Step-By-step Guide To Permaculture Design Samples

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Foreword vii
Preface viii
How to use this guide ix
Introduction x
Youre already a designer xi
Observation Skills 2
Patterns 3
An Introduction to systems 7
Spirals of erosion and degradation 11
Principles and directives 14
Summary 15
Effective Design 16
Identifying roles within the process 18
Working as part of a team 19
Inclusion 19
Conflict resolution 22
Structuring the process 23
The Action learning cycle 25
Flowcharts 26
Summary 27
Surveying the Site 30
Maps 32
Making base and field maps 34
Create a base map from an existing map 34
A base map from your own measurements 38
Drawing your base map 46
Summary 54
Base mapping flowchart 55
Recording site information 56
Record existing site elements 57
Map access points and routes through the site 59
Identify the different zones on the site 60
Map the different sectors of the site 62
Estimating heights 69
Record water across the site 70
Take at least one soil sample 70
Identify the sites remaining limiting factors 72
Map any site utilities 73
Identify any free or cheap resources available. 73
Creating base map overlays 75
Keeping an observation diary 76
Summary 78
Recording site information flowchart 79
PART ONE ~ Preparations
PART TWO ~ The Design Process
The Client Interview 80
SMART goals 80
The interview 81
Working with multiple clients or community groups 85
Small community processes 85
Small to medium sized group processes 87
Wider community planning 88
Summary 90
Client interview flowchart 91
Analysis 92
Identifying functions 93
The process 93
Functions, systems and elements 94
Identifying the key functions 95
Creating your SMART goals 96
Choosing systems and elements 97
The process 97
Permaculture ethics 98
Ecological impact 98
Financial costs 102
Time limitations 102
Appropriate scale 103
Interconnectedness 103
Intrinsics 106
Comparing best options 107
Visioning and wild design 108
Summary 109
Choosing systems and elements flowchart 111
Placement 112
Around an existing main element 112
Design from patterns to details 113
Microclimates 113
Elevation planning and aspect 115
Zoning 116
Access and desire lines 116
Sectors 117
Soil type 119
Utilities 119
Visualise succession 119
Incremental design 120
The fine details 121
The Blank canvas 121
McHargs exclusion method 122
Placement flowchart 123
Integration 124
Energy cycling 124
Process flows 126
Patterns and principles 127
Edge effect 128
Guilds and companion planting 131
Putting it all together 135
Summary 136
Integration flowchart 137
Design Proposal 138
Share your concept design early 138
Creating your final proposal 139
Mapping your ideas 139
Drawing 140
Modelling 144
Using technology 145
Additional maps 146
Further information 146
Implementation details 149
Summary 150
Design proposal flowchart 151
Implementation 152
Breaking down the task 152
Start small and work out from well-managed areas 152
Factors that influence task prioritisation 153
Least change for greatest effect 153
Design around the limiting factors 153
Resource availability 154
Dependencies (a.k.a. precedences) 154
Yeomans Keyline scale of permanence 154
Creating a simple implementation plan 155
Creating a project management plan 156
Critical Path Analysis 158
Overseeing a project implementation 159
Summary 161
Maintenance and Evaluation 162
Creating a maintenance plan 162
The need for ongoing evaluation 163
Summary 164
Implementation and maintenance flowchart 165
Presenting to a Client 166
Presentation flowchart 169
Beyond Land Design 172
Designing processes 172
Designing zone 00 176
Designing social structures 181
Reflecting on the Process 184
A Call to Action 185
Appendices 186
References 186
Full design process flowchart 187
Resources 188
Online materials 188
Recommended reading 188
Glossary 190
PART THREE ~ Beyond Land Based Design
Observation skills
One of the first things we notice when
we observe natural ecosystems is that
certain patterns keep appearing,
in many situations and at varying
scales. These patterns occur in both
time and space, and while the for-
mer determine our routines, the
latter are often only considered for
their beauty. However, natures most
common patterns have evolved over
many millennia

as being the most effective

for survival. While conditions on the surface of the Earth have
changed considerably over time

, life has always managed to

adapt in order to survive and thrive here. So our challenge as
designers is to identify what each of these patterns excels at do-
ing and to apply them where appropriate in our designs.
Patterns in space
The study of patterns and their successful application in design
is a fascinating and detailed subject much beyond the scope of
this guide. That said, there are some key principles that, once
understood, can help us to use them effectively in our designs.
Firstly, patterns occur at the edge between two different media
or systems. So the branching fractal form of a broccoli head is
simply the edge between the plant and the atmosphere, the
waves on the ocean the place at which the air mixes with the
water. Resources are exchanged across these edges; needs are
met and waste products eliminated, so by increasing surface
area, nature increases the efficiency of this interaction and ulti-
mately the size and health of the organism. Hence we find that
many of the most common patterns we see around us in nature
(branching, waves, spirals, webs and so on), all have extensive
edge. Of course the ultimate edge on this beautiful planet is
the one between the earth and the atmosphere where almost
everything lives, and thats because this is where all the key
requirements for life occur together.
Nature has done 3,500,000,000 years of Research & Development!
Levels of Oxygen in the atmosphere were once much lower and the temperature
of the sun also considerably cooler, requiring higher levels of greenhouse gases.
Effective Design
So the key things to remember about the design process are:
Defining roles
* When working for a client, clarify at the beginning of the
design process, theirs and your own levels of involvement.
* Identify the point at which you hand over the responsibility for
the design implementation to them.
* Put all this in writing at the start, in a design proposal.
Working as part of a design team
* Identify everyones skills and make best use of them.
* Ensure that everyone feels heard and gets an equal chance to
* Rotate roles in meetings and discussions.
* Use the given meeting techniques to avoid needing to use
those for conflict resolution.
Design frameworks
* Provide us with a successful pattern to guide our process.
* Help us to avoid missing out anything important.
* All essentially follow the broad process of:
Survey, Analyse, Design, Implement and Maintain.
* Different frameworks might be better suited to some design
processes than others.
* While they appear to be linear processes with a beginning and
an end, they are effectively cyclical.
* A design is never completely finished.
The Action learning cycle
* Outlines the way in which we learn naturally.
* All the design frameworks are based upon this process.
* Any mistakes are opportunities for learning.
The Site Survey - making maps
Choose your baseline
Next, plot the key fixed points on the site such as buildings,
gateways, fencing corner posts, telegraph poles or big trees.
Start by choosing two points, perhaps along one side and a
good distance apart, from which you can measure everything
else. If need be, drive in two posts yourself for this purpose. For
most urban garden designs you might choose two corners of an
adjacent building. Such walls are often straight, making it easy
to measure between those points and so providing you with a
useful baseline for your mapping.
Measure distances or take bearings
In this diagram we see a building being used as a baseline for
the survey, corners A and B being measured as 15m apart. We
know such a building will be easy to draw using one or more
straight lines, so it will be a good way to start our map. From
here, the simplest method of pinpointing the other elements on
the site, such as Trees 1 and 2, is to measure their distances from
each corner, A and B. You can use a site tape or pacing, see the
online resources for a simple pace conversion table.
Permaculture Design - a step-by-step guide
The desire lines around my mobile home shaped my zoning of the space
Are there any significant barriers to such flows, such as wildlife
corridors into the site being interrupted by busy roads or by
waterways? Where do people visit to perform tasks, collect
things or to rest? Where are resources brought onto the site,
stored or taken away? How does the current layout affect the
performance of the site? Are any routes longer than they need
to be, or passing through areas causing avoidable disruption?
Identify the different zones on the site
Zoning is all about how energy is being used on the site. Well
start by mapping current patterns of activity and later redesign
for greater efficiency. Zones are focused upon main areas of use
such as buildings (often called zone 0) and any well-used desire
lines, where people move slowly enough to notice whats go-
ing on around them. To minimise work well later gather the
things needing the most attention around these focuses.
Now sketch out the current zoning onto your desire lines and
access map or overlay. Using a different colour for each zone is
a great way of differentiating them, like in my example below.
Permaculture Design - a step-by-step guide
Snow The thaw after snow shows
us more than we can normally see.
Snow melts more quickly on the
roofs of heated buildings that are
poorly insulated. Capped wells and
other underground bodies of water
will melt snow more quickly than
surrounding ground; a clear circle
on a snowy yard is probably an old
well that has been concreted over.
Other favourable microclimates,
such as around buildings, will also
thaw snow quickly. Conversely, the
chilliest spots will hang onto snow
residues the longest. Desire lines are
also easy to see in the snow. Where
do people and animals prefer to
walk? Now you know!
Fire Hopefully youll never experience a wildfire, by all
accounts its a pretty terrifying thing. If the site is in a fire risk
area then designing to protect the site against it is a priority
(remember designing for disasters?). Instead of waiting for one,
find out about the history of wildfires in the area and their
patterns. Radiant heat is the most destructive aspect of fire and
burns from a considerable distance, even a small campfire can
force a retreat. The main things to look for on site are:
* Inflammable plants and trees; conifers and eucalypts (high resin
content trees) burn particularly fiercely. Do prevailing winds
blow on to the site from that direction?
* Is the site on a slope? Fire travels very quickly uphill and is
fiercest on ridges, which are usually the driest areas.
* Where are access roads to the site routed?
* Is there an emergency on-site gravity-fed water supply?
* What are the buildings made of? Are they designed with
fire-protection in mind (e.g. white painted, with door and
window screens, simple roof shapes and screened undershot
guttering that doesnt collect hot ashes, etc.)?
Permaculture Design - a step-by-step guide
Chris Dixon in his woodland, which
regenerated after sheep were removed
If your site has a variety of different microclimates and land
uses, its worth surveying the soil in a few places and then
comparing your findings. What do these observations tell you
about the underlying geology of this area? The base rock will
determine the soil type and thus the basic growing conditions.

Identify the sites remaining limiting factors

Our survey may have already identified some of the sites key
limiting factors: perhaps excessively shady or boggy areas, very
heavy or light soil, or crops regularly grazed off by insects or
wild animals? Some of these factors we may seek to modify,
others such as altitude we are going to have to accept and seek
to discover the gifts they offer. Our role as designer is to identify
key limiting factors, and then to design strategies to overcome
them. Sometimes, by removing
one limitation, the landscape
will change dramatically, like
removing grazing animals
from a landscape to permit the
re-growth of forest. Returning
to our leaky barrel analogy,
an effective strategy might be
as simple as plugging some of
those wasteful leaks. A quick
look around many sites will
quickly identify the tragic loss
of energy and resources such as:
* Heat escaping from buildings.
* Fertility being washed out of the soil.
* Water leaving the site before being fully utilised.
* Crops being left to rot (most commonly under trees).
* High maintenance, low output systems (e.g. most lawns).
* Vandalism.
You may also identify other opportunities being wasted like:
* Workers having insufficient to do, or being wasted on low
value tasks. Volunteer help not being made use of.
* Free or cheap local resources, not being collected, or utilised.
The Living Landscape by Patrick Whitefield has an excellent chapter on this.
The Client Interview
Working with multiple clients or
community groups
When working with larger client
groups it is important to ensure that
everyone feels heard. Ultimately,
the success of a community project
depends heavily upon the degree of
ownership a group feels over the end
product. Ive seen well-meant pro-
jects, such as community orchards,
created with little or no consultation
with the local residents. Inevitably
those projects suffer vandalism, be-
cause those carrying out the damage
have no connection to this thing that
just landed in their neighbourhood.
Heres a small selection of tools that have been developed
to help groups successfully make decisions, any of which may
prove useful in particular circumstances. If you plan to work
with groups of more than just a few clients, then I recommend
that you investigate at least one of the following methods in
more detail than I have room for here. I provide just a brief
overview of each below, but each is well documented either in
books, on the Internet, or both. When working with groups in
this way, you might be offering a set of questions for the group
to go away and consider their answers to, or be stepping into
the role of an outside facilitator in their process. However, if
you are considering taking on the latter role, I would certainly
suggest that you get some training first.
Small community processes
Any of the methods previously offered to assist design teams in
working together could also be useful to small groups of clients
in establishing a collective vision and set of priorities. Two
additional processes follow that take up more time, but offer a
way to ensure equal participation in any key decision making.
These work well for up to 10 or 15 people, maybe more, but as
the group size increases, the time needed for the process may
expand accordingly.
The Client Interview
Client interview flowchart
Permaculture Design - a step-by-step guide
Functions, systems and elements
Still confused about the difference between functions, systems
and elements? Maybe this will help: elements are individual
things that make up a system when connections exist between
them. Several systems can also connect up to create bigger
systems. Either elements on their own, or complete systems,
perform (one or more) functions. A function is what you want
to achieve and the system or element is the means by which you
achieve it. Here are some examples:
Note that while Hazel has appeared here as an element in a
hedge system to provide wind protection, it could also have
been listed as an element fulfilling the functions of soil improve-
ment or food production.
Remember, adaptable (multi-functional), resilient (multiple
elements for each important function) and high efficiency
(least work for greatest effect) are always design aims and dont
need to be considered as separate functions.
Function System Elements
Hedge Hazel, elder, ash, bramble etc.
Fence Posts, concrete, wooden slats etc.
Gutter, diverter, downpipe, water
butt or tank, pond
Earthworks Dams, sluices, gulleys, trees etc.
Terracing, swales, gabions, net and
pan, trees
Composting, green manures, liquid
feeds, mycorrhiza, treebog
Mulching Cardboard, bark, compost, straw,
wood chip etc.
Veg garden
Carrots, potatoes, onions etc.
Veg garden
Raised beds, composting system,
greenhouse, hand tools
Orchard Apple, plum, pear trees etc.
Permaculture Design - a step-by-step guide
Now well experiment with best placements for
the different elements and systems in our design.
If theres a fixed point of focus on the site (such
as a house), then well be placing everything most
efficiently in relation to that. However, when starting with a
blank canvas we get to choose the best place to site our centre
of activity. If were arranging our design around a proposed
new house or other structure, its placement will probably be
our most important decision. If were designing a site without
an obvious central element, then well need to identify the
most important elements to place first and go from there.
Around an existing main element
When designing around a fixed point of focus like a building,
weve a number of methods we can use to plan the layout
of the site. Using our base map and overlays from the survey,
well aim to make our mistakes on paper, instead of in the
landscape itself. One helpful tool for this process is the land-
scape modelling technique I use to teach zones and sectors.
Using landscape modelling to explore placement or systems and elements
Analysis - integration
Some edges can be significantly deep, though defining the
exact distance where an effect becomes negligible is difficult,
as it can vary with changing environmental conditions such as
the weather or soil moisture levels. Just think how you might
choose to cycle into town on a sunny day, yet take the car
instead when its wet and windy. Pollinating insects behave
in a similar way! Such things are extremely fuzzy
. Beneficial
effects can be short-term or year round, depending upon the
means of interaction.
So when increasing edges we
can do so by making them both
longer and deeper. Natures
patterns, like crenellation (wavy-
ness) already show us how to
make them longer. Depth can be
increased by wherever possible
helping the agents of transmis-
sion, like planting a windbreak
hedge for pollinating insects or
by buying a good waterproof
jacket for a hesitant cyclist! By
creating ponds with gently sloping edges we increase the area
of shallow water that warms in the sun: a popular microclimate
where creatures such as tadpoles thrive. Adding mycorrhizal
fungi when planting most plants and trees creates a beneficial
relationship that increases their ability to reach soil nutrients.
Remember though that while increasing edges in our designs is
generally a good idea, that we should always optimise rather
than maximise them. If we produce more of a resource than
we can make use of, we create more work for ourselves having
to harvest it all and find new uses or outlets for it. If we leave
it we risk creating an imbalance in the system, any unused
resources having the potential to become pollution and attract
pests. Dont be greedy, match your design to your needs. You
can always increase that edge again later when you have the
capacity to deal with the extra yields. Remember, start small
and work out from well managed areas.
...but dont be an obsessive edgetarian.
Permaculture Design - a step-by-step guide
Draw your design directly onto the base map
Perhaps our simplest option is to draw our design ideas directly
onto our base map. If we made multiple copies of this earlier
for recording site information, we can use one of those. If we
wish to separate out some aspects of our design, or distinct
implementation phases, we can avoid clutter by spreading
these details over a series of maps. Below is the plan I made of
my mobile home garden, drawn directly onto the base map.
Base map and overlays
Another way of presenting a design is to instead draw it onto
an overlay. If you chose earlier to record site information in
this way, you can use the same technique to present your
final ideas. Use good quality (high transparency) tracing paper
if you can; this will also allow you to show multiple overlays at
the same time when useful.
Design: Aranya
The kind of things that can go wrong include:
* Poor communication, the team dont know what to do
* Disagreements, personality conflicts and walk outs
* Failure to meet standards or regulations
* Bad management and poorly defined goals
* Inclement weather
Being prepared for such eventualities gives you a better chance
of dealing with them effectively should they occur.
A good tool for taking a simple Work Breakdown Structure
and turning it into something more precise that we can work
from is a Gantt project planning chart.
One advantage of using software is that if a task is delayed,
then all dependencies can be easily shifted along the timeline
in response. If you are computer-literate, the best way to learn
how to use this useful tool is to download one of the free
Gantt programs and play with what it can do. A Gantt chart
places all the chunked tasks down the left side of a grid, in the
order of implementation. The timeline runs left to right, and
for each task a coloured bar is placed indicating the anticipated
start and finish times.
Gantt chart created using Open Source software, though
you could also use paper to lay one out.
Permaculture Design - a step-by-step guide
Presenting to a Client
Now that youve finished your design, you
may be faced with presenting your ideas to
the client(s). The first thing to remember is
that however well they know the site, they
wont have been through the same design
process as you and wont be familiar with many of the analysis
tools. Your job then is to communicate not just your recom-
mendations, but also the reasoning behind the choices youve
made. Sometimes youll disagree with what they initially asked
you for; if so, show good reasons, so that they can see why
your ideas are a much better choice. Have at least one trial
run presentation, particularly if youre not a confident public
speaker. In my experience though, knowing the subject is the
best cure for any pre-presentation nerves.
Describe your key site observations.
* Explain what youve discovered about the overall landscape
surrounding the site (a map can help).
* Present your base map with any overlays showing zones,
sectors, access points, desire lines etc.
* Describe your observations about slope across the site.
* What did you notice about microclimates across the site?
* What is the soil like? Does it vary in content, depth, pH etc.
across the site?
* How does water flow and settle across the site?
* What significant flora, fungi and fauna are present?
* What are your observations about structures on the site?
* How is energy being harvested and used?
* How are any natural or social events affecting the site?
* Use photos where necessary to illustrate these points.
The Client interview(s)
* What are the key points you took from the interview(s)?
* Reflect back on their values and vision.
* Reflect back their timescale and budget for the design.

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