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Lecture 2: Atoms, Molecules and Ions (Evaluation)

Name: Matric Number:

Norhasimah Alias/FIS/Chemistry 1/July 2013

Q1. Write formulas for the following compounds.

a) ammonium sulfide ans.
b) magnesium phosphate
c) mercury(II) thiocyanate
d) sodium iodate
e) chromium(III) chloride
f) nitrous acid ans.
g) phosphoric acid
h) sodium hydroxide
i) bromic acid
j) phosphorus pentachloride
k) oxygen difluoride
l) sulfur trioxide
m) dinitrogen pentoxide

Q2. Name the following compounds.
a) PbI2
b) FeSO4
d) NaCN
e) Ca(C2H3O2)2
f) PBr3
g) CO
h) N2O4
i) CCl4
j) H2SO3
k) Sn(OH)4
l) HNO3
m) KOH
n) HIO4

Q3. The combustion of 40.10 g of a compound which contains only C, H, Cl and O yields
58.57 g of CO
and 14.98 g of H
O. Another sample of the compound with a mass of 75.00 g is
found to contain 22.06 g of Cl. If the molecular mass of compounds is 214 g/mol, what is the
molecular formula of the compound?

Q4. Cisplatin is an antitumor agent. It has the molecular formula Pt(NH3)2Cl2. How
many grams of cisplatin can be produced if the limiting reactant is 1 kg of platinum?

Q5. Methyl alcohol (wood alcohol), CH
OH, is produced via the reaction

CO(g) + 2 H
(g) CH
OH (l)

A mixture of 1.20 g H
(g) and 7.45 g CO(g) are allowed to react.
(a) Which reagent is the limiting reagent?
(b) What is the yield of CH
OH? [Assume theoretical yield in g is what is wanted here.]
Lecture 2: Atoms, Molecules and Ions (Evaluation)

Name: Matric Number:
Norhasimah Alias/FIS/Chemistry 1/July 2013
(c) How much of the reagent present in excess is left over?
(d) Suppose the actual yield is 7.52 g of CH
OH. What is the % yield?

Q6. Hydrogen peroxide is used as a cleansing agent in the treatment of cuts and abrasions for
several reasons. It is an oxidizing agent that can directly kill many microorganisms; it
decomposes on contact with blood, releasing elemental oxygen gas (which inhibits the growth
of anaerobic microorganisms); and it foams on contact with blood, which provides a cleansing
action. In the laboratory, small quantities of hydrogen peroxide can be prepared by the action
of an acid on an alkaline earth metal peroxide, such as barium peroxide:
(s) + 2HCl(aq) H
(aq) + BaCl
What mass of hydrogen peroxide should result when 150 g barium peroxide is treated with
25.0 mL HCl solution containing 0.0272 g HCl per mL? What mass of which reagent is left

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