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o Language Integrated Query (LINQ)

o Query Expressions
o Using the Method Syntax
o Deferred Execution
o The from Clause
o The select Clause
o The Select Method
o The SelectMany Method
o The where Clause
o The orderby Clause
o The let Clause
o The group-by Clause
o Joining Data Sources
o The join Clause - Doing an Inner Join
o The join Clause - Doing a Group Join
o The join Clause - Doing a Left Outer Join
o More LINQ Examples
o LINQ Aggregate Methods
o Querying a Database with LINQ to SQL
o Modifying Database with LINQ to SQL
o Creating an XML Document Using LINQ to XML
Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
Language Integrated Query (LINQ) was introduced in .NET version 3.5 to allow a programmer to query data from
many kinds of data sources without knowing any external language. Querying is the process of obtaining data from a
data source. LINQ makes it very easy for you to query data from different kinds of data sources. LINQ is integrated to
both C# and VB, and multiple special keywords and syntax for querying using LINQ have been added.
Before the arrival of LINQ, programmers write different set of codes for querying different data sources. For example,
they have to write codes for querying an SQL database using an SQL command or using XPath for querying XML files.
With LINQ now in the programmer's arsenal, querying different data sources requires only the knowledge of the LINQ
keywords and methods that were added in .NET 3.5.

Figure 1 - Different Flavors of LINQ
There are multiple flavors of LINQ. This is made possible by LINQ providers as seen in Figure 1. Visual Studio already
includes some of this providers such as LINQ to Objects. This section of the site will focus on LINQ to Objects which is
used to query a collection of objects in your code that implements the IEnumerable<T>interface. Examples of such objects
are arrays and lists or a custom collection that you created. There is also a LINQ to SQL which is specifically designed to
make it easier to query SQL Server databases. For querying XML files, you can use the LINQ to XML. You can extend
LINQ to query more kinds of data sources. You can create you own providers if you want to support querying another
type of data source using LINQ. The querying techniques that will be thought in the following lessons can be applied on
the different flavors of LINQ.
LINQ is made possible by the extension methods that are attached to IEnumerable<T> interface. You can call these
methods directly but you need to have a knowledge of lambda expressions. You can also use query expressions which
syntax looks like SQL. Query expressions is the main tool you will use to query data using LINQ although you can call the
extension methods and use lambda expressions.
C# is an imperative language which means that you write the step by step codes to make something happen, but LINQ
promotes declarative programming. This simply means that you tell the computer exactly what you want and the
computer will handle everything else. Before LINQ, you can only use imperative programming for querying results. For
example, suppose that you want to get all the even numbers from an array. Without LINQ and using imperative style of
programming, your code will look like this:
List<int> evenNumbers = new List<int>();
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

foreach(int num in numbers)
if (num % 2 == 0)
Figure 2 - Using Imperative Style of Programming to Query Values
You instruct the computer to go through every value in a collection and then retrieve the number that matches the
condition in an if statement. Now take a look at the declarative version that uses the query expression syntax.
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

var evenNumbers = from n in numbers
where n % 2 == 0
select n;
Figure 3 - Using a Query Expression to Query Values
Don't mind the new syntax yet as this will be described in later lessons. You can see that the declarative version is much
clear as to what your objective really is.

Query Expressions
Query expressions are special statements used for querying a data source using the LINQ. LINQ are just extension
methods that you call and returns the data that you want. These methods are located in the System.Linq namespace so
you must include it when you want to use LINQ in your project. Query expressions are tranlated into their equivalent
method syntax that can be understood by CLR. You will learn about using the method syntax for querying data using
LINQ in the next lesson.
Let's take a look at the first example of using LINQ query expression to query values from a collection. Note that we are
using LINQ to Objects so we will simply use a simple array as the source.

using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace LinqExample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

var result = from n in numbers
select n;

foreach (var n in result)
Console.Write(n + " ");
Example 1
1 2 3 4 5
Line 2 imports the System.Linq namespace so that we can use LINQ in our program. Line 10 declares an array of 5
integers containing some values. Line 12-13 is the simplest query expression you can make although it is currently
useless right now but we will be studying more forms of query expressions. This query expression simply gets every
number from the numbers array which can then be accessed using theresults variable. The structure of a basic query
expression is as follows:
var query = from rangeVar in dataSource
<other operations>
select <projection>;
Example 2 - Structure of a basic query expression
Note that you can write a query expression in a single line, but a good practice is to seperate each clause into multiple
lines. Each line of the formatted query expression above is called a clause. There are seven types of clauses you can use
in a query expression which includes, from, select, where, orderby, let, join, and group-by clauses. For now, we will be
only looking at the from and select clauses.
Query expressions begin with the a from clause. The from clause uses a range variable (rangeVar) which will temporarily
hold a value from the dataSource, followed by the in contextual keyword and then the data source itself. This can be
compared to the mechanisims of the foreach loop where a range variable will hold each value retrieved from the source.
But the range variable in a from clause is different as it only acts as a reference to each successive element of the data
source. This is because of the deferred execution mechanism which you will learn later. The range variable automatically
detect its type using type inference based on the type of every element from the data source.
After a from clause, you can insert one or more where, orderby, let, or join clauses. You can even add one or
more from clauses which will be demonstrated in a later lesson.
At the end of a query expression is a select clause. Following the select keyword is a projection which will determine
the shape or type of each returned element. For example, if a value following the select clause is of type int, then the
type of the query will be a collection of integers. You can even peform more kinds of projection and transformation
techniques which will be demonstrated in a later lesson. Note that a query expression can also be ended with a group-
by clause but a seperate lesson will be dedicated for it.
So to wrap up, a typical query expression starts with a from clause with a range variable and a data source, then
followed by any of the from, where, orderby, let, or join clauses, and finally the select or group-byclause at the end of
the query expression.
If you know SQL, then the syntax of the query expression might look wierd to you because the from clause is placed first
and the select clause is placed last. This was done so that Visual Studio can use the Intellisense feature by knowing what
type an item of the data source is in advance.
The keywords used in a query experession such as from and select are examples of contextual keywords. They are
only treated as keywords during specific events and locations such as a query expression. For example, you can simply
use the word select as a variable name if it will not be used in a query expression. To see the complete list of contextual
keywords, you can go to this link.
The result of the query is of type IEnumerable<T>. If you will look at our example, the result was placed in a variable of
type var which means it uses type inference to automatically detect the type of the queried data. You can for example,
explicitly indicate the type of the query result like this:
IEnumerable<int> result = from n in numbers
select n;
but it requires you to know the type of the result in advance. It is recommended to use var instead to take advantage of
a lot of its features.
Line 15-18 of Example 1 shows the the value of every data from the query. We simply used a foreach loop but you must
also take note that we used var as the type of the range variable. This allows the compiler to simply detect the type of
every data in the query result.
The LINQ has a feature called deferred execution. It means that the query expression or LINQ method will not execute
until the program starts to read or access an item from the result of the query. The query expression actually just
returns a computation. The actual sequence of data will be retrieved once the user asks for it. For example, the query
expression will be executed when you access the results using a foreachloop. You will learn more about deferred
execution a little bit later.
We have successfully written our very first query expression, but as you can see, it does nothing but to query every data
from the data source. Later lessons will show you more techniques such as filtering, ordering, joining, and grouping
results. We will look at each of the seven query expression clauses in more depth.

Using the Method Syntax
LINQ is composed of extensions methods that are attached to the IEnumerable<T> interface. These methods exist in
the System.Linq namespace and are members of the Enumerable static class. If you can recall, extension methods are
special kinds of methods that are use to extend pre-existing types from the .NET class library or to a class in which you
don't have access to the source code. For example, you can add a ToTitleCase() method to the System.String type
which you can simply call using ordinary strings to change their case style to title case. Let's examine Select<TSource,
TResult>() method from the System.Linq namespace and look at its declaration, you can see that it is attached to
theIEnumerable<T> interface.
public static IEnumerable<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult>(
this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TResult> selector)
The first parameter of an extension method determines which type to extend. It is preceded by the thiskeyword followed
by the type to extend and an instance name. You can also see that the return type of this method is IEnumerable<T>. This
will allow you to nest or chain method calls as you will see later.
I have said in an earlier lesson that calling the LINQ methods directly requires you to use lambda expressions. Although
using annonymous methods are okay, lambda expressions are much simpler and shorter and makes your code more
readable. I therefore assume that you have a good knowledge of lambda expression before going on with this lesson.
You will now be presented with another way to query data using LINQ, and that is by using the method syntax which is
simply calling the LINQ methods directly.
The .NET Framework contains delegate types that can hold methods with different number of parameters and different
return types. Looking at the definition of the Select() method, the second parameter is a generic delegate with a type
of Func<TSource,TResult>. The delegate will be able to accept a method that has one parameter of type TSource and a
return type of TResult. For example, Func<string,int> will be able to accept a method that has one string parameter
and returns an int. Figure 1 shows you some delegates you can use depending on the number of parameters of the
method it will hold.
Delegate Description
Func<T1, TResult>
Encapsulates a method that has one parameter of typeTSource and returns a
value of type TResult.
Func<T1, T2, TResult> Encapsulates a method that has two parameters T1 and T2and returns TResult.
Encapsulates a method that has three parameters and returns a value of
type TResult.
Func<T1,T2,T3,T4, TResult>
Encapsulates a method that has four parameters and returns a value of
type TResult.
Figure 1
Based on the table, you can already see the pattern and guess the delegates for methods with more number of
parameters. The delegate with the highest number of parameters available can have 16 parameters. Back on observing
the Select() method, the second parameter accepts a reference to a method with one parameter and returns a value.
Let's look at how we can use the Select() method by passing a lambda expression as its parameter.
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

var result = numbers.Select(n => n);

foreach(var n in result)
Console.Write(n + " ");
Example 2
1 2 3 4 5
Note that the first parameter of an extension method is not actually a parameter but is used to indicate which type to
extend. Therefore the second parameter which accepts a lambda expression becomes the only parameter of
method Select(). Inside the Select() method, we used a lambda expression that accepts one integer parameter and
returns an integer value. Again, if you don't know lambda expressions then it might look wierd to you. What the lambda
expression did was to retrieve every number and then add (return the value) to the query result. The code merely
queries every number without modifying them. Let's modify the lambda expression inside the Select() method to do
something more useful.
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

var result = numbers.Select(n => n + 1);

foreach(var n in result)
Console.Write(n + " ");
Example 3
2 3 4 5 6
Our lambda expression parameter now retrieves a value from the numbers array, add 1 to its value, and add the new
value to the query result.
Most methods from the System.Linq return IEnumerable<T>. This allows you to nest calls of LINQ methods. For example,
consider the line of code below (ignore the new methods for now). The important thing is you can see how LINQ method
calls can be nested or chained.
var result = numbers.Where(n => n > 3).OrderBy(n => n).Select(n => n);
This lesson only shows how to use the Select() method but there are numerous LINQ methods that we will be looking at
in the upcoming lessons. You will also see how to create more exciting results using theSelect() method but for now, the
important thing is that you know how to use the method syntax for querying data sources using LINQ.
The method syntax is the real way the compiler does LINQ queries. The query expression syntax for querying from data
sources is just a layer to simplify calling these extension methods. For example consider the query expression below:
var result = from p in persons
where p.Age >= 18
order by p.Name
select p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName;
is translated at compile time into a series of calls to corresponding methods from the System.Linqnamespace. The actual
code uses the method syntax as show below:
var result = persons.Where(p => p.Age >= 18)
.OrderBy(p => p.Name)
.Select(p => p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName);
You can see the chained method calls (I only aligned them for better readability). This was made possible because most
of the LINQ methods return IEnumerable<T>. After calling the Where() method, we used theOrderBy() method on the
returned data, and then we used the Select() method on the returned data ofOrderBy().
Now that you know two ways to query data using LINQ, query expressions and method syntax; the question is which one
should you use? I recommend using query expressions because it promotes declarative style of programming and it is
simpler and easier to read than method syntax. But it is also important that you have knowledge of using method syntax
because this is the way CLR read your query expression.

Deferred Execution
There is one thing that you must know before we continue to the next lessons. You must know that LINQ uses deferred
execution when performing queries. This simply means that the actual query is not executed until you iterate over or
access each value from the result. Consider the following example:

int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

int i = 3;

var result = from n in numbers
where n <= i
select n;

i = 4;

foreach (var n in result)
Example 1
We haven't look at the where operator up to now so I will give a brief description of it for the sake of describing deferred
execution. The where operator is used to filter the results from a query based on a specified condition. On the code
above, the where operator(line 6) instructs the query to only retrieve values which are less than or equal to whatever the
value of i is. We will look at the where operator in more detail in a later lesson but for now, let's concentrate on
understanding deferred execution.
You can see that 3 was assigned to i at line 3. Therefore, when the query expression in lines 5 to 7 executes,
the where operator is comparing each item to 3 and if it is less than or equal to it, then they will be included in the result.
You must be assuming now that the result variable contains values 1, 2, and 3, but actually, it only contains a
computation on how you can get those values. Now in line 9, the value of i is modified by assigning it a value of 4.
Because of deferred execution, this directly affects the result of the query expression in lines 5-7. I have said earlier that
this query will only be executed once the program asks for the first item of the result and this can be done using
a foreach loop. The foreach loop in lines 11-14 executes the query expression and returns the first item from the result
of the query. Note that since we modified the value of i, then the query expression was updated as well.
The foreach loop will show values from 1 to 4 instead of 1 to 3. This is one of the use of deferred execution. The
program is allowed to update the query expression before actually using or executing it to get values.
Deferred execution is just the default behavior of LINQ, but you can also make the execution of the query immediate.
You can use another set of methods from the System.Linq namespace which compose
ofToArray<T>(), ToList<T>(), ToDictionary<T>(), and ToLookUp<T>(). These are also extension methods for
the IEnumerable<T> interface. For example, you can use the ToList<T>() method to convert the result of the query
expression into a List<T> collection. Example 2 shows how we can use ToList() to immediately execute the query

int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

int i = 3;

var result = (from n in numbers
where n <= i
select n).ToList();

i = 4;

foreach (var n in result)
Example 2
Since the query expression was immediately executed, once the program leaves line 7, the result variable already
contains the results of the query. So even if we edit the value of i in line 9, the contents of the result is not changed.
This can be seen by iterating each value using a foreach loop. The values shown will be 1 to 3 instead of 1 to 4.
Please note that deferred execution is not associated with the query expression itself but to the set of methods that
those query expression represent. It is the extension methods of the System.Linq namespace that tells whether the
query will use deferred execution or not. For example, the Select() method uses deferred execution while
the ToList() method uses immediate execution. For example, the query below uses the method syntax and
the Select() method to query everything from an array.
var result = numbers.Select(n => n);
Since the Select() method uses deferred execution, this will not immediately execute until a foreach loop iterates every
result. On the other hand, if you use a method using a deferred execution right after the Select() method, then execution
of the methods will immediately take place.
var result = numbers.Select(n => n).ToList();
Whichever method is executed last determines whether deferred execution will be used.
The following table shows the methods of System.Linq and tells whether calling them will cause deferred execution.
Method Execution Method Execution
Distinct Deferred Reverse Deferred
DefaultIfEmpty Deferred Select Deferred
ElementAt Immediate SelectMany Deferred
ElementAtOrDefault Deferred SequenceEqual Immediate
Except Deferred Single Immediate
First Immediate SingleOrDefault Immediate
FirstOrDefault Immediate Skip Deferred
GroupBy Deferred SkipWhile Deferred
GroupJoin Deferred Sum Immediate
Intersect Deferred Take Deferred
Join Deferred TakeWhile Deferred
Last Immediate ThenBy Deferred
LastOrDefault Immediate ThenByDescending Deferred
LongCount Immediate ToArray Immediate
Max Immediate ToDictionary Immediate
Method Execution Method Execution
Min Immediate ToList Immediate
OfType Deferred ToLookup Immediate
OrderBy Deferred Union Deferred
OrderByDescending Deferred Where Deferred
Figure 1 - Methods Using Deferred Exection or Immediate Execution
If the table above is too hard to remember, then you can just remember one rule on determining whether a query is
deferred. If a query is expected to return a single result such as a single number or object, then it will be immediately
executed. When a query will return an IEnumerable<T> result, then most of the time it will use deferred execution. One
technique to see if a query returns an IEnumerable<T> result is by hovering over the var keyword of the query expression
while you are in the Visual Studio editor. Look whether the help bubble shows that it is an IEnumerable<T> type. If so,
then the query will use deferred execution.

The from Clause
The from clause defines the data source for which you will get data from. The from clause is responsible for iterating
each data from the data source. The from clause starts a query expression so that the rest of the query expression will
know what kind of data it is working with. Because of it, Visual Studio can use the Intellisense after the from clause
because it now knows the type of every item from the data source. The following shows the basic structure of a from
from dataType rangeVar in dataSource
It starts with the from keyword which is a contextual keyword in C#. We then need to declare a range variable which is
an iterator variable that will hold every value from the data source. You can specify the data type of the range variable
which has a more specific use as we will see later. The in keyword is next followed by the actual data source that
implements the IEnumerable or IEnumerable<T> interfaces.
What happens in a typical query is it iterates each value from the data source and places each value from the range
variable. You can then do more kinds of operation to these variable such as testing if it meets a certain condition. Again,
remember deferred execution which means that LINQ will not execute until you request a data from the result of the
query using a foreach loop or retrieving a single item.
Here's an example of a from clause:
from int number in numbers
The from clause above instructs the computer to retrieve every number in the numbers collection (assuming that the
numbers collection is an array or a IEnumerable object). Note the indication of the data type after the from keyword.
Most of the time, it is totally fine to just omit this if you are sure of the type of every data from the data source.
from number in numbers
The compiler can just infer the type of the range variable based on the type of the collection. For example, if the
collection is an IEnumerable<Person>, then the range variable will be of type Person.
But if you are querying a collection of objects such as an ArrayList, it would be better to explicitly indicate the type of
every item from the data source. Consider the following example:
ArrayList persons = new ArrayList();
persons.Add(new Person("John", "Smith"));
persons.Add(new Person("Mark", "Chandler"));
persons.Add(new Person("Eric", "Watts"));

var query = from p in persons
select p;
You will receive the following error at compile time:
Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type
'System.Collections.ArrayList'. 'Select' not found. Consider explicitly specifying the
type of the range variable 'p'.
The compiler demands you to explicitly indicate the type of each item from the data source since ArrayListcan contain
objects of different types. To fix this, simply indicate the type that you are expecting for every item in the collection:
from Person p in persons
The query then does casting on every item to convert every object from the ArrayList into a Person object. If an item
from the ArrayList cannot be cast to the type indicated in the query, then an exception will be thrown.
The from clause was strategically placed at the beginning of a query expression so that Visual Studio will immediately
know the type of data you are working with. As seen below, right after the from clause, you can already enjoy the
benefits of the Intellisense feature of Visual Studio.

Figure 1
Joining Multiple Tables Using Multiple from Clauses
If you have two data sources, you can actually join them by using multiple from clauses. Consider this simple code that
joins two sets of numbers.
int[] numberSet1 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int[] numberSet2 = { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

var query = from n1 in numberSet1
from n2 in numberSet2
select String.Format("{0},{1}", n1, n2);

foreach (var n in query)
Example 1
We used two from clauses which retrieves data from two seperate data sources. Within format the result in
the select clause. As you can see in the output, every possible combination was added to the query result. This type of
combination is called an inner join. You can also use the join clause which will be tackled in a seperate lesson.
Note that a second or third from clause does not necessarily need to immediately follow the first fromclause. You can
create a query like this:
from n1 in numberSet1
where n1 > 2
from n2 in numberSet2
select String.Format("({0},{1})", n1, n2);
A single from clause does not have an equivalent query method in the System.Linq. You can simple use theSelect() and
other methods. But for multiple from clauses, you can use the SelectMany() method which will have its own dedicated
Creating Relationships on Classes
Multiple from clauses can also effectively be used for related classes. But such classes must be properly structured first.
For example, a Customer can have multiple orders which can be considered as one-to-many relationship (one customer
to many orders). Let's take a look at how we can properly define our Customerand Order classes.
class Customer
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public List<Order> Orders { get; set; }
Example 2
The Customer class has only three properties to make things simple. The third property defines its relationship with
the Order class. It is a List of Order objects which represents the orders made by the customer. The Order class is
shown in Example 3.
class Order
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Quantity { get; set; }
Example 3
Now let's create some Customer objects and assign some orders to their Orders property.

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Customer> customers = new List<Customer>();

Customer customer1 = new Customer()
FirstName = "John",
LastName = "Smith",
Orders = new List<Order>()
new Order() { Name = "Pizza", Quantity = 5 },
new Order() { Name = "Chicken", Quantity = 3 },
new Order() { Name = "Salad", Quantity = 7 }

Customer customer2 = new Customer()
FirstName = "Allan",
LastName = "York",
Orders = new List<Order>()
new Order() { Name = "Orange Juice", Quantity = 2 },
new Order() { Name = "Soda", Quantity = 4 }

Customer customer3 = new Customer()
FirstName = "Henry",
LastName = "Helms",
Orders = new List<Order>()
new Order() { Name = "Speghetti", Quantity = 7 },
new Order() { Name = "Nachos", Quantity = 13 }


var results = from c in customers
from o in c.Orders
select new { c.FirstName, c.LastName, o.Name, o.Quantity

foreach (var result in results)
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0} {1}, Order: {2}, Quantity: {3}",
result.FirstName, result.LastName, result.Name,
Example 4
Name: John Smith, Order: Pizza, Quantity: 5
Name: John Smith, Order: Chicken, Quantity: 3
Name: John Smith, Order: Salad, Quantity: 7
Name: Allan York, Order: Orange Juice, Quantity: 2
Name: Allan York, Order: Soda, Quantity: 4
Name: Henry Helms, Order: Speghetti, Quantity: 7
Name: Henry Helms, Order: Nachos, Quantity: 13
As you can see in the output, each customer's order is shown. We can properly organize the output by using the group-
by clause which will be discussed later. In lines 7-40 of Figure 3, we created three Customerobjects, each having
their Orders property initialize with some Order objects. We added the three createdCustomers in the customers list.
Lines 46-48 shows a query expression with two from clauses. The first from clause retrieves a Customerobject from the
customers list. The second from clause retrieves an Order from the Orders property of the retrieved Customer.
The select clause uses projection to include the FirstName and LastName properties of the customer, and
the Name and Quantity properties of the order. Lines 50-54 prints the results.
Designing your classes like these is great beceause it is very simple to determine the relationship of objects and the
needed data. Database tables are often have these kinds of relationships. Visual Studio has tools that can automatically
generate classes that map to these tables together with their relationship to other tables exposed as properties. You will
more about this when we reach LINQ to SQL.

The select Clause
The select clause in LINQ shapes the data to be included in the query result using projection. Projection is the process of
transforming an object into a new form. The select clause of a LINQ query must be placed at the end of the query. You
can do many kinds of manipulations to the currently queried value, retrieve certain properties of it, or create an
annonymous type based on the queried object's properties. A typical LINQ query returns a collection that implements
the IEnumerable<T> interface where Tis the resulting data type of the expression in the select statement. For example, if
the select clause indicates to retrieve every person in a Person collection, then the returned collection implements
theIEnumerable<Person> interface. If the select statement only selects the FirstName of every person, and
assuming FirstName property is of type string, then the returned result implements theIEnumerable<string> interface.
You can then use a foreach loop to start the retrieving of results that will be yielded by the query expression.
You can simply select the whole queried object by using the value of the range variable. This will select the queried
object without any modifications or variations.
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

var results = from number in numbers
select number;

foreach (var n in results)
Console.Write("{0, -2}", n);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
You can use different kinds of expressions that yield a result during selection. For example, you can query every number
in an array of numbers and increment each of them by one.
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

var results = from number in numbers
select number + 1;

foreach (var n in results)
Console.Write("{0, -2}", n);
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
You can also select individual properties or combination of properties during the selection process. For example, you can
only select the FirstName of every Person object from a List of Persons.
List<Person> people = new List<Person>
new Person("Johnny", "Smith"),
new Person("Mark", "Lawrence"),
new Person("Jessica", "Fisher"),
new Person("Danny", "Mayer"),
new Person("Raynold", "Alfonzo")

var firstNames = from person in people
select person.FirstName;
You can even combine different properties or other external data to the final value for the selection. For example, you
can combine the FirstName property and the LastName property to select every person's full name.
var fullNames = from person in people
select person.FirstName + " " + .person.LastName;
Johnny Smith
Mark Lawrence
Jessica Fisher
Danny Mayer
Raynold Alfonzo
The above select clause will select the person's FirstName, followed by a space, and then his/her LastName. You can use
methods to manipulate the final value to be selected. For example, suppose you want to select every FirstName and
convert them into all caps.
var namesInCaps = from person in people
select person.FirstName.ToUpper();
You can even select values not related to the data source being queried. For example, we can have a collection of indices
and select a value from another collection or array.
int[] indices = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
string[] words = { "Example1", "Example2", "Example3", "Example4", "Example5" };

var result = from index in indices
select words[index];
We can create annonymous types during selection and include certain properties of each object. For example, suppose
we have a Person object that has FirstName, LastName, Age, and Gender properties, and we only want to retrieve
their FirstName and LastName, we can create a new annonymous type in the selectclause which only includes
the FirstName and LastName properties.
var annonymous = from person in people
select new { person.FirstName, person.LastName };

foreach (var p in annonymous)
Console.WriteLine(p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName);
The type of the selected result would be an annonymous type having the properties included in the selectclause. You
can even create new properties based on the properties of the queried object.
var results = from person in people
select new { FN = person.FirstName, LN = person.LastName };

foreach (var p in results)
Console.WriteLine(p.FN + " " + p.LN);
Johnny Smith
Mark Lawrence
Jessica Fisher
Danny Mayer
Raynold Alfonzo
The select clause of the query expression above assigns the values of FirstName and LastName properties to new
properties with different names. The type of these new properties are determined by the compiler based on the values
being assigned to them thanks to type inference. These new properties are absorbed by the created annonymous type.
var results = from person in people
select new { Upper = person.FirstName.ToUpper(),
Lower = person.FirstName.ToLower() };

foreach (var p in results)
Console.WriteLine("Upper={0}, Lower={1}", p.Upper, p.Lower);
Upper=JOHNNY, Lower=johnny
Upper=MARK, Lower=mark
Upper=JESSICA, Lower=jessica
Upper=DANNY, Lower=danny
Upper=RAYNOLD, Lower=raynold
The select clause above assigns the FirstName converted to uppercase to a new property named Upper, and it's
lowercase version to the new Lower property which are then included in an annonymous type. We then used this new
properties inside a foreach loop.
var results = from person in people
select new { FullName = person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName };

foreach (var p in results)
Johnny Smith
Mark Lawrence
Jessica Fisher
Danny Mayer
Raynold Alfonzo
The above query's select clause creates a new property named FullName and assigns the combined value of each
person's FirstName and LastName. The resulting annonymous type will have the FullName property which automatically
gets the full name of the person.
var results = from person in people
select new { person.Age, FullName = person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName };

foreach (p in results)
Console.WriteLine("FullName={0}, Age={1}", p.FullName, p.Age);
FullName=Johnny Smith, Age=22
FullName=Mark Lawrence, Age=24
FullName=Jessica Fisher, Age=19
FullName=Danny Mayer, Age=21
FullName=Raynold Alfonzo, Age=25
The preceding query contains a select clause creates an annonymous type with a combination of an orginal property of
each person and a new property FullName which contains the combined firstname and lastname of each person.

The Select Method
The query method which is the direct equivalent of the select clause is the Select method. TheSelect method allows you
to project the results of the query. We can use the Select method by passing a selector predicate which can be supplied
using a lambda expression. As an example of the Selectmethod, the following is a simple use of it where it retrieves
every item in a collection. Consider the people variable is a collection of Person object.
var result = people.Select(p => p);
A lambda expression is passed as the selector predicate for the method. The lambda expression has a single parameter p
which will hold every Person object in the collection, and the right side of the lambda expression specifies what will be
selected, in this case, the Person object itself. The following are more examples of using the Select method. The
following are more varieties of using the Select method with different lambda expressions:
1. Select the FirstName of every person from people.
var firstNames = people.Select(p => p.FirstName);
2. Select the combined FirstName and LastName of each person to form their fullname.
var fullNames = people.Select(p => p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName);
3. Create an annonymous type that contains new property FullName which is the combined FirstName andLastName of
each person.
var annonymous = people.Select(p => new { FullName = p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName } );
Another overload of the Select method accepts a lambda expression which has two parameters, the first one is the
queried element, and the second one is the index of that queried element from the data source.
var personsWithIndex = people.Select((p, i) => new { Person = p, Index = i });
The following is its equivalent LINQ query:
var personsWithIndex = from p in people
select new { Person = p, Index = people.IndexOf(p) };
You can then print values of each person including their index.
foreach (var p in personsWithIndex)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("[{0}] {1}", p.Index, p.Person.FirstName));
[0] John
[1] Mark
[2] Lisa
You can use the LINQ query syntax for a cleaner more readable code or you can directly call the LINQ methods using the
query method syntax if you prefer to use lambda expressions.

The SelectMany Method
When objects contains properties which holds a collection of objects, using the Select method is not applicable as it will
return a "collection of collection" rather than all the items from those collection properties. We need to use
the SelectMany method. The functionality of a SelectMany method is similar to a query expression with
multiple from clauses. Let's say we have a class named Company, and it has a property named Employees which holds a
collection of Employee type objects. A collection of Companyobjects can then be created. By using Select method, we can
only query each company as seen below:
var result = companies.Select(c => c);
What if we want to access or retrieve all of the employees for every company and flatten the result as a one whole list of
items. Let's take a look at the following example:

class Company
public string CompanyName { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Employee> Employees { get; set; }

class Employee
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }

class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
//Create some sample companies with employees
List<Company> companies = new List<Company>
new Company
CompanyName = "Company 1",
Employees = new List<Employee>
new Employee { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Smith" },
new Employee { FirstName = "Mark", LastName = "Halls" },
new Employee { FirstName = "Morgan", LastName = "Jones" }
new Company
CompanyName = "Company 2",
Employees = new List<Employee>
new Employee { FirstName = "Winston", LastName = "Mars" },
new Employee { FirstName = "Homer", LastName = "Saxton" },
new Employee { FirstName = "Creg", LastName = "Lexon" }
new Company
CompanyName = "Company 3",
Employees = new List<Employee>
new Employee { FirstName = "Ben", LastName = "Greenland" },
new Employee { FirstName = "Anthony", LastName = "Waterfield" }

//Get All the FirstName of all employees
var firstNames = companies.SelectMany(c=>c.Employees).Select(e=>e.FirstName);

var lastNames = companies.SelectMany(c => c.Employees, (c, e) => e.LastName);

Console.WriteLine("FirstNames of all employees from the three companies.");
foreach (var firstName in firstNames)

Console.WriteLine("\nLastNames of all the employees from the three
foreach (var lastName in lastNames)
Example 1 - Using the SelectMany Method
FirstNames of all employees from the three companies.

LastNames of all the employees from the three companies.
We have defined two classes for this example. The first one named Company contains two properties named
CompanyName and Employees. The Employees property has a type of IEnumerable<Employee> which simply means
that it allows you to store a collection of Employee objects to it. The Employee class was defined and has two simple
properties to define a single employee. In the Main method, we created a collection of Company objects and initialize it
to have three Company objects. Each Company objects was set a value for their CompanyName and a collection of
Employee objects for their Employees property. Note that we are using the collection and object initializers here.
Lines 52 to 54 uses the SelectMany method. Line 52 queries the FirstNames of all the employees from all the companies.
companies.SelectMany(c => c.Employees).Select(e => e.FirstName);
This version of SelectMany method accepts only one argument. We pass a lambda specifying the property that
the SelectMany will select. As the name of the method implies, "select many" means the method will select a collection of
objects. In our example above, we selected the Employees property of every company which contains a collection
of Employees. The SelectMany method will now return an IEnumerable<Employee>. This allows us to nest another call to a
plain Select method in which, we selected the first name of every employee from the result of the SelectMany method.
There is another version of the SelectMany method which accepts two arguments, a collectionSelector and
a resultSelector. If we are to rewrite line 52 using this different version of SelectMany, it will look like this.
companies.SelectMany(c => c.Employees, (c, e) => e.FirstName);
Notice that we don't need to use the Select method to select a specific property of every Employee. The second argument
handles that. The second argument accepts a lambda with two arguments. The first is the current item from the original
collection, and the second is the current item from the selected property of thecollectionSelector.
The where Clause
You can filter the results of the query by using the where clause in a query expression. Following the where keyword is
the condition (or conditions) that must be met by an item to be included in the results. The great thing with LINQ is that,
you can use the available methods in .NET Framework to supplement your condition. This lesson will show you some
examples on using the whereclause to filter queried data.
You can use relational operators to compare a value or property of an item into another value. For example, suppose we
want to retrieve numbers which are greater than 5 from an array of numbers, we can do so using the following LINQ
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

var greaterThanFive = from number in numbers
where number > 5
select number;
The where clause states that the value of a number must be greater than 5 for it to be selected and included. We can
even use logical operators for more complex conditions such as the following:
var sixToTen = from number in numbers
where number > 5 && number <= 10
select number;
The query above only retrieves values greater than 5 and less than or equal 10, that is, values 6 to 10. If you have a
collection of objects with several properties, you can also test those properties if they met the required condition.
List<Person> people = GetPersonList();

var smiths = from person in people
where person.LastName == "Smith"
select person;
The query retrieves every person whose LastName is Smith. We can use .NET methods in our condition. For instance,
suppose we want to retrieve all the person whose last name starts with the letter 'R'.
var startsWithR = from person in people
where person.LastName.StartsWith("R")
select person;
We used the StartsWith() method of the String class which returns true if a particular string starts with a specified
string argument of the method.
Alternatively, we can use the Where() extension method from the System.Linq namespace. You can then pass a lambda
expression that has one parameter representing every item from data source and its body containing the boolean
expression for the condition. The method returns the collection of objects that pass the required condtion.
var greaterThanFive = numbers.Where ( number => number > 5 );
The lambda expression's body is a single condition which tests the value of number if it is greater than 5. The following is
another example which retrieves persons whose last name starts with 'R'.
var startsWithR = people.Where( person => person.LastName.StartsWith("R") );
You can use another overloaded version of the method which accepts a lambda expression having two parameters. The
first parameter represents every object from the collection, and the second parameter represents the index of that item
in the collection. The following call to Where() method returns numbers whose index in its collection is even.
var evenIndices = numbers.Where( (number, index) => index % 2 == 0 );
You can use the Where() method when you simply want to filter a collection using a specified condition.

The orderby Clause
LINQ makes it easy for you to sort or modify the order of the results of the query. We can use the orderby clause and
specify which value or property will be used as a key for sorting results. For example, suppose we have an array of
numbers that we want to query and then arrange the results from highest to lowest, we can use the following query
int[] numbers = { 5, 1, 6, 2, 8, 10, 4, 3, 9, 7 };

var sortedNumbers = from number in numbers
orderby number
select number;
The query uses the orderby clause to order the results and we used the number or the actual object as the key for
ordering those results. When you use the actual object, then their default behavior when being compared is used. For
example, the above statement will compare the values of each queried integer and tests which is larger or smaller than
the other one. The default behavior of the orderby clause is to sort the results from lowest to highest. We can explicitly
command the query to sort it in ascending order by using the ascending keyword.
var sortedNumbers = from number in numbers
orderby number ascending
select number;
To reverse its effect, that is, to sort values from highest to lowest, we can append the descending keyword in
the orderby clause.
var sortedNumbers = from number in numbers
orderby number descending
select number;
In cases where complex types are involved, you can use their properties as the key for ordering the results of a query.
For example, suppose we have a collection of Person objects which has FirstName, LastName, andAge properties. We can
sort the results from the youngest to the oldest person using the following query.
var sortedByAge = from person in people
orderby person.Age
select person;
Again, we can use the descending keyword if you want to reverse the order of the query. We can also sort the results
alphabetically based on each person's last name.
var sortedByFirstName = from person in people
orderby person.LastName
select person;
What if two persons have the same last name? How will those items with the same values be sorted? We can specify
multiple values in the orderby clause if you want to properly handle cases like these.
var sortedByFnThenLn = from person in people
orderby person.LastName, person.FirstName
select person;
We seperate each soring key in the orderby clause by commas. The query above sorts the result based on every
person's LastName, and if multiple persons have the same LastName, their FirstName will then be sorted. You can specify
even more keys in orderby if for example, two persons still has the same FirstName. Note that
using ascending or descending only affects one value in the orderby clause. For example, using a query like this with
a descending keyword:
var orderByResults = from person in people
orderby person.LastName, person.FirstName descending
select person;
only affects the property preceding it, in this case, FirstName. LastName will be ordered in ascending order by default. You
can explicitly specify the order to avoid confusion.
var orderByResults = from person in people
orderby person.LastName ascending, person.FirstName descending
select person;
A class can implement the IComparable<T> interface which determines the default way an object can be sorted. The
definition of the Person class is persented below showing an implementation of theIComparable<T> interface.

class Person : IComparable<Person>
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }

public Person(string fn, string ln, int
FirstName = fn;
LastName = ln;
Age = age;

public int CompareTo(Person other)
if (this.Age > other.Age)
return 1;
else if (this.Age < other.Age)
return -1;
else //if equal
return 0;
Example 1
Line 1 specifies that the method implements IComparable<T> interface. We need to replace T with the type of the object
to be compared, in this case, Person. Implementing that interface requires you to implement a method
named CompareTo() which accepts the other object to be compared to this instance and returns an integer value which is
the result of the comparison. Lines 14 to 22 defines that method and inside it, we tests whether the Age of this instance
is greater than, less than, or equal to the other Person being compared. A value greater than 0 is returned if value from
this instance is greater than the value of the other. A value less than 0 is returned if value of this instance is less than
the other, and 0 if both values are equal. We can simply use 1 for greater than, -1 for less than, or 0 for equal. Now that
a class implements theIComparable<T> interface, we can simplify the LINQ query. Since we used the Age property inside
theCopareTo method, not specifying a property as a key for ordering the results in a LINQ query will sort the results
based on each person's age.
List<Person> people = new List<Person>() { new Person("Peter", "Redfield", 32),
new Person("Marvin", "Monrow", 17),
new Person("Aaron", "Striver", 25) };

var defaultSort = from person in people
orderby person
select person;

foreach (var person in defaultSort)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", person.Age, person.FirstName, person.LastName));
17 Marvin Monrow
25 Aaron Striver
32 Peter Redfield
The OrderBy() and OrderByDescending() Methods
The OrderBy() and OrderByDescending() methods in System.Linq are the corresponding LINQ methods of
the orderby clause. The OrderBy() method sorts the results in ascending order based on a specified key, and
the OrderByDescending() method is the opposite which sorts the results in descending order. We can pass a lambda
expression specifying the key to be used for sorting.
int[] numbers = { 5, 1, 6, 2, 8, 10, 4, 3, 9, 7 };

List<Person> people = GetPersonList();

var orderByQuery1 = numbers.OrderBy( number => number );

var orderByQuery2 = numbers.OrderByDescending( number => number );

var orderByQuery3 = people.OrderBy( person => person.FirstName );

var orderByQuery4 = people.OrderByDescending( person => person.Age );
The ThenBy() and ThenByDescending() Methods
If you have multiple keys that you want to use, then you can use the ThenBy() and ThenByDescending()methods. For
example, the LINQ query:
var orderByQuery5 = from p in people
orderby p.LastName, p.FirstName
select p;
is equivalent to the following.
var orderByQuery5 = people.OrderBy(p => p.LastName).ThenBy(p => p.FirstName);
You can use the ThenByDescending() method if you want the following keys to sort results in descending order.
var orderByQuery6 = people.OrderBy(p=>p.LastName).ThenByDescending(p=>FirstName);

var orderByQuery7 = people.OrderByDescending(p=>p.LastName)
Note that ThenBy() and ThenByDescending() are methods of IOrderedEnumerable<T> interface and theOrderBy() methods
and the orderby clause returns a collection implementing this interface. Therefore, you must
use OrderBy() or OrderByDescending() before calling ThenBy() or ThenByDescending().
Using an IComparer<T> Interface Object
An overloaded version of the four discussed ordering methods accepts a second comparer object argument. We can
create a comparer class which implements the IComparer<TKey> interface.
class FirstNameComparer : IComparer<Person>
public int Compare(Person x, Person y)
return x.FirstName.CompareTo(y.FirstName);
The interface will require you to create an implementation for it's Compare() method which is similar to
theCompareTo() method of the IComparable<T> described eariler, except that it accepts two arguments which are the
objects to be compared. We simply use the CompareTo() method of the String class which also returns and integer. We
compared the FirstNames of the persons being compared .
We can then pass an instance of this comparer as a second argument to the OrderBy, OrderByDescending,ThenBy,
or ThenByDescending.
var orderByQuery8 = people.OrderBy(person => person, new FirstNameComparer());
The second argument will then affect which key to use when ordering the results of a query. The above method call
simply uses the whole person as the key, and with the help of the FirstNameComparer object, the method automatically
orders the result by each person's FirstName property.
An alternative for using methods for ordering in descending order and using the descending keyword is
theReverse() method.
var orderByQuery9 = (from person in people
orderby person.FirstName
select person).Reverse();
var orderByQeury10 = people.OrderBy(person => person.FirstName).Reverse();
On the first example, the whole query is enclosed in parentheses to treat it as one and then we used
theReverse() method to the result of the query. The second example is the same as the first but uses the method

The let Clause
The let clause allows you to store a result of an expression inside a query expression and use it on the remaining part of
the query. A let clause is useful when the query is using an expression multiple times in a query or if you simply want to
create an short alias to a very long variable or property name.
List<Person> persons = new List<Person>
new Person { FirstName="John", LastName="Smith" },
new Person { FirstName="Henry", LastName="Boon" },
new Person { FirstName="Jacob", LastName="Lesley" }

var query = from p in persons
let fullName = p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName
select new { FullName = fullName };

foreach (var person in query)
Example 1
In the query expression in Example 1, the result of an expression to combine a person's FirstName
andLastName properties and it store it to a variable for easy access. The rest of the query expression after the let clause
can now use the variable containing the result of the expression. As you can see in the select clause of the query
expression in Example 1, we used the newly created variable from the let clause and to create a property
named FullName during projection.
The let clause doesn't have an equivalent query method. The following rewrites the query expression above using the
method syntax.
var query = persons.Select(p => new { fullName = p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName })
.Select(p => new { FullName = p.fullName });
The following are more examples of using the let clause.
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

//Query Expression
var query1 = from n in numbers
let squared = n * n
select squared;

//Method Syntax
var query2 = numbers.Select(n => new { squared = n * n })
.Select(n => n.squared);
Example 2
//Query Expression
var query1 = from p in persons
let isTeenager = p.Age < 20 && p.Age > 12
where isTeenager
select new { p.FirstName, p.LastName };

//Method Syntax
var query2 = persons.Select(p => new { isTeenAger = p.Age < 20 && p.Age > 12 })
.Where(p => p.isTeenager)
.Select(p => new { p.FirstName, p.LastName });
Example 3
The above query uses the variable created by the let clause as an argument to the where clause since the expression in
the let clause is a boolean expression.
The group-by Clause
The group-by clause is used to group items using a specified key. The group-by clause can be inserted between a from
clause and a select clause or you can put a group-by clause as the final clause of a query expression. The basic structure
of a group-by clause is:
group item by key into groupVar
The group-by clause starts with the group contextual keyword followed by the item to be grouped. This is then followed
by the by contextual keyword. After it is the key which determines the criteria or how the items from the data source will
be grouped. For example, you can indicate the city as the key to group every item by their respective cities. Next is
the into keyword which specifies that the item will be placed in a separate collection(groupVar) that represents a group.
The groupVar has a type ofSystem.Linq.IGrouping<TKey, TElement> which exposes the Key property of type TKey and
contains grouped elements of type TElement.
As for an example, say you want to group some players into different teams. Example 1 first declares a simple class
named Player (lines 6-10) which has properties Name, and Team.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;

public class Player
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Team { get; set; }

public class Program
public static void Main()
List<Player> players = new List<Player>
new Player { Name = "Johnny", Team= "Red Team" },
new Player { Name = "Ross", Team = "Blue Team" },
new Player { Name = "Eric", Team = "Black Team" },
new Player { Name = "Josh", Team = "White Team" },
new Player { Name = "Mandy", Team = "Blue Team" },
new Player { Name = "Flora", Team = "White Team" },
new Player { Name = "Garry", Team = "Red Team" },
new Player { Name = "Joseph", Team = "Blue Team"},
new Player { Name = "Murray", Team = "Black Team"},
new Player { Name = "Henry", Team = "Black Team"},
new Player { Name = "Watson", Team = "Red Team"},
new Player { Name = "Linda", Team = "White Team"}

var groups = from p in players
group p by p.Team into g
select new { GroupName = g.Key, Members = g };

foreach (var g in groups)
Console.WriteLine("Members of {0}", g.GroupName);

foreach (var member in g.Members)
Console.WriteLine("---{0}", member.Name);
Example 1
Members of Red Team
Members of Blue Team
Members of Black Team
Members of White Team
We created a list of players (line 16-30) and assign each player their own team. Our goal is to group the players based
on the team they are assigned to. The query expression in lines 32-34 uses a group-byclause(line 33) to group each
player by looking at their Team property. Each player with similar Team values will be grouped together into
an IGrouping<string, Player> collection. Since we used Team as the key which is of type string, the type of the Key
property will be of type string as well and its contents are of type Player which represents each object included to the
group. The select clause(line 34) then projects the result using an annonymous type with the Key of every grouped
assigned to the GroupName property and all the items in the group is assigned to the Members property.
Lines 36-44 executes the query using a foreach loop. We need to use a nested foreach loop. The firstforeach loop will
loop through every group and print the name of the group. We used the GroupNameproperty which uses the Key property
of every IGrouping objects from the query result. Inside it, another foreach loop will then enumerate every item included
in the group. Remember that we assigned the group itself in the Members property during the projection in the select
clause of the query statement. We used theMembers property as the source in the inner foreach loop to iterate through
each member of the group.
Ending Query Expressions with group-by Clause
You can also use the group-by statement to end a query expression. Remember that a query expression can only be
ended by either a select clause or a group-by clause. The following is an example of a query expression with a group-by
clause at its end.
var groups = from p in players
group p by p.Team;

foreach (var g in groups)
Console.WriteLine("Members of {0}", g.Key);

foreach (var member in g)
Console.WriteLine("---{0}", member.Name);
Figure 1
The query expression above produces the same output as Example 1. You will notice that we don't need to assign every
player into a group variable. The resulting type of the query result is anIEnumerable<IGrouping<string,
Player>> interface which means that it is a collection of groups with stringkey and contains Player objects.
Inside the first foreach loop, we used the Key property of every group which contains the name of each group since we
used Team property as the key in the group-by clause. The nested loop simply uses the actual group as the data source to
iterate through each Player contained in that group. One thing to note about group-by clause, any range variable before
the group-by clause will be out of scope after the group-byclause.
The GroupBy() Method
A group-by clause is translated into a call to the GroupBy() method which is also an extension method of
theIEnumerable<T> interface. The following example shows how you can write the query in Figure 2 using
theGroupBy() method.
var groups = players.GroupBy(p => p.Team);
The GroupBy() method accepts a lambda expression that has one parameter which will hold every value from the data
source, and returns the key that will be used for grouping.
The query in Example 1 can be done by following the call to the GroupBy() method with a call to the Select()method to
project the data.
var groups = players.GroupBy(p => p.Team)
.Select(g => new { GroupName = g.Key, Members = g });
The Select() method uses every group yielded by the GroupBy() method and uses projection to create a much clearer set
of properties.

Joining Data Sources
There are times where you want to combine values from different data sources into just one result. Of course those data
sources must be related in some way. In LINQ, you can use thejoin clause or the Join() method to join multiple data
sources with properties or fields that can be test for equivalency. With the join clause or the Join() method, you can do
inner joins, group joins, or left outer joins. The concepts of joins in LINQ can be compared to joins in SQL. If you know
how to do joins in SQL, then you may find the following concepts very familliar. Joins can be very hard to understand for
a begginer so I will try my best to explain every concept as clear as possible. You will see how to use the join clause in
the next lesson.
Consider an Author database table containing names of authors and their respective AuthorId. Another table named
Books which contains records of books with their titles and the AuthorId of the author that wrote them. One can join this
two tables which means, each record of the result of a query is a combination of values from each of the table. A
combined record for example, will have the Name of the author and theTitle of the book. For two data sources to be joint
together, each item or record must have a key that will be tested for equivalence. Only the two records which have
equivalent keys will be combined. In our Authors and Books example, we can add an AuthorId field to both of the tables.
An author can have an AuthorIdthat will uniquely identify him, while a book can have an AuthorId that determines which
author wrote that book.
In a join, there is an inner data source and an outer data source. The inner data source contains items which will be
combined to the outer data source. Each of the inner item searches for a matching outer item and the two items are
joined to create one new record.
The following lessons discusses three types of joins. Inner joins allow you to combine two data sources and create a
rectangular result. During an inner join, outer items that have no corresponding inner item are not included in the result
set. Inner joins are the simplest and easiest type of join. Another type of join is the group join, which produces a
hierarchical result set. It groups related items from one source by an item from another table. For example, you can
place all the books written by a certain author into a group. Left outer joins is similar to an inner join as it also creates a
rectangular result set, but it also includes outer items which has no corresponding inner item. You will learn more about
each of this types of join in the following lessons.
Note that you can also do joins using multiple from clauses but it will require you to properly structure your classes when
defining them. For example, an Author can have a property named Books, which contains a collection of Book objects that
the author writes. Join clause can be effectively used if both classes has no defined relationship. We just need to define
the key property to be compared during the join operation.

The join Clause - Doing an Inner Join
Inner joins are the simplest type of join. This type of join returns a flat or rectangular result. It means that when you
look at the result of the query, it would look like a table in which every cell has a value. Suppose we have two database
tables named Authors and Books. The Authors table contains data of different authors. The Books table contains data of
different books along with the ID of author that wrote a particular book. Joining the two tables using inner join will yield
a rectangular result as seen in Figure 1.
Author Book
John Smith Little Blue Riding Hood
John Smith Snow Black
John Smith Hanzel and Brittle
Harry Gold My Rubber Duckie
Harry Gold He Who Doesn't Know His Name
Ronald Schwimmer The Three Little Piggy Banks
Figure 1 - A Rectangular Result
An author can have multiple books assigned to him. In Figure 1, you can see that John Smith wrote three books, Harry
Gold wrote two, and Ronald Schwimmer wrote only one book.

Figure 2 - Inner Join
For every item in the inner data source, it searches for its corresponding item in the outer data source and creates a
combined item of that outer item and the inner item. After the first inner item finds its corresponding outer item, the
second inner item is next and it also searches for its corresponding item in the outer data source. This repeats until all
the inner items from the inner data source have found their corresponding item. To determine if two items are equal,
both items must have a member or property which should have equal value. As you can see in Figure 2, Outer Item 4
was not included in the results. Any outer items that has no corresponding inner item is not included in the results. Same
goes to an inner item that has no corresponding outer item.
Let's take a look at the following example. The following code defines two classes, Author and Book.
class Author
public int AuthorId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }

class Book
public int AuthorId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
As you can see in the above code, both Author and Book has the same AuthorId property. This will be the property that
will determine the correspondence of a Book object to an Author object. Note that the properties doesn't need to have the
same name but they should have the same data type. Example 1 creates Author and Book objects. Each book has
its AuthorId pointed to a specific Author.

class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Author[] authors = new Author[]
new Author() { AuthorId = 1, Name = "John Smith" },
new Author() { AuthorId = 2, Name = "Harry Gold" },
new Author() { AuthorId = 3, Name = "Ronald Schwimmer" },
new Author() { AuthorId = 4, Name = "Jerry Mawler" }

Book[] books = new Book[]
new Book() { AuthorId = 1, Title = "Little Blue Riding Hood" },
new Book() { AuthorId = 3, Title = "The Three Little Piggy Banks"
new Book() { AuthorId = 1, Title = "Snow Black" },
new Book() { AuthorId = 2, Title = "My Rubber Duckie" },
new Book() { AuthorId = 2, Title = "He Who Doesn't Know His Name"
new Book() { AuthorId = 1, Title = "Hanzel and Brittle" }

var result = from a in authors
join b in books on a.AuthorId equals b.AuthorId
select new { a.Name, b.Title };

foreach (var r in result)
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", r.Name, r.Title);
Example 1
John Smith - Little Blue Riding Hood
John Smith - Snow Black
John Smith - Hanzel and Brittle
Harry Gold - My Rubber Duckie
Harry Gold - He Who Doesn't Know His Name
Ronald Schwimmer - The Three Little Piggy Banks
The query expression in lines 23-25 uses a join clause. The query expression first gets an Author object from the outer
data source which is the authors. Then in the join clause, we retrieve a Book object from the inner source
named books and test if the AuthorId of the retrieved author is equal to the books AuthorId. Note that
the equals keyword was used instead of ==. The join clause can only test for equality. You cannot use operators such as
> or < to compare keys. So to remind you that you can only do equality comparison, Microsoft created
an equals keyword instead.
If the current book's AuthorId is equal to an author's Author ID, then we can proceed to the select clause where
the Name of the author and the Title of the book will be projected. Each of the book is iterated and compared to each
author and all of the books with a corresponding author will be included in the results when execution of the query
begins. Note that Jerry Mawler was not included in the results because he did not right any book, therefore, there is no
item in the inner source that can be joined to him. Also, any book which AuthorId does not exist in the authors will not
be included.
The join clause, like any other clause, is translated during compilation into a call to the Join method. The query
expression in Figure 4 can be translated into the following call to the Join method:
var result = authors.Join(books,
author => author.AuthorId,
book => book.AuthorId,
(author, book) => new { author.Name, book.Title }
This version of Join method performs an inner join. The method accepts four parameters. The first parameter accepts
the inner data source, in this case, the books collection. The second parameter accepts a lambda expression that
describes the outer key selector. It should have one parameter which will hold the every item from the outer source and
then return the key that will be used for joining (we used the AuthorId as the key). The third parameter accepts a
lambda expression which has one parameter that will hold every item from the inner data source, and returns the key to
be compared to the outer source's key. Finally, the fourth parameter accepts a lambda expression with two parameters,
the outer item and inner item that have matching keys. You can then use projection to create the type with the results
from the two items.

The join Clause - Doing a Group Join
With the join clause, you can also do group joins. A group join groups the items from the inner data source by their
corresponding item from the outer data source. For example, all the books written by John Smith will be grouped
together and all the books written by Harry Gold will have a separate group.
The diagram below shows how group join works.

Figure 1
All the inner items which has a common key and has a matching key in the outer data source is grouped together to form
one group. As you can see, the result of the group join is a collection of groups, each representing a group for a specified
key. Again, for example, the key could be the author of the book. You can group a collection of books by authors and the
result will be a collection of books grouped by authors. Any outer item that has no matching inner items will produced an
empty group but still included in the result.
Let's take a look at an example of doing a group join. We will define two classes named Author and Book.
class Author
public int AuthorId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }

class Book
public int AuthorId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
The following code contains a query expression that uses a group join using the join clause.

Author[] authors = new Author[]
new Author() { AuthorId = 1, Name = "John Smith" },
new Author() { AuthorId = 2, Name = "Harry Gold" },
new Author() { AuthorId = 3, Name = "Ronald Schwimmer" },
new Author() { AuthorId = 4, Name = "Jerry Mawler" }

Book[] books = new Book[]
new Book() { AuthorId = 1, Title = "Little Blue Riding Hood" },
new Book() { AuthorId = 3, Title = "The Three Little Piggy Banks" },
new Book() { AuthorId = 1, Title = "Snow Black" },
new Book() { AuthorId = 2, Title = "My Rubber Duckie" },
new Book() { AuthorId = 2, Title = "He Who Doesn't Know His Name" },
new Book() { AuthorId = 1, Title = "Hanzel and Brittle" }

var result = from a in authors
join b in books on a.AuthorId equals b.AuthorId into
select new { Author = a.Name, Books = booksByAuthor };

foreach (var r in result)
Console.WriteLine("Books written by {0}:", r.Author);

foreach (var b in r.Books)
Console.WriteLine("---{0}", b.Title);
Example 1
Books written by John Smith:
---Little Blue Riding Hood
---Snow Black
---Hanzel and Brittle
Books written by Harry Gold:
---My Rubber Duckie
---He Who Doesn't Know His Name
Books written by Ronald Schwimmer:
---The Three Little Piggy Banks
Books written by Jerry Mawler:
Take a look at the join clause in line 20. The join clause will join a book from the books data source to theauthors data
source in which the AuthorId of the book is equal to the AuthorId of an author. The intokeyword signifies the group join
followed by a grouping variable. All the inner items' key that corresponds to an outer item's key will be grouped together
and will be stored in the grouping variable. The select clause in line 21 projects the result to a new variable with an
Author property and a Books property assigned with the group variable. The result of the query expression is a collection
of groups of Books.
The nested foreach loop in lines 23 to 31 shows the results of the query. Inside the first foreach loop, the name of the
author is shown. After that, an inner foreach loop iterates through each of the Book in the author's Book property.
Remember that this property contains the collection of books grouped together for a particular author. As you can see in
the output, Jerry Mawler written no books so his Books property is empty, therefore, no books were shown.
The GroupJoin method is the equivalent method of a join-group-by clause. The equilent query using
theGroupJoin method is shown below:
var result = authors.GroupJoin(books,
author => author.AuthorId,
book => book.AuthorId,
(author, booksByAuthor) =>
new { Author = author.Name, Books = booksByAuthor });
The first parameter is the inner data source that will be joined to the outer data source. The second parameter is a
delegate that accepts a lambda expression to determine the outer key to used for joining. The third parameter
determines the inner key and the final parameter is used to create the group and project each result.

The join Clause - Doing a Left Outer Join
Using LINQ's join clause, you can also perform a left outer join. Like an inner join, a left outer join also returns a flat
result. An inner join omits any item that has no corresponding items from another data source. As an example, if an
author wrote no book, then he will be omitted in the result of the query. The left outer join includes even the items that
has no corresponding partner in the result. This is made possible using the DefaultIfEmpty method.

Figure 1 - Left Outer Join
Let's take a look at an example of doing a left outer join.

Author[] authors = new Author[]
new Author() { AuthorId = 1, Name = "John Smith" },
new Author() { AuthorId = 2, Name = "Harry Gold" },
new Author() { AuthorId = 3, Name = "Ronald Schwimmer" },
new Author() { AuthorId = 4, Name = "Jerry Mawler" }

Book[] books = new Book[]
new Book() { AuthorId = 1, Title = "Little Blue Riding Hood" },
new Book() { AuthorId = 3, Title = "The Three Little Piggy Banks" },
new Book() { AuthorId = 1, Title = "Snow Black" },
new Book() { AuthorId = 2, Title = "My Rubber Duckie" },
new Book() { AuthorId = 2, Title = "He Who Doesn't Know His Name" },
new Book() { AuthorId = 1, Title = "Hanzel and Brittle" }

var result = from a in authors
join b in books on a.AuthorId equals b.AuthorId into booksByAuthors
from x in booksByAuthors.DefaultIfEmpty(new Book
select new { Author = a.Name, x.Title };

Console.WriteLine("{0, -20} {1}", "Author", "Book");
foreach (var r in result)
Console.WriteLine("{0, -20} {1}", r.Author, r.Title);
Example 1
Author Book
John Smith Little Blue Riding Hood
John Smith Snow Black
John Smith Hanzel and Brittle
Harry Gold My Rubber Duckie
Harry Gold He Who Doesn't Know His Name
Ronald Schwimmer The Three Little Piggy Banks
Jerry Mawler None
To do a left outer join using the join clause, you first need to group join the two data sources. You then perform another
query by using the created groups as the data source. You need to callthe DefaultIfEmptyfor each group so whenever a
group contains no items, a specified default value will be provided.
As you can see in the query expression in lines 19 to 22, the first two lines of the query expression performs a group join
by querying every author object and joing every book object which has an equal AuthorIdproperty as the queried
author's AuthorId property. The next line performs another query by using the grouped result of the first query as the
data source. Notice that we call the DefaultIfEmpty method of the group to yield a default value if the group is empty.
The DefaultIfEmpty method accepts one argument, which is an instance of an object which has a similar type as every
items of the group. Since each group in our query contains Book items, we created new instance of the Book class and
specified some default values for its properties using objection initialization syntax.
Based on our data sources, Jerry Mawler (AuthorId 4) has no corresponding book from the books data source. If we simly
used an inner join, Jerry Mawler will be gone in the results, but since we used left outer join, Jerry Mawler was included
and as you can see in the output of Figure 2, the default value you specified was shown as his book.
There is no direct equivalent of a left outer join when you want to use the method syntax. Doing a left outer join using
the method syntax requires the combination of the GroupBy method and the SelectMany method.
var result = authors.GroupJoin(books,
author => author.AuthorId,
book => book.AuthorId,
(author, booksByAuthor) =>
new { Author = author, Books = booksByAuthor })
.SelectMany(x=>x.Books.DefaultIfEmpty(new Book{AuthorId = 0,Title = "None"}),
(x, y) => new { Author = x.Author.Name, y.Title });
The GroupJoin method simply groups each books by author and projects a new type with an Author property assigned
with the author and Books property assigned with the group of books he wrote. We then nested a call to
the SelectMany method. The SelectMany method here accepts two parameters. The first is the collection selector which
selects item from the result yielded by the GroupJoin method. Notice that we call the DefaultIfEmpty method so if the
Books property of an item is empty, then a default set of values specified will be used. The second parameter is the
result selector and through here, you can project the final result of the query.

More LINQ Examples
Now that you have learn some basic LINQ querying including how to select, filter, and order results of a query, let's take
a look at more examples combining the concepts of the past lessons and introducing some new LINQ features as well.
The examples will allow you to more familiar to more techniques of using LINQ. I will show the LINQ query and its
corresponding method calls to LINQ methods.
var query1 = from p in people
orderby p.LastName
where p.Age >= 18
select new { p.FirstName, LN = p.LastName };
var query1 = people.OrderBy(p => p.LastName).Where(p => p.Age >= 18)
.Select(p => new { p.FirstName, LN = p.LastName });
The queries above are equivalent and they both represent sombe combinations of selecting, filtering and ordering
results. We must take note of the second version where we used the actual LINQ methods. The dot operator was used
immediately after the end of the previous method. The methods or members you can call after the dot operator depends
on the value returned by the previous method. Since LINQ methods returns a result implementing IEnumerable<T>, you
can nest or cascade method calls one after the other. The final result to be stored in the result variable depends on the
final results of the last LINQ method call, in the case above, the Select method. The second version presented can also
be called the dot notation style.
var query2 = from p in people
orderby p.LastName, p.FirstName
where p.Age >= 18 && p.LastName.StartsWith("A")
select new { FullName = p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName };
var query2 = people.OrderBy(p=>p.LastName).ThenBy(p=>p.FirstName)
.Where(p=>p.Age >= 18 && p.LastName.StartsWith("A"))
.Select(p=> new {FullName = p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName });
The query selects persons from the people collection ordering the results by LastName and then byFirstName, and whose
Age is greter than or equal 18 and has a LastName which starts with A. The query then selects an annonymous type
containing the FullName of the person that met the condition in the where clause.
We can use the let clause to define another range variable inside a query and assign it with an expression or property of
the original range variable. The following shows you an example of using the let clause.
var query2 = from p in people
let lastName = p.LastName
where lastName.StartsWith("A")
select lastName;
var query2 = people.Select(p=> new { p, lastName = p.LastName })
.Where(pln => pln.lastName.StartsWith("A"))
.Select(pln => pln.lastName)
We defined a new range variable and assigned the LastName property of the original range variable. We can now use the
new range variable in the following clauses. The second version that uses dot notation style shows how we can do the
same functionality as the first version. The let clause in a LINQ query is just similar to a Select method. We called the
Select method at the very beginning so the following methods will know the modifications made.
We can use multiple data sources and compare each of their values against each other. The following uses two from
clauses that retrieves values from two integer arrays.
var query3 = from x in n1
from y in n2
where x == y
select x;
var query3 = n1.Intersect(n2);
The query first retrieves a value from n1. The retrieved value will then be compared to each value in n2thanks to the
second from clause and the where clause. The where clause states that only retrieve the value of x that has an equal value
in any of the elements of y. This is also called intersections where only values that both exists in two sets will be returned
in the result set. We can simply use the Intersect method to do the same thing.
Another example is an object that contains a property containing a collection of more objects. Imagine ourPerson class
having a property named Siblings which is a list of siblings (List<Person>) of a person. We can select every sibling of a
person and even specify a condition for the selection.
var query4 = from p in people
from s in p.Siblings
where s.Age < p.Age
select new { FullName = p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName,
SiblingName = s.FirstName + " " + s.LastName };
var query4 = people.SelectMany(p => p.Siblings.Select(s => s).Where(s => s.Age < p.Age));
The first from clause retrieves a Person from the list of Person objects. The second from clause retrieves
every Person object in the current Person's Sibling property. The first from clause will only continue to retrieve the
next Person object after the second from clause is finish retrieving all of the items from theSiblings property.
The where and select clauses in the query also executes for every item retrieve by the latter from clause from its
corresponding data source. The second version of the query uses the SelectManymethod. You can see that inside it is a
lambda expression selecting every Person from people and we accessed each person's Sibling property and used
another Select method followed by a Where method inside the SelectMany method.

LINQ Aggregate Methods
LINQ has aggregate operators or methods that allows you to perform mathematical calculations based on the values of
all the elements in a collection. We will learn here the different aggregate operators that will simplify the way you do
most common tasks involving sets or collections of values. Example of what aggregate operators can do is automatically
getting the sum, average, min, max, and how many elements a collection has.
The Count and LongCount Methods
We can determine the number of elements a collection or array has by using the Count and LongCountmethods.
The Count method simply counts the number of elements of a collection. For collections containing a very huge number of
elements, we can use the LongCount method instead. The following example shows the use of the Count operator.
int[] numbers = { 7, 2, 6, 1, 7, 4, 2, 5, 1, 2, 6 };

Console.WriteLine("numbers has {0} elements.", numbers.Count());
An overload of both Count and LongCount allows you to pass a predicate that will determine which elements to include in
the counting. Consider the following example:
Console.Write("Number of even numbers in the collection: {0}",
numbers.Count(n => n % 2 == 0));
The lambda expression inside the overloaded Count method specifies the condition that an element must meet for it to be
included in the counting.
The Min and Max Methods
The Min and Max methods returns the minimum and maximum values from a collection respectively. The parameterless
versions of this method is very simple and returns the expected results.
int[] numbers = { 7, 2, 6, 1, 7, 4, 2, 5, 1, 2, 6 };

Console.WriteLine("Min = {0}\nMax = {1}", numbers.Min(), numbers.Max());
For complex objects that does has no implementation for IComparable, that is, a default behavior when being compared,
we can use an overloaded of the Min() and Max() methods which accepts a predicate that specifies the key or expression
to be used.
List<Person> people = GetPersonList(); //Assume the method returns a collection of Person objects

Console.WriteLine("Youngest Age is {0}", people.Min( p=>p.Age ));
Console.WriteLine("Oldest Age is {0}", people.Max( p=>p.Age ));
We passed a lambda expression specifying that we should use the Age property of each person as a key and therefore,
the Min and Max methods returned the minimum and maximum age of all the persons in the collection.
The Average Method
The Average method is obviously used for determining the average of numeric values. The average is the sum of all the
values of every element divided by the number of elements.
int[] numbers = { 7, 2, 6, 1, 7, 4, 2, 5, 1, 2, 6 };

Console.WriteLine("Average = {0}", numbers.Average());
Like Min and Max methods, the Average method has an overloaded version which accepts a predicate to determine which
key to use when obtaining the average of a complex object such as our example Personclass.
List<Person> people = GetPersonList();

Console.WriteLine("Average age of all the persons");
Console.WriteLine("Average = {0}", people.Average( p => p.Age ));
The lambda expression states that we use the Age of every person as the key on getting the average value. Therefore,
the method Average results to the average Age of all the persons in the collection.
The Sum Method
The Sum method is also a very simple to understand operator which simply gets the overall sum of all the values of
elements in a collection.
int[] numbers = { 7, 2, 6, 1, 7, 4, 2, 5, 1, 2, 6 };

Console.WriteLine("Sum = {0}", numbers.Sum);
Again, we can use an overloaded version which accepts a predicate that will determine a key from a complex object such
as Person.
List<Person> people = GetPersonList();

Console.WriteLine("Total age of all the persons");
Console.WriteLine("Total = {0}", people.Sum(p => p.Age));
The expression inside the Sum method instructs the method to add the age of every person together.
The Aggregate Method
The Aggregate method is a more flexible version of method Sum. Instead of limiting you to just summing up values in a
collection, you can define a predicate with two parameters, the first one being the first nubmer or the previous result,
and the second one is the second or next number to participate the calculation.
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

Console.WriteLine( numbers.Aggregate( (n1, n2) => n1 + n2 ) );
The Aggregate method contains a two-parameter lambda expression and inside its body, we add the two numbers.
Initially, n1 will contain the first value of the array, and n2 will have the second value. It will be added and stored to n1.
The next value (third value) will then be stored to n2, and will be added again to n1 whose result will be stored to n1 and
n2 aquiring the value of the next element. This repeats until n2 has the value of the last element.
The result of the above call to Aggregate is similar to Sum method since we add every numbers. A great thing about
the Aggregate method is we can choose the operator we want on the calculation. Below is a modification of the previous
code where the Aggregate returns the overall product of the collection using the multiplication operator.
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

Console.WriteLine( numbers.Aggregate( (n1, n2) => n1 * n2 ) );
You can even create complex expressions like this.
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

Console.WriteLine( numbers.Aggregate( (n1, n2) => (n1 / 2) + (n2 / 2) ) );
The Aggregate method above halves the values before adding them to each other. Another overload of the Aggregate
method accepts a seed which is simple the one that will take the first slot in the calculation.
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

Console.WriteLine( numbers.Aggregate( 1, (n1 , n2) => n1 + n2 ));
Notice that Aggregate now has two parameters, the first one being the seed and the second one is the predicate
specifying how to process each pair of values. Since we specified a seed of 1, the calculation will start at 1 plus whatever
the first value of the array is. Since the first value of the array in the code above is 1 and the specified seed is 1, then
the first calculation will be 1 + 1 (seed + first).
A third overload of the Aggregate method accepts a third argument which specifies the formatting of the result.
Console.WriteLine( numbers.Aggregate( 1, (n1, n2) => n1 + n2,
n => String.Format("{0:C}", n)));
The third parameter is another lambda expression that will format the result into currency format.
Using these aggregate methods is a great help for programmers as it saves development time and is really easy to use
once you mastered them.

LINQ to SQL is a powerful tool which allows developers to access databases as objects in C#. With LINQ to SQL, you are
able to use LINQ query operators and methods instead of learning SQL. LINQ to SQL has an API for connecting and
manipulating database. LINQ queries and calls to the API methods are then translated to SQL commands which are
executed to provide changes or to retrieve queries from the database. LINQ to SQL is a more modern way of accessing
database using C# and .NET. Please do note that LINQ to SQL is only applicable when you are using SQL Server as your
We will be using the Northwind database as our sample database. If you are using the free Visual C# Express then we
need to access the actual database file which has a .mdf file extension. If you installed the Northwind database correctly,
the file can be found in C:\SQL Server 2000 Sample Databases. If the file extension is not visible, go to Control
Panel, choose Folder Options and click the View tab, and uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types", then click OK.
We will be using the Northwind.mdf database file. Database files are created with .mdf extensions whenever you create a
database in SQL Server. SQL Server Express 2008 has a default folder for storing database files and it is located at
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data. So if you executed the scripts for creating the Northwind
database as instructed in the first lessons, then you can also find a copy of Northwind.mdf here. We can proceed if once
you have possession of the Northwind.mdf file.
Visual Studio has a great tool for generating LINQ to SQL classes with the use of Object Relational Designer. You can
simply drag and drop tables there and Visual Studio will automatically create the neccessary classes the corresponds to
each tables and rows of the specified table and database. You will then see the tables with properties corresponding to its
columns or fields. Arrows will also be visible representing relationships between tables.

Figure 1 - Object Relational Designer showing tables, fields and relationships.
Classes will be created that represents the rows of each table.For example, we have an Employees table. Visual Studio
will automatically singularize the table's name and an object named Employee will be created that will represent each row
or records of the particular table.
A corresponding class of type Table<TEntity> of the System.Data.Linq namespaces will be created for every table
included in the LINQ to SQL Designer. The TEntity is replaced with the class of the row it contains. For example, the
Employees table will have a corresponding class of Table<Employee> class. An object of that class will then be created
containing a collection of objects for each of its rows or
records. Table<TEntity>implements IQueryable<TEntity> interface of the System.Linq namespace. When a LINQ queries
an object that implements this interface and obtains results from a database, the results are automatically stored to the
corresponding LINQ to SQL classes.
For related tables which are connected to each other via foreign keys, for each foreign key a table has, Visual Studio
creates a corresponding property with the type and name similar to each row of the table the foreign key points to.
Additionally, for a table whose primary key(s) are used as a foreign key by other tables, for each of those foreign tables,
a property is also created. This additional properties allow you to call the properties of the foreign table of a current
table. For example, two tables named Employees and Companies table both have CompanyID fields. The CompanyID is
the primary key of the Companies table, and the CompanyID field of the Employees table is a foreign key pointing to the
CompanyID of the Companies table. When Visual Studio creates the corresponding row class for each table, it will also
consider the foreign keys. The Employee class for the Employees table will have an additional Company property since
one of its columns points to the Companies table. The Company class of the Companies table will have an additional
Employee property because the Employees table points to the Categories table.
LINQ to SQL also creates a DataContext class which inherits from the System.Data.Linq.DataContext. This class will be
responsible for connecting the program and the database. The objects created for each table that you include in the LINQ
to SQL designer becomes a property of this class. Visual Studio will automatically create the DataContext in a format
<Database>DataContext where <Database> is the name of the database. For example, using our Northwind database,
a NorthwindDataContext will be created with properties corresponding to each tables we have included. These properties
contains collections of objects representing the rows of each table. For example, our NorthwindDataContext class will have
a Employeesproperty which corresponds to the Employees table. This property is a collection of Employee objects
representing each rows of the table.
The next lesson will show you an example of using LINQ to SQL and connecting your application to the Northwind
database using this technology.

Querying a Database with LINQ to SQL
We will be creating a Windows Forms Application that allows as to you to query and view records from a particular table
using LINQ to SQL classes, SQL Server 2008, and the Northwind sample database. You will learn how to use the Object
Relational Designer to generate LINQ to SQL Classes and how to use them in your code.
Creating LINQ to SQL Classes
Create a new Windows Forms Application and name it LinqToSqlDemo. Once a project is created, we need to add a LINQ
to SQL file. Click the Add New Item button in the toolbar and find LINQ to SQL Classes from the list of templates.
Name it Northwind and click the Add button.

Once you click the Add button, you will land on the Object Relational Designer containing nothing as off now.

The Toolbox now also contains components used for creating classes and adding relationships. But since we will generate
a class from an existing table in a database, we wont be using the components in the Toolbox. A DBML file (Database
Markup Language) with extension .dbml will also be created and shown in the Solutions Explorer. Expanding that node
will show two more files representing codes for the layout and the actual classes that will be generated. Double clicking
the DBML file will also bring you to the Object Relational Desinger.
We need to use the Database Explorer window in Visual C# Express. If you are using the full version of Visual Studio,
you need to open the Server Explorer window instead. If it is not visible, go to Views > Other Windows > Database
Explorer. Open the Database Explorer window and click the Connect to Database icon.

You will be presented with the Choose Data Source Dialog which asks which type data source to use for the connection.
Choose SQL Server Database File. Checking the check box allows you to always choose the specified type of data source
when you want to add another one.

You will be presented by another window asking for the type of data source and the location of the database files. You
can also specify which SQL Server account to use but if you are using an administrator windows user account, then you
can simply leave the default option. You can also click the Advanced button to edit more advanced settings about the

Click the Browse button and browse for the Northwind.mdf file. If you have installed it already, it will be located
at C:\SQL Server 2000 Sample Databases. Choose the file and click Open. Be sure that the file is not used by other
programs. We then need to test the connection. Click Test Connection button and if everything is working properly, you
will receive the following message.

The Northwind.mdf will now appear as a child node of the Data Connections in the Database Explorer window. Expand
the Northwind.mdf node to be presented with folders representing the different components of the database. Expand the
Tables folder to see the different Tables of the Northwind database. We need to drag tables from the Database Explorer
window to the Object Relational Designer's surface. For this lesson, drag the Employees table to the Object Relational

Visual Studio will prompt you whether to copy the Northwind.mdf database file since it will detect that it is located
outside your project folder. Clicking Yes will copy the Northwind.mdf file from the origincal location to your project folder.
Also note that everytime you run your program, the database file will also be copied to the output directory. You will
learn later how to modify this behavior.

After clicking Yes, The Object Relational Designer will now show a class diagram representing a generated class that will
hold values of each row in the Employees table. The name of the class is a singularized version of the Table's name. A
property with an appropriate type is created for every column in the dragged table. You will see these properties in the
Object Relational Designer. If a property conflicts with the name of the class, then it will be numbered. For example, if
the class' name is Employee and it has a column namedEmployee as well, then the column's corresponding property will be
named Employee1.

As soon as you drag a table to the Object Relational Designer, the DataContext class for the coresponding database will
be created. Since we used the Northwind database, the generated DataContext class will be
named NorthwindDataContext. Clicking a blank space in the Object Relational Designer will allow you to edit the
properties of the DataContext class using the Properties Window. You can also change the properties of the created row
class and properties of its members. But leaving the default names and settings for the classes is recommended.
If you are curious about the generated classes and wan't to take a look at its implementation, go to Solution Explorer
and expand the node for the created DBML file. You will be presented with two files. Double click the one with
.designer.cs extension. You will then see how the classes for your tables and DataContext was defined. You should
always save the DBML file before using it in your application.
Using LINQ to SQL Classes
Once the required LINQ to SQL classes have been successfully generated, we can now use them in our application. For
our GUI, we will be using a DataGridView control to display the queried records. Head back to the Windows Forms
Designer. Drag a DataGridView control from the Toolbox's Data cetegory to the form. Set
the DataGridView's Dock property to Fill so it will take up all the space of the form. Then resize the form to a larger size
so it will properly show all the records that we will query.

We will be using the following code:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace LinqToSqlDemo
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
NorthwindDataContext database = new

var employees = from employee in database.Employees
select new

dataGridView1.DataSource = employees;
Double click the Form's title bar in the Designer to generate a handler for the form's Load event. Add the codes in lines
16-29. The code at line 16 creates a new NorthwindDataContext object. This will be used to access the tables of the
database and the rows each table contain. Lines 18-27 uses a LINQ query which access
the NorthwindDataContext's Employees property containing each record for employee. The select clause of the query only
selects some of the properties of every employee. Line 29 uses the DataGridView'sDataSource property and assigns the
result of the query as it's data source.
When you run the program, you will see all the records from the Employees table.

Lines 18-27 is a simple LINQ query that retrieves several properties of every employee in the Employeesdatabase. You
can perform different LINQ queries that suit your needs. For example, we can modify the LINQ query in 18-27 to only
show employees who live in USA.
var employees = from employee in database.Employees
where employee.Country == "USA"
select new
You can provide controls, for example, a combo box containing different countries, and modify the query based on the
selected country in the combo box.

Modifying Database with LINQ to SQL
Mapping the database tables and its records to their corresponding LINQ to SQL classes makes it even easier to
manipulate databases. Once LINQ to SQL classes are generated, you can do the modification directly to objects of those
class. For adding, the DataContext class offers theInsertOnSubmit and pass the new object of the row class to add. When
deleting, we can use theDeleteOnSubmit and pass the specified object to delete. We can directly modify the properties of
an object representing a record if we want to update it. All of this operations will not immediately affect the actual tables
and records in the database. We need to call the SubmitChanges method of the DataContext class first. To access an
element of the property representing the Table, we can use the ElementAt method which accepts an integer index and
returns the corresponding record object.
Our example application will allow the user to check details of every record, and allows you to add, delete and update
records using LINQ to SQL and the method offered by the DataContext and Table<TEntity>classes. For the following
example the we will create, we will be using a sample database containing a single table named Persons which contains
some records.
Download Sample Database
Once you downloaded the rar file, open it and extract the database file inside it to a location that you can easily find. We
will create an application that queries one person at a time and allows us to move through every record using navigation
buttons. The appilcation will also allow the user to add, delete, or update records. You will see how easy this can be done
using LINQ to SQL classes.
Create a new Windows Forms Application and name the project LinqToSqlDemo2. Create a LINQ to SQL and name
it Sample.dbml.. Go to the Database Explorer and click the Connect to Database button. Choose Microsoft SQL Server
Database file and click OK then browse for the location of the Sample.mdf file you have downloaded. It will now show up
in the Database Explorer as a seperate node. Open the nodes and inside the Tables node, drag the Persons table to the
Object Relational Designer. Click Yes to accept the option to copy the database file to your project folder.
You will now be presented with a class inside the Object Relational Designer named Person.

As you can see, it only has several properties. We will now create the GUI that we will use to present details of each
records and also to add or delete records. Add the neccessary controls and their corresponding text as shown in the GUI
below. The numbers will indicate the corresponding names to be used by the controls.

Number Name
1 firstButton
2 prevButton
3 nextButton
4 lastButton
5 idTextBox
6 firstNameTextBox
7 lastNameTextBox
8 ageTextBox
9 addButton
10 deleteButton
11 updateButton
Set the idTextBox's ReadOnly property to true so it can't be modified as it will show a primary key value. You can also set
the StartPosition property of the form to CenterScreen.
The buttons above will be used to move to the first, previous, next, or last record in the Persons table. The text boxes
will be used to display the values of every field of the current person. The buttons below are used to Add, Delete, and
Update records. Clicking the addButton will clear the textboxes so it can accept new values from the user to be added to
the table. Clicking the deleteButton will delete the current record being shown. Clicking updateButton will update the
record being shown if some of its details were modified.
We will be using the following code for our application:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace LinqToSqlDemo2
public partial class Form1 : Form
private int currentIndex;
private int minIndex;
private int maxIndex;
private bool addPending;
private SampleDataContext database;
private IEnumerable<Person> persons;

public Form1()

database = new SampleDataContext();
persons = from p in database.Persons
select p;

currentIndex = 0;

minIndex = 0;
maxIndex = persons.Count() - 1;


addPending = false;

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void firstButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
currentIndex = minIndex;

private void lastButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
currentIndex = maxIndex;

private void prevButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void nextButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void addButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (addPending == false)
int newIDnewID = persons.Count() == 0 ? 1 : persons.Last().PersonID +
idTextBox.Text = newIDnewID.ToString();
addButton.Text = "Done";
addPending = true;
//Create new person
Person newPersonnewPerson = new Person();
newPersonnewPerson.PersonID = maxIndex + 1;
newPersonnewPerson.FirstName = firstNameTextBox.Text;
newPersonnewPerson.LastName = lastNameTextBox.Text;
newPersonnewPerson.Age = Int32.Parse(ageTextBox.Text);

//Add new Person
currentIndex = maxIndex;
MessageBox.Show("Successfully added to database.", "Success",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
addButton.Text = "Add";
addPending = false;
MessageBox.Show("Failed to add new record to database. Make sure "
"that every field is not empty and in a correct " +
"format", "Failed",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

private void deleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (currentIndex > maxIndex)

MessageBox.Show("Successfully removed from the database.", "Success",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

MessageBox.Show("Unable to delete.", "Error",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

private void updateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Person modifiedPerson = persons.ElementAt(currentIndex);
modifiedPerson.FirstName = firstNameTextBox.Text;
modifiedPerson.LastName = lastNameTextBox.Text;
modifiedPerson.Age = Int32.Parse(ageTextBox.Text);

MessageBox.Show("Update success!", "Success",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
MessageBox.Show("Error on updating.", "Error",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

private void ShowPersonInfo(int index)
if (persons.Count() == 0)
MessageBox.Show("Nothing to show.", "Error",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

Person currentPerson = persons.ElementAt(index);

idTextBox.Text = currentPerson.PersonID.ToString();
firstNameTextBox.Text = currentPerson.FirstName;
lastNameTextBox.Text = currentPerson.LastName;
ageTextBox.Text = currentPerson.Age.ToString();

private void DisableButtons()
if (persons.Count() <= 1)
firstButton.Enabled = false;
prevButton.Enabled = false;
nextButton.Enabled = false;
lastButton.Enabled = false;

if (currentIndex == minIndex)
firstButton.Enabled = false;
prevButton.Enabled = false;
nextButton.Enabled = true;
lastButton.Enabled = true;
else if (currentIndex == maxIndex)
firstButton.Enabled = true;
prevButton.Enabled = true;
nextButton.Enabled = false;
lastButton.Enabled = false;
else if (currentIndex > minIndex && currentIndex < maxIndex)
firstButton.Enabled = true;
prevButton.Enabled = true;
nextButton.Enabled = true;
lastButton.Enabled = true;

private void ClearFields()
idTextBox.Text = String.Empty;
firstNameTextBox.Text = String.Empty;
lastNameTextBox.Text = String.Empty;
ageTextBox.Text = String.Empty;
Example 1
Lines 10-15 declares some required variables that we will use throughout our program. Line 10 declares a variable that
will hold the current index of the person to show. Line 11-12 declares variables that will be used to hold the minimum
and maximum possible indices so we can avoid IndexOutOfRangeExceptions and disable specific navigation buttons. Line
13 will be used by the addButton later as we will see. Line 14 declares a SampleDataContext object which is the
corresponding DataContext of the Sample database. We will use this object to call methods for adding, deleting,
updating, and retrieving records from the tables of the Sample database. Line 15 declares an object of
type IEnumerable<Person> which will hold all the person records queried from the database. Recall the results of a LINQ
query implements IEnumerable<T> so we can simple use this type in the declaration of the object in line 15. This is so we
don't have to query all the records everytime we need to use them. We can simple use this object throughout our
We will first discuss the utility methods that will be used by the application. The ClearFields method (line 205-212)
simply clears every text field and sets the focus to the firstNameTextBox. Method DisableButtons(line 172-203) will be
used to disable navigation buttons once the currentIndex reached the minimum or maximum bounds. This is to prevent
the user to move when no more elements are available to show. It also checks if there is 1 or 0 records left so it can
disable all the navigation buttons to prevent the user from moving. The ShowPersonInfo method (153-169) accepts an
index and retrieve a Person object using the specified index. Lines 155-161 first checks if the number of elements or
records in the Persons property is empty using the Count method. If so, we print an error message and return to the
caller to prevent the other codes from of the method from executing. In line 163, we used the ElementAt method of
the Personsproperty to retrieve the right object using the index as an argument to the ElementAt method. We then
displayed the properties of the retrieved Person object to their corresponding text boxes.
Now let's go inside the Form1's constructor (Line 17 - 33). Line 21 creates an instance of theSampleDataContext so it can
now be used to perform operations to the database. Lines 22-23 is a simple LINQ query that selects all the person from
the Persons property of the SampleDataContext instance which contains every record of person. We then set
the currentIndex to 0 to indicate the program should initially show the first record. Lines 27-28 sets
the minIndex and maxIndex which holds the minimum and maximum indices respectively. We simply assign the value 0 to
the minIndex. The maxIndex was calculated by obtaining the number of person records in the Persons property and
subtracting by 1 because indices are 0-based. We called the DisableButtons method that we created to disable the
buttons that the user won't need as of now. We also set the addPending to false. This will be used by the handler of
the addButton later.
Go back to the desinger and double click the form's title bar to generate an event handler for its Load event (lines 35-
38). Inside the handler, we called the ShowPersonInfo and passed the current value of the currentIndex which is 0 to
show the first record in the text boxes.
We will now add the Click event handlers for the navigation buttons. In the Designer, double click thefirstButton. Use
the codes in lines 42-44 for the event handler. The first line calls the ShowPersonInfo and passing the minIndex value to
show the very first record. The value of currentIndex is then set back to the value of minIndex. We called
the DisableButtons to disable the firstButton and prevButton. The event handler for lastButton (47-52) is the same as
the firstButton's only that it shows the details of the last record using the maxIndex variable.
The prevButton and nextButton's Click event handlers (54-64) are also nearly identical. The both call
the ShowPersonInfo method and pass the currentIndex to show the records at that specified index. We also increment or
decrement the currentIndex right inside the method call to adjust value of the currentIndex.
The event handler for addButton (66-106) has the following functionality. The addbutton will have two states. The first
state is when addPending is set to false. Clicking the button in this state will first clear the text boxes(line 70). It will
then calculate the next possible PersonID to assign for the soon to be added new reacord (71). The calculated new id is
displayed to the appropriate text box. The Text of the addButton is changed to "Done" to indicate the it is waiting for the
user to finish providing values for each fields of the new person to add. The addPending variable is then set to true to
transfer the button to its second state. The second state of the addButton is when it is waiting for the user to finish
providing values. When the user hits again the addButton while in this state, it will now execute commands to add the
new record to the database. Note that everything that will be used to add the new record to the database is enclosed in a
try block so we can catch exceptions that might occur including FormatExceptions or ChangeConflictExceptions which is
thrown by the SubmitChanges method when it encounters an error. Lines 81-85 creates a newPerson object and assign its
properties to values of the text boxes. Line 88 uses theTable<TEntity>.InsertOnSubmit method and passes the newly
created Person object so it will be added to the database when the DataContext.SubmitChanges method is executed. The
SubmitChanges method is called in line 89 to submit that new change that was made, that is, that adding of a new
record to the list ofPersons in the Persons table. Line 90 adjusts the value of maxIndex by incrementing it by one since the
number of records was increased by 1. We set the currentIndex to the value of the maxIndex,
calledDisableButtons method, and print a success message telling that the adding of the new record to the database was
successful. We changed back the button's caption to "Add" and set the addPending to falseso it can accept again new
records once clicked. The catch block simply shows an error message telling the user that problems occur while adding
the new record to the database.
The handler for the deleteButton (108-131) also encloses it's code in a try block to prevent uncaught exceptions that
might occur. Line 112 uses the DeleteOnSubmit method which accepts the object to delete from table. To retrieve the
right Person object to delete, we used the ElementAt method and passed thecurrentIndex to it. Since a change was
made, we called the SubmitChanges method to send the change to the actual database table. We decrement
the maxIndex by 1. We also adjust the currentIndex to an appropriate value. Decreasing the maxIndex while while
the currentIndex will make currentIndex greater than the maxIndex. Therefore, we also decrement the value of
the currentIndex to match the maxIndex. A person right before the deleted person will then be displayed.
The updateButton will be used to update the values of the currently displayed person. When a person's details is
displayed, you can change the values in the text boxes, and press the updateButton to update the corresponding record
in the database. The handler for the updateButton (133-151) creates a Person that will hold a reference to the currently
displayed Person. The properties of this Person is then changed using the new values that the user may have provided.
We then immediately called the SubmitChanges method to send the changes and update the corresponding record in the
database table. Note that there is no method such as UpdateOnSubmit which could have been similar to the two methods
we have seen. You simply modify the values of the properties and call the SubmitChanges method.

The .NET Framework provided us with several techniques for accessing and manipulating an XML file. In the past, you
can use the XmlReader or the different XML Document Object Model classes such as XmlDocument, XmlElement,
and XmlComment. You can also use XML querying languages such as XPath or XQuery to select specific elements in an XML
document. The problem is, you have to know this languages which really has nothing to do with C#. That's where LINQ
to XML comes in. With LINQ to XML, you can use the LINQ operators to query, manipulate, and create XML documents. If
you want to learn the old and non-LINQ way of manipulating and creating XML documents, this site already offers some
tutorialsfor those.
Let's take a look at a simple example of using LINQ to XML on a preexisting XML file containing some data.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"

<Person name="John Smith">
<Person name="Mike Folley">
<Person name="Lisa Carter">
<Person name="Jerry Frost">
<Person name="Adam Wong">
Example 1 - A Sample XML File
Open Visual Studio and create a new Console Application project and name it LinqToXmlPractice. Right click the solution
in the Solution Explorer and add a new item. Choose Xml file from the list of template and name it sample.xml. Replace
the contents of that file with the one from Example 1.
Our sample.xml file contains the XML markup that we will try to query. If you are unfamiliar with XML, there are many
good tutorials in the internet that will teach you its concepts. There is also a quick introduction to XML that can be found
in this site.
The XML file contains one root element named Persons. It contains multiple child elements named Person. Each child
element has a name attribute and contains yet another set of child elements, the Age and Gender elements. Now let's
write some LINQ query to retrieve, let's say, the names of every person in the XML Document. Open up Program.cs and
add using statement for the System.Linq.Xml namespace.
using System.Linq.Xml;
Inside the Main method, write the following:
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(@"..\..\sample.xml");

var names = from d in doc.Root.Elements("Person")
select d.Attribute("name").Value;

Console.WriteLine("Names of every person from the XML file.");

foreach (var name in names)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", name);
Example 2 - Using LINQ to query XML elements
Names of every person from the XML file.
John Smith
Mike Folley
Lisa Carter
Jerry Frost
Adam Wong
Full explanation for the codes will be in the upcoming lessons. But for now, you can see how easy it is to get any data
you want from the elements of an XML document.

Creating an XML Document Using LINQ to XML
If you played with the XML Document Object Model classes to create XML documents from scratch, it will be easy for you
to migrate to a brand new set of classes which allows you to create XML elements in a much more natural and easier
way. These classes are located inside theSytem.Linq.Xml namespace. The classic way of loading an XML document is by
using the XmlDocument class from the System.Xml namespace.
XmlDocument doc = XmlDocument.Load("myXmlFile.xml");
There is no difference if you are going to use the newer XDocument class.
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("myXmlFile.xml");
So what makes this new classes have besides from having shorter names compared to their older versions? The answer
is functional construction. With functional construction, you don't need to declare the XML DOM elements one by one.
You can simply use the overloaded constructors of each X class to suit your needs. This can be seen clearer by looking at
an example.
By using the old System.Xml's XML DOM classes, the following code is used to create a simple XML file.
//A new XML Document
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

//Xml Declaration
XmlDeclaration declaration = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes");
//Attach declaration to the document

//Create a comment
XmlComment comment = doc.CreateComment("This is a comment");
//Attach comment to the document

//Create root element
XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("Persons");
//Attach the root node to the document

//Create a Person child element
XmlElement person1 = doc.CreateElement("Person");
//Add an attribute name with value John Smith
person1.SetAttribute("name", "John Smith");
//Crate Age element
XmlElement person1Age = doc.CreateElement("Age");
person1Age.InnerText = "30";
//Create Gender element
XmlElement person1Gender = doc.CreateElement("Gender");
person1Gender.InnerText = "Male";

//Attach Age and Gender element to the Person element

//Attach Person child element to the root Persons element

//Create another Person child element
XmlElement person2 = doc.CreateElement("Person");
//Add attribute name with value Mike Folley
person2.SetAttribute("name", "Mike Folley");
//Crate Age element
XmlElement person2Age = doc.CreateElement("Age");
person2Age.InnerText = "25";
//Create Gender element
XmlElement person2Gender = doc.CreateElement("Gender");
person2Gender.InnerText = "Male";

//Attach Age and Gender element to the Person element

//Attach second Person child element to the root Persons element

//Save the constructed XML into an XML file
Example 1 - Using XML DOM classes to create a file
The above code will produce the following XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"
<!--This is a comment-->
<Person name="John Smith">
<Person name="Mike Folley">
Now let's take a look at using the new LINQ to XML classes to create the very same XML markup.
XDocument doc = new XDocument(
new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
new XComment("This is a comment"),
new XElement("Persons",
new XElement("Person", new XAttribute("name", "John Smith"),
new XElement("Age", new XText("30")),
new XElement("Gender", new XText("Male"))),
new XElement("Person", new XAttribute("name", "Mike Folley"),
new XElement("Age", new XText("25")),
new XElement("Gender", new XText("Male")))));

Example 2 - Using LINQ to XML classes to create an XML document
As you can see, using the XML DOM classes to construct an XML document requires you to declare each component and
attach each element to their proper parents one by one. Using the LINQ to XML classes, you can see the every part of
the XML document you will create is instantiated inside the constructor of every classes. These method of creating XML
markup is called functional construction. Each LINQ to XML class' constructor accepts arguments that may serve as child
elements or values of the element it represents. For example, the XElement has the following overload of its constructor:
XElement(XName name, params object[] content)
The first parameter accepts the name of the element. You can simply pass a string as the name and it will automatically
be converted to an XName instance. The second parameter is special because it allows you to pass any number of different
kinds of objects such as an XText, XAttribute, or an XElement that will be a child element of that current XElement. Other
LINQ to XML class only accepts one argument such as XCommentand XText which both accept a string argument that
represents the text they will render.
The following table shows some of the LINQ to XML classes you can use together what part of an XML document they
Class Description
XDocument Represents an XML Document
Class Description
XDeclaration Represents an XML Declaration
XElement Represents an XML Element
XAttribute Represents an attribute of an XML Element
XComment Represents an comment
XText Represents the inner text of an XML element.
Figure 1 - LINQ to XML Classes
For example, if you want to create an element named Person with an name attribute of value John Smith, here's the
code to do that.
var personElement = new XElement("Person", new XAttribute("name", "John Smith"));
If you want to add a child element for that person, simply add another argument to the constructor ofXElement.
var personElement = new XElement("Person", new XAttribute("name", "John Smith"),
new XElement("Age", new XText("30")));
The child argument has a name of Age and the next argument to its constructor is it's inner text represented by
the XText class. You can also see in Example 2 how every XElement argument was indented. This is to make it look more
like the way we indent XML elements. You can already see how the XML output will look like simply by looking at the
At the end of Example 2 is a call to the XDocument.Save method. This method allows you to save the constructed XML
which is currently in memory, into an external XML file. The method accepts a string argument which represents the file
path of the file. If the file does not exist, then it will be created. If the file is already there, it will be overwritten. There
are other overloads of this method, but for now, this version is sufficient to save the constructed XML to a file.

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