the ten regular
holidays. For workers whose rest
days do not fall on Sundays, the
number of rest days is 52 days, as
there are 52 weeks in a year.
Nothing herein shall be considered as
authorizing the reduction of benefits
granted under existing agreements
or employer practices/policies.

SECTION 7. Basis of Minimum Wages

Rates. The statutory minimum
wage rules prescribed under the Act
shall be for the normal working
hours, which shall not exceed eight
hours work a day. cralaw
SECTION 8. Creditable Wage
a) No wage increase shall be credited
as compliance with the increases
prescribed under the Act unless
expressly provided under collective
bargaining agreements; and, such
wage increase was granted not
earlier than April 1, 1989 but not
later than July 1, 1989. Where the
wage increase granted is less than
the prescribed increase under the
Act, the employer shall pay the

b) Anniversary wage increase

provided in collective agreements,
merit wage increase, and those
resulting from the regularization or
promotion of employees shall not be
credited as compliance thereto.cralaw

SECTION 9. Workers Paid by Results.

a) All workers paid by results,

including those who are paid on
piecework, takay, pakyaw, or task
basis, shall receive not less than the
applicable statutory minimum wage
rates prescribed under the Act for
the normal working hours which shall
not exceed eight hours work a day,
or a proportion thereof for work of
less than the normal working hours. cralaw

The adjusted minimum wage rates

for workers paid by results shall be
computed in accordance with the
following steps:
1) Amount of increase in AMW -
Previous AMW x 100 = % Increase;
2) Existing rate/piece x % increase =
increase in rate/piece;
3) Existing rate/piece + increase in
rate/piece = Adjusted rate/piece. cralaw

Where AMW is the applicable

minimum wage rate. cralaw

b) The wage rates of workers who

are paid by results shall continue to
be established in accordance with
Article 101 of the Labor Code, as
amended and its implementing
regulations. cralaw

SECTION 10. Wages of Special

Groups of Workers. Wages of
apprentices, learners and
handicapped workers shall in no case
be less than 75 percent of the
applicable statutory minimum wage

All recognized learnership and

apprenticeship agreements entered
into before July 1, 1989 shall be
considered as automatically modified
insofar as their wage clauses are
concerned to reflect the increases
prescribed under the Act. cralaw

SECTION 11. Application to

Contractors. In the case of
contracts for construction projects
and for security, janitorial and similar
services, the prescribed wage
increases shall be borne by the
principals or clients of the
construction/service contractors and
the contract shall be deemed
amended accordingly. In the event,
however, that the principal or client
fails to pay the prescribed wage
rates, the construction/service
contractor shall be jointly and
severally liable with his principal or
client. cralaw

SECTION 12. Application to Private

Educational Institution. Private
educational institutions which
increased tuition fees beginning
school year 1989-1990 shall comply
with the P25.00 per day wage
increase prescribed under the Act
effective as follows:
a) In cases where the tuition fee
increase was effected before the
effectivity of the Act, the wage
increase shall take effect only July 1,
1989. cralaw

b) In cases where the tuition fee

increase was effected on or after the
effectivity of the Act, the wage
increase shall take effect not later
than the date the school actually
increased tuition but in the latter
case, such wage increase may not be
made retroactive in July 1, 1989. cralaw

Beginning school year 1990-1991, all

schools shall implement the wage
increase regardless of whether or not
they have actually increased tuition

SECTION 13. Mobile and Branch

Workers. The statutory minimum
wage rates of workers, who by the
nature of their work have to travel,
shall be those applicable in the
domicile or head office of the

The minimum wage rates of workers

working in branches or agencies of
establishments in or outside the
National Capital Region shall be
those applicable in the place where
they are stationed. cralaw

SECTION 14. Transfer of Personnel.

The transfer of personnel to areas
outside the National Capital Region
shall not be a valid ground for the
reduction of the wage rates being
enjoyed by the workers prior to such
transfer. The workers transferred to
the National Capital Region shall be
entitled to the minimum wage rate
applicable therein. cralaw

SECTION 15. Exemptions.

a) The following establishments may
be exempted from compliance with
the wage increase prescribed under
the Act:
1) Retail/Service establishments
regularly employing not more than
10 workers upon application with and
as determined by the appropriate
Board in accordance with applicable
guidelines to be issued by the
Commission. cralaw

2) New business enterprises that

may be established outside the
National Capital Region and export
processing zones from July 1, 1989
to June 30, 1993, whose operation or
investments need initial assistance
may be exempted for not more than
three years from the start of
operations, subject to guidelines to
be issued by the Secretary in
consultation with the Department of
Trade and Industry and the
Department of Agriculture. cralaw

New business enterprises in Region

III (Central Luzon) and Region IV
(Southern Tagalog) may be
exempted for two years only from
start of operations, except those that
may be established in the provinces
of Palawan, Oriental Mindoro,
Occidental Mindoro, Marinduque,
Romblon, Quezon and Aurora, which
may also be exempted for not more
than three years from the start of

b) Whenever an application for

exemption has been duly filed with
the appropriate office in the
Department/Board, action by the
Regional Office of the Department on
any complaints for alleged non-
compliance with the Act shall be
deferred pending resolution of the
applicant for exemption.cralaw

c) In the event that the application

for exemption is not granted, the
workers and employees shall receive
the appropriate compensation due
them as provided for under the Act
plus interest of one percent per
month retroactive to July 1, 1989 or
the start of operations whichever is
applicable. cralaw

SECTION 16. Effects on Existing

Wage Structure. Where the
application of the wage increase
prescribed herein results in
distortions in the wage structure
within an establishment which gives
rise to a dispute therein, such
dispute shall first be settled
voluntarily between the parties. In
the event of a deadlock, such dispute
shall be finally resolved through
compulsory arbitration by the
regional arbitration branch of the
National Labor Relations Commission
(NLRC) having jurisdiction over the
workplace. cralaw

The NLRC shall conduct continuous

hearings and decide any dispute
arising from wage distortions within
twenty calendar days from the time
said dispute is formally submitted to
it for arbitration. The pendency of a
dispute arising from a wage
distortion shall not in any way delay
the applicability of the increases in
the wage rates prescribed under the

Any issue involving wage distortion

shall not be a ground for a
strike/lockout. cralaw

SECTION 17. Complaints for Non-

Compliance. Complaints for non-
compliance with the wage increases
prescribed under the Act shall be
filed with the Regional Offices of the
Department having jurisdiction over
the workplace and shall be the
subject of enforcement proceedings
under Articles 128 and 129 of the
Labor Code, as amended. cralaw

SECTION 18. Conduct of inspection

by the Department. The
Department shall conduct inspections
of establishments, as often as
necessary, to determine whether the
workers are paid the prescribed wage
rates and other benefits granted by
law or any Wage Order. In the
conduct of inspection in unionized
companies, Department inspectors
shall always be accompanied by the
president or other responsible officer
of the recognized bargaining unit or
of any interested union. In the case
of non-unionized establishments, a
worker representing the workers in
the said company shall accompany
the inspector. cralaw

The worker's representative shall

have the right to submit his own
findings to the Department and to
testify on the same if he does not
concur with the findings of the labor

SECTION 19. Payment of Wages.

Upon written petition of the majority
of the workers and employees
concerned, all private
establishments, companies,
businesses and other entities with at
least twenty workers and located
within one kilometer radius to a
commercial, savings or rural bank,
shall pay the wages and other
benefits of their workers through any
of said banks, within the period and
in the manner and form prescribed
under the Labor Code as amended. cralaw

SECTION 20. Duty of Bank.

Whenever applicable and upon
request of concerned worker or
union, the bank through which wages
and other benefits are paid issue a
certification of the record of payment
of said wages and benefits of a
particular worker or workers for a
particular payroll period.
The National Wages and Productivity
Commission and Regional Tripartite
Wages and Productivity Boards
SECTION 1. Commission. The
National Wages and Productivity
Commission created under the Act
shall hold office in the National
Capital Region. The Commission shall
be attached to the Department for
policy and program coordination. cralaw

SECTION 2. Powers and Functions of

the Commission. The Commission
shall have the following powers and
a) To act as the national consultative
and advisory body to the President of
the Philippines and Congress on
matters relating to wages, incomes
and productivity;
b) To formulate policies and
guidelines on wages, incomes and
productivity improvement at the
enterprise, industry and national
c) To prescribe rules and guidelines
for the determination of appropriate
minimum wage and productivity
measures at the regional, provincial
or industry levels;
d) To review regional wage levels set
by the Regional Tripartite Wages and
Productivity Board to determine if
these are in accordance with
prescribed guidelines and national
development plans;
e) To undertake studies, researches
and surveys necessary for the
attainment of its functions and
objectives, and to collect and compile
data and periodically disseminate
information on wages and
productivity and other related
information, including, but not
limited to, employment, cost-of-
living, labor costs, investments and
f) To review plans and programs of
the Regional Tripartite Wages and
Productivity Boards to determine
whether these are consistent with
national development plans;
g) To exercise technical and
administrative supervision over the
Regional Tripartite Wages and
Productivity Boards;
h) To call, from time to time, a
national tripartite conference of
representatives of government,
workers and employers for the
consideration of measures to
promote wage rationalization and
productivity; and
i) To exercise such powers and
functions as may be necessary to
implement this Act. cralaw

SECTION 3. Composition of the

Commission. The Commission
shall be composed of the Secretary
as ex-officio Chairman, the Director
General of the National Economic and
Development Authority (NEDA) as
ex-officio Vice-Chairman and two
members each from workers and
employers sectors who shall be
appointed by the President for a term
of five years upon recommendation
of the Secretary. The recommendees
shall be selected from the lists of
nominees submitted by the workers'
and employers' sectors. The
Executive Director of the Commission
Secretariat shall be also a member of
the Commission. cralaw

The members of the Commission

representing labor and management
shall have the same rank,
emoluments, allowances and other
benefits as those prescribed by law
for labor and management
representatives in the Employees'
Compensation Commission. cralaw

SECTION 4. Commission Secretariat.

The Commission shall be assisted
by a Secretariat to be headed by an
Executive Director and two Deputy
Directors who shall be appointed by
the President upon recommendation
of the Secretary.cralaw

The Executive Director shall have the

rank of a Department Assistant
Secretary, while the Deputy Directors
that of a Bureau Director. The
Executive Director and Deputy
Directors shall receive the
corresponding salary, benefits and
other emoluments of the positions. cralaw

SECTION 5. Regional Tripartite

Wages and Productivity Boards.
The Regional Wages and Productivity
Boards created under the Act in all
regions, including autonomous
regions as may be established by
law, shall hold offices in areas where
the Regional Offices of the
Department are located. cralaw

SECTION 6. Powers and Functions of

the Boards. The Boards shall have
the following powers and functions:
a) To develop plans, programs and
projects relative to wages, incomes
and productivity improvement for
their respective regions;
b) To determine and fix minimum
wage rates applicable in their region,
provinces or industries therein and to
issue the corresponding wage orders,
subject to guidelines issued by the
c) To undertake studies, researches,
and surveys necessary for the
attainment of their functions,
objectives and programs, and to
collect and compile data on wages,
incomes, productivity and other
related information and periodically
disseminate the same;
d) To coordinate with the other
Boards as may be necessary to attain
the policy and intention of the Labor
e) To receive, process and act on
applications for exemption from
prescribed wage rates as may be
provided by law or any Wage Order;
f) To exercise such other powers and
functions as may be necessary to
carry out their mandate under the
Labor Code. cralaw

Implementation of the plans,

programs and projects of the Boards
shall be through the respective
Regional Offices of the Department,
provided, however, that the Boards
shall have technical supervision over
the Regional Office of the
Department with respect to the
implementation of these plans,
programs and projects. cralaw

SECTION 7. Compositions of the

Boards. Each Board shall be
composed of the Regional Director of
the Department as Chairman, the
Regional Directors of the National
Economic and Development Authority
(NEDA) and Department of Trade
and Industry (DTI) as Vice-Chairmen
and two members each of workers
and employers sectors who shall be
appointed by the President for a term
of five years upon the
recommendation of the Secretary.
The recommendees shall be selected
from the list of nominees submitted
by the workers and employers

Each Board shall be assisted by a

Secretariat. cralaw

SECTION 8. Authority to Organize

and Appoint Personnel. The
Chairman of the Commission shall
organize such units and appoint the
necessary personnel of the
Commission and Board Secretaries,
subject to pertinent laws, rules and
Minimum Wage Determination
SECTION 1. Regional Minimum
Wages. The minimum wage rates
for agricultural and non-agricultural
workers and employees in every
region shall be those prescribed by
the Boards which shall in no case be
lower than the statutory minimum
wage rates. These wage rates may
include wages by industry, province
or locality as may be deemed
necessary by the Boards. cralaw

SECTION 2. Standards/Criteria for

Minimum Wage Fixing. The
regional minimum wages to be
established by the Boards shall be as
nearly adequate as is economically
feasible to maintain the minimum
standards of living necessary for the
health, efficiency and general well-
being of the workers within the
framework of the national economic
and social development programs. In
the determination of regional
minimum wages, the Boards, shall,
among other relevant factors,
consider the following:
a) The demand for living wages;
b) Wage adjustment vis-a-vis the
consumer price index;
c) The cost of living and changes or
increases therein;
d) The needs of workers and their
e) The need to induce industries to
invest in countryside;
f) Improvements in standards of
g) The prevailing wage levels;
h) Fair return of the capital invested
and capacity to pay of employers;
i) Effects on employment generation
and family income; and
j) The equitable distribution of
income and wealth along the
imperatives of economic and social
development. cralaw

SECTION 3. Wage Order.

Whenever conditions in the region so
warrant, the Board shall investigate
and study all pertinent facts; and,
based on standards and criteria
prescribed herein, shall determine
whether a Wage Order should be

In the performance of its wage

determining functions, the Board
shall conduct public hearings and
consultations giving notices to
employees' and employers' groups,
provincial, city and municipal officials
and other interested parties. cralaw

SECTION 4. Effectivity of Wage

Order. Any Wage Order issued by
the Board shall take effect 15 days
after its complete publication in at
least one newspaper of general
circulation in the region. cralaw

SECTION 5. Appeal to the

Commission. Any party aggrieved
by the Wage Order issued by the
Board may file an appeal with the
Commission within ten calendar days
from the publication of the Order.
The Commission shall decide the
appeal within sixty calendar days
from the date of filing. cralaw

SECTION 6. Effect of Appeal. The

filing of the appeal shall not suspend
the effectivity of the Wage Order
unless the person appealing such
order files with the Commission an
undertaking with a surety or sureties
in such amount as may be fixed by
the Commission. cralaw

SECTION 7. Wage Distortions.

Where the application of any wage
increase resulting from a Wage Order
issued by any Board results in
distortions in the wage structure
within an establishment, the
employer and the union shall
negotiate to correct the distortions
using the grievance procedure under
their collective bargaining
agreement. If it remains unresolved,
it shall be decided through voluntary
arbitration ten calendar days from
the time the dispute was referred for
voluntary arbitration, unless
otherwise agreed by the parties in

Where there are no collective

agreements or recognized labor
unions, the employer and workers
shall endeavor to correct the wage
distortion. Any dispute arising
therefrom shall be settled through
the National Conciliation and
Mediation Board and if it remains
unresolved after ten calendar days of
conciliation, it shall be referred to the
appropriate branch of the National
Labor Relations Commission (NLRC).
The NLRC shall conduct continuous
hearings and decide the dispute
within twenty calendar days from the
time said dispute is submitted for
compulsory arbitration. cralaw

The pendency of a dispute arising

from a wage distortion shall not in
any way delay the applicability of any
wage increase prescribed pursuant to
the provisions of law or Wage Order. cralaw

SECTION 8. Non-Diminution of
Benefits. Nothing in the Act and in
these Rules shall be construed to
reduce any existing laws, decrees,
issuances, executive orders, and/or
under any contract or agreement
between the workers and employers. cralaw

SECTION 9. Prohibition Against

Injunction. No preliminary or
permanent injunction or temporary
restraining order may be issued by
any court, tribunal or other entity
against any proceedings before the
Commission or Boards. cralaw

SECTION 10. Penal Provisions.

Any person, corporation trust, firm,
partnership, association or entity
which refuses or fails to pay any of
the prescribed increases or
adjustments in the wage rates made
in accordance with the Act shall be
punished by a fine not exceeding
P25,000 and/or imprisonment of not
less than one year nor more than
two years: Provided, that any person
convicted under the Act shall not be
entitled to the benefits provided for
under the Probation Law. cralaw

If the violation is committed by a

corporation, trust or firm,
partnership, association or any other
entity, the penalty of imprisonment
shall be imposed upon the entity's
responsible officers, including, but
not limited to, the president, vice-
president, chief executive officer,
general manager, managing director
or partner.

SECTION 11. Registration/Reporting

Requirement. Any person,
company, corporation, partnership or
any other entity engaged in business
shall submit annually a verified
itemized listing of their labor
component to the appropriate Board
and the National Statistics Office not
later than January 31 of each year,
starting on January 31, 1990 in
accordance with the form to be
prescribed by the Commission. The
listing shall specify the names,
salaries and wages of their workers
and employees below the managerial
level including learners, apprentices
and disabled/handicapped workers.
Transitory Provisions
SECTION 1. Abolition of the National
Wages Council and the National
Productivity Commission. The
National Wages Council created
under Executive Order No. 614 and
the National Productivity Commission
created under Executive Order No.
615 are abolished. All properties,
records, equipment, buildings,
facilities, and other assets, liabilities
and appropriations of and belonging
to the abovementioned offices, as
well as other matters pending herein,
shall be transferred to the
Commission. All personnel of the
above abolished offices shall continue
to function in a hold-over capacity
and shall be preferentially considered
for appointments to or placements in
the Commission/Boards. cralaw

Any official or employee separated

from the service as a result of the
abolition of offices pursuant to the
Act shall be entitled to appropriate
separation pay of one month salary
for every year of service and/or
retirement and other benefits
accruing to them under existing laws.
In lieu thereof, at the option of the
employee, he shall be preferentially
considered for employment in the
government or in any of its
subdivisions, instrumentalities, or
agencies, including government
owned or controlled corporations and
their subsidiaries.cralaw

SECTION 2. Interim Processing of

Applications for Exemption and
Submission of Reports. Pending
the operationalization of the
Commission and Boards, the National
Wages Council shall, in the interim,
receive and process applications for
exemption subject to guidelines to be
issued by the Secretary, in
accordance with Section 11 of the

Reports of establishments on their

labor component, including wages
and salaries of their workers
prescribed under the Act, shall be
submitted to the National Wages
Council through the Regional Offices
of the Department. cralaw

SECTION 3. Funding Requirement.

The funds necessary to carry out the
provisions of the Act shall be taken
from the Compensation and
Organization Adjustment Fund, the
Contingent Fund, and other savings
under Republic Act No. 6688,
otherwise known as the General
Appropriations Act of 1989, or from
any unappropriated funds of the
National Treasury; Provided, that the
funding requirements necessary to
implement the Act shall be included
in the annual General Appropriations
Act for the succeeding years.cralaw

SECTION 4. Repealing Clause. All

laws, orders, issuances, rules and
regulations or parts thereof
inconsistent with the provisions of
the Act and this Rules are hereby
repealed, amended or modified
accordingly. If any provision or part
of the Act and this Rules, or the
application thereof to any person or
circumstance is held invalid or
unconstitutional, the remainder of
the Act and these Rules or the
application of such provision or part
thereof to other persons or
circumstance shall not be affected

SECTION 5. Effectivity. These

rules shall take effect on July 1,
Payment of Wages
SECTION 1. Manner of wage
payment. As a general rule, wages
shall be paid in legal tender and the
use of tokens, promissory notes,
vouchers, coupons, or any other
form alleged to represent legal
tender is absolutely prohibited even
when expressly requested by the
employee. cralaw

SECTION 2. Payment by check.

Payment of wages by bank checks,
postal checks or money orders is
allowed where such manner of wage
payment is customary on the date of
the effectivity of the Code, where it
is so stipulated in a collective
agreement, or where all of the
following conditions are met:
(a) There is a bank or other facility
for encashment within a radius of
one (1) kilometer from the
(b) The employer or any of his
agents or representatives does not
receive any pecuniary benefit directly
or indirectly from the arrangement;
(c) The employees are given
reasonable time during banking
hours to withdraw their wages from
the bank which time shall be
considered as compensable hours
worked if done during working hours;
(d) The payment by check is with the
written consent of the employees
concerned if there is no collective
agreement authorizing the payment
of wages by bank checks.cralaw

SECTION 3. Time of payment. (a)

Wages shall be paid not less than
once every two (2) weeks or twice a
month at intervals not exceeding
sixteen (16) days, unless payment
cannot be made with such regularity
due to force majeure or
circumstances beyond the employer's
control in which case the employer
shall pay the wages immediately
after such force majeure or
circumstances have ceased. cralaw

(b) In case of payment of wages by

results involving work which cannot
be finished in two (2) weeks,
payment shall be made at intervals
not exceeding sixteen days in
proportion to the amount of work
completed. Final settlement shall be
made immediately upon completion
of the work.

SECTION 4. Place of payment. As

a general rule, the place of payment
shall be at or near the place of
undertaking. Payment in a place
other than the work place shall be
permissible only under the following
(a) When payment cannot be
effected at or near the place of work
by reason of the deterioration of
peace and order conditions, or by
reason of actual or impending
emergencies caused by fire, flood,
epidemic or other calamity rendering
payment thereat impossible;
(b) When the employer provides free
transportation to the employees back
and forth; and
(c) Under any other analogous
circumstances; Provided, That the
time spent by the employees in
collecting their wages shall be
considered as compensable hours
(d) No employer shall pay his
employees in any bar, night or day
club, drinking establishment,
massage clinic, dance hall, or other
similar places or in places where
games are played with stakes of
money or things representing money
except in the case of persons
employed in said places.cralaw

SECTION 5. Direct payment of

wages. Payment of wages shall be
made direct to the employee entitled
thereto except in the following cases:
(a) Where the employer is authorized
in writing by the employee to pay his
wages to a member of his family;
(b) Where payment to another
person of any part of the employee's
wages is authorized by existing law,
including payments for the insurance
premiums of the employee and union
dues where the right to check-off has
been recognized by the employer in
accordance with a collective
agreement or authorized in writing
by the individual employees
concerned; or
(c) In case of death of the employee
as provided in the succeeding

SECTION 6. Wages of deceased

employee. The payment of the
wages of a deceased employee shall
be made to his heirs without the
necessity of intestate proceedings.
When the heirs are of age, they shall
execute an affidavit attesting to their
relationship to the deceased and the
fact that they are his heirs to the
exclusion of all other persons. In
case any of the heirs is a minor, such
affidavit shall be executed in his
behalf by his natural guardian or
next of kin. Upon presentation of the
affidavit to the employer, he shall
make payment to the heirs as
representative of the Secretary of
Labor and Employment. cralaw

SECTION 7. Civil liability of employer

and contractors. Every employer
or indirect employer shall be jointly
and severally liable with his
contractor or sub-contractor for the
unpaid wages of the employees of
the latter. Such employer or indirect
employer may require the contractor
or sub-contractor to furnish a bond
equal to the cost of labor under
contract on condition that the bond
will answer for the wages due the
employees should the contractor or
subcontractor, as the case may be,
fail to pay the same.cralaw

SECTION 8. Job Contracting.

There is job contracting permissible
under the Code if the following
conditions are met:
(a) The contractor carries on an
independent business and
undertakes the contract work on his
own account under his own
responsibility according to his own
manner and method, free from the
control and direction of his employer
or principal in all matters connected
with the performance of the work
except as to the results thereof; and
(b) The contractor has substantial
capital or investment in the form of
tools, equipment, machineries, work
premises, and other materials which
are necessary in the conduct of his

SECTION 9. Labor-only contracting.

(a) Any person who undertakes to
supply workers to an employer shall
be deemed to be engaged in labor-
only contracting where such person:
(1) Does not have substantial capital
or investment in the form of tools,
equipment, machineries, work
premises and other materials; and
(2) The workers recruited and placed
by such person are performing
activities which are directly related to
the principal business or operations
of the employer in which workers are
habitually employed. cralaw

(b) Labor-only contracting as defined

herein is hereby prohibited and the
person acting as contractor shall be
considered merely as an agent or
intermediary of the employer who
shall be responsible to the workers in
the same manner and extent as if
the latter were directly employed by

(c) For cases not falling under this

Rule, the Secretary of Labor and
Employment shall determine through
appropriate orders whether or not
the contracting out of labor is
permissible in the light of the
circumstances of each case and after
considering the operating needs of
the employer and the rights of the
workers involved. In such case, he
may prescribe conditions and
restrictions to insure the protection
and welfare of the workers. cralaw

SECTION 10. Payment of wages in

case of bankruptcy. Unpaid wages
earned by the employees before the
declaration of bankruptcy or judicial
liquidation of the employer's business
shall be given first preference and
shall be paid in full before other
creditors may establish any claim to
a share in the assets of the
employer. cralaw

SECTION 11. Attorney's fees.

Attorney's fees in any judicial or
administrative proceedings for the
recovery of wages shall not exceed
10 percent of the amount awarded.
The fees may be deducted from the
total amount due the winning party. cralaw

SECTION 12. Non-interference in

disposal of wages. No employer
shall limit or otherwise interfere with
the freedom of any employee to
dispose of his wages and no
employer shall in any manner oblige
any of his employees to patronize
any store or avail of the services
offered by any person. cralaw

SECTION 13. Wages deduction.

Deductions from the wages of the
employees may be made by the
employer in any of the following
(a) When the deductions are
authorized by law, including
deductions for the insurance
premiums advanced by the employer
in behalf of the employee as well as
union dues where the right to check-
off has been recognized by the
employer or authorized in writing by
the individual employee himself.cralaw

(b) When the deductions are with the

written authorization of the
employees for payment to the third
person and the employer agrees to
do so; Provided, That the latter does
not receive any pecuniary benefit,
directly or indirectly, from the

SECTION 14. Deduction for loss or

damage. Where the employer is
engaged in a trade, occupation or
business where the practice of
making deductions or requiring
deposits is recognized to answer for
the reimbursement of loss or damage
to tools, materials, or equipment
supplied by the employer to the
employee, the employer may make
wage deductions or require the
employees to make deposits from
which deductions shall be made,
subject to the following conditions:
(a) That the employee concerned is
clearly shown to be responsible for
the loss or damage;
(b) That the employee is given
reasonable opportunity to show
cause why deduction should not be
(c) That the amount of such
deduction is fair and reasonable and
shall not exceed the actual loss or
damage; and
(d) That the deduction from the
wages of the employee does not
exceed 20 percent of the employee's
wages in a week.
Wage Studies and Determination
SECTION 1. Definition of terms.
(a) "Industry" shall mean any
identifiable group of productive units
or enterprises, whether operated for
profit or not, engaged in similar or
allied economic activities in which
individuals are gainfully employed.cralaw

(b) A "branch" of an industry is a

work, product or service grouping
thereof which can be considered a
distinct division for wage-fixing
purposes. cralaw

(c) "Substantial number" shall mean

such an appreciable number of
employees in an industry as, in the
Commission's opinion, considering all
relevant facts, may require action
under Art. 121 of the Code to
effectuate the purposes of wage
determination, regardless of the
proportion of such employees to the
total number of employees in the

SECTION 2. Wage studies. The

National Wages Council shall conduct
a continuing study of wage rates and
other economic conditions in all
industries, agricultural and non-
agricultural. The results of such
study shall be periodically
disseminated to the government,
labor and management sectors for
their information and guidance. cralaw

SECTION 3. Wages recommendation.

If after such study, the
Commission is of the opinion that a
substantial number of employees in
any given industry or branch thereof
are receiving wages, which although
complying with the minimum
provided by law, are less than
sufficient to maintain them in health,
efficiency and general well-being,
taking into account, among others,
the peculiar circumstances of the
industry and its geographical
location, the Commission shall, with
the approval of the Secretary of
Labor and Employment, proceed to
determine whether a wage
recommendation should be issued. cralaw

SECTION 4. Criteria for wage fixing.

(a) In addition to the criteria
established by Art. 123 of the Code
for minimum wage fixing, the
Commission shall consider, among
other factors, social services and
benefits given free to workers and
the possible effect of a given
increase in the minimum wage on
prices, money supply, employment,
labor mobility and productivity, labor
organization efficacy, domestic and
foreign trade, and other relevant
indicators of social and economic
development. cralaw

(b) Where a fair return to capital

invested cannot be reasonably
determined, or where the industry
concerned is not operated for profit,
its capacity to pay, taking into
account all resources available to it,
shall be considered. cralaw

SECTION 5. Quorum. Three (3)

members of the Commission,
including its Chairman, shall
constitute a quorum to transact the
Commission's business. cralaw

SECTION 6. Commission actions,

number of votes required. The
votes of at least three (3) members
of the Commission shall be necessary
to effect any decision or
recommendation it is authorized to
issue under the Code and this rule:
Provided, That in the internal
regulation and direction of the
functions of the Commission's staff
including the conduct of
administrative processes and the
maintenance of proper liaison and
coordination with other
organizations, the Chairman shall not
need the consent of the Commission
or any member thereof. cralaw

SECTION 7. Outside assistance.

The Commission may call upon the
assistance and cooperation of any
government agency or official, and
may invite any private person or
organization to furnish information in
connection with industry studies and
wage fixing hearings or in aid of the
Commission's deliberations. cralaw
SECTION 8. Schedule of hearings
and notices. The Commission shall
prepare a schedule of hearings for
the reception of evidence necessary
for wage fixing in an industry,
including a list of witnesses that it
will invite and the date, time and
place of the hearings. A notice
thereof to all sectors of the industry
shall be given in the most
expeditious manner. It may have
prior consultations with labor and
management leaders in the industry
for the above purpose.cralaw

SECTION 9. Unsolicited testimony.

Persons who offer to testify before
the Commission shall be heard only
after the Commission is satisfied,
upon brief preliminary examination,
that they are in possession of facts
relevant to the subject of inquiry.
The Chairman, or in other cases, the
person conducting the hearing, shall
revise the schedule of hearings
whenever necessary to achieve
logical sequence of testimony. cralaw

SECTION 10. Compulsory processes.

Recourse to compulsory processes
under the Revised Administrative
Code to ensure the attendance of
witnesses and/or the production of
relevant documentary evidence shall
be used only on occasions of extreme
importance and after other means
shall have failed, subject to the
approval of the Secretary of Labor
and Employment. cralaw

SECTION 11. Hearings; where, by

whom conducted. Commission
hearings may be conducted by the
Commission en banc, or, when
authorized by the Commission, by
any member or hearing officer
designated by the Chairman. The
hearings may be held wherever the
industry or branches thereof are
situated; otherwise they shall be held
in the Greater Manila Area. The
hearings shall be open to the public. cralaw

SECTION 12. Hearings before single

member or hearing officer.
Hearings conducted by a duly
authorized member or hearing officer
shall be considered as hearings
before the Commission. The records
of such hearings shall be submitted
to the Commission as soon as they
are completed, indicating the time
and place of the hearings and the
appearances thereat, together with a
brief statement of the findings and
recommendations of the member or
hearing officer concerned. cralaw

SECTION 13. Testimony under oath.

The testimony of all witnesses
shall be made under oath or
affirmation and shall be taken down
and transcribed by a duly appointed
stenographic reporter. cralaw

SECTION 14. Non-applicability of

technical rules. The technical rules
of evidence applied by the courts in
proceedings at law or equity shall not
strictly apply in any proceedings
conducted before the Commission. cralaw

SECTION 15. Stipulation of fact.

Stipulations of fact may be admitted
with respect to any matter at issue in
the proceedings. cralaw

SECTION 16. Documentary evidence.

Written evidence submitted to the
Commission or any member or
hearing officer shall be properly
marked to facilitate identification. cralaw

SECTION 17. Submission of industry-

report. Within sixty (60) working
days from the date of the first
hearing, the Commission shall submit
to the Secretary of Labor and
Employment an "Industry Report"
which shall relate in brief the
operations that led thereto, the basic
findings of economic facts about the
industry and the recommendations
made on the basis thereof. cralaw

SECTION 18. Action by the Secretary

of Labor and Employment. Within
thirty (30) working days after the
submission of the "Industry Report,"
the Secretary of Labor and
Employment shall either reject or
approve the recommendation of the
Commission in accordance with Art.
122 of the Code. If he approves the
recommendation, he shall issue a
Wage Order adopting the same,
subject to the approval of the
President of the Philippines,
prescribing the minimum wage or
wages for the industry concerned. cralaw

SECTION 19. Wage Order. The

Wage Order shall specify the industry
or branch to which the minimum
wages prescribed therein shall apply;
Provided, That no definite rates shall
be prescribed for specific job titles in
the industry. cralaw

SECTION 20. Varying minimum

wages. To justify different
minimum wages for different
localities, the economic and other
conditions found in a particular
locality must not only be more or
less uniform therein but also
different from those prevailing in
other localities. cralaw

SECTION 21. Publication of Wage

Order. Only such portions of a
Wage Order shall be published as
shall effectively give notice to all
interested parties that such an Order
has been issued, the industry
affected, the minimum wages
prescribed and the date of its
effectivity. cralaw

SECTION 22. Effectivity. A Wage

Order shall become effective after
fifteen (15) days from its publication
as provided in Article 124 of the
Code. cralaw

SECTION 23. Internal rules of the

Commission. Subject to the
approval of the Secretary of Labor
and Employment, the National
Wages Council may issue rules and
regulations governing its internal
Administration and Enforcement
SECTION 1. Visitorial power. The
Secretary of Labor and Employment
or his duly authorized
representatives, including Labor
Regulations Officers or Industrial
Safety Engineers, shall have access
to employer's records and premises
at any time of the day or night
whenever work is being undertaken
therein, and right to copy therefrom,
to question any employee, and to
investigate any fact, condition or
matter relevant to the enforcement
of any provision of the Code and of
any labor law, wage order or rules
and regulations issued pursuant

SECTION 2. Enforcement power.

(a) The Regional Director in cases
where employer relations shall exist,
shall have the power to order and
administer, after due notice and
hearing, compliance with the labor
standards provisions of the Code and
other labor legislations based on the
findings of the Labor Regulation
Officers or Industrial Safety
Engineers (Labor Standard and
Welfare Officer) and made in the
course of inspection, and to issue
writs of execution to the appropriate
authority of the enforcement of his
order. In line with the provisions of
Article 128 in relation to Articles 289
and 290 of the Labor Code as
amended in cases, however, where
the employer contests the findings of
the Labor Standards and Welfare
Officers and raises issues which
cannot be resolved without
considering evidentiary matters that
are not verifiable in the normal
course of inspection, the Regional
Director concerned shall indorse the
case to the appropriate arbitration
branch of the National Labor
Relations Commission for

(b) The Regional Director shall give

the employer fifteen (15) days within
which to comply with his order
before issuing a writ of execution.
Copy of such order or writ of
execution shall immediately be
furnished the Secretary of Labor and
Employment. cralaw

SECTION 3. Enforcement power on

health and safety of workers. (a)
The Regional Director may likewise
order stoppage of work or
suspension of operations of any unit
or department of an establishment
when non-compliance with the law,
safety order or implementing rules
and regulations poses grave and
imminent danger to the health and
safety of workers in the workplace. cralaw
(b) Within 24 hours from issuance of
the order of stoppage or suspension,
a hearing shall be conducted to
determine whether the order for the
stoppage of work or suspension of
operation shall be lifted or not. The
proceedings shall be terminated
within seventy-two (72) hours and a
copy of such order or resolution shall
be immediately furnished the
Secretary of Labor and Employment.
In case the violation is attributable to
the fault of the employer, he shall
pay the employees concerned their
salaries or wages during the period
of such stoppage of work or
suspension of operation. cralaw

SECTION 4. Power to review. (a)

The Secretary of Labor and
Employment, at his own initiative or
upon request of the employer and/or
employee, may review the order of
the Regional Director. The order of
the Regional Director shall be
immediately final and executory
unless stayed by the Secretary of
Labor and Employment upon posting
by the employer of a reasonable cash
or surety bond as fixed by the
Regional Director. cralaw

(b) In aid of his power of review, the

Secretary of Labor and Employment
may direct the Bureau of Working
Conditions to evaluate the findings or
orders of the Regional Director. The
decision of the Secretary of Labor
and Employment shall be final and

SECTION 5. Interference and

injunctions prohibited. It shall be
unlawful for any person or entity to
obstruct, impede, delay or otherwise
render ineffective the exercise of the
enforcement power of the Secretary
of Labor and Employment, Regional
Director or their duly authorized
representatives pursuant to the
authority granted by the Code and its
implementing rules and regulations,
and no inferior court or entity shall
issue temporary or permanent
injunction or restraining order or
otherwise assume jurisdiction over
any case involving the enforcement
orders issued in accordance with the
Code. In addition to the penalties
provided for by the Labor Code, any
government employees found guilty
of violation or abuse of authority,
shall be subject to the provisions of
Presidential Decree No. 6.cralaw

SECTION 6. Payrolls. (a) Every

employer shall pay his employees by
means of a payroll wherein the
following information and data shall
be individually shown:
(1) Length of time to be paid;
(2) The rate of pay per month, week,
day or hour piece, etc.;
(3) The amount due for regular
(4) The amount due for overtime
(5) Deductions made from the wages
of the employees; and
(6) Amount actually paid. cralaw

(b) Every employee in the payroll

shall sign or place his thumbmark, as
the case may be, at the end of the
line opposite his name where a blank
space shall be provided for the
purpose. His signature shall be made
in ink, or his thumbmark placed with
the use of the regular stamping ink
and pad.cralaw

SECTION 7. Time records. Every

employer shall keep an individual
time record of all his employees
bearing the signature or thumbmark
of the employee concerned for each
daily entry therein by means of any
of the following methods:
(a) Through the use of bundy clock
by means of which an employee can
punch in his individual card the time
of arrival and departure from work;
(b) Through the employment of a
timekeeper whose duty is to time in
and out every employee in a record
book; and
(c) By furnishing the employees
individually with a daily time record
form in which they can note the time
of their respective arrival and
departure from work. cralaw

SECTION 8. Entries in the filing of

time records. All entries in time
books and daily time records shall be
accomplished in ink. All filled-up
bundy clock cards, timekeeper's
books and daily time record forms
shall be kept on file in chronological
order by the employer in or about
the premises where the employee is
employed, and open to inspection
and verification by the Department of
Labor and Employment as provided
in this Rule.

SECTION 9. Time records of

executives. Managerial employees,
officers or members of the
managerial staff, as well as non-
agricultural field personnel, need not
be required to keep individual time
records, provided that a record of
their daily attendance is kept and
maintained by the employer. cralaw

SECTION 10. Records of workers

paid by results. Where the
employees are paid on piece, pakiao,
takay, task, commission or other
non-time basis, the employer shall
keep production records showing
their daily output, gross earnings and
the actual number of working hours
spent by the employees on the job,
bearing the signature or thumbmark
of the employee concerned. Where,
however, the minimum output rates
of non-time workers have been fixed
by the Department of Labor and
Employment or through certified
collective agreements, or are in
compliance with the standards
prescribed in Section 8, Rule VII of
this Book, the employer may
dispense with the keeping of time
records, except the daily production
records showing their output or the
work accomplished and gross

SECTION 11. Place of records. All

employment records of the
employees shall be kept and
maintained by the employer in or
about the premises of the work
place. The premises of a work-place
shall be understood to mean the
main or branch office of the
establishment, if any, depending
upon where the employees are
regularly assigned. The keeping of
the employee's records in another
place is prohibited.

SECTION 12. Preservation of records.

All employment records required
to be kept and maintained by
employers shall be preserved for at
least three (3) years from the date of
the last entry in the records. cralaw

SECTION 13. False reporting. It

shall be unlawful for any employer or
any person to make any false
statement, report or record on
matters required to be kept or
maintained pursuant to the
provisions of this Rule. cralaw

SECTION 14. Working scholars.

There is no employer-employee
relationship between students on one
hand, and schools, colleges or
universities on the other, where
there is written agreement between
them under which the former agree
to work for the latter in exchange for
the privilege to study free of charge,
provided the students are given real
opportunities, including such facilities
as may be reasonable and necessary
to finish their chosen courses under
such agreement. cralaw

SECTION 15. Resident physicians in

training. There is employer-
employee relationship between
resident physicians and the training
hospital unless:
(1) There is a training agreement
between them; and
(2) The training program is duly
accredited or approved by the
appropriate government agency. cralaw

Nothing herein shall sanction the

diminution or withdrawal of any
existing allowances, benefits and
facilities being enjoyed by training
resident physicians at the time of the
effectivity of this Rule.
Adjudicatory Powers
SECTION 1. Recovery of wages,
simple money claims and other
benefits. (a) The Regional Director
or any duly authorized Hearing
Officer of the Department of Labor
and Employment shall have the
power through summary proceedings
and after due notice to hear and
decide any complaint involving the
recovery of wages and other
monetary claims and benefits,
including legal interest, owing to an
employee or person, employed in
domestic or household service or
househelper arising from employer-
employee relations; Provided, that
such complaint does not include a
claim for reinstatement and;
Provided, further, that the aggregate
money claims of each employee or
househelper does not exceed five
thousand pesos (P5,000.00),
inclusive of legal interest.

(b) When the claims of two or more

claimants, each not exceeding five
thousand pesos (P5,000.00), arising
out of or involving the same cause of
action and against the same
respondent, are subject of separate
complaints, the complaints may,
upon motion or either party, be
consolidated into one for purposes of
the hearing and reception of
evidence. cralaw

(c) When the evidence shows that

the claim amounts to more than five
thousand pesos (P5,000.00), the
Regional Director or Hearing Officer
shall advise the complainant to
amend the complaint if the latter so
desires and file the same with the
appropriate regional branch of the
National Labor Relations
Commission. cralaw

SECTION 2. The complaint shall be in

writing, under oath and shall
substantially comply with the form
prescribed by the Department.
Within two (2) working days from
receipt of the complaint, the Regional
Director or Hearing Officer shall
serve a copy of the complaint and all
pertinent documents to the
respondents who may, within five (5)
calendar days, file an answer

SECTION 3. Any sum recovered on

behalf of an employee or
househelper pursuant to this Rule
shall be held in a special deposit
account by, and shall be paid, on
order of the Secretary of Labor and
Employment or the Regional
Director, directly to the employee or
househelper concerned or to his
heirs, successors or assigns. Any
such sum not paid to the employee
or househelper, because he cannot
be located after diligent and
reasonable effort to locate him within
a period of three (3) years, shall be
held as a special fund of the
Department of Labor and
Employment to be used exclusively
for the amelioration and benefit of
workers: Provided, however, that
thirty (30) calendar days before any
sum is turned over to the fund, a
notice of entitlement shall be posted
conspicuously in at least two (2)
public places in the locality where he
is last known to have resided. cralaw

The Secretary of Labor and

Employment or his duly authorized
representative may supervise the
payment of unpaid wages and other
monetary claims and benefits,
including legal interests, found owing
to any employee or househelper. cralaw

SECTION 4. Any decision or

resolution of the Regional Director or
any of the duly authorized Hearing
Officers of the Department of Labor
and Employment may be appealed
on the same grounds and following
the procedure for perfecting an
appeal provided in Article 223 of the
Labor Code, within five (5) calendar
days from receipt of a copy of said
decision or resolution, to the National
Labor Relations Commission which
shall resolve the appeal within ten
(10) calendar days from submission
of the last pleading required or
allowed under its rules.
Employment of Women and Minors
SECTION 1. General statement on
coverage. This Rule shall apply to
all employers, whether operating for
profit or not, including educational,
religious and charitable institutions,
except to the Government and to
government-owned or controlled
corporations and to employers of
household helpers and persons in
their personal service insofar as such
workers are concerned. cralaw

SECTION 2. Employable age.

Children below fifteen (15) years of
age may be allowed to work under
the direct responsibility of their
parents or guardians in any non-
hazardous undertaking where the
work will not in any way interfere
with their schooling. In such cases,
the children shall not be considered
as employees of the employers or
their parents or guardians. cralaw

SECTION 3. Eligibility for

employment. Any person of either
sex, between 15 and 18 years of
age, may be employed in any non-
hazardous work. No employer shall
discriminate against such person in
regard to terms and conditions of
employment on account of his age. cralaw

For purposes of this Rule, a non-

hazardous work or undertaking shall
mean any work or activity in which
the employee is not exposed to any
risk which constitutes an imminent
danger to his safety and health. The
Secretary of Labor and Employment
shall from time to time publish a list
of hazardous work and activities in
which persons 18 years of age and
below cannot be employed. cralaw

SECTION 4. Status of women

workers in certain work places.
Any woman who is permitted or
suffered to work with or without
compensation, in any night club,
cocktail lounge, beer house, massage
clinic, bar or similar establishments,
under the effective control or
supervision of the employer for a
substantial period of time as
determined by the Secretary of Labor
and Employment, shall be considered
as an employee of such
establishments for purposes of labor
and social legislation. No employer
shall discriminate against such
employees or in any manner reduce
whatever benefits they are now
enjoying by reason of the provisions
of this Section.cralaw

SECTION 5. Night work of women

employees. Any woman employed
in any industrial undertaking may be
allowed to work beyond 10:00
o'clock at night, or beyond 12:00
o'clock midnight in the case of
women employees of commercial or
non-industrial enterprises, in any of
the following cases:
(a) In cases of actual or impending
emergencies caused by serious
accident, fire, flood, typhoon,
earthquakes, epidemic or other
disaster or calamity, to prevent loss
of life or property or in cases of force
majeure or imminent danger to
public safety;
(b) In case of urgent work to be
performed on machineries,
equipment or installation, to avoid
serious loss which the employer
would otherwise suffer;
(c) Where the work is necessary to
prevent serious loss of perishable
(d) Where the woman employee
holds a responsible position of a
managerial or technical nature, or
where the woman employee has
been engaged to provide health and
welfare services;
(e) Where the nature of the work
requires the manual skill and
dexterity of women and the same
cannot be performed with equal
efficiency by male workers or where
the employment of women is the
established practice in the
enterprises concerned on the date
these Rules become effective; and
(f) Where the women employees are
immediate members of the family
operating the establishment or
undertaking. cralaw

The Secretary of Labor and

Employment shall from time to time
determine cases analogous to the
foregoing for purposes of this

SECTION 6. Agricultural work. No

woman, regardless of age, shall be
permitted or suffered to work, with
or without compensation, in any
agricultural undertaking at night time
unless she is given a rest period of
not less than nine (9) consecutive
hours, subject to the provisions of
Section 5 of this Rule.cralaw

SECTION 7. Maternity leave benefits.

Every employer shall grant to a
pregnant woman employee who has
rendered an aggregate service of at
least six (6) months for the last
twelve (12) months immediately
preceding the expected date of
delivery, or the complete abortion or
miscarriage, maternity leave of at
least two (2) weeks before and four
(4) weeks after the delivery,
miscarriage or abortion, with full pay
based on her regular or average
weekly wages. cralaw

SECTION 8. Accreditation of leave

credits. Where the pregnant
woman employee fails to avail of the
two-week pre-delivery leave, or any
portion thereof, the same shall be
added to her post-delivery leave with

SECTION 9. Payment of extended

maternity leave. When so
requested by the woman employee,
the extension of her maternity leave
beyond the four-week post-delivery
leave shall be paid by the employer
from her unused vacation and/or sick
leave credits, if any, or allowed
without pay in the absence of such
leave credits, where the extended
leave is due to illness medically
certified to arise out of her
pregnancy, delivery, complete
abortion or miscarriage which
renders her unfit for work. cralaw

SECTION 10. Limitation on leave

benefits. The maternity benefits
provided herein shall be paid by an
employer only for the first four (4)
deliveries, miscarriages, and/or
complete abortions of the employee
from March 13, 1973, regardless of
the number of employees and
deliveries, complete abortions or
miscarriages the woman employee
had before said date. For purposes of
determining the entitlement of a
woman employee to the maternity
leave benefits as delimited herein,
the total number of her deliveries,
complete abortions, or miscarriages
after said date shall be considered
regardless of the identity or number
of employers she has had at the time
of such determination, provided that
she enjoyed the minimum benefits
therefor as provided in these

SECTION 11. Family planning

services. Employers who
habitually employ more than two
hundred (200) workers in any locality
shall provide free family-planning
services to their employees and their
spouses which shall include but not
limited to, the application or use of
contraceptives. cralaw

Subject to the approval of the

Secretary of Labor and Employment,
the Bureau of Women and Young
Workers shall, within thirty (30) days
from the effective date of these
Rules, prescribe the minimum
requirements of family planning
services to be given by employers to
their employees. cralaw

SECTION 12. Relation to

agreements. Nothing herein shall
prevent the employer and his
employees or their representatives
from entering into any agreement
with terms more favorable to the
employees than those provided
herein, or be used to diminish any
benefit granted to the employees
under existing laws, agreements, and
voluntary employer practices. cralaw

SECTION 13. Prohibited acts. It

shall be unlawful for any employer:
(a) To discharge any woman
employed by him for the purpose of
preventing such woman from
enjoying the maternity leave,
facilities and other benefits provided
under the Code;
(b) To discharge such woman
employee on account of her
pregnancy, or while on leave or in
confinement due to her pregnancy;
(c) To discharge or refuse the
admission of such woman upon
returning to her work for fear that
she may be pregnant;
(d) To discharge any woman or child
or any other employee for having
filed a complaint or having testified
or being about to testify under the
Code; and
(e) To require as a condition for a
continuation of employment that a
woman employee shall not get
married or to stipulate expressly or
tacitly that upon getting married, a
woman employee shall be deemed
resigned or separated, or to actually
dismiss, discharge, discriminate or
otherwise prejudice a woman
employee merely by reason of her
marriage. cralaw

SECTION 14. Facilities for woman

employees. Subject to the
approval of the Secretary of Labor
and Employment, the Bureau of
Women and Young Workers shall,
within thirty (30) days from the
effective date of these Rules,
determine in an appropriate issuance
the work situations for which the
facilities enumerated in Article 131 of
the Code shall be provided, as well
as the appropriate minimum age and
other standards for retirement or
termination of employment in special
occupations in which women are
Employment of Househelpers
SECTION 1. General statement on
coverage. (a) The provisions of
this Rule shall apply to all
househelpers whether employed on
full or part-time basis. cralaw

(b) The term "househelper" as used

herein is synonymous to the term
"domestic servant" and shall refer to
any person, whether male or female,
who renders services in and about
the employer's home and which
services are usually necessary or
desirable for the maintenance and
enjoyment thereof, and ministers
exclusively to the personal comfort
and enjoyment of the employer's

SECTION 2. Method of payment not

determinant. The provisions of this
Rule shall apply irrespective of the
method of payment of wages agreed
upon by the employer and
househelper, whether it be hourly,
daily, weekly, or monthly, or by
piece or output basis.

SECTION 3. Children of
househelpers. The children and
relatives of a househelper who live
under the employer's roof and who
share the accommodations provided
for the househelpers by the employer
shall not be deemed as househelpers
if they are not otherwise engaged as
such and are not required to perform
any substantial household work. cralaw

SECTION 4. Employment contract.

The initial contract for household
service shall not last for more than
two (2) years. However, such
contract may be renewed from year
to year. cralaw

SECTION 5. Minimum monthly wage.

The minimum compensation of
househelpers shall not be less than
the following rates:
(a) Sixty pesos (P60.00) a month for
those employed in the cities of
Manila, Quezon, Pasay and Caloocan,
and in the municipalities of Makati,
San Juan, Mandaluyong, Muntinlupa,
Navotas, Malabon, Paraaque, Las
Pias, Pasig and Marikina, in the
Province of Rizal. cralaw

(b) Forty-five pesos (P45.00) a

month for those employed in other
chartered cities and first class
municipalities; and
(c) Thirty pesos (P30.00) a month for
those in other municipalities. cralaw

SECTION 6. Equivalent daily rate.

The equivalent minimum daily wage
rate of househelpers shall be
determined by dividing the applicable
minimum monthly rate by thirty (30)

SECTION 7. Payment by results.

Where the method of payment of
wages agreed upon by the employer
and the househelper is by piece or
output basis, the piece or output
rates shall be such as will assure the
househelper of the minimum monthly
or the equivalent daily rate as
provided in this issuance. cralaw

SECTION 8. Minimum cash wage.

The minimum wage rates prescribed
under this Rule shall be basic cash
wages which shall be paid to the
househelpers in addition to lodging,
food and medical attendance. cralaw

SECTION 9. Time and manner of

payment. Wages shall be paid
directly to the househelper to whom
they are due at least once a month.
No deductions therefrom shall be
made by the employer unless
authorized by the househelper
himself or by existing laws.cralaw

SECTION 10. Assignment to non-

household work. No househelper
shall be assigned to work in a
commercial, industrial or agricultural
enterprise at a wage or salary rate
lower than that provided for
agricultural and non-agricultural
workers. cralaw

SECTION 11. Opportunity for

education. If the househelper is
under the age of eighteen (18)
years, the employer shall give him or
her an opportunity for at least
elementary education. The cost of
such education shall be part of the
househelper's compensation, unless
there is a stipulation to the contrary. cralaw

SECTION 12. Treatment of

househelpers. The employer shall
treat the househelper in a just and
humane manner. In no case shall
physical violence be inflicted upon
the househelper. cralaw
SECTION 13. Board, lodging and
medical attendance. The employer
shall furnish the househelper free
suitable and sanitary living quarters
as well as adequate food and medical
attendance. cralaw

SECTION 14. Indemnity for unjust

termination of service. If the
period for household service is fixed,
neither the employer nor the
househelper may terminate the
contract before the expiration of the
term, except for a just cause. If the
househelper is unjustly dismissed, he
or she shall be paid the
compensation already earned plus
that for fifteen (15) days by way of

If the househelper leaves without

justifiable reason, he or she shall
forfeit any unpaid salary due him or
her not exceeding fifteen (15) days. cralaw

SECTION 15. Employment

certification. Upon the severance
of the household service relationship,
the househelper may demand from
the employer a written statement of
the nature and duration of the
service and his or her efficiency and
conduct as househelper. cralaw

SECTION 16. Funeral expenses. In

case of death of the househelper, the
employer shall bear the funeral
expenses commensurate to the
standards of life of the deceased. cralaw

SECTION 17. Disposition of the

househelper's body. Unless so
desired by the househelper or by his
or her guardian with court approval,
the transfer or use of the body of the
deceased househelper for purposes
other than burial is prohibited. When
so authorized by the househelper,
the transfer, use and disposition of
the body shall be in accordance with
the provisions of Republic Act No.

SECTION 18. Employment records.

The employer may keep such
records as he may deem necessary
to reflect the actual terms and
conditions of employment of his
househelper which the latter shall
authenticate by signature or
thumbmark upon request of the
employer. cralaw

SECTION 19. Prohibited reduction of

pay. When the compensation of
the househelper before the
promulgation of these regulations is
higher than that prescribed in the
Code and in this issuance, the same
shall not be reduced or diminished by
the employer on or after said date.cralaw

SECTION 20. Relation to other laws

and agreements. Nothing in this
Rule shall deprive a househelper of
the right to seek higher wages,
shorter working hours and better
working conditions than those
prescribed herein, nor justify an
employer in reducing any benefit or
privilege granted to the househelper
under existing laws, agreements or
voluntary employer practices with
terms more favorable to the
househelpers than those prescribed
in this Rule.
Employment of Homeworkers
SECTION 1. General statement on
coverage. This Rule shall apply to
any homeworker who performs in or
about his home any processing of
goods or materials, in whole or in
part, which have been furnished
directly or indirectly by an employer
and thereafter to be returned to the

SECTION 2. Definitions. As used in

this Rule, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated
(a) "Home" means any room, house,
apartment, or other premises used
regularly, in whole or in part, as a
dwelling place, except those situated
within the premises or compound of
an employer, contractor, and the
work performed therein is under the
active or personal supervision by, or
for, the latter.

(b) "Employer" means any natural or

artificial person who, for his own
account or benefit, or on behalf of
any person residing outside the
Philippines, directly or indirectly, or
through any employee, agent,
contractor, sub-contractor; or any
other person:
(1) Delivers or causes to be delivered
any goods or articles to be processed
in or about a home and thereafter to
be returned or to be disposed of or
distributed in accordance with his
direction; or
(2) Sells any goods or articles for the
purpose of having such goods or
articles processed in or about a home
and then repurchases them himself
or through another after such

(c) "Contractor" or "sub-contractor"

means any person who, for the
account or benefit of an employer,
delivers or caused to be delivered to
a homeworker goods or articles to be
processed in or about his home and
thereafter to be returned, disposed
of or distributed in accordance with
the direction of the employer. cralaw

(d) "Processing" means

manufacturing, fabricating, finishing,
repairing, altering, packing, wrapping
or handling any material. cralaw

SECTION 3. Payment for work. (a)

Immediately upon receipt of the
finished goods or articles, the
employer shall pay the homeworker
or the contractor or sub-contractor,
as the case may be, for the work
performed; Provided, However, that
where payment is made to a
contractor or sub-contractor, the
homeworker shall be paid within the
week after the contractor or sub-
contractor has collected the goods or
articles from the homeworkers. cralaw

(b) The Secretary of Labor and

Employment shall from time to time
establish the standard minimum
piece or output rate in appropriate
orders for the particular work or
processing to be performed by the
homeworkers. cralaw

SECTION 4. Deductions. No
employee, contractor, or sub-
contractor shall make any deduction
from the homeworker's earnings for
the value of materials which have
been lost, destroyed, soiled or
otherwise damaged unless the
following conditions are met:
(a) The homeworker concerned is
clearly shown to be responsible for
the loss or damage;
(b) The employee is given reasonable
opportunity to show cause why
deductions should not be made;
(c) The amount of such deduction is
fair and reasonable and shall not
exceed the actual loss or damages;
(d) The deduction is made at such
rate that the amount deducted does
not exceed 20% of the homeworker's
earnings in a week. cralaw

SECTION 5. Conditions for payment

of work. (a) The employer may
require the homeworker to re-do
work which has been improperly
executed without having to pay the
stipulated rate more than once. cralaw

(b) An employer, contractor, or sub-

contractor need not pay the
homeworker for any work which has
been done on goods and articles
which have been returned for
reasons attributable to the fault of
the homeworker. cralaw

SECTION 6. Disagreement between

homeworkers and employer. In
cases of disagreement between the
homeworker and the employer,
contractor or sub-contractor on
matters falling under Section 4 (a), 5
and 6 of this Rule, either party may
refer the case to the Regional Office
having jurisdiction over the
homeworker. The Regional Office
shall decide the case within ten (10)
working days from receipt of the
case. Its decision shall be final and
unappealable. cralaw

SECTION 7. Liability of employer and

contractor. Whenever an employer
shall contract with another for the
performance of the employer's work,
it shall be the duty of such employer
to provide in such contract that the
employees or homeworkers of the
contractor and the latter's sub-
contractor shall be paid in
accordance with the provisions of
this Rule. In the event that such
contractor or sub-contractor fails to
pay the wages or earnings of his
employees or homeworkers as
specified in this Rule, such employer
shall be jointly and severally liable
with the contractor or sub-contractor
to the workers of the latter, to the
extent that such work is performed
under such contract, in the same
manner as if the employees or
homeworkers were directly engaged
by the employer.

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