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Q. Logical models from the basis for computing system that

generate information useful in dealing with:
(a)Uncertain situation
(b)Complex situation
(c)Dynamic situations
(d)All of the above
Q. Which of the following is not a key component of the evaluation
process in building a SS!
(a)Criteria for evaluation
(b)Means of measuring system development time spent on the project
(c)Means of monitoring the progress of the DSS
(d)ormal revie! process
Q. " central purpose of most decision support system is:
(a)A central purpose of most decision support system is"
(b)to build a model of the decision ma#ing problem
(c)to design a database management system
(d)to build an expert system
Q. " greater proportion of time is spent in planning on the :
(a)$op management
(b)Middle management level
(c)%o!er management level
(d)&one of the above
Q. Which of the following is generally true about management
(a)%o! level managers need information in the form of detailed report
(b)'eports can be issued on demand periodically( or on the occurrence of a
specific event
(c)Middle managers use exception reports
(d)All of the above
Q. Which of the following is considered to be an interface between
functional applications and the database!
(a)Management )nformation System
(b)Database Management System
(c)Data *rocessing System
(d)&one of the above
Q. #omputer information system are most successful n providing
information for:
(a)Control decisions
(b)*lanning decision
(c)Strategic decision
(d)&one of the above
Q. uring the $%S development process& progress reporting
meeting are held:
(d),nly onan -as needed- basis
Q. " chart comprised of bars& each representing a peirod of time& a
called a
(a)Cent chart
(b).ault chart
(c)/oth a and b
(d).rand chart
Q. 'he $%S should developed by:
(a)$he manager
(b)$he information specialist
(c)/oth a and b
(d)&either a nor b
Q. System prototyping helps the desinger in:
(a)Communicating to the user( 0uic#ly( ho! the system( !hen developed
!ill loo# and get a feedbac#
(b)Ma#ing the programmers understand ho! the system !ill !or#
(c).iving the demonstration of the soft!are tot he system manager
(d)All of the above
Q. " decision table:
(a)Documents rules that select one or more actions based on one or more
conditions from a set of possible conditions
(b)'epresents an information flo!
(c)Sho!s the decision paths
(d).ets an accurate picture of the system
Q. " system(s revision can be resulted because of:
(a)Desire for more business
(b)Changes in la!s
(c)A need for more time
(d)All of the above
Q. 'he first step to the system study pro)ect is do:
(a)Define system performance criteria
(b)Describe information needs
(c)Announce the study project
(d)Staff for the study project
Q. 'o run the old system and the new system at the same time for
specified period& the system implementation approach used is:
Q. %n what manner& coding and testing are done!
(b)/ottom up
(c)Cross sectional
(d)Ad hoc
Q. Which of the following is a medium for transporting the output
of a system of the input of another system!
(d)Counter measure
Q. %n top down analysis and design:
(a)2ach succeeding phase is more detailed than the phase before it3
(b)2ach succeeding phase is less detailed than the phase before it3
(c)2ach succeeding phase is as detailed as the phase before it3
(d)&one of the above
Q. " feasibility study:
(a))ncludes a statement of the problem
(b)Considers a single solution
(c)&one of the above
(d)both a and b
Q. " system analyst designs a new system by:
(a)Adopting a developed system to the present environment
(b)Developing the system as a large( single unit
(c))dentifying subsystems and interfaces bet!een subsystems
(d)&one of the above
Q. +ne of the purchase order system(s procedure sets is:
(a)Automatic purchase order !riting
(c)Account payable
(d)&one of the above
Q. " ,uotation system obtains potential delivery time data from
(a)*roduction schedule file
(d)All of the above
Q. 'he marketing mi- does not include:
Q. $arketing planning is concerned with:
(a)*lanning the amount and placement of ne!spaper
(b)*lanning consignment sale contract to be offered
(c)*lanning sales force si4e and deployment
(d)All of the above
Q. 'he funds managements subsystems attempt to:
(a))ncrease case input
(b)Decrease cash input
(c)/alance cash inflo! !ith outflo!
(d)All of the above
Q. " transportation problem in which the total supply available at
the origins e-actly satisfies the total demand re,uired at the
destinations is known is:
(a)Degenerate solution
(b)/alance transpiration problem
(c)Unbalance transpiration problem
(d)All of the above
Q. .ani(s framework of effective $%S argues that $%S can only be
designed in:
(a)$op do!n techni0ues
(b)Coordinate fashion
(c)/ottoms up
(d)/y managerial participation
Q. /01' and #/$ are:
(a)&et!or# techni0ues
(b)Assignment techni0ue
(c)*roject evaluation techni0ues
(d)&one of the above
Q. 0ncryption is being used primarily with:
(a)$ransaction 2ntry
(b)Computer *rocessing
(c)ile retention
(d)Data communication
Q. 'he computer is a part of the firm(s:
(a)*hysical system
(b)Conceptual System
(d)&either a nor b
Q. " system can be composed of more than one:
(c)Super system
(d)&one of the above
Q. ata collection terminals:
(a)'ecord employee attendance
(b)$rac# the flo! of materials from one production area to another
(c)'ecord start and stop of production steps
(d)All of the above
Q. 'he two functional areas concerned with materials flow are:
(a)*roduction and mar#eting
(b)Manufacturing and purchasing
(c)Mar#eting and finance
(d)Manufacturing and finance
Q. Linear programming identifies:
(a)$he optimum identifies
(b)$he maximum profit of minimum cost that can be expected
(c)both a and b
(d)&either a and b
Q. "n 0QQ formula is an e-ample of a2n3:
(a)Static model
(b),ptimi4ing model
(c)Deterministic model
(d)All of the above
Q. "n periodic report can be used to:
(a)Aged account receivable report
(b),vertime earnings report
(c)/oth a and b
(d)neither a and b
Q. " periodic report can be used to:
(a))dentify the problem
(b))dentify solution
(c)2valuate solutions
(d)Select solution
Q. $1/ stands for:
(a)Mar#eting research planning
(b)Management resources planning
(c)Manufacturing resources planning
(d)Material re0uirement planning
Q. 'he selection of the solution techni,ue to be implemented by a
computing system should be made by
(a)System analysis
(b)An operations research expert
(c)A computer programmer
(d)A computing system user
Q. 'he se,uence of steps following in a system study is:
(a)*roblem definition( Systems Design( Systems Analysis( *rogramming
and )mplementing
(b)System analysis( systems design and system implementation
(c)*roblem definition( system analysis systems design( programming and
Q. 5ackup and recovery procedure are necessary to:
(a)'ecogni4e the dis#
(b)Control the D/A
(c)5andle contingencies li#e files getting corrupts or becoming irretrievable
(d)&one of the above
Q. " software design description document only includes:
(a)Data dictionary
(b)2' diagram
(d)All of the above
Q. " data dictionary:
(a).ives the meaning of the data names used in the system
(b)Defines the data types
(c)Defines all data elements and structures used in DD
(d)&one of the above
Q. %n a passenger reservation system& which of the following is the
most critical!
(a)2ase of programming
(b)'esponse time
(d)&one of the above
Q. ecision tables link conditions and:
(d)&one of the above
Q. %n a supermarket& which of the following& will be found in use in
its computeri6ed system!
(b)bar code reader
(c)*,S terminal
(d)All of the above
Q. Spoken message may be stored and forwarded by:
(a)6oice Mail System
(b)video conferencing
(d)2xpert system
Q. 'he system conversion techni,ue of totally removing the e-isting
system and immediately implementing the new system is called in:
(a)Cresh Conversion
(b)*hased Conversion
(c)*ilot conversion
(d)*arallel run
Q. "n information system that responds immediately to the needs
of the physical system is called in:
(a))nline system
(b),n line system
(c)'eal time system
(d)&one of the above
Q. Which of the following is not a level of information handling:
(a)Decision Support System (DSS)
(b),perations Assistance System
(c)$ransaction *rocessing System ($*S)
(d),ffice Automation system
Q. 0nvironment in systems parlance refers to:
(a)A sub system
(b)$he boundary
(c)A part outside the boundaries
(d)&one of the above
Q. %deally& the information system ob)ectives& should be stated in
the form of:
(a))ncreases product sales
(b)'educed mar#eting cost
(c))ncreased product x sales by 78 in the next 0uarter
(d)All of the above
Q. 'he starting point for developing of an $%S is:
(a)*urchase of a minicomputer
(b)*roviding *Cs to all manager
(c))dentification of the business processes that are the essence of the
(d)&one of the above
Q. 'he balance sheet of a company reflects:
(a))ts status at any given point of time
(b))ts performance during the course of the year
(c)&either a nor b
(d)both a and b
Q. System ,uality relates to its:
(d)All of three above
Q. 'he basic ob)ective of systems analysis is to
(a)Understand computer hard!are by opening the system unit
(b)$rain managers in mathematical analysis
(c)'un simulation program
(d)Understand a complex system and modify it in some !ay
Q. +ne line data entry is most suitable in the case of :
(a)2ntering monthly monthly journal entries
(b)payroll master updation
(c)*rocessing payment of che0ue in a ban#
(d)&one of the above
Q. Which of the following is not a part of $%S!
(a)2xception report for middle management
(b)Summary report for top management
(c)Action report for line management
(d)*ayroll for !or#ers
Q. Which one of the following is not a top management function!
(c)Decision ma#ing
(d)Day to day operations
Q. Loss of data integrity implies that data is:
(a)&ot suitable for running in an integrated environment
Q. Which of the following is not a tool of data collection !
(a),n site observation
Q. /rototyping aims at:
(a)2nd user understanding and approval
(b)*rogram logic
(c)*lanning of data flo! originations
(d)&one of the above
Q. (#"$( is used in which industry!
(c)$hree !heeler
(d)All of the above
Q. When is menu interface a convenient way of user interaction!
(a)or data processing in a restaurant
(b)+hen mouse is used as the main input device
(c)+hen data has to be imported from a spreadsheet
(d)+hen it is difficult for the user to remember all the options available and
for typing in complicated commands
Q. 8oals are identified by:
(a)inding the deficiencies in the current system
(b),bserving the current system
(c)Analy4ing the competitor-s system
(d)inding the advantages in the current system
Q. Security in the design of information system is used to:
(a))nspect the system and chec# that it is build as per the specification
(b)*rotect data from accidental or intentional loss
(c)2nsure that the system processes data as it !as designed to and that
the results are reliable
(d)2nsure privacy of data processes by it
Q. 'he scope of the system test includes:
(a)/oth computeri4ed and manual procedure
(b),nly test of computer procedure
(c)Computeri4ed procedure( manual( procedure computer operations and
(d)Mainly computeri4ed procedure and operations controls
Q. " cost benefit analysis is performed as apart of:
(a)System design
(b)System specification
(c)System performance assessment
(d)easibility analysis
Q. System evaluation is carried out:
(a)After the system has been operational for a reasonable time
(b)During system implementation
(c)+henever managers of user organi4ation !ant it
(d)+henever operational staff !ant it
Q. $anagers in organi6ation should not design their own systems
(a)System have to interact !ith other systems
(b)$hey do not have the special s#ills necessary to design systems
(c))t is not their job
(d)$hey are al!ays very busy
Q. Whether a proposed system can provide right information for the
organi6ation personnel& falls under the study of:
(a)2conomic feasibility
(b),perational easibility
(c)$echnical feasibility
(d)All of the above
Q. %f the re,uirements analysis phase of a software development
pro)ect is not done properly then file :
(a)'esulting system !ould be delivered before time
(b),utput reports !ould be indecipherable
(c)System might fail to address the real needs of users
(d)All of the above
Q. Select the most appropriate statement from the following:
(a),perational Managers ma#e unstructured decisions
(b)Middle level managers underta#e long range planning
(c)As the management level goes up the hierarchy( information becomes
more and more summari4ed
(d)&one of the above
Q. Which of the following is a tactical decision!
(b)+or#shop location
(c)/udget allocation
(d)&one of the above
Q. Schedule of elivery( is an e-ample of a :
(a)Data processing system
(b)$ransaction based system
(c)Decision support system
(d)&one of the above
Q. " parallel run involves :
(a)iring t!o different application from different terminals accessing a
common database
(b)Compiling programs !ith t!o different languages
(c)$he concurrent operation of the existing and ne!ly developed system
(d)&one of the above
Q. 'o implement a $%S:
(a)A computer is inescapable
(b)21mail is re0uired
(c)*roper system and procedure must be in place
(d)&one of the above
Q. 'he most important reason for failure of $%S is:
(a)Use of improper tools for design
(b)&on involvement of end users
(c))mproper specification
(d)&one of the above
Q. $ost important aspect of system design focus on:
(a)2conomics and technical feasibility
(b),perational feasibility
(c)Developing end user information needs
(d)All of the above

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