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Beaumont Seventh-day Adventist Church

Sabbath June 14, 2014


Weds. June 18 7:00 p.m. Class: Gospel of John 10

Fri. June 7:00 p.m. Vespers Cancelled

The Church at Worship
(10:45 a.m.)

Sunset Today: 8:01 p.m. Sunset June 21: 8:03 p.m.

The Church at Worship
(10:45 a.m.)

Welcome and Announcements Bill Meert

Organ Prelude and Introit Mafi Schmidt

Call to Worship Susan Morris

Scripture Reading Matthew 24:42-44

*Opening Hymn Jesus is Coming Again No. 213

Call for Tithes & Offerings World Budget Ronni Montez

Childrens Story & Offering Mafi Schmidt

Sharing the Hope Pastor Penick

**Intercessory Prayer Richard Montez

Special Music Jesus is all the world to me Eugene Shakespeare

Message STAY READY Pastor Soli

*Closing Song In Times Like These No. 593

Benediction Pastor Penick

*Congregation stands **Congregation kneels

MISSION STATEMENT: We exist, by God's grace, to equip all people,
through the everlasting gospel, within the context of the three angels
messages, for the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

VISION STATEMENT: To be used by God to reach all people, through
missional living, which includes such ministries as: health, evangelism,
education, worship and fellowship, that they be made whole in the Lord
Jesus Christ.

Platform Elder Paul Schmidt
Organist Mafi Schmidt
Pianist Gary Dickinson
Chorister Erin Seheult
Beaumont Seventh-day Adventist Church
1343 Palm Avenue, Beaumont, CA 92223 (church website)
[email protected] (secretarys email)
Pastor William Penick (Tel: 951-846-3249)
Associate Pastor Meshach Soli (Tel: 951-321-9946)
Secretary Lori Magie: Phone: (Tel: 951-845-2366)
Office hours Monday - Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

(9:20 a.m.)
Song Service Erin Seheult
Opening Hymn Sound the Battle Cry No. 614
Todays Scripture Proverbs 1:8 Enoch Montalban
Special Feature My Fathers Advice

Lesson Study The Apostles and the Law

Closing Hymn Rise Up, O Church of God No. 615
Superintendent -- Enoch Montalban

Therefore the law is holy, and the commandment
holy and just and good.
Romans 7:12, NKJV


1. A warm welcome to all our visitors and regular members.

2. Prayers for Dear Ones Among Us: Evangelina Montez and her two sisters,
Vicky Murashima, Marilyn Hill, Alicia Cooley, Allan Magie, Karen Beckwiths
brother Frank, Pamela Jahrs son Sean, Jeanie Wagner & their families.

3. This Sabbath we are starting a new sermon series "Pillars of our Faith" in which
we will be preaching on the distinctive truths of our Seventh-day Adventist
Faith. This is a great opportunity for you to invite your family, friends, and
neighbors to worship and fellowship with us.

4. Friday evening Vespers has been cancelled for the month of June.

5. June 21 is our Fellowship Potluck. We welcome you and ask that you bring
enough food for others to share.

6. There will be a Positive Way meeting in the Fellowship Hall at 4 p.m. on June
21 - potluck Sabbath- covering the topic "The Formula for Peace of Mind." All
are welcome! Refreshments to follow

7. The Health Ministries Department is pleased to announce the LIGHT MODULE
4: June 21 from 2-7 p.m with light supper. Sunday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
with waffle breakfast. Please bring a sack lunch. This intensive training is
designed to teach the fundamentals of health evangelism. For more questions,
contact Rodney Bowes at 951/330-4325.

8. Vacation Bible School starts June 22, 2014 at 5:45. Our director, Ivy White, is
recruiting volunteers to help. If interested, call her at 951/849-0701

9. be/YOU; Beaumont SDA Youth Schedule. Youth Bible Study: June 25 at 7.
SECC Beach Vespers: June 20, 3:00 to 9:00 p.m.; Coronado Island, San Diego

10. Church Board Member Brunch is scheduled for June 29 at 9 a.m. in the
Pastors home at 1540 Bilberry Lane in Banning. 951/846-3249.

11. The monthly craft meeting is scheduled for Sunday, July 6 at Lori Wilson's
home. The address is 728 Casey Circle, Banning, CA 92220. Come and be a
part of the fellowship.

12. Yard Sale and Fund-raising meal presented by the Spanish Group has been
moved to July 13, 2014. Monies to go for Friendship Hall building project.

13. Adventurers Club. There is active discussion regarding the start of a club and
we are now in Phase II. This involves finding leaders and support persons. If
interested, contact Meshach Soli, 951/321-9946.

14. Church Pictorial Directory is nearly complete. Some have shown an interest
in advertising their business or service. If interested, contact Lewis Nagel at

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