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Biopro Q

Supports a healthy heart, immune function & cellular energy

ARIIX BioPro Q is an excellent source of CoQ1, !hich is essential for the "o#y$s natural
pro#uction of cellular energy, an# is also a po!erful antioxi#ant% Biopro Q contains CoQ1 in the
form of &"i'uinol, !hich stu#ies ha(e sho!n to "e far more a"sor"a"le, an# therefore more
effecti(e, than tra#itional CoQ1%
ARIIX BioPro Q is an excellent source of CoQ1, !hich is essential for the "o#y$s natural
pro#uction of cellular energy, an# is also a po!erful antioxi#ant% Biopro Q contains CoQ1 in the
form of &"i'uinol, !hich stu#ies ha(e sho!n to "e far more a"sor"a"le, an# therefore more
effecti(e, than tra#itional CoQ1%)
*a+e 1 softgel t!ice #aily, prefera"ly !ith meals, for optimal results% ,eep out of reach of
chil#ren% If you are pregnant, nursing, or ha(e a me#ical con#ition, please consult !ith your
physician "efore ta+ing this pro#uct%
Biopro Q Questions & Ans!ers
Q- I ha(e "een ta+ing the u"i'uinone form of CoQ1% I !ant to s!itch o(er to the &"i'uinol form
of CoQ1 that is in Biopro Q% .o! much shoul# I "e ta+ing/
A- Biopro Q contains a (ery potent an# highly a"sor"a"le form of CoQ1 calle# u"i'uinol%
&"i'uinol is a"sor"e# any!here from four to ten times greater, #epen#ing on !hich stu#y you
site, than the oxi#i0e# or u"i'uinone form% *herefore, you can achie(e higher le(els of CoQ1
using the same amount of Biopro Q as you !ere ta+ing !ith the u"i'uinone% CoQ1 is a critical
nutrient nee#e# for energy pro#uction !ithin the cell% It is also a potent antioxi#ant that
concentrates itself !ithin the mitochon#ria of the cell !here the highest concentration of free
ra#icals is forme#% *his helps the "o#y not only fight off oxi#ati(e stress, "ut also allo!s it to
pro#uce a#e'uate amounts of energy in the form of A*P% *his creates a healthier immune system
an# a healthier car#io(ascular system% *herefore, !e !oul# recommen# ta+ing one to t!o Biopro
Q for the in#i(i#ual !ho is in goo# health% Biopro Q shoul# al!ays "e a##e# to the 1ptimals for
e(en "etter health results%
Q- Can I ta+e too much Biopro Q/
A- 2r% Peter 3angs4oen, a car#iologist an# "iochemist, is the hea# of CoQ1 International, an#
lea# in(estigator for many clinical trials using CoQ1% In early clinical trials, "loo# le(els of
CoQ1 in participants !ere monitore#% .o!e(er, they ne(er sa! any a#(erse effects of high
le(els of CoQ1 in the thousan#s of participants they follo!e#% *hey conclu#e# that CoQ1 !as
(ery safe an# that you coul# not ta+e too much CoQ1% In fact, the higher the le(els of CoQ1 that
!ere foun# in the "loo# of the participants the "etter the results they !ere a"le to #ocument% *hey
no longer e(en #o "loo# tests on CoQ1 no matter ho! much CoQ1 they gi(e their patients or
participants in the clinical trials% *herefore, it is felt "y e(eryone that you 4ust can$t get too much
CoQ1 an# that it is one of the safest nutrients use# to#ay in supplementation%
Q- Can chil#ren ta+e Biopro Q in supplementation/
A- Chil#ren can safely ta+e Biopro Q an# a## it to their antioxi#ant an# mineral supplementation%
It is recommen#e# that they only supplement 1 to 5 mg per poun# per #ay% *his means that a 6
poun# chil# can ta+e 6 to 1 mg of Biopro Q #aily an# this total amount can "e #i(i#e# into t!o
#oses% Biopro Q is a small capsule an# can "e easily s!allo!e#% .o!e(er, if your chil# cannot
s!allo! Biopro Q, !e !oul# recommen# that they not ta+e it%
Q- Can Biopro Q "e ta+en alone/
A- Biopro Q can certainly "e ta+ing alone7 ho!e(er, !e #o not recommen# this approach%
8(eryone nee#s !hat is referre# to as cellular nutrition% Cellular nutrition is #efine# as
supplementing all of the essential nutrients at their optimal or a#(ance# le(els that ha(e "een
sho!n to pro(i#e a health "enefit as share# "y experts in me#ical literature% *his is easily
accomplishe# "y ta+ing ARIIX$s 1ptimals, !hich contain all of these essential nutrients at their
optimal le(els an# are pro(i#e# in con(enient 9itamin an# :ineral capsules% Biopro Q shoul# "e
a##e# to the 1ptimals as an enhancer% *his allo!s for increase# effecti(eness of the Biopro Q

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